Newspaper Page Text
JSrTHI .VI il IIAU - * ' ' ' ' ? tfwf mm _ v V i l TVO. Cl Wk_k_ NEW-YORK. TIIURSDAY. DECEMBEU 12, 1872 PRICE POUfl CENT8 ,\AAll. .l,CCO, TUE IIOTEL CALAMITY. KLFVF.N #011-31 liOASTF.lV DKTA1IB Ol .UK 1IK1. AT THK FIKTil AVV.Xl'E HOTF.I.?THI WtOBABLB r.'lM OF OBIGIK? rvsnuniON of tiik fatai. APABnCKBT? M VKRAT. OI" THK nCTIBI I1>K.NTIKI1 I) AT THK BORC.VK ?THE ttRE BARMTAl-'S 1N VMTIt.ATlO*. Tlie lire in the Fifth Avenne Hotel aml tho trrri b>e lo**a of lif*> ocenaioned by it was tho univer?al th.itt- of ronversation. yeMerday, throiijrbont the #ity. Ihinng the dav larjre thronjra gnthered in front af 1 he htitlalini:. in Hroadway and Twenty-third-at., t.k dieenaa the mntter, to jrlanee oecsviionally at tha. window*. and to endeavor to eatoh a glimps? of what vraa A'"ingr on mnide. Polieemen -wereetar tiono.1 af all tho ?BBrBBBBI to keep out the cnriooa rrowd, who womld othorttise havo ovcrnin tho barikttnf. Polieeinon, uu.ler the ooaimand of Kound* .f,..-nter t.f the Twenty-ninth Precinct, were __*> aintlontMl at int-rvala on all tho floora, toaeo tuitliiiiK wa* nU'ltti. Tho biiBinose of the hou^-c wa* conduotod aa u>ual, aad thero was litllo on the lower lioors to indicBto that only a fotv botire previotis an extonBive oontlagration luati raged and for two h?aurs or more threatened the aeiitirebuildiii). with destruction. (hi the uppor fluore a large fore* of servarata wre taking up thr wiftked carpetfl nnd elearing away the heaaoK <>f rubl.i-li. Detaila of the Fire Instirance Patrol were on duty, aocing that no ono removed the t.iipanlins frotn the fumitnre in tho varioim rooniB, or placiug ad.litional covers ovoi the fumitnre and effects at other expoBed pointe. It was wonderful, coUsiiloring the hight of the huilding. tlio headway tho llamos had obt.-incd be? fore the FtfB Department NOaiYedt-M nl.irm, and tlu i i?Bafaant dalagria pouring wati-r onthelire, the hitfh kvind pi. viiiliiig, and the l-taaae eeld, be* tiumbirig ______ .BfB-Bi to ir, that the __M BBB held -BBhackaai iiltunately e_tiiiguish d l.ei.r.e it had apnud Ixyond the aervaata' ti.>r_iit<?rieri BB the uppor laaB The baaa hy fire is inconsiderable: that by wster ts very tiitieh gir.-ter; hut the datnaare from bnth aources will not exeeed $t\QfiOO. But while the Iobb on i-r,'p?'riv is BB-_t-j elev. n liveswent to wa<-te in the fatal apartment in whit h the servants tdept on the npper floor. A Btairttay, incasedia an iuilam aaaMf aafelaf of li^ht wood-work, exffo-B from the lainnlry in tho ba-emcot, soven atoriea tOthOIOO Th'.-l'uoori^iuatf il, ne oidintf to tbo Fire MaraLal, ia a BBB- room on tho third lloor oot-upied by a lauadiuta, tho (lanii* Bwept up the winding at_irta-ti uaed by the feiualr acrvantat, and wi re jren erounlv fod by the light wiKtalwork. A blituling Btiuike tilled thedonnitoriea and Btithal the breath of the el. ten iinfonun.ife wfrniei. tth-i tvi-rr pleep inar in the apartment that wm mc*t BCpiBBd. A-thOOg- the BB-Bba Of death- ll 00. BOlBTfl ? __AB r.-jiiiiteal, still tke aaasaa at Aa Itofaayaater : ? r il thai tba Fifth Aybbob Hotd : will iii.kluubtA'dly [xiitit a moial to buildi rtr. tHB DEATH-TSAF. So far a* c.m be nseiitaineil tho (BB ori?'iii.ifftl ; ? .;u arcupled by oae of tlie iauudtt ?eivanta, or in a i ?a_ii alaaalea iBaiaaaaa Baaa?aaaaaaba prtfJBa a laaaiBi p> ibe aetvaaM -aaaaBaa-aa Tiironith the afaaiaa faa tii* OBaHaaj Btain-are tbe __i_<*raii with ?i , . .ind hui.ii rva< aed ttictiiip.Tfi.nir. Thii. lloor, on Iba 1 ikeiitv-ttut- ?_ ulile, i.a itp _Ble naalalBlBi tttu or tuore beds. Tlio ti. aa<i tlio pa_B__B aboul le-t kM.'. Xlii-t. ia a greiat dcalatlifbl kvoiut tv.ii'k, 0'iufclsliiig luainly of i.tirlitiotia, and tlie rclhuat BBBMB8B BlbBBi i'l.n-:er, ofrenri. no nflMBBai ti, in. t-BBBB ' aaoon ate their wny ihrouah antl BB-BiB upoti the Ixants pmmm, B?I BBf-BtB. F.'.l lay tbi? Inflii w.K..I-wofk, tho tlauie*, fixm aft. r tbe i ? ,).l, li ,?! i'I r .nl for a dia-tauee of nearly 100 f_et, | rai.ilB| tlnt?i_li tlio ii.-irr.iw i>aai.ujre-way? and BIBbb im tn . ia i im raaaaa -ita a bal and iiiioaiauK ? ?!.? wliK-li aaaa Cirtum <le..t!i. H.-re -ra* , ii Baf> lha fatal nwm in wblcb elev. n ~omen I ,, Um -i uw.iv tiitouifii arbleb Bm Iaa ?tarteafof tbe at-MBaarwaat^-ail-a tn. _ ir. ai a*capaa bib laBi<'.ied iu tbe BB_^BM -BB ^._., i.i Iba iiki.i<-r U.air uf tlio Jiot<:i. Roof of B.Alb Blu.y. BUirway. 1 r.oof ot at_tu st-ry. (KUebei i??'. flftt. n.-'i Roof 8tli htury f aHoeiuii. r,t atoria-a. 1 I 11 I 1 1 atori laaU-way. I5r.adwav. , v 14 ritiitiK>rt in tlie centar of the aonttiern b.ilf of Ui. fia.t. 1 ..ti I ? At.'iadH ttooi the laiindry In tho ,,f, acven Pturi.'B ntrfive. Itla in ra i.y w_b a aarraaaB rr.n pana ?ne -le. i.inu-roonia wtlliout in i. utaof tbo arueat* of BM _4>anae. f ii urow atni kvltiib-rxielorwly aruiind ibaft ol if ni Uiat it ln uiouiita'd witb jrt?at ,r. very tnimeioua, bolna inillt | tlie at.ui" a. 0|.eriiiit{ , n-y lai.dn _ i'l_4'.? isa aaaafll lokt-htutldaxl nxtii, ny v lil.-b *lept on tbe Ibonlarbtof thettro lu the Jauntlry. Tlio Midrway, uud i>i.i'f iriua aro coatpielely BBMaaB ..iii-w a-B. tuttkiiix- tho puaaaace-wny aell-boloot a lar^-o elevator, I .leua draft at all timrt nf the ? ,i ,,l Iba -BBl-Bf uiakiin,' it in fa.t Tlie. giaia-tidf tlie luitel wutild I n. btiiikvay were ll not tttl ? . i ,i,i"iialapaa<n.'-of tho . II ,d lt not been fair tbeMO BaraaaBa who BBpl m a_B-BBaaB__?_B i aj*d. Ah il ?*ii tbe ptrllof >t Uaeiu wm i-i.'ai, Mary fjraive, who ocotiplad t'.,. it.- .. mijuK.-u'd to liavo uri-1 i.i.i .ii, i- iu.. i... 'v i ii in I iu tbe lauKf aud arin*. Tbe alu.t. m luen'a|ilnK apartmenU look.aj oo. aj...u li,- fi"t >r mi' hota I, nnd were protcttod )>> a vmi - l i.n tlio outaide ln auo- a ninii i-o ,! t ni.t iHfriiiy i?. rifniuVe.l |,y eltloT the |nutat4H r _ba rooto^.n auy one seeldng; Ingreaa frotn ??nh.rut. Ti wa.. tiu opiiiin'i or aBarBBaaBB__aitbaaa _i iliii.a yi-.H ,|i . re tha pMBBf-f! anveaif ? ,' Ue iiiitoitLiiat'' tvurtfii .r. .Iy l.rn tUl. tu.*, leadltif,'to Ihe lt.l i" ." aw.-kliiK, und flinlln. .!,. | . '? i witb rinol.e, a n.l f llii-l tlia-miv i?ch l.afH.-d by ? ? d t uit t -li. ,, ' l*?|a two baaaaa aaar Ibe beaj t.r tho i tuireaijtH I tTBB taraBat BTBra liia: tbritioh a a , uid. Hi. tbi- htaira tuward Uu lituudway fr mt li, a fow I und wlt.dnwN . ,'i U.i i v,?r, .'.ti'l tbe jiiiiiiit. a ka.-t.- BBBBBMl. In aine oi two iiiHlaiswa tba> liniiiiiea ur bx'-ia *4:i84>d cbalr* or otber uilaoika aud bauka; Uae wiu dow? aml wlro gratlng, their handi anfl farro, Int fliv.illy olaruberlng upon the roof. TboM wbo were luirrifU had not eiifTlcieut prteeace of tnind apparently to ndopt thla ejpedlent. It ia more than probabla that tbey were ao Wlndt'd and confueed by tho amoke that tlrey acaiwtrjf Xnew what to do, or porhnpa they were hnK iiDoonicloua. when aroosed, from tbe cflVt of la hallnc tbe imoVo. Tho raoat ghaetly and thrilllng featnre at tbe traprrdy wa* tbo apito.arance of tbe bodleaaf tbe ?orvaiit-Klrl*, at tho titno they wore dlncovorrd. The,only mode of aeer** M thit fearful apot wm hy way of tho wlndowa openlng 11 pon a lower roof. Throttgh thli nppcrtnrt. the speotator wbb obllired to eltmb, and be theu wotild bave found lilmnflf ln t Btnall, ktw. lll-ventllated apartrrient, whloh, altbough nol too larpcv tor tbo eonrenleuoe of one peraon, was tho bed-rooro of no lea* tr-an ten bmnan being*, wbo were Btlll Io d.atb, tbo (tanrretl reoiRtna acaUorod ahout the tloor and on ibe l>odi>, being all that wn* lett to tell tba itory of thi lr cmol and nntli-oly ittttj. The dnll f_c_ojl_? ot a nreifian'8 j_iitt.j_ furnlBbed IgM forthoae wbo wltuoaBod tbe rceue, an.l addt-d to the gbaat linoai ot tho tacoa ot th? doad, Tiie couchea wero r___ed cloae togithi-r, -ide bj? niJe, along wk_ wa'j,leavi_g a pataago BatBwaB the two ? row*. Two W.dlea were found )d tbo l?-4Js upm oue _Jde aud threu upon Uie other, Tbo vlslto. atiuaMlo* over aoiaethliipx iu Uie way, the lantera vtaa lo?ered, to llKBt tho-laokened body of a girl wlo in Her aprunloaotBiif fucatluu bad uruwled _MerU/ uuili 1 nt -tli tbo bed, where .he had dled. Jiear tho windo.? throngh which tUe en trance had been, BB t-ie iiu>*t liorrtble alght of ull. Two girlf, ? ho had appai-uly b<on awakoued by tbo Imat and ru.oke, hut BWM uuable to CfXiijKi. wtr. found flinily clatpcd in each othBta armn, aud ln thi* po-.lon hud btcoate iuseualble, aud eo Auuthrr woi...iu was lylog up.n b<r ai.*.o drawn up ?to au atU t"..|f mBlcatlug th? ternble aiigul.hof ber doath. It waa itupuBBitilo to rctuata long ia Uie heutcd, 8iu.)kinK garrer. the terrlble Btciioh beeotmng uubo/ti abli'uftcr a fuw un.?icuti. The few who w.tjtohued ibe frightful-cone wc-ro awc-stri-ken, and ev< n Uie j..l.<.. andll'.itiiiii who iirt-tvruatoturjd to bucIi tlnuge. BBtw horrlfled. Tbt-ro wauuotone who wa* not glad to tt oane fioui the dcitb-trap, aud each BlU itiutujlur thu *?"__>. i u iu-v Ifl liic dvini; _B|T. THE JXEVKN VRTIMS. A^ aoon tv? tlit' Mjc-Tinrtl bodice ivtro takeo out of the < brpb, tn wUlch thort- hikd lirn-n ao much Miffrr lng atrd tleatb, thoy were rtuioved ln wnp*on!> to the Morpriir-, an.l IflB?BiBUary pnt into ooffltut. Tn tho tnorn mr, tho lioxei wotv lutd out ln U:o dead-bouro ynnl. At 8 nVlock tho gstVs woio ononod, HlMaaMi f"r the pur I>nw i.f i'.ving thdio who |Bi InrBde bBBBBB the norvanfs nf. the botel an opportitn'.tt'of Meattf/lBf thoborllc*, t'ltt In reullty to nffunl n gajtfhg BrBwa I cli.inre t<-> ptntlafy It* iintimoly t?in-inilfy. Thi p.cotie wa? one Baa would Itideoil Lo a fi):i?t for tho <-y*Bnf a morhld atifiii l, but ln thoso of moro aymptithetic bi.iiI, the iltrhf woul.l bave M?BBir4B?B-IBl of r"y nnd borror. Wme iBBt-fl wororaugod, ??I oy ?tB, BlBB| ?B aBf-fatal tl;r? rttiii-JI l-.ilisim-, ln whith wt-ri. tli. bullc.iof aa unroooe niBed wouion, civored wiiu old blHiikefa onoinfertrrc, laBfBaraaaAaaal talil.v liniiiT aBBaBBl IB vti'iv. Aroim! tht?e ciiarrt.l ntn.iin* tho oiowd fllofl from thr ope.ulug to tl.e shtittinir ?.f tho ir.ue-. l.i.liiy I. id iihatii'ily iBMBBl Baa?a. old nir;ti and yout e, pai evin littlo iliilrtroti, iolned tho lln.', gnr.Uie nMhe diaoolorod BBataBBBaaB}> BBBBwl H(.:n? were aPPBTi nllv lit.rriflcd. and turnoil tMlr f.i'<? from taW BBMBaetof, many wore cnly anifiied; wl.iio tho majonty laalMtl i.'i with tinoonrcrn. A lurgo limMK-r of tIta- ? BM B poatedly joinoii the llne, wiiKh *tn!ilio<I f:tr Ixyntl Iho '_ . uud thiy appr.'ir.'il bi. ofu il ln tlio itiu'I fial th B-BBIfllB IBfllBB I it-Bfll 1 I'*" aBdBBBU. OarroU t^.i-t'.iaittt. One BBB?BB*I ???'B| l"? l "in-' l flBtBBa> M BaI tt. vl?it tho t.lR. e B-BBI tliiii't. aBJalaaJ M BBBa ."-caeion a aa?BB?l droi... aud ono. chit;. lafla biihy. ' DirrlDg tbr foronoon four nf tlir ImmUpb wero i.Irntlfle.l uy lalafiwaa ami Irtt wAt, __rly Ib tiiodny a pmbbi bbBB i ii? lo tli.- aaWRBB flBi ^tftt'-il I !i;it hii-Ms'ii w:i-BHMiiig the iui*snit-. aaaaBaf af MM b'?il'H h" tlnallv i.Iotttlfl-ii tl.e tin. Hor imtD'1 w;ie Mary H-BBflflM, Hho wbb Vfl ytaraof age, nnd uiimrtrrnd. t-'ho was liorn lu Knalaifd, and haa bn _ in tbo Unitod Stuta-I onlv fi'ur y<iu?. H.r bb?IIraa raaMa at K<>. 81 BbriBaafl B. Mary McCabe waa IdontittPd i'y lur Blator Iler nmtf wa* lyiBi; in a rli.'d :.<I|i'!n'.ii? tiio MatBBaV BBB ??* .i ii.itivt-of aaBaaataBAaapCBBBOlii -BB ??? I BWBaBBl t? IV niard Mt-Oat"-. ?h<- i-a?lKriiteu t<. m.i- coraBiaa ,.. ihas, BB4 had t'til> l'Oi-i < . ;<'-oy.A lu. ? Kiflh At'.iini- Hara ittraaM-i vn-. lt bho wiiBM.i'im: uuu ,')iinit-?lh'.ii.,'iy, but her faro BBBBOl HBBBBBBa M..ry D.nicliy ?_? nc?f B__OBBB, I ?? bf an old iBllj. BBll BftBIBBIII Bf ttm heud-v..tUrr tt tht r,'\n d ?"*'i ;'.t Um Bat-fl I i"toi. A-Bll M bai iMmaaafki r owueixri"Baw-BBi her faot- :.n<i tMOBBM nnnlie wltli UilUllUB. fjBaBBTlalBarta HBBT BBa-tll BBBB tli. BBBf, :tnd, wi ? b unm itad, ralllag uj'";i aat kBtra, eto?pi-a tur huudH, aud pBB/aJg alund. Miny Dom-hy w?* a fi.tiivo of N.'W-Voik, agc *'. Mi< aal iiiiniiirnctl. II. r b.'.ly Bai fcalfcr MBMBd ai v.i I ai I'Diniil. Tho oudy oi ataaa HMBB w us r.vni.niz'd by *omr of ti,t'cu.iii'\iri.if th.- iiuii-. nn.- ? .- io paara al am aaa -.tirii'. hiioriiuio i.-'uii l'.i.v.d, wm n.iitv. piaaa, ?*? i i- a.'o, uud ha* ooeu BBlBwaPad Bl Iu- BaBBl f"1 ?<.? . r..l moulhie. Mary IB|MNbj ono r.f Bat \fMm rtr.rv.mti. reaeaed fi'iin iirl' kaaaa-Kaaaaaa?V BBBBalwaT taB BBBBl-BBBBl of the flie, waa ao tarriid/ uraed thal nn liKite* vfaB aaanialaBi for h.r bbbbtbi. i>y tho tBrt-arB-B a_a -Baaatl wm ntwmrti tt JMHarna BbbbH-L bbb j^ B?laad BllTfl BBtll I B?BB.JIfllBI<BJ. BB-Maa, ruoan TfBirti t.'ntbio agon.v. Ikawaa i? ra li _*???? aaii co year* al a^'?'. ?' J laafla. BBB w;.s hotii sralded aud, tba ' hi< 1 i\)m ' ? BB?C itlKiui ber Al IbabaaaBI BBM ul'i;tll>l. Wm* <oflin? m tthich thi'V '.i .!.? t-owic:. Tlm pBB?laaaf Mary MbCBBB uud Mary Fa^:i.l V.-.K'not. Ba_Baaa iBfarBfi taBaaBBPB_-g :,:ithe Mur?u.< BrapaTBPil th" Other lau tlieJ oter tlio wntcr. yet romaln nix tiiireooi^iii/ril bodion, Uir.e nf wUlch BBB O* MeatM -.1. W-Ill Ihr- ..; ara piawaMp, eaw !i,.t U. 'i'ui-y ht.Y.. aii haaa laiil BBt, ' 'Hi BBB ixioption, in poah?BM ."<!' ;.ii"B ? "*v aaalBaj baal_aaa wire iu . . rjitin paalnn Ib wBfc? thoy w?-ro fuund. XkBB dj netmttt Bl t-Bl "f a BBBB roli.'Bt, lnti; 1. .. .-.I BBMaja. B> PMaaBBaal Up BBB ribly, hauda ouUtrtUlicd, und llug'-rn clenched? niuloui U-.d iTlHrim. laal if< left I. r after mucb buffut iti,. t;i< thuBaorpaawBa BatBal n.uro tii.ti im ro-i. Ua l.rc liavitt| imni'lottly i-nteu ai lao laab BBBB Bl r ,1, caB_IB Ubl I.i'tiiri-r to U- t.itally utin n,_-...a.'lo. Tli" laal iaMly lo"li'-.l like u muuiniy. T'io ta.-. mpettaeUpBlaa'*,w~%tha fealaraa vata intirnv j.ri .-. uud. TU; i.iol vicrc rl.i-4 i, ;.i'l (no tuniiih partiy op<n, donotiug tliat _M glrl dle.l fl l. Iiout, iuIIi riui;. V-'ardcn BaaBBaBBl iBalafl tt --pil-1 BBB iu atfi lid nuec ut lli<- Murpruc m-aily all day, an.l fln- polleouien wiretiu duty 18 MU th-' the i*p<- 'Uinr* d i.u-iti n.Ivoa deiorouBly. At 6 o'clock tlio g-tea wm- ta*BBBi and the crowd that hjul jKiurc.I |B flBBl eai ly moi n tv.t. tliut iiff, though many cluiluou-d to galu au i-iitrame. C aanni Bi-binui.-r -laval tho Batmaap^j iu ttm ui..rn _11_-, and hul dcpnty, JOBBf- .'uslini.tu, Wan iu iu.ti<?; dunng tlie day. IaBCtBOaBTBiM HBpaaal a Jui> thl* iiii.inlng ul 9 ir*Lliick, but the llBM lor lb? holdiag of tbe lit'iuiht ha* not ln'or. act. Mary Jam- IIclo now liei at T.ilUai'ite HoapUuI, not badly liijntad, but l?ariiig BawBal >>ii tho eiii nt'i'iM'd lu fallli.g froru Um ttt <~ _i>.-, i.y which IfMWBI ^.\cll. Bho luadi' tlie IbBbB__ *UH lucnt to tli. Wanku: Whlle i.r*'i?jing to pot<, Bad, abool n a'aloak, I hear.l a t-rv cf ii.' ? BdpolBf Iiii" Iba ball amell tbe amuke, wlil'rb wbb i?tniii.'fi'.un under a dooriippoatIb. IBM n.iiaii t'xt'iiini. imt kjiiM-kod at aararal of tbo bbbbm Wbere Uit guls ?l pt. Aft.r liuit'..i.g iu twonr turvo ......r- I Ktailr.l iIdv.ii HU'l'i, bbl tli< BfliOkfl an.1 flunn?* me bai k to puy rl.-e|iln_-nitiin. I met two girN ii .ui il Mary Tt.ri.'-y uud Uridgct I'urti*. aud we luiir.'. ttir.'up.-ti u hkylit,_t aud gol aul ou io tht? ruuf. Wb?l ?l?aC\-,l",K' by a nro ?M-.ii)r l fcil and uctlvcd _y lnjariri. F.XTFNT OF l_tt t/OBB. 'llu H in .iiiuiit 2T> Keivautu' rooma badly a_u_aaaapj b_b, aai bb bbjuij nuweara tii^htit lajaratf. BO-fC nf tlu: i ar-' (".inpl' t. I\ I 'i t "Ut, aud the lala r^ hii.I I'.ain- al ?? '- <l ? ?' wil1 '" B,,jy fo r-'ioiiB'nut n latpa DBti of ttM roof < fioor bolow Hiere nre hulf u IBBBM thnt aro aaatcalal daa.a^,(l ''J- flr"' ","1 '"? u" f Ul th fl""r *?I? f?, tr,,,,,, tin.;' ja :'."_ V)'."'^ ot tha ataJTwyaad tlo^i. tvVl.dc $t* iH'.'if! oul, tliat are *..uioa_at f.'oichi'"^ fbU 4ii.lira.t-t ay thi daiu.i)/- by %%% Tk% d:iniimi l.y watn iS niiirh n,.ir?i. I'?r hrvt-ral himii IBBBB-M IBlaaiaa 111 *atrr Mt-i'i' lniuritd lato liie hulld lltgfioiti n.oi| than it dct' B BBBaatBl BU-JiKTB. t%$ . BBB ?Bl ii. a fl ." thal all thi' tiplfi BafBfl Wi re thurim. Jily BB-a-4 Tlu lullwuye wi're miihII Btn-ani* and thi- rt.,,r way* rtrobMa. Liaea of lioae weic coudu.M\ UaouBh aij tbe atatiraaes and hallwaya, and aa a eoiiaerpjenee the cnrpeta were rulned beyond redcmpt'ou. On tbe uppor Ktory tbe f ntlre ratoro of airvaiiia' room* aro eltb.r Irumed out or alnioat wa*hed oatt. ln very many plaee* the eeilitjg la already dottn, and lt wlU bave to tie re? moved alMwbero on tbo floor. Thi* eutire floor will have to be rcnovated. Tbe flftb floor la al*o tboroughly aonked for more tlian two-tbtrda Ita lengtb. The eelling* are in many Inatanrek badly ttamaared, and ln a majoiity of tbe rooma will bave to r.nii. down. Tbe furniture la alao badly da?j-aed by water and falling plaater. The eorpota botb m tbo hall? waya and rooma are bo badly dfttnajred by inudily water and i-ludcra tbat they inny be reg-urdoJ as wortble**. Tbe fourth floor ia not ao badly damaged as the oai" above. Tbe famltare ls moch handaomer tbaa tbat on tbe ftXtb floor, and th<?eeill_as are flnely trearoed. Tba fiiriiltiirc la a>f blnrk waliint and roaewo<kd acd the up bolatery rcp and brocatelle. Tticae and tbo rooma on tbe floor bclow were refurnlabed only a few nioutna ago. TaeTwonty-tblrd-at, wlng la reiranled by tbe publle aa tbo pleaaanteat and moat cbeerful tn the bonae, and rooma lu thia seetlon are ronw .jn. t,tl v more *ouj(ht after than auy otber*. ITeuce tbe furnlture and fltttnga are of tht li?t -ind and are renewed as ofteu aa they abow xiirna of wear. Tbe roorna on thia floor ara many of tl^tn badly ilan.a?ed by water, hnt only ouc or two bav? ba<en totnlu.'d by fire. The frtucoed ceillntt>of more than onc hadfof them aro deatroyed by leakage, and a portlon of ibe firrntture la ailao (luiiiHp-,1 Tbr lo** would bave been miub ^reater had it uot been for the promptnea* with wlii. b tbe Iiihuraiiee Patrol rovcicd tbe furniture and efltctn. Tbe tblrd floor eaeapeil with allaht damajre. None of Ibe rooni.i ea*t of the Twenty thlrd at. entratiee are ln any wiae daniaK''.! Thoee ou tlio woHtern balf havo auf fered soinewliat from water, but, to what extent it would 1* dlfflenlt to determine, a* tha' inveit. hnve not l.eet. re? moved. aud tho walluand oa-ll.;i?-- aio ?UU daiup aud lu a few lnataneoH drlpptna; witb tnoistnra The flr?t aml wennd floora ar- ki-ty allgb;tj -8B88g-d. The portlon ale?rrll>o<l 1*. of aBBM tl.e *oiith-w??f wTtag? frontlup onTwonty-thlrd-r.r. Ti.e Iflrtttffl . Newlu r>' lt. Uio house 1* very allgbt, an.l wa ? or,.ujlon,?l bv eondnot inp Baaa of baaa np tin- ein j. , i iBaaBBa Oaatreajf to are ne ral txpe. tatioit, UM tfhu* a?, iv Ameael loOUi tbCuped with Vf rv hIikOI '. ltii.i;;e. 'lUcrtf at" u few j?ta-ties a.f Di.o-.tnM am the < i li ti jr, !.. | KBaaa BBB B a-lilv I., ii t.nrheil whrn dry. Tlie total MB8 ...niiet l.e nieiin.ti r <-BiTiiiiiiial'oa a ?lay or two yet, but Will aai a_Bll rtlly vary froin the e.tunitfe ir. ThkTuiiu st. a.f J i -t. r I .'f, M. |r_ l>a:'.ii_,'. OrlaweM A t'..., ti..' Baaai r, bbIIbbbIi tu.-ir IBraBa a aai riftiiri'K?f4 wurtb Tne lo** will prebaMy reaeb IBIB Tliey vrere iBBBRd batafl tba BeMOfl tlrc for |.'aC0.OOO, btlt tbat eataatrophe rouderod ne... ?-irv ui.uiy (haniri'8 in tne peUalMi bbbm af Ibeeaa aaaaa i..-.?ihk' ,ied, aml oiiii i ? wlablDi iti' ti-.Mi.'i Uu aaa nri 01 tbeirrlab. TbafoUewlaf ?ji earreai h-i a-t n,. Inaai uti' >'.: I. ,r:llard. Iio.ia*. Bftpablte .tm.iK. Bafciru ? ? '?? ' > L?udoa _ (.iioi*-. -..'i, 4 otiiio rtlal L'nloia... 30000 MH Atlautle. 6,000 Natlonal.'. MBfl Ain.-li.-aii. 3.""" Malihiall.iti. MM < oiltuil.ia_. 6,i*>" Atlatili. i'. :iituI M .. 6,0011 i;.';ra. 6,000 Coanmarclal Mutiial.. ft.uai htaebJUver. 1.000 Jcflerson.? ';.?? i um thblrc__ ... 10,000 I'beaU.? iu..a?i Monl un. '...r-i?' < '-niiii.t' lal... f'.iiui l;i.-f._ B.OfiOTradfMiu'i.'- . lO.OU) I itperlal . IV,V.) Impi.tii if- A'fraderaa'. 6,00o Ilorw. 2,600 Merehanta'. 6,.a.i No.BrltlaD Bereantilo .''.'?ki Eagli. t ...,- . 5.00 W'. ,11,-liutKl' Clty.. t.aaaJ i. w n .... '. Irci . MM Nut. V. A M. of I'li.l . LOOOUnlon. 6.1.41 Kaatoti. f.'O1 Tr..,!> i -' .'t i l.'i'at;. '-?.i.r Pbila .. 10,000 Falrbeld < i . 6,11^0 UiheruiaofCIa va land 6,000 OrienUl ol Hartford Ber. Mat. of Xcwarb. B,i ipaul ? , . .0,00.1 _inm Coaaty_. 1.000 - Kaiobrrboeker. .'...*'? Tntui.un,'**j Bierliag...._ i,ix*< Th.a liulil.tii: im <i*-a l by Aim * B Ku?. atul B dana aid atxiitt |46,t>8i; limirreil t<* %f*l>,n?\. Th< M<k-h r.r (.? xuialu tlu-a.t.,ri-4 nt. tlu liniailuay, Twii.t> tlilid ar.d '!??*euiy- i.'i.iiJa-ri. Boata Beea bbBi)aaaa_ cTATrMF.N'l Of A __MB-S. Mr. Oriawold, one of tlio loaw-en, Btntnl ye? ;, | . |oa ttpOttttti 1 111. 'i'Mlii M. that lie < oai.l not uccount (01 tiir- orlpAu ol tbo fire. On T.iewlay evenina ao'no frlenab aalled on hlmaolf un.l wife, anl vixrr. <\ the ? venlnt' iti ! .? l. iu in on th?- fourth floor. A llltln beforo ilp.iu tlu-y teft tlielooin. Mr. t;rt*wold ao<.<._ii?nicil Ma vi'-ilnn. lo cmi i-ifiKt in Iront <>r II, e hotel, nntl on nt u Blepoad into IbeaBUm, aaaatr?a ai.iteri.y i.t.e ol t'atj > icrl.>, and pa'-acd ii|i ta, hl? rooiu. lniroiu. 1 htmi'.-li th. coiiid .n. on eiieli 60 MBBB <I 11111 _r thif abort tuu-rfaJ:.. wa baiaaeBi BaaaaaattaallBaBbaraaac He tiail imt baaa la bi* raron. flve tulnut f ?it aeomed u"* . lf t'iiu il imt li.avi beea half that Inne?wluti ait',. nf ibe ballboja Bajpai at ''''' ""oof. in*' aaid imu tbat tbu hottl kta* aa bi''. Ha at aaaa \mtt lha aaeatBaB, aaB waa aiinz.-.i to tin.i it airaadj aa IBad wna i__alB aa t_ aaaBaa aajaata lafllatiaet Tiur.- arara aaaay ptiaeaa hell areaaadta th.'f.irtlilor.4, ai .1 tlu ra- w... h .-. t.luai.iii. M.-ilinif Mi. Bvaaa, tme al IBa a_raaa_i. t._? M Bba togout ?BCB an.l tw-nal a.ut the aiarni la UM flTB DaBBTtaWBt. He w;-aficiwarii bifanBad i; Bvaal Ibal Ibla aadkaea done. Ho denlea the Btatemeut that heoranj 0110 cl*4> wtllful'y eegb -t. ti t" ?, a.l .ui Bfl iilyrui for a conaidcr nble tune after tlu ln w_h alinnka.tid, Tlu' .luukek .n^lua wur. started a? soon a* pnaaible, nnd ln u eompaar ati.ely Kli.'ll Hpn, ,? a,l" hN 01 rll. ,.in tha Im lie coulil ii"t eay whrre tin- ftn- ori.inala-il 11. flrist i,.im Haioke t.iid ll.iiue IBBB-BB fr,,iu tlu prlTBtB ?talrcu*4f alteady allti'led t". i...t t. ll wbetlier ihe flr< oriciu-tfi vbaae be iii-t aaajvlwea ajfct BBar-paAi haai f.tlltn fr.iiiI aliivi- aaid ttien Ijtuit. <1 tbe hpht wuodwork aiaaal Iba ttaJraaat. Tbh ?t~irc;.m' kkaeui?ed *oi*iy by ibt leiuale herkanir of the bouae. lt ia-d to their rooin.s on tlie i.pp. r floor, Bal otily they fhem^iflvi'a or tin- o_1 ti-ra of the huin.i: ha.l hiiv rlialit to use lt. Tho tvotut u ?lept ea tba uppei tl<? r in Ua Tweuty-lbird-*t. witig, au.l tliaj Hia ti ou IBa BBfCI fluor on the Tweutyfourth-*t. sitl.-. He a-uiild i.ot ratlmate tbe ainmit.t <>f the lo** of hia flrm, M a limo ul la'arl. Thero wero M eervant*' r.x.uoa burued out, und otba-ra were badly damuaced ; while of IbOfBeata' roiiuia thera ifeio76 uioro or le** daiuape.l. Ila 111111 kiajre dnili'd tmtt a BBB?. Bl ailiim-i, iu Ilro ex eriiae. Tlie lurl UBM they were drilled waa on Moudav. Hi a-Apr.-r-ifd hir* tu the Iin iiepartmiiut for Ua pr.iinpliia f.K und 1 tu ip>. That Hm> buildinv aud Uh coii toutH w. r.. aaveal ktia* owiiH'. hat Bald, entircly to their 1 l. I iiul.r. _ THI DCLA1 IN THI". AI.AKM. I?i**tria?t-Kngiiifor 'ihoaiais Sullivau wtyn tliat bf heani th.- IM alann at II?Bp. m., kkblle lu Ihe hoiiMi' af flbalaaenflBBa I'atrol, at Heva-uth-avi-. at, I Tw.-nty ?.?IB m.w aai al aaaa alBited for tbe tir.-. 11. ih,,ioiit u.ip MBBtbart baaa bbbm May '" aaaa^ag out tbo alarm, for wiian he n u. he.t tlie biiildlnK tho flauia'a wero ulieuily roiniiip nut of Iba roof. Tlie atr. iiitiM tlirowu \>) tlu ilonki'V riiarlne In tne lintal Wttt tlu n doltif r.hxI Kn\i.., Wttt unable to prrvent tho apread of tho Ilr.-. l.lru* were takiu up throiiarh BM hotel to the roof, i.ti-i 111. uu.. .lu.. ud upon tbe llaUii a. Otber alteain* were -Miu |Bav Iiik up.'ii Ibe lire 011 tlu- fourth floor. IIih attu ttua lo dtivo the llio upwaid, aod in tbi.. bo waa BBCaaaBbd. Tlio flral alarm bruiiKhi to the apnt Enarlno Coropaniea rfo*. 14, 6, 16, '.?fl, and 10, atet Hoob aud Ladder t'.uaipuul. h No*. 3, 7, aud li, aml Kniftoeeni Orr, Hluty and Gliquel. Th<- aecond ulann mutont by him wlira lae *:iw the ex I. ti! of tlie flrr. lt. nitbt Euglae Couipuulet. Noai. 'J, 3, J8, tt, -Bl 1?; II.Hib and L.dder Company No. 5, aml (hi.-f Kniclnfer IVrley and KOKlnear Hatea. A thlrd apeelal a.ili i.rouKht Knirlne Comosnlea No*. 11 au.lM. When ho _im roiuiluii tbe, roof witb Ula men tbe Btnoko waa so drnao tbat he could ncarcely BC', and aa they were fear ful of IbB-M into tho atrett or Into tbe court, they* cravlid alon? the roof for a conaiderabledlatauee before tht y rcui-hoil tbe vlelnity of t'he lire with the hoee plpe*. Ihe eorridor?ttti.l stalrway* were tbrouKi'41 with fri_ht' .11. .1 uueal* and b?lf-dre!t?ad aervanta, who iiiaierially .iila-r.'er.-d for 11 time with the effort? of the flrcuien. He BbBMB n?i'tu-d afti r he Kot uu tbe roof, althouajb tbi ra iiili'l.t l.aii: I..-i t. There wa* mucb coiifualou prc valltrur. ^ Forajman Vetter of HmjV and Lad.ler OaaBfBBi No. 7, w% m baaaa B m Taianj alibibat near Third-ave., aot hrim -.1 Uu -lat.mout of EtiKiuea-r Bullivan r.l ittva. 10 Ma] ut B udiua out tbe alarm. Ue ?a> * Ibal wbau hi* CVpipttU/, tUt) aatfuuU uiie un Iba isruuud, tuiuud iuUi nftbave tu "flaii'i.a. i.Iarina nna-mly above the roof lblaiAnll.l li.k.. oeat, IiU'l QH atat Ui tMiOU ^"t jL-lr."" ? ofom? ?i .'?. , , _ ?-?. ^^ _^ ouf aa hi.i'ti u" tii.' fin wan ataaareavd. There a-Mimt lo l?- a flBfllaba Ifl *ouie guarlor relatlVe tn thia ui itter ?f H-BMf out tbe auriu. Tbe |m.Iii.> u le arrapb-blottar ahoWK tbat tbe alarm wa* reccived there IXr Flflb I'aaa. A MUlaPER CQNFESSKD. SEQl'EL TO THE MY8TEKIOUS A8SAULT TH A DROTHEL. TUK ASSAI1.ANT SIJRItEHDKItS IU-MF.T.V IN RROOK I.TV, AND ADMITH TIIK CRIME?TIIK MTAN IJKKINGH OP A HIOliT?B1HGUI.AU II18TORY OF THE Y1CTIM. Mary Ann Stuith, aliaa Maud Merrill, agc A waa mnrdered in n houae of proatitutlon at Ho. 10 Hell Mjn-plaoe, on Tueaday night. and tho murderer eeoaped. At 7 a. m., yeatordar, tho mnrrtoror entoro.l tbo Plrnt lTonnot Btatlon houiie, in WashUigtou-*it., Brooklyn, aud _nv<> hlm*olf into cuBtody. rk rgeant Dycr was bahlnd tho do*k whon a man wear ing a black bat entored aad addreanlJig him aald: " Good tnornlng. Borgeant, I remcmber you wo 11." "Indixdi" aald tbe Borgeant, - what can I do for voul" Tho man appeared extrcmely nerrou/i, and ln an ao utraetedniannorcoritlniien: " Oh, ye?, I reuicmbf r yon well enough, hut yti can't reeollect mo. Why, I rcaieni ber yon arreated a man a* far baek a* 'tVS-Skldiuore, you know?who *hot Curr." Tho Hergoant waa nomewhat ptur.led to know what the atraaaM BM-at. but answered: "Yoh, I mado thal arrcet." " w.-ll," aaid the nu_, " you aoo, I come to dellver my w-lf up to you I" Borgeant Uyor, more *arprtsed f?an boforo, axclnlmeil, " You want to glve youraelf upl Kor whutl" Tho man ropllrrt, "I ?<-o tliat l atu chargcd witb bav ing mnrdered a girl ln Hew-York." '? Ia yonx name Mlllan 1" *aid the Sorgennt. "Ho," aald the man, "thiti'e uot uiy right name; my name iI Kobert I\ ijloakley." " All right," aaid Borgeant Dyor; " wi.'ve heard abont you from New-York." . Tho man wn* then tnken into custody, and waa BflatwBSd. Nn pistol wn* found Bfl B_ pcr.-on, but tn one po.k.t wn* ii i.icturo of tho womnu who hnd beea eliot rvrgmnt Dycr at onco condueted the sclf confosscd mnrden r t" Police U-BtHflflrtfit nnd tofiupentitetui'-iit i .iiuiiij.iljtUi jirinoiKT uiido thcjfullo.'.lug Ptatc-ieut: 11IK BOKDI-tRK'a COSMrlUOK. M> naii.r i? Robott r. Blealtloy; lam wyoarsof apre. aad abloik-makcr hv tr_do: I wasbornltiCork, Ireland, and came totbi* eoti-ti v 91 reara bro ; Iwo* sont here i? m\ onete, who la an Bjnai opal -tntater : ataea I nave beea ooi bera I batfl wiukrrt at my trudi>, miil have twon . uipluyi .1 iu tlu' ; I havi' nlno ?orvedaaa mu Mri.n. iu tha late I'ninii w..r; my liin i. 'rt r.aeoi.R foi ?eud iDgBM io tlns coitntiv wm toget a.iytlui.g fl hloh w.k.* rojnliig to me and m. ilater thrnajrh my ftaber e deato; inlHBD 1 tiMtfxl my i.tator in Itvlaml, tn tiruur hor Bare, bat f.iiiul l.i'r ki.W whon l gnt tbere, and iu cougoqueuco ibe ara* nnable uioobm with mo. U?Mi IBailBa fifllaai a_a iiqutflflad mo to Btiaa in'r Bfi-oiui oldeat daiicbtor \uth nn-- Her aaata m cu.*iiutte Mmfii, utiTt i.'Ki.iuij. in Rrooklya. Atteranivlag la UM Unlted Btatea I could BOI K'"t work ln Br.mklyii. ... I to CBllfor-la, \Miiir. tinr. i.t\ ilater raqueacaa mc i h iii-t- tn aend in r monej enoaca to oonw bt i?, m slu' i.iui.i not al.ujil tho trt.ittnitit of hor BBBbBBBt Bad I k ut her A?_. *nd iimtva.l of roiinn| lt. rr**-if elio acnt nor 11 inal daugbter. After bar artirai inn- aM timw a lifo i ; -liatni', vtlitrll I wa* i-lnW t? tlul out iinlil *hu H'l ?! 10 rolo tbe cbaracter of a ctergytnaa BowaaowAa ln 'i"* ritjr | iti'iMiklvn), wheae B_me l withlmld for the preaeat. rTa.i it ii'iii mr a few riion.ln of Btlnfj I woiii.i bare been ln Btate Prieon ln eonaoquaBce of b< ra. tion*. wil \,,...|< tnv aiteniton Baaealkwl MoparatTrapb In f*? iriM AanrtaM of UM aUtaad aaatb of my i-ter, Cturlotte E. t-uil ii, i.y, wlnrii, iu abaeaefl ol a letter, 1 , .iu bar.liy belleve, aod l afl-pet I abe u.i* batio murdered by tifr huabaod. I ?? nt tbe iwter <>f ti?' .1.-. > a.>ad io t'-Il h.-i-i.f Inr uuiilii'i'ii tragie rod, aod rotjuaaied ber foi in..IV raki tn l. ave ?ff licr lifo ot ahatni: iu in.:uiory of h> _ ni.itlior. 11,, Bati i went ovor to tho ltottfo Ko. 10 Ncilron-placf, wli.iv tlir ilt't.-.iMtl wax then livini:, but ???- lofurmed tbat abe aa* uot lu: l Ibea ikitar-uned uyaall to aee li.T aa auoa aa poaaible, I had vialtodber fn qui ntly, n - Qiiratlng b rr eai n time to gH-e up ber life ?f thame, bat hii to .." ' I.. ri. v iterda] l rtal Bl bi r apartmi ntn my aelf aad wm rort by ber tn Um rooui. Bno recelved uie lu a M rv <ii'lluiil uiaiiti r, and ralit it 1 dul unt HBBB tuo l.oiix. ?be \w.iilil get Mit.i. i.u.iy t.. pul flM ii.i ilater t..i.i bm n\..- weeka bbo abe badpoajrhta pifl'il tu ?t "Ot in.- \tilli, ftncl lf IH 'III l"?t '' ' lt rl.r WOUkl gl t BOIUC nl li'l Ii.i u.t.1 to do II l... il' r. TUil l' U n,.. ui. i.iv j.ii.iril.iiinl I pr. i?ai?<I uiv-'.f for tbe woiat. \\ li. ii I lirrt x|.i.k<- to Ii. r abe ?',ti Iviii. o . u' r.I ; *he ? ni ii|i aud BBlK to tbe inirior nnd i-oiiili.'il ln r ball. Bbe iiuii approaehetl m? and -?i"<l uoi.i ?.f nae. I betwd be? t.. jji ut, aaa aarpMead of Bar ap;aiii M k>v? w* m-r way of livilig. .... a After tbatilu' flUUM a BMYCBMBl towanl tho .|._r, i>ut tmg ii< r ii.ind in iu r pocka , V.I.U ii i Buppoai u t.. ba altb the int.-iiil'.n ?i drawlug a piatol,or aw-u uther -eauou, inoninit. ln tbe fabtht of frenar. I "hot her, NUK.tiv f.:M) um itiyw-if waa trit-aae to too tMtxt ot ta v Impiientcd. l MHipiy auy tiil. t" raaaotra aan MiHpiciuu timt roal upon auy atBaa aerooa. im; m'.iit aiti tt nn; BBBBBa. Afdr la-aring tiil. Bfllflahl'*g eaoleaaion, Bupertttr n n.lciit Q mpi.i'il Batfl-M I tlio iuau until tlu- ini'li or fui.-i'hoo.l jf bl* Hatf oo'il'l Ui as.'i.'i'tiUiii' i. 1-1 b.ip-t liiii-iili-iii at once tolegraphed to Buperinteudeut K'lao oi iiii*.ity of BlaabBty*! arreat Capt. lUriu* of thu l-'ift'-''titli Pririiuf, iu WBOBB pr<* I'inct tho mtinlor wa:i loumiltf"!, BBI al.-.u tatOC-Md. C.i|.t. Ityr ii-n, nt tho inoiiiont of tli>' BRBBt BB Hiooklyn. ~:iM BB bo.inl tho *lilp ll.'iiry OhaUBOey, hIflg l?r ih. fiiird'Tfi. whom ho ruspectod woulu try to flBEflBBl to CallfBtBeB lu tho *h!p, tthi.-li ali y?'-t?-tdiiy afUIBOOB OB rtr. Iviug ^up.lllifinil.ut fauipliiU'e lol igiaui, Capt. Hyilii:* baati ni'il lo Kinuaiyii aml tooK I'haigr of tlie priBBBB*, On IM BBBflaaB IB N.:\v-Yoik witb blH prisotu-i, Capt. Bj iiMM <iu>--fiouo.l Ill.-iWloy aa t0 Ul moveuuntrt eiuoe thu BBaaalBB-a fll th" ?BBaaT. Iti.TiUI.'y i-ai'l that Ifl m nl>' no flflpeBad rllort to flflBBBI in I.- itlai ""? baaaa, bat, arpo-Uladlag hitaflll upar eti-.i, baBBeaed to tho ae?BBl f.'rry to Braitlja. Baa lilg afl-MBfl who ltad alrimly iK-oti Htatiou.'l iu ilie forry houBf* to arrost him, he roachod Brooklyn and wont to liin aaatwaaB-aaaB, No. *W (lold-.-t., mar Mvrflr avv. II<-wi-iit tho hoiiBO and lay downon thu eofa for a f.w tiiiiiNoiit*. Then he folt Bfl II ho Baa hunilng up, th. u . oul, uutil at laat hu ran out iuto tho etivi'la u? If hc wax inoaii.' HaWBBt to a ll'ltior aud drauk hoviTmI glartm-4, riri thaa w.nt BBab H b_ baaa?ag baaaa, abara bfl te uialn.d uutil utiout 6:;)0 lu ?tt*? ovi-ning. Pioiing ai lr offl cer* would BBtff tho oauuo eiery mouioiit, bfl lin.illy li'ft Ua l.i.uiu und ntiollid down to Fultou Voiry. Afur lOoUagBl tho peoplo pjiKSHlg iu andoiitof tho fi-rry hi.uM' for over nti hour, Bfl flflBBBaa thn PMB-BB llotme and tat down on a BMbV A?.ont 9 B'ata-l li" B>M tlio pro iirl.-tiirx of IBa liotitl thatho wuiitcd a room, a* he Iti tended to auy tbere all ulabt 'Itii'v B_?| liliii a room, an.l nt 9 o'clih-k ho tooM t? ?"<? - Bloa of K aud wont to Ik-iI. H- eoald aoi riaep. bo-n rer, laa-od abaal tho bad, aad tboapiit tbal Ba woald dta ol IblHa, At last ho cav.- up all hopc of b.p, got nn fron Iba ipcd. dmaiytl hlatarn*. m- i_u tho nBawaa near _iduigbi Prom tbal iia_i uui.l moralagbc wau iIim.-'I tnr.iua.-li Uie r-tii'. i-. At davlip-nk hi'ont. :. I a n- tntirntit and at.' n I broakfaat. Hi* tbrn did oul kitut what to do witb him B?-u, aud tbougbi it would be a ww pluti to glve bliruself ui. to tin- tlrnt poli'-finan I a fiion.d ii..'< f. II. liapponed t.iiwalB Um ugii Vaabtagton-ar.. and aeetng the pollcc itatloB, eatered nnd aBtTtradeTetl unu ? II tu the tergoant ou duty al tlntiifek. lu rBBBBd to BBB fllfllfBfl had, lu, iiliot her. 11. iiadciuli'avyrril for a y ar pii*t t<> |k>it<iui1o hor to loavo tblniMiBfi ?f II! famr and ri'tmn houu , but abe lia.l olmUnati'ly rfftiM'd. llo virut'.l lu-r for llu lant iium- ou tlie Any of tho luurdii, aml Inul fouiiil h.T reri aV tl int. Hi- at lant told blm tbal abe would n< ier ntiira lii'iiioaiid ktiirt'd to ruu aal >>f U?rooa_ Bhe had rcuriii'i tbe d.nirand v?* n**Mt M apea it. ?bea l"> firi'd. H" WH*?iHiulliigl)v ii gmte tlr?' .t tht' tiiiu-, and ij iIbb bt i atflaanr. br ian up to ln ?-. rauaiit lu-r i.> tbe arm.-iid tlr.d In'o h?r body. Bfl dul not know how inaiiy tlum* Bfl tlrod or bow inauy of Uu ImUota *tiiu k liionklry atirronderod t.) Capt. Bjtat* tlu- rcvolrcr xtith wblch be m?z-cred nli ntt er. au of n? Br? t'U..m bipfl were einply. kAIk. OK TIIK al Ul'| UU' BBBla Aftar tho body ol ihr unl.nBfl?flBl vutiin of Mlmini' aml BaBWUaBaaai had aafaVBBl I.y Conuier Yotui r aml BBBB?Bfli by PflBBBp Corourr Mitirii uud Pollflfl Bur_roii fitooli", tbo Coroun i.r i.-i.-.l itn i.-ui.i'.al |fl>thfl Flfutentb I'rrjcliiol Htaliou huuno, nuar by, iu Mi-rtor at. Poi this purpuae a rtrHch'T wae brought fnun th<' Btatlon, und Kfalwart pBllcBflp B Bi n 'l"iaiii-d tu act a* rpall-boiiroiB. U|>oii Haf arrlval of tlir* ntr-ti lur, tlio olflocra, with BBBMBBf-tblfl u iddaiBfl ?-. Ilai id hpou lt tbo reuiain" of the n rliic woinun, aud. di.ul ly oover Ing tlii'iu with u liu'-n rh.-cit, I'.iri' tlirtu to tlu- Miiituut, follow.-.i ny a lai ge rrowil. Hi-r.' Iba bu iv lai. cirludud friiiu (bfl i'H" r-B"' "' uuwitrr.tutai'ly laqulaltiro peraoi *. T'ioukIi told, lli.iuliii.itc, niiiriiid by tlu Utrrlble wimiuiu<, and dl-flgured, by etalii* of bluod, it l.ore untrka of b.iniit. * . _ , It wa* Ha<l ln n hand*omrly wrnnprht flowi'ig rtilieof flno, whlf.' Iiihmi. et Mti'-'l wltli hloml from the woutidx. Wltha noat iltll'" JflCketOl dnrk MttC clotb, .-l.tlr ttltimi' il with g.'l.l '.raltl, rtir.'lo-tli thl'.iv'ti tlie bIiiiuIiIitb, Il I.iv with tin rignt bajjid, yrua n.i-i.ii-il with Jt-woie, uatiuiili, n-ftiiaiti_f upon lh>' 6-?-t, -hilothr If it waeoxtt-nd.-il Im .i.i. tboBody. Al loldalgbl tlu- litHly waa i|in?'iIy iiiiivcyi.''! tu ,tn iindijrt.iker'a, at ( aiiiiiui! an.i Ik.lfordaU., prop.iraiory io lutlln i BBBB? prooeedlugK. Iit'pul) Coroner Maieh pnid'U. .. uu aiitupar on tlK' llu- i.n'.i itakor'e tton. i< arday aat-aooa. tba rt'liilt of ikbii-b hti tAI. lally r?pMj: .. il, lu tiulwlauu-. u? foil.wi: .ai,'-*. llu' nn* ttuit of a Wiill lloTt'lOT'i-i' tviiiiiaii, ?l*B-S ? rtBttii i?tl wr|iTa"p_rt''?hot \touinl. aloul OJVi bii]j|nrhlnrll^?;fBf luthe 1'H lltte Of Iho cho-t, , j Ilidi.'B to llir h'ft of tho in.diau Do- , it hlmliar V,'..illid ot tbo h'ft ahouldor.extou.iing iloanBiril and __~awarU toward tho ilght aho.iiil.r mar ?hi. h a hullot wim found iiui.i-d.lrtl ui tho iiiu?ipjlar tiamu'; alao u eimllar woiinil of Ihcoiltaltleot tlie tfght ann, Bto iiirbo* aU.vo tbai cibow, tba bullet oaaatug tbrough tuo mu and eai. igtug atapolntontlielnnerBlde, abont ** tnehea above the tottoM"u\*M entered Ihe ebeat Bg-tgCiS gj ahattered tha fifth and ailth rilw, through ? >????_?? aler . f the upper lono of the left lang. tbrongh tjmhturt and thr ml.blle lobe of tbo rlgbt lung, lodaiug in tho r.Khta..loof ihediaphragni.wbara il waa found. Tbo ,-Tvity of the cbaat waa fllled with bloo.i. I>?'>?thi *** eraaed hy aboek and tntemal bemorrhage from tbo pls ta.l-Hhot wound ln the cheat. . f .. Coroner Yoona aut^uently'liripaaeled a? J ry or u buaincH men, who vlewe.i tho body, after Wbfob tfcBln q_M| waa *et down for 1 p. BL, to-morrow, at the umt ni-r'r. oftlee In the Clty Aai!. flftecn ^_"^_I__H aiuce ba en aubpeuaed Ua api>ear for ? n,and? l rc-iulaite aetlon aeeina to have been taken fur tn* a*aui au. c of a thorough luveattgatton of the trugedy. hKircu ovT-Ut vktiim. The bhttory of tbe doroascd, aa gleaned from ber late aaaoeiatc* In abanie, aual from papera found among her personal efloctB, la one ol pocuil-r *ailaea*. Ihe waa boru in Cork, Ireland, of hurable but decent parenta, who became dlaielpated ditring tbe later years or her child hood. navlng reerlved a tolerably good edueatlon at iioum, ahe .utite to New-Y<~k abont two year* ago ae a waral of ber uncle, wbo la her Boir-proel-iniod alayer. iieluir tbon of winniug and dcomua uddieaa, aa weu aa beatitlful and attraetlve tn peraonal appearanee. *ho aaea afterward beoaoae the wlfe a.f a reputablc and m liuatrioua bualneae man. A few moatha of donrfalio happlucss. however, wero termlnated by Ue huaban-a ,ll*eovery that hia young wlfe bad proved recreant to her marrtago vowe. Attempt* to raBlBBtB bla eeea cner labod wlfe having proved fotile, he abaudonea heraboul a year ago aud weut to Texaa. L__*_,'___a Hoon after hia departure, the young wlfe open.y arut lu detiani-o of tbe entteatlea of her unclo ada.pted a. lire or ebauie. Her Urat iruUty refuge aeema to hava ooeo iu tho urothel No. 116 Weijt Twetity-alxtb-ht., wheaw Bba waa removed to Bellevue H??pttal about elght ago. Airer a lonit term of miTerlng, ahe w_* diacbar.od Uom ?ie boHiilial, convale_4jent. About two weekaage ahe applted to tho woman Coa rena for board at tho houee lu Neil?on-pUee, an.l was gladly reeetvod as un lninate. In lioth of theae lnfamoua r.? Bbo wa* oeeaeloually vialbd bv ber yoiiuger BfBter. whoi-e repuUUou appeara io bo apotie-H, aud aiao byiaeriiiicle, tiothor whom beuotnrht her to rclinqiuan lui llfoof dcgradailoa. and endeavor to retneve rne paat. Ilor ai.iltr alio ?eem? to bave regarded witb warui aftootlou, but fiiapia'uily oxpreeaed of her uucie, and alread leat be abould reaort t?> violenee. Atnoua the papera fonnd lu ber apartmeiit, which waa .legaaitly furuiaiieit, waa a copy ol Ikelrith Amtncan, ln wbleh vkits pubiiabi-d. on Nov. 23, tho followiug ae oaBBt of a tragedv ln wbleh her fath. t and niother w.-re tbe pnnclpai actora, and which n aulted in tbo aeli-de kinauouof ber moiber: -'_- ... ? On tlie lat lr,.t. aa l-aiaert ?.i lujd Ib Cork Bp?n thr body of ITurl.ili* MiniUi. tha wi*- nt Bnaitli. a kainlrraarr or <lilla_?T-B_, who rom mi.ud HiriOa, Uir| Oaf. Tb* datrawd iu '-le- ta a?*? oe?] aiial.cted to alrink. Bbr opraid aa .rtrr? ia hrr inn w tii a raior aaU ultO I er^ll tai dratli. Tbr Jmy r.,and ihr .trrro'..prd rrrtiti ot ?*",JOT_"[ inaaaitr." Dtr?aiur.t IimI hreu ualT a w??k oal of Brliau. wlierr ahr BaB. a?.rn r.,n?nr.lforauioi.tlil..riubli_8 her LaalaAB- a_l alKiiauu-g to taka hia Iit". . ______,,_ j 1,1.4 bricf aecount. whleh re.veals ao murh of aoraeattc infell. ily, baabeeuBiipplenicnted by tbu ?t,rt*'tueut that tbealleged previtiit.4 ill treattiieut of tbe motht-r by ner hiaabaud drove ber Into mteanperatiee. The paperaeemi tu bava Baaa ?tk?:u to tbo deceaaed, at th? bouae in H\ n Boo i'.a..-, a i. w <Uya a?o, by her ntf-ter, and (lie tcrribie eud of ber mother aeoma to bave BB-BJi n?t intentse grict. nrr. Ki-irr bkfobetiie auanca. Ttio nlght before tlio inurder tho victiru attended a masqueiade bail at the Arirylo Itooina onfllxth-ave.,near Tl;lttleth-*t., but lirgltB Ibe ra-eklNa galety of the acene hlio ttas greatly deircitsed and ovcnome wlthemotlon. 8ho went with a yonug wouian Wbo had fonnerly llved with her in UM houKe ui 1 wa tity-alxth-nt.. an?i witb ? iioui ahe had be?u on t*rtn? of tru-iidly lntiiuacy. Her lompaaloa kaiuiv essayed to che.r her, aud di^pel la-r , l. oin, till, at about mTdalgbt, the doomed womau bnr.-t i.,to (ean an.l livt-terleally gavo veut le lor irrief. _B r uipaaMe led her mto an autta-rootu, aud tned to ton -lu-buralfne.f'woman ln btokea aeeenta reeotinted tlaait.iryof her tnother'n death. aud aaial that ber aitter, kvbo Iavc-U with ber airicle an.l bifl v.dt; iu Brooklyu, waa uLout to be mude b?aMl-sa i.y tba coafeiapleted dc partureof ber aaata for t aiiforuia, lu couaenucnce of a-e?tatf eeaneB wituTtu wlfe. _?__? fbo apoko of ber au-terV poilty and expreived fear that lf throktn upon her own icaource* tbo youug glrl wotUd b. come iorft.iiiiliif.teil. . ? , At her re<iuest. ln r eompanlon left the bail room lorig la- weut with her to tbebouaelu 'iijiti-Iiint rt., wlicie Uicy va~-dlliv uigbt. tm ra turntuK to ber own uouse, on tbe morning of tao it iv . f tne iniiiiler, the nnliappy woman attlnvt hrraelf ln l.-uiiioiiablo coatuaa**.and weut out for a walk, trom kvhuli sbc haal ra-iiiri.i d only a sbort tune beioro her tunnl. r. Hbo utidre(.?ed heraelf, and, after reeelvlug atti-ntiou t.oin a hairdreaaer who waa areitrtotneil to viril Uiih aud alinilar hoUntK, nb? waK atuain to mak. U. r li.tU-t f, r tno evcuing, tvutu ht-r BBC-B wa* admitted to her uit aaaae. TUE BlRDIBFR'H IIOME. Tbe of tuo BaaBB?BB-BBaB, No. 3? Goial-at., where Bleakiey llted, toldaTKiin m r. juirter laat night tbat ahe llM ux?>. lileakley lu H_Ba_-Bai laat. wben he applicd tbere for baiard. -he wialied, however, to mako hoiimi looiiirus about blm, whleh ocea.ionod aome delay, aad BB alld not retairn until ahont three weelr* ago, when iu: i.-i-uiuul tuc bcnl ol rvlcroucea, aud ?ae took lum aa a He wu'a a natlet, even teropered man, with tbe gentle n. aaaot aoliiid. Hbo bad nover *<en aay evldence of m . hiu.o lieaiiog. likKt w.-?k, ot taae deata of hw *i ,i ?, k'li-n. r-iiiith, Ia.. ta OBllfl r-ad, and ofteil >aid tliat be bad loat Lbe only fnenrt ho ha.1 ou eartb. Ill.-ak ley bad beou employed iu tbo navy-yard, bat tarly ln tbo iiioiitU waa ali-tuaig. .1 witb many oti.era. This h ul not affi-.te.l Inn apiriu utifavoiably, and hc had ilorigtied gotugto Washtngtou tooutain empiot ui.'iir, ii .1 a .b'l.iy in gi'tung ItiJi pay preveuW-d theexeatitioaof UlB plan. tbo llioonlit the uiuuler on the \i.-il to h.n n.-ito i-oiil'l not bave iieeu premetlltated. u^ be b-d mado plinnror Hit.'urling a lertine at tha' i enteuary Metbo .1. ,t Ciburrb ou Tue.-day nigbt. lio kkaai at lu.uu; lo Ka that <? keunnr. Iior ilid rhu kia.w wluie he |B?fed tho uight. Tbo lirnt elio knew of ih.) Bliooiing waa from a paillceman who vhtited tlie lioiue witu Iaoitla', hi* matce, wbo lived in Brooklyu. T..o deU.ctive.-i wataBad the bouiKt all Tueaday nigbt. and ono gentletnan wbo went fiom it to attend a bail isa-- Mtiewed by th.-m. Otber uieuiiier* of tho fnmilyand aomoof the board 11. tpoko of ti.o inui.lerer, a* they ha.l known lnui, and all had only pbtaaaal n eoueettona aud kiud werau, the naraBl btobt. Lottie 8mitb, age 16, a hioter of tho dercaaed, went to th- riftaantb rie.tuct Hartaabbbbbi yaaiarday after naiou, an.l narrated toCapt. liyrucr) reveral facU iclatiug 10 tho miu'der. Mi- aaid that aiater aud b.:r*4lf had indeed been hi'lpril by llleaklaylu former yeara-. Her aiater wa* liiariii'da year ago. A moii-k after tbo marrlage, how ever, tho munlered womau'ia buehauil deatertcd ber, and lbe i titer-.l B hom-e of nroBtttiittnn. Ou fho day ot lbe inurder ?he had iuteuai_d to go to New-York and vlait Ihe ili-naM'd. Ah nlio left tbo hotite Hieakley met her aud naked her whera' aba WBB ffrtag. ?he tol.l him that mIh> waa going ovor to Ncw-Voi-k to vlult " Maud." He replled tliat ha would uot have auy ralatlve ot hia viait a houao ol yroa tltution; that, lf ueceasary, bo would pay tho v.sU_tl_J aelf. Ila-then oralered her to go home, and atay thero until i.e i.iiuriieai ui tlie .veiiiug. lie apiioared lobe int.._. . ao -it. and dae '.va-- a_aid tbat bo would atrike ber. __ie iltd uot dare ao dtaobey him, aud returued to tbe house. QESEEAL POilTtCAl JSEWE 111 _. tnittafn boaibbi ibvaxob rAitBBtiM ov bOiril CAUOLIMA. CoLnniiA, DiB. 11.?John J. 1'atterson, who uu- y.-ft. r.luy t'l.:.tad United Htaiea tjauator, was hroiiglit bofaare Juatltxi K. 11. Klrk to-?lii> on three a harp* ,f lt tl" ry aad attetnpt to bribe, mado by two tneuiiM rs of tbo (JouerulAitseinbly. M. H. Mtllorof Fairfl,-ld Coiinlk, aad H. H. Kllnaon of Ablievlllet/ounty. Mr. PatUtaou'H own BBBBB?BBBM wa* tuken iu the tlrat oaae ln tlie *utu of |6co, wbih! ita ilut aecond caae, a bou.l for apix-arauco iu tho upper eourt ofi as.'XaO. and lu the thlrd cane one i,r faMo,i?Ow_* taka n. Joliu Alexan.h'r, Mayor of tbe ntk.ann VBatmaster C. M. WtUlet, b<-tug tlio auretiea. tien. H. ti. Wiblngtiiu, the " right hand naan" of l_^ taTriou. wa* al?o arraigued on two alunlar charge-., Iioiid.i of 16,000 i^-.tig rt'iitaircd tn botb caiveft. J. J. 1'aiterMm nml llardy BoloniOD, the latter tbe l'roaideut of tbo Hiiik aud Trtiat Ciimpany, beoomloa tba Mir.tiea. lt ia lalievcl tbo Klr-.'t* I lllkt tlie IU ttt T Will lli'ViT COIUO to itlal. A Jadgo i. lo p% eleece'l ou .Vi.Uy foi tlil.a BB l'lfth fireuit, to flll tba placo MB-B tacaut by the elec tiouof JadfbB. W. M.lton. ua Attitruey tii-iientl. Mol t.m la a atrouK rrien.l ol <.'ongr.'*?iuuu Klliult, aud It s ar-tieially eonn ih .1 _Ml i'Mlott, wbo ln a aie f.atcd euudllale for tbe aaiiatiirnlilia, M beulud the moveiu.'iit M i-BM BBBBBBBBBB1 for br.b< ry, u fael wlu.b mak bave IU lufluemo upou tlie electlon of tlie Jafge. v dlaarracalul peraonal ea ramnter oeenrred in tbe Moii*# of BepreaeuUtlves t,. riuv iKtwe. a. w B.-Biteaaa aaal Tiaona*a H mmiou, two r.'.iou.i n.< o ?< f '""" ""' |,,w 4-iiuitr.t. Tboanaa, who v.t- i.iiiti.-ilk a proaelaw, accuaed H.iiiillt.ui or bavlug ird-lve.l n brllM' in the H-naforltil eie, tion, iinl Bamllton thiiTUaxili iif4? Him lu hia BMal, dliwina HIimmI Baeiy. me nitaifnaitlon ol frtemla w.iahardly *utticieiit t.i niii|i the adruy. _ IBNATOB BOBMBB AM> THK M-UMAC-TUfEnB i.i... iiti.Aiii.i:. ]{i)ston, PBB. 11.?Ib ?-* .MiiMHiiplniBi tts Hoime ot Uaiaaeaeiitath-ea to-day, Mr. Hoyt ..( Ati.ol ull.rcdlba following proatable und reao'iHuiu, wbtcb waa r-ferveal to tlie foiniultr.'.' o:i K> tlci.l J-.thlt u'lt 4 : B htrtmt, Tlr llua. ( hailaa M.uiiar, a BaaaUt fraaa BaaaachanHIi. k .a uauk-arJ ou tlu. iWi ' , -i llia llaaaot ili-Bri,. ? i. . ?ta .11 ittariiHUtka. uiriurator., .-I takn.l al tl - L.tllr-rtJ rV,-,.. ..f tl.a I B_., inu\t |l,8 aat*W4TBi tlu !?? -t..( _, ... f.T*T ,. .,..,,, |?_,_Tadr thr ," ? ...BfluB a .d 'ir|r a'r.wl a, . al. < t. wuli-a ... an I ra*nla I*.- a...| oi thr pri lair ... t!.- flB_Bi VlaBll Ihaa ui.ju pi>_?U-.I. ...At fbfl aunuaJ meeting a.f Um etaackliol.lorH <i.f lha Bual-.a anl Malnr; Kaili.i.d l'-u.|iaaT. k, Ul iu, Ma?. T.a i. .ta. il aaa T.d-J la iaaar al* arr ?? ?i ?. U taarnv l~ al. ta au iaa aaal B..lri?.-tuit ?1.5arl- pajalilo with.B - <raa?. tot Ih* ).iu.?t af aoauA-a. lE. laad Iv I'cnWa* aa* faiaUaa Okr Boaua* *lrt. FOKfilON NBWB. PROI'OSITlOV TO M^OIaVE THP. PT.RNC-H ____U-MB-i_. _t_aCt_k-OB OV THE 1KTITI0*8 TOB PMjOIaP TION TO TAXE Pf.ACE <fX BATTUDAT? BPBBCB OP _. OAMBETTA?ADDHFaMFJ1) AKTD I'KTlTHaNS IH FAVOR OB THB BEA9URB. Vr.R?An.t.ra. Wedneaday, I)re. il,l*T?. In tba N'ational Anaombly, to-day, M. Ganlondo cxpr.-wied the hopo that the Aaaoinbly wonld not . .? before lt had aeciired the cotnpleto hh_a tion of Frenrh territory. The Deputie* of the Right subuiitted a propoeition, aeaigiaiug tsaluiday naxt for the 4__KKt*?on of the pa-titioua f<- tho dia-olottoa of the Aaaembly. M. Oainbetta thereopon aacondrd the trihune. aad, apeaking with great fire and ieBBtaat, Bnpix.r_?d tbe propoaaL He conrlnded hy naying to the Itlghf, oa behalf of the Lelt: " Our Ltiipatlence for tba diaooa feion cqnala youra.'' The Asaembly adopfod tb" motion, and txal tha dcbate for Baturday, anti'l profotrad agifaiioP. Menibers of the Left have ainec cxpra _8*hI regret at their preeipitation, aa it ia improhable lhal th? Left Ccntor will mpport tho movement for a dtaao lution.whicb ia now believe_-Bc_rcel/ ob tain 250 -otea. -. _ _ - ,_-_ Pabi*. W'dneaday, T)ee. u, 187?. A manifeato aiim*"- hy MM. Gaxulxttu. Om Louia Blanc, (.ninet, and **> BMBtBBB of the exnerrte andmoderate Left is publiahod to-Uay. It dcu..n. lt apacificand leoral tliaaolntion of tho Natii ral Ab Bemly aa tho only moans of Bver.iug froah alungera to the eountry, aa the diviaion in the>ly icn dera the Ooveranaent powcrloaie. The addreawa *x preeaee strong dinapproval of the preuaoiv imiw e~ erted to bring about diaorder, which, aa haat iH-aaa hitherto provetL ean only reeailt in advautatge to tho encuiica of France. The new electiunB will ronatitute a eompart ma? jority io tlie Aiaembly, _MB__BB niajoritia* thereiu le the administratiim of Pneident Thiern, and fa>r the establlBhrneat of repuhliean iufltitutiiiiaaa. I lto right of petition to the Af_eniMy ia claimed lo bl in violable, foranattaok upou it would ba an attaak upon the principle of universal suflrage. The number of petitions for tho tiaMobitioii of tho A-aembly, circulating for Bignaturca tbroiiKuout l'ahaand tho DeparttueuU. ia greatly -BMBBBBBb The Prefecta of Bevral Dopairtmeut- where tho movement haa aawumnd fonnldable pn>p?>rt:oii?a, have been 8ti_omone<l to Veraailloa. Th" B__riMBI of the Moderato Left are in favor of the di. solntloa of tho Aaaembly. The Duko de Broglie, a UtiBBWMll, BM been elccted a uiember of the Commi.f.o of Tl.irty, la pl.iee of M. Fourton. who haa jaat beea ai._><>iut?il Miui-U-r of Public Worka. ? ? THE 0-JL-DIiJ PAC1FIC C-ILKOAP. AliKANaiEME-NT, FOH OB<iAMIZINO A COMI'ASY? I'LANS M)B KBB-OM THE BHTKKFR1-K ??l t OF TIIE CONTBOL OF UIVAL COUFA.MI I. Tobonto, Deo. IL?-Tie Mail (Government organ) announoea tbe completloaa of arrangemenu for tbe organlxatlon of a eompany to build tka Cartadlan Pacltic Bailroad, autiioriied omler tbe aet of the lai?t acaalon of Farliamcnt. -fegotlations bave re-ulted lu an agreement to ralae the neeeaaary capita) among th* people ot Canada, aad tosubmitto *uch reatrtcUona aa wUlpreventthedangcr appreheudod-t hat tbe coutrol of tBo road and Uml* wonld fall Into tho band-i of for elgncrs lntereatcd ln a rlval project. Tbo Board of Directora, coualating of flve from Quebee, flve from Ontaiio, and oue apeetalty weleeted to repre nent tbe lntereatB of the other Froviucea of th. Lromln. lon, wiU be eleoted. 8tock will be ailHtnbute.1 ln tho eame proportloc, lt bclng part of tho i-hrine to oix?o tho bookB and offer to the g> neral publle In tbe rhiiProv lnoea the entire amount, II belng unaleratood that no director *hall be altotred more than lioo.oou k.-orth ot efock. The amount alr-tted to Oatario will be ratber over |3,t?oo.Ot? ; U? qurbee, over B;,ooO,ui, , aad ta. eacb ol tbo otber Prot ine.-A, a'.out |T70,oi ll. OHro also will be t_ken tb;if no aneceaafnl attempt shall be niade to moiiaipolizt* ato.-k ih th^ ln.. '- ' .1 t . Uir*. It baa been der-ldrd tbat no ineitilH.-' ' of < tth.i ll.mae of Faillament ivil! *M i>l.,ed the Botird, aad that men ofktiv.wn'h i?r nivitt raJtway experl Baro Rhull iieiutruiied with tbe mauagi-aai-iit of lha uudn taktng. _ NOTES BY CABLE. Prince Biaraarck will r<?tui_ to Brrlm be? tween the UBB aual _;tb of thi. maotb. ViaaaBPieaa BaaBoaa-teUi v_B| of a_aj Bfghl llon. Benjamiu Disratll, Is ei-noa?!..-10, The Egaliti (now.?paper) ef Martioillftt haa been eapprcascd for violatlng the Pret_4 law. The City of PariB wub visiU'd by a tarriblo gnlo on Tuesday. 8ercr_l buiid.ags were detuohtbed i.iad other* d.unae.'d. TUE ALABAMA QUARREL. m.vatoi. IfBBtlB iv WAB-UBBIB* BB Antfiif IftTKATION FI.AN 4>r BOBB-OBJ 'F. Plt?>I'OM O. |UY fBUMBATB th u:_ n.iflt.ii: | WABniMtTOV, Dto. 11.?Sa-nntor BpeBBtt haa arrived from Alabama, and was ia hia a* at iu Uae Siiuato to-day for tha flrst time thia aenaion. He'. very po*ttlTely iu retrard to the legallty of the pro-e. lincs of t?S Court houso-cgl.t_tt-ita,atid scem* to Uilnk tbat tho Benate will admlt lum to b- seat Nearly all al BkB I-publlcaa Benatota wh, have BBpeaajBl an o|ituion upon the matttr have Uouiated tho regularity of tbe proeeedinga af tbe Kepnhlloan brancb, and aay BHBB abonld havo been no bolt*. and that the contcaum' Ituibour and llareugo Couailes ahouM have unegai 1 o tbo um_?I way to on?>t the rjici who b?'M tbe ? ? .-rtlrtent. h DtflM SicroUiryof fute. Tba; vU?w of tl.< te he tbat held by tbe ________*tI4aBon. It la knov n that u rreat number M peBBetaaa ffotn Alalvuna, ni>rea.-iit Iok both parlloa, bato bai B iB Wa?li!ii?,-ton ae\a:,_l ihaya i.tklog tbs FreMdenl to tn'eri. re.lTue ?BBBaBBBBBBfBB ot th" Court-haiute CBB_ibIiHmb1 __JgJaUfaiB Wi re la aonnul tailon with Atfoiney Uem ral Willlaraa durlng the uu Ha> i?art a*t to-day, and left for boun t.H.igbt lrf>iring with them a plan of eomiTOtttlae prepared hy him. It In underatood (hat the Ailuiltilatr.ttlen. throngb tho At'orney-Oeneral, n?nt?csto intorfcre in the lemg wholly withln tho Jtitia.Iittlajnof the futi, out IbalBaBlbMB the Re;>.!bllcaa.?- who holt ra-gnlar eer titioate* to take their *eata tn tho body thrtt was organ ? z.-.l ae. <>rdtag to law?that la, the Btafa-Horise laBBB?? lu e. It then advlfte* the Ri-paWleana wbotblnktbey havo Im en Benn.od out to conte.t for their acata la Ibe r, iri.tur WmJ. If they are au.eesifut, then the I.ap-bU eau* will have a m*Jif=nty, sndfaome moderate R..pabll lan will be choaea U> tha' I'ailteal Sutea Setaate. lf they are n >t BMBBaaful, the uemocrata will cbooae ta. Ir man. an.l tb.-y liave already ahown a du>|H)aitlon to aend to Washtngfon onelwho.haa agood record, and who vrill not be partleularly objeetlauiable to tbe|Iirpi'bha an*. Tbe coinpromliv. propoaed ia reported to eonatat In an agree tneul on the part of the If they gat a tmijorlty. not to refh-ot Bpencer, and onthep.irtof the Deinoemt*. lo give the eonuatant* a fair cbanee to prote their right to *eat*. aud to stoy all pna-o-dinga ?aoBBBB out or tbe bolt. This eourao of th.- Adti.intatra ttcti r.-.elvea alraofat unlveraal eommendatiou fr.'tn men of .all pBBBJaa TUoai- who healtnti t<i anprore donbt tho ii.itheutlelty of tho report, hnt there nthe beaf rraann to iK'tteve tbat Uaa abuve la aubstaulially wu .1 la pru ),. -? ,1, aud lhai lt will bo stat??aciury to evt r> baxly i,_? Bpencer. AlMa-rT A II.'.HT-THK EPPrBUCASS BESORT1NQ TO rOBClBU. BBABUBta. Muntoomeux, Dec. IL?About l o'tlock t? rt.iy, wbile the Cqiltul Leginlature waa la ae-ainu, atu-ri.T Strabagh appoared lu lha Benatn aud aaid b* had a war raul liotii tiov. Lewia lu take ptaaauaai-a of Uaa a.'aplUil. ti 1,,'icupou Uie Benate or.lered Uae Ku_. ?nt-_t Ann* to miI' ^l tlie Kherlfffor -oiil. uipt, al. 1 bolrt huu lu cuatotly fair ts houm dating froiu uo..n. The Hu.'i nl -ul nol r.'Hil arif.-d, hut exp-Aiiiod that Ue wa* meniy actiuji uuder oidera, aud oa apologlxlag to tae btuata b* waa releustd. For a few mluute* tho ?>_?'? Dieut was inteuae, aad tbe Federal troops staUoue* ti. ha- ibe tairtlol go( umler arma. but ao aeeaMaity fui i.etion apikeuiiuc, tliey dlaperaed lo i._artera Tbe Beu. ae autborlwd ihe Hergvaut at-Arm? to antutnon a iki*?? ?f unlitary a> guard the (apltnl aaalnst all Fi-d-raJ I. .'.c, and aniJouriM _. The bberiff appeared before tha d'Kir of the H.uae, but Uie SerjreauiVal-Aruja ntu?ed atV nut (inn e e*. apt to Federal forees, and tb* Sbenff wltb di? w. Tlie LatgUlature la (be Court-rooai admltBed to a aaal anotUer |i?raoo who has, aoeot?ag to .?kial taUii-a, beea defeated br a Uu ?? loajorlvj.