Newspaper Page Text
#^ NEW-YORK, FR1DAY, MAR( H 14, \*T.\ PRICE FOUR CEKT8. '>UXjl.S'-W. SflglSH cabutm crisis. lK81fiN\Tl()N OF THE M1N1STKY. .??.. N. KMtST IN B41TU BBl ttt "1 Mfr ^^_? IBJIIIIIWI ' I ' ??* pMRAKLl 81 MMM 1' Bl THF. ylKKS. ...w. Thuraday. Maioh 13. 1BTJ. ThelMMMflM}flMnJal8of thi* morning comment it ?, (fiitth ou Ihfl -Icf'-n -i tbi Government on tbe jjj. tlll Ifl* J Kdn.ation Inll. and *flflflflBB? "|K>D IMirourK Mi will pursue. lAt RMM aaya the I pn.bably .^v andMi Pi-r.i.-H will be.-allodbv Her Majeity tof?T- ? miliauient WM L. MilJui Mi ???d fllMlli" ,,nil,rwl 1"" M.B.1M* /k* f ' QflIM BBBl BBM MMl Ml nl ? ---- U WiB ?*? ? ??*? t!l" Farhanient and appeal Ifl thi- ei'iinrry. The rme .... Mr. r.ladrtnne'fl hill waa a mir rwU.:hc(al..MeI....dtheI..lK-ri?lnici. ,, . .....n.)BM rhfl MflflM ? ?????? h$hpr.u Th, | Ifefll ">!i.c. n,,. .. . rafl are nnwillinK to Mapmirtl.ili: lution of I'arhameut. Ihe , .' ?>- '???? ?'? ?"?ntiion- IflflflMi mnm nMtonflwiU mtt BBMflBMM tlie I BBl upon by the Mnu- 1BT3. ^ ,, , -. thi- Ui.uae il i ..lumuiis and Earl U,.?, 'ilc ilillie I Wfl flfl?BflB, flflr Bmnoet! that Ihfl Minieters had '" Ibfl Bfl, wh .h -he had aec pted. ftol MBBfld uiitii M,,n Mi DisraelitoH wiflBBflna ttta mmediatelj pfoflflflflfld i4> BflektaffeflM ? which wa* ajrre. i -iraons I Whea ai.-.t thc B . UOu ?- ? until .MiiTiiiii. II. reMllu, ;.:ji)urnnictit ? I .: mn oi | in tlie (-? .|.JM)TtUllltV amjtkt m ? -al policy of Bn IU efll Mia ? the H- .liimtl lnui M-.t Kuni PM i- Mflfl Ifl i ? * eninij papers .ilition ministrv. Bfli I pute any >'.niidf-'ii-e ui thein. If. however, s. ll to ttTcnKtlien bi*- party iu Parlia;: "ucnrri-ht tiotia en.ii.wniciit. be will atteinpt ll paitx -iiiuia: ::, ;.??.. ?<? Tba; Bthi ftfl km>? | m Tl" " Centre." Tl.c jB' fnend.? of Mr I xpre** doiihte ? hi ther l LflMMM, Thurac.. M: [HsracliwaitcUon th. rvqnrsted to form a Bflfl ""' He fla Maj?v.a no ictiiiite answrr. and befirod for: ?oiiduit bn? triemK ot wh.nn ?everal were uliroad. Tbe (V'i*-en arceded. an.l Mr. Disraeii imrac forwunieo tele?rarai to Lorda !>? CBflBMtflflM. 1 fl?U thflMflflMfltfl arrive it wii! p..-. Ihe uflMlM aat nu ertaiutv pnrflflB I l ? 4\tnle thi iiinoi t- MflMfl. A report prevadod to-day iii the ?ent aud wae fflMflflfllff crt-.lir*-<l. tliaf DiMflflH, "t. Monday. will lnf'.nn the Queen tii .lo to ctanixiae fl (Torernmenr. aud will a Uie to pi. -. vWflMfll L'ai.met nntil Jidy, when a dMBalfltiflM "f Pailiament flhflflW bfl ordrr d. M: GbMb it Lurd Qm - ivciy Bft-l.ue BiH'h ;? poaitiOD. L>isi-ae!i ha\iiii.' bfOflfht about BMMMaaifettitf kataali oltii i hi. h boih pai Mee heaitaite to m lutrr. . Tlie MmiBter- t tertby niom . BB, Imt held a se^uul u. lar tbe adopnon Bfl ka that Froui :he IntXi I'tir .-r-::v ^li wae flMMMflMM Iiib determination to resii? ttlpii, ?'. ? notioe of hu* morn.i ?tneiit MBflUn. ?? mier. risi: ^ I anti.i pat?d hiui anii it il lielieyed thal tbe D Iflf Wh?'!l it 'I'd. tillf ot -Utl-I t*ii.ei;. tmi .4 ..,?have no efl. THK CASEEB Off BK.NJAMLV DKBAZLL The Ugfal Hun. Benjauuu I.?n*iaeli, ^le. ifl ?heut '. Mit. >?-ar, haTina lieen B He waa tha eldeM aon of laaac Disraeii. aa autbor of ronaidera MM aertt. ann (rmntiaou of aa Italian merelianl who aet tad about a eentury aifo. He n deaeflfldad Muu, bm tt ilu- ttm M '? I flM who wera eipclled from ?Mbil : ?? :. . r. aud tmmj>6 an aarjum ou the aoil of the Toaetlan Iii; hftei laaatTlafl a , arefui education iu pnvate acBaala, ha wa> Mr flNB IImtMw of qot ttm for a geveinmeiit offlce, which had been ol.ittineii lar :..m ,i Bfl 'Btber. Tbe drud^ery of a lawrer'B ofltae BaiiiK MflbMMM M h:tn. be K?ve u np after three year* flBeae. . ptirauits. Iu 1827 be publlabed hia a?w ..,-' which waa aacve4)dad a vaia i.y oibi i ,i .. uni worka of flctiua. iBrluaiux " Tlie YiMiit DMM Mintanni Fleiiimit." ??Tba Woa Ml "f Alroy," and " Ifenrf'ta Tem pi. H wrote aiao the " Hite of lakaader." ? "V BflMaflMfl "f the britlah .'ouatituUiMi.' and an epic ?MleullDK reroiutioni whicb waa Hl) 11 niallj t niiMfllBlid ? faiiure a- rhBttflfl Italyand <ireec?, and extrud IflBflMMMMM to Turkey anti Hrrla. he returned to En Cant .. ' ..imtry lnrtilrc! m thf Refo; ? Mfaiioii. Hi- lympatluea appearuow to )-., fla Badkaiiim u (K?,ti ?, ana havuK ohunaed 1*4011. arhitaQaaa froai Mi. Humeand Mt. ()'(-,.? . ?????? hiaaae f M iku to the eieetora of Wyroinhe, boi waa dcleateti. Al the general eiectioa in IBM bt mei wita ao better aaeeeai; aad laannif Wfommt, he .1. Apn. m th* aame year, caateatad Taiinton on conaer?a f" MtflelpMa, ?iu n he daciared to he "eiacth tbe BMBfl prtaciplea that aa had aiwaya profetaed.'' He ftalled to ttm> hu eimion afainat Mr Labouthere. and aa unfnettdly aiioaioa .n oae af hia eleetiou apre Mr. t>'?t,nneii -.ronaht dowa npon atm a nialicioualy Aumotvtu AtiiAiun U> bla Hebrew extiat' m. JDd M ?Mred hiu, Ifl a ltoattie aaa beiliijereut,|?nd aaca wltfe a aoa tt tba iu,h i.n*,rBtor. Ita a*aiL reluiaed 10 bla ma. aat m tttt had the ?ooC totvtmt ta hfl eleeied ln tb* r0naerv?tsve laiareiai for Maidatoue, and at the age af 33 en tered the ?eaae ot loutmou*, Um.iug tor lila o4,llea<ue Mr. Wj ad haM Jaau. I laiaiog tm atientiea ?if tbe Houae with ??flae pret p.iat.on. betoje Be bad auScittnlly ktiutled Ma (etnper, and exoluax nauch .aughUi by aa omlri maa ?ar aad eitrareont i-aaUirea. he waa aa diaeaaoertm dhal ae aat down. bnt nol wlthout attertna tha i-aoiark ahM prapaety. ' I hava begau axaay taiuaa aai-eral ?mv aad nare oftaa ?Bflflfll at laat. 1 ahaii ait *??? aaw. bat the tinie wili mmm whaa yoo will haar ?? " il mt US WrimitmmiatWLI tttt, aad ? Ihe M lowlng ye*r n.t.nM.1. mi>rn?l the ?Uot tt b* ???' ut, theifhv tveqairtn. .tmatdiirahle propertv. At th.' ffeneral elo. t..m ln ItMl he .t.rt nol ?erk .1..- ?.i_ra.--fl ?f hia form.-r .omaiiuenu. Imt obtaiu.d * ?*** I"' Mhrpwaiiui v Mr l>nu_e!I wa* now reirarded a* tbt leader of UN *? New Bnglau.l" party an.l B -<*am.- at len_th M orgau ?t IBfl BBBflBBB-B-flB TU- aBBBfl ?-?* anaflocracy _nd lan.M *>..try r,*,.-arded bt ****** f***** *-*?'* HU l,r;l'U_t.l flfllIIIM flBi |flBB_flfl. ** m***n* uu party -fljp?aai with Mtofll. _?? and ,??_,l, UCflt. 11- deIl_U_-_d I*" _-?< ??"" ?J'- ? ' an ?_B_BBlBB- Ulaalar *** *,*_*. ******** ***** wim bainiM-.flled one part) mii plun d.-rod-- fliidflflfl politiclan who "had ^""1 th. WtalKfl bathlu_ Wid atolen tlM-tr clotlira.' Th?m ? al Bflflaall however. laeffwtlve. In 1M?. wh.-n IVfi move-1 tho Bbolluon <.f tb.- Corn lawa, D.araeil, uow n?raflaa__a lh.' Connty of Buekn. ln vmti .,,. ************ thc _BBBB_ra. "r *"* ***** ..?uence. _iowet<*r. hr ***** Bflfl lefeat from be it.imuK _ rout atatt formt',1 ihe nu-ltitipOf a power I iHii-itton. .ui tui leath of __*rd f.tttir_T Benttnck. in 1M?. Dtor.-ieli flaeafl-adptlu. thple?df*rshipof thc PBBBB ttflfltiB part. 9* . in,.ns. uuil In ihe ve_>r followingealled **-*** ***** , Bflfllfll P-rlia.nent t,? ttu* T,ur.lpni> <>n land and the de . gMBBlBBflt _B?aaB_B_B_flBl intere-t. B_BBBBBflBBB-BflB i torUitntflnv Bl b* P' taaaBBflBi y and pn* ate vrnrth ' t,r a pr*d-Ce-*?oi ni BB ******* ******* ********* u B_Bf> nipliv." Bftftli had an oxtend. d flttl?ulution. In 1<_V_, .- u'lili-raki'ii th. .?unfltriutHiii ?_r.n*diiit_ BatpaB ,,r Oaaa. i Bflfl tt tb* ?i ,,i !.ii,t_.-t. iu BBB Baaaal ?> --fl?.i aaaapfl rltfe ibe HiitifX'of .'i.tninoiin, an.1 IBfl (ioven.iuent !__.!Uflflfl ,i| ? 4,cxit-t. ?i-i,iit,ti BanBrafe 19 flfl thfl Qpp* I wtum in thf laow.-r Ba***, and wa. again -BBB ? : t*t __ciie.|iur ln -irntiou ,.r IBfl K.iri flfl DflBkf 1 bi lutro.iurrd. on t!.c part of I BBBBB a m< **? 1 ure o| fltaa tii'iiiK tlimwn ont. _:'._..on nf tho Govcrnuit ut. Tn Bftflfl tUftintnunhiug hi_ut?ell hy h 1 aault- ni>?n 'he 9*t**Xt ot the Paltnersion M.n tit- l*-eaiu. -flfl Ihe tliml BBflfl ? fl-t-llorof Bm I I ,!'<- B-BBB-J- fortned Bi -?ruiiK-iit?ii .u I \ inBari'h, lr- urcui-ut tt thfl _.r! .if I , moi.-iiiLii: ;li. <? : BB awa i ? ? llUl Ule -:-? ? - - .iit tWO BM ? la haa wr., - ,: flflflifl -nare oariooi tiESELlAJL !' .' il - THE REriTlLI" ' ? fBB-l?BBT TBOOn ?T CA1 L)I^ l'ArciJLi) ru (i ija. laOHiM.xr, Thursday. Mareh 13. 1T-. difl)-.;.;. ?" Tht 8******rti frum NouvUUa liai been .tef.attd . Uttrretfaniy, nt-ar -BBBB i to iliiludtf.' tbeu., aiul w. ru ?..a,,u<-.. ulfi, afl prlrates killrd, and 20 ?jftrtr*. ind 10?? mea Toiin _ed. .- i . ,- ilan k?ve aal ? ,ae kaavu. MaDBID,TharB-BT, Mur, b U. 1073. The next steamer -.,i . - UDfl atfl '_-t -60re - .'ii<-ut? for ibe army :n Cuba. An expreM train fm:: a waa tlirown fMm tlu- ir . ? flre aiM Th>* pafuncer- antl tniardu ''air. ad. ,1 t!i> :. ni-.nhb'nn^ iioufe. fi-oin wfeBk I lire nf - ___t_B-___flfl_ry n ?-.iiy flaakt********* r.ireniiiient ' rfterwanl eoflBag nixiii tbewet ii ptirsnit. The hand fleii ,. Tbe Imparrial t>eli.-\ | ta -.uflJ d"-;i"..ii four atatioi. .ilar. - ? - - r_e aoioiers refuae n. serve ot;. _ THE RENCH I OH_TlTLT10!f, rBI n>MMBCI Of TIIK OOHBIT] .'UKTY U'-.rT" l. p.v nn: ABBKBBLT. v. linAii. i>. fturadaj' ti | . ."73. ?ii tj to-.liiy. adoptcd tlu i llelit pl Tbt' . DISOBDEHED FINAM E BA. : ICKXI "l li _! WA ? . . . | I in AM IaI. OOBDITK ELtVaiH-. Maroh rj.?Tlie dii I Um ? . ,?? . uiiditini, ? ...... ..,.>_. Rm l)ir<-i-t,ii-? aule aai. la ***** * -neeeaa ../ the tw.-uty uiiliiou iobii, th-it tli. poriiou . ,1,-fl'ii.i BflflBag tbe ii taxaa Tlie dln ?',., ?? tlie ,,!.. ?Iiterii,' ?i' li oppo_ltlou, ' inng tbal i t.,, laaa B iaa__B ta. t aa, - irell ua cuatmry tt> mur. Infonual n, ot foit-iini aud ********* n.eri .. - puu. a- ' '??' :>r"t* ' laif*?' ii;h..i. Prominenl BpanUrdi . ?up|K,rt i<. i.ei intarcaia, taa,<- -? ie n_i lor uie pr,M.rv..iiuu ul thi i coun iwer. lii. >l HJBB Of MTXK ??). OVBUTlOBiai IflBBBB BfTflll MtM is oaxacA?BBUoaoDB dbb?wbobb. Mi.XHO, Marcb J.?Tlic Imluuie ****** t** n BB_ Loiada liliflde n rald.flli A-lillep . itda A i..',lutioii_ry i.-itbrnflk it l_ui_iiii.-i.ui. uie .-ut.- of DAI.MU. Allair-. hin e bet'orue ao tbrt-iil.-tiiiiL'. tbat ttu , ,,., imneni i-eiit v r.-iii,,r,-<l tl,.- .nd ai> pointad new one*. >P? -'* now aaked for. Ljiuo*, iu bla laat proflauialion. ?*v? tbat ali Mcxl ? nt liiflltiiii Bawflafl, are lflflelgB -'rriK.rfl, oo_aa.?eiiiiy tll pr-c*?di_K" eiu-uatiuu rroiu tbtui ar. o.ill and v.,nl Tue M.-il'*au (lovernment ha*. matle an ofBelflrt anawer oiitisu ii.ite lurtkii,^ a ileti.and tol dauiare* n, lenoe ->f rmidi. hy BexleanAm Hntifti H-ni.lura* Iu ibe aufltt-er, tlu i.oventiueril ia.? lt Wlll '!<> every tiiiua iu ita i*?w,-r it, pn-vent a papatltlon ol d.liorii. bit. reit-wa tu enterfani tbe nrtiponiti'iii for ,laiiiia-.-fl. Tlie (?<iver_l_eiit alao !?.*?? EuKlaml Will uot oarrv ? tl.reat e?li.aliie?l la itt n"te, (.- inva.le UM ternttjrv of Bexioo fllioultl ,.fl demand f?r ?.inp-iiaali?u I..1. ,ni,l 1.. ...r.? 'laal tlie ileputiiic hut, altaavfl ola^rved lt* lawtitl .,<ilJ_?llou_. The Trarld llnurn nayfl Uf relUCioo- tronliloa are ?jv I>*r*litlf r,v)rl_i|f. A rthorf time a_? a prleflt. rlad lll tbe l?rti of ftla order. ap|wwe-t iu tbe oiret-U aml pn.teated airainat tbe enfoneiuent of the ll_er?li_Jn|t law iu re^artl tt, r. nglou. worflhlp Th. ..overnuient hae taat ?.r.ler,l?owe?er. that tbe Ibw muit De fully ..l.aerv??i. L_i?r lu opera.ion rrt.te?i_uiiaui )? ma_i.ii; mpid proffiwa* throUKlioil. Uie Ki-publtt* Thlfl apread "f I'ml naUiillfln. i/iv_? great offeiiM t? Ib, t atboiK pnratbood. wlio are ii?iu? r.yrrr uir-aui U> urevenl IU growih aud ? ll.'UUUM-rllM- IU lu'fluttnce Tbe euuaei|u> U?-e of Uinr < Bort- ua* i**_u Lhe oecuiTanee of fleveral ,leploial,le aoflnaa* l_tel> Very recmily a erowrt .if fauatu a, .-xciU*'! !? froosy by tbe -ei _.on_ o> wmr prieflU. made au alt,*' k apun u .ou/r.xaliou uf Prt.teMaiit* w?r*liipiug m a ? bui4 b iii .-au lauifl. No aue waa kllled. *o lur ** kuowu, lta flfltvcr__ werr luiiued Tbe U-Imw Bually <-?-erarxl fhe rtolera. Th?-Be iHTiim-m-^a lnwle miafortuiw m ttu future. iiiiUuw. Uie .iiiiii.,ril.t9h .utcrpi.M- lil Olll? Bliil M eatahliab law and order T'ic iiibabiUintunf Mitlan. in thc BMM of Oaieea. BB4-? ? li-plaocil thc Ui.veninienl authoritn-a. ao.l ??!? polnted their own ..fllcera OA KM A MEE'S lihfhPTlOS. PR. IUUIWBII 1111II MiM " mAT BOBUR wckk OF liOD. AS BCOraR MAN"?MK. MttB* lir.Pl.Y ? Bfl is HK'.lil.y 0BATI1 IK1 > AI Tlll OMfDBW I MOWB in in.M. (BV TKI.RdRAPH T() THK THIBl'SP..) WBMtB IflflBOM, Mtiea.. March IU.-The frienda an'l fellow-townBmcn of Okkfl AmcH, fecliiiK Bfl ! aity at thia jtincture in hiB hiatory of cxpreBeini: M ttmt way their r.Rard for tbeir Coiiirreaa Kepr? ] w-ntativc. itivittMl hiiu to meet tJieui thia > i cimiK a' j a Biipp.r i:iv.-ii in Aiu.-h * Bchool-huuee m thia town ] Mr. Amea very naturailv con-. ni.-.t aml thc allau accordmidy came off t4.-innhi. flflflMfl <'iroiii.iht.m.-'? uf propitioue weather. ? MBMflfld flflflBM BfflfliMH oi taM, ireii.-ral flflflfll m n.aktng. an.l Mfltflfll MMB vivialify ,iu-t i..f"re I "' lcck. Mr. iflMB, Mttli bM bBBthflH OUrtt flflfll FrauK .uul ilifir famtlic*. BMflbfld tlu Bflhflfll-hflflflfl, aud. aft.r ?flfl?flrfflfl ? *?'w bn''t coiiWatiilaiioiiT .vitb more iniiu-niuH- fm-ndfl. pro oeeded Ifl the prmupal hall. Flflfl tflMflflj plBBBd leniftbwi.-w- "I Ibfl BflU, mmmWti ihe IBflfllB bi tfefl ,-cnterot flBflflflCf fal'lc :U ttie heti.l of thc hall. *U Mr. Atti.-H Wmm Iua fiiuiilv an.l ? f.-w flBBflflhl frieti.l*. Ainoinr Ibflflfl pflflflflfl Mflflfl !l>c Bflfl W L ChflflBB paflflM "1 ihe I'tutaiian rluiroh, <'lia?. W. BMflB, 8 Ii Bafflfl, <ta\.. ttOmmw, Ihfl H"n Fraii.-ihA. Bflfeflrf ,.I Biaintice. Henrv J. l-ullcrof Taiuiti'ii. aud .il.otit ?Bflflbflflh n.c bMflflfl Bbm BflMd tiir.i.Bh.-d Mm niiiMC and BflflM plauifl from Oak, MflM runtributed Ifl ibfl MMBI and .mI.tb of Ibfl .,,-v W S. ChflAa opetici Um pi Mithflflbflvl ti.i'rcilit Mi.i'ii" : "r IM dindflodfl Di Ihfll hiiirniiiii !..i Ilu- i-vi'iiittir. Bhflfl iBVltfld Bl .. ;iul what Tliey WM MflM them w! ? I ,:.OIlt illl fefl api.ri.pnato the ??fllBBIJ lllulflBMll .. |] tlien ainicl tbfl (bUflWiBi i ? 'roui tbic dlatriel wo l.avo .. . .ui.i thal wa ha fricini ? .ir Maada ... ? ipoujoua nolueat w..rk ol ?.."1, Bfl MflflM uiaa." But I aee beforo me BflM Iflfllfffel BBBflJ .i di t t.-r MMfl Ifeflfl BB] fl i-rb. ao l will eloae with ihe MUflWMfl MfltMMMt: "The Hon. Oaket Atiiet, like ytM IMM Mfl ? he hM pa-eed the Iflff flcdflal,aad i tt . Mr." Dr. CflfflwdFi M ' loud cbeerB. ttwaflBtxjtag pflflftka &*Mr.AaMfl m. for th. W\ (I'-inlv "' .. But thfl bflfli w;u, not to bi '1 mi t.? M '? ? '-'i?'"-'? ' ! when bl Mflfl nd Bfli hm liand iti hM p ...-ti.- ldual . ailt-<5 lufltblfli '????' BMflbflflltflj joilicd Ifl ia all. PMhflffl Bflfl i tfn.ii^hr that Mr. Amea w.-ia unini.' t.. pr..iiiu ? fammiB memorandum bo.-k. Ll tt, Ibflf flflflfl tMflD IH.iiii Mthfllflflfl, ba did B?t MMTi M tnal ory. tlu.ui:!. ? 'ihi'" H?- pBDfld a maniiBcnpt tMM hih oot Iti-r, nnd alowv.i,,-. iiiiK.Bt iii;iti(iil.le to mc. ".My finnu-. Bflfli I am not nimli tt a hantl M B makiUK: but I hav.- written MBBMUag which [fl 11 reinl t" fflfl f I MB.' Hfl 'hcii Iflai ir.inj the ui.iiu BCript ae folli'W" ? Mit. aviV- -ri:: ? ii. Mt ; . BflUHMOM huuiau nol M tt cratifled aud baflflf M IfeM fll T-.ietita to iM . I ain ni ...ine. .ie fflfl "W 1 Ma ? : are awarc. lieen the pninlpa, . ' Bi MMttfea Tin- proM oi tha i aflfltrf ha I fuli of Mfefll il.n.?' Thc whole iitfcnac. lf tBmtt lt ran tie M ! in MtBflg HC.000 of Mflflfe M U MflMflflH ' ... MMfl MM I l?aid for lt. aud : ;,t tlii t gold 'I.i s.(Uic Itoik to U tht part \ Minpl) toi.l the tnilii, aud natu 'lnv uad a rifc-lii . itM Md "f it! but. fr.'iu . ? of UMtt .Ictimi. *!ic I'lUUi, Mflfl ''tcd thii ..iiai in tbi BMMBBB auil. to ilad , ..nt what IhflflflMflMflfl,OflflflTflM flpaaMflM ? BflfllM 10 ...lun-iii M r.iland C.xumittce." Tlat C.iuiui:;. . I ? "h>?h in ofBre for truth and TttatttJ', 'ut ' ' . ? , a . inu iba luitti - inain tbe w.iu.lcr.'iil diacovery tiiat I wa- | - than it wa* wunh, Md t'a. ^.ni, Aixk and . MflMfl, an 1 'hut I hatl HM ttrtrnm , ?> ? aflahMl tu.u BflflMflflj I ,| -mt bt',.44- what. ..rm - UM io MM ??'?'1 w:tll .?? italfltflff -; 'i ti | ki ,' of Tnmit'.n ehai .illll 111- ('I . . .... II Mr t K. of Biatatree iieiu-ved that i bad a wayi repiwed ln Mr ktat - b - . ? ? ,. araadtrmu hlicbw.I . ..??'.i.i. u.eii,i.r..i, ,,t Hitciiu ri.i:?4 iu eapreaa iu ir, BsMa "f ?? nayre wniaiiTfl Hv, ney ttatt put lhalf *vmb**wm f thc m.'ai ?i,4kI. ' uul i11iii triutiii'i. ,-.-,! Mi BkMfld with IM ..?iii. ''lur ,riieiit -thc man wbo kuowa how la .1-. aiui .Ioii t ln." Mi (;...- - W !*ia< k nt The Bttttm Common ... Blaaxpreaaloua of apptoea ? ?: Mi tuiiu'i oaaiaa. aad jbtb i aharl rflaaMfl "f hit tlim iffl t ..i.|r and hou,, i.- un patrtatie (M.iiticai eaaraa pravtaaa U?. durlBg, aadaaaeB tha *ai. aad flfflfld tiiai flM k'reat >? -liliii-Dl for tUe neiieOt of man .md Aiii'iu.ii parftoalai -n.'Uiil .-utitic him to the iHoifiit i ?ii,uoi whea .ii aaaitoni- were made iuniiui.i blM Bj iK'' .?,...-.nar .nit-n-wf. A jHiem waa remt b] Mr I It BalUnl. |.nnr |>;. -i-iiiMil. aud reinarka wew uatula bj tin- Ittv W I. ft'hil. of Nortb lln.Ifc-cwai. ? \|,,r-<-..f-toiiaililon. alifl ulhcn.. Thit n-i^.tlou orolat D|l 41 11 0 ? ...cB p iu. IHE MOI.'iC WAR. -a.s ! UAV im ". M.treh 1.1.?Mi, liosenlxinniffh Mlllfld al Vi.-ka thia cvcnina froiu the frriiit. t'ptolhc -.ine Bf lu^ dcjiarture tbe Modoea ha.l uot Iw-eu aeen, aud |MM were uu hupea that they would c.?ine iuto eanie Col. Oiddle, with a troop of'-aralry, la on th. opjKiaile ndc of the MMfl heda recouuolterini.-. Oflflt <.aul.) 1 troopa are movinn and the helief .a irrneral that a Ua1'1 will aoon lake plate allhoiiKh '.here la aome reaaou io tmft that 'apt Ja.ii will, on a reioueid, ratlon. cuiue t" teruii without a hattle. THE IBLE oy HHi?AL8 ML'RDERER PORTLAND, Me., March Ht?WiflfM tbfl allt-Ked iu ii iit* rer. waa b. at fron. ttact lo day ano lodaed M IMrtiaud Ja... A .lemonaUaHt.ii atfainst tttt waa aiade by aome railroad lalKirer* at ihe depol whh n waa realate.l rty tbe,. waa. 4|Um-b:> rt<iaoteti l.uii u % aafe dlataacfl. ALBA.NV. IHF. KRIL UVB-TKUTIOM. 1*1 III.I.' _?___?___ TO II- BBBB BT THB AHBKVt _L1 OO-DOTTU?BTT-J-M mi: PBOOB-JOaal (>K INgi'lllT. IfflOM fl RBOCI.AH '.'RnRBrH.irPKTe uf THF TBlBfrtB | Ai.baxy. March 13. The Spe, tal Cominittee uf the ..Mteiiibly <>n thc Eno Inveetigatiim iu.*t tl.ia morn i,u in! iiiiaiiiii><> ajjreed it. liol.l all tlie meet mgt of the i'i,tim,.ti,.,. ,n pnhlic. Ther. are to meot ****** to-iiMirrow Dorning aod decicle when. where, and ***** ***** are u. enter ii|M.n the im<nt.gation. MAlNTAiMN.i ***** \( ***** ( ( ************* I. 30 ri.KM.M'Y. ***** .iAHDM'ii traBBBOOH PBOJBC- W-COTBBB 1\ | 11K -KNATI.. IBT TO THB TRIB.^fl ********* Mat'ii ::t.-The Seiiate -pcnt tlie BBflB .md I'vening in dia.IBBBBBf Qaffl?BflBBfl \V_it hoiim* and Railroad lull. Mr. Madden read _. loni_ wnttii) ripeei ti, in which he deuioiistrated that ir.itle liad Wii dnven from New- Vork from la< k of fatilitiee lur the mpid. aafe, and et-.inomieal inm ?? tii.iii of lomiiKKlitus tiniii th.* nhippiiig to ware_ haaaai ami tt*m th- ********** bb Ika railroad*. The lull, in thfl .' tt BBBBtal BBBBtBBBi ***** not Kiitlit it -ut!', .li im.* tiiil limit tlu fnfl-Bl Ki fhe I'oinpuny whieh pni.Mits.-t t<. tak? piers on whi< h tt. .-re.i warehoiia.-H aml to build .? flteam ruihv.iv BBflBflJ tlie \ at<rfr<>n. lor tl.?* l******* ****** tiienl nf k'trodn. An wrw. made fo kill it, whi.h w.u. no far BBflflBB?Bl tliat -. N-BBB- IflBYfl b -Bi CoflB Illltlee.ii thfl \\, lo .lt BBBBB, 1'iie ******* ?( 'hc improvemeiit conu-mpl '.ardner an iiiii-nt thal ihe n -nan- will nol refuse turtlu-r B8BB__ eration nf the impurtant proldem flf tww toBB-Btaia 'lnli iiiiliien :al flBBBflflBB-] "' v" '?'? T*t* ' ? !'?? Ul. i.anliier bflfl fljr. 'ii ****** tfl ihe eflflOBfl nt tradu an.l idiiiini-i , i.ititiir tn < tnitli. (___fl *"*W V"ri. CKj tt "tlu r and ln ' i. Mr. -lolii. froiu I 1 111 LE0I8LATI0K. SKW Bll L_ lii I lii: . . \ --JlA.fl. ?_.'*. I .IMI., ., .. I' I introdo ***** luffllBii ? Niw-Vrii ? ,j. ?'.. tn .. . . . ? . ?.. . ra fli'-'- nuii i ( oilTta Jf well aa;., ? partiueiilB. ..r ap wtmrai li jrjrai, ? -n .,iifl.,_.T.i;.,,ii. : ran iBtrnrtaiaB . i :i_ at the ****** BfllWBBfl 'weiity lo-aitb-i. aad liaiuin __Tfl_. fl,. ?aaaB i ?*? *- i********m****** ******* tax fll BBBBBB-. BBfll "' "? ...?-.,!. . _B_CB IBfl iliiei ?mt. ol tbe i l).-li.w ? ,. j__.a...wii_ 'l.e !_avl_4ll'..i " tb.llarie.n **M*Ttm* D_. '" "linit ""* pa_ua_e ot rt>v ***** I tag tbe ' !'? ' . .wuiiitr -it. tt raaBflaatf ta -Bbbjb BaaBlfl I ,-barr. i '' B-BflBB-BBBl flaiBialilBfl ?i,.ner* to IflBJBBfl mt* *** l omiiti".. flflfll flflflB - ,U, ,,r;. t'Olk'-lfV VttB l vtew ? I I reteirt to tt.e ueat Lfgi.tlaluie. Bm flflfltaal Ippi ? ibbbIbi u''" 'h' * ,|iii'9tion Bfl . ..,iii It *?' v ??'< '"? 1 ?., rf, , BBflfl? BBfl to thr , ******* I .- fun.l ?:?-.' whi.-h '? ?' ? ? 'III -fllll'I -II... ? Bflfl f"r ? MBoaa Tb- I- -? :,, muk . Bflflfl i" - i*i>: "I" - Br. ? I !h<-:i p ? A,'.il'.- ! dl). ,,; . .- niia-r. ? ******* ' ? ? " ' : -pini mt j i.raiu l ? ? ?rt-BBBl !" . , . '"' "?' I i,oii- Io BBfll ' Bfl lu.-iii ***** Baaa ... i < I.Kltl-lH .ti't-',.r ib lai 1. lllia .iflellifl' "" " ,, Bia, W9b V,,ik Bfli "f BftaflflBBl .r.fltii nj_u.i_.-npi flt, ui,-ii' IvanreU By t*?********* ?' ln tb- Bflaaflfl, ' - ? ' BBfl lo ""'f ''' a p .u itavBflBaBBi -i>'.' '""' "'' ooadue. ,. BBBBB a BBTBBBBl fl-BBH?tlnfl iad - liliua.'!! Hut t*? fllr-.w B- ' " T.? ?eporte.l ...I BBBflll * 9* 9****** ' MflBBB* ,| IBfl U..o-e. ? ' ' ??fl ,t .MBBB t" '". "? WfflBM ,l .-xal_i.i*.iou fl'f Hflfl BBflMBBH Bf bt *** durtor ia riyjuiied ^ larc* iioiuherot iniiinportaiil nlr* frum Ibi? "(.rn:di:,_ OBBBBBBflfl Bflflfl BflflBfld by tbe iiaual tetlioiu prm <??* ot tne YnM aud N?y?. A i.ill. i-porled r..vor?i'i> ' ib*. ' otutnit.'-e. peimit tlugtheua-ot tb-- o*? palb tt Ibr ,??riul_?, Cheuaugo i aual extetiauM. foi a railway trai*B. waa 1, t.a. k of H.r Wliole. t U.- tn_.|elo tt waa Hut ii.- .wpauv wouid get tha propaiij of tbe niate wilbtmi iu.. ,?*tioB. Ihe ,-aual it atlmilleil lo Ire . jliif |BT ,_l.h__A.H IO THK IB-BBBB Tlie Aflaeuiblv. (bt* eveiiinc. |,4>?ip?ne'. for (he Bfth time Uie .tia.uflf.iou on tbe l.ill ?xeuiptini. .?.iid? aud luoi tgHK, a froiu taxal.ou, aud made il Um apecial order forTu__rtay ?fleningaaxt. Ot*t**J************ Kauroad l.ill uu fl.rdered ?o a thlid reBdiria. *Hb a l?ro\ .won re .ulm.g IhrtM pet . eat of Ihe itroae prot*' itlfl (o t-e paid lalo Um ( Ur Tre-flflttry __? rtti i l.ill (<?> l? |?.-? >r rruel.j lo auimalfl wa* *' prog.e*?eti .,?-.??Bfl. eaaaa imkpam h The (*aual ? .MimiMlouer*. tb.fl aneiaoou, bad a bear i i_Bua the bill.Hf JohaUBtMB. ia .he ?aaH ?# ***** rorrr*. pro- IflBfl tti.if. when the Naf.nnal r.ovcrrimei, MMa! tu- mc,i...-.ue tmtti mm m iba BhiM LlBBBBB "am- w.ll MenliirKeO ?. ita (.. pa-a ...,M..r n* ,.Tj."r.,i.llcl "4 - -oi 1. * .i, ni,.t.? >?*?"*? Mr O'tlrn-i ii..itrt-?M-tl (lf < oiioiuerfiui'.'':- ?. i-hair or mimTSm\mt ba. MMlllllBd m tbe AaaeinMr a iall M provdewiuun the < lly ot N-w-York addiUoaal uea offlccra. wbo ahall pnaaeflfl power to MM and cfonwl all 1-wa made for the B???ttan ? UaMMit'iio iwaaa*aad M iheex-enti." '??*i i?,w,r " SqiSra peAoMto give aecuritj U) Be?P t he**????"? wbo-hall poH^-aa power to Ibbbb proeeaa forlhe agpre , lM.natoa.if |H,?ona , haraed with anv offonae. and tto-r^ , BfMfl I" BMMMM all l-iwert BBd dutiea ooi.tcrre,! I law upon thfl Jadfleaof tbe Bupertor ' .-uri ' ., kii, -bi- M.-iyr or lte.-T.rd.- 'h'-i-'. aadaraad M yr j uiouf Titlea 1 aod I of rbapte.r 1 of fart 4 ot the , lie vtaril suuiuw. - -. In tbe ( ..lihiitiittonal foininiflalon fo-da? retwr a wen iiiliiultUHi .in laeal ?orernnieoU other tban ?f e aodariea and fortuatlon uf Menalo dtttncl 1 adveratslv ou tbe propoiltlon tn tualii. conatltut..).. v.-i.ui r.-a|^tui?( oorporationa ulhei thau nnunit ipal ' Tlii- aiKcrw rci>t,rt wn* aarertl to. and the othora were referred oa Coaunlttee ol tha W'.oir. Mr. Howland -uiiiuiu.-.l au oath tor nwmliere uf the Imttm .ature, that they wili Hold uu rouiniuniiatloi. wlih ;>? i ? other than LeflMlatXMfl BOneenlng mattera before to- I. ifiaiature BMeept tn pulilii! or when aaeh -iit>)ect ta midei couaideration in ( oiDnntie*, whieh waa referred. IHE .XEW-.IEHSEY l.Etil^I.M I'liE. -? Tfit- .'.KVKRAf. RAH.ROAf) f.A W rHK IHBgAl OBOMB K?)K rUBSDBT NT.XT?RKMOVIN'i -,r.vri: t apit.u.?tABtAM Ot two railkoal IIILL.1? M1NOR UOTB.ATION. fVBBM THK KMilLAB OBBBBBfBflMBBI BB THB TRIBt'IfP TiiKNTov Manh tt.?Thfl impnrtant bfl of tiwlai ? MMMfl B the paeaage tn thc Asaembly of IBB BfldflM Mtt DfllBMflM Itanroad MB. As ita paaaaKO MM . foreRone uoncluaion, it uiet with hardlv any opi* Mr lat?on ialled lt up lu the afternoon, and lt wi paaaed lf B vote '1 4'J to ?-., Meaara. Carae, Dorrell. Famcr . .n. i'lviiiptoii. an.l Wanl rotini? affttfnit it. ln BMBflMMM Mr MbFBMMM,M? 'be Sprcial ''"tn , Railroad Law. reported tbe A^eetn tny l.ill with'ts HUiull atnculiui'tiia. It was made "ler tor T'tcday ifd-r^oon. Mr. Sewell iiaio come aniendmenui to otf.-r afelfl Ihfl MII MMM Bj Mr. Inck IflMflflflflfld B hdl tt> : ttn- ^ininne Fund Comnils .. .-.? MflMlMMMl Toto.nH. pt-raiuiuiu. WhM ,il! ,'or matitiK Elizabetb ftytl.t - ,1 aii MBM thatJw ..-,. Ttit-ro were beautiful k - .. . to MflM ?d hia DUl -n ; mii : tfea Un ? Ml W1'l Pflflfl! M Vatti Tn-iit .- M >'' mAbi . :oiirnfib-' ot 'ii- B ? mm lvania ..u.i ii. ?' that Bliaahelh waa more MMMflflBM thau Jers< noa Mid ibal per-tons from riusaex, . MflMt and all tbe northe. u tattt ' Jersey Ciry ,,y , .,r, .,?., Tho public bnildlnirs. I, un? poMtioD. would tto an ornamci.t The idvantaKfci?. lie ?aid, abould not l>e ,t .leraey aty haa had a .tnl h>- did not ?er- xhy the I vm/it the Leflia i -. vrcll aoK?eate<l that rbey hava ;? LeRiBla ? ,wn :n IflMMf CBf. Mr. Mcl'herson aaid ibal tbree-;ourtbe of n. MflMMMflM flflflfl bM , . araendment was loat, -- 12. Thoae who roted for it .ini-ti. Bdflfll ? ii.* tt, Mcrheraon, Wife . um fl/aad. 1'ne uul Pflflflfld <o . third readin?. md Broolr ind EaaCOfl . ? M MflM MflTfld M '"oou ??t,.r,t, ? uch the auppiement-o'hc .aldwcll ,4ll,i m; tn was paaaetl. in.l moved M ameud ? i-iou iiui tu.- ..-lu-uaioii froui' a 1 . ' . Md .u.'peration t>rfore the set-tioaol tha road louih of the OflfltMl Railroad. . wai BflflM BBflMfld Ifl a *h:rd r?>Bi!:n(j V - waa read a second . .,?,. ->iat it iball nor \tt iawfui .',t tilroad or u.i. company in 'bn? T'fale tc MMMl "t iiimIti auy arrater autn of money for i raoda. or menhandue tran* I MM a I || -r..ii,,i. uul l WtW flflBlMM IhflM IBflfflbflflajl and im.ti -.iicli gooOA. warea, and mer Basd -? ' ??tt ra,lromd mmtti M th- HflflrM Bfld L.*?ex. Rail ulowu 'hat road *o -on . : iom m:l?s ;n length-in ?I. and South Jeraey Railroad. ?? ni, ii naMKiaaani Hottaea. will bogin -- biflfljB M.uint Bordentown, Trcntun. iad I MflflflMflfl pomt on tho | nu Hudaon River - '? " ? ommitte*". ? , MH MlflttM M M )f the MiH (Mflfl of OMMM .1 liud-,n ? ,"iiiii bBfl^ iball, tn "pcu -ba,. oe voters in Hud inu- aad "f r'^'?J :-?lth' ? .inn.ra uf flflM . ountv, one of whom ttt, and j - The oiu J-.i ! .Jarrard pn ? ? .aty OflflM ll flf 1 er o j , v i.i; in Railroad. . \ -.-iiiiii. the murniriir in-eit iiari iu he liaeuaaion ol to T,,.-, ?< , ni'iiiy v.itu ib. ' .iiiiiii.oii.i. Kn:i"i't Cowpanj Hu ,.i,l MM one flf tlu*. ... altheul my .... -U -.1 Ilie TlltK 1 Ol . -. tu ..?? deti: ? ned i eharter -.,, .,,?? purpaae mo thM ier Mr. Hobart ?,,?nl li.- Ml MMM 'he people of BM . -,.,l tbe road tO pa?? Uir,-in;li Iheir , Coutinental ' '??? . ? brouab ine from i.'oaneil Blnfai, on aare aud the -biirter >f , i ... inpanj - - -ht of way - rh.'-ot'.irh railroad tflfl AU nT.lttull tOl Ibe ,.uir-e ol tba a i ompain ibal uruuipted Dtnaheri io oto lor ? rn ,,, - ,-, md . leeided oppostttoa '<> thc ....-ii...'. of thfl i>'-aw.irr, Laehflwaflaaaad I l.'lr lill'lAi'll ' oliliik aroiitl .I.JU11W wartbei - '?" paaaengera were uoi I . - at iiod.-ii wa, iilo|il^d. - iito.ii o adjtmiu iu 'l.e lltli ? >i ?>:., nrmaofl A '.inuoii -:l. vva? 'llaaeTe^d 'o ny 17 to M. A -, ?.???.. Iiui on their pa?aaife tii i-.-- . \. iplaua- aud there arfl iuau>?(..i a loiai M. MbflH Bflfflal afrald ,.i ilealiua ?ttn the aubjei I Ifl mv war \ .ai???? aaaanbiaaa l.,-.. ?????i n> Tavlor llail to iii^ht laflBflfl ? ^"tta tt Murria. Mi-ilov j Dacceti Honi ind itlu-ra, ipeab m tavor of , ?? \ ji ,., ?? iiu-,c. drawn .iieii'.iiiu aii -lar (hroiiBh rtie - iu ihi? iiiiv'iu,: '" ,i-'ti! Mi. 1'otl* uiaue aii 'mri ll. aud it.ib o,i.|.'. a|,|i:.Uiilf,l. Ul *auafo, ,-t nt:, ii,. i, ti.iioed aMTfl r.ey MBM MflU ? : ,| | .-j- . ;.'<?> .i,.-d. nouBU a Fi.uRiiiA. w a-iuN"i"N. Ifaaeb i.i.?l%t bUflmgf I lie fiiiU'Wllirf -eie^ratn U kmim :i ; ... I"a . Marrh 11. IhflM >i.M BaWilxtaMB: a acnoua mttrmy at lly, Klurnla. l',.|luja.-t.-i aud co,uu> uttcorn ,iriTen rruin town. Am niakinic an inTeattkattoa iu i.mniartiiiM witn the DiarrietMtorney \J. ?*. Maratai. BBd ('OBBBIIBalBBBT. Hui< leadera arre?t4Hl. Will report laa IBw day a I b. WBOBUV, BfeMC I S- s. rt. \ -a. |MMi A.M> PM li LIVKfl LOBT. [.t.wn, DbL, Mairli l).-\V. P. Bruaner, B a< ...D.ii. or thr -. tuw.ner Horacc Adler, from Pbiladelphia f.u > tiuri.--.inii. MfBBM 'hat the veaael BflMhfld on the Hei. and ? Iui kcni. laat-(jitinUy uiornlng, wl.lie goiun to -e?. AI I p. tn. ibr ?ame day, about tnirty nrllca off chiiiroteairiie, ihev abat.doned tbe veaael ia a aiukiut; condition Taaiuk.- to ihe yawi. Thc hoat waa upaat iu br uii-aki-i- aad i apt KOgiAI Jt.nea, tke aiatc, the .-?Hii, aad uoe leauiau were loai. < RIMKB A.SI) CArtl AlallUH- BY rKl.I.iJRaPIT. John < !aaey a Kardener. of Germanfown. Peoa. ! laat-Bt. tnm ttt rtmrtt <>f rattmht iciB taAaa ly allaiii M 10 \V. Qfllfl. ciilUKeil * iltnl a. IT.. a "lii.a >,a.?i>ij i.?4. \\ Qfllfl, cliiUKed with counterfeitinB. JKailtrB 11 IT.. a.alii.a >(?.???; ? ^alM.l rt Ol'.lM1 OAli ?,i.,.a l) Itrtaam ?? tatnu* i* <?aai>t<?.. IB? ?aal aaiaa. >B Ua* tt* w ,i THE PARTISAN CHARTER. CCSTOM-FIOCHK BB *************** THK TWHyTT-KIrTII BBBCVBOBB BBB BO BR AHflV rM,y|.:[>_ IN.I.ITICAI. Hf.I.'STF.R ? PRtOHAai.F. -KNATOKIAI. A.TIOM?TIIB '*.' iVKHNOB'S AT TtTl l)K. IPROB TIIK KEOfl.AH 'iRIII *-P?)5DR.Tr <1P THK TBIBtTflB l Al.lUNY. Vflarrh ._. I tf repreaentativen here <>f th.- .maniuirion have deeided '?? 1 make a ifrand effort to iret the Charter ?hrrmgh Hm SflBBB- ?nh ri?#- 'Sth teefion unehanurd. Re.-n.rni/ *W*f ***** n.-lhing in tn lie inir.ed I.y fnrther delav, thev !.av<* raaalYad fo on rh,- BflBBWB Kortuiiau "i.-ttor \V'iM,.ii'i reeovend diinu- the inght and appeantl in tli, S-n.itf. thi.. monnng, th?* BBBypta tiireof g.MMl h.-alth. A m?*:tiii_c Bfll flVfl CflBBBBBBflB ?t I'ltu-B ih?*_il?i tor thir, B-BBBBBBfl. at ***** *** i work ol flflBBBBB-Bf M>d amendiri- the niinor pro , viaioBfl will (.- eontinned in *??< ret aeaaion. Tlm loiiiniift.-- *\M ******** 9* ******i* IBBBffl next week. IBBBB Wfl! be no seaaion of the feaata ,n "viturday. To-day the -....ii.l iiife ;wilir,'i;in< fll Ibfl CafltflBi l hoiwe AdBflmbly Diatrict A-sociation. .in- taftinic , loudly ot tiieii-abilii'. '? ? ' 'hur-ei fa-. reported aa M Ib bi i _-t> il la-aaajh tftfl BbbbI i to ol.uun th. lo ignature. Dua aorl ? ****** B iiii.loi.l.l.-dlv BBBBB liliif-N-r. A BBBjflaflBV of tho Seiiate is "till unfavorable to tlie 25th se.tmn. 1 ; doiibtedly it ia powdble that ehan.- made bywbich the pirpouderan.*.) will lm on fbt m.i.* Some >*enator? may bt? threriren.-d with ta 4 ********* *x******m -flf iniporfant ie_i.-,i:it. B rh.*ir ooaafl ? ****** ttic lo?fl<>f politi. al patn.u.'igI md rhe bl_.?tin? <>f ***** ho|H-t uf future advancetueut. oi Little .'Xi.eri. ii'e and le-H pr.-sti-e in polifl ********** Wlll) al. Uu* ;,,.**?! I I"'? lMraiion. BBd BBVBBJ iBalBBl ?fl? ***** ; mi .-irr.-iii- Bfld. ****** iiliiii-*. eaa a.-e.i.npliah *** ?al i IhmIv , ? nt *?*?*. AU thal 1 B Mmr *"im.' <!a*. - , rntliil not * fnr tho - tliat is aa y^t no pexc-ptiblfl n. Tha ni. ? do aot :? a. and . thu. feel - . r.. th-- I -ubbBbib, li.wl.'~ are :n rli>* wrontf. 'n'i ,r" f****** ..ublemin ol thi . in the eity anii 9fl BB-BBoaar DaaaBf I ? \-_oik. ii.- BfflBl tetore hib B :i tie baa lieen seen of him aboat thia w?eK. and it will V *, reiief Bflfl?aBflpai iBBBBaBB and AflBemblymen when BBB-flllfll be viuible at AJbany at all. BT n__BB_M T0 THI TRIB The Benatfl Commiitee on Citiea BBfll noon and paaaed upon some of the rninor am. rv: mentb to tho Charter, hut took BB _ B?B on tl... _5th _t*t"tion. It ia now announred trial nothint. iurther wiii be done ibont the Charter until next we?._. ChaB P. ***** appeared h.-re rlii.-, ,ifi<>rn.H-- . an.l the int-irMewa hetween liim and rnemlten nf thfl r,..iimiTT.- -hat Mharal aro regardcl hy fiieniL- af rhe Charter uh fun-hodiiiif iiils. Im-f. The laat finit? ha *H6 here he BBflSBBBBi ia week toenable the opponont. of th<* Chart. I ? *****%*, and the Davenport party say that aa ? would hfli tt BltflflJflBBflfl. Ui ***** B-BBB it dintiuctly _BB__BlBaa\ BBB tbat be do** uot d< aire to kill tbe Chartet. but to no auicnd it aa to make t -nnhv of BBBB parfv that :s B ******* ? for it and in BBBBBB! wirh thfl arafflflflii I nia.i- ut the huit ************* *******. Bfl iaBBiea_jr prefon the Charter is it n<iw iatB?MB **** '?? no -haiter'it all. imi laBTBti?BBJB New-York. whirh B hattarad tfl b. the Ca_tom-h"n*e iBBBfltB. Anj -- hia opinion, tiiau that the eity g',w nnn.iit __afl_d ba ate-BBBBKad lar tha aaxfl ? flaah BBBBB *t *t******m**** paUBB?BBWWi -B nantuof rhe T.uninany Rini? now m ****** U* -> conlident "hat protitjit. energen. . and un "? >? ' ? on the part of the opponent* of Hflfl ChflB*. would *?? IflM?aaB?1 BflBfl. BBi -voiil.t n ? BBBBB?BflJ thfl -'th IBflliBB M iscpaii I ** **r*tt**tJtT, ****** baloafi Opinion it ntill divided aa to whut ii would -1-. :f iln* Charter-a.nt to liun m itc | -uape. Bfl - Btletnan this afteruoon _B h.iai n.-ver -tated. flB BB__BB_BBJ BB] ? I hrh*n,**************** aal ->i_n u. r ? tnreby . r(s[H.t;iltle ii. ? ,.;il.l-i_ti *t. Ob "ier **%*%**, t ia ****** B?h BB. BB.. that lmler ?'?'? th'* ''" ' ' n the naodi at appoia ? the-rtll ae. Tlon. .l.ihn 1'flfll.v. who ifl here, tliiahfl th* Governor i -SollTI.l' OB Ule l- halUT QUflfltlOD, l|Ul t'Ollbttfl wbetber ha can !>?? arerailed ou to make a ?1 the Rt-pnMiian party for I man in the matter d ippoinl . mentfl. Oen. *****tm* I. Woodrrml, '-vif arn u-dav. _tunder?tntMlf4i be tieinu Ina .ullnen.-e, ni ta.-r fl,i iii.- U-flUnn-honae leaden known to he thc.r flhartfli "> iu \dmmietration m.-.i-'ur.-. F081 iS*** uu. SOTKBBOB WUJ, iMioBAiil.V ? '.MMi ik BH flBXTBJH B. ; \ iiiw. Maaah i_.?.John Phflayflaatfl ap ? BBd BBd an itifcrvew rn*** **** 'ii re'iitioii I tl?- (,i,\.*niiir will ghrfl hi.?,i" -um to-nioiTow. and i will ''.* a ,'onilll itaillill '.I 1 ':,.-, n prisounient for life. :iii BOI IBXOB I \rrni M . To ? h * y.iitm.- r > I 'i ?? ( **yi\. Att.T all ***** li.** !>??< u Bll the Fo'tereaw aul you |aruiit me ? ? BBBB Hflfl ,f vour n-adera. WBJ b*w*\ft b *** BBBBB_B bearing upon it l Flrtt i.ut. l).i ^ -orjui: traordtnary ' '" intrrf. re * aetion of lo.irto .mt |.tnea in capital ******* He i? ],i?t a? ui.icU piedged uot to interfere witli Uie ai-tlon ,r - aot tolnteifatfl _uli U.h .,. u.?ii ,.1 taarta Serond: The Jury ui 1 )-(.r'? -afl.* reeomnientlation r'? merev i part of tl-.eir veriliet It - uf lutiiapuntoly entaiiJiaue,! aa any 'h- ,at tb> jury wouiii :n-\--r .a-. a BWTKtad :f 'l.fl-\ aaaored aniJ ma.le t.. i>elleve tliat their recoi ? y would?e<._re the commuiaiion ai i,iai.i Third: lt <*,ov. IMx hanga Foater tie iflflfl ?laiBflfl wifl. the aetion of 'he urr in tlie oaaa, br preventlBfl wnai they uuderfl'ood to lie iu legal inteudm.-ut ati-1 < Bect. I do not adrotate any nwjry lu this eaae, Imii - n,. tiiflttee. If ajury had iieeti tnUled or mUtaken, aud waa made api*?rent. a new oui would ueatraui, bere it ta propoaed to deunve a ?>r hia autnorlty of a Teidict ubtatued enUrely Uinuurli ? rtiiftake on tbe part of Jurura wuo .-oii.utre-i m ,: lt :i mrma.roue. I. for one, aakUov Dii tn ca?laiil.t tbe puniabment ot Foat, r. btocauae _,u*iu*e .lta. ' mandfllti ?o doe# tlie Terdict uf tbe /.ir\ Jiuth not merry, ia what thr people of our cl rj itetuaii': ? time. Yottra renpefl-tfully, Joii.v i'o;_??. .Yrw- rar*, March 13, W71 THE FOflTER PLKA. Tt tkt Idilor of Tkt Trkbunt. .Siu : Tbe auttementa of Mre. Bn L f**> nam and of Br. John Foater, both publiaht-.i iu .u_?r.-t.i papera of U__ late. are in _lr_et ooutri-tiiruou tfl l_B repraaaataUoaa of Br. Wo. I_ Allen, m^reaai.t, *nna hu-iaeaeat la flT ********** which were mad. Bfl m?nv ?f hia o?iBhi*-ra and to my?etf. One party or the acari m-1 of neoeaaitr hate uitered a Oaliberate faiaeu,*.*.. aod tha pablle ahall aoon know which i? tbe Mar *ie*-li*r*r, Bai-b 13. um. a. n Pviua*. [Wa pBB taa aBora, ****** waa aeat to Thb Tbibi ni *****% laat BBJBBj wnaaataay __owle-?e of Jfljfl wrttrr. ***** tb** Be doaa BflMBaaaa at Bo. fll ***b Tturtv thi.t jlt., aad llTflfl at tu. tt Wa* f.af_aa?.-a_ j