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THE PRESIDENT OF SPAl lUn.l.l! OF KSTAMSl.M) FltilT.RAS INTKItlSIIN., sKKTCII Of HI? SVAKISII pli MM HV 1>(>N> ( A?lll.AR, 1111'. yollKlliV MIMSIK.K. Tho brilliiint orator and inllotiblc Kepi eaa, SeBor Caalelar, Secretary for Foreign Jtfbtrsl new Bpani.h iiiliulnistratioB. has contributed t< BnUAh FuitniahUy JUiuxc tho MMVM| Inter? BMMO-Sf tin Sa?iu>r i?.in Bstsalalao Pig? rreaident of the Council and, as such, acting Tics vf the n?-w Ipaalak Ilepiildlc ? AOMM the principal aitists of linnietfc, anmn moal ?UMmirui-iii ?i orators who ?io honor to ?ur ,?.'?. and our Parliament, all consider l>.>n K-dentslao F las au inspiration of Ms nattes land, tin, tfsspel Republic?!? i ?rt>. which is indebted to htm fur ti , reotlon of iu? campaign in IheConstituent Out man unexampled for prudence ?ml enerny In '?ur ?it chamber. Ik-tore enabling the ?liatiuctive chan latica iif the siH?4?chea of Ktgucrn* ami of his pal 4tcnius, i?i us kin ?? some MsornpMoal data iu bupp? the reputation winch the it?ifnbllSM BBjoyi model of consistency umi dignity in in* t?oti ?us ea Figiicras was Lorn in lieautiful and enlightened Celons, SB t? ?? I'lth of flBt-SSBtMl, l^l??. Aftn In stnrtuvl Ms huti,anilles In the Ksciiela I'm oT that In which be reiimined flv,? \i?,'.?., In? BfoMsOMBM phlloeophv, at Correr?, ami aaen Bflsrward ?t T gone. He entered aa a law student lu (he Culver, of Barcelona Mid Valencia, tei liiitxttnu In?- od.ici in the uionth .af Jim?-. i-.i>. Bran wl, le thus ??in.*. be made sonic UggBt m psMMSS, showing i?n BBtlfl nary ardor in the diffuse of liberal prMMpISS | In be was entelad in the rauks Ol tin I'm. w iiu t? tin i. represented Msbbobi radlealasptrstlo the >otith ?.' Ui time. Bal hla ;?? Urs teetaeraaMBt, tils aident devotion t?', all that iSJBBt Sndneble, eepsrated h:m from a political .-? h">l v. I.Uli wv.s M unable to satisfy the natural cxiRvncios of a ret tlonsry ep.x h. In 1840 be Joined the Republican pu MMg aaaeeo IM first who ssabrai ti their iOsa ?n 81 Alter the .nuts of MM which culminated In the I bardaient of llareelona, M ?Ulf? n-.l from the !!? pi 1 an? in their appreciation of that lti.idint. Alaout pern, I '" I '"?"? the cditoii.,: si .11 M tin Cvny-titucio in coi.iie? (ion with Mala and lin..:. When the fsaaoBB SOSlilfaai oniitrcal wliich threw retos el panel b Qen. Espartera in tM Bastes of in.?s( ?listapiL- labi ?1 liberals, he opposed Mat rising 4 all his < in rgjr, ad fon to'.d its fatal cnnseijucnccs. A the fall..* *. and the acquisition of power tlK? Mo.l.'iat? part v. be retire! to ?he town In whirl) mother rc-ulnl (Tivlsa, in tin? Province of Tiirr.n.,: asnOMsono Ms rsMMsas wttft Ms BBpnott-anaj waa, l-is. iippoini. .1 h tu their ( otiiiui-1 a"it?r in Madrid, ?nute tie in.'vctni'iits MSB all?' d by II The r. \". ' i ? ? ?? rtlii'o' iH.i. 'allaW U) _-CT_gO___ W M ' -la ..?-li d I:,nisei! i i .'. II ? a Mddepat] in iv.i IM Flrsl Diatrtel of Bal leas i M forme i n Bepobtlean uuci tan, ami Jaea. lit- BOABl is' i ' ? i ? : ) \ l * i i member el IM Bevehrtieni ml ?Icfiitv m th-? (Dites for sa?n i,... r Mese anana it v.. nu? b en ? Men in'"?!-, l-.'.i. retad agaiust t that p. n.'i Madihl Obs Men Ms 1 i . , and Mere l??- cxer? laea tM ? ??i an ah., ate m wbtch M bna BfoatreO earU t ?? ? one oi tin? ne.-! lament lawy?. I .1 deputy for the Y 1 a ith his friend I Ma Maria Hirers Meadmlntetratton af the I/t>? t ientbenti i ?wen. The retreat af 'lie tuo p_rt Pregresatal and BepnMtsen.MMpOseMed ami the mo n, ut ot lin : 1 of Jaiiiinry, 1s//,. It? iuk (avartln-.i? Ploasraawithdrew 1erutiun? from nettes end milit I'i'lili? -, ii"! .4illi-t in ! n?tl hisrehiti. With th" i? MM 8MB "f In? p.irt 4 , an.I lab ai m,a ? . oepth h in? ciiy nitb I i of ih. lesend rerelatieaarj Bttesapl nM ?i ?1 ui JntiO Of tho Situe v? ar, Al ai.' tire ltvoiuti'in, tin? eenssononees of wh ' .1 f ?r tin- liberal party, h.? threw- liim ?'it ?H Into the -work of c'>ii-pir.icy, which In c reap le Mbh Ib ssM i Madrid, la? nu qnenas of Masa tobera na was arrsM on the 1." 7, Ly ander "f UBI*SM. and l r.a, tog th)?r with hi.? friend I) MlBStas I \ct '. Th_rc he PSBBBMe I f-R ? dus, WhMM ? otiimi.ssai v a,i p.,iice and two civil KUiird-? conducta linn ui Paaapstoua. in a ?huit Ubm tho Gavscame indcred linn 1.a Ux his resilla uec at Ao?is. Ho wasp; ?loh.-d in O t .;,, | of thai \".ir, vli ti III" ri-volutioi? Oiaosnnnd OateMOa bsMl meet, ineOtotesneaaaMb B"thi-ig to :<]i|ir.'i!(*mi. OnMeoaeatly, M wassppolnt? a nieinlK?r of th? Kevolutltinury .?uuta, ??let justic?- ot tin? peeee Mb IM Dsacreailenal i?i-tn? ond m the municipal elactiotis, iui?m'. r o? t Caauin il fur tl:?? In-tri? t of the Ho-intal. Iu thoelcctio fertbe Constituent Oar! resented as a caui m Barcelona, Tortosa, Vlcb, aud Madrid. lu t two flist ,; uiie.i p|_a ,s he wa?. ele? ted, (.nt kTBBMM OB Ulf IIOIAIi CBU-BACTOO. Tlelne nos. I with Me biography of Dofl I t.ini-'.)' eta ?. i-1 tin? i nt ? ilee 0 ?i ?ju.iiiti? ?- which BS neatly exalt Bisa One oft two ?-re-it |K'?-u?i n in?-? af our friend pei?BBM the mo BnaMrtmMc Is lai- BBMOl eMunctsr. N obodp, fl M en Ms fleetest enemy,ena doubt tto rectitude of ins h lives, tue nobility of his soul, tM Integrity of hbt lii Jlein-atli an expl'4-.ssiii_ the HWeetliess .t : 1 .1 ciUtr comm n to benero-ent aatntea,M oonceslaan i Aomltable energy which baa enabled him t stand et?, i. with a front calm aud siren in this land where we 80S s?> mu? ?debility, so much Inconsistency, only to be explain? ??v th?- lack ol aji.aiiiics wh;? h siiine bo brightly 1 i ,1, t .f energy la Ma eMrnetor se waat i faith In ni'?..-. Nothing is so dtSeall a- ts sratlloai 1 ill.-. Ilaliits take root strongly and r.-maiu wll tin- p ..*l??r Institutions have expired und, ?bese mil?,? "a-, they-developed Into exlstenee. It ia ?ouiinon errer la Hiiain t<> Mllevs thatmsllg-ityan falsehood .; f elsiaents ia a political eaaractoi This m iv be irns m tii?? palaces of in.,---., where a manuel of intriitue find!? its natural habitation an ?iolitical immorality itafamiliar s.-ai ; but the proco. ne.? of liberty, the pobtical asM ef tbe people, the ebai B-ftera "f t-, ums, should bo fiauk, loyal?iu a won niost not'.> moral. 'I'll?? .iit'iii,. of tbe people, like the Or.-'Clan athlef. goes fort I) , ?-;. He tali . one.'??1 iiotBin ?not even-' the Inart th?at are hidil? and sujiprcs?-. .1 ? ?>? tin? jewels, tin? v.iv, to end embroider; with which coin tiers ars bsdiaeaed. The first oualltyo the popula rraakaeaa, andOdelltyth ? Mummen! viil.i? M Ma chara? ter. Hut if to fraukm-s u ezpresaiDU, ii 'o flielity In tbe character, M unite ! part of the tactics of lus ??tiennes, ana can purmic them with their own uruis. gathered m th sain?? tield "t i'.ittie, the tritium? of tbs people el. vat. i.iin?4cii immensely, ami is formidable > ren ander th most 'lisch intageoua condition. 8ucb, then, i Kstniiisiaia pigneraa: Mneerttp asrsonlOsdtOdslltpcom pa ie, alnliiv until aled in that ? liauilsr wm ic no man i;,;t ?J orator? ha\c sLo:jc with ^uc? citraoriuxiur; splendi'i The orat<?r iiiu?-? not be judged by any one of his quai Itn-s, thouKu be li.u-1 necessarily hare a facile t?ugui hinlaintiy Imaainatlon. N<>: lie must be Judged by all combined ins face, his tone, bis rotos, Ms settou?foi all oontrli'tit?? to tbe luster oi his eloqa. nee. Bstanlalw Kicucrui??:. external adi n,s fee? "iatoiii?al exp?a ssiaiii uiciitiolied 1.J- tl,. oneieata; tM r js,se of bi?i attitude mid icajosty ; Ins ?Kilon neither lajiiii not tat ?sureil, lui always siiit?*ii in tin- emotlona of hi?? soul, is wsstb] of bis attitu'lc. IM unaltorable s the self |hi -. - Ion, the benevolent sinil??, wlncli be doi? not belie even when hi? lips BSB. t.?rth ?ints ?.f bitterness, iu? perfect rslmnoss. -which bo ferublj contrasta with the azeiteaieni pro dneed upan sis BseiBBB l?y his el.i.|u, :,,???.ill MBM qtiaiiiies make Pigueraa one of ou neatasl perils m.utaiy or, sad h:s rtrnggles In oar Parliament |l tlrst Rl'.rl' - of MS Bepubltcan party. Win ii the hon/. . I, wbetr ti. ' me boisterous when threaten to overwhelm us, all ayes turn ins: im t.. i . t,< Fl g?eras, eertaiu of securitj from bis uncqualed cfexterity. If w? entangleoursi lsi;ai aroblemi he ia.? -, down their .suiiitioii; if we iugnli enmalrss In i ulii masterly decision u Mteeerre, with that sense of opi?oituiJii> which Is the ?ni ?mentar) y.:'.t Motet shall I forget tlae remarkable o-xasion In which Ma cntiic cbsmlw luruedagaiaet tis Im aooas words of eur ret?s ted I lends, 0 I? la tbe mam matatkm agaltui the Q -. a p-ured forth luiriniii.- worvla upon ouz boada, 1'nui threateaed us, Topete mad? tboae Inten uptlous natural to his nerrooi temuerameui, tbe h...-is ol the ma).irlty Insolently roclfi >ts of expulsion appeared on tbe Mows of some ?,f our Mpatlas; amt in all tbat dlsordei liKi'i-i - t, like an ?!_ihii n.? .1 mai un i in a?lo?ti j -- rm, counselled the one, supported t!n? others, with Imperious . med the lust Hitger of hwpaity, discharging, as it wcra, stunum? bombs to epeeoiics. brtel as the ii^tj?inn?., ami of a. viw.l ? U. ct on Jiu? enemi?-, changing into vlctortsatbe ?ieatost dilli enlttes. tramjuilizlus the turbulence und confusion and r.-tiiruinK to us in safety, bearln? hi-Tiitaii-M u.,id ?.?ds and bis Virgil saysJEaess uou-d nom the tiaiuiUK Troy. ' ' ' avj.,1 i.KAs An a MwoMonraniAo. lia hastily writi.'.it these roflictioaa, I ?nuk I )r.v.? ?l, - I nl*!d the speeches of FigU'-ras. They are non, ?, , ,? rect, and brllliai t; earnest, courteous, calm, and reason? able i wonderluio'a4iute, amlat the same tiui,- persua Blve Hut wbeii be seek-i tbo sublime, bo am ?.?nils to sub Umiiy. Wo i? iiiviiii>ortbat ulgJitln whl? bb<? praanaasad bl* Oreo en Mot, which tui the moiucn!. coavertedlb? assembly into a t. mpl?. And wh. i, p lie knows bow to h* jNassiouat? W't recollect Lis lmprt cations again it tbe liuc ?i ? Montpeasler But his esiientiai ??uaiity !? ii,?t aelleaM imllewbkb ?wouuds hs eesniMs like a suntle poih,;,. triutakeeu glau.-e to divim t?.?' weak point in the armor of tln eneiuy! What ?Will n? s..-*in? dm? ,r-1 ! WJ,at a pro dtafious iBWiiory, l.rltitfii.if f.? ward in?,*?? his-ori?' 1 i ?cords whirl? ifailict such ln)ur> up?,:i , >,-. opposition And . ?' sensu nt opportUhit? i if i? n tue Tletiui or ??(.'.tarfagas. II?, know .a bow to eo UalUtfa PiU.uul, cuoualw mo mmnyamatUtoooa com H.? can call up ?tot tn? upon (tu*, opp ?Mtlon hcneliea with the name t.cility ?nth which be calma tliom aniotu* In? own partisan?, tu lint-, m li.ti i??)iici.?"'!i.'M. whin rapulit?! Hoiuer named Id? A? lull?*-- tin?. *wift Voied, an<! tin' elo queue? of lit 11. r?. we mu-ht call the li-*hl--*.iu-s*?-<t. di.l we not aec bow thOae ulry plniona ona reelalthEENopeat, lu the ?kiriDi?li, in tha eiii-iHinter, to <lir at u ?ally, lo m?k.? -hi as-? iuit, t n ?II that aaaeaall itee the 'inspiration of a mtMMBt, Firrucriu? is un? rivaled In tbeBpanUk Parliament. Ha ualwayaaeeca b.iiive 01 jtoc. ami liils in tha r taEOB in th ?? vm-t it li? ent As " ?, tunicI -..m-lilil?-., by natural tkeptlciam fioiu the ?objectaof debate Into an aeademy, hi? (?oll'lcal ? ion.? lea? ih m tu? iu*taotanro 11 pa?alonate il. t in...?. When the contint romea anddenly, wbea Be i tea peoyeeatloa, whea tart aloEda aitrprtae bhn amone Lotrloate patbwai -.. when the nni -pei led thun? der rolls to hll ears, mil the lulitmne Baahea berofB Im footetepa, then all oppoaition Inr Uro ratee him, and ho i-.-. ?. graatei Ib v. ?? ol .nt'. lultlea Tin? lec.irds of Hie parliamentary career of FlEtieraa in.? those of !h?> prop?'i.'.-. of the It. ??tit.I:.? in Idea In Bpalo. At th.? tlrsl Co pn-r.-siu wincii Ba look perl he wa? acare?-1 y as yens old. Bad hE ?tootf alone. Att.i warda h.? had lw?> or three companion?. In mi, - ?ted BEElBSl tl ?? non in hy. In IE?, I.m '?''??? ? ?.I for Hi,? K.-piihln?. When Funieran. i.lnu..?t a l?"?v. .1 the ( i? miner, ?m? the timidity natural to one who.f.?r in.' Mi?! ame t?> the Oortoa, and eneoun I, p. | ... powerful i. tnoiiiirchy. with a ?OVerelRO sin popular, with oratora ?in defended botli throne ana n?,nui, h, m itti -renoralJ who aniel ? i much power -w .eu h, faced ih" brilliant and idlded wall of oppoaition, I'.-hin.I which lav shell.-re,l h tradition of twenty a*.-*, i. uewed by the vigor of modern Uberty?certainly none uppwetbal al buadvance th me bulwark; wouiu .. thai at ins von-" the IbroM woold totter, anu thai i'i".iii"t.''e bad destined linn tobEOBeoftne tn- " dub down tbo false Idol. He ?truck It, and thui bj rigoi the leader ol the Bt-pabllCUB iniieuity m me I BE ?t|td?Dnot0thiBk leiaMoratE wh.-n I any Hmt Hp.ii.i.h eloquence ?Und. a? bljch a? Iba Eral i-"n "" "? ? /'' ?/? . .? Europe. 1 do no m ?re than rope j a unlver? ?'aJyp?tniiiV'lJi.^iii.'i.t IB ???K^fA"7JE.ffe,B_n?? the Immortal hand of our coal E?ltwl onion. Borne sinne tu- tholrciieray.otberaby fon eof i >?!c, and otnt ? ,; ' ?i.'ii tloo.i ?I l?5- ?go-none ?o much a? be tor?ame of opportunity, for ingenuity, lor skill. !?.i' the moal ?? t-uienuol purllamentarj oratora. For my self, Iaaj that one ot the greatest aatlafaoUon? ot my Ufa haa been to fight hy in?. ?Ide.and one of thorn???! inc records of my memory his combata ana bu iriiiini.i.s. Worthy ot the moot noble ?Hue, iroi hy ol the Repubho which, conquered UHlaj to reapp ir lu, Will count lum aiuou? Us louudt;is uu.l i.s lit loco. __________-__-?-????? PERSONAL G ludst one's fi<?e is 01 and Disraeli's il 91. Tho widow ot Willis, tlic troet, reaidai in llaltlf. Mr. Thomas Hill, the artis!, is dying (if con? sumption. Mr. E. Pate of Cloveport, Ky., has Ml living l.llltr). Um lata Mrs. ?Someiville, it ia said, left an UUtilluoi.TMllliy. Barand relative* ?f the pool Keats am living in Louisville. I ?. Mention is made of B life of Washington wi lit? u l?y Victor _-E_*0*a s m. Mr. Ce.?ig.? William Curtis la a native of Providern?-*, B? I., und is 4.? years ol'i. Our country, it is said, h is had hut o:ie Mack? eyed Pieatftent. Tint wa i Qea. Bani Tiinotliy Biahop of New Haven, aged 94, is tho oldest 11 v 11. _; grad?ale of Tali t al - A native of Kentucky, whoM BBUM, wtahea t.. ehanfa th ?t aaaa. ta J"ii i> ivi - Mr. Cakes Anits, it is siid, oone-den hini R'!f to I?- the most hi.ii?.?t nnin la Oongresa 1'r.ntice said that Daniel was t!io only man ? \. ; HealEEd wtthoal growing veIe ahaai it. Prince lliiinhfit has wrii'ir.-n a military I called "Ti?- Grand M weareri tt the Te ir h;.." Kaivis i-, blaaaad witli a Reprasentat?Ti Lpiuii'ti laagk .'nid with a Beaat a naa ' BooallBht Sir?Tulius l?i'tiiiln -i is editor o! a new maga? zine, calied The Mmtitol Monthly, lately sturi" i m London. Mr. Chaiiei Francia Adaau will deliver an on the lav w. il. SewEfd i?cfuro th" L igtolEtnra oi New-York. H?dame Baehel? the faee-enamel'T. ia Lon? don, la one of iheoeflrletawhEEtaontol ptMout on a ti. lu-t-ol-lcave. Mi. Justin Aii.ltows, late f>f Th: BotttO lier? ai I, haa aol i hla tatereal m pay?t and rutn-od fioiu ,1 il? t' I.U.-.1I1 'J'he personal appearance of the BnglUb liang liiaii. (.to raft, la null to be quite heuovol. nt, Hj i?i uu amateui aanteaae. l.oi.l ?st. Leonarda, age 'v., is the oldest mem? ber of Queen Vletoria'a l'i?\> (.'.juih?:. Prlnooi-rthar, . .? ilio yoanai ?t. r.ayar?! Tuy^.r's new ponn will boar the title Of '" H W !l lie ],l III I.'.ll'loll t.y t?tlullPlll, end m liostoii by fil. .?.?ia. l-'n-lds, (??U'Hiil ?i Co. BoatOB enjoyed B sensation, last we.-k, in the simult in.o'is pnaonoe thee? af Mlaa Baail/ Falthfall, M ? Aiii ?iule Nellaon, ao i Mia? Aaaaa BtheL Tiie late. Mr. Cranston ot Newport left $75,000 for the ht'tit'tit of tho?.? poof i?? raoai la thai. ity, " who ni" t to hoaaat tj atoal .nia t,..o ?*?roii i lo bac." The old harher who for 10 many years oreu . iitt:e ahepofl t'.?" north of the sata of TaiEfla Bar, in i>"u ion, haa dlaappeart^d from hla place. Lineoln's iras.ihle old man iniist lu? ?till ax (.int. i.ii we read thai " Jamei Xyier, aajed i B, \?-.i? fined PA 1.1 int.y, in u C'lucuh'O court, for bentiux bin eou, agal no." A fealty pension of t*2'i,000 is paid by the Brlttah aattaa la i.'jr?! Bt. Leonarda? Lard Chalauler^ Lord w.-sti.ur>-, i, .ni (mh?, und Lord Heatherley. pa?t ? ii.ini ?iiiors of iho ?apare. The maihlf BtattM of (lie lata ?Stephen A. ?one-la.??, t?y Mr. V.ilk, was BETEd from the tnetlut t? - c.-ntly de.trored tho in in-iuu of tho late ex-Governor Matt? son of SpriUb'tip-ld, III. A niovement has been started among tho lawyers, it i.i ?aid, to raiso money for the deaghteN I I the lata i hicf-Jii?tiP't T.tnt'V, whn art: very BOOT? euruliiK their Urina ?h eopyiaU, In Baltimore? A man named Voshurg who, 2j years ago, broke ml.? tho Van BMBialaai tomh and leaked a MBfaa of BOEM Jew. I-, has rcently been ?a iitciired to ?tato Pnaon la -ffaaaafihiiBBtta. f.u nt?-.i:.:i0* dhunonda, Mention is made of tall Episcopal clergymen. The Rev. I>r. A. Viutou i* six loot UU. Tho Bat, Phllllpa Brook? is more than six feet. 'Hi- Bar. W. >'. Ki Vi. kar is al??? mure than six feet, .ml ht Wal_fhB Hi V IUB I-. Tiie late Lord Lytton left a wiittcn injunction that after death, or i.resumed death, hts body should bo allowed, for thr.-i?'1 i.?, I . li" untouched npou his bed, met then'l he examined by me lie?I men, who should certify that life was extinrt. Th.s obeyed. It appears to becoiisidiied a reinathahle fact that (Jen. Leslie Combs has taken a bath every BBBtEiEB /or twenty years. Wo ha*re BEBE theEtateBBQBl iuiiiiout forty newapaper?, la It an nnnanal thloE for a aentle ln.iu lo bathe 1 Do not all sensible and cleanly persons take baths in the morning 1 A lack of? weak submission to the inquiries of the police In Ht. I?ou.s appears to be attended with B8 nous consi-uuences of what Is t r.le 1 a 1'ruviibiitial character?for we read in a Si. Louis paper that M a wo? man ?a In? lefii-c.l to pf,tt tut inme to the p?lice fell down on rharlta at and broke her log." A Philadelphia papet gives a statement of the wealth of Philadelphia, editors: ChlWl.H ,.V0 ?I 1-on.rr. ! . M ?? M Ir-la-??!. 1.350,0 ?i ll?r'.'t,<. l,lev.0?0 Botltj k ll.a.11?. I.X'-p.>?? l'sirudk II Will?.... 1 Sli.uOO Ht??iti.glMI.OOl) Cue.;. i Muiti'.i. 1 WiiburWo.. 1 1 u ??i D?ilr. l ScLo'llaBliitl/.... I^,BM MR. COLFAX'S THII1LNE BBAIM. fTlie ft.I km. in i; ?pi? r.-C'i ved, too loui? after BBldnlght, for u?" in yeaterday*? laase :] To the Editor of The Tribune. Sin: My attention has been called to ?Mr. Kooker's statement in today's fBtBBBB on the su!?).-, t of lorui'i ownership of Tuihunk ?tuck (in 1->'.7,1 by Mr. C-ol fax. The faeff. wt-rn tin m : Mr. (ireelt-y had, on several ? us. ESBEBEaad a strotiK d'-slro U? seetiro more BtEangBh in ih" pEtttteeJ 0 putinent of IBB Tiiiiit'M , p.ully to oi? vent the ot ? ?neme, of so many lilundei? in hi-absence, mid to iill'oril him relief from many of I ho m..!.- iiiiiii'.iiHte earaa of the aafEr. Kmaiiv, I asketi lum to consider win. would be the in >-t il.-.irnnle ac-aai. ?It lea to Tns Tbibuee. ant he oa-aed If r. Oolfax, pro vl'lert he wtiul.l Im? willlni* to abundo,i public lire and de rot? hlmaall ?nttfoly to tha p?ikt. Mr. Ootfai ?.Id not then J? .id? a? to ? p. iiiiaii.-nt coini.-clion with Tin; Titint'SK. but hi- ttioiiL'lit well of it pi'ovi.l.-il In- coiii.i bec?,m? lalEIEBEad in th?. property. After further con? sult, iti?n ?\ith Mr. (IrcHb-y, I o_r.?reil to ?nil did filially a. ii TmiH aa -toen to Mr. Oetfax, [la l*;:], i.ut us h? wm then Ib Oonaioaa it wm taoEaht aeat not to tranafaru on tin- 1. >oks of th" As?,m i .(Ion till nu?-:i time as ho shoni.l beooflte Im-aettlalBly conin'cteti with the conduct of tin? tofer. Fei reaaona s.itis'actory hoik t.? Mr. (iroe b . and Mr. Colfax I afcrwarl repuietui-i-il the slock as -?,?t -.1 liv Mr. ( .lf?x in his leEtttBOnr. Ynii-, A"., ,V?u? York. Kel? IE? 1H73. Mamui-.l .sinclaib. THE Ul.sT TIML TU l'AY FOU COl'UUi'T LtUH LATIO.N. To the Editor of The Tribune. mit.C. In BaahBftM. ia his i?-,t i.m.-i t?, lilt limn SK, suy-t: ??'liio most sei ("us t liarle " is" Unal wo ha M, euiployeU corrupt ?Koncies to obtain Ic-pahi* tlon. It is c>ner?i!?ti( I heliev. , (lint we employed im su. h ui-'ici.? untu ufi??i we. had obtained all tha i.itiu.i w.-1 -v.-i hni ?,r d.?tui'.?d to h iv.." Hi? generally 1 ' ' - i?', i? I , piy a.t i tb? i i .. ooally u irk .. n ilouo, and lound it u. ? . f'b II if, CRUSHING? STOKKS'S HOPE. JUDGE noAUDMAN REFUSES A HEW TIMM.. AH Kl./MIOKATK 1?K.('ISK?N? TIIK PKIOOO_0 HK OOIVOI mu OOW1 yi ikti.y?Kviiitv 1.11,111 ? o ni'. maiiK 01 m* OLRJMmMBL. Tb? whole city WOO si.inewliiit (-\??ite?l, y?*-,f??r dny. over Hie decision of Judge l?oardinni?, denying tin inition fora new ttu.l In MBSBOeM MwoM 0. fMkO^ ami It was even where the pieviiilin : topli of c..ii\. t ?a tinti. The news, wlm h was unhniiii, I .1 by Stkigt tttgntt li.ini in tin? ?otirt room of the Owr and 'l'??<-r, was ,,i, tli,- bull. Ill) boards live liiii,ut??s later, ami (1 ,.(,,-,I all over I lie city. Tun following is SWBRM ? 'nMmnn's BBM ion m-.irly la full : ?IHK DK) ISP?. AfflMvttS of Juror.? are Bat admi-i',1') to imp-in h th. ir veidi t. Tin? sain?? ml'?, and f'T th.? sann? i.....ii, applies to atlialavitaot others MneMng .?1.?. lar.itnuis of juiors Mini,' MfMPH BpBB '-"' lii'il'Taftei tin tion ?af Unir v? ?rdicl. (Alitliot tin? ? cited.) Su, h pSfttBM .af tin? nffi'iints ?fed apon tils motten aa aie laeempe? t. nt ii'i'i? : Mesa mies ne ni.? t? ?1 (Mm cob liantlon. Tu-., manada ?>f obfeettoa bib Brped us t.. Jaren, First, tin! BBBss of Mejerarsbad IM.I andexaVeesedde? rided opinions us to Me eaaa hefbesMey nereswnm. Second, thai aome "f Me Jurera durinr the trial were guilty of auch miaeoadact aa eboeld reader roid their verdict. Upuu tho fliat ef Ihfsc i))>li,ts these Jurors, opontbelr examination und?sr challenge, dwlared thai tin <? Md formed nml ? tprc.i auch opinion??, bnl it the same lim ? Bsaerted tin ?r t" lief that thej ? on .1 render an im? partial Terilicl u-sording t" the evidence aubtnitl ?! i" th,m on the ti ? il, and thai un, b opt? Ion? would noi M ?i oi inflaen? t their ?. r in t. Bell? vine such auiement ? to i..' tin.' th.? v were allowed to become ph. is. Under Ms Act of Mny 3, ISTl, ebspter 4T6, thej were properly ae'.l. S i "i a?' eptaiit-it w as not an it t. . ill nit ? . II Wat ilirht and pi,.per, mil ss lint lei la in . oii-titu i tisa 'i leatl >n ol Isa fnllj presented by the hill of n eptioQi In MM esse, end I* avallabta to the prisoner on writ of en ,r. The att-tarlts here preaented >thlngtolhr objections m oh? on the trial to the competency of the Jurors referred to, They ?Imply tried to prove what was then lullj admitted il the queation in the end turna upon the con litutionality of the law ?a? i 72, which \',;,i ton i did upon tbetrtnl, and to which ruini.' tin? prMuMi boi nu available ex? ception. l ponto? "a',1 point tin? affidavit! ihow vla;ir Mi?. Toot, one M ti ? larora, vtalled iheGrand Central Hotel, II.? M?. II- ot the II".111. I le. tlltrilll.' til"? tll.ll; Ml. i ?. another Juror, lookeil at his own plat oU ?ml at i i in the window ol iBroadwaj itore, v ?it? refei bo . to the number of chambers to b ? an and determined; and that Mr. Bolles, a third tutor, waa Lilly nt ?? p ?per lu his hand, and ltd tn ?t as had it thai i? tin? ease as published in tia?? n? w? p i,>.a s. Wbil ? . 'i in ;.s w? re nni. i." t. the affidavits do not show any real or po Ible wi ,,, -, It doea not appear bow br nu\ \.Iblutr the mm "f llced ti," prisoner or affected Ihelr v.i.ii. : rr to Ht pi i .m i mn ?t '."? t.- ?l and establiabed, It i? t, ,1 soil, enl that it m >\ be Itn a- i' a?list.. i'. ; in Mich c i- ? tau. v ?oui i nlwayi real auspii toil - "i ?.i i "ti. t a a t a-nie er. ry verdi? i, how ever honest. I'.it tbe anida vita of the lurors implicated, iinil'? '.-, shew thai notbiae v??'? sen, ... done, or laid, that in any respect Influenced or modified their rerdlcl ,r judgment i? tbefaeta proved oa Mo trial. Bach evidence readli) ?...i a,in, any suspicion that mai be Juetl] ext^tod bj the unfurtun tie curioatt) "f the furors. In the ai>- nee ol injarj to tbe prisoner an Impt-upriotv on the pan "f Jurors will not Invalidate ihen rerdlcl. (Auti rated.) A* to Mr. Holies, not enough appear? t', >\ Its ,,',v well i'iuiii|?'?l .-u-p't ion "i wr.'iiir ot Injnry t., toe prisoner. What he read, where M i.-.d, bow mnob M t. id, whether right m wrong as ? t oui in the i',i>?r read, whether h ? Inflaenecd or not by what he i ., i, or, If influ? ???.I, whether i.? again?! the pi doea not app? ?,. n would i?>? Idle r ?. (real itu b evidence m lustifylnrthe graattng of a new Irtal i"t tue ihe Pii.saai. , ) i?, '?a i'!, ii ne -'t "r Inf in ai In bii '. l;. ni, uilowt i B , u l. During the trial the I'll -? ? n? r left IM ?.'nil 1....111 fa.t about five ntinutos darlua ?aa examination ol ? Yonne. The ? tin er In rbari ? ol Ihe pi Isoner n..lit be bad ti.?? consent ot tbs Court. In this be ii mistaken. It . rolnntarj act of tbe prisoner, without the knowl 1 :.',' m ?? m .nt of th. ("int .H- ,,f the ci. ut. '1 for the ition. lln absence waaknows i" kdaewaoonn? ?ai. It is not pretended thai the prisoner waa In i.?,t pi. in h ed by the occurrence. Il il nul ihown that the a . ? of S'otiin; was ca.nttiiV'i |. d by Other evidence, I,, 1,1, t ii was nut. iii.s wMIe ?vidence might be stricken out of Me ease without barm i" the n tion or benefit to ihe p., oner, lie knew n?talas ol the killing, and was simply called la prove Um prt 1 luft-4 upon the luqueat and the Id ntityol th? pistol and othci ir tides produced upon the trial. Tbe Identity ,.f the pistol with that used bj Stokes was conceded. It 11 lueiotod that suob absence waa an Irregularity fatal to the trial. It was aeeBBaary Mat toe prisoner should he pr?sent during Me trial, it was his rieht 1 1 to him for h,?, benefit. If he waa deprived of that right 1 would br . 1 But If that rieht Is given to blm sad Im lor a ill 0111 <- It t l.'.il 1 I Ih" ('" H .' Without It- 1, ll".? Ie.ii.-e m? tbe knowledge of tbe proaecution foi a teuiptwat) par? ti .-? . .?s m this, 11 would t* .in thai 1 in? p.itMtance nf th?? law would be sacrificed t?, Its atoados to nul I ,t 1 rror, enii lally when then la nol tbe alight* t evidence to believe or even suspect that be was banned by the pro? ceedings hud In bis absence. Counsel will cure moal : ,t ion .I,, The question presented I* not whether tbs prisooM was deprived ?i a?ubstantial 1,Klit. Tlnit Ciiniiat lie ?laiiinil. llul oyhas OWU voliiu ii,? act, ??? itia 1 in? )>'."w ledge ami eonaeal ol 1. 1 counsel, a 11'I I'V Ills 11 W i, la 1,11, III 1 It-all? ' all 1 ' r. .'a,I 1 I, I , allai llalli? seek* to benefit thereby. To recognise such a principle would bea premium upon wrong-doing, especiallj ma ease b here tin' pi Isoner lu lufleroU no injury, has In in? la tap? ' t li.-cn prejudiced. r?uh?t itniallv :?iid Within the Spirit ol tin? lai\ Ihe. pil-aaaiicr was pies? nt dm lag tlai.-> tual. 'lue absence of the Judge tt lOC for a1".ut 11 -.-. ? lunnit";, while counsel for the proaecution wai summing up to ih" jury, ta also urged aa an irreirularlty. Nooomplalut la matts that anything impropci oocurred durina auch absence, that any thiua-ehjeetiouable wa Mid or ?ban., ??r thai the pii-nn.i- waa in any reapeel prelmlloed thereby. The openlmrspebcbof counsel f,.r the ptoeeentton Is sin:.,', tel a.s ii i ??? and iniprojH'i and a ground fui a new tual. A. reading of that pari m forth in tbi atflda vit furnUbes but wesk (itmnd for the irazgcstitm. 11 remaiks ,.f counsel ai'? objeolionabm, it W4mld M well for ?;ouii.-ci to make their objection! at tin time. The Court baa reaponalbilltlea enough without being called upon to object to tMltneol argument which ettanlel m i.v ch.Hi-c t , indolgs In,unless it i. grooialyonl a,( character. Ibe opening remariuwen Dot of that I ed. It would l?? a-kitiL'loa) muchto Ml Bald? ??rant .1 BOW tual u|>?>u IM protease U...I tbe a,;,, 1,111?; a,f el for ih.' nrosecuUon wss an irreralaritj tobe establtohed by affidavits. Itis B4>tanln irulatity, bow ever, obi"! tun. mil in 101 in. i"it 1 ? .1 ,,1 objection aud exception m hue maimcr with auy other praceod li'.-s 111 tin- trial. opoatbe trial the evldenee el Ma prMansi landed to prove tiiii i.-k, tia-? deceased, came np the stairs to ward Hi' pu mer with a pi tollnhli bands, and thai the prisnii'i ithot l'i -k in s ill at. reuse, .?- 1, i,,i witnesses were callad to show 1 hal l'i-k 1 at mal a plalol, that su h a pistols? in? 1 iiin-'i was nicked up on the itatrway m h where in? fell, sad v?..,s berried away. XM nib laril of Mar] Beaasbowaalh . coax enl of tho entra. d""r aft"r Rolng in, take ? pistol oui of his pocket, c" i,,, k Into Ma itainray entra cc.andaooa after aim beard two pistol .shot-, she beius U luiontbe entrance to tbe atalrway, Upon tbla affhlavtl a new trial 1- naked upon the u'routui of newly dtsoovered evldei. luis ci 11, inc. m. ?ar a?. 11 extends ta. 1 lUbllah s? -11 -?la ? fi ?: ', is 1 umulstlve, and adds nothing to wl il waa t? tinea to upon tbe trtsL Beyond that, mi rss IM affi? davit ohows, Mib. Bean ?????s net see lb. partira when the Bring tak' s pin e, ??im?, nol know then relativ? p. nlUoo , doea let tee Btokei at all, ?lues Bet know wbal Fisi< was Ootag a inn Btaksa Irada '|or Bap facts lms>ed!ately a, - compaayloa the flriag eharaeterltlng t h.- motive Bod purpose, ft is not, therefore, so material as to fnrnisb just irr ?md for bellst ing Mat l' would utt.?, t the result. i in-lilil? of defendant to more tor a nea ?rial In tin? court after rerdlcl and aentene? upon the IrreguUrttlea alleged will not M ooaaaflered, far tin* reaaon Mat tbe conclusi?n reached apon the m, riu ?,t toe notion 1, oiler it unnecessary. The defendanl -?m noi be prejudiced ),y any neatest to decid?- that point, it the Bu pre nie ? ..?at 1 win hear tola mat lei? by wa> of 11 ivfc a of this de ? i.sion or u^ an ind, pendent questltm, toe d? fendant ? an again presentti Mere. Mat if this mettes has Mea ii.'iuiuii.v heuid, and the ?I M?Ltiou b,? 11,.,i and conclu? sive, ao far as nu nul h itn - ni 1 concerned, ,- ?. ^ui> mltted with tbe confident latllel that then uli ,- fairly due lo MB law ami Ma fait.- la the case. Ihe uijiiuu for u new tuai lu ihercloic MnlOtl. Tilt SLWS Dl 11111 TOMIis. Tills de ??ii.ui of Ju.Ik'c Ibaai'luiaii ha.? 1. , i, hyp? ex? pect? ?1 ami fall? with only a dull blow. TariOM ions am ? xpr? ns.?d w ttli r? ?,-ard to tlicjttttl. cof it. loAgf lloardman's mettrai (varywhere rafalla th, m- t cordial ouppoit und BpfBObOtMa. Hom?.-, a, t?.t0k< -'b ? .1,1, , I foi m t.?nci?, think that his point?. ,ir, m,f (iH ,,f them tennhle, and that BBBBBbSip else ?mil iH. tp-f-pj ?],,, will readily u.i\v tin- prisouei .-.? relief. A Tiuiunk BBBBtMr called at th. fBmM BBM aft? r the dcciMun had been aiiinaiinccd, but found it impossible to bee .?stokes without a iKiinit fioin,ir ??,,? l?stralas! MMB-seaaMoMMMnetionacj b* tMlaform at ion thai ttseneo Mofcea bnO Jpat iron?? la to Meek IM Md tBtlngB to brother, and (?.at (lie latter WOUld on?: else, hiibsciiuoiiily Ilota. ? Btokei VBaBMl Ifl tbo otii, a ,.r Mr.TbwBsend fMokee'aeonna 1) aa : am itlonsd ns dcib uteiy ns po-it)iy about Ms oondemaed brother, lie Raid : " My lindher hn- de? ldc?l to follow the udvi.?< of his (?onnsi-l.und keep til- Opa elOBBd n? ri ,ti, , ?? Wtom llora?-?? btokM and Mr. Townsend the reportai learned Ibatfitok. received with calmness th? iut< liicem-e that tins prop bad | iv, n war. and thai he whs ,,?,, nnil l|lll(.ti iniiii?feHiinK very litile ?,i Ma nervousness winch i? so proiuiueiil a ? 'baraclciutii: ol hi? t<i_ai>. rameal Mr. Townsend, la ipesklng of tbe decistoi -aid that it wasbpno iiieniis anezpeetod, as thej Mil base?lno bojM'Sou Jinl^e, ami Ini'l prepared -M,,!,,.. foi IM worst, Mi. Townsend charaeteriz.d Ju?lKe Hoard nia:.'., d?lai as aaoslled loi ami thouKi,ti.??s |? , 0n-id eratio'i of tbs i.i i?f time left tor tin? couua I to work lu Bald Mr.Townsend: \?oriiiu. " itn? only hop,? we had of s favorable de<*ltion was raised t.v Judas lioarduiaii'H retention of th,. ii?i?'rs forw?! thoiitilit nurely he would hav.? ?,,,u ?. ......n' prompt in a inatbr ..f hie and ?It-atb like ti.n, _,?i w. ?Ij ihiiik, ao Iouk as he ii.iai determined to .1.. ,,|,.' ,..,,?_? u?), (hat no iniulit havea.ild in. Is-for? I.uplott d that elaborate opinion. As it is, we must no? wait foi Judge Davis, opinion and decision, for he has waited ol '.se.torJudge Boardinau before be decided the inotiou to stay.1' wiiAi ?an i, in. 0000. " lint what will you now ?1>, 1 " in-ked the repan t. i Mr. -Owaaaad IfeeanUimH im Imtgt BnrM'sdacl Mm, ami if it tie adverse. ??, shall Bpplj ?,, mh.i JuiiCi- . of whom ?are. win i ? .?o Un. VnnMllfOMM llallllV as wa? I ill. " " Voti bava 14 days to waalk 111." "Wo have only la working ?taye. Hut UitjaaUmc wo ?tiNll ?viek relief from Ih? (?overtmr. I sh? I tnvsel up to-uio.row to im? Juilg?' Moar.luuiii. who Mill, pntty confidant, glv- me tt lotU-r lo li'.v I"* re? nieiidlugH respite until w? can h? heard I. loi" i lie oral Tenu lu March. This I shall at ouoo lay ln-f?ir?' (?ov.-nior." ... , ,, ?? .Mol ron feel a*?ured thfit you will !.. si" " I fo.,i pretty c.?nll<t<*?ut. hIHioiikIi e?arytniii - i? tu ful. At nil errata, uinim? fugit, yon know Iwuaaol fill lllillel, mu? we ar.- -roiiiK* lo ?In our beat. Mr. T.Mi.-.'ii i ii.i'i.'d .. ?""i ""'"il tb? decision, ?si th it there whs donM whether it eonld be rertewea, if it wiu i??r?n.i" toil?, that, i'" y were -iti -n.-.i ton) jMiints which .Iu.1t> Boanlman oat de-clilea aga lll.nil oil the ?round that th. V Wire Hot .lllll-il." 'In a,, nnLdit non h and thai lb? appellate I "urt wool il?-, ni.-. ,\k t.. ti,. i-f.-i.-ii".' in the declalon to tha Ml? ni? i y nb-, lo . "I the piisonel.wllleli Jud?t? ISo m in ?ay? wa? rolan) m, the i oiib* i ?aid it waa bo) the ..ill""? had charge of theprlaoaet and hadaal p . allow I.It" lo go ?I'll. Jiutge liavls iiiionned the repr. -sent.ill v.-? of the |>t ipil,? v. -it rda* ..ti' iiiooii, thai le- would do) glr? bh t uioi. ih -i Bight, it ?? hi prooably be gtroB o il to -i ////: t 'orins. JUSTICE UNDER Mi us. /IN rVCI LIU-TOM I'll- ?V V IN .Ml i:i?u: <lst Ai Ott a~tat.Bg to aiotfcBia far aaw triala i a i it - "f ? IffBf In- bOOB diawn I'V l.-eor.ler Haiitett, Will Ik* seul lo III.' la 1:1 l.itille Wllh I request fol !?? ve A? it .ippbei oiilv to Mils city III.? proi'-p I t-lieves thill- it will m?-, f WttE no o|.position from in beta from other ooEBttna n difl-fi Beat bB b( ).:.'i... upo-i-., tt-1? latwa a limit !?> delay m Banderea by oiitniipii.'.' op.liions befara ?EEtenee ia>'vHtbe. ' net is as follow? ! An Ai t fflallv t ? ? . ? f. ? t.?. trii'? or rrt-m ?a i it? ul . rrar . p>>u ...ip... tp.iip? m tl.r I i.iirt - 1 . -i J I- - i . . ? '. il til ?fl mi tin- l'r?r. . In ?i .1 I.a I Mat) ,,f Nrw York, mil tn i l?-r it. Um l a.-i-t -.1 Appeed Ike pi... - liprr .i??.ti ?u, h wriu. of? , t prtmmm ... >-,i-tt> '..-/ .i? big, ?? rn i ?' ai i ?' "" - . i.if .-..i.r ?if ? ini?r?n.!i|"'t ri.ieniltt. -1 j.. .at ji.-i.t 'i m.- .r bh i. p n.i lantlo. ful i ii" w trill ?lull Is* 'i t.iii't! h. . - Irninitrr uf 111?- i mW M or Um Court ol (i I of t I ?? in iii'l f..i ' ' ? ' ??? ILi-'-'ifl'llt' ?r ?urtl 11? T tlt.l, It llllll I)? fi.UI 'l| m all I I lu.P tact, ?.til i ; _ . ? ? r'"'t?in?-t). fir (.'. ?'?;.* .?... wot -.i i :. t t.. r. i?t? in? j-dfaic.1 .iiM.n ..uf r..n?ir t;?.... et ,,( .1?. r . i IJ ' ..r Ibf Court of (irn> t ? ? . .?? ? lu. .. r'. , -pi- il 1 -rtfil light ?ti.l o ? ? ' Y't, li' off ?Inl| t??iir ?, . ., pii;..?.-.| t., ? .1 , ? . - I Pli-Il piprvn,.; ('...i.'t i.t , | J p. jat .. t.h ; ' ? I ?ene* tuiy n l'ai m?? i?-ur ?nu ?,r ?ii' -t,T i.f |,r .-.- i m. Il II." lls.t'of | ? -, ?..I ?rit, u ? |.t -. t. n ..el. r -I l>; ?urb JtMft i.l >ll..?.rl, .1. Phrr ? "r will..ot ?t.? . .t,. p. >?rt -I. il t.. rrmrni ?Ira, il? t.. il..- ? ?? . ? ?et i?f rtlum ..... 1 t.. r- ni JllU.-tll- t. ? Ol tl.r- S|||.,- I. r l'.iuil ?' l.r-p P,| f. t.l, t.," | ' tlir ( It, ?ill l ..lint . ?.f ,Sr I Vi.rk. ? pli I ' . V ' ? V.r ?p.ll.l unir?? a ?rttlra iu.1 .luit ?i?r ?, J ?ninn lu .lin ifU . i?.pt 'li.i ' ? 1 . at Ja 1 , j II a- ('. ?. ' ...p' Ol ?... I U I i ' t .?inn, ..?.' ... .1. .11 Im rrt?ii ? .. , . a. , 1 lamm '"I '-'?4oui? ?n. h writ ,.l ? to I.? n. ?-1 ..t \\, . ,!?. ),? or li ? r..!, . ri -I. ..I . m? 'hi O lar,Iljl ni ? V'ir.i? ..n ..r ' ? ;'..rr tli? "r ,ili .1,? ?n. ii'? the-?** epoe ?hick lb? writ ? Al ?..j I -. Kew-Tort, tn.j m.?-. . ni t.>.'tla r x.t!i ?. p.- ref tltUi lu* I? ??" n i-lr I . -, if (lac ? - Il Ixt i .11? ? i . r vr t?. i ?' . .1. i '? I . . r ..f ?r t o' . r of 'il tli- t '"lit tu .i ?.,. ? - !..- ?tr ,,..t ... i,_,.i (ci,'?., may Atetir t??a Min? ..u ?h- r ?.?m i. -., : " ....r v?,?- ?' ?hV, u). m tu. ? f.iit-p. rt entrer, irti.ln , ; -rifeje?f-M ? i n . t .;? -.. t.... ...i. rin? iii| ? ? . t eolio ira*, r,.- pt tlltt ? f lu til Li?t d-STrt. 111"... 'Il ?' p ?. Wtl 111 ..r ?,.., ?n. i. f.-?? lielaW fli? U-trr-? o? h? ..t mi .' i nt Ih- l.r ? . ? . ! If t (..m'" - a.r tiiari!.-r pu tLe lir.t ? t.r- up.ia t r- ?riltial tliat tl.r ,.,,, i irr l.p rti.ilf ..II? t.rll.t UIMin t I ? .' a- i. wh .t Jrp?rr-u w?rr?nt l.v lb, '? ' | ? .11 itura ?l.r rr.DTirlMiti ..? ? prr,,,ri utl'lrr ?rntrnrr ?f ilr?l ? ' . M- ! ? .-I...U/ t li." rU.l -'Dl'tlCO il ? '?? l - ! t! ?? ?ni .. u.t a'p.ll. || m? ut ' ' ? bel >???. m ai ?'!? the ? >??? h"!, tu .rttitr h? ),,:,? ?.,.-. la?l i.ji-i'.l ( mirl. bf an ortlrr to I.?? ? Icml II t p.rrtiiio? .tit. lad il., r. a;...rj t.. ' . .i ut iulrr ni tlir fir-t .l.airrr, wiib Ute m . | . - | - i |...i. ? a? .-..-.? i. tp,. , t, ',, . - ? ! l??t ii.i.i. .1 r..nrl f..r j-Hlp-mrrt' aom I ..f irr it, t . I ibr bims tu tb? rou b, foi p.m ma b? i ? a.' i.f tl ? ilt.U . 10 th.' - h r t i tr. Bac. 1 It ?lull i...- I - i.r..-..r -.. V-- ".-..?? ',. t il ? ..r jmti . I r ' .?f . . .... I ..IIP. ,.!' Ap|i. .1? .pO. . . . or lu? ulthi m. Lut III. .?nil.- t.l.,1 U' lal.n t ,r |.r. - p.. . 1 ?aj?! ? -.11.. 1 Ail ?rt. ?.. pari, ?al ..-tain raiiflirl ? il P.. ..r in.?.??i?trnt wpl .1.. ,.r..>.?.oii? ,.i t.i? ...I, ., ?.;, .1. I. lait n,- pi a. p. ?? Il t". | t..v >i.. ? .a tl, ,rt. i.l II?, r.-. n1 ?t nt; rrn.r nui tlir | r. ?? ? ..... t... tr.if, lo rnuiml mmt, abul ce ? I ?lall tikr ?ff.rt ?mmrllilelj'. sc.wnt.i.i/s cunir lill. JUBT-BOX lll.l.l.l.. DeapitC t In- tlillictilly (il litiilinj,' i?|?ini.iiil?-s 111? Il 111 tl 11 III!. Ill a ,lt t lilIIIIHIIlllV, H 111.11, H. 11>1>< > -,? ? 1 t |s,?i?e.?t. tue Illo^t |.lp| lu ()f niiuil?, lia,.- it list been il: Bavai ?i mili i'iou.,iit forth tram BeaeeadaBBal t., a r?a ? viol ? m u..- triai ..r .leim IWiannoB. TBa BBMEEdlaBi y ?t.iilav, bata | the i .i?lif m., n w i-, ?sited wen? t? .hou III the ext!' in,-, ?ave loi one incident Bl LT> .it H?tele?! This w pin im inten iipi i .n by*.- ln;'iali.itn, win. ciiin in al noon and auuoiii aed lOAmBA ll'iarduiau's d. c,->io,i p; tin- ntokes i pi-.-. J'.liii M. Moil'.tif. a -p u!|iror, til . ? v ? m fur Ba iinprri BioU on tin trier? they foiintl liiiu I'oinpi'tciit, bit tb- proaecBttoB ebatleagedaim M-i.-inptoiiiy. Cbarioi ii. BeBtiaaer, be Bpfcolatetar of Bo. Ill Ttnr.i ave., ad Butted leadlnjg tu reporta of the itoettaa ia iBo aewi papera, bol added tba exp-anatloa that Ba aavarba in...! aajrtltlEB ii?- i .ol la iBe Eewspaners, ntwimi ti.'-i"' Wei noil u laughter. Ia fact be beltarad taaatti lag Ba read aatU ha had proof of It, Mr. Beaeh'aqaai llosa i in iti-ii only Bagattre inawen, whlehweiatetlM nut haheleagad tosopoUtb ?i put) ..rtint?,ami m ver ivas In John J. liradlcv's .st.ilties. He thOEghl ba knew- the pii?o:ier 1?> spoilt. Mr. EtESeB it"' c-pletl this, but Mr. I'lt'lps i li.tllen.-eil bun p.reniptoi ily. Tbo tw.-lfl'i luror wa? found in t!pe t.. r?on of Heart B. alack, a olotBBr. ol Bo. WWaat rurt] sixih-.?t. IL- ?u? p. worn in, iiinl th. D.sli nt-Altoi ? n'-) moved for an adjournment for the <t.i>. and aube? quentlj Inonlred II there waa any rentleman of the pu ?? v. im oiiji?. t'.-.i ?... -it on Saturday. Mr. Dreyfua, tba t".r" ?uni that he would ?ike t?. in? i-x.ii?? .1. and the (_a.ui : areordlDsly adiournod until M.lay. The ji.iv wrre allowed to go lo their borne?, after a rauttoo from Jadge llnoly not toread the n. w -p.ip.-i s, nor to talk piIhiuI the eaaeeroB with their ftinifilea. At therequoatol Mi. i;..o u, .lu.lire Brady aaked that tbe newspaper? would r. ii.iin from maklogcomment?ontheeaae until the irl ii w a? eii'l.-ii. The goneral Lmpraaaloa i s rrrj tarai..i>i?-1.? tl.e Sf,min II jury, who arc all IntolllgBBt loolaiua,- in.-n. Their nun. ? arc : !. Hainni-1 I>r. vfus, a ref ircd nier.-hanf, of No. l'.l Ivnt Kilti-Ilfih-.-t. ? l. Jaiiie? M. (^iiiKley, na iniiiiie?,?. of N". .,^\w?^t Kifi??'iiih-t. ; .t. .laines c. Well?, men*bant. of No. va Weat Thlrtr-eighth-n. ; i. Dartd D. Nile, s,l..? Iinin, of No. Is Walkt i -t ; I. .lohn .!. lira-.-u*. fruit dealai , ol No. 'Jl 11, ?tiror-,"s;.-t. ; C. Allen B. Terry, . lt;ilf. of No. -t I'w? iit,-nlnlli st. ; 7. 'i'ln-o.lor?? K. Stinllcy, m.-r? chant, of No. M r.ula-pl.iee ; U, <><?"? l? Bmlth, watch? maker, of Ko. i.*> East Thlrtj etgbth-at.; ?. Henry Brew ol!, printer, of No. mi Weat Thiitv fouith?at, : IB .lam. -, i:. I.inii.iial, merchant, ol No. UBouthat.; 11. John I.. Slllliitl tine. I.iw .?indent, Of Ho. W West N lue|. eut h si. U ll.iiry t. Black, clothier, of Ho.? Weal ?tartj ?ixth ?t Tin: 1UHSL BVATI 0?4fR Judge linar rc.siiiiiiil his ari,'iiiiuiit jtOUTUBJ for the j'laintiff in the Jumcl estate case, nud in tho eaaiM al ins rMaarki 1..1 ins aUeal to a seat m front ot the jui'i -box, and laklm,' a liken. H of Mine. Juni.-I in In? I ia ud, attempted to ira. p a n?. in 1.1.una- between Ihn twofaeee,eepeeiallj whes Bowena-Blled? Jadgc Haar-erotad eoaatderahh mue- t?? las "Klag lit my booli," Bad I ont.'ii.i? d tlut there wiie n.. ?ii? picious ciifiiuiot.tuc. ?? a tt ending ita dlaaan tp -, ami thai tin- rccoril in It ot liowen'.? l.irth was WI It IBB by M i,..t H.tll. hi-? r. pul? .1 f.iKn i. Many of the t>l.iiiiti*l'* wit iii'-.?i's were very old jM-opl"', und it was laitlftrt. fli.-t? !. n- that they were not worth; <>f erod-1 wbea testify? liii- to Ihlliiis which m', iirred diirlnir their earliiT > t ai ? ; but, aoeonling to tha theorleaof allataadard lalslM-tual p-Uloaophlca, elderly perauna reoolleol witb k"'ji.!i tm. tn??? a hat tu currad m Iln-lr youth. After the n.?<????, Juilafe Uour said that Mr, liowen ?lid not ill-sue to rc.(.\.r any portion ol the Juinel eetEte nureli.isc.l by tin? . it.; nor any Of tin- m nicy lett b) Mm.-. Jiiiin I to the Joneaea multo charitable, loatltu tioiir. Mr. H.'-.en, h.- added, would make, if desired, a w litten ?tlpulatlOB to Ihat ?'II." t. Mi. i ?'Conor lailJihcU ?Ici.-ivt ly at thii .stuteuieiif, nud opened hi? repli by paying s tribute to Judge Hoai int. (ii Hj ami abiltly, ?nil referring to tin? ?spertoritj ot .i "atraek in..' u.? than daaa-BiEd al lengtbtb? manner m which the < .?ut<- h id tuen luherited, ? l_d-_od that Mme. Jtrmer?remark? during bei ..ilf,-.-.1 insane period sho'ii.i not be ragar?ad a? raBeettne ?.pit.ion? int. i uni?-.1 m oi oaiiity. and uoeaptod tin r? i ol th. afternoon .-. ??Ion In dlacuailni* Chase? heretofore explained documentary title to tbe jumei tetutu, ("ill MINAI. NOT!:." In ilic Comt of General HiebIojib. Pari II, realer* Si? h? Sotlir.l.l.l C.lf Jn.lfr. n, ? mm ?? Ell4-.ll K.-rn,-i clillfrt ?lib ?i'aa-l .il.-u?. I ?""< pruMa/.i ?II lut-r.-l-J.tarph I?ii.t. le-ieli ??I titfi, re?lnailnj _*" wtell ...chirle, t-ii,. prill litr-rnt, ?it mi.p-tli? I?.?11 Heel? ????nit it,.I bel lerr. 1 il? Cum lo ?1???_In ihr. earn at Jereenek t ,,fcf, ?ml. Ih? ..I 1'rUr.i.i., 1 ? p'.U lur bur.lii/ m Hi? thirl decree, .Ur Uni ??? "lurturr??! ,. .Oil,In BeM?l f\m?ma ?uiIit ta ???toit ?til l.?t.rprlnl ou ?? ?ir_.r?l lu ?ii Ihr r??ll? Mitktri, ? ??o iMi i..(. Ui etbaee, r. r.,.?i , I.a. .. I In the Court of Ucnen.1 tkeaioug. Pari I., before Err ,pl.-r llarkrtf. Iirhn W?H.rr ?.? ?rnt In Ihr St?t-I'ri. yrmn l..r ?n ii'rmi'i it ?raal larc-if free? Ui?- |M-n<.-i 11,.. ircUl lu.?.;, C?i?iicuU?rr t m"*Vrt,,,t*\tm\** ?V?wte. n-i-ll eiui tmmmem asaasa bM OBbm o, t? bota? h,?., hi ,? ? rn?.ii ?> r??.? ("has?.-?? tltminr, ?so in'l'?-tn>?n?S. <-?.n?aS??st ..( ssssnlt aTith sSsaaar ?<s*.?s|>on wuh int.??? u.l? aWlllr bins. SU??-I't vai. * i'sr? . Mil l.(Ma??.!?lh?l. l?.la<t?.l ItM r??'?,?!???..)'?? ?O..!., -?.BB..?.|l4<?.l ..Ma,?, i Ko??n?r. r.slab- f?, sil M*ti."l MfNtall/. |ta?J laiMf,??? ?D?l au-1 S' ,Jiii,t'''l ^^^ niiooioo tan oav ?siTitn Stars? Iixtkkt Os*aT._ls Hinlmpter. ->! Iff Calta Kir. .TIs Chromo Ntssl I ,,. ((I.,th .t si ??> '.'? ?is.?.?. Il'l a,f, ,a,l, ?? iviaiiia,, iji.rt.c i. Mirer - 1 iso, Jon??. . .?II ?i<t Kill?. . bu el ?\. ?ft. Cirre?. ? tgi 'K ;nrn. Jt.'7..llir- I, a t t.i,. ril ?? ' ' BM, Vl|,:t,. i.t ,1 ,;l W" .1 J>tbl..V?iii\ni b.f.i ?*t Ib I.'. i a- . Us htiasrti .'t si Ift f. 7... .'Im '? .1 a.? B lass? "'I ".i. kmio 4tt. Il'il.iss'l. IS.I ll?i?sa?l,bi?4??-|l?(t. lion ,? ' , I, S|<1 I oho. n. el il. MM (l|i|i*nh'lm*r ?(?. Rnl?i>. ? ire. .P"i'? ? * K.Iri i". Ian? .s e- si. agi. ?.?aaslli'i HaO.sWllllSH I ?ft. Wost??.:'l .a | .??. I tO'lllaaa. .??3..Litlln??-n ?|t. H.rV, I .1, jun,"il Ctltnti ?r. I-JO..Intbi matt. r..f Jaa. (,. gang. Mt..Tl?aMUt? tt?, ? ?ni sa>> lailK. I,. Al'l'.IIJ- ?l,,|-<t Kill II III? I' ?:!?'? ?| ?f Awash? tat mlniu tot Feb it-. Ho*, in MB, M Il I, ?a*a. ^^__^____________ 4 ITY BOf-UtinUITT. ft.itir.l ol Aldermen. Obsnisi 1 Muni aaaaM raeiweav BM II MM Pitsrat?Baa. 8. i;. Ii. Vasca Pa ? i?-.?, .>s llschair.aaia i> B Ol Hilt, FKTITI'.SI BtiriKRRO OT Martin B. Bruira, fur i,ty Ur pnulmij f-r ihi IIo?rJ of Al:*ra?a Tohavt (>D<-I,,.ti.lri?<l ?ml twenty src'iuJ??( , brt?e?a Boulerard tul salina.. * -s .i BaasMTisBi aaraaaaBi TI, ?? th? bon? ? aa? .?ii'li i,? '-???und atil Thirl? |..srili??ta , b'. ii?iob?r?'l r.,n?inu'.ia Ij k::1? IM raen'??? o? lli. >??,t dm "I llrosalsistr. 'l"h ? 11 ? ???' a .? utli-it., from t.? I. a?? ??i th? North Rlri-r. I he Situ ?I?, rla-.t.. fr.iin Thinl ir.' ' inat trti'.el th? (-urt> at, I |att?f ' ? .!?? lerfed. That r?:-,ilst?.l atvl g: I. ?ionei ft, ?at III* a?lcwalki Buns. ti ir?. to Ma Rad Pater, h* re-ni!?:?I ?II.I i-r ? ???.. ?II ! Ida " 'la-lt a!kl II That ?iiitiiiiaiiii.t., iniiii i'lnnl ar? t., tu? tait Hirer, bo r't;ulat?l ?I,'I k'r.lali 'I til Tint Hetraatisth ?t. from I'hirl ??>?. lo ti.? Baal K ?. teil %t.< t?a?, ?i,l''wslkf Da Thal ii.,1.1 <t.. fr an r.-n.kf.ait-at. tt JlsiJtat?Di', M puc-J ?nil Bet gUti or granite t,l<yt pit TbAl tyram st , fr ?tu (i ,1! ?t. ?o Prliitiu??IIotiJf-?qiure, be parc?! w.tb - malt! tl'.ek pnT Ilut Jirol.-M., (row " , from Ken; to Frankfort-eL. b? pareil ?lib Belgian or i ? i ?ni in?-luiio| Peck iltp, b?; par?! ??th B ? ? r ' i . i r a . ? . b? ftrel arttl ,? !? I,l.,a-k pait.-uient. ? It on the uortli?j?t corner of Tw?iitr-tliir'l??t ?*> t 1 'Id Tin! s iwairiaf b??i- s 111. .?t tb? loiitb eut corner of Tw air-third it. ?ni Thirteenth ... Bitertar-efe. 'Uni th? r?pr??-*?t?tiT. i aaftli- ' "'< rWiiA t? th. <???itte ?nJ Aavanbl? aaf tbn.Stat.: h? o . ? the t?l??ige of a l?w to h) - .?. . i,t. ?aritb at tes pav. me ? WJ/i ?u Ihi? dir, heretofore lai I ?nth w.Khlta or conireto parement?, tatn a.v^it. Tb?t the (attaa ...laie I alas- .ml lu?a. Iraaiil tilt, .1 ,.i ?' ?hirt.-ail'li .1 , ?Liclilia? '? cl .*?! I .- ? '. ?I il. I tur?. Bi-n-'iiiTs i ai r? oxm. Thit itr.-?t limpi I.? li^ht. ? u Seieol ' '. --tar?, to .4..??.,. .4 lint rarst? ??Tonlst. (rom tiros tsTJ. t . l'.fl'i 4.?.. an 1 fn.?n N l'h nt?. ta Ma Barth Hirer, lia aatai *,'h fi?!;un ?r frasiM b That I . .? I. th.?. nrli .n 1 ?? .m '-'.'?"?? ..-t, ?u.l ?h? a..!???? ? ?T" , lu- r- r, Ou? t..a-i'ir. 1 -iitw?;i- .. t? .1 , fr.,m l'iti', ?s?, t > Mar.hitt-iti ? I I, ? r '?inlili.1 jbI |(lil.'.|, dit ' '.il? ?u t ipitir: ? I Walk, l . I bat Ose am Ir.-' tad Ihlrtr-a I ' ' . I ? i ?va., M r.-rulat'.l ?ut gri.l.-t. tie i Hab ?ni . ? | I sixth to ? '? tad-alt ? : .ni grail?!, the cu,i. an 1 faltar ?ton?? ?i,oat t. lidevalksla lint m , .''??-??'. F .t R r?r, - f ..., lb.r-1 ? lib ..?, SOftb -l'e ol Ka.ri. ?thir.i-al., b?l?e. . i """r??i. i i. ?? '? . ? .? ? .t. fraira AT?!)','? I .'.,(? ?u l'Un! lu I ?.fila-ST?;., curb anl (tilttr - iu?t u? .?o* TMK n ? -i*?r Ai.nKR?r?( HursitRf.a. 1: ? ? ? tu lai'irtli are. I. . . i - I i .-', ta I r tb-tr? f aani i bat U'aalultoD to la. Cr" lint uintb it. fro ? K.fiii I? . a.??. ? m t.. tng-tiklu, Vc , Y. ?'e. -, '-??:,! ?t. fi "?n I! ai-rirl ti lii-4 K.r.r H . ?. ? .la.t .o (..r ?j.;.? "a f/i.air?, al " .,-. I -ni? A. , . , 1, Afaaaa a. lt??',luiaon to Is. rroaawilk? in Fir.t t.?*.. at Oae In:?. lb at. BBBBBSI BBBBBI AM That th? (' mni-??a,,i. r .1 I'., ? O'orl* ba satbarist4 Mtsl s ..i. af r? i ?a?, . I Hal., anal til up tic a,?. i lut the vt. .nt ' .*? ?, i '..?f ?, . I a at Si?t.? fa.irth it . Vt?r??ti Fourth a,..l liiihar??. t MThaltl '? of fiiitf f,iuth at., b?t?e?a lhir-l an I tin if ? ? - ?? I in. ? ai. t .? K.ra?. to tao Si I ; wiilth. ? . fraan? th? P.rtt it?, to Af")?ie I ? be aoi j:.1 tho oiJ>.' ralba . i . , ? a I ?iiith. - n ? i I..'.pi I" ity-fcaith M, trota Fifibar*. to a llic Third ?re. be pare! . ?i? at. That ? crosawalk b? Lacl ?rros? Ki.t Kourt??ntli-..t., opposit? to No. ..II. t-?l a ta?r BIWl la? i?r??-?.| . ' ' ? ' .n lh?w?"t?M? at BrsaSnr, ialha ?bMlaal lha blocb ?.."???n Y11 n.'.ali tt . I'll ?t th? .?,|?iralka on th? north Ota of Poor(??nth??t.. betwc?n First ???. anl S?'. ?.? , l?? tia<??l i ill ?, a That Kir-at-iT,... (r un llaiai.t..', ??.. ta I ? ,? . , th? rail trat-ki). ho p?r.-l . k pav?,n?ni. i'hat .itrci't Ismjij ha llahtad I, l"uit a !?). !>?? (w??n Ou? huu a?,I 0.?bii:.i a.aa aa '1 hat atr.-?t limp? l?e l.;lit .1 u BUI "?S tta-at., froia Kiifhtbarc. to tb? MalaaasSa lin. l.s the f.illowinr rot?: SOlMBllr??TM l'i?aat?',t, t't.ri.a. t: ? ? - | Hi?i,n. K. r. ^.l '.. i. aaj , MeCaBcrtr, Mosbaliaw ?Ja.rlfr. Knll. a. I ' . ? H A'ljoutu?.? uutil Tli'ii-vii.? n?!'. ' .'in. m Joaaea o. Vi-nt-tar, Ciert DEPASTURS oE FOREIGN MAILS. SATI'RI.Air. Ik? IB MaOa(tr6raatBritaiaaal Prasse ??? ??i-?n4t.a??) tai UtarsaM, br uaahla Baltte clase at u M a - > ?i. ' oa Wlat? l?arDacl ?, . i"v.l ..i 1 ???, p. n?. aMtaaaahia aaai ?i 1 p. m., frorj Whit? Star Doel, Tat mit Tttt} tana* Cut l'.ar < lo??;il Mail? for .he Cintila.??! o( Korna? tia (?oulhimpt n a-a ! lialii"!,. t.. ih- ? al 11 a. m.'titar/ Mi,i. Mtaiualup asila at 2 p. ,u , (ion i . A Din 1 (? r nin ?i,l Pru?.i.-i. lose? Mail is aent br thii I.aa. Ilaiis l.r II a . Mails (?i K?r W?st la. -'? am> al l p. is. .?.???nabn Mils st :t ?a. iu . tr..ii, l'i.r >.. .i' y. It IM '. N I . i'.la'-'lit tbe Ncw-Yark P ,?'. Olee ererr ?1?. at I I'. m . ainl naaa ?a lia.aiaa ? M .i . (or .S'?it?uuall?u.l daaa M Iba Mam 1?t't Po?t iMEw ? ?la> ?t ?; p. m. HaawMlp laili I a Ma, aaBaMrta a. Due New Toik Vmitf, ?l ii p. m I.etl>-r pj?U,"? b? all lb? W'.-it ei?.>at wlt?n (>'-)f'l be 18 cent? tbe naif) jii.? Pa ?? tea i, ?rlncb nsual be . -i mar, p?m. i.. a; Maitaalasi Mlla'aiaafca u. i ne i ?... lite u opea tro? ? a. m. t? Il t. u.. _ _ PASSENOERS ? SRI VED. WUUM MOMlOOOAOO?l 100 UBBOO? H ?? Pas. it.-Mis. ,. r..v??-M-,i.l 4i -m t. ferner?!, Mis? ? i I . ' 1 Al ?ail. J. 0 Mol ?SINIiTI i(h ?IM44 ?' San r?a??.6.? I ?s. Ml.,... b Ol Mat? ri<*e. I ?| h oh m a ait rai? oa . - . ? Ssiit. Maafess. Il M '?1 WIT?1I THI. Ult-r m Siii'lj OsaS. ... Jti (io.'a laiatiC... l):U| Uull Uala Krirr.. S.ll 8BIFPIN0 INTSLUOl n / POUT ;?P BhW-TOBIt. .Faa. 14. < I.KAKH? fitetm.b,;. (??..? n' Srw Y.rV ? i?. I liblll. Un?an t? i D.'e Ki??)itsh,i. v ,-ioti? illr i Maaarnla, OUaaaar, li.?*l?T*m llroa Ua.k K W llark Ions (|tr I K'.-or! Bar? llark Perae (lir ). Il ' -r? Boni H II ?, l?i Bni BmUs (Br.i li.?lash?im. Ilalifst. B. 4.. I> II. D ?'.\ ? ? l . ,. U ? ,. . ? Ilru Wm. H l.i'kmot?. Birainor? Msts'iass. M W I. . t ?. | . i i , .?.i isii.i. i...huhu, nain .. -.. - H ;,,.. ...,. ;|. ??. i r,.,-,. ??? ,r;?t ,wn. > ?' P la kl .-?.hr Juna A. Ki.l.-r ? ? ?? i. ?hc, Kraaa. Ha I N Loi.-ll, (,?,. ? . , "??rt.'ii s. Haaskiii?. ,s.?hi v ?.. .. ? .a.,, N, n n,.,., k Pi Krhi K.?l7n, Palm-r ?? - Maaafaatunaf l'a. M ScUt. O. (.'. AcIcj, M? ai, s,an,' ml ??? ?oilw? Mauata 'ur ?;< ?'. AllItlWI, Steamabli) (V??nic (Ur), I.iv-p.tol Pet-?, t ani Qaani toatn ?th. ?lib a la, -a ? ? ?Mf Ils) a tn.'s Ur. ?i?,:?.? Jau I, Napl a lih, M'?sans ll'b, l'a ? ? tria 41.1. Ulbrsttai 2 .il. a . l I. ,. I?. H steaia-irtiat? Als-ks. t.p4 llmssr ?'. Illik? 29 Anjn-r No?. IJ, an l'i iwu 4 '. Il . , (Oh M??m.lnp AI?'?ti ' Starb Norfolk ??., ?ith mlae ai?) paaa. 4o?)l.l 1). million ?4t???ii?!i i. ( R , . , I>.?na:nl'Mt Slr.aia-' Hieamahip Voi.itiieer. Cratstaun, Pbil?aa.l|<bta. witb mlae. I 1.1 I .?-I, . ? | M I ? i , a l'a-.?' ? s ? la,'.., ?. ' . With ptHSiSM. UTUUfl T'i ??? ' - ? lai. Il .I.SI-..I ((M il.? .ail Ta'ir-I.. ?? pistou ruai brok'-u. Wllll C-bh. i>"Mi mo roo PoeraaN m ,??k ?! ?., ,. i? ? t.n. lia,?..' '..i (ins.l. I.aa ? ?) K.-Mi?, Ik -4. . . For l.uletl Ship Arwt tee fttth l'ut/*., KeltgioBi N'otui* Anlhi.u tlnnorl.l I !,,,n !,. I at?.,a?f. B. HBI'aKK NK'.VIKS n. .. ? iH|,.;l,.ol :| ?h'rd s?r??a . of ?ti? -ht,?? m? vt aa M, ,-,?ljr " lu 41? all ? Al ,l,al'll.?0, ?Uli I a *nl?m. ' ?? Suiulkl ?fl?r."?-?tl ' 1 a . lu?|i? I ?ith i .ril . ?,? . 4 MONTOOMKBY "Anally Hsi.ll-l Onirih. a-l? |. 1).. pr-ea.h?. I VhU, -' IliAi MOB ??4 ?ai PC., I i.uitb at.. ... . , a(t??n.i.? ?I ll ?? A Public lAle.nn? a a a? . Bru ah? a II ? ? Res i IKC4 DI? K-.I-. I' .> All. ii-s). N. r. i i..,? K. ? wm Md : ?'.-?.'a I'ra) a( Baal tjiOU^l... a ? .- , . 1'isjer M-ii'iuM, t> o 14. Aa*VlalUnllstl-?4l!.Vl)4T Itr P. VI BO, p,,|_ M o,^^ Son? alii ... last, fat. .-?-I bra abort ? Ba? ?till AKi. C M iR-iP II h!? I lam ?... !u, at h? W. II MIOM-iOt. M. D s? 1 p m Ott ?.?,. -,al ?"??'Ist. f'.r an ; m-i ?l-Tt 'Ikllstl?, .?n?,, ? . o'al'M'k aal Batafdaf ?assise . * A "-?mi-aii '.. i . . .,.. n-aa ? I h. |in?h?4 b< t.?,-R ?. WII.I.I 4M M rAYMiit i, o m th? ii..?? Iwa? llherutflet bai fa an MU.10AT KVK?I >(, tth Ii IT \polln Hall, cu i J r?'Dljt a-ifkib a' a-. I V 4 ? -? ? ? . . ,?J\7 I'aiahl .' .la.llai. Ii? (' ??las?* I, j . ,-_ * llra.olihn Tubi-r.a , ? RY.,' T Uh WITT I " I?., PiSTOB. AT . triMMT '-?ptb? Man ?| 4| OOBOtl ???'(.'. at II, l.ll fl "hltth l.)?.ll S?ats fr?*_ III. rlscr-l. I ..iv-ersili-t < I. irrh. - I.??. RhR ?a1 , H MO| i? ii tu I hunts of ihe Ui-si latee? PTEI.VWaY ?ALL Be? (a-::) Il M ?.V'dlTII.P??U?. .?,r?t??s TO-WOHR'iW at t?vy? ,. m. -mg 7* p. *. ??. W. IIA1KA W'Altl), ?.)., M MU w:| prese h in tbe ttor?. i?,?. Subject ? WhttherR-' I,? a BMbMMM for i.. -, w _90l UA? ??,.i i'ki:,\y Kv,.,iy,s. ?. ,i,, ? , ? ,t.t I at.j OsOsas-aaa_ ?t i-v>. ah ?re ?--.ndiu, ( h ur.? h ol ?he l'une?. ' ? r . , ? . 4 I II '? Of III K'" .. .1. ll.iirrh of i In- M. ; i m . : ' ""Chercher Oar Oavior. per. i. p??r. ?je MORNIBO Ii ilS-aw ?a ii.? 1*4*41101 utt ?? . ? _ ~llr. 4 . ?- \\,t . s trnt..? ??. i iti irroi ? , ?t .M'lllt'.VK HALL. Mulh-s ?? , I-, trnt i-int.eiith-at., as SI VI,AT at 7J p in Als vt.oo free. I manuel P. I.. Freo I Im r, II, L'oraei I ,mt ? i.i >.,.!.-n. Mn.a_i at I), *. lu ai_l 1| p. is. Au ai Blshteeata-ata Mfiho.list KpUropai ~t ? teeatblt., utu I. g Mi?--?! ?.Vkiti -I M>-. ? ? .i I'?| ?. I?. ouSl'MIIAY. : ? '?? '?? '?' '?l . 1 M P.EID, li I' . ' ? ? . > ? air. at 2 II I 111 ? 111 Bla M ?. .?.a-.? I. a, ,i' a. 111.- l'oints ..lisa.ou, ? s or< m;.?i.i. .t the Point! Be? I M .411.111', ii -. ? i ?4 ?. m. aiatl flou. H U. l p u. IV ici. g ? ,. au ?*._ I 1 ?shin? (I.. I.) Kapti-at (hiirrb. B T OIDDLODRCO, I? P, )*?? P ?a.-li oa.Tt>?M'>Ulii)Wa? I*-. ? ??. bl an) :m?4.s / .?. 4 . ft Bible-., ii ..I r?.r? MO.'?,'!.' KVg.NlNi; ?I'D. Pr?/eiua?tt.j. oj TIll.UalaAY hVl | | . _ .? _ "n .?t,... bai Ir?! i - ? U1W lb? _ I.yrir Hill, HAM. I'.? .ar ol t.? I .1 ??, ?' *-U\l >! '>iO ' ?. ? .ilnriia? Hill PreabyttrlaaChar b, f.?Si-r.i??-, os SABBATH it IS? a ?i ? . . -aehinf I?. Ii.? i-as..r It.? ?,l."i:?.K .-. ( USB Now-.arts AnnmrlnUon ot -*..t>i.l . ?--. ii..?l Tea ),rr?. -* > . : ?ith AI ai" I 4M 1 I.? ? - I' ' ' (>l<l .lolitl-.f. ?I. h. ( hut ia?s_ : ' rnmU lie*. I rilad. _ f'iUrini ll,i|.|.- :.. .h h stA s.'?r i. ? y.s\\, ? ? ? m/1" ?n ' at Suil ;. ? _ Ki)--?l? 4 linp. !. .i . I i.iii .* .i.?.4?, tli" It?-*. 1(1-1...n U. -. I .,-.' i- " ?'. ? t.?,-S at 7| p ui. at .St. l.u?"'s M O (.'lauf h, Y ?rt.-hrat au, ?mi i ??_ Key. J. t. KlSer, Peator, w??? pr??rn. .an StM.At. ,s m? ' J at I la i iu aa I Tj ; .1 J ?. a._ ??use Mill _t. I. < hue li. I , ,r . _.(' ?. ... IN M R? .? . .' .-? a i|? a aras KAIiBA I II MoSS IN?. Ibth laau, it lu? a ist I it, I). U., ~-?u*u . ?.-KNiS.? n :; - . fra?. Ift-v DrTOrailaKaa will preaeb I v mot ? ""( sl l?4? Al'IBI . : is. "lier, II. t?. t until. PsstorT a N ?) CliurrhoG 1 ?n?e;.jre., J.'.?e.f < itj?. to-isortow, at )??Jd a. a. su4 :.H p. m A eordia iailtal ? ? a'l_ '?i. loha'a 4 1j.i|i??i, "? ? ?* TO MOBBOW >tl ' ?nt 7:_j p. a. B"la ...?ertillr far _________^___ r?i-,?i?liil I t.:t , .:, -" I? ' ?. ' ? ? : mil., vs. ? H Al) I t xeronil A.ltentl kunh. ' ?per lust, tula. Hoom ii Vttutthnm TOMORROW ' ?o '.,) i. Dr. BAU HOC B at tul a ? TU , .,'. i . ?? ,r i ' ? . ? e ? '??, ?.J Btlga as K ' / .'! BailU, ?a Mount /.ion ami ??er ill i. ? a ScYinih in )?. I niii-d Prcsbyteriaa ( t?. '????? its I l ni MOU.NINQ -__ Bar. 10 IN 1 A?, ?.I m U I ? ?: - It-?. -4. ;. , 4iil i o?:i'K?k. Dir??... r, u? ? , a || ?It I. M. Aaa'a I hurch, bnjbtecolb .t.. nesr P.f?a-a?a-HJ Nl)*f !?'. 1 II f ,.,?... ..a at Ta. m. Tue H:-lu B?r. Uiabop l''ll>.B . a. m ami tte l(t. I". BMMf VIII. at r| p. a. lleaf nul? aerr.?.? U .'i p. m . a ?? rneaia. Th,? Ki' \iiicii.liii-?iii t,I ?in-< .i, .t.t un.?? aflb? t'ili(.-tl ??ln:r ,-lV I a 'I I ?-a??? \i I KN.-aa?. a ?a ala^. I) McAl Lit : i.,??. ? aH.tiiaia' p.?. Mtaaato la? C?** Na'i-'-al ?' 'U? Tin- Krv.lii'o, Tnylora? ? ????? a? l? ?)?* M. I.. ( han h sa - NI?A ?. . | a. ui. oui 7 p. in. ee_u lie-.' | mtmf U!._ ~Tia.- i;?-\. Dr. Dti-iiliiitf. *'? i-, m . r _ ~l here vaiil br l'it-ui hioa To- ?lorni? ? . ?? ssl !.. . . a.oaiaa.a. and tnt-oL. l-r**i I a |a ba pr??rnt. -'in.m? ?1. la. I burrh, - it? ? v? t>? \Tm ? ? ?> S a. m. and ". o. m. i i l'rs.'er Maraaf S ?| p. s i 1 I ? t. ?? I , a . ? , ? ?aie? ?n onction A. HaisiN, Aorliji.*??. UV r.AN ;-. MEUW . ? . r.?r. i" t? ' i , - h*. I III f?t <\\ ,;.'.,il :,-.,:-. . ' | a-ai I?, ?lia in. ^. '.-??' . . . . . .?s a ? ? ' " c? ?. ? lilBt ' 4MKKI? ANA -h PKi . ?*( . i it~m ___ S_i'?.< [AL V i . 0 II 4 Al ?lar n, 1 llr ..|-> . ' An lmra?,?s Stotk ot l ? K ao.l I1NK TABU ?v -il ?.Oit?. mm . ? . . .. ??? Il . ? . I Uli. t. bal i ail TION . I bon | , I ? *t*, - ? Nasas . ?i-fauted lo h?? of IL- b?sl i ? ?? haB ?asara, i . Il ?s I 1 II \ a I? a . a *?* . fniflu'Linijua ioi?? Dwiuirr i ?r U ?A1 ~ "?? ' - I ! N . I I01?S M! I?{. ? ?AL t 'il-' 'I.i ." M ? ?a NKW-VURK.?I.HA.H 9 ta siaaaa i 1) W. !.' ? ? .-. tbe - ?. ? '?Ili . I . H" I .bi? 4? - j u-t ...e,t-ke~-p-l*t ?*?? Wantkh n " .MS I? ' -4 I ? *> ?'*? ?laioit uno utiiu ltlantrto V ki.xr.r.i:.-?....m uauulk?mi m.vk i\? l.'IX?, t ?"?" ?* ,?a? b I 'I" It I y. ?* c n:\v.\ur - slatk man n-:i.s :;. :. *? mani'kI? r y sTBMAnr *? ?'??. ?*? tn-i a? ???? ? ? KLA?IKU& ??.?.. - un M n. i ?., . ?-? I.e.. M.?n?ik??te ll'-sais4ua.Mol-sain ?s? ?>?????? ?a-V). ?' '? * r rriit s 11. ' ??"J . a. r-i . f* nm