srKCIE PAYMENTS. .SKNATOR VIEWS. I MITION RKQUIRFD BT ri'M-H' FAITH AND I'I Bl I< rOUCT?THB Pl.-m-H.TI_f. IN THF. WAT?HOW TO OTBaOOMB THKM-THK VAI.I Ot | H..VS |'KUIM-M?- UB _____ AT A IHB DATK THK MOST BJ-l-BMBMT OSK? rtn pibbbcm oommittek's riu, K.R1IBBA- l*BB-? Pl. FAT-l*. ' \\ i-ihm;ton, Jao. 16.?Mr. Sh-nu...., to rtar, ealled np Mr. Buckln*.hain'a MU for a returii to ?peeie pavmenta. and addre%*ed the Benate in favor of IflflflMption. He showed. by referenee to the hlstot.v <>f v ir BflflflflBB BflBBBBBfi th?t the public taitb wa. pflBdffld t . roatime apajcie paymont, und ar_:ued thal IM BBM far reeum.?t-<>n had aluioat come. 1'a.aiui: tben to tbe queation of policy, be aald : KMH BVflflB DKMANDI II TiX Hni.t. I.lf. I have j.roai-ntcd the of publlo faitb m tbe fi>re?round. for it la tbe flrat to b . on-l ?? red: but apecic payiueal ia not ouly flflfl.flfl.flB Bf I Bl flflftBfl BMth, but it ia uow ,1. in oi b .1 bf pub'.n policy. or. to uae a narrower phflflflfl, it II *.**> political flflflflflflflf. ? BBBfltaBflB hMefl tahliah-l everr nation ualnc B flaflfBBlBlad cur .a in - -.chanr* with a nation havinjr a l? I. < i If webny abroad. tg?U* m the stundard of md the ost of the arti.U. too. is at BBM in ereaaed by M BflflBMaa of the SBflflBImaatt* fli flflfl -BeBflf an.l a perventafle for fllflflBBflJB aud hfl- What ?_d ls also meaanred hy the atandard and the lois by ex. hatii. \ whether we buy or B.-1I, B paM. bf us. Thi- Mta le more aerere when appllcd tOflon' ;.iid iu tbe future, nnd <-j* ilally to Other bond. pay able nfter a period > Whmm '?>f..<>ld ta .:ed for "r not, und yet tbe price pBM fnr tbem i? wmally ln eurrencv. We pay in gold and reccivo m cur a.xt thi. at the ontaet aubmits ua to a loea of the etittre il'i'i-'lation of our eiat?n of the i.y alwaya talartoaal** Bfl _ t- a lommuiiitv in wbl. h it exisfa waa ehown hy the BBBflflBflMfl ?s before the War of Itidependence. i of deprtelated money uaed. The .alue of the jM.und and ahlUIni, ln corteM uae waa ouly i lo par of the valu- <>f lhe . flfltfl fli t.reat Krltam, uBd tbU dcprectalioti often .i.e . ? ess.ty of tha aateaj afltag it Withtiie ? M befflM the late war, aud whiiit . . f.n iy upon the law of the 8Ute authorinnK ? tne B*. tein s; it.s wen ee u rala theae fltatoi aaBflMd the taaa; aaw la -. iu whiih a la-tter b.uikiui. eystcin i:ri!litaiued at tt* nwwi dpeoBtBflad BMaa-alattoMwere toadt . tm.TiopMf <'f fhe haiiklUK tmi ? mir people do imt PflflMB to eonalder ... ,,r ii, pn ataflfl i money. it l- tawfal ... umi taalaatfacM talM 11- BBBfltf B IM ttrtttm aad ...t'sf.Ktory, bnt all Uer BBBBraB WMBB eiir'n-nry that will ns the same anm ni ...I measure thfl pro.!tiet.- of all Othet ,_-,?: , ,a-.r own. an.l ls not suii.ixt to the fluc ma and apeea_?re ehaaaM al bm bb b ? .- i MB ihta to eive a dci'reclated ?. of CexibtlHy. A BBBpeaflteB BB !'.18 ttll inejr. The T'liiteil Btflfl ? be National t?ttkb BflflM arenrc thaa haiaa once paM eat, there Iom beai.aad thaa, uot <>uiy th.- Uatted ., iu ?f afaaaefllaaa from tha peeata ?iti,. aad witiiout Ihe bui'd.'ii .>f, gri the baaa iit af a fflreed leaa (rera ? ?toeeat, aad altheatthehar-taBal It i- true tliat the bauks an- t" ,,?_] m of I'uitcl Hi ites ll.. toa ot thear acflei; bat* pra. n.ail.v, wa : lanMafefld f..r leflflflBfttoa. h ta . u,. 4 flfft] tB ii* tB nil,'ve tbem ti ni the l.urden of maintaimm. a tt ? ..- ? . re.|iuie tlieiu to hflBf M I ll . rel) needed by the bnsiucs. nim redeiiipti.ui of BflflM that 1 ,'a.r re.l.iti|.|ioti. I'i- Iiii" that a usary and dUpenaable, unlese for ' BfltM If the idea of redenip . or iidetinitely po.-tponed, then all re ..i4|_nsert with. If the only objeet ta IflfltBf abundant. without regard to its i .ith roin. then any reeerve 19 a follv : national banl.ini. systcm couhl 1"' di? . .- ia M pflflflaaaeofltf Ina ? | -mle to state a i.ason why tbe : b aaaal bf fhe Cfatted .atate- ra ; -In.uld Ih> taaaad by a bank. raBBORfl 15 tue way of B-atrarnaa. Bl bat pahBc flflattfl Or_M a bauk of isaue Ihfl BBflBflflfl lnf<-" B "f '' .,..:. aata ta IBa eearealeal iaat? ?' ii U ;.it;.l. IflflflBMM BBd Kfl*n> . ' i '!,.? re.b iiiptii.n of its nnte. in rnhi, .. nt BflMMf te dl.trlbute ita not.?? r.'durinat and tr.tti-portitu: ; ,- ,' , ' M tln- re.btntition flf laerttabt) toai f<> tha abandon 1- F u tfefl putllc wlll not lon_ flt from l_?nin . BflflM Bfl ha "f reejeeaatB*. thoaa. Thi? i? Batleaal I'.atika. Thcv do nof ? ' redeMfllBfl tln I BfltM, but Bflf : |M 1'i.ited BtBtM are l.iwfnl * .. 1. aud are bflflB AflpCfletatad .oui ,:,,.raniiot r".!on RipartCfl cxcelh uce of the national ,m_,j( j aaahl ta BflBBflBflBratBi it aaaal ae ..ipoly, hut uudcr the law u-s it uow r,e tn* to all who ehoo?e to bMlnaM Tiu- plethen of time and Ita stHi.jfeiiry at another il by the r< dcmptiou of uotea when auiiudant, au.l thoir BaBflaafli IBBM when leqmred by new BaaflflBda Any uttempt to make a cornei by lock ?^ Ui, . ? , 4 u on< bank would be met by ita laaue 1 i.i- conrapoadin/? prhihifea and biirdeni wuidd relb ve theu. fioiu pi< nun j-.,,. ,, of tbeir note8 at par with gold. to aheaaale Baaaelttaa as now, woald i>e .._ an equlrah-nt for the privi.e_.e... thev . I,. all theexiatiDK lawa autboiiziug Cnited .and i-ank uof.s are baaed npon tho theory of , aata. Tbe notea were only leaued, Bflfl-* under a . uspenttlon of flflflata pty ? no merlium of payment ,\ !< mpttoi). OrdlnartlT. the practiee of a 1 ln furnlahlng money li llmlted to atamplng uj.oi, verofeertaln weight and fliieneaa ita lt*duty eDda. But 111 war time U.It pro. >rui e equal to rold and to each ot^ier. 1 hl- la the reaaou for tbe proTislotu for redemptlon, and for alaiite reaerve. Tue hankinif act alao antlcipated 1 iit. il Htatea mi_*bt withdraw Ua notea, and bea tliat bank notea were dLroctly to ?>e redeemed witb -v BtUl. the h__nk ait prorided for tbe eommon txmtr ._,,. ?i (Hjth kinda of uotea.audexpeneoce abowa thal both umi i>e ni-Uutaiued incircubition aKhflflflBa to the l nlted ?st_t-M Wbiit no piovtium la made for tbe redemption of I alted btatea aotea, tbe provUiou for the redemptlot> of I_a_.k notea la nullitied. Our whole ayatem of cunvney '_?<_j_____* luconarruoua by our fallura w for tbe iwflaflB*t:on of LulMd Butea noiea. If tue publte faltb, pui.ilai policr. and Ibe _.ilrlt tt our lawa d.mau.1 that )r*)Uf y tm reatored to tbe apecteatandard, it would -wm that tae oiilj reuuuniu_ inquiry ahoold lie wbat le 'lalK-atayto rn-iwat but bere wa meet the ohjee "i of mauy Lruaiueae men, tta aaoat aollre and euter pi isinfl of our ptjopie, wbo tell ca* tbat apeelepay men ta w 1 ti. thoiu a. 1.1* lurareiy to tbe burden of our dabta; that > .x'ii ihe ummit ot U? ?___??fl law and fhe ooudllion ot flatn.u alwava produoed by depreeiated mewar, n-ay bara rna-ie conuacU. aontraotea detrM payalM in curreavy, and that uow to add to the ?ulue or that Mfl* . >t to embarra-fl, arlpple,and rum Uiem. Rome teil us tbey are preparcd to meet tbe ireneral approach to apaele tmyu?uit cauaed ?./tbe tnoreaael huainaaa and of ihe ..uii'ry, whiieotbeia tell ua tbat tbfl eaun tryaai en.y, that lu urowth iu ..opulalion, lu buaitM-aa, aad th* uew entorpHaex ten ler au loetraM of rurieiK v nnlisiieuaable.. The _tmok ol auy inaaatiue tlftU Uv i?UA vai vf avlive buaioeaa uon ahou.d ha MM- . fully atiidled. hitt iBil.vldiutl BardaMf_.M PJUg** rienl re-B?i, for a vlolatlon ?'?*_? ????JJ . dlaregarl of lh? Bflfl-**- **?S& fi-,Kd I.-I* of the whole ooi>? *?*?? A" ."'?, .,, T o aet ..r full action of tho pobev of the O ?*????' ???? *;' ?.,,,,. ,,',?_..' wholbor ae ft llnuiir.oi <>r man iiainnei, a ..finle or a lal-or... U IflJfltfld; >"<' | ' "' '"'"' al viioe ol hl** proilm-lTon la .l.n.i..i.iho.l. Mfl e,8t ofiivina and flSl thti wtera Ma Iha aeM f"pr^d rlion lfl dimlnished in *he ttiw- * _. -ee Experi* aee haa ihown thal -leiutx-iHtl'd BBoney li ,,,05t Injunooa to laborlna men; ll paolaaaa ? f?l? nt la.i.ii'.f of vaiue. the . i. . ! Of Wfelt ll 1- noi DOtlOfld by a laborlna man, w By .? trni- -aerohant Rvennpon , ,t-.'iil itiid credit the oiteet "I a apecie -taialanl wiii mirely i>?* unpre.iiil.le. for Ihe flomlnal h.,.. mll tie dlaoounted :u a.lianee, or hfl dllllllfl Hn |raflaBl apprei aitiiin of pflflflf money. tm lAii.t.-i <>)? <>'. a aawacTMOfla The great. r biirden will fail upon debt* ruiiu.n.- for ? !.*?_ pi i lo.l of time, aa upon ion honds and ?ortfaflflfl. aVtta tho*-.- Ib axlataaa bafora IbeLecil Teuderne! tmW efleet. i! lt Mll Mflhl BBBJ'Bfl paid in lyeole.flfePotfeuaoMMrtr aotfli atara BawafeflflB Baaaltfl tfee ev.vectnnev of aaeflM payaaeaM before thin time* Bttll, while Ihe eBJaet fll a apeele aflaadard apealebtla greatly *w?gi' aanl. u .annot lie flflaied thai if tt i** follOWfldbj a i-'ititraetioii Of t li-| en-renei, ll wlll OflflM m ai'id emb-rraaamenl to nr. naarwlM bave eonlrnited del.l on B < .nteriev haaa. Bfll thia ar v'uuienl of haril.Hlnp will appli im It we are 000. Iiiiii.d Bfll wr ean nev.-i pa) our pein.ioi.ei ??.-, I ile ia|.-e ol time will not Bflke lt aaMer. Our c indttlnn ii now no mm h Btronner tfeatwoeaa albfd to i anonoy baai*. AgalD, tln- elle. t Of a ip.-eie ,-ialulanl in prvdlll 'Uli a eoll iraetlon of the eurrt-ney ti" greiifn- cvh_ Li-ratod ; a . oulraetioii of the eurreuey i? uol Bu. caaarily ? reault ol apecte paynflata, Uoduubtedlj ?* ooa traitiiin Of tfefl iiilietiev ivould proil.lee ip.-eie pavii'.-nti lt is Ihe du.-cl io-id to speeie pavnieiil-. an.l it the n |,. r moiiev in e;ii ulHlion ii in exii-iiof the want- nf tfee .<.mmiiiiit> lt u tfea oalj r.1- Wo, m IflM aud 1h?.7, .juietii e.iiiir.'irt u tfee currenci i>. fiimlmg over io.000 of debt, of eomiaonnd iiitereit and oth.-i ia . -, lnoelof were pari M Ifefl < uiieiuv. tr. iu iaaa, w.> bad, a* wm propoaed lo th. s-nai.-, auuoriae** lnite.1 r-tatea in.te- to he n.-ed (ol '. per eeni l.ondi at par, wa.ui.l hav. . .eaat ipeme p .ymenu. ihe not... IfeBfl flflfl-fl flflflfl bflefl panl "nt again tor th*- Bflj?_?i ?f oarreot expeaaea aad tfefl parcaaaa of bonda, precisely , il.-tit iiMliilueeil ln tu.' ailvau.a-il valae of OUI noIi-.ui gold,wfl eaaratae varoato the apecie itsndard mui h more r.ailllv tban lour yeflVBHgo, onr f.llnv li. nat u.e tiniiiii. uii'i. ni thfl objeotloaa oa apecie atano iir.|. tnat II II.I.-..I-H ...iiip.'l- a wlthdrawal ol paper eorrearj Thla depeuda entlrelj upon tu. amount Deoeaeary to oonduot tha i>u-n..-.- -.1 Ibeeoun uy ami tho jaarnr of jiubin ooufl. me in Ita redemptlon, Mr. Knox, the I ontroHerof theCurreflcy, in hi* liitt iiniiiial report. xbowi that in Jattuuri ian, when njieele pavinent*. were mi.**p*mle.l, the a_.iei:ate liivuiatmn of Hnn aad pan araa ?*4.eTl,ai8, oi i ratto 01 J71 per eent of the wealth ol the l'uili-u Htatea; aml ilmt th.- < iieuiaiion m the L'nited BUtea ln iktii, lucluding Unlted Btatea Betea, hank ootea, fra.-tional. urre icj and Bueole waa?,orM>per?eai ofotii wealth. ll.. .tloli III the I'uitui -I .le.-., uer eapila, i-lniiv leflfl than ln Franee aad irreater than ln Oroal Brltalo, bnt . than iu eiihiT iii proportlon to the wealth. "Aben .-. .. i the i.i-t extenl ol ourooaoti . it# i ipia growth, tfee Tfllae al our prodnrUona, aud the general oae of paper money, lt li ool Bnresaunable lo lappooe that all of ii now Mtatandtng ean bo Balatalafld Ifl Bl i .iialioli 00 B BPedfl ntau.Urd. now riiti.i. OOBBI BBOBVA1 BB BBCUBBB. It iniii-l Ue ren.emii. reil Iliai Ifefl iniux ai.i.oint of I'ni I. ii Btfltaa BOtflfl lfl flflw V>5"'.<*'.ooi); that veiy large inaai must b*' letaiiinl txXBmt hank- Bfl theit re-eiTfl ; lhat larga b*M uiwini an aaw BaM la tin* Treaflary l ""?, tbe Boteafltfl wldel) oirflalatal; uuw th* esaBlaaflfl M the peopie. an.l ean ba BflfBefltfld bv the puhlu eredit. 1 mlei Ibene . ireuiu.laneei, it la -. unlv probablfl thal ,.n> . oflfldderable anaa wlll bt preaented for redemptloii. If preaented, thev .-au a_ain Bfl pfeM oal ta the oonrat of the pabilc diabflrfleflMflta Bpede pHpinent.i ean thaa be reamned without ? rontnetioii of the i-ur niiei . ailil Vlltll olll) the i hallL'e Ol l.tlilei tol thereai Btaadard of ralna tfefl worM ofltr. Ibeebtef liqui-lU 1- thai the PUhlic BflTfl a.-.-lired OOBfldOfloe lfl our ainiitv to maiiitiiiu roflaaaptloB. Thla wlnittapeo-a l.i,., an.1 wholl lt exi-ati- aelual riiiemplion hy p.iymi nt ol eoin ia t-omparatlvel- rare. Tbia ronfldence or eredll ? ni he Cii.ii bl ellaet of thTflfl expeilietit> : l-'iri-l. tfet malntoaaaoa m tha Tt*****sti ?i a lataa reaarra iu com; i-ecoud. the autboriti in the Bocretary ol ihe Treaa ?rx |a (.ill Boadfl for lion ; third. to BOtbOrlae nn ultimate redemptlon ntiiei iiieotn or boada. The flral li anbJeel ... th. ubjei tion thnt it keflpa klle a raal aaan only aefldefl ta caae *t a paUH, Wh.U l- Will l?' iii-utlieieiit. The flBBBBd i*. -Uii ieei to a aiiatfl] objection, tlmt. an tfea power i ouM only . u-ed in a otriua-eiit moiiev market. u will lea.l to Otai eac.ri_.cet. of puhlu- iee.uit.ies, and aihl fm-l tn the . \i?tingp_ni.. The thBa BBflflfl Iflfljflll? Bfl lfl?Tffl. lt eould openile onlv whi li from pflJdfl or flatflt-flflfl flfl?? oar boadflfllfl below pai lll com. and, ai Ui Ihe tempo rary Nuei?-iieion of ei??eie paymem . mike henetleial to the I'uite.l Ktatesuud to the biiaine? eoiniiiiiiilf-. This nian linpli.-a- thal the I OltOl Mate. will inake ltr. I! aia Hai rflH-mption lfl ? bfflnd BO mlt-inmeallv>l< lhat lt will he ?. nerally al pai 'lfl gold. I lo no! flflflfl look tfefl f.u-i that reMitiiptioii bjr the United Btatea wlll i,--t iba Btraflfltfe tt ihe ManaeM bank-, aad wtm** wiiellieioi not tfeOJ are. aflUtlfld tO pufeUl cintldeue*. Bnt tbia preaeut oonnectttm with au aggregate Hurpi.n. tmid lar lieKind tbe ditt.-ieii ?? he-we.ii luneuey an.l .Oin JilHtltleiJ the i.iiiiieli?n thal th.y will lnent the puhlu expeetatioaa. Witn -iH-tie redeinpt'ion tbfl nt-lem .MMflflfl Bflfl. Tue Ilm tuallonaof thelr cnmnei wlll be bai the haattby ebb .aiul fl..w of i oti.aier.e. Uedeinpl am Ihen will ln eome a .V . . k Ihe (ea.leney ?f tht* nuintrt bauka t...inpioy their curieu.v ln WiU-*l_ apoculatlona. Ai Un i mav it-ileeiii in eoin or in l nlt* il Btatea BOtflfl, tlu-y mii buve th.- beaefll uafltbi altfltaaBflfl redeaapiloa, pr? \ nleit a- tn I'lllted Mat. - note-. 80 that Ifefl - n riflee of ,h?*ir i- eiiniiee tnat gflaerally fflllawfl epeela paymeal .luriiiK i* paiur (nn ifo notiirtlu't than the pai lueul of ih-ir iMii.Uh f..r u.eii not.-8, par toi aar. AflMB, ? BpflflM -taiidard wiila.Mo lirin^; |fll_ and hiIv.t con. iBUifletaal ii.? Tlie auiouut now hoarded han been vaiiaii-lv e-li miited. aad with that dapoallad ta tha Ifleflaary ami iu , it iiUlli'i. in (alifoiiiia i ann it bfl Uaa 'lian f_uo^oa,ooo. Thia wlll probahl] take ifea plaoe ..! l.-it.i. letiilaa- a- lanilk i-< aei VCH, alld thui add tothe iire.-ent volume of the eurraaoy. Bflflfl U atwefla pay? ineiit-n Bho.ud *aue?' M.e retir.-u.enl in eoin fundlng crft5iT.aati.fltt. fll Unlted Btatea notea, theli ptaee wni bfl mor" than tllled b] thfl Oflflfl let li*o-e fmni ile jin fleat llflflMllllfllt I Ihetefoio eoin I.lilc tliat Ul< fentaot . i ll i.-inli fi ..iu BhiK-cie Btuudiii.l are itieatly azflgfetated lhat there wlll be no eontraetia.n "f tlie euir.-inv m. diit.uri.HUi-.' of real valuoe or auapflnaloa ol bualfleea, bul Ihat our t>rftr*eul ItWmttA Mfltflfl atxl bank Bflflfll will paa. ai ububI iii the or.iimtiy a flr hafl flflfl ol l.fe, knereaalug thn value of all piopi rly, whetuei ptodlM ed here OT al.mud, e.pia1 tothe rea. mmiev of the worl.t. aml witb Bfl tiMl.t ol diafeOBflfl 01 tlepieeiation aboul il. There Ih oue tn.ident lofl apecie fltandard that mtlxt imt Bfl lt I- thfl wldeepraad in nry i.t.?diK-e.l I.y a ellddeu Mfl-fl whflfl conriilen.e le t.-uipiu arilj ile Ihloned und all deinali'l apeele Bl once Wltb the paper eiirrcney in n?e ln tbe United Htator. lHafore lbe Watr, atloh ., paiiii' Wflfl ralfl aud i.auki ujiU y. In euen u Bflflfl ttrerlirht todemaurl il*eeie eieat'-.l evi!-* iml (ln.ieter whieh. witli im-.beuiabb- aml <1'-|'i>-i-mt*-'1 paper mvmttj , woald ?Jyflflflflfl fl fflfltfeei depre. latioii untll general oaoaefl iflfltared eoBllaaea it i* eoiaooBly mlii thut Wi'I. Bpeeie flflyflfl hIh flfl had the iniiiiee of M . '??? 'BT, Wfeut with irre.l.-einable greenbaekfl we bave had u aar. the flre at Chioago and etfeer ealflflirllflfl witii.r.n ? poak enjn, ? hlieeie etamlar.l \* ? falbic. . Tfl flZpflflafl It M the Bn (.'inli did when apeele payuieata wan aaapeaded, "gidt. ,_, ai-,. a naoteafl hiaeunibraaoe." Thu reeaoa onlv provee thnt wlx'o, by w?r or ptiiil.. apeele paymeuta nn Miapended, a uation mav, by thn um* of paper money alone. leTflBM il* Iflflflatoflfl and ol.I.-iin hiiili UnttneiHl piinyi'ilty. Bn', ii ii bIbo true that hlfltor. ftirniBben but twoexarapiee oi aaeheaee?, ami m beflheaflBa apaeaa payineuta were eonetautiy jiromiied and k.i.t in view, while the public. credit wa- inainfatnod by coUecBflfl lfn n-veiiue aud payiuit itadobt ineoiu. Ia Oraat Brltalo, during h?-r wari wilh ,\H|iolt-on, the Bank ot Knglan.l notea were a depreoiated p?p**r i.irren. v, but Uuy were n-iiei made a legal temler, aml theit credit waa Biipporte.l not ouly b] pflflflfl Iflflfl, bul by attempte ut reB.imptlou. In tbe Imi.-.l Btfltoa the -eeret nt our iflOOC? wul. |>aiM-r inouov waa ihe oatflffll liiuita tion of ltr. aiuount, the pay uient ol our iutei.M iu eoin, ihe tollection of our l uitoin.* diine.* in eoin, aad tfefl )iromi*e ..f the Unlted titatee f<> red.-em all itn Mflflfl in .oin, with t_e aoaflaflaefl al oaraaflpM ibai u_a woald Bflloaflj laat i.ii only tha b'nlled Ktalea, hut other irHtlona wnoeoudiieted war with paper. money alone, without au expeetation of eoin redemptlon, met with dihh.-ler nnd _ti__elal nun. Kurh wa*. the exp.-i loaflfl flf Kntiu-e wltb ber __atgnat*? and mandat. ; ot the Ainen ean colonles wltb ooutinemal money, aud ?t the Houtb i-rn <"onfederfl*-y wltb their Conlederate iiotea. Mmt ot Ihe modorn nafionx of Kurope have attempte*! at eome period of thelr hlntory to bndge over thru OlSeflltloa with (roverument vuptv mouey, wtth diaastrouB rt-aults. AIMIOKITV YOU THt TEMrORABr lOIB/IWOl 01 Ht, HP.MI-TIOB l**BI*r?BI). If any one fa4jt.t8 pioven by laa eiperieti. ?? ot mau kiud, lt i. that K.ildjand nijvei are the beat poaaible ntandard. of value. Thay have heen ?o ietogoized by every natlon from the period of recorded time. K-periintnta have l.aen tru-d with other Btaudardn, from the Iron of Lyeurgiut to the preaeut bank uot? engravtng of tnnderu tim.-a; hut all have leeulted in tbe eonvletioo tbat gold m the onlv true HUudartia I'aper money, leupported by the < re-lit of a t.overniuetit, k* a eotiveiuent nuh.-tltiite, greatly fiiclli tating ex. hange hy the aaae and aafety ot handltng and traiiamlUing it; but it la uot real uioui y. Il in ouly a PKMBiaa to pay tuuney, and tbe > teml ot tu cbaracter as fulae or true mouey ib ita tapacity to be couvarted Into guld or allver of the preBeribed weiKlit aud flueneaa. Tbe effort to contmue the une ol gold aa the and i>a|>. i money as tlie IOlllflfleillal 111 of gohi haa been for 200 yeara the most dilhi.ult urublaui ut polliuai eionotny. Our own ...inu, ttioiuh the uutgruwth ol the war, ia iH-neved u> eaatflB- aime a-vantagen aipeilofl ta any uow ln one iu tbo world. lt r..i? ujaon the .ire.lit of tfea (lovernm. nt. The Oovemmeat pr..mi?*-? to pny not onlv tbe I'ulted Htatea aataa, but the bank note_, aud holda aeoiirlty for ihe pa.ment of the lalter. It oflflfl Elaaa the intereaU of the i.nve-ninetit wilh the lutcreflta of pilvate pernont, tbe ownera *of the i.inki. ll la aa well dialriiuite.i aa thai uaturo of the -B muat lie ?if uiilfiu ... value lhr..ii?h..ut iu< rniii*ai Htniei* Ali thai ia aeedad to rompleu th. eysteui i? general BflfloM redeaiptl-B, but with pro fof temporarlly an-tjienalng ipeele pnyuitut la i a_tr.m') nceo-oiliy. ll WBB Ibfl want ol ,oin. p iw.r legall/ lfl aBflpflfll .?eoie pajrHflBl iha: lo l Ea I... evil re.nlta of the p.nlr. of 'JT. '17. and 'ST, and probably tniuhl li.ivn led to tomporary auapeneionain "Itl.i* k FruJ.iv" or after tbe t'hi. a*u Ure. laaaeb raaM a teflaaareif aaapeaaieti, or aome nbatt luie lot spe<-t_ payment* ia indiapenaabli Beoaaa_rr, unl.'ss paper eerrenej i- ao rn rlcl d an.l Umfltfld in .tnn>nnt aa to be in-uflii u'lit for tlu- rutim. r\ ihanflM at thfl eountry. All pupei BMM rcsl ta BBBM rxtenl apon ponBdrerea, Wh.n a paota ta aeMfl ubIoimm eeaal ahieb deetroyi eoe tidi-nci-. tli mstiii. t ol .'v.-ry boiflei "I ? Mflk or a ib|io_it"r in a liiiiii.. it l'.IIK'Iit of ibl.t| an.l ii. n. i.i! .Ii.lic__. Uur N.itiouai i.auki,i_ iyi t. ui ampii protMtathnnoleholder, bm ltdu_ uot. ina oi apecle pivm.-iit. .-"lfflrfcu'"- proteet abank from un enfor. e.i aaotiflM ul Itt aaaaXi t" naalntalu pr.u. pavments at .i 1 nn wben tli.? i"il>!. . aa tbe exuteaoo of tho-hank, demandi a tamporai ? anaperulnn. ? The same .iifll.ulty ra-cht trwe on Vf pm' et the \ mto?l BtalM in' spc.ic paymeuta oi United ... He* notea; tber.-eerreof ttoi.I tu tbeTreaeur. mkbtheex hanatedby aanddei demand; a war oi ? j cauaeaucba demand rorcoln tbal th< United btatea ino:iit ln- to ie.le.-__m IMiob a . onuurreucy ouifbtl.iprovided !,>__.' advanoo. i adopted in EufflnndW alloa o* tm Bank el Kujclaod to rnlae ibe rate ol Intoreai ea ita Iobm .ui.l iiiis draw ui it? aasi't-. to meet antict iiainl daoMi ln demflnda. .- eai conalatenl wlth onr publli Mley. ? " ' ' '. V *!__ lnJ__ rata MreoBA <>r pabhe offloMB orer ao .h h. uto a anbft in ;u n iim. - as lt would Im- r.ii.ions to naaiBUin apecle PM???I, Md aitb hui-Ii urovisioa f?r the rodemptlon ol I'nll.-d M il * and i.auk noi.s no large raaerve of fjuld eitber Li IM .a orln Ihebanki -,"'' < pro vlalon would iniard acalnai tbe aacrlflcei wbiob banki amt DMple aUke uini taBt r ? hen eompelled to i b-em their noicsor pay theit .hbts in cin made exeeptionally wurce bi paiiie or wai . u would roconelle .J per* HUistoa Htandard who "l for .-!;? .-.wlll feei tbat then . '? bannonj witb tbe i,.,,i..y. mu and all oor enrlj loan lawa danmc tta w:ar wbleb prorlded for a rolunl 117 ' ? * ver-n.,, ol notea mto bonii- I do aot elalm thal Iblalatb.dy expedi eataaainal apanii and lor temporarj auapenaiou; mu l .bul um it wlll M'-iii. ui ?""?>l rnptei thal rn ttmaapMi 1 -''i'"1' froW tbe Ritapeusion of spe.-ie paymeuta iu Ihe l nit<*d ' Uavinu thus abown lh. tibliwUion aud nei-et-aitr of .1.pj , i.ien'T. im l how lh. . ? rilai ,1, re _,,,?,.1 ?? ,r I.e .iv.,l.|..l. ll netta meaua laaal adapted t>> t'i ng 11 ?>.lt Amon* IM ln,I.- k hcaiefl i'i.'1'o-i'l. 'i '?"? '"'? ?"'^,'1 d UmI ii" oracticiihlo. 1 :-t. louutb m_ legal teud 1 ... tea to be recelvableln pavmenl f?r bon- ol the t nlted BUte ; sec.uid. to aiiiiioii/. them '? "?? ircelrablfl IntMpay meul ?t .lutK-s: iliiril. to aut noi !/.>? them 10 be uonrertod inta demand notea, ?arina; intareat, or into compound Intereat note f" irth, a . reet n .umptmn ul .peeie ,mTment? onadaj iu l?w fntaw to be flxedbylaw; '.uiu, agradaatad Mab >>i ratea _.: .lum n,ev wili be i..,le< ii.e-l in coin, .i_\.in- .11 ' ta ?> " ? ''"'?''? i<: ?> l,r'' ., rlned da? Tb> ?- ? ' '?'?" ;l ! '" ' liie 11101. into .le .ul than I prcpMI tfl iio iii Ifu - time. Con "I Un in w.i.ii.i i.i'.sain. immedlaielj our note. toward a apecle atandard. lbe aecondonli laanbleel t.. tbe obii .uon i- ite tbe public laito noa pledaed i>> malntatn the Cuatoma bureau .11 eora mb speeiaAfuud for tbe payment ol kntareal aatMpflblM debt. w 1 111 -iMi-i ! sr IM> B0B1 ' BDI-flT BBUI A carefui eeaaUtaBattofl <>f tta ahela mbjeet toefl-flM iatMeeaetaatoathal thetaav -: rxpedJeat BMaeara la to dawlare by law that eo Bad aftar tt* i-i ilav nr\: Un- I int' '- Bill l'll'-i'in it. imt. . i-ithei altb BoU or. at tta optieSibl tta Beoatarf ..f tha Tredtni y, a Itb ita bosdi el eooTenlenl deaee?BB tiaiim bearlax l i>< i reat Intereat lo coin. Thtaai_| ta ;i roeognltton i>\ lbe 1 nlted Btatea ?f Its -aiieniu pleflffe iu..ili. in Marcb, [Bflfl, thal ll wlll at tta .-.iiii.-i praotlcable period redeem us notea in coin It will provlde alao foj lh. poaalble. but not prob ?Me .ontjiiirency. thal more uot*. wili be preaentod than can . ..nwnieiifi be patd la coin. Ia that eroal tta United Hutea will redeem Ita notea iu a cbaracter ul iKiuds iioii- t itli par ni a J 1 nj tta 1111,1.' y aurk. I ot the w,?iil. The ol'ie.-iion- tbu tm iv '.? MBdfl M tt Ita naaa laa Mttaaal baaki have airiadv bMB anticipatad la wbat l'have aaui. Itlafoaaded ni><>ii tne pi iin aqultyttat 11 we eannol literallj perform our promlae h, payment in ,-oin wi will nt iea-i 10 thepnblloeredllorwbo bobls tha notea ol liie United btatei _ bond beaiinn a commereial value equal ta jold. If, tben, theae notei ere tn exet-as of tbe wanlfl of tbe peopre foi icnn ter, they will be preaentod for rede npl tm, aad aurtl la !"? rcili eimil n not. their value will be appreclated to thr .',',i itandard, and thi.- 1- 1. pay IIM.i,t. The uioiMii. in.'ii- >.r th- iiuikiiiK ?ict can pr.ii_.riv !?? m**atpotx*A aatll t fotai. IIum, wbea tbfl pin' iwal efleet of a apeele itaadanl upon tbe rnitol Btates notaa wlll teat the abilltyol Ihe u.ukstomain t nn their 111.11 -at par with United -t .t- uot. -. Whether they ahoald M niieve.i fKiin in,1.1,' .1 ii. --, large ara ?erre ahettor ttaraahoald ta om oentarol redemp iim,, iii.' itioni ol pn uiu al legialation f. rtb< f uuie. The moment the notea ar redeem bb in. ho, the baok laaayaBBM oeaaea to be llmltad ia number and dlatrtbu tiou ol banka, aad will Mand, llke all otliei bu iai aa por Miiis, ojm n 10 aii wta wlll BlTfl tta reauiaitc lecuritf fm then iiotes aad wlll "bi.i tln gen. rai lu sutimitti'ii; these rptiiiuk- nt thll time t feei like a|Hiiogi/..uit far paaa_> bj argumflnta aorthyof conaH . nt,,u, but in, i.nlv purpoflfl noa waa ta preaeut wilh the bj tta Committee ol Plnance IM leadlag BMaanre la faflta ?i it. Mj beee \*. and it w areaaonablflone, tbal naltbet Benatori 01 ihe publlo win contijie their argumente te critlcal objectiona, put will *u?:- in ttax 1. ta bm whila bone.tlj nipportlnfl thta plan. will readUy adopl anv bettoi "ne tb -it ?... BMke tae n..-.. broken 1 roui ? ,1 tta rnsii'l -'ir - to pay oue dollar, equal i<> Ita bea gold ilollar of tta miiii nn iivasi uuauiii'iBS'a bbmiubib. Mi .-ii. 1 iim:i then r.-paiiieil, from the (_MBflBt_M M iitiau-1. thir- uf lhe Uait*l St*l*t. *ft*f II) ,.ara Iron. tu* al... .,! _b*_l ia*o*. 41..I iK-arna^ iut*raai |,attlil? ,|utm ? ? il>' i?i?-f- 1 t-dbio: aad lli* S.ri.ura uf lli. Tit-t-fi nta* mma* tha 1 L.i.i Btata. ?.,-?* -. raaairaa, at, .t iiiti um .... alaa. uiat i??u? l'niir.1 - '? ".' MM BBaaaf, *ith*r lo parclia** of f?li*iu U.i- BaM,1 tUt "r mtrl U.r , onml i.a.1*. 1,1. lor tle i-uMh arr.iora, anl laa Utt buiul, ano Ua. .Ll-ri-al Ibaiaal ahall I* *ifmpt from lh* (iaitiir'..l o' aii BBM M .Itl.'a of tbe l'n t?l Stat.-< aa w.ll aa BBB BM "'?' m an, abmX B_M hi nr iinrl*r Hltlr, xuilnp.l. or loa .1 aulli.rlti . ?.ial li.e aail uuu-a Hi.U beri ti-i .'. ia_ .l , eipir_**4 upon thtir far' th* t>K,t.- tprriC.1 r.-.i.t tiuna tnd il.ali m 0. iu* .oa p_ua. be niili- pa.tlile ai Iha 'I'rra-ar- of tha linitt. ai?i?t. Sa< . I trota au.l af.rr ibr IfM ilav ol J.i, nnl. u.r liiau ?| |_r' nrrnlalion al nalional l.anka. m* |.i"*rril.*uira un.irr llaia aci ?-urnl'r tli* a.i rnMl*. " An art to aulbor.i' ib' irfun t.u_ uf ib* na noaal d-M." *ppr?t'il Jala U, 187.) M. ... Tliai all lltr !,?__.,:._ ata._ .b.b t.tll, ua a__ aft'r Jalt 1. l^l, rrd**m th'''i 'irculatioK aat** ti *u< i. la?Dtlaa \a ?, ??* ur laat b? her'*rt*rl*-ja?_*al bt law .itbrr n, ettaOaBMflkaM ir)(tl I'a'ifr oui'i tnall b* *i'uii,l irum tl.i- r*a|uii-i_rn_i asdrr Itw aa !o hn|atii,( a r***rt' af lawfal moiift ,.' lh.? rrmail Wai't; Hro,,.trd Tlial ntalbinfr b?rem roat_lii*d tball auUio.-iM anv flaliaa?I Ho ,1 Hanh ?tltfili*li*,l IMI i M a, t rimtlfj ??^_ ari to j lotiii' for tbr rrdriiiption of tlurr aai r*nl t*mp.,iarv i.,an < rr ti.rai'a and lor itrrraa* of Kaiional Baak ael*t." Julr l_, HW le i_h?B IbBr c-MBMtafl BBM .n aafMafl mt |oUi t_u ut" tb* ?lat*?. 8ao. 4. Tln. _*<'.loa fiof aa art *atill*-! " Aa Art tn protlnV for lh* rilrioptioti ul ior ti.rrr ,,n . - ni i"ia|Nii nt laaa . tr'iu. ai't ,., lo'iraj" "f national bank nu'-a." ipffbfM Int, U. 1V.0, bt. aad li bare I.f r*p*al*d. ., _ .'tt?a - a I'lui i.iaka jil^itaflB tnar b* ?f_?aii?I ap... . o_ tbe Traa?_ar?r of tbe T'uliwI >uitot a..t l?at Ihan *y 1" "?> tar (ni__i litttri te.iat.rM bonlt. a* protolrd in .-'rna.u l>, el th*. *t litt af th* ai_. 1B<| auch Bir.l.rial at ibail hai* t_r_n aae.1 la la* prinunf .1 tbe nut*j pf 5attAtiT R....k* ara li llajublaliua or !,lirrWb*_l l,n*.Ti*aT, thll! >_ .r.l nnd'r *o*h rtfBlttlon, aa ahall b* pr**_r.b*d I.r lur . oniru.i'r ul tl.' i iirrota.j ta.1 *ppn.t*4 bjr tba NeereUri a.f Ba r.-a.ui,. aiul th. eip*uar uf ?u. h WlflilaiUafl _4 tf tlrartioa thall b* ntid oal uf tat ap|>ro|.rieiio-i niad' by f'on.r'ti fer ??f uat ?aai luukt aad bauk l lli'l. trecrela tlrartio Ibt tprriai tnm nation A BBDUOBB nrAt>:.v OaiTOOBO, N. H., Jan. 10.?JaSMB Slif-i-linmr, a unirrled 'iimn. who eloju-d a few wick* a^l) wlth _\at Jlrew of KI-hervlllt, ariiv. il heie in ciiatoaly, thll mU0 in?. from JtT'ney City, at vilih h place thfl Rirl .In.l,;, tum d.iy. nifo, uuder aunpli iou. circum. tiucca. _* wft? taken to tli. poln-e MatiDii. f.,llov,eil BJ fl lurgc i ruwfl of pflTflflBB wlm bad i>een awnltnuj bta nnlval at the depot. un Inir Ihepolne atul Ion for the j_ll, Mr. Drew, t_0 futher >>f tlU jjirl. ru*h?>l upon lhe nriaoua-r, .tnu. (_,,? vlrtlentl} In the BMB, anil ktflfcafl hlflv BaVBtfll Bttafl jM-i-on- .J-.. fell upa)n hllu aiul huu irverelv, and it wa_ vritn ilifl'. ulty thut the oftle. 11 .onv. . ed lum ,? tta |;ill, wheie he la to awalt eiaunnatnin. TUKKi: BUKU-UM OFI'VlRTUriTTIE.'' KOK TKAUK. Tht- niuiminr.-ni.nt thnt tbt- " Snnifina By r.iinp.iiiy of laalt Dofl-tai*" Bai aaaaaalal in "bt?-n ing from the Dnminiean ilovernm.nt a laaaa of the Bay of ..amaua aml the IViiuhuU ?f tbat name. with other impaiit mi aira__,amlptivilege . giviug tothe Company, nt , Dn t, ;t moiiopoly of the trade and commerce of the Damtalflfla BapkbUa, e_.-it.-d iaffflcaai laflfptaa thnMUChflflt t')" bflfllfeflaa commuulty of thU eii>. The advaiiU?e_ to be obtained iu the way of BflflB-Bfl-flfl by building up a great-r Weit I n.i: .a, Ualfl wai fuly appn-i latfld Wheihor or not a laine .?ma.-iation fram 11). t'nitel ItfltflB ean be ln ilin ,'.1 ii a taaotiflfl ou Wflleb there U mueh d.fferenre of oiiiumn. Haai IflClfllfld th.-ir bflllfll tbat fow perions fnyiii bfl iiiiiu. ci i" ?? ta aa i.iuu.i wfean aBthflad Tflfltflfjrfl of c.uii/alian, ia th'- -iliaiM- of B ,l,u,i he-, anl gofld Bfll Btjr, BBB IflOSlBf. Other. wore of t!?. |,e||.f that. lf i-.ih.nle* fll fl "r BBflflfl I' Hhouhl flfl to Tfl_n~ff 'hry would build >- BflflB :,.,i| ehtirhe.i. and have more comfortn and , iBfflBlr-? than many flTflflfl rn aalllBBfll fltfl of aeveral ,-...1111111,;. Ta etl et ih. al-aiUai.t-^.-*!... ?;' '.;,,., ?_..,.- tl.e l,.'i.ellt-..f at. evee.leut ell.u.ite. aiul.i ,,,.,.1.1. uv.iie.ii.if aotlBtaalflt thaa aaflatfea fflltM Maiaa Ti..- Baataaaa al tfea parl ?f BaBaaaflWoall aflflflj Btttflflt.BwafltfeoaBfet.fl con.U'lerahl-j .iiuinher fll Bfl -itih .-.H'.ikitiK *<*l.n.!-t-. aml tociely ?"''' the adtflBtflBfll D|, iviiization Wflflll uaturally follow. even if tlny it. re aal BlIlBlll-Ml hy etforl- to promote iinitilgratiou from ,ud the laland. adjaeeut to rfautu Do aabBBfl. Till. Hi'.-I *TY.l't AtMlllaaal faeta wen- abtar?I -.cit.-r.ia> i>> t reporter of Tm. IBibi Nt frflflft Kow'.iii l iv II i-it.i. I --. n ' ity ti th.- -.mi i'i i Baj fJoB-paflj The lalafla tt whal ?* ta Ba .iuii.-eitjiiai boaettlfll uiiiii QwOBBM-laalflaati ratmra ?:? r.eiid BBBflBfllflJ BBBBBIflfltefltlflfl Thi-* wlll pn.hihly ih> t,r<>ii--iit by tfea al?iafelf T/fe?, thUk B aa k.i.ii. l.i lir.ipa.-ed, hoW.-v.T, l iiii ta loM t, Wmrttm VBfeaaa 11 lfl BflflfeoaaaOflttOflTfltaot ,,?tht Peaia ? taa aad tfea watai ? a iti ta thfl Ooaipflnj ? Dr. Baaaael'.. Hawa B ta batfl i Barafl al al* n, atiaii, oharHlflfl. aalflfltta -t-flaa Bil|taBflfl DaioBfli wlll be eitahlnhcal witli tln- in..ii B_BBBB| pmbahly, ln Bflw-Totl ami Boetea. a larga ;t ilmi? raya ba Baa aa deab. thal a very Iflfge aflmber el pi-j.K.iiB wul avaii Ihem-elve- of tfefl ollei ol tfefl I 01 i.auv. Wltfetafclaownelrcloof aequalntani -. iu B< e- knowa ol 10 fanlliefl wbo wlll ro. The Baj Mi.mi. M 80 niila-* lonf nt' id btflfld, uml ii oae ol tne h.'.i.iiifui abeataol water ta ta femad anywhei ti mii. rat un- i- equable, and lt recommended I i aail. A lar_- aud laintarium wlll ta ere. ' i.neot Ihfl l*e?t p..lnt?> eomti*?ndln_ a view of the ? ol tin- bur. aad lt la azpeoted tfeat a Isrflfl noinbei i i'hI- and pleaaore-eeeferi ?lll i>*- attracted to tfei Iir ll.ii.a-. wlm will prohal.1v have charg.* of tbe lmrnl ? nin. wh.ii they atme al Babi?, ii daicrlb. man of greal exeeutlve ability. aml an entbualast on the of aettllog Bamana, Ile h bfaaacer of thi \ -vlni.i lor tho Bllnd, and la a* tfa ..ih. i . iiarilahle and philitutliiopio eiiterprii*e)f BapU i aud nen:lih.)riii','.ilie_ while the -eli'iue fi-r tin - tion of.~iin.ina WM ih pBflB>flBS: flTi Irfffl Tritmlt Be. IU Bboaowi ::k. tin- failui- of tim propoaed Tt. u tionoi the Bepublte of s.uiio Doflatafo to thi I state- a .'onieiition h ih i.ei-u pcepared, inprobaUou of leading cltizena oi thai Bepubli., ei.m.ites to individiiiiN to be omnlted Into an ?i?*_la'lr>n, uml.-r Ihe name of the " Haniatu* Hav foio BaatnOoB-BBfl." u\l tfee nghn. prlvilegea, aml liiimuuitie-. over aml ta thn llay nud 1. n::. ala of Bamana, which were eeded t<> the Uoltea Btatea 1 '-u.i ifropoaed treaty: to lu.l.l all the piii.lie Ian .,i,t l'eii.ii-aiii of .-anian.i. .. wateraol Han . B aud the ishinda und reefa tbereln. wttbo ttaxal -impie powen oTet -aid IbbIb flfld waten tiriule.'i - tn e.tahlnh i ommerclitl luu-: u bflnkol l-ue. with i.iaia a.-.-; lo < oastmel rallwaya, oommon i aud telegrapb lme-; toaequlra vaattracta. I mmi-r il I indsiui the flfld Of BgTtrultni- ind*j Ol wmi l.-rfii: f.-ttiilti- in (ee. fot nomimil 00081*1. mtlons. Iti- anderaaflod tbal our t.ov.-iiim. Bt look wltb favor upon an euterpriae dlroctod towatd an lnereaae of our n.iijuii tl commerce wltb tbia free peopl. , - .ui. fi..rt t.i -limiilate the eultlvatton of Btnple ti prodii-tion-.. ao largely Imported Into tb p ',.,- labor and undei tln- dlre< llon of oui owi lt h evid. nl lhal tln- Berl ? lal tad wlll ?? m ,..,rt nt ihe Unlted Btatea ihe I'le-lil.'iit, in hn me.ii.ip- 10 tbe -,-,.,( ? : ? i i Ihoaaugb.? ? t.t-e.i ta .: th. nt. n' i nf thut' inntrv, i ommerriall) demanded Ita i itlfleation (the Treatj of \ Jltat han iiiiiv eoiitlilni-il nie ln IhlS TtOW. 1 naw believe ' ? ' tliat afrt- port will tanegotl iti d foi bj Eu* roiH-aiiiiBtioiii. In the Bar of Bamana ? lara.n rclal riiywIU sprtaf ?p. to whieh we will be trtnutary, *' !l uol t_< '--.i i'i*-* oorreapondinf benelta, flfld tben wlll be he lolh of OUI leiiatilii.' to gi D.muiifo, wtth a itable government.uftd Immeuae reaoureea eaa ta devflleped, will . t\>? remnner itive wacea to teaa ol thonflaadfl ot labotara oofl now upon the i.-iaml. Thi- labor wlll take advantace of every avallable meani ot tranaportatlofe to abandou the ndla cflat-daada,aadaeek the bteeatagfl <>f free.lum uml Ita ?eqiienee. eaoh lnhabltaat r.-civiug tlu: reward <-i hn OWB lalinr." .?'__?? Tin* Commlaatoofltfl, in th.-ir report, flaj: "Santo Do mlngo la oapable of aupporting mlUlona or p< . L - an ferfllltv it ceit.iinly e.|ti iN, aml ]? .ni iia-n.-a, the uclghlMiring i-lamli ; aad ii i- evi l -lilled lo tlu- produ.tlou "1 r.u?.ir aml tofle* I lupplytM entlre market of the UbIp Ifetaa .-r.-ai w.*it indi.i itaptoe.' Dr. Bamael .. Hone of Boeton, one of the < inuieri, iu a ro.'cni letter aaya: "Hooommer. pnae apoa iiiBOfld ever ?-avt> ptflaHflfl or ao maeb goo i to the cualaved raoe-i-aiid lo oppr.'i-ed natr, duveiopmei.t of iutornal ra-oartflfl, auli rzpaaalon of , ommerclal relatlon . aud indi il. h returni to thos Iil-t Bflter flpflfl lt, Bfl dflflfl thn one. IBB] ? i, mlti Iful nf t ue flraal Bafl i-oiiipanieB of the B_BBB Inllflfli aal Blfefll great flnterpdaaflof paat flflflfl. ?? Hutv.ry ahowa lhat duruigthe flnit half C* Qtory after it was BaaBaaaal i>v the IpaBlardfl II aprnng auddenly iiitn flflflfl w.-aith and importauce aa to ta tM wooder of ii'io world. * * * lt haa imw al! tfefl Imnv aoareefl aml eepab-Lrttefl whieh the Bpanlatfi DUUed to Mr. _. Lt BL iiarlow, who hai devoted flflflaatlaa to thla aahjeot. wtBflai 'Tm; aowerol aoeb a oomblaa ,,,,,, would eontrol the i-tianii. Ita landa and commeroe r will build up a Mtato, and maki*. every arr.) of lami Ofl tl,e iril-aud noi only a.-good as thal of Cuba, but as that ol IllimiH.'' It in piopoaed to organize this f ompanvby aasoelatiug ifgentlemen of high churaoter, who wm reem* the louce-Blon from tho UninlnU-an (lovernmeut; and tt im indlapeaaable to the eaeeeae el tba great euterpriae thai taey ahould take aome poraoaal Intereal lo tbe formatlon of tlie Htate, and contrliiiue iu some dirtetion to ttede veloiuneut aml prospenU'. Imtua-diate action in ludi-jx-n$itblo to neciire the_e valiuhic grunte. It w'H ufford- me pleamu.: to ezplalo thedetalla toyou, lf you huve any dealre to aarticipate in what BBflflPflfl renar.led aa an exceptioual opportunity fordoiuga ?-reiit pabllfl BfltTloa. aud reapiug a tjrual ponnuiiiiyrtiwui'd. vc-f_* lWiWoitf_Ily, ' t- f KOWLAMU R- IT.i7ABn, Hl. flf>W IHB BVTRRPBI.BE H BB_AR___t. Hi leuaior E. D. Morgan was ??-ed to tako the. I'ro-iden.y of the Company, but deelined, ,n ,_l~. dld David Iloadle). The offloe VM then * ae..:pt.d by A. B. Stockwoll, Preildeut of tln- Tacitlc Mail fileam.hlp Compa^. The followln, are the otiier ofllcers of UM I'ompau., th** luuiu. oi j.rominenl itockliolderi liaviuf beeu puhlisUed pre viouil)' ? \?;eo'. reildent. Paul V Spolord, flooretary, R. B, ll a/ .rl. Jr.; Reeldent l>overnor of rlainaua. J. flfarr. u Kflbflla ; KeehflBnt Direetor, 8amnel (i. Howe. The enterprlae ls to be regnrded as a private na ' i Uon oui. The meri-haiita wbo have been ask"d to take atoek. and who have done so, ure mea of large rapita! and great energv. Mat.v large nnd bonsea have iM-en ileterr.**! by i*oIitkal reaaoiiB from euterl..iu ing the ^heme. A promluetit Sotith-at. nierch^nt. who eharters large iniinoar* mt Taaaala to Iha Weat [fldloa, uml wiio baa vbflted Hanto I-oinliigo, said: To beidn, I I npprove of tho i.nvn iiment'a sen.tlug a war-ve.. el ti, ,-iaiiii.a t<> ptfltaafl tlu* rigi.u of ? p eorporatlon. I^ my oplnlou, the enUrpi -?? , aiiiint thrlve witb.njtOoveriim.'i.ial ald TheObflBMny will depeud mainly upon lbe mlueral res.uirera<>r tbe l-Olllltiy UUlll the il.WflopUiel.t af t lu agl l.alil UMll pii dueta Iron, copper, aml ttaeflfl oi poldoxlit, witn ?. . lereddepoBltnof ro.k .all and petroleum Thr Iron me ii of arnat purlty aud very abuudani. An auugi: mtry ii ia eoinparatively u.-iileveloped. Tho rich lowlandfl yleid abun.lant croiw of nugar can.-. Tm iiiotiniuin reglona, eapec|?lly dev..te*l to the enltlvatlon ot eocoa an.l eofleo, are Ihlnl. Iiilifliilied. Wild idiuer aud ind.gugrow ever) where ln profunlou. Too proariit extent of th.- in.uortatlon uf tropli-al fruiu doca not, Bflflfliar, j.lalif* tne g. at antlelpatlons now enteruinrd. BganrtRCKs or tiik mland. PbuI *< Bpofford. Viee-I'realdent of the Prfmpany, and a merab. r of fhe lirm of flpoford. Ttleste.n A Co., waa called uport sml qoaflttbflfld Mlflttflfl |0 the illiiii*!i.!oni< of Ilie I'. l.i ii i'i 1 i 'il I i'i -ua. Uatl ie8'iur_ei aml |it miil. |i ,f the l>''_i!iil' au lti-pub!:., aud ithor mattertof Intoroat He etated that the urantof Iho r**^f^JtAw^'J* ih- 1'enlnauU of Hatuaua. la Mparated froin tti_. Cano *??'?'*"* 1,JLr,2, and flowlnr from the river Royurra to the aea. The 1'entnaula U about .thirtr mile. ln UflJ*. BBB ,waae- fllgM mIIm ib v'ldth, or ?baat aer " tlmeT the alw of Maohittaii MflBd- **** unrtloB ?f tta laland of Himte Domlnao koown BB tta fT_min.e..ii ...mpriaM bImmiI Nr? . ,!' laland, and ia aeparated rro.n tn* of ll. ijri IW; loftr raaae of MoaBlalM, DoMlaMa ha* a t^^*__ v?-i.,, eatlmated at from IBBJBBtfl isn.ono ;;<>< ?;' of_.mi_.ture of BpanMrde. mulattoee ,. "7_'' ?, .. Deirroea Hivti, bavmfl onlf oae-flflh Bke araa m ix.ininlca, ha. .1 populattou MtbhflMd at tnm mWAgt Ifl "-SJuaMataweO adavted te wtktau j*****, tehaeea. racar. con--. <.'.?. and all Und* of froploal ? ? There ia alreadr a lar?e trade in tohaOM and eoffoe. ThUi waa formerly diyerted to <_-r.u.inv, bat bBBBB few reanhM bMB aJtaoat euttraljr ****?r*M**AJff Amerioan uerebantt Tn, prodnctlon of ^eW"?*l?J can ta viry t.irp-iy Increaeed. a -mail proporttoB ??f l he land i_ now li-ledbv Ita nutives. Iho large Btata, La Vegal KeaJ, wliich exclted the admlratiou <>f Uo l_rmbnKodhliieompanlOM, la admirably btUpUjitm the onltnre ot toboeco, wgar, *nul adar ? mtl from the f..riii.-r l-ii.-rt" H_.t.i hua of lat) irrown Into Importanee MBt_?Iflaport, aud tbe aiuouui of eomuierce is .n cieaalug r.puily _ RAPluD Th'ASSIT IB BARNBRT. thk stuBBBt Kf.F.v\TFD rahwat -CAnrtT roa i.inAi. nurno iw btbbvi oftnann/cnoB IN-rt nU> HV TUK COMl'K'niKlN OO TKI Sh um, A Tniiu-N.: roportcr rnllcfl yrstonltiv tip thu ent.rrVri .<-. Pr. (iilliert aaid that he vrttt gorry Th<< aerd "BBflflflM" had be_.a>l. it. it MTflrad, flfl thought, of underhan.le.l work, of whii h there had been nonn ro far oa ta aaa ooaieraoa. BB Dkad the werB "prejeet", aad h" this wm a stuikI one, ntnl ono vbi _ BBBM not BBL BB BBM he was not miuBiiloM af BB_rflflUaalea with CkflBBBflflMafl vanderbiit. bywhiefihi. Mfl paaaad the UgtaBfltaBa. Be thou*rht M \%:ii_ im ra Bal ohh?jr B_aaah Bjaaiaa bis <>wn bu_i nflaa Tbaeo were before tho LaatalBlflffl the Beeeh I'netim-tlc,*fhe AieadB, the OBflBnl I'nder ground. and Matda th- Van.!<"biit BflfM BrflaattMB. < BflflB mmU <" in.'.e. bilt coneentnited btfl 1 trenirth In op niBllOfl to |Ba QlBfln. Mid dhln't -i. em to noflce thn t, anflt-i LefftakflaN .iui n't ?aBflnBaaB ?i ,the bill, or inore flflfljC ? aald barfl taflfl made to it. . bnii.i. bm ? rattfflfl-thal - oracaa ?o.-tili?m wa**tate.l ln the tltle of the bli. Bta orlftoal parpOM vra->*|to connect wlth every r___tead lljr, Wttt. lhe rallroad BHltM from BflW Md l.'fiir _laaB,aflW*n M wlth the rn.i'l. flp log from tba Bort? m.* flrat bill uenlBMplated atrnnk llneIhroairh Tbirdare. and the Bewerjr,witk .? ?;--,. rftaMBaflcrah?petBt-. it met the ta of the Thlrd Av.tuic C, and ? ? ? ! The bill was then B?flBifld M tliat the road. should run throiuh BBBB iheald be dcslifiiated bv a OBB_flB_B / .- ? i,-n. John A. Dtfl, U-'iny ? i a Arthur, <;>>_ <". a. OUtaaorfl. umi Bta pherd Kaaaf. hut tii" Raea aan not to li. lct'.'i-.-ti T.iir.1 un.l *lixth BTflfl. TB^WBI-tad flfl ,' a!' rh" itiaag city railroad line-., imt elty eaat bbB weatef ttaM beafl da'rtea at .passed in May, hut was nor i,,-,-r_,>r till June IT, after petltions Ifl ns favor bad bi en preeeated bearlaa the bbbmi of more prominent mn ttl BeW'Tarh?aat leetdeata alouj; th" !iue. but reimtable biislnesa men. Dr. <:il ? mght thal no projeet of public impiorea nt b td ?Terbflflfl lapperted bv larecrinter'Tf . Hlapi twaflltafll braBBB. He wn a phy MgtBflflr, KBd for many paflll li.i't ? ? iea ta tta aaflfldflfl ol BeattMlt-g IBa , palatloeerOWded into lower New-York, in the itaol bMtth iad BMrala. Wttk this purpoae alote ln rtew, bowerer, ta doehted lf th,- Btaa oeeld havo IRtedOBt The otatMlM wero many, und men tketram in their -upportof meaaures for the pah i. He had eombtned b-taeaeM arMeh wcra so I ... poeelhUlt/ of faUare. T'.ie ti saw prflB_-_-_te oeaeMtrata r thi l laad #trfl dflpeadeal flpea . ,!?. iiiT.-c the city. Tfce raflroad woald be certain to laflflifl the i n .1 conoraetMfl of thfl road. It was not, r. ln their baada Be wm eajflMl ta frenBe thM the MMemeM should not be a one-aided oue. The ori* Inal purpoae wontd not he forgotten nor made fleeoad ury. LeeflltralM WOOld raa wltha rejjularlty whleh .,- !?ilnterfBM 1 Wlth by tho through train?; u.i :>e flflaUdfld, aud tr.iiu . in- another not mcroly at iaterrata of flve latfld, batflTfltf mlnute, ifthe : deiBuul. ftta BriB Batlwa*/ Omtgtug tn/iiffld i reporter tb ll thfl ftieeilMBt hetWMB thM read and th" ct aed i?.)-t'):i reada wm B-flfdP a bafltaaM i n ut iu reaard t<> nalfbraaltf of BtflM, Bc . .imt badletareme to tbe eoateraplflBBdMfl flf Bta aouthern ,i. the lt'ter read M B trunk llue for W ?rutli.-. by tho way af tho RUi.pen.sion brlddje al PoaBhkeepatB. obtata uny .la-flnito lum, .i\. imr M f?B flhMBM af tho eag_MM, BBl ! thfl work would go on without BBBBflfl snry il'-li.y. tmi: vandkrhilt road. Ir }i;is lie^n repottefll thal whilo Oaamadata ? ;lt bM beefl ii't-ve iu his pn>parat:ou_ for slnk ing tue trnk of thfl llarlcm Rallroad above tho Oran.l Central Depot, to hai aflbwod waeB low Utat put t to bfl BflBBflflfllfld, atul that flfl his rn. lateBttea Bf ..nryini? if IBrhagh wlthout additlonal ull from the city. A reporter w.n aaaured, yesterday, l-y Mr Hiukhrit. MpfltlBtflaBflBl flf IBfl Harlem lni Iirovcinrtit iitul en.'ineer of tho road, lhat this w is an error. BB s_i<1 that Hitftleienfly rapid pro_reaa had bflflfl Btedfl: the route had been marked otif, ii n il nothinir rctnained but ro i?ive out the eontraeta aad havo the men iro to work. Tho WOft would ta MBflfltfltfld BBaflW the depot qiilto a.s .-..uu M that BflMTfl point, and there would be no Ofljeel ln havin.; It done earlter. Ife on'.y hoped lt wonl.l bfl put taflO us gOOd baada as thone holdlnd the contracts ulreudv awardfld Mr'Huckhout aald fhat tho public bad an mipn-Ksioii that fhe aewera and gnn and water ptpaa would iires.^nt dittifiilties. This waa a fooli.h Iiur bear, as ther would neither be au ob.stach* to the work ti-ir be Uflhta to injury. OCRAN PEIULS. IU ItNIS'.- AM? TtHAL I.OSW Of THK SIKAMSHIP K __!_.. As Iin: I'ijimcnk's foreiffn di?patohi'_ .tat.'il yeaterday uiorniuir, the .teamship Kne, Capt, Wlilnun TlBklflpaBgfl. "f the Uuitod Ktatea and ilraili Mail Stcam ?hlpi:?nipai.y'-s lainp. was burned at _ea on Jan. 5. off I'nruanibuefl. Further dhpatebes. thon^rh nnaatlsfao t.ory aad lncouiplete. atfonl a few additiorral dctails. T!ie intelllKonee of the dtMster wm oonTepvl to Bt. Thoma_, iu the Weat Iniii?*, by (*\pt'. VvMsf ton of tho bftrk Susan E Voorhles, Which ?all?d from lluono. Ayres Nov. 15: Ho atates that hia yatgfA ovcrtook and pa__ed the Erie, which wa_ hnrnlng ut the ti__, o\ Jtn.'_, at a point nearly 100 milea north of I'.'rnaiiibiiej, A-lJ? ******* **f ??round. anU waa ulmost a coiupl -te wreelt, thou>r._i a portioii of tho re? l?fl funncls with a few aupportlntf rod_ remalo.^. Tho crew of the VourliiCM saw several boati fllled with tlu. IgON aiul .rew of the Ecm, proceedlug toward the ahoro, tUey having made their oaeapo from the liurnhnu eteaiuor. Tho Htoaimhip Coinpany have every rciiaon to talicvc tliat tb'y nia:li|al)oaril the Erie, tat BdfleM ftiido'ht.r private NpQCfl-__ffl aaved, and it iflflflfltfl?i uo liwa were Imt. The Erie waa the proport/Of the Uutted fltat<_a anJ Ilra_ll Mail Hieuirathij-. (.omminy, aud aallotl ttttt thia u Nov. 23. a.oppiu_{ at varioiu Weat InJIa po.-i_, uud tlicii proeeedlflg le I_u> J?iaUO, SUe arrived al that port,aad?tflktag aata laapflflBBBBfll mbIe,Bflaaflfld ou tta rotam tnp Dee. fl^aad waaduohero Jau.'tO. Tho Erie wai oue of the tliient and niod BflflBBfldMM ?t.'ain iilnpi. tn, the BBfTlM of the Coniimny. lihe waa prin. i pally otiiplii.i"U ln traiiiiiortlug un.l ruliber froM Houtli An ii. i unl W..ii Iuilloa, but alao oarrlod lhe 1'uiteii BtflflM flMajB BaB naually a laige aumber of pa . HBBBefl, Shc was batftaf wood, with iron aud flflfflNB f-iateuliitca. Bh?wa? i,uo.l tuu_ Irurdeu, uud wu* bulll at f. ._ii.iryi.ort, Maa.., lu l.OT Tho vmnil lli f.-.-t iu ciiKth.41 r<*t, witn a dtapflfl of JPMm. Aa theateumeraof ihia iim, alwaya carrf thoir own ai,.Kraiu moeivad fu.iu Ua '?"'. '"" -. ? ' iUi? iiui |be Erie oarrlrd %!,.?_. iiair^ <> cott-\ woi i n ii. _rlr Tha Houth * wiii bo MUbatlluiotl ia plaoe of lhe _-U_. LOCAL MIRCKLLANY. TMK TWKKI) TKIAI.. STORT OK TIIK M)8T rOOOBBBB. Therr* wan very little of int-r.-rtf ilir-it-v" ia the Tweed eaat yeiterdav, only the atorv of the dlaeov ery ihat aattaafl tell tale voiuhera were mt-iaing, the ua ava'lliii. -I'.trcli for thetu, and t di -er.ptiou of the forinal roflt-flfl through Whieh each bill had to paa . Ixiug by the taatimony. The defenae offnrad fre qarat Q-Jafltllillfl, wblflh luvaruibly overrulod by .luitge DavU. The UntqueHtloa ?!l laauu-. tion hi Mayor Hall autD.-puty lonlroller Stflflta about 'wo montlu. !_. ire thev wen- Btlfla '1 On tlu* luoiuing oflept. 11. thfl oflflfl waa laaal BraBafl op*-n. with the lack f.uce.1 off, and ft niimrxr of pflpflfB . m-. TlMt j.aper* were propeily In the < u tody of the County -flflB* tor, who mifitiited a sea-eh for them, l.ut they eould not l>e found. Tim BflBB in whieh llmy were flBfl .Uy kept wai alwnyi locko.l dtring BBB B-jB*. but rtnrmg offi o liours wan BflBBBflM- ta aluio*t .iny..n.. W mn vou. BBBB BBBB taken out for auv purpu***, no u.euniraa iiiii.. ii ai kept. iml uo parti. .dar e._ IfB-Bfl. IflB ? M m.i.i-a of ihe rn wlion r.iturued, and the flflaatfl! pi- Hafl lfl tl*? oiliii. fl*flfl il.otvu to be very Iflflefl. ? Oot jCMEt ll.siATK ca-*... LIVE OK TIIK BBIBBIBi Af the re.uuiptii-i. y**--t?*n_iy, *>l ili<* |>r? ae.utatiou of evldenee for Iha ilefen-c in BtiMBBl entata ca*e, Mr. 0 t'ouor coiuinued hia ? flort, to uaBflflafe tfefl fe-niiiiniiy of llttll. one of th.* plaintilT* wit :,y iutn.dil.iiiK a d. po-ilion la Wklflfe Bfl I Bflfl lhat hn tatfeet ili.-d in Hfl aml Bifl IfltfefTlfl l-BB, a ? ilepoiltlon in whi.-h he HJ - tmmt Bifl par-lit- BBflfl *t almut the -tme time tn HM or tBB h mmfk ot t'ie ln s.-riptlous fla tfea tombstom- fll BfllPfl iBtfljfll .irotbera was alao put ln evl.l.-nr.* fot the ?ame piiip?ie. Henjaniln M. Hoaworth, a mu lnii-t, -nirveyoi. iod aitoniiay atlaw, from Warn-n. B, I-. eanit niu :.*d aeveral of Hull'a itaf-meuU i.-laUve to r.ovi let.oe. uudaaid that he h ol h'"ii fai flflflflfl Baaa to Wttt ap biHbb. a far tfea .i*-iou ar.- part*of toafland court reeonfa an o'Conoreontended that th* preiifll.pti..n .f law '.a* t- writiafla ivonbi ix- put ia <-vi dence under^be i.iw reapecttng aa-leut docaaMMla aad Inaertpttoaa. Judge Shtpman ao rflM. It wan provi-d bf Dr. Wefllea'a lay-hoafeB fflr tTW-BB that there waa a Polly Bowen, ana al-o a li-t-n Uowmi, in Provldenee, V I.. who were ffi** dati-hten of a * aleb liowon. No** it Ih adflaltted tbat tae Batay B..w.-n who lubaeuoently beeame Mme. Juin. i, aml h. r sni>*i rolijr, aerethe daughter-of John Bowe_ ; and it laannulae-1 that Mr <>'('..,-i.u? will atteitir-i to profle that it wai (?? let. Rowen'a Belay,inatefll ?i John B-iwaa'aBaUi, who bad the alleged lllegitlmite cbild One ol t!..-.i.- i.ooBb -tate- i bat I'.-ili. after takiun " U. w..rtli ot emetlc ana j . fld. WOTtfe -l Ul. glob.,died antl balnnerd hor au coiiut."' min_cir..i_ IUT-_B8. THK fiiN'l1 -I l'"lt TIIK OKFI.-K Bff BBBVfff 4'HAMBKIil. MV. Tlie OBN "t l-'r:iii<-i.-t A. PBfaBer Bft, .John Koley. catioiiri regatding tne coiulii. t of tha d?-t?-ndatit m Um aflidiivtl; deni.Hl.lMi' Ltw:.:uc; then th.* e,.m uliilnt. tfefl a-onteu'i of Mhnliare u. all t-flpflflBB r.itho.ieiii tueWaltai II I'aluier -uit. Mr. Towua.*nfl read tln: auiwer of Mr. Koley. whieh B Ifefl flaflBa fld BB the other ean-, aml alio pr"3ented an atthlai it of tho de foiidant, .-.U-ting hi? off.r fo u.ake a ease for tbe l.a-neral Term, and ouo <>r Rleharrl A. Hforra, riMeirln* thae Wal ter B. I'.tlmerj llled a bond in Ihi i ..iitrnller'a Offloe, which bad not been ac.epted. Mr Lawrenee BBBBBBl for tbe plalntitl, elaiining thut the main qtie?tion waa whether|the aaajataBBaaatfll tfefl DayatpCBflBBfeflBfBBBl Ueionged to BBfl < 'ontroller. He eontended that il did not.and ainote.i haaa tin aalflt UM aal tfefl Ot tai al 1_0, in support of hi* argiimcut. whieh *un iu thi* main a re|i.-tilion of ni.i'l ? on-*atui.lay lanl. >fr Htrahan follow.-.l Mi I.n vi. ue Bfl I BlBltaad Ifefll Mr. Pob > waa the legally api-oiited Deimtv ? haiuherlani. The'"ourl ir-eiveii iti deiision. OflultflllerOtfl? talataaal. yflflierflay, lf. h. Rnekweii, the bflflt-flwparol Ha Cfeaaaflflfl-bta. OBMa. Ifefll h.a iter vlcea were no laafai rei|iure.l. >t. hflefewflll deniea tbat th.- CQaBflllai hn any authority over him. aud will, it Ifl Nai'I. i.nore h:i .l.-lioii iu the lUHftaT Mr. Koekwell haa been tbe bookkeeper of the Chamberlata'a <.'tli .* Baai liieiinau waa Cb imberlaln. Tbe iietitiouo- tirilhth Thomai. rotirilau.U I'ulmer, Wm. A. liootli, flfld oth. rn. thal there Bfl erueied in the lower part of th> eity a salt-wat* i ippiraiui for tlie ex tiii-iiiilimeiit fll flrea iii-eording tfl tfl* plan of Thotoa_ Miller, wa-ye-.i rd.iy pie.-eiiieil u. the lioird of A.d.T im*n aml referro.'to tho Commlttee mi Btreeta. Al.ter man Olte-idotfer olf.Tci.i a le.iol.itiijii t<> the effeet that the cxpiralion of tlie terni of oMofl of the Board of Ai derm.-u of 1-71 prevented rn.- -ommlttee appotnted to inveatlgate tba fraudfl lfl tfefl Bla btafla th watd Market ii mn ti i.ahii.g their labor*. au.l he moved ihat a i nnt eommittee couaiBt-Ug of three membera of tm* Boanl of Aldernien, with thr,?*.m.*ralM*8 of t -i<- Board of Anu*tan? Aldermen, ta appolntfld, with power t>. -end for porMioa and papara to uiv.nigau Iha allflgcd ftau.l*. t-ommiitad in the building or the market. The reaoiution waa a.lopted. aud the I'hair nain d AldeiuiHii . lileii.torfer. Billinga, and Falconer a- the Commlttee. Aktarmaa V.m -"ihaiek tno'-ed that the Manh ittan Market Pom paiiy Im* p. ruiitt.'d to pla"' aml light *..** many aireei lampfl aa iu_j ta dealred. lo l.a wuth an-., bfltWflM Ih rtv rourth and Thtrry tlffh-<;r., proijde.l the ?-?m l?ai.v pay inoexpens.. th-- _;,- be auppli-d fiom ihelr owa fltflfltr, flfld tha work be d.m? uudei th? diroetlaa of th.< Oommhatonet or rubi.c Woiitn rue rflflaBBBBBJ waa adopfi-.l. At the meeting of the Doek Couim. vnouer-. > eiierdaT, tfea petltion oftie Manhattaa Barfcel Compeny t..r the Immediatfl ui*e of the im-r bulldU.- al fool of Tliii-ty-_:tb ... N. U., waatrranted fo the extent of 2x24) f**et on U_8 iniiercml of Ih- pier, ih* Compauy to,|)av two !"taia of the rent after fflfl. W. lt ? ifl B-flfl reooived ihat aa tha Depitrtmeiitof PflbUe Work-. hai inforin-al tlu- D pul im-uiof Do. k> that tlu- griduig ol tbe stieel lfl lflfl jt litittv ?f the Manhatian M irkef ha.l bsen iierform-d hy th. .Ma. k.-t t'a.inpiiuv, aud Iia.l not eonfoi tne.i to tha <*? tabliihed grade, tbe Cooapaa] tnn-t iberefun rectlf" ilm lIBlll) fllltfl Uflfl BiyiBfle lfl Bfl to eou.'onii It tO tkflt flf Ihe imi a eommunicat-oo fr?m s*ii|M'riuu*nil.-utTiionie of ihe Cleanlafl < oiuml*4ioii,ai4king thai tl.e w.u-k ofremoving tlu* Weat WaVbiuirUiii Market bofl-da be delayfld tor tlu- pres.-nt, wi? raferrod lo ?,? perlntendeat Weitervelt, wltb lafltrneitoin thnt worfe u* auapflndod ...iiii ihe wemher peruiu eomplatiou. THE FOG AM) THF. THAW. a n'R-V-HOAT OBUJHBV. aii rarly hour in the m-orniiiK Utt uearly mldday,, a boavy fog {Terhflflf IJifl, i-'ty, aud il wa.** liupoti-ible to aee bhjacta diatlu-liy half a il.i-i'ii } Brla iu BlTBBflB. In a.lditiou, ih. r. waa j. intat tliat aettlfitjiuou ej-e^J^iuj(. Tho " blocka" of afreel rai-4 aiuTveh.-le? of all kicd.** on the leading thoneigh fiirci were morv annoying than at any time uaee tho ?Bfl. flB____-tflflB. Broadway, Weat Hroa.l .kj, f.tnal M.lTliatfiSfti-tt . aml tiie Bowery, aud tb% Bpproacbea U? the ui-uktit- aml femec, were almost uitpa.-aahte during the .fiU'o da>, aud tl waa aliuoat impoeat bifl tflflflflfla tfee H.*ftaU. Ibe etn**-i? wej-e luildnl witb miid and Baah anu '' dcep. Ou the . oith au.l l.aal lajve.nauil iu Ihe Bay h.-ivigut^ou w..a attenucd wilh derided perll. 'The tog waa meu detmer ou land. The ftvei-ge ietattb of lbe Ui.Bt waa h?lf au bour, bui oeoaaionally ihny w.-j,- rflflj mm u haaBT' ?>'"1 ,'-*tll the afteruoon were tlu- N.un.l BBflBBBBfla tmmt 1" BBBtfe iiifi.1. ail of thHin having beendetayed afl thelr way down the '.muid aud the Kait Btver. Itiooklili atreet eara wen- .lelaine.l for aeveial hoHTB ?Ifefl uioriiing near Ibfl Atlaniic, Wall-flT, aa*l ,''1ll5'>* .exriea h> the liuo of loade.t aagjuiaaud trueka that I blivkefl up tbe Itreeti Then- were Lou laiaad fai-aata ttOd othel** in th.- lme ?ho wnro obllii.-d to wait ov?w three hour- nud mauy Wflta uuauio to ui*;..- lue iM_i*_ge , r.t ! in*, lule in the .ia* . About tf a in. a collialon ... enrred between the ??-*"*" to.ia-?*- fen-y Ivoiil Moiitiivlloaiiii Ihe Bkuiih l.-iri b? Tbfl l?>.iti itiut-k ?aeh "tbt-vfl. ^^,.,\ io aeraii-i'V thal, lita'arailliiar-iuuditull wen. f^S-TSfl* flflfl oaflB-tfl on BH-aflliliig the altp. ?he w.n* _.???****? __. Cl__rnVp^MKT. TJtxn ....... Kf..-. Ufl . -Brr-a. I ?ll BMBBfl hfl MB 888881