Newspaper Page Text
TUB -.UAIU-A. til ^ ' B_H. if i hristasa? p-ey-tnwsate in ?inest of men. v-.. ut, iiiey \ rill! tt. ii ooplotM ,-, ?t WallacV? ti.emUt. Aim I? nearer M n?i>"< Ihao / SSkJ l*undregiy. u d ia . y .pa-rr, :??,.?*. b" selb ,|. m ?'. .?'I at _.?r?l ->i4n?.r-<irJ* ? e-raai.i.' oui. If ?he latter rurt la caria-ature, ilia urnt.. i? fares Bole, Uow?vor, U.ave a touch of ?.-luitni (Ut m. ?in: h c'iittnit nrts tli'm to sympathy, mu.\ ?...'? . . ? , ;.; ' aitkt-0 form. IM? lib, f,i!l U..1U. ln*iu. (la Wt-,,1. N,4iH Slimjsbit, f?pi?t.le ?I Li-: t.'-''r B i a MlM by 'iia appear* in \ "tv m.h tl hi? ,-i-, tl . 1 ir ba'.r, l) ills.- IfperBi tht ? n -nil -??rile t-it-tvernenta, the- ?rnijahs? l ?ly.tncivaor, the au] . ? ?laitlaMt-?., ?ad IBs tveU-bia , I Bf to ' ? ?. and Bin*-in i. .-tunbl-* to ..nit,anal ..,!?-. Tin-I'V-.lJ-'ll.i? by HV ,i!.?of Will, ll f te the eje - MMr rt inu-.i t/> prebaMllt) ; i.ut the , e_Vrt of It ll r ?-.-..?I?"r..iii;\ in Ki-i?.'iad, is I.??? ln-eii o . : thr te ral of Ml tctuts tolisve ? a .t ?-,.! --It -.I." .11..I !.. eiiiacuUr r?l.,-,? - ha?": I Mm at SM_M . t? liiat eh? aeSM s_?all h- tl. ? i' a *f Ii!? 1/ . ??? ' -ianii |?rrta? r,. t*, h ? wile; ni.d, '? fian,, -t -if ti tig raCS**-? and B ? ?-,- f h - pi ill, Rlltl . M Bad '' h .---t . ..i it . - tuny imi Mradaad , ? .- : ".it tb s l.utlit r ' | : nbitsh, ' I . t Ueial' ll paita I ?y Niiall a I In . : " ? -r.rl. Triv'j?clr now ?Trc I ipBfl ? ? . -? S im t? Suprema h I eti? tu ' iltj*. If**. ? Ml of tt>?itiBK iior su;.;.,.?, il Im.? t .al. -1 a ??- . t? :, i. m:'? ti-'- . :ul g, i. . ?? t* rio lesa iviibsrr.iisral than rut !? - ;. . a il III a fAlSe tt-l'l IlIaillT"-'.? I 1.4. iicr *?r? l'-iroii.? -'t-'i conseut and ur?i?i_ : ii?t this wei? ,if all ? -,r..'l, ls r.v '?.?II vlxacuy iiHuiite i i DaM tu I?. ll ? ' * of ix-rfco! ? ? In Bis lies-, flow?nu atmoepnere wliola? furrat itud, for u v h > -i ,t rntioiiH!. 71h? leeeaatat yleUU ml- i sMlasd and aruii? -il; I M 4 B all a < lutin* VI v . . - ??y Mr J .1 i. ,. it Ion in which tan i ? ' . till lllllt .'! | ? . iilll-iition so Mr| ? 4 M .r w'.tli a ; " ah l-i r . . : ' ? . ?i ?? I : . " I ht* LU; of ! i -*'ta r , - - . . ? . " I ' ' I i ?? /Mr.? wees Indicated j.. Ah* < ?. I, h ,a . riii I ' .?ht. H'ui a inarkeal imv tix% Mr James Henri .?," ? ' ? - t'lllr?. U'r BrtVe o*.4-:i ,,?? .inn ?t i? ?'?. i.iii incfii; and '" crowS-sai . ' J . Mvalvin . i r ,'nr the ? ?. . ' r i i i ? i i ? partan ae< o la o l. Mr. ' - i.v t lie ? : t Will . nl (/it . ?M Wtaa oi.rwpir fWftMi A novi-1 incident (m-iiiikI at tli4* Oljn Tb*at*r la.?t i-vi-nluK. ?hen i?ei form' d, la the > tXt lui? fc? Amirlia. the aapem bouffe M "I- I ' aie."? bMb* bhibIs try m Chartas L?* et<ai. woral? ti) MM 4'i_irvi'!f. ci,, und iJiir.-r. 1. M pV-ca, win? first acted May H <?! th.- j.r? MBBl ILeatrt- des Varieties, In Parla. It. first preaentaMM gttt altraa rcl* a-.d greatly aiini-ed, u very uu audli'M?-. Tin it- ure SA parts In tha? pie? t?, anal Mile. A ? and her fulJ corps took imrt iu the ?lerCui tptit folio? i_k I? k slctcb of the plot of thi? apera ? huh artitv prove useful to spectator? ijriu'ra'.it o? the Kc?iii? laniruacr: * A'.f ' olonlsts, settled In an luiairinsry of Me ?r. rD*UlCj petition their covern aoeut tor mi ni.".,* of wives, rhe foverntuent senSslM ?rlrgins, tn answer to tbeir request The pre-piotis c^go 4i_-t (.a>t re?cb tbo island, aiid a secoul petition is sent, i Wbilt a fresh suiiply is liei-L? tf-li-ered by the aut_WKi- J tl??, ttitbrielle, ?ho hat jt:?t beeoine tit? Wife o? ArMlJo?? I aB'l KyUiiUiiie, the wife of J'oularUot, apnr-r, arid ltn- | aarmii'K that i.rv are ruakiiiit a vi?lt to a stiip In the harbor, arr led aboard the ve??el ^?j aarried oil?m tito ab?ei.i" of their liasbauds--to tb* On eu lai?. Then- bereaved partnera follow, and coaie Ja?t In time to letirn that. In apitc of remonstiun. c? and tfer,-_.u, tha irni'ous-j, uieoa tue point of lieiiiK re-w,ad<ic_. ?ware, Lowe?, er, th<tt ttiey ?aaiild bo put to d.?ath wen? Belr hi tiu ?rered, th?- ii.?n pteleoS to In- women, and ? lottery a_-U#-iis them a? cotoi>anioti*, " for laett?r <?r Mr wane," to Ptnpcri>,nn and Vrididick, rei-pertively iteceveraot ami of the island, u u M,ua matie tieur t!?tt llupertonn and HHdiilick have been eraenetl. and the uniiuppy iu_le cuuple wotilil [t-uah but tot the a let erne?* of Git?rteMt, abo ir?n.? time t>y wooing the frovenior, and ???' ? i?-. .- ? ? uuium ut dlaoeataatal ?i.t?.ui!M wifeless ??? revolt, Before tlw r?, v*.,..,._ HMiuuifs alamlDc proportlcMia, the play is >ri.ii.'iit to n tt-ruiln-tioii by the arrival of the i..? -t ?h.|a il? d of vlrgm? ?tod luv au ouipauj lui? iaem,i(ui?i iJb^t |A? laianders sba-1 each any? a unite. BUm AVI.MK THF.ATKR?rJKW-yF.AB'? IVK. 'ibe, Filth ATenu?? TIubiit wa>, j^t etfn* I liiiriiiiu;' t'neiitiia ..1 repic SMMbMbb ai, hut,i?), .cm. ,i? a ?,*!!.? I " N'.'w Year's i.\' ? .tue," -tay Mr. Trank M.irr>hull?wus B( t''l I'l' p . 'or ihi Ilt-Iti:' n 4tli( rl'-n. It has br-a-ii . a,,i_U' aa-ii'?'- the unta I, .mil tin- wonder is il h.. ' IS I'll fe .'orr- !a,r it ia- it t-klllfully ?aastetru.i' i .:. : ?ii^-uiit arrH-sa pleea, delleaM la ?>-u tin.11... :.i. . i . i,, no pi'j\ .inc, in tb..! It d'-'ila-t? man liei - '.i. .??'. I ! ,rriite? tnd a ?pe ?'.? , _iiti.ii. ?ud Kii? IU por tt"'*???' a > 'trihaiif? ni niterostlog at"-), ' . i'h .it, .'Hid fine e-H-ifrrstiun of draw 'ao.i.r. luj'o-Aci MMbSBSj bold ssssn t"U I ? ? rir?1 a getteiatti? ?innpathy, the MB ah"I<- ; ?aid play-s'oei? >l." '? I aBl o.x, I'.u-in dialogue, ad f WWfeae ?ill i"?l WMB-J BBIP lut MM|B4 i". :.' ? ' ' :./? i... In plot tlie w.,ik re._lli JKJIlioilBo' - a,!,!. I favoh-BB?uotably, "Th?. Coui. ii: t-?-i uln , '( i.n?ii. .I.'ii.M'iiie." luid "Still Water?." 'in the 1-itr.r .'if r ?*.'ri,r,hu,i-,e u, |u t_? jeatHan Id?-?, i_. nu ..... bui .t., a much better play, because .ne friain .ill tmut ..( , ven ?ni?(fe?te-i h-MB-Mfi and trarratii te. ? ..r ,,,^ |ltllr_)u a|| ,-,.,?. ertea hallo* ?-d-at tlj-t love, '.'tn b?*i-o of "Now Year's !..? i? a l.,-:i i?ud Kalliabt y.uiiK fellow, who? ?ut of fabtesaarue on ibe ??ore nf lus uwn virtues and #oo<l -ii.oii?, a_kd emm Ml M soorr. foi worldly self tet -ir,/ -, )ia,.?,> ],, t,,,,^ |,i? imiter nature ander it ???laairof affectation. ih< heiolne. abom beiirvea, and avive* to x?rin-_i,d v.ii'?_e life he aavea? is a sweet and eUxxeet girt, wbo i? i.?,a,nv out for somebody like, m in ?_iu?t, Use Ub*-ti Kblgbt ot Uu? M_44ie Affea. her mlBundrnUndlnir of hl?, ?litt 1?? ?ce* not tthr any wxitvx to remove, Ik deBo-tely play?*! upon, ?11 _? m itlTl p! it*?' atMom, mgtloM Mm U opposed ?clever athemiox, ol ti?, <?i?i n?irk-icy ell ir? .n- rillll.,'1 l,!l?l UlU? I? IxttCt long flow?4 m niitr-t wava, 1-rrtetn out to.wud tin? lat?, tlio g-cntl.-iuan thoronglily ttkt rather liumoruiii-ly o.crthniw? hn liase anliiconiMt. The ?cene??.' the In- i'l'-nt? Itaa K iirlHd BtaVt e?nn!ry h?.ii*e ; the tlaic u fcu.iii.ii r o? tin- atteWte* day. Some of tho prettiest bets that liftvc he* n sbowu on Mr. Daly'e ilit-p alirtj. Wel\ tmfwihhfA BaA HaeefaSy _nW framed th-s come,:y laM uli-lit. Mr. U? orge Clarke nnd Miss Clara Morri? tttpA flic chief p-irt?, Lord ClAlion ?mlMaoilulcn Athci I, iah, tnA ?raid* ?Un them a great deal t?f i,*, m??.Hin ration. I!-tit part? arc difficult. Tdo ? 1?. t-'.Ui tlio.r.-il und ?.ho artificial man might, ?'s I?'- ,i?i\ ??iMMailj (?aile bha? lier, lu Mr. ? acting; !<tt' it II not <*?> l??' ?1? ni?-d lie traced out? clrisr nitral ?\i ii ?_-_*. r ' OQajJ mBt> oi nii-llio-l, ui'tl in i iuoo-1 ".' i-vrrpa'hy vltu I he trno lovo tliat is paiiont ?Uiou-rh nil tr.a it Is true. Mi?? V.rii?, rilwi.M? u *!t - s in tlic cl-fT-iii-t.-r late; Alhettxitih fi un-diuu? iuifBA? expression ??f whit li noble aed g?'?tle lu lier u.itiu?-; andslie lm 1 t r.o weO BS to win ? (?ymptttliy and wspoct?P? thed '.if vy of hr-r urt ns for the ti ? ' - trhifh her Btorinlr-r tttt wilder por i 3_?1 ?elf? failed '. Wa iicT?,-?arily rcfei , in? tot ' N?w 1 m" in,,1 t!i luan-.e. :? i f i:s \ rurlmt'ou ; tal wo un* praiw o? It to be emphatic, This is a pure food, ul?! . ii'. d ??? ?n a) -*?. i .-".?!' -? cxcc?e-.t p'ci'o of work, und i! ?night to haw more tlian a i. 1 KIi ?' The -i?ppaat>nc< ?>i Ike ?-iav <?; ? .\_-i.< ?" from th?- ?l,?i> iri tlio Viiivll ?i?|*Uiri; Tinut.T in hot Ula ,.. effect, the In-caking tip at tl/?* no in a river,at Uic ??iiniiiK on ot i-pting. Mm? the Middle M September, wbea I . i -i mi i? r it-? new itaadavd ? I i-. I . i boa) Kl ils lei , , I 0?. ,1 al ili.?lltii!ini, o? II,'- lilitClK-saiul o? i-Cli. u- p?i - 111 imp?.I I ?r '1 IMl-llJUl'.l \ll>?l : ich, ib l..r:is iiitriiiKli- ui? rit is con?u u? il, ? ttwt tour wortb pat-fan morn that*, htoi week? i tai :.-.ra.i l!?!llill?.l'-cl'8<li I.-ipiisiaUil l-.-sii.ll, I tora literally i?*roaeo ujx i i -?-v, ha^reitar, ??w im I completion of tin- inu of lii' pirf"i!ii.iiu-r ? i i.r o i a ; bei ii I : in! lael mIl-Ii! Un- nui' ii i thaw ire;-an. 'in-- linen Bqttare ii one ?if Un mi>,li!??! liiel cheeriest p!_<?-? of ansiia.?in?-iit lU I ho ci;v; ami we lian? till the Irf.rfr, 111 l,llllllf{ H V. ,-? ?-??IS : (* ll'tt? alle luilllitfi lu wlilrti li??|is? i.i fay ?oil W ill 1 is-- hoil tt? be ?!<.v?'i< il ; ? i- .i ni'.iii and of piuieil :.r n. I -ne.illi ?.mi BOU? VlVeli ol " l ? ;-.?m . ?' . 1. In li nisf. tt ttl ','" . 1 p .11 t l- plllC ll-rll It.? ll-, - .:. .., 1? la, lie? il !or remark. 1'p?. ? the p.ii*?>ii,iaiir-i? ?.: tl n--l? for l?u. tc-u?ment. ItMte ? !..? i?y aptable IW b?BCtag for m alii Mr. Junk Mui la, an.I thcieii- leiiiii.'liin: lli.? I? i'li.c . ' ? lie of inr : I \er?a i m in, too, o! -nod school? r? niaiiii-Jitoii Ott A- i I ? Wtvwewrt t pmrttp, li i? ? e ilip. r ? . i delleatep bal it ? ...i ,-i I - ?and I! hud rll tie.-i?inl Jn?ti,-,i nt tlio hand? ol i romedUa. .Mi-. HtnlUi'B ]*.-. .immu uf ?i ? port la tad i - puoiii-, au'i particulac <i : oui, eren weia ?i hen , much und Bin Brei? appl . .- -. !____? 'iVr or? i. i ? _; i? i- : i.-- .?,.;.?? i .-.rn-i- of a in- ?-. ami -,: 'J -i? was Ufa I'.iiln- -?i li<?i,ai>iQlover, tu.- \m .. andtbua r.oi be fiiiiiii.t finit i i-1" lii'? i.n?f..?ii m. I Mr?. Olover of ,r,l day?. Kiel I'lnlli? . | ? ' I Iff J - './ i.'uj. It not ? 1 .,ri : | -a. ?, Wa? i ?? D ta?i wa* Mi. Bafkiae? [T. M I " I ' . htt. I.lin!; ? . k,-.. "I?adea I - uiilal " v. ill be r--lten on Wi-ilnes'lny er-alag? wltb -Mr. .Mark Batik ? >. ami i i.? .i formel : ? ' ' - ' ' 11.1.IV. ?Ui. iil-'j Ul lam'? i ? ?? U lii'lil in iiitvc till aft.r : :?? / V- I.V ? ... - . ,, , eapemgp, : :i l!.ii-l'.i.:' | . ?it Ban ?'? ' ? . anconi !iie;-c win i,.. ? ' ? Iron Jaw? ? ?npi late ad ? 110 ITili I?. Meaiil.i OH ?rAlillil i:.?ii. ION1 r ?' i ; .i \ try l_lg_ Hock of -? V in i?n Hi /--a-! si,.,-, and i? n Mii.p'?? BOdS, hi I'lpiiarny mill i M. .?il ira* na I Mi . ? ; mi man? Hi- all' vil ?perforaMIM O? "I'll? M? --vi'?." wi.uoal wli'ili ( lirir-tma? \ve tmppoee wool?! be iiu-oio jii.-u-, will l. ? ?r i.t rft-inwar Hill in- Ota t Kr, l! Iff Ti ?? ' 0 l .1 -. I ra_rOooRB raoxas. 1 he i. Iiirri ol .Mr. Theodon Thouum lo N.-vr ?'.'?k-oiiio (?fiuu.-liul auiioi:in< .: . in oil .i!:uo-t .'o -r.uu?y iiitliout alley, loi ht? ?-??ncert.i ai ? UM only eiitortalDiucntiiof the year upon ihiidiji of ?.-r.i.o-ui il oh?sii-'l, an?l entboB?M-1 i.-in lianiiy !??? ov? i.tmiin-d Tho gccorn'l ..f "his nil ayttthamj ? tbaealftabaftraa at Btetaway Ball m-xt latardax,aaa 1 leeotdeaee -*.jtii Mr. ihoinair? plan, ll.o piOKi.iiiiioe Will ht dividid betu-irn !l,o i: nr.l th tu- ,T isehonls. (if the former, Hi? repre ? .. - u mui he he* ??join,'s area :? ; ?' 'i? ! itn-r vu- ,?i-- eajtM iked tho --Kiu? le ,.r " oi? ii ?r- li?t tin O? fhe Huus" by Ltaftj and tkt " Walkiin-n Jtitt." und . plnala Ir??_i " Trist^iijuiid : i?v Wagner. as" AKSBICAWTBVOI 01 LOKDOJT. Mr. Williani (Jastlo hM becu ?_IfUBf at ?m?- of tho luuifini London "PopularConcerta," *B*eAAhtHtmet*, ?He o{ I a i- ie?t i.rul|sevii< ?t ?-X critlcrj, ?ays of lnm: ' '.'.ut n i n- oouotry of Mr. WilliamCastl?'. a t-n-.r ?iriio bee we? fame In America, end who hi? itadled in ; .1 u?, a? lr.ri.i-itjin of lairnclty on ?irr- i? u t <>r the director ol tu.? Monday Popular ( oui-erti, foi (> c are mneu j/ii.Ukeii II th" Uate, lad, ami ?'^?a, Mr. Laatle dieplaycd, coiumne? with.? ? ol?? o( _?hh? ?p'.i'it.v. trill no! cemler lilm a \T-ry w.-leoinf audition to tie- |.i??'i ??iimal ranks hen-, lie leleoted Hayl?'i "Na t.w wfnili ' andMoailelBBuhu's?'Oarland" ee hm two an? iriKi Monday,-nd .iiitlngulabed Lim?. I' In hotb ?oui p.??iiion.<. __________________ MR. Gill"I If-y BE A LOTEE OB Vol. ?Hi A SD TUF VEAMA. lion| The London Era th?trica! iouii?tl? of Dee. H, we < lip the riii?Jir?n?d letier, l t? ti,e editor of that pip? I : si it : A m-cat and Kood man?iiav. I tat) H) in viriu?-? a second " Cato "?bas left ns for aaotber and a bettet mu M , died of A l.roki'U heal?. I am KU. Iliat It Will lib of some lotereet to tin- eroteeetoa, eepeelally t.? those wbn itiisn Hftor higher aiins, t?> hear lhat he was oM "f the Btaui?. ise.t BupporO'ia? of the leftttmata drama. Hi? ? I dntlei. ?nul ariliioiis lal.or a? e?l!l??r of Tiik Tbiu : bid? ?iltle tiuiu to rlalt tlio theater?, a? often a. be wished, but he gave tin-in his lullent ?upport. Ilia crltlce were iiIwhvh ezperteneed and highly e(luc?tf?i Iitir?ry b?M, and Tan Maw-Yoas iuhilni mbb iooit?d ui?on ai the oracl? lj_ IkVi**_*',?_i n??!ter?. Juisllc? wa? ti.,1? lor cverv oh?-, and none ?ii?;.'ideil K? ?plnloti e?epj the Impoitor ?Uid the charlatan. Mr. (irteleyj,/oijnd and p ?etlc views upon HhakeMx-nre'? bcro^j of^naV'iA" i?he?l inc. You could leir?? Wirelu a ?hJrt ?^4f<afH?ii?B will? him than daj? of study and t?^ditati.n cofli.l re vtni. I i? v.i- Bpenl ne i'v"(* '" his b?*eeenoa without gaining KHM profound MMrbeaooV i*?i luforiiiaiiou. Mr. (.rceiey wa? ? fti ,. re;i<ler Kid loi or rif poetry ; bis epecial d-lightitiis "hyron:" bo !-ii?nleal|Uiole in Use beauty of hi? language and rhj-thnj Uni-- In lili ii? lokopliv. In iva? " rliythm and 1? -aiity of lau Kuagc' tuat bO hrnl look ?I to In . i,-i i jmm-I Mwluliume'? ver.e? be rreatly adiiiire?! ; so ?li 1 be Hei irtob Heine's. One i?v, iiinir, at one of tl??-. n oeptlOU of 1?.i ?beloved ?I? tel, Mrs l lev? lair!, he i ? la I fi en? an old f ?Ho a trans?a Mou of Boblller'a " Bemele," a poem seldom read even m etetiaany. I Was delighted nod much uitonl?lie<l at it, for I ?loiib!, with the .ne? pilon of llayai.l Taylor, that any iiuu.-lke in the i-- 4 ito ?list, nee ; anily?! It aavu plea*ure to all, foc ht hada iw oil \ oie?, and wlih hit child-like, lnno, ii?t fa?bo, crowned with hi? mi ver hair, lie looked a truly (ioil-llke man. 1'oaoe to bis ashes. Sol only has Am. li.n tut!, red a great loss lu h)m, but the eullie world. I admired sad loved him dearly, and cannot refrain from paying this alinple trib? ute to his memory, for he was " e'en a? j us. a man as e'er my <ronv?-rs*Uou tov'd wiUiai." Yours truly, a-AJilkl. ta iJaVgiV-AJM LOCAL MISCELLANY. THE H-'OKl-S Tlil.a. AM Till. Mil Ml? 01 IHR tT."*"i.,;?. B-f DKASsBtD Ai-AIN. Tin' nctiml bdHineSH 4>f trying Edward s, Ptnkes for the murder of Jauie? Fink, Jr.. waa ber jn y-?. for tlic sc-rondtltur within tin? r?"*1"' r.nd efraiii th.? HBB-M o? UM eventful day tit tlio <;'. vid Central Hotel wcro, recounttrd with pa'cfnl'',,.,,,.?? pn.l re? curred ti with the usual! parelalriid? _f croM-eviimlnn tlon. T-c whohaV. lift B c?_|_n.T*d m '???th I III I were combativo fortho _r_t tlnm ia the trial, and all tlio str-ata-ffcinH which tiho law repirds as Ie?*l(lmate lu crtjBs-oiMi-ulnatl'.n trsro rmjji.oyrd. Stokes tilasss-lfpl^ looklui* ?nuoh better than ho did oven on his former trial, ?jid la apparently full ef hope and a/' aaSB-M ni? lue clra?iiin*>tan.-cs Will Justify. His rrv kB-BBi fa!her iniil sorrowlm? tno?hrr Were with him ilrHni* the tkrv. as well as his youna t?rother un 1 rl?.cr. th? MID r Bffl-BBtoM to be iiT^or'.ed In the roa-k.i!? of the dtfterenl \\-hile trio c-fiwd outside, thronet 1 tho rotoa-la of trie, Court-h inae, and every eyo w*? stra)nt>d tnciitih i, (.'llmpse of i-'t"_c? as he pBfl-B<\l?n room ?.*-v( tail to tho exa'nilrtiMon ftllod, until Uiiuily the al'.or was pr.u ! ,< ally clavcd, and only ??lese were,adit.iltec! wliom thooflirers r"c?uml_cil as bavlr-c pome connection, professional or perennal, with tba trial, or whose devices wert} so Iri.eniaoi? as to off ?et an Mb tr*a*tx?(*?. A c..tii;ire!ien?-lve dliii-raui of the lu?. i lOf I I tl (? Hotel, ShowM* the MAW on'mrjco. where th? Iboett-g Is aHerwl t?? have been done, MM to the wall. Tin-r.? were :i iiiuiit.'-r "f oth-r diairntiii.?? Blaa i ...aim oil un.l a WOOdeS etWA et the faral?' ?i-r Mr. Full'rt.'ii opi ni al th.-cs-s for tl.? ] tbM the |T" '.'.itiim oniv air .?ii-'t that lb? pi ??hnulil ?i-tv ?m itnp.irtl-il trMl? referring to tho ?111101*'* aient in t? "f tii" aroBBad and th. dee? aaed, hud eonelu ! Ing with a forcible appeal t" the imv i" \??..|. 1 law. II a.ini; Ii'.,?ii. .1 h -a ia.l!i, r-, Mr. I iilla-i t'.n ?Wiled ?' *'.'' ? IT WM stopping at the (rrand Ceatrsl Hotel at Ibe Dim of tin li<,i..iai!, Hi- lestlmonj will !"? remernl ilarij Important oaatteountot bis Identli 1 : man ? boni BootlOir. His it!?'iif li had bean attrait il by 1 xv,1 pistol i?:i" ? u ?ni Immediati lj su,coeedln* rro 1 -. and wulklai-to the bead ef tbe atatreaae 1. 1 (?Il . a l folio .' ii *?:,'? es uni l the litter ? pasted in tb lower hhlla franels Onrtla, nie m\t * t oess,who wai also s lioarder, a? ? 1 ?utlon oui of hit on ii." third ii 1 1 '?*. 1 o ha tin ... .,:.,!. . .1 11 tl, IplOI I tbelonji t'li-in. Hero Mesara. and Beach Indulged In 1 1 snnrrlni upo Hie pruprletj nl ritiaji ilurlnf the ii tl . of iii-tiir lugrabam on que tloni ol liw ruis, ' ?ii'i be xx..ui 1 prefer te upon ai tiiat mi-lit be 1 ?,.?'?. 1 accordlne* t.? i? nee and knowledge ol the .a*. 1 - ? ?? ina-r.'ii.iPi were bndiea ? 1 .:?.', vet to prvvcni SiaJC, lia- W'ittlil Ul.lla- Jai-? a.\x 11 I ;. ' 1 i-Mril to th ? ah . i.-, .i.? a i th? - i ? d ?a-i.iI man ?1 11 in. ?I.I l m ? .. forme- in.-L I'll ' i i i -ka-) la. 'Ill i.licit Tall. . told ho* I. ? , | ..'..r, nn,1 repeat . words when conl !?? man thai hoi T an .i " ';. Ti i da's ' roi rigid, bnl ell it, '1 int. , i. I i. ,,; I moud, in the 4.?cm-' Cei ? . l.ave . ' ? ,,f the ?i" tlcipau ? ? - P XXII? a.ll the its : iliotl ' red S lid in- ??a? (In I ? * . . a an !? -i i-i . -. I lit ?. . , - a.? I.' t|,,.?-, ' ti -, ...? top -'i the -i ;.i?. ' 11 - i . ' . . in?.le blch have such ? tii?- ..' ... . I- ? . ' 1 i" . i r !.. ?? ' Othei It. tit ill xx'.rk ?lit'I* la.-," alii " ?,. ... I :..?." i bon r bell-boy, told a tin ' -r i I tsxry .... X. . .- 1 Dili lia- hit ?I him uji " rj frankly admltb '1 tin*?. 111!? Of. II. la la . . ',' ll '.'I 1 Ollll.lili.'d fall .1 Iv to .'. .ami Mol i. -.?ii Beenatonied to repeal it ' .. . ,| i ? witueai tif th-- day. BfHtBtrBTl, iras ..'i the stand I i,.- ? ,,il t ., Ii .... in-'I, .ii. i h.? -lui ? n.. ? ? ?i thai ?<. i ,., Lbi ; niiioi ii ai. !.!.\I. '?K 01 . \>f. J'lic rems?u r-c the lets Qeeyge l'. 9e nun x\,-ri'.. r.-.-i'-.l y.??-!'r.l iy fi"iii lii? l.'.t.-i -i !? I -r i: i.?t tue a ?:- ' , til- fliner.:1 ??itm.'-s Wat? fOtl 1 . pastor of the ebn i b, a-i a?l?ta-aj bl tlie BeV.J c 'i' x. Hi l il. i i ...yer, after whlob the n ?-?? I?. Tyng read a chapter from I. Coimthlan'-, anal tnr- n?v. pre. i m?r, a ..?uv, ant Pi'i'iiti- ? -i ? "'i. ap) 111 i'f tbelntoreal mantfeatodby Ihn dtinnaaafl M I nu rasa ailMia. aalt), ib i rfctfeal ha ! in hi? /?'lai ?? ::tcr:t t'irr. Ho felt? juit prbtolaevar/MMffA-aacMaa,and diirlna- ' ? for natlei ? bl? feeitm?? , .i 11 ? y a dilated i.i da- ' .i""- na' t ie i nton i waa to be expected frotn one In wuosa x-. ti ... ?A the ,t worker In tbe canse of mnnlcipa reforma Ue was a meen dlaetpae and fol ? i .-i tus, He ... lie ved in the spiritual world .md ,u tbe with an unfnlterinji couvleUoa. I ?? i: r. i?r. i*i. atlas n " i, nv '. ?;, i,. | ,, ih '.r. Tii,- i ? hand wm ? i _ t, inl ild with stiver, and b anncoa the hd a Soral ' ? ' ' . , ill ver, i.ii.i b "'? ti,' . i ? i ??...-":. . " 'i. r. ma . - , ., , i Lient. Tue toUowloB w. re lbs i William I Brjranta Daniel n in,. ? l u.. bus, John o. .?-..iv: ut, Vincent < Iyer, A L. ] llenry H ?... Andrew C. Anpstrona San Hoi ! R. Qhford and B Jiiitli-1. An."- "tin r prvaili persons pre? il J. A. J. Cr-sswBlI, l'.irkc- Ooda Prof, n.u.i, D. Van . ' A. l-i'.ixiti. :? -,.? don, w m. il. Appl :. i: '' -is.iri.i x, .\ii... ? f??on, tbe Jl x.Dr. i ii ,\?> ., i-"i . the Be>. di e 1 ( i - tri I .1,1:.! ... ..?.."?. . , i . I rotary of tho J . , : ' i piii'.i.ii.'i, ? mi l'i- ii< ?I Ii unk', ii-'oji' ??? ot ?ta'ashl Irriut ? ? kaki.KM ( O?BT-HOC i: PRAUDS Tho lliuliiu Conrt-boose investigation \*?;w c.titii.ii-.l.?' --'ij.'.l'iy i" '...? ma and TU m w?nsr, lellei ef the I al the i sejanoa* | \-, lit i, provt i tl .at a eei ialn utiuib? iiav.-ii by Mr. t - ? : a i -1 . i ? 11. i a - the > cari I I In favdr pi Jiihii rtcalion, bad been paid at his bank, a&u wi .1. from tin' Wesl Hlrfe, J111 r.. -1 ? i. Hui.'? Head, Metropolitan and Cnatham iL.tik?. J'.lu. ; ?i i at 11.m.'i for James Bogerao! Manhattantllle, te it in-.1 that hr? remembered oartine walnoi ami ptuelnmber liuin the Manbattanrllle dock, in the 8prin| ?f i i, | ? indrcd iiinl t \x, my -,.,,, itii -t. and I'iriii axe.; other men ?i t.i oe. Mr. Ohllland, Seeretarr i>r the Ifocfcvllle .-ixii.r- iiiiiK, proved tin?! tin nun ?, -.r . i.amber of ebecka drawn bj U-euet In favor ef Seallon, on the York? ville Bavlngs Bank, had been ? ilal bj ? ie. k? on the _ in i of tin: ( ommOnweaiUi. Tue atn?unl of the . hecks drawn by Oeiiet and n rtved bj Seallon wa Mt^ its, la ad? dition tO Uli . ' a ? III l.l.a.I .if Ji.hll )'. \S ?l-aiti, aiinilllit'il to lll.Tsl. i. I Set, I, i- ?. --"?i O? 1.1, l-fii- 'i ia ad 1- .tl t Ii. a_t I,111.i li,,:ll-?lij aft. iliajull. y.VS*?t'?PA?. Ill ?KM Jri tbs Board of Bnperrlsofs ths Ckminiittee on Anii'ii'14's and DrilliaoMa raeoauaeadi I thai aj tlon be ii. s?t I" 'h- 1,"i?i-latiire]!oi- th- paBBBCB "f a lax, until.in_Ms >ti? lioniai tai |hbbM l BOBBatMMaa, "f whi. h tin- M n "i ?h,.ll tit ?t iceiulier, vvith ?, , ?. i t ?', i, or buiiiliu?;? lor tho purp'uae et MBBtlaS or tltunK up aiiii'Ti'-s uuil drillraiouis, "V.-r. The ( ...i.i.iitta-- .m Cm'it y ( ittii'.-i ? aflMaS fl Ml ?I n t i?,n re.|Ufr.tin|{ the l.-ital adviser of the Jiual.l to jua pare a bill provlatinir for MB appoiiitin'-nt nf a p'ii.11.; ?tore. keeper, to tak. ehar/e of nil iirltil-* ami sit.iplr? n i|iiire.l Im Bao In tbe courte and county ofllci-H. Jain? s M. it Co.'? lulls for |-n-p..'tiuK the Mariii.' Ciiirt rooms and other county of-cr*. w.'ie aJMwad Bl I:.lot as The iViriiiiiittoe ..ti C'.tiuly I Mlii a-r? BBfBBlBd favorably on Sheriff nreaaan's Mill for. three naartars eatUaeSapt. tAttamMtet; Mheritr Breaaaa't bills for commitments mu? d-sebaraaa, n month?, M? aad sx-ttberUI (ynrian's bills for eaasailtiaenis aad dlacbargee, three reara, 5'?"<,';';4 7:? Tu? bill? xt-i r,- MM aa th?- tabM after llel'atr. it- etalats of OaeanT. CBrtta f"r Iio/k?., ami of John K. Pair 1er lur $T,M?fl, for lettai m rx I. '?? in a-.aiiue. tn.ii witb Hi- niiK 1,11!!?. Were re|iorl?.?l fHVorahly, l.ut uinliT ol.Ji-c tioti wen, tallied. A resolutlou wa. ?adopt? (I due. tu.a? tbe Coroners t?a furntali their own offices. The r?solu platlutn?. ?rejucirerat^l tb? .-l0mth.u wM? rofem 1 1- t lOilttl iKtVl*-!- 'd * ? IItaT-U-,1 UUOI!!Ul,ll. , . f ,<r?* olALia rim ia directed tl.? 4?*,n,int?s-oiier M pniilir tVorki, lo cause the removal of ail ta?leetiiui slRiis from the ??lldmirs'iii N_?ia^n-??,, ,,nd re\..k.-.l all permission t"r than rass pievioasii ?-ranted by tue Com moil a ohm ii. The Ooaaairttee ?na Pabilo Works r-emu luen.leil au .?pplleatlou to theVriabature for Use p of a law Klviug the 1 aiiii?inn (?unell p.,wer lu in tie, u coiutuisaioii, of which the Muyur a,ii,.i: i? m iiu-mixr to make needed alteration? and addition? to tin* 1 hi h.u Tn?-1 iiiiimiiieii estimated that the 1, m do?* ,,?. i f.-r th? use of city aud c?.unt> a.Itla ,?.? ?xa.nUl pay the lull ibeixjHt .?f the prop?j*M-.i alterations iud additi wii.ii.i ai.', pr..viiie a niukiiia funil lu azltafulsh the ib bl witblu li y?ars. Th. .?m, iiummivis of importanae HB-Mg before tho Hoard of AsalaLaut Aldenui'ii waa the introduction of aa ordsuuna-e, it-tiulrini? all cuy rallraad aaada, tars ami ihe drlvern nf all puolie eonveyani-cs to Uke out lu*i.-, ? uuder a penalty of lio lor aa*h Ttalalina of tho oedl aisue? J'-e Ij?goto toe le ti, t-u.i ((--^ija^ij-?!??! iitemo -?-. **U ?t \xmia into the city ?Inking fund, tht ?? !? stf" K??ve rise i?. debate?, .??'1 *>*is Bnaltv UMed. ' ' /(koiiiberlaiu Palmer mule * tho foUowtag aiat** "" u>t..f t, cripta, pi>m. ni.-, .m-i balance* for t m w?se? '^?' ? fAhe?ji Ig-* Ike ?? V.-re-te. Par?.tO*. Ik?-- -I. a a * * _ OtrTrsM-f?. ?VM.*,!* (I ?.r.,uHnt.i42fi.3TM,o.,, IM .?..?i.?!! "-" a*?Ti-i'' "ST . rrrr..i.!T7.>*0B ?? u.-m ?? m.?*, m i i ?,,,"r_?a.i?i.,,.i.. siwn nivel H 'r AIP0"",B. .? Ht tu i.?*** mty'Traatety.t.t*.?H> M mAM bo lAW?Wt H l.kBu.VJS to t?4_s.liattpjatu m.ieAtttAmxnm'i .MI- (}?__-___- WILL. Tho probate knoeeedlngi In relation to Mr. Gr?-ele>'s ?ill wcro postponed yc.icrd.iy on the r? reelpt by Surrogate C??f!l:i .rf.-. dlcpatrh fiom I. T. Wlrllam?, ?"?riii'il for the, rollt?? tant?, to the effect that thi.rr In t-'ie t- fi In the matter ha 1 igticd t? a napea-tyo until rriilay. A rrprcncnt.illvo of the Arm of, I i r .-i-peil M?\. fin an I, sought an iiitenlrw ?'lui Jmlgo Hart, couu??-! of mi..-, idncr?.?-;?^-, aud with t?< Selson, coii?fel for Win. M. Hklnncr, gnardian of Mi?? (.ut.rtille _L -rceiey, nLd aiinoiiiic? *1 fo Skat- that M' tee TinrViv.-, T.iiroequ? _ Hin? f.rlainl liad b? en ro t.irin il!?y g.'i.fl? i"'-:i leimc-tiil with the r.T?? of BOW Ttn% who have t.ik'n a Atet? lntoiest in in luilf ot Ihn Ml??e? Gicfl? y. ami hope to cf., rt an ailjiirtnri.t of t question? Ma ? n tl-1 ? :u?J the managers at pht Clillilifn'a aid K<?<*i?',. Afler a coiiBil.t'itIon with t-i?! fcisrrnifaie. Ile , s were adjourned BBtll ?'? ?< 'J. 1573. _ A SCHOOL BeWaVtEQ Bi'I'M'.lJ AT JBB8K- I ITY. At 8:-'-0 p. in., y.siiiil.iv, u fun broke Oui in an upper story of Pifbllo School >'?*?. 6, Bitnat?-?! M ttay *? , i??-iivi-rii ('rove and Liim-If..HtftJ (Ay. TAt lng, which ?? ' et\y fit to -.1 taring t!,? raMoflri-l, MM of liri'l, ri'.h liro-wn Mono trluirning.?, mid luid n. froiilnco on Hay--', o? II foci. Tho main huild.iig v. a?-lOfee? in ?*I?H:i, :" ?! drjstIi of lid f, ? t. I ,-i tn I!.!? ? Ktetlded f.'i r v IBS*. ' aeli of 11 finit fiunt an 1 J? teat ?I'-pUi, tho whole f ?ii*mi*i ic a, ,., . :.r. ;.; ,'.? ?i bj a bnildii ,' H bj 10 K't -. Tlio edifice -us three ?toio? lire!?, ?ailn ?> Meis .\ ?..o: ?f I! ?i ? ? I foi t high? ' tar?n* The ?!-i.. ".' ? ?leard of Cdi L.oi ii'i'd up a a ti. gun! ioi.,11 hi tie . turner for ih-irrette Tn? renlng eboolfordrli wat i i?! la t?a- npperal wy, and wee Inleeeloa <__*? U? ? .s (list-oven?'!. ?T.riiiiirh tl:*' pre -ii'-i of mil 1 ol Mr-- I-. L. Pun ? in. - ; t. irr ? n .i -?? el 'I ill tin . '? r Ih?. il. mu, an. I i i-.l? . ??i. ? o-lar? in i stll I I them to file ont singly and In rd Boar l of i in?- o ion n ' ??? urne. TUe building ami eaOjoao, and the loes will i ?? it o n ?."i.Hii. nus is the est?mete planed on it bj I..I Of ti? |. Ibllo ele ???!?. n i i i ??'' '. ei.i'e *-,\i i-, Tbe?roorb ? ? ?1.1,-etlvo line?, und \tm confined prlnetpaJly I ???> ??ml ;ii,?i third ?torli ?. The i . ?I for ai?.??it $ ,',,*? . lhc furnitnro wee rula? U ". ami ? . - ? ? i of I .-.. ic i on i ! ? .'h ' ;i | 'lie i m u.' ?i? i- ild to be tally iiixuic'l. At in p. m. the III-? ?i-iis Inilv in*!'r;. .S' of lin- BUTUUtldl ,; , ? ? . ? ?BE OS I tAIBBBOE M>_XUK1*MI-L, .\t loi p. in. on s'uml.iv, ? i ra broke oof. in ? ahM la Um rear of William OolUe?**i rol ?on. The ihed ? mariailery and tug lag to the mill, couipicieir deetroyed, thoecb the maehinery \> . . ? ? mi of fh.? tir IBM 'i M? id tal A ? - ? . ? a el the m . in tlii iii.iri'r. Tlio l.i-s will rea? h |!,T0. 'J ia>' I ' ?'? lip'? I :. I r ,1- ,v . ' | - L- !'l r , . i M ?"'I lTi. i? i ?ill of Leu Ion, I'1''; iv : t of I ta,000; Ta'irc.i'M-??, *'ii.?*"??; Queen'B, tio?> Vol..?.?' nn?l .' of New-Yorb*. .-' . ' .?? . i . Atlantic of Kow-York, ?,?00; t ,t i!, ??:.'-, ??". Aftei lire woe enbdued it waa aaeert-tlned tdat, dor! , 1 a ! been li? Id b? t "?'-. n v.'n*. ? proprietor; K. e. Uootb,bookkeeper; Charles i. i ? m in- r, end Wto. n. Bent I ??., nighl mitcbmnn, and lb i four mn im*. ., , .. .? i.. . ? :. A session of Coui hi :?! at j a. m. resi.-rd.iy. The Recorder rejrardod Ibq cvideii'" u? siitlir ii-ni to warrant the deteutnm uf ti.) :, fltol tlrei ? mataiu-J w.iiao it iia.i i? a..ait iovesdgaUou - 1er, The ense-wa? l?ron?,'hl up lu tl.o Circuit Court, und Col II? r'n i lall ??? i? fl\ d at ?110.000, and I I B (h ? ? m |io. it) bail, ?...u r i ' i Sro. 6, was a i during the Qi in',* an oUn-'-i, d.hrii, ri> ? .?..,1. t, a??>l u.. r.jilf. AN KLKV.V!?)!'. I-1 ill. I.v BBOOKLYN. ? !?v??-.-'?i.-y brick ?'.'i.'t elewatoi - I.??-hrd t?i William II. J<. .i tai irch? une at the foot ol : ? ., Brooklyn, v. |, f.?nr?d on lire it 11 0 TUS A?... ., r,lalO. wr-.?rw ?-??.? lu . room oi .... ; ? l?tlie!:i?a ?lad a? the His-, thai ? ? were soundc?! I.i ?j lick III ,.ii ? t the city were bro tbe ipol lai tel enbdne i the tl u 'lie- r -,.i -, s owned i ? David Dawns, ?'.?! _rai roi -. : . ? i I ?? I ill- e.l. | ??eedtL-.i -,, ... | iiii.-.irur taOJSk) in N ,-. , . , . l.ll . , 1 li?- follOWiOf .'l?I?l lira I i?-- M;iii..'i i ol the fir?, lathe] , moraine, m;- . : i - it, Br . , . - -- roali?'iri .-. ? . . , .. . ? ? ? ? a ' ?a> i.l. j-,?? its . ? . ? a , ? Or?, aol ? I a la I to? ? ? II rs ? il - , - - ? ? r ' l.l ? ?. I ' . ? ? . . ? - - - ? . ? I/, lino i.isft?, !-slll< t ?|? r l i-, I . ' . . Ml | ? ? . laippr.vlt ?i, lltl?I I i.l Li ??M Mr. W lie-1 <? ? Ukt i i . I ul eia Hi- *ir- , I tie. . If saw SSI . ? !.. , , -, Mr. Rowan, the troaavrcr, it a tea thai ? mortgagee! VMUMOon thearoaertj bold by the soi-Cj Al.ierttiMli lll"t sslrd la*, ?f? I I ii.f tl.i in t? l?eCive . m. -,' Life Ineoi in. ? n tbe bnlldlng. I pi ii , hoi I th? po cbang i were after I I i ' le ?i, was nut i ?v I Hit: ' I-' (,,,;? i / . ? r, >. 1. T..U.1.t ." ' 0?_>?_i, - ? ? .. 1 ???rr,... Tot?!. ?ri.'.*'*' - ... ?1 A meeting o eee wee held al tbe oft! eol the Metro).i.i.? Life [usuran ? Company, yesterday. mere were present tbe Her. Mr. Talmage, Mes i v. In. linker, 1?'Willi, II??I?I>-, rial Jnllli I'. i'.iillla^e. 1{, IC Corwin presided. Plane were nade to ralae money to phi up u m i-k ? him h. Tbe meeting did not? ?meta in] definite ? inclusion, A Decent plans being anggeeied. It was lie. eleil to rain- tito.o.x) lame li?t- i... ANOTIIKB I1I'.?'(?KLY.V MrKIll.H. Hciriy M'.'?kI?-r, ABB ;;:'. ?k Clorinan, ??? No. 7.? Hi'lgi- -?t , N.?i\-Yorl;, w? at, last cv? in:_. ta \l-it hi? brother at .V.J.'i3 Cool ?f., Brooklyn, K.I?., ami ?lianlc Ireelv. W'liile 8:i?/l( r, Ki?iier.?-k W. re, and ???viral others w? r- ddafclan in a H in-u nlooa at ahpB( ?:3?!, t ?ll-pute -r"??? regarding some trivial matter, "5nd Dually Wire drew s dli i lad staboed lielflai In tu?- left arm .-.,.i side, eaui Ing .? do. ,r wo iu4 from which tbe v. ., i n ,.( ,\ rapidly, Wire then fled, and Selgler bled i. death i?? in dical iis-i-Viia it was procured, l in- police ?,, , l.ii - boor lael iimiii were ?ear, luiifc toe ihr nun,i ,,-, |Au??i,.ir utnrt. | ^H D-XMI boOOAIXI I'.lilO'.es. -. . ae, *-T j I'llitif'.I'i*- (!lH?.- !vs?>.\'? Mperb et'iil'of ... I > l fee I rar rl? .1 Hal? f ? rr r.?l r? areatl tat Iba ka ?? ? - alkri a|,aat ri,?r,ra. iur !.. - ir.r. ? ,,n .,f . ? i.i ?? u r-> i , i k.? .ei, tu U...11??? ur ui.;? iii. i' n? ti.jt? I Visit B, I.??m?**? Dew Clranini und Dyeinc Of.*,'.jo liiaalai?, orir II ??*.II .' i?. I ?? II.-. ? I, I: ?i.lsi-, Jiriar..,'i.l. ??i|-i-, . , I ta'l lila.'.i ?riSBBM M .'a u. a > -l? .I-ii.-1.hi.?. Hai.k Hqssi am? Half Mur. ti-na?- ? ? .? i . a_n ?-, tal tar kl I , . . ? ? ' ,.?.! lia? I..MI w.n??rfsi ?l.a? v,rrt uf aarirut au I ?u>?i?. H?>( ii?AV Hats and Hi kUEDf CAPSal iimini flrlur?,! pi rr? IV l.S-KS ?111, I 11 Nllll? rl., ?a ,, Baratt it rriir, lu et ??la?'.- in N.'w-York to liny rvllabl? ?I U alrlwa, tas luiisnaali rlr?. la,h..???bl? Jawrkr all ?ilitr **ea*ukePi***nm Vaux**-**. i? epaitlx*. '|?nWAKD II. DIXON, M. D., hn? ramorcil I ? his Print? lift?til lo ttl? Tletrntr .f hi. r??*!?*?**. 4? It!??-????, a ?Tj?iir??nl? sri-1 t?...?;?r?ril si? | ratal?! fur th'??? ?hi r-.|.,.r ? r.,r,-' I 1,???',?, '?! rantatsat S.rj.*_l ?'. ' Il In?a??? olavun ..?_??? ot lite Pilne Viioira: ll'rtali. itvl its radical a-|i(*; HirKlijir * r ,? it? ?/?,', .?'.? ill'????a, lrnt?li...t. ?f tb? ll'-a li' r, Viri i. ?Is,Pesnir-'.r.i.i?. i l?tala i?4 itsSsasiMiacsa ( vsaa.ut.oa? at Or. I. '? 'Mi'in- f. ?t?i II I?'. I l?S, ??U to.. ?va-ainK?. ' U'AI.K JN Air?i AND 63d [.ROADWAY ?nd n a-ilB? ik- OA? 1*1111 111 I . -a * 11 -Bii ?ois? titrant IfiKTll.rv? Miis I? for? HOI.faA.' (JIKT. 4?r lr ?u? ????1 a s?t af (,'A? l'I?ll'i'l> f?a wi.l ?id???-?) ?*_<.ria..??i ?I _ Fl ' ' 633 nr-,?d???r._ CAN?A ('LAIN IIK.\I)(.lAI.Tf:nS. kj I.H,li> 1*. liUI..'.-?., ..,.., -. ? t???.?t n ?,*. T(lY4 l>4 VABIKIT._ T?f ii T'l.'Iur \;-: ?LTDiNAC Per il ?ni? h, Jiua-.ii ? il. in a-|itlon t? !'- - !???? llMliHAIT A5T UIOOIt.VPIIY Of IH'IV. R <-I " I !.' M~ ..?.,.'.' P?iiTA?tE wfi?D?W \:.?n I.A'K'K. I ..ill ,11111.1. I. C' .. W I" '?_ "ufgiiiDEN n'TIiEKY CO."?CALL foe -.?A i All?.,; ...Sl\l.-. h-viB? tin? il/.-r st? l.aiaiM. ?AI 65. DM? ?M "4 Ki"",'l?'-? Haff* ni" the BEST. SPAWN' It l?B?A?rr. 41 -r-lif it . N. V S IHWAY fe ?nil um?. Mi r ?' t' ;h? Otit. ?oil 1Mb?, ?f "? Wsal.l'l l', 1'a.rt?, ' SaSV.-l.n. ?lain, I MO. Tbc rantt i'-tk. I? ?rriai-etl ?*?: tri* I ??? ?. I'.io. Mi?. lulor^ fa t_e IVi.i... One J'inuo Kverv WoaUl?.* Ilour? Ten I'ianrta Every Hay. _, Everv l*?i... . ?V-irru-ted J ive Tear?; Dluj-tratcui t tree on Application. OUI- ?>'i"i fsi* i*?, r-rj','r,f l-r.iTll-hl-i 1 ?????a! i/l-ther Mskirs H/BiliBtlr on ii. jj, i j,. o H.? I tap, STEINWAY & SONS, Warerooms, I ?:i>\vav is .".Jai., 10? A tu Mme? i^<Mui4*c.iiit--i.t jf. v. BALL, BLACK & COn Priiic?-?t. and Broadway, ?Art. Cli;sin_r Out tlici.- Stock of .DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS ro:: Tin. 9 A Large __Hs?50unt on all (JooJs. HOLIDAYS. oiT-4 Be i ?aihTMAs rail voea. MEN'S, BOYS', CHILDREN'S CLOTHING iiro Furnishing Goods. J. M. VAR?AN & SON, .'.?I.?*.. 70 AND 7i iilali-llV, \t: in CA.V1I ...r. WEBER Piano-Fortes ? .:-.??? .- '?.:j* Pi-?.,. BEST PIANOS MADE. I ss satas? a in t*tyi _i ?oas-ricsl vti V. .'.ILEtlOCy.s, FIFTH AVI.NU?., OOB?KB OF Bin ? . ? : ? >::k For the Holidays. J?it?ES m. Thaw & co. * ..-...;; ? . i non ov Paris Clocks and Bronzes, Decorated China, Dinner, Tea and Dessert Services, Rich Paris and Dresden Baques, Richly Cut and Engraved Glassware, &c, &c, 25 Daane and 78 Ckaiham-sl.. Open la the Evening until Jan. 1. F. IC SMITH & CO.'S CRUSHED WHITE WHEAT. ATLAjnie rum MILLS, nrao.lrs. 5. T. B-it t-o?r_ pr-pirty titaa a. Wli-Al liir Healik s.i ?i r-IW - for. ?'. ?:,.r .1 !? I'm aad la-sliJs. lor ?? ? I y ?I! r-'i '?is. l'AMi* HLKTH ?.ut 1rs?. HOLIDAY PRESENTS, ?_d .-e a!i?s?s, Op.ra aad K.?U OlasaBk M-.1- -?.tares la, aa- at rt _a< .?d pi-lrs?. JA M KM PRENTICh?. 164 Broad???. B?S6IA LEATHER GOODS. Tntrcliitg Bags, 1'orffolios, Drvss'uifj'Ouscs, rVriting-Cases, tit inl-I>n.n>.s\ lior/.'-ZWccr, Vortetiionnaies, Handkerchief and (ilovi'-Jii'Fts, ('ttrd-(1usfs, c?T. 71ME "WOOD WBniI.0 DEBK3. CULBERT ?6 CO., ??-1 l?aidcn-lauc. |?i I'KIVAiU I, W h-LI M IS Sti oth.r lulllni? I; M I AM air WATIB HtHKK MillHt , r?ir. Ha u?ta,n in I lilt?-?? ?. ?, ? lurk nh. *Um\ ib?1 l.t|??i cii?(,.h_.w.ui,.; ..- ? ..i.? ia? lakiaaltitaa Baaae^as t??,?ant? ??? ?_wa_au_ awa^t? ?? ettetrntee OPPN IN Till'. RTeivlMO. TIFFANY k Cl., IJNiovsQl A_BE. tuf? MERIDEN BRITANNIA Co. SILVER-PLATED GOODS 5SO B?OADWA-". I.'kt lorie?, IVckI .1It*i*itl4?n, i'onrt. REED& BARTON, UAH r*V rOB-ll Or* TIHY. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE OP EVF'IY VW I'PTTrtjr. T_tlAS?_MlfItlSETS, FRUIT A\I) riSE STINJ?S, BrgKNES. UST?iRS, Kl F-TCIIEQS, ..c, Bcaul-fal ia Decl.pi aad il She ri?e?! -'i-iiih. Saleroom ai FiiCi.-.v- ?'?.__-h*ii, I i i 2 Maiden-1 ano, N. T*. Music 0] :.--?'.?-? Holiday Present', M'?ii I . " : I ' < TIM. VOICK-, - ? i.UI ?a .*? ! .!?._? . II ? ,|?r . . tue ?s? o? . ? i I" ?o<j . , ...... ia-?. tt\ i, : (?> ! I.I l_? !.. ? I a>u - , M. J, PA?LLARD & Co., ege i iaaoii *? " GREAT AM' ,n V, Tl I COMP/I V ? NEW CROP TEA3 1 *? ' ?> . .,, a? le cAKso pa?en HOLM? PRESENTS! CHEAPER AND BETTE.1 .,.?.,. a 'I-, h? l?1 ?t t- ..... r. p?| - ,?.? .',(.?i'-r, ? ?, nl ! , .' tai Lit? ??-, ?' . CHOICEST CCFFCES ll.ra.EC. DAY TASLE . - ,'? ir.l B| ... , . - ? ar^c. I.a?. TI?? Great Inerkta Ter. Cc-u^anj'? TEAS AND COFFEES, Microscopes! ASD MANY 0TI1-R FIT.A.N.' AV.. I , i -,'llWl James W. Queen & Co., orncun, _..,3 m,. S ? v 1; MOTHERS nSTUn LA'"!! TS PAHTNA Tbc Mother's Milk SniVMtuti*. E.le??l??l? ?sed inlfr llM Bosi rraaent |ib?i r -1. R....I br l>r.ianii?4 ???I ?.loccr? II. A*? 111: ?\. I ..., -?ole AaSSBS. 1} Moaib tti.lii-a-st, ?s>H INFANTS. O 17 1* Herrihgs Safes Ml As 93*i BROADWAY. COtUtFB MIRRAYS N T, b07 OnR-TC rtrr., puu.jiobi.phu. Pa., 4(1 STATE ST.. ClIKAOO. ILL.. id CAMl'ST.. ?EW^RM'IfS Ts? Joar-.l of Coir*a?r-? a' Mt.-k llik. I? sp*?kl_f ot lUrris?? ) iff?, sars: " So-v the XartAtm chietugo -tai 14-_?r? or, i?>?i?aai g, Ihea remem'er u hott Sofft ??...?l Oit jtit. atad met ter, ?_ i?.--* ?aa? MARION U.8.WATCHC?..6lfs. Wales* Co) WATCHES Bust tu Ui??? urM. ?_? yo-tr Jss?llsr tassa 1 For 3 a lei by all Flrat-oiaaa DBOlarO? WHOLESALE ROOMS? - __ ? txMm\ a* CO. M B-MBB -aaa. ?MB anUt '