Newspaper Page Text
V?-XXXU.N*'9.929. NKW-YOKK. WKDNKSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1873. PRICE FOUR CEI.T8 THK OONGRESS SCANPAL. MR. COLFAX FUJIlMU INVOI.VRD. Hi? hank B000OB1 TflXli A 8T._BTl.lNt; ATOBT -TIIK ( .KfTMSTAM IAL IVIPKNCK AC.AIK-T him vr.HT PfMfl-B--lll. ONI.Y WAY OV l**OAl'K ? A _-_..\AT__ OUHMimjl UKU-H' 11 IM. |BT TRI.KGRA. n TO 1J._ TRl. . . K| VAflflDBIfl_N_B, .'.tn. 28.?The nni) .rf Vi.r-I_ . ident CoHax ts only a little _??.. flflflflflflflfl than lhal oi Hwiat-T Patt-ir-on. l.a.t _iM>k th. __88_-flaA-_BB_ ptjitol nn o?t h to Andgf l'oUnd'. Coniinittoe that hc ha<iii?>t i?-.'< i\"l *UM frum ?_>___-< Amca in Juiie, 8818; that Ahh.-'h .lictk iu ..ii the SorK-ant-at-Ann. l,,r that auiciii.t iu 1-ivor uf "S. ('." Aai 8888-8888 wvu i>v hun: tiiat ht- aaa paatttaaa. tln* aaflaaaa l,r floaM Bfl! JM-Sihlv have tiuntd thut MBflflflfll r{ "'"'.'y fr,,m abj aearaa aitbaal rr.,.1. . ti: tt A To-dav, tlie Innika of tln J'irst Natioua- Bank of Waahiagbea _.(<? pro ,1m,ii, and -Ii- CfltfBS- _o,ouut waa fl______AAA_ Thert ap. ._rtd .t ru .lit of $IM*. t.t. ifltfli Jano M. in*. taa ?aaa _-i<'r l_a __?? a_Aaaaa. ohflflfc t.i - vy (? ' ot. __fl St r_i'?iit-at-Antis. and one dflj after thal 11"' *? was l'uu'' Thi. fnniishod oulv pA'flflBflAB tive pr<-d ?'f the d.posit ti th- $l,_ai. Imt all Aoiitit waa laaaatal a_baa th.. eaahtea aaateeed a tiik.t. aaat-Ag Hi C______ BigB-lara, la wbieb Ihe 91 bM M waa it?mi/_._. fi^.m i .in_ <a_h. _i,il Uie rtiii.-indiT chock- or drafta I_fl (ii<inn . evideoee ifl Mr. _'>-fa_'. flflflfl ifl therefon loiui'i.?'<? air. Aamm Bwaai - i!._t ae dn _. :t a___ ^ aa tn. Dargi .ii'-it-AniiH in f.itui of " >v. (.'."' lor $l,_ta.. ?,, Ju;.. *:a\e lt to Mr. Colfax, in pay mt'iii oi tln' Cn -lit Moi.iiur divid.nd. Tha B-BBjaaat ai-Atiiia pradaeea lha ehee_ datad Jaaa _-_ aa_ >M, ?. ?? .? | .- aaaaa- oa Ika Maa, Aad eharged la Aaaaa- ? Oathe_S_ Mr. Co__u depoatBiaa .mII\ . .'iin tlie hank. Now. ulflBB Ba < at. mmtft ?! . ? ':. 1888-88-1 th.' $1.-00 fmni BflBBfl 88-81 ??,,-,, lr..i.,- iabopel'-s. and hc c.innot t. cajh-a venin t ' ii111k? Al _A8 '???> t.mi-tliat th<- la-t-tmi nf th, J'liat .Satioir.i Ba? ia aaa i__ibitfan the t? li-tal. acaaaata in ika Maad ?-BBflBlttae-fooflB, a atraage Beaaa araa MageDa ?'???? thfl Baaata Tha *-ee-I__aidoat. ait.t;'.. , .>'T. i itlli'd th. (-.nato to M-ut44i ni-. OTtWO toiiinmiiu.itionfl fr.itu lha Oflhfl Baaa aai fr-flfl thfl i.-(.'_ri\r Depaaflaaaafla aad tli. n. .ti t !.<? ini<i.-! of a paiafal at-Daaaa, n ad from a ... ? -I.,;. papei a aaaaaal lhal a e_aa-_ittea_ ,.f t.L-.".- ' ' >l oppoaaaai Ac appo-afled t<> laiaflBl g accaaalioaa that had beea aaade I !,!iu. aadaaOad Mr. Aiithony t4. tho ehAir. No tu r. iiui'iiad?> ?' 4 \ ?-rit ba? aOBBIT-d _D Thr ..'- fljB niiiny a day than wh.u tli. Vi,< li, - ... Bl I'tt ii... CiiainluT, and Mr. r ,:> . viry miuh BBored lha omjf liatn Bl of ;t Comitiitteo ol Fivc. Mr. 'I'Iiiii B alwaya eleai oa paiata "f eoaa-. lat-aaallaar,thoagh ba oi;i aithtba-Bfl. ..ii ln-foot. iircintr .'!'j.'i'ii<'iis. Tn ? !i in showi d thal tha BaaaAe had t a i I'iniir.ttr.' of iBveatigati-B, ? . I i th,'(haraot.T cf th. Vif.-1':. >!'., i.t b arad, thal hod_ oo-U ? | i\[>,! i. .r .1.1...IV him. The oiily tvay of ., . ? . oaa aaa bf laflfaaeh-acat, and that i .lu hy fheHoaaaaf itflownaeooid,-rith n tr..m tha Beaata. If tl.?- Benate aboold BBrpoial a eam?iittae and aaahe aa m^ < -tiL'a tioi. it- lf. it would diaqaali-j Ha naembaia lo . it aa iljudL-ea. Mr. Thuriiian'? ..riniincnt BTAfl BO ,,?,\ [m .<? iraatak. n at it. ?JflflB Afldl twiior thflAA M.iauiia vnt.u t.n thi liitioii. Thisa't."ii Iflaroflthe aaatt-r, AO-araflthfl H. rialo iacomi ined, juat wliero it was 888-88, and ii,' <?! l.v 088-88 lafl (oa th. Vici ?-I'rcsidi'iit, unlcw. hc aap laraal thi roghtha aal al _-___B_at-_____l m nfiic thatla _...).! ini - dn_a_g e--aea and eloa r ahflal him. ii ba i-ajaeal Baaaa lri.-mi m th. Baa_M t.. i . | imjn-,i li ing he ,..ju..t, in that he may ba_ ???'??? hrialbatore hfai peaiaia tho Senate. i ?, ii.i m i oi thi. . a\k ao onrr. 81 RAA . Kt^ l'i.-1'ATi ll | |,Jr,. k . mil OaBB?BAABa toil.'i.v . mjt.B ' ..ii.rr...' lha 1-rat National Bank of nea, aad* ta aaaaaa Aa aajaaattaaat j_.^., i i t,,. ha.l broutrht ttic l"'"_" ?- the ilnlng tli.- at'oonnt of . iliuylcr C..I __a._aaaawa latBe aaBuasaa, t"t?-n taratBg to ttu aaaaaal al Mi < aUaa, J ? Iga i'n'.aiiJ pafl IBa miiowinic Q, St_t4 win tl.- r it _i>i_.;.r- i<>ur ?..(._- that Mr. Mifla .. i-t aB 88 taa AM "f Ju_e. AMI a Vaa 8*11 1 - <i w.-.i. w.'.at aflbaa <i_i?.-.ta vara aaaia ia laaa es j,..-. i a J V flflflfl 1 -"l.v tifl-B. J?r.v ?,|i5C; . M Igflfl ii.-icatc BhfldMfl thfl u,,? .-. , . < bpflb i a. Bo, Mr. J....I-. PolaaitBaaraffBatsitka aitaeaa to brlngaa r. r 4>r boaB uiani VBlei tb. or.t.ii_l eniry of BBaaadepo.Mia _aa n...<i.. \^ 1(8-88 rij.i.. .1 that be would ilo 88, and tbi d prodiued aa efiapaalt aaaa betag rafl 1 witli tbe Firet Katioual Baiik by ' i, June vr_, lW-. Dattai 8tat*? aud bank ka Wlolloaia: __-, 118 63, Bud $500; aaflal t ? H wi.. yi.uliK-k and __?? th? laat iapflB-l made t y Mr. ? i-i uu t*i Jnii' *A I A. Juat- 1. Iu r. | - BBB of Mi. Atiit-a. tbe wltneaa MgHai al aaaiBl i.f < "UiU uot UA Mbt-re tbe uio_-.' came fri.i-i ?B < )1_-U CALU POB a comai-TBi oi "11. M.NATE. :,t?Si..-AiO_-: Before eo__minrlu_ tt., mm BBfl 1 aaar your indiilpenc- for a few la BBfaatt. iu m> laJaMflaaja tb_a Aai] - i: B8I ->Maa offiier, irrave c__trt_e? affectlue my , i.?r... '. HI 1- BBN th.- Aiii.ri.ari P-OS-B, at.d IBa (irruiiiataritial evi.1- B88 hy -rhlob portad But aaaaa-aaa afl my laaaaaaoa and u.v ,-. ...ttfully aakforUieapiKjlntiiieiitof a toaate _-_a _ba uiont t_orou_h and ? lhauai.v. laaaaAAjafllaa into theae iharpea, with au ti.?r 1/taaaad Iba i__--oua and i>ai_ra. and a majority ol -!a!l !>- HenaU.ra _K,lltlO!.)l> -PfOBOi fl m : tttm Bhaia i-i?"<i artBil-aaa u_e th* i li.ui vti aatBoaj t'.i.k tta ahali aB_aa____geMoflr. Mr PraU .f lailaaa -Bpraaaaltig ?* laa in part it.. eiat. "? -i. t, tn, V...- i'teaident ia a aB-BSB, it ia H ,,? n, tu. of a 8888 . 88-8888*8-ABB a_Bb wlncli be haa Juat .?. iu il.-iuir that I d-airet. aay tbat I ia BBfl ...liiM-if |o ba -Bfa-aflai a member of tbat (om ?Baai. aafl piibapi n t~ i? ?* ai .__<-< tbat i ahouia bbj aaaa IBB aaaaBaa that havum baaaa the _aa> rnottVeitl fr_in bia >oath, I bav_ tbe moat perfect AA? aaaaaa-in b.a trutb, bia, and bia bonor. It i.^uir-aKri-atdealmorr- eMdt_n.? tban I have b ?? aaari ia aaavtaa tba paaaai al IBa flAaflaea lud!_i,_ that W la a or a thabonorabl- mau. ln aaaapBaaaa aBB _Aa w,ah n. naaexi.r__m. i, i no. mov. tu.. aaaaABaaaaal al _ aaaBaalAlaaataaa-. Mr Tliarmaii of Olno-I < aunot, aa at ...ea. nt a.lvi_ed. .ol. for thr ajpflBBbaaal of any au.b committee. lf aa nn niaifliBi ..r.- a BBaaBbaral thia t>o_y, if we tad tbe p..-.. lo eap-l, K would b- verj J.-Oj^r fhai t..i* iK_lv lAjaii ..ppoint a w-mmitu-. Al laiaaBflflll tb. ._4jar^. __ai.iel bim. and it would be v. ry iinproper for __- oth.-r tribuual than tlie Henau- U) tahe bbat 188881, ,? ti ,:oai,ylbiu?.u Uie matter further tbau to r.for t? ta. |ai BA8 BBj ITtfliar tbut mi?,"t bave 88888 881 Bl an ii t. -t. elaewbere. Bul tbe Vi?- frealdeut la an ?, ,,i. oefiraaaaal __a bBaaaa aaa aa aa?a_a .t., (.,.,., Aaaaaal ? Aa iibabpi baa H ne ___, baaa ot -aytA-Bfl tbat BBbtAAM -."> U, 888811 BBBBl it ir- by iiiil'.-thmeut. aud tbai BBB BBBl arwaaa-a ia tha b-Abm "f fcapiaaflaifliifi U ^ _Aaa.? Ul?..u,.dth?taat.a_eatb. MflBflfl of Ke,..??M,latHI> tut_* ,-urbl to i* i_ipe?eno4 N '* <"?' *W of lDt H.,__ i_,ui.?a.b biin, aud il ia tbe .tutv ol H.e Ha-nate AAI U. foru, any flB-fl-BB _* K. Ml flflBII ?' '"- iMBflBBIifl natii ib* 88A* BA8 B jlfli llli W<? wr *" c"'" " i'tH'U "* I--8-. Ui _ :.*.-, i ur venl.. I We canuot 88881 >n?o an ,a _-a_?aitou of bia foudui't und f?.n>t__ ludmieut. lf _* b? ruiity :t i? tbe duty of Ui. Houae U, iia|__8?-b klBB, aa.--.t_ miioceiit uie tbeduiy of tb* UouarUii-fiam t*tm ia?*_?tu_a lum t>Bi Unl., * *"u ******* mmm ? na, will he the dnty of Jn_j_o? orjtirv, and if ls not for ua Ui In ...I4.111.1-. i d0 not aay tliat the rJenatc aaa uo power to r-vcatifrate Ihe conduet uf ati lodlvldual wlier. tho invcstitratiou boconica he, caaarv ln conaider ina- aonit- meaauro, upou whlch wo kata to pa_a iu our loinalatlve capacity, but that la not this oaar. T;io paper Juat readby the TlBBTiaalilBfll tnformcl u? that cerUiu 8-BCaaa -BBflflBtktf Ma private .hanvc ter have bccn inade thc pubjeet of iuvcaMarittion i-lM-where. With that we bave nothlnir to do, unlcew It c-otnca to ua iu Ika niotle a'rpointvd by tho Con atltiitiiin, ikiiil we. have no ritfbt by any taTBB-Battaa of oura |a fuioatall tho action of the Baaaa of liU'|.riMiit,ttiV( a, or to affcct tliat nivcatts-ntlou in any way w hatt-vcr, either .uvorably or unfavorably. Ican voryw.ll uiidcratand tka uiotivce whlch inducedthc Vi,< l'rcM.h ut toinatso thiacomnnlnteatlun tu tho Hen ?tc, aud i aaa ttt* wcii uiui.irt nfl why Ba akaaH a*.k Iklakafly, ataa which ka paaaaaaa, la IbtibIIibb. th\? luiittcr, bui ka ha* madc a miatako, aud howevcr liimor Bkflfl m.iy la his inutivc* in iVrkinu- tlic mtct.K.itiuii, the ?aaaa. aagkl noi to order li i hope, tiMaaBarat Ikfll tue Baaakat frmn laflkaaa |l-8-fl| aill not preae this motion. Tue l'n ai.lcnt |>ro tcm (Aiitliony) then put thc quca-, ticii, aafl tka aaattaa w-anii.Bt.Mr. Piatl Bkaaa vaaJaa m thc ufHrinatire. CONIUTION OF OTHKK VHTIMS. IKBATOB 1.U..4S ("l.r.AKS BIBBIIB BIBIIIB 1U.AIM MAK'.s BUOBl flTOBB ol" MK. BTI \ i.v-o.N ? what .-_.nat.iu Pfl-TZBBOfl \\ III. 1X1. m 1____BB__J_ IB TUh Thilil^BT Wamiingtos, Jau. tt, ? GrBB. LflfBB BK j-l.iiiicd hin i uiiiicitHin v, ith tu,-rriiiil Mol'lln -r to thc ( .u.iiiittci , tbia rnuriiiiii;. Hc aflBBBfl Bfl iniu h l.cftcr thMii any othcr OMB-BBBBBB WkBlaal Mi. Amia'a tttt lllliallllg Bflawlk Thcic ik uo coiiflit't U-twc. ii his iinin ury und Mr. __B88*a. 11c a_-n-cd H take 10 aharea in I". hruary, lflflB. Tlie flrat two divldcnda paM fur it, nnd Baaakkabkalaaaaaf aaik Ba took Mr. AmiVa cimi. lor tkfl aaaoaal aad tti U eaaan _L a ara Baaa aftaa. ka ,-oticiiid, ,1 ia haap aal afl Ika a_ktr, aud ia_aalfl -Mr. Am,-. ttn- HkVaitk u InlTMil it aaaajaafl tbat ho had a fricti.l 44 ho waa a eonti-K tur on thc I'nu.ti i'acitic road, aml M_ho iiilurini d him c ue. riiiti)-" Ihc t*t ratmna of the ( i.,li( Molulur, and the letter.-. of thia frir-nd madc him tt.mlc ka w-..iiM j.r, f.r 1...1 tu k< cj. th. BtBBfc, *ft*ttW el aakefl Mr. Lagan it ke waa aaiaaMBBkaa-afl the PaetBc Baflroafl run.i.iitt.-i- al tka Baaa. H( tkooakl not, and ri-tiinici a kaU iiom latir arltk tke Baaaa Jourrihl t(. jiruti la waa uot OU thc ('. iiiiiutlrc im til IBBB. Ika invcaniration of tke Iowa F;il!- and Hioux ( itt BaUroad b_r tLc Coaanttte. Baaaaatad la aatklac, ezaayl tu iifliud the rii'iti.t' r- aome amiiaeinent m liatenlnirto a tiit betareaa Baaakat BBtfaa aafl Mr. Btereaaoe, la w l.ich thc latter gal woi>ti-d. Mr. BtaaaaaBB lriirudiiccd th, i. aolufon for tbe iuM-HtiiMtion. and appcand ax ataaaaaflaaa wltaaaa, in aaawct la hi. faaatMaa, th. Baaakaa flsra a hiatory of tke road, ..ud afld Ikal he cun.-ii :,?_ abarea of atax k in it. mIucIi Ik- hoiiirlit iu Jaiiu aay, UtXti Maaata.Oakaraafl Bkawkeaaa,Malata, with vthotn ke had nniiK ruu- tr.iii-;i'tttOM la innln r laadB, aaailaafla*laBraai atackBi boafla, .ni otker pcoperty. aatitnaHni t,. kaaflrefla afl akaaaaaflB uf doflara. Mr, iiiiiim-v ii.ti-reat. ta tke roafl waa, tberefore, aeqalred fuurt.aih iifl.-r thc < xt. aalaa uf it-* l.iiul iriant-. Mr. mi \<u-un f.iiicu tu i.iiik,' am i'..i t.t aaplaal kka, aafl gOOd int BB BJ Mr. I ...iiu'k fih.irj) icturt).. ti tn ii. i< .I-, ii ii.ii, ti im riiini nt nt hta aipaaaa, Mr. r.itt.-i-on waa ta hi* rc.t tn tka Bi aafle oaUjr a faa iii.iui'.i'- imuj. h,? ruiitii* no inovciiH -it towaurd aaklaa tA.-.-tiir.-itiuii Bl thc BTBTC f.ut.- t. II acaiii-t him. ur to lattB-fl tka Baaate ef tii<- __B-__rraaaB_aBl wklek h -1. u.ini.tir; i-Mitit aaaaaa. B maa afl tka Bjipoal ticii S'-iiitturr, :n j.i .4 afl-. i.i.\i-r-uti. u, rliuv.- that they ;. ? \,r\ l-iu.i tlM iii iliuii to wliuh tlu- ciitn. boflj taBatrjeajtefl aj allaaiafl Bay aflat Bay la i-a-K wltkoal a,-ti.,n ii. ih,- paaaalaaa, tmt da n,.t laal that it la J.I.J*.; fur one of Ihc lumurity to uhi\o a T.-uiiition ol inquiry. Tbe uiaji-iity BBBBa BB tar to kaaa no BBBB who has BaflBBBfl Ba do It. It ia Ikal thc Okla State Huard of At;iiciillun', ?ka kad taaflaaafl bj Mr. PattatBaa th. Pkaaldaa_qral ttn fljrriaaltaral OaMflfli at -_at8aat-?ka*a ae.iu kaa a dJapatuk aaaoaaetan tin-ir laaaawktaBattea afl U-aafl-.r. Thc ititi rr-r-t in ltie?c in\csti_-atiBBfl i^ flB?f (rrowiui; inure ititci.-e in WaakkMBBB, aml vory liitlc ,i,c l talkad akoat, aatkaa aaao-c poiiti.-ian*. or private nti aaa__i Bjaa__alkj aiik IBn bbbb Tko bm aaaartaa n,"-: from thc fl_flflaBB._B B coiiifnutiiy azfiaaaad, tiu n Iflfl aaea aaa ef B flflM a it kaa laaaa to ap ?aaf aa tkaagfe tkeai had Baaa eaae__1 uf aeaVna iinnm; I(u im n in.j.lK.itcd aa t(. what tlu > BBBM a-cai to Iie laaa aka Oaaaaaittaa, _ FVOCEEDDiO- OP IHE FOLAND COMMITTEE. II - I IMdNY Of .'? I-* -TF.VI.NSDN, OAKBI IMBS, MlAhHK ill.AlSK. UNATOl; LO..A.N, B. ? ? BWA-fli AND lt. Ba IIAM. ILKNEIIAL PflBBfl liHPATCH.l W-JB-WOTOBiJflBuM. jB-tflPoUnd-Bpacial ("onmnttee to inquire into th.- di-tnluiti iu uf ("rr-dit .Mit.iih i *?((?( k aaaaaa BBaaakaaa of CBaaaaaa n taawd uu M-anloii tbia niOi-iup. Ittttt l'oland aiuiouiiccd lhat at thc la.-t uiet-tin,; theic wa" Baaaa inforniation ln r< mird to tht Pioux City Road, aud it fell tliat Mr. BlakM w;iK aaaaekkaMaa ua tkiiiaafl. nc had Bet-M to Mr. Ib tx- aaaaaafl at ti.c ?aaltBfl to-d?y tu bm i aaj r-tatcn.cnt hi mij-'ht deisir.. .-(.i..k,i B-flBB? Mr. ( hairman. I m^- Mr Kta-vcnaun, who mtroducf-d the reaolutlon. prtvacnt, aud 1 would like him to .tatt- what facta he BBBBd his rcaolution upon Thc taaelaltOB a-flfljee ao and ao, and I want him BB trtiif. b. whom and what it ia allcjred. I wat.t |M)inethlnK to ifaak tu. aail Ikaaafiai laaaaat f-hat Mr. Blavaaaaa bc ?aaaaa. Mr. Pteve 1.8OT1-(?h, certainly, 1 B_a!-fl tu, and ala, that olhcra lie (? Mr. fcli \>BBBB 44ar then eworn aud teatibcd aa foPowa : 1?1BBMTI Oi MR STKVENSOM. Mr. Oakea Ames informefl nic tbat cerlain BWBBfcaaa of tka Baaaa, iBOlBliBB Mr. Allison, himmlf, and Mr. itiaiiie and othera he menlioned then, hut don't remeru ber now, were intereated iu thla railroad. He tkaea *** ? eon-trtictlon contract slmllar to that under whi.h tbe tnlon I'a.-iflc _adl._cu lunlt.aud lf we wauted to make an examlnaUon we had bett.r mako an exam taatlaa of all roadB Hmtmg 1-nd Baflafla, aud we would flnd that the Union^l-'itic 44aa Ik8 treat amonic them. H. aaid that Mr. Ulalne held Ftock iu his owu name, or ui tkfl name of Mr. Coburn of Maine, who la a wealthy man and bad aKreed to put f'lmla ln Mr. BWafl- haiids for auch iuvwttment. aud that Mr. B-BBM kai lnveau-,1 in thia road to tUe extent of 8100,00(1; and furthcr, that Mr ??_.. had n-centlv ptirchaacl the honda 0f Ifcla r< miw y ?'fluuiBi-ll (AnieM in ord.r tc J*ttta with th. 1, irui I think ho aald Mr. Blfliae pnrchaaed IIO.OOO or wTwo"worlhol Umdaaud i.aid him HOtcnta oa>kafl_ t'tr _ud tl- CobBl-a paid him 90 cent*. on thc lit Mr 1 lilne-Mr.Bicvenaon, wh. n di.l thia conver Jt,J.n MC-rl A.lfewdaibbolore 1 offered the reeo lBantlta?t?aaar at aaailBBjaiBaklB *A Bta Arimc ^sut^w^tar_r!&^^ t vi,^e S^JSMWVm T o Ouiie aure the converaaUon Mr Amea waa not atThe Arlinirtou lluU-1 after you offcml the r.-aoluti- 1, t ci1 Yea kr.l have Btfkaaqaentty m-elved from other iii-raon). furthcr iDformatinti, i.ut all I laave la hearaay, but I -nder. tttnd the Commlltee wauta to kuow flBflfl what I baaetl my reaolutlon. Br JtBlaa raSafl Weli, anr information jwu aa-aflfl nved a-B-e, wbleJi you ttUnk ia authcnti.-, we will bo _lad1 to hear A. AII the luformatlon I havc ta lrom a ?,,,-.. who haa brrn called. and will ba called aaaiii1; thc iidditiorial rnformatioit came from Mr. John B. Alley, ain an wl 1in I "ever aaw until I waa lntroduced to bim M AflMa at thc Arlm-tui. Hutel; he atat-d that the low'a Falla aud Hlwu- City Railroad Company waa orsran fw-in 1N67 ihBt he wi8 a atorkholdcr hlmai-lf; alao Euaaal Utitm A <?., ami that Mr Ame^. -aafl.aa-BBaaa thii, 1. ln H. ata.ii icpreaeiitod Ihe Company; hc aaid he had n > iK-raoiial kntrwledire of Mr. Bta-M baB-fl B BlBB> holdcr ? he wei.t over the detalla to BM ln a vaifite wi.y, l.utd.d noi t*y,m to have much i*rm.nal BaawtadBBi iiefor__l>roc44ediu,. ln thia uiBtto. I eiamincd tbe atatut,, __Il_SS-td ui vuH-ine 11 thc act oi Mav 15, 1HM; I found S_St_itt-a?aa_a_a__fl luluM; alao. thal the time f..r ciiiuulntlri-tbe road waaeit*>u.l''d H? _teve_ion here r.-ad from the jourual of tka Iliiuae for that a,aalon aa to action on the bill. Hy Mr. Blalae?Yoa flaa'l aaaaa la nay that 1 waa r-iK-a-ei th, u I A. So, Mr; bui you aere aa well poat. d 11! the rulea aaaiivli'Kij iu thc lluum-. Mr Btt-venaoii couUuued to read from tbr Jourual. and ui-ou liciuir'iiue.ationed anaweied thal tbe rc, ord abow, d that Mr. Hlainc wa-. tuimiK thoae m.t vutiuft OB tbe !ill __7wl_B-_l- .,uoUd tlt,rc.,ui,i Mr. Btatae -aked him ... . ir.iain ctriaiu portiona th.reof, and remarked : I ha\ o fcluilied the rei-ord ala... _. __ Mr Mievcurvm-l don't tilfd auy help, but jx rhajai aome other lieoiile do. JU'lifi- l'oland anaed Mr Ulailie lf he dealred Ui quf a tniuMr. Ht.-vinaoii Mr. Mlaine rejilied lu thc ncirauve, hut l-k-Balafl thBl Mt Am?? be eallod MBMBI or oabkb ameh. Oflfeaa An.ea reralled and examlued brlMr. Blainf. Mi BBafflBBBB m hia atateun nt aaya whereaa lt ?8 alleajeii. tt* ?u<? fltBBB aa a baaia thcre_jf a coDvema l,.i, i.r had wlth you ; i ar__>ou wbt-ther that ctiuvi-TM Um tr-eumail itfl*r or before be oflired the reaoluUoDl A. lt waa tho day or night after be offcrc-l the reaolu tion, and it oecnrrcd at tbo dlnner tatile at tho ArlitiK ton ; I wa_ lanehlue at hun, and told bim he t_-1 BBfl. linlil of tlm wrong road. (J. You are very poattlvo tbat Mr. RieveiiHoii had no ln f.irin.-itum whatever from you bcforo he offurcd ih< reaoltifioiit A. I um, fitr. tk T hen the alh k'atiiii. nf Mr. Btev.nw.n ia aot rup Bartai Ayjraaf A. No. 8ir. Mr. Blalne. ta jBiflB l'oland Mr. Ame told nie the other day that lie had tlio eoiivera.itinn wlth Mr. Htevon aon ,ifi?-r he (rttevenaon) olT<'re<l the r.-aolution. Mr. _ tevon-nn t.i Mr. Amea- Y.iii havo Ire?|iiently rtiit.-il here, Mr. Amea, thut your recollcotlou aa to datea ih ml vir.v iliHtiiirt t A. Yea. Mlr. Witnoan rcaumcd?l)ld imt know when tlio company Waa fi.nne.l ; dld atate to Mr. McTOBSOn lie bai ti. v. r baaa oret th. raad ; tbeia 8 bal oae largev itaeA bold. r ill the r'.iul thuii Wltneaa ; w il tn aa ilnl not ktmw th" iiiiioiiiit uf atoek ln lil Iiy hiiiiHelf ; tielirve.l In ? ul' aeribed or |_oo,oon. an.l arterward aioie : dni nol rein. mlier tlie il.itc win II in l.n'l llie .'Oilveraiitli.ll Wlth Mr. Btereaeoe, bat know lt mui. aflei tbai geaUeanan ofltored tlie re-.iliitnin in tlie Hniia.'. B8 wltneaa W'.ia laaflA-BB Bl .11iii atiiuit the, uu.t t.-lllln. Ilim CteieiiM.ii) he bad linlil nt tlie WI8Bg r.iii.l ; nevi i liiiinl i f tlie 188081 tion until Mr. fl_ viii-,,11 nffereil it. MU. BTKVEN'BON BECAU.FD. Mr. Blame then queatiotied Mr. Bt.venauti aa followa : Did you have an anon.. inoua or other kiinl of MBB ftom lowa on BBB aubjoet before you oflored the A. Nolio whatever. <1. Havo you ev.r aiM.keii uf havuiK tt_eive.I auch B letter I A. No, 8ir. t\\ Dld you over aay to any one tliat you tbouitbt J on baioaagBiaaalpaaBarl a. liaatBaBBaaabar. ? (J. Did you bitve auch .1 (-..iiveraallon with l_.-ti.'it<<r Mavaaaaa afl KaataaBrl a. i iaa. laaaaaabarlbaia i ,.ti\ i-IKiiliiin with linn uii the Milij.i-t. I.. An.l .ou aald, "1 have 88Bjrbl tho Speali.T I" A. Nol in tliat laagb wi.v; 1 iii.iv hitve uieinI.i! ed tliat I Aad aoao-thiag taal aaaM laipUoate taa Bpeaki r m aai gi mt y. Dn ynu think your eotitrolliiiif inotivc waa f..r tbe, i,r tn i-.itrii tln. Bpeakerl A. Mi objectwaa t.. . iil.Ii th. (?]*-.ik.r it he wiia <l in iliia laai, an.l I kuiI r Umi if ii.<-s.M-ake: ot IBa Baaaa aaa en . ,i-. .1 in an.l. ti.inaaitluiia it _aa . .jual ta flaaBafl IB ( leiiil .Mutuli. r Htnik. iBAttaoara or araAaaa nni? MT. niaiii. waa thaa aaaaa aai aaaia tba WABWlag inent : The Iuw.i K.iUa nnd _B8B_ City Kailroad l> aimiit Iflfl iniie-m li'iiK'iii lt waa baaaa ta Hflfl, .m.i flaJBhaiB. the Aiiliiiuii uf MB It never ni.itiil an 8888 "f land by a i_ t al CBagiaaB IBa Btate af lawa gave i" the (uii.|.iiii) the r.iiiu. mt uf tnenlil land crant Ui the HBta in UM. aiiiuiiiiUii_ to it tntli- over _,(a_0 a. r.a 18 HM ItulO. Tbe road wita.'liullt Af a e.iiitract'ii.; 888BpaaP eiitln ly for aaaB, uf the , untra. tln,' coin piinv wa. Ii.-tueen WAt* (mnuid fl7..aai,i-K) iiikI the iiiiiiitni Deeeaaary loi ttnilding tbe road *..* i. imt oa tin- MoeA boldera ol tbia Company pro rata by dlreel Baeeaaoicnt. Th,- tutai a-ai aameuta wen . I 'blnk, aboal . I pei i ? nl "t thr wliule nr ,i rliaile iivi-i *AA**V00. In thi- CO-U-Cting i-ompa-j inv p.irtii ular aud bbjcblj valoed frienda, Bteaa__ A. aud P. Cobam, the woalUueol n_en In Malne BBfl aa gaafl mell na 8808 .l\"l, K"'k tr.O.Ol. "f atoek BBfl paid tiieir aaaeaaineoU ln uard eaab, Bmouattag lo aboat ii_-.??., all wltAifl a pcnod, l (tiiiik, of aboal ll moatba, Tbe roai aai fiaiabei to iho laai rall aad iplbe bj tbe paj meni ol . :iah iowa. WAea rompleted, tbe Companv laeaeil i.i'iut- on ihe rn.iil for tlt.MA per n.ii>. and atoeb to lAe aiimiitii ot ?.5.iaa). Tha baaaa at tba Baaa >.i lasae mon wurlli .", an.l llie BtOOA aliuil 18:80 OM < uiilrn. tlug oouipaey potaeeailtbaa wortht-T.ioo per uiii.- la eaeh, whea the rouatraetto- of the road had actuallj coal th. in aboal ttajttt p.-r nnie eaeh m advaneo. Their prolli waa proepectlve in tbe anticlpated rtee of bondi .in<i atoeb- In Jan 8817 laat, Inal a Mar ago, In B-itilna ap aonn. hnaineaa wiih iho Meaara < ubuni, l t....k I1..111 them a qoantlt] ..i the a'.,. u oi thia road, fer whleb I paM aboal BB la eaab. Taal aaa tha tii t of my ownerabtpla tha roai. I imiit the atocA In my own iiiiuii, aai tba traBaactlon ia eaa wbleA Ooa _.!.--, lli ii.v jiKliriii-tit, la lio in Te enlled BpOB tO IB veatlgata tiiuti it woald be to Inqatre Into tbe we__l_ 1 expeuaea ..f my bouaebold. Hut, nt tbe '-ame time, \. l-li the (ull. I..Ul' e lu Ill'lel.-I.) ud 1 lli..k.: tbli .. pi.iiiatioii withonl th. aii-in. -t relaetaaee. caoaaaxAJmao. In t>. nn. -iiuiia ul Juilne i't.l.ind, Mr. lilalne teatitii it lhal Ae 88888 had a .lull.ii'a wuith ul mteie. . in the rua. 1 until la_. that tho iimd wiia ebatABBSd Bf Ihe Btate, Ih. luii.I -itolt toit by tho State, and itw;i->a< t'uiii.t.ii'.e 881-8 _:.ite, and lt euiil.l imt iaj--ilil;. 08888 before ( otiUTtaa for aii)tlnn_. .ni'l 88888 aa foll?_a: I muat aay, fl tt li all iflfl 1888881 IA Mr. hteven-ni's la tt. i Juilirin.iit, tbat I AABaMaA ?u luveatl_ation Into tb, wi'kiy eapeaaeaol mv boaaabali aa loiritmiat. na thia laige l'oland? Do j88 knuw uf any nlher iiieiiil..-r> of Ooaareea iBlniaalnfl la IBa ro;..i i \. Mr. Amea a.-iv. Ae I- and K. A. l'lke. foniierly a eoUeaKOa af uiiiie, put . li.tM-.l $_ii,i?i. w.rth of atoek In it; he u.-ijuir.-.l lt iu an houorahle luanaar, aad paul Ibe B_OB_r| tur it. Iiy Mt Mc< rary?Hai tbla road any conneotion with th. I ii'.'li i'ni UL? road 1 A. Nut tbe lein.ite-t lll the wurl.l ; ii" im.!'' than it has with the llultliume and Oliiu or the New _"?__ < Kr. Blalne farther teatlfled tbat be ewned stc ?harea, fur wlu. ti he paid . i.'.v.', and bad .ver BtB. 8 8808 livnif,' in the bope thal thej w.mlil <lra? a divhiond, l.ut np to thia tim' thej hiui imt [laaabterj; ho waa not aener iiilv in Un' rallroad baalae-a; wmilu like t.< be ln it more. Jiv Mr Sleveiiauli l)u viill kliow AOW inmll tlie . 'n tuiriia inwateil t A. lf >"U waul to put them 88 188880 ir.ltlull I Wlll a' nd fur thoiu. o. What aaa laa aatare uf yo__ traasaetwBa with tln in ' A Do \'"'i lii.'.n in re_.ini to thia BiattOT, 81 iliuiM-i lan.t lu Maine, or eoal Laai in PeBnaylraaia I lf .mi woald llbe an Intereat Ib tba raUroad, Mi. BteTen aun, I wlll 8-11 it 10 }"U uim.ii _ aliL'hl advali.o uiet what i j.iii.i. [Laaabter.J ... . . , , Mr. . I, veiianii-T-aiik >ou; I 888888 to w_it until I ci t oat ol Conare ?-. Mr Illaine -W. II. that will I.n tlio 4lh of Mmh laaabtor), aad i win u?r.-.' tn tahc llalloi vout ii,oi.ia ?m ii iuu ara rei lectad. [Beaawed laaghter.] Mr f^I. It'liaol) Iholl yue. tloneil Ml. Alil.-a, ami tho lat t. i l.? .Ifle.l that he 80_J MMBM boada uf Ibe HiOOI Cltt K.iad M Mr. Illiiine; thought be aold tnai AS.uuu, but eould ?ut leiiietuli'l. Mr Hl.iuie toMr. .-tovenaon-A'k nie; [eaa tell you I tx.'ik'tit f. BOa wertb of l-ointa fr.mi Amea, a'ul paid hm. hi centa mi im dollar al another time I buacht, I lUluk, 818 000 .u Boaton from him, fur whieh, I believe, I paid ___ nocenw oo tha dollai. tbat, l beMa-a, ..? la tho Winierof iH70..r lifii; I turmd tbaa mto tho Meaara. ( nlmnia. tiarlly at one Bftea aad )>?rtly at another; Hiiine uf them aahi_b aa . .aud aumo at _.'.; uiy luiaiiieM wnh Moaara. c.iiuirii ih very lari^, oiutiraoiiiK timlier Land, eual h.nd, Jadee l'oland?That Ih not ccrmano 88 what wo are to inniiire al'iiut. , ..._,? Mr Amea waa further BaaatlOB-i h.V Mr. Ktev.naon, an.l tealltli-.l that Mr. Alley waa int.reat.-d witb hun (Amea) la tha UnJoa PaclBe Bakttoad aa well aa the cro uit Mobilier; thouitht Mr. Alliaou waa lutereated in tba lowa Vall.y and Hium City Koad ; wltneaa and Mr. Alley wero liitereat.-.l in other ruada iu Iuna, all "f whi.h li" miiuiil at the 1888881 ti Mt. -88888888-. aai -unl ? ?' ia th'-re ai.yttiiiiK alaa raa waal t" Aaaw <" Hr.Btevaaaoa?I have Baaaeaaaal interoat; the com? mittee n-iiune.l uie to -8888 here. Mr Amea?Uut tho (omuilttee dld not roaulre you to iro latO ml ""-'? ___Bga ontaide of tho r.anlutlou; I ver Vn.-w thut It waa a erime to btnl.t a rallroad until thia InveatlKatioii eouitueiiood, and I aiu uot aatitled of lt now. _. . _. ... JudK'' PolaBi W'll, wo aro now throuxh witb tbla puitof the raa.'. Ttu- iu?me uf ... iiatur ixicau w.ia rnen tioned a day or two bk'o, aud bo la liero at my 8888881 t<) Ulnke a atal'inelit. ,______! laaaflar J"hu A. Lo^an waa theu aworn, and teatined aa tollowa na__aoari ov B_>Aroa i/m_an. 1 have aeeu tbo teatiinony of Mr. Amea tfven before the (oininittee; I havo uotltlau whalover t88888881 _ thia tranaae tion ao far aa I ain oonueetcd wnh if; Mr. Amea aald I aKTeed to imrehaar. tertaln atoek ; I did ao ln 1B-7 or 1-58; 1 aifreed wlth bim to purnhaae 10 aharea of tho atoek at par; I paid notblun to Mr. Amea at tbat timo aud received no atook; on Juiie ao followlnK. Mr. Amea rame to me and aald thia atoek waa entitled to a dividcnd ?r dividcndI; he made a atatetneut aud iravo it to me, whii b -howed that tbe dividouda on the stoek iioto tbat time paid the amount due for lt aud left a l,.i aneeof ?'_?; Mr. Amea bati.led uie a 88888 for the amount ; I ba.1 paid Mr. Amea no inoney aud bo had im eu me BO atoek or certltirato nf atoek ; I took tbe ehei k wlth the uudeiHiaudlntc tbat it I dld not IBBClaia to re oeive the eABOB lnafew daya I would let him know; I kept the flhaeh tbree ortotir daya AaftaN 1 aaked . a-n upon lt; then I preaeuted K to the Herif-ant at Arrna, or^iu bla ottiee. aud received Ibe monev, 1 ret.iiiie.l il for a few ilMvaand thoiiKbtalKiut tho matter; ln the nieantnne I read a letter lroui a frieud ativliiK me 88888 liiforiiiatloi. S-at the matter. wheu I weul t? Mr. Ame. and tol J bim I would uot take the atoek ; be aaid, V_r?ill, and reniarked tbat .t waa ?ood atrnk or he tbou_bt il a K.-.1 iuveatoient?-ometbiiig of that aort; I paid bimi.-ek ihe BBaa, wilb. I tbluk.ri Intereat; Mr. Awa li.-iuied at.out tbe intereat. lha Baaa ba_Bg baaaaa Miort. but 1 Inai8li_' upou buu takm? t. and thu, iha iu ,U. r ended; tbe uirmoraudutn I made al tbe uu.e ie reahen my mejoory ; l dou't aay thia Is ibe I _?_?'??_ ,v wavof eicuaetocover up_uythiui{. but suie the ftt-taaatbey axe; tbe atoek waa never delivered ., m, . u___ylV_lv:fori_ie, uorbave I over received aurthlng. d.rttVyor.u.l.reetiy. 880881 aal ?l_____5_r5V had no heallatlon iu makiuic thia arreement wlth Mr Amea to tak, the ?liK;k at tbr time. an.l ao far a. oorrup tion orwronK waa oouceriie.l. there waa uu lexiaUtioii iMfoieCoiiKn-aaat th.-tiiue ..tleiiuiK tbe road; I.don rai of au) lexialatiou iu laflBii to tba road duriui. th- oerotlatlon between Mr. Atuea and uiyaelf; bb -ar aa liitlue.i. e was c.iDeeriied, tbere waa no ne. eaaitv for Mr. Amea orbiivIhi.1v elae BMblag a bar??ain toohtat. BM lullueii. ?-; iny eonatitueiioy waa fuToral.le to tbe roml. and I waa naliirallva frieud to lt; I bave alway. v..t".i |S auaUiii the rua.1, aud would tio ao r .!_ ? B. - ll*M|HI< il.LIIi. h. V. Ilain waa recalled an.l teatlfled that ba laaued the tlfty __a_t_.of addltumal CrMit Mohillar MflflBAB Mr. Neilaon, hut knew iiotblu? aa to wbetber the ?&,(__ borrowed by Mr. Neilaon from Mr. Inllon had lieen paid. Tbo aitii-BB here produced a oopy of tbe pnper author i. .i-i.- the laaue of flft> abarea addltlooai Cr_dil Mobilier ?t,Kk to Mr Jaiuea Brooka on ae. .luui of bla prevtoaa aaa Paarih Paaa. ALBAgY. THK LEGISI_ATIVK KITUAT10!" KIVIKWKIi N-kk-lflBACVMM- IN THK KEIMIU-ICAN UANKH? IMBIM-fl TiIKKI.ilKNCI.t4? A BWBBHBO MKA. lltK OF KT.FORM ?A KfclTHI.ICAN SENA" tokjai. okoen* IfBBBfl RKOt-i.An 60BB-BNBMBT Oi IBl ffllBBBB.| AUUVT, Jan. 38.?If thc growttBf ***** OM hear* aruund the L? nialature ia a fair '.udlcatiuii of the M'titimcnt that yervndct. the rauka of thc " orttiodox " Ueuubllf .ina, they ure not ao " Jolly a aet of fellowa " a-. they were on thc mornlu/. of the 6th ?f Novcmber laat. They all w-car I di-appolii,-*,! -BBB, aa ttioilifli they were Ika vietlma of inlaplnced lontlil.nce. (Juvrrnor, whom tbey ualu red Into 888-8 with auch brilllaiit mitu i BBBflaa, tiu ua out to BB Bflfl Bfl al* the (.overnor they ei paak -I. Thcir Mayor, wh.mi they aclccted to carry out th. 44urk afl " rcforni " in New-York hy alilihK them to cet fat B-BBCfl, i- BBBB BBMB, if poatltilc, than their (lov. eriinr. Thc " li ft liatulcil (|iiimeuta " tliat one 188-1 BaM lo thiM tuu ulfli ml- by then late aupportere, ln atafla aaek t*****ikm aa a "kafaaalaaa Bkafc--B-.Ma " rclle of anlKjiiitt," ft " Jflfl-flffllaB DBflMCffll ln di-culae." a " who knowa iiul.ody and IB* attaata BBtkfcBf *>nr'- the war of lai." And these are only a few of the ___tta__Bg BflBflfl that ar< now aaid of thrflr vcru T.iblc (iovi rnor hy bia late foilo cra. Hisliatnf noniincca for Harl.ur Ma. f?-r- aml I'ort Bardaaa, aaai tala ika Baaala laat aaak-haaafaflaead aaaaaal dtagaal ta flaa ranka afl Ika daaalaaal i>arty. Sik I. a lut uf '-aticicnt in.irinera'" a- tlu- 08*88881 888 huiiteii up to nn tkaaa pi.xca, tiuy t*\j,aaaflataraaaa ui iii.i.d of kafaaa. Baaatf all <.f t'" ataii tatalatiaafl-n t.. th.- s. aaaai - a ba ara aafcad la aaaflrai UM tr appaaai n,. t, .md iu, bbb -.?' aaa t.. lafla vka ikay aaa ur arBtaa tliri BBBM from. II i- imt BTBB IBBBB whi tlu r tli.-v ar. BtipaBltaaaa aa Deaaa rats, aafl, aa ti.-y an- moatiy "aafl aall-,?? flaa mtcri ii. e i- that th.y h.-.u- a BBMlBfl tawatfl Deaaaeraajr. IktamflBaaa \itat asflalarttk aaaaa Baaa tor-., 44-h.ii BH qiUUtion of cundrmarlun <BBBlB BB, a-, aaacral Baaataaa .Jv -i> Baataia IkaB tataBttaa aa aaai fur tlu- coiitiriiiatlouof no man who flaaa not belunic to thi ir party. Scn.itor liak.i madc a BBafltaB tu BB Into ExeeaUra aeaataB tlua aaarBiag far Um pBTf__8__e_a n.i. iin_ tncac iiiiiniiiccr, Imt lt waa vot, .I doit ti, und a aaaaaaal BapaaBcaa Baaataaa baa aaaawaBeflfartfcta i-v. niiii_ ia Ma aaa tfca aakjael of Ika Gb-Btboi *a aapotat Baaartaaad -aeafla 44h_t aoaoraa it la i><-t to pareae. 'JTie chnncea at prew-nt appear to lie BSBBMl the cotitlruiatinti of a K'??.i akara "t Ika Qan raar'a BBflatataaa. In tka Aa-, flta flaaataaal party B afcflarfcad hy ? tutter (|tia. ni ln ita own ranka iu adiliticn to tlu- B8_B iiu n gnataaaa al _ta____a ikaaaaaflTaa "aakl" ta IkaB 0818. BIM and Mayur. Ika dia.atiafat tiou cni. uilrn-d fcj ifcaBaaakarta aaaklBaaf Ifla roaaafltteaa haa aaaa miIIIi nut to carry tlie majority ol BH Boaa nr.ilti-t him in eicry laal eaaa Ikal kaa aitoaa tkaa far. iu tka vote on BBHBfl-Bfl the l'tiles 8o aa to take the Ppeaker thc powi-r of laauinir pjiaaca to the floor thc Baaaket waa twtafl ialaaled m kla ******* to laltatfl Ma_ aelf from Ikal ie-iiuii-ii.ility. The BBBB-,|iient attempt of hltnaelf aml hi- pi-raoiiBl friimla tu uiaki- It Bflpaat that thoao who vot. d Ihe rtpcaker'a fllakaa were Bfltaaflafl hy corrupt motiveB and a de aba to Baafl flaa Baaaa arBfc laBkpfcfla. has not t. iiil.-d to tka l).l:i'."t.uls. Tiiey vofed aimply to rctain ta the hau<l8 of thc Hpcakcr. whcic lt haa kaaa f??r raaaa, the aaakaaava petvflaeja uf ailmitlli'i,' BBlBllkaa tu the floor, aud tt he 8-88881 to aaafltka Baaaa wttklafcki-fla,B i? hia own fauit tkay ?aj, aad n"t tiu it-. Ika i Ntbttt- al tka men who vatad ou either aiiie la a-iiilu ietit retutation of the Idea that any BBflk Baafl BB I uniptlun ur Batt-fl8-TBf_aa waa lnvuhi ,1 in tka gaeaMaa; aai Ika attempt ktaaaaeraa a tiern itiiii.tefi-at. r thekflaakarBtta atataaaak ot "cor reattaadaaa,*1 ii _.*>( nt aii reflaked hy ******* Baaflfctteaaa wiu. iliilmc tu lollow bl- ilictafloti. They aay lf thla .--?Bf iBjIliaaBkd in, thev will lD-titntc an ltujuiry mto tka iiiriit'-nc- ttiat aara leaaakl aakaai in thc arcaafcB Baa ef Bm Baaaa at the Baalastaa bI tfca aaaataa, and let tlu-wurlil know who are the real lileuda of lobbymen and aaaiaptlaaflaBa. Ha* ?_- "nd aafl why lt waa tbat all ti.e Kedera! urnie-huldcra of fhc State were unlted to AJfcaaf to aBBfl a ripeaKer aud Cierk, anfl.what tbey did after they ?..t heie. Baak Baaaaa aaia Baaaaafl laflai i" Caaaaaitcsaafl the wiuiic aa -incrai ordiT-.jbut _fca BkaMaaaaa aaaa un liK'al l.illaof Ilttle (nuiTitl lnter.-t. IBBBS waa a partl s ii* iakatfl la Hta A-aaaakl* aa a MU tatfaflaaaj by Mr. Vaiitcttuf PiaalljB tiiiii-firrinc tbe appulntinent of i (.iu t BB-toan iu Ikal etty baaa Ika IbAbbi to the .sberiff. Mr. Ja< ol'-, and utli.r D.-iihx riita, (Iciiuliiic-d it aa a pieceof |a-tty paafl-BB le-lalatlon Ki _i-t ooa-caaion of a intie pattaaaaa tur tka BaaafcBaaa party, whue Mr. van ("utt iiialnt.utii (1 that it wa* mcrcfy the reatoraiion to the BBBtaBa ticuk of an oid law which ttad been n-peal.-d ky a Ihiiiucratic LafktBBBN for parti-an purpuaca. Pro KT.aa\4a.ii porteilouthe bill, aml it will be upaafiuu here iift.r. Ika Di'iii' ro hold the maju. ity to their profeaaiont made duiinjrthe campalirn, that they have the party of "Hcfortn," aud imt aimply " hank. rera after tka _iM.ii-." ifcay aay ika* ar- aatag to awinnthe batti, at of r.-furm tbi- Wint. r In a manner that wlll te?t the aiiueiity of thcir upp.iti.iit-. Mr. Iieebe, who waa the ( hairmau of th. Deiiiucratlo BBBBI Cuiteution laat Huiu m.-r, haa tirouitht- forward a refuiin m.-aaure that atnkea ttltheioot of pollth al loriuptiou, aud he la BBBBfl to m ve tiu- araa wt Lag-tatBBB bb BfaarlBaflty bbtbi. on it. 11.-tblnka lt will he a fair BBfl of their real dealrc f..r rafaraa, Oaatk_afflaaarB-ai ttttfl prarlalaBaaaaa api.iini ta tfca atasttaa taafl Pak. N would vacate tho Baataafl aaarly btbbtBBBBBkarat thia i/ei_iaiature. of both parti. -. It pii.4 ulea th it ev-ry peraou hereaftcr 8_B tcd to auy town, villatre, city,, ouuty, diatxi.u or 8tat( bBBBS, oi aa a rcpr.-aeiitati4L- ln 0888*888, ahall, before B__ta_-Bg upou hia Baaaa. aaka, aBflflB-Bk *n(1 flle ,ue Bflla_lfli oatb or aibnualiuii I Idoaolciniily a44.-,ir (ur aflirm) tliat I have not. dl rectly uor ltulirectiv. viulated auy of the proTiaioasof Utle Hcveii, , luiptei alx. part une uf the Ki-viaed .-tatutca of the Htate of New-York, nor anv other of thc provialona uf anv ot Ihe i-l'i tion lawaof thla Htate, ao far aa aald title _nd the aaid otber provialona of aald ( h-ctiou Lawa, ur either or any of them. were apulit-ahle to the alaetlOB at wbirli I waa elected ihere, thr. name of the ofli.-e to which the aaraaa BBflBBrttaafl aball have, b<-itn elected ahall la- liiaerted), and furthcr, tbat I did not pro.iin*. ttd, -mh-8-bI, aaaalaaea iu aajrvkfla Baa Ikaraafli ikal I flkfaat, auaaajr uor indirectiy. by iiienaiclmbery, aKrccmeut. pnimiae, favor, or other uican*. or devne v.liittever, uiilawfully or corruptly influrnce _r atteniot ta Infliience any peraon in ca-itiuic or triviiiif, or attemptimc to caat or ifivo a vote ur hallotat the eiectlou al whlch I waa elected to aaid otticc. or ilt-ta-r him fiom BtTlBf tfcfl 88848, or diaturb or hiiul. r him in the free cxerelae of the rl_cbt afl auflraire ; that I did not at auch elcctlon provlde or furniah enter taiumi-nt at Bi/aXBBBBa to any elector or meetinirof ilectora contrary lo or ln violatlou of any law of thia State, and thut I dhl tmt aaaeut to or autbunie the aaiuo to bo done bv auy olher 1-8888% and have uot pald for, procured, or'euga_.-d lo pav for, auy auch entertain ment: that I have uot tinlav.fully Itirmsbed, oald, kivcu, or promiaed auy BBoaai ot other property fur the pur imj84) of beiUK ua. d or eipended in priniiirlna; the atteud anoe of any voter or peraon to voto at auuh election j that I did uot aud have not unlawfully pald or *;ivon. or pn.mlaedoreniraited H pay. Kive, or deliver any money ,,r other tlmiK, or otherwiaocompenaateorfavor auy per? aon for votlua or aitamptiDtc to vot*. or for atteudinK at auy of tbe polla at auchelectiou.or for jirocunuK any per? aon lo atteud or vote thcrtvat; that 1 bave not pald or _i_r>.xl to pay, and have uot authonzed any utlicr peraon to pay or airree to pay any jhi -un for hia time, expenaes, or any loaa incurredor involved in (t<'lQlf to, returning froin, or at tcndnig at any of the polla at auch election , that I havo not Kiveu, paid. .uutrfhuted, or promiaed lo _1vc, paj , or iiiutriMtte, or dlrectly or ludtreitly authoriEed auy othcr peraon to give, pay, prixoiae, or coiitribute any mouey or othcr pro|>erty for any purpoao eouneoted with, or u-ndiiu; to prumote the elcctiuu of auy peraon or ti.ket at auch elei tlou, i-x.-ept a aum not 8B888fllaa (bere ll.e amount ahall bt. lm-rrted) for .1. tr.ty iuar the expeuaea of piiiitiu-,' aud nr. ulatiii*.' hallota, hand lull.i, aod other pajiera. and for conveyliij. aick, poor, or Intlrm ele. tora to the polbt; that I 'havo nut prtxured, aulcd, aaaiMU'd, a.'i|ui.'-M ed lu, . o.iii-.i.-.i u. ..dt i.-ri.l miy p.T-i.11 t.i i-aai. a-ii.-, ,,i ofl.-r a vutei al any pollluK-place at auch elcctiuu, kaowiua; that auch i"-i -mi waa not duly quallfled aud cntttled to vote tbereat; thal I did not pro-ture, atd, Btakfl, aaaal* aaaa m, couuael. or adviae auy pt-raou to uu ot coiua iutu thla BUte, or luto auy town, ward, rouut) . or decuoii diairict thrreof, for the purpoae of elvma nr attemptlua to tfivu or caat a vote al auch eiectlou, kuowini; tbat aucU puraou waa nol eutilled lo do ao. Tbe above oatb Luuat be flled before the aucceaaful can ilidati'dih e bia lertiOcateof eiectlou, aud auy ur refuaal to take tbe oalh ahall be aaaflfBBBB. to vacatln(? the ofHoe to whlch the jhtbou la electeU. IBI Tr-.l.-l-RAPri TO TBI TRIBfJIltl The tauctta of Krptibllean Wrtnatora, thia eveninp, nn tbe dutrrnur'* li?t of Ilatitor Manti-ra aud i'ort Wardeua laated atMiut three houra, and ia aald to have reaultetl lu an Bureement toconflrtn Btiout half of the llat to-morrow There waa unn h (tiowIIuk at the way lo whlch Seualort' wlahna have \ttttm unui ad by the (iuvernor. and lt waa flnally aarrt-ed tbat inaamurb aa tbe (iovernor bad not aeen Ut to eouault them id hia appoUitmenU. but had _eni In tbe naiue*. of nieu eutiralj unkoowu aod prr vloualy unhrard of by tb* _*M_a_e, they would delay the of auch naniet until they were more fi_Jy e_.H_-_.eDed m t*? ?ho aod what tkar ttn. lt wae ajrreed that no man aboold be eonflrn.-d nnloaa ho could urodn-e vourhera that ne ia an orthodox Kepuhllean. AmoiiK thow whoac eouflrmatlon ia reporterf to be de forred ar.-Mewrn L.tiHU, Tu. ker, Kobit.aoo, Taoinpaon, Johuaon., aud l'eataxly. |(iB_B__ -HE- H DI.SPATCH ) Tho Iloputiliciiti inembers of the Benate beld a 888888, to-ulgbt. a_* I loaed doore. It la auppo.ed to have M aa Inconneotioii wlth matters rolatih* to the _____*___> tersatidPo-t Wardena nouiiiiated. llie flthAB day. by (i?v. im, _t8888888 that tbe Uo.ernor found a prac ti.e m aaaaa aaaa aaaaaralBg thew- api*'iutment_ which be did nnt f? .-I Juatiflod lu followlnir. Fur ae\ eral yoara past tho 8B-B8-taa of tbeae 8888881 baa haBB left to 888888-8 who ]>toked tbem up ln varloua part* of tho State. The law which tbo (lovernor conaidera iiielTeotlve, says tbeae offlolals ahall, after their appoititineiif. reslde ln New Tarba It haa no proviaion wbi.h n-quirt. fitnoea or qualitl. atlon for the office. Po tbo (Jovernor. In tho flrst place, ifTimrcd th?- practice referred to above, and ma le hia own AabABt-BBB, and ttiou flhflflB ?888 who ho waa a.aurod paaaaaaai Iba peesee qualiflcatlona for tbe ortlcea ; and a_ to Thompeon?the aelectlon of whom haa l? on critiei-ed ti.e (.nvornur aaya It ia possihlo ho B not a flSfli IlllltllA. but that, he BAJB, AAB eaiily he reiaeilied. _ THK W.I. .IMCAN < .lAKTI.I.. TIIE finai. BBJUUBU PBOfACIfl Of its I'AS . A<<_. |I 1 !I.I...._A. II 10 TIIK TIUBl'N _ ) Ai.i'.any, Jan. _*_?Tlio final hflBI-Bf BflfOfB thi Juiut Coiiilnlftee ou Ctlee on tbe _fOB_ 'at. Char t, r tttra. ted i. larire audioncc to the Senate Chumbor ti.a- .iiiortiootj. Jaaapb BL ("noate mado a very effective ? i .-i-i h aaalaal Iba panBaa toaAaaaa ?f lha ct.ait. r, ami aaid that Ihe Bl pflBBafla 1'i.rlv. of whleb ho had alwayi beeaa B-nabar, aaaM ba gaUtgral aatabaaaaa af ita pie.i.ea, ami -und lasa taa aBppaal al aii tiaa r.-funn. r. it it trted tu paaa a aAartai f?r Bav-Tarb m the Bflbaaal 8| Ita.lf rath.r ttuin in the int'-reat of tlie whule P88B-B. T!i, t .iiiiiinttee will i. |.uit tl., Charter aa auoii aathey eau 88-88 88 (ho --888 B_ whleb tliey want it to paa.-. iii nl ;iti. fort wlll then 88 ininie to ruali lt thro.iK_ under IBa party laah. it B r.ipartai tbai ti.e Rapabttaaa Ob-a< nnttee have struek I BB-ga-B witli tlio O' ur Apollo Ball fBetlea bp vhteb ttu latta .ir<- la -haa a tepn aaB atiiin in all tba Depart-BBBta. la thia mttg they hol)e to ki iip up 8 divialnti in tho I_-nioer;.tt<- IBBBB aud eli.?A Mayor ffaiiaaajar Bt araat ibap _Dee_e t<> i,o hia aebaaaa toeoti-ulidate tbfl pally and Al-Bg tbaa back lllto the fold <>f reforined Taiiitiiauy. POBTHn ABOUUBBtfl BBPOBS THK joivr OO* MITTKKi. ON ClilK.? BBMJJUU HY PBOP. DWIGHT, Mfftgltf ( HOATI., .Clil'I.TZ, AXD OTIIKUS. [OBBBBAt PBBAfl PUPATCB 1 Ai.HANY. J;tn. _*.?Tha(Oinmittccs on Cittflfl uf i.uth Baaaaa "f the LagMbBbaia m.t la aaataaaalaa a_ain thia afti riioon lur Iba Baai baanag BB the New York charter. Tho followiug . . ri-ina appeared before tin OaaaBbttaaaa i rrmn tbe Bcpu.i'.icun Coiiiiiult'-' on liohnlf if the Charter?JohnT. liavenport._uliii 1>. Lawaon.Ueo. btarr, an.l Keaara. Yanee aad l.n: from ihe Committeo of . .vi nty?Theo. W. DwiBht, jahB Whoeter. Jamea M. Brown (( hairmau), Jot-tph 11. (hoatc, BoaweU 1). Hateh, .laokaon s. -Vebnltf. aad Dorman B. Baton ; from tbe Old Cittaena Coaimltttee?Btephen B. Olln, and from the Baard af Aaai.atani Aliiermeu, Wm. Wade aud _. W. BlmoosoB. l'rof. Dwitfht opi ii'd tt.e dla, uas.on by aaytng that Btaaatha laataaaaAlag tne C8a?_ttaaal __veuty had had the aulijoet under further cousideration, and had mitnirtod him to lt.ake eome further su_*restions to th<> joint Coitiiuittee. They had coneluded to coucur with tha B-pBhUnanfa?ilttai ta tbatrpaaaealttaa b_ aiiou.h the Baard of A_-i atant Ald. nnen, but. aaid he, wo do not like tho plan propoacd coneevnniK the Board of Aldinnen. We thareforc propoai-thib amendinent: Tlieir lerma of 8_BB8 ahall i-ommenoo ou tho flrst Mon dav of J.nii.iry ii. xt. after th.;r oleetn.n, at noou ; five of them ahall .ervo for ono year, five fur two yeara, and flre for three yeara ; tho lerma fur whieh tbe aald Alder iiiil' ahall r, (Bpt -I'lively hold Ofl-M ahall be detormlned at the flrat meaUoael lha Baard, after auch elo.-tion, hy lot and the aaaaaa of thoae who have drawu the reapeet lv.' t.-ruia aliall 1* en. red nu Ihe reeorda of aald Board, audacopyof auoh reeord ahall tKwpubliahed wlthin flv? daya in The Ciiy Keevrtt; auunally thereafter, there ahall lie eleeted at aneleetlou on tbe Tueaday _,rtor tbe flrat Mnn.tav of April. flve Aldermen. who ahall tako ufflce on th.-ilrat Mondayin Januarynext suceeediiiK this el?c tion. aud hold otllie for tbree yeara. We are alao In favor of Sprlnjc electlona for Aldermen and Mayor, aud have prntian-d an amenduient to that Kall electlons alwaya oceupy the attentlon of voN-ra almoat etitirely with ^tate ;a_d natlonal affaira, fllbflfl lu the caae of mun.cipal eloetlona municipal aff-iira ahould eagraaa aUentlon. l'rof. DwUht then proeeedod to disruaa the othor provialonaof tho < li.u t.r, repeatln?, malnly, the ar?rumont he made at the meotiujr luat woek. On reforrtnir to the taxation of charltable lnstltutiona. Mr. Davonport aaid they lntended to miKlify that proviaion, and Secator Woodin liitiiii.ited that tho Comniltteea woro a?freed as to that point. l'rof. Dwiijht th.n proceeded to cntlclfie other portlona of tho charter aa he had at ihe fonner meetinjr, atatini. tbo viowa of the Committee of Beventy, and commontlna; upon tho propo.i.ion to rctaln Mr. \'anNort 1n tln- Depiirtiiieut of I'ublie Worka, a Department ln whieh bBB-B to tbe amount of A8.00..000 or |to,0.?i.0O0 are hiiinli'd. Tbla, he th.uiKht. waa itltoiretber too inuch for any one mau to have tbe baudlinjr of. . enator BaaaaBB aald lt waa nearer l'rof. DwiBht -The_H30,<JOO,- 0. I dld not want to otot etate tbe amount But you know the orn_iii of (he flreat power lu one inaa'a banda, aud ita object. It waa, aa you know, ln order to put thia vaat power into the handa of one p.utii ul:ii uiai:. Brof. DwlKht aaid ttio Cottunittee of .eveiity had not abandoned the ldea of proporttoual repieaentatiou; they bad almply i)osti_)nod If. They adhered to that ldea. and hoped to aee lt put ln foroe at a future day. Joseph H. ChoBte uext addreea-d tbe Committee. In apeak.n_ of the motlve which aoemed to underlle the ac? tion of thoae who had framed this charter, he aaid: A year or two a?_o the people of New-York were on trial; nowitlethoae who, holdins: an overwhelminK power, wero about to aet upon thia charter. _Ie called upon tho ('< tu mi ttee to remember from whom lt waa tbla _x?wer waa d.rived. and tbat tho_e Pua?eaa?>d of it would he beld to a nicld accountat.ility. lie aaid lf the power waa um d merely for tho purpoae of perpetuatin_ itaelf tho people would rlae atfaln. and airaln a cbange would be made. Ba ai*w88B-i a Hprlnic eleetion. " If," aaid be, "you do not want the Government of the City of New-York run eolely in the intereat of tbo Kepublioau or the De_iO4.ratl0 party, then divoroe it from the machiuory wbieb envelopea a Federal or State eleetion; if you do not do thia, you leave the aflalra of that City iu the handa of pollUciatu)." Aa to the reten ti.ui of cerUin o_io_ra or heaila of departmenta, he waa of tbe. opiuiou that thal waa doae for party purpoaea " Why retain Mr. Vau Nortl" he aaked. "Who electo.l htin to tbo poaition he holda, with mouey enough at hia ciitnmaud to control the entire rank aud flle of a nolitical party I Wbo eleeted hun, I aakt Did not Wm. M. Tweed aelect him to tako bia plac. luat aa be atepped out I Ile certaluly waa not appouitea ln tbe intereeta of tho Re formora. No, nor even luthatof tbe Bepublkan party, but ln that ot tbe expirlng Kiuif. Then-, too. wua tho Corporatlon Counael. Wbo appoiuted him I Whv. Maj or II ,ii i, in tbe cxplring houra of hia t.riu, he appoiuted bim und for four yeara. Tbla waa irmaa fraud ou the City of New-York, aud tbe people demand that lt aball uot be perpctualed by tbe exerciae of your power." Stephen B. Olln, from the old Citieena' Aaaoctatlon, atated that many of the provlaioua proiioaed by botb ihe lii-publican Committee and the Committee of Seventy were thoae which had been propoeed by them several y.-ara atuce, and wblcb. of courae. they now ladoraed. Thov wanted the appomUnit power given Ui the Mayor solely. J,i,l--iin 8. Bcbultz then apoke of the finaneial provla? ioua, and critlclsed the Board of HmkitiK Fund Com mliiaioners, a body whoae dutiea be waa scarcely able to detlne ; yat he kuew tbey were pretty ? well paid. He wouid like to aee thia Board abollabed, and bave the Controller and tbe four Tax C_immiaaiouera take rharge of the titianrea, ralae all the money re.jutre-i, and -ttetut to ita exp-iMiiture-?thia inatead of auy Board of Apportionmeut or Cbamberluln. Tbe lattar waa an otheer for whom he eould aee no poeaible use. Ile never knew wbat bla dutiea were, beyoud payluir n\ er a i-ertaiti amount ot money placed in hia handa, hut Itr-t tnWiiiK _> blmaelf aorae tui.'-mi. We owe, aaid be, about I aay about, but I venture to a_y uo mau 888 telljuat how much we owe. But whatever we owe ougbt to lie conaolidatcd into one d.-i.i and booda laaued therefor, beanng intereat at the rate of flve per ceut, gold. Now we pay 7 per cent. Two per cent can be, and that wlll to aomethiuc ; but what the people want ta a finaneial board ln whleb tbey eau repoae confidence. They are very> conrermng the Oontroller'a 11. partnient, whleb cuutrola.more nmney than any flrty bauka. It ia too mucb for any oue luao. as auy oue eau aee who viatts the Controller's offlee. Mr. Uroen ku(4 aloug verv well, but ha cannot atand the preaaure upofi him. No human belnx ean Be wlll break dowu aome time, aud then wbat 1| Mr. Wade, Brealdent of tbe Board of Aaaiatant Alder ineti, theu read a memorml from that body iu oppoaltipu to the propoaitlon to abollsh lt. Tbe memortaliata aay If the Board lt aholiahed aome rleven Asaeuibly DiaU-da will he unrepreaented ln the Leaialature of the city. Tjje Board of Aaaiatant Aldermen were the aaiua aa ^he Huuae of Aa_emt)ly,in tbe L-fialature. Ita oteintwra tame dlreetly from the people, and tt wlll be aa_ .at to out off that repreaeiitatlon. They alao quote Mayor Havemryrr'a late mesaaire apatnat tbe propoai1'0" Mr. Uaveiiport theu proceeded to expiB-O an* uelend tbe provisions of the charter. . . Brof. Uwlnht br__ay taapvu-ad, aban Ihe bearlnn waa AflBflflflBflfl. FOREION NEWS. ? ? CONSTITIT.t.NAI. SCHKMES IN FRANCE. OOBCtOBTOBB nv tiik. IflrMf'tBB OP tiiirtt? l-KKSIIIKNT Tlllr.l.s tO APPEAK MPOBI THE OOMM-TTBI (iN BBIDAT, I'AKie, Tneaday. Jan. Vi. 1873. TboCommitt*ecif Tlurty havftwtucliidid their dlaciiaalonun thc aub-committee'aconatltutiona) proja-xt. Ai-BraaaaaBf aiaaaBBkaa amriutiig their power to di-i with tli- conatltutional qncationa ".vhic.h they have taken IB fcaad, they adopted amendmenta to tbe ale-i-rtaa pro .1 hy the aub-romiolttee, whlch provlde for the er_? tionof a 84-t-onil I> _i-!iitlvc (hamtx-r. fur a aeweleetoral law, aud furr-rtrictinK tho Prealdent. prlvllcire ol ad flreaBag t'-to Aeaembly to <><. aaioiia when bilia are bafoi .1 lt. Tho draft of tbe ******* aa amended wlll be BOb mltted to Prealdent IktaBB WttB anothcr amcndment, 441,1, h ia yet In 8889-888, i* rrulttlng thc E_ccutlte ofll cer to lu tlie Chamber on all important interpella tli.naof tho i.uvcriiine.if. Prerident Thhira will appear before the Committ-c on Frlday, and explaln bla viawa aa the paapaaai decree. HB VIKNNA KXHII.ITION. I0TB8-MM. AM) OtMBB CTB.WIM WHO ARf. TO BB PKEfEST. LOBBflB. Tuceday, Jan. IH. 1873. Tht5 Princc of Wui. .h, who i? Preanif nt of the Bittiah Commlaalon, will probably aa__-t at tne open Ingof the VicunaExhilntion. Tho Mhah of 1'i.n-la will alao-.ipreBent.aa his vi-itto Kirope ia now pbtceal bc yondadoubt. Thc Erapcror Willlam will vtait Ht. Pe taaafcflBfl at tbeendof [Mav, and will BBBBBB- BflflBflfl 18 Vit-nnaaccorupanled by the OflBB A Mflflaflflk flflflfl OM tiirne atat.n that Priuee BtakaflBB, the ?aiBMfl-fl Bfl M.m tcueacro. is preparuig to atr.-ti.l flB. K .niiiitlon. I'aki?. Tuewiay. Jan. Bfl, 18TO. Le Soir aavs Preaidenl Tklera wiil rlslt the Vu-una Ea hibition after the pnymeut afl tbe fourth iuilil..nt tt BM war lndeninity, and may rnc*t M. Bimnarck Baaaa, THK C.-KIjIST INSIKIiKCTION IN sl'AlY A LABOB POflfl-B !.<?( ti:i>?thi: OMOBBIWTWB OOBSCDBBI l? CBUBBBDa B 4i'!M!>, Tucaday, Jan. 1-. BM Gcn. Gonzalos, iiiiiiiii:iii(iiiisr roynl tniop., riiiitcd a lar.-e 18888 of Culiat liiri:r_-cnta. l.-d liy the Cure. of Sauta (Yu*. Tli.rty-ttve CMkflB were kill.-.l, many woundt-.l, and MtakBB pri-.oi.iT-.. A band und, -r Cflaaaata Bara kaaaMa t-ecn _-bbjbbbb8_ tik- fcaaai raaMaa ii aaaaaflatai aaaptoaaij eraaki <i. THK CAOCA MNSn..:..rT_ON." TIIK AKKAIK A PI. AN Of TIIK PBBBIDBBI fO BH BXCBXCB BLBC-IOBS?THB "l.v-iui.!' IflOB" DBCLABBO km?ki>. PaXAMAi Jan. 18.?Tlic iiiBiiiT. ction \n the State of CBBBB, which at one time threatcnol to take laagataaa proportiona with lafaraaaa to ika Baaaa M Ika aafl BBB to friemlly relatlons with tbo nelghboriug Republlc of Ecuador, haa happily come to an end. Th*- whul.- attiir _eem* u> ha.e been nothlntr 88888 nor lc?a than a ruao of OflB. Moa qucra, the preaeut Prcaidcnt tt Cauci, to coutn.l thc ucxt elcctlous for VflBBBBBfl. Hc BBBBB hy BBBBBBa "??? akaaak authoritiea of u-yiiii. to excite fcaattM tasBaaa aruong tho people acainat i.oth the State and Uie (ieueral Uovernnicnt, and by ailowiug eomo of thc luilit.try and civll authoritiea to commit dcaputlc 8888 on tho peraons and propertlea of the ("on .erratlves. Tbo latn-r rotallatcd, aud a 8BS_Bafl took place in Paato. Tlie country waa (lec.arol to bo ln a atate ol war. and tka uulitia of the Htate called out. All thia haa not, how. ter, been 80C? Bsfol m aeeur lnK the election of (icn. Ifoaquera'a favortt* cBnttldate (Santa Coloma of IPauama nntoriety) fur thc next l'r.-ai dent for Caiicil. Secinx ihar hc could not c_arry out bia own vn-wa, tbe vetcran (.em-ral at on.e turn. d ronrxi. (rranted an amneatv to all fhoae conc.-rne.l ln what fca called rebelllon, aud madi-.h!" iHuc witu tbe Hiahop ?r Paatoandthe church. Be ap|*oiuted a day of thanki. Kivlng for the retnrn of ;, and haa now left P8BB yan to take hia Beat ln ("onKreaa at Bogota, aa the reprt aenuttve for the State of < au. a. FTIKKION NOTES. Y. llora- fcrer was raijing at Kio <lc Janfiro on the lith of Jauuary. The Hon. J. C. Chapaif*, Krceiver-Ueiifral of the Domlnlon of GBflflB-_Bflfl reslgned. The rumor of a prcjcclcd BBMli-fB IwlflflJBB a Bntiah Trince and a Kuaaian (Irand Daafcsaa ie pi(a nouueed to be wlthoat foundation. The Portugiiese Court goes into rnourainiz two montha for the Dowajrer Etnpreas of Bl?Bfl, and theaters wlll r.-iunu clo#ed oue week. Mr. Ijrowe, tho Chancellor of thc Briti.h E-tchcrjuer, haa u^ain detlined to enfertam uny pro poaaU for the repeal of the malt tax. A royal deeree ha? been pronnilp.it4Ml bj. the Italian Oovernment, W-BflSkf ttfl ."rate formally takea poaaeaalon of 18 conventa ln Komc The German Admiralty have iflctffl- BB bulld no more lar^e iruii-cl.-tda ?t preaeut, hut atretjiriheii tho coaat defensea by moiutora and torpedoea. Prince Naixdeon diriavows all for the rcceut newa).aper announccment afl hia vu-wa iu reajard lo the f uture poiicy of the Uouaparu; faini!... A MfflBfl eartliquakc t4iok placo in Salvador on tho 08th of Deoembcr laat. It cauaed a<imo ilarnagr- to the church and houae* in the town of (hniameoa, ar.d even aome nvce are aaid to have been loat. An , ruplum of the vokano of ban Vuente ia glfflfl **> thc lu.iueiliHto aaaaa. Mi. Chne, Ihe CommiBriioner reprenintiriK England's lntcreat in the ("laima InveBtlgatmn at Waah lngtou, has returned to Montreal wlth the depoa.tiona nf Mr. 8choller, C'lerk of the f'rown ; Mr. Cart.-r, Qumd'h Counsel, and Mr. Mi Laughlln, <"hief of the Wai- r Poiice. upon mattera connected wlth the Ht. flJfcaaaraM Th<. U?atimony of theae gentleiueu la completely at vanam??? with tbo report that aald acherne waa con.oc.-e-l ti ('anada, and estahliahea the etitire l^noraticr of tht* autbontlea resptictlu-- the deaigna of tlie ranl. ta OBiTUABT. RKV. ADAM MNfMB. The Rev. Adani H4di?wick, an i niim nl Prif lah geologiat, died, yeatcrda.t, tn Knaland. 11.- waa Ivorn in Dent, Yorkahire, In 11*6, and waa graduated at lYiniiy Colle^re, Oambridifc, In :soh. The ycar followiutr he N ? came a fellow of the aann college, aud lu laia nuoreed.-d Prof. Uallstone aa Profeaaor of (..olocy ln the unlver_lty. Between 18.9 and 1WJ be waa Prcei dent of the Gcotoirlcal tkiciety of fjondou. Aa a go<,_oglat be gave hlaattentlon chicfly to tho atmly of the pala.. zoic and cryatalllne rocks of Etigland and Walea. Ba contnbuted "A Svtiopaia of the ("laaaiticaliun of the Brttieh 1'alteozolc Rocka" to Prof. McCuy'a di-a.-rtptive catalogue of the "Brltiah Pal-i-orolc Fo~a;!a" contaiired in, the unlveralty muwuiu collecliun. lit? rcmi.iiuug geo loglcal wurka conaiat of notueroua papera pubiiabeil ln acientiflr penodleala, and Hta "Traii?actlotia" of varioua aocietlea. In 1834 Mr. BBkja flB tx-camr ?BaBflflfl of Nor wlch. lie waa a conaplcu. opiionent of Mr. Cbarlea Darwln'8 tbeory ofthc BBkBa . r ajieciea by meana of nat ural -de. riuii, and was an ertcemed a?.M iat<- of the great geologiata of England. Iu 1858 he waa ale* ted a correaponding memiver of the French Inatitute. THE MODOC EXt ITEMENT. San Francisco. Jan. _?.?On the inorniDK ti the 15th inat., ("apt. Jack attacked (x>l B-emard'a otunp at th,- eudof Tule Lake, but waa repultt-d. One Indlan waa kill.-.l and three wounded. All the horaea of the red men were captureB. Tbe troopa auffered no loaa. Tbe people at Yan .uina B*y. Southern Oregon, are greatly alarmed and appreheuaive of raida aud maaaacrea. Tho women aud children of Elk Oty wera ukeu on board the ateamer Unetta lor aafety. The men plcketed themaelves about tbe town and ara now buiid lng a block-houae. Many famiHea have left the p'aea and goue to Benton Conntr for aafety. -T-:IjE<iraphic noteb. ..The Boaton Boanl of Aldennen with but ob*> ,;,.....n? rot* '?.' pata*. aa onlrr ilireeUag Ika traalitca af ib* l'*tln Litrarr k> apra it atiuda. aAci-aaaa. . .I.HHC8 Torpey, a youne man, racentlv iii.irrie<l. ,a_l rrtiiiag ia B_1_mui, Maaa., aa aa aa/ at __rt. il*-.*i, 8c*8* t_ma_h t_*ir* ia a aaad aad aaa ittmtti. _Willlam D. Weat haa resig-ietl hia BBBBBBB aa J*J_* al Ik* Nuana* t'aart af Obio, v> ut* *a*tt ttk. AX Wiiui ? Btaa* af 8*a_a__J u. i|., ?ia-r*i ta 411 Ikt ttctutj. _Judge Buatrvil haa appointed W. L. Laniar ra rn.rr uf Um Miaa, Boa*. *n- iMIloa Kailrotfl. aa a bill IM k. Alawa aad uilrrt la katt tka M88B artaiaiataraa aacaiBag la *r?r>ij *t riaafla ... E. B. K. Clinati.-tn. Clerk of the new lenl t"-?at. loart, eaaaittad *__<id- at V*.. r_rUr_i, w, ,t| haa k.t j(i_a!ar i*-ia altk a ratw- ak..a la a lt af 'rrrairi-f imi, u caatad bj tka daato tt kla wtla. _Edaon lluut of Conoord, Maaa., aa* 17 waa kilird wkll* aaillac aa tfca rn-__- traak. jtttnLt, %? ba'aat _? __k__L Ha l?al> aaa aaagbl aa tka *??cataBar. Uran _? mm* l_a fc-iii, aaa k_i llttititw aat,) %%* ___? niiN a,tt 8*a___a