OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 23, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-12-23/ed-1/seq-1/

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. ?. ' ? .' ?* ? -.. ,
BBSl'I.Ta OK Tjr.rf.CTiVK Til IS AM? IH1.AY
I?l..-Tl'OYK.l>? lAJ?S. AR? ".1 ?80,000,
Tho l?Moklyn TaiVrn-u'le, tin? Bar.
IVi-Wift Tai.nage'? ibnrih, situated iu mUfrinerlinrri
arar Third-a-* , iras btrrtaed yestertlay morning.
01? iras ?rot ?li???? verad at about ??-.30 a. m., by
aaflst.-tnl si-xtoii, lu tin? flue at tb ? south ? ;i?t n ri.
t - i-i-siil'iili* of the cfiur? h. I!?- iumiodltitvly r
the !v .!, wliilt? trie sexton starred for the house of
0-r*T?a, one of tot? tr-nstecs. oppomte the church. Tl*
irltho-i ?- wh? ; i.i inn in. Ix-Mrfu t?> UL'lit tbe Are?
pail.? ul water and a ?mall hose, but tlii? 11.um ? Imva
and work?-1 i. ?,> rapidly. Ttit-y ?MB net BHWWt r? u.ov
thim;? fnnu tbo church, carrying out the bo?
r eh .-veril dris1 r>>rtilhle.
Ai Vir a"eon M l?e leamei! no wa-rd ?as sent I o t?icl
ut foT some tiixi?'. and it was neaily !i..ll
?ftcr the dis?dv? rv of il. Hi i Im Viro the alarm ?
aoii'i.li'd f: !!,ill. In a few|ii;i?iiiti-s a tita
f r I srrived, falta**? : quickly by others, ami m
?BTMata?-BH wcro brought to l-ear |iipon t!
t . .1 tl k o upon the roar. The fix?t, how? \
war i? i?_'-1 ---1 to srivini* from dcdructlon the adjoin
t . ?r ry -wood?-"! .'.welling, *_.>. 363 Sa.heraierhorn
a hi '1 trio Tabernacle, and was ooD.-ildeie?!
gyt;U langer. The l,.?_es ?ero thus prevented fr
? . ? : lit this direction, ivlilr-h was lu the liuniedl;
1 iv, iff] MTU ?, u? the time blowing very 1'Tiikly fr
?Kurvwe?r Tu- n.L.i.i!?s, .however, removed then -1
tiitur.'?xiaiii ; ? kfDl t..i i .. danger aasovir.
.ir.rftl of UM a*!iri::r-a,tthe Are,was'
?mg*i t?> the TCdtlbul?', but in a few minutes, with ft*
aTBi'i,!ir-.. the flames burnt Into the auditorium, ran
Use wall, and along: the roll?g, and the whole Inter
?was BOOM tHPOtPBttBt The ?s widows b-mug toaitily In t
r wallt?, till? UrcmoQ could only in
N-..I ?' rrrrly on a suis? porticn of tUo burning biuii.i
tlir.-ugli the few which ??pened on the, roof? of th? ?*'?ifc'
kl in-.! ornerK I I ct of ii. ?.e stn-ani" w
v however, and the Uroiuen were ouly able to cc
fin?- rhe daines to the Interior. The roof fell In earl
and ibe flame* rose through the opening with gre
fline ?ess, so that serious apprehensions w<
tsin? 'i f.r some time of tlieirflt?prei.iliug with the wii
ami ?aafltac an exU-unive conflnjcraUoD. Ti_? w_s ha
i a virtud, however, by the exertions of tiie fircn?
?ho kept the m iglioorioir bulldiug? aator:it* ?1 v.
?raft r. iiie wail.?, too. jnded materially iu coD.??iiug U
lire tolrh-. Interior, standing firm for a considerable ttn
lire raged h?-r.-, however, almost unchecked for
lone ihn?', tht> stie.itus directed upon it from ?bo
fronr windows appoarine to have very litt
efli-it. fttid the tl.iia.ieH rapidly fastening upon every?in:
coiul'iisllul.- alii.ti the flreir.en were unable to reac
Th. t,iut>er?, a? they raught ?re, gave way. and let tl
wall fall piece by jtleoc, the ballUirwi going first, i
??M :r\h<-t portions of th? fiont folio?;
lag? Baaltar. while ;he fl.-emen in frojtMi"
lug tratet ruto the building from above, the flaraesbega
I Idly ulong the e?--i11:ig of the south-weiter
wlnp. aiel ' ' > engulf the m? n who were i
wt.rk ujioa the riKif. Men .shouted to them, "Corn
I..it ttif-y remained at their po"t. One of tt
at hone was ?ouu brought down, au_ a kireain Wl
tde lowur part of the buiMiu.
?tis tlor-e lti?t Through the front windov.
but to ?to little adraorage that 1'ie door oi/enu
Into rkc westeru psse>aiio was broke n In und Uta but
taken tau I le. Iki" Um water did good service, quiekl
? ' g the Carnos and saving the roof, so th?
tbr-ee above workul away without fanper. This el?
?1 i '.(? lireuien to reach the flro Volow, whero iho
did wete\ ?ril'-.e. The flames were driven back gi-adi
ally. : was brviii-ht to bear upon the in te rio
Wim ? \, i !'? m ? il rr. By 11:30 a. m. the Are ?tl unoe
pnrty gcxxl control, and the work of extlngulshing 1
pro? ?'?dtd rapidly, rortlone af the wall wfclefc w?.
buh stauilng were then pulled down to afford access t?
M _? timbers, and the wreck of the structure ws
thus eouplote? Uuring the afternoon the fire s'.il
smolile-re 1, and sevenil stream? were kept playing 01
i -?II it ?<rri. completely ?T't-nched. __?____?
i ...: ..- ol .ne building and ihe peculiar iv.etb< rt I
tion roLder >d the task of the firemen a dlfil
<? m , VMi.'i-er, ami it early beoame evident thnt the;
eotild not savi it from co_vlete diatruction. The a:
was bltt-Prly eoU a_(l the m?:i snffered considerably
when not in imuiedlntc peatael with the tire. Man;
**.r- t ; .;.'*etely drenihfi *ait_ Mailer, wht h ?-???itkl;
Xiei... nia tia-tir clothing.
W. J. i*rCT.i-_,.w_o llveaina frun:"-housc ::ext d??ortotb
| porter that about 3:3u u. ra
i ..;:?'. !i lull ringing v.; li atitpi
strok'-s \? ry unlike rhe rmtnmon? to chtirch servir? ; and
rustling out In? saw a dense smoke isming from thi
aoutl.-eaat fino. The sextou ran out of the chirr, ii, . rv
log th?t it w_? o%\ lire, and ti?! he ?? going to ?s?.i Mr
, one of the trustees.' By thb time Mr. I
arrived, Mr. (.'rouch had entered che church with au ai
am! traed U? cut tiuough the li-on casing to the Hue
\ i.ide it was found that the wood
work tHtween the two sheets of Iron wa? all In flamee
v, . at t'.is, tl_.a Ocgaii to pour out i.t the ?oo?. Tin
aexton tried to u?e some bobe from a iafl
ro-sd stal.'.e, but without efTelt. In hi? Ojdn
loi. tue fire vu? then too far under way to be chi* ??id
aveuli the eieam-engines had been on hand ; but there
was ?o much delay In sending to the police station tin.I
It was fully half an hour from the discovery of th-- t:
before the general alarm was sounded aud th.- engin?-*
were on the ground. Indeed, eaa lio-.k-and-ladd? r ?4o
|?ariy it-.ivvcd li:f. FBmUM of the Are and had arrived al
the ?cine tmfo.-e the flret fire warm was itruek. Mr
Croo? h Und few'? d tna? his own bouse would be burned
aa it aiu? close to the ohtireh: and the Iron wnlls, whu-1,
wire li.lp:? ?s to eive the church, ufTordeil a proreetlon f?
He in l.l.iror?. ami 1.:- houee wiw? uuaiuged by fire, thougl
eomcw?at __Mged iv vail t.
Zi.s. 1 H LS CA?_D I!? WOOD.
Mr. Riindril!, vho was aext.?n of the church when th*
Tab? inaole was bu.lt, dek'Tibed to the report? i
atruution of the fijes. They weie sijiiaro, and oon
atrticted of thin zln? ; lus-ide of these were round sh?'?i
iron tupes for convening tlie t>tuoko und g_s. The zluc
flues were eased In wood, on which the TOrrugat>d lror
was fastened. If the iron pipe? became disjointed oi
bent so as to come in contact with the zinc, there wai
Bothiug to prevent the wood work from catching ill?
when the furnaces were under full blast.
? gentleman standing near told the reporter that ul
the time of building the church proposals were ?vi:< <i
lor oonstructing th? flues, and the contract wm givei. t<
Use lowest bidder. One of the defeated applicant? ?Hid
tt? htm, when the terms were made public, that th.-y
?-.?um aot be safely built for the amount named, and that
tii? re would be s fire in that church some time.
Mr. Bhotwell. the ?exu?n, was found in tbe old church,
now used for fluxiday-Mhool service? and prayer meet
liigB. He was carefully piling np the cushion? -which
bad been rescued from the burning Tabernacle, lie
?sud that the area In tb. furnace? were sever allowed t?.
(v out during the cold weather, aud that in the furna? ??
(rom w linn the fire caught, the tire had been going slDce
?arly in November, so that no wood or kindling bad been
?used In ii for mor?- than a month. At 6:80 a. m., yester?
day, he shook down the Hi os and put on fresh coal. They
were then sll in good order. About 9:80 a. m. he was
dusting tbe church furniture, when bis assistant weut
out in front of int church and aaw smoke coming out of
tbe south-east flue, and returned aaylng that there
waa a lire. Mr. Bhotwell at onoe rushed (or
Mr. tVorwli?, a trxi?u-e, while Mr. Hurle mug
a quick alarm ou tbe church bell. He^soou returned
with Mr. fJorwm, and they tried to gat at tbe fire and
?ut it out with ho?e trou, a stable. They aent to tbe
Tiirth l'r? cinet Biatlon House and gave the alarm. He
thought ?l would take ten minute? lo reach tbe atation
laouae from the church, and he dm aot know that there
waa a fire-alarm hex lu that ueighUirhood. Tbe church
?ushious, books, lamp?, _*??., were mostly saved. The
?ouiuiunlon service was not kept in tbe church. Mr.
0h?: well had been under the impression that the Bin?
flues were cased in brick, but supposed that Mr. baodall
knew more about it.
Police ?CapUin Caasidy of ths Tenth Precinct told s
feporter that there waa no delay la sending tb? eiiginbs
is) the lire after information wa? received at the elation.
He did not know how much delay these bad bean before
tbat ; hot tbe alarm en tbe church bell waa utterly use
toas ; no on? would know tbat It was a Are alarm, and
tbe ?Ji??n would take no notice ol It.
THB OB I?If?(.
*~_e Tabernacle was c?mplela?, In fleptember two years
ago It WM eoaatsuvtad with a wooden frame, sheathed
wamhik ana wit_o_i wiui eeiragnted |roa, and noruou?
fllle 1 In with brick. A solid hrick wall formed the i
Tlie mala part was nearly circular, with smull,
?a nitrs at either o?,rner in front, and an ornamental
Jectlon forming the tunln vestibule. The eiUrna
pearance of the str.ia'turo was unique foraetiureh
BBlfeef attractive. Xlie ?tualltaarluiu was v?TJ- lurga ,
with the galleries, was capable of scat i un: about
p. rs.ins, wi,b. standing room for NX) more. All tIs
t? mill titling?, including a number Of .'Hont* coin
?ei'? of inflammable mut. rial, nuil served well to
thai flames; in fact, there appears to bare Ua en
l.ttle alaauat the TauiMing tlint aJ.,1 nut Inirii teaalih
eeei the shell, which prottat.?t i.Uhi laoa ) a_t wet
The completa?- destruction In less than an honr r
lad DO little comincut among IP. ni
of iba eai?-Ti-.Htiun aodapactaiora gen, i-.iiiy. One
tleniar i, ?:i.ti_t-a ?Ii at it wus Just like a Bbaot Iroa I
H'.'ial with klnailinge. Tbc appearance of the r
? ?"? ??? (?1 that there Merc very few brlilis botwoen th<
twiur ?mil fxterlor walls, the space being almost cut ?
tlila-.l up with wood?u Joists and beams, which burned
tlc?ci in u strong (Iinfr.
ink. .n run; ortruy.
TU'! organ, WbiOb was built liar tla. Ih?t i. ?toa -T. i 11
in l?a*0, vt.iB dc.?truyed. It is said to have coht ui-lgii.
t-S.'.K4>, trot was u.irahased by Mr. Talniagu's congr?
tia.-.i for 17,000. V. nous alteration!--, however, were fo
i e, r-4?ar.T, and were made at an ,?t prime of 16,000.
cha?nes were supervised by ?eorge ?V. Morgan, thc
Tho offtaa did net contAln a very great variety of st(
but ?hoy ?arc of great force, so that it was i
the most powerful i ritan lu the country. The few i
s tups on the swell organ were of a remarkably I
ajiii'.lity, ?itid tho mechanical arrangements were such
to i*lvo full aeopa to t!iu pl..yer, nlhiwlng Ulm the en:
rungo from iba' loudest stop combinations to the vi
softest, by the moving of a ?ingle pedal. The organ t
built by Mr. Iiook ol liostou, and ut the time it wmu
ut the Jubilee was Mown liy thrco laydraullo press
aOA-MBi ll was insured for |l.,0u0. Mr. Morgan lOO)
valuable collection of miible, which he cannot regatea
IHK ?owns.
The loaa 14 es'Jiniitcil by Mr. K-iwaii, clerk of I
chiii h, at ??Tioiit ?T.4,tX-0 on the building ainl furnitui
insurance, ?iJ.tMi. This, Uo state 1. wua .dits tri by ted
On rbe b'llldhif?-riienlT of Brooklyn, H^.OgO; Lo:
i ...c, &S00- il,.;, a,.,.i of New-York (gun h ? i
?j'a?uc in iiiiot her company), |_,MV>: _Btna>ol III
ford, i ono., $8,000i i'irajuicu'. Xruat of Brooklyn, |m,u.
total, |r;o,iH?o.
On t-e iiifiiitnrc?Otinrdlin of New-York, U/XX ; ttt
Yoik a*d Tonkan, to.oou, auudaiu of New-Yoik, $.,??
The Hre having boon confined wholly to tho Tabcrnac
the adjoining property was not materially injured. T
furniture, however, from No. 363 Schermerhorn-st., si
fered considerable daniago from water and rough ban
ling m removlug, and the coal sheds in tho re:ir, own
by William IjPBPOa, were more or less injured. This la
wa| D"t aooertained, but a lew hundred dollar. 0
I'-Obably eovcr It.
KEnciT.riirn os Tuf* bame FLAX.
A TumrNE reporter cale al 00 tho BOT. Mr. Tal mag
yosterday aftcruoon, nt No. 2?7 Quincy-st., to obtiian I
formation of tho fUans of lila congregation for ll
future. Mr. Ta?mago was very cheerful and coromni
c.ttive on tho snbjett. He said, in reply to an inquir?
?? Well I Its gone up in a chariot of Are, like Elijah.
Is quito a loss to us, but wo shall rebuild at onco on tl
same spot, and probably in tho eamo stylo. Wo ?hi
wor.?_ip to-night at Plymouth Church, and if BBf BOO*
and Mr. Boecher's all come wo shall have a crow
Before tho building was half bun.cd we received I
Invitation from Mr. Dcccher and his truster? to BlI tin
church in the evenings until wo could rebuild. Wo hi
an Informal meeting of tntbtee?. in tho o'.d clmreli. at
before tho service in Flymouth Church was throui;h|thi
had received a reply thut wo would u-e tie
church this evening, a*, leant. Wo a'so rrcoi.cd -
offer of Dr. Duryoa's and Dr. Cuyler'a churches, and ha
a dozen others. Wo Lotie, however, to got tho Ara.le m
?f Mmirt until we -hail be able to rebtnl.i, for both mon
lng and evening service, and a co__?iitteo waa -?Mat,
lzod at ouoo to make negotiations. Tho Aoadcmy is ou
of the boit buildings now In tho city for tho purin.-.-, i,.
Is not equal to our church, which in all its miau; a u. i.i
was oukurpaased. Mies Charlotte Cushmau who |0B4 i
it a short time ago and all speaker who have tried !
have expressed the opinion th:?t it could not have bee
improved In lta aoouKtic properties. Au ortlU-ary cot
vtrsat.'onal tone reached every perFon In the house, I
which ?1.000 people could bo and frequently were packe?:
Mr. Tilmago was ar.ked if he thought corrugated iro
would be used in this noW buildm:*. Ho replied that h
thought so. The fact was, in his opinion, that notl.ln
was proof against Are. lie had recently come tjet
Chicago, and there ho heard of stono buildings mel'ln
like wax before tho fla^sfl. Ilowevcr the liro In th
Tabernae'.o may have Tllglnatod, ho thought its fat
would Uli ve been the s^nfey It ^?lie?1! Vmlt ot ^oo? o
stone. The style of the cnorch may niiv'o BBOb_|f. <-?c?'rj
trio to outsiders, but ho llk.d it A man is pleased, o
ou.'lit to be, with the appearance of his own wife, what
ever others think of her. 8o it was with him end hi
ptepl''i_lu their opinion of tJ,.U' hou->? vj '*o?.^.ip. All it?
(.ir.ihiira'iiicn^r were _iarflT5f,!otift and conducivo to so
c.ability; everything was in circle?. He thought thi
Hi B lioune would bo nearly a lae riO-Ba Of the old.
Mr. Tal ni age urnv. .1 home i ?.l> Satuiday tiight, fr.'tn .?
two week.':' Iiituriiiii tour. B04 tbOOgll ha BlfBMtBfl to bt
ly aaaaHOO, he did net anticipate, he *>ai?l, m
v,aim a ;te?ption.
sr.nviEf in Tit!' BO BUBO.
Notwithstanding the I v.cthai-, tlic
aniiouucemeut that Mr. Talmage would f-BOCh at
1'iyinoii'h Chura h, 1 i?t ceiilm:, brooghl loB-Cbaf u
large congregation, and long before the si
available .??;! In tlio buildm,* was occupied. In
the course of his remarks Mi. Tulmuge said:
In the vllliige where I once lived, on a cold night,
tlia-rc wusa'iy of tue. ?(? ? ?i??- after baaaa OBB a-"ii
Siimod. Hut tuero was in the ?/fllam? laTRO boapltable
dwelling, aud as toon an tlio people were burn.-il out
they can.i- ??.to tho? coliiiiii.u a enUi. The good li.au at
the L'tiuse Biood ut tho dOOT und Bald, "t'.'iuii in," ai.l
the l'rtl? children, us tiny were t.roiiKlt U< Hie door,
aona of them wrapped m Munkets ai-1 shawl?), ware
I iken uji t" bed, mu? the olal Ipa-oj.le. that cama, in fiom
their coasunieal dwelling? woro aoatod araoad tie. Ire.
And tho good man of tho bouse t jil them that all would
bo well.
This is a very cold day fo he burned out, heiiie and
ho nao, um wo eoaae nuo tins boa] it. lu? boina lo-uight,
ami gather around ti.i*. m< ai ararm iir?- of Christian
kiiidnesi and love, and it is good to lie here. The Lord
built tfco Talierntvle and tho Lor.I let II burn down.
Blessed be tho name of the Lord I Waa don't feel ilk?
s.ttlug down In discouragement, allhough the place was
very dear. Out heart, there wire filled with comfort,
and to us, mauy a time, did Jeeuis appear, His fmo ra?
diant as the sun. Tu-day, wheu the Christian syrnpath*
cum?, in from Plymouth 4'huich, und fu,in lo oilier
churches of the city, all oiTenuir their houses of worship
! to us, I uniit say that it became very damp w.-atlu-i
1 about the eyelashes. Blest be the tie that binds our
i heart? m rlirieti-ii love. If anybody tells roa that
- there in no kindness between churchen, and no such
I tiiii.g s? i'iiristi-ii brotherhood, tell him he lien.
I hurt amid the sorrows of the day one extreme con?
gratulation. 1 thank Ood that tho fire took put-o when
it did and not an honr latest Had it come an hour later,
many who are here to night?I will not finish that I
shall say to you to-night what I would have said tin?
morning If my pulpit had not been taken away, but
befoi?; I go on I will a?ry, (?od bless you every one.
Ai Uu-? couulualon of his sermon Mr. Talmage read the
following names of congregations that had offered tho
use of tlualr buildings: Plymouth, Lafayette ave.,
iJaason-ave., Cllnton-ave., Elm Place, Fimt liaptlnt,
. iret Presbyterian and Becond Presbyterian Churches.
Fire-Marehal Keady began mi iuveati^Mtion
and took the teatimony of the two uu n who were la the
ehurch when the fire broke out. Tue die waa undoubt?
edly eaused by a defeotlve.llue.
William Earl testified, In part : I lire at ?lo. 9 Putnam
are., and am employed In tho Hev. Dr. Talmnge's Tatarr
nacio a? assistant sexton; 1 want ou duty ut s a. m. al
too Tub?nut? le; I fllled up tavo at the furuuet??, anal Mr.
Shot well, the sexton, filled up the other two; I filled up
the back furnaces; I was at the pulpit when I discovered
the fire; I said to Mr. Bhotwall" here isa Are;" the fire
waa then in the floor on tho- eduth-east comer of the
buiitiiiig; the llames burst out suddenly; tuore were four
furnace*?, two large and two small cues, In the church;
the large once were In front aud the small ones In the
rear; the fines from one of the large furnaces led to
Whan tae lire was; when I first suw the lire It was In tlio
chimney near th? ground floor of the church: I called
Mr. Hhaitwell's attention, aod he said, " rlt_f too bell ;"
he rang the bell first, and then I rang it and gave the
alai it' ; he did sot attempt lo out out the Ore before giv?
ing the alarm ; tho first effort to nut out the fire was
mail' by Mr. ?botwell and on? of the trustees, Mr. Cor?
va in ; it was up about eight leet then ; I ran Into the old
. hutch and gut two palls and took them into the church,
and lurued on the water in one ot the little rooms; other
meu carried out the water?about twenty palls ; the bell
was still ringing; I heard some one say that the bell-roue
broke ; the fire spread i aplallv ; it broke out at 9:58 bv the
church clock ; the members had not yet come to service ;
I had not seen the fnruaoe leading to that flue ; I do not
know whether* or not there waa more than one furnace
pipe leadlu/r loto that fine; I hare only been employed In
the chorch two weeks ; the Area were burning slowly all
night ; nobody sleeps in the a hut. u at night ; the fires
are legulated u. run all night ; do not knots how long It
was after (be alarm was gtven before the flremrn ar
rtred, bol Uimk it waa about JO minutes ; do not know
anything- about the construction of the'tlne or the origin
??r the tire.
William B. Bhotwell, the sr-xfnn, fest'fVd : I live at
N??. ill LlTlngstoD-wt., and WH. in the rbarcb this uiom
ll.g when tl*?- tin- broke ?.ut; Mr. Karl e.ild, " h'-re In ft
tin-,'' ?t nd we N? a I a rife vuluuie of smoke iu the i?ll
ini:; I st.irl, d to look for the flu-, and jr lmi.t o.il In A
t?ate from the Bontb-m?1 One "f the ehtm -, the eoi m r
of tli?, front vestibule; tliere was a lame furnace plt>e
lending into that Hue; the furnace H ?ailed " l.llll? field'.-?
Base-Burner," and was pal In ?roen the cbnre_ we?
biiiii; lesne to tbe ebarcb aboal i*. .,?, in, ktitisrf.<?rniir'
i.. Hie lire?; 1 I,.mu? them all doing Well; the Inr
nni it were sliout a ?|inirler full of coal ; 1 took
|..-: i-eiiiar notlco of (hern uni! ?hook them
?I'M n and put Into each of tue fioul fui rmces
aboal eiichi oi i< n seoof? rail of eoal, iu"t t.? .i.irt i beat;
when I hurt put them in proper burning unler by closing
tbe topallde. ehattlaa tin- ?op door, and ?.iM-nnur Ike
bottom iiritit, I left tbe cellar end weal homo to break
' ' ? .ut. ? -.r h lU n'l hour, I
did not look al tbe Ara wbea I otate baek, tart went to
pli' ilnniri? In order al'out the |uil|ill; I wir ilu.Mini? elf
the ki \ i....ii il ot tue m ?Mil when my :?tl?"iti.,ii wasealled
to tin tire; rhe lin- w:,s bOlll ??f briek, i rvire.l user With
eorriie ?red ?bee! iroa, ri n! iin.i atlllai ol lier round Hue in
rbe . .nier, in?iiii of the brich ?qo-N Ine; tbe Ire Beamed
t" i .i\ ?? r MllK'iit ?lu le lili- lllte |i,,?-e 1 ll.l.iilk'tl tile .llKai
work* tteeeaeed lo be above the leae? i b?- ?luo itself
se. neil to lie on tire; it wus trimmed with is w,.oden beae,
an 11 I ! In nk Hiere (frai a hiiihII comice mi t ???? eOTBfll '" ?*
(hi- iciliu?.': 1 i'.ive the ni.uin at one?, aud then w?-iit ?OC
one of tba trustee?, lear log tbe a ?Istant sexton ringing
th?-n? ii; we kept tbe doora elooed; i hav? tiran ?> x-on
a'ioiil l ? nnMitlt., anil ii'-ver Imd a Ire in Hi" Inilldiiig
before; ire had tbe rbrnacea eleaned out last Fall.
Ir conncclioii tritt this fire, so completely
de.-tructivo toa building popul.itl> supposed to be ?eeiiro
?_aint>t such a danger, it is Interesting to know that this
style of BtttMtflN haa ncv? r boeu apiiroved by immuucc
men, and tliat this lel-same T.tbernaelo hns only very
recently been expressly condemned by Mr. Kingslund,
tho 8urveyor of the Underwriters' Association. Mr.
KingslAtid ktatedjthat tin so e.irrngated iron biirldliigs
had never be?n M favor with him, as heconsidered tliom
far le,, proof at*a!n.?t lire than any other kind of ?true
ture, with tho exception, perhaps, of wooden building?,
liefer:ring to tho ?everul chui'hes which have been
ere< ted, or are now bnilrling In this city and Brooklyn,
he ?rild thnt ho considered their chances of TOilstlng fire
to be lery ullght Imbed, $M the heat would Immediately
lgniti tb? woo?!, nn<! the walls would certainly go down.
Kvi n .. Hie mi the oppai'lio ?Ido of the ?treet to these
?. If of any extent, would heat the piste? so thmt
th' > v . uld eft the woodwork in flames. Atan illustra?
tion of Ih?, view-, he cited tho case of a largq ?laughter
home ut Flr-t-ave. atnt Forty flfth-st., which ho d"
scribed ns going off liVto a s*ltid'lng-w<?od box covered
witli tin, the iron plate? curling up^??d era? king oil eh
both sides, nn.1 tl?- ?ralla illwp|M-nn| as If by magic.
He i xircsiu'd the ?'iilnlou that some of l_-M___M_dl
would Mima day follow.
Oilier prQtjadm.ht I at uranio meu have given utteranre
to the fame viow?, and it la report'-1 lint tbo latN Will
be introasod berweon 40 and io ??or cent.
Eli-ba C. (jircg'iry, ago 31, proprietor of
"Canterbury Varieties Theater," in Broadway, nctir
Iileer t? r -st., was arrested bv l'ollce Captain Byrne?, on
Hatiinlay ntght, for at'erupt lui,' the life or Glow? Wil.ox,
a newspaper reporter, at tho Qrar:d Outrai HoteL
O.regoiy accused Wil-ox of having written an article
severely reflccttne upon the rci-ort kept by him?.-!'. Wll
cox domed this, nnfl Gregory s'nie?i him In
?In- fue, H ? retreated to the barlier-ahop of
the hotil, followed by (iie^.iry who drt?'/ n revolver,
and threatened t.? kill him. Tbo assailant ?lipped urxl
fell, and th'! revolver being accidentally discharged,
Theodore Wilf-mi of No. 40 West Hou?'.?,n st., who wat
I-..\liikr the ?iiioji, re-elver! r!-e tnill't In one of his toe?.
Gregory then attempted to escupo by a rear entrance,
? lituirrested. The prisoner shut und severely
wounded a young man In Ble? ck? r-??.? without provoca?
tion a few months ago. Ills " theativr," wl.r'h V?I
formerly knowu as tbe Canterbury OeMBBt IB-M-, i.?
?ferated oa the strength of a theater license. After the
?ataos liad bean summarily cl< M d bf Iho i"?li?-r,
?ri. 1*017 built a small ?tngo atone mi of tin? hall, where
indeoeut diincinsThiis slu-e t sk. n ptai ( bigbUjr,
?aOOM?O n a nix *
A general tight oet-urn U ut a Ball I a Newman's Hall,
Ho.HI Ninth-ave., a! 2:3' a, in. on Biitiirday, in ttWatr
gataa? of a flag of rowdies hairing forcit?ly ?nUreil the
place against tin? desire of Iho managers. Roundsman
Meado and three officers of the Twentieth Predirct, who
wer,? fiimmonod by tho proprietors of the h?lito (]ueU
tbe ili-riiitiarii a, W'.re viol- inly a?ar'r.-d by th? ruf.im -?;?
with <!r1nkiiig-gla"-ses, butt).-s, nnil other i,,l-?.i'e-,
eral p..-t,ii-?b?vt?? wer?? iirnl ?luring th- etruggta. By
vtgoroaaly n Ing tb ?? :
as? niai.i?, end arrested Barney _lornf- and
Thomas Keln,'n, tho {iii?rlen?lers, who are known ns
tat it J , rward found tbat KJeenaa
bad b?-. n hf.ot tbrpngh tbe legd-nnp the flgbt. I
e. i s wei . ? *v cut lu tl.e tact it y. ith the ?ias?' s
hin led by th. riofvrs, find were jlsff bjjdff bfvl* -I The
l'Tir-iili?_w'r" fomnaltted.at the Jefferson Marii?P??
' VrT,"TTHt)]anjl "f bjiiJ, ?nd Upt lt-_lf_tu U I
Becking the? confederiiii
LOTTERY F.riL"?.ri:H.
Tho fur.oral of Nielmlas I?. Duryoa, tin- lot
lei? dea!' i, v,ho was) ha? ked to ki a!li fl Ih n howi' -i.iiire
in ihi band? of John l?. Blmmoiiri, s'so a lottery dealer,
la Liberty-.?;., an M?? iu> Beaalag?te k plwie n f-a.tur
fl_] from th?- DntebSel rme ! ? nur.-li at Tort K?kaMWd,
B. I., where tLi: dMOMBd resided. T!ie pubtor, the l<? v.
I?r. BlOWtae. f.ffl.i.ited, rind wa? nssi-l. t !>>' the It? I I?r.
Hinlthof the Cotigr?-gatlonul Church of l'lalullel-i, IT. J.
Too paatet eal g_nd the ioeeaaed ui a cburitubie
citizen who had been un attentive nd regular at?
tendant (it hu church. At the ? !v??t? of the
hi vie.-? tie? remains, which were inelri-.-d in an
expensive roebwood casket heavlli mounted ?.n!i ?li
Iprora?ely Joooratedwith lower? and Musouc
o-, wer?? coin. i. d t?. Oreernvuo.l for latertnent.
The fuimral cortege wa? beaded by Richmond Ledge, Ho.
6C, F. and A. M., mix of whose inemli? i> acted ?is puil
beiirerH. Delegation? from l'X'i-1-lor Lodge, ?a IM, and
from the .Ni|?tiliie S.i;,il f'luii, were also present. At
n .mi?ion F.-rry tb? pfooaaalon na? received and. ?eoned
? iv by a ?tclicitii.il from Rxeelalor Lud .-.
luamone ?s still andei treauraeatal (he i'ark Hospital
for his fractored unkle, a-nl is oo-etantljrgnarded by
ollli.-ris, night and day. Vt. Am Unie thliik. that his B i
tv-iit will be able lo leuvo the bmpital trr-morrow. The
dsv for rhe Inquest has not yet iioen ?h signaled.
Charles John.oi), ag<-.'(?, a lottery d?-al?r i.t No. 2 Fir? t
?t., who boarded at .**o. 77 F'ltirth-st . ? omiuitted suicide,
mar tho Ualry, in Central Park, on Hattirday sfternoou,
by shooting himself through tbe head irlth a Derringer
pi-tail, lie had been eiigaired in the " policy " busiuers,
in various parts of the clly.diuiu r .evera! vears. About
l-i months ak-o his wife and hi? mil y ?ou died, und hi- bus
?nie,, beeu leyreaeed in artad. This, with bad business
prospeetB, may have been the lncutive to self-de?
struction. _
A report Wfll widely firculatod in the Ptreits
yesterday that Mr. A. T. Btewart had, on the in lit
previous, fallen in front of hi? new house and sevcrely
fractured a leg. A reporter of The TitwrNE called at Mr.
Stewart's r?sidence lust evouluir, and was informed that
no ?m h mishap had occurred, nor wa? there any founda?
tion for the rumor of the accident.
The official? of Iho Erie Iiailway Company,
in conjunction with Jay Gould, were huiy oa Saturday
in consummating the trsusfor of tho property to the
Company, at the office of M. L. M. Barlow, in Wtlllam-st.
Th? transfer of the Gpera House was completed, Mrs.
James Fi?k, Jr., having formally reiinquiibed her inter
e?t? in It.
*?>"....Fencht - Lenckhardt'sgrocery ?tore in Froat
SL, Mrmr ??i, waa duttrored b? Ire, retunli;. Lorn. OatO.KX?.
_Mr?. Samuel Kuox, re-aiding on Walnnt-at.,
II.rMtUrf, PiBtk. wit tilleo, reetanlaj, br tl? ex^loiioB ef s ??ekisg
range, Ui? ?aler pip?? Litui. fivtru.
_The hot-water boiler attached to the kitcben
rsr.gr lu ('. 1 MaaMaaT| less. .1 Ciaeliiasll, ?xplorifj ftaXet?at, eaarlt
kUhsf l.t. Cuiaur, ell of lb? mituu.
....Mf- Odo KoBsell, tbe Dntiab Iambasaador at
r.rrlln ?at* a l.all lall w??k. it which tbat* >H I krilll?il ftlAirllg.
11 i.e. BltBiai?? sad ulSer uuUl.iauti w,r? piatasi,
..'..A cable ?itapatob bos been received in Boston
from Cap?, biwe. ?f th. ikip Mstct'tsi of ?it city, itttia? ihn Ut iblp
la ?fa ?I Hhlel :?, th. re?ut rtpert of ksr mm, with til eu Unxd, eela|
eentalj erroufcu.
_A locomotive became dimbled between 0?>?hen
IB? Him? iuillaua ea the ? lansiisU. Wal.atb as? Mlihlgaa Rallrnal,
Balaraar B?|bt. aaS the ?igiaerr aaS Ir.mai, is atttaptiaf, to raacis s
fosal?ses s suie 4ut?ai. ??r? Iretes le iie?lh.
_Tbe main 2*1-in? h water-pipe on Eaet Merrimac
I? Lewtll, hunt t?eUnUt, ?Ihig U ???ilawia. the eeli.r? I? Ut Mal
blocI eecepled k; H. M. k J. ntaa, bii,t,?'...b Jeai.r*. tas L. B??r?en,
poeer. Tbat ix.ri.ua of th. nxj koasa as ' Boirdtis ' il est o? tram s
?epplr tf ?ttsr.
....An explosion at the Hennira Powder Work?,
Mx ?Iles fres, ?as Frase-?, B?u,i_r ?lUrtJrjB, Hilad two Chiaaae
waits?... o., ?f ttiea? h?iaf blewa le ?tea. WUlisaa Coe?, Ib? foro
?au asi Mrieosl; ib Sued afterward h; lbs harais| Maes. It it Maud
that lb. ?IplMiOk wa. amtvl kr 111 lalsilran.a.
.... Indian Agent Tat sun write?, under date of Dec.
1, thai Mow War rarrr Oreea. Bad Tsberaaaa. be** C'biefa ef reriaf
Lac? bate all can.? to Iba BiiaWa KrMrtaiiuii. ladtaa Trrrtlerr ? thai
? I: li.r < bleb ?ad la.BT ?I lb. bead a... ha.r beea la ??? la aad tbat
U.rt expreeMd i.'.r.r .at.aLea lo tecapi, wtlk the r.qairewtkt? ef the
(ie,?rsea?ol, a* .tvramtti b} ('laau?iiii Walhi? Is lb. d,k|kl*i abe
?SSSsay ?leiled W__Mfta?
AN 4)1 i, HTHm ? ?HUH ??WIMflKH 9TII.I.
|BY T_??(lKAiJll TO TII? TRIBI.'5K.|
W-UnUMOTOV, Doe. --.?The IliKiiicial bills
j it.trial ?ci d thus far d irlng the pfBO tit seMloii pr.--.iit
no in-v< features. A few old projects have been n-vlvrd
with slight variations of detail. Tho most noteworthy
nui'.! , these Is the plan of the convertibility of gra-eu
bae.s iQt.i n f? laainal? nuil v lee versa, In order to secure
an eliiRtic circul?t'!.g medium and at the same tiin?- re?
lieve tho (?i.veriuncut from tho stigma of pnrtially
n i .o i lotto! bbob-BBBbI MaakMcBB?M by eewthsmut ee
way by which it? notes c?m tig re?lceme.!. TMs plan, llr-t
broa heal ihnn oi four j , ..i? Xfo, iippiOBI to bo growing
In f.vir, Thcro will be no time for its thoroiuli ?xt
cusslon this W.nta r, !,iit It will find strong nipport In tl-e
net Ci.i.gu*?. Ai,,,;her pioj'at B-BBOOlN trete the
bunks, which have long been anxious to obtain interest
on the whole or some port!.m of the greenback reserva.
thai tho law obliges tlidii to ke.-p In Ihtir vault?-.
TbBrt is auch a general belief iiiiii'i.g tlio ,
that tin !..|iikl with their pfBBBM privileges m ike i-i.a.r
mou? profita, that Conanaamra do not appear to ren
tura- |o approach this t,i.|cet directly, but attempt to ie
i it by lu.llr.-'-t'ou la l.tlls whose tltlOB tl" riot in
til. ?ile tij-ir real purpoie. Two or three of the Util ?ic
now pending, but are not likely to be discussed 'l. '
sinn out of lue committee ro?iii)?.
Ko Da-tv plan for the resumption of specie payments
has be.-n to trod ?iced; Ind.* d, there 1? much loaa talk
about reaomatloa thaa tberewaa twoyaanago. Tba
people who whiii a sound, redeemable euri.moy are tho
Irti.onrK, ti-.e aiiisai.s, und tbefanoera: and thaaabara
not got the ear of (Vngr-i-H? like the bankers ami tba
trading and speculating classes. Until tho great
aumeyi i and ni? i? antlle Intaraata want sjieale payment?
if I* quita < ??! tan. that ('ongrc-s will do nothing bn i lat
direction. Vtie .|'ia0tion will hardly bs Borieual.? uu in
tinned this Winter.
IffMM A HHIAa OOMPM-OHOrr01 thi* aiMIS?)
If I Ml WKW. DM, 21.?Tho Stat? PociiiblcH
have been revived. Tho Pennsylvanluns lead off, the
New-Yorkers and ?hloan* como itr-xt, and the other
Statei will soon follow. These sociables are a nntquo
feat uro of Washington society life. They are. glv.u lij?
aran iaflo.,s composed of ?lepnrTment officiais, clerks,
and otiair Covornuieot employa'? living In tho city.
lijesc ?iga?lziiti?n? have a double purpose. They make
iiiqul-itii a into the political faith of all person. -vliii_it;
?Hu laWaahinirton from their respective State?, to sec
if there be any Democrats, Ijbernls, or other political
heretics among Item j they aid In tho distribution of
dooi.ment?. levy 0BBBSMSBOtBi and obtain lcava-f-of
a?>seti4ua ijnd ltiiUiatjL o^ the railways to ?fiabie
their ' BBaibMB to 'go to their former
homes and vote. Bul when tho work of
t,i> a .inpa.i'ti is ova r and tim victory won, the iiiembci-'
thoughts turn from politics to the milder excitement of
tho quadrille and the ijcrinan, and their part:?;?.. et%JAtL\
?.t?i.'iih are converted into pleasant social coteries. Kach
engages o J:all and n band, provi?!'?? a suprer, snl in
pit iMy tofitaa ail a liizcmsof its State to com? in and
htivo a gooal tinu\ charging ttiem a small admUslon feo
to naf axoaaaaa. The principal Hortbaaa Matea ban
a.., ia an assneiatiaMi. Tin? New -England State? jola r?i
r?ether, und all t,!i? Houthern Status furnish only Bepob
.. i s .-iio'ig'i for a tinglo society. The aoelablea of each
aooletj usually ocur at lut irrals of a -ortntgbt or three
(mi there are ao many associations that f. -
flddllug and danc.ng going on the whole Wintei long.
ami as It I? theeaaton for p-onle .rom one -r to to luvnt?
their fucnds from ?mother to BBBN to their aociable?,
the friends of courre returning the COOipU
there 1, do eml of opportitnlrlei for I
who an? fond of ?urh taatn 'i ? to pa -? tle-lr .-.?<? -
'ia:.. ,..g . 1.1 cii.'.t. Kotbini oonldbe mtiob mon d?mo?
cratie than ir., ?. affaira, 'lhe politico] taponan, <? o? the
.ir-v-i. ...a? - > .?es the o.eiasioiiai Bttendanoe of the
Tu-.itl. ut an i ? ibiiie:, ind degr?* raen lare i
iirtr-'iii In gi ill ? iiiitii.i i ?. Mingled with tbaaa dlgni
taria s ara- pooc a i.-rks anal u oeaengera, who never owned
a dies? teat in tiu.-lr lives, and vh vires
moke no attempt to keep up wilb the faabiona For t he
time tbcv nri- a? irooil im unyiia.dy. l'o-r .lone? <>f tue
i'en'a Aualuaai's I >t_ee, wlio niakf.? ?hitl t.. live on ll.-taj
Ikes m his ungloved baofis the vtl.tte ui,ls of tin'
M>?.??--'. wit*- 111 '? !...-..Iaal ii_-ti..r?" til Ilia*
??Lou' a-r?," an.I Mr*. Jones, wh,. 'uu oaj-ofu.ly /tt.ri.?? <I
her old block silk for tho oeeaaloo. la tnaala bappj hi .
|K?iki ?utii a Ciiii(rr??ssman .?r a v.-alti istth ?
foreign leaMkm. Til'ra* in perleet lie ,1 i.i ..f
rtic-r, plain walking suits miarla with alooaiit rtti J*
bill, al'd laity irotk coats wiih lit. iatctt v"t of swallow
tail?; . ' ?*-.-?
WlisrefiSf rriay be t-nrfrighr. of the political feature of
Ihtse i-ta'e assotiiati?n?, i'i their aocial pbaao they ore
. ifnmqndabli. Tney fosrer a lova of one's native
i kincl of pati-lMUm wlilL'ti.perhaii?. ne. ds cultivo?
'. i in I'ii- -iitoiigeeiilrslieiiig ta?.i'ii'iicia*s that now pre
vi.i. r.c promoto tnoodatilfi hatarooa oaopla al coas?
? a v i : ;?. . iikug. .1 In Ih ? coaidob bunneoa of (?crv
lug thi Qorornmeiif, and itief no doubt croata to
ex'atit thai ttjtrit tu turps wiiii.la mal.es m'u take prldi
In tho (ui?lif?f pcifoiiuai.aa- a.? duty. 11.Malar, they afford
uu-tso lal dircrsion, at small expen e,
lo many wWwithout then, woiiid Iiavo f?.\i opi*ortu
n?tie- lor ttin.il ciajoyueiit.
WASHIMilu.H, Dae. 22, 137?.
The Attorney General sail, today, that the Gov?
ernment lias nu pr?tent iut.iit'oii of iaterferlng lu
the Aik.iiisH.s troubles. It l? not expeeti'd ttiflt n'iythlng
r.f a ecrums t haraoti r will u. cur until tba meeting of the
L'-glslaiiirc on the Ilr.st Monday In Junuary. I5otIi of the
Senator? from Arkr.n.-a*j have hud ire.iu"nt Inter
with tho Attorney-Uener.il with reference to tbadlflbr*
encf?, and, es might be expected, Mr. Clayton 1.11' one
?tory and Mr. Rice .mo'hcr. The Att' ral will
give no mdJiatlou of wuat' hi^ Hi-fi-.u will b ? in cOBt of it
distnrDaooa, but will simply wait and pursue MMh a
c-'iirto a. nauy seem wisest at the time. Both senators
hare tak' n tlielr aleparture. Booator llarlitu'? paper, m sa
articlo ili-prcc.ttlbg tho ?ivoruln. nf part playe.i t.t Federal
i.tll.-ials ill Southern efectla.ui, ?ays: "it Is time thai
r??in'- . f tn-BC men learned that they e?in halter serve
tl...intry and promoto tho inc?eos of Republicanism
tenting ?'.'m ' ! es with the dutlcj of t
oliiitri and BOt s.-eking State position?."
It if reported that auioug the documentary OfldBBCB
laid lM.-f.no lhe Cr? ill Mobilier ONBB-tttaa i>v Col.
Ha ( ouil,' Is a letter from Oakes Ames to the late S.-nator
(?rimes, who was a large holder of the stock, and. It np
pears, wished to dkrpooe of aome, Informing him that it
lo.i 'I be sold at Its?? a hharc. This letter was wrttton, it
laaatd.abaol tba Itaa Ames was furuiflung stock to
mam.', era of f.'ongress at tioo u share.
inr ?ki-kCHArii to the T-UUHUB.]
w i-iiiM.it'V, Daa. .v, itfl
Senator Sumner will remain in VVashlugton iluriug tho
recess, and gire himself up entirely to the treatment of
In.? ; ysician. lie has been much more comfortable for
a day or two past than before sitio his roturn. He has
not yet prepared his speaich on his resolution to leave the
lia.n.aof tno buttle, n lhe Rebellion fiom ri glmeiitiil
flags and the armv register,but has much of th> material
foi It collected. His proposition meets with much more
favor amoug army ami navy otlkera than was antici?
pated, and some of tba m have expressed their view? on
the i>ut.?ei t t.? Administration Senators, and urged them
nut to oppose the resolution.
The exodus from WashliiR-too for the holiduvs is more
general than it has been before tor years. The hotel?
to-night ore almost lit?ru)ly deserte-d. A few Senators
and Representatives who are keeping house in this city,
and a few others who reside so far away that it is incon?
venient lo make the tourney, arc the only ones who re?
main, fp? lobbyists are sil gone, and as orders have
already been given to close some of the Dep.utiiu ni? ut
l'j o'clock dally, business may bo expected to slam! ?tul
for the next two weeks.
Senator Fenton has been confined to his house ?luce
Tti-sduy last by si.-kuess. lie is now recove ring, and
his phyMcliUi promise? to huvo him out lu a few aiays.
llal.-FEAl. Pk-VR PIM'AT? 11 )
The United States and Spsnlsh (lovernmetits have
Just concluded an agreement for jointly taking testimony
In Cuba, to be used by the 4'ommisslon holding Us ace?
it?n In Waahluirton, for adjudication of the claims of
American rltiiensgrowing out of the prisent rel.eiilun
In thut lalatial. _
Moktoomeht, Dec. W.?In the House yea
terday Mr. Boyd (Demi offered a resolution that the
llonse should be immediately declared duly and perma?
nently organized, under the plan.of the Attorney lieu
oral, which waa voted down by the Republicans. The
Senate Joint resolution to aaljourn till Jan. U trat adopted
by the House, with the proviso thai it should not i't> con?
strued as ree<vgnlxiBg a permanent oraanlsatiou of the
Senat?*). The laeutenaiit-Oovernor announced the Senate
organised and ready for business several days ago. and
When this prortso came back fur concurren?ai* the Senate
refused to ooneur. wbereupoo the LiautenanKi?vern jr
adjourned the Senate despite Its action.
The Court-room Lejrtsleture continuas to bold dally
aesalons, and the Oorernor, yesterday, sent them a mes?
sage, i? t "Hamen.ling an lu. [?.net la taxation of 100 per
rriit. That body paased a bill authorising the Issue of
til.00O.0Oo I.-..ml? Mr i'aratiua, tbe permsurnt Speaker of
tba consolidated House, signed the t oui i room bill wblle
fua ?iiiins In the Capitol. The Lieutenact-lloreruor did
he same while presiding lo tbe Seuate at the C'apitol.
Tho Lxttiawcrau, aav tbla dupiKaUv? of Usa ImglalatuTe,
with the same offlcers presiding In tw.fh, argues T?sd
failli, and (hey will again appeal to tho Attoruoy-Oeu
( ral if It la not discontinue!,.
i.i 1MB i*i;iN( -Ks? y ATI?: Of co.mmi msts?THK
__cn_na utn mi.katkn wem aoaur
r*?iis.'Satiird?t.v,|I)ee. 21. 1?7..
Bef?te ruljdiiinini? tide nfternoon Um A
My flnaily pi,*?d U.e bill ?storing to the Uileans
Princes their confiscated property.
Pr?s.dent T.,! r? h il it coi.f.'ie.. ? .'*, V ? ;? ? i'1
afternoon, witl the Cortmiltteetfor Pardon?, re?peatlng
the cuac? of s vrai Communists who h ?va? beans? n
IBB ".1 to death, and who are to be executed Leiere fh?
(lid "f the ye;ir, unless tbc'r BBOO-BOBB ?re commui? d.
1'rei-iilent 'Ililers and his family will rtturn from
Versailles to Paris to-morrow, and wi'l stay there until
tin: i? assembling of the National Assembly. M. Dufanre,
Minister of Jusiicc, will remain ntlVc.r.t_illos dariug tlio
holiday recess.
Tho Corsaire, a R.nllcal Jotirnal. hr>? been suspended
for .'advocating the doctiluc of Sociali.?m.
I'Alti?, lice. 21, latrr
The pipublierne Francaite, the personal organ of M.
Oaiii!n-rta, pra-.lleta gor?ous Parllameii'ary crises when
the Assembly meets in January. It says tho trimming
tactics of the Qgrreti in. nt only hMBBOBB the disquiet of
the country, and the acts of Ministers Dnfauro and
Goulard endanger the Uovernment's popularity. The
Assembly yesterday votod to continue the tobacco
monopoly ten years. Tho two sub-committees of the
OoBaaatttaaaf rn_-ty.it with closed.!. ?
?KflLiN. U.c. ?, 18TX
The Fpener'sche Zeitung exiil.iitis that tho
partial revocation of the reduced fares for emigrants on
the ft?te ami private railways in Germat?y Is a question
of Infernal administration, and was required of the Oov
ernment by considerations of polltlcnl economy, and of
the private companies by their own interests. Tho
Ani-ria an pro.?s hnvo greatly exaggerates! '.l.e importance
and distorted the slgnlilcanco of this ?riiling affair. The
Giitette calls on tlio United States to do all in their
power to bring to t? satisfactory conclusion the ne gotta
Moa? for an lEmlrTratlou trepty, wtiia.li AimTien, not Ger?
many, haa delayed for year?.
nU-fJ-KT is TUB skint; BtTTM-DIXO.
Lonikin, Suttirdi'.y, Doc. .1,187-,
Tlio River Thames, which b_M already over- |
flowed its Booh, ?it muny place*, siid.'.enly roso nearly a
foot to-day at sVind.-ior. Homo Park is ono vast lake of
water, and thousands of acres of other land are sub?
merged. The present Inundation of tho Th mica 1? the
BTaOtOM since the Hood of MB.
Th' - brenkwat? rat Wick, Sco'lind, haa '.teen seriously
damaged by tho lato etoriui.
l'Ait!*?. -OtOntoPi l)-e. 21, 1ST2.
The fres'iet In V'c Rivet r8at-a I .. T ?*? sail r
bai already ..llicl. 70 .:a?litiinel-i ?.
[tri-UtDBO AIKl.liiON Of Sl.wi.l'V IV POKTO
i.:''?--MO BKIOf?M ron ODIA Ar imi.-ent.
MAIinil>,[Salui'i!ay. Dee. .1, 1872.
Bo8or Zorrilla tiniiouiK'i tl in the Botuto, yes
(' .-1 if, M at a bill v.-ould soon be Introtlueed hy the Gov
eri.f.i.-nt providing for the aiiolitiou "f Slavery In the
Iilainl of Torto Rico. Ho took aoaaatOO, at the MBM
urne, to repeat the statement heretofore made, that no
reforms would be introduced In tl .? rtrtir.iiiic.t if Cubii
while n single in**urgent remained on that N'aicl.
itssian commoce.
Bxpotrrno Dnrn?ntATioM ok m .?sia to rot*?
St. PxTEaanrno, 8atur'lar, Dec ?l, itli.
The Tmpcrial Gazette eayg the question of
the Khiva .-iiuipaign ha?i again been discussed In Gov
cniu.ohl elide.-, and it was resolved to undertake it.
Kick Vuttii Eouurael lui nooresod .rum Li?
ludlniKi :
Tl?! LBupmi of Rus-ia if ezpoetod to visit.
txxtex lOOn, ?iici-oinied by a,.il-.. t -,t Ki. -a..n OB>
The ontin* new Spanish loan of 2.W,000,(>00
jiesotari ha? been covered, and tho receipts will be Issued
at th" rate of 81.
An Army bill was introduced in tho Italian
I'.itl.aiuent 08 -j.atunluy, which , t all Caban?
I.el ween la nud 40 jciu of ago -hull be? hablo to mi.it.try
It is hoped in diplomatic* circle?! in Paris
ti.ut Biaaaa otO oeaa?a? to Iba BjopaaMlan ta submit the
IiHitrlum nilues ?iiicsiion to Fiance und Italy for arbl
Tin* firm of 1.a valoro in Genoa have arranged
tho basis of a contract with tho Italian Ministry of
Pol a'Work, for a ?team mill E.rvlco between Genoa
?ui?l the South American ports.
A ih?innnstratioti was mado, on Friday, in
Paila by MM Bfoapnt- i? faTo^atpPwt itoiin, a div
tiiigul-he.l nif m'.ii'i of tba Ir.?titiife, ? hofwaa stnia 1c from
the jarr liai lo aaoaaqaaoaa of hi-iduoeiicf in the eiiat
eucc of a God.
Cora Poarl has boon expelled from Franco
Inconsequence ..i'|M. D ivai.ftho sou of a wealthy re??l
dei:t of Parlii, who founded tho soun-hoiiuc?, lu that cltv,
ahootlsoblaaoelf In bar presence. Ho la ex pac tod to ro*
cover. The bullet/however, has not yet bceu extracteal.
The matti and sti-wavd of tho schooner Glad
Tidings, whk*h was lost off tho coast of >'ova Scotia,
sever.il month? aro, bav., bBBB arrested, char^od with
aonttltmcIba vessel. Wanoatabad baaalaauad aicaiust
th' ( ?pUiiii aud all, hand.?, but only tbo.o two ?ouid be
The Bishop of London officiated at ?t. Paul's
Cathedral, and L)eau Stail.iy at We.?tniin3ter Abbey, on
Fiulay. on theoe, ?tsi'.n of tho special prayers for tho
?mua ?s ot the missionary enterprises ot thai Enfilab
Church. At many n th? metropolitan churches, where
pntvers were als?! said, the attoudancc was very large,
William Wutely, colored ?toward of the brig?
antina Union Star, of .'itirsboro, In Nova Scotia, having
had a dIsa|t*r?.?emeutflwith |('iipt. White, at Spemcr's
Island, Hay of Kuudv, a few days ano, attempted to
burn the vessel, and kill the otllcors and crew. He stu?
pefied ail the hand?, with muriatic acid, while they won,
sl?eplnir, anal then set fire to the v??.?el lu the hold.
Before he eouhi eitricate himself, he waa suffocated by
suii'-e. The CaptalO awakenetl In time to arouse the
crew and i-xtliiirulsh the lire. Watelv, who helomced to
St. Kilts, Weat Indies, waa the ooly person who lost his
life. ??_^_?-___-__-__-_?>?_-.
\Vasiiin??ton, Dec. 81.?it con bo poaitively
stated on good authority that Judge Bradley haa not
si g ?i'.tloai anyl luteutlon to ao to slew Orleans during
th. pre?ent term ot the Uulted States Supreme Court
and it is pretty certain that he will not do so unless re?
quested by the President. It is understood that tbo Su?
preme i ?.urt does not regard itself as having any power
over the question whether Judge Bradley should or
should not go to New-Orleans, and as his going there at
sllalt-is juncture might have the appearance of dis?
trust of the two Judges already on or near the spot, ho
would be very reloetaut to take such a course, however
willing to do anything in his power to aid to settling tho
existing troubles.
The Ntjw 4trican? 4Aiii.inittee will hold another meeting
here on Monday, Instead of going to New-York, aa yes?
terday conteinplateal. They will then agree upon ou
address to the people of the United states.
Ni W-?HI.KANS, Dec. 21.?Jttdj-T- Alexander T.
Walker aud E. ('. Haacock, associate edito?, of The .V?v
Orleans Times, will Issue a new patter tav-morrow named
1 he Times. The suspension of The htto wleans Tsmtt
couses general regret.
A Siib-Committie of the I-ouiniana Citixeoa'
Committee waa In consultation on Saturday with Con?
gressman Hooaerelt and others. It was recommended
that the Committee preusu-e a petition to the President
to remedy tbe evil? existi?* in Louiai.u.t, and that it bo
circulated for aiauaiursa. Tkia will probably tie ?tone.
tub ??cr?en.
In Hpitc of the nddflB ehfl&f- in temiH rii
ture n-.?! ?i keen wiikI ?vhb'ii iii'td" tiie warmth of home
more than n?tially attractive, the audience that greeted
Prof. Tyndall on .Saturday nV.-ht was quite a? large as.
if not larger than, ihat of i.revloi;? lectures. Tin re ??or?'
uiiiiiy n?'Tf faces, Indicating more or les? transfer of
ticket?, and mere seemed t?> be even a greater repre
sentation than hitherto of the scientific Intelligence of
ib'j.i'v. There w.?s some d? lay. Mr. Hewitt came
forw.u?(!. and, pleasantly responding to the applause
of the audience by reminding them (hat ha
was cot the lecturer, proceeded to ?tato tbat, hereaft? r,
the '!? ors watte he tEteppi j i.?? ?, !y at ?o'clock, and tho
soat-holdern who were, not In at that hour would And
them? Ivor shut our. This was to be done In order r.,
er. n hie Prof. Tyndall to commence and end his lectures
exactly on time. Th<? Professor began by saying that ho
hoped tho audience had heard what had been ?Luted, and
had taken It to heart; B it for Ms own part ho ?lis? laiine.l
all res?>oa?iblllty lnjany arrangement to prevent people
who came to hear him fioui ?loin? no. lie felt ?luitu sura
that In case of need his bearer? would endure him for an
extra quarter of au hour, if it were necessary to make
up for lost time. It is in edicts to say that this pat the
audience iu the best of humor.
(Thi? experiment was tlist eboTn ?rUh a sing'e ning
net; the enrvrs wire vr? Me, but uot dMinellv 8?*p
orated from tho ir?a*??. When, however, two ? ?
were Introduced, the Mafl ;n?tanrly threw tl,"us. H? ?
into curvilinear positions. The ? -fia et v.-a.-i very striking.
In tho liagram, .V i?i the 1'iitcrn couf.nuing the electno
light ; Ii a plain mirror ; C Iho lens with mairnets ubove
it ; Da rlghtaaak '. pai -m ?leileetingthe r:iy toward th.?
Tm; ri-cri ;:''.
In our l?t?r h c?'ie w ...iigiit to I i r initu.s
with tie ebaractnristie.? ??:' wave-motlo'i. We drew a
< lerir ?1 stluction lu-iive? u tat MOtloaof M
and tie motion of it. constituent panicles, i
t.irou;!l water-waves ;.n*l ?nr-wav-- . ?! > U
mind* for the ronc'-ptfou ef light prop aim;.? ??! th-.i: li
too laatialfKon*** bUmt. The aoalogj ol :
will fix the whole mechanism m your miada? BeroiM
have a vibratory bofl* whie'i Bl iinititc? the v,-.i\? motion.
are have, in the iilr, n vchii le which uiii?..
have tho auditory
iimir. ..ions ol the sonorous wave ?. In MM ?-*"e ?.f
?ichi wo have In the vilii-t?irf BtOflM ? '
i .m?. hody the ortKl'iators or' rln- wave m diou. is. h..io
? flier its vehicle. while tho op( .
(in- lllipres.-loll uf the l.lllllit.'i 1*1
u1 so, that color was the no. . .-? m pit-h, (:,
rapid! ?** of atoado vibration aain-ented, nad ihe length
of tbo ether-wave. de. r> .i.-?'d, I. j i- .
to rhr blue end of the Ri?:, ir in?. The fruiifol pi
of interference we also ford BOfll)eahk lo the
MMeaa of light ; and we learned that, In a i rjni tee ot
tho (litTerent lenirtli? of'the et'nR>WHtat* '??"?' WOW tOte
o d !?v different thlc!.in"?- ? "T - ' fl'in?,
the parilcular thick]MM which q
ing with the conipVmi :.t.ny <?:.--. I
thu: platea w- | ! for.
nrTSiOAL O-HO. Of H UBCt?i ? - I OS?.
But out- of the ol?Jc? t? of our Lu! I n? t
tho least important, ?u manner la
wbtch ?cieutiflo theoriMor? fonoed. They.lath? l
pli'.ce, take theli- ri.-e i-i the il. tttt of the 111:1 t to pent
. tlie soiirce? of phenomeua. The d<
been a part of hu-rian nature. It prOMfM IC ?at r.i
s.iy th.il ho would exch.itik-o hi
?.." t'u eources of the N.le ; !? ni.iy i.e s en WOT-lM la
Luerotlui; tt Impels I)-r
tious which of l.ii. ?
mind. We have leaned that in fra
?:.i? nation docs not create, rmt that ii rxp
lab??, mold? and retine?,aath? ueri_ia
derived from tl.c world of fro : end ol
This I? more evidently the <.: ?? m a I
light, where the motions of a ?u aenslbie *
eil.er, are preseut* d to tbe mind. I
the condition, Newton took |eare not to I-1
qravttotloawithnnnoeeeaar? physical con v i- is-, but
wo have reason to know thai i 11 them,
thouirh he did not connect them with tils thenr
eren tiie theory m II itan la did not
revelation (_Mevcred boni tbe i
of the conception that the si n and I
together by a force of attraction Is to be ii
fad that a magnet-ha?l I*?? 11 pr n to attract
iron. Tlio noli m of inatter attractlns
from without, not from within. lno*i
the nsgnet (one moi-t terre no sriu further; nut m-io
we must master its element.try pin uoiuenu.
Tlie general facts of magneti?in are mo?; ?Imply tllu?.
trilled by ??iiiflletU'v. bai "f ?tc ?', corn.:sij i i. el i
bar magnet. Placing such a muguet upright upon a ra?
bie, and bringing a liiagn.ii?' ncedio near its bottOM, one
eud of the nee?llo promptly r??tieuts from the BaagBOt,
while the other as promptly approa. hes. The MOdV m
held iiulverlng there by ?otne invisible Inflo. rt< e ex. rr- -t
upon It? Raising tho needle along the magnet, bat eilll
avoiding contact, the rapidity of | its oaelllatlona de?
cieikneg, becail?.: the force in t.ngni in tiie needle u? ?OHM
weaker. At the ?eater ibe oeclllatl?na ecu- . aim.vo
thu center tho end which had been preiiou-l? drawn lo
ward the maguet retreats, and the onpo.lte end a|?
proaehoa As we asceud highi-r, the oecllLitintis b.?.:oinn
more violent, because the forrabeeooMoBtronarr. At
the upper end of the magnet, as at the lower, lb? for???
reaches a maximum, but all the lower half of :.ie mag?
net attract? one eud of to* needle, while all the uuix-r
half attracts the opposite eud. This doublenees of lue
msgiietlo force is cttlle<t oolarity. and the ixiluts near
the ends of the magnet in which the forces iwm cou.? u
trsted are called its poles.
(This was very clearly shown with a bar majmct, two or
three feet in length. The poles of the needle carried
flag? making It? movements apparent!
What, then, will occur If we break this marnet In two
at the center t Will each of tbe separat?? halve, set as it
did when It formed part of tbe wb magnet t Ko;
each half Is In Itaelt a perfect uiagnr,. nisseasing two
polea. This may be proved by breaking something of
lasa value than the magnet?the steel of a lady's stays
for example, hardened and magnetised. It aeia like the
mannet. When broken, ?seh half sots like the whole;
and when theie parts are again broken, we have still
the perfect magnet, possessitiK, as in the flrst lustance,
two polea. Push your breaking to its utmost limit; you
will be drivea to prolong your vision beyond thai limit,
and to contemplate this thing tbat we call msguetlo
polarity as resident In the ?t?mate particles of Use
maguet. Each atom is endowed with this polar force.
Mira rouu.
Lfke all other forcee, this force ofheegnetlsm Is amen?
able to mechanical law? ; and knowing tbe direction and
magnitude of tbe toreo, we can predict tu action. Plao
lng a ?mall magnetic needle near a bar magnet. It takes
op a determinate poeltlon. That position might bo de?
duced theoretically from tbe mutual action of tbe polea.
Moving tie needle round tbe magnet, for each point of
tbe surrounding spsce la a deDuke dilution ot the
ueedl?, aud no other. A needle of iron will aaawer ae
well aa tbe magnetlo needle ; for tbe needle of Iron lo
Hi.ia/netlir'd by tbe magnet, and acta exactly like a
ueedle Independently magnetised. If we place two or
more rod? of iron near tbe magae), tbe ?cttuo be?*,mo*
more Complex, fo? then tbe iron needdee are uot only
acted upon by the maguet, but they act upon each other.
And If we pass to smaller m?seos ot Iron?to Iron lllugs,
for ?xauiple? we find that they act substantially as the
needles, arranging themselves to dc.ila.te forms, la obo*
dlenoe to tbe magnetic action* ?
Placing a sheet et paner or glaM'ov?r this bar magnet
and showering Iron ilings upoa tbe paper, I uotice a
tendency of the ftllug? to arrange themaelres In deter
mluate Unas. They cannot freely follow this temleacy
for they are hampered by the friction against tbe iiapa-r!
I help the in by tapping the paper ; each tap MaB-BSO
tbemfor a own?iL end ?floUw Uicm iv fo.igw then

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