|>l Vtv I v ? H fK-N-iMf' ' v
niBiB rRtvKa ioi* >N>': v
WAkl* ak.. '.eki.
BtaSB-NQ lt.'. ? s fi M
?Bd BflB-Bflfl
,,-J u* bt?- >**- I
ibr '
^4,,,, aa ?J ia*-- MN tu -
- -
li ...
Maaaaal Ma> *" v"1"
lfl* inmxnttx nl Ihf-r U?-Jfl- ?'?'? >"?' _
en-e*. aad I .
na b ?? eaaBmrxi io th** ordlaarj
p-.i?-*-* mM*
. . ifls UM M Ifefl
mih.. Tt>- i rjuBawB-MBaaiBflaBalB
. ..
Pl. h*t <*f
^.^ th.ir kaBaaam la lall M all
flMamnai a-h*?-ibe B BM baaa M and t?
a_B-8ii|---ir ?**'- ' ' ??' M't *?? tho jvowcr i.r
e/mm* ' !lc ?'l'"'''"'
waavh rteouiduat Ban Bflflfl M BBJ flfl-M BBB. BflcMgi
.? . . t ** ,.1 Ilt'i I*. I'Ui'.t.
i^- ?__?-. - f intioti if Di nn. iu. -j lias
im ii om i tatra. Ifefl u.itiMiliiai. kflatafll M
l^,. t., ., ? .- IL.- i;i it. l.vcrv iu:iu MhikIs
Befor*. thr -a? in biftcwn Bflflflaaatttjf. B-Btafl lfl hie own
tvff Bm l.-'iitsi.r iii.-n ii.-iM-ataatead
a i rvaiiacnc*. rtiet BflflflB ha.l iu ti.ii.s ol .inliqtuty.
Blall iml "**r- ?*' ' '*" Ifefl iti.livi.ln.il.
thi- I t t i *- nii fltflOflfl BBOB rm WBBB
. Ui of the State ilependa npoti the IndlvMoaL
X Biau'a kaliu* Mta Bfl uieasiired l*y that whlch i.? aM
tbal whi. B B M BBb While we may BBBBBBVB hin. tm BM
?aaat ?*? a paaflMBBa :.n.i BBaaaBaa of BaaltBjr. nn mi i bb
?ot overlook bia apiiituul worth. Wt havo hegun to
Bflflfl that Ha s.f.ty ol th-* BBMBB ?flflJBBBBBflflBttflM
tr< BBBB '*! M th. we.tk. It is flfllpoaMble to BBBBB flfll*
B-MflJBMBI w tiiiint takm** iuto coni* iderat i.n all the
-BBnflflflflBBflfli Tbe weak aa well aa the stroiisr miir-t Ba
?*ar?*d tnt. li 1. l.ard M BBBka BM Bti BBflfl M -fflfl in, ex
ee-pt t*V mt. li-* - ii. * > fflflllf .lifTnst-.l BflBBBfll Bfl parta.
We i?vi nt.-! -!._ i.uii's, aave thoan.of wealth, whirh
Baa only aa Iod;: aa the rnow Ytttt, Tin ABBMBMtM
pnueiple. how.-.*. r<-(-o?'iii7.< - ? ea lfl dlfBBBB-MB j
lt pertnite ita fl i" Wfefl the i'l-" ' I bl* ?? irlve thcni.
We aaa parpMMllj BBTtacaaBBflMr-lMata BflaaaatatM
K.antri'- la erary part there ?rc nnttir.ii Jadflaa, ab
uatarul.l.t mmtf it Bflt ?aBt flBflCBMr BMfl
put an.l B-Jfl <? ? r th.-tn. la.-.y nian IMBfl flfl Mfl Bai"
nral bi-l-t. It I BBBfeJ *t*
Ti?r, . ..,u... bflBBflM Bi Itta-lagtai
apeakll.?. I patflfllttat ff'-'lt.n:, thrre
wou'titt.ivi boeatewca wTotatl?fl M Ifea world. The.
Iime U i iiiiii t wl '. '?? ti> iiitlmn.'
aaBfl-MflflMtaaflaaaaaatfear. Tfeeworklne. aaa ??i.fti.c
v . :?!.??? ,?I).1 i th]
tUH-ti i.Itll t ? il.iW liflllOrtai't .
im uaBJui pflopaaaioiam dbb^cbact.
The iH'?rai yeoti baiBflfeataad
|f Ihe f iad that Un.> BaTfl a 1'iillic to ?hMh tfl BpBWfll.
Bim-ia.i! '.' lo stiiti.l in a ..'liiiuntiity
aaBflBfl ti*.: * aa iat lejada* thaaa. < ?? -? - ?> ft m then.
iw'i\.> un fllwapa ..".I * laataBaaflBBBB
il..-roniti.. ? "W toc mn. ti: now? :* i-rhaiil'i-d.
Tt,. n -.'""ii ol lln <-..llllll.m
ki.nwii tia-- . il aiaaaaa of tbe oommaaity. AU
ih. pn '? ? . of tho
aaaaa di Ity, are dibwiii gi m t
mIIv t pd and kept np ttae learned elaaa,
Maa Ua* i *-?' ineut. Knowleds.
nm-I ? Aot ali
Tl.fti li't .tti.' . -itrons. wlii'li
ti , , ?? . w:ll. It. 'fhe -.an
Uml ,. . :..- low( i elaaaea m
to,,,. : ? Tae dlfferen. ea In Ideaa
will mi> < lf lm -h; tl. an.l bnafl tu'- trmii .mt .?t laat Aa
l.titll...; , . i ? BBVI r.i.r pilcsl
lli tln ? " l Wlll tM
v-' Mi fi
Att Ifl ii.. . ' lb. ' ht thonehl
-U|..., t io ? hm it i- one ot tt'<
i.r -t I;.. ott aaclhan ii
jsiihi t. Tbt ' take iiit tm .s M ft Bbdi U..T*.
atnU Mtik a-. lt. ?'. i. ?.'v* -?)< u Arii*i. ili.-ry chlfllDOa,
imi I*. ,1 1..; uit.i lo luavc ttitiu tliNii rn bare bare
- . :. piiit/iii . tliat shall, like
3 ? A-fiiMriiir 10.1.iti_ Ai-iisi.
The ? I*. 1 prinelple is
10 bni.^.- ?? it nn n wln '?? Ih. l'r.'i'li.-t- ol n. -* 1 ondltiona
litMMl. t-.. "'.. i.i iia.l.i ( lill-n.U.lti lii- n.aif a re*
m*tri for -- bave pow t-iim 1! 0
^ii'.ii ,. . Everj naiTi has lii
ntci.i- m if. iiii-t- Ba waa aaade to haveth. an
Anv :|i...lo).\ t-'i.at .l.-liit- lln- is al.tl-l lll -t: .11 Hll.l antl
Dnnorr.iti.-. The old aynieuia of iii?-.> <?_ * cannotatand
ayoi 81 tll. Xla ? ?' a\'' BO M .'W ti
i ni tm hrow < ?'?'! U tae Fhtl ?'; bbbb .n*
lli-;. ... bttl '"
t,? ? , . . i.? felt
iiioi.- in ii.-* >? i ?.?.-..? ii.. oi". . ' ? ..I auy when. alaa. i
ll.t.l Ml*- atalllilli' fl ll.a llll.tl*". L'T Hfltllal I'H ...Ullll 1
? lal'-ti.
i . -.tii is inaii tbe iia"t. tbe
n.-_t Iroui i ih and Ibeu . "?.."?!' n.. l?loi_>oi
ii. ii.. Wt are appr.
bat pi
A - ? I ?'. ?
A iiuiiti.. i oJ j.i ..ii.ii.i ni reai 'ni-. a_Bong
^|? i, , ll (..II. -F. ? Ja Ia A. DiZ| Pl I' 'I
.,., jk !. v, | M I. Vl in - l'-fire
ih.i.i. W a.. ' r..ai ? ?:. 'i nt Bt ad, aad
?!<.,? | .a',. I-. 'I.'MIIII*.- I.I iho* tl.'.. .., (.!? ? .ation ol
||_?- !? ? .i-lll I .' a . I): i
ul Miin . i| ll K.-lt un. :? ?> "'"- "
lflfl] in-. iii :e-n..-nie.
Tt* la ? poaBaaci i
Nl.li VdliK, .l.tl. Th, Vi.
ToZx ?*? ll" J",ir
tmt* ai - i-i aiTaai- ii. tha '.a-.- of Municipal
Kei.iitii. and your dl miereat-d bntexpenalveatruiocle
iu tin .. t.i .. -in... li .ii.ie.i. w i.ti;.. board
?.: H_pervi?*>r*<, i.-uam- iii tbe deatruetloB ?
1^,, ,r,l 0B BOll \* lu tia- ?? 'lall.
, thal powi i ol i:i- .- wai
tar.>k.ii, \..ai iii.ai rei-entaerrloea In aecnrinirl
ta... .
, i,n ,- ma. ia - '" i.-i.fj our
i.iiri. ai'i'i* >:.u ol th. rrowaed witb
pu.'ii .-xi .0 rdiuai v an. n >ia. -i thal
afJ(iial J> tlM ;?:? i-', - ..1 i.n.-tlii. >i>.i at a .inui. I. lo l.t
artrt, B Bt BM J 0* A l-'lit Vt-UI n-niii..
.-nn. . ,
Wt i I ,
ji.ji. fl li ' lai a. n. Ir., H. i . ?
i*ei. t . ? i. K, eiii. Uir, i . .) -
a. i. ??
A V - I
J .11.- - I ? '
T. i-. < unniin.li .a Wi ? a.i i.r
Un. ( Barn-ti -\ H Bain i,
JoUii 11 Mi.ni.if, ' . '1 It my. Ilma. -'-I. 1-a! uai,
li V. I . I . a'l'li,
J.inee M Hn.wa, V, ii.. M. l.x.itia. J. II _U
Wii,. B.li - 1 . r. ....... ' ._.( U,
Julii, H. U'l S. L.fiu Hai i'. Mu-r M. tt,.
J. Al ) 1- 1'. vi..ri.uty.
BBeoraTu br. Bmil Bau<r, B.Hhoi_uan.
-i? Ntw-Yoaa, Jan. 18, I87B
UlMlik.a I l..;\a la ,|M t. lll w ll.' Il 11
aefenwa ? aaod to atate, ol b *
Maaa,peraiali/nt,andaoeceaafui >n-:is a iheuauaa "i
uiiiiiif.|..t !?:. m, jrourequealthat 1 will aBord rou thi
pl-_*.ure if W-elinj. im i-l a,(l:iiiit-i a' Mi.li t.ine ai,d
Jlia.l- ar 1 li.. J IU ll< at'
Tot the l.i. tuul yeara I b bti lone ;?
ai < an thedefeat andorertbrowof tl power,
Il? ... vm,,. a haa tc-,.1! il ll. -aiai _lt Ht lien
fll l.t Oill <ll.\ - ai.ll I'.'.'l' .-. Vllill thf U< el.ll. ilt'i. .af ir
'l.tiniiiaiiii power, ifle graal worfcol roforui tn onr aioul
< Iji.u t-..n ? Ii.ih ll In a-'ati. aim lo int Itic.i.i ?1 |>.. ..miil- ii.
dieatioli Ot ita pit) < lulaai nt V*. ln. i 11 . i ? -
?teyer, oi , i.f i.m ino-t BODwred i lt /i'i-. t<> lia ? > la.\
ori.it\ i .a n | . Bflflta in tin aood mort, i aoi mor* taan
aaaapiuaai. d l.j i our Induraouieot, 8 rou will
penni! u.i i.pi, in pi.iw ol tbe |.i"|.ns' . (i.i.n. i. . ??
ajilttli* \... a i .. dr l. t .tiinol Im: . 11I1..IH . il?at. Iii'i.. .
wuj*-ii latiimt be-xci ..?... i baakiaf xn* ii""-t alim ? i. .
1 nu. you,- ifL.tii a aud uithiiii KiTv.ini, Juii.s Ku:.).\.
l>ritiuiiali. '.r.imirirs (flt thfl ? liclion of
Ofitgutrh ti. ii,b K i,.- < oiiiity Deiuocra'.le '.
i'?iuiiiitt?-c wen :,, ij mm avaatag M Baaakbra, Ifea
IMilt?_ u'liha-r.-a ,._'... ,|.htcii troul. e lietwcen (ha mmjo
ail. fikatK-i.e in ks.i.a< "1 ihe wurds, aud a*(or.liii_iy had
two et* tl"li.-*>' n.'a l.eal ;u lca.tiliesii at I'ollc. 11. ail
g?urt/i> ui.dei li.a.1*. lot l-'olk.
lh< for ?, I'V ordl t ..' ci ct (.f Toiae ( a.ii'.l.i II, waa
ae-ni to HiiHiniu iii.' . M (.aii'i-ei., vfeaaaiBa titveuth
Wurd jir._j.tr> v.. -feflflfl w.re two atrouk.'
MoMflflB BtBBB BBBBB BtM. afll Baiag BBB_paaad uiamly ol
Ineh Ufeflralaafli Iad BJ J"hi. Nortou, Jaiuea lloian, an.l
?aBBfl-B (oll... ?* Bf il"- BBtM fanmii ihe ami H;l>. i
niaiia- hy ? x _ ipcrwisor Jauie** Howeil.i.n.l lli)a_tj ( auip
i-'ii j? t.rotii. r <.f raa GMal al Nttaa. ifea Hihcaaiaaa
iiperl a ?-l??e Oallot box, and the < aui|>l? li i?rty h_.) oae
made Ol WO. t, v.liiit. 'vaa reported to have been MuD.-O
la-lore the op?'iilii. of tne lolla. .. ?
Airoat ai. I...UI after tha roBBcbad t-ci-'iiri tka rump.
iwll iNU'tv 1'i'i.ea! otl the ifaa and a*-i_i(l their ?.pj _i,rnu
u-lwl-h..* A U-i.; .n-iictl, and ihe pollofl at ouoe
w-neUU J"'*'. >o.ton. I>o!i?n, an.l CaflBfl. uu 1. flfefltflB of
_-aaa__rl_ .*?i.'i."i ".'v w.re l.at ke.l up ta Ifefl Kiiat
l*r,,iu*t Pollee . mta.. .l.i-t,.e Kucy oj .ued .o.irt aud
nreei.'.i tbe |?olu*e to hrmg the arrealed p..litie|?na
." .we bnu Ibai 1" ri.i4.ht nail ll.eui, bat thlk old. r waa
jiMeiiiiracd.anil lbe uj.u rt-uiam iu cuatody.
A _B8Bl-Bi of the Hapid TraiiBit Awwciaiion
Unvk plaee laet BflflBI at the real eatate ofhee of Hofluian,
ivburii A (o., at No. Ufl Kixtb-ave. K A. Witthaua
imiaMted. lne J.iecutive Oomtnitt--- reported tbo draft
ui ibe propoaed BUl to tbe *_e--l8l??ar*" authoniin-f lbe
rity lo build a rapid traaait i_ilwa>, th* expe'iae ul
?bk*ti ah_.ll n.t . -ir-eed fiO.nflO.Ot*.
Ttie lill proTidw that a Coiuiuia^lon. eonaiaflnf of ihe
ttavtt ol lbe (Ity, ( ou,nna*.oia r i.f Publir Worka, Preal
ammatm Bt atAtmid Ol jmrnBEEEE flfldOtfetr U?fl?l_iflaJV_?ll
10*. __,_->' Ufc.l l-v Hu-(li.VT'il,. r.f :l.r''l.t.-. ...all.il
....,- ?| |h. ..?..! n t-.i-tiit.t.'-t it the
.. , ,,.,.,.11111.1 t.i nt. r ui-oi, tli. iBflalB
, , | ii, . ii,,,, . ? ?? nl tin- lnll.
. . ,; \ wntl . ,L.ll I-'.
.. rtilllii ii H in li i. < . raliiitti', jr.,
a.all. IIII.I K ft (.'illla ItaOU.
,,.|.l,ll. M III Y Ol HAU.K IN TIIK Uffffn
Ilu' iM-opIc of lhe npixr part of tlic city
have I.T-iu liotitih .1 Iit _-.-vn.il il,i> ?? paal with a BflflB it.v
a-iwihi. I'liii haa IKM-ii BflflBBBfl the Bflflflfl bnn flflfl
tkU* nVkt l<it'iH-r li'M'l Ib IBfl rcaervoira, althoui-h the
i-i -.-nu' bu* in fii Miftiru-tit tn snpply iill tlic wants of
ilotvn tnwti PflfltBBBtB Tlic CMflflB AflJBflflHBl iil.out two
WflflBflflfljflBflflBINflflfllOBll| diiuiagcd BJ a track mar
IBfl IToton Uikc.
While -workmen we.te npatrlng the lcuV.lt was deemed
ncoeasary thut the side pIim'.m hIiohI.1 carry off the water,
and ln flflBflflfljBI BBfl fll thisthc supply ol t.hedistrihiitliig
icr-fiviiir win reduced. An cxtraoidiuaiy BBflBfl l,f
water Bflfl fllflfl li'VNcrctl tt* Iflflfll i'i the reservnir. Thnso
who lii.vc siiffercd herctoforc from tlic tn*UWg "f watcr
ptpflfl wBfltfl iiii pi.-i ailtioli- BBflfl l.i-cn liiU.-ii, lmve thi*
>ciir left Ihe faucets (BflB, an.l j_ rnii'tid the water tn
rtin; aml BflBflfl it hai* BflflB fllflMB) IppflflfltMt tn ttttm*
the BBflBfl in BBfl rf.crvi.ir tfl the BBIfl) lcvel. Iflflfl}
BBBIi h.'wflM t, W;.H|ii.H'lf ><?-l' i.liiy.
Kcp<irter.of THE TmniNE BBN aent. yeaterday. tn
n,a_e iti<rni'it-s uf rcMil.iitH of the diMiict BBflBfl IBfl
water was Io-b-. Manyjresldenees on Miirray Hill and
the hi'.'h land. in t Uc viriiiitv mi re vi. ited. Kor three er
foni weeka paal tba watm ha. mn fn-ciy during ? grt et
portlonof th" iluv, ii hirgor snpply t.ein. :,ft..r.l.-.l nl
iii-lit when ttie water WBI not tti demand for ninnu
t.u tnrtufl pMipo?fla In tii.-iiiviiiat.uiri> Uu- wat. r BBfl
i..; mt. iiiiiiit-i thi.ii heflfloonufltoiy. _., _ __
I n.u, llnial t., Blxtb ... - antl 1-etweciiThirty fourtli
aiul l\,rtv toiiith-t-.. ttia Ai.r. i,trtifiil,.rl.v iiotlfcalilc.
Pfluceta bad t-?- b left opta la mnm boaata. while in oth?
er* they luui bflflB clo-f.t in n. enrdance wlth tlic Pl <|H' JI
of th.t riiiniiii.. .ioiii r tliat Wiitcr .hiniltt not Ix
fla-trd. In the litl.r cn-_ tkfl Wfltflt had gene
i..li. fro.cn, nnd hail mih .foiiciitly heen kept nin
nilii: Bfl] antl ti)_ht. foiuplaliila were made te
.,g, nt. and proi ..rtv-nvners l.y tlic le.ise-holde m of
ttiaiiv IMtdflBeflfl regardini. tho hiek of watei
The reflldenta of tenPinent-hoii.e. in the nel srhhn rhnd of
Tlnul and Bixtli-avc_. fflll tkfl BflflRflflfl M tkfl water
BUpplrmoat kceiiiv. Durinfl n iKirtlon of tho daythe
fflmllfea Ln tbe upperfltorifla wen imuMf to ohtain bwh
to .ati_f>- tkfl IH..--I orflflBl aflflda, Ktarj atrngaraa 'iif
fin-iit vt-rmou of the cause uf the trookle, bal DO OM
? ?BfllBll IB flflljfflfll ? remedy. A Kcntl.tiiaii in I'ark
ttt. sii'l tbal he had beea unnlilc for Ikfl paal Wftm tfl
obtain Mitn. iciit water for fl bfltk id the third Bflflfl of BM
Bonxi. wkeit Im. liaith-n .nn wa..
A lOfll IBtfltfl owner said that ho had Instriict.-d t. n
?tjh ta. k'-cj. tkfl Wfltflt rtinning ?o thut it wonld n<>t
fieczeitithe atg**. This had BflflB BBflfl flTflPT Wtflter,
and there wa* nt> tnore waste ttns yar than dflJ-Bfl anv
(ull lOflBflfl People had to do thi* fcecaUflfl tkfl plpej
liivariatnv imrvt aml had to )"? rcpaired. He hud flfld
cmiiplaiiit . made to lilm frt-qu. nt ly tliiniiK tkfl pflfll
three or f.Hit weI k*. but of t-ournt- he ha.l no power lo
rcmedv the cv.l.
| BTAETUSG u;\(ii:i)Y.
Miirsliitll .Miitrnu-cr, I piiutor, .hot Clnn-D.-c
I-iikwood. hlrio ;i jT.iitcr. m tlic litnluiiieu, at No. 1.1
MfldlflflM Bt., BBl niijht, and inflifled a innrtiil wotind.
Mrs. Ilainmonil. a widovv. BB1-B B livi lihood by keep
bMJ ? bflflB-tbur-BflBflfl at the ahovo inentloii.-d BtlflflB.
Loikw(...l has Bflflfl in the houao brfl-tflMBBBflpflflti
and Magruder flflflflfl Tliank-pvini. Dav last. lioth tnen
were luteuipfrate, aud when iiitn\:c.'itcd were very
quarrelaotue. IB thfl flflBfl BBflflfl thflflfl Bflfl lived fnr a
.. .ar flflfll Ai.na iirown, Bffl '.(', whom Uttgntb
I-oekwood hithly regarded.
Lorkwood, on aeveral orraslons while intoxicati-d, ln
..iilrcd Mist. Iirown, and fiiially BBfl would not flflflBI t<> IflBBB
on iiicetiii>;hiiii. Thfic was flflfldfll gBthflttflg, hov.i v. r,
in Mn, Hummond'e flflflfl* Iflfll ."-.iturday. and duin,_r Ihfl
n.iiii,.; LflflkVOOd flffllflfljIflflB io Mlss lliowu for his
(?oniiiii t towarB ktr,
The ,i|.u]t,.v* Bflfl at-rejitcd, and the two t oi
? y Ikfl rcmaintl.-t <>f the BTflflBflg Tiie BflfllBflffl
fllflflffllhBBBd Ifl 'he parior on Miuday cvi ?tttg, flflfll whlle
aome a?ug BflflflflB BflBflB BflBflU t*g*g*i U OflBT^lflflllOfl.
haeeag IBfl latt.-r wai MIbb iirown. BBfl flfll un a -of_, flflfl.
reialsi; wnii Ma.tttdcr.
As they were talkin<r. Txiokwooil enterf-d ttie IBOflfli
BflTlBg flflflflfl hlfl arui fl large pillow. I.ockwood Bflttfld
1 y the sofa. and. arr ln BBflflflBi Bfl i'lav iBllj put tht pil
? in-1 |Uai Bktwb'i tae*. u> theaaald,*' We an**
n-t (rk tids once, but \\- me friftids now, are we not I"
Nia.ruiler aro.e, BBt, iu an uugry tOBfl, BBdl " Ixirk
wonil.lf you hav.- flfll nnythinK t<> t-ay to Mi.s litown
you uiu-1 not (aay it flfkllfl I am arouud."
Lorkwood lnst_ntl.y alapped Mairruder In the fare. Ma
ITBdflfl endeavored to 6tnke tiatk, hnt his anu was
laiiirht hv I-ockwotMl. A IflOflB BflflflflBri WflflflflflflJIflB
Bfllit-t, Wko WH in tka room, nislicii lii-twi-cn tln-in. ii
and pu.hetl thciii bflflk. He then IflM them tlmt thev
mi;-1 nt.t ttafffl-M tln ii,-fl\c? b7 BftatlBft flfld tkfll he
v.ciild jircvcnt thflflfl,
Maiiutier ntci'iH-.l loward I.orVwond, and then. flnd
ini;hiiii... :i BflM bj BflBlfk, IflB flty IflM i " I-> BBflflfl, I
? .-'it rn fl flfl a I O-dfljr, BBl t.'inon.iw IU .l.i.ot
vcii liki ii d"i; ; m> inipaic voni .iif." Mn.i BBflfl then
went lo liis room. 1!;- ttn. ; w.i_ tflUfli BkOBl hy Ihfl
other tioarder- In thi ln use. .imi several exptt - "l foan
that he wi.tfld carry lt ont. Iht ttg flflflflfll BWBfi how
(V. i, v. ithuilt BB] ci'l.lll-t BfltWflBfl tkt BBBB.
Atsiipp.r, last night, Magrnder ciit-r. .1 tli. r-.
-_. iv that thB flflfll u- i-i. y B flflflfld hy LflflhBUfll WBfl
He th'-ii aililn-ss.il MBfl BWWfl flfl followi i "I
mi-- -,,no- f iiiiiliai- i.t. >i ; wli.n i- 1.... IW.1 .'" Misk
Broa ii replied, " I guete bfl baa goaa uot ol Iom o."
viaj.'1-u.icr at om-c lett tbfl l-o-un. and wii. h.-ard ?_?
uliifl up Btalra, Oaa <>f tbt boardera, Jacob Madiaon,
-u-).i ctinji thit Magrinlcr had B uiurdcroii. .ir.-i_.ti. i.m
.un. Lockwood naed .._ bla room tb* baak parloi
ot tkt Iioiim-. io tlil.- room run Madi-tm, BBd, apon en
terioff. ka ?aw Lockrwood alttloc la a ekalr aadMagrii
? itr Ktaiitiliig in li-i.nt of him, having u icvol.cr iu Mb
il.'lit h.ucl.
Aa Madiaon wm ;i'_.ut to grasp ?agrnaet, tkt platol
w,.- tm il I,-. Ilieliti.r alln-.i-t IfltO LockWood'l l,|..i.l.
Tbfl lirst hhoi iiiis-i-il aiipir. ntlv it-aitii. t.u Loekwood
ia,-t to bB 1" t- M.._-iii,lci itkrain tiinl. and tlic amokfl ol
tke platol bad scaroely died away wben Loekwood tell
ln ;i\ i y up.m tbeBflor,.. ballel bBttaa eBUred ),
m id.-t-n atood ipp-lled rn tha Aoarway. Tke otber
boardera beartmc tke report ol tka platol, ran np tiom
? ni. nt, aml were about t<. enter tke |nir!..r. a hen
ler turued toward tkt erowd, and puinilng tkt
tu ward tbem, aaM: " i'n anout th. Brn naa wko
darei to Int. ilcre witk bbi "
II, tii, ii w.ilkcd boldly throntrh the erowd, fllBODfl
wlioiii were siveral liien, aiul pas.in.' tliioni.ii Ibt h,.ll
wav. <li -. '-ud". 1 tln -Ull- tO tbfl h.i-i mci.r, entl it d tim
? room, and t" ma to t ,i bla tnpper. Wblle --
ol tm woinen boaraen rared foi Loekwood, Madiaon
? mto ihe . ii.--1 .aii.i .-i.uii Bndlna Offloer Bogi i - ol
entta Preeinet Pullee iaformed klm ol tkt affrar.
Ri i.cr- ciitfiTil tka houae, and alter iBlormlBfl Mairru
it be waa a priaoner, allowed tkt man t,> ealinly
a?i tkt iciiniiiidi r ot in- aopper, A ttretakeur wui
I llWOOd Wil- t.ll.t-11 tO IliC !-iV.lltll 1'IL'
lation iio.i-c, v, iicre bia wound waa ?
inrgeon. Tne aurteon found tkat the bullet ir..in
ii,,- ii-vo'.vi r had deeplj. i" i.ftriiie I Lookarood't i.i.ain
11.1 il ilii'l t IlUt ll,. Ilt Wu.- Qttlt li'.l't I'I tkt Ul", i"
Wbile tbe tarfleon dnaaad tkt wound, Magruder wm
hi.nuiit iiitoti.f ht.iti.iii aapnaooer, Ai b. j'i ? d tln
luiind lo Loflkwofldflfld (-.mi. ?' IMiin't I
Blfbl I woiilil i-Li'i.t you like a dug i" M.i
buinedfrom tba iwb and tocked npla a
rtke Btatlon-bouae. Loekwood waaplaeedin ;ua
ml taken to l.ci.-.uc H, i-jnt.il.
( .iroiui- llci.inati bai lf n ;:-_'<! l'l tlic r-iH-Cons to
tii^'- LockWOOd'fl ;.I,t? -int.i t. Bl -f.tti BM nt.
i tiv.iird P. JoaeBj '.i'rif :^. WBfl foiiixl l>y .lolni
Yonlin Iv 1111'in B pool <>f I'lood BB Ihfl p:ivemcnt iit Hud
Bflfl aml Um11 Bta . Jcr-.y (ity^iit I a. ln. vc.lcnlay.
Bfl Bflfl liiovcd into the BflBflfl of Mi*. Dcxlicimir,
Whtffl he honrdeil, and wa. found to bfl -till nlive.
Ukoajrk iiiiniii-i iii.is an.l idyitig. OBttm BraflBafltadBB
. led ln, and one of the bflflflflBBfl. -MflM Hnllntlav,
told Mflfl thai Joues ha.l fallen iinwu stnir. ut Waslniig
t.,ii nnd _aaa_-flta., at uiiiliuj.'h', and had bflflfl i ii iieil to
the BBTI in. nt iu Iri'iit of his 1.idini. bflflflfl
l.y iiiiknowti men. HflUflflflT and ThotiiHH I,ee tnen as
Mslrd the a.ttiict tu itiiiiiii- thi IiimIv t.i tl.e In.i-iutal, after
BhOWlBfl < oli_l.il li,l.ie uiiwillllignoss Ifl dfl MX Thcv
aBeapad ?" flflflB a* aaaHifl. ?fll thflflr aamUhg flfl i kity.
Witk tkt fattthat they Wflf* the only p'lMin- who had
auy kiiowledKe of JoiicnV coudifinu uutil he was found
bg . niiliii Ifli lo Un Aflflflflfltflfl thut they had Bflflfl guilty
ot au a^eaiilt ou Jinna. Olti.er liruadmeadow, there
laffl, aittistcd thcui in BBB?flhaa'a Bflhww, with
a i oiiipanioii, V'tt-r BflflB. Bflffltfl eatertni.', nart
of a conveihant.il wif_ ovrheard. wliuh Btrrnfltkened
ii,t oOoer't suaplnoua. Jooea was unniarricii aad ein?
ployed a- adraughtsBMtn latB* a_Beaaol ihe Peuaayl
i .. BallrOBd Compiitiy. He did not tc.ovi i t oii-cnui.
Bflflfl. and kfl died lu ihe hospitnl at noon jreatertla/, A
prrliuiinuiy t xa.iiiiiatiuii siiowed a wounii oniln ught
side ol tn. bead akort tha eiir. aad ponetratlaK the
skull. Tiie wtniiiil w.is siu h a oue as might have Ik-.-i,
made hv a shing ehol or hiillel. aiul wn- not likely to
hav.- I .iu i auw tl iiyalali. There was a cut over ttie
eve.ua if fnun a fall, and the (aafl was t.adly t-rui-cd
The County 1'hvei ian mma rtxiueateit to b.d.l a post
iiim t.-iu i-iaiuiiiiatinti. The priaou.Ts were taa. n betoifl
Jiistice tM-viuoiir, aud l'.-i-n waa ili-i n .n-.-.l. II .1 a,i?\
and Lee belogheld toaw.iii lhe reaull of an iin|uc?i
The uutiiontiea eipress ilu tn li.f tnat JflflBfl waa lutir
A BekaaM i? uow on foot for Hie i-BtuJiliali
iii. nt "I -nioiiii-r weekly ateamship liue U-tw.cn New
York and (ilasgow. The Uniur a are to I.e of tbe .Ire
angtttPWi Wl t,je North Atlatitic aa-ivi.-ei. Ttia-y ara
I.iiiliUngcn the <:iyde, and will lie out lo tbe H|itln//
The pflflBflflfl flflflflfll fll ibc Um- haa tre<u lauiicbed, flfld
two -.Uie. ? ait uppruacb-Ujt couptfllioB. Au vCUver ?l |
Ifeflwtw?Mii|'iniv i*now in Ihia eity, and will np< n an
ill.. t aml appmnt flflOBta a. oftee.
BEEDUtm ai.akm \i'.fii'T rm him.hi:-.
A Ti.ihi-M. reportar riattod aefeial flf tl>?
l.-it'.-i st ni iMaa in Um ttty, ytBBritj, M Man hartfear
particulara of Ihe ..fll BBB spinal-uieuliiifiti? wliicli.
II.nry Keii.li Im ln \e-. i-allarkm_ fhe hor**ea. Hc was
inforuK il th.it thi ie were Mflbfltfld BBBBfl thmii.tioiit the
.Ity, Imt liu mOi i than tln f has BBBB at BBI -BBfl BBB "
tia- .].-< .,.-. tmm*i ''" *'" ' BMBBBM M Mav an.l .Iniic. MTL
la tfea Btaataaaf tha 11.11.1 .*-<?? BaOfOfld, whieh aartata
ii. ai ly AiKii harM-t*. no rase has I" en known for aeveral
luouth-. Only w uu hoiMs are si.k in the hoapital. and
tii. . haaa wall daflaea*] bU-bbbM baaftagno rflaflflfl-aBaaa
to tln dflflBM in <t ?' -"""? ,!' ""' ,'""r*'1 and Hixth-ave.
Kailioad .stnlil.s tfeflflfl are no . Bflflfl of Ihe -flflfltaBBBBj
an.l mere has n?t l"' I BBI Bfl B 1<"'R Ua_0. The r'j>"rtcr
fiiiin.l a.ln-ie ii.se In the taaB-Ml tt the Hcennd-itve.
Kai.lioa.l . I.il.l*-. Itfl borse was BtBBflB-d ahi.nl five
Mcks Bffl ami ih BOW n.ailv w.ll. Tliis is Hfl ttt*
onil hnirie BtMaBad within six inontha, ik eom
pleto rure havint: bBBB Bflflfltai in tln* f.irmer Instanre.
The BBIBBIM m BB-Vffl tol.l tln r.-pnrter thal .lurlnit the
<*pi(lemlc of 1871 tln- C.'iiipauy had its many as Vb horw't*
Mek at .me time, imt MM only live or aix duriii_ the en
Ur. se.i-uii. lli - ud that thu .liseaao waa eat-ily nircl,
flfeaflMfetfefl _ata__l ta rai altaBwaH baaaaaaa flfl iMtog '"
Ifea haflik a* talflao tfefl flMadfe. Etahadaot taavi tfeal
the me?in_itia was mor.' pn valcnt now tliiin at any
tune ln lbe laat ye.u, aml *.i? no reaw.n for tiacinK tl"*
(aii-ia-ot ifea Motatad aaaaa tfl tfea fBBBfll aMaaaa. Um
fBBB Bfll Mll W BflBB Ptrnn.er or ln bettet r-otiditlnn
lhat. llnee tln if n "very fram that disenae, untll the
re.ent st-nrins, wbieb have cauaed oo much adilitlonal
v. ork- aa io w-a-arv Ihfl Beoflti ?
At tiie -t.il.l* % of Ua- -tai:*' lineR, on.l at the llvrrv ana
Bale -t.ii.iis, tl.e reporfr- wafl knformed tlmt Ihe keeper
h.nl beard of eaaea ?.i tl..- meuinirltia at lntervala alnoe
Jane, 1871, bai nerei of anv oonaiderable number at oofl
Iiiiii-. It was tln- opinlOB of BOOM thal Ilie ?|-.|>|><-rv . OB
dllion of tln- itMOtfl may hav*- OOBBBd KDM Boi V I -" '"
wr. tieii iiieii bai ka us to beoomodlaahled, aml to preaenl
tlie anperflelal appeai knoe of \ Ictltna nf the uicnm nn*:
Iml nnne i-redited tfee theoiy of Mr. Bergh thal lt was at
all (-neral, nr likel-a tii iiei iiiin- s... Tae reporter rlalted
the ( aiili e- of Veteiinary . ur.coiiN, ta Lexiiij-toii-."?' .
near'J'niiH tir.-t rt.. and WBalntonn*- that there war* oo
saaea ta tbe r>*>?i.it.ai ;?tn?< ii?-*i iu tha ooUege, aad thfl "tii
oen had n? Infonnutlon tM.it the dlaeaae was more prev
nletit II. in nt thi- lline MM veu. OBl) tt.r.r fmir e-iir
flBoaa ware kaowa ta hava eaaesnader iraatmant. aod
lln- aii,iii il-, when propcrly eared for, rei BYBTOd lfl neal
lv everv n-1.111. e Tfee BUTgOOBfl w.re 1 oii\ iin-e.1 thal
tnt dlaeaaa ?..s n 'i a raaafl tt IM ra - al BSfldaaBM.
pai.i: OT thi; BOOTH sini: i.aiu.oad.
Laag ni'fc'otiations lor tba pBrahaac oi tlaj
South Sido Itiiilr.'inl of Lflflg Islainl Wttt
coii-unitnau*- on Wedneaday laat hy au BflnaBBflM "f
the dire. tora Bfld tfefl payment "f half t !ic pun liaM
money. O-iei.Mlily the ii.ntrollfnj; MBBtfefltflafl will bfl
Ja. Bb li. .-Iill'li. nl >'f No. 'll l'me et., 111 Ilne tit\, Imt n
BOBBBaa] "f Baataa aapttaHMi are, it is o-flMrod. tfea
a.tii.il j'111 lia.-. 1-. Tne preaeut flflaflSB will IBBigB
to-day. .___________-_-_-_-_____
LElTl'.ns FROM liu: PEOPIxB.
TDK Dia t,i.i-|s" ma I.N.sK?Tlii: NAAII - (-1 THI
(,l II.I I 1U\II |i.
To Ihe F.iiilor of Ihr Tribune.
Siu: Iii your riiitoriul of tmt 17th in. t.,ln ",oh M_
"Nt-iT Daagara traaa DrflflgMM." -rBaaspaM jaaraafll*
i.-ity or anxleiv bBjflBB Wfefll reply wlll Bfl Mfldfl ?'* tta
daagg-Ma M the Mriataaaaal Ifea daalar, wfea r.iates
aotno i_-tau.-i-"f "t r-v-tf-mitti. purtnmt tt l>r. - Op
tiona"on the pait of draggMM.
Aiiont a paaa bbjb. at ifea aim* mt CaMagfl M PfearaflBBP
bfloaghl tta draft M a ptapaaad ??law tor tfefl ragalattaa
aa)tfea praatMaol pfeai bmbp ami ifea i-ai.. of paMaBa " into
the LegMMIure. BMM tt *_MflflWapBBfl-fl Bflfll tfefl atten?
tion of the piia'iic awflkatotfea pfe_raaflflatfcal proaaa
kioli li.V lailiici. 11-arlh ..-.-full o! BfUBBBfllHIl BgBIB ttfel
?*drflgflMtfl.** Witli BBflhflttflg /.-a! .liu thi- o.'i'uai uts of
tfeat tawdlgflfl aad hnuK to Ugbd arafytldag tfeat waa
i.ni iii.it ii.niKiity ahaal bbb ratail ing Bflalaan (aad
lindotll.teilll tln ie Wa-, Bflflf a had llimj- tliat BOOM Bflfl
ba d. iii'-.i) whllc Baytfetag thal waa paod aadlaadahM
bbb Iflimod Ifeaaki M lUfl law, ta tka a.-ihity af tfea
Board of Pbarmaey created hy tho aame, an.l tc the
(.-,ui ; ?., ai..1 ahflfltffll laadtaflafl w-nh wfeleh taa larga
tiianiit.\ M the phanflBfl-Ma of Hda lilty aaaipUad wltt
tfefl law, tlnncs in phaim.-ii-y have .-onsiderahly ihaiiK'd
fnr tin- iiett.r. Iha i-on.scii.u-iie--?! iiin iBflpaflaMa po
f-ition 111 ihe loi.iinauit. tBB BTOWB inuu- ,-le.ir and in
Mflaa wiih aaat] aMfaaaai >-f ?ad-ataaaj und By Ihfl
ptOflB of qpMllBaMBBB an.l the BBflMBBBlMafl now ri ?
.|uiif.l, au.l i.y throwiUK out iiK-oiujn-teiit p, ri-oii--, it
ri--iihi-ii.it Igaaaaaaa eaa aa taaaar uiake hoadwgpta
our atmmmmmmmt ttei consequently one of thu "(Ui.K<rn
fiomdraggtoM" Miaaflored. Toflfld_aH and acknowi
Bdgl Tli,. f.i.f in vour article, nnd the wia-litof your
(haiL'e of "Niw DflflflM* Ir'"" IfeBMBBMB" IfllM flfl
tii, "... .1 -in.'tn- parvaratofl al praaerlflttoB-,-* wlflat
ekarge roa taaa aa a Mttar >.f Dr.F.Barfear, pahUahed
ii. The Uedieai Itteoni, 111 whieh hc apecidea tbrei flraTe
,,,.,., ,,f tt.iinl 1 .inaiiitt'-d I'V 111.11r1111apl.il pliairtni
elau of thla clty; thal the doctor communlcated Hieae
1,1-tat to bla brotber phyalolana tbrouKh .1 profi
organ. wnh no otber ialootloa bnl of hin.w.iiK them bow
well it wouM i"- for them t" exatnine the mediclnea
whiih they preoertbe, I .1" aoi doubt Parfeape if
ti. bad thought tbat tba pablie preaa might take ap lf*
?Utemcnta. a? oomtag from nch a truatwortby Amx n
-1,., t.i. ne -oiiii-i', io t.iii.K fu in before the pnbile u :i
proof of tbe aTerage bad itate of tbe pharmacentlial
prtfeaalon. ne un^iit al leaal bave colleoted auflVieut
. 11 i.-i 1 e tu enable btm to pnbliah, a Ithoal beaitation m
fear, tbe namei of tbe aailty peraon -. Buch llluatratlona
ol si'iu-a oaaeaol crimlnaliti u>l t.< reflect
on the wfevle )""'' S-1..11. aml ihe publle aad btab part of
thPTrir-liral p.-i.Ic-i.-n are onlj too mucb incliueq lo
tmi_. Irom au. b LaolatoUca?.a 'ho there maybe ftrotten
atate ol tfle wbole pbarmaceutical hody, noi con?l
iii.ti tia r. .... 11 m 1 vt-i wlll in ipeelmeni ol rafleality
aii'l (li.-noiit -r, in. ..ai trade 01 prufeealon. '." fluard
aKainal theae, aud tu briuj 10 Ujcbl and puniah tln ir
li alwaya a - 1. In Ihia 1
ni-l in a -1 dlapena 1 - "l medicluen.il ran unl) bei-fi.eteil
wlth ui'- ald of tbe reapeclable phj u. ian and the public
Itaelf. U a phyaiclaa haa courun d himaelf of the ia. t
tba apbajmaclal u flullty ol .1 Mperreraloa" ol hia
piia-ei-iptrtr... he ahonld, wnh tbe mriuu delieH iu hia
p..--. --,1.1.. pul in. caae, wltb ihe name ol tbe uffendt r,
:, i? torc ih. puhli. , ? itue the pat ml ?? li 1 aul
tered from it to pi Simply relattug in.
? a-e .uui cautlonlng other phyalclauBcanuotarail much,
aad wiU aarer enre the biii, whib ii alwayi da
ti..- reputation ol otber pharo ... ,-?-.
by-lawa of th. Co l ii. irmaey and H4 eo le
of ethieaprondefor tfeeexpolslooof a mamberwhola
e.niMi I. tl ni a l.l.l. ial "ii "i - Ul -i. .nii ei of 111".Inlli's,
01 Bimllar triiimre - ara roportad t"
1! Board ol Trual ??-? rne Board ul Pharmaey la erer
I-. Bd' t" .Ht 11- I.U ??- '?'- .lllll.a'lll. ia-..i ,,.-., ll sii, -1:
aia i<!uii_iit before it: ..'.. if tbi -.- ar.t merely relati 'i
lu the 1 "? i? '" '" wiahed that tibyalciani
aml oiin-i- wlll -Ira aieiii..,. baad i" thfl lawful
jii ina.i. i-iiii'-ai aatnoiltlea foi i tne rxlatlna:
Bvila and preveuUna n*-*. It would be out of place
11, iin- icpK 10 h]. .ik ..1 ia. 1.:;. and haudahipaol our
c.iiliiif.-, and tbe greal reaponaibilitj toward the public,
wm ,. . ai'i'i'-'i ited a QUe every cnatomer
ma] r.-. ...i' 11 hon much b. '.> manda nnd azpoi lfl al in'
.11 ll'_-_l-t, .1 li'l lll' pUbllC l.lke- I! .1- .1 tii.il !? I Ol liiUI-e to
dlapoae <>: bim and ? labiaaidll
oi .... : in-tii w 1'i.iiit tbankaoi reiunueraihin.
.\r. imi;, Jaa. ic Pai l Bai bbi r.
jrix.i; ( dxTIb. iMri.A.'iiMiiM i)i:..tANi)i:i>.
10 the EAittTr ?t ilie TrikwtBj.
.IK: When tlie lii"-t ivs'iicialilr JobibbIi ot
tfeaeiti ti-.-ii. v,nn r.iiti.ii.iii-. and eommunlcatlonawm*
|.. ar il.i:!> froin dUttBgaMfc-d l.iwu-rs ain! BBfeflflfl Bpflfl
tfea ijiiesin.ii tt parlfylag Ifea baaeb MVaa York (ity,
11 ifeowfl tfeat ih.- piiiiin- iniini is falry awakeaad tothe
net -i r-ity of I ni I li. 1 i-i-.aii- taa thi jaila iuy of ,-uch ja.!(.'<.s
aa baaa protad racreaat, tae wtpeB nt, aad aalaltfefM to
lln-ii tr.ii-r. Ihfl truth of tfefl WIOBCll in tn*- MMflfl M IBB
TuiBt M., i'j 'Jn-tia'-," a .1.iy or twoataaa. toiaaltaBd by
thi barg ie r.'Uy. M Erery lawyer ta tfee Mtg."*fea aaaa,
?? Mb-BIm a Itb i.i- (Oflrtto-f bi tfaa 1 bb ttfl baaflt kflflwa
that he (I'-'ii's inipeai -htii. -nf aal reim.val as in.nli
Mtikwim -Uain.iHl dtd. DOBl l< t BfljrtBtflg flBBM M nnli
^.-.ile pni.'l' ) idgflBSBl Bgalflfll lum, or i-_lc.il MMBgBtflM
tfea ver.lii lt wl,l. -Ii tlie. . natc oil.ht tn proliniltiee." And
laaMidaj u lettar affearod, in;.i!,-i, --r.-nfy the
llineh," k-'ivin^- BBflM ? iiit.-r. -tiae f 1.1.- ut to ihv c<>rriij>
lion of tbe iM'in h, Bfeaarlflg tliat the cnnliic **hould he
uri.ki-ii from Ifefl BBflflfetaflaM niin flfea Bfll MBM w.;ij,-b.-d
ln tfefl I'.il.ni.a- at"' Mafli VBflHflBi Avowitn: tfeflBi tbe
paagBfl daaaaad ?i tta laaatc ihat, not only ith.til homat
men Ixe at Ifea wheel of Ifefl m iti'cipalitv. bai tfeM "equal
purlty aini anlllty aball boneefnrta ahaniotertflB tt..- jmii
. inry, nnd Ifeoa revive tn.- eonfldenee aad teapocl whicn
that once proud poflMtoa eoaunaaded.H
Iflaaa Tsatoua edltoriala aod 1 inniBiialaafti? lal'I "
luairate tiu.t tbfl peopM and the 1. (.ni profeaalon il.tnaiul
that Ifefl ladgB BOW on tnal lM-I..r?- ttt*. tstat. B-i.ate. who
ll. kl.olM. Ia I,,.*.'? bfOOgbl aiBglBMfl U|'".i tfefl ell-Hie.
iinisl Iiav* jusliie iiieled la lum aithoBI t*.ir or favor,
and that tfea < hu.?_??*> H(_aln.t hnn have hiili-tatitial
fouii-iiti"!). aml as pri.vc.l, nn BOOBldBiad atn|il.v atlltl
eiciil Ui riiiio-.. lum. !/*?! ttfl Haaata taka 'he nr-'1'1 BtaR
an.l "Ihe debt nfiiiutituile whuh ii,.- pabUfl OWOfl to lt
vllltfeflB ba aaaapMlfl. aad tfea gtm*i work w.n have
bai n perfiiriiicd in a way wbieb wiii leave bo poaaible
reaervation ol praiae ou tb* parl of tlio-e who have a
viial Intereet in aeeinit It woll doai "
He hiiria the jtoimI wha flgarflfl 1 hc had. I-ii.-a.
,%>t. - York. Jau. ia. lKX
MK OR-B-TM wii.i. andtiii: i?liii.niu...'- au*
To Ihe Kditor of ihe Tribune.
S111: ln vii-w of Iha inany rnniorH currrnt
In re?-iir.i to thia Hoeieiy and Mr (jr-teiey'a will, permit
n.i I*. aav that the f hlldreii'a Ald Horlety la not now,
aud baa noi been, ronteatlUK Mr. (in*elev'a wlll. The
i.niv K.iiUatauU uru the BieeaMn of tbe wlll of 1?71.
Your obodlaal aervatit. CflABUU 1. IlKA. li. H< crelarr.
(htlitiiiti Aid ekteulp, Ao, 1. t;u,t fourth el., SttP
IMfl. Jaa 1*. Ihi'A
A ini-eiitiir wa? held at I'lillmlelphia yeaterday
1) n.i I iiliiml liaain 1 r* r**?t ta aaajaaaUaa aat k Ika taau
Ba.B ? < ........ '.?... ?. .t a. ' i* '? kl U. . 01 ? . 1 ,ai aa-arsl 'ik* H.B.
al BaUMk aaa HaaflM ai Uk amUn*.
IN C-___- OK A I'ANK-t
The Fin- Conimis-ionirs reocivfd, yo. t-rrilay,
th. foik.vking reporta of the n suits of ln. peetlone ot
three theater* aud one hotel :
Walhie.k's Theater ?a* inspeeted Janunry IB 1-T3, and
was found to tte . uh?t_n.ially eoU-t.ruetcd. There i.re
two furmieea under lhe stage, whnh snpply B Bl to the
rear of tt* theater. Tbere are Vt buck.t*. Illlcd with
water, distrlbuted lu tho BflflMfl heneath the stagf- Io
provnle additioiiiil means of esrape, in case of iieec. sitv,
' an iron ladder has heen phu-ed In BM arcaon the Fnurth
ave. side, leading to tbe eidewalk. Five pails. tilled
wlth water, were found in the fliea. There ls a
.tiiall gas-stove. fnr heiiting glue, iu tne carpe'iters'
toom. wblch Is well proteeted | tht- Bflflflfl Ifl the BflflM
painfcr'sroom is proteeted with ztnc, and ts at a di_
laiiee from any wood work; the lairdi r lichtsarc wade of
tln, and are well proteeted with iron BBBB. flflfll ? Bt -
one flre-exlinguisher Is kept m the ngging loft; it ls
in order and is rcchlWged fnun BBflfl t" BflM hy IBfl mak
era: ln the rear of the stage BflflB there i - _. Hre
hydrant, to which ls attached MB BflM ?f
eomblnatlon hoae, rapahlo of rcachnig to gOgO?ti ut Ihfl
Rt.igc, and tlways ready for lnst.mt flflfl. Wtt ry light
ahout the theater and dre-sing-rooma ls proteeted with
wire haaketa. There are two wa_.--iiu.sn ou duty at
night, whose vlgllaiice Isattcsted half bourly hy a t'-h
craph flflBBflflflfli with Mr. Wallack's resldence. IBfl
flflflBfl seats l.fidO persmis, and it Iflfljlllflfl nrilinarily four
rninutes to empty lt. Ther. are tWfl Bflflflfl Bfflfl___B fnun
the family i.ircle, aatt tt wl.n-h ls Mfl Mflfl wide;
the duor.- opcu out upou a .t.tiiua, alfM hfltWide,
h.ilng to Thirteetith-Hf. One Iflflfl, six fflfll wide,
also flfflBfl itn'o this sfiiirwav frum the dress-rin le. Two
dniTs, carh ix feet wide, fiirnlnh a paaaage-way to tim
tii.iln enti .nce ln Rrondway by a stairway eictlt feet
wide. Tbe Bflflfl entnince m Broadw.iv is eighteen fc.-t
wide; tt.iit iii Tllirt, -riifk-Hf. i . iil.-n of the suiuc width.
Ihfl huihling BflM inni flhflfltflflfl "ii all the BladflflB ?
cept in the rear, iu .otirih au., aud two over Ihfl wn.
dowson the nortb Mdflk Ikfl roof is cov. red with tin.
Ttie Union Bflflflflfl Theater wa_ iBflflflBflfli Jan. Ifl. IUI.
an.l grcut pte. iiutioiis aguii,-t tlic Mflflfl ttttt?i. Ifl IBfl
ha.-einciit therf'is a hori/ontal BflBflfl for hciiting tln
theater, and also for puniping water in ca_o of n nrc
Tht I BBflfl in the bflflflBBflN B flflflflfll with coal; IhflBfl X*
a .pa.e 15 inches in width over Its top fer tln
eiri-ul.-ltion of air. The BBflBfl |tflfl froui the raiir
i- Bflflfl r_j.ri.-il iilmig too BlflflB Ifl the c. ilmg;
the p-oprlfltors prowlacd to have IBa flflthBf
if\i tt d w ill, /me umi Ikfl Bfljfl l.'Weitd. The gallcry
has tBB Bflflflfl leading out of lt. six feet in width, flfld
stairs of eorrespoiidiinr widih Iflfldlnfl mto l-'oui t.-.ml fi
st. umi Ki.nrth an. Tke parquettt baaa looi way biin
fti t in Bldtb to the m.iiri eiitriiiic ln Vnurti-ctith-.f.; ont
floor, two feet wide, leikdiiiir Into the hotel; aml OBt
door, two feet wide, to tbe bo__-oB.ee. aad tkenet flflflfl
tln . treet. The Imii-e will hold MM BflflflflBfli and n
,i , i, - six mlnutea t" empty.
Th<- i.i imi ();,. im Houae wtt laaueeted January 17, and
Alao found well prorWed wttb appUaneea foi lafcry.
Tke tkeater baa four doora openlng outof ibefamiry
elrcle, each Bve feM wide, oot doorwajr leadiog
Into Ihe Brie nAeefl, aod two .t<->rw?vs, four
f-. t Wtde, ln tba h.h iv. wl.iih lead Jiil., tkfl
Erie ofiaes. Iht Btairwag leading Ikeaet to Ike
inn .une iii Tweaty-fourthflt. i- peren feei wnh.
Tkedre-s, neh- baa tbree openlag*, eaofc 1 feet? incbei
in wiiitii; alao un itoorwaya leading Into private boxe.
and tkaaflfl to tbe ataice; aad oae wlndou wblch affords
iicresa to nn alh-v-wav in Twi-ntv foiirthat Tbfl
parnuettt baa a door opeaJaj. iBie tka all>-?
w.n ui Twenty-foartb-flt.; one wlndow openln-.
out upon a yard; thn* doorwaya opealafl out lots tba
reatlbule, each 7 fcetlwchjfi wide: foui wladowa opjjn
ingoul ini'i yerafl on tke Twenty thinl-t. side. rhe
maln flUlrway from tbe dreas elrcle li 12 f.-et 0 Inchea
wide. The vcstiliiilc Ih4i-\tj feet, aml th. mal/l UU'V-ta
toi;i?'htiHave..'nid Twenty-tblrd Bt. are eacb U leel wide,
Arrang. menta are maklng lo 1 oBBeel h?s.- wnh a watei
maiii on Twenty-fourth-fll., and to ge\ an Independent
water topplji fnr Hre aimie. Tbere is :i plenti
ful i|u,iutity nf bofle, aml numerooa Improre
mt t,i. an- to lie made. Ninety-four flre
bm Bett are distrlbuted tinough the building.
4 room Bear tbt rlgB__.g-W.rt waaM elemnlng. Tbe bouae
aoeommodatea Mfll pflraaafltflad it MB flfl flflBftMl M
rn minnttfl.
Tkt I'.i.-vi.oif llnii.-e -.v:is iii-pceteil .January 1_. atul
ample .-aleguaidn agaiust lhe Wfltt fOBBd to Bfl Kfl flflfl.
ir.i.i.i;it.\rii wamkd.
Effuit-i Bia iiiiikiii^' by iiism.tu..- nun unii
tln- lire Coramissiouers of Hrooklyn to convince tho mu
nn U'.il aiithorlti.-M of tbo urgent n.red of nn increaaed
tiiimlKir of BteaflB li.e eiiK'ine.-, antl B Bl st.-in at uLirin tell
giaph, for the Ih U.i prutc. tiuii of Bflfl flflfll pnperty iu
. as. of lire. Tiie entire Iflflflfl of tln- Bflfl dt partineiit at
pie'-etit toiiosts of M BBflflflBBBBj Uve MBflflB BBd l*? IBflflk
iin te :.- al-11 ? rt -1 rvc BBflfl of oue dilapldatcd steanier,
and tWO old fit-liioii.il BflflB iiml ladder trflflkfl, The Iflfl
ilei.aitineiit thus stal.il i-inpiircil to BBBflflfll tt BQJflBlfl
inilcs of terrltory. wlth eight linlcs of river front, antl it
la thfl opinn-ii tt every scti.-itde MBflflB that this small
foreeMeatlnlj UMdaqsate, Hlaa timesduiingttn tho
.,[ mn half ol Ihfl iniire IflpflrtflflflBl waa re
i.iiiii.l fll flBfl Un-. tlius lcuvnig tkfl r.stof tho city pro
leetfld imiy har <-i_ht bbcBbb. two imtrk ami laddat Braeka
,,,,,. ..ii _t 11. OB Bflfl 011.1-i.11 HB entiro dep.irtiiieut
e\i,-pt two BBgt-BBj n-tn ilned af flBfl tirc 21 hour-; BflBflfl
diiiiiig Ihfll time thfl city had M other ptfltflflUflfl than
twoengines. In .-li'irt, BBfl mXtga hr--. BBflk flfl Iflflt.Oyfld
\S.,., lii.tl.V BflBflflBBB-l w.irchou-.-, PBflJBlBflflthfl n,-i\wn
vt the t-Iitlle th p.iitii.ent, and Ifl BTI Bl of a BB BBl
fire 110 anl would he at hand.
The ('ommi. .-ioners hcli.-ve lhat thr weal. point M BM
It.-p.-ntiiieiit i.s the want of a r.-ervi MBBttj BBg-Mfl and
flPIM-fllBB pn'-ralh, aud flfl tlic ipih ki -t ami
e, iiiiumi. il plan tn bBflCflflBfl its >frencth they urge tt*
iiainflMM BflflBhaM "f -jv potv. rfiii BaflflBkaag flagtaflfli
Wkkkk wnh BMI now huildini, f,.r the 1>. p irtmt nt,
wouldflTfl tkfl city tflB tifwi n- :ii,M Siirhengliiis thfl?
ptopotfl 10 pliii t- 111 various sections of the city, aml 111
eagneheaMfl atnady BBBhBBlaa au aaahM nnd fllaa
nun. Iu BflflBBfl where there aro BWfl ABfllBflfl1 IBfl
C,,iiiiiiis.sioin 1 - pti.po 1 to place six. uddltlon.-il tln-nn-n,
BBflklBfl a total ef M a.ldltii.nal tlieinell. Bf this flilflflflfl
iiieiit, Ihfl Coiiiim.-. l.uicra Inteiid that while Bflfl MflBB
1 i,_-mes brought to a tirc hy the rlni-lii/ of pBfl alnrtu are
at BfltBi the Bflflflflfl shall flfl flflflflflBBB, antl with live men
bfl BEBt bflCb 10 ttieir rc-peehe house.-, attached to th'
dupliealfl flBgUWfl and ten.Utt, and thu.. bflfflflfBlfll M
,, ,., i;,| tfl any ifliei-Ilie that fl-fljM flflflflfl. TheC.im
.1 i-s iieiii-M- tafll it Iflflflfffl Bflflflfl BBflB orgai.izeil
WOUld bfl as etti, lent flfl tflfl new Tnil coinpatilcN, and that
t wiitild not ci.cetl ^.to;, u ?.iving of ahout
M00.000 _ . _ .
Niitliing is more iicf-essary to tln- efiu-ti ney of .. nre .<?
portmenl than a eomnleta BTfltflB. foi tranamlttinu
ui mn-nf Ore. and tke Com_B_aflioaera have ealled par
il ,., ,,iieni;on t.i ilu- matter. Tbere aw ouji M
iM.nits iu in.- wiioi.-1 It] -vh-inti alanaa aaa tw trana
miitcil, antl in ,.f ti.. -.- aro lhe polloe ?tfltlon-houses.
ai.irui- tiiiii-iniit.il from wbleb maM be retransiuiited
li,,111 Polli e 11'-iu1.lil.iit- r . There Iss'-aieelv ? point iu
th. eiiMif rltv whn h om-or liiair,-cngliics caiiuot reach
111 live mintilfs alter if.fiving an alariii; hut lt frc
iiuentll i?-i iirs tliat Ikfl alarm BBflB BOl NBflk tkfl dfl
1. ai tin. nt untll tbe flre baa hurin-d for KJor ui inliini, -
tln- inn.? de|H'iiding apoa ihe dlfltaBeatkepremlflea00
tirc iiinv I" ,i,,iii 04.t the M alarui atatioua. Tkt la!'
einacle could have heen reachetl hy euginei Ifl ttn,"
111,111.1.--, Imt Ikfl iiearcst alarui stiilion WM half a miM
iii-iaiit, aud ao alarm wat glvam t<> Ikt departmeat inuii
.11 iiiiiiiitfs alter tl.iim-s wen- ilNcovered. If an alanu
-1 ition had been Ifl Ika _a_s_fld_fltfl vii iuiiv ol the ekurch,
tbe CommUfltouerfl fllalaa Ikal tka bulldlaff woald kavfl
been aaTed. , ._ __ . _,,.
Tbere ara owat MB ibmi Btahoaa ln Bew?To?B city,
wheie Ikfl area to bfl flflTflrfld, Includlng Central i'ark, la
l. m ihaii ln Brooklj 11. Tbt oaatof Um Automatioaya
ii 11111-cd waa over li.noo.oi.i. Tkt Bftaloa is that lirook
lyn would uat be aaaafl beaeBtad wiiii Mflfl tkaa Mfl Ma
tiun-.tiic probabie eoatol wbleb woald not exeflflfl BflBMM.
Thla outbayat tbt itart, lt is elaimcil, would he more
II,,1 , iii.ercl I.v UM viiliie ol piolM-il.v Siived ln uv.-nr.
Tke ine 1 iiiii'iiiis-loii.rs have bad a h'-ann..- betoffl tbfl
( a.nmi..ii < ,,iiutil Committee on tba Department, aad tim
matter has been fully iHatmund PoBiilBflloneT Maaaey
l,.is i.f 11 dirtcta-d ti.'ohtalll afl estlinate of thepiohahle
COfltol tkfl Aiitoinalic Alarm ayateiu. aud he will luake
B 11 puil at lhe next liiecllng of the Ofl?Itt?.
AT OTTIMWA?UM ^150,000.
Ottvmwa, laWB. Jan. W.?A ttt broke out
ahout 1 o'clock yeaterday afternoon lu the tblrd story
of W. H. Jordan a clolbiug sUire, lu Uulon lllixk.
hpreartiug rapidly, itsooiidestroyed tho entire blockand
ttn- adjoitiing huihlinga of Hii.-g.us 4 Stmpaon. lhe
lonses will amount to |lfio,(?); fully' iusured. Tbe prlu
elpal losers are Eatnn A Arthur, furniture; W. A.
Ja.rilan.dr.igglst; J. II Merrill .V Co., 0BBMfl| Kagan 4
llari-T, h.irdwan-; L B. Fuller, dry gooda; W. H.
Jerdun caotlniig, nnd Hol'.it Hugglus, whose huildlng
was iinoccuplcl. liuilng the progreaa of the flre one of
lhe flremeti, llcnry Milla:, waa killed. aud aeveral
othciM were iiijured.
THK TOLKDO KlItF.?I.OSS, ?^-.,000.
Tolkdo, Jan. 2<).-'nie losa hy tln^ hurninR
of the Mllebell Kowlaiul C.iUil_-r < omiiauy's uillla jeater
dav is now reportcd as between 180,000 au.l tUfUh They
were Iusured for fl,(_i0 In the Kirenien's Fund of rlmit
Krauelaeo | HJMflflflB lu tbe Rt. I'aul'a of Mlunc.ota,
Hlarof New-York, an.l Farmera. Merchaiit* aad M_uu
linlurclsof Ilamlltou, Ohio; fl.OOII lli tbe Kirenieli's 111
I'.il ion, and dlBeteiit huius ln ('inciiiiiatl cotupiUllca.
AT BBEtm*OBtA?u>*rt, $45,000.
CuicA.id, Jiui. -"O.?A BBB ttl Oakt-loom., Iowa,
Ust night, il' "tt" > fl m Im.-. 1-,rtioii of the busltiflflfl isart
Ot Ibt town, intiudiug MaMiuit Hail aud Uiaou'a tu-.k.
two of the fineal bflfld-BgB M the Iowa. Tho total loae la
I . T . I. a._f'-'I at ll'lld
AT Mi.NTKF.AI ? LOM |.':ar',fL00.
M.'N'riii'.Ai.. .Iuii. 20.-A tiie lato S.itttr.lny
nit-ht in wt 1'a.ni nt., dflflMwyad Ptaaffl Joly'" ahafl_aaM
g-totaty, 'ih. loaaMa*-ouiaM,**on m-aranoe,fM^oa,
AT IIOSTON?I.o-*." JJ 10,000.
Boston, Jan. 2;).?A lin* o.cwrt.d Q*k eflflfl>
bagtaablaat of four aafldtai hoii^ea m Um EtlgaJaad
lilstnct. Two of the hon.e.s WBTO OBttrelyBOJiaaflflfld.
laoaa |10,fHk.. Insiirance, gl.too, ln BaaMa <>.-><??
ggapii-B.'i foi.i.iKKY anu, atntBUMt.
Artili.AND, I'cnu., Jan. 1?.?T_M fo al Kip
plier'a colliery la atill biirnmir, BMBBflBt it wan thonirbt
on Haiurday that it waa out. The flre ia ln the alr-holea,
aini i-xtenda to the npper part of the vi in in the vicinltV
of tfefl r.|o|a?". Ineffei tnal effnrtu have heen made fo
Minuhcr tba tirc, but lf is aaid lhat it will nqalra woehfl
for the wiit.r, noW lK>iiiir ptimped mto Ilie mine, to gt t
Mflh eiiouch to IllllUgaUt the flame .
Troy, Jan. 20.?k tiro hroke out in the
waate paper room of The Daitu Whig oftlce, thi* BTSBBflg,
at y o'clock, which for a time threatened tho deatructiou
of thfl hull.linp. It wun. however, eonflncd to the lower
llooi, an.l the 3-flBB0fl will bfl BMB than 11,0(8).
in tiu. OOT?IMI .f-0,000.
PlBBMB wi tc iliHcovored l_BBB-g from the
win.lowH of the seeond floor of No. 13 Iley-Kt., at 10|
p. m., yexterday. The l.uildiug ia a four-atory brick cii
laa of lflfl ap-xaranec, batflg oc.-npu-d on ita tte* ond,
fhnd, BBd fourth floora i.y Muiui ii Cohh, luiportera tt
Krcneh cloeka and bronzea.
Tho flre la aupiioaed to have onidnated from an over
heated atove in the front part of tbe bulldliiR. Tbenee
the IflflMfl ran tlironpli the store to tho hack en.l, BBmi
drawn thlther hv a btronjj draft tbrouh'h ik IfllBBaBtYflBM
near the back stalrway.
The flamea ran up the (levator and aettlui* flre to goixle
ou the floorH al.ovc, the entue upjier parl of Ifea hulldliiK
waa aoon on Ure. Tlu- IflflflMBl however. wen*. umisually
aurceweful in coiiquerliij. the llamea in the. BgflflB part of
Ifefl htilldinif. aud acareely an hour after lt waa dlaeov
eieil every cuiher of Ure had been put out in tlio l.nild
Tlie stork of Mea-rs. Mnnn A CBfet w.is badly dam
aired, and their lona i* c.iimated to amount tfl I75,dm),
BBBfl which there is a Mfflfl liiMii'atiie. The tli -t BflflC i
oeciipied hy the Oletiant (;aa aud Qflfl Worka ..(up.tuy,
wbo ha.l stot k daiuais'cd I..0U.; iuaured.
Tl.e bBltHflg v, at dBBMBBd $.*.,"**.).
BoaroVi Jan. 20.?At i baarfif. to-day,
h. fore tfefl LagMMttra laaaiflaaa Oafl___tttaa dulailad
at.it.-mcnts Mflflfl -'iv.-n of tronlile and delay iiitfcttniK
aettlement.s of losscH. Kiifua B. Fn.sf, who-e Urm loat
$?'-'..1)00 by the Iir.- of tfea '.th ot November, te. tifl. <1 lhat
tlie merchanta of Boston had been MBflflai unfalrly by
iniuranee eompanlea ..iit-nle of the Htate. He had mmmt
..ul Ius MflBBBMBl tt MaBMI the MfyflflMflfl approv. -I of
mtm "ti licli.'lf of the Itnard of I'n.Ierwnlc rs on fhe 19th
N'dvi inhcr, and notleea were glfvn to tho cornpanie*
Htiont Ifea MM "f Dfloflflflkflr. The aaflflM af tho Markat
an.l Hope ( i.nip anics of New -York were sent to examiue
over ut.-..iii Ifea book* .-md Ju.stify the prootfl of loflflflfl.
iiu- bad the * -ib -et to poatpone the day of pai bm
iin* iievond that time. He -anl the adjoausra in aneh
i-a-.-s iiifei t? pay tho loBsaa al a dlaeowai of lt por eoat,
a " -l.a\ e" wlll* ll we.ik llrtllH weie -MiiiH-tiliii 1 ct.tiipt-llc.l
tO Hii.Ullt to. Hfl li. licve.l tfeat a sililpie t'Ulll ol I'OllC.
abould be preflcrliied to the Inaarano eompanlea <>i
M i ?-.. M',i-i tta by lair. apoctal eontra. u to bc 'irawn ln
wnnn_, uml that proof of lOBBBfl abould be adjnated
watliiu.tO il.ii-. Eilward Atkin-on. K/ri IfeflBBaiWlfe,
aud ijiUi-i- ralatad fltpUar aspfliMflca.
insui:\.V( i: EOTEE,
A nirftinp of the rn-ditors nl" the lalo Iiitet
i. .ti.a.ii.ii tne Ia-iitaii. *? (ompany was hclil al the ulli.*)
of tne (i.uipany, yesterday. J.usi- _,a.le, tln icn'iv i,
made a staleiii.-i.t of the Ilnaaeial eoiiilitinii ..s lollow-.
\- -, t71 .000; liat'iliiics for lO-aes by flre, BiW.iiOti;
llabillrtafl aaeertained in ibapaot pmalamfl t<> bfl ta
fniiiii-il, $2-_...nno. Thare are at pr.-sent ll.ooo iKillci.-s oot
itandlng. Ifea raeMret is unt abM to state wtiat u.e .ti\
lilcn.l will l>e. As Minti un tho atfairs are b< ttlt-d a n.-w
? ompany will be foMaed.
ist.itt incni.sof y.irion.s kin.ls having appeared resanl
lin: the i:-eei.-io. i.ife fnanrance Onapany or Vo
llfllBflt. iiniuiriea wero made, flad B wat_ aaaflfltainad
tli.it tl.e ( tiinpany had eluaed out IM buMaSBI BBd n
inMireii Ita ii-k.-t ln tlu FtatlonaJ l.i'** Insnrsnec Company
of Waahlngton. rhe capttol of tl..* Bxeelaloi (Ompany
waa about Iijs.oik). Its otlicera are C. 9. Moraaa, Praai
iliait, an.l O. I'ack.itd, __cl_taiy. The l.oii.|'auy ha I
beeu iu bualnuss attoiit five year..
The incorporators of the .Samana lhiy (Jom
pany were to havo held a nieetlui; yesterday for orfcan
i?ati?n at iheiiilla-e of the Pacllio Mail Stouiushlp lotii
I>.iny at No. 19 Wall-st., hut owlng to the ahaenec of four
..f tfefl bMflpaCfltaaa. among whom waa Ur. *i. 0. BflflB
of Iloatoii, it was deei.led to d. fer thu inectlng uutil
tfeflflfl Kcutleiii'-ii eniild be iire-.'lit. Iii tfefl ui'-aii fiine tha
('oiuiui.s.-iioii.-rsan Bflapprtag tia.r fcpartoloBpraaBBta
tion to the iu.-orporatora.
The London lmtlxf Seu-t s.iys of the lease M _B_BBBB
llay to an Ameriiaii company, tfeal lt lfl not liki iv to
gtva iMfl to auy iliploinatic lompli. ation; but the whole
Miiin ness of tln-i ttiidency to BCqBlra t.-rrliory bcy.mi1
i.mtuieiital limit.s la duuhtful. Tho inited BtflfeM Bffl*
cent the s|K'ct.-nl.' of .-otnuiiiiiltles iniiiiit.uiiit:,' lioeriv
aad or.laa- by tfee exerelae >.f abaolnta lelf rorarnaianl;
therefon the Uunm laatroag^fldraapai tad.
IMroP.TANT lUOOBBtTOinj PBOM llli: oob
('..titrollcr r.rrr-n lin.-i aaaa. n ronimnnicitioii
ta. Mayor Ilavi-ii.i-.v.-r, in whi.-h lie Bgata DrgM tfefl pflOM
Ing n.ed of leaj__B--fB acti.fh ln regar.l to municipal
Uii.iiiiis. Ue claima that ono lteiu of IfeBtBXflflOl lflfl,
an)0iintln(f to |;i..-.<M,'ls7 7_, conalataof the clty's pafBflfl
of iletk'ieiu-ies creiitc.l !>y B misu.-e by the State Bfltkorl**
ticaof about..|6,50(),0O0 bflkflgtag to the State llattafl
Tlie OaaMflll-f aava:
a n a.-t waaaaaaadtalfnte aahflflU ta tha bbm - ??
raqalrad bj theCo_atltntion,.tbfl qoastloB wheiinr tha
whole nf tiiis iieiii-ii ,-ii.aiiiii rn- piiei by i ba i-sm- uf Btate
boada. Tn---i.it'- Controller aecldee, however. tbat n
tflnit horfllaod bj ta\, beeanae aucb nbmMMoa U aa
i-oiiHiitiitionai for roaaom that ezlated last year but do
not cxiat ihisy.-ai.
Ibfl nuattgof thfl BinaBBtfl ninVe np thi- ilefl.-ienoy on
the State tandfl, "f wtm h this i ity lias to dn IM lb
ln tm prt'pcr aetisi* an axpeadttOfe of 187:i, au.l slioiil.l
not be obargaable oa that year. I propoae. tbarafore,
flrat, that tfifl clt/'a portloa ol tfea tox reqnlrtd to inp
ply ttiiH.t.ite ?!* ti. a-iic. I"- r.iiseil ln lintnl- of Ifea elty,
I'liaiilo mi imt axaaadtag two years iu enu.il auuunl
iii-wlliii.'iiU, and that Ifea > ity ne t .laibur.-ed out ol tbe
proeaadaol Stato honds to bo is-ne.l for the purpose,
aad tintt tho Doooaaary laaialBttoB bo Imiaodlatelj
iu.i ated to aecomplisti these eml-.
IflB law nil|-ht l>o Koneral, to eover all the ronnf l>-a of
the State tliat desire to uvail of its BCOTlBOaa Sreondlx/:
Ihat fer tfea parpoaa ol tadaataa taetaxaaof tfea <c*r
ilm nooeaaaiy laglfllallttw ba had to authorue tha trana
f.r of all unexpende.l balancea of last year. Thirdiy:
Ihat (ho ralatag ta i?73of ?i^y.,ooo for tbo Fourtb-ave.
Itnproveineiit ina poatponed until 1874, or aa Daedad.
foitrthly: lhat the appropriation for ean y tag on tho
governini nt for 1H73 bo ree_amiued an.l refexad without
delay, and tl.e DaffflltBBBflM B8MBfllMd M IBdflaa ex
paaaafl aixordiuKiy.
? tm*
Tho conditiim of ex-Mnyor Kalbfleisoh of
Brooklyn waa eonai.lerably lm pro red yeaterday, I.ut ha
i.s still very low, an.l his physieiaua havo only a aliKbt
ho.*.'of bla ultlmate recovery, thouKh he may continue
in his preaeut preeaiioua atate for daya. Ula Irou eou
siitutlon ia uot eaally OTBBeOflflC by di-Aaae, and his rola
tive.s. who ar.* c.uutautly ttt hia bedside, do not iri'e
him up. ________________^________
Tiik TlIBUiri Ai.manac lor 1ST3 (ri-ady la.t
uf JiotiarT ur ea/l. in KrtiraarT) atll. >a nkliuoa ta ita mui louienu.
bare ? ' 1'..btk*it a?D HluOM.rHl ot
Baaaaa ubbbuh.
MASTKK?ol''TMK.***rn*ATION'.? Ja9. T. FlKl.DS
Irrtur. ir, Tribi M I.ki iiki Kitra So 2 Yrxtt 2e . Se. hr m..l.
fJOTHIC FUBITACE. ? Bafa. eaoMoaaka.,
\B pow'rriil for WarmiDC Ho?a*-a an.l (_nrrha^ K_J:
" Thr UoUilt- Kurnaar plirol ib at. Uarnabaa Baaal .' l'..i.r,!ikrr;.'.r,
ll .Ii.iiik aa well ll lar furr.nr rt.aid ii.i; tl.e baiaiiog .1 .er. uath rl
yntrii" X M lla.kiit?baui. Per. ... 18TZ.
? (lf thr Ure fnraacei bo.?bt o( nm, four ba.e heen ?at in Hoaaea
? uJtiriein tbe r*uhlir .Hrbool. Ibr. all work weiL" U. U. Koa.er.
Kl hm.in.l llill, U_f l.lan.l. Jm. IU. IflU
I'hrM Kamatea ire inaiiuf.tturt.l Iiv AI.KX. M. I.KS! BT,
>'4 inal 'I'ttO W nt Taeut.-thiralit.. Nrw ,ir_._
I?DWARD II. UIXON, li. D., haa rerooTed
I _ la. I'r: rate Hoipllal tn the ririnit. of hii n.ileu.e. il Kifnare
.Spaeioai ipartawaU aad roapoteat tatie, tt* pro.idetl for thoae who
reqaire rareful dietelira or raiaauat auifinl itteodinee. ,Spa,-nltr:
Thr aiore oharare dlieiae* af the I'el.ir T|a.rra ll?raia ao.1 itl ra.iirai
. ure; .strirture and ill uaoeilte ii.r <i* Irntilnal. of l_e lt a.W-r, V.n
888888, lleaarrhoidi. Kutuli iad iu roaie*iaeBre. .oaiuaaliaai kl llr.
D.'i re.ilenre fram 8 to 9. 1 to 3. iad 1 to . e.miiff.
rpilK TRIBUNE AI.MANAC for .a.,.' ireaily
X laal t.f Jaiiuar* or earlr ii, Kebraarr) will, m aJJa.oa ta ill uaual
cuateala, La.e i
_BoKACh .iREKL^T. _^_
rril_ Iwat place in New-York to buy n-li.il>.
JL W.i. I,.,, lar [i.aiaori-. nrh ItahionahleJeweirr. ial ateiliof Autti
Wedd.ar rr_.au u agriKK'S, Di Kulloi ... Diamuad. a .i^.-i.u- _
'TYNDALL'- LECTUftKS oS l.li.ll r,""with
1 all Ihr iliualiaaioua. THK TKIBI MK'H report! Bibliibod ib fu I.
rireimly rtxlir.' Ytiee, b eeata per ilB|ie e..py. or 4 meu br a.a.1
Addrrio THK TlUIlt Nh Nia Tork. _ ._
Sl'Kh'.TKI-;, Kiatulii.. ind 1'ili-s iadi--all.vciir.Ml
without tke knife rau.Ur. or Ut-leaU.aa Irora lo.aeo-; [?>rtl88f.Pil
raieioltke (.ra.iaB.. Ur^aa. H'. A. Paaleli, H.O.. lULai .(.tia a.r.
LATOB I MPKKHILI 4 (V 88 l.toi.r .__
?? \|_1'1I>KN iTUTI.KKY CO.'-CALI. lor
atl iAI.il- k.M.b ki?o| ibia Oemp. They ut li.x.1'.
i %10vs.i1 aki;
maaj-B, bbbbabbvabiubb-Iibtmm- Ki-r-Ai_-u witu
Established 1842.
Has more than Double UM Oircnlation of any
other Paper Pablished in Texas.
TO MANT-'AdTlBEK.". BBM ?_-_-__, ifld W IIM.... AL__
BBAMBB ___M-?-aBB__flB .??? t olm i i?e_|_i^,l r ?-,'ti,.._f
B ',|aial?l .a lhe SUte.
Tt,* ripid TOBpl'tiiianf riilroa.v ?i abttb ttirr.ir. tt. . tt* ll. aaaafl
Bidn ln oftrttioi. iad tb* i? ?'iiw tida of Inmii.-. imt tn it, M?it?
Utr doabled our lut-wr^ooii li.-t. in tte paal tetr, and tl * ,.. rr*~ tufj
MflCfly?flflM Bc*aalMBwfbrafl-WBdfli gne ma acpti*
tttm :u BiniBPifftlf ui_LO i. Oa, BflBaah t, '?*,**.
ii.-K_.lt 111 MR KN'lii-I. IBBOBTMBSI O.
French Mantel Clocks
Discount of 20 Per Cent.
from BBBBBaa raaaaa
P, i BflM I' _B rao.tron.pl*-' ,? :he market, tnil r, i. -_? ?f _.* t_|
_? flfltll _?<_lt on'j. all of tbe I" at ,}-ili'J-.
-O. ?4B.? BBOaVBMT abnTt. Cnion K|aa'<
?l-JH 15-oiidway.
a LARiiK ABfloanunrt up tntctttt
Fine Carriages,
U77 BIIII.lDWAY, >e?.-Vor_..
Al UITIC FLOl'B Mlf.LS, Broo.lrn, !f. T. Be.l i rtattt
ttonof AHKATfor lle?ltb aod Ki'-t'leare for C-o-r.l i -.u.... l K ufl
lut.li-t. ror tale hv all.ru.-. rt. PAMi'ULKTS wi.t
A The Mothers Milk _5_b.sti.u_.', 0
Ki.en .relt n?ed and reeoinmen'l-'l i,? A
Vtbe mott emmeni pbrt.nau _ | i
llruiar <?_? -nd '. ? ^
ta 11. A-?TIE A- to.. rnair, Agtnt*, rtt
_ W fl?B Wllltii m, ttt-Xmt*. ttt
JTlarblt ono Slatt fflanttie
-_A? I/.1NO WUKKs, liM and IJ. .Ual BirtUwoUl--. M?_*|_ *_
Mirbleited Manteli, TUflfi Baiflh Coontere, MooiUBtnte. ai pMM UH
lety -omiictiuon. Batbl* tftafl fcr IhaBaflta _^
Ik3 * iettat A?tta*. Slate. ?-..rk of rtert det- ripti.t.. M.I'I'I'rT
Miinn l___B____a T. P. S.-I.V...RT fc Co., tm a. W?B
TatrntT-lblrd-tt. ne*r 8*renth-?Tf_
rpHE PENRHYN SLATE Co. have raflflaj
uX to their new warrrooma, l cioo-aqiurr. Foortb-.-''
teeith-at, and ?ffl_MMflf ? .*ii>- ..firunoiit of M ANTIil
ii, r?__ont:o_ inan; -l.gaut and auiqua deti.nt, al pric
Stramooais auO ttai.r_.aii. 0
1^ \,ii!Wi(-H Ll?I-_
For Bottoi, Worreiter. Wl-Mlfl, <"itvi?n Jo_etion
renre N.ahua, Miufbeticr, Ootonl, Ftla?r. Braltleuoro .mI ?
?>-_iale potnta.
I be ne* and fUnneh ?t*a?*rt
( ITI O. BflW Y'lRK.
can ok !-.ik_ u n
W.ll leate New Torl dailr (^?ndar? ezerntrdl al 4 >' <?... t i m. bm)
Vvr Bfl 10, Xorirt Kit.r fo?t ,.f i antl and Wa!_MU
Vor Neat-loodo* tnd Norwirb. BBt eooneeuait -Ht, BflW "*'_
tot Um ahore potuu. ?t? Ifenwmt ( <-n(r?l, Korwicb. and WetewmW, >te
B.-U_i, Hartford. and Kria Bailroad*. _? i i_a
Kur tirouab UdeU tna ratei for tn-:|bt, ipptt tt the maa, V n' *9
Nurth Riter W. 9. KARKKK Artl
New Vor?,Jnn*?. t>71_ ___,
1?OU BRIDGEPORT, aml all poiata aa Hetaaj
toBlc iad Sioitilari R?iir..a.i Ku* fll. -_?__"'? ?"?
(alhennetliDtl li noon. and I." : i/l i?o?.1ata tia-aiflr.!' _^
^El'TUNE LINE M KAMEliS Daily tot
? i I.IIO p. ?. froa I',. r . , .>. ?. toul ..f B.ii.ina.-o tt /
CaWifarau. BO.-?ToH. fll-* To PflOVIDKNtB *1
Uerk ttn Ut B08T0B. ?- lk T* KBOVIUhNi r. *.
Kretftil at lotem rate,. looneel It Proridene* wiifl H.?_>'o 99t_
and I*n>?. fl Woreetler K. R-'t tor al, iwwartanl X Vot. <ii..? ??1 ?*r.
I frtman BMr-lltK STATK aad OLD COI-OBr f~:, I .er "I
.North BlT*r, foot of Murra. .t .-i.ilr i-??d?M '}")?'" 'l .?__
:?.kKV.r^Mr,uf,p" p",,u _^^_\*p****S
1 nttmm U-ar. .Peck-illi lor Bflfl BflflM ?? -??>? I '-?? ?'""
and Kart at 11 t a. __?_?????-??_ "~
DEI'AU-Tl-K of throBib liailro.ul IraJU*
li.i.T.^o'-Va.T.ax-bro.d Qfftnt BbBMBBM l.ltafl
i. i I iN p. a.
Sftyfii'Tga: Viti\ rt a ^. .1 n^u ff
Oe |,n,t tia . a-Kier 1 ?. ?? "",f/.."_, ,.. Mlant.-a,, '. t ? ???
.... _...., Cflflt?arrr^ ?-. aa am*..-.. ? .- *?
^*3m*lxxl*-**WttT-lf-lllli-Bn; ?_?* BaLli B?B
''ft.r'Aflfl ri-T.*.. i" ?''??"? BliBB BM B?fM M * ?<
io rl .. imi._ n - ?? F?r 1,I,M^ ' lftJU- Blaa. rf'
4 ... V-."._' J-? Ba- Hir._-lor B?aw,.-. I.H1.1II J
?-.?.W ?"?_-. K?rN?w H..._: IltB. IBfl. !!-*_. _. U^-/
;..la,?-H0l.l-.??*'L"'"-Kor*"?,",l? " l(''?? ".*
-?>.nfiiu hail-ono?Ka* l*iii*-.-irga s.Je .. ?. 7 .adlj
, TvotWt^ntU* * ? ? _ '?*?..?. ^ "-U_k^?: .'J
"f_i?i.i*?ii *'? **'? Hinaoii?KorOil t ,tr . t 9 *. 9 *
flaflfflflwa "t Im.u I.i ..d ? m _. _, and J ? i> ??