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IjOIs. Y \ Vil N?* ?HI-.:. NEW-YORK. PE?DA*. FEBRUARY 14. 1873. PRICE FOUR CEaNTS - nasas... ~-. Til F. CREDIT MOBILIER, AMmn n_-~i n mk. oolpax-idsfens mk ma: mi 0 -? 'l r i -iim?,vv v?,i m-?i aim i> MU. fil i OO'l l'Ai? HBMOKT. |P? T-UOOOI-. u, thi: ?Klfci NI | WAPIUS'?: ?lai? Cl,. .1 ! ! 1 1 i.l,?alll) tl.? t. kir ,.??????? tl.Ht li?l?i ni' Mr. C?>lt.i.'s e?|?laiiattoii TuwhIiiv hic ?Irci'I'iiin ?"?t? Mi, Matthews, the \ i? Vrcsi.l? f.t ? .t. i fiitli?*r t?"-t:tt??l thiil lu- |iiii?l -V lUill?.? $?.-?? tl''?;t th?? middle of .Inn??. IN*, an?! m? lOat lie vi. nt t?. th? ? tl.? i ?,t the Clerk of th? Hou au- afgfOOOO- ?'?r ?'htainiiit.' _ poil tt hm salar? I ?Kin? tl??? ?t,?! "t tin* m?,nth in ?ir?l?-i to pay this l,t O-ki s Ame?- m ? xamining th? accounts lo theClcii O-taolail that it iogg not i4|)i??"iir that .Mr. Mu Hi.wi. luir.dl il,,} tit?ri;?'\ ??ti <>r ?bout Juin Lut .hat ht? viiii- g_i_ the full anio.iiil on the-Mh ?hat n?.-tith II??- fOO-fl man Wkg ????''* """" ? DN-tlltM'Ir. S.,1? tllilt ?t J* l'.U.iy ?JH^SillI?' that M l_atth?w?i - i?a money <?n the Mtfc M ? men? raiidiiiu Lut tli.i? ih M OV?fOOl ? tit ?>rti? e of i Mr. Dillon, th? ?.?.?.kkeepcr of the Sergeant-s Arum. said tint h< had a vague ?mprc-asion of ha\ tl P_i?i ti?. $!.??? on the s. C?ebtvabtoHr.mApm hin mil :t?ld??. in r? ply to a ?|ii(?!?tiOD that t) ?amount ?WOI M !:?is'?' thai h?- WOOM lie likely to r niornU. i ,t. (?iii- Au.?-- n the time called his a ta-ntii.u tO atii'tli?) POJOMOt, kbtWA tl? Miiu-t- I ?inc. ? fl.lK? ^? i DilloO tkki that ht? rein? mh? rod tin? and that Ik |.iu?l th? ?mon? y to Mi. A m et? in lut?, kills. Mr Ait.???, turning to his mcinoiai ?lum hool I4r|.li?.<1 Mi. DUkO was mistaken as thi fin?' Lein poM v ?th a ? h??, k to tie order ? KM 1 ..i.:?i A I .a?t Alexiuidiiii. ?Mr. Dillon ?1? Hied that tin?- eoultl he pCW-Ms? as if mi? h had 1??*? the liwt it would have ttWt ktAe? ?>n hbt l?<>ok. T< d_>v. Oakcs Am???, fonntl th? . h? ? k di:i4vu to the oui? ?ffl M Qdl ... A Co.. hhi'sMiiii- Mr. I?illon to ha. htm M.iKtak' ti. Mi |_M0tUokO thiit if Mr. l??]lo -atar Bt it t" - n ?t;,k? n lo OOOOB WhON he i*, as pos 1?4. .I tlmtti 1.? (!? )???(.?!??1 CM big Looks tO Oggk i . .?io:. - a? \?, hat o, i ?un ? t 11??, un,. . rth mmh. THE r.'!.-.M> icMMii r?E*8 REPORT. ?I'M? i.- COX? i i:M\?. IT?411. TO BI ? i N8UKE] i t i NOW ) M'l.l.llD. ipt tilk.Raiii to thi- tk:m ??, WaOO-OllOI I 1 ? ?? 18.?Tfcl Poland Committ? at? honni.?.- < oniiiltatioiis e.ciy ?lay and expect I, r* ?Mart (ii Mi i.d.ty It Wtk ii;iiioi?<l to -?'ay that th i? t?rt will n?>t i??? oiiiiiieiiil the expulsion <af an.. botj g ri-solution i-hoiild h?? oPtn-d l> th? ( 'a n, m ii !?< m I? a i,i,<_ \iini? Anns and litook Ot .wtin.s to 00 nyolM Mime Democrat WOOM :i ?an?? mWfft tO Mm\tMt\ 00 00 tO -l_?\y_l T ___i-___,'11>?*" lu of Cildit Mil'ihii peotkOMO. Thi?* would ?jirinfi 4(ii4*Vn.'jj ui?oii i>0 Hayo "(hid. iMvoold be 4? tT?m? tv OWOWIN tor Kepiihluans to rote iij><?ii Thi ieelini. aOMMDf Th? I'm. tti ? ?.??Uihcis lb )i favor of a nrggphlO 4??|?uNi?'i). The Rgpabtt-eooi (.'??n? rally thiiik that the he.-t tiling (Of tie loiuinit t?-e t" d?, ?. to npon g iise?ition e?-i!r?iuing exeri it,mi. on o..!..- : It ic ??tiKK?."!???! i^?t the IQOclotko riiiiilit PZpIgO It.? i?I'lnioii ? f th?? HoiiK? (hat th( niijil!, gtod iiKit. Ihi> a* te?l iihwimIv and unproi* rl>. WkOtOT? th? r*aol?iti?.ii i., tl ? ? uestioii w ill ,.iohal?l.\ Lx laSlied ?i|*>ii it. M> as to eut ?alt ali ?iel'.ite. nan b? bsios of the ben ate committee (i u i 11.." i 11,is-,??? wiiAi iiiK (cjivnni IMI.M- 1>?'!?... ?01 M M< I? HAIil.AN'f? tX riANAiioN?...NAiok Wiuox'a MM>!?.A TlOaN. IBT TKLHiRAFH TO TUP. THIBr.fS-l WaMiim.,"-.-. K.h. ]:;.-The finiM*- Ctfdit M<'?'ilier C'omt-tittte's proceedinpe to-day were at ni.? m itii.f. M the hit.? niiiiinge of the Poland Com tnittee have he?n rrowde?! and noisy. The loggia. lion r??terri!i_ the testimony t?. the Committee doff not ilii? ? t th? m to n .ike un ;ii\?'-tii.'atioi). hut leave? that ?QgltOI t?, their discretion. Their plan ii to tn\ ite im h s, ii.ttoi who? name occurs iu tl mony wkic- (ley have examine?! to come lietoie in*m. god t" bkj whether he is willin?, for the Com mitt4-c to rei??art to the Senate on the II idence as it rt-j.ds, oi would l'idi'i to add MgOO thini- or make some explanation. When |_i? has l?c?n done the Committee, if anymemhei ol it desin-s. administers an oath to the Senator and ijueMX'ii?- I u; in niraid to Lis transactions "with f>ak--a immtt I Bt n:?1<?-t> I.oc:?ii, Hailan, and Wi'khi. were the only Senatois who wire examined. Mi lx> was wiliui- th.'.t the testimony of Mr. Oake.f ROMg and himself, gg (riven l?( fore the Poland Com iniiti-? a_feo__d stiiinl. Hi woi g tiling to answer any lurthej (|.: .a put to him, but if h? w ,i*. tt. .. i veetif/ated he ghonM bo"gOTOIBed hi th. . ir> ?whatevci he meant bj? th;,t. rhe Committee ? in, intending to call him -gam. Mr. Patterson was still collecting material loi lus stat? mint, and Lii ___u:i_utiun was por-t l?oned until to-morrow. ?Mr llatiaii then aj.p<ar??] and explained the re? ception ol tlO,(j-0 from J?r. Utiratit loi election pnr po?*s in 1W.J or lW?'a. Hib explanation, go pohtiial morality fMg nowadays, w.ib in some ?.?gin ?..! | fa? tory, tl.ouirh there will he those who will not think it inst r?ht that a Secretary of the Interior whose ofti? ial duty it was to a? iept the Pacilic Kail roa?l?> itWOgeompltiti'd. and it*sue tlte patents for ?t?v land (rri.nts?for thiB duty devolved upon that orTicir, though the President was the person named luth? statute?when he was a candidate of the ?Re |ii?hlii'_ii port] l"i the Ciiitcd Stales S'liiate, t??ie ?tveive so large a sum as $10,000 ii??m the I.emouatic ???? I:?? ?'.? nt and aitive manager of the road, vilio was at the same time exten umIv n.tiiested in other railroad projects ?u Iowa. Mr. Hailan, m big testimony,did not seem to think that there was anything wmng in 11 | ?Ot-OOgg loii(r as Dr. Dmant used his own money, Mid. on th? same theory, if the Cnion Pacific Rail rwad ha?l v?,t? ?1 to ?ontrihute an equal sum, he WOOU bare thouch? it all riKht. Dr. Durant se?ms to have lhoii(rh? that th. interests of the State of Iowa and Ins own w.i. identiral, and therefore he desired the tJwtion of Mi. Hailan, who could look out forth? ?_f?r?sts ?,f the State better than a new man. As t?, t_?e disposition of the money. Mi Hailan .ave ft very %HPSS r?pii It was iis?<1 m payinc liotel laills, trav riingexpenses, Ac. No member?- the Cogg__itlcg ?aknl him to whom he paid it. who was his dishurs liai/ ;?</.-nt, or wtjti ih?many othei (-tiestioria that would haie PttJRkttt? tlieiiisehes to une who in\t-s ticatad to tin?! out. Senator Wilson s story was the same that he told st (risatei I. ti.tli hefoi. the Poland Committee. It ahows him |a i? the ?.tiictlv honest, simple-minded man that h.iwgg h.l,e\e?i ?,,. he, and his onl\ mis lake js that h? allo?s.?Uii< hi lafty fellows as Mes-i-. A' Alley t?, appeal to his food natuie, last Huiuti,er, and ?..eisimde him to tuppress t he lull <?on leiasioti h. then wrote f.,i lear ilk pnhlitatioi, ii,.il,i IjutI .Mi Aim?, in the MiCouih nm. ?Ihe piesent indu anon? aie that this Committee Will. 4.u.l,l, te its44(,rk iiiHfewdavs. aa ii ?loes ,1(,i BOW seem hkely that ,t ?.II Ko much ln-hind the Poland Cooiuiittet testimony. ?OAM?VATK.V OV mUTOM 1....AN, B_J_1_4_ ANJ.HKNHyWM.M.N-MK. IIA Ii 1 A V? R1914 UY OS 1)11 ? ill.? KS -MK. WILSOM (.OHKIXTb 111? loon r-ormooT, l-O-ono-org-og wgrani i WmmmmmtMFttMm, Pel?. Yd.?The Bpo?lol Couiriiit *e*?of tl?eirW-nat?- (o kgroggajgll ilie .tiaii/es ot CMOll Mel'ilier gggtopllaa ?faiij?! tli? Heimttus vhn-b anrt aVuUailit oui lu Ibe t< Minii'i. v lOfHI Jud.? i'?.;a_,l>(',.)i_ tnittee, held an opes kt-ankm tins -MTOO-f^ to? ttj. fma poHr ot besr.'Of Ibe state ment? ot il?,?* p, ggggn n, t*-la ?Jon to the < __ra?_.a ?gainst tu*u,. geiiuior 1_>??_ hariDt; ?rrived. Ibe Cbairmao, iVnat-i Borrii), aaid . I_ ?__ Untliuou?; )__? i. i-rfor? th? Huuar l?JUaMaitttr* lia ie _;r a.rUaila tiaiil^aa t.oi.. l??rt?v?<a>L Jon Wat ?Oaks? aiaat ??yeiea of, ko y m ott?~* u> mtt? ?a.> tnrthei statement* in .es-uni th??i*-tot A. No. 1 do n 1 ??Hvr if mi th.? lest i mon ?. o! ? Mr. Ann?? and tom l?efore Committee, ami 1 have nothing In add w frono tny evidence Itlort* (In- Hmik? Committee; Hett-Bearef Mr. Anus wi> o'ri'.'?l ; be pave me cheek i?.r |M M IB?! IB, VltM I ?rave lack. M- 8 ti???? i mu?- Whin ?li.l Mi Ame* tlr?>l fepftj tor. DM T?>" buxe more than a cnnxersation with lmn t?ef ?-ru ?I to take tin- ?-t??. | ? A. 1 think I did. I?. Plate ibe date wh.u Ut fli-t approached yon, ? ?rTimt pa??-?*?l t?etwe-rn you ?it that ttuit-l A. If the 1 < ii > 111 ?-*- iSHtfea lo *? 11, ti? i lie tne ti it Ii a ri? a to a furl Invcstirafion, I would |MtM !" Baal what testiin. tin?.- B BBBtaal me ; I cali.??'! remember the t iidi- of i flu! conversation ; if the i oinn?itt.-.- desires to go 1 (her m?o i lie mutt? r. then 1 Mill take auch action a may ilct-in . ijn il:ri.t ; 1 unnot iuak? the statement ? . r than I ?lui, but I am ready at any time to SBB1 any question to the t'omiuittft-: the statement 1 tgt feaBses the lease OaasBMMas wa* a? fun a? i >>? I make it now, though I will answer M to my Uiotmn i" ? a nn ?? with Mr. Ames at any time. Senat..r 1'attern?n hex et teied the room, and e.tid had not trot tome taeta v inch he den..1 to i..\ Ml the t omii,,ttce. iml would bait? them thin evening or morrow, and would then appear to answer any qucsti? reOroOBY Of M NAT.?It 1IAKI.AN. Senator Harlan entered the room, and I ha Cha?nai Mr. Morrill. said : I BBS directed by the Coliniiitree V\ou at'ei.tion to llu-ti ?ttmoiiy tak.-u l.cfore t ? of th.- Hoiibe of Esaareeeatettvea und f. ! ware, ?i h.-ie. Tin- leetBaeaj al Dr, Um mm C Daraal befen Jad r.ilanilV ( l'inniitlee in lift i. ii.? t,'the tlu.COO conlril tiou t<> aid the eleetlei ut Mr. Barlaa to the senate IM Iowa wat n ail. Mi. Harlan?There in nothtrii* Huit T rare to say fehl il nnlies mbm m. mi?, i el toe Ceaiaalttea B?ai res me make tome "tato-neiif. I h. ( Ti.iitiiiaii?Are wr to nmlerr-tand that your stat Diem in'fore that ' ?inn ttec i eoae plate Itself I a. Ws no; all the fa. ts BtleBAlBf tue eoBliiitiition aie not ful states! It. (jiic-tion *VBI tlien riuf-rd gj BtUUtUt f-tevenson la ?I,?Hier Mr, Hiiipiii ?iioiilu in-?.win n, or whether t itelassael sheaM fes takee upon hi? honor. Mr. Hai u< ?aidll weseatttelj to linn, aad after <ii Basasse it wan dSjrldld that he he ?worn. He !?tstifled I f.iiowi: I ) Mr. Stevenson?Dr. Durant states that he aenl Jt taeeheeke,eeekfo? i.''."".'; dM j?vu n i ales tfeeaa 11.? -1 oi ?-ill.? i of 'ht n ( M. re ilic.v |.,ivai'ie to \ ii n nrtler. ( i.y j?.ii laderaed i a. I ?ill give IBs wboie transact,<> in?? BBMOB1 <>i mi- ? ?r. k??. In the S,?i in*?- o? l?t-5 Dr, Dm a m aski .1 m? i,' we nei-tU any fiiutl- toi the ?U . ii.-u in Iowa, and iaaeiieA if 1 fe any inioi.'si in the result ?iiepliod that I d.d ; her Spee did I "If you need any hei|>, I <l?-?uie to exten sees. .' after that ha (Dr. Doraat) w...? rce-?eeeded r i ? f?. "11 ?,, Ct. l-.tUl I ?bj UIV-C.! . ! III.? lili llllr,, ,IP|.| ,1 llllltrilll tiim ciilne froai h.tli ; 1 tun .'i-l.ii't lemeiiil.iali? I < feat aas cheek, aad that aaw eeaa frees Mr. Craae? tl ?.vi-'fiQvi't'-aJ. ftKjlliJl l'?'ih! : U wan iu.t.1?- pejaW to iny oi(l>'. and eamt? to in.- ti a Ti ttei. nrni wtt of ? ladetesd] the other ciie.-k I do not rsaase bar; it wan praheMj payabti to m? ami ladateed l?y me: in the Bpetafl i .'t.; te Um Beaate, ktr. Alley aaked me i Up.. Dat?e Pbi ? Balitead had tuwut aaj adeeaeei |Maa] teg el.ttion purposes in Iowa; I told him theaghl n ?t ; in ...i 'hey wen atteasptlag teeettto ti. p.*- .?; Dr, Unmut. he t Uni .-tin,. lirouitht n a lar-re lull, saying lhat of it wan for exp> . curred tot purpOtes, ami n.iUH'l an ? I? ilion n New-York, another in .New .1? it,, v, OBI in ene ?1 Hi Nc*\ 11111,'l.iiid States, atid in low.?: H?Man Till to hir rtu.i sa ?ai H I"wa w'ar|cr.nceri>ed. Durant lin.) made hi adiaate f.'i the eleeUea then, Mrtaeteatofthefead of the Company ; if he had made it out . the Company's fund?, then I iheald f ? ?? ! I n v tluty to have the amount restored ; I askn Mr. Alley, who was the MMtBBM MBB of th' ( ornpany, and he aaid t?akei had to As wit I ?I than an l one ?Ire; I . .tiled ou Mr. Ames ac.i reiterate? a hat I had fcaid (o Mr. Alley, Miyinp if I?i. Iiuranl ha? advanced the funds of the Company to secure my elec? tion I Ml it ray duty to restore it, atid|h*iil with mt mj written oMik'ation lo do N ; he oil?, reed 'hat he did BBI believe Durant liad a.ltatired Ihe n.onej , nut that lui itatemetit was made up Bad waa|i?ll a lie ; afterward 1 met Mr. Ames, and the euhject was a.cain alluded i?>, 1 n .nit ihe lai, .?ii- agaii whether M had learaefleap II B| ?. i?.nt that, arid he said lu had not found an?, ih.m or. the hoiks of the Company show inp it was paid. m vaaaioi o? inn raaaaai After that? I aaw la 7Ar DmAbijih VsreJd .? itatt-esat that it was averted l.y a dn-tmiriiish.-'l ex-Sen,itor thai the Union Pacific had advanced tin,?no to su un the election of Herisa trti K.ikwooii, ia lstn. ?um that the check was ou tile amon**; ihe paper.? of the Company 1 ? typed out the article, and Biete I not? to Dr. D?nant ,i li.r.nir the lp.-w-pap'T ?tlic!?-to h u , anil asked hitu lo state what the faete were ; ha putt urn i steteaeat ?>' in haiinti ,\ uilli hi.? Iv-tiiiiorn , l.( h.u,\ ,i? that lei ter that loiIlii.,' feed besa adraseed b) ths (Jahn I'aeiflc Railroad, arid : I.? bPBhS WBaldSBBW' I halt hi.? siatiuxnl, 1 think. Witness lieu- preda? -I tbl tollowlae 1? tt?-r: Hi w-Yoaa, i?.-.. it, is:!. I'i m ?ir: I have vour famr .i? l.??-in_: aewspepei I ..iph, in which it is. laimed lhat aboDl the time of ., ?. (ion to Ihe I'ttilf ?I f-ta?i s thi Union i., Bi Bal iroad Company sere you a eheek tortio.i.'K.. and tbal said Chech or draft was in possession of tin Railroad (.'iiij. t.iv and ?raid in- prodnced. 1 should r ht. ely think k woi'li ymn i me to refuta 'h.?-, m Ikal you would deem the Idle < liar,", s of a iiewrpapcr i-orie ?I'oiiil. nt on the i \e of a politisai eoBteal of snfflci.-nt ImpoTtanre te be aetleed at all. Bboald youtblnk other? win.-, ?t'l m.! call ?p..n the Company to deay it 1 At the tltse referred te 1 was ihi \,-i rreeident aod acting maaager of the aflbirs of the Ctaapaaj, aa.1 haow thai bo n,oi?eys wen paM jrea by iBeas, and that they ceaee tiuenlly t an have no such ? or that I IB 'lu II pOSS. - sion. I prtMime it would r?tc the present otbeersof tie Company pleaserc t<. ? *??iiiiine the ehri k? and .iraftr which in? at (lie < tin ? of the tJO-BI-BBJ Hi BostOO aad teatUy tothe fact. Trust Ins tbal seeb r h argos am way ?ff?-.-! your prospecta for reelection, I am yours,respectfnlly, Ikomabc. Di.ium. latas Hon. I. Hurlan. Witness resumed?1 afterward saw Dr. Durant and telAhbalhad promised Mr. Ames I would restore any n. ma | to ui. ( ompHi.'v if it had beea net) to aid inm> ele. lion ; he said H was his private fund, and no it.. aaai was made of il to tue Company. Tlic WttaBBI further toettflad that he wa?- not a meml.ei of . on-iics when tin money was tiven ; he went out of the 8enate on Mai, h 4. if-rf, and went iuto Ihe Intern.r D? j.aitmi ui the May following ; the two . L(. ks wcie not dellTI r? d toj.'. th? i ; he felt sure lhat they were received in theBSBBflMI M Autumn i'f 1M| Ott could not remeint? i tin- ilute ; the Urst eheek, In /.It sure, wn?- tmgtttt fe) . r.ine. ('. m Iowa I A. ?No; 1 had it t BShed iu New Yoik. i,. What liatl t.een your relations with Duran! prior to that thee 1 a. I Bed haewa hiss etoeajttaw? he was la t.r? m ihiiy,ti| raitreads la ?y Basle, an.i i irrrame iietitiiuutcd with liiru nt.i.iit MM; witiiei- AM not know what eleition \ra* allied in New Jein v r M i, Alley sain t ??a? a D.-riioeiat aided, and if Mr. I'uiaut wanttxl t? elect Dew... rat-, he (Alle. I AM BU? BBW THI *4<?M T ll.? tttSWt. r.v Mr. Pf.ickion What ?1? ihey do wi(h money for election purposi-* in Iowa/ A. I Uii</ht illnstiate that l.y *roiii*?i.ii to state whal I know ahout money beme eijuemleii hy DeBMBtaei and Kepulii.t jip? i.oih, atibe i?sl ele, 1MB, Mi. Stockton?I do not ask the question as a parly feaattee, Bai a? ? ui? Mhei tt the osesalttea a. i know ft; It xras nfit eij-enrt.d .mprojM-rli ; it wa? used for hotel l?il s. printing trax.m?-ex|? nr.s. A? ? Mr. Durant said that witness was an old reaideat of the Mate, am) i liter than a new one a. shaping 1? ?.-i-laiion. Ii\ Mr. Morrili?Did th( ruilnud (?mpany, diir.n*; muh .Ki upant v of the s, p, tall upon you for ? A. 1 have to think to r?et up dates; under the .av as fa?( as Kiel ?nlshed 40 milei of the road they i? |..,i ici i< li.e l'c ?-..If at, who sent out commissioner! !.. i r ami ne and Beeept it, whereupon the eom|?cy l.eiame <i.titled to Ibe laud ?-runts and I'onds. (?? Wa? it tie ?inly tt IhS lre?.dent to ae.ept the road I A I'tx Matute will show. I think, that it was the duly ol il,t 1'ioidi nt in at t. pt it Tin- ("oiruniMce took a unes?, until 1* (,'e'o. b. iimimi.nv o? mi BOB. BBMBt XWIIBOB. Tl.. ( <u. up; tue leas?-, ii.l!. ?1 at . o t lo, k. and Vice l'f.>i<leiit steel WiIm.ip was ,.iil.-1. He fee had no Aaatn letflAto h take tnut tM leet-Meaf i?efore the loi.iiKi lomuiiiu-? ; at H.< mi.? th I BBNheBI ?at made with Ma ?aile> mon, i t?e would liii.e ?tone the sum. him a. If if he had had the in?n.-> : did not wift to . over hlai sell behind ll.e fact that ihe u.onry i-elonred to bi? Wife . J Mr Ame? stood see. nil u, ,?. ,IlMJ )U Maa?-?.'husetU. and il.? ?a.lues* bad tbe u.oht .inlluntert ?? i.ed??iioe in Inm, SSkl would ha?. BaMaed to Hie t_v*e on I any .uveitUM-ul il..,,? _aN% , i uur*d ?.sa*, boa I ever; m Ms testimony the other dar ho made on?) error in regard to mietest doe to Mr. Ames, wlii,h he forgot to mention then; it -aas au ?fein of t?t- ?In? M? Atticia, and paid him when Un? ?ci ?mut whs nettled; the au,oui,t paid for the ttuctr. was fi.oot)- dividend? ?e.cived, H,7?s n*; amount re I turned to Mi. A tues when the ??count watsettl?'?!, |2.*H '? the K?*-? Mag nit, n ?t ?lue Mi. Ames; wllneat wss lust M resjH)i,sil,l,- f,,r advising hi? wife to put her money in It at it it hud hoeii Ins own ; when the Investment was made h?? knew nothing agamst it; when be learned ?<>uiething wss wrong be Informed Mr. Ames bo would Iota ggltlgj to ?lo w itti it, and had the matter nettled at a sacilll?? t" himteir, m rather to hit wife; witness would never b"'d pro|?erty _____ he ha?l to b-gisla"* iipuii, and r?-fused to t.iht- nock in a national bank in hi? ovni ti.4411, tin? oth? i ?lai, !>.r thai wry reason; if HOW araaaay galH akaaifeoptag __? tttt k witness desire?i t?, hi.ieit li:iii?elf, und not say it waa bia wife'?; be lid 4 Wei hi i to do it, in') the I,lame, if uiiv, waa his. Seiinior laogan waa recalled. Before commencing? bi*? t? stunt,try hi- said as he wits in the position of one boni,' hi? useitjlie draircil to have an opportunity to eiatuiue all the svuli t,?e win? h the Committee might have relating to his case; if further charge? ?ven- to he made against bim, he hoped Hi? \ ?out,I he made before the Cummlt te*. liefore he should Ot ,,,11? ?I npoti for a reply ; be In viteil the most critical ami searching examination, and was perfectly willing to answer all questions, mill it anv mote chai pjee mmt tete made he wanted lo beai them bailors t<lottfj tog 'Die (?unuiiltce n?.*r????<l With Oaa Logan, nn.l at 3:30 ?.'clink iidioiiiuc?) until iin.Yhi.-_ to-morrow morning. aPROCBBDOIOfl OP thi: Wilson OOMM-TTEE. A BMW RABBI Of iNorntY ? AN IBBOBABTWTT N_B_?GOT. I'lX's lU'.MVI.---?? MAY UK SIM MOM I? TO KXI'I.MN ? (?IN. ill'h IUIX? WML ..XPI.ANATIoN. 1ST tOfOOOiaTO TO TIIK TftlRl'NP I WiaOBIBOTOB, Fob. l?.?The Wilson Coni ii,it t?e 44 Inri, it was thotu'lit li:nl nearly t-omplcteil its i n \ ? s t, ?.'.it ion h. has statte.I olT again on a range of in ?liiii-.y i? hi? h proiinse- t.. last unlit after (he adjourn? ment of Congress. It has begun an ini*?ury into tho ( ? Phi ID? . ana.) ,i. n beginning has taken th.t'-t 11. ? ? i ? v of tkt .??-'?-ii. in tins ill?, familiarly known as Dick liaiiehat. As Ins ii-noi mi. ??? ?.f All mailers likely to ho lailtllgalag was eicn more reniarkalil.? than Oakes Ames's 11,1 I?,ul.4 . U l? probable 1 lie ( OllllUI t tel 44 li I had?. tkttWi to ( alifoltna for witne-ses, if it B intended t?' continue tbt ( ?iitta! Romi iii'iuirv. I'lanchat bat In?? ti the ar.-1'iit of i lie ro.iil in Waekiag? ton since Iggt, and altb?, ;?-li lu? is paid, a??,igrOlag to Ins own admi-Moti. ti" KKl a yeat -for representing tin? ttt? lute ijuiiias' tbe tatataa af Cawgnaa, ha knew .,,. 11 ?, i, .,* whate/er of Ibe road, its lunlders, Ita stockholder?, M an?. Hiing;e6?anep. trotnlitalKiy. i'lib OA%mmmMMMk* ersdaliiot qiiestloD 1'iati, .it,out legislation of any kind, ami it t- sai?! to-night that he known imue gfegOl tin suh.iei t than th? ('?linn As 00 ?val? in?- <af the power of the, if i- only ii??? DM?n to nil attention to TIn fact that a lanioud c.ui afVaalil to kc< l? ait in.? tit at tin? se it of (,?.vt Ttiuu-llt at a ?? ot MUAMt fot six moiitu.' MOTlgg in watching ami manipulating ( 'nngr. ssmen. o.ik.sAtPtMwaa th??Oral altaras, feathawaa met Vi pf ?an tin? stand. Mr. s;|(,, ,im ?.-,,[,] ?m .mi,any aawspap? i had ?1? Hied, evidently I>v tIn? iiutliiiiity of GeT.D_-._-l ? ??!.i . ' tint, with the I'uiou Pa? illc Iload, ami its gift <.f stoi k to g| pi?I. lOiisiy elieit.-d before the ( ?umtut ;, tiimigiif it feat aa a. t gfjasBai B allowQor. Msooepaartoaltptombboi the laatli Of Dllllillt all.'I I'tllllH. Il? Ifeaaghl h? ? ?,,i; lit t.. i,? -inri,ni,el Mr noar also thought ttuit be luight t.. Ik? iallov-i ?1 t., ? \ plain, but lloillatl-d til? ,'Hltlli.I ?14 aaf t tl,' ('aalll III'. I I <?C- t II flllllpcl till' atteudiiii?. ?t aOararaaral .. State, Means, I and is w. in wart <?.?-? a t. u in lapa lia lata tht matt. r. Hi. Ame? saitl ?.. n. |)i\ hail deiuatideil IMyMI f"r stuck ttuit was not 4vtirth more than .'(> |Hr cent, if so mui h, and thai th?. l.'ui'aii I'at ilu Rallraai p.u.l biiu to get lid of him. The Cuniiiiiltie wart pr.>a?e< aling to examine Mr. Am? - bt regara ta the alleged tot at ii",?*?' psld ta. - ? ..t j.? liter, Wfeaa O? n. lluth r miv ?iiii'creiu??iii,ju-:> sloppcl tin? pro.? eihni/r- h\ one of his sortie?, and h? tote th?? ? oimiiiita ?? wan a u .in ,af it, ha ?.n go kB !'?? making k ??}?? .-? Il ?itluuit le?.\ ?? or luenu?. He objected t" any kavettigatto- bated aaaaao*-Mat letters. Bt .,ii.i.t ?tl .lolm 15. Hand.'!pii, 4vhi had signed ? f-i tj; n i?tt?i? lagaHUag Qoo. Bad?? ami Mr, Ctarpaatv,ag g myth, ?itboiit t a ?i.I.t.?.? or SXlStaaae. This he ?how??d ?amu. iiiMvt ?\ as gaagatln aaa ai praraa, and then, without allowing the ( 'oininittee W> ?.aiituiue with tic 4. itness, or the wituess to a:i-wer the question, he weut .all With III? ? a.iuia'i tia.II ?? life the I'llMll I'.la ?lie Ko,it. 11. said h? hail been kmRkgPi B I l?.'.?! I ??pat 111 for the r?>:i?i ; thiit ii? htA ttrtee goas troat Pastea ta Haw-Yarl ,i4 ?.'.?. ?-ei i?l ii-?? thic?? ci fmir days each ti inc. i.?r thi.- a i? k i und in? arpean iba rao Irai HAMM, but had bard werfe ta fat it. EU ?aM ko taraai BMM,ai t m* na,. ? t ? r M?\?a;c??i i??a,i??i H?!, faatea Fkk at aaa Uaa ?. m (.?i r I.-..I??,, iiui i,.- .?en? n feaek, tm? aafeei lu- mi-ht b< a l.Iltll.ll. ,| .1- e.;lll-a 1 (..f t lie legit?mala' parties. ?,i n. Riit'ir -uiisfantiallv admitted ail that hOgfegM ..mi 44 .th reffen t,???? t,. Mi. COrpgater, bat waaaOafeeal the ailiiiassioD such adroit e.plaiiaiion-i and airr???lafeB I'li;,.s, I that B made g vu lue of it. 'J h? . ,u pgatsg mat? ter oceui i cd at the time ot tlie 1 isk I lain a I ?I ?-ii'it? m? lit. i.i n. Hut?a t n tu??afeara, thai Mr. OOrpaat-i toi ipeki i t?, 1.1 m .n ,i avalai hit aM te gel praatlai UitheXaB, m Waehlagtea, and eleewkare;aai when aeaaaslwat i.?-? il? a by Alley, Auos .4?? I ". (ien. Huiler reeoniiueti'!? ?d Mr. (np'tit't, s.iMiig at tin? time that 1?? was a caiidi <i;,ie f?u tin.- .*?< tut? m WBeoaala. Tkaaexl aMraJag,of soon aft? r, eeaaeel v?a> M loaoi r r???|uii???l, and ttio wit rn.ssiald,?? 1 know, Aine.?? km,44s, ami farpaatat fegoai that the latter did not get ?t ?I?,liar." in elegleg Oea. Batiei tali afeMialpb wai i tawarilj. iiiiilkli.ii'?, wdi-taugbt rascal, ami h? would gi\c H.OOO i?, anybodv who would catch him. The .VI,raska attorney for the road, Mr. Toppl? ton, 44as gsaariaei hgtgfli ragar?ag the omah_ itridge. aai Judge-berman regarding certain details wini?, be 44a? aOBOatW. < . P. Huiltingtut:, the \'l< 1 I'lehuli-nt of 111?? Central, will bt examined tomorrow if he airives m Urne. _ (?Ah?*- AMI- ON llir. STANI? AC.AIN?lilN. MX's MIAK) s. lOSOBUl i'|i)i.?PATrn.| Washington, Feb. 13.?The Wilson Com? ?nittctr met this morning at 11 o'ciu. k, when (lakes Am? - was recalled. The Chairmau salil be found, by referring ta the (?titnates of the eti_,ii??i, that In addithui M ? ? : miles th? ie were 46 miles, at li'f.000 per mile, which wen? , haigi-al up to the liiioti Pin ill? Ilailroad, and paid iimbi tin (lakes Ames contract. The witness having been askeil whither he knew h?> w thai I ,pl" iuJ tt, be douo n ]?..'<1 that he di?l nut. C-UOOaa against oov. mi. Oas. Piocum aaM fea aow b* tht papara that ?Oar.-Ms had ?It iiied the truth of at rtam evidence asaflectiug before till? fomroUtee ; Lo tbougbt linv, l?n shoubl In sent for, and a summons issued for hnn and Messrs. Bar? low and Cisco, in view Of the fact that evidence ?neu hete n mam? un? ont rail ?< t???l. The Chairman remarked that he had air?ady caused Mr. Cisco to he summoned. After some conv?rsation, Ihn Committee re?iu?sta?l Messrs Hlo? um and Snann to inquire and report at Ibeir earliest convenience what lawa may eilst on the ?nhject as to atinimoiiin, the Governor of a State to appear be? fore investipBtll!_ committee?. In reply to quettiont asVed by Oea, .?locum, the witness said the salary of the IT? soient of the Union raelflc liailrond v ??> ts.iaa., he could not tell how it was paid; bis impression was that Oen. Iilx waa a stock bolder and held 600 abate?; lu; did not know how Dix came by tho stock; heard of a letter written by Dix, demanding |?n,w>o from tho Company, prepared by bit son-in-law'; be understood the Company paid the money to get rid of the claim or threat; witnesswsa not a ?hi? ctot at that tima, bnt obtained bis information from d.retHirs; witnest wat tbe largest stockholder, and of course must bare known of the payment; the ?hack Maaearai from Dix was aat worth more than H n,r ???nt ; there wat no sale for :t st the time. In suswer to ?fien, ?locum, tbe witness said the 30 shares of (Y?'?lit Mobilier given to Mr. Painter was on h- owaii liidivhlual account; Painter paid fur them; Durant sud Butbuell promised to let Painter bave tbo ?laafe out of whal was ??sigg.-?l to w. ? ln?-?-*. 4. Whal uidured you to let him have tb?? stocl f A. 1 had tbe stork, and 1 let everybody bar? It at tbe esmu price 1 |.i,,.i ; | never asked an?, body inore than I pa* aelf paid ; I let all eonie on tbe " g!..iiu?l goor." ? Thr National A ?no? lation of 8tove Mat,,,!.. ta-ars a, ??.lUI-urft, <,.a?aai .?..?..I iU ,.0ut*n *i~) m?ptoi ... ,.r,a r?_?Ul??r lr?.fl.i^ aalsaa?.? ?aal la..( ?n.?a 1?, Uta -ral .,a aoa.ll. IK (?awataaa U^a aa,?a#-a-. y* mmi.t ?aaaia Salla ?aal Ja?? THE REPUBLICAN CHARTE IT IH l'Kl'ORTKD BY THE A KM KM HI?' COMM1TTKK. AM ADVI'.Rsk MINORITY BKPORT? NKXT TIM 1 1>AV HXKI? KOR ITS DI84'I.KM(?N?TIIK NI A-MtNIfMENTli ?TUE CL'STOM-HOl W I'D C.IUMMI . [FHOB A SP.rut, . tmtlKSI'iijn.l'ST OF THK TRlUtMl Aihany, IVii. m.-Itntneiliately after tl.e r?.??l. of the Awtetuhly journal this morning, Mr. I'ieii* Chairman ,,f the Committee on Citi.-n, p-poitcri 1 (Imiter for \,w York, with the? latest nmeiidmei tuumi on l,\ IlliiwdtCo. Mr. Opilyke followed up with a minority report. signed Bf himself I Mr. I'liiiiu ntlial, and Ixith reporte were order print?-.}. Mr. Alt?er?*er then tni?v.?<l that the _BBH aion of th,? Charter Im mude tho ape? order for Tnewtay of next week. Mr. Hliim? thai moved to amend hy sulmtitiitinf* Tlinrmluy I liieaday. n,. H;1i,? f]10 lahfeel wa? of groat inter. to UM riti/eiiHof New-York, und he thouiiht tli time should lie i*ivcn for a full dis? iv-ion of I ment? of Uio Charter ?ih it hud been ?uneiidcl Committee before it wn?. pa*?? d upon by fhe I?eg latine. Mr. I'?cihoii objected to further del.iv, I said that tlii?, ?ah? about the lirst bill introducid the present Hetsion, and more time had already I" ?-pent ??nit than on any other bill. II?? HkM-ftM I siilije.t <t?. fliifliciently well understood, and not ?ng would Uf, gained by further delay. Mr. Opdykr, Hiipj>orte<l the amendment of his M MB(Bd. Mi. Jlliiiiietitlial. HcHiii.l that the Chaitt as IBfHtod, tovi'tliir with tho minority rep?i lhere?-,n, could n,,t l,e printed ami placet! on the til of men?!,,.??! bcf.,ro Monday night. There vt.ui not, therefore, at time for members then to make full examination ?f ?tH provenions l?y Tuesday mor ing, to gay nothing of the people of ?New-York who niteie-ift ajatg flo deeply aft'eeted by tho Charter. Mr. Alberner said that ho d.-cired to give amp opportunity for a full discussion of ail measnr micht , oiiif? before the Legislature; an although he thought the Charter had been too lor delayed already, he would accept the amendment i Mi. Ilium? iilhal. and consent It? inak? it the ?pci i; order for Thuisdav of next week. There being n further o|i[t.?it mu, if was so ordered.I AU th. important change? that have been mad in the Chattor from the shape in which i' was tin iiitTiMluif.,1 anil printed in the New-Yoik pflpir were given in tho Albany dispatches printed i Wt*mtuu?uff ?iauvs?. A? reported to-day, th Cliari.r makes a clean sweep of all the heads of dc partmetits, restores the Crot?n Wat. i Hoard and th i o II?'. -tii, | i, I waf-r icnls to the lloaid of I'ubli Works, makes the Department of Public Building a sop.natc departin.-nt insi?>a<l of a bureau in th In?' Dei'.irtiii, 'lit, puts the stnet .leming in th Poli?.' l>. ?.piitiiiiiit instead of the Dcpaitniciit i Public Health, makes some minor (Tiantres in th salaries of department officials, and give? the ar point in_r i?.'V,ii siib?t.inti.illy to the Hoard of Ald.-i iiit-ii, )?\ |.r.vuliiiL'that il the Mayor dues not con firm tln-ir nnmiiic.-i within H davs, lu- shall tIn?! take hi?. ?? nt in tho liounl, and have a ?ingle vote tn the appoiiitin.'iit-.. It al-> allow-? H? ads ti l)ei?aitiii?iits to sit wit] th.? Hoard of Ald.-imeii and particip?t.? in d?liait? but give, th.-m lu.ivht !.. vote. The Contn.lier i given the pover to .i!>|.'iinf and remove his il.-pun m (leaaare, j i ? ? Departaaoat <.f Pahti? Works ist. have coiittol of tin- ?!,.?.-!?? above Fifty-ninth-?!, now in ehaifl of Ihd Phrk Commissioners. The sal of all otiitt-i-, create?- by the (.'harter, excep those that aie fixed m ihe Charter iiielf, are to b. by the ('?'iinii'.n Council. Detective po in ?in. ii an tlut ui mi.hi ?M i ?mtroi ti the Saperia t-iiitent "f I'ollrr-. In all other reepectn the Charte is ?.iib-.taiith.Uv M pelated in ill.? paper?? at the tin? ot its introduction. It wiil probald, puss tho As? sembly i." r>-polled, but will be materially alten d i the fc :vt". especially with reference to the appoint ing power, so as to innk.? it iicoo|>tat?l?' to the ( Mrt. i lmr. Thtn is one ]M?int of objection to the Chattel as reported which Messrs. Hlnmenthiil ami Ofdj I??-, in the hurry of writing their minority report oinitt?.] M Iii.'iiti'.ii. Und llut is thai Ithe Maym shall have the absolute jn.w.'i of rcniovitiK heads of depart iii. ills at pldBBBBBj always assigning cause for Ml ac? tion. Messrs. Opdyke ami Hlunu.nthal *h rsi.stenlly urged this alii- iiiliii.tit in Committee, but they wen outvoted. Tin? (our-?.'<>i Asseitililvin.iu Deeiincr, the only Apollo Hall b.-iii.?trat sleeted lriuii Nivi- Noil?, iu voting with tin? (.'ii-toiii-lioiisc King on all pin poeed aiiieiitlinents to the Charter, Decisions a good deal of c??nim?'nt, mid confirms the b. lie! express, d in thoso UapatcbCB two weeks aiio that tho Custom-lion?!' piad ?\jmiI1? Hall bad Mrmk hands far B division of tho s|x>il?j. O'Hrien, it is bcli?v.d, is to "hav.-liis nun" in every department of the luv ilovi ituiietit, and by this tnult? Murphy, Bliss ,\ i'... im.i-,f thai they will keep thd DMBBintk paily in N.-w-Yoik divided, and thus perpetual! tht ..?rciult'iii v of the new Hing, With the disgraced nieiiibei'sof the old T'iminany Hing th?y are w< 11 known to hav?. been in close alliance for a IflBg titiu? pa-,1; the\ received valuable aid from them during th.- l'n I'onte.-t, and, sine? the Credit Mu luliei ?'xpo-ures, the alliance has been closer and stionvi than ever._ Tin: MiNoitirr rtKruiir. IOtNKH.41. PBBM IiISI'AH 11 I 'I he following is tin? minority report of Mc?srs (ipdyke and Hlooniciithal : 'th.- iimlt-i?i^iied respflctiully disnent to th? report of fhe Cotnmii te.? of this House on llie Affairs of Cities upon the bill i. f, n.ii to tuera, entitled, as now amended, " An act to IBMlMSto- the local government of the City of New York." The malu rea?ous for tuch dissent are ?suc? cinctly as follow?: THE ArrO!>TI!40 rOWF.R llISrlACED. One objection we tnnke to the charter propos?-?! by Ihe Commit!?'? for the City of New-York, and oue which alone woiii.i have l'ompelled distent from their rcixnt, will be found in section 2? of the bill. While this sec lion proviiJi? that in the flrnt instance the Mayor shall nominate to the Hoard of Aldermen the names of per? sons for tho hr-adi of department*., yet it provides that if the Aldermen d?> not confirm such nominations within the period of a few weeks, then the Mayor ahall goiuto ?Joint rim-putl'in with the Boaial of Aldermen, und that the heads of departments shall be appointed by a ma? jority vote in such Joint convention. A tvro in legiaiutloi. ?ill perceive that tin. hccM??! sub stsDtially be,tow. upou the Aldermen the whole power of appointment, and that the Mayor has ouly the ??.-nil,;.,-),,, of ?nch power. This prorinloti is an omlnoui?, unprecedented, and in fact revolutionary ono lu its < liaractf-r. It is subversive of all knows methods, and can And no sanction from experience, from public need, or from ?eason. It belittles the diitnlfled office of Mayor of a **re..i municipality. It mingles tho execu? tive power with tho led ?dative, in defiance of tho tescli Ing ol all experience, aud tho radical principles of free .-..???Him. nt everywhere. It abolishes a republican form of ?.ov.roment to aet np an ohirarchy. No one will pretend to defend tho scheme in point of principle. If other motives Lave suggested its adoption, they are not such a* can claim the support of a wise and far sighted statesmanship. Temporary expediency ts an argument which often brings strong temptations, in deed adepartuie from recognized methods and from admitted principle- But history, in this State as well as elsewhere, has taught Legislatures ths danger of yielding l? ?,i0? temptations. Hit CHARTHB WROSO 1!? HIITfffflit. In the second place, vue dissent iioin the. report of Iba Committee because we cannot favor thu pro? posed ( barter as a wholo. The entire framework of the Charier la framed upon the plan of iiiiinutiiir* eleven aeparmtu executive departments ot the municipal government, ?ach of which ia to t??*, In Its own sphere, absolutely ladependtnt ot all control ?u the part either of ths Mayor or of tin? Common Council- The sole limit upon the powers of the heads of these departments la a limit In regard to the (tggreiui?* amount of annual ex jM?ml!tun? of money by eatMi. To cinlrol (bit It la provided that a groat tutu ahall be annually estimated and up propriattMl fur iba expenditure of each department ; I not by tea Common Oeitaoil elevted by tba people, bat by a wiMortty vote of ? Hoard ol Apportionment w? up of the Mayor anal two "f tbe heads of dcp-trtmer The total rleri'al expenses of the Ciui.mor, Council a of tlie Mayor's office are in terms flied hy ?In ? 'hat Itaelf. tu addition t. th. n* t ?ei? n depart un nts ?ml Hoard of Apportionment there are provided ? Huai?' ?Sinking Fund Commissioner?, a Hoai.l of (Vimmission of Accounts, and u Hoard of Commissioners on Str, Openings, Tbe power to audit claims against (he tin left solely to tbe Head of the Finance IVpantmc The power of tbe Mayor is luuited to tbe ?pjxu men*, of bis own ?.??ik* ol one office, tbe Cfe missioner or Accounts of tin- editor of the <? advertising-sheer, with the right to make s minor of the Hoard of Apportionment anil ol the ? '?.luiui?--,. ers of the Sinking Fund, ami of the Stieel ??(?ruing?. ] has bando a ralo power of the ordinances of the .'<> mon Council affecting streets, and concurrent p4.w with the police to call out tbe militia liLU'lH'fl.iiJLii H< h??I??> lins, he can seo?! (noss-gcs lo the Common Co,1 ell, and consult wlin the bads of department?, but ? wliaf (m,lots or with what practical result we fail to ?i II,,? ? i.iiiuiini (outieil, as liga.latan ?, have power on ovci lb? iiii{. Mm-g un- ui.d regulation uf the 'i??r sire? is, the electing of fountains for man and t,'?.i*i. m the Inspecting of weights and measures. The e.N-nsi power given in?? in as to appointment1? we h-ve aliea? commente?! upon. "NOBODT REsrONSini-E.'* It-.ill thus be s?-?rii that the Mayo? Is ?tripped of . ?j.? i ?it ne power, and the Common Council of ?beut i lepltlatlrt power Ti?,. nakid r?:< ital is perhaps in its? tbe best atatement of objections to tbe whole theory the proposed charter. |If experience In municipal go ? rum? nt in this country and K trope has taught au thing it is that the executive ?power should bo ?once trailed in one ln?tivt?liril, ami this iiower should be bal ?>? nil ivith hut very feiv restrictions. In this wav single officer can be held to a rigid accountability by ti people, and tin? freaweaep of oar ?lectionsaffords amp opportunity for .-u<?ii a prompt reward or such a prom] rebuke of this officer M be may merit. It is also trt thai our municipal experience has taught the aaaaaO of clothing the local legislative boards with ample po? ers; thus only ?-an membership in such boards tie ma? worthy "f th?? ambition of tho b?-st men In the comni nit\'. and thus only can the resid? ntsof eitles be brougl to appreciate tin) necessity ot ?eiecung goo?! men i su.i? ??ni' we. Th?-Charter now proposed utterly Ifrnores thlscardin: principle. It provides for eleven independent eiecutivi for the several administrative bureau?. It attempt? t f u 1 til I In itself all tbe legislative needs of tbe city for a time, and it rcoffnlzcs In the most important bureau thai of Publie Works-the necessity of a single bea? hut it Ignores this ne??essity elsewhere. It recognize tin? ability of the people to elect altnistworthy Board ? Aidfiiiif u by ?m mg to this board the important powt of appointment, but fails to give them the usual powci of the office. To detect any wrong working of the con plicated mu. hiiier> thus provided it embodies In luinui detail a system of IngflUBI device? made up of tOgM? Don? from every apartar. The result may bo cr?dit?t., in point of perfection of mechanism, bot it cau claim n other credit. Tried by tbe test* already stated it fails i irer) reau-raaieat -f a municipal ?bait? r. hm. y>. OPlTKF?, Feb. 13, l?*?.?. ?lO-Bra 13Li?(_MHAf,. ALU ASF. TIIK (CHRIST OP I.K..1-LATI0N?RRMATRS I A-O-U-BL- AM? M.NAIL?A ROW ?yiAUAN 1 IB! ? OBMUOIOV. (FROM TIIK KKIil LAB OOB-B-POOOOO. OP TUB TRIBI'NB Ans any, Feb. 13.?The Matt_N nioiniiitr se-? sinn of the Assembly ggOOOOMi in the diaciissiou ?. Mi. Heiring's bill lu relation to Tints of eiror in ? riu ? n,.;. ,.->??, providing for a more direct appeal to t'i Court of Appeals. Mr. Weed strongly opposed the bit and argued that some of it? provisions were dearl unconstitutional, as for instance the section that allow the Court of OppaaB to resenten? I.? prison? r and fix th day for bin exca.ution without his Mag present in couit Tho lull waa tlually advance?l. The bill pri valing for tbe laying of another double t?a? for freight on the (entrai Kailroa?! has beci laaOhM tWO Bf three nine? in ( omiiittee of the Whult but ti"t moved, tbe reason aaslgi cd i?eiiig that the CY?i_ pany it ?A.titiuc for eitel? a unanimous expression of opin inn in its favor from residents on the line of tbe road a will bear down all opposition, whether coming iron '?strikers" or any other tource. Mr. Prime, from tin J mlic.ti y ?Committee, this morning, reported favorablj the bill known as the Jury bill, providing that ibe pre aiding -Iiidge shall take the place ot " triers" in deter mining thi ?(ualiflcatiou ot jurors. It i? the s,.me lui now pciuliiig in the algoott Ju?li? ?.iiy ('('UimiUee, and i reg ?rdea by many iatvyer? as ol doubtful couatitu tionahty. Tbe Heuate indulged today in a very luminous discus M'ti mi p,gi?ui sliii.'tiii,,, " pig sticking,'' and wnngmi the necks of hen?, which would probably bave lasfei the rest of tho week hail not a motion preiailed tog? into Kxecntive n'-ni'u, where there was a still moi? liiluulou? tight over the last batch of nominations seul in by (jOv. Dix. The manner in which the above-men tiiiieil matter?? can,.- to be a subject of agitatiot, was by tho consideraliou in CommitlM <?f Mr aBargh't bill for " Prevention ot DiM-a*?- and ('incite' The prohibition of pi'.cou-shootlog is one of tlir mat; objects of Mr. Bergh't bill, but the section dealing with that subject was stnckeu out. Senator .nines Wood -TOM t.) il QUI itlOB of privilege, iti.l defended hiui-.lf fraai ?barges recently made again?! hitu by k Netr-Torfe: City newspaper Hi aald that the new Jury bill, -vlii. h has been ?lev, >? ?1 to M ?are tbe a <in\ ii'tioii of Tu. ed. anil which he !.- .n . n-iil ? >I holding back for the purpoae or ?-??re? aiag thai cnmtual, was liable to some objection? .,n tin? s. ni,, uf it? eoustitutitiiialit), aad that lu? it.?-? obliced to take t;u,<? f"t th?- investigation ?,f th? a object. The Jedd Jury Mil, patted Bat year, made the previous expression of an opinion a gromo! for ohalBnge t.? tiia? fiitoi, and cbiiii? i-.*? m to the favor have, from tiiii.? itiiuiciiicri.ii, been ?t?-? ah ?l by triers. She present lau gives the ilc.i-i'in m ?ueh ?-.i.c* to the judge, anil tins, it is maintained, affect.-? the meaning of ihe phiaae "trial by jury," win? Ii it gii.iraut. ???1 to ererr criminal by the Constitution. There are tome J-dictai decisions iN-ariu*. on this i?sue which Mr. Weed WBhet to . onsuit. Henee the delay. The MUwaa only introduced on the 4th iiii-f. The (.ovcrnor. this mornim.-, sent into the .S?nate tin nain.? of David \V. Judd ot Kichinoud I'outiti. luembei of last year's Assembly, for Quaraatiaa UaiBwiaaloner, m >plaeaof Samuel Bartea. ?aims?- i? nu ha.- expired. The notiiinatioti trat immi-diatc'y confirmed. Mr Judd', appoiiitiniiit wat urged by it large number of j,ion.,i,t m m? rehauts <>f New-York. atnl is ?lue to Ins clloi U in , i posing tht hhortcomings of the ( 'li.ini?-,oii ,u tin? in vettigatlon that took place Bat year. The two remain? ing Commissioners are Dr. Hell of Brook!, n and Mr. Seiiell of New-York. Dr. Bell's teim has expired, and he will la- moiraadad in a few da}.-. Ml. *;. ti? IPs lei in expires iu lb74. i in: poin i: JU8TI<CI BiLf.. roi T-ueooPi i. Tut IB-ton i The A-^cinbly Judiciary CommlUce h.,,1 .? unit? ing, this afternoon, to hear aUOO-MM M tL>. I'o a.. Justice lull. Mr. Katon of New York ailvo.ated the bill In a long argument (of win? h the substance i? gtvag ??'-? where). Judge Edmunds, who apj>eared for :he police Justices, said that ibe facts detailesl by Mi. i:aton were md new. The police system of New-York, fea -aid. had greatly improved during the las! :>0 vears, darlag ?h,, <i time he had been intimately actpiaiutcd with the admin? istration of criminal justice. He ?lefemled the elective judiciary system generall*. lie had come here haaMM be was letame?! by the present justicci, and because tbe gentlemen here Jegis laied too much lor New Y'ork ?atv.iind were generally greatly imposed on by the men who assumed to speak for New-York City. Judge Kdmunds theu argued that tbe Constitution rt??iuired that the police justices must b?> elided by the people. The I'oiieritutioiial ?luestion would in? raised, ami there weald he great coafassoa. 11,-rele?n.l to various cases in the books ai support III? III? 4 II'*? Of till' pol lit III ISSUe. lie flail it ral?|.l. ion that Ihe real purpose of the present bill wa? to turn the pics? nt iiicutubcuts out of otJlce and ttfl their plans wiihmen )f ?apaalM politic?. Ks t?p?*aker Smith then spoke i'g.iiuit the constitutionality of the proposed measure, conten,ling that tbe police magistrates were both allstiK't judges and justices ot the peace, and must therefore, under tbe Constitution, be elected by tb? peu pie. He also criticised at length tbe phraseology or Uiebill. ? i Tho Committee then adiourr.fd until W? dnaeday next, when they will decide In what sha]>e u> repoit tbe bill. Tho Administration Senators an? much distressed at tbe Humiliation of Mr. Bills of Bot bester, the present I >.? i-iir v Tri-asurer for Bank Hup? mile tide tit, anil Inaso already beltl two excited Kxecutive sessions over the matter. The office Is now comparatively lusignitlcaut, but tbe ?alary attached to it is a good one, sod they think that some active politician should ba.ebceu ap? pointed. However, aa they cannot afford to break with the Uovtrnur (he nomination will doubties? be con? tinued- _ ?iilNFR.4! FBKSS I ?.?PATCH] riiiirle? Francis Adam? has accepted th?' invitation of the Legislature to deliver tbe address on the occasion of the memorial service |by the Utate In honor of the lato Win II. sei\ard. Tbe time has not yet been Axed. It is understood tbe (?overuor ?cut to the Senate fer confli iiiati'.u, to-day, tbe name of Kllborne Knox of New York for the office of Commissary (,encrai. In the Constitutional Coramlsmou to-day Mr. Dudley, fiuiii tin? i ommttfee on Boards of Su|>ervi?ors, ieport??d ,a i'ioM-.oi) Mutt every town shall have one tepreaenta tlve it, the Iliuaul of Hup4?r>isors for every a.tioo inhsbi lanis. and e-ery county ?hall el?H?t a Supervisor from the . omit v at large, who shall \*n 11-eaident of the Doartl and posse?? a \eto power with ?-ertain restriction?, 'fhe Comuiissioa then took ?it? the question of ?alarles for (lorernor, Lieutenant (?oteruor, and Controller The ?alary of the (Joventer wat fixed at tlO,ux?, wlvh a fur? nished r?sidence ; of the I-e.tenaul-Uovernor, B ouu isr-d ?I the Conlr?,ller^SS ?si A ? i-cejd.on at (lov. Dix't residenoe, this evening, was i. 11 i,uiiieioii?l> alteudeil by ieadinit cituei,. ami m__i in is of both bouse? of the Iaeglalature _jul tbe Itimmla ?ban of Appeal?. It ws? the l?rmet fatheruia at ?nv KitC-Urel'?-'VDii-n iu m?ia\ totm-ju? REPUBLIC OF SPAIN. ? ? I'l'OCKKI'IM.S IN IHK NATIONAL A>M.MHI.Y. 'IVHH HAfe-KM HKI'IKI) fmXmUBBUmWB ?,Y tltP. ASHKMIU.r. Mai.Hii?. Tburaday, Pel? ia, laie. UM 'wo BbMH ??I the Cortes conven..! l<> ?!a> iu joint MHhM an the National Assembly of Spam, and preeee?M t.? e fleet a pemiaa.Mil organization. Seftor K. Martos, late Mmistfr of Foreign Affaira, v.a-. .-l.-et.-d I'l.Hi.letil ol (be As-emhly. in place ti Heflor I igiioiohi, fin-, ha 11 man protein., roeen tag 222 volea. xiitii Martos, on tal<i?K ti?. ,hair, dclivci,.: , patriotic tUUtk, win.?!. irtM ISBdlj ifelMli l'???i "?I pa it--, of the Hour-,. SIATK (?K I UK ((?CNII.V A.IIVITY <>K I'RHIIM.KKH TO Till'. TIlliONf ? sKMIMIlVI Ol lit!. AKM? ?MY II HP TBB ..?.( MKV BBBOBTBO thamji ii.. I/OMMls, Tlimaday, Fel.. 11 : Pan?. to-BJHMM tt?M t that I km Carlos im prrpa. mg to (??c a.lvaiiiaifi of the erinin in Spain to push hi-, claima to the throne. A meeting wai. held at the residen?! of the Duked'Anmale yes.terd.iv. at which lOO.OOO.WX) francs w?r?* Nheerfhed to aid the Unke do Montpensier in operations a?*ainst the If.pulilic in Spain. Masr^a are to be celebrated for the snr?i*-4 of the Bourbon cause. Prince Francois A' \ ?1-1. th? consort of ex-Quc?n Isabella, has 1? ft I'.ms for Madrid. S.-noi OtoBBfB t??-dav took leave..f 1' dent TUiern, aud leaves piol.a'ol-, ii.j. tinIBM-M deatt uatiou. A special dispatch iioin Paii? B_fB) " it i? i. >><?rte<l in that city this Morning thai ttic troops <>l the reg ular army in ?Spain an-divided iu their .hone of a form of government. The cavalrv, it v m.i.I. hav? pronounced ia favor of a monarchy, with tin l'i i. . of AstHrias, son of the ex-Queen Isabella, tee kiim, while the infantry favor a republic. It la al,<- r*> ported that serioiiri .list ui bailees have taken pi?. I Madrid, and that lighting hae occuued in the -imtn of that city.'' A dispatch from Madrid, dated this mmnii.g. ttfU thenewsof th.? alxln atnm of Amad.-u? an?l the declaration of the Kepublic has been diBMBriaatMd throughout all Spain, and that the announcement has nowhere occasioned disturbance. Old?: ?* ir> tervedin Madrid and throughout the pu?. Marshal Serrano arrived at Madrid laut ni|*lif. Madbii-, Thursday, ftm, I ?. IMA, All the civil and military authorities ol tl.o 1'iov inces, as far as heaid in'in, have given m thai] ad? hesion to tho new regime. The city Bad ?, with the exception of the districts when ..Win-t, bauds are piBMM*, continue tranquil. KX-KIN'. AMAIiKCS. HI IIA- 80M1 I?? LISBON? II.-11M..M vl | ?jY BBBBBCt, I.oni.??', Thursday. Teh. i MB Diepatchee from Madrid announce thai ej-King Aniadeiis, with his wife and children, hat gugt i?. Lirjlxin, where ho will remain until Spiim*. MiMiin, Tburaday, K< t> ' . MM? Amadetis and th.- members of his family n el vi ith the most r.-s|K?. ! tul ? i.nsideratioii at the ml*;.y stations on their way loth?- Portugu?s? Creath r. I.ism.*,, Thursday. 1>1 . mm\ The Portuguese Minister of Public Werfet tho prominent railway olli. nils, and Ihe Spanish \iniisl?*r who i| acting in a?? ordain e M life or.l.-is ttU I I Government, have gone to Badajea to m. et AflUdBOa and family and Meeti iln-m to Lisbon. A p.? ?a?? MM been prepared foi lliem, wliicli thev will <>? ? -.pv un? til their departure for Italy. The rx-Koval Ian v is expected to arrive her? to-morrow. Tin v m il be met at the railway station by King Lu.-... > I. ? b.iii 1*1 ers. Florkh.s, Tbursday. F.-i. i.i. Ml I The Municipality of Turin have sent Btetegraat ?? di-patch to ex-King Amadeus welcoming hm home. OPINIONS IN lOKKICN COUNTSIEft AI.VI1M IN I'ollll Q W.?llItkKS BUI KM o?,M/r. IHK KBW BBP?1UC ? ABaJK AlIoN > om MBWM-P IN Komi Lisbon. Thursday. ?Feb. II, 1873. There is much excitement and un?.isii..i-s 1?.:?. over ihe event-? in Spain anil publn funds an '..n. r. Pi in*. Tbursiiay. Fel. l.i. \YT.l. Presiden! 1 bier?, n ill it-eogni/e th? >|..,in-h I.'t' publio as soon as lie is ollnially ihlnrinc?; ?>i it? establishment. TheRkuPuttitaajeH -imcnlv v?u? Um mw republic well ; and counsel.?? those who haw el of l| to beware ef cee-eepotttaiiiea andforeiiri atei It-leli, e. I...M..IN. Th'ir-.l.? ? 1 -"'. A special'h ln.iii Home sais the abdio - I of King Ainideiis is ret lv.d in thai lit] ?. Lhl faction on all sides. Neiiher King Viet..?- ! ?, ami.I HOC tin; Italian (.??v.-riiineiit gave an;, ...v,,e to Aiiind-'ii*. Tin-1.liter telegraphed to Boaai h.?i t ly, giving iul'ollii.llioli ' oil. eliiilii* the ?,'? . t I. .Hitl his purpose. Hi m is. Thurs-1. ' I .-13. The patien.-e am! I <>..i..i*?- ?lisplayol \<\ A n ..... tin while on the I In on.- .-I Bpeia v p . ?t.! GENERAL FOREIGN M N 9. 1 Hi: PAPAL BEE. IHK l'oi'i BBAIBJU K? KV..VV m r, i : i i i ? : i.?N III. WOI l.ll HAM! IN AMIll'K V. llt.Ml , Tim 1-.lav. I"' ' ? Tho Pop?', >( V.crd.iy. gBTB BUdicUft to eev. ral ttlc I IV ?I stavs m,vi .- I, .. DBBJ ,n ii.'in-', in the .'?un?.'ot tin ..UM i?atioii ?>i rateefe place lie Hflii'd bow laWBB-A to rt'eivetl .? An?' ?a. I'lieolHier.i rcplie.i H?at tli.- peopleo! tliat <<? Bl | v?. . ,| regard his taking up L.i r? ?hki.. ?? B-BOBf theaiasi J ? ..t honor. _ K?i;i;i(;\ NOTES. v.sst Is ol tin? P.riti-!; .M?, tv .?? ?,|ii.itiion have beea arAi raA le i The (jov(-fiior .?I J.iin.ii. a BBI _? IM i I Island Li ?.olnpicle the lii?.a.-il...? t?.l' III SI .l.iin.iica. Tbert bib bafore ili< Britisli t?! ' ? >??" Claims (oinmicsioii, now m ?..???ion ai Wat British cas.-? y?i te ba -HapaeeA sA, It is officially aiiii??itti. ?d thai 'I" i ? v. of the second 60, in-i.?lliii?'i:t ?'f II" '?? ? ' m -i of the war loofiiiiiitv man completed on Iht - The jiidginent in the CBSB <>f Pun.i Nitpo leon against M. Ia- l-'iaac. lal?- Miui?rer ol :l.? I..-, r , t f.?r illegal eapulsiou from Fi.itue, will be d.-liv, ie-,? ni-it week. The Ameritttn lietjitter ot Taris is i, t. ?r m ?ri that Hi? French IJoveniineu? have proliLitei? M Par ?l.uinef, a Kansas emigration agent, from teetBl M I Helfoil. The Hon. Bruce Caron, late Juilgi? of tin?? Court of the's BencU f?r the 1'roi inc.- ??: (j ,. ???.-, ha? been appointed Lieutenant (?overnor af ths ?ane pii.viiice, wtt) lia-lleau. whoee MBBi of office ha? SSparad. In view of the frequent desertion? ol piis oners working iu the new Trocha, lu ( ul... .-pum lient ml Ceballoa has t.nlered nil erimiuais am.mi; tin tai.! laborera to bo trica by court-uianinl. huU .lesei li.'ii in the directlou of the euem> to be puuiabed tbe ?an.? aa ia tbe case of soldlera. Znlueta, President of the Havana Casino, m ?peaking at Remedios to select circles, and reading tbe programme relative to aJavery. The Vos de tubo ?rant? to know t?e eon tren t.i of the plan proposed. The v?. ciit.iineii a strong abolition article on Punaay last, Ttn? tenor of all ?ts sditoriala la caualng profound attention. CRIMES AND rA8l'ALTIE8-BY TELJ?liRAPH. _Cbamberlaio, who nmtdered an old man at Solei, Ubi?, toa? um* tfo, lut bets iwtlil*. tmt oiun-n ,? >??t 4>?l ?BBBB ....A newspaper job office at Salt Lake ia ihreal rird ??ill t ?it lot ?tbtltkttff ohtrMt llltrtlv?, it kttltf i ? ? - It wolri. rrtti.U? HrtNlil Bl-l(bta YiMBf. ? It is reported that two companies of ?'hi* law IWi.ti. it paajBB of bon? WtattO, apAirallt. trritr Ja? H, fattl ?? Ibt ttil matakM. tftv kulditf t to-Mtl, iSti tit at Ikam ....Bernard Boland, age Id, eleeded m lb? Sairrit?,(,oSr, it Buttoa. .ttUMir. ? ht rhtr|> ,.i waniti,^ a ??.?lb Kf-tabba H??rt. twat? Mali ma. It t ttort ?a W??t.??-t?? a?. lb?!i4 waa iubbi4 ?kilt gi'ita rlt-tt 1? OaAmi. tka t.j ' Un?l um till" at Ut ttwt ?fil? uSt *rrtBf*Wl?f ?u ?i.??av ?MM MBMa-Ml ttiaa? \a th? ?(**? PHm? k*t hla. '.