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VOi_. V VVll KO. QOIQ. NEW-VORK. FfUDAY, JANUARY 17. 187... price four CBirre TUE CREDIT flOBILIER. THK 0ON1 T.SSIONS MADi: VKSIKKHAY. uro sBHATon mu n_n bwiibbbbitativw <>\ TMI <TAM) ? TH..T MAKK A < I.KAN BBBUB1 01 THFIR nUMBCfNM Wlttt UtmXEB AMI... ti . TKi.itr.a-Arn to thk tribi xt. \ Wi?iiiKorov.i.l:iTi. ttt? Tht- nriiriiiiiI <'r.tiu Otr Mttflf Committee BffflaBfld ta kfl ? IflBflflfll eflflifea ?BBaalto-day. 'iVo Bwaaraa^BT?eeBBeaB-Wia?' |_e Boubc catQ. to make a ffcan bre__t of their traiiaectfcaie witb Oakea Abkb. Theyetoodwflftmg Iheil t-UCBB with Bfl citil.iiiT.ifi.Mil mi. hk. BO many w.hiM.itH.v. flr?_?fl_-<lb>aaaBiBBflje<l ia bobm Beriooa, iih*h1ii. laad ?cic ahaat bt bfl paakhadi aadJadflfl I'ol'uid. bflflflflBf likean old-fa-diioiied l***Ett**ti rai led them np iiml told them flfl hold Bf tinn h-BflB and he flVatB in BBBB. the name tone in whieh a-^hootm. st< r vronld order BB fl-BflB-t-f ***** to WM < ut hia h.-Titl t^> be fernled. The seane -w 11. <.<?.. ttam behlfl ..roadly fnr. ical bv the BB* __.rious.i___ antl ogitation of tbe prta* u, it, wko found tJicir poa m i.uufaally niicoiiiforti-blo one Ifl tlms hflrlat to '__.<_ a fltawd af eaitoafl MDflBfl and of critu ;.l i.i Wl papflfl IBflIBllflfl. BB the nttitnde of per._>i). BflBflaotod ?f .-.indiKt in some dflgfBfl dtdMBBBaljia 1_m tttt eflB-B-flBBg arttaflflfl ~a? lepBeeeatatfra '.! i.f lYnn.\l\iu_i_., -vhoinndeahtirf, fltiaiffat . _ stat. im ut i<> th. effect thut he ttad aflxeed le takBi tea aharea ed Um Cafdil IfobO-a Bteek al Ami... .mii had paid *?i.. 11 i?i U ln.ianna.y, 19*9, Ou odilafu l)tiii_r fnr Beeraed Latanflh Babfleejaaflrtlj he ihflBftdhtflBaad aml eeaeladed not tetak. lt wid !.>?-' I'.if BHBBBB tion 1>\ tab_9| V tfl at-J-_taa.P_-.HU atnrlr aaf b il*flBB Bnfl -aoB-_r__n Uaka Ra h% boBd, und flBjrlBfl Aflflflfl 0 S-nator Put;. IflOB carne BOXt. H>-;i_i.'.l to take hnt] <!ni ;i"t _*. ? the -aoaejr to j.ay f n it. so thfl bartain Wflfl uot HUMIIBIBIfltlW. -taaa thaa a-tarwatd* ea two Becflfltona, be DooBbl ???H iiiion Paeifie ftock o. Amt*, wMe} be plaeed tn tlu baadoofa friea-dJa lf ew-York tor aaiea IK ibd li.'t se. any imj>rup.iety iu i;i. Hflen "1" CeagRflfl hpldiaflthl ?eaa Ihaa ia boldiafhaBh . t mv oth.t piapflatj thal flaiflhl bfl .tion uf Ceagreefl, bal oa whieh ao ..ttl. il at tln time ol thfl pii ator Wi-Bon, in his nanal opaa-taaflflfled ertg ola%t0>] ol Ufl< bi ! . -iv'i.-ii li'- ______ I BBfl! lil" . tha wm i... rflflaoB bfh. na-?to tl.e ...l.ii. rt>teflareaaoaeyeBanah . i.flhisdtdita: hfa great eaia aaai ?f !ii^ kn-.twi p..\<rty aad his peculiaily flflropaloflfl. '.i.lkuin.'inythinKthiit would > in OflBlfl-_aa. Ht K'lil of I of the preeeal of $...^*'t<. hBe arifa. a pertiOB al alneh araa, h) tai?'? adrlee, I | aad how a ahoii tim. aii.i aaid, ii< ?? La| thal tht l oaapa aahned ia aaaM r_-epefle,!and ff.riti_:it mitdbt eeam taCaaflieflaiai legifllatioa teaettia thfl iji_<n<i. n< _? the i.ionty iTturni.l: amea paid , io Mi.. \\i,.o.i with |MB indiridaade, an.l thi. dhndflad t<> Aaaaa tnm ??flu_nihkL.i. an.i a ia,thaloaortothal amount: foi whaa blfl WUb <ii<'<! all fl_ beattttla ?flflflB rlv, ainoiintiiif. to ?8,160; tt?ki to her relations ?edtfl Ur. Wihiaa flafl_al___aede_ Bnea_g tion. tfl heBflrable men in the . nspif-ioim throtni upon tlicni in < onnet tion with tht> .'n.lit Mobilii r '??". .1i'-'i..Ti'."'' iy Mr.Hiblflek,he ad_aittedthal maehoi tbi. hml been ooeaak-oedby Un Lii.tak. of Berera. pataoefl ba aot telHafthfl trheleatoiy laat Fall ii<- aaatad to do __. hiniM-li, hul araa din_._-t_.-J l.j. bit, trifoil? K?-]<ii t< iit.i.ivt- Uuiirliaiii. who aafl the n<"U wsl Ibt?lad t-jflffl. in lhe ('r<--it MohHtf flflflflB .rn. tin:.' Bfl tha othfltfl* aad iimn.ili.-t.-Jy pjaflalaiajadhr-dend in (MaB FttuiE* ataek. He ?adea anlUea eeaBraetwith Aaaefl, i-n.1 thfl dhrt. daDdcwereisdcaaedoii fh_ eeutraet. He boaaht roetloB bondflO- tnu* ahont lli. a,.,,. time for 900. About two year. afttr hfl oaata\gaTfl np bWeontra. t.iin.l rc. tttoi a, KeOejr had imt tiiktu tbe atoek, i<ut lia.i . gread t>> t.ik,- 10 Bharea .... Ames WBfl te ].ut the w.thoni the j.i.yiiit nt oi __Bf t tiu iliviii.-ml.. o\.-r 7 per teward aajrinc tn tha -t<K-k. Why this ? J ou; araa boI < learlj , BBd. .Mr. K.n.y bealoaafl fl^otafterward, nut aaid this loan had notlnngto dowitii ih<- flteeh lie <1. ..?i.ilr.l the ?in to buy Cr'dit B-biUei out fldfl it'.> d tliat it li-J Iia<l _ bare thnneht it propei t.t mve.t tn lt, Um Cfl__-__ittafl a<i.i'.iuiied BB?I rday, an.l the Chaii-BaB aaaaaaeed that they ? d t.i eloei ihe iu.d. tag-ition at ihe next Bflflfl tinn. It is bal Jaatiee te tha Congresumen who an i_Kr-.ii hv thi' t.stitnotiv nnd b\ tbeir own Btate* ii'i'i.w te hatt beea bbobb orleoa eo_cerned ia tl_ I'te.iit M..i.ili. t ttilaii. to ae y thal there _ aaa__fl teabow that tbcj h;t<l any knowledfle o. thi hd lhat tlu-1 inoti 1'a. iii. Bailroad DiraetflBawaaa eaat*. ng witti tbemae] '-.iit Mobiher J)i rt-.tor. to boild tbe raad i.t ? priee lioui.le Lta ,<..t erthal they knew of the enonnon. divi(]rn<ls that wm- f.> bfl declared, Qbthaeoatrarjr*? bb paflBBthat Am<- feepl theai i.ither in th- .hark ea pmJBta. laaiHnfl thtfla ttr BTT n thal Qm elouk -..uid >?? eeljP niixiiralely pn.lKah1.'. h> IBflflBBtflfl* taa thflflfl aal] 1 "t 10 par eflflaX aad la un or two caaea atipnlatitiK loi tttm half lh. ili\ i<l<-n<l. over 10 l? : _ P_OQ_?_n 01 Tiu; invi>i.i. -ii<?\. i.i '.. w. i oni i.i'. -t:\ATor. r.i 11 i:-..\. WILSOB, .'OHN A. him, liAM, and wm. l). KBLLBTi i uai. I'KKkk BtflTATCB 1 WflBHOMBW, .ian. 1?.-Jni)j.'c I'olanti's Bflfl}* ..?,ir*tl_-iit-r IhlOctilt MoMllei ' I.i.i grn i Ui. ni'irtiiLg, and the Hon. Qlaaal B' B.'.fl. Id nf i?, i.ti-_\ hutiiii. whoie n_tiK- ha? tttt ni.ti Hotxrl iu c?>ti..<< tion wlth tiie 'hari_'.-. a j. ..<-:iif .1 l_pfore tbe ('..mmittei volntitatil.i, nnd BBfldfl lt* MltoWlafl *tBtein*tit iincler oath : KR. S-iOI'IVI 1>'? MAII F"i a_aa_ rean i iia\> baaa lu OU bnim <>r Ibti itlni in IfiiidBBI ?!"> ks wlnatevet turplut. however untall, I ?AflMhava r.'.ii. ><ar t., >.?.. in Dflflflfllber, lMt, 1 D*.,i_-ht ot Mr Am. . ai,-,.. beeflfl >,f th" Oaflfll I?].id? and B BBM i BaBPBfl? ln l><atnber. Utt, I epoke to liitu aiiHiiit fettmir tuoif II* 'ii_-e?ted that 1 bhould Itike tht* ' r^.lit Moblli-r ?lor-k. He *xplalnwl that it waa a ?flflflBaeflBBjeaaaeaBjr, ineorporated by the Iyf-ialature ol tn> Ktat*. aod h* would Jik_ to hav_ Home Pennajrl vutiiniit ln it Ina i.rief way be exp._tiD.-_ Ita ol<.|e,t. H* _?id li* W'.'iii Bflfl me some at par une intereat frem flflflflafflB-BlB pet lod hi mv own tmi, oi h*. wouUi jniar ^D'-ethat It would parelaht p.r M tit it 1 wotnd t-ive .ifii earaed aaaa that flaaa, Iftii i thounht I -atiiil.l I. k?- l'.,(?<" <>' it- I t-'ld hiiu I would (.ct the njotiev _n<l *>? bim atalB BefBtfl anvthinji w_* <ion<-, ... j aflfl ealled bome hr BatflBt lllnea* latiiy lai.i y. atxl <iiil not r< tiniil torac daya atter rt.-w-Y.-ii-'?. ^<>id- ; iiiif after, wben 1 met llr. Ames tt,.' (....? ..i.<.ut gfltiuii him the money, he aald b* tBimichl l m?iloo late. A* I <hd not gm him the money b* ii..(_.-*'! I had i.hnndoned lt. and lie tbonght lt wa* i, ..ut I i dtild arive blm tbe UUU9 ?_d 'hen he w-.ul.l aaaerum and nei H it he flflflM, I /tave.lrui dflfl . and foo. hl* n-eeipt. Thll wat Ibe b_Bj of BaaaBfJ He auhaequentl) iuformed me that he.oui.1 trt ih* . Kh fl, nut it waa iu a la./fer bloch nnd lie would hai* t-nftt it BBrtBflB. BbBBB at thla time oi ao<m afiet I BBfl Iuii) l had < oncluded not to take tbe atoek W> ?_.kni it,*- ii,_tiei o\er, abrt I ftnallv a?,r#ed to taka^aome al n * raiiroail t_-t!?riti?a inattitd. Some li.l.tu < Vflfl -ettled tn __<m*?. and I ga?e him hn reieipt. Tbia wa* ._.i_r tba) aame aea. ion ot iougittt nearly fourjear* a_>*>. I d? noi lecoileet ol an> le_-lalatton pemiiUti or ln pflflBPflM at tbat time tbal Mr. Amea waa lutereated lu. I waa aot io ?"o__t? _? wben tbe auhai-i-ea to the I'., ?!,< I were _r*n.?.l antf Hho't. __ata_! tbe aci ef Ob naai tt iflM aif-M Ifee fOaaapaalea' BMftsaejfl ipnority. Tlie leiriplatto:) that eame uptwo or tferot rflflft afr.-r wbb liBtM'd upou tar-t-s siibBi'ipn-nil> dai* laped. aud .viiild uot. therefore. Iinve heen autieipated liy nie _ oth ii)|_ was BflM aiiatii lejrillfltlOD. and (rertiiiiily it was flfll ihoitKht of hv nn-. lu answer to qneMim* of .Jii.t). I'oluud, Mr. Ht*.flfld toBtitl.U ihat In tbonghl Ihe mattoi Wflfl M-ttled early in ?leluuar.i , IM.???; tfeeagfel flfldiiic'endi* were d.. lare.l hy tfefl I'oinpHiiv duruiK tlie time; dld not rerelve any diu .iii.i!' | if ihei-e any tln y wen allowed in the tlnal . a-t t i. turn t , wi tm vi had nn ulea that the atoek waa worth two or three tiiiies itafpar value ; the i .nversatlon BflBwaafl wMaaaa ami Mr, flaaea was m-eidental?it le pat. on the itMflta wMle walfetafl down froin tln f'apitol, and wa* eontia.uil I the Bflfl. \ihert ih. y'h.-th To Mflflrtel - Mr. AiniaaexplBiuod how the iTiiiu Mohiller aun m ana-aal anl il- oli|e< t. Tn Alr. Mel'iiirv?-Uid noi rein.uioei of an; l.-^.tilalloi. Iti Coi'uia-r iii referi nee to the road while h ? liohi ;!. HiH-l, 1/ tliei. ha.l Bflflfl H would not hav. ii.llueu.eil l.i \ ate. To Mr Nll.laek - Hr, Ame. t-aid in Ihe BBBIflfl "f mn \ .i-alloli thathe would like 'n hale MJUM- I't-U-*-.} lvania men |i the tii.u'ju.-i'. fli it waa daoorpoeated bj that Btfltfl, BeaatorPflttflreoaal Ewt Hflmpeblre wa* t_et.i.\w.ii. and niaUt the followintr BtfltflflBflfll : U\y PAJ li CBIOIl'fl BTATIMfMT. I 1.1 u> n- oi llll. I l.MMl. n.i : I have had no tlan ;. UoaflWttfetfefl l nn.ti Pflfllfla KHiiroiid oi With .Mr. a me.- win. h. in iu> j.i-lfciu'-a',, i alla ior iu% aetlfaMea, bi Mluch uu.. re-perla ih BBfl^flflflfl tmmt wonld thmk of entiii.siiii;. Btllla I au. | a.i Ifl n -pontl to .i o.n i.i v itation to ha pie.-cni thla laoralag. aad. wilh jreiu pflrfl??loa, w ,11 five you a lu .1 bai < MMBplfltfl BtfltflMBl of all .-ti thla aaattflB, ao far afl I aat aaaeetawl. i aalaaal OoiNB-Oflfl flftflK att tfee laal ajraatfl aal aahafettae tfl th* l iiion 1'ai ill. BflllflOad ha.l bflfla made. Ilie flfld] lm ll hflfl alll-a 11 Mll' e lll le-pe. t to It, tlie Hl.-.lllli. and puliey nf whiih any BBfl ipie.-tinii-, *u lar ae I knou, aetoflMt, whiefepflaaed tartan aay nrei aaaaflN laCaflflnae, (waaaiataa wrii lafflflflBBd m laapaei t" UmI'n-i.i.-oi thlagrafli woafe a-i aaa aflw,hatIfesTa never rcgMttl i Ifefl rflta I _a?e .il th.i tiuie. 1 then had lltht affnalalanofl with Mr A*a?, fearlag mtrm aoflB bim iittore i flatcnd Ooagi-eee. Ai a later period vn- aera tbrown t?_. tber, an.l 1 rouchl lato Ihe rolflUoaa I. BflflBBflWfeatlat-inat* Meadablp. Neartfei eloa vhtu no uial. . oiiil han-aii:ii-:p..te.t i.nv luill'i hj.i IflttOfl upon tlu- Mihiel, uui sm.M when, il WI i lr-jit tfefl tr.ui-f r Of thfl olli. e flf Ih. ...uipa:.- tl I tou, th.i. h i anl. .-? fltV_B| a < aii-tiiulioii to a piei nai.- in' on a ..tie.-imn ralard unexpeetedlj ... tha ?*?'' rt tii:y oi tha Trsaaar) bbbj bfl aa eeaeidered. Hr. A-Boe flflaafl over to tie Beaata flad iwopoeed l atoek lfl theCrddltMobUier. ii ?-. _i. i at Um Baaa tkal la did th:-. aa a friasd laohlflg to mj iutert-t. Iflaked imn io evpi.iiii tfl in.* v rhal iha <'n ht Mobl a i waa, aad ha lll bo. i thea a-..i : hfea II il u.i- propi i _t.ii K. foi a na-mU r ot Oflflglflflfl tO hflld. Ha aaid he tfeOflflbl il na-. a.- thfl] did not OSflfll t ta BB_ Tui auy fuiiin-r Iflfllfllfltlnn j aad, to glve atn aath view, ha u.eution*ai aereral diatlacnlahfld >:< fltli men, ol aiknowiedj.. .1 latacrtty, who had ettfeai tflkoa m ym j.o-ed to tflfeeatodt la thi Ooawaay, Itfeealaqnired .f bi ifeoafht lt woald baa prodtaflla Laveetflaeal B lilled he dld. fll lhal hflflhoflldaol hflTfl a ll t-i afiinid. i -..n.i i ifeoald bc flad to taaa BBBBeofthe Imt floald aa. aa i Bfld ;'n ameey. "Wfeea jrou Ret Bollie BBOaO] ifblCh aa Wlafe t' iu\'l'.-t, ??.ui Mr. ". oine ta nn. .-.I:-! i... lhall have tlie, Btflflfe." tl tfeflttlme i propoaed Ui take tfea ab-BB. aad, doobl Atr. Aaaoaaxpeotel i abooll; hai i n< r?i foaal il oofl> v< n.'-Tit ?-? taka it i>? torc l oonalndfld it ant he-t fu lak- 11 : aml N Ifefl (>?" not i 'iiii-iii.iiii..i. a. aad i raeatved dlreetlj oc ladlraetljr, om dld uuy oue erer hold toi me Ui trur-t o.n- jia-imy'.- WOflth Ol fltOOh Ol Ihi- 1 f? .lit Mobliler. I hflTfl hofltt th? expllclt beeaoae i havi been iu i ,-sji., f iu Ifeifl tfelfli. aml i"'l I" 1 .-,< i an. lu.arl.ol propr.'.-t. or p*-ieonal Ifltflflfltf lu a Conareaamaa'a parefelalflB or hol.liui. th.i-, more tfeao petmr, wim.j, laaal matAmtm, boada. hank aflBea. baah fltoeka, OC any othei "pi . HM Of properly Uflfelfl tfl bfl ' l.i l.-.i-lal. ni. hut iiimii whieh wa uait antii Ipat. d at tfefl liiin-nl tfefl pilTTlBflflfl Ofl tWOflfl eaeionai, KUli-ii.m utly. I juirehnse.i of Alr. Aim- fltOOl und bonds in Iha Tnioii Paotflc wfeh h were ji a. ? d in the handu nf fl I'ii-ihI lfl Hflfl Voi_ foi -al. . Bt] fi;eud-old them at a ttli prnlii. lor thi.-* BBBflk Bfld lmudi I paid The iiiii mail.. ' p..- I la i? BM ? BflTflfll bf - j'he.-e trflBflfletfoai were boaaMi parel _u.i not azehflflflflfl of sto. k or Uatribtrtkn of .ii\ > it u i- a aaaall lafeatrnflflt. hnl reaapaaMy prodtable, ).ud I I ? . - l"'th honest and hoDoiahie,aadIdoflbtlf tiier.- l- aay moiboi pf Ooa ? ho would deiiy tfee tlflfel or pi BBM iely >>f *-u._i B .y. This || the vvL"k- of my .-oni.ei tion wltbMr, Mi.i-.or with the DbIob Paebb Bfllb-oad. i Iiim- iii-o-i jinii liuilnrii. i-ai-'l any ptopOTt) Of aa] I. l.d Whieh ha.l ani i'i Ilie i taili, lilleet or llitlin -. I, VI lth BD] vot'- 01 puiit ll al ititlii. ni-e. Tn aaawei te qw rtloni of JnAge Polaad, Mi Patteraon ? u thal hl* Bral pun lutu wai In IBBB and lb? otbi i ii, inu. 010X1 "i '..ix. BOV. in WI 9. 11.-..N. |_1 il.l.'.(,!iAI'H Tt) IHI IKIUI \h | ..r w ii-.... waa 'a ki eslli d, and belflfl nrw lilled al lall.ili- : e VI Jly the thiiirnian?The ( ..intniii. t wish in iil.riiee tfl BB] BflajfltlflUflfla IWIIBtlBflClHflBB BatWOflfl you and Mi Ame*. m ielatioti toatoojl lu the rr.'dit .Mo? bilier. A.I li.ue BO writteii atfltOBBBBl Ifl uiake ] I n ei.'iie.l lour invitalion .ve-teiuay : I BflflflJ bfllfl Ifetl in mlflfl m r< ? tfl lt, flad am ieady to aii-\'.i i-;.:n (|iu -tion*. oi make any fllatflaBflBl of the taet- tn t tt in the lirrit plaei , I may -a.l Ihat Mr. Ames dld liof i-on | to nie io ollet ant of hi- et*K;V , Mr. Aflaeo'fl faiaily and imnt* iKiar.led Bt the BflfeM hoaBB, atnl .-at iu Ih r.n.iu-, aml ino.-t of iho timo it t.i al tfea BBflB tahli -; I hpoke to Inui of the punlia.-e .>i one or two n.i.rtguK*- honds ot a railroad in Iha Btate af |owa lat mj wife; one WBB u < tal.ii Bffida lmnd, I thmk, aud Blltrlfetl a Chiea_,'o iiiiii WflfeflflB holid, or ruixur BflOh i.auie; th. money fot the pun hare was her-- i,. iuiiti d to ln i, aml 1 ^ad uo iut* rt-ht in lt Hina Iii or iutlin-i (ly ; peihap- H will Ia- nt well to Mtate how thal momv ea_BB to her uf. muie refereui.e feflflBflflfl made to it m the teetnuon.i; lln HXh ti O.tohel, lrkf'7, Wflfl Ihe aiiuiveisary of our sil 111 weddiii*.'. I i*ad bflflfl Irelore that tiuie for BBflM weekt i.ut of the ..tai*-: my lieichhorg had au bBBB that Ifefl] mitild have a ple_-aut tnue at my Bllver WBlllBC tln i orwtniml B I omuuttte aud went to ttork ; I wao ^eiit for to eoiiie home and univid Bl liome the uuy ixlore ; WB found they ha.l Atn_B0Bd a traift of ears liom IinBton, antl that a jrreat many )..-oj.I. from tne aBBBM part of oi.r Htate liad Im-i-ii iii viti_d to i>e pre?eiit; U"-re wan au hflflMM frnmrnmamB tt iuy towu.-men aud many peopie from difleront i?art? ..1 the_tate, lmltiding ?ouie putdie men ; Mr. isumner wat> there and a la _ct* nuuiber uf fentlemen; they inade ).i-_eenU to iuy wife of aeverat articles of eilver of BB Kreat value; then I leaiued ihat a Ruh-crlption had t?->-e taken up in my own town, uo paB?*oii aivlnt; more than 110, from which they had purfha?ed a biImih.! whi. h wasjireitenUd to me i*rs?nallv, worth proliahly fn.m |6<?0 to ttoo; eterythiiitf el?e nreeonted eame to my wife i Im foi* the Lompany m-parali-d, t-imeneutlemau who wa. in the inii-reel ol this o.f*!ifdzatlon, I tbiuk Oot. Claflin, I nm not eeruin, plaeed in roy a pa< kage whi. h, on openlnK nert day, I found to eontainCB.800 aa a present lo my wife, witli the namet* of lb? pe.ntoni.ontriliutlnjr it, none RivloK lore thau laoo, iuobI of Ibem 1100, and u good many |S0; I think thal Mr. Ame* waa down for (r"KX>, ?ov. Claflin for ttmO, Awo* lAWtence of Bonton for (COO, Mr. Alley for |100, snd >o Ofl; lt wa* her projierty , every dollar of lt wa? jflven to her: 1 never eonHldered any dollar of lt my property, dlreetlv or Indlreetly. nor dld lt ever eomp mto roy po*. mmsioh: I f'-lt a WMa BBaaJtltflOfl that mhjeet, partirn larlv r>?raii?e a newapapet in Ne-w-Yoik had note.l the fBi-t and made rnirnnen. on it, to the effeet that thla ?flfll-v waa loaned to my wife for the purpoae of BBB*tag tli la atock tr un Mr. Atn.; I rejieut that Ihe money **.u* i.iiM.liiBely hrt> ahe Inveeteil, throutrh my ivdv1e*->, |l,0*ei of it whteh wa? a total lo*m. and I in_<le II up to her hy BHVinf It o.n ol my ?nlarv ut a time when I wa* in dent \ for ali year* hefore that I had l'**en lOntlnUBllr from ?r.?00 ti> (r-.dio ln tafet) IhHt was n.y eondltlon Bfcflfl I eaved tbia $i,.?io kikI reiNtid tt, aa I *>Kid. ih*. BBB-BBMfl-ll in * iii.i?ir A'te. I liad panl il l.n.k to iuy wife. 1 BBflB_B to Mr. Anu - uui waiitmi io iret one ot iwo i.ondi of him; Mr. Ariiera, a> I unflrralotxl him. aaid he had noi ihe ii', any rate, be oalii he ronld aell my ?ife aotnetbing vihnii h? tiiinu-hl wm better tban lhal; my wife wa* preaent dminf- tbe eonreraatiou with bim ; ke e_.-.l it wa* the iVedit Molnlier nock 1 knew notblnir ol ita v aloe. ?riftii, or biatory ; I would not bave paid Mi cent* on tl.edollar for H ol iv> *?-_ ,uOaa.?i t . I Uwfl Mi Ames that I did not f_Mi?>ve In hts atock that I ia h.vcd all lhe money put in tbe ranflr ,I_ailroad would Im loat : 1 ha.l made a agtteet bflflBM tti. war ln wh! .h aUtnipttd to flfllBBItiall that ...'t, aad I never . Baaaal my mind in r< BBd to it; I wat. af coiirae. ttronjrly iu favor of bulldinK the road. bnt I boll? > ^d Uie ii,,rn. j Mr. Ames aml otkera nut Into lt would 1 . Iflfll , Mr flIBflfl *ald he would flBflflflBBM tbat lhe st<?k' pa) tflB per eent, on condltion that lf N ' UO timre ih,m thut he should h.ive om-half tiie BSflflM I ' thoagM ttii't aaa bbBj aaoevh, for i BaHeteB m Ma ?tttaaah i <iid mt tnke his afleta e; l aaal t<> bv. ?\lli_- about It. aud asked hl. udvi.-e; tfl fl w.i- B-lBj Autuinnof Utt, probabl. in DfleflMB*. i : Mr. ABBJ ?- >1,t Mr. An," iii.m .iit beater af it tflaa aa tki, Ut Oui 1 wn- HBflfl rnoii-'ii wfth Mr. flJBM'a -uarantee, un.l bB mi-.... d iue to t.ike it; after thi*. my wifo and royself caaetadel (Bal her mtmey Bhaali bfl laaflfltbd iu that ...ik? liftlt: time iifter that, a few weeBS gaa*t*g*i uii- flaaaej. aai paid to Mr. aaaa, and bfl paa bta raeetfl fnr it, asreelafl ls faralal taeatf Bharea af th. ateehaltb Bka laaaaahM I here; t>ef?re t._rinK Ui.-money, however. I n-ked Mr. Ames if thn - w.a to is- any BBOn lBfl___aa on the snt.J. et _ the I'i. Hl' Baed; ttn.r I ha.l it a r.ile never t<> UO BBjrtBtBf wlurb eould be aff.-.-ted m any way hy lcjri-lation; I do ii.u raflflfl '<> aqr H ta arraag. let ithai bbbi taaaa le uw" i ilway or bank sc<uiltie.T, or aiT'hlti- of lhat kind; ever. i.'di B_aat ptig* fnr blaa if la reeard Ifl ".at. a ii.< i i.iik roflinoa. Mj paiHlna aae aaeeaafl?eBfl_haTlBfl learaed earlj ka iif>- that h aeer man <aaaat <io wh;it a rieh Baaa < an, umi tlial .. man wlio ll not a UWJU I annot do what a law>< r tn..\, i Bflapefla altb iaialetlr. doj ' eeaaa hBta iha r-i oata iron. a in.. bawkfa tkwg \ i bad ? baaaa aaleB _ a) eeetan ebeatflMflB,aad wimi. i bad paM fBrs ' w,s (toliiL- sotli' little l.USIIiess. Wlll. h I I Bflfl_ la Ci.ii.'re*-1 iii'i-t glM apj Iwoaed up my be ufl aoMoat wbat atoek I had oa baad; i an* bm?M iboea ; i *.)id m> ihoe, paM all uy tahta, au.l had k a lk_.Bi.aao niiii. taaaa timt ica_a k_*aaaa_ laaa** . unl i in...;. up my uiiii.i, aflX --i?i, aarei le t tha owaer el anj lavuailjr whtah woald ba Bfl?eaa. '>y ],_-, .i,.ti,,,, :i keeaaaa eaeb ewaerahlp aaaM tt wraagi bafl ea aeeeBBt af my peeBUar i,(,ii; Mr, Ibbm tell Bad -bal taen -Bfliala tion v.i- wiinfeil in ii'.'iii.l to lh'- PfleiBa road , 1 told hiin if an\ matter ot 1. _i-iati.ui ttamUki tttm BBBB ni,. I iflOaM .leiimn.l my trotiev bo k : tlmt I BaaM not lajrthiafl i" Aa atthtt; Baaaa thaa afta ?md-1 Ju M.i kaaa baa leaa. I toeraedthflM ?... Beaaa dlBl ln riflanl totl.e t". M. ; I aaw soiuethitu. aNnit it iu the I,.,,.. !<?: I DOn.ull. <1 Mt tB*} Ut one or tWfl othi-ra ln i>-1.0,1 t" it; I "l.'l uol know tliat uny BBB eise m C ?mgreaa win. in t-Bfl-UBer BBeOfl MT. (Ul?M. MT. Aaa K,id m*la thpeoavaraattflB tu aai B_a I keld Mr. OrBaea .-oui-- to. i. .iin. ii he bfld learaBteed ntiiana-iB] i i aaBefl Mr. olUy whel fh<-<- lepaiB* aaaat, aai wu. tfeei i" tti n"t kifltalatlna aaaM flrew Bal ofthat, llllllliallll- U.y intellt .?ll 10 .ive up the I* eeipt f,,r liie slo. ?, hfl told me tlnil I w;t> .i ry IMMaB tB fllBB it up : I n pll' >l I - i.iuld i. -'.ird it __. ,,n Ba onplete i.aiL-.i.n, Bflfl I sliould d.liv.-r up Ihe IMelpCi I told Mr. Au.c- the sume; Mr. Ames l_it_li<<l ,,i ,;? ? thoaflM i ?as Balaa a lery tooBab iMaa. ami adflaad Baaaal t.. n\r H np i Beeaa httie taaa aftei I ina. le for MM, B-OOfl ? -.(t l.-m.-iil of the in itter fl :th MT. Aini??>; ______Bfl the Int. reat -he Waa allowed, $81* a* proflta iu the trauaaetiou ; that mo ? I j.iuiiieii f<> Mr. tmm, reeet- ai beekcaly tho a_aae_r i paM, imt 1 in;..!. lt i.p 10 _BJ ivif ? from my own . un.l _.-: <s I mu.). I I'Ki.iil.'l it ii. a lnrLMlli not . "ii ,1. ,1. .md Im. k.-l oui baaaaa el my aagtahmwtm tnm wbal i bad BB-kered freBi tv.<- preeii tiat tbere i ___c_ty taspeadtefl i ! <h'i flel k? ii nlflbl not leiid le Beaaa lefljfcdatleB, iad 11 to ba mixe.i np with .mv -i,,et I'oiii i ii< aBketed bjt 11; the triatii: v.- i-tf'-il flfl 1 . t..t.-'l j ||M t-ltwlil.h \..i= flOawed mv wife, I paM iron. ..iy own earnt' ttn r< bad beea BtByflBB daa at the time ;??< haeaaaa fr?ui | tl .to.k. I would not have tou.hed a ilolli.r of it. !?? eaaea I de_iad ta aa aal oi ,ih. n... paralag ir as nn iu fa iuBBB -BflNBatB. Q. If I ttuderstand jon, your wife rceeived froui Mr. Auicaei.oOOand 1? l_sr ot-nt intereat! A. 1 will tell .ou I ? i\ lmu that waa: my wife reeelrod t-->14 more thau waa paM; that *_u i inaiftinB. ie M:. flflaae, and paid il,. n.oney to my wif. oui ol inym'ii __H_BlaaB. so that slic mik'lit not leea l>y Bj 1 atu, thn.itota, n _tlly liBIA poorer,eadahall beaatll i fltoalBradrlelacajrwtfaae lmy that stork ; lhat .- ;.ll lheie is aU.ut )l; th-n, lf the Caiuuniitee artll flllaa Baa t" BMfea ba i iplaaaUn .>r aay wife'* )toi>< rty; aba bad lhe K.non laereaeed by ln baa eai__fliin latenatfee aaeal four vam] aba Had tai Mlj UN' I seltliit flf tlllv Bl tln- I'.ill o! IflflT; i toM bar Ihal thk peeper*. wwa\ i" berato-_a> ? i:. 1, -iie a11- .i: .1 i.iii'.uuteii to kb.iov, aterj <lol ..f wlurli BBB flaaj away, tl,<on ol it to tln> ihiireli fif utiieli .-!*<? BM a uiiuii.ii, f..r Ue Iit of th. p. oi. iin.l thfl nat of lt |fl flflfl own Inemls. I.< i will bflfl Bflfla relit'ioualy < urtled flflfl?Bflfl UBfaadtaaal] earrled aatt aot?_#___?? thfl pci <u' ilrea io har aa bei tDtat aatMlflfl i b ira Barea had i.u> keaa lit, aml ne\i i . .,1) ; >oii Wlll aiio'.v me to aay. ul?0, u i io the ..ui'mtit iha reeetred nt the aUya> an >i diaa, iii.ii bi\ n.i.- tiiii'i.- up, a-1 -i.i. ii. tha bflflfl ahieb -lie. investe.l, hv mi a.lM, e iiml loHt. iiml liii\:tii.- tu.iale up to hir tli. am ,uni ailoweil ln the -i ttleux nt with Mr. Aaaaa el UM, i aai alteflathaa ti.?n peaaat than II *i.e l.ii.l t? ver r.ieiM ii it from her sih. I we.lillii*;. atul Bfld ti.-vcr invest.'d uuv iti t,h. < r<<lit MoMlier; I am now i ? .ni v ia aflawaa anj bu -a..ii- tin t oaualttea naaj t<> ask. y. At ilu tiii:'-i en s.'ii',1 np tbia butlneM with Mr. A im. . .unl tha BMMMJ BM flhM tnuk. y.ui BBBfla lhat the flivl.letid. froui |he l Krilt Miiluii. r at Ihal tlinc mM Bmi A. luip.ii tlu' ,.ti<l lnienst; tberawaaone fllililaaflnf BtflflaiBBji 1 thii.k, whleh,wMh tg* batar* aal. ahalemi It aaaeaatad ta,atatt BBIaafl aaBa aaaM in the Bflgraflata iui. ^i 11 .'ui: I i B-YAIfl ai i ol sr. 1} Mr. Amea only paM the inoii'-y aml iat<-re?t tfl your .. it. . iiini ion iniule up the siiiii, so that she shoui.i io_< ii,ittnuic t'> ii.iii.i_- taraeeire the dlvMeadel A. Yes, 1 made il up to her, aml at that time I bad not Hflflfl la tht woriii. i.i'ii pajrtag aay Behflai ata had i. iiuie liome win. h i itii h. i win ii 11 nn. t' oaaajN-fl . i kni'iv the une. rt?inty of life, and I waiited her to Inn: ahou.e : I ha.l flBB iiisured my life for |.l,:o<i, whieh sh<* would hav. had; of eourse I miii- atnio is tliat < ,,ij flollar ?he bad ahould Ih- uted to tl.e hest advantaK1', a?> thal iti ease 1 wa? takt n awav *hc would flfll I.e left tflB tituie ; as for mys.lf, I flfliad flflthlafl about money . tho onli ?|-eulation I i-ver made ainee I have lieen ua. t.'i.ti >?],.- _ais ln l.ii) a loi in nn own town foi Mflfl, ti* t?>' iioilii r to plant a-arden on ; aft<r BBflflflafl it for four yeara without rec-lvlnfl any re.nt or intereat, I aold lt Ior |?)0. Q. Do you reineinher the tlm<: when thin transacluin was elom-il with Mr. Ames I A. I thjnk it muat have lM-<-n in I-eeetnlKT that the/money waa paid, aml<. time iu the Winter, in Febmary ot M.ireu, and orohably paid hark in Novemher, Imbb ; 1 may he unsttikeii aa to tl.e date.. (.. I?o you tei olltet what it waa about?the ('tedit MoM Ikt whnh vou saw in Ihe newspajM-rs whnh diaturbed vou t A. I saw somethiut: Ifl tlie newtpajiers ubout aome I do not ni'ollei l what it waa; there was some ill.puti-about it ? I did not kuow unythmc ubout thfl ?"redit Mobilier; 1 dnl not kuow where they made fheir money, ur how they ma<le it, aud I <!<> not know to thll day; I have no d.iatft of myn_rht or ihe ilRht of any other man to invett In bank or Uovernment itoek, fac Torlea or anyjother propertv that ofher |_-ople invett in ; I bave no doubt of the legal uud moral right of a member of Congreaa to do It ; bnt, aa I bave aiated, my own rireiimataueea and eondltlon wer? pt-eu haf .< -"tiili ik ber? a- .. j.ooi in, iri wn li uo profeasiou and do iMiup.ition out ol f'oii^rfM by which I cmdd make aiivthniK Im yi.nd my salury ; wben tbe wai ..peiii-.l 1 ha.1 about ?_,(.-) whn h I had MTfld, when tbe war e.losed I waa mauy bundn <1 dollara In debt; I bad flflflfl bome ami lahiad two raalaawta aad two betflarlM at i.oge- ou pflflflB U tnjw-lf I Iiii.i served iiiunv tnonttis wlth ion MeClellan hett. In Washiii-1oii, pa)iut; my own bill .<Iflflfl f.u the foraa.' ot my own lu>ti_5_; I thlnk I can aay that untll tbeclone of lbe w_r do aolcBer ever asked me for Bj-BBflf thal did not gat it. waa BBBflBBflflBfld ; I Wu- t huiimaii ot Ui. ( ouiuull'-. on MUltary Aflfuiis in the 8euaf., and my ofliaa waa vltrted .oiifinmijly hy (rreat loiiuix-r* of soldlera aud "flii < r?, I aay thut I BflflM out of tbe wur in d. nt and uutil aiter thi* ObflflM MoDiller t-anaaetioti 1 bmti flfll tl.onc, and I would aell all I bave lo day to onybodv ?ho wnl lalai n.i |.:,|_ r:.v?ainl i..i4 my debta I.t l_._t, tbia money 1 bave aaved dui it._ tbe 1h?i fonr yeara by wrlt ?aj tor The Veie fork Indi ueto.tnt. II I bad nat writteu for the newapapera. I abould uow be BtmWt "r tl0.-00 m debt: tbat ia aay fluancial i-udluoo, 1 bave uoiu noth ini' aa a iu. i_i.*. of Cuu?rt_t? tbat I did nol fi-.-i I bad a ;. imi and o <?>.. . ?rbt t?, do , and In r.jrard to iuy oflielaJ ALBANY. ea THK LAW MAKKKS AT WORK. A QVBBHOB *'K taxation?BO-UBI IBflJMaAPI ?I NI.W KMl'.KANT QOMMUPOM A NF-W 'NM'HAM'K >ITKKINTKM)KNT WANTKIl? TIIK. I IITiV yl .>TION? H-OOKLY- 1111.1-*?THE B7ATSB M I'I'I.Y. |H*"44 A HK.l I..._l rollKM.OMMT Of* TIIK TRIBl'MK | Ai.hanv, .Ian. 16.?Tho flL-tiou of * x* niptinj I ond- ani| BMftfMM froin waadiBeuaHed Hl preat Befth bttt Idft Winter and deeided adveiwly, eaine up Inilueetly in the Henate fhie morniUK, ou a mo t am to lake from Ihe tahle Henatnr WeiMUiaun'a re.Bolptioii inotruiting the Judlriary Committco to report a bill in a -eor't .nie with tb*>| liovcrnor'H roeommeudations ou that Hin.jett ln Iiin anuual meBAug.. Tho diacu-islon was mainly <<intiiii*<i lo the proprlety of in-truetiui- the Judi < ary (oniuiitteo ?o early iu the AOi-iou. and tho reenlti tion wm tinally laid over ; hut tbe faet ?a? ini-l.leutally Iflflfllepad that u ma)orlty of fhe ftenute wa*? iu favor of etieuipting haalfl and mort_ca??C- from taxation, and a bill euihod.loi. the tiovernor'n recommendatiouB will doubt bflfl)paaaalaflpae. Bflaaaafl-t-fi the iaeelea_ Henator 'liem.Mi lijiieiiu- .1 thi- -MtCB-flg hl* i hiirfcr for New York, the leu.liiiK |feaiur_8 of whi.h have|_een alr. ady not. il A iiiiinterof bllli* foi Bflrffl-fl rallroads in New York (Ity im ro.1.1.eil in the IWfl llmlie* lo-dai. Aiinnii. tli.iii wa- nn. fr.,m *-. BfltOf Bflfll diel for al. oxteimlon i.r third-st. road. that Bflflfe '1 the la"t I/>_l*la 1'ire. .-a ni i,, ii,-,,* paii*eucern .To-ielnf Ihe 'i uirtv-fo-.iri!? -i. ferry. The bill tfea C.uu pany to. Ktflad if- traek from Twenty-thlrd st , up Her oml- ave., laTaaatTBllh-Ht. thence iuto -itnt-ave., BV ?.1 ? rinriv-foiulii-t., and -flflflflfl t? the furry. 18 BXtflfl-loa Of thfl traek on the I'i.le uf tlie Iiiwii np Tm iilli aie. (WfeaaOTOB Uu -ami _ia I Im. oiwned) to Thlrty-rourth--t.. iu order to aeooni tiiK lui-iii'"*? Bl th*- BOW Alanhattan Maii.t. a ni;! w.m -Ko uitnMiin. .i iii ti..- BeaaBa tor a tewaradroad,eoaiflaflaly known ae OmMty'i ttmt* town, hSgtaBfeEg Bl BM ,00t (,r ''hn .opher-t-t.. Koflth Birer, raaatag tbrouirh Ghrtatopfeaa la Hu.l-a.u, up Htidi-oii to Fnurtecnth-if., ihrointh Kmiriii'ith-.t. i.i Foiirili ave , up Fo'irih Bflfl. to Heven te> iitn-l., thrOflflb S'-veiiti eiilh-el. lo -ei ond ave., ii|. Bflflflfld a..-. l., TBBBlJ IBIll Bl. and thrmi-h Twenty Ihtrd --:. t., the f.-r.-y ut tlie fttt of Tw.'iitv-tliird-nt. ond Baai mtttt. Iu the kmmtmmmiy a -Ulfa.e railroad bill Wflfl tiitnaliii .-.I l>v Alr. I'.!), whn Ii j,-niliroiii> pretty ?Bflfll all of Ihe |awflt part of lbe .-Ity. It Baf-BB nf tha* foot of Tflflatj thlid ta oa hflta tfefl North aalB* H 11 . aal .n it- ' ir iu nmi. rtiii.i fliroiiKh Flfth-ave. to H a?h lBfllBflB?|?lfl. flOlflflfl th>: -'iilare tfl LaflBflfl '-t., th'-ta'. i. 1. IflB tmttEWMJ, ( aan, n i ? Bt* BflP IflBJ -:., < Blflfeel.! <.nei.wiiii--i., oorttaadtflt., New riiunhi<t., Matdfla. line. BBatfl -t.. W'hit. -hull-.-t , MoBlM fll.' I -y-t.. l.urllng Up. aad p..i i ?f th.; lowfli ei.d "f Broadway. Ttt lm ui - pfltatOCI n.i iu. I in the bill ure liot. .rt 9, Taylor, 9m* Mind fl Bfllfllaal. fhflfl ? (iadard, .ilv.-ter M. i'ye, 1-'.. il.ill.iiK.kf.' I-'. 1)., Wm B, D ' joiin MaB-ttt, ii. >'. iha i .-< k. aml Oyrmt Pflaefl. Aiaenihlj man BiffliO llitl oducol n Mfl tfl I reat" n new Bofli i of Coau-flflloaarfl <.f BaaltraHflfl that .s11...i ha more in Ini: inctiy with tlie dotnlualit part v. Hiu li a bill, II will h. i'.-cille.?"??(]. p-.-ai-d Ihe la-t LaflMflM^-flflB iin-e:.- .i I.,. . - -1. .11. imi Wflfl IflB tti poflkfltfld b] ...I-.. lii.iiinaii. ihfl < ''is oaaaed m laM yottf ? l.l.l '.u lfl BBflrly Bil different lla.r, thflflfl ui tm%\lil'e bill, ifefl raaaoafoi tfea afeaaca iia-m.-. prabably, muuo of tb* men wbo wen qenaidered cood Bep BTlaterare aow olflaaed aa hflreUoe. Iha meu who are l. ,?,?..' .,, v- ai.-.iyiuiu Biglfli Bfl -ulli' ,'-i-tly orfliai lOZb '.? Iflflflfl-d in Iiii Mll ar.- Hii(_li tlanliiiT, William i-iim'. ei i.',. ..,.? Btarr, Mm?I steiiiui.soa.jor.epu .larlt/en. S aflBBBB T. Bt-flflflar, OBB-flfll ...n. and B I i . , , i iianil--aiina - ar. |0 BflMflBBM Ut _ ear-, aini ai>- to till all vaiain.i. rl Bflflfllllllfl iu the tlinr*. At thfl flfll af lflfl BflflBB tlie>aleto Im_ ap p..!nt. ii h>- tfea i lumia. suhjeit to tha eoalftltm of Bfllfl, The old CouiuiiK-ioneri aro M Ko out of aflBfleaa aaaaaa tfee aavaaaflfearfl lafllBBfll by takini? Ifefl ofli'ial aatfe. The new llo..rd Is to Baffl the -am.) ,K,v.,-i* ...iii i.i Bfl lafejoetto the eaaaa Iawb aal mgalfl a-* the ol.l. The i?>*-ition of Baperlfltendf 1 <>f Ifeflaraaee aoema to ),.a.,a uiienvial.le om- Ifl ihe flflflflflafll. Lflflt year Mr. MllIlT W .< Ollted to ..llk' lalailll fail B 1 tl-ptll *l lllll | bllf the rippninttii.-nt nf h:--ue. <?--,.r beiii. ln the hands uf ;,:. ,,(i|,. nQoreraor, i Bfeofla _#tafce Bia aajm Haaa la ?ahtflfl it- Wh.-ii he ilul m ike it, however (tfl WafflBBfeflB u*'). h.i. etai I* paraofl aiika flaaxflapt-Mmbie aa a i'e tiublleaii in- ar, n man, and he wa- promptly > uiiUnneil hy UM B I .Ie, fll- h i.apii 'in 1 'a !n; ll. -ei-ion :tt tht tiiin' aape.-i, haaeal bflalneaa, Aithou.i-h no law ,]:.,-,, . . Chflflfl ni'- p' rocold or ;.. t-.iiiai eharaaaar, ????.,. ad] Bha aaafletaad tho idea thal i.i- appiilmiiiiial By Ihfl r-tt-lflfl Oofflraor, who was ? n mmtkly 00Oip_?BBtOd I'., Bifl rtUi'.e.s.-or, OU the .lay .it tfea latt. r'B iwaadjfliflHaB, wa-, aaaaa _ub oi utliti, dieieapanlffll lo Qefl-Dtx. Th.* orthodox BepabU-flflfl an ttrj lefldar ol tfefl fee.iii.i,--. ot ihe , > Di n...eral ?ii" Baa MtaB> aaaM over to their lanW-, aad Bfljrtfelflfl that i ih ln- fortun-d Itlto Haiflflflflfll r., iitni i Bla i ? Bfll laaalt tfl tfefl wfealfl Bepabli i au party. Aaaflaflrfl, Oflwall Ofefl#fla_fl, a Hadoaii Bapabllefla, m.i-t Bfl aaatal freaatfeo oflBeeof IflBetla i.iuk-i.tor Eaaaiaa i I d-Uafll Waala, b Imaj Baai ti"- uflliflap ui .ii>_.. Btlafl BM Baaaaaaaa. Hda B the th.-oryof the lall inlioiliieeil I.y A.-.-en.lil) man Bflhflflflh of Bh-fBBfl, t!n-nn.iina_. -o Jar a- ll Bflfl any theory \lxlhle to tfea .. rhe iiiii paavMaa tm tha BSfl-rattoaaf the t.iui <?! ifea pa -. ni Baai rtataaafli I aa Bha ath al Pflhtfl Kt, flfll flflflfl tha appoii.linent "f liLi BflflflBflBBI to i...i.ii.i, i.j ami mili tn. fldfllaa ami Bflflaaal M Iha neaate. ll B tot pafloiflHj tii"tii-hf h.-re that tfea Baaefla mii r-tiiln.jr lUelf by iflflMfll tht Mll ihiouwh ihe flffflfl I|ini-e. Aaaemblvman 6lapp BBBWfld - letoiutmn Miat WBfltflflfl tfea Qfl-orflot baa r.-eon.ini niied tfea repaal M Ifefl bntt lawa, aal Bbfltaaa tfefl fanalfl| pflfalatMa aaa baMfltfll la ba feaerall] appuaad lfl flflflB iflpaat, inerefon*. in i.i-der Ihflt i<ieiiib<i.i mav Bflflfl all BflfllfBl inlormaiioii ai. to the real w?nfltni iii." of their BOf-tttaflfl-B, tho per r-.ii- who pi tltiou for tln bl Bflfll Ui i.ipiired to give tlieir BaabMaa ami aaat-MBflBi aaal flflwapaflflfla Ba refljaaaBal t? pobUah BOtlee of the re.iuireuient. rjhyloi k-s will take VBfflBBJ iteeordlnKly. A Inli waa intrixlueed i-'ivini.' to the Sheriff of Kiniti County the apnointmenf of all offlrer*. for courts; aNo, a bill ineorporatuiKit eompany with |.V),000 eapital, suhjeet to BBflflflflBfl to |lt-),oT?, to Bt called tho induntnal Kxltihl tlonS.?iety or luetituK a eort of Hrooklyn " iu-tltute." Alr C-Bff of l'utiiam introdtieed a bill to authon/.e the. Ne iv York ConinilB-ooner of PflMM Works to piireha-e lakee in Putuam Uiuuty lor the purpose of addiug to the eopp'y of Croton far the inotropolltuns. Tlie first atep lu the oouleel-d aeat ca_e of Cogsswell BUf. Oakley, from Klnx** County, wan taken to^luy hy tfeflVaflflflflfl of a reeolution authori/injr the Mfltt-BM and Kl.etiona ( omuiitt***. w* ?end for pernona and papera or to go to any part of the MflM to take toatlmony. Tllt ANTl-ADMINI.-TKATION I-KKATOKIAL CACCUS -JLTM1B WIIKAroM NOMIVATI'.U. |Bi TKI.KOKAPH TO THK TKIBIHK | The iJtmi.eratio aul BBBCM for the iiomii.iitn.n of acandidate for r. H. Senator to he voie*t\ for next Tuesday. was held lu the Court of Appcala room, thia efflfldflflt, r-Miafor Tiemann ln the chair and M roembeni preaent. 8enator Murphy made the principal e.K-e.h, in whieh Bfl "ald that the eoallilon of indepen dent DaBflaoaaM and Repubhcani formed at Ciu.-lnnati Wflfl BflflBI .ui pnueiplea* that would aurely puvail tn the end. ain! BNBflflflJB ihey were deleated in their tbat bat tle, oiiii.g |a lailBBfl Baaaaa, yet they were uot daunted or Hahflfll i. ned. The election diowed that a iuajority of theq.i.line.lroterBlu the fiilted State* bad not eaot th. ir bflDitofflfl (i.n. flranf, and it wbh only necewary that and pood feelinc ahould he kept up among the BVmmbM of op]H.-ltii.i. to the pNflflfll doipmant party t? un-aie Ita ultimafe overtlin.ii-. IVfl eandldaleB for 0.9. H,n,,t(,r then pat in nouilmitl^fl, namely, Jndpe fliarlea Wheatou of Dillehr-B roonty, au.l ihe Ilmi. Ileru v Ba HBBB) of Monroe. Tlu* tote utood 34 for Wheatou aml ll for Belden, aud, on motion. IfllfB Wheaton'a ndmlnatidn wa* in_i_i unanluiou*. Both of tia - .*-.. are known Bfl liflflMU Republleana. Tbe only oihei . an.iidate nuuied ifl the rauru** wbb Fernaudo Wmxt, i,.|t hia name waa withdrawn liefore a Tote wbb taken. Till < OVSTIII TIONAI. COMMISSION. Ai.BABT, J?n. KS.-At Uiy WHsion of Ihe Con -.titntii.nal (i.minl-Blou to-day tbe followlnc aildltional I'unui.iti,r WM appointed "* Ut tdamtlvtt*! ItimrmU ?/ tke ?UAI*~t)r,.i. laaiterA K. tia toa pUBaa^ aa8 liafia. . _ . ? _ I'he i.-.. et.nii whrtber the iiamav u < . i . ? tne nana inr aud luBiiranrr DeparUnenU ahould u prrainbed by *k* ?.?__tiiuuou or i-?B*_laU~i br law waa r*f?rw-l le Ue OMBflflBMflfl tm -Uto Offleea. Mr. Opdvke MfiS .t_._-.00l s. .tion 6. ArtiHe 8, of tbe <*MUtuti?m^iror Mdflinn the sauct.ou bv tha- L_Mrt* the BUtpention ..f a|-M-M,|.aflni.-ula. wiiu-b. after debate, waa referr d1 to tl.e ,u.|.ropriaU bMBaalttM. fhfl Commtaaiou tben ad j'.Ul i.l ll 0BFTVAB7. thk io v. JOBHUJ lK.viTT, P.O. The Bay. Jpehaa Learitt, D. D-, one of Um __-_?< iat.-rditor.of Iht Indepeii'tent. died af 6| i.Vtn.k : i-i ?f/ Iha laaMaaM afhli bbb. Bb. M W-flfl Twentietlist. Ur. Uavltt bad I*< u iu falfljirf health for tcveral years, ha< k, hut waa yeaterday appart-ntly aa itk-11 ue usual. li< went to hi_ snu'_ house for a short eall, aml waa |>c.r_uaded to reuuiiti to luueheon. Soon afterward he went up atalrx. and Mra. L?av.U foliowlufl in a Bflfltl .uie, was surpnsed to flud h.iu on the loo'-. llel|. was linm adiatcly ?um__oue<l to raiae him, and tnedical aid cailed ln. He waa diacovi red to be aufferln.; from a .troke of upoplexy. All effort* to reetea bbb preaad .u .am.aud bfl Kfaduaiiy eank, taatafl ronacioii-neaa thn-e hours after he waa fouml, .unl leinaitun- in that state till life flflpMlfld. Dr. Iaeavitt wua bom at Hcuth, Frauklln, Mata, iu rtepteniher, ITW. and aMeoaeBqaaBtll. over 78 yeara of ?flfl, He was (Ufldflflflfld at Yale ln 1814. He then tau?ht ..while, after -hlch he studnd law iu Northamptou, Mass.aiid BfflBfli an offlce M 1'utney. Vt. Hoon aftei warfl, he aaal to New Hav .nandentere<ithcTheol'>i-nal htimmary., hc scttled ln Htratford, f.'ouu., where he remained ln a very aucceaaful mlniatry for four yeara. In 1819. while a attident of law tn He.if h, Mr. Iaeavitt arflflflflflfld iw of the flr.l, IflhBflflh M?flflflt ll Weatern Mas suehusi ti-, eiubraeiun not only thechihlren but the eniiie - oii?r< iflflMflB, all flf fl hntn we re arraiiRed in elflflflM for i. liKi'.u* ?tudy. Au earncBt rovival r<-. ia_Bd*aad_B aaheel Rflflfl Hflfl <-n<- of the ahMaaaM niiaiehM la Iha iflflJtaa Beearif tmmm* totaeeeted ta tho __|>IOia*aeataf tbe 4>ublic ac.ools. lleforo he eu t.-reil IM Ti..-olosiea! ^.?minary.he preparcd a new read _a hoo., eat?e." Ba_y laaaaaa m BaafllBc.M aatah mn with an HllllMlTB BBha* Mr. U-avltt. t__-oii_,h LU writ :tign lu tl.<- pr. m and iu other wa.?. flftffld BBBfl___) U ataTat- tha tihaiam of the taheeta <>f tbe town aad BtflBfl, Dr, Leavitt waa amoiiR the flrat to pereelve thBOT-ta of laiflaipiaflflOB. aad ti^rttd aB iit- mtiu. bm .i_-i.iu.--i it. aud wheu Ihfl ..iiieiicniTcuiJ ..r:'U.<- Hinl. ty wa. ttttW?4 h- bflflMM Ufl BrM Mflflflflflflfi and waa one of n_ IflflVflfl?fl BflflBtBj agaai teveral m?iith_ iu taeaflrtafltfl Bt a-Baaaa, Northamptou, in mauy plare. BellrBtlflfl thi.- flrst t. rn perance leotur. the peoplo there had r\_r heard. In BaaM to thu ettfn _ee_-_a_7e. Bm Baa?taaa -, BBM ii.- Fri. ml BoetetJ* and edltor of Ihe Smlor's Kflflfr :ine, tad Bfl flM ever BBBM MM BBfflflM n t.titoriul work. Tlu Dlielat/. BBflBfl hflfl BBflBflflflflBBBt, bMMM piiflfli and iiMf1 Bi aa-fl-Bl-h-d Bbapela la CBataa, tm- - iii'iwi.ii isiatiii.-, Havre, n_w-<. neaus. aaflalbar tttm tt* BBd foreicu porls. \t this time. too, he flflflfld in Btflfttflfl the flrst cltv t< mp< ranei ->>? lel v, and bei a uie ll- tlr-t _<?<?lel.iiy. thfl adraotage el h.n Ina i bymti and tune-book fornaeln rerival and toclal m. :n_-. aothlBflof the kimi then exiBtlua*. be, In cocopany v, itiian excellent young muaician, --et about uu one, which waa ptibliabed under thfl name of " Ft_ ftirisrian i.vre." Thla baa alwajrt been conaMered ow! oi the i eat ol iu kmu. lir. |ee*/ltt, tu ian. Lnn _hi.i B tm iiml iHoprietor of Tke Bvevagtlitt, wbleb n .<l bara -iarteil a year betore, ilnruiK wbi-h tiflM M Imd fre . :i--i '.'.l in it_ T.litorial wor... Hfl wnnl to WOffc i-nrneeMr. uud aodd raadfl bla paper one .>t IM Uam powerfu in the laad; it ra tto oeaaa e( tM .nure ith . rai lelitrioii- movemi-nts, und was outapokeo un thfl IBh : temperaaee amici.ivery. lt eaiiy bacame noted tor dl > U--10.I . ,,a ?tueh Dr. Learlti *.hn? utetely at bome. poaaoamnfla ke.-n anrameotariv. mu! t thoroaflh kaeBteflfi of iha lalnaaetai of theatoflt. . al eonteeta. ilr. Leavitt Ixire aeouspieu.iiis part iti tbe eartj anl >!.\v< iv .ontlii.-t. and hi.-diliii'i. latntii nf 9_~Bfl) diiriui. tbe time of tbe excltement atteudinn the formation <>f the tlist a-oltttOD aocketlea and tha robbery <>i iue maila at charie. ton <".-t kla i-ai'-i Itaeire?lation In the8o-Ui aad ii targe parMaa ln the _.orth.a__J H i.nit aa t'iou_b it wiuii.i have to i-ipead. To bi m?r up it^ straa i.un.n aeain be than naflarcooh the .litUeuit taal ____? portlncTn full Kiuney'.. Kovival L-K I Bl ea, w hn li. t.'iouirh not a slioitbauil reporter, ho flO-MBpttahed M -uecess luiiv that his BBhaenbera bbbm baak bp huudred., tiu bla Uat reu-h.d HflOB. The-e ri-i_.rta were afterward ptibliabed iu book forui, atul BBM to IM ezMattttOfM it t.unilri'i tb'iu- iU'l < opjes. l_i<' linainl.l rii.T.i ot Mfll eompelled him, ahlta enetiafl a uew h.ui.llnK, t? aell out lhe j eanatlitt, wblch i toneeiorwanl became thomuirbly I', aml l.wt aimost entire'v th.- ataoafl anti .-i.i%.-ry . bara. ?r wbli - Dr. LmtUI ha.l j_ive?it. ii was apeculiar obaraetariaOc of lir. UMTttt to M amonfl the foremoat la ibombmbM forraCom an.l rtn iuoot aitlvo iu p-ishimi theu) t.j _ -UU.BM.Bl is*uo; but i ;i.,re ii..- frulta vs.-n- f.iiiy ni><- M aeaM hasten aa to itlllotber u<-id_ of paujpeM, Iea-tag tbfl bouors otteu tintea to other uieti. Bta BemM Efl th_ anB-BLaTery i-aiise KMfl kaek to bta paatorate la Btratford, aud io mn i" i..-_-iii artttafl ou IM Mitije.t m Tke CkriUkat thteeta t., and otbei pertodkala. ln i_.i M alded in orsaiu/ui ihe ti. Yi Aatt-BUrer. _oc_e_jr,aad in 18_7 he devoied lu-, whota tlBM to tue taase, n* adltot "l Tht \. I r.,ii,in<t)>itlor. wliirti .lollU C. t.'ulhoiiu -al'l was ni'itr to Boati -rn LatoiMta thaa aayflha-fl ataa ta tm- ...uutry. Al tlns liuie trotililoaiiroM in Iht'. Nxui-tj'. and tha oM eoamlttefl ;ud ofltcera barinc been turued out, rh, Eu?acipatoi erred to the TeaoflMea'a Auti HUTerj .-,... itjr, by wuich it aaaooBdoeted lot a yuitr, im ii iraia.-i. :i 'Cl ia_a.,i Io ill. J.-avitr, WhO limvi-d ll tfl Boatou. Ur. Leaflttearlyarflued thiittbe AntlSla*/erj movement mual beooaM B politlcal peBM, timiiidi lo tbia he wm atronxll oppoaeBbj maa,j leadinflAbolltlou Utfli iii tbir Convention which met at Albanr In is^<?. bii.I orgaatted tiit i.iberai partj, Dr. Lemtt took a jiroinin. ut part, mil aXtorwantaa?Bflflttjaapportod ita nn .i.-nie-. iB /'.' I i uli r./tulor. ilu wii^ alao t i.iiiuiiiii of tha aatlonal Committee fr.mi i6i. t<> 1547. in tho'..ut. r year.pereairlaa tha ue ..-iu oi ii .ni iitaiiKa sliouac man inr iho l'reMdeucy, iie-.iuie.lth>' ii.ll.esnuot Jolm i'. HatetotiM party, .imi alded ko plaoutflhlu at tha head of tha t.<-kot. lu latfi, Ur. L_-.i* i'i b< iiint oiliie . ditor "I The Jndtprndent, wbicb had |Ml baea -t.nted b> three Congreflatiouai mareb aata, and he. haa beea touuoctfl ediiorluiiy witu li aiei liBCfl. ou reaohlna Uie a?e of :o, however, he relinquUhed the ailive dillies ol BaBBfltU BOltOT, aud took a poit of leaa labor, atnl du m_; lhe last b-w veais lns wauiui; ii.aiib ha- prevoiit..-.l his p?i._____a_ _aehwarfc, i>r. i.<avitt baa alao been ongitreA tor nome time in pre I'aiiuf a ln.-toiyoi tbe Anti-tllaTerjroonfllct, tor wnlolt Ue Wfl pecilllarlv This woi W his .leath l.-uv<-_ tfl ;i vciy iiiibuisiied state, aud tt ia doulitlul lt auy Mfl cls. i.n. oompwte .1 Ur. Leavlit waa also fl most earnest aud |M,weiful -j,i flker, au.l to ins ipeao-BM ia the ABtifllararxt auae, of wbicb he made maiy. ere attrlhalad larml/ tho urowtii ,.f thiiiioieuieiit. it taaafartad ol him thM hedMBon toward the spr.adiiiK of abolitiouieUi iu ilas-ai.huaetu than any otbei ______ _________ , , - Ur. Loavnt's oorreipoadenofl altb Cohdea aud his ?M< uioir ou W heat," settiUK forth thu uuliuiiled capaciiy of our Weatera tarrttor. f<>r th<- i_T>iwth aud expurtatiou of wbeat, wero very lustruiueutal m pr<_.'ur!n? the r? peal of lhe J. u_liah f'oru laws. liuriuK hia v.Mt to Kn k'laudhealso i.ccaait- much intereate.i in -Sir Kowland Ilill'a avatcni of clieap poatage, which ho advocated for a.lopttou inthis touutry, botu throufeb lhe uewtpapers aud befOM IM OaaOBM Committee. Iu 1947, be foutuled tho Cbeap Po*u?e Soeiety of Boa? tou and, lu 1.4---9, he labored In WaahiiiKtou, in it_ b< tiul- for the establlshmeutof a two-c.-ni s>?t. m. Tbe lluua oanl plaaef tl_e New-York Soeiety waa adopteil, however. liui'iuir acveral yeara past, Dr. i_eavitt baa ilovoied much time lo the utudy of tue aubject of Free Trade, of which he was an earnest advueute. lu Iflflh be reeelred a floM medui fnmi the Comi.-n Soeiety of Ba nland for au eaeav ou our Coiiiiuercuil K. latioa* with lireat liritaiu, iu whicb he took au advau'ed poaidou .u favor of Braa'Trada. Ur l-_avitt waa cever a candldafe for any offlce except aa Scbool Couiliiitt-ciuan, iu Btralford, la Whtah hfl WM IhiuUiu; but hia iuflueuc- ha-s becu exerte<l wiib powcr ful ette.-t iu every gopdo?U-e. an<l thoae witb whom bia relaiions were moai. lntluiatf houor huu beyond moaauit-. Tail aud .-.iiniuau linu iu flgure aud sti i -iu., iu .-outite nance, Ur. Leavitt'. api_jaralic? was moat Iropoaiuif. ln maiiiicr be waa kind aud ffentle, aud iu tbouubt aud ex iiiis.l.ui u.oat pure aud chaste. Ilia mind waa broad an.l his viewaou aii topica >ery liberal, and, though ?troag lu conviction.. and <arnest in controvoray, he was ever tolerant and K?uerou? to thos.'of uppoalte opinloua. Hy his aaaoclates and nuinerooa frlenda he waa .rreatly bt-loved, and his suddcu death will brini? siucere ?orr>w to many beart*. ARRIVAL OF THK TYBKK The .team-thip Ty ber, nuntionod in tli?- BTtklfl on Santo Uouilniro on tbe . eoood pa?e. arnve.t Ifl thlt port late laat nl?fht, brlnuingwlth ber the Commisilonera of tbe "Bamana Bay f'ompany of Sauto Domluuo."' aent out to nenotiate wtrh tbe Domlnlcau Oovernment for tbe l.-a-e of tbe Hay and renlusula of Saiuan... The Com miaaionera atarted in Novemher, aod hare beea durlna: tielr abaence bird at work iu rbe tuterett of tbe Company. Tm terma of tbe Company were unaiii moualy agreed to by tbe Donnnir&n Oovernment, and tbeCommlaalouers ret.irn wlth thom tbe l.aae of the jH-uinaula aud bay. rhe Tybec atichoieil iu t^uaranhoe, ,n,i the trentiemea <>i Um Ooflamlaatou t.-ok ., .-.taieu lahtnd fetry-boat IM thia city. TKIJEOKAPHIC NOTKB. _0\et :m btiildinsn^were burned by *\ tire at Grt**till*. Ptia., jfi?rl*t _The auli l'< im n'v i.ieiuhers ol" the KanMB L*f .aiat.-i* kat* a i-uajar 1} of W .-a juiai ballot. ....I'rof. <). II. Ktle pniK ipal of a m i.._.l in Weat ?rlt H. I.. ladt laadiafl -aacator ilti t*.'*t-*t U, mi j,__a*faaf Ib* I'aifirtil* al Vcibh, it .. .William C. Cleveland, Trof-M r of (itil Knfli a**rla_ la C?i_*ll lait'itn, e*<l ,*.t?i_at ut p*t*a.<aaia Mie n ?aia* will b? lakrfl to f'aaabnaf* for litrnavrol. ....Dr. Jone*. lioineopatlii.' ohyaieiaa, f__J__\ l*alt il T.raaU.. Wt.i**_a7 ?T_tt. ti.?i\l.aft _5*_____2_tS _,*ral? akn-b ka- ??*_ aa__a. UWrt.) al li *"B naatat tn? a ??>* 'tl at_ ,a< rr. FOKKION NEWS. NAPOI.Ko.V. FINKRAL. Tll.'. 1MMKNHK l-ROWD PRK-I-M Uibikib. TUnraday, Jan . 1* IflfJ. A rari'fnl rKfinmi*' of the nnmrxr ?>f jH-monfl at ? UaB_BBVB. yeaterday, flxea lt at flO.OOO. M*.re-< in Loudon nnd Pfefoagaaal the eonntry were partly eloaed while the funeral proeeBalon wbb movlnf. While the Prlnee !ni|>erial waa retnrning from tbe Chapel to the fiimlly manaioo he waa aalnfed wltb lbe e.ryof ? Flflfl tEmprrur " ln reply to the aol'iUMon he i _*? lalned l ? Th<? Bmperor I* dead ; rite Iti Yranee " THK LATHTT FRKVl'H ItTMO-. lETOMED OOAUTIOII ok O-ULI LWHtl anu le omjui-f. Pauib. ThuriKlat, Jan lf, BB. It in riiinoiiil in the lobbies of thi- Ai*m*_ Idy thal a eoahtlou haa ixen effev-d between ihe Le fljtlnil-ttftft. **- MfpaBtflBBflf the Uouaeof fineaue. THF. CABLIFT TUonu.Fs l.Kl'ol'IKl) ISKl lAl.JIIKs Oi nll 1N.-I U..F.NT-. Madrii', lhun-day, Jau. H.. 187X KeporM Irom the North re(ir?*seiit (hut the ('arllBtlnBuri-eut-..iie aetiiiK wllb terrthi.'eruelty toward the uihaMtant* who refuae to Jo,n tbeir rank*. Many ea?e? of murder and muillafioii are reported, and hiinlreda of vouni. men liave i>e-n foreed info tbe eaervle* of the lnaurifenf*. ? NF.vs it. i\i Ht, UfUra-TOVB. niK BO-MH-B BOfffUBB. I. >!?l>ii%? Thuradai, .l.m. 1?. iflX ...Ivii'os IToln wmmmmmBBmBwmm _Oth lll' SoVMll lier Btate that letter-. have lw*eu reeelveU there from L'nyanyernbe, annotin. lu? tbat the ex[i_l1tl<>ii with anp pBafl foi Br. LMBBBteaa. whieh wa-s sent ferval bf Mr. Bad raaflfead the ^reat trav.Mer, who amln started for the mterior of Afrlea on th*- reth of Aitruaf. IHi; SI'WISH .(>TF. i \. iikmim XMOEQ trA-TU-BM Di r.i.i**. I'iui-, Tlinr- !ay, Jan 1*1, lf""**!. Th.-re is uui. h tildiTBMIBi iti t_M Sl)Jini_h .oa.ti. iii th.- ? it;. aa.a'i the ln'te of S.-. ret.try Fi-h to Mm. tai Blekieetlo taUttflfl to iteraryM tba i-.-nduf ? ui... _ CA-fADIAM BOARO pf TRADE. i.AKi.i. BBBT-BB vi Tllfc BOKOtlOX < aiii.i. OTrAWA, Out., .luu. I'i.?iii*' Doiiiiui.)!. Bonnl ?f Tiioie, afetafe aaaeflBBtal baffl paeaaalaf BM Ba third annual met-tini*. ha-* ? iari.e altem.anee. wtth ,,.,,_, ... . . i tl.e l .. al hoarda ihr.iu>rho:it Canada, tne martOme fcrovlneea, Britich rolumbla, *ml Un- ITulted t**'-. A lutm-ui-i taken plarr, to-Oli*hl. Ibfl ...I. Mi..l-<.elieli,l aa.1 ' ai-.m i_a..ltera al"- anioiu tbfl ar it* d (IM itl luJiT.. ;n n?._ts. Thi l'<>;fl fcold BOBBI vi- ? ' !. o \< ? rdar, lhal ha balMval Uw apoatle-. Pbilip Jamea aew dlaeovered oo flr?*_e_da- Ib th.? Church ..I tin- Bpoette* i' mt I- .-t.uv.iti'.i) BR ln . oiniii- ii..", ?' ? >.ititlv .-..iniiini .a Loadoa. Ifecn B a i abOflt tlu -t.'iv "f !??' "lal iin-n afl ekli flad dead taadilapldated bonae. haai w.???>.. ia Laaab th. '['he Ailtniriil of tli.- Kt-.-in li BajBadlBfl lt V:l!a Pl 'li ?? BflflN blalajBalp. IheflflBoera of the a. ? Brlttah mi ii-ol -war ui ihe harh'.r were mvlted. luu .beaind io alt.a.l. Tfcfl i-;uitlulatr-t4 lor ihe va<-;inl iliiont of ih< Kiii-dotil mai tfeflflM BBBBBBlBli I't aneW' liatU I . I.unaliho.. oil-in nf tho iHtekiU-: I'nvi.l Kala kau i, also a a iiii.-m lo Kaniehanutha V. ae.l n.-xi ,ti rank to Prtme William; Kuth Keellkoliuii. or BflIMM i.r to tim late Kinc and uow OoverneiMtol thi lalaud of Ilawail; Beruiee Pauaki, aehlefeeeof thu lui:.ieHi rank, now marrled to Mr. < ha-rlen K. Hinhop, aii __aetrteau bflakae la llouot.iiu. lt la naid ihat _ao_ei__-ieii? i.a. i.-l ln. ro-a! ?u.-,'.--!iin '?. th. lt, " 1'rlu. e KiH'?" aee.-Hiiou to the tlinaiie would Bflflflk up tbe IlarriB rrgtm.', _j* he dlsllke. the pflaaoflt BMfl lfl power very he^irtily. Ile is most popular wltb tfefl n.. tlvi'8. The election of H. inne (Mi Blabop) u.uil.l im i.i f.ivi.r.tbie to Uaflrleflfl latflrflfltfl; aad tbatof Kaia kauti lu thoughi to he nioat deiired n> the preaeal Mlflla trv. The <)>-e-tioti ha* probably oeeti <le. t.l.-.l liofore iIob , it wj? tfl he put before Ifefl pflopk .-..ri. ia l.iiin ?*r>- ________________________ TBB I.IRERAI. EBP0BUCAN8, A PBOTIW lOAIMfl OOtBUPTION. i'he Lilieral Keptihlicaii I oiauiiUei met, laat eveuinn, at the fl?lfl,?Tt 1*1*8, [fo. Ut Brvad way, the Hou. TboraaH K. HBWBBl BBflaMtflfl. tht t* ? lowtiiK oftlceri" were flflflflBfll Fir.t Vi.< ,.i. n Thooilore (.laubo_-k!ee ; -eond Vn?<? !'.? -id> ni. Bflfl. <ieo. w. Pafaaaa ; BfletflflBdae, Oao. V, i pa tmou aad l*. T. Aalaaaofl ; Tn-.i-urer, I>. F. IIo.ik. IfeflOaaaltl of \h~il v..xn adopled Ioil_.;. Aeomuiitt -.- *Aa? appOflflB '1 io lariae tho Coii.-ututioii and fluflite_l auuielmenti IfeflfeOaflrtas Wflflfl o.T. re.i .xiul, Mtttt ooaatdermbM de. hate, adopted ! /'.(. Tlut wa rongTalulil. thr d **'??? y.arl aalihouuli oar laaflBBafl f'?r Mi.'or ?ai ??flfna-ll n i ? , a.'un.l ilm irinl ai.1 xtxxiiy _e:..nn?i. ur iI.,l. Wt*. Y. . tu tha Mi;oraltr rhair ul tln'Km;nrr i ita. n.i 1 nt ... tig, _i i. ..ur ja.ppoitj ln bu.-.arta tu ataj xhe mr ..'. . -.bai hai fladl u.*- t*<*a. gtrt rrniai*nt a)f ihr ittv a rap-uarli ihraa^hwol ta? l Keivi.r.f, ihat'the iourtau uf Rrfurm rt'ioirrtil thr ,?.?. re ol ih? Mavoralty whirh pruprrir hrloaf t.> it, I* 'u tir rrat.....l i.. >| aa .-. miir ihe rnapoaailila foi the gooJ vt th. r.i. aod ti iliit fnJ thil ihe cbirt.r in- pi ameoaltd u to i onl-r u| .n htn, tbr pow.r to ramofe all head. of ilrpar*aeBta nanre. ttetoUed, Vhtt k coutuitke* ot tetta hr ip|-noi?I i., it, I . for th? porpoi- ot urihnfl aaaaa-acafl la t .?? a tr er orf. rr iba- LaglB-H turr il Alhaar aad otker K?fa>na l^^ialaliua aJa-a-nnir thr ..irr_w uf wt .alr aad tu--.a"ia*rii. ?alj Ihr Major ,a proniiiiar ?" iuraaar?a ef Kr loriu. Tht* followinii wet^ then offered liy CBBMBBfB-B Pull mau, aml B Inpied : ?B888B8B That thr titnand. nude throngh the preia I-.. nrlaia Yed~ fral..?riili tor iBcreaae .1 par, ?re ann-rriaarr aad a.uai ta.aarltan a.url:na/uir-. of loa* caiumrj. lbe r areri*. .. < il iboib than that I'fmrn "feqaal rapantr enpgril n mi; :.,._?'i'? id prrite 1e myx.iiit .to.le u ai*h'.lill id.1 witb BMM .-..uip.iiiii.ii aaal ?e kataaf uii upu.. mvh oflciala kt are aot aat.iled. ta Mflaa, a_d M 'ha r plarei hr ll.ed br the haadreita of tbe uneoiplorrd t_ullr.peri.ale. aeo. aad riperu of Uie rnuurr Ktsnire.t. Tbat whal w in out CtflU berrire u aot iixtrrtae ,.t ?alar f Anl rather the appoiatin( powrr bei talrn i.n from tbr r?i ropi pullueiau. ?hu laleal pal.Hr life i laal nM-r. wh? irr apa?iD.?l iu ..t_a.em iha *1?.l Berrire ?huaU be au appomte. f.r ? IrBn.te teru. ?>' yean. with ao power to remoee them earepl for umenudan aar ae|l?. | ..' Laiiaeaa. KtAol.r.t, That Ilie boiioee. B?ea of the roaotrr arr u. a larfrr ihare uf paliienea. aud pronpt atteation to baeiieei tlaa lbe; ir la tbe bablt ?f re,' ,.n. at tba banda af ofla_-bolder?. TUE UOUOC IVAR. -*.Mr THtNf. abott ir? onir.iN. |BV TfLK*;B_PH TO THK TR1BIXK.1 W..-hin<;t(in, Jan. 10.?(..-n. CBWBB BB_ ht the Seuttte, to day, in nmwei fo a re.v.iiitioti p.a.-i-e.l ou the 1th ln-*t.P a report of the Aetlng OflflMBlflMflaflfl of Iu diau Affairs on the oriijiu of the Modoc Iiulian w?r. Tho report sete forth that Ifeeee ludtaui* have -leeu known lo the Indun offlee BfeBfl ln->. ind have iHieugenerally ho. tiie to the whltea. In IBBI Ir -ities were mer.- made wilh them, but were amended h the Seuafe, and rt wa- only after conilderable be-ift.iaia that (*apt. Ja. t- ..nd lu* han.l at,rreed to thelr Under theim treattea au e_e?utive onler wm laaued. Mar.-h ll, 1870, 8eftlu_ ,i .do for the Modoe? a traot of land of the Kla.uatli ri-Bei'vatiiiii, containinfi 7M,ooo **iree, ln fhe -outheru uartof Or.Kou. Within a few montha afa-r their removai. trouhle aro?e, eauaed hy the unfrleadly a ou.luot of the -uaui-UiB. and t'apt. Ja- k aud hie Mo.Iik iveut away, returniUK to the Unds foruirrly .~ ap.e.l b? them. An attempt wab then made to aettle the dllfl euitiea by eatahli?hin? a camp in a dlatunt part of tbn Kl.ii_._U) IflflJflBat-aa foi the ?u__iea. Modooa. and otiier . learinK tha Klamath** uumoleated, hut *tpi. Ja.:k eould never be roflde to sjrree lo tbia. ln lflfl. the . upermtend ent for Indlan Aflaira in OrflaoO. BIB auunal report. lexjomme/ ded ihe eaiablufluit-ni oi* tflc Hi__ja,'a on a rea ervuri.iu uear their old huwe. and all**wiU(C them to tuve an eipiltahle ahare of fhe money due to the Rlamafha and Hodoca uuder lb* traa-y of 1BM. No aetlon on thia recommeudatiou wai U-ten by the Iudlan Offlee. Imr tiiK tbe aan.- year eon8altationB wer? feaM aud flaa-l of uuderauudin* arrlve- al. iJuat Ihe Modoea -hoii.d 1)8 ai lowed to ramaan m Uie*r pre_ein lotaau.n to -?*- ... i. ult- aetleu on tbe huperii.teiident * tOC*. i.di Uo ? I.y tbeludl-XiofBo.** *>n Mar-fe 21, HYt% tfee Beerei mm*t Wai- reterre.1 u> tiie t umm.aaluuvi u. lauiaii Atfaiis*!. eiteud-tl eormapondeuie wbieb bad takan plm-e l? t?eeu lbe mllitaiy ? -_c?r8. Oflflaafl HUkte autboriti.B,au<l ttin suparlDieuilrut. In tbia tba ilanj-er uf m ,-,..,,. outhreak waa aet forth and the autenieut maue that. while lbe military force ba*l been ** diapoaed aa io aive Um*-realeat prote.ti.iu to tba peopie. tho uMcera hafl full reairaiaad from active oparatlooa aaalnat tte ludlana by Ihe a^n*.*meut above referred U>. 'houKh the prea-tit sup**riuK_ideni tbou?ht tbat I1?p_ Jaek had foi i.iU'.l all righi to mi.h coiialiUratlon bv ioiuiuitt.UK depiedatloBB. On Jul> . 1?I . tbe ItHi|au USee ordere.l the removai, foi-ibie if neoeaaary, of tbo Modoea to t_. Klaiaflth Keaervation. Oot ot tae attempt to ?i.,nt,. thia eider iha *ar haa artaen. A CR!_I- KBAi-IIKI). .San Fium i??co, Jan. Irt.-Thf in.-p..u troopa ha-re laveetod i'apt Jeeh'a e*mp la Ben Wflshl'a Ceve. The howltaera are tn poaition, aad tbe haiil* will imwIm bl.v bfl ap Bflflfl ?a Ptfl-a-r.