Newspaper Page Text
?mnefmniie, tic., (tino (Srcmng. l,..i--. i-*-? TiivtTii:.- "Tin? 1 il.v i-i Franc?-." -M'?* ... , \m m i. i m m ,:. "A Beat Strata far a so,,." fjRAI I, nuil ill,- (". ?M?. N | I in Yv io i in -.n a. ' ' > latea*. Im lait vi. ; : WaUrI .?..,, ,_ \- ? 11 lin i..?laoct'ir, pi ? pi -els H.. ?rar th Ooortn Issi 111 ,, . 1- i.- I'l ,|. I'\ ?dt'i. si i i\\\ v il m i. \ : J .- n. ? Corn ii t. J( an . ?SOS. si ' ? -1 ] I NI A ; ' J 4M1 ?Tai tela, loi? ? i II.,t si. ?? F.-, ;?.'> il from Cr.GiiiroG Xo?tc? l.) iNt : ?i?,.'s._W?? ,in: silliiii' at t?ar ainl - 1 ? ?'??. Bprriil ?tle? n oaahifb ?he?e t.-asd? lest, la e id 10?* Il Um ??nal faina!, et a ?.r?( roartgkge on thi K..?.:, 14? r.guJB t>r?U . '.ri.U hitrre a, re. Tb? pu ? r? aile _ J i ' !>?> v -, ?\n. ; . ?. r-vi.s. _ _ ;ihn ..? l'iif i, in Naw-Yorl? . ni ?t 1-rtsoB ? Um ii i iii's Ha?r D?e. Real in i ., , . r | l>.> M n? ??K.VD Tll? WlINi ? ,,. lits !'..,!. m\|,; 15,01 0 Cl \iv--i|, ? ' ai tri. Hait'..- L Dr. II. Fi.w? l ' ?Patent Anina and _ Dt? s ?? I"au. ' > !.. -.'? I HE V. i:m - BUSE. titan. v I i:n.r\, , flit] *?* ? i !? lOUttm. v : 1 : . . i.' .. !>AII 1 .. '. C. .itlll .-it [' ' ? ' , ,;. tilt p -'-i :. I ?'. ,,. . . mi ? - redding up town i a ? ? ' . .i m? ib- ;r 1(1? ? ' -i ;. .: ",'l-kt Tl.llll N ad. , . rn ^ill ti-, i i' ?. m. s ' uta foi this wmk'a i? ne "f Tur 1 ?r?, , ? t - Ijiei lis?. .'A .. Dl I AII'I'.I. 17. ti?- ?'l?iitiit-- ? ?-: i . bisuiai k a .11 resiga i. ? i in- ienal I ?-. ,f? aas? n .1 ? ?Be I -.11. M II itoi l'un.Tlill ' ?I III.I I'll ., I . ii I on l!ie 1 . I Tii' ? 1 - An I 1 ? -: I i IraaauMla al '.-." . ?Ill aorta O? I I 'ilmne to OOW ?>nt tl,:>> -? M doOXfl ??! the Cr?dit M 1 1 lDiui). Batyateiioua in- *??- m- reported, anil ^inks and nod.-, an- n : mi a ?reat deal. Bat tli?-? up? sliut 01 the whole basinea?, to t Ii i -?? date, is n.,t deflntte. The only hupe ?>f thoaa \ '?> be dOBM is that (lie ruiiMDs. n?'>r?- ?>i leaa onfooi d.-d, \i!ii?*h ?tr?- dying about, will eaiiRo the Coauuittee t?> open their door* ?\ lio 111 i\ lu- iiitj-1-?ly r"?,? ??? il. A failure ;i, combine the ptodtteera aad r? Bneil 'i ?>jl oil. in the interior ??f lVnni! viiii.s, 'it? caused ?i break in ptteee, as BBighl hive eitrl. The t'oiiil?injiti??n tlii? .it ii -il .ir- 1..F1I thiagU lo ?hm\mVt and con r.n?ii-r-1, ,is ?.iiiy disaolatioB Im?? only eft-ete<1 a ?hII mi market Taloaa of coimnoditL-s nnuMiutiiik?- almost to I panic. Tlio ?lost- cor ion tvhieh waa eonteaaplate?l *.\.is one of Ikon .?.:???tnrnl con-piracies a^ainr-t public -sM, s which sooner or later conic to grief. II haa eoaw to grief sooner thai waa exp 1 ia all. The ' ?'? ttiiiiK proved in th? Twaed case, that naaii tarjren may almost iri.l.-lini., !y poatpOM ? liial, if they only have a talad. All other in cans failing, apparently, - *'l?isr indictment,*- consir-tin? of ??ver IjMO page? in uinuus? ript, ?ramim-d with lii'rii,-,, brought Um pros? entina to tenas. Tba b?B indii-iuieiit broke down everybody';? lutn-ii.? ; and the ipihot of it vriis that the over npaiti, this time to Jan. 6. Tlii* t.M.ks taideali bat it is Maioai ba_MM] atpefliall? is it to i?o??t pri??ori?rfi waitinK in tha j tils tmt a hearing. F' be H.'ii-iv yaaaefday, ? ira?laUai wai n lui?t??l 111 si nut 1 n g t!ie Judiciary ("omiiiittee t.? iiiijiiiii- whether any additional legislation 1? ii-c-tsai., It m ?rue to people "l Louiriiana, Arkaimas, and Alabama a republican form of gay. mat? at it may be very properly Kaid thai lu-fort? any additional laws are enacted, at the Euforcciinnt act?fhould ?a Jed. Tur. Thibink ha? repeatedly ?howu that tin ;?1 und 2Ud BCCtiom? of the I?n e I,UN bip. ?lantrerous Wr-apons ii? the mmWBt of ?leeitfii iiiifin.i; ?hat thi? in true has hoo? already aiatapUSad in LouibiMua. If Aikaii?a? and Alabar-ii have no faj.esc.ii>?-?!, it 1- I.? <.,,?,. there has been 1pm occasion far aampation or iuore F?r furbearance. RSOail i?l? ?cea fioni Japan .sat that Mr. M?ui, ?He llapmiaie Minister Kesident at Waahiag? t-?n, hat iKM-n reqneated to retain hi? position. Mr. Mori, it waa reporU-d, waa to be recalled; ia,,iU.nc6 of the audd?n prcdoniiii.iiu ?? of a rt trogreailva policy in the Empire ?.t Japan. The real fact was, probably, thut hi.? opposition to the prepostetoii-? acheuie of U,i rowing, proposed by Ins Governnipnt, aad more to do with hlg reMimation than any? thing elae. At any rate, ht ha* now been (?.?(?tinned, a? tme may ??y, in hi?podUafe, ami this aet will do much to ditpel the pop? ular ttelief, however unfounded, that tlapai wat ready to recede in ci< iliz.itiuu. ? ' ? - - ******** conc?rning the probable and early c..i_ii.i meiiient of the work? coime? tel' WUh rapid tranait irliaMM in Uiia cily are i-w.g Liy?j?aL?o ?ou iiavo bocuCatUtn:-?'?!. ihc ? Foarth-aYO. filtfMSlon project lu?? not boon slid, nil to drop, it ujipi'in?. but will I?'- |?ro?e ??ul?-?I to an iniiiieilialc completion. So, !<?,?, Of Ihe Y.unlerbil! Underground ruilway lehoVM : it is now ?ml that union-seen and in.? \p??-t??l ??illicullie? delay the beglaaJBg of the work, but will not mal?!ially interfer? with it? boj inning. We want to see a genu? ine Intereal and intention to finish the enter ; the ?b lay has ?-. r?iiin'v been sat It ?ii eoniaffef. Borne tliae ago,'an at*- opt was ?at?s by the better c?a? of our Italian residents ti sup press the rta-eet-beggsra and belf?aMadicaats of then own nationality, who infist N? v.J York. Nothiag sabeteatial came of this, so ire know ; aad ths anisanee, which rc ;!.?.?!-, ;!i credit ??n tin- Iteban mum-, m. tunics nulo thi? dav. How gTOV? tl-*' OYD ?US ho eoine nmy be Judged from a report which has beea ansie np from obeenratioas among these published in our local eolantaa to-ilay. It will be M-en that a sys? tem of p. onage, slntosl aim m ??l a very, r? rruita the ranks of Jareaiie ntuieians, boot? blacks, and rtreet vagabonds from Italy. Ths ? \ il is Inereaaingi it already has Manned i- iiisi.i, r.iiili- proportion- ; ami if oui local au? thorities an- no equal to the eni? i genet, na? tions] authority must interfere to -top th" wieked ami brutalizing traille. We bate a cl.-ai report from tin- Street Cleaning Bureau, giving a smumaiy o? Its doings for the i'.' i his months. On ih?- arbole the ? tisfoctory ??not beeauae the fig urea an- ? sj.i eially s?>, but because we know thai the streets have been nade tolerably dean. A? we Raid when the MW order of things was Instituted, oiu cHii as, though dUposed Biways t?? sean the details of charges city, w. nul be v- tv lenient in tln'.r ?on-ili ration of bills for el? aniiiu the .sti.ii*. Mv. Brown, ex-contractor, left ] behind hin a no t unsavory r put. tion. ! He was an expena re luauiyi and be nevei cleaned ths town. Ko t-onn?arison? therefore, i ,.ik and it" <'<?-?t and that ?>r Ih, ' which now has it in oh u -,-. ! : m i th.- sum tot ?-4457,0*1 lor Ihe h.ill \eu -will not istrikc people as being e\ |t*ravagant. We may as well make ii]i OUI : t.. pay ? ? ; i' year for thi? WOtk ; that ia u large Bum? t i be sure) but it is nol too much to pay for renllj clean streets and S ? boalthj city. ______________ ////: lot IS1 in i CASK. Then h ?r? been m? decision iu < F? United as c inri on the sb ti id merits o! i< ?? ol .Yarmoth amina! Kellogga As ithe points i.iv<il\?-il iu the cause h.?>? beea ! J sohewbnl confined, it is aeceaaaiy thai this, ( ai le,-..1', should h- eleaiiy umk-rstood. Let us te ih?- ease briefij : A qui -lion bating i in the 1- alltj of certain el ction prof.? i. I.... vi ... 1.1 om m \\;i - bad i?? ih?- F. t?. t iii-uit Court? Judge Dart 11 prt-aid inj?. The Coi'it, eonrtdisring Ihe case, whieh , tool, the title nf KeDogg agalaat Wannoth, del T ? all j.i ??i ?i .?in_s under what i- known a-? tin Wannoth Returning Hoard wen i nil .-un? fold. The ?Contri then enjoined Warnotii again ? canva ing or D - un] "i I be votes cas! a! the late ? I? ? i ' i'. , o . - tcepl in the i , -. i . e of ?-ril.nil pi r.-oi's spent,, .1 ; (lu ><? pi i-.-iui. w?i, knot ? a the Kelloirf! R turning Board, who rere il-'i- nicognk? ?I b*j tbeC<ourt a? the only true ami legitimate arihoiit.i in the pi.; n i ?. II. i l ii? all ?.inn: BlSO pioliil? ited <????.. Wannoth fron intertVring in an.t waj wiih the KeBogg Boardi aad uidered him to depoait all election retunta and all ?l?>cu menta therewith connected with the Clerk ol ! the Circu?! Couit of tin- United Btatei Be Fir, the action ?-t Judge Darell and of the (mut <>\.; '.].., !i l( presides was conriusive m the matter of recognising oik ??! F ri.vs in the erntest] it recognized Wn. 1'. Kiel? logg as ?'i? legally elected Oorenioi of the patate, because ii re?sognned the so-called KeBogg Betnrning F.card as thi onlj source fron which authentic ami valid election re? turns could b*ea? ; and thus?- roturas were i.iioiin io declare KeBogg to In- elected Got eraoTa The i-siie thin presented to (lie Fuite?! States Sup:? me Court was invohed in uu application made by the Atfornej General of tin State of Louisiana to ptoewe aprohibition, ? i restraining order, against Judge Darell fron proceeding farther iu the case of Kel l?gg against Wannoth, et tho ground that Dnrell had already usurped fun-;ion.-' not pi. en t?? a Cir?uit Court bylaw. (ih??-r\e, tin merits of the contioviTsy as between KeBogg and Wannoth Could not cone bafne the Mi? lli?me Fomt ; the legaUty of Wanuothat pro? eeedingBi the eonsUtutionaBty of KeBogg-s candidacy, und all similar question.? lay out? side, tin saoe. 'I be Court had to decide, (l) whetbei it had Juriatdiction in the cas?.-, and (t) if the decisions of Judge DareB were legal? If the tils! ?pie.stion were ?I? cid? d iu the negative, the second could not, of course^ be eonsidi red. The- arguments were all upon the tirst question, and Ihe decision eflbcts thai alone. 'J In- Coint, us we understand its de? cision, connvs to the conclusion that it ha? no right to interf?re ; that the Supreno Court bits' uo Jurisdiction to Issue to a Circuit ef llistiict (curt a writ of prohibition, except in (titani eases? of whieh that pending i? not one; therefore the writ of prohibition ?s Bjtu uied. The only way, it wouhl appear, in which DurcH'd proceeding-? ean be reviewed in the BupreUM Court is on an appeal from ? the Circuit Court ; that appeal cannot be I taken until the Ciicuit Court maki? a linal | d?cision iu the ca.-?e. It has not dorn.? to ; b?? forti it dix?, the BtBte ?>ovtrnment will Jnivi ' been bound, hand and l??ot, in KeHoggfi pen ?-? s?ion. The law's delay will do the rest; j aii'l, for all practical purpose*-. Kelkcgal t? im as GoTcnsec wifl b? seeme from this tine* It is too late to expresa any regret at mich I Jameuluble conclusion of along and feverish 1 ?trugKle. Wannoth is fiTtilb in resource and invention, and he may develop some new el?nient whidi will prolong the contest; but the (kciaion of the I'nittd States Circuit Coml Mem pCUCtkaQj to couclnde the whole natter. A single ?aeetioB in an act of Congre*-", of doubtful constitutionality?the Knforceruent Law has availed to sweep aside all piocvwl iiij.'s uadcf Stan law and paralyas lbs Man Coaita. Without refefenee ta the gnestiea of ; abatiaet right as Warmoth snd Keliogg, it may be Uuly said that an inn nor n.uTtoi the Unite! l-n-tso.thrseah< Jaige .?t woim than QuesUoasbU rharaeter, has inter- '. \?ne?l in a local ???pute. and Im:? assiimed lo i decide between Boanetents U >~t .*t. oSose-,1 and Flit has l?een done hrogahriy, arbitrHidi. I and without any <?i those foitnsof dfllheratios which Slothe the Law wilh it? majesty and unquestioning respect. Tin? d? < i*i??n ?if the Mipauuj Court is not iiiicxpe? l?-<| ? it, viill nol is e\tn (Fticitid. Bui the anteceden, praoesd ?BjBB atS; thi.? lux sub', trail o ol Hit fundament il principle* of rrpublicaii govern IIK'Ill. ... ru r teOrWOH PUR?s" OL? MB, cm 1:1.1:). The l.oixlon papers of the N of lleeeinber ruminent Sfita more or ItMS intelligence upon t li<- ila.itti ol Mr. lin-i'liv, ;ui.l though BSKB0O? 1 their cslimateH of Ml character seem nbaiird I Cliolll'b Oll Util Kids of till' WalfT, 1111(1 Ulf tat al.lell'? ol bis biography ?wfS twisted fli'W llflll HlCll illlO (JUaillt Iltld CCCCtltlic sllUpc?, ttfOKl O? iliciii ??i-i 111 to appnciato ?11 11 din sort of way Mit- iin|?orlaiiif ol ihc position wlii'li "Ur Linn rated le.ihr hehl so Isaf bi Ameiiean polities, and to comprehend at least ti little of t'ia influence which Tie exerted over his foun lr> min. l?s l>aiiy .\>u-*, always the best in l.iiiiicil on American topics of nil the Kngli.?Ji journals, and the most generous and liberal in it* sympathies, was llie only one prompt enough to publidi M i.ili.l. on Mr. I.rccley the morning after l,i. death. Wf reprinted the gicaler part of iii.'ti am hatsrnaj. ?he ?'?mt.s, whose remaiks readied us by yesterday's nuiil. iccogiii/es how mu. h he did to ptOBBOtS the aboliiioii ol Sl.ivi iv, and lo t.ii-e the moral tone, of the |i. i* hut it, SraraVrSK the e \tr.ioidiuaiy niueon a. [>l on which hurt taken pos.s.s,ion of the 1'iiilisli mind rt-?peeling his s'-iitimeiits toward 1 In- ini.tiier country, and believe? thai had he been i'lesi'lciit he * * 111 ) k 111 have done mi.-cbicf " by attempting to Iraiislate, into action thnl " unrea-miiing ?inminsity low.ud Knglaixl, that " unscrupulous misrepresentation of her acts "and in..lives, lo which he gave tlie n*iii in hin " writings.'' There is no in;in in the United Btawtos win? ?toes not re.ili/- tin- injus? tice 01 tttis i', ?nul alors not Know that neither the net- ii.?r the language of Mr. ( i roe ley f v? r g.i.e the. slightest t'iiiiidiition for it. '1 he lofty r.riii-!i ili-?iii|)it.v;il of t v.'iyli-nly supposed lO bs bOStila SB l.nglainl is not, bow IMI.I'i lie easily overcome; KOImOPS it S/KS In i-.Hi-i- Mr. lira thy iic\cr look KO] double lo rivcrcime it that The Timm would not lake the I rouble to iindei'-land him. W? wiia' prepared lor boom bisra Torj non .1 ii.mi las stti.itttutl, hut tre bardly ei? p .!.?(! to bs I old that Mi. (?reclcy, .1? " ;i vio " hut sod ?iilcini>iT.itc Abolitionist,' bad " dons " gicat wrong '" .slave-owners iiml lo ?hi' " .-. illtll' Hi |ratOpie generally."' or lilil? patS la,1111.? of i\hi.liiiainis?, dining the list. sigh. \.or?, bad been "a r.'|iroiicli and distraie." Ihr Standard, bowerer, oomprebonda the in i . ..t Mr. Greeieys attitade towards tin Southern 1.pie s'lice ll.e war, iiml praises tin i'oi'i;l::f and geii>'io?iiy of his eoiidnet. lowai'als 1 .laiia 1 ?'.n Davie. If ta in ?If fktUp Telegraph, l.i.vsa m r, as rjSsMtl, thi! wt find ilif most jiii tnii?(jiic and BBtSBstRg \aiiii.v of ini.-infoi ina One of llie \ ?1111112; lions .if'.ai lied lo I hi-, 1 t 1! Ii.?liii,fiit, liiloiins ns that Mr. I.inlay, having lici 11 "Ihmii in \ a imi'iil." " mi^ia'fd "ii'iin his mil 1 vi* Stale of li:iin|'diiiit to Ne.\ "i"ik," and eoiieliidi'.s bis arliele bjf ?.i>in.r, "On W a dm ?il :y na\i, Mr. On a I. y lui n ".h il. al, he wi.nlil bars hei n luniially ?11 " stalled I'm '..., llie vote ol I 'oiip.?ra'.?s Bj| " Wa.tliiii/s'loii." Willi wbiefa i\ii:i<> I lit ??(? o? i n f il 1 i ?_:? ii?-.?- our r? .ulii -, \sill probably I - .li-.lieil. and SXCSIM os boa ptUWalug Tki lit- rajih .i'!> furl In r. //.'o/. TINDALL Ttt-SMHT. The Royal In-titst??oo of Orravl i.riiai>? tras I'Mltiala-il bj an Aim i, anal aliai lli!?-? 'ii?.iiii-i? of a iciifiii.v, a, ii in ?M^kaotrledg I'.a m ot oui daim?, ii sends to as for mpBtestm ils mo-! iiiiiuMit l'ia.11-- ir. Aliioii?-' the Cliiit ne]tools ol science in Europe none boa bad a mort? i'iilliaiii (?Uajsr 01 sxetted 1 sWsjk posner? fid iiitlieiiie in cn'( mliii'' 0111 knov-ledp ut III ? tsaSK the llOpfstl Li 'liliition. A-?mi ll> .I with i!.?. !.. lory .ne the nann? of Lninlui.l, loiii^r, I?.iv\, Kaiaday, and 'r.vntl.i!l, while the di-eoM-i'it .s lliat BATS finanattd li.iin il bar? eniiclieal the avieoes of ths trotitt, The line <>f fX|iloialion vhhdi has okok there pui*s?ed bas inainl) it Lu ? d to the ph>iical lotae?. It is, indefil, fjoselj idenUnad with the dcvelopraaenl of rnoderu siews on ntiiiji-et. Rumford bimself, it?, loui'lt 1, lias the hoiiir of iinliatnu: tin m ? Philosoph?; of eiiei'ry by esptedlog the old notion of the KKaatewkfiS of a faloii?u Unid, and by lirst iii'oponiidiii'' thf dotlniie tl'at heal i? hut a ni'.ile of motion. Lai vain-in '.ta', only nine > ears old xslicn lit?- l'uyal In .?liltitiuii was OlpTAsttSed ; and ,?at?T WM lii?t ah ( (ittijioM'tl lay flcctiicilv the SSAOS year that il \tciii into operation. Sir Humphry Da\y foOosfed this opeaioi by the poMtntction of moic |iovsiifi.l liattt rias willi which he dmim ' i)(i+.eil the ?IKiiIis and ?Milafed tiiiii, and thus iai?ed ??leclio-flieinisfiv to the lank of I titw blanch of hciiticc. Or. Thonia.s V'iiniK took np the Hiihjcit ol litiht, mid its mod'111 iltc.iiv np.aii a halter founiia lion. Taiadty woiked mainly in the lb-Id of 1 lcilticitv and magnet ??in, ercatiiiK the .scirii'.v of uiai;ii( lo-ehcliit-iiy, and making many d!?. Covcrics and valuable lllbKillSlilMII 00 Ihf intcr.K lions and (lependeiicies of tin? [iliv-nal f?nen, i'rof. Tyndall early advanced our know 1( di?'e of inftj?'miif action, and has pnr Biitd liia?. it-k an hi'-? into llie Bold of radiant : In at and of lit-ht, and reached i'k nia.-t nirikiui,' und important conclusion^. it i-? littuu tlnit (ht: courre ol b-ciuns wliich Prof. Tyndall has prepared ior delivery in this counliy, and which be will \wm\n te-oifhl at llie Cooper lustilntf, fthould bo. deTOted lo an fX])o?iitii)U of the ffteot rtsultM of Bcuntilic iiivi^tigaiiiui wliicli Qbl II0y.1l Institu? ion bas done so much to promote. Ile hua chosen Ufhl as his topic, and will v/eat it iti eon nutlon \s 1th the latest views that fcSTS NM an i ved at lei/ardinK colors, Hpfctrnni anal>r,H, radiation nul absorption, Haorcgcencc, iHihtii/;t tion, crystallization, and (he inoleeular cousti tution of matter. Kacli lecture will take up a special phate of the eul.ject, bul all will lie connected in logical order, bo BS to give a coin?ideralile tligree of eo-jupleteneHH U> the sfatemeut. No mari living is capable of k? v i n k n ater elearuesu and vi I \ru*ity to bis expositions, or ol illustraliiiK 1 them more inireaiously to the common mind fhun 1'iof. 'lyndall. Yet it would be | grave inisiiike to euppo*e that be ban tome nietcly it? aniiiKe um with brilliant dtmoDstru tioni, or to give, a series of lessons in the sci? ence of optics. Deeply imbued with llie spiiit of the in.stilution which be represents, and seeking all ihiugs the extension of knowledge for its [own B?ke, bis controlling purpose in vi-ituig this country is to do what lie may io arouse au int?iest in tin* cultiva? tion of pun ?science. Although the theory of ediicttlioti proclaimed iu our colleges is that knowledge is lo be Bought on Its own account, yol ilifle i* no place in the world where kiia.wbdgt in actually subordinated to iniinc dinte pint-tied und sordid ends to such an extent as hue. The devot4(H of the old education ate forever charging that aciciice i?. retponsibla? for this state of things; but haaja ars have one of the most illustrious scieuti?!* of J.iiidpe coming over to lift tip his voice in ? sud (.lvKiuvut pi'oUst, ?g:\iust vhu? , I-iidency. Prof. TynditH ia anre to ph-aae iind instruct our peoph' by hi? lucid explana? tion? und lieautiful eipcrinii-nis; but it h?> ran infimo into I hem a profounder feeling of the tieed for the more extensivo cultiva? tion of original observation and scientific it - m arch, he will d,? a i.ol.le servi. ?? to Ameii can ediicalion, and hi? fielt lo this connus will be prodoetiro of lasting benefits. Ii 9ISE86 COMilNATiOXS. A very remarkable espeffuMat in nnrcan til?! affairs is now in ??ingress. We refer to the operations of tin- l'et.roleum Producers Agency? This eonbination, it will bo rre,.i ]?< led, originally fontiinpliFd merely the lix Ing oi a mieinan price at which <?il should In- nld to tin- r< finer-, und WEE SUPPO?Od to bu solely iu the interest uf produ? ? in. It WSJ L-rately set Berth in the publications <?f Ihe toiimb is of this morenent the! fherefinen m mil.I be the only loser.s by fixint** the sOWOSl price at which Bales could he Diade to them; that imli-od Ihe r- liners cmld will afford such a I???, as their pmlits were ClCCSSivo; that the public would not be the siiff't tit.-, sin?? the price of the refined oil Would not be r.;is?-d. We belated out at the time the probable Fil lacy of ?mil a \ie.v, ??nee the, burden of high puce? throws upon Um retinen nust InerMn Fly be shifted, ??<? that sooner or latent would fall on the consumers. This result has 1>, n ai rived at with gnat directness. Quit.- n - cetitly the comhiUiUioii was ?xp mini so is to embrace the retinen in an agreement t.<? take a fixed quantity of oil )?ci day at the agreed price pet barrel. Of ci me, hereafter, so lone a.-? this monopolv exercises lull ? '.ay o-.t-r the market. The loiisiiniri-, mi! t ? ... thi p'-? I L. in i) ?h I inline. It is too sooa y?rt !?? predict the faB of tlii-? association, but il . i as - ?ai ??? ly in thi i of things thai ii should be of long duration. "Cimiers" gad ""rings" la stocks ead grain occupy it proudneat ii>?r .r?* in our bosincu records, bul they rarel*. a rre mom than a temporary inn pose, misiog the price for .? tew days or weeks at furthest i however, merely strikes <>f middlemen; not of producers. The nearest araflaUe compari? son <?f the day Is la the conbinationi of nine? ewnen ia Great Britain during the preaenl year, by which the 111 * - ? - + of coal wire quad? rupled and Iron doubled? Then had some pretext in the sirikes of miners; but, the m crease of paj that crossed the grimy hands v. h ich eotuaBy bowed out the cod end iron, was scarcely ? tithe <?t that which consumen had I?? p.iy. But the success of the combina? tion was fairly initiated by the Stoppage Of j |.lucinin when tlie miners afjruek. *-iinil.uly ! a siopitage of production precedod <?ur oi | combination, and really made Its sue I sen poni?lo The ?h. I ?? iT?rences between ! the two eases seen i<? be, that, the od combination is boiiml by certain inelastic rules taking Ihe shape <?f ? pledge of it-? nennen] and thai ii Ihaits its prices by so underisting standard. We ?1?? not undefetaad tbal inch '.% n? the can in the British tonbt naiioiis; their regalations or pledges tears .1 ? all errata unpubUabed. It ?nay i>?< that these iiih? will coerce i >r .1 uhlle the poorer ntcm i.i-is of the. ?ul association, end reduce pro? duction when ii exceeds r? quir? tin-nts at the i ? il price; but theirksomenenol the regala tiona mus! sooaec ot later leed t?> thi ir over throw. No doubt the long-continued cuecen of the BngMsh combinations has been prias? paBj ?In?? to th?- t;n t that th?- mine-ownera an lew iu number ami individually wealthy. Al SUCn i-o!il)iii?'i.>iis, by? dtrstroyihg CO m I iitioii, are alu ivs u injury to the be It1', di ? velopuent of ti ide, c??- asnal brevity of iheir , l?ate ice ia not to be r?_-i ?t t ???L / fCJ?T I I'll SHADE I \ it tSfltSG TOS. Atiii ths tenpeet estons theealn. We read for th<- jeu ; o ? ? of rclaxatii o sad mental di ?ipliin- all th< letton fron VVoshingten lo the valions newspapers. Bcmetimes we have foaad them tough ami sometimes tender; soase of t hem ire joyous and Some <?! them aie gldbmy : biit lately, we are pl?aaod to .say, the cbeerft? and encouraging nood is predoninaata All the writers, we b?liers without ? single er? o ?ilion, have something t-> say Of Mth< eta ??! "good feeling'' erhich bra airead] dawned if it has not arisen. Bamooy is prechnia, <?>! diality is ebarminga Union is what w? have always deeired and ?1? new desire man than ever. Jenkins invidious a new dance Called the " KlaaQuadrifie?*1 whieh promiaestobe in rogue in Washiogton this season, sad which, f?u- oui edification, he is good enough to describe to that WC think that WC understand at least the nu,m and BJaOSl Intemating part of it. When it conn to "swinging corners" ?ach gentle? man kisSCS his partner, and very delightful it must be? .May \,?- be suaered t<? consider this delicious rerpaichorean innovation ?is of happy angary 1 In the end manes of the political dance, changed now [ran the war perform? ance] into something mure pacific, are M< mbei s of Congren t?> kin each other/ This would certainly l?o louehing, though it might seem to an exj??-rt bystander, not aaaccttstoned to leadn asiates.Just u utile tsatelcn aad in? si|?id. ait we mi> be permitted to receive thu "Kiss QuadriBe1' -t? ot happy eugury. Sun- .M.inlit r? of Congren WC .should not tare to kiss except bon an imperious m n?, of duty; but perhaps, it it should com? to a geaeral ga?rouader, they can atoms? h each ether. But l.-t u? have hateralty at gnj cost of personal tastes . 1 In- quadrille rtlMjve meutiuned, WC are pleased to state, will not be i endend sfduous to the chevaliei? by the shoeace ?>t personal attractions in thu ui.i'l unes and the mademoiselle.?, (?m particular Jenkins, whose latest pioduction is now ??JON -Sa, dwells with poetical rapture and delicatecoiT|u.>is-e'ii*Hhip upon th.'iiilinitei-hiiinis and the BBSpeti^fafie PUm t? the ladies who will this year iri.^'-'t?' Washington society. Jeukins calls aOJBCO wlA -,u' m"-f Perfect freedom Miss a. isas ii.-.^utifol a? everj Mi??i B. is queenly; Mis? c. ,. Sjealal | Mis* l>. is int?iligent ; Miss K. is ?I. .''ei'Mlui. Fpun our word, it ia enoiuh lo ' niake a hackneyed old fellow feel young C<XHl t<J lead JenLiiih'ti mvi-Jiiiig letters. There ?"* H liue by L??rd Byron, a!?out fair women a.^ brave men, which only by the set? ic-t striin' glea can we prevent OUliselvM from quoting, Then there is that other line about meiriiuent and th?? marriage lx.Il?we should certainly have that in, if we permitted ourselves lo pan-e for ? moment. We are satisfied, haw 4)\cr, that if Members of Congress, some ??1 when aie ?ad bears, do not civilize this writer it will bo their own fault. All the ropfossal ative Orson? should be changed into Valen? tine* befo le March the Fourth, or lov? lines? has lwst ils magi?'?a cutasiiophe Which we an- ion has nut yet iiriivul. Nor will woman's beauty alone piak?- tin many-avcuued city attractive. Woman's intel? lect, which is on excellent thing when you meet with it, will also bo there. Miss (lad Hamilton ia to lecture.. Wo havo ?one on so dj?vi?uilv \ulli ?hi* Uttlo bit ot vtti'Uiij thai we fire, loth to mention the subject of Mi inoFelh'.; di-cours?'. The fact i?, she prop to talk it Im ?ii t tUagS in Washington which really not so pleasant after all?olli? we are told, mid lobbyin.', and the best, wa get Oll'ice, Snd tin Tl imiry l'iris, ?Viv, Jenkins ?ays, with portentoua significa " ii is not known where the Hghtwag i "strike!'' Prom are, we soppoai iiif? r that then en soon things ia Wash ton which are not exactly as they should It ha? been violently saepected before. a eenti il Bgnre in the Jeakan lett it OOUIM IS '!?'' I'i<>ideut, who is (iechir, il I? "looking the picture of health,-* no that ni'ist be looking verv w?il indeed, "mi "fine day,1* rays o_t leltewnoanee, "ho "he seen gallopiag with fina seat <>:i Us ? "bone oret the smooth streets of the ci All of which Is also cheering. Then be Bothlag to darken all this fine prosr. , ' pefhnps it may be home of thqss B tei? ghoul which MiuQail Hamilton prop* to lecture. _______________ .1 BV81SKSA MAWS VIEW. A prca! many excellent people roted lieu. Grant fot the purpon of scenting i i Cuvi ruinent ? one which would restore a i mil conns ol trade sad bud?aen through tho country. W?- h?li?\e that they placed much reliaan upon the ;thilitv <?f the Pf ?lent |o et'i-et I hi.s (lesiiabli) nul. It is within the power of any one man to open springs of national prosperity. l>ut wo an- int Jostified in M?dag the IT ?lent to nake trade Boorish^ we l.-.isi bave the right t<> ??ununi that be si (.O nothing tO check or d. stroy it. Yet lee the Ailmiiusti.nion interfering daily in ?ul'.iirs ol three gnel Stales, in a way ???.??ite Fid ssoat profound agitation and delaj, indefinite)] the return to tranquil tin Tin- dispatch Of Willia to the Fiii-iina delegation, if it i? i iron ami blundering eendbnaess^ indice indiflerence to the arrongs and outrages urn whit h the people oi that sorely-tried otatai lulfering. We subjoin e letta from s proi Cent merchant iu New -< Means to .Mr. C. Adams, the Manager of the well-known O ham Manufacturing Conpaay in this city. I Adama ronches to us tor his correspondent a man of tho bigbeot personal stnatUng, U known to Ihe ulule trad'- of B?1 ? mhithi t!io I nitcd States, not ? politiciao, s not iu any ONUS an i-vn-mist. knows no nan North ?>r South whose caml statement he would eponef take. The let) is one written in ti"- ordinary course of bu neos, i ?ii t the subject, of which ereiy Southi man's heart is fuB, comes brretistibly to the si lac.-. It is S simple but ? loipii-ut pris, ntati of the sentiments of these merchants of I South who fi-el the bands ?>r Un thievish lo? politicians strengthened and sustaiaed by t crushing power ??f the fJorernnent. Ni. w i ?;;! BASB. t> t. 11. Ml I am tiiine.l. in ? ? ii Id i i" -n ?Ji* the ! atanoiBa eoadiUon ol aa_lra hen-, tt? i?it foe sa t&ttn ??: v,ii.H it i.,,iii- i-i:, a -, ]i ,-..... u Sal y, be ???> d, "'i Situation," will give you aa Idea of .what we ere frt (i,ri,ii-:li ?viril BOW, ?tli.-'ti .? Bbat an t-\,,.- in-, a pear I?'?"! >-'a m fttu .-, i ,i--n i.,.iy m ve; I.,- ? :|?, ,1 tt), i. andar*, r ? tl root p ' yean oar commua! Mats u a -i --.'?. !. .. ? -.v n.-.'. u i'ii andar ? State and c UevenuaeBt, la which the propart) boklei aad U ? bleb v. ,,-, .i Badal -ft p ??'' ? ':i sagran n letT'ip: aad ii loaa ar_lt< i Xbe monutnen! ol d.. mi rala i- ?? ta la a I ?<? icM <?f ?tee ?: IMB^S Bad u ' ?< 'ii I ol mir i ' ' ?'ti - \iiau?(,ti i re.i?iiij, a pfosttatedl it ? i . 1 i - III tin- lu.v; .:., i,,. r,, ? ti??- i m'a of win,.'.! I r tar j .|,i..lnili?n. ..r l...,.i?it.i,ri e.-Milrie? Tai' Im'i.'iIi- .. , ? ra ?olj boo ? a np la the preat al i t . i i .m .. i,.. tic lut ire, I. i-t ' ' ? ? I fi i ,i, a ,.i ,i? tit.- ,:i.ut ni ti,, ir bondage, ami tl : uii.ii. by a sraad nprUing, tiny cou , ? - .. ? . . i . ? ? .-. tu.- role of . ei n ?|. It lil, L-e-, t'Plilii- lit of Miia waa. ,,ii,. m. -i c .ici.! loi* and Iba popular Toto I ,ti.. ,-..-r tau.i 11 Hi- piOttO! i, .!-,,i a,, tue < ,?' .a cand datas ? ?sa i am to in*? al f.e.-ij. Bal i' Ibii -t ige ' f BtTsli . an ? whtehli luiipr? : ol in the biatorj ..f U?a lead. Hotted MateaJudge ?tl aolteaaera] aad ?li??.?lnt?j eba inter, whoa i m.-?.-if bare atea reellag throuirb _ Itan . r,,i ,i-,i :i % v.- in . ,,i -, .1. :, I l? until- le il.-- !u : (ot ni;., and plunder ot tbadefi it? partj ? ' ufii, c n, tin ir baaa pui p,,.-.-?. Uniioi.i aahadow ?.f rieht, aad mtii tin- 1't.uii- ,.f . i. in- prooooocoa the declaim of tii people I, and declare?, in ttit? tt Ike awnr r- mi -i- ..r u,.- ?'.iri.ti- i, ?n i. i,i Blaetlea, tii it tin- m .r part le I e '?>;. ii - ? i ted 8 pai to tb Btati ii. -. ? to i-i'i.- ? i tm i arpera la t.- It Mate, ii ? ?? I1., si..-a. in r- , ; lit.- I; I re il .on l , ?. .1 tii- i' - Bl.Ii Rad ? i ? . t ni..- blow ije til, mit fia',-. .\. i -ii- n- ??>.?' |ii ?i.t realiza, aad wiUao bettete? What tu? Sioaaa. neta tur-i mal eoax ..lie II. rJUl M ihOWt -v. ,', V.'f tii ?(-,.? t-i.i.irt-.v .oui ;i,i the e-ii i<i",it >v? want i? at ii. ae,t thai ?-ii baaln - i? i,na i.iet< | pr itrate. Wo oonld net be ? ?*a ??tie in Ih BBSt'Seal of HlUllllll I'. Kll'l V III !'l 1 "'. 1 saj ?. " next i ' Bterj suta with any m aei la bl ...?? ii,. ia.? fat I? it, fur he laas aol know when h? wir ii-.r iiiiy n,,!,-. tur rallread aaterpi m lewan i ? ,1,'t.ii-? ? .it, . dollar on Ljulalana ae , hi .1:-", ni' HiM-sl lue. I- Ini.aij la ; ,u.|!,:.j Bfho eminent i? la the inn,is of n gt? tog vafts ^?iv? atan r aad wham ate?? fraalneadodfor tlio proajraaa e( theli m ul? would have to be purohai il throogh tiic ;. tun iu ?o hu? ?;. nil? .ei. Way wilt aol North ran a la the meat iaabetal etiatsaa Bee that tin? atata or aflaln iim-t o-, .-i on th.-iii, nuil r nion- ?i'..ti< in a i. re whl I the r,'!??!? ti (?m. m.,., m ?...,il bi i.' .it? respect 1 Hosnethlag ainti badeao,at the i e_i I o iryeai i aril mi hen- a mined ooaubanltj where mu \..i? proayerlt? .in i us.?:tu _ It ?1..e? v.nt Mnpair ?>ur respect 1er Mr. Bumuer'l eleaaat Ungnistie ettslnnenta t?> lean teal M. Qana? tiiii.i eajra that in-speaks rVaaab witb aa see at lew p.-r?o!is obtain aba??late mastery over mnrt hmgoagn than that t<? which thy an bssnj ws ban no bin dm m. Oambetn's Amnieaa would babottnthaalb. Bunner's Fnnehf It uiiijiit. m deed? act be n good. \ diatinajuished E?mbaaaadoi ? i l'un? ?.-, long irsiil'ii! In Waahiagton, being sssal* plhaeated apaa the pi rtection of ins Knirlisli ? . at, rspUed with aa evident sense et sacti t, thai be was only pWESled a little now ami th. n " w i/ /.- i.h.rti ? imiis. ' If llii-ae BUipriStug mtriia? i.-s oi mir sp?--, It so bevt il lereil the Knili:is>ad??r, iiot\viih?t:iiidin? liis uili.t!it.'tk'i-.s "f r?'??i?lein?o ami con-taut opportunity ?.? nitt iiikt at the i?*,-t ?>1 t'iiiiniiiiiu nieiiii.. rs of t'.ni gTi-ss, they would 1m; likely entirely to seuiouad tin. adrooats, when opportunities of seoairingEn^lah in lion!, aux cuiild lint have been BUpSSUbuadaat Whi'ii Dr.J?haSM lisitcdl'aris h? nut tin; l?-arii?_ who came in gnH him ?>n the Uiutriil ?roiunl o? Lutin, ih wisslpdssllasd to tii/ht the Qallle eeeh spin own llagoal daag^hUL Ths noaM was that twAgeassahls dnstei sad bla saJertalasn Mlauader? -a-tt|'teMeb ??ilu-r m mi old 1 iiii/ii.i .-i- u?atead of a modera **'"'?' '""* "*"-,!,,'r ?? ?aMsnaaatha advantage ever the*.** ? KJajj krngma |* ?.Miltitls?)!! If tilles at Steinwni I!..11 le-aishtenThiO ***--**? K,,r' 1Ih' ****** ,s "" .I, ret.null.? i ?tier a ,"??''???>' oi ?opus ?oiiuc? t ?I with thepesUsBsef Labor; ?>vwletiens i<? ncietyi 4a relations to capitul, nnd, *?.?****** '" ?*S Ubeter. S.? ttaitfa] a Ihi-i.i,-, eointiL^-'^' tmWMtmfM wtih sUthateoaeene the highnl s?'~ h,Ht il'Ul'^:"i Ibones, seaaet hil te ha latera.* * J1 vul! J nsshsHyson t? ?? bands ei a speaker ,*?*hk?naa gained the raputatieo si b< tag sat ?>f th<- Men. ??, ,'1,'i"ni* StatSSS m th?- html. Mr. Anthony Trollope has coniproniiM-d Ills' . law-suna.-aiD't .Mi. Ttiiotinitt, the laelpale panUalN?r, ion! r-.iiii.s ?i.,'?ii. ??t mi ? tt,-i,-i|tii'tit uriilii?-? Mr. Tul? Ulal'.i Wit! Val Inai tl me inrr teu,. | THJfi DRAMA. I M W PI, A Y AND A NKW A(rrKK??VI. J'.nOTH.S TIIKATKR?.IOIIM lUlOI ?,IIA\l'.4 MI.T Of ..-Ml? BTKLKK .J.uiM.r. D00thfB 'I'liealer BTSS, I is evening, il:., ?..?oni Of an a., , ' rr ni'i-a.f ui'.ri'lll.iti aiiiniiiaau Imp rt 1 '. A iiPw tr-i-flciil Anna !iv Mr. Jiihn Bro*ti{1iaiu. ? I "'in.' i.i'\ ?r r, ; (',^r. ,, )(, 'n Um in l( a Iba ).!". j.. irla? iba ; ./,,?.r//,/ir, ina.i.' her fir I . n.,. n*?rroj Tie' ilnim i. Ain iini , It, ?MsSarj v.a,rl.iri an,;,:(., B/btSp I? a-in fail av!-in?, or Ml |. : :...',,- . ' ,. ?ei '.?i t'en, '.. >. i i. i. aworkol ? :. der. ?uaMtk ii'iaaaavl m. in. . : ,,l ?,r ?-i.'. .| aitbotit o-f, '.fiaaaf (.-'?n,,i., i* i? ?i-i'i'.f'i tbal ??" m u.v ? nri'l e-tii .vin' ? I to I *,iiif. a? wire c.i.i!..: , -.v. 1! Itat .!, lailiviii. .,- in BOBMS at fl | ; I m h( in i 't. "f J.itni Itrnt at to a ?Irimvtei <"lii?'" li. Mr ? , I- m ? IVY ,. ?ru.-u.,n lui." playsfoi f p"i> llo tasti:?l?t'i'l,n li?' eil.-li lui. t as "Tac I,, .' I.l'r" I I. -'I.'.** t .Hi-lit aaaaaatlBBa aw aol (be ?. .tur.' i n i is Is aal i*/ lb ? i ' i ?.i? .?r: ?nre.I. In i .. - .In... j.tat.t In 1.1.? IM mal t? t!..- ! i. 1er e-ii' ?> i!?. - ?la a-. . ; .' ;? i':.,:.- , .'i t,. .t |.r. .?4 i.t.-.l lay liar fire ,1 jj. piomaatB ai ?b Irl u tti 'i afionbbi iiiiiai, u!i, b be ? bo ? tl'.ttii'll tin ?loi V aif Jitltr lh n. .? not will l.iiv.- lu', a tn,1' ??. I'.r n li ? Id alr.i-a..', urn. ?i abonld ae .u aaea sraa ? tli'-lni.l - i:at uti, ,-itnl taa.i.-liilltr t?i t!. ' n- . i,, nan i". a \ i- ? .' ?1 af eoniaava r?> .... ->? 11 '?.' .i ?' r-i.ti .hit t '. ".i a realty ?as. i. - ? i - !. /I las ? %. na '-i 11- ?!'? and i < r; Sa Hint h'rill na. ' r, .I (? 1-, an.??. Bs I a'.' VT'-r<-in fi-a-ly .lra'.iaii.', a.n.1 that I..' I r r ?lai h p..|,iii;ir re. of lilst.i! ?. ? K mu. Bl, ?aaaffSt aii.l me i.. ' ? li i."'l. n' la .aiiiin miiv tba Kan m .?i-, rarieaa ami larbuleal action. 1 ? / Wtllf'h p.-1-iriilta- I lier to e ii-'i. ?:is t :.' Hid I I lu la.r? p". 1,.e eu. ' i 1 from tba luwi'?t tatbebl ;<Jf foriuiie.aud throujcti , ? Util ..u.,: . .... tail -. aaaaanati ababwaSlabai tli.iu a Iiiinr; anal ? * t .i't'ir. In a i ida in'1 lleetaal ai -, . Bta-fs? \ i Bad beaatll ?i aran. in.iie..? In?; in bar deaSK the anal endursnc? ?.f m. n, in, i j.. rlablat Batan l?ly it :;-t bacaaaa Bar tota i.n nandgrwunar i.t o >i asdbaa bar eotsmporama-abe appeal teUnvstl tliy af tie li In.ut. T an.?, ?a .. Btral BjfBBBi in si or?, in lus?. , m n niiu r .ii. '. \.ti: t, ut ? iiiitriiat. .t latlrtaaw. in ?a. ti"u aa'! -..irj,:iiit4., Bad |S Iba ae?. ? Bf tlan aad plac , the sulilct cumulus ail Ui- uaciueiit? ; to :t nparb ,i!.?v. Ai?.l Mr Brouxuaiu hu. ? ?r'.i.ii .: . -it Untaavtbly asaal i t. K? basb ' "i ?"' naabaablt l ann eoaaptotely at aaaanaad, Tn" tacan af/am Dsra baa" * ereral taaei ben tr-it.-i iicfore in jraiiiati" (am) .ait i' baa Ba?a basara baaa ?:i ...-.I alii -u, l I 11 : i_ 11 purpo.?-*, ?u.'i ra,i' lioreiiuilj, Bad BW B ?'? 'i. au . ladtaataaa i -i la Mr. In sshsrol " Lily o: I' e." Tuts, la iTi.'f, i-, taa estilas af tit.? tntr-'iy. Th* i.iir I? JBM . - . ! Il.'iivi;., .. ti l'4 I.,.- rl'iry 'if I.- r lii-l.ji.' i (.- aii.l al ..nit;.-.?? .l.i?i li, ill 1,?. a.'-. In . .hint, bj K -it S . li'- 'i ' ? ? 0 'i-'i: world of spirit*, la t-ouflrtned la bar rvntnctiaa tbal ?ha la rtliioalj' daatlard to be Um nTlorafbereoaatrr, in aad Ion' appeal ? !?. '"r> tl,e Daopbta, aft( rwar.l ill. t 'In- .". l. aill, at I, liilTinit til - niilrcal liitn w if !i ?"rt-.. tt.l .i,- ... !. r i. .u i.i ' : .: i Mira I. ? t ..n l I.: - !..- ' s m I r-. Blasa af 'it-- ii.-. 1. -?'? ii.ii! Jan? it ?! Pi t. t attt.? In a'l o. tl'i-?ir.n.. - . . k am Hie KlD-ll-tll . ilnivn 1 > bi r t.aii I, .n i,. ,. .?na U . . 1rs !.. t. n "l .1 . I ?. l.i'W tl 0 e ,\lnr ?if I ut i.r I itW ?!. I i I. -ct l.y (!? ana inb, ('harn*- tin ?"mmin aba aaaa hla scsva ninl tin.'ii.' i , - r '-"f A ili?'..iti.,rnb!? Isafs? BbsKB n m. i ?? .i'.', |-!"'..-.-i. ?! ny Imt urul.her ? . - '1 t.i-r, i tobas Miad lilla.". I-a .11?" l'end I'" itii l.i.-i.-a-' ?! i? '!? tur ?I aad t..i> 1 flit- li et., li llf J?.'. u?. ?, tll? Duba ?f Bed ord.ea , aadaobaa; laeanrb aasd ta deatb, i>y burolof r; but d in ? :r. Th.- im rai is. ? ' ? Ma pair, tbe i ?? ' I - nf bananlty taha ai r rot tbe adrai .10.1 ?alian- ni illi.l.. .N.. Baal 'i. '?' ait!' BtaHtoWSI i'h? ?t. ..i borro, of i ?... anptna by i re. M-s a -.'. i :?? i, i , ? , ; ,.', raen wtfphwldrb e itiiai'..? ti.,- f ? ? >r Ideal of toe Fnacb b t*A$u>. Ja? i- i . .t.. ? ?a ?it woij.i. i fui fi'iii.:?aa tnapinS, al . . : ? . ' ...i^'lit ,i a a tr Lai r '? .-e. BW I i ? aad terrii'i" ; aad ?Kb tbal ato ?iba, preifaaad. aad iirr lUtible COUViCtitfB?f IiTi ail'.t.iiliaal ,a:i'i a..; ablcb 1* tbe aonl of I adenblpaad tii t- of m tory. 1 . iBg ta ti. ? .?in??' <?! tii- WOI '?! Hun It I '?? . . .-in ? in ii. li i,..t-;?...:,!. .1 .n . si; It is r.ontiniuUj abale ' , ?. an ... ..' -hurt .?initial a- ?! . .u i. -ir?tbl? romblnstl n -that Iba na-, ih ... >. Mr, i.r...... . ... aetvr aa be fatfH tl tbaa hruadl) unr..; i la lli?fsAKa r.-. BTJ '. l'i the Sbniflll li .? r. 'Itt'Tilil to .???liiirt, m tai..? .. a .. ?t..'l ?r i ?,!:'. furiia. Ofl mi!; DM |.. ' .- a? .",..? p . .! aa.l no\?-l ; i.itt U Bl bi a VI ' ? 11 ? in..',? - j.iin ?. a .,' an.u. tbal ?ii. ortlairsrd tlit* MTtaraf l". t..-. to ptocetd aot : . -. lut?r Il.ll l'11'?lll'till??. ..'.'I. \'?l?.li '? '.'. 'u. ??M aaf thr. in.i it. aad ablapanheaedto tbai .if tf?? ????n!?li?t n "in 1 tie .lire, t, (ki.-ir.? a*. Uli.l It: I ?? p ll. I f?i BSaoSSf ha'a a??su i->.?. H> It irh . at tba Wit. i, ?. , | i> .na', i.ii, alu la au ? | to bebotd tbe fbran*f v. I.'. I. li? r n.....I h h tii?t?-(1, s-i i t i i ? -r 'l" ralea "f ??.?int ".. l. aalt BaaBaaaaallBB bn ta i fniiii ii-.? ? -int. u ?f tti" ?if. a.? t?.'! nrasar. UKadarles la BBeaasad BSBptasad bj aoatftotta, ?liu II.111'?.? lu- M-.- i r ..*.? th?t a-iii. to n. il.- af i" r t-. i -?a. a ana m? ..f ? il\ a' : .-i tor ?' lied? ami abaoat r-onquend ?uuntrt. '1m? iua ?;.. BtaKUn ?Aitli thi \.m.m?..it1?'ut uhmIi > of run t U "'i *-l\ -l. me, i>tii\ :a?. B tfiu Bfdl i!? ami ?.'i'-? I? Iba ? ?? Imu-rv Bt tba Ulasioa ; and thu? tn* L-oitUtm? June, t.\ tLoevi dran) af baa ava aeaaaa, la ?bat h?*d iin-'ij . lajBtttaal eaarietl .a. i l-iilii nt? vthti h L? s iimti I. ?!'u. ?et ?bel Banal ?a?largrlj ati,-lii<-lll? tita* l'-?ll- :"'?! I.I aliiUia'i ny aSJaata Dar? aa aba i- bbvi Snnabaart Iraaads ; 101?BaaBea*nr,Itpessrtdaa ha i" - .-a i'rifc-ht r.t\ ??! aiiiiiu.iti. i1 aaSnUaa ml real -. u uiiiUr t'if i a. in.-'?in i ? i.-t.u.i?.?-?? r> i sht: i? s iiiuwli ?t toB fur r?-ti. \..l fr?t tto toBHBBB *?Hh Hiaal hlr. Bl 'en f. f'T eie I? ?? ui;> :'I.? . tit.ia? .i? a .'.laii.ii'i. bataloi Bbaobl laaaSn **"< till' a 11? liaielall.? * tu"? .1?'- II'?". .!.<? ir cxcry i,. ? IMvlaa *?ii,,Hiiai (raartte. and mslstaed bj Um arnadba?taaf ii. .it?!.. Hui' ii.? i't.aad nuiit tn-ln?t rt*m ,i ? .1 iadl I i v .-.. 'trl?vi l?nr*. no'uf. mu? Maptlaitall ?? ? . ?uni mon at which ahr .n i iw- IBPCOBTBlBBdas ft*IBs ' aatUIM !' i-a.],i,.i< ?: ol li.m o, lyiupalbj', ? ?ui ,.l.?ff. Every paraon ol , a ? i i Ito (anata ulv, atnasp . t ? ?> i tato todeaerlbaMe, bul i thnliiui-, ten?'?.f Hu- eiip <ru lim rft'ti t ?Ufe tl??- KUatSAS ?ml awi, i " . ,? lb?t bs?!!'*? those wonderful I'li'tiiii'? in \>h. I. i ? u'?'1 liittittUiiiii.- \...ii't. fu?,- j ??-.? S rfe "' ?'' Ii-?li.-ni-Mhli'li i? ?'?.- m iu.- n.Uta i>'' tmti ??'' i . BBBsSjaa ii cslsf barrri Ma Basal wmgieiA i bei at al Iba ?I'tr'lna! ?... L -'..ti,.? m .(.. a i; atal r* al Iba i Tii.i|i.-.i. ?. ? i ?''??',' fVt, '"" ?? BSd . n . " r "lf ?,,.lX? .i'. :.-. . t ? i ' i '