OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 01, 1873, Image 1

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[>T TBXMaure tO Tur tkj?i:nk.|
Wabhihgtoh, Dec. 31.?Sorne of ihe Lonia
fcuta Liberala now ln thie otty are dtacuaelDg tiw* ehortent
way out ef tbe poiitlcal muddVe tn that Btate. Tbey ?**
tbat mttttn have beeome ito much mixed up there tbat
tbey MiiiMU) method of remedy except in ? wtrt o(
nioonatrnrtlnn Tbey propoee tlut Cauirre?? l"***" *
reeolouon deelartap, tbat & repubBeau form of GoTern
ment no kmiter cxleta in LooiUana, and that it then pro
aeed Jto order a new election. Aiotber iraportant quee
tion u> ltkely t* arta* atU of tht expwted donalon of
tbe Bupreme Couxt of tbe Btate ln a faw daya aa t* whlch
ef the two rlva) Rctnralftg Boerda le the legal onc. Thla
ineetion kM AtMdy bwn Aeclded by Unlted Btatee
?dg* Dareli ln Jeror of the Kellogg Board, and the
U. 8. MatsMI. by order of the Court. bu undertaken
to preveat tbe mmmWtn* of the Wtrmoth Legialsture,
or tbe perfayaiAno* of offleiai dntiee bv any officc-ra
declared by Ue Heard of wfck* Warmouth tm the hoad,
to be eleeted. lf now tbe Bupretne Court of Ithe State
abould deeJdr tiiat the Warinoth Board U the leiral Ut,
that would involve the roootrnltion of tbe entlre fuaion
Urk. t %* wsular iv eleeted, and toere would be two Gov
fvnmenU iu .Loulatana. t>ne anatuitiod bv the Uulwd
Btutrt Court, and the other by theBupivinc Court of the
ftate. If then there rhould w- a oonfilrt. und tlir I'rePl
dmt abould roiiUuuc to auataiu the KoIIokk party, it
would be Tlrtuali.v aettiriK aalde the decree of the Btato
Court tn a matler of which no one doubU lU Jurut
WifBDKmnr( De*. 1L-1U Wa$hington Evm
im? Btar oouUkns tbe followtoff paraffraph touchiiiK tbo
reeent Uabloet rum >n :
lt i? atated upon tbe ue?t antborlty that there I* no
truth ln the rrport that Attorney-Ueneral Wllliauis wlll
retlre from the Cahinet to eogage ln prtvate buBiii"o?.
Tbe*? report* arf very annoyinx to that offloer. aa they
?abject hlm to lnnuineraMe quentloui), and. bcMdes. do
muoh to dcmoralii* the public ?ervloe, aa eubordiuatee
of tbe Dopartutent of Juitiee throoKhout tlie country
rtTe aome rredenoe to tbrro and act aocordinKlv. Judjre
Williaiua aald, to-day: " There ixa'fra word of truth 11.
tiw ftory." It teema to be the oplnion *n vtll-informed
elrelee tha' th*re wllJ be no rhafure in the Cabiuet.
wlththe esteptlon of Heeretary Boutwell, who *iil, no
doobt, bt/^cud Beuator from Maaaacbuaette, to auc
?AHr. wlnoD, and rttalgn hls pocitiob aa becreUry of
IM TreaourT to aeeapi a aeat in thi Benate. Tbe Maaaa
?MMMa LeirUlaUire neete to-norrow, but no aetlon
laatlin to tka eieottou of Ui. Wllaon'a ancresaor will be
tafcru until aftef the eecot d Wodneaday ln Febroary.
vben tbe rlectora) vpte wlll Be rounted bv tbe Xloaae oi
HepreaontatiTea, and Mr. Wllaon'a reafimatloi) a? Benator
?e tendeted. Beuoe thi rc i* no probablllty of Mr. Ikiuu
well lcaving ;he Treaniiry Di-partnient befure t)>c unddlo
of FVbrnary aC4eaat. Whnn aaked to-day lf lt U true
that m haa wtitten hia rcei^-uation. to ta*o eflrct on the
Uth of Felcaar.r, the Hectetary replled, " It ln not.
Vhat 1 uay du iu Marrb, I don't know myaelt." Al
thouj(b there hare bean roaoy rumora about a chauge ln
the Btate iRfpartracni, it teems to bo the impreatlon
that Mr. Plak wlll conaent to rematn there, aJlhouffh
K ti true that be has expre^aed a diapoaition to retire
fram tbe l>epartniont for aome tiiue, Wbeu a President
to reelected, it U cuotomary for hia Cabtnet Mlnlster* to
verbally or otherniae place thelr re?(rnutl(ni? a,t hls dia
pwaai. Thi* will probably be dpne ln the caae of the
preaeat Uabinet offloera on the 4th of Marrb next, but it
i* not bebered tbat thelr reHtcvatlooa wLU be aiwpted,
rxcept lu tbe caae of fciccretary Boutwcll, Khould ho b?
?lectod %u?ut, and poaalbly in tbat of bocrciary Piah.
It iaproper to aaytbat wrlllnfortned peoplo h.tve
never (fiver. any eredit to the reporti about Attorney
Oeneral Wilhuns'a roslgDaUOB aiuce Benator Oorbttt's
?wsocaaor waa choacn. _
VN a miXGTON, Dec. 31.?At a social gathering
tn thla ;ity laat Batnrday dTeulug, Oen. Garfldd jrave an
iatemtlu? aooosnt of hia obaervaUona in Montana laat
Buminer, while on a apecial mlaalon for the Indlan
Bareau. Ue expreaeed very little faita in the poaeibiUty
I of t-iviuuuK tbe Indian tribeaof that Territoiry. Tbe
Baoat diacourafdnx Uralt ln tbelT oharaoter waa a
laak of aoajuiaitivenaaa. Tber appeared to liave
so deaire t<> acquire property, aud if one camo
ib poaaeoaton of any aurplna of proyialons or
felanketa, every vagabond in hie tribe waa at lib
?rty to oome and help himaelf. The Indiana aeemed to
feel bound to oarry hoapitality to aucb an extont aa to
aiT?- away everytblng they had. An induatrioue fellow,
?wtov had acoamulated a atore of dried meat or flah for Wrn
ter lonaumptlon, would aoon be vialted by a crowd of hia
anproTldent bretbreo, who would live on him aa long aa
b* had anythlnc to eat, and when hia laat morael waa
ctwe, be would join hia guesU, and they would all quar
??r on aotne other member of the tribe. Thua theae ab
aurd ideaa of the dutlea of hoapitality took ?way all ln
ceaUve for tbe aocuniulatlon of pioperty.
Oen. Garneld thought the chief hope fcr the ultimate
eiTiUcalioD of theae wild trit>ee waa to be fouud ln thelr
lore for fcoraes and cattle, wblcb waa tbe ouly kind of
jwoperty they appeartd to aet any ralue upon. They
?mrely ?rave away their live atook. and if they were ever
ta> be led out of barbariam it would be into the conditlon of
?aerdacMn. Uedid not bebere it waa poaalble to eonvert
* aavaice tribe at once into peaceful acrlcnjtnrlate, and
waafTtain that naaiopuut of preaonta of plow8,.patent
areap^ra, aud aeeda would aocompUah thia cud. Kature'a
srooon for ciwlixina: aavage raoea waa to mate of
ikrm Br8t a noniadic paatoral peopie, agriealture
jbOBBinar aa the aecond atep in the path of proirreaa, and
'?aanuiarturea aa tbe laat. The niiatake tn ull oor deal
?xn?B with tbe Indiane waa that we. had attempted to in
4ifat, thatb to make an lminedlate|change from tbe llfe of
Ctfrtfe^rt to tiiat ai farmere. If n.uy remnant of tbe In-,
diana abeuid be oroaerfed froui the proroat of extinction^
aornnlily arolngoti, tbe Qeneral beileveU it would be
throujrh their adoptlon of 'Btook-ratalnjf aa a tneana of
?ubaiaVDce, for whicb a vaat extent of. oonntry amona
tbe Ilorky Monntalna, where the nutntioue "tumb
trraaa " flounabee, waa admirably adapted.
Wamiinotok, Dec. 30, 1872.?A genUemau
wbo realdod aeTeTal yeara on the Bandwlch Ialanda, and
wbo b'-id an offklal poaition whlch enabled him to be?
comevery tboronghly acquainted with thelr africul
tarai reaourcea, commercial adrautafee, aud form of
?overnment, furniahea aome Infonnation on theae aub
Jeeta that ia of eapacial intereat at thla time. Hia vlewa
?n lo acoord with thoae whlch bate preralled in the
fNate Departmeut alnoe the daya of Bewaxd; and it
xouat be remembered tberefore that the followlng facta
aad oplnlona are thoae of a wam advocate of anucxa
Be aayi tbat tbe ConitltntJOB of Hawalia pro.
Tktoa that the aueoeaalon to tbe monarchy ahall be ln the
xaaaale Uae m prefereDoe to tbe male, and that the per
aaa wltb ta* ben tiue to tbe tbrone U now the late
Klafa half taater, Prlnoea* Rutb. The Kin? U author
taed u> nama aa aucoeaeor any member of tbe Royal
faiuily, and lf be fatla to do thla before hia death, aa
waa tbe caae wttb tbe late Klag, tbe FarUa
aaent elecU a ntw monareb, but cannot go
awuiue tbe Boyal faauy in maklng a aeleotion.
Tbe form of GovenuaentU tboroo?bly Repnbllcan in
aptnt, the Monarch belng Utttla more than a fifure head
to reureaenl tbe ExeoaUva pewer. Formerly tbe aigna
tare of tbe Kiut; waa not enongb for tbe approraJ ef
kawa paaaed by tbe Parltameat, bot Uere waa au offlcUl
waoae fnoctlon waa to reviae tht aettoa of both tbo Ktnir
aad Parliament, aud wbo had to aign tbe lawa after tbe
Xtac to (Itc tbem Talidlty. Tbe laat peraoa wbo beld
tbia enrioua poaition waa tbe Klnir'a aiater, Vietoria, At
ber death tbe oAoe waa abouahed. Tbe eyateai of Got
arvment ta very eloaely aaaimllated te tbatof tbe Umted
Matoa, aad tbe NewTork oode ia adopted for etrfl pro
aadait ia tbe eourta. WUta Gen. E. McCook went out ae
?n Mlnlater dnrrac Fr? aident Jobnaon'a Admtnlatratton,
aaeat of the Oerarnment offioea were fUled by Freneh aad
TBjfltal reetdeaw, but darinc MoOook'a etey tbe Ameri
aan lafloenoe beeame predom in acband baaalneeremained
ao About oue-balf of tbe enttre Iore4?ii popaUtion
ate Aaaerleaua, and tbey Bl) anany lmportaat adminta
traUTe aad judlotal poettiona. Tbe natlve iaiaadera,
eaUed Kanakaa, are an IntellUent, qujck wltted peopie,
aad lt ia aald tbat tbey oan airread aad write tbeir owp
laafuace. Tbey are not lnduatrl>ua. howerer, anB,
aflarngw BuaBiBtaag flne phyaiquea, 4?ey appear to be
daAetont ia ritality, ao tbat tbe raoe ia atoadiiy dyiny
??t Tbe popolaUon of the lelaade, whlch 1* anppoaed to
bave aaee exaaadad KXLMU, le now barely tOfiOO, of wbom
aboat te^aJO lirt ln tbe town of Honolnlu. The total aui
faee ef tbe lalaada U aO.OOO aquare mtlea, but mueb of it
le bare, rolcanle rock, and tbe are* auaoepllble of culU
watiea doaa not exoaod >0,00JL oquare milea, and tbi?
weuld aeter ?anpport a deaaawaartealtiiral popalatieo,
baaaaar tbe ebtel etapbie, aaaar aad euCee, oao be pruflt
ably earUTatod only apoo larre plaatattoaa.
Aa a aaraaeato potnt for aarat puraee, aad aa a oom
' 1 eatrepat, tbe tmportaae* ef tbe lalaada eauaot
" Aayaecoad m Ulird rate aaral poway
obuinlng poweeejajjaj of tbem could domlnete tbe com
roerre ol the North Paciflc. They )Ie direetly in the p?ttt
of Dwribr all the trane-Partdc trade. Ae the eomtneree
of the North Puelflc Inc.reaae* wlth the ?"ttlemeut of the
iniwn coeet of America and tbe more oomplete devel
npment of ow relationa wlth Jhmd, Chlna. and tho
Iudiee, a great ntv muat, tt would appear, luevitahly
grow up In tbe Uawailau group. to aervt aa a suppiV
and coallng atation for the merohant ineiiue
of all nutioii* iiavlcatiiix flw Paoldo OceHii,
and ae a naval atation i.f the power whleh fortuaately
gcte poeaeaelon of .he laian.ls. Untll withln a few yeara
Euglanfl and Kranoi have covetod tho ialanda, aod prob
?tilv ii. f.hinp but thelr mtrpaeaing Iraportaaee to tbe
I'uiW Btatea haa ao long preaervcd thelr indepondenre.
1>ji-iuk all Um time tbat Mr. Seward rontrolled our
fomg.i polley tbe atanding luairncttcoa to our MihIcuth
at Hunotuln werv to watcb th<- dotnga of tbe Brltlah and
French Mlniatere aod t<> Infonn thetn that any attempt
on tbe part of elther oi thrlr Gnvernraents to Intertere
witb the tndei>endence of tbe Hawalian kinadnm would
b? regarded i?y tbe I'lited Btatea aa a cmUM for war. Of
late yeara, Great Uritain baa regarded ii ta deflulUilv
wttled that we ara to control thj o nuiu.rce of
the Paciflc in the futuro. Her < lUzena are
Urgely lntcieau-d lu our Pa< itto raiioada, and
her atateemea are tx-'i?!V^d to look with favor u^^ti the
growth of trmle hetweert Uvrrpool and Japan and (,Mna
l>y way ?>f nao Pranoiaoo and Now-York. It la not
tbought tbat abe w ?' 1 objeet t<> tbe Ialanda belug
btought under an Auirrlcan inoteetorate or even to
tbelr lmmedlate anncxation. Pranre la not In a con
(UUon to objeet If abe would. Germ.tny, whicb i? ex
hlliitiug reniarkable vlgor in tbe <1? velopmcut of her
forelgn commerce and in Inrreaatng her naval artnaiurnt
la aatd to fally nnder?tand the value of tbe ialand* and
todoalre to poaeeae Uieni, but the relatlouc of tbe United
tstatea witb thla Power are at prescnt of auoh a f ricndly
nattwa that ahecould acarcely be expccted to atand lu
tbe way of tbelr acgulaft'on by uk, altbough abe
would unqu(<atlonabJy objeet to any rlval
liuiopean nation galnlni; a fooMiold there,
Ai to the vlewH of tbe nativeK i.n ihe quo'lon of anDex
?Uon to tbe Unite^ htittea, It la aaaertcd that two-thinl
ol Ihem have fnvored for tho paat 10 yean any arrange
ini'iit that would brlng llnui in (loaer n lationa wlth ua.
In 1?66 a trenty of coaoinerrial ree.lpi oclty w"ia nerotlated
witb tbe Hawalian OoTernmentbyMinmter'McCook, and
wh wariuly aupported by rienntor tfuiuuei, ?bo maUe
an ablc aiKtch in iu favor in anexecutive aeaaiou of the
Henate. The treaty failed by only two or tbree vote* to
get the two-thiMa of the Beuatn ueeeaaary for it* ratlfi
caiion. If it hud been ratitled. tbere ia little doubtthat
tho Ialanda would tefore tbla havc belougcd to tbe
Unlted Btatea.
A dlapatch from 8an Prantlaeo aaya the Pntlah steamer
Bpnrrvw Hawk haa bcen urdered to Uouolulu, and will
iiitivt- therc -ibout tbe aanie tlue aa tbe U. 8. ateauj^bip
-? ?
Washmuton. Tueaday, Dec. 31,1171.
Contrary to newapaper etatementa, Attorney-(Jeneral
WilUama has cxpreaaed no opution offlclally or pi ivately
that Benator Bpenoer wu legally ree'lected by the \lv
banw CourMiouae I/Ogialatnre for the terni couimenrlng
the 4th of Hareb next. The plan which he propoaed for
tbe adluatuient of the Legialative diifiiencea waa with a
viiv , in part, to avoid that qucatiou.
Untll further directione, the orderi of the Geueral of
the Army vriU bo laaned by him tbrougb the Aaaihtant
AdJuUnt-Qeneral on hla ataff, ard ropiea of all auch
ordcra will be forwarded aa aoou aa laaued to the Ad
JutantrQeneral of the Army. Tbe regular montbly re
tun i, the muater rolla, and all reporta required by army
regidatlons to be ruade dlrect to the Adjutant-Oeueral
of the Army will contlnue to be rnade aa at prarat.
All oorreapondeuce properly calllng tor action or coiii
ment by tho Guneral of the Ariny will be beut through
hlm. The recruiting aervire wnl be condm-ted by the
Adiiitaut-Ueueral. under the directiou of the bacretary
of War. ft
The recelpu from 1 ntcrsal revenne to-day were a335,soi,
maklng tbe total aaaount for Deeember |k,218,3T1, and a
total slnoe the l<eginnlnjr of tbe present flacal year,
namely, the lat of July, of Wi.6iu.tw.
Tbe Iion. Horaoe liaynard of Tennesaee haa had placed
in hia handa, for the purpoae of prcsenting t j the Uouse
of Bepreaentatlvea, a mcmorial, uuuioroualy algned by
the offlcers and soldlers of the late Army of tbe Cumber
land, aeking Concress to appropriate 115,000 toward the
crectlon of an equeatrlan atatue to tbe inemory of the
late Major-General Oeo. II. Tbomaa, tbe hero of the bat
tleaof Chickamaugu, Naahvillc. and Lookont Mountaiu.
fiome of tbe memorialiata aaaert that there u a proipect
of tbelr prayex being granied.
St. Locis, Dec. 31.?DiBpatohcB from Jcffer
aon Ctty aay the membere of the Le/.lalature, which will
meet to-moiTow, are fatt arriving, and tbe queatinn ae
to wbo ahall surcced Frank Blair as I'uited Htat4 Ben?
ator la freely diacuaaed. A caucuf> of all Democrata wbo
deaire to malntaln tbe Democratio party organlsation,
and wbo brllcvc tbat Democrata alone ihould organlze
tbe Legialature. abape lta polltlral policy, and oontrol
tbe election of a I'nited Btatea Benator. haa been oalled
for Wedneeday. Mearly all tbe Uemocrata wbo have
arnv?d nave algnud tbe call, but tbere are aome who
declice to do ao.
Virginia, Dec. 31.?NotwithBtandinft tliat
the election of John P. Jouea, now Mijieniitendtiii of tbe
Crown Point Mine, at Uold Ilill, as bucceasor to Benator
Nye haa been regarded aa af^egoue concluciou, a etrong
effort la ln progreaa to aecure enougb diaaffected lii-jmi,
ltcans to unite witb tbe Democrata to elect Thomae Buu
derland. The Tcrritorial l'.nttrj>ri$e, in a leadcr thia
morring, treats tbe matter aa virtually settled. It ia ln
favor of Jonea, ie confident tbe comblnatiou agalnat hiin
will be unaucceaaful, and xaya: " If to malntain tbtir
rlgbta, aecure a fultlllnjent of th'lr cxpreaaed wi?(ich,
the people have to puraue the defe ited f?e, and atrucgle
witb hiin anew ou the verv tbreab jlda of tbe Legulalive
balla, let the oonfllct be of ao ineu.orable and terrlhle a
character as will dcter all future public enemiea from ln
voklng a almilar contest. Metnber.s of tbe Legialature
abould make common cauae with tbe publtc lu dealiug
out atern retributlon to every oue who darea inault lta
rharacter or conaplre againtt the rlghts and expreaaed
vriahea of the people." Tbe Legialature wiil meet on
Monday. _?^___?_?.^_?
Mayville, N. Y., Dec. 31.?The iojored in
the aocldeat at Proapect are all reeoveriog, exoept Con
dactor Flandera, wbo will dle; maklng tbe total number
of?dead n. The Coroner'a lnveatigation wai concluded
toMlay, asd a verdict reached, after tbe followiug addi
tional teatbnony had been given:
Clande V. Hanaon tcitined; I waa a brakeman ln tbe
employ of the Buflalo, Oorryind Pittatmrgh Kallroad at
the time of the aocldeat; wm on the train that met witb
tbe accldeut; dlecovered nothing wrong untll the cara
were upon tbe treatle; waa ataading on the front platr
form of tbe coaeh; shonld thlnk tbe traiu waa runnlng,
at the time of tbe accldent, at a rate of apeed not ex
ceedlng alx mllea per bour; heard no remarka made by
paaaengerg, or other peraona/as to the apeed of tbe
traln bemg faat; am of tbe oplmon tbat the accldent
waa cauaed by tbe breaklng of the wbeel; had no
know'edge of anytbing wrong. or of any defect lu tbe
wbeel, prevlone to tbe accldent; have been railroading
14 yeara; we were rnnnlng ao alow tbat I letotf the
brako at>out the time we came upou the treatle.
Micbael L. nynn teatlfled: I am foreman of thema
chlne abope at thla plaoe; waa at the aorae of the wreck;
aaw notblng tbat would occaalon the oarn leaving tbe
traek but the breakiug of tbe who*): I put thoae wheela
under the trucka myaelf; conaidered tbem all flrat-claaa
wheela; they have been in uae.abont lsmontbt; they are
badly worn, but not ao mucb aa othera now ln uae; at tbe
polDt wbere I thlnk the wheel left tbe track, Uie ralla
were In good ahape; 'hia la the flrat broken wbeel we
have ever bad on tincka belonging to thU eompany; tbe
broken pieoe whicb I have examined would indicete
that the wbeel hart ntn ln llne and had worn very true;
have examined tbe wheel now at tbe abopa, aod flnd It
worn more than I auDpoaed ; dld not conaider it danver
ou?, bat would prefer to rldc afterH bejtar wbael; ahould
aay from what I bave dlaoovered ia examtnaUon of tkea*
wheela alnoe the aecident that lt ia unnfe to uae wbrela
ln aucb oonditlon: wfieu I examiued the wheela aome
'our weeka alnoe, I eonatdered thoae under the forward
truck in worae abape than thoae under the tank, tbe
wheela were reported to tbe Buperlntendent aa tn ba<l
ooadition. but aot very bad; when tbe eiamlnatton of
the wbeen waa made. the trucka were undex the enfiaa.
H. H. Potter laattied: 1 am luperlutendent of tbe
Buflalo, Corolng and Pituburgh Eallrcad; d^ not remern
ber havlng any oonveraatlon witb auy one ln regard to
tbe tender wheela of No. * englne; thlnk tbei? waa aome
tblng aald about the wheela under tbe forward trnck of
the en?ine: eonaldered tbe teader wheela aafe and in
Sood runnlng oondlUon; am of the oplulon tbat wheela
an more llabie to break ln oold, froaty weather.
Uanlel BoJli van teatitled: 1 waa flreman on tbe englne
drawlng the traln whieb met witb tbe aecident near
Proapect Btatlon; diaoovered notblng wrong untll I aaw
the tanhof the traek about tbe oenter of the treatle;
a?w the eara falling very aoon after I notieed tbe tank
off; waaon the tankjust before tbe aecident, but dlecov?
ered notblng wrong.
The turjr fountf that the deeeaeed came to tbelr death
byreaaen of Injurtea recetved ln an accldent whleh
oceurred on tbe Buffalo, Corry and Pittaburgh Rallroad,
D?ar Proapeet BUtlon, on Tneaday, Dec u, oceaaloned
bv the breaklng of a wheel nnder the teader ef tn* en?
glne. by whleh the baggage car and one paaaenger coach,
containlng tbe paraona lujured, were thrown from tke
track, " and the aatd Jurora do further aay, from all the
faeU iu tbe caae, that they are of the optnlen tbat tbe
breakiug of aald wheel waa an nnforaeen and uttavolda
ble accldent, and that the eondootor, engiaeer, Ire
?aan, and brakeman of aald traln are ln no w iae aecount
eble for each aecident, and ao Maaae caa be attaebed to
them or elther of tbem. Wblle tbe jory oanaot aay from
the evkdemMi tbat tbe dlligeua* aad eare ordlnarily eh
eerved ia taalaattug railraad lateanaj bat aet btaa
nxereiecd, it if earneatly bopcd and bclleved tbat tte
preeent ownera of the road will loee no time in pntting
tbe road and rollmg rtoek ln ancb pcrfect condltlon tbat
lt ahall ment tbe fnll eonfldenre of the travellng publio."
The vdrdiet waa aigned by J. II. Mintoo, Coroner ; 8am
uel H. WaUon, Poreman ; H. D. Barnee, W. I>. Bond, Jr..
Cbarlea B. Underwood,D?aiel H Hewee. Henry (Hfloni,
Norman K. Wlutney, Cbaunoey Keyea, and J. BUdaall.
LuMiMHf, Tueada., Dec. 31, 1871.
Mr. Robert BowleB of the firm of Howlea
lirothera A ( '<?. waa brougbt up agaiu before the Lord
Mayor and bia examlnation waa conclnded.
Mr. Metcalf, counael for the defenae, arriicd tbat tbere
waa no proof that Robert Bowlea waa aware of the inau
ner in whleh tbe aecuritiea of the flrm had been dlaposed
of; that no prxma faeit caae could be made ont agaioat
tbe defendan' and that all tbe tcatlniony abowed waa
that the preatunably gnilty partlea were Charlaa Bowlea,
K'M'V and Bullivaii, who were allowcd to earape.
Tbe Lord Mayor decided tbat tbe ovidence reaulrcd
tberommittal of the priaoncr for tnal on tbe obargea
preferrod againat bim.
Mr. Bowlea waa admitted to ball on flndlng two aure
tiea for ?1,000 eaeb and giviug Lla owu rccognisancea for
A'4,00u. _ '
1'AUia, Treaday, Dee. 31,1871.
M. Rivicre liaB made an offlrial report to the
Prealdeut of the progreae of tbe prellmlnary luveatiga
tion ln the MM of Marshal Bazainr. He Htatcs that 'fiO
witneaaea bad been oxarnlued, of whota Jhk bave been
aummoned to appear in court on tbe trui of the
MarahaL gf
Loni>oh. Tueaday, DtSj 31, 1871
The Right Honorablo Mr. Cardwell, Secre
tary of War, addresaed a publlc meetlng ut Oxford lant
ulght. He apoke atrongly ln favor of tho nrw Ballot law
and the Llccnsiug act, cxpreaaed aatlefactlon wlth the
reault of the arliitratlon at Geneva. rtjolced tr^at the
boundary dlaputc waa aettled, and that there no longer
remalned a cloud Uetween England and Amerlca. He
adverted to Mie plan for the localization of the army. ad
vlaed a cloacr aasoclatlon of tbe army with the miiltla,
and deolared bimaelf in favor of ahort tcrnia of enllal
Wasiiinoton, Dec. 31.?Baron von Schlocer,
the fii-rman Mlnlnter, haa written to the editor of tlu
Washington Anztiger, a German newspaper priuted ln
thlB city, a letter of whleh the followtug ia a tranelation:
Washin(,tos, Dec. W, 1811
Tolfr. OAtxrs Ti!OMA*w, F.diUir, rfc.
Drab Hik: In uiy letter of tbe trtb inat., I expoacd tbe
rrouudleaencaa of the report that two criiniuala havo
been pardoued in Gcra on condittou nf < migrating to
America. The receptu n wlneh yourvaluable nheet gavc
to the letter leada me to make the following further ex
planaiiou. At tbe eaiuu time with the Gcra atory
there waa circulated in the Amerlcan pregs another
repjrt a<v:ordlng to wblch a nt'. by the uame of Dry.
fu?a. guilty ol arson and murder in Meckleubuig, and
un.ler arreat ln Dreybergen, haa also been releaaej
under expreea eondltion of einlgrating. Thla atory waa
pretendod to be taken from tbe Mecklenburg Veaaa, At
nh requeat, by decree of Prlnce Biamarck of tbe Sd inat.,
tbi> moat thorough Investigatlon waa ordered of tbt N>
i-ii -t. and I am to-day able to aay tbat thla newi, ltke
t ii- other, ia a pure Inventlon. Siuce tbe memory ot mau
no erlmlnal by tbe uame ot Dryfusa haa beeu under ar?.
rcat iii Dreybergen, and no nh Ii Journal aa tbe Meckleu
burg ??e* exista. After all tlns.it aatflM to me time
that the paper tbat acla auch talea going lu the American
Prraa ibuuid apeak oiit plalniy aa to their aouree, -nur
theac laat ;report*. like ruany Otbera, appear to have
for their aolo objeet to dlaguat (lerinan* li\mg ln Amer?
lca with tbeir Fathcrland. Wlth difUugulahed eateem,
\ ory reaptctf ully youra, BcuLOkZLk.
To-day will be a holiday in England.
The Po ia agaiu risinp, and freBh inunda
tinna are threatened.
Sir Bartle Frerc arrived at Aden ye*terday
on lui wav to Zatsibar.
John Bellew, the preacher and lectnrer, gaila
for Ameriea, trom Liverpnol, on the utu of Jauuary.
The weatlicr, y< ?terday, in EuKland was
teuioeatueaa. feouie tUm.tge i j ahipping or the coaat ia
r< ported.
The Parig Union annooocei tliat Prinqe Al
phouao, the brother of D<m Carlos, wili auuiuc command
of tbe Carlict bande ln Catalonia.
A railway aecident occurred, on Mond.iy
night, near the village of Milugarle, Bcotland, aeven
milea north or (ilatgow, and 40 peraoua were w vercly
Sefior Zorrilla, the President of the Spanish
Couueii, ln a ? peech, on Monday, repiidlaled tbe idea
that any Intervnnllon from forelgn conntrtea would be
allowcd by the Governmect ln the matter of refonns ln
the Bpanlab colonlea.
The Toronto Leader, yi'Bterday, Mail that a
body of Eugllab capltallata wa? ready to aubacrlbe tbe
neceaaary capital to bulld the Canadian Paciflc Rallway
on the terma of the act of Parliameut of laat aeaaion, lu
caae tho other urrangementa are not carried out.
thet;ampaign againbt the modocs.
Pam Franoisco, Dec. 81.?The military who
were aent out to flgbt tbe Indlana have not yet aucceeded
ln drawlng tbe warriora from their atronghold at Beu
Wrigbt ("ave. Fvery atratagem to dlnlodge tbem haa
thu.i far falled. Howltxera and bombabella whleh have
arrtved from Fort Vancouver will bo uaed agalnat them.
Addttional troopa have been atatloued at Fort Klamatb.
C apt. Jaek'a band baa been lncreaaed, and now numbera
over 100 warriora, wbo are all well armed, and have the
reputatlon of belng goo<l flgbtlng men.
?^ ?
Washington, Dec. 81.?Five colored rough*,
all famiUar charactera to the police and deteetlve force,
?ippeared yeaterday aftemoon at the t.ont entranee
to tbe Jafl, and demanded admittanre to tbe cell of Tom
Wright, the murderer of Rogerakl. Having been ordered
away by the guarda, they replied witb detlant oathi ..id
threata, one of the party drawlng a rasor and aaotbor
a dlrk-knlfe. They were Unally driven from tbe premi
aea. Two of tbem were aubaequently arreated, after a
aevere atrnggle, ln whirh Bergeant Jobnaon'a rlght hand
waa badly lnlured. Tbe other three will doubtleae be
captured. Tbe objeet of tbe rongha waa the releaae of
Indianapolis, Dec 31.?William Cluck, con
vleted of the murder of hia wlfe, and aentenced to be
hanged on Friday next, commlttod anlcide, to-day, ln bla
(ell. He eomplalned of feellng unwell thla n.ornlng, and
remalned in bed, bnt notblng atrange waa notlced untll
about l p. ni., when a pbydcl&n waa called to aee hlm,
and lt waa tben fonnd that be bad taken morpblne,
whicb bad been concealed ia a plece of foolaeap paper,
wlth an outer wrapper of newapaper. A atomacb pump
waa applled lmmedlately, but without effect, and he dled
at l p. m. It la not knowu from what aouree he obtalned
tbe polaoo.
?All the pTiaonera ronfined in the Frankfurt
(I; ) Jall e*MH. ?? ???da; aigtit, bj caOlaf tkreagk la? ntL
?John A. Brown, one of the oldeet bankera and
br*kara ?f PMJaMipait 4M ?4<r4t) fi H U iirii Mt. Brava
i... e3oa.au t u t?? Cmt/toiu HmpIui ?r utu ttty.
?The new Pnblic Library of Chioago waa fonn
.11; ep?Ml to ik? pthilc inumif. ll aaauiai IJkuO rufwan, ud ttta
?f Kv ?t*(v*p?rt aad BMkJMhwaj aa4 will a* linnn< u aataly m
....J. J. Crider, recentlv from Greenfield, Ind . wa#
tntmt (i UkIIiim !.,??,.? kwaj MfM. ?aanW wltk katlif
awlWM aaa la Pkilaitlpau ut W ?J0,(*c wortk ri ftodt vati* S
?w?*Ml I* flrMafttla.
... Tbe aiitiiial report of the commerce of Ifilwaa
*?? ibew. r*t*p\* lut jnr at followi Flev. tl? 177 burtU. vkul,
41t,IH kvaatai UtUj, 1,447m bwAab. ^
? A colored wotnan, named Bowaon, in afit of
n\* ?' ><>M*ltf, ?ml Um lAnwl 11 b*r cbIM H MlibialMtfl, Okm. aa
t.Hl.T rrraiu ul Ua r?i l,r ?*b UimL B.1L wiil ynUklj 4m.
Tk? c/??iij afW aaaaaad u ?n u> b.?. uu u* ???? af bm ????
?The defkieocw in tbe acooanta of Hamuel E.
Raakia. ikcTnananaf taaBMra *t TrwMai ?/ ikt !??? AarMaMan!
(Mtaga, wtlla? taarlt ?nMomi u. u* imhH h> u. \u+t4 *?me
??rtt .? mm?|. lutm m ?1m MbM Thmni .? Uwa, M fetl
aaaaaa*MBiaaata aataaatWNBtWaaaatbaaaJak
At no time siooo the mww-fall began have
tbe atreeta preaented a woree appeaxauce than yeater
day, allbough locomotion waa attended with leaadiffl
enlty than on tbe day of the great atonn. Broadway
and a few of tbe maiu thorougbfarea preaent a fair ap
pearanoe, but in the majorlty of the narrow atreeta, ea
peelally tboae in the lower part of tbe clty, the anow baa
driftod badly. and buainoa^ la very aerlouiily ltnpeded.
All the fcara und atagca are atlll drawn by double
teaun. and the aame rule bolda good with tbe expreaa
companloa aud many flrma. Kven aa lt la, hardly more
than h.ilf tbe uaual quautlty of fretght la dcllvered at
vanoua depota and ateamboat piere. Chanibrra-et., from
Chatbam-at. to Broadwav, la almoat inipaaeaole. Tbero
are larg* drlfla in froat of tbe Court-houae and Btewart'a
wholeaale atore, aud tbere waa hardly au bour yeetnrday
tbat one oca*Jp> teaanx were not ntuck lu tbe ilnfta.
Broadway, tfSm the Batterv to Fourtoeutb-at., la com
iwra'lvel* rlear, thankn t>> thi cfjorta of Huperlutendeut
VhujCa BTlbeStrcetOleaning Baraau. In tbe Bowery
audthe^to',11 avrnuea tbe anow la piled up iu great
uMuaMaJn ottlier ablu pf the tracke, but tbe latter are
kept e< xpacatively clear by theeffbrtaof the earcom
'pamea. The trncka of the enwe-town Ilnee?aotably
tboae of the Graud and DeahroeaeB-st., Houakpn and
Avenue C, Grand an?l Forty-eccond-at., and Twenty
third-at, Companiea? ave kept freo of anow with great
dlfflculty, and on cithot atfja it ia piled up to a great
biariit. To Uioan wbo propoae to make calla ln carrlagee
or tdrlgha lO-day, tblmtate of thinga will prove a great
Tlic Htreet Cleaning Bureau havejdone m immenae
amount of work dntiag the paat four daya. ^auadway,
from the Battcry to Thirty-fourth-et., baa beeu gone
over < nce, and all the anow except a layer of about aix
Inrhea in the middle of the atrect haa t>eeu removed.
Tbat thla waa uot taken away waa beeauae that portion
of tbe anow waa ao mixed wltb aand and dlrt aa to ren
der lr probable that lt would Intcrftrc with navigatlon
ii.v partlally fllling up the alipe wbcre it might be
dumped. Yeaterday woik waa begun agaln ou Broad?
way, and it wlll be agaln cleared from tbe Hattery to
('anal st. by thla niormng. The anow thua rcinoved will
not be thrown into tbe rivera.
Tbrre have been many who advocatcd the u*e of salt
to clear thia tuoroughfare by njeltiug the auow. It waa
romputed that 2.000 bnahela of xalt, eoatlng 1800, would
have ao cleanrd lt tbat the realduc could have becn
taken away with comparativc eaae, and at a greatly re
duced expenae. Tbe corporation on1iuan.es. however,
forbid tbe aiiriukling of aalt on the etrrcta, and Snperln
tendent Thorne would not allow it to be uaed. The cart
tnen employed by tbe Stree t Cleaning Bureau flud great
difliciilty in raaking thelr dally collectiona of aahea aad
garhage, by reaaon of the condition of tbo streeta. Mauy
of tbofw? in the Fourth, Slith, Tenth, Fourteenth, and
other Warda, were rrudered impaaaable by the drifte.
and, aa a conaequcnce, no collectiona can be made. If
there ahould be a heavy and continuous raiu, or a eud
den thaw, the effect would be very diaaatroua. Large
nuinbera of cellara would be flooded, caualng great
.l.uoage tn pru| erty, and for a tJine addlng mat.-rially :o
tbe difHcultiea ul travel.
aMSflCQaflBfl oi tra5?portatioh.
Down town, in tbe busineaa quartera wbere many of
the atreets are quite narrow, the inconveulencels greatly
felt. In eleartng theeidewalka hugo baukaof anow had
been i'il'-d up along the curb-atonea, and ln many caaea
covred the entlre roadway. To thia haa been added, lu
nunieroua t-istaucea, quantitlea ahoveled from the roofa.
Tbrougb all thla maaa locomotion waa, at the beat, difn
cu!t, and under the Influcuco of the rain and intld tem
p< raturr of yeaterday it Iwcame atlll more ao. iloraea
aud vehicien n;?nk into tbe anow aa thoogh It were ao
much qolckaand, aud it waa oftentimat with much
difii'-ult} tb.it tiiitdway wua made at all. 80 yieldlug,
indied, waa the anow that heavy wagona eut tbrough
lu many placea to tbe pavement or aettled to thelr
axlea, wlule the boraea, weary aud warm, atruggled
kne< ilecp in the banka. fllelgha, of whlch there were
comparaiivrly few, ran better, but none too well. 8|>e?<d
waa out ot tbe queatiun.and drivora, generally, wcn
<m t'-iit to let their horitea walk, except here aud there
an iiiij'atleut Jebu who would urge nla Jadcd unlmalri
Into a dull trot, from wbtch they quu-kly lap^-d, buw
t-vei, u-oa nnail-like pa?-.e. Litcht loada l*>eame the
(,,i.i,1 i e day, ?b*Tctlte teaaw were a.ngle, and aa
little inercliatidtae aa poaaible waa baudled.
or tbe priurlpal thoittuebfaren. Fult.ni aud 8ontb-ata.,
batubaab ?neafcad avawied?aaeflaad toptaaeattbe
uioet obataclea to travcl. On Fulnin-ct. the miow \%\ to
a couKlderable depth, and waa very aoft aud yieldlug,
reudcnug the aaceut exceediugly laborloua. Nunieroua
iama oecuried here froiu teaioa atuek t.\-t. (>n? poor
ior*e, before a wagon pretty well loadcd wltb window
a-laaa, waa notlced valnly atrugKliug to puli thruiiKh,
wbile vanoua veuiclea on eitber alde were delayed for
aome tlme. >. utl.-nt. waa peculiarly bad. In many
placea tbe anow bapka had beeu ahovHed Into the ro.nl
way, increaaiur. the depth and fonnlnr frequent ridirea.
1 nrouvli theae progreaa w.ia exeeedlngly atfhcult, and
huraea were brought couatantly to a atandatlll, eveu
with moderate loada. One two-horae truck, with only
1,300 weigbt of lron ou, waa obaervid atuck iu a
aoft apot, from wblcb the boraea were uual.le to
iiiove lt. Four horxea, too, ofteu found much difflculty,
aud ln one caae alx were brouuht mto n-quialtmn to
riraw a load ot auitar out of a Uolc. Whtpa were fr.'cly
uaed, aiul rbe Itroagaat expletivea were freely ludulged
iu. Tl.e bcte* ?, however, were ao compleiely ragtcud oat
that tbey ? jald frequently atand their beatlu^ uufliucb
luKly. and reruaed to loaki- furthcr i-fforta to pull. Mauy
of tbo oabea atreeta were, bowever, couaiderably tiloeked
with anow-banka, and travel through them waa almo.st
auapended. Thla waa eapeclally the caae with tbe nar
rower om-a in tbe lower part ot the clty, aueb aa Bridge,
Krout, Waiei, Fearl, Greeuwicu, Waahluctou, dec where
bauka aonietluica compl.tely tlln.l tbe roadway. Ou
Weat-at. loaa trouble tnau elaewhere waa obaerved, aa
tbe teaina were able, malnly, to travel iu the oartracks
of tbe Belt Railroad, wblcb wert. kept well opeu Uunug
tbe day.
rodeatrlaua fared very little oetter thau horaea. The
raiu, aa lt tlrat ft II, qulckly congealed aud foruted a thui
but very alippery coatiug of ice upon the aidewalka,
reuderiug walking qaite dilHcult aud daup-roua. Later,
aa tbe teuiperature cbauged, tbe anow aud ice mcU.-d
and formed a very diaagreeable aluab. The croaainxa
were ln atlll worae condition, being eovered ln uioat
placea ankie-deep aud more wltb tbe aoft, allppery aub
alauce, tbougb eilorta were made 10 aome caaea to keep
them elear. AnotUer great aource of dlacomtort waa the
conatant trickling of water from the roofa nLtho bulld
niga and tbo awnlnga, eapecially from the lattei, mauy
of which proj.'ct about njidway aoroaa tbe walka and
ahed their dnpuluga djrectly upon the heada or down
tbe baeka of luckleaa paaaera-by. Ielclea dropplnt; from
the eavca of houaea, auu anow thrown from tbe roofa,
alao added to tbe anuoyaie ?- and aometlmea to tbe duu
ger of pedi'Strlana.
Fool? of water formed ln cumerona placea where the
anow had been bauked up againat thi walka aud pre
vented acceea to tbe gutterx. On tbe >f hole, wltb tbo
daiup, diamal atmoaphere and tbe wretched wa'Kiug,
the day waa far from being enjoyable for promer.ading,
and few beyond thoae drawn out by noceaaity ? v,?re 10
be found lu the atreeta.
Tne ferry boau, tbough runnlng pretty rogularir,
were much hln.lered by tbe quantltiea of floatloc ic<- 111
tbe rivera, whlch iinpeded them greatly at timea and
caueed frcquent delaya.
A cfRioi-H inaDBirr.
An amualng incldcut in oonnectioi. with tbe weatber
(.<?< urrtd laat eveolng at the reataurant of Smttb A
(ireen, iu Beekman-at., near Naaaau. About 6 o'oloek,
whtle a number of peraona were quletly diulug, a aound
of aomethiug heavy falliuc, with a audden craah of
diabea, <a?a brard ln tbe kltchen, followed inimediately
by tbe roah ot ateam Into tbe dlning-room. A geueral
atatupede for the door qulckly euaued, waitera and
gueate dropptng everythlng iu thelr alarm, the ldea prr
vaillng tbat the boiler bad exploded or the roof failen
iu. ln a few niomenta, however, tbe frlght aubaided,
and an Inreatlgatiou dlacloaed tbe fact that a large pleee
of ioe, weighlng about 40 pounda, had failen from the
roof through tbe aky-ligbt of tbe kitehen, atriklog a
number of diabea of meata, Ae., whieb atood upon the
abelvoa andateam-table, and breaking one of tbe pipea,
from wbb-b tbe. ateam oame. Thla accident, beaide
creating a llvely aenaation, deatroyed all the meata
whlch had been prepared for tbe evenlug meal.
obllged many to go e.aewbere to dtne.
Tbe followlng la a record of anowa of a depth greeter
than alx lucbea, for tbe paat 11 yean, taken from the
tablea of P>of. Morrla, meteorologlcai obaerver of tbe
clty for the Bmlthaonian Inatltuuou. Tne deptbe are
given In inchea:
i?t?,rw< ia.a
itu.ih* a..8
II S, Ffb. I ,.t
lar, Jia. Maa4 U.U
len.rtt. mm4 ii.n
iw.7. Mmh iiian.ia
iarr.DN.Uu4 '?.11
latA. Martk II.lt
laat,Dn.?aad I.t
irM Iom
lrn. Jaa. aa..t
lais, Ba M a?a n.ia
From the abeve it wlll be aeen that durlug tbe period
1M4- ii there have been only M eaaea ln whlch auow frll
ln thia eltf to the depth of aix Inrhea or more. Daring
tbe yeara l*?7, laat. laai, and lwro tbere waa ne atorm on
wbleh aoow fcii totbe depth of aix Inchea. The year
lftft, lt wlll be aeen? la the one moat remarkable for
heavy fallaof anow, no leaa tkati Ive oecurrlng durlng
that year. Tbe facta are at leaat cuxloua, and a dlacua
tt?B ef tbe aabjeet would not b? proflileaa.
UM. Dw.ai.u
ikm, j*a. aa.1
1PM r>b.f.14
HX, J.a.3 aad 1.U
mi, Noaa,
um, F*t. li'oi aa.?
UM.Ju. laU 4.lt
UM, Krl ?.14
lata, rt- ia.1
iea?, Fth. t?.j?
1*61 ????*?
laat, Ja? <.i
lar j, Hm,
1BM. Jaa.1 aa4l. a
Albaxt, Dec. 31,-Aaauitant Atljutant-Gen
aral Rathbooe haa made tbe foMowmg appotatmeBU l
i~tw.?t aAaaaaag nanaral Jahn B Btnittahnnaa- Chiat
Clerk, Alfred H. Taylor; Clcrka. David M. Pntnam, Jo
aeph A. Btratton, and Jobn B. fturtevent; Meaaenger,
John Cooke; War Olalm Acoounta, AbhIsUoC Inapeetor,
(Jeueral Oltlee, I^eut.-OoL F. M. Butler ; Clerk, Wtlliaoi
H. Ferrtll. r
Cincinnati, Dec. 81.?Early tbiB morning the
ioe broke the ateamera Moontain Boy. Meeaeucer, and
Grny Eagle looae from the foot of Walnut-st., and car
iled them down on the inall linc wharf-boat at tbe foot
of Vioe-at., ainking the Monntain Boy and damagiug the
other two boau*. The Mountatn Boy ia anak to her
boiier i*.eck, and la held up by tbe tee; aae la now being
wrecked. Bbe la owned by tbe CtnelmiaW ataju Chlltl
cothe Packet Company, and valued at W.000; lnaored
bere agalnat Are only. Tbe Meeeenger la crowded be
twnen Mountatn Boy and Grav E?gle, and haa bothaidea
and her afterguarda broken lo, and her cylinder oraekea.,
Bbe i-i in a bad condltion, and it la donhtf ul lf ehe can bo
aaved. Fonr hundred and flfty tuna of eiirgo are on
board the Meaacnger. Tha Gray Eagle baa her guarda
amaehcd, and la crowdod on the wherf-bont, Tbe Led
nora, owned by the Loulaville Mall Llne Conra.*r<y> waa
landed a mlle or two t>elow tbe olty, aud la #aat ln tbe
tce. No ooal of auy amonnt waa loat here, thoogh aev
eral empty bargea were oarrled away. Tbe lee atopped
moving before 7 o'olock, and haa not gorged aln. e. Aa
it |a attll raluing, lt la feared the loe will more agaln at
any moment, wheu greater dauiage is expeoted. Ail the
boata hove ateam up.
10 p. m.?The damage by ice on the rtver to-day ia
rotighly eatlmated at from $160,000 to fj00,000. Tbe flow
of loe alaokened at about 6 p. m., but about an bonr
afterward lt commenoed runnlng agaln. At 9 p. m. a
rapld rtae in tbe river retarded the inovement of the ioe.
The gorge reported below la probably at the muuth of
the Great MiamL The chlef loas la in eoal bargea torn
looae at tbe Lower Laudiug, and earried down the nver
and probably annk.
The Flfth-st. ferry-boat iiaa been torn looje alnce dark
and taken down the river.
Tbe atern-wheel ateamer Katle Ptitnam waa atrack by
lce and aank. The ateamer la valued at H5,000; insured
for W.ooo.
The llttle ateamer Danlcl Boone waa crowded wlth ioe
and ber cabln unashed ln. Damage $1,000.
Tbe atern-wheel ateamer Meaeenger had one of her
englnee badly dauiaged by being crowded by ooata lying
The Kitty ncgler haa been driven aabore, bnt the rise
of tbe river is floating her agaln.
The barge Nightlngale, value 11,000, baa suak.
Abont 100 bargea, averaging in value 11,800 each, have
been torn looae and carrted away. A few of theee
bargea may probably be reeovered. They were nearly
all empty. The Mountatn Boy la now entlrely under
water. It Is expected that the Ltcklng River will open
to-nlght, which will probably awell the Ohlo four or flve
feet, and may deatroy every boat at the landlng. At 10
p. m. tbe lce had nearly atopped flowing here, which in
dlcatea a gorge below. Beveral boata are ancbored in
tbe uuddle of the river wlth full ateam on._
11:30 p. m.?At 10:30 p. lo. the ice in the river gorged,
aud atopped runniog. A few mloutea paat 11 o'clock it
commenoed to inovc alowly agaio.
Tbe Flfth-st. ferry-boat waa thrown on the Kentueky
ahore oppoaite the lower part of the olty.
About 60 bargea have been oruahed to piecea and aeat
tered along the ahore on uoth sldea of the river below
tbe clty.
Mempuib, Dec. 31.?All the ahore ice below
Wolf River diaappeared laat nlght. A large quantity of
ice la runnlug in the river, and lt la bebevod that the
gorge at Randolph hus broken. bnt tho lee baa aoftened
ao mueli that no further danger la apprehended. The
boata at the levee are loading and preparlng to leave.
Montueal, Dec. 31.?A flre this morning in
St. Peterat. deatroyed tho faacy-gooda eatabUahment
and bi'ooni fectory belnn/ing to Nelaon Wood A Co., the
boot and aboe factory of Ames A Willard, aud an adjoln
lng warehouae. The flremen worked well, aavlng the
aurronndlng buildlnga wlth high mansard roofa. Tbe
thermometer marked 16? below zero, and the water froze
wherever it fell. The loaa ia eatlmated at $500,000.
Galesburg, 111., Dec. 31.?A diaastrouB flre
oocorrcd bere early thla morning, originating in the
Htore of li K. Barlnger, in Metropolltan Block. Owing
to tbe scarclty of water and inefflciency of the Flre De
partment, the flamea aprcad wlth great rapidlty,
destroylng eigbt of the flneat atorea ln tbe elty and an
unocenplcd botel.iaiown as tho Galesburg Houae. The
Opera Houao waa ln great danger, but the prompt
notion of eitizena in demollthlng aome amall buildiu.ra.
and a heavy snow atorm prevalllng at the time, aaved
the Opora Houae and other proi>erty.
The princlpal sufferera are W. W. Washburne, Jeweler;
Mr. Ferrls, groccr; R. R, Baringer, faney goods ; Groas
A Stlger, books; I. B. Miller, mualcal inatrumonU;
Pbower Broa., boot* and aliooa; J. C. Dunlap, harneaa;
Hatnlln ACo., butchera; Mr. McMlllan, photographer;
O. F. Prlce, F. F. Cooker, Mr. Murphy. lawyera; Dr.
Scott, Mrs. Mandeville, dreaamaker; Mis* Fergus, mll
llner, and the Odd Fellows' Hall. The occupants of
atores on the llrst floor, except Barlnger, aaved moat of
their stoeka, but in a damaged condltion. The total losa
will reach IIOO.OOO, wlth the following Inaurancce, aa far
aa leamed:
Frnuklln, Phlladelphla; Royal, Llverpool; Hoi ,e,
Columbua; Firemen'a, Ban Franciaco, and Mtntk, Hart
ford, 11.000 eaeb; Hartford of Harttoed, W,000; Under
wrlters', New-York, $6,0C0; Natioual, Hartford, $E4'/0;
IiOndon, Llverpool and Globe, 14,500; Hotne, New-York,
$7,000; Btate, HanniOel, Mo.W,000; American Central,
.st. Louia, W.'i4o; Lyeomiug. Penusylvania, t4.000;
Phcrnlx, Hartford, 14,500; Plicenix. Brunklyn, $3,?00; Con
tlnentai. New-York. $1,000; North American, Phllad>>l
pbla, $1,000; Tnumpb, Ciuclunati. $3,400; North B<itlab.
Alexandria, Va., Dec. 81.?A flre, early this*
morning, deatroyed a block of flve brlck warehouaea, ln
Uuion-at., oocupied for atorage and countlng rooma.
The looa is about 1100,000, upon wblch there la an lnsur
ance of W6,ooo ln home and foreign otllcee. Reverdy aod
Ilenry Daingerfleld and W. G. Cazenove were tbe ownera
of the bulldlugs. W. A. Muore loaea tl.SOOon grain; no
.-.uraiire. Oeorge K. Sblnn, dealer lu guano, waa ln?
aored. W. H. May, dealer ln fertilizera, loat $18,000;
covered by, lnauranee. R. W. Laweon, dealer In fer?
tilizera, waa taaured. Wattler, Knox A Co. loae $30,000;
lusured; they alao loat two valuable horaea by tbe flre.
Cincinnati, Dec. 31.?St. James's Episcopal
Church, a magnlflcent atructure ln Spring-at, waa burued
at 130 thla morning. Tbe loaa la 140,000.
PniLADELPHiA, Dec. 31.?At Chester, Penn.,
thla morning, a tenement bouae occnpled by colored
people waa burned, and two children named Holland
perlahed lu Che flamea.
Tbe Paciflc Mail Steanuhip Company re
celved a telegram ycaterday annooaciog that their
ateamer CoaU Rtea broke tbe axle of ber propeller oa
Dee. 10, whlle la tbe Ouif of a Uforma Sbe waa, whaa
laat aeou. in a dlaabled condltion, at mil'ea from land.
Bbe waa a frelght ateamer, eniployed in the ooaatlag
trade between tbe Mextean aad Lower Cailfornia parta.
It la not knownjwbether aae auooeeded in maklng a port.
The < 'oat* Rloa, Cajpt- Farber, waa built for tbe Paclae
Mail Bteauiahlp Company at Greenpoint ln Ootober.
1N63, and wu of 1,917 tuna burden. Bhe waa a aide?wheel
woodaa retaei, drawlng lt feet of water, and waa ratad
ln New-York, ln Janoary, 1M7, at 1|.
Pltmoctb, Eng., Dec d .?Tlu- North Ger
man Lioyd'a ateaaaahlp 'Veaer a -rlved off thla port thla
morning wlth tbe ateamer St. Edlth ln tow. Bhe met tbe
IL Edith dlaabled and in need of aaaiataaee, immedl
?tely look her in tow, and atarted for thla port. Whlle
r.imlng up the BoajDd the hawaer parted. and two aallora,
one oa tach ?Mp, warc badlr mjuied. A new llne waa
got oat, aad the IT, Kdtth waa bronght to a aafe anchor
a<e, afte: which the Weaer proeeeded to Boutbampton
ou her way to Hreawa.
Rochkstbr, Dec. 81.?Yeaterday aftarnoon
14 of the womeo held1 for Hlegai votlng at the late elec?
tion la thla elty gave ball to appear la tbe Albaay Court.
Miaa Baaao B. Anthoay refoaad to faralah ball, aad waa
remanded to tbe eoatedy of Deputy Uaittd Btatea Mar
Tbe largest aadienre yet attracted by Prof.
Tyndall'-eourae gtaeted hlr.i at hia aixth aud cloetng
I'-.ture. In thla Igrtauoe, it will be noticed, tbe experl
meota preccded tbe irajrr did.ic.tie portions of tbe lecture.
Ordlnarily thla wpajd baye been a more dengerou* ex
pertment than any tbe Peofeaaor la ln tbe hablt of at
tcmptlng ln piiblle. Hto emlience dtt not, however,
tbin ont pcrceptlbly aa lt becwm* oatflaut that there
were to be no more of the briMiauV e*hlblrk>ii-< <j;i the
acreea, bnt Uateued wltb cloae and pleaaed atteution
We have employed aa our aonree of light in theae
lerturea the enda of two mda of eoke rendered inoan
deseent by electricUy. Coke ia partlcuUrly. Multable
for tMa purpoae boeanae It can bear lnt<-r; <? heat
witbout fualon or vapOrtxatlon. It la alao blaik. wbleh
belpa tbe Hgl. ?; for other rlrcamatance* beliic ? <i i.ii, aa
ahown by Balfour Ht-wan, tbe blacker the bocly tbe
brighter will be ita li^bt when incandeacent. Bttll refrac
tory aa carbon la, If we cloaely examined our voltxic are, or
atreara of light between ftie carbon polnta, we ahottld find
there Incandeacent earben vapor. We mlght alno detacb
the light af thla vapor from the more daaallng light of
the aolld pointa and obtaln itaapectratn. Thia vould be
not only leae brllllant bnt of a character totaliy itlfferent
from the apeetra that we have already aeen. Inatead of
being an nnhroken anccesaion of colora from red to
vlolct. the carbon vapor would yield a few landaof
color with apaeee of darknea* betweeu.
Wbat ia trne of thefearbon ia tne tn a atlll more atrik
ing degree of tbe tnetala. tbe moet rcfractorv of wblcb
can be fuaed. boilod. and reduced to vapor by tbe elec
tric enrrent From tbe Incandeacent vapor the li>,'ht, aafa
geoeral rule, flaabea lu groupa of raya ot dcflnlte dcgreea
of refrangibility, lepacee < xiatiog betweeu vioup and
group whloh are unfllled by raya of any kind;
but the 'cmtemplatlon of tbe facta wlll render tbia aub
Ject more lntelllgible than worda can make it. Wlthin
the oamera la now placed a cyllnder of carbon hollowed
out at tbe top to reoeire a blt of metal; in the hollow
J pnt a fragment of the metal thallium, and now yoa
aee tbe are of lncandeaeent tballlnm vapoi- upon the
acreen. Ittsof a beautlful groen color. Wbat ia tbe
meanlng of that green f We anawer the queation by anb
Jecting the light to priamatic analyala; here yon have Ita
apectrum, aud lt conalata, aa yon aee, of a alngle refraeted
band. Light of one degrm> of refrangibility, and that
correaponding to green ia emitted by the thallium vapor.
pThe above drawing glvea tbe image aa It appeared
upon the acreen, and ia reverecd. Thua, althoogb the
metal wbicb waa brougbt to a vapor, lald in a hollow ia
tfie lower pieco of carbon. lt appeared on the acreen aa
adhering to the upper; and a river of groen flaine aeemed
to pour from it upou the brlght point below]
We will now remove the thallium and put a blt ot
allver in ita place. Firat obaerve the aac nf allver; lt la
uut to be dutiuguiabed from that of thallium ; lt ia not
only green, like tbe allver vapor, but rhe aauie abade of
green. Are they then allko f Priamatio anatyala eua'ilee
us to answer the queation. It la perfectly impoaaible to
coufouud tho apectrum of incandeacent allver vapor
with that of thallium. Here are twogreeu banda In
atead of one. Addingto the allver lu our oatneja a blt
of thallium wo obtaio the light of both metal*. aud you
aee tbat tbe green of tbe thallium Haa mtrtw.iy befWMB
tbo two greena of the ailver. Heuce thia Min;lanty of
color. But youobserve anotber lntereating faet. Tlie
thallium band ia far brlgbter tban the allver banda; In
deed, the latter have wouderfully degenerated aiuoe tbe
blt of thallium haa been put in. They are not at all ao
brlght aa (they were at firat, and for a reaaou worth
knowing It la the reaiatance offeredto the p.<a>.tge of
the electric current from carbon to carbon that calla
forth the nower ot the current to produce heat. If the
reaiatance were materially leaaened the heat would t>e
materlally leaaened, and (If all reaiatance were abollahed.
thero woulti be no beat at all. Now thallium la a uiuch
more fuelble and vapontable a metal than tbe allver;
and ita vapor facilitatea the paaaage of the curnnt to
eucha degree aa to render it almoat lncompotont to
vaporize allver. But the thallium ia gradually con
eumed; ita vapor becomea leaa and leaa ; the reaia?
tance rieea, until flnally you aee the two ailver banda aa
brllllant aa they were |at flrat. The three banda of tbe.
two metal a are now of the aarae aenaible brightoeaa.
We have in theae banda a perfectly unaltorable charao
terldtlo of theae two metala. You never get otber banda
tban tbeae two green onea from the allver, never otber
than the alngle green band from the thallium, never other
than the three green banda tbat you have Juat aeeu from
tbe mixture or both metala. Every known metal haa ita
banda, and in no known cate are the banda of two dif
ferent metala ailke. Henoe theae apeetra may be made
a teat aa to the preaence or abeence of any particniar
metal. If wo paat from the metala to thelr alloya wa
flnd ue confuaion. Copper givea ua greeu banda, tlno
givea ua blue and red banda; braae, an alloy of copper
and xinc, givea us the banda of both metala, perfectly
unaltered in poaition or cbaraeter. But we are not con
flned to the metala; theaaluof theae metala, yleld tbe
bauda of the metala. Chemlcal uni ,n u ruptured
by a aufnciently bigh heat, the vapor of the metal
la aet free and ytclda Ita characterletic banda.
[Thla part of tbe lecture migbt be aald to be. euutluu
oualy llluatrated. The vanoua lmagea wcrv dlapUyed
upon the acreen wltb great bucccm. Except that thara
waa aome impurity in tbe carbou uaed,
which gave ln many of tbe experlineote
faint addltionai bauds of color, there waa
nothing, undertaken tb..t waa not aoeonipllehed
eutirely to tbe aattafactio? uf the leetarer. Aa for tbe
audlence, they would willlngiy have iaterrupu-d to ap
plaud, but one experiuent trod ao rapldly ou tbe beela of
another tbat tbey found do opportunity, exeept la brtef
outburata of atamping and clapping to exprew their
liiaoovRBT or tbue iraw mbtaia.
The ehloridea of tbe metala are particulaily auitablo
for experlntenta of ihiescbaracter. Coaomon aaat, for ex
ample, la a ooupouad ot obiortne and a<>duiui, lu tbe
electric lamp lt yielda tbe apeccrum of tbe metal aodlam.
The obloridea of litbium aad of a'.rootium y ield la like
manner tbe baada of theae metala. When, tberefore,
Bunaeo and Kircbboff, after havlng eatabUabed by aa ez
hauauve examlnation tbe apeetra of all known aaa
Btaooea, dlaeovered a apeerrum whoee baada did not ear
reapondtto any known banda tbey Unaadlately inferred
tba exiatenon of a new metal. Tney were oparaaiaw a* .
tbe Ume upon a reeldae obtataed by evaporattag om of
tbe nalneral watcra of Qerioany. In tbat water they
kuew the new metal waa coucealed* but vaat quanflttse
of it had to be evaporated befoan a realdoe eoald be ab?
talnad aufflcieot to enable ordiaary obemlatry tv grappie
with tbe metaL But tbey bunted lt down. aad It now
tunda among cbemical aubatancaa aa tbe aaatal rabl
dlnm. Tbey aubeequently dlaooTerad aaaaoad anetal,
whlch they called ccaium. Thua, bavlog flrat plaead
apectrum analyala on a aafe foondatioa, tbay demoa
atrated ita eapackty aa au agent of dlaoovery. |Hocu after
ward Mr. Crookea, puraulng tnu aame niatbod. added to
tbe iiat of metala tbe Utalllum whlch ykaluad tbat brigbl
uonoenromatio green band.
Arrucanoai or bTBCtrfm ARALran.
Thla ralalea to ebeaeteal diaoovery upon earth, wbert)
tbe matertaie aa* la ?ir owa banda. But K>rebbofl
ebfwafl bewaaajagaji aaainU IIM N fMBwflttlBt

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