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_i_k__ t Wll T__. (I a-BBI NEW YORK. SATURDAY. JA.MJARY 2__, 187... PRICE FOUR CENTS F--___-_l..II" iT.rrat/V. THE OONGKKSS SCANDAL. MOKV. T.n l?tt nVM 0*\XMM AMF.S'8 mf.mory. BB fOLPAX tffl-BB "la! AGAIN AND OSIfl BAP1.T W4__t*THl- ? NK. KKI.LRT ALSO LEARNS SOMF. I KI'LKASANT TRI'THM?lMFOKTAiST Bl BJW ?? TKT TO BE lNVE-THJATEP?Sl'M'K I')l 1 WtV' ATION FOB B-BATOB khian's NAME. IBY TELKdRAI'll TO THE TRIBl'RRI W-BBBOaOOOi, Jan. 24.-Mr. Oakcw Anici.. uicmory ?s, Bi-Baai to BOFFO lain ri inarkal'ly ao_L Ha j***" irrta. withaurpriffliiRaccuracy, anntuUr of thinga BjBb. BOIIOlO fnenda ol hia would 08 BJUd 00?___ him forgot, and be BlaiBBtalf B_M huaa BB remember s_-B-__aaaaaaa and coiiveraationa that thay aawaa ?-4.:ii,_U anxioiw to have him call to nuiul. far. all att* nipl* to induce him to iiiodify or abandori thr BtatetBfnt lia sade after he aal the aaa ligbt frotn bis m__oi__dam-_*-_ bavo failod. The moxe be ia qaeat.??.__. the more poaitiTa he Uiooniea. To-day J.ui> Kelley tried hia, haad at int-rr..g_tLoK hiin. aud Vice-Pra_.__at C<tf.i- took another tnrn at crosa-examinatiou. lt ia 00 eiagiwrittion to eaj that both BBO badly worau-d. Th_? wa_ BBOfft-OBt tbat Jndge ni the kiud _,,?*. ol hia he.irt, suggeeted tbat they should OBBfio. tvnnt-1 if tbey ims1i.i1 to pnisne tbe examlnatiori and frankly told them that they aOtO doing tbriiieelveeinjnKtice in acting aa their own lawyere. Br. Ainer. was ohvi.iu.sly iu bad hunior. He did not. a* herdofore. tiear <_ue*tioning patiently. but re peat< _ly turned upon Mossre. Colfax and Krlley with uplvrctorta and sharp, snappish B__aaBB_-_ After BOI B a BB-tf he would snhside intu a snllen BBOO- aud reeiiaie hia habit of wmleealy ? a_-0___Bf a_t_ _ B8B> r,l BfOB a shcct of paper. uutil irritaU^l into ___d_g anothi i BOFOOJO rrtort. It waa uw-leus to eaofroal luin with his lirst non-coniinittal and evaiive tr.-ii miiiiy. Wlun asked why ho did not ull tho wholc trutii at lir. t he would make aoeh repliea ae tbeae : " lookO- at my memi>r_iiduni-book or at BgJ ohjOOatQ." OT. " I-m<ml 00 W ll fB a. you BT, "I\sant(d tul.tyoiK.tV.iM.isv BB I could." B_._af0._By lOBBIOJtOB-" h_a Babmrt his taa ari_MWtffal_-Bh-Bia tbo i:i ?*? l<;ir,t froin u,s atate-nit-rit of W ednesday. Mr. Kelley __? BBB- |0 B_B : -,lf thoae shar.s ;ire niiue, h_w BOOD COO JTOO iaiiTBi IhaaT "Kow,* repifad Hr, Aaaa. palliag lu ,i.\,l(,pc from hi? i.orket, and ta__M -?? u 0 BtaakO0a___ao0i aaiah Bo io_oed ao Mr. KeDey, "\N _0N is the Btork that you say 1 BflB entitied to ae iiividrudsT'" ihinandrd Mr. Ktllry. Mr. aVB-OB a,-nd hc had l><< n liolding it, -waitingthe tlecision in |_M __ C-Bab bat hr would turn it OFOI aO_a_0> row. "Tben. accordiDgto yoiur accouut, will I ho your debtor f" aakeil Mr. Krlley. " Yt-s. for ffKO, whidi I U.atird ymi Bftt nvard." said Mr. Anies. ilr. Krlley lanod that ha had receivcd tho eheck for fthja, whieh Mr. a-BOO aaid h? ].aid him 00 O dividcnd la Jutie. latfi The _B00_ waa pro iaeoi I'.v Serp.ant-at-Arms Ordway, drawn in fa\or cl " W. 1). K." Jlr. Kelley queftioned Mr. Ames at laajB- Bbout this Bkot k. Mr. a_BBl BOO meanwhile whtiaa -onathiug ao au envelope, which hehanded I Mr. Kelley, who looked at it a momont, flushed np with anger, aud said that Mr. Atnes badaskedbim if he ehonld aak certain questions of him. The (Tiairman told itr. Ana. to ask hia ffBOOaaOOOi Mr. Afi.tI tben asked Mr. Kelley if he had not a?ked nv peatedly when tbere would ba more dividends, and if be (Amee) had not loaned him $750 on account of the ?tock dividenda which were waiting the result ofthe enit. "iSo, ?ir," answered Mr. Kelley. Mr. a_Baa av-ert-ed that it waa true that Mr. Kelley had anked for more dividends at almoet every eesbion aince 1H08, and that the $750 was a loan on acconnt of dividends to BOOt-0 to him. This Mr. Kelley again exnlicitly denied. I_0 -?-tock ctrtiiicatc was giren by Mr. Kelley to tho Chairman. At thr tloae aa tho croBa-examination of Mr. | Mr. Colfax" pnt Mr. Crounae, correspondent c>f Tk( Xtv-Yvrk limcs, on the staud to swear to a convernation he had with Mr. Aines aliout Mr. Ool fax'a fir. t atat.inrnt. Mr. Crounse could not l__M_a* ber Mr. Aines's words, but was snre he told hini Mr. C'olfax'e statement was about coirert. ilr. Am<0 dttiied having said so. and detlan d that hc had not BJKbkOB BFO words to Crounse. TU accuscd ClWBBOO BB_-_B-_a truth in his dispatch about the Bl?aB-t-a_0_i in The Timet on Thursday. Mr. Culfax ? <c4lrd toqiiestii.ii Mr. Aines about the $1,21?_ ." orbe.u.-r, whieh was iiro dnced t.y the .Sern ant-at-Arms, with reeord of it on the bookB. Xbaa Mr. Colfax da__t0_ oa his oath that he had n< v< r BBOB brf.ire. Mr. Amrs gtoa more aad Bjopa irritahle as Mr. Coltax wrnt ta with Uo BO iri.uteu us lolloww: " You kuow you got the $1,200 as well as 1 do. Vt'hat's the BBB trying BO Bjol around it T'; And at ai.other timr he said : " IkO Baaka show you pjat ti,e BMBOOf and my niemoiaiida show it; you Oaai ewear hard < iioiigh to BWt <"it of it eithei." Mr. t nlfax kept hi- tnuper prctty wrll under what mtiet BBTO hOOBl B hard strain upon it. The bland and KniiliiiR Chairman had st-veTal times lo int?r !??_?, however, when in exoiting moiuents Meaua. CVa-tBZ, Kelly. and An,-- ?,i?- all trying to talk at 1 h< iiroc^-ediiitrs were, if poawble, more inter aBBO those nl auy day BOOTaaaM. and the 10880 waa piwked with Hi.rrtators to the cuhoua dml of woids betwreu the Viic-l.e?-ideiit aud the Ma_sa cIiiim tts Coii_rr?-8_maii. Oakea Amee hae not yet produced the memoran dum-book fjOOJ whieh he BOO-OOOOI to have copied kh Crfdit Moliilirr ar< otint with Mr. Colfax and the aathera. The membera of J udge I'oland'B Committue are nearly all lawyers, and yet they aeem to have forgtittfti one of the tiest known rules of evidenee, Mkmely, that a copy of any pajwr or docuraent iB not aalmii-ihle when thr original is nt existeuce and eari be procured. Mr. Ame* ougbt t<i be re(|tiired to pro duce hia book without fnrther delay. His failure to do ao givee riae to suapicion that there are entriee npon it connocting other Congresflmen with the C. M. ac-ndal which he is anxious to keep from the Comxoittee. His whole account with the Sergeant at-Arma ougbt also to be examined. He teetified that he deposited $10,000 witli that ofJcial, to check apon for dividcnd due members of Congreee. He baa accounted for only about oue-half that amount. When the 8erge_nt-at-Arma*i ledger was opened, to day, at Amea's account, to Bhow the payment of the -_?>c-a t?> " 8. C." and " W. D. K.." which he says aaeaB Colfax and KelJey. some inquiaitive reportera, looking over Judge Poland's shoulder, caught eigbt ?1 John A. La-gauV uune, not before mentioned, who bidown for $__?, the exact amount of the dividend which Mr. Amea aays he paid to Kelley, J. V, Wilson, and other membem who owned t?n _bar- B of atock. COLFAX VERSVfl AMKS. AMOTIIKR 8PIR1TKD COKTE8T MKTWEKN TI1E TWO? A FAIB <>r DIsroHDANT MKMOBIB8? KHAKI' ANMWKItB KROM MR. AMRS? MR. COJOV B-AX I RAHI.K TO GKT ANY 8ATI8FACTK iN yEOM THE KEKHE8HEO MEMORT. |B1 TBLEIiRafM TO THE TRIRCRB J W_-BB-_-BfOBTi Jan. aaV?TW faUowtof is a rrrbatiin rrj.i.rl of tlie moat BjOBMOBOg iHirtlona of Mr. doifaa'a ?ro_rvtx?i_ln?tiou of Mr. Aoiea to-day. The oniituul i-ortlona BB8 re_retitlo_a walnly of Wedneaday laNrtin,.,iiy: _ _.. _._. By Mr i-oirax __0B I teatlfled on the 7ih of January, ?_d ___ cloaed all my rtat-iuent, and aaked Mr. Abim U. , r.-aa-eiaml-e me, why dld not you croaa-examine the? ,n ra?ard to my aUteioent thiit 1 badrer*lved no dividendrl A. I did uot waut to rontrad.ct you; I waa a BBBOB the _B_bJ would nerer be brought up __._- ; 1 did not waut to B?F0 it appear that there was any OOB-Ol BBOaaaa your UtUmouy aud mlue if I could BV(ili) lt. . . , g You BBBW aaal I had reeel.ed your |i,_oo cbeck 1 A i did Baaw a. . v Q, rUydid you not at that Unie eipoae BBJ I A You R-4-W Of thr- CbrX'k. Q 1 attvted ln wv eiainination, on the 7th of January. Baat: ? A tew weeha or uiontha after tlila 1 heard a ru a,or that luipleaaant eontroveralea eiiatad awong t_e __at_i att>u_atvKWiii. wlueh wara t-rtala to torolfa U* organiaation in prolunjrcd lltitratlnti; the verv -ar I heard thia rumor l told Mr. Amea tbat no protlt. POBOOOB orprtwpcotivr, could indtice bm to buy into a lawstut; tbat I bad BBBM been, ilurlnu all my lifo, a plalutlff nr ,n f. ndhiit In a i'ourt of jiistlce ;" -what du you say ui r< i-..rd t(. that stiUincntt A. I Uon't knuw whether you tniil tbat or not; I dare any you iniglit havo nald it; you orrtaiulv reccivi d Btt li.aon; ilid n't you reecive It t Mr. (ol'ax I did not. 1>? you now aay tbat tbe infm oramU froui wblih yontcMlflod day lieforeyrsterday. tn ri'V'.ird to your tranaaetloti with me, B an exaet aOf} of your prlvato lucinotauduin bookt A. I tbluk so. (4 Doyoufknow that you saw that memorauduui book w hi-n voii WOBl home I A. Yee. y. And you refreshcd your memory from It I A. 1 did. <f. BaOBrtlaa to the memorandttm?That is al! th. c.iitry-tlu n- la in i< j._rd to the amount for wbMb yi.n BflMyoa were tnisteo fot 1 A. I do not knowthat; 1 aald I waa truate" lor you; It ia thc amount of t-tnik 1 aoid yaa, and the Moaey roeialTad you, auii 1 paid you, tbat ia the v,lml.- of It. i). You told me, aa 1 unil.'rstoo.l, that I was to pay par and hiterrat. What araa lha ratc of ii.tere.?t I A. 8evcn pet rcnt. 14. From what Ume I A. Froin July 1, 1W7. ^ Aud 1 piud you lhat rato from July, 1?6T. till Marrh 5 I A. Your check is dated Manh 8, I belleve. i'O.NT.KTs Of THAT MKMORAMHM DoOK. Q. Will j 011 be kind enough to ajaiBM thut "riv.-it BMMWeaaaaM book. A. 1 can't now ; 1 have not BBl it li' re. g. Ia it at home 1 A. It ia at home. y. it rontain an arcount wltb all the uiemin r> Wlth WbOM you had ileuliiikv ' A No ; some of them 1 scitltd with, aiulthe momorandums were d> I'ttoyeU. y. Why did not you hBBbB the privato meuiorauilnm book with you I A. I all I tboupht BBJ ne. < - aary ; 1 hrouaiit cooukIi to refresh my mcuiory ; I BBVO hert- a 11st of tbe namrs thut are ou tliat privuto BMBM randiiui. taken from it, 14. When you conviraed with Mr. Alley and BtatOi to bim that my recolloiiion aml tyoiir* BBM iu acoirrd, did you aay airythintr to him BbeaH that 11,200 eneek! A. Mv stateuicut waa not that my recoll.-ctmu nccordcd with your ht.iiciiiiiil, Q. You atated that it had aocorded with a oonversa tion we bad at Wormley's early in thapiMBBl scasionl A. 1 do oot Kiiow aa I undi r-laml you. Q. Mr. Alley stated, day before lycsterday, that you told him your re<cllection aabaOaatlally a/rncd with BObMi A. I donot reeotlect auymg ao anywhf r<-; my i. 1 aHaaattB ia very ililli rint. lt> ln lhat converaation I had with you at Wnrmi.-y "a, baaaaa whtth yaa aalttd Ihroa Bbbm aad BM aat tiu.i bm, did I not tc!l you that I hadrectmd no dlvidends 1 A. Not that I know of 1 tj. Did I not teil j'ou that l bad Bowaa rooelrei a Mi dend from youl A. 1 do not know, hut you may Liim said ao. Q. Tben when you told Mr. Alley afterwatd, before tbe rooaaa, tha: your rcollection of our converaation 'aaycai wlth Bataa, why did you not a.ui. aaaaai that yaa feai i-uid me fl/AK. 1 A. I do not thiuk 1 said to Mr. Alley we airreed. Q. Now, Str, will yaa ttU BM why you made the ohe.-k v.imti you pay you gBTC to me that had tatttttt "?. G writt^n in, while the check you gave to Mr. Alliaon had thc full namo of W. B. Allison writteu in t A. I iaim. t givc you an answcr to that, only I happened M write it so; ln some car-es I do not put in any tttttatt at all; mjuic 1 did, and othera I put in tlie full numo, Q. Did 1 reoeipt to you for tlu- eheakl A'. No, and there waR no reason why you shoul'i; it dm BBl BBttaa to me ; it belonired to vou as a di,idend. Q. Yon state that you cave it to me 1 A. Ortalnly I did ; I did not depoMt |10,00O to pay the ttrttaall Ott hen. nnd cheat some one out of I1.20'; you do not snj. poae I would be jjmlty of sueh a fraud do you I A QIKSTIOM OF (IW M.I:-HII'. Q. Dave you evor toid me, within tlie laal four yeors, that I waa the ownerofthi-stock I A. I do not BBOW whetlier I have or not; I do not know tbal hin told me w ithitj the last four years thut I owned mv BI a haa. y. You testifted a few momfnts a^o tbat there waa aome s.ich IBBBBrh mude hy me about rny glrkag uji ttioa* asoot A. That you told me at your rouui before 1 MattBi .t. ^. You testifted, in answer to a faBBBBB of Judife Po lau.l ahout your reeoiieettona of that faet. taal tbeya waa aome eueh remaik a* jriviriK up *!M), aml of uiy lu intt sorry for your miafortuue; ilo you rt meuiber Where this converaation otcurred I A. I thiuk it was at Worui ttj'-1 Q. You remember thal converaation 111 the Senate 1 a. lajttrory Ukotyi iriM-oiiect aeaaafyea on* thde 11, thc S'-T.ate, tmt what was BflM 1 cannot ri-iu.-tn!.?; ; I Uo not dlspute that you aaid so. Q. You remember that I spoke to you about tbe 0.WO; now when I said to you thut I waa aorry for \011r Btta fortunes, and that I would not require you to n turn the 0500, why did not you atato to me that you had paM BM 11,200 ajtainst that, and that there was nothing to return I A. I do not understand your veraion of tlie matter at all; WBaa you spoke to me about that matter you km-w you had thc ll.iOO, and bo did I; there is proof of that in the books, and what ia the uae of trylnii to BBl roaad it; there ls no ^cttlng round it or ovi r it ; tht n-.-ord abew a ? .f tliat I Kave you the check. Q Where waa I when you irnve jne the check 1 A. I do not remem'.HT ; in the Hou.-t of IUpiVMiitatls.-, 1 OUPpOQBi Q. Wiere wa* It, ln the Fpeak.r* chair or on thi floort A. How can I remember aix years akro "h.r- I waa wheu I ffiavc-amau a chffk; that is ridiiulons, 1 do not remember; I remeuibcr I pive it to you. TEST1MONY 01 MH. 0OL___C. Mr. Collax?I wUb to repeat exactly what I atBlH day before yesterdav, that I nerer reeeived from Mr. Ames a dollar on account. whatso'ver; I never aaw this check; 1 never knew uutil 1 saw thi* check this morii Idk whethcr Mr. Arii?-s signed his BBBM O. Ames or Oakes Ames; why, if the tht-ck was for me, be should havetllledlt out with "S. C.'-or beasar, I cannot Im ajfine; lf I had BMB a check so filled out it would have atruck me very forcihly; now, I could not BBVO had 01,200 added to my inooine wlthout reineml>erliip it very; I could not have talked with Mr. Ames afterward about Bvmpathlrinfc- with him in hia mi-f.irtiiue* aud propoaed to reulit to him the 1600 1 had paid him. if 1 had reeeived 11,200 from him ; dur iukthe whole four years, as be hluiself stat<a, ho has never propoaed to pay me any of the diii.l.mla on the atock, altbough he aBBjaaajai BM a? the owner of the stock, becanae when I told him I would not hny into a law suit;Bt must have otcurred lu the session|of 1868, and whlch as I have ahown th* Commlttee; Mr. lllaine teati flea to Mr. Ames telllng him the same in ihe Summer of 1M8; the Committee will probably remember tlist I aakrd Mr. Ames a qucation, before Mr. MrCrary asked about Mr. Alllcon, wbether I did not tell I would not t.oy into a law auit, and that he thentook a amall pi.ce ofmonoy outof hispocket, tbr.w It down, and aaid I was to conaidor that it waa boutfht; I told him, * Vo, 8lr, I wll! nave nothlnit tt do with it whatever." (ItC'Sa-KXAMINBD BT ABM By Mr. Amea?Q You told me th?t you paid the 1634 1 A. I itated orljclnally to tbe Commltue that it waa about B600, and tbat yoa then told me there were some dlvidends. hut they were nnadjustod; Mr. Ames has tostltied tbat there wac abond dlvidend. which be sold for me, without my authority, and he aays there waa a etock divldend wbich waa unadjustod. Q. You wonld not have glvea me a check for 1634 ii nnUsa it eomploted the purchoae ol tbe 02.000 stock t A. 1 *ave a cbeok lor tbe amount whlch Mr. Amec fur nished to me. By the Chalrman?Mr. Ames savs the amount he re? eeived from you waa 1634 72: do you conaidor tbat waa the amount! A. I thiuk it wa* ; 1 pald the amouut -f hleh he told me to pay. O. What waa the preoiae ronalderatlon between yoa aud Mr. Amea at tbat tlme, aud how did you uLdrrstand tbat this eum waa made np ln dollara and eerits f A. Mr. Ames told me the amount I waa to pay was 1634 72 ; he aald there were aome dlvidends that had aecrued on tbia stock that were not pald ln cuah, and that they were yet uuadjustod ; he did uot offer any of them to me. M Did you understand from Mr. Amea that the BBM H waa a balanee from you to compieto the payment f..r tbls atock! A. I suppoaed It was a eonjectural halanM ; h' sald I waa to pay 1634 72; I never aaw bls memorandum book; I never knew aiiythinjt ahaal his ittBBBlM 0 bonds wblch he saya tielonged to me at 3 i>er cent off. y. You uudersUioil tbat It waa at leaat ao approxnOate balanee I A. I suppoaed tbat It waa to pay JJ pet ceot of tbe purchaae money and interest. <j, You aay that you did not understand that it rom pletoil the payment of the atock! A. I underatood tbat BJBBB BBBJ e.urn. d but iinadjuaU-tl wl.ii li -would probably muko up the Li.laii. ?-. Q. You did not undei tuud thal Uiia tatnoubt La ahed the pavtnent of your stock, but you did ? understand tbat dividemls bad BBBB earneii whlch would BraBBbrj amount ta thc prtta or it! a. faai aaaOkaa-gla btt atatetncnt ; cnooith to psy and aiBUBB thc amount. Q. You aay that not ttitir waa aaid to you hy Mr. Ames of btt kBTB-g aol.l y.ii I A. No, 8ir. q in of hia haaiaa raaataal the haadal a. Yea, i think Baaafci the divirtmd was not lncaeli. tnat it wus lu bonda and Q. Doyou rememtiir Btt havtag BOM anythmjr abont havinir soid tiu- haa-ttl a. No,; i oafaaaai ha waa BOMtBg them; my lniprrssion waa that the bonds and stock would subatantlaily cov. r ttua bah.c 0 of 75 BM cent; I supjioaed I was trivlng 1600 and interest BBM the time I made the . ontra. t for thc put< haae. Q. Thla suni. however. vou did j.av, and vnn did p.iv H l.y a druft on tbe Bcrireutit af-Arms ! A. 1 atipix-t.- M ; I ttaaa ao BoflM ha B ectaoM aiK.nt tbat -, i aeaM aM b memb. rtti. i xa. t ninotint ; I stufc.l m pi ivatc cotiver satiou. as Mr. Nlblack knowa, that I -BoagM H ?ti alx.ut ?.'.3C. as aa 1 cuhl r.-rm tnb. r. (Mr. Niblack asacutid to ihc etatenient.) thk ii,**. i.i ataa *. ain. Q. Tbe 11.200 Mr. Ames said he paid yon you do not udmit ; vou aay you never recvlved any aui h aiim ! A. I am confident I never ncelved a check from Mr. Amos , . (irt.niilv nevi r a i bc< k iiayable to " 8. C." or bearer forH.200, orfor any othir suni; I have no rcrollecuon Of it; not the sllchteat | It ia utterly incredible, wc could not have had tliat converaation in reiranl to retflBBBBJ Ui.lSooif I received tbe 11.200 ; the only solutlon I BBB think of to recoiK ile the inisundcrstandinic between us on that polnt is tliat the niitiaistwer. put in to BJaOtta KUiah tn his own mind between dividemls drawn for Dukes Ames, Truali-e, aml ffor Oakes Amea p. r-onully , and that tnis " B, <'." check wii" I in. BBBBBBBM for BBB self. aitcr I ha.l infoitiii.l him that tlu " thiuj: was off." and tbat I would not buy into ? lawaiiit. CJ When do you aay that cin . i BbtttB tmurrcd! A. it was iu the Baaaaa ? al IBM g. You did not iiiulcr-tantl that you sold thc MOB MMftl A. 1 imdi-rsfoiid that I s;i*\i it up; I had tttlfiatt; I had no pro.ccila fiom it ; I had inadi 0 i-V incnt on it and I wauted tt BBl out of it. <J. Have yi.ii l.eeii in the hablf of BBeatBf BCaaBae couut yourself of your owu dirtmrat incnt.-I A. Tattl have eudeavon .1, siuct 1 havc beeu Hjieak'T and Vu > l'lt-aid.-iit, to make my aal.iry pay my Hltt, and a?atj moutb, or every two montha, I ha\. hl I B tt the BaMI I ' makiiiKa atutemt nt ol mi BBBBBM to see liow I Baa getttag aloatr. Q. Have yon pre-ci\ td th.aeiiicmoran.laas far ba< k aalBMl a. Bo,8lr; l bm n.rry t.. a.iy i kara ael pet mtvc.1 BBBM aaaa for the laat sexalon; 1 may aav thiit I havc faiitli mto thc h.ibit of alwaya ttdBfBtBg BTOry naroh i irowi if you onil r^aaahn lha afeaoka ot lha Sci|.-c,itit at Aini-. or in the F ic-t Hiitik, BaOrC I keep aay aeeoaata, yoa aill lad thal altboaabthey are payabla ta haaiar, i araraya wrtta aay aaaa aa them; it aaa baaa a aaMaaai hahtl atth bm By Mr. Aiiic?Did l not rctidcr you a at it< incnt of the Bftta ot the CMdll Mol.illcr atock iimi infcriM. utid gtTC yon i aOatoaaeat oaaariaa a_a -.THaaaa af hi ym i aat al ttaatB,Mtdoh oaaaoai ti.e paloaafyoar attah toB al $634 "2. shi.wiiik.' tnat baiatice, nnd did vnuiiiil pu-un ath.chfor tliat baUnec! A. No.Hr: 1 r.incfii' ? laM im Iwaata pay IBM TJ, aad Eartll uot ha aaaiata that vou IM not k'iv.- BM that amount on a alip of paper. ij. You had tn..rc (-oiitl'leuce iu my OBatOBBaat_||tBafl than you ham now. I ask you if I did not make a "tal' nn nt Ba yaa ar that aaaa tn tag you " fcattaaa of * I - showiUK you the B-BOBal Bl your |.,oou CMdll Mobllicr sttK-k. with lalaaaal up to thal<-. gtatag yoaoredll on tbe araeeeda ..f .w" bm ooal ta kaada, aml BM you aol k.'iM'me ii draft on th. BttftlBBl Bl BIBM for IBM li to iinikc up that oaianci? deny thal t A I do BBSy thal. Mr. Arnc-?I am aorry for it. Witn?as-Yoii gaafl BBl a alip of paper with the ninotiiit of th" hataaoa BBM PI) bb it aaai taad bm itt n bi .- aeaM tfrrMk ada arhtth had m.t beeu adtaatti. TBarnaooaT oa mu. bbtbo bbboiibd. liy Mi l oilai Ifl th. i IBM I vamniatioii ot Mr Atu< ?. on the 17tb iH-cember, in respouse to tbequesuon; " 1 he stlll the owuer of lhat atock I" he teplinl: " IIhaa neier Th-i n'rred to him; I do uot know wluth. r he did or not own that st... k;" what BB >?u tucutu by that! A. Ther-it i-; yo.i n.u^t drnw your nwii in'er iii,.-; I iindcri-tood that you owned ll, ttM thal yOB wauted me tt own it. l^. When did I Mil fOfl I wanted toii to own It ! A. I cannot remember what you aaid lal.uiit it ; I BBTI ttfll m \-ral ( "ir.. r-.ttioiis with yon : I i alled IBrtta on yon at U'..rin..-1 a. an.l on BBB aaOBBttfl I mnt BBB B tn ymir private loiuii and t.ilk.-.l tiu- m.itt.r o\er;you told me vou thiuijht lt M-ry ainiruiar ? hat 1 had aai.I alioiitth. .ut. n-t; Ihaf you did not und r-talid lt. aud that yon Had BfMB thOBghl Bl what I BBd naiU nl.out the tta -rest. i^. You aay Batt you?i-ttl a' tty mom aai talhai thc matter ovir this wintei 1 A. Yea, 8ir. i). At Wormley'a! A Called onee or twice at Worm Jey'a; I called on you the nlfc'ht before I testifted laat, and tbe matter ov. r witti you to see If wo (i.iild iind( rMiinil i-... h olh- i : I B BBll d tt BBl whc'h.r we could iindci-l.di.l ea(h other ; you said 1 mu-r |. ? tify to the liulh | I IBpBai, <'-itaitily. I "in gatflg '" du that; I left. and I -upp..m- tbOflgkt. fr.un BM U nU iiiouy of Mr. rtouiiM-, lhat I ivaa Kouis.'to I-.*. u i. ?i I t. atitii .1 the .th. r aay \ yoa ?:ot aaa haan aaaa from what you aaw in 7/ir .Vtir 1 urk lanti that I was k<""K to swear to that, and ao you wauted BM tt BBll the truth; I ha\e m.t aaid atiyttiinir of tliat kmd ; It I- au lnference I draw that you tliiiiiirht I VBt fah_gta tci-tify to from what Mr. I ioun?e told you I ha.l aaid about your tiatiiiiony. o, la yoar laat-Bjoay gltaa thelltb Daooaahar, vhkk you aay waSaubuutted to Mi. Mc.Murtrie aud rediiced to writimr before \.m gBTB it, yOB i-t.ite : ?? I am prctty . oii fldent he haa paid me for lt; 1 thouiiht it waa never ttaaaBarrad to him, nor can I r.-uiemlM-r haviiitr p.n 1 over to hirn any dlvidends ;" liow could you awear to that if you knew you had pald me|l,2O0 dlvidends! A. I cun swear to it now, haviujc refrcahed my memory from my private memorandum book, and your check on the Bergeant-at-Arms proves lt; 1 do not thiuk you BBB awear har.l enoiiL'li lo BBl out of lt; you atand ln thc same iiosition with the rest of them; all the rest of them took their checka ; that ls the honest truth; you do not think I would ha meau enoiiKh to . h. at you out of |l,2ou! Q. Yet you Ustilied ou the 17th Dccember: " Nor cao I remember haviiiK pald over M him any divldrud !" A. I rememt.'T it now. aud have tfot a voucher for It. IKMIMONY HIOM THK SKIKil.ANi - AT - AKal' KODM. |*,ENIRAI. PB-W DVATtfL] Mopok Dillon aud Tlioinas 11. (.luncy, rlerks ln the offlce of thc fertfeant-at-AruiB of the, were cxamined aa to tlio cheeks and entrles. The former, who is eashiei of the oftlce, teatifled that he would have paid a check marked " W. D. K." or "H . C." to Mr. Amea if he had banded it tt ; Mr. Ames made a deposlt of |10,OUO to bls private account lu June, 186s. Mr. Ames- Will you turn tu the book and see lf the check for 1632 is charKed to him I A. lt is, but I see nothluK tu ibe crc.lit of tiu account except mil. as'e and salaiy; saw no credit to the account of Mr. (olfax of a |l,2O0 check. _ KELLI1 vkksi:k amks. (lAKFf. AMES rKD8?-EXAMINED UT MK. KE1.LET? lESllMONY OF MH. KELLEY, IVliil U IN TL'BN CKOfvVKXAMINED HY AME8. 11(1 i i (.MillAPII TO TIIR I ItllilWE | WAHHiMiToN, Jan. 24.?Tlie fullutviuit i? a full report of tne testimony of tiakea Ames and Mr. Kelley, to-day. Oukca Ames rccallcd aud eiamlned by Mj-. Kelley: i). I understand from your testimony. day before yea terday, that you hold as my property thc shares of <Tedit Mobllier stock t A. Yes, Mr. y. Will yon be f.-<K)d enoajrh to tell me when that be came my property! A. That became your property when you pald for it. 14. When I paid you |:i.".. In June, 1~ a 1 A. That ic the way I conalderbd It. g. AUiut what date waa that! A. About the middle of June. H Have there been any dividemls dc.ian d upon theae abares slnce June, lbcsl A. Yes. Q. Will you t.e kmd enouph tu state, ln their rbroDOa ln^nai ordi r, what dlvidends have been dedared! A. I cannot; they were ln certlflcatts, In bonds, and in I'. !'? R. K. stock. g ll.i vej ou them to my credit! A. I bold them f?r yoo. g. Tht a you cannot tell me what property of nnne you bave ln your bandat A. I ...n atate tliat I have loahar.a of ( rVdlt Mobiller ut..i 10 of Un.ori I'nciflr Rallroad atock. g Al wbal dul tl.ey cotoe BBB your banda ac u.y nt- r??na ??_*. WASHINOTON. TH1 LOI'ISIANA INVKKIKJATION. NF.W . <iMI-I.!CATIOR. IN If-B rilB BO KXAMI NATION (1|' b/itNE. .KS YE.TKHDAY?THE ((lltMIITIi; IKiI.H A BBCBtST IBaaVOB FOB < DB0O1 iaikiv. |BT TKI MiRAI'll TO TI1K TBBOOaaVI WllBllBJioo. Jnn. 24.?Sfiiiitor IfO-tOB Coniuilttee dul not txamnie auy witncimea in tlie Ixiu aaaaa aaa a a_j. Bal aaaal laa <?r Haoa hnura in aaa> niitation amoinf thi inacivr*, und with thr nval claitn atita for i lu, ?out made varant bv thr reaiirnattoti of _el lofrjr. The dr, laion ef the Rupreme Court of I_iiilalaii?, raat?a-Bg,aaBaaHa aaaabatea __8Caa______a aaaa riiliipliruti-d anit illflirult than ewr. Tlir ('niiiii.ittee is laBtftMBa nf BBRBBBg hik-ti un _Mraa_OB_aa na will h. mt a__088) tr, th, n.M-lvra and to the rountry, and yetthey flnil dlllirulty in .1. t. rii.ii.ini: Imw far they can k?? witb? out IraargBaaaaBa aa tha rtttha <>? _a -0_h_ iu tiir aaa of tin- Hrnatorial eonir. l, lor Inatance, one luan eonira brre with th,-,, tiifli :ilr of tlir I__4_i?latiirr drclari d hj BBoBaaai bytha?BOaraiag BaaattBaw HBtaf?Baaita lu Irgally coimtltuted BJ thr . ujirnui Court of thr . tatr uut tbla rioard Iihk baaa ahown tti bave no (.ftlclnl rrturna In tl.Mr posaeaalon, and to havr inado up thpir rrturna fnin urwapaprr rrturna and afli tlavlta. Thr BMM I claiinaiit was rlccti-d Bf B I. ?'i'f __ BBB now il.. to be lllegall) conatltuted, but whoae mera l.rrs' 0 i iltli?at, ?- un Baa 'I 'iu "ir BBOBOI I iBBHflO returua iroui tin- paaBBaa Thr BaaaOa aaa aataa baaara gaaa in imni taa 8a*gB__aa_sa al a l_afh_ah_ra to b___Ba haa (juaiit_a__aaal ita aaaBhtaa, it haaalwaiiaahaaal BaaM with aimply BBBUMJ whethrr a majnnty of thr l_8j?Oataaa baa iwaal fur Ba bbbB-BBw, and if thia hn? i? i b iirnvi ii, th> ii ha haa aaaa aa eraad tu- aaa. if haa a*aata_B_8B in Ihr BTBBI i,t m-t.nicc BtOfB at thia point, thaa tin- I'liiciiii.ii k [_a__at_ra aaaa b< laaaajaBati U haMUK Baaa aaa__aad bv tha Ba__aaaa Caarl of thr'. lathaeaaeof the rlectora, queation* as difficult to M-ttle ariae. Warmoth was (lovrrnnr at tlir time thr Oreeley ahMOan aaaaaaanahBBaaaa. aad hia atgaaaaa al Ihe wa? iiiliintti d l>y rvmy onr tu B8 valid ; but wiii,-h rrtiij-m il ttu m 18 nowdei l.irrd by Un Su i r, n? i ,,int ,,t ti,, stutr lo hare had no tegal exlatence. i ? Urant electora, <,n the other ha?d. dertee their BUtboritr fi in a hoard Oeelan d to br kegallyeo_a_ iiitui, lut wiuiii had paaaaaaiDB ul aaaa -f fi?i alaettoB H tnrna. Ftaally, tur COamlttee i? BaOraetad to aaaerBatn whrthriT a B|.al Olala flonaiiiBdiiil ezlata la Leaialaaa, i.m iii, tnratloB at ancoariaea. Haa arnmmltteti <,f tr.? - Benate, .,r the Beaate Itaelf, <,r ei ea Coagraaa. a riKht to H mi w tba daeleloaa ol Uu Buprenx Court ol -i Btate, ami 1-itin-r. ,,i i.i in ,,i rererae taemt The Rentlemen re preaenUng botb aldea oi the eoioplbeated eonteat repre aenl theatati ofaffalralB I__tala_a ai bordering npon anarehy. Ihej iaj thal aa thtaga aow staiul tbe Eellogg Btate <.,.vi iiiini nt will be aiiahle t" anataln it_elf very loag, aa it U to obtain mooey, aad powei i rnforci ita lurladlcUon. Ihe JaaoaiTftaterBaf on tho BiaO bondaaaanoi beaa paidj boaia-aaof ereryklnd Ii B-ffering t. rribly, m.d ball the people n tnae to reoog n..', .,i,v iMit ih, Waiinnth BUteGorei-iaentaadLegla i.iiun. a/haterei bi tion Iaagreaa navr OaaUjr taha,osa part. i_ tin Mai. ..- boaad t-. ia __a____al THE PAI IPIC BAILBOAD DEBT. 1IIK QOBOTIOB IN un IBBATB?THB BDHUMBO ttMBBOBBBT AMi Rl PBOBABLB PATB?OIF FEBEXCBfl <?i 01-BIOI IN THK IBBATB. iiiv ra-BOO-fB TO fSI TB1BCBBI W-i-lB-TOBt Jan. 21.?The inen who look out for Ha u.t'ii -i.-of tin l'.Kiiii BaUraailathaB a_a vm.iiIiI probably have agret'd to let the 11 ouae aaaBBtV uinit to tha lagBlailia. __aaa_aa aad JOiMal Api.r.' Ba__iaB i'iii ii aaallag tha bBMB laattaaal Ba _-aa_r btu of lbTi pana withoiit apoaatttaa,had aal Mr. ___a__a rtTrn il a furiher aiii'ndinent for th" paifaM af kreping tha aaaa p 'iur tta ruad fur Baighti __a__aaa_t_aa. 11,-., in tlir treaaury until the arnars uf interrst are panl up, or a ro_aa, of eonipetent J_r__krtlO0 iln idi a i! in,i-t ba aaJI over. Tha ralaltaai al -baaa riiad? to _a (,i.v< rnuii-nt are far differrnt from what they wcrr iu thr Hjirlii;- of'lKTl. Tlirn Mrnt.iry Houfwcl) had drcldeil to mlhllOlil thl-l Ilirllry lllltllthr IlitiTCHt ??? |i|ll.l. llll'l Attonii-y-iirneral Akrnnaii au--i_iiie<l buu In tbat deri Oab, II tjaaajiha had aa aaaaa a _hs rahal of thr raa?i Ha aaa_rj Ba_a Haa Ba*a baaa Baaaaafa_r aah_ n.? praa haaaataaaa al thr an at Ha Haa may be oao in Ha irrnit fliii'tualloiis in the prire of tho .-tock of thr pataa l.'iiK' Ba-Baoa. 4l_ar A-araaaa'a aaafcaaatha ahaaaa ahaahBaO aaaaaa_Bagfla Baaa than Ba, aaal ilown to I, i""' when it beeame pniimlilo thal tha ami iiiimi ni et-at_Bf Qarratar. BaaBaafl t'> pay aa/er tha aaaaa. laObaOaapoay aaali aaaa, Uaa/waat ?p i.'un tu mar Ibrir foriurr valm. Uut -,,?.n Bftet thla.-ict waa pua.-d, Ak.Tiiiiin rral?rnrd, and it waa g88' , ra b i,i l_ ii ,i i!, ^ aaaJBtftaa ut tha Baa that, ahUa ba , - -11 >- a l.-iMirriif Kiifllrinif aliililv tu Ull i,, hi-li.l ? be adghl >'i\\ r,,ivr rr____aad raHa < , bb! baaa far Ha aJBttn iswiii ?' taa _oa_tra_. aaaaa al Ha eaaaBr. aaalaa BBa, Mr. ABaraaaa'i km ,-f,.i aad tin praaaBl .\nurnri (;,n, mi, un ..,?,-. i- iimli intoo.1 to L.ive alwaya,! __U Beeretar. _baatwaU a rao-i-latha ahah>oaa_> i oi aad, it lt -boiiid !..- l.fn.-.l i.. Um Departmenl of juatirr, th.- drrtalon abieh woald ba Bireo woald probablj be In farorof tae positioa iikni by tha roada. iplitnatloult willU< ?<-u that, while In 1S71 fnriiilHuf t_e roaddaeraed il al ritalimportanee thal lonirrraa vbonld interfeaa aad oTerrule Mr. Boatwell, tbi v now with Indifli rence on any action whieh will reaall only m a bare tapaal, Mr. Ednmada'a aaiendmeul orderiua the Beeretary lo \Mihhulil (hr moiny briuta ti.r.i ?irr.ti.m iui.-k|to wi,. ir ii waa iii ian, aad ll will ba rousbt wlth all tbe power abieh Ha, al Ha _a_ road , ,n brtna t?. baar. , _. i ii, debat* to-day. ar- vellaatbat l wu yraramro, ami the rrport of ihr Beaate JooVlary Committee then made, abowathal the baa lawyari ol tbe Beaate, who look npon ihe qaeation trom a tegal itoli.t of riaw, aad whaae |ndgme-1 i- not loflaeaced br ayaipatRr fur tbr nada or tbelocal Intereataol thett eonatltoanta,ara ntiaed iu o[iiniou. . t-nuiur TriiinbiiU. wii" two yeara agaaareM tu,- anbjeel _mcb earafol atody, agreea wnh Mr. Baawan that tbe only logal mode of prtieedare la to pay oaj - half the aiiiuiiut dur fnr hraaavortatlaD und B-lgal IB eaah, aaa thea aaa tha Coaiaaafaa (oa tiw-ir arreara nf iiitnr-i; otbera beld tha axireaaa rlewa hriii by tbe Compaaiea tbenaelrea that tbe latareal la not ,lue until theendol th. a yeara, wliaa II a__a baaahlwBhtha prlnripal. Fnrtu prea, nt indieitUoiia the ilrbiitrTn thr Benate may continae aevaral aaya, ami the Edunimia amendment will probably aot be paaaad Ia thaplace ofjll aom. Mii.-iiiiit,- dlraottagtha Pit_a_eator Beeretary ol tha Treaaury, or tha Attuinry-i.ruiiai a aaa tne i uiniiaiiicr- fur Ha Interir-t 8____- to be dje, la likrly to ba iiiiupird. (TRRK.NT T0PIC8 AT THE CAPaTAL. nu. OOROB tax _*_______? |BI TEl.B'iRAPH fO TBI TKIBI .18 I WAf-uiMiToa, Friday. Jan. 24, 1H73. ll BB8BBI lhal Ha r-tat. iiicul lhal the House roinuiittee atWajaaad Mi ?na have a-B-OMtf aBapaaaO <>f tbeeot ton tax aaaaCBa waa prrmature. Thry will report ad veraelyto all bllls rrfrrrrd tu BBMB fur rniioviug the tax. aa atated In tbeae dtapatche?, but thry havo Bgraal t.. ali,,w Mi. BaaB to brint; Bf a bill for diacuaaion wbirh he if BwVrtag jiriviitely prmtod for tbo Cumuiittee. Mr. Baah'a b_Q aaaa aaaa the bbbbob_bBob that two-thirda of all the aaaaa BrataaaO a thr yeara whrn thr tax wan Irvlr.l -Tiaa ripnctr.l. and that, inaaniilrh aa exiiort taxraarr prohlliited bv thr ConatltBtloa, twi.ihird.iof the amount eollrH'ted oiiahl tO b_ refuu.led to the pro (lni rr Thia hO i.ropoaea to arrompllah by mui1iii? l oui Buaalonara to ailtha Bo-Ubera B__aata___ taalmoay to HUtiatantlatf the clalnia of tbr pruduen B, and to urnke awarda upon au, h teatimuuy . Ulf.acar.rl) m-.-eanary tosaytbat thrre la 08 feiir that the ( ommitter will Bdopt Mr. Oaek. bill. If ll ahould l.eeouir u law, elaliuj would be prefruted Iur more 8-8888 thau Raa B88B ral_? d tu tbe eulire eouib in tt-' bal ten yeara. WAH CLAIM9 UF LOYAL CITIZEN8. (bl TEl.bUKAl'11 iu i_i- IBEOOBBJ 1 hi Baaa Couimlttee on llainia to-day authorised Mr BoBrdmanPinlthto report hia blll reuardlnir eompenaa tn.ii to loyal cltlrruafor projierty taken durUig tho war. It BBBBhaa tbat tbe Court of Claima ahall ha.e Jurladie tion, under mieb rulea and reaTtilatiuna aa lt may Bdopt, tu deteruilne and rrport to rou?fre_a ui_.ii tbe claima of auch cltlzetia of the Hla_:a not deelared iu In rurr.-etlon aa reuialneil, b?yal durliiu the war for aoapaaaadaa ",r palfaoa property brmbrb, ln BOah BhRMO ?i?d 'of ?"? P'lymft't f(,r whau no proviaiou ta now, aliicti waa taken durin_ llie rebelUonbi ronua-trnt aiitimrlty of ihr rjoreramepl of tbr 1'iiitedHtater.furpui.lic ur.e, withln Ihe ui?alilii? uf the 6tb artl. Ir of _-_-dB___8 of thr ( uiir-lltUlloll. rV-ctiou -j trroTi-aa, Tb it fur the parpaaaa of tha aet, and in determiiilnr; thr juriMlleliuli hereby eonferred, tlir 6tll AinriiillurCt of tbr ( oU-lltUtluU iball IM llrrmr.l tu reonlrr jual rumi" i,-aii"U fur prUair proprrty, whether realorKi'Minal. takm In time of *ur for nu Itary pur u-aei-. tbe aamo aball liave br-eu tak.-n _y Ih8 <...i.iiiinriit iiiulir and by viriur of ita rltrbt of iiiiuirnt aaaaala. ttaaearatlOaBata ta?-a wberr ?urn uruiariy wa_d.-?tro>e,l lo prevrut IU failnw into tbe Bl tlie rnrmy, Ibe ilauiatte ahall lie tbe value of the proia-rtv lu ita rxpoaed comlition. lh?' important feature _ _,|,lud tbai ber.-allei ali auch rlaima aball Ihi fnin.r i.arred uulea-4 prea. uted lotlu Coiirl ol < lalma wltlUB taa yaara. Tbe i ..urt ia to retwrt to Congreaa. and ita ai lioii la, llirr, fure, uut ilual. WASIIINCTON WOTRB. |BI TELrUtUPII 00 THE IBlBlRk | WaaiiiBiiToM, Krulay. J.m 3d. 1*71. Juat baaa tbe aaO_Oa_aah_Bl of th*' Houae, to day, Mr. I( . BB-Oi -' iOjaO hia ,_hRB-B__M ilinb.trired tbe .ovtatifciatiobof theblJubuijue and Bioua Cily Bau road, and the (enfral l'aciflc Railroad, which the Houae, yeaterday.direitedthem to make, und moved that tho Wlisonfonimitteebeiflvcn the work. Mr. Hoar of the Wilaon fJBBMllBM protestcl ajralnst any taddltional labor Bahag put t.t. lhat OBMBBttlaj After some ajabata lha PoL_odCtimmitteawaaordaradto undertako the Hooi Citr lavcwUaaUoa, aad tba ?:entrai Paalfle waa ?ent t? ibe Wilaon Committee. Mr. BMreaaoa aaaendod hia rcoiiition retattaa to Ibe Duboaac aad Biobx t.ity 'toa'i. so as lo make it applv partlcularly to that part of tBB road li.tviT.-ii Iowa F..IN nnd Hiou- ( lly. which waa iiniit i.v a eoaatraation oompaaf. *?' ap i>y Oakiw Amea. on tlie Credit MooilttC ini/Ucl. lt in ruiuorcd that a uuiu l?r..f < lonxreaciu. ti had a IIUKcr lu this J?.b. tbelr dlrldenda are aat dowa ta Amca'a famous bbBbb< raiidiini kook. Thc noniltiation of J. 0, Ban. roff Davls to be Asalstant Baatattry al aaaaattttaJhaaapaa aaaa in.tication that .-..ii tury Fiah i- to remain In the ( ablnet. for lf he ln t.-Mied toretire on the 4th of March he would make no Cb an_-< ??? ln Bal aaaOaOaaBB M this time. but. would leave his suceesaor to nnnilnate wlioiii he desln-'l. Theae opinions are strenicthi tned by the known atlachmeut of beeretary Fiah t? Mr. Davla. The H< nate amended thc L-Kislative, Kxecutive and Jii.ln-i.-il Apprupriation bill to-day so as lo provlde, for the ii.aiiileiiam c of tho brauch Mint at C-arlotte. N. C. XLIIi. (?<>N<;iU:SN- llln BBBBBm BKNATF:.Wasimsotok, Jan. 24,1813. Oa inotion of Mr. W-MM (K?>p., HbBB.) Mr. Anttiony (Kep.. R. I) wac chosen Pnsldent pro t. u.pore m the ahaoaoa af thc wo rre-idcnt. I I ..lal.ATIVB Ali'HOI RIATION BIIX. Atthe. xpirafionof the BBBB-Bg hour the Senate r. aaaaai tha aaa-Bdaaattta of Bm Lea-uiative, Baatattaa, ..nd judicial aaaaaaBjaBaa MB. Mr. EDMl'NDM l-ttBW, Vr ) offered an amendment M the apprupriation bill BbBBtlBg BM .Secretary of tho ir. .i-iit v to withhold .1) payaaaala tt any raalaaxoaM [?.-mv oni aeoaOBl of fn-icbt or transportati.m of any kiml to ih.- amoutit of any payaMBt made i.v tbe Llilted BtatealorIntoreatnpaatboboadaol ihe Luite.i btatea Uwtued to auv ainh company aud ao! retaabanod. Mr. SlllilCMAN havuitf expressed a douht as tothe jnriadietion ol tbe Uonrtol Dtalaaa ta tbe matter, Mr. EDMUNDB lha teLtowtag addiliou tt hb BBBMBV l .1 aai 'urh (?otnianTBiaj tiriar ?nit ta tht C.ort of (ikinn to r? tov.r IM pn.-t <,f .urli fraifhl ti.ii trautp?rt_ti?B. md in ?n. h latnta ..r r -_| ,,f . ' ?. ge-at llie -UM uixio tl.e laa -n.i IM fart" <>f tbt ratr ,1 all t.t .lettraiBca. anii ritltr [.artj l>. kucb auit m?j apptal lo ti.t Soprtme ' 'oiirt. Mr. BTKT-DBIOB (Dein., Ky.) offered a BBBBtaatt for Mr. Eilniiinds's amcn.lment, directina. the Prealdent to laatttflta aattt ta the Oearttaf C3abaa aaaJaat thc Pai baa Baiuroada ta recarer laa taiaraal patd hy Bm Untted Btatea oa Ita aaada ttaaad far taa haaaflaf said roada, Mr. .^TKWAKTpreaeiitcd an aineiidment whlch he BBht ba BoaJdaBBrattae proaorttaMaaaaaaaBtatt for hfr. Edmundi. ameiidmi At It dlrccts tho Attoruey-ii.-u - er.ii to bbbm proeeedtaaa to be Inatttoted ta taa proper coui t ol ihe liiiteii Btatea lor Bm porpooe of aaeertaln loa* lf any oblljratlon of tbe Union Pacitic the ivntral orativ other raiiroad compBB] lirOBMd By the mt of July 1,1801, oi- the ael of Julj i, 1004, la n l.-tflon to Interest on bonda remaiaa nnfnMliad aad M eufono the same, if any there be. BgalBal taid company or com Daak a. . Mi BORBILL(Baa., Me.) prBMatod aa aJneadmeot dlrectina tbe Prealdent to t.ike aoeh oaeaaorea aa may he neeeaaary to reeorar froaa tbe Pacitic KaiIroad Oompa alea tbe inierect pald by the Ualttd Btatea pa bonds ls sned for tbe ueeofeltberof aald roada, and eonferrtna ?,;i..ii (tion on tbe Untted Btatea Ctrealt ?'..urt for tbe N.utiieiii Dlctrlet ot Bow-Tork la kear ami ?atta_aaa tne,aui'j.'ct to appeal as in atkor cbbm. Pandlng aeuon, tbe Beaatc al 6 p. m. waat tato i.xecu Brc waattn. aml aaaa after adyMBMBa. BOUBI 01 B_tTa_BavBTATIT__ Mr. BOAB (akBa, Mass.), fiom BBB < '?nni.ui11 . on Eleciioiis, a report ui Btt Baafik Caroliua eOB Matod atoettaa aaaa, IhalaaaBMa Dal?aaatBbaaBatag BMBthar, nor Baaaa. Baa saaBaataat, lsentiti.-.itothe | partty aa laa graaai that the fraaia an.l bJtaaja lartBaaBa Btt BlaaBtoa aaaa ao bjbbI Baa it arao impos -ible to det<-rmitie who lnid the majoiity of the aattfl lawfully eaat i partlyoatba Braead laal i>? lvar?e di.i i-eitainly tu.t recelva auch majonty; partly on the frround that Bowen had taMparad with an.l bribad Da i arcx '-1 oounael ; aad imrtii on tbe aroaad that Bowen D a im-uib'-rof tlu- Bontn Carollna LcBialatore, and koMa alao th.- offli.f Bbertfl of Cbarteaton. otli.-ea Lnceaipatt ble wltb tbe poeltlon of moMtiM of Coaurreaa. liter an ari.-iiui.iit i.v Mr Bowen ta kto own oebalf, an.l aft. r u bn. I dttcaaaMBJ, BM report waa adopted with OUl i divialoll. iii. boaineM .?r tbe Oemaalttaa on tbe DUtnct ..r CalaMbia oeetipled tbe atto&ttaa of the Baaaa Btt n maiiidei of tlu- aessioii._ ALBANT. Ali'OIMMlNT <'F NF.W-YOKK HAKIKIR OVffCBBd ?TABIOCB IMl'.iHTAM HII.I.S. ir_.iM im iiFiiii.Aur.'iiuKaPuBBBaTof tbb raiauaa.] Ai.JtANY, Jan. Ba,?Tatt (iovfii.ur BBBl ta tlt?* .-. - to -day hh bal of aaaa bataaa la aaa aaaaaa al BarboT-Maatera aad Parl Waraaaa for N.w-Y..rk, aad ti.. applacaata tor th. m poaiBaaa are at laat raBaradol tii.ii aiiiictv. ew-ii if hboyaaa BttaaapaaaOad tt taatt hoiiea. The (iovernor haa not strlctly adhered to the raeaauBoadaBaa al btt Baaaaaga that bbbm aaaettla ahould all he uautical OB t", althoujfb ho has couflued bls appointiuetits. as he intimated he would do, iiiaiuly to tba eoaattta bordartaaaa Bow-Tor* iiarbor. He aeott ahl.v BBBHBM thatIBBBa. Ilvim; withiti Btt auiell of sult water aBBBl he more or BBB a nair.i. al man. A fow of the app.'inteca, howeu i', BBJaa >u thu interior, but theae havc kaaa oaa_aai tt Baaalo, aJbaay, und Cttaaaa, trhrfb art ia?ii_ataad aa poru; of the state. iaagaa> aral thiuK. the QuiMBM has l_uored tho w lsbes of nieni ti.-rs of the Ugialature in his uppointmeuts, und theroby ha may yet tind that he has not himself into trouble, for thc BaaatattaflBtt ure not yet coutlrnied. Tlie only Ben ators or other BBBaalO who havc got the meu they aaked lor are the followiux: Johu \V. Tvler of osweiro was backed up bv Asaemblv mni Kord ; Btajtoae Froat by Henator Kobertaou ; li. W. Jarii'8 of HutTalo by Henator Lewis ; K. B. Dumont of Albutiy bv Hi'iiator Adaius, aod Johu Peca by Secretarv of BUtC Bertboer. .lames M. Thompson of New-Yotk waai.act.-d up l.y ex-Mayor Optlyke, and hy all tho ttadBag ship-ownera of that city. A BBBB <leal of dissatlsfaction is felt by Senatora and others whose wishes have been lftuored by tho Gov ernor, and if it were not for the faet tbat the party dis like to break with their new Governor so early in his term of BBBBB, ihere would be a irrave doubt about bis appoiutei s tx'iujf contlrmed by tho Senate. Borae aro in favor of makluK the break at once, for they say lt will have to come ; but the majonty will probably deem it prudeut to wuit u while loufjer. The followinf? ls the llat of names sont ln by Oov. Dlx, and now awaitlng cou tii ion : < .piainof tbaPort? B. B. Staraan ..f Stattn ttlaad. Iltxror Maattra-Joba Jobaaoo, J. W. Do-BiBf. Ilaary W.MWC, J?bn Yliriiirt, Jamet M. ThorapaoD, Kn.a-b H Peabodj of Jlt_\..rk; Sainatl IHurao, Faruhaa Z. Tatker ?f Brooairaj Joitu Faaa, Boicae Fr..,loI Wattchaattr; Juba W. i/ler, Oiwe.0. Part WanltDa-Htnry Watfnrno, Hnrf L. Rohmaoa, Thtodora 7. <' Patrareh Wm. li. Leareraft, JohB Sbrrry of BbJoU, HnbU (*. Ihiuinnt of A'l.aar, Horatio 8. Browa of MunHouterT, llvazf Jaata of krie, S^uiutl Ugtfett of Wettcheattr. Amonif the new bllla lntroduced to-day, the most 1m portont to the cltlzena of New-York, ls a bill preaented by Mr. Opdyke to reorifanize the polloe courts of the city. It provldes for the appolntment of a Board of ten pollce juatlcea inplaceof the nine now boldin_ offlcc by eleo tlon of the people. The Mayor is tonominato tho mem bers of the new Board, subje.t to tho conflrmatlou of the Judjrea of tbe Superior Court, or a majority tbereof. Baoh poll?*,, Jnstlce snall be a membcr of the bar. and ahall have practiced aa such lor at least flve years, three years of whlch shall have been ln tho City ot New-York. l'eraons who may have aerved flve years aa pollce lua tioea are. nowever, exempt from thlsproviso. No Alder mau aluili exerciae. the i>ower? of pollce Juatlctj ln auy eaae and no person shall be appolnUid Pollce Justi.-e who is over 00 yeara of a_e. Their aalariesahall be as.uoo each whlch shall not laa dimlnlahed dunog their terrua of oltice. The tirat twojusticec appotuted aud contlrmed shall hold oflici) for teu yeara, the secondtwo for nkue vcars, tbe third two for einbt years, tbe fourth two for seven yeara, aud the laat two tor slx yeara, aftor whlch all appomtees shall hold aOaM for t?u years each. The pres?ut (ustues, clerks. stononrapbera, aud other ofticera (onnected wlth the pollce courta BB BBl of oftlce liume oo tbe completlou of the appolutmenta provided for in Uie bill. All persous, except members of the lirti, are probil.lted from prmcUclna before the new pollce ItutJi cs B-taac they Bfpear in tbelr own defenae. 1 h.- BaSBBh riieiimatic schome fur qulck trauslt. whlch BBB baaa balBIB the LeKlalature f..r three or four years p.iat, und has twice passed aud twice beeu vetoed, uiaile lis appearance iiKuiu to-day ln a bill lntroduced ln the BaaBM by Mr. Tlemauu and lu the Aaseuibly by Mr. iliirus. 1 ba old oritcloal scheme for an flflderajroaad road, run alBB utiiler llroa.lw.iy from the Battory to KlfU-iuuth at., tirat prwjeottd by OaL VaadeBbarg, na? alao made its ap|M-ariiUce aKalli by a l.tll whlch pr..\ldea tliat tbe liov .1 i..-r -li.ili .iii Uie ln. ..i putatoi.-. except Vau tteaberg. who, before their uuiuinatlon, shall stlpulato tliui tiit-v ?iil kaajn builtltnM; the road withlu fiodays aftor tbe paanago o( tlio l.ill. aud that ibev are able to i oininaiiil the meaua to pio-ecutc the work vlaorouciy to coiiiplctioti. Kailiiia* to do Una, they fotteit th. ii tran ahtta ; ui.d lf nn the laO tt Jauuary, is",4, the Governor l? noi able to eertlfy tbat tba work ls aatag rlgaroaaly prosi ciite.l, wltb a BBC prospuct of IU btiug complt-led, tiu- . liarti r nhall be l.uf. it.-.l. Tbe . i.uiiiiii tee appomt. <i to di.itt roaolutlona reapeet ful lo BM MBBBBry of Wllliam tlaaaiUy, leportod tu (Aa Aanembly to-day, aud alter eulu_iea of tbe deca>aaed edltor had be.-i. proiiuuiiced by M.-r-ra Pieraoii, Jaooba, Rnated. aad aTead. the Houaeadjouiuod. The Hcuate tias loiilirined tho faltaalag notnlnathina for Oaaal Appeataore: Vivaa W. BaallBal Oneonta, ot bc?o ? ounty . tiiaiiea a. Myoii ol Bt. Ltkwrouoe County; T. C. Davia of ra ie < . ALABAMA OLAIMS. DI.ST Him'TION OF THE AMOIJNT AWAKDKD. AtTTA- LOSSIR, LE8B INSnRANC- BMOVERFD. TO FOKM THF. BA8I9 OV ALL VALID CLAIMS ? INDKRWRITEK8 NOT ENTITLBD TO AUY TAKT OF THE AWARD. The Committee on the Jadiciarr, t/> whom waa rrfrrred BwOBOB blll No. S.138, and flouan blll No -_, with the aicouipanylng papera, have con-ldrred tbr> aiibl' et matter tbereln rrferred to them, and reapect fully be* lea ve to report: _"a_aa_a_BB___B_B thr Jiidlclary havln* conaidered all mattera relatlntr to the diatribution araong thr ae.eral rlaimanta for loaaea, known by tha irenrrir t_>ro of ?? jlataaaa Claimn," adjualrd between the, Unit-d Statea and Orrat lliitain by the award lately made atO. neva. bave eudeitvored ao to fr_i_? leglalaUon tbereon ar, witbin the limlU of au, h award, to attoln, wlth tbr, lr_ar poeaililc- cxpense, wlth the moat perfect aaeiirantv- ef iiii|,aiti,iiity ami iute-Rrtty of adniinlatration. tog-ther with the prompt and aatiafaetory deriaion ot all qnea tlona prrtalmng, to diatrtbute the award ntultubly among thoae wbo aeein BB have th* BROBOOBl right to ahure in the BBBBBja aecured ther* by. Thr Trraty of WaahiiiKfon providea for two modea of adjuatmcntof thr rlanua ln eontroveray betwc.n the I mt. ,1 Btatea and Or. at Hntaiu : Firat. under Axticle, IB, that "in.raHO the tribuual at Oenera flnda that Oreat IlriUin haa failed to fulflll any duty, or dutlea, a_ aforeaa l, and doea not award a aum ln OBBOBj ihe bigb eontracting partiea aarrc that a board of aaaeaaora ahall ln ajB*a_8ai tO aacrrtaiu and drtennine what claima are valid, and wbat atnonnt. or amounta, ahall br paid by Onat Britalu to tho 1'nttrd Statea, on account of l_? ilability artsini? from auch fallure, aa to each veaaeJ aeeardiaghl tho extmt of such Ilability." Thrn pro vlatori l? lnadefaa to when thr a__B0 shail br prr-*,RR_ <' aa to how thr, Huaeasora ahall aet, and wlthin what time thry ahall diielde, and the. aunii awardcd undrr t hia arUele wrrr inadr pHyable lu Waabiuirton, wlthin 12 tnontha after the delivery ofeach report. Secoud, by Artlcle 7, lt i.? deelared that, " in case tho tribunal flnda that Oreat Brltain haa faind tofulllll any duty. ordutlra, a* afore _ald." i. ?., aa a neutral natlon, "it may, if lt thlnk praaar, piaaaal to award a aum m groaa, to br paid by rjraal B-ttBBB to Ho Uuifed Btatea, for all the elaima rr? ferred to it; and in auch caae thr sroaa aum ao award-<l nhall be paid in roiu, by the Oovernrnent of Great IlriUin, to tbe Go.ernnient of the L'uited Matea. at Waahlngton, witbiD 18 uioiitha after|tbrjdate of tha aw.inl." n.miim- a___a_r_a___ w comuderbd at BBBBFAa Thr lirat qucallon that presenta iteelf, thrrefore, i?. wlirtliiT .,oy aja-i iflc claima entrred Into, and tx-eamu part a iho award niadi: by tho tribuual at Ocneva. And. aa a eorollary to thia, what, if anv eff.-ri, _auD_ttaha gtraa, in B___aj hta_a_a__Nat_i Ba-h_BaOa that awurd ureurdiiiR to the tlndingt, of the BBBaBBBtBBB. It will be obaerved that, ln cn.-te a separatr iltMlinjr waa BBMB againat each veasel?I. ?., t_B_Oa_B__B rrulaer thrn a board of asseafior* were to aRBB-HO ra<h indi vidiialelitim, asagainat the depredationa of that veaael. (arwhieh <;r,_t BrBata waa aaaaa, with thr rajhtaf aash individual claiinant to boihrard 880888 thr 80888 aaa, I llndiutr, thrrefore, by th.- board of aaaaBBBSBa ?t the li.ilulity of Oreat Hritain, in any pnrfimlar rlaim. M.iniil liavo lirrncouirullliiir ln f.tvor of that individual ri.iiin, apaaal tbe Di Bai b_Baa, in oha iBB_-a__- of the award. It B further to be taken into con?ideratiou that Ha L'nited Statea )iut before Ha _______ at Ornrv.t vin lanre claima for damacea, lncludina the pi- auinid Baaa Bl all Ha H-oaaa a ti.eir varioua ia___a_ a aaaa* BBM88, .fr well ae the aupi_-eil damacr-, and 188888 asaumed to have tu Ha Oovrrnment iutelf. Uut it ia well known. as mattrr of hiatory, HaOHaaa daitns of eonwiiueutial .lamagea were rul'-d uut and imt taken into coualdentioa by the arbitratora. after au aiiirtidiurnt ln fuct to tbr treatv. It in ipute rvidrnt Hai im,?!_.-,..-aof ahUaaa ot uidividini.-, an aaah, wn.> ma-lr tlie around of tho awartl|by the (,i mva B_Ba___i I it .-ppr:ir9 that tho award, |i6,ouo.ono, ?aa tha ra_F cum whieh Mr. Colxleu, 'in tho BOB of h_kj , 1W.4. aaaaad the Houae of Commona tbat the l.'uit.d aaataa were auffrring froia tho drprrdatlons ol the B-Oal , riiNrra, lu the IfollowbiK woida :0" It la OBHOMOOl tbai tha |aa B8_-_Bai bv the capture and liurii,u_|of Auieri can .ca-iela ia about 115.000,000-i. r., OadBB-OI -irriin_." 1HK AMAKli UA8EJ ON CEKrAIM BIBUUH H.1MA..I Now, the 0100,000 added iniitbt well ba for ?afMJBjaal,-, paaaM Bl tbe iiovernment in eff-rtinif th<' - tilnu, nt, ?i foi aaaaa tf a aaiaaaai rat? aftrr thr a_t_aaBa_aa. The Triiiiiua) mutht well auppoae tbrv would lir bah-Haf, at >aaf, In dnding a aum d,i, ai aaaaeao bbbObbI Qaaal iintain, a__r0 taa ti her leadiuj: stuteauini had aaaerted m Ha BBBO ponltive maiiner ln Parllament, witbout contratli, ? tion, to have been in 1H64 dour by tho*- 8f__a i- Bl _M eomuiereeof the Uuited Statea. H iwever H-BBMO B_j lt conclusively appeara to your OBBRBBBOM tbat the awanl never could have been nude up out of any aalBO lation or adlustment of the individual _?__? paaaaaaai to tha tribuual at Ocneva to tbe amonnt of lis.onn.' ouo. fur the dcatruction by three rOBB_B only, and one of them, tbe Shenandoah. only aftrr ___ UL lOM. for which Oreat Britaln waa held llablr. Tbe Uaited B_aaa vreaent, as airect iBBBBgea, claima in ci'ma. to tbe tribuual at Geneva, for the dcatruction of veaeela, oaraxa >, loaa of freiftht, inaurauce, lataaaraaea, proa pective proflts, Inaaoa. aOheta, .lamaui-H. aud daa_bg88 for det^ntiou uf ahipa not daatroyad bj the? Alabama. n.idiO,'!.! ^? i lareuce and Tacoiiy, tembra to Florida. _-?s.934 . i Florlda . 4,oe'i._M n Sheuando'ah (after i -iii IS, 186-1. 8.467.0-J M Total of all poasible claima for three^ 07 By a can .ul examination of thear claima iu d? lal ln the caae pteaeutod by the L'nited .t.U.a, il will be fouud that tbey include (nevn ba-laa been auditrd or examined by any ofllcer or aireut ol the Uuited Statea) eatimated nroapective prti_t_, tfmaa treUthta, luauraace, aud relnaurance of the aaiiii, proiieny, moueya to be made by proaiM-rtiyc eatr-h of whales by the whAlera. and outflts wblcb hud 8888, in fact. expended, all of which, at a Juat eatmiute. w m ii (leducted from the claima made by tlie ..wnrra and othera on account of tbo several veaael* for which Oreat Britalu waa found RUilty, are aa followa: lu vraaela deetmyed bv the Alabama. 83,7(11,442 ra ln veaarla doatrov-d by the Flurida. 1,4_2,366 ? ln vet-ela deaUoyed by the BUenaudoah. 6.ii,.ii6 ai Total amount of claima which are not for property actually deatroyed oraitual _.__/_. mjuriea.. |li),31J,6_l it Now all of theae ltema claimed bv the Unlted Btatea, niakiUL', wlth the veaaela, the uruaa auiuuul above ?17 811.1-0 97, wem diaalluwcd ln expre-H brma l,v tbo tribuual at Oeucva, _a fullows: Tbo triliunal wera " unaniinoualy of the opinion that there ia no irroiind for awardlnit to the UniU-d Stau-s any aum, by way of la* damulty, under thU head," i.r.. "prosi?e, tive eanunga. WHAT THE OE__VA. TKIBt.JIAL 8KT ASIDB. The t?lbun_l further deelared aa to " double clala_a" i. e., "claima mauiteatly for the aame BBB by inaurera and _*aured"?that, ln caae of auch Jdouble claima, ?' in order to arrlvoatas equitaide compenaaiion for th? damatre that had tbeeu austained, it ia ueeeaa_r> to aet aaide all double claima for the aame locact." The trib unal alao aet aaide " all, l.nma for arosa frcu'hta," ao f_,r aa thry exceeded urt rreichta. Keformiii_. tben, tbe above tsroaa clalm of the L'nited Btatea af Ii7,aii,i96 sn by deductin*- tbe llu.u.:. o; jr}, whieh aiuouut will apiK'ar, upon exauiluul. n. to have _a<4su ruUvl out aud aet aaido bf iie arhitrators. aa abovo aet forth. it will leav,- t7,49B,669 71 ouly ae tha amount of individual i laiiua by citlretiaof tbe Dnited .Statea, whieh wero eouaidered by tne Tribuual at i ,, at all. preaented by the Unlted Rtatea for the depredatlona of tne three veaaeis, towit, the Alabama, thr Florida and her tendera, and the Bheuaudoah after Feb. 18. 11*65 ; ao that by uo poaaibility of caleuuaUon of claima that wero allowed, or catculattou of intercat thereon, cuuld tho Tribuual have reached the aum of 118,500,000 aa the amount of lndemnity to be paid to Hm L'nited Statea for loeaea by individual eiUmua or rorporatloua. Thia ooucluaion. if lt neoded fnrtideaUou. ia atreuKtbened by the fact tbat tbe arbltration choae i., make an award of a _rro?*> aum aa auch tndeiunity, lu atead of aeudinn the Individual nlalmenta to tlie Hoardi.f Aaaeeaora provlded for lu tbe 10Ui artlcle of tbe Tn-ty. ?' to aacertalu aud determlne what claima an< valldaml wbat amouut or amounta ahall be paid by Ornut llrltalu to tbe Uuited Statea ou account of tb, liuinlm ananiaT from auch fallure. aa to each vea_?>l. aoc4X4__gto tbeextent of euou Ilability, aa declded by tbe arbi tratora." , __, _ The Treaty alao providea in expreaa terms that. In order to reuiove aud adjuat aU complaiuta aud claima on tbe nart of the Unlted Statea, " the hijeb contracUii< nartl-n aarve thal all of aald claima," i. ?.. claima on tfir, liart of tbe Uul__l bUtea, ?' icrowlu* out of acU com un'ted bv tbe ali?n>a_ld v caae la. aud jfeuertcalry kuownaa tbJ Alabama Claima. -hall be rarerrad to the '?"???__?_ AinitnaUon." U will thua bo aeen thal it waa rl iii.a Jn the P?fl ut the Uuired Statea that were aut mitud by the Treaty to the Tribunal tvnd p_a_ed upoii bv tbe arbitrat-ra, aud not claima of indlvidii-U ; fur, if thr arbliratora bad luteuded ladirlduaJ claima, aa an.-li. ahoulil bv paae-d upon by any tribunal under the Tn-aby. th. y would have refvrred the aame to the Hoanl ot Aaaeaaora. the ludividual could be hc_i.i t_ to the valldliy aud umouut of bla claiuis, Thia view ia furtuer at-enjttbened by ibe faet tbat in the Juhuaon-Clarendon Treaty the claima " geaerloaUy kuowu aa the Alabama Claima," now nnder loueident tiou, were deacribed " aa i__lms ou the part of tae crtt aeuaof the Uniied Statea upon the OoveVuiueut of Her llrtlaiinie Majeaty." Uut tba Treaty of W_abiu_i_u a_ aumea tbat uo individual could bave anv cktim, liecauao of ibr ii. Mtructiou of hia property by a IiubUI- power iu war ur n? ?il/- Ro tbat they are deacrtbed " aa clalata of the Uuited Otatea.'' l_i*-cU, la tha ttiel luroivtx-. tha