Newspaper Page Text
fflm^Mr t,oi? VWII NO.U!!_| NKW-YOKK. TIIURSDAY. JAINUARY 30. 1873. PRICE FOUR CE1YT8 THK CJON0RHB8 SCANDAL. OAKl> AMF.S ON THE 8TAM> AC.A.N'. Mm. ocl.FAX fl-BBM Uit* ATTORNKT? HB-B-flflOM 00BT1 -ksation. BBHrW-BB mk. amiS* and l,(,MtS. GAKFIF.LD AM> KEI.LET ? WHAT Tlill WI.II1.D IUM TO RBTO- Tf. [BT TKl.KtiRAPll TO TllBTUmrBl-.l Wi?IfllllBfl ?'?-? 29?Mr- Ct.Ha-?ent alawyrr ta tl. Cn-'iit Moliili.-r Comnntte. thk BM-B-BB. tt ethkcaaa. Tka.Roa- BcM. B. HatoafHaw. ii.ik. _n aa-aaaaaaa a-Oaagnfla __fl_aaa_Biaafalaal tiMi.c in _cl HuiiM. aiiui.un.t'ii tkataflflfpaflifld as the aaaaaalal Baa Vka I-aaJd-flii ?i Ihaiaafl_> paflafli it> ? B-B daya. to provo tbat Mr. Colfax re aaaaai laa $i,-Juo ti?i-_?i-cd in tht- iir.t Hatieaal Hitnk.l W__diiu. ton. on Jun.ifl. lW'-.. frcm some aaaat aaaajaa Ikaa froui oake-a Ames. tt*mt****7t woulil be neeeeaary, be .-.plained. to fna Mr. I'olfax tim. U> Bflfl. trtm ln*1 B-faflBi and to iret-aome evi alenec from New-York. Mr. Hal. put the casbier of the hank on thr BBBB-. who tfstitit-U Mr. OaHflfl l..ul -MBBJ0M a dratt for B-.WO ..n Ihe same day that 1,. JafCflltf-fl thal fl.atTf. the draft _?._nK in favor of 1I.C. Counorof Iiulianapolis, who wafi Chairinftn of tl.4 ItitTianapoli- RfflMkflW Committee at thc tiine. Thk dtaft >\a_* pfll 111 Bl idCflK e, and Mi' Hflk ****** hf laflaBMBBd to ("iiu. rt it with ttstimony lie WOOld Hub aetji.cutlv produoe. Mr. t'.H.tx's account,an entercd on thc l-ank rc?_i8 ter, -bow. that hc tlcrKMsited iu tbe vcai l-Onearly jttiflAm, a faet that is atrangely inconsi-tent with hia . t..tcment that be i? a poor man, with no in.-oine iaflUa liis salary, aud that he could Bflfl jMSsitily Baaa rn-eived aa lai.:.- an amount ao $1,1**0" lmm any aaan 1 without NflaaaaBaclaaj it. Ti.e Coiuniittoc next t<x>k up Mr. Ames'. checkson the Ser>_?aiit-at ..rmsone by one, and wcut o\cr thc .f the implicatcd Cotitnt-ssmcn Iflfli-. tjjtttr tuuuiiK Mi. Ames about BBBM particulara tbat had aaaaaad aatke la his pawriflflfl c__ain__i.-t.oii. One t i.K-k for $-00 a capi-al"-." aud a ________ Me" v. rilten 111 oue conior. Thia, Mr. Amoa e-ays, he had jriviu to Mr. S< oli.1.1. A check for $WB, .'.tv ablt tfl bafllfl-i he said hc thotiplit WM Mr. Garli.h.'s. IK peadaaad from a pocketbook anotber Baaaaaa. for 4' i!i\ idciids, .BBO-Bt-Bfl to tMfl-. ajtaail bf Baaaflfli PaataaaaBi dated la fhb-fl_fl__ 1N> Mr. Amoi was next riue.tioned about hJaeonne-e , || ? . Id aud Kelh-y riaee tha in Heaflld that Kr.QaiAdd had ' .tly talkod B Ith him, aud had alwayt. adinit tod thi ri-ct i;it nf thc 1_i.ide.11d. jnst as ho (Ajiies, had aaUtt-t-tl. I?.it that lu wauted him tfl contirmUl "rig ? i.aicl. " aloi alag baek from Lurope "hard nj'' and bonwwiaf mou.-yof him. At oue mt.r ariaw iu Mr. Aaaaa- raaaa, Mr. Qavfteld had pai dowa latgfllflfl what bfl IflflaHaaflfld aatbe st-.tem.tit Mr. Aiii'-hi'i _aafl> tahaa whaa he aafl thedividend. rn,.! Mi. Aaaaa prodaoed a bM of f-pai -iwu which wara Ihc lalhiwIni aaianaailnflfania' BlAtt, ?i,ooot $iH iu a eolnmil, Wlth the total, 9__,fl0a Mr. Amc*i taid thc.-c \\? te Mr. C.arfield's li_;iirt., und Qm tir-t $ljOOOataod li 1 I ????'? Moidlin ba_Mla.aad U und M*JWt lor l nioii i'acilic boud-*. BU did not haa* v-hat Um OthH $*W* m.ant. Mr. Ktllcy aad aaalad Mr. Ames tu a_BMflBhai Iils dirtidead asa t.H). He had never pretended it waa really a loan, Mr. Ames -aul, tuif only iti*i8te<l that he should ?_] it was. Thaaa hadhaaa no dtafl-raaaa of opinion ! n them a. t" thc RJ-I B-UflflCflaf of thc tran?nc ll auy "f tlnii int. :vi,??,".'.. Mr. Kclhy had 1,1 \ a i .hsji'.it.'l thal it was a di. Idflad whlch bc got. At aaa latflrricw.thia Winter,lir. Ulflj handed . ? ii.ik loi $1,000, which l.t (Aaaaa) Bflc in two. trnti ****** t., Itiaa. 11.... ,*..ii..ai__-?ia<H. Mr. a- _aaaad,-_a taaaaMa Mr.KaHeytflflajrihal lo had paad baa* lhalaaa af fci.o"". wUah ln- pawtaadad to baaa aaaalaad -taaa Mr. Aaaaa Tiu* iiietiiorandiim baoh 9?> aflB-Juaaalj. aapactad, frcm whb h Mr. Aaaaa rc_na_-d h_fl aaaaac-? dmri-i lhanceaa.had aol anrlr-d this _a__r-_-ta_Si<nnBBto flalaj iu thc mail-*. Mr. Aaaaa capiaiaad. Hc Inaiatcd tliat in-mii-t ko home to-night to ralaa i','^>|A?o ta aaaal prcaaiBa lia'niitu-s. He did not waat to tatl laiia aa aiBjuufll ti lha Ciddil Moh_-er,-fl said. Wt*** thc ('.itniiiiit c ad.-unicd. it WflB with the aiailiii-fla-dl-flthal Hr. Aaaaa should lulagraph le Marth Eaaaaa and lad out if tbe m.aaaaaaala-a Imm,1. wys on it*. wa*. aud that a m* .-t 1:._r ,!i.iiild l-c h<4d thk ereaiaaia eaaa it arrtTed eathato'ekicb tiaiti. Mi. \'::*ini! I.-I-U-.'i'i" aaawar to hk di? 1 ? -,|> u> 1 0*1 lo.k this i-v.-niu'-'. aad tli' 11 a ? Jadac Poknd n elved a lettca Iroia Mr. K.-lh-.\ . reoittfl. which waa ihown to othcr mcaabcia ol tlu- Coiiiiiiiti'.-. iml waaool iiut iu c\idi-uec. Tbe leMeriaekaeda check I ad inatrncitad Jadflfl ralaaid la niar thk > he. k 10 Mr. Aaaaa toaettie the Mtiiount hi OV...I him. and te take t lu ( ii-ilil Mo tuii. 1 Ih.ii.i- an.l dii niciuN baloafl-Bf ta thafa, dau blr. Kcii.v. aeco-dtaB aa Mr. Aaaaara -flateaaaat. and turu BBBBI "\.-r BB thfl In-a. -irv of the Dfllted Statcs ns a paaflBoa ti thc - na al whlch thc Crddll MuMUcr had rehheaj tiu (;?..riiiii.-nt. Jadge Pfllaad ?i> poaltadtbl ( Ik (l,'i the x-u-c-int -at-Arm.,. -?it!i tii. taa* "i Ci-dil M-.i.iiii r Btoek potiahk charaahf Mr.Kc_Dcjrlaal week. TheinTeet-ff-tioa paaaflai 1 ta drai aloofl loi a waek _kwc n/Ot ll MMWOF THI POLAMOI OMMHTEE. Ih.-IIM"\_ "1 1HI- HOB. JAMl..- l.l.nuK*-, 11. C. BWAlJf, AM- OAXEl A.MK- ? I.NTKUKSIIM. DK \ 1 ; "i-'.ll M-. laBflflB-fl i-ur.tis iumah ii ] WAMiiM.rox, Jaa. *W*^*J*x4*tt Fatand- Bfi e-ial (*e reauuu-rt ita a-taaion thla inoruli.K- Mr afaaaea Braaaa aBfjaaaed before tbe Oaau?tttee. Mr. Jt.'.i.k-- de-ir.". to ui .!_. laeetd ot tlie fitct tbat ln the arlalafloxb-flflel Ihaflaaaaaaa Oaartd Pennayivaiiin, Jflaaaip term, 1HM, No Vj Eqiilty, ln the a uit of MeC'omb - IhaOBflflB Mo'ilir-r of AiuerUa, was Bled aud aai.n. a BBl of tbe ( re_lt Mobilier ?_.K-k-ioldera, dat. d l? * i_. irv.:. and iu that lirt la " C_?rlea H. NelUon, KK> aL..i-. aml tliat, U-tsrufore, Biaaatf tlir.e aaaaflba Beflaaa Mr. BBaafea b?-oaine a niemixir of Oeaaaael or (. ,u riitutnt Dinttor, lt waa a matter of *: iu tlie h:_l..;rt fuurt of IflBaajrlfaaai that Mr. Bcaftea awaa< lw. etutre-i iu ln? own uaiue aud ri_lit Mr aUo d.-ain a to tuake a tnatV-r of record tli? aaaaaa al all taa Qafi naaaal DlraeaereafheaBa waaeaa nf Bm iu an. h naoiea aa the llon. OeeflBfl Aetiiiiuu of MaaaaehaaBtta, tbe M..u. Jamea 8. liolllnaof Miaa..ur.. tli. Umi. Jaaaa _.W_-OBel Indlanaand thellou. Beu >ium P Wa le a_ I 'I'*". uud othi-rn :|:i_d thc fa'ta ou the a*_4i_i.i iu tha 1 ui'.u I'ai-iu- Ballaaad kaaBa tbut Ibeai flararterapaaaeaUj, if uot aa-anb--8W-fl_-aaajd witb ktui (Mr. Bia . Battea ***** twtt to the Oea aaaaaaBi aud ia tba roi.d 1 und tii?t (luriu*. Maaa iba ?(.li Jdlni A ***m.ntmi*m****1Wam**'*a**I ****************** ?of Ifla BBafl, nnd tba lat. VaMafl 8tatea 8enaU?r. tbe Hon. >: l. Bkaaaa af BOW York, oneof the triiateea of the i._i,.ir _f h_,,.i 1 aaBaaaay. Mr. Bro.k? ai.,.. <niia aHaaHaa 4o Ina r. Milutiou of tlie Oetober BBBeHaBa ,871- of """ t-ioii Y*> iH( __illrt'.(d inrettura, lu wliWi lie de -uaiiilr th?- re\i,.,.fioii of Ihe Wyoiuiuy t'oa. < ouipauy atmirt. 1, aai tlmt ino iflaaflBBfla paaaflBflfl wiu. lafl one fliaaeutim; wrlce. lu ai.awt-r to the .jueition ol Ju.!i_<- MeiiiiB, Mi. -_.n_.k_ leedfli-d tl_..t 11, ita: be wm aiiiioiiittxl a Ciovern BwatDiiB-iiat, aad baal Bk eaaaaakaaai one year; iie ariu uraidof tlie |...|?r of tbe I redlt Mobilier Dirrxt Btta. ?u(liori_lfi( Bba l?aue of 80 _____-.__ adiiltlnual . Urv.i ?Baa u until rttaO-t'Ui ; wituene i l?liued lat- 50 abarft Bd?Ut,?i,i,| aa ? riiftit for Mr.Nei_-K.-i, by of the Paaabwa I aaflflflM be (Mi lUookB. kad witli I>r. Duraut; BBflaaj tupiro-ied hia aaflBfl w-a uaed ln tbe _-44j*.r au ?barmniB tlie irsoc ouB'touutol tbe previoua urraiiKe va.ii, j.iirnut i/etori i_u. aUarea were ttMiialerred M Bflflflaa ?, to :b? 8JJWU- i/.aoed Mr Nell^ou I.V Mr. UH ?**. ?iti_r?_, i,_d uo BaaWkdflaflfl (owlK._M.i-it; waa *"* hr >'? 1 uot. out auuiaua-a Mr, jVeli-ou did; tbe < U.a k ?<Jok alreadf aitnlilted abowfcfl noaueh abeek waa ifltau, Bflfla v I.ilj.,,, ?J8 re4-al_-d aud teaUfl.*'l lb*t be kej.t aaa_4:ii.ui__ud..ui of lu- trau*4?tlou?; -* _**-?? wbefad ****>?** tb.umt u, Mt, who irave bim e.?lUtU-r?l ?*8fi_t|i.if ??t Vuiuu r*ia4iU. el4Kla?-<i Ifouda, eupiHXK-a tbr money waa repatd by Mr Nei.aon . haa not Ul at-oi k ia- bonde ln bia poaae+aton now. AB *TTOR_ET IOR 8R OAAVA'Afli E_ Reprc. eiitative Kobcrt 8. Hale of New York _.? peared before tho Couimltt _e, and atated tlmt lio waa pr? acnt aa tbe frlend ur.d coutige! ot Vlci.-rroaiilont Col? fax, and Arat ho dvalrod to aay. on 1 .-hulf of Mr. Colfii_. that ho waa now < _k_k<'<1 in uiakm. a tborougb exaui tnatlon of all hia pai .ra und lot ta ra, and npon coniludlng auch examtuatlon be would appeitr before tb. Comtni. ti-i- to t_a.tify lu bia own behalf, and bo would alao aeb tbat aome wltunaaca lat exainined. Mr. Colfax had i?_ ijuoeted tho apeaker to aay that, as to the |1,20P check ilijK->it__ to hia credlt, a. appeara bf tho book* of the Firs-t Natlimiil Bank, ho woulal _how th_t that waa de rivcd froui another lourco. Mr. BAAI eaid|he d. airod to put a question to Mr. Bwain. and he would th( u aak the luduljrence of the Committe. until Mr. Colfax abould complete tbe examiuatlon of hia papere. Mr. H. C. 8. am wa* theu retalled and fcxauii_cd by Mr 11 itle. aa followa: Q. .t_te whether your bookI ahow any debifa to Mr. Colfax'a account on the 22J of Juno I A. Tb. > do. Q. What are they I A. I cau't detail them al); __ion. others ta a eheek for 11,000 paid on that day. q. Havo you that check I A. I havo. (The witneaa here prodnoed lf, and it waa road aa followa :> WAsiijN .Tos, D. C., June M, 19M. Kirat Nati. nal Ilank pay toaclf or hoarer $1,000. BCflflTlBfl 0QtA__ Q, How waa It paid I A. I think hy a draft on Now Yeefl (witneaa then prodncod tho draft on tlio c.ntral N.itii' JABflk of Now-York, pnyablc to tho flB-BI of -ahuyler Colfax, and 1888888- 8BJ__b_l t<>A. II. 088888 of Indianapoli"); tbe draft waa tutiBrquently paid m Now-York. ? By Mr. AroeH?The day he _t-|_,sito.l tl 200 he drew aafl ? and remitted it to New-York 1 A Y<8, Mr. Anica-Of cour*. : [LaOflMei Mr. Hi.le -1 BBB- ___N loi ull Mr. d.lfax, and i.ttur B_RB8a_88, ai, nooii aa he uiauef I 8888888881 oxaiulnatlon of hia papera jBBflfl I'.ilaud- Vory well,. u | >ou ahali have the op j.ortun.ty. OAKF.. AMI'. _t_r___IaKD. ataflflB l'oland thou aaked Mr. Amts il th. Afl-BBBBal flflflBBB he 8ZB88B d had arrlvod t Mr. Aiuea rcplied they Iind not; tlio mailH were hohlnd, hut he expected thoui. Ju.lire Tolaiid thi n Iflal the followlni: ehcob : W-MIINi.TO_. Jan. 22, 1.6. Serjroiint-at-Ariii-, D. ?? II".hm ol RepraaenUtiTea: Tay lo J. W. P.UtT laoii, in t.iiirir, Blflfctrea huudrod dol liiia. iiiial chargi- to my ticcouut. ll.SOO. OAK.K- AM ._. i ndorsed i x. W. Fatflaaaaa, g. B.8 what waa thia |i,Ma* paMI A. D_r____l thirty atiares of CAflflH Mobilier atook I Q. l)id you t8BB8 rct.-ipt .roiu hnut A. Idid; you h.ivo it air. ady. 1 AflttBBB. Q. Have you any otbor re(4-;..f fium Mr. ratteraoiil A. I havo. Witut.a |flA_flflafl| Ika _8_-8B_Bfll \. A. HIN..TON, Foli. II, lftSS. Keeelved of Oukea Atnee time liiiiulred und tv.ei.ty nluo dollar* for tbl88 Aeafla Bfl V. 1'. Ii. lt- Oo. aold for nio, A__i8 di c ide.nd of elgbi f t >< r eotit in tmnda or atook of ciedit Mubiuer of Auicric., held b? him aa Uaalee aa _8J BO-BJ-Bt. J ~ PAIIBBBOa To thia waa uppended the f0_08_8fl I " leflM _888_ _t 8., 82,82.; iutei.-st paid, 105: paul ca_h, |2.2_J." Witues. tesUlled that the iiKuna were flBBB. Btt_8 time the re.eipt wu_ given, hut he did not I8BB88B88I whether they were uiade by Mr. l-tttflflSB or l.iui-elt; thereieipt Itself waa written by Mr. PaABBBBB. Mr. Auiea then ataiod that Mr. 1 _ttcr*on would like AO ap , teaa the CBa.B_A.l_i8 teAa___.seaB8!-r_l_ai exjuan at.i'H, und be wuul'l bc fllad if be bobM do BO. i iiii.i: i id _.? 08 thi; flBB_BABT_-__Ua Mr. Ani". wiit ixaiuintil at .oine leafltfe in _8flB-fl %t some ebeeka fltrea by him on tbe Baaiaaat Bt*Ai_aai one lor ICO.I, BBfl luiirkcd "Sc.," Biid dated Juue 22, 1?_, B8B to pay Mi. Si'otield; the uiemoranduin of wltneaa Bhowed lt waa Klvcn to him (.^ofleld) to pay the Co per cent dltidmd on 10 . haros of Cr.alit Mobilier atook. JudS' lVliiiid i'c.i.1 auottier eheel fur $32'J, dflAAi J8B8 22. ami to Oiikea Arocs or beafST. YVitu>. e t. MA 88- that hoioulJ not renioiniM-r to wliontthat wuc jtivi n, ht -B8I hflflfl diawn the iiioney him.olf, aud handed it to whotver wa_ entitled to lt; it may h_vc ABBB <__ He.1.1; tho ch.rk wa* for iHvLIi-ud* on IliP CAflflM Mo biiicr: they all t. .-elve.1 their illvldonda. Q. Waa tbere any other grntlcnian who roonvod . _4 oircpt tho*.-wtio havo been mintioiKd bf yaal A. I don't think >'f eny. Iir. {A l)i,\oii retixinber wl.< th.r tln pajBBSBl "f %''."?' to Mr. OarflAM W88 made by .tKik. a : ulietlicr you paid hltn ln bm_m f. a i flaa. Abow ?, it i dni pay Ubi m bbbba. i flrva ii 'r"ni iho Ha-iK'.-ant-iit Artna 88 nttieek. .lnd.'o l'oland?On |Jtiiic 22 HMTC _? u < _< < - foi jivon by you on the Ser-i-.tnt-ut-Artn. j tlioro ta 88 bbbb) aa lt t eaa yaa aay _? b_bbi that waa Ktreal ,\ | ? .ii, I ilon't kiiiiu .i- I BBB . II may 8888 bi en to jiay ii t ill or . i.niethlii_ I |B y. There ia AB8___l to pajt a drafi of |l,2'n; to Bb8__ waa that Kivent A. I don't know . I888B8M ll vut a altiift I ?8l 88 N. w Vink or lloainn. q, t),(t Mr. Dawea raaalfa an, mmmy frum ytm i.y a 8lim i. i.'i tii. _.i->'...iit-at-Am.rl A. 1 thiiik hc .Iiii y. Did you titid aayAMM "u iiu Aaafli alrea to Mr Dawea! a. Ofl **j BBBBBaaaBfliua i iuu Hr. Dawai ?COO. 1. - i i(. N..I tliu.k you paid hun |hk. , B-Bltbja I lic k ot. tn- Bemiant at AraiaI a. leaa'i i n ti... ?*?'*?_- wiii abow; ItA-Bl l aaM it Bj a <flBABl on th. -tataaaBba. y. You say you hold ItoeA mui c rt.tla at. a of bCBfll flaa 88 CrtdM Mobilier 1 A Y. H ih.a Ui. u-1..-. ii nny diviii. paM aa TJabM PaelS. atija'ti a. No. Mr. W.i:. .. I: BeofleM,Da_B8i aafllaflaawaataal after Um fltrMaaflel aoprreeat; Mi Kol:<i waa < i.tit:. <1 to ilivida-iiUs, iind vtitnowiej, peetafl (<> BaAtle wMb hun i Aafl a Wflafl m itb i'iitioraon. (^ Anil Mr c.iif.ix. fle jraa eoaaidetbalaeaflttlaflto th.- A-ilfleaflal a. i do. t^. And you hold them _B tiu.-t IBrblml A. I <!" ; aa ti> Mr. Alii-oii, lu aent ht. atoek baek and i-aid he would hare aatblafl more to do with lt: wltaeaa aippaaafl Aa Aafl reaily S__BB it up ; Alliaon had BB BBBB Iflal there Baa an excii.d iHilitical ("litet-t iu ln_ . talt, aiial AA gtt* famfl nnt t" ha%e the BASCkl wltneaa .ujiposed the . toi W b.-lUK r? turntd to him b\ Mr. Alll.ou, waa a roai trane-ctlou and uot a iiominul one ; had had no ajjree ment with him aUiut the mattor, though ho r.xoin <t tbo laond and caah dividond, hut th. fctock BBfl8_88>88-B_f? Baaaa afllaaai atiii hoid. Q. Do you thluk Mr. AUtaon over rotuniod to you any part of the money you paid over to hlinl A. Hr r, ? turiio.l me the atoek. Witneaa bad no rotolleetion ol Mr. __aa raflaratafl him the 1.29 Hrlflaaflj had no ree_ .lio. umi that ho lmlud. d that amouut ln a draft on No . York ln the acttlement of another mattor; had had no eorroapoudenco witb any of th.-w; Bfla___B_a. exe?>..t Mr. I-t. BBBB, B-BBB the Inveetigatlon had beou in proCTeae; had eonveraationa with aeveral of tbein, or all of them. as "1. Jtnioci" con v_r. atio. with mr r.ARrir.U'. y. Well, Blr, abat the Couimittee want to IflflflB le whether ln eonveraat'.on wlth aty of Tlio.? (foDtlemeD they havo atated the matter to you differently from what theyatuted before the CommitUel A. Well, I don't .^t-tate lf Mr. Oarfleld elalma In a eonveraatlou witb you that ne ref-rdod the. trani__ tion Ix-tw.M-n you and tilinuaaloanl A. Oh, I ean't i.liiomier; I bave had two or tbree eonveraationa witb Mr. Oarfleld ; he wants |8 put the traniacilon on the bana of a loan ; be aaya when became __ck from Europe he waa anort of funda and ealled ou me for a loau: I ean't remember uhout tbeee tblniea. tbero bae beeu bo muoh aald about a loan a_d ai) tliat; I told him he never ealled on me to b-BfBB money. and I bnew notbloa ebout hia tK-luKahort; ht oevor __ked _ie to lend him auy money. Q. Well, Ko on, Mr. Amea, and Blve ua hia atatemeut I A. Ob, I eau't romember _.)1 tbeat: couvei-ationa about Ko\uk to Ifurojie, Ae.; tbe oonver-Btiona I had witb hlin would I* InJurioua to blia. and I _m a bad man to repeat vonveraatl-oa; lt will InJure bl* reputatlou. 14. Did h_ m?ke any reiju. at of ywu to omu any atate ment ln rcga/d to lt 1 A. J am not poelUve about tbat; iuy lmpro-aloe Ib that he waiitod me io any _? lltUe aa 1 could. tliat he mlubt uet off as oty _* be could. Q Jlavo youa memorauduoj relatinc to tbe trunaae tlou b..twoen yon aud Mr. Oarfleldl A Yee, Bir. Mr. Ai___? tb-u produced a pi_ee of paper, upon whieh were tbe followni* llKureB; "IfiOO, 1,B_'. ??; total, 2.1.(1,"andU-tifled tbat the fltfurea were itukde hy Mi. OarBeld; tb* flrat 1,080 referred to Onlon VuritU- BBBflB, tbe tt ,'4?ud U> Cr .411 Mobilier atoek, and tbe ttio to aome tbinif olw- be ooald not rememtier B..w H Wa* th_i whal he ree*Jved or wtuat he waa"! tol A- What he i* eulitled lo, thou. li I llunk b* ia n, ?BflBA jaieout tho iOC Lf Dld be put thia down aa li* reioliwti' n ot the tn?u__-iti-_ -itwe.u youf A. V__. Bir. I*y Mr. Mrmci- I uiid.r_tttnd,ii. mBUia*, be wiaht. I - ? " Bar flftb fmmtZ " ALKANY. T.AW MAKKRS I'RO.IK(T5?. TIOOBO-V mi asihvs Of CAXAL I-rFOTtM-Tiir. BBPDBLICflB CBABTBB QBAJPtflX? TEstk.H I'AT1. ire.lSLATION?ATTI-MIT TO nillllF. A SENATOH. IFROM A UBO-flB tjQBJ-BB-BBBBT 6f TI1B TKIrUrTK.I Aliiany, .Jn_. H.?Thfl Canal Conimitt.. of .the AMteriib.y-Mr. jklhallai tl P.iratoi.;., chalrinan bave como to the uuanlnioua detennlnatton to take n "new aapaiBBia" iu BBl matter nf tlie ranal IntcreMa nf the Btate. For BBTCBal fflflia past tlic ai.propri.itlona fur tba canala liavt larpelp tueedcd IbC tttt*****, until thCP iniM c(iinc to t?- u Berteaa barflea apea tho iax_payflra al t tba state, aai tba taeflttaa haa arkaa k lha Bilafli "f many whether It would not BB b.-tter for the Htate to abandon tbe cauals alkfBlbat or dl. pose or them to ..nv.'.te punbascra Under UM Con.titutlou BB it uow Handa, the Htate i? furblddcn to t-r-n its .anala, bnl lt can rrfu.e to B-fPBtl BBBB. thfl IB what Iba Canal Committee or thc preaent Aancni Uj jaapBBB Ii ii HtfiHr k aay, they P"Paaa to with BoM all appn-priationa from tboae canala tliat are noi inllBappaallaa ablib wUl taebadbtba Oaaabee v.iiii-v (.ii.Hi.thciiMflflBflaOaaal.tha Maeb Bkflt tSaaahaai oihersknowuutsthe-'latcralcanals." The c.vial* that will cntiiiue ta be mamtainetl-ur. rather, that?*? rx Bfldai k niaintain theinaelv.?? Bfl the Erie, th. Oaaaae. tiic OhaflajflBbB, ami flk cayugaand leaaaa i?ik<. h.v aflepttafl tbk poBB*.a_~ bf ataaal eeeaeeaji * - BfeeBfl appaap-flflBBBa," tbaOflaal oaaaafltaae aai Bb 1 will be able BB rewrve out of the canal receipta ot tbe eominir yi ar IMMM or over to d.-poalt ln W* ttttt Tteaaarp f"r the tx-netit or aai pafflia. laaflaafl ?f <traw sum ur more out of their patflflB. Bfl be... Irecu doiu haieaofare The reeeipt_ ia*t paar Baaeaaaal to aflaal t_.ooO,0(.., of which .1.500.0-0 n requircil by the (? t-i ba devoted to the slnLcin.. Nafll T'" ci.iitiiiici'H report abawa Bflfl apwail al BflMM *** Bzpaafleflea theci_nal_ l?et year over and ihe intirc reeelpta, aud the money lequircd to iro to tbe Biukin.,- Inud was borrowed. If thc rceetpCfl iiurinK tha iu art **** r**t ahaB ei|u_i thi..e M k_fl_ there will be Ifft, after dcduetitiK fbB amount due thc Hitikinir fiiiul. a nttle over a rnillion and a half of dollara. The Canal ('.uiimlttee do n?t paflpflafl k ******* BHBI ll.ati a nilllioii of tbia auui for repalr. durint. tlu BBBflkfl year. Ttiev MM oi") carry out their B-B_MflBM by ********* IflflBflV inirthe thouiimd and oneilalms tlmt contiuuallyaaaaa to tlu- Cflaal ( i inuiitKc, and t.y aaBBBfl down thc _I'l-r>> j.nations for Mflal are called " extraordimiry ttmt****," it i* not peepeeed la ******* nny appaeprtatlefl fur aalaralai tbe Krle Oaaal, wbicb BBBM psaajfla tblnk ao vitally nu portant. MB-rtalhaabafl BBfl tbe taaaaaa-eeeaaaaaflaaal nt ti.c fltta ('.in u -a- kaaaa kal reerthoe aaai fcakai. aafl ***** ?t ?o time wan its capacity eiceed-d. t,r cw-i. reacbed. Wlih incrca.ed Bpaai Bl prepfl-i-fl t-BBafl, wbicb is hkc'.y to _M pBBflflfl by r< cent in\-i-iitioii*, tl" Kr..- oaaal fllfl ba abaaflaallp abk, ottbaart anv ******** malbajBBitbi aaaal flMdgtaB.ta aaflt aUflbawaata ..f ciuniii. ue f..r y-:>r* l<> 88880 T(i( I 'oiutnittis ]r,itc BBJflB-B Bppflfltttfla to tbelr poln-y tt ************ ibe lutcral canala from BBBM livlnjf on tbe line of thaaa ______ : I'llI Ui* y e;,v tlic ..wiu > flBflflflbfl n.t...ile,l S..I.I-* i .,i latir.n ttu-.-K aspeaarva flttaBai w**\ baakrflpt tba htate. The dcveiopinenta raBpcellag tbe BflpabUeaa Cliarier. which fl now awaB-BBttM Iflflfll t of tu m-.tter aa Otttee, taabafla aaa aa twopeflata ?eatbaaaa lloBlna. ItlaweBBflOwalbal Qeo. i?x la in BBflwaaa a. i-oid wltb Miivir Baaeaa v. r, aa Ibe peaat?lBk_a_i t.i tbe latter BXCtflBt-A pott.-r of appekt-WBl aud re movHiof ncaiisof Dapartaaaata. BaaaM tbia aweb k 1.1* BMaaaafl- It B maallj well known that the Ib-piibli _aa ffnB af Iba rbaitni raflflaa te pkM Utfa i?'iut under any cir.-umstanc. -. It tlierttore follou-, tliat cith.r the QUIiaaaa or thc R.-i.iil.licati ONMBBflfll BBBB ??l.ackdott ii."" or tbere will bc trouble. Will tbfl ' iiurviddl That ln thc (|iiestion. A .la. kaoniai. I?.-m ? ant la ?pt t,- ttuwA tirm, an.i Oea Ua has akaaflf ihawa hh aat?akk thal ba wa?M leoaei ?-.iiis'i tion. aa tm- M"!" ti.uii baal dawfl ln.afla.;. It is a. ?eit.-.i Bfl tru-twurt.'iy authoiity tbat lf IBeBspaabBaafl t-f-aaterwaafl to aaaa BetiBfl the Oo? , to (l.iv, wilh the Mavor .llv.ate.l of tbe aoln in.wer of iip|..i.ntni.-nt and UIB-fll, he WI -uid vi to i; ; Imt what be uiay be jk reuail.'l or nitilu.-latcd lnt.i _Ma| twawaababaaaa,ea bp thc time tbe Obartar raaabaa Bta, fl iiioic *i mitter of tunject.ire. Tlie Cimmittee of B-pntiHoaai puiiii'-iaiia would fcoon- r l.ave no Cba-tee at BH than such a one i.s tbiu OoTeraea h;?i Btapet deeka. Ti..y nr. .t.n -ati*llt"! lo leaffl to tb.- Mavor tbe jn.wer ol ap ..i.titui. nt *.ii'!.-<t Ifl < oiifiiniatiiui by ihe Al-h-mien. aa Ibaf bat.- fx.-d it k tlu ir (linri.r; and tlu-y Blfl BOW aagaaeUBi tc Ibafc partl Meafli tbe P-topriet. (4 _a KKfr_____________ aswlll Klvi tba M.itcr _M *m.| ? pnviicKi cf sittlnR a. B meiiibcr of tlu Ilo.ird of Abhr ?aawbaa lha appctotaBaota ara aaafle, aad eaattaca voti.iir.. tbe real* far ar aaalaal Ihe aeaalaee. Tiiiawiii (jive' all Iba pewflt tbey waal over theappalat iikk's. aafl im iaat a^fleafl leeb" thata-itbtarlae aa .i.r tbe other plaa ti.i"U_.'!i tbe Btobberaaeea of tbe Mayor. Ifleoehehlfleaifltk Caateahoaw BopabUeaoa r. dnced to rlrciiuivent tbe Mavor <d ttn !r c-hoiee. Tbe 'V.-natc ipeal tlic n.mi'.in.- aesfltflfll in tttttaaali _? ii,. laaolatlna of Mr. i_.-wir afltberlilM Hk Gaaal Board la eeattaae lha lew latta k Iba paet pear.ertoaltef tlicin ttt** Um IB time at tbelr ilwcreti.iii. Hcnafir Lord waa Ibe < ab I aflraaati ol BBl bhjk i leOe, bat bla Hrnmucnta did not prev.nt the aeaaaaje tt tba feeoBB tion. Thc reaeraUa laaater Baaaflkt *** aatoaaflefl (lurinj: Um Beaatea ap tha ibbi kpl k a kkajnaa paraon hu u ido e from aaeCbap-wa ttt Lalayin.-.n.-., urook lyn. aflbrlaitthe Baaatorinate prae-Bi Ua (Cbapaaaa) tbe iip|Hi;n.inciit of BarbM Miu-ter. The Aaaeuibly ha.l a three houra' BCOataa tO flay. OOfl ******** a pflOfl nu.ntier of local t'ill- of ni>t iiiurb ftl Bfal interest. Arnonir tbem, how. vcr. waa tb. iirolutioi. which bas already j*. ard on. L.-ifinlat ira, BBBBBB-Bfl tbe fonstitutlon ao uh to per: ,lt tbe P-BaaflBfll laWI ,l.-ri,.iicliisiiii; jk Riillty .1 brlb.ry at i laetkflB. or lhaaa barka bim************ II"' iflaalt. Mr. Hay-. ol I.. w York wa*tbfl only nieuiber wboTOteflaflalaattt. r-c.orai ___B WOffl Intluducod fur railroad-. ln Kcw-Votk, or for BileaiHaj Baaa alraadi k apeaalko. An act ba* been tatraflaeod iu tbe laaMj Bp Mr. Patlaraaa wbicb paapflflM a eoeaaota reor ganizatioti of tb. Ixpariraent of l_Mk Iiurructloii of >"cw-"York City. Tbe tn iu provision. ure aa folhwa: Tbe city ls to bc dividet' lntoaev.-n achool di?trlcta, from each of whlch tbe Mayoi la to appoint, wlthln fl\e dayn after tbe pasnaire of the act, three .ou.inl.. loners, who ahall con. Ututa tbe Hoard of Kducatlon; tbe BBBBBB aioncrs are toenter u|kid their dutiea wlthln ten daya, htc to hold orrice three years, one from each diatrict _olnc out annuallv, iM-finniiiK Jan. I, 1S74, the viteancy b.in_-ll!ed on the tbird Wedneaday ta Noveniher ***** cedin_" wilbin Bfteen dava after or?.HniBln_i tbe Board rhall aiipolnt tlve tru-t>-( a f.r each ward In Iflc 'itt, whone len.iH ?hall be Iltc y-ar-, one fourth r.-tirluf au nually on aud after Jan. 1. 1174. tke ntw ap|ioliitineiiM Ixint; made on tbe Urst VVeduestlay in Dccefl_MB ****** ***** |BT TB-aBBBflffl TO TIIK ff_BB>fl-r| Thomaa Murphy and his party of Fcdentl aflae_fllflan arnved here In full fore.-. tbia cveninf., to and rcinilate tbe t-ffalra of the Corumouweakb. They ha\e held B (-abiin-t coutKil at thc 1>.-lavan, la ?bu b were ad niitti d Areeuit iu? n l'urt and Plernoii, who assiiin. to be tbe leadcr. tt Iflfl Houae, but whoin thc BflBM rifnse to aceept, aud rKuator Woodlu, wh? ia a BBtBflBl leadcr und baa aeiiae cnon_h to deapl-- the whole s.-tof aaaall ptiiitiekaa kaa. Bew?Taa_- it is raid ttat iba Oaaka_. bouae leadera are pBtttafl B-flbbBBflfl at tbe turu affaira have taken bere ln conaequeneo ol their dictatorial luterfereuct. m the orttanUution ol the A-aeiubly. aud thay are nnw aniloua to bBnnoni/d matter.. Their partlaau charter ia ln J.-opardy. and tbey would liKe ta. B_rree on auch ameiidineuta aa wlll aecuru tbem the offloea and at tbe *ame tnoe put ibetu in bettcr ... .crd wltb their Oov-fuor, the ("omtultte-e ol Meveuty, and their o?n profeaaioua uiade prior to tbe akBBBBi They dafcire to make an appewBU-ti of yielding altuoat a*n*Tt*****% "D<1 at *bt **"** tlnM* ,0 ?>i<lld ******** Tbey have * h?rd laak nefore tbetn, and lt ia not _ren eraliy belieteflhere tbat Mi Maipby'a iiitceuuliy la aajBBl I.. tbe euieritener. Tu. r.- will be ? heiirlntr tt> rnoiTOW ?.terno.m BOCflafl the CBaaBflakaal Way-a aud __e*ui of the Aaaembly on tbe Ull) to exeropt l-uuda and mortflaKea from taiBtiou. Tbe Iull BB reonrnulte tbe Pollce t'ourtt of New-York City, ty fi-.i.if tl.? upieullitlueut of Ibe Juatl*cr t<* tl < Mayor, aut.Ject to eouflrmatlou ol the Judir?a of tho r-uperior Court, wlll be Ulen up by tbe Judlciary Com ujittet on V-flBOaflflf af-4.p.oou ot ne_tt wet-k, wheu iairiim. i U 4_iu Ifl heanl foror B#-Blnat tbe iDeBaun'. TBB coKrrni'TiONAi. <ommi_*io.v. A i.ii any, .Jnn. UO.?At tlie Benkion of tho I'iuai <'olulli.r_.Ol, today tbe Atlii-la ?(> " fow *m aad !>-.'<*?l IU. Ooveruor" wm at-aiii oo-iaiilorefl and flnally adoptod, wlth the prorlalona requlrtn* tbe Oovernor toalgn ull bllla lu hU handa at the adjourn ment of tbo L__i*latur_ wlthin thirty daya; alao, au thorutntr him Ui voto lM)rtla?na of appniprlatlon bllla or iiotiiaaiipropriatiiiif luonoy, andaiimluK othor lbama In tlio 8U88 blll. . . . Tho roniainder of the mornlnc aeaalon waa taken np ln th- i iau laleratli.n uf tho tjti. itlon <>f i aUhllaliliiir a (ourt of Claima tohuTo juriadlction in all elalina ainiluBt the Htato. It waa not to provlde for a Court of Claima iu the dmatltutlon. l.i;oiSl.ATIVE I_.OCE-.IiIM-.-. . KNATE... Ai.rant, Wodneaday, Jan M, 1873. Rina introiiwi?D. By Mr. ??____. T-For the bettcr prevcut.on of aiiaaaae aaal enaelle. Bt Mr. Jiiitm,,-- To .ull.niiie tk. I'ena.eleinia .arl 6<_la? Bbt _*il maaj '. rkanfe iia ruute. Ile Mr. Paaat-Ioiiaend the liwi eitat,liibin| Ire l.mita, aal foi tb. Bore affrclaal praemtlaB nf Ire* ia Braoklra. IIII L Bar.BTUD ('TritlBir a Boant .,f Coanuiiiiotieri af a_Bi_utioB , lireanaf ftrt ia ttee Citi of New-York. . In Ei.euhvi: aOKaion the Benate eouflrmed the follow niL' n<> 1-V-lBofib. l'ni_-B. B Reaai.B. _._.?__, _. Port W?r.ea.-lleurr M IVr_ II. Lra.rr.fl.F ? 0. Petrirr., 11. (4 Hr, wn. R. B. I'nBia.i.t Hamarl l_e.r--'*"- , , . HartorBeat-r*-.. W. Dowuiaj. J.ibo Mafaire, K. iroet, -?ba I'eea, llcaid t. Mink. J. W, Trier Tin-.--nnte rvfaaed to oontlnti tho followin .: HirU.f II?ter_-J<-B JobB-,n, 11. W. JotiBaoB, S__.iarl Daaa*B. Iv. II I'ral.aai), Jaiara M. K W. To.ker. I'?il W.ri... -Joln. Khrrr, llrnrjr, llearr 1. llofi.nioB. AS.^KMItl V. Hll.l* BBBBBB. 8a__BB_aj_M AbbbI al _-porTii?ni nt l.-trtiru. . onnn tol.orn.w + 1111 m.i to laai U.e raa-l aaal (flBBtal fuml IBa <?< ii.i.iimi "f BT. Weflfl, tbr re,,, ral l,iil ai.^fiBK t* ell the roaatin of ihe Male wa* .aib .tnu.e.l f.,r ll... bil . ,, T* ir,,,rt ih. AiaaralairDl to llie CoB<tiUitiuB r< l.tlee to -ril_TT, ,.. aaacaflaaat Vfllalapaaaafl ?.>.t?l bj tbe propl* at ibe ?;.<u. AaMB_M tbe ree.-al aUtatee with T.|.?e.l _> the feea ..f arpralaere ip r?ii|._i I.t Harrocate*. whieh ii?pl) pninlei th.t th.-, ihall reeene a ? r<,?i^Beati.,n. Kt.-nalBft tbe term a,. llie lomraiMiOB of Appuit, *B?1 Iilef Miarj tbe.aaaflaB-f BwMfaaaf Apaaak Kilan.iu c tl etime lor roiirciui. Ulee liirou^hout uie 8ti t? BBlli llie l.'-illl i _i_-li. _ . ? Mi. Ci .i-i. fium tho .loint coinmittoo of th'. Beaate and ..>--. mi.ii. to wbooi thi suhjott waa rofcirol, rc ported ae followa: II ?' ,ia, After tha a<l_.anrnm. nt oflhe befrnlalare at i?> li.t aenion lli, r.. i.irehearTl with tbe .eej_.i -.rn.w ?f tbe .lealh ol Williaiu 8. .--. ?i- . < i-li?Tern,<r >.f Ike KUM . f B. B Ynrk; H'ti,'.. "t, Tb.l i'ie LemeUtiire ol tbe htale of New-York ar* pro _a_4a8-__i_l?al__ *-r?h__ Mite anl ti.e bbUob liaer thai imta.a. I i ?!, Tbli wl. le ae I iraenl iarh l._*, we .tlll eiperienre a iBguniful ..l.afaru.iii anali a !?._. pruie ln r.a-.llii,|[ tte eirie. aoil in e.laible wnieei wkiel, hr rriKlererl ., hia rouatr,. the a. kaoal. IkH abilit; in.l pitriofr ir.\ will. whirh ti* a.D all o.enioan _aintain_l l.rr rt ?'? '. la I ,lrf. i?|.,| l.r' baaat BM pnrite ?f 1,1. rlnra.-ter. ihr eno-lrnr of<.nai 88B__n___Bl Ba wrietjand eiUnl nt iiu IrarBief ludiL. i ;u?tiT,;e?ii.??. .nal fidrilir 8b_fl erer uurkeO huearerr botb in p.i .He inH j.iiiate life. ..'?.iirtl. I lut tt.- I.eiriaiaturr of thi. Ptate tenairr to the fimiljr af Ba tttMttttt II* Ba . a np?n Ibr ai.l l,rr<i,etn'nt whiati bli run-.T,.! ' llia 8aflB8aHc rirrle in a,4e.-..i?nitr tn.l ll.'iitri.iul h?al. BBMBaB, tbr j?in! r.aaraittne be au. the. ire b< rebj aatL..nie.| . . i |,. t..| tu make eueh artaafflflMflU aa tha j aar alteai pro|,er f?r the r?ra,a,<morati<a aaf Ibe ai.lrinB eeent lir lha, .leliT.-ry of in oriUvB _.f..,r tlr twa ll??-e. I<? li. nr .lutliirmebi-J Cltiieiia. I. Tl.ii ii e t.itii_.,nT <<l rripen thr l?. Iloe** of the I.<*Ie litii.- .'.. BBfl a'l-.tiin. The IBBAIbiIbBB 8118 A_np_.ll ABB t-B __flAA adjourned. THB VBtF-JBBBBT LBGI8LATVBB. pRoriDtira a c-flrntO-xn r_H murfln and rtoBout-f?.ir.itsi y (iiy poi.ict. oomnflfliO-i" EflA M'i:mmi BflWrOWfl?I APflOfl U-OIAl A II.iN-It.Ml.KMAll R-fMOflfl. rpBOB THK KK(il MK >'< HAflflflPflflflflflf Afl TIIK TKin. . B.| '1 i:i:nion, Jan. _!?.?A vory iiiiportiiiit bill, affi i-iiiiK the city of N.-wark, ta now tiefor.- ihe Houae, witti e.erj proapect of ti thml paasaire. It fllT88__8 Mm ui .<f tbaf .ity the iippi.lntinont of a Contioller, who lha l i i'l < tli' I ira _. .ra, und who ean only be a_B8V8d f,,r ,'niv aaaM aj ;> lara Ifefl__ aata of taa counuoiicouu oil, bef.To whi.h body he <an amly l?' trb-d for miede lii. aiioi in ofli.-o. h:a pitiDii, tho Muyor. preaidniK at Mi.'li tnai; Iii'alinil control the a.tlo of _B-88__8_B unpaid iiaaoanmenta, which ahall bo mad. after ali uiontha. of tlvo y...ia, aa h. rt toforo Aa eliiill Ba888BB| r. _iir.Ua?*? of any appeal by pt-raoiu ii--*--.<l, to colleot tbe aame; and, ln tl., flnal |aflflfl-B-l of anyeouit, any .iward of diitiiH_o- aliali Al liKronaiil. ttu- "Cotitrollor ah.ill, ln it tmomtrt AABflflflr, prseaafl attbaal aatfae BBtaataaat , .? |, ..I rai.l MB aamenta." Tbr Contr..llor, taa* -hall BAaart aoout all iho dutl.a of tho, Audltoritnd City Troii-nrer. nia botula ah;.l) only Afl $_n..a_). and he ahall lu.'.ii ..the five paaea, Tina iiiii aiw. paavlflAi for the Baaa <>' ii..'?oo.ii"'' ?f oitv ini|iri)v. tti'-nt Aaafl-i AaarAafl 7 pa r rotit liitcn ?t, whn-li BBBfl* BAbII A8 _T88 from all lax. lti?aiii.l lhal Ik8BBBB whom Ihe N.-wark ___Bflla 8888888-188 A8 kep ln BA88B aual i lothc wlth extraor aliniiiy iii.dmiiii.Mhat BT888888__8 paWB-l lB< bnoiloi." t), tij,. j.pi8 a.f flewark, aafl aaalfl uot ba elaetad i.y ii of ih.- eWfleaa I*a NNca faafleaa of Jereer CUTi afla wara taBpaaaaafl for B_-_aaaB8a iu 08-88, 888 AWIfl-BaiATialBfl to li.bby thruui-'h ii blll truink'ti en tho tlght to AaM aaaB tu> reaBa laaraaalafl thc.r ; K'Vin_ th. ni Iho 88-88-81188-8- ro. <i\ o.l by Jaatkeaaf Iba P_a__i girl-fl t'""1 ""' ri_ht, "tiom tim.- ta. tim.-. to .ilt.-r, nnd moilify thoir own rutta of priiitl.'o." BBfl providinij that "no pBABBB arreat-fl iball ba i.uii. .1. e-x. .-it ajaa Iba vwitt, n raaeai mon.i.'ition of tho chief el _?___-, or tho Oaptala ?f th'. |,iei'iiut iu Bblflfl mi. ti prtaaaaf fl beM." lfte biUU \<iv voluiiiiiioii-, i'lid 888888-1 ba vbloin. m Ita I demanda foi power. ,. , 11 , ? ... 11111,-11 om i" f. tba Aeeembl- a-kim. fora t ,,nti..ilor t.. be appoiuted evory two yeatrai.. tbelUyor ;,ii,i . ,ii,in..ii( .iuu. ii. Th. i.iii Bbollabea tbe offloae of Treaatirer and Colleetor, aud airea tbeir dutiea anl r< ? -,,.,? ihlliUe* to tbe Coutroller. II ta a modlfl-d form of i'? ,,,,,,.,,..,1 N.wink aet. Wblle Ibe Kewarb blll m 1, ^t^ tii, < ontrollei v,uii_ro;.i pow. rand reapoiulblllty, it oinv aaka a,f bim a bond .-f .'?".<??? tol tho t.rin ..i livo rean: bal tbe Houobao b>n reqalrea tbe 1 ?ntrolli r, viioao dutiea are 1 ln umacrilied, to-iv.- bon.i-i In 1300,000 f,ai two \ Bobobea alao wanta to __ae_ pait Bl w.i 11, iii-i io bave a Pollca Baara. A aaa llniia.- iml oalla (or .1 romiiiia"i.ii t" p_epare .1 ...?ii. l.iw, 1111,1, r tbfl a? t lhal all 1 iti.a coiitainiiiK uvir 1-.000 111 iiablunU aball be Ineorporated s providea tbai tn, tiovernor, with tbe aflrlae a.f tae Benate. . ii.ui apiHiinl ? commlaaion of one member rroui eaeb lueonKirated citj ol tbla BUte eoatalDlait orer IB.8BB in lif.l.ilaiita, Wb0 aball Iiloot at auoh Um'' 88 they BBBjr .lut duiiiiK th.- r.M,aa uf tbe Lefllaiature, aad drafi _ I ti,-mi law iur tbo te-orparattoa ?f all eitios ln thu - ut, eoatalaingover i.,<*- mhabitauta, aud nport to tho uext Iri-wi ui iv Tlio Unlted Ni a .1. r-. v' aad ' m;.l I otnjMU-jr baa M'-oiveai io auil in aii tin- .oiuiioiiio- "t ai.iokof tbe bbt. ral "uni'.iiii' - furmin- tho couibitiiitioii, ami tu taaue Intbeirplare one earaBoaU) repreaantlaff all tba eoai ii.ii,i. a, lt ia reported tbai Ibe line of iho H_flla_d itiii road ai_u.lii.K into N.-w-Va,rk Htate la to be pureh__e.l b] th.. Nom Va.rk mui Kila-Compuliy, .ind tho UniunvlUe to .lor-.-y cuv ia to be eaavefi d to tbe N.-w J.ra. y Coiitnil. Tln* report laeka ,-outlrmiition. l.VK.MNa. flflflflMM ok tMM Aflflfl3_flLTi |BT TKLK.iRAPI! Tu Tlll'. TBtBl'NB.] A itr.-at .uniiiiiit of hualneM w?a traoaaeted iu tho Ilouap, to B-BJBt Anioi.if tho bllla introilHiod _r_B Bfl miporiiiiit imo fur the control of tho pflflflta BBAaalasfl JoraoyClty. It providea thut at an el.etlon foroity officers to he held iu April, tho elootora of eaeh Aldor manlc dlatriet ahall 888881 #88 of thoir numbor to bo Direota.ra a,f I', liiatiiittlon, tho lloar.l to ..-onaiat ln all ol U meuibi-r., four to hold ofl.-O tbn-e yoara, fa.ur f..ui >-a_a, aad four flra ftmra. IAb naalflaafl ot tho 1.....I.I iHto be.hoaen imniially, and bavo H.NO aalarv. Tbe Baard wiii hBvo power _? apptepetata li.tno bh liually for a free Iihrary, aad le pn.vldo ? iioiiuhI achool f..r inainn tion of teaebera. The Pbiladelpbia and Now, York Kailroad bill wiia leported, wlth aiiiotidiuentij rhaarlna aiaay el tba oamoa ol tae c?rr_nat<_-. an.l , iiiiipoliliitf tbe Couipiiuy I" _lve the rttato ?_?),._ of in i-taaak fa.r tho ai biM.l fuml. Aliii-i?the UAiueaof tbe corporaton atrlcbea out were thoee of Wm. walter Pbelpaaad cTk. LundU, and ihiiohi. thuaa aubatituio.i wera_aba B. l-tteraoa aafl Huicb J. BaaUogB. PUe l.aa ?f tho two moiitbui' d wlll l_> a a, rloua uB8 to tbo hill. Tbere laa diapoeitloii in ihe Hou _..>_-?. all rail road lulla that _88?e baflBN 9* mmt AOAmt oofliw iivini. _ <a lb 1 l.ilttor of Tht Tr tbu ii e . Stu: It is j.ul.lii' pi'lic. fo ki'ip piilili.' life in B-Bb-Bjlaa 'imple and iu.-xiK-i.aivo. Tho |B__BBB8 of I'-i-n a JoHr ajaiit by a l-88B__Ba- fan.lli would b. ala. .Irm lna-. Y,-l we ar<- told that " thi-JualioUry Cotn uiliti o <.f th. ?aaaa haa Bureed to a very importaut bill UiaretaiUB the aalariea uf the Proaldent, rtupreme Court Judgea, and Conitreaamon, aa fullowa: "Tho 1'ronidoiit, |ftoj?.; V>ee Prealdent aud Sneaket. 8.8.888. CAkAai Juatlce, _J_B.8B8; Ae-Mlate Ju -tu **, tlO.OOo. t4.-n.iloi* Biui M-mliera, pa.taia All mlleago lor tho latter i. to bo abollalio.l. and ln llou Ihere-of a atettcuirut ?Ut> mitted of a<-tual expeuaea lu couiIdk and fBBflfl fiom Wuahlngton." One of the ouraea of the country la tbla exampleof 888_| Uvlng aet _/ prople auddenly eurichod bv ajeecu l.,ii..i,' "i u.i.i, . Tbla eiauiple atiiuulat-a .ompettttou by fauilllea whtoh eaunot Bflflfl- the Btraln. It edueatea^ wbolo couimuultlea lu falae ideaaof life. It eurrupta, lt deatrova. In W__hln_1o_'a day the AO.,**' P?r annum i-oti lo'd every expenae coiiti,, toal with the Preaidentlal _ffli.o nnd tln-oi. i.pancy of th.< Wlnte HotiBe. Hurely tln pai la itufllolout now ; bocaiiae the Prealdent'a hoiana ii. i,.| '.\ tlio (iiinriiiii. nt, lna ae-rvatit* ?ra . arrU-il on tln- l_-p..rttii. nt pay-rolla, bla f.. I and llgbta are bought hy the dnvorumeot, bla _ioon iiouae and fardeu are koitt up bv tho (iovernment, bia furnlturn aud bouaa ri-pairfl are |>ald for out of the Treataury?ln a word, rvery eii_.___ uf hia bouae__?p.nft, aave bia food, la l,.,rn. io th. ? i*-i|'. ? Whv, than, eb-Uld the I'riaiileut'n aalary l.) .i...ible.l I Youra, *XynOB18T. Mtm york, itu. IB. 1_1_ FOREIGN NEW8. TIIK I'LKBIKCITUM IN THE 8ANDWICII IHLANDH. PRINCR UNALIU) ELFCTED KIXC. PT A l'OTU I.AR V4ITK-TMK VOTB WII.L I'KOBAHI.T BK CONUKMKD BT TIIK LEOISLATIVE ASSEMBLT. bAN Frakciwo, Wedneaday, Jan. ?, lo73. Adviceafrom Honolulu receivcd horo stato tbat Princo William C. Lnnalilo has been elected Kin* af the rkadalah I.-danda hy the vote of the poople* The lesritimacy of lYince Lnnalilo- election by pc-mlar vt.te reeta liually on the oftiiial election by the Lcg ifllativo iaa?Mr. whlch wau t-o have taken place Jan. 8, andon his takiiiR tho pre?cril>ed oath of oftic.e. There ifl no donbt the Awtembly will accede tothe popalai decision. The American r.hipnia-.ter., at. a nicetinir. aecflftfld therisiiltof tkfl election, and afterward vi.ited I'ritn <? LflBflHk in a body, wben an exchangeof con gratulationa followed. Tlio Prince in an addrena aaid hia policy wouhl be to discriminate faiily ii.ttsecn uatives and foreignerB. 1 he Prince'8 claitna wero -imt publicly iudoraod hy a iiiaaa nweting at Honolulu, hdd Dec. _?, but have rcieiv.-dno fonnal indorsemeut from the ******* lative, Aaaenihly yet. In all the wdandH lieard from, only oue vote waa caat ngainst tho Prince. The memherfl of the Hawaiian Miniatry afld-Bflad Prince Lnnalilo. Thc Ministry, tfl a card calling an extra sewdon of tho, depiccated auy ollicial interference with the ehoice of the pcopl.-. TIIK I-RITISH AM) RI.-.SIAN COMIM.K'ATIONS. THK BI-TAT.4.N 4JUAVER? BBBOBS OK l-.T-.l_ YSflTIQB Ol HVK (.OVKHNMENTS Af-AINST BOBU-* IjOrtooit. Wednesday, Jan. 10, 187S. It is nimored, this mornitii:, that the Uvahlafl l.e tween l-reat Hritain and Ruwria 00 the Khivan (juentioi), instead of being Ifl a fair way for mutnally Hatirifacttiry a.ljustmcut, are lucreaaing, and that thc (rOTcrninenta of France, Auatria. Italy. Turkey, I). timiiik.aiid Dfltliafl have dcteriiiiued to aupport thc Hritish (Joveriuoeiit in the position it kaa _u_ slllllC.1. _ (.lIlRt 11 AND BTATE IN ITALY. TBB roPE THBBA-BBI BO LBATB BOBM I* KE UOIOUfl OBMBfl IBOVLO BE .si ITUH... EU. 1 _Kis. Wedneaday, Jan. 2_, Utt, A Bpecial tflt-flBBi from SflflM to La Liberte (news|.a|s.r) tt*Jt tbe Pafljfl told M- ("ortielle., the BBfleBBfl rei?eacu(allv.'of Frau.oatthc Vatican, tbat be would laaaa ***** M the e.tabll.hnienta of tbe headii of re ligioiis unlerx were Buppre._od by thc If.iliau Uovern meut. ______ Tbe kteialaa llaajalnb i-. probably to ba taken ta i aa iii. tion witb bbb pablkbefl yealerflay, in which it was* .1 tbal B fll l Ifla had BCflB prouiulgated by tbe Italiau (iov) rniueut wbt-n-?>y tbe BUflC fonu.illy took paaflaaakae(tteea*aakk Baaa. if aflaaoe can i>e placed on the tele_.ram ty La Liberte', the Pflffa b__. prob? ably bound him to leavc Rome. T_.on.LKS OF 8PADI. 6LAVKRY IN C_BA ANU POBTO BB 0? BSflfll '? '> BBPOBB TIIK OOBTIfl?MBEIIBO 0? ILAVE BOLDBBfl in ll.WANA?ILBOUXIOX PATOBBD ?DISOBDBBKD riN.\N<Xfl OF (U.A. m 4tiiai), wi daaatafi Jan. w, tttt, The report of thfl Counnittee ou tlic Aboli tioitof Hiavery la Port*. Bloo waapMaeaflefl atbe Lowi i Baaaa al Bk Obbbn paateaaap. The OBiaraaaal baa peeaakafl to aiiow mu diacutaiou oi tbe subject. miBlllBfl tfl tb ? I B-flMfllfor the .lavery contiuu-. to BBflae lu from all pailo oi the kingdoin., Jan. _-.?A uumeroti_ly attend.d nu-etlug of alave-owuerH and othera waa hfcld k the -punldh Casino thla eveniug. -J-veral apeecbcB were made, la wblch v.-rj dlUercut views of the alavery queation were Ukeu, an.l propoaitloua in favor ot Ita ttbolltlou were advo. c.t.ii. Tbe eeaeaal Iflfla, boweflflr, tw t* ptra BBfl -l?\ hlierty, provided tbey wiU make coutractn lor aterm of BBaakf ftaflfl <i*<bt to twelve. Bt from |l to 15 a uiontb, witb t-ouditioua sitnllur to thoue tb*- CliincB.- iXHint to. Tha anettaa wal afltoarae-arWhoal aay iieanite a. tlon ticilia.' laki n. I MM apaaBW iidvocal* .1 tbe In.tkint. of the contract heloru a Biitiab, Auieik-au, or G. rmau Oeaaali ..tiu t>, n:..i taej tmt Bkaiaifli aaaaa?ad aa indemiiity ol t-OO lor eaeb slave lib. ratcd, the Ium tfl be iiia.ii- papabk out of tlu- treasury of the lnlaiul, -vtui. otlier-i uirniii bxc'l Iba> at tl.utai for BaflbBk-fl _apee_arobkete4 a kflaaaaltp aitogetiu-r, aeeaaae bc ..uiflflflaad llaajflal tu uxtbe poaaa Bkaaaakla. iiciniiify tiu aealtbj ikreaaraeia leaaaal i-BBtara, aoaaldaaafl aBaoaaafoaalatflfl pro-.si_vt-ry bbbb, Baaa B-pcasalea to aary Uberal tbe pBeatae isatabaaaal tt tbe aaflkat >?? ( aiit.uu (.en.-ial Oebalka ,* k favor of tbe poliCj may t*****M*a*****i BBBBfl -MM-flMal to tbe.oun try. Bataaflfl?W la aa taapa-ttal aiBBaa,waBtflflIflr uie aiave********* to take the initiativc. Bkaaaaaah Warmly api..auilcd !>) the p.o.ilc. Ika -"lavery aafl Baaaaaal i|iie*tion.? are BevpeaaBt neiitly before tbe public, and their -olutiou atauearly fla| ii luetifable. t\ dot'umeiit, algaafl by a aaabar el praaaflflaal flry Uuodrt houiR-H. was very eitensiv. Iy fl-tfllfltefl J BBB I - d.iy, ankliia; tbe people to *\i\>' om-tculh uf then Bflap city to i.-d.'.'in tbe lulla l-nued by tbe flpaflflab Bank for Goveriiuient unuiiiit, and to airept bouda for the mon? ey*, e.i BflfflflMB d. Tbe iirr)_K)i*itii)ii ia cousldered lmprae, aafl iii.etn witb little favor. A committee fnun tho dry gioda Iiouhcm baa heen appoiuted to prepare a Iiiim.i for the ertablntbment of a new bank, to be cou ,iu. afl for thc interc..t of tbe Beopk ln general, aud BBl BWrely kl tbe Bflvaatafljfl tt a few atookholdcr.. Tho flnaucial iiueation in the flaa Bl pr.*ent,an.l (bere i. niuch adveraeerltleUm aftbfl llauk, because It duclarcd a aemi-annunl .llvi ilcud of IT l>er cent, while II waa allowiug itt notea to flapi8888-8 dally In value. It? notea uow are M per cent ilirviiuint. More conceni in matiifeatcd at tbe dan_;er iit.-udli.K tbia tliiuiieial (|Ue?tlon, and lt ia more dreade 1 than either tbe ttt>oh(ioii of Hlaverv oi tbe Inturreetion. roRiica. NOTi.s. A diipntch from Aden BBBBBBBM tho arri val of Hir Bartle Frere at Za-ti-ibar on the 12Mi Inrtant. Thc Parliiiinent of thc Doininion of (_n_4.ii will meot for tho dlapaU-h of butinea*. on the 5th of . larcti. The repert af 1* Soir thfll Pfflflkkat Thicrs lut.-iided to \lait tbe Vicnna Exhlbitioii i-4 BafltBBflBflefl ou autborlty. The. stcaniMhiji Oceatiic, which saile.l from .Qiii-ctintown ou Friday lu-t f..r Bflfl York, han returned 'vtitb bcr niachlnery -BBBBflflfl. Braziliuu i-aperH stati^ that all Pflflflflll fnun Uio de Janetro enterin.. po.-ta of tbe Ar-enttne K.-puu'i. urr atibjeetedlo a HpaBflaa Thfl flfltBI-flBfl)? aflflOBg thfl artilleryiucn at ? Hpitin. bave Im'hii reiiewed. Tbe ifoveriiin.-iit Umiateafl a tre?t tbe aakeeflaflfla witb rlgor. The _teaiuship Tem*%OJ, whicli iiliivcd .it I.i. erpool ou Tueeday, froin New-Orlt-anK. witb .ott.ui. . \\n -rieneed verv heuvy tralua (liiriii-T her \..y !?.*. nul wat nliiik-e.l t? tbruw o\erboaril iwrt <>f ber aal _.?>. Thc Tklh-MlfBfl clnimant cntcred into IBflBBJ.' uiaanee iu tbe aum ?f I'l.nou (o aptx-ar before Uie Lou.h.u f'ourt of (luecii'i It.-ui-li unil anawer a rhai_.e of i BB leiniit for ceitulii utteran.-ea in a reccut *i_i*e<*li __| lln-; The final pmtticol ot the Tiealy of Cotn ui.-rce ix'tween Praare aad (Ireat Britaiu wbm aiirned, | raaterflay afternnou, l.y M. de, Mlnlater of | Foreicti Affalra of France, and l.ord I.) on* the Britlali : Kiuiiiia.i'lui i itli.-ial Spaninh teleirratiiH have ba^n nciivnl at H.iTuia -t-tttti*. thut the !4panlab (rnernllaa bave had two rncountera wltb \Vria. i*j Agraiuoute. Tbe Bpaakb loaa waa twoofflcerr. aiulelabtluKti killi-.l,ainl.t7 va.'urul.-.i. i!..- .'iiii.hi baaa waa ,i: killeit. but tba nuiubrr ot la uaknown. Ju?e Murelni, Airramoutea t'hief ut ( ... alry, waa kill.-d. A large forcc of Purinian polict?. ou Tuesihtv ui-ht pr?.-ee.led lil deUchmetita to tbe Moiitinartre, aod rjuietly Mfl-rflflfldfli eertalu auape.-teal quartem. Hearcb waa then actlvcly made, and restilted ln the arreal of il perflona allexttd to be tueinbera ?f tbe InternaliuDul tM, ciety. liurin_f tlu- otieratloua all perauna were prercnict froin pi-aniitK lo and fiu ou Ibe alrreta occupicil b) tbr poUoe. The Anchor Line nteatuship Hritannia ia aabore on tbe Ialaud ot Ai rau, Firlb of t'lyde. Tbe liriunnia aailefl from (ilaaa. >? ou ibe ntb of I-oveinber for tbe Medltarraaeao, ?beaee ab. waa to retum to Olaaicow. flhe probablv h_d no peaae_*o__. A fnr haa baaa aaat 88 the i,__istauc? of the atoauisbip. Itiat. li.v.d tho Hritanuta can lae aaved lf the woather ro' maina jjood. The IlrlUkimla, Capt. Lalrd. waa huilt at (}l__irow In ihi_. Mie waa a flrat-elaea iroo at. aii.-lnp or 1,393 tuna, ?_._ fr?t Ioiik, :i:i Iflal ln widtb, and 31 18-1 il, pth. flhe wn* hark rf___ d. aafl flft.d wlth two en tmen wlth oyllndom ?'.> Inohe* ln diameter by M Inebee bbbbajb Tln. 8ti'ani_liiii Montana, Aflfl at K_n Kin.i rlaeo . Hlay, will hrlnir ao < mti.i.--v from I'oiu. on roun fo f'liiiiit ami Japan. Tho einh.taay ia aent out toeot) oltule treatlea of auilty, eomnioroo, and i.avi. ati.o with thoee I'owera, haviiiK apieial refer. noo to tbo matter of -8flB_A__M tho emlCTiitlon of 48___B to I'oru. Tb' U puiion wlll ain te faelUtate tba lutroduetlon ol (< orer lAflOBef wbeaa bb__x__- lePeraleel ?-? i TBe I--nv.iv IsC8pt. i. oi Aiirclio Garchb7 OBrela, oni of tbe moat dlatliiirulKbed olti. or* of tho PeruvUn navi H . ? abrotberei taafena-t PeranaaMlalater towaabliifl ton. Tho Emlmaay will loav.-horo for their .1 1188 88 . atiird.iy. tl"' 1*( lir'Htmn._ SESAHW POMJBBOTB DOWJtFALL. -* iii- ooidntrnom <>v_u\vim:..min <;_.y BBfOflBP? HF. I'AYS $7,000 K)lt Ofl- VOTK?Jflfl? -? IJKHUJl ALMO.T r.AVl\|iir>IV II.I" 1 I.I' fBT ThLE-RAPil TO TUB TUJ_: ? Topeea, Jan. __.-l.ight ha_ at Iflfll iairflfli ifl Kiuisa- ! Bflflflflfll Poineroy wa. overvfh. lu ifl _'!??' m> f..,tt..l, to-elay, in the iloction for Bflflfltar,Jflbfl ?'? faflaflfl of Atihiaon I.. injr eleeted ulinaal unaiii mously. As the vote wtw bfltflg taBflfl in j<"ft 11 veution, Col. York. AAAflBAflB of _fl leflflla BraaA Montgomery Cotinty, wlien hia nauie Vflfl flfllflBA. pa_.d np to tho pre_iding flflaear ?-.,,<"' which Mr. Tomeroy hail givco li'" f"r '"? vote. Ho then detailed the cireunistan.N 1 ti _ba tran.aetiou inaapooeb of an hotir'a bagtb. 1be ei. ct w__overwheliiii_g. AlAflfllfltlflfl BB pBBinl by tho Legislittnre thauking Col. Vork btt hia courso, anil I.igall- waa imrm .liatoly 88.-1.4. I '<?) two wecka r..ineroy has kept a lohl.y li-n af a0 I . "a.rikenT at an afllflflflfl of uot Iflflfl tliun yl. ? iaj, flfltai bflfl flffla* prohably $10o,i aai m tha '.ti flfligfli Mr. PunnToy h;i_ been flUBflM BBflat 881 Stato law. Twelve years ago to-day Kflaafl Araa aduiitted into the Union __>__flythtfleafla<_?_._?< to tho flflCAAfl over the dowufull ti _Afl_BP-_Bfl Bfl enibodied ln S. C. 1 .mieroy. T. D. Tn.i< m B. [flflfl-SAB -flflflfl .-?'( "' AT.] Topi:k\, Jan. -0.? The LflgialatafC flBfll fafl J.'int _BAB_flB_fll BAflflk to vote for a I'mt. .1 Btat. fl itt.r. __eafl bafera th. baaa ?f as-eniiiiini. tbe goMt tb i and etalrwaya of tho b_H B888 Aeaeely BB-__- .'I. people. and ueither ?oata nor Mflflfllafl room a eaM be Bfl tuiu.'l wlthin beariug oreven eight ot ih.- pa ?<? inai.te the ball. Mr. Johu J. Inj-Ulis of Atohi-. n w:ia 888 laatefl, -a BflOtSBfl uiion bfl a 88808881 atxtj BM8BBI ra. Bl UB (lif -t BBM M 888)888 afr. l'oinoroy. Beoator York then jirooood.-d to fl-tall tbm l Intorviawa l>, ? l-w. ? i-i, h-BMBlf Bflfl Mr. I'.m.a i"i Ba ami theae intervi. wa wa ra- h<-lal in pur-ii::in?<: ef a plan BgBaafl iil>ou by blBMBlf BBfl olher |_BB_BI ?>? ' BfABI BtB of Mr. l'oaiieroy. The tlrat oue was on ftnmj Blfbt, Wb8B BBveral |a r sons weio,ituilil_rln_ whiih th. murT' r I f Mm Baaa tatrrr wiu ittaaaaaaA- The aecomi eaa aaa bb*_ 't'. Bl the BaWflfltatfira ?f -Mr. Pomen.y. on _A_-flflf BlflBI BAt thia Mr. r.'ui.roy off.Tu.l him (Mr. Yorbi Iflflflfl B88 hiavoto; flAflBBfai -Aafl. B\flfllBBTflflBflar, BBfl (_?' B inaluderou Thui'.-.l..y. pjMr. Tarb aaeafta l _be tmv, aud t,. >k VMBfl Oa lat i .!?> BH8888IB ha uiet Mi. I-BBBBBJ BfBla A] I ." 88B8BI, iml reeoivid froai him tho t-.uoo proiui.d. Bfl IfeBB produeed a roll of bauk-Uilla fn-ui bM pABABt. BBfl Bflfl I liore ia the I..-J0 paul to tue by Mr. Pomeroj. wWeb ? now deaire to pUee lu the haiuta of tbe I'r. ilfleol ol U.ia eeavaalMB. 0Vt the eoneliialon of Mr. York'a apeeeb i u." tlon waa made fur a reoeaa until S i> m.. r<> jtivo Hr. I'oin.-roy au opportuniiy to <!< f< ml him 8 lf, whi.h waa flaflMAafl by a lar^-o luiiioniy aud a niotton tn ptoecid immo.liatoly to bullot for -8BB88I Ciiuled, amid great exeiteuiout. flaflaca the calllnir of the roll waa flaAabefl lf was elaarlf vui.nt ____?! Mr. laaaua aaaM Barrj t^Bflraal tHHiyof tbe Lagta?taaa. baai l-flaaaaf ami aaliraai eroy. Tba' Maata Btaafli Iafl_aBa*9fli Laaa,!; BarTey,! York, 1. iiu" viali' ' I tho UiiUM. at.i.xl: Ili^illla, a9: I..M. . :t, CAark, 'J; flBA-BBBB, i; Kn.irm.iv, l; Yaak, I; bAaaA, i rpgpiia ttb8 fluelaiafl olntafl aafl _ba Jbaba <_bb raafltaB ' iioioiimed. Itnino.ltately aftor itiljoiirnineiit 8 oomplainf w.,e m 1 laeB-lBfl-B-l a>;aiu-r S.uutor Pomerny 88 888888881 bntierv. aafl ba waa aiBaatefl, aafl _ato ball lalaaaaai i eflflMflaaaafyearea Ttmmj. ThlsavaBlBflfleaaMB Ynrk aaa Bataatafl BBaaaaraa of brib.ry, iiu.l 108888881 for 8_____B8t-B8k, 8_BB tb8 I auao 888 diamia.e.l. BBfl ho waa reloaae.l. _-_B8_SP Criaadasa) laaaaleaTatlt-AaaaflealBAaaa. aafl taal ta ! l*pri'p:inti_ :.-t-N'tiiout ABfAflfllflfl t_8 mail, r tor |.ui> Ucatioo to-ma.rrow. TIIK NLW KVN-A- -K.MfOlt. John JflflflCA Ingall.s, t-bfl S. .Ii.i ifl flBBBT fl ?? nailvo ol' Haverhlll, Maaa., _ ln i. I.e -linlioil , law. Ho w.-iit to KaBBM iu Ijo. or 1.7 iliiiiii- Un l.fa t ii.iiil:. t.. and waa well known aa an 88B8I M tti 8....iler. Bl wa- .1. ef. d to tlio lBflta_B_B-8 tho BBBBBfl | 881 of hia I r.-sid'-nee iu tbat ..late, and uia.te hliusolf prBBlaaal ly tin-va-lionioiu'o with wbieb be denonaced th. auppaetera i ofHlavery. It ia told of him that aoon aft, r hia ile, iiou ; hc w?s taiiutod by Daii.l B. ______BA_.A I'" __B88B_ 1 flBBS-B-BB. BbflBfl lnayouth and oliaeunty. bBJ-Bs, lal di-ooiii'i rtod, bnelly ropliod that hia youth BBfl BBB BBB. ' w<t? proferablo to ago wltieh Bflfl _4.eou.paiu'<18) m fatiiv ThU.roply M-oura'al hun tln- pnimiii. 888 Bb8 h BtB 1 Bbtllty Bad eBaragr fui'y flBastaafl. rntu t .1 i.<- reaaflaal i at rjunjiier ; iu that y.-ar ho uioved to Ai. :,i><ni, BbAeb baa l beeo ever slnce bla place of reaidence. Ho haa eoutiuut-.l to tako a protniiicnt part in K8B8BB paHttea, aud BBBeae of the fuundera of Ihe Kaiuas Aluyaziitr, tai ? i,i, li ha h.,a leeon one of tlio prineipal . ontrihutors, BBBflBJ ein. Bv I on W.atern life. Tho Fobruary nuinbor oi that p. t. odla:al eoutaiua au |B_BBflflB_fl BflflAflBI B-BBB hi- BBfl "f Ri-dla I...1-14-1, BB it.lvi-titurou. Kroii.h OABB?_8 8Zp BB I of tlie country baB-B_Bfl Afl BM rpl_r Mi-nonr. ln hia Bittlafla Mt. Iaaalla kae fltapbajafl. a rarlefl baaartaflaa of the biatory of the .niiiiliv ta i - n.n.-.i.. n from baibariBin fo ciMliz.tti.ui. TOUTJCAL TEOVBLEB IB KlSinh). mr -t-fl-AA-fl to tiik maofli LkxiN-Ton, Jan. W-?Thfl t'-Kcilciiii i:f hflTfl oior Un-lotal olactiou to ln l.old toiuoriow la iiiliiiw . l'ho 8ABA8 of ull tbe tiiu... . na* thv a.lnptiou by tb city Couneit of a roti. i. re aafljaaaaa n iralalaa oolorc.i tuou (1888 votliiK Blllaaa llio> ha.i p.iial .. pn ', BBflte- lax f?.r Uie BB8M. S'tnc nf the a-, i aafl paaplfl BttaflAtbaAMMpbaaflaa. , or-il to p.iy th.s ta_. but tho follietor ha* l8-BB_fl tii rci >?,'. e iiii'ii. ?>. Tln flfllaaflfl Vflflfl iN B88fl h. *v\, , an.l. aaldoal to tho wli.te Ka-pubiuai. \nia, eoaATBlatae eit\? b> MA ini.ji'llty. j 8888 8888 BMIjlafl lb. 8I8M tt tlio 11818 Blllltla to P* | lleelieadiiu.itt.t-, 88818 tb.) burc !?< a n pat Ul ?<?>:? i ' for aervlae, lf I8fll___88| to aoiiirol tho l laaltf. The tiuzettt. this inoruiu/. flec am tbai eeierefl peeaeee 1 ap|K>,iriu_ at tho j.olla und afla8__fl tbelr \,<t.-. w.i, l... ' itiim. .Iiate-tv arreated iinloaa tuav liavo paid tbnir taxaa . I but aa the Cltt Coiincii B_8- Bfl fl '" lov hi.v tin for i ian, tbla iiition taa barflU *t BBbakL Im __afltaalBa aaj ? tbai tbe town ini_l.t _? well burn aa t-. _o late tbe baitds of the Befabfleaaa. K.irn oxtra pabaBBea won- aworn tn thia ev. olna?all I>c_j,K..ita. im.- 0___B_B| el lli- lolii f. h. luiautry, Capt. M.ira.-, iirrtvoii tlifx ihoidIiik froui Itinktoii, bai ' ln_ Iieon-eiu here lu rc-ponae to a peiltlou lroui tho i colorod oillrone. Tho 88888888 (.- ii, ral. AiUiitMiil-daiii-ml aiiivatl to-iii^bt, *ud lio..i a coiiauliafi-?> witb BieaabeTa oi tUe Coiin.U, iuu -iii, wlial loanll I* uilkliowii. TKLKiiKAI'lIIC NBWB. .I.'lm loiti- aud iienrv lii.w.inl. mrngg min alre'. eu?e*eil ia a ka_bl ib Baa f r.ue a,., Ual u,<ui. I?u, 4nm . |Me_>l aaat li_l ai ll?__i,! ?| Jaaea I-.alluf. a leleflaa Him, a.aiiafl.1 ul liial . ur. 1'lir wmtti le yrebe-l. (.Ul ? llie i'.i.i.*...,r.. ;., Citireu* Cotnnutt.o ou th?? Caakaaalal, jean,'.., a_.,l_a raeulutiuaa aakiae t_e I'ai i eaai.l la aaaraar-la fcl.l.H'/aai f r tU (V_i>neial Kipwittoa. and i _4,?ia? re ,|,.rau tu l.aani., Ij f ...|, re aafl . ,.a??aa Bar aal. Ikraaeaal ui*J<_I <o__T ia 8la?..?Xi, a Wl*, uf *?rr 8-1).-M .ulati beal 8, ....The New Haveu Yale Alumni A_w_.-iation held IU 8rfli ia**ll*( f* la_._,e . reaapie uf Mafle U.e Hio. aa< r. _a,.? I k*_ilr_ r._aral <r*.li_alee aa. yaeata wl *uw* ta, a,ki_r T..aa*. war* r*.t___? B b? 0..T. ,rw. 11 rl l*,*a_le*t W._l?a, p?<Mi_ a r*rtfli, De Ba*va, lb. Hm B _ Barnaaa aafl ?_?_, *******