OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, January 21, 1873, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-01-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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OVmn-cnrcntB, ctc, <_Tt)ie (Jncning.
liooTii'.s TiibaTeb.?" llrutii-." Kdwin Bootb.
H-iWKitY Thbatbr. "Th*?Tw-lreTemptation-*."
i.ia**i> OrKRA Hoi'SK. ?' Tho OaUract of tlie
Nkw Kirni Avknitk Thratkk.? "Alix**.."
Nmi^i's <; _ki>_n.??? Laa an.l Loaaa.*
nivMi'i.- Tiik.atkk.?"Alhamlira."
I'mhn Syl AKK Thkatkk.?" Atlierlt-V I'olllt"
Wiu.i'.K's TiiK-aTKK. ? " Brottier Saui." E. A.
BBBafla _
Ai-*ociA*ni)s Haii. -l.fctur.-. Ooa. IfaaDeaaM.
i .on | I'M'iv-1.*-< ttire. I'rof. 11. (.. Wilder.
St. .Ion s Pmi-itki:. ?Snn _ r_nci_co Minatrela.
TOwv PaatOB'?- Odaaa lii.cM..??? Uaalfl t-otboay,"
IBd V-neae.
-.natnrss Xoiura.
rinioNt. Dnaasaa enred bj eleetaMfy. lt
m 9.1 rear.waee I intro.ur?l e'.aetr.r-.t. inU. mt'praeliee iad wii
w af aaaaaaa M't? rwoBU ?re u-w rea*i?. Alilormto.
,y. e^aetro marneUem anl i.lra'ii.m lall. a.laamislerail ?aa 8B^
a.r-..'aUal w^lh iae.it.' aea of . naiiitiinia rfcaiarfr ?*'? "'\T"__'r.i_'
I - . ri v D.aati .mooa-ea-). Plaia Uome l an.
88-888., 8. Y. __. _
Tiu Ti.im 81 Aimiva. for 1*73 (readj }?#}
?' J.s?-r m aail. ,n ? '* ?? ,u -,u*1 o?*,t*?u'
ka.. i P< BiB.ir BBB H ?.s..Hi or
Hukicb Obbblbt. f_
B .ABMBO.-Tha bkm1 deairable plaoe iaithe
,?.; js a_J4l .Vea' I>eutv ? nb ?. hl. -int bro*e
"JL _-?" tm rtAtrnt, aad tir.il.il ..Me. Hrat: rlaa. tmUkm
> .v?-..r.ie., f.r trio..- wi.o de.ire mrh leianea. Biu|ie
,'? "... ,..*,' ... ,., ,ie .1 .ir ??? -nil-Til. ?: llBBBBBbBI BH8BB,_
Mai-k i ?t ua *.n th.* Sahdwt. ii l-i ,x*"-*< >"
|.a ?*- hr ?*"-.
.,.,,,>??- I! wr I>yf. Best i.i *? WoSJ.
_.nl,ir.u.. Atlll.lnag|^
li\t Paid over UM*** Cr-U-O?aqual to t:oo
? rr___? TBa.Bi.BBI IU i H 1
Pi I! Kuink Pal-IEU?Pateal ___.__.and
? '?? -?? ? _ '?
Paii y I BBM BM Mail BabaC-ibara, $l<) BBfl anniim.
fi_miW i klyTribi nk, M.ni M.'?- peran
\\ ki bi v i bibdhb, Mail Sob-C-ibatB, ?-.-.-' pca aaaaaa
A d v ?* r t i I i ti | li a t ?? m.
jun -, ' ? mi tnt, 'ao*-., 4ai,.. :?..-.. -,.-..-., an.l -tl PM lia*.
: v Ti-ihvm.. 35 aod -Oeonta ih-i liae.
i; i ?x_,$2,$8,and$5perli*M>,
Acrordin*. t*> poutka iu lbe paper.
I ni;, . < _sit iu advitii.a-. _ .
Addraaa ThbTbiboxb. Naw-Tafk.
HdavrdMBBiflita tea.d -.t ap^oarae_Boaa.8*. W,
j.M.fl, . tiii-sp. in..at ragalai
Mvaf-1 MBBBlB fee tlr* *.k'i Maaa of Titr
w.akLT . n'.i;?'..ii-t..- -' -' ?>>?'??'??*' i*."**y-r-r "?>?
; b..' -.. otJt Itaila SriJnmt
TUE8DAT. J -MA.-Y --1. iH7i',
offraadfl *>'> eii.inr.oii-. t? _jb*m
tii** ttattaa ChaaBBafl *>i DafaM -?
Ttarre aaaai akaM M tta PBaaafe -jaaaBBti on .i BMdea
I a,,..* i uf i-uiiiii- laaMaattaa.
Tii<*cr-i'i MiMlMflaaiTalfhrall la
(???llliiiii'-i. a a.:!!' ? s -.v. I* ;.|i]>.>inliil
in ii,, | atara. ?- = Au u_.-.iuii ou ti.a
Mi. Wt* tta* ; ? i"
Tlie llarlem KxteDslon an-1 Mi*? New York. BoMou an.l
iitaaaaa Boafl Baaa aaaaal-lBBad. T'"'
I ..,! ;. . ii. r MflBaaai ..u " TBt I
. a.: :??_..:sof !)? tiiori.tii- MaMBBM " - ? AB
a i, irv.'V v. ->.* iTi.ss '-_iii!.i: ??'! tn tia- Twaa4 flflflfl
A jiril.U-r ?l)"t I.t- rival iu _ lm.irJiu^ itiiuse, au.l .1
. i.-.l iu J.'i.-. * ( tti.
? 1 1:. i_:.:i.??.' B>Tt Ka aaaaai rr
| 1 .. 1.1, :i 1, Uli
Mr. .Folm Gn-baaa foand Hr. Oarrej Iha
Pl ft rcr :i mo-*t iiiJ-'rolif.tMt' VilM-BS. Hc 8*88
m 1. ini> to _aa 111 iit li?- laad beei ;i pai t.v to Um |?b
lic pfamdaitBA aad tcsiify Cot th*- pmaaratiiHi
- Hall iin.i Tweed BBder bb ar
1 mi-.- i.-nr whieh >.'.-ur..l hiasniVty, Otai thm*
waa BBtUag l*-ft tor the defeoaa t.> eetabl|ah,
uml i; haa uot >?t attaaBBBBi t<> eoMtiaaari 1ns
l.i.-I- BB BWBfB to on Fiitl.iy.
fi will nof do for tha Neiv-Jcist-y Lcf_Bl8
titr.- to refaae to paaa tht* hill already b.for?*
i). t'.i ,i ii.w r.iilro -i aeroafl that State, on
ih.. a.i.i .y.'iisi- tlmt tha nhaitiff ia BOBB^rt ouly
?,,i tj ?, ;?' ipoaa af blarfcaBBfl. Iha Baaaaa al
thf yrPOrBtOTB. inchld-ILg mnh I'liiincntly lc
-i.ii' mea un Wflliaai Waltei Pbelpa aud
i\-c.)\. NimiU, es'.-ihli .i tba food Caitl oi
. ? bejood i-iic-stion.
. 1 be l-nat suriirisi* (hrBBghatit the
??imiiliy at the SB-BB-_-7 KB* ti ftmhrntBrnJ B
... .'.i'lptty Laa by the Hoaaa af BepBB
It lookfl very iuucIi nn if the Sen
OOld 8-80 I'oticur in thiis rejx'al, a<s a bill
io th it oiiil \t;w f.ivorahly rejKirted froui one
p| ,ts ( oiuinitU'cs. The law har* not hien so
--."ii! in rn* wot-daaja aa its Crieada ea?
l?? t. !. bot tli*' t.-inpcr oi thr HoBBC on the
<ul).j?*? t waa iii>t aiiticipatcl.
Tha Italian (Jovernment is so aixious |to
| . -. the Tiop'.ilatioii of itiily from wanderinif
.a.r.ii.J, that the baada on immiK-.-ntB in this
count iy iire roadily seized upon as reasons for
iiiterf.-i.-me. The introdm-tion in the Italian
I'ailiaii; nt of the Hubject of the cruel trick
p. rp.tnited on the Italian iiiimif:rants who
WBTC lately laiid?d at thin port Bhawa what
coo.l une cin Ix- BBBda ol thia untowaid aflair
m tlie diMBiaiBfaniaat <)t aaala?Haa
Tha 1*^1" !? tl"' Kieiieh A-Minbly hai BI
, ,i n .il iin.-'iiiiviic.iily in ojiptwition lo
irfonn in tha lehool ajatea "i raacB. i.y its
-, on tha n.otioii to eaaanra tlie IHaiater
..j I'ulilic Instriietion for In.s (ireularof laKt
Adtiiiiin. u haa ahawa MaaU dlapoaad to favor
the prctensious ef the clerK'.v to exeicise a
eaattalliBg lafaeoee over adaaaaVaa. For
tunatilv, howcvci, the vote iu the Assetnhly
y.wst.itiay ladleaaaa timt theaa la likely to be
a Hinall uiajonty OBBOBad to the*e pieteu
wona. _
Tha Baaaa ai Be|-raaaatadyeala ao aaaaad td
lixdii ami aBaaaajaaaa ?4-tioii by its MpBbcaa
that it waa very nineh aHtonirtheil, probably.
wh. n Oaa. Hawley 'e.tllcd riamen'1 on tlie lill
1.1 pay tlie exoeiiHen of 88B_-888B__ta for seutr*.
TMl l.ill tuk-H alM.ut IUMN liom the
pabUfl liiiuiri to pay the expeu_.8 of
yieii who .41 up iLainil to seats
in tbe H888M. whether they pet tliOHt* .Seat- or
uot. ? >n tbn* proiHiisitioii, of courfte, inlerested
iinu-Mt-Jit-i voted aflinuatively; aml wheu
lieu. Hawley called out their names and eited
tlie law a^ainat th?ui, they were a_tonniled.
I'robably they w.re alho iiidignant; tiii> lfl
not the way in which Coiij-rei*.- jfeuerally d(M*s
So niueh of the liue of de.en_fc aa baa b?>en
?leveIoi??d by the Caldwell intere-it in the
__ari*a? Seuatorial iuvestiKation indicatea a
do-iK? to obecure the inHUe by abusiuR the
proawution witueHaes. It nrnnt l>e C4inf?-.s**?-d
lhat aome of tlu* witna-aaea wbo have been in
troduc*-d ln this caae do not seem to
be Bhining Ught* of niorality ; but
ao inuch haa ali-eady been establisbed
by a uiultitude of concurriiiK afflanta
that it aeeuifl impoa-ible to break down
tbe main chargea. It doefl not lielp Mr. Cald
woll'B caae ot all to atteuipt |0 provn tbat Ihe
iuqd wbom he U said to have bribed are hia
eueiuiea, or tbat th*-y were diswitiulie*! vritb
the pay tbey got from hiio. Etai ?<""'' aaal
gj'rmt aa IMi i* ouUiuoiX. Ji'oi. tho aake of
paMk iaaaaaf, wo hopo thero i? * ivottor ar
guiiieut ooming. _
lf it wero not ao tratrical. the report which
we roceive from theModoo war in Oregou
would be grot.-.que. It **E itB\n** *?"?
out theae 800 Modoe Indiana by ?heor weight
?.f met.il. HowiUen. were ordered up. an.l
abo.it 400 men-n-inilBr troops and volunt ??
-were marohed against the Indiana who were
fltroaaU paatad ia a series of ******* bwbb
aiaoa* thr lava-beds of Southern Oregon.
STw^rtBl the rosult rt-ads l.ko one of .0
Spaaiah bulleuns of au engage.ne.it h he
mountaiu* Bf Cafca. Tl.e move.nent ta cailed
"a fon.e.1 reeonnoissancef the troops fought
an naaaB enciuy I they loat 40 men k.U.-d or
woutided; aml, as the Inilian. were uever
?BBB at all, it ? not likely tkal
thev IBBlllll any lo*.. Tho lament
BUb eoii.-hi-.ioii thut the troops for the
pnaaal will only bfl able ta prevent further
d.prcdations on the ftettlcrs i_ tiie natural
tiiiule Oi the whole report. It is said that Um
militaiv authorities are deterinined to dnve
out lhe Indiaiis-but it will take a thoiiHand
Mi to do il. V"ry well; give them the
tlmiilaad nun. or B7B shall have thi* hamlful
of Modoca preaaatb bidding daiaaaa to tho
entire army ol tiie United .States.
ll was onlv a little while atro thut there
wa. iin indicatiou Congress would ask that
the t.iuDtiiti.in of a surplus of public money
bfl reinovcd. It was suggested tlmt
lhe rovenuos ought to he cut down
iu oi der to relieve the plethora of
tiie TllflflBIJ t*4m*M will be no oecasion
foi ;ii,v flaeh heroic remedy for titmncial sui
f,it. Tlu- House has fihown ;m BBgaf disposi
tiou to make the moat of Itfl opportuni
tit-s iin.l vote away tlic accuniuhiting
public funds. At least, tbfl overwhelniing
fecliiig io favor ol the iinmediatc diseussinn
ol two or three gigaatk Bebeiaefl af Lnteroal
iiiipni.eiii?-iit, which was niaiii.t-.te(l in t_M
Hoaae, y.stenlay, i.s B fair indication of what.
wfl iu.ty axpect There is tha Vlfgliiia
Sbip Canal sehenic ; there i.s the JaBBBfl Kivcr
and Kanawlm Canal projei t ; aud the
plan to connect tha waters of the
TaaaeaBBB BBd Savaunali Kiv.rs by tlic Coosa
K'iv. r Canal. These are flll trcnted as mere
bairatelles with which our new system of in
t.nial iiuproveiuents is to BB beguu. How
uiany liiilliotis are ncciic.l to OtkTtf out the
wholfl grand proiect, we know not yet. A
IriHc of a round t-M-jOOtyOOO is iiskcd to bag_B
with; the dctails of the oth' i laidfl "ill coine
flftaf a while.
Next, is an exleii-ive plan for a Natioiml
lli.ard of Trade, which is to bc compo sed of
all the members of tlic Cabinet bul two. This
-tiiii'liose OtgaalB-ition is to have charge of the
?oiiiiiiereial interc .ts of thfl eountry gei.c.tll.v.
and of the meivliaut- marine in p;irticular. It
is to ascertain the tunnago of the. mcrchaiit
Baai of tlic United Btatefl and to sub?idi_e it
al lhe rate of US per tuu lor stcam vcssels
aml |11 per tun for sailing vcssels.
TUfl is the lirst itcm of the (lutics of"
thfl Hifb Coiiiiiiission ; tha other par?
ticular.. will. doubtless, embrace B patit
nal supervi.-ion of the railroads, canals,
and telegraph UaeB of thfl eountry?when
theaa baaaaai Bartaaa. prapecty. Tha Jab is
evidently (uinulative. When Congress takes
to building ship canal.. from POBBB BB oce;in,
we really cannot say what the aad will be.
1 bi> is all in dc.nl earnest, so far as Con?
greaa has fflMfl witli it. lt is, iu fact, moie
l'nion 1'aciiii- Kailroad building. One Would
suppose that, while the eountry is yet itegtag
with tha BeaaaTalaaB waatfl of tha peayla^i
money '?> the eonstruetion of Ihe
traiiMontiiient.il r.iilway, Coi.press wouhl
ba ? little ditlidciit about eonsiderin^ any
more sii.li .iol.s. Some .;!0,000,000 of fratul
ulent piolits have just Ix-cn divided by
the Cicdit Mobilier shan holders. Where
iire the Coii^ressinen who w;int other
aud Ufga ttafi liceimed by CoOfMH to
divide more inillioiis in building eanals
all over the United StatesT ls it. jxissiblc that
the iiiictiioiis develo[inieiits of the Union I'acitii
Raflroad Hag kaaa Rct the mouths of other
flbflipiBB to waterinp, ao that they will
not be contcnt untii the tountry is tiav
er^-ed by more lines of bonds and
greenbacks douhle-banked t What with
suliHidics, subveiitions, and other Goveiiiiuent
aid to these rapidly multiplying projects,
we see nothing but new national loaus and
national bankruptcy ahead. It is time to call
a halt. The eountry should not stand more than
one Credit Mobilier frtiud in a getu rati.ui.
Let afl have no eaiiiil-buildiiifs' to sluice otl*
the toiiteiits of tbfl Naiional Trcasury.
When the Pre.-ldciifs new rule.. for the re?
form of the Civil Dflfl Tkfl an- one.. faiiiy in
opn.ition MB ahall huve to eonsider whether
they c.inii.it bfl e_.teu.leil witli juolit t4) de
piiituiiritsof the (..ivenime.it not enibraccd in
iheir Orif-BBl scope. If it is one of their ob
je<-ts to M'cute uii eflicient iidministratioii of
puhhe allairs, ihey evrtainly OBfht to apply
to thagreal OJIflflB as well || tho little ones.
When the chief of ll bureau is un ignorainus
there is not niuch to be got by refonuing his
cliiks; and it seeniR preposterous to make all
this pother over [Kistmasters and tide-waiteis
if the Cabinet is to bl full of excclleut. and
zealous gcntlemen who don't know the dutieu
and powers of their oftice,
Ht.y. is Mr. ^lA^jptBBBBp wIki doe;jiot
kuow that one of the most esm-uti.il cpiaiitica
tious of a minisfer of foreign aftaiil is the
ability to hold his tongue. He writes _vo fierce
a dispatch to (.en. Siekles that our astute
diplomatiit at Madrid cannot fotinaHy present
il |o Scnor Martos, and then Mr. Fish aggra
vat.-s his iiidiseretion by BaaaBBg it to be
jiHiited. When the iudignatiou of Ihe Span
iard has bBBB tboroughly aroused, Mr. Fish
feeds the lire by printing private dispatches
from Qaa, Sickh-s ji? his "jtistilication;" and
the only poH?ible result of this chatterliox
Htyle of diplomaey is to bring our relations
with a friendly eountry into a dt.-iidful BBBBBj
and possibly to make nec.-SH.iry the recall of
one af onr ahleit ministers. Under almost
any other President than t. en. (iiant it would
probably involve the retirement af the Secie
Ury of State.
Then look at the Trcasury Department. Mr.
Boutwell haa been for some time in a danger
ou8 Btate of uncertainty about his power to ex
paud the iin nn, y. He has claiined authority
for the accret iasue of forty-four inillioiis of
paaBBaakBj and has iroue so far as to put u
part of this amount in circulatiofl, by an exer
eiae of auch diicrotion aa was never committed
to any Secretary of the Treaaft-y from the be
giuniug af time. What he niijiht have done
if he had not been promptly taken in hand by
the Fiiiiiiicc Couimitfee of Uie Scnute. aud in
atriici-'d in the luws regulating the pnweis of
his own Vttmttt we cannot prediet.
Ml. t'reswell is another (Cabinet BB-BBC who
uocdo olhoml oduoaUou. A btUe while t_o, tu
. HitT.ivcniion of thr plain intent of Uio law,
ho made an opprcsaive. i-egulatioii about fines
on insufl-ciently paid mail matter, and the
llouse Poflt-Offlce Committee wan obliged to
interfere and explain the tdatute to him. Now
he in argaiag tho Postal TalagHph schenie, aud
he .shows nt every step how little be knows
about it. The following dialogue occiirred the
other day during tho disciissiou before the
(Ommittee at Wushington:
Mr. Nllilaok-Ia lt not trtic alao. tliat rvrry (iov.rn
mmM aaat laa aaaaa aaaaai of ti.** Mliaiafl Mm-bbm
lmaal?o taken rharir.* of tho tailroad-. witli the oi..p
tlnu .'i *." nl Iini lll! <
The I'oaUnaater Gener-l -Cuniidfl lias not.
Mr. Orton-t'Jknada lian Bflfl Bt U'.v.rniniiit MMfrBBB.
Tho Poatraaat-r-Oeneral-No. It haa not tti.* BjBtBBB
m.ntal telenruph, t.ut ( _ii.i<1.i baa I.ut BBM Mlaf-BBB
lliie, and that la manuirod aa th** ni"st lili'-ral prnn-ipl.-a.
Mr. Swoat-Canada has two Tol**_roph Oflfl-flaaMB.
Tim r.iBtmaater-lifiiiTal?I ain not aa VBll lalM Wti ?n
that point aa tho pflB-flflBBB.
On tbo question of cost Mr. Cicswcll made
the remaikable Btateincnt tlmt all the tele?
grapb propcrly in the United .States piobably
0881 niueh less than $10,000,000, and eould Im*
raaradaead for $n,8.so,o_o. To aahataatiBta
that estiuiato be put upon the stand only one
witiiftrw, Mr. Chariaa T. Choatac. and his Ifana
tell a very diltereiit Btory. .Mr. ('hester omits
from his calculation the duty on wire, amount
ing to alkout $3,(r00,000, and even tlu'ii his
esfimates foot up .*l8,2.r-O,0'J0-tliat is to say
(allowing for the duty) just about .K .000,000
more than Mr. Creswcll's stateinent. Mr.
ITe.swell vaa not only unwise lo eall
a wttaaaa whooa riawa dMbred so widdj
from his own, but be inado 8 gn.il
blunder in ealling Mr. Chester at any rale.
Kor Mr. Chester, it seems, had built but BBB
telegrapb line, aad that was t\n^ Fin-Ai nu
Telegraph in this eity. lt baa M miles of
wire and 81) miles of polea, and Mr. (h. <t. r
eharged and was paid fot il |WMaa_ II hc
built all the. lines iu the ITniU-tl States at the
same rate per mile of wire, the cost would I., .
not *18.'irrO,0(K), but no less than .fJ.W.OiHi.OOn*
and il be chargeil at the 98889 i.ite Wt _____
of |M)les, the evst would be neailv eight hunil
icil a-UHoaa! Oa tha othet baad, it his bill
for tbe Fire-Alann Telegraph had beea audited
on ihe baaaa ol his eattaiBte af 118480,000 foi
tha Poatai Telegraph, ha would have got f.n
his work only 9*? .O'K).
Ki-iiiiy, li these in.inii. si.itions ..t igaoraaea
and incipa.il.v among GOB. Oranfs piineipal
otlieiiil atlviseis are to roiitiniie, we shall have
to apply to t'abinel olliccrs lbe mle of eom
petitive exaininatioi.s. Shul up the tiitiilidati-.-s
iu rooins by tlieins.lvcs. 0iY8 them a printed
Iist of <|iiestions in aiitlmietic geo-iiijiliv,
history. deportinent, tha Constitutioii of the
United States and the ait af polite letter
wnting. And if the regBBTtfait eoold be ap
pUed lo the pic.-cnt iiiciiinbents, the countiv
woald feel relieve.l, and the 1'resiilent would
soon liave on.- or twoofti.-es at liis disposal.
The details of the great railroad eoaaoUd-.
tion which we pulilish to-day are of com
manding interest to tha cominercia! aud tiav
eling coinmuuily. The system now nearly
C.onipleted has been IflBg ia 8011188 Of sih-nt
j)rcparation ; and, thOBgh the project seems to
have spiiing full-grown lnun ihe braiu of 8B8M
feitilc inventor, it is tbe work of years. A
r-huiff at tha m;ip pciated bb aaothet paga
will show bow coinpreheiisive is the seh.nie,
so far as it relates to the interests of ...*.*.
l.ngland, Canada, aml I.N'ew-Vork, <on
si.lercd tOgether. The Ncu-York, DBfltOB
and Montreal Kailroad, wilh its New
Knplan.l bianihcs, will enibraee a gn.it ni.in
ufartnring region. Hut its f-onneetions \silh
the Krie Kailway, and with tlie NflJT laaaaj
and rennsylvania syst.*in of railroads, will
bring it into vast coal and irmi producing liclds,
rlasping together the great sourccs of product
and the workshops of the nation. Kcsides, there
will l>e made casy ronnections with the trade
eenters of the seaboard and the mterior.
It is too early to ealcul.'.te any of
tbo leaalta likely to How from
surh a ri .nbination of railroad intcieM-;
and it will take some timo for the problems
coiinected wilh tlie sp.-cdy ehiinge iu busincss
and trade eunents to be wrotight out. Bat
enough bas already been ahown in the di>
CinaalOBa of this new jiroject in the eoltimns
of Tn Tkh'.lxk, tO point tho signifi
ciiiice whieh it lias in tbe biiMiicvs of
tha countiy. Old means of eominiiiiieiition ni.iy
teinporarily sufl'er, but tha eventual re.Milt of
tha new BHaagaaaeal of lines will be
beneiieial not only to New-Yoik bul to the
whole countiy.
The diicet eoniieetion between Ihe BBB ef
iron aml the ailvauecs of civilii-ation irives I
genenil interest to the review of the iron in
diistry whieh we piint elsewheie. Iliirh juiccs
having ruled at home amlabroiui, the pio.lnc
tion of iron in this countiy has be. n greatly
stiimili'ted doiiag the paal jrear. Biaee the
war and the fhffg* ifl tha iclations of liil.oi
in tlu- Soiitlicin M-ttcs. the tin.l.mv in th:it
Mction to tha (levelopmctit of vaiied indns
tiial resouri-es has added largely to tha iion
ptodadhf ana. The ehi* f ililliculty has al
w.ivsbeen in re-i)ct to Ihe means of ti:m.spor
tatioti ; and the growth of our railroad Mjxsn-in,
greater last vcar than ever before, hiis b. (n
moro than ever directed toward internal im
provement?to speak specilieally, toward ile
velopiu^' coid aud irou iudustriei. Tljis WM
true last year of many States, hut ehielly of
Virifinia, Alabama, Misaouri, Indiana, and
M.c.hlgiVD, if tbe proportion of BBM railro.uls
to those preriously existing be made the b.isis
uf estitiiiitc. Hut mnby of tlies. firwfnlerprlnes
me se.iicely J'et completed, and tlie prodm.
l.t.n of last year aflbrds but little indi. ;ition
of tbe work that has been aetually begim.
Wi aaay aapaeti for raaioaa iBaaaaay a great
inrreas**: ju the pioduction of iron dariag the
ateaaaH year JTha iaajaad for kt has Tery
largely inerea*^>l. It never waa ao lursely
tised iu* now for BrrliHectural pOfppea. .iml
the recent experieirfe of tlie danger of great
liies will incrcasc it.-**? use in place of wood.
The publie is even inclim*d to the beUaf that
iron fronts are safer agaiust Iir.- thaa slone;
the faet being that safctv (b*[M'n(is I.mh ii|M)ii
uiikt<*it.ll than on eonstruetioii It will givi-an
idea of tlie extent to whieh Hp<'*?ial-.ics iu such
in.liisines are carried. to mention "*hattlien* is
near this eity a large miinufitetiiiitig establish
ment which conlines ItBeU lo making tkt iron
work of gas-houses. The deiuand Tor rails
increases with the iiureasing growth uf iail
roads. There are also many eirriiinstaiii M to
oceaaion a large -uppiy of iron, axide from the
stiiniilus of high prices. We have ruany ili
venlions to disjiensi* with eostly lalxir. The
inethod in use by our rolling ______ turris out
one-third more rails to a set of rollsthan that eni
ployed abroad. The I)anks puddling niiichine,
whieh hiitS just gone int') use, is destiiifd |i>
dispeaae witb tha aartiaaa ti tha paddlaa, aud
very greiitly hasien as well as ehenpeu th*.
o|M'I,i.Iioiih lhat pioiliin- wioiiK.it iron Tln
uiaoovoiy ol wai lhal cau ho u.cd miavui
prelin.ii.ary converaion into ? eoke, providc*
another means of aaving time and labor.
Great improvementa have also been made in
the American procossea for manufaetiiring
Hessemer steel, so that tho works aiready
existing turn out considcrably more rails than
forincrly, und several new works of great
capacily are projertcd or have come recently
into o|)ertttion. The iron-inakeis rcasonably
a.iticipute a busy and prosperous year.
__ ?
We lind the following irt one of the news
piiprts. It might be ealled sophMry, but we
are not iiire that it im rits even that un
dcsirable BBBBB :
"OMBflataM ur.' flflflfl iiiniii- tli.it BflMM aro flflflpflM M
tnncli fur their work ;ih iih-ii uro. Tln- r.'.noii m olivions;
Mflfl IM Bflflfl ni .litii.itnl ; they, of rourtwp, , ,iiiiin i.i'i a
Bt___flC pflJflB, Tliry mrt, wanti-d ha jallurs. nol.l.er.,
inlii.-i... fmiiicrn, aml ?ffllflllH. aiul MBBJ otlier workn,
IBfll Iflfl Mlflflfllt mul niialiii nn <-, tliat woiiifii il.iti.'t
BflBfl Bflflflflfll tim. t 11.-v hiivi' t.i flflM all BU txp-nine "t
IhflflflflMMBttttlii-ir f.iiiulii-. TL- i>ri-eri, aa tli.-y now
__an.l, BM ric-lit flai .)"-'?"
?To this we answer: 1. That men are in par
tieuliir deiiiand as men, for what men alone
i in dOj B. In tha .picstion of fixing woman's
wages regard miiM be. had only to what
woineii .an iB. an.l, thereforc, the ..ailoring,
and soldierinif, and niining, and fanning must
\w eliniinated from the disetission ; B. Woineii.
and not. men, are in tlcnmiid for certain
kinds of work, an.l would, therefore, but for
wrong idcas upon th? subject, recciyc wages pro
portiotiiitely as high foi their pcetiliiir work
ns men receive for theirs ; 4. What the work
is really worth has nothitig whatever to do
with the way in which the person who fairly
c.iitis the nioney BBMBM to spend it, so that
the BrgBflBBBl that woineii do not have fami
lies to support is ill-foundeil, even if it were
liaseil ea faet, Whleh it ifl not, sinee a great
iirmv woinen do have fatnilie.s to support,
without any BlfliltflTlT fnun husbands; 5.
The prices, afl they now staud, are wrong aml
iinjust, just so far as they are less for wotncti
tluiu for iiien, the servic- being altogcthci or
mibstantially the s.iinc. These are proposi
tiotis which nobody iti hBj B8W8B CBB honestly
whiit, for the parpaaaaaf the pr.-.ent His
ciis-ioti, WB eliiiui is, tliat wages for the BBBM
work, wh"ther done by BBM or by woman,
ihall be Um bbbm, All talk about the Ibm
eost at whicli woman can live, BJ B good IBB
..iiii for dafkaadbg ber, ia simply ikt emelty
and tha iitipudeiice of the stronger party. It
i . ttue that the pi ices churged for wonian's
lioar.l are ustially less than those charged for
the board of men, and it is e.pmlly true that
the coniforts and accoiiiinodiitiotis are tisually
in proporlion to the pri.-e. Moreover, there is
no rciison why woinen should bfl kept at the
staivation point j no reas.ui why they should
not have nioney to spend BpOB little, liixurie..
aiid upon imlulgenccs not iilisolutely neecs
?<arv : BB -BBBBB why they should BOt sectire ;i
eertain degree of clegatice as well Bfl com?
fort ; ..tul if they BM ot the wcakcr sex, then
tliere is all the more reason foi recoguizing
their weakness by paying them BBBBfr*
thing moro iaataad af BQ_aathlBf leaa.
UM dvite of eiitting down their wages
upon lhe plca lhat they can live at BMB BOfl.
tbaa Mea, was hit upon bv those who
were wilHng te aiake money outof thairhelp*
les-iicss, and it has BBafl made lhe excuse for
.h.inif.iil swindjing ever ..incc. Wt have s.tid
nothing ol the fact that Bflt of mauy cmploy
inent. laqaixiag neithe. "strength" nor "en
'?iluian.?(-?' woinen have been crowded, l.y the
stout and sinewy und niuseularercatiires calh d
incn. It is prctty poor buB-BBM tor l.oliahs to
ba Beaaa_rfaf eaJBee an.l BaHfaf thiaaji hv tbe
spool and nee.llcH by the p:tper. However, we
ure g.tting away from the proposition with
which we started, which ifl : Thfl BflflM wages
for the BflflM work, whether done by masctt
line or by feiiiinine hands.
A iii.asuie now before tiie Massaeliusctts
Setiiite propo.es an enonnoiis ixti-nsion of the
litnits of r.ostoti. That htde-boiind settleineut
has of late y.-ars exhiliited all tho syinptonis
of livpt-rliopliy. Wc havo seen this complaiut
brcak out with great violencc in otlier cities.
Philudclphia was overcoine by it several years
ago, and became intlated in all dircctions.
More re.-ently it scized Ciucinnati, Sl. LouL.,
and Chic.'igo alinost siiniiltaiieoiisly. The last
nained city had it iu the iiu.-t ,-xaggera ted fonn,
iin.l r-welled all over the adjoining prairie to
such an e.xtent that the postiii.-n for that t.-r
ritory had to be mounted on horseback to get
aroiind it, by special or.hr froui Washington.
Sin.e then Chicago has had everything large,
incliiding a tirc. The Ilo.ton etise ifl developed
beyond any doubt of iliugnosis. Dorchester
and Koxbiuy w.-re ibs.ubed BBBB tiine ago:
and thfl Colisetiiu and lhe lire w.-re very
large Bflbira. The preeeat proposition is to
take la about a dosea adchboriaf towae
and B half million, more or lc^<, inhiil.i
latil-. Wt 11 ii -st the process will stop
short af thfl 11.).)..;.<? liinuil. It miglit
be a-vkward to have the City ol
BOBtOB ciicroiiching ou our State line. The
real ditlieultv with this sorl of develo])nient
i.s that tbere is aa kaawiag arhaia to stop ift,
If, iu a thit-kly p.ipul.itetl Btaftfl like ifflflflfl?
chusetts, the sprcad is tt huiidred square miles
one Wintcr, why uot as many or twit e as
many the neit ? In the West tl.e limits seein
to have been only reaehed when tlic tOWB
siiivevois foiind neither buildings nor laiitl
iiiaiks worth jotting down.
On the whole, however, it appears to be a
benetleial expericnce in most casiw. Dropping
our siinili?though tempted to say BBBBBthlBg
about the healthy growth of chlldren after the
iiiuni|is?an may say that iu general a reul
eonsolidatioii gtiuliially suc.-ceds tho nominal
.rn?. A giaFth in, niateiial iateryl Mffii
place in thu anticXeil towus, atul the wealth of
th<- original city siniultaneously iuereases. We
nmy yet be gl.id to take co|ry from Hos
ton iu this matter ? barring, of ioui.e,
eolisiuiin-i anJ hres. When n com
iniinity so excecdingly ronservative takes
the lead. we may be suie that the MMMBIB
liiis iniuli to recoinmeiid it. No eonsideratiou
would have been given to the present propo
Hitioii, if previotis steps of the sort had not
beaa noade, and then coiiAeqiiences carefully
invcstiguted. Boston has found anuex.ition
proliUthle. It ix worth while to ask whether
the same oau.es ,-ire not at work in New
y,,ik ; and whether it is not advisahle to
turn thciu to our adiantage iu a similai man?
We ni i.v note that the ptincipal opposifion
t.i eonsolidatioii usimlly BBflMM froui fhe otit
lying eonimunities. They objeet to being as
Hociated imlttieally with tho more benighto.l
atul less virtuous elasnert that help so larg.-ly
to swell the vote of the great cities. The highly
respei tablo gentleincn who live in rural villns
iiml diivo elcgiint buggies fo railway depots
di-ltke to iharo liie nuimgeincut of their
tiii.ipiko with the people who Uve lu
.cu.u-vul, ii^iuva Uve iii, tfou, mil.-i tt-.,.)
But tho economy witb wbieb all rivic
Lmprovements can be introduced after con
solidation, and the moapect of a rapid riso of
their nai cstate, usually convert these /**entle
men. Tho backbone of the oppoaition w
generally found in the petty govcniineiit.. of
the smaller r.ommunities, and among tbose,
who are there seeking political preferiiit-nt.
Th.y fear ? reductlon of the number of civie
otli.es. Their prosTierts of cmploymont in tho
l.irgcr city are suiatl. Consolidalmu will take
tli.- bread out of their inouth*. .Now, it la Hua
very faet lliat should eommend (-on.soliilation
to the re_t of tbe citizeiis. Dispensing with sup
eriniiiierary offlrials is evideut economy. H ?
be alao tO aoied that the business interest.s?if
the leadlag inhabitanfs of the neighbonngrilies
and towus are for tbe most part eentered m
Hoston and New-York. TM PBBfle who elect
the civil ollicers in each of these cities
;n< not in very large pioportion the owners
of tbe vast propcities tbey tbus eontrol. Tha
residetits of Hrooklyn and WcHtch.-ster dom .
bitsine-W in thi.s city, and sulTering in com
in.ni wilh the Nat of us vast los.ses fiom ol>
striitod streets ; rotten piers; tba absctice of
faeiUtiaa for nc.cipt and delivrry ot railroad
frei.'ht, have no vote Iin our civic all'airs.
lu nll tlirso inrtttem already Hoston ia
ahead. aad iinder tbe impulse of tha proposed
enlargrment may becoine our BMMt fonuida
ble rival. As we havo said, tlie opposition to
consolidation hen- couu-s from tlie outside.
IN itia-N if the iioTi-resiil.-tit business men of
New-York would fairly eonsider tli* ir own in
timata. tlie opposition of otlh-e-holders in Ihe
ad.ioiuing cities would be reg.inled at its full
value. _________-_-_-_-__---_.
'lo Mtirise Um wajraof their iBMtiiraa aoaataa mm
loai baaa a dattflhl whiafa a i-?o*t many EacUahBaaB
I.av. bad bo |...w.'i to r.-ist. lt is abeaa. it M eaay. i'
mav .I.. loodaa I it hmtaaobodyi tea aaaaWTa imo
l>lia v.'.-.-ir.*lii-.-.)iiiiiu|struii?i.*lyi-iin-lessof.)iitsiiloei*n
sure.ui.l ii.li.nl'-. ii BBfldtobe"JebaayC-apand"that
tha i-.-iiil" B-Maber ohaae f'.r his shiniug marlc, but
MBOfl W8 have grown old eaOflfh to hav. niaiiners of
oiir.iwn dut Babaaay BaatleMBB baah made bbbe :i
happy 'aeapeOf earicatoie aad BQjalb. i> bafl beea
clii.il> iii Dewapaaasa aad boehs?wieaahed eaaa,
too. most ..f tbo? that imi triaada bava .nti.is.--i
our little w<akni-ses: it r.-iiiained for an Knirlish
eoiint.-s-i to ladolgB in B more pra< ti. al and instaul
aatir8. Chia lafty aerseaage, lataly Btajriag at b
tebloaaMe Wew-Yorli hotel. abflaered that tha
Aiii'-ii.an woaaaa laTariaoly appearadat bieahfaal
ra.liiint in-liiini.Is. Was thBOOOflOCtOl a Hritish
earl thflfl to bfl outdoiio by uiero naii vcs I Wen, I h.
BBBBBltB Bt tht New World to !><? peffflHtted tfl llaiint
uiim a.iii.'ii in tha n'.i.i.' Eaeefl of tba old I it waa too
imn ln to ii.-r trn 11 k.. tha BBBtooa Bow, Bad oaa mbib
Ingaba daaeeoded to tim -nievitiibin beekwaeat
eakaaaad bakod baaaa*' (wa quote fraa an Etofliak
nov.'ii . a lii.-i/.c of Breetaaa atoaaa fkeateoroaBl to
tmEB, Thaawata aaathad-ha taadaraatfaaliagB af
thn Hritisb bosoiii. and tlie flnthiflh-Bg WOBMB ot
A.rieataaghl b laaaoi whieh wa aro willing to
? lliat many Bf them B.L
ThaattackB whieh bare beea Baada aaahaaaai*
ncnt boaaa af Phafpa DodgB A. Co.. te an
aii.-K.;.i baad apaa tba Bafaaaa bi their
itaporttaf baabBBfla, have aaaaai aa waatao
as* we t>. liev-.-d tii.-m to ix* baaalaaa
Ditliiulties are constantly occurri'itr between
iatportata aad tha CoateflB-boeae aatha-iUea, arifltag
on| ..f tlM lllteip!.-tatioil of .limbtlnl law.-*. Tha
wbola i>oiiii la th.-ir dlapeta ba tins aaaa,
whaa eeaaaaaad with tha BaagBltada df tha
bilMii.Si iinperil.-d, is liitinitesiliiiil. l'-veti
oa nia-n* baB-Beaa BMMidaBBtioBBj a baaa. bflfll
up by ilivotion to sound bflfll WBB |mjLi_>- ould
imt alli.rd thfl all.-i,'<-*l .li-n-li. ti.ii. Uut we do not
beli.ve theie bflfl baaa, howOTBB tho elaim may be
titialiv deeided, the at-ghteal IflteatioB la tbia eaaa
todefraad tha OoTafaaBeot. After all. charaetei
.iitiiits fui soiiii.-tliini,'.
? ?
At w.iii.i waiia, Waflbtagtaa Terntory, thay iiav..
ba*l a IfSt-efaMB yonnj- . .irth<-iiake. which is grBBB
i.-ally d.'s.nbed ui an Olvinpia tiewspapcr. 1 h.?
parteaaaaea bagaa with i tetrible BBBBnaadlagaad
tniai wavingi hoaaaa ndkedsadwiodewa natbd;
elockfl flteppad, waDa eceaked; tha peopie raahed
litnli'.-illy latO thestieels; tl." vibration lafltod 10
ininfites, an.l there were two iiiibl.-i >ln.. ks kOta_B8
oll with. Tha iiu-ri-iii.v f'-ll U i:i-'t-liitaneousiy and
thfl ti.lal WBVB swept a lo* -BBM of lefB s*'V.*n tmtt
blgb aad dry. The eeo-8poadeatof tha Oh7_ap_a
joiirnal'l'S'iilii's liu* pheflBMBBBa _ra|)lii*.;illy but not
.-.?ientitic-kiiv,wbea baaaya: "Tbefo waa aktadol
qolva-lBg flttarhri- to the .ritter that was very sim
ii.ir batha last dyb-i Btrasjalaaf aapenBwhaie,
whou tha harpeea i_ areB Isad la bia \ital_.'' .
A fri.mdly 08fieBB8adeBt eomplains of tho spaco
whieh Tiik Thihink dcvotet. to reiwirtsof BBBBtiaB
anil leetfliea that are not of a strictly BCthodoi
charaetei. He BpBOB-fl not to have taken in tlie idea
tbal Iha tirst duty of a daily joiirnalist M tOBB
Boaaea thaaaaaaiaf tho day without -agaad to.s.c
tarian or party int-Tesfs. HaY-Bf no itistruuient
witli whieh to t.st the soiiiidne*. of the dibcussious
whieh wo are bOBBd to reeord, wo can only flta
them as tlu-y 88888 without Bflking whether they
are t'litholie or l'rotestant, froin .J.-w or (ientile, of
orthedax faith <>r ..f depkcaala baaeey. Our laadaaa
are not ifeneiallv MihlBBMd Bl the stiiteineiit flf
iiovel Ideaa, and Wi must contiime to n'lH.rt them a^
part of tbo n.-ws of thfl day.
i ln* Va.eate.fl Uaioa TolectapbCoflBaaay baa taken
a good sicpiii its ii .lm -tion oi aboat ii per aaal ea
eripe. i.ill.V to tlM DBOfB difltaal S.uitli.'Ili
aa.1 Boath-weeteiB pefaita. Wa bettere it
will Iad its au'onut in tlii. poli. y
Bfld will yet see tlie e\pe.ii.*ti.-v of carryiuif it still
further. Meantiine it d'-S'-rves tln* th.inks of the
public wbieb bbbb tha tolaayafh for thaahMtaaabig
tbfl la.'.ilitied of (-..11111111111.-ati.ni. aud l_?---i
deal Orton. who has leflf B88B wftrmly in
fasor nf the re.lnetion. will, we BIB eonfiilelit. find
it-l.iisiiiaass e-paniliii'^ under it in a inaiiiior whi. li
will make his ne\t report even ruure .satisf.n;toi>
than l*i** ladt.
Prof. Bail 0. Wil.lorof Cornell lnctiu?_. to-niKlit.
on "Tha Hiain," at Oaofir lustitute. Bla le.ture
is .i populai treatist* ou a BIliaBtilll subjixt, made
brillianl as w.ll ui lllteilBtlB| bf unuierons dia
i:r.i!iis, cniioiis facts, iuiidents, and anecdotes
fainiliaily illustratiiur his snbje.-t. Thp. I-HBtma,
to-mo.Tosv. will pahlSha rathatiM otpoid of this
le.ture. 1'fif. Wil.lei has done niui'li in the la*-!
f.'W years to popiilari/e ,s. i.nee, and tbi-j IfCtON
will ptova bb bapoftaal Baap ia tha Baaaadiaaetieai
I-'or the tii .t tim.- Ifl I (Bod many ye_rs we lie.ir ??!
tii..-.."1 a.ir*iti^.' paapaa, Iha iaaaatei of DR Klpape*
uu>ue, at .""pa-ton, ne;ir Blidgawate, in l-'.nulaml.
lln "rriiie.itea," as th**v are called. have coni
in.ni* fl ?* aeries of fHvival meetiiiin*. Bl which it is
deflared thut tho Gonpel diipeuaatiou biw pa-_i*d
uway : that tbe Judgnieilt Hav haa couimeucod; tbat
llrothei? rrine.- 888888 apinoo- jtuliriin-nl, BBd b_B
parhladaad parpdtha bodia-a* well aothosoui.
of hia followers.
Tlie gBBtia Italiatis who h.r.e I ilely it*A"ltipr-i. 88.
Bflapeetod aaa_iy in alaanaiuK our atreeta. threaten
t.i rival liiahtiiuu aa naw i.s in .Iil's'ihk eati%4_* and
bnildini- BBilwaya An iinport.ition of thei. htis
Im*.*u < amed lo Virnuna, wb**re they have BBBM
well ;-nd eontraetoi. m charjre ot another Ian,'.*
foi.?<? veaterday applted to the .-aiiperinteaident of
tbo I'lidertiroiiiid Kailway for work.
The Animnl Hiiuitlom Im lb.* Itlle ol a iiionthly
pap**r, pul'llab-d un.l.-i Uu- mnapu-a. of tlio Ai.ieiic.ni
laaiaii laa iha PMaaatMa ??r oaetty t?> MBBalfl ay bfr.
u. w. -Diinst.'u. _t n.i .M c.ist TMrtaeati st. rin* tiat
niimixir, wiin'ii bea laal apaaarad, aofllaUM a flartaU a
origtaal anal ttVi'ei i.i.tier pardfl-et tn tu*- paedliaaa
t.iVii' ii tbe p.iiiii.-.i'i in h flflaatal aauumauo p -i
O'Uxt wii' whIi H PMJ9IHI
\Mi AllltOAI).
Lurinii tb-* early part of the ye nr 1 .71, the iron in
diiatry wtwd (,|-r?*-?d hy th- reduetion 0f th - <1 itjr
on pi_; iniii antl hv the distur bed conditiou of (? i-lu.
owiutf to tlio Fraiico-Uorruau war. lowanl thti
fltflflfl ot that year priees _flvhuh .-il, au.l oontinaed tu
give a r.-inunorativo n-turn ilurinsr Ihfl la.-ttw.lrn
montlis. This _. Iv au. >? wa. Im t., thfl siipply li.-in^
um. pial to the (it-ni'iml. I'.ith in this eountry anil in
Kurope, leeattiBf fnun tbfl new .-in.l Nttotf BBM IB
whieh i ron is applied as well an the natural urowth
flf nations. Vi.-l.luu. to fhe MfflflB nt.iti-.n-. th.it
ir.m WBfl d'-.-ir <in BfleBBBl flf tbfl tttkf, CntBtttt took
off 10 per o-nt by the act wliich w.-nt into etfeet in
Augimt; bafl priees aftorwanl WflflB hin-Lier tli.-in Im
ttttt proviiu. tim iiir.irrectn.-Mrt o* the mauy culmla
tinn-4 l?i_s.d mi .iniilar ihtta. Tlu. priees ..f iNo. I
fouiidi'iy pii{ -iron iu N'W-Y.iik.iluiiii_-i'i,- ...ai wero
un follows:
January.BMt.il.. I Julr.BBMBg
Pebruary Pi t.i 0 An_.ii-*t. B1to M
.M .uli.UtO -) . H.-|i|.-iU'_ ii.... M Xo bl
April . M t.i .'.1 o toii.-i.Wlto 5?
m ,4 Mto M lrmlv...iBM si
Jiim.- ...... MM -B Untenilier ... MM W
january l.lvi. MMM
H _-li pnciH. of .-our.se, Htimulated productioo. flnd
it i.e-titn -ted tli.-it dur.i.K tho last vear tJtEJt X) tflflB
of pu-imn were made iu the United .^t.-it'-s. Thn
product of tho year eudesl Jime 1. I870,|waa. a_ oord
iii,' M tbfl iiintli OflOBOa tft*a\kBl Maa, being **t*%JBt
tuns iiioi'- rh.in fhatnf tho year 1KVJ-C0.
Ii l. _.itiil_ti tairy tolind tli.it. 1,-ivon.d hy the pro
I..-iit.-.ihibey.ithe uon nulRHtry has BflBOflBfl widely
diflBflfld. ind ifl now. lir.nlv Festablishe.l ia 1 o. alitiea
where six years ago it either did not exist or waa
ut little baperftaaee. Tim fliatbBflaaaBgiaM the fc>l
lewieg rcturii of flhfl sliaro MM h BMBfl ha* 1 Ifl uiakin*
t__flflflXng_toof-UMfl.t-9 tuus au.l mining a.aio.i.18
t iius ol iron nn-: __ , a_.
Xo. tiitf P t Iro Nu tin. Irin Or?.
Alflflfl?. MB
(outveotlcul. io.?M ???
I) I ivraie. 3>w)0
Ueatina. i.ito ....
I.Hll illl. MMfl Ut
K-iitil.kv. bl.Uft 1T.W0
Mirvlttii-I. M.-JtM MJBI
Miis.il. liilHett.. MtflB MlBM
Mlcblgan . OatH vM.m
'?! -I ...ippl..... *M
Mi-_.nn. ui.im iihjUI
?\v-Jersey. 5t,ii_i MflJM
Mew-York . BM.1M i:o.en
X.it-itii nniliii i. MM * ? '">
oiuo . :.?...-,.i najna
IVnn. y i v.i Hll.UflflMH 1.UW.C--5
Kli.i.li- I.liiinl. -
.-..iiltli Ciir.ilillii. ... IHO -
T, lilir .-,-.:. .'- __..?._?
V.-liiiiiut. . l.KHJ 6.O10
V:li,-llll.l,.. 17.-_.lt ll.UGfl
W.-t Vir .l.ill. ln.'lbiX
WlMflflflifl. MJM M.o-O
Total.l.iltC.lii a,110.-l_
It will bfl flflflfl liy thflflfl tigures Ili.tt retiiiHj l\.-uii?
still ii t iius tln-l.md her wiiiiile.rful IflflflflBflai. early
,li-vi-|,ipiii.-tit. iiml indnstiiiil _pirit h.ive, i,iveii Bflfl.
l,iit she is liivliuir wortliy iiv:ils m other Btelflfl
wiii. h hiive re. etitly awaki-m .1 to a knowledgo of
Ihfl v;i.st iindcveloped n-sotirces tluy pos__ .?_.. l'lm
iviii'-ii.-.-. in.l. .-.1. i.i iDiiiiii-ive tbat tha euaatij wili
make still fljTflfltflt stndi_i within tho next few y?*r>?
thiin it has IflflM liith.rto. Mu higin, whi. li ls ( r.j.1
it. tl iili.rv.T w.th BBByMB tuus of ore. shippetl last year
BBMM (MflM.aad iiiinod nearly I^BMM. It is edti
iiiiiie.l that tln-'juautity of ore ralsed in Mi*?ouri
bflfl iaereeafld to IBBJBt tuns, -ind that our owu .Stato
fldded to per. .-nt to the ITu.l'.lJ tuns reportcd for VfTO.
Iiiipell.d hy thfl spirit of enterprise whirh our pea>
pl.-iilw.iys displ iy uttdt-r f.ivorahlo couditions, Iho
liniiiiie liip.uity of tlu- eountry was larifely in
i um.-.-.I l.i-t jrflflf. A. r.-iding to a list in tho Report
flfthfl Ainericati Ptg baa Manutiicturen.' As_.M-.a
t iou. th.-io were. la-.t Auirust, rec ntly completed ur
baildi-C.51 blast furtia..s, ilistriliuted a. follows:
I'einisylviinia, '.4; fatHflBfl. ffl Illinois,-: Missoiin.
S; Teiinessee, 4; Ohio, I'i; Michigan and L.ike Sti
perior Keuioii, 5. .Since that time ?t?|_i have Us-u
tiik'-iitohiiild pruhalily M other funiaces ; sothat all
thfl ii-w . nf.Tprise_ alloat may he reu;irded__. lead
log to an flflflHrtna tothfl eaaaal pioductive eaaaoitp
of the fli um try of .'_ .^,iK-- tuns of pig iron, re?ulting
in an iiivoutment of |from alwiut f.'fi.OOU.OOO to
Th.- BflflMtal ron.litioi) flf the Amcri.an iron in
du-try iipp.-iir-to warrant thfl enterprise thus dw
plave.l, iiiil.-ss unwi.-e IflfljifllaBtfla mar it.s pnw
]i.i t.. Th.- aaaaal pfedaetiea of the world is absal
13,000,000 tuns. and thfl presamt eoiisiimptiou i.s iiioio
than flfljafll to fhis supply. t'oiitineittal Kurope et
pottfl flflflBfl iron 'from I5.]^;iiini aiul BwdflflJ, hut ini
jMirls still more, so that. practically. she in limited to
iue.-tiii_; bfl ni-.-ils of her own m.irkel s. Gre?t
Brttaia (paodaalBg MV.47I taaa)rflaflflflfla our ouly
liiiiiiuliibl.- i .linp.titor, but she i. enilwrntssed l?y
Ihfl dflflClMM flf flflfll, the ili-rurheU state of her labor
BMUrbet, aud ll?,- Iliictiiatioiis in demand and prire
e.ins.?i|iient upon dependence on foreign inarkoU.
Her own coii.sumptiou has also i_rtatly iiicr.-n_?ud,
?adpiiflflfl advaiued at ouo timo last y.arsoton
sid.-rably iis to drivoord.-i-, M liek'ium aud France.
The prospei t, th.refore, flflflBM good of emancipat
_Bf Ofl_flfll~flfl ere long from dependence ea foreign
aoiirces for tlio product niout ooseutial to advauca
inent in .-ivili/ation and inat.rial wealth.
M.uiv iron smelters, particularly those in Western
l't'iinsyl.atiia. ar<- now sittleriinr from a s.nrcity of
ores, the demand hBYt-f prmeil _;r.iit.'i Uian tho
lllltl'-.-were ilhi" to 111.'et. Tli.l.' i-. lloWOVef, B;imk1
reasou to expect that thfl inexhausiible iron .i,-p._siU
of tbe eountry will soon bfl so lar Aefflloffld as to
t'iiriu..!i our iron furnar.s with all tbfl BBM they can
TbflTflwere -U-M tuns more of tMaifja mado pig
iron itiipoit'd in Now-Vork la>t fflflff tlian m 1K71.
Minli of t !ii-> ir.m was of the i|ii;ility flflfll Ifl makiiig
BflflflflflflM fltflflL Hie iidvatitai-'S of Ii.iv iiilT the hoiUrt
iii.lnr.tiy i -oiiip.-tr.itively WflU ilev.-lop.il were mado
very evideiit by flhfl UMpflfll traile. as Bflflftflh iron waa
sold BflflB, siiiii'- montlis, Iflflfl thau it wniil.l flflM
abroadat tbfl mbm ti.uo. Had the _mngtU pro
du. tion beea Baa thau lt w.i. prieM would hava
bflflB ciii .i.lerut.ly hiither at flflflBfl atul ahr.nd. iu
. mis.->|.i,me of the dt-gret- of mur.it., oui d.iu.iud
WOflld have pro.lu.-eil.
[heyearopeiis with the pric BMtgiBf for Ko. 1
Foitndorv at from $W to B.'st, aiul contracts have
bflflB made at these li-.ures. It is probablo that no
ITflfll reduetion will take pla.-e diirim; thfl ve.tr. Iri
l.ii_laud, no paM tluetuatious wliuh Blighft
s.'iioii.sly ii-Te.-t ouruiarkets BBfli be flffCebeadfl_L U>
jildue l'l.un a IfllflflJBflM reeeiveil i.ceutl.V by MflflflflBa
liu, loe .V Jehflaftfla uf this city. It reads as fol
LBBBOB, DBfl. :l-TUe wuole hflfl tniarUef ti__ tk
lieaKhy, HtroiiK uu.lertone, amt tbe ureueral optnlflfl Ifl
th it flflflBM lia- Bflflfl BBMBflB, an.l tliou'^U ic fTfl it ..t
viiiu-e M Iflflflflfl Utt BM la?t yeiir's. y.-t pric 1 .re ii
pflflflflBMM hu'li'i nhortly thiu tliey an- BBW. TUO
market for Ainorioati rallroad enterprise* n htiil Ma_:
niiiit. i.nil U is BapflflflMfl M pfltflflBflBl people io taka
Imlit tt inv tluiiK uow, liiiwi-ver gttti -t'I'J. enl 11 Hai ia
All Ua .iij IMb ou bflflfl-l. tatfaaflBBa
Tho si mril tenor of this dispatch iscmiliruie*! bf
one received ou the iliiinst.. hy tho s-iult' Iiim. whieD
aaid that tlii-siiike WBfl taiiaitiK an idfBflM Ifl B-BBBj
that railio.ul IfJS b_4 BJTBBflfld fuun ?10 l?> ?M P?r
tuu, aml Umi tiu- uadeaSyWlfl lpwar_L T-Wtrtbfl
refrt-vl M BMBfl OB lhe part of iiou-atooe miuersaiid
eollierst.-tlie niiuilierof 7.',fK)U, aud arises from tbe
not ire wliuh the empl.-yers had given that tlu-v m
tendt .1 to r.-diu-f lhe ratea of *anesou the lat of thia
Theexpeiienc- of the pvwt year AflggcaAA tliflt it
is il.sirable to eureiflfl deDtWBttoa uml -n-oat
,lis,,iiiiu.-iit wliett e tablishiti. new iron tiWUtun
Tho i|iiantitv an.l iiualitv flf tbfl ?*?? obtain ible.
ilte l.i. ittt.ert for pioeuiuiai IflBflflflflBB, and ''_.*< 'all/
...alii^wellastii'iiiark't atlorded b> the si.rtt.utid
iiilT c.try. Hhouhl all ho taken bflflfl eoi.side.ation,
flfld thfl BflflM favor ible iniiilitiius flflflaiai. I>is??
itard i-T stiv of these iiirttfem iiivarntldy etilail*
H.-H..US dtappoititmeiits, nnd leads to lhe m>n
HaaltoB baaai diaTannefl by his.w eafBibtoaai
in.l MBjafltoBa BaaBjeHtor. lt tfl alfle te be ***'_*
that workmen aa ftir as possible. be aflardetl
..ppoii unii iea t.t iBVflBttaf ni Baa BfltarprtMi Thi*
weuM lond le ftwagft the rccurn.-v. ol eMeuaiv*
, itWiks^t-ud tiuwlil wt\o _to Iv-du'U axneu * ,***E

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