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-VI VII \'0. II U.-,41 NEW-YORK Wl-DNKSDAY. MAftCH 5, IH7.J. PRICE FOUR CBffTB GRANFS KE-1NAUQURATION AN I'VPHECEIH'.MT P IMSn.AY BHIC.HT tEOMM AND RRILl.IANT TAHKANTRT. FTT COLB M-BIM AND UrKaafABB F.NTHl-iAsM ? IHF t'ROVVDS AM' TIIK ritlH'ESSION ? WHAl CAILFD THEM VMSI-ttB. IBI TBIBCRAPH TO THB TRTBTNH *Wa8HIN4,tom, Marrh 4?The finest proccasion that c-w rn. ?- -.t. .1.. *'re.M.!.'T-.t froni the WbHa BaaaaM tbe Capitol to take the inauguration oaih man Ik .1 through iBBBajllBBla Bia BBflaaf, under a bright aky, whom- sunny promiae of Spnugwa* strangely etkntradiited hy a tierre north wmd that 88888881 ihe -?ry | W-Blar. Taaara-flflfl aaawfc flaflflwl-fl proaeaeiona men flfflfl BBB fam<m? avenne io the hert.ii davHi.f the wai. wlien gall.tnt BBBfl glowir,. withp.itri-.fif pnile and danng preased forward to tbe fr.'iit.. aml when war-w.n, regnu.-nts returnei! from B-BB-Ban* with ragged uniforms ?r,d BM?'? rn bflB-BMBj bm n.ither smce the war nor I.. f. i."-..l B l*-afla_-Bl 8888 _fl*-l BB 88881188 Diimeroua, ao well ordered, *-o bravely arranired. ao gay mth plumee and banners and ebowy r<K>mentals. or oue made up ol rivie or.atii-atioDfl and unlitary comnia-ids aaaembled froui ao many dirferent tities and States- An explanation nl tbia fact ran 8888*881] !*? funnil in the poti ilaiity nf Plflfl-flBBfl (irant. Tba tbronirs fli paafM that lined the eidewalks. fl?fli BB8 wiodows. and covered the houae-toptj along the line of mauh. ahow.-d no _flfl______aB- The laimenn maeeof (.{T-itaun who stxHvd shivering in tbt? cut Mafljwi-Blaa Caa-tal Hill gave a bbbbb when tba I-.- ...peared on the platform in front of the c_pn. : hM B-U-raBBtaaiatMataaaa, flhaa Uie ea:.uon tbmdered. and the bands played. and Hfl jjl-flllfl TBBg t-_T fBltar-*?1* and Hfl rhime in i?i N, flBMflrl Maapla paafai ' BaU M fhaCbM- " they cheered again. as? m duty bound, taking their rue froui :: President and fiom - raakiTaa wba Bflfflaa their haaa riflaflaaaaj baafl itf.rm. lt wa* a good ringing eheer, hnt Bat tbat: . iik ii ntmued applause. hreakinn out again .md BflM-Bi tbflfl flkflWI Hfl BflfllM 88* fl flTeat uiultituile ar.' stirred. T_,' ..f idflaflaer t_*o,it.!?. i i\ . .:id prn flflfl B*B-_fl8M that wit Df+aed t!.. Ma*-fB-a8B8B nu fl attnlmted to the mereasetj interest leit tn iiatiouiil art.urs Iv tbe people :it large, ratlier than to tb*- men- ft popniantv ef tlu- ui.ui wbo M to ai ?' tbacbiel n-atfiat ra. j Iflfl aiiutluT four years. It Ifl H-fl 4>f mm ?_.?;? that spning from tb?' war and has takrti il<-< i'l't root aa the flean fli the war have B-iMlui-lly tn-en that BI year bg luakiug WflBB-flajtafl a eapital iu a more ireu. ral aeiioe than it ha* beeu heretofore. tbat drawii thonsands ol pet.ple h. re every Win ter U> iret a near vi.-w of fhe eentral niaehinerv ?rf goTtrnaieiit. aud thin haai doubtlew mueh to do with brmC'Dfl mmpauiee and regiment* M ?oldien from B.>*t<.n, New-York. l'hilatlelpliia. Bt Louio. flfll ii.any -tjaflfl I ifies in this inelement sea BBBBBBB-pta eekbrate the luaiiguratinn. It may . . that tbe growing love of parades and publu abaui. lia.1 nomethiug to do with it. Hfl Admimn tration tld all it i onld. it should be remarked. f?. uiak. tbfl puriatl.' a brilliant oue. The i-adete from W?8l the midtihtpuien from Annapohs w.Bfl -flBflagM Bfl at the pnblie eipeiise Ifl give 8_MI to the proeeoeion. and a large force of regnlar artii Irry wa*. TranniKirted fiom Eortreae Monroe for tLe aame pun - It wotilil. jK-rli. to find fanlt with tbia. and M niiiil ttie mcident of (it-n. drant'n tr:p to *?Ve|t Pt.tut duxiug the Iirst .vrar nl hia Mra. to -vit-it hiniion. when he modeatly dVclined the honor of a ! formal reeeption by theiail't "tjfithiut fai_MC moraliziog let iib. therefore. sav that the iiiiuiguration was an imponitrg upvetai 1.-. and inh .-* thr naikr to hasten on to tbfl more in t*-r.-*rin_ d.'tails of the scenea and iii'idenfn of the ?).i aii il any forebodiaaa that the bleak rold wmd that made a inoi-k.-ry af the brilliant flflnligbl and the wiaj-rn blue nky. and i-hilli-d the ratf bones of themanhiug legionsand of tbe adxninng waa orur.iou.- .>f an (topropttiOQa career to an Admin -atratn.i. B88JB8 w;th nuib pomp and pageantry. THB ???.im'I.SSIi.N <'N THE AVENTE. 1T9 IITI ,KaVi'F-.l.Ni- _JbOBra TIIF. ^IT.K WAI.K:-Tllt AiTitA. 'IIYr. FtATiliK- 01 i II t iBt TKLE.iRAPir TO THB TBIM WaBHIN ' S ** 4.?< iver fh?- raintiliii. r.f tbfl A ? Bflfl a wild fl the nippmg air. a erottding of masKes like lieta on deiorat.i: ?taxidc along ihe 8iile.walkb. line flftfll Itiie fnrutn ;ind entircly m-li - it;-t..-<i flflldMn ?talkmg bf with the President and hw lamilv aandwiched in the kaadaoB----. toilowuigof t-i.n or jranirati-i;:).. I'hat was the seene The unifonnB were pirturewi'if. the BBflflM was merry and martial. smali boya were t^.nched and pleast>d, bayonetsK fe?iliei> Kii.-iiiti.-il. and tiirre wa* a stranee la. k flfl enthu?iiiMn. Irwn.yal protrrtjss an an awakeneT of rapnbliran anlor wan a failure. As the I'risiiieiitial ramat'i- pasxd along with ifK stout and unsniili:i lrorden a i-hifter fli reBBBB bna and there bSBMIfli tbemaelvea by some hitrh and feehle oereama, m teii'l.-.l flflfl applauoe : Imt tlu-y 888884 with a sudd.-n ?*o-?tl:at ? i-? xtremely airgravatinjrfrom an nrti.-rn jannt of t -vt When one expi-.-t* " aei lamations of Ihe asaemhieil muititii'les," it is a blow t4) the ii?dn -tamling and a erusher of aentiment to be disap jomti d. Ai-i lauiatiou- are religious duUc. of tuult i tudeH. Whether Ibfl bflfffll cold frore the eager _ounds bfltMl Bftabfl heard. or the people were chasteued and aulxlued by the stormy aspect of their ruler. ia not known ; but certainly there Maa nothiTifj that sugirested the touching and beart lelt .nthur-iasm tbat once greeted another pageant oti the Avenne?the grand revit-w. And yet this wan a military prortjosion?tbat of the geneiui ratl.iT __aai th?- ?it_laBa With the exception of tb. aafl i.f .itirruning the Frfaident, bis faimly and the DMarifll aflMaaB, and the politieal clubs that niail a penod of black eoata at the tnd. it was all aword and tiayoriet. We misM-d those aedate and .aiierable peraonagMioi th. Dflflaafl State* Court*. ar-Kwe irtwMl. Kray heads and solemn mien always ipre a tine fkttm of Roman wiadom to aflairs of thie Haai BBBBwafll fonr Kpeeially effective point* in the jjr_4-e*?,iu., QflB '.ranr witl: hia ueautifnl horsi-e . th.- baaaaa LaaBaaa, bB fnri?dawi ami f.-_tiu-rs tka aieirro l8Bfl~8B pn'ture*. for (ierome. in ebony. wbite -?I aaaa! <l the tnm. pink-< heekeil viiin cadet- fr BBfl IfflM Puint and Annapulin. The I'resi aaaat, Bfl, nnmoved, aat with SeLaUirn Ci_4*i_, Lxigan, and Rataid in bM aflH-flflja, M n M88ab aatl M saiidle tbe daahing young h.-irs flfl Ma boooe. N?w and ag;u_ j,^ ^^ -j^jy at th<< crowda be*,ae the w*v or parW that straight re a-rv.-l hue >,etwe?n oi-_ta**be a,,d tn-ird f.. flaaab Ba-bMa-apaaioaa. At cm^ j_a,_t Amenca. M tba -8888 88*81 hroketbeboundaof thi aod m bbJM of .the flrad t.xxvwitm of c? arrappingsi.n tarbflU a i_W_ .f,a.r ? laaraBB-B-fffl Qiatf ut Iba Mf of hia httie tbia aoice. Tbe aoldiera all wori fl rieat aud gaiiant gnioe. hut H4>oe were fljflMfl so brilliant aa tLe Hutrtoii I iu whoae BBoka were uiany dis'inguinheii Atbeaiana aud Wiluaru K. AJger forchaplaiu. With then * _r irt and gold. then tl'ifterng whit* Iflflflbflflfl, their glittenng lantca decked with red peLiiona, thev liMikixl like BBBM gay troop of Middle Age warnui. ndmg to a feaat. If tbey had happened to ahout. * Ho there' warder, down with the draw-bndge.' I aflouJd not have been anrpnaed in the laaat Lcak tufl up toward the Capitol. their floating aear Mt pflODona, with tha wLita aod goid uuiform of Um Old Oiurd, th* light Llua fli the A-nuter Caxpa, and tha rod coaM ut Um Bur Ki-M" Corrw, framed by th* darker uniforma nf i!ir rlifferent regirnentr,. nnder the aparkltng buii touched IflBHl <>f "rifta. matie a picture im i?i.M iu :ind bnlliant. Thoae grarcful atriphng*. the C-flaflt- and Midahiprnen. man hed with a iray and B4.1.1i(-iiv air. cvidently proudof having achievcd the paalBflflfl of auch a part for the tirat Bflflfl in our hiatory. It waa a pretty bit of -fintimeiit, tbfl _4luiii4Bion of thenc boya to *a purt iu tbe. rooat aolemn cjiremonia- of tbeir country. Krana biittona will have _ higber rncan ing t4> them hen.-eforth. Aniong the apectatora there were oolor efTei-tn aa notahle aa thoae nf the proeesaion. FirHt ...tne the hright hued gowiiB >.f ladica at the windowa and <>u the Htandn. tlni. .1 laycrof ncutral t_nt? in the rtiral Mfranger* and the floating population nn the aidewalka. theti thr in' dark fnugeti >*<atatic colored people. Al! thene nlowly frare in the bitter wind witb a nweet and aimplfl patieuce, which io a wannly-baBflfld stud_i.t of huruau nature waa nioet br-atitiful and (heering. The proceaaion wa*. inoat -t.ective from afar. lt waa ilwarfed by nearocua, Imt flfl Un brighf tlaga ;tnd the, nbinuii. flBBfll gathcred fll tkfl I'apitnl gaten _B the diHtani-c they brought a tini- auiu-eMtion of the heroic and aucuiamou place iDto the eunny mortung. An vieWed from thi* roof "f the C.pitol -flfltflfl. fl" the wcm. the pflfleflflflBBfl wrw a spinfed and flflfltfll eaque wight an it canie rapi.lly up thi* averiu.-. lt w_h appareut to ttn* obecrver froin iIiih clevat.-.l standing that tbfl ptflflTiflfl-flfl B_H_fl w.ather prophet WflBfl painfu'.ly flfl-fl-flBB* for not flfldrj .'.i.i thi'winal blow fcartttlly. Imt tln' flflM wan intenne. It ia paa ml.le thia niay have ci.ntribiitcd to the npi mlitlv bflflflil of the bflflflflfl nnd the activity flf the partn - ipaiit.4 in the pmcmwion. Wbatcver 4t;_i the Iflflflflfl it ia not iiairortant 14. kDow, hut tkaapflataelfl trtt both MBiaal and nn pressive. The iiverahinid.iii.-e ol tlag* flflaJ fl-fflflflflflflfl ol cverv flflflflf and ntyle huug Bflflflflfl th, Im-diiu flfl* tttOOA the fliflfl Miirhtly. and frerjaently .louda flf Bflal aarapl throngh the aaaaai Bflaaafl flkaah wa*. rary aiiti.v.imr. Tfla day iteclf wa* hright. at le.-int untii afri-iiiiM.n. au.i wlnle the proct-Meiou aaw en route t.) the lapiti'l the sight wafr.imaguilii-entotieaev'.i w.-.l from tln "lome. The bnght BWflBflfl, bayonatH. tmi musical inatru mentn. fhe r_B-flflfl Oflflflfll of the iinilcnim, the wa\ - bf jthimeK the prai.cmg Htecdn. and the immenec Bfli tlu- flflBf-Bf multitiula wlii.-h' UM tkfl bflflflfl.avenue for more than :i nule. tkfl rot) fll tbe druin the ahnil Bflflfl al tkfl if-. ttfl klflflflfl ot tkfl ?rum *t* ..I the .irtillery, the music flf tkfl brae?. bandH. and tkfl nurging maaa of human flfltoaa paakai around on baak _Maaa_ the _Bflt_ag>P<*> tat-le. from the Treitrniry t4. the C'apiti.l, all tkflflfl (.?omb'.ned to make tkfl BflflflM ? atirnni; flflM. Fimt lanua largfl force ..f w.-U-oiountiMl p..lm-, lookuig aa poli.enuii do everywhere. Follow ing w,m a biiii'l bfllflflgi-H to one of the recinient* of tbe Rejfular Array. Next canie the BaWflBflaflll Commit tn-. ihm nonie ..tiicr eomniittei-a: then another haiid, llieu a MaJlB flflflMfl 1 with a large flflflU ti bflfl-flflBflB, and then more uaiida; aw.inpanv of h.-a*.., artill.TV fclln-wed. and ntill anoth.-r hand. It m aafe to aay there were at u .u.i T* l.anlr- an.i druin - fl the iuaugiiial pr(M-er_iou. Jit_iT b-for. thfl li.-ad flf the pBfleflafltflfl Iflflflkflfll the et,. loeure of the Capitol a tanlv roinpunv of colored . boys with tin instnimci.tM. pamt.-d t.i repr_Hent batekflflfl, were inakiug good tlflBflIflIflflflt the left uf the colunin, whith wiku rathi-r inappropnai4'. Ifl* ?flflBB-h ;t_ they asaumed to reprewnt pioneera. The , head of tkfl flflflflflflfl-flB a*. it rearlie.i the CapitflJ I gatea. turned to the right and in done order tih-d up [ the h.ll. Lail.,- la the pteacflflaioB flflfla thfl aaMihipflMB from the Aiiuapoiia Academy. diaivmg vi mii.iII howitzi ra, and their appearante in their blue clotb fh?8a8t aml natty 0fl|flfl/flfl ver> ? rediial.le. Whflfl u.-ar ti.? t? p ? if the hlll thev Btnck int4. a livelt Iflfl aud flWflflB into lint on New-Jersev-a*. e.. (li.sMi.g than piflflfll iu the unddle ui ihe mre4-t autl taKing (M*ition ui the : lii.-ri. lii.-y Vflffl flflflaaflfld by the Acadeinv ! i'.uiii. -iu piecen. lha Weut Mal Comttt won alao attra. tive in then iu.w well-htting gray iiiiil..nii?. . .._.ai4i(inal]y aiuurx-nient t_ the ma*?4 of l(K.ke__-on BBfl arlorded i.y the BBtMfl af tkfl flflBBfl flf a yi.uiig Tfliflaaaar, and who made tkfl flBflfll laufhable effbrth ta. (..ntinne aaBT-la hia t?*aHt. now and then digmnir hir- ipr.ned _eel> mto thi- rlai.k-. ..f the animal in hia effurt*, t4, iflfllafll hin.^eli from falling Followit.g the radet* wa* the inariiie hand, with n-4l _aa_a, Ig thfl [Mirtion of thi- manne cori* now hert ? .: thr.-.- ur hun.hc.i ntron_. Tben eame the Iiodwurth Hand. and akoflt tlu. tiuie a ^talwart BflflBffl-fly follow ed tkfl ln.e. Ikflf wen- all big men to utart flith, and their imnu-iiM- ; Utar-skiia bfllaaaflBflfll Ifl ii.l'l gTi-atly t.i theti htght. Their eoat_ were white. tninmed with irold, and tkflg waaa vtthafll eflflBflflflBa, lha wind biew iilmont a hiirri4-ai.4- h.- them- rnin llad np the hill. ! and their whiti- eflflll -ei'iin-il tt< have rath.-r f.n. Ua ii. h MM air >.t Simiin.-r. Th<- ..nly rhinjr abr.ut them wiii. ii Bflflflflfld t4.1,. wam fl_a their heade, Tkafilflt .arriage ia ihe procenaioii i-oiitaiued ttfl . W___ii_.g._i. b?_,rd of Healtli, flkflfl\y tliat BBBflflfl a ( good d.-al of aiiiiibeineiit on aacount of the ru-h [ iir- wav.ii.nB l.etw.-en tho-inein | bera. 1- oiiuwinu were about -li men on horat-tiack i and their appeaiain-c w;_- muiph luiiiit. They tri.-ii \ to nde gracefiiily. hut did not sue.-eed very well, and the flBtiflflflfl followu.g thun on f.M,t did not make B v.-rj .-redital.le flpflflflfflflflfl either. A flUtaafl orj.amzat.on. where no |BVflBBaa ia made in regard t<> hat* and flflflflVflflflB, ?____?? bfli a sorry app.-arance when (ontnirited with bnlliantly uni formedm.l.lien.. There were half a iflflflfl ditf'erent lolorcd ov.-reoatB. ? iflflflB fllj Iflfl "f aud there wrre not two bata aiike in the rompaiiy. It wae gratitying to aee, howe\ei, ihat a white hadge decoratKi every inanly bflflBBL The tttfWit about .bflCflfltfi. were nnprecedenteil. and looking out on tlu length aml hr.-adth of tho avenue, when- there ua*. an almont u.ntiiiuonH line (,f ghstening steel ucroaa the nquare, fhe Hcctie of Sherman's grand nrtflfl, where 88/88} men were in liue. wat-4 vivially recailed. A? one of the l?e!?t handn in the p.oce_aioii wan paMKing the Hnuw end of iho Capitol. where hundr.dhof rolored pe4.ple.,f lM.tli 84.xe? aml all graden fl-Hflfllflfll WB-BBlaf the troopa, if struck up the _BBJ-I_B| turic, " -heiuiaii'a. man hin. thr.muh (ieorgia." Scarce.y a Ntrain had heen play.-d before ita effect i uu.,1 l.e B4.ii on the colored peoplfl^ an.i tho n.-xt luataDt they all atrnrk in. "H.ina. hnrra. ihe jnl.i I. a- h.i- ' H.iira, hnrra. the ha*. ,-ouie ' We'H all join the I'iiioii andffight for I'ncle tSam' Sherman _ marrhmg thTongh i.eorgia." an.i ihe i.Hei i wiii. (juite exriting. h'ollowing the hand waa a re^i ment flf regular artillery iu ex. elient (flfldtt-flfl aud haudaorne niiif.irma, r.-minding one aa he no tka extia wiitel ou tiie raiBHon of the earlv yeara of the war. The I'remdeiit'r. place in fhe prr.reHA.nti aat betweeti the Ial Tr.M.p ..f Fbiladelphia, orgaui_ed in ITH, and Bflfl. Cooke acarnage. The FhiladelphianH were hy addreas the m<>?t uriking (iiiupai.v pn-Kent. eicept, perhapa, the ll,* ton Laneera. It aeemed a pity to oover np th.-ir handaomi- ttnift.rma with overeoaia. 1 he Preaidi-t.t waa in an attractne open rarnage drawn I.y fonr apnited and well matched IiorseH. and when the l M'litoi gute waM reached the -fl8B_B_flfl in that divi mi..ri were turned fri.tii Ihe courae af the flBBaflflflBfl-l aud ilnvi-i, to Ihe left of tkfl OflpttflL The diHplay of thr Iire eompauie. waa a.tmiraliie. Ihe marrhmg of the Alhany Iiurgeea OflBpfl wa? rppe. lally not n-ealile. aai alao the general hearing aml unifonii of the company. They aiarched throiigh the avenuu- r-ompany front, reaching froin one aideof thr hpflflfll BBflaat to ihe other. and the uubrokaii uu beut line waa remarkable. A >ery attractive Ixaly of meu waa that of the boetou lr..u_4.rB. 'Ilnsir r?U coata, ie?l with white plr.mea, and the red pennanta attaehed to their laneea, made them very eonapieuoua. They were w.-ll niounted and wel! dnll.d. The colored rompanies and organixations, who had next to BBB engine eompaniea the left of the line. made a very i r-ilitalile appearaoce, but they did not niarch aa well aa the wlute tfflflpB The Tflrionfl organi-atioiiH formmgthe prooewnon reat-hed the eaet front ot fhe Capitol. where they were maseed in the .88888 flrfl vaennt m fnmt of the Presidi'iit'sHtatid, flbfl-fl they hail a flflU time of lt waiting for the proceediuga in the Senate and tbe delivery flfl the PieMilent's inaugural. The MidHhipineti .-omplaina flfl -bflbbf treatiiient. TbijlBfl laBBiaWaal ?a*daab IbM m aaia_ aad were marehed and coiintermiirehe.t abont the eity allilav withoiit anvthing to eat exeept the ratwm* they hmught in their kiiapeaeks. and with no plaee togo and warm themaelvi* after the parade was over exeept the dirty iflffli lt will paabaWf M nearl.v niorning ?*efore they will get ba.-k M their mit M Hfl Aeademy. The BBffl expeited M have a trtioil time in Washiflgton. tnit they laflfli ib-fa jnp B88_-flflfl aflair of hard work. baM bitfen MM B?i ears. and Bfllfl I Mtflfl-B. 1 he West Pomt Cadflta araaa aafl fl-Maraibaaiaai their nverooatfl iu the processiou, and the\. poor 1m..\m. suflered BJ eat I.v from the mtense 888-1 M eonaequene* of this blnnder of their offioen. -hey mm raaa-Mai M baaf their law f?r aaaraa baaa nn Capitol Hill. waitingfor the inaugural eerenioniea, while most ot the volilllteer MflBBJi were allow. .1 M Mt_.-k.ini.snnd run alxmt to ke.p arafl-B. Oflfl flfl theCatlets wasso ehilled that ba t.iiiiif.t. and was earried t.. :i eaimmittee-room in the Senate. where he was lirouglit to . i.iihcioiisuess onli after colisiderable exertioii. The Albanv Hurgess Corpa oerenaded fuflflflarfl Eeuuni and Oflflkltai to-iiitflit. Senator |___B was taa Ul la r.-.-.-i-f tin 111. aaai waa lapflBBflaa-al -v his Se.-n-tai'v. Mi T.-'l.l. 8fb8 appean-.l md -aid. " Mims F.-ntoii asks me M express the regret Bbfl taaM __*l her fat her is !-o nn well he I M__8-fl MBBBBBT ex taaaflto yoo a eordial weleome. I humbly thank paa ia bta iiehaii for the coiupiiineiit "t IbM aaaa nade. ' Senator Couklmg made a 8f888b M th. Catta, Otbafl orifaniT.atious sirenadeil ptiMii' ineii from tlii-ir St?te>. CEKEMnMES AT THK CAPITOL. TIIE GATIlKKiNi; IN TIIK BHUTI hXt kMOVT IIIK . AI'IT'.I.?TIIK I'Ki" -MBlOa IKi'M Ml CBAMBBB TO IIIK l-.'HTH"? IMF AI'MIM TKATIOB Of THK OATB Of 0FFI01?TBM Ut ai i.i R-U. -JMI-U-BB. IflK.N'KRAL PRtSI" DISP.4 '? 11 Wa-iiiN'.T'V Mflfl-b 4.?Early this flMfB.flf l_r_e i-rowii.-i of people welided tllell way to fhe ' 'apitol. the reai aaajBaaabaa t<> arbaab flaaa laaaaafl bj a lar-.- f.ire.- of poln-eiuen and mildiers. who kept bai k all exeept the favor.-d few. about tfitk P8B80BM bearin- tkbfltfl 8fa-_BbBBBB M tbe BflBflM CbaaBBflT. l'lii- Senate "trallerii-H were lilled aa ?oon as the doors were opened at 11 o.l.xk. and ammttki B 1*8-3 -ay .ip'.eur;iiiie. nnuh Ibfl larger proportion flfl their oo rupantH bi ine la<ties. who graewl the o.casion with holida.t attire. The tl<*a>r of the Senate began to till up iiuite eaily with m\ -Mi -aests, m i liiiliu. iiiany oi the Big-M-A nnhtiir-. fl fl Bfl flfll Bt* IflBBB flfl tba l.oveniineiit, who oeiilpied *eat8 to gether to the left .md rear of the S.-nai.-i-. Among them were ('ena. sherman aud -heridan, and Ad miral l'orter. The routiue bnaineoflof the Senate pnaaaiad with ont iiiterTnptioii until .il.i.ut half Bflfl] .le\in. wln-u Ihe diplomatie eorpe apjiearetl at the main entranee, and 88-8-888-1 '-i atientiiui of all as the} tileil iflVB the .ent?r aisle in their gorgeous eourt roatumes. refpk'iidtnt with -old aml _QT8B euibioiili-rv aml iflitu-nug with ileioriiti.-n.-. Ihe Turkish Mini-ter. Blaaajaa Way, baa-Bf baaa MaflBBl M aaflrMfl ta Wfl_hiugton, h.-adeii the eoqis an itc ih-an. He was followi-ii l,v Bfa I'.ivtiini Thornton aud the Anstrian Miiii.-t.r. The Mar'iuis ifl Ifflfl-lbfl, Mini-.ter flfl Frame, .m.i Mr. Mmi. tbfl JaflaflflBfl Mininter. l.rought Bf tba rear ,.f the iiiini.-teis, aud the *e. i. tanes antl BtbflBBM-l follow.'.l. A few miniitesafterwani tbe Snpreme Court Cuitexl ttatefi was aiuiouneed, and the Jnstieer., headedhy CUaf-jflfl-MaCb-flfl and i iadm iheir 18888 of flflaafl, entered the S-nat-- CbflBBBar, BBB, mareliiii Hlowly down the i enter ainle. took the .ae.'i.s prepared fueing Iba MaBfBBBi Almo-t luimediaT-elv afti-rward President fJrant euten-il. .-,-, irr.-d bf l_fl Senate Committee of Arrangements. . ousistiag of Messrs. Cragin, Hayard, and LagflB, Bflfl was condncted to a ehail .lireetly ifl front flfl tht Clerk'adesk, faeing tbfl audienie. tlu- target for ??? i eral thonsand enrious i yfll rboafl flflflfl Bfl MBBkafl M all B88B-_ra_-8 neithei to atoiit noi to realize, hut exhibit.'d his BBBBl ".?lf-p4>i?eS'>iou and unafleuniiiiK demeaiiiir The memliera .,f the House uf ?flflBBBBB* ?' baaiai by spe?ki-r _Ba_a?v_bflB aaaMtai aaaltoBfe ?aaM M a maa\y bflB_ad tBe EMfaaaaaMk Caavfl, tilimir up aii the rcmaiiiiti- fcbflBC- that had been l arant awaitiiip their arrival. Senator Suuiner :i1m> flB-flB il jiirit at this tnui, inuhMed up Ukfl an mvalnl. hut looking uaexpei'tedly well. A buzz of converaation in the galleries i attentiou to h's flfl*" tranee, and thronghout the ?ulisi'(|uent pro re.ililllfS in the Senate the ititereut of the oecunants in the galleries pomt ing out and BflflB* mentiii- on fhe varmus celebntit* on the door. g.f >? the aiidn ii. I the BflflJflJBfflBfll and i-ondiiet of flflfla t.i tors at a theatniai matini'e rather thau of the usual orderiy asaemblages eer-n ifl BBI halls of t'on irreas. The hour of 1- having uearly arnved, Vm Prehidi-nt C'olfax dehvered Li.h \ aledn-tory. and pro i-e?Mleil M fl8-fl_BBB8B the oath of flflaaa M Vn-i-Pre-i dent-4'li-.t Wilson Tbe Xl.IId Congress bfl*J-fl| tii.-n b88B iaaiiflfli al aa aai, tba newiy taAaabafl Vtee-Pri'Hidunt ailminiatereil the oath of ofliee to the BaaavMn <-i. 11. vba aaaai Banaaai ta the B8Bt-8_B m their naines wen- called hy the Sei-retary. tlin-e fl I time. STFNEtt IN AND AIWHIT TnK ni'ILDIST.. Tbe organi/ation uf the new Senate havit.. in the 8BBBM of alxmt 'JO minutes. if B H auiiotui. .<] that th.- Senate. fhe Suprerae Court. aml the inviti-ii spei'tators would proceed to tin: lant in.r tieo of tin l apitol to partieipate in the eeremome-. of th.- ihiiuguration of the Preaident-elei-t. A pro eettsion wiu. aeeordmi'lv formed. and the late oei u pants of the floor ol the Senate proeearded through the (orridors and the rotunda to the plaee induate.i in the followi-ig order : Jfarahul of the 8888*888 OBflTt Ki Preanienta uml fl Vice rre*iilent?. Hupreuie 'ourt of the I'mted dt.ite?. Serif.-nut _t Aro_> of the BBflflBB I'niiiiiiitti-e <>f ArrangeuieDl*. Th. PBaaBMBl tmtt, ih* Vice*___?__?_-, and _ecretary of the Henate The ine int.. ra of the Beuate. ih.- Dipinumti- Curps, ileaila of Depurtun-iit*. ex memhera uf th*1 Houae.if R< preoeniatitea, auil meiuiM i eleet of the XLIlIil ('ougre-*. liovsrnoi. uf Htatea, an.l uttier peraon* who liad i?e.'U tn Uie flix.r nf the 1, noti-'hamber. auil to tiie leaerveil oesta ,it tl.e left of the Diplouiatii' !>>rpa, tbe l.itter eoui|Niae_ prluripally of the Bureaii oltleero of the var.i.ii* Laeptir'lu.-iifa uf Ihe (iuverauienl in WaahiUKtoo. Wheu the Prealdent eleet appeared at the grand doorway. Ura. (iraut and (<en li.-iu atepped fmui tbe rooui of the Marahal of tbe hupreuie Coort, followed l.y Misa Nelhe. Ciraut. Mrs. Secretary Fish. Mrs. Attoniey-tieneral Williams. Mra. Postinajiter-General Creewell, Mrs. .ItiHtico Ntmug and ilaughter, Mi^a Jeroine of New-York. Mra IVnt and Mias Mui!_ lii-nt and brother, Alliert Khodes of The Haloty aud ? ith. r*., and t'.ok their placea on the atand. lu front of the portico, but alwat ten feet lower, b-iug on a level with tbe tintt laudiug-place uf tbe dight uf uiarble atepa. hail been ronotrm ted a plat fonii capahle of ai'comuii-lating, together with the itepe. abont -Our flU) people. It had a aen i oireu larfrouC ahnib aaa aavaiad aitb Amancaa flaaa and taatefully decorated with wrflatha of ever greena. The national Hag waa alao intertwined with two of the coltimtiH Htipp.irting Uie portieo. and the ireneral etfect harmonired well with fheaplendor of the noble buildiug, da/zling in ita marhle white neaa. it* ni nl|.t.ine<l i-oliimnn. and maguificcnt domc ?a "ighf of wonderfnl beautv and maguificcnee. On Baaah-BB th,. platforai the Preaident-.'l.'i-t took the aeat providcd for him. din-etly in frnut of the centcr. flflfl Pr.-si.lent Colfax and the Bfli-geant-at Arma in charg. of the ceretnouien mttin_ i.n the right and the C'hief JiiHti.e of the Supreme ('..itrt on hia left. The Senate Committee of Arraiig.ini'iit*. were near at hand, aml uext iu tiie rear. The Aa**.* lat. Jnaticea ?f the Supr.*me Court occnpied He.'it--4 on the left and the rnemlteTTi an.i Secretary of the Senate un the right. The lliplomatic C?rpn were to have oceiipied the *4-atK in the rear of the Mupreine Court, but mauy of them were not autflrientlv ilert to prevent thernxelve* from being rrowded into the bai-kgrnuud hv tn.-nil.'-ni of the Houae of Repr.ncnt ativ.? and ..tli.-rs. who were preaaed forward hy tbe geU4-ral crowd 1.4-lnnd. The aatflflflM .f the weather had the efl'ect, af makiiiir the tiiiinher of *i>e.-tatort4 in the Capitol gronnda flfflMflMl and the Ntrceta adjoining mm h nin.ill.-r to-.lav tiiat. flfl moet sinular flflflflB-flfla BBffl* tofote. I.nt many thnnaand were a*M*uiMed to ? t ne** the eeremoniefl. Tbe crowda aurg.-.l aml Ifllaiflfll to and fni in permstcnt endeavora to aectire better point* of flBBI. lation: biit gaxnl order wa* pflflBfltTfld, and no .Ii.stiirt.arii-i-8 whatev.-r of a senoua nature ar.- known to have oecurral. The ap'.em.iii. e of tbe I'rewident flfl the platform waa greet.-d with enthiisiaetir cheera an.i with t..iT-4-fM of uiu.>i<- from the haudu of all thfl VB-BBBfl fllf-B and military orgiini/.ationi, Wfctflk, drawn np in Im,- of tiattle. UM thfl wi.le space in frout .ui.l ext.-;id. d the er.tire lenglh nf the Capitol. The noiae of the greeting waa huubed a* the l'r>-i dent-ele. t and fhe Chief-Justirc 4.f the T'nited State* roee aunfllfaneoii-dy. and the latter flflflfl inen.-.'d BB r.'. [ta tkfl f,.nun!.i of the Fremden tial oath of oili. e. which Oflfl- (irant took flftkkflfld fl-MOTflffld, and tkflfl NflBflflflfll h-BflflaU-i a few momenta. Then the boom of rannon. the rua_ mgflf beILs, aml thfl BaflflBI of the Vflflt muliit'i.le i?iir.-t fortii flitb liitafrntng aaaad, and ekaflt al-flf akflflf wflflt ?p with a toI?m flf tmie which almuet IflflflBflfld inaudihle the report* of the flflflflMfl_ I'artial fB_flf li.iving Im-4-u i.'*ton'(l. thfl I'r.-aiilcnt tkafl Btaaa, aml .iiuiough tha AaBflpaha -aflaleadflaB, at the extretue n_ht ,.f the line. commenced at thia iiiom.-iit to ||fl flBfltkfll -fl-flafl, and .ertain irre tireeMihle tiremen at a distance continned to ring tii.-ir bells, he proiccde.l to r.-ad hia in aagaial addrnfl Hm flflBM waa not aaa. ?la axaaft to pereoua ou or near the platf.iriii. aml conneqiiently there were no mani fflfltationa of applauae dnnng it* deliverv. wiu, !i ..ti-npii-d Iflflfl than Ifl minut.'*. and ww complefeil Ih-I,.].- . !ar_e part of the aneeinlilag.' not directly iii IBBffl "1 J MH _3MW that lt had Bflflfl BflflBB-flflBBflfl ,;KtM- IN UV.CIUI. lADUH. Fri i ,-w ? rruEira lu.ler I'n.viilcnce, 1 have been , -llril a -., BBfl '.me I" flM as 8 "*'' ' nvrr tliir- pcal u.iti,,i,. II Bfla flflflBtMf endeavor Ifl the paat to inai.i ta.n all tbr awi. and. ?-> far aa lav in my p4iw.-r, M Bfli fct tbe i-.--t .ur.ir4-.tB of tbe wliola peupl.- My lxi.t aflBrta wiii BB _'.???:. M BBBaflBM direettnn Bl tflfl fiitntv. I tru-t, by my fuur y.-.uV flXB-B-BBfll in t_N flflflfl. Wbt-a my flr?t terui nf the ofli.-e of C'bief Eiecatire l>egan. rbc J country hBfl Q"t Bflflflfflflflfl from ttie pffei-ta of a irreat in ?, raal r.-. ..ulon, aud three ?f the former 8tatea of the Unlon h.i.i nut in'-ti MflflMfll tn their F.-.lentl relatl..n*. Kflflasaed U. lue wlae tbat uo new qiicalloua ahould Ih* ralaeil -n. long aa that .-..ndition of affaim .-xiateil. -Tier. fop- lar paat frnur yeaw. -io far aa I .o.ilil .-ouirol eveoU, ba.. bavn nmauio.-it in tbe effort lo Mflflaflfl Bfli pul.lii- | r.-dii. . BflBflfl i'??*. and aii tiie arts of pflflflfl anil proirre.... It B ii. -nn BfllBltlBfl that fhe .-ivthzed world 18 ta-u.lia* i.iwail repui'li'-ani.-iui, flfl gov.-rnun-nt ny Hfl pflflpte, tiiiuiu-i. tiia-.r aBaaaa iflfaaaaaaflaJfflB, anii that own crr-ut ItepiUlic ia .li-stnied to be tbe iruliiini. -ur ti i.i aflhaaa Dfl-flrflaf __aBflH-i w? BflppflBt aa .inn-. fla than that tt any ?aiafaaa pflwaral aai Bt_flB___B. Bfli a navy li-aa tliar af eiUi.T flf .it .<? a-; tlr* of th.m. rhe ra conld be no extonaion of territ4.ry nn thi.- eaflt-flaaa VBaafe would call f.>r an uf tnii f..r.-.-. but iBther tuigbt aucb extcnaiou enai.le un to _________B _-fl__flfl-7 flf ri.v-tnment cbaniroa with j _cti.-r.i. ftatftt -?-. Now tliat tlu- tele_Taph in uiade avail r..r coniaiiinicatlDg tbougtit, to^4-4b4-r with ?rannit i,v aBeaaa, aU parti af a aflflttBaal aaa mad..i tiiruoua for all purpoeea ..f litrrarunient, anl .-..tuuiuui ri.-tw^.-n tbe e-.treni>' liunt-. ,if Uie BflflBBrf BBBflal .-a-l.-r tti.m it wa..'hniU'hont tiie NO tflB bflB-flfl-Bfl fll '.ur natli.iial axBflBfl-fla, Tln- . _.-.-t,4 af tiie i..t.- . iv,! .trifi- IflflB BBflB M (Mfl 'Iic alave aad make him a a it;..-n. v-f flfl B BBI pflflflflflfl-d ,.f . nghta w'bu-h i-.tiaeuj.b.p -BflflM '-arry witb it. Tbi.-4i.-i flwiofls,aal atMaM Ba aofffl-flafl. t<> tUflfl-t Mflttaa I .t.aii.t,- ,ium:tt4ii -.. a- BsflflflttTa iflBaaBflfl ran avall. Soclal e.|.i_illty i? nof a BBBjaal t<> B8 lejflhlai.-d aaaa,aavflaallIflafe __ataflytB-_fl ba Bflflfl to aaiaaia Um aaaaai MalflBaf tka coim-.-.i .u.ui as-flaflM grtahtaa a fair caance to develop wbat thr-r.- t.-< ir..?4l ln bim Lin,... .--- tmtahaata,tmt tkhaaaataaatat toflhtaafa*! ..?.4iin-al that bia couiluct will regulare tho truatment aml fare he will recelve. The _tatee lateiy at war with the ,.-n, ial QflfaraaBBfll BU flflfl feflfljfQf ruhaaiilitateal. aml no Bx-cutlve eootrol ia exa-rnaed inauy oue of ib.'.n tliai ?i,,ii.,i aai .< B-fl-flBBBl u BBJ other -tatc under like uir cumataucea. THK PRF...IDEMT'* POLICT. Iii tb,- flr*4 Bflflfl?( th.-preaent A.lininistrarion the prop BBBB-fl .aia*.- np f..r th.- a.lmi.aion of i.iuto Domlngo aa a t.-rru,,rv of the luion. lt wa- uot a ..ueation nf tuy -?-eliiu_:, :.ut wa* a pr.ipueltiou fmrn the people of Sanr.. DBflUaaja an.i which I f-nt.Ttained. I b.-lleve now .*- I did tben. tbat it waa for tbe lieat mtereata of tbi. coun try. fnr rtu- people ef i^anto Domingo, and all eoncerned, BBBl the [>ro|M.8lti..n shnuld be re.-.-iv.-d favorality. Ii waa, bnwever, rejected conatltutioually, and therefon tha aflajflfll flrflfl BBflflB kBflflgM up agatii i.y me. Iu fu tup-. whlle 1 l.old mr preaenf .ifflcc, the auuja-ct ,.f 'be BflflJ-BB-flB nt t'-rritory inuat bav.- the aupport of tbe people lief.ire I will r.-4-4)Uinieu4l auv pro|to?ltlon looKiug to s.tcb acqulaitlon. I *ay here. ba.w.'vr. that l do not -.Har.- ln tbe ii'iirHieiision b.-ld by manyaa to fbo danger ..f (iovi-rniuenta l?i4-oniiiig weakeneil and deatroyed by ?-.4.,a nf tu.-.r eit.-uiiinii of terrltory. OBJB-Bfl-flfl* BBfl" aat-BB, and ihe rapid trau-it af ibmight an.i iiiatter by ? .|'b and aleam lian' '-li_.ii_c.-il aii tb:_. Katber fla I tM Bflflfl tbat flflrQflflflBB-B-fl- la preparln_ tbe world in tbia our _ooil time :?. l.ecouic oue uation, sp4-akiug ono languan, and when arinie. md naviea trill l>e no Iot.ger reinitred. My eiforu in the future will be flBflflflfll il tb.i reatoration of g-ood feeling between the Hifforutit 4.-. tloua of our coiumou country ; to thejri-itoration of our curreneyt4.a_x.-4i ralue aa comiiared with the world'. ataudar.l of aalues (_roldi. anil if imibhidUi i-. t i?r wilh ,t. to the i-ouatruction >f cheap r'iii-.-a of tranait throtub ut riie land. M ih.; '*nd tbat the producta of all aectionn niav tlnd amarkef. and leavr- a living reuiiineratiou to tbe proiliKer, to tbe uiainteuanoe of frleudly relationa with all our neighbora, and with diatant natioua; to tbe ri-e.taiil.abniet.t of onr commerce and .mr .hare in tbe carrying trade upon the .iccao; to the en< ourairement of atich inanufacturlnif iu iuatnaa aa can be economicaJly parsuwl tn thia countrv, ?a. tbe t-nd that tbe cxport-. of hotne pro^dt-u aml inalaatrlea may pay for our iwporta - ihe only .ure luefimd ..f retuni'ug to au.t oermanently niaintainlng a apecle baai. : to tbe eleration uf laiior. and by a hnmaue C4.ur_e fo briug tbe aborlgiuea of tbe country uu.hrtln benurn mflnencea of eduration and t-lvllitatlon. It ia r.l her tbi* or war nr exteraiuatiou. Wara of extertnma tlou, i-nga^eal io i.y i>eople pur.uniK eoniiueree an.i all bBflBBBrtal p.irsiilt*, ar<- rxpenaive. Bflflfl againat the weakeat people. anil are demoraltainur and wickeil. Our auperionry of streu.tb and adrantagea of .-Iviliialiou ahould make ua .-iin-nt toward Ibe (u.llan. Tbe wroog aiready tiifln-ted ui>on bim ahould m- lak.-n into BflflflflflB aud tba balaucc pla.-ed to bia credit. Tbo nioral view af tae 'lU-Btion should be conaidered and tbe queatii.t. aakeu, "('annot the Indian be a uaeful and pro liurtlve nirmber ,.f aocirty by proper tc_c.bin_ and treat rn'eotl" If tbe effort is made in good faltb. we will .laad w?il before tba cirllised natlona uf tba cartb and Ui our own conacirneea fur having inaite it. Aii Ukrae IbiiifB arr not to be aeoompllabr^ i.y oue indiriduai, but tbe/ wlll recelve mr aapport and aucb recoiuuieudaiiun Im ruil fui. WASHINGTON. CI.f.KlNl. HOUR8 OF THK HENATK. TIIK IBfOKTANT WORK FINIBIIKD HKK< >I<K Mlt> NKillT <)N Mt.NDAT?A 3IIOKT BB?OB VIH TKKDAY?MR. _OI_r__fi_ KAKKWBLI. AD B__________L IBT TKLKURAPH TO THB TRIBCflB.1 WASHiitimiM. Mareh 4-The lniportant, work of the Senate waa done aoon after uiidnight. and (bfl laat hour- of the aension were entirelv flflfl from tbe hnrry and exeitement which generally markt th ?BBB of a OflflflBBBB A little eontest aroae wtn? rln BBBBflfl BBBBi itself without buaineaa exrepf fh' '?alendar. and when half the Senatoi- in the aflflflBb-f were on their feet waving aloft their little bills, and itemandiog that they rceive attention. Mr. CiriH-nter, who was m the chair, pounded with the gavel until hiahandached. and ordered gentlemeu totbeir aeata, while Mr. Stewart BBi Mr. Anthonv grew exeeedingly eamesf in their efTorts to gain atfention. At length order waa brought out of the thaos by a general agreement to take np the ealendar, paasinu only sueh bills as had already been paseed by the IfaflBa, and to the consideration of which no one obje. ted. The remainder of the session waa like a nnil ifl BB8 reirular giindiun out of private le_i*_-tion. Th< veferan Ch-rk read title after title in hia runninir. inonotonous tone, and while one or two Senator, watehed the ealendar to object to doubtful meaa ures, and the presiding ofticer declared all others ?fl afli, the majonfy r.nred to the eloak-rooma to smoke. or atreti hed tbems.-lvea upon the ?*.fas f..r an hour's sleep. Thia contmiied until 5 n'cloek a. m., with one or fwo slight lnterruptions for the BBBBB*' ttoti of mewsa-ea from the Hoiise. when the tiual p;is aage of the De.tieit ney bill took plaee. At Oi fhe Senate was again called to order after itl ahort reeeas of 4j hours, witb leaa than half a tiiiorum in the Chamber. The Senators taabfli H-fli tn.l xleepy and were indispoaed to do anythiug. Mr. Chandler moveil to go into Exeeutive session, and called for a division, wlueh disclosexl the absenee of ;i <|iiorBBB, and Mr. Carpenter ruled that no busineas was iu order, not even a niotioti to take a reeeae or to ailjourn, so the Senate, what there was of it, louuged about the Chamber for half an hour and then in i-.xi-f utive m-ssion i-onlinued a few appointim-iit... I'he riinaiiider of the time BBB? 1- o'clock waa spent in paaning a few private billa. but no one Iwtened fo the busmess tliat was tranaaefing. aa the pn panitiona for the inauguration of the President flbaaflbai all atfention. Ai fwo or thiee minutea liefore noon Viee-Presi iflBl OflUaB B80BB M read in his uaual rapid ma'iner . his farewell ail.lresri to th.-Senate and to Congreas. ; and at l'Jo'clis.k preij-ely dedared the Senate ad journ.d tine dtr. _ LAST SESSION OF TIIE HOCM . A Dl'LL OPat-a-VO AM) A I.IVKI.Y mMUtEM B-B i.AKFIKLll MAKES AN F.XPLANATION 0OB CBBXDra HI- CKEEiIT BOBILIEK C-LUKt-B? ? ivil. BIOHTa ABD i.ENEIiAL -J_WB_TT? -I'EAKEIi M.AINE*- SEI.F COSGRATl LA.I''>. [BY TKLKfiHAPH TO THE TBIBi'N'H | U'AsniMiiov. MaBBb 4.?The morningaession of the Haaaa waaaBflpli and aaaafltaaaBa for the first twoh..urs. 1'n kill riuie until !'- oiloik, the Senafe billa remaining on fhe Speaker. fahle were taken np one bv and thoae that mt a t.wo-thirds vote were paflflBi. I'he Mormun UB w-as IBflabaiflflflB, before a unornm hail got t?>gether. and a feeble effort was BBflia to have it put on ita passaae, but Mr. ^ar gent insisted that it should be laid aside until there waa a fuller House. The aleepy, inatteutive nieni ber- appeared M take verv little interest in rhe -ut, je.t and reailily agre.-d to Mr. Sargent's motion. The bill waa aeeordinglv put aside and no one pronosed to take it up again, ao it was allowed t<? die without further notiee, justasif it hail liecn a petty bill for ttie n-lief of John 1'oe or Kn hard Koe. insf.-a-l of the chi. f Administration meaaure ef the aession. During the closing hour Mr. (iartield IBBfld the ghost of the Credit Mobilier borror by ,i personai explanation in relation to hia teetimony before the Puland Cotiimiffee. At the flflflfl ?8888881 of the fla tflflflal BBBM of Ci'-.lit Mobilier the members left their seate. and __a*flBBB_ aronnd him with depress.-d and meliimholy looks. They evideatly wished he would not revive the dlsmal thoughta of -BBBfli .liara.-t.-r and MBfliabai honor of wrecked anibi ttaBBj "f a itaf-Basd CflBflBBflfl -nd au iudigaant peo? ple whi.h thronged to luind. Wliy eould he not let tbaaa -eparate and pa t.i their hom.-s in momeutary gflfli liunior aml fori:effiilness .f rhe Bflt-Bflfll xhauie I Tln-y BfflN detennineil to hear huu. howevi-r. and mIimm! iu slleiue, gBBflpai iu a d.-use uiass aluuit him. while he flflaibfl (fl a flflbiaai tone, very diderent from flflfl BBB__ M-ln-nieiit mai.n.T i i -p. .ik.iig. He a?:iiiii-.t the liudiiiir of tbfl Poland Committee in his flflBfl as unjuat ; Bfl had expeetiil to t>e siimnioneil Bf Hfl I'otunnttee to produee evidenee to suntain his -tat. nitiit if rhey eOMB-Biai to make any adverse eom uienr upon their report; tln-y had not given him tliat opportiinify. and ho gave notiee tliat ba should in a few days ptibhsh a "tatement whieh he should prove bv r]ic ,\i<l.-nee of two fn.-nds that tbfl B8> 88Bflfl of his dealiiiKS with < lakes Ames whieh the Committee gave. eorrespond with -tafemenis by huu three years ago. He did notjmeution the names ofthes.fnends.bnt they were siipjvoaed to ln- tin Prafl-iaarl of.Miaon OaOaaja in Ohio, and the Hou. Jeremiah S. BB__ Bfl 1'eiinsylvania. Mr. Poland. iu reply. said he waa sorry if any in justice had been done the gentleiuan; tbe S4*Msions of the Committee had bflflfl open ; tbe proeeetiingit were published in Ibfl Bflfl8BB8BBB) and he eould at any time BB88 88888 888888 them if he had desired M h.aie a further heaiing. Nothing more waa aaid upon the aubjeet. and the . rowd of memliera d_? persed to their BBBBB Shortly afterward rlitre was B ^ensation of a dif fi-rent I'haraeter. and ifpossible more niappropnute than Mr. liartield_ speeeh. Mr. Aekerof Pennsyha nia rose to a peraonal explauatmn. and aent up a copy flfl The Congrettional t,lobe. I'ontaining the flflaaaafl inga of the last day of tbe aeesion of Conimvw whieh i-nii.-.l in Inne la>t. Fnnu Urifl the Clerk reatl a par Bgiapb r.l.iting to the resolutiou of thauka to the Bfaakar, winch waa nfacafli to have i>eeu aiaf-fll by a uuauuiioua vote. Mr. A. ker said that this waa unorreet. Bfl Wtfli No, and it should so BBBflBB He did so bi.'euuse (he Speaker had refiised huu the door to put a geiit-ral .iiiiueaty bill on its pflflflflflfl. Hfl ha.1 no fault to iind with the S|H.'akt-r at this session, ex? eept that he hail again refum-d to allow huu to oder BB___f bill. He thonghf ii wrong for the XLIId Congress to adjonrn without wiping out all poiitnal di-_hilities. A huudred eunoua members thnmged tiown the amlea t-> the tpaee in front of the Npeakt-r'* iflflb where Mr. itckeratook. Eoremoet amoug them was Mr. Negley, who deelaretl in an angry manner that Mr. Aeker'a apeeeh waa an outrage. Mr. Nib la. k said he hail put the resolutiou of thauka to a vote, Bflfl there waa ao much coufuaion at the tmi" that Mr. At ker migbt bave voted Vi without hi-. hearmg him. At this flfl_flfl Mr. Kauiey. the miilatto member from South Caxolina, Baflfld flhowitiar hia way through the tbn>ng. The crowd formi-il a ring around hitu, while he le nounied Mr. Ai ker and the lfctniocrata for insistnii, on reheving the disubilitiea of a few impvtuteiit Babflflflj while r< fiisuui to pennit the pasaagr' of the Civil thgaM bill whieh relievetl l.non.tKki people from flflflab-ttttaa unpofletl upon them by cruel preju flflBa and liatred. He srsike for a few uunuttM with great vehi uieuce. Mr. A.ker wautetl to reply. but nnlxsly MBBflai ta hia. him. aud be waa cboked down. S?on after, at tive miutitee before twelve. SpeaJter Blaine made a aelf-gratulatorv opt-ei h upon hu aueceaa iu alwaya haviug hm ruling suatained by the Hoiim. during hia few yraia ot-rviee ut tbeehuir, aud ui obUiiu_a tba auppurt __id uvuhdeutai uf both partiea. He fhen bade the memherB f are well an?t arodapafld, and declared the He-im- of- [-epr'arnta f fhe Xl.lld ' 0 irreea a_lj<.iirned witliout dav. The mciniii'.H mareli. il f.. the ienatfl hl a ? nfueed, ,riejr>.lar nort ol proo.aion to ??.- tbe itj*u_rurat>i>fl , r i-inoiiieH. IMPKAIIIM! NT OT JU Mi _?_??*__, BU ? A'.. 1.AII. <<N rilr. TAI'.I.E-AN HTKMI I Rfl IMI'Ktni HIM l______H*__X HR.'h V rKl>. |BT TRLK'IRAPH TO TMB TB1BI MM U'i-iiis.,r..v. Mareb 4. Aii the Appropriation i.lll.. wer<- ;.:ir._4-il liv the Houne before l .?'< lock laet might, and flf -i a Iflflflfll wa* faken until '1 thm moru mir. .Iiirrt h4*fore fhe rea-eaa the drowiy Houae waa romu-d hy a aharp debate about tha imp^mhineiit of Judt'e. harl.-- r -nerinaii ?f Ohio. Mr Butler re ported the tCHtimon.y in fh?* -a*e of thia retnarkatle. judi.iaJ aa__a_BflflB. witi. ? rea.l.ition fhat 't b*- laul aa lhateMafarwafllflf u.u*** to aai Bpaa it thi* 8--_Hi(,n. He had retnmod from the S. uate, whens he had irnpeached Jmlife IMahay of hiah ertmefl aml iiiisdi 'U4-an4am iu the uame of th.- Hoiim- of K< a rf-ntativea and ol all the people of the I'nitaol .Ubn. No**. dairrant ae were thfl K_,iihi_b j.i.hrw* olteiiaeH. they -caneiv e<i.iale<l th.>a? of hut Ohio hrofh.-r. flhflBllfli Bfl b-flflfl-flBflfl the New-York flaMfll Kichani_e for $10.0110 for lobby _a.rvie._B, aml flhfl confewn-il hisguilt t? lha Wavs and M<an? I'on. mittee lately. and orter.-d no defense ia-.,- tbe ple. thal hehad frii-dti. di-4-e.i.-:he Ex iiad Bflflfl- <lom? any lobbyinj. at all. The IIi-iimk rate tl? that it waa .J.i.ti.e Sher nian'a relatiouahip U> the Senator aml !?? ti.e (ieni rai that made the J.i'li.-iary (iimmirti-K ?.. i.,ih batfl-Bfl. him to tnal. Mr. l'otti r flBflflflfll, an a miuonty repoi t from the Comn_itte_. a reaolution for bia ituf."-.-! iiH-nt. Then MirwrH. Butl.-.r, Da'v.-s lu.letta other Keputilnai,-K?il exiit.-d and itiriuful thal * ?? Judia- sfiould havo fair play. lie liii.i tiot flfpflflflfld before the Committee with couriael and wilnee*.--, thev said, and flflflflkt Bflt Bl Ih* tkflfl jii'!-'??! ? nhooi B heannir. Mr. Frodda af Ohio, Ifl a 8in_i>- aw fl nifoaiai. tha l-llanj aft__flB_M> Efflsakad n ottaoan Bfl-flflflfllflf oiaaawfl_*a ewaiallow-d t<> avnpeaur with eaflflaal Batefl i.ran.l Jariea found nidictiri.-:.'. t^aiaal fhi-III. There flflfl BO flB-HTflV tO thia. Et_T3 body kni-w that tlu- lloune wan thflQtaad Jary whi. i indict.i I.v iMpeaehment. aud tbat the Senate ra I court r.. rrv thfl -flflfl, where rhe Bflflflflflfll anat ma. ? uia dafflflflfl wuh hia flflaaaal and his w-umMflBfl I Brybody knew, too. that there wan a plain ia*. airiiiimt aSheniian. and that hr- wa? an _ih<1 aa l victe.1 already bv hia own Ufltaflfl aad _-0_8flfl-.m. Mr. Pottersai'l he d.-sired to pur the rea.poi.aibil.ty ..ti the KepuhlicaiiH nf ahiel.lincf him, aud had l_b pcflaflBtfld hw |miiiority rerw.rt. The liepuhli eaaa took the roBponmhility, r.-ji*ot.-il Mi i'oWer * r-aolution and adopted Mr. Bflflfl-'-.. M0N0P0LY MVLB IN Nt W-ihMSM I. PKFF4.T OV THI? AIR-1-l-K BILL I>* THK ?F?A TK -FXriTK.ifKNT 4NI> IBIUBBAT-OB OK TIIK Pt.. 'I'l.r? THK V. .IK OB THK iill.l.. fFKO. the ttEi.Ci.AR Oaflfl_-fl--fl-MB. "K* riiK MBBBBB | iRiiNTii.v. March 4.?The firnt bBMh-flflB m 'he ><Vn at4- f4.-4l.ay. afr.-r a hrtle routine work. waa rhe rea<l iiig of Mr. M. rher-4on'- h.ll for a if.-neril railroad law. After the Iflfll r'-aihtiir, he pB-flflflflBfll U. ib-fend the bill frinu the I liariren wliich he _ai.l a bribexl pre8i4 maile itraiu.-t it- Thttt _(*emed to Ik* no ?pr cial interest mauifeated hy the Senite al?.ut tbe lull. and it wae dropped BBI the pnwur. Snndry other ?Bflfl hillH reeeived their vi-ond reaibnn*. In the BflflB tt-Bfl thfl fflOflfl-flfl tiWed up wuh a larire crowd. The Pr?*ident f/avo BBtlflfl that no demotutration whatev.r -hotild bt illowcd from *p.-. f-ton. and then told the clerk to take up Aflflflflflkly bill N'o. :t Aa anon ae the clerk read th.-tat'.. Mr. Baiiifhart of EfflaBaflflBBB ni.iv.-d that the t.ill Im-reati IBBflflfljh .arefiUlv. Mr. Sewell ot Camden luoved an amendment to lay m- r iuiit-fiiiit?-lv. Kr. Hewitt ?| M-ni-r Bflffli BBBl Bfl coneid.-ratn.n !?* p."-tp4.ii4-.| tiil tbia aftenioon. ai.d the motion pflflfflflflfl- Ihfl >enate then mf.. Executive -t-wion on uome atnall bominatioi la hy thfl Qflflfl-flfl-. At Iflfalflflh it wa- haflfll sible f..,r lha Bflsal-Cfl lo elbflw thab w.i> la tha ekfl-flbflt thro.iL'h tht itthtt nii_4ji of PBflfljlfl 4)iit*i<t<-. The L'ity *__h B BJHBf paUci :...-? - - ?fationed near fhe mam enrran. e, at,point.ic i.i. BBBB t.. iiifT.-r. nr in.srs. Th.- demonatrati'.ii which wiu, indeed, of a meaaeiiiii kim). -H-eimiil f4> .:-.,; i i-rram ai.iireh.-n-: th tl.n rreMiieut froin iii- repeated threat. and i-oinmaii.ln. Ha in.juired if [M.ii.e aa_flflSfl flflfli ln tht i-alii-.n---. aml. it >" t" Mflflkf up and slmw fii.-in i Ivflfl, f laa_fl_iflflOTiwiIkffwaiktka r ???! -. tkal bfl could flflfl them. Bfl !flfflflBflfl_J flflfli ?*>*- ifl thfl pallen-h that BBfl MtM iii:iui.iti>n ..1 B-aflflBBflfl-a would ln-1iflflflfll i<\ thfl -lafl-a_-g ..f th. gaHatiflfl and the puni.-diiii.-iit ot tln- olt'endera. I?\ hia .ouatanl thr.-alo th<- I'm-miI. nt aucceedi'd in keepiii*i .ml.t until speeches w ere made and tit.- \..i. annoiinri-l. Th.-fri.-uairt ot tka kffiflflflarflai?? bfr. ivi.:.. w.-ck. hut tu- bad tti-d to the enemy'acauip. -liey haflfl tk-B, a_-i -fartfld ti-ha. bfr. B-flBjhaai i-afl_ai to poatpone. Mr. Sewell i:iM?t<tl t>n piv_*M8t _w .Mr. H.-witt nai.i ir araa _flfl__fl_fl_r] bar a ??? 11 '" a inani iu the b.aiiil.- ,,t H.i fra.-inl.- UB tuaa. BB ihey BBB Ifl h Bflfllwi-h-fc It *;i- an iinliea. .1 - I demand for ihe oppoiieiit-t of a bill t.. mak.-. Mi. Sewell eall.-d for the Vean and N'aya. Tbe u.olioii to po_tp4.H?- wiii Itjet i.y tlu* following \ot.-. VKA.-4--Mejir.i-. Kautrliarr. r.irtii.sii. . ntier ll.yer.., n> u.lrtckiuiii, Hewitt. .".toue, l'i_BiUent l'avlor, Wollatu*. W'.hmI_10. BflTB? aw-BBBia. Bec.l.'V. K.lsall. H."-kin-. Iri.k. .1 rani, Lfttatikar, t_-_*_?r8o_. Haaaa, B-WB-rfl, tatu Ml.r -ppuril?11. Tliere flflfli murmuro m the tMMttf, an?l threata ot aleariug tlwrn were airain aauvle l)y Uie I're.i.leut Tbe friendu of tBe b.ll now .letertuitied 88 ruake oor .aat a|> peal. Mr. read a apeeeli, in wim-li Ue rleylore.l BM '-ravenaml .(unt manlfeateil to cootinu-. the accur-ed yoke of a foreijcn m.iii<.,xiiy u|hui thi \h->,\>w ?l New-Jersey. an.i ln .-loainir aai.l thal every '?euator who .ippoaeil Uie Iiii! ha.1 an lutere^t with the rortuni-a of iluj l'ennaylvania Railromt. Mr. McPheraon rrplie.l. amtin all.i.linir fo a ...heiitireif preae, characteririiiir aonii' of the men wlin were ehu-fljr intereateil io tiie itanMiKe uf the Iuii a- lil aulnecW for tha Feuitenttary. enloifl.iiiit tlu- Peun.y vania tuiuaairi-nieiit, aad coueludiuK witU the ai Uia. wi, ,i_. ma-ut tiaal a fr?e rulroad law would ue a good :hiu< fot the -iate oi Mrw lertaj. Mr Stonc (Bflfltfll the 1.111 iie.-au^- i!ie rw-ople anil the iilteriwrii of thi'Stafe ,l<-m..ii,l. .1 if. Ile w i* i.npari.1 t.i lay, tn replv to Mr. MflFBatBaa, that U.e l.ill iia.i friemi* and i.pputieuta. t4Ki. u,, r i- ln ;,n .oiintry w,i.i'a.l Bc bflflB fiioiik'h M baM If _MflflBB_l ht tiu-n crtmea. But that wa_ uo fault of tha Bfltl M Bfl CflBffl. ntaaaL Mr. Williama followe.l Id a lonfc* and tatt drfenae of the hlll. Bfl laltt tt flflB M gOflfl, fl8 lee'iunaiilr m every part, that ita uppoiient. had m> aiiiemluietit lo ofler. why, then, he aaked, ahould it mx paaa I that aon County wauta it, Hergeu waaM tt, Es*j-_ wants it, Huaaex wanta it. Mutdl'-aex wanta it: -^.tner-^-t. I'riu.i.. Men.-er?yca, aluiost every eounty. rity. aud towu i.i Uie 44_ate nf S'.-vi ItJttaj, the pHMsaife lif 1-18 lull He would not cbarire .-4euatora with violein-e to their cotiBiieni-es. He woald vote aa lua conariene*. di, ttxkf'. tUo.inh all the State BBeBf- .ry ,.ut aitainm him. When .^i-naiora edtered ujwin their dutv thej tiK.k au eath to ,t.> that, at all cimea. wtilrh they coaai.iereil tV.t for the welfare 4.f tiie ^ut*. He <lid uot helu-ta there waa a Senator in that ('hamher oppoaiua tla- . who did not Jo violence to hl* .^macienr,- W.miIiI ih. i opcoae the t4est miereata ofthe -naiel Wnaiio n. . how uown ^> foreutm nmnopoly. whu-h haa been aa Bju a l.y-WajT.1 anil a reyrom-li t4. th.- (H-ople of New lei_? > | In i-oncludinir, Mr. WUliain* huluiy charp-.l tae >4< nn, r. oupoBinit the lull aa bei-tf m thu pay uf ti__ I'euuay l\?n. . I_i.lr4,ad"Con_pany. Mr. C.itler foilowed in a .ItnlUr atrain. pr.-fariiic hia reuiarka with a few worda uf j-.wuncatioii of the couiae af the Hecretary of the -a?nata iu wiihhoniiutt ti,. until Mr. Hopklna'a ref.irn The vote wae taken aml BBB lull in.t. the arnue niemliera votnin for anil a<r-.i_af, ._. upon Mr. -UutC-ari'a uioiiou to jH.etiK.iic. n-? ?( Then there Were lou.t m.irraur* in the <aileri. ?? ai.n aharp eipreaaiouauf dlaapprobatlOD. The I'rraldeut d. lu.uite.l oruer, but :t waaiu vam. Heie.rai,. ,1 ,,iii, --HnnK out Ja-rrard!" ** Let Jarranl BSflM oui - " We waut lo aee J irrar.l ':' Mr. Jarranl cioaeil hla *?.. . and thl-W Bia ll__U back lu his Ctuair ? umjUoii iu oiade to adtauru, but the Preaident dectioed to rni.-ru.u it nutil the irallerira were clearad and onler reauipxi Notwithatandinu ttie cn.wdedatate of tbe aaJlern-t, al. 1.1 diM-orain waa preaerved, exeept when applaaim. itreated Mr Hewitt'a as-erttou that ll " waa i>.,i? rbaaa that the . _*enuiijriTa_u_i Bailraaa owaaea iu advocataa," and wheu the threats were uttrrwd uta.n the reault of tho vote. Ia oooue-Uoa witii uii? ,-,, ? aiay be aUted that when Mr. Hopkina appiied for it tu the "Wret-rv of tbe Henate, laal aventaa, tflua featie ui.i wenrt Ui tbe Uxto aad """cfrl II to 81 m mlnoa that auvaio|Hi whii h he wrote a iei_or MllliMC the Beuaaa il waa aeaatvl up ln. Tbe bill for m tytotrtxl iUiiroad law, or..jrina.ti_jr witb iie Aaa. in_!>, will .orue up ia tflfll bflfl?. flfl aiftCi-J. urtw, u>i-a*fl_iv? aWfl-Bflaa.