Newspaper Page Text
NEW-YORK. WED5ESDA** MARCH 12, 1*7... PRICE FOIR CETTS yo... \\X!I.N?--..!*>>. TUE SPANISH ..-?IT-.I-1C. ^riarriON 0F a UU-VIUUUI 001 ll-VTMY at tar ?^"..iM WITH ::i- Pi i . nu. -IBlfl r*1' Madkih. Tueaduv. Mareb 11 I "IVAiaiemliU- lut- approval i.n amenilmcnl tothe yriproviitinff for the confotMirioii of a C<mt?t-t_~sn. Oai-toa. iiiiitior-./nik.' _B flflflM ____?_?_> j^r t.le tk*?tloll 0- >l> I'llti.- t-flfll -flfl -B-flfld fll Cfl-fl. mi hia wav tt> llumdima, ati.l attipped -w>mc Bfl? t_. rt> n flflflM-flJflflBflC "f inanif.-Btation. of . ympathy wilii lufl >>?? -Miimiair. A tu.ii tll-W-lB t4. thc .iiten-f-t. fll Bfl l_B? try ut ItfRiiiiiiiiK u. make _?-. ? '" ??'', provu. iluuteen. of MaJaifa have toaerve _y. The twopfl in Ban elona ..n jainnp the voliiiife*er corpa _____ AU- I KAS *_*??- it nu po__ron ___n?BT--o__e__B r TOB-B 91 ? _ra... treuM Baxm Kd ysn imtU-1 -itll 'hc rMepta-O od ? u.iitini me into an ap_rtmillt ? to the MuilB t?ra pmati- phiiu. Mflfl not rmiio i- ?-? Furei-ii oflice. mVt hfll btar only his (rfficial apartmoiiti,. 1 found in the mUimiii t_<> or three -euUemt-n who had B ? -n thfl fl-BTfll "1 the ?n waa srcr. Bfl rc Ih.-ii tlu- M n rurti. into his own pnvate ?fl 'aetod for flbflfll Tt-n ?MflflM Ofl th. ir flflflMtflfl-M tht prriTxi of -eneral D-BTCflflflflflfli iipartment. ~mk)d after B-__-B_B tht h-ir lieparttire. it M years of affe. .uddar !iUappe4~rance il ggtkjmj tng. The poB*? of nifl bead ifl itegturea fll :.prea -ve H - facei ~s oljthe Spanish type, lo-f and narrow ; a heavy mustadie .ivi-riianirB a naoth tliat _fl_B to lndk-ate iirmnt?s, and the chin btc-B the ma~~~iv enet-B -which .M are wont txi aeeo ?u*? witb the nlea of a man fll action __d r,.-tt-nniii_ti..ii. Hifi for ? it has tbefault od UflllliB?I Thc eyes are ____. fca-i . tcJ k. th riiri M ? ? flfl-fl P-flfli "?? -BBa?i ? man of ny. a thw.nzer. a -fMflflflfl ol nv _Mpiani_m.. li, ' flfl-fl-J -*!_ He luw, -t That, if St d? in lirmly ~BUhlishiBir her. ? if aa a I reputilic. that ? -.; rremendouB -Sflflt on tne flflflflfll al __B Tl-B Mfllllnff T imit~ll IB Sefior Fiimcms. Xbe '?? , tail aoii handaome man of about BDyeai ? ttBte wants the appearar to an e_pression of plainti II, ipafllB ? . ? -*reat frankne-g, and, nnlike lar. bfl doets D ?' "t B~.fllfl _ag aI , lu hedth he i? tar from ht he Baid that lie had bl BB b-jod, and the lahor i tmttmmt_a jtrevenla hlo cIlJo.ViUK I telic-cy of hia health dt-maiids, For tlu irri-Henf. he said. the CarliBt* were (fimpara mict. i.ut he anticipated that. _-~fl ??____? ai thc monntains was le_a wvere, they woui'i Bflkt m .re lormidalde demonBtr.. tiiev tiat. -il il Bl letermined Ba fl__l lirmly iud B_flB_pBy wi__ Bfli C.irlist instir nctirni. 0- Bfl iliBiifl-B? m thc wvf oi a BflpflMifl. t^j),.. Bfl -ilh Bflflfll BB-flflflfllflflfl. tad oi hin-w- bfl poki .vith a difin: ?~ae mam -. ?' 1 have not iron enouifh in nu wa. kiB remarli. -itha-ii:.. in wbn-h tht-rc fl fc, rleapoiin. ? _JMl,,f .i.i.uillity. to wh, rioo: | 'it' a Ofl-B Rnk-h,- MAflffli iiihiiMaeim. *n.^ _ the civd popiitation ia ex njiich ntieaainefla in BM It M a most hazardons P-U-y, Afl a fact. who applioa geta a | ? Bemin(.:,'ns wtuch are now '.nr will no rtoIlllt . ___wp_flfl-_n_M_lfl dp,. : toflhrnini lo -fl-fl-fli fl-flfa "Hmh.- w ^? unm' -.Itliers i_B aa -nord civil p flfli an _n_ byre-i- .<- B -fl d~ barired with evil to come. jonurEi Mtmom the frontiei.. . na 'oivtuv? ? _nOB BY C-lBUBIB ? ->B~I BB THK , BBBM jnti a ii LW---] lii.AsAis, rrovmct- of <? . Pflk. l-L? I -at ii. Bflffflfl ^hen I left Parta laat nljrtit. stiould C_r::*tr. BBl -BB the WBJT, aarrow tnorniTie. We have neither encountered no. aaeo QflflBflBt yet here we are for the n~_ht, stu __ faat at a wayuue -ution only aoout St - 'ron ti-r. ~xid with pruapee-i of _i tre_ely '.nileflnite. So outslde the world ia tbis tratoi. t (tite . .?) of which Ib the tumt.ic-u>?. mmruia :n which I am now wrtttng) that doIkhIt -4-P- .ic -.. Mflfl lieard anyt_iu?r about Amadet?'t aiuii r_u~>e. no- flflai -tie mformatlon, when oo~nmunir~,te.>, prwiuc. .1113- <ii_er e__ct than a Bllirht thruK of the A-oal-ert and the indolent qootatlon of aome atctcn oour pBBBfltB, From one whom fortune haa temp fl-MMfl on a hoiI bo ourren, iateraflU-jf political mf onna ?aa cannot tie expec-ted. But a thort BflBBB?Tfl ol tlie ~_r__ent> of travel may not be alt4>_et-_r dtvoid of 1 loii.-.a . . I _nt the follett belief that tbe whole of the aurthen. ;?- -.aiii were more or i BBflBMBflfli :i_u itrna, iu the hauda of Bl i Bentleraen, I waa a_B_rtyl, oombined the tenoa* ?ot C-iUtm wilb Um __iiter ooouiwtion uf ar reatuii; M i>ro)(re-* of traint, rotibinc Um lnKira*:. and Ua- pa-ar??era, aad oeeaalonally abootuiK auy wny l-rer wt- mifht be d_p(~ied acUvelf to otrjecl to thia liaa of oaad-ev I waa cjertat- to be rol.bed. and mi?ht M UM-ffnl tf 14_eaprjd aitheT beinf kidnapped for tbe a-M- of rtaiiM <~r aa~X to 4-ttutM-ge aa inereaae of paa a~-t?r traffic w t_e rotue whlch I waa abont to taaverae. Mtj-aiae ttterr waa a areat deal of nonaenae ?bout all ????; rn, aa tr_it_. __?. uoaaeatioualily Oeen stopped in tM uor_ of B;-? taa u? pataenicerfl rol.i-rd. NM __* u.-__T____1,*a*dw-*' IIUkd ab0"t *De * JT"*9' *"M?y ln toid. Ortainly tbe BBaa_y waa aat rnlat. ?nn u, Uu re^ j S-_T_u__ tZT*. Va~- -** ~" ^ "? trmmt. Btil) lt wa. ?- 4uvr - C_ a- uett to take care of Ut, BMflMI .,1 other .aroule -Mt I hM. abu- ^^ UMie w-t tae ___iuo__ _?., .-^^^ to ^ ^"^"J 1 "-,"' ""a ln',*?? iotbe ITfiBMlll em ~__r_ML_ -tuaUim of belnc p-mu,^ ta __, ^. of armtiprB. I i-took mrteif, therefore,tot-e nrcnn -aotiuD of uonlliiflaaM CflrUau. All tM i~__. ir_jnt(_ wim the excepaon of a few poundt tar t~raveUU| pt-a-er __d for deoency't take, ln caae of t~st__ly _,_ _ Btopfied, 1 excha-a-d far a la__~r oi1 ?.?<_. oa a _____ lautter T__ docuioent I had aeirn lnto ihe uti.k ,.t ?_. ahtn ~~ctweeu my a-ould-l., wt~_~h _a m-turt, _?tii?ar*. laaa, I conciuded waa ifle aalikelleBt plaee for roi.uert la uapeet witii pretiatory lntauUona. Xtua daae I atant? lar t_t- CAtaatM <_ fer d'Urltmn* with eaJm mntmHy aa flfl-fl-rM by Um otii_~_0-bbb that I had dflM tb a __B I aavBI ta BtBtaat ot?. r paople't pro party. TM MM ?r?i*_. u> ol tro-bte waa tbe refnaal to laaae i fartfler than Iron, tto fro_?ar town. Hm rnaaiM l fl/ tM BflM 1 4*mms MMM ia oflaraa of th. BflBfll BBBBBB. *>%** BBBB ?l -_*__? Bfl M.rlrtd had I- t-ii ,!i_.t,ut.itn. .1." wa* .ill thr n-iu '?*' rT" anx.on. rim-.ttinfr On BBBBB. BflflBBBM ***? ******** ..iind tluti ;h( Min-ll (BflB-BflflBB BBBflfll __.-??-?? had. for the ino-t part, rtineeiitratcd iu ?U4> rtotnpBit Tli.n BBBfliBBBflfl BflBBB ?? m" ?'-r'~u_ed- - 1. iflllflB-Bfl. ***** Bfl BlItH.a vi:i BBflflBfli BBrBfli r. l_n. ln flBfl fll -_* -uotf Bfl ?etV II1I-4II1V4 11I44I..-4-.1 fici-t.v. on ui* briuu : irravelv by ? ********* tt Ufl "????_' ttiMl i tb. invanabie nf tlic Carlf... wan to atnp tbeir , it t.,iol. flfl .. ..r.'iiiui___ry to furUiir | SBtlon. u- bflfl nn" vorv ni-rvous. and ult i i ! pt.iM.ln. thi' ***** ******* Bl BBflfl? *** flflVI > 1_* HBrnii-nt.. But Bfl BBB I--BBfll t<> * ***** Mfv wlieu hc was ******** tliat Bflfl) Ua mt ***** m<>?t ********** **t "? ->" ***** -': j nakcd aud tnrned Bflflflfl amnr.g Uif -hiiuw B B_ Tiit- Spaniai-'fl own tflfltk BMBBI <l 18 BB BBBBBfll >n BBflfl* ******** -BfBflflB-flflttBi plcutv nf fltflflffl ,unl a bellef ni Bflb-Baa. -V (i.Tituin. whn Bad ***** l* 44pmn with pa-_-flBfl-IBBBBB_-BaBB-7-BBaaallBflB al all. BB pniMflirl hifl o'liiiiiin that IBfl OflB-flB wen- ****** BB> : ****** ***** BB I'Ctt'T _n that wi- ? itercepted i.y them. he ___BN?___BtB ' ifTtinr chief ffflflfl BftBg entnat. d, . ,;ld aend tiBall *a *M* w.iv n-iniciii- But hi* flflfl. . _r.ui -tcrf ___M '?? rram in which a fn.-nd ol hii, .onrni.-liijr on his way to wa* fllvppfld, aud hnw <-nme of tbe p_j--< i_ uaod oouleiupt uonB __*_turea ttrw; i BBB *** ** *** t****** Wit* ? anl dead. The | : :o Bflfljfl-fl t!j?' lontr wear? Jonxn.v tlirottcti tin Ha:, ****** ******* nnrtli of Bflfflflfl aud il.c pretty old town. I ..hich i __ Maatf, waa ... Cfll-flflfl aml -Bfl txonbleij tt hut w. :ia<l to rwturn to mir ___g__fl_l ? wtu-ntlie ra.lw.iy ?><?,,ple fll hayminc t.'id uu " in.ul iraiu rrom Ma.ln.l. >!_?? :_ai flflflBB-M *t Inin. h_d n?t -c ti, and that there __fl netther Iifor.uatioai at- to tne fflUM il li < nti flfl. !>nr kliowlCil-C when thc trruii n'.i^r.t Bfl BBBBfllai Ifl flflltf. After .t short hait at BiarniE. ***** fltflBflfl. ? I rhe truth B that the ***** of Biarntz accrtunK from Impcnal _???__? had tnrcver fl-pBTBafl. wc par-aed thc up train from Itud. and for a briof spac- wert free to noui-luh the hope That .t larricd BBfl BfBBBB mail. . . mitrary and trt Ni Bflt .ur-tiiLi: BBflM whicU thc ****** flflfllMfl d*v ,>n ?ented. ortorecal! ?: -M t Bflfl H I .- iu the i aiheilral over auainst ua wm-rc -ouie XIV. wan married _B Alaiit DflBflBB ot -pa:_. Theu wc aflflflBBfll thc v -name familiar to studeut.. tt the hixuirv tt BM ;:,! 4ti- w r-w .ir!m- ''4tlt'-very apex ,if the Bay ot hixav. Bflfldl BBB BB? "I its prft 8tomiini-M in the calm lnlet, fftrt by their turn botmded by n.ckB which rose the viueyanls. Bfl ,. . ? ,.;n_ nut bM-diy nn thc (Uliulf t reached the Kflk On thc further bank below aa -INHllflh town .lf ! town and nvcr B-B> orcrhmitf uy BM oM ***** , IBBB-M-, I .ii that thun : i when Beven British columns flflflBflffljai Irnm bafl-_Btfl .t-ct sunds ? I rnotith tord.ol which thc ilafc.iuc tlshcrmen had tolil W.iiiiiL-tnu. andcarned nt the -B.MMI pomt Souit'e iutn-ai-iicil pflfll THui BBflflNJ ' : lQC AflBB?fl ynudcr on ihe Frt-nci. ?!__,. ibflBflJ - T. ' r B mem B '? -. imardB-bnt muiiii nf thc Dflftfl "t B ton? hurieti aacfl > .-miit. in an BBi ? ,tu>J raitl' thr traiu BBMflflfl BB -'?' ?v,,r llfll Bld?Bflfl flBll ' i;n- 0u'' '!'-''?'? aBBl ttierc ?' t.' .?. i rniT .. i.-i_r_ly ailiu.n.t rr ao IrtrfliiBfl'j ?? panorauia or . rt tt moi_nt_in_ wrtn .aitifed peaks t.. irrw-ht, and also ln our rront. bo that a :r..t I throu?.fi tliem MMUij. lmrMHwible. and of nort irreeu B-BBB, liathcd ina_43O-0f .tTanKcly waxm sunshlue that Bin . .th flltter ou the _ea uid t_e snnw. < >n Uic jilatform of tbe Hendave etaticn. thc BBflB ' France. we bad neen the laat ol :.' .- .'hlhti.c-.. Hc wh ? iflccinicn of ? '"T whom I confeB*. . . . i _.: respect. Ttic Frfiich B-udarme ib nevi-r ,, . etf-ahfl-tni *****. Auwuh a nation ot jabbcrcrB. it is ffiK... .lresBed nian, inthe-ttr-k. d ti_t aud with the IflOff IWflflB. -talkmc : to and tro on thc piatlonu. rm.dtnit tnm^lf i:om KOflsip with porti : ... BAWl Bflfl-Bf flrttB-BflBBj IlBBliaB Now that . La- Bieui and D( nost? theniB. .: , ..uit a, I iBBfl :hc jfenda; ji]if?.in_ p.rn<iu in ai; Fraiice. for thc 1 1'ariB, hand-omc a_ - ta*** c(;uij'.iiciit and .i. are t*o ahort in thc nuck. too rtiuuil Bl th. ihofllllflr. aud too awk-.fartt - itti rhe lindlc-haud Ifl l?c :np4.*inK. But the flflaflflfl-flfl tiby************ mfl to hia marn-w of I BB lu | Bfl ett flfll Krci.i ii flflflflflflRBM md tt* Wlth<!.. aflflfll *********** i irendarme wai. re I?1_bc? -- o solil-.r, a man, I ....nt,- i.ratiic w.-.riike prowtB.. hut of in - he wai. a proper man enous-h. Bfll BB BflflflIByl-B witnenn xo the ineannefc. of hiB Govcrmuciit. Hfl ?iirc hluc trowi. ra with rod aai t* flflfl iicr aad rht-Bicrtnan thai the Briush : iiflu.i Ie wcar. and a hhaku upller thau 1'riin. , ..and to BBB I rouuh wear and te.u -- about the Sp.iuish a_B____r, au'i I think I BMflM IflflB htm To be a bctter maa at thc iii'! <>'? 1" ifl '' rat)o_b thau tbe dlpnlflcd. ."paniHh fendarme. Abont tbe statton rs) bnt sea-minifly only poliiit meii, wcariDi. their BBBflflBBB BBflBI Bfl iu__i MB! BflBflrarflfliarflflflBB duty. I omiti. : " iu-uti'in that at Heud-iye a spau-ih nllii'-U dt-maude-i au iubpccUou al U-Mpnrtat. an Ml?felaB BBfl bflflfl BBBflfl -.a yeara. At. Irtm took piatve thc cnaioni* iiiap-ctlou nf .;-_T_?_7i-. It waa no BBflfl. BTflfl. ;? luif chiifl. 'i>T nv.iivcrs Bfld lflfl ? I-BBBB 'i-iiicr "cui.alii??- " imt ncither re_<.iir-- -.rved to avert tlic proic-.- fll w-uii: Thuuibetl fiom my Bturt-lronta. Aa to thc unfor tunat* IflflflB i:u>;li_li_iau, lh. cup of lflfl troul.te. waa nearly ***** Bt ?i- ,M,_t-B wmch (Bflfl* screwed dtiwn. H'llh ltnmuvaii!.- aercnit. the I-hii-I :.. boflflfl flAflfl*. who ritood like a PflB BOflflfll -i.ttin draped IB acloaklnnd -inokini; a uiirar, _-..t- .rdcif riiat ttir _crcwB ahould ttcfnrtbwith drawn. He rt.uld not i__n . br-eflninc hc did not know a wor.lof Hpauiah. Tbe ander-?_u|rer? nUrt<-d thc (flflflVfl. BBflBflflfllBi BBfl ne.l?. flfli BB. laiu M f-atcu theui up a__i_ au b_?t hc tuu'ht.' E-fl ??*pauian bcala, flrBlal vbb _. w-? aiid_iKOiu_rcp__x*_e, lo thc ariafl-BB flflfl-flfl -ud k1_m. it tmt, rcp .rtud tbat thctte had been BBBiflBBi nceeBnary i,wi_k ^ CBBBfll bulleU iu the moiiutaiUB. No Bflflflflflflfl inronnatlo.t on thia pomt oould be nbtain_d, but nn flBfl BflrtBBfl l tertaimy found thr lfl----BBi flfl-kfl flM-fl b* ,, BflBBB I '??u',! "ut ?? inisU-itu. for with *uch tokeu* I am noi -7 __y mcana unianunar. VfeflB I -ent for my Ocket ro Madrid I tound the clerk would only book me t- Beaaain. He ?M iiiwUliuj, t_> ai-ii_Ti a rea-ou. but muttcreti Mometbiut; abont rhe ,iepth of the anow in the mountain j***,*-*. whieh prt.Tente- the train* from atoinif throuuh. At Irui. ttic ?MB ot ihe railway .--Uii-B. _o Uibi throiiich carr.aif-B are IflBJllfll"- The ..paularda. .1 l* aaid. i-K ..U-d a.ttBtre-i >?u?e tor tbeir railwayr. froai lhat tt IBfl .i___ with a -Bflfl ui make mvaauin more dlfficnlt. om lourney hitBer waa ___.ui,c?___t_i. Bflfl Ui4- c__tm of tbeawunery waa never eiiii__, On one itule w.-.rc -now fl ,1, the ..thrr ,uw knulla oov. r. d with turxe in B_tbe?old_n beanty nt *?m. one tbonjfht of th. . Orabam tu. _?? )M4.M_iti__ w_ paaaail. and tt th. tlerce and Maai7 *t-n_ after the Bere_iand bluedy flie*e. and ont. tried for Uic or_dit ot Bntiah *?iO*try uot U, liiink of whai OBJ-e after the atorm. Now the .fnrtifi.aiiona. iu the flflfl Bfll of whi_h _c many Brttiah livea f'? cipended, ar- diamantleu. and ihe upper .nt_del ou tflr *.im.uit .if HV l_li. oa ibr lAndw_r?l mde of .wfueh were tbt BnUin *ra._a. ia :be aole defeuM of the pUce, aud U-flt, ? efl-flt. ? oooTenUonal on., lu theM 4laya of ntted 4__boou HackM) Man HabMU-u ba* berotue an npen town Bmi a ?BBBBH (____,. ___<j t-rra-M of iodfiu_-o-aae oeoupy (be alt_ ol Lmmola ********* n**** ??*lon" tutibrT on *t ***** "mflm mt otmt* trom wtoi-h I am n_w *nu_|. Ua? _o__bi_i Bia-e ib ? na_-ow vitlia), __ tween two nnt?w ra.vered rootintain. W. at flrwt Uioofbl ,,f mAintainin_,p.,~rie~<-ion "1 th? frain. wlurh we wei* tol.l Kir iert_in would not co 'urfher. and nl lnvnuar -IBfl iu the c~rT.a4.~t1; but thit r-aoiirce ? ? nol availat'efl. Bflflfl it wa. to rctnrn at unre Ui Inin. The yoUBfl Bu ajlabn?o, hv nu.* time rcdiicod .iliriiwt to a hwH'. retlirned tt, fhe -..n.U'Ctloii uf the llnti-li < 'ui-iil it BB iaii.in_-ndit.i--u iro tlu-nce '<> IWbao cithcr ?> dllHreu.f .iioiiu tb.- coar-t or by tie.iiroer. wb> n i itteanu-r -liould t~? .ivall.itile. He wim U-rrittt_ Bv mun lliau ,i? i. nu, ' ~Tati.u wa* bcld uy a .Irtachment of 8pani~b txoopa. I dau't Uuii I ever a?w ii more hopelcNe-looklnK aet ? men callinit themflelvea toidiem. Tbeir troWBert termmated half wav down their ibp and were me* l.y raicfreil B_iu.r~. I i.ave u,.t \-> t aeen .my iKiucti-lieiia ,ind only one tirei... k-~i kind of tlr-f prlu.-iple BMBJ iiiiuicr. which B rhe rmpcrtv "' Bfl M-ntrv M duty IB tbe Bflfli IK-Iiu-. BflB Bfl flflfl-Bfl r~.uw.iy flBBflfl B J"B> holed uii ruiiud Iflfl miinBet-. tbe loop-noieB B*M B .-enUy cut ..ut. Aud tluiillv. there in- u.. iraine flM MU '?? notie Bfl] BBM '"r M BB flflfl?? BB ? B?flM Bfl niilCB lu.her BjIMIBllMlBB Iflfl MJ l?~ BM Uie habit ?1 MaflUflfl _i tbe BMM M BB ? MM wiiiihded .4 luau in the Tliio-t ihe M| In-lori- . .?.teiil.r. . _flM -Mfl Bl Bflflfll n.ive kflflfl-fli "tf. lt-? ?'"* m imi -ti. - .,ili.-' MMfl-flMi - Beaeain. ao Bl flfl 1 flflflOi Bflflfl. BflBat BM BflB ?K , xi. ut tor IBfl :... t "t it* pr.-xiimty B I --. ~:,. r. ? UM liAMiaa. ia bBib ito Bli~~rair1fr~~~n~~ ? ' mm, IbbbIb - ""r:'- I flflflBM I taM "-''? _-t.ii. Bflflfl tlu ti. r..- t.irtbp-ace. beu BB-BBfl MM~r~Mri r.n flWflfl-l tur thc iiik'.'U. J**-""* MMfl, ?. flBBi ? ?? tMfl-B A posadu it ? kinii oi nui.m. uUi v Bfl. wh.-ie you ~x. -i.|i|.o~a u M flfl aapflBM ??? mJB .iu.' ;'' ?"" ,-....k BBf-BM~fl ^'U flflflBM M -flM B flflsB. M ? il.liinitl. ~.l..,i. tt. tlu -BBfM-BBBM Bfli '"""" vei.-r B MJfflflfli I" i''*w' -ri'utfd '?. [M-_B__BB-lflflB>_fl_l?flBBa I uiu~t owu Unre ia B leiirtul row m ihe MMflM, BB ;i fl BM uativea who are | ,i. ao: tlu !ew atr~.iia.-ui~ Iflflflfl i" _ -ind u' ;ur bflflfl T-i.uii.i ~~Bfl flfl-M bflll oi flrtM aM ?,,[,,, MM v,i~_ an flflflfltfl llreplBOfl. , M-rflB-M ul>r. ce.a of cooking, and it la a jrreat IMI the BMMM md ihe rcmilt <>I are recoariurc.l. We hav. . lain,.n~l ioiid cnuutch tor afim.l " V'titn nn rtirra, no mtirr rhai A ? ' B ,l" ?*"' ____, . ,i bmB tlat. -uii her b' .ri .; nor!,-. We Im~.ii with hai ___, tim. Tlu-li we flflfll |fl-B I ? lUtafl / or ineal omelette, -BB I "'? ient jmIIo t-tt arrei ot c-irkcn with ru-e, and a aflt* l__?BM Mfl MT, e~il..d. llutf* flflBflr /<_f<~i or MMMfl ek'Kt, ... varre Mfl- ~o nnnli ?<,r B a way Bdfl MMflB -ii t-uc-i m..; ita wanl ot AflflflM M ominodaiion for I ?r:iv.-li r*. r"e. pr trnv.-ler. an- not miuli woi M ? , rman flflfl I Blfl m ? -flftflflB Bfetfli .1 BBBaVfl BlllMlilf inliiii.ii.-,l ?> v.iiiiau-.iid. B ,i mun- I m, M Bl ~B?. T ;iercr-. ? in.i.tiii tUcbar. BBM B pmyiuK BM fl?BM. ?Bi BflBflflfl Bfl BMtBi B it.nn* ?BBtJaBt B> Wb *? ,md Hflfl iii -iii-K-a ,1 iuore vtlicu ,iu BB ?Bfl MflflJ now in proirreaa ?v .-t the pKHBenperv, |i?-r!iaii. ? iMM I havo detenttiii.iB -MMBiBflM BU Bl MflBflg ?Bfl-Bflflflflflt BflflBBflBM wlii'tu I tu-ai- B B B_?B ;~.!iei? n.-t. im-Hiiiy tn.tii l_B,niW :.. in which l BflBflflfl- inorniuiia! tniv.-rm.-th,- mnimtain.. uii an fllflBlBflflfll AlwiBua, wlucli ie helicve.1 to Ih- ,,.il <.t ' country, BMi flfl-N we hope to tirui a traln bct Madiiii. Tlu- iiiiiiiitaiiii, .in- reportad fm ui,i ii. n- wa Btuall ptaM-iy Mn IM piaaaiin nt4-r- .. * ol n.oai. tto inoiiutaii.-. a-d I Uiiuk il _?"' :" w'r rj__HiBU. i i I will ioI hav.- .ound ii.cir ICUJIK-I... ____________________________ _f__J_r___L- F0RE1GS BjTWS. DEFEAT OF TUE BKITISII HUlBl'lCl. THE _B_BI UBIf-BBIff uul- ~-U_OT~D fll rHB lloi'~i: Off COfl-BOBV-flCTIOB OF THE COK 1'i.KAriuN QV Df-BUB. LoNi .)N. Wedneadav. March 12. 18T3. The Ilonae af Ciinimi)ii-to-ni~:!it..-fti-r B pifltt (Icl.atc n-jHBflfli Mr. _____M~~a*fl Insh l niver. nv inll. The n-st-lt ol tbi divibion *vat, BBBMBflfld a~ followi [ir the UU . A tfainet 11.-^ M.ij.T.ty ac.iiiiKt tIu ___. .1 Thc auiioiiiicti-.'i. nl "1 _M flflfll MflB cittautni. ? ? ??- iiiiii.-. - Ia.Mk.s, liietUay. Mun li 11, U.73. I_6 l',,r;K.r.'iiiiin fll L)ubiin lattt ini-'ht flfl> reiwlutia? condenuuii- tlu In.-h Lnive~n~itj lulh m opnaom d a_-_---i ob ?R~~~~~~~__on ____iT*a am v I.. IV I.l .~. ' A BTw-nal fl-patdl tnmi l-dlin ta I_M /'(H'u jVrvi ? nii.ii papi n addrt-eB uf I'r.. idiiit drant deiiver_i oa Ua- BBflB-B of Bfl aeeond inauifuration. The p~.;~ara aM r mnnarcl.ial BflB ? '"'^i,?' ?fl?__?flVflB a Bfl-BB VhBB L-t.i.1,-.. Boi them. TI1E _____ CMVKKSI.Y B_LI_ _B_SB?i Tue~tl?y. Marcli U. Tlie CflflBfltflBflfl (?t I'litillli. IbB Dig---i :ut,.|iic<l a ii-r-jrutlou (oLdemuui? thc ln.-it I H MB Ei.r.rricN n I-KXICO. LBU Dlfll > ii.oKS CaJKI JBflTJ -ri'iu.ML . OC-Tt MatamlUa-. .Mai'li 11 ? 1. itapfltal _BBB City ot B A. ; (""- -BflBBfl l'~u has beea eieoUaii im t Juetice ,,t tii. .-upn iue Court ?: ~~ ,iu, - i". Miiciit I,. Ibe HcpuiiUt tii ii_Bt a v*t__i) _________________ i^w'vt .i_r. riiAiu.i;s rBrTFTI mx. Tlie fiimily nf the 8-~_~~B0l I l-Bfi phUUtai .'i BOMTBlnu '? '; fr'.m l'.trie MOMNMC-Bfl II" d'.itl -u nty ,,f l',-in;..;i- Im. ? BB, md M artl.t "f MflBtM tu-nt ~ml tbe hl.he.t pnuniBe. B wbb not --vi-n kuowii B M BBflflBflfli, *o BM the shock of tu. death comet with terrihle -ev.niy upon iue fnendt. Bfl ,vae a r?flflfl flflfltt flBfl if thi moat winning and pre|~u~*e*BiUK addreaii. He ra-ri-i-il m the war aa an Aid <!(?-( stnp on the atiiff ?f hi? father an.l won MMfl I n-.Ilt flf Bl faittiful and inielil ?ent jH-rr.irmaui-e of ihi .luUca of that ,M,?iliou. He had enrly tuti.eil ine alteutioi, u. art. and had BBB good profTCBa in bl? ?tuiile? ^t the ureaktn. out of tbe flflfl, At tl.c returu of pea^ie lie ,|evote_ hiuiaelf ant-w to bit favorite puriiiiii.uiiU .0011 i*ut.h?ued hie po?Uon __<,~^ Uie moat promitiUK ul our Jimnfl BBflBB flB_B~f- ^l* ??8un~et in Caprt," in tbe 'ioMMr_aion of tbe (entury Cluti. it a flne aud 'lirorou. ?tudy uf tea and thore. whuL ia equaily tt elier(ry of drawiun iin.liieaut, oi >-olor. 0?UOB wim mamed atxuil flvr yeara atro, wu an tu.liKh lauv and haa ever moee tbat Um.- n-Bided nhniad. H,a .ihUuiely death _U1 be de pioreid not only ainong ln. ttricken reiativea, uul alao m every circie oi New-York -iKiiety where bi* irallant ~...d handaome preaenoe aml liit mniatue aud areuaruua tr-ita ol character are rememliered with aJfettiuu and reifreu tlUI)l)li> UtATIl <lF A Jl IK.I.. Conciki". N. H., Marrh 11.?Henry A. M* lowa, Chlef-Jual?;c nl New Hauipahire, BM louud de*d in teed thia mornuiK. lt it *upp4~?eil be dled of heart du. caae. Hu caiue hurne fiom boidiui; a term of the ooort al Oover ou Haiuurdia), ap|iareiaiy lu bla lauai bealtb Caaflflflfl?B he BBBBPB-ined "I h ?ii*.'tiT lilueaa, liul pa__-d a ,~jiulori__,i? ni-hl, aud al 6 u', ual n, Itt. BMflM?| ? >?' raply to tUa-U~_B-~?r, *ald in- w~~i iitfhun p.eity wolL Ai BrJO hia dauirhter , ml\-d ik.hii .?i.,l tie w_a <ie_d JuUtT Ueljowa waa iu uit 70iu >,~_r. raK fciBizriUE ok OBBtt hflBOBD* Ai.bamt, March 11.?Thi- loromo~ivr_i tielong ms U, tbe ( -Miural Hailroad <*omn_o>. wBieh were aeit* by Uaitad HU-W CallacUir Ballajr, Hava b_r. ndvartiaad for aaie two weeta lienee In IM -**Mb* Ibe i.~m l__v ia Den_lttt"d Ui uar ttom, wilb U?e ua~UrM_u_]Dw UMt IM ua will M ?St mohrn tto vamd BamM i THE rARTISAN CIMUTKR. THK (MII.OOK AT AlaHANY. lilaCMIMT P1UI_1'K?T_ FtiH TIIK CUBTOM-HOI'SK 1BBITBITB BBBBTOirni OITi-ITnflll i" niKllt ______m_b?<rn_ rwBBn nrnuBCTioB bobi MK 4IU-BDBD IB-IA-OBI VVilo VVTI.L NOT vote nni it ,\. rr HJJTOB. IKWOM THK BBBB-flB OOKUKM'OHD-NT Of T H li rRlBPNBi Ai.iia.nv, Man n :'. At nn tf_M _?Bl m*\ CJ-flClB w;_. iiitrtMliii-.-tl have itf pnwpnefa bcrn -..i tintavor _._!?? ac itii-v are uow. By "thc Ctiartir" m incaiii tba ('hart.-r .. it p__4nr.l the Aflarmbly; an inatni in.-nf ?trifipm_ Mavnr Havemever of all anl*'a ?BBBBBB-fl BBBBB 11 tlic lnli hhotiiit be .uiicniU-d ati an tn cr.-.- th. M.t. or the powrr oi makinir nomtna t.niiB. iinl tlu- ..Idcrm.ri Mimply tlie pnwei ???tiitir them. it tniirbt teo throuitli m Kpiti- nt the nbjt .?titinalile ttiitun-4 ni electionfl iti NiivciuImt. thc iiiircpiililioiui Hoard of Apportiou uii-tif and the rolmwal I ...pnrtni.-iit nf I'ulilic Worka andcra mnirle heail. Th. iiior.) rettci tmn ia vrivi-ii tl. the plca nf p .-MavnT 1 .jh! .<-. lM-f..n- (lie C.immit :vr nn ( ifit-4. l:i.<i .V.-diictta'.- tlic mn" Hophistrv m iltt'tt'-il in lu* flflgfl.ut- Bfl mlv. at.d aiiiKlc bflB-BOJ ilc[iiirfi:iciiN ut priftrcticc 10 BBBBflB-fl-BM ,ii ihe BflM nl mgi ic'm v. lf .-fliciciii'V w thc chief rciiut-itc. thc mt.-r.Tice ir olear thut the Dowor ii inakiiiK ap|Hiintmtu_i4 ahould be ***** tn tlic .Imi. Ib flflflflBBfll Ibfl fflflBflfl flf rciimviil fo . Bfl BBB Bl tt*** "i Bllll-B Bfld tbfl coiiciiiii-iii. ni utm tiovernoro_ __?8lBflBflbl_taad, and Ui lcave ilie .,_..y,,r Bfl part Bl BBB BBBB-B-BflflB .it thc Biic.i-Mir ta. ttic |Mtrmm reiiiiivoo.. ia a de wbuii i? |ii?,.|v to etiil m tbo roveiae nf efhVient i_ov.Tnni?n.. riirtbernmrn, the cxint .-iit-ctif a b_-l__fl__B with thf fartion ol which "*<'iiuVir ? - li. ?? .... _______ ifl _BB_fl-_B--atBbfl imi BBflM. tin- IIIH4.T iln ? i'i't<--' thut tbi li.-piililu-ii ****** ******* lpnn .lieatiiiir tbe imn-partiBiaii Itetoniiera nf ;i__:tit aIiicII BBB ? iliini.L' tlu laat ten ilaya upou rn. Hiat* uf public; in ihe Bflft_tl|____B Hi4 tlitiictiltic. which ***** ?BBBBBBBI make ObB-B-BBmBBI I?:ivcriport'n B-iflBt-B trnitleflfl Jriili aectioD canuol paaa tha i .itiiiiitt.-t ooCit-Bii Bflfl. " it .-atinot ohtain - .,?. l__BCaBBBBB-BaBBBBBHP-l RBBfli th.-ir ?trcn_rii. HflflB i|*'i) ***** tt** tbfl] ;lit.ti_.tii tlu v r.iul.l QflpflB- havi tnuiiii niiia. tai.le. I iti.flfl | kflflj ,a.i dcv.-lnpflfljfl ... ii.11 _bbbI iii.ui-' : J11 11 plafl ni BBBBDBBlaflBB ** t_t-<-tiii. nt _BeC-B_ ,iiiili< nn ' bttflfl BBI BBBB nciil BB tiic I ***** I *> .lav. I'lie ri_M>u -len is tin- iliiUaposition ol -eii at.r WiMxiiu. 11 ih BiekneflB ia niit cofir____reatl <iau trcro.Ui. and 'in.- uot i:all tor half the attcntion fn.m ibapbrflMflflBi winch ib NfljatBai By a bbbbIbb aJ nfli.T ___BflB__l frntii DBBIbBI BIii* _"d B***tk*****. Iti- nl i.iiim iiimk.__i1.1c Uj UiaKe BB] BBBBB-BI .v. .il Ibfl BBBBBBi H thcre ar- M BbmbBM B m* ila. illici il nf cXfili M-heine nf Diatrict-Attiirney Bliau ... IIITI-tll IBB ttflfll Mavnr bflrBflBB_IB8_J| ? i. Bl G-flfll - Jodgi . fall tlin. ;u_L__t i.inliai.iy JTirlBl-B '?'?-<? i<- : Mct-ia. Allit_a aiiU [*?aad caniini ln pBflflBBll Lnr.i. flad -ta-pby are l.ciinicialM Ailtli. llclieiilit. l'l_.itlici(l. H.innw.i. LcwiH, l.'.'.vir.. 1'ilin.r. I'crrv. BobflBtBBB, D. P. \jfmmi, - W**i wiO wan tbaa "i. omplement, unlcs.-. sotue new imi tHiw.-rtiil pB ,_iii ia, U.-.U .ii. liun.. Iin forct wu.iii ..uri.-.i :h.- MII thmiiL'li tlu- A-B-flflbt. - B-baBBBBSL It only ,,?,,,,!; u- rcfnrnicr. iu thc nt. k. almw they BffB iu ?_rn(._t by not BBBH-Bg their ' fl0rt*' IBT TB-BBB-f-1 TO TTIK TKini'NK I SenatOT WikkIiii ___?_?__?_? tt Bfl. UflflBBB Cflflfl* imttc .m I .' lint-it tn Ub bad :u-!:i_ht hv a lovcii.-ii ittucK. Bflflfl-tfaBf lrniii a BBTflBI ***, iud U i. untiiuitii - iitthcr tba New rorfcC-flrtflt wlU bc iinaily -it. d un m Ibfl CflBBfldUaaJ?B flfl~__fl_l tt. itnur. >cnat<'n> licnciiiit. Perry, PalflBfl. Bod Iicinauii ir.- tiinlcr. t.'iKi to be iipooaetl to tbi -ectinti .v it thc Aswrnbly. and ? of them m. to pr.n*nrc, thc Chart4T in ltfl prt*aent *.li:ii?- can BBBBB rcrci.'c tlic nujnrity n-j)4irt nt thc oiniuitie.. BBBB t ,t -Imillil lt iiilllint paraa thi* ****** "llli thc ,ip .KiiutiiiK pe . in tbfl BflBB-l "f Aademicn. ( iiiiiiniaM.iiici ti.t.r-t \ in N."ff ?34 ii ?tn-. (BW -BBB **i Big-t Bfl hatl a n______B___B ?itb HflMBBBB l_____Bf il"! WflBB-Bi M BB B-BBBB, flllBBBIIB t BBB, BSfMB-l '*? -Bfl **** BB B-BBfl -? iB-k ?.'!. _ TH! !' AI" BOMB. | ll lil.MlMll.iriC \NI> UKIMIU.I' AS BM* 11 _ I ? t COBDB-Tl I A ________i_t_B "Oa i'.tirdiiiu'i--' BBBappoiat-d llV ?!,. . wrti v-_-.nt.i> DBfl. ? Bl thc OflflflB wMiiihi.-u. "f tne reaolution a_ belua t_ . BCflflBflflH BflflflflBB paBBBB . triliuted lflfl """" ***** .- tmn Hut. ..lf-real exteu-lln* tii.irraiuiallou.- to '.-iii.w MdBflataBBalaa eflflOMflga, ?_? ******bbbbIbb Bflflflti flaflflaflfl af tba CbflBter wttlr ,.ut uittU-ria, .u.raii. n. _*veru 1). Moultou aaid piBial -ii ui Iti i-flalB-flflfl **m i" -BB ralaBBB Bi tD'' ..rt.-d bfl ihe Uoii~ _4upt_d. lu -mi. ihe D.-ancniK- would have oaiwe w .ii tin- BflpflBBflflflBfl BBB BBBBBBi -BB Bfll Iflflflflf m^-ittti DBBfll flB. B K-M '? flflrffl BBlflBMB |BflflBUflfl of re Bflfl- I'hf n aniitiniifl were suhMfliucutty adopted. ? lflBfl-a_ DUB .:. iBflori-flllna aaa BflM laal flT?a_a _i Bprlai ? - a-BB Ba* 4<in|.t..i tbal Um Cbartai ' ***** ******* iii.i uglaa apaa IB* i- ?' ?* *" iHirta.i. e of ?????uir ?;.. meanun ad 'laorotu auniKirt. S4-v4-rai tpaaflbflfl BBflfl inade iud onUu. .l.n,a M.?4 l, -le.l. ..u.i lhat .1 BBfl pfltivad _Mt f ^ulti | . appointmeuta. Ai uau remarked Uiai be ti_,t peraoual Irnoa i_i_; liov lux wotUdnol irelo th. i?i_- .. ..rt.-i. Attl.4-moi.thl. meetlnaol thc IM ta_e-ibl) ? Beia-llcaD a_?k -inm, laa. nixbt, a rt-olutlon mttoptmt. m favor .1 th. -harter. aud that ll ?:.. Iiaac tlM -v.uaL. WltBoOt I AM-Mjluti..ii al... that Ibt iiiciiiiK-ra .,l U_ AflMKamiou (Bal mand tnat Qot. jji_ wlU i-.t ooobata ,i ,.. iiuiiu- a Law The lacrm-u I-f.-rm '?uaui?tiuu ...' thc _-_0{'h AMeniblT DUtn.t, Di C_a?. Seltt preflldUw moctiui n mi __ ihn.i .\i- . laal ui_iii. ?_ louiuiiu.., :.-. t-iv.-d.ali.._:u_ ihat th.- ur_an.iaU.-u U uku,jj ai. .ii tha upiMHtitiou to tne o__ Charter aim-udiu. I.U iJet.dlllK l>cfon- the Ia.-i(lalariir. Th.- ramuiaiiy ll-il Ib inrm l ami-att-i w taaXVuiia AMembll Uiatrut hei.l .. uieeliu_ al !lo. .ai Thinl-a\e.. Dina. aud adopu-d li.c .ollOW-Ut reM'lutlons . HrtotmM. Ia ta. uiib. u( l_? Dr_ocrat.c t>artr ah-Bi mt rrp??BI. tha. tli. l__ia...arf > ****** ? ira?_. LfflH to rmtotr u. Bfl BMf ? ofTbi.T_T,nrB...(^^r-'--f?i B? !__??_; _____T_T__ fk^l lh., ___ ra*- flfl <?f ir^r .|,rtnt,...?i ?( --. ??"?"**? i....r___l .mbb '.ba oBWr. ?, -_f._3 j_u iflfpriBriflt-i f-i^I .. IM ? aMUBiajr-Tlfla l)ain?l aial... .-btb-t ?i II..ur. a. >? *** ******* ?m?r\ fl__lM..t-..'^'??4. fl-al. U aii|?.Bt_uat_, aao MCI afltoHiraaC- ?_ rf>_rii-B ?1 U>f i-ai_?a ' ?_?"? H-MM-, TkMM _-X M-a_l -ua.fHa. !?''"?'?' ?""?f_?1* ?aa-ra?lnM __?_, _M aauaafll ? *it*J>M''""_ "! i_aurf,ta. L-n.iici-c pr..T-?(or Spraf fiffti-a. JidJU .1 i.wwfrr.,,, ?f t_, F_i.ra. a_1h..ntif? ia th,_. -iirtKii -? I?r?iMO UMflafla; .f .kt-ii-a rtMHiflfl fl. .Ifftor-. - r? a paMie ___-.f. DlUBlRY B MI.M+OIKI-AN A.VTI BOOY MEMO ______ !!-/''.. ..'rpubiMBBB -BBB n,,.ib I. fri.u. MB-Mflfl cnr. whn. ia uut__?t.j4Ml them llial a mi-moiial, .Irriwi, WM u in I'lautei.' Hi.u-4-. iu flt. Uiula, un ,>4iiuilai, by -? .eadlUirlietuiHialf ui aad -Ul "I -bt . . a_il lorwarue.l ?. [lu I ..niinittt-. rn. I'r wc BBB aml -.m'Uona at W___,__j_tou. eouiaiua aomc new t4-.-.Umi_i.) tlu lii aUBB-IBflfla hribcrj r Ibfl ******** *t Bfl uiuiiy. it ia aaid. Ifl tbal during Uic i*at -eualortai I).-ui<. ,raUi .-a-cila, aftei (ien. i'h. :p. lotd t.t-_ti irflBBfl-i _?*? Bt-Uee.Uu-law partntr fll IbflJPB Ic'.rmiiie.l ? tl.. i'heiiifl men t<> ***** tor IMtit. aud WlU. Uu. vi.w nielp'M fnendfl >.ut fll Uie-?_e_?. aud told l-Bm tbat I'-elpa daaiml that hla HK-iida ahould voflr lflfl Hl?ir. and l? tl'heipa. had t)een lieal-n by thc UlBBir uf Il'ilL. A iMfltliui.' mriuber. wbo waa workiu* I..r i-t-r. oame eul ol ibe uaaiiiM-rouni at tbla tiinc auu ?Ute-to tht- incMflen. Mi Uie nUuinJa. wbt. were I|? ibmi. t-al _u?y wiHUd Bivn 11(3.131- Ui be ele_l-t_. Mm?f Mirij? a-fll fl?a. U. -Baibj. mi**t ware m tbe ??ta_?_? -*? -.. -jtidro have Imurd ai.d ci.mrneufed BBB t a ,ff r II ""irfher rtatfli that Mr. Mut. I.111-. bmd ffiMflTm!_-_Twm .. ''^'??'X"wTw..,,.,,.'Vrt iimi.i.Ii i-tt.e iciolinif Tiiember who waa *''?*?_?"_[ llo_.liadaabort UUk witb auotber uu-ii." . mo bai _^~Z..^ two ..ther. who had - int.-titi..nto vnt- for ?''?' BflB MMMBTl.l 'orlioKV. TH.-te .lalemolifr. lt it -aid. WI .111,1 ihe ...._??. ,.f lh? witn~__t~~ Will Im *_nl wi ~itl. .?. UiC?lOI !_.._ -__?_-?-???? 1_BI XEW JERSF.Y LBQiBLdTUi ' pa-8..?;k Bf THB VKW-BRl N.W1'~ AND KIIZ - I'.KTII KAII.RO.I) _U__-^lir__AL BKJOiri-K! ?TIIK BKBBBfll. KA1LUOAU LAW?fll _flflB__A_~OBt ?yntm thk _BMB_fl<)flBflfl?MBflBBT or TftK TB?fl-Vfl) Tuki-To.n, March 11.-Thc hill for fl i bfli Bflflfl Ncw-IlniiiMwick iiiid Ehi.ti?-th paaaed MB BflflflM unanlmottBly, to-day. and ha? r-rcatcd BflflflSfl nood BB_flfl DurluK Uie B-Bflfl B 'be Mfl Ifl Bfl .Vfla-mii.iv flfBB-flfl Fltbrir ealled Mr. Bflfl-flflfl to the I chair, and aftcr the vote waa annonnred. Mr. I__B ~ i-Ured th-t l-.'JOO heart* would u.ut with itl*due~~? at ?aoon aarbe ih>?. reiicbed Mew Bniutwietf. It was, be aaid. a rlpbt for whlch tbey had r-onfen.led for li yeur*. aud be felt uu little prule Ifl ueiiiij BflBMfl tboae wbo had aceompUiihed tbe <_~wred and. T.'u- inll tm Bfl-flfl-i iu t-c BflflMfl. inaklnt it flflltflBtflB. M Bfl i-tirporaiorB that BflB i.riilK.'B over ihe Ranian shall ta conatrueted of Htone or iron. and rauat be MMB iH-.fure thc road .bai! be upen .or ttie conveyance I IBBMflflfl. An act to re(fulate ireiabt on railroa.l. Bfli . .luiilfl waa referred to ibe Speciai Committee ou >. i:...lroad Lawa. A imi to _iit_(>r_e factora. a?ent. and oommon . ai ru-iH to i~?il ~;04?1? on BMM BM iBMBlBfltBBBi "' itH tiiini raa-taa;; ~~~>o, MpflBMMt B tan Rua.i Bflflfli , MflflMM nt to Mflflflfll tt Central Ruilr. ,ad Cotu \>au, | u, l_e?rBB-BM ?ie Uovi-riy ~.uii E~tiu4.-t.,i. F.-rry ( Iu the ^nate the N.-w Jersey 34.nthcrn Railn,. . i ,., ..-.!. ITu .et -~i.|? iert Uiat road Ul BflBr BtO u.-act or .caae with auy BBM company r liranchea uow ur may hereafter ,-ounect _?B tt. an,: :h~.t B iuay, rroin thuc io iline. MBMflMBfl ... .t.? .. ?r__ anv other railroad MMpBBf 'U '-bc -.Utoo uf N'.-vt-J.Tsey, De law are aud llar; iiiid. E?I inll .'ur Uie municipal taxatlon of railroad pc*f . rty fflM rlae to coumdcrable deoato B M, r_ii-W. B BflM B it, Bfli M.-fsrs. . tom i. Mr. Mcl'her-ou a-M?fl-Bi Bfll mll?just to tbe allcoucerned. Mr. Sewell iflBMNB-Bi the Inll, and naid it wat onerooa and burden raitoM-B, Mr. t. toue wat of tbe flflflBM Bfll 01 re.iulrod lc_-~l BflflflflflB ou M BflOBp MJ -tatut,-, aud BMMi tbat .t be referred to the Judlciary Committee, wbich motion prorailcl. Bn lUltaMfl. Ctitler, Hcwitt. BflM md Moore. nuinittee on a freneral railroad law, had a rirotr.i, Bi tfShion thia afternoon, conelderim? the Itafl li b__ tbat paaaed the Aaaembly. About half Uie BBMfli Mflflpfl-Mj upon, no vttal alterations . .,1, TB f.'uramlttee wtl! mect airaln to-raorrow ....... wli.-n t ia -il|,iM.-e<l rl.ey will _et U-TOUKh ad ue -Jjit, u> pre?4.-ut il ui ihe Wi-Deadaj ?nur-iiiii'. ...__. ? Iu ttie Ajaaanl/ .i in. m.-rial wrm received fnr~n . m Camp fl Weiliiikfttit., iiHiir.ini ?? .4t.etit~t ?>! ttii~ i-itv.' Tbe uiemori?i -eiatorth Uiat duic l'n-~~iurer Soo. Ud not ooraphr wm. .tisuriu^ tho du:<- jin.perty. Tb. I."-.- uma-thortxed ttie Stata T.-.-n.- n-r ai-ae for propoMla IM liteiirinif the dtate capitol _uu tii- ___~Bra iiii-rt-iu, Vm uoip ~i 'Aeihaittoa .iff.-r-d to inaare Ummb Ultparoa?t, nit, lt la a~la__d. Mr -, , .. ici ??pt.jt'Utwent to the prtnripalt, uf whom tiu-w ~-.-nuemen an tue ~.4tent*, anu lusured the ...: .a pat aanl ou ii-j.ohj, aai tflfl iur atture nt iu- sauie rate vn $i;,o<*-, tu-ik. t lt claimed, to tue dt;ite, of atool ti.ioo. A retolution apiNiintlnir a committee of Inqnlr ti-.,pi/.l. Tlie ill relativc to p:ers aud railroadi Bl K-'V .ppiement to Now Earypt and Farmiti-ilai'* Kail tud tui.plemeut to charter ot EUM-M-ta, paaBM the Ataeuiblv al.-u bill to incorporate thc rraateea of iptitt Memonal Fund ol -*!aiti~!,-ld. Tlie bM to aiincx ;>art ut W.-.-bavf.-n TtrwnaBlp to Houoken waa loat?11 'o ii. A UII crcadnc Um Newark I'lKtmx [mntrauM c umuauypaaaed; al?o blli U) provrlo Tor a lioaxd : \-_--ineni ui Huil_on CoB?ty. Mr. -!.-hu:t~.- introduo <i a I?11 to ?et off .rom the towushlii of i?,v,-i. n OflBM ' uiiuty. a new townthip, to De .ue toWMfelp uf Bajr. Tbe BU to incorporate the - uy jf !':_,. aic paaaedto :t? tbmi readlnic. Tbe bill pro\"1dini{ ror the i-dl oi a i uuituuUoiu- Conventlon waa urdered to a tllird rradinif. 2/7/ LBAAB 10 TBE PEXXSYirAXIA COlf l AM Y. _______ ??IIBIBlill BT THE COURT OF BBBOB AND Al'CKA ~RaL I'TIKSS VISI'ATCH 1 I___-0-t March _L?Thfl Court of Error Mi v;il~-ai? tneiiiere tOHlay. The flrat caae ealled wa~ ,,nty of the leaae made by the umt. tie Penntylvania Kailroad Compaoy. m appeal from the i banci-llor wbo deelded in tavor of .t. v.iiniitv. Dflflfl ibe flfli >f the oaae. Mr. Wuruof FlemlnirT.iii preaentetl i papera~f_B)i uy Charlet BarUea. JBBBB U. _-B_Bfli J"hu C. Hopewell, Avery Parker. iud.ib BUflBflB aud Joba U. Capuer, wno wero ln tne Ind uf compiaiuanw m the bill before ?h.- CWflflflB r, and Bfl appeilanw tn ttus case. authorlr MBBfl Wurt. to -Ute that they are oo lonuer intereated in proBecutini, ~aid uppeal, and do not with IflflflfP '; BtBflB taBflUt A slmllar paper wat reaUfrum Juhu lilac 1, wbo Utads the Uat of'be uriKtuai BflaM__M?MBB-IMflflBfl _B?. and alto from Dauu-1 BB-BMR ? - BB moved to 4??i?a the ? :.n an BflM Mfl?M were BMMi The motion wae re~i?teil by Mr. Brownlnir and *np :?,rTcl;>\ Mr. tVil!lam~on. Tbo Court uuacumoualy re u acraut the tnotioii. fbe caae thcu uioiec-dcd, .uul flflflBM Bfl BM Bflfli r??i IHE ERIE BULECTOBT. RKSir.NATION OF I. ICE-PSBBDMBI DIVKV. A uu ctuiK of the Boaril of Directors of the BM? Kailwuv I uuuMiiiy wuh held yeaterday at tto ollloe B the company, in tbe tirand Opera Iloute. VU-e Preai lcut A. 3. DflVM tendered bit ro_t*_aUon, to Uke effect wtien his *uccHH4i~ar should be eho,4en. Ue explama,l Bflfli to ta~tc 'bit step on account of Tlie BflB >I Bfl .'it-ultli tnu tb. BMBMBfl B atteudia* t~ iua ]?r?inai attair-. H.- wa. MMM in tbe tuoceaa of ?lull urnpauy. flfli BflflM do bit tumott to contrlbutts to it mhi.. po-iuot. ar a lUrector. On raotlou of Mr. Bar .ow bm i-eBirniat.ou waa Bflflflflflfli londitionaily, aod a Mndcrlnc B bim the thanka tt the Board for the pronipt manucr in wbicli he accepte4l the ;,...itiou uf ,-liief flOMMBM manairer of tto road ln Man li a-1. ai a cruia :n tbe company'* affaira, aa well Bf tttt flflfll fiuthful manucr iu whicb be baa at nl BflflM MlBfl-Mi iu? duiv. Bfl uue aaa yet beeu nacaed ar TlM Itafllili nt i)ivou'u huci eaaor. Ilie La~i.-laliWt ' ommllteo ou luve>tls_tir>n havo not yet he_un their work. The rnmor tbat cer?un offlciala :,iay l.y tbe BoardB Du-ectors MreM CBmBM in- onttautly ma~a__ ui tto wor-itii; turcc of tbe road. but not to an unuaual extent. ._, i ,,,;,. ru. n-un-eaare .-onatanUy occumn_ from retiB-nation, dismflwal, or death. The otflcera of the i ompany aav lUiat aweepinc ohanifea are not ixintem ;,i.ited. and tbat they will be made, if at all, _i_d__lly. It it propoaed tbat only expeneuod and oompetent meu shall M a-~i?u''d to pusitions of truat and responfllbilitT, ni,1 t B , laiined tbat iu the appointmenta thua far made uy the Mfl DflM tory. thia nile bM been steivllly foi NothlUK hat yet t?een done toward ?BbBBtt tbe /auire of the road, but to toon aa the weather w_1 per tnit. thc prellmiuary work will be begnn by tto corpa of eugiueert iu tbe aervice of Uie Company. Preaideut Wataon ieav.-t the < lty. to-day, to be abaent for a week or ten daya ou a to ur of obaervation alonK Uie road. lt waa uudci-ttood yeaterday that Frederiok A. Lane. i'T.-Hideut of tlu- Boatou, liartford and Krle Railroad. md |-Bfl A. Macfarland of Barlotr. Itaroccjue and Mm farltuid. . ounm-l for the Erle Railway Company. had iroue to M.mtoii ln order to p?rttelpate in tto axfument whirh wfll tie made to-day relatlve to the foreclo?are ot ihe l-ontou, lI_rtrord and Erle Railroad auder tto Ber ,l,-ll '..(irfiraire. the drtuilH <>f whlch were recently pub iiaiie.l iu Uie Tuiuinl. Tbe I'realdent of tbe Bfluton. Haitford aud Krii- .tati-t that he baa a p?.irramiua for-iie reur?n?iixation of the road, hut tbe drti.ta are uot known. Be -la-iua, bowever, that the lntereiitt of the Ho-tori, llartfi~nl and Erte Railroad are tdenttcal witn tbe Erle iu praflflfl??? Bfl Berdell forecloaure. ?r. rtariow ttate* that he tu? l~?en reqaeated to devtae a lilan wlierei.v the BflBBBB, liartford and Erle may be r.-..r~~*i..r~-.1 uu a tmain eipulaule to all li.tere-ted. but ii" m tloii haa /Ct lieen takeu. I'rveuli-ui Wutaon ia iai~.ul to uiiike aj-mifteuietiu for the .-..uati u.-lioii of a nlB.rl unuii h nitad of tlH.ul lhre?- uilna, runuuiK froiu Buffaio to tbe Intenialional Hrldire. TEltECKAI'lIIC 'noTES ... .The laat rail <~u the Tbua Central Railroad hM MaaWM. On. Auger. i-ominaiidin_ the Department nf Triai l?i imtTtl ii BrvwaarilW lt ? Ma-aaaB tt w. ? I utlr rtraa (ar ?a ?MMflta W ?a MBM atttaM tr*M?rj ita** I?fllflj IM?. raw-EgeLAjep FOLITICS. TTTK VASSACHCSriTS SF.N..TOR?HTP. mt iBBAD in' tn iiorsE, i.n pawe3 in tiik. ?.i.x.vte. IBBBBBAI r____BaBBa-rTt__.| B-_rro\. Mar h 11.?In thc Jenatc. thia aft/rnoon, Ot l.allot f.-r l ni*"'. ****** BtBBBBB ri-wtiltad in 10 vnu-s BflBBf flflfl- bf BbbBwbH, 11 for Dawim. | fur i.nniiK. I f'.f H'.ar. .md tlic rwrt flC-tt-ni.,. -3_ of tho W Vfltafl Ih-iui. ******* ln Ibfl H.niM'. lintitwell had 110 votea; Dawee. 83; i...rn.K. i.i: Haar. '?? WbiBaf,-. 9***% '*? ****** '. i?_? BC?tta?nn_? CXl votea bemt: iriven. LArKl!.? ****** were fonrballota in fhe State Hen B flA__rBBBB. hl '< -BBBBBI to till fhe flBBBBBJ i-anivxl by tii< rBflbfll 1?'"n "r ''f'T"'v w_BBB fnin il.. L_itfld_ttBt_B>-. aud. m conwi.ti-i.c- of the .: t.i bflBB BB Ul BM-BBBB. ' u. io BBBBB-kfl-B BB 'hc part ol that Irody. On ? ____ bflUot, D-WflB kifll 15 BBBB. t-B-BjJL _________ l| an.l -BBfll *.ie '.-tcatta-niiK-lhe ***** ... OB and fourth bailotr. DbBBBB hatl !-: ??: _BB_B_.t| and 8 wen- K-tter intr. At thia rx.inf rhe vntui* waa flnapeniic... Iu thc BflBBB. tlie BBBBBM. hallnt rc.nlt.-d tn tho ?hnic" nf MT Hntltwll. ***** **M*VT*i '_? ? "IcN of f h'i Bf fl ' -aat-Bi t.. mii thc t*M bfl-flf ttattflrtBg. IkB :'' BBM ?curpriaoto tbB bbpbbi-BBBfll Daw.-H. md to BBBBbat o_ Ibflflfl ii _____ _?_______?_?. lt ?_;_* air-) BBBflfl-Bflfli tbar. wnulu BBTibflbll withdia.-. ?mn i.i-iiinrrnw ui BBBBI ol Dawea. Hut tmt -BB ttiil fflBB "f Whitin- will not BflBJ Bfll - Bl xenerallv conceiletl here thia even ma that Mr tioiit w.-ll wi!l Im- eleeted nn the ftrat "t BBfl Bflflfl tiran<BBflfl ?_ 'he Lflfljl?BBBBB :n BBB n,K"1 to-inorrow. _ thb new ?AMMUIII B-BCT-a-H TfTB tj-T-W-nfl-ATB BB-SLSCT TTI ' COW? ..,_M:N?\ I.EITKI.K AN TtAJCItlTY I >. i.i...i-i.ATi'ttK?N'i i BOICBf-B SOTSBMOB. [_. TT.I.B(.KAPH TOTHK ***** Cnvrrmr, March 11.?The election in rh.n .ratefor Qo.B-BBT, -BBBBBB-B tt OM0MB. nnniben. '.f tbfl L.-in.-lartirc. and Btbflf BtflBl gABBBI BU BBI Although the c_t_paitfn haa lieen BB BBBBBbD* nuict one, with no apparent -_cit._ient, th<- retur: . ?..-niKLit ahow clcarly that the Democrati. with rtoxu.. _-_at___ce from the Liberal liepuulii-ana, kflflffl r-eid-fcd 7ho three DflflBBflBBB). -on_T' BBBBB. MeflB-B. ITlbbBlil. S, .N. Bflfl. and H. W --BBflB BBBB MbbbbwW. B. b-BbO, .i. -'? n__.?BilBQ.%****, the Repnhlican nomineea. The contest fnr (...vcrnor haa np to this bflBB, 'n P m.. been vcrrclnBe. re?._ltiTiif without ,i chuice hy thc people. To"lcctthi> QflfBBBflB BflflJ-B-BB a ma jont.v over one-half the total uumber fll votes <;a_t. Thc LeKifllatnre will be Rcpubiican in the BBBBB while tho-ouate will -Uud __x_U.puhli4._ii_. four i.einocrat_, witiilno choice for two meniberu. Within the paat aix ***M a _r<-at BBBOt-BI has taken place -mnnir the pttople of the stat>. Bctnrna from _H towna ahow a loae flfl l.KJO vott- to Gov. ***?**, The recent CreVlit Mohilier expoBTire and tho ? Salary bill ? haa caoacd great d___a_i_f_ction amonic the leadinx Ecpuhlicans, while the opnoeinir party hav . been .arnestly _t work. .Shmild tbi ..-loction, aftej the full retnrn-i are reeeived foi ******% ntiil koep without a choice, the duty of cb-OfiiniJt a ***** ismor will derolvo upon the Le_nh_tiire m j.unt oon vention. the election to take place next Jnne. The reeult of to-4i_y'_ election neadu honeat men to CongroflB?men who are known bv their ___>? record. and New-HamT)_i_t- fee- proud to lead tha cnlnmn for fiefonn. IIIE VOTB FROM -.(rlTTT-OWla TOWTBS?Tni5 DEMOCRA-IC OA-TDIDATE F(Ht M~B___MB AIIEAX? A.V ELEI.TIOK EOB 9t VE_a\OB BT TliE FEOPLE DoCBTFtTL. jQBfl-BAL PRBflfl DISTAITH.] Concord, -larcli 11.?The annu-l t*****% :o-lay for Governor, Baiiroad <;.'mmiai>ioncn>. tnrne tnembers of ConirrT-aa, and memberB of Ule ____al_l_re h_a been rumarkaoiy .u.cfc Iu many locahti-a it waa itiaBouit to oea-h the voiina pl-uea in con_ciiuouee of rho bad weather and t__ep anow. <-<jv. Btraw re< ? the support of tha KepublicauB ter t******\ aud ex-<-OV. JameB A. Wejiton the anpp4irt of thc bemocrat-. s. 1_- -lAoon and Johu niat__mer were aom ?nees of the Iaiberal Hepubhcana anU Prohibit ory U.uor Law men, reapect-vely, for Governor. fhe preaent < on _t_m delegauon, Beoars. Hibuard. BflB. .uiU i', are _>___4K____ and ca-ululates for flaBflaBflfl. r:.. itcuun Iicau o-ndicUkt-a are W. B. -ina-, A. F. i'lkt. and _. __ urilfiu. Eighty-one towtw give 3traw, dyM I W.-aton, IXbtC ; BI-cBmer. 4<)1. Mnaon. 2B7. The ludleaUons at present (9 n'clock p. tn.) are that ?h^re ia no election for Governor by ihe people. XO ELECTIOV FOB GOVF.RNOB?T.IK KF.PTBT.I C__B Have a ___KM_CT _B tiik LWii-i.i tikk. AND OOBCBPB TUE BIBB-B-B-BB-i ro TUE l.EUO?'KA.'. inkXcaaL pukss DisrATm.; roscoitr?. Man-h 11?<>n?' hnn.lrwl .md mx nu _3ve Btraw (Rcp.,. fnr Govcrtmr B BBi Wea ton (Dem.).l?,iei: BlacBmar (Prohibiuon). 7ii ; Matfon 'Lib. Rep), t_B- Th'1 nrt lo,B ror H,r?W from laat year'a vote ib ?__ Tha Bi publicana UunB lt prohable tbat r_? Uemocratio CoaarcMmtm are r_4_icct_*l from ihe Uu,* ttiBU-ters, anrt that there !b no fl-leetton fnr GoT.-mor bf the pao_?ie. They claUn the Senate aad Ilouat, U_jfoi_4_r by a amall -aajonty. TOTE OB THE PltlNCIPAL COWBI FOR C,*\ EBSoB?B UEPUBLICAN LoS. M Bfl Vi.r.S. COXCORD, Mairh 11.?_-B_-BBBBM Kive* Sfmw iBep.), for Governor. 1,8-1 vote* i WtflBBB iDem.i. 1.-**; scattennir. 7B. L_at year lt gave dtraw ut*. WflmBon. 1,760. and 33 teatterinff. Xaahua givea Btraw 9*2; We#ton. *s_,an<l ? ********* Iaiat v-ar the vote atood. Straw, l,l__ ; Weston. 9M. **d rV. *??? j_rt*.nn _r Dovcr iTive- flfraw ~R; Weaton. W, and 9? ?r&it*nug. Lant vear Straw bad l.OflS: W4.?r_.n. 718.aud *.i Mmtuonu*. (Diicord tnvefl Mtraw 1.517 ; We_U>a. 1.1_0 ; aud f* acat tennir. Laat year -traw had _t_B Wenlon, l.l__B : and jo *cattertna. Mi-NioHT?One hnndre.i and rhirty townn _ive Mtraw iu ii ;, for Governor, 34.371, Weatoa. U_B7; Blac li 1 ITouibitton). flfll: iud MaaoB'faiti R.t> . ?V_ Tbe ni atlve iraiua and .ohj>.-? flbow a Ki'ptibli.-?u nt-i Iom of M8. Thc untetrraph ulhce al laiauU Ptunl flflfl BBBflafl, IU.?, aud tue eie. Uou returur. frnui Tht- (?>_tu? .u tht. ?jpper part of the State will prouably not t?e reeeived u> *****. TUE VOTB AT mmWmm***************** **m***t***BM IMPROVINO ? A LAKOK RKl'll_fl_B AN MA JORITT Df THE LEiilSLATfltK. IBT TE-KURAHH TO THK .RIBl-IR.: CoxroRD, March 11?Midni?rlit.?. ?tie hundreil and thixty-mx townfl give E. A. Stmw Jtcp. , for Gov? ernor, aM,971 votea: J. A. Weaton tDem.1, ifl,__.7; J. ___BB_BBI (Prohibitionj, 838; S. K. Maeon Lib. lieb. , _1_b_- Relative g__na and ioaaea ahnw a Ropuoii cau loaa of -08 votea. Am yet there ia no choice by the people lor Governor. but Wettton s chauoea are improvmjr. The election of the Detnoer-tie candi datea for Congreaa ifl concede<l by the Uepnblnaua Tho Legialature ia Uepublicau by probably 30 ma jonty. _____________________ A LETTER FROll PRE8IUEXT GRABT. RicnsioxD, March 11.?Tbo followtng letter, reeeived laat evonlng by Bayor Ketley. exphaias itaelf | ExBCt-nvB -UaaioB, vt _____Borox. Man-h a, lflTS. Db_b __a: I have the houor u> aolnowlatlge thr rrv ~tp_ of yonr letter of Feb. J7, inekMnng a eopv 4_ a preainule and reaolutlons of ifle . uy 1 MflflflB of Hut, mond, eztendina 10 mt- rhe hoapllallUea of your .-ity l mt?it bea vnu lo ._-r>ept for vouraelf and your aaeo. tatra my ainoere t?anka for tbe Btnd offer and lavuailo-. I did uutend to viflit mtBTbI of tb* -.utflarn ciiiee, __? mond among the reat, vary aoon aiter tbe adlonrntuent of Congraaa, but I have baen compelled by publlo tt-Uea to iu(_r-nitaly poatpone auch a <_it. should I be able at a fuiure day to make tbe trtp L-ad plann--. I *_*.' moat rertainiy vi?it Kliduaond. Agaiu thanBfmg you. I am. very r_atk_clfuUy. your -Mdleat _at-an_, C B. oa__rr. His Uonor A. BL Ketley. Mayor of **%****, *?'_. CBIMBS ABD CA_rUALTTBB-BT TB-BOBBFBr. ....J. F. l_kr__r, whoUanle jdwalar ot J_?____mVH. I.. ,_i. ?.,-_ ai iM M.fllll. Baaaa. -aflaaM. - -fafliafl - a.-* aaaa ra-kafl. W ******. ol *-*,*** -flfla ******* ... .QMirge WoDilerUflct fljM-u___i___?_I_i :.__,_____.. ******** J. ** _-aa flBuflaflai l*? Uflflflg. ****** MM flfl Bl-llalW, Bfl^WfllM?aM--Bl MflflUll" ????