OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 04, 1873, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-03-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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^mu-cmcnta, ctc. (_"iyi- (fi-cnitig.
Hoomrs Tit?4TiH_~"No Thim.iiKWaro." W. J.
ciiANi.oiMitt ITuBaa "Baaah-aaj B-" ataai Jobn
Woon, aml J.-.b Br?-i?B*aa
Clira Mumi.
Niiiu.',- fliaaana " i*? aaai Laaaa.*
(ii iMi-u Tiii:\tkr.? "Huinpty DBBBBBjp." Ceorce
1. Kmi
Umoa Uiiuibb Taaiiaa "laaa Etaaiaai Yeara
OM." Htl
Wai.i.ai K'a TiiUATK.i:. - " Pavid C.irrick." __ A.
r-vthrra. _
SiiiMi'iv 11 mj.?lnvlnre. Hrct Harte.
Sr. .1am: - Iiii'.4TK.lt. -HurlcMiueOpcra. (5. Swayne
ioxv Paaroa'a Or___i Hoaaat TariaaaaB.
tJnonifea Xoiuc
BaaaaaBBaa m ttwtM eaa... Oonaa ?* S'""'7"n,,rr l
aaaaaa B aaaaa Buu -?M"?^g?^*_fria,
w. D Rr?*,,.. aaa_B>i Maaa atma gaaa-ar *FJS
<r-*rir?r-l...r r , I * ! II I' Hltr.K T?.. Baaaaa ** *%?
..-,? m mt twjt.*,.* r.;? ?g"ft-y,'% tS
**_ta**r a-.l nn.-b-.r ?t mt. ?aa '"!""' ., , ,.tter|r at
...rva... of tb* ' K-**!.. Iro. WtjBj -J -^Kao-a.
-atlWl -r._l_.il*-. ?a?. J^ajy ____-_? aaa
th. ?,-a.-T tm wa-08 t* ?y*_-_J___: _3 rrhv WMi M
?.s raau . ,1.. I" tbb tt, ... jcra-.. ?"'" *?', rlt o-a BtBtt ia r*Pair_
I ,.* mtd .? c_ana*?OB wilb Bat? " ??* BJ* p>^ ji_p?i,i,nil*t_
F~r Cirral?r aai Prto*-_i*4 Borhaaa
Wm. I>. BbIIBI 1 H Part r-law S^t t.-i _
~A~1'mvii:m!. BBJ-BDT .?"BMOW-TB BbO-I
CttlAL T?ooiif,."f..riVBr-l. <V._t. lt. Hrotvr'nal Affa.-tu.-t. 8-8
Imt ib rmblir f.T?r aul c.>_M*-?~; tlu. reaalt ha. b**t acquirail bj t
Irlt af matT rrtra.
iiii. li:n.!NK Ai.manac for 1873 is uow
rra... ! ? s*-*afor8l._
BatCHKLOu'9 Haik I *. i - Be-st in the, world.
?iiUaUwuai At all .ratpatt
is., MiN i.K All. ThADW AND 0<XHI'A
' K___JLi_.'J__*_---_
" j)r. j;. Kbanb Palmbm?Patoat Ausis and
|,?ot, 1 l'b.ltaalr>?iia, ?J Uraaa-it. B-ittun.
Oktl v Mail Pntisonbers, $10r>er annnm.
m mi V. 11 ki y TaiBUMJL Mail 8ub_cri__ra, $3 peran.
V\ ii ki v 1 liiuiNK. Mail Siib_cribei_. $2 pei anuuui.
A il v p r 11? 111 K Kates. '
I'aiiv Iim-.i MK,aOe_, 40c., .'**., 7'h'., and fl per line.
-.-,??: v I i:i. iNK. _.r. and'ai ei nta pei line.
\\ KI ki . i RiaCMB, 99, $?>, and $?"> per line.
AieoniinK |0 ptt-ition iu tbe p.ip.i
TatBBB. aaab in advancc
AlMraaa I'm Ti:iiivk. New-York.
^,!^?. ,?? -,i- tei-i'ived at ii;?-i?i\rn 88*8-88 54J ^^ ?
Ud -'.. o ? B w. aM-at, till ** j>. m.. at lagalar r.a.ie.
A(l\f : a for thio weel.'s ts.sue nf 'lnr
WaO-U.1 i.ni i >k -.Ml b*b__l*J ib 7V-_.?|i. Pn t Bti per Ua*.
Tii4 M **aM jiritilrd, in rtn extra sleel of
ei./ht ).tii -.- ,,ir!,tr rtsumrof Ihe enlire Credit Mobilier
Thr repult trAtch have for ttro ntonthn
aaaakaraa lat ,">"?* aaa ttwtt\4kt aaaaaaaM^ aBaaawaa
(i/mIi-iiimii,- mn.'.'cr, aml j", ?: Ml t i" " ("/.m nnd UtttUi
mwtttt mtitmr ttmmtktml. The publie thut hnrr
ffuthrrrd t ,.,-, f',r-r in n single thertof ei'jhl puf/f* the nrt
re\ult vi Hi' t/irrsUjolion tn a foi m for presi rrulton 8P
for i-diih; rtfertntt. ttttftt roplrs nf tiie t.f,ret (tre sent bij
Btaal/arMi ?'*.?' M aaaM.ar MaampUafat
_-,renu. iii mtmtatdUeommttafha trada,
a pi-.-p -. ai !?? '' eeda i bajrlatha-aaC
wo h lalaotlt io IBa I _ __? BrtMBB
i,,\.i m ?? labaaa Baaatlaaaa ;i!> >ut lawaivMMaal
tlu- A la PMiBB-BBl Tlia-rs -.ill .i.l
!.,' i ,i ii. li AaaaaMj to-iiay.
ii,,- Beaan larda] ai -? 'l IBa Oti ? ?? bill, aa?
aa ollur Api-ropri.itioii MQa-?
?j'tio ]| ,i a larire B8BB8M M BUM "n tiie
BaaaM i
Tiie 1 Haa ComnilltJ'e lli.ila th<- efeaiBJM B88--8I
, I'iiih,-mv imt proveil.--? Able ui Kiimeuta
, tt taa jaurUaaa _%__t8-~re*e Baada Beflara Um Baa
i,'? Commltte. i.i repi laatBllTaaal IBaCoaaaalMaaal
Bl v.-i.t i TB8 Modoe war ia .-ml.-.l.
Th.- Ti .??!??. Untoaa aia _nk_BB atapatBtl-Ba for a pen
ei.il aink.. - L'leitioi,' riniiora ure eurreut ...n.ii.
Hlfl T... ,li Mail. Baaaa The wuter t uiiit.e on Murr.iy
iiiiiiK taa io ? v. ea-.M- paata, - - a Vaaaf^i te.i
hoaaa a t tta, ?___? Iaa Braai
ivu (. . liiu.iie.i axoaaraM Matriel
Atlor: ot OaM, 115. 11-,, 115. Tutruio_i
elel, -
Tha sDi-ciiil report nl Um aaniaaaca <>n tha
canac ol th? Iwe aaoatha walac faaaiaa wtdch
Ji.ia diaireaae- lha raaidanta la lha nppex part
of lha eity, ia b Bpeoia] plaa ioi watai aaatera.
\',.:v b.i: if thal ia tha reuady tmAj ii al
nr. c ;:ii(l relieTC BB] but Itt it Ih- uiKlcrstooil
Ihai the imp -:ti-?ii <?i" tlu-Navarro inrhr ujion
tis is tha earryiaf rmt of <>mt of Mr. Twaed'a
iticmiiiil. ;?- ii.uiili, aii'l that we will have none
ot it.
The Mtnatiuii in Bpaifl in fTOWiBf i-vrrj- il.iv
tiDii- eridcaL The CSatiiata are aaid to haaa
Bpptoaehi '1 within twcnty-ciRht miles of Ma
diiii. At Paa-peloaa, while tha ehiefa Ollo
aml Dom -ii'>. with 4,00iD men, are witbin
aaaana ahirl af its wall_, there is the pcaapeel
ol ii Fcdrialia? revolt, and aorno trtKijia aeal
to rt'ciit"i?c tha ?anftaaa on tha dtadel aaaa
inuiitiied. If the Government can livc thlOOC-l
the preaeal eaaaBfaMCUi it will have little to
fMt ioi tha tuture.
As tiuilly aeeaptad from the Confereiiee C'oni
iiiitt.t' BM- paaaed, the salary-raisinK schenn- ia
liiitrsoohjcctiouitlileasori^iniillyiiroTiofted. Some
oi the Haaaa of baanaaa are only just and fair;
and tha aal latag Baaaahaaa are uot to ehare
in the ?K'iK'fits of their own legislation l?y
votnis' Mm iii-.'Ut? B cciiermiB slice of ba. k
l>.iy. The bad leature of the wliole ca.se is
that tlns new hUtidard of comp4>naation will
compel a fB-Mfal raise of salanos paid by the
We intiinati il at tiie lie^iiitiin^ of the 808
hion tliat the I'olioe JurttiwH, who are of the
old Biag ? aar~i*f-_f part, had made -coiumon
Baaaa with the Charter faction at Albany,
und aaaaai aa dafaal the bill iafBaa__Bg
th.ir courts and theiuselves out of office. In
4(>utitmatii?ii of this opinion we now learn that
tiie liill p:*s( iitcd and arpued by Mr. Eaton,
and one of the uiost iinportaut yet before the
Le^irdatiire, is smothered iu the Judkiary
(.'ummittce of one of the housea. Who are
fha 8-Maaka of Etefona irho obatmet the bill?
It is evi.ii nt that the Mmhics read the newa
payaaa A- a eoMaiaaaa af their pespeaei Bur
render they supifcnt a visit to Waaf-fa-ftOB.
'ili.-y haaa hoard of the jnnketinj'*. and t^ie
K*>ad time** which thrifty Iudiauagi utaaadBBaai*
rt-pentant aavage niarauders have enjoyi-d,
and they want to have peace and a look at
their "(rrent Fatber." Ah for the other term
oii whith peace is concluded, they are reuMin
able and just. Kverv iMnly will be plad th..r
tliia vexittioits aud aomewhat humiliating little
war is over; and everyhody will see now
how eafiily it might have be.-n avoided iu thi
lirul iur?taii4;e. _
A nottihle contrast ba#W-?B tiie two sides
ilebatiiix tiie mirif.i of Uie new ('hart?T at
Albany n 8808 ia t.'ie iirray of names. Aiuouk'
tliosi' vaiio appoaa tha paatiaaa faataiaaaf tha
Chaiipa aaa laal men as 1'iof. Tbeo4ore
I>\Mr'':!, Do taaa B. -_a_oaa Jackaoo8.Behult*,
nl I'.iitii. ami .i-i;.,v. BaloiB-BB. lii?"
i)it-i) i ' ?? ? .I "' N' "'-V.-.ik
rm ii of inU'tTity, ability,
publii ...ii .. ..mi MP ? ?
Ihem, arguing for Uio arc^-lanoe of tho UU <<>
give ub a now Ring, aro George niis?i. jr., and
Mr. CoflBJB-aa-oaec Daaaopeii lt ?? FJ*y
el.w that the Charter has the lagalai H'U
ci.tns in its favor; but the argiiment, Wj*
emy, jusUtv and -.m-iiry are on the other sidc.
Tiie H.iwaiians BBB in dwid earneat in their
a_brta to aaeaia ii-Jfciataj <rade with IM
Uiiitid Stales. Tho new King bas been
p, titioned by hia auhjeets to viait this country
und BM hia influence to neirotiato a treaty
tatlcr an tinkiagly errand, ono would aay.
Now .t i? paapaaai u? aaia us a vahiabio
hachoc near Honolulti as an equivnlent for
Bgicaa-g ta aaah a trade aaaimbHm j nnd a
diapatah from a tiustworthy e4irrospomle.it
th.re givef tw some pnrtieulare. Aecordmg
to all aecountH, tho barbor is a good one;
wt aaad sueh a station for naval and marinc
IIBI.I8IBI but tho expedieney of a res-iprocity
trtaty aml of making acquisition of an out
post in foreign doniinioiis will be much dis
nuwed More dotermineil.
Tliere is nothing very singnlar in the ense
reported elsewhere in whieb Messrs. Tweed,
Counolly,, Sweeny, aud Thomaa Muiphy IgBfB
on one ftide aa joint clairaants for proceetls of
property to t>e sold under a foreclosuro of
IBTT*flgf There is aoniething like a aeore
of fuioh Caises iu reserve. Tho old King i-_B
aforesaid have alvout half a million dollan* ol
property wmilarly situatcd; and it will all
have to lie dispoaed of under foreelosurea of
mortgages, unletw Mr. Murphy ia enabled to
revive the King and make nll the aforesaid
property available. We havo before pointed
out that Mr. Murphy was of the old Rinp j
we sliall have daily proofs of it when the new
Chnrter is passed, for then there will bo no
renson to eonceal it, and our new masters
will lausrh at us and ask, " Well, wkat are
"you goiag to do about itf
Tndications for a nionth past? minor inci
deiits happaniag Ib Tajiooa locatttiaB af the
eity?have pointed to anothcr labof rorott this
year. We have had careful iuquiry made on
all Btdea as to the prospeets of a strike; and
tlir eonclusions renched by our n-poiters are
publishcd ebewhere. Biidly stated. the fact*
show lhat Ihe midsununcr madmss of tiie
WO-kfog-0-& ll bkely to affect thim very
early this year. aml thal :i strike ol many of
the trade,s la planned to take plaee eaily _B
Mny.it not indeed in April. Tha picparations
an- fonnidalile. lt' eaily agitation does not
defeal thi -BBBM movciiieiit?aml lor that
pnrpoae and _a tliat bope we eoBfeaawa have
Beaiched for tha facta? we du_Q have aueli ;i
BtagBalaoa Bf industry heie as will ncaily
paralyae bvaiMBa foi n mtha to eeme. While
l'i. pii-p.-uatioiis ln ;i stiike aie foiiuidabie,
iln oraaaiaat-OM ta teaisl it aia Blaapowar
fiil. The employi is are learninc from tlieir
employes, nnd this year their I'nions, if not BB
Bnmeroaa as tha workingmen's, are rieher;
and they will BBaka long nnd bitter re.sist
ance tO the workiiigmen's d'-niands. There are
two ii.ontlis yet foi conciiiation and eompio
niisc. Bappose, aa pratimina-y to tha aarioaa
Btrike, a little diplomacy l*c amplojcd on both
sides. It ifl certain to ba much ciieaper, and
likdy to be fully as rllcctiv. an any stiike of
tlu- paat ________________
At 1, o'elock, noon, to-day, the Xl.lld Con
t:ress dissolves with the eud of its Thiid Scs
.sinii. Ita First Baaaiaa begaa oa noon on the
Um March, 1871, aml emh-d on the 21th Ajiril
toilnwiiif,'. The Baeoad Bt-ariea bagaa Daa.
4th. 1871, and closed June 10th, lb72. Tiie Ba*
sion now clOB-Bg bafM Daa. 2. 1872. The
whole CoBgrBBB has been cliaiaeteiized by an
uiipKcedeiited m t.-'ect of the pnblie biisiness
Ifl the eaily BtBfBfl of the ses.sions, and eon
fnsion iit Ihe elose. Much of the time of the
la-t two acaai-M BJBa eonsumed with investi
gationa which a lai conduet of the Ooveni
nn nt had made necessaiy. These investiga
tions have imited much aeriinonioiis
nnd heatcd dibate. The inincipiil ones
uue BB followa: An imjuiiy into Ihe
IBBI af ccilain records in the \\';ir I?c
partmciit; the New-York Custoiu-hoiise inves
liKation; New Oib iius Custom-house iuquiry;
I.oui.-iana politieal afl'ans; sales nf I'liiicd
state.s araa to the Fiench; Navy Dapartaiaal
tontiacts; inquiries into the tiriumstances
coiiciiniiig tha eleciion of Senators I'oineroy
and Caldwell of Kans;is, and Claytou of Ar
kaaBM' and lastlv, the Credit Mobilier mv. s
tigat-OI--, eoiiduetfd !>y tlnee sepiirate I'wiii
mittees. The diseus-ioii of these suhjeets haa
Bgitate- CangiaBa uml ahaheo popalar conti
deaee in the National Legj-Jatare.
Of tke politieal laws which were enactcd by
this COPptaa. the famous Enfoitement acts
are BOBl couspicuous. The original law was
paaaai at tho Fint B-BB-Obj the Duppla
mentary bill was fastened on an Appropriation
bill during the last night of the Second Ses
sion, and were so jiassed, in violation
of the ruk'8 of the Senate. The country
will not soon forget that this unrighteous
measure, whose chief work has beeu to facili
tate the UBurpation iu Louisiana, waa the
offspring of the XLIId Congress. Attempts to
seeure additional civil riglits for the enfran
chised bbuks have been frequently made, but
the Senate has steadfastly refUMed any sueh
concession. In deferenco to au imperative
popular demand, this CoflHTaaa irave us
Aumeaty ia a modified fonu; complete ob
livion of politieal oQ'ensea yet lingeis. The
Apportionment of Hepresttntation under the
Ninth Census fell to the lot of tho XLIId
GoaiBjaaij aud the work was well and satis
i.ictorily done. The revisiDii of the Tax aml
Tariff laws was anothcr gOOd Ut of
work done by tho Congress which i?
about dissolving; it removed many of
the stock poiut-4 of attack of the
Fiei -Tiaders by reducing the duties on eoals,
iron, biurlier, salt, and shiji-building materials.
.Some reduction iu the faSBB of employi's m the
Iuti mul Rl venue Bailioa has been made, but
nothing has Ih-i u doM tO sticiiKthen tin; ('ivil
DatllflB, or eitend iU reform. Tho abohtioa
of the Frankiug I'rivileire, promised long aud
defeated ott, will stand out promiiiently
among the aets of this Gongieas, It waa a
ire demanded by the people, aml so per
siateatly forced on tha attentiuii of CQMffBH
bj the l'oatfn.irttei-i.i-iieial, that ali.aolutely
iiothiug but its passuge was fiually possihle.
It ii jiir.d aliiiosi BB iimcii pBMjIWl utded l?y
the 1'residint's indueuce, to induce Congieas
to BBlBt-M bill to c.iny mtn etl'i-ct the I'lsheiies
cliiii.-e (il the Ticity nf W.uahiii^toii.
Of the work h'lt undone we cannot now
Kpeal; with I (Ttainty ; some of the approiu l.t
tions will be rns!n-.l tliroiij-h this mnruing,
and it i> poaafbla that other iin|?oitaijt meaa
. dragged along with them. Wo
,i. ii-iMin, ImweviT, thal nothiiiK' baa lu n
or wiii ba (io'itt liv tin.s Coflfraaa Iii
ring order out ot tha Laalaiaaa -haoa;
BOthiflf for t.iu soliitioii ol lha Mormoii
txaabtea; nothing to proftia for tho -inrilm
tion of tue Gonora awHrtl, aml nothing
toward 5 rtiinplilir.ilion aml roori.ani_..tion of
Mhi CrBafeBBM Servieo aiul a_Bw-B. AU of
ttmm ominaiouB aro very important,
tlioH'. ra_B_-Bg to Ijouisiaiia aml lrtah
bafa-f piirticul.iry gravo. As we hiive
ulrc.i.ly aeeti, tho invoat.ig:itii.n* mado
BaaaBB-_7 liy UM deinoraliivd oondition of the
Ijcgialative aml Kxecutive Uepart__?*U <?f th "
C.ovornuiont havo cmfroaaod ao much of tho
attention of OongroiM that. only the BMMt im
__ad_al_lf |M-_-B| IcKMiatinn haa beeuoblain. ?1
at all. Hy thia 8888*8, how.-ver, ht have ok
eapad MMb Jaha an tho Paatal Telegraph !lIld
tho [nkn_|l Improvcim-nt ('anals.
Art thr XI.IIil COBfTflM f8flfl into hiatory it
will tnko with it a rcputation for fair inteii
tiona hut great tcel.leno*H. Tho Sonato has
baaa afcfltraatif_. p.irtUi-n, aml uiuiiuaiiy oaa
rupt. Coiiaidt.riiig iJio relative Miiallncss af
ita niimbors, it haa been coB-picuoualy bad in
nioraU. lt haa been forrod to conaidor
tho oxpulHion of ono of ita niemlwra;
and a atriot inquisition for foulness
wouhl drivo out live timea M BMBJ 88888,
Tho Hoiiko hax, in tho niain. bBBB ni?ro row>
lute; but it too w.-nt down dis-r.ieefully wlun
it BTBfl taaad to oiirtidor tho char.i. t.-r ami
Htamliiii; of it* own memWs. Tlio Kirst Sea
aion ol (ho Xl.lld Coujcroiw waa biicf and
Imsm-Ks-liko; tlic .Socoml w,w tnainly prepar
atoiy for tho I'reni .ential oanvasa of 187-;
tfeo Third and laat wa* alarmod aml fevcred
by dovolopmont* concerniiiK tho nior.il char
actet of Sonatora and Koproaontntive*. The
XI.llil Cflfl-gNfll ooincH to an ond ; tho countiy
will Ik- relicved at iU fO-flff aa woll flfl di.i
appointod by tho inconsequoiico and liicoin
pk-tonc-.H of il* lalion._
Tlic Btruggle bctweon the pooplo and tho
monopoliat-i, iu tho Now-Joraey __af-_-ata_-t. in
near il.i cml. Wbflthfll it ahall roault in poixi,
or in tho porpetuation of tho old ovil, a day or
two will docido. Iu order that tho pooplo of
llic Btatfl may know who of thoir represciita
tircrt lhal] bo held rcspoii>il.le for tlio n-aiilt,
ii may b<- well l<. reo.-.l! Um atory <?f tho Anli
nioiiopnl.v bill now batea tho Bmata.
Thfl Aii-Liiie liill lor a t-UOflfh road from
Ncw-Voik t<> i'liiladclpliia wa* iiitroiliic.il ia
tln- Ass.-inlily on tln- t'n-t day of tlu- seasion.
itaBfHng No. _ on tln- calcmlar. It wa* cir
fully (oiirti.l.red by thfl Asai-mbly Coiiimiltoe
and piomptly reported. Scv.ral ho.inni's wero
Iuii! in tlic AflBI inbly Chatubcr, at which BIRB
BMBlB wore made by thfl attorncys of Iho
frieadfl al tht bill. but tho flaoaapaU-tfl taflad
to appear. At thaflfl baflilflgfl the publk at
t.ixlant.' WBI vory lafffl aml tho in
t.-ic.-l in.inife.~tcd most n^niticiint. Alanni'.l
by tliono doiiionsliatioiirt, tho chainpions
ot nionopoly, on Pab. 6, introdm-i .1 in thfl Baa.
ad- ;t liill ta I tlnoii^h road from N.-w-York
to I'hil.i.lcli.liia, over precia.ly thfl samo roulc,
and Um cxaet eoflBtflfpart ?>f thi AiflwaMj
bill in ovory particular BBTfl ifl tha BBBMfl of
tho eorpoi.itors. Thi latt. r w.-ic otiii.-n uoto
lioiislv in thfl interest ..? thfl iii.niopoly, while
thi.se oi tln- Asstinlily bill wcrc, niany fll thcin,
Iho iiiorit proiiiinoiit and bigbJj hoin.icd in tlic
Si.tt.-. Aftorilclilr.-r,itc.-.):isi.l.t:iti.)ii,tiic As.-om
l.ly bill Wiii. broiiis'hf up ta BBBl paflBBfll. ju-t
about ono iiionth after itu introdiiotion. Tlic
jrall.-lii-s were thioii^cd with p.-oplc ;unl tha
ou-itcinciit was iinpicccilc:.lcil. Thfl public
B-aetiaii throii^hoiit tbi Btata had eoBTiBeed
thc Bflf Blllljllbfill thal a .sjiirit had been nroiis.'.l
arbicb oaald not ba raaiatad v% it!i lmiuniity, aad
when tha vot4' was t ikon thfl bill was pBBflad
bjf a miij'.rity larj_.ly fl-BBflfldlflf thfl flflflM *un
j,'iiim- ezpai-t.itioiiri of its fiiends. H.rc in :i
vote which will on.tblo thfl I?i opb- of thfl Btatfl
ta. flflfl uho of their A-4.-niblyiii.il wcio faith
ful. Cal thi.s list out aml save it !
,\,,uv-l M.'NOI-Ol.v.-M.--.Ht.. J. An I'IM BB, Aiiii~tri.ii.,
i:.i,i\n_, Bflftta, Bflda, CaBBffl-l], OhtmtlA, Oattttar,
l ole, DHB8BB8. Da.w.ll. M'iri.li'.', l'l-lJ.'r, (i ."'I'-. <;u.for,l,
Uotart, Boppaek, rioweii. Jaoaa, Lelaaa, [iaflflajr, Laf
li.-rry, >Ia. -kni-i, M..-t. r, M lun.l.M, M. Kmley, Morn.w,
Miitciii.-i. Pataeraaa, n.vi.i. Baflaflnh; -aaaBar, a. j.
,-mitli, A. W. Hmitli, Si.n.ul, ThflflBBflBfli Wiiiiil.il, W,i4h
i.urii. Wilii.-. WiMi-tt... WaWtalaglafl U.
fOK .?tlO.VOI'Ol.k'?.ltriir: J. J. .txtttrr.
ion, Itmrn ., Vmrprxttrr, tmrir, t ????!? >/ Fmrrirr,
farr-MB, tlrmmimgtrmti, tlill, llopprr, ItimrJ,
i.ramiitg, Vrr, t'lxjm^lon, U'arium, Srkmtlt,
If'art., l.***f.r4Br? IH.
Tlns is thfl laaefd af tha Asscnibly. On tlu
BBBM B-ghl the Si-natc, afti'i thfl pioplc had left
tho (';i]iitol, took up thfl Monopoly l.ill, and,
in the taa of I'lcMilent Taylor's dccliiration
thal it had not been htfally a.lvcrti-.-.l, and
roulil in.t thoioforc bl actod u|)on, paantd it
by tho followiiiK vo'o l
FOR Tllti .tto.xopniyf 8tFA8***o8Jamt8Mh
I J.,,11, ttopkioxM, irirk, Jmrrmrd, lyttrlerkrr, .Vr.
t'ktr.oH, .Tf.o* r, JTrtrkirk, Srtrrtl, Shrppmri.
AOAINST THK MoNOlLT Kii.i. -liaii?h.irt, ('(irululi, Cut
l.-r, llavt-ii-, Iloiidnck-ou, Hcwitt, Htoue, WilliituiM,
Ou W_a_B_adlJ Ia>t thi Air-Linc bill wont to
the Senate, and ou Thaisdaj it w.w callcl
from tho Comniittoe. Hut to aocurc dclay the
Chairinaii of tho Coiuniittco nbsciitt il hinirtclf
froin town and lock.-d up tho bill behind him.
Laat night ho reported it to the Sen?
ate, when it pBBBld to it-* tliird read?
ing. It will ronio np to-day or to-morrow
for paaaifB, It ia said ita fluccoss dopondri
upon thfl action of two Senatorn, Edsall of
BflJMI and Lydkckkk of Borgon. Tht ir tou
atituenta have spokeu their will uninistakably,
and it romaiuri to be aoon if thcae inon aro
liold BBOBlh to defy it. Tho eyo.s of the p4-o
plc aro uiHiu the Senate, and epecially upon
HflaBBB. Eu-AM. antl LlBflMB-BB.
To-day at noon tlio XLIId CoBfTCfli comes
to an ond. It will make no brilliant li^uro iu
hiatory. It haa carricd out uo great lcfoniin.
It has achieved no specially wiao Icgi.^latiou.
It haa brought into political life no _tate_incu
aud even no particula'rly able politiciau.s. Tho
only great debatea which havo oeeurrod in ita
cour_e will bo ronionibcrod lor the uuavailing
proteMta of a gallant niinority agaiust M_BM__h
ful wron^s; aud, aa wo caat our eyea over the
rooord of thfl two ycars in Wa.shiupt4.n, tho
only men who aoom to rino above tho coininon
multitude are the fow rolica of that better
order of legialatora which in so rapi.lly t>_u4?}iiipr
away. Tho XLIId ConKreaa will U- thiclly
romembered for acandaloua cxporiurca which
have not been followod by imrilication, doliu
quenciea of tnconbera which havo not been
puuiahod, and the dincovery of abasoa in thfl
public. aervice without a touaoipient rofonu
Aa tho XLIId Congroaa pa?-on out of oxist
ence, the n.w Senate of the XLIlId will incct
iu extra hoshiou. Wo wi?h it a more naoful
( arccr than that of ita prexleceaao.. Thfl in-cii
lLir toni|)t;iti.)iiM of a " l'rosidential ycu" will
lie rcinovod, and thfl Sonato may tagal tho
narrow puttisaiirtliip which ha_ rcccntly di-.tin
gniahod it. Taiiglit by tho pn-sont jiopular
rovolt agaiu-it dirthomsty anil ilcccit, uud iu
liforstad porhaps by thfl pitHonce of a num
bor of now nioiulioM, freah from contact with
thcii pOBfltttdflBt-. it in.ly Iind itsclf more
Koaloualj to iiaofiil worka. We cannot aay,
li-. rTovoi, thal, iU W4*uu;*ra..U-U ollu i al luat
jrl.inco an exrtiflo for goneral congrattilalion.
It laaaa, to bo fltire. very little that waa worth
keeping. Lyman Tiumhull will be severcly
missed; but, if we exccpt Franeis 1'. Blair,
none of the other ivtirinK menibers are men
of national fame; and two or threo who dis
gra<Mi their plawrt will witlidraw to-dny into ft
privacy which we trust will long remain un
dii*tiirlM>d. But on the other hnmi no great
Htreiitftb has been added ti? the aasemblaKO by
iis itcicssions, and several M-tiaaBBB have
beeu teturned who are -ouspicuoiitdy unwor
thy. Mr. Colfax no longer presides over the
hik'liest. lefrislative body in Ameiica; but his
plBflfl is takeu by ono whom the Senate
has ollicially declared to lie untruthful. Mr.
Bomeroy did uot miccced in buying his ro
elertion; but Caldwell and Clayton remnin.
Jame. W. Pattorsou goea hometo New-IIamp
hhire; but John J. I'attcr.son comes iifi from
South Carolina. Mr. Harlan will be with us
no loagar. Mi. Qaocia E, BpaMoea has failed
to "eotitrol" the State of Alabuuiii. Mr. Nye
lraves the ilik'uity of the Senate to take BBM
of itsclf and purposc.s (if the J're.sident will
let him) to uphold the diguity of the Unitiwl
State.s iu a foieign laml, and wavo the stnrs
aml Htnpe.s, BB to speak, in the gilded halls of
the Auatrian deapot Yet Mr. Came
ron has been rcelectcd by thn Penn
Hylvania Kailroad; two Senators impli
cat.d in the Credit Mobilier brib.ry
remain after J'attersnn has gono homo and
Wil.son luus beeu promoted; Loiiwiana, will
probahly bo represcnted by au intruder who
will owo his cerlilirate not to votes but to
bayonets, aud at lcast two Senators besidea
those we have mentioncd are stroiiKly s?s
peeted of the aame corrupt piactiees which
braafht Mr. I'omeroy to grief. It U not a good
bcginuiiijr, and the Senate can only efl'aco the
iuilavorable impression whiih it makes at the
utart hy hard work, ecouoniy, bonesty, and a
divotion to duty which shall rise supcrior to
partisanship and seltish interest.s.
It now appaara that the Uattad Btataa will
not be repn-si'iiti'd at the Kxhibition in Vi. nna
thia yeiir. so tai as the llepartment of Alt is
conceined. Tim cuises ol 1 Iiis lailuii aie vari
BBfl, and vvc may prcjiaie for a scrics ol soine
what lively rceriminatioiis between the parties
in interest. But it would seem that tho true
obstacle lay in the nature of the casc. There
have been two or three IbIbB starts made, but
it ia qut-stionabli; if even BBdei pcrlcct man
BfeBMOl the atlcmiit would havo resulted
moie. suiceaafiilly. The Committee first ap
poiatad hy Qao. V;:n Bnteai to taha charge of
the contiihiiiioiis (on-istcd excliisivdy of gBB
tleinen well known as amateurs of art and
liU'ial piitiliaseis of pieturcs. Most of tliein
wete men of the hi^hes! charactcr, aml
P'liiT.illy of emiiient fitness lor the position.
But it would eertainly have been better to
POBBPOae the Coininittee part.ly of amateurs and
partly of aitiat.s, which would have enlistcd B
much more univeisal and v.irietl activity in
tha wtuk of colleeting and t-BIIMfllHiBf to
Vienna sueh apillIflMllia of Anii-rican Art as
would hiive done us credit and formetl B 8llb
tstitnti.il additiofl to the aitiatic. attiactions of
the Lxhil.iiioii. But tha oinis.-ioii of all art
ifltB ti'uii lha Coiiiuiitte.' natuially roused a
good deal ot unplca.siint criticism, and the eon
M.iiuencc was that the gentlemeu appointed,
faattag IhianaciiTBa plaaad faa a _a_a8_paai-ioai
iu relation to the attiats nnd the pulilie. and
pos>ibIy not unwilliiiK to be freed from a
thanklcss Offlee, temlered tlieir rcaij-nntion,
aml Ihe lanieiiled d. ath of Mr. (!iMTgB 1'. Put
iiiim, thi ir Chairman, which happcm d about
that time, dcprivi'd QaB. Van Buren of the
assi-t.iiici- which Blight have been dciivcd
fi om his infcllueiit iind iin|ircjii.lieeil advic.e.
After the roaigBBttoB ti tha oii^'inal Coin
inittt'.e tho maiiagement of the whole matter
was temlered, l>y what will appcar to many a
siniilar erior ot jinL'ineiit, fo the Academy of
Desi^n, nnd the Council of this institiition,
after .some natuial ohjections at the latem s.a
nf the day, acceph'd the charge. They fir.at
aakad br more ipflea thaa bad been BUottad
us, and 2'MI squ ire incters were added to the
alicady coiiaidi i.ilile BIM wliich was Mfliting
lor our pieturcs. After thi.s was aoconiplLshed,
it baaaaaa evident that the i ii tii 4. tnterpri.se
was lcjrarded with a dtBClOIIIBg.ng degree of
b-BgBBS and iiidilVeience on the part of
promiucnt collectors and leading art
Ifllfl, Tha l>rotit which would coimt
ol an exhihition of their pieturcs
this Siiinmer iu Vienna w.im prolilematical at
baati nnd the risk of d-UBBfa dflriag tha kng
Baa and landjoan-aij there ;iml baak araa very
(onsideralile. It was not to be wondcied at.
therefore, that the owners of valualile and
costly pictuies should hesitate at B-POBJIH
them to these hazatd-i, and tliat iiiikuown
arlists and injudiciotis collectors should crowd
their possessions with e.mbarrassing liherality
upon the Commission. The f.ict is that very
few works of the fimt rank were oflered, and
that one interior eity requesred all the spaee
at the disposal of the American Conimissioner
for its strugg'.iug art and the fortuitoua col
lectious of its millionaircs. lt soon bei.une
evident that tho show which eould be
made in the tinio allotted would not
be creditable, and it waa thia con
viction, rather than any incidental difi'ci
BMB of opinion about details, which indm ed
the Coiincil tdtikk ffktjfatkj of Design to seud
iu they; rcsiynntion on the 2Htii 0^_^fb_3_-T
i.lst, and to decline to take .tirtheriietion iu
the case. There was, it is true, a dissidenee
of rather trivial eonsequence in regard to the
salary of a comniir-siouer who was to accom
pany the coutributions to Vienna aud to take
chargl of them there. The Council proposed
that he slaiuhl be paid *2,000, and Geu. Viin
Bureti declined on the gVBOd that the appro
priation did iiot warraut auy sueh disburse
meiit. This, we say, was not a matter of im
portanee, as the money could have been raised
by mibscriptiou in teu minutes on any Satunhty
BtM-Bg at LheCeutury Club. The roof of the
whole matter is,that there is nol enough interest
felt iu the Kxhibition to iuduce our promi
neiit amateurs and aitists to seud their pie?
turcs to Vienna, of their own aecord, nnd the
miauiiiliTstiindiiiK'*. about the appoiutment of
a Committee have preyented that energetic
and zealous OaSTBaaiBg whidi wmild have
cotinteracU-il this gB-Mtal upathy. The reault
of it all ii that Geu. Van Btiren has on his
hands about a do/.. n objects of art, which Im
iiiight as well retiiin to tlieir owners. An lin
pertect represeutation of Americau ait would
to- much worse than none at all.
Hhbody will be disappointed that SeBBtOf
I'omeroy is whitewaMhed by the Conuuittec
which has been investigatititf his ease. The
ludicatlons that this would be the result have
lieen apparent. The report of the majoiity is
oiie-niiled aud Buperficial; it assumea that
roiinroy waa iniiocont, and his g. n.rally
diiiiblful reputation goei lor BBth-Bg. As .Mr.
Thurmuu hIiowh iu his miuonty report, tin
v.ii.lc -_u_ia_o ia uoi, couipruaaod iu Uie iyik
eaao; it ifl not to l>e conaido.red indcpendontly
of all tho other correlntive watimony, thmik'h
it ia tho pivot of tho whole. All of the prob
ubilitioa point to tho truth of Mr. York'a
Htatci.iont. Tho oxplanation of B_Mfltflt Vnm
eroy ia fantaatic, improbiiblo, aml oontradio
tory. Sonator Morrill of MuiBf would havo
uiiido short work with thia atructuro of aophis
trica and Hhama._
Two diatinct niovouicnta aro in protrn-a* for tbfl
BBflflflafla of fltataaaia b?aor ai u.e laM m.Onmaj.
Tba oaa mattiai hy the Mm.. W. W. Nflaa, btfl 8*8
rflNBtattfa of Mr. Orooloy'it bflflM H l'"1 Hti4t"
I.c^islature, conteinplatc4i tho enation of a hron/.e
Btfltflfl with a.iitahle p.-.l.-atal fltthM in I'rintui
niaami-Binrfint-1 Phafe. Y?i thiaa i?iicbbhbi
hi.s.-ilr.mly been rais.'.l I.y im M_BBa_at-OB fl-Ot-flMV
I_4l_Blfl|bBflt __TI country: and contrihutioii* nr-'
Hlill d.iily rcc.'iv.-.l I.y Mr. Blfl and hy th?* Hoa.
Aiidrew ELChflflfl, Cntroller of thfl City of .Vw
Vork, who Ifl MttBg M Tr.-a'ati.cr of tbfl f'ind.
The other BllllflM?t ifl Ifl the hauda of j..urneyin,ii
print.r*. and Iflflfc- to the crcction of I lif'" a*M BtflU*
..f Mr. Oiaalu to bacaat ia _J|i mMaI an.i ptaad n
Urccnwood. It waa in the intereat of thia uiovcin.'.it
lluit prinlera wero r.ccutly inviteil tO Mj VSM8MM
Bflflh, aml forwiir.I tlio prflfl.la to tln- Pl.-idrMt of
TypOKii.j.l.i.il l.'i.ioi. -ffl.il TlMM P IfltlflflflflM |".w
.inti iisf/)l*4?i*-iik for their circuhir berewith PTflfl
tho wi.l.vst circ.iliitii.n :
ISooaa ok N. Y. Tvc BBlOflJto.?. J
No. M DBASfl a7.. B ?? I
QflflttflaMBi In Bflrtflfl-B-BM of th? arti"ii "f 8. X
Typo_rai.lic al Uuion Ho. 8, to eroct ? Bfli MM MflflflB M
Hataafl Oraalar. BflM la lf|B?tol iBaOMflflBlMM bzv
Uj Hl MflWB. Ifl ibfllflTI MM ?flMfflaf flaajaflBfll -fl MM
DMttflg tho arrauKe.notita for tlio corapl.-tion of thr)
Htatiic. Ilavlio? r.-.-.ivc.l flflMMBflflB -oii.iti.nn from _.<u
Baaaaaflflaaatf MaflMBal witiit.v craft. ti.<4 Ooaraaltt-a
hav.- IflflMai to aoiicit _flaaflMflfl laaaa IBa .tuployiii.
priutcra und publlatiers, aud: MlMBfl .ltUor .lireet'.y or ln
ilinotly counecte.1 with our prof.-a-iloii. DflflflMOBB,
,-ltlier fll i.M typ.-met.il or Iti c.i-h. flttl l.e thiinkf.illy
rcoolvadiiarl.l.ily a<hnowl-dKOd, and tlio uatiK-a or all (
flaaan aaMflfla. flfl thtlWlotH?*_* toJr "<-"Q f"1 lu"
_pcctTonlit th.- Hocioty'a r.Hjiii-, Vo. M Duane-".!..
Baflfll J-ou feel al*i>o**ti to aaalat ln our h.itnt.loelT.rt
roore.-tttiU tril.uteto tho meinory of otm who lu lir<;
l.ruw.l liimaelf the BflflflMflflM flf ?MflMii, Bfld flbOM
iM-n wm MMMPd aitiv.'ly in BflflMBB tflfl BBBlBMItBia
ol MB liuniaii Iflflfl, wa- trii-tt to li-itr from you at your
t-arlic-t eonvi'iiloncc Bfla|l--lfaliy,
_- J, HffrfflBaaaa, f-flaliBBBB BMffl OaaiiallMB.
N. u.-fiihiKtoni Ot typ-vinet-1 iBfl ? I ? '? ' '
" nliaHllBt If 9. Y. TypuKTiiphic il Ui.ion Va ?', ? H I "'
JflBflO. i.i/ht'.iody, No. 2i n.utwiBtt- Doaatioaa ol
ID..1H-V ihaaalto aaal M " P?M-toBj <.r 8. y. Typflflteapfl
b ul la'iil.oi Sn.fi, No. M I)HHiie-8f.,'' N. Y. C.ty.
rraliBaBim >'f __wra?flflj*fl~-MfleaBw?a tbauaaflUyflflfl
taroi IBa ..i.-v.-iin-iit bn maaMifl to peiM tu.- _iH?ve la
full, or flflflMa at.]
Here ia whiit n BofltOB ne'-vspaper which d-fl_?J
kr-flflOflkaa Anies, aad May barflflotidr-aaaBfl i<>r
dfl-BfflO. BflJI iihoiit him: " Bfl a.-iw n BBfltfaod 0.
.?wilu.'Viiiir the urf.U work; bflflMB-fl-fld it : boldlj
aaadtti aakedhM Manda to o-a_pflratfl with hiaa,
anil d-OTfl with hia flBflttfi Bad -Bt-flifbti :m<l
mi-aiii. tbfl l-BBd wmk bfl had to th> to ? HB-flflflB-B.
ti-riiiiiiaiii.ii, flbik thfl wbolfl . i\ili/.-.l world looki <'.
o.i an.i .-ipi.laiiil.il M th'' flflhO tl).- woii.l.-ri'iil Bflfl-flM
hca.lii-v.'.l." Thia ia ti.siy tliat if tailwajn>.m
not bfl hnilt witliout corruptinir ini'inlM-raof Con
Kresa, then it ia proper and riitht an.i pur--1<> flflfl
rupt thaaaI w.- .lmi't kaaarot amjgraat kaaflflfly
wbieb uiiK'ht imt i"- -flf-fldad in tba aaaM wa\.
How.-vei, tliii isn l Mr. OflJHfl Amc-4's onlyatr.-ak
of in* k. ii.-will not Btarra to daatb. aa aay rato.
The it.,4t,,n _afl_ebaa_i (or M loaa*. MBiMofthflM]
1ir.ip.i-.- to t'-ii.l.i- tbfl t-Bt-flBMII a pflblk .linii'-r.
TbflTfl ia one tUflf whii 1. they will hai-dly be aldfl to
giflfl ln in. aml that M fl fflfld iipiH'titc.
Tbfl flBflktor of th'i I.echni.-re Hank. in K.iat CflflV
hflldfBi afl MB. tnriis mit tO bfl fl (l<'l'.inb<'r to tbfl
?tBT tiBM wi fl-jflt i Mfldtbfl fltaflbholdflrfl, |_fld,
WB-BippOflB. tl-M BBBttOH ar.- BO VOBflfl. BTfl ili.-in
ciini-l to P-Vflflflfltfl -' ni >ii.-!.iio ii i'-, -Jatoft -,,:"
(.'.nhiiT Sav;i'_.-lniii.4 o\<-i lii4 i,-iil aotfltfl, flflfll this
will prol'.ihl.v cov.-r tli.' wholo of tbfl iii-tic.it. It
.1... ? ii t aaeaa t<> oeofli i" Ibeflfl Bt-flbbold-ra who will
in.t profle?M thal tbaj m.iv poflatbly bfl ooapaBBd
inir :t l.-].>iiy, Bfld that 1 _M ir aaflHfl <>f Iflfl-?flj ia of
l.a.l r\ inipl.-to all intr.i t.-.l with oikflfl paOBiVfl
iiiiiii"\. but aiioth.-r intci.-atinit iM.mt ia Hfl-Bf-'fl
.1. fciiseof hHi'i.ii.bii r. II.? aavathat bfl bad a salaiv
<>f Ollly $8*891 ? v.-ar, and that he coiihl not live apofl
this i-vi-ii in ? B-odarato aad ?aflflaBBB_Bg w.-iv! .^o ht
?tolfl money to mak.iflp tbfl dflf-dt. Tbifl Ifl rallnr
t-uii.i.iH. consiiliTiiii, that he MBBflfljfld t"
tlijOOO worth "f pn'iM-ity.
A private l.-tter frmn Ballflfl I'o'inty. KflflflflB, ih.f.-.l
Feh. 'S>, ti-iia of tbfl flod ?'f ? aotfld < baraotoc ia i har
a.t.rislir W.-itiTii IflflbiOBI "Wil.l Bill"?you IB"
m.-iiiht-r him I?tlM bflflfl kill-.l. A gflOtlaBiaa froui
TMnawhflflfl hrothcr tbfl wil.l one bad MBttfltbfl
r.pirit laad, < aine up to B-MBflfl to have fl ahot at Wil
li.uu. Ile shot thfl wil.l Williaui ao tl.a.l that bfl
n.-vor i.uivcr.d. Tnink of a inaii'a liuyimt B iframl
horsc an.i ri.lin? him MI mih-a, ju.st to kill a fellow.
Wbea Afl Taxafl ^h"t Wil.l Bill, be ask.-.l tbfl crowd
Ifl tflfl bar-ti...iii if any flflflB l.-man ha.l a dflflbfltfl
" ini\ in ;" if ao ho would wait uniil bfl "hed. ?!,"
ainltakc_re.it plflflflBN in killiiip him. No srentle
iiiiiii expreaaiin; ? dflfllM tfl bfl killt-.l, tbfl TaBBB ?M
..ii Ua borM. and uflaaiilm that he bad I1.ihme.-4a iu
Tazifl, alowly fltaitfld for the Loue fetai Btata,
i'tui tho bflflMfl <?f WflflflBBg-flB reat in pflflflfl
while thfl cluiir they reclincd in at thfl first in
BBgniat-flB ifl uacl flfl a prop to support crrui.
tion. Aud yet we (flflBB iiom a WflflhiBftOM tfli
ejrrain that Mr. Williaui Coventry H. Waddcll,
" late Ooflfl-Baflfl-flflBM of Hankruptcy under the aot of
1 (.__,'" haa lent for tise at tho inauifuiation fll GflD.
(irant to-day, the i.lenti. nl ehair in uui^ntinn. When
it ia knotvn that Mr. Waddell ia the partner of Mr.
BaabotB of Maafiai'hu-itti. to wliom Secretary b..iit
wqll haa fl-Mtlflfltfld to give aonie oneor two millious
ol IflgBfly BBd MMM-MBMi tusea, people of lii.aiirimt
uiinda will Iio lik.-ly to wonder if thia M not pn.ati
tutin? tho chair aforesaid hy nmkitiK it a support for
a corrupt joh.
The Baajt-Bb BflWapaBfl-l mention a most reprehen
sible hoax played upon the liev. Dr. C^uniimng. That
Kentlenian waa to lecture at Folkeatone on " Tho
r,.,.*- aud Toa work ln Knglatul,-' but just tut ho waa
abyut to beain. a telotfrani waa placcd la hia haml,
inforniinfif Ui|n that tlio FOM had dicd that flBflCB-Bf.
Tho reverend doctor Wa-. too learned not t-i reuicni
licr thfl " N "iii IflflflflB," He had ii.tend.-.l fo pitt li
into the Pflffl after hisa. custoined niauticr; l.ut how
could ho now tliat tho |>oor Pop4< had atepped out f
So bfl aoftcn.il dow n hia intcii.lcd diatribe iuto fl
inilil coiii-U.nt 011 the lolema cvent. Hi. feelinK-4.
011 diacovery of the hoax, aro not dflflflflibflfl.
Mr. Hret Harte, who haa ju.st eoncluded a blgbly
BBflflflM-Bl IflfltaitBg tour thn.u_h t'aua.la aud tbfl
N'orthern HokIit, IflfflflM fo-niirhf, in Stcinwiiv Hull.
his diacoiirei-on "The j_rRonauta of '49." This a<l
iiiiral.lc lecture haa been every where reeeived asthc
nioat perfect presentation yet niaale, not only of tlu
\>ot try aud roinaii.e, the fuu and hiiin.ir of that
woudcrful time, hut alao of ita liim-r truth BBdflif>
iiHi.-auce, ita real place and incauiiit. iu thu hlltMJ
of thfl country. Tho lcoture und the 1-. ttir.-t flflfl
flfljBlOj well woith heariiiK, and the aiulieuce will
, of courae be ineiiauivd by the capacity of the Hall.
We ilon't think that we flflfll inet with a more iml
aiH-lioly atory than tttia, of a youiiK couple 111 Haulin
Co., Ohio. They baiB| v. ry uiuch MMBBOiad of each
.'tl.i-r, protni.ttnl their MittiiiK toa l.tto hour. an.i
falliuK B-tflflf before the stove, tht> |x> t vduiik wo *
iiiaii'adreaa tta.k Iire, and ahe waa fatally biirm-.l.
We uaually l'kat Htartliuif aml reniarkaUfl para
Kraplia. but rcally we Lopo that thia oue ia uot
fouiuli'd on fat t.
AtTwin Luke, iiill'rceboni ('.>iint\. in' Mi'inesota
haflflahflflflflB- bava baaa Baaflai hhtwj bf tbaflTifltflaMi
of a BolllBg spriiiK- N'> lirea will n.iw bc Baoflflflaiy
there for Vaflbtag and cnlinaiy fMtfOttt 111 tbfldai I
of tlic Miltiy aSiiinnier. Itnt tho Twm l.ake l.i.ii.,4
,ire iml entirelv cont.-ut.'.l ; foi tln-y iud uiiuiaU.iully
?flhfa-g why Truvidcuiai hoa dcuivd them a a.>ap
I>I947IT?4I4>N BKKOKK TIIK. SliNAiK ('iflMfTraa
Al.HAsy, Mjrch r*.?It was thfl M-PaBBB__| Im|
Kriday tlnf tlu- Charler w.uld ha punhcd thrtm**,
tin- Bfl-BBaaaWa aaafc.aa_l '*?'" -h<- hati.'s <>f th* <*?,-.
crnor hy Hatorday. The pronnect now m tbat no aa.
tK.ii will l)?- t.ikei) on it, I), tl"- BSBBtfl tliis v?i-4ik.-n4
it is even doiihtful whethcr flte Coinn.it!.-.. ot, t',?,,,
will i?e-hl" tn i. i>"it ii. li"' Baaaaa-ttaa _i>i*.i'_?4
',. tlu-. maaa mcoting at 0B8pBB In-t,(ait.-. am., h. f1)f%
tl.e Senate Committ-m on C-t-M Ih-BB-B-BBaBB, Bfl|
withuiit iiiikii (iitii'iiity aaearad afarlhai h-.n-*
fi.r WfiliiemlHy -iternoon. I'rof. Dwiglit, iJomaa
II. F.itton, ex-Gov. I llaflBBBi Iloward I'ott-T, II*-*,i-r
Nicoi, Jaahaaa b. lahaHa, Jeha vvi... i. r, mi Vrtm.
?aa J. Fithian appaarad la Bahaif <-f the (>>?.
itiiM.'.' of s.?-iii.', ai.d lii-x.tr A. -lawkiaa m
h.-half i.f ih.- ("onncil of r..litifiil H. torm.
All the rii.'U.li. is of tl..- S.ii.if, C iMiUiitteo w.-f i pr^.
aat exe.'pt Mr. ffoa_Ja, lha Chafnaaak f?> i.i* Bb
1 . S. Cominis.intier Davenport oc< npied t *?,
with the <'?iiimitt-e. Tha Chaatai aa Baaaadadii
tha a ?aaablp aaa priatod aad dia-ribatad, la aaa,
but only ttght apaBfl' -ajaa-l aa ? 'liatnl*.
tluii bj tha --BBat-t aad ll bbb aol aitaaal bbb_|
iiiiiiruity that Praa. Darigbl _i.il Mr. kalaa mbbI
mt hold of one. I hn ri'iiiem'tifativ.--of t!n r.-foru
tiiovttiueiit made tha aaaallaat paiata Ui*t
Bfl-Baroafl aml Imjtortant chan ' a bad h-a
m_.li! in UM Chart-r; that :i _i.it alfi.ratioa
hiiil B88B made iu|tlii! ni.'tl.oil of .t,.|*?>iiri-'itr ii-uLio*
D.'Diittnrnts, and that it v "| I !>rop?
that they should 1-888 BWOah ifl whi.-h la 'vimina
tbabiUin its picHciit -haaaa Mr. DameBpart, bbb
aapeai-dlohaaatahaa*aha-tja al HmCbbi rttaaaa
t'iti.'a, aai,| that tha plan of BppO-BtB.????? ltm ?_
badiad in the hill ll kI l)"-li l.'-l ?mt th'- pflMJl neoilj
ii week. and thal Pltt, Dwiiriif and atbatfl bad th)
eaaaaditat the Baaaa m.-.-tin_r. Mr. PahaaraaaaM
11 baaa P-af. Dwifhl now, ami t<> aaaaidaa tinra
qaaal for a faitbarbaar-Bg Bftararaad^ ___
I'rof. Ilwi?l)t th. n nii.'o 8fl aaaaaai i\r.i:m?nl
Bgataat tha laadfflc p-aaiahaM of tha Chartar, aod
objected specitically to the pnvision that ,i ,._?
mifht ba nominated hy _ writing aigaad by eigh?
Al'ferntrn without the other lavda batag aaaaaaai
at all. tTMfl i4 mt\ ti tha aaw Hth aai U m ftkj
iraaeraatlBf a j.mta <>r aaba-, and trm a <i-vica
iio.ii whii h anyihiun bai K'>"d fOVBBDBBaBt wi* U)
i.Epaetad. Tha D paitiuaal al Pabfia Vforkavai
t'H) raal a flaaabt-M aa ba i>ut ammt tba < aata >i M a
pjflfi* mail. What aaaaaa aaald tl ? gi ? f_t
tiiakill-aioi.iliiia.slon f"l tha PO-lOS, P I BB. Part
DoyarlimintB. andK'ving thla gi.-.u tx.w.-i t? aai
indi. i.lu.il ? Ha BBW iiliiitnlant opjx.rf u:nt i-a i ir aia
? .nu; ofliie.S lllider the C8BB-B-I 100818. 1 ??' OflB
tioili-r should ba bJtbb b |.anal aayniihaq
poarar, so that ba B-igbl not ba Garaai t?
pay lin-ii WbOdid no w?rk. H-' aak-d fflf .a|inm
.?h'. tioiis. arirtiin. that tii. AB-MiOBB fttala ..1
i.n.ly in- iipv tbaaaa Iraa with tw.? aaaal i-ie-H-t
oii.i , and it tha iiimii' baal _lsi tiaaa a m - baU ia Ha
Fall, lo. al taaoafl voald ba BaraLlowad 'ij'- la
i,to. I'.-.ii-d to iiisi u>a the cii.irt.-r on tba paaaai nt
party e_p.'di.ncy, siiic.- im-iuh rsof ih- A--.iul.lf
liadjii.atifi.'d their Miipport of lt on |.iHV -BBald-Ba
tioiis. Haaa Oaa.8aloaa8B and J'r- f. Darigbl w?a
viay t iii-.tive 11 aspaaaafa-i tha ""ertarfoal f liy af
pro-titnting the Reform movement to partisan pnr
p.m-.a." lo laaaa BBaxpraaaiaa mai bylbalaraMa
Aftet l'roi". Dwight liad BOBclfl-lad, Hr. Davsaaaal
MlM .iK.i.iioii to an BflBBJa-BB ifl I Bfl BiiMtt ?1 bii ol
an aiiiendiiieiit hy which tl'.e is.il.ir> af thn BBB88B>
ti'iii'.i-nt of l'oin e was limited to j.1'1,"*'.
Bs-Got. BalaaaaB baaaa hia raa-a-fcabylaaU?a
on an opportiiuity to t-xainiae th.-Char* r i an-fuUr.
II. . l.-atl., pointed out that BB-Upflbth BBB UM i'?rtf
now in powaa had won no victory m New-York.
Tba h'.t'.inii movement, which had btvaaustain^i-j
botb BepaMieaaa an.l Demoerata araa MaaotiaBf
noii-partisiin. Bad it T'.ot baaa for ttal aaon bmoI >if
RepabL_ bbh aml Daaaei ebM abaadoaiaa parlf U-Baa
there were gentlemeu sittiug ou the Comiaitlaa
who iv.ultl novor have Iwrnn eleot-J |r-lerriiii|
to Mi-s-r-. P-BflriJIri nnd NS'iisiii.i'ri]. Thfl R?
10888818 had gtvetl tlnir MlBBglb -Blg-kf to
i:? piii.iit.iua, baaaaaa ahajr ->?-!i? aad the if*>
pabllcaa party Boald ba traaaad ladaal baaawaalf
with th. tn. Ba ahaarad that aa paa-t-aiaaa lha
l.'i'puhliciiii Si'iiators woiiid i-oinniit a grBTB miM-ake
if lln-v paCaiBB-d in their 81888811 pB-paBBa Thfl
OM BBBBB wlio had denei t.-d th.- l),-ui.M-rati.: party io
barga Bfl-abara, nnd antarad aitb aaai Iflta lha mov_
nient for purifyiiu' the Cily OurifliaaiBll, wuiil.i l>a
rafaUad, and tho aaan-dflaaa thus forteit^d could uoi
kgaia ba abCalaad.
Jaahaaa B. BehaUa aagflad aga-aal aaaaiflalBg aa
tniiiji po.\er in tl10 liands ..f tha CaflBB-iaai i
1'iihlie Works. and Ifl fuvor af a PJBBB88 DaBBBb
metit uiider the control of three or tive Comuiiv4ti>o
B8B, iiniting the fuuetious of the t'outiolhr aud Taa
Mi. Eaaoa begaa by iMBBiblBg that ba tl aaJM
eveu veil.al ciiii. iaia "f ain h a lull as this mt vaot
ituportanoe. To this Mr. Bentdn t, wlio m tba88%
S.'iiator 01* tho six 888880! who is Bl 888-1 ifl -B88B ot
tha ''ill. ea-filv a.aa.'iiti'il, nut he wa-s .s.iiiii-wh-1
ahashed when Mr. Katou lmiin-diat.-ly B_l_8Hd tha
as a nason why more tnm- ihoflid ba BOeerdad iU
optaauaata fat al ? Ij iag ita BaaabaoBB Mr. BaMaft
lU-Qgaat poinl -raa aaada aaaini. tiYr Boaid "1 Ap
pocttijonaail Tha powaa f*atad in tha laaraaaalBB
who are to ooB-poaail ba roflardad aaaaaai daafiraaa
The legial.Uive powi-r, aci-ordiiig to a','. Kn_rli >h pr?>
i.'deiit, should havo Boiue cui.tr.?! ov. r tha
tinances, should ut all cventa dabatB Ua
tax levy. Citi/i'-is al o BhO-ld 1. .88 ?<
privilege of appearing hof.-re Iba Boarf af
Apportionment and inaking ohjecti-itt-. A ,-: rviflMB
which wa.s Umafpocatad iata tba .i.ait.i oi Um
Cntiimitteo ol .Scvi-nty. that BBJ ITB ctttaBBI uu?M
bring the delitniuencv of I'iliriiils : i?u tt
I .lu^tiee of tbe Supnuie Court and B8fl IM aa invn
titratioti, had baaa imiitfid. Me regardad if m ?
most important safemianl. Mr. Eaton waa tnikiic
other suguestions of a pra.ti._i cliai.i.ir abaaHfl
ailjoiirnnient tookplao-. Mr. Banadiel araaifl-saa
of flosing UM hearni- tinally on Wadn?sday, hut wai
vot-d (lown, ivi'iv other Btemhi r pre?eui conceuiai
tho iiKbt of tbo Bafomaaa to mt h nd f _Ujr.
I.VST BTBVINO'fl BKOaiOH IN -in\ii: ..Sl) klr
Ai.bant, March -.?The pvoeeadinga af tha
Leitwlature this evfinnii were n.it mpBTtaai. _B88_I
ri'l.itinn to the thalleUK- of juror* .n i riuiani .MB
whii h Uas ain-ail- 888881 B_8 I Mt#?
tlnrd rciJnis' ui HM BaaaM TMt MUa ,' i vMttki
lenire? Rul'M't to the .1.'. laiou of tba . tl tt
mt&m tm Idad ta Baaaa M eBaUaa -? - to Um i i^ot by m*tt\
it alaaaivafl tba Baaaaaailafl ,m m tay paiaaipiai. c?*
kBB-BaaB-OdafaBaa. Taa bill aaayaaal BflaaaaB
liowcii. baarta ^88da_?aad Jaaii iWood lUfmaaaii
m thi- .i.itiiitnafr i nal a
Tw.'fil and the Kini: t h:.'% .-a. Mr. T..vm_iiti -: .'<a> \e4 a
BBMIbb iBraagb ? raaaaBttaa t<y pala laa BM :? aa ta**
of tiie Charter as it paaaai ti..' kkt BlW. I' ?' -BBI
BaaBflaf lanaBamd a laaoatuloa ealtlua aa ,,:itrv|J_!f
(irri-ii f,ir . o-ta i-i |ia1.iii. i.t- ... ii. v", ?
ti, ui.rs nf iis?.-a.-.iu.'a;a t.\. .it i md ibi' rvealpfla m-.tdti
iw?tiill'.un'4 on ai-ciiunt of ih.- i>uii.).- uiark.-i..
In tiie A-iriiiMy _ reaolutim wn-. '"''**__*
to the iiiM-atin.'i.t ln tlu W.-'.-ni t'tii.'ii felogi ipalaflj
liltllV lll Ita Mltllla iu tlu- I'lll. il l-".' Ol 1*4 ..*;. ..i.n_. *]
la tkougbl tliat llie UDtiev inuht li.- J) it to Ilrttta t l--**_r
Aii.aii) >.'tt,iua i.'i),'i'tinii.* aro niait,' by iha iii-**
tnrarafraaaOaboaaa.Iba bill of tb ? ??''?*:
it.-ti for iha pcotaottoa ol fartory . nii.ti.-n. 1"'"'* ?1_5
i i..'ut Um tnataueaof Seuatoi A.iams, th.- .1 iwni-noj"
i.,.'ii f iv.miiiv r.|.'tt'l i.v ihe JiiJ.oury Commir^
wi* refeneil i<j lh? ?.'.iniuuit..- on Ti nle in ! *' r''',?!j
t'ttva, froiu which it Mrtll uot bfl r.',?iri.'.l **ul"--' '""
i!iaii_i-a. .
rbi Jodlctarr C-tanlttao of tho Ai '" Ji
brarlacoa rin- qm 4tina ,.f (ba r.-.- ?. 1 'C,.
? >ll WeilllOBli IV HltcrniaUI Of tUia l.r.-t. ?)|."l ll '"J'^a
ithlrt th?t Mll l!lt.-r.'al6,t UiOUtJ i?l>l'- ir i ?? '' Scf^
1'iils on this tabJ-Cl iie i" rocfl ii.' PobibUI
T o the | -f 1 / .1 r of Ihe Tribune
BlB : Do you ku.in what the latest P-^__JJ
.trr.uit*. iiiiiit ni f Ii?' pBt -' Yoir -dU?^
HfoaaiBB 11-vo a,),.i..',l ihe 01u1n.il plafl for T:!<
Muiphy aaCbaaibarlaui. t-4 ifl aarer aaa **u**ta"_f^
Iba ].|,.iit- ?lii ii t4.i- nn,l, t" i...t!iK'i>|i.lvfce. ??- ^
niii> bbTbbI 8l it \v_.4 t.i nt ii. ? : - I: ll iW^
II. K1.1I..V is M-ri.iualv '..IK.-.1 ul fi 1 ?'!? "1""'fr'?U
hPrhaffl Iio liit-a .ia _.?..l a iiiii.k aa i?t,y 'H' ly '? ^?
.1.,n'l tu .111.1 publtth ihlai...!??; J'.-rli Jl. uoao ?2JJ
HOiHl 11 ) UU tlo. YuUl'a.
-..-un., Uart-li ;i, Wi.

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