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XOHCS OF THE TIME. gKNATOR HARLAITB TRO..I.I.ES. aegrrf. can be no violation. it uiust l>e iup Vlj i>f tbt imporaon .llty of Journali. m ln atvoiinliiK ***_e idiKwlil dcfenee o* Benator Harlan'* poeimtiiry *\_,.**i% wlth Dr. T. 0, Durant la Mr. Harlan'* own *_laaiiori and defe n?e. Ho la the editor of The Vfath ^L^rhn>nifh. in whi. h w. Ilud It The Chroniele (or ?B*r'.?m w1"'' the fa('! Out l>r. Durant had paul *0 tttrtXt Harlan'. < lo,-!t'noxi-.n_ea flflflBfl BBB, aanl !j_llt?a_ not untii -Otno timo after tho flBflflJflfl Bl it Mi. HnrlHti heard of lt. On tbo day thla *_\uto\ np.K ared Dr. Dnnuit to. lifled tliat be aeut tho "mTT-'Mr Harlan in l?? Now York ehecka of 15.00(1 ti. Mr. Il rUu's order. 80 tho mm Marlan (liroi-t. Why dnl henot knov of the ndlture " untll-otno time after t" Thrques .fni ouo, aml is uict by The Chronifle ot aggUy.tthi '-. ,i:it -wiileh wa? drawn out Ttefore OoflMBlttee y" ' 1,0 n.w fact. exeept Ihlfl - ... fur tiu- tiiiula wero nnui'- ;>.m !_?.?_ v. _i..'i?,-_<l, 1 l Mr. lUrlaii, at the York Olty. The maln 3r?::-.''" *?? btttie. Dr. Durant .tale* that tho fuu.ii. k \. nuey, aml uot Ihe mow ? ol ??"- ? , ,..- ,,f th. ( t.-<tlt SLiiw-r 1l.1t tne con rltiutmn wa_' voluntary 011 ln* _? i.i ? i-lHII t.'?H!<l - ? ,<:,t] Interest In I.-wa. antf "__p i . .1 ln." 1 Uie <iu-" 1..11, if Dr. I__L,, . . -tiihoiiv (><? tv.imi <in : Kat-*, that tI"T,d' ? 1 Mr. Ilailan etected on tw<> *_,.' "i .1 fii. . J-i.-p ni-1 hie Iowa iu __W :, tliat li.- vo.ui.tarilj r ,-. <l ht. own prlrate 1 i , ttttpaay. Tlio ouly re _* ihi.oonnectioii i...wt r. f comiptlon I Th ??'-, -' ? t>e able to it?te ' lt 44,. 11,,t lnt.rudeU mmct ?Wn'' ? a tn< tniiri of either honee. Bal 2|fl.t iit.-ud.-d to l>o ti-Od t" 2?i itii'inliers of tho lnwn {SJu-i " xbut this rointiiiiti. _ametm* lo aolve,aad wa awotl aUiiiti-mai MM?aoav ??:? )' at_,, arpw. that aanone hnt an Imboelle ^ ,.,pT, 1S,4 that a Ser.i- - , eont*_t eould be (even _m^atexy) OBBdflwtfll wltaflflfl exj.. 0*0, the useof Dr. jjanut'* tr:* ndly .10,00. wu* uot, or uoed not be, a oor li. ...I i>: -fttie eorrupt use of mofiflj bg IhB Vawt* hia i-iiit.oti w?s '. -iu.oil in I.v- own State iluntifc- the 1 "_--::i ,.nt<-t une . 11 ..:!>?', tin.ler tho iilipiirent \_Ptte'' '' '?"- fr.t-ii'ls .' '\ Mii.itor (,r ines, heiiator itxl.-x M'-tn'.i . .1 1111,-4 F. Wilson; tli<. two mieti'' - *>r *!l" ahiiiiuj. i?n_e. I tm pimliabed iu their partiaan juirnaU. li aai _4b4I.i1 ,1 .ut by their fr,. nd*, aml aaid t.> i.e ea - Sonator," whom ev.-ry .a t- tu, .111 !-. : .ai- r ,,; .un-.. Mr. llatl.nLjai ug the fal-ity ot ilit. ttwm." ,,'uS'il to 1111 at'k (if e<-r m_Wta; .ui 1 that all ti,i,-<- of ui-.-.- partiou theiii ii'torc*t'-<t l"-eiiiiinrily u. lhe Cr6dll tl the Union i-acltit. K.tilroad or brancbea. ... t.. m 11 tho caao. Doei lt follow _tt Mr Harlan 18 ln:u> -nt of anjr iuiproper use of mttey ln the canvaai becauae the e___r_^ that btkait* i-i nhl onel Has he d_aiirovodit before! Will UmWgmg* lt ii4>wl It will atrike moat people that gt.too u t lari.0 fum to BBl in the ordinary and lociti i_,i. -I,' M. s of an elfctiou ponditiK in a SUto I_e,_i?la i* hy no means C-srtalu tbat Dr. Durant's .. ?? B .il >t? uwd in hiscanvo-S. Rflffll I ? tttwHr. Harlan'. atatewent that the iuonoy fur Uabed Ifl Dr. Durant was from that geiitlo _____ ,.- -aiual lrleud," not aa an offlcer u flflfll .,r..iio_., helpi the y said of Mr. narlan tb_: " L Uti ?!, to bc aure, on a rival llne of road, but I Unxuriit io ..inierRtOaid UM -w.:rit_ of the State, and that _. h?_ 1-?<.. iu .Va-bliigtou loutr euough to know how to i.tore.-t* "f tln Btaflfl." Ifit flTflBBflflflN mu-,. r ur p' rsoual frieud-hip h. t ween Dr. Durant, who . .n 11 in-. 1,1!. and Mr. Harlan, who waa a .- ,t, I w .1, \ hy wi- tiu_ niutti 1 ? nf : road " brought mto the caso ut alll Did N >oto tielphim Int.1 Iflfl | | -uat* as a frioml f Or did he give it aa 1 -t.'ii i-i !. 1 .ii 1 in.tttt-r_ i t | | .. a M ii .tn flfll f"t ttn mouey be .iut waa hia fri.-ud, or becanse havaflfl i.p: - ? , aif iiriuT i-.iiltuatl ltitert-ata t i: ii atiswered. vT.lZK THE BALABIE81 Id tl -"ii al the tLniely dein itid foi nfarm attttt on the BepabUeai p.irty, The ifilvuukee Atwrmtar, an ?danalatratlon takos liv-ily m 1 , k-. ".-liiili the li.i.uhliciinlparty ii.^ti'ut' - Adreriisrr pottitr- tn thfl 4t W?a_luKt<?i aut tiie varioua Btate flflflfl ? iaatiaaat party mu-t r. - ? ;,ul,::c ^,' l AIA ti 11. ? ','ickr politiclans Iflflcln f . - , whili I -nl w,,rkiii_- ?>tit flflBflflflB pul.lii a-rrai't-t are j.ixirly paid. tti ImaWttkUT suys: T.i c I-i"r of tiie Porl ?? NVw York. foi exanijil-. ? ' I ? i-i-; 1 iponalble , :i th in tin nation :ii,nd in tlio MflM v.-tj. 5 . .?:?,-.? ,.', intention i : tn 'il'taiti auch 1 < _ ratalo thea. Thi iu Donaoni ipol-i and the - .iiri',-- of politlcal 1, iiinriilU .ton. (.'ii thi- contrary, 1 ? onipenaatloii ' It' -- ()f tll<- I'lllntl .-. 1 tt once a tempt.itum T;uis tho inaii. _.<-.. ine> .1 1 .une of eorrnp ttet ?? -,.- iiml tii,ili-rpiiy both lead to tlic . r_cB 1 . Qnited Btatea ahoald raefllTfl ? I lillll ,i- tiiuntln . item ef il ti 1. It alao deiaandi that, - i? Mvere ind relent .1! ii Inquaoey, Aud f>>r tui. __ed, ; . being undUputed MU wlll be held stnctly _ . ' great ihould ereaii ah i , tr. dep utm. utf ,,f I l for ni'-n aml p.ijM-rh. -titti -: i-i i--. tomakeei . ruon whleh i..__. ? ia tlmt of thi Freat dwit _ .-t -r. T1K HIM DFI _\ i'.igh tbt fmiaal report of the Senate J > . ?? "ii ttie ajuii-tlnu of expandiug the eoiT._i y h popttlarlv - - l>e concluaive of that _?????.. Tht Tth.j HaBM thinka wo need aoruethiiiif Wion biuiiii!,. It -...vt. that as tbe So<retary la not BWfMl t" -iiatM- hu. c ,urH in BBflflflflflflflflfl wlth tbe views at the i.r an < ',fi.-e, tbat Vfl have a right Ui aiiiuui' '.Ua. 9 lua-y ari?o ? hflfl Bfl will feei II tli. al . , ' . the 111,000,000 ro aerrt. BpflflfllH tt '" v'8 .defenue, The Timtt a*yt Ttua :?,- I'livali-tit Ifl a <1<-.-: ,ratt-n that at any other , ikrai.nt. the buaiueaaof theeoaatrj abati 0. irenoe be w.ll ,io.-iii II lu cuty '., r. ,,.-at tbe i-erforiiiiitic' of laal Oetober. An.l tln ?. 1.11110: - ol CoagreM co_aa_ittaM via BflflBaaBvall !? BaBBain bim, uulea. hacked by positive < naetment, Tbe ; be Hih'W.-il to ex j tv ? ..,_, of a l,iw al'soiutely forluddinic the |i4,i?n'.<*wreserve, or any i-.rtl.ui of tt. ?) to tafc. the rn?k of arlntrary auil ut,. _;_?<-te<l expm-i'.ii" an l'-iiiitiaotiiiti/i of the 1 u i-ti<) 1 ,n ui imi ito nf ono uian, no uiattor bow houost JU.-0.4y l" iU hir IBlflBtlOllfla Oat . i-.-n.jMiraiv l- ti_ht; and there ls aound reasoti I ? ' . int- tU* OflBffflfll wlll fortnally deelaro it* Interiireration of existinn atatutes wbolly oppoaed to ? 117 aet op by the Trea?ury Department. CIVIUZING SANTO DOMINGO. The Inditinupolto Journal has no niiasionary ipint aru__ied by ih< propomtiou tocivil__e tbe colored PWiplc of .auto Bflflflflflffl Bf aiiuexation. it eay_: "I 'inli-r to h-it> ,-iviliz.- and ChriKtiauiJO 600,000 I...,, wli.iiu Dr. il.'We ii'lirii-- IO lie ' a_ uiu ivilu'-'l ,,'v4eareto 'annex' tho otber an ot tu-- talaiid. eontatoiaa a bybrld p<.puUium nf kinttu' lt) "i ul flThOUl OBl) ?n? U-litU Claitu to Ikj wlnt.-s, .- 1 v i.f those are part Afriean, *_*nnh or Indiaii. >uw we clalm to im reaaouably rWlinH'r tm 11' .' iej"it' "i tbe r.uu ad of ilvilizalloii BBflWi irovornineiii , nul vt'- iuii-t take leaveU. doubt ,ni of and atworbU-f oaakBol hi-aili-.i -_HMU i.i >.e!p Cl.: r,"?,? U\ "? h""1 '!""' wilmg-bouks, aml roa^t tuik.-y, ?veu'? aake let ua uot aiuunnito nexitie a awartu ot lazy, lirii-r Dondoacnputo furth.r coinpll kAimaui uo^iaiio oui ,"?"?(!>?<> Ua't ihia a caac of imp- r:<-( t-ayuipathieil COLOBADO AT THE DOOR. Thert-uort thit th- HooBB Committea oa r_.loaaaM-__.-,ha__Hi:e,i up ttfl WftttiUt and Ohb> ?_d.. p-opl. very mu- b. Oue part of th, * hcunr tor ttfl B<luu_4,,,.ol(o?,r..lo;-v,.i.-f-l"e' dlauieuitK-ruient ?f li._ Iflri Un ot W.Ut. bi o.-ler thut a porlion of H* BOV..UUOB flHflf BMBfl Owl "t 0U*nAtt. The Utmut timm-,atm, ilHroaUe prop__at_oB. iayi( , 1.,. a iiriiuicr anitiiu.-iit __Atth: ?? '-ta,e(>"w<rnment thai. JU t I,,- - v- , .,.-, 1, l, -i,., altliougb th.rv (1^nul ?t* l-_.-tii.iny auflirruiK loi u. lu.' i niuu> baa '>;-.',_ U'"- ?l !"?? VU ',n'''\, niitTu.aii* h_Jf ._, a,,,,-u ,,_ al itut l-k" '.b-r- " probabie that It Ii.m liibabllanU (-uougb ***}u" Vr "i'm.-e.'-i ?r*. .'-,;:' Via.,. ,;> o. \tij..uug,WUiull Ummoniy 10,000 Inhabltanta, and rtoea not warrant llre expense of D.Biiitalnlnfr a Be|<nr?U* Roverniucnt. nnd to dlvlde II.Ir Territory among Oolora.lo, Ut*h. Montans, and lilaho, from whloh lt waa oriclnally fortued. That porttou of Wyomlng whict. h*?? l.etwoou 41 and 4. dcgrccs of lati tiido will mitnrally fail to Oolorado. Thls Inrliides tl.e llue of tlu r.citl.'Boa.l and BBfl moat BBflaUaaa aattle inenta ln Wvonui.-, bo that auch a partition w.mld add la- _eiy tn t tilnraJo'i* aud Inereaao lior claltus fur ailtiiisiii.ii. ^^^^^______________ JA V UA R Y CIIA NG ift ALTEKNATK RAIN AND WBOBT, Trt.KCKM-ll BTBBB ACA1N ENl>AN(,KR_f>?TIIK Hfl! |;T-CI.KAN1N<_ Hl I'A.W AT VVOKK IN K.AKNKST. The liiprii-iousness of Jiinuary's moodl wun |?_m itiai.if?**?teil on Stitiirday. A drivinn fltatfll .->f fltflM BBd iala waa flloflfllj followodby a hsrd f i... I, .an.l ina fi w liuiirn ralr-.lrope li ul fllBBtBflfld into ici.-ics flflfl thfl tmtt hu.l dotnied luidal t-Orttiiuio. The wind died away liuiluic tlie iii.lit, aud ln tbo inorniiii* a raw. cliilly BtinoHi.tiore dls.ouragod church go* ra. The stin's rays t'i il little. even at nu.l.laiv, tn soflon thn Biiow-luiTika. aud tl.u.a the fre.ahetr* on the Bfldflflfl nnd on Niw J.-ney HTCflflM whieh ha.l b.'.'ii *-(*t Ifl i.-iotlou by the iiipul ttiaw wero teuiporarlly retardod. The atorm of Hattirtlay was flM bo dtsHstrous tn Ita ef tia fl as that of th<* 5tli Iflflt Tlie telegnph mtttt of the varioti** Ham wero BOfltfll with lee, aml ii wun not bo thk-k aa on tbe fornor orc.isn.ii. 'fhe Western Union Telegrapb MaBflflffl re|?ort thai there was Bflflflflfltf auy ios?* fram th*' sn.pplng of wirefc, aud that thu luburiup tion to buslness was very slight. The pMfcM te). papfe worke.l well, and tba. cominiini oatluu between the Htution-hoiiacs and the central offlee waa uidDternipted. The Klre ('..inniis-:Aflflflfll wen- ?p prehensive thal thelr Uurn BBflfl dooined lfl the same fate lhat bef.ll theui Ti'CcTitly, when not a alntle .-Irouit was in workiDC order, and lu uiauy plar.-R th.< wires wero lirifk. n, while in the Houlovarih*, flfll in other I?.;.".-'A . j.les were 11 a.-ir.ii i. luvmwof aucli a voutm genoy, the Fire C.mmlaiMOUf ra flad Ohie? Bag-BBflfl ri maiiied at rireiueu's Hfltl dunin: thfl ciitire BmJ, Wfllflfl. ingthe course of event.., reiuly to tflkfl '? precaiiti.iUi.ty BMBBB-M Bl before, wln n tlu- patrnl. were doub.ed ln miinber and speelal iihstiik'ts were provlded to rarry the newspf a flre tothe vflftBfli eBflnjfl-BMfl ln the dtstrlet where it o. .'.irred. lflfl entiro iluv reparis flflflfl received at ml. rvals froiu various part-* of the cily in IBflflBBl to the rouditioi. of the wli\* s and the prob,i!>iuty of their staiul n.g the straiii iipain them. J'.v flflHaflflll Ihfl Wflflthflfl hflfl na.'li :ait-d, aud Ibfl wins w.-re IflBbVfld ol ot t'icii t.iirilen, and, below Fi'tv fllwtbM. the eirciili.-* w re r. ported to be worklug well with BOBBrtoafl ln. uk. ; but ? ..: ? u.i. taken uolio the le., during the ni|_ii( tn iiirreaa? the rapid triinsmission of alarms of fire. The damages to the fl Hflfl BWafB FlftJ BlBtfl rt < iflflfld I ul ai ln tho month have not yet l?-.*n rennlre.l. A!on_tlie Itoiilevard.-, M uow polcs have bBBB Mflflfl-d. Bfll 'lf additlonal flflMfl will have to be er. cted and the wires attaohed before eoniimmication with the up town eoin panios oan bfl rendered coniplete. PodestrlauiMu .luring th. |*lay was atlended with iuuch I'.-ril. The st* ... of stores iiud dwolbiitfa, tho pavenients, aud flflflfl th* Btnfltfl where travel A tiifre.pieiit wer? sbeeti'.l wltb Ice, aud luany serioin en.-ualil* l an r. porto.l by th " pi'lu c. Iir. iad way. WflM Li.i.itlway.ranal -t, I'iirk-row. iinrl most of the oth**r leadlnir dowr fn-ii thoroniflifiire.'* were l.adly blockod with vehieb-s Oflrifll the day, more mpflfltaQy in the uioinltur, an.l tlmt jior tiain of the afteiiiai.ii when lflfl Ude of travel mM Bfl town. Vehicl**- of al) de.erlptioui wer.* lnK'niiin-l.-il with 8tn*.t cais aml Bfllflfla.aB-1 the air le-ouuded wilh the oail_) of BMflafld dvivera. THK 8TBKKT-CLEAI*HSO nRlOAOE The warui weathet ol the liiiler pan of the pant week had tln? cllc-t uf iu*ai!> couipl.-tiUK tho work bflfflfl hy . .ii>.-r:i i. lal.-iit Thorue BBi his .-tre't-eiiiiiiiii- brlflfldfl dilflfltl) af Ur tho t. eat biiow stonn, and r.u.ti:. . ifl t-v.-i- hin.-e. On Fri.Isy ni^ht, Mij.ei niteinleiit I'.'iorii- pl.ieed IH BBM und 1<? carls on tlu- wt.ik, and BflflBJWBf w.xu MWBBi (.unpara elBflfl froui the Uattery t.' Fouitceiith A. Uufortiinatrly, the stonn early on Baturday t.iotu'ht to iKiu-ht the haiitllwork of the strt-t-Clcaiiii.*:, and el.-an MtflflM flflflfl flflflB Bfllj bj thfl flflllk ni. ii aml oth.-rs whose lot it in to Bflfllfl th'ir lounds at i a. tn. Oa r-aturday a foreo of men was emplov.-i! to keep open the eulverts, and to remove snow an.l lafl. This w..rk wm. sadly interferert with, owln?r to tbe iTow.led lOlnlltiDli of the ntrecta. Uurino Stitnlay th' - porttflfl of thfl eity ie- comparatively daaflfltad, aml *-ii|.eiii.t.iiilent Tbnruo determiuod to have a gfflfllflfl aiiiount of wmk iKtrf.irmed tl-aii ou auy pcflVlOOl .liy. Karlj >.-t.-iil.'i* a foree of 1,000 luborers BflMlMfl cBrte wa* _et to wor_ iu fanal-st. und the otbe..b__itie_? aitweeiill and the Bnttery. Tlils forre was ? ivaii d into 2" k'anits. oa*b under the dire. tion of an i xperionced foreman. The foremen had received their IflBUautlWBfl from the BiiDorintomlent, and Mflflflfe flflfl assiKueilact rtainarea. Noattempt WBB BBB lll MflbBM the .i.-.-ta. loWB M tbfl j'.tw nieiit, but rather to reiuove se im afl laii-iriietlons, and thu. to ohviato the "hloek-" ihat have r* tard.-d travel ever siuee tbe BflflflfaH, Hi-ii laoiinds of Bflflfl aud ice were BBflffld uj. in Canal, I'liai hiuii, HiuLsoii, Barelay, aud other Btflflfltfl. tti i'i Bflflfl aud Wflfll Dioa.lway nud Fark row, on elther Blflt ut thfl ..: tm k.. uu.l vehii hfl Wttt * O-BBaDfld t<> IBkfl tlu I of lflfl roadway. BBflM there flfll fl flflfl. ?taa! i'i"< kada .turiuc Um mwalai and Bftfl-aoafl ?raa_ ? gnfltflflt The railroad (ompanie- whose BBM luiss throiinh We.t broadway and Ofl?IM c.ul.l have well afforde.i t" remove thoae oliatructlons, and thu. re !-, \, tia 1'. flflfl t? which thelr flflflflWfltflflflflBBflflBB |. , 1. il, bfll tflflfl BBgBM led M do so, and Superiuteudent Thorne ha-- flfldartflkflfl ttfl Jflfl. 8*-veral thousand loaOs of snow Bai Bfl were lemoved ? iay from those tboroUK'lifares, and the bt-m lit to . .i 9t$ (oiniiiuiiity will ho BflBjaiafll IMi bmbbIbi in the Kiof'ter ficidom from blo.-kados. in. mrsTS. Tiie fl|BBBiilafl Iffltra *?f Oflfligfl Waaatagtaa la t'nion srjnarelias !? en rlotbed ln a c*?at of Ice, aud otherwis. deeorated to t,ult ihe whinis of Jaek Frost. His face is .rn . retl witb ue, aud a Rracefuliy IflfljNfltfll ,. Iala flSaamflflM his nose. Tho tail of hls pflflflfltflf Bmti fl eh.tn_.uted by au lcy peudant, while the upralsed fore foot ls spiked by another. The Lineolu staluo ou the opposite slde of the 60,uare haa not eacaped the touch of Uie sauie artist. The mail* from the north were detahied eomewhat on Saturday, but busiuess men wlll reocivo tbeir letters from all ..ointa thU inurning. .lohn Connolly, a?*e '16, ot No. 70 Sotith Fiftb-st., Brook lyn. K. I>.. i-l.i'ix-d ou the Ice tn, yesUudav, aml iii tryiiu- to reoover his balance, ran au lion picket aluiost thrt.UKh his left hand. ClaUB Kyer-on of No. 23 ll?*nilton-ave? Brooklyn, f. II, yeaterday, on the aidewalk iu frout of Ula leflHaBM aud bflflfefl botb arms. l-.itr.ilmau llayes of the Firat Pollre Proc__et of Bflflflfl lyn fell Bfl the BM ln Washlniftoii-st., ytttttmmj, aud wverely Injured his head aud shoulder. John Duueau aud Jaxnes Audr.IWI M upon the ice in East New ark, N. J., on Saturday night. Andrews liruised Ius head and is still u_.ou-.ious, while his coin panlon'a arm was broken. -? A SERIE.S OF VUKSHtTIS. HIGH WATCB IN NEW-JEIt.KY ANI) IX XXB HUD90N VALLKY. Ono of Uie most notie.-ubl* cfleets of the thaw was tho hix** water in ?.h? Hudson Rlver. Aloug tho lines of the New-Jeraey rallroads the niarahe were flooded, and the shanties faclnjc the tracks drtfted apart from thelr frali foundatlous. The oouutry for mlles around theae traoks seemed to li. under water, I.ut as the ftata are comixaratlvely uat-uanted no aorlous loss was <K*?aslone*l, aad tbe tralrj ran with t_ler.ii.le reirulanty, ftlt-ouirh Uie paaeaire of the BfltiaM flfll I ttfl PiuiaaK- aii4 B-flaflBBflBBt KiverB wa? made wilh M__flB_ care. OanKs tt laborera were at wo-kUirouKhoiit _ie day on Iflt IMflfl. fl-flfllifll them of auow and lee, but tlu lr of foru were unavailaK against tho force of Iho flflfld, flfld each fain travel<*4 through five or stx lnthes of water. i N, w.irk, on the Ke-fl Jeraev Railroad. the diviiV iBlllBWkMflflflfl flelds eo.ld not lie dlstingulsbed, at_l farmera were uuable tu take thelr produi _ to Jorsey CBy aud Waahluirtoii Market. Tke ice iu tUe Rarltan River broke up tarly on S_tur d:<.y,ai.dln m few houri-tho water ha.l rir*en si' bfll nuh-water mark, ftooding the w_j_rves and flflflfl Iuii a ilam ooat New Brunswirk. Tlio rwintry lylig W tween N_w Brunswiok and Treaion was also sub iner^d, ev-iry *reek overrunnlng lu channel aud dain ukiuk farm proiierty. Small brulgea were sw. pt away aflflflMBflm overtura-sl, and fanuera sjieut tbe day m breakin* up lot-daBia and protoeting their property. At tMaflm fear* were enterUtued for the aafet f ot tbe railway brtdge. A tralu atu-mpted to run ae roaa it, * heb it aliook it* lluit tbe pasa*eugors l?_caiue alarmod untl tbe tr,?in waa atopind No tr_lus ran aeroBB tbe l.fltlge Hutuiday nlghl, ail _K-w.-ugei_ l_ lug conveyed ln cui riiigrv. by uuotber r.uite. ,..,|.it,k Creek bas Btihsi.led. asd through travel bv , . i. auiad. Tlx- tunnels nre entirely free li.,ni wiaU'i. The WesK-ru UflflBB Telegruph Comp..ui wiuiomtram BMM flfl craflaanm win. h v..... wta?ta ;ii, |, .i ,? ,i. j,,; Tbfl Pi aa rlnala Ball i o ,<l ( oiupauv bi-s loal a BBBM doal of wood. Tho lt 11 wnre River fell at nlaht. aud uo ltumodlato dangor is apprabended. Tralna ou thfl Morrla and Eaarx Itallroad drove Uimugh aix or elt-ht BMhflfl of water, and many fll <?' platforms at the _taUon_ wen- . ubnter?ri-d. Tiie tCUUtt b re Is low and _ wuinpy, and matiy fll Bflfl BflflflBBfll worn deaertod hy their oeeupantM. OB the ltno <>f tbe Mfl Railroad travel wn. itnpi .led, atul at MtflflBB c. pcelally oi llers were fln.led. UM a nnw-banka. untii r flflfl vleoi flfll flflflmilt. of tlio .Iri. ltur rain. wmnlil'-d away nnd Iflfl the froshota, and, althou?h a aharp froal Ml IB, th* loodi elapped tbelr banda and rajced throuicboul u?o <iav. it i- Kiiiii thit the water wai blakm Ib bmbj ?" tlic rivi-i | iliau it Bflfl BaflB ln um year... nr tiik ticuiiiN. An ie- ROrge was furuii'd below Albany, and th. wburves were tioodctl, bul n-it Ix-foro tho inenliiiiil- ha 1 reinovcil llieir icmiil. (flflfll tho M-flflfl to tln- ii..i"-r ti""i.. Tho Ilu.lson Riv.r Kallrnr. I bri.lp- fll Htn.'kftttl fl riod nwav, aml BBfl tm ins ian bflflB Hud-on by tli" ?fCliiitli.ini .-nd Ihfl H"-' "t B?' el. '" Albany. lt waa reported thal tbe _<_>,i ln CaUklll < roek had eaiised /zreai havnc Tbo Ire-.hi l in tlio H111I...111 River niceded toward nildnlfbt, hul the Icogonre below the cttj tiiiiieii. umi ham eihai were beapad apoa lhe banka. At i'oiii_-llk<-c|i-<ie a rs.-v ? re Ii.ui _tnrm provillle.l untll 3 11 111 when lt turned toraln.wlth the thermouieter al the fivr-mi- point. i'li'- i<-<- in BBtuartie ? Creek bnike up n ai tbt- uon works and, aftar mox uik a hl"" 1 "i -i.m.;<-. suippod. l-',--ti- are eutertatnod thal another tha If so, ureal iliiiii.t'e bt expeeted. oa all tne Mroauifc hh- .woiie.i, aml tfle ihlck tee willItearttory thlDfl to pnr, ??-. Notralni weal north ol undaon on tne Hiitlhoti Riv.r Kallroml. l"it ran nroimd by war of I h't baak The B-ookport bridjre waa repalied *itn -jr,it ili_pat_b. ami traiu. nm, laat Bigbt, to Albant rrora PouKlikeenaii. the w <ather belncclear and oold, aud tue' danger rr.,m lhe tre ln 1 iMtag bappUl r.; moved. iin..?i - oa the liail, in '-vt. u.-ion wcto iMii-'ii away n Bati mr. n:i..-iirrs in pi.nn-vt.v amv. Loca li.wi.N, I'.im., Jaa. 8.?The Soaqne . I.i ri- ll full of bnkflfl Iflfl, iiuiljiiiiiii.' I up Bf tho I.iiul. ii llridp-. Bflflfl HWIflfl?flfllt The liii'-kw-u.-r from Bald E Mrte Orei I ha. Bflodfld tiie Bati bflHraafl Um enam and Lock Havon. Many house. in the lowei purl of tlic ,-.f. in lli.o.le,!, aml tti- ]?<?_,.1. BWTt-B WU, (m\?m\U> .il.'.o limilior fii.tit < ic iriii Iit aml K,-ttl.- l.reck Bflfl BflflB < arrled down. i'art of tbo bfltflffl hos BflflB *tth riedawav Qtflfflfl Me< ormu k, livim; MBI It, lo.-t hll otra ind oo. hoi ? I I '" Mid-lfln rtii-W- ol the wah r iinrinc tbi nlfltt, umt niirrowlv flflflflffld ilrownliuf bimaaif. , . . , Vnihir- 11.1:1:1:. J.;:i. 1 . Tlu- .<-u-.p- h.mna ll 11 fc- I blflbhen- To< Ice la rtinnlna out rrry faat Tiu- watei wiiHovi-r tim Kiiii_-.-toii r, laal ni.lit. Thi .tn-.tiiiil road oan oouid aot run, and paMeniers an rlng :tt K-.n_rs-t.iii w< re anabh. t.. .< t to wlltoflaarra. iu<- aaflu ba_ fallen a t,M>t ataoi l p tn. WiixuiuroBS.Jaa. i..--tii<- titm at i p. n fe. i abore low-watei mark. Hu loi from bere down baa pnie, 1.111 the ;ee frolll abOTI bil- IK't Vlt 1 l--eilth' tiooin. ilu- l.iii. !'ii River brldfle holdlni II b u k. i:. , Q !,, ( ,. .-, i. !i, .< iad L 'I k II.iMil ll 11 lli torrupted. .... , Mai.ii ( him K,.Iat. i ..-c.ii-id rai.lo nneaiineMi tt felt at the (ian. i.tmut tiinxr mllei abore here. AU tne bouae. an Innndated, lhe water belni up '" tne stoni .-< <if tha dwellinxa. Al _J i>- m. the loe bad ..tupn.-<l .: . .,.,.? .<? hen it li p.i< i up IBfl ?tOTKI hii.ii. Birasfl anzao n ooaaacnccr. KOEWIOB, Jan. 18.?Tho fio.het wliirh BflfBB >< t'-i'liiv I'i tt* .Shcturket atul Y.tntie Ks.i (?ofitinuc., iitial lhe ir.. i. are ttill rlslin,'. A part of tt Xow-I u.iloii iiini .N'oi-tli<-rii BflHf? _j, flflflB IBll tttf, BBI bflflfl \Mi-ii.-,i awa/, aaafllag flflflfl"i. '' xltihy iu th. ranninffol tniaa A treHle txiAgeat tha VorvlehMd a,,,,-,, . ii, ,-:i .4,1 <:.mi,i,'.-'i thiir do tralna wlll ii. mi by that Ouiapaaj aaatta el tui-city. i>*:.> ? .-ni. inr.H WATi it iv thi: POTOKAC WABHIHOTOMaJan. 18.?7V XUir haflfl .lispafch fnun OflOlfi to. u. D. I ? Miviui.-: " Tin- Blfl-H BflTT. - Bai liMtw.iiin-ilthe iiiei-etuiiiI-aiUmcthe whtrve . flfltflB pre . r u tn-tueii'luiiH ico freshet. Tho imr lafl llflflfl t\ tt <-t ai llnrpor'- Ferry ln two hour-., aml i_ still rising rapMlr. Uatlatalm .,f i<-e an eeaaU* tamm. **b* mer ohunUhare putextraforeea towork. and nr<- nettiug their fo, i- to pla.I ttfety. Bbould tb. ir nor-1 be apprehendod, tli<- reaida al the wharrea ure all doomed." (it.'.ei reporta,howerer,do notiudicaU, aiul at noon a heavj Craihfll ?... boi p.iteii. MORM ABOUT THE .VKATII..... a siMit?i.Ai: raaaomiioi n arnooMSDi, MlLW'AIKKK, Wis., Jaa. IH.?A IH"K| tt lllillK able weutlior jilieuouiciion oceiiiri-.t tuu MflOdBfl b< tuecn MUBBBBBB aml Bpartl, Wi_., HBBflBM we..t. The theiinotiit-ti r at ttt -Bttflfl flflflfl Wfl* ? below -Cro, WaXbu nt Milwaii-.<? it w.m h ul.ove. 'ihe iliffi-rencc was daetotwoduaafll eanaati afalr, Ikal al miwaokee beinafroni tl.e portb-nortn eaat, brtafe arith ? Iim-I.v t-t..i-iii ol snow, while -.t Sparta aad fnrtbar west the wlnd waa from the .th-weat wilh ?> cleai ak] chauKelnihe tem] miwaokee oocurrad on Tburadar evt?log, al wi.n h tune ? <b oae bank ol cloud worked ita wa/acroai tbe >h->' toUowlae aloflfllflatai of tho niooii. TIIK COl.l. IN Illl. N..I.IU-WI...I. Mn.w,\LKKK. AVis., Jiin. 1^.?Tlir .veatlnr n ;?,rl- tr,,i:i tbfl North \V,r.t. tui-ni-'iiiiii:.-t-.t' Iht ..,--., iit.\ of th.- w-e.ithi-r exeeadi flajrthina IWi WtaUr, lt Bparta, Wta., tbt Bureary eaacealed: Um iii.mi, i.t m.irk- il below Z'-ni : nt I_i CnM below ;at81 I low; atMlnneapolla, M?balow, aod -ii Mlla ? - ''<'? Tlli; I !'!.:> IN TI-.NM --!.!. llBxran, Jaa. 18.?Thk aaacalag ifl (me ot ' th. I IflflB, fhe thiriiniiii. t-r llotieatlllS 0? bfllOB Mflfl, QOVBBXMI ITT i:i.f"i:i. W _ DBPABI hk-T, 1 OFriit. Of nn. i nn . BlflBAL OfTICBB, J Wjiibibbtoi, Di', Honda; ,J I!'. m ) Biaoaflll '"'' BM /'"?' lurntu-fuir Aourr The barometer haa rieea over tlu- Atlantic -i tte*. witb low .rn l falliofl temperatare, \\iml-. raerina to lu'ht and freali w. >t?-r!y, aud cltar umi ilt-arliij. weatber. _ ., It haa deddedly fallen from "? to the nr-r-.r l.iki'.-, Lake Kri-- aad tba North Weet, \"th fn sfa to umi oci-.i.-i'.ii.iliy t'l.-ii M.utb. iiv io weaterlj wluda, cloudy weathar, rlalnfl tamparataifl und an-a_ of li?iit Cl.-iir wi-ath. r hai | BBTfllb r>r.-\-.nN-.l ov.-r the (Julf siaic_, with wiiiiii. reerim to eaiterlj and floutl falllBB, aad rl.Im temperatare, ProbaeAHHet. For Btttt Kiii.iaiiiii-ii-.ii w. ather, bnl wiad. baeklai to loutberly and weaterlj on Moadaj afternoon and nicbt, n_in_r teinperature, iui-reasliiic cloudiuoaa uud iirabubly iitiii mow. i,,r Mn Middle Btates,falling harmneter.rlalnitem peratnre, fraah aad brtab weatarl] lo ?ootberlj wlnda, nii.i i-iouiiy weathar, with v.-ry prubab y -uon. bti r tln iiortliern portum. For tlie Booth Atlanu. Btatea, llflbt to frosli WeflterlT I" lOBlBUly wnett, n-uiK t. iniiciatuie, .unl probalily im roa-iiiK ' lou.liue-.. From 'iei)iie_-'e to Late Brte md tbe npprr lakM rli itig tomperatarea. freah aad bnak lontherl] to weatariy wlnda, i-ioiuiv weatber aad inow, exeeptinfl poaalbly ii.-ht rain from renneiaee t>. the portiou of ObiO, IndiatiH, anil IHIikiih. 'iin- uiiiiinis'iii tatoaraphie reporta fnun Caaada, the Weatern Quli, iflniimoli. anil Da)tata, han flfll flflflfl ro ll-IVOli. _ ;/.-..--?; BBWR. TIIKKMOMRTKR, SATrBJJAV. AT BBOfl?BMBT_, II rARK tow. 9? b-3.0 Kona?u~t ? p. ?-140 Ui'lniibX?Xr> ATenfe-3115 TRRflMOIUTBR Ti.sTliltliAr. 3a.m.?2V Xnot-tl If.m.-tli' Miaui|Lt?153 Arfrafe-211' PI.OMIN-.-T A0RIVAI.8. fll. Jr1(fl-ffflr ffital F,? fhiT Btanfnnl ntul Qoa. D. Il I lallol) ,.1 < alif,,rri.t Gflfl. Jtiii'-. A .,1 Mnt?, C. IL <irt|n.iiif IIIidoi, OlMII JllU-ili "f l>-tr.,it. aiil l.mnlliT ll.'itof B',tt<.ii . . Aloruvotiintn Btttt?Tkt M'in. Wiilian A. t'llt. I. *. Hiuiit- r l-. Vr-riutla; the ll'.n lara. I T. Ilafb :J Bufftl. , and Ibt IIi.d. II. i,it ( . Kilfr of Ni"" J"""_Breaetrt iu-utt? Natb-tutl Hocpar of Bo? i,,p ...l\fi>, Airnur Utaal .Tta Bi ti. Vlilliim Willumt, ki. (.'., of Uuf falo tti- ll'.n B H- BalBil ?ml H _ Ja?-k?,a. at N- tf-llam;i?h,r.. ai . (,.l. J. O Yotlrr. 0, H. A.... H.Jf-luli _.oiaa*-('tpt W. f,. Marttiall uf tbt L S Koginaarr Corjia ,..XtmfTttk Bami C?C itama B. Ptt Ui?ifio....<TartnuAn llotrl? Mli_. I ?f_M....B*?eM // tmm -l.i (... llorttiu i_^-Ti?<,t.r. s-.r,,.r Maii. . Bal ,*tiak,.--v, aod Hiai Aunte L_i__a? Ciy_Aimlnanl Hu att?Iw'-ir II. II. liti.alri.kio' Itiaa. nj:\v-yoi;k crrv. Arrest-- laat week- MM] IfldjflBB at (-lation feBMflfl, t,71_; doatb. . 6*. tai11 tia-. MB| iii.rrlaces, _ frow _? flren, |17?,7?o; iiiMimnce, r^Si.lOij taxos roiieeted, tl. J.K.* IU. Carlos Marte, F.dxo Ccliallns. Jnaquin I.lera, IBflflMlflflfl ..iin-M, flflfll M other aPflBflflh i <->l< l<-nt-, li;t \ ? aml a ti ioKrain to tlic MarqulMof Mauzanedo,at M.nlriil, tXgteaUo* iniliguitioi" Kt Mr. Flflh'fl ettttUi i .iiiiiiiitii' h tlonto MiiiiHi.-i Buktafl, dated O. . 'u. aai arataattafl BiraiiiHt tho Intaifaiaai of aay foit_u-u pawafl in maimi* of tipaniab dtadpUna, John W. Korton, tlic rasliier of tlic Monoy Order Dcpnitiiu-nt of tlu- i'o-.. itli, r, ?,t? hold eouie tliue a*.'" in tf'.i* *) Iiaii on an t?tk tnu -nt . hari/inj; hiin Witb havinK Mhflflfllfld tU*JtU lHltcl Htat/a Dtatrlet Attiirnoy BHai aoi Iderlnn tln ball Innufliclaat, hml Norton raarreatad, <m Baturday, and end< avnred to bave hll Iniii lal-.-d t<i |ll..,(?m, hfll Jadfll W.Iruf. of ttie I'liii.-.l BtateaClrealt Oourt,Badtag tbat fcortou had no prope.tty. llxod hia bail ut KMBa LMriuiu and MBinraa Tlio BaT. (-t(t(?r<?p Macilnrialil, the wcll-kno. n Bflflteh pt* t nril iiovi-ll-t. will li-itun-oii" Ibibfrtlluru ," nAaaaathtini ii>?u. t .? antnr* twawtog, Tlio New-Vork Dejiartuuiit of thi. finind Army of thfl Republlc will hold iu annual encampmi nt tiil.lmirann Ifl* 'tt nnd M. Eicur. Inn ticketn wiil be U_ued b.v the vuriou* i 'I iic Kev. H(tiry Wiud I-ch-Ikt will deli\er H b etUte UI'OU tbe " I" Il, otlkl IOIIH Illflll.llCe of Drlllo rratio I'niii Ipl''-," at AMuelatlon II.ill, Hiin cmiiI'ii.-. Thla li the iiiniii leeture of tb<- popolai coumi of the M<-n antiie l-lbriiiv _-a,? uium, Aflt-r llio ciirttdiniiry aorviro of BBSgal A_ho clatlon Hail. la?t eyeuiug. Count Ucrimtotl. .-? tl,-- <;< rm.iti 1*1 itlon, pr, u, tnil u nerinon fnun tlir -,i..rv p uiteni um f upon ttn- eroM tta -o.\ Um pria , ,j,ii- iio rn rnuni lati a tin.1 ol aalvutmn?waa tbe i_tcat leanoo of (bri-ii.iiilty. THK OREDIT MOBILIER. itttmmttti Irom Firat Page. M.ibb.; u> b.'okkeeper fnr Mr. Amos, owned no stoek in the i'i.? tit M'biHer; never ha.l any Inforniallon thut ilm k st*?sl In ?** na'ijd on the liooka of that t'otnpiny : never beiird Mr. ? MM Ames aay to whom he mM iMflfc. Judge Foland?*.**- Ihe bflflfl- of tlio Company whi.-h have been produeed .'(-re it api>ears that 30 BBMBfl of the stoek Btaad in your : you Bflflm had auy Mifonn i tion of that faet! A. No, Sir. Hv Mr. Mcrrick?Ho y?\f know of anv dealiturs to Bflf iimtr... t to f.irnish anylmiy wltb Credit Monilier atoek ?flflfl hy M Au.esI a. I th.ok I have seeu on mituo li.ioks w.iue tranaactlnna, hut . don't remeuil-er w_at they were; lt haa been ? |ori)? ,im^ atfo, g. Can you reeall a:i-,of tln-a. eiitrlf .11 A. N). Rr. <-. You have no metnory at uli touehing them t A. fl-flb-flflpflfltilvataailflBaavawlai ItMakl saw on iin h iiiiaik- tw" or thrse antrlei lu referetieti t.. p irtles I -,,;ppo-e.l lo I)'- BBMBbflfl of Congreaa; I remember, Sir, bflt very IUII" flflflfll tl. Mr. M.ia i. k?Well, be mtti en.mgh t* UM us wbal you il, reiiB'tiib'-r; you hiv. (nat said you remember some namea. A. I have so ttttk ln thn BBAflBflBJMM iaiel.v -bfll ' bave ?ot n ^ imxi-a |f , I reincuibor uoth Ing 1 ran BBflM M poaitiv.djr. il fflfl any haynaataal a Kylaapcaai m k th.,- iaaa mtriM ihflflflfl some mmtBmtti Cmgifl Mflflfl. (-. Who were |hflB;| a, I think Mr. PBttMBflB was one. y. Can fflfl st.ife to u? any Impre sslmi you miy havo in nflMflM ? I" BBtBMfl toiiiliiui: Mr. Fflfltfltflflfl I A. I think he paid some inoney f,.r saino of tim atock , that la | i fuitii Ifefl '-iitii,-^. (_. Wl II. whiit "th'-r n-uuesl A. Well. Sir, I don't re lintnt.ei ; tlut only "lie I BBBBI lu NBBflabflfl HMIflfltly. an.l I flfll ttt pflatttflfl ef lhat, la Mr. l'.itter.-ion ; *li.l r.'iia'ialicl tia- iialiieofM:. ., nll, lii ; ilnl uai i. niciiil. r tim rbbm M Ut. Da-flaai UMflflhl he naw aaaaatblafl al.".it Mr. anieafl ; h<* *uw Miiuithuiat wluch il lfl I' tM to Mr. OattB] ; nuil'tuot NflBBflMaf what it flflfl] tlu- cut no.* were made lua poflflfll meiuorandum liook. Judge Merrlck? you r,iy, BBflfl- the ..Mi^iti ia jau Imv, t.ik'-'i t. tell tl.e tiaith, that you have Bfl hflflWl adflfl* dir..-1-t or, Mflab-BB Hf. flaafla'fl Aeallagi ?n!i intiiil.ers of OflflfNfll other Ibflfl wli.U you have flfl* i.n t-lt A- 5", Sir. I duti't reiiii'iniier. Ifl Mi. MttflflM llail lal'.'i I'a. ilie flMah tr iu. .t-ri. I t.i him hy Mt- -JBM, bfltVBM BM a:.d 7<t*) Bbflflflflj for wlm li lu- pflld m. ennsiJ' ritioii; afterward bnaatflim 1 thflflfl t*i Mr. Ani'-K. At iti ii'i'ltM'k tii?- fiiuiiiiiitee ad|oiirnt)d uutil || o'clock .M..mia) m.ruiiig. ^ I B0( EEDDKM Oi THI MCOHD 00MM-TTEB. li -IIM'.NV Of O. W. I'.AHNKS I. <:. hilUN'T, J. M. >. WII.I.IAM.--, AM) J. 15. BTBW-dBT. leamflji rtam d__patc?.| \\'Asiiia'(.i'-N, Jaa. 18.?The VTOaaa Beled OamaflMM mM Ibfl __Malai M U o'l.o.k. OUmrW. Itarnes was IWMB, Bfll festitled that bfl Mfl flflfl H N-w York; w.i* Bfl n-tary of the Cteilit Mohiller Ir un May J'*, Um to Btai Bl. ,S7?a waj* uot au ottlcer ni the Union l'a . ulroad; was a stookhulder m the Company; ?flflfl llive.-Iiia' flM '"-'-a-ioiially, anl sal.l stocU, ht*. bad 40 -iiaiiM. la ttfl OBaHI KabUlai; BOtBlifli tbaai Ib ihw, p-ning ftrthflfl BBB tnt dii-i'lead WBB p?d .1 in t, Wfeenwll I W r- ' '-av.'d Hfl dlvn! ii'l: WltflflM BXblbltfld a printed cin iilarof ttii'Cicillt Moailler, Ifltad Jflfl. . ltflttO| that at a iiic.-tiiig of Ifea K .ecutivc CotnmiltO'* N the preif-l.lig Bfllb M 1)ii -einber it WU8 re-ai.lvi-il thal, lll or.h-r ta .-'|iiali/.f tfefl BBM tt payinetit, titilcr tfea BflJBflfl iiieiit of .Vhriury, ****,tttfefl BflM of lii P'-r BflflB pflfl nii.'iiii, aud ou Ifefl aiiiount froin Jily 1, 1867, to Jan. 1, IB*. it tlie IflM of 7 p'-r cent p< r aiuiimi; H w:u* also Iflflflltfli that a div '? a! of C p?r Mal p'-r aniiiiiii bo doclared for each ? liii_ tbfl lst of .Na.v-mlier, 1SC. and H-;7, pavalile ekof tfei liiioii rn:-. Compiin. al Ha . lllU of the ll't-.-ateli il Mflflk. Il.ivni | BBM int.-rro. n.ti Bfl lo tbe history of tfefl OTfldll Mobilier, witm-ss -n-l l!n? tli" charter wa* obfllflal froin tln- .~'-iia- "f I'i -ii !.-*>' Ivama ; it was a Mvnu'organi aattoa, um bai aM bflaa Baad i UM hr-u laataUaiaaaa M Ifea -t'" I* ?"! re j. ii'l ln -ni tll iiiumnt-*, n .t BMM thflfl ,'H mrtym Mal fla ?___?< tt tx.A-, OaatflflFiflflcMTrala i-iitiiH fiom New-Voik to lnliia aml BBBfll .Mr. llail ari'I \v;tin-8a whether tlu-y POtraflafltbaObaUBTj tln v ri'i'lifd tl.'-y dl'l; Hr. Tiain said tfefl flhBrtM VM wiiiiia'l tm th8 p.ii-]"'-" "f BBtfll IhflflfflBflMMMfl in tbe .oiiHini. inui of tbe Union I'a. ifle Kailroad. an.l that tlu > ? ii.ii.I Bfl l?ta_ i-.-if t xpeii v a au.l u Binall c.Hi .nlt ra li.n f.r. arryinff lt a? loni: a? they hail ; an ttmt was ni.uie. aaflWttflflM Ihaflflhl iMyBM M BBflutmira-a pali for th- * harter ; witne-s si_tie I the tran-*fer papeifl m Ne-*- ...ik. at the reqtioat of Mr. Duraut. Witn.-s.- was int.-rrou'-tf**<l at BBBflth M M Ihfl tnaflBfltt-fla M Ihfl , ,. i t ?; . . a i in ti..-a. ii'. r Bf 'tiM.leti.l- ; tli.- ehirter of th*.- Vi*. al Ageii.-v. af t.-rward BBflafBfll lfl thfl Credit 1 ..l.i-.ii...| Nut. I, MM ; after Ihfl trausfer bart. i Ihe hil.-iiless v. a- : i an- a.t.-.l :n New York, ?ablTTI-** *?*** IW|BBllMlna wa a pra-ervcl m I'uli a h-lplna. Ml DfllBfll wa- rei.lle.l, flflfl testllle.l Bfl M ttfl fefl* .' thfl Sloui Cil. BtBBflb "t tte t'iiaui Ifl '!?' Kflil r il. OB bfl-Bf Bflfefli Bhtthat heklie-.vof any uioin-y baftBI ht en paid to .11.\ p* r~t.ll tii hav ti-itala ohjet t. ;?-,.,mi;.I--lu-.l, witin-.* r.pla'd that b<* ttflflflbtOflfe-fl Aiii.-s aal Jflfea ?* tAlty had mtm tamtaM Ib iti ba j, ... \,. ,. :,i bfl bfld tfl Pfl| other- i.t th.-ir Interest, BfldthM ln-panl BrBt mtttt tfl lflfl flf thfl Iflflfl BMM i?.ri ,,f OMflMM '?? -'?' ."i.troi of th*-fraiiciii.-*.-: thfl BMMbflH flflflfl* a. Wllflflfl aml Wiliiain li. Al_flflfl, bul wa- ia)t po.-itive m M AI!I.-"U. M: Iniiant was * xiitiii:,eil at laflftfeBfll BM tesfitnativ | |. Tae Ct'llilititl.e ll.'il ad|OUril-.l Hll I'Velilllg. I CAMDMTfOa 01 .'. M. -. wii.ii.m-. a.,,-;, fhe coiiiiiiiit- ?? n a---mni'-'i JBha M- a. wiinami Bflfl fllflflfllBflll BaaaMl [iflflMB M Cambrid-**. Maaa. v..i, Ik a.-ui.T of tl.e l niuii I'a. uie Kailroad from May, M__ch.ll ll v,,,n t?).'.? i.-.l a dir. eior, i.ut never iMBBflfl; w.tsoiieof the jrlginal flfl-flflflffeBH flM MB.BBB. an.l held from time to time fltflflh to the amount of taah bb bMaraM ta Um OfeMM H-MBm m the bflg-BB-flfl "f lw,5: ht -?*?? **'* partucr, tiliil'lon, suii dUXMIflflflhi wasa Dtreclor feflM June, 1 '-ua, to BXl, BB, and Bfl Ihfl IlBBBllH Commlttee wlthThomas C. ai.d A. (Iriswil.l .,ray; Ihfl maiiagenieiit wa? t-oiiiniitted to a Rallwav Iiuienu of tlve BflflflflhMfl M tfflb lf (|t|; the Kailway llnreati was BBBflflflBflfl hf thfl I^x f.uttv.-OflflBBflttm-, th.- aaaaaaaaffllaatlan Executiv* ('.itninittw. without flhaflfl approval tbere BBflflM M I l , , ,,i[ u-t.. or appoliit.ui'iits; was Becretary of tbfl Ball way at the timo the Exe. ulive OWBflHttflfl WM apflflifltflal I Bttflfl-flflai I" tn.ike ,i flflflfl aet with '.he tinion I'a.ii Railroad Eor. M, i__7, to build 267 Bfllflfl of railioad for MM a nnie. to ls. BBMfMMi Jan a iK.,*; the propo _i was made M T. J. Carter, t'l,,. BflflflfltBXf "f the fnlon Paeitlc Mflflfli Oflflfl* BflUfl hetbouchta.small isjrtion M the toa.l BflflbnflBd Hl tlu- llt.e Iiil.l alreaily l.eell i ..Iislructed | OU tx-.lllg a8__<l bi-* of otTering to build a road. M Mflfl-flM em bracm-i ? Pfl-tM M which Iia.l alnat'lv Bflflfl IBflMlflflMd, tfefl witues* answere.l it was for the purpose of gettlng il LL.l4ltllfl ttfl BflB-A flf TrfltlTI aud Duff-lu-t.m.1 ofl)ura!it.<<)*'?d.-iic.'having been loat la the manage Iil(.,,t of Duraut, who w.w t*s) extravagaat; tho Interest oftbel'"!"" IflMflfl I.i'Jn.a.l an.l the CreJit Mobliler waa ldeiitleal-th. y Wt re virtualiy ono loucern. liuriii'-' th<* eiuiniiiiillon Mr. Iloar aaked whether wit ? . was actlng in gm.,1 fiith with tbe OfllfllBMMll tfl Mpartflflfl '"he lallBBMlMMMai MMBM .tivi.l.d among th.-si.?i i?.|,l, :.. WUBflMMB-WMBflttBB ,K,,,.,,, Luailiiflfl tber., vm any brearbof good faith ; they ibonldtaak M tl..- matter BflM the standpolnt of ttfl WXVUtb and XXXVlIIth, aud not the xi.ii l OBBITBMJ they uilder8to.)d tho (Jov-eniiu'.iit woitl'l n.v.r flflB on Ihfl OflflBBflflV l*or the interest ou laaNfl or 5 p.-r BflM BM MlMflfll but retain BflB> flflfl Bflfl of tbe amount for (im, rtitnenl uranaportation. The chairman aaked the wltness wheth.-r he knew of any n-oney hiiving bflfla panl hf M t'm.n NflM Rail ro ul Otllfllflf or ,'n'dit MoblUer or by any persons flflfl ?e, tid witb them ut any tiiuo to ii.-.i'-nie or procure tbe election of any Beuafor or RepreaenttlM ln Con mmtx Witness 6::id he had alwaya coutrtbuted for gen? eral political purposea ouly. Witueaa aaid, In BBflMM t" ? .'?'**'0"' th?t -Mlamm F Hutlor, a M.mber of OMflmBBj waa pflM t-I.OJO by the Unioii-'aci_-IUi,r,i_,d('._upai.y; lt waa repoited that Hutlor rei ? iv*-d BBB, hut wittieas BBflM Mflttftr M IMM having l>een paid ; he bad s**en it on the Treasurer iHH.kv this was in tl.e Kallof l?;or the rtprln^r of lr__; li.itler gave advlc*. M to the Oakea Ames eontraet, an.l helpcd the Conipoi.y at a iiifetiog of election of othcers ; Mr John lt. Alley t,rou_bl Mr. Butler to New-York as bla attoniey. but the Company took bts BBflM and paid bim for lt. Tl-STflaoSI Ol J. B. STF.WART. i ph i: Btavait leBtiii.-d: WMflM la a BtMltlflBM ut mv ta tfea CHj of Wflfl-flBfMa; _a?M bflaa flflMl Vhattfll BB l.-'l|reii.l-r.-.l any hittI.fl for the tflfl-t K.,i!i a.idCompuiiv orthefrflit Mohiller. an 1 lf -".wben. tlu* witm ns suid hr. had been an earn??t atol ...nstuii flfl "f il! Pmltir Railroad pro)<*cis fnr many years. ?,?1 of BflflJflaal un; t-nerally ; be bad ur.i-l . it*? on rueinl.ers of < onicreas, ea any cillteu bai a ru-hi to do . bo triod to laduco Comcraaa to lu-tfor. s-isUin. anl favor n.-1-rs..ns who h.d MBMMl thflfl Btoperty aad r?MhM IB huildlng the roads IhaChaii. wvr.* yxm HBflflfll >" fbB Mflaaai mouly koowii as - lobl.yli.V sel.emes'" |A. I diaolaim tbe iM-rforuiai:,. *? of such BerV'i'o ou any ocraslo.); for tb*: M i. v'-.u . I iflfll IibiI much M do ffltttM -MMflflflfl flflflaib niiiiifii. flailaan BaVwaM mymttt tt om -rrr-w tht.?i,-h Ui u.MMIIIIf a": ****** V!bY "JT! BhBfltt bfl pflflBflflBB. Ifefl Mflfll tt ?'"'' allBMl ' -,?'-,? BfllBflfltlflB 'ia "natter ol having p.i^-'d tlie L'nion I-.t* iti. Kaiiroid bill of l*d, BA ""Mfl Mfl gratmio'is un my part, I waa pflfcfl IM lu" MfTlflfl M lii.- ('..Tnp mv or tho'a**. rrpresi'.itiug 't ia.. f aaaalilia. .-.-. Baart** iminig-t, *_j._?umed uu-.; Ma.iiUy, Bl 1) o'i lack \vir_..? ai::; tiu: B0OK8 t .>._. 'x-.ti. Thi So.*n--.iiy ,.ii.I Tir 1,-i.rer ..!' tbe Cn-M't Mobilier cannot till vhan Ibfl Bdaalng bouba are. |>uj r in t'..* ponvietion that there h _ go .*l detA ?' iiiiini <?--,.t -v f'l-t* fOlDg am ai pri -sen*. Ile") i otnmitt.e || Baa .ni ? niataha M eappoaa Ue puhii waa luterested m th ir doiaaa "Onlv m taa naw* aayara," b* - auy thing ahout it." ' B .iu. ii,ia ," ald tn* veierii. toper wbo foaod btaeaelf fa* tiie Iral time m Hiuv. raaltal neeetlng " Mbflaa I lo_ I'.l >;ivi- il.. iloll,it * tr ii wat tiu.-." Tlo-re aro _aiiui-? be* ?i OflflgMflflflMfl flbfl teel j aat that ??#. TUE BPAATSU CiiMl'I.U MIa)S sErtHRTAur naari plba?niauiaa ckacLnt*. nawa. WaramoTOVi Jm It^-^eereMj Pi-h reliaa lipnti Ihfl following di-tliat.tii, BBMflfl o' fll a J'ls'.iil CBtiou for his note ?f < ict _> la Mnusta-r Mefelafl l -u-pUtlilHr 1.1 LflOltlOfl, I 8*n Bl BlflTtAB, A"*- pi, Illi S Ml 1 BflTfl tbfl hotnir t? irinsmii in*re*iifii it**- yur im rmatlon n ofl. .1 pobliratloB ol a de piaetl !ii ata port ol tlir- ? ,.- a II ant.-r, BUlUoflllUg , __ :_.,, Ue |-,i;.|.,f ..lill I..|--t.i: ll Ui.l- all B.lllt ? ic?, lieuriug eigbi , ?'. *?ud plediring for tbe payment of the batareal uid prMflpfll o. tbe ioaa tlie proceedi ot tbe war I ?x. eatiiuatedal |8.00(k*M0 aiiiinaliy, aml tlie -.nrplii. ... nv**d fr.ia. all .-.i.i of i. v, ii ,.-, or.liii-tri It appeara ln th.- r<-|M>rt of tbe M.iii-t* r that lUe I ilwo ., Uarana *>?; |u.i?i,'i_ af tim -nin were borrowed to pai tbe expemtol if tho ial saiito Domlngo an.l Meiieo, and th" r. iiiainlu. ln" _ iv. been advinee i hj tba hank toward tbe expt-ndltura meurrod Ib lbe preaeut war iii (nii.. The wholfl am..uur of ISO.OOO.OOO ame loaued in lbe bauk ln pap r moue*, iod thi* larg ,..,., ,? . ? ie luinfl (*H ? ., u, ir seems, broughl about, lfl oo ijunctl m witfl othec t t i\" fl;. ,;..-? .1 iiii-. in i.i..: portion of lbe isl.nnl ii.'! I Iiv the r-paol.b f. lt further appeai ? lhal tba am iuiii ralned ln Cuba bf ii..1 impostn during the neg ? i ii"i In tflro par - proce. .1- of tb* u. : i* ;..- .,. Uurty milllouBare to i?- ap plled lii-r. iii in. - the aiiioiint LU. a-'l to the . Hl. m Tr.'.is'n v i" piv tbfl OOal of M.e .tlngeut for tha expedition igainai Mexico; ..,.. . 'lainl, t.o lepay thfl aiiio'inl a?l by thfl baai toward tfea M Ineurred ln the atteini i -I ro. >n<*_a-*-*t ..f Banto l).-iain->. th? thlrd. to redeem ia apecie t*.ii*?,iii? in biilaol tii" li.atik oi llav.iiii, the aaflia being , i.r tbe -uu. loan* i to tbfl Tra laury tor ? ptaeee, 11 n to rednoe tbe outataadlBi paper money a.r tbo bank, liatied oa Government aecoont, t.> M.0flfl,(M0. fourth, tae nai iu.'.:.-av ti i, x*",..*". U) .'-? paid IBto tbe ii , to iu. ct appropi i ,m ot tbawa , .iini ini thfl BMlBBry flxpaoaea tt Um next laeal y*ar. The de. reealao provldea for leaatng tbee i i.i. -. ..- Ud whicb, togetber wll credlM anu tbe iiiC'iinc oi tbe . rown propei l in C iba, u ? ippltcabbi to tbe redemptlon of lbe ronainiug thirty uluioaaM pa por money laaued by tbe bank un OoTernm ol aocount lourceaut revenuehaye not bitberto. lt la under itood produced anythlng: ao that it may bepreeumed I.- -e.-tmii 1.-.-IH! of I..U. l- i* raaarted for ih. . .i ? ;.:.. pap -r aa Itbe i outloo ot the war. ..... ., riptiona to tbfl loaa aro i? be mvlted on the nt of j iini.irv. 1873, m ll irana, Madrid, Paria. end London ni, iii.; appll aii iii of tln- pro*.La, a a iinian'i-atioii of tba n renuea appropriated t.i th n . a-..I tbeprlnctpal iad lntereai ure oonflded to aoom uiUaion -)i 15 peraona, three of wn.uu aie t? be oboaen by t ic ho-n'.a .:?!? a- Y iii will remark in irtie e J""i tbe de ., .-ov -ion .-liai-.a-tonitic of *U Spaiitsh | ,".'1 *! it.,. u im- cn t.a. Tue ("apiaiii Ueooral laauthorUed toauapeud j. pteaaura ? natlon __adfl by tbe LoaaUo?a* I ? u ? .. m ifl tl '*, ifterfoiir y.-.irs ?f war, wth ool auarter, ;n Cuba, and baTlng exhaoatad tfefl w . . j| ttui ti-h aad produouve .ioiuinonwcilth to - ?ul to appeai io th ? civiliaed world to lend money on a pladgfl ol tfefl ro-ra nueeof tbfl i 'I ui.l to li.iiitiutie a ilrugitle iiitelided lopor petnate tho alavenr of tbe greatai i irt or tbe oolored tiiiiabltatit . and comjiel tue uuw.lliiiiC allegiane*' of u i,i e mal irtti of tbe toreiyoppnflaadaat-Tfl popuiation. In lln-. rei ition l may atate fh.u it appeara trom i ra cent ation in t.i" luipurevtl. a Miin-olhcial I'.unial ln Madrid, of whlch the < onial >:im-ter waadlr-cUir until i.ntiTa'ai the preaent I' iblii. '. ni-l 'hat --fraini tln* ii.-a-iiiniiia- of boeUlltlee in Cuba*) Inauraenta ...... be* u killed in hattle i Ktsione* tie pu-n-a) aad n.-Vr) i .k.-n ortBonera, t,8lfl Iraarma, J.-47 ?har.K maeheusa. au.l otber snie anu. and tJUt BOfflM bflffl boaa oaptorod; i.j.i'.io iii.iisr_r.-ut-* have v..iuntaniy aornndared. Aa lt ia ballered tbal all prlaonera or war uiken are iflol 'ir K__TOtted, 11 woul.l appear, taklng tbe f.-tal Ol kille.1 m hattl'- aud prlvmer-i eapf'iraa.I. I.hal more tban fl7.0M IBiargentfl have ._llun tbe war began. - noi itated, BUt lt nt known from soureea that tleir foroe under arma Ln Cuba l. n..,iio.j men, and, ??* more than half ol ,.i|.-l, their caaualtlen Imated il leaa tban Upei oent,or 15,000 men auuually, maktng au aagrogate spaiu-u loaaui ttnoe tbe declaration of Independence prouounoodat Yir, mn. i...,;,iv,.. TmMworttJ aouroeiot Infonaa t ou in M ? ii"l tend to ihow tftal Iblfleatliaia vioulil Im exaceeded b/thaottcial rotornall tbey w,n. published. 1 .iin. ic, L*. -*? BflOBIBB TUE PIBB BBCOBD. pgffl ;, ? IflPtAOaATIOa AT l'AlilCKU'.S i i\nivi-LOM $100,000. PiRiaoaoH, Paaa., J-m. i'i.?k deeltactlfe mtmi niflitflB fl i'x- bat'- lafl-haaji Naa . this BlMnnfla, . l tne f.illuwiii- l.uildiug . wilh tlieir Bafl-Bflflfll aHoflfla.011 Bxflhflaflfl Hattl. Daiiif \\vtmmw4tt, (jBiflfl Hflflflfl. (iieeiey mmmWB, Bpeucer'a Oi>era Ilotis.-, ,;,' fl Otfl-T- har.lware .tor**, a numlxir of Mhflfl iML-in.flfl beaflflfl, aud ? or 30 dwellmga wero BBM BBB BBBBflfl- I-MlMBMaaB-BBfl-flal-MM HMM M tMMW with biii imi'' UflflllBB '? Ar . o'cio.k tln- ilre wa* uuder control, and Bfl furtl.-i' laflflM Ifl appr.-houded. KDUJUMI xi i;r.o\'KRsVii.l.K?i.os.s S")0,000. ( K. V., Jan. Lf.?Aa ary llre tbn* moriuug burued the flflflfl factory of Arnold, Jay ai linititha. tflflfltfeM with flflflflflflM. and fllflfl the irloTe fa.-'et v of 9. 9 BflMhhlM The BBflflfl *t thfl Iflttat vaaaared k. a datua^ed couditiou. Laaa, BB, ?oo, ta laO.aaX) MILLS Ill'UNK.D AT TdLKDO?ttOBk $'>0,000. Tolkdo, Jau. 1!>.-Tlie naw and planingr ? ih 1 Mm hel! 4 Itowlanil Luiulx-r Compaay were ..e.i.iye.l by IM tbi. flftflCBBBfl. A Ifl-ffl ijuanUty of luini'.-r, bfltt Bflflflfe tMicl tmtmmm, waa BOfl-flflBflfl. The Iomih eaUmated at fr..m r_.,o.)o to tao.'XjO. wbit-h i.s cov ei.'.i I*. iBBoraaoa iboal equallyd-T-dadbfltWBfl_.C_Bem iiali aml BaflMflfl coinpaiUieB. A BLOG-C DK..TKOVKD AT PAWTUCKKT ? LO-S, $23,000. PuoviDKNCK, Jun. l'J.?A fire in Pawtuoket tin* HflBfl-M BflflBMBfli B__-M'B ttflflfl and did eoinnle! - BbM -flflBflffl t"> ?-h*3 adjoining block, owned bffl.L. Bpafli er. Among tln* lo.sers are S. Fitteld & Co? |5,00o, laanr-d . H. B. ?-'ager, rt.OOO. partlv bMflflflll J. U Ander,__ai_r-d for BMM la tba Flrat Naiionai ofWoroeater; U- C. Uoraey. flMJflO, lnanred; the h.iri of Miiler, 18.000, uuluaured; O. L. ..peucei, "H.OOO. lolal !.?._, about ?i?l,')00. AT MILF()Rt>?_0_8 $14,000. BoatOaTi ta. 18.?A lire iu Milford, la-t night, lafltt-faAflaflflBM- brewery aud baru. The loaa in _____ AT LF.WIST0N-f.O93 f.-,000. LuwisroN, Me.,"*Jan. 18.?A lire tuu morniDj? destroytd Neveir.- flttM-8, M Batea-st , and Iflflflflffli Wood'* blacksuiitli ?hop and the engine hou?e adjoluing. The wlwle lo?? w aliout ; innuranoe, ( IN TI113 CITT. At .:40 p. m., yc-U.crrt.-y, a fire, of utiknown origui. occirr.'.l iu tfefl oue--torv Vflflflflfl hflflM at flev euly Urat-U. and _'ir?t ave., owned and occupied by ivn r Dykor ; damauo to building and furaiture, H?. The examlnatiou iu tho ea.. of bflfllaM Fibor, flhaffljfll by Flre Mar-thal McHpedon with aetting tlre to Berlco wit.'s ?tore, la C'atheriue-st., waa coticlti-Cd, ye*tor.lay, lu tbe TflflBBfl PBtttfl I'ourt, BflBBBflflflB witnosaes awoaring toanalibl. The Bccuaed wai held for Uial by Judge Qogan. Theentimated loaa on the stoek of Owon Jonoa, who_ dry good* flttM at .Vo*. MT, 169. and 171 Kighthflflfl, ? i* humed on Thurad.iy evening, 1* |1??,000. m*urod 111 tho following compainea I .Vopie'.i of Ne.wark, (Juard, Uueen* LlvriMiol. London aaid lilob., (Jueoii-i Couiitv. (.iianiiat. I<iit-?r<, i.-'bhar I, Williamabuigh City, Mon lauk Hafeguard. Meehanica' an.l taflflflfl', istato of Penu _.> lvt_iiiM. and three e unpanif* uuknowu.M.UOOoaeh, aud Lanc.v-.htre. tlO.O.*). Total, IW.000. riui.>ko from a m-wly ligiited furnace oauaed oonnldera Ufl alaim iu Ihfl (iiand IloU*l, on rfaturlay moraina. A DRAMA 8UHPREH8KD. lereaal priaaai af tlio Onlor of the Rodomp t orut FatborN, from the lhun 111 Patholit- Gflfltflfe of the Moat Holy Re.leemer, in Third bi., near H-eond-av.*, called apon I'oiico ('aptatu Ward of the Tenth l'ra-tan. t, yeaterday aft**ruoon, and IflfflMtti him to prevent the production of a play euUtled " Tho Secrota ol Nea York; or, The Jc.'ilU in Americi." wbn h had lM*on ftilv. rtiMrtil to i>e played at the N.iw-York HUdt Theat* j, Uo*. 15 aud 17 llawery. laat night Aiiioug thfl ' _M 1 ' a a repreacuted la tbe play were .-tiln-l- JoaephUH. U.aoluth, ?o.l Iguatlusuf tbe m*oty OiOor Ol J.jhiw, aud ?thora wblcb tho Redeiau_orl?t lt"mr. svorri'l would be delinoated ln ? manner al once .intnithful and ealcolatad to enaender Ul totsbug. A fter tbo Intervlew wlth Uie pneata, Capt. WttdflflflB for <hI fhe fhe*. ... who nwponded br eaMmgai tho . Uttou Iioivm'. Ifl El<lridiie-af, uoar OraiK4-at.. at iliotit 8 Wetmt lart evenln/r. At the re?|ue_t of tbe i-ap fain.the tiiiiMfpr BBJflflfll to withdraw the plooe for ttt nu'hf, hBl ltitliuaU.1 tbat it would bu prodnood durtug thn woe_. t;|i<iii'.ho upa-ninitof tbe theater. ln thn evanine-. **?? g<- int Cbmbea. wlth tnn wfH.-om.waj, flfl?i-lB flflBI m-rve thepeaea In eaae of neoeaaity. Tb? audiUirnim waa soon Ulled with ubout l.uoo peraoun, and at the luuir ? igtoi"ni of th,? priformanrc tflfl manajrcr pul? lleljr annoonod taat the ataii had betm wlthlrawn, and Itaied fii.- laaBMMtaaralfla. Atiiiut (*'o |irr_oiis thaa roiiroi], imt the retnaioder ra . tbelr MaU aml ijuietiv- wttaioaed auotber ptay PA-tt**BOEEt AEEtFED. Y'.tOil OA*AM*a-nemtamekW '""? "/ Ifmmtaut. li*. 11. II(Ht W. A I' ic (_nr>? 1 ' :-' l-rmia. Miaa Ida Tln.anl, 1'*.! ? tm I , ''-wm, Jf.. I_ T-oarel li. Q*~t* k Pirte ttttt?i ?:'., ii. ln tt'iirthtp PtmAo. Ia. It -Br ,nt Bas Citon, Mr Dib. rty, K- tn b tUU 1- UotUta. LATBBT stifl' MEWE I. or otlte? Hhoi Ae-t aee tleeond Togtl AKItlVKO. j . >i_>tAtto II ilUtl (Br ). Cra.K, Luri.? I . <?- Ji. anJ _U?f- Jaa. a, P.W.l 11,rt f mmbf t 'lr I. Iirt.mi. ttttt?' IV*. __. miUtOOte. ke. U ii, B-d. U <T_art-?to_ wilh mda* a..i paaa. I. li. ???in vi, _- ? Ha-.,lpb (of Arbrualh). Kumm. t'eroa ?bue- M 4?fi. ?>?? U,r. fflbal W?_d??o, Ualt?_tt>!_ Da*. M. with hide*. lu- Iw a_. clwred i? tbu K ar. I.r . Ki. elaiar Mernr. of an.l J dara frora Ba-ranla. fa haltaa? Ilr. Ilitrrdal.a il ir .1. ft?i-nam Otamt lur*. T. I.. 9 da/a. wvh aa*. ? lir., Bhaaaa.1 1 af _....!,..___), fl,.?rrr. Iiauieiaia 11 dajr., ?it- ?*a# .. n K. (of Pi.toa, X. t.i runtr. Arwwlbtr B X, HWg* *nmi llri* Mitn't M n.arnr), Rartlr.l. fl_H.n? fcllnd llara, witli aat. -;,an ). K.brterni. Ilaaana l'< ila/t, in haiiaat. ? ?-._re*k, B,.ke Mm IiIIm Sl tar., wub Miaa fvi.r . _r_, Aut i aroa l ?aaj_ wil* I'trwao. 1 aaJ ontrA. tt? Miriii. I.'in. (ut iuioa?*) liar-ou, ?_. Tkoa?t 11 dara, aitlr la V Warr n. fiibaaon. I>a_t'rar_ tl Ity*. artOi ??. Sebr. ( . W. Clark (of i'r'iTia_a-t?wal, Vrwaa, VtraUtmyt. with flfl> ? ?-? (I-- 1 Oit.r St. I.err> Kirt. V. .ata. with ?tt. tttt M I. BaaM (af Pn-tia_ei.,wn), ISntlm. .'*. ____, tia ?lf*A .'.' , ' ll III ? aa Jl . ilt. MBD-flMlaara, B_B_,a w r'ar Donaano aoattL Bonva. Jan. IK.-Ar ivrtl. ?(.a_i<tii,i Onni*). trnm Saraiaah. (a ?Iih Hriti.ii tn,;, i'... eu ;'-.,m (,,,.< Thi, ia Bt I that waa ?lf I'lymnoU, M lal rli ,| .artnllr ln,,?intr hir [,-,.,'iaia. , ? , karlaa I n 1 l.a-r. bat Utr rrmlii, im . . .-/.__ I. at a,.- ?,. .n,l -.ui'i if.-j hia i. -aaaM 'a _aa Jel. D-BAaraaa. irill \ ' nmatiti uh.iit oo ??*%* I'i'aia, haa ? lli l.'Klt V'l I.r ttmnt I I'alai.r lr.,. FrM M ?! ?, with a ,-_rx i M malioyaiir tn, In-'-a. M ,Utt ,-wt, aal la Baw-Tsrl urital bata lltta ?oo 4 <aa.a . ..t(in< atlaarlilaal, alunor a mla on tn* UM ,ltr ktfH-n.waial '.-?r-,.1. Ba__a>_?-aflata. tb * wbula paaaa<r. Wul t_pair ant) , r,Mhaa_L foriow-v-'-om' unaaropuloiia alrntiata adttr^i* thairahrl-. ?? C ,lun ,u ' . ptt " _,,.. vlf, - i,a U?it fanl a. folliwa: Dir ?a-o-ilil'- rr^.'.-ra u-ttrriy timl l-i nr m. , Haalquittan" an at Iba Coltom Iik_ -*i. A.?.? miai l(.->Mt. 11' .M Di '?:.. .n-l rorr at the "II.?f aaf DMCe laailataa al rHBealak .i^.i ?*,? u,r -p)rpli.">iiiat. Tb<- Triliune Almannr f'ir IIH (r, l,.t .f !?i?a.r nt ntttp _ :., it. aa ..I . .:. ? ata, Uata ?. UT ? ? D Ul" .KAPlIt 0? 11 -lal, ? tlKKKl.?I. Voti v< ltI iiltrafa linr in<n ?hn koow wbit tfl <at aai baw la ,i i_.- LaKnaiTaa-HiKK Taaaa $*' on al *U Ika ^^^^^ Tbe I.u-1 Au-., Iht W?m,?>.i. 1'HiL-i.a, n, Tanijaa l*.oiJ__a Kltla i Bia, I i '?' I Pimpii-a nn'i CaAamaamt AtUttUaaammmoUbf tfrn inm , i) i uwna Haiaa* k Co. flaw-la?_ MEEEIED. riltPV \N -i-IRblKI-Ou Thunlia, Jan. I', 9tkt~kttttt*m . !,. tl V U.a- Ita t 14- B ,1 I ...l\i**, ii, W l^,ut_a B., JauifiiUrrol JoarpU I). OmB_ Ol Bwiiklju.. , i -,ia'. >i.A:!i.-<>n Wetteekuj. ln. c>. at ttr. r______a?_l y >i | lartbi Baaa., bf t...-!-,. Hr i.-nii K'lwarla tt. Cailmu.i >i tbi" .riljr tai Ma*, OrihtBM M. (lark ul Naitb ? .SMITH-OKBB?Ol,. Jau. IS, tt 6 p. m , at tha r. .i.t*n._ a' lf- '.r. i. -, fathar K:,.;.-' I M J btUaflef ll ? Bfl*. Mr Jiu.t. -iiu.tli ,if Blawaid-iJ, I. J, t,i M.m il . .rliwi J.,i_Ut_r ?' ? ? r, '_-i. _ ABBttmtU of Marrxaijes muAl bc fall naute and uddrt?. ____________ UlIT). BiTum iiihi-ii.ii f.fu "?'<!' ?'??"! i aaa . ?ii raai tt bat .;? ., ,, , Tl-.-l-.-nl. ,,(h-r lainilr atul tlioat nt barbrathar, Dr. II ,-?-? I. |I_?. Ul luiltld 10 lllial Illl __naril. al bat lat>- reail.-uc? uu ll-ia-.-a ai. . .,-. ... IM u,.u. al l-'l afttett p. m. CAMPBKI.t.-On T__r__?t. lh- l-t i m?t . Mrt. 8., arlwl __? li-.ir_- li. Ctinp',.-,!, il, tbr .l!h ?a-.r ,,f I ? . .' tb- ianhlr arr rran-nfnllr Intiirl t? ati-ial , rt: fr .in l.-r ta.-- waiilMM, N". HT Wul rbirUetb tw, _? , ii,,'. furtlier inrtuti'in. Il-r ra-maina will l_f tal-u lo <.r -an.M.1 f.,r iiiVrrqu-nt. DOTY-lo Ir.nrj Cil/, on Iha ateoin, of Jaa. IK, UH. flfll ImckmmeA I. Ootr Hia remaiui will boi ii-0 tn Grnrarn. Liriogaton Ci. X V. .Mrialar m-nt, wh-r. lli- t.i raJ will ia- balj BUtWOBTB?Ol . . - lar MWiafl, Jaa. I?, II. nr^ Kltwo^h. MBB li?_0 a.-,- - The rel.'. -.rn,!r ara ?ap?. tfn'lr intiu>l t. allrtti . ar.l Ir-im Ina I," t-?. ir.,--. i.a Wi I I- ??_..,._. aa . ' laal. at ll ,>>:,? - a. m ... i uUaa. 11 , raaa-lM will b_ taJirii t-i Jrrrnwjo! t,,r lUt-rm -nt HKNRIQUK.S -Jar l:< 011 H-nn gtm, ia Ihe 'i7tb yrir of hia tf. ? ih- funeral b.rra.'lar. ?OBTB?la BailB SaV-ot. ou Fr-lay, Jan. 17, U.unah M lloae.iatho II ,if h-r at;e 1! | il. arr intiiarl lo altni.l lirr fnnrrtl at tb- Cmt-naliat (l,?ob. _ , __.n_Ur, *-*b mal., at 1 .(.-<! p. ui. in t-r mMmm oi Baaai BMah B. Im te tm u. *t*ti *:tr ot Tbooaa J. Munal,, an- !ia.-i,i-r il Wiliiao. J.-r.,-? I'i jr . ,n,l fri-t;,), tr,- reapra-tftillt- inv,t.. I t,i attrnd the fnnrral tmm , . .,r t, r |,?r-TiM. r>,i l-'t Banar-aC, Jrrtrv t:uy,am Wf-liiealar, th- __-l mlt , flHfl| n'.-lorl i> m., wul oot furtbar n.rlioa. TTBliM II Klttbaab, L. L, ou iSundat moroiOK, Jan. I), lao* U ? . . . i ? ! VV. . .i of h-r aur. Itea aod rr-.-al. af tke faimlt an int t-t m ittrti.l Iba tanrtat tU ill.. al 1 "?-..?-. p m . Ir.i u U.a Ilirf.ifaaBi Daleb C . i KU u-i. 1. I.. witi.oat ItaflbM mviitt,,i!>. Goccial Xoiiccs S( -li.-iM-k's Pulnmnii- Syru|i U tlir ,,-,lr mnlwi-r Uii- ?, I - .rv Ul-AL UOBfll UPTtUB. BOHBMOK-B PULMONIO SYltUl' la Ui. oati inniiciui- tbal aill beal DUIAIBD LUHOfl. r, mrlir-n-a that Wlll atop a Mflh WlB "ft'O i_r?aion tfcav larttii o. t_r patirat. tbr; loak up Ihr ,iter, atop . i,l_o.|. li -in .rrl.ur ;-,:i,,at. ti.J, u tu". lii.-ta-ry oria-aaa tbtt naiutNl tbe <ra>i_b. ... Liter (."toplainl Uvtprptia tn, lh, ciiwuof ta.i tliiraia -,( Iba ,-aara iirOntiimrUon. Prrann. who trr n .w r?mptainiT_t wih lull paaa ,n tl,- Bla, tli- liowala aimetimea roatite aml aoo.rtnn.-t la., Lwaa U.uraa i i.uiu tbaabouki' rl.u,l- . . t. r> r_?U.aaa_,l?lbt_r tiiart ir.,?., | ttar ftxtl tbat li lak-i. Ii-k hrattlr ou th- ttoiatch aenoa p,T,,-.l witb t'l-n-r aal '.!??:. im ( -,i wnat rb-ar .a-apj-ma aawill/oritj i, fliaorOarnlouniliUon of lb? .lonu h ur i Vorp .1 ir I'rr aom ao i9e<i-<l tf tbey take onr ,.r iwr, hratt r.iM. imi If thr roiufb ,a tbr.?raJ.abraa,l<lri,t awpprl, ih<- lanft, liter in.l atoinich rlo?. and rraiain torpial atul ma. tita-. anil before tbe p-tieit ia awtra of bla auuaiioa Utr liaaraare a auaa of torwa to. alrrrttr.', an-lalratb ia Iba tnraiuhle PMall. Brhenck'. Pulaionie STrap ta an rii^-Uiraat wh-rh J.wa aot roal tia aaf opium, nor anttb.nn cakulatr-l t., -Ur. > . _ou_h ?iaWml?. It aa-U aa fo??l, mi??a with fulric juia-.- of th.- .t>aia, L. l:N"at. raail;. n Hinabea Uir tvtten and maamt a braiihjr -,r, ul.twi, of tbr r,i?.?i Bal. ...mrtiiar, thr ayitrtn n ao debtliute,! that .1CI<KM<KS ,>K. WKKU TONIC la oei-oaaart. tnd wben tba bowel. arr r?,i,tr ttin aaiiow, aal thr patirulu ol a bilioaa haoit. MiillK.M K'.i M '.NiiriAKKl-li.I.i ar? ''i.r ..(.IIKNCKheiiarM lhat too -_?rh rannot be aaid .a fator of tha earatlta pgwere of th- MANDKAIIi IMLL.S. i'tinr arl.oa i. ;.?. ulit. bat rerula iu all aaaeaof torpui bowrli or ,liir?aBd litrr whicb t? Uw io- lu-utij the prtniarjr caaae of a liroken-down r?nt'.itation. ?n,l of.aai mamt arider lb? unne of i;oa,eaplion. when Ui?. dieta- daira ii-.-t -ita. al a.i, -_r if it doea tt retdilj ruribtr ht a pn.ptr ttient'or, to ret'or nt; a heali. f aclinn of lbe .Vniarh, liter, ind ollirr funrnua., whoa* lul, il la t?-I uiiualaand carry ol thr auhralthvalirpoaiU wtiih Ant tod rroaltr ?lu_.i?b tha whrela of the anliaal orvtnialu. Hr.ule ofU-n tpetk M apeeial mraiinnra Woar.ty tha bbnal, ?'r-n tha truth u, that tf lhe atouiacb will proprtat di*,-ai Ib. _??!. tad itiraiak hralibt ,-brair ir.d ,-hrlr. lh? latter af wbi_ Womea lilowi, tberr wiil lie i,i iiee.1 of tbe "'t partlrn." It ia t'<?.. 1 that panlra ibe til-xtU i b?ad and hutter, beef tlaala, and moUot. i-hopi tre tlir MiWMla uukc lil.xjd en.t heal diaeaaed l?ni(_. lutttaJ ..i 'ak.iar aomeiniax to atop tha cou?b. tat * tane to tbr alomarh and bealtbr t-taon "i tbe itrer, tbew thn lilool will aoon beeoae para. tbr nrailaua.n naurai. aud all iwiwrbtI intlie ln Ibe luna;. or rlaewbere ututt rrpan aad djaie -ilf. Nl'HK.N'(;i'r| I'I I.MnNlC MYKLT I' nre to bnn_ tiwaa thia brvt'iv adioa, aad, bf pa.Mtrnnc ii. IU uae, il baa rt-u rntr.1 terofiiioaa liaaiaaa,. ?.M Iba uaUaut laaa baaa aearl t a miaa of ruuuiaa; ulr.-ia. " M HBNCK'I Pl .MD.-li- BVBOP, SKAWKKU TOfllC AND MABtHUKB '.'1X.1A, Preoaredbr -? 1' StillKN< I tt SON, N K <V. aith au -1 Ar, h .la . C!,.l. l.-lpWa. P.r Mla br ilt JracfiaU and dMlara. JNO K HK..HT. ?Ca?ll_ne plir... N.-w York, _> h ,1, ,.l - CaMlion. i._i it laaan-B1 WO_<l?_TBI_.StllBB SAUTR. I..taf- of thia .Saua-r are ciatioued to atoUl Uie numrroai ooaalarBMi aod tiaiutiou olered for aala. JOUM UONCAK'S, SO.Ns. law Tark, _Agrau f.-r tar l'i'itr-1 HUtaa. "Tlr. jTTl. Hebunck or ttiila-t.lphiVwiio^foTlh. Uat ? ftnrt hi. daaatad hia tUraU tl rtciuurrlf Ui lbe care of Pt'LilOKMKT IHM KASKS, wni i.un he .1 Iui ronaalUUi>a rooiaa. Xo. lt __*-._ (N?w - rOMBAT 'Ue Ilal laat, wberaadnoe wlll ba frtru fnw. ta all, bm for a iharoaah ?ii_.aaUoa wilh tbe Banma-alar, tba nktrm wlll ba *k_ "" A l.lfr-al.e I'.urali ot HOlUOK OBBILBY, HMd and baai. *tUO urbM. Aa ad-rtrablo Ukeaeaa, aaJ lbe beal raph af bna e?,n made. PriM. Oa. UaUa. U, iiii, -^^rTBIBOBfl. Bew-TaA Ttaa' -VtarkiMW?_?*?*? fratectlrr t'nl_ia. ? Bltrtkr, ._. fa lhe l5_W *** ttArataol tttni* ?^'?P-*"2? uuoii w,irkiu_twoiara wbo tr* ??? ln bouawboad a?r,1?* rhA< UIK*, C.U'YIsrOr HADB*W(.B_N, CfcBBBfl, h*, l~ -rvbaiu. ? a.orart aad are aaaiaaed ia ablaialM aaaJafaaM. Wifa aaUk baaa '-.,7?'r_W tn roTi*.i*i bT '?? ?"'? ???a7._AII ttt 1 tkatpm __ The Trlhaae Alaaaaac for Ulll Ir.aiy ItA nt laaavy ntmtrU ,. v.t.,.,a., i wlll ia addltmi ut ita aaaal etialeaav haM a ta rawaarji po?r?AI r ANH Blt-URAPHY UK HOKAt'R IIHIKL-ll._ Oaimral anl Ult.-erlar (IlyHeJlrali. -Tbea?_i metkU v. i . i 1 K _<)AI' ia aat, rraotatea aad uapiotaa tba -ataalMioa BaUet ........MaaaMia. HbnBMAB k Oa.. Br-adwat. I.?ar?lfli? af M.-taHtr Seraa ralaj?I IrJttllMBa PkUk HILbUti llA.m,' OU. Trjit. Ickl at MtlDBtm. I ..__,.?le_r, Hittrmtlom. ky H W.\lfll)HflB, .. TKIBOBfl I.M'iUl, bXTIti .-,- I Prl-e, J. , ?a. bj aail Mayal Hai?aaa l.otlrrT dnl lilad. iuIoi , fltat I'lB. Ua> vaiaeai sr4eit kl_ri. lafanaa/.a t'aiaiaaa... kaftaat rata* | iea_y_r.nt_i i 3_a_i4b laal fliU*. liy. _-??-_?b.Vintkae. ?-. * mmi**** *_ *ukttkm%