Newspaper Page Text
_Xm_6t._-n.fl, ei.., 8l,io -flfmng. " BO0_B_I ffl-_UT__t?M__ra_B__" F.lwin Hootli lUiwr.hy Thk .__._.--" r.iii._l? Hill" ObaJTO OfDU BCflJflfl. ' Tln? (-tarait of the ?aaaaa," \. w Kirrit Avi'Mi I;':.-" Ali_" Nllll.').- (iARPKN.?" Lflfl ami l."t"-" Di ymi-ic TiikaTkk.?"Alliam-.rik." .n !*yi ark Thkatkk,-" (hi. Hflfldlfll Years OU" WtiiuK'- htflA-AA- ?**Baalkaa IflflAi" __. A. __ A_i,niiiiN ____. BaB-tflflfl ?'? M.Ii-Mi-w. ST. .1;. 9fl8 li-i'insr.) Mmstn-N. m ri na.a ll.Aii-- II i.Jariaj'aWaa-Waiaa. laisy l'i -T- 'K'S ()_...i:A IIi't'-K. -"Th. Putiliuian a aal>.rielie? _ fiuemcGS _.ontc_ IM _mosi> Point .?'.-? (.<>!.n Pkns. IClB. I 1 ll | To,b?4erlula|-r' .1, ,r. ? . ' n lhat Wlll ftflll ritr_r,e . . :r. n . laioel ata.rtant nTent:?B4 ,<f tbe frraani ife i, tlii! of ..-,..- ia n ark aud dara , -rl. ire__er o- J <?. I -mt, aiarnfat.-BTer of Inr l,?flP . Attor 11 owe eoi.,,a,r __? _ _ ?_?_ b.T ihr !.._( tin_ be bae beeu r. janr. ia our _t. id tbeir auanttfa. **?, |?, ? .kokaow tbr etlaeot F- tai't Paaa froa r.,n etiai'we of :)e_? f,_ a iajal<rr of .<?.. rl.-rrfall' reromaewd tbem to la?_* ?), wi? _.r Ibe I_w4 aad aefll peiteet (io. 1 Pr? eeer nida. . ? ... . e. .. ? ? : ,,,. ? |B08 ?iii,.r>. s . I eaideal Aaeflicaa Kin.a-r ??? Ntti-nil Baak. ?k of V.rth Aaanoa. >t m A K, Pir.i'-nt Corn Kirbin. K II. I ? Baak .., ? ..,,?. ,;t? .S\ti aal ILnk Ca i' : New-Torl . oflatl Natioaal Bank. ? . Baakef J l. N. Hn.k.nt Aaaoeiatiea. I..,-:- 1 Bank. Baak j,fc , ,. i ? Ir : -..ur.' a, 1 I'.i I,--. Nitional Baak. - Sitoaal llank. . Ilr.d Bti,.. ?. P-i? k Co. ?a Co. U.-lir k Ltib?4U>b \?,? ll J. k Co.. Nrwlork - L IO. DtllT T.iar.. A <Io.i1ob, Ciabler New Tork Het ald. ..,.,a_ Oo. 1 AflflB-BB k Ofl , ? Cl.itlel Ira A C<v Afl.-.. i . , J.. aaaa a ll ? ,.:_Biir fulual Iai. Ce. ra ,nt , <,p:nrrr,al Mntual laa Ce. ? ifl ? <?? ? I ll?-nr Plre lna. ' lo !?.. ? \r , Y,,rT Ut* la* Co. - inariaal ititioner. tnd iewrlera Pa.i.rr Oold Pew Mtrjfirierrr. Be. . Attor II .aaa, -Paoatta *? tertii Ofltfl. C,,i , COLDfl i*i?? oftflB overloo ked.? . lafla for bbt len?_k ?f time raniet irntilio'i of tbe Lnnfft or *,??,' : _iae. ' H,i8B8_ Ba,.a, BUB Tbocbbi" are aaaaVc !****?_ . BoARDiNti.?The iii.a.t .Icaii.iMe pluoe ia the .. ? ? ' -.: tltm Beal ???? 4 r i:,...? who aorh loin-aa. SiuRle fot -r prnaiamt, ?t reaaoaablfl,. Ti_u;r\F. Almanai l"i 1873 (readj IflH | will.ta t.lliiiojto 18 B4ut! coBtenu IVk ??? utpai or II..K4I 8 'iKKai.BT. _? -81. iltiAts M) Mind nn fall). Witb IlltiBtia - ly. TaiarsK l.a, x. m _ M\i.k Tn tis mi the 8___dwi< ii I iands in t _ II \- Paid 16,710 Poi n r-HoiuKBs,and lius the i ... _ * i; 4 i- ii, i r,. -. Haih l>Y! . I'?i--I iii tl:.- world. iDittcttueoaa. At tl) iir?;ptti. I" 15. 1i:\nk I'liMi :?i'.m nt Akm._ and ? ? > TEEHS UP TIIE TBtBUBE Dttii I inrsK. Mail i ' - *l'i r>..r .tnnnm. ', Mail Bnfaarribata, $?'< i .-r ?n. W i. i.i , I UICUBK, Mail _B__-_ibaa_, $-1 ini iiiiutiui A ?1 v . r t : s i ti ? likd'H. Paili ' ; i i m .: ,.. l ? , .",?., 7">c., .iml $ 1 por Iiii" .MMl V ' M.V'll.IIil M.. . ' i.Ii.l 'ad . ilita JHH ilUO. W II i.t.1 i i:1181 Nl, .+'.'. --?.. i.n.l t?"' I>-1 ll?-. AeCM-i-A B>fO-Bt-BB iu tbepapor. l ('iiiit.. .? ? li in Bdraaca. I'hk T_Ifl-_?. N_w-York. a,,!, ? ed ,it BB-tawaa__cia.54. W. ? till8p.aa. atlaffalar lataa 4_? 4^1 ?B FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELEV. TIIURSDAY. JANUABY 80. _.:?:_. b8l8888 li'in.a BBfl ( Britiin 818 ?:e Bertoaa Prtaaa Lunuiil.) ims i tae Baaflwlefl lalaafla Ay a mnmmt . . 'nn, ,l i-y Ifla Ai^'-mbly. Aolflafa w_a ln ld la IIavan_ I'laU. lafl 188 l.--lalativ. I.t 11 under 1 HlMU ? ? ' ''Ju -'!! , ti tb.- t I'l--. I ? b tka K.iiiana lAaaflaaABl ? I, aafl ou T_i)f!!iiiu_i. flSfaaafl la au attempt at ObI - _a_ea OBBtlBBefl baA flBBBflflafl aat flaaaa ____n Ika IBAaafl CMflfl Motiilier Comuiittoe. \ 1 -,_.-. ::. Bka" ('ii-ul p.'.'.cy ia pn.poaexl. laa I'uii'-rti-n Wfcasaae h laeflkaai BaaBBafl Iiu- Atlantic Mail ?18888' ...,,, ;, - ,',,! . siii.?riutcnd_ut Kifldi. ukBB_?8 n'aiiiii- aaaaal laBaat aa tka aaaflttlaa ti tka i . '.i!.?.it l.nv.-it.ii BaA-Bfljkaaaaaa ,'.r. _--? 0-8888 VflaafcBBjABB li.-wen 1888. ,,, i Baflaaa ? aaa OaH, ua, 0 .. IM. IB_ Tta eaaelaaaafl of the tfldaflflfl trial of Mr. | ia-. a| la j.:..uii-. d l>T _kfl ci)d of thi. week. Mi. I'liU.-iton tflfl thfl dflflfl? and Mr. Peck li in f..r ikfl ptflfafl ?IflBfli up yesterday. Mi. Qifllflflfl ?__ donbt-tflfl occupy tli? whole ..t t., .hy, and Mr. Tllilflfltfl will concltide, und thfl Jfldffl will Hiitn up, ou Friday. W? I"'). ''ud* Pol ind -B-flflAflflAB-l that Mr. Oflkffl -Vnica. iicktiotvlcdt'''. haviug depo.-ii'd t*.i 1,000 with th. glflgflflflt flt Afflflfl in June, i. j.,iy tln- flflflfl dividendrt on Crodit Mo l.ilii-r fltodl whidl h_ held for Scnatorw and I.', t<i. ., iiiitiM-s. 'Uie books of Mr. Ordway wfl] pr..l.iil'ly flh?W in whose favor he drew i lncl.a flgfllflfl. thi- d.posit, and we utrongly Bda-flC tlie OflflflflB-Mflfl tt aall f"r the bof>k^ iit Ai'-i tlie dcvcloptiifiiIfl of Ihe Bflflt few uinot Iml any BAflB- protest-ition bfl h.i_ ?ivcii bflflk his sto.k and received im .ln .1. tnI- oa it. Lct ns oonsult the book?, 1 nmiiiittii. Nu. 2, Afl tlie Wil .on InventigHtintf t ii'iiniitii i- ia uaii.tllv (.illi-d, fflfl hold of a con tiuiinrunirt irltaafla. fflaflfltdajr< Mr. J. B. Stew i.- ttKi-iit or attorney for the Union Pacific Bflilraad CaAapaay, IUM4-A_a___flfldfl0flflBfl-BMK_l in '-ond- of the couc_rn. He ictn.ed to tell what bfl did with thitu, Illfli?tflg that hi_ duty tu hi_ (li( fltfl tothfldfl hi_ icvi alitig tho di.-jK) niade of tlieir funda. 'ihe CoinniiKee Bflflf t?"t bfl ahlc to inakc Mr. BtflWflCl t( 11 what hc ktiows; hut the r.fiihHl to flflBfllflflfl thfl ptflT tiiulairi ot _o lurge and appanntly b_M_flflflfl iikt- ii;iu_.iclion appeai8 coueluaive a_ to it. (liai_A'U;r. ?aii IflfltflflBM of the ciying inju_tice of the j.i. - i.t ^ of di^ciding a_ to coutt sted Bflfllfl iu the IIouAe waa afl'orded yesterday la tbfl flflflfl of Mr. WlMfldr of Florida. Jobiah T. VTfllk, Itcpublican, han been the aole Iflfflflflflat. .,-.?. ol Florida in the Iiouge binoe the begiu .iiuif ot tha Be_iou, Mr. Niblack bei-j: flflfli t.htani for the seat. Ycuterday Mr. NibLtck Ma? accordad the mut almost without a de miir a. to bia right. lie will hold for one jiiuuth the positiou for which he waa eleeted for }-o yeara. Can tbat be a just Byatein t.tii.h penuita an interloper to ait one year and eleveu months in Congreuat Tha lateat auggeation of rcform which louiea fioin the A_aenib!y Committee on CunaU ia to withhold further appiopnation_ flflflfl tbflflfl catiahi which do not pay their ?Bfflj way, and ouly look after tboae which aro m il rttipporting. Tho exhibit mado by the CuflDflttUflfl in dcfon.o o! tbifl uouitiou iu fl fair ono. Oat of Ihc $T,000,OW now Rnniially reeeived bofli eaafll ?****% m**W bfl (lovoti-il ta tha Sinking Fund; and more than $'.00,000 araa hist ycar expcndcd on tbfl flBBfltffl over and ,-il.ovo (ho totnl reocipts. In other worda, itu*. money which ahould rcmain in thc State Treaatiry goes t(_> keep up cauals which will Bflfflfl pay. Ilir prospect of thc abolition of Slaveiy in I'orto l.ico, an.l tho conaequcnt danger to slavcrv in (.uba, aaaafl to have bflfll strongly iiii))i'. sst-.l on thc minds of Cuban slavcholders. A few dajl ago B largo BM ting of slavc ht.lili-rH waa held at Havana, when opinioiiH in favor of ion were gcncrally ex pnaaad. lt wan appanj-llj tfca p-flffl-Haflj conviction that it wan bflfll to make llic most of a bfld Baaa. and it was lllfllfl-?__? that large iudemuitica shotild bfl dcinandcd, althongh one pflffl-B OUPOBfld ;iH iudcinnity as unjiiRt lo tlic pOOflflC classes. An iiisidious -.e.i.ino, however, wa.. thc one proposod for thc l.-ductioii ol (hc ******* to Ihc condition of thc OOOtt-fl Such a constimmation woiihl only b? another form of Slavcry. To-day most civilizcd natioua regard thc trciilmcnt al tbttt 'liif.irtunate lflbOCfl-l aaone of glaiing injusti.e Thc cold snap of yesterday and night be? fore Iflfl. aoeins t*o havo extdidcd due wcst( btt* no fiirtho.r south tlian thc southcrn honndary of Tcnncssoe. In most localitio Irmii which wo have reporta thc day ifl saiil to bc the eoldest of thc season. At Alex andiia, Ohio, lor examplc, thc ****** marked '-_"' below zero; at Fort Wayne, Indiana. it was ___? bi-low; at Corry, Pcnn., it Wfll H? tVlow, and mo on. In New-England, wherc tho meiciiry was said to havo -?unk to 55? below zcro dur laft tbfl Iflfll oold apcll, there does not njijieai to have been l.itely any such cxcossivcly sc vcre wcather. In tho Far Wflflt thf-i.- bflfl heen mnch snow. and trains on 1lit* Union 1 .icitic Kailroad havo heen slightly dclayed ifl Cfah. Thc ntorni sccnifl to Ik* traveling cast ward; auil our own city discomforts BBBJ Bfl dc( pcncil hy ? snow- .torm of which ihe pres? cnt rising t.'tnpcratiiro is a prtcursor. Somchody han bflfl osking tho F.xecutive l>tp;iitiiM.iit aaaafl fooliab qMfltfoafl about tba constrn. tion to hc pla.-cd BpOB thc late order of tlie Ficsident forbidding Fe.icral oflicials from aeeflpt.Bg Btafte. eo-Btj, township, or mnnicipal othces. Tlio an .wer to Ihcse is einlrodicd in a new order, printcd on anothei paajfl of Thi. Tkiiu.nk. Thc. apabot <>r it all is lhat the Bflfld oi c.-ch I>cpartinont is to Im the jtidsre of the Oflflfl which may aiise in his own Departmeiit. Common sense will dic titc thc maniicr in whicli thc Prosident's order should l>c applied to local qucstions. Hut, tor tbfll r.lii-.f of <_uestioneis, it is gafltt liuniorcdly intimatcd that it would BO. be proper for a Fcd.-ral oflioer tfl be OeBBBMB Cotincilman of ? city or town. Thc othcr ex (?-ptioiis full nattnally into thcir proper place, tbe gencial rtile being that a Fedeial oflice holdcr uiust avoid local oflices the dutiea of which intcifcre with tlioae of a natioual ap piuntiiicnt. _ A tcloirram pabUabad tbia momiug reprc ?*'iils the, trouhlea ____M_fl and (Jreat Hritain Bl ln-comiug more serions. Tiic causc of al.irm nie.utioued in the dispatch, how? ever, instead of renderini* tho situation BMffl dangerouB, is, if dcpcndcnce could bfl phic-d u_>4>n tho report, a tol.-iuhlv sure ifuaranty ti pflflflfl. A timely re nioQBtrance from the Britinh Goveniment alone ought to bfl suflicieut lo d.Ici the Rflfl* ^iaIls from an tindertakinK which il is in ilincd to regard with hostility. If all of thc livc Govcrniiicuts meijt.ioiied in thc dispatch weic iuclin.d to sup])ort tbfl prctonsioiis of (it.-at Hritain, whi.-h hy tbfl way is hanllv probflMo. it would he madnesfl for the (,'zar to iindcitake to eagatfl in a ooateal flfljflf?l such ndds. Tho cliief icasou to believe that thc policy of conciliation toward Kngland will bc fiuitless, ariscs from tho faet that some act of hostility in Ccntral Asia may so far eompio mise tbfl Kussians that they will lie BHablfl to make f urt lul cuiiccssioufl. Mr. Wfll. I>- Kelley has Hiiddenly chan^e.l his mind. When the Credit Mobilier investi gation bflfBB (with c'.oscd doors) he said that hia only difliculty was that he did not have more shares. In the little ad cupUindum -j.cech which he made, he bfl thc liupression that owning Credit Mohilier shares wan the crowuing virtue of a Congrct-Hinan, and that he was luckiest who owncd thc most. Since the business has beconic odious hc has washed hia hands of the whole mattt-r. Hc absobitely rcfused to take the cer ll-Viilflfl of 8t04;k which Mr. Oakea Ames, in open Committee, swore wero his and for mally proflfcrcd him. This dramatic sccne was yc.itiTday followcd by another. Mr. Kcll.y claims that $1,000 which bfl reeeived from Ames waa an accoinraodatiiife loan, and that hc yet owes $300 thercon. Mr. Ames denics thia atoutly. Yesterday Mr. Kelley sent the disputed $300 to the Chairman of the Inv.-*.ti gating Committee, and so warthed his hands ugain. What haa hapiM-ned to Mr. Kelley that his soul should so iiiuch abhor in January that_ which il craved ml^-n^biTt The views of thc coutending partics in thc (?oaT contt sTiiro giveiTon another page. I'res ideut Cow(;ii, who ia a typ? d tbeJttjjpttj autocrats und uspiring capitalisls. tx.Idly* uc fenda hia policy, while Mr. Thomas, rcprcscnt ing tba coal tiadcrs of Philadelphia, alarmed l.y thc conrse of other corporationa who made as plausihle profeaaiona as the Rc.-ul ing Company, warmly proteata against restrictions which ho believes are impcuding. Hfl cxprc3sca lorcibly the currcnt diBtnist of grcat corporations and the geucral unwilling nesa to give them nnrestramed power. One singular faet elicited ia that the grcat Reading (-ial Comitany. worth probably $.'X).000,000, Ipought its charter for $300! Pennsylvania ia Ix-c-oming colebratod for cheap, raoililied char l.-rs. The coal salc yesterday proved that aii .cd udvunce in pricc has been attained for at least n.-xt month. We truat that it will provc t.i bc bfliad <>n natnral catisea. for it will not l>c well for New-York manufacturers and general coiiiiiimers if tho grcat companies flnd they can flx and niaintain high pHflflfl ut plflflflflfC. There is every reason to Mppoflt that I'i iiu e Williain C. I.unalilo, ali.ia " I'lince Hill," will l>e the next King of thi Sandwich Ishinds. Diapatche-a from Honolulu abow that his appeal to the people waa not in vaiu, and that he h.u a unanimoua popular vote, as well aa the indoraement of the Ministry. Thc I.egia lative Aswmbly have ihe iinul ralilicalion ol Ihe. popular choice; aud the . lianc.-.. are all in favor of I.uiialilo. This resnlt is ao much better than auy proj'-ct foi ao Ameiic-an pro tcc.t4.rHto or aniiei-Mtioii oould l?c tbfll tbfl Ilawaiiaus Blfl ei n.iinly to bfl flflfl_patwbltc4 tbaiflOB W.) ibtmld Un **\t& if Un, .ominff King b___> n litfl_ befter repn tation for tcmperauce and morality; bul m_ I.m a.lmiicr and rhampioii, Mark Twain, ha* already . uggiwtcd, nn ar Mflfllflfl of regnl dignity i_ likcly to induco, Prinre Uill to forswear Ktrong drink and live cleaidy. At any rute, he i_ vouched for an the only true hcir to thfl Hawaiian throne, brimful of spirit, pluck, nnd cntcrprise, and a potent frieud of Aiucrica. tt___fl the wich Irtlanders scen, ho Bflfl- fl Kinp. we are glnd they are likcly to have one who is Ugbly rCflflflflflAflflfl?d. and Bflflflkfl no flfflflflfl ih,in tba iflflfll nu ?! Kiflffli Vicc-Prc. i'lfnt Colfax has tflkflfl thfl fl-Mflfl fll Bflfl Credit Mobilier Coniinittcc-nicii and has .ent a lawycr to __?_____ his flflflfl, It ioflfl not -flflflfl bn_inc_s-like. to aak nn in vcatigation nt bflfl hunds ti flbfl Senate, con siderinj. thut Mr. Colfax i? not a _Bfl__tbfl_ of tbfll body; nnd we very miifh question if even ihe gravest aapect ?f the otlen. e flhflfffld against the Yicc-Prcsident would wartant the pre_ciitation of arfi-lcs of inipeachment by the Bflflflfl of PflyiflflflBfllJT?. It ll not ho much that Mr. Colfax irt flbfltgcd with lllfllfl)?flflfH m ollice tliat his charaeter now rjutlerrt. It is bflflflflMAI I"" -- gencrallv bclieved to have AWOTfl 'Ihe evid.n.. of tUfl dreadful crime i. only ciietim .tantial j the chain is flOflApifltfl by tlio pioduction of Mfl bank account, which shows that he depo.ited $1,200 withiu two days of the time at which ho wa.- flUflfOd to have received it from Oflkcfl AtncK. Bfl now say., by hi. coiins.-l, that he can prove hfl received the money from another flOOiefl than Aines. In view of what he flflifll before, thirt looks like a latne atterthoiiRht. Still, all fflflCC ous, rifbt-flaifldfld people will jo.n with us in llu- f.ivent wish that Mr. Colfax will be flblfl thus to dflfll ht?flfllf and to Afl. hiinsclf n_'ht bflfflfffl th<- coi'Dtry which now lameni. hi_ dreadful iall. THB FALL or POMBEOl. Men who Iflffllfl] pflUtkfl fll a inere mattei of tradc acqiiire, in thr- coui.c of a Afleflflflfl ful career, a coutempt for humati natiire whieh sooiier or later proves their rniu. They judire tbfl public by lliein.elveH and their chattels. They think every man has his price, nnd ..omctinies make Ihe flrffltflbfl fll puttinj,' the pikfl too low. Pflblk distiust or pflblk indigBfltfoa they think very little of. They ilet.v tlie tirst. and feel Htire that (he Aflflflflfll when it flflflflflfl will hikiii blow over. The bflflflfl of their coiilidi-iiee is that bO-Mflt l'.?i|'li' has. BO siuli intciest in dgfatingthen as th.-y have m liolding ta plaee and power. Foililied by this retl.iclion they grow contiiiually more iinpudeiit and flfllfllflflfl, until at bflfl! they positivcly fofflfl the com iniiiiity to against tliem and lend them. Who would havr bBflaT-flfld it possible lor ,iny Seiiator to h,i\c ibOWll Bfl brutal a flflfl t.mpt for publi,' intelli^en.'e flnd virtue aa to f0 to Kaiisms, while the Btfllfl and country all alive with indignation flftfl the iiiaii traftie flf Caldwi 11, and ati.mpt to buy another Lflgifllfltfl-rfll Yet this is what S'-nator PflflflB roy fltcflflfl to have done. Bfl had Bfl other means of woikinj;. Ile flflW his hold on tho State was Wflflkfl?Og. His populnrily was fflM, Hfl was withoul thflflfl peisonal quali lies which attract men. His career in thfl BflBfltfl had been Ifllhfld by DOthiflg but a participation in fl flfltiflfl flf eiiornious Jobfl? by which many men of his kind ptos, and noue of them wen- ?i ite ful. Hi* ouly weapon was lu_ money. Hfl had flUflllfb of thal, acipiirc.l Ifl many ways, and bfl went to work to u_e it in thfl old m.inner. Hfl had BO more si.arity than tO ..<> into thfl opflfl inaiket fot votes, at the very inoincnt when the Caldwi 11 eflflfl was throwiflg a liroad flbflfl ol Ufht into all such Ahady plflcajfl As flright bc exix'cted, bfl arflfl Cflflgbt lll his iniMUily. Vesterday mornini:, Mi. York, a State Senatoi'. s.iil to thfl Clflrk de_k fT/HX), whirh bfl said he had received from Mr. Pomeroy fol his vote. We ure told thfl efl'ect was enottuous. We are pre vented by previoiis cvetils bflflfl infoniflg tbfll thfl men ineiitioii <>l a btibfl prove.l _.. fltflftting tfl Kiliisiw klflJfllfllOBB ,5llt P?bflflfl there was flflflAflt?flg in the amount ulii.h rOOAflfll their dormant vir.'ue. P.ihap.s "Old Stibsidy." as they playfully call their glflflt man, had Accjadnd Hm rcfl. al them _? nafln reanoflflhla tenns. At all events th.y weie ^reatly out Iflged, and iinmediately ele. ted tlie Hon. Jolm JflflAflfl Iny.ills gfflt-Ai and had tlnir favoiite statesman arreflted. There is little NAMOfl fol Iflfflfll and much for conKiatulation in thin B-flflppflf Bflfl of the Kansas BflBfltflf fi.'in th. 1 i*? I?1 ..t his ac ti\ity. AmoiiK' aU the urecks that lie flloflfl] thfl flhflCfl. t-flflflfll there by thfl stotnis of tlie lant few months, there is probably not one so sordid as he. Like Miiininon, bfl was " the Iflflflt " erected spirit that fi 11." PlflflB hi- Int entry into public life he has weiKhe.l 0f_fljt____g by a money staudard. He has judged ;ill public ineastircs by the cash thaf wa_ in them; and estimated all men by the anioiinl it would take to buy them. Other eousideia tiflflMI he regarded with a dull and pblflgflAfltk sinrn. Ile found Bttflfl tfij _rC?Jufoii ifT* Tiis way flf life, and _o_B_-flA iiiia?ined it wuh to last forevcr. The stim bfl is _aid to have _qtiandered J_n this eleetion pTo'veT. u'fftcietitly what conthh nce he had ifl the final triumph of his greenbacks. Hc wau not a ma nto throwja\vav- ______ huudred thousand d. .11a rsoi?.T?or!oi i7h?pe. Wfl^flflMOt *httflftf| but Ik' glad that he BMAM tlio trial, and that the countTy can have the iK'nefit of the l.-a.auii hi? iflfllfljfl c_ii U.iih. There is, after all, a quickening of the pub? lic councieuce, which detnauds a deceut icspect foi hoiiesty from pubhC men. Even in Kan_a. the effect of the expoa-tiri. cf Caldwell in plaiuly ueeii iu the diama of yes terday. Tw.. fflflffl iik'?, when the Kanaas lawgivers heard Caldwell wa. iu the rnarket, they carried him their ffliflfl like merchanuise. To-day, when they learn that Pomeroy ifl engaK'od in the sunie traftic, they hhow him the door and then _end a flflflAfltflblfl after him. TUE OBBAT METIlOTOLlTAy FBOBLBM, The Charter and the question of Rapid xh&u- the present attention of thiri commuuity. We are not sure thnt the ma terial problem doe_i uot pos?es? grcater in terent for the niultitudc, than the i>oliti<al .ineatiiiii. Kapid, in a necessity which every day makes more njipar. nt and preKHin^. lt i_ imperative aud eanuot be ionger put oil. The public recognition of this need, anil the rivalry of cotitendiu^' railwaya, jiromiae ? some aort of auHwer lo the deruand. Thfl rontiaeta for a Ifllffl poition of the Gil bert road are reported nettled ; and the con BoUdfltfOfl "f thfl raihvav lllterests pllhlilli^' tliat B-hflflfl- ib iirtrtiired. The Boflfd of Ald.r iiii-ii. emuloiis of informalion uliont Rapid Triiirtit, neeii'Iy invit.-il opimons of thfl v.m oit.H A_hflflAAfl hflflfl pioiiiineiil flflgiaflflU Ol llu' M'Vii t! ii'iblie d.-p.ittnii-nts. Th'i Ii'-gislitur... too, Bflfll- knowledge on tliis aubjcct, for a hill is p.-uding there which contcmplates the iiiiiii.-nsi* aud, to our ininds, prepost.-roua scheine of htiilding ? road under public direc tion at public cosl. Wc thcrefore fore.hadow, for tbt heneh't uf both Ahhimen and Lcgis latora. tho repliea of somo of thoao to whoni ihc lormcr invitution waa uddicssed ; together with plflflfl :ind opinions of men who are in private stalioti but yet proinincnt in piil.lic afl.iiis. Thc opinions, while dilbriiig on thc I).-*,! plaa to bfl adopted, OOOflflf in two iinportant IMiints. First, there Blfl no engiiiccring iliftl i ultiis whi.-h cannot hc sunuounted. lu faet there are Bfl scrioiis cngiuccring ditVicuIties at all. except lhat. of ventilatiou, and thi.. aplies ouly to the itudcrgroiind road. Thc strcet Hcwera can be casily acconnnodated to tbe plan of thit road, ;md ventilatiflii by _______? aaa ba abta-aad, thoagh not, of couisc, as perfectly ;is would be de.-sirable. Tlic leeofll point on which tbfl-fl is gencral coiuur rciic- is tbfll tbe tinanciiil obfltflfltflfl are the only aoaa ta ba Bfttaaaia. There is i ********* doub., bflflfl- ou tho ill auc.-ess of roads in othcr citic-, of the>ility of such iuvestmcnl ; bnl il i* w**tt to say that iu BO BtBflS city in which rapid transit haa heen tried have thc coiiditioits heen as favorablc to the expeii iiieut as in this Mctropolis. In London and 1'ariseity tiavcl i-. divergciit; froin thc heart of eflflb Ifl its -uhuilis thc people poiir daily by ?aflflflflflf avenues. The cin ular Iflfldl in each city (lo n4?t_ l'uirly answer these want.. ln N'i'w-Vorkthe lines of travel are very largcly in ono gencral diicction, and each morning mui eveniug thc prohh-ni is prcsented of stip plying B whole city full of people with chcap BMflBfl of gfliflf north and south. Heiice the deuiaiid for a loug line ot road through a (li.tnct liiiiit.-d iii width I.ut tinliinitcd Bl tfl popul.itiou ifl greataf than it would bfl if there were a dflBBB divergt-nt ****** by which the piipiilace could rea< !i diffcrcnt hxalitic.. Wt huve Bflfl. t petuiittcd oiiim-Ivcs to doubt either tbfl fca.siltility or thc linancial suiccss ol the worst of the propoa. d Kapid TraiiMt, scheines for this city. It would pay not only ilirectly hut indiiietly, and affect the values ul nal eatatfl Bl "?> Otbet inatcrial project has BTfll iiitiiteiic.'d ptices ou this islaud. Nor do . )> hclieve the o| a i.llick si ln-uie uoiild injurioiisly allect the prescnt surface roads. (?n thfl contrary, it would create many c.oss-tos.u ioad*>, and itt111 to thc inerely loiiil, ot "short-trip" tt.ivel. which is the chief aud bflfll paying cii.toiu af tbfl ___-'ing stiect Iiu.--*. While tbe Abl.-itii.-n |N in Mflfflb of infor iiiiitiou of this e_BM h4 them apply at Loui.s villc, Kcutucky, for intelligenee nlative to tbfl rottflfl- of thc c.-pe.iinic.nts wilh stciini eara on the or.linary . tr.-ct roads. Wt are in toiiiied that duuimics, carry ing a eOBUBMM eaaapact engine, and aeating thirty passengers ?oiic-thit'd more than our horsc-cars?run tbe whole laagtb al thc priadpal ba___Baoa ttttti ol tbfll city without obstruction and wiliioiif h.-eoniiiiK' nuis.iiices. Th.-y can bfl brotlghl to a st md, when at full r-pccil, in less disfaiicethan it ii possiblc to stop horsc cars. A ?iBflJtfl cngincer is conipetent to run the eiiginc anilcolleet tbe f.uc-,; aml the "locoinotive'" does ii..t Irighteii pflflfliflg annnals. A bill is p.-nd in_- it Alhany authoiizing the use of stcam damaaiea in Hrookl_.ii, which we ho|ie,%in thfl ligbl of this Kciifueky cxperiinent, will pass, in order that atc-im on aurfacc roads may bfl t.-.ted hy tho lailw.iy nianag.-rs ... city. ____________________ iy is Tiu.s BUBINBBBt Si'iiatoi l.ogan h:ts bflflfl a grcat flflfll niorc' than iiianv of Ml coiniades in the i ic lit Mohilier btU-flflflSi liicaii-c he has not licd aboat it. Um bia taflti-aoaj IDflfllialflfl mi perfectly the nat ure of Mr. Atnes's transac tion. with Mcinbeis of CflBg-fl?i BBd destro.s ho thoroughly the ptfltflflflfl thfll tbflflfl dflflliBgfl \mic perfectly le_.itiiuate. that are uiu*t tflkfl tbfl bhcrlv of still Bfl-Bg Mi- l.ogan to point a moial and adoin a tale. lie tells Bfl lhat he Bgnad to take ten shares of Credit Mohilier Btoek at par. This was iu Fehruary. \SW. " / ?? ****i BflfMflf '" Br, Atttt ;it that lime, iiiiil ?? t.ei-iv.-d ii.i stock. Oa Jane M EoOoiriag " |fr. Ames BBBM tO BM and said this Btflflh "Wflfl entitlcd to a divid.-nd or dividcuds ; ?? ba uiade I stateiu.iit aii'l gSTfl it '? |a me, whi.h abflfll-d that thfl divi ?'ili-nds on tbt stock up to that time patd the " .iiiinimt tlue for it aud left a halauee of $Mm); " Mt. Ames handed me ;i ( foi the amount; ?? / bflfll ***** Mr. Ames nn money, aud ho had -'tfiven mo no Htock or c.-rtilicate of stock. ln other words, Ames fflflfl Mr. Logan tho oto.-k and W'.t besides ; and hc favor.-d tlu Illinois Scnator BB more in nality than hc favorcd all thc iflfll ; tlu- otln-is went throtigh tno form of payiug him part value of the stock, hut the liioiicy was rcturned to them s.ioii afteiwaid under the name of diviilem!-. It is iiicredible tliat any Mcinber of Congicss nhould reccivc valuahh- gifts of this sort without Uie suspicioti that they were iutended to puichas*' hi*) inlluciice. Mr. Logan cer tainly was not such a fool aa to look upon tho ttanaflcUott aa a mere piece of lcgitiinate b**l***a**i nl alter B few days he r4.tunied bath tbe stock and the ?ay. .;(iDIGliMT MMFOMM tXCOMPLEli:. W'Tth Van VoTTf iiT*_he place of thc dead McCiinn, who died too late for i_^tB______l re_.fT tation ; with Fanchcr makiniTrospcctable thc -?* _____ which CttflWO dj lhouored; with Davis n__ji_ inexoiably against Tweed from the v< ry BflBch whercon it was once fearcd llarnard uiight idly loll, and yitU^^ndeccnt bi_ffooiiery lavor his old confedt-ratt1, it ia patcnt that v, <? have had some rcformation of our Ib-nch. Kemcmbcring, too, that Harrett, Hcdgcwick, Curtis. Siithcrland al*.o gfBCfl our Couits since \_ie days when the King uiade them foul and (?(.rnrpt. there is ground for grcat congratu lation. And posmbly for ancouragrnicnt, that the reforihatloa tbfll begun wiil yet bc cotn pleted. _.*.. ^_._^ Hut ii will not do (o make the crror of su|?posing that there are no more court. to be ch ansed. The fountains of justice aro still corrupted; the minor cotirts, in which the greatflflt Bfl-tbfl- of outiage-s upon personal lilx-rty are pcrpetratt?d, hare aa yet been uu touched. In theae the cases of thousanda who are arrcsted are decided in indecent haate, oft.-n regard to evklence; judiciul favors are coinmon objecta of barter tor political influeuce, aud bribcry (tliotigh it caunot bc proved) is as notorious as thocourts tliciiiselves. There are no depurtmenta of the City Ciovcrnment ao corrupt as theae minor cotirts, and no branch of the nuinicipal iuI ministiation demanda auch comph-te o\cr hanling. A bill has been introdiiced tt Albany having for its object the rcinodcling of the I'olice, Mariuc, nnd Spccial Scssions Coiirts. It the Judgi-s of the tir.t-namcd .?ourt*. out ol otll-c, aud fhroivs sifcguards arouiul thc .t'liuiiiistr.Uiuu nt Jflfltiflfl in the Brthot DOBll '?":?-' Clttl DiK.-.i.-t CtyUtl Blfl alrto alTcct-d, nnd awoepinR c,_anRca mad.. The bill oiiffht Ut paa*. Wo can nevor huve thorotijrh jitdicinry reform witbout, it* i_d_p tion. Some ROOd men may poaaihly suffer with the rcst. The proppflfld changca Bro in the fljflflflflfll inlerest, and ought to I?e made. Will they be . There ia a ritinor thit thfl Jfldfflfl to be af ficted by the Iflflfllll-fl have. made B dcfen rtive allianco with Ihe m ma.^ers of one of the factions at Albuuy by which the dflfflfli of thi.. bill is accured. Tho combination, if tlirre be one, aud we are more dispoaed to be? lieve than to dotibf it, is not Bfl unlikely na it ifl sin^'iilar and uns. rupulous. Uut thi. mea_ uie is a p.trt of tho reform, to gaiti which the l otninittee of Scventy, aud Council of Political Reform, and many thouaaud.. of i?ood citizens, irrespective of party, actcd with the Republi caiiH hiHt Fall, and they will not be blindcd to any corrupt baigain by which they may bo ehfl?fld oi their earnest de. ire. No political managerrt can aft'ord to be dfltflfltflfl. iu making such nitrirTiiert to coutiuuo the uunoceaaary 111 llie tion of the Ring .Juaticea. A FAITUFUL FRIESD. There ifl a tfentleman who livea in BflfltOfl and printa a newapaper once a week ealled Hfl Commonwealth, who still fondly clinga to Mr. Oflhflfl Ames, sometimca queeily euough ealled the Houorable Oakes Ames; who aiuga to him in Ufl aoro diatreaa with touching aweetneaa, " Conie rcat in this bosom, my own " Htricken deer;" who will uot Im; "a truster "of Ufl <>wn report against himself;'' who IWflfllfl to stick by him through the very thick and tho exeeedingly thin. The nanie^ of Damou A_flfl.A Py thia h i_ .Slack; he ia B Fed eral oftire-hoi.l.r iu Bo.ton, and when lie irt not attendiug to hi* oflicial duties, he edits The CommomceaUh and write. ream. npon reatiirt in bouor and defenae of President Grant and all fltbflflfl ifl authority. A friend in need is a Eriead _ndi._! ; and if Mr. Oakes Am. a irtii't in need of all the frieuds he can muster, and even of such frieuds as Mr. Slack, then nobody flflflfl was or flflflfl will be. ?' For ouraelv. ?_," flflfl The Cbfl.fl.flflflfl_.ft_ gtavely, " we adhere with uiiabatedcontidence "to Oflhflfl Aniea'a probity through all "transrtetions." Here is adlierencc with R v. ii_<aiice ! It bflflflfl any niueil.ii.eor any patent Alick?f plaster whi.h we over heard of. A power of adhesion to such B alippcry thing aa Mr. Ames'rt probity is really pl.HAOflflflBfll; thi.. tlllltln?n who poflflflflflflfl it Oflght certainly Ifl chaiiRc. Ufl nuiiii'; and since ho thus atickcth closer than a biother, why should n't ho (by aet of the LflfWfll ure) change it to Ames. (Jalflflfl, in.Ucd, Bfl thinks thfl BflflM ti Colfa . a li.ttei ono-but that is fl matter of tflfltfli and bofltdffl. we have not yet, received Mi. Colb.'cioi Sla.k's opinion ti Mr. Colfax's in t-gri-J. Perhaps he revolts fll a divided allc ?.'laii.'c. Perhaps bfl flflfl BATfl but Oil? at a time. Perhaps bfl has a.. flihfl?t-WJ himself in "iidheriup with BBflblltfld confidence to Oakes "Ames'a probity" tbfll bfl _fl__Bflt idhflM kfl anybody el-.'s probitv. It* so, Mr. Colfax must fltrflfglfl on alone, Bflfltfl?fld. perhaps, hy tho love and aympathy of Mr. John B. Alley, who Oflgbl to bfl fl-Diflf to bnd him I little money, since Mr. Alh-y has pl.-nty of it, and Mr. Colfax has lllfflfltniHj flflflfllfld the world that bfl has notie. In this p?lllllg -flflflfl fll contradictiona in which the forgetfulnea.. flf M ">_ny ftflflt uion bflfl mvolveil Bfl, it is plflflflflflt to Iind that Mr. Slack has memory flBOOAjh to rememj>er Mr. Ames kiiully, even wli.-n <>tli. ? -88-8-8888-88 e.litorrtare (to flflfl B fl?flg phlflflfl) " Bfliflg " ..ii bim." We truat that all the Mobi? lier Mfdfl will continiie to Bflflfl in the little ne.t wbieb they eoilti-ve.l to feather flfl well. Lflt not thfl beautiful i .ample of Mr. CoUflfltOf B-_eb bfl loal flflOII this band of bothered brothcrs! If they don't Atflfld by . a.'li Other, who will stand by thflflfl 1 We ad vi...- tbfl puir tO take. Mr. S< nator l\itt< ....n into their fellow -hip, and all three may flolflflfl the floUtadfl whi.h undoiibtcdly BWflitfl them by studying tOfflthflC ?8 Iflflllj be.iutiful scielice ol MuelUOIItCS._ BOOD, FAI MUTTON It flflflflAA to bfl a pectiliarity of our oitlflflflfl to bfl rea.lily alaitiied at int-rvals about aiti th-i ,.t food. ChM day, aome yeara uko. <i man died suddenly after latiug oyrtters. The couiiection between the oysters and the death was pttrely an inference on the part of a inornitif. jouinal which related the fofltfl, But tln- flflflAflflQBflMfl ?__? tliat New-York ate no oysters worth naming for the bflflt part of a week. A mist.ike of ? young doctor, arhfl thoflfht bo had a cane of trich inoais, made tho itihabitantrt of Man hattau gfl witbout pork for some days. So yest.rday there wa_ unuecessary alatm about mutton. Wo give, in our rej-iilar rnar? ket reports, a Itatement of the exact fflfltfl in the oaflfl, bflflflfl which it appears that there ifl no oi.ii_fl.nn foi ifleh feais. The aheop brought to market are quite a. healthy a_ in any pre viouh year. It is, in fact, ? reinaikably good year iu thi? respect. Many ol tbt. largest dealer- have had Bfl poor tdicep at all, and until yest.rday Uie m,iik.'t bflfl beou bflflfl of cheap mutton. When a ucwspiiper can make, an we have oursclvcs freipiently made, IfflCBtfl Obflfgflfl against certain deakra in inferiur or damaged articles of food, the public Kood, we hold, re-; aBiraa the oxpo8U_t?4 When, however. aa i_, a ? ???_?- ? _<sf ? ? *a? ? the present caae, there is a mere Hcanual otated in un indelinite way, without specifying facta to enable readers to distinguish houcst bflflfl di_h.?i.'.at dealers, there ia a fflflt loaa intiicted without any corrcsponding benefit. Tboae of nlTwho have had time to ruatl carefully, per cciviug that thflflfl i_ nothing iu the. attack, will reconaider our chopa and returu to our niuttona without delay. But meanwhile the entue bu.sine.ia of a con aiderable jiortion of our conimunity haa been auddeuly deranged. Their atocka of goods are inatantly retidered Almost valuelesa und quite uu-Alable. An __ft_- anapicion has sei/.ed upon tlieir cuatomeia.V^he most jfl-ptiflj ahotll. cra. the fatteat iflfffl, ha?Tg T*aiJ^ frim th" hooka. Houaekeepers will not look at goi__. fat mutton, though tricked out with the brighteat roaettea. Tlicy aee no loveliness in the bflflflfl. of Iflflflbi They and their fatniltes and their boardets will do fl little atarvinjr, and the butchera will Iflflfl money anil flJOflfll temper. Aud all thia d.itn ._,'<? and annoyance will result from the aiuiple oirctimaUnce that :. few tinimportant aud not flflflflflfll fact* have been mado the l<a -is .,f uu iudiacrimiuute aen aational aiticle. Jaflfl Inipalow, in a r. o. nt left. r to Mrs Hl i. kw .11. whieh haa bflflfl printe.l, aays that one fll tlm proh wlii.h w. hav,i to work out ln Ainerifi Ifl tbfl combination of "doineatic with ln^h cultiH.." She tliiiika tliat ao IflBflj na baaaflbald work ih Ibflflflbl d.'K'r.iiliiii,'. there eau nevor lx. Afl] tbBBfl h__ uium i - tul eiliicatiiin ; tli_i_ HBAl ilw.n _ flfl _')uio who tviwlt uii tba?' baflfl liflpflflflfl flflban aUI aal ararb tt aii sii? tbiaba it oaa al Iba fltaal tbinga ahleb _.o__n__na Bra ralaed (oi ; > I iflflh 'ho tvoild how to eombin*. physie.-l toil wlth re(lfi(?mf*nf " How," -??/? thi*. Iady, "ti. make nl??r at?rrhing and ironing grarefnl nnd pretty i^onpfttirmit-ami auch they wero thought I>v <>nr ttr oat _.r.*at grand ruothiTej? how to keop tlio iio.u-vo nloaa, ?ni1 t_> utxufl OVOII IU t-llO kitcllOII, witllOIlt tllO lo__t neli,*. ()/ li,11114 loworcil or tho edightost i?eintamal detoriomtion. iiiiiflit siirely bi matiag. d if Bflflflflfl BflVfl theu BBBflb to it?if more di Ik i_t<" iua< bflBBTf wero luvoiit-xi fur bolpiug ******* an.l if it could Bflflfl bfl mm*%t tbt f-sh ion for all women, young i>r old, to prido thnui-ieJYna ia thcir domcatic skill.'' WOfllfl iticlin.-d tfl ****** that tlua prido is not so uncommon in Ameri.-a att may Im: supieoscl. Tbo nuntbcr of good riousokrv.*. ers _._n?_i_* our culti vated and refined woman is atil! very large, aa wo all know from _x*r*or.._l olteerva tion, eapecially iu Nuw-Eugland and somo of tha Middle Statos. ia it thought to Ix. in tli* loast disrvputable for even a wcll-to-.lo woman ta engage in tho work of hor owti hour_.h((ld ; aud po_ sihly there haa been nioro coi.iplaint af donioatio Bflglflfll and holpleaanos-t thaa BBB faet warrant.xl, although it nuist he admitted tliat ****** i.i ampla room for improvement. A curiotis eaae came bflflflflfl tho Hupreme Conrt ln MflflflMhaaat-l hwt Wt**** Ono John 0__Mflflftaflflflf waws brought up on huheaa corpua, and it appearad that he had heen committed on ex... iiti..u,.udguieut having heen obtainod by default again_t him ma in .lorserof a promiasory note. It waa amply showa that not he, but another 0 Shanghneaey, alao called John. waa tho real indorser. At the same timo th? Judge declared lnmaelf bof hered. Why did not tha priaoner who rocoived thoaummona appear snd de fend when tlie action waa brought. A-t he did nol do this, ho waa now anffering th.-conri-eqneneea of hia owu negl.-.-t, Tho Judge, however, aaid that ha would try to think of aumo way legally to tho wrong O'Shaughiio-wy. Wo hope he aucceod___ but at prescnt wo itetj no way of gottuig him out oxc-pt by au act of tho ln apeaking of tho aMition of " the Fr*nking Privih'go," Thr Sprtagfield Itrpuhlirnn saya: " It haa time aud again bflflfl attacked, Horace GMeley deal iugitniany alu.ty blow bottt iu hia papor and hia bnef Congreaaional tanu." For ninety-one yoars tha aflgaaahrfl atflflr____f has bflflfl flflaataaaai, aud it would bo a curious thing to kuow just how much it bBB tho BflflfflB) how long it po-tponod tho re (lurtion of pflflBaflanAao; bow aa-fl/flbfloaa it haa Bflflfl aaflWanhla for, and to what extont it haa been iniwcrablo for tho chrontc inaolvoncy ti the Poat Oflice DapartflBBB- Howover. M ?* not bo too tagaifli-tvfl laabarlot ua nJBaai at thoevidenoo tbfll public ahflaai aro not inorrigible! Thoro arfl two or three flthflfl which we may be rid of iu a e_nturyorso! _ The w.iiiieii UflflB thflU . fjtft aa men BB thflflflflfli monopolizing l'auio. WhflBflfflfl anybody of tho virila BOflt (lihtiuKUisln-s him-M-lf by iolag anythiug, aomo l.iidyof wbatifl abaaiflTj -lallml tha opposite ae goea and iflfll it Iflfll flfl flrflU w* bfl ****** if not a little bflttflC In pr. wntiiitr onir-lty toaiiimal.., Mr. I.. rgh bafl fondly th< tbfll bfllOtflOd il.'iie. but he ia iiiiifak.-ii, for Augtista, (Ja., Iro-.t. a __________ H'-rgli. tUaaLoaiflfl Klag, tfl wit, who baaoflaaa tothereacuo ol .) ir diinib aataaall ia that city, and Bflflfl about en tbalaflfl ia their favor with great aettvit aud riithiiaii-sni. Sli.? ia flflW in flfltt-Bg B .-i.vial bill iu bc-halfof tho Bflflflenfltflflflfl through tbfl Hfl-flfl. and lobUflfl la itri bohall with tho nkill .tnd pcrtinacity flf a WflflhlagtOB tttt Bflfl. AniiHt in.-l.inch.dy thing rt-cently happened to ? young gontl.-nian in ______ Ho had been dining out BBd v. iuiiig pn-tt v frooly, aud a-s he waa going to the l**Jtft*r**rtt, Bfl subuiitted liiiii-.ll to ih.-oporationaof ,t itn-.-t sln.e-bla.-k. LflBBBBg bark ifl 1ns chair h? was asleep before tho polishing was concluded; but irhflfl thfl juveiiile artist found out the cunditioti of hlflaaflt-flflfl-hflhaatflBodta impcorfl it. BOgaflHy d.n-w ..ll thfl bootfl, a-ld. (1 his vi. tini's BflfOB md watcli 10 thfl bOOtjr, gathcr.-d "i|f bla braabflfl, and de p.irtt-il. Tho gentleiiian w;w ul hisf BIBBflai by hia cold f'ltt, and iguominioii .ly ****** tho beitt of hia wav Inaiio. I'hore wai uo dauiiug for him that _ ffanadof aaaa-Baa-fl-)' iafl_a_aa flf MM-Maaaia iu Hatii, ljng. A highly rflflQflfllflhlB marri.-d lady araafl-flflgad talth Btaaliag tflia BalaBBfla_MBao b(wk BtaDt Ihfl ill.' ("otivcrsiou Wfll fully provod. and tliefmi t.lii.l'was h-ld ni $!.')iKl for trial. Tho de f.'ii-..' was that slu; was in tlio habitol" takitig opiiim. aad tlut wiu-n sho had baaa fluflag aa ab* wt* nut lc.pou.iiblc for hoiactions. lhisisau nwfu.1 warn iag to all book aollflflfOH flrhflflfl flflflh may f.ill short, and wlio may BB-B to allay tho paugs of povorty by a rcsort tfl tho drug. Think of an laaflBfl bib__-Bfl__Bfl f rving to aat -Iflllflflfltlflflij a flflflftfl Ol tall Mtflfl into ln. v.-st [tocket! Th., *.truggle tfl sliut Bf tho Chkflflfl rum-shopa do Suiiilay is.still going on. The iitiiit i? fl hard oue, but tho aalhwi-iflfl sln.w no iutontion af backm? out. On tho contrary, the City QoflflM il has recoutly dotei******* upou a still more ii-.ul on.orcouioiit of the !,iw. The ijin-stion scems to bfl wl.'-thi-r dflflflBBI in -t parti.ular artirl.-, and thfll BOt B Bflfll Bfl WJ of lif-i. ?bflllbflflUoflffldlO go o'i with thoir tf-dfl BpOBO day on whii h all flthflfl ******** howovcr li;_rml(;.*_.and aaafal, IflpCflblbMed. Bvflfl thosewho favor rum aelling from Monday inurning to Saturday uight ouglit tfl bfl wiH-Bgto havo the trafflc ausponded oa i .1 iy oouaafJialoi to wllgl? obs. rvauco... m _a ? A aaaal aitra-ndiaaffj aajigl?j operation for de fcitivii ..ii_lit was peifirined la BflflflflB. rocontly, Mr. Obarlflfl Thtirlow fll Taunton, who han had .uch tioul-lo with hii ey.-t a*-* tfl bfl alinost blifli, wiw. ao (Kloutally knodo-d into tho hold of a vcssel, and strange to nay, he uow noos a.*). well as anybody. What vdds to tho wouder fll this curo is that Mr Ihurlow wa.4 also doaf bflCoflfl this treatment, aml uow bfl also bflflflfl Tho treatment w_vt lomowhat horoic, and not irkoly to he recouimentl.wl bv thfl dOfltOC->. "_copt to poraons of -.trong (-onatitti tioll.4. Justii-o has at last overtakon one of tlio-te wirko?l potsoii*. w!io have so loni. doticd tho law with irn ptinity?not in _____ country, wo aro aorrr to say. but iu Kmjland, where an umbr.-lla tliiof luaa Ihhii _ent to thfl pemtentiary for fourteen daya. '_<lCttTi<4 otl tho isacred implcineut from tho v;aiting riMim ol ' ?___?"?. _____n-_! -iiii ******* 5^t*>l<1 l,>' tho J"dgO whathe !;.._ t5 aay * sr_____Sf_ '", *-*f***Wi thal ha left thfllstation with the lunhrella "in I ht of ah .trai tion." Ihis wa.sevid.-ut MMflgb. hut tho wurt si'iit him up aii tlio same. -? Tho death ofa miaerly old woman is r..or<l.*d l.y tha Ctoeinnati newnparx-rs. Bflfl Bfl?BB was liit-ve. but she uaually was cnllwl "" Mat( hos Mary.* Bfl flha poddled thoee articl._4, and did so to BBflBO pur poaa. ina-iini' h as sho left r.-al e-*tate valuesl at $('.,D(a), protinssory notes againat fflflfll parties for nearly $">,-0'i, and a little sutn in cash. Sho waa irregular and inteiiiperuto iu hor Vflffl of I'f*. aud hor only .*?)ii und heii ii Bflfll I pn* hk i in the House of Bafflgfl. _ At th., closo af the Bfllitkal aaaifaBaof Wl% after a most lutter petaoua, naiflpaifB against the l.i_-or_-l Baafl-datfl for rrc-ideut. thfl Vic>-Prettui. "ii of ***** ^'?iitetl State^i gttve to tho teligioiis pio.vt of the coaatrjra a^-^yhatbflioret bifloWBflflflflO. lt *_-> entitled "Doea Calumny TtfT" ni tthnti flflgO eially to the Credit Mobilier Mfl_______Bjr.p I" "">*" of recent ifltfllflflflflflarai iiiitrther fdntiiliitiiiti mighl bfl Bflflflpl-hlfl -NBB the flBBMI aafl t-ol it bo ********** ' DaOfl I'.-rjury I _y t" Piof. I'viidall tr> to -..ul tur ____fBflj-flflfll l-fl Wt tt Kehrtiai.i. l-aviug httntln-.U ut MflfldBbflhladb-B dii tha Bf?il>g aafoifl l.n -flfartan a famwoii dm [mr ls to lx- givon iu hi.i koiior at Ilt-liiioiii.o'-t, BM l'li.l'. A_*ae*i/ li:_*i bflflfl Uiottt at.piopri.ttely abflflflB U> -.le.i.le Sp.bflfl Wlll bi, by Ptfld Holilf, lii Dmpor, Mt. Kvurt.i, iba ***t> ttt***** Wtti ll.-e.hor. the |{o\ l>r. Hollnw.. at.d flthflfl Tba I'ui oi i.e igBfl ('ini. hotdfl ''-1 aBBMBl raoaaflMafli l'.u tbfl latiiiiic.. ..I ita uieiiiiicis tbia arflalbg, aai tlie l.'iiiniiiiil.H .inii.i ii. Ihil I'"' -.ilrjii.f aflBflflflj .mi iiu*.tnaagaaaaala<f>*Baaaplfltflfl.,liroa-flflBflflBBB ihttK willaurpapla briUiaaf?*t Ihfllbflg _fl|hha _uy ,f it-. _-i"( !? -.."is