OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 13, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-01-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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TRl'TII NOT __l__f TOI.D?MK. ? = AKFTI 1 !' |
\Vamii**':ti'n. Jaa. ij.?Th** tiH.Ht iBBpartaal wit
pc** y?-t tt> b8 exainint'tl bf thi I'ticinal ClBtBi Mn
biliei C8-BBl-ttllBlT-TfTlBf 1 >tn.-t)t . f N t-w-York.
8*0* WBB Vu-.--Prt_id.-nt of Um I'mou l'ii. iiii i'iul
,! Pri-uliiit of tbaCl-dit Mebiliei Ctmpany
wluii tln- (.rakfi* 4"**M*8lilMlllHil for hiiild.!*.; tbi Nad
w?.s made. and alK.r.t the time wbea tbi BobflBM fur
BPt-iinni; fiieyds la Oobf-MI -9 M-HBi tiaat M
oiu-tLud ?.f it.-* -..due was roiii-rivid aml* .irri.-d .ut.
Mi. Aiuit-i'iin;:nl thf 880abllTB to distri.mt**
-iiii.iig b<8 liioiuL-. Mt. IHiraiit l"Ok t'.Wtnoro w fuliill
Iiiai-hki*-*mont-, the natureol whi.ii b-i-onu-now
oi nii.iuiy. There ii* -*i>me
?1, [ tln l.ili.f _bal a -b-08 Hiiuilxi oJ thts*'
M.d" in abonl the S.1111P way
- i>iiim'|| uf ? aortka *>f
i il-.it if Mr. Ihyaiit ItUfl tbi wlmli
truth aataaiabiaa. it rt leaaai ata w.ll bi L.atir nnd a
nnniiiii ? t pcraoai la-pbeated wht bare beeetofoa
? rr?'iit rumort xiilaiiirtll ?
n.i iiiwi..ihMi Dataatandb-iiboak totbiawaj.
Wbilc Ml \-. l nfnr th*' BepaMkana ba
..-.. l?nnint took eare nf the l)tu;<.niti<
,i ii tbe A.'.iiiiiistr.it.o'i-tl'.cn Democtatio?
tII<lii.. ' I UM! wmild bl ti*' iinlriindlv
;iy fiom iri.vin.inint
. ,...a ,.f . The baipM-ioB _atM
tbal tbe '?? ... unittee haa
. aii't bai learoed ntxj*
iml.-.. tbe I llobiliei ooor
. tell tiii-nt. Iba?8088 eraai
, ,t lill' WllU' -.??
..f iho Committco was
l4f 1 ? t, :iim1 ?lt* ltt-.i 4lm'"-t aa
met th*- repa-tan hav
h, .,_ ., :, th.' preoei dinj.'.- thiT'. baa
i:i;it.i\?-in<ni in thu* reapaei bai
-;i!. ltirthrr in-proveirn.it, lf fhe
i . ,i tba whi'it- triitu it aill _*l
I.y -Aitl. .:?
| B_88W. l']"V I
nn th<- mi).im.-itii.il. wbieb is uiidi'tit't'd.y tli*' cm
ainr'.- t-.r.'V at tbay
taa, aod arill i>ut tbal
n socb a ehap. aa te a - BBBiittea, b
? ; the only waj to '.) iw afl Ua
ii,nu tbaaa li to
. him aa -?*Do_aieal of the tnrtb
tdy B-Bke :i Ma'
? . ? , .-morrow. If be bad been
. r l.i tm- aad, li] : baad*
-giBsiag o< tbe b
i to Mi. A:. n,hv wi.iili.
. ,ri.t th.' aBBujranoe I
tttm Bt, kmrttt bad memory aml Iiii*- ?
.'..al llllll. M '11 '<'?
? ?!? li.nl any On dil Mu
18, and that tbe BB-3 I
train*:: I witb Mr. Ames w;u I
bi bia ia UOB, ibortty iftei bia retaa
? ,i \ii tAtam bad mttaely for
.aiiiit.lhc W-Btadlll hi-a of il rt
?ans ?rs-if-B-B-sa BUMaWohisxx
?BOI AI.LF.l.tl' 1" HA\1. HB-B IN.-IITrTF.D.
AssiBtaiil -BTgaanl al AiiLbBwbb aftbe
.' rc* arrived iu tliif
. !. t-atiinlay -with stibponai for Dr. Tli
I - ? i ulCoin
I ?. i uy uf the Conpaayaad
,f s., |.1 a-crvoi tlie 188888, BBd
? -iformetl him that the w wM t ?- lfl 1
too oi. Bt, ?nd aj)!** ar hefure the Coiumit'ee.
Dr. r>urant. Mr. '?
? awof Janits Biouk.-, BBi C K. liarretaon have
i- Mfl hfa-tin hy Dr. Purant
10 bave been Irntnluli-ntly ob
r atod. Le_-al notice waa
iwrv. .i apoa Mr. Brook* at hia resident-v ln tbtb eitr ea
-aiiT .uit i* .o be ateaabt in th*.
E -t of the Ci- ?;?' of Hi W-Teffc. anil
t i thoroush eanvass of tbo whole subjeet of
i : ruit haiorlBBbonttobe bi.ar,
-. Aait-8 H P I of ClOdtt Mol.li. i
^^_ ... . J to him at Lia rr*.u. .
'rieiid.. Tlil8 cuit will lie l.aaed
il tueifi-cra of Congresa aDd others.
BBB rv"in:i'i;i*i: an ii*>n?-'I:a_i.f. osf, BUT mr
U .1 I'i li- IMUMINAI-. II I11L1U tX
Tln ! a fonverPtition betwren Mr.
BaaaaaCDataalaaatafepeeter, ea latarday, in __?
l,_i.i ki tin- GMtftt MablHaf li.v. ? ii.-auona, wil. bo fouad
l. m? :
ti ttmm* . ,i Uv.i anbpenaed to appe ar brfarr th<
? iBiaaHtBllBg OHMMiel A. ttt,l hav*
<-. Wben do you erpeet to appear before the Committee I
A. Hasf w* < _. Tb<- pab_8 wlll be greatly ilibappolnted,
u ioo BMSb iii.i?ortaii-*- lia* been attsched to my lortb
eouiitiK t< BtiUiony. Tne Cr6dit Mobilier ls all ri-.hu
g Yini *888l "tie Bl tb*- orijrinatora of tbf CrC-lit Mobl
iM-r tn Ain.-ri'?. Binl ?? ? inr-l ii)Biia*{<r of it. A. Y>?-. 1
waa-*ie>ldeiit of lt ail the time it had a rontract wilh
tbt l nj.it. I _ iiii-, a id was Viie-l're.ide_t ol tbt Liuoc
. n oi- bBB-BBB-l to end.
<- lvrlia^w many whoae natnes have not lieen BM_.
| nl .leahnj-t* wlih Oake* Amesl A. Tbat will
t , . .!?:> ti.iu aal te ba
(^ Wbo will tbay bai A. I wou.d not U- f-urprited lf
? na ..f W.HIarn tk 088*8) 88* -_BBf88 8881 "thcr.
would Bj'iH-ar. Mr. Dodge waa 8 paid attorney all
tt-o-r at a aalary of $10,000 a year, lf tbe Commlaaloner6
?-_ri otber. t,-<l imt tn. >l to 88881 it up in the lat* <*_m
p_iK!., ai.rt baU (<ime out frankly and told tbe wbole
Uotb. tbe jiublie would ha?e ucderatood lt, and the ae
Ci__i(i couli have atoodoL thelr rticht to huy, pay for
aud *.wn honest aiocks or b*-i**l-**0- any rttxL But tbey
BMaaai. roarte up pltiful martyr moutbs prevarlcat^-d,
__d iriea to tntigglr out of it. Now thay are wrtg-fling
back, and :.iv< to ti jilaln tbeir Jast Buiuumr'a explana
ti"ri>a. Tbfir trrr-ut 88888 wa-? in mat-lnj- any **ffort to
ronoeal tbln matter. Tbere ls Dothlng about it to eon
_e?I. Tbat ?ximpatiy built ouly a portion of tbbUnlon
ra< lflr rou-l. When 1 found that the Crfedlt Mobilier
atockboldera, wbo were or had become manafters and
dire.U-i'* of tb*- l'_-iflc Kailroad Company, were-form
Ui* rttiKe, and pr.ijK-_d to let out tbe eoutracU for
buildlDB tbe remainder of the road to themeelves upon
their own termn, I proteated -trainBt it, got out an ln
Jun< t.ou a-falnat it. aud injoln.d tbem from enterlnK
apon an> more contracts. After 1BC7 the CnSdlt Mobliler
had nothing more to do witb eon.truclliit- tbe road.
Tben, by tbe iinanimoua f-oit-eut of the aUx-kholdera of
tbe road, the Ames tonatructiuK eontraet waa entered
o.-ut what eould Mr.Amea have mearft, after that,
by-'pliMtng" tbe Cr**lit Mobliler stoek, aa Indlcated iti
bla letters to McCX-uib, ln tbe handaol 1888?1 Baaataw
an-il_pr-a*uut)ve*>t A. I can't luxaalne bla motives.
We bad all tbe legwlation we euppoaed we ahould .muii.
a Hadnotthef'i^Ht Molnlier already prov.d a r*u<
eeaat A. 88881 e*ri aii.ly lt had. You aee, we who took
hold of tbe raclflc road ln the beifinnin-* were H_M
TiMoiianea; tben, wben we put our money in it, we were
ealied f?-la, aad peopie aald, " Oh, you'll loae every dol?
lar." Wben we made a Itoud tbln-* of It, made aome
BBuoey, and did not Io*e any, the aame triti.a cried out
" B-navea-'" we vUionariea and foola bad turn.-d tbi* v. *?
a-av. aud had, of cour*, atolen all we claimed to have
loade. That's about the way the matter atatida. Well. U
IbaBtoekboMleraandi-ondhoidaralu >>?*?> lue E**"?>*a
aad Mi Mobliler are aatisiled, who haa lo.t anythin-"
bBtbeHIIbaOoverBtoeatbaa oot, as w)? ?** *,*^rh'
ahown, Tbe rretudeutii.l j.arty was not left out In the
q. Why does n't the Committec _et tbe Cre\lit Motuli.-r
book. 1 A. That I caiinot tiiidcrst_nd, aud I am utial.lo
to i.n>-< r fwn iini'stlon. I have uot eeen the booka for
fl?aaaaaa I don't believe they wlll ttWW anythliiR
wrvii-. You noe, a large amount of the stoi k Blaai m
tlu- u.iiiie ol OaK.'N Allii'K ;in Im-tee. II ttie l-ook* are
not prodnced, I have a cartfBei ootr* <f tbem -hw-h
wou't ba very u:iimterestliig rea.liBfl Jaal now
lu). And tttm you eau lay your buiida on, surcly, at any
timo I A. At any titne. Cul. MeCniib was a larite sul>
mtttn to the stock of th- Credit Mobilier. He bad paid
ti|> for . onsidcruble, but waa behind on aoine |__,ooo
w.iftti. Wlii-n he-iiw tliat the Bto.k WilB rolntr to t>e a
l>i_ tblaa he e*m* up wlth hts money and detuaiided lns
ataafc, BBB lueauwhile. Aiik-x antl Allcy bad caplod tbe
ti _ tliili-, too, ai.il, HaflltBI a inaieli on Mt-t'oinl., bad
itppropriatcd tbe stoek to Uiemnelre*. Tbey eould allonl
, liie an.l nsk of pnltIng in |_..,000 and druwing
oui *6 mhv. So tliere wa* no stock for MeComb. Theu
he Hiied for it. Met'otnl. is a __Bh-___i uian. ITe took
holtt of Ihe I'uion 1 _oiflu lwHilroad long lieforo Atoes,
Allev, 11 ii tt tlirir fr.eml| .Ild, inveBtlng bu> Om* B-fl
ti.niu-v. aad ii in a- much due to his cn<-rgv and l.tiMi.e-N
hj- t.i that of iinv in.ui in thi* eountry tbal tiie ttttt tu
t. ri'ii-e wiih uurseil ..ml MMHined till eitrrleil forward to
now IXXAXOB (Ai nvrn 1 was ki.f.ctfi>?
i.ihikai. i__eaa roa wtyrat t miamkhi.
?T.?i:y Of roruu rrii'V
1f_I?mOVOOt, Jan. 12?Tlic S.-nate Cotiimit
ti. on PrlrUama and Eleetions, after flabatlBl tk*
a|.|...ititti"-t.t of Coiiimii-Niuiii-tN to ft ta 1/BBMlBBB BBd
_?aaaat tor more than two Btatl .vestt-rdaj, threw
opaa its doors and rcMimed the Caldwell bribery inve*
Bo one wBa BaaahMaaaatBaattttaaaaf thB
cointii ttat d_a__g tlio two day.- of ftit iuvo.t .
ran htivt fmlei.-to tiotice ? inark.d C4)nti:i"t iH'tween ttn
manner n wtrleh it gtm ..buit it. work and tbat ln
wh_... aaaaa al tbe hrtaaHaaB.ng etmaUttna laal aiaaBici
.oudu.ted their iii.|iiiri<?*. The doors of Mr. Moriou'
i onitnittii- were at once tlirown open before any g.-t.eral
? I fnr puliiicily hinl lii.ii Bada by tln prcs* of the
, uiintry, and almosl bafatt it __? _____ that lhe exann
i- tu baC_- A resnlution was
: thal tbe rules ei cvldctice in e?urt? should
ai-ply in tt* ' xatliiliatloli tt WltltesstN, thUS closiug
ihe door? fo irrclcvrtn. t< -tiniony that ml_ht be ll -
na_a_B? uai). e of .my wttaaaa, wBUe ta ptaoth ?
"ittitttee eaaadvaa theat i?taaoUberallythatao
My ir ei'-lude.d _____ I o-.tan - any linportant in
.'uiiiiatioii. or wliich i>nint.T to tbe soui-oe of _u< h lnfonnn
tiou; and, more tban all, tln re lt. aaentiie aflBM
thal dlipo?tloa lnoie tiiiiii oaoa ?rlaead by awbaia ol
some foi?ar >nv< ittaat?* eonn_taaa* tn aoatt-tate
>?? ipeet il attnrneys of the nccu.-rd, laiii, _*JF
: aj ii -ii"ii". t.> pn ..nt altaaaaaatreai
ow. Ihli Oommtttai M-cms unani
? dlapoai d tn laraatU Ut t?? Bad aal tin-truth. aa i.
trhati ? ? tht people wlll be bat__
iai... io ni.I..- o. n Crato batlaa e*? taa_*oay before
iwinK that it hai baaa hUtyukwa. one
other maaark :- praper.
liave I't-t n inti "Iin.. .1 bj
I tliti.. lur t;:k.
The flrst witneieciilled, ftah I. ITnmuiond
of Morns Ci.utity, Katii.-is. Ari-onUnf 10 hl8 te. tiniony
li. \vn? rtesiroui of bringint. into market a larfic tm i 0.
.unii tylBf paitially in bli entinty. and went tO
ted to do whatover
d BO < ff.-i-t that <nd. Ho had an ' intervlew witb
OBldwallaad ai-_.-d bun _aap_doa in refi.ird to thu
(inettion. nttd the Senator lapllad thal h<" was iu favor of
tln- pii.jM'-.iioti, und WOald .Ki .inyttiii:_ in his jiower to
balpthi peoplaol Mocria Ooaaty. WtiU u Topeka he
att (,ioi_e rlmith of l/eavenwo:th, wlm tu.l liitu tlmt if
. ... _a. ...m to iim ..i.y ujoiiev in ('aldwell's ii.ti h -r
be uughl eall on Mr. _l_i.-ox, a arealthy i__u of bis owu
tnwTi. Mr. rtammntiil afT-"rw?r?1 nn? Mr. fltnr-ot. snrl
told him IB.atbethoujtU that b<- < ould gU tlu t****i ***
: i member jfthe Legitlatur.. Btaakaanproaa-ad
Sne.-id. tht _tte. 'aid that bo wte i poor rinili, and Ilaiii
mond ai-Tt-etl to i?ay him l-J.OOO lor Iiii vnte. ThtB le:n
inc him at the hotel, with ? BIWB?MtO retnril tOCa,hl
went to HC 8itu.-nx a>K.ut the money. >'ut belSfl al.li- to
Bad hiai, ht reIaniad an bttwr fir nrtt jlaltr. aafl found
tliat Baaai ha<l irone to the cupitni. Tlic TOti li Joint ( OB
? ii was takou tbat day, and __MBi voted lor (' ild
Wl IL When the vot.- aai lakl n in th'- Hoaa.) pi' viously.
iu ii.ui voted ior ti.irke. -?aaaaaai laalai laal he ba.i
ever bad but one eonvf-rsatiuu with jjiiead on the m'>
Jtrt.aiid tbat be had ever p.. ? ?( y. Aa
did n't know whethtf BBBki < IBl i't"i\"l the mon y.
i not believe that ha <lid. ii kaiaMH? alao I
n retrardtoan attempt to liiflueiKe the voie of BBOtBei
? r ii.iui'-'l i't.iiiney. but n.M thal Bt BMMJ WBI
off.-red or any corrupt ___BBI I
Tln in xt wltncss cailed waa Judpe William tprUggt,
fnruier ritate Treasurer of Ka?BMb lt' Ml 1 la ta
that ho went to Tu. _ka at tberequeot of a__-T.
who was expecting to be a caiidldatc /ur tbo S< natcr
Bbip. When t'arney wltbdrcw lf?#ai had an intervlew
w:ili Caldwell. aiii__t-'reed t 'Hiipi'oit nim on eoiiditior,
that he shoti?'Rlve an eqnui Ftipport to Gov. Ci.!
the next Senatoi?1 election, On one oceaeion, he -..i
r.-tbont thr- &?ot)nddvy before t'te flrv* vote was tak.-n)
?oaaa m,mbcr_|wero|invited to the K.fth Aveuue HoUl
l.y Mr. Bmitb, one of Caldwell _ frienfli, and the witne-i
went wlth tbem. After drinking eorao champainie, the
mn, amonK wbom were C. K. Ilutler aml l Mr.
Mr. Wilson?wbo both voted for ( aMwi ll-wcnt
ont, and tben fmith sa;d that he had lieen
ittflf for the votcs of tbose m<n. ?". Ii.
Butler, bc aald, had glvcn a note of 1*50 to the Imal
ness haaac of whleh he (Barith) waa a BMaaher, and that
noto had to tHNBurrendered in order to get Hut ler to vote
for Caldwell. To another of tbe members he . aid tbat
bc had to pay r,000. Mr. flprlR-ijs then went on to give a
hi-toryof bil-onnection witb tho Senaiorial campaigu.
After ex-Oov. Carney's friends had eonelinled to mppdVt
Caldwell and about a week before the vote, Uve or six o*
the latter's friends witb hi* knowlediro aoaattttl?
themaelves a eornmittee to look after the matter. This
eoinn.ittee consisted of cx-Gov. Carney, (iov. Osborn, L.
T. Kinitb, 1'rauk Demming and tbe witness, un.l lt held
two or tbrce meetlng. a tlay. Tbe modut opemndi was
to?takea roll of the mentbers of the l-egislaturc and
dl?da the doubtful men amonu the eounnittf-e.
At a luter hour, each would report what
he lind done. SometiincR a member would
report that a certain man had bctter not be eountcd yet
a* be wa* a little too bltrb. but that he thougbt he oonld
biing him down. Tbe only one wbo made *ncb report*
wa* L. T. ..mltb, Caldwell'* partner, and there was a
kind of general eonsent In the committee that he Rhotild
? uo tbafbrancb of tbe bualn.**. Among thoae whotn the
vt,tii,esre.mouib4___da-ibaVlni,'Ixjen naiued as partners
in theae neKOtlations wa.1 T. C. Sayers, his own _mii>< -.
and Ntuad, the man mentioned by the provlou*. witm m,
-nr K_s wki-d ttinitri what Sayern aaketk aud ln- tei.ln-l
is.*'*. but that be had offered l.,_00, and wonid'not,>uy
t-'ooo unii-/- Sayers'* voU) wu. BM-ded to inake a ina
? iority 6t-rith wa* nn-lerstood to control tbe
ftiiKir. and the committee as cueh bad im
money to ipend. In reply to u qoeatloa. Mr.
8t.rii.iTB aald tbat tbe majority of tbe metubiirt
of ivhoiii he heard the priee quoted ntnged at li.ooo.
Caldwell wa* never pn__eut ataBMat?#?? thi* Coin
mlttee. and notbiug Wi_> -aid uboiit wbere tbe morjay
iined wt_B to come from. tbotifth ftnith wtu ireiieraltt"
recofmized ai tbe flnanelnl atrcnt or caldwell during tho
eunva?. Tbe wlUieu contiuued that the next mornlii
aft^r the election, a* he wa* about to retiirn home, 1. J.
An<ler?on, a?ent ot the Kannas Paciflo l-iilr..ad, asked
blm to take an order on one Carsou for ll.OXi aud eolloct
lt. H? ?aid that 11,000 had been paid toCrawfortl, a
member from Linn County, to vote for Caldwell. but
that he had changed bl* mfnrt and retiirm-il the money
UiCarson. Tbe wltneau dl<1 uot take the order, aebekm-w
that be eould nivei oallaat ll.ooo of Caraou. Mr. BprltigB
hadbaard auotber member of the ('nnniilttee, I>eiu
iniiiK aftar the election was over, *peak of having bad
iKitne money to rtlte. He *Hid that he had put Into the
bandb of thr Treasurer of Neiuaba County ri.000 for lhe
vote* of tbe members from t:i*t cooaty, but did not say
where tbe money aaaat frofti. He did reruark, however,
tlmt Caldwell bad been a little slow ln the matter and
tbat iwo day* l.efore those *-toe vote*' were offered fot
I?iiei-'b, an.l tliat Caldwell liad to pay for bl* delay.
Dt-iumliig alan aald that be had |.,<-!0t<> control tbt- sevcu
menitrers from Ix.nlphau County. and the wltne**
tbougbt he aald tbat tbe motny hinl been paid 10 |be*e
member*. Tbiscoiiversatioii batwaaa witucwianii Uti*
uiiii(.o<<tirred-while tbev wete t-iklng over bo<_ minh
iteoat Caldwell toiretelecteil, anfl _J..mtnlu? reniarki-tl
tbat it ha.l not cat leas lhau tbt).iK.tor ro,(XKI. Tbe "it
m ^^ coocladed ln~ Ic-itt-M-T bj sweHrm-- tbat Wben h<
had UM intervlew with Caldwell in regard to ?upi>ort
lug blm, Caldwell ;_*ke.l biin.lf be kne*. auy nieiubcr*
of tbe LiKlslature wbo could ba lnflucnced by money
I),- njilii-d tbat he had beanl of two, Lui *. wbo U's
tleil "ti Kriday, aud anolhnr. art?at name he bad for
irotteu ('ai<lw?ll replUtd tbat If he lounU any tiieuil-era
wbo wante.l inon.y for th.ir vottr* tbey abould be seut
t_ him (Caldwell) or t<i Bmlth. lie nuid alao that th< re
was auotber cla*. of " blgb-loued fellow*" who would
not aeil their voU-a, bul tbey ba<l been to coli.!d( ral.le
, i._.n?elii_rtUug tli. ted aud would like lo bavT!l-ixab
aMaaa riiiu-uia-U Wtbem. Tbal aaa U?e wav _-?
put lt. If wltn<i.H found any sueb he w.i* to s?'uil them
to OaMwell or BnMba . .,.??_
Mr. narMin. UM n?x4 wltnetw, an.1'1 that he waa emptoyrn
bv T. J. An.l.arHoii, ? frl.ti'l of I'liidw.-ll. to buv vou-n ?'
11.71-' eaob ; tbat la,_e *-/-?> to h.-ive r.700 f?r ?????'b T8te n <
boiiKht, and be WM lo tnabe BlItbe proilt be coui.i - n?
did bbob ad la boj la* Crawtord (referred to by tae pn
vloua wltm bb) fur ll.ooo. an.l g*.t the money froui *nu".'
aaa aal pai.i u atas la08awfords tbe man ette-rwaru
luirked oui and paid tbe moiiev baek to Witneaa, BBO ai
ki i't it t" nav lor hia own Bervices ; he alao propoae.i t?i
..-A tn Ju'i. ? Crotler, a frtend of t-aldw.-ii. li rete* aaj
atked tbe Jud-f. if, when he bonzbl a _aemb?, ibe eotuti
taka u r.'i.ipt. ln order to bold him bn bla baiinun.
Ualdwe.l anked bim aome qneationa ,'" 11tr'?'
akamlnattoo aboul aa attempi to blackmali wm
ln -iVa-ahiuKti'i. laat Bprtng, and tbe wltu ? enewer*
ni iq mcb a way a? to eonvinoe II "? ?'???*
tboadbbadonledltbawaagvUty. ia auevu U> oa*
nonsfr-"" Mi Clarke, tbe witneaa admlOed tbal
rammoaed before tbe l/*trMative Commlttee and went
toTopfka, imt was met o. Jiini*-*. 1 Ia gnte, h rr,f ?'_',?
t'aldwcU's-, now in WaKlunt'ton worklnjc in hia Inlereai.
who bired him to leava tb?- BUtoao tbe naxt train.
T.J. Andoraoo. aaeat W tae Kanaas ttmfle IV*,,?,
at Topika, deried tba tc.Mli-ouy lu n-Rurd io tbe i""
chaee ef tbe member Cravtford . iven by tho iwo pn
vIuiib wtlnt-HBoa, imt adiailti"! Umt ln- aud bi" r-ilioaiu
had u.i.'il foDii-uii-ify to eeoan DaJdwell'a electne. ?*'
alsu left KuuBa_ la 88888 to oer-up. tfxam ?
ua;i..a bv tl.e Le-islatlre OoaBB-IUM. He BO
mltted r.i'ii- casb for i\ rV''* ?*f 1)7,.bb* ilrawn i?>
Bmithln ffivirof <iov, i arieyoti th- di.y I.Mon- 888
t-lection of Caldwell, bnt dld uot kti'.w wbal t h** moiiev
waa for, lt waa vcrv likely that hc told D. M. A.iams
thlt ("alllWI'l! I'Bll .igfrvfl (u l- IV hllll for hl-* WTV .CC8,
lait tt waa noi true. Be Iboafhi tbe amount n.ini-ed waa
aaooa Ile hud told . um* om'.-! -'? tbat h-b_d got r-u.ouu
Hi ...wlniittf.l tliat Caldwell had Isnl bliu ln-? redit
lor (B.MiO, but denietl tliat ln iiad erer fot any mou. ) or
tbat tln* traiuartKinahad anvtliliiK t"'1" with tn.
tion. Tb.-m bole nianiiei*-of tbia wiIiu-bh 888BOCB 88 ao
leare tbe rmpresalon tbat be wn. not telllng tbi-trutn.
Tbe laveetlfattoa will ba contlnued to luoir.w.
iiu. i."M-i\n\ mi 1'in.i: ro U UH1HOACTP'
\Va*-_ini__>. . Jan. it. BBE
The .enau- Commlttee on l'rlvil'.-goa aii'l Bb*
aaaaa laa hoan. ye.-fcni.iy *aeralB8rta ibwaaaaa ar
,?ii., ni, ,,i. toi tbe Lealataaaaad-ukaaaaa bweaaaja*
ii ia reported tbal at ouc-tfme a decnion wii.
amved at tn-appoiut thre** fiiiiitui-.ii.inwwH ?t to I ?' I
Mata to taka b ttasaj. aal mt nau.et aan trm iag
iri-ted of pcrson.foinix tenfrto 4 iwjiumu.'i aeapaolty.
III. iippoinlaii n! of BBM nirin" it!o. tai 1. BOBH
wasto lie ftfBB to .Mr.T'riiiiibull, and he la 88*
toh-VCliaiaolll.aV. IMlUi.T el IlllHolB ai hls cholr-' to
r?'pre?ctit IhO'aBlnontj on tbe Lnuj-tiana C^miaiaalon.
After several nami- ha*l tx-cn m**ntJoued the m^orltj
ot th*- Comn : t? ? ^or'' to InVrsttj-ate
throuirl -ded to . ooduct tne- in
uulry t.fii.- Ives, bl ?*. i?ina ... the v..!-.---.** ?' to cpme
Ul \\a-lii:._t.,ii. SiibpeUilH .-.uui on'-. i-an'"!, ri-QUlr.Ulil
th.. preaenoc of a eopWderanTe number ul rio inoti'
prominent politiciaa. ol loulataaa, Inclndma, tt i*
i-ii..ii,al, tbe uiembri- of biiili ib-tui-nlnir lioari'
i mimltte. wiii alao probablv -.-hd for tln i
r- lurna, and wilfo*jrt_ tbe h -' "atlon ?
wituessas ean be pro* ured. Il U boi>e ItbW
mJttt ' 'h OPBB08888,88 m lb" ' ;
BOW i" IBCO-? Bl -i mi .i"\.
lt || lll'V.1... ' '.
Hag oi creeabaeka m Ml beaai
aini tlie m .-iiivi'ilitulity of K8_b bBBdl tmmt ?
Uaaalbaal brtaaeat, arbaab ttm
,,i tbt i*i i- ''??-?'?
ia,- baa? ? t laeaatlai aaabaU ibaar lagaMaadei tt
,,. v. in Um ?? aad tbaa letttai katan I
umtif meaey abkb tbt i araaawobllcad lokaap
uii. ia tii*ir ranlta. u t-da p-rorlaleawere aal
bill, it MOiildbf 8-BMld 888881 Iba many I'laCn for open
in-rbf ?.vav te ipaela aayaBanta aad wuuM aarerery
little active anppurt, wblle ll mi-lit enooontei rlguroUH
(..??I..I-.1H.IU fiiuii men wbo ?!'? uot iiuun to buvt- apecle
paymenta reanmed ln thla (-en_ratlon if tbey oa_
ii,,- t.at.k Iniereal ia bi.Qnirly itronn ln Cotunwaa. n
ls reported thal oi*ei one-tbira of tbe membera ol tn*
ll,-?!-'? and ona-half the Beuatorj o*ni iiaiioiiri! oanB
atock aud"!' holdera a large nnmber Ire banl
iirt-.n-enta ,.ii<1 direi tor*. Oi <aui .,
,\ be . ipected to fafor a meMure tn .t *. l r" _r
. '/oui i" i cent. interesl on uiUllouadl 't\o\\it
,ui- na-* ;e,iiiiiil bj law i" be beld aa unproUurflvi-tapi
tai lt wur therefore i robahlj come lo tlu. tb.it K tbe
ofopii' are Ured oi readlngthe llea ou the tn*
aay that tbi-I'nit.d -?.'?- wlll pay denai
rn.mil, and would Hk?* to bave thi- privileffe of com
.nl.. In.uu.-t tbca^ ov.niui* proiui.aoiy uot.-. rt.rit th.->
bave been i-arrymii' toi ten >._i.-, they muil i.u.v i...
roundly fortneli conaent to leKtuatlou whicb wiii
i..iui_ tbia v loiiu about.
CXI01 PAI ni. RA?bOAD CBABOtt 101 I-tA-W
I'oiil kTIOX.
Tkt qacatloB m tatbeBablbti oftbi OerenaBealto
pay iiu- ia i- ' '?? ? ' ' aajaay eao-ball ita
eaaraaa be btaaayi i b ttaa al bbbUs, braaaa, umi aa_>pla-8i
win!'- ni di-f.i-.iit far tbe latereal bb aat aaaat laaaedi
aaaaa ap aaaapeaiaUyal Ibaabaaal tbaday'aa
,,( Un il oi ?? Ibil OJ* itloa wa" (letermitifd lnfuvorof
tba road bj Ibalai.aaal pat aaaa tba aiht Api'm
i ou .I, on Maseb s. BBB, but th* ?
neata havi- reepaaad It Ibev-rtaaai
tndlgl ll "8 dfiiiorali-ed 601
ni tbe lobby r-BulUng from the vx;... -ir. * t
niHii. are QtalB- Ubelj lo raaaM m tbe n'peui
,,f tbal aectloB. -.ir. Randall n_d Mr. Bolu_ra
tbouftbt tbe tio , to t?-*r tbr et-oae
,,t tta* ii"--' "-I ' Tbo iiiriiii-r
in amendmenl praridlna Uih: do pjrt "f tbe
monay approprlated by Ina bill <-?n<i_l i t*paid toratl
ompanlaa that are lodebted to Mie Unlted Btatea
ior i-Vereat on then bonda, and tbe latur nuishi i . ..
coaipl il na ?' ? ' " j* ' '""?" ? by an
toaatber tbejilutb se-**->ti of lbe
k\r. Dawi-g, wu" w*_ iu tti
rtilfil Mr. Hi.al.iJ!- amenftmeot ln order and Mr. Uol
f order. Mr. Etolman toul. an uppuai to tbe
i h- .um a?vut<*
^ areaebed upon tbe^appeo). Tlie lull w;ii im m-vt
taki-n op "ii 1 nf-B'l.n. ifnU a iom; iababl ou Iba ijueauoii
wiii ciit.iiiaiy aasae.
Tbe Housr- -p. nt !-.itiii.|.iy on tli<- Ctecutivc, ItUu'it
lativ'-aud Juditiiil Apprapriatiua bill witliout complet
lnjr-it. Moat nf the tlQia WM B88BPB?I ln MBBBBBBg the
opproprtatloti to pay tlie Jud-nnenta ot* tln* Court of
"iiiiii'liniin B-BttB. wbo had sfartli d tb.'llon-"
the day before bybl*ytB| that t-x-Itt ixln wr.- liknly to*
^gei milliounof dijilarii from tho Treaaury tL"ou>-b the
.iiia. .oni.of tlii. Court on clalms for payu ent/orean
tured nnd abandoned prop*.rty, und had oflV.-red an,
umendment provldlnif that no such di-clalons shuuld
baie-auy force uutil ratiHed by Congresa, made a ratbur
exeited apeech warnlDK Congresimen that the
wrath of the luyal jieoplo would comn down
upon tbem if they perniltted tbe clalms of
Kflicls_to be paid while Vuion men eould n?rt
Ket a dollar. Mr. liarflild iipl-iniil that thi- payment.
to claimanta for capturod and abandoni'd projierty tnade ,
on tbe JuUirmentH of tbe' Cuurt of ciiiima were made un*
'leT-ni" pennaaenl apjiroprlations, und that tbe reaann
why certain paymeou had been mado to men wbo had
been|euKaped ln tbe llet_>lllon waa beeauae the Huurcnfb
Court-Tiad ove.rruled tne doclslon of the Court of Clalit.ii
re'iuirliij.' proof of loyalty from .the claimanta, and held
thut tbe (iovernment held thla property only oa traeCBB.
and miihi 'iillvci lt upon proof of ownerahip rogurdii'S'*
of tbe iwcl proclivltlea ol the ownera. It waa prl*at*s
propcrty tnat our aamloH bad takeu po**8e_Bit.ii of to save
irom lif-trii.tioii, and not property uaed aifaluat tbe,
fiovr-rnment for hoi.tlle purtiosea. A Iodk and liitcres.
iuu- debate enanad. tho rcsult of whlch wan iju- njectlon
Of 5tr. Smlth's .iiut'iidineni i>y a dedded majorlt>.
[BY TI.LK'.ltAi'll 10 TnE TKIBI'M |
.VA-II.v.ToH, Jin. 12, 1873
Th*- Senate Fuiance Commlttee at ita lieamon yenterday
bad under fouHidntaiioii l_-nator8.ott'_ re-oiation of in
quiry, un to whether. uuder exlstln-- laws, thi* bet-rciary
of-tbe Treasury waa empowi-red to 18888888 tluu-urrency
to |4(i0,ooo,ooo. Tlie declded opiuion of tho commlttee
van adverae to thi. rljtht, aial a bill to that effect wlll be
reported at an earlv day. Tb.- effect of thln action wlll
be to-requlre the Treasury Dopartinunt to wlthdraw tbe
W,6OQ,000ol currency which waa Uaued l_*t Kall, under
tbe bellef that the 8**.retary had thla power to lucic-*
the currency (Mi.OOO.cioa
Kepreientative Sheldon of Loulaiaua to-day recelved
an offer by teleirraph of tbe noultnatlon of tbe Kuslou
l.- giAtUiir. of L'raj.-MW'i tor United tttatca Heuator t->
aucceed K<-llogjf- Mr. Sbeldou deollued tbe oompUmeot.
prlnclpally on the ground tbat lt would be uaeleaato
cIt-i t ii tienator uutil tbe tim-stlon of the lei-allfy of tbe
LegUlatnre haa been dedded by the Bupreme Court of
tbe L'uiteU _lat. a.
New-Ori.kans, Jaa. 11.?Tlio city is qui-t.
I'oiiiif inn* are activr-, and there la a quorum lu BBB
L-giBlatmea. The " Fualonlita" are making exteualve
preparattona for MrEuery'e lnauguratlon, nu Monday.
iu Iaitfay.-lUi-Bquarr, if elear, but lu Ei|*OBltlun Hall "
rainy. The Piuchhaeb party will lnaucurate Keilogg on
Muuday, in Mi tbunua' Jui-liluU-.
St. I-ol'is, Jan. 12.?The Democratic Sotioto
nal caucuA waa beld ln Jefferaon Clty laat mgbt, and
aftt-r eight UD8U-oes8ful ballots ad|ourned untll S p. m
on Monday. On tbe eigbtb ballot tbn vote atood aa fol
lows: Blalr. U; Pbelpa, J7; Bogy, M; AnderBOO, ?j
Nai.ton, ?; Weat. 7 , Rollina, 4; Reynolda, -dwardaaaa
Cofemau, eacb l vote. buty rotot are ueceaaary for 8
IaOHDON, Baturday, Jan., 11 1873.
Tbt body of tiie Emperor Narioleon haa bccn em
biiliu' tl, aiul win ii0 iu Htate ou Monday and Tnes
day. Tho time for the f uncral haa been delinitely
dccid.-d upon. It will tako place next Wedncsday
tiiorniiig at 11 nVliu __ The myal family of En.
g_e__d will ha reprcsented on the mournful occaaion
I.v ilu rriine and 1'riuiC? of WaleB, und I'rince
Christian, vrho will aceotoiiauv tln- ex EmprcsaEu
Tim report tli.it tlio Emiiress Eugenic will isane a
prot laiuation announciug her a_su_iplion of tlio
regcuey iluting the minority of tlic Prince IniperiaJ,
is 'li-iiii'il.
Tka Hiitisli Court wil1 he in moiiming from the
14th totlie _4th of .January for the late Eiuperor.
1'lie I'rince and PtitBBB. ot Wal.s wilI rcinain in
strict retirenicut at their eountry peat at -.andring
ham for one woek, ae a mark of re.pcct to tbe mem
ory of the ex-Bmperor.
Prince Napoleon, Iuh wife tho Princesa (Jlothilde,
Prince.-. Mathildc, M. PaulCassagnac, and a muiibcr
of other Ilonapartists, ha\o arrived at Ch_B__Uttt,
w lierc an irnptirtfint cunfercnce on the coitrse to he
I'tiiNind is ttgntoi to take place.
N afdlaaB l'-H'two wills, one of which is tn Lotulon
and tiie other in Pariu.
M_n_Ii>, Haturday, Jan. 11, 1873.
The Countcsa dl Muiitijo, UQtbei of the c_
Einprcss Kugeuie, haa left here for C.iiselliur.sl.
1'Aiti.i. 8aturday, Jan. 11,1973.
The Oauloit, in itn instio thi- iiioiiiint'. ciyHtlie
only ofljcenj of the French anny who will he pcr
inittcil to at.end the fi.neral of Napoleon willlx.
t ho--, \, ho witc nttiuheil tt. tho honsehold of the ex
Einpi ior during his reign iu Franaa
1'arib. Jan. li, 1873.
lt in srtid that thfl French Oovcrnme.it will perniit
the liiiiil liiteriri.-iit of Napoleon'* __n_a_fl in France
if the fiinerul la uia.le s_.rictly private, and the _p>
aaaaad i_ aaziadiaa __t___aa_a_'( aot i~ Emgttn.
I he rt.'icnioiiie, must ht- sintply of a reliitious cbar
... t.-r. Da Pri-.ii.i.-iii ia nsdaaaaood t<> havo con
feir.<l with the MiniHter <tt tii<" Int.-rior aml the
l'n f. t of l'l-ili..' with the nhjeet of prcventing
the fuu.-ral. if it takes pluco iu Fran.-c, hcintr niude
aa opportiinity for poUfiaal manifi statmns.
tU?Ut, f.iturday, Jan. 11, 1873.
Pi-veral DSWapapata i'i tlii? city BBfl < .n-th .1 Bla?
ai rtption ii*t_ut ih. ir ofllaaa im faada t>. ba davaa .1
tu ilu- araafctaa <>f a BBoaaaaaal aa the __..___BB_eaa
Nai'.ii'on. The papen rate ta tht laat that 1___
traa tka bnt ailj Uliiaalia- (reoa Aoat?an rulo hy
Freut-h troor* under Napoleon after tho hatlle of
l'.iM. , Hutunlav, Jaa, 11, 1873.
Dari-f tiie -i -ioti of ih.- It.tliiiii Chaaabaral Dep
iilu .-. Jr* -I. i_.iv, BigDOC E.niza, tlic Miiii.iti_ of the
Inteiior, furmally aBBOUBeed ttfl destll ttt -ftf-aV-OB.
II .nl the Itiilian G'lVL-niiin-nt l.-arned of the deatU
..I lli-t-x-Km|ii'ior with tha do.-nest IBfNt It was
impovriiiie to foi-^et thal Ifapaieaa ooetrihated
.reutly ta aaaaaa tha unttyof Itaiy. Tin- ee_oa>__?
r.-in.-ik-"f tta Miiii-ter were received witii warin
laaaaaac bj tha uiciubi-rs.
Rome. Jan. 11, 1-73.
The Miitiieirial f'otmril have ad-pted n-olunoii.
ol conii'iii ii.o \sit-it tha Kiiipif.-.- Eaa; _ia. Tha tttt
ripHaa Bal _a a ?obbbmbI ta th.-Eu*otot
Napol.oii. whieh wi_ op.ii.'.l l.y the PmUneHUmWOi
Milan, aiready exeeed-i ?".,(K*",an.l that paper nporta
tfaat aiihscrip-ioiiB are pourln?: in fronu all tiuartera.
_ :i..tioii_l ?iiliiT<-rii.tii.ii for liie BBBM ol.j.-i t lia~ hei'ii
opoMdaftVaaaaa, -^^ J$_ _ ^
Adisjiiit.-h to the ae.-nt af tha ..-io. iat"l 1'reas,
tttm t ffatad of Iha -Dpa_iiJ _m__Jj al (-Waalhai-I
,.,.,,- tin- foiiuwiii-de-i-npii.m "f tha Beana thaaai
" Hie r<-uiaiim af tha ittt limperor liave Ix-en plaead
ui the eottin. The corpxe is iIi.-hiIiii the titiiforni
,,f | Fi'M M ir-iial. Thi-upp'T lip la hare. (he nms
laaha harfag aaaa <-ut paTte _dUtata the taldatr-l
a pbfltar eaat. Iha baaid, _-_eh laaaafa-. h btawa
an.l husliy. The f. atures BM .-tern aml -Bfl uoin,
nut\ haaa an aapaaaiaa at pairi' (ha ffand carden
of the L<-K'iuii oi iionoi lkaaaaaai tta baaaai Iha
i in.l-., whnh an- uiij.iove.1,_a d__foaad in aa eaay
,1 i, itural inaiiiiti. th.- riiilit olaapiogUM latt On
the fourth iliiurer of ttfl laM brnWhi is :i rnis' wnii
tai a_aaa?_. wtb ii aaa alaaadithata ?>.v the
Empreaa. _?___ t-irn tttm ei axqa_Ita wtwb>
DU?abip Baa aa the h_aaat.aia1 aa tta eo-paa are
plaead tiire.-fpri-.-a.il hoiiy. <n. r tha head a ?
,.-.!- wapaadad. hl tha botaf the eoi
tha bea 4 aaaap ttAtrtmh. <>n whioh tha Emperor
di.'d. BeateaVaaeHharaldeattha lower and af the
et.|iiuai.: a i?ii<*t aad a laliai----. Xbe furoitnre
of the room a.-well as tho WOOli UUUtmuii simple
aml anoatfentatfaoa.w
Iha t.o.ly will li-'. in Kti.te. on Toeedaj,
ciitraii.i- hail of tln- chapel. The general pablifl i\ ID
imt !.<? ii.liiutted toviiw tho rcmains. Noebaaffe
haalnma_aihiIntbtiftaii and pbaaaf mbttoanai
aii.lhiirial aalast iiiiiioun.ed. Tbe ceremoni- wili
prohahly beginalxnit Baaa ea Wednesday.
The Kni].r<f | is uverw.iclrned with roitow, and her
piostriiti.iii it, so great a*. to alarm her atteadaata.
The Prinoe Iiupcnal (1<k!s all in his power to comfort
her. The Empre- has received letU-ra of condolenco
from th" Emperor of Kussia nnd the KiiiR of It;ily.
AlthoiiRh nuno hut >the relatives aud ititiiiiiito
frieiulp of the ilee.-.ised are admitted, (Tiisclhuial ia
crowd. .1 with viiitors. Keligious BBCI leaa vi ere h. Id
this morniuK ia tho chftpel, which was lilled to BB
pl.'tioii. Tho r_ieei-a Matliild.-, MM. Kouher an.l
Pictri, andDrs. Conniau und Corvisart were pr.'h
ent. Fiither Qlltti-B- iitn mpted t?. pr.___, hut __a
ov er. oinc hy hia feelinKs, aud coiupcUtd to Iaaaa ttfl
M. llcne.letti arrived to-day at Chiselhnrst. an.l
wa* received by the Krnpress. M. Ollivier and
Marslial MeMahon are exjiected there to-morrow.
The E-haaaa ^u-at aadealla arrived thla afternoon.
(.r.'at numhera tt people from Franee are expecte.l
tO <i.i-!*t-the funeral. The South-Easteni and
Northern Kailwayi of Frane-- have rednced the
ratta af tnt iui tbe i>oorer cla_e* atteud-ng tlic
lt is reported that the Prince Iinperinl has aiready
i-4Muni4-.l the title of Napoleon IV. Tbia report le
IObIbBB iueorrect, hut it is true that the Pnti.e ll
now addreaaed aa "-ire" by all the ueitor. at
The impreasion is (raininpr ifronnd that the Em?
peror diod froui the eiloct- of < hloroform adniiuia
__ri'd to _Muago paiu.
PerhajiH the ?_vere8t criticism, in an epifrrara
matic forto. pi-iaed on tbe wUU-e* of Nupoleon III. wa*
BBB ol Tliier*??? lliere are no inoro faulta U? conimil."
The Ki'iprei* Eujtenle, Buppo*ln? that the Prince Im?
perial etlnced a marked taate for uiutic, invlted a
teacher to t_e Tullfrtea. Wben Napoleon learned from
ber who tha vliltor wa* he aald: " Hend blm away; one
troubadour ___ b? enough for Europe"-allu<lln_ to the
Kin. of BaTaria,4wb__e paailonate love for mualo 1* well
The moit forgivln- and patrloUo lupporter ol iiie late
Etnperor wai perhap* <>ld (_en. Chan__niier. Ue waa
ouoe tbe cBlef couuaelor of tbe I'rliice-Prealdenf, but
fell Into dUfavor, and wa* among tbe lmpri*one- ofBcer*
_i tlu eoup dtuit. When, however, tbe eountry wa* ln
danncr, tbia veteran of *> year* Joiued ihe army, aTowed
hi* fldellty to tbe Empln , and wa* true to Uie la-t.
When tbe terrlblo rt?pon*iblllty of dccUrlng war de
?ol._4.upon Napol-on IH.he .howed hl* charaoteri*Uo
want of nerve at orltlca! moment*. Tbe formal declara
Uon ol ho-Ulltlea wa* drawn up and eif-ted onthe UU.
of July, bnt, tbroUf b heiiuuoy upon tbe part of tbe
Emperor, Utt document waa not BUMle pub.ic uutll 11
hnnra later. Thia faet was learned at fhe Pmaaian head
<_u_rter?, from private paper, whlch felt Into the baada
of the (jermaua. _
Appeala to the .naceptlbllitiea of thef French peopie
regarding hls great unclo were ln early Ufe a 888881
oieana with Louia _apolcon|of|I romotlng hia own popu
larlty. Thua, ta 1839, hc feelinglyawrote of the great
Emperor: " The lightnlng flashed once more-but aoon
eame Waterloo. Here every French volre Uchoked,
and flndsonly tears?teara for tbe vanquiab.-d and bears
for tho vk-tors, who wlh aooner or later regret the over
throwof the only mau|who|could mediate Ix-twecn two
bostllo agea." _
In his " Napolenlc Ideaa," whlch the ex-Emperor pub
llshed ln 1B3. he forcshadowed for the Unlted States a
paaflar deaUny than he waa wllllng to concedo after?
ward wben mn-led bytbe nhantomof a Mexiean Em
piro. nisworda in 1839 were: " Provldence haacom
mitted to the Unlted IHtatea of America the charge ef
I.. j?.in_r and of aubduing to olvilizatiou all that lui
mense territory wblcb extenda from the Atlantlo to tb.
Paciflc Ocean, and from tho north pole to the equator.
Tbeir govtrnmeot,.which ia a siiuple adminislratlon,
haa bad, up to the preaent time, but to mtt in practlc.
the old adage-/.ai?M fair, laitttt paster-ln ordor to
favor that tavi-iblo iuaUnct whieh utk.b tho populat.ou
uf the Uwted Htates toward tho Weat."
Trlnce Napoleon was regar.led with a depree of dla
favor by tbe late Euip'-ror whlch tb? Empreae Ltbore.l
18-8888888, Dnrtng what waa probably the last vtalt of
tne Princ** to the impcrial cxlle of Cbtselhurst he sp*'ke
han-hly |of the different miuwtriea of the last mouth
of the Empire, and went eo far aa to pronounce oue of
them a Miul.try of idlota. Tliia provoked a sharp reply
from tlio Eiupresa. "I kuow uot" she aaid, " what you
menn by 8 Mlnlstry of idlota, but what I do know i_,
that down to tho lastjmomcut the Emperor waa served
by devot.d and faithful frienda. For the last 18 yeara
you have opposed the empire. Yon and thoso about you
have never 88888- to uudcrminc lt, and to-day when the
Emperor haa failen, you pursue him atill. Ilad you beeu
at Paris on tho 4tb of Beptembcr, yoa might have*^een
able to give us jrood advlce; but you wcrejabaent, aayou
nave so often huppened to be at the momeut ot danger?
of couri-e to yourJgrcat regret, aa I do not doubt." Je
rome N'apolcon took up his bat and left the room. These
Baabaaaaaal eousinly rcgard were of _rei_uent occur
rena: between tbe two. ^^___
The suddenness an.l completene?.a of the late Em
pen-T'. ovenhrow is i-xplalncd by a few d.-tall. of the
Franco-Gcrman conflict. War was firmaliy declared
bataasa the two i_wers on July, U. 1*70. und terminated
ou Feb. 1C, 1871, lastlng 210 days, but practically 180 days,
in 88888888888 of tho _r>t and last perioda being free
from engagetnenta. In ono week tho German troope
w<-re' moblll- d," or prepared to march, and ia two
wi8ka were dUpatehcd to the west, and w.-re urranged
mi tln- Haa from Tri-va to Landau. The troopa sent to
the frontier iiumljerfd C-0,000; ,aDd 42,000 mon, with
ian -i . gun.i, carriagcfc, and ammunltion, were eonvcyed
iv i> day on flvo line.* of railway, two of which, how
81.r. 84 ru little u _d. Four Pnishiancorpa d'arm.e had
to traversc from 4 _ to a. milea to reach the French
frontier, aud had 11 be fed 88 the way. Durln/r tho 180
lUysof active bervice, there were fought 158 engage*
niiat-and 17 great battloa; 2C lortresses were taken,
OtBBtkBtmmmABBBH men of tho rank and flle were
mado pririoners, and t,1tt guns and 120 eagle9 were cap
tured. The late Euipeior suneulercil at BBBBfl on Bept.
4?ij daya after the deelaratiou of war, and ouly 3. days
after actual hostilif i.-i begm.
Madkik, Jan, II. 1873.
The Anti-Porto Ition Etefom League of this
clty have bi(-ned a inauif.ata piotcating a_,_lnst the
pawiaKP of tbe bill iirovidina lor tbe emaneipatloa o( the
slave?on that 18888. Adnnral Topete and Beflor Ba
I88J88B wer<> aaked to aign the mauifeato, but reiuaed to
do BO.
A great popnlar demonifratlon was made In thls clty
m -r. iilay in favor af the 8888884 'I poiitu-al re-'oima in
I'orto Kii-o and nf tlu* abniition of Ihivery. A long pro
?:, wltb tlir.-i* baii'ls and twenty banners, passed
tlirouia-li tba prl_n.-ij.al .-tieets. 01888888888 in tbe liuo
w,ttt Iba Tnrtulia aml PNfBaaBBBb- Clubs, and the8ooi
cty for the Abolltlon of Slavery. The ranks were flllfl
with Kadieals aud K SpabUaaaa, and a coastderablo nuiu
her Sl 880881 took part In tlie .leiiic.tistratlon.
Tho Cr.rlist trouHe. ln the uorth contlnue, but a
paBtott- spnlt li 1-4 8888 ron-ed among tho peopie
Vnlunteer bands ure oigiui-ing for servl.-o against the
insurgent.. and the InliaMtants ot the vlllages, of tln .r
owu accorl, u*.uiue a fir-ni and hostile attttude. Iu
aaaaa piaaaa tbe brtlerbaat aflMttraly rostited the ap
proaab ef CBrUst baaab, Avolunt.er batta'.ion in t_ih
baiag melalliad 18a aarrto la iha bbML it 8
ofllelally aniioiiiirfil lhat tlie Cui-llst 188888 1'royola and
1'allo*', apromiu. nl i'edera'lst, have been kliled by Uie
i.dv. ruiii' nt (BBaBB. A rt port af the dcuth ot the Carllat
ebtel CaatelW), wbu-h hn^ i..*en evraa.t,)T aareral dara,
i? .i.titlniied thH afternoon. ACnrlial band whuh wh"
roaming throngb the ETortBee "f Vabmeto, encountercii
%ton.f loiai tto.'i-a on Friil av. and after a sbort ea
gagemeut the former weae dfeoeraed wiiu a losa of 32
killed a ml Ut) taken pi-i-onera.
IWBB ?OB i)i:FV.MA'ii<-..
J,". ix"*. I'iturday, Jan. 11,1873.
Mr. Guil.lforii Onslow untl .Mr. GltffB What
ley, m-mli-rs 8f I'.-irliam.-nt, have been Hiiuimoned bj
the Ciown to apiiear lu tbe'Courtof Queen'-i Etmch,^)-.
tl.e ."iii in.-t., for having, in apeeehes delivered ln St.
JamesHall.accusedlBir John Duke Colcrfdge of behiir
engaged lu a consplraey ug.ilusttbe Tichhome claimant.
The trial of tbe claimant on the charge of p. rjury will
commence on the 23d of Aprll.
Taiiis, Saturday, Jau. 11,1873.
Th*1 Journal Officiel aimouncea the appoint
ii.i i.t of M. Corcelles al French Embaaaador at the V_tl
can, ii. place of M. Bourgolng, who resigned.
Hkklin. Jan. 12,1873.
The Fo8t, in an arfcicle evidently iuapirt-d
by the Ooveruinent, aays the proclamation of the dograa
of Papal Infall.i.ility haa croated a new Catholio oreed,
and Its heil.'vers should be treated ln tbo same manner
aa member.-* ol ocber 88W r.-Hk-iOub societlee.
A dispalc-h from Miiiiclic.-d*--, England, an
nounces that sev^ral cotton spiuuers in that city have
The 14th of Jnuuary ia the dati- Ind for the
exeention of the <? nntraet tx*tween the Oovemmeut of
Canada and tb.* Facitlc Kailway Company.
The King of Spaiu haa signed a coiicei--ioii
to a Spanieh Company lor a teie^anh cable. fJOU) CadiB
to Cuua'by wa^ 'ht 8b_U-_ les aud TeSer iffe.
The meaib4?T8 of the Left in tbe Freacb As
scmbly who aecedrd laat week wlll uot Joln tbo Rlcht, aa
was reported, but will form a dletlnct grgup in the Aa
aembly uuder the tl' le of Conaervatlve {tepublicaua.
A special diipatch from St. Petersbnrg to
Tht London Obterrer aaya Count Bcboovaloff haa been
..?nt abroad to necotlato a niarrlage between a Priuce,
Abii.-w- uame la uot given, and a daughter of tha Csar.
The bark Imperio, from Pietou, hai arrived
here with the eaptaln and wife.the mate aud a seamau of
tbe schoouer F.uterprtae, wblcb waa loat on Gaorge'*
ii_n_8. Tue Knut p.-i*.' waa bouod from fi?Dgor to Saco.
The Canadian Miniiter of Justice held an ex
amiuatlou, ou Friday, ln relatlon to tho mattera whicb
fnrm tbe suhjeet of Inqulry by tba < 'omnil??iou now sit
ting In WaBluogtou, priucipally iu tbo matter of tae Ht.
Albana rald.
The reJittions between the Forto and the
dependenry of Labia have tiecome threatening. Tbe
artlve tiDublea which it ls feared may gruw out of tbe
troubli* ereate excltement amon_ Britiah lu.liau uiU-r
rrXn, I'.n aceou.it of tbe trade rtslatioua between tbe iu
liatn'.anu of Lahrta and the llntlsh -Kirt of Adeu, au lm
portant point on tbe overland route to ludla.
In the Ontano Parliament, on Friday night,
tbe Conit-lesioner for the Crown Landa atated tbat the
Pruvlncial Uovemioent atill owned S.700 aijuare mHes of
tttnher landa ln tbe OUawa region, ln whleb nof a alngle
plne tren ba*1 bfen cut, and i-ontaininr aome of the best
piuii timtier thls aldo of tbe Koeby Motititatna, and eau
tuated lo be worth to tbo Uoveruiueut, for lbe tiojber
aioue. fta.ooo.ooa
lEAfl?OTS BT A BEKMM 1?1 OIIKHI -*__??
nal?tiik ooma_rn in am.kha iv-?___?
irttOM A RBOf'LAB (-RRMWi.tnB.Tr 00 THK TKlBt!K? J
B-__J_. Dee. __?The corn me nta in Ameriea
al.ont r> -tfrii tl.n* on G.-rtnan emlirratlou ntuafd aome
*Ur iu thir,.-...intrjr. Of e.iurae tUeBerlln .<>urn.ii-< tiitateD
to reject tbe lnterpretatlon put on the a_e_I ttttr, bat
thisiimounu to nothmir. Iiaea_--t__i at-Bt ahaa it
wa* publi_i.d. It waa "liorf and foiiiul. .?ot.f.?i,u.(_
tiotliinKtorU-tC'-Bt a tiidden uurftotte. It ___?I ?BBf
Qeneaae wttb sun'rise, b.< tuse it was iht roddee
ah-mtnUUn ot a poln y which was thoiiKbt t<> bi bi-Uly
Ba-aclou" and Jmt. Tiie r.-dueed rai- * for '?iiii-Tai.ta
were rarrely Intended to attract them to Hr<-inen in.l
H.irnl>ur? and Geruiau at.-amshlp lin.-a, aud m-a ... .'k.iu
Autwerp, Ostend. Havre. Llverpool. and .orcii_u BBfl
gationcompanles. Ttoi UUmU IB*?eaal el tin. eoBejr
1* thcreforo louiethinK uiore than a tnea-iire <.f pi ? '" al
adnilnl-tration. The blunder of *otne of t-t*- Aiinri. aii
prei* -nn lesa In the theory itself than ln BBBattag >t to
theG-nnan Envny. One of the Bett? jour-.i.l* has
t ,? _ ep tu.- subject ln an exhauitlve if not an ?Itectual
i a. VtfAEpttttr'aaae ttmmtg is a laaawat **********
Llberallam is uuder*tood by a certain puty
lu Oermany, and it u on contldcnti al terma
wlth the Government. Wln-n tho rut.or pub
llshed lu Ameriea reached Uormany thut joiirnat
pul.lUhed a cautlous denial. A rtay or two tgt 't re
turned tothe eunject, and publlshed an arn< -1<- of three
columng, full of the more UKly convolutlous and al
tles, wblch ln Oerman tndicatee stronj. paesion. The
anlmus of the abeet in, ln vlew of lt* relafion.", no tig
nlflcant that I send a tranalatlon iu full of tl.e .irtn !>?.
It is entitlcd "The Auiencan I're_s andtiertuun l.un?i
tlon," ati't itiays:
Tho State|and private rallroad* of Oerm..tiy have
lately raUed tho low ratea heretoforo ??tordod to aail
grants, and placed all paateaaari mt a eonu-on footinii.
Such a meaiure ls wholly ii dotuestic aflYiir, aml ti?- ru.hr
of nocompauy to its relcase from nnprotttab." iirrat...
meut* willbecontested. We aro greiitly iarpriaad, tn
deed, tbat thut is done ao tardily: fpronec?i lunii.
under.tand why corporations abould thus sa. rlfl.
gumi, and much less why the State ihould pai a pi -iinuiu
on emigration. Flvo aud twenty yeara ago tbit ?
ire iiit'-llltrible, f<.r lt waa neoeaaar. ui i
loiiHi'-tlllou with Autwerp, Kott. rdaiii, Il.tvr.-. aad tbe
Kiiitllsh port*; but to-<Uv, Brenicn. Hamb?-g. aud
Htettlu hare almosta uiouopolyof tbe eaugrant u_n_
pert; they rec.-ivi- aiinually 200,0(10 paieenyii.of thal
claas, and the pr?crvatiou of tbe old __gnlfli anl
would be at the expeuac of tho best lntereit* uf t ot
way compaun-s. Th..- latier luve tharetore done well
to re-atabliab the nornial ord.-i-of tli.i.---, and anj
eompanie* in siunlar etieaa?taacea woald aata
_oue tbo same thlug. Nevertbeleaa, the g:
ot the American prese make this mea*?
ocenslon of golefnn reproa''heB, and even atu
tbe Governnlent of the (Jerumn I.inpm-, ilnni.-ii n bad
uottnng to dowith the matter. Tbeae *__< American
pap.rs, whioh muke no proteet whou tbeir owa r-.il
runds and .Htate.. repudiatc tbelr Obllgatloua?M bal
been done half adozen tluies witluu tbe paal rear?de
?crir?e a siuiple __BBt_al iBuaeiiri a-* oaeof oppoeitlon
io .-nii-ratloii; theaa BBBM ebeete, wblch are illen. ovei
tbe Roek [alaad twladie, the C_Utaaooaa aad Alabama
frautU, tbe Minnesota repudlation, nnd iii.uiv ot i,
outra_es?tbeae same ?heets raise a chorus of unli-i.a
tiuu over asU?p taken lu tbe lnfrest of (.erna..n Uood
holdera and railway owner-, ctet.-i-t tbtrein tbe <-.....ity
Of (i.i many for the fiiil.-d rttaf.--i; ladead, IO_oe ol . ln in
go so far as to IhtaattB to eall u- to aeooaai ai tbe
pr._j>' i? tlti.e. couiiiiii aa are tbaaa tbn lanev
m a certain metliod lu tbem. rbe intentiou of
tba wrltara la to repreaent tbelr lund to then Oerman
readena* tbt laa- ol U.lo_ whicb proti cuttu Imml
srant,andOerautnya tlu tyrantwbicb ..) :?..'.- ann,
aud by these tBOtlea to tlirow on anotbei countrj m.
-llillity for their o'.vii faults of ouiis.-loii iu this
T.... worsc offender ls agaln The Wtet-Ttrt llernld.
While aome Qf ifseoti-inporain-H, eapeciall. tn tbi inte
rlcr, prlnt orreprlnt talea aowi -hroagb lunontnoe, /'/.*
lirra'd acu witb the lutention and tbe wlll to *peak
(alaebootL It knows what it* naderi wlab. aad wbat
tbei ' au bear, and lt acts accordlnuly. Xb-daj tba Mui
iBt.'r of C'oniuierce raiscn the rate* on tbe ooaaa -i.aiu. ra
-a- if tli.- it.'aiusliip eoiapaalet ha.l no'iii_t< to tat; tu
morrow tbt War Minister fornids the moreilient oi . ml
rranta. Day after aay The lleraul pnbbabed B< rUn t. le
Erranu, m ide ln Lfew-Tora, atmbutuig the aorat bm .
ILTtJI| U> thO '..-ruiiill (ii.Vi-riiliiellt. Dbut W.a^ tii. ...Uie
souir kepi uu, ao _at llte lleruld reutloi r.itl to hLuuc.f
?t last tuat there muBt be some trutti tn the eaat, and
hrew hm paper on tbe table wtthaii lmprecatioii against
(,. riii.uiv. Then baving atUiunl Its cu.i, ihe lleruld
al.an.iotied tbe aubject for a wbil.-.
latrle as we can be aurpriaed l.y Ihe freaks of TAe
flerald, so much the more are we astoiimled tbat reapoo
table joiirualK, like TilE BBW-TOBK -__II m:, *< nd
abroad-liinl-i'fal?e reports about tbe I ol tbt
Germau Govcrnment. Our rtadera remembei tbi denial
whicu we gavoon the Utb of tbls n.onth lo IBt Uat**
ui.-irt ittrl-atad by The XBtaumtotbe Ooru tn Hinl*tor
ut Waablngton, accordintr to wbleb tbe Wui Vfltm ter bad
demanded tbat tettara bo pat oa emlgraUon ln order to
keep German gubjectaathome In vi.w of tbraateiM;d
troublo wub France. It it needed .i graal d gtte of
iiinoi ni'-e to aal aaab a Hai?iratlnn m tbe moutb ola
(,,-rn. iu Mini-t< r, it iieedoda d<-sr.-<- f tr graatai ln tlio
columus <>r a _T'-ut (otirnai. whleh publishcs tucb umtt.-r
.; tlimkinKlt necs_.iry toKivo ui.y .-rtiition or to
,,how aiiv skepti.'ism.
In the same path as these two repr _entaflvi |ournal?
follow tbe otber rbtet*, dlitortiog, Intentiona ij .
tbo meaaunt of tba Oeraiaa raiUaj adalnistr. tlou. lt
ls acal'vt-'lv woitb the troui.lt) to _
tbe mdofs aiready glven ait enoogb for ont r. ad. r?. lu
?bort, we ileuiaur- of tbe Aun-rlcuii p_?4* oulj tbat it
wlll uot Ulsturb thing- wlit,b ooacei d ut alo ? W
t.iitor it tbe inooataaflbla ngbt ut tbe -fnltui '?" i a be d
njotiey ou lwuiiciaiits hk.- paup> ra or va . to
lend ?-k crlppb?, Idlota, aini peraonib ? raoldj
onlv we insist tbat U_9__B_?an preu ihall ui. i
sauie couce^.slou,_aIld not t.rc_um<- to nwui
t-fair" uuili they lu.e Uill.iTC.edtbe._4. ___ ? '- ? - v
fleld wberelu tna Ataerloan preaa, ln*tead ol li liug la
inj?ticc. can w.rl_b.tii.i Vvjjuiud v. ith cletii.itn.., tbat la,
tbe adoptiotiof a titjaty tor tae protecUonot tu Imnu
uraut. The tt'spoutubiiliy for a fallure up tothiaUiuu
li.-a probably uot on tbe aide of G.-ruiatiy. ror mora
(buu four (f) years tbe Imyerial Ooveiaiaeul paUeully
waii-.-d loward u treaty; but uutiluuw, tli.- Anterlcaoa
ha\c i.Ot met ln tiie same i-pirit lU 1
mo'ierati: .lomands. Tb'-y batt doae a? k"1"' ?>* '?
fu the UnBiLgraata. Wlth UM izoap?mi ... I bjo t tbraa
uiugty stariiu-.-ol U-B Itmt. UU, laib, tbe Waahlngtoa
JGuverniut-t bafl __t all to tbe k
Mr Bewurd appointed a eo____is*l m ol j
and well-iianl butincomiK'tenf Du ?| .' II aaaouli ..
eopy of tbo Kew-Yorb luimi-ratlon Board, and .lil
uotralug. A_t tbe time of elooUooi Uie oflii al oratora
sne ik wdl of the imjwrtance of lm-Bli?*_on for tbe
lah'l- iuil.-.'d. laat-tiuimi*!', aa the eltctoral movi-ni. nt
iieve'loite.l the uiereailui. atrengtn of tbe Gonaaaand
Irisb elenient, tbe Prealdent, covetlng ior hi \iimiiii">
iratlon tbelr support, ainlih-iilv publlabed a _-_a*aaB <-_
tolllliir tbe advitiifaices Of liilinlat?ttion; luit tbil rli.-tone
has no turther iftij<-<:t. Tbt Gcruian'Oovernun-iit. on tho
.-..'iti in, iti splte of the fact that,tbe .-ni'i-i..nu ?re ait
aetual loss to the eountry, have. by Ueatlee aml oih< r
wUe, shown a 'tr-^-d. Btateamanlike spint. It ba* acl.d
iu?io tnfllnji tpirit of ctucauery, but like a graal Btate,
e?nsctou?of tationor andit* renpoii-_.i,it, iu tho wv
eral mea?urc-. uotably tbe treaty <f lt?>s, wl.. r<-l>y tba,
rittht of eapatriiitlon aml of tbe MfBtaal ttee.loui of ti.o
enii?rauta wa. rc.-o_i.Ued. Amt taenuaiiy baa no fnr
tbrrjniert'tt ln tboH- pi-opl wlio ,ire *.i impoi tant to
Aincrlca. She demaudi alao. purely iu tli<- ii.k r.-at oi tn r
departed son*. au ititeruati.iial rule for tli<-:r prote. ?tion:
but tbe United htates will t U -0__ to tiie propo-it.on.
Tolusure such a uaefttl clatrof elti_eusaKain*t i ut ina. Ii
m.'iitsou their pertonal an.l pOKitlv.-ni.ln-:- i taal 10
which tin- AaM?aaa ateai ia eellea, and ll araabl i*' wiao
to contliii Itaelf to tbat, without prenuiiun- to ttaaail
meaaures wbicb it do. I n.i or will not **_?fa_BB_
l?iMKiN.8atiir<la.v, Jan. Ii, 187.1.
Tlic total uuiiiLht af t_iifirr;tut.s tlmt ltft
Liverpoul during th?- y<_i i . for Ameriea wa- l_.,oo(,.
Wa-DINGTon, Jan. 12.?From the. diplomatif
oorrespondence accompanylug Uie Pw?denr* aunual
mewage which haajuat been pnut."J,lt apiK-ur. tbat i ur
Government addre**e_ Ietter* to all ol our notoKL-raiu
Europe, lmtruoUug theui to repreaeut to _b<- reapectlvo
Govei-UBBBjp to whicb tbey are accrcditet. tbe <l<*p ln
teretl tttiin by t_. -aited BUtlee in tbe Jewaof Rou
manla, and to ask the _oodofflcei of thoae Governmaota
lu protecttijg the Jewt from oatra_e? a^d peraecutlon*.
It ls offlc?_ly repreaeot-- tbat tbe lU-t-tatmeiit of lbe
Jewi l* not ooni_cted wlth tbe rell?ious queation bu*
concet-i labor, and tbat tbe Roumanlan (iovernment.
lind lt a dlfflcult taak to bo act aa to preservo ibe pubik.
tranqulUity and at tbe ?*me Utae latu.y publio ordoioo.
The Roamenlan people call apon the Govtrntneut to
take meaa-Jtato prerant tbe eountry from beinao.tr
run by Jewa, and the autboiitlea fear to take tbe re
lautred aeUon, t_.ufb fear of oBe-tdlng tbe tolerant
apirlt|of Kuropo. Owlnf to tbi* atat" of affaira tbe
eountry li kept lr a eouatant iiute of agltatlon, wbii-b,
pirjudtolal a* lt 1* to the tntei-ita of tbe provincc. aerve
tbealmiot thoae wbo <le*_- torender *Uoie (.overn
meut lmpoaalble la K.u__u?la, aad thu* to facilitato lt*
abaorpUon by nelghborlnf powerfnl 8Ute*.
Mr. r.uotto, oar Cooaal at Buubareat, ui a commanl
cat?n Ui tbe fltata -.partment, aaya : " It ib * aouree of
vlew by *or tto?---iu_in wur. in my nppoii.tu.iui il
raoniriu to exerviao a aiortU luflut-uto lu tbe?__.? dt

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