Newspaper Page Text
V XWII.N?9.80J. NEW-YORK. MONDAY. DECEMBER 1(1. 1?7L>. PRICE POUR CE.VTS WASHINGTON'. THE < I t IN> EHTIOATION. . OAKJR a :i> tt III. ta.1, \y < . Dec !.'?.?Tli I'm'tit MuMI'ur .?iuii < b?ld an. .tu r m< i ill.?; on Batur | I who vim a meniN'T of the X \ \ "? II?. ?md baa muco ^,.,, . i wit1: the I'nlou 1'fK'lllc Knit.>ad Oewpunj *H I>ul "U the WttO?<? Kt.niit. lie ?nil i. vin i d to l)ii'.,k ilovkii Cil. Mi ? ?uioin. Miid eontradlctcd i-i ? ny of the statemi nt < i lu? th? < 1.. v U-iuri . ,\l.< oinli had ?aid Uta! All? ^ *ra? pre?? I when ? "' totlal Ion VraeaaaQe with a ..' i< in, uiUr ??' ''n.i:-' ->-, who rt ci I Mil W share* . I ? Alley denied. The ? int part o( id? evidence waetbe reported (I V, ||? ... t|, t thO 1? mills .1? till? (Matt Mobilier ,v 1ml dividid ?C,.0U0 worth 111 I Itocft betwei I Mel und Mr. .. tor the )Mipaw o. fulfUllnjj certeiu obtigirttaM mtimttwt by them V .!. . ;iri- 1 t I'.'it he (i.i.l ru? Knou hiJ*."1 What i ' tin nat ir. .if t.'i.'sc olilii,Tili(iiir. CM. M.IVimli .? .i vcr> unfavorable opinion of Alley, mil '.'.at he w:i? m.hilv lo MM far the ?11 i tin ?hull In. ataOoalav MHtmiMi Alh\ tMI rtii rinan of tin- Rxe iitiv. ConrtnittM of UM I. ? i i 1 r n?l ui?niittrd Map .? . 1 fora, and KcCbttb tli--- . I '!?*' : have tu < n acceded to. and tlialln would ! 'it had mu Ixvn :?r . i . - the ?? rai'iu ktj of A i ?-. who ?ill b ? v IIB it- l.'ltflly OH ?aired . > vllKlltlC WllUlle With the I ; . i t-. ,i \. ? bal exaanbMV ' i vitrt Mi. Atu'* recently ? will frankly admit tli.i" he s> Id rIn? i i . .? i- enueb i?, hm taaaj?i in ( .nit.: i -?? .in.l that I > i. tiKik it, but that Ut will MtaH ' ?II th"*o tr.' d after'.he PacMt i i? legislation, and that liny had no conuco timi with tost or futuro MjTTlOM on tlie floor of Connie?. ? i' of tliu utoi'k to ('oiiK'rviS?imMi mm] i traaaaeUonoa Ui tb bo will doubtless admit that it va* a to let ti? m tuto t-o pjotitublo a con i'.otiilur urovod to be. Mr. Atu?? ha? Mini ton ntly, and will, It 1? npppaeed repeal ia bis ?tatc ,?it Ij.o?. much o? the ?Lo. V from tho ' i uu hated it of luu, and that he itlll lio ha? further dclarcd that he will not con ? ..; tor othi'rc, and tnt'/ifi'* fo tfii ? lir wliolc tnith, no u.?itt'-r whom It miKht hr.rt. fb>M to k'niw \,lut hi? U'.-?iiunii.T vtO l>e. < .innttliat ho will lainlna'c iTii) or ;brc?i ii Um exi itcment of BM iftte cinvn*.*, were I ' un Vt dfny,explicitly und iK'?tt!vcly, that a dollar of the ?toi-k, or received any Mil Tk Obauatttaa are ?ti'i dataflaMMd tue ii-ulu of their lmeMt-ation a? ?otret a? i la ?jil'o of ali their precaution?, aowevcr, tho l?otits of the teetiinony continue to loak out, a? m like l?votlffiiunrjti. A num? ber el im ml? r* c f the Hou*e expr?s* theiu'vlve? mgm**??* t v.rt of UM inquiry, etvyin?; that fho poo i,d a ViU'liciiUoaof any niau as mm pasta i. ? ti.roiv (>i?.|i tlicir door? aiid let lu tin ???'b.l if i??!"!, .ty upon their proceediuifj. IW<? {,-RY.At rNTUllTAUM.S. Till' < :,TTr\siAl. <'t.I.Klift"?TliiS?AMO* A.K KI> t i iTtOM AT Till MINNA KXP06IT10X. iei fUMBan to tiibt?iein^I WaSHTOGTO?, Dee. 15.?I* begins to lwV; M < laaOn i.i.ii?ii OaWtraaVn vhieh Um :i< ?rc tr.'ini? fa baldln 18W would iv- saddled ujK'ti i' O rvun pernow* Interested m ?a rtitiriTratfrra or tftaiariauf aaraalpaailj liM . i'.fU nnliiHtiou to apply to OmcMH for money ?at tka buudliiRi tat 0M exhibition. Wnen tun w;i^ Ur?c broached It wa? I that the City of l^ifaaatpkla ?hould take of the vaiertaMl0 afterwiirds it wa* deter . .? It tho ui ? i i.iltifr lu u under the v.nif; of the i.. i'. OotMEMMlwai aatofl to onae an i iilte and unwieldy corporation, com . . .-i .;?.-.. MTOM dint net la Um t?iii.t i44Bt '.lapptiiut a lioard ? i : - . .? a capital by rtaek i ? ' ear t;.at it miju la ? ? ;.i bj mi j aanaMj i ? ?I'm i : ..e affair, an iiineiidment wa? of $, r< d ' |ited, In tlie?ii? vords : ?i h . anatraa) a* to ere i i : iiidln-rt, for ti'iv i'elit OT obll , clblin by the Cent? i Dial la t ? >u, or the uorporation ban by en - u'. ? am i ii' m i on: - i ? ...?..';? p ? ? ? ! liquida i ? created by ft ear pot? ? ' ] roMMijlt Li cvbi-iit that the i ? U eves on tl.e Troafury, ami ? i ,i.l.ii..a U they can. Thev ?. ti.e amttMi sh.ui aakOatti ?? iH' the A|.|iropi .. ..-kitiK tJo.'iK) to pay far ( -ot ataahtafl MM aarpataaaiay .i pi..\ ?din b] Con , t i- lid that it was i\ ills. .-ii tbal .'i1 ->? O mm ii pbbj ;? ateendlas ? nee?DKoftae i . i?* ii-cs or depend apaa i ty of tl i i the Bnreaa of Edaeattoa t? i priai loo? the i Dial the Mean? lor inakitiK ? ' ? . of the A nv rican educa . Q. il' ban j. uibji it, v. hieb will , porl in.m the i .\iii contain InJoTinuttoB a- I ? tioveruiaei tame rtireettoo, . 'or tiie educationa) ,. : p au ? hieb t ? . all \ out to >;iv e RH-Utl I U? - - tttlo- ill Ull.s in,i,?,!? i il Un- i 1.1,.ii--.ut i propnaai ai tbatei 'ill prepara ? M*> ? ndo-Miient-, ? ?a. .ili-iii i , ...i !.. pi parod in tin- Hun an. J .. ? ,i , i ? ..? ot tin vaii.iii i ... i;..,.is mid oollejrea, | h i- . . . i i ? ? .?: iwiis of e.iliiliion r ? mal m ii.iiii?, mojIu uri< : , pr< I aii .1 tor eolleetiliK ? ? lUltl'J . 'I -.-tant* f . i .. ! be otiei I , ;'! Ti ?a I, i- . . ,-. 1m tore i ladet :'. it la aroaab ? Ann n i i , at iiolii? . t..i . lu \ ei il.Mili i I A ( i., POS I USSB AUL I ? M? II - VI Sill \ I K>\. IFitliM | . . .'. i i n.d li-l''iM;l..'?'i 01 ".Ml. "I1: I) r. 13.?Tin- viiiiilntioii ot lu I thf? '. ? . fool that II .h .. : . i ti tb ii ?or, nii'i p i ; ? | i i . ' i??? ? .. i . ; eflbei ";? ! c . b C-; al'. ' i ? BMP in bod l Kd afirr ii ii in ii|. i i . Out 1 ' , in . ' i.:l i r *m uirj 11 ? ? J ... V ; | ', . . I... ' i ? ' ' ? i Uta I aU ti ' -. aim Ik? ". aaii Mu ? '.? i..mi.s H I ny i oil . ..... '*. 'i i ,.j ' -,. I'urk .. (* .mt* uno Jloii? ..mi ,., V/inu.ilii i ..? ??i- util) .. iviii^ Hi? I aoiti i lui Ha . ** evwt*. tu* iibiitfi, aao lut ii* papal >>??wu+> | IMim-om (tint (lalUrv of Art v.hieh eotne peOpM 'It-' of, t- it thi:.? that Mill be MtahUabed \,\ the near fnti Tne ventilation of tho Kennte Chamber has been irrei improved within tin aaat two yean. Dnrtag the A i-.i, veutilatan wem placed aadei every d ] througu which hot tresh or <mI.I air ?.in baforeea, which no be cloned at will. One of no gradient deft that then remained w?h the bud nlr In tbe nU rn s. ti in been neatly remeda d dartag the pant BUM mil ?r ventilators to thoee mentioned hIhi\c ? 'tiio difficulties to <w n. In ?M Bouse naeu craaaer thaa tlmae tn Mn: hMk\ owlnif to ? Mm of tin- lull. COKBaWT Tories AI THE OAHTAL. ? ?NAt'i-v oMun AfiAiNsr am m mom. |Mt TKLIUB.A.P1I 10 TJJK il'.IM'Nh | WAMRMMWi l?' c. l*. 1OT tMIMWawatOnteo Knapp of Illinois, who h*a not din ?afehi n tijinwif tartnffP 'm in (nafran anything i iccpt lili? lute tu pera te- atUtck? on Civil 1 \ In reform, and who??' constituents MM to ta> M 11 iu ai cold nth him on thi? subject that they conclu tu reform him out of oftti e, rend t? it lot of phi bernia ?, In tho House, >e?tcrda,v, another speech t'if i. anal Of the Civil Service Commission. In opou hi* ndiltc?' ho Mid 1 tu*T ha kucw that many of th MM inijinl UM putilm press aro strenuous adWOi at< | Oat '.nil loiflci nform, und thai than ?noanadfl SvOfj i? .iiv who may have the independence publicly AwanoMM r.hc NV order of thlutr?. This (MM the pris.? he ascribed to trio fact ONU Service I'? anaaantea "was lompoaed mail of editors and reprcvuLitivea of tat BVJ and M ni.digatood, fee ?aid, tliat tin to la a pr fet opinion with than fetitton thai t luir civil Mat ! rui? ai-hniiid boui-lntatuid. The?* editor? In fei va i ? tinrent cned IhetPraaldent ; then ko lue of them woi i tt itti r him. and tn n ?'(.i-tow upon htm HM fOatl t ' thcta, tut.tiling ihcicbi in intimidate, the President ii mputriinir thr baatliacof ibe Commlaelon. After am peraonal lUlaatoiia, and a review of the President's i ?on in regard to tho Philadelphia* PoeaOfBee, be h den n a? hi> text, which he de tired her tided evi r> >s tic that ?? t i tt ? h i ton I i'1'wi- ? Iba .-.inn.h,*' and ?m'-iu i t lu i onaldt ration of tbe n pon oi the I i\ii B< rvli .- < if ? m lim ri'invi, hi uM, naat have hen wril by a rebel, or tir it traitor to the R publia party who, in hi? estimation, Ii ae betn homo, part* of tbe report be called "laenlttog Ooanrmi," aome pat Uol it " arroxaat," and mm pal " l .ui ii. ad falnehOvXL" Altoxetbei Ute apeeen wa ? i?i in arftiaittat and rieb In abtue of er? rybod. who feat h aa) roaoeetloa wltb promottag * Iwil Bemee refur After ?oappbad closed, Nihlack anked han eooMqiti liana -whicii trvve buu Inte ? pretil naail eonu Am nie other tbinc ,heaakedtl Bnapp bad said tbat ti ortKlnaton uf Clrll w i rfce reform wt re traitwra. n<-1 ?iHed in tbe affirmative. Mlblacl taea wanted toknc f tirant waa not laclaied Ln the llat, be bavlnn reooi mended Civil Bervlve roform la hlai wlj bm tagt*, i eaanreetbei ^ p oj , leoti ?? I wltb bMcbter. Mv.vjuu n mua,*! bkoihkxtax ruui usaou IJi'.N. 8(mic af the r.'rf . ? , an B aafexfeMartbeaa pWDarli MWMMM (.n Beafeatf Siunuti'n n.)Tiinenial laffMMOtatla and aie nuw ibxIm Ifl have, huu Call it up lor re'en in ? in ordf-r dbal tfeeWaafeJ have an opportunity to rc.i them to tUc S mite. Of oourM.- they do not tel) Seiiati bninuor their object when tin > KtffetfeM it hedi?pos< of before ti e bebdare, ??araar'a Moat inuin:ite Mi w? a<lvis?; htm hy all feMfeM to a'.Kiw It to lie upon tl table far the present. He Is unaMe to take part II hontt'd debate that ic mre t*> i liftin, and It Bdgktbll the p?a'il of bio Ufa that he paajd uuihrtuke it. M IllWfefel Wat gWtatfj ^npi." lut t!ii eMiteiinnt'Whic tbe InnI'.iiulK-u of h.i nooiutlon fefeaaad. It MM n< new, karlfej boon lutroliue.l by Jiim twice before, th tlr.-t t.iue in 1861 or lsi.', when It wa* approved by Oil Scot: and other Union Hi m ral*, and it hau wlthlu th p?t?i week been indorsed by Admintl Lee. It lieMl tho^c inracuvee Witt wMeb Mr, fetmnfei has been Ideal heii. and the object af i- ma yet feefeM pin-bed. The tii?t was lor the. gafadotl of th law?, whfeb le now In a fair way M I early wrnpleted. The aeeond 1? tbe Civil UIkIK- M The obiers of the laid r. aolatlon ig not to brterfi re In an way with lie Lieinory of tho KaUantdeeda01 the la) ??.U (irtgci im tho neateeot batlh s l.uui Itie fla^ntai rle<? over guuthern Ueldji, and now ?o carefully prt ?'rved, but to Ulke tbenaoaeof battlee froai tbe neu) il laca new aetuaiiy aarrted in the rajMlat btm and frent tiie tnr/vagMfetn He think? thi? imt an ?e of tiiptic* t?> ttw? youDK ?ut? from the Bontb, aon* of Cob federal? ?oldjera?WBe aro annnaiiy ?rrwiuat^ii tn w. Point and aaaLxnod to theee rvsinientit. iletbinki the; iMLght to be spared the humiliation ol buu hlntt and? flaca luacribed wltb the naraeaef battlee in whlefe tbei father? wer defeated. Buronerdid nol Intend hM reoa i nt i .m .,- a politb ..i meaann . bul the Beaatoi - irbe aei .. called llj? wirli to BM?M pol?tica ? i UJMIU tt. FABDOmXG HU KC-KI.CZ PSUOXKU AI ALBAKT. Tlie I'rehliicnt and AtteCMJ QefefelfeJ Mi Meehrtaca] rhoft daily Mfeten from t M South, i-linied fey Inlhenti? cltizetm, a?kiuK for IM paldon <d Kn Klux ptiaonen contlned In ttic AlfeUJ Pi rut' ntiary. One af tt < btb I aftjtbeM MfrenBobeti K.fluott of Beotb Caretlna^rncloelni Bfepeah of ihe (irand Juries of York and OaMfebMCfeMatii m iichaif of citiiensof tho?e anantjBa, IKo ap?enla weei alfoitidoteed by Senator Kober?ion, Judt;?- MaefcejT, aiu liy the (iovernor. Sceretnrv of HtHte, and Attomej (?eneiiil of Smith i'iiroliiia. In r>i>li, Attoruej-tienent Wlllianuinfonna theee cenUeneo thai no action can b t iken in the cane? until a petition for the pardon ol aw i ?riaonei Individually in tiled at Waablnrton. and thai tin lepartmenl eanaol ait on Renenl nattei wbonthej come from, thaonTorentlon on the subnet the Attoroe] Qeaanlli ?ported to have aaid reeenUj t in Uovernment bad not refit?'<i toatardon Ku Kiu\ priaonta in who* behalf b proper peUtion bai Bled, and that it would In future n In?/ ic jianlni llUd. 1 11 ml al i il' uiustani i 1, 61 K. M I U i.'s i tOTK -? Bal M w ill introduce a toll in tin; Itou?e lo BMHTVH aSbwlng tho trnnanslaeloa ol weda thronajh Ihe Malla at the Mono vntee no nn no? ahnrced for printed matter. The pa??a?re of filch a law would lie of ifreat hem fit tr faiiuer? livitij; a co.:?iu-ia:ili-distance from lar*,"- eitle?, and would al -ocreatly lncrea-e the feaatMM of ?M l.irj;' ?and ajrowen af thoeooatry. den. ?utieri? thinkiny of tririnc to (cet into tbe Hooee, to-morrow, lit?, raaolutlon dlrectmc the Speaker to reornnlxe the eommittee? on i lulu ? and Poal Olfle?a,ol which Blair nnd Patnaworth pecttvely ehalnaen. He will not ladnde un Poreitra 11 nunUtee, beaering tiuit tLc rote oa the tir*t day uf the teaaion ? ipreaaed the mntlrnanl of the Bfunai tewarda iianka. KKKATTOfl PQATamBT df.ikshi.i). ?en. Howard i? out in a ?etler defeiiding Senator Pon erov from the ehfeJBjMI of haviuc (treat we ilth dnrlachnt Man an a wenator; of bnelncnpelaUatnat' din" m Waahlactoa i of Hvlaj In great laxnryt'nnd >f iiavitiK aeejnired n part of thi? wealtli thronahbtoeoa umitlun Wb h the l'reodiuen'? Hurt h i, the Preedmen'a Bank, nad the Howard (Jnlvonltr. Howai : Mr. Ponen lb the woikuader taken bj i o' Barean waa to act a? a (matee, with other-, efafundael apart to furulsn heanateade to free dm en near the etty at co*t. the proceed? af the nloa,aatb< t i-an.i back into tl.nd, tobt need for tbe education ol fr .iinn o - i bllUren In the ezeonUen ol thia trnat. Hi. Pomeroj baa never been oonpet MUedoua dollar, ettber IndirecUv. Acain, tbe PreedmenV bank, I nave It frota tne beat eut borlt] tbat Mr. imo. r<\ ha- never had any eouneetton whatever, a- to i Howard i nlveraltyj he waaoneof tbeeornontot ha? alwara been i ' >i tbi trnateea ii" naa attended in.- im i?iii'L'? of the Board, iihn ?i>ent hiiv Mlaore be i -m: ii couutaad for the nt ttefll of tuuae w iu> ban, in the i . , had no helper. Be baa adbeeribed at) uni' h i~ be .it loward it- pennaseal endowneat. Ha aai I . (m l-inoi^. nl ?tiideni - m UM wi?y ol ool MiniikT em . ? ni oi thro., nut i i no In tie Inal tnee bas be re reiiiu the i <tr' pwjwabwi ouaipcaaaiMn, gfeCRKTABl BOBUOH <>> i III. CASK mi ,m. i 0LO1U.D CAW i I l <n\ m-iii i?. ..i M JiMnn n t ? i ? I naawdi r ot the Seen la ^ oftbi v... In rala kntt tb?* al -f Um ootored : Aanapoil? : I .. I, -, , ' ..? : ...i .ipioi II, . nil . lowai.l linn - leliuw^-uiti'l, .I..UI. ? Ii ' owi?, i...- h ' i ' oiio. no -ni..uiftetberwiUi Unc?, and iitiuiii - - nt the t:??-?-<t aad 11..? n theSupei oiti-tii'ei i ot , i. A i .ne ne,. Tin lA'paittn ul ?? cdbitraiin d tn bull? ve Uta ol ??* rot iinn .. ?! o, ? .:, ? ?,|;,. . ill? ?i ?xati : no .n-: ion?, hut ?tu lui i , ,,< ?-??.i il n ??, | ' .1 ? ' i.dilii: ex|ir.'f.?,on m iiii|i..i Hi ??? Un,, -ly i mi, ' it- I jo I -? ? 1.1 ? It li\ trni. tl ii" ih.iri:?d of a n.lov, i Kiel Ol e?im?| ol! . || nili n to ofll.'fetl pri I?, tiii o m ;' i n uni, I ?! . I l.i ?>,' : l'Il U ol la'H an il ni i. , ..-in dletim i ?? .oi. ba ? ? ? i ? i '. .1 i ? nl II I, J . Ill tin ? . X- l i ,-? ul 111- I. Kill right, I. II,. lii i . m-., il i nuarri -. imitai .: ol Mi hmu ?:? ' hoi lunii-ii to im- WaviU.Aemtawy a hmM ??! bas omi i . i '?....... ?i ' ? ! uno iltiuiH It? ... fi iiij i oil mi ; aiu n. . . ? mttiiii irom ?m ou? v iieueflrlarte? ?i i, i. .u.U. : . '? ' , i hlpiueu hi i m i. , . , > . .ni 11.m la I , ... ...... ,i i UM , . ( f| < .M"?, leiw. tr. lui m I' i!. l.'i ? m 'or- ? , ,. , , |, (| o o- . i" m nu. ?i liMtfr iliip ? I - Mi 111 ii. i i. in ?? ... ion in , i i o ,,..? naUj tndienii ?? ? win,. : u nupou Ul , 1 pm'e-f niiuiii-' H ' ? luluel I ? .i o ,,, ,,, ._, i..itefi !? ion o. ?un? ; .i.i> to ? tl.. o.iIj' . I ;?>> ?,-p?..l.\. . .1 vf.i?. 1 BBI Bl] ' ' ? i aayl?inl) anqaicMed M aj iu? fetai ..,??.... ? i-.. ? It looked like cowardice ; and as an open ut thi ni" ated (iiinm.vid* of their ?uiMTlor-, it was a vlolatlnn of that principle of submission to author? ity which is til? first and inost eotnpreli'iistse of profes? sional duden. Tlii- (?.m run.t ut due? not attempt to control tin- peraonal feeltnge,nor regulate the personal associations of any of its officer* : but It will not tolerate ut tin Aiadriiu, under aliv circumstances, a ?pint of rebellion against authority ; and whenever aacb a spirit is manifested in overt act ion, summary and invariable piiiiishiiuiit must tie executed. The eoadaat el thea . .ni. i nxtdehrpesea who have been toaadcallty at vM> latin?; the principies, and tin- orders made tui enforce thein, li i? tuen carefully liiveMiirnted hv a Hoard of ex? perienced utlicei's, and their lodlnga are tnoilltlcd by the recommendation of thi dUUngulahed Superintendent of the A. itcli'iuj, ami Will bl < Binad out bj tin l'i pal Uncut. WABIIIlfQTON NOTER |(?KKKK?L PRK^H DISPATCH. ] Wamum.ton, Dea. is, it?. Tue DatsadPtatea ami Ipeaha) commission, to adjust the i I.dims of American iltl?,'tis on account of damages su.-t .und in ( uh.'i during the present reUdliou, hi?\e not yet made any awards. Alxiuf lOuclaltns have lieen filed. There has Ih-cti no dlftieulty about Mfefap bsBtfeaOB) In ti.e i si and, inn as ? reanedy, it is propoeed by oar llavera meut to unite with ?pain la appatntuM a jetai eoaaaahv ?ton foi hat parpooe. llohert M. alul ft. 'jihen A. Imujrius. sous of the late ?eaaaaf iKia?rf?*, have atapani und win present to CouiaiM-, ou Monday, a claim for ti'io.ouo fur their pi nab cnttoti und Other property taki n. Used, and ap proprlatedln March, lfttt, la buanattppl, bj aporttoaaf the .-ii'ini of the Darted Matea Tiio case of ?jei.ator Gattwt n, or Kaaaaa, ' barged witti bribery, was taken up yesterd.iv by the Minute Gom ?altteeofl PrlvUepM and IthMitJoaa it wa* found tm practicable to dlsposi of it during thi botkiaj rernap nr bj a -.ii.. i.iuiiiittec visiting Kaaaae, ami the examina Uoo of tbe witnesses will begin before the vholeOeM mil. c on Jan. 10. .T<<iiii (?. Ni. ol iy of nilaols, Presid? Dt Lln< ola*! Private Si cl. t.ii \ , \, yi -It ni.n , i Ii.i by the Judpjal of the S?pleme (,met as Marshal ot that badj m place of 00i Parsons reaiaraad. A siili-cumuiltti i of the ('oiuiidtfei- on \ ppropi lat.oii? bai i'i ? n i va m i li !ii?r lido the el irreal the lie part ment of the lull :..h wit ii .i view to its i. onratiii ?III. I, LI A 1 I lliAll . FAT NU: BURKE liKil.ll- MDIBBCTL1 TO UK. ntOUDB'a i:m i v i i i . i ni.. lutin r Bolita lectured? hint ? reniagj rn tin BrOOb in \c;.iii in.v t f .Musie In I.neiiii ami u-e aieln nee. and tin aatbnalaaai whbeb freqoentl) found veotgavi evtdenee of hM popoJarlty. Tb ibb tof theevenlng*i discmirse was " The Seeiet i.f Anal ..' Beeonty," aad in the course of his ri uiaiks he allOSV d fa the MM rttOM mufle hg Mr. l'iou.ii, in ni i\ b hie mm rtftfanai of Um IrtSb |?'0ple. You know, lu said, what i- tin di s. i iptmn ol I he r,?th oiic religion; it is. aa givt ? by this Mr. Preadra ? be i ?? b i tui mis' tu re the other nicht : "The Catholic Church und tin i etbelfc ratifdaa la the aaatraetloa of all Boni i oaoa oui ai M in man; it i.? ? kind el eoarpai t that a man m.Ue- mth the priest to enjoy pleasures, cm mit sin and S'o to him from time to time and innke a private render taff and eettb Um whole baatneee.n [QreaJ laaighteraad epi anse.J it is, according t? thi? leaned featMaaaa? Ood bl--- tin? mi ik ! .renewed laiij.;.le? i tu use hat own Drorda : "it is a kind of becaopoeasbj which all might be supposed tc he invented by Almighty Qat In onier to afaaaj the devil, aud you may live. m all your impurities and alwmlua tions ami yet escape the claw? of the 1). vil." Now, I ?? h il m .fi thi- is Mr. Fi.mdi's idea of Cathollcltv. and abo remember, my friendo, that if Mr. Froudi itood (.lone and cried oui this with n atontada** volee I weald not mind him. Hut Mr. Proude represents' lathlere spect the inning, me and the Intellect of our day oat ?,.t- the I'.ithoiic < hiirch. GoasequenUy, If ? ever there was a time when Ute < lunch of Ood demand? tin t taltb of her children It is in thi? oar day. It ordei thai every Catholic In the world, by hi? life, by ht? earaeat lu m, by h!- adher? m e to bin faith and t i lit? Bai ior, an i by his puriiy, may h.m> Um He to Mr. Preode ami to such wind?. [Applause.] It Is Impossible for an j asaa to retaia hfa CathaBelty wiiie be contents' him* if wirb a mere piofaseWn of the Catholic rc'v'i di. We can't ?ut aa the Protestants do retainoai rood standing when acting the baci Mr. Fro.ule . ould hid, if in- toob the palus to look, many of this el.i?', aad ho Might with trutb hold many a repr?sentativecatholic u|> ami aay?MHela Catholic, and look ai h .o ; he lea rotten fallow, a meredrwaaattt, a bad f Ittier a tv!?t.-,i?l ; tm Ii?. imvur ?! ... iiw practices of the reMjfbm wl rb be ?.?em? so prnad of." Pia east find deaeoe of aach Catbolka, it he. waiits to. to d?i\. Bnt,roi friends, tbore arc ai-o Chuholta who Dia earnest in their faun, earnest la the practice uf thi re llLi.ili, and, I Will add, Iri'l). il i-H-l liad call? BBOa tin m, t.. s., eut and to a blow ior tie- I tin!, u. Father iiurkc then -poke ,if the net <--?t\- of est ihllsh lac a system for the education ol the (Jnthollc youth ol Aiiiern i. !??'t i ii tr a bright tut !!? in Anilina fat the educated son* o? ibeCnureb. In elosiaa he aa>in i? tarred to Mr i mude and his own reply fa the hintoriaa, w bit h ;- in in- dellven il tu m .i roa evi mini, at the Brooh lyn Academy, nearh In the following ? Now, my Irk mlv I bave Unen addressing > ou for a hjag time upon a aubjei i wlm h 1 hope bas proved inU : to ] .n. Tie re v. as in I mu h i.miiii fal laUghtTt ia It, the Ume .md i in aubjerl bavi not moved na U? much mirth, bill If leu eolne Ben oil I 111 s.l.l' eVI DiBg 1 llllllk We i .III bave a esaei laaajh aad a aaod hearty laagD at Mr. l. nde, [continued merrli.t.j Viei au kaow as well .is i thai h ia bel i i" Daajb al imn man la K''i re v> i .'t him. _ _ _ '//// (as?a,'? i UhCOMD. i \ i ai. i Aia.i i IfBTasal iv Ji BaaM I irv. Ol Salurdiiv Johl afUabTOfKo, MO Ji:iiliu:iil ave. und Mil. ?-?? i Ueaskiof Nu. wj Fro vont-?!., e.irpin t?Ts, were empJoyrd Id tapadrhaf tara paaaaaaar-oara st.induit' aa a -?le track near l M PoaBDJ lvaula Kallru.'d li^uiit. 'Jbe . .tr- wart aaperated IWeaavaahBDoeig aorkiap aad a red Bearwai alaead aa thaappereamto prevea*a eoOlabaa. Just before noon ddLVoagfaaJfa TOf ran rapWr frnra ta thti ?iiie track and. strikiDKcar No. ?I, drove it vio.ently ajtaiust car No. AU, on which tie- nu ii were then wmkiiis'. crushing noth men between the eara, alliier was su borrlbly mangled that he died almos) iii-tantiv,aad UeaaU reeelredaertooi infernal Injurii . At a late hoar last olgbt ae was atlll alive and Uiougbttobe in afalrwaj !.. recovery. "Ash" Hlaka, tin- engineer, ??? arrested by Avtiu?; Chief .'. Foiiee liicksou and I ein for e\aiiiinatniii. H?atated that De lint im del? to run down t i i be 0< put Mr a train ot ear*; tlur the swllcl.mau alone was ut fiililt m tun. m s' hi- en gtnc of! upon the side track; thai bl did i.ulknowhe ?aa on the ewttcb until within if feet of where the col ii.-iun took place, and thai be didaotecc any red flag, im distance fiuu Um iwltch tothe place where tbe car. were standing is auonl 60 yarda. John .Mii.ui, Um SWll! ? BXWiil held for ex? ii Ion. Jobn M;ik ' aidowar age aa, and leave? nix young children, A Coroner's Jury baa beau in,, i -i Inquest will be held by Coroner :. utit. ? ... i H land, I ia ten, ^ bo h.;s of the drill engibes and Lhornaklogol ad trains atiiiijii- . ??iv depot, was arrested, yesterday, aad baldtoawull the Inveatlgattua. The engi? neer stated, yesterday, that Bohtndwas anttag on the teiidin.; h engine wblcb be was raaatag oaderUo it, tai tl Urne of Um m i Idaat h sVaaaVsTB lam?- i.xri.oni.-!. While a family was fMatted BTOOtld a table m s rooaaoa the aeeawdfloeraf stei, lap Math-ave., Un' ? lamp which stood on the taW.i ex ploded bfary fabatwaad, ?^ :w, was beaMMgewavBbi ? i In molnent Slid was -pniiLl. d with tl.e. burning oil, win. h tiistantlv set ?or elothlag Dbtaaa. a man i. Darned George Nelson, ipraug forward with a heavy ?Bawl and ?ueceededln sniotheritirf the flamea, bat not until ehe had inen burned lo su?a a boxublu mauner aboal kMf faaaaad client that a ph>siclan who called dei land ?in <<niiii not raoover. atr. Nelson, ia hm etlurta toaavathi aoaaaa'alite> waa severely borned oa tbe face and hand-, ranotmau Laird Of the Ninth Preefuct. who was passim.-at Hie I.. heal in?: t.u wi.m'- elles, lall into the DUUSS a:id i 111 1J M d ]il|l nul tie tl Mill -. tu vin i BOM im nitoriioi.iA. .fiilin lliiuwulil. Bge 85, ili'd ol bjdropbobia Ih .i shim? ou s ml in M*l)-*econd-*t., near N'liilh-ave,, wUii. h lived,yaaterday. Hawwotdwasbtttea la thi eiie. k ..\ .i do ? he v. i- piajlbaj with more than i? months Dgu. i ne '.ni- i i iu not Daaaifeat u-4-i! antil ruarsdaj UiSt. _ ? PATAL ROtXEK BXPLOfMOS. Ian i-, Dee. l"i.-l)ii Piiila) iiniiniir. I.i-t ti.e is.iui m Wanafft aawmlil, on Black ktvvr, Wayaa rSdbitt] 'in, tp led ertth terttfm foaaa, The mill was ut. rail) i I ii |?|.-. Fiau'SA'Wts Of UN isnier Wcle if i une :i ??-, i\. and what w ai all il . .m. I'd. i'.mi h i . ? einilni c. were uli d. I ? . ? ., i . I- ... u !" liavi in-, n. ??? |i'i. tua. i RI Ml - tSU i A-i - U? ;i.i.i. l:\in WIHiati II Wi'adtelpn, i" rnhhinaj the M'-r .... i i end Depot) Pii Itnasti : .. ...,.? H" -ii-ii. ? . ??-? i -. rio i tin Yalohnahn Klvifr, at .... . . ? ? ....til le . Juido !.?? ibstsw.i'.'i ?i i-u|n i. M.s ?-'i the Cut i.? \p|..ilM,' lillliriliil tile . ..i ?u- a nil mi I'?mi ? -i Bi.i.1... k. \ ... a.. .... i . i !.. u? i>a?s. i.. Ui i MI.U ?.??i ?. k* u-~... ?? . THE LOUISIANA CONTENT. I.ATI.r-l HUSKS Ot THF. VTWOQQLX. Till S1TI ATIOtf IN NfcW-C'UIi: AN?. Nhw-OiuiblM, Dp?-. 14.?(Jin. W. H. Smith atthaUattad Mate? Amu, with Uaataaaati Humand Kbit'of din. Knmry's Htnff, this morning went t" the State Ar-ciial. which wa* held by tne militia, and statin? that they had tnstruefloiis from Washtnirton to take Charge, the militia at once sum aderad UM properly and vacated the pi emires, tho offleeroof the iiiilitlare' then ilda aim?, w tin h an I? n-onal property. ?snc&n Of IhtPhUfJBafKKta?.ainsi wakmoth. Nrvt-Orlram?, Deo. 14.?The Boardof if Sai ?fters of the Mechanics' Institute 1/ jrulaturo to-day submitted the articles of Impeachment, ?L-ann-l Uov. Wannotb. The following is a synopsis: PlrWfJ Un U'ieoiiHtltiitional and unlawful ejectment of iii'n r Bono from ihaoffeeool Secretan of Stair gceand: Un appointing, in April. WTO, for Tax Col laetorof the Parwnof Tanglpeboe of Jobo Bvana. who had be? i. n ii i ted from the tana office hy tin Senate. 7/niu'.' Tho oonatiaaionlacof o^den as Attorney-tioa eral. Harper aa Sheriff, and Kliuorc it? Judge of the VIII th Ihitrii I Court, win n no legal returns had been luailn l>> I lie legal returning otlicer?, and COMBtring With them to and Illegally put out of effeOO .fudgo iiiimie of the villth i)i?tnet Court; ai?o eenadnkn. Ing other Judge? and offloen when no htgal retaran liad been mail? liv the legal returning offioen. fourth: The offering of a bribe el Ifto.ntin and the dls pt n .it on ot patraaace to i.n- it. (?m. PtnehhackIf be woaid orgaauM the Hoaaln to >-uii the purpose of the aceaandj und procartng fraadaleal regihtratiou at tho laet ' loeUon In dlffcroai part? of Um Btate. S?ttk: ufbring to R. B. Catlln, Btate flaaarvbni of Election hi the Pariah of St < barloa, a brlbi. In the form >f .m appoiotmenl a? siute Tax Collecter, If be wouM maki a n audnii nt return of theeli i I | .-?i r iiiu . Bxerc sing tbe fum lion ol uovernor after an w?i notified thai be waa Imp ached, to dereliction of -I" i t lo the t, ,,. mi AaOOmillj, and pulling tin peat I of tin state m kMpard]. t in- Board reoerve the rigiu to reply m tho Osvanan .u.?m i offci Motlnony, ?ad Introduoo additional ex? ii? nn CASI is v? .wtiN'.n.N?w iiii'hk Ol TBH 1 ..; OBBKT. \V a-miiv. rOK, I'.e. 14.?I'r.'siili -nt, tirant to ,1... mi ti tograph, aeopj of the of the GUM lo' ' oui m it tee of S< W-< ?.lean?, Baffdag fofth their cm rani ? s, This an mortal waa nan aftn phwd ii the h; i ! af A'toi ney-t,en. William?. Information that UM ( .oiiiiiii .<? aiO ?tart for W.i.hiii.-toii probably today win. ahM i< nevad) but, Jinlviii^- from what w.ih ?aid till?; Moralni ? ?? Attorncy-Qen, WUUama, fhnlrnMttonwill i?r fun i. m i at Seat ml Qoveranenl m uuhtxtfelv fand in it? i.eteim.i,itimi to ?nppoit tne PlnohhaekState Govern ment, 'i be i lepartmeat of Justice an oloorly b> \,- o.ii.o tnofai In tne case, aud i< ntisdedwltii Um ' WH m orii n. o. i o niiuiaiiy taken here by tho Administration, tten.Btnorj m-t nicht telecraphedthePreeidentthai . i ,i collinlou r>:-.i.i between the polios and i.ooiia, ,'inil taked im Inatruettona, A nply waa aiateboui in traction bin, la effect,not totahaaldn with either party, bal to bold bla forceo In readlni preaerve tbe peace, und td Lnterfcn only in onao of no oeaaity foi thai purpooe, To-day fiispsttcbea were tee trod ol the War Dcpari iu' ;,t iron Qen. Emory, urina thai uj.eiuaud in ing made for ;!?? -un. ,,.n i of liie An nal an I th? d ?peraiou or thearmi i loi'.i?. tin- ai , u.ii was prwnpUj turned over to UM ?Mate aalhorilii i-, uiiil ever) thiiif in now tratet. ? J lit: K AJBMOTB PAKT! N<>r INSOOOaVaOfaa WaSBJXOTOSi Dec. 15.?Tin- Committee, con? sisting of H of the most rSafenfabteetttaoaaaf launsiana, ? ho wi re app?tant to \ i?u Ifaahfagtoa aad consult with the Pu- nb al in roaafd m tat ooadllioo of offam in that stat , have concluded tn como, notwitii?tamliiig the ex ir.-n'.iii.ary dl*patchinragnrdto tin rvbW wbieb was ?, ii t,, s. ? nrteadlsn Frida/, They Mai in in :,,wu on Wednt ?d* . oi imr week. AN KAKNKS1 PLEA. ai loitsn-i.i.m.kal OODKK'l flBWfl <n m ( V-l . VVasiukotoh, Dec. 16V?Th? foUoarioh* letU?i from H. H, Ofdnftj Attetaoy Oeaeral ol lantol. fen iu?t In i n lo.nle piiolle: Wasiiim.!?><., I" . 14, I tht Baa, <; 11. ffkxtu im-, AUonng tn aami -f las tn ".*. Y\ DEAnSnt: I bog leave to submit thrnui?h Milito the r.e-niiiii tin i.K in te pointa:'fan action of the ibUMHii.? ,u n?iu?iiiiiui( im? aaaeaafelaaa *!? Mn.rii^^ii.?' Institute iu Sea Oil an? aa tbe I?ogialatunof Loalalaaa auu p. B. s. PtncOnaab aa <^?v*riior was ?eruiulv pn mature. Piucnbael wa? never Lieafenant-uovernor of the nt ite, and hh n-rm as > aenata* expirad, under tin Constitution of thai Slate,oo tat tin daj or November laet. i':n ??- ' uibl ' ...lia, [uatituto wa? noto? riously r, t?rm d and seated t>) a Deputy United But? i Marshal, uinii i the unter f uu inferior lenaal tourt. in i f ,ri cm be anaartaiued by refenaoe to Um papen hi i i y im lu the Suuranae Court of the Uaitad Statea In tin- n itterol tt fuit' Wannotb applyimi for a wrttof pre . ,,t... o. lacra an cirauantaaeoo of whtohtaaOov. (ttioi nt tuns! iai.1' notice. Without u.M Uaaiag v no mis 01 Who WM not elected, T n- ,... ., dl) - e-i i hat befon tin Pmaideol ander? took to Md tie i h'! .uni to pledge iho great powei oi ins ofaeo m i tin r side, mach deliberation aaSa fuit bearng ahonld bave been accorded Tbe election was tbeamet qoiet nnd orderly ever held i tin nu..; not a symotom ot riotous diapuaiuun, not even a peraoual unarrel or eaeouater roaneeted with polities w.i? reponed ny the police authorities la anj dlreetton. Tin- .lOnery of tbe Statt ??.m reinen! ni in perfect nul, i after the election and entlralj oonpeteni toman iiii its own affairs, and wltb eourta of )u?Un> ready to piole t tin- rUrhta of everj ellluB, It > a ludden at tfoa "f au infertor Feib rai Court winch, war aboouuoly turum non j. ?He* thi State Qovernulent I? i oii.pletely overset, the W te House M-.jzed ano it fov eii.ii.i ut enacted whow ofltoen UMfoaata anvonovn cnoaii. It cm,iot, ?ir. have aeonaod j our nttenUon that i , i n atBg thinooune a F leralCoart bao been eni In tr.o as l-.aiitv Of the I.'.uy of tln> Cmti d st;iii | to inbvena Stan Govornment and to cos trad one la ii^ place j tor it waa welll iwn tbat the beard of ratura? fago:beon ncoaahMd by Jui;> Derail hae not at "i ui).,ii Um awora raturas ol tbe n . :uJ si eh etioa offlei rs of Hi - ill-, lrom which ?in m tie . OOuM have, uiuier Iba ia*. dcoioiod the malt, bat profan to nave in en gnlded by tho retaros ol th > Darted StntmmatM tun 11> unknown to the i.iwiu LoaMfana, au that tue MM ? aada p..un v thus a F?deral Jud?:c, abseluntiy wltboat Jurisdn-Mon, seize? a st.iie-iioiio.i a Laclanttare, the mi m i.i i ? nt winch have lio other c'liin, lo tli Ir seats i Im i. I ne SutUng of a Keturutag B ?er I, v. linee rale autborttj is tbe T?. a .Hin n of tbtt usurping Federal Court, and wliieh pi act wlclj u'.'-ui tut itattnenl or n tun? ,. rrtatn United buH>a officaxa who art entirety a a to ii:o Uics of Louihlaao Tboai am tacta known non byavary Intelilceat uaa InUuoeonntry, na!, of course, not bail ban tin- Chief Muni* Uate. tne Leaielatun tium asaembleii M recognbMd by the Executive of tuli m-eai 00, and you tciegnua, upon bis autiiorify, to i ur people comin iiiIIiik tin m to submit. If laej wi i .? .m uncivilised people, accustomed to the shackles o*. a de-pot., m, that submission whluh you command i.. .im an i a-y matter? bnt,Sir, tbey are Americans ii,.-, youraelf, born and raMad under me free LnaUtu in,, -."or Urdo great eoautry. Tney nro suffering tin meal grievous wruuc thai eaaM i?- doue a people, and an I'oni.ou? thai their tiovernrneat feai acted without prop i deliberation and upen au e* ?xno- thowtng of tbe I.1-. . I in Mill 111.Ulli' II,, III toi l.oI > lelil?: ininoppii ?sionandfor makiug auoUiprappinU, wbb u l no.', on m i ?. i-li uaroo tOtM I'liiiideui, for aa luvest lea? iinn ot tui- manor i i tin net prerentinc toyou tbaeaei of Reary c. War iieitL or that ol WiPUui Phi KeBbg.- in thia appeal. Tuev ,iri both atrallgora to u>, bud our peuple have ?uf Pared loog and peuently uuji Um mbuaaiatcetnent ol iin i m. n. i- I? know u tu (lie whuni couiiti v*. I um speakiuK m the u.ima and ta tho Kpaonanuve of the baai pi nine ?>f l .ou m urn a, who au' Mini) eon vtneed thai bi tile |i e. lit (lei lli.n l.n'y i at I mil mo?l ul II,e impm lalit oflkoa of then state, and that i.' eSfcot ?hall be ?vea to the real popular venUot of Kofcnbar, tho Oovermaent will pan into tas luieis of aoaaai ami aapabloneo, tin) liilihat in this tluu have a runt to h|kh1 (he ?> nipaitiy of the federal atxeeotfvOt n/bo ha? roeeuil* n reiieii iroin the peoflo of hi? ooafetV] rtttb lUotln ?il had ei idi-m? of i inn loiitbk uce. i Tin- nmna of the Insstta m thM antter i?, i fear, ??ai. ui.iii ii to uiniiaie the af?eetloua of tne beat people aran weaken Ifeeff eoaSuenee m the protection ,n {he <.inn. nt, and their nee of our Institutions, i an I? i i-u.iili il that, If the OoVetnuM lit should, at ih ? jUi., - l ni i , pu: ne a Vlaa, ii.aKiiituiiiKiu?, ami impai ! lal coin i . ni m mail bewhatb may?tue ewafutonoo .uni nit. c u.,11 of ih'- >.,utn would l?' pronptlj raatond m m? .Na? tional (loieiiiiin in, ami all lioiiulo in that dire? tin eni ?iiuiii. i ue action heretofore taken can be can? celed m mo'1,11.,1 ?o i? to give cOeet to tin'?? \ icwh, and m .. scry i^ioi t i une tin- ii m i aae i aa bo pit.I before Hi, Uovcrnmeiit, is a committee from Louisiana U now bam way tu tPaaolnntoo, bearing nil tbe factatutbe I'lt oit m. mill i mi ciiiionlllie i-, n, t ordliiit Ui my uii ItfP-l.i.M.i.', fcoi, |, irto-.iU. Voiim, v. t v I'e-ii.-, luiily , etc., II N. IHiiiOK, Aiiorii. . i., iiciiti of l^,u,?i.iua. A CAAIPAIOK Al iAIKST THi: Al'ACIii.-. Sas Francisco, Uec, 10.? llu* lateai ;ul mi . ? i. in I..?"il, Artiuim, ?laie, that ton. ?rook Is atauc the ? .iinpuiitii ^ i_ t mi ij, agninohtfee hohiile A pal in ? ni th?' m.ilherii part of Hie I-? ii-Itnr? i'ue ex pedilnno aie aporaUag m tat Mountain aaat ai the KUrei v. nie. (,n. cmmii mm i?t heiiKi rratatnotivf ihe \|.e.oieou Mountaiaa. Hunm t oaiaanahjutevoyaas iiunifii'ii Apaebrs have been hilled, -i.d luaU) isouinled. Tin n- ?tore? am'. protUiou at< al poluti weh d ? roui i.-u. i n,l'? poll, v i? lo ? .how ihe I illiim ill. , rtlili lllllll lllelu illlWII o . .11 .lit. .0. A JUST -I.MI.Ni I H .i.iiniHi, Doie. 14.? Tin- trial fel ll<<r.i-i Blabs ?>?<?. ; i .ut.'inpiiu^ uj wti ? ;. UM Ni vi forb iud Ho-uin i.t|iii-i.? ti un.-., WiiHiMir Lock?, it ?linri time ?iu i, ?!,? i .m. Huh d iu tit" Bupehef Court thi? ?ftai tl.Hlli. Til? llirv . ?tU>l Uli ltl.-4-U.? Ul II li.llllll.MC llll lllilllil lUllllill HUSIV ;W ?4'UlKf.l Pli llu tin IM') appealed to the Conrt to be lenient, m view of the fact he was Into Heated at tho time the set wa? com inittid; hut .fudge (tarponier said ""?t be Batearlas; all tbe facts, and the enormity of the offense, ha ieii it In. duty to the public to maki* the sentence for the lull tenu pro*, ided by law?, and Klnkeslee was accordingly ordered to be Imprisoned In the Htate Prison for ten year?. OH I'll'A RY. JOHN FHKHKKH'K KKN-F.TT. Joba Frf'dcrick Kcnne'tt, the artist, died sud? denly, on Saturday, of heart disease. He bad suffered from an attack of piictminnlu dumi>: Noven.I? r, but had been convalescent for some time, and ap|>carod to be In excellent spirits and health on Saturday morning. He sent a boy for his lunch at noon, aud when the latter returned with the tray Mr. Kcnsett was sitting In au easy chair and looking deathly white. The boy ran out for assistance, and during his ?hurt absence the artist staggered to the lounge, and died before a physician arrived. His studio was soon filled with bereaved artlnts, to whom he wan greatly endeared, and who told one another mournfully tbe story of their common loas. Mr. Kcnsett was bom In Cheshire, Conn., ou March W, Isis, and wss apprenticed to his uncle, Alfred l):igg>'tf, an engraver of hauk-noU? vignettes. The youug artist ex|M'ilmente<l with oil colors In his apaM hour?, and in 1H40 went to Knghiiid to ?tudy painting. On his arrival In Ivmdon he became known to Durand, Caldcar, and Bossiter, and shared their studies. For live years ho studied oil-painrjug, (supporting himself by engraving. At the end of this time he exhibited a view of W.u.tor Ci-tle in the cxhlhtlon of the Society of Jiritlsll Artist?, at the rooms in Suffolk st., l'ail Mill Fast. It I? tho cus? tom of this association to have a lottery ut a guinea a heaii, and the holders of the two Imky numbers arc allowed to ciioo-o .1 pa Miie eacb an a prize. The winner of the (trat priz'i on tbU occa sum selected Ken?ett'i picture, which was admitted liv every' one to Is1 the best landscape painting in the collection. A sketching toar down the Hliine, over the Alps, uric) Hiiioug tin- Italian lakes v le,il. d abuudaiit f run in a walMUled pori folio, and apoa Ills arrival at ttorae be begin to paint with earnestness and power. In imh he tent to tbe Academy of Deaign ills landaeape " View an Um Anio," and a fanciful sketch, entitled the "Bhrlae." Bo waa aaaatmoaely elected as? sociate, and tbe following year was made Acaih midan. In UM h" ivtuniod to New-York, and began a series of landscapes of the moaataia,river,aad Lahaaeoaeryaf New-York and Um Peat ora Mates, with marine view., winch found eager [rnmharnra Taece is acarcely aa American art collcrtioii of note Unit La not graced by one of his pictures. lu 1H59 ho was appointed a metober of tin Ballone! An com mission,ami engaged to laporintend i the mn.urn utatiou of the National c.iuitoi. Ble works were Idghli esteemed in Prance, BeIglam, and England, ks wi II as in this country, vlflOOUBIBPJ a>?A4X>P??flBLD. VisciKtiitc^- Ut ,'icniistirlil, trffe of the Bight lion, Ib'i.iamiu Disraeli, dfad In London at noon fOOti l duy. Hh. was the daughter of Cipt. Vine. ItaOM of the British Niv,,iuid In ls.15 married Wj m Ihiim IawIs of (Hamorgni!, a gi of wealth ami a asMtobhfOf the British Parliament. Be ?lied lu IfaaVaad UM following she married Mr. Disraeli, who had Mtterod ftartlamenl rot tbe AM time twoyeuis before,aa UMeotleafoe of her farmer hao bin. .1. repie-entiug tho bOTOUghOf Miiiil-t .no. Mr. DU i. id at thin time written some of hil be^r neve!? and acquired eaaae political ce?? brity, but in* aaaaa? -pit mild for Ulli waa largely due, to the social p?v ud opportunities afforded him by in? wife's dowry. .itctully remembered thi?. and dedicating (0 Bl r oi.. of in novels termed lier " a perfect wife." In 1*8 Ived from the (?ueen the title of Countess, her hu band having declined the title offcreil Lim. It i? said thai be wj,.;. i.oihair for her aimi?cintiul. PERILS OF SAVIGJJIOX. DISASTERS KKI'OKIT.P ?Y CUUK. LobTDoVi Dee. 11.?Itopotan oobi?bm to V?e iui Maiiaa dieaatora, aataadad a^loBaaoof life, cmi-ei| by the hit?'gab'?. Tue steamer < haivntc of the feg I ir line between Hull ami Dunkirk, was lost while oa t lu- wa] to the latter port, and II persons were drowned. The ship Badnagore, from Qnebe?forHljrh I, became unmanageable and waa ahead ?at d. h peraona were aasned overboard and perished. I iti.'ti. witi?KK? AT senrvtr.. BoftOH, lire 14.?Tii?) lirig Meteor stranded and went ashore at bcitunte in couswiueiiccof mist..king a light In a bouse on ?hero for thn lis;hUloii-e. She bilged In IA min.i?es after striking, and si high water I? complete!} covered. The aruwwere reaaaoQ byallfc boat, .ai' wcic badly froacB. TUe cargo is eonalg Pnliod. Bhcltoa .vi'o. of this eltv, and la Insured in the AthiatM MutOal In? .tame Company or He* -York. A SCHOoM't;'.? CattTW UtOWPBD. I'oursnot ?fi, N. II., Dec. 11.?The Hiitisli brig L J Wl i..cay,,,t 'nia jkiU to daj, from Ungen, r?pons teeing, '? mtli'sulf ? npi Ann, Di-e. a, un unknown eehoencr, winch, m trying t" ppproaeb UM brig, wa? capaii I, aad loot bei soar* inddeeb Poor men were ?ecu oa the teaUne, a wulle, bat, owing to teal laa'-j galhj the bnu m.r. adei i o aasistaaee. OMVSRAL fQUTICdl MMWi, lift ALABAMA COMrKtiMISK AC IPTM?. Mu.sroiMiiKY, Dae M-?The htjUUbnm at UlC . apitiil mid the Court house nave Imth agreed to tho aevpuaantet aaggeatod by ?tfataay GcaMaal wtiiiams, atid wiii mil-i on tneauaj aast at 11 noon. I'Ol.inCM. I'lii'l'AKAI'HAS. Tit Tiiiiuiiiiiy li.ill Conunittec on Organiza? tion 1? the vacancies canst d IV] the unseating of tu*, del -it am hi 'i. Oeaeral Committeo from the Vtli, l.V.h. XlXth, and XMfrl Aaaeaahty District*. The ii aa ? I of tlu> m w delegatoa will be presented to the Oeneral Committee aa Tharaflayatght. aad the date of (iilnci'les for n new licneral Committeo will bo an? nounced ?if thai time. A uw Democratic organization, to be knos/n as the T inunaaiy Ceatral Association, ha? been funned, having lta beadqoartere ai No. ? Baal Thirty -Antat, Tin.? build aghaj ban MBeed,aBSj will lie altered and re palred for Um eeaoMPaudatlna af the Association. Tue olU. ?fka aro as follows : Preetdt nt. Hein f K. David, Vice l'a ideuta, William llnstlair, sr., and William Bauer| K? cording Beeratarr, Tnoioaa U Peitaan Uorrespondlng Secretary, .1 B. McPoaaaca: Tteaaonr, Bicbotaa Kiiiian; Seigi iiit-al-Aiiiis, Jamee Uly. Among tho prominent nu m tern arc the Bou. John Kelly and tue Uou.Abi.iUam K. 1.1 \ri in e. t Ball baa baaa taaaed for a meeting of the Oeneral Oonunlttoeol Apollo Ball on Wednesday Bight, to tix upon a it^te far holcUug the primarle? for a new UeaeraJ Ci'tiimiitve, aad to braoaael g?n?ral business. DKSTliUCfirt: FIRES. IN TOI.I.UO. Toi.fdo, Ohio, Dflfh 15.?Ivuly this morniiiir a tire broke out in tho block corner of l/ifayettc sud OUanfjata.,oararpfafl byWarraa?) Bedwaft^i oaflbatai since mill, which, with the contents, was enlir. .v ihMllojrfiil Creaatag Aw street, the tire ?\iread to a bioik of four stnies, oei up., d liv Walker, Hillstcai? ? Co., to inn c. i . ?:a,. iui fa Mm Ohio ?love Works, WbMh were al?., d,. i ii.\ eii. tho los? i? estimated at ?l'JS.on'i, which Is coven 1 by pjoe.nuo insnraii.e, mostly In Eastern oomnanlcs. The building.? were all owned by Mi-?. J. C, HalJ, and \>e.i'i loaored iorp?.?ua Ahnnian named Jamee Welch, whi'e attempting to escape from the third .-tory by sliding doWnalineof hose, lost in? hold and fell to the ground and was killed. joiiu aloeJ, iii.o'u c Uremao, hadan arm broken.and several oilier? reeeivi d slight bruises, by the walls fall? ing upon them. IN Si.lTIf CAIIOIJNA. COW IMBU?, Dec. In?At ?a ?. m. tn-day a fir* hi ok. out In the tawu of Chesfnr. CH miles north of this city i'hglit stories and several oilier biilHin .rs WOfe daattoyed. Tbe losa, over, M hall aovoted b) in? surance. The caOM "f the lire is HUkaOWU, i;uV. DIX* BTAIaT. A i.i; \ NY, I ):c. H.-The followiiisTai-piriiiiUnfiite by (ni.. Dix are aaaoaaaasf : AiUii'.itit <?? uernt. Joiiu F. Bafhhone of Altbuur. Xnoiei m Vim. U. isaru? of ( >l ; honug. isir lU-Cidef. ?V. (?ano IiU'iii i . N. \ xaak. J?Ml^e-Advocate. J llaui|v|. u \Vm . . ? il ao.i. (? ii.i lei-inaster (i.'is rai, John N. Knapp or Auburn. I'.i)ini"itei-<?enei?l, Biifu? H. King of Albany. ciiiniissary-ueuiTBiof Babsiatouce.l baodare K. Smith ,,f l?icbcster. Aidis-de-Camp, l ?forge Q. Haven of New York. C'ifster (i'lswuldof irov, iiniKit a Pro) ii, of Alb u.v, Hamiltoe Ki-u, |r.,of V? Y i?, a/ill .uii A. W. ntuw^it uf Now Yi.lK. Illiam P. llnl'kiU.liil KilCle?. H bi understood that C.< n. Dun son will act as Ids Preste Maori 'ai>. TF.i iirisAi'iiic sun ?. The tintiit'ci M iteattM in tfoatoQ laat week wa* '? ....Meiloug ul. Otuv. A On. of ('harlottetown, K B i ? .,.?.?.? .' a :? i'.. , UaadMaaanpssVDM .V vote lia.- i ei ti taken bj tbe Old South C'inroh I?'? i"- i ?'! Ui.'.'iu (s.?f ui lualng ih? t , {SI * Cu i Uttc . ...Belle Buckle and Village Ulaokamith won ihe ?.. r... m, i tl N'^llrW-?.. I... S.i... , .0 ik' ??eoiiil J?. .,t ifc? ??-cm? ?ftii* baafcsaaa tsaas) rm. lue n poll win. h current mi Fritlav. in 1 ?n*? th.'u..-nia.......1 ?a 1*. i..,i,j. fwivsr?saaaaaM? ???-i tlr.l? M Ml Si .1 Juswir. 1 r. ..? M I ->? lM?e si SjSBBBt FOREIGN NEWS. D1BATE0N DBSOLtnO? Of TUB KKKVf'M AMKMBLT. SPftKCB OK H. (?AMiiKITA ? UK PaVBI TUB UOHAKCHISTS lu teTAHMSH A atoNAKOHT ? M'Kl.i U OP M. I)'At Dlr-KUKT-l'AKQflKK DENOUNCING BtPKMHSnV aWf/lta" Of HIN IMTffft MPAOftK AAAIKwT OISeuLUriON?THE motion '<>& D1BSOLCTIOK TOW DOWN. J'akis. eaturday, Dec. Il, WTJ. In the Assembly, to-dnv, M. Dnval aaserted that tlm intlti'iti<i which were tuought forward for the dissolution of the Assembly wen- irreciilarly sigi.ed ana) I ore evidently the ivoik of agitator?. M. tiauibcttii denied tin? assertion. He said the country had given successive and dfnibVant Baa?V festutions of ite dissent from the policy ot t)i?j As? sembly, by returning KepnhlitSB candidates in most of flic ment election?, wherein Ilemocrat* had been successful over Monarchiste, even in the ancos , tfnl disfruto of the latter. Tho crisis tbrongh which tho (Government hud just fetased rendered tho peo? ple.? desire for tbe dit-solution of the Assembly um and imimiblo, lie would n fute tliem calumnies upon hi? party. Ba defied tin? Monarch? ist* to establish a Monarchy, declaring tbat neither would a King accept nor the people ratify. il< tc at, Gambctta was passionately interrupted from tho Right M. <J'Aiiilifl'ret-Pn?i*]iiier followed wirb a speech vio? lently attacking the Kad,< lia. Ile declared tlint flat honors of the rule of the Commune in Paris were the imita o? tbe application of tl.ur ;?rincJpl?e>?I GoMTIUUent. The debate wae to be roaiunisj at 9 o'clock this evening. Portia, Deo. is. im. Tlie sifting of the .Wenahly was Tcatitncd at 9 o'clock last nifjkt illi.iMi iDufaur? addressed the, Boost in favor of rejecting tlic petition* for dissolu? tion, lie Hpokc ironically o? M. Ganibetta. whose spembes, he unid, waft I Ml cause of the pteeeut need ImK agitation. Bpeecbce followed from member* of all the parties. The debate waa one of the most vio? lent and exciting; which has taken place in the Aasombly, and laded until 1 o'clock tins morning, when the Chamber, by ? vote of 403 to 9)1. IVfnaaal flat petitions and passed to tho order of the day. l'rc?idcnt Taints wa? not present during tho tie? bate, either in tho afternoon or evening. Before ad? journing the Assembly adoptod a resolution direct? ing thai Al. Duianre'a nattaak be placarded in all the Commune? of i 'ranee, A similar resolution, with re? gard to bpeechco of lUdkal Deputies, was vou-d down. '1 In* Monarchist Journals arc irrcatly pleased with the stand tiken by Aiini'te-rDufanre, The Radical ' pnv? mnititain a tone at indifference, and declaro that tli'iy will enalliMsl tho agitation far dieeolu tion. _ DESTT.CCTIVE INCNDATIONS IN FBA-VC.:. PA UT OK THE CTTT OP UUI FI-OOPF.D?OKBAfl MFFKR1S? FKOM TUE OVEKFI.OW OP THE I.OlKK. Paku?, Saturday, Dec. l?, ltm Heavy rains in the north-ea*tcra depart? meut- have swollen tbe stream., to an unusual bight, aod sevi gal of iV'tn have overflowed their hanks, inundating the country. A part of the Oily of Lille la flooded, and iu? been abandoned. Mnny of the factories are closed, and Several bridges are entirely submerged. In the ad ]acent country the crops are destroyed. A di?p?fch from Nantes reports tbat the River Loire has overflow??! Its brinks, and the adjacent fcountry Is flooded. Tbe quays i\nd lower quarters of Nantes are entirely under water, paaatatlnga rearfur|speetscle. Tlie Cuatom-bottae and all the buhlurss houses In the flooded section of tbe city an? closed. Further and great destruction of property is apprehended. The railways In that ?ectlou Of the country are eovared with water, and travel la Inter rupted. PUKCI HI^MArCK'Sl?Kl.ATION.S TO I'liCSSlA AJro IBS EMFUUL KCaTOBKD RXSIOKATtOM FROM tiik PKU'SlA?t CODKCU?OOaUaKKTI in ukumany. KBki.iN. Saturday, Dec. 14, 1*71 The rumors of Prince Hismarck'e inn of the Presidency of tlie Prussian Council excite much newspaper comment. Tho Journals of this city alt rtls cii-a tlm matter, the tenor of tho opinion? thus far ci pnatOd being that Prussia is the heart of fJermany : that the leadership of PruMa in the affairs of the (un led. ration Is essential to the leadership of OOKaafhf In the affairs of Europo. and that 1'rluce Binmarea'a,retire? ment from the Prussian Counoll 1? likely to le..d to ati ImpiCtaat crisis iu tbe politics of the oountry. THE SPANISH LOAN. SCB?CUHTIONS FOR THRKE TIMES TUE AMolNT KF.yiTKKD. Mauion. Saturday, Dec. n UTO Si'fnir Zorrilla, the Pre-sid? nt ?if the Cabinet Coum il, yesterday announced In tbe Cortes that tbe sub? scriptions to the new loan of peseta?, which were opened on the lJtti in?t.. were thn I time? a*reaU-r than th? ?uni required. CHl.TlCH AND .VIA IF. IN ITALY. SUPPRESSION OF THE SoriKl'Y OP JKSI> OK IN THE U1AMULK OF DFFl'TI.S, Komk, Dec. IS, ls7?. The Commitleo of the Chamber of Deputies, which had under consideration the Kelljslous Co.-p ra? tions Hill, at Us sitting ye?tcrday, adopted a Ml at ou dt'clai'iug that the suppression of tho Society of Ji ?us, Ineludinif the chief ntablkaanaat af the arder lu Kocne, Is Imperatively demanded by the interesta of the natlou Tho announcement of this iaotlaa was received by tha Li lierai Deputies with enthiibiastic applause. FOREIGN NOTES. A meeting w.-is held at Mell)ournr, Victoria,, on I tarda y uiirht to profest against the cooli? traille. A bid wa.s introducid in the ?Spanish Corte? on rml.iy for universal and I OMpUMOCJT militarv ?ervlce A severe shock of eartliQiinke was experienced at Valparaiso, Chill, on the niirht ot the 12th of Novem iH-r, bot c.i??ed no seiiuu? damairo. The 'J8th of November, the naaatfaaaMf of the independence of tbe Isthinns of Panama, was ob BM i ' 1 with more tlutu u? .-nthuMasin this year. 1 he M?idrid Gaceta (o?ieial) on Saturday pub? lished a decree estaoiishlnc a municipal organisa? tion tor the colony of Porto Rico. BOOM of tbe journals proteo! iiKiln?' H",rt action of the (Town. The BetfiK Diseiplinaiy Court on Saturday decided that it was legally incompetent to try the ease of Army Bishop Natutauownky, who wa? MTalfaft for Incitliia chaplains to d.?obey the older? of the hi mister of War. Herr IVprotis, the Austro-Hungarian Minu? ter of t, on Saturday submitted to the ReMha liith the intdiret for the vitar MSB The MinUter ?*-?ted I? Waa crttlmatcd that the n-oeipte would aaaniid loeeS1, aenditnres by tT?O.UOO. maluly hi cousetiiu.uec of .the in ereaood revenue taxes. A project in again on foot for tho formitif of a confederation of tho five republics of Ceatral haaerlofe, a circular on tbe ?ubjeet, naaaaaaf to the prens of Ceatral America, was issued lu TVcm eawlp?, Bondur.i?, in tbo fltb of October. The form of ?overa m m of the United States is proposed as that of th? uuw confederation. Alivi?is torn Peru to Nov.'? announce tbat i the action of the Japanese authorities In the matter of i he coviie ship Maria La lias created great excitement J and bnlcaattea in Peru. The iron clad ludeiiendencla . will leave Immediately for Cluna and Japao. aad tbe .?on ci le l'uion. uow ropairnni In Kurland, baa been m,lernt to the same destination, 'ihe Minister of Peru at tin Courts of Vedo aud 1'ekinc hits men forwarded ample instructions on the pointa iu i|ueatiou. An at tach? of the Japanese Embaiwj in En Kl-ud writes to Thk TntBiNK to correct the statement winch appeared In some English papers that the fallurs of M. -r?. liowles uros. A Co. was oatac to tbe neglect m the Japanese Uovernment to meet some of lta obUca tion? m ith that house. He says the Japuaeee tiovem u. i, t tutd bo dealing-* w Imtever wtth the flra) ; that ?ome ot the Japanese now tn Loudou were indu od by the Joint Nitfiniml Agency to make private depoalts at a time when Mcssr?. Howies Urta^ A to. must have auowu of their approaching insolvency, ?line the oui? tntutf that thru kept ilicu? rrooi tAukm*: ?ta? u?* mm?imma. Ue,M??,ire by tbe Jaoanen. -a ? ??? ?*.-w?