OimofifTnem?, etc., ghit^^tnins.
A?*r?.nKMY op Musi?, Brooklyn. ?? " Romoo and
Jaliet." Ml? NsIlaoB.
IIivotu's Tur.ATi__--',nciirv .?unbar." J- W. Wal
**** . w? ?
Fifth Avtrtrn Tittatfu.?"Now Year s Eve.
C!k*ni? Orrnt Hor?K?-" ?.omul the Clock." M?.
lobi Wood, Mus Ka?i Ilawtoc. ss4 John Brei.rhim.
NinLo'8 Gari>e*i.?" I?<*o and Lotos."
O-TMno TiivATFu.?Oi>cr;i Bouffe: "LesCent
Vlrr-M." MHs Aii.ee iikI Moni. Jateas.
i now Socan I__utt_o.?*w Imo?bm, a-wtowoa "
Wam.hk's TiifcATi?t.? "Brother Sata." E. A.
Baum m'-* Mv*-.-oi,Mr\*AC,Ki.iis avt> IIffroi>r.oM~,
F?_leeir,? IV. ? BSr ISruaiw?;.?l)i, tuiil Emlng.
i T?iK.tTTRa?San Fran?:is??o MinstrcL?.
Tony P? \ H?.t'tr. ? At "i and at 8 :
- Homj/ir Iiarnp?; i? l?ae bower?,'' it 4 Vineties.
?tlOlllfOfl JV'oittfs.
Hniii'AT Goods.
PBo4etr.j-.rjf iwdebreteJ Ol NaMMM beBBtifrt!!/ eolore
C' romot ?ad Frame.,
islerse,eepee ,t! Vie?,,,
A.I.??,i, Ce1-'
lais-Ucspts, PatM rtr'oaU,
& IL k T. A-TBOWT fc Oo.,
' Bro?way,
llnAiTfiiMi.? in?- l??st place in New-York
ib? I _rj at rsssossMs |.r're? la st 3B
WfwtTw, ? . l ?rsrlor? so?! t??1ro_j for fiiai
t.e mam e room! I.? I ?lits M festleiBrB. A Uriel/ O? bllhi, Bullf r't
Mils lata, ?ad ._
"Tin: Trum \r. Almanac ?Tot j ?vail.,
It J?iii_-7) will, la a Mitlas I?? It? i -ua' c?t< ai?, bite ?
PuKTri'l I'? Iil.tr,??rut Ol
Dr. i:. 1 i. \-i. I'ii mi i:?Fii!4?n< Aubts aud
.?.. - it-. Boetoa.
" il.\ l'Ai. LVOLLAKfl A ?)A?,
for as? i 'can ,???..,?.,.
Bat? h' i".;'- Hah: i>yi-. SSesl la the world.
. ...ua. At .11 ili-tf^ul?.
Banking Uoi
Jay CoOSO * Ca,
CO W.U. ?7
. Pi".to Be '.ro?J ? -rap?!'; BS?rMa!afB-S
r till??, 3.'1 m.lri ol tati. A _-t_.es cf searl; Ml
m.'e??more i. eosalmete?. Th. ion. MMsOata l.r en M
.? s .itiafaitory Imiiaeii, iBcl-lirig loetl tritCr
? -.rj-ln. ?rile of ?>>e Scrt'j-WeiteiB Brltlili Seli'mm?u! ?
tn? the IluilaVu'iUi; Cump.-tiT. Tte r-ee.ntl; complete-l settion o'
- r mile*, lb tte Ptcl?e eosat, It otaos co-MB?i ? ] r>?t?'..rr t_i'e
I'-.i-el 8onsl in- tbt Cvlstr.lii Kirer, h?ret?furt dole r?.r
., . Bpnii/;, with more tkiB WO Birrei
? ? ,.1 roiilrjl tbt eilenaiTe IB 1
marl of llsnttnl ar.l th ? Noi-b
\. . . - . i! 1.? Iirf?.
I tie?rlr T?s 11 ' ?BBSST lu
coste,lion ?.tb tl.e j- ? .. .} rointitfled ?
rtl ueinmir'set tad tlxlr itle
?ad . thai tir I
? mile o.'
! i . . tsd ran
1.11! . ..i.. ? ' i I uuipsB.r'? li?da.
moat fatorabll pi.
?? . J IloDJ, for tie parpo??
MSMM tk'm tl I well tecired
is?! ass nre-i.-iitnt. Tier lure tie fouowirii;
of ureei-ih au : | n ?f s strong eorporstloa ;
? 01 the Raid. It, __?__? of War, '.'
- -.? and Krsneh,-??, ?ml a Irst lies on lia Net Earning?
-itr, there la pi.-'./ J fol __*
?pajrme: i . s Lan I Cr.nt of JJ.BOO icret per mile
of to-! ilar .c. ? ' i-roarh tbe Teri'.toritt The
-. - .! throe-tent'., ?er cent ?oM) Il fijn! now to
? for the eeaxl-evieaal IdiVre?! oi? 0*
Re/uttr-d BoruU an m'.ltd to the FeetOttee edJteu of the owner.
All marirt.blsis?r.t.c? an re-elred In etebasfe an mo.1 firor i ?V?
term- Pur i?e !>; 11?-k* i I BsaktWS feaert?f.
Jst Cuoze 1 Tr?
Patiy 11 m ? M - . ? ribera, ?l?pr-t ??r?ntiin.
?? i?i?.-iri, $'! j?ei an.
W-aUL-Y Jini' ?"'.. M:nl :?ui,?ci r l?.-.s, BE p?t ?uiuuiu.
A ?1 v ?i i t i .? i ii /,' Kates.
IMiiy Tmi-iM '? .. T"'V, 1111*1 r?* ?er lilT?.
Wi ? hi , I '.un ?r, Z'> ninl 90 centspir Uns,
N. LU?1.1 I . ? !"-i Uno,
luiio.itinii m t_<
'J ei-io, c.
A?r. ''iiv-Toil.
'i i ?saidiog r.p town may
..i.-- , Ti i.y Insvlnc o..- r
. i ? . - '.., - ,
? ? !*,r il-.-t., ?i|.i?08lte
?.irir,i Opera lions?. Mr. Brown reoelrea o-vertlse
,' M lote?.
3rfettf$?ttk %tV??&?lnxnz
: ?:
iv ? ? ?: mal I ?.i
. ?
i ti..? eeaal ot
.11 18 1*0
- -a inva
1 '. */? l?r 1?-(1 llil
tiros aro re.
pest? ero.
A? "ie r?ui"i:i! ?In : Hocietj-, tile
B) l il- v- 'tu-1:., iVrii. (V Uryant,
>: 1.?..ris avade
s'l'lr?-.- <. - reici.ii wiiiit-sst-s
-i I -
. tfO.
"i ilollai l.M?- boon tli
n-i"--.\ .?I :?? ni?. oAoe for the fund for flit!
A If?' ii?t ivill b
seat lor eoeh iudiviiInol eontriibotioo, tbd i?
0 <!;?j or two \\n} will !??? OOkiOWlodged _Q
luiUl-K t)t '1 J1K TiiJlil MV
il? ? ven in a eopUol ?ase?, t<*
? i :,
?xri?piio;i to lhe feaen] nil?-, mu?, no fin-, the i
etideuce him i???'ti hut n lejictition of thai '
lultliKi.l in tbe f un. i Liai. Til?n? can be.il i
?MOOld loom, no nr '.v iiiiavcmtr?t ou the pari o?
the jirorwriitioi), v.l.uh hf, jr,??! opOBedj v.
may eij.i-ct a ?1? *\ <?t fresh ia?rf,?:H in ,
Iho di-ft-nij? wh.-n n ___i] take u-? it- piri.
Tbe present1 "ooM m\\*k\\* ?bleb ?kunds1
wrBtward M f?ir n-i Hi?- M*aonpri Kiwi
?L'l_itw?ld iii'o : a to h.ivc
prodooed ??-Mtoai lue?. W?? Ii?;tr ?>f dlsas*
l"s hy firo, Iront-Og e!i__i fliien, and
Incident? of wyeretjr cold weatber In nil
?i:?n>4. These i,m\o how irukloqooto, aft. r
nil, are ( ur UrrfMliofM for tin? ro.mjioit |
?'Mile; lhp> iudi?;i!e, too. a ?ROftl di ;il ?|
cisolaaantse with fatol bop .
Tbe^e is ss_as-_iof potbsiia in t_ pi
<?i Uto Jiouiau routs?T otoloil rapidly evoldng
ponisfa Coitos, Hic Itoliaa
Lame;)?, Um Qenooa ii.i?.ui.ii Q<
?aud the A:.
-??- t ? ???? .-- ? - ... , ?,
boa of Papal diaplc-asurc. Yd in no one
those insi-iri?ics does anything like retrogrt
aion fse+m potssible. In Germany, to bo sui
there ha? possibly been nn excess of host
zeal on the part of the Government ; a nee
lens ncrimony has been _4tHtorwl. Hut Spa
and Italy have b.>t.h gone far beyond a peri
when great religions corporations can hope
receive support and ?bolter from the gover
ment. The Pope's allocution ia ffignl?od il
ooiir-i.steiit, but it is a futile protest against t
march of events. ^
Gen. Sickles seems to feel greatly encoi
aged at tin* step which the Spanish Gover
ment has taken in the direction of reforms
the Antilles. liven at tho moment when Ri
-.orrillawas making his unfortunate botst th
no reforms Bhould b? introduced in Cuba,
long as a rebol should remain in tik? Htf
his ministry appear to have been preparing
begin tho work of reform hi Porto Rico. Th
havo brought into the Cortes a proposition
extend over that Island tho provincial gover
nient of Spain, and upon this act they i
ceived an almost uuauinious vote of coutidciir
As a partiU Justification of tho hopes ??
t'*it?ined by the friends of Emancipation,
is noticeable that on yesterday a fa
was introduced into the Senate providing f
the immediate abolition of Slavery >u Por
Rico. This measure was earnestly denn ml'
two years ago by Uahloiioty und Padh
ib puties from the lesser Antilla, but was d(?nii
on tho gronud that abolition in Porto Ki
would endanger the security of slave pro]>er
in Cuba. Thi? is undoubtedly true, and if tl
Spanish Cortes and Government have courni
enough to initiate this great reform in spite
the Casino of Havana, tliev will d?VM M
receive tho grateful acknowledgments of ma
kind. _
A lucid statement of the tron?les in Louii
ana, their evolutions find present r-tatu*?,
published by the Comraittee oi New-Ot-Oai
citizens. As herewith presented, this uggr
rating outrage on the people of Louisiana
utterly without excuso or form of law. Tl
legal bettings of the caso are well .?tato
and we commend them to tho careful em
illation of the reader. But a more con-quo
ous feature of the proceeding is the ?
tion of redei.il Official ]t_wcr to mere politic
purposes. Judge liiai-D, whoss flat ma
aud unmade Governors and Log-slaton
is a candidato for tho United Ma!
-a i,,itc, ?is well us a United Mat
.bulge. Tin? Speaker of tho K?Dogg Hou
of Representatives Is tlie Postmaster
-feir-Orieansj and subordinates and tid
w.'i . luffed Into every available pis
of ?.tato i?tlnence. Pitichbnck, who pit-ten
to 1h* Acting Governor, bscaUSC he was pi
?ding ofScex of a Senate which has now i
? ' ?; bas eheadj commlssloned bimse
? .Ti-ssman-ait-Laige, and is also candida
for tho Senate i ?.oil another i_MiilHaif it
that once honorable office is Collector Oase;
the President's brother-in-law. jVikI this is t!
?? of iiii'it,'-. which Is sanetiosed by A
. .ia cal Wiil.-aius, " 1?;. direction of tL
" Presida i.?,,"
Two organisations in Alabama eiai Bed '
( lia? the General Assembly of that Slate. On
of than?that which meet?, in the Beate Bens
--WS re. ta by <?<??? 1.nuis;.y, tho h
t ring KxecutiV0i m ?le legal Legi-latara. Th
other?that whieh assembles elsewber.?bs
been recognh d by Gov? Lewis, the presen
Kxfcniive. Both parltos sppoo-sd ko the Proel
deal; and, by his direetion, probably, the At
torney-Gi'iieiail furnished a basis of compro
i!ii?e. We do not understand that Attoxncu
Qenera] Williams presumed that he had an
sntbority In the premises; but he gave th
plan of agreement as nny summoned inend o
im.ico n. 1 ju-tice might have given il
That basis limply provided that both bodii
claiming to be Legislatures should dissolve
that they Bhonld eome together in the St at
Bonso? just as if nothing hail happened? am
commence proceedings ?or organisation di sees
that the dispute over certain eontested seat
d be temporarily waited; that all claim
to those seats shonld be carefully examine)
hv th?* respective houses ia which they wen
' situated ; and that, in the meantime? the claim
ants .-hould have no voice in determining tin
urbanization of tho Titigiflfitiirf, This sehet?
v.i fair; it i.?'aavid the excuso which tin
bolting or Republican members bad urge.
from tho lii'si?that they could havo no fai
chance in deciding tho contests overtlc doubt
fui beats.
Tho compromise was accepted by both par
tiis, and an organization cilectcd. It ,
that ? careful count showed that tin- Republl
cans were in tho minority on a joint hallo?
Perhaps for .his rei son they have decided t(
l?i,;ik faith and pract'tudly reject the William:
plan of settlement white pretending to accept
it. Tiiey tslill keep up their organization In th?
Court-honso ; and though th? ir presiding ofti
also hold similar poitiuns in tho r?gulai
[legislature, they pretend lo actas though Um
( BUlt-bOUSe Ltgislatuie were a legal body
That organization passes bills, receives mes?
fages from the Governor, and does all thing,
?riteb it might do it then were nc
qti, ?tion of Ha legal e_latence? This bed
faith is prompted by mixed considerations.
Tiit- lb-publicans have lit t n outvoted in tlio
.Mate and In the Legislature; they hare sleeted
a EJenfetoi iu their simulated LegiaUtaiej and
they really expect thai the Administration
win eventually formally recognise them as it
(?id the Pinehbaeli Qevemment of Louisiana
Mr, Speneer, who now occupies a seat In the
'enatc, has bien rci'loc:
tiny call it, by tho Court-lio'.i-o LegishU ore,
1 it will be found, we suspect? thai his hand is
? behind the m. ?..?;:,, it which hoSpS uji a sham
it'..'.; body after its members b?ve agre d
to aeeept the pian of adjustment which waato
:.'. but one Legislature. II Is evident that
tve de v t ? of (he
.i t and legally-elected membership.
The It.'ciblicalH know very Well tint the
coaiju'i mi?o which Attoiiiiv-(,ciir.-.il Williams
-. d liait no binding effec. unless they act
ondei it and disband th.-n ?,.; : !
tion. Tiny know very wet!, too, thai .
only a good-natured but anoffleial effort to
? i!e janiag factions, 'iiu y think -Mlii-y
have iva-.'ui?ciui-i'h m.g tin* .:? ,f the
.?ina cu.t-i'o txptr-ct something more
Substantial from Washington than a skeleton
of an agreement which -rill deprive them ofJ
their Senator and have them in a minority in I
the L?gislature, c iv. Lewis is stiaiftbeoing
them io their course vvith his ?ffislal recog?
nition, it is ? rodooed ropy of tlie 1. . -ut
r.s far as it goes. We Hii'icrely hope
that ii may uot resalvo siniiitr teeatment.
G rani has evltmd a wMolesoms ?i i - ;?? ?_?i -
ti.-ii te at Id somisltting th? same cirurs a
! win v ill
not tell him that the ! the
? i? lui let?
? '? We do I '.a-,, that I
ho will repeat it in another told, till tho beliof
ia brt-istibly forced upon us.
flint*?-, tlio -Boston flro the MasHiirthur-rOtta
Legisla!'ire has hud miller c,ireful coiisidcra
tion n hill relativo to insurance c*<?n11>:-*-nis**-??
which very recently became a law. (ircat in?
terest ni taches to it, ns it may he eahl to n-p
raeenl so far ai it |ooi the leoso?i o? the firo.
Not only has even? point in it received the
most thorough investigation ?it th.? hands of
legist-ton, who have dOTOtod to it in it-, in?
cipient Btagt'ft of amendment uiiil alteration,
nn amount of discussion unusual with a
measure so technical in its character, but the
advice und MggCOtlons of prominent actuaries
and men v. ho u-present largo insurance inter
eota hive boon freely tendered, ntul may be
?mi?deOOd 00 forming t!i.? bisis of ?-very im?
portant id? a embodied in the hill. For ft
while the addition of nomeroua amen??aienta
mi?i tlio vigor uf discussion they called forth,
aseosod likely to eadoogor tin? Into of the
mm:?tire itself. Its poiI I ia really a inMttet
for congratulation.
The total failure of most of i ho Boston Are
losmonoe eo_?panlea, and too crippled condi?
tion of the remainder, bad placed themi with
but ? few exception:' outside the pale of new
biiHincs-?. Meanwhile tbero was nn iinnien-e
amount of nOM bnsioOU to ho done, for all
the risks held l>y the sn?(?ended companies
had to bo reinsured. It is safe to say that
throe-fourths of ?ill the insurance of the un
bnrnod part ol Boston had to bo leplaccd ;
aud ft very Luge portion ol all the insurance
elsewhere in !he State. Of course if the h*i ul
COOip?nies could m>t do if, outsiders, from
Other St.ite? and from abroad, must ? i/i- ! In
business. It hecame nhsolntely necessary to
call in legislative ai?l to fa? ?l?tate t!i?- forma?
tion of new companies at home. Sttti here
came tlio diflicnlty : to mile it easy t<> foim
insurance roarrpanko. and yet to throw such
Kafeguurd.s around them that not eren the
'?ecu:trance ol mcb a tir?- U that JOSt experi?
enced could ruin them. Tins delicate problem
i.. in great part Bolvi-d by the new DM asure.
Th?- genera] conditions of tho net boro fea?
tures in common with onr own iiisuruiKc AJA*
tem, wbicb do not call for noiice. It onablea
any ton 01 more persons to organize a eom
I?any without special eh nier, by compliance
witli its provi.'ions. Tin- 1 ?wed limit, of Cap?
itol lor a joint stock lire company is |
If iu Boston, and ?lOO.OOCi it elscwli? r.-. -\n
other ft00,000 must be added if marine ri-rks
are also to bo tokOO. Mutual liio companies
may organize on |1C?0,000 guarantee capital:
but if they add marine business, their peona*
Bent f nul must bo not leas than $PX>,?0(X).
Purely mutual fire insurance companies must
srurt with a subscription of $500^000. In the
case of mutual O'lnpanii s ?ith guaianteo cap?
ital, sanees of profita t.? ?m extent of ire j?cr
00?t OB all insurances, after p_jrtejE six per
cent dividend semi-annually, must bj with
Lcli! as | n m-rve fund.
Tho most uotewoiihy i?f tho novelties in
this act is a method of limiting tbe amount
'?f lisk which companies can tako within a
defined ano? Tbal something ?>f ?da toil
wan di ?irable, h.us loua b? ??i evident to all
who have given much titongbl to tile
anoe, Tbe net is to aceomplisb ti*?? object
by lining all the cities arnl towns of the
ionimonwcalth divided by the local inillnn
ti?s into fire insurance district*, tier division
to bo subject to the approval ol (he In-uiairce
Commissioner, No company is to be allowed to
take in any one of these districts ris!.s on
property other than dwo?ing-houoeo, farm
buildings and tin ir content.-?, to an amount
exceeding tho company's net, aaaetl availablo
br pajmont of losses. In oa-o mob cxk?
sive jiropoitiomil risk aboold be attained by
losses or otherwise, the company mat rein.vuic
il, or cincel policies to that amount, after no
tiic. t?> iioiicy-hohlers. This is an ?exceedingly
importaial Itap in Ott right direction. It is an
Ingenlona endeavor to counteract what wc
bare fregnently pointed ont In these columns
M the greatest danger to which lire insurance
eomp??eo ore lubjccted. It is poosible tbat
there may arise soino unseen di!liciilii?-s in car?
rying ont <his programme, but WC hope for its
success. We recommend a consideration of it
to our own State Superintend? nt of Insurance.
This or something like it OUgbt to be cin
bodied in a Tiiiiis'iro to be introdnci ?1 into our
Legislature this Winter, to apply to ull 1'no
insurance. OOmpOnies doing busincjs iu this
The dispatches from Franc:' qf yesterday
contained a braco of statement? wblcb show
that, whatever else the war may have c'lan.-i d,
it hai not abolished youth iu I'.uis. It was
thought worth while to mention that a famous
IC-Xiet lady of EngHsb biith and French no?
toriety bad been ordered out of France h? -
Causo the ?on of a will known sou]) dealer bad
in her presence, as tbe result of her faeclna
tions rind caprices, blown out what In the
family ein le WCTC probably called his brains.
Tlio other item of intelligence, which was ic
garded ns only equally important, was that
three thousand students bad joined in n dem?
ons'iiation in la?.or of M. I'obin of !he Insti?
tute, wbo had l?r?!i ,A.-bided fioiu (he jniy
list on aeoonntof bio alleged etbeiatic-1 belief.
'J'hcse stoiies M-eiii f11 -?!i ami in w, but they
are as old as th?-]?( i i>!e. It was ? great niaiiy
years ago that a young man lewbimaelffo] Nlooo
do l'Kmlos, who was old enough to be, I ? ??.
if ?he wen- not? his ;;i.iiiiliiiother. In tb:r
as iu tbe (.in- of M. Durai,il was rntber tbe
waning f _bion tbaa tin- v;?ni-?.,-?i ebonmi wbicb
I wrought smh damage in tbe flinty intellect of
i Hit? vie ti tus. As long as tuciu ?no joung and
underbred mon witb more money ?tbaa knowl?
edge of the woi'.d, the? i matine Cu, - -|1|
work their ttansformatiooa upon them. Take
Un- ?tose of this fanions woman who b
???<?' i vu! herpftaapoitaaa.il she wirre an enrej
from home hostile Power, For Um reei
itai ha? been paling. Thi I rontb were
???one long ago. ; be wot noyei a well-bred
womai. she paid i l. , to a
manager for tbe piivilei;. .
a few nights in ;i tnil.,.
in opera bonii.-, bot failed utterly. With aH
her resideaee In l. im,- she a is unable to
apeak 1 ranch. Pul t<> the young 0.,
pnous tradesmen there woa somothiog infi?
nitely attractive about a JMUtO whieh had
b 'in so much in (in- montba ??)' the m? n ai
?he ?taring Club, and Irbieb had bpfp Hoked
in Idle gos-rip witb those of profliga!?* noai
tbe thn-iie. That a great bud h(V? nnobjDUld
kill himself i??r what h?? imago,? ?! Mas a fancy
for smh a pcisoii was Quito ?i matter of
tour.-??-. Tho whole ?pint (?i modern Pioneb
loiiianc bads to j?ei foiimintos liko (hi?. 1'ho
beooea aim oontlnnally falling in love w iih th?-- e
f.oile beauties, mining themselves suiil.n, ly
f'ii them, bnratlng Into le.-us when ?tbe? ??.;..
id, and " m; king their bralna junip'' wl d
they are unfaithful. Tbe yonng ibopkeepera
who ?read U, Pcardcau, M. Cb<o_balioa. ami Wut !
rest of them utow to consider theio insanitbs
the only propor test of a gontleman. Tho
fashion begun with that mawkish masa of
Hiiivellin? sensuality, Manon Lescaut, over
which Michek-t confesses that ho wept. The
t h UWnS Madame Coltin WTOtC a dozen *urh
precious W4>rks. The peat b.dz.ic tmploycd
ins Shakespenrena genius in the samo depict?
?ilih? line, and, ot course, SVOU hi-? c.Tors are
infinit? ly stronger and mm.? remarkable tli.'ii
tlios?) of any rivals.
But tho young gentlemen who thought it a
clever thing to inaho a di moiisiiation in
favor of Prof? Kohin were actnattd hy n
curious and not altogether nwholc ome im*
pulse. In the flint i-inrr. Boh?a la not an
atheist, and it is piobublo that not a young?
ster in tho procesi?n that came to honor him
cherishes thai forlorn taa bopslesa faith.
But the Intolerance of the authoritis? the
nceiit coquetting of the Grovenunes-t with tlie
Church, the yielding of M. Thicrs iu the inn:
t? r of tin- P-tgrfj II of Lourde?, the dismissal
of the- Mayor of N'.ui'i I fOl not having pro?
tected them m their miracle-hunting, havo all
roused among the fOUth of the schools that
spirit of prob H which springs eternal on the
Left Hank of the Seine, and that impulse
of fair play which is more univer?
sal and more creditable. Then Is
no reason to fiar for the foundations
of society because these fiery young fellows
havo made this escapade. The motive which
drives them is far nearer Protestantism than
Atheism. It is not a matter of permanence
! either. Iiooso theological notions aro part of
' tho student fashions, liko long hair and
slouched hats. When thCSC scoH'eis ot tho BUS
'les Ecoles complete their studies and <*?. bech
to their homes, they resume their family faith
and practice and become stanch Huguenots or
?ardent partisans of tho Pope. Many a
mau now shouting anathemas at Gambette
from the benches of tho Kiglit baa
made night hideous a few yean fi^o bv
noisy deflanes Of the Church and tho Crow a.
Tho way to make such ileinonstrations iuipoit
aiit and formidalile it to prosecute tho OCtOIS
in them, and mako tlnm martyrs for opinion's
pake. Tho Government would bo wi.ao if it
would t.?ko them purely as a voice for freedom
of consciei., remembering that boys will be
boys or something worse, and that a govern?
ment pretending to bo bee has no ?i^ht to
examine Into any honest citizen's belief, before
recognising him as a jury m an, or a v_'.r.
Pot the past week tho condition of half
New-Trail has been Hini-baibarons. Travel?
ing pi-iiiaps an average of two miles to tin ?i
work, our citizens hive had more, difficulty
Bach moriiiii-, in making the journey, and
have undergone, more fatigue than a trip
to Philadelphia would repine. They ?.in
cross what our BtlaSf-, BSCd to Call "the
"l?rcat American liescit" with BSOD
than 'they cm, alter a SUOU
|.i i fioin 11,'ihiu t > tlit* B
through what should be the focus of a conti?
nent'?, civili/.nlion. How long must this ( n
diin'T Jlow long musl delicate women bang
by (lio car-strap?, parked 1 i !. ? lien in ?.-.??, while
every moment the chill wind from the frcshlj
opened boni door whisth i about tic ir ht ids,
as th* y jolt at tedious pea homcwafdal How
long mu-t CVC-7 MoW-StCOB bring protracted
daily misca to hah' our people? Is the need
to be forgot ta n anew with the melting of ever.
snow-fall T
Lets expositions of the affairs of the
railway companies show th it they reci ivo from
twelve to thirty per cent- an average, to be
particular, of 1-J pel cent?on their invest?
ments. 'Jhi-. w?? take to be H fa.r return for
money put into any legitimate and honest
Imilnces It is at any rate all that any lionest
man or eorpoiatiou intending to fulfill his or
its obligations has much ri^ht to expect, in
any ordinaiy way, from any honest adventure.
?Still later expositions SbOW that these com?
panies havo franchises, granted without con?
sideration to the city, worth CVCf tea millions
of dollars In interest worth ncarrjr, if not
finite, ten pir c< nt on that sum, and certainly
.??lable for that. Yt t for its own enrichmi nt
and advantage, ns il is Supposed, the city
grants this for nothing.
Pot all this these companies owe
thing to the public. To bo sure tach line
seems to bo a ?und of its particular sup?
port as long us it continues to offer even the
]ir? cut inada (jiate.'u eoiiimodation. i.ut beyond
tlio consideration ef their own interests the
Unes owo to tho public full accommodation in
any emerg? my. Emergencies do occur, and
the companies always fail. Por instance, at
each and evo-7 suddcu .snow of this season
tho pubbc have been left with only half the
number of cars usually considered neces
riary for their accommod?t ion. Unhappily
the number of those who wish to ihh* cannot
be reduced proportionatcly at is brief notices
The companies wffl probably never sec the
(|uiek const quenccs of this picayuno policy
until elevated and underground railways are
projected over and under every avenue. That
must become the measure of relief in the ( ml.
in | m?der climate the ampio water facilities
uf the city would servo a vast number, but
where Nature obstructs we must look to other
means. Tho Gil li? ; t Elevated and tlio Van
ile! Lilt Club -.ground roads will help in it, ri. _Qj
to solve i problem before which, bowevec
difficult, tho iiigcniiity of American muhau
i( s ai ill not hesitate. Y.'o ought lo have
the promised dummies at once, and the greater
improvements In tima', .u any rate, the peo?
ple (t tint e.iy deserve tor the franchisee they
have ghren away, and the prolits they annu?
ally pay, better f.icililirs tlnn they have. A i ? ? J
ii tic 11. .eut eompanies donpi provide them,
some other, better and more liberal organisa*
tioni srilL
? -/ iv VOMMl /??' . ' I ./. AS?A
\Yc publish, this i".,iu!ug, the nji.it that
the l'.ri!' ?', I in!' * ' dur Bt St. I'e'i r ' in ; has
notified tO I'm. i :..r."Iinkoil' that, i! the
Russian tioo|?s [,..,,, i s ,t,. Hi,, feitntries ?n-tw, en
Kin .a an<i AI ha? .. >. ?! md s i!l be eom
pillcd to iiiidf'ie in nppori of Afgliai, .
pendence. Tho Importance of tbis Intelil
? is H.ieli thai \io aro not dis?
posed to giyo it perfi t credit befoie
it deceives ?en?rmatioAl li ??..?*,.. ffi__ rmay
hi\o been the pretexts under which the
attacks srem msds 6y Busskupon ttio tribes
..i Oeniml J?an, Met oxerel es her authority
with as mneh right sa Oient Britain claims in
?u.,i)!'.?..itioii oi her role In India. The only
motivo Whlflh could in liitii. c tlio Prit i,h lu
? ii Ming the run' h ni tin- l.M dam Is i
?.'l.'ilictillg C. !'.,,. l.-iiil illlell ?,(.?. Ah,,.,;
latte have arrived wtyhin .ix? miles of Cash?
r.icr?*, ou the iiorth-ea,. of India, nod
miles of the lliuihio K.>o-!i in th, ?.,,,;. (i-,
the west there iu only Pcrsis between the
Tl.issiain ?md Afghani : .a, un I Persia i i un lei
Unir ?nil ?erirv.
Tile hide on \,lia 'i I.'-,, ciu-net .?? of '
c.tu bo moat affected by the policy of the
Russian?, however, is that wbicb they have
now determined to employ for their own
profit, Khiva, onco conquered, tho Amoo
1 >aii 4 will bo tlio means of provJ.li/inr;
them with an unfailing supply for tlio mart?
of Iltissi'.-i, and only an open territory will bi
terveno between Itussii proper and Afghan?
istan, and possibly even India. In a certain
sensu tho eonouc of Knasin ?ire movements
of progress. If Gnat Uritain should oppose
theso movements abe would ?lo so primarily in
tho biU'.rest of hordes of tho moat la wie?i
robbers in fiio world, ami againr?t com morco iu
InT own deminiono. Theee eon?Tl-erotio_ii
havo Undoubtedly ooeuxred to the l?iiti?b
themselves. When tho bostilo purpo?,'?s of the
ffamiani ?Vffamf known to tho Khan of
Khiva he sent ?m envoy to i_krecde with the
Vicer??y of India. The latter declined the
recueste of tbe enjoy as altogether beyond the
province of tho Indian (.increment. When
the envoy aahod for friendly advice tho Yiw
roy gigniiL.-autly recommended tlio Khan to
give up Busalai prisoners nn?l eut?r into ami
table communication with the Rossi?a General
at Tm_Jt?nd. Tho bbange, if any has taken
place In tlio British policy artthin tho la.st two
or three months, 'a a notable one, which it is
d?Beult to explain in considering :iiy tjtjWWS
of coiidu?'t wbicb baa bitherto been pursued.
Now that Mr. Could Las m ..do his s??ttl* meut with
the Erie Dhoototoood poidthdi KttbMllof aine
million ?;, wo ? au allord to tli?mi.? ha case, escept so
far a.s tie- Mtample of prompt paymunt bM a Searing
upon ( th? . riiv mag\ ?iL?raiiiirnci?.1. ZbttO tin others
who, if irruir: i arc true, will now be ??Led to "hl? p
up to the Captain's odiee* and re. tore to tho Erie
11 sssary witattj o i omito-/ taana. Probably one of
?bt flint eases which wfl] receive tho attention of
?TlSsMlMt WotSSU is that of Commodore Vault: hilt,
agaiiibt win m the lane Company lias a claim of up?
ward of ?vo millions, growing out of tho old stock
;r.iii-actiot.s while I'.hlinlr-o was President of the
load. A ti u Iftbs items in thi_ hill Li one million
paid Mr. Vnndeibilt out of tho Kri?: treasury fin his
personal]. ?ations in Trie-stock. It will
ant ansWM for tho Trio DiMotoa t.? all".v these
eb_na to die rat, and ws hare r? a rm te te-ere they
will be pie Oed with vigor.
In Indiana they nro tryiag to remedy tii at
of iho pisa of i?Mlkity iu (riiui'ial eaeee? A hill be
f??ro tho LsgUtstme of that r-tuto provides that
trhsnerer en indioted person ia toupdnol ?guilty by
.of his temporary Insanity the Court bhall
n.-ud him ji a liinatii! iisyluin for a toua of y it
?proportii?iate t?? his crime. Wo hare n't much faith.
howorsr,inoohtsafOgao sf tini kind. Tbswhole
idea of aon-lag a patient to the hnatlo asylnm 1er a
torm of years Is absurd; and no one savo a rev1, lu
ii .in- iboald bsseod t<? su? h an ssylma at all. If the
I'l.ii of teespotaiy inaaiiity is S sul/tcif'igc let JodfM
ami jtii.il how that they andsratani il tu boeosb
liy d_mg?tdlag it aim;:, th? r.
Th f" i fa !:..-?'.. ill i\ r i'l \ : ' . ?..'?i?, by I ho
sui'liiuity of his ? i Irirera
of all other cities into 1 old of so
r '1 .y, m,?1 e_ irged I
Ma-starring hii baggage from the depot to tbs ferry?
h"ut. Not content with this, he personally pounded
the emigrant toi to pay the money. lie
was f.?;- this brou,
At the ln?t i???< a__ta ho waa la jail bowliogt
j., "i.'.? to assail the One, \.h et em
phstlcS?Jf to '1". W h'-n this Jehu g?'ts upon '..
ilia mpp l !.
idea uf the
The edit T of The Set '
been af a ___n? _Ukama* oh?rgtog
. I, 1. .. Imp) -'? r ' ? -.,1. ..-.. t_ .? ??-..Is 1"?~
band, i i>"n tola Mr. H.O. >__naaa and ins brathi r?
iii-law i?lted Ihltfli???. They !>egan !?>* ailmiuisti-r
iagtothi editor ?corporal pi alshinsntoi the asvsrsst
dsssripslen. Hsring attended to bis esas, tin
upset tbs ( - i ia the compost?g-tooea? noeshsd ths
1 t .-1 j ? ? ring atones, and "pasd" _m m_oa gsnarally.
All this i In m un h of a
tii>ii ahoold not _Dow thoii Imagination i .? lope
Ttitll tlleril.
We oonfen I'm.: we .10 rather tl
by the tu OOUOt "I a 1'iuieral whiili MS And la a Ifss*
mehosstto aewspaper. ihre H i-: "Tbs fanerai
azeac-Ma wore ooodneted by tbe K??v. Mr. v.
Mol hudist, and were very soletan and ntl'ietlng to
the numerous relativ?"? an?l fri eids BCSSS-t, Tho
D?>:!?r looksd perfectly natoral r.* he lay in hie
? ??nil,, aeemlsg to asr to hia old fii-mds, * What's all
?.lima! .'?-! BSB liapi?.?'.'' " I_Js htuls Ihl
of the Boa "hi biah ?tenth i.iaa, all of ijie oldsn tima,
who declined te remain ?lead ?u his collin whil -
ezeeUsnt a Uiakj waa trarat?ig around the ho,n L
Aa baa beea already stated in Tarn Tnieunn, tbe
Ai!ii-ri?-a:i PsOCS Bo. iery i? now without a DOWI
r. pressntetrra. The F , ad out
OythsaBootoa lire, and tbs Bostotynsada fnndsto
repises It, sa wall as to preparo the printed matter
Which Will ho re.nuiri-1 to inovo tho machinery of
their new enterprises. Iho came which this organi
BSttoo has at heart is a good one; tho gcntlein. n
specially m ahsrge of i'-i Intereste are tbe Bar. J. B.
Miles, M r.rouiliilil-Ht., Boston, and L. II. l'dUii'uy.
.General Agent, BfsnhfttaOi Kane-- ?
In Draiaerd, Minn^isonoofthontootaeosibli and
rbsrltohlomen of tbs age?a Mr, J. C. VTaltors?who
has aanoaiieed m tho poor of to it i Ity that he will
furnish th?-m all wirji turkeys foi Chii-.tmas L?ay,
without money and Without l- *}. Titra large
families nr.? to liivo two and even throo turkeys,
which abona tbeadrontaga of havinit an extra large
t'amily. Ta_a uuti-Malthu ian way of rtewfng a
inuliiiudiiums ;ir(?if?ny is cre?lit??ble to Mr. Walters,
and MS trOSt that ho h-SaO iho cliildieti ho WaatS,
and even two 01 three over.
A ui?-?? ref .irarit- ry tiY-j irl in ralaiatm ,nUit |J0.
liun Clara Underwood, who had been lei
mentha ?renflnad tbsm Cm Immmiy, batogdin _
went upon le r ivay rrjoiC?lg ; and ?veil B?9 niif-hi
rejoice, toi ths mai agi ?i to oarrj 08 with bertha
eheste mad blankets from tho b?J in lured!. She
May hare wantod tide drapery of her coueb f??r a
rii-iin-iiio of bet tentpuit.iy bornai ?bot tbs itero
niel went at'ier tim puhii.' ?property, and when be
? bt ii back hi in. ugbt back CAatb iritli hita.
The lei - in Cn i?! n. Arh , err Bftdly niT?t
(h???|-i/.,io;:e, anil l!u? loval n. \i ,--p ,|?,-i informs ut,
ihat tin > .m- subjected to a treatment of bbmketa,
a-.'.if?: ti?! r, and hot whisk;
*" ii? ? bear? ot any m m ?is tr.i.i. too
i-ai? ii'iotu'.l art ? ! ipoti hors. s. It
tnver much il ?- 1 ?- .ino.ive i,?.
fu?ii-iina : i.i?", ..!?:? a bocas vh.? ahsold hiivetha
v.- and (hii.iimi i, ? t. ?, (her \. X
I :.-.,. ii fsi I h im tbtowerld i'
\\ e eh ?I'V v i.i; 1 \H "r- U I't m- , 1
Kisiu/r: s f'll veiliut.iii ic.it of Mr. Wendell
l'l.iil?;?-'? lectura on "The 1 : _rl " la appirciatcd
i>? tbe nei . i;. 1 ? ihr. 1.1 heat Um ? aamtry, ininy of
whi? h treat tbeb read? ratofi U extra. Ml
e_an_log ?-i ? ...
on?' ? f iho best hui.? a ?? osyi ... . \.
1.111: .uage.
We ??n!i ?u:.m!, read "i ?11
.hi lil'l (11 l'e
a beavj load, kind! d ? dar tbem i"?*1! to
itimuUt? their ?-.v.i 1 t?m 1. wh?vrebr iln?y w?'n?gii??v
ou.ilybiiin.d. u . looked up. and sbonU
be kepi ? * ?'tl Hr. !!?? ch ean hara an e_>| ?rtanlty
? 't sliuw a? lnr.1 ta.it !. M ? in Well
? ? 1. _ '
I rlvtlll
? ? ' . r -
iliui Mi. fsriwu anu? axi iu? v?ot, ?
_ ?
Qnottog ?it artii-i? of 'Tax Tbibun_.ts upor
liouialana poliuoe, wherein u mai ,(U-o<l wiiat tlio r.?uli
would bo if ?tifli 4J^r?r_ri??'nt tnt?.rti r? ooe wore ear
crned in ?oiiie ALU* fartlii? .VrUj, The Charletl/n (A. C,
Oourier nxyn :
Tin? m.?W"t is nut (titT-rif'. Thor? wntild bo an otfterj
Wbtoh av-ij.iiJ .:..-up. i jauni-?', ii,'? i? ?j|K.i would i?,
ara.ii.ir 1 to it atiioWli-'lf a? at tbo 'ta t r !. . t ti?'-i r Il.i.itlai
li_.ll-f.il ,l*?tiaij,i-<l, i.rnl tint ?ti':, a. ia iim.'iiU ?it |.ai*M
wnil'l I?!*. flier kttd. A f'!\v y -ii - n ;., lin, c<>.ill.ti,ii. 'if
L>i>li?..-* wotlt?! hnva? b*-ei? In.j-r.i'r'Mil? In ?'ay -?.?oti,.? of th?
country. Tyranuy l.i, Biiwuv-.i, jlw.tv. H^t-T'**???'*'. IU
dema-oBO. toaLsy Ate A? ?'?tiling compared with wii.tt
it 4*ill -bllltU'l to-tUOHOW, Ull'l in .. v.
tli.it i tiny KTi?nuily Ihicui-N, f - rojcii
ineuta of |- iwa?r. hay oot> \?_i l. t-l watched e,iI_U for
t? ?,t t.ii jeer? i- ? i ' i__t
tho Arorr'ciin rnlnd hua iiri-omo prepared foi
coritraliXatloD. Tire Pri'?l<l"iit, a tainury man,
h-at i ttoA ft tO OtUlff'-BB. W?S tl. I
?i'Uci..1 I ? l In hie last mciaaw bi! U . I
tin.- accomp . itini nt i.f th.ii ..'. )i- t. W'. bave eeen junv
diction Inker, away from tu., Supreme Court for the pair
, I |>l'iiVr?l.li-K il f.otai lla-.U...?. tl,'- IgW. .?'?: li-tV?
?. tu law i )?.?. v?l ?In.;!, eie elearty unco- t uatl u.i!, for
Ititi p?H|.i) ai of i>ra?av,rvlrt|f pol.ti .n mptem ?';>. Mil
iirt.li-r IIj.MI liiwt tile in,la ry permmr linn r, u.i. rn.l life,
liiifrryaml pToptirty nu??fil<?. v.? Itivn rv-rn tii.u u m?r?
t.?.it tig? ii..i i. us trmntila-for ti. - f-tnre liberty of t. i
oouiitry, but we are out pi pared to ae? g V ' un
J.l.l^ai a.-'.r|i ?.l of UK) poWerBO? it Hut? Q
.lppoi.it .1 Ll r. ?lallU'e? W"! aJ.'Al fiOl.l oil.
QtltlOll t i liolai Uli.? r tlie COOatttUttOB -I tun .??lull*,
which ?Constitution, approvi-'l ay i -i,nirro?i?, ?n. repti-*?
Ht.vi in form, and t.ud>-r winch ?lit: m'uolf vi-u- em-lted
to me protection ot tho tJi t<*d state? ue vera-Mal,
i he S tin-Orleans Times, which was throw u iiito bank.
r:t]jtcy anal suapcnded l?y Boruo aort. of judii-i;_l beea. p -
a-il?, but Whlrll LOU tUiniO lMK,a r?-c.-,Uliil-?l4cJ uual.ir _ m ?
lu-,!,, ftivo? this explanation of w.'iat will b*i ae-;?--?
i>!i4_C4l if Jud/e Duieli's decree Is suit.i.iaa?! ;
T,y tue d"!?Tce, or mtHer the tntMteeUtorj nrVrof a
Uu.tnalbUt.ji UUtrict Jmlj-c, It ? atti-u.,.t,nl, I.,
ti c ot expre?-4lon ol the will it me i"??
Kit Ct tU-, to '.-taOainli o\('X lln? o.ul.i.i ito.eiiini'
?iitin?..f ? United b(?t*-> Boa.aiii'i ?or Uovemor, ??
torof the l'.^taatlie UoaMB-l '? r, lUo U ni.-.l
Htnti'B Trr?f>4iir?r for Otat.! Au.ik./i , i -nr???yoi- of t.o
i'ort for PreaKlent of the ticnate, the Po-tina?ter oi thi?
city fur Speaker of \h<i U-miiw?. Lk '- r (? r
Ch_.riuuu of tno linaoce Coonulttce "r i ie I. M.-i.itur.-,
and g It ? ? '? oio ?; i i... ?
r?na.r wi.a.i.i an "i tito ampio/ j?i paj of the J
BEPI DlATlo.v i.v Tin; BOOTH.
The question of repudiating tlio enormous
ill.'l llIT'ii ns.'.iif: r?tat?* da;buaca.-utiiulateai by a-ai|'. i-u ?u.
nilo U now uu.ltT ??trio-., c-u i l.irarioia Ju t!.-. .u,a;atb,
niel,eswlUbesssn fri'tn the M-bw-bh bsCcobI froi_ a
I. tt.-r of ?'(Juth'a" toTAe fflfOlfr Trilmne. IJ.'O'?'.-, lim
'*.?'lrci'led to rcpuiiiite a portl'iti of th?
bcaueil upon her by tho ru'.ia-.vuy Hulla?. .? :
lo nbi<iiljr' lQtem.?tliiir con vrsit um wttkK. I? At Art,
?-?q.. T..?-.-..ir r of the State of (J I with A!ti-n
-Mii-'tii-, i-ltrlf Of Ins ofliee. the foilowiu,; .?.ateuif-uU wcio
Oj ..I?- ri.,in tli?; book* ot tin, ,1.1 t:
?* What is trie ilobtof tht* Suit?? I"
Ai_4v.-i.-r?'"To? direct bended ludebte I ? ? u $*4,4-?,.50?.
Tie eonUngeut ludebtodneai 1-? I4?Ul?
p\ 1/44.500."
?? Weht woai.i ti*' Um aia b* of the SUte ?f bII B
O-liH-'l'iU-a la.'lll be*B v.i?lli"
I ..?.i.- i^eoo."
ttheop-Dtoa, howerer.of aome of ti.o n.
. i-i On .- ? '
?BooiffaSSByMS ot BalkMfa boB-U, brinfLB? tbo wbolS
'ij, to about il5.i-yi.ion.,
'^ c.-tl'Ii Of the Tr, i-il.?'r "V i .it li tfc Irn-omr? of t)?n
. ?'i.l w?at, i. t.'io tala...o VB-BB of CtVfPtttf ia
. i I"
Aoawer?"Tie propr-rty of tha? State, nt the In- v-nin
dlloi? a,f our OWll l.tX A.??4'Mtor.?, In it A.iAXt.tUiV, ''luiUln^
i. iiikni'.- and ranee '.ii-n.al und raiiweya. 'i
.r.il Stave tax o. i loef i j? reent would iiroalnc?? iV-jT.
? ..ti eorporstIon? wlfl a<3al ?u>,oo), a:. J
tlio rental of the Otate Board, il.wrvje. ninkm- in uil,
?. ni.. tp-Cinl -.liool tax ..f lluof ii?rca-i.t
111 . ? i,, '. I.W.49-.) T.'it- cnt r?j
ai-Ouraemente to eBrry on the Bute in iit. iren t-??.?*"/,
mu? tait lait lor tniereet ?.u tbo diit_rem ...un?., tin,
MS ST. .f tli'- Uliilllle OBTBs-MWat BIB IB>1
?iii(-?l hi |H,1-M00, ?eani."
" lhj yoi itiiv. i.'ic llulloclf's excessive obluatioua
-?ionl't W f p-'.v.-ri 1"
An---- "lio. If they call it ri-piidl.-tlon, It ?IU
prot?t t us ;;-? n t fut? i ? MUa?a Ipi ?
. No State Cicu.i L_.akj. liout.-t i,o..tici?i:i?u_J
licht t.?
': It, '?? (IM 1 lie .1a?tl,.ll Of f ' ? '?
BUthertttee. *:'?.'?>.<? i i. it i m i??-a.rg-a?
.?..u are o.it~UuiiUnK. WBntevei
?i- ? j'i?ii.-c ol in.' de-en ?, it i- Hupp ? en?* th >t m?n_in?l
. .' act oy -tore thae ou? woi i, and tliat will be
r.'iai f.-.ir -?? ? ' trill not ?ay "R ?-. ?arr ?' -tti 't
? are Alabama, Keottitkr, Ml
! | crante?? have been broken In aomB
. '.i i?ia?__iii_, ur pel vate o? i'ariy pit-ja-i.-.
wii'm; \i.i: MAISOSTAL imi*i.ovi:mi:,\t?3.
Tho suffos lions fecglfantic trans-continental
ranal?, ! In tho Preildf-nt'e me?-iiije, ha-?
? 1 thoii-htfiil ni.^n everywLcit?. The Kete-Yorg
evening Voit, m mulit will Lave t' on BSpBBBBS, 1?
iiiiioiu' tlio euilie.t toeiaier il- carucai protctit BUB-BflS
11.o u'iolosclieuie. It .a. - ;
leprii Iplelnrolf r urtytotfcesBspee
nlatinne by the iloveriimi-nt w,t hnvte ?n nft,-n apoken
ti. It it ?"??'1111 UI-eallor,4 to I IV lii'.ia*. ?'l.aa ( ...VITDDI'lll
ia Instituted for other porpi r-.t,.
oompetltloB with ?pecnlatu-i ot te i irrj en tra-rleaat
, -fntnerae? Bui thi i ir . t a.f one ? i
illy Into tbeee projecta wou I bel ? ?li?t
\,.- lullst not fail ou alt occiiaioii?) taa profeit acaln?! It,
t ?r. once ?ire Um apei i.i.i?...., a fair amrt in < ?.tisre-a,
and there will be no end to then, tventvioio in'.* beat?
I nit on Mu* N':a< na Canal pro|eot ?v.is RBtag on, tb. Ken
tucky members were preparing a bill fort
national Uovernment of the wht>ts of the Loala?
ville and Portland Canal, in whleh It la mow ? partner.
The State of Kent. ?ther itockholder? have
a xi .u. fui a lou.? lluju to bo rid ct t-ii_ costly in
?..liial.l .
They pronoae to tnviif.'r b to tbo united fiat???, pro
viaii.d t??- united Btatee will pay all daOCadaehf the
Canal Company and purehaae nie t
ro. t.-r?. A more m?ii-i!,;?< proposition WOBad be |. r t! ??
Unitedfltatea to pivr? all it? inteteei la tue eaaal t.. ?ay?
body who * II ." ?".f -. ? ?.. - - N,
would bo v. i y ?lad 10 have UioCt-ueialUover-ini
o..' IU i ii..,: ikbt.
\ii.ii.u Hint WIsconRln w.'?nt tube leHeted of t'i<!.
?* In MiinLii' nubile worka? In Im i, *?*, ry eommu*
protect which v.oi?,,t ^-r,-.ui> beneSI us
local trail'*. jirovidiiiK It did not ttaelf l?t\ tMBS
l uiK't ??, well uiiib-rt-i- t. < outrai UM m*...? \?r
l'*B^latlim us to 4i?t_sfv tl.o demaa i fa.r Uori ta-aaul In?
vestment lu tar.?? apeeulaUoua. Lui CotigtaaaU-tke a
^.?o.i beglnnlnir in lta work after t_? loUttuya bi rej i -
IneaDtbeaeaehe-BBB propoainK u Latiouai jiaitneiB-ip
in local oouimet'oo.
BEC-tET iv?vi:>ti'.'.\t;on'?.
Tbo unwlne policy ot the ?'i/iU?. IfobUlet
Ii.ve-tli*atliig Comnitttee of couductinn that r ?un av
tiouln r-a-crct i.i'oiKla'inric.l by one imition of tlio A liuin
l-tiation pre?and pralicd by anotln-r. ?Vie Scuurk Ad
tcrtiscr ha* tins at-nsablo word ou Um aulajixl :
It if uiif.,ritii!i.-?- M.it || 110 hold ta? en 111
Mobilier IoveetlKatton ha am ret seeetea of BheOBiuu t
tre. It is to the K??i" ral public anal not tti ( a'iia.'reaa that
tbetruth belon?and lu ti.o n. ?. .
ruBMca is etreulated ituniiftniniriiie ri'put itimi ?r ?.
? Il'? un, probably Kinltlc-? or any oftl. i
'feaeanee. Tin lovestlcatlen Into the a-falraol t-?
I', p nt'iii'iit liant Sunn R was p'U'lia?. lue ??vilenie came
OUI ?laj by diiy, arm Wi * r ad ol mi i. Tin to wae .
?" ,.-" or nil myatery which made tha- Committee un orx a
court, mid th., rciaiilj, Wiii, iiiut cvarv luii?ili.i?,ii i, .,,i, r
. -:? |, 13 ?Y... ,,??. v ':. fi:'-* ?::!'"- >?>?>'? ttjll
fue Committee lu ezonerfttinx --?creUtj Kotx .-iiin'tS
blame Even hie iuoBC-at accu-ctB tctracUd ibiu
la I l.cr itat, al.a? ,'. ?.
Tie J'ruridt net Journal, on Ihn ether I'tinal, ncou ? *e
BOB-lt-tr Kccrfi-j li, tl.i? pit tint laotsasa to lie K\n , i y
vritiy. Eiraaeotialy caUlnf tbe CeMulittce ?
mite a.tir, .t
-BB of Repn .
t,-,. ? to examine tur?? Hi ? ? , , ,
? r, veo properh d, a ,i to *ut with i
' ? ? ? . ?
them ib( n'.al !"? r- ni i???
. t.. i refutation, i
. ? ; .- nrp i :.. .,'. to follow I
? ?
Nuvy licpiriuiiii.t Investigation,.,- d ?
I, ' ll.lt ? ' la.' ' . i '
tue a.t?. r, were cuii. .i on al ll
a r.f? ill I t'.l tipaiu it ; ..ii-l th. l? j.. i -1.? .ii.?, detl liuluod
10 ?.in Uae full, -t M.a (K* tO I
; ? avila conceited I
..... i?f it,
IHK l'Ai I'.lfSi'rN Va BATRR9?
Theos ts lik?l_,r ?o b.* inore trouble uitli the
U. r . n ?i.i. B?eat . < 1... I . a '
11 -l'l?t, tl
-i \.'.r. Tu ra ;ir.?t i . .
cl W .ti' ?
lor their own apport Uid?fBtol ?h.-ir famlliea, aould
?,, m t.? im n..,,li..-?-, li.it too .?1,-n-, are inn.. .
The ti MMItW A'!rrti\rr. ?-< ?, ?, 111, ? ti a 11> ? T on l!i'??a
tto'na, blamoe iho i ..? .. .
anal au. M
Ti-.,- bold rtttltmi
' ?.?-.? bare i ,:?',.
i-'i.t. .1 I! v. ...
U.'li? .,'
intaliau ?? II ?: i . .- i. no. only proved in
? -.(ii ill]
, PU< I'" ' ': - I
| ' I . |
?? | lay ,|. |.? ??, .
kotli it inl Tin inn. t. ut. i In ? ''?k ?ifllltatlon w.th tl.,? I lie.**
liatl.antl- i ? in r.-lit.ll ?.u. t - I. a a -
\ ,,.,...
? i n ?i-.fr-, i.-i.'i4 ?ens i?' a-i nu tu? Ira
I . . . i
t , f Mr vei I.. -'i'l. :a...l I
? i?t in* ,'tiM.?.?'i u v?a? ara
?.? tafln -I: ll .?. ?a la' Ktj I
? a . I .
Ifjrrtle IIU1. r delli red
. ? ; , I '*
' . .