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V??-XXX1I.N0-9..--(J. NEW-YORK. TUESDAY. JANUARY 14. 187... PRICE FOUR CENTS TIIE OBBPIT MOBILIER. MOKE FKNIAIS AM> lUSCTaOSCRK-t. AN I XII VNATION FROM OON4.RK.WMAN DABBB klll. UUOOK.'s .ON-IN-l.AW OM TBB STANU. (itr TRi.ti.RArn to thi; TBiaUBBJ Wafium.k v. .T an. 13.-TLe Cro-ilit Mobilier Com? mittee weioj i:i m-sii.n fnr two hour., to-day. Mr. I>awes inado a . tatciiient in which hr fraiikl.v fic Baaarladajad that Mr. Amea liad invi.i.'l li.rliiin fl.iMi in Cn-tlit Mi'l.ilier t.t<>(k. iiui Bfl BBd IB cci.uloneiii.idiml of._"> j>er cent BB it. hut thut. U-imnir that a wa* pmiliiiK intolvitiK th_ title to the eharter ofthi I'oiiip.iny. he i_ot Mr. Ames to uke it kaak witk laa a-iMaan-. aod only r.c.ived Mfaraaafl Ibbbtbb. aa kflB-aaaaj while ka kald Ua utoek. He h ol never heforo made or aut-iorizcd any public Matciuctit flBBBcniim. this transaclion. the letter aab_abed laal Baaaaaaf kaYiaa kaaa w__ ten without any int. iiiitin <-f puMicity. Mr. Hawe.'?< frieud* think thit kifl .tateinetit e\oiicr:ites hiin from any *__..-i'ici<>n ttt Ulon*. ititnitiaa tfl buyiiia. the stoek, and attgOni tho onlv thing to repret nhout lbe ail.r.r is that ka did not inaKe a full t M'lan.ition inmer, of pt_riiiittiiiK people to coii clude from _he pnvnte letter he wrote tliat ka knew nothiti- M!,;ii"iri al.ont the C'r-'dit Mohilier, nnd aaaaa had aaj aaaaaetiaa vrttk it. Ck BflflB H. Nflllaoai, B_B-_n_BW to the Hon. .TanicI I.t... .s, wa_* exaruitieil at lenjrtli. The s uh BBBBBfl of Ma eridence waa that Mr. BBaakfl hud told him ha could put him into B fOOd thintr. a-.d hud otiereil to lend BttflMJ to bay < . lobili-T stoek. There wasaohunce tomike aaaaa money und heHrook-i had put lns ii.une in. Ha went to the ollice of the CAiinp-iiy. and poMoOshar.-s. for whieh Mr. ..rooks li.i.l a' paul S !??.'.?. Sn.iseqnently Mr. PlBBffl told ln in lhat he was -tititlcd t<> Thi BM8B shai.s.'ti .t d $->.<... Ba iK.rrowed money to pay for akeaetvd.litional .hare. of Mr. 1'illon, ttia President ?.f lh? -('ottipaiiy.c. \ mr 1 rtt-ffl pflBttoa flf tka fir.t ni,r;.-.i_r bondaof the (7. I*.... K., whieh he had rec. ii'-.l M dl- ide:.<l_ on tha hrst K?i-hares. Bt -er r.paitl the money to Mr. Dillon. Ho .fot, in all.?.dividends on the IV) BBBMBBj EBflQobk Qflflh, in lirst mort _._._..' bfl BM la "f tiie railroad, worth al_.?ut pur, and 822 aharea of Union Paciflc atock, par value ?*!'<,' a sliare, and nmv wmili iihont $.'-">. lie .till held the t'redit Mohilier stock and I'nion l'a tock iu his own name, all hut NO _uwaa .. h he had aald, Iha tEfiOO m ooab ka had paid Mr. Baaai?. aml Le thoaighl hr Ii...I L-i\en lillti aii tiie tirttt liii.Iti-.iL'e' \ cept thoae he h.\ ]><-th.-. aled Hfl -diuittcd. whan q bj C--W M<-(\>:iil>.tfakl ,t M.ihili. i throu di tka inll'.i' ii' I of Mr. Hrooks, lut he d< --.H-d t? i. aaa any aadfl?flflBflUBf thal thalattflt was to IBB?BB any fr.-m the ptireha-e. niiti Kii'l that. oa the was flifltJactl*/ iindei :ion was for his ,Neil.-i>n's; flola 1* rtt lit. Mr. l<r,...k- waa in ;ii'' h,.'.il oi piitting him in tb'- May of B BBOd thintr now anil tln tk, At ihe eoiiiliisii.n fl_ Mr. NC-tflOB- evi.h; liiiM-kis. appaientiy ol.liviou. of the faet the ad__MBoaa ad hia bo_--b__w waaa more n_aaiiBa to huu than ('.?!. M. .'oinlVs testimony, m; do ou. a lonp list ofwM N't w-Yorkiiiid N'ew-Orh>iin whaaa ha waatad bb_BBMBMd ta goort thal Cd McComh's (hata<tei wnsliii'l, and IhBtheWaBBO to ka heliev.-d on oath. (.'ol. HeOaBak _-aiii ka waa W?Uaa ta aa kaaa thal aawattoa*, aaad woald like to M . imie lt-ath. r toada "1 New-Vo.-k, Philadel phia. and Haltiiiioie. s.-ut for; BBBB. A. T. DflflWai. and Iha drjr _iK.<i> ni.-i't hiiiits of M-W-Taa__a ll<- kad deait witk thaaa Baaa iai twaarty faaia, ka said, aad they could t..-tity to bis hon.-ty. 11-w.uil.l also like ta ha- Itnaaaaa aa t<. Mr. Brooka'a aamU?Umr, TmatAmmwmmUmateak Mr. lirookat u*t ot ca. nut did noi pBflflflflflfl t<> sul.pena them. To-_0"rrow, Mr. lhirunt, is exp. 11-d to appear, to getkai with _eaani 11 an and Craaa, tha Bactaaaclafl ,\el> ?-f thaCiddi! Mobilim Company aad al iidi.f Trnflteaa. tb*) kara beaa Ofdaaad t? prou ttt Iha booka od ihe oan TBI i:\.\MINA lIi'N 0ONTD.UED. IWOHK BTA?tlhim 01 OO-OBBBBB?JI PA-TBB? rrmoNT oi na. aan-oa ? thb hok. jami- BROOKS'l BBLATIOIU TO THB OOM 1'A.VV?A V.AKM I'Miili; I l'"N CHA-UI 11 ... [_______. PBBaa DuraTdLi VfASBnoroVi Jaa. lt.?Tha Bpeeial Ooaa ofwkleBJi tn, t" mn-. ti jrate the Ciedit Mol llier, I ni tlii. _-. aml lbe ll.m. II. U Daw. .* of Maasachn*ett. ? wa.* sv,uid, iiml flaaaaltladawitttaaBtata* uitiit. a- tti i i-.ii m ? ? DAW1 Bi I have baaa ixadj al all liaai?i_ wBoaareT it abaalfl bt ?,\ mi- Ooa make a fu, wr bad wttk tka CrMil Mi't ;i <r. an-l i. iriet 1 li.iv.-l imt lia.l an earln-r o.> portuiniy. 1 aafl aarflB tne owner of any of the BBBflB et that eorpuratiun, >ct 1 lUflBBBBB to t.ik<I M sliare.. of tliat BUKk, bafl the iiirr.eimiit was r< Miniled btkUt -M M<Kk wa.<l to ine, au.l it never was ri'.l. __t the c'.'inmenceroeiit of the aesaion iu ixM-miK-r, taaVi i kai aaa aaaafltaa?aafaaaBBB. Arioe'eOflieell.wiOof my aalarj" that I had aa oeeii'lon Baaaa. I a-ke.l a e.illea-TU'T of iuine, Mr. .Va-Iil.urn', with whom 1 was roouilntf at the tiine, what I coni.l BflBl do with It, and he ndvised mo to purehase ?nh it a bond of tho Iowa C dar _BaMB BaU mtd of Mr. OafeBfl Ames, aaylnj: that he had been pnrehaBinK of him a large amount of these honils for SK) ii-iitl on tha .li.nar for his bank, and he thi.apht it an exe-llent liivestnieiit. I aecordin_ly went to Mr. OaBfll Ames, and aaked hlru to sell me such a bond as he had Itsen selliuK Mr. Wasbburn. Bfl replied that he had not ids there, for he had sold, Bafl h< badaaaaatflflflBjalBaaaaMa^a.aBBl hethonRht bet ter. Hc would let me have for my 11,000 ten shares of CrtVdit Mobilier stock. I said to blm I did not know _tii-ih.__ai.out that stock, aud a.ked him to tell mo He replied: " lt is a Pennsj lvania coriMira tiou \Aiiith has the e<.ulr.i. t to bulld the Pacihc Rall? road. lt ir a i_ood ihing, and I thn.k it will|make money out of it; at auy rate, I wlll guarantee you ten per cent on your money, or if you dou't want your stock at any Umo I will pay you back yourmou.y antl tn i*-r cent Intereat. I told him I would think of it aud 1< t him kuow. 1 then nnjuired of Ur. Al.ey aiiotit tf_B stoek, and he aaid it was -ood stoek, but he did not thlnk lt waa as joodasMr. lt wa*. <m my telliut; him tliat Mr. Amea -flflflflfl to -iiaruntee me ten per cent h< _-ti<i that I -a* aafe enouifh then, aud I made no further inijuiry, but went to Mr. Ames aud told him that I would lake the utoek. He aai.l he cou'.l not trantl. r it to tue th. u a- i! >aIBB 11 hi* kBBBfl I tlmt tho firet time he weut tKitoe be would get it tntnaferred to me and Bfl me have IU I therefore paid huu o\er the |1,000 and took hlI aB-QOuniable receitit for it, he ?ayiu? at the tlme|he jcave lt lo me, that if at auy time I got ilck of it be would lake tt tMtck, aud pay me i>a<k my money and teu per cent BfltflBflflfl* wiit he BBtUBBBB tue stock. Before h<-weut b"me I had <-.catlnii to |ro home to I .tUfleld, and while tbere Mr. Edward I__trued,> frlend an.l n.-i_-hbor of mlne, who wa. then, I bellere, an ofllcer julheKam?i Paiiflc Uailroa- came Into my offlc-and told me of a ?uit which Imff (ireeu|had commenoed, or waa about to commeuce iu the Pennsylvauia oourts, a?ai-.*t Mi. Aii_e? aud his assoeiates, to ~t possesaiou ol Um ( r.'ltt Mobilier eharter,clalmimr that it belonged to tnu. imi bi* assoclateB, and bad been wronirfully Uken la-J.-lon of byMr. Amea aud thoae eunuected with H_ Wheu 1 returned to Washin_ton I told Mr. Ames wl_tt Mr L-atrued bad said to me, and told blm that 1 did _?t want muy BflflB stock. B_ repiie.l. ? Well. you nee.I flfl- Uke lt -, I wlll pay jou BBBB your money aud 10 per r-utinti-ieat.if you pref.-r." I told him iha I did. He fhr.irup.iD settled wlth me ??? tbat way, allowlna me (BBBMaaaad i>?> kaa-flhl money. in tne aaaaa t.?,.._..d BB-flBlWaadflfl rilHHI, ka had paid mea divideud once; I do not kuow how -*******>**_* think it was about ? por cent. Whatever It waal ai lowod hlm in the settlement, he paylng me over the halaneeoDly. Thi waa the end trf t_e t-anaacUon. Tbe ?UK-k ttaa ueveifuauaferrod to me at all. 1 bave had ao ?Uter traoaaetlon witb tbe Crtdlt MobUler or tbe Union PaclBc Kailroad. -.eitiier during BMB tranaa_:Uon. nor M_t)m_TBt_,it doae, tar* J eatertwaed aoir thouj.*ht or pdrpose ln conn.tetlon with It, nor waa any thltiK ever MMMMad to nio tu that conncctioti lu any way, dlrectly or lndirectly, ha\ an _ refercnre to any oftl clal coiidue.t of inlue ln af out af Ooograaa) ni.r .llil an.v tliit*K m coiiuet tion with It pani* betwoeti tne an.l Mr. Ani.'t* or uny other person, oUi.t ttian wuttld naturiilly h.m I pureluiscd nf him tli. Iowa railroad lioiul I endeav.ire I tn ttt, or had I parehaaad any share of na? tionai 'laink .*-lo**k, or a Cniteil - Ih.ikI, eithcr of lilin or of any bank* r entsldc ol ('onjrrfH**. Before and up to tliat tirac 1 iin not reiueinbor to have heard tlie Credit Mobilier luciitlniicd, nr any matter tniir-inj- tthe I'aclllc laiiilrord. ith.ii bcniK cuiiKtructcd; uor dld 1 know ol Mr. Ani'-'f* th alliiR witli any other person in ur nut of Congress. llll; oni.v ai HMUIII D_RU__ ln* t!,U tal.ti.eiit nf till that did oeenr ln the traii-ai ta n, 1 .' -;re to ;uld that, although I ha\ i ? ncv* r .Icircd or sought to com oal ln any way anythniK tliat I have done ln tl.i.** niatt.:, I have never ni.ule ur aiith.u izi d any statetiicnt in refcreuie to it htTorc to day, "eelin<- th.-.t 1 cuiild j>at i.nt ly wait until your < '..n. initti i- .muid eall upon tue fnr thi.-. stateinent. Nan tlu le.-. there ilid iri't int.i _?rint without m\ autlu>rl\ ur kuuw lodflO. a .Tivate uute writli u by uu- tu u friciid in New Yuik, thatikliiK him for vdlunlarily, aiul on his own ii-ipoiirilulity, d.-n.vuiK Ihe ntatenient lii Thr Sric-\oik Sttn that Hr. 0*kaa Atnca had, for corrupt purpeaea, ni-.eii tm Ktmk iii tne t'n-dit Mntiiiier. i deeirateaaaka thal lin!'- a part nf thls te-tiimmy. lu urder that all I al, ab wt 11 Bl all th it I ha.e iloiie m rei.a.-ni I lu t!ur tii.itu r may titaoine a pai I ul BM .-tatcuient. Thfl aaaa _i a.-. foUovai _n I ?1 II i :?? M '---. B**pt ll. . M> DbAI Bnt, 1 thaal for denouncina (alaa Hbel ihe eharn oi tu WtM^York Am, ao nr aal am ooacerned. Nelther Oakea Amea or any othei .leail Of aii.., . vi i (tUVI lin-, ilire. ti) or ilulirre! ly, a ol tlu t'n'ilit Mobliler, orol any other corporatloD Io thia world. I never ovned a dollar uf any Btock, oraov propertv "t am kl--., that I dld not pay tlie lull Miiueuf w i 1 ti my iiwu luum.v, eariuil with m, uwn lalmr. 'I'ruly juin -. 11. 1.. Dawi >. Tnnvtwert ? laaaMOM nf .Tm! .-.* I'n'.iit'l, Mr. DaVtM Mot-tOd that ii the l.i'.*! ul hll laemniy ll VI liinnitii: ut|th'-I?i*"-inl'er M-.-.-i''ii nf IMT thal he a t Mt. | ,.1 tu l.llll m aboot three weeka aAanrarta, Tne tranaaetton vaa rc.-ritvi' ' | __M ? DOthtaf n! thi market thal -t.ii-k; wlai. Mr. Auu> .-aid hi-|wuulil ***** antee ii-iu le j.i r eent ht- theiis-'ht the in\. .stitu nt would in a good ooa. MK. N't'.II.-"*-.** '11 -1'IMoNY. Chnrlef TI. Ni'i'.s.ui, ai inmpaiia .1 I.y the HoO. .Tnmes Brooka, hia'iii a-lav,appeared beten th<- comiuit :.-. , iti an.-wi r tO a -iihpriu. Mr. N.-. -.m, l.ein_ rwerti. d that in- realdea in Btav-Yotk, aad opeaatao ta stoek-.; h.ul held rituekrt in the (iniii Mu ulnr Cniupan. ; BrothaeaaM the kaldaroi the tir-t haadrad rh-re.-i ln IMI, Dcct-iiiliei- Mi atu snn-in-law uf the llnn. Jnm lirnuk- Witness proiliieeil hll aie.* Of Uttm la the ( i. ilit Mobilier; the tir.-t eertitlate beiiiK | - aod iha ieoo_d fur M ^ares, .lateii Itohraarj M.lMli vHaMa aahaerihod MJH" uialiy tn the Kllsl.a Q. Did you siku for tb.iu? A. I ln uot reeollect; the Huli. Jaiiie.t Brooks, lny lath.-l-in-Iaw, pat im ui Tln- wav uf gettuia. thatatoak hy adTaaelai th*- Baoney; all tl.e dlvldenda eame (ome, and l gol the bobo] ; Mr. Brooka dld the baataeaa; he Udd vltm ?- thal ht bad acha pai hnn in the t'r.-ilit Mnl'ilier, aial ilul sn; wilni--- VIM not *-a*aaaad al iha aecottatton; doal loaiiaitia? vho fuini-iiei! tha eerttteate; dld ? abei how ho .. --mu mt tha aarttfl. ata. y. How wai tLe matter iiuiiacA ttiwmt you am! Mr. liroolt.- in i*:i-reuee tn the inuney paid I A. Tlu air.mci inent vaa uiaii.- -impiv hy Mr.Brooka adraaalactba money, aml I reeeivc-il the .!.vnl.-i: U; I yart no *--curity tu Mr. r.moks when tln- nioui-y VM adraBOOd ; 4,'ive BO in't. ur Imnil; did not think that m?<?? **.-.u v l.. twei n father and mm ; I ln _ m to lereive dlTldenda aftt r |>illlai the -(? ek ; r. .-ei\e.l uu.- ilit i (ii mi m maiii-y aMovattai I0M.OOO1 do aoi reai when; had repaiil a pnrtnm uf the inuiu ytn Mr. I pui-eharvii the leeoad iiftv ihan ? vlth noaey borrovad ttmt .-..iii. y Diiiuii; Mr. iiiuok- faralahod aooe oflti thuiu-ht he paiil over par for the la-l tlny lha_M *>f atimk ; -Mr. Brtxik. Iiad uo ciiiiueetUm with thr* lant flfty a any way; the vhole -t"- k, IM tmmT**, 1" ll to m*', and all the dtfldaada VOM uuue ; Mr. Dfoafca had ui. owiH-r-hip in any of tliem ; ha Miopl.v ail\.iii I 1! Ilii.i)..; tha-rc was im un tti-i.inlim,' thai ha Vaa t" ih.iM- atiV lii'llt flt Tl'illl the .ark; deratootl that the witn.-o was to have the whole uf it lot bla oa MR. ItRliuh- II BO VAt 1--I-M llllll T" Mr. Nii. ae- ?Mi. II;....k.- uii_iii.ill.\ uu-iitiniu?<! tiie matter tn witnei* . aml .-tiiteil at the time tie h ul |iower af palilaf vltawa btthe UMdll Mobilier, bat made ao rxplanation lieyoud aayiuj- be did not aan t<> Imiil me .'nui-a-.I. The money wha au aiivjina m Mr. Uru'iki m the forin nl t "Jn-ml; tiou on Ih" aOOOBBl -r--. Tn jaflfle Marrliil -Had no aaderaMaliag thal tha ticooo a<iv iii.-r?i ..'iiiiii tio I'.ini baeb aal oi ilvMeadi ol thla eoaeara. To Mr. Mlhto-h?Chav thal he patdfe*aa_taa_ c_ mt 1'.: I 11't r.'iiu'inl.ei llaiv. 1 urh ; dld imt know whether Mr. Brooka had aay aaaaey in proeartag tha laal 50-lian- ; Mr. iii nnko T..I.1 lum he Vaa eiitille.l M "11 5(1 tmtttt aililitiumil. aml tuld him tu go aml _>t tt ToMr. MeCrary?Did nut hnw mauy he ooiiofitaddlT-k mi-; eollaaMd iha dtv-laada froai Mr. Baaa> Mr. Brooka dld aoi I uui" f-vidaati ao oae arer coUeetod foi vlt-aeaa; boirovod tiv<* tkafaaad aad aaaa haadrod iiuih*r_ froui Mr. diiiod; vltaaai ia> ? baaMa the IMMtaoaah, -- --. w* - ol Moeh la Iha Uuton racitlo Kailroad la tln- VBf "1 ttaldwadlttat* Cre.lit MoOtlk r; tumed .tuine nf tiienioverto Mr. Brooka ami MMO tn Mr. iJillon ; aan the latter enoii-h to eu\.i tlie loaa reiiawl from hnn; rtill owiis Ml share.-nt htock of the Union laalto lUilroad; BOOM "f lu- ?toefe ,er lieen held ll the name uf Mr. Urooks. CrOB-eiamimd hy Mr. M. f.itiil.-I'.'-eelve.l tho 50 shares ad.liii.'iii! *t"ik l>y virtue of hin owuer_iip nt 100 shares; dld not rememhtr havinc laeotTOd a^i.-i. t that he was tntitled to th<* 50 shares lulditmnal ; Mr. Urooki? paid for tho lirst 100 ihBfM : VttaOM Bi not 1'ay r.r.t; when he went to the ottire to fM the ...ek ha found lt already paid for and in hi.i nanie ; Md imt n nn?hM whether he reeeived any dividend" when he ftt his cerliticat. Of 100 fliuiei,; rereived divu!.-ml ahnut the tiuie he irot the 1N ; "i,iy knew he col laetad dtTMaadaaa they were taa hnn; vhaahacM the tir_t c niili ate he dld uut NMMBhM what he re? eeived; remembered *d?t_f a NOOlpl. bai dhf Jmt 1. member what iMfOl forit; Mr. Ilrooks is in tho habit of putting witness into .oo'i taiealBiaatai Md not r*> tueiniier any particular on" ; Mr. lirooks told him ha wasentltledto 60 shares additional; did not MMMMkM from whom he reoelved the dlvldeuds. Mr. MeCninh waived a furtlnr ttOM 1 xaminutioii until tomorrow, when iBtmBt Hlaek wiii he preseut. To Mr. MeCrary ?Could not reeall dates ; had a jrreat rnany transaetious, und therefore eould not reuiemhii niinute partU:_lai8. tj. Was tlnre ever any underatanding ln any Wttf Ol form that Mr. Ilrook*. was to nali/e uuy henellt whal lyerfruiii >our shares ln t_e|C.e<lit Mobliler 1 A. RM the hllKhtest; on the contrary, it waa the umlerstaudiuK that I was to rerelve all the beneflts of the Biock. A ylKBTION OF CHAKACTKB. Mr. Brooks then aaked that various records from the War I-epartmeut l>e produced before the Coiaiultteo, hy wlileh be wauted to show that Mr. McComb wati uot to Im l.i-aeved. Mr. WbMlil TTeTI that is a matter we will take uuder couslderatlor.. Mr. llrooka-I want to show that Mr. McComb ls a mau Dot to ttt) belleved under oath, aud a man of bad charae ter. I alao want to have examined Lyiuan Klinore, II. F. l*uitys, Calvlu Blade, Oen. Doubleday, aud the ex-Mayor of New-Orleans-I for-ret his name. Mr. McComb-BetiJatntu 9, Flanders Is his name. I ean jtive you a good uiany moro namea, lf you want thetn. I would also like to j-ivc the Comnilttce aome ?aaaaa in raMaaaoa to Mr. Hrooks's ahaaaatMe, Mr. lirooka-WelMI can give you namea for a moral or linnioial charueter. Mr. McCoinb-I havo no doubt you ran havo tliem made to order. 1 will be very glad to couiparo charac tei_ wltb you, however. Jud*e Poland?Well, tlieaelwltneaaea have -Otbin* to do with ('r*-dit Mobilier 1 Mr. Brooks?No. Blr. Mr. MxComb?11 lt ib a r-ueatlou of eharaeter, I shoull like to furnlsb a Iist of namea ; I should like ali ihe leather trade of New-York, Boston aud'llaltitaore, where I have done buBlneaa for the paat twentf yeara, broiiKht here, toffotber with A. T. HU.wart aml leaditit- Iuimu"-'* men of New-York, with lien. (YoaaRian.fieo. Metga, <ien. Babbltt, Oen. Vlntou aud other army offlcera lu the Qt*M termaater'a Department. Jadge J'oiaud-Well, it we cooalude to eiauioe *??' ne. uc* in rcftard to character we will iflvo you an uppor jKirtimlty to reply. Mr. MeOoiiii. Very well, Sir; that la nll I want. I am perfeetiy wiIIiuk to _t,ui,l ?n ihe reconl. THK SKCOM) INVKSTKIATKlN. WHAT CflUtDR Moliil.iKK OOflUUTUi 00, I \\ II.I. DO. ibt ntaaB?_ to tiib TBiamn i Wahiini.toN, Jaa. ite?Tbt Wil.-on Cnminit tee wiil probahiy try lo a. eertiilii thfl aiuoiiiit of money paul by tln I'nion I'aeltle Kailroatl a- i outi.-i l for. I" ?"'" atorB aii.l llepro. eiitati.c. Ior laaa. -<r\ie. tliat were liierely iiou.ltiul. lt is l>ili< v.-il thal tM i. i- .1 broi'l ?""? inteii a?aa neid <>f Iai?tlgBltflB in tiu- tk.-.tion. PaB" lie opillloll Wlll he ll a.-lv [o i-oliileliiii I'on_:le --lu> n Wttt took larire BflflB from tt* B_BBafl BBfl NBdflBfld BB BBB* rc_pondin_r lepil ..-rvice.. in return, a- 1.,-iti. ei|tiallv iin.-i'.iiiii'x wnii iaaaa arfca aaaaaaBad la iba Orflda MobUler apeealaatoo. it ta Bhewa UM Jia Company hai eipeadad Bandreda of tUonaanun of dollar. lu .eeuriiu? in CongTeaa OT tl.l| uietlioil. Tlic Coiiitiiiltee lliink lt north WOtle to InqniTO wbetbar aay of tbe money can t"- recovered iillil iipplleil upoti ttleil.-l.t Ol tll'< Ci.Iiip.iliV Io ill"' <",x' i-iiiiii. i.t. iiimiv riuii'.r. itre utloiit tbat ap peai !... ) in aaflame loe tan?rlble form >.f e-plicit ohargei againal certain Benator. aa harlnjr eeccpted lH-iiw fflflfl fr.iiu Oakea Aioea. A letter waa lee.-i.e imiii a pioiiiiiieiit OuiiL-r. s..iiian to-day, ;ill<-_rit,_r IBai wiien e weetern Benator'a election wai pendlng, ar. Aaaw S'-nt huu iiiy .o aa a retateer for tbe railroad, teii in_ a Iileti.I nt the time tliat he was thtl- _C unuj. a !">* ertul tileliil in !l)e Seiiale. PBOCX1 DOK-fl Yr.sri.iBDATt |<.i..__..l. PKKSs MflPi I. B I Tiu-.vii.oti spei mi I'ii.i.n I'... iii. BBB-aadOBaaaltflBB met iit in| thla laanilni aii tha Maabanwaat aei . nt exeept Mi. Bwaaa. Mr. Wi'.onflflld tbal in aa**ea\ aine with lhe wi.ln -s ? the ('(iliiiiiilf'-'' bfl bflfl -<' " a_fl Attei in \ -Oeiinal. BBd to him that thfl) i to Bava praasat Iha twa flMflsaaya ta Ba flfaalatafl aaflj r th. l.atiilall ii-i'iution. Tiie AttiTDiy (..ii' la10?Bflfl iiini (, thal aaab utioiu'-ia woi.i.i bfl flppalBlefl without ili-..iv. aafl aBBafl IBfl lueetintfuud ;u<l iii Iha mv.-. tliratli.f. TBlflfl woiil-l bfl Iio wlti]i-?e-here for <-x f" .i;i>, i.ut then- w. i litila?iioa HB.8haUaaa__arflB_l h? wniiiii bt wUUaa lhe eoaaafll ahoald taa. Bhaleadla ilu- int.-sti-ai.on. lioiii tiie lu.iii-ri aii'i tha Oaaaa-lttai liiiv. thfl saiiie .mi ln view, namely, the 1.1 overy uf the itgtU '.1* thfl ti,.'iiiiiunt. Mr. Wii-oii Bflflfl that when lil, BttOBBflffl -hoiil.i .ollii. Li Aflflfl tln?('? uiliiiit' e tl,. > eould uiaUe a re(]Ui -t ot tba! kind. Mr, lloar Ihaaghl the Ciitniiitlee ihflfl? I ur. -fiiliy av..i.l gtTtBfl up thfl <"ii trol of thfl iii\. -ti, .itii'ii tfl li.e BttOBWa] s, l.i.t tbey coul.l iii\ite iii.iii to aake aaafastlo- aa to the Baa or exaad oil to be i'llopteil. Mr. Shallaharirar aald thal perhapa it aroalfl ba the bettei way. Mr. Baar etktti a rcaolBUoa tbat thfl eoaaafll ta he aapetatfld by taa Preat-eatol thi I Btatea, lii.'i.i tha Boaflfl reootatloa el Jaa. l. tfl;. ba re i,l fl| lhe i ...lmuittloli el wii i in tba ?_nlttee icb niggeetlon ? ai <ii-r unii alfl '- naj be In tii-ir power. Mr. f-lo. i B? wen ,: iii.. to bare th.- attorm yt potati al wben tbt (.overnmeut hud been wronged. He did nol an. wrong bad been done. He woald like la haarirea tbe Chalnuan a ho tbey were going to aae. Ml li., ii the ll.iil_< UM .ilhimeil that ll" Road waa In defanlt, and further, tbal owlng io tt..- enonnou" : MoMlil t tb. of tli. I.....I ?iiiii-ii! had uol bt 'ii paid, and .nt. i Ibal th. Houae l ad appointed thla Commlttec i, Dnd oui il wh il tbe Hon-. .-atiit ne il waa tm. Mr. m." iuii aaked whetbei tbi re wai :. ilnaie laatann in wbleb tb<- i tn,ni Paciflc Bailroad bad lau.-.l i.n arlth ItHcontract witb ibe Ooverntni nt ifr.WUaoii reinarked ihat that waa what tha] wara lll\e.-!l_ ite. Ut. Men'- ie-o ii'io'i wn- i' Tbe Committee . ii .1 ull lo du now inoiiiiii-. \ | ..i:i:i ? ii.iv. I a i' ? I i Itar ef ihe tritwwt. sik; Thfl i.iii? la iii ta-dajr'a Pbibi bi par portim,- to bfl an uiteivii-w betweea M a report. n.y.Aeii ta - xcee<iiii_;.v unjiisi. While i Bava ieu bafl aa :iitei-\lew, to ui> know led,e, with any _i-iitliiuaii i, J-r- - wat?I im. Baa fOBn __bobb aa tha aaajeel ai th* Union I'aiiiie ?aOraafl Oaaspaag aafl Iha CaflflH Mab_?i of Aui- tica, 1 huve not. iu eonvernatloti with nti> i BMBB?flWfl the iihiii_ ..f tlir II.ui. WilII itn I DflflflBI aa oonneeted witb taa Iraniaiihrai t* thflflfl eaflpeial-eaa I did not ni.ike, to :,\,y pfltflfla .it B8) tiBM, thfl nnm iilioiit Mi. Willi.uii tLtmttg* wn.rli i- jii.tit. il it. tbe repoit n (> Itafl to IU ti,-.lii\'.- IlillllM.. Yon wii! iio flonbtaeetha pceat-fltyol eerveettBa thla emr. tajaa tiee flUkfl ti. Mi. DedfC ni,1 Iiii m II. V ui-, n--]..-. tfully. Bflfl rer-, Jaa i . IBTB Tnoa C IM a ibt. WA8BrSGTQN. A-, i;i, ii.ii I; ti 1 \i'"\. Of r.ii.i.i...!.-. |B1 .KI.buK.AI'H T<> IHK I IIIHISI. | IfaaanoroB, Moadaj. 3 ib, ; Tka ratea U tha Baaaat laday.aa BeaatarMerrill'i bill lo Jiloi uie .'..! tl.e fnitli i . ml,iw nn nt of (? tor tbe beaeBt of aanlenltare aafl tha wm maUU aata, m 1 tbat theTenaoal d aol etar. .-dma ted the -itiiiitioii n. ii- -' iXt ui-'it thal Haaa Baaaflhfl al thlabod] w.-n iu f.i.oi of lk. in. i.-ii>. Bflfflfll i i. ? j-.:i "f thfl im-i-it-. "I thfl I IBfl upon. Mr. Marri- ? - tmk h ilttmt ttam ? rtarai paitlealani Brafl, iha Babef-. tmo'- to eacb Btata aafl Iterrltory, where '..' jnlt iu .ii-tUiil i.|B-l.itio|i. tiie 4. .il - ;,ti. i tii. piif- i_. i.f tin .i.i, tba paweeada <>t tha ? ai-te- oi j.ui'iir iiiini, eflBiaaied al .1 Mflflaaara, w beraaa the oria_al bill iluply approprlati 1IM/U ..r laad ln eacb Btate to tuch purpoaei i aa. uad, tbe duty lsliopoaed upon ilu- Becretan ol tbeTrraaori to tiilli thfl ln I .itiiHiilit ol -.lie- al tbe |.ilb!|e l.inil- fo] the |i',',tiii_ 11 , ,1 fear, and t" Inreal tbe ..iin,- in irei'i-tiT'-,| bi'iei-, or at ln- dlacretiou -ue locn boada to nen cpllecea, retalnlnn Ibc iiioiiei iin letoi in tbe United Btatei Treaaury, Inateail of canaing tbi Becretary of ihe Intertor to usue land warrauti where applicatu.nt were made,aa badbeeu prevloual. provided. Tba ohjeettoua io lhe bill eaaie from -iii.iioi- Bbenaan, Tbnriaan, aud Hamllton of llarylaud. The fonaer taoaabl tbal tba aefle <>f dli llil.iltioli p....l.b.l W..M..-.1 nn-iit IHJU-IH.- to tliel.ilK''. Btate.., tbe. belna placed on tbe laiwe rtjuallt] wttb tbe .iiiiiiier onei. lli- aiiieiiiiiii. ut io Inclade oommon .-. boobt among tbe henettelarl. ? of the graat waa loat bj tbe deculre rote of Bl to 9. A inhaaqueut motlontore tar tbe bill to tbe Committee on Pnbiu Laadawaa alae rotod down by M to 11. J'.indiuB ta anendmeut offertxl by BenatorBtt-wart, lo tbeeffect tbal Nerada beal?<wed to . -1 ii.ii.h mlnlna teboola, aafl tbni to obtala tha ?>? io iit-, <>f the '.iii, whieh waa roa-atrd ea the BT-aafl thal int-, aaa of oolleaea waa alrt uly contemplated. tbe 8eo ate adjoared. lhe bUlwltl come np after tae mornlni hour to-morrow, when il will nadoabtefllj pfl ar_uuimioi aw i -. im TtiiB_B.ft**ti ni nu iiiiiiixb. 1 Bf?BB?, .I.iii. IU, 1-:;. The I'nioii 1'iiellle ,|ii..t.0111 .um up ii.-.uu 111 thfl BoBflC t-i-iUy. Mr. tii.-d to piis.-, m the iiiorniii- hour II bm raaflal?a Iha alath afletloa al tha aiaaj twgtemtu tion hill iif.Mnreh :i. 1H71, whieh iiin-<ti_ tiie .Se< retaiy fli theTreaBiiry m pay the eoBpaqy oae half ol the aaanally earaed for the tta_iportatton of malla, troopa, iiml HiipplicH, hnt Mr. Mar_.<-nt _______edt0 etliiiti.t tiie bonr l.y 11 roll-eail, w hleh thr. vr tlu- bill over tti! Mo_day iu XI JlMt before the Hoilie iuljoiiriiell Mr. lllWIiiiril liioM-d lo HllH|?Ii(l the ______ ru aa 10 li..ike ltkln or.ler lo ofi'.-r aa ami-iiilitieiii to the peadlag Legialatlve Appro ptiiitliiii bill, proi -dlag tb it mi. .iin." earaed i.v tha road Mi.iii in- retalaefl i.n.i anaUefl un lt* Indebtadneea te ih< .Hiveriitiieiit. Thla tu,ai,>ii aaa Bgreeflta, Mr. Baraaai followed 11 wlth n iiiotiou lo Mao make 111 onb-r an atneiiitiiieiit direetltt- tne Attorae* Oeneral to Inatltnte piooBodlnga in Baaiij to deteranne whether d_aeoa> j.,itiy baa fiiini" .1 Ita obUntlona t<> tba UoTern__-_at, but tb.- aaaaa adtyoai n.-.i w Bnoal i atmg m tno uiotinii. The.Seiiat. to tlav tt*gt*i a re_..lution, tntroduced by Hei.ator Tratt, . ?allini. upon tiie .-.-. r. t>ti_v ot tkt Inl'l ior to furuUh informatlon 111 tothe number of lake* or otber l.idiei. of water mtWa\U***t 011 tl.e towu?hlp flalx In tiie pulilii- land Biirveya in the heveral Mtate* reaiiectively known aa public laud Rtatca, lhe bedH of wh! _B huve not beeaearreyefli aUe,aa afltUaata <>f the ?_ lautitieaoi land bo eover.-d b.v water aud not laelflded 11 ihe aur veya ; alao, the auilioruy >aei-fl?fl ?ur tbo *.nue b] Iha aKentH of the VuiU -1 Malen to pretenf en.CoacbmenU. diataaaa, flf private BaaawMtaaaa, the takmir <>t tinb, Li_, ul illLwil laalfillal taerefrom; ali_.. wnetherappln tloiii. an- made 10 jmrehaae the beila of auch lake* 01 other bodicB <.f water. aad tbe practlcahlllty of .s<'lliuK the BBBM antl of eefltBf any rlirlit wtileh thr United hlii'-H uiiis r. iBaeM theieiil to thi: Slalea iu whlcu lh>:>' reapectively lh'. Mr. Mouroe'i bill to futiilMh f_3,ooo,(inoof aildltionBj curreucy to the Went and South will lie further <liBcu_*ed| and acted iii-an at a future nieetiuif of the (oiniultt. >? on liankluit aud Curreucy wl.en all the BBBBBhBBB ?f tbe < aoiuiiitiee are preneut. Mr. Merrutui'* bill for fra< biaiikint'- wbleb aaa mmy Maada iu tbe lloute, haa uul yi i aaaa aaaaaflaaafl 19 the OBaaaBMaa. B. U. Houner, rreiidcnt of the 8t Louli Iloanl fli Trade, arrrved here t<> -lay witb the adopL d hy the W*> tloual Comme.rflal Conveutlon relative to the reoiraa izatlon of tlic ludian Terruory TU<: memorlal w 111 be proM-utt-d iu oolb BflBatfl i" iniirrow. A bllftore|ieal the oath of offlce, known a? the iron clad oath, introdui ed |in the Houie hr Mr. Ileek to da). bi<-k"l a few votcB of the IBB lallflB neceaaary for lt* paaaaaB, There wen- l?i Yetta to er. Naya. ....TIieNatioiial I'riaou Aaeociatiou will meet at H.a._.wr latu 1 aiaaOa. Jaa. II. A NLW KKIK LOAN. fB N......?>W OAUOB Tq BB INTKODrCKD. a ? OBl i m i-i \ mn IS---IK OI BOMM to COM I'l.t-I!. 1 Ml'ol.l'.M IMI'IKiVr.MKNTS? PKS8I l-iivr w\t*-'?nV I'OI.K y to Bl OOWSIIMnU-D BY TIIK D-UCTOU TO-DAT?JAY OODXO vi i:\vs. The Board Bi Kirectors of Ihe Krie Kailway Com? pany \m11 .,,..,.. at UM tirand Opcia BoBM. this nu'iiiinir, tu eunsuler tim cx.M'dieii.'.v of isHiiiiii" aeV * ral iiiil!i.,u .li.Hars of eoiivurtihle lionds, to bc plac.l in 0*t Kii-lish market. The eiicuinstain-s uf Um Iiew |. an ? e Iir 11 tl\ M followa : Kver-mce I'resiileiit WtmmmW haa heell nt llielnivl nf tlie a.lmiiii.-f ol lii ie afl'airs he ha- expriv-s-Ml tlu-upii,ii.ii tliat il wonld he of vast advant.-jrt* K) lln* l'.iihvay if ? h-ffa SllHl *?f II!oil".V eould lie e\ pellded ou it fnr tlie pillpo. ? nf jm-i inatlilltly i lll proviiiK it. Hfl lielieved it espe. lally nec.led 'leel raiUuiul duiilile trai ks on tlie e._.lcru Hc.tiuit, wliile ihe Kaiij*c should bc liarrowe.l Kiii.luall v, 80 an to iniifoiin with the iiiiiluiiu i ulmad BBtEB of the 'ouiitry, atiil mu- aml irnproved rnlliiii* stuck should l>(-piin liase.l. Tho BBttU Bt tho INunpany have been in enrrespondeme with capitalistri in Kur?i)?' "ti the Mil,j, ,-t ,,| | ? ,. w l.ii,. 1,.an. aml lt WM reeently asi from the l.ondnn Itankinir A.-soei.-itieii, vMflhh* al.nitt lo he made Ilie tranwfer aeetits of the 1'iic Kailway Cnmpany ill Knitlawl, that tim I" st iin.i!.-nl iibtainiii. tlu' auioiilit w.uild ln t.? i ? ?i.';.7 pci eent goU liitcn t-h'arini* hond eoarertib- lata atoek al Um aptioB "f ttu- laMM, it B '* I" li' ved tli it -ui h a I'i Iitl Cuiild be pl.-ircd on the ESaahak aaarkat al aboal par fu aaireai y, tti vaald aal Iha Krie Itailw.-n ('..mpatiy thal BgJOt, MM tha ', ii.ui nn- lonera', aod laeldi atal ezpoaaaa, Tl.e Mii.j, , t nt tn.' mw ln.ui iirulialily lm 'lerui. d aaa way .,r |ha aUMf to-day. UtobeUaaadthattha prup'1-itinn will b<- a. ei pte.l, the Krie liireeturs reKiinl iiik Um rteva mt tlu eapltallata ae a tattertacptoof ol tho eoaMaaea al iha peaptoabrBBdMMepeaeenlae. uaa fratlan aad tatarc t elf.ire M tne Erie Baltvajr. lt i-i \... * t. ,1 that ah.'Ut '. 'llll *j_ QHM ; wiii i><- aatborized if tho I" iu is deeidcd. What I'r.--Iibiit Wat-un will tli-t iimli.take ln thi iin*'- "i iiiiprii\eiiii-i.t- ha haa aal vt AaaMai apoai bat iu think* tint h- vttlhaajti M Daf-Ja. and work aaat* wanl with the nari .w gBBfB, earrjitiK' it llr-t fu W.iv.-r ley, thu- giT*. g tin i.. ,i aarrov myam i aaaa ion* vtth i'uilailillfhl i aad the Sotith. (iraaliiiilly tlu- nanow gaaai _ -'? in r in I..' extoaded bf aaaaaa nr a tinni raO. ith aarrov aad bcaad gaaaaroUtacataekto put-t ..Mr the aaaaa road. By aaaaaa al laaptajeeted i liaii-e iu tia; taagO, th" Ilm- llaiiwav will iilsa lie braeaht bUa eleaar relattoea vtth Um lm.-s al lallroada in noitiiern .N.iV-TO-fe ria Ihi AHianv aad Susipu'haniia lalltoart. aad la B< a<Cn. aad i la tha Baataa, ii *rtfurd .uui ia." Baibaad. a iniiii m. raporta. eaUed al Iha reeldeaeeof Wm. Hutieriniti'.iuia*t I'MiiiiiL',toaeoertaia rartherparUra - pudlaa tha i'iui"?-' it laaaa M aav Brfa boada Mr. Daaaaa aaaand Iha leporMi lhal ha was laaaaaad nf iinv rniiv.'uietif ..ii tim part nf tln- Iitn-ctors to i BM pAatttAW "' aav boada, aad .-t.tii thal ia bu oplakm tiie ia .iti.ii, voold rathac preMc ta aail la the ohi baada, j'!_:.-l]ii:NT WATsoN's P0L1CT. P, li. I'ltsuiiiit o. Um Bric Bafl" a.. vaa .-.iiud iipuu laal avaaiai al Ua realdeaoo, {fa, 1 I l'ltlhave., by a re.Mirter of TBB TkiI'.isk, aml qaaattoaed relattrc to ihe Maaa "i aaadi for the paipaaa . f lajrtaaja thlrd tail ur aarrovtag ibo gAugt allharaad. HaaialadlhalaalhlagdelalM hai Ttt hnn daeMad iipuu. Tiie Beard "f Dtraelota win haMaa-aattaajla .1.1., vhaa this aad othi i profoatttaaa vlll ba aaada, it in proposi .1, tii-t, t.,aiitlinri_e the i?in- uf ii.i.oi.),.?") iu i "tiv.-itiiii.- boada, Ua atooaaM arWag fmni um aaia uf whuh an-fu l.i- .ippiu.l tn iuipru\iuK thu road. Cou : ,.:.? tu in* i,iiie.i iii-e.iu.-u tiuy are doemed lo i" more rataaMa than ooaaMaa or paadanat ataah, ?-,. i...i.:,i iiavinj: th.- opti .a ol coavertlaa ti.tau .uiu to. k at aiiv time ln- ehonites. It VM iiuti- than p. .Iianii- that UM UMigr nt lii" road wa.iiiii ba ehaaaad frooi a hraad u> a aarrov aaa baai lailliio-o-inu-... Time to alraady a tlnnl Mll iium i imn i to Waveiii'v. oa oaa Udo M Iba laaMoUaaazo t, mlii.t: fn ui I'luilla I.i < uiliia- Thi-* VOOld eiialil.' tl.e lAiv ta ooeaool vtth Iba Lahlfh v..n. > Ballroad, thaa _,?,11,?- ;* tiiinu_.-)i aarrov aaaaa road Oraaa BaMUa tu I'Hii.njeiphia anl tha a > nii. Ihara aUxhl M a thlrd rail ,aul iii tuu. Inuu K.iuii-.i 10 BOO All Ih.-, hOV ..... voald be a voi i> ol thaa, iiu rapMltj v..:i. vhfc b Iha i * adad with woulddep. ui iu goodvartoa Ua faciiuv vtth raadavan faiatthcd la pajrbv UaaaaMMfbrtal tm laamaiaan Iba taage al tba OMa aad Mlaaiaalppl Ballroad vaa abaaaodfrana broad Ma aarrov aaa la .4 hour-. Imt miiehof ih. work wa-* pr.limiuar\. I pairaal tha tUdlaca ivttebee. tara-tabka, atc^ vaw abaaaod bi adraaai ol t ia* - aaaia Um tt aahaataoallr. II \...'i l i. aiuio-t hapaaalhla t.. iH-rf. na aaeb a work ue Kiiiway in so i-hoit a time, evaa lf M vaea advaahla. lalBelaal MUlai atoek aeahl uut i" |.:uvun-il l"..|'np Uu- i".nl in a -Imrt tiui". in :epiy t.. ? i.u.'.tim* hov Iaaa it voald M bofon tbi eetltaa -tiiikui iho Brta Ballvay vaaM vaar aat,ba .,nl tliat it ,.I<l imt li*' lillnw.'il t.i weiiruut. Il luil-U boheptla lli-ttaat'- mii. r. ut!i. i-w!-<- Ihe live, uf tl."-' paaatacoTfa lt,aad tba praaarty ooatraated t? M ttt* meil, w.uild II- phu.'l Hl '"ii-tant p.Ml, BBd a.-eid.'lils w.uiiii i.f aiii.i.-t aaa laal oooarraaoa. IMa vaaa ,'oiiilitioti uf attaiirH thal eulild uot I"' tluiil_lit uf fur a iniiliielit. Aa lu- had pi.'Muil-iy slat-d, ho'v.-ver, imt tllli*.' voaMhedoaa barriadly. M _araaMva?av-iaM aal I,.- beaai bedera Iba -frtag apaaad. Bathtaa M any liiuinenl i ould M itWt untll UM lio-t VM "Ut uf the Cralllid .imt |ba weath.-l- Ixeali." MttUd. What Im-iIuiii-iii tln- maiii. am wlieie wnrk would ba hflgBB, w.iiil.l li. -.-lil.-.l at th" liuelin- nf Ilie uf Iiin-rl antaday, _ ,IAY QOULDafl MI'.ws. ,I;iv (i.iiil.l, fnr -,'\unil TBBn I'l't-siili'iit, and ..;."?! :h.- !:, "f Uu.-.l.'isof th.' Ian- Uailway. wa> ieeaaed a lik.-iy pataaa Mbap ai lal?aaalMa reiativ.* t.. tin- raadaad Bm peapaaed abaapao^aad havaataera iBai ti-Kiti ia.,t oraaMf atbtt Matfaaaa,! Kifth-av.-., I.y u reforl'-r o! IBB TBIBI >8. Ba r-pn?< ?'. his vflUagaoaato glveall iba MfMMattaa M haUiahv li-.. M tba n..itt.i,..r Ir.-I'.i.t . ipeiiaii"' Bt M "111 eerof the inml wuiihl .-naule hnn to ^-Ive. Ile had un ,),r?t.Ilhat ai.ItaffM the lioard of Illna-tors had :., .-ii . .ill, .1 furthis niii:i!n_, aml that tln- propusition lur am xteii-.i\e MaaVM tba? matter to Ih' c.ii-.Ierid. Ile VM aware MM the pl m of ehaiiKiui" th" _aii(-e of tlu ivaiiii.ui baaaaa iaaa MaaaadM Mmmmm bf tho?e ut tln- baad "f Ihe Iiia iiiritoration. I'i im au Laa ? hBie map "f the Erie RAilway and ils < nn neetiuns, Mr. (louhl traeed out the various dlvisious aud MbilltMaai "f tha road and braneli lines, aml nulu at.-il ile.iily where he MoagM the tlrst MaMM* waM i?' made, ;uu! ln- rea-nns lur thus helieM.n-. II" Wmi that he iircsuined ih.- iiian ""'ui'i be to .-..natruei a aarrov gaui-e Maaa Ba_M M Attiea, a dlstame of ju miles. Krom Attl.ii tnCartilio. aie |V0 Utrnt "f road Of>'.l liv the Erie corporatinn, oue vla Avou and K".h.8ter and the other via Hornellsvllle. Ttte plaii would prubiibly Im* to roustruct the narrow-j-aui-.* via Aaaa aa-BOMMaa; There B attaady ? thint raii fiom ( nriiniK to Kltnlra, and then.e t?. Watiihy, where Ih made wltb the Letili. > Valley I_,ilroad. Thu.. thrre would l*e a esmiplete rnminunleatlon by nar? row Kau-r f-,,,,, itutraln to rhlladelphta und all paMM snuth. Tlie next step would probably be to lay a thlrd rall from Wa rei ley toti real Bend, where h eonnection isniii.le with the Albany aa.l Hu.-'pi.haiina Kailr.-ad to Albany. Thla road already has a third rail Ui.l. It was iuiilt a? ? broad-gauae mad, but lt was deemed advisable to put dowu a third lall, au.l enable It to aei oinuiodute natrow irauge ?aUhafatOOfc. The Erie road also MMMMa at llreat Heud with the Jefferaou Railroad, MB-Mf to I arbou daic, pasBlnK tUrounh UB MMMMB eoal tlelds. Ttiit also hiu* iMjth uarrow an.l In-oail Kuajjes, by ineau* of a thlrd rall. Au MMMMB ro1*1 trtiftle pasnes over lt, and IbaaM <>w i tln- I.iie aud Albany au.l rju??._ch?iitia H..1I mads. ThcBe iniportunt connectlona will open to the Mt Itailwa). I'eiius'.lvanla on the Botitli, and Northern New York aud New EuKbuid on the north, euil'liiii; it M comptte on ei-ual tertus with the New York Central Kail road for throujth traftlc to potnts north aud eait. It laalao likely that a thlrd ral' will be laid to NcwburKh, where ., .-iiiiii.a tn,.-. will Ih* made with the Boalon. llartford and Erie Railroad. a narrow-gaiife railroad eoiiuecting with Uie uetwork of i_llr.-.OB luading luto Uoati'ii froru BliparUof New-Enifl-ii.l. Finally, a Uird rall wlll be laid Irom Wavctley to New York. Tae Weatero Uivlalou from Ilornellsville to Tmnklrk, wlll also bo made a nar. row a***_a road, to eonfOrm M that of the Atlanlie and OlhM Wesfern Kailway, whosi- gatigo ie alao to be re duei d M OM MMMM opportiinity. All Iheae changea will .till have the Erte a broad-gauge road from New| York tu Huff..lo. In faet, lt would be both a narrow and a MMbbMMMI road. It would bo a broad-?auge road \la Horuell.vllle, and narrow-gaugo via Avou and Kocho-t.r. Hy tha meaus the ltttko Shoro and other BBBMMMMfla *-<.ida could tn) connected wilh, and frei,.!.t could be sent through to the Wcst in narrow MMM cars without transhipinent, aa is now the caae. The changoa belnjt made __adually, the uecesaory amount of new narrow-gaugo rolllng ittock could tie pro aaiad and plaecd upon the road as soon aa the cbangca were made, aud without materlally lnterferiux w'tu BM carrying eapaclty of the road. In additlon, the Erie Road, by thls arrangeraeut, would havo amplc opportu niiytoluso not alouo its own wlde-gaiige rolllng--tock, liut that of the Atlantlc aud ( Kailway. The hraiu h, from IiuhVio to Nlagara Ealla and tho BaapaaaMa liridge, hy vMah tho I'rio Ballway conncets vtth tba Oraal Waaaaa lcaiiway uf Canada, now hasa ihinl, aad therefore cau accommodatc rolllng-stoek uf iiuth fcaaaaa lin- ttmrnf ncce-sary to complete all thcso changrs will 1)0 lutln* neighlu.rhood of (_o,ouo,ono. the means for wiiii h .an ha ol't.inie.l by the Issue of convcrtlble bonda. The rolling-stoek of the Erie U-illway ut the i-O-c-uttinie OOBalaMof ahOVl MX) loeomotlves, and there should be IMla addltionto perform tho labor requlred, witli 300 BBf cars, lucludlng " BBspaaV and about 1 .000 freight rara. All thls immense rolliiiK-stock ls necessary fur the BD] lag trade of the road. There should bo sev i r.d Binioaa of dollars spetit la improviDg tho grad. I trom Porl JerUa M Bt9 York, the trafllc aud travel on that part of the liu*- havinh- 1 r.i i. ttti very much within a few year.-. At the pnaaat tlim- tba Bllt Railway, on Its Delaware I'ivi.-ain, between Lackawaxeu aud Tort Jervls, moves a iitiale. taaaafi eaaatagla tr_* k ibaa the New-York Ceutral ln twen lluifalo and Albany on ltsdouhle tracka. Alluding to Iha stat._i.iit. that that tho New-York Cent rui propoaad to eoaetraM two addttloaal tracks, Mr. ilould saiil that tlu Cfl was no necessity for bo dolng, than i* aii-ulutely BO Uuilt to the eapaclty of dotihlo Baaka if prupi-rly tyttmbi, with side track_. Tho Penn ->lv.tina Outral. a doublo tracked road, moves uearly doablfl the lunnagoof the N'cw York Central. Inoth-r. Vflfde, tlu- i*i un.sylvanla Central mbveaannually tan-, aml lln New-York Central 3,000,000 tuns. TIIE PROPOSED COAL COM LIIS AT ION ? TIIK UADDN. COM. CoMf-.NY BHXTCII- PBICBt ? i ll K BBI AII. _>EAL1.__ ALAKMhU?X l'.V.M'' Al'l-UI.llllNDKl). IBT TKLKGRAPH TO THE TRIBl'KB.1 I'iui...di-i.i'iiiA, Jan. 13.?Tbe lirst step iu pui.iie MVBTd l.-iiugtug about the proposed combination .__ tln eoal tia.!" ha.-juet been taken. The Keadlng Coal aml Iron Company haa auuouuced that lt will aell eoal i.y ietail at prlces between*. and 15 per tuu, whlch are mui-li li.'.u*-'.'the n sular rates. Tliis eoursa haa been a.lupted, it B all'-.. d, with the view ol compelllng all who OPPOOa that l? couie to tho terms which lt baa propaa d. and it ls bcllevcd tliat as soon as a panic i- nr..!, .1 in the uiaiki-t by thls xtep, that they will prumi'tlv rai-e their pricea. The retail dealers aro niuch ed by the aniiounia iticut, because they cannot to sell Bl UM than tho curreut pricea so long as Ma ro.-t nf briii_iii(. eoal to tho city reuiamaat Uo prescut tigure. Tho Keadiug Coal and Iron Company, whlch has bOfBB this uiovenienf, is n gardod as aluiost ideutical with the l'l.i.ailelphia atnl Keading Railroad Company. It own. UyMI acres of coal proUm Uig lands.iu Seliuylkill Couiity, on whlch are 96 collierles. It conveys annually ahoM .000,000 tuns of coal, and ( an coiumand capltal to au aliiiust uulliuitcd extcut. Tho Lehlgh Valloy and tlie North rciuisylvania companles have rejected all pro poaala to Joln the contemplated combination. The Le h gh Valley Kailway couvcys about 3,750,000 tuns an? nually, while the coal traulc ol ihe North reunsylva-Ua .. Bt^TTtt ?****-),**. tO-***. IIAIiMONY KirUTORF.D WITH TIIE MlNKl'S?WO RK Tu UE BBBBBAXXT BBBUMBD AT OBCBk [iltNE-AIi MMB l/l-i'ATCIi.] l'HU.ADKl.rillA, Jan. 1..? 1 _M Icadtag colliety uwm-i - held B meeting here ye-at.-rday, and accepted tho pruposal made by the miners on the 10th lustant. Thi* ..tfer was to ae.-t i>t the saiue late of wages ae hv.t year. Tin miuimum fur ruiitraet VOCk l* . tt, aml for a day's VBff. ? U '"?? lf BBbI advauces in price thelr VBBM are to haaraaM at Ma rate of oue jier eent lii three. Work was raaaaaad M aaaaral eoiiieries this aaaaai-v. aad apaaa-Bl ptlon throaahoBt tha eoal raMoavU Mka piace ia.liii'.liately. TIIK NKW-YOHK COAL TRAI>K. Tha Naw-York coal marki-t was _uict yi* terday. There was, however, ti g.-ueral fecling of un.xi.ty to MMM VbM furflur Mapa wiU lie taken 1'V UM Keailiug Coal Inuipaiiy its Ur-t mmatM toward a couibinaiiou being regarded a_ almrtive. Mr. l-'ratikhn II. (iowen, the l'resldent of the i: adl i- BaUroad, BOZPOOMd laMVB very soou tocon ler Vtth tm* le.idiiigrual uperators here. ThePennsyl raatoOoalOoaapaafi whieh doesa large retall MM_MM iu tln- iH Fi M| I that lt bM in-vi-r ionteiiiplat?'il Jolnitig a .-omliiu.itlon of the irreat MM eurporatnuis. lt tlies Its pi in- [..r aaal each innnth. BBd iOM not deviate from lt. inu baabMM uf this Cuuipany B 1,'UiTi" inuu per aiini. ni. ________________________ PBXEOLBUM AFFAIES. THM t>U. COMI1INATION BBOKII. (iii. I'nv, .Ian. IU.?Tlio Stainlard Oil Com pan.\, (Ian '.aml n flners, refused to-day to take nmre erada al eaabteattaa prleaa.aad tbaaafBbbMMMiU thus virtually broken. Au alh-ged vlolatiou of agreement by thopradacara m aoi laairalalag production waa the . .him' nf rt-fusal. Large striken are coutinually reporti'd troatba BMlban tUetllea .*?ls thou?and barrela of , i a.1.- ull at I'. truiia cn, were buriied last night. The Hn VM pruii.iiilv uf ineemliary orlglu, the object being ti. ilr-troy tln* oil. l'ln-m u.iii,.Ian. 11.-The enmbinatlo-formed ln BtW* Yurk a fi w WmmEt agu, between the oil MMMM and pro iiue. rs, baa eaUoaaad, BarMf Ua Umm paMri*-! where they w. re al Iba licglnnlng. The UB-MHf Assoclation .,m.iin- a* larfure. ii ul faith B eliarged against some of Ma prummeiit prmlue. rs. The production of crude oil i_greaterthan It has been for sev. ral year.?*, and all cf fnrtsto control the market by coiublnations aud rlngs are utterly futile. DM-WRBOOi mCM IN TIIE OIL HKGION. TiTi'VUiH' PbbU.| Jan. 18.-A Petrolia. City .litpatch to The (ourier says a flre broke out yeaterday ou th.- Wilsoa fanu.aud sprtad to the adjoining wella. Four ttious.iii.l barreliofoilwero soon ou llre, and the l.ui ning "11 ipaaad over tim gmund and cuveloped four dweiliiig . ineludlng the Central Hotel. Several d.r ricks aud engine-houses were also burued. The town vaata creat danger for some time, and before the tlaima were subducd proiierty valucd at over 120,000 was consumed. I'un.Ai'KiritiA.'Jan. 13?Seven small dwellings and ?Maaa m Cntialia. I'euu., were burned yesterday. The losa is I1J.0U0. The property waa lnsured. HI.OOOY KNCOl'NTEKS WITH INDIAN8. Sas FRANCisco.TJan. 13.?In the battle of tbe eompanles of the 6th (avalry with th- A|>ach. In.liaus, ou the .9tb|of|I--c?-mber, uear .Salt Rlver, not a warrlor escaped. All of the band wero killed, and as women and chiMrcu captured. A New-Mexico frelght train for Camp Bell wan attaekPd by Apaches, and a wagon master killed, at Pluoa Altoa. The Iudi_.ii-* alao killed some ot the wblte meu, and were afterward aeen on the reaervatlon wearlng tha clothei of the murdered men. mmaaWEm AND CAHltALTIE_-BY TKI.EGRAPH. _lliglit bqya <**>cupe?l froui tbe l'Liladelpkia llouif ii! M'titge ob Situ: lai nlflht. _ISrnwii A Juke'.-. pajn-r mili at Amaterdam, N. T. ?.. ila-.truti-al i.t lr? SubiIbt bikBl Tha Iaaa ia t'M.OU, 1811/ la .ara .1 Tbr ctote ol tbt- art- il bbIbi.wb. _The Oaarad Hlock, iiKluding thf* Helm?4r Ilvuir a* Li| Iad., vaa ilr.tru.TBd br lr?. HasdaT aiabt. Tka Iaaa ia Itaiui 01U.U44) Ui ai*>,u00, aoti tke n,.uxia.? lraa tbau *l,t?*. _A tin- .Siiiidiiy night in the Uardncr Block **p potikt tbt Marrln llnuar 81 MiraU>(a, S V . eaaaad about *'lo 0*aj laa. agr. 'li.i- lulrrt.. ar,e: J Q. Cooka. hinl?ar? aad Starr k Yetatt. 1. II- I'utiiaia B. V -n?_a, II. W Mrriill. Julia Yoler, aad U U Ytka. ? II lavrrrra. HartwcTl'j har_raa ilore ?n BBBl dratrtijad, bai BBB x*t:iy baaaaa. _A fire at Newlnirvport. Maaa., Sunday night. Jmr. trd a laritT l.rlrl ba.laliug ..ward bl ('. II I oBIb. aaJ or?J>irti u >tw b?-...bVt ib Ui bj A. f. Ruaa. ?Bo loeal OU.IKJA aad I. u.rai.KO. V. K. I-..I-B marblBiit, l.ara 8>" '**> "d - laaa-d tor *l.kU9, baai.l M..I.H a ..... 1-1 .... I.*r- I- I 00 ' .ad la laaartd M Ol.J?e, X KUubi,. li 1,.1-iu, i.ata **,h *) tml >a imaiai i?*"* LOUISIANA COMPIJCATIONS. DEBATK IN TTIF. BOtJff OP B_-P____-_? TATIVK8. MUCH TALK III T NO AITION?VIEWX Of PROMI? NENT MKMII_l_.s <>N un; HLIJJK' T?AN DUBAT* UTACTOBT BBtBAOl HtOM TOI PRBBIDBVT. |BT TKLEORAPII lf) THE TKI III IXB I Wasiiinotun, Jan. 13.?The Baaaa al la>l got a ihance to debate tbe I_oui?lana mit.ldle lo day, aiul apent two houra In a very earna-Hi aml mt< t<-;in_. ili :i of tho condition of aff_ir.s ln that Btate, Tbfl speecbea were limltcd to ten BBfl.BBBBfl BBflh, BkB h iravea number of mcmhei'H on botli fldaa ai the _ea_ i BhaBflfl toexpre?tlielroplulona. The <lobat< ? ,-? :?? BBBfl-flBJI IB one re.-pect, hut (liBapi_'intiii_, m uuolUer. Il - howe.l that there was not a uid. ie _aeBBBea al thfl II. H-" whe waa dii.pot.ed laJ-BB?| tha uaHaBBeaa Dati U Ptaahha * a. urpatu ti, imi at the lame time it -emonstrated a wide TB-iaBnaaf niflalnaaaU Bha power <>f Oaagfaaa a??_. tflrtefl to -eeure a lawful govurnincot to Ikfl BflflB*? ol I. .ui.lan.-.. an.las to Ika proper mode if ?ntt-rf.-rii??c, if the power to act at all exl.ted. The .jue.ti.m ili-? BBBBB up ln the nu rnln? hour, wben Mr. K. 1 Uf Bfl?B 1 a re.olution iustrueting the Judlelary OUWUUkmt BBBB* ip-ire Into ttn- aaaiaal <>f Judire Du.-eil, BBd r<-iKitl arricles of lnipeachmen t lf it whould be (BBafl Ihal he h..? itiin-K-ii iii-ju.ib i.d iiiuction. hy nniawfuily kaierlBBtaa with IhB (i.ivenniiient'Of th. State. ** BkUemtW** U order upon thia r.-. olutioti, and tt waa adopted ..: ' dlasentlng vote. Shortiy aitorward, tho hour Bflfl?B eafliafl and raotloti. to BBBBBfl the rule s beltiK it. order, Mr. Sheldon off.Bflfl a coneun-eut rr.oliition tOIB I Jolutcommitteti of three Smators an.l .ix Repreeenta tlve*, to go to i/ounlao . and Itu.iiire and re|_.rf wh* th< i there 1. any lcijal aud BBtBhttahtd gutcrtin. t,f tfl IhB State. and lf two seta of BflBflBflB are found fllanBlaa :<1 Iki tho State rOoverntueiit, to natatt which ahawfl t,_ reco^nlzed by Congre- i. Th" rule.. reijulrcd n vote io ba takeu w Ithotit deb.ite, t.ut thfl deslre to have hoiiu- Ii_I.I tltrown on the voxatious enfan-lement wbb bo univet-al that l.y unanlmout. coin-'-tit au hour's dl.-eu--i.iti wafl allowed, and in additional ih.ur tva_ BBbflflfl ' BBBBflflfl. Mr. rilieldou, ln ntipport of hi - retolu'i tt. bi.uI that to-day thfro wonl'l ba IBfl (.ovenmr. uutl two Leirt-slatures in I/nil .laiia. Ikfl lnt'i,-t- ,.f thfl deuiauded that it, hhould ?h> liiiine' dfltanBBBfld whleh waa the lawful goveniment, aml he fllahaefltbfll under the declaion of the riupreme Court in the laland case, Coruresa had full power to determine ihe <lii.-i.tiou. Mr. liutler BBB?1 B very lu. id explanation of tl-> p I - ent sltuatloo, and then propoaed afl B MflBfld] I which, he *ald, (kfl Jinliei.iry (Vm uiitteo woii! I BBBB re? port, to set BB?fl boihithe eotiflictliiK Oatflt?B. Bl ? I lend a eommisslon t<> bohl an honest fllflflttfla flafl BMMg i rato a (fcnulne Htate (ioverninent. BflfltatflBBfl nithi nty for such a.tlon lu tlio fourth article of the ('.ti-it.ninii, which says that Congre. . Ihal guuraw.-o tB '???' lt BtaBB a form of Goverument. Bfl iloin'.l t! ,. uelther the Waruiotu nor the Plutiiback. BBflChflfl huu authority to a-lmlinater the Htate ';??'. i iment. a llr_t became tho returus elcctrugtbemcaimof baeeaah .1 and declared, ow ing to Judge Durell'a iujum mu. aad ihe secoii'l, heoause tbere wflflfl aa IflBBl eetaraa what. ever tfl at?W Ihal th< >' were fllflflflfld. Ut. ~ I clalmed that there were pataraa aflflfl by th- | vUors at every poll, to whleh Mr. B i Ukt* ttn* .ui_.rvl.or. w-ire not rt-tttrnlng flflBflflrfl. aafl thal their retunw were of no l<?at value. Bfl IBBlBlBIfltflfl, flnally, that no bBTflflttj i':,,u flTflfl wanted, BBd thal Cfla* greiw had facts to aet upon. Mr. r.irn. worth protested ;i>,'ain?t BMk BBfll?BI7 up roottaaofaBtataQafflBaflBBataa Mr. Baaai pfaaaaafl. and Bifd thal tt amat flral be d.-ienuiaafl tbat Laa i-ian i Baa aa valld uikiiibbbbI bflflocfl Ooaareea aaa m r, under the Khodo Islaud d.-eisiou. _t. K.-rr- Pflflacdy waa for the Feleral QoTfln_Mal to fceep tta'hamla et, audromovoita lufauiou- Jud^e. Lo.iisiauii Ii.mI a ta* pnbliean fiirm of (ioverninent, hut it Bafl BBBB <>v< B* thrown?hy ono man, fBlp i-urell. Mr. l'lland tu?lc thogrouud that were BBt two ?Bfl__flBBBBBfl flXBltui-iu tho senso that BflflBflBBBfld ('ontcre? to iuU.rfeie. It wat stmply a oontcst as to whioh ?ma eleoted, a-vd wttt, ?,**?!?* a juiih-iiii .iiie-tioa, aad la tiu.. wei. Mr. ___a_h?aflaar concurred. Mr. Dawe* was of like opitiioti, au<l arij.ieil the rresldent or ('oiistcks euiiM dflflMfl WtUt Wt* the de JmUatUte Oarflv ibmbbI ; bal tite pflflpfla BhnaflB th.-ir State Court* miut work ont tlu- prohlent of a.certalnlii- whieh was the rt/ jure guv ernment; but he aakod how thi.i eoulil ha dono when on<t srovernment wsts H.i?taiiie<l hy Federal tMMfM. Mr. Dawes bflttBTflfl thit tt* Pflflfl-daaa woald enforoe th<- <teeliiou of the Htate < ourta.' "Suppo*a there aro two ('ourr* aa well a.-i two liov. riior- I" haM Mr. Farn_worth. This was a puzziliiK <iu.-stloti, aml Mr. Iiiiwe* eould tt\g)t"At no way oui of BflflB ? <l.l<,tiiiiiai except for tho Pre .ident or Congress t<? BflflOBBlaa one as a defacto Court. It wa_ a uioiiitrons faatt-BB that tho l'ie-i deereo, or Con^ress, by euuetuu-ut, io.ii.1 8:iy who aro tho nirhtful otllc.-rs In Laom.-i.aiia. Mr. Bingham wai (_iear that it wai the duty of < ta decide which of the two orgnntzatt ina wa_ the oue for 11 toifiiuraiilee. CoaCtflflflhaA Bfl l>,)wer, howev-.-r. to Bflfl up a BflW Kovemtuent, as Mr. Kutler propo.e.l. A re niarkable speeeh w.n ma<le hy Mr. 11..le, fl/he flflfllaBfld tbat IhB ?tt*Bf aud corruptiou BB the Bflfl?haBB -overn nieut.-i wasa. diwaee to the Kepilblicau party, BBfl hn.I been a h'iivy load for lt toc.irryiu thit late campaigu, IlowaruedhU liepubllean BB?MBBBJ thal thfl BflaBBfll would hont them re?poo_ll_le ln future foi- thfl aham i< r of thflflfl tf'.verninentrt. Ba w.nit.i.l ..'..iik.-ie-- to int.-i I- re Ut Oliee iu I/OUlslil'.ia. At tho elo?Of tho'lebite the II..il_e w ,i.- obvioii.l.v illl willmg 10 vote on auy flflflttVfl le-oiiitioii, an.l lt l .aj-.-rly ifcoded to a, made bf Mr. Q utl,bl, tu r< f<-r thfl whole hUhject to the JaflMatf OflflBBBttBBBi U aflBflfl aa soon a* 1-J.Kihlo what (Bflflfli ii BBI thflffl Bta. WBiflh reijulre the aetlou of Congreaa. While the din.-u-.iion wa_ In progressa mei?__>:e from the Prenldeut wa-r^ Bfllaflfl iu aaaaaa tothe bbII at tin- iiouse for laflaraa?h on the l-iuigiaiia bu.iinei.*. The speaker-. fniineiitlv re ferred to thU as likely to tlirow a great deaJ af h*lit on tho lubject, hut when it wita read li prowd t" Im> ,i fnr mal statement of the tran_mii_ilun of a report of lhe AttorneyOcneral, with accompauylng .locumenta. A Baaaak tho paiveri after they wen; -? nt tothe Clerk's otbeo failed to dlscover any r<n>ort. au.l th.-pn pers were found to be B voluuilnou.i uiaxn flf !i tt. ?-, coples of aftldavlts, newnpaper extract*. v-l<igl?tt*, < t,-., nmi ? of which apii.-iire.l to < ontalii auy new lnfo; tuai ion, except the following tHeirram from (J.n tmttg, .late.l Kew-Orlcans, Jan. 11, to the A.ljutaut-iien.-rai'.. ettt I: As Mr. KetlotTg haa been deelare.l hy (iov. I'uu__BaBB aml the L_t|_l.lature whieU he reco-iiizea a_ the (Jov ernor-ele<-t of l.aii.i-i.ui.i. I pBflflaflM it U i.ilen.led _y my liioruetiotm thitt Iahall ai>o reeok-ni.'- huu, ?ml I irh.ill aeoordlaglr do so, unless otherwue lu-tru, i,-,i I Bava addnaaed wttaaa t?. tt..- Oeaaral eooi?andlug the army on the 8th aud 9th iu.uut, but they _?f imt met* la tline for aetion. The .-.ituatiuil IB beeoiuiil- moie eouipll eatflfl, aml, in my opmion, the u_e?f the troop- fliaaplf to neei' tv<" peace cannot iea.l to a satl. fttt tory oi |. iui_ aaatt _olution of the dlfBenlttoa here. THE RIVAL 0OTBBBQM INACGI'IUTKI). Nkw-OklBAN-, Jan. i-?.--The inauifiirul C(-io monles pa*_?d off quierly. Ihe w?_ther wae eJear and pleaiant. Mr. McEnery waa uiaugurated ln l-tfayette sqiiare. Several tbouaaud persons were preaent, in eliuling many ladlea. The ceremoniea were opened witb prayer by Blshop Wllmer. An addreae waa delivere.i by Bishop I'l.-r, e, whicb waa followed hy the luautrural ia.1 dre?B of McEnery. The oath of ofBco wae then aduinla leiflda and the eei-eiuoiiie.i coueluded wilh a U-ue.l.ih..ii hy the Rev. (1. K. Oretbeltu. Mr. Keilogg was tnaugurated at the Mechanlcs' Itiatl fute, the doors of wblch are still cuarded l.y Ui.K-d Ktates mibller.. The Senators rupaire.1 to th. hail of tha Houae. Aetlnit Oov. I.ncbt'itck dellvered m aliort vale dletory, wblch was toilowoU by tbe inaatniral cere monles. Aliout l.SOO pe iflflBfl were preaent. three four iha of whom were colored. JUDOE DURELL'S C1IARACTER ILLUSTRATED. New-Orlean. , Jan. 18.?The following ia from yesterday'i i**_<?jr?**_?: An unusnal acene occurred In tho Unite? 8i?t? -. Court ou laat Thnreday mornlnii. Mr. Thomaa Iliinton read to the ( oiirt au aflldavit inatle by Qflnoa Mudge, churglng H. II. Hiutiinou, Uulted Btatea CommlMlouer, wlth un proii<**l.inal conduof. Auoug otber thmgv, tbe BfflditvUi . har_ed Shaunou with ataying on a roeeot oroa?it?u th_,? ue (Mhauuou) wrote tae deei-onn of Judge Duiell: thal he uoase-uted bla ear, aud could lnQuaaoe hl* Judgment. and that for a amall fee he toalti n?Be a certain etuto then iwndlug ui tbe l nlted Htate- Court all rlght. la preaent uu. li-c alSdavIt Mr. lluuton allude.1 U. tbe fr? mient Bttack* that had reeontly been made on the Court. Ttna ?iliiaton waa too rooch for tbe Jaaaa. He at onew ulliiw.-d hlutaeif to be BMBBJBrted Into tbe mo*t violeut. tage, and indulge-1 in language uioal uubecomiuc to a .lud>_e. Amoug much eOae thal waa ucaeemly ne usetl tin- Uuguage : " I am Uie Viceaertm. of Almiahry Uud, eit tm- tnr.- to dlapenae Jtutloe. and aa hia agent I inU-ud to *ec jua-nee doue."_ TUE M-flHOl-Rl BEXATORi-HlP. !-t. E-Of-Ht J?n- IB-?Tke Demot-ratic caacua ?t Jefferaou City thi* afternoon nomtnatcMl Ct>l. I_ V. Boftv of Ht. l.o.ii* for Beaator by the tvlluwlug Tute: ik)i_).Mi