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AJtBAIGNMBNT OF SPATN OUI G '\i::;nmi\t i.osisi. FATIFNCL. ? -r 'M'l s. r 01 tiik -; vrB DKPAl.TMKXT ?>\ II!) CUBAB QCBSTION ? THI OOIJOBIAl N. , ntO-HSED BT SI-AIN NM CARBIBD OCT ? ACnOBTi llOt l-MWISB-. V \MK1>. M.B4L r*R_ss DHPATG-.I Wa*4H1noto*<, Jan. 11.?The followinjr BW ia |Ba ilip'i.'inatn- c.irreappndenr* .mst pub liabed wltb tbe Preeld* nt'a metsaire: ltr. StckU* to Mr. Fxth. l'\irt.t> L-MATIOB to . t'Atv. * .-*<?. RBBASTIAJI, Ktlg. .7 b-k I hav- the honor to tninsirat herewlth an : . dated Auk. 6, 1872, promulgal ition of the aet ot Ju'.t 4. ?ne Hl.?v*>? in tbe tsland-i ofCnba and Port o l :? ?t>a,r** that tlu- mt-aMitrt was proposed hv tbi , ? , , i , rin? tbe auifi-cstions of tbo authi>r.tic-? -vltb tbe sd\ iiinr. fi'M-ible lllustrat-lon eould IK-rlut and uns itisfactory thai the j" nwal of tl.l-4 colnp.l ? rode of prif-ednre tor Its r-<-.uti.'n ? tu ebaptera. artn-les. and eiMimt* of . K.ui uio p_r_<rspb8. You wiU obaerva the in nn ? ' lb" K-benie b) tn ',,. . ? .',,..,.... ,-a ,,f ?-vei' romm .-loti'-r-' ln ea< i ,.ti.. or. ai we rol .ht per eaidiug wltbiu ' > free V law, ? _*____><_ I le'itetinni-(iovernor Of tbe* . i_t* _>_____ tae majoi of i ut- di-irict (in IVriu l-co) ,' tb. TtoWtl (''liai'-l, Wlll Im 8X ,....,_..' y ? ., .-?? r..,-, ? , be rb leea, ___???? , .,.?? a. ...: ra, aad _ .?*??? er. tUT WH ? ____!__!-.t,. wiii not vote. Tlie four tneiiil-ers-tp I ? hold ..I'i" t"l two years and serve gratui v will br i. itnel "l.t- the i?ptaln-0.*neral ?a of the larcenf tax payers ln tbe lo r ,? uol rvaldeulB o lb. f whom ahall nol h. ? l?i, io i*e made br I1*'- chief offl. er of tl ? . uob 88 dirttrict and subniltted to tbe Captaui -.-" fur eompanson a oopy of tlie art of , ftrnded , ..,. ?* I tu av, howaver. re ? ; ig mr. xeiulioii of tliis law to thoae . ? eoinplatnt in Cuba nnd ! ii-riinent lia.-. evidently ylelded to tbe . a tli. COUipU 1 av tltis d<-cr**r to dtmlnlsh the t, ,. _,.,,. ., iinaui'ied bv tlie orlcinal mcasiire, I .IX Hl I I l'..'l ll> llll SOtbor ' ? trotn ** ?? ivi-Tn-liT--?wbua-e .ft . a il !?"? rhe ml. -\i.iii,>!i ..f tlie Ci.itvu. I'l'aiiii' iiuiu - ',iu. il. anterl ir to I b**v are i aw le_.-ed for Ion-; tenn- ol v uf whom aoon report tbem : i *. ..? .'ti liate pabli.-Lcd an r ot tbe M ii ? rt bad anybody iii tbeir bebalf were t r-iiincn may ... i r. sotve it oa ? ivarmnenl il ? ? ,v i. 1?. r Br. I roa, Ain-. n, ll in- reeaipl or vour ale . ? ? opj of a tel j . a you, lo i -iitil to ia aud . a, -n thr rrtmipiii . tbe iiiiuianiiy. and , laws mi tba abe ln. n of ? . , . uaa aal arac i ,.n. ,\ ilvMuro-N Ftsu. ' IATI0R IB SPAtB, 1 . BlH i d Poi I I ' I as tlie , ' in tln I'nrtc . . ? ? alwa.V a .' ? ?'terela no rea?on wby Slavery li al riv;tit- . ? tld be tiiiit", . -i ? l ? - -l evi'l'-Ut >"iiu ' ' f Ita colo - mad t" ' ' I'bamb ? i ii.r... Marqufs . uei in the republb an and .'nu tnts tonehing the ln r.i tbat . i iiinl sueh formal expresslon in the out of imt uropoaition can au interestni- lil^cu.?asllln of the ?on. _ ,.- w:i)i rafo-in measures in Porto Rieo . i the <iovern \i. v rtul slave interesla i Ixid baatens to "-bow that ?'. Failiuit to . inlng tbe re - in one colony be?-auee ln anotbertoo , tion. the ( inserv.iTive op tbi it _roun . p. * toward mde I . In both i .auda. xnraaaad in ny 9o. .. Carttal ntiteendeuts "t (icu. <le la ition of Bantlago de ?.l>oru<.t i>y bli eonduet ln Porto t , reaetioaary party, after e"inmeudinir hi? Bppointod by Ibe fltuineai ln shows i . tbi .t il'in-iil?, aii'l otf.'ti'l'il at the freedotn a ;,. ti, ? ii. .>!?:.? in the ebotee "f thelr .i.pu i -, iini-ato: whom are radical ?81888-818 . autwltbatandtng, to retaln tbe li. ? BB KI.K ./r. Sit './'?- '" Vr, Fi-h. \ S, - 1 I a.\[|l>. IS .I'Alt, ) aiAl.KIU, Oct. fi, 1S72. . i na th. boaaa to forwaed berewitu un uffinai : 2d mst.iut. orgauixlpg a .,; tlie iniiviuoea of ('ul'- and I'i.i lo ? nn of enlialiueut is six yeara, Im ln aervioe and , i_m* of waror taanneo* . . .1 to tciuaiu uuder aims, l iu SiMin, lit?i, from Uio .. nia ; si i ond, froin tuu reaervf* tif I a.,.1 iiiud. Uy reiniitiug at large. Besi.les .-. aiiowod for M-tvne Oeyoud tue aeas,each j . ... .. , ii.niiiiv of 1150. with .'i.tiuii- un.i ti..u i nud fainily at tbe cxpiraUon feullstment. Tne re-erve.-* are likewiae Iih.i1 uilitla, oi " i>,'' ??, anu may be aimed if umployed ou , ._ a mi th it b.sidi-4 tba beavy loeecs ln the army of .Uie liutl c-ampaign thu term of serviee of ....-ii hn* expirod. so tbat ln ordw to ^tb ot tb. ;ori.aiiUaUon arven ? I at 1. <tol -Jo,')"* is reuiiii'iii. ? -.-nt condiiiou ol lUidirh in Ppaln, It will be a iurl of xbrnt Lefort* the A law is now p*-uding iu the Cortea iptlon of 40,(.4K) uieii for tbt-Bpan lt will l?- amonit tbe. : s for Cuba wiii be "iu.. .ivever, encounters seriouj opposltion, and:. .t. :,. fnii tboeadoflbe mouth ; . ttt.*) iu the preaaal temp?*r of the peopie to ititiatic ..i.ataer c-U= riptiou in Uiis country, baaed, aa |ua_ au.l unjunt ayatoui of eurolliuent, at Cabiuet acknowledgea aud atands i S better illustrate the dlfferenee betw-ten Italll aui .paiu tliau tfie a luoui' nt wiit-u 4 unada ls without a garii > nt army ib fouud n<. ? - itralu tae unwi..,.^ aliogiauee of Cuba aud Ri. ... . iiuorof tbe appointmeut of I.ii ut.-On. Cordova, u' pi ? ui Ue Caii.uiu General of - ... Ived, witb aaaaa foundation I Buspi-et. a i of -ataie remarawl to^ne last Friday, bow ife b. uiauc at jurtaeut, ua Uen i ' from the 1**_r Dcimrlmeut . reoiifaiiir.ation of tbe army, for wuu b be j j* pn f ... d a proj.-ct to theCortea. Tn. appomtment, . . vtyji.i IH. .ia Bil cxceliett. I BU), A. , I). E. 81CB1.H. Jf*r. Ftnh to Mr. Sickltt. D-PABTMBBI ")' r*TATE. WA.illN'iTOS, Oct. ?, 1871 Bla: li.e pnaent Miii-ttrr 10 Bpam has given aeeur .__? ;- rorgansof tbe pnaa-84 ; i you puraoually (aa you f thi'ii inti.'LtiDti to i eeriee of extenslve reiorms, embrao a-ituoiig tbeta aouie of those wbich tbia (iovorument . ineii ooaBideraliou iu r inar i.tighbojs. a ,.? ., , ?? M is "ie I'/ea. ?? t Vf T.a.r.- bv the lar/.- pop i> c whioh ba* r< ceutly reiun.ed 10 the Corloa an - . Jtulug maiutity iu ita suppurt, tbere oaa be uo i abiltry toeiirry intoopeiation tae reforae of wbieb tbey ba.e given promiaethau there c_,_, b*Jiiatidt aliui. to <iu.-atlon tbe aiacerlty witb whicb t ? *?/.r^tn;i vaa giicu. lt boc-jb, Ibcroforo, to l>e * ; .H.-aalou to loidr back upou the relatiuns belw*_en iiui Otttttti and Spatu, and to niark tae jirogr. m ,,_?e U*-i. ma-le iu aocomplt.-hiaB Ioob* ob ; i uuii-cd hor coopcralloa. . snowledged wl'h regret tbat l.ttle or uo -rr mei- '.u* Urdine.-s in IJiIb respijct, nt;. M i.V illiputabie. tO a . Lc?;a_:ioii of tbe i- p.Teuaded .se quallUea , . . t ii.. ...u-a aulboxl tles, If, Indeed, thelr BBBl omisston to do what we have expected should not be asen.1 to otbei MU* ?-.???_ __,- Hpanlsh (iovcrun.eiit,aartlyat ???* ?????$- ahJfes in tbeir owa t?'iTiiorj,i j ii? '"" ' f Woo(, anrt expendt ,-......- .- -- ___._?__ Who were ii'iuuj aa. mXttJ oonnned to Iboaa *^lvi,I14_.. ns ? ,g ,m!u '"."U .\ '',a"i1 __ta TiBon tbe inatlueta of ral ata. Jnat It reatti ip? < Vumji of man wblcb are u.lls the "?aeeaaa^ttJBaaajaBaa-^ t ",w mi,r;???> yJ* ?i._d so riSbS-na as that whi- h ciiuvii ti..a -ta g^th^folefaBc. ..( human navan, '.'. .'""^.vernraenti be ln fanit ln ralsmg tbeir vOtM Mtoa, opcn oreovert. of thoae whoee supp-se i mii-reMs iiihv tn ivflet.te.l by it, to say nothing of otu.r . a, iamid. al proi'teiUugs, must be trymgto tho patlenoe ndhlghly einlnrrassing to the st-itesiueti wbo may 1 . tte best fliaposed toward tho measure. All, tojjfe*er. w_ooouiiicna_o$luk?<war_iuea_ or uei.l-jci.lbi_4rr.ving it into tflvvt _iu_t, uiure ox less, bc Uabitt t"fflhe charge of dupUcity or bad faith?a charge whlch every man of bonor iu high statlon to eudeavor lo avoid. Uv tbe euactiuent ol tljalaw of July, l??o, thu Uovern rarat of PpiUu-. practii'-ilv t-oiuiuiu.vd to Un policy of emanclpation. It ls true that the law was far from being as eoraprebenslve a measure as was hoiied for by tco frieiii_4 of emanclpation both in ttpaln and tbrough i.ut Chi-islA-udom, bul lt waa reaardod as liic culciuig wedire aud the firit step toward the extermlnation of a ?.real wroug, and ae the inauiruration of a measure of Hi-ui-'c and of jK-aoe, whereby t4pain, to her high bonor, declared herself ln hariutinr wlUi the general eeatUMBt of moduru clvili/.ation, aud with tho prlucinles of un qni'-.lloiied huui in T'.ghtu. It ls so manlfestly due to that a-etitiment and to tboee prineiplea that thelr rttcngnttion u* tuu- evLlcU'-ed be made praetical and effeciive by tbo i uforc. tiieait ot tbe law tbat lt cannot be queeUoned lhatBpain. wltb the prlde and tbe honor that uiarfc ber histcrt', will uo longer delay the exeeutlon of tb<? law ttat liic observanoe of tbe pledge io buiuamly aud to .usl.c. v.hi. a la iiuplied iu the eu.icliuent. Tbere 1- another \iew wblcb may be taken of thls snb i"i i. The Bpanleb QoverBment and the Spmnsh peopie are undi-rstood to be almoat unaiiluioiuly adverae to the iad. ih udoui-ol Cuba. lt will uot bu denu-d that the r.MManif io the euforcement of the emanclpation law i,r,u,.M| . iiiin..a-t entirelirroui tboee iiiterostcd tn slave propcrly in tbe laland of Cuba, wbo have. tbrouKh th< _ucvo_-.vt? miuietrio.'* lo which tbo ii.ivutuuieut ol :. i- beenIntrustodelocetbe( nactment "T theiawtn j .. ? ??. nenaliied bitheito to delay und U_ ?I.*feat IU exocuuou by preventiuc the promulgation ?Treguiatlous ,iui Uiocndto whuh the law was directed. Au Imp. rtaM law is tnat in.llifh*'! throogh the liiJiueuce and ageney of a elaaa ln CHibO wbo are aaoot l<>u?l la profes .Hiii ni devotion to tbe mtt-grity of the tfpuinsb terrltsrv ..iiiloti.. I'outiuuaurc- "1 -paiil-*b .iuuiiuion MlftH TheexamploofdUregardtoIawa tbiu aei can imt le witbrnit Hm influenc*. If ('pain penalta ber levlrtuaU] and pra**-*a>ly d.-iied in tbat ?. ftual oi? n-fflert to.airr. into eflei 1 BCU 0 the li.uiK GOM ruui-iil of a huiuaiie I* inlcnev, LS ttOl UUI ti_at.iliu.uiil l" un'iwleilgiiiciit Of liiaiu..... l" OOn troif If abe refuaes to enfuree her eutborltyln o ritain*', why mav it uot Iks sparued ln otbers, aud wil uai h.i anpreiuaoy,aooaer or later, beeouie uoui'uai mily. wltb no real advantage to heraelfor ber colouiea. ktrimentof both. asweli aa those ol a'li. r i.owers wbose lel.itions, whether of neicht'.irli.i ni ,.i fou.-ieive,give them apeelal i*?tereat_a tb.- w.-ifarn ... : I, i_ i, pn sent* .1 that tbe grasp ? . . . - i-.ters ln Cob i ? "?' m niiuMlng tbem vinualiv to annul th.-ir aoatraeta with .,.ain'.-. t..r a btuited iv-rm *>f servloe, ooupled tho prlvil. ge of returnlngtotbeir bomeaal Ita. loae, nidtbat anfortnnate Aantlee, ander regulatlons foraj en lon i <1 rei:nga|C-*-DeBt when their torin. r tana may hav* nxplrod, are belug reduced ta tbe .sau,. abjecl condlUou glavei [f thla be true, ll b uiivoruiible for the lioveriiment ot anv civiliz.-d comitrv to be indlfr.-r aoatroolona a prooaadiaa. Vou wlll mentlon tbU nibjeot to tl"' Hpaniab Mun-ter for Foreigu Ailaii-, aud will not oonoeal th ylew ableb wa tabe of it. d ii <-u*ia baa now lasted four ? xttoiai't-. to auppreM, so far fatile, bave been made probably at u .-aaiiuc of tuuio tban 100.800 Uvea and _n ulable amount of proporty. Ou lalana otber eonnectlons witb that laland compel us to wanh ., ita paaeeful aad erdaaty couditlou, wiih.iut wm- ii there eanuol be praaperlli - Cnba beingaeparated tmrn this . .nmtiy by a narrow ,,,.. ?. the temputlon for reebleaa adventarera here te our l'.WB aad e.iubark iu hostlle expedltlons thither is great de-.pito lbe un |nestiou**.l Tigtlauoe of meat to malntaln ita duty aod tbi ippwiaebaa lo tbe laland bave been marded by tbe Bpantah cralaera. Tba aald proxlmlty ius ami ot;.. rl, rartlaana of tbi ... up tbeir abode in tbe Uuited Statoa, actual Ue hope that iliM proxiiuity wou.'i enabl. tbem adyan :i,l .et for tl oent of their I, We ? ertalnly h ive reaaon t.i expect ili.iti, i n ui'aiii om watcblulueas toi bostiu tic- tn ?'uba ahould have aome termlnatiou tbt i un oi iiii? raiu-which bltberto li.s Uceu aiipposed to inako il necea-ary for ih^di-charge ot our dutics aa a ___? - . have r ?.!? ipon i.? .I.- barge i ;,?.,.. . -. laJUS ... IIU U.s'l-' ' ,[,,. ,, . ity by the wan' Ol 1 aat -laaill lll -. ' I I " 'IV- -' 1 il ? t Ile IWVoll l_?Ul ,t will ivernmenl the conslderatlon of whether duty t . Itaelf and to tb.mmer usTttatsof itBCltltenanay aot demaad aoaas obaaaa .ii ih- lme oi aetioall baatb?afai pnraaed. it i intii 'at. !, and li probably ti n . thal tbe i orrap mor* or I*-- tnaeparable from inoQpro i . oIlte?-^^ is Itaelf a prim-ipal at.-ent la proionging bo-tilil.'- in * ui'.i. The .?_tortiuu-i inddeut %o t uruiaU iii- auppllea for the troopa, tbe bope of iharlng In tbe . is of in*ur_ent ?r alleK'-d InBurgeni property, wonld, "i eotuae, be put an aad lo bv therestoration of irainjuillity. lue*ac must lie powertul 88*888188 in fe-tter ng the ano wbieb ougbt to -.triko b.uir : order, and tbe quiet enjoym?*nt ef the ctt-ten. It 1- rea sonablatosnppoae,too, that the buviuk of thepublio nouey whlob luust reaull ii.'iu- termiuatiouol tb ? atild alone be a Bufflolent inoentire for a p.itnotic _ -vi rtiuient to exert itself to tbo utuiosl foi that pur ".{.-.ides a measure for tbe abolitiofl of filiv-ry. and l the apeedy termiuatiou of tbo tiute.t iu Cnba, we bave been a-wm-d tbat ett**nslve mnnlcipal reforiu would bc IntrottaeeB iu the colouiea, aud that Lbcir goieruuitut woula Oe bbetailBttd. Ceitaiuly tht* Government. witb its experi.'uce of tbe past, aud witb tbe kuowledire which it cannot fail to have of tbe teudt-ncien of the ug-, cau oxpect jieaceably to in-iiitain the aiKi.-ut . .iiouial ay?teui iu tboae laland-. n press bearlly npon tba aa merou aiv. - ol th" aame i ieo, bb i If not tt* moat be a cou*taut aource of bltter autipatby to tln uiothcr country. Tbe rcpeutod assuraacos ot tbo iu tentioo of the Oorernment to aboBab slaverv and I i irrabt l.Uiml leloi iu? lu tlie admnustt atlon of the itiand are u.liiiiHJai'iua hy Simin ttt the wrong of slavery aud of the existeuco ot ivil.i whl..h BOOd i.r.irni, l.ut are still allowed on tbe UloKieal and ludefeusiiile Kt'uuud tbat couces-ion cannot be mado while resiadance continuea. a u.tnoii k'v.'** ju .iiitatiou u> raa!aaaaaa wbiie adiuit ted wronga n-uialn uureairctited ; res.aitauce Ceases to be jiistitlable wheti no wrotiK* are ettbar atbnitted or al tvgxid. Ketlierts wrou_sa_u rosistauce wiii cease.. bpaiu i? too great u tofear to du what she admiti to be right beeause it is 'isR.-d vebemently, or beea u'.taiiiu.iut is s'lii-iit hnproporly. .**be need not apprn btud that tbe rufcrmin,- ul abuaM a:nl al amaaji whlch she admits to >? .ist and deelares berseif ready to con.-i t. *H1 be attnbuted to an uuwor'hy motive, While delay lu reuiovim; admltted wroug wbieb it n within her pow? er to rcaiovo plaoes her iu a faleo jsisilion, aud |oea I *r to justify aud to attraet aympathy to thoae who are BUf ferera froin the uuredre-tsed wrouira. Spaln ltsolf baa boen tbe sceue of en :1 ommotlon, bnt itrisonei- taken m aims have uot Ocen put to death .. they are ln Cuba, noi- bave amneatlea been regarded aa daiigerons in tlie I'.-ninsula; why abould tbey be eo irar&d ln the oolouiesl or why should coni-ssious Imi disnonorable. tn Cuba that are not so ceusidered at bomc I The stiggi-stion tbat tbey would be 11 tbe "fl-prin/ of tho s ltlabuess of thoae lnterested in prolougmg the coutoat f _ privaic?taiu. A juht, kuiriit, and humaiio policy toward Caba, if it would not brin_ qtiiet aud oider aud mtentedaeea. would at leaai mouity the judgmeuc'-of tbe world tliat moat of the efli* o' whu-b Cuuj., {* the sceue are tbe nece?sary resuits of hSFiL""tT.Stm.tit aud of the uujtd min-struliou tlie Government. We are aware tbat many citiz-ns of the Unlted B.-tf>8. owuersof estates iu Ciiba, have suffered injury by the 88888-888 sei._je, iu violatlou of treaty obligatlona. of tho^e tstates, iuii by the appropriation of their proceedi by tboae into who*?i hands they bad failen. Tboujch tn some one or two lnataucea the property bas 1-een ordered to be reetored, so far there has oeen no tndemlfle_<iou for the damage sustaiued. Iu otber lastaacaa, when- KSti tutlon bas been promised. lt has been evaded and putotT iu a way whlch canuot fail to oxcite the jur.t rei-iit_--ut of tbe sufferers aud of thelr Oovctumtiut, wbo?e duty it 1. to proteel iheli lnterests Tbo docreo uf 3lst Au^aat last, prescnblne remiUtioni for the proceediugs eouoeriUug aequeBtrated prouerty la Cuba, so far aa It reeogulzed tue embargo or oonflsoatiou of the j.r.apertvot those cbar^re.l witli eompliritr m the lu-turreeti'iu, aa a judicial pro ttnliug, iu whi. li tbe parties are eutitled to be faul. heaid, uiay be re garue.l as a conee?slon to tbe frequeut reinonstraui-en of tbia -overument, aa well aa to the requir/'mi'iits of justioe. But uuleaa the action of the Board to be cons'.i tuu d under that desree exhlblt a very dlffereut measure of prompUiesa aud of activlty from tbat whU li h_s beeu given te the remoDstrancea of thla Oovernment agaiust tbe proceedings whereby the property of citlxens of the l.mtod States haa lifrttofore been seized, the oi^Miiiiatiou of the Board will at-rve only to increaso the very Juit cauaeB of complajut of. thu Uovorn ment. It is hoped that It wlll uot ne allowed to t.. oometbe meaiia or tbeiextuaeof further jiraKrastm. tion, or of delaylag heyond the er.ttremest llmltsof patleuc, whlch have already boeu n-aa'hed, lbe d.aiiiou upon tbe many cascs whirh have beeu tt'o subjei I of pro t_MiU_ldlplor.aiUicor.ot|M>!ii'.. imi'' will readlly oocur to y ou aeveral ousea whi.-.h need uol be speciliraily euumeratod, whiob buve boan referrod _.4cliward and foiward between Madiul and Ftavaua to iha very verite of the exbauitioa of .11 patleim. la lb* D-taB time the proverty of eiilaens of tb?> Cint.-d Htati?* hut Ihm-ii h*ld lu violaUoa ol the treaty betweeu tb.a c ?x tm\y aud tepatn. In some of these casea vou hsve Uceninomua'd "I"' r^leawof tbeeinbariro, lt \% expected that tbe ittay ledreaa tbua t*rom-i*d wlll not be fnriher detayei ' ''.7 any alieged ueceaaliy of reftrouce to thla uewiy cou. '?' tuled Lioanl. Itiahnp-d that >ou will preaeut the viewa above aet fairtb.uuU the preaeut grievauct- of wbicu thlaUu nient ao lustly < omplains. t > tbe (..i\,- ament to wblcb you are aocr**dited ia . way wbieb, witlioui ?_ivittx ofleua-, ai.! !? av.-.<'< thal we are 111 A.rueal iu pra ataiou of ilioM-. vief.ja, an.l laat we aXp. ..nii lli.tlii U ralioull not sooii i" atloi Utd 8nnm _.u.>i uot bc .-iup; l?.U to hud, as tu- itieviuolo ica ill ol thodelar ? markort ehtnire In tbe feehnk' and ln the ,.,urt,t of the people aad ot tbe Governinetii of the I-i itVil Btate* B.'.i.'vlng tbat tho preaent Mlniatry of -i, nn it tn a aufflclently <-<?ntlrmed ..oaitlon of power to eitrrvout tbe iiiea_u_ ? wblch lt aniiouneet and tbo re t.irin. which have been proinlae.l, and to d" Juatle. by tbe ri-.uoviil of the cauae* of our well-fotinded com t.laiiiU, aud uol doubtlng the amt orlty ol th, bava iHHin _.._, the United Btatea look eoiiti deaUy for tbo real-atlon of thoae bopei[.whlehi bave beea cncourug-d I.v ti-pcatcd promlao, tliat all eauses toi efran-einent or f..r tbe Interruptlonof thoaeiMradly te.-.linKa whicb are trailltioual. as tbey BM ainci m . tb. p,ri of this Oovernment toward Spala wlll oa speedily and for-v.-r r.-inoted. I am, ? ?..,__,.. .,,,? Mr, A_a- k Wr, Wa*. I'SITKl. BTATRS __-_-.0-l IN fPttH. Mtl'KII' a_1 11 l_T_ S SlR : I have the boaot to forward li-re-v itli _omt micr e.ttng ii.toru.flilon reepioHng lUrery ln ata an<I Por ? Bleo. reietitly oommuulcati d to me 6y tbe olonla Mln i.t'-r I alao Ineloaa a cony of a pri.ito n..t. t.> Mr. i.asaot. polntlng out the ltuportaiico of .il.tuit.m_ perio.Ii calretuma froui C'ubit aa a luoana ol tt.--. i how far the emancipaUon aci of lSTnanswors iu avowed ptt P7tranamit alae eeear aftee _a_a_i ooatolelaa aa ap. .?talexprefMuii ofthe tbanksof ihe Kmsr lu reoofultton ? if tb>' roluutar. maooauaaloaof anumbfr of ilavea m PortoBlOO It H dur ert the ,,r>--i Itl <'.;.|ti-f to state that It haa iiiiiu.iu_t.-d this method of g-Ttug public laacUoa aiid I" Uat to "ucn act<l *'"' h *ax t bt foi e found no favor in tbe _yte of this Oovernment. I ao I). I.. hll.Kl.__. SLAVERY IN PORTO EICG m PRa.FT OF Hir. HI l.i. S I'MF II-??U- CORTF-i KOK ____-__-TfOB. The following ii the toxt of tlio maaaaic in trndiiced in tlic B|.anUti OBRM na DB M bl BeBec Mos<)uera, MmlMi-r of Ultramar, for tlic abolition of Blavery in Porto Rieo I Prf.abri.b to thk CORTf.B.-ln tbe n une of Ocl. and out of tttgtt t lo r-.-atsoii, io miraUty. to juati-e, io public conveiiieuc. aiul the natiiinal dlguity, the Governuiont, ru'tlllin- the BMMl toeni ?f tbt- prnmiBes and the mo*l liuiuamt*rian of their dutles. autuult to tbe approbiition of the Oortei a prolect of law for the abolition of dlav.-ry inthel'i'oviiii.- of PortO BlOO. Their most veheiiien: deslres would bere.-li.ed and tbelr most dellcate acru nlaa would be if lbe ina. aaata portinacity of a few rabell did uot lmiH-ile their dlapenalng the aatne lu annreciablc bon.-tlt (oc.iba, wlth tho modll-cations <!<? u wub rospi-t to tbe lat ler by Ui" vaned org.m l/itloiis of labor ln the two i-laiids, the dl densityof their popaiattoa, the enormou* ineonali v li. tbo number of thi >r ilBTaa, aml, UM Otber proiouu.l dlf fi-reinca Ib tli-ir I-apectll >t lOClal ?_*?_??_ ri"' ?? nont would fear tbey woald tba trMata ei theCort-if they attempted to ju.Uly t.r..|. ?'in of tn* generoui di tennlaaUon of _e Ug-Jat-ia. llnfor.miu.e_re thoae in whom the siience of th.. HCieuce renders neccaHiiry tbe eol.t h.iiguag.; of r.-i.aon! iM.a miiral law, napat-ntaB-ousolntory, tliat tln- .?on aclenoe should erer trarel ai an Inaaparable i ompanlon of lultlc.' bnt the ('iument have to proolaim iu tlna mom.'iit lhat. ufKi . raiiilnlug tho rrtorm under a-iuaapect*,thei hav- found npQ-lng bul aewand powerful raeeaaa, whi. h aeore_it us opportuneue** n. ttddlUOll to Its iilatli-e. , ,, . ., (.radtlal abo-tloo, wliirh pr-rbapa s.une day W_ '.. tbt forin neoestaty for ermaneipatloa tn Oaba, oflera ae ad v,in?ai;'-T to reeoniBend it m PortoE_o. intbi Atn. un on?;iii B nol no-oaroaain oom panaun to the InbabltaaUol EuropeM ortatu. Almoat aii the Bagroet batt laveu bom la tbeialand. ot the _l,UO_w.,o ar.' in alaverylesa thau lu,ooO-p.-i liap, ku than l.tno - an- tbe "iilt 050* dodtoated to ti-ld labor, tbe reat li.e iu a ipeete* of do-B-trte _er*_t?le, m iterlle for iin- iggraudlsemenl of tbelr nmsier- m (atorable fot ihe educauon ot tbe _-teaand theirdedlcatlon J Ciaiiieal PBttUlM. N'Mther tbt titiinli'-r nor tlt| l ?ti Ol rbo-..- who may p itt iu ono day from tli-' bad oo-HiUop of tliiii_a to tlic iiobU: etatus of freodom, oflors tbcreforo I tlipcr. a__-____i in 1'ieio thus dawns the h.tppr day ln which St.aln ahall fultli'tb'i.lebtof botior ahu has peudiiu with iiiod.-ru rirlLtzaUon. A oaaualty whicb appe_n prorldontlal piac'-s tbt l.resi nii.tioii of thia projeol on tbe .lay conne . i>y Clnatiaiiiiv lo the . aemuration of tli.' birtii of ili-.n wbo oame to cbanga tiu. face of tba world. to breaktbeohainaofall ilaYery, atul topr.-...-!i tbeequ illty of aii m -n la tn- i-gbl of < le L i- i us atd Bli work by reall-ing a new progreu foi tbe ?oodof mauk.n i aad tbe tw-netlt of tbe countn Blaten h a awnatroetty ao le** fatai and d_aet_e_a to acai aba baa run to bim wlio eiitlers lt. A'.l graud liuiuani ,i l p.itnoti'H mtere?ta |olnUy demand Ite diiappearanee, whlle lt* dl*a ppearance wlll ra ? i .an.l i.t tbe n.iiii.' titin-1-. th" g Klol ited, and ta. Ihe linlior of tlic Iil.erator. Keil?ion doiii.inda It, foi letweea tbe cblldr. a ol one i ommon Father tbere oaght ii.n to '"? oppreaaed d ir oppteemore. Uoralltt demandi it fo* tbem oaa be no __entortoua aet wben _? rr'.-e will aud tbe soul of tbe tlare laalatoal etai ? blank. . ...I to etery Idaa ef duty an.l every lentimentof vlrtue. l_i.-bt demaod* it, for tbere UnoinJ?ri narable to th.- mutllaUou of tbe liamati enUti lo tbe rn.iat noble and eteeatl tl of ll Um demandl ir, for th?> labor of tbe slav-n the leeat lutelligeni,le.i.i ut.v.. tbe leaat producUve. Patriot latn dcmandi tt, for apatby and fee orrup tion are Um ordlnarj caaUga-xwi ol those peoplet wii.i, a-aaaa-nl la tbelr ellemlnacy, abande ae n-ih bauda tbe multit___oei applleaUoni of laboi il luw ..t our : dlgnity. Pollty dau?ada tt, fBr domaatt. ii-i-n - bi tntimateaoounecttouwitb publie aaatom*,t__t ?? -.- apt for t'i" an-tt-r.- exercise of llb. i-> Prudenco ii.-iiini..I-. ii, Le tbe mconaiderati proloagatiou ol i, n ii i-.- it* r, ni. iiy more ___S1. ult, and tl i tion more v.ol.'i.t. Hia detimtid.-.t. in -b'.rt, bj | meul i. "'>' :' "l11' *y?trtn ot n , I nioii has frank , iu.1 i ut. ly pm uounoed n__-.tin-1 tbi* barbarous ni ; . i. ,.,,i tbe w il of ui ii , bitli erto oondemue l to iba laab an.l tba < bata. t'j.-Mj hiaib cu.ioi.i.-tjt.oiiT. U.i- M.-.;?; i who labacrlbea. br aooorawltb bli oomptnions, i I i ? _ty, ii ii tbe i. 'i!...- (wh d he ? iho great?t of bli Ufej to nunum te tb.- dellbereikia oi - te* the following projuct of law : AiiiiiLE l. Blatarjr m tbe protiaeeof P?rt? Kioo is totallt and forerer aboliibad, Tbe bt di tne at tbe ead or foui montbt after tbi i..tbi._-atiou of this law in tln- Dtficiul liuietle ut PortO BltO. Aat.-> Tbe owaera BbaU b? luiicuuiiied la tbo tnan oi ib" following .it t:. - : Akt. 3. Tho amount of ln.letniiity shall I.e fliad br tiie (jovmiuient, under ttn- propoelUee of ? eomoiUaloa c..ui poaed of the S tperlorCivil Oovernor of Porto Bi u, Pres? ident. the J<-f- i. oii'tii.f ">" i'r iviiK", tbe Plaaal of tbt Audenela, tbree ladl-klaali aomlnatad by ti.c Depa 11. ion Paorlaeial.aiid tnr. e utlieis by the iaik',oi p -.:- if i-laves ni the 1'he ac.cords uf tbu cuiumla .un nhail bt by iu ijonty. Akt. t. Of tU'i auioutit diod for tndemnlty s.) per cent. shall be paid to tte- owner.-. ha.f by tbi Btate,BBd half by tbe proviu.e <if PortO Hieo. TtM rt?BlBlag M per teut ahall bc u i harge ou tln; ownura t Art. 5. Tbo Otjri rmaeat iball be autbortxed to pro -ure resource* and atlopt wbatev.-r dlapoalUoiu may be ,. il oaoeaeary fnr tim exaot .-xecutiouof this Utw lu tbe t4;nii4 tlxed iu Articies 1 an.1 .' To--s Maru Mos^tBiiA, Miiiuder of Uitramar. Madrid, i>_c -*, hti. THE OOOBTE. DECI3IOX-J--A?!. 11. Supr-TrK Ceart Claetlere By Judge Barrett.? Blan-i act .r ? forr-i'inir! Praali.r aft, -s-l.arll .t aL?M-uoB f rauurl Mirili act. StelaoB.? Moti'.n t-raala-. Miilu.l I. '- i- .-liaia-i- ' UB-paiaf t^t. Mrli'lllt,. M Oa-Ilxiriiiaua t.t '.-lii-ni-ano ? Rnturt r.ii.tiriu.- anl j aal.?rai ..( Iitor"! fraai?. .? T'tm?Uj l'?ii l-aut-ur.?da_.e_ a_U Voi l?c-..u._|.? it-ttlel Sunerior Court ?Soerial Term ? Bv ChiefJaitiea Barbotr.?Wttitworti. tfl. K i!i_- et il?Arlj mra*. to 1 it. init. Ull. t ..- Il.i.aa ri .'..--?>.-?!< i l_ar-t| ni ?'? '?' Al-:.. ??-'. OttiBtatal _.ift Inturnnv! (i'.rapiBr ?<)rlrr .( Di*".iBtiBu*B<-* Bitnt irt. Wttt.rrelt/ -uflr.t apoai.utiBK Pirial 1'iweri rreeiter. Mirlt a<t Hk<.i-I? .1 att O'Br.ia, Hhrriir. aRt. MecbaBK-i' .i, 1 Tradara' Put laiartii.* Comuiny??Motiou ieBied. with coat*. (S?e mai_.i CALKBUABS-Thii Oar. UtllTID 8T1TII DlJTBICr CorXT?Itr A??IBt_-T ? Bt.lTCItOBD, l.? it 11 i. n, ?j; .Kaii- ul DL S. __-*mt Kui.'linr _-I..Bruwiii_l. U. S. ii. ft L.ird. _I..HrD*. i. t tt'- >'. N lSi?*ia-t..* Nt{ara, i*. laitl agi liooatr. 7_.._bck.?oa rt al. aft, V. B. r_-4in I.. l-i.-Beu.-r ajt C. S. ??j i'.r r?aaiau. 31...N V. Lit|htrtt;e(io. tfl. lf. S. Rt*j? tu| B L'tt ...Aantrb -tt. U. B -icbooter OraaU. 6l..W.ilo.T rt ll. tft- U. S. K-rrrbwit SaBtwirk _'r?*a* CouBT-CiBciiiT?T*iat. T?*??I _ar _..?I_l>c__b, J.? Vutnt tt Wl a. K. - - U.. ..Jinei-t *l. a_r_ Tb* Mtait,,I--7,.Tri'v t_t T_a Mir.r __ .v. -e . ..f H'w rort. of N .* Yon. ' irrr-'l'_S H-***1' ?*T| Co. trt. ?_..V,?b?- atti. ti_ OLnutetJ _,?-.* 'Iiw;a _? C-. rt il, 111 .(.l!--ii.t _.'. _H y*u ???' tll-fBel-oatft. OBri- Ihi-lfr. al. " I .KV..-JBBI1 _ bbo. a_i. i'tiaiWi-l ?1. .-ftmift Kloatt * taa, !?>.'>..Ilront.a tj'.. lrn..ct. 14.'l .Haflar*. ct tl ift Raffnrr ?t *L TVi.Mr.rrt i?1. Cotri?i)Dw.iItli i I ? i'o . ?f Ka- lorb. N1..B*_-_*_M a|- _?4l_P_r| ttt V. R. R R to. I811..Br*n?i_ ift. Tbe Mtfer, Ic.., City Naw-Tor-. !813..I>ol__ ag*.. !--_-. bi! ar*-nf-_t. auat.B et tt. | u X.tUi .wa a_t. Utybtri m\ ll :. ?t. tl t.t M k. au j HB .urttrt aii Ram*. 7a-i M ititfort tgi. Il-i.titn -,ll..t'M l.rt?ll N.I...1I tgt <irt_07 Kt'i, ke P*?T tl-V'a. Barir J ?D;.r,t it 1*>T? 1 wi. 21 .AtlaBtie lltil S. ,S. 1. ajt 1_U..< r.|? 0 itu Ma;or, lu 0*1 C-utnl An.-r I mit 0?. , ..: N. T. Ill .attWBMt Ilr..*nlBt. lBB..Sw..Hi -r . 1*1 -.(iretal , .H.u?1 fc krwia MT< C StM.-la. jr aft. Bi art N Hat-n ti Bo.t I'o. -H.-Ktrlr. _ aio. i__ Tt. Bilt..i i 10 .I.iibr.t.. fce. af-a>*fcan. Kirr li.e. t:? lltM D*tail*r a?l. Maror, kc. .?. Plttt tgi. Ackrrtnn. Imj.1. ,r g ?_. 1 6vi.lXit.-tai Co. ?__- lot. C_ 1(1 Ki.lrni.. i?t. B'.B' ? '..t.aoB, tnu , kt., t*t.|l'1in..B.I-.-btliL tltt FitaTa. Majr-*.l_e.,l'itl - I.V. ..t-.-UrwIelt Mt Major. tc, ? Al?tB-WB*_ II-."-a-. | _.c,_?.r_L , 7l*..*Jari_( aet Viaa-lrra. Mn.l.*ll aft- Moaat. !7l_..lJ.raTieI tti. Utyut, fcci -.IO.^ax tgi BtjUt fc Mtt-?r. otfofi. r. (_??._?l Ta*a-iBi?B*Bt..P J Batoriixl Lbibbbb, JJ _4)ptM a' I'i ma. a. t' raePa-Bl* et ni. Tta'.b At |lli. .StroBf tft Mreri. tl.iBtl Baak aj. Or__,<-'oo 1 Itt .Own Mt- Tr_ tn.Uti ti..Iao Prty.e tt~- Ll." ? O.irrr ti' <Jr*n, C*l troliar SJ..Pnn??i _ W LtTr*t*l. I.'-.. .Btrairl ia]t ('iiBptfll lir l.i..llollo?at i.t atd l_I..H*fl ct ll. t|L C..!iba*_a tul. 141..l_nrr!'iB l|t. Trtlli M iL m.-U'wir-atLliit PL-ut Plrt ItaiurtBCt 0*. l(*i..l!-.'..i;.|i i.t. Per. Ul .Plallit- att. Higfin*. 147 ? I'tiinii N.uaiuai Btak t_t LTT Bia-Binli; tat auo i,t.| ****_ . , , l_r _., ,l(i .Ballaa?lall a/t. l.iri. IVl Vtiee a*t VVilarn _*i tno. ?'. Oopall Mt INatb. I?.-.Barplrrta-a*L Balrui audj lt.. .Rotkatil a-t. lu* Tb.t..|Tr. an 1 ' PBlaT _ 1 ' Jjn..t_rt>iritTt. Kain Ba-, kr l.t..C*rp*auar tlal. ?<! Miutara U?rnai.L 1 ."_^_ . __ W. lou'-a irt .ttl. ' Ul ?*_?? B^- '"??? lJR..Mi__.?II_tal. -Ir- _-"*-. I ___, .aaaaiHt-iUaiiaTr, |.?UpaMBtlOj 1. _.-__*idti eill-l it U a_ 31 TbePeoi'.c __.. Bflt (Vi.t.-i1 | .".. K.i.^al_B'l a*t. KiB<<.. ! A Kr*--rr_-r |U_._laa-_-_ l< ? Mi "-tjalaal ','. .Ta.l.r a<t A.ii elal __ .Ijtllabn *_t. (-*l_B*aUl !II..B*rt>l-Ct.__t*M l?f* In-r.i- < n ! 141. .|t M*l*|W el al . 1I..TB* P?mit.kx. bmtj *|L l?t.._B tutu-lft fc-.oitlt-tfge llaiajl 'al 4tl_ml-OI_ VV. Kl'laolU 1 ' ,. . 1, .u,l.,u,.o..rr I li'.Uaulu,. a(_ OtlU.. . *kt 1 '? t. 4/' I.4..l'..r. .aiJa. ' lloird .1 A?i._tli_i-i_ai 1 li- .J*?att4.ia|- lot?i?. M Tba Pfoplp, ?kf., Wiltrra "*"?<". .MaraaO-r af*. neraiaaea. __..-jr^..c?Mr,.ii... I MaaSEja, a?t aaaai i?o. tt..Tka PBi'tla, fc., i'ibotbb 1|. _-...SaiB?art Hirtit (Ba . *' ...?am* ijt Hiil" (No. 3). K?..Sa-e aft Bain- (B* 4). .'l'l.Witenaft Xami'. )ll..Hailth a?t. _ma |ll..Bilebaa i|t. -<".-. t'i..Ia tbf uiittaT, ke.. ot Anna CBaarlironrb al il SCT..Ialhf malla-r. fcc. of Alff. 8tf wert rt al afl ..rffn, Conlrell'r. *?0..Tlie Prtjjila.fce-, Klei-iDf aft li. _. tjoatrollar. ?..T_e Pfoula, ka_, Uibtrn-utt. lill, Lt. 101..Tb*- IVopl . fcc.I-BBji-7 ill 8aru? 102..Tbe Y*op\*, fcc, FurertoB 888 8aw. 103..Tbe Peopie, ke., RaTfr* / aft. -,.,.?- -II..KBH8-8 Mt fe ilrtaff. fc 104. .Tb. I'eopW, kt., M.tiluiB, Al. U 11 ? '?- et aL ut 8aae. ? .ri* at al. Kt M-ijIf/. 105..Tbf l'a*.,p!81ke..Bfc""-li> igt. M?..Tb8 TbbbU laal af bin?..r stm... i.t Tka Ylttm u-.lna.Co. 1*??..TV Pet^ila, fc*., 0?rJ.>B a<L .'5-' .Jonl.B afl. JurJaa. Saras. .*mti. .*>ii. l'*!..In lbe mit'T , fc( ,tt Jimei -7>...Whi-ft al. a^l I, n / laland K . . H.I. U. H. *~. 108..Ia Uie niilfr, fcc.flf V. lal "ll-.Ti- iv.ple *r .. Ma.nahan i.i' ,r,.|. . '. ll B.I. lil'ea. I'.i-tr.llla.f. lt?, A ., ?f Al... ia aal Rufiu. Taika. aft I.iliakie. 110..Iu th.- iB.twr, Ac.of T. Van. *_-..M..j.e. i?l DI. b.ila. Zin.l WI..1B tlieniifr, fcr-.of-'wtrl 111..In the mitt_ Ac.of J. B. F. W-?k. flillifbfr. Wi..B.-_fi1r>' ifi. Tbe Oatta Par 11.' .IiubaiBiiter, fc_. ef Klrhari| to* k iuibbcr Miaafaetaf li-iaetal. 'ng I'i. 113..Io tbe inier. fc. ..of K. T r.i .IWFaafJa, V. Tentb UaL 1>-' llox... !? abyafl -u.r' of Ap.aur 114..Ia tb" luatUir, tt, of Joha . , fU-aart. | J-*2..B??. h m. Corlsa. Jr.. et al. 113..TU tb. laitter, k ..ofrV-.h-, M..T-8t\wfei kt...Titttj etaL | 1, a*- Kirle. fc.. ll...Intr.f n-iffr. hc. of *"at_a 1 88 .Tl.rr- ai(t. Mataal IM* Ia rlnalSm'.n. anrane- ' o 117..In tbf n-U-r. fc- . of Mirri ."-. ,Vrt**t aft- i)|dea et al. rei Md'onBtfli et al tm* et al. aal. tt-ek" et al. lll..In Ue raattfr, fcc, of Callia , J10..1- lbe matUr. ke., ol fcJi-rd hBfU'.mi. V. Weakj. U...lBih? iB.lier. fcc.of J?..l.a "11.1. .?> 1-1! art. KBftehart et _L UWalL ,' ?.j.^aw,?a,--wn??l ^:g2S2v.-_J^^ 8cr.?..iaCor,T-T-,i!. t.b^IM*-^^'"* ,-0p_^rt 1141..ftlru i_t. MBtboof. *'l ....K.itlni-fr a?. K f k Hkt l-...l(klBe',. rger. adia't, lfl. ,J''n , ' ?. _._. Fir. RaUl, ,14JT..T.HrBBf.l a?_ Barra. fire 16.*;. .MiiMea a<t Wmlarboltoia. aad Mariae Ina. I ?>. 1-J..8..B bk*. TallmaB. UWaaBbal H*> Rt**-altiiL li-5...Siinmi_, and aao. tgk, m.-Kitfi. ?l LBrilfr et ai. I ...V.of ail Mu. -Jft. t-leve IBll 'Vr tf. Mte,. j aan. 17->..bfili a;V -i-l-allBin et aL |II75..Mier?OB aft Ibape. 19J3..Kei.tfa ?rt 1 PlBT U.-IBBBPBA-. J.-()r*Dl at 11 a. BL l?..AT*r et aL a/t Yttxaet. l.TK3..-fii-l ?rt Nrriaf deraiH aaa. !.it*. .-bi?l aia. Muio-I Pelea. _oa_ 18 I. \ 1, ???! ift- B-irBi. 888881 llirnaai(l,TBaPiaai_a&a 12nu..8..|, _.- aoo. ift. 8__t? r.i etai. ? Tbe Orff-iB ' rt ?! in-fBIBB ,liM..Riit-"tid a". Uirrw.n. 4?I..JeLuin^.ift Ilarre. - iad aao. a|l. Bot l?t Kaat Rnar 5a-, ati?er. . .?..,_ 0.881 Laa. 9M..CIarkeelal. ttt. Tait. |lS?^. .Baker aii'l an...a?. Latu. i.rsaKAL Taaa-MBBBIX, S-i... -1. K, an. \as \..KtT. IJ 17..tf_iW8l i. art. I,,' .'...Junei ?t. O'Br.BB, Bbtltir, 8..TB__a_faaet WblUfi-L. , fc-. . il Vleitl.-e ut. Boali-tl. et 41.._.t.er_on a?t Tbe Atlaatic aL Ml' la ' 4..J.-n..n ir'-Oppfabfim. 4-..Raade aft. tVal ?..Baafca(t.l ?6..Mor<aaart f. ?!? - s eiac'r. 1 l'i..T>i..-'" f tha Charefc af , ritk aft. 8-Kt-a. Wt Kedafiaer af?- -8-8* 118188888 88_ 8pl.1t BBBl CoBBOB I'LBAi-TmaL Tbbb-Pibt I.-K,nixia.-i, J.-Opena at 11 I. la 17*-..nill aft nilliBthaa- J?atf..fen-an aft. Maror, ke.City 10? ..Ci.-en u'_ N. t. _er.L| .,; N. Y. Ca I7-..M*-?ij-_8c1 81 Kr.Vtnf. ;t V.K..r .,; lakaaBB. ' 7-l..**l_iWi' B*-7*fd<"** Aaaoria au iutai.1. .. 1 88 Ift ? -I.I. Sei-oul-iTf. R. R. 08 < ?-' 0 I --". Rn.rlff. rtNal li 1 , f I.ff-i ???'. --')T..Blcr,.ker a|t. 1 ue 88/88, ? Bat I' 1 at > i ? fcr., .s. \. I?47..ft.v.,f Nor-h Amer-eaart. .Nat. Ba_koitliel.ornw'h. ' afi. g-bBlia. ;IP' I..Sn,?arti art BrfBuin, t>h t 1. ifl. lleldoa. iuilrelni, Jat, t Hk O'Briea. ift Wriffct aad aao. Hbrri-. lMS..Sl?.tL-^.aoivan . .-,.t. B . rt - lli'll'.mefra. Cn. 13'-..i'irr.'l ar- Tbe Tl.:-! ave - ,.,d bbo. ?rt K K. fo. ?_??_*? - , , , MaTaalar, ada'i a_t- Oaai abiaaa, 18-8-8 Mtttail . ?? Kaop. ? '.! f-'ie. 1481 1 ai-r. -aaapp a^t. it 141 at al. ..B-UaaaB.jM^, I'Ati. aad Lua*. JJ-Wpaot at II aTru. ? *?* ,- .lu'rir- MaabH 1ft. Hin-, 42..Krot,ethild aad anotl ? ' ? BBB att. 888-8. . irt. Piked.L i'...B- 'iao. ie: ' - ... M'; ir-rn. ? etai ..' \ ? it ? ibler. - il r-flKOil anl Srii 1 1 I-* i U. ? ,-At ut'.tn. Trial Tbrm-Pabt l.--pt. i.i.iN.i. J.-tipeai 8Bd ?al8Bd_r nlled al iu 1. in ,e..enart Boll. '-"- ??* Jo- I '"**- I"*?-'1 ?J', , ,g:. llecker. . .vi-r aft I ra-Lertafaar. ITH . _ Bi BUt I i-e.f. > 1 A l? a. m. -V. ? r ift ?a-Trataasaa, , <Kt N-B-akiaaaB. ... ... ?*'. li. .... . jft. >l'i. On ?'"? ? 0. -*rL I ? IT.-T..?ti-1 ?.-. M'IfTraKirer. ?....?._, p.,, 1 kk i ?Ope". - -lat 10a. m. ? '. tft Bt-BBBB, 1**0*. 1 ^-' > i: J..D. ql ?-l lialfB. 1 ?TT..H '? ' - .' atl ift. Mark. i*il..ll-rth?tfli> ?*' Ha*. ? . i p ] 1 raai Pa 1 O'S . | itolei f?uda; O**. __,_?-.-_-?^ TnBroBM.?ii,i<.rArpPti*-A".i-T, tm. IX-TU eA***wef 1 I ia. Uvaaaafa ' . i:,f arek, ttxl Ck*e* ot ilie uiy .... ir.l) e?llad. DBPABTVBB OB BOBBIQB HA1LH. MiiNDAY, Jis. 13. TOB-Blf, Jam IA '1 irthi. ind ('irfiaeena, bf xltf . , ,1 I ; 11, s:.'j_;i_ib aiiU at 1 a tr., ''" '"'? IJ -s "? , ,.- _ ? - lalauJ aad BayU, ft*-., bf the itean-L.o \\e/boM?t, Bwallam wr.,VKq,)A1i ?,. ,5. s , . ... ! - ? r-a QaSSBBiBVB -tn I l.:T-rpo..l. per iteaaithif II ' n I', r .Sat ?l, .'a' .1.1 it 1: B p. - stel-uhip aai_i at l.Mi p a... Irom flcr No. 4'- K H. A rruamn Ci')'*! Mail ll fent I.r tri'a t, ne. iiAY. Ja>. 18. M_ > f..'K.r.i-f tii r*:. ?..,Ji. i'Ih rl, ,.:.-. ? I H.n'mra.. M-r iteam ' LB*. .4 *-n;,pleraf.r._irT Mili cn r * r f..ot ..f .._ al 1 p. m. Sfca-nbip aaill at 2 p. m. fr BB A I'lt-Pa-n fio.'d Mail il aent bf 88 lme. |A11 l?t'.'iide;?niled ia _upp!ea:e_tar? M11I1 maal te prepaid witl ? FRIIUT, Jam. 17. A Il.'i'ii N S. i.i-luieil at tlie Nf" T..rk 1.8 0888 aOBft . '. y ni. t,tc.iu...p aaiU lr.,Ji P..;tl__'. Me.. ererr . .rar'.iT. lt 6 p. 1.1 . i.oatacej ta> all lh.i IVfit Inlina eire|' arkaa .'? i Mr *? ?ill ? .-., Ihe ba.f ouac? t_p?ra 4 -tati eat tt, wbicli maal ba pripaid. P4e\*8BBBBBS .SAlLi.n. F')RI4.4>' I'if ASi'l.-''.)-_ii_a.i?j?i!'/ft?ti* rAat.a^rp.Jaa ll ? I.n. c ,. . . 1 ;., ,: Pvi-r S. R. J-ie.. Jilia O tVitViai aud wi!.- Mirbael HaiplB. II. T.*i ifit. Mr.. I,. J IBbbBbII a-hairrB. Ko aaj iliiiao.ari-, V\'. J. Wbiif, 1 M. Bauraan, Jokn M.rl-an. A H. AviLoBP. J R. SUIIbtII. Vatrtoa Daxtat C_pt K. P. LIHMeM. A. Lit 1: B. Mi.nrne wi. and fuar Mni M. A. Bradj Hiai W. i'boinpaoa, K. M. K.-ftBi.. Mra. Juhnon anl indnl. MiaaC-apaii BlaaKaU Cox. J r.(!...;.I Kii H, B. Aatbaaa, II. B I'lii..^. Mra. Sitbinif.1 VV'_tiD|. Mn. Wr. llnanir, and rbild. W. J r.,.. ,ain, Mra. Carrie tliniuo. M-_ .4. K. ).?! r AelnllreB. Wif y.itr* trrt-ftxit. Thomii Airon. J. *' Irtiie. Praderirl KI_*.all, Jf'<i _,i-r laa I'uok, .Ia_?M A. hinltk, Pa-rnntfr II A. HiBi'h. Tbnraia Iktmi ,uii liuoaalo Mediaa, Mra. A. J. Casier aad 2 da.iebter.. Mam BaUbat Beundfe. B. Naaoa, Mn. Clirk ini 2 ehil Iren, Mr., M H Keith and wtfe. Miitor Keilii. pennH llia-pfj KOK MAVANKAII?/fl ll*lr_l*lj> .San Jortnto lin. ll? Oe-arff T,. H 1 1. VV. L?e, E M. Vwrbeea aod wife. HfirT Bill. Mi? Kanar Ball ii _?,- (' M. WilWiwi. W. A. Frr aad wiff Muw' Birrell. Miaa Hrjr, Miaa I-. T. Rl tie. Miaa II. B llovs, Mita Adell T. DillaB, J.ihn Araot. mf.-, tlra-e 5_iil._r?n, auJ aorv. II. ftitfmjl aod wlla-, 8. A. S[*aefr aod wli'a, J Drlimalfr and wi/e, D. C. Toerpinala<. Dar.d CbIb. Aathoa/ O Doa aell John Wflib.wrilliatn Liwleai, J. 8. Miller. Rredert'k Aiam.. Jubn Appiefit.*, Jfr**rni?b Applejata L. *'. Li'Iirnp. wife, thraa ehlldreo, Bn'.i 99* nnr.r. C.irtM T-?aiaa. Orren Remoldi. FOR LIVKRPUDL-/. tteomtUv HnUir. lin. II.?Mr?. C. A. OhaaahL -. H..!l_in, BUl, SvIbJli Tb8 O'Conor boa, M.P., Mr. O'foa 8_>-M_*j, H. ? .'?al'lni(, (f D. T-Jlfliaa jr.. N. Blara, M. Blnrn. Cul. H. P'l-b M.-i Plpab, J. I). Wior, J. Tna.iapwB. Mra. Tbompiion. Mna lT TliniBPaoa. R SUruoler. Mi-,lhr?*ler, fi, Bigl.nd, V. letr, T. Bft... Oe-al J. Fer^uion, J. K- _. Bar.fU.B H. Ui;olb Jamea T_oiBP8.aB Wm. Pettit. Juieph Bfkel K. lirapenlelmer. Mr. Oraen iwaT-jIr. Wat laM-aw, IS Baa, siineT *;. M?.re, IL 8. Q\\\t\ Hn. <i**tr Tl... A. II 11 T *' BnwB II. * tntt b. O. M K..blf?14-aa.H.Bj.B.-r.JahB Lrkb tt. -ai I? ". tttrtf, Fraak TarUr, Alei. 8. MeN.llj, 8 rbaiapaBB KJwirJ Piluier. . flESBBBBBB ABEIVBD. FRDM B8TAB4 ANI) JUS-tAH-fB et'?ililp ('olmmoi t. Jaa. II Keif, <i II. A. Ulelll'._aki. B. Mirallfl, K. A >a_ith. Y. I. I ,.. I. l ', .:?:: lury: A. I'lif Sai_.._ B. I'lajr. IL War aell, IVm _ Weptll-T. From .Na*iia-4>L T. II. Joaea. (!apt. Hin.tb. I haa. Holiler. H Itmrnk , ,. ... ? , FBOM L1VHKPO )L-fa i?-i-ni"-.ip Tri-i*. Jia. ll.-Ui- M. Aa gt,, J-ihBT. Au|ua, (leor-re Wilvin, I.. Y BflnifVBB AliMiHAf so?,,.,.uafiaaa ***.8881 ??'- r a.M WATBB TBI" BA T - 1 ? S?n1? lUok.... 7!?7lrtr>T*i lllan.1 ... I 86 1 Hall UaaeFaiTT... bil M.a.B BJATBB tBla lil?-P B ,._', II a.i. ... 7H <i .i'i 1 *7I M <"?'? YetTr..U>.\C SUIPPIAC S TELLICESCE. |.,iUT orBBW-TOKR.Ik*. IL <;l.KAI(H*. . eamiL-p ?"itr of lirooklra I Hr.|, I .Ll^ita. Linraaol, JohB O. Dala. Bi^.u.a-iu Baltie (BM, _?-oedr. Liierpool. J. Il;d? Sp.rki. bt.__-3'P U*ary CluiuBCe)', tirar. Aapina-tl, Pif.lli- Mail rti?aa__ip n88a-_H> ?'"?a Mab). Hiurl. .Itri-ini1: Wll ira K. OarrilaB. '. ,a. (Ilr.?. lom*. l.npfp<?.il. fce.. HfB?;? i.oa I'.r.,.. SieaBukip Clyda, Keanedr aii?eai..a ria Ber Wait, c II Mallan kip Rl.eia (H. Q). M'trr. Breir.eana Rotttba_pta>a, *>!ri8ha k|..fimil.ii. ChiB*p.on Ixiekwu..':. < , ' ?? i It. K. Moifio fc Co. V,?ert. Fairel .ll HafBBBBb. KittH-rt l-.? 1-b. hti-Biik.p A tttgot (Br ). Wfi*_ra. Brtalol. Kn* K K Manraa'l 8ona. l-r-BkllD.llaar.l. iMbane. llane V4fi ll V lUuuaeUliarf. MM_-ip fle-pilra. Phlfti^. Itafana, F. AleMfllrefc tion ^:fl_llb^a08orf? WaabiBfta'a yjlrk. N^w-nrlraai, II. B. fr-mwell , rroaanaa. PMfcvlflpbla, Uriliard RiaataiblaCo. . ? i l'., auuu. llSaa ua, auiloak, 1.1/ l'o ui. -?' .. 8aiai*>a NiwDiieaaa. 8iad*tr!ek Baker. i , ?jck. .,.,?,V||.. ...-. | ? i.,at_a ll Y D.nork. IM I. rerp?ol KaaxilL k Soat. 81 nJ.rba BerlriiatHnra H I 4-iwe,., ?_?. _ Yi.ri.Ca, Bai V flitin. .?'??> i k ? ., Ii..a ? I'-'i- * I ". V4 .rl t i n Ba-i, 8kfc4.BS Ab bMoUUL), L-MBBB, CtKB ku tirtUta, Mlutofich fc Bt trt* B.nt* Prl.e- (IUI 1. (.ibrali ar Slaa?rlrh Ir Ct Bnt, Raniir.., H.rnarl, Cardenai na KliMlK-lbp-irt. 1. O Werdt ? llrtt H. P. Munion (llr I, CoBll, KlafBtoB. Jara.. A. II rtoltirBon fc C ? ll-l. Harrt fc Aulirer (Hr |, H.,_,i, _il.i|a-oa. I'wr'.t fc ?'?*"? _. Ilrlt-rlarah (,'rowell {Ut.). Ka.-i-a-, Bt. -ohnt. I'. R . VV. I. VVood a. hr. Nellr Potter. Otikill. Wi.hliurtor._aB C , W. K. *\*mn k (.?. Brhr. Poit Bor. Rat?taa, Bt.t?tl. rk__r*. (Il-ttnl**** * ?-?? ttrhr. <ara tfrrrin, ila__, Mutqaith li?t. ?**rUa fc iVhr. Ilel.el Ii. J. .i.ei, ll.ibbarl. Pt,: i.n luaia. Ot-rt..n ajlli-ll?? B?a. Aai-lope (Hr.). Wint?rt, B-llfal, N. a. I? K. DeW.ilt fc ' r-'-br K~1rnnflir, Hen-al> ft Jol.-. N. H J..o-i Motbiobi Bon. ?. br. Por-.. BBBM, Kent t'orpat Chntll, Btibi, B*ll * < a, Sfbr I.n 1 Cilr, Kmith tltOtmUe r_?... !*'.?'-.' * ' "? Btkr. J, IV. ( .Uii. Mru.... Janktuutial*. VtflBruulfc Uro. , li. -. '. - - - ?? *'?? Kchr. a I, Bm- fr.-i.T, PraaaaaU tad Ity W-tt, Mt Son a, to. tkhr. Jennle -tojen, Bogert. Brid-epnrt. Ot, Kar-ett * **_ AKKIVK.I.. - _ -_A StranabioPranwlHi.) Tbou-toa, l-irtrpool D(_. 24, wilh rn<_-?n i | I.a '" K. J. Hnrit. . _- -,_ _4,a. S'-ameblp CuluiaMa. Cartla. Hartn. Jan. ?, Tta Na-taa 7-, wl rndae. uad aaa- to AUtnur SUauiibi. (.'. , ? ??;, j.rr.-a A?m. ?*--**-, Cbarletton. S. 0., -l-> _-_? and pin. tollenry K. Mot-tu fc ?.?. _ ,. , Bleauitbi;. I'llea ri. Tem. Blirt*-, Newiiern. N. U, -U- bbtii tlorra kr . ti. M-irrtr. Pa-rrit fc Co. ^^ __. BMBt-Ma ll.ltrr.. ?wr-oi, N.T...I-, wlth _.d_e. tnd pa- to Old ?fiin.biu Co. _ , . _ , .. ?, ____ B?_h rtbip Brttnh Bitt (of Llterpool). ____.-, Calcattt *ad han- H(fH ,<&^i?_.t_-(*_ oia?o?). -aB, C-B-aa-al-a-iPaaaae. " . " "? " '". '..r (Br), Matlbewi, B.U??-pl 1. P.i--_ Oet S, tia iioiloa, witii -.ite. -.ii.f.n. .,,. Hte.mtbir* Rhe'n. for Brritim ; I ', for ?atieiNBeiMi ?ty , f lir ..I,n. for l.i.*r_-ol; < I'-opatra. f,.r Harani; ( Irde ????*** t.,o l.-n Meade .u.i Ucr-. vViihinfrWa, for N?w-Or|r_i,.: ll".rr CbaB*--' f..r Aipinwill-, .""?'." and Montf m-rr, for MartBaib; n (or Cnarl-tt*a; Old Poiainloa, for Norfolk. _K>M__rno pptttt, __ . Bn?T'.x Jan. 11 -Amr.,1 tt.imihlp Stton. fmni; t-rt _____ Potter. frota Auturaai Nta.-/ KoBi. from Bouairei Mar/ E. Uaoa, frn,lK^.'f?','.'"?.?^1^,'.? Jaa, ii.-Am_-.a_ai.biDF.k-. fro_ n.i tl-or. " hr. .t. H. I.'.tt*. fr..- Jlrw-Yort. Bailtd. t-aauhip. Baa bttl-a.for Mw-Yortj VinriBu. for Philadelp-la. B-T.aaaa (i. J.i ? nr,?bi_t tBd 8*n Sil Ti'ior '..r (-WT-* , t-ip O-B-fi- Bl _MM?mI | brit Oip?*J <_?**-. %_w-5--_--J*- H.-ArrlTttt jriKnlar, .t.imtbip B.Bptl;***, f^- {Itw-York. ?il- lo-*.?. it?*i*thip Ovrt;* Ct-iawell. M Bew York. " mSASTF.TWr. Btn FaABdico. J.i. U.-1 k* aaaMkip ('o.u Ri_ mi'rf-*rt thi. tft.moon in tow of tb- itoM-Mp Coti.ti-oti *. Al ?ldjl?ht ~ IVr ? ?BJ broke ber erank ii-, a..i tetl da? aet .-I far *?"""'! '*-. h_? arrt-l ?T Uat ;..r- .:..>"?. _l and ..B N.w Y'-ar . l'ar tbe lithtr.1 Ue "ii,,:.,:. __-.n-_ _?a aluaati-. Bad l_. iha p^r*i* aad bamgl af tbt Catla Uie*. Ob l~ *, Ut Co-tlituuoa lUrtt-l for _t port witb lk* < :..iU B.c* ib U?. ___OBAMDA. __ _ Th* itein,.r,;p KU?t, Iio.irj 1 from rtew-Orlei-J for SewTork. pat into Urm\\nVmm. '.'*th* Brltith *t..m.hlp Nr rTw-B-B, llh-ft ob H .ro; .I*.*b. .ad it wm re.-o__iend?l tbat;ihe he p..n,.-l .... br. i- I TtmM Botlo- ou J-ndajr ai|bl fot taa wrta.* II-or Za-M- t*U y"r* b_i ViftA rttge.i I ?tccn BU-__cra. ,X)R 8T. THOM-tfi nml BRAXIL. ' ? ( Sl-ihlJ iTATt-t aad liiCUIl. _-___UHIP COBP-JH. Ket-lar Mail Steamext tallinr on t? '- ?l of et.rr laonth. MKKK1.MA<'K. OM tB/eir. Janaarr IX 1*11. KbUB. (aot. Tiutiftiiatb. I-eiirmrr .-, it.l aRTABIO Cibi. (.. Si_ra_. Mat-hll - - ? - Ttieee .plendio iteaaien tail oa tcbrd-i* tlaie. aao eill tt 81. T?om_* I'ara, i'ti_rnhiKO. gabia, ind Rio <e -ineiro, Koiii. tnd returning. -ol eBgurttornt of freljtlit nr patuf*, applr to WM. II (JARKISOM Aeent JU ? Bo-linrr-**, New-Tor!:_ HAVANA. I'l.uiila'K.X) BUd VKRA CRU gKW-rOBE. mi MI_..I< AN MAIL SIKAM-UIP USk. Leavint l'icr _, N..nb Illier. at j a. tu. dirrct for llarana: n.hOPATRA. Phillint, (Mtvtnt only)...MATt KD.Vl. Itn. II. l IM OF MI..UI-A. Timn?tbib.MAftiKbAY. Jaa 1?. i I1Y OF HAVAMA (Bat-a* only).THCRSUAT. Jaa. M. CLBOPATBA. iniillipt. l?-.tan?unlr)...THL'R_b.\Y.-an. Jtl. .o,f,-gbi?rr_.Hae..o,o,M ..xAN!iK.. Br?^-.a. UNITED ___?____ and ROYAL MAILS for HAVAHABBdBAMAOJI.JP, . .,_ _,__? ATLABTIO MAII. BTBAaHBIF CO.-?tilln_ t-trnlarlT K> KP.Y PORTMItiUT, "o 'rUl'ttS-iAY al il ocio-k p. m. pi?itlr, irv? Pta* N.. I. N..rth Kltort MOHK.i ( ASTI.k (tptT. H. MortoD..THrR.SDAr, Jt*. 9 COLI gBlA ' iai i 1.1 ?? I .?__.?_'??'_.? {.??? H M.iUKD Cvcri.K I'.l't. T. II. M.-'..n.1Ilt KS1>A, F. I rorIr?.btorpa_ii?ttpt..'t- A. W. DUlOCK, P r jjp. 5 Uot.-..!.. taa "A'NCliOirL'INE. - F.XI'HKSS S1rJ_AMi_R 1\ anl ir.,in Pier -... tttk -iter. ."(ew-York. KI'IU'I't.W-DWESDAT.J.n. IS Ul.AY.Jar.- 1? IMllA.SATli-lUAY .J.r. .5 CAMFOBS ?.SATt-RHAV.P?t>. 1 ' Pa.-ei .rn hollld and f.irwtr irt to and fr.-.m anr Railwtr ritatlen I* Cireat Britain, Irelind. OertnaBt, N*rwa/.Hw. Iin. UeDiaark. or Araenca, ?pre-tilr. romfortthlr, an.l chetplj aa anr other rt-t* or Imt. . Ilrafut. or CertiU.-at.-. ran li* boB/Iit at lowett earreacj ralaa ***** i'oN ntnHTHKRS, .._-_..._ pOR"l.lV__J55L. (VIAyt'EKMSTOttTUt, CABBTUN) THF. f s 4 ttl L THK LIVERPOtll. .IM> Ott-t B-B-IM lt?IB COMPANY . iiatcb one of tbeir Urt-cia. a full power Ir.n ?.t-w rteamibip* 1-kijm tir.u ia 40, a, _., rnitti wnatttit, u (nllowa: WIUB?I_ CapU Ptir*.Janaarr 15, tt::T3p, a. ii'tini. Caat MnROA-.J.miu-f n. it: VINN'l-mt. < -. r". T. P. FaRK<iA?...Janntr.r W, it 2::K) p. m. M WII A I IAN CattJ?, I'kici:. N * M] ' at I.'iOO a. wiatiiaaiB. caat a<>v fbbbb*b..i___mw i NKVAI.A. .ttt. _.',,R4TTH.Kebrturr U. Ciliin ru'i ?(? + aj. i't-?aatT* (OK.-'. No _ | nr.a.vltrtj), ?3_, cnmmt-. 1 ~i or cabiu p_ja-t;e, appiv to _W IIMAM-i fc OriO.V go fl Wall it. 1~~StA~AT*\ FTNK. ? t\tr~lH I INS TOWN nnd I iv . ?ll .41 la.ll.lWIi .KA rOROAY. .li .. II, '.- ui. CiriOr Hei-M.1.1.BATUBOAI Jan. li. - u. m. BgUTOI.I'" lf?l)AT. Jaa. .c, I a. ?. cin of bday. f b. i.t*. =. l ITI OF Mi'.MIt.iM. ?. i... ?? . I rCRDAl .:?: I BBI FI<_ B* -. >. -.ii Itirer. uat^s oa F-aayuM. CABIN. t.^ ard JJ", gali, i.;c..r.lia_ :u a.-.-a,i_T,o ' it'on. Ruati trip tirkeu atlow ratea. . M,h-TO OB PR.iM l.irtrrw.l yn""otown, Glaigow. Lon dooW-. I Bl '' I "r tir I--T. * Pai'tafr. ai.. lor.anle.1 M Htvre, Ilt?oar<, Swedea. NorwtT, D*n niart, iad l'-nt. it reduced rate*. IrrafU luaed at loweit rate.. Kor I' I'toiije aad ^eueral batinrst ipplr at tb* ( ompaii.'t Otttet. ,N... 1 |ir..a.lw*T. Kor Steenre Putir., tt 33 Broadwtj. JOHN C. DALL'. N i,w-vdi:k to i/Ai-iun. TIIK .OtTTH WAI.ES AT?_TIC STF.AMSIIIP COMPANY' BBW F1B8T-CLAS8, KI Ll POWBRBD, CI.YHK UL'tl.l' ,-i, IM..1UP_ ri.tMORf.VN.2,.'->0 TiiEt. Pl MBKOKB.I.Si-iTnn.. CAIt?ARI'liKN.J?0 Iui?. 1 ne tieit it'tnuiair o: BM B_ OT.AMORGAN.?aot. TiATBOPRNR . i .in riuuiTituui* Bailroad Wuarf. Jertej Cut. oa WKItNES I -. , l r eo?_. n.d piaaenrer* at thrmurh rate. ftnm all pirt* of th* lat 11,. la?da to port* in Ul* Br-tot t binnel aod all otber l.i.linl. Th.*? .ta-amahipi, hnllt eiprri-tr for the trade. are prnrlded with aii tbe laU-ti iini.ri.aeniiut. for tue cinilort an 1 ra.nvuieni-e of GABIH ANO HTEERAOB PA?ENOER_l. Kirat (at.iu.175 an.l +-- currener. N ?"ii.l Cab.a..Jg.J eurreac r St .rr.r .JtJM currrury. ttmem Str-rar. Certile.tea from Ctrdlg, tii carre-er. Xirtfu for Jt I ana upwttdt. T'or t-Ttbcr ptrtiealtn, ?pplv ln CtnliH. tt the Comptar't OSife., No. 1 lloaik C'tau-wi.. tud iu Nrw-Y..rk f 1 AltCllIi-A! .) BAXTBK fc Co , Ateritt. _No. 17 Broadwar. MORTH G___iA__ LLOVD _TE-___--iP 1~ oowrtwr KOR BODTHAMITOy AN'n Br.BMKIt Tbe 8t<-msbio UllKI.N. Caoi. J. C. Meyer. wui tail ob RATUBPAT. Jan. 11 at _ u. m.. Iroir Bremi-p Pter fooiTburdiL, Uorvoki-o. to be foi.oweu k* . M.VI.N. C.t.t. K. run Ottererulorr, ob SATl'ItCAY. J.n. U -___*. oh PASMAUB TO LoyuON. IIAVRk. AM) BRK.MEN. (.-ai taaa ib _olo, e. n. BuaiTAt-Bar ut ccattasci.) Fintct n.-.?i? la**al a_?i. 1 M.ei_ije. * Kor frei<Ltor (-_!*_., tppljto OKLUICU- t Ca, A_*tU4, . Uowtinr-trees. ONLY DIRJECT LINE TO P-__NC_. THK (ii-i.VKKAL TkANSATLANTif C..Ml'Al.rS MAIL ?T__tM__U_ ii_TWgl-N NKWYOKK. ANL< HAVKK, CALLINU AT BBB-T. Thr iplen.1 d -ea?.!| on U.ia?Torlt* roat* for the CoBUneat will iii) (rom l'irr tiu. M Aorth Biter. ai follown VII.I.K liy P.R.'h,.Bunnont.SATPRPAT. Jtnntrr .5. WtriillNOTO.-..Kaiat?n.UAILKPAY. K.rirBarfK. hl LAOBBBT.Leinarie..SAll'BUAY. Kebruary-_. PBKHBK .Panre.SATl KHAV M ir.-b 8, PUICB OK PASriAdK I.N (i.H.U linrladiig wiaei TO BltE<T OB. HAVKK. rrnt Ctbttt.* I a | Se<-ond <_bln.BTV KXt'UKMON TICKKTB ^IT RKPLI KD BATES. Tltte tU-am-n at noirarrT ite*n_e nti_-..ai_. Aiiin-.-an tnva-lert enlai tonr rrtnrnlnjr fr?ui th* Contlnent of Rnrope, hr la. ii.ii t.e iti-in-era of Ibla line, tta.ul botb iraiaiil bt Kuc-th rtllwif ml t-r __-.__.l_ of cr.->..ia,{ Ui.- (biiioe., beti.le aitiiat tuae. irouble, IBdeii-nt.. (ihO. MAl'KKNZIB, A?ent No. 53 Broadwat. rlpflE NAT10NAX 1.1NK OF iSTEAM-IIU'S. WBKKLY TO QUKKN.ITOVtT. AND I.IVBBPO0L. FORT.NKiliTLY TO AND KR(*M LONDON UlRKCT. Krorr. Plert tt ind 17, Nortb Rtter. TO gCRBB-TOWH ANO LIVKRPOOL: PRANCK. Thoma-B.WEPSB.SHAY, Jan, IS. at 3:0n t ra BP-l.<l. Ut?t.VaKtlNKSUAI Jan. tl. al 11 :'XJ a ift. ITAI.Y Taa-NMO*.WRONE.-AI Jaa.-9. *t J.Ovip. m. Tti LOaNlXJN PIHEl'l : I'l-S'MAUK. .Sawrer.SAT-ltPAY J'?. W. tt?;dOt. m. Tll_-t SIKAMSHIPH AR? THE LARUhtiT LN 'IHE THADE. I'llnr. Pinac.t"> tnd e<"'. earrtaer. (ite.f*a;e.tii. aavrrtBir. Prepaii Steeratt uoketa from I.iterpvol Qn.eaeto-c Loaaoa trrrr _B__-r*V, C*i_IC llrlitol. or LonUoo, CltfiAPKB THAN BY ANY OIHKR I.I.NK. Kor fartner intermltiira inplT lt the Cn.pattr'. Ofllee Ke .9 Rmtd att K. \.. J. ill KM' Maaurer. UNITED STATE-J, NI.W-ZEALAND, aad AISIUAI.IAN MAII. sr:..t.\l.-"iilP l.lN__-Tbeiteaiuthipiot tbu litf ire atiui'iuU-1 to aail ffom >_a Kr.uruuo ior SioW Z__V__tNU aad AV 1 HAI.IA. rn Honoiulu. upon BAV RKPT. 11, JliNR 19, OCT. ?, Jl LY U. NOV. I. ALL II, PKC. t. ttNaaa Fot Irtlchl md paitaf*. ap;.!- to VV. li. V, y.UU. H Bir<_.??T pitra "Ntw-York. WHITE STUt LIN1S. KOR yi'HKNSTOUN AND LIVEBPOOL, C'AKKYINl, THB UNITED STATES MAUi.' SifcW ANP KI Ll^l'otVKUKI) mKABSIIIP".. Ft!!iait imiu New-York ,-n .SATL'RPAY.i, from L-rtrpoaji <? THCB-S DAIb. talUa* at (ork litroor earh ttt. I i'l.TU.. BATI RU ... l? ?t ft*. a. m AII.ANTK.- HATt'RUII Ja-.'ia*. tt, et -:*' p. B_ AUKIATIO. bt; I KI- il, K.-'.rnart 1,1:9)1, _,. (at KANIC O.nirll.Ai I'.-I.r.aa . ll at l:i>i p. a_ BAI.IU .BATI ?UA>. I,.rain i.l ati;_0a._. *ieia th* VVhlle .itti Uajct. i'atnit K.rr. .errnt Citr. Pttt?._tr ac.oaiu... lil >ut ItW all t_t-e_ .iuUilii* BAF-TT, i i i' (Mi COMKOKT. StlooBt, atat*-ro,iui. tnii.|in_ , , mi ?:ii btfil-n -4 ln mnlthtf ne ? rr Iriit iiiirUonIt felt. K.rfTona aid i..?tr<lta*nt acompitr i.e_ iia-aiacrt. KArhh->*l..'B, e9?, t?-_, l?teert_re, I*, eut-irf. Tbot* wlth nf lu trual 1.1 < U..1 i au.trj ?a uow obUuu ataartl*, prriiai - 10, ? .. -an. I'latri." .?.' i '' or lil o.iu i.( Aiitrn.-, I'mU. Ha-tbari, . 1-Ti.a. -.-. Per latBtvrtl"- -i tfoTT*?ll"n, ippit nt lie Caaapaaa't aBcu.N0,' N*? Y__ J. __ 8PAKKI. A^tuu I) (Dcran BltamtxB KAKTS ON IRELAND. - |AI*8*-?llT? EBKIKATID.I anl FORF.I'iN E*4fH4808 uK.H'K 8*i 88Btb-at.?Iinfa. froot 81 apward. arnlahi* ia ali aar4e >4 Ureat Br lam aad Irelaail. .ni nawuff IKkeU bf ii.iii_.bipa aadaaillag paekeUi-ma-l al .?f?4 ratea I.T ..,._,_ ____ 1 Al'.' i)TT. BR.I8. fc ' ?' * "Wathit. B?w Y ,n THE GREAT SOUTHERN FR-HillT UII PASSE\GER Ll\. FOB CIIARLmrPUW. "? C . fLORIHA t'H\T?, ANI) THB BOI : ll A>'li SOUTII ? Sitll.. fTerTTt'HSDDT THCRMfMY ind fMTVRIMr, trom Y**r 'Uh.ieral-lB.B_ Tba aleauaabina 1AM KM Alit.l-.I4. . apt. T. J. LoC?WK?.?0, TneaBa/. lio. 14. OKoRi.U Ctpt ( aa.war i, H in .- ' MA.MIATI.4S. <:.i.i ?an*-ror i.u ib. iiiiBbbi lur pa?te_,fera. ThruBara t>a"a?' tirkelB . ,f It-I.Bir i-naartiua l!i? Boaih ? ? .1 t<> all poiBte South end South Wtat, uui oia-r tbe N ,rtl, _???? n l__.rua_ ,., K'urfBce, l.'heraw. a_d all rx.iBie bb lbe Cbettm aad lxrlioffaa K_rl mail aao wiii. ?4eauifr?t'? porta. Inair.n?* br thu lloa,<|NB 1141.K Pr.K Xr.S: itouda I irwi ._.) frf? ?l ,-v>mmiaaiva. BiKbbI ,.:?;,',.?; i* thf n See Loeal Yuk Bf er aad Fre ifbl ,?, ,,?? ,.' ll irna-at HKNHV B. MOKi.AN k<'< . Afeata. Por thronff. freifht tanff, ur ferthel - rafere ea xn ibrWb hwhl. BPi3r ta BBBTLBI D BIBDBUi <__._! AgruX Oreat Hoothera Fr. , . , Braa l.a/ . TTKA ISTK.4MKK.S WILI. I-R l>18l'AT*'HKI) 48 nooS 81 l.llAUKIl. Iatraaa-f na 'lTmraaa lt. Uouri. mu) Rooms. A DVKUT1SKMKNTS FOR TIIK NKW A TirnkVribl-NK WILL 81 RK. IITBD,ftMIOTWJ OFFICKS No. S44 Weat Tbirtr -ie. ad -at, or XW Weit rw .1/ taira ? _. ap to ? p. RL. al recBlar o8ee IBBM._ AN AMERICAN LADY will tak<* two -hilil realoU,--. Inqai" m ?.?''?-. ">?/", _"i__.. ^M^rratX. UEdre.: laalTweatj-BiVthit.. orj* M-t M '. NHRR4 IJ... J8 P>it-Bt B" KOOKJ.YN WoMAN'S UNION. *0 WILLOI.T-HHYST BBOO"UTB ] bktttyario, BOARDMii A... ''MM' IM IMN* ^.^S_r_X_ ,. " .'? ...1 i'. a?.*?t1o?i. KooiBB ttm t* W U 41 " mt "en arrordinf t', te..1108. TeachWB. 08B?18a, Tti.ttmotkr: ? At ke. -'. *...! bf r, . re.uoJ .r.i _ ea-al b"*.. wilbuat tue eutnjt^jt . boaraim . boaae. Applicatio-i oao ba laadf xo tbe MANA..F.K. aa Uw pre_aee?. __________________-' I hliANi)* 8TUKTEVANT HOUSE, J__ _i.>a_?a? Tw?8l*-ai|btli aad'1'wfBlt-aiBtL-ita .Nfw-I?ri. ___ ?*">*~'"A,j|{!l,iy.AKVL4N.WITH I-.I.BVAT<m_. C'KNTKALI.Y -O' ITM NhARTHK DH'.iTS AUD IH: 4TFR*4 NtAK 11I_il.ti,i^ *jj? _ ,.hl,A>lJ Pr.^rela^a _ 1>\|;T1KS SKEKING KUKMSHKli Al'AKI ? l~tam^^ ? ppir.Bf M >* ItLIAM J OOL-W. I _*: Breidwa/._, M. CHAKLE8 HOTEL. KLKOPKAN PI.AN. s No 6ia BR04IIW4Y <;'1RNFR BI f._*'KER ST. li.iol. K0088 *l FKR DAf. HOIKI. Ria.iSSIUI.i 1KD. I'OI'l LlK PBIOta 8b RiHirna fruifl *4 t*> *U> 888 WBBB. hnWO GENTLEMES^ aLso two Ladiea, cau ba?f BOod Kt' 4KI) **ltfa '''iuii roami; a a..?*. fr .nt .-oom. wi? ,? bot .ad c.ld w-iter in r.?, 88 I ;re? aae of men parlor 8 888888 ?l_i "aa pu/ iBBt bava baa me et pu$.. canal- 8-igB88BtB> ?? faaja ofrl,.,. Wrbffkf- t'"ir*t f?r a-ntftmen. 8? p-r ?*"- t* .LtaiVtoanler-i..- . . ? '- ? ^*____ \VUr_i-Tim ROOMS, with ot without > I 88888. ib New-Vork, not B8-f8 T-f at/-aeT8*tU;at, or oa Br.wk Itb II:Kh- f..r Kf-i'!'B)?B. wife. and nane-rirl. Addraai, witb -I par tieul.n aad lermi laone .u.Uer naticed), J- J- --. Tr.kui. i i^clp ti)iintc---?ltii!e6._ A DVEI-TISEMENTS FOB TIIK M-W A vork sk W!LI. BK RKI KIVED 8TTH8 DTTlJWB OmCta Raa A. i-aod-.t.. or 88 V4e.l Tweat/tBita lb, BP t. ? p. m , *i r-'<uiar uB.-c ralla._ \VrAN'H:i>- A SMAI.rr".-"?lfNG MAN, who * * ?*__i OBiint.- w.ih ihr pobliablBf bnilneM B88B_RMI t> ?' f3"^*-1 ?m_" bBil. ?".: boan fiMfl a b.. u> . p. -? i ?I?t Hrat re?rBBa.Hail 8*j0. Ald-M'in ,?3 ba-dwruiaf. ^'la^ afe, exptrrienff. rr.e.eaoaB. I,., ASHKR v ADAMS, ru',li-lie_r?. 3'G Broadwar, Xfw-Tor,._ \\T .NTED^liya German Gentl. man?A SIT X T 1' MTON In .mr- eina'-ilT h a BbUBBBBUb or rnuMf-tanai; hflaaa. mmemtyyemf etmtxetteemt**Xmmm.**le^limi w aarkj tol mrr.f'A. AJdreai T. C, , Boi 1,4.1 PoatOflce._ VV -STED-A flret-clasa JOB COMPOSITOK; duwn-la.'t .- , | .... V,.-a 1-...1-..I8C.. tjclp U)antcii-*i:-maUs. ^ ll7_\TKlJ?A. n-li-ble aml int. lli^.-i)!- Gar Jl* aa^-BB-BlIBb.a4.f BBd -BB - '*-f- ? -"'?"'? U.?l.fairefrti-ae?aitoc-_r-<u.r C... _i-> **"'??? __________________________ Sitimtioii- 03anU-)---ni.iIc3. x 1>V. RTISF.MEXTS FOR TEtE (,KF!l _ s 'i We.t temt* 9mm* ,t., u;i a.. I ;. i:._ \.MAS witli i-i?-ai experienc* deain * ? poai a ..i ?.,, 110 , A i fuOROUGH ACC N'w , V . I rt-n. : ini Siaui-.i iin/iu/.??, bariaf U-B veir- . . :tnlm, , .'nt|-|..s "*'" \iii)i)i.i:-Ai;i;i? gentleman, (4UI..1WC. - -ir, U tll.lflf,?llJ?l? a.UllM8 ,. -.PEl 141, or ''.I-l-:' r*)R. ? r**tt ' *? N ? v -l l r \ r'?iv i> 4v;mt.ii foi th.- COACH J\ MAN fair.nenr BrlBf Mr OH-lej. 8t ChBDj-f-ni; .- t aa ?de mt, i' 1 thon ajplf ' Ai.rc.i Mr. lil.->._').'F. Chapi,. : Mew-Vork._ AGOOB B0_ desirea a aituation in a whole aalehoBi** t'i learn the i.a.i- ' "''"' .- ?jiil. it ..-.--. AJit.- LAI), _________________________ 4 8_TUATI0N WANTED?In a MercantUe /_. or Uinkia* ho'iiff bf i rian< un ? - wilh bu parfi)t? neat ?? "*- XX AHITIMi Boi '____ AVol'M; COLORED .MAN wanti a litoyv baa io Uie cire of hora.-i aud ta mn. i u-ila; t - . ? -?? ;. :?. ; - ?aa nifire A.iilM; MAN. .''nl.- .ui.l willinir to work, ? ..lbtuninc worl where./ ue cia u'jta.a I 41 dna8 KOC-8, li.-i_ \ Voi'Ni'r MAN apeaking French, Germaa, _tV aud Ki.fii.h .aieotlr wa-t, X 81Tl'A TION | n uol i.'.-a. I et wuek. FKA.NC'AIS. Tlibnon l)?c?_______ Ai.HNTI..-MAN havinx liv<* yt-arV expaci? ._ the lii:iwir.. -? - -? !_oa laat plice. 4 ire t. ' ?'. Xewark._ AMAN ot induatrirmihabitsdesirei a 8ITU ATION' ia a htinaa aa ?al-l.... . Ia_rk, f.^1 ra;:-r -aoai cjb be proa-ared. TTNDAI.I, Trhnne 0?ff._ A^OUNG MAN, ju-*t arnvoil in tlu-* coo_b try wauti B ailBAliao to -.k.- rare of bainet. ind to mike bimiell aaefal feoerall/. A.ldr.?-?-? rr.'.aque t)_.-e._ HAM of EXPEJUEMCE wanti .1 ntuas-oo aacollector, ij.>i>- rereraju.'^.t .-in t< o'l-.aiae I _? to r.;a.-iir ia.I iotfuritv _MLL!A Boi U8 rr.ioi.ei)---. AGRADUATE ol YALE, a young naB oi ib'iu. i. - iai i .-?> tpa.-.-.f whora ba can earn uiutlcrau: BAita-a. AaJ^n-B WILbOK. Boi .'.) '? nbaaa Otboa. NQTICE.?AiJ coloxed p?raond "i b are n! lo hav .i".'n.-l lll ItioM ht Ti H tlwr were bi.iu.iu lbe .t?--.u br lbe I ''ot, aii Iiartiea Xhxxn appiied lo .an al?ert?u Uie tacu ot lbe .?*?? bf rrfa*frufc- Xo i ia re?-t_ oF aauiei ..f all paraooi '.r.iu^bt N .-t.i hy tbn ..i-._U-bb at Hn. M) tiatt 'i. ulh-a- . h. >.?f-i iii ....l*a. ?'. i rl'. a:n ,,ff SITUATiON WAhTED?Bj an boneal ST o?d iaaa, aaj-part of 4b# Inatfl-fitf-. t- b-tlfr ._i <--.M?aar, ur aar kiad of woiki -eat oi lelereace. Fi^iao oaii ur oJdreaa 1. 1'HII/LIPS 12S t-onirl ?t._ CITUATlON" WANTED?By ,i joung niar k3 ne.! _.?o. u 00LLBCT0B ? 1 I'ftK la t ?'labaafe honif rin (urmih tbe be_* of re'en-'iee aa u? hoaeit/ aad aralit/. AA drejaCLB-K, Boi lni Tnbaa 08-8._ , ?J1 fUAtlON WAN I i-.D?By a youujf aud ac k3 l.reuian aa L10I1T POKTKtt iu A wliolfiale hiua.', Ueat uf ia eom_e-dat?>r?. A-ltr-?i T , Bt>i I'W. TnhnneOtBee._^^^^ CITUATlON WANTED?By a competent an*. k-)reliahl.- tuaii lo 'ake e?re rt n, i_??|ad an I t.> mike h>iiiirii ^-uetallf uifful.' 'iMI'Klh-N I, Il.ii l"l Inbaae <)??*-._ WANTED?A SITUATION in bobm large pubUiluuf bc_f. hr a v.Hiaf maa wbo eaa furaiab tdr l^-,i rvfer ?3a-ei a-t to rhirartar anl laMlllfaaaa, tiL..-/ .: lir.t, iu.i-.era;.-, Age.tX Addreia FANKlTLjrniiuoaM)!^_ WANTED?By a youiijc nian, wh?) t'ftii fur Bl*b tbe tetj bfl. '-Hr ra-fera-acaa a SI i'i, .4 I'lO.N io boib i wlaoto ttle bou*e Addrau ?>.. Uui 11* Tnbaaa l)8ee._ _____ WANTED?A SITUATION by a iiukfri?3 lunii PORTRK in x itore, . -r lurpiab ten ? . j ta ab'litf ind intfftitT 1-4M Bn 104 Tnhnne Ottrr Qitnattotis CDantcd--icmalc5. ALADT. wt'll edui'at.'.l. aml I Bpad Dracti ,-al hoaiafk-eper .ieiirea thit I'i islTiuS i. . Widaaat. i.ioilr. i c.aaiia.rtalil ? b.iBie Iba chia-f c..u?.deratio flnaValaaa rafffraaaa -,l be flieaaad raqairad. Oalr t_?H uf uodoubi-d puaiuou u.r- appl/.'-i K < ' II A COLORED INTKI.I.lCIN'fK OPFICE. J\ A nrff ooBiiwr ol S,.nll id liir i md Mea tlw triua htn I ? aoBa. Waakrr. anl iroarra, l biaiBenaildi aud Wtilreaaea, l on_?e_ aaB Wnteri, antr or vo_B'n. tl" > .oiifth atf. _ JOHN f H\M)OIPH. AN AMERICAN WOMAN wmildliitfto nirt, partof BBI tiii.f iii .-4EWINU KuK IIKIt B04HH iiiai-i alaa fnuilr. Cbrlniaa taaili HalarfBd 1 ne iwn rafu?a? firaaaadbJbb m)B're,l Allr. ' thil w.-ek._ A TEACHEB o? TWEL\_ YEABS1 l.Xl'K aCY RIKMCr. df_re? -. few iao. p.r,.lli la Kr-aek. (ieraiiu. m.t.r aad wiidowrrt. KBfUak braarkaB M^" ' ?<?' '' " ?BaViali relaTfB a, (11 ? , - IN - !P ? . >'_ A~HIG1U.V-HUK0 K.iu*1i>1i Lady *l*-.-*ii?*** th? ? . .:; .if Iiii! iUKKKPIR ? ?? aidoweri cbiMtaa aoi an abjl? tim a ?_ ?.b? ibuiI l.e keal lor neaial ?ark | baai ralert-Btara. Addr?? llANHAH MU8K, Inbaa*DBaa, A (J.niian Sl.KVVMS *>?m aB. ataui.) I.u.u.l il t*t lieriuaa B.ieaa, la"; *4urlul?-al.. !??'Iwaei _ _ M "l|"_ fWLQllU) RELf-F _00MS, No. z-Y. sivih YJ ... ne.r rhirtr.-roe t ?? lt-TtlB8 Olhnd 8BB"_-IB 88 88811. tpa<lit', at ibe aktulrii Bulica. DKKS. MAKKK.-WANTKI). WOltK. fitiwr i. ?o uui**. ih,. ur ?. vi uka b??e, l.i a ooaipeioal P*r*? wBa lo Mr. J, M KKI.1.1. '?? 1)8-8-8., Br.a.lti' M nOOD r..-itiin, Eugliah. sVftvh, and othei \A BKUVAXTM, with |?t?i r.??iBai-d.-vii., aiwat. tu be 1..--8 Bl Hls llll N ?_ \\ ANi-l>?A .-MUiiiHoii l>v a roaueokaWa V V Bi-.dU-a.rtl bobiiu, a* p.a.u tw_ aad lu du waai_-f aad _v_iB_. Ad 1(88) Mr* OA-ltT, ,\ .