VOL. Y Y Y. I TVO. ? vim
? -am.m_m ???...?._ ? ???.v-v??-??
tin: OOMtm -Wt a pth-okal ?r.i r.r.11:? now
II I ll.ail II K Alt('?K- .1(111(1 4t. I'M'UPATIOM
W'ARitiNo.oy, Tiff*. -.I -Tin? Taoni.-'i.itia (."".uniittro
h.tvi? iivuK. Iht? f llaiwiiif? ?i'Mwh?b to tlit? p*i;>!ii i-f
tin* United BtatoBl
Tur. norm's ii' HTM at ittirrt
The citizen.? of Ltml.slaim ?Art i?crci-lvcd with M?U_M>
lion that the people of h?t 11 t<r ?*itrs are not uiieon
1 spectators of the eveuta now tr__i?t>irliig within
l:ir .linii.?. and of Miel : ? 1.0 i.._rnll<*l can ho
foetid in the h'atory of thl? or Any other country. As
the?-e event* were ?n.ircly--oiurJ-t abont bv ?be nft-nt-y
of a nia-or*. d\il and in)'..tar-, of tb_Qencr_10.va.rii*
ment, the clti_en? of Loui?. ma, not doubt1_(r that the
of the KxerutiTC, a: leaat, in rt-ttciHC to tliom
?4?.? the result of mi-apprehension of the fact?, detcr
nil.ieal to adopt prompt m-'a. urea for tl?c c.-rrectUin of
the error. At a BBBettlf smXei for thrrt prtr->o!?e, rcprc
aeiitliiir (we may aafely ?at , a largo ,????:'aondcranco ei
tal worth, lntfilicTi'-',', and wc-rt'th of the City of
'Mean?., a Oiumittce of 100 gentlomen was ap
I, with in.trurtiotis to proceed Imm?diate'.'' t.?
..?tmf" lay the faota brtforo the several depat t>
m at nf flic Q .vrriiio' ut, xei to solicit their aW In ro
ra.nnir the pro??-i-ron-*'* ? rh had bc/n iJotl?, an?_ In
>? to lha 1*4*1 ??lo the right of ?elf -.ivcratnoiit
?which te*} t ft..m tlitiii bv tl.e lu..?! fKitci.t
tit thai OeBMBrttt-B. On ,
our arrival hero we !..and to much u.i ipprohmrtOll0ti
lptini* ?ven ?inionc fho?e who are lipnal'v well informed
BI hl*tory of irtrBBfUi.
that ??o a'cttiWltoed t ? pn?,l'?_ it brief tiarri??tvo of the
? BMMBd in theae proi-eedlnt;?.. atvaro
*-? pr?-'PTly ti!i'ter?t'?-'d they ? ould
sB.lu.il ?>r t,o |J- .-:. ?-. ui se.k to belitti" au<l i"ou?t>ul
the question ? I to Ili-H B OBftuBlBi J to cv,r
? .erument of the. State a? a mero 6trugj*lo
?i-i tT'.l-ii.ey i> tween Cut. Wanaotl anil
Toey allt-fff that tho foruiui M..* viula'?v
iinii< by ?a.'in? tTi.lterv or ?'?gerdeniain to chest the |at
se I . ?* t.K> o*?j-ct at their pro
? r to lrimtrate flus att.'
! MB tiis iiiipr?'i?fil.in up.n ,
t lthut thl, Ounmlttee was eonipo?ed of
?..I a?renla of Qtrt, Wiirtnot'.i. M'o RpBllhll
..?mi m utterly faU' Bad unuarrant.'l. ?S
I r. pr.-t?euiative?of any tHiraouul. ? party ?nten-Ht
OT. WartiK't. -K?-1 siot u caui'M.a!*tuf n: y
* .leetii'li, BOB 'it..-' v, -, all
f. any connection nr aAUatloa with
;t 1. conccr.'i'?'!, t!
I?-\v if u.i.v ini-uibiT* al ..(t*o who have 1 <>t
-ecu BBBBag ? . iced-piKiiK-iiit; B
t_o-H> ? ...uuiUtration for whi.li h-laa
t '1 h?> h-.I f.ir hlB min
: !ic v< ry BX I I
MBB, iBBlatlll 1.'H llLl.lt k, Al.ta.a;..l?, ULtl UU
mcroti.' mBMBt ( iii-plcii'iuelf In
? ' *he otJitT 1n-jitinri'
hat tve nro no ?
" klloltiit.lK?'('.' ?? '?? po',lila:a mtmstuXtf .lit? lad?.1 to
.lie in?, v.'lct nf (I ? people ; that we do BO. lo
lii'V-an., rau( !i e.vL?t 1, a I that we would n.it he h.-iv
-\e <-',.i.al i>rt'.. ?,i.i a OMI icntiaaii-ly uur cquvki im
theA ten teme W-w hava? aoa-i foi.ted itii?.tiie . i.
. u-lavr- i
fully laatalled, hut wi ra -
v' -? i . ' a ?;? of the \ .1
r-T'?T Of li.i ' I I.* ' 1 1 ?! i:l? VTlitN
We hfiv.- m-' . ...Ncrni'i' i.t to .. I
tanr mu?'!' :.- we h-v- kaltad u thai M
' i":irc?? a enn.i.'l ful Imnartl-i! Inve??!.*tti.?! of the
tmntXei With thl* ft
?t4>t.tnei.t :
? leetion hell ir Loi
? i. the *tu .ma a.f >? it, fur Un- eleetlon
v ernor, men I
? mi y.-.', i .i afllaan At thl?
a iv nimm i ,.t ?. IkHtg, ? un i.ruf I
? ' "? *--'??:
? ?hrevi ?>t>?-t. '.????? e:itidi?lHte?i for the oficr-o ot
tor and Lie antat and WBraopBOae-l ?
.''.?Oil 15. I'a-Iili. The 1
rn *w ? not :i rnndldate fei re? k
'/ .- I : ? ? i :? '\: - ( ill'lo.t? ll WitbOllt|l'i ?
I ' in- iiiiuiii'T of vot'?? ca'tvaai
- ; ? ? . -
to the I the , .', ? __l J i I
wee cm ' '
. U.Hi.1.1 III 11.a -liJW. Vit., aid- I
HI] ( :it tin Tiriit- bj Mr. i.. J. Herr n
1. ii I.-?-', appon : .1 in- < ,.>?.. w.trViotii to fill I
? ei -'I mouth? in t.?ry. of G
! . V. Ilia, tl Ta ! | ;
1.1? nt wiatli? la ,'int.-t bafan
? r?--a>lva al tliitt Au?l<*r.-?
i their 1
(whom I ?
. ?ti.'i_,itj',-? ....
? rtusoii to Vi Hi !?? thai al (, ?*..
'\ a the removal of 11 ; ujic , a
a i-"intuit a fraud, for tiinl"r tlit? return? tl.'
i . li.l. 11 ?m n "inpt-ii by um iii
a h Herr?n ai.dJ-.yn-b la hilalfj
will .a? tin- mcrpla. R>(? l? n
fra.ni i ? f..' i develufiad tn tin, arldenca hefuruthe
< ??in t i.... - llt-iraiii. Hiiiii'iiii.i!-ii{ II?.-. thwarUiia "fin?
I hCTIll '
: ? r whirl u,,-. u? I .
I ' ' .( I.?
tin removal by tbi
tunittlni: furU.i-i i the
out? bin , .i.| In
fhe preaeuae of Lynch pi ?? ded t ? .- ? t i\ ?< . md
li .p.,ut?- t?i ill. tin TaeaBt*taa catead try the with
Of l'uirhli.i? K Haul Aiaila i,-i?, ?v-iii- 1.;. m Ii BBai I
d and under the anta
I i/.i.ft'i-i-t and Hawhlna. TBaa ttoeta ean foba
two i" . lulaaiuB t" !"..i.i
by Got. Waruioth, th. .' i
" .ruf the ftat^, .ili'l linal.-r the law Hi?' pr
orti.n of the it.,mal. anal whioh liu'l i*??-Sf'*?i4i<>li ol .
elecUan returua and eyerytbUia ne-uesaart tu a*
lit; while the aatin .'i Lynch, the fe
i i,,... i Secretar] a.f Mate, Hen in, aad tbaittwoap
M?ataaa a larthaBtata fuiirtme Oautl dwtded i'. I
the r, u?,.\..; if Etoree und the orlftoal appolntmi it .??
i illa-tritl, ant! liuva-e WM n-timtatetl In ln^
affloe, vMa,ite\.i in.ay be aaialof thes.- c ai.t. -?.?n. Board?,
?? il Htatea haduu
eeat-laaea ol anth..riiT t" d-ct?a batwi aa tht ir eaafl_ *
l:i': elalma to ottoe. After it liail _?.?-oiue ptotehla tuai
i i a- .i..lninta ?, William I'Mt Ki 1'iitr.a
' , h;?'1 l.?"!i (Ii f'lltixl, UUd thill thrir (a,,?..>i.??r
Would be de. m.-.l ? -.. t d, il"-? reapeetlvelf _j!'*?t M..i
|0 i he ' il'-'i MaK - tot tlr Ii
Mai of I..' i-.aii.'i fair 1n?nu' thin and t In/ Tat
,,r : ;.. il.f. nia mitt re ?f ino
(anvai-fliiit lii'iril. i>th'*r citizen-i,f thl Btati -??'ii ? ? ? !? ;
with tae i>r<niiuii*i,ti 'ii "f the it turnt?, uiial ccrtaii |?i*
5.i.? i?;. ?..m.- t.? tigre been elected, to tho
, ivernorahlp wens made a
l?ala? m in.a? ? r ailher ?>I tlaime ?nit*. TM i-iii.a'Ol i . I ?
punit ?m i '..t il" i ?a m rally appreheutled that . j
v mii.l be deprived ? : tbe "il.??? ? foT will? i. tl
itea. T?a?- y i i m.!? .1 in bare I
vote? at tin election, ami that tha?e bad boon i ,000
prevented lunn rottua hta ,n? nf tin i
II -.tilt. ..I H 1 \ at II? !? , ?h.,?.- % I ?
lb. > would have receired. The bill of KellocB ara ? I
to be for the pnaarratioB aad paiyatuatto?el ttie vi
?a-iice of tin- eitciii'ii, aad to tigre rafereao, i?. | .,
p ,rt of a nuit he tmirht bat?- ti> i.rliiK' 10
ufoee. Ant'lin'* ?Kit wa? ?lmliMr to the i-liaini? ?if t"l ?.
?t nal hail ii !? rt-i.a-e In it h piul'-r? for rellftf ta. Hie orp-ii.,
? itu.ii ?if tin- (.t-i.'-ial A?it?-iut>lt , -I Ita ii.e.tiiii' an u*-r
the. pru? laiia it.ajn a?f th?- liovel nul. I'll lha Will '!?>' o! 1)?.
( ember. 1BT?.
>'_!i?'A. Tde pni-tift, t?a th,-?e amt? won nil ntlxaut ' f
the Htrttf "f l.'iii?..ma. Un i.lijf't ail the 'tlH* t-tr, la
aanert title t" "fhca-i? "f tin f-i.i?- in advaaeatrf aay de?
eialon or aniioii?i ? ?.,! ni by aiay Inianl of uny p< r-n?ii ?*
ele<ted, arnl t" aletniniiae the paraaa*to mala tie- de
tiainu and tin-(ania"iiiic((U! nt 0) lh' .n.-licui nnti.criiy
of tbtClrtinl ( "1 'if flu? United BtMaa. i''iidiri?/ tale
?nit?, un es junte and private ainla-r w;,4 mailt uu tin?
Miitnf Kelbigti, tai lha a-ffea-t that the di-Ti-iidnnf. Ii. <.
Wnriiit.tli, Use (?aiS'-runr. bad,in vloi?tion of tin; rewtrain
ItiK ordei ot tii?- ( a..irt, ia???ued a proa laiuitii"ii and return
of certain penOBl claiming to he lh? fta?ui,l of reinri.
test- aaVan. 'Im k ni"> of ?ai1' oKb I M?-re ?i? f,,;?,.??,* :
Ham. Xkantorr. u, i>-??*-?4 tac ?urtli?r ohs'rua i ..? ui ta? pnaaai
li.fl ?a tkli ?aaae ami funliet to ynttnl Ota ?ia?_Bt?.-_ of lia? ? .???
t?,a ( ?.?ri sud ta? la-uB'iil iaattt uf i.siuil, Bf 1-4 M ?Ha p'ia?. it II
XmPy at?titti ikai u?. Mi.aia?! uf tit? l uiw?. hUu" f..- n.? DIaM t ?i
-wuialaaa ?-all fan-wit- u.1? pos?M?iuB ?f Ike MWa| Id..?u ?til?
M??r..??H. IwUlBU s.,0 .?'u?i*ll S. S !4U<? ii?J-?** '"' U". a???- ..a>lil.|I
?I l_? L?H ?l?i?i?i iu*r? ? i? ti.? < it, i>f Semtir.rx:* l'.al k?U 11.t
mine tnbjtcltA, ike tutUirt or?ei ?I t-la C??rt.s..al nans at? lui? I?, j,r?.
?ml ?II ??Uwltl i?i?l.?., n?run ua.4.r lb* gtg* nt oir?an ?! to
tLurl, ?-si???- in nnum at (m-U-?i?. r?B?_s? ?-1 trUtrB? a_?alr b? *.nl
trt-i?.?* ?acrs la e?aM?Bt an 1 t.an.Uon of ?a J rrslrsia'af awrf,
1>?I Ua? Msrakal lsd.r??-taM lualiBw iLe ,?,i.?i tat rf,irn U> ?aid ?i-vm
Xlta patilic mSXuei la aai? ballait,? at MnSM rulittwl to II.? ssBBC
/ i/fAT The Interlocutory ?ual et /atarte a.rder a.f Ibe suit of
Anuiiut ,tb. candidate forL-MUaaaal OoTorear-aooi la
have been made a? the comiilemciit u> the aai.ler alnave
tjaoUHl iu tli? ?uit of KelioKg, whla-b dnecleal the oe. upa
tion of the MtHte f:_p?tol by tbe Marsh ,1, with dln-ction?
to prohibit what l? urmed lu the orli-i ?* an unlawful aa
eeaililaife," wbll? the ?it-i Mmal.al is t*.ir.et>d to allow
the Imcree* _tl,i ?.?-t,,..? .,f iwriaoit. he iiuitbt deteimiat to
tat-euUUa-4 to ?ua h ? peivije?.. Thl? oida-i, In the ?.-a*?
ot Antoine, i? oompi-ln-iiait. andBnzpUvlt. >anitji?n
mlateke ita lmpttrt or il? oi.jr. t. It .- :
?4Vs? : TXaA taa Oatataot ai ,??? hua. lw ?t.jeuaarl ??A reitralaaal tr.ai
?iaa-Bi?f IM ?1?c-.b -Maim?, at wuusi ,?-?, ?in. pi ? att? b??m.~?
at tSXetn *a*lrLauml la tkmat oroVr? aaaT fren <m,a oil.?? ,uurl?r,if
amk, at ?tt-Mblinf I? lalarfar? ?,U it? ?rai.ii_i,?? .{ u,? Mil?
I?(iilatar?. aa? tnm iving aaj etn,at ttaa git.aw at, oritt oi Altae
?oa, m -mIIbc aa? r??B?at ?Uri ??- dircetlr ?r iBaiir.rU- *>r*i??, ?,
aUadar ?a? atnau tiom U,.f ?,Kva. ?a- uki?f par, .? Hi? ?r??al_i??s
at A*? mtaait tailed vu l?. a-.L of btetmutt ar ?4 ??? foiar. ?a, ?a.
stay Xt ttaptttt m ? sttmptt taenbl ?; ? _*?* ?--sain? ?f m. o
WinrrelV f!e<?rr? F. Borte, Jamet T-e-rr-ttreet, l.eob Tla.ib?,
?ctir. Va. Kietilr. el. wh.i? nnme bus been Iraii.u i.te? || ( Bsrtsi Herr
Kieretar? of tie B;-na'.j. br (iinr?,'. K 11..ic. hserrtiry nf Male.
.?>nrr.<l.- 1?1 ?? inmed pertens, wlirr had been ranlii!?i?-i fer
oft.-e i.fSess'.or 1a tbe Slate ft?rate, ml w'jo were rnppooed to I?
to?-n elected. an.1 had beea declared to he a?, were tn?o!ned ?nd reatrai
fr- ii pa tieipatiia? I? ?nt ?unner I? ?h. , r>L??ir?iio-i of II . ?.-t ?te
S.- rr ai., ?et a' ,,-it that enjill?a.ot su!? a Hirt- i,.ry~ ?I n,-l " i pi
en psVB?l li?t ?t tnn.et of meir.ber? of i,.e fceiiste, ta tr?itMiilttd to
S.-rr. la?, -'ibe feasie, Cliirle? MerT 11
TAirdt AI,reit IW per- ,n? * ' ...e niTo-. ire (flTe- wbi were ne-ne
le l>e ele. ed ,.i fis lloaii et Repi aun tir . i i.' ib? Ornerai A.aeial
? i.l ln.i t'-en le-l.i??1 to be eo e?frtcd were lirnilarlT ssjoias? triar
: -f In t'' "irnnlratlo . rif tri. Ilnn?' t.'. ll-p-r-ei.|.?r,e,, e- i
de vf, ?. r ?ri or esilug at, rote mleai ??eir ni? ? were es Uot?
li?t i.f member!
rtmrth: Th. elerkl nf lie (?eel!, an' o' t' ? iHstSB o? Repre.-^ilitl
?rtre s-renVr en1<??ue<l Item piarlas on air li.t nr annean?n? ibe s?
efsnt roere!?., i r tu,*, nss?llist a? a n.t I..I? r, i r (toa r H tltiB|
I nieaiber prior ta. or dn; inf tee oryanr.??lf>n of the r?,??ertiTe H Blet, i
lier a. m ?alio?, same waa loi | :?ud nor n BstSB. lui.
J'i/.h: l'be .?r.-.rr ?ir ni BlSIl lllaiin tiaa ci.j.lpei'. f, >?- rerelr
Tt-ture.? of ?he elee'ior. <?f Sute o?cera, or of n>m>rr> of i '?- I
Ante-nil?, eic*:?uas is.-'i sa ?hnnld ha lied la b.s oS ? I. Il? Us
of W ?nrietli. Le ii-s'ree!, ll??rir!r.?, lnrerr atid 11- ?...
Sirth: T). Chef of tbe Mfli.soln.ii aVel.e? ar.lallol iu ?--N
soi.her.cf alie-I ?*?', tcd l'ie Hoard wers ebj,.lne?l firm im rrtiiij ?
0 ? nrf-e tt". ?i ef Ih- OtBWsl Aai'aldr, tad not te prtiett (?or
Brr.e , ll.t Treta cateiiB; into tbe btUt .1 the A-w-ra'.l,
fin?*s(*i : Tbe BSlaiBB i?isn!s| Hit Botrl rtorpuijeil?,,
snor ?-re fn)?,ii.ed flots tc'mtita I ibtuwin* Beard, fr, i
W? BsbriSBUSl'.l cira!, ri .n ?ratesetl. or proel aiaat m of ti ?aal
orii-antint c. rtiiVete, of elert,? or ?t?'rn,i?ol? knOsf w ibow a
Lira ta. nfiec fTow.nj ?ot ef (.?lieu casi at Hid elcclii.:..
The Marshal. r,i?>inf<-,l bj u 'li-i.i* liment from the An
of the tiiiHed Stiitf?, tirelcr these, o?de.rs tunk i
of Ihn H?atc Capitol sud held it ?iu t'ae Wtli <?f I?
v dr i, lie, (,(.;ir-r.il A?se-nl.iy ?ef? toc?me t iri'! ?-i i'-i '
f r pmelaTunMon of Mir Governor. The eavesa and I
ftreeeot patso-a were regulated arcor-di ii?, i?> t.. ?
A person liarni-,1 PuicliU.i'k tooh pnSBSBBllHI uf 1 ?
rf triii Senat??, Mi?I ?llreeu-d il?- ?? rgaail sti ?n. lie, h
1-ccn n Hiu.it * fur ft terni thsl Esd ? lpt1? .*. \-,
?enator ho lind b?-ei lr.'M'lri.t of tli?? B
v?ricoot Hiii'lili'ioiilciii-y nuil?-!- tin? luv li d ?>_ ,
Jiicut??DRii'-?'?<iveriiiir inror t.'ro (1?"itU of !?? m?, t!
I.li-uloi?.an! -OoTcrt.cr dimit? lu t?r.H i luit nt ms tm
of the?!? ocrnrTf'.ire? lie ??v?is ? : ttiereiv fi?riaf?i
(ifrte'to a- rreiiilont ?.f ?i?1 ?eunu-, 1.1! -.t, , Bots inst?
n)>iUis?! uoy.k vr ?'?1 '? ' ?' tlt?sw ?i"*t ni I'
iio-f-t*_of."?iTt:ilre enr ?/?'nrt In the, ?.irinlMtii i ?>f il
B-BSVr*. 'i l.e Him??- of K''pr? . ?Dt.itJv.rs \i.i? iiltn otgu
l?e_, the lV.-tri'.n?!-r of >*ev-Orleaos ln-in
Tiie rortiflrat?-? of Tevei? tiv?l r lbef Injjoftlon wm
tftken ft." conclu-' 1?" of memher.ahip. ?lies?' i.ixUes piv-h?
ilUliUS fl>r t!.?> ?UIIH'B?UIIICUL t? i
?ii.l Uni* riuc?i?n '-? frlr. lit li'.ier!\ it a'^Ci:
tlic tl?l?*> of (?i>veni-ir. Two ? i i I i.t ju.lc
| slilfis *?vero a'-oli.-lie.!. and u new ?mut
the _ujr-rlot C ?art was ! I,
?>?'?'??-. mu?. lu?n' ?; .?ti'i-r . c? litairo jui'.ndit-tiun i?? ?I
t i-i mili, i.t,--1.? ofilre, snd sir. l. ?i.nn,. as of Uie inri
tiers Qf Ul6 I'.'iv.e. Ii-ir.l, v ii ? h."l DBdS f !.?'??!(?"
letm i?i, wii?i mii'ts Jiiiiin'. Sr.'].? linviri.- lux is tul.-.
the ??i-Y'Tii'T, lu lu?? flii i.il tai icltV, to
I-y the Supl l : ' ('? 'rt i,| tV. I I ! - |
ri-frhof t!i' lTn???'?1 Ht-???'? ? ? ' i. t'.e-ir i-.Mii
fortliwIHi ado?,?i-"l res...*
The mlilLU w?j yL ?' uud
Ci-n. .1. mi ? i ?irp trset, ?". i I r ?i.- i ?
SOd thtiit-i IihIi at io l^k u . .- ,.- .? ,n i , i .
i..?.- Lu.L a ,-a.sU'S ;..
A J I I'?
ll hit bota bo? . t?f prof
? in.
n*<-> cvu?o. Tl.!. pt.iten?-r!t Mi ivs thnt a ilv
revolution bad l>c?sa eO?taa-BM 1, BanIs 1 on, mil
Iilloboil ?wi'ihin a luunr uiontl?, MaOsi 4h? ?t?-M cf
, mit, In Mi?t.? oier Vt-hieh trie (.' ni' 1 h i ),
Jurlsdietlon ut all, -.? hi thi ol ?
_*liC ' t 0? til? I
?.f ll'iilid Jin.,lu ? on, an! -wllli'iut ii'ilVorlly (
? i.t. . i.ilo nvli ?..lid bet WOOD iii./.u..? 0? !??
?-taa-, unie?? tVo ? ? ?'..lr.Ily in).'.?
i . Coa?tltutloB nua laws of Um Unit.
. , ami jurisdlctlou i. \i ii i !.. ? ?I r
Canofiesa bave no puwer ta confer Jons?ietloii inn,
. i, e du . itborit* i
'..v Inrlsdlei laoli it of a citizen of tbo
i!n? Mate. Under i... set ol Cougr? lolino,ui>??i
. . uni? m i
linn ?nil for cri ofHoe <*f tx State wllbln ?tbe ? onrti a
i \c : ! ?1 from tbo ?-."?'-.. loti? ? f i ? ?
in lue i.. -?> Hint ,4-'. i?:. t.io ol!*
of lr. il.'?.!-? (a i BDd I'l -ilenti.l Oil?!
or?. Tin- csii'iie prell -vr In Ike ease ?
AutolLo Is S ? ... lein in ill ?ri? f Hie Hue of i'i
x rs of tl.i i- f . m| !' t
,i nut ..i possession a?could
or der. Had laen
i ' .. ? [? ? .i i i nf | -e- r < '?1er? en
i u.: ?.lid bloodshed had foil ? ui, opon ?bom ? ? ...
aVen ih" reapouubllityl Bywboseloroear-nc
* Iba I rs bloody < stsstn r?li : en ?-xlnHt?-.
ssascaudul i> ?ho Uud I ii ? ,
t!.e l-.v^. atlve tl i?ed? oi
. -1 m ool. of a In iti j v? blob
rs. - d? rlfod .'nun m>
tenn?Hr.i?e. .,--.? or c..ni.ml? ne.
i . bul .ImliilHr,' m-!.on I
i?. Tin
iliii!iu_v ?M h ? Heilt-, from lb? employmeul ofjudldarj
vow?i t<>mi impllsboiuif than Judlefalacl ifadmLun?
.a cannot b*. ted, aud it le ?.ii!?o?-?iilj t?
..ii-l li.v n eoiii'l in dot. ni.lii!.i? lh.il tO I ?? lag i w In? li I
i-K ly *i ?n vie, or le.ar to n ?? ri?-! mu.eh is only profit
able, Tbe enter in ti*>- Ci :-?? ??i n parir, u
.,-?, r?-;- > a- ?<?? -?-'??' ?^ Il - '? ' ??? ? ? ?
i contempt by
usual in mat'era of ibs s<ii,iuui ?rt
.i. nui swan ..r , - li imiai
O. Ih. t.*;' i n.i.l.ll 1 I II
. .
.-aid, asrtilt jM-ofessedly broii^UI ii> p.r|?ctujtu u
Uinony. ?bbs
y? ?Itb more dl?tlnet_e?s
tl? m that ' i it baa been a
u ... I? ? io neo,n. ? -.
n.. uy bad no oogolzsace. Anttiiue was s ? i
I ?. - . :ii,..,l to la? s,ii .-. .
i irv iie\i, h ii be been elected. Wltb a-ispated Ulle ?
i io itn lu artvaoo., lis i. d ned i 'a.
i ... i ?? e v-i re ? .-'? ., i'l .o rii-, oi
erniaT. theSiiretarj of ?t?te, the m* -f b< th
br-Dcbesoi ihc( ibly, iJ! il.o j;u.?ril an.I
i and lir'rii ' I !lic I'.ii.ce, l!n 1, ;.
tWO ( ' till? 'a ,
ornan tsatlon ol tbe Qeoe___ Asasiublr. a( Um?
be bad bo ?bar? la any o? Its sit lug , ?? i i ?j .i._.iai
direct, 'i.
Siuix? tho meftlnrt l'i N??** Orle-in? nnder T.l.'rt, the
< viiiuilt''?? ?Asappolati i. v . . ,.... i,,. n .
jMiehed, sod ihat their revocation or r."? s- on ?odd ncl
restore tue ttttttu gat?,and taui our eorupislats,
lOYf, Si? Ulli' -U.-, rllalr? . il lile lijl.ll I. ? ri V, r \,.. \ ,- 1? i , ?r
r? cr, rrii? ?i s coQJiilou ou?ht not tu aff'et our ri^t.oii ?.r
Wbea the Kl n ?j-of ?rea' Bntsln establlsbed nri.:?rirlly
?? pnyfttnnieal In one ol tl oolo o-islnd
r V?ntes t'?o!c ?U
deot m ?ell as an last ameul i i?ucb govern
?iieiitu else ?boo* Besides? men um le.? patient nial-r
viviirfful orders atnl aetsol .1 J.nlii r.iry n .niuiii! tha?
even of vio.?nie funi otli'-r ?onrtesof au?ioriry. A
?UV* rnili. lit, Vhicn liret.1 f?T IIS OritaalSatlOB BDOO OB
J judicial order, .i?oui?rt by a marshal ?1
paule? of tuilier ?. doe? nol ? ?i im ind ua mm h rs
miThorlty as if tbe Ja.ll iduuei i ni !
I I ?itb, and tbe aruybaj set np tbaOoreram?it
M?h a strong sad asarplnji band.
ji. ? ..a.:: ? !.. i . betty to say tbat t!.? r
bare had no connection ?1th ihn? salts aspartlssoi
?-yg; neiilior tlo rh??y ? ih?ui ni y of tbsol
iiiaput'-. Tb'.'.v (iriv? not berototore !??-i eaamni-i la
the oonrroi-.'isii-s amoni; tin- pollttoal ?lasse? ?blab bare
< :i.|;iiiK?n-.| til'-IK a. ? nf ?Hu? ' rnil/Iit ?eund il upon 11,o
Mat.-. Tbey sfflnn tbat? daring tbo last four yean, Ib?re
> im? not i?, -n food (overumi .! rrlilaus. Tbers ba?
? tti iv.i_.iiic?. prodljrslity, dlsbonestjr. aad ?.nie
[ in ?im pabilo expeoaltares. fue publie ?neb? i
: enorinousiy liiorcaiei i), with luit lKtlo lorrc-i
, boa fiv
Tim ore??tOf tho Stiite ha? bee? rIv?n IO Hprc.ulatln
' corporation?, for personal alu Tbe taxes on prop-ny
' bare assamed sucb proporciona tbat they nugiit be
l cii?ed xaaupaid by tbe proiirietors to the -tatefsrlts
i ocoupaUon aud use, Tne uutcs apoo business (
tas o ?nuasrelal and laborla.?at ....??-????. Ti. Is?s to con?
trol electi?-ii-, <-<ii|i ?ral.on? and puWIIc Institatlon? stim?
ulate tlie-?? excesar? of oil)oe-bolii?'?, and the oouse
qaeaoels deprssslou un*l ?li - ?-?_> i. t ? -1. ". i.n- f":,!!'
rn li?.ii??l, fi'llliflll and l? ??? ?? ? I ; 1)1? I'.MIIilil?
?iiiited t<> atiain pabilo oi.j?<t-. sad aol to aai eb its
iiiciut'ci?.? ?.r t > perpetoate tbei power, iii? rs
? : ? it*.n t ti? obtaia sucb a | rrenasBbtal Oh BmI
. ... * i . i.
an itM'AiiAiaLEi.Kn ?Nr, a___UBi r.-ii'itir_BOO<
We ?u-nu without f'-nr of ciiuiradli-?oii ihat the Lnr
****$Blalnaionl (-xhivit-? *.? iho pjrt of tin Dallad
Sta! M '.un thtr mosl uupjr.illelcd arid liaselens ?iriu-pn
tmuof Jurisdiction and authority of which tbo auu.ils
of |ui!>pru?!en<-<! nfford unv cxaniple. Tho action o? tue
Batarataf Board?? neacalssd and tomb? with
alllUpowen i>y tills Court, im. l?cc.i oi?_illy unur?
eeiieiitar-d. Without any oflleliil returns Ixioro tliern;
niliioat uny of the olUcial duta on ?lil.h alou?! thoir
Hntl.ab (ouid hiive been li_lit(ilii.v lianeil, thei h..\ e in.
suni?-d io proclaim th? results of tno oiO'-tiou. Trie?
d'.claralioii by theui of the \otiy, oast lu iho diiTercrit
* parishes Is as puxely lauoi/ul us 11 ui. election ?halSVBt
lisd Ix?en held.
1 iiey have arbitrarily reduced and tncresi^il the ?otes
ou oue sido or the otner in dlffcreut n_nsbos t" ? -it their
, iiiitj?.?!.;?.. I? SSTOfal parishes. ?BUS retnrulng ?.reven
ailiiiuK to the vot<-s oust lue tueir c-uilldittes, they ha\o
simply uiiuihlluted or strlebea out ontiroly t.ie votes
cast lor their opponents, iu other parishes ther have
1 exseily reterae?! tbe returns. Riviug to theli osndidarss
.' the uiajorliy which bad really lieou returned for their
I opponents. Tbey huvo not prcteudod to furnish th?
? piihlio with auy statement o? tue basis onwhiohthey
| proceeded or the th?*?ory ou ?shic'u IboyaotoO. Their
i whole conduct is without auy klud of n.oi?'iah!? ex
! planatloii.
Wo submit to the people of lb?* UalK d late.? th it such
J ?proetediags reacb a Mat M ?blah toa ?bota theory of
j popular K?.' riiuieiit li reversed aua overthrown. The
I iiieaiie l?y ?Bleb such n-tulis b?vo h?reu rea? bed aia
? iioiu'l. U? sttrtle th?- puldle mind, luit the ret lite them
wlv?? ar?- not les? apjmlilnK, Atide fiom tbo se?era!
oflteer? of the iSUte, we Un?! (he 1.--K1.-.1 ituie of th l Mate
delivered oi?r int.? the bunds of men who VBfeaot
elected and who are utterly unfit for MtaOOeBof saeb
re.eponsllilllly. AsorUllssliy compone?! at lis *<r?Taii!Is
iioii.it niii?i?rls?id6?lpei*?ins of color, moni of tb?ui totally
liriei'U'-aleu, with a ttiry Sliuill liiliiollly of win'- ?.
bin? e ti.nt time they have eijsille- uieiuhers wh???e
seuts woie un? outesl.-d Tln-yliaie unseated iiiciuIm rs
returii.-'l all i led l?y th.-lr own Hoard and seiit.-d their
def.sted opjionents on the simple ground that the for?
mer had laut apueui-ed lo vl.isii til?' r e, i,t?. TliS result
Is thai ori?iiii?lly had at th?? le'glsluturii wss II luskes
it-self wome ilsy by day, and tbe prospect 1? tlist m?,n
the Conservadle eloiueut of the riut-i. will have M r.p
r???? utatlon wnatever. T? those who flitter taessaelvea
Tilth !hs hope that Mr. Kellosg would u?t willlnirlv sin t
any sein ine of mliaQBilO? ini?ii?rvenii.i n!, it n nun up
psn-iil Ihat even siippisiug Ills t?' Ix- ira? the joaer ?f
resiraliilug__spa_s?*dcii!ire!y lieyoiid l la ciiilrul, and
that sdooul hi altcmpt to thwsrl the iiIkuks of this
LcgKntm-fi his own tmiteachnient would bo n proluil'h?
t vent of the futinc.
T?IE BUB-MR C?t'NKI.I-l an ah-eii. T(i C-?W?M
lu crncliisU.u, wo would state that we bav ?tfi'iiipH'l
to perform the duties of our mission la fhfl iiitt. -at non
partisan spirit ; that wo have not ?oiiclia te fnrni*?li capi?
tal to Hiiv paUtteal party or to exflte popular clauinr la
lha latareata et any faa-iion ; we have iui.1 our cuae b< -
l.ra? tht? I'nai'l i.t anal bin Attairna-y-Ueneral, and we
v i:i,ni?lr tcavtlf- thai \\- tigre bee? eaartaeosly receive!
and patiently !l?ten.-d to. While they have r?fiiaed the
i>pe( file measures of relief for which we applied, thev
Bare airen reaaons for aacb refusal, 1? no ui.ium.r iu.*
pl.a lilt; tin lr mali-?pai?ltloii to seo jiiiatico done.
The?- bare, refaned m to ruiiiois?. und we f. l
Basarad that we ?biOl hum the Imm?diat?) .?auction "f
tbe in ?,.l> nt so far iu? wo invite an imp.ii nul lu vet lira -
tl"M ?if lin- faa-tn of oin- ease, an.1 tl' 't 9te ?.'nil iiitVa? ?M
cooperation m aaymea?res ?f r?!ief which Ooagreea
may adopt aft'i? Just liivt-Hflgataon. The people a,f
I. ii.Islam., hj-Uoiiua party, art i "in. mu? of nu honorai.!o
e_forl to place lu niT?ce men of tried probity, 'l hey ?c?k
piiiiae, not genereelfr. Thar m_ for a calm, impartial
.laminationat the recent ejuraordioarjf oventa within
their Bordan,la order that tbe truth nm> bo known,
und tl.at there may lie a speedy correction of tha dan
Karoos e\ II* now ihre itcnin? Uta very lite of tlieii' bUia.
)\ unit.nyUm. D. (.'., ?Jtx. . I, ls7?.
J. A. CA-U1 l.i l , J'HIN VA-BBABtU,
J. Ai,vn?.,i . i . B. ft ?M.?,
Al'i.i ??r ii'.nv, K. H. W iiM.i'i' i?,
N. lunviTr, (,. Ki.ii.N,
A. ClIIAII I I.A. II Mario-R-Y,
.1 S. CO? ?. 4!. W. ISalTT.
ii. Bj. 00-oa a. ii. v. oi.i.i >,
II. 1) (?li.K.MAN, w. t, I'l-l..
.li.l'N C. i'a.TI*. I'. A. liAJIKI!,
.lullN t, i'Ol.l.l?. K. II. (,AKMH.
.1. I I'll S. I..M. KAM-II.
.f.Ml't B/AUA4TB, AI.HI.RT 0. Ja.IIN,
Wai I H. Ukli.vstlF.IB.
_). (. hAli... l, T. H. klSM.I'V,
11. ?1. .*. i\ t-. J.M.N'a.ll,
J, ?V, 1-AlltJt IBB] , Al.r-lill) MiL-tN-ElloER.
I), ejggt, II. t.. IIABlIT.
I:il-Il4lll' I'lTl.i.lt, Hill MaIUIV.
Mat. h hti.i.n, \v. maj-ka,
h. r. un. t*. m. wit.? ox,
?..i ii ,. " ?\ruti 4, ii. it. Cfc-ado.
Wut tui m.w-cui.:?* .-..- -i'-it.\'D_;d.
ia-y no.tura i. ?he twm
W" -..-ni , i< .s, Der. 23.?Loiii-i.iiin politki-tpj
?'.(-. lob) !? ipi?pjocMTltles, wUljo Inatstinn thutthen
waanol r",n lathe re?ni anppr?sst-a of Ihc
. Timts by order ni J . at Iba emtm
tir?e, i'a tin-i.' ?at th ci ?? "' ' . ? . Unir, furilsh pooal
a pr.i.ili'il o'.itr.ij-e. fully
i'ti X\ iv with other., i oint, nil dby the-MM Jini ,-i>. ft
r.],;c n ? from the.?o B wh.i.o suit
th? i .".'t .'iii.'i- t.'.i.. m Ifl .1 ti) U.U. ill'l or. r, vas a for
,.a i.i est?bil ihi . it, and a ilgg? 'o h;.v.-.
attic iiioiii v foi-1 any nut it on.
. i iv.yer and an tntiin.ito Criead and aaaoctataef
Dur?- I. ni o 1..' a th. ? I11111I4 a i?r'.it (i-.-.il ti
ri :j pro .-,,'"i Uid '? il- L!? Court.
? I r.,? Lihacal eoell*
rhl ?i \. .1.4 f.'iiii'id for t'-.e pui]'". ?? of ivforrniii{- t'lf
IV? lltllL- !
and ? iuzIbb ??'| b< b< ' ?> ?1 p
1 ;,? aad
couraxeons In H< dennneiallon "t tbe decUiona and
ord.-is by wiiii-h Jini'.-.- ii h Ucapturad t.,- entll
iment aid detirered it lata lha haadaat tuo
idt-r of
opiula'ii nmoiip th?-int'lh,:? * i.iii'l 1 ipaeiabte?It
. th -late, if Ii ?1 im it"! by p ?II
1 ? . v thai Um priK eding 1 I
.11'.' 1 laV M> Kfa. tl, pi M- ? I
wasuaturally ?jrr-ttiy in'cii-e l itL".iti-, i/,- Mints. Tust
ni'-?? ?ult ?-: ohvia.u? fi"
?uppn Ion of the paper. Any man who wanted t" 1 1
mom '...' sw?paper would not i>..ln uy
-hutliagup the ?-?taiiiiaiiiii'u. mid .hua prevent!-? 11
fjTum aariilua it, audevonfuaily destroy lute ail th 1 1
d m it ci'., pt the value "t lia types and
reappcan i" ba bo doabt that tho papei
1 .? a 1 nl ?,',,' n. i"i' 1 ?tl ? ? '.,? m tin
. \?iio baa euastllut a bunaell Out i>.? ,ata?r o.
LonUlana. ________^______________.
1.1111.1. Bocs, Ark., i>i?c. M n>Eifi otiti
r.'-f'.-iii < .'-.di?! ittf tor 81 '? ' :.'.-*' t r.t the r. cent e'.c. 1 in
-, . j ;..? .a i|,i,k . I,.f,.[ ,|., 1. . a ; . f ,'..
? , ('out ln-i!ioir,.vv, an illar to tbo?e
. . f :?'. v ' 11 '? :. ?. lu ri S?.' ana Tin? .-. .
,?i ?. m.,i:i ?. 1. . ..Ni; ?7.?? rr.r. sYviiii mi. ? ill :
TI.TRIM "J l'"-l rinN.
w\ ii'.v.T.iy, Uoadajr, Dbb, t% ttf?h
i ? . Baton ?*? tneteet pr tt
:? ? a ii ?-t "f t tit lite pottdaal B-artaaaaii to thai
..on ihe Baa 1torl.1l elr?i..iii wlii.h II to take p'.n a
] . -. ? h t . i" ?hi., wlilto candidat, 8
. ? ?" ;.;. .lan?as Inii-i-il, ?v. \ t" h ?
bveked by Kel-Hf aad U. H- *'? ' ' J '
Hiohai."i . .1 ti'.' Ki.'iiia'l tl.at he '..,-iitto ' i -.,il' 1
takaala ihao .'throw of the w?r
ifilii OnBiBBiinl fhekfl rexehet MM
Bepub i'limitiec, v. '..Kivo Durcll
i rabia I dp? I i xwt l ita h T.. c. BU*
lirias who was a candidate, h.for, IhaKaOBBJ Ptato
? .?lot, for tho Guv. inor*.hip. II?- is s.ii.l :o bo a l_w
yer of htrt staad-aa and a uiau ?t con?ii!era'?!<? waaith.
tor ci-iy. whose clalmi ar.. ?uni ta
llj iit-,ii ti) t...-Aalnil. I-t, ?i..,ii hue, thouah
. th.a' (j. n. (Iritiit hat t-lPi'
te bava ala brothci Ln-ltw elaetad, '"it. I; Li
? ii tbese ni' i inpMrl oi
ri d i lecstx i . Boot iho h''i|,
of whom ui> >> a ean be elected, I'lu. hnack s.eins to ba,
in iin.ato amooa those of his " m race, utel
hi? !:.( i, i? iiiiti" in..-?, tu?t of t" ; member!of
ate and. House rombl led, all but s tro already
p.i'ii-i? i to him. * l.i in tbeaaUwhl-l rawi which be
claims and tit Baeeao nab la . ha t.
rbe aseaban of tbe pew-orleani CoaraUttaa nun- in
tbe city seen to look npon Plnehbaek'? rhaocei ii
!' they allant the p"? luility of a COB >i i
? i K.lloKK.
Mr. Caiuer.,11 u lu.t 'ii.a.i ;.. Baraaaiopaa laid to lha
Bi natorl.il race In Pennsylvania n.-xi inoulh. A f.riulil
ahlo rival has alreaal.v itppt-.ued In the paran of Charla
B-BfaTawaBB, alawver et HchiivlkllM'a, uitv.who Is snlal
t,, Ji i ?'*? en..-i.i, rabie h 'in", and u ilUpo-oMoii t') I.-'-it.
Mr. Cameron i. ?l-o reported to bara bad a mlauntler
steodi?jc wttb Mr. 8 n't of the I'l-iinii'ivanta Central
. whieb rill pn eat th? tateeaat id that great
..ill..11 hi-aiiR thro ?A u (or him.
The co ?t?st for the Masainehu?e(t, K.-nntorshlp U
utiilei*s*-.j.,.l iu politii-ul (irclci h.rc to lie hatwccn
M"??r4. lloiitW'*ll and OaWBB, with t.-n. Putl'-r as a
poailbll third candid.He. If IhB 4?.-ii.ft ?i ages) not enter
tin? i.Kiitoii ii ? "Hin a. .nut. UUbelieved ihut hi-will
supperl Mr, Bool well, whom he M known topcafer ta
Mr. Dawaa,
Tho lntcllli-t-iice rcelvid in r<? tc.-liy rii it The
'IniiuVK is la. In-coiiliiiiK'.l In tin? luda-pt-ntltuaj; ,
marked out for It by Horace Ocealay occasions atoaeiB
re|oletag umoiiK B-M <>f nil parttea, and a -.peclaily among
laantaOaCB? A uurn'., r of publia: BMM arfen opposed the
course of the paper lu tho late BBBBBMlm say that they
lookei'with nai favor upon ti.? i ,-,-ut BBBsTtBts make It
n (?aitflinj'iiriml, i.ri'l th it they are ii'a.1 that 1' BAI
I? i h ii ?ai-ua-d from a tuovcini'ut I hat tlireata'ned to de?
liro/ Us luf!iieni--i and iitefulnesH. When It was thought
that the effort* to convert the paper Into a subservient
argaa of Qm da-'niluai.t |>arry had micateale.l, than wait?
lio i-ipr,*i*l"IlS oi fc.itliliu lion ha-Hial lrom Aduilnlstr?
tiuu i ten, but, on tha- contrary, thcr.- st-.-ini .1 to be a
gri't-ral feellna? that a wrong haul bien alone to Mr.
reeley'? memory in| thu? cbanylng Ike chaniot.-r ant
alms of the Joui nul H was hU pi Ida la Bare founded,
und that the count.*, hud lotat much and thu Republican
party galucd na,thing by thai chauve.
lUBNBUAIa PK--_ LiKPAll 'I 1
When, on the 17th last., Secretary lioutwell gave bis
statcueut to tha Committee of Ways and Meau? con
eernlng the negotiation of the bonds authorized by tho
act of July, 1*170, he was asked by Mr. Oawes, the Chair
man, to state what was to be done In the future. 1I< n
?ponded that tbe proposition before hlnfwas a verhal
one. made by Jay t'ooke ot his brother Oov. Cooke.
Purnaps both baa spoken to hiui about tbe matter. As
be nu d. i stood Ihsm they aid not propose to change the
manage o*nt in mi y way.'Their proposition was to go
oo precisely aa they went before. The proposition was
t_t_.e ?>?j-,Ooo,i?:?0 of five par cent bonds on tbe same
terms ,?- the others were nerytiated. Mr. Cooke in?
formed ht? thai tue RotbleblK? had ai-reed to go Into
the ii.-gotutlon and to strengthen It r.y their Influenoe.
II.? iiiiler-.to.iil thai they had an ide? that when they
al,?l'o*i ; of tha? Uve per cents they could go ou and dis?
pose of the four and a half per cents' In the same way.
The inquest by Coroner S( iiiiiu.i, on the
bodies of ihe 11 victims of the Ore at tbe Fifth Aveuuo
Hotel, on the night of Dee. 10, was concluded in one of
the dlulng-rooms of the botel, at . o'clock a. m., to-day.
Tho Jury rendered a verdict In accordance with the
fa. t? ; referred to the peculiar construction of the botel,
which has already liccndescribed ; found tbat the pro?
prietors gave orders for Ui? preservation of life -, and
recommended an immediate inspection of every botel In
the city In order to prevent a recurrence of a like
Til!* KX!'KI)IT!'1*?T ACatflfSI KillVA ? ItKI'dllTI I?
Pi?, PETEHSiii.n?"?, Monday, Dec. in, I8T1.
Tito Fuman }\'orltl (powspaper), in its isano
to-day, ua i s tbe British K.ubasaador at Ht. I'?;t< rsburg
has notified to Prtnco Oortschakoff that If tho Ititeslaii
tr?K?ps penetrate the countries between Khivn iiud Af
i?unUtiin, F.n.'l.ind will be compelled t.? interfere In sup
p..11 of tigbtm iiiiiep.-ndeiii...
1 nriT??UY (W Tin: orm-iAV re,licit?vAitionu f.x
1 . MTlOltt Ai.Al.NM l.NiiU'i.Ml-Nl' T1UUE_?
I'\?1 '< I ;:?-! ! ! ATI A' J-. - A?, \I\ ?' TIIK Klll
The aniiotincrni'iit that KiiK-ia lias resolved
to u el'-rtri.e a saMpafgf! hfalait Klilv.i, is ? orf?Inly no
novelty. Already In tbe curly part of tb? sixteenth
century 1'eier the (?rent formed the ?lesifu, which wouhl
have been rctranle.l as 1? ss extravagant If It lia?! mol
with BtetTS ii?. e??. of reviving the roraiinrclal roule
from IiHll.i throiiu'h (Vntrnl Asia an it B_MMd In the time
of tin- lv.uiari (afin, T-vo cipcdltiuTis woro accord?
ingly scut out. Tin? first afr'T a lapja of tlir.-o year?,
had made u.? jm rccptudo pro^Tcxs. DM second was to
move from the eastern shoro of tho Oa?plan flea
to Khiva. A somewhat rouiantlo lnler? at attached to
theohj?'? ! of this oipedlllun. Tu?- Ammt I ? ?rla, supposed
ta be the O?os of Ihn nnoionti, was s.ild !?? have origin?
ally poured Its waters Into the Caspian ; 1 -it In the course
of tune, 1rs waters having boon dammed tip, It made Its
way to the Scsof Aral. One purposo o? tbo Russian
??xpeilltlon was to discover tlie olnlruclion and restore
the river to iti proper outlet. Th** into jf these troop*,
U.wevcr, was a sad one ; they wen- bll.yod Into agree?
ing to fiiejei-liip v.itli tho Kliivat:., and, nllh the
' pilon of a few fugitive??, were cnu !ly ?laui/litorcd,
A century int. r another attempt vins nsaue by the
Itu-.lsns to ettabtlsb thousolv-s o:i MM ??:* ?tens shore of
. TUo Khun of Khiva rejected tho pmpo-1
? (Ion for fi roiumer. ..it?! Stthoagh tin? i.ixpedl
: tlor'i lirul p-i..n ?re I,'along til? old bn.l of tho Oxa?, t" H
?"??i ? '"ut district, th?'
Mea was relinquished. Thr? o \ ? ir? l.,;.-i- the ?leslirri of
de~ to etc nti il ?ta a*a? iwwmnfl
An ,..i.r o| tin? K-Sstaa Miii-try (il For. . -n /_____
ted .m eateipriee hylaodfrom Oirenburg along
thoeaitanabateof tbacaspiao, ?ind itab i i ports
ar \ uioii? poluiri. Auioiii; tho*? M-a. one, nov- knovina?
1 r 41 v.rulrov.-k, at Cup-: T.uU-K.tr.ii-.iti
T.'O Huns une thus BSOated a polot ?bleb li is elm:
been of ?scries to tbo?? f?r nllitaiy paqpaseai but i?
en! .ii. I adl.t.idvantago which, i.p to this time, ha? no:
?.- a entirely obviated, WThat little teatmmtee had pre?
vi ? ii-ii toiniri its v. i] :: te R i la fro ill eeptan shore
of tin-Caspian wns .;?ii; toan u rri-i,*. meut between tho
K --Itn* end the Toor'-oiii.in MllabtMHM of that
fuese tribes _ ? I attoatad |o
- or tin ? -nfiii ,\- m i li
i-1 H?MCar -e t : wer.? tj,....,
r . ?? t to Ail abb n, ? i r ?? -n' tally en?
tile i
\*e t by the pro' led i?v
I ill. Btt ..im to In' T.wuk ?iii.-iii. from 'ho noinr-d
. ?fie In ih?- .-iil,i: of attKklni un? ear.iviins from
;. .i (ii i. a.,- latan i u. e v? : ta? i
: iioiivoon Ho ??a an?! the IberkeBBaa?- ?blch tlrialh
. n* ? rue of the lai!, r to the
! firmo;-. Tho ? recli.,n et 1 '...et Ale?ii'idrov ?U .ll?titrle?.l
i tbees rotation ?. Tht Tborboasea^, leai tag the eattrtJoM
i of tli? n ii.'l ,i-ind? 100, ili-cvi i'rut.l 111 ir (ni-ii.lii'iiitVl
eeoMti niel .'ario esas? i entirely,
i'lrni thtaiiiiio ?he .?lvni'-o in ni-- bj tbe Bahsi?-Sla
Centn! .\.-.i ?l-riv?,] iiriiiitionai I?portaaee /run tho
f.n t tha? *i rivuii.-?'f ' na :??,,; tatet ne w.i?, laboiae
?l'iaricr.., thought to .iriao with tho llnti.th _?*_??rsin
lu.lla I Ol UM latt'-r onCahu! ws? re
*Mt% I I. ? baOtafl m uUimato teudemry to?aid T.iorkIn
tan. Tu .. ?uni net It th<! former sent out uuot'.ier i t -*
_ KVrr.s; tLI?, ho'Tever, -utterly failed, au 1
.til-lu? berat! __oa to another ti-rtltory whlc'i
hho w.i? mero ?oeeoasl illaee lasrtag. Bel n?-'-u \ ?-lit i.
? ??m was thi Kirghiz Steppe, ?aid by
?nine t.-iiv. i.i'o,. . F..11-.-.1 i.? ' be ui uvli en
Kalvri, Bn - Invaded t__ Klrxbla B4?*pe I
it ex ri.r a i .o a\ i-u..ivu. i., i ^i ; ac i.uss?u? capiureJ
tho sir-tin.- Kolrnud^r, F.trt nt Ak ?tfii?'!'?, Bad calle! the
ptaeoFoi-i lVrovskl. In tho Bummer o? i- i t,.
cf Torti.: ' i-i i 11 A'i".-at i ?rere matare I. lii th? .?'irr ?
ye.irth0 liuaslanl ??ivatiicl u;,.?u |_Q stroagly fo
IO?? of (iiiimk.Hil, and took it after a liant flrrlit. In
nu- n? v ym ? I i-ii?uud, tbe met bapertaal I
Kobai ' ?'? ? I. -i li 0 uir.i! ?i.?!;?. w?i8
? .iirnrr.il and tin? eOOBOtaO t-riitory mat 1 I
nil., e CUle I ,- tho I ?talllli-i'llll.?..: of n I?U?) of flilt?.
' liy a il.ren o of tbe (./?r t'to win?.? aO-Oj-MOd ?lUii I
was in ti <lr.i,.luloiii mu?? r tin?
?aiiaCi 1 , 1
In tV.? rienn time tli ? rel.,;:,irn !??? wc n f:-i???-i a? 1
Ameer *>f It?>U!isi- had ua-mnieil a host!' form. Tue
i-ouiiunts of tho fjrnic* wre tho neansot preventing
lie i.itt'.-r from ? terels?ng s?y furih-r laOmaee ui-??ii
Koknnd. Tho .Vvicr, n', Ornf, conflnoil h-MOlf to various
liiS'iH-i a?raii?t.t tlie lt*?ii.in l>overnnioiit, bat at Ii ?: i.e
I lahl vl?Ie;it h.iir.l? on'fie i':ii'vi<?y wlir'li had been sent
to Dokhara, BaoOfdtBf t?? At sxpreaa v?i.?h of tho Ameer,
I for tho piirp?T??of living tni*? holiri-larl.M !k t*nfa tb. ten
ri-a. A/ni- tho -sbal of oaeBoastaaioreasea?
i out to obtalu r?-dr?ei, ?ino?i.-r tgM fiii.ro sucocasliil.
The ruli-r of Ii'rthrir? was dcfe.ited at Vod
! Mb ir, nut (ar iioiu rjiiiinikmul. i.. ? V.
followed up their advanta,_???, an! tii.ircbed upon
Kakaal, tatty eeptaiad tbe laapertaat town of
K li? load, and in lOMtOOk UM Bokharlun fortreiwes of
I iiiitippa and JoobU?h. thus p_ttt-g an end to the
rataattaa out Koknnd. Tbla Mfritar; ?as.
In lt',7, m.irle over as a part ?..' tbo uow pro\ln.re of the
ria to the (iovernor-tSoneralshlp of Toorklitau.
II I'.* ssiaui also cuui-lude?! a uioit advautact-ous treaty
of roinmercc with th-* Khan of Kokmi'l. They still r?
ini.li.eil on bad terms with the liokbnrl.ui?, who, though
Id uol veiituro on o;h:i warf.tie, made prepira
r It, and applied, thouiih la \.iln, for help fnun
tin- i o oi koiu.in?. |Ugbl enJMgetaents itr.ri freqaetrtky
1, and the luisaliit.mti of K kan I allowed llifin
selns to be seduced Into an att'-mpl to rOTOlt? ?tlleb
m a?, however, at once siipprcr? ?.- I.
Tho Ru.tslan power itl*McaaN in ?- < ? ? i P r ?- r ?1th fabaob
Bey? tlie ruler at Kaabfaa bi??i forkuao, ?bo ?iuable
to nialuiuin Ids ln.|ep??iidein-r- in tar-?. ,?f t!n? OblBBSe
eni?ilrt?. 1!\ the ?nhjcctlon of iirirt of Kohiiiid. and Hi?
ei.iuineici.il treaties conc.'udcd with that loiiiitry. thr,
KitMslans were brought iiiu.-h u.-nrnr (?? iho nallration of
their old Idea of opemiug-route for trading purposes war h
ludia, and hoped io suce?-? ?l in v.l. ni_- eariviius frmu
Kin ?nul to Kashmir and Yorkunl und IbOBOa bv (Ik
K iraUoruin 1\x*a over tho Kulu I. ion Kinjre as far as t_M
ludus. Vakoot? lieg, l,o-.iever, woiil 1 not open tlicjpas
Niitv;?? rhioiii'h his terrltorv to tin? Ku ?uni?, ami tiiei? l?y
gave causo for nui'h Irritation. Encoiirnixo.1
by this ra< t tho Aineer of ?okhara i-olleoted
a lartfo f?ne, und ciiiitnuiallv baiaSBO- th? Itussian out
poeM, The (.'V. iiioi ( lener.il of i'lroikistau mude a
move out of Tuahkund. encouuteroil the Ameer uuiei
favorable circuiuslaiues ou tbo River ?i.rafshan, not far
fr?.in (?aniarknnd, and overcame his ob?tlna!e tOStataOOO.
The first result of this repul?? wai that Sauiiirkiiud
opened Its doors to tlie cotiija.-rors. Then tho Itusslans
advanced toward Bokhara, the capital of tbe couutry,
which fell luto their bands without a blow being struck.
The result of this successful expedition Is of vast im
portauce. Russia has become by It tbo actual ruler of
aliaott all of Central Ails, for the most important of It.
States, Kokund and link liara, are I n complete d? -pcudcu?.?.
The Russian Oovernuieut took tho same line after the
mil?)?-? tiou of the Ameer of Bokhara that It did aft.-r
that of the Khan of Kokand. It allowed him to return
the greater part of his territory and loududixl a ve,.
adrantsgeous commercial tn aty with turn. The |<re?lH
tory character of the Khlvans always supplies tbe IM?
siana with a pretext fora military expedition agaiust
thrin. Tho immediate cause of the prosout intended
march on Khiva was a fie.-ltoolliiK attack ou For? Alex
androvik, and the refusal to aurrenilet .mur IIii..liu
subjects held lu slavery by i.he Khlvan?.
Albany, Dec. 2.1?The annual Commence?
ment of the Aihauy Medical College toniiiht was ms.ln
the occasion for the Inauguration of the Union Univer?
sity, the institution which was proposed lsst Novemlier,
and which Is to embrace tbe Union Colli-ge, tbe Albsuy
Medical l'olleife, ?ho Albany Uulveralty aud tbe Dudley
Observatory under one hea?l and inansseinent? The ex?
ercises took place iu Tweddle Hall, wui. h was Oiled Io
overflowluK. Addresses were made by Ira Harris, Thos.
W. ?ri.-.itt. W. P. Alien. Kliphslet N. l'otter, D.D , Presi?
dent of Union Coll. a?. *-?"?'? Uoffman, Joba V. Is r?u? n.
William W. C-impbe?!. and other?. Alt ?poire In the high?
est terms of the ne w University, ami prophosied tho beat
of results to the Unloo.
HE 18 BELIiiVlti? fttOM THK RM-iUi O-' TCE
. roc. max anrxcit
pKiiJ.iN. Monda.*-, De?-. 23,1971
The Krcii* Zeitung pub-iaho, the t'.l.o.vitisr
Imperial rescript addressed to Printe Humare*: "I
relieve you or the Presidency of the Council of Minis?
ters. Yon will retain tbe Ministry af Foreign Affairs
for the Empire, aud are empowered to vote Iu tho 8Tate
Ministry through the Plaident of lha t_niu.il, Birr
iH'liiriick. The Premiership devolves upou tho senior
MinUU'r." _
rilK OO-tSnTOKV? UK condemn-, THE GLU?
Ko* a, M on day, Dat?t-?j 1S71.
A consistory was tu*!?' taj~day. TvYt_ity-tv.o
Cardinal? were present. The Pope delivered an allocu?
tion, in the cenrso of whloli he said tho Cinu'a.?i wad still
sorely persecuted. The purpose to destroy her Was
shown in the acts of the Italian t-oveiri__eiir, whi.h com?
pelled the clergy to serve In the army, and iinpos.d
? heavy taxei on Chiuch propert ?'.
ne solemnly protected against the MU now pon?Hna* In I
| the Italian Parllamont for the suppi : -ion of r.'.'gio t
corporstlons, and declared that tltlo to property i.c
quired by this mean? would be null and void. He re?
peated his oenaartB of those who encroached an the
rights of the Church, aud denounced Germany, where
tho pitfalls of open violence, calumny, and rldleale wero
employed to destroy tbe Church by wen who, Ignorant
of religion, sought to Cline Its dogma-. ?I allocution
conclude.I with a protest against tbo Clcijjy Dotation
bid recently paas'.u liy tho ?paniah Co.* ?.-, n. : a _c_c.ji
BBodanaaBtoa of the Armenian Kh-H L
_flPA-08H roucY IN PORTO I?.'"
THE <;.>! i,"T AT. ra)LICT OP TI.'' .MIM<TIIT AP
ri.ivi :i ?v the cunTES?in i. la i: a-iiAxr i
V, Asm fQVOM, Dec. It. (k-i Sidiles l_li
gTi.phsfia in Madrid fuit both Huu??i of the Cortes have
nit eptetl, li\-da.clsive majorities tua Colonial policy o.
tho Mini-ill y for Potto Rico, which lr volves the scpara
tl.ni of tin civil from the military r. aainnieut, tho tfe
I to Porto Rico of the same provint dal fortn of
go- .ment which exn.'.s In Ppnln, Ti'li ?nunn-ipal rov
' i t and town and local oltlcei s.
Two of tbe Mh-tatara resign. ?! and theli HMBBBMBa
who are in accord with tr.e re.?i of 0m M.i.Duy uud * ttli
the Corte i ero cordially reeafrad by the Cartes. The
policy of tha Ministry is iimb ;? to 4 t'< ?>a. ? tig a i
pt'ivcd by i- ro|a of M ?>, ?.:.i n ;.? itnal Ij and i?y an
Xg 'in*t 1- the Lower Hani-'
den. Sii Liaa further taiegnp ; I tha i?re?!.|cntof
the 4'oun il i.nn.iuneed that ?i I I r.ir tin? lU.n ?I: it
euanetpatton of Slavery ii iv.t : a v. ;ii bo speedily
I(a_h_u>, Mi lay, n.'. n, :
A Mil prace'ln- fur the ?inini. ip i"ii of ihe slaves l.i
i. I, I ? -
i nu: UfKBPOOt fAf-KST GEB-fAKU?
nom uTBd i.?>-.r.
1*aki?, Monday, I).-,?. '.3,187'-.
A ?.??patch from IJoiikaux any s tho Livev
I?>olp.i' kal (?crinan,i? went ashore on Saturday evening,
durluj* a violent sto.iu, on asan.'ou:.k at th'i mouth nt
the river Olronale. Tue water soon beiran to breakover
the vessel, and tho pi IBB :< ft und taw w.ro compelled
to take to tho rl/riii. g. -.oui ahich 30 persons wore
washed away and drowned. Tho ?emainder, after pass?
ing the entire nlglit iu Ui'lr p r.om paalttBB. UDte
rescued on Sunday mnrnlni* hy a Freacb stcam?Ulp.
A fTliyhtlfll lioni Vh.tori.', Lriti-'h Columbia,
sais: "The Ma-Cieight Miutatry In? been def.?ated by a
majority oi one, ?mi tuo mou,.?ta hato tendered their
resignation ."
Poitevin, membtf of tho French Garde
Champe! i a', triad 1 -.? coi.-i m irllal and fourni srnllty of
????ti.ayini* tho Mai m* and .Mitr inhabitant of Soisaons
t?? lha Praastaae, a ? ??? . )4??tcr>._,y,at Vinci-une*.
Tlio mail -teaaubip from tho Capo of Good
Hopo has arrived at London. 8ho brings Intel.ik'cuce
that the first Ministry und-r the system of respon.lblo
government has teen iaarni- .1 a', the Cap*?. A diamond
weiring-M carat* bas been found m the dlaglnga. Tlioie
1-i.nii :. .i.:?i|.Ihiii! yet at (he maiuier lu will.?h justice la
admii?i?i>?red at tin rtlanaanfl fields.
It was reported it niidnij'ht in London that
the steamship Ccnna'" nf the Allan lino was totally
wrecked, yesterday. >,. details we.ro Riven, and the re?
port has not ben c'lflrmed. It i*j poasib'e that fin
rumor has or? latcd In the limitant? ?.f the nattes
borae bv ihn Alan ?ic.imshlp and the Liverpool p leitet,
i, previously reported loat off tua mouth ol
ih< cirondc. ??
??IX Al.l.Ki.Eli a" ' .?('NTEItFEITEK.-i aUtRIdtCD.
Tho uiri?i, in Now-Orloani, on Fiiday, of
Clilt-t Deputy Jiinn .4 M. Currle, of the Naval OfBe) of i
tho Cnstom-hotiso in that city, Is believed to have coin- !
pletod tho capture of all the persons suspected of direct
eomplti'ltv In the extensive forcing and alicriORof Mis?
sissippi warrant!. List Bummer ''ol. ,Vh!teley, Chief of
fini United States IbbbbUbttI N limem, wui informed
that a few of the forged warrants hud been circulated.
Boon aft 'rwaral, on Au,*. 7, his deti'itlve-) arrested one
Thomas Cunningham, In New-York, and found In his
possession several boaiks of the counterfeit warrants,
beside a counterfeit seal of the State of Mississippi, Bud
plates for printing tho warrants. Tho counterfeits wcra
fluely exea-nted and could scarcely be dlstinKiilihcd
troin the K'*nultie warrant?. It was found that |500.00i)
m counterfeit? had been printed, but that very few had
ba-eir nttcii-.l. Cnnolnfbam, on Oct. IL was convicted
and sentenced to flvr yea re' Impriioiiment at 6mg Sing.
The connt'-rf. it? and plates having been deatfo] ?!,
t'.innliighiiiu's eainfealerati'4, who bivl eluded arrest,
tnrtieil their iitteiitlon tai the altering of eenulue war?
rants, from siimli t<? lara* aleiioiolnaiion*.. ?leo. J, it was
.11-covered that Wllllaii, F. Dunham, a suipeeted paraos,
had called af the oflae Of I/**vi & Iliirke. at No. 20 Jlroad
t., and triad to aell a warrant which had been alteted
from te, t.. tsoo. QasiBB '"an traoad to his boarding
hodaa, In i:leea?ka?r-*t., ha? wan nrrestid Dec. u. and
altered warrants rejire-n'iitlng about Ito.OW were Tounal
In hi. poaaeaatoB, cp?in arralanaaeal bafora Ju?tice
DuwUng, he pleaded *? guilty" to a charge of altcrioK
th.? warranta, aad ?ai remand?-.! to awair,
further n< tlou. OB tho saine d?y, Miry Mc
liride, ln.4 paramour, was nrrcsteal in Naiw
( n 1. .?u?, anal l40,"oo, m liiered ban.als. wa?i?a fouud lu her
po?sih.?i an Siiuultaneou-ilv-with t!n?si? ta.? arrtsts. Dr.
C. 8. Swan of New Il.cua, Lia, who hail been suspected
aif complicity In the . ..inilfrfeltlng, was arrested. A
few days lutcr, w. G. Sta-clo of New-Orleans, was ar
r, ?teal on the -nine charge.
It was telegraphed from New Orleans, that Edward
Tliomluison liad aaaa arreste,t m thla city, but
Col. Whlteley'a oftleers ?late that this Is Incorrect.
It appear? that Dunham, a few weeks before bis
arrear, came from NVw-Orleans, with a letter
of iutroductii.il from Chief Deputy (.'unie, now un?
der arrest, to Tboniliuson, who is a clerk in the New
York Pout-Office. Tho detectives, upon learning this,
made an Investigation which thev claim exonerate? h lia.
Notlee w.i? ra-.-efv.'.l at Ol. Whlteley'a office, yesterday,
from Jua-.tce-Dowllug, that, In compilan.-?? with a de?
mand of the prtm.iiiT Dunham, he would be obliged to
grant an examinatiouiat il a. m. to-day. The detective?
a ipress (onslderable surprint? al this sudden notice, but
I state thai they hope to offer ?ufflclent evl.leuce against
ttn- piiaouer to Justify hi? deieutiou till wlineues can
ui riv.- fioui Ne\t Orleans.
_'lite last rail on tbo B?llalo, New-Vork, and
l*_ii?al?lp.i? Rail??; mat laid ?/Miar../.
_Judge D. H. Deland, the founder and proprietor
?t II.? Ksirvort Ch?silr?l Works, aliad st K-enesKr r??t>it?t
_Tho niachiiie-bhop o? McDonald d Rons, at
looter. Mia-i... usa boraitai fUtvrda? aifhc Tta I?mb la $J?,00u.
? The ice gorge at Newport Bridge, near Cinein
asii (??? war Hasd?? ?.?hi, sad K??|?-o_l h J?un?r, .-.?1 J-altn, lust
Imiw?*? 80,000 sud 10,000 baih.li of eo?l is Bargca fsst la tk? le?.
_Warrants havo been iwued for the arrest of C.
W. M.fb?l! sail albsrs l?r bfaat ooaaaraad la lb? arta??ra.aU f.,r a
?. ??? Sp-tai neat SariUifa, N. T MllcbaU 1? fn-W'-l ?f lE? Villij? at
... .Charle! Il ill, Charles E. Mills, Saratiel Bennett,
anal a'hirlra O Bailo? w?i? eoaaltud far ris-iu.si. ? I ? j'm,?d H(?'*?
4.'oaaiiaaloaar Hsllrtt. ?hsrfftl ?.th attrapai? ? to s-a(n? Ui? ?baiiBf
bark Ksl'u? ait Na?-B?ttf.rtl. whiU lb? ??awl mj at .?ral.
?The hot water pipe of the oiAiking ranire in the
rir?ia W.airrn Ho4?l. at naa-lBBBti. ?i|.l.?l?-l S?...T?>, lajanaf Mr?.
Il.in. Ik? ??.f? aaf th? pr.prl?ta>r. Aaoihrr .i|.|,.??i, tIum a s.aailar
Xmtt, ,*a-?arn>d al I?, pi.tit? nataWa-s ol in. I*. f. Mallri;, .at sa ua?
?as i?j.,-J
?The Oil I'KMlucerh' Council yeat nlay ratifled,
?t am ( a., a? ?.iS??a??t aiad? biib-u KircBii.? i'??i?,i(i?? aitb i!^
Hrl??r?' luoa-.ilaut. pr?,i,l,a? Dial lb? latirr ?litll bat IP.X? b?rr?l?
i,(er?_? ?il Itil? ttu.? lb? Ytudnerrtf Immiiii.,,, ?ad i-a*a?vMrst? I?
?lb?. ?a,s U Biiiiaui lU ?.a.? ol trata? ?il ?t X* yet ham) sud ?p
1I1.NKV WAKi? in.irfiip, ?;r v. w. t. wiei
MAN', W.U. ,. I'.UlANT, hENAlUlt IIWNl
<ii:y. hawi.ey, yuMc nr*Ai>T, am? oTn?n
The riingniiicciif l>tin.[nt Is annually hpitTg
be?oTe the members of ?h? New En_l<in<l Havtety at
their gnesUi never in. i it?-?! a linn 1 eni'r nu vtlori t?I
th'-!r snnnnd dlrroer and re??-f?fl??i ??? -MMBOaNe* I?
erentng, for while its ?n?i??iiii!lni ehrm-nt* w??ft? t
rrtngwl m tliei nana! entleln'/ ?stylo and sl?ni4?lmee, it
literary portion ef the ent.-i-t ilinnerit wn? nvermoi
felicitously s?iccted and th?- ? t* i.? ?. er con
prised more dislliKuUlir J men.
The fable, of h<uu.r. rnt.M a triff iiovi ?lu? SB
presided over by ?fMM?BM El'iol I . ? ow.li'i, at who
light and ?oft were seated cms Hon. Henry Wilaoi?, Vi? ?
I'resldenf-elect: d'-n. V.T. ??hcrwi.r;, the Hev Hetrr
| Ward H????clier, th.? II.iu. VY'iiara .M. I.varu, Wllllar
Culien Bryaai, Oov. Jewell, (.011. Hnwley, Ju.li? Joli
ii. Brady, representiu-j, Kr. I\,ri!<Ve s,-l?iy; A R -?
Ixiuiiiitrh, reproeentin? w. Hit beta-*? | Jeha <? Da
reprewnting at. oeorg? ?? ; .lair.c Mohr, repraseatfaffla
Andre?'-.; o.iv. Moegaa, Isaim Jl. Bailey, rwirles A
jvsiiody, Henry Clews, ind tho Rev. Dr. T., -
?Selections o? muele frous th?. operas, Inter rucil wir
pleasant efl?et tile wit and einqnent oratory, and f!i
toa?f? comprised the popalat allusloa? f?i pnfrfottt. in.-i
and ?leide, which lirons? d _M "rdhiielasui of the llsteuer
or compelled a reverent MMi ot the mem on at r Is?
honorable dead. The rv.pouees were I-.-kuii a* ?? r a ah?.?,
supplication by t'ic l:ov. Dr. Tarier, wr-r?i ft Btl
C'owdin responded *?, Ota ,'lr-' toaM of ?lie eveiil'ir, ?? Th?
Day wo Olclirat?'." His s??? ch was unite lonir. . ..1 . i
tracts only are preseut? ?1 belov.- :
srK.Eon OB BIAIOff c. (?wdin.
?.i v.k?MEN <iv tur. Nr.iv-En?.;a:M?PM?Mf! VTehav?
come together once sirnlri to celenrnte sn eveat dear i,o
only to tbosonsof Ncw-i.i: ami, ! ut to frier?da of civ!
ii.?! religious li! erly .1.1 our tin? BMW, And I M
ftO OBI Q_?By Jala me In bidding a cordial wiioiii? l<
(ho distliitrulshi-.l irnests who now honor us with ?ta- ri
j-n .-.'.me and unit?? w'.th us KB this Joyous ?nnli? r-ir
?j ?Inly, however, is to r? riiiii'l you that, w.rhln ?
year, death ha.?. u??t affOVed our beloved New Engl?nder
an.loir owo society. In Iba upen?-*? of li.s years anil
t..? liiiaiiitoi hit faun?, Morar, a ???o of Maaaaebu
has passed a war. A native of the id
t!i<alBOBMloo? Fru?klin, drew *h? HgOt?MR rtettt in?
hc.iieris; he whom we honor aud lament ?chn.d.r.1 If
I i-jg'it It c cry ?ilDic lai pu s, ?nul nt MM M_Mh of hi.
linirir,__aa__an iitu.) aad iff -... i roirjtii* ?tata ;
. oiuii'i.i.i.TiVoii wn!. ? -' | ?.ru- r the utt? , ?nos? ends ol
tin- earth. We nils* fr.uii ?str rauki to-nit/lit 1. Otaad
I OOll, D.V ,f. II I'o ??' r J Wti ..?.?id Halen, Jo-la:?
Laiii-.Jolliil.lv US.'il Tu?: V. too. I I A? a v.
i t their Isrge Ifftalligencc, thetr ex? ? iracttr,
..lid ( '.ills'.. iu virtues v? hold '*? f??ud
I-the flower? 'r:,v:: by it. ?? hand of al.
bate not yet withered on the grav? of one <>f >'? ? i .
glsrad's _iibicsf sons, mririnn-i bi ?b?- entire nal
?net aiut i'i iu?. Hors whose
a alone I? spHai i ? ,-v.
It Is ao?aay duty to propose t> you \t.
?. ?? i:?e I?,,-.- we celebrate.
o( Drug : Using sad blgh think og; o? hi o imiaeow
uioii li ,. ? , u ia.. ? sad ".
I siuuhoiu ei n-'.-tn.u ii_- oouquered and eiiUM-lodaiOU
i nut event, so mrmeiit??!!?, so influent! ii !n the eonnll
Ol . lit r.i"-, Is finiiiiirir io you in an It*? ?d, I
: ibroogboot the Union, known to th. i
, treasared ?hererer the toreli of eh
li ? n kindled; for tbe Pilgrim l-'aii.? i-.m ti *? bn.-M'on-r
tutton tu--? frame i snd sdopi d in me i al m o? i i
Ilower, o.-tuhiaiehe?! principle? ?f self ?on un. . .'
pilcabie not ulouo i<> ih?.- ooeda "f ?( ?? ? ? ?
r.'imituiiiijtv, liiit to the ivi.uie elvUlted gi"i ? .
il??' I'.lgri'm Fathers landed ?lib tbe OffOB itilii'1 in lh?-!r
hands. Tii'-y conquered the will? ii
their own passions, in t ?( n ime ??n-t by t te \ ? ? ? <l of o
They established ?j c< e ? ? lei thai i eryotiild
Intae land sboald learn hii dutiea and hi? rights; ei"!
tin y (?..to to ?-vi ? v ii.aii who was ?iiiirnaui" to the law a
voice iu th?; liiai.iug o( the lav.-. Tus l-grlms ?
lonaries. They never faltendTiu their faith,
?a iicni't'-ii that they ?ora ebeof* taeMu?o?M Io?
?lisblng the ?orb or ProrMeaoe. Servants ?ore
red a cause more holy. u,.. i; i
tlicv thiruiseiies understood It,?aa their iiuiiie, reif.n.i
. puili_neut, nlcrarcby, or blag, if tiny bal
Uiili?. auu sei? intoleraut, con.lder tue ?go In vhUli
tin y bred, unii ti?o leeaeaa uuy u-??! beoa taughi.
At, itio conrlii-!ou ot l?T?-?l?lriil Cowitin'* ?iw-reli, he
called upon fio li v. Iloury Wuni iK'e-.itr to n ?;? mil !o
the teaatef "the I'resl lout of i.'u-,' I ..ii??l MaOW." Mr.
Bee? her ?aiJ, lu the ?-? Of I
M'l.E? II OF Tnr* BET. II. W. 01 I' BOB.
If I \sc-ro tu tuko cxauip.e ri.uu tUu thome on ?I ? I
nru to sp?ak my sreocit wouhl oe v ; v short. It 1- ?.t
taiuly a ta?:k tou/..'! MiOfl?. M Iff 11 <?' Hm I'i? -.'lent <?C
th'illaltod Mat? ?-. Abstraetlyillsaoi ditii-uii. i.-.it i?
speak of the concreto ju.t ail-1 an ataOtloB w'uou (1 ?
whole country hi-.s been ?li*. -.i?-ln? ?Irniirlit. r| bun with
compliments of both klu<l, [l-nightcr], n?ul to e*s-ak of
trim lu tho presence of many who p rhn[-? voted for him,
and ?*. iio.ii 1 na) . i? lattoi 11 ?! iu UM peOMBOOol
..ho In the di.-'c?arge of cnscientiou? dun ?lui not.
voto for him to wlioiu I iu.iy BOeos, thcix-f. re. aa Iniro
d.n iiu politics up'iii a festive ai i-lon.
To do thi.? is no easy tar-s. I don't kuow that f.ui
American admlr.tlon at MaOMBMff la very f-teiii.
'Lruii.lii.-r, | 1 tliink we have Ixrat adrulratlou for l.iw
lu gi.uer.s!, aud I think Uiatw..a.i hatttfO .'i e-insinu
ilous and m th.? Klorlous R-pnblio? aud In all tl.at tort
o? thing [laughter] ; but vny iini?rt?s?lou is that tho oriran
of veneration, If we were to li.? phreaoliagtcalli < .
incd, vioiihl in- fonrid n f: M iBj ?'? Mi nt. ; ia.i.nii*it/r.|
. And we d??a't lo<>k up to ?my BBOfflaMOta as to <io?l
(rele'roi-.tly) not much to him ; aud wlieD, tln-i?.'. i. , '
theme Is a President of the United Htates, we are nor nr
tho situation In which a l'un ?nan att B OOOM be
i la.-t- ? > Kruit cr Qruon there v.oiild bruia out i :.
bounded enthusiasm, for th? r.- si?- i-at.onal
ciiiwlnijd with people's liuagination, and tbeli lor. >.?
country, anda thoue.md hUf?rlo ?!citn.?'s wjiij.
lu th'-uia seuseof beauly aful ?!iir*iily Bl.d pow.-r ii it
< lnef riuDzlitrate, snd these we ar?? fen tin ,y del. <-n'. IB.
for our ilTuslrioiis mai.'.?li'.tl' i? ?.iilj fOal rears eld, iui.1
can onlv bo four yonis oldi r.
He lakes hold ol nothing back of hita hut a dirty el,-,-,
tlon, und tvothiiii?' lu frout of him l?u( a ivti.acy npoii aa
?competent livelihood?
Ami what 1- aataain Am? rica who ia not up for art
oftiee atol brie, a ?.u ?? in? oui? I I-auahtor.] Ithlafcthal
the sslary (and Ibis I tnrow m, by th? war, wlthoi I
meanii it ii to bo a pert of ths speech) ol oor chief
mairisir.ttes ami rulers is seau'lnlou?ly n. .ui. jApi . .
We hn\o no Pre_lier, ?lui- Pres-teal - n ?is a? Dtsra -li
or an? other Prime Minister stands ; be bas h ulie lbs
Who!?- brunt of crltliisui; an?! I call your I.'-'on. i.ieum, .
to take uoil.e that wo h.i\o newr yet bad a I'resi.W-nt i i
this nation that was. good for anything doriag bis four
bt yesrs of office. [Laoghter.] if you go beck to
i- :y iiewspi?i?-ts uud ?Its? assloas, y.,u w.H dud thai
M s-hi.iaftou was a notoriously lacoaipetont Preshleut,
Thousauds aud Maa of IhoosaaOa bitterly lavrlgbe?!
ssjalBSt b'.iii. and hli Presideutiul life w?t. far from b? lug
Jouu Adams ?a? certainly not a very p?*?iui_r Pre?l
deut. He tat but once, aid tbe p. Mtl. al i.t, rale?. . r
that time Is as bltu-r as fall. J. fli-mois, win, look Ins
place, was consldere.l !?y one half tbe people of this lan.l
a> ?u??!?? better thau the ?!?? 111 hnu-elf ; uu.l lit. l,|.?as uud
t.-iitii iicii-s aud e*i er ?thing about bun ??* luvoiahe?!
ogaiu?t with the uiii.r-i Libeiiy io?, Ueeaes of the
Pre?..-,. After him rauie Madison, aud Monroe, and John
"??iiii.cy Adams. We are llviog tu mod?r?t? and u-in
is rate times, empnred with tbeu, for they were sltcr
nsioly admires! and ??bouiiuated.
Of courva, everybody liked Jackarn. Il-amthtcr)
Thi're were no oppouents to hnu He was prwA-nn
nently s saint?of a robust order. [I?tighter.) Ret ont
of his loin? political ramo Van Uureu (laiishit r), and he
was universally popular, was he i.ott It?su-hta-i.] Then
came Harrison, v. bo died too soon. Tyler took his place,
I need nut recall to your uuu?is the sweet times of that
four years. And then Polk. Who is James X. Poikt
[laSii.hter.| Was there ever au Adminiitratlou laid open
to such sever.? criticism 1
Then Taylor sud Mr. Fi?more, and den. Taylor
seeing what there was before him retrtsau-d. [L?iu*h
ter] Ho knew there was i.o justice ou rarth. Then
came Mr. Pierce. As an old farmer iu Now Hump?biro
said : " He was a rather big msn in >'<? n Hami?_lre, tint
spread him out all over the United Butes and he? wouhl
spread thin." lOreat lausrhter.]
After Oen. Pierce we nad?<and here Mr. Beeeher
with twinkling ei es, reflectively plsoed his Anger to his
forehead until remsuded by his neighbor)--I sui remlude.1
that It was Buchanan. [LeniKhter.j Happy Is ta? uiau
who sleeps In an oblivion so perfect 11?slighter.]
Tnen we had Liuco.u. The glorification of his untimely
death, said lbs Bp?ker reverently, has made his isausn
saered as the name of the gods was of old. But duriu?,
the four years In which he, with h's homely sense, his
religious feeling, his deep patriotism, tlie four weary
years in which he waded to the horse's bridles In bloo.1
wai he sustaluoU by the unauiuiout eobee ot this nation 1
Was there ever a niau whose name ?as hewed ami
h.i-ke.l so uumerclfmlv a. his ?as t
Mu.,- ?jen. tirant has been iTeslilent of the United
States ho has not hsd sn easy time. 1 think tbat if bo
had his choice he would prefer to go back to il s ht ibe battle
of the Wilderness over attain thau to have the battle
fouirtit mound hliu which has bele*?_red him ever slue?
he became ltresldcut. 1 dou't propose now ts) discuss his
merits or ilciuerlt?, i think we shall not approetalo bia
worth nutil he is dead and none, but lu M >eiai? ywu will
!??? ready to de. Is re him as g?-?od m, prealdcut as auv la tu?
louix list. [Applause! ???-??
When he went to take the chair, be went with a most
mischievous impression, ist. : thst Ibis (i..veiui_eui
coul.l be run by tbe com mou people, ___ tt_, u?Iii.cUub
h!eli?*d out. Now, wlieu vou can rua a mauaiaci0r,
? lib green bauds, sod all the trained operatives torn. _