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KctU'iJork V^-X.XXII.R* 9.927. NEW-YORK. 1WONDAY. JANUARY 27. 187a PIUCE FOUR CEtYIS THB CONC.KKSS SCANDAL. HOBI I>AMA<,IN(1 I.KVKI.orMKNTS ?BttATOfl l.X.AN TIU I AT1ST VICTIM?lN'DIIKI K BBCfl OF T1IF. BBWATfl?BflKlOl * HATtTBB Ol B_OUTOB vatikkscn's CA8B ? _fa_Jta_ KLA1NK AM' TIIK BKBJ X CITY BO?D. IHV IRlKl.KAPII TO TBB TKIIU'BI I BTiBBIHIIIIBI. .I.'in. -Jt. ?ludtrc I'l.laiulV (N.nnnif t( ?? BBBBB anothcr I'lmgresMnati out Ba BBB Credit Mo MUea aaaaa flataitBj IflJa waa Baaaaat afahaA, tVaaaa, waa aaaiaaaai for laa BBBBaaol laa ttaei al thc sam. time with MbBBB. rattcrson. Colfax, aml ti,. raat BaaaMaattBlBgtai it. M tht- aaai Iwa Biviih-mis aetaloi lha aaaaaajj aml gaaa aiaaaaa*. aiKcef $Bm\ which Mr. Ames paid him in June. U*M\ by B check BB lha STircaiit-iit-Arma. Mr. AaBB maiadlhT Caajaadatta lawa Uf. laBjBa waa aaai t.v.K th.-last. The bap ia now BBBfBjT, aml tlu te _n- bbbm t>iOBBaaaaaaaaa BJaVag ia lha aoraaBa, if Ur. |_acattte ba bdievcd. He wwaM havc bbbb tmii'il Mr. LoffBB before, hc said. but Bttl Omnntti. aai aai _ata_tai if Ihara bb?B any more Baaaaon tt-olred; aajyaaaai farbbbbbb-bbItha Btjuaa. elr. fiOB?aa eaaa bbbbbbbb laaaaaarj a_ld n.i He BBl tlu- btoik and th? dividends, but letun.iii BBBB aftmvard. How lotiR aftcrward. Mr. Aini.- could not remember, but lie tuought within a f, a iitoatha. His memiiy of datos was so _. could not remember. Of all theCongTaaaaBBB wlio li.l at Mr. a_Bfl I Bait> Mr. Logan appeats to bc lha mmi BfllUBBaB Mr. Aincs foigot to nicntion his aaaaaBBBbg with thc othera wheu the pcncilcd list was indorsed ou the back ol the fanious lettcrto M.t oinl'. Nobodjl suspe. tedthat hc had any ('rclit llit ilui alook until Fnday, when hisnanie wasdis << raaad bi a_bbb? account <m tha BaBaaaaja>aa>a_aBri Baaaa, '!' aaaaa no deniale during the canvass, and BaBBBBaaatirj has no rctractions or explanations to maki BBW. Bt fl ?1 probably bc called upon by tlic ri'ininiit.-c at their iuxt iiu-cting on Tucsday, le tri\. aaaoeaaatal tBaaajehaae and return of tha ttoi k. and as he willhavi-no oii;)sion la contraiiu I Mr. -?BB), 1.. .vullcome ofl niuch bcttcrlhan Maaara. Ctttfai aaid Kelley did OB Friday. Vhatcver odtaBJ Bttaebai ka tha public mind to the ownership of the M'biluT Btoi-k Mr. Lagaa cannot BflBBBC from, but ha laniiof ba aaoaaad oi Calaahaad aml patjiifj bki .'tr:cr honorable gentlcmen who havc BfBpaaiad before JadfB I'olarjd's Committee. Thc r? _aa__abla uneoncern with which tlie Senate baa from Ihe tirst looked upon the ilisclosurcs Baaaa ir. Ihe n.M>tigation before thc two Credit Mobilicr I'l'tiiiiiitt.BB, * >j)?-cially Miice they have BBBBted tha aaaal al Ihe pre-nling Baaaai and prominent nie.m U r> of that bad*, ie a matter of nniversal BarprJae it, WaebJagtOB, It has Lerctofore BBBB ti.c (t.^t.'m whaa tistimony afl'etling the BBBl r af a membei of the othcr House is taken 1* li ti a ioinnnttce of cithcr branch of CongnBB, BB aaa I ap and aaad it tothe Hoaaate which the uiiiii.t thaa atUtted belongs. This custom has always kaaa obstrved when investigations wero bbbbbbaad arith aaaaad aoaaa, but in lha paaaaal aaai t:.. (\.i!- aai - publishcd tothe world, from day to tiav ami is, tlicrcfore, as fully known to the Senate ae to lha public. TLc Honse, on thc Btrcngth of Lf wspapcr rcports printod during thc heat of a cani paign. nfl.i ting upon thc honor of B'.mc of it? niiiii BaBBj on thc very first day|of the ec*sion appoiut-d th( I'oland Committee, and orderetl it to procecd at BBBB to inquire in regard to thc facts. 11mBBBM TfjKirte cmnected the names of Messrs. Colfax and Pattataaai with the Bame transaction6, and yet no <.m has asked for ao invc^tigation in that body, or rtcu hinud that oue was dcsirablc. l>ut bovw vcr vague the accusationB in rcp.ird la bribery may have been, the case in regard to Mr. Patt4 reon has now aasumetl an entirely new and far aaaaa ecnous aspect. Unless he deniea his signature to the lettal BBd rcceipts produced yestexday by Oakes Ame*. lu HtaadB couvicted of the most dclibcrat* BBBl r-wcaring. In twocarefully wTittenstatemcntri, BBBda to the Committee, hedenicdeverhavingowned Mobilier stock, or having reeeivtd dividemls a. Oakes Ames. putci in evidence a rcccipt for au(h dividends. P<*>ple who care for thc rcputation and digmty of thc Qallad Statcs Senate are nnablc to B43e BOW n can allow anothcr day to pass without Bb-BBjaaBM public action ou the startling deveJop u,. att ai jaatardaja Notlnngof imiKirtance wa* elicitcd in the exam Loation of Aaaaa and Alley about thc Dubuque and hioiix City road. bcyond the faet that fcpeaker Ulaine had stock in the company formed t<? com plafa kt,tOf<-thcr with Senator-tlect Allison, Oakaa aad Alley. Mr. Ames's memory got befogircd I'.oth he aud Alley had foigottcn the fcaaper lat.t l_ct thal the land-graut to the road wae rc i.y an act of CongTess passed. in Fcbruary, BJBJ ih( arif-BBl graut waa made in I8.16, and t the raad waa built from Dubuque to Iowa mlcr of the road was aBBBflleaad by lha lawa eeattaajaab-fl company, ataralel tfaha J. Klaira. of Hlairstown. N. J.. WBB Ttt-sidcnt, and Ames at.d All. v .lu.. teaa. This company agrecd to take l,? rr..- ,1 hnild'the unfmi-hed pQBilOB af the road from lowa laJJfl to BaBBfl City, aml M WBB ri, bal ? proila-taaaal that thc traal was L m . aaai - bbbb thal aa alviaBBda bad y< 1 ! by th. company. He thouitht thal a Maad Hfiaf ia t-BB-wpw. Mb- bad fat-labed \ ??. ,,, -, |o i.-n thla Btoi k. Ar. rnaaalBa. t.,,[...; ?-tiotioiO'^f shoavsthat Waelibume of ILU-htta iiiadcastrcimottsoj'positioii tataaBBBBafB ?f tt.. 1,11 throuirh thaHoeae n M -wing Ihe grant, but uot verv Uttle stipport. On thc tinal vo ? .- in aananlBBiBilB |.ut aa the bill aytha Baaata, Mi.W'aeiibiirtre culd not rally strentftli (.-iioiii/Ii to aaD tha Faaa and aar/a. Thaaa were three roll-cails arhaa lha kaU rirst passi-.i Um Bwajaa, aa m-ither od * i Mr. IWalaa rtatad. It is Maaa Cttw aud Paette Kailroad. aml not the Dubuque and Hmux City, tlurl partJaalarlj aaada toiiaaJgaHnai This road got aii Um OaiBIBBBiail bbbbIbbbb flf l>onds and land, the Baaaa aatha UaioB i'aciiic, without theetirvcillamc of Odverument diiect^rs. It was diverted from the bne originally preecribed for it, in order to get v;ilu able Iowa laiids, aud made a local road of no couk 4JU. M (. taatt ad of aa important branch of the l.'nion l^acifK, joitiiiig that road at the lOWh mendiau. Oa____| AMKS.S TK.^TIMONY ON BATOSDAT. VBATOfl UOQAMH intkkf..?T?who nflBT BOUOBT Tlii ?IC5< K?I>AMA(iING I?ISC1X)8L'K1>^ AOAIBBT BSBATOB 1-ATTKKMiN?ANXIETY Oi COS(.ia>. Br.N io nCUBI TIIE fcTOCK?THK SIOIX CITY KOAI?. jraOB THB HBOILAB COBBBtFOBDIHT OF THB TRIBIKK | Washinoton, Jan. 25.?Tlie folIowinK is a -ertiatlm report of OaBea Atne*'8 teatiinotiy before tbe jVolatad larwaaBtoBBB_fl Conimltttae, to-day : aa?aa ABBa kbcalled akd BXAjantKn. By tbe fti^iriiiitri ItM.n the BBBBI ol the BerKeant-at Aruit. BBBBBBBl ve>t?-rday,lrj thc hst of checks chariri <1 U> you tliere waa one of |3? to Johu A. I> _aii. The ( om BhBBBI rtenr. ta. a.k you what that waa for I A. Tbat ?etu.fV> t.e a faahlouatile amouiit attaut theae dayh, al tbouKti a" i.rditiB to the t*-8tiUio_y yakUtdmj a eheck Oot-r ik t j.K te auythuik'. g Will jouautte what the tranaictlon waa between yi.uai'.lMr Iy.ajari out of which that ohtM* arewI A. Ytse Mr. I/)tjaii aa/retid to take 10 stutrea Cr4Mit Mobilier ?to. k 1 made up a statfuient to hi?i ahowlng a balan.e tjf tt'A due BBB, aaid yk\r hlu. a BJbMB for lt; a w uie ?ft>r that bc paid tne BBBl the money and iutt-rent I aLoui.i j.refer that you w.iiild abl t*?i?- l***v, ?* tvery Umr | aay i* diaputtad ; let U8 have tlie other hide. 4, We BlU bear you tirat. A. That l? my ataU-uient. A Atwbat tim* waa tbe|arrariireiri?nt made between ?ou aud Mr LaBBBB for BBB purcbaae I A. I tbmk m 1> teinber, l*ei. , ,, % Ht paid youf notblual AVo' Pir' DOt "*B--BB>. ?. pa* u,. ihe ajaaaf t?"* *1Uj ?""?r,,*t ?, Tou re? ived the H p?r cent. divldeud in bondi aud ?o?d Iben, aa yon did for tbe otbern at tbe aame ainouul atBrl A Tea, Blr. U- Ytt afturward reoeired BO per cent money ??-d' A Y*8,B.r. <i JJwdikctiiMi IroBt tha dlfatoad llt?N A_4 l-l4K*8l npon if from .T uiy left alu.lam8 nf IM I A Ye?, . ir. g. .011 paid that to Mr. lancnn hy chcckt A. 1 8889888 to. by hi? aaaaa app- aataa aa aaa rhech. g im vnu not _aaaaa_bao HaBI a. i rfmooobb that IBa .wil- H. I dld ln regard to ull thi- rest. g. Mi Mr. Uigan 8888 1888-88 BMB8 from youl A. No, __., iiu,l hr paid ___? 0888. aa I L.ivr atat.d, O.H.. wlth intereat. g. Whaoo ?__ Ual lafas?aaO m?ti. la aaal a. i think IBa Inti'iTHt amoiitite.l to only t_ nr tj on if. g. Tln-n it waa aonn ufter he received tln |O01 A. Taai tn. mcmorv Is-odefectivc aatodateti that I rliould aaat i __a_yaa isaaM aaU Oaa, i_igau. g. Vou think it wa* within a ft-w months t A. Yes, . tr. g. What waa the 88888888 of rc-cindlng th<contrar11 A. I do imt know what aaa in hia niind alu.iit it at all. g HapaMyaa back, und that wa. the tnd of lt 1 A. Yck. 8ir. g. Win n t,< |,;,ni t,.? |, n,(. |3_4. ,t was under. tood that tlie ln ali?r< a nf a;..rk i< iiniued yuura I A. Yee, I never paid linn anyilung Imt ihe tl'iO. g. Pottmt Mr. Laajaa laall] a__o_ Btrthlaa. aal nf thr transactiont A. Noth;n_ at all; all 88 gnt from mr he paid aaal??i aaaaai i ha waa aattBse IBa aataat uoithc aaaaa fur B.a_oopl la tta aaaae al haalaBflM. g. Tbat L__ uot affe, tcd hun until uowt A. Not that I kuow of. g. That ia all there ia of this tratmaetinu wlth Mr. I_jgau t A. That is all. "7111 _ CAMI. M ?1l OBO-EBAl I V." By Mr. Mirtnk ?What llr-t liroiight you to Mr. I.ogati, nr hun to you, ui i nim, rlioil ta. 11ll U-B 8-88888 tiuul A. I think they rame to me gcnerally ; a* I atalaO ori-riiniiiy, i rm. hraO Uria alaai m _a_ill arter aa gu-eineiita ; 8 great many people, after they thotlght there waa fataaj to Im .i jir,.!it in the enterpriae, waute 1 logct stoek ; l proiniai il a tn at in.uiy pafttM tliat it 1 eould Bal the 8888- lor them I wnuld do ao ; in tlie latter p.nt atOataaavi ioo?a__MBB aappaaaO m aa aaaaa alaai la the hand. of lir., wlm not p;iid for lt, whii li waa ictunied to the 08888887 i Ol ttmt BOaaM I was aaaagaaO HOaBaiaai la aaaMa bm to _a__U engag. nn ut- i had pre\ iuii. ly made : I fmiud I lia.l mjilu so many thit I could not aaajtB to fullill them ; 1 g8Y8 88881 to part ii a Blih wliuin I pri vmii.-iv ui.e!, 88 ? ii-.igi menta ; you lieard IBa atatement uf Mr. WiKon of Iowa that bo w BBtad 15,000. and I eould imt give him but ll.OOO ; Mr. 1'an.ti r had tne pavaalaa nf Dr, Dataal that I should give hun 15.000, and I uniy gave turn tl.OXxi; Mr Mi ( .uu'. aaatedtBaOIaaaald give Beaatet BajraH 15,mm, aad|l could uot give him BB] thiiig : Mt. Alliaon wuuted mure lli.iii 88 g'it, and so all thrmigh tlie liat. g. Kight there in 1888-0 181-888 eiigagciiient t,; I be i;, \e every om- of the partiea wno bave appeared hen have aaaaaO Ha aaajattattaaa aa aaaanlaa aal aarltai I)ei, niber, lit.Tl A. I 18888 Mr. .-. ulielil 88M thal he tiail talked about it 8 |88I before. g. That ie juat what I want tu iinjiiire about, whether nny nf theae genticiniID, aud lf so whieh of them, made a prlor engageiiieiit for anv uf Iba. atuek; whether ] aa were under obllgations le an.V of these 888888881 ln 888 88(88881 of coaversation. you had ha.l with tbem to lliat -cssion of 00BMJN8I B hirb coiiiinciucil Ileceiii'icr, I80T1 A. I uiil-taay agaiu thit 88 to rciiieintiering 08-88, I ci.nnot do it. An I have -8-888 -1 it <1 iu my tc. timon.v, I always been trymg tu get 888881 interc sted iu tho I'liion I'aeitlc Ilailroad and (reilit M.ibllier, from tho tm.. I took au lnteie.-t iu it iiiyaclf; I weut ao far as, lu a cinsiderablo numbcr of laaUUBOM to 888-88.88 tho Batttaa aaataal laaa aad laa per cent prutit; i did thia to !itii." Mr. (iiluiuiir of Iloaton, to Mr. Allei, aud I otT. tn itu it fur Mr. B08f88 and fur variuua BtBae pai'.ie.-,; my aiiiiety to get 8888 iato tbe BBterprlSC li a. tu miluce BM to make everp tffurt, but I cannot remeiuber alltbe.-e euii\ei>.itiuiia -huh m , iirnd flvelor six yeaia ;i_.m. ra_n mm a i oaT______aB_, g. lliis stoek wa? put iuio your handu tu enable you tu fulfil! aaa__f8BMa_B vou had madu before t time ; 808 what I w ant to get at ia how many uf 18881 ineii in Con -t.i.8 who recelved thia .tCKk, bad made any engage menta and had hml any ptaVloai eunveraatioi^ w ith ymi on the anbject f A. My atinwer ti? that la Himply tbla, I did not know before Oet_ber lhat I could get auy ato, k ; I had talked with a jrrcat many parties, jironnaing thim that I would get them atock if I euulil. g. How early wac it tbat lt tiegan to Im under. tood that this wa_ vjluable stoek and likely to pay a large proflt I A. I think not until about OetotH'r : not until thie eontract wa6 mado whieh w aa asaigned to truate, a ; Wi had not been at.le tu wll our BBBOa prevmus |to t!i;it. g. Can you .tat. whether you hail mtmtmwf coiiver.a tlon wlth Mr. Colfax in referenee |8 BB t.iking nny ..f that stoek pnor t<i the -. lat-S whieh 88888-888-0 la 1*7 ! A. I ciinnot po.-itivelv. g. Can you ln re.peet m Baaalet aTUaea I a. i Ihlak i did not have any ; he had im in.uiev M LBTaal until thut uniiK y of hiB wlfe's alluded to. g. Ilowluregard to Benator ratt.rson I A. BaaaOaa Tatter. on Bays he talked with me un ttie .ulijeet long ago when wo wero on an exeurniun nr expeuitlou to the north-ea-tern frontier duriug the war in 1?C1 ; I h.m B8 latiaBiitilBM of it. g. Not about tbe . to,k of this Oaaapaajr i a. N ha Bays. g. Tlieri. was then no 8-B_____- batwaaa tlie C-fltpan. and the Railroad Company I A. I du not know ani tlimg about lt; I did imt bei otne in. V-8tO0 in Ibe Crldit Mobiller untU Augu. t. 18C5. g. You 1880888-81 no Iueh thing 1 A. Nn, Iir. g. Uo you retueiuber whether you had any conver8V tion priorto 088888888 1^7. -Wtli Mr. ltinghaiu of Ohio t A. I think I did ; I t_ink I lalked witb nim about it tbe Bpring tiefore. g. Yuu think ynu had with Mr. _?__.__] how waa it wlth Mr. (iarfleid I A. I eannot rememlM-r that I dnl. g. Ind vou with Mr. Kelley I A. Icmuot ray; it B not fUed in BBJF BBlai wtu ther I did nr imt. .hLI. lAl.i. kki nn Q. I underKtaud you to i-tate tbaf you had aonn et_8l papOra m raOaraaea f? this b_b_8-__b_ Mvaoa raa and BaaatarPB-taaa-Bi win raa ha ejaeO aaaafth t,. paalaea nt a. Baaataa PaMafaaa te_ti_edthat haaavariaai IraO any dividend froui the atu.k, and thut be had B8 mmiey finmiiii'U' lecuunt of it; hero 18 a rec.ipt whieh I BB8. Miit M tbia Cuuimitt-e. [llie paper MfOUOl to Waa paaaaO iu aaliaaaa. aaal B aa fuiiows}: " WAaillNiiTON, June _., 1W,R. ?r__Baal-H0 af flal-B Iii*? V,?*. OB ueenunt nf .livl dimi r, eeived by him aa triistee ln atuek held for my account. J w B_l_BB0O0_ g. Hid you aee him ?Igu this paper 1 A. Yes; he BJBT8 lt to uie at the time I wrntc the reeeipt, and be sijened It; tbe recoipt la in my writing. nnd the slgnature ln hia. g. And made at the time of the dateI A. Yes. Iir ; I ulaii liand to the (oinmittee another pajier. [I'aper ulaced ln evidenee as followa]: V - IKlSTON, MHV fi. 1871. " Ilecelved of Oakes Amea JOO 8BBW8 C V. R. It. atuek, M-ven huudred aud nfty-.?-ven dollara at-ine la caaB, 88 _?,/(? M stoek, and tbere is rtill dne on the trans. ^ontlirtysharesof atock lu the Q M of Auiericu, ___.'om in the Income bonda of tbe y. P. KJ^. ? g. Was that si(rn.d by him in your preaence and tfven tti yout A. Yes. g. And al the date it hOON I A. I prestime so. g! T_e pajier Haelf ls ln your own handwrltinff ! A. Tee.Blr. o Thia was the paper giren at the time of th. aettle ment made between you and him. of which you apoke ln your te-tl-Jonyl A. Yea; that 81.800 18 the ebeck I Kave him, or the 8erg_ant-at Arma, for which be jrave me the re-elpt; tbat la the flnal aettlement. BOW BKSATOB rATTEBMU. KKTKB8HEU MB. _____ MK.MOKT. g. Have you still another pai>er 1 A. I havr, a letfer Mr I'att-rson wrote me ln relation to this matu-r; he wrot_ me heveral, which I have deatroyed ; I found tbla laat night ln looklng 0000 my papera; it ia a letusr from Mr. Patter-on. g You rrceived it lhrougb the mail I A. I do not rec oll-rt how I reoelv-d It; the letter la wrltten here and I received lt here ; 1 recelved aevera) othera, which, aa 1 aUted, I have tora Bf | thia la ali I have ; thia letter |8 written thia Wiu_.r, aince the preaent iuveatlgatlon commelieed. g. Do you know whether lt Is in Mr. Patteraon'a own writlii* 1 A. I do not know that I ean swear lt la. g Have you haa any eonvenuttlon wlth him In refer 8888888-_8_8-8r1 A. I have had eeveral Intervlewa with bim hitic.- tbe letter waa wrltlen. g. Inr-f-rencctotbe M.tI A. Not in referenee to tbe letter, but in reft-renco to mattera the letter alludea to. g. In any of the bOBVOOOOHOM vou have had wlth hltu haa tlie faet thal "he had wrltten mi h a letter been men tiiuiulf A. I do Bot know thal it hS8| I do not know wbetlier lt baa or not, I think be aeked me if I had got tlie letter he wrote we. Q. Ia Uita the only oue you bave reoelved from bim tbis Wiblail A mHo.Hu, ll_a?8 taoelfaO aev.ral aad loiu tf.. tn up; I md not know thal I had thla until laat cvcn iaa> (J. Waa there any envtlope with it1 A. I de8froycd the ctivelnpe which I tttt iveil In It ; I reclved ll when I trot Iiaek fnun home -thc 7tti or 8th of Jumiary. (The ttltta BBa rred to wac BBMBd iu evid.uce, aud Ih as foi Iowh :) Wasiiinisto". H. f'.. .lan. 4, IST.i. The Tion Oakfs Aat.s- My DBBf >.,. 1 hr fu< ta ln re apeet t<. Ibe Credit Mobilier, so far a* I had any eouucc tion with it, were a* foBawe: # Yon aaaaa tt me BM dav. knowlntr that a wimt BI ii.. .in- waa a rhronlc evll witli BM, an.l aaid. " Patteraon, if \ mi would lihc, I c.m ttt you havc :i0 xliares of -to. k ln tbe Credit Moliilitr, Wbicb I think will b" n j.rofltable n vealruenf, and will he a irood thinif for you." My r.-ply. ia aabataaee, was tbal if you aaBaaytblag w-in.-h i iwiia property Invest ln, and out of which I could make aoBM money,] aboaM be ftod tt bake lt. bal that I had atx taa nintiey at thut time, aud inii-t ilefcr n nutil I BBBM BBl ? < Y.nir r'-piy wiih tliat you preHiiiii.'.l 1 could BaTB it i.itcr aaaa it aaigbt t.< aoayeaiaait, aaa paa waaartaaaiii a perfectlr legttimate tnuiaactloa. ai tliat ttaae yoa ata imt aad could not iintl. Ipate you hIhiiiI.1 tjtmtttmJOl fiirtti.r ll-ciHlation from CoiitricH* iu n-xpci t to tBB n.a'l, i.nd vun ii.-v. r did, except when it was forc. d on you oy the Becret.'iry. . After tbtt converaiitlon wlth me you may have ln.u Ibe latwriBBlna that l ahoald take tae atoek aoa>a u~*. i.ut f(.r aeaaa raaaoa ar other, iN-rhaps f?r a aaai oi fiinds, I nev.-r tc.k imv of the atock. If I never anv stock in tha eeaaaaai i eaaM noi, ab i did not, havc bb drridi ada. Itprrtsrd to know if I purchaBcd at any time any boada ot atock ol Ibe road, raa eaa aap i BM at the tiaie tbe) iitleuipt.'d to yuu when the vialti'- "ftBe ntock waa Bapreaaed, and l paid vun Ibe lall ajaraet iiiliie lor it. 1 paid you 87,000 ln luotiey for stock auU hoads. , I put lOtO tlie tukodl ol Mt. Mcrtort imliie.H Btolr, to t.-ii aa ( ..t it aboajdgoaa reaaaaaBBj ia Ibe Him k. t, w im ii ha md. , , I saw Mi. htorton on my way tbroagb, und he said rie liud n. v.r ln id anv atock la tbe Credit Mobilier tor any one, liut .Inl not wish tu liate hlh BBBM liMniaflit iBtO We ( lf it COUld be uVDliltd. I BBl ROlOB to Olil". i v. rouonni retnrn. Doa'l fail t<> eefreayrmr tirioina! siutnnent luiirre tlie fommiUti: Il mttit tiol ln nuortid as it noiC ttuudt. \<rj liuly.iv-., j.w.Pjuibbbbb Tlll. Ml MlllltMil IB BBOflUi tOKIlK l.MIN... i;y Baa Obbb-bbb?BBBBa aapa aaa i K'tvo you no tice la witUoa ta arodaee all lha bm?MraaaflBfl beoaa uu.i aaaen thal paa had aaaaaaBaa any BBfrtoe w tothif tathe ilealiin-'- between \(.u aud them' varioua ?reiitl. mcn who h.i\ e baaa aaaaad umi aaaaalaed harai yi have produced what purpoi t to be BBJBB1 of BBBBB tt thcfc rntricn; Iiuve you BBB origlnal BM?iiioraii.luin aaaaa fn.ui which y aa bbbbi laaaa eeatta i a. aa, ak i i have uot. (,'. Wl.erc are they 1 A I BBBBOSa Bl Kanton. y. Tiic ('(.iniuiii.e Uaai thaai arlftaal BjeaBflaaaloBi aaaaa aaaal ba aaadaaedl a. v.-iy aaa, Btt, i aBJ bbbJ for thaaa, Q. Tlie (i.mmiltce (IcKiit- tliat all the oiiclha) BBBl r aad aaaraaaaaaaaaa raaBrattg Ihtt aahjeel, aa paar aaa m aaa, ahall ba araaaeedl a. i Baaal tiiinki have any (i.iraaaaaaaaaa tt n ttflaa tt lt. I!\ Mr. Mernek-H.-ive yuu iclr.-ehcd your nictiiori Ifl icilaltta tu your aaatttaa witu aapeebee BBaaheaa al Cttaapaaal A. laaaa tt aa other. lha laaaaaldBlBBi liiinii. Mr. LBflBB lieforc wuh tliat Mr. lllaiiic BtBttd aflBl tiiisc.ii.iiiittee had aathaaj tt da a^ahBaajaBaaaijaa aaaadferaaj e*heraBi?heaJttl tha Beaaaj tharawaaaa cthcr in. of Btt BBBBI I I BB_f Bllade tt BB B BaBBBJ of thc Houmi an Mr. Mi-Comb and otbers had ?anlttaad. aat I aa aaaa tteladed tt att Bttaalttai (i-i.. I/i^-aii ir. tli( only naiuc ln th.- BBBBlB that hun imt bSBB n.eiitn.ii.(li.( t "te. .md there la now no othcr tt eith.-r bntticti of Oeagraaa. ? I N.ittur ut tliat time not any othcr tim. 1 A Ba otlicr. By Mr. MiCmry Dtd Oaa. I^h'-it. BtvB yon eaj rBBBBa for IBlaiBttl the money und cuni elmg tlic coiitrai 11 A. 1 do not ieineinl.ei tBBl l.<- did. y. In it not pn.t.aule IhBtahB would*. huve tilvcii rofl aaaaa raaaaa tta daaag aai a. i daa'tpraoa thut; it may ti. jirulMl'le; I do not reeolli-et uuy. Wlll Tlll NAMK8 1KK KoT ON Tlll- llooKS. tb Do you know wiu tlicr hc bpoke af any BlWBBttIfl eoiiu.-ctioti with il 1 A. 1 do uot iemeiiil..r, I BBBl tt eay for them to the ('..tiiinitiee tliat I BBTBBBBBBebad i.y iiietn aaaaeal Baaaa, aad by some of thaaa taarttoa, why I li'l.l tlilr- attah and did not Kive it to them; the ( i.-'ilit Moluln r -toek whh n..t entitlod U> imy dlvi.lendH-, the _ttaa_BBtara tt that Oaaaaaaf who alaaad Bb aBaa> totteaaaainag thaaaeelraa paraaaally iu?i>ie aadae Btt Oakes Ames contrait wer. thc only parti.-n who could dtaw ill\ l.lend- ..n BB BBBl of hitving l.cen BBBBflBBBlara in tlie ( rC'tit Moliilier; thcse parties BbMBBJ Htock here, imt hBTBBJ Baaad tbat Btipulation. could Btt trBW dtfb dcuda, l.ut that wit^ prol.ubly thc reanoti why l.n?t.iined the motk; it would not have Baaa of any uite to them, for they could imt BBBB drawu the Bti l.l.iids. ity Mr. Mcrriik?Yoii drcw them ln BBB8? Bl tBB aaiItoe. joa haTlaa aBjatrl lha aajaaJaataa af lha f>.ik.a Am.-eontraetl A. Yih; that Wun an aft<r i uii.-id.'i.i tion, hiiwet. i lly Mr. Nililack-Do I uud.rMaii.l that, BkflBi Bgaad the Htiiuiiati..n raferrad aa aadat ttt Ctthee Am i UUaUBOt. yon ' oiiid dtaw 14 Bi Ih-!oii_1ii|- to lln M aailaaa ?eeabeee af Oea_reaa aa tn.-ir trusie*, whiio ttiey aaaM att dtawtaeea without ttcaaag thut aapee aud baaaaatas itiaaBalty reeaaaaaala, aad that, Bbbi fore, you rctiilne.l th.-ir tt?ek iii your iHiascaalon I A. Yaa, BtTi i haM aa to lt. y. You w.-re trui-tee, fii.-n. for thaaa Beeaaaal a. Uf alleaaaj tt Baataa t.iid [twaajaal liaalee tt any bbbm i i took tiiiM ttoik oniiinaiiy Ifl un awa aaaaa uu.i i pari II in my own BBBBI ti4 tru?tee for the Bar_Ba,todhBJafBBBl il frotu my uriiriual Htock ; it wa-. wan imt the votc of tlic Oaaaaaay at all thal 1 ahould hold it um tru>tcc; it wa?u wlilin ..f nimc after I took it. By Mr. llaiikt? Iu BBOWBI to tlie BaaattBB of tim ( iiainiiau B8BB wheth.-r you appli'-'l t" OBB. LaBBBBT ),.? BJ | BB, you said they K.-neritlly aafdtod tlrnt, an.l BB> m i|ii- nny yi.a atttad taal vou aaada cff.>rt? t.. pai i.ala lnteii tt.'d in tt.i t liioti i'a.lll.: Ilailroud ut an earller pe rlod; whatlayour recollttctioii of Ihc rt-asous you gave la thaaa diff.-n-nt parttte, aaaaa af waaaa paa aaahaaa, and other* who BBBBB tt PBBl A. l..iini..t Btte taa any paitl. ular r.-a-nti fortluit; I thouiiht it BBl fBBBJ lobeaTerj paad BBacaad that if laaaaaaaekBaaay tt whom I had in't spok.-n tief.irc it WBBte itltc tliem tlio udvaiitiikf. Bf B V.I m\(ituient. " MOST or TIIKM RIOKK 1IHST." Q. Y'oti rciiieinliei tlie faet BhJBEtj tt BJBBBj torertulu jaernoiis that you tirat s|mke to them, und in IBBBrd tt Btittea thut they ha.l BBBBaB tt >oul A. Moat of them had ripoken to mc. I do not Bpcakliitt tt any Bf them firnt on thc suCjeet. BB?, it muy have heen the fa<-t, a* they aay. By Mr. McCrary?When Ihe atock wna lielow i?ir paa wara arpiai tt ael peeala le take it, and yon ?uoke to them paaataBl; l?it after it KOt to be very vahial.le tni". apoketo youl A. Yea, Bir; there wa? a BBBBJB1 Bf paSflttB ta that BttflBd. By Mr. Mhlack?TUle was a tranaiution which BBBBad not to he very nenerally public ; how did thetae 'memberH aacertain thut the at.Mk was u.ttlnir to he more vitluuble! A. I do not know; I euppoae they found It out; when stock becomes more valuablc, men are very llkely to titi'l lt OUt. (j. I BBBBSBI there wlll ue no linpropnety lu aayinir here lhat I never had my attention called to the BBBl that there waa that xortof BflflBJK?lng ubout at tlie tiuie; I therefore WBBBBj to know how others found it out. A. I can let you have some now lf vou want; when anythini; hccomcd valuat.le vou cannot keep the m-( ret lonit. Q. Tho Idea that this atock waa bBJBBBBBJ valuahle?a KOod.thiiitT to hold?wae well iinderntood. aud you had no dl'fflciTlty at that tiuie in dlapobing of it I A. 5oue at all. Q. There were plenty of people;wbo woold he wiilii.t: to take It at par and luU-ce?t 1 A. Yea, 8lr. Q. It would have heen eaav for you to have sold all of tbia atock at aome advanoe ahove par at that tiiue I A. Very llkely; my ohject'ln gettlnr, the etock, and the reaaon I gave for lt, wa* to enable peraonB wlth wboui I had prevloua contrtu ta to get It; tbat it, I bad told them I would try aud get it for them lf I could. Q. It woald appear by the teatlmony that moat of tbe men ln Congreaa who recelved aome of tbia itock did not eeem to underntand that there waa any prevlona enfc*aire mentl A. I think it very likely tbal there waa uot with aomeof them. ($. How did they cotne to huve the atock at par aud ln teroet when no euaraK'-metit had tiaen niade for it t A. I alwaya let leverybody lu on the grouud floor; I uacd them all allke. Q. Waa any aperial reaaon why men lu Cougreea ahould have this favor more people out of Con _Teaal A. No, Mir. (4. Did you receive a jfreatfr prtee for anr of tbls atock that you diapoatid of to anjrhody than par aad Interrat from the preoedlng July I A. No, Bir; I aerved every man allke In ('tingreaa and out. (j. Tbere wbb no dlstlnotlon between men wbo were ln (ougreaa and thoae wbo were oui, iu tlu prloe tbey bad topayforlit A. Nooe aiail. Q. No part of tbia atock wbhnb waa aaalgnod to you. to a.. Fflta P-taB, EUROPBAN COMPUCATION8. TBI *___. .NISTAN HORNHAKY Ql'KSTION. TKNtiiNcv Of LOBD OBABTILLK- W BOBOTBABCB ? TIIK OBJBCT OV 1U..IA? OKKKSSIVK OI'Klt A'lloN . IN TIIK BBIOBBOBBOOO <>F CAHl'I.. I. im.on, Iaturday, Jan. _8,1KT_. There ia much unea. inens in con.eqnetico of tbo Knglish liotctiiKiitwiaiegardiiigtheilisputedbouiiil ury ?|in-ni i..n in (Vntral Asia. In the Htttlement of tbo relatiotiM between the two I'owers, a few years ago, on the Foia. tli iiiKlersfaiiding, Eiiglimd only __? ijuircil iCua-i.i to ahstain froui the inva. iuu of Afgha uistan; Imt tlie boiiiidary of that territory waa left Illllli lineil. 'I he preMiiit nute that the northern bOBB dary of Afghaniatan oommenoe_ at the Lake of Lin Koi, in th, Paaaa BOsaaja. -koaao Mlava the oxns to Kailj ili-Saleh, and from tliat point westwanl to tho E-Nfaa frontier. 'llie notfl further sfates that Krg lanil ha_|__flaO-OOd the F.mirof Afghanistan that lio RBBJ |ghl Ihe I.ussians if they cross this line. The Kua.sian n-ply <!<?? lares tlie tlesiro of Ktissi,. is to _______ gwm1 relatiiiiiM with Knglan rl, but it IB* fu.-e- tu aei ept tlm imii' atcil boutiilary bccauso it itieliiiii-H eiiiintriis ? Im li iiever belonged to Afghan? istan, Imt were always iuilepe.ntJeiit. Kussia'h ob J?'i't in taking Khiva is apparently to establish <lc pnffl, and hold aal o.cnpy tho wholo valley of tho < >\us. Kngland draws thit lino to int<-rf,-re with Baaafa. puipOBB, and to enablo tbo former power the li' tiei ti, Imlil the lliiiiler Knsli as alme of .bfeii ., B_aa the <lay nf lighting 000000, I.iiMKiv. Jan. M, 1OT3. A I.aliore new pa]nr H..V- that Sinlar Abilul IJah in.ili, iiniler Kusaiaii liisllgation, e.i|it ui i (1 Fort Hisaar, a ilepeiuli-iiey nf C.i.ul, anil sent tliol.'over noi ol tlie pl;ue a pn .uner to tlm Kus.iaim. Hissar in a good starting point for Ihe Kiis.siaus in any inoviiiietit tli.y in.iv eiiiitiniplitn against Afglian Tnrkrstati. The aaaaa mitlmritv statea that Kirilar Mahomeil I-a ki. in haa m.'i'ie i HMeaoofBl ootB-l oa Aaoakai. iiiCalnil. Tlie QerafaeO of tbo city was likfwi-o i aptuieil and ilelivereil trt tlie J.iissian... Mr. T. Miteliell, Ass istant .Secn-tary nf the l!nti-h I.. _-.itia111 at St. 1'etersliiirg, ha. just left Loodon fur tliateity. 11,? is tln- liearer of importaut ilispatrhes tu Lnid Loftns, tbe Hritish Kinlia._ailor. VIKYVi. IN KNT.LANI >. STItKMiTII OV KNUI-AVn?W'llV TIIK BBB. POLK V ia AIKIITK.II?OBJKlT Oi THK H___MM 0B TIIK __U80_AB KNVOV. II-UCIII TIIK ltl.1,1 UO -00____-0a__B_ri 00 THI TKIBU. B.| I.nMKiN, .liiti. ..?Tbe growing rniimrs of ;i aaat-Ma OM-eaMgr hatwaaa ureat BaBaai aai Russia with relereiiee to the operations of the lattei in ( < niral Aata have taken a freah start with the arnval, in Kn gl.unl, uf Count Pehouvalotf. That Coant 8. huu.aliiff is here as an envoy frmn the Kmperor, that he ia one of tho Eruperor'a uioat ronfldenttal and truated counselors, and thit Ma r.-laten to the (V ntral Aaiun 1888988, and waa occas ioned Oy Lord (iranville'a rer.-i-.t note tu l'rince (i.rta, liakuff, are al.uut all the facts iximiivcly kuown. Of eonj.ctuns the iiiimlier is great. To the list uf faets ahoiild ha adiied, however, that Count Hchouvaloff wont il,,v,n, y,-I-r.lav, to Walnur t'astle, Lord (iranville's reaiilence. He I- aald Iu be the tieurer of all SO.tS of Con eiliaiory measagea. Prohaby he is. He would be lu elther one uf t.? 88888. 8*8.1 If Kust-la were ainceniy deairoua of conforming her (eutral AahBB opcraUons to Hritish viewaof whal tbey ougbt08BB| or, sec.tly, If haa preparatlons for carrylng on operationa not con fnnniiig to UriUsh vlewa should happcii to he atill ln n.iiiplite. The atep 88- t.iken 18, nn tlie f;_ e of it, a friendiv ataa> it aiaahl i-? easy to BaajaBaoa thmugh the ordinary 8888-8-1, II uu rely to gaiu tuue were ItU ala's objei t. There ai.-ma fnnw to M little ?8888)88 thut theeoti tenta of I_ird (Jranvllle'a ilisiiati b to l'rince .InrtsehaaolT were correetly _iven, or rather suinmarized, in The. Time* telograin whieh flrat set the people talking. Tbat dlapateh 8888888801 the re?oliition of the Hritish Oovern ineiit to refrain froui all lnierfen-nee with Kusaiaii pipjjaaa alaag IBa aaaa und .ir, aaataa aall aaaa aal ?88888 Afghain-tan or the I'rineipalilie. un the Cpper Amu, ami othera sltilateil betw.en Khiva aud Afgliaiii ian. , laimiit hy the Ameer of the latter eountry. It is aafe t,, 881 -aine that the delivery uf Itiat diapat, h w.ia ,i total burpn-e to the Kusaiaii l'rinie Minlater and his .Maater. In 88888888 with the other 81880 Coutuiental I'owi rs, lln ..-i.t ia iiinli r-tund tn have cheriahed tbe be Inf thar (,i? JUit.iiii's tigbting d.ivs wero puat, aud that the ,,thn|r,,. ers niiglit pvaat af tln ir p__B__N aay OaaUaa aal O-taatlj B-naetag tngiand wHBaal , licitliit- from her anything but a nnuothly-wiitleii remonstraiu-e. The iinpuuity with whieh Hu-m.i w,.. iMiiiiitteit two aaaaa aaja M Baa up the niafk laa ftaaty aBaaraaai tin 1,,-lief. It is likely enotigb that expocUd tn BMO her wav IB _8B__-I UM BUBth further than BB8 BM \'l guiii'-itliuiit having auy fuas uiailc 88881 it. II has aaaa aall that aaa asaaaal aa atf laaataa without reuiutiatraiiee tu a point win re reinunstraiiee would have haaaaaa aaaaaB. and where aeaaal iaa____aat vaaM have l.eenine illtli, illt if imt Impusailde. Mie has tieeil linde I'ciwd in g-odaeaaon. Lord (Iranville for oncc has pnt u-nli! I.iaeaaj? goitig 88*8.88-1 his Melbournivllki- tei, d.ney tu heliive that tbings ean 88 managed 8880-7 letling tln iu aliiiu. iii-has waited till the Ku.Mali ad raaaa btM Ktma aaal ha bbm a B-BMaa al notuneiy, aal capalile uf I.- ingdeiiled. Tben, with 888-8 jiuliteuess Imt ;i| Wttfe Iiniine._, he haa (lOll.ted uut to BaaaM Ha Baa aa aaMBaaO h_a aaaal to ahMh am- may eoniiiiiii haraa.aaaa aaaaalBaOai aaal Baaaa-Bai hy tirent Itritam. If ahe kei p-\wthiii it. wi II aud good. If ain gues lii-ynnd it, tir-'at britalu will Bhtp her rf she ean. ?aafe 1 lake tu ln . in 8BB8l_B-4i 088 ineanlng nf the uiessages that have alre.uly puaa.-d between t_c 188 (ioveriiun nta. A BJNM part nl lliitish utrength ln Iudia dep, nds nn pn atige. Kuglatnl not only uiiist not give way there l.ef,,r,- Kua-i.i ur any uther Power; she mu?t not-eem to give way. And that ls where the niisUke baa hren made 88881 B_f_al 0818888 to tlght and n .nli ii. -- t?, ti?:ii. B_a hasuop'iriMisetoflght any 88888 wara nf tln- atiipul (Titnean klnd. But ahe is nnt inerely nor mainlv an liiKiilar How.-r ; 880 Is an Kmplr., stretehlni; overa great part of the glolie. and her Impertal power r?-steon India ln this srnse, that If ahe 8888881 keep In dla, _M cannot keep aiiythinj. Now her jM-ople hav, , m niyjiidgmeiit, nn mind to surrender India, or to 1888-8 from the Im.ienal isiaitlon ludui gives^them. I have uot the aiiiBlleHt doulit tbey would Dgbt soouer than 188888, Probably tbey ought to have fought for Denraark in 1SM for aiudred'e eake, but the Engli.-h people ou the whole didnot.are to. ff they had thought lt worth their while aa un Imjienal Power, they would certainly have fought, splte of tbe aecendency of the _Ianehea_.r..chuol lu politics- Other 88888888 people. .anl tben, and aald ugaln lu 1S70 and '71,-_ei_aonlng on the plaln reluctaiice of Kngland to enter into quarrda which once ahe would hsve Uken up promptly, -England will tlf ht no more. unless In actual defonse of her Islaud houie. llut tbe mlstake was ln euppoeiiig Englishini n had falleu off ln tlghtiug quality or flghuug tempi-r. There hus Imh-u a chang-', but not of tbat klud. tngiiab uien, I believe. are aa ready aa ever to tlght, but not in t be aame ?88818-1 a* ot old. There la aa niueh puguacity ; It only needa a stlmulua to roiine it dlfferent from the atimulus which formeil^ roim-d It. When her Oovern ment waa AriatocraUc lt weut to war iu euch quarrela aa ArUtisracy had an latereat In. Her (luverument to day is, on the whole, Democratle, aud ?he will go to war in tucb qiiiirrela aa I>emi .racy baa an int___at in. In other words the Interesta of a few gulded in foruier daya the pollcy of Kngland wlth reference tn other conn tnes. In iheae days it ia tbe intereat of the whole people. or the peopl* i?owerfnl enougb to gei themaelves represented lu Parliament, which will decide the i|ues llon of Pe_fe or War. Beyond douiit|the Intereat of the powerful clBBaea now I ooustitiitlug a ma|ority is wrapped up Lfl 'be prem-rvallon of tbe Imperial I'ower of Uruat Ilrium. I do uot l_lleve t-OOl i" anv conaider able miiiorlty of Kugilsbiueii who would vote for th. memberment, or|whu would not vote for war ln prefereuce to .llsuiem-ermeiit. They will figbt Riuuna. If need be, in A?U. Tbry would greatly prefer not to tlght, but sbow tbem thBi IKuasla la meuacing Iodia, and that the iDomeiii is rome wheii her advaine threatena Knglish bupremaeyln IndU, and they will bUrt an araiyfir Afghanltuu and a fleet Ui Kronstadt. and aet half tbe world ln a blaac aooner than yield ao Inch on Uie bauka of the i ii ii Bometbiug of thia aplrit Count Bcbonvaloff will, it may h? prt-uuM-l. dlBtvover by hv preaeut _B0_ U he dir j oo*** it aaO raiK-rt it Iboroiooiuj reaaaa to hojia tor a lon, peace between Rti-sla and England. Connt Brhon valof may or may not induco I_>rd Oranvllle to mmllfy the tarnis of Ma dlspateh. That Is a queetlon of dctall, though lt is eerfitlii Lord Oranvllle dld not frame his notihfaiion without eareful conslderatlon how far lt mlght be aafe to allow Russla to go. Aa matu-rs now staud, it is Kngland which haa drawn the line, and not Kngland and Rusaia togefhcr, by agreement, and Cmint Hchouvaloff may naturally deslre that tbe undewtand ing, if there Is to be one, should take the latter sha|ie aud not tbe former. IJiit if Kngland inalata sbo will have her way. for the prescnt, at least. Haste never was a rharacterlstlo of Russiau poltey. She knows how to wait. If it is a question between merely waltlng and flghtlng, she is certaln to ehoose the former. Nor is lt certain she really wanta anythlngln Asia incon siatent wlth what Kngland wanta. If the result of these suddenly developed negotlationa should be a coinplete understanding between tho two Powera, lt will t>e a btrikiiiK pruof of tbe valuo of declslon ln dlplomacy. and it will dlstluctly improve the posltlon of Kngland among Kurnpean I'owers, to say nothlng of conaiderably enbaui ing her own self-respect. O. W. 8. GEXEItAL FOItELGN NEWS. BEFOKTED i.'MON OF THB Oi.U.A.T.TS A>'D LEOITIMI .TS. 1'akis, Jan. 2_, 11)73. The L. pitimist JqbibbIo report tbe wonla of the Duke de Nemoura announeing that tho unlon of tho Orleaus bruncti with the eltlest line of tbe Ilouse of Bourbon ta complete, and that 88888 prlnees of the Or le.uia family bave rec ignizcd tbe Count de Chaiubord as rigbtful King of _ _ance. THK DBtftB TO THE NORTHFLEET. <HK H MJITOBBP T(l IIAVK _._.__. SCNK BT THE BPABIOB STKAM-IIir MLRILLO? TUE ML'UII.LO l'KUliAIM.Y AI...O I.O.T. LoKixiM, Paturday. Jan. 25, 1S7_. It is NfMltOOl thirt inorniiife' thut a steamship has haOB dlMovered surik at tlie scene of the colllsion off Iuu,geneaa Lightbouse, on uigbU The oplnlon Is tvecommg general that ihe vessel whieh ran into tlie Nurtbdeet also went down with all bands befnro the emlgrant shlp sunk. The owner of the Sjiamah ateamsblp Murillo, w ho landed Bl Dover two hour. h8 fore the collialou 88888-88. t.? inv.-s lt was his vessel which was ln colllslou wlth tbo Northtleet, and that both were destrojed. __..___. I/>Nl)ON, Jan. 28, 1873. The Qii.. n lias . uWrih* d $-00 to tbe fiiuil :n anl of the "lirvivors of the Nnrthtleli] dl-a-tar. I'RUSSIAN POLITK'-. CAI_ES OE THE IiM.KNT CIIAN i.KS Oi THE MIN l.-TRY. l;mi in, Baturday, Jan. 25,1STS. Prince I.isniarck appeared in tho ChOfllbor of Deputles to-day, for tbe flrst time rlnco his reaign . tion af the Presidcncy of the Pru.sian Ministry. and was wannly received by tbe membera. In responso to their greetlng he made a speech explalnmg that hta re tlrement from tho Prusslau Premlership was ocea-doncl . olcly hy 111 hcalth and a deslre to be relleved of some of hia nffliial lnirdens; there waa no disagreement between any of his eolleagucs aud hiu.-elf B-OHUDt, J:m. V? IMB In the Chamber of Dopuft-M. on . atunliiy. after tbe speech of Prince Bismarck, Oen. von Hoon made a atatement as to tbe constltution of the Prus-iaii Cahlnet. He said a Ministry of tbe majority in Priiasia waa niipossible. A Prussian Ministry iniist haaiSfal Ministry, aud tln Imp, Cbaucellor muat alwaya bo a Prussian. __ FMANriFATION D PORTO tUCO. THE <_l'__TION OE IM.KMNI-ICATION. Maiikiii, Saturday, Jan. ?_.%, 1873. The Committee on the Abolition of Slavi ty n Porto Iiico will pn'sent tbeir Mf-Tl to the Cortea on Mouday. They will rec?imraend the Iseue of botuW t,, the amount of 30,000,000 pesetas to nrovlde funda for the inil.uini_i_.tion of elave-ownera. 18888 Pailial has an iinunced his tnfentlon of movlng several ameudmenta to maki. ibt nill atill more liberal.' a tA-LBOADi IN MBX10C. THE VKKA 008 AMI MhXtro KAIl.h. ?AH EIN I. IIEU?ATTEMI'T TO HE.TUOV A TKAIN. IIavana, Jan. 24.?Advices have been re ciivi-,1 from the City of Meiico to the 15th inst. The Vi ra Cruz and Mexleo Kailroad has _aen flnished. Ihe festivities atteniling the inauguration lasted 8 week, and were participated in by the President, members of th C.itiiiie., Cuiigreanmen. and the principal citizens. Busi neas was suspended. On tho lat President I.-rdo ,le Ti-iaila left the capnal in a train which was l.v a I'ocoinotlre. At Tepexham, the flrst atation outsldc of the eapital, desperadoes plaeed three bowlders across the track,Imt witb tbe exeeptiun of hreuking tbe cowcat-eher of the tlrst loenmotive no damago was done. At all ata llona where the Pmsldentlal traln stoppe.l th. President was received with enthiisia_m. Minis. -r Nelson, who was Just retiirnlug from hia vtait to the Uult.d States, mel the Prealdent at On_ava, aud rcturued with tbe party to Vera (,'rii-. A DF.FAULTINO 'KANK CASIIIKR. Boston', Jan. 25.?N. A. Shute, the caahier of the (Jranito Btate National Rank at Kxeter, N. II., has been niissiug slnco Monday last, when he left I-xeter for Boston ln the mornlng traln. Hia disappearance caused palnful an_lety to bla family and a wide olrola of buslncsa and personal frienda till an Investlgatlon Into tho affairs of tbe bank showod Shuto to be a defaulter to tho ainouut of |125,000. It la etated that he waa 80 far above auspicion that bla bonda. whioh expired aome linn Baaa, were not 18888.8. and the bank it therefore witbout ruretit-8. SLTCIIJR OK A CALIFUKMA LAWYKR. San |_l1_riTfnj Jan. 26.?George W. Bailey, a prumlneut lawyer of Martlner, Contra CosU County, was nilssed from hia home several woeka alnce. and hia whercabouta could not bo dlacovered by hia family or frienda. Laat night hia body waa fotnd ln a lonely plaea flve mllea from this city, ln a slttlug poeture. The rtght hand graeped a Derringcr piatol, and there waa a bullet hole in the slde of the bead, indicating that he com? mitted eulcide. Domestlc andlflnancial troublea are rr> ported the cauae. 1.ACRA I). FAIR'fl p.KCTUKE. Pav Frai-CI. co, Jan. 26.?Latira D. Fair de livered a lecture last night on " Wolvea in the Fold."at Bacraniento, In|a lafer-beer saloon, hanng been nnable to obtaln a pnblle hall for __e?|pu-po-e. On flnding that nobody paid for adraiasion Into the saloon, she ordered the door thrown open for free admlttance. and the place was lmraedlately fllle?L 88 THK MODOC WAR. San Fkanci-CO, Jan. 25.?Active operatione will not be undertaken a?alnstthe Modoca until reen forcementa srrtva. The settlera tn Hot 8prin_a Valley fear ralds upon them. The Indians who had been frlendly are mlaalng. and It la reported that they bave Jolned Tapt. Jack'a band. ? ?> TKLKORAPHIC NOTE_. The Centennial Commi_aion will ask apprrinri atioaafroa Pti_j;Wta_ tad Fhilt-tlpkit af 8l,_?,_-1_- 8-?._ rrapaetiralf. _A majority of a cotumitte* of the Kentmky Lrraiatnrr rraorK- aa Hatai?r '? '"<" -' *k* rranral af tha rapiui from Kraalfort, tad a?_rrat_l Lautrilla Bt Iba awat tuiubla aoint. ....Profa. ('04* and Loby, and Mr. Hall of The San FYimruto Bullftt*. a_d? t kalUea ttrmaiaa it Baa Fnaeitaa, aa Bat urdtr. ttal landad lo.Uia rreoiaf U aila taotb, lt t Ude-aunh taal af Urdaaod I'llr. _The examination of Dr. 0. 0. Riva. of Phila dalpblt tt t rardiral tad rliamiral nprrt, aoatuaal tka raBra laaa oa of mt eatrt ia tha Whartat tntl. aa 8*tardar T_a witsaat wta ooa of tha mvtx lapurttil (or tbt dafaaaa ta tha WtartoaKrtthum eaaa, tad .ia endtart tt Stitnlty ni t rrpwtlUoa of that oa U.t teran IntL CRIMK. AND CABUALTI__.-BY TKIJEORAPH. _Tlie Inspeetor of ('nst.nns at ('aiuian. Vt., haa raaaad tha trrril of t att ttard Otrdua ot tha char(a af a_a_.iiu_ , burta Ir--., i aaal*. _I'utiiiinubain. the Mississippi warrant forirer, hai hrrn arntraead U 1J BBaa ia Suu PrttOB. Bwaao aad Bill, hu ae coapbeat, ara aaw balif Inad. _liiatnet Attorney Stilea haa preaentM to the Biaaiaaippi I_,(ialaUra crarr rharfat k-kia. ta th, litinai*atBl rf JaOj? A adaiaoa af Ihr Third 1 .alort ....John 01m_t_d. who died in Hartford, Friday llrkl, fraa lajonaa rrrrirrd br ftlliaf apot tl irl tidtwtil. wa< _* fti_r, af Kradarirk Uw Oiaatad af N?w Tark Cllr Ha wat II raara old aad had Baao tor attj rrara t proaiaasl arrrliaal of Barl/ard aad t kifblr-aMrraad riutaa. ?The lo-oniotive of the Frtvport expraaa. on the Barth ******** BBaMSi aatanaj Chieafa. Satardar aaraiaf. jaap_l tha uttk joat tt Ihr traia mttm _*? twlnh ?o wbkk ?"* *** , *_?* aaad toaal paaaaagrr traia tad raa lala th* laaar. iaJanag Hr I IrBra daar _a a,_ U.rra _,_?.,?a aa_ aaaa aaa aara _Bia8 ia lha raa. LOULS NAPOLEON. LIFK AM) LaVffT BOOMM OF THK EX-Eaf TmBOB, HIS FAVOR WITH TIIE r.NdMSil?B-0ABD Poflt HIS FRIRNUS?INKI.I KN( B ll'OS KKErJCU i*jflj_ncah [BBBB THB KKOI'lV*BCORKK<P.)ltnB.'aTOK THB THIBIBBbJ [tOBTDON, Jan. 11.?Tlu- Fremb themsclves ere aaid to be surprised at tlu- ext.nt ol the feelinir nhown Bt Etiglaud over thcir e.-Kiiiperors deatll. Ho ?'W. Is-yond (iotilif, siticcrely Iik.-<1 l.y tlu- BflBjaaJt BBBWaf his life, and hisdeath is xincer.-ly BBflratBBB. Bw**B ol aaflBBBBJB, aml BBBBI ol tho H.lgian 'Ir.-atv he was still BBBflBattd La England as afaithful ully. tbt aBBBB dc.otcd H eolumns to an esiimat'- ?f his BBBBBBB r aml carecr, and the Baaajaj had two or three arti.les apiece, almut -BBB, aml eaBBBBBJ upon coliimtis (lencriliinir with ctinous part < lanty every in.i.lcnt o( and death. 1 he tone of all the estimates ih culoinstic. I'lider BBBBaBBB "f avoi.linK ciiti'ism over an aaaa irravo, aad "f BBBB" potiiriL'the . ttort toatifi.-ipate thc judgmciit of his tory. thc more imjxirtaiit jiuinialsioiiUiv. ? !>? l< avu their readers undcr thc impres*ion that th. daad nilcr was. on tbe wlmle, a irood nib-r?af ttatt ?>.r France. Their good-will tawatd him. aad taa ffaa eral krood-will ofthc B?BBBBB people is eaenly expli. a l.lo. Alone arnot.|t rec.-ut Frcrn-h riili-ra BB iik.'l England. Alone bbbbbJ < ontitniital paflrlB ba BBBB. pains to show that he val...4 an English BJMBBB8 abovc all othcr alliano *. It was during tbe leigfl of tlic B-EBBBBrBt ibati tbe traditiotial i-nmity btllWBBB tbe two BBtaBBB waa traiisfonncd into soiu.-ihing like im .-..lship, aud thc change wun due. mainly t.< the peraoniil m iltienceof Napoleon thc 1 tiir.l. Hc had liv.-d baaa, Sfmli.-d tho pooplo aad tiieir iii-titutioti" tii.-d to penetrate tbe secret of their prosperity aml freedom, and, thotiktb half a Fr.-ii.limaii, be BBflflJ than half D_dexa*rjod Eiijjfltth lifa, boih poHtat al aa*d so.i.ti. n<- BafljaJtad aoaaa Baf_a_ haatta of a Und whi.h cndeared liim to variom- <!_?.!?.-4 ? of people Paraaaa ao ataala tratl made Uai so papalaraa tiu- fa.-t that kaiadawall to bbbbbb-? wbicb Atmricans may liml BBBBB (litlimlty ifl BBBB" ju.-ii.-mliiiai. Iu tlu- daya <.f hi* paataal dflatltatfaa, when hc livc.l partlv on l.nulish clianty. BBd wu. u cvi-ryhoily lOBBfld ou liim Bfl I BBBBB incapahb- a<l ventiircr, he was tbou-bt a gciitloinati. H> m-\er waabbbbb. Diiriiii?three BBoaitaa <>f thc Baaa t.? which I havc nf.rn.l. h>- liv.-d BB thc gaaat af a weii-kiiown baakai m att eoaaarj Lbb* aaa* Ha,, to tell Um truth, paa tirci ..i ?t, aml, to brinirtbe \isit to an ciid, told I'rm..- I.<un oiic ka waa pataaj taaafltaB hin bsaai aad take a trip BB tbe Coutin.nt. " Kut wl.atan. I to do, then 1" WBB tbe rcply, and bt trankly eaadaaaadaahJaBoal that ba aad aataaai aaaaa aa money. Tho bank. r odG r< <1 him BJHO, Wflieh BBB Maaa laa*,?aad badara ha laA tka aaaai mv.- half of it to thc s.rvaiits. Thc .-fory bl chara. t< i i-tn . rf tha man. Li?I oth.-i BBBB who havc Baaa < apaloc < f ibbbbb ub ? ajaal ttttJa. f aala WaaiTiata aad ;< aflitt ol bbbB??BBl in him for hir. iuii t loin. I BBBB olla-u heen tohliit I'aristbat ha WaB likd BB a BBBBhfl bf bia bouaehold domeetire, aml by all tbo-.- abaal hnu who Inlil any BBBBBBBl n-lation to BBB. Wiihono execption, be is said to havc remeinberetl everybtnly \v!n. ever did bim a service BBVflBg hi> .-xil., and to bave sbowcrcd on all BBl n fnemls. The exception was Count BOnmJ, aud tbougb be was (uidcr many BbUlBaiBBB ta. Oaaal d'Orsay as w.-ll a.-. to Lad* BaBBdajjrtaB, H ifl probabla fiaimfb tbat bc battarad baaaall la bata somecausi- for tbei iiitrlect witMwIncb h< alt. tward treated his old comni'le. Count<Vor*ay. it ka known, died iu citremc BBVBI t.v. aml all bal fr;<BBBl BBBl L.- U) persnadc thc EUflpBrat t<> ri-li.-vc him fatb-d. lt ia aaaj aa bbbbb waal aaa Baaaa bbbi -aaa aaaa. aail n.-v.T m.t anyhxly who pretvmb <1 to km-tt. EajadaflBBaB, aaiiaaTOf. nally belJeaad ia tha Sa>c..inl Kmpirc. They would not hav.- Iiked |V| - s.inal(jiovcriiuient aud I' itcs tetaeaaaalvea, baa they thotmht aaaai 'itiit'- ?.'"..l Baaagb te l-'n iichmcu. Th. y did not like thc CttBB d'l.tnl al tlio time it was committod, but th.y .pii. kly aBBdaajad it, aml they waBB partly thc BflDBBj of tlic apaaaabd prosperity which seem.d so spe.-.lily to lollow tim establishment of a Despotisin. II all the r< ^t .1 th.? world saw that tbey were trick.-d into tbe Cl in.caii War, it wafl uot to be expected that they tb. iiih. : . a sbotibl take tbat vi.-w. It iasai.l iiollim. m-i BBVa tlic Kmpcrorsomtichplearitireas his reception b) BBB tjuecti of Fitiirlaud. lt is said bIbb that tl.. QaeSB was pei-soiially afaaaj to r.ivinir him. ttH Baaa* _ncrcdberrcpuKnanct! froiiireaaons of Ba aa it may, sbe ever after showed to him an.l th. _aa* preflBunfailingcourtesyandfricmliincssof .1. m.aiior, and wben Englishmen found QflBBB, of whose private cbaractcr they w.-rc prou.i.. aaBfl I ing witb tbe MB?af the Second Daaaaaber, aml a<l mitting the Mornyu aml Pcrsiidiys and Fb-urvs t?> her company, tbey Biuotbcred aJl their aaraalfla BBd followcd her eiample. Tha most potent reaaon ofJallfcVor ilnit likmg 19 still to be etated. He madc tbe IMaty of l"orti merce witb Eutrland. It iu probabh* BB nally be lieved in Freo Trade; at any rate, bo tl.n-w aaaa French porta to English cottons and fabri.t. ?.f all BOrta, and, from the day he came to temis with ( ol. den the Mancbeater school of politiciana aml w nt. is were never weary of singing anthema nnd bBBBBafla tohisname, That was the answer to every criti ciam. He-broke hia oath to tho Kepubliat Yes, bal he signed tho Treaty. He plotted a conspinwy against France, he flung hia opponento into BflBBB* heorganized irtcold blood the maasacre of the Baflla* vardfl, ho torrorized the country, bo sliippexl oll Uio pureat and ableat menlof France by ecoree of tbou sands to die by slow torturo at Lanibeetta and Cay enne?yea, but he signed tho Treatajof Commerce with England. He aapped tho morals of Fram., Btrangled the Preas, debauched her conscicme. Ic.l her by slow steps down the awftil road w bu h cnd. <l at Scdan,?yes. bnt there never waa a time wb?-u Eti gland aold bo many goods to France at such lntrtt pricea. And so on. 80 far bb matcnal pi.i*<p.-rity goea, be did earna title to the gratitudc of thaa country, and tbia counti vtiicver waa slow m paying ita debt, They aay the buttertly Americans who hved m Panaonder the Empire were all Iuiperialists. A-i Ainencan fricinl of uiine reaideut long tim. in Paris, notof the buttertly kmd but accuBtomed ta. tnko slightly cynical viewa oi hia dear fellow-countrv inoii. was wont to declare after the Emperor'a fall that he fully believed that he would be reenthrobtxl by a two-tbirda vote in the L'nited Statt*. ca.uld bo only mtuiage to get the vote taken. 1 hope he waa wmng, I always aaid ho was; but at anv rate there waa liking enough in America for tbe mart who died tbia week to make bia fate inCertwting. and English sympathy for bim during the laat few daya tntelligible eoounh without the explanaUon I hava been giving. I dont know wbether American eym pat by will require tbe reproducUon of all Uve detaila rearj4jctiug htt lart Ulneaa which the Engliah pttprra have thougbt proper to print Yoa will fiod iu them the moet coploua and minute particulani of the Em perur's diaeaao, oi the operaUona by whtob it waa *?u?bt to relieve bun, of the efltaett of thoae operatior.B upon the patient fnun day to-day. aud fiually of the post-mortein eiainiuation, which included not merely the aeat of tba tronblo but the beart and tbe brain. and 70a m?y know tbe preciae weight of the latter, if yoo care for tbat I have notbing to aay aaainat thla ayatoin of reportioff. but the neit Engliah journal whtob geta into a high pulpit and preachea agaiuat tbe intruaione of Iniexi caii newapapera into the aecreta of privaate Ufe. mav profltably be ren-lnded of what baa ooeurred tbia week. Tbe elimax waa reaebed wben tbe daiiy penuy paptva reprinted verbaUm tbe ptirely uu-aif, u| jKwuuUi vl Tht Xtaaoji aad 1 to BriHtk aaaawflJ JttBjrd.