Newspaper Page Text
NKW-YOKK. THCMDAf, JANIJARY 16. 1873. PRICE FOUR CENTS \ot- XXXII.W^?.?l-. TIIE CREDIT MOIHLIKR. anothf.k rui.n OF OOWtUPTIOH DJ8 m_TT) BOME OK litt .!IAN,- Wlll. II III'I.I'I D tO 'l!' : gtMtatOU IIAKI.AN ? VAU'MW J rf*B-MJ*kj rKlKM<HIII'-A\ tXCITMUK HllMI-l ??> -XAMIV..TION NIAl.l.Y KNUKP. ,_<? nuaiiii no wi __-*_?_ i Wami. .<.ioN.alan._5.-The FttUti amtaha^m**** Pt?llliiii hH aiMa a ?_aetrT?BT.futu^ttmtt ma lradtohnpo-ta.,: i. -Bkaaw ??ta io WaalimirK.n for ttttui years t** *? ?*? ?*?< that l minilxr ?-f and _hf_-aa_a_t_wa owcd :" *? l *** mi (V"tr"' WmeUV lillm' an?i wm ta nuaaafwuM Um iu_a_taM wlwn th... v<iUf_ . ,i for any ?IBBIII ta whk-l tl.. t. a. Thaoa raaaaaa baaa alwava toeni oedtted by . tople who_now thowavsof ttM lol.l's.lii: thaa. _-? li.'iiti'ii'n- beaa no way <?! ttttt. It wa. pmved, to-day, that they WtttX OMeened, ut leaet. At tbi il.-. if Mr. Durant'- tt_Ttiiiii.!\. Mr. Nibta. t tUkti I ??? aaal ha aad aaal ? ebeek lor sjio.i?-j to Iowa to haly alae. Mr. :.-. Mr. Durant replied. ?? it ia aot true. I nut Mra elwaka of ? eath." 1I<-th-ii-,iid. in an ?_i>lanutory way, thal Mr.Ba?aa, ahheaaja Otbtg oa tlio ttaead arital .,,,?{. bad l Maad t" the Union i ? thoofihl ha aranld __B re; which bi- probably co .a tha tia_c tt,, . Mr. Du Ual araa aaked atribated .-my aaooey to eleel __ Carpeatei ' a deaied thal he had. He ** BJBOat-OaMd u-.i.v turihei abuit t_B particular. in the . tion with Mr. II.uian, or a.k.-d if he had halped to aleet ethoi f-.aial.aa Iha Coannittea ___ iMMteed that the Witaoa Oeaa_ittee wtn aboatto rpon ttM?na ol Inyeatifation,and tl : ? ,.t to puioae if. Tho fbUowiafjiaa rtahetin MPOrt ofthe fUrtiomOt Mr. DuT__ . :iatii't; wbk h . "??" " bu Rariaa: in m: Klbla?i?Stak win-:.i?i tt..? r. r i: B C . i t_f ni. ;a ?am :..i witk ikal eat. rprla, wen aol Baaa nial Blaatlaaa la tke M I I : A. I <lo)i ' -? " .* ' ;i.| dur iu_r tk i ani ? il ai q. I| -'_t .vou pavo a cherk of 110,000 laa ... l aot, i pava two afeao?111 .'. ' eacb. q ? | ? rv of t_o.c ctirku, and tor arkal p . ia gtrea t a, Tuey van gtvaa aartaapart -k-B. Q fknailaj wkiiMi aii i Hon 1 A. Mr. Bariaa'a, for fhe r8aeaoe of aoaac _> wbj i _tkaewbowtt waaapfilet; Ian* Bay keretbat ?.? ?. ?-.. .-. lo tlic faiii.l.- of tbe , r<> atd in Qea. Oraat'a , I'rettywell pa_.ed, aml I _aid t_. It lia_ bc en . iip?r?t<"(l to tnr __s n that lt was urgrd njiaiti you tttoagfa ii, gttt tor ci'iitTi h i ti aaytblBf Bboattkatl A. N', I'I. . I am sure I Oi-l iK't do it; Mr. ll.irla-.i had iK-t-n an old per&onal fnend; our __rrsi.tial inti-rciurso had coiitiiiu. d for IS or JOycare: tn-livcd, tu Ix-Biire, on a rival liue of road. but I tiiuuuht ha BaderotOO- tlir want- af tbfl 6ut<-, and _at be _td been In WaBbliigton kMg aaMMfk to know how t? l?ok attor the lnti-r. st.. of UM Bl t_. Ile wau at that S<< rt-tary of thr Intcriurl A. I u-liivi- m>, hr was uot ln OOM-OBa at thr time. __.___._rir. in fhc coiirme of his kfl___BBMM_. aMBBtad np eomt* oI'M-.iu tH'int- al.out tlu Cn-dit Mnlulicr. Ho aaid that it wa.- Jaatbeloie tb?*Aiue.8 con tract was ?adethat th dtfeetara and li-avy . tockholdere in tke iin..". I'.if-iric i.'.-iiiroml beeaiM tha direeton an.l 8?-klioldcre in tln- Cidlit M..l.ilit-r. Th.y wttt about to OOntnet with tbemsoht- |o hnild tlir road, win ii b<- iiij-.iind ilniu in coin; ktooed them witb u ('<>ti_:.("<. inve -ti....tion. iit- Wl It-tt.r |0 ttM IJ'-ii. ?. Ca Waahhurn, i xi?).-iiiK tbt* aebt-nie, and aftcrward, baving badaoed Ma abaadoa intnt. I kaaty, aiidliitbcrs an ordtr on tl.. 1 ii-tina-t. t to I'.-t it out of Iho inails. so that \s i not _??_t it. Tba nea). w__s tb?* Am* - 11 attm t whicb was niii'lf in ttM Fall of 1807. thrr with thr dikOOTOTJ of a moro favorablo r<>ut<- ovt-r thr Boekj MoiintriiiiH than th'-.'ti' tnt adopted, eottrory ohanged the pn oftli. t'i. -Iit Mobilier. In tho Sp__j of lv'.T the i.iiMti'.i ix bb] pek ? Ea the Fall it Jt waa after it had '>.?<?..m<* '? U'that Au.- .' ii- >a.-.*-i-riiril tuhiin aotraetee, Mt. Danal --aid that ha _h__aed tbat all t!.i- .-;?' Lto tli* r>'iii;.ai.y. aud if heci'.i . lo Mew*Yaa_ ae aa to aanra pajK-rs on Iiini. ln* iM.u'.d make luin pay it liack. Baaadah_aan-Hooparaod O?lon Md Gob.O.1? !><Ki>.r tf Io__bW_m waaa aa-gtaa- aabooribeai "i the ('. M. -?<.-. the liitti-r iti Ibc B__M of bis wif.-, and tnwn Brooka, afhoee atoeb traiai letioo a tt-rday d>--> ri'-c!. Mr, Dnraot V;ii(\v al hut o-i ajaaaaaaia.-tha wae erer ? the oo_eer__, lhat waa Mr. Uoycr >t !'. ri'.-vlvaniii. a lininlK-r of the XI.tb Oa__reaa\ who had Mr. Bke iha aabed Mr. Daraat ? f. w ajaeationa, wliich obowed pretty elealif tha gxtauid apon whleh li.- MOMBfl 00 -l.ui.l in ln- ilcli-.i.-rr. ln unstvcr to tt..- --...ns, Mr.Daraat h.ii<l tbal Mt. Brooka hail-uad.-).i'-:it >it"it> ti'i-'i-'a tli'- Btooh taken wh.-n no c.'ipr.i!?-? ita Hen fiuit would torn b it. Batooi it.-t.-t tatheoaeeeaaaa. theFaeM< Balhoad, an<i hii ai ti,". aa b puMir bmb araa blgbly patriotic in tryini: t>. " j.!;...-" tln- Credit Mobilier atoek, be* eai?-, if thi* . t<>< k bad n<>t baaaaold,tha laf-Nad Would Ii.iv.- 0BBM t>> the wall. Wh.-n Mr. B-MOkB fir_t foi tln- stock th<i<* wan no . ah- for it. and he i.iui.i bara had hail aa?lhoo if bewaoted it. Mr. Daaaa_ __M ha bad p_a__ead huu Mt __m ta lt*5_, and, whi-ti tb<- stock baaaalM valual.le, be coti aidered bim-t-lf under ohligatiou to keeji bi_ jirom Me, Imt tiot waiitm_-to jiiirt with tui rnuch stock ho gave hiin Ut, and tBJmtt worib of oltn-r _4*< uritie*. '1 ha hv.! w it.'uss wi_..('oni? lniK lltishin-11, a dir.-ctor in the l'. 1'. and C M. CoflBk_____- H<- eainc vi.lun tarily, and made a veheinent Bpeeeh, empbaaized with vitfi.rn'i-tiiiim;,sti],.in tbe tahb'. in whicb bc d-H'larril that iiicinli.-r- ai OaOfM? __M pn.nii .. d lo tak<-Cti-<lit Mnhiliir atoi k ta the Sj.riii..' of 180. oujfbt M ?x- i-rond of their acti.-n. Ho did not understaud why tben* should Ih- hiicIi a panic about it. lt catisni i-ii-at iiijiiHtici- t<> lh.-i-resi-nt bi.ldi-rs of the st<.< k. Uc awaed ?l(_..00(i worth, and it ..iiirhf lobt- wurth M-.'.-nt.v-i'iVi- BaMtaea the dollar, hut be tiad wnt BB-M ta a baah lately, and could n't borrow a dollar Ut it. Hih Mia-inttaf of the Ame_ tTkiiH-vution wa* tbat m tbe .SpriiiK of 1870 he bad promis.-d t.i fa. Baaaa stock for _-a__aaaal OaaaiBaaa lu th?- __D h<- (Baaa_aU) hadatgaed a paaae wtth other. i"-imittiiiK Mr. Aiikth to take vs+i nhar.-s to tarrv out tb(??e eDjragementi. He h.ui ht_rd thit BBBBB of BBM ________0M mUUtHB MghteDfd tkUtt tbe law Hiiit, und would not l_t_? tbe sto.k. Mi. I.iitIiiicII f.u?nt (i,at n vni*. aa bta a* Kchrii.iry, IMI. tbat Mi. A?Mfl Wlota that i .- "plaataf" tbis sto< k "whoaaitw?I do n tuuhl gotttl," ttuyiug loduiug about faldlHagBMgaaM i_.uith Im it ui--1<-a y.-ai baaaaa H< aaatatad that tlte U_tea t?tbat (Ud not want any _gtt__tai from Vai utfretx. _"__"_ \H*'A, Imt only want<<l to l?e Itt alout*. Mr. MeO?ttf made him admit, however, tbat thr C'ompanv ha<) thr- e time.- come to CotiKrotw for im port-int lt _isl_tion since that time. To-aionow tbe (.ommittee will eiamiue all tbe a_*m__Bni of Coii_t__b alle?ed to have beid ( i/dit Mobilier ?t__ k, who bave not aiready made etatt' oaeuta. Tht-Conuiiiltee appear to liave got ii_arl> io tht. end of ttu-ir Iiut of witnr?-__. and are dmpor. d to tkmt U,*At Uu* week, Iea uu. tbe U*k ol ? ftillfT uncftiFiitia'ti of th*- eonupUuf lafaaaa-itBt* jiii'vci l'.v tli?- I'tiii'ti Paeiflfl Railroad and the Cr-dil Mol'iiicr tn lbe WUflOB ('I'liiiiultc-'. IHATCOOnCIENCE MONi.Y. an __nju_ra lu.rMii'.it aaowiM oxttob an t si* i M'i i? r.i MKMU lll. TKLK-ilAI'll iOTIIK 11(1111 Nl I W?H-MHNM. Jaa. 1.").?dakf-H Aini'B 99 iiivid throuKli tlie TcHt (iftlct of tlie Hoime of Repre m iiiiitit vn. ytmtttiay, on envelope incloslne u Mank sheet of I'litKi und t-"0 ln money. Durlnir tlie aftcrnoon hfl rluiivi'il it to h.-v.-ral [.. ttttt, reiuarkinfl that Im sup IKincd lie wan to have a ilonatioii iiarty. iii.' taHaafj ih u Matoflj al _M aaffllflpfl i BBm Mr. Carfleld bfld iriv. n his tr-. timonv Mflflfl tln- I' OaflB uiitti fl. o ptflflM of l>.ii>er w afl BBBB I upon Mfl EwB ln ti"' lluime on which witn uu anonyuioiiH Htiiteincnt ttuit after 1. BTtB** th*- Ciiiniiitt.-p r.xitn Oak.-a Ames hud aaid in tbe pflaaaafla of ttt* ral lopflflMi thut Um flBBaaat he had lent Mr. Gaitte'd wan Bflflfl, an.l not flflflB flafl Ibflfl ht* had not u'liy r. fiiscd to repay it, luu had bflflfl fl-fl-Bfl hi (Atius'-) MHflflflflfl to uiiuro BB? B_f? ''artli-lil wan .-reatiy BBBBBB- .tt thi. . aml ot onr*- went to ln* t'liimiiit ti c iia.Tii and hurri.-.ily VBOflfl Ihfl tmtmTt-Bfl letter. in tlaataa la ta, aa ba Bappav n- ik*': Hnn, i.i n mmTtmAAt* OmmmtA****, Hoc-B or KriKifiN. Ain.*. Jaa. 14, tftS. U'.n. OABflfl ._ta-?ftr: l luiv baaa inforaiad t<> mv thal after eomlnfl oui of tbe Com n.iiti'.'r.i.iin thla B-ornlBfl yom kuii. ln tne preaaooe of n i.rai r.'iK.rl. i . th_t tou had loaned me H-K' Instead Biul thal I irt.l imt oiili refuaed to par yoa. bul waaaldlngyooroeeaaere to injure ymi in tbt lafflatt* pa'ii.-i. . Ll ciiii tba iiiteiitioTi of tbe ci'iiuiiiti.'.'tu ii I liml l am mi.*iiitiiiui,'i. To bring tbfl loat queatton to au miini ilintc Mt ir l.c'iic. i U-. I iiiii" ?' 'i.'lrv.ltll MOD. If vou -inli lo liiijii-tin ti. tbe truth BBd to me. vou will return n and oarr* cl tiu- ailejted atatauioat, if yon made it. If not, you wlll keep th* monej ond thua be paid tiiu-i Bnamore, Bllenee on yoar port will be a eoarea Hiuu tliat \ou have ilei-|>ly viiougi il me. J. A. CAKF IM.H. On BBtafl tu his .-i.iiiiuitt.'e r.a'iin, afti-i- thfl lliui*'- flfl Mr.GartaM ataaorerad tba abore attaslylai on his tat'l-, und ut om e naw tliat bfl had made B ttU . .,! iii'.-ii'M-il th.- niiiiii-y ir. the VTOBf sheet of MtkBtt. K.irly In the ev.-nmg lie went to Tlie Arliii^t.ii Hutel to Mr. Am. s and deliver the letter. Not tlnd _Bg him, he welit to " Bt* *i ap. i ROV," aini i"ill. d Bpfll 'rt--|'oiiiii-iit-. lfl Vbflflfl B-flfl-M Mr. Anu r. was i> poftad m haaa aaafle tba aaataaaaata Ibflfl* baav aaflb* logoflt. Mr. (.i.ill.i.1 afterward went Ifl Ibfl OapUot, I OadlBfl Mi. Auur liierei. turn.-ilto Ibfl h.del antl 1. It the fOtlOVtBfl BBflfll Ftrtm Btm. nurfieM to OBku iattt, Wabuikotob, Jaa. h. UU Tht llnn. Qxtat Aaaa?aw*- i vrete j-ooaaote ln the mid't of the debate. to-day. and euppoeed I I . i ? ... the ? ? relop. i m rt. but, oa Roiac to mj i-.'iiiiiiiiie*' i" ai'ei adjouroment, rouud i had toy mtt : iin .ii a hlaiik eheel and lofl tbe notaput. l eniied at your botel al 1 p. m. to deliver the otnlttcd lel ight t.. iiinl \, without rtirce-.-. 1 now*all it a later hour, and, nut jlndlog y..u, lhaic tiu imti here at tlie ollii ?? ol vaur hotel. ; . ctfully, J. A. O-JEPn in Tlu* iiiuriiiii? he recivi u fnuu Mr. Anu M Ua Int BBflfl and tho money, with th<- IBDaV-Bfl tadflflaflflflflflB I Oabea .-.mrs tt ('???? ?artlaia. ||' i>. : .' : ... ' tn- : '"? ? ] Tfi- llon. J. a. (.tui'iii i' Wear *br: I r.-turn yuir letter. wltb Incloaurea, oad I utterly denj ererbarlng Hat v. n n f'l-i-il to I'.'ti me Ot tliat i* WBR .tead Of fioV, Of thal uui were anliti- my necil-ei s. I Blaoviab to bb] itnt tben ba. Derai been aay imt obi trieiiil'iv reeUnga batveen aa, and bo tnuu action m tlie leiiif d'-r.i : lat can be .-en-iireil by any folr-mlndad peraoa. I herevitb return jroa Ibe H*x> aa iad Lieluii-iiii.* to nn. Yoitrr trnly, Oak__ Amis. .T.sT.MoN'Y TAKEH ITEOTEBDAT. ooxcuiaioa oi m. im uani'* nATamutT?how NATOK HAHlAN BAA BLBCTKD?TEBTlMOiri OF MK. C S. l!l -1ISELL. lomB-X raiflfl Dnratva.] Wasii-MTOflti Jaa. l.ri.?Tli*' Sp.eial I'oiii mitlee of the HoiiM'.af Vbfa bJadfA i'oland I* Clialnuaii, to liumire into Ibfl Cudit Moluiar abargBfl, ri-ume.t tta ;. at 10 oVioi'k tudav, alul itinliliiicil tlie exaliiitiii ? i:.,,ia.,- ( . llar iif. BBtflflt-lfld tbfll the I'a lflfl Kailr. ad i*tock and I'.'ial* ftTflB tfl Mr. Ilrook . with tlie lOOgharesof I'r. lit M.l.iiir. were fltfflB ln eou-equ. n< I of bhjiccIbI aArreeruent; Mr. Br.^ika claiiued inoi^- than UflflhanaOf Crfdlt Moliilier, aml Ihe cutiipi-oiui-e w..-, made on Parifle r.ailnui.1 i-t.i.k nnd luind* : tlu-y were not (riven t*> Mr. I:n>"k-i an diviila-ai- nu I u-ilit Moliilier; tbfl il viilends of Credit Moliilier pttflfl to the Ame cuiitr_?t w. re, and dld flflfl attiaiint to mii.-li; tlu Vihrt, Aluea i a.litr.n t VBfl mamit *:ii'.i''i t to tbfl flffflflfflJ iu writinK of ?ll tl"' fltaiekhiiiili-ia. of the DflflBB l'aclflc lUiiroad t'uiu.iaiiy ; tln BpfldBl a^-rei im nt bfl tn ? ii witm M auil Mr. BroabB VM inade l.ctweeii Fi li ruary and Apnl, 1-07; tbi-Credit Molulu r r-to. k at that time wan of doul'tlul valiK ; Mr. Itrooks tu.ik an aellv. --t iii tba*. oaatm ttaa of the Dflflaa Tm lie Baai i Hi. Tliuii-fl nlalBanil tbat bn vaa tattlttfld to Mfl -ha-.--. Bjaflflt. flfl Cie'lit Matiilier stoek under Uu -|.. . ia! flpafl ne nt. aiirt witm -.- ilnl BOtVBBl io lel lum have that Iiilich, it*J the-*tai >- had i:ar* i.-i'1 iu value; bflflM tln ei.mi'iviiil-'e; Vii _B-DM MMM lfl CMdll _r atock, and tba laeraflfli mtit EBBrBB; boi bo kaovladgBa, flKbar flireatlj* or imiireetiy, of aay BMBibfli 0f ( a:i;-n M Leliii* liifluenceil l'\('re<Iit HflMUflfl B-flfll | allaa? nlalaa.thal th, aaebaMaaUaaj la Mr, Ame name, an trust'' , 1"lbM#l t<> tlu* OflflBBflfl*Cfi BMA Bfl BBfl I niit BfTfliHTl Mr. Aflflflfl ta riiiivei it, If lie eiui .i.r him in New-York to serve the |j. iide itrri'iiin iiient- to M ttty metnlier OfOBBCNfl. i-_ee_it la tha flhflB af Mr. Btnt M Peeaajl vann, and Mr. Hrooki.; he flafpflflfli IBB road. was throii|.-ii with ii'iythlnif it wanted nt OaaRBBflfli VBB Bflfl ufraid of an> ? Congr* ? iu\> -ti^ition ; th.m_ht the llr st m.irt_a_e hoaflHI and Unum PBfl-ffl BtOflb (,'ivi-n Mr. - wurr'i uii mt .' VttaaflflVBfltbafl 11,000 B thaa ii ba _ ei lat bla baaa Ml abamfl oi Crfldll Moliilier, a? Mr, IJn'ik-i iiiineit (T'-ilit Mohiller at tbal aaaa vaa vartbal aaal MB; m-ver knew af aiiyihin bfllOBH-flC flfl 0W4H Molnlier BfltBg flflflfll to iiilliii-nd members "f Coupress. Ta Mr. Ilrouk- i'iTrtl had bafltBflfll MBBBflflalBBfl w-ith Mr. Bfflflbfl in l-Uflor 18C7; Mr. llrooks made a graal Bf* f.ri tii p'l lm* < 'i.'ilit Molnlier Mock taken ln N>w-V..rk. I.ut no one took it.on the stiiuii'I that tbfl eiitiTpriBe wa.. Ioodi-tant .'tiid aal aaaaaa Iba flafaaafll Mr* fcflflka mtgml have had |MK1,i?ni in CrC.lit Muhllier ln 1?M if he had wanted it; ngB_i.l it flfl poMflllfl in Mr. Brooks to rtiend ln* time lu elt'irt-to tunld the l'liilU- Iti i ln iad; the ('ililueiit -il'Vi-.V-i were af BO Bflfl Hl lilltidllllf Ihe road; Mr. BflBOkfl ereated a fuviir_t>l? -BfflBflflleB for the ?floebaltbaagbba vaa aafl abb>taba*i*a it pai asaa tba iio.rket. Bf Mr. Nil.l,.e_ -state vhfth.-r the Vit'on Parifle or men eoniiecte.l with tlmt. iiU-ri'rl-e were not called upon tu,i?ist in tlie flaaaflfltfl-l election ln UM and 1H87. iu Tuwal A. I do nat .ecolK'ft ; I did iiKNist itiiw-lf; I had n Wtm -fltflflflflfl an Iowa litysoif. aud during the BBBBBM 1 .ii-.lHted. Q. It but heen r-tated to me that you guve t\ check fot 110,000 toar-intln that elcctiui, I A. I dld not; I gu\r two check- lor fl-.OOO ea* h. H. Can you explan the histo-y of these check*.. aud for what piirpoBe were they g_TBfl I A. VBfl the purpoBe of MflflB-BB Ma *-l* (tiou. Q. Whflflfl election! A. Mk-t-B*fl| for the purpoee of neciiriujj the inHuence of wiuie BBVipapflflfl; I don't know bow it wmm appli-d ; MflBflflM. Oftaaall) I Ik-Iu-i,-, Milia-i i ilaed 16,000 to the (...ral ltepulili. "iu Commit'ee tn hi flaaa tbe election of Ur.uit; it aeeiued to bave rather x. "ii< )i_r*t, aud I paid it. TKHTIMONT or c. s. __tH_l___ 0.B, BiiHhnell wan sworu, au.l ittated that he rame voliintarll-a" wltbout a auriiiiioiia*. He tentifled that he wa* truatee nmVer the Oaken Aiiimh contritct after the i.'.i'i bad been built to tbe 10Citb imridlati; the CMiM Mohiller wttix between $3,000,000 and tM.OOO.OOO ln debt wben the iiureaiw- of atoek waemade; witink-. BjMfli utxitil 1350,000 worth of that Btock on the market : Mr. Aim - waa also niakiuic atrenuooa efforte to grt the hUnk oii tbe market, it was fliialiy dccld.d to aell tlu iM.ndi whuh iluy h-*I BB band; witneaa wan api>olnti**i |Bflfll the ixinda, aud n, lflfl or six !!ioiiihN*f|lo,oiio,i?>" worth ol liondH were n..ld; when ( redit Mululiea goi _?'_>_>?, Mr. Ames went to his frieud. la OatgNtttwA uut o( ('i.iigreiw* t*i g.-f. Uuafi to take Bto. k, an.l uli men vi hfl flM take hto.k kIi.miil lie JttWt tt it , Wlliua-s liaal a letter froui u iiruiiiiiient 'miik where tlie CiCdit Moiillu-r wa. thrown out, un the hank would have nothiug to do with it Im-iBMBH th'-y ihiiutrhi Ih.n waa fraud aud cor rii|illi)ii ; he thought a great wroug was l.elug (Ion. l.i thi. itiiestlguiiou; there wiu a want of inoial eour *tt ou the part of r.italn men wbo dld atree M t.iWe Uie atock, but uow would not atand up .-md say tbey agreed to take it; Bflfflfl heard Mr. Aluea mt ntion baffag oflered the Bto*-k to elther Colfax, lllalue, Kelley, ..oll.lil, (iarfleld. Hlhg liiiiii.orHcuatorWilm.ii. witneaa never ufl. red II ta .my uu ml.. r ..I t-ongreaa; did not think tliat Mr. Hoojm r or Mr. Aiuea were aabomt-l of baviug tokeu bold aud helpril tlirm throiiS-l ?t tMf-Mhhfl <li(l not thlnk otiicr unii BboaM ka now. Tu Mr. KeGBary- Witti?_. hold- tttUtt worth of OB<1it Mol'iiirr .to.-k, iiii.i .'<.ul<1 ttU n?* it t.on ?n ***_***_* ttaa taiaatl? atiaa. taoaa-taaaaabaraf 0***~*t buv tat etaahtaCb. HtMeoaHae bad a petfeet *****_**_\ on I'.Kill. lt uir.inil matter.. . ,iw no more itnproprirly in lt than mn- uwuinx ualional hauk Kiock. TeJodfl I'olaiiil- It \iiis tln- lii.rlft -.t.iifllri- tha' "r Aaaa aal hba taraa aaaaaai af Btaa- to aaaMa haaatai fiiiiiii iii-.ii-.iuitnta -fhica ta bad aaaared late **_\ .u-.iv: ke iiii, aa Mr. Aaaaa ha.l ?syreaaad H ta ***** Ma i> Mata. if tbey *. al kaek ae Oaaa i mbbob afaw tn st... _ ii.-ui | aa ui>. whea it hint i... i. , '".i-*"1 ""'?" waaa u waa iowB,0_agreosaBea wouid go _ar_ on them. [_najM_i ! At tUU tfmmttb thr QaMM-ttll ad.,<.uriir<J ui.tll tn UU* rnw Baeatai at ioo'cio<k. THE BBOO-D INVLS'JKiATKiN. TKSTIMONY Of Mlt. H. 0. (-KANE AND MIL ft B. lil -IIM I.l.? lll.TOKV Ol THB < KKDII M<"?l I.1KU ? HOW bl.NATOU TIIAVKl- WAS M-' Kl.l.l 11.11. IGE.NKRAL P.lKSS DISPATCH. I WJJO?lOTOM. Jitu. l.r).? 1 be Wilson Speeial ( itter i,?_ imi.'il lm_iue__ at \l\ oVImk th... ninrnlnir. il. ('. .'ran.- was 1 worn anil bMB?ed that li. wa* A-.t-t ,-,i,t Tibbbbim al Um i rddtl MoMltae aatll May. i-"".'""1 was now a . tockboldcr iu that or?ani7. B-OB. * dOOB 1 nn nt I.v was -liowti ti.tli.wit ti.-ns. Iteoat?aed taeaaaiee af tbaaa koldlBiratoek ta tka -falea Paaflo Bailroad Ooaapeay aad Crddil Mefctllei at thi MMM time. toir< tlu-r with lhe dbrl-BBda B7ltBaM lee?led oa te tba eoneetaeaaef tbe laeerd; bad ao ... pepen ihowtafthe Bl vldeade aad allotaMata. unii.- iuii"..taaea ta IbeOddU Mabtilar.taiiibmmjtaad fiitifyiiii: tbe _aea raatrael ? Mr Daraat baa aaatae; ba aai Baada k?amtati Xtaaaararaad BoaeatMjret tka tmm lil ()< tui . I, 1.<'.7 ; ut tlu- lll.i-lllii. <?f Ill?- a leaatattea aaa paaBad ta parehaoe ii." .irel mmttttoe beaMtaei Bm Daka -PaaeBa it.iiaaad, whtek tke ttwatem ii:n.i tm- nt m., .ti-vi-i pi-n i aaa aatborla d ; tht bt thr trii.-tec. at tbe Auies loutracl aaaM i_MW Wbal iii.-% keagbt, wlMta tbey t kaalaad tattwg, aad all abeel ika liaaaanlhina wltaeee ahuwed tbal tae dl*/ta>aaa ?n tbe Am'-- eoatrael a__-i< _it> >i Nl i" i eeBt. in ta aaaat tba aMaeaaeeaa apportanltj tepar ttdpete ii. t?.<- i.u.-iii.? af tbfl Hoeoe, U" OtwBBBlttoe took a ri-i Bflfl untii I <-cloc.. At || oYlo.-k tl.e Bl UBUB tion of Mr. Caaaa aae iaaaaad aa tellea 11 Oa ?0 Wh of Jaiiu.iri, iv.;. ilu-.iipiial-t'nk ot tln m ,'.i I.-r ata taereeeed tfty i?-r eaat, thfl ta eeaaaal ataeb ketait-Ubtnhaaad to paa_eea-oadj m,,,r ested. TBO iliviil.-nd U twehc p* r BMU for two ji'ars aaa aaataiai Dee _.. laaa, aad thk. Btftdaad aai oa laa taaa aaai Bapttal <>t *i.t.. ..i. ?>. Bj ir. Baaaa Wbal nr.- Btaa aaeeeatti was tiien tor iba incr.-isi* af ? iiKk i a. To ratea Baaaa. t. . tnu: tae road, aad ae. ti> deetaia ttt/tiaa-i i ke 'ii>i aal laiinv; nu aaaaa Oakea tiaaaktili ta fcraal att aiaaa ot < ;, ,|il Miiiniii-r Meet ; pa. BMd -Ix iiionth-' tatOTOM BMBO paul f..r thiin; tlio stock was tiati.f-i r.<I to \ BB iiiiinii, aba raeetved II baaa Daraat; th<: iraaatan waag aade ea tbe atk aad__lefJaaaarj I I . I, lil -I IN.. BBI l.l.lll.iN.- IKl.M Mil II -US I.I.I.. I'oriii'lius .*-. ol Ni'w-liavei. batBg - worn, L-ii\' ,ui nn "imt of hl-. tm i aaa tnm with tbt l'n. OB Pa Ite Kiiiioini, iiuvii.-: pieearei lbe ttM WtttAU Um _a_d__t. tbe read, aad. alae, a aaaaaai ktaaary .-f Iba raad baaa na coiuin iii-i-iii.-iit t.. it-. eaaaptattaa. Iba OaaBBaay, h< sai<i. < _,_? t_ surii aa taaa bm <>f baatoi m IMa jeei a*. t.. rnai.ic it t<. iiic-t iiii legal oi.ii-aiioii". iu BaawortBB .aoatlna by Iba Ohaliaaa, aitae? add tbeMeetbara aad Baatb ra i'o Ita ??baada aaaM taBerCare attk lbe u iat aaaa nt tae Doloa Paetf?, bal tae taal aaaaed aaaM BMta tg in liiiii'ral an.l Bth?' il> vi-lo|>in> nt- M th< eoaatry wbal it woald h?. bl tba ooaapetlae: i"<,;"i-; he nevi r li.-.inl of an. MOBOy kOtBg BOBd to l_0?I MM MMB beea ofOo-ntreoa; ba bad roeellee?oo ef wben :i __aa_kar of Ooaareeaeaaae la t<? ajlva eoaaeet, batb w.i-not at ti,. taataaae >>f Mtbee taa Paetfa _U_Uroad Oaafaayor the Crddil MobUler, nor dM bekaewtbal any such meuHwr IBOatfad B !'??; bl. iiii|,r.-.--i.,n Mim that ta tl? y<-ar IBB1 Mr. Ailcy liroii_lit ln | iu.-iiiIh r nl a.** biH couuael; Mr. McOotub at tln aann. tiini- taaagkl ta .in.l-.- Bla - , Ibi i eaaa i oi Hi Maa a;.*n. iiuiiri). kat tbe attaeaa tbo ii. Iit that thi* w,,t. a I). fore (ieu. Butlee WBO ?leeead t<> tbeBeaaa ad Bap-oaaatatti -: attaeeaaal imt kimw of any taoaoy ketaf RtVOfl 'Iit.-. tiy or nnli i.-rtiy, oi of .'mv iiiii'i paatalaraeeeataeeesteSaaaaM Bar_a; Mr. Daraat tafanaed attaaaataai ba aaaBaaaj la i -> iea itot Bai?a ta kMaa 11. Btad b. ? um taiiinuf aaa ae taa laaa beaapaaan ta in* toa?aai; thi* isa_ juior io ifioj i.i> ifl-proaalea waa thal B tlmt tiiin- Beeeeaaay ed the latattm, VVitn.-- - ..i- ,i-k..| Vth. tlu-r i.i.i >.-iiiitiirn: Bflfl - tivc ii.ui i..i-n <-i<-.t.ii attk tha atd ef faaii tnm tbe r.i PaotBi or c,.-iiit -tetaltea Oafaaaalea, t . whioh be n-piii-ii, n* io iiiims--1f ke ii.i'i alwaj i Ukerally labi ior l'.-ii. rai poUttealparpooooi aad bla bni that in aaa taataaea h<- eaaattbBiei a\aai ta I aatar i , whlck moaas waedrawa ky draft oe btaa; ba tkoogkl Ible aaa la ih>- Ifalaaa-ni Btate ateottN of IOU, abea Thayer wai .< oaadldata for i*__at___o; Tkayor aae a Mead ol ariUaeaa, aad ia BtTtaa the aaamet kfl thoii-ht i; iiii?-iii .mi ta wi an Iai taa (Haayet'e) ledtoe t.i.n; altaeee dM aot tamaeakw al araB bavtaB ma.ii anv otinr riiiitriliiiliou am for it Ma_tai iiui not tinnk ha had etrof Bada aaeh ii laraa eootrlbettoa kofacai be imtrally ir.ii>- ttjut m tiMn tat > ' : -.ii'. 11? _- parpeeeoi jn-t a* he aaaM pay bbxoo; arory bbbi mmM da aaae j tiiinic to n.ivc the eoaatry [laaghter.i attaaoa aaeei hi'iir.i of it ii > of tha traeteee havbaj iciv.-u aaaeor a 1..1111I- ie iiiiin.-n.'. iba Ble_T Me "t MeoBbeaa ..f Oaatwmt; ii tin- bad beaa te, i.>- aae taapeetttaa ta haewthi j.u i; ta atgwai :i paper aelhoalitafl OahaBAaMBtede iivirtwii BBd Odd BbaaM "I cr.-lit Molullir *t...k to < .-rtain MBBBbave of C,m_r.*H. ; Mr. Aui.-s hinl ni forni'-.l Iii ru that he ha>l dlepOOOi "t that atin>iiiit of btoek, un.l Iha -Baaahaea oxpeeted btaa la f.iitiii hh eaBaaaaBaatai aeree baaai tmm an he aaaM ataoa thfl stiK'k wii' ro lt aaaM b af bbbm Bood. bat that tt woald in-ii.ui i>,.iic.i t.i tiri-.ii. iu* BBBBaaMeata, aai atka ? also thnnj'.it so; wjtin*~ was .urprh-'d tbat whlle (ten iicini n . iionui ba wiiiinf to tiik>- iin- atoeh al 'jt. tbey hai not tha morai ao-oajH ta aay ih.-> IMeewbealtwaa worth from MB to 'suu p.-r c-iit. The Coiniiuttri', ,?t 6 o'clock, ailjourned till 7:_0 oYlock. 'rhe v. lison ('..nmiitt'-'- reaaaeaiktei al I o'elooktoai Tlioina. ('. Durant was sworn aiul Infl i ro_[ati*il ii-i_ar.l iiia.- BBBttara aaaaBBOtod *_uh iha aoaaaraBttea of tba I'niuii I'ai-itl.- Ballroail. Ttn- i-\aiiiinati..ii na* ' li'mrat.' uinl iiiinutf, Un- wiiiirss nuhMi-rliiK niiiii*. of the '|ii<* tion* after a refaieavM lo lhe t)<?ik_ ..f tn. 1'iii.m tattt* au.i Cii.iit Meblbor. i,()Vi:i:n.mi:nt OOO-HBL IM iiii: DVIOB TACIFIC KA1I.KOA1) Ht ITH. Cincinnati, Jan. 15.?Siiinli-v M.tttli.w- oi ttn* city ieettaee aa nu ttattoe <>f taa htteaaey oeaeral to act as (lovernmeut couiis.-l ln tlir I'nioii 9*tttt et***, owlngto profrs-iouiil i-iiinit.. iin-iits. Aaron F. Perry b*? aeaaptoi tbi peaMtaa, aai wB. peai aaaetea?abbattaa JAY QOULD AT WOKK I.V II.I.I.V.IH. I'llKAOOi Jan. Vt.?Thc Tribune of to-ilny aays, e<litoriall.\, tbat It has ?'>?<1 reasnu to believe tbat Jay (,"ii..l i.a- au a_ent lu Hprln_i1ehl, to n-curo auch le_ii)latlou t'Karil.iia.' tbe elecliou of rallroad dlrectora in thu will . natili- (.mil,. aud lua party, wbo iu thr late corner iu Korth-Wi-.t.-t n ( omiuon olitalned con? trol of a nialorlty of thr atock, :.> ?.-et luitii.*<liaU* oootrol ot tl..-i..u,l. lhe Int, i.,i. .1.. Lu.- Ui. il auy ebaaBOfl i" lbe law WlU be ta thr Intereat ol tbe ipeeulauira' i'f"11 totbateua. _ TIIK IlOKfffc HISLAfiE WE8TWAKI) ItolM*. Omaha, Jan. 15.?The hurm* disteuiiMT iiiiide Its appearancc yeaterday a* fur W. Bt a* ltivi Imt, m Wyiiiniui,' Ti-rntory. cuii.hIiik very _ierloii_ lncoiivelilence to peraon* livlug remote lrom tbe liae of tbe rafl-Oada Tlil.Ki.KAI'lllC NOTE8. _F..UI v.iiin. n hiivr beaa elataB aa tLr K.ataa LM .l.tora . ...Williatii 11, Small of Ncwin.uki't wa* nouii ttlri tor <?l,.rt_l. rd.). I,r lh. K. Dul.l.r.u. in t'.t Iai Srw llamp ttiirt i, .uii Aiailii, 1 1'ikr >,l Iraakliu, br llit lamr partr, la Ut IIlil I)l.U..i _C<MiiK_r, Keew _ fo., hankerti of Haltimore, wtrt i-iaallrJuul uf *l MB, ..a Htlu.l.. laal ht tbr |,atairBt ot t la.,ju. alr.fl Ii.i iiiat ._..>?.ol |_arpoillii( la b* drawa bt i.ii.tu. . ( a. inuia - . ., , l aukm ..I .N'.? lori au.1 |iarablc tu tbt anitr ot K ... ?Ma _The Maine .State '1 itupcraure (\inveiitinn aa aanaUiai al Aaitu.U, >talt> iai ai. I tlr. inl (aut Mldoa, Ptrbaaa i'rral .In.l Al iba tttaiu. aaaai? a_.lrra.rt atrt _aadt ba K t. I'.ilal.ur, 1*1,1 !>??. aad uttitia Tbt rialri tiaaa* ia tba (.loblb'.Uua laa alll ba* fully diaruaard. _A lire at Cadiz, Ohio, yeaterday, de. troyed four larf- Uaildian >a Ma.a al., laat *4...ixa., tl" """ ,1 k? priaripal tufrrrra arti VV?. Ilaaiillou ImwI aau atau. aValrri _.(. llraiau, ih-i _im.Ii. M.l ., k Ma.u. ??li ,? tr au.1 aUnoatr;, t?tfl i -.?'.. .. ,,. , i. Uit a .t.t 1'a.i ,. ___r_ir_. t ti.b iu.. OKNERAL FOREIGN NEWS. KMANCII'ATKiN IN TIIK Hl'ANWH COLONIKS. TIIK mTkmmmm OOVKKNMKST ASKKI) WIIKTIIKU NOTKS IN KK(iAKI) TO UabTaUH HAD MM r X*'i|.\MiKH WITH TIIK OMim _TATK_? l'l.MKIi IS. ..F.NOlt Z4IKKII.1.A. Mahriii, Wediieailar. Ma, IS, 1B*T3. Th" CnrtcH re[isMiiil'l***l to-day. Iu thftCongflflflfl. or lovcr luam ii, Sefior Nala inijuired of the Govern ?flflflB) whetlii r it was trm* that WtBB Bti Btttti l>c ttveen the (iivenimetit of Spuin aii'l t'ie I''-d Stlltesi.ii tlu- nf Slavery. S*rmr Z.irrilhi, tlu* PlBflUflBl Bi HM Cmncil, in rejil.y to the qiie-tinii of Bflfl-OC flalfl tfli**1 he was k1_<1 la liave tka (i|'|Mirtiiiiity to Mfl_M it i'arliaiiieiitary mmmm* of Hlich all tmmmamatB, and lie fonu.-Uy ile. litrcil tliat no ((iiiiiiiiinicatiotiH liatl bttXl BSBhflfl-ffli ?'?> tween the (.oviTTii-ii-nta <?f Madrid and Waslinigtoii on tlu- nilijeet of **l..very. He further state.l bfl hai -nntTurt.*<l tlie, Span isli ?*ti \.,. | to t|?. vaiU'iiH iiini.r- t.i ileuy tliitt tlie Spiuii-i (ioveniineiit Iiud reeiiveil any notes from Wmvulaij Fish apoa fflJfl qaeaBbm. Bfl flflflfl. tii** finv eniiueiit was iinaware ?'f tln e_i:-r<'ii<o< f a BOflfl from .'iuy foreign (im. iiimeiit on tbfl of slavery in Caba, li i'i-. n-tiiry Fiflb had anl it Bfltfl of awb ' tiai.icter to .Miuist.-i hickles, tlie lattflfl kflfll Bti ("iiiinii'iieateii it to Ilie (.ov.-niiii'iit nf .-siiaiti. The OOTflflMflMBBt, obeying it** .cau conscicnc-, had pre se-iteii Hi,. bill in the C'ortor. for the eniau.ipatioii of tl.iv.? iu I'lirtn Ki.-o. uml no fiireitfn jiressiire what ev. i bflfl] lioeii l.r.uiiflit Ifl li.-ar iu the matter. KNT-kPARI-ffl SYMI'ATIIIZK-S. i>:'.''!.AR\Ti.i.s- ..i rc_ rnr. kx-em I'KKOK MOM RAW t. I'Aiils, Wedl e-'laj, .lall. IV I VOtmTt, ;i Boaapart-Bl journal of tbia city, I'lilii. .,. | ., ,.,? .-nl fngllah .-.l.taili Iiii- BTBB-BB, eolitaill m_ i i ,.. ui tai i. . ii -. iiu- flrat tbaabfl tb* Qaeaa and yotym af _-*****_*?_ fer tbe k-_Jaaa_ Ibai baffl ibova tho elilt'l Iinp_nal famiiy. The Btbflfl i- B flBaaliaata bflalfll "Hfl .urreii'ler," -k-ini i.y mm. Oraataflit Oaflflaaaafl ami Daaaa dfl l* railniiiii, rli-. It . .nii-iiuli ? : ?' liu- Kmperor i- d'-.'id ; Ihe Empire IVflfl. lu> Ulse I'lau.-. taalfl Iba VBB. of liupiii.ii, eiu ri;t tii aitiuii. tfl the heir, uiihl imoalile a- lu- ls .liic. ill the ?'!' Ttt tttkmtT, IB Ibfl bWI aad ri-p.ii nt flBBfl*. Uo- Baiftn vfll bfl rafctab lish.-il." _ iM:ri;F.*i.Nr\ii')\ OF FtANCE 4T THE YA'IICAN. iMi.uri'Kin in TBI -8SBMBLY??BXFLT Of M. 1)1 I VI KK. PaaM. W<dtiesi1ay, Jan. 15. Ifl _ Dariag thfl tCflfldoa oi thf N;itioii;il AflfltMIl hlv, al \.:-?ilii- to-day, M. Ileira-t''!, in a?< uidaiii-e wah hls )in \ luus rn.tin, mm ed au int' -r... Uatiuii of the ..?.,i miil taaaH M tii*- iflflbiaataaa ?'i Oaaal laarMBg. lia P-Bflwb iMbaflflfla-M t.. the iiniy _.-<?. Hfl flpaa tho . oiitiuuation ol a Protectorate at tho Vatiian. M. lmfaurc, the "tlluist.-r ol Justice, ex pl.iliu-d the elu-.iii:sl.iiiee -hieh flBBBBd tl"' .-. -U'l flfl ui ( Raaimflai OmexpUiiatimi vaa i.-naideui. the EUgbl a- vii.-riu toiy, and Ibfl uiatt.r drop.ied. AFFAIU.S I.N CHINA ANI> JAl'AN. WAI 1MMIMNT HVTWKKN OOW AND JAI'AV ? U MtSlM. AUAINSI AiTOlt* VM' WI-I..-I1.Hls i\ .im'as? nn. KMPaaoa o? china in ( K.S-I.I) A ,\l .-I .-"l.i K.NKIIS. Bbl Pai-BOOOO, ('al., Jan. I.'*.?The fltll-Mt Col'mia. wlnrli iiir!, -fliflBJfl HoiiB KaitiK date* io ia r. u. The Oflflflaa Bflaaaaa a aaflMMag a vaajr UltllBI flflflt The Jipan HflBBB. s?i>*t!iat war it* lm miii.-ii'. Tlie.Iaj-.iin Jfi.7 d'-niea lu fot.. thai the fureiini rl. a,".- l.a- !'?? n in\ ite.l i.y th-- lopaBflflfl <;oiernment tn tak.- part rn Ibfl flflflfl-BBBB ot the |flaattflV0l rellgtous toleratiun. Tlie Jaiiane?e are conMderlnjr th.* i.ropriety of import InircaiuelB to BflflflBflfl the eflMM BVOffl mtttty by B_B dIobuo. Maitv alralea aaaa bflea aaplaaafl nnd fla atrovod by the Prenchcurrette Bourajroe aadtaa 1 lu lli_. KUliim.U 1111111 il'-r. All u.-.ils an.l ui.-tl.rsiu lapaii have heen informed thal they can puraue tbelr urofes-iin- tlin-e i.ars. lonir-r, after whieh fla y mu.-l fnllow snlne liuin* Us" flll and hiill.'l lll'le .?IllliioV'Inelit. The m.ili J.u'aiie-e bare i.a Iniormed tbat thay mll no lonip-r be requlred to ibara tban baaa., bat Ibfl Mp_flfl II. IBi '."' II I lille.l. NaiiTi niercbanu baro petiUoaed tbe Japaocaei Oot ernin.-iii for pertuiaaloo to conatruct railroad. and tele gtapb ' p-titlom v.ere flrantad. Tbe vorbl. to I- d'-ie under tbe sn|iervl-int, of tbo Pabllfl Worb. Deportmeni Eti toraw la ttoe JadlelalaaaPaue. Depart mi nl.-..i. I.. in,.- parali-il lor-v.ii.l la.iully. M,.-'i.f iii. BrttUb war reaaela al Bbaairbal vere to take tbeir departure In afewdarB. The Chlneee Ian perorcont. mplatesoii iuternaliournej through the Km ure. A r.-purt, nu lelt -prei.l. ;- .-iin.-nl tbat ti. I. . neror ibbti atiy Incena. .1 tcalnsl the rorelxnera. * atorj \7lold that on tbn Imperial weddlnfl-day a foreli lvlaiiic preaentt-d tbe Emperorvitb twoeaormo .ai..i.. -. puipi. Ion beluy tro i ed, tbi Kmperororderod Ibecaudlei to be. nl open, wbea tbey were iouu.1 to he full of povder aad balleta. Aiuiitii-i'vei-inn i r tba itorj atataa that taa eandie. u.i. exiM'iiuinite d upon in the opaa alr, when opool ii., i? ,M.;,.,!, d, ami .iii-'-'l the death ol many ot tlu !,,_! _.;.i. rB, . tol //.? DttAy.Hut*eayn th it the Ib aliaurd BBd roollah, Tbe tuu faexicaii .I..I..I h.i- ... ell iil-iu.ilii a.i.ipleil at ( alll.lll. Hi.ilsh.iil ,u, au! i.o . i.eii.i.1 na veiB tttoiaatai CRUI8E OF THE BDOAB STrAHT. AID CONTBTBD N tBB Cl lb??mMBM AM> AM Ml MII..N I.AM>KI? <)N IHI OOAIX Of OXlmm, Ki v Wkst, Tlii., .Imi. 1.").?Tln- st.aiiiei BdffW Maart flftlaafl -flflfl ?? ,1"-11,h ??* sl"' ''* twEmtttm. manl ..f *' Uui..Iph Siiiameis, f.iriiiei'ly of tln riut.-d -tal.s | .11, n Imh servi.-.' bfl left ln MMl *l'u whu-h ttflBfl he has I.? m IbBflflflIMfl fll tbe Cuhaii*, and tofflattf vaObawva aa tttwmmt wwBt ?ba Bflflaaafl elRhl .i.-.easful lan.llni.-H of arins, A.-? on the,t:uhan (i.iirt. ile ieft .Neii VulK- foi AspillWttll oll the 41 h of I....anair, witli I'urt of a crew for the Kdirar ntii.iii, aud arruedat Anpinwall on the liith-l Ba l.-ft .ii tln- M li ol li. e.inlMT, antl arrived off the aaaa MOaba aa th. MMb Ma Mwbai at a ftmt baaya to Iiiiii as I'ort laino, aud wiit inessenirers into tln- inte norto th. (iii.aniiii'f- to iuform tuom tbat the ateamer would be iu tbroe ot four daya. and to bare a toree tbere t.. recelv. th- anna aud aiuuiuiiitlon ; also to aend a foree for Ihe flBBM BBtpoflfl M B Mflflfl known as 1 ort QxiAti. ih. H-omer tben prooeadod to tbfl north-eant coaat, au.l ob Uialal of .1 muarji arrtTed al I orl Quao,a siu.nK haml.l "H tbe ,-oa-t,'- persoii- Were readi I.. r... lu- tli. I Bt-BB aud. Half the eaU'" VM landedoltlUl plOO. on the lst ilist., aud oll moTod lato tbo counm ol oiwe. 11.- -iin..* .l.y tbe Bteamer prooeedad boe- to Porl Mbo, ar.ivmc ttere on the -_i n.a.1. tae paraaa han were alao raatfjru receive lbe balaoee al ti..- eaim, aad U wa? .iis.-i.,.r_e.i tm .day. Ibea eoaatlag bIobr the aoatb,.?.?.. oa leatu.K Portiliao. a Bpaalah -unimat wm -uriit od .al a uf aboat M uui' *? bai un tba aaaboa. d d m iulerfereorBlve ubaoe, to "?' ' ?>*?!_.?, Bnowl...Ure, he ,l?. ?.., trniinle'lf walli Ini. T,?-,* tl.e uiiiy war raaaalbe-at frun Caga_btoreyta Owa Han Aatoaio, ulth.iu_hena*tinK BfitblU flre or BU uub-n of the land He I... ,',ri I ano OB the Id inst. At ahout 11 nilies ofl BM Alitnniiithe tua. hlnery of tbfl **?**fi^"l\ TboTeaaalvaa put uuder eaaraa, aud with irreat ?nm . uity abTcol ufrihe Cabaa aaaat,_aa the wi... vaabbiv* m_.i__le truintho BOrtb-vaafl, Bhe nuched Key Weat K% .aa ."uow ????'??? ""??? ?u "r who.;.k (11I.-11 ______B_oi_a from Anpiuwall, one of whom 11 IaZk ' "I-"' -be capt.nn Htt> , _reat . r.-Ult is due foFthe irratiKeuieuta a-to tlie UndiBg au.l prompt dlacb-rKB of lbe ttiiu. aud ammuuiUon ttt tho placea lldUll-.l. FOIlEICiN .NOTF..**. Don Carlos ba-s arrived ut Kion, a village t*f France, iu the I'epartineut of I^tudca. Thf tnwii th'-ater of Odt-HBu wiw deaUoyed hy flre ntflht bef?rr MM. Mfl Uve? were Iflflfl, Tlit- Govurinnent of Cuba Iuih n-nted the eiuba.Kocd plautatioita of Cuhan rcbeU for Mou.OUU ,n uiittlly. The Niivy Dcpiirluu'iit of ClM (lt'iiios the mmmXtm* M a IIMflMllbll tmatBBm ou the MBM of the ?aaaara Daparaaaaaal. (<iuut Scbmiviilofl, wlio anived in Ix)Dd4)ii s.-vpral iin> h Hifo fr*"" _ IHMflbflflJgi wun preaeuted t*> t-uecii V.ctoila 011 Ttie.lay. Iiiforiniiti??u has bt-tn reotivod in London thst the Hhip Cliiiliiiirhain Cuatle wa? wreoked while ou I ni BflB from mmmBB lor Maila, aud lt penona were Urowued. The mail _tM_MM| -BMM Hio dt* .laneiro, wlUittdvice. to the .Uli of DBflflflflbflfl. lflfl arrived at UmIkju. There had l-?*?n hloody election rlou in thu clty of 1'araim, aud ral persoua were Wiilod. Sijfiior (itiimpiM' Divinanzi, MiniBter of I'ulilie Worka, aud Hiiror Oi_iouio !>*> F?lo<>, Mitiiater ol JuBtlee aad KccleBlBBtlc?l AflklrB lu luly, havo real-med. Tinlr BBjflflflflflBflB l??ve uol yet Doeu ?piKiluU*d. Thonian (i. Hoyd of Hwwtwater, Tenn., awiuBt whom i-hun-tia of defraudlDB the (ioTernmeiit , lu ftmBmBA kkto peud-Utf, ttud who waa reported utur drreil ln Monror County, Trnn. last W"JJ?______ t,.,Kir,.i eirotrmetaooea, wta dlscov. red iidajw Toroiito,' w.ll be taiten to Knoxviiu . A bt.ilor in a factory at Charlerni, Baitl-M, erploded yesterday morning wlth mo. t Bta reiulta. Kl-ven 1? rH.,n. were Instantlv killed. and B B-BQBBBB ber wou.i'i.-.l, BMBB of tlx-in in a very serloua inauuir. Knifland hml a fr.Khtfiilly wet (hristra. real rain. we BMMB, and not mrrely tho beavy wet of l>eer ttiiual fo thr festlval. Heveral bishops have al read y ; to Ue e-Wrgy to pray agatust the raiu. Wilh what _ui-<-?-..-_, we have not yet kurucd. Tln- Iiini ixecution tliat liae ______ P-BBB in Madrld Him.i tlio r.-volutlou of 18? oocurred yest.-rday. I ne intne of the con.lemiied waa a iriple assaaaiuaUon. The cuitoiuarv proeeeelon through tlu* atreeta waa pro hlbitrd, hut an litimruiie crowd g.ithcred to wltneia me eiecutiou. Tho BBBB-M-Ip Eric, Captaiin FinklopatiRh, of th<- I'lilti'd Statra and Hrarll Mail Bfeamihlp 0-B> pany's lln<*, whleh salled from Rlo dr Janelro on tl.e Wth of DeeBBBber for New-York via Went Imliap-rt*, vt aa iii_in<l al aea 00 rhe l?t of January off Pernainbu-o. Al' on board wt re saved. Turkey ls not a nicc place for journaliam at all. The (ioverntnent tbere baaa disairre?-blo wayof iiitcrferln-. aud sUmplng out oewipapers, or at leait of ?_ivlng tbem a long and ruiuoua vacatlon. Tho Praco, a B-lfarlna sheet, was put lately Into a itate of . i.|? iniii! aiilination for on<> month, so was the Orakir, an AruieulHn puliheation, tbi* being the ttrth siispeuded ui i oiiMiitntiiiople witbin ao days. Every kind of ra* < alily llouri. ln-_; tnr poliee Ifl notoriously disorganlzed ; tbe (iovrriitii.-iit Ueffective ln nothing save in suspend tag ne*_?papera, and a nlco sort of Government lt muat IK). ________________ WARlllNQTONm CKBRENT TOPICS AT THE CAITTAL. Ki:poi.TKD DBfKBEMOB TS THJi NEW-TOBK CUSTOM-IIOISE. |_Ef_____B_?Tfl TO TUB TKIBl'.NB.I Wahhisgtosi, Wcdncsday, Jan. 15,1873. A wrll aiithenttrat-d rumor ls afloat ln .Vabblngton ro nlu-ht lhat theelerka from Troasurer BBbMMB-offlce aent to Ni w-York lai>t aaatt to a_B-fld-M the accounta aad fiiml- of OM ''u. tom-housi* found a deflcioncy of about #17iiik-i in one ili-partnient of (Ien. Ajthur's offlce?tho rtniioi- aayi ta hba stamp department. It 19 also reporuvt that (,<-ii. Arthur clalnis to bo able to eiplaln the delt OBBBBf in Baak a way that Congress will uot hesitatc to n-llcve blin. CONTESTED BEAT3. Among thr ameudmeiita that BBBBBi the House with taa Appr. I'liati. n Utt, wnn an lmportaat one by Mr. Me Oiary Ot Iowa, which providc- tbat hercaftcr no iui)i-7 from thr aaattBflBBt fund of the Houee sball bo paid t? a coiitestanf for B t-eat iu tho IIoii.c. Tbis wlll have tho .loiil.l. eOect a great measuie, the grow ing habit of OOMtafl ting seats in Congreas as a BBB?aea ?Bdarta?-Bgi an<l obtaiumg an allowance of ueveral iheaaaad <i?iiar8 for asBaaaaa, aud ui?o wttag a taiaa amount of n.oiiry annually to tke Government. lhe cost af these c-utc-.t. U_t year amouutcd to $106,000. Oeatoataata ia des?*rvlng casca w_U doubtlesa be pui.l hereafter, hut the nioncy mu.-t come from a regular ap, propriation of the two Ifoiiie a, witk tht baaetion of tbr I'r.-- iilcnt, and not from tho coutiugeut fund of th< Beaaa, abaaa there i? no accountaMiity. a spectai ln.rtingof the llouse ('ommlttee ou Elcctlons wlll be held on Frlday, .or the purpose of <lect<liug tho appar .-ntlv itit.-riuitial.le caae of conte.sted seat of Boweti ..?aln6t De LBtRB No caso baa been sulijectcd to aMh iuexcu-able delay and nrglU-'iico ou th< part of the per.ona lnti_re_ted as thla one, and If ttiero had been an understandlng ti.iwecn th. ni whereby two lalaneu should be obtained fi.. ii ilu- (lovernment, tho case could soarcrly have been Beaaa 0 eemua certain that Baareawll] ohtatatha ?aat*bal aaaa 11 tata beaoidad to bimat aaaaha affl hav- but about thlrty working days of servire before the BkeetB?oaed __aC_Ba_aea Fur Hda thirty days' MCftM hewill oi.tnin over ti', to say notblng of tbe Bspaaaaa He ts aiso Bhcriifof CbBrtaataa attMhyaya handsoiiKly. The subjoctof the lndrbt.dnei..of the Vmted BtatBfl for property takrn and destroyed by tbe Oovernment aiui. d.iiini. tho rebelliou is one of such great import aa?<? that it haa hitherto been trvatfd wlth tireat caution in ('oiiia-r>-t. on a.-.'onnt of liie BBflakor ol < lalui tliat iiin.t arlHi- Ineh BOOBO. Au apparciifl.v den-rv ItiK oase M that of tbe Kcutuoky Halt Works at Mancbei ter, iu thut Htatf, whoso propertv was de_troyed b.v i.eii. Hiiell topreveut it _llltiK into tho banda of tb<' Id-liel ? Imt thrro are almo.-u cmiiitiess casos equally laal ni,ii 'le-.-i-viiu.. atul whether the coii'lition of tle tiiiiii..-- i- Hiii-h tliat all such may b?* pal.l so BOOB as au tlientieat.-.l. is a I'liestiou which will be wiuuilvcon tes'i .1 in both House... Thi-committee* of both Houses Iin. airreed to ie'_>rtiii favor of |Bff?I tke Balt C'oui p_BJ ti-.OOJ. DOIMB Di TIIE HOUSK. Tin- preeaadlBa-i of tho Beaaa tu-.iay were not of much tateteot. A reaetattaa offered by l_mawor_b was n-rreed to iinanimou-ly, lustni.tin . tbe Wilson Inve.ti gattag ?'..nimittec to Inqiirr Into the payment of counsel lees to nieuibera of tbe llouse by tlu- PaeMfl Railrrail and OMdll Mobilier Oompeayi aad ai<-o wbatbet taaaa corporationa ha\.* paul momy to taaa-BM tho election of any mem'i. i ThU re. olution applles ouly to membera of the lloiire, batIttaBrobahle tbal tae -mUbbio- these companie.. wiMi.-_n.aors will be broucht out in tbe oouraeoftte iuveaU?at_on. An hour waa ipent ln yea and u.iy yot. . on ili.aiii.ii.liui-i.t.. put ui.on the Appiopi;;.ition bill by the Committee of tke Wkole yest.-rday. All of lmport -...-rcu.loptcd, and the bill was pa_sed. Kt l./. i.a _ tlu* bill c-tablishiiiK a territorlal (jovern nenl for tlic lu.luiu Ternlory, known an the Oklahouia biu. oame ap aa taa apoelal order. Parker ot ktleeonrl made a Lodi aod axhauatlve sp.-t _h in favor of the bill, isii.ii im argaed v,...-. tke best meaOi ior completely civllizinic the triiies luhabitliiK the Terntory. t'ouuor of Iexaa alao aupported it. Th.- Boaaa adtouraed without Ukklna anj voto ou tbo bill. Its passage is very dotibtful. lt wlll oe oti.>in.-!y oppooed on the trrouud that tbo ea tai.liihuient ol a trn it.rial icovernnicut would iu tbe ,i,,i iiiiult ni depriv?* tno Imiiatis o. tbelr rrservatlous by lireaklu*. up their trlbiil orKam/attons. If the Indlan titleto tlu-r<e<rvati. nshhould in any way be extin gtuabed a large part of theu- laoda will fallui the hanJb ul two ?r three railroad couipauies. CAREI.ESS LEGI-LATIOX. The careles. inanucr lu which bllls are allowed to pass tlu* Baaata aaatag the iuornlnK hour wa_ striltin--ly illustrati d this BMCB?f tB the debate on tbe bill for the nlief of the helrs of Aduilral Dahlifren. This bill ?m aed tba Baaata a few days a?o by a unanlmous vott;? tbat ls, no Baaatan retad elthcr way upon it eicept tho one who had tho bill ln charjte. Tbia morniuir, when the motion to recounder waa cailed ut> it led to a debate of nearly nn hour's duration. Me'. srs. Lovran aud Morrlll (Vt.) opposed it ou princlple. liuliliuK lhat when ordnance offlct-rs aro educated an.l einployed by tbe (lovernment, and invetit imiuovementa in iirdiiunct* or auiinuiittiou, spendliid the lioveriiwent s time aud usinir Uoveruuient inaterlal to rxperlmrnt with, lhe iii>v>-i-niiit-iit is i*iitltl<:d to the benctlt froui tbe n-Hiilt of tln ir labor, wlthout BatytBg thrtu extra for lt. Mr ( ,irp. nti-r oppooed the bill necauw ll _BlOgatad tO lbe Coart ot Claimi aowere whh-h belongexelaaively io C'a.iiKre. i. Tiie bill went ov.-t at lhe B-OOB of thr luorn ittg i.oiir, and the rcuiainder Of tln- day was ipent upou thoculeuuiir. _ WA.SHlNtJTON XOTES. IBY TKLKliRAPH TO THE T_.I__.._.I Washinutu.n, Wednesday, Jau. 15, IbTi. The Moutana War Clalm bill will be ajot up next IBBflfj day , lf tbfl MiUtarv C.immlttea can persuade the House to consider lt. The IiaiiWiii_ and Curreucy Committee will i>,ii>d aik for a special eveninu sesslon of tho II.>u__-. to . i j im* them to dlspote of a large amount of Iruportn nt boalneea. Th<- Cominitts? on tbe 1'hiladelpnia (entfu mal (elebrattou wlll probably report a bill anpiopriatitiK t_o ouo to pav for orlutiug the stock r<*rtirii*att_s ot the corporation. It la Iwllevod that about fi.itXi.t*O of the stock wiil b? taken lu Philadelphla. Many of tht. House ( oiumilK*'-s ar? uot likely to be cailed attulu for reports thi-. sessiou, aud have diseoutluued their meetfu?fi. Oen. Uutler and K. 8. Hpofford made arftutuenU before tke Way* and Meani Committee, to-day, in favor of a luil to refund the customa dutlea paid on good . burned ln tke Boaton flre. It ls propoaed that theae dnttea shall be repald in c.-itldcatea reetsivable in paymeut of other dutles and It l- said that the bill la a copy of a Um, ].?*-.-<i for the felloi'of .New-Vork mervhanta Just atter the great flre of ls__. The cotton tai lobby ia dilijtently at work, and havlnn i.-inr<*<! a l)le<lK<' of thevot.-sof all tbe ..outliern liieui beni, bas a strong nucleits to tx-Kiu upon. lf tbe tai Is refuuded, over t_s,0(_o,000 wlll bo takvu from tho Treaa? ury, for the neneflt, chlefly, or cotton brokers ln Nt*** . >t"ii iins aml other Boutkora aeaporu, and of speculalur* who have boiiKht up the c.ialius for a uotnlual uriee. (((HNKRAL I'KKSS HI,s|'.\ .OI | Tbe Iiicrelarj- of the Treaaury haa trauimitted to Ki-p reseutaiive Hawes, Chalrman uf the Couuuitteo of Waya and MeaiiK. the draft of a bill. rellevina; fn.ui dlscrinii BBttaB dutles all goods imported In French veat-rla from oouutries other thau France whieh were actuaUy afloat aadbeaad tothe l mml HUtea wlihln U>e data _it-r the 1'resident's proeiamaliou. lli. .-.. u-tm. a__>rt-w-u iiieiids u_ paaaa-e. The Henata Coiunilttee on Prlvib'gea and Kleetlons have .' ii some _o or 30 udditlutial wltnesaea ln re gard to |ha alh ged brlkery aud coi ruptioii einployed In Uae ahMttaaat Heuator Caldwellof Arkauaas. Amoug Uiein ia Hul led Hlait n fieuutor I'omeroy. Tbe ?*?>? B-BBt" lu_ Ot lbe I'ouiiultlt-f wili l.c Uid oa t H??-J ? NAPOLEON, PUKMAIb THE CKKFMONIFS AT CF.I.**.Kr.HrK.*n. rUKI'ARATIONS FOR TIIK OCCASldS ?TIIK RE" MAIN3 VIKWKH HY L-LMI ? MO WI>?? THK PRO*T.S9IO*5?. KRVICF8 AT THK f MA. Kl.? SCKNK8 AI.ONO TIIE ROI'TE AM) AT THK HL'HIAL. I.iiiu . Wedneaday, J?n. IS, IB7J. More than _/>,'X)l"i pcrsoim, including I'miee l.hri* tian, the l'rince of Walen. and 1'ritu e 'I '.?? k. r<*viewed the IkxI.v of the late ei Kmpernr while lvinir m **Ute. NotwithHtainliiiK the pre?_ureof the iiriirw tliere were hut few accidcnte, and tho*** were of ? slight charactor. Qaflfla Vi* toria will uot atumd the funeral in Doraon, hut will be reprc,*nu*d by Ut** V_K.ouut Sytlney, Lord Chamherlain of l_MQ_flflfln_ UouBehold. Tlio iSheriila *>f London liave uuiteti with the Town CoudciI of KtlinhurKh B9ti Ihfl V<a*try of Itiohiiiond in rewiltitionij oi condolcnei* with th-* ex-Kmprc,**. Kngenie. A di.patch from (hi_*lh urst thia nnnniinif *>avs un rncii***? crowila of peopie are BflH-flttBf th. r<- to ? it nesis tho funeral procet. ion of Napoleon. 'methou sand Metropolitan policeinen line tlu* rondway load ing from the hourn* where tho e_--.nipciordie*l t*. tlie chapel where the funeral Mflfiaflfl aie to U-k<< place. Flags are dinplayed at liali-ina-t and Ml are tolliug. .__ __ ___. IaOBixis, Wedn.i-day, Jan. I*. MMa Tho funeral of the late aalafflMfl "' France took place at ChL-elhtirnt this inom ing. Although 10 o'clock waa th<- hour <l< niL'iiate.l for the proceaaion to nrnve froai Bt late residence, it waa 30 minuU-8 after that tim..* when the hearsc whieh wa.. to convcy the retnain. to the chapel drew up in front of the Rr.iiid . nlian>-< of th.* manaion. A deputation of Pflfffl itoil*"" who were to walk at the h.-ail of the proc< ion, ai rived at the bauie time. Tbey wnin - ?? their coats, and cairicd wr.-athsof yellow IvMi r- i . their lianda. On both sidt-sof jbalbMIBI < ?'. iio Iuiperial aruia, .urnioutited hy the leli.i N. A pflflfl crowd, which eteadily increa^d, aurroiinded tlu heam*. Tho funeral Htarf. d for the chapel nf . 1 o'clock, an*l move<"*iii tln* foliuwini. flBflBW: IflBBB lu-aring the tri-cnlor, horne on an flfll stn-W < ut at the laat nioineut before tho cortotfe nrnv. d , thfl dflfl> ntatioti of wi-rkiiigincii from Pari . with BIMOfOfld head-*, heariiig their wreath..; the Bhflplfl-B "f thfl fainily, bearing aloft a colden cruciit*.. tliel- IflM drawn bf eight bfltflflfl. ilriv.-ii hy a p<.-til:<>ti: Ibfl niourners, who nunil.-red 800 in all. an.l B_ataB_fl_l UM Frincoliupeiial iwho w.flM nncovei.-il . Iiin<< ?!? rome Napoleon. I'liine J.ia.-hiui, I'lim. A*-I.i!l<"; then eame M. Koiiher. anl many di_tiiii_iiislieil lm peiialint-, Kngltsh nohlemen, I'an- pn.-t-, .iml others. The Prince Imp**r;al wa.<* very pal.. and BzMWtfld MaaflBBf ahaaaga-flb beha. uaVBiBaa Tin Bm press _u_e:ii.' flrflfl 100 ill lfl the ttt Tlieeolli-: \V!IS enyeliil witli IflUBOl 1.-1I'-* Btti M'llet*. Then wm no funeral a napa of ? ?!<? * -1 _.-1 ?? L i ba Bisliopof .**outhwaik flBBf a BflfaT-flflfl MMa Bfflf HM nuiaiiis. Hewa.* a-.-i.-ien I.y Fathel (....;a..i.i, ile spii-itual a.lviser of |_Mfl_Mflfl_MdL and ali the I who were chaplains at th" 1 uileri.r. .iuini-.' th* reiiru of Napoleon. Mr. Lnt/, the " "t ?kOcatp * Cathe.lral, London, wax prewnt at the flhapfll vith his ehiiir, andcoii'lticteil the musi.-al pflflttoa <?! tim services. Th. remain.i Vflflfl AefflflUfld in th'' m. ri-tv. vhi< ii bflfl been fnnii.-'l into :: MM tu.'U V .lia[..-l. until the i.moval of the Ivody t<> for linal Tho proceiwion wa** very lmig, ai.d the hflMflfl flTflfl nt the chapel hefme tlu- flad ti the MTflflflJfl -fla. ''-Ii ihfl fauiily inaiision. All the carriaK.-.i and |m.I.-i.i.h. were drawn up thr. o BBflBBfll -flflaflflflM MadMflfi and in tliat order procecKl-d to the cliane! Ihe I'miee liniia-rial aini Pl-Dflfl WapdaOB from the .hapel in one flBBB-BBB). Thvy WtT* I tu-< r. *1 by the crowds throuirh which they paaaad. A: laflflfl .?JO.OOO pereons gathored towitm-s Hi funeral pr? (cs-ion. One of the persotis wlia eame from France to ai tetid the funeral limuuht wilh him HMM -"'il '1"K fiom tbogardetiof the tiiilericra. nm.I'h lu B_rava-I over th?- col.iii alter it Wflfl depn_ited in tln sa.?uuiv of tlu: chapel at Chiselhurst. Many I'l-iich *flflfl ?ryere preseut at Chiselhurst, this flflM BBBfi B hil the fuueial aervii es aflflfl takiug I'lace. ??? CBIIfOMllI FI.iSKWHKHK. mfKM in ITALY AM) KM mwia. KOMK. Wedue.ilal Jan 16, I*!!. Funeral wrvices for the late t*_-Fmp. r>-r NaB*> I,-,,,, were h.-id in this city Cardtnal BflM oarte, who waa unahle to go to CkifldbaiBl. ?.*h pre-eut. Milan., J... lfl, i-*ra. Theobseqniee of tln* late BX-EflflBC-OTol Fran.-i were celebrated in thifl city ttpAaj, an.l van i-nt.. ipated ia by iiuinenut* crowiU oi BBOpla. 1 Bl M and Prefect, aud the Mflflfljfl btatioiud iiithe*tty. al-o took part in the ccreuu.iiit-B. BmtammBBBB, MUBBflfl-Ml *lau' ,S* '8,?,? The funeral aarvicafl for Napoleon were beld iu all the churche- thiou?*hoitt tbe country t.-.iay. TBt Kouinauian Court will go mto inoumiug lor the lato ex-__uip**ior. - ORIIVARY. WII.I.1AM llLNf.KRKORPr William Iluiig-ifor?l, the lawyor iu loiiueeticut, died in llartlord >..-?!. id.i> . :xgr M. Mfl waa born at E_*t Haddaui, Couil., M IWfl, w** ?-'i a.laat. fl in VbIo Colleue ln 1-U-, aud wtw aduiitted M Ibfl bar ia New-London iu 1812. Hfl 8Ubrtci*uenii.i flflBVflfll to E..*t lJ.4ilil.aiii. wlneh towu lie flBJBBflflBMfl M Ibfl 1- flMMflaia for six yeara. He waa tlie only Btirviviutf mt uiuci of tho Conatitutlonal Conteution of MMl Iu iw; Ifl MflBflM Uartford and roue to th. head of his pflaflflflMflflL la lt**"' Yale couferred upou liiiu tbe *le_rre<? of I.I.. 1) Hi lias not been ln active pracri* e nluce 1SC0. It i* ?aia tliat Omtet tmmmmmt 'u Middl<--**\ County there was is-an-dy u, mau lu Uae county tliat Ue did not know by u-iuc. Ue had never heel. out of tiie Mflflfl BXCflflH BBflfl flflfll M New-York, Provl.letn-i, and .Spriu/tlel.l. THK UHAKTUN Tl'.IAI.. Annapolim, Jaa. IS.?Iu the Wlunton trial, to-day, the orosn exauiiuaiiou of Van Ner* was con eluded, after wlnch Otk B. L>- Louey waa pai on Iiin ,-l.ind aud testltieU. Tln .<*. liutouy of bolii ia>fl< *>0 ?BBflM related chiefly tn Ibfl ayiuptoius w hn-li Btu-udc! the i.ln. s* of Van BflM alii r takiug the .-?.< lagtr uivi-n hlui by the all. md priaoner. un to ?> myloioa mi tendiug Uie illueaa ot Van Ni s. the tentnuoo-/ of Col. 1/ouey briiig* out no fa. ts iu additiou to whal he bibU-.I ut the Ketchuui trial. After the . rus_-i_a_jiuation of thla wltncae, Mia fci.ta Cbu-b of Waabinrtou we* put upon the ataud. Ibfl Ubu mouy of, thia lady reimed to the purehaae ol Uri?r eitnlii. at tlio MaBBM of Mr*. Whartou. lor the uiunler of lien. Kcti huui. The exauiiuauon of Mra. CBubb will b* couliuucd to-uiorrow. LOLWIAJiA POUTIC8. New-Orlean.. Jau. 15. ? In the Kellog-j Le?ri*lBture. to day. Mr. Johu Ray MM unaula-ot_aly elected Uuited HU?a Senator, to OU the tenn mafla ra oant by the r-Bl?iuitlon of Mr. mmmmyM It ib uinler Biood that b* left tot WaBhiiiirton tnia on The People'8 Le^alatan . ln |olnt aeaaitMi, too* a twllof for UQit?<l Btatea rieuator, loug tarm. with the followlni. r.auli: Warntotb, r.; Mououre, 20; M__.l,.n_i.i, u . Buaaey, 11; blank. 11. Toi*l, U. There waa no eleoUou, aud the U-g.8l_.iurc wlll liallnt a_aln to-morrow. OOVBRNMKNT LAND8 IN IOWA. To the kditor *f Tke Trtkane. Sn.: Frt)tn timt? to time, Kasti'ni meu?aome uf thein froui the HUi? <>* ffew-York?ronn* out to thla aeetlou, twalleviiiK tliat larm. aud rwluable irm-u Ol u?? ??rainent land atill Ue vaeant, aad open to aetttoBMBt uuder the HeoieBte-d law Ibe truth ta tlmt n^rociy l.uoo acrea of Bticb laad reinaln uuclBimed lu tbe flt?i?; and tbouflh a few claluia am vaeant now, it la ??*_..l? o.s?aii>le that they wlll remaiu 80 untll Hpi.Bg. Joh s Bbjwn-B, Btata ImniigraJwn Ammi t*Anm Cxig. lox.,t, Uu i, VttX