Newspaper Page Text
voi.. YWll.N?-?MM5. NEW-YORK. MONDAY, IKRRIARY 17. IHT.l. PRICK FOUR CBHT8 WASHINGTON. CREMT mohiukr RaVORTH ?DAT T?ik rOLAXO ONOOTO WML HfVoM MKND TO-l?AY ? AN EXCITING TIM? l\ ,.v,'t-rKl>?WOKK OK THI WIL80M 00HM1XT1 I ? 1ST inlfllin To THE TK1BI M. I f/gmg?0ICIKt ''?'''? 1('. -No recent report It CsjB> rrcw has bsea husked T"r erttk M much anxious int?T<Nt as that of the Poland Cr?dit Mobilier Ocv mitre. whi<s hi < M" i?'???! to Mnti mu? public nun Hi \\ ;**-l.iii*:t<>n h.i\ I Wen talking of alsaool nothing Y ,|h . Ac has been known fur se\eral days, the Com Witt^e decided to lepoit I resolut.on for the fXpnl ^enof OaV.s Ame* aiid .lames H rooks, a complete f?onei.'l'"" O? MeeSTS. l>aw<s and BoofiV Id. and fith<I t" Iensure the other ?uemhers 0fl the House ?h<> heli! Credit IMAIm stot k. or to repent tlie ?jjll ef their coiinci tion with it without leona? pjetulatioii. Then i- M MM to supiese that any ggangS kMMlMil in repaid to Ihiadofil iimna ,*,? though an immense mMN has hi in brought to l.eai upon certain rncinhris of the Con? niittn |a BeUM thrin t? niodifv it. If the report is ?nal'.. |M Imn indicated, there Will be ?Uta im dement ? tin hVir of the Himw when it ,? . , th.iu h:u> hi fore h. i ii m i n t. i m arx. Haifa immmemhtn RTC ahcadv pi' paicd w it'll speeches kml | ?- Mi. Farnsworth will oppose the fxi.iilMoi, of Mybody, and Mr. MofpjM of Ohio will nrve the expulsion of all the iniplir Sfied incmhris. Mi Raodtll end oilier IhmuMTUta, m wall m sen ni Krpiihlii an>. ha\i prepared vhuli tin v will maki if the previous question i? not ordered Ami ill debate cut oft If amendment? are admitted, and Mr, Mor,..m or anv other Ihinocrat ninvi ? p, ? ,,!! the implo ..ted nun. Uic Kepnblicans w ill he placed m a VOTJ awkw.i'.d position, ll tl I ?gainst :!.: SUM miment tin > w ;1! appear in the right of justifying the Cr?dU llobilioi M and tin !?? !urn would (It ft at t!u o??K?i!a? ?i sii I ?i T ruminent Pemocrata say. to?i BBJ pi.h'-hnient il le be given 11 should not he con laedtoOahi d Mr. Brooke. Attempting to ; ,?? agenten! tin en would make them ? ?r? ok object of the expulsion would he di t' ..I'd li ihi uitlueinesthat BUVC bei D I pointing upon the Committee, to-day, to MBM I inoditicatioii o? the n port, an raeeoBBlni. ti.e imI ol the Cr?dit Mohiliii siatnlal. as far a?. CosgNBJ is concerned. lias probably ahont HM| hut if Oakes nWSJ i- >x l? !1? .1 o? ,.ii .it nipt to exjxl him is made, the pub hc mavlook <mt for inoie leOTOI from his wonderful nt hook, and no one can ti 11 who will he tin aext botch of victims. There is a ran nenbf thai thej ?ill be bigh officiahv TI i Wilson Con -c such an rial that ao report is expected from them to metTow, uni?** it ina\ bf I summary o( SMM at the most im? partant mete thai bare been discovered. The in eesttgafiion of ihi iCairs of the Central Pacii I ? ten only begnu, but it has opened veil jiront.-i developments ai Importa lertk froaa unwilling witnesses by the kv. butte, u regend to the union Pacifie Rond. Um (? Roed i itraetion cetnpaoi oom* poM-d ol the inaii.ik'i r> and diieotors of the road who divided immense profita among themselves, hut it n mon fortunate than the Basten line in ?ei ?i.if the thlllL' feiet. The law also g?TOB CongrOM paver, when the profita of the read exceed 10 per cent, to legislate for the retraction of freight and it ?mild not he strange if it was red not onlj that this time has aon tut that the eompanj I thing more than 10 t profi i i< .i d investit . like all the ?!!... hut iii. : ?ii. ?i to |>.i> the ii\t- )mt eeat ?>( ii> m : ... und bj law to Ik- m t asidi .is a ? d on it? ih ht to the 0 I. The 0 tigation cannot ? | farther without ? le | on. THE GENEVA AWARD. I UOl 11 ?i ' UM? i i ; i" ;\-i ? ? s ' DOMPAN1 S DEPEATED \..\1\-I MB. KVAKTs?A I..' M . i.Al'M Hi Til W'AslMM.ius. I . i>. .' .n\.i Au,ml bill the H - on Satnrdajr, at report? d from the Jiiilu... ' ii.. ssssntnnes ooannenies o-, i i v. lu liniiii.' deleat ill tin n efiortS to obtain i foi their claims for all insurance | u.d i : . i- The) have lieeli 1. p ? if the ablest legal tali nt in ttu ' ;<s past, and a numbei ? ? d thai th? :i ' tull.v sanetioi ? ?use Niinetl to tare sanrefoi theeqoitp ol - and judii ial deci ?loin-, . ? .. by a very lerge majoritj sustained Mr. Itutlei ii. bi? position that an insoranee eompanj wasei ' 'i to no share in the award onleta it could prow . !. d h* ;>'? ipl u mu h i case that R ssasnld have tb< I orei The comnaniee claimed that tin 1 !!:?? rightOOf the n.Mired, muh i the |4e of anbromition as n i municipal i? ?! t" receive the same portion ti ? fi that would have aeerned to the owners of the eaptund vessels and eargees if then- bad i MU ? ipon then:. 11 I v SODght to oh '? litionoi their claimo in two wayi t\ amendment oflered by Mr. Potter, expressif t g ihi m. and. set mid. by a substitute mow d 1 i Mi. Butler's bill referring all ejanhnotoa eoon '.<<r -.> judicial decision upontheii ribaag M restrictions a? to what claHM*shoi.ld lie adiuilted and what ex.- ludetl. thus giving the inaurance compatnea the opportunity of the court of the jnxticuof their desnandi ?I the] 111. hi. H ndment was rejeeted by a Tea and Na\ vote et 15 to . t. and the Poland substitute was i lit. An amendment oflered by Mi I sitting clansu) te lesamoceasaoned by all uuiseis bearing the Confeferuss lag, was taining only .'?? Mites. Mr. Monroe's ansendumat, including claims for damages done by '!? v' before it arrived at Melbourne, get :* refit ? ? amendment, afj t the rate of live 1* r . i ? ? badly heati n. Mr. lvterp showed that th?- United states had reooTuredatxper otnt mtereet from the date of the knnsa, and the bv rreskdihls that it had no riK'ht to wifihhakl alimtereet from the lonanfrees the tune .?? of the award, as pro psnedbj Mi Bettlers MIL Mr. limiers Maternent thai ti? award would net lie ssjflke^aMtopuw the ? interest wm reeheued back In the data of Mm ]i*m> apeeared, bewevm, la destroy the efleet ol Mr. Petem's argument an the a linds of meet asem* w"1 i"'*1 1? < snsendnnent nut as fis? ^tcs that be rave it up without a count of the Naya. J he Lull *ra?pnt*eii i,v ? VUfit of :s? to .Vi. Mr bmler. m hin <-\??;tt BSJUash, ? nie a SSrieUS ahaegsagaiBM the Bern Wm, M. Rvnrta. He ?aid that Mj Evarts, while the igunfi of the United ei at the Oennvu Osernsnang?, wa^ the paid aatevneyd tin raooranes aonunsniatj and tiiat be KwtMtic admitted it Mr. Butter fnjihsj asenesd k?me? se?ngea the floor of tJj?- Uoum? sdvoeatinfr tie claiUiS of tbc insurant* e<jmj?ttiiie(. to member?, ai d S?id that he hmt not Skmnged the opinion of anv borieet rruin who had heard lioth sirles of the ajaej tu n JLe aossurngsmmgdwetut RnVfiMUMPess] of tin war, and ihm they wanted to COSSJ m and take lt,.ut)M*> of tie award that kelengud to claimant* ntio had vu fiend actual loss. lu the count* of Ids speech, Mr. Jiuthr got upa ! ansjBsJ vi'Xl, Mr Kerr, during which ea< h aesunud the (rtbex ol liJrtlooti two or tbrt* tixnee. Mr. Kerr I had made a vigorous pnh, h short time before, ?apport of the insurance claima. Mr. Hutlcr il mated that the attorney of the companies had c viticed Mr. Kerr. and said that Mr. Kirr had MM paniert the attorney to a rom mittue-room, and 1 there held .i consultation with him. Mr. Kerr b this tu f:il?\ Mr. Hutlcr asked if he liad not tall with the atl'in ev in the UBIIIllliOO IIWMII Mr. K acknowledged that he had, hut denied that he 1 accompanied him there. Mr. lintler said that t reply was an evasion which admitted tlie trutli his statement, Hi? payni in leOBHiagj to Mr. Kei consultation was apparently to I harte 1 eppositiou to the hill to the inllnei of the one-sided ttiirnimnt? and nop! tiiis of Mi. Kvarta, who was tlie attorn meant. When Mr. Initier made hi? attack on J Kvarts, Mr. Kerr made a thiust at huii by ask i him it tn> was not the attornev?'t the othrt?< lai ants, and oppo.-iiiK the inst?lame dann.-) m tin u u mi "No, Sir!' bawled Mr. Butler at the top of 1 \.?ICC. " Well, I have heard it so stated,'' said Mr. Kerr. "It is blnf replied Mi. Datier. " ?Mraareeei men who have so little acquaintance with an hoin transat tioii that tin y don't know it when they sec i " Von are one of that kind," retorted Mr. Ke Mr. Banks here interposed with | point of order ai pie\i ntiii the alt. nation Iroin fotag any further. I Hi: CHARGEA iOAIKST JUDGE BHEBMJ DAM .in>- m nu m I PM BKMTbD ?0 TIIK \VA \M> mi an- . oMMint.K?his IMPKACBMCl KB1 M- t \ AVl'lHABI.K? I UK I HAKI.KS A? ?A IN l UK COMMITTI f's | I 1 i.'K. [MY TKLE?RAITI TO Till.' TRIM'S!'.] Washington', Teh. 16.?The evidenrc i JedgeChartao t. lueiiwiil lobbyoperatlnobegin tiiii'ki'ii. ene Heeon Moke galle Mack without the pi diietnni of Hie most aBBOgtag proof OfohkM bitn-tl li-ttu IB wtii! h lie demanded gMUMI ror his mflin nit leearhag Mm repeal ef the tux ea boerawed eepoto .it Knit-, rrt Milt nt of tiic Mew-Tort Bteel K t hantre, testified OH Saturday bOfOtO Hie Ways am! Mi ai ( '.munit tec that lit' had 0000 unable to tlml the letter ; question, but that it was m < m-I< tue and would pro abl> bo feiuitl. Be produced another from Judge she man, wiitlcii suhseuut?ntly, it appeals, uml addressed I i# (.laud Loekweod, jr. Sale letter is eeet "JadfO*! rutiiii, United Statt- "ouit, Noithu Dtetrtrt of Ohio, Mareh ft. Ufa." la it Bheenaa ntn to a contiat t Bade with LoekWOOd'l Bath? the Summt befen to gat t m lea ronend by ? construction el ti low iQiheTiiamj Tmjeflemef Failing b tii-, I ...ifim to ?oik m t oagnoe, ami bad tatorvtoa with St IJontWell, John Hlit -miau, Chairman t tin Beaato Fiaanoe committee. (Job. QarPeld, oad oUm prominent Hit :iii't i -, .ml thai the n MM Was that it bi i.iint the policy of the Administration to have the t.i repealed. Be thlaka thie rooalt was taoaghl about b ?? di.-cii-sions inl-cd and intim nee? nst il" by him. II mites i? tore the tag was ri pealedi bal sa\ -, " it is cei tala to ? so within the mxI M days." it appeal that the JiuU.e tlitl not wait for the in to poet before deonadjog ins pa/, lit aeb Lockw?od to inquire into It, and ?06 1 tin- ?tock Erthimgr Mil1 nngaln the contract, nn sa>s. " 11 thOJ do, M lo all right) ami I will stili continu iiiv labors." which meant appaiOOtl] that he would v" 08 Vit h Ins work IU the lobbv. Mm h I mil, inn i - ex Bdagaiawl Bhereaaai nopcolallj eanag Ohio On greooBoa. It le eaM that m eipuoew to dlagraoefoj t< the Federal Jadtatar] bee eeet ban ande, aad the ! Shetiiian's iini>eai'hinent c.uiiiol he avoided. It is tlilli \ ( ult M see hew he can malic a plau-ible defense. He i tin tint, d Btatee JMdge tor UM Morthera Dtotnel e Ohio, aad thcte oeeeai m he do pnoftle exean 1er in ; making a t ontract totadtaea? the Beentary of Mm ITi bi ; ury oad Congreei to reeeore a tax in whtol be woe la no way personally tateroatod. oad to , deaiaadlag mooey foi ha oorvMoi the Booel Bsohaaejo. ?ool OaHMM lago thai gaoraoae aoeei ?ia on the Mhtael Of the tax, and thai ht has vi ry little aogoolatonoe with him. Hin rnmii oi.\ ioii-iy leiogiaoo thai hlr. < Mi Bi M is ? oaaabet of Mm ,ii.1 Mian- Committee, toi he WTO*, to him rt eentij ookaMfahaanaghofeee bli < waailtMOi aaaalai tin Win- ami Mean-. Ml. OOrgOM Ma Ml been t Ole ' with that t'oinuiitlt C fOt six Ma'-, and .-lu i m m probebl] ooodhloaaae M tur. totter to Loekerood fa effect With the Stock BxehaagO. Mr. Kuik: had m i the odfer oi ??coi ri \. Beoeettj oMrt of tta Wajro aad Meaao OaaaatMOj t<> help getthetaxooTfei noath ami MvaM win n the Mil paooed, eieopf from -itioiiswith Qolgate ami D.imy , a ioliiiT Pie.-l dent of IhtMrrhwagt it is sari laal BrteMbcowMlhe grrea t<> show that BaoootJ bee odhood to nil Mm aareti of the I t.iiitn.ttee to the Uew-naj.OTO. ami ha- 11 i ,i hi kaowMdgi o: lt>prooeodlogi toretoeb oporaUoaa EXPEDITING PAETY BI P1NE8& KIXG ?>! 111*- gKMATI RBSOl I IIOM Bfll I ? l im; i>! I All. Ill I CBRTAIM KIM'- 01 1 I <.|-l. \ I I- >N ? II"W II I! it BI IN I'KI.N KN1K1' is i KKTIOl - ^ km:-. iI.Y TKI.htiKAi'll Tt> TIIK 'llilili NI I W \-H!>N, Fell. I'!.?The caiiciis leSOlQ?OU tot Kpoditt im im -s in ?hi gt oata an paooed nenrdaj. Ifr. .\ reported It,after aenl] thewhoM i i? m spent in debating it. Theosteariblc imi poa M tin- reeolatloa ie three-fold. It le deetgaed to :.; legislation oj ? geaaral i h am u i, the u leado of winch tu icmc deeperata ai Mwekac ol Ongronap nfoocihoo. ami theii ainiiw are ra Iht Beaata eehndar or the s|>. il.i's table, with little eliame of beim: ico in ci, fiem holag attaehed t<. appraprtattaa iniiK whtoh an thaoendaa Mad of Trtjaa been for tobeef i\.r. aatare. Having thus esehated nil inn mi ?janaaae to ?he inn, MM amad of tin- ic-oIiiHdii in to limit deheso, n all eoeoadanato le a single speech of flvo min lites i.y any St iiator, and the third to prevent the ! ,i, oponopnMlordenttde onaoa. if the lilag to earrjr oat toe eplrll as well as the letter ot this < aliens l. solution nt nil tunes, it- ation ca?d not be other ?ae than n, aoAotel, but the i x jNiietni oI the pool two .Mai-, when similar resolutiom wen pneod? except ae regarde the naldag of epneal I has shown that the i ule a? drawn is intended to e\. mie only such ntm iidiui i.t ?> as the inajority objoel to, While any that are supported OJ H>'' majority can alwa\. I* framed sons to l>e luoujrlit within the rule. In sluut. tin t aueus d?termines that they will not allow liberall i r Hi mocrats toeff'T anieiidinei.t-that do not div ctly relate to the ApfOWpelattoO bill uiiiler eonsidiiatltm, but draw their resolution so loowly that any meusure the n.i.jrily tlttttuune to pass can be admitted, and, no boa imiMirtant it i-, must be debated in only j|\e Hi i.uie ope -i boa In the de Late yesterday, hTnOTQ. Triunhull, Thiinnan, tr,Bayard.aad otbaroj nltod attention to the operetta! of this rule, last year, when, after a gPMf striii:k'le, a nsolutiou in the same words as that adopted yesterday, was passed. The main object of the 0 0 utioii Mm was to prevent )?ilitlcal speeches on the Appropriation bills. After the rule had been estab? lished, the Administration Senators, who had voted in cam us to pass the Supplementary Election law. found that while they could put it through the Benate at any time as an imlepei.dt nt luonosltion, it could not be taken up In the House unless It went over there asan amendment to some btll that was sure to be acted on. Smh a bill was the Hundiy ( ivU Appropriations bill. Of course the point of order was made, but Mr. Anthony, who was in the chair, overruled it. The Senate sustained him, and the amendment, comprislDg many sections, was agreed to. Mr Tnimbull In one of his speeches yesterday, said that this law had been us?/d to oven urn the ??overnmeut of at least one State. Every representativa of the minor? ity who ?poke, yesterday, professed a wllllDgm ?* to Ognt to such a reeloullon ae that reported by Mr. Aiithonv. provided it could bo made so explicit as to work with equal fairness toward iioth sides of the H.,use. The In ft drawn of the several amendments ?lten d for this purpose was by Mr. Trumbull, and was as follows: "And no amendment to any such bill making U ?-,. ..? ve provisions, other than sirh as directly relate to the appropriations contained in Ihe Mil.In the disposition, limitation aud protection of the same, shall 1ms received." B the aopehaaan had heaeaMfanhBi to pr?vint the of all miscellaneous legislation on Appro? priation bills, they would hau accepted tt,ls amend? ment, but HMO? did not, and the only Administration man who voted for tit?, amendment waa Mr. Kerry of ? oimet tient. Tim debate ?f j esterday disclosed the fact that there are aetoral inBoeutial h*euators who ?re lu I favor of n previous question In thi P.-tiatc . ?moiig thein Rre Mr. Conklinir mnl Mr. Hhcrinaii, Mi it WOUM Ml M stsenga if tins BjjwnJi tve ana of tin- auentteas i? fore ttie P?nate during the next Congres?. ITKRENT TOPICS AT THB CAPITAL. PANliKR TUAT THF. FIHIIKKIKS Hit 1. Will. N<'T HE 1ASSI li. |BT TKI.KOKAl'll Kl IHK TKIHt'NK.I WiSIIINl.TOS. Ft ti. I?, is'.i The Purofga eames Oeasauttess beata to iear mat tiiey will loso tile Fishelic? bill lor wan! lit limo for ils con? soler.ition in tlie House. Congre?? i? liouml In hoimr to ?eke teat ten prevfcrtoe fur sosrytajreot tea Treaty ed Washington without unnecessary delay. The Parlla inenls of the Iiiiiiiiiilon of Canada and of Printe Ed ward's island performed the Icgisliition to Betty out their part of the Treaty some time ngo, tut the fislierii s shnmesesMtnaeasremote Inegeswervt byreeesaei me failure of OMgrcaS IS BOta Tin SS I bmOM pnivide for the Importation of ii?h Into the (Tnited Htates in colonial vessels, free of duty, and as an offset for this privilege our fishermen are pt rmitted to enjoy the In shore flsber lessJengtbe enasta M the Prevmoss, from wham leer have sereteesre tuen auefteeofij under penalty af forfeiture of veesel and cargo tf toend Peking wtUds a martes magus M ms tease. The New msgftsnd anhse> nmn siroiiKly oppose the treaty, believing tliat the prl\l lcije of ttu- Babees asbertei is not M suite k at rams le compensate them te tee itentventege si being leresd m eompete wtte Oseeema aeeermei la seUtag teeta '? ft In our markets. Whether tlii-< b) true or SOt, however, has aofbing i o do wttb lee doty tit Osagress le repeal the doty on nob tasaurtsd la Onuedma vessels The treaty Mean Oengrem to do Hue, and to demy longer will only pleee tee United Slates In tee attttuue of sagra beattettag to do en eel wmsft we asead eureelves |v sobrasa tieaiy stlpelatkms to perfoi u HKMisroM'.s roa BOLDisaV oratss, The II, .use Military Cuunuil It M latead le rtpOgt, OH Wednesday aext,teetr Mil to gJreet Um Pt i p terj el w..r to provide headstones ol boom durable kind ol stone te mark tee gravee of soldiers U tee sattsnal itsaittf rlefi Meet et teses neves are now ?arhnd sarynj pointed beeren, beor?es. Bombers which ate the name, com pen) and reejUeeot at tes saldier m taearlbed M lbs sesee kept la tes adteoa ?> f tes bWpertatoadeatoel tes ssessteetee n n tela rod tent semll bsodsseai -1 ae 11 proeurod for M eeee^fuepettyamrned ta plata lettera, with the u.mie, company .nul Kiiiui-nt ol the soldier, Iba date of ble d< a in ami etaranavifebeve tent o? priven , tin iiiMlilion of the sand Hast baVteg tUlSllj ihea| t mil tin- cost oi lettering afinas, Ihn total seel of pre> vktiag bradstoaro. seescdteg at tee provtakms M Ike lull, is estimated at |l,(?.Ki.onn. The WBOtS BBIOUal Seed not be appropriated at om e, however. Tin ktouei ean be substituted year bj real tor the old headboard? .11 tuet as ike 1 atti 1 dei.iy. THK WASHlNdloX IlOATtn OK PUBLIC WOBBJ A?.AIN. The Board of Pubhe Works are trynu bard te p" 1 n h-l'Malion that will involve the GoverumCDl lU Obliga thmtepe] teem for whatevei amount of ssoecytbrj may see tit |o spend IB street iniproveiiients around I In pabilo buUdtegs and grenade. Wkee tee spproprlstton ol a million and a quart. 1 was in.nie. at tax eegmaiog of tin si Mon, to leiiniiiu m tin ?for Improve? ata already made, a provMouWOI lust rtcd in the MDprobibltiox t tu ni from andertaldag any other Government wort without sxnreei authority from ceugmas, Ihey sou wok to have tins restriction removed, and went ? pasead directing Ike decretory af tin- tfreeeurj tenaj them SO their own c-tluiat.s for whatever WOti tkOJ may see ti! So do. Members of the UoOld aie m pn tt\ osestanl atteedanee ebool tes Oapltot, aud are n> iiusti loudly preeeiog Mils acteme. The House Appropriation Committee havinc refund to reOOrt any 1. i_ 1 m 1 ; 111 < > : 1 tniaeoestoo authorising further expeotl bj the Board on Government aeeounf, tbe atuii ct brought beiore tin Judiciary Committee bj Lot 1 ne.- o? a resol otton to teem, week barere lest. Then wss no proprletj whatever In giving tbe Committee |a risdietiou o\ei the question, nut' Monday Mr. Biog ham. tin ciiiiiriu m. tiled to h.iw a resolntkro utruei Ingthe Apiirtipri.inon Uommlttec to report thi 1 tnui wanted bj the Board. A vote on tins resolrtloii was prereotedb] as bdjournmeot, eod It wtJI therefor? conn ni' .1^.1111 to im rrow. Tin re are s<i maui 1 temp s t.f t ? ii.i-, ?ganes and dishoneatj afloat ax ainsi the Board thai il 1- s. .orel v jiruli.iiili I hat QMflMi ?111 vol.- in i.ut ,,,. . more moaei m iliui huid- until .1 thorough iini-iic.. Uon t an i? made ol thetr praeeediag?, aod ihi- ol - 1 .un..t Im- uadertakea tins M?sese. WASHINGTON ROTES in reuoaapa ro ni i lai i i WasnaneroH, \< s. M N Ihe repeat ie tee CeMwell eaee will ast,|. I n-t|>i Bed alter to DOITOW I In gSUI 1 il ? Dan ftOI haaate rereltenm rareahadowed, end than Is little 111 A tu s;i\ atioilt It. There Wlil In- I it one n - iKut, nut tins Messrs, Oerseeasr, ketaouy, ami i>>l-.ui will prohebty refuse to omju. itwiii eithn dt tan Mr. CuldwaU'e eeetvasoefijOr will reeemmeod ins t apatesu, II tin- rstmei eeeses is taken tin-re u i a do iw teal th reportwttl beegrsedto, as snob u rssolotloa regalias only a sseJortti rota. II exnulatoa shsuM bs roeoa mended Jar. Caldwell would uodouhti cape, for then are more iban SS Senators on both ml 1 arohei a hu triiin s\ Inp.ilhv or a tloulil us lo the right Of tin Kenate, wonld vote agalual such a resolution. Promi mut among those ol the Itepubllrans who hold lb - groand Is Mr. foukltng, who doe? m>i betievt it to '. briber) tobuj oil opposing candidates in a BenaOirtol 1 m 1,1- . li has been reported thai Mr. Culdwi II will re taorrow, before tac report al the Uosamitteeii made, bul the repoi 11? not 1 n hied. The Pomeroj ?omaaittt s la axeeeti d to begla it- werft to morrow. Mi. Beetty, Cnetrnma of the Pitatieg Oounult tee, dots not mean to pi 1 nut Ihi fMuOTUOrlSSml date oouiraet to me itu aiHihii i?n peers by tat fn.iiie of Osugress le prestos for awakes a ssu tract with the lOWOSt ludder lor IbS Work. lit areugbt ta a MR, sn asutardey, ateatteg ike Pnbih Printer to eoetreet wltk Wss. X Mnrtegb sf Week ington, whose bol w as the hiwcut, for tin Jiulilieat.oli o! the deteU s Hf?er the 1 xiuratluii of tie- imsi lit OOOgU lie s,,ul that one-half ad the iiuun y paid M Tht t,l,i, pabilshera w is clear prodt If this la 00 tees anal bi making more inoney ror the capital Invested than au) daily oewspapei In the eountry. and this wltboul ;nii in i uiii.irv 1 isk or the emplovmenl ol anj talent beyond that aeeeaaary for doing rootine meebaoleal work. Mr. Beettj faul that if the bulk ol tbe debates was Increased m the nckt Congress on ol the additional n>< no luis ni tin- Bouse, according to the Committee's esti matee, lbs mviag t ? ? tee Government bj eontracttog with Mr. Martagn laatoadof reeewtna nt Qtobt con fi.n t would in- |33T,sot. The lliuise adjourned without acting on tin- bill, and it will eosse ap again on Monday or Teeedey. Mr. Lagaa made nn important dlaOOVCry yesterday, fiurftag tes debata en the n.i\.\ aUi Me saht M had known for years that ttlicers of the army WOOM MOUagl in every wep M dodge all renhfiefitoni si tan and get as amah money out ol the Oovetwoaeat as peMble, Ike taw of 1H70 wae pfisst-d exjires.dy for the purpose of ahol ftmmg all extra allowances 111 the army. An nicnasi if pay Was fixed, and the salary wa- to eovei everything except fuel ami quarters 111 kind which rnleht he fur? nished to the officer, anil to nohody else. Now the 1 fit cers of the manne coriis ask an allowance foi sei\,(rit-' oasrtors, and hast- then demand onedeetotontv the Attonn-y-(.i that the law of 1S70 make- sin h au allowance to officers ot the army, The amenamenl did not pass, hut stored up Mr. LMUUt Whosold that be WM sorry to Hud that In tlio face of a law su plain Buy one will induit- ottuers to ttolato It for their benedt, and promised to "gOtat these olliiets with a Sharp ?tick " when the Army bill comes befOM the Senat.-. The Haukiiiv' and Curieiicy (?tuninittee have a batch of hill? ready to report, as the result? of the sessionV work, but they will probably have no op|mi tuiilty to billig any of tlnm haters the Mouse. Little will tie thine m th. few days retaalntag of tes ssestea bossas ssasaesstes tee appropriation bill?, and many bills whnh haw- tain prepared with great labor by committee? will m vei see Ihe light. I'.KNKUAI. I'RKSH IUSPA11 II | The total number of bill? Introduced 111 the House of Itcprcsf utativt-H during the pn ?1 nt Congres? is 3,?S0, and In the Senate 1,610. l't-rhup? not more than one eighth of the?? will become law?; the remainder full with the expiration of Congress. Tbe Pension and Indian Appro? priation hill? have received the approval of the i're?i dent. Tbe Deficiency Appropriation bill will soon be rcisirteti to the Hou.te. The other gener?! appropriation bill? are in a state of forwardness, aud may all In- passed thi? week. There are ea the Speaker's table 70 (senate ami House bill? with ameudrrienis waiting action. The Henate Is similarly crowded, having in .?Id.tion to others of importance tbe House bill for the diitiibutloii of the Geneva aword. The preparations for the tasekOOOetag Inauguration c?r?monie? are being conducted ou loe most liberal and extensive ?cnlc. The indications are that It will lie On anmjfiuM display ever witnessed in Washington. Then Will be pre?ent ahout 80 different military organizations from various parts of the country. Each with lu hand of music mut with tin-West l'oint and Naval Cadets, will make a display never uelore wltiieaaetl lu this country. In unit 1 m Overcome the many Inconveniente? hereto? fore connected with Inauguration Italia, tin largest ball hulldlng ever erected In tbi? country i? now In proossss of MOStraottoa. Itl?wi feet In length aitti 160 tt*\ in width, wiib a supper-room Hie whole length, who b will lie supplied by one of the most oelebrated Man-Voth I ?terersi I REPUBLIC OF SPAIN. KELATIOm with Tin: DlTOtp WAT? (OM.KATl I.ATKtN Of Mit. HCKI fJ flfPLT <>P pjwoa pieupjug?TBi rouci ov m-ain TOWAJU) CUBA. BABBID, Saturday. Fcb IR, MB The lion. Daniel F. BfckhB, the Cnited States Minist? i to Spam, to ?lay callnl upon S? ?oi Figueias, and addreaecd him as follows : "Fuisaaiit to oitlcrs ftoui my (?ovt rnineiif, I salute rear Kb i Ik ear opoo the. eetahttahanal of tin Bepablle in Spain. Tim wisdom and dignity with Whtoh the t hange of (? riiinent was cflt:. t? tl is a happy auspice of a glorious future for Spain, the (felted States, occu? pying a large trat I of the continent civilized by Spanish fai'h and valor, cannot contenu.?at? unmoved the spee bntooftht Kaspare ai Pardtaaai ami Inbeua ttaaa torio? tl into a Hiimbue. The Am? in an pOOpM rOgOteO '<> m Bpala baMaMag Mm ti esonplo aad oetahnaMag proa parity aad powei opoa ooUd floaadoMoao. laexpet tag to your Kn elli my the fei m M gOOd * -*?' - M PWldrnt Oraati aad rw ogi litng yoei eaMkorltj. i a a apitei Mb most aer- ?able duty of my BMOtaB to Ho? Hoi!? anil gcn en.iis toiititry ." St ?or I'igiieias, in npl.v to Mr. Silkies. Haiti bit gr.i'.e it-pc'i-ibility WOald overwhelm him were it not for PB h mu?iente as MM pr?s? nt, " when you so t ln<|iieiit!v t oiiM y tin lol'iist voice of the American people ii, hi, attag ami acclaiming thg ?irtvetit of MM Repahtte, whtah BMdarate aaerpj achieved and pn> ib ht t will prest rve. If the UaJBBj Statis are in? di feted to Spain tor the dixeoviht of the American <'otilinent. Spam is indebted to the l'nited St;it?s for the feonder of the bow eoetal order. Spain will it un min i tin ?forth] ' X ample set In i by tin United (Hatea." ?apata. Pah M, Mia lana Plgaem eooeloded lus opeeeli reeterdaj in reply to (',, n. Bj, kit s's <?mgratulatiotih h ith MM fol' lov. 111 v worde : "We hold In the New World an integral pOrttaaot territory deeMaed, oaaor tin Ppaatah flag, to earn n a ooaaeeMagliai, tin iwoenMaeota Ihordw that the m.,v act'inplish th.'t BlaOkM anil :? '/. nut tlilliitiig otjnlo, we nljroaBpaataheaergp ano the stu ngth ot BpaaBB institutions " MAI'litP. SaMl'daV. Ft b 15. MM 1 lisp..t. bn have been roeeWed ben Iron N't w Vtok staling tl,,'.! some of the journals ?,f that city pul'lish ai in l.s gniimiltff thol the e-tahli-hiiietit ?I tin Ht pill. H Inil-t Mad t? UM imtep? ml? liceof f.'llba. Tins \ it w is emphatically de? hired, in Mititsteiinl t m its, to he orroaeeafj Notwitbetandinpothei vary important Batte*! pif-sing upon flu (h vertun? nt, the ir attention has already BOOB ghm lathe bVDJB t of mamtaiang the eatharitf of Bpnti m Coba. Si mu CavtehV) IliniilTT of Foreign Aflain,ig ? dispatch m ktiowliilciiig the tenipt ot the tnngiutu i.itiois ot the smith Ajaerkani in Parta, njre tu then that th. y will have to withdraB then npport fron the Caban nphiBttato, bow tin? the Antilles are iiinl. i | I( ? uhin an forni if gOB i mm nt. lie a No nyaitbn ban (if ktad to awatt tha arrival it deputies tO the \.ii;oii..l A-m inhl.v, Irotii Cuba. befon ananpemeate fog reforni m that anad art i'ams, im,. ic. um BenorCnt eat i <;.sp..'i h t.. tin Bpaatab reeidenta in Parie, which clearly indieataothal the new QoTOranOBl is ?esolv??! not to \ ait Witil Cuba, end to keep tbi Bpantob flap m a portion at Aneri cao territory n a pledge oi teat perpetaal union of the Old and New Werkte. IIEA8?RE8 OP REFORM. SEPARATION m (in lull am> -i a 11 ; ? T i ! r : it v BIO? 5Y0TEM?ABOLITION OF ' APT! a I. VI S PJBM1 sr~.\Msi:-iY ro BflPl BUCAMg. mai.i.ii Batardeg, F i>. i", ma. AjQOBg the BMBMMBB ?-??fit? inplatcrt liy the Um ?eparalMa M Chanh ami i: tat., ami the aapotateoeat of Jadne i?'i Ufa Bille pcovhtteg for proM i?'< d to iht Natk aal An a The <iov? rniiii nt m-. i iS to sappKM tin .'?! ? ? ? Ooloniee, Jnsttao,and Pn ? Work i -h ii.. ?getan "f itiiiiiig on pentau oflkso uver? i Benor Balmeroe, Mlaloter of Jootioi present i to Um national As i n i r, to-de pro?? g for the abo UMon <d i api i , neat. Tin Goreromeal hat ordered the suppression of tin i. rd. tl - i ' Ml ?< thai the 'Ooa< II ol Btate i> nppneeed. flu oaVlaJ Oatttlt w.u soon publish a ii. n i ti.i roorgaaiTatln of :it bponiob lo the twcBhlj. to dar. 1 lewen read, gnaUi in st\ 10 pi ol.? : s i liai?.' tl will, ion,: . nt it publican m raoastraflooe.anddeelanna thai Juotli ?? sh.ui In ii all? I ! i aillliltn-It It .1 II. tilt liuinc of H.t ptipc s. uni i.. !.t goraj. Mm b i ol Plnaaee, ?h tared that the Baai ol Bpala - pectcd. - tantloa im greeted aiu eheera Bi nidthi . i. (,o\t i nu.t it was intereetrd la Baiotalaiag the eredil of thei Besj right" will M tin u,otto ol the Be] Mai i.if, I? b. ic. )s; 'Die Aea tiibiv, yesterday, nactioued ..?? ; n ? all Kepublii an bsWUgl Ol - ??> ?'? ' '"' I ???? ? I OgaiOOl tit laws n gahutoi im in--. cos rnoNOPi ? rj pui ? ic. m ion ma is MAi'itin?M.i tflhn i i rosi d nu i.-i ii 11 if- o? i rti nona or tbi car ii-!-- i i i kTIOMfl ?un PORBION DODU i i:n B, MADRID. Batnrday, Pel i'. IB? Un ulelillihwtal al UM RoBuhik wae ?<le bratetl in H.,-i .'y last i,u-lit I'V 0 gOaeial I liliniiiation. The otra t- ?,r?< rowded wMh anata, ? M then awe n difoiiier. Dtapanhn Hon MM peoelaen report that tratniuillitv toiitiiues ev? lywhei?, IBM glMMJ ?u the ills tr?ete dtatarbed by tin Caruata i- i- g at, at v.. m r, that the anryle oppondtothe Itepnblie, and favors a BOaarOhg, hat M dteMMdlatte ciiont -for a i ii? rhetwon Mm Dabi M Heotpoi Mr aad il tbiecti laaht lia. TJweaowMBMoepoad flaeam prov?ate eaoratton bj MM ilpaatah tiewpe agglael Mm Carfkae MMMnpew* l'on ? at lo-?liten (1 Spain on Th irsday last. The i araoM arc wntdag rtaanntf t?i advaa? i tin MB mte ot their leader. Haragossa is practically blockaded by tin in-iii gente the uisiirrt i tionists have nt the rail oaphetaan Mde eMpaad Mm aortt at l'.m.orva, a town in a mountain tit He M MM l' ol BOfgaa MntfnnrlUBrntaaedhtaptan M Baaaleh BUntatai !.. Italy. Mi-nuiiaiie will probably lamed HUB. 1" i. pnnataMrn to fng*r^* aad Perl gala Bala ai tai ir It lo united Mut the OoreraBonte of praneOi Eap* Mad.Belgian.aadBwttiertoad viUnoa nngaln Me lUpublie of f pain. _ _ , ,? ,MO Pabm i i b. i?, ma. As the liiai.iftsfu of tain Ontatae m the forelga powenbnate pal nami Parka i"Mchol T!u?:rs has not ret i,ti.,/( d the Spanish KcpuOtM, BanotaBB has hoisted tin Bag of the Federative Kc piib?c. The authoritnsantl troops BMhMatead onlnn. the t itv. It is apprehended that the Question ol a Feileratlfe Republic will give rise to serious complications. Th? peanate .n Andalusia are i laumring for a divinon of property. ? , ' MAbhii". Pah, fj, is-13. 8? ?or Hnlui?Ton, the Munster?! the ?'.Ionic--, read an offlci?il tOleOBBB 'rom the huthoi dies at Havana, giving in tbelr adhesion to the Republic. Tbe Assembly then iiIKiu BiOptad a resolution that t ti?ard th? aiiiioiuu? ment with Joy. I abate on the reforma in Porto Kuo will tale place ou Monday. It is ofllnally'anuounced that Oen. Favia has hM? Mpisiuitt.l ( oiuinamler in? hid of the army m the North, in place of Hen. Mm iones, who is re< ail? ?1 and detailed to bis fount i poet as lurector of Cavalry. ?lie disturbance* at Malaga were suppress? d without bloodshed, ami tbe eity continues trampid. s.t.,,r (.-. ?ill probably be oboseu ?'resident of the Couucil Of S'.it. A Uovermnent steamer bas been sent to Minorca to tiring nenne the Republican prisoner?. It is believed thai Admiral Top?:te and fle?or Ba<{i?8t* will leave Hpam. gang Ca*tei*r's boiiso was illuminated on Saturday mgbt, and tin' Miumter was Mrenaded. He made an t ?lotjui nt sine. i.. which was tewlveel with great sntbuiiasni. l.isKOM, Feb II, 1873. 23m Fvrtueaen Uovemiaeul bn a*A?Kl Mm? lorMe ta call out immediately anno BOB of the reserve's to ?o ' M an army of ol^ei vatioii on MM frontier. Paris, Fob. 1?, mn. The students of H.iic? lona demand lilierty of instruc tiou, th?' abolition of fees, anil the removal of the t-uops from the new university building*. The (>ovcrii?>r peentan IB ask the Ministry for theso concessions. He explains that the university Is occupied by the troops solely because It Is a strategic point. The OBtetaone workingim-ii uni making aBBOBMn tlons in favor of the rcleaBo'of conscripts in the army, and demand arms for the people, municipal self gOTOTa nient, shorter hours of work and Mghn wag.". Km in? etmgs attende?! by from .1,0(10 to 8,000 workingae'li have be? n In Id. BBeOOhM WWM niado In favor of the Iieiuocralic Republic, which were wildly cheered. At one piano the workingmen belonging to tbo luferna tional Boetatg marched In pjnOBOOtoB through the street ?. levonl iniiiiii ip?lities iu Catalonia have dis I. arms to the people. BBcarnofl bi cdba ok tbb vbwi oi ibb I'UiM I AMA MON OIT A KKPI.'lll.lC. Havana, F?:b. 14.?The BOTWI f?f Bag abdica? tion of Kmg Anoden oad the pnonMottaa of Mm span Ish Republic, was publlshetl this aft? moon. It had the liniiiediate effect of unsettling business and of advanc? ing the premium offered for gold to 21 p?-r cent, but therti w< re no sales. <.. n. OobaOn olU tant g ararlaBBttaa on the new condition of political affairs, SOOhBBBg that everything win mil as in ictofoic rnpoettag CahatonlaMan witn Spam, and he as well as the other Rpanisli olllclala Will obey whatever v< I vt I Iimtli t is constituted III S|.all). The most intense excitement exists among the ptBoplC ; the < itv, however, is traiiuull, and as yet tlicru are no iiiilicatioiisol any disturbances. KX KLM, AMADLTS. A PJUlggfl aQOAaNBOB IXAfMPJ AT nrs ro>r ?A.Nb-lllh HI.I.AIION.-i WITH KING VICTOH BMABOBIn lABBOB, Feb. 1?, 1S73. I In Hritish H(|iiadimi in the Ta^tis has been placid at MMpMopaoal of the ? x-King. l! is stated thai King Victor Kmaiinel, being opposeil to Ins son's abdication, at Hrst refu*?'d to COBOOHI to tho return of Ainatli us to Italy; but bo sent word, day, that on nflOOtbn ht' had relented, and would bo glad to receive hi? son again. The health of the ex ??m en of Spain is wor-e. Sin- t" ooafaed M ne boa* lao Itakbn net a boartj i neetod to arrive in the Tagin. GENBBAL FOREIGN NEWS. THE PATE OF CUBA, BXHSATIOXAL RBPOBTI Hl<>? PABI8. LoaoOBi Bonder. Feb. 17. is:a??Ja. m, A spei tal diopatob liom Parig to The Jaffg 'ltle ijrii/ih Mays. France will attempt to compel Spain to ?i I! < ulia. and that the I'liitnl BtOted liiMl oitiMl MOt\O0B,<WOfnaoOi payable in two yearn, but Bpain ' ''" - THE ALLEGED OFFICIAI CORKUFTIOX IN PRUSSIA. Hi.m in, Saturday, Feb. 15,1873. At the Bjeatioa <>f the Chamber <?f Deputies, tt day, Heir uniuaini cd that he accepted the royal message appoint mg a couiiius-lnii to investigate tin oltagl d Ot* Ml corruption, and Withdrew the motion he had ende tel the oppetatanal of an tareotlgatuig coiiiiiatte?'. EA8TESM ASIA. AOITATION AOA1MBT POBBIOVBBfl IV CBTWH? POREION l.'i l.A'iit'NS Og JAPAN?DBrrOBB ANCB1 IN' lilt: INTBUOB. Bam PiABCBk <?, l'<i>. 18.?The iteaaaer Japan arrived fron China Mile etteroooa, sin- brttge Boog Kong dates ta Jan. Mb t.reat jtr?pOIOtlon w. r. | at that tune for the coronation ami neOOOtal Of the l.mpi ror. Tin re an- impb a-ant rumors ot an agitation ?Kiiins? foieignrra Ixiiig fomented lu the I'mvlun) ut ghaatuag, fao/opaa OaorM* of Jan 2:; eeje Mm arMetee whtoh an po n pit sint .lap.ii ot Mm >asir?an Exhibition were red in Y.i sink a la the Chatte ?hiring Deoemberlaet. ri.. ?. ferne decidedly tatereeUng eoUeettoa, The Em pemoan M audit nee on New Year's to the foreign ? Maims, a short nagntoJatarp i n ,d t.y Mm Italian BkaiaU i oa bobo t ?.f the dip ..'.?? M : rat-mu.-ly n plied to by His M ,|. -ty. ?in ii.c ni:n of laaaarj. Mo nageoee an an oodlent e te Bn ITeloag aad Baaaiai Baboow, n\eiy Mm:.i an and l'.'is-ian Minister-. I i t \pn awd bora n delight? d ot i oing allowed to beetow such hoi.or. Then ha- bi t B much iM.litii al dlOOOtet, the laol four ? r t.,t aeehaaad that, togotboi vIMi lone rttataihoam t M tat .oiiiiiiy, hen piodu.iii great natacy. Troabln ban brote n i m to Mm Owaki -hea Klaeln djeteteti Dea Maeerlj MMB9 non amantad M and ettaekedaaddo -noy? d tbi Village of Punie, leveling to Mm groaad Mm bou i ? oi oiiit i.iis. Boon of Mm wealthy families tw ta : y?mi/?, ii... Van Mm priaetpal afl :.. keaweattoMM rieten oad othmptoQ h witn the leaden, tiny ven oooaaUed* some of them being killetl OOd ?'tin I'- wounded. Two womea wen beheaded M tat ltd of Da i Tobe, on? for coma lUng ama at Kaaeaawa>Mo ; agUng inr bnbandu Mi. I*? ?in.? su,.th. edl la r i ti inft rnatioiial law to the Japanoa Got? m on at, ' n n Beam i ?! bu naM?io dlty m a citi/t u ?t ti, ?r tedBtatea fhe otnete of Yohohoaa are to be lighted ?lib ?vas. The it sal. ills haut | M to be um ti ti ? m " Man fuini? may be nleod fur tin f tu r i on Ihe text of an Imperial proclamation has bei ti pub IMhedOJ tin local anthni It it?, ?.'ivuiu' notice that.u MM mut of Japan befog M Wtf MM fOBOg mu of all t m--t >, baobaadan n. imxihaalroj trad-1 -, as well n the gaeaoarat, will M called opn M eeere M the army. BISMABCK'fl ILLNi:ss. n i> Miiniii n l) TO IXMaONBD LBTTBBli Si. I <u is, Mo., Fel>. U).?Thi' lUmocrat ta Borrow will pnhuah an extract from a privat?- letter from Berlin,'which earn the nport is gaBe preTatoal that Hismarck's continued indisposition Is owing to MM i.uinhcr of poisoia d .etf? is he has n c? Ivctl. lie is so troiiiiicti with dlnlaen that heaoareetp h non the boon, aad ins o m, who always no is ? era ipondean with him, i- '?ufTt ring from an nBOOOOBtebM feeiiiim--., in? paiaco hua been ?tenddariagtheeu , Winter > n tin.-, a, . ount, and m Ither litsiiiarck nor hie v. .!?? i.a ve paitleipoa din the court feoMrtttoe at olt THE JOHNSON DEFALCATION?GSN. BILLBODBE i KONBRATBD. WaBBINOTOBi Fei?. 10.?Tbo Bewet Iltuis. t'ommittec on the th faIcation of J. J. Johnson, lately of MM stump illusion of the Assistant Treasurer's (illiie m New York, repoi t flint it would have been a taiiseof surprise bad MM investigations of the <',.m inittt i? Justified the adoption or an opinion imputing the criminal ad to MM waut of x igilutice. the Int apacitv, in? to anv Otan cause implying OtBOMJ infidelity on the part of the Assistant Treasurer, rtuv unhesitatingly exonerate him from any fault winch antBeeen MMJaiMg antgaed m him .? Mnbo b the resjKinsibillty for the loss sustained, ami tbev beart llv concur in the recommendation of ttie Secretary of the Treasury that the law alreaelv offered for its considera? tion should be enacted by ? 'oiigress retle\ uig (ieli. Hill bone from any pecuuiary iruilt In connection wirb th* robben? s of lleveuiie si amps or of their procceifi by his late unworthy subordinate. The committee most earnestly recommend, a? In MM du i i ton of greater security to the public moneys, Hist the punishment of all Treasury ?lefaultcrs Is? greallv in i leased, ami that In OOOOn of coiiv ution upon clear proof of guilt, should the pardoning power be exercnxMl .11 bt half ol MOMO ?bo steal public innncvs. Tbey also lecouiiueud that stock brokers who know? ingly viol?t?- tin law ny dealing with Qwtei liment cm ploy?e slnuilil !?' prostw'uteil with greater rigor than h?s markeil the oWMlaet Of such proceedings to the pao! They arc gratified to report (bat from affldauts of the. pnsent employ?1? in the Sub Treasury In New York, tbev an satisfied noue of them have been tempted to i,.waul (he,i positions ,mil happiness by stock specula rjaBBOPJ AND rAHFALTIBB-BY TKI.EORAPH. _OengO Hehennehl. a (iernian shoetnaker, age '?i conuitU? Klriilr tt W?k.Dfn>D. StlartJtr Uiftl, t.r rtiUlB|gi" lllt,ll ?lui s Ibuf ti fn. ? I !u of John F. (H?bonif, charged with lh? mu nit t of Mr*. Mi'hn?. tt TstM Oil*, III Iq lui?) 1,..| ?,. rut ciiKiol ?t ?Ulnbarf Katardtf lb? un raatUnif t ?frtlict of gulltr. ... Eaetwanl-bonnd freight train No. dB while lirti?? < ?.r . 11,??( ?( MtsJrk? !? Y.. teasOsf rveaiBf itruck aoJ .MUkllv tiUnl .? ubSbeou ?irnutk ?rr 1?, ?be ?. wtlkm? It? trw? to rr.. I. la. ,blMr?l, tl Ti>M?tl*U A l.tlk turtb?r <?,. tl.cilf r betlt? f?o ?'? omi ?? '?? ???? tbro?? inn tu ?abtutttrtl W few? bifb. M? mis ins *??? iKtrt A (opvitij B ?le? um tlitaSr tK?* r?? "V TWO DISASTERS. AMOTHU sTKAMF.ii WOtO?D. DBfiTMCCTtOB <>i THI MIMM a. jon?.-?? i wkntt on urn lost. Hi w OiiiiAvs, lib. l.v?The steamb?nf Henry A Jones fiom lloiiittiu fig Galvonaun, with a sufsme ii- bales of t,d ton, B as destroy O? by tin: ?Ihn morn tag, in Galvestun Bay. Twenty-one persons wen lost, including*( 'apt. .1. .1. Price, lirsf cleik and Jamet It. Hegen, sseond i leik, both well-known s team boa men. MOW THK l>I- \- I IK tu CflillKli-1 tMl PJ OF Till \ H TIM?. (?,\r vr-riiv. Texne, Feb. 11 -IWabknmef Cmvtei Porbea brought to this ejty the pataoM n? ned from the burnt steauu r Henry A. JOUM, ; moog tliem \s !-? i.-1.1111 1'ilot Dai ni O.Qordon.who give? the follow* tug particulars: Wkea afceeA three unie- abose hhdnsfc km at i so this morning, un explosion was heard, seamtetag, the SOSapS of steam, lui BOSU resembling the n ,-uit ol a ?un. The first, pdof. w tu, was on the roof. r.m iiown to tea lowi r dii k, ami uoasadtaaslf mUed ta tet aanuhhnt Jdlot to make his | .t ape as the tsi.ll was on ti.e. OSSOUU HUOit diatt ?y left th? w hi el and ran ?low I: st-i.i*. Whin he cot below he found that the tire had WraOOOd the Whole boat and cargo in a sheet of flame??. ll< hail only tune to reach tho barge. The Join ? hail a barge ''? bSW, and about the time Gordon reached tho;.<- it t aught trc, aud was cut loose from the burning boot and float, I away. Murphy, the sngteSM M duty, did not same*, and all l-i conjecture, regarding the B00SS of Iht d Tho probabilities are that the Are wall gSVS way, and that the report beard by Gereon was sensed by its fall. It Is Certain the wrholo VOSO i and SOMjU Sjenj In llames within ?vo minutes alter Un? first alarm? Tl.o following are kOOWO t.? '? j. J, Prtos, first stark; Tsmss Wsseja, -> ad stork; William Murphy, first englneei Pet P | ? cooper; John Curamlngs, I?. Turner, John < lopher Shelby, .lames Hrown, William HBghea. H. Qarity, Wm. Brad) . White Charley, deck h.iiuls; Hob (jil . ^, I. i mail W. McOulre, first cook; \V. Bishop, tecond cool hm, name unknown; Alfred, oabtn-uoy; Alexander liui'i, cabin-boy; and two stokers, nan.? i aaknowa. Ibsre wemeflpemsM m beard, and .7 wen meed. Loss, t5o,ooo, to Ike Street Vevtajefitai ( saspenj , m in Mmamh FALL OF A CHTJBCfl. NAitnow ajaCAia or mi. ? <>n?;kK'. \ iion?Tint UOOl Wl I'.IIKI) DOWN' WITH SNuW, HI T11IH WAIX8 UANOKKOISI.Y THIN. At 1:22 p. til, yestenlay, tho rout ni th? New-York l*ri-by teiian Church, on the south-west cor Bared ffcompeon and West Qouston-sts., gave way be? aeetk the damp, heavy moi upon it, and till with.? burins rnneh, srnsbtng tha in amr pari el the ?.dis and hurling a nias? of broken timber, hneka, and ?arter upon the adlaeent sidewalks and street ralln ad Weeks. Although there wen aisiat ti pereene, ana half af whom were children, In the beosment Of tl?" building, and e considerable number puling along the ?ir.-, lehn no out) was injured. fiSXMU JooOfh 0M I sad btS family, senstattae sd torn adults, wen- m agartmi ats in tin- beeemeut of the structure in which .luv rc-ule. John Todd of No. 73 East Fmirth-st., and his wife .nul two little children, who, in consequence of the ?*, rm. had remained after th" morning BSTViOS, in order to attend Bundeg - l.ool ,it 2 p. m., wen.- la the room In tho busssasnfij and sis or SSVUB poeng firis, pupils of the sebeo!, bed test arrived. One af Ike la'tor was entering tho building almost at the very moment of the crash, nnd narrowly escaped instant death. The walls, in falling, were forced outward, while tho timbers of the roof sought upon a portieuel mowntte not demolished in such a manner that the mata floor of the church was enabled to resist the pmssers af UM ruina, and to piOtOI : Ike inmate? of tin t SSeCSOOfi who h WOS nlino-t entirely uniniureil. Tut* upper half of tho Wells, and all tin-furniture and hxtr.r.s or tin-am. i ladiage new ergon, worn totsBj destroyed, bv rorriaganestmmssdtoss ol shout pas,set, tin tea tanse* a nee on which la of do avail agaiaet dauiagri of tin? nature. The bUlldlag was of brick, with biown ?lone trimmings, and was erected about 10 year* a+ro. It OSSUSedM ..n.? aboul M ftf M tost, ?ml its roof, which WM ftWfiWM without nmperttag columns, and was only aamahn d by llgkt truss-work. The walls were damn tWBlly thin, and of somewhat glmsyconstruction, fkeftseten room re? cently refitted at an expanse af ?i.-Oo, uns aot d lenhnafi, The Rev. W, W. Pane, pastor, had tant besa la fita ah? reb from hu ri ?tdenee. Wo. 4 Tartek-place, bwtlrruu at., between Bleecker and Poeet issasedett* [or the eklldrem and wm ? ?? int? dis? tant, ou als way bom,, ej bee the ehurea talL rhe b a - : tin-church ? as mad tor om-ot ti.i !ni el I aehoela of theoipi ind easoug tesanmaw es, ;i[n J WSS tfcOt of JtToliJi'-Hupkll.*, the i OB |ION t, Who happoaed te be lulthe shorth,just befsee tet re? f w-ii. \ b rente-eve. ear had Jasl roltad by, and .? woman andseverel nan wen im--.ii.: la ?i i ir i. t . r direatteni through both Ti.oinii-.eii tad Hoooten eta, bul bretona at y opon tbe deofrom theehercb. The tram?ndote m cauaed by th> mil of tet beildieg', aLirni'il I I i i lor McDermStt, il.'i WM at am ? 5fo. 138 Tkompaoo eh, end hi le r no i lading a peinful rum i pet reib tag that seer ii pereens bed besa basted beneath the ruins, be promptly sessmened tha rm rve platooos from fttb, Plfteentn, and Iwenty-elebtb Pre? n.i to, and at ' m e began to chai away :- eo .una of fire was aim peuoded and tbe treaum, who a. air,ved, earnestly joined In Uta sesrea, iia? tracks of Ike beventeav? hUllroad, ta Th unp-on st., sad of the Avseae C BeUrood, la Bsoatoa it, wen com* pieteiy blockaded tet reveml boors with rubbish and i trees. When the rutas had been raaoocked, Mini no iiijured persons ha I beta (pond,i t trecke were cleared end travel a '? Byfu'vt> taiiou of the ii--.. Hi. kfeCeesnteU, nasser el she Pnn> bytertanCknrek ta ?priagst.anar Vs loh Untes on of the ti. Iped la the Corner edifice, laateveniag! it i- sa .. .tthe regatarwmklyprayer amstlag will : , ai tno realdence ft tbe treasurer of the eougTegattoo,T. M, fhth. at No. ?ii Thompson M. M Wed by which til?n It is boned the! S lOBUM ? I net* iklpandfianday-eenool room will havi ... L TBM FIMM RMCOMD. in mis < 11 ??. A firo fhoaed i?y the frictitm of machiner**, M tee eeeoud finar of Harry's cotton rpini ag fatteiy, at No?. Mfi MS, and 6i6 West Pit*- mar Kuiuii-.ive..on Paluifiaj. remllfid la a tared.\ tad wm ml m fire by tb< ? \| l . n of a kareesns lamp, hi tha twoetery brtob bomu No. us Greene-st., on Satiirtlav niirht : rtaSSSgi I Tho fire which oteurrod it the Hew?Haven :?? 'if depot, in Centre-I., on l-'rnliy m . MBSSd,tU the opinion of Tire Marshal Mei cembustlou nmong the refuse af th? eerd-boird menu> raetoryed J. Jaeger &in, le which th anams nuru urst discovered. a denxaga of Ho hy grs was earned tkrouak Iks iioii Ing over of a kettle ol oil In the perfumen ?ton af stiii? hitman, it No ' i West Portr-elghth-et.,yamce day.An alarm of Un- wan mased, yc?tenlay. bj tho IgnitiOB Of B window em ta:n in the dwelhug o? ?jl ai, J. Murray, No. Ml West lorty-foiirth st. ; damage, t?o. AT NEWAKK, N. J.?Kiss ?611.000. About 3:30 a. m., fendnsjdgm, ;i Ige. benjng out in Atlu, Hughes & H peon 1er'? jtateut euameled rioit? t.oloi,, m Misse x ave., ut ar Nesbit-st.. ftftSWOVk, N. J. ihe bu.ldiuKwas tour stone? hiifh, and le entirely de atreved, with the exception of the first story. Wh* ft con? tained tin enirtiie? aud most of tbe machinery. The lo-e im estimated at from |ij,ooo totao.noo. l?verai ttrnueu were slightly injured when the walls fell la. 11 BWVnmm The liarns on tho farm of Henry Adam?, about two miles from Fort Plain. N. V.. were dextroyed bv Are on Mtturda? night. Sixteen cattle were con? sumed. A fire laut fveninji in the building known a? the Central Club House, In WashingUiu-st.. Beeion, damageii the building and furniture from |u.u? to tlS.OOO. There In an Insurance on the furrdtur? of |9 orxl In the American Central office of 8t. Louis The build? ing Is also insured. TWO HK.HWAXMEN SHOT. M h Mini??, Feb. 15.?A special dispatch from Sard!*. Miss., s*ys that William Bayles, a farmer, livlag aasj Oatesviile, was attacked yesterday bv ? party ot negroes, one of whom shot him in the b?eb, dangerously woundlnir him. After Bajrh^ had fsllen fo the gronntl he raised himself on hi? elbow, shot tbe negro who h?4 tired upon him with one barn I of bu shotgun, and then tind upon uuother of his aantttaato, tilling' both tue sUuUy.