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Voia. v \\n N?. _______ NEW-YORK. SATURDAY. JANUARY \h. 1*7.. QUADRUPLE NIIEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS TIIE CREDIT MOBILIER. MORK IMPORTANT DKVELOPMENTS. TIIE FIKST (N.MMITTK.F. NEARI.T THKOrOll?A* D-BURIM UU 1> KNTKKKl) l P*. N ?T THE *'M>?AN A-ToMSIUMi _ TATKMK.NT KROM MH. IM'KAST l.iNl'.KMNO TllE BLILDINO OF TIIE RUAD. 'Bt TILIGRArH TO TIIE TRIBl-tBI WUBWlMi Jau. 17.?The intereat in the Cic'dit Mol.iii. 1 it v.\-*tigation is now pretty much all conceu tratcd iu tlie Wii. ? Committfle. The Poland Coin initt,.' ln hl n.. iiu-eting to-day, antl expect at their aieetmg ou to-uiorrow to finish their work by eiam iniug Oakea Amesagain. and puttinga fewque-stiona to bit* BBflM-tary. They wdl then cloac their doore and on tbeir report. Tbe WUaoa Comniiitlee sat all day. Tlioa. C. Duraut waa on the witnees-etand all the timo. Tbe ' .tt.e. who aroevidently investigating to fiud uut the truth, luive no eaay ta_k iu trying to got cx p!iut iiiforrnuti*.*- from him, owiug to bifl babit of aturwerii.g quctttjuna iu an evasive way. It usually i flboef lflfl ininut.B to got BfOfltttfa Tflt ur Bfl troBB bim on any important point, and tbe Com iiiitte,* iu* fr.-qucntly obliged to uit patiently for a long tim* wLile be ovcrbauls bis books and paporu, 1 bv bis secretary, Mr. Crano, who .ite at bis i-lbow. ll.e i'<T-:sU-:i.e oi tbe Committ'H* alwnys wius in tlu-iini, liowevor, andas tbe _-_i..t of tht ir li_ht b.giuatobo tbrown upon the tl"iu.s oi tlie pittrioiii. t't'utlemaii wbo coustructed the " paat higbway acros_ tho coutiueiit."' lt i-- uot :i. rcditi-'lo account tbat Mr. Duraut un -williijf-'.a *:*\? - *>f tho transaclioiis of hiniself an*l hia Bfll liiivetorisof tho Vnii-n l'acit'n Bafl" road, nnd at tbe same timo direetora of tbo Credit Mol.iii- r. < '.;< >'f tli.'-c tra_sa.tH-isiltt.iihd, to-day, vttth obvioaa itlaolaaaa. would, accordiug to tho I'liintimn stanilar.l of loiiiiner.ial niorality. bo char ?wti.i.-.d by a very barsh tenu. It appears tliat aft?*r tlu- road bad beeu built to tho 100th meritliiiii under v. Lat aro known as the lIo_i. :ui.l Uooni. r mi.ti..<;.-, tlu* Ofl-BflflflBJr fl 'nstrncted "?>H mil.s BBOBfl untl. r thfl .-.lporviftion of ita own ofticials, at a cost of $97,600 ;> | mile, iiiclutling eqnipineiit*.. tlr i.iiitiit.t v._s iiiudo wiib Oakes Ames and to tlu-(."it.lit Mobilier to conipb te and lijlliji '?<._ to $10o,.V)ll *>.t mile, laaa-BB-B| _Ldion of luu niilcs of traek at was ina.lo to apply to the Ircady cumpletcd?that ia to say, tbe Cu.iil Moliiii.T u-i'i.l t'llmilil tbal iiuicli load ut Hbom | laile, whieh was already built, aud had , ? ? ; ? . mile. .?Tiu - __adfl thla wwiarkablfl routi.K-r iu OotohflT, IMT, and, IWO runntli. att-r ward. tlu-> look froa tlieir tra.-uxy 0M-MOO in .-??* boada oi tbeir road, and $-Yir-0,000 in ti.tircapitalBtock,aad haadud it over to tkaaa* B?|fl?a aa d?flOten fli tbflCMdtt Mobilier, for divi aaoa aaaoaic tbe BtookholdeiB ia tbe latter eaaeera. ai whi* b thej weta tba .hi.f. ibi- v.a.s tu.- profll i,i, tb' l wkieb was already built abt-n tbfletmtiaetwai aiadoi md it was cipher.d out by (t.-.lii'tinir in in tba L'ntiit Mobilier eoiitra.-t jiri.e tba aetaalfloat ti tka load. Tbe balance fur . a mvidend to tka Crolit Mobilier stockhold t_-_ of 1-0 per cent OO tb. Tb* "i,U i lt- in tr Mr. Daraat eould say in palliation nf tlii - it aaflblfld lh? road to BBflihc ? BBOBfl IflIIflflUIll eontraet fa.r tbe imlitii. 1_. .1 Iiart of tbo line. TkON il \oiy little in this I I li.Tti,- l tkad-feotoiBwaiainlaalitywa> liaittllH wilh thOBBBB-TW to build thfl load, and in doing so tht y jut the prieo high enough to B-BOTb nll it-- ac-n ta iiml all tlie liiout-y it could boirow. 1 his iljvjdeud ol $l,oOi',i)ou in bontls and at.?-i-s liad ac crued aud aaa pay tble it tl- ? tima when OakaflAflflfla bflgBB lO phice liis Cr.'iit Mobilier ImiihIs :nuoiigCo:i gnaarn. n. It aaaBa t<> havo been, t<> -in-ak in plain terma, ni'-.'.'-'l tfott the I'tiion Ta* iti.- Koad by its i.-.iti ilm i-i'TS. el.arge.l with guai.iini: it- inter. sts aml divitl.-d BflflOBC thr'iiseUes und their fri.mis. No i.'luai'li ooaafl-a-i.itit.'.i what. vei uas K'iten in , i.rit. Mi. limaiit, after .luu- qaeati Miid tn ii.iii. I 'ni..:i Fadfla mad, if it had Ina ii .. .'1 .'tiiH.-.lly bi.ilt, v.<.uld not hav* flflfll OTfl I fi'.-nd lo atlmit thal tke *. r*nx_aal aid i 1 itfllalook, if paid aa tka tu-1 ul i led, wonld oobm withia t~,x**'',iAA oi bB-ldingandflqaipp-ng tka i"a.l. thus laaving tke Compaay wi hnodebt Baretkattfl tht IHMat. and Wtth tta '?.'?-t land grant un i !. I: iin- bad.i <l"i.e. he thflufhl tbe . dividend <.f in oj I ^ .! i '." Muith eighty i . int- of itslai.'.i..:'."- ition t" tka eontribu tmn v bicb Mi- I1 l" -1(. t .'.!i. a; ralopd ii"- __cl thal tka I ? ? n .. Ht u ? \iiir. mtmk, pajrabta lfl Mr. llarlau's own order, an.l uot sent tfl any tan iiai^ii eoniiiiitt* < iii Iowa. Mr. lltiraut BWflBfl j?OMti-.?-ly tbal Bfl bad not rhnrged tho -juount to the iailroad, but he adinitted that tho new l'" oi liiteet'irs hati mado rKune inqiiiii.s alK.'.t it. 11. bad, bfl a. kii"\*l.d-.-..i. bflflfl in the babit of spenilii.^ MU] lo eonliol election- ni Iowa, Bt.iii.-times heii'ing to .-l.t t a Doaoeral ty a loeal olh. e, and soiui Iiiin.- a Iwopuhlioan, bi.t objeet bt-ing t'i " I'lit -?i"d meu in.-' 1 ba ? I upied fl long time e-t'ilaminf- a "faapaafle Aflooant** o_ H-8^000. wbieb w? dnalljr ainliu-.l in a iny.-it* u'jiiii iiiaiiii<-r, Iba .unliiing i-oin niittie b*iii_ ret|iiir.d .nly to satisfy theuiBelves a_ to tbe ileins, v.itb ut rejK.rtiug tluui. Miub of this wae for " _>rtl_*-iii ...*y ?-j'eiibes," aud under this head between $HVi,uoO aud l|-U0,000 wiw paid to J. 11. Stewart aud $75,--) to $150,000 to Ab x. Hay, who were tbe Compauj 's coniidential agent_ iu Wasb lugton whaa the aet of 18*34 waa being worked tluougb Cougre-S, and afterward iu c-ortain transa-tione witb tbe Leavenwortb and I'awue*. Itailroad Companies. Mr. Duraut sai*l he had never required thein to accouut for this money by vouchers, aud bad flimply taken their reo ipts f??r it. II* did not kuow that any of it had been upent to itiDueuee legislative or elective aetiona. Tbew agents will, no doubt, be summoned before the Connnittee t<? give a fuller aeeount of their atewardhhip than was iequircd of them by Mr. Duraut. THE WILSON INVESTIGAT10N. ?nS-D-fl-M LUl-MUni OF THOMA9 C. DLRANT ?isKNATOlt HABLAS'.-i ELtl.TION YVSV AGAIN ? AMKS K-Ll-ING 111K ROCSBOLP-D-i RBAMU-T. IIIKNEBAL PKE_S DI8PATCH.I Wa.?him';t(-n, .Ian. 17.?The Wilaon Select InvflatlKatiiigt'ouiiiiittee met at Mt o'tloek. Tlie Hou. Wio I'rtry of < in luu-tl, tbe ooanael eiiiploye_ hy tbe (ioverntinut, waa weicomed by tbe ..'oin uittee, and took ln*. aaafl at tbe table witb tbem. Tbe Cbainaau s_i.l ue liuil le.elved from tbe Becretary of lbe Jut-rior tlie re. .it of tbe OovernuieDt < omiiilsalou .tb, ib wiii. li tbe Wy -luiiur coal cotiU_ct ia diaeuB-ed. and alao Hi<- BflflBBa of ihe (lovernment Direetora of the Udiou Tmt itl' K.*i!ri._*i fn.ui Ita orgaoizatiou tothe preB ent Haaa Tl.e eiaiiiiiii.lioii of TIioiiibb C. Inirant -wa.8 reaumr- He salil tbe ai-ig-Dieut of about 300 aharea of atoek UiOakta- 4BB8I hf lbe ( redit Mobilier wbb to en able Iiiiii to <any aal attual exlating coiitracta; ao DBii.ea were given of tboae to wbi.m tbe atock wa* to be ,ed; bb to bow inucb of the Btock Aines now held, lt wm the pnip.18*! of the wltne_s to aseer lalo by auil wbieb be bi-.l comoienoed naalnat Aroea; alltbestiKk beld by Aidcb drew dlvldenda; tbe tx>o_? abowing bow tbe ptutlts were made upare iu tbe banda ot Oliv.r Ainea; Uie Itooka altow tbe preciae exjHii-i lAitm toft<i pr-tltM. Tl.e wltiie?a in fartber teatiniony aald lt wbb one of t be i equlremeuU of tbe organlzation ikxat BUtemeuta of .llT.deoda should be niadeout; wlt iteaa-lid not. all to mind any member of (onareaaem IrBoyed m eoauael by the Credit Mobilier; he blinaelf aanfllujefl uie Mou. Mr. Jenek-** >n aoma ault in Rbode .lalaafl i tia u*a ko_w wlxtfcer Mr. Jenckee waa a meu ber of Congrea.* at thut timo or not; Oflflk Bullcr came wlth Mr. John B. Allcy at the _tockbold(Bfl. meetlng ln Oetober lt*.7 ; alao rrpreaeutlng Oakea Aincs i_o tbe pn _> anttion of tbe tripartitc agroement. In an.wcr to tbe que.tlon whether any mrniber* of Congroa. were .tortaboldor. ln the Credit Mobiller, the -wltneM an.wercd tliat tbere were, and tbat tbo booka would ahow among whom dividend. wore distrltitiLd. By the ('bairman?Did tbe Credit Mobiller or the Union Paciflc Bailroad, or any peraon connected thorewith furnlab any money with a vlew of aecuring the election of uny member or membera of Congnasl A. Only one caae, which wa. an iRdlvidual matter, he paid $10,000, ?6,000flflflB BBBM. by flBflfli directly to Mr. Harlan; hi. private clerk. Mr. Or.ine, nttended to the matter; Mr. Crane wa. at that, be tbonght, A. Bl.-tatit Becrctury and TTeasurer to the Credit Mobiller, tho checka wero drawn on a bank ln New-York, but he did not know what bank a. he had ao-eonut- in aeveral bank. tbere; tbe con trlbutlon of tbe money wn* voluntary on hi. part; pre vious to thla Uarlanihad flflbfli him to contribute some tblng, and bo did contribute as I.r had large iuteresu ln Iowa; he gave the money us a pcrsonal friend of Harlan. By the Cbairman-Waa lt to aid him in being United Btate. Benator 1 A. It wn. to anl in tho htate election ; I wauted to have Heuator IJarlan elected ; I did not tell bim tbe motive of my contrioutlon ; I bad a large inter oat ln Iowa ; thi v Bflflfl rather crowillng me, by wbicb I I bad aome county bonda, to the poymenl of which .otne of the candidatc. for the Legislature were ?Pflflflflfl ; I was nati-ili'd flflfll Ilailan abould win WMBflflfl wa. intett'ogatc <l at lr:flflfe aa to tbe payment of the general expenae. of the Company by bim, .<>r wblch he gave vouchers. flflflflfl flf tbe money waa paid tothe flflflflBflflJ J. B. BBavan of Washington, aml Alexandor Uay 176,000 or $100,000. Tbey flBBB etu pliiyd in maklng arrauk'tmienU for tho Ualoo Pacliic Bailroad Companv with tbo Leavenworth aud Iflflflflfl Bfllll?d Coinpany, aii<lireltlniKoUi<;rdi-putcd mattii.; they _t te not BflflMfl?fld to use one dollar to BflflBflflflfl legislution, directly or luilirectly ; flitflflM flflflfl tbe mouey U. _?tew:irt and Uay tfl pay over to Pearson, wbo tiii flflflflfl?111*. lntrre.ted in tbe LflfllflflflMB. flBi Pflflflflfl Ruilroud, and they flflYfl witur-_ vouclins or re flflflflfll be flflflfl?BBl that Stcwurt aml 11.y could ex piaini liittir tli.'in hfl could. WHAT AM1S WABBflB WITH TIIE ACCOCMT9. During tbo examinatiou witneis said Oakcg Ames flflkflflBlM about tbe BflflM of tho flflflflflflt] wiiiie. _ siiut t,. Aints: " Wliat do you want wlth tho account. t th. y BBflfl been examiucd by tho Board pievi.u;. Iy api>o intcd, ?ad paaaod upou offlciully nml paid;" Ames replied: " I want to see whether any nioney Bafl bflflfl paid to incm borsof Coupri-.-.-;" flrttBflflfl BflBflil "Why doyou want ti> ).iii'W wliitberany iiKHii'v ba. BflflB BflM to BflMBflflK ofCon.ros. 1" tfl fl?flk J?MfllflfUfldl "I VflBt thcuit-. l>.iy n BaeB if tbey <1<> not go . truight." By Mr. Bwain?Wliat <ln! he ciean !>y flflfl gU*t st might I A. I auppose tbo reiuark of Mr. Ames wus joiiilurly niiitli-. 1 iu- cbiia.-iiiaii BflBfld the flttaflflfl B-BBf hfr he had any knowledgc, lnformflttflfl, nr kfl?fl thut tbo two flflfl kl ,.ii to Bi-nator H.irlini flflflfl Mflflflflflflfl tfl flflfl of BM Bfl fll tlu fltflflfl?BlIflB, to wbicb flttflIM Iflflflfld tli..; tlit matlir flfll nevi r blflUflBI before and flflflflfl rejerteil by tbe Committec ; it was known l>v MflM tliat hfl flflfl pivra Iflflflfl flflflflkl: Bl flflfl a. ked a qur. tion flflflflflflflfcBB ; l,t in, aud replied tbat it waa hia owu private mitti : ; Bfl [leeounted for Bflfl iiinniv. expemb .1 ttflflflgk l.ltu l>y renderlng vonchi-r.. rcccipt ??, or drutt .. WMflflM was ilosrly Intcrrogatcd as to tbe ix]?ii.litur.' of flflfll Bf Htcwurt aml Uay. Bfl dM flfll bfl-fllfl one doll_r flflfl flpimi io liiiiiutir.' i,r .-i eara i. pi-iation. By Mr. Shellub. i-ger-Diil they Mflflf.v you Hfll flll tliin?expt-uilituri's flfllfl Iflflttl?fltfl 1 A. I l.iounht ao ; but I have Bflflfl flflflflflBMM MMflfl?flfl. Q. Did tlu y Iflflfl nt mi, li i-.;> Cl >t TOflaBan to show ttiiit tbe nioTit'.v waa li-'.-itiinati-iy BlJflllflflfl, Bfld Bflt to iiiftiii-iur loaTalfl?Ofl I A. I w;is siiti-tle'i al tbat tinio tbut tho BZflfladttorC ?WiiH li_riti.ii.itf. Hy Mr. BlMllfllMlflOl IBl JTOfl flTflfl come to Wasliinp |0flj vvitli Mr. JflflBflfl Brooks in order tO BBTfl lum ap puiiili.l I QflffllflBMBl Diicctor ut tbo I'nion l'antlc Bailroad ! A. I did uot. By tbe (Tialttnan?Do you know Omro J. I'oppli'ton of IS'et.raaku I A. I do. Q. Doyou nol know that PflffflBMflfl was a eaudidutc for meiiilior of (^ongres* BfJflflflM tiie proHcnt ataWthm, Mt.Taff.l Balflfl Bflt] I'oppleton in tbe ciiiplny of tlir I'i.ion 1'ariflr BfltBflflB Colnpaiiy lirtwren lb_4 iiml Iflflfl, looklnc afti-rits land. lu the B_flflflfl examination, tbe vtitness said the ClflflB Mobiller flflTflOflBM Atm-- ;i I l_flflfll for BflUfllflfl M ot Iflflfl Bfl B flflfl to Ikfl liiiln'.ul company of ? n |2,ion,ooo and $ DMCC tkflfl tbfl aetflfll of that portion <>f the road wliLb bad liein built, _m:.| f,.r, aiul Bflfl pt.'.l t'.v thflQflVflflflBMflt, liv tb'? ('hiiirii)iiii? il flfl. tln- fii.t tbat tlu-iliff.r ,, , bflt flflflfl tbe <?< _t of tlic BM aitkflfrl toi.'l und tlir iin.otillt for wliliil i' flfll Irt lllidi I tli , -4 roil I ,t , ,,.i-t,tuti d tlu' Aflfl-tfl "Ul of -bii-ii Uu divi'd Bflfl afl lu al tmi kalflMB bt U'.iit MflMIflrl a. it ? llv Mi. BflflB- If 'li.' Mflflfl*. Bfld H"t bi-i li tblis di \ kt. i, would it nol Bflflfl !><?< n IBfl I'iol" ity at Ikfl l'nu>ii Paeiflc__-__rafld c iiojiiiiiy, asd m tiu- _t__flaflflMflkUb I'Di'.ity Um UBMfl -Bfl?l BalUflflfl. BflflflBBBBfl.Bfld : it iinniiip tin- *-flfl_koMan "f tb. caatu kto bili, | I A. BflflB flfll TIi.- flfll Bt flTflfl iui; i-ii.miiA'I ai- eiTBB r<> IMI*. nflly exfliBhiad aa to all tka tat** la i-iaiioii i? i-oiitracts und tr:.n. f> t.. On bfltflfl flflkfld wby ti,.- i'i.ion i'.i< iii<' BalMafld OflMfaaj tetM not constnii-t Iflfl r<>a<l witbout ?iv-iu. tbe flOflUflflt t? Oakt-s _Mflfl. b< ,i il t.'u-( ompany 1 ml not Mflflfl! flflflflfl? to <1<i Bflt A coiitrii, l <ould not kfl willil (taBBB Atm-s V4itli>>ut MYlBfl Iiini tbr Ifl flflfll flf tki 1'O'tion of tlir Iflfld aiready i -airirf iu t<<l .md i'aid for b.v tb<- Bflllnfld I Onipaiij. Tlu BtOCkkflldCBI of l?jlb Hfl (.BBM I'arlfic ?flfflflfll Oflflfl* paiiy aud tbe Credit MOfc?flB were the same, witd fl eeptlofla, ??? rapwM atlflfl bm BMratkflatMM ot ?.".ihxi of stock ai the Union i'a< iii? Kullroa.l Coiupaiiy. My Mr. Hoar?Siipposc tbe road waa built c -iiomi eulj umi wittiou' unu-iiiii h?flfli aafl Ikfl flapttaiMflfll Bfld baaa Nflflflllkfld for and p;ii<l iu casb. wouid not tli. uiiii-uut of tbr Qflffl?Oflflflfl BMB ?f |27,_00,(_X? flflfl tbr ( rtock of $i)T,00>.,000, ainountilig to BH.OOO.OOO, b_v r built aud ri|Ui|>pcl tlir road, witliout IflBflflBflfl to Iflfld A. Harrily, at tbe time the work was iniii fcfll rnipbt be ;it pflflflflflt BBB Uie fflflQIttM aftotdrd, for, I thlnk, l-i.OOO.OOO. (_?. What would be the prcstiit value of sm h a prop erty, lucludlng Ikfl BMBd piimt. .ni.t pmpfllffl IBflflflflfll ol businesst A. I could not say, as 1 do flflfl know wbat tbe road is earning. C_. Do you know of any person hol.llng the offlce of a Oovernment dim tor m tho Union BflflMfl Kailroad Bince its origlnal estubllB_flflfll who ha_ licen intereated directly orlndirectly, no far as you know or have been informed, in the OBMM Mobilier,or in auy contract witb tbe roadl A. I know of no other gentleman than James Brook.; I am a .ubscriber to tbe atock of the \v v '.niing Coal Company. By the Cbalrman?Tbe contrai't witb this company and tbe Uulon Baciflc Bailioad lorapany waa entered into July, 18C81 A. The Wyomiug (ompany wu. flflflflfl). Jzed in tbe .ubwquent October under a law of the Btate of Nebrivska; the directors nre Ollver Amea, fflflflflflflfll oftbe Union Paeiflo Rallroad Company; C. O. Oflfl?ajr, and Tbomas Waddell; tbe capital la 1500,000; the Rail? road (ompany vlrtually owns the Coal Com? pany aud have had all the beneflt. from it; the receipts of the mlne, according to tbe Treaaurer, have been barely eufflclent to pay expenaes, tbe coal being furnlahedat ll f? a tun; no dividend. have been declared ; did not know of BM?BV having been paid to any courtnisaioner appolnled by the Government to ln ?flfll the road, but thougbt |G00 had been paid to Mr. Bnow ; had heard Wendi-ll bad ix-t-n paid, but, on aakinc tbe Proaldent and Trea.nrer of tbe Company they aald sm h wae not the fact; it wa. reported tbal a. high a. 126,000 bad been paul, bnt he knew notblng abcut It; be never paid anytblng on that aeeount; be had never heard anything said among the rallroad people tbat money waa paid to tbe Government BBflflflflflN ln exceae of what tbev were entitled to under lhe law. The (ommlttee tben ad)ouroi.d flafl. 10 o'clock to morrow. SMALL CIIANCE OF GETT1NG MONET FKOM THE CKEDIT v IBT TKLKUBAPH TOTIIK TblB.MB.| Washingtob, Jan. 17.?Tiie AtUiTury-Grn eral aaya tbat the reaolutlou of tbe Uouae ln.tructluf tue iiovnnu.cnt to proaecute tbe ( redlt Mobiller for auy money due Ibe United States la ao < ru.l. ly drawn, aud ao Itnperfect ln Ita uuderat?idiug of tbe Mbjeet, tbat it ia a que.tlon of attnoranee and uneertainty to tbe Department of Juatlre, It I. io.pe__.blfl to dlacover bow tbfl Cradlt Mobiller, being a private corporation, baving bo dealinga wlth tbe Government wbatev_4r, coaldbavfl Uefra__l*U UM United BUIflfl out ol ekxy money, and tbe FIoum- reaolntion to matruct tl.e Attor ney Oeueral to appolnt two aUorneya to l>e?-1n pBflBfll u tlou against tbe (orjaniiai. 9 IflaaHBJ BB of littie aflaaflfflaaaa. Um Oafflaaaaaao*. bowever. will aelect tbe att-rncyi., und tbey will be lnitructed to altcnd tbe hensi.ini. of Commlttee >>'"? 2, and take part if practicable lfl the laiaaUfBliBafl While ltis not likely tbat auy cauao of actloi) ****11 lv** found in tbe Credit Mobilier. tbe (iovcnimcrit bat- detcr mlned Ifl lnstitutc .ult a.aliiet tmt I'limn PaflBt road for the unpaid luteregt, unlraa prevent*-.! I.y lejriala tiun _a_flea Ha ciose of tbo toflflatigadfla al the laaOaaa* inittces now ln ecs.imn. Nothing will be itone t$ tbe Oovernment until tbe ComunttecB auhniit U.tir reports, hflflflflflfl tbe ion .n.ite.i bv tben, flflll no'< "'" AlllflflflJ much tiuie aud labor. Tbe llou. Aarau I 1*. rry, oueof tbe attorneyt. scleete.l liy tl.e Ali' i-BBIilfll. bas aceepteil tbe tru.', aiid Vflfl flfl Ihfl BiaBBlBfl Haa Maal y Mflthflwa. Iha aflhaa aBaBhBBaa sele.ted, baving deelined. an u.iii'i.iiiiuent to tln will not bc made uutil Mr. IVrry Ib .om-iilteil. Judire Lewaeafle of Obi*. in (pahea ?.f for iha paattaa, C1Y1L 8MBV1GB EEIVEM. -? FFPFHAI. OFFICER. FOUUIDI'KN TO HOl.P .TA'IK OIFI" 1 li IOESF.KAL l'KES. M.-TAIl II | Wa_nwHM. laa. tt-?1Um JeDaartag ot.k-r aaa issiied by the ITeaideut to-tlny : _,y the J'rttnlent of the Vniled hlaUt-EieeutiTt Ordtr. Wmttmtt, It hiis bflflfl l.riiiiKbt to tbe Bflfll e of Ihfl l'r"' ldent.if tbe United HtkU-u tbat iu_u- I" *' j * j "ullng atffl .>_.?? by appatBtaaaal tttm bBt, tt otb. rwlM -8* r the toi.-titliti.m and lavifor tbe t'uited btatea, whlie hoidin_ Hull Fnierai paaMaaa flfleafiflBB-fliaaaartai autbaiity of tbe btates and Tt-rnt.-rl. ?* 'n whi.-h tl..-> M r-lde, or uf inimieipal (a.rporHllaiiiK t.iul. r tl..- .la.rt.iH BBilBiilBflflnaaaf tmch BaBiBfaHaaa. theaflhy Bflaaitil lbe dutics of thfl .late, Tertitorial, or muuicip al BflflB ?'' tii.iaaaaa timo lhal Bbtrmt abaiaaa wttt Iba aaaiflBfll tbe civil otb.-. beld uuder Federal aathorltyi ?i"l Mhrrtns, lt ti I'.-lieved Wtth t'O. t-\r. i.ti.-t ? Ihi Itlifaj ot two ?.ich BB-Bfla by ilie BB-M BBBflaa lf Ufl BM patible witli ailue and faitiiful HM-flflfB Bl HM <!'".' ' Bfl .itli.T Bflflfl) tbat it frei.neiiily givei rlse to Inconveniencc. and ofteo r.-Miit* in .leirnii.M Ifl Iha pahttfl M-i-ti. <-. tti, iin.i. an r, i.-i nut in baruiony with ti..- ptiiura uf tjii OavflflaaaafU , In vu-w uf tln- pn iiiiM-, tlieiefure. I .<? I'r. BMMflU hflfl deemcd lt proper tbns and Bfltflhy t" fllTfl pflhlte *Otl*t that fniiii niut ait< r tlie tuiirib day of Mar.-.i. A. tX 999, exerpt aH henlu ui. -ntionc.l, BflBflflaa bolding auy Kfilrfiil < nii olli- I by N|i|..'!iitui. nl BBM Bf Iba I ?n. Utu ta.ii mal lawa oftba Ualted ItflUa wlll i><*M" ?'"'? wbiie hoHtflg aaat tBWt, mtt tt ttmti tt haU ..u.i al i under any Htate BflTVrntiiial iii.ieraiii"nr, or an.1' r tha thafltf ur uriiiiiutii-es of any uiimicipjl eorporation | and further. tbe a.-ecptauco or contlnued BflMtBg Bl BBI such Htate, Tcrnt.', <>r itiuni.-ipal BBBN. flrhfllhfll .?I, ,'tiv.- >t by i.piiui:itiin-rit, by any petflflB BfltdlBfl ullii , a- alni.-.-aal, BflflM* thfl Oflfl riiln.-a! of '.be Omttti Btatea, aifl. r thaa lalielal bbbbbb Baa.-r ti_<- Ooaattttttloo of tbe United Btatea, will bo deemed a vacatlon ot lbe Federal utlii-e bcal bv .-ti. li p.'1-...u, uii'i alli I" : bb a rnalflflatliTfl i.y aaeb ffh?fal aflheae al feJaaaaafl-la imi ur apiKiiiitintiit bthaasrvtae ..f ihe ttut.-.i Btataa Tb.- uiii Bfl uf J.i-tii-'*-* of tbo Tm *. "f -**?'"' alaa i aml uf (.?oiiiuiiB-.oueM IfltflBB tha ." knuniols'.-in* i.t of dee.l . of,<>r lu ailiiiiin-t'-r oalli*. ihflll Bfll t* '1> > mt Wltfllfl tne pnrvii-w uf Ihlfl uui' l, and an *X***taA I. BBI ilriii]nral)uu. and mui bB 1" bl BJ Ti mttml "bu- tt, Ihfl appotnaaeal ol Depatv mwhal "f Iha Daltaal Mfltaa may !.i-.. nferred upon .li.ri_-.or D.-pnty Mu -lill-.aitd D.puiy Poataaafltflfa, tha eaflflhaaaala >?f wheaa aaaaa 4a aj a paa aaaaa, an- alaa aseeptfll _raaa tia ape* lataniM uf tbi- urd. r. aad ? .v W M I't au.l BflM ?p]" meot- aaaaa Btflfla, lflflrlloalal, aa bb?talp-l mtABatitf, ).r,.l llllll Ihfl i-au,.: u- I..auil IU't l.i lUll'll.ra- llllll Ihfl lia haifa m then- flflllaaaa Paaflaaaatflr. Haaflaafl Pa pailflllifllB aml othei ot-.ers of tbe (Juvtrnineutwhfl havo tbe appuiutinent of sul.i.rdinate ufllrer.i ,ne W'.l to take uulicouf tbii* order, nud Ifl aafl BB thfl flB" nicut uf IU pruvi.i.niB tti terms within the i-plu ri of tlieir respcetlvu-'opurtinout- or o-l.ea. aud aa r. l.te. to tbe arvi-ral pernona h .ldint: ?prK'inrmerjt.a< under tbem rcftp-Ctlvcly. Byordirol tbe I't.-M.Ic.t. lU-ii.TON Fimi, .S.a'u t;.ry of State. Wtuhxiigton, Jan. 17, lflfl. '__.-' OOAIl 7/.M/)-'. nucn ahvavtn*-?Tin: riiii.Ai.r.i.riii-i tkadk sin.l. DI8T0KBBD-THI I Rl BOAI HMKNT. Of liit; I UM1 I "Ml'AMF... Th*' coal trade Wai 9 n-ibly alTerti'd yestor lajrhjrtha peaaflflataaa al the kfleltai aa Ihafatej. Oealfldfaaafldfll .-. nin pai taa,aad !? ezpaetfldta ba ?learcr. Tlie BVfltBJfl Bfltofl fll l*> i?rtnu BtaUpptflg polata,a4opled at tb<- ibiIIih,will,II la ceaeralli tt iu-v.-.i, ga lata afl al aa Iha i?t al r- braaty. Tbe t, u.i prlea thflCflfllh i la Itdfl altj a/IB ba ni??>'it tr pat taa. Tho Pblladelpbia ..'..I are -t..l di*.*,'ii*it*-d by Iha late iaa_flflna, aad larthac aajttattofl la atfaeti L Ciimiuiattafl un Mi. ..uu. n _ !?? 11? r, i/.e Mtrtk Amtrttm WA - I "Tiu- ar^iuiu iit of Mr. fl.-iwi n n i m pm, aud ae have aa <i..nt>t ba baa alven tbe injtter . .i.-tiii .-.iii-irti-ratiui'. lf lu-1 ..a i!i-iii au rti uai ly baa a atroBfl polfltiitbu l.ivurut tbe Kfart. Wfl are imt 10 el'-at- afl tO thfl proprl* iiv ol i-iaiit-eiitraliin.' the entire tru.l'' tii "ne eaiitr"'. * um].. titl.from the l.a-tniiiui,' of time, kaa beeatb. graataM i.'i.-iei uf Briaaa, aad the aaerfly andbualnew i.i-i.1 itv <>f tbe nntlemen who woald, aailer thfl aaa lystem, be entirely exeloded froai tht tr.ui., havi aflce tin.. b to K'liu tur lt Ihe vat-t j.r..p..rtiiim- to iiliitli it han giuivu." AafBfltlaai tiu aaeBflaahaaaata al dM aaaaalMfltfld ia.i ruiid and miiiiiiir i-oiiipaiiu* ou tue Bflfll lm-iiii'19 of Sii.ti) lkill County, The Srriiuloii flqrabUaflfl luys: Ti..-K.iidinir (uai inui inui Caaipaaj?whoaa ?t?.c_ bolderaare the BtoekhoMara of the P?adalphla aml lt. ..'iuii: Kai.ii.iui Ciiiiip.ui>--bave alraady aiaiuireii, Mitbiii two yeara, n Ineta ln s.-huykin County, aad ll Ua, ; i iu, eootainlnfl lfl tlu- aK.re_.ii.'. xj'.,OCJ aon ??*. Tlu .-(? laiul-a arr i.uf uu.iiiproved, aa luaiiv j,, i luppoae, for tli it I oinpaiiy imiv Wuiks C . ul ii.rieH iu ..i hii>lkill County ; .7 lu Nortbomberlaad, Bfld s lu Coluuii.ia. Tb. Letuab Vallev Ballroad Cotnflaai haa alao leeored a foo bold ta tha Behuylktll refltoa aao bave aeatUred Uada oo whleb tban nr.- aoi Iaaa thai fl doaaa euiii.-ii.-" opeaod. Othar oflrrjlaa. maitanlaaowa ?? len?* iu I IU tbat l't-KUill. W. liaititb. aul.'iulltv Of Tkt 1'otUriUe lltnrrt' Journal, fur tbo a.-.-. i tion thal tlu ia aie to-day onlv 11 tra.ti ol i?al laml wilh open eolli.-ri. a> in ttu ii.tirt- B. -huylkiil r. -luu that an- nut owmd bj traaaportlafl coapauloa if tnia i-11 u.', aad ae bave ao roaeoa to doui.t lt, lhaa it laevl iieutlv entirely ioo late io r.ilse the itv afalflai eooaoli il.iliiiii aml|Milv. Ihe l'lnlwli-ijibia aud H. a.llii < onpflaj. with tbeir tb eolUortea anu uiaiu luu- ol ouil.-t tii the PaUadalphla taarfci I doabtleaa bold the ki y lo the jiu.-iliou. Tb^t they wlll iu*c tbeir fldviatflfN M uot to bo doubt.'d. (hhBjflflBBBaair Imn Ihfl power ta iiiak.- ttfl coal biiM&ieaa very to all otlui operatOTfl iu tb. ri-Kiou arhoofl aaal aaaal aaaa over the Puiladelpbla aud lteading Koad. Tbere cau bc iiiu-oiiiprtii:"U batWOCfl the coiupatiy thal owns both minea au.l railroml... aud lii.llvi.luul o.M-ratorn wbo own only uiIiu-n TheBobflTl* kill ie_.-i.iii will uot ih tbe birt to make tbia fllaaflflfllj by exiieneuce. There are aeveral eollleiy ownera wbo are willine to al.lde by the averaaa pri.e juat aalopti-.l, altbuuirb tbey do not approve. ?>( lonuiuir au ur;_auizatiou wiiertin thfljf feel tbe uf lbe lai??? comi.aniea- wuuld prepou derate. K>-^-aiiliii_ tbe probuMllty tbat bijib* r pricea will be exacted bi-ii-alter, lt i-raid lfl the laterottol tbe larjft touipauia . ihat iiima. r imt t<. iiu|iair tbe proh'reBB of tbe Iron tra.l? tbey wlll have lo keep tbe pnee of coal at a ri-iiit'itiauli rate; tbat it la tbe of tbe railroad and cauul eouipanien to hava toe eonauiDptlofl of coal im re.aH.-il by ehflflfl prii.i; benoo il fui lum tbat ? eum pui.v i-arn.uif oii tbe BBaflBfl aml taaaaportfltlflfl LuBineaB eaunot Wlaely Bucritli'.- the to tUe otlur, aud tiii_.ll>. tbat tlie bliib war pilevh h.itc K'".e, Ucier lo return. i' ls alao plead* d that tbe capilal of tba- lurgv eeaapa ulea ib made up of lavetttiuenta of coiuparauvely amall -am- by pei_onH of moderato wealtb wbo are eulitled U> f.tir ictiiriiB, aud feel aeverely au adv. lae aeaaou. A inetunK of tbe wboleaale and retail coal de?lern of Pblladelpbia wlll be bflfll to-day lu tbat < i'.y for the pur of urvani-iiiK a Coal l.ivhtkug*. Bouie uf tbe dealerB derlare tbat tbia ciiurB*. u. oeceaaary in order tbal tbey may not be driveu out of buaiueaa. Tbe movenieut forma part of lbe cunfllrt anr ing out of tbe new meaaurea ot the Keadiug t'oBl t'ompany. |A iiit-.tniK of tbe Coal Jieulerr.' Ai. ..aatiou "' 1'bila delpbla waa beld laat eveulUK, aud a (omuitiee uf Me waa apj.unite.i to co-perate witb t!n?n.'iii_itteeof whole aale dealera lu prepariuff an addrvan to tbe public ln re? ply to tbe letter of the Frcaldent of tb* Keaduig ?&*-> load Company._ A MAB-AI-iUBEaTTt- 1'UOJKCT. Boston, Jan. 17.?A bill haa been intro du. e.i iu the __aaa__huBetta Legialature for the conaoll dation of tbe FltcbburK, Verment aad Maaaadroaatta. auil tbe Troy and Boalou Kjulroad lompfcuiea, tbt oon aolidaud rortxiratlou to be c* led " Tbe Hooaac Tonuel Kailroad Coaapany." lociodion Uie Btate -rtereete lu tae Hooaac Tunoai, ihe road wlll form a eoatlBaaue bae Irom Boelou tn Troy, witb _ oaoiUl of tii.iM-.o***. STR-KE8 IN (iKEATI.KITAIN. thk novBunra amqm thk oolub-H Off KMJTB WAKKH. nOVOBBB BBOOOnOB IX \va<;k_?tuk vvohk MBB DB-fAfla. AltltiritAilDN ? BBFCBAX Of "II vi ?,-TI IIS ? I'N.'AVOI.AI.I.I. ttPmOtm OB flll. ( Iflfl, [from fm flaao-iflOBBBBBraflaflBf <>p thb tbibubb.1 Lommin, Jan. 4.?The faint hope rxpre. a*4.. in mv ];__? |, ,,, , .?,,, the Boutli Wales flB-fefl fldflkflkfl iiverted ha. vanlshed. Tiie atrlke Is an accotnpllshcd fact. Ou tln i|,,y .ifu-r the breaklng up of tl;e coiif.r ence between tbe employer. aml the <!? -legutes ai the worklngm. n, ,, pflkflfl meetlng was held lu tbe great hnll at Mi-rthyr to BflflB ttfl dclrgat. _ report. four ot live th<i__,atid in-1. were prese:;.. The delegates .(Mike witn tnoderation, ... far as tono went, but witbout any t'llur BflBjflflMfla ttt a BOMtflfl of tho dilfleiiltv tban that SHiur arliitrati'.ii BlflflB IBfl employcrs liiul aiready re.|e< UE Tiie meetlng Hflflflflfld Bl ?BflflB Bflfl tho Welsh art ft much 1 i people than the Itngli. h, and tbey wnn to b.tvo been e.i-ily rousrd by a harangue from a Mr. Matttuaa; a worthy descriti ing lum.elf ae u workinau's flfll??Mi BBBtflflflfl tbat n_y be. Mr. a .tnke trotn t).,- plfltflflflflfflfl poiut flf tflflW, und tliinks that i_v,.ia_o men out .,f work (tlieir fami.u? flNflB Bflflfl ^tiarviii^> would bo a graud flffflflflflflity to Mflfl how liobly ite (-(..ihth flf BaaBk BTalflfl . ..ui.l flflflflaet ttam Mhflfl in Mhrenttf. Mr. _-l_fl_r, ika agewk <>f tta -flBflflT AflflOClattaa, took a much iii'>ro fflflfltlB?I vii-vv, iiml p|flflfll Ikfl BflflM fni body he IflfffflflflflMfl to give dl Mrtflaf help during tlio atrikc, orgaiuziiii. ;m entigra tloti into ttfl North aafl MM__B a WUttg flBflW?flfl U tiMM)BkBflfld to Ma. ut kflflM- UaflM ttfl daflkki tflfla ? I " ot Mr. M.itthi-n'. upiieals to tu-ir pa<. ion. aml Mr. Hall.d.i)'? piflaflflflfl of .iipport, tlio ii.-i't lmli/ineiit of ttfl Mflfl <oil.i|i-i |, aml Iflfl r-.-latllll.i'.t nf th- flflffltlflg BM iii on II,e -uie of hostllities. Hfl reul flflfl?MB, kovflfir, wai takflfl kj Hfl flaMaaflM ha a atlrala amm> Hfl* Aftn ii:iiij.m hour'- I'oii.-iiiltation they fldflptfld a i'-'> MMfl imt tu rc-uuir work ull tbe MBflflBH had with alrnv.ii t!1(-jr ,.,,.|,,. (,ir na tu l>< -r Bflfll tfldflflttflfl of BflflflB If ti.i n>, fl f ,i,-|y |t.ited in the long fl?flfltfl?A which till tln-1. -tidiui p;ip. r., tiie men have put thenisclve i in ?' ii_- T.i'-y flflflflfl proti -t BgflBflfll IBB Bflfl1 DOflfli Ifldflflttflfl ln wag.-- flfl iiti flUflgfld n-<e ln tne price "t iroti. Tiie BHMMVfl Iflfttfld thut Bflfl h-i'I flfll t i->>-ii, but ftfltflfl, aml thut. flfltktgkflfl increased tbe BBBB-fl wagflfl flflflfl Ikfl fl Iflfl flflfll tlp.tliey were flkUflfld Ifl <liiiilni_h tbfl aante BflflM vkea iii<- prlflflflflBtflawa. Oa the -im- of this princlple tln re BBfl Bflfl?fflBflt Bflfl BBfl Mflfl lltitnritial tlmt they would like flflflflfl proof >>r the i (fl,i ,n prloe; flkaiflnpafl ttfl empioycra fldtofflfl Ifl flflflflfll ttflflr flflflflfl Bfld ii< '-outit.T to i:i.pi rtiou. Tiils otli-r tiie !i,,-ti neither flflfllIflfld nor .!<?- ?Bflfl, hut | nflfl .'oi iv.itil vvirii u piopos:tlou to siil.tnit, Bflt tkfl flflflfl?Mi of fuct iilxiiit ||M flfll aii pnee, tl il t Uie whole tpie -tloti of what BfllMflkflflld kfl s.-tfl-d M hetvvem BflBptflfflM flflfll ouipioyed. to Arliitrntioii. To tli; . th<- r.inpioyer- Bfl. Mflfllfld.flfllflaiflflfleflflBlTi 1 tlnnk.atKl f Ml men, wlthout BBflBlflg to pia.ii.o.t ii-MBflBfltflfl ', <>r to tlml ? point ?.f i-.uipi. nn.-'-, BMB ttfl BflflB re->,,lvi! whii-h U n l.rlng (liKtitu'ioii anil flrretflkflflflflflfl for flflakafliflMflttsta ,-,,in> mageganttoe to ue ____ai_Mafl. kf kaadmttat flMBBBBda Toiiiii.i tlj: ii,,iit.r flOVM, vIii-? BBOflMStOflfl declsion ls ruallj th<- dflBlMflflJflf a Ml?iltjr Of tii<- co,i>oo (uow -.ii.i to to Mm Mflfl BBMkara BBflaaflfll iMfltaa Imifl portadj flkofeoal o:i flftBBpflkflfllBBBB)Mfl IwwatB Aa .imi UJU* iii.ii, r'. Tei it is ika 10,01..) who kava bbBU tkt ttttt*, aud ttfl ,vi,i.;.i whu un- BMMflfll to follow their Iflfld BBflttM ti.'y liki- or uot. Tn;'i in very Minpie. Tlu- iroii-work.. flflflflfll Bfl i-iUTied flfl wlthout flflfl , and if tlic <-oul-iniiKIBB Nfflaa Bfl work, the kflflfll ?Mfllflffld Bkfllfl fllflflfld know that tkfl works inn-t l.o < i.iHoil l.> BM eini'loii Ifl lf uot dflflflrtfld by IfcflMfl IfflB Tia-j tbflvflfan f.-i.oivi.t tha wttmt?fUa* in tin kflyfl of aBflBgiBflalaa their kaafli aafl lon-in- tk. BMBflBBI 11 jirl.l. It i" kflUBflflfl that the iroii-woiWn-, if uiieoiitn.ltrd, woulil have gone flfl ut the pro pMfld re.liirtion, or at any hav,, flflflflftod tbe ma_tera' od.-r for au inipeotion of their txiok*; tne i' -ii.t of which, it i* rinur, must have been elther to conflrui tbe maatera* atatirmentfl flBflflflpflBM and ao re biovc the groiinil of ttie uicn's complaint, or M eonfute UM.-iuitat.T- -t.i:.'iient aud toc nup-.'l them t<> jiflld to tln ii.,-:.'. ib iiiiinil. tjflfll flflfll to BM liar.lshlp of tbe iron flflrtfln*aflflflUttfl faet that th>yaro fiirown on tiieirown NflflflBflflfli and will gei none of tliat help ubi.h Hr. H.ilii'lav BflBflfld M ttn tr Bfl?Mflflflfl Ikfl nn iiioyer are verj ilch. Ilicy vvi!l lnoa_ !o_-< btU ttfl*1 probably can honl flfll lor Mflflttl . tr.u.itafl their resource. or luipiurin'.' tbnr capital, and fh<-v may flflflfl Iflflflflfl fhrtn-'-.vr-. ont of ttfl IflflfflflM U prn e w I... !. 9_\ ta>tUW l!-"iii UM e> -? .tion of nn r-pro.Iu<-t .011. iiut th.- rn. a iu,1-1 Bfl lapaafl. b< on ek irltj for tka ammm m* Bikflitii. flfld tbtiy kflTB m flBaaaflfld Bflttari j.iitui, -;. 1 i|iu-iiv, > - ? rflflBflk-BaadpflflBapi m vi. -ii, 1, Hkety m ?"? i-','i-,' Hbbb OrjKilai.j.. Bflt k-flfl- tii'irown et?fl, flflflfl tf BtOflBt, Ikflflla a ? al .1- -- Miflaa i:i Baalaad, amt b<b?1bi MlflBflM, aud tnr trai!.- ai nia>iii-t fl onlv loo flfll to tl'ink jii-ti,-. ? UM Mflfl of tl: ? i-liiker, flfl tfl Bltt him ? -- V4 111 nrr ol Uie Jiut or unjiist kiuil. IkATfllflfld - hm| aaoflfk t" BBflfl 1 ti;*! it. n flfli to ka ... M Ifl UM i'r, ? fli > flflfl, Ihe J.iilm. .- .1 1 tU Ikfl BWMMfld uioili.itii.ii, to flfclflk, flafBaaial prtafltfllefli ttaw flflflB kfl flfl flBjflfl-tafl. um MflBfl-Mfcaifllyafl fl-MMfl to romnler ttfl flflflfl flBNa* 111. i.t.-; Bflfl ttfl BfMpMM WklflB il Ili.ils iuotI uufavor ?Iflfl is .imjily a Bfl-J U Ika flflfl* of tta m<n. Its ?fl-il. -..Iv Im Bflflfl t'> kflfl iT' flflflflkf Ifl all for corn !>., M nn1,,ii ot employersa-aiii-t emplovcal. It flflkfl most MlflflflO- of roliiei- tt WBBB Io put a stop to tbeir flflflt bfl-fli-. bf flflflB?tU-fflflBflflaUi-tiiyaad taitmmiOyttt ttt. ir ???Iflfllflllll __MB?tlflfl, Having takeu thia gr.uul Ht.-p forw.inl, they Mflfll BflflflflflBflaltfl flfl back. I don't kin.w, liovveviT, that any body has a itflBttfl .'?mi'li.ti of tlmt. The vvorkinuinun flfld Ufl BflflflflflBM uir flBBflKflfl lli';. flflflfl BflflB BflflB bf, 'iiieir " WWtt r-" ( 1- tln Bflfl?.Ii flflnflfl Itill in un<l Bfl thrv, in fact, were tin v, 17 mtaty) -.-iiiou. Ifcaaakl it aaaMMary t<> MBflMfli Ikfl -rM-l_.i-M.B-l flflfl ?f ttfl <i'ir-t!?u. .-oe.i'iy flflad with thi tiiii-ter. Xow that tbe worlaltigman kflfl iMBBed toi-oiiil.iiie. flBfl prov.'l Iim-'lf able to meet liis ol.l 1 BBafl! '". Bfl B BV-Bfl. u,1't aflBBBI that he. too, Iliould !?? fonnd MflBflfl-Bflfl .'i<Ti?uriiig, and offen rockmg little of riirht or wrotit-- involved, Bfld MflflBflfl U have hi. own way on his owu term. I Hi* real frtendu will not pi. tify lum nor flflflflflBflfll BBB IBfl Btt-BJ that line, but VflfldM at luui tln v . .liim't Tiie very MMM MBBBflflfl Bfll BBfl by mtkttf was a 1. -t-on he Bflfl flflfl kfl BflflflflBfld U* lakint: t.i heuit, I uienu thi feroeity sliown l.y BflU to-do people _ general, an.l Mr. Jflflflflfl Hrett Ifl puriie'ilar, tow anl ttie tive pflfl -'ki- Mflflflfld flfld < nvirted for eonapiraey. The vii.dleiive toneln whnh tbelr ml.tahe waa discusaed. u>l tbe shameful mverlty wlth which they were pnnlshed hss evoked very paeaiouate feelings, and IflflflMl many fr.odei'Btc men-tnany of tbeir clas* and BBBM >( flttflfl BBMMfl-toJflflflflBflflf. Meetlnga have been heiu t.y trad. b eounciia to protest, aud eoine men havo jMBBd iu ttfl ]'r?t.-t wlio-. pt.-" me save. society at large from tbe sbaiue of an iudiacrliniiiate coudemnatlon Bfllaa-f out nl ttl U Mlti-bness. Mr. Ilughea is oue, Bflfl will, I belbvc, flfl witb adcputation to tbe Home H.n re:?ry for a modifleatlou of tbe savage senteuce flf Mr. Jiii-tic. lirett. Mr. John Morley is another. It wmUtttutB tmaaUtttg*** bIBbbI flBflflBBMaaaflld beirivtnto bl. contntmtion to Tht Forlmghtly Heciete f..r January 011 " The Five Gas Btofc-flfl." lt la not long. Wlth Kuie tbings be says you wlll uot agree, but lbe paner a* a wbole is a of rigbteou. lnveetive, and aut-b ao exponire of wroug doing a. flfl wrong-doer can afford to bave tuade, whether he slt on tb. beucb or iu the dock. Let me quote oue paaaage; The fact. meanwhile, are tbese: That flve workmen, aloiig wlth otber-, tToke k .oii.ra-t, us th... unuitel. do every dav of tbe week, tliat tln* BTflflflk kappaaed i? lnconvenienee ? greut DflMfccr et pflMflflfl ln London; tbat a very boctile opinion wa. foruied agalnat tbem, and fouiid Itu-'leM expie*- ion in tkfl aewspaprr* wrhlch pltwocr bv te'liug the ri. h only of their rmhta aud tbe pooi only of their dutie* ; that the flvn workmen were tned before a JtAge who made tilui-K-lf tbe orgah of the <;,!.. io whl.'h Dfl IteloDits, reluaed tln m un eiteuslou of time for ureparing tb^tr ilefenac, fet.-hed out of tbe old arumraof upprewuoii tbe notion of coiiipiracv, ttii.l. a most unusual aud queitionable unplleatioti <if it. made a uutl ____flflMd and .|ur*tiouittue iiiterpn'tatlon of a uew law tiiru-t aslde a recomiiiendatlon ot the jury, and laeti dh***'1 ? a*-ntetiee so severe tbat even lf every otm of bU doui.tful bad l>eeu ai aaaured aa they were all doublful It would have be? n au cx.ea.or rigor A* I uinl. rstatid tli. pbiaae this is 11 ple.* ot lu-nuny. Ligal experU may say what tb.-v will. Tbere ls iioui-pri'-*->n iu our bl.tory from U<e arreat of tbe Bte ti_.uib.-r* aud lbe trial of tbe aeven bilbopa to tbis MflB-flflaaBMl of lbe flve gaa slokera. for wbioh ti-*V hav. _ut i,__t mocb Ui aay. One of lbe moat vigorou. of tb ?_,_?__ one leaat open to tbe ekMflfl M popular aj m i.aihMn, tautiouaiy adtniU tbat " tbo part piayeu hy tbe law o| i-ouapiiflty and tbe aeveriljt of tbe Molence are *ack flia-tflt of regreL" Flaiu twti wlU preter calling a U-atM- U te-ttt ml*- acit-a flve batamet MCB ta urutou for a year by r.iiBtake by ita rlrbt nume-an atrocloua wrou_. , And Mi. Morl.'V hai* also a remcdv to BflBY. BflflBB, like most EnKllt-bincn. a prac.ticul-ii.lnded per.-or. " Ciitil," be kiv . "the lepil b.-tlon of con.plraey ls .1 -a'.l.d from doiuir fticb mls.blef an thla, no workman ..tiKht to aal aar ?*',er laaflhaa of Ma rariiamentary tbau unether he will Biipport a bill detlnuiK lIBBIBtlBU in a way tbat :*ball not allowalmlt-eto tiik. Hway with one band tbe liiiiitatlon of a penulty whb b tbe law baa j-tven him wltb tbe oih.-r." Till that ja done, tb*- VflflMflflB-Bfl are uot em imlpated. It lt- po-asi aletoaaapflea tbal tb.< btatocy of Ma ita flaastokers hflfl p.-i.etr.-ed even to bouth Walea, and that H belped tbecual-iiilti'-M to iXXAh lievi- ln tbe fBfll nill nnd f.iir mt. ntiiiti of empi'iy.Ts wii"-. lepiaaaalallifl aa tbo tieiii'b ih Mr. Jn . Ifla Hr. tt. G- BT, 9. QBSBRAL FORBION NBW8. FOI. ..ION AND J'OMKSTI. IMKKE3TS OF OBEAI BR-TIDI. -l'KECII Of A I-'.lilMKR MKMIlEK OE TIIE CAKIXET ON THI. i.IAKVA AKIIITKATION?< Hl D1T *>E . i\I_ FOBBIOl STATE-. IMI'lONEl)?l'ETITIOX IdU TIIK PA-EDOI OF CONVirTEU STKIKERS. I,<>.si,<i>t, Friday, Jan. 17, 1873. Mr. Arthur John Otway, formerly uutler BeafflflB-T of flflaflfl for 9ttt*Bt AflflBBB. and now Member oi' Pn liaiu.nt f.r chatbam, addrer-scd hls constltuents iu Dut t'.wu laal Bfght Al'.ii'li'i^ to tho OflflflVfl Arbl trat.on, ho expr.--r_d himself satuflel wltb tbe result. iittjilaud, iu In-h opiuion. was morally re.ponsiblo for the daaaaaaa aflaaafl 9y Ha prtratflflt flJabaaah an.l ii. aaaU .heerfully couscut to tbe pavuirnt of tbo award uiado by the lloard of Arliitruiors. Mr. Otway also referred to tl.i.Iiai.iof N i.'.l'.oii, an.1 .po_.o iu .hixh .tcruia of tbo lute aS Kaipitor. The couucil of the holders of IBeflBJfl bondri have Issued a repart whh-.h cLar-'..-- E-dadoi- aml V.-ii-Zin la witli i-oiitiuued di.bonisty; coiuplaius of tho default of B-oaragaa aaAHBaa?afl?aia1 atMaaallBaa andi.scre.iit abl-i lb" ponition.. of tho dtatc- ol -i.rida, Virginta, Alabaui.i, aud tieoriria. A < ont-reis, now ln secsion at I. e.i . b.-ts .. i.!i.--ed a petitiun to tho Rigbt Hon. H'liiry Jiriiie, . .cretary of St.te for tho llome D.-piirtuient, for the pardou of the gtxt stokers of thls city who were sent to prinoti for violatiugtho cou_piraty law during tbe Ml i-ut strik..*. _ l-UEHCH IMIT._-IaLI.S__. rnmrotirf _____nn_M aoopted by the *;<>v EUNMENT?IIONAl'ARTM. AT CIH-JELHL'RST. I'A ius. Friday, Jin. 17,1873. Gen. De dasqfi Minister of War, has writ? ten a letter to M.irsbal HaoMahfla, prolnbiiiiii* tbo cir cnlatiou of Bauaparti.-t ad-Xfleeea la tim bfl-TflWBB of Fn-u.h troflpfl, au.l urKin_ tbe sevcro puni-Utueut "f per bous fouiid distrlbiitlug sueb pflgflfB Loxnoy, Friday, Jan. lfl. Wfl, Tho e_ KiiipriM:* b.-ld a rec. piiuu at Cblafllbanl }'< B> tcrday, wbieh wan attended by iu..ny well-kuowD Roua * and BaflfB-fltifla of wui kini-meti froin Parls. Frinco VafOlflOB BlflO IBtfltiai a l.irgo number of I.n frlciida. THE PBESCH AME-fBLY. VOTE IN THE COMMlTTEE OF TIlU'.TY ON* TIU. .-IITL'ENl I'oWER OF THI A-.-EMHLY. Paris. Friday, Jan. 17,13T3. Tho Committ.o of Thirty, to-tl.ty, after a. loacaadbapartflal Babata?afNfli to tin- paaflaabla of the oou.-titutloual p-ejei?:. repoftfld by its siib .uii.uiitiia*, wiiiiu ilaalaiaa that tba iaaaibli inte_iaiiy rflflarvaa la itnelf the con.4tit.ient pow.-r. The vote stood 20 Y<-aa to 3 Niiys. Shfl adopti'.n tt thfl preamblo la Iflgfliaaal Bfl a v.. tory for tbe Blflhti a* tbe ..-e.tlou of muu.ii by or re public la left uutou. b.-il. GF.RMAN EMIGHATluX TO AMKKICA. LAU-E NLMUEli OF EMIGRANTS FUOM BitEMEX AND U.VMIiUUG. Rkkux, Fnday. Jan. 17,1873. Tht* number of ._oip-rant_ who left the port of Ure men for Uie United Btat'-rt I.ut fflfll wa. -0,'XiO. The emlirratlon from Jfamburir durfnn* tbo game time reacbed tbe uiiprecexlented flirureiof 69,000. FOHKIff.V R0TE8L BefiOf Goniez has been electetl First Vice l'n -nleut of tbo Spani-ab ConKTu*-. Tho Bpaniflb MinttttT of Murino Ikvs intio dtiied in tbe __ru-_ a bill -buli-hinj- louainptioa for tbo M-rvua-. Fi'-rich ciirici- havo taken np a new reforni ?one moro a: jii-i:i_; thflfl liiijxi.taiit, !aiin-.) lt ls ln ihlldraa'i t'n-*. Iha ? tmU ti utudern iila.vtbiuirs, tbey ? uot cooii. T'i-' Mia bflfla noi aiuii'- goegflflaa and v. ml i"Hv .-.irav.iir-.iit toii I , liut ala. fa'--- b'lr, jx-irl powder, ronae, aad aaa me. Tha baoahtjr umiie L.-ii-viim int" wbieb tb-na thlaaa wtli laad taa miotatore loapirea thaParlalaa joaraaual vltb bonor au.l aaapfllr. Tln- elt-etion in M".-xico for ? Clii.-f-Justiee of tbe t_upreui? Court wlll so in tako place. H.-veral ean dldatea ara iii the Btad. ttirlndlna (ini. Bacobedo oad lih.i l'ala laa In tbe eveiif of Ul''?di;itll of thfl PTflflt* dent of tha BepaMIe, tha Chtef-Joatloe Jaoeooeda to tha l.-aiiiive power,whieb taakea tbe poutloo of Chief. Joatlcool tb" BopremeCourti ooadtotba PKaldeoev. Bo uii.i aapiranta being ? work warraata tbe bcllol tbat serlotu tronble wlll tron out ot tbo cloctlau, if not aaotber r. voiutlon. \AU ttt* Foreign Sexet iet A'ialA tind Txctlflh Paott.\ BAtUtBOAA* ]>AA<;/:/.*.. TIIIIiTY I.AnORERS KILLED OR WOLNEO. l'ni'Ti.ANT*, Jau. 17.?A coiiritruction Iraiu, in toftflfll down, yeaterday, Wells Villa^e, rau affitliist a stick ttt timlier, and tbe tirst car, coutainlDK a (fun? of laborer*, war* thrown offtb.* traek airainst a rock aud broken ln two. Tweuty or thirty men ure reported iuoreorle?8 injured. MiebacK.'oltonorOreatFallii, adeaf aud diimli man, was Hcverely injured lnternally, and will proliauly die. Cbarles bitupaou of Kenuebuuk bad hls anu brokeu.and ThomasCowley of Rerwiek hadbbtskull broken uml bis head BflfflBlily cut. Tbe conductor wari thrown Iroin the top of tbe car i.ud badly injured in fhe BflflB, fafaabl persous from Dover, N'. 11., wen: burt, and otbers were ba.ily cut about tbfl face and head. Tbe train consisted of 20 loaded -fravel cars aud one box car contululUK the BM-n. TWO TmmmmmaBBB CAItS OVERTIRNED?-_EVER\L l.EGI.LAT<iR.S lll Kt. Columbi'.?, Ohio, Jan. 17.?An aeeomtnoila tion train ou tbo Little Mlanil Railroad, tbis luoruinij, jinuiied tbe traek wben about two tulies froiu tlu*, city. Ttvocars eontaiainK passongerarolled over twice.tbrow iiik the pa-.-eiif-.Tr. ahout, aud couiiielllUK tb. iu to make tbeir exlt through tbe wlndows. No one was very aerl ously burt. Tbo^o wbo wero bruised are Becretary of state Wkkoff. Ripresentatives Ilaldcrnian, Bhauk, and Ovi-ii, and aflaaflBB J. Q- buiitb, aua a lady. A defeotivo rail was the eause. A 8LEEPI**4G CAR tBBOWl INTO A RIVER. Loii-ViLLE, Penu., Jan. 17.?(Ja the Al l.-^heny Vall.-y Railroad at noon to day, near Bcrub Qnflfl Btation, a slei-piiig cur on tbe train from Pltts burghjumped the traek an.l was prccipitited Into tbe river. Mr. li-'tur of Ilttsbur^h was killed; Josepb BaBI of Pltt-ibu.'-h- Jobu M. Rich of 0;1 Clty, and cbarles Cornell of Oll Clty were badly Inlured, and three otbera were Bll-btly hurt, ainoni. whom waa_u_i. r mt.-ml. tn Hepburn of the Oll Creek Railroad, BINULLAR DETKCTION OP A LK-T-UAMIED MLR DER-.R. Clevelanp, Jan. 17.?A few daya ago an ol.l lu-rtiiit reaidimt at Bolon, ln thn*. ounty, waa found uiurdered lu bla cablu. T_o deod bad evuloutly basou done miieral days before, but was sbroudeU iu uiystery. offieers, however, sent to lnvestlnate coucluded froui i.iuie curious *ir. ui'i-t.iu.-ei* tbat tbo murd.-rer waa a left band. d _x*rs?u, aud thla bellef le*l*to tbe arTeat of tbo only left banded persou In the vlclnlty, Albert W. Chatu txrlaiu, tge 19, a member of ono of tba moat wldely i.--I--. i. al f.aiuili.-** la thn county. The young man had aiwaj i borne an excellent reputation, and fhe evldence ?KBinst bim waa purely cirvuuistautlal, but it proved .-ui t .'.-I, for yeaterday be mtAo m full oonfesalon of bt< n uit The murder, accordlnir to bla coofeeeioo, waa couiuiitud on tbe night of Jan. 8. He Ured lu at tba wiudow, and ahot the old man dead m be waa atttlnfl before bla llre. Tbe vlctim fell upon tbe live ambera, wblcb partlally cooaumed bis body. Chamberla-a dld not entcr tbe house till tbe following day, whaa Be look tn In mouey from tbe pooket of tbe dead man. It la one of tbe atraoaeat erlmaa ever eommltled in tbia oart of tbe DUte. aad haa tmOJttA tuucb aaeitwBeal. TIIE SAMAXA BAY LEASE. BETl.RN Off THE COMMISSIONERH. Fl I.I. TF.XT OF THK TKEATT?AH EXTFfl- MM OB POWEH AND PUIVILEOKS GRANTKD? AK OF FILTAL CuM)-INICATIOX l-KOM OOVEKJIOil _-.___i.N_. Tlio BMBflflM Commi-VBion, eonBistiiiK of Ha r ton H. H.urisoii. fliinuel rj.iuiiie!.. and T Iflflfll titewart, _. ut ont by tbe Uamana Bay -'oinp.iiy to olitain tho leaafl of a portlon of Santo Domingo, IflflflBBBI to New-York late on TUora day nlght. tm reported Ifl yesterday*' Taini xa. Tbe of flre or Itowlan.l It. II .. ard, tbe Becretary of tbe Com pauy, wa. tbrongod yr?t_.iday wlth eager lnqiiirer.. All i i.isse. were represeuted, though tbe iarg. r number w ere young men. Tiie BflflBflflf i>Ireotors < f the Coinpany wlil meet oo Mouilay.and receive tho formal report of the OflflflflfltB sl.uiers. The full text of the eonveution, or agreemeut ii, im, i-.i tbe Company an.l the Doniiulcan Oovernment, a translution of whicb will bo found below. wlth all thfl offleiai pai_.m. will tben be submitted. Tb. Co_uml? sion>rs are now pieparlng un offlcial report. The Cotumls-doners all pralao the eountry, and clalm for it a great fiiture. Tbey Bflflflflfl taWy the report. hrretofore made liv Dr. ilowe und otber.. Tl?<- Cotnml .ioner. were eagerly-ouglit after all day ye-iter lay by member.of tho aml person.desironn of obtaimn. inforination relatlve to lbe Coinpany'. purcha* They stated thal tbey did uot to go into flMflUfl but gave much informatlou reUtive to ih.' t.-ruu of th< Treaty and tho produeU o; tbo c.iiiitry. v Mr. Hazard, the WecrcUry of the C< uipflnv, rireivfl*. yesterday the following letter frora Ccl. i. Hurn u Fa beiis, Realdent Governor of Sainana by flfBJBBMBBflflfl of the Company: Dflflfl Sir: After a prolongod au.l tffllflhlBirdlai u*?lon ef tkfl viiriiuiH am. nt* ta tbe ortginal <<>?>? ? ntion, tbfl Compaiiv'H flflflfl being flMOflflfld 9 tfl I ' flfld patient iH-r.everano , the e"tiventinn wa- flnall| < <m cluded and flflflfld by tbu OflMM?_flMMfl au>l lh<' Gov ti t.i.i'-.'il >>:i D* ? -?? Tln- suiiKlam _ <>1 thfl Company*. who',? d. inu.-ids wa* < olireded 1)V thr (Joven'iiienf. Thfl S-ll Ite h:.v.- rtiirni d ?i.-.elllloil to tkfl K -n tltive, Wlll tli. ir U iillllll">l? approvaL aml lt wlil be Immediiitelr ratltl d ny tho people with the most prompt aml ch_eerf_d an u iMiijr. J. W, F_.iii.i8, Governor. COMMISSIONEK Wh****g*** VII.US. nOOIBB Off IBfl NK<,OTlATION-?IMK liNIN SLT.A NoW OWNED IN fBB H-CMJ ? A reporter of Tm. T___nC_BB r;ill< i Jtok i<l;.y BB BflflBB B* llarrlt-ou, oue flf tlio OMBflB-flflflMB Bfl" fflffld iu negotiatiug lhe tUmtg tt Mflffl-fl-BB ?? atatcd that tho party left thi* port on tb.- .tcuui. r Tyt.? ou D <?? o, aml r<fli flfld Bflfltfl Dflflflfl-fB Bfl Dflfl.II dent Bflflfl wm ab.init at BBfl UflMi BBB MflBBflMB ? tiatlons BflN flfflflfli (luutier, tbfl BeflTfliaiy flf BMflfl, i.tld Del Monte. ttfl 411 M?f 0flflfl*fli ***** offl elui_ the Coiutmssion, au.l tiu>l MflflHflfl froiu President, Ba. z MMflfll tt_.tructl.ius witu Iflfl r< flflfl to tho treaty or e.uvinUon. Both ar. Bflflflflfl the flflflflfll aud uioot MflflBBi friemls of 1 ? - dent Bflflfl. and havo followed his hfltBSM fl_tt miswerving fl.lelity. For several BBBattfl i>;t \ ioiis flfl setting out for BaflBBBBi ttfl C-flBBflBflflfl had BflflB W iro tiating with IBfl Bflflfl Got. inment I y corn mmttmiMflfla aud had rec-lved assurancea of its willingm Bi MMflflfl on tho most f.tvorabi'- kfltflM with ttfl r< flflflfl Ml B-fl - Bl the Company. tkfl flflfllMflfllM BB flfltiflMflBl Btt_B flflfl by -WOflflflflB-flMflB-fl kfld been chun_.'e<l <>if MBfl rlally in some ol its provt-ion*. flflfl MM pr,.. i ill.? i? new In.trtituent, all tho BMfl-__atlflM Bflflfl BWflBBklfl to the Company. The negotiutions MflM BflflflBBfl at Santo Domingo City tU two flflflflfl, Pre. nlmt BflflB having retiiinnl, BBflflBBBBj to tlir flflflflfll amt MBBfl part ln th? lfl_MBBBBB? T'i.*1 wero tluaUfl?d daily from 8 a. m. to 4 p. n. . with au hour*. lntermiBsion for .Imnrr. Dflrtofl this inrerval the Oflflflfl-M- lotiers fcflfl no ******* oflntimacy with tln-(ioveriiui. nt or with .tu-.- ??aflflfl oflt; nor were auy und'i.! flT?BflflflfB* IfliBaBflM flflflfl to protnote the objeet Bflflflkl to kfl fltM_afl_L Tl.e 0U+ MMMMMfl lived ou thr steamer. and flfll untll BM trraty Iflflfl flflflflflfl to by ttfl FiaflMflBl Bfld rn'H., .1 by the BbBBBI flflflttflflfl iin.v lntlniiiey. To celelint. thr ratin cutlonof the treaty, the Pn'_i<l<nt bad u flJMBd kflfll flfl HM palaee, aud the OBflN?-flflflfl BB-MflBBfl Bfl** B flMBflB i,n ttfl steamer to tbe leading BBflflflkflM of tli.- QflflflflB* Mflflfl. Thr iutercourwi HMflBB-M with thfl Dflfl?Mflflflfl free and tiiire_traiii'-<l. The Conimission wasfavoral>lv imjiretsed wuh l'r..l Iflfll Bflflfl flfld BBBM MMBBfln of the OflfctflM ilr. ii,. fltftflflfl. l'resident Baer wa. educated m Frui..-, und kflfl setved BBBBB ttflBflB uud BBflflafl. BBflflflB, OflflK tn r and Dfll B?Bflfl ar<- good kflflflflflkh flfld eomluet tliein-eives llke Hpamanl-. flf BBfl flfll Mflflfli DflflM B-fl rule of Ilaez, the i-ountry has enjoyed n BM I i- " it has for very nianv v flfll.. Tnr in.i:i v?- p.. IBBBBt Bfl MMMB-flfl -Bltt a iflflflflflflflflflflflflflB BflM Bflfl | l nt that ii should be . 1 TIIK THEATY flMMflBIBBt Thcnio-t i'.np.iit.iiit rhangrs Ifl fli>' BflBjflaal flflflfl fli Ikfl tiDBly Ifl, thut Wl.llr tfl tflfl flflflflflfll ttflMMM tlir (ompany aml ttflM BBfl WUf aattU M Wwe ? r-iiy nadflrtka aofltral af th>- Da?MM? UfliflrMMMfl, Mfl tbfl Gov.rnuieiit eould neith.-r Uvy t.?x<-- :,"r Mflfl t port dBttM witlioiit UM MBfltfOB of th'' DflMMll M I erunviit. thr tr>vity, a- MN Md, BlTM th<' <' op >"> < l ilafln JflrtadfaUofl <.v>-r tta p.>t>niTiiia a.,<i B*g al .-.iiia.ui:i,iii,|rsit.t<. iBflBflfltlM,>"'. ifldiiflflfllti ttBkun, wteU n* own i_'.i?-< Baflattifl offleers for the protei tion <>f its terrltor> , flfld MflBl other laws us may be deem-d ne<H'K*..rv, wi.l, the on derstandlug of eourse thut they will not eoutlict vv.tb thoae of the DoiuhiK au QflflMBflMflfl. Tbe uew treaty BflM largcr BflMMflflflM Bflfl,.1. ..i.'l.iti.T aafcllc work., land granta. and -oin ,?, r. iia! ?dVaataflflfl, ttflfl were at lirst MflMd f< r. Thratt uew con ,?<??. i 'ti* were d'.euswd at coDMderable b-turtn bv ttn- BflM Bdnilnl.tratlon and tbe Conimissioiiei>, an<l BflflM flf ttfl laaaflfltfl wi't-f itrtekenout and abandoii-.l. Several time. the Comnilssi.nenj wen- ou the point ol breaklugoff thr iiegoti.ttions, and on om- occawoti vv, nt ao fur M BB KO on Bflflti ttfl r-teamrr, BBfl were BflflM to ea-t off flflflfl the MflflflfldBflJ. BflM MflBBBfld ty tbe flflflfflflMflCBflflB. BBB flflBBMBBM of tln- DflMflBflBBflf tramananow MflM witb IBfl OMBflBBB BflflM Mfl pl< ? BBd itcun giveclear lltlestoall ite pr"iK rty, Ineluding Um land granta for railroa.'.--. telegraph., Ae- There I. tbi. differencc, however, tlmt, while thr Crnipi.tiy haa exclustve jurlsdi.tion BBM the lVniusiila ot Samana. umi .an pass laws to govern lt. this prlvllegc <lo.? uot apply to tho lands ai<i_ilred iu the interior, flflfll h VflflBI M BBBjflfll to the laws or tl_> Dointuiean RepubUc. Tho imposiilou ol Uxea and tbe collection of port due. and dutles is ve.ted ln tbe Ompany for tbe apuce of 99 year.. Withnferenee to private j.ropert) on *.:.< 1'. n iusulit of rtaniana. Uie UWtti DflM-tM fflBV?B tbat all propertvtnuv BfllflllBB b.v the Qflfl?BMflflB al a price doublc that MMBflflBd Ut agricultur_ piirjK)-*.. BI.NATt. IBO-TIB. AM) BBBBB?Ta Tbe Seuate ot Douuuira ro,i>ism..l nlue members, wbo ?MMflBflMfll days in <li-< I Mng tbe BBB-Bflflflfl of Lhfl treaty, and inllsteniugto t.i v.ewaof otber uieluben. of the Government aud 1?MflflflflBI?flflfl- Tho-*__-.ion. were oiien to all wbo chose to attend, a privlMge of whlcli tbe membera of the Coinmi.slon did not avail tberoi_-lve., fraring that their motivea miabt be mbM.onilruwl. President Baei and tbe Seuate agreed Uiat a treaty glvtagBUtbextraflrdiuary power. loa foreign eompauy was sueb an uiuovaiioa on ull prevtoua b?ws and eua toms, that lt wa_ deemed beat to .ubmit ll to ? dintc* vote of tbe people. This was done. Douilnlea i. dlvuted mto nme provlnee., flflflB <>f wbicb haaa local governor. Tbe date of tbe election ln eotb of tbeae waa tUed by ihe Goveroor, and heure tbe full return. of tbe vote had ufl btou iflcelvid wheo tbe steamer lailed for thu port. Tbe (-ommls-ioner. baa every reaaonto believe. however, tbat tbe tnaty woul-l be ra-ltled. Tb_r* arettwo claaaea la Dominiea-tlw educated or commerclal claafl, and tho agrleuimi-l <>r uneducated claaf. Tbe latter are controlle.1 enurely by the foruier. and flill vote aa they tlim-U Th. re met ao oppoaltion whatever on the p-rt of tbe eouinierclal cU_-e. of Baato Domingo City, Puerto Plat*. or Sauiaii_. Wub refetflnce to tho ((ueation of aubility U__ro waa dllle reaaou to apprehend trouble. Tbe inbab lunta are orderly, aud notning shorl of revolutlou could iuf. rfere with the poear?ion of it. grant by tbe Coinpany. The provlslou. of tbe treaty, when n_*.in>.. by tbe popular vote, would be a part of tbe t -matltuttoa ot tbe eountry, and only war eould deatroy _. An? trouble arislug between tbe Domlalean Government aml tbe ( ompany would be aettlfld br arbitraiiou by ooe or more BuBBfBflB Government.. Tbe Commlaslon bad notlced that tbe charge had bett made by tonie of tbfl new._-_.uera tb_A Geu. Oiaat aad otber membflra of tbe Adtulnlarratlon were lntereflled tfl tbe Company. Tbere waa no truth ln tbi*. Undoubtadlj tbey wflffl ptaaiad at tba .uccom of tbe __.*.UetMuu_. bu.