Newspaper Page Text
Sriltttnc v?i*. v wii .N?'!iiMi:r NEW-YORK. MONDAY. DECEMBER 90, 1872. PRICE FOUR CENTS WASHINGTON, A P08SIBLE BTATB IN THE PACIFIC. mtBBSB DKM \WB KXTSMBHOI ?>K hum to nil. I'M 11i? ?i .Tr'.s. [BU ? i i.i.t.1.mi io Tin: TBIBBBB.] W.??_BO-OBi Dan, W. Bnaaa internal boflns lo ix- (?-it Bart m Hi?? condition of alLurs iu tue Sandwich ?!________ It if? raw rt.-;l he pataapi who an? f.itssilliir *?-itli ttipKDtioiriii ? i thi? iut?.'iii_'?u!daaaaa of tin- li tliitt t<? tin; liiitoil MaBBB ha? Ioiik be.-n except t?v the numerous Government offl.-lnla, wBaaataattaaastti latBa?n_aattanot .. continuance at the exiieualve and ridiculous aham monarch) thai lint Jn.-t eotui- to an end toy thi- death of ?he Kin? without a legitimate succe-ior. The commercial and agricultural li?t?.-re?Uof Hi?'liluiiils .ir?> .-I'.iiiuxt i ntirc!i lu the hull? ol Anaericau.?, ?ml it s? believed that thu timely exercl-e of thi? Bt-BBBBB tt tin? I'nitid State? would lend to the establiabruent of a rcpu.ilir under the protection of Un?? Government, and ult.matcly to annexation. The ri? ele fertility of the Mnnds, tlr.-ir iaHsBlf.1 cii_ate, and t-st-ii situation ?n the pat h tray of the lom merve of the l'uclttc, would undoubtedly attract a large en.ii.-r.iti. u from tt_ country and from Europe. If they had . v?oui?l encourage tli<? derelop nri nt of lnAri.sir.t and trail?-, n.-t?nl of n Utdiiis? it by burdeiiaotnc taxation to maintain a farcical royalty, It In claimed that a population of over BBM million coul?l t?e supported on the i-Uiids, tvh. re hum then- ate l?ut tti.iiOO U.habitant?, nativo? and fuiel^u.-r.-. The advix at? s of ?ni.ex.iliuu meet The ol-|ectIon that V? acquire the Hawaiian group would Is; t.. ?liriesjard the trat.iliotiary Co.' ix.licy of th?' I'mttil Btates, ? . Uanahiay? Mood lu th.- way of IB. a? <|utrc!ticnt of lea or dependencies ,?f any kind, '?? the cats of the purchase of Alar-ki,. wli?le we ittmex.-d the Aleutian chain of Ulands, stretr-ing ?-i.- ?r ? - ii.o l'a? .ti? i> eau t.? th- shore? of Aala. Thet ' if th? ?? v ? in this _.?.-iiirin_- BOUM hundred? of Innen "??led by '? ??' '*?> i ??- etion to toe sanexs? Hen ..f ,, r.r lie ??troop ol great oouimen ia. Imp. nan? -, where cu i ii -i mode? <?f hie prevail, ai .1 where ovr ??wu ? ?<t.v exercise a controlling Lntereal iu the ?Can.? of bu.-uuca? and govcrumcut. IMKI.amv, mii.ii.i.'Y OO) H AVAL CADET? Mill'.-. rnioviaion to bb vAt?f. ron aoumonAi ?if? 1-iHN !.MI \ I?- l'!;?.r,?.ITl??\- l.iAMl.M? ill!. LAW AM? AYi'H? 1\<I!1 <W.. IBBnn A BBBBI?B OOBB_VOBBSBT OF TUB ___QM*BB?J AVasuim.tov, Dec Mb?In exBB?nilif the en tlinatcsof ii|.iiio!?ri.i!.i?;i? for IbSBappOrl i?; ihi-s.iiy for lie rn-iiin.' li- .si year th.? IUhlii- .Appropri ttlO?I r?>iii!iilttee find that it is HHIBBJ t?> make provision for the nipp,.n ,,f *$ :itii'.itii? inld-hipnien at t!e Aiadeiny. Tlie law autiioi lies ?he appoiutment of one ei.i.i fu'.rtfi f.-.uii ea? Il ('??iicr-s.? lUstriit. anda? the ApiHittioiiment law of last session?cr?-:is?-d tin i ? 11 :j i - tier of members of the House from SB to '.'.?.. It foOowt thai ?i aataaBpaam 1 aal fea ma i?? m IBs aaav ? pun-it un!? sa >ome .? haue?? lie made In the law In BBBBttaa t?? their ui.poin?ulent. The same mi rcase t ?BB !.?? iniiile in the ii'nuliiT of cailet? at the Mill t?rv Academy, the law? relatim? to BjBMallBll. b. ins; iv kr- far th?- t?a itiMtltsitlO'i?. II l'on?,'?-? .??? i , action In ?tie mutter. A!? Origina] \ it. am les m euch A. a.leniv will, therefore, e\i-t <>a the 4th of Match neit, n the recouimendatlon? of <'' from ! tl ?ii_; u? representative lu the n ?. 'li.e Approprtatloni i'.?!ii!-iltti'-*do not thlsl !t Me that ti i- m, ie...-.(? skoal, I-?* mad?. LouJdng at ti?. it will ?!? ?i.:-., upo. ?he (a.\ einuieiit, mid doul'this: th- ne?'e?-ity of eniarir in?. the maaettj of ?t.. ? scademv, ti?. itloa ii!nltiu_- the number of cadet? and -, -nttut it ?hall not ! Hi,- pi'viit f,.i , 1 be ,ls?ti" i?y pn> Hiiit aputHutmeut? to the two acad?mie? 'r.uu ? let rhottlrt Im- inaile one. in Hie ] i ar.? . ,.f our? m f,.ur. r?-?..s-?si?i the i?r.?.-r t foua .?I stud*. Anotbei plan ??csreete. U to i> . ,,iid t:??- ?oademlc This pi m would i ax obviate I ?I luore?alnff the number ol cadets and mtdsBlpm? C.?n..-1? id Wltb tie laBOrMMM I'llinber Of <.'olls.r? . r.iiiuatioiu. in? Uaore ?ameran th.iu u? preaeut, imil wood 'sut pTMstaok il?? ?rmy ?lui nrsii u:?i? a t.Ki -SMS ?"PI'ly tt liew-fledired .'tl..-- r?, 're.-!i fro a If? ?I Potnl nr Aui BpollB. T will Bare t. far and the Navy " f i ? ? 111 next week, ami wUl obtain thetr views upoii th- (|ll ?t'l-Tl ?????or? ? ?Uiallii. to .. . .very n??dr? in connection tilth 'the >avai Appropnauon Olli sa that tlie c..?t ol maiut .iiiini* the Marin. C rps is Isrge.Iy Increased by th. I?w ol I ..- private -..: ? B ?"i?. ? my. The psy of the M Curpa i- s?| by In? to t-i?i "f ! ? win ii - ! tin oUl? r n. Tut- In ?t be appro . i.,r the torpa U ?-t iii?ted ut t CroOOT-Efl OF POSTAL LAW. IlirEr?VECT Pit! I'AYMI.ST BO PAT-DOIT AT ALL? M Ql t- I A\ '?S M B IPA1 [-ROM A RKGl'I.AK r*****l?f **??~"~ ?** ft'S __UBtBB.] Wasiiim.t??v, I>???'. .'.*.?Tli?> r.-iont order of tb? l^ssB??aB r Otaarsl _zMtlai pott master.-1?. double the nmouiit unpaid on letters only partially pre? paid thu? making no account of the ?faiup? placed upon am h letta-r?. out. aa ha? before been re|H?r*ed, t?een pro r.'?iiii?ea vrlihout wanant of law by the IIouac Po?t On_ e < omiiiittti-, and will no doubt have to be rescinded. thu unjust and unwarrautable regulation, an?, her, fully SB Indefensible and even more i.nnoylnsr, has been put m fore?-r n M_IBM to ?.r-?p lett. TA Such IBM r-, if. n'y partially prepaid, are trot ?l-livered at all, bet are retaiue? and adverti?-ed a? " unmallable." For example, a letter was mailed In ttda city on Tuesday la?t to a p. ntletnan havlutr a b?>x In the city post-office. Uy mistake, a ono cent stamp wa? affixed Instead of a two cent ?tamp. On -Friday the gentleman aaw hi? name on the MB??.i list of persons to whom tinmatlui'le letter? had i?. en ?ddres?ed, On application at the is?? ? h. wa- dire? led to the room of the chief elerk. That ofi'<-ial liifoifr.cil l?iu that he uiust no back to the S??ip-wliidow ami purchase a or.e-cent stamp bafart -i bar. lil- b-tler. He would not reiiive the cent In n i'ii?i , but liml-teii on the ?tamp, which he stuck tin I ?-, r ' ali?eie.l in due form. Th.- TesuIt of tBl? p rfoi-sance wa.? that th? if? ntleinan i;.' ?.i? letter too impi.rtanf Information It c?>nLalr< I to be of any pa r?. lee '?? urns L'lid'-r the old SFsUm, liefere the postal authorm? s seem to have lost their con m?.n sen.-e and t?j k toiiiiiioiiiiia* peuple and hlnderiDB th? deUverj of t_eir mail by absurd Interpretation? of law, such a le?t?T would have b^en put in the own? Cf box, and the <1 n? ? nt postace would ha\<- t?een charj/ed in the oiiar teily acA-ount a_ainst tlie box ; or it would have been Bel v.r.,1 i*v a cairier. if the owner liad no box, the car? ril i coil?, tnif* the one cent due. Another decieioti, (-??oally uaw.rrautabje and d'serv Inc of cenaurt-, alreaay referred ti? in pnut, 1b that r? ouinnic th?- piepavmi nt. by one cent ntAini??, of all news ij?i>ers d? liverel iiv currier In the cities in which they ?re 1'iibllihed. Tue liepartment will transport a daily Bi-wspnper printed here from Wa^hlriirtois to ban Fran tlixo, and deliver !t to a ?ub-cnber there f?.r 3.? tenta a quarter; but if the ?uhmriber llvea ban la Wa?hiiiKtou, he m ?st pay one cent for each c-py, or rather this mn?t be prepaid tor him bv the publisher? of the paper. 8o with weekly pajK-rs. tin- '.?.?r'tasie on -a hieb 1? five cent? a Sunrtet. For this sum the mails will ? arrv a paper from laine toTt-ae, and the carrier will deliver It without extra cuar-ye at the ?ubscriher's dtNii ; but a anbacrliier liviiiK in tie place whan the jiarxr is published must pay 13 oei.t? a ?luarter If he K?<" h - p?|K-r tlirouifh the mall. Tlie aliHurdlty of such a declsini U too iii?nif??t foi aeriou? ari/uiu'-iit. The wonder I? that any luielli fTtst pa-raoi? could have lnterpii'te.l the ?Latnte? lu ?n? h a way. There is notbinir. lu lu letter or ?pirll, that ?picare lo ?.-arrant thi?- ? oust met ion. UUMJEBM-ZI as claim A6E1VTB. BOW THF. LAW H LVAPFll IIT _B_HM AND mm ftXOt TUB RBfiCIaAB ?OKBIi*lPOI?I?BTr OF THK THIBI'lft | W?IBDMfOn, Dec. 29.?Au abuse in tin (iui Berrlce, which, more than .almost any other need? re? form, fcTowa out^-f the direct and Indirect leiral piactlce of in? uilx-i, of (unKrea? In the Department?. A? i? well known, members of < ??niries? are forbidden to ap|>car as atiorueys tur any claim ufaiust ,the (?overoment, and th-y (.eneraKy oliey the letter of thi? law ; but every elatus asrent or attons.-y who ha? found his paper pf^BBW Boled In some sulK>r?llnate office, or hls|?-ase likely t?. be de? l?l?d ?dveraely. kuow? how potent the simple " re ?|ii.-?t"iif au.em'Hrof (,'onwre?? often Is. The BM-NBI typerundi, as ? xphunrd by \," one who know?," la a? fol? io??: Wup;xi--r a ? lalifl ha? pa?aed throUffii the band? of the law ??ffl ?er of a IaVpartnwnt or Hureau and be has given an adverae opinion, or riet, terra, the bead of a I>e par;m? nt or Bureau ha? eianilned the < as.- himself and it lik. ly to re) ct It, the aifint will of .onire denr?-, m the Dr?t ca??-, to have th? *??'??i i> or < '..uiuslsronrr ?rive it a*l exsimluation, and In the BMOod. to nav>-it lake tue cusiomary CAiurae. Tu effect i hi? re? quin? au order fraui the bead of the Department or Bu 1.-..U Mill, h IM _._rciat finde himself unable toobUln. If ti.? ?ase l? one of ?ou?i.ler?ble liiiportance, the exact condiiion of it la known among claim Bfaats ceuer?li>, and the attorney In charge of It receive? a pnvaru- inti ii.atb'ii thul a c.rtaln member of Concresa can se?uir the or?lr?i desired, and that a MS-SIB other man cat ?el the ui'-uiber In the caae. The laat iiaioeauiau re? cen er a /?ciii-nuia fee, the honorable member make? Vie r u ami, mad the caae move? forward. Cu cura? no one eau aay that the member of Congre?? re?, it? ? ariyt-iiria; tot bla trouble, oui the suspicion i? ?tronc tint be tl,?.--?. It shoulil not be Interred that all aaaiaber? of I oua-reaa are en.it_fed in thla tudlreet urac a?? la t_? Ajwimrtkkrtul* i Uiw. ar. mtar wh-te In flu enec no rliilm ugent hss ever been SHl M buy, ?nil whom nobody oretemta t.. influence. Bat there ?re do, it f? ?v men In tjumagyee? Will?.,? serviea'W elan rlnlni agent in Wa-?iln<?t??n praifea-scs hi? ability to a.litaiii, und whose next friend 1? known of all nun. Tin? BTtli of tin? practice hiTtj marc tttiii onto utsve l-?*ai-ri,|f.-?,| liy I'otlgrcri?. Tila? net forlilal'llI'IT member? ?if ' nngrea. t.. i?.*i as agent? for claims against the I'mia-d Btat?w reform?..! tlir* a hi mo In u mniMire. hut ?Ines not I'l.'Va-Ilt limn of eaKV aa.liHi ii-ni-i- Ira.Ill I-Vli.|lll_ Il M bus lacen alosarll.e.l almve. IHIIh liitenaled to strike at tin? root of tiia- mutter tigr? at rarkmi tim.-s bora Introducid III either II.Ulna . hut lia, ? na-...-: pOfMd b-JTODd n - ' 0Od reaalmg. The remaluint' alia,'. ?,| tin? Oongrt a?? an l too few tai expect It any reforms, 1. a?t ..f ?til ope Ilk- tin?, wlii? h would be ?trougly opposed ami glvi U?,? tai a hum aU Late. COU-OR TOPICS AT THF, CARfJL. IM.I M ATI 111: SI*}. I LATIOVfl IIMV I 111: *-l'l AI.KI. ?IIII*<'K III!. MX II..I ?l - ?!.< Ill TAB! B01 T \s 1 1 1'?i IUOCB8SOB?JODOI STI{|('KI.AXI>V Kl ?K.NATION-Ml!, BBX-B-KB'S I'M t M VTIC TI'ltK?PltnltAHLK DKFKAT ?IF Til) I AM a I'KIl 1 ?NT a I.AIM. I BY TKLBUKAPniTO THR.TRIBfNR I Wamiin.,, I?..'. M, 1?75. The oonlecttires Inl regard ta? the t?peaka-rship a.f the next BSBSI of -MpiSSSBtftMVBI at--, of i'..ur?e, nil premature, esjieolall.v In ?lew of th? fart that the ?lee il?m is ?till net l> 11 year distant. The only candidates thus far named are Mr. Blilne, Mr. WhSSSST, Mr. DOWSS, and Mr. Mayiiitrd. Mr. l?alni? g ta? day, with,un altuil.t, Htronira-r than nil the other* t??!.-' th.-r, unit an uew mem ItaTf?, such BS those who will c,iii?tiiiita? ho large a pra> I jHirtlon of the neuf 11.un?.', un? .?ein-rally greatly Inllu j .'ii-i-.l in the choice of aam.?.?r., I.y dWSS "f MaO-TOS I? rlena*e, he would now. In all pHlnBUIIJ. Ix- th. ?u. . BSSfBI <'.'.n.II,late. Hut lift ween thi? .a 11 ? 1 the close of rh.? ?(-?sii.n ev.-nt? may MOW whleh will entirely ehtttift tho situation. No one a an foresee what may ho the re suit of the. Crealit Moi.ilu-r in .?-?tlgathin. or how far it will shake the eon fid? 'lire a.f the a'anntry In the in tegritf of ludios won-bon ,?f Oobbkoi, i the letst, Marly all aif (BSSI WbOM iiiitii.-h w.-re mentioned m wlih Use Scandal lift Bota mer, ami wli" m ni-- ali-n. tit wi.'i ii li.liiiair Mindlto believe thai tli??y hud ni-va;-, a v.-n in any lodlTOOl ttgy, '1. -nvetl laiii.'fii from the Mt>a'k, aie now in ?in a-n.l.iiii;. iiil.? |iu?itiiiii, nuil If the Investigation la eniartretl in lta ?rope, ib m to lay ujm n the leerel ..f Km Cr?dit .M.'lulier ,-nid show wh it membere Ql 4', llilfil hv their ? fl.ilts i.iitl th. Ir vote.? a fa u .ire.'ton of the DnlOO Pue.lie K.aili.iad t<> ?ha UMOl?, M ;.', ?he expense oi th? rood sad ?t the Government, it is inn...? ?MO to jare.lui whins?- r.?|?iitati"ii Will ?ut?ei. Speeula u a.- m tu ihe Bpookerehlp, then i"re, before tin af thin M-itititu, are worthier..?. The 1'reMi.lei t visit. .1 th,? Ti.'ilMiry De;? 'i'ltneiit, v. ? terday morning, and was for inn hours Li . autt rene.? with A??i?tmit teentet) Btckordioa. Thisi inunistanoe hiiB set the (.'(.(.?ills tOgMSSO-K who Is to he ?S-i-retary Banitwell's MNMSSSS, In (use ho ?IkiuIiI resl^Tt to take fia- ?e it in the I*. S Reinita- to he , id.? VSSSlrf hi tkS reriitriuitioii of Mi. BTll-OB, The Proottll nt I? r.-piute.! t.. e ll.e fulla'rt a uiithla iiaa- lu Mr. lis- Ii.ii.Im.ii a.? ii man if ..?unaljii.liriuent and _ra..t tl.ian.ial Uot: and the friend? of hoth have oita-u . oii|. riin. .1 -?Inee ihe ela-etimi that ?ien. tiraut would iitta?t Inn frtead-blp and respect ht m vit in?; tha- A?.?l?talit Se? -r.-iai t lai take ehitliro of the Deportment ?fter the ?tu of M arch next. Ou the other h.ui I, M I? wa-ll known, Mr. Ha haul- ' : \ ?.,?,1 tlai?r he ?Hal liuf .lislra- I!.,- |iI,!.-??. I,ill thai I" ?l.nilli! relira? with lu? ehief a inl rasos! in i.aiikini: bosloeM in Eu? rope. In HU.-li un eieiit lu.iiiy belleTI that the I'n-l d'- Ill's ell.iiaa- lair ,1 ?Sea-r.-t ill V of tha- Tl'-i.-ill V v. nil hi full opoo ?mo of tho I'liaiiiiiii nt bonken of the imintry with w a.uu the l'ie-.da-ut It "i. Mia I.'- pafOttml la I in?. The pri>i?i'?(d BVMlgOlBloa ?f JutU?' Hi of the U. 8. Caiurt of L'tahwill leOTC tie I '.',rt th'?ia>, as far a? Is known, entirely In the lntn.l? of tin.?.- wh.. favor of the Newmau |...lley of ??? \t-it- .1. aliiu? with the The feeling of the new Dirlna t-Attorney, ui.lK.iiita-d sime the ne-etiui* ni a NfMS-i II n-'t fully known, hut from Rome SSlBHStSBS ?lr..*,.i.a:d aluriiii; In-, late vi?it to Washi?irtiiii, |it i? in ttOTOd that he will gnu? tar as tha> law will in ca?r\ ?'?*?' OOthl \dmitn.?tia tiou emiode u^.m?! Mormonlsm. The tuajorlty of tbe present OonsreM moo-s aii?iH,se.i to M tie lloraioni a,.me.ami t?. inli.w the tnoi. m.ila i;it?' a.l ilu m an Oppor? tuuity of ur.i't? their iii.ii.v of a t-railu.ii abondonun ul "i i'" }?.?Hia..v. What ti,.- leospei <?! u.? i.'-i Coogreas a lli he Ilia .me (UU tell. ' lOOgb koiu.? nf Ilia- la a.l. ! s ol l lu? ll o UN ? lt?a/.?n r el a a t.i-iI an ItifOTOCOf M ?iriiiireiit h L??latlon. They hui that ll.? hlltOCI of Mm'iiiauilmn hlurtral' ? th truth of the ..M .1.I...1 , that the " blood Of the lu.triyr? i toosssdof the ohurch." When Moraton iMii Ii.?? bora lot aloue, tiny s.o. It hot Riown tetj ?lowly, If at ill, ', tiut p. is.. nth.n?, whet her lu Ohio. .'I Illinois or Utah. hu\?- lu\-rini'ly iihm it BOW life, -tliakltlid is l.ait UUil? i?l,i"'i tu a,? II ?IgTIIltlon IhtinOBWI ?it anv ?Iil1< r.-uae? the A'f n.iuii?tr*tioii, t.Uou__ih? f-tor?d tbo view taken of the nutaole ?a*? of the labt year by District-Attorney jtnt< ?? anilaiiMtaiuea by the Hupi? m- ?...a,, u.. . .y. jhnt while OnBMI retuait* or wofleet* ,U> upjuoptiut?- fuiiiip. loi the propel lli.liiilailiai.f tin e.uirt, II a.luniiUier Jiiatlee a.r a-nforee It! dOCIMO, SOd II a ala-ati letter. Whla h hs auiin"! . u Ian . ami farther, . til not uflolil 10 I" ;i Jii'U'? rol i ho can make twice as m i. . i . pi ein in/ at the liar. Sixty feet o' the pm-innatlc tut?? from IhB BSfUS- to t i. i...v.-riiiiieiit l'un;.-.?.- Ofloo WOI i ..'! ? IOtOCd Mr. Brisbane, tbe tOTOOtOV, expr?s?.-? him.?. If ?*? fled with the work ?i? far an It Ii,.? f_N. This pina t.f piois-lllng hollow 'sjihere? through u tul..-was fully ,-x j.lamed and r.'n?trat.i| m Tin 1-UBOB1 I a.arortwo ?gys, i.ut iii??tut>e now eonstruetlng is the nrnt ?-finit t.. put the pun. p..? to a juaii lool t'-.i. Ii i in? experiment ? d?, Mr, brlibone promise? In ? fen y. art lodeliv t s. -.a-Vntk morniiii.'J"urii:ils in all the pi nt tue Doles ea?t of the Mississippi j:i??-i uofun lo'oloeh a. m., on the ?lay of pohUeotiua. A malonty of the BSSlhSSI "f the Senate Jurili iary Committee, Includinft the i.'halriiiiiii. Mr. IMmunds, araa known to be opposed to tbe Mil Whteh pa-n .1 tha- House Just laef.irethe rares?, |(. nay what llkOOWOMthl |tw,, pa r la nt a-lalui a.f lililo, llaaiui. ?, an 1 DllDOtO. Ils In ti,a- s, nate looks probable? from tu,- fiel that aiu.osi its i.nlv support appi'iir? to a aima? fi..m Un SnOtOCI n-pr. -flitlllK the f-tala?? llltal? itaal in ihe elallli. Conirreis vrlllbc ur(-i-il, duriiii: tl.e piMSSl ISM remove the reitrli'tiou whu h prevents ipfotatarati and proniutlous lu ino?t of the Army Mal I <>rps. This, It will be he Id, Is really ? BSSBSStty 1" the Ma die..1 I?<? partmei.t ; for, even when it is full, It is so ?mall that more then 150 physlelans under BSBMSl hau ta. ha- am ployed In addition to the OSSUSlsMoOSd m>-dii-al oflh-er? Oft-iearai) i.eare for tho ofliiers and willltSd un u stationed at me numerous posts ?rougl.t the ... i.try. These contr-it-sur?oous cost the i.ovrnuient Instmieh a? eommisaloued mednul, ar>? not ?ui.j.-a t to ' x amtnati.ui, and may resiKH at auy tliua-, Tlier?. ara-now 19 vacancies in this dapaitmcnt, nnal the l'n si. lent and Secretary of War have each called the at'enti.u. of t'on grem? to this matter. The Modla ul l>"p.titmen' of the srmy. active and retired, ha? only nt oUcers, lOof whom h"ld rank at).ava-that of uiajur. fine of these l? a briiradier ?enerai. The navy, only about .me-feuith a? larKt as the ariuy, itinl hu\iiiit iu> STOOtor MOOMltTa ll proiiortlou to it?a'?i7.e, has, a"tn 1 and l. tir. d. )?: medical (?fflco?-*, 80 of whaaiu have rank above that of major. ?>f these, 17 hold rank ?quivalent to thut of MffMttei grairoL WAflBD-NGTOM NOTES. iok.NKHAL rasss OCVATOB I WsSBBaOBBB, DOS, ?, 1171. Ptroni ?ffotts have been made n-a-eiitlv to pBSSBI I the abrogation or modification sf the Inf??rtuil Kevenue cir? cular lio. 104, Imposing a tax SB ?parklin.* and other wine? niantifsctured from native wine?, and providing fur their confiscation win-never found without ?lamp?. The I oinmlwuoner and Solicitor of Internal BerWM have now d'tertnined to replace said ctrcnlar by a new ene which will, wheu l-t-ued, e?tatill*.h ?uhstautlally the following rule: Wine maker? mat add to the pure Jnleo of the grape whatever Ingredient, and so much of It, a? 1? added in Oermany, Prance, and other winegrowing a i.untries of Karope, In making what are there sold and With the knowledge of the addition? are there ae.-epla-d and use?1 as put? wine, or, in other word?, what, ver I? n-presen ted and aeepf-d HpUIW-M In tha?*.e coun? tries will be regarded as pure wine In this a ountry, mid will require no stamp?, the purpose of the Internal Revenu? Bureau being to prevent the manufacturer from Imposing upon the consumer by making a laig. quantity of wine from a smalt quantity of pure wine by the addition of foreign lubstan.?>??. The He nate l-ommltte?, on Privilege? and Election? will on the 10th of January resume their Investigation of tbe charge agafnit Senator Caldweil, that be was elected hv the bribery of certain BMSBtSSS of the Kansas I>eglsla lui, The testimony ukeu by a caimmitiee of the Legl? lature i? already before them. They will, at the lima SlM.Va. Htatel, l#glii the examination of wltuesses, the i?. rgaant-at-Arm? baviug ?ummoued about tweuly |?er ?on? for that pur|?ose. The New-Orleans OSSSSMMSS bave printed their ad dn-s? to the Jieople of'he I'nlfed htate? r. Isttve to the Ixulslana tia.uhla?*, accompanied with an apiatilix .i,nitiiig tbe law? In support of their position. Their tneUHirial wlii Im- preseuu-.d to Congre?? aud an appeal n.udeJur tbe appointment of n BSSHB-SISS t?? proc? a d to New Orleans and ??Merteiii all the la.-t? In the esse. N-nator Huniner i? lietter In health than be was at the t,un ad the adjournment of Congress, last week, and takes his usual out door exercise dally. i?r. W. P. John ? m, his attending phvt-l? Ian. rail? t<> nem him regularly, as ha? been iiu of doing for some time. The Commission to Inquire luto depredations of Mexi? can? on the Texas frontiers expect to leave Washington SB MM 7lh of January, to resume their labors. Mr. Meade, one of the t^mmlssloaen, has resigned. The rVwretairy of the Treasury has authorized tho Assistant Treasurer at New-York to buy one million of bonds and to ?ell on.- million of coin .ach week duriUfc' tor month or January. The resignation of (Jeu. Francis A. Walker, Commts sioner of Indian Attain, was aeceptod to day, t? take sffeet Feb. i, and not Jan. l, tho dato for which it was WINTER VICISSITUDES. THK SNOW ILOO-AD-, bVoUT ON TU); B?AS AND ON THK. ICK?RROA' MAY I Nt'.STI'LC'TJ.II ? Ti.Al.N_l AM? MAI on i mi-. Tin? Christmas Rtorni is m??rf laslini; ?n i eir.-ci? than urn BBnMB of W inter hav? past. BaBnaai |a ?tin obstructed taaoaa BSteat?ai ?Itytransit I? a matter of crave uncertainty-, nuil i ttioiii-h tin? Ktr<? i I'k-.iniiut Sanaa Bat ?aaaoxeaQs Ml lia .n Broadway and at the entra?e? to the fi-rrl? many of the street? ure practically closed to teumstert-, Saturday whs a cnla day in FiMn-avc., hi Central ft ami itl.irttf H.irleiu Lave, It ,n if ?-very tamEA the any Bad Bata taken our. nan IBs Im aaa4 bbMRMi of the season might b?- cnj?i\, ?I to the full. The Avetn waaflllrd fioiu noon till ?lu?l( with tW4 continuous llm of ?quipas,-, s, one irolng up ?ml the other down ivtwe? . ami r. p. m., 1..I7 Hlelj?hs were counted ?it t fit- Fifth i\ entrance toth? l'ark.aml the ?-?tiuiate t.iat f,"t. liter?*? I the aaaraaaf the ?by sensBart baaM?aiaia Baraaai th.- Park ih? pi? ?? was r?*-?trl, t,--l t?, a -<?Ikt Jog-trot, b as tin-driver? tiri???l from i in- r.nk li,:.? Harlem Lai the sport i-niiL'!it new sprit. Weighing. Iu 'ho i'l?liil"? of if? votaries, I? nothi: without a race, and on everybody race A! liinf. Hiere were hrslf a iaaSB t?ims BBBl and nee! again two horse?, famous on the road, would be pltt. -i^aiunt etch ?sther, and would bo BJBOSSOd with dice by those whom the}' pasted m th? ir rapid course. The: wi-re a lar_:r number of four iu-'nainl-?, harm tppt to ma n 1!. aal ami ? .pensive ilclghs. l'.??th bones aud driver? were filled with ex? Itemci and a number of ac? i?i? ut? occurred, which, had tl BMwBaaa am iaap?a_B_l kavayBavaBaarlaaa, la or Ihre?- .-V -it'll? BBN up-r-t In Hi?- Park ami foui m liltl ave., but the OOsapaata BBB_OOd no injury from the to.-aiiig iu Hie 'niiv, the runaway hu? BBS w Ml tureil by the | ? !. ?. . i)i Bf >n dufs-.tiic BtUcBa v.n righted, ru-- , ? \? .i>kiii-? r? a?l)u-!cil, and each part BL'-in da-a? il a'.i.-.y, IB?B spin!,| iu uo wir. ?launlcd b the incident. ?in itu: l? f.. On Matunlai ?ikating t,n : .'.tin re-umed at all th i- guiar ie??.i:?. Hie Park olllci ils, both at I i BB I'lo-p. .' rhtmm, in,; ha?l Hu? snow <-1. ane.t off th lakes f..r tin ..c? ?iliiiuo.lritlili ?I I?8BBI '. ?A' I'r.'-pe? Park the lee, wri-i cleaned fiom the BBB??B Hull?' to til ?rat bridge, un.I y .erilny fr?.in the ri'imll t?ridg?- to Hi !? l?ri>lg?-, whl. h will foiiu the limit of th -kutlvg Saldi rit pre?. r,t, as the ?now ha? drift?-?! bcatil ?Hi the "incr I ik.-,. Tu la] Bllal the Inner hikes -?.?ill? op? li to tin-pul'Ii?-at l'r.?-p> ? i Park from ? arl\ inoriiln. uiilil 11 p. in., tin- p?iii?!> l.-iii.; 11,'lllcil up at night. Th laa la la varj las oondltaai. aad Is IB tatB_aa m thicl iii-hs, the ?alci Bad> riiv.ith Innig ovir ioiu tool _ .1? I'tti. At tie. ? .?pit?' ne iak,- tin saaa aaa ttat ritt from ti lx- In from ot 11 buildings ou Friday, ami skating w. liad tlial aftcni'.-.ti Mid e-,, inn..' -.vheil it via? BOt. COOl niiiinl at r.ny utl r piirk. On l-Viturilay tBOfO WBS atteiiiirui?., th. jiiuii innii,' luiiiiiiitiv Ilh?Btaaiad a night. At the llni.oki ti Bkat?f I'.sik tin-?purl w ill b? le-illie .! t" (la.\-. XBoBrooBlya CurlingCtabwas aataatBa fauna laa. a! i'r'.-p'i! Park ??a, practicing lor the inntcl with Hi?- Batas Clab o? v BB HI'?? ?? ?? LI I ? Li _ An atti-inp! ...?isaad. on Fi to ?ai i tin.? snow Inm the lower part of llro.nh.a.i, in)' tie- | in. SBBI . 81 laa '" th" mu.ill uuiiitn-r at c.i, - ..i I pi.-,iini ?ii.- Btrnrtfloaalaa Barooa. <?n Banndav |_b own? i-??( coal, ash?sad tarVitB?* aotts nata informe? that li. y wi.iiM ?lud? -iiiplioiii. nt by appljin? to ? apt IB-CM at til? ' lty II i'l. Jll" IT ?n'.t W_? laa! flolll l-all.l Sit ni .li v . \ i un,,- until thla Inn::,lug in-ailv ateccy ?-arl suitable f..t ii.,- wort Instead of lean,*,-- I U] SB '-1.-I lb. our. of a aide ?treet h_- been pul !?? ua? In bruadway .irt.l i, In r principal eV-ruue? ?>r travel. N ? iilleaipt ha. i.ei-is iss.s.i, to clear Um mot.? of ?now. bat*ooly ti off the bank? which bava baBB thrown up hi eteann? tin- lldewalks? aad thin 1?-\el the ttll?t from cur.i to curb. ?he carts, when till?-?! with lumps of ?-now -, were I .ken to the neari -t ? hurl ?nd iio-ir cootenU dumped into um river Aftei Broad? ii aa?cleared iiu-n the ii siu-ry t?> square, work ira? bagoa Ib Plfth-avr. and f h* i.iis-.-t. u .- leveli ?l from r Wat to th-ferry, an I all ti.?- ..u-.?-??? teaatlaa t.. t.... . ..i will station?, ami l.ri l? -. Wert st. also, and the lire i. ii idlng Wa?bin_*t->_ Mart? t aere freed troni i l.iei.U. At iai.OSSl P. 111. le??> W.ilk 11,1.4 IM-K'SU ill Park-row, and th? stoppage ??i iv-, .... of loor Bum la * ,ii' |*__*B roW Will noiv he a! nu ?lui. the mu?; ha? l.e?-ii ?l>ii? epty iBKelj by the It WhO Isms- icieiith lies-.ilne III,? UDW( I - .! lie . it> ; ami thej' iiui? acquired a novel ? tp< la their American lif?-. Though the atoriu of I at w.-ei. i? tald i?> have been luavi-r than any kn iwu In Naw-Yort ilne. i-?... tin- principal itreeta aav. aatav i , Borae eoadltlon.for nianydaya at s tir.., ir m lb. , ai' 'iv ? morning. The ? * In-,-n i a ar? ?1 ami 111' ? ,.. i el I - op? 1 ? I, -" I aal, III . a-i .?, a tliaw ?n a w aim i mi, Um ?iti-.-i? wl i mil tot U ?? ?*l'?l. im. um BO?bb oraa, The snow bl.n krul' "Is the rallia.i I? le .?Unir out nl Neu ."Ik tl liloltfll, all.l tr.llr-l I? ll.lllllel 1 Upled a '.I'll forihe puM-nt. A i?i'.i.NK rayortoi rlsstod. iraatatiiaT? His- si at ?on,? of lin- puis, -ip il r.iilr.irnl?, an it. tleia . of the official?' were absent, and II wa? ?i'?i.-ult t.? BBtala miriiiti- i n form ati. m m tag sr?l t<? tin- trains. Um foUowtag f*cneraJ -;.?i? DMUta ma] "?? regarde laa lru?tworthy : 'Un Weatern Expreaa trun sitired on the KrieRail? way yeatetd?* lisons111 AC. < ?111 V Ball an li.iil l.elilinl inn?-, and "tin- evening? the aevrral local train? during the day left on time, 'i reportai en tirelj Ire? from obstru? ttoni The train? will leave said arriw? aeeordiBB U> the tune tabla. Hie braaek an- ai.-" reported in >|ood ruiiiiiii?/ order. Un- Ws??mgioD ?ipil?- arrived on IbaNtw-Janay Bal road re?terdaj only a fe. mluutei behind lina , and the road i? siul io be ?-?ear. Tli?-r?- will probably b.a ?light ?I? lay in Hi?, arrival of tram? f?u a day or lw>i, u a in_? tu tac treaty eoadlUoo of th. ri Tin- Morria huh Baaex, and ih" Di laware, Ltrksw inaa and We-terii Kaliroads dlspatok m? tra?na on Sunday, but tin- Lit? ?l trams '?( Batan ij ui_rht -_u_m In asarti os tine . aad llicr?- Is li" s'.oulsl llial to daj Ihc llillal M hiril ul'- w ill in- maintained. The ( entrai Kailroad of N>*a Ji r-?*y wns ? ?ear on flat urday ufternuoii, 08 that trains WB. through not IOBU li behind time. Hangs of m? n mat* ? eyed ?.-I? r?l t. In removing Um snow waleB Bad I on the irai k ?ml in widening the paaaag-c Mr ? igh the th v? -t fun. The New York and Nstw-Hav.ii Ballroau tot* making very g-md Hin.? since the II ml train I inn? Ihri.u^li Biter IM -form ha?l c? mttA. On ??aiiir.liy th. train? waraft-sa half aa hour i??Hn hour late,owing to now ilnfis niilcU at sume point. fofBBOd in im i uis. The .N? w-Volk ( eutr il ami ll.i l.ou Unc? line 1? re p.iii. i clear, aad ou Batardai ouiy two eu??iues were n?. ?I . a the sxpnoa trains. The I'uttr. on the New-York and Bari?B Ilallroad hav ti. ? u v aiad away? aad the saow ha? ?ettlod it im longer drifts. Then- wasiittin d? lay iu tin- arrival ?if train? on Bat?rdajr and It i? thooght thai to-do* Ihsf. will be in? neeitsity for ?loiin?ng up. ami tuat u.iiu? will 1? ate and arrive with thu usual rirgulauty. IttUV SCKBES IN THE P?lST-OFriCE. Tue accuiiiulalioii of malls through the failure of tt.i n ?'nun Hie isliikelhilr prolicl c ?l.liei tl.ii,? crtiat*"d a blockatle in the Niw-York Fo?t-O:llce, wlilch It required great luuor to break. On Saturday thu num? ber of aaapaBOi andl ha?s wa? ?o great that a force at l??i nuil wa? kept at work ull night distributing the hi tars sad ssosfaaarB. Th.- iBtoagB msii? By the Km amltlie l'i-ii!i?)Hania t'entrai Itallruads, dm- the ni^ht liefore, came in y?-?terday, an?l axuni tne i..r_-- eji.-n Spool in the I*o?t-OfHce was tlUed with tmB*t piled ouu above another. The day fore? who had taken the places of the wearv night-worker?, toiled faithfully lu order that the imr i h un?, might have thear mall? this uioruiii.-. As tbu pile of undistributed uialU grew percept ably lower, His ovrrlsnd ? 'ah for n?a mall, one day oTerdne, ?rtited. aud waa followed'.iy 235 bugs'by the Km ??peau steamer City of New York, aud th?- regular Havana ii.all by iho ?t.-an-er Havana. Tne clerk? retuaim-d at t,.? ;r post?, and wheu Hm reirulsr westeru inulls byi the Ene ?ml < entrai roads arrived they wrr? nearly ready loi tliirui. By lOo'elo? k last idglit the m-1.1 cU-ar. E\ IraazBBoas waawaa wata ssal f?.r to carry the man, to the several ****n < *rti< .- station? for distrll.utiois at the hou-aes; ami this uiornls.K all the letters and newapa ta-rs which armed at the central ol?? e i.stt ni-, ht. will BOiaaai for delivery. The only mall now urerdo?la that of Hie iteam? r Cuba, which has put luto llaiilax for coal THAN ?IT ANNOTAMT.?. Th? ?-in-e? cars on mo-t ?>f tue Hue? are now making tripe w ith BBMUanB? r.-fc'ularltaj-, and iangH of UiM.r.i ? are at work on the oliatriicled track?. The movement.? of the ferry-boat? ?re very uncertftln, a? there are liu ni.'iiM? flslds of lee In the rivers, through whit h the boat? make ti,? kr way slowly aud with grrut ?UUlruliy. The Hr?iokl>u horse-cur cMapaotoa Isnaaod Io nv moi.? uiixt'of Hie ?*i"W iron? tln-Ir tracks on H.itiui?in, and are now niunlnir wlih ?real regularity. Tu?- II.?,.rd of t lty Work? ha? engaged an extra loree ?,/ labour?, ' aud will try Unlay to toil ?*?'?*? the hug? i.,..uii?.? ol Buow ahlsh line either ?lde of Fulton-st. from the tcttj lul-ti Mall ??piare. Many of the street? In tbe village, of ?taten Island an? stiil bliK ked up with ?now. Iu other < asee a wajr has lrf-en opened throuxh Hie center of ihe ?in-et, while tho sidewalk? remain nu. irarr.l, Tbe manager? ai the Mhore lUllroad have abandonrxl the at ti m pi to clear their track, and have ?urteil ? ??ne'lgu? t-stw-au Port Wada'worth and Fort lUchmoud. wblch is ?el. patron The sound between Hinten Ialand and New Jeney i. froieii over, and tbe Houtti A m boy boa l? have to laku |Ba notable route. The Feoplu'a and tbe James K.-rr, ( ompany s North Hhore boaU are runuinii. but exi?erl euee much difllculiy from the Boating ?ce. Th.- boat? run? ning '?.-I ween i be ulano and New York made their tripa ?est?--day, but were somewhat be-iod time. At .t.wark. N.J., BK-.t ot Um stttot fMlroads ar. ruh tiln-car? by the ii?c of double teams. The Irvln-ton line Is using ?I lull?. Tho Ik?ii_ lail?n?! ltnllroad was cleared of s'iow Ml] SI fir M Kiverhead. M S attii.l.iv. it II expected that the remaining JO miles to ureenpoii will be iipeoed i>y to? day, -.,?.?! il i,f tin- lae-f In -aaiiu flva-s am the road ll.ava? I eeii d.sau|...| In 1u-;akiiig up the ?now, and aro UoW in the rcpuix ?nop?. DM i .)?-.- of the ItOBB. On Saturday a tram of freight cars, ah.nit to take tha?-wil. h near i'.-n HoSB City, a hhor; d'-taliee west of Bergen i'unucl, hS-SMS BSpS-BSSd, leavin. 1ST* ertil car* OBtfeS we?t ward bounl track. Ueforaj th I train could be connecte?!anil tha car? remaaved, expr?s? train N". II, a-oiisisllng of Miva-ral baggage. Pf-OMSI r mid ?leep ing a his, and >l awn by twai [ooomirtlves, came dashing m il..? terfcOOM and a-..di.'mi with lb? fn Ii*'.t car? wuii such fore?- as to MMSh up t'iree or four of tie m Into dague m?, lam forward engine, N ? MS, "f the ? ? Bren tiiiiii, woitie?ba.ilv damaged and wii thrown rum th" tra.-k Into ? d?.p dita-h on the side of lln- P ada Stranite tosiy. mioiie was iu|urc<t, tin ii/h nil on tie train were ?hooked. Had tin? r. 1-1.1 h, (I. I, ad' 'i, lii,.ti\nt aif ?nipt ,lh.* H. .-Ida I't haf been attenal. al vilth vcrv heavy damage a* well art Inms of life. A tire wn? ?tartod lu th* kitchen rang" of the horn?? of a I>i. 4'aui,'.i i. nt Bo. m? Bast ?ne-1 indtvd-aud? ilft.?,'iith-si . .h Bot-Klny night It I ..'al.'al. Hull an in.ur afterward, while Mn?Chmpbeil ? ?-? ?tan li i_ nasar Hi- runge, the water bock ?odd ui? burst and scattered the boiling wr. i ? i l i ning etnden or? ker fane and hand?. Tl?l d 'tie's ?a n, ?lauding MOT b* win als? r-'vcra-lv huri.a.l. lu?'?i i ul'S of Mrs. C uip.'i'll were M severe that she 4hed a' IS p. m., after Intensa ?.-.lY-rmg. The BOOM of Hie oxpl H'.m I' supposed I" h ,ve I.e. u due to tho -tooting of toe pipe* and toe ovorheottog of ihe ran ire. Mrs. Campbell was :~> y. ai* old, and until i> ea-ntly lived in lllooklyn. il., p.n ne bursl Into ihe ?hanty at Rlehard ard Dike man ?i.?., lirix'klt n, mi Kit m ?lay Bight, and found an ol i a,"iiii.i li id I-i ix. ill III Ha- Ver If/In* la-ad hfl I ..'? Ifoor. Bll .. . I al a-,1 ?rann the a -If . . ? of euld and hunger, .Ud la,Hi -CCI! UllSrlOd f.'l S ?rial 11.1)-,. OCEAS WKBCKfl AM? BISKS. VOte OF Till: AMYNTAS ON T1IK KV.U-II 4'0\ST. London, Dec 2.S.?Tho Aniyni.i-t w.i.. While on a V".\;.. e ll"lylic..d lur MSShlOfte ,Ood even penmen booid psitoksd, a wita-r.? golopn vailed iu the BoBUlfe Channel yesterday, .?tev.iitliuariiio I 1SBSS8 a'c rspecled, WeXuVB or Tin. Itf-rTflTTW in Tin. tuina sf.a. I..?m?iin, Da,?. *28.?A ilis|?.i?ali lraiiu Boag Kong Mjn th ' ship liaiiines. Cap:. AndSTSOO, Uhk u LU that txiii tttet eue Float uee, e M ssss-aes ereet I . I. .. t h ... 1, an.I Lea- .ma? ?a writ k. All th.- eraw ?fere a'xa?c].t live. Tin- Lugli-h gOOhOOl OUtOW gone 1.1 the spot to land, r WhOtOTOI M ?..?lain a- may be required. nil', iiitit; TKttKfl KBB Off tUFt BATRKaiSa I Annapoi i?, Ihr. HLr-EfBBtlH Walls, ,'llicf a.ltlevr a.f the lug Teiu|H-st, Irnm M..k Iliv.-i, .l.iuiuiaa, for New-Ya.i!,. litt lOffWOSd, n-aort? that 11.1 tue highi "t l?ee. 1?. nir Cape II litera?, ill? ve.?-'l f HBS l'l e'dlision with the brig I, -a of Bremou. The ?hock ?a.? .so viol?lOt that the li inpest was aliuost Ins, an' I? h'llik. in.' mil? ler, Henry Wilson, went dowu 111 her, but fhe rc-t ?if the 1 teg got ah?.aid ill" I U ? and ?. M bCOOS-B M till? !>?> t. The lek.? In from DSBSSrO-B, for ? ,llio-i.r k _kS l"?t tit t bowsprit) faire*, BM-0 tOf-SOtt, and U liajw in the lc> a.iT Ann i] MtAflBM <?N IHK MA-BA(?RUSBT1I <*OAST. I*,. ?-1 ? ?s-, Dee, W.?The skip Perm m, lrom - ' -ai".re. anil..11' o-, ?'ape Cod, h.t? b.'i?li blOkOO into fragment?. 1 'ir>.- bodfc s have li eu rOO v. l.'d, one th .a "f Tli.ilili? 11. lialii", the tlrst male. XhO IBbbSVWttfe whl.-h she wa? lada-n I? couM ,. tly wusln-d u|mui th I ? e a h und. l UM da..' '.?? u "I tin? uud, rwritcr's aga-nt. Aii'.nt 1,001 hale? of hem Bore leen ' r.iii-'it ashore from tin' w re.k of the I il Point AWerton. i ? i. .un ?n (apt. Matthowi and the wvon movmb _eri have in ? n i? i ..\ii"i . lie (,, ru..?!! iur.i Fntiiel?. fni*n SI igaf.ora-. Mhore on C .|"' la,,!, ii.,. v. .ii ? . i'i re li .."t inn. i. water I., hi ;. ? Pc .i ? >u arrived along---?-, on 8ui r vrllh lighten, and ha --na ?li-. barging II ? ... ,. a ,? j..._ ,,* tue I . .11 |1| , !..?' MoVI Ml I i 11 i:.?. Tin* staiinisl.i]? Adriatic ..f the Woite star line ra-u.-h. .1 thl? ett t o'a DM, -,iif?. r a ver, i,,n_u pa r i_.,\w wlii. h ehe wss rap t? i i t.? i. ?? "twoiad a pail of a ihird Ida I- of U i pr-.p. Ka-r," w illi thoneoll of a fonrteeu days' of eight or Ohio days. Tltl? a>t?te?ii<-iit -U-MifBlrrg t n- .uc'iti? ,.r d uu'ige ai.iiii? fron li.'LiI 1?. . ..ul .e r ag uis thai BO '?..i..|.ial loo 11' ? ?t ami, SB0 Mode ood ahout a third of an atine \, | | a-li-n M,,1 .1..' .ii, :. . I :.e .-, ||.p '111' Was loth t,> i m v torn with .. ,.? ii , h ? upplli al lu tK.s ei'.iiili.. isc, It would I...V. U in a'.ni.i' I!. \ . I: ,,l !,, r Ihor iilg.ii) a \ ?min. ?<! I'.v alii i?, and h .-. .i '. .k. n t.-, OpinlOO Of OX* jH-n?, and t. ? er to I to i.u t? till: ... I - . 1 - ? " . . . | . , lai company's ? graphed t<>, and ordered tola? tha facts ol thie. t m i'iisi.ii ? n. t. un ig to is 1 bey miglit gu a.r not, an tdeir ) idtfUM Dl dlOtl ? d. Shipper? ol freight and tlio Posliuastor-ti aural were al?.. Informi I, E ghl ? i 'it; .?a i 1 g.i??' i ?d t<> sto, aai i 'PP..i down tue boy a.u H.aluidav all 1 DOOU ? In View of ilia? f.ta i I....I lh . - I ? "i.:; ?t'V"iy ? now one ? that the ortnds o the 1 ? ? \ an are at the present S.-a-a>U 1.---II' r ai. , Wa'?? .' ,ii,,?i, ,,? aal.vas inay I Upon ; .nu . ai, t'.. a a?a a*.?? i ,-.?i....... i . . , a .. ;, o that na poseei egrt ? onld p an. ... i Hi,. -, i .?? a loijj a ?. I 1 ? i.aise. Tu*"VLi' t tine ..i the vessel, which la portly i!i?ura?.l b? un? tiomp ...y, a.,il me fai i thai iu? American i lent i.. ?.< i OOaOuo in si id, uui i i thai t.wi i.iiup.i y i? <ai i hei i.? sea wort by, Hi-i also sow to bo on oble oommander, and oL ?end sad hass fall crow, Tbenewioi hei W-SSirirol ?All?. IliiatV. I, II" ...I .|.,i.? . .. SBe si.-..n.?i l'l.ui .in j.,. of the New-York ard ITum luir? It in-, whii u \?.?n ,', n.? on Tuesday I?..', arrived ". ,-iui.l?y Unun? .g. lap, Ml .'? ., Ifliai ua-a '. . i? i ? tho Atlant! i", -, rlenood ?u.h koUteruus wcathvt asihalul iho i tup. im ?ten! ,i iii-.-ani" or iii Wh;-, st i -Uaes-rirsd on the " in? laiiun, i mi day? m us . tin o. Too Imuoo bBooomi City u Now-York loft Ursrpsol l.i eainip.iny wi'li tic On j ih , aid lut? ?m' \e. .u.,,. , . in- it. u m I. irsxtf iu iiutr i' tnkiiii, a*biou madne I at tin? port i?a.. ii. pni IntoIiisU-ai on i itlo) . ?in,-, ,,r mal,Mtlod tut lie- on Batorday,and w Uboduehen on a?, fiiie. la? a>? p:a-.?a ng, I? Hi ha.i.r I. IBs tt '.iiner uteeec of tm National Line left Livor OOOl a. LUllipuU? t.llli Lut Wit ? lltili, a' U ...i. I ?Ot j, I .1 1.1. The steaoier i.rln alw of the National Line, which Icit Bam ou DecMiooi mu jm arrlvod. hn,? i? allow reosol, wi.i.m, with the -?,-i_i,i- prubohly tha. cau.?? at h.r being behindhand. ihe sie.iin.r.-< iii.a a. d *- ?.?i, a.' rhleh the formai left liav.-ipini I), ,-. j?, was line bore an '-Turnia) last, reached H illfax,on Sotordoj s'i.?rt 3f coal. The ? ??auier VI. ; .la Of Ihe An. I ?r" ?i Ineh left (iia-g.iw ou Li.;-. la, aid vas due !i. r> ?ii I'lhl.-, i- .,(, OlClUU'.?. BI0W AM? ICI DA-fOEBS, TflK AVAl.VKiill. IN I IAH. Salt Laki. Cit?, Dee. 17.?Bid littl?* adiii tluual lnteli ^euce hue \suta roitated a-a.ui-eri.uig tIn* ( ?atttiii A'ood avalalii 'li.'. tttetSSS-tl I tlal iJ incn are un?* li.g. Hi" s.iue aame. fro.u liio uiaun'?in, a of a u.ile. wiai frightful ?isied and !? .??. the At-trui picva ule.l iiny WSIBlBg "f it I upon.; th i a' il it was upon tho line? ..I U-uuis pa??.?i?' al the point vain-re it ero'sscd the Man, mul ??, v.-.igou?, acid sa.k, of oro UUtt carne 1 av. ay lOH SMaWS, T*ie ha.dy of MBB where the force of -hofolsn sso ot work to Tsrj large, sad as st ti.jn i- \.ry dow. on. seed bodl w m rAwi-tod to-.?i?v. Th.? i oriu continue?, \iiiU ram hue anil uiiyw iu IBS liaoiiutaiu?. Tilt; rilflfT*?" ICt-OOMOI ? MO?I (MM KU I kau in?. Mr.vriu?, Dee. ??The Breather haa niol a-iate 1 verv IllU. -1. this B-tmOOO. 'I'd . h ?? lit- i| thin ling out a-oririii'.erahlv, MB !hr.? tlv.u in B-Bg ?tcalily. Maaiiiho.if men an- ?till appr beaMVO of dai..?-r. ? th..* oa.uili'.n.'ii of tin- I.ts ,,r tha? landing is m,, ?un-val. Th" work of WTea*kiiig th? sunken hosts i? ptaM.ll. dillg. Iai.-i; Th" river ie, .Uli rliaing. It I? n aw fcir. d th.ii, II t_e HSS NBMBB-Si au muXUt .-? IsStsftSBS IBS month of ?Volf Kiver **ill Ih? ,1. wn ui-sauat the boots ot the levee with Irreoiittbl, foroi. ah tl Hint hut i in.-I hu\e ste.u.i uj. Ihn <??? Compon] hi? mude arrongooienta ta? rooelve iva ?arrondi "f eool d.iil, wui. h, with tbe pri??eut kOMily, will eoohl t,.ii,"i th- demons lus ga?. A rrlci ol bas ?alNaiic.'d ? M j?er l,ur:-l. -(???*? hi I BBIB i.iku tO preveul ?iiff- dug iiiiuaiig the pour. Mk_iiiii?, Im??*. -?.?The n-.*, r SOI ??eeii falling .luc? . ?.'cloak this aft. rt...on, hut n.? uew d ssster ha? aacot.ried. The little ?ta amer? Helen Kcook? and rtutnm. r Boon have ?unk. Tlic IL P. Wall lui? l*ou wrecked, iltr Inilli't? will lie ?avcl. All Bet iKight on MM II?He of Pik. has laa-en ?avaal ex? cept id out |.?i bale? of iottou. Hie is rratlitally ??-tiiiig. and w.ll prove a total loss. Oulv ihe cabin furi.itnr ? Will he ?Ilia at. The cotidlUon of fie ?learner? fich?me, Exctldaar, and -?elite Th.>ms? sn I the dry dook? la one hanged, hut I? nov regarderl a? le'?? critical.* It i aow beliaved that the faicuupaiiii ? will bs?o Utile a.r no trouble lu ?uuulj fu| lb? dCiua-iU lor gas. FOREIGN NEWS. FIFAl-TTI OF THK C7a.\ROWITZ. HF. ? RF.POUTEH OUT <>F HAViKil?Tllr) FF.VF.R ?TILL CoNTIMTNC. Ht. 1-Ti'.KSiirHti, Saturday, Dec. 18, 1H7-. It i? <>fn?i?illy uiiuiniiiioil that tho Czarowitz la now out of danger. Latf.r. -The Court physician? have Issued a bulletin staliii. ti at th?' '?verlshnoss of th? Cm m a It/, hita some? what ?SBaaaai !?. day. Durliitt the night ho perspire?', and had four ami it half hours' uninterrupted sleep. He 1* stronger to-day thau ho was yesterday. a?, Pn_?anona, Dec. _., 137.. The physicians' bulletin, dated 11 o'clock this morning, states Hin the Czarowit/. passed a quiet Blg^BI, having hud five Jl.ours of uiiinterrupt?-d tie? p. Tlie lever ha I neither lin-rea-ied nor The patient's comli thin as to strength was saili'actory. Tilla FRENCH AS.SF.MI?.V. KKI'ITI.F.SS DISCI M-OBB ON IHK BBOBOABB?. n??N ok nil' aHUaIBLT?BBfCBBIs ??*' FKO VIMItl. ?ATOM TO PLACA.??? M. 1>C FAl.tik's _-BOB. Pabi?.. Saturday, Dec. V*. lfCX Tlio Hpconil (*!il?-?''?iiiiiiitU'(! of tls?! Commit? tee of Thirty of the National Assembly met, yesterday, toconsMOf th" proposition of M. Bnrthc, a Ka-publican Deputy, for the formation from the present A*aeinb!y of BBBfOBalB legl-lallive body, to be called ?he gcctlnu of Coutrol, and slaa other modes for forming an Upper Vliuiiili'T. After a result!?'?a discussion of three hours' duratliui tin- OBBBBBttB " adjourn?'?! until Friday next. Ono of the BOB c??iiimtttee? if the Comniltf?'? of Thirty aailad aaaa ML _aa rs, tadaj. and a aoartaoaa and cou iiiiatori cisnestaattao aaanai <>n th?? various proposal? fnrOBaBtltatlaaal reform now before the Committee. Tliere wen- no coiicem-loii* on either ?id?'. The Pre?ddent lliired the ?-reatinii of a BBBBBBl I-cglr-latlve Chamber, but in !e no distinct proposal m reference thereto. Tne Major? of ?evi-ial of tin- f'omuiune? of France hrivi- rafasad at ptaaaod iBa ipaaah ?>f m. Daa__no, Min? ister of Justice, delivered In the -National aSBBaM* iluring the debate two weeks ato >>n the petition? ?or tho ?lirsiilutti.n of that bo<ly. ?L l'ufaure. lu his remark?, -p??k?- Ironically of M. Gamts'ta, W-OOl ?Ih'che?, ho sud, were the BOBBO of the n?-'-? I? ? a_-i'at1>u.s tlnough utit tho country; an?! tho Assembly, by ia solution, ilirr-i f??! the phicarillng of the i-porch. It 1? probable that Hi? acti.m of Hie Mayors, In refusing to placard It. w.ll I. ad to nn Interpellation of the Government upon ihe meeting at th? Assemb'y after the bolhl-tyi. A,Fartanadaaaaa has boob m-nt to piir-.m for tw?> yenra for dlr-plartnc iu lit? shop plscai'l? ...iiiaii. ii .ilk.? Inaaltlng to the National Assembly. CHl'UCH AND STATE IN E?BOFB. THF. AI.l.O? LTION OF THE POM St I?, M A? I/I I> LI an dmoli t?? nn: BB__non o# onnnuura ?RBOIOBATIOn Ol IDE KP.KNIJU BMBAIHADOS TO THE VATICAN. Bnnun, Bataola-, Dec _*, istj. Tlx- Sorthleuhchc Allf/erneinc Zcitinifj BtifBBB? mmtt th?-allocution of the Pope, ib-liv? ?ed at the Consist iry held in H ?in? on the BBl inst . a ?Jan unpardonable In* Mill III IB. BlPpWOI Of Oil lllBBJ The colossal impudrnco ?if tin-l*.?|M-,says ?he OtaWttt,BBOfOOBBOlaOVttoBI. neeet i-,!v fur the immediate pasts.igu of a law deflnlng the boiiiiii.-ir,?'. aatwaaa th.- state aattBo?oo__ GatBal? Ciiiinh. Paris, Dob. 20, irrt. M. BaOffB?__ the French KmbOOBOdOB to IBs Papal (?nut, has i-e.-lgu.-d BOOBOaS M M l'i--t,.-li natal BB_BBS i.i Home, ,ti IBs i'?-:'iiiiiliig of UM l.??;nla>s, .-j..e?l on the King and tho Popo on UM sane day, ami tender? d the ? iniipliiii? urn of the season. The Monarchists OBOk to make poiiii ; .1 cipilal on: ol th? alT.ur. The VtmtPH pub un ms.Ires?, BBaMog the isjlniiter'.? a- I .,? a slukiii^ ?li.-aioiial Of ISO _Ml_0J win? I? WOOM al'iudon the H.riy Father to ipullBttOO and insult. SI i'('i.-.-:?).N TO IHB TUS?SE Of BRI HS* WICK. THF. I X-KIN?! Of HANtiVFB <>R HP? SON TO IJK ? "Mi, in KK?oppooiTiofl in a_tnn__-BT. .?Elisa!.. .Saturday, l?.-c. it, 18TB. Tlif SprnerMche Zeitung stnm.irly Bp^OBBfl .1 ? livre,- ..f th. lb ntisivick Council of Mlni?ter<, mbmbEtm tl,.- r.t-s <?f l???e?ml?er, prov Hug thai up??!! tin- demise of Ihe pr? .-? nt Siverelgu, II,ike Wi.liam, the -T Kin| of Hanover. ?>i his ?on. -hall MBSMi !" mat Ihioiie. The Dosai Booa. at DraooatsB ia on tho point cf becoming ?XI na t, a? the pic-en1 P,?%?-rel?'u, who is r,r. years old, Is unmarried. His "iilv brother, whom h? sue. ecdcsl. tie?! the Iini'liv ?m th. BnSB?BB "U! Bf the riot Iu the City of BraaswteB, Bapt s, iyjd, and oat afterwaN Baa_aad by a r? -.?'I.itiou of IBs German Dirt, " unfit to goveru." Tin: LATE war IN BUBOFE. THF. ATTI'TKE OK At ST1IIA?EFFECT OF THE Dl? CtOaUUI O/ I HE DLK.E DI OKAMONT. London.|I?ec. ft, 1871. Tlio Austrian, Frfiuh, and l'ruebian iit'.ws BOBBBB are ? ngaged in a lively controversy over the dis tv.sirr. s made by tin- liuke de (irautont Io regard to tho ?iii-ia',oi the late war. lbc I'uke brings documeitary evi? to support the truth of hia OBOSSBIso that Austria pi oui.sed to assist France In case of war with Prujsla. He publishus aa Austrian dispatch to the French Oov erumeut, In which the pledge Is given In the following " Your causo Is oun. Wo will contribute to the su.?:??? of the French arms." It 1? reported tbst the ArL-trian Government has determined to dispense alto gialhor wKii the services of Count von llou.t. TCRIjUI-ENCE IN MFXICO. AV niOnOli OUAKREL AT TAMITOO?EICHT P_?M>KI KaLl-D AND MOKE Wol NT?EH. Mataimkos, Dec. 28.?The elpction for mn ti ? apa. ollU-ors at Tamptco Is reported to irise passed off In a very disorderly ?manner. During tho couiitlntfof t?--vote? a ?ibtuibuuee arose, during which eight per sous were killed aud w??uuded. Great excitement pro v.?iled. The opjsosiug parties ?tyle thi'mselvs-s the Tam p.. lleno, aud Tumlipoc?, and ?ach claim to hate won ihe la.CCHOU. IDCCE88BI OF THE U8-_.tt__-._8 IN CUBA. liJltN OK MAYAUI KNTEKEI1, HIT AFTEKWARI1 AUANIIONKD?THE TOWN ?^F HOLGLTN CAF TLEEU AND PAHTIALLY 3ACJ.F.I?. Havana, Doc. 29?Tho insurgents attarked Kaj art on tue uUli; of the 17th hint. Tho town was lu a ?I. I'-iisi'less condition, the regulars and volunteers being absent. Tho man-of-war Ilulva lauded her marines and sailors, who drove out the Insurgents?not, however, Im T?r. the Litter had sacked several bouses, lu the .. i las k tweuty Hpaulurd? were killed. Tbe in?urgenU succeeded lu carrying off their dead and wounded. About 11 o'clock on the night of the 19th, during the BBbbsJOB of the troops on an expedition, tho in sur?/" uta, lindel the commaud of Vicente Garola, entered the .jwn of H<V,-ulu and captured Fort Parrtijuer?. The Holguin v>1 uuti-era had boeu previously ordered to march into the fort to replacA- the troopa withdrawn, and aa they a] pr? ached, uot aware that It had fallen into the hand? ?>l tlie imeuiy, they received a heavy Are from the insur? g?: is. TUe volunteer? and a few regular? ?iibseo.urntly at t .i It.-il ?ho iiisurL'cnt?, and mesaenger? were dispatched 11> res rill the troops. Operation? were suspended until ?a-, .iglst of the aoth. when the Insurgent? withdrew, ii-king siii; ratiibllahmuut? ?n.l a uuniber of pri? vate liiiUM?!. A Bpauls?t Lieutenant ColoucI, ? Major, Buds ? ? ral other oflloers were killed. The IBBOfBI as to r i, i???? of the Spaniards are conflicting, some placing the hgures a? high as ?0 killed. Id, Hpaulsh accuut mkuowleiUea 90 killed. The taoOBS ure misting rapidly In pursul?. of Garcia, anxious i,, i-, enge the death of their comrade?, l-ull particulars ?if the affair are wautlug. Hevouteen lnsiirirenta sur rendered St Trluulad on Friday. G?-n. iti-pielm* ha? ewahllaood hit headijuarters for the campaign at I'uerto Principe. It is r? iwrtel that ?leu. Ceballoa will rcturu to Spa:a uppou Hie arrival of Gen. Cordova. FOREIGN NOTES. It is exrsfctitl tdiat ?2,0<X) coal miners tull str.kc work ou the 1st of January. The Miuliid Impurckil aays On. IMcltain a .11 i>i?>i>iib!y bo appointed Captain General of tbe Island of Cui a. Altor tin? 1st of January, persons entering Germany Irotu France will uot be required to pr?vida IfeBBSaalfM tmh paeaiKirt?. ' Tin- ?ilt-tiro-imeui-onia has become epidemic m th? village? of Prussia and Uelgluui, near the Una aeiatratliig those two countries. Franco will pay Germany 140,000,000 of the war indemnity on tbe 1st ef January, and will pay nt.uoo.OW) each aueoeediug month uuUl l?a/ next. Tbo small-pox ia ?Breading in manir ai tbe country towns in! Novn Pentla. In! Yarmouth all thl chur.hess, school?, aud other place? of puhli,' raiw.ri .ir* cloni-d. The Pari? G<urti? Wfl FfaM-?M i** tn-atin? with l'a,rtiigal fair tha- ttettett to the formel l'..?t i .-f l>.:,igo:i Boy?SB inlet in tho Indian Ocea_,lu t-aau.b Eastern Afri' .. Tim NorthlniUclic MUjcmcinc Zdtunu fc_dM tee ?(at.meut thai Dei a _j bu i rasrati 'it'" ? ?pe?ala with Au?iii.i and Bus?.a In an efT.irt to . f|. ? ? i - III. lit of the UHU IBS! MlTOt Mines' dispute. I'h?* Ifitf*ni?4?nt4* al Havana has _M?C pMbKfl a number of fnadnlinl entrtei la the Custom-hooso, al-"? the names of ofti. lui.? implientcl In the frauds. IbSSS -litHOin cause nuicli excitement among oftl> e hnlle'i and men hunts. If i? r.-i'Tfeal that the Intendente will return to Spam ?hortli. Il.s ??'...rts to aOolUu r?\< MM frauils have besa partial!? MMMSfBL DfllTI ART. I>I.AN HAMSAY. A cabio teloiiT.'iin IMMBMMNf the ?l?.i* h ot Pean Kanisay of Kd.iil.uri-h, whlelv known asan author and churchman. II.? w..s the fourth son of the late sir A. K.tmsav, IJart., of li.tlmuiii. is? oCaml, and was h'ir., in ill'-. He was graduated Master of Arts at <mXWsU) nig" iu l-tll.aiid eutereil the ministry of the Protestant Kpl caipal Church, receiving, hi 1>V?1, the Deauery of Ld.u burgh. In 1867 ha? pir.i.Xsttt his "Kenilni .. ne. ? of ."(<?.?tti-h Iaifa: and Charaa-tcr," whnhwas so papular a? lo pa?s through eight ?-alitions In two years, buMsi I?" in this countrr. It attain"! the ; iih edition in MS-, IB? ?Boat the ?ame ?im?' t.'i" l>".iii gave toth. paBlto h? "I'iilpit Table Talk: <"'tnt.iii.iii,' I'.iiinili? and a dot?'?," another well-read Look. Ill lnOl he puha-ti.d it moa.nd series of K.-iiiiinsi ne. ?. and Usides ?r.'t. from tune to lime a iiuiiih. r if wt rks of a theologi. I I I KrlptafO] .'luirai ter. EbVBS MleiBOt -S hlS ft ??.and. was held in regaral tif cb t?'> ma n a,f atlu i ?h B-oalaott-sa, I?. o'< . i..\\ BUY. D. O'C Towaley, bnssaess bbu_bc_c t? tin? ? ??(.era House, .lied in this ,-iiv. ?m ?-.itur.l.iy. ii.? was horn at N'a-wry. In tin? North of Ireland, in I??-.*, oi? lier, MSI, received a lil" ral education, and was tributor to Loudaui and liuhlln p'-n..di. .1?. II amH this cniiiitiv in 1??'," and . ?cars on th.-si .ft of The Yru-i'ork limis. pn-il >u- t I fin estiihl.-hm, |l ,-f The nin g Mail, Wh. li he ri ?i.ti, .1 to ; ',.".' an- II turlal position on that Journal. Ha ea.i.ti simial .?rtie'es lo Se, ,,',,i, /?'? llmjnzine anal \?r..f" liuiui.i i.'.i? sk'tehes under the iiwii tie plume ot " Aldermaa Rooney." Beletlndfkas.Joomittom nsssMeatl t..aet m Mr. ]>.,!>'. baslaen maaoB-r at theQ i Open ii?use. Hi? bmss-ssm ipooksl fcl_s la tanas si warm < iation. mi.Ill' if. VOTES. The Dayton (OI?i?>1 .lountnl in highly I'!' .?**?"<? nlth the Mtaottoa of s_dn ta Laoatotsoa. SaehMtoSi be an or?.'iili. The Mcntphit Appeal (kinks it tli?? " r. bosh to talk of .in empire in tin- l.;,,:. - ? i - opinion, OCBa ??rant al, ?ires au.ither term far more ihran hi dates 00 empira?. A Mobile newspaper, on IBS trarv, evidently driven to desperation by UM ma h "reconstruction," promise? the President us ' blii.'d" f..r tin- establishment "f an empire if he ?*?il <>i lv rid the H..nth of it? two aur-e?, th.? . arpet-i.agg.-r aud UM -.ahawag. Jadgiag .nun Ihe foOowiag paaBgnpfe ia The MBSMNnI (low;,) .lum-n-il. tl" aduiii.iriri.'inn "f affairs in the K"V. lenatOf Hut Ian'- M titt '?? Mi IS '? n.-tt ccntasit might In-: ?'It is a lama-nub!.? fa? t thai th.? tra? imry of our State is . m-i'v, and thai warrant? i-s.u-d by ihe Auditor on th- treasurer are hawked about at o discount, [t has been oui pride, as acitixin ol l<>wa. tu> be able to an) Hiat mu -tat. was out of debt, with moue) in the treasury, anal a Btl "! "'.!> two mil.? on tie? dollar." '/Vie Philadelphia I'rrst ipoaBa in this .,? ti'.'shingly plain way "f fh" 'I"pl umIm.? stale of pa.ittieul alTairs in Louisiana : "MSSlly Judge Dunll f tteetAP Mas would l?e more at huma? in liu-?ia. gr tetue other despotic and UUbOIOl'. thon ta the I llted StOtvl and m O ? ira nit Juuge. His last exploit Is tbe ?U|atH ?ion of The ..-ta? Orleatit lune? on a tli.i-, |i t. ?.!, trumped up for the o.? It is time 1 in- raprema Court interfered in Lmiisiaiio. The cond Uon of iha?. ? a? .?t?te is now littlo h.-tt.-r Until that ,.f u?'h. tiesa? province." These in a great leal al tnrth ia -h-stoeHted ra buka? to thai Mai-aal i-i !:? LOfBalotO-O, who h \>. tin I in The 1'ortland (Ma-.) Aryut : " There is one very ?nial v.rfue in the lui-r.'ih'ss Ma--.a. '. lei-tt? haaunds. Th.-y aie so bigoted and lutol.-raut that, conceiving in aal i_. r own number to be wrong, they turn upa.n M-SOadMOfe to destroy him. K<? now tha? pest turn BOM Charles .Sunnier 1?M au-e tig < an m lievonal th.-ui. Bfee i am" spirit seut K'iger Willums away Into the wilder Mil. IM Strung up paaor oil W'.men aswif.a..'- That. sa-ntimeut of inti'li-raiiee and -MOODCM Ina chara.'ta-nzeal MaaaachuaetU, and maale many ? regret thl ir.N'ew Eogl nid uativ it v. <h ?? 'lt.- it ? pr" nl record tot siurdy pluck, inahimitai,it:, at .1 hign intelligence. Bot time makes all tt?oei I ..i reqnlre but verv little <>f it f..r all t.? reotMolie tbe p of purjwise and nohle generosity of Mr. Btuunir as a n i> reseutative of manly Nnrthern tentlment ' A FATAL CHK1STMAH Qt'AKKI'L John O'Haru ilied at Nd. Ml Forty ?ixth-st., last night, where he was cut . n the h ad with ? teH bet tif l-'it?glhbor.s, a fellow houi'der, IB I hriM mas Eve. llio men wer?? mtoxl, at. d in the a?ariy part at t_e evcuiiu mentioned, and after j?-'";," to th.-ir rooms began to quarrel. O'Hare loekeal hi? door ?nd refused admlttanee fo Fitr?lbbon?, who, after dcuianding that the d<s.r should be opened to him at last iu a ?rreat pa??i?m. rB_M d against It and broke it down. o'Har* now Is. ame an? gry and ordered Fltz-Ihbons ?ui of tue IOSSS, Tlieaoin raand was obeyed, but tl'IIare was not s-tislt. d. und soon demanded satisfaction for the Insult wL. h liad been offered him. Fltrglblmns, *?i hearing the?e word?, took up a hatchet from tnefloor and struck the defenseless moo sa tha head. O'Hare fainted from lo.?s of blood, anal hardly recovered consclousne?? fr.'-n the m.m.. nt he received his wounals until he iiia-d. Pltaj^obooi was arre ?tod by the Nineteenth Precinct Police. PROBABLE Wll K Ml ROER. At 10 oVltick last ui^ht, (lias. Ki-!ln4?r. a Oerman, age 34, had a ajuarrel with hi? wife Annie, at their residence, No. 343 BushwMMavS-, UluiMlja. lad stabbed her several time? with a knife used by him In his business as basket maker. One of the wound? pe? etratea th^right side and will prove fatal, as th.- put ., oians eutertsin no hope? a.f her recovery. Kellnei was arrested by Officer Drum a?f the Sixth Precinct. A BRCTAL MlRHKR IN KKNTI't KY F/OUisviLLE, Doc. 2-.?Lcvi KitiK ?im! Ki? Ii ?rd Baker lived in Arnoldtown, about 13 mile? from this city. On Thursday they wen* to a store in that ti.-iuitt, and bought a dress.aud sotue trinket?. Tbe men left tiie store together, butJBsker failed to eon.,? home, and > <?? tcrday bis body was found In a ditch about a mil.? front tbe store. He had been ?tabbed to tho heart, and his head and face beaten and bruised beyond re?-?.giilUou. A brother of the dead man l.leutltied the body by i tie clothing. King was arrested aud the dress purchased by Maker wss found In his house. A knife wa? found ui -King's (terson, one blade of which correspond? with ton wound in Baker's breast. King deine? ail knowledge at ths murder, and say? Baker got drunk and he left htm asleep under a hay ?ta? s. The prisoner is neid fur o further examination. CBIKBfl ABT) CASrALTIES-BY TELEliRAPH. -Ihe steam tannery of Burke, Fender A Co., ? t spria?rill?. I?., op-?it? Port?,?.,?.- ai-io, va? aiatalnxral ai? tti .??-.ii.-??f. Loat. ei?dUK, .ataiaaem, ei-t'-im. ....Henry Williams, employixl at the Thumt-ston folllrr?, PaHUTlll?. PfSB.. wbil? a-?ll;?r la-? ?lippanl _?<1 frl. ?OU f??u U? ?a? lamatly kill?? ?aai ka? boty Icrrtbl, ??*?!?-. _H, Arnold St Co.'i extensive print work?, at lortk AJ?a>. Mi?. w??r bonir?! t*rUar marmag. Th? Iomi. 11-0 Ow, i???rt?t-r, ?ItXljgte. Tw? La-ilrrtl haaal? an tXoam out at ?r'-j?inn' ?The gold chain maniifacUiry of A. Lobeuz, ol ?r?.?;h aoJ 4?ia? ?r? , PU.iaJtliki?, ??? ?BIM?? rn?wrel?? !., lb ?r-.. ?ho BsSM * "MBpmemsf" mi* ami stale eXaia? mmitk Ij.OSU, a?4 tmgka ....The A-ilrion Car Shops, at Adrian, Mich., with m arw-..irnr?, ??r? l>uni??i. Krial?? oijht Th* lam m A H ?"*. Una hand?si ??.I ?A, ma* ?n tana? mil ?f amfioymatL XX* Xn uri.i? ?ml iu the psiat-tiiop. ?...A tirent Abinarton, Knox Conntv, 111., Friday Bl(kt^lMt?yrd t try-garnit iW paot ?sal tboe Hat*, oaa mialm? ?al t?? ?? three muH -bop?. Tbr torn ?l ?M_-t?i ?I eiA.asXi, natl, ,? tan*. TPa in "?? Ota mat? ol ?a i_o?_Ji_r-. ... ..lames Venters and Andrew Dues, workmen in ,b? H?IU?%>?1? 1res *r>?r?i ?, In.nuiB OBI?, ??rr ?_?_!?? .? -.??? Ml ?naU?, wkil? rtraau-i ? k?u?r Tkr <a(tB??r. MpB_ea< tlc bmkm Smi ?man Immuumttai, tannlwi lb? tatam wkal? Um au ??r? ;? il. ....The British.bork J. B.-Dtuf-i, at Charleston, S C ht b-MMB will IJU balet cf l'pl_ai wtlM ?? -MM. ux ? In, ?aUnlaj? ?l?kl 1? Ik? eutwa far??**], ?sal wm 111*1 ?.U viui k. tX? tigiam ltd sat? ai sX* tPajt ttt ttmtrt m iX? ?a**- P? ?ah natm ... .Theodore Jones, living a few miles farm Indian ?pell? slll-d kl? *ik b? ? -l?a ot kl? ht, tnday ugPL H? ??? ?r~e?| antatet.... amaniata Anna a t?rmet- l|?iM ta __?_*?_? ?'???!?. I??., filad iia.i?, m Tb?r???? b, .irili?? Ml ? a, SumA a_a ? luiai.aaintaSmtupalkimammtlkrtam. "-?*???????