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'-?Ar ??<! il ILi-O IVKW YORK, BATURDAY, RARCH li, IOT3.-TRII'LK SHEET PRICE TOOR ( KNTS. ol- X.Wil..vy,Jwo. THK CALDWELL BRIBERY. API.F. IHDMim IN TUE sr.N.UT. ?VRK-T IN TIIK CAflfl Jl" IWinBM mZrtym mtxrrt ak..: n mk. ?omtob i B?OL01 ? 17> IONAUTT. IHT TKLFHRAPW TO THW TlUBrNR.1 March h\- '? ' dehnto ie .j t? U-IBfltlnfl Iu thc lmrry wk1 -t wn Kt-oi the expinng Cun f Blflfld c\4'U tlie newa mn.j paaatM "f the iBBflBMflflf BflM MflflfMmm%\ mVl h.nrilv gave tha report oi the Commitoflfl ? mmtng examinatlon. and when the 4th ol March Z. "-"ed it waa aeveral dflflfl "?<?"?<? senator* oonl.l .errw th. r cnrHire np to tlie ta*k ?f tmm ,nlntf the ?BB .....I more pflflM * ,,ll,l" ? ;u,- MM MMfl* la.v Bflflfl their lii-ke. Ifefl BelDiU-. thcrrior*. l*-?*n m a lanmmi wav. an toonffenolM '??? inwn?l?? "' u? .??,l. part -ii tt ? *?? man' fart., .st ..nlinary tflpira hut now HflMJ "t Ibi ! 0f rhe Cfeambflf have re:Mi tfefl ,ni f?r;h. .. dflthfllflBfll MflP -pcechefl aln-ady uiade. anil at the adjourn ai-ui "lllv nmM wa> , ..kt-iy ti. c.uitinuc auother ? ...:.- it. thc flflflfll ^ .. - ii, hrtt, diinn>r the BBflflkflthflfl -,-(1 iluiie luucli tn vinii. ..un '??> y^ojAxr l Ibfl tstn.iiKest speech ^ . irhvci.'d flflflflflfll the h-jraiity nf Mr N1 MflflM. Hi.- arirunieiit WM clear taA , .. in i-red. flfld il it fuiled to tmmnm iH-caiiHi- his premiae* wttnuot Klnntted. Hav.nK disposed ol th. icstion. ln-nirne . tf, flfld ctoed his s|KHx;h witb a f.w pawapos that hiith as flBBflfljlM ?'f P? FTe radatTfld m feelinptemiB to :i hisminil around thc IjAmatiCatA* tm in ounty, and hia fatfecrharinf aarvfli thr . Mi. Caldwell, eopei inilv ? O, I bcAw luro . MflM fll flflflfe had flhM Mttu Mflflflflflflf BflflflMd hi- Ifl fefll kflt ii) BflBflfld flflflfll thfl PflJflfl , ,, t t .inicv md that the Bfli] - . re wa* whether I or BuiafetTB ?'l tl..- LflflMlflflflflfl L'"t lt, be wat- iK.iinil M I" Mr CflltMflB, wh- flf t? Tflflflltfl, WI . ...l.-d with nim-h feattflfc ho wiabfld tliat he had tuniei! Mfl l.ack flflflfl Jl: ?; . Btlflfl "1 ' B? iiiir? with a flml that waa M ma,. :ind 4l(i4|tHiiie Ifl lavur ti '? -Mr Mortiui bfli :"n w;wi m ?'?X-.ill MfflDowfld little ii.iiii, flflH ifl their votes; hut wh.-n you mmtm tmt m Ihfll MfMflflll pVflflthflM pewri to.loathllii. thj-v ; - AU ?ll<l thia .itn; ;.. i ...rcan ? BflMWhb K'iven. Ho ,,ut wth thfl inarkeii . of hl* OF SEHATOA -' UlRZ.. LKOKAI'II TO THB TK., .'...rch 14.?ln itie ili-hate ir. tht .n the Caldwell caae, Mi. BflBflflflflflflkfl - nm a i?ainlui Bulieet. which he approaebed with n flflflflflfl M flflfll or in BUcal buM. had any mfluenee. bnt tbe BOBB wm, to Bfl rae (jueation lK-fore ih? Beuati flM * fM -non of law, a qae*' gamti. ie (o the nyoroiie or V^licaDiMi of Un- law to Tacte ln tbe caae. taeqoe*uon of law, be said, ie? na aapp -? .lly estaoiished. A pernon Ml bere. eieeted bt a 8tate Leinalature, preaentin^ re?ui..r emle:,. 1 the fur-: aentMMl by law have bet-u fully omuplied with. 1; ?qii?-utl>- shown tl. -n flflfl aflBflBflfl by btoms fcniwr> : a Mflflf caeeof purchaae of B >eut. Th, tjuentiou trm**, I BflM auy power to proreot itaelf 1 iidwell, il ib laid Bowl a* a prtnciple tliat ? ?' tbat e.mi?e it oannot flfl t>ehiud thc rearular aale of eieetiou. The benate cannot exnel flflMfl a paflBflfl tonim r the a- '-va* eominit ' a wa*'.r. awJ the j;in?Uictlou of tbe Seuate doe* uot | flate MMB, Bflflfl. tM Benato M abeolutety without po*>r !.-:.. i.reiniaea. 1 flfli ,f theae aeata to be fllled byiaenwbo.' tuem by BttBaty,flfli aad fraud. BavavflB outra?eou? the praoeefltofla. w, But 4,-reet nuch iM.litical merchautu ? vtthont (jnestion. Wo muat soffer tbem to BXflrt Mflaeaee upon tbe Ibwb uf tbe country, no matu t hetoine-,.f thi i.ouor .'1 tlu- hi|:tiei-l -- Ibe beput.,11; no matter what tiecomes of the confidenee M ih. pflflflfe M '.Vir law-m?kere, and of tue n?-]>? mtiAttr; no matter wnat beeome* of the very aapraentatlre Borernmeut and n-put.iicai. Ilu* ,* tht arinuuent nutiinitted by Mr Ca.ilwn,. Tht mttr rUiteiueut of ita nunflWiBfinroa M fla Mri, Bflflfl*Ml ' tbiuirx lt Liiunot be eo, it- intoution ot ta? I so belpieiw flBkm. TM laian aappaiitina flf|rrarr ?'-'.*- **? BU BBflfBB M Bflfl unuK -uUt tlu- jM.ner uf tbe ttenaU;, 1 will i.rseif Ui tb? Coaatituuou of thc L',itod Btotoa. Tfeal Craetr Mtflaeaeb ITinaci abanlalr p-'Vir'u' zpei )>y h two mou ii^ :i*tUution providee IBM Uwm, ahali Bfl the jurt*e of tbe cleeuon retnrnn aud flaalifleaflBBflof ita own memhern. One thinif haa been ?veriuokiij .ii thu debaite witb regard to tbe raea tola elauae. It applie* to uoth Houaea exaetly BflM aaaaniiin tor botn Hou*e* ia exaetly tbe name. If it were BM no intended, tfee ttiflerenee would have been iitated. ?I ? *?? U mean tben! Eaeb Hooae to made jad^e of Mree ntf. rn.i Uin.p-: " quiiiillcationa," atatod in toa Coaautotioii: " retorna," proeeeflin?a by wlmh Wtt i-teeflan baa been duly eemned. i?ut aieo ? tioo*. '?t|?t duiUnel from gualibcutioua and return* tou^iBeatloaa may be aaaaptlBfl with, return* tnmy b?- M flaafleot ordar on taeir far?. l.ut MM "tne . le^tion" is aflflfltottejiMUmeut. Muat it not menn tluU Uie Jfldfl aaeni of eacb Uanae iball no not mny to tbe forti aiao to Um- ?-*M-uce of tht election I Haii not eacb llouae tojuiiiri- witcther thm whicb pretenda tuiieiu eleefltoa a. au . iM-tioti in truth and rtnlify I lf ttie woro ? (toa" in the eoaetitotional provtatoa itoe? not maan thut tt ttn-iii aottina. Doea anytioily qaeauon tnal la tM Boaae of h. prea^nuuvea lt baa al way* beea Mid m> under too eonalitouonai proilfMHi applying to uotb flouaea alibt I Tmt llouae ot lifpreaaauuvea haa alwaya exerciaed tmrncT (iiMli-r tbi* tUim u. jmlge wnetlier a memin-r Ua<i Bmb raally elmfled Uy a inajorty uf )e?ai x?um. | ttttt ueea queattoned tbat the Uoaae of UepreeeuuiUvea bmtt tbr power uuOer thia clmiaie lo Oit-l^re au eleeUoii tia-Bsi aun rttt, it that. li-ctloo waa fouud i-ontrolled by hrioery and fraud t It ta an old legal maxim that fraud viUateeeverytiiina, Uoud an4 eoutraet. Wbo will deuy ttet fraud viuate*. aiao. tbe relaOon* batween ocwauiu ?oey aad repreflenutire?an election 1 Now, if carh ??B ia oonaiitaUouaily tM judip . uot ouly ot .jioiiiiic* ttutt aat rnturaa. but uf tM eflfleoofl of eioctiona, inaat N aal bave tbe power to )ud*e whetbor an MiiiHinu ntlilifl'r'??" Tbe llouae of Itapreaeut* tttm tat alwaya mctot upou Uiat pnnoipie hy virtue ot toa very power oanferred uy the f'onaUtution upt.n :i aad tbe Heiiati-exaetly aiikc Wuy not tbe Meualel It ib objeciea ibat ibe poaiuon of a Malflr la difforaat, Ibat a Henaaor rfpreaenta a Htate ; tbat tbe electiou tt a Bafcaiur by a BUle Leriaiatore, mxt-tiidiuu to iaw, .* tbe ??BBfeBflflJ aetota (Hata, aoverelfn in ua apben , aud if Mly oarttflad canuat Ba aabaaflaeutly ^ueauoaad. Tbr pm aaautoM M flMfltoafl rarrard bf traad ot t.nberv. onlv doei. bv Mrtue ,.t M flflflflBMttfrflfll anU ?BflflflflM power. what tbe StaW- may be justly prc-in... 1 flflflBMflflf 'loiiiK. "ut hiiK no flfl"* "' ''" rtnall>, m tbe new election followin?. tbe state IW ita aovcreu. -. flUitiK tbe place *o va.ate.1 withwboro-oever II plcteen. ttiua BflMflfl an tbe flnal M t this mwm by the Mflflt>i flflfll u.d iiupwr. l.ut it iloea virtually prot.-.-f tto rychU of the SUie. I ha\o thus fladflflflMBd M ^f'Trtt That the power to .i.t a* Uie |?flfla ,f the elee BflflflMfB nieanu the name thin*: fur both nmiwi of ConnrciB. .*wo?rf Ttint it eoveni for Imth ?BflBBfl ibke BM power to vaeate a wat BBM hy an election nrricd t.y fraud or brlbery. Thtrd That t-v the exerclae of that power l.y tlu Senate. riifhl of the stat. -a - Imp . ATB HAB BO 90TBKI.t<:>' OflBiaOI- OVF.K ITB SEN Mflflfl, I am aa flnn an advooitt aud defendar of ConMitiitun aad State nirht* a* anv'?,.iv. flM I ?MMflM that BM CflMMMMMB doei. uot BBM B Stnto soverrnni nontrol..' MflflB. True. ibe I'onMtitntu.n provid ? 1 ln tbe L-ClBlatnreB ofl the Stat. in ao far SenatorB may M rcrarded a* MfflflflMflalMflfl tt their respeetivc st.atea But the ConBtitution doea not rt-jtard thc electiou 4>f i Senator iw in every re?p..t . matter uf dlacretion wilb a State. It doej not pcriiut a State to appoitit a Senator iu it pleaaes. lt RiiaaOW irrene the pow.r to Iflflflfeflfl by law the maun.r M ib BflflflflflflflflMlMfl. OBflpflfla haa made aneh law*. flfflflflfMflfl Mie ntne ln Mu of the Lemalaiure, flM Why MM the CnnBtinitloB put tt)( ,i, ? atora thus under the .-ontroi of Con greaa, inat aa that of RcpreBeiitativen* BflflflflM the OflflflMtation doea not pecard a Senator tw 3 nu-re dlplo ? one .i.irereic:ity flflfll BflflflflM Koverennitv. Iflffllaflfli t4. take .-are M thc iflflflflflflVfl Htate only, and remilniui: under the e.-.ntrol of that State. The ConBtitution rejjardB the Senate ,u> a hmnch M the toflMBMtVfl depiirtnicnt "f the flflflflflfll G mt ut.aiul aHetiator ah Uniii.-app.,!!ited to take part u. It-gialatUm ooncernlug tbe lntereate of aii the Statea and all the people, aud when BflM elected aa a meu.ber ol that Iflflfeflflltofl MflflM ment. be n., during tne, oiiBtitutional tertii, entirely <>ut , ?ontrol of hu. State. The CoiiKtltutioii. aulcetl. pttft ,le- Uiat the nutulx-r of Senalon- for flflflfe MflM shall be two, to preaarve aa much ae i>oe?ihlo to the Sutoean eipiality of IflflBflMflfl m tbe BflMMBMafli Mfl :, rmoli. It providl* Ifefll BaaflMflBfl sliall be , LflflBflflflflflBi lo w-curc. if flflfll -iijH-ni.r Mflflfl of men for the hipheci Bfflflflb "f Mfl ?u-iit ,-f ihe Qflflflffli QflWflfMBBfll. Hut. .ti point ol Mflfl, t i- i-ert.uu tliat thc ei.MflMfl M ' Senator I'iitf hini M BBflflUf the wiiiiii relation MfeM flflafltttflflflflj MwfeMfetM MMMflfl oi ? BflflfflflflMflitvfl pMa MM '" Ma Neitber the S-n.tlor uor the BMfflflflflfltottvfl Bflfl M Iflflflflfldi Thc BflflBB ,.g aud tae Bflflflflflffl are flflflflUj ,,1 tii- ? ... et.litlol of tbeir conatll -?"' '" :uv B BflB ?Mfl liitcriv .ui',, | !i,-elcclloli Mflflflfl accoiupll.-lic.l. flM l)t flflflflflflldflflfld i?y Ibe BBbBB. Aud Bflfl - I ? I .. l.y fraud. BflB I - MM Bflflfl H* ait! Bai at .i . i"t an t. .f ? ,'ore th- I ? ljle ""lti- I[ C*I': It cau only mmaat. I "rr:- ''?? Btttl bM flfld? ,..-t, upon IM """ti kv> fl excluBiv. trol. ThiiB, WflH ihe people ?i a Htate have been defrauded by the ju: I rueir WVflfl . foot . and aM ?ted i.iief. flOWH IM Senate, hy virTne .,f f .?onBtitutioiuil ik.wi r. M - iu T'.u ' Bflfli flflflfl Ihe IB what ->. - , ptmot ttttt I BfltflflflB to Mfl state. flfld ?icroa. h Bflflfl B lK.wer tThu h flflflfl n?f exiBt. yor .livK that .-iicrt'.iei.m. ut BflflMM Bi thia. tbat tbe d repreaentative; for. Pm'tt. That -'(?-.-??-.-? ??.--.'?? ti ,- lt miiM ln ?-?iiui it-d oi a rep Woulu aiiiiul f'.ie election bad it 'hc ]x.\ri r M M su. Thtrtl: Ttii loalti-l la reiuitl.-.l lotl -ann - ht. Tm ?? ,i? uu iui>.i,i4.i :ht- iud - iuillonai ? pieec it-t.: utioii. ?il. Kill th- . ilent, for tho honor ol tl.e Aaflrtflflfl peflflfli M nn-i >xnu... Mi 'Kiurreil. i>rei-edcut BoaldfeflW T!u-,|in-.-tion uow I Bbm - ' .i-b oue. lf - tnust uot Mftofeftoaa our duty. II B Mii IfeM ' BflfMfll ' :i11"' flfl u wfl" a MA I I tbe nnyority wflfe dflM th^i there uoiiid \m a poFMiulity of its That mat i>. -o: BM \vliat fl BBflflflflflflfli t unaer thi eireumhtanoea now Btirroundniir us- IfeM Ml : . lopf. d iuu upon. LflM fl ? ' ?orruptioti M ->?!> . .- heard fr.-:u mmttrnt fflftofll tkfl , t, uitrv -.uie jjroiiudlesr, BO (loiiht. (.therh senou.- in - - ^.'niilori- ha\' ulter tol w?^ tar trom desiriuir to pre ' tboee caaea, hut ln tbe toatimonv bel M "aid. wc '.-udeiicy of a mit natur", wnn BflflMi Bfl Bfli '"ll'iwi-'l tlu- tdvice of tbe senator fnuii w - irpflBtor) aad wi " timonv. Ba (outniued. Bflffl - WfeBl I Und. Ml .1 *:* a man iiukno^ A.irlii. ue had jM-rformcd BB pn there flaa flfl eviileii'-e ,'f uneominoi npon him tbe ej-en of Ml M there waa an .lMiiiilancc of u.oucy. He a\?; tc fur Blgk flflflfl ..n.uiid him was a '.aud M pfltttt ? ? Bt thfl Mflflfl aad Mfl Bflfl rruptum. H.-hiiid tlll- t]'|01l. ..f lill? ?? trfuKy tl.r, and wnn B BSM iii our piibilc flflflMBBflB i- Mdj U'tU'lit olf with 115,000. cash down. a flflfl candidate. who B to trausfer M 'mo hii MBflflMfl ll tbe iflna UM?? aaaoy hoad "i .-aitie. so .rti lurroundi-.l M "-teus ujh.'. me HIM Mfl I I tuat tbere is tiiency. much in .net iu th. nreaeaee ol tht- t.-iuptation -t , .in who has a v anottor n. paid tor tm. The fre.juency of tbe pr , MflflM ttu- iud Mflflfli oonartaflflfl Tbe MflflfltoMBN Ifl transfortnei MM a market. where MB - flfel toi Miid.aud Mius Mr. Caldwell u eleeled Senator. That ia what I read u ihis teatltnony. Not a mere ia.e lat??l caae ot indl?cretion on the part of i oror-floaloua fm-nd flfld MB| ? aflBBBflflMfl -4-t.u. of liriliery. a BaaflfeflflflU rruptiou. It . ' ..dwcll would uew : heen elKtcd nut for tbe MMMfl Bflfld. Mm I eleetedhitn ftiaa clear eaae ot a pflVafeaM BflflM MflM Hetiate. If.i iir-.iuaii. th. hemyverdn-t Tbe debate has only MMflfMflaMdtol N ai.H tn lie Mflflflfli nP"" my mere aaeertion. Read for - It i? BMfeflM Miat thisea?? doea nol staud alone. It will eertainly uot ?tand aioue il tbi. paaaeB with impuntt) \4I1AT Ul T() BE IM?M I What Bbail we do nnder aucb elrenin.l44nei?a f What ln tbe duty of tboee wlio have formed tbeir lulirmeut iu tbefactaaaliiave. aud I know Iflflflfl BVBflMBJ Bball we aay that althouah the toatimonv couvineoa ua ibat ben a wal n tbe ^nate ba* heen i?ireha*-il with inonev, vet thut ?eat aball t?* held l.v Ibe pflflflfl?flt ?? .f it ii*il neea ac^uirod by a free and honem eiceiion ? snall we deelare tbat wbcu a man i.uvs a t^ia in tbe Henate, aud i>av.. for lt, it M hia pn.iK-.rtv, aud tiiat aci-ordiuit to Aitielo V. of tba Aiueuduieut to tha Couetitution no private 3 ahall be taiiou for pubUt uae wilhout uipenaaiiout -iball we flflflfl eutouraire *uib M-aiidalou* BBBflMflM t)> letlina B M auoviu thal we ?uaii M uoibiui; to pr? veni tbeir sueceia'ui oonaumiDa Uoul hhal! we increaae tbe temptalloiii. already en*t inir hv aawuriUK Ut tbe flMflBflBMB ol tbe ?eal m tbe Heaale fuil Mwunty of enjo.vinent 1 Have you ronaid ered Ibe e?nae<|?eiK-*a of aocb indulffenee 1 Tonlay wc may MUI1 be Mrona eiM.aicb to v.i.dnau- tbe pt.rlty of elecuoua aiid Uu, umurmt immtrn ttt repmaeulallve ,-ni ? ru aiebt by a auuide exeniae ol onr judgiaoat aud uowec. But yon fltltnulate Uir rlciotia undeuey we aee her*. aud bow iifltiK wlll it ttu t>efore ao many mt tbeae actata are fllled with m?*r< purehaaer* tm .o make a -tni?y_le aaaiuat tbeui bopeleafl ' .? aot a inere ,|_u_ fan.y. The country ik riinfini.' wub thc flTJ ,.f i <irnii>tli>t>. Never i* fore bn afiencl-fl brtta ao powerful wblefl flflflfl to flflTflfl 9****** tBBMflflflB i?> -i rorruptlng uae of aioiicy. N.v.t bel-W ___at_.etl.-lil nf pflBBflBl ,if.- t-eeu flfl well prepared Bf tlua work. The <-ivil war. witb iu flti.tuatlnni' of raluea ami Ba ta-iui-timr apfarraamaa bt b_ i ajM a ajaafl?aa ..:h. BflB Bflfl bflBBB- it a apirtt of apeeulatiotl ""' | -t!<-4l ta. liiii-tliiiate actlnty. Tnerr 9 ? :n ti'ni flaaBa B -m BflflXaai !? bbBbbbi b. extra-aflaat ***********, flflfl that .lentn' in aerve.l tir a _T<>wm_- BB Mcru|.uiouau.'aa in thc use ?>! tueaua. But more tban B-flkBBBB ***** Bflflfl before baa tbe ************ ' x tunded ita funitiona beynnd ita ie_ptu_ate eircle;and Mflfl tba:. **m before ha* the public Treaeury beeu {U-flaed into the MTT?a Bl pi-iv-.r.' tb** ?*'??*? A nCTOflfl TO BE ****** ************ Do -we not **t*v au.1 BB-BBBB-Bl what 9 BBBBB BB arnnn.l ukI Wbat i? :t ibal uttriute Bi tb. **************** tbat berd at t********* an.l -i-.-f.ii.ii.'r* tuid their A**** wbo flfl flflflBtoflflflUf BB flflflflfl to Uie iiiil.iuent aud in-.-A.u.-_'i.-ii.'..- ??! tbo?- wbo are to _tiv- to tbfl ...iinirv lUi-w-! WUat B H tbat -ll* tb theae hall* with the atinoaphere of temptationl Wbat rtb -ii. li melancholr. -tu n deplorable liflBlbfllba? BB Bbfl ********* ***** _?*?',- iieen trehoidin riu- Wint-r. nnd whieh we would havo l?vti l.ut to.. _-i,..l ?.. BMfl *** b***m b ttu* w.iri.i ibraafll it ja that pflBflf wbi. u Bflflfl the power flfl Mflfl ***** ******* Bflflflf?rBbfl beuetlt ..1 ****** BB?NatBi pflBfl. *hicb tnkt-fl motiev BBi of IBB porkrta of tbe people to pui it mtt. thc poek.-t* of . which la BfflflJ ****** ***** 4 ******** BBB ****** *\m**wy******** i Brtalflrtfla DflyaatMak that Bm oonae.uencej i A***t7** railroad kiunn aml iiionupollflta boaatinic tliat tbi i.uv wbflta Bt-flfl I.-******m- '" 'li'th.-i.- blflflBafl I BBflfl _-. a_a flflflfl flflflflfl fll i-ein flBBB?Bfl Cipitu. .ikt- tbe (fl~M?flfll ,ordr nf flflflfl?flBfl An ii"t r ttieiri v.-itintiflfl Cbflflflflflivflfl BBflflfly BBfl hafSBB?BBBflBBB i_akepn.tlt.ii- I flaBflMfl-B I _rertr.rn.-n .md r.iile'i Btatea --nutor- t Hav.- w.- not afl A 'he riiarruiiA-r..iti"liiitr ,,f tht-ir operatioiu* and the .'r.-ilit Boblliei '?'" ' ' Htirt.ii' aaid that he .li.l i..-t .-are whetbe. nian n? flupported ti-r flBflBBa wa? a K.pui, pioM.i. tl ii> ?a- a --i?"i man il vnii ,,-t th.-tii _no- Uiat .. iiiiin who baa pureha* ? fnr wboai it baa t-.-.-n pm mouer. will be aeeure in Um ? I rmeul nt tbe |. au I aak roa, Wlflual tlun enterpna* la Unii onlyby "mn le___?1 And wlll not th.-.r rapa< trom wtacb tue eoa_rtry iian alraafly ****???? miuii l-etuniari'i and rnaraily. arow witb tbeir mu.ti.----' Aalonfl -? -ui-n erila are pernili ,-iM- tbt ? ey will uprrad wltti ud nothliiB imt thr in.ift 'ititlin, i.iriir reeiat a-flfloai ? tbflfl- - ' soflflluon. baflj Baaa BBd faeli -i. h.fl't. i'.,<r. knoa l tiitiHt ti,,! A>t -nr;> -iiilflli.' ta ua with . > I t | .. flflllfl, nratvB orfl?aB, I fT',111 V BBBBbI ? BflBBfl fl.flliteuipti.oilfl-iv <>f ? ? .:,, T B a BBB. Ift flfl -'*? wl'..t ?flflfl' -. nak-Baflflflfl BbBfl laafl aafl i Ttnrt* mi aBa tioin ********* r?abflj ...mii n tha f'reilll M..i. . liun .- rt --n.ler.-il tii'i-' .-;.-,t trom ******** Ot heliliifl '1. ? ' . imroas* it-1 ?i irifl* upon ? importaaoe. TI1..1 iud ind tppn ,,r ,j? ? ftiiflii.- tn*-r. ? iiak-B aTbatflT. 1 roucbt f'Tth tbflfl 1 For, . wliat will bflfl.e ,.f thf r'-MH-rt ,,f lh.- ;? ,i,Wf w.'hii ?? . uot to w.-aJi' ;, _itlli Itui a wraB .l.r.'.iif!. of (lul | . U.< Se.iai. Wlll 't.a_, 11 tli_i r, w:lh ?.mi. >'? ? ? ot it- ltit.arritv.- tor tbt* peti Ie WlU t* tlimit ; *'?'?* ",ir ' ' "!! "!M'n !"'?"' liun.-. ti. pr.-v.-n: ?H.1.1. I w..imi .i-14-ii i4i ? ti.- elaoiur >. ae tbe -? . - l 1, 111 orrt. r ?- . , r'lriu ..111 iutj 1 - ,.? ? tb. mi aitboa. D n. ureTen. a wtoub, but I would n-.t tn . -. Itou ,-iv.- ta bi u.t iia.y. MliUl. riIa..N UU. l'ATI. .11' OITB _AS AT BIABB. I au, rery :..i 1 - tarbsflj, _rB Bl : .v. il .,1 .? BflflM ***** ?? **o tbfl IBfltfl ilifftr.-iit troflfl uiiue. to vot. aa I ai,... ,..nt m-iuii, 1 . ? aat (iiiiij,- ii- ? urhwi . SouietblUB inon-. alao, thaii (b<- ,|..iiir> 1 wl.u : ?pilutf ironi thr pwaihllUj ??! tba abuai ..f tiiai - tat 1 il llDBl ??'.' BlrilBbJfl fll 1 ' "irtlpf .1: ri.ptmi- 4-it-uifliit. aad tbal ?lutthlin .- tbt ,1 ta.- ifl-pi* - wtll, !l Iliulit tllif ' rotupil i tooa Uial aul uudereatimate lt, bal 1 eatreat you tu 1 aacui ni-|iiiti' tn iboae wii'' ti tbi_ . 1 ,if boaeai laetton. vou will 1 UCOUl . ,, .rt . - pr.i. in mi' ' wiinuir uml iiani;.mn- 11*01 Ifl :i?- baaflfl ui reebl Manntl ,.iu,w tbal 11. .llflj-I V I1.11C Utrtit ,,f im|'i "? ? in-tflT bflflifl lflfl ,,-tu-.. . i?- tbe 111-1 ta aati '.iiiiiei tl.< aHuf of prot-ciina uiMJontiea. - ' " .. ..IIU ? ' - ? .1,11-'. tm- -??uat<- .11 liitiit- Bairowac tbaa tlu 1 onatituttoa Iiuj ? il iiiiin. ll lf llUIC Uial w. -11, II tllll .'. .1 lu? ? 1 . '.. flil t -- -.t.-itiu .. flueeuutl) to :ut- kboak ..f foroe. H dtaeaaeol cornipO-fl an.l flflflMfflflfaaaBfl-, aod tbal ..-lituiiuu... - wiil.h . ..a .1. iiami 1 1 ( .f '.ui. icr .u .,, ? ? K.-piibi.t- t'u.ii fli.- . BBBB ???> tbflfl ?urL, a Ul ," ' , B . ,, (BBflM ul.-erv.-r flflflfl tliat llier, luptunif ol .. u.t.v. tu- ,.l ,11 lUat n.i, 1 lini.. Bal ' bal tba 'i"Wu''i iii.fli. iu, ut iu*. -i.,,ii ? Ulflttd. U.1.1I lf "tir oltlie iiiul.-r rlr, 11I1. |_B_ il,.*. I IBfll i- lflfl BflflBM. "I Ho- riite<l .-tat.-. Wbeu tb. uu. 1 ii peoji 1 . .1 II 11 - al. .'iflil.t niufl lfl M aii Ufl ********* > ' I'lieir lHa-ti ,r,. ***** 1 laadlag nt purii.. aafl baaar, whiili .- '., r, Bit.n Un VBUIBJC ifl.i.lnli lli'Ueflfl'-. i,.' iaw inak'-tf. Wliat.i ,lif_Ki.-.-lul ut*. wliat.-ver ,|i,.,ri,-lf -,l p.,r.v Bflfl) linul. ia. ,.,,fl - n._.i.i i .hau jMi.-.i.ui BOflflMbM nian party, aad ia 'ut- al I mr*'. tfie ? t- ,ir rtu iiittei *"titt<>< fbnuid i** nianiuuiun. iua?iN- )*"!. B-BB-BBflB mi:. IABW?__? I -lull t '.te foi tbe renolutlou lo d.. iar.- ttu- .-1.-< tmn I ||] .' itid vold. 1 -hall do ko. flflflflfl MBfll i- 1 ,iu fimu tbe laretul M atiuitortbe teatusonv ii uit ma.-. that Mr. Caldwell'* e._ertk_B ?a- etft - tl.orrupl tiae-ii mone.. I ahaii <lnim.tlr.iil> - itii.' ttiui th. .teuiite, itn.ler tb>' r,,n*titution. <ti*-? pflflBBH lflfl ****** lo >le< .uie oui ali >-i. , Unii -n ._, t [, a. Au.1 il tbu reaolution flbtiUld fali, wtiu-li l Im|M aml or i-( ' Btl] m . * ?? ""? reai.iiiiiuu Ifl Mi. Caldwell, nnu.y '*-n. ? if .- l .lo Ibal Ui.- i-orriiptioii ?li.wi. ii tlii* , aM- UMM h<-- iiih l liar.ii t. r mi iea* uiau tlie ,-ir. liun, uuil ? learty uuDU hliu for a se^t ii. ni thc Uallflfl IBfll flfl, li vaa with profonnd n i-n-l * I h.-ar.l HflBB rt.iiaii.rf -,iy IBfll ?flflflfl t??a iH-re au unBeneroufl aud t-vrn viii.iutiv. .1, ?ire io** Mr. ( aldweli aml ta, aacribee linu aaa \ .. UU. 1" |>,'|, rialiu.l. I , IflflalU fit.ll. I. peiiiu*.- uu- aa -i tii.'-i rrrblaaa laawtaiiog. l.n - atorf wtioiu I baaa la -BUfllehi ******* imilar to iiiiin are e.-rtitiui> nol ..ui.,ti_t tlie leaat LuHii.rat.le aud trtut *?rtb> ui'Uiit-iB .if Ibla IhhI). Aa U> luyneif. 1 kuow tuy own uii'll,,- antl nrnd iu_ >!ti,l.,ali tbt.u. Mi Caldwell ha* never ufleuded me; I Imar lutn (be aatue kiutl.v Ic?iiiiita lual 1 bflflfl to .-reri lelluw-iuati. Niitliuin ia fartby irxiii un flflflan thau lfl bartu any tuuuau In-iii_- wiilnmt jafltkfl au.1 ueeewdty. I'ui ' BflBflffl bl.u lunoeeiit, 1 ?boultl lae auiuui: tht- t*M U. mLbikI Ixitweeii blu .u,d tbe Mflfl?flfl imi iu bflflflaflfl ni,w ************ ?yui|?a thi ln hir lri>,'>raliir- -lltiatuni. iiut nn . iinaiileruimii ..I l*TM,i.Hi kn.4lu.--f .tu.l n> uipathy. I... , iuiitu.ii if < I'tii;.., niouate .-".ulii ii-lu.e tue, uor *_u.tltl 1 InUu.t aai nue bflffl to >-*t illl.e to UU" tal?il itauilfl LiK'I.ti Ibau be or all nf ti? th'- dlicnity and bonor of tbe H.-uaU-, tbe morai itiit-.-rllv flf tb<- Uif il BflflBfl ,tm******* tt it-p i-eaciitallve Boveruiaeuta. aud tbe iw-*l lntarreala <_f Ibe Auirrit-au peop.e.<-ii't ?.? nll, ? ? *. luu >o flflfl' r, lueae Ibiu^a al leaal aiiould Uot couailtuU Ibe vtcUtua. ,*_? ****** ***** ***** ** ?*** afaflaj WASHINGTON. IPKUUH ''ivn. sKKVicK imWBOPIA BAflBBAl BBAfln T" Bfl B0BTBIBB OB kkw Y..KK ? BBOtMBB IN-I.AW Qflflflfl RKAT PflBBIflB AT NKW-4.KI.KANS?WAKM IM.A. KS K<?K Mit. MdHTi.N's flBLASTOB ANL PfllflflIM ?BB8AT0B LoiiANS BBOTBBB riio\ ibtb HBI IHIIBB -IMIl.AH AlTdlNrMKNTS. lill TKLEliKAl'll T, i TIIK fflUBAflaj \V\siiiv.;t,.s-. March 14.-Ihe Pmudcnt Bflfli Ifl th. ^.-iiiit*' hi* daily hateh "I nominationfl to-dav. and tlicv '"titaiiii-.l BBTflffll flflflMB tt more than ordinarv iflBflflflfc One ,f the hrst wiu1 tlie appnint inetit of tlu- pr.-m-nt t'. S. Manibal Oflfl. Fl. Sharpe to Im- Survcyor of (iiatiima at N't-w-York. iu the pla. e of -utveyor 11. flflflfl] MiflBflflBM t,M,k mBtM la*t JflflflflB/. 1" lillmx tiiiH pluco the Pmudeut waa nu lin.-4l to allow his OM] tt rvice nilee to Im- carnod mit. hut the l.'uMoni-honae King would not allow aiu tn have hu. nwn way. lt wtll tr* remeinliered that tbere im :n the Murvej Qee i Kpecial depnty, II. tn-dict hy name, who B tilmitt'-d hv tll parrii-B to l.e jHM-uliiiriv titt.-d bv hi- BBPBBMBM and MBt Mflflf Ifl fl the Vflflflflfl !*>-i Uflfl, III* ii.iliu rhe I'r.-slilcii? BBflrf M 'he Bflflflflfe hut il waa not aa prouiptly con-ulcrcd M New-York appointiiiciit.t ii.-uailv ire. Mi. CJwWflfl, flflfll Ifl Vw-York, IlMflBM Murphy came M Wflflhiflftflfli myi ten ,i,i. | .it'eiw.ii.i thc iiiiiii.niitii'ti .va* inailc. lt wae withiiiawii. thc BflCMM oi withdiawal .i.iv illlf 1)V BBBM "l.e i.eell cllt flfli "1 BBl .let that waa M-iit to the Clerk'a oflice for the uw of tho preitn. When the vithdfflVfl] BflflflflM BflflMflflflflVf BflflWfl aiid Mflflffl) ,.1 the ieadinif joiirnais fli thflcountry ,IltHlM-.l Ihe Pflflfldflfll s ,W tlotl. .1 Bflflfld) eOIlMlHtlUK ,,i Oflfl. WflB. Curtis. rtdkfltOf Arthiir,flfldJflflflflflfl B. S htiltz. flflfl apiK.iiii.'ti tu svlet-t :i man lor the place. Tin- chihl ?f that Civil S.-rvicc Bflflfld waa Hflflflfefll ?Mflflfl. Ihfl nparl "t the li. anl woidd bo an int?r tutuiK doi iitii.-at to prmt jubI now. | lut.slde ol New-Yoik. li).- most iiuportant .ippoint ment troin lilivii >el\l.c Jl. lill oi fiflW ie I ,1;?,. T ( iieev. tlie I'te-Ulelit - lifotlll'l -lll-law. | i'..H.-ct.'r..I C fllflMflfll Bflfl Oil?? Ihlfl "ihc'i I Bfflto Bflfl noi he.n alwaya ;u- pleaaant ;ui<l - BflM d.'Hin-d. Uisiinwiirratii'-'i ?? Statfl politkfl, liisearrviniravi , . -tun- a '|tio rum Ifl Ihfl !?? rf"'111 Bflfflfld . -.ii, ;., t, .1 thfl Stflfc ? h. icp'-rt of the llouae > , iniuitif. .i tai ai:". ..iui Mflflf other liniin -i.iiii.N -i,,t flflflBflflflflflflflMf Ifl CflMffr repiit.itiun. .p- -till bflflfe ni thc piihli. iniiKl. \S heu Ihfl BflflM . ,,iniiiittce i.'tiini..i froiu Lnuiamna, ita , hiiirinan. Mr. BflflflflM, MBJ a.-v.-nil of it? ?BBBflflBBj . ,n thfl Plflfl.Bl flfld bflflpfld ei him tc n ?. .1 ii- kdflflflfetiBflflMM M Bfl f ,ie, elif (teople. BflhfltoflBow ind, aod itutil thfl mtm ? "~ ,ll'lt ''" v .4.1,- (mt. ti tu p*fl thrir flflWfl M thc . AlM.tif :-.-,l, ,,ilt at the W.nre BflflM Ihfll Md rcikTiici. thi iik-n ?!"'" '? .nt eveiiiH thflflfl ? >n :ln- rc|Mut. iliefi h.Ulfe I V' W-dtl'-aii , !it that ' Bflflf (Ic'imcd. Bfld ? .(rtiiillv klflWfl flflM lha I'r.-snlcnt retum -lL-riiitioti. tf hfl c\cr ?, i iii IW IflflM flf flflflflfll IM.. -. dflf flflfld - Bl !>n -.-iit Ii,,i,Uti. . iflfl ?'i-'lhci-iu-law of BflM . Wm. U.I: .: .,! hu,laiiapolis. :ilat place. Illlist. I l.el.el.ll. lUd .4 linn iK.liti. ii and pereonal triend ul Senator Morton. . v l.ioraii. .ii>i??iit<ii MiniBtertoChih. ia mi.-. He wa* ii -. Bflto it -i ? , i,.,ti Ihfll waa re iun lii tt... ;.- ililllicnt. . . rHoflflflflfl 'iad elflflfld, and . ih iiiirniiitiir "ii ita re fn.m Topeka, atatinfl thnt Benatac Loflaa'fl aaaMfl ..., from . ; Caldwell miflld go tmt ot ? ? -tpcii thc track llflfl J.'Ua'an Btfl for ...Iw.-ll. I L. J \\ .-n.i ii- .. lli.tid 'I PflfllflBBfltoB M LflWlflDI ' KansiU.. m tbfl Bflll aldwell in the t ; icpncfcrof The the i'n-i'i. ni andoondnflfld ; tbi -?'?-?? :"-<i.^ ... ,.,( Mi. l'ott. : ? ;lml,'r tiu' .., it i ,\;, -t nrlofl. BM IfeM ui llii'inu* N -!?:.- "I BfltthflOTB, .. Mm b BtaM Jadflfl m M.nvuiui. Md Ib Hdd B . . - - tba ii.i.iii'ii'.ui eainlid.tle hrOflflgMM BffliflBl F-i'l.taini K. 1 iImu,, _^_? M'.'v rOBl ITABBHOUU BETCTWB BBFOBTfl M U IHAB * r?Afl BBUIBB?BBABI.T $M ,. i.ilh UBDBB mt ,... . .ui.if.M- i mjjxjm . .,!. ft.uihiiiH ? JfflW-1 MttM Ot ."tiM.l' irtoflol iu; ..i.- Btha Cflfll?hi flflfl il. ::.i,int tbfl BflflflfthflM "f the ? tj I Bfli ;l Mflflfl ? ^'r>' ,:-"~ 'ik'" :i..l -i,. Of |'.irtiiie:ii flM M< MB n t?irtimhniif 'he rettirtr l.ilrltie I ?,,i.- BBBflM .-laiiiinatioi. tt Ibfl r.-(..idi4 m ,,,iitic, tn.ii with Ihfl WflfflhflflM >??IhMB ,n N'.w-Yiirk shows that Ihe s.-erctarv was entirely BAthfll Ihfl n-fiirt..- kflffl Bfli Bflflfl dulv tnailc BfldM thfl MW. ' ',,,TP .: ttom thc flflfflhflflM ' - :, N.m V fOrmaJtB, ,l,t.n : , i,mi ip to Decemher. 1871. the ri lot u.oiiti. hflriai Bmb waflB>ai laFflfefl] ihua showmi: Uiat the report* n pfldtafli ihe flflflflhflflM bflflflBBBB -ue IBBflB thau a MMfldhflMd. I'he lant flflflflhMBH r.-turn whidi .. ?, ,,; m rn.- dcpariniMl ?M Miat tor .ttuie. WII, and '!.. ior Dectm horfoii Ibi- ri-iiii-iis..l Ibia i ii.xi.i. ?: .... tmt Bfld viditor. and BflM him they flM tiatismittwi Ifl thi I "1 Cuatoma Jt miuirea two moiith? to adjimt the tor each ui.inth. The pa|)?n<.ii- -, . ...liiiuiioii- the Auditor. witb all the foree at hut eommaml. ennnea a imrilh e time tuexainine them and fhe aume titui- ia requuwl in the Ciurtome Hurrau. Thn* tlio OflBBBJMflflMB "1 Customs ?.? motitti Ik-IhikI the IflflMt AudiU.r. The fonner oiBeer reiK.rta that .ti May, IW1, the lateat nturn.s m Ins otfice BflMfl Ifor that month. the ware hotiao BBBMBfll for the New York oflfice owed the (Joveniuietit fltt.?55.5?3. lt i* flflfll cutimatwi at the liisUiiiia Uiireau tbat thia amouut .a couiidered aa ao niucfe luat U. the Ireimury a*. they are attmta that BM flflh ci'ilectalile. iliciiig atfaiuet tH.?rnii houdiuncn .uul n.i aceoiinu wiiero a aettremont can uever \? ft}trftArti. Ihe preaent BVBteni of ni kmirrrtunn. niihe ware houee department waa beif'ni ni l??i7 At hrat Uie New Yuik Caatoto-Uouae ifliiiala Mud tbat tbe re tunia could tmt lie made. and BMBflBBtod Ifl pflflflflB avail uniil.Jauiiary. !???. flflflfl !?*? w,r" lipill I u> inake the tirat return. Other cuaUim flMBBflflflBflifl their reluriw at oiie<>. Smiso the Iirat returii the N.w-York Curtom bouao haa alwaya In-en over ? year behmd in ita roporta. Thia fact tlie iKn.k-i.f the Fimt Auditor of the Treannrv and M theCornmiaawnerof CiMtoroa abmidantlv r?^tif\ Thervforc, notwithntandiiiK the utatemenf* '?f Tke Erenimi Toif flfld Ihe nfflcers of the New-York Cflfl" n.iii MMfl, it iB 'leiwly -howii that no refuni bflfl bflM hflWflfldfld to the Treaaury for Bflf mouth BflM in i-eii.i.t-i, IffL BkbflBBBhHflhM the fact und.-r th. actof July 17, lt*U, that the OflBflflflM ,.f ihe port fll New-York who bflfl uot made the returna ia, Miconl mit ut law. a defa.iltcr. Ihe iimt aeotion of the law of July 17. -e*Vi. which the Treaanry Department holda appiu-a to tbi bondcd w.-irehoum- acconnta, in aa follows. Anvofflcerorflflflfll of fh" DflMfli Htate* wh.. Bhali reoeire piitiie money which he ik notaufbonr*d Ut retain aa salary, pay orcuioiuiuei.t, *hall nnder,, iiii'iithiv. inBtead of nuarterly a* heretofnre, .ind auch aeeoBata wtth the vooobera neceaaarv t.> the ,-,,rn-et and lin.nipt sittlement tbereof. nhall he ren.lered dlroct tt, tbapropar aaaaaMtoa ofltoi r of the Treaau.y. ?flM inaifnl or otherwise forwarded to Ha proper ' addreaa. wlthln ten daya after the explra iii.n of each aui-eeaaive mouth. and m imw of tho non re.-eipt at tho Treaaurv of auy ,K , BflnM within aud proper tlniethcrearter Ilie ufllei r wIiohi ut .iimts in- in default ?hall Bfl re tluiroU ni fumiah Batntfaoanry evidence of having com ,.,( u with tlu- proriaioaa M this M t. and for any defauit ,m ui* part. the dr Inqueut ofllrer nhall be decmc.t a de faulter. and to siituect toall tbe penaltlea preacrihed t.v tlu- siiti-eiith HMlon "f the act of Aug. ?. lt**, " to MB- , vitle for the iM-ticr ..ritatuzatiou of the Treaaury. aud lor tbe et.iif, Haa, H.,f(. Ueepii!i:,fniiisfcr,aii'ldi-t.iiri4eraeiit ,,f the puhiic revenne ," provnted that the Hei-retary tt Mfl ry miiv. if, iu iu* opiuion. tbe clrcunmtaiicea of rhe eaafl Jaaufy and repaire lt, extoad IM t\ttt Mfflto; before pmaertbod for thc renditton of bocobbM; and j.rov Kie.l furthi r. that Bflflfltofl bereln I oiifauitil -l.all be coiiatrued to restraiu tfefl Ueada of auy flf tM dflpart liietits 'roin requtan* aoek ,,ther retnrna or rep i ta from Ifefl ..ttl.-tr or .urcnt, to fbe control "f *ui h heada oi l> paitineuta ae tbe public lntere*te mav r..|(i;ic. It ib proper to hbv, iu addition. that rhe S< cn-tarv Oi the Trcaetiry ha* never Bfltflfldfld the time pre Mribfld f<>r the rendition of rhe flflflflflfltl of the New York CtiHtom-houBe cominK under the BBVTfl bflfli. Iu .'.ilili'mn to tins. ;t ia shown that the CflflMflflflflBMBfli Cmbmm ba* BaM afki tflflfl MBadthflCSoUflfll CoaBflflM l.-r New-York to mako ihe returua leqinred ol him bf iaw without avail. wasiiini.H'N BOTH. BflMflBBb PKk.sS BBBflflfl li.l Wamh.n?iton. Fnda). March 14. 1873. Tbfl vtaitof Preeident dniut. yoaterdav. U) Pbiladel? phia. had no polltiiid BflBflflflflMflj tmt, therefore, the i. |H,rt? ihai he went there to eonButt fnenda aa to an ippointment of a Boeretary ">f the .Navy in pluco of Mr. I uiive no fouudaiion in fact. aa the Preeident ib witiafle.l that tbat ireiitlcuiau sUall rciuayi in the Cablnet and ubere beiuK no pruapect thatiiewll retlre for tbe ucceptance ol a foreiirn mi?aion. to which HOi-eulatlon baa ansntmd him. E.jnally un true ia tbe rnmor that tbe Preauienfa vialt had anv eonueetlon whatever with the name of a pr um uent Mflflflfl of I'hiladelplna to incoend Mr. Bout*. ?flflflflfflfP "f tlu- Bflflflflff. Ttie PfflfllflflM wa? MflflM tu, invited by Mr. McVelgh to partake of , talltirs it the t'tiioii I>-iiiroe CluNhoiis.-. tiut the ut defcrr.-.t BM BBflBflflflBflM Bflfli faOtttOmy ?aiu ii lu- -tatc ol iHiluic iiiiniiiesa eiiabn-d aim to aUaeiii . i.i-, fri'ii. WaablBfltofl, ba* uot yet raMflflM ' ' -^erre .."... 111,1 W.U4 Ifldflf ITCM-Ilt ? ?Bfltafl .it the ( ati.tiet BBflMNb 'Hc deiit has uot yet deculed Bfl i MBBBBflflflfi and th I tfclaa "ii IfeM -imi'-ciia mereit .- tbe Prertdent ?id to nlifbt, imt ' m ll uot dcu riuiiiiioii ,4siiee*aaor tH.-fore Monday rsnouL Appoumfurm BXAT10BI BT TBI RBBBIBBTi ? ' BAI I'RESS DISPAT'll Wa.-hiS'.: t, M..:e!i 14.-Tbfl Pn-aiilent MBl Mwtafl Baflflaaflflflfl to Ma MflflM Ifld Uitttllnneoum?i^orniV, French. to I* Cblef-Joatice uf ilu Huprt-ini ('oitrt of Dabofa T.-rntorv ; l;-avi,l .N..r ef JiiBti.e of the S'upreme Court for Idaho Tertlliirj J. I*. BiiMer, to U- Aaaoclalo Ju*tu* oi th" aupwi ritory W W. Bm I Mortate Jnatlee 'f tb* xiipr^me Conrl 'or Uabe il - J.itiiiM.ii. to !'? ? AsMN-tati: Justice of the Siiiueii; r. ui; 'or .N, it M- liee . JofeO W. K..iikTn.iti. to lie A?ao ( th. Supreme Court for WyomlnaTwri . -? iBM Manhai ' -i,?ittierti Iiisinaflor New-York ; rtiotna.. A. njieuc. AB?istai.l .VII..Ii.ei i.el.i-ia. tor ilie l',>t i )IIl-c Dtpalt t .rae M. Daakm, to be Uuited State* Ati for tbe ht.iittierii Instriti "t AlaOama. Wa. B. Parfcer, ,-.'cni I)i-tr:- I I "nif ilils A. iloKBII "1 KaLsa-. ... oc M.u.slei Ul .., .- M Q .-ter to Ml I W Potter "t N.-w .lerw-v to ta Oa?al ?t , \. to be i oil.-. tor it (-ufltoni ,, \, ? ? . ? : ,i., : iiiaii, U? be Navai othier al Bujti.i Barroyor of Cuatoma at v.-u v..rk i rn I- Coltad stitts Bai ttu- Di-iuct .,( ' Wiiilaiu H. H. rerri.t laua. l', ii.-iot. Aa.'ei.i ai ladianapolto J"hu A. Burbankol Dakota, Ooreroorof Oakota r.-rritory. w Ii lil.i\h.ini. Survcyor (ieneral ,,f Klond.i: W. J. iniall of oretfou, iti-k-isttr ,.f Ibe Land CHBee, LtaKrllM ...ithiiip. i o.lettor ,.t Custoui.-. >i-w .. C'ou'd BVTon O. Carr. HupervlaliiK luMpecU.i ,1 i.imts. Vltb DtHirici: H. M. Woldfln. J. W. Haker. AdOl i?u* Had, J.'slnia liiley, J. W. Tuuiupvoii. William btu-k . tb, Memuersof thc UsflfllaUVfl Aa ... District uf I'.'tuiiinia. CoAtmiort of lnternnl Mittntte Lewla WettoBi, F'r-t. Dhio; Joun W Baflfl, l-'itn. ladMBfl < . Bfltl, Fifth, lowa; lortb, l-'ifu, Pflafeagriraatoj Bi lluii, . BlZtb, Pi titi-^ v.m.a. PlrM I.i. ni. williain I. K.iiilke to lie r:?ptaln of the lutu ' avairy; .-x-coud LMB. WII IMM Oav i?. jr.. to ik- Fir-I 10tb 'avairy; Heeoad 1-.CUI. C. P ral Lleutenani ol the ::th Uifai.try iBWbii IT rn Kmc, it To|*:Ka, KaUaa*: L. J. Wardflo, ai LawBflBfla, K nmafl, i-(,vnnMATi<)N- nv TBI IKBATB. Tlie MflflM in BSflflflttffl ?cb?ioii, to-day, tonliiii. followitiicmitiiiD.-.:. I ii.iii. i ("iniiiii, r, t'lnreil -Jtate* Marsiial fur Bew J< r ,.i\nl H. I'arker. Murslml for fbe K.istern DiatriCl , i ViraiBia . Kpkralfii Browaa .u Maafachusetu. Cansul a Paaodai N,,it4- Vtaut W. i'-ti.-i of Baw-Jara. .ai.,, ... i \ Beoeirer ol PabUo - .-eiiti-ai ' nv. <?,.!. Pranklla B. Btepbei a iu N..H PraaflM M. AaBMfl B ~ f.?tnnuii'>-!'?' .i.-rii k L. ici> i.t'-r. Coonetl i III B ii.ildvilli. K:?ail.111 ( liiiuiicey H... ai*iu. N .1 . Jiiiiu H i).-r. Wabaab, Iu.i I ,, .ui i . ->i< \4,..'t, dareoao, UL; Uaatovafl A. I'fRimtn. Qarwood M. Bedinirton. Bl iTia, O. v i W ( t,||ili?. iiM-his tou. '' ll.-urv M. w-tisou.'ireen\ >llt . ... ii.iuiaii.iu i- Wlnaaa, Bewpaat, Kv ; Samu.-i v, ...:.. n . JoM B. -'.,. ktOL. Mul - B l'..i-i: H Crapeter, Shelbyville, K. \ II Illlpt'. l/et..ii"H. K\ I'eter l'rlulE. LflWMflBWB. )'. .j.iu.ti -. 1'luiuuier. 1,1'inc. i'cnii.. Wm. V. ntair, llan-i ,.r !'? ni,.. J- B. Baaloa. oakiaud. CaL; Eldrldifl i. \V ire. Kei \Vt--t. Pla ltot.eif lllair .. john 1) Lewla. PnlBflkl, IMai a. ?. sthariie. cfiatu iiu.ii.-a. feiiu.. Hi-iiry Bojrd, Wiuto l'laiiis. >. \.. Wiu. Ilii.i Knoxvllle, Tenn.; Jamea P. liami. Colambia, lenii Mis. .lulia P. W.K.iford. J i. ks.ui. 1',-nii . \ I. UliiuiU. ( it veiiiii.l. Tenn.: Arthur I). Down*. W vaudoft, iu Mot?, UayaCiiy, K.,u?as. .i,,un . tllleie. N. J llli.ilil I' Hrl.ll.'t bfi.lrl.lulu i-nrt. J. Worileu. LflflTflflflBj li.ansaii. PHHOBI 10 rilK navai. AOADBBTa Thc I'ichiiieiit hiiM iiiipoint.-d the followiug Vi-.lora lo Ihe BflflM Academi al Auuap.lla, Md.: The Him. Aivah ^aliin, V, riuonti <.eii J J. Ueyuold.-. L'.8. A., V t ttr Inipout, Bl iiiiiiiitt.ii, ))el.. Williain H. II l l',,rt*uiou(ii. B. II ? IBdM A. A. Writ.-ht. Klorida. Prof, DaiM A Wflllfliw MuaawMitk roUegB. IH.; Prol . Teuueesa-e; aud JiulKe D. A. l'lirdee, LoUHIBBM. A CUBA.N DIPLOMATIC DISPLTE. Tlien- han Im-4-ii aome aKitatiou iu Cubau , in les OWlag M ;he i-eluiaal of (UlUUU l rlprtlrl, l olli iiiissioiu r. and J"**- Mayorra, the lieneral Ajteut of the .'iiliati Itepublie iu Amertt i, to flvo their booba, paper*. and authority to Carloa Uul t'aetillo. one ol the reoeutlv .ipiuuiiu-u iKcnt* of the Hepuhiie. In tbeabaeueeof BflflflflM flflflfli Mayorira, hl* aon Joee Mayorsa, Jr., aaid that the rea*on of hia futher'e BflflMfll to IflflflBJflMh hia power* and dutiea waa tbat hia commiaamn bad not bocn n-voki-d' and tbat sei'.or CaetilUi bad not hroujjbt | him ,iuv , I'lnuiission to preve bis .ipiKiiuluunt. Mr. Mayoriraaald that ttehcr dovm. one of tbe recently app4,iii(ed ai.-eiit*, liad refuned to accept hia apimintmcnt un the ground that be waa an Amenean ciuieo. It .? -t.iu-.l that n addition to revokma tba dipiomatic aitetii ies n uus country tbe <*nban (iovemmenl haa atM.liabed tbe miaaiona aiinwd, on tta cround tbat it ia iMsneaUi tbe dimuty of tlu- Kepublic to have dipioaiatic n-preaeiitative* iu counirii* whicb refuaa to reexxemae flflflflflBBBBfli Th? rrpmaintativea ai.road at preaent are geflor Airmlera, Vue-I'reaiiteut of tta Ht.put.lli. Henor Maiio* fl Uii.don, aud HeAor Vamna ln Parta. It ia underalooit ibat if ita new iuiuuiiaaiouui* or aceula B?Bfli m eataie liahimt their authority, lhat Beftor (aaiillo will itti n.i to ibe Uuauiial and (iea. tjaeaaM to tbe uiilitary ?flflBBB BRIllSH CAIUNET CRISIS. nMHTWJBI OF CONSERVATIVF T.FADFRP. liir-iiT that m_'raku is vot raarABKn io BQflUI A CBJHIMKT ?IIOPKl| THAT BB. OUUMVOflfl wti.i. witiidbaw in* kk?i?;wa ntv?kari. BBBBI kkportkd ro br roKM tN(. a C?fl?IflBB. boBtx.?!. Friday. Mar-b ;?, 1B7J. Thr Tali Mail ********** aaya Mr. liiaraeii ta.ld tha L}n**t*u yeeterday tliat he waa fl?t prepared to form _ i abiuet. Th* i.atrUt ia c__idfliit, under tba , BflflflBBBBBBBj Mr. (iladatooe wiii be BBBflJM tu tba liead oi tbe (ioveniuieiit. Tht GUtbt declarea tbe latter aafltunptiou nnwar niiitt-tl. Lord). DflTbjr aud Catt?_ caunot rracb Loii lifl.i until tir-iuorniw , and meaiiwliile nothlflfl] BBB in- ************* _i,d all talk ?n the t.ili.eet ot the, future MiuiBtry muat lie pure apeeulation. Mr. Dianali btUB r.-luctant to __B_me tlu taak ol iriMhizing a uew .(.v.ruinent. It w_?|M*Hiv.-lv -wiertiil _t fi. I Qflfl. thia af ten. oou. tbat one thin? ia ****** UM ffl?lfflfliTflB take ***, Mr. DiBBflfllJ *?** Bfll PflflflflflflB BBfll Mr. Diaraeli will tBBflfl (^iieen, to-morrt.w, that it a unposwilfie tor hjin t<> fonna Mu.iMiv. BBi B_D suwflt 'hat Hfl IflflpaBflV bility bflfl-fl-BBflfll u> BB Earl of Dert.y. who hafl tbe nupport ot the old \V_iiK?. In the tteform Cluli the oelief ia that 'he cl anrea for the r. tiini ,.l -lu- fl <,i_-*rv..n.. | Bfl paBI smkuiK, and tbat Mr. Gladatom*. in a few d?j - _ri___iraw hia nmini-tion. AU tf*1"** **************** '" ? ?***********t r.irlia rneiii. It ;? iai.1 iii tha 'V-i.t Bfll ?fl. ?_BBBflBB ti PflriiaflBBfll J"liii I'ri_ht B-D jMx.r ******** ra?n i__BBflflb_i itom Ihfl Bmbb flfll , SflBBBBflB, At th.-Cilnii.t C****** BaM Bfl Wflfl-BBiflf flfld Thuredav. Mr. QlaBflflaBfl Nflflflflfl-! eZfBflBBBJ tha wiah Ui ******* bl pm.ite life, and hi* aaOaBBBa - every arKium-nt in thc.r B from iiia purpoae. A rutnor irenerally prevaib) in LoaBBfl ***** Mr. Ilmraeli ?BUBbBBB-Bbfl PftBfl?Bflfltp. lfl? it - - Uetai Ur be mcorre-t. Tbe faita flfl. Mr. Diaraeii ln_* reepeetfully m.licat.-.l to b? Que. ? tha __kaal?aa _?? would hav,* t<. aaa_aaB U be aa Mimed odice. ,*N.-u it ai*i?- tt, -e.-un* the aul nl nnp partaBB, oonaidenng the i'ltiliamt-utary po* lon I IBfl ijj.ponentB. IflflBBBBBh *e it ia ne.eaaar. tor bim to ...iiKnlt 1ns frieniln, ha BBfl _*k.-.i fnr A To******** L-fld Uerl.y ,ut;v.-<1 from 1'iini- an.l bad ? BBCflflflflfla-Btion witb Diaraeli. N-. tleeiBMin wu*t .nme.l .it liow.-ver. nor will be flflflfl lo-inorn.w I* B paflflffcia that Mr. DJamaH Bill refiu* u> aaaapt ut lt :h not ??mbable. If lie .< ? .*|>te !.? prebahLf ******* "P bbb h?BBflfli eiidot .lune. und then t_a_ulvo tbe B . .ill ,.v.-r the oountry are very coub dent -B U, tbe ret-ult of the BBB tiotin. ipnxal Utpauk to Thfl M'orld. L,,NIf<i!?. Fr-.dav Mareh ll. 1873. Th.- *****\ "f Dnbj in ***** '" '"? :4 ' '?','l",'f- u> \***********t biniaelf BB Pr-mi-'r; D-BBflfl, C-flB i th.- Kxihe.]iier: Ward Bflflt, B fli BU-hailIflalhaaBB. tatalflBy t* BajBai QfllhiflBflHantjr TVflaifi '" M-u' HallBBiflij. PraaBlflBl -.f tbe CbbbciU, BBd Ci Lflfd ' IflBBB-BB. Lflflfli : ? ? If he failn Lord 'iranvill.-t BBflflah CflflflBfll will tULit- iu _nd end witb in .-tppeal to the , ountrj" TnR KART. flf DERBT E.lwar.l Henrj- >tanl.y, Earl ot TViby. who !_, aamed flfl Ukely to 9-ec.ed Br. (?la.latone. :* tbe eld" ,-t -,n .f tbe late E irl. and **??*? hnrt, ..t Baaa Ju?* 21, 18.8. He waa edtieate4t at Riurby and <---. brtdue. an.l after spendini? aome time itt < 'anada I the Ho__H if Comiuona about lfltt, repreaent.Da I Rema. He pald a vuUt to tbe E-?at. BBfl wben tn ludi.i waa nnminated m Marcb, 1881. Under ******?ary fli 3tat? for Foreign Alfi?ira in Lo/d IVrby'ri flrflfl a?t ?nini-tralloii. Tbo -leatb of -iit W ******** l_avin_ ereated _ fBBflBBf in tbe ('...nriiai-ofllr.-. La.rd Pal-aer-ton. senaible of Lord Hlauley'a *.. ? ?> ind popularity. nfferetl bim the aeala of that ilepartmeut: 'mt rhe iatter. altbouirh untleratootl fo '?? imi.iti.i.ia m Ba i Mini^ler nt Uie t.'M?n, retnaiue.l true to hr* parn , lUfll le, iiiit-'l the r.mptin- prnpoaal ?I IflBB?? ****** tary of the State mr intlia. witb a :u Bbfl < BflflB 0 under Lord lXtrbyTs aacond admiu_nratia.u u. n_fl I lt waa tiuder hia *upenuieiid..-ui-e lhat *h. rnal?g___anO of the Iudiati Emptre was BMBflBBBBfl 9 m bfl BflflN I Direetors nf tbe E_*t luOia CflflBpany'? ilu-nri* . . ,l |fla '_u.-en. ile waa Stcretar; ? -hinl afl?I_BBraBaa ? BBB, ai-'f ?eaaBafl papa?attf fnun tbeta, vitU tht- Lu-t-uihurt; iiue.tti'.n. ?n?l for hifl effurt t. _ tbe Alabauia ?*unu*t. Lont Stauiey BBI Ih^-i. a ?..? of neveral nuportant. flirumi-nionri. and han ..iwa. piaye.l jrreat aputuue for pui.iit __air?. Ofl ibe.kaib fli bia fatbt-r, ..iKiui a V'-ar ****, Bfl flBBfl-fli be Hi'uae of T.-ere. He. it ia well known, haMa BB - ? *"> 'll most public ,iUfr>tion?, aui BB. BIBBflfll to parfljr BaflBaBaa- He i*********** i_MB-aaa w* ,twmn_ latfla pr,'i*rty ta liTflrjflfll, iu_ aafl - i_eW'hei.v_ GESERAL F0RE1GS _ B BEPUBLIC Of HPADI. CRUELTY UF A . AULIi-T 1'ltIEeT-s_l HUM ' 9 V i BBBB?I, BBTfl BLII ? Ma1>kh>. Frida. I . I.1BBJL Thc ****} tt Sbbbi Cn,?, ?_? ?????-f> h.-unl, treare tba -pauifh tro.Ai.ri flhfl ' - ?u^ii* with ITflflflfl t-nulty. Bfl . that tbey dle.l froiu the eff. eta tlll.WH. me Aaaembly baa appro -?-.?? oflandara aaaiUKt 'he Bflflfl taflBflM-Bfl 'ut* t_twa|)ap.r pr< r? .n Pnrto Ku*o. It ia rt*iH,rte,l BBB .? BBBfl-BI BBI Bfl I B-flBBfl ihe BBfl iBMIflral ibe .udiw-ml,- BepuU.ic aa oupuaed to th' :.-,? IVu.rii*. in.'ffl.'.ai tt-u-irniii. Ifl Mr. ,i,,iT.-i.i..ii. azpaaaa ?? tbal tba ..I | ir. ' r *** u""4' tion ot a Iflflaaal it- pflfltta_ thi: mnUHStTMMI Ri COIA. BBAB .M'H'AMi- WIIT A il han ..i.M.ltAi. ? v- BZBC-TBB. Kn WWBtt ******** '.4.?Tlu- ******/*********** r,|?.n ..I tbe eiuruK.-ui. tit hi t_eeu tbe u.ntuwota atul i?h torceflat (_tia.ain.iva_. pomie.llr ,, ABflBBBfl- tbe Latter. baa been ntti\.-.l. Tlie -uial of h. ii.**uuieul waa tuatie public iu Havaua ye*?rti Afla Jiartof tue Hat ulion BBBflfl waa ******* |ta_-lt.t.u .it . ptflBl ealletl Qu-oaaiaya*, *i- -liea fiotu Ji_._u_o, il waa reeeived by a ngbt intt-Wetrj' Are by a _ni_.ll lauid f irmur?eufi_ Ke?:uforeed by flO n?en. tbey atta-bed t_?? tebelB, who fet_ned a a.i__Ut reaiatanoe. uulil _u<l i ftr.ini. BBBM under C??Bfl ***** awimre.l, Mtth tbe ititeuliflflii of tiivolvina tbe Mpaaiali foreea, ea.n. K-llitii: thetn 10 fl|_bt wtule retrratiu.., wtiah Ufley _ta._ (,, have , -oetetl lu adrairable arder, repe'.iini. tbe lnaur rf? 'ilr atlark* of 'ba uiachete wltb the tuontiet. Wheu reetiforflretueiita _rnv,*d tbe t-neinv rrtirett. >aviuir two men ilead ti|x>n tbe flel.l. Th>- Xpauiarda. without a,t?unjf tbe uiitni>?*r. .-onfetM to ltwa.-a.aiMl M., woumti-t; of l'i-uia. .'tMuiuaiidiut: :_e . auauartK ITiv.iie flflfllflflfl from Puerto Prlnc:i><' attnb?B tbe fluHitnary exeetttion. without rrtal, of tbe InaarReia oeueral-laila BubaleaN). a Cubau yta-t _ud journaiiat of repute, U) bave beeu in revettm* for tbe iteieal of a ?maii folutnn wbicb left t'uerto 1'riucipe it.der tbe <-<hii ?nau.l nf Bajnr MiiKtera. not far froiu tbe clty TBia ivltuun waa aturked aud Mirrouuded by tbe inaargautf, thu Maior aud nue aolUl.r only ou?in? their aacape aud return.UK to Puerto Princli_e. [ tor oUttr r.*r*r*r* ?*>**** *** T*A**i **** ******* I mmt* | Tl.l.K(?KAi?Hlf BOTBB _Tbe Miliva.ik.t' and St. Paul Kailmed tir?at UL infl.1-' *? * iitflnflifl Bvaau. ,**krro*J flt a taflfl *i * .* i ?. _Tbe Mntili. Ik.ii. and T-uiiUut Kailroaal waa a*U .flflflarflit u, tha OmI Cuiaat aafl ]***\*n iailr-flfl t'tiry?r>a?a t** m*********> _Thfl laal rail oonnecting tbr Miaaoon. Kanaaa awl Tffl?I Bailwar ai.b tat Tfliai . raliai al l)?o_..a fflflafl aaa .J .ra.frdafl Tt(aa_B trfltoi bfllaflfla Bt. Liflai aafl tiaitnlua -itt bacia raaaiaf aaxt Maaaflf. _Tbe K.entii<-k.r Seuate paaaed a bill veatenlay i n>bib.Ua?. aadar B*a?< i^aaiti-fl. tlw ,a>* ..( li^i*>ri w *i mi* ,4 -?? ui.caafltf ufliaaafl. Baflk Uaaaaa flBfl* ******** a uil 1 itn*aa? _m a ,*.*? Ma?*** fla/t?t *f tba IMatfl. ? I'he full beiieh of tba i-Sunreroe Jutlinai t'outt ?f flaaaaflfljaaB *** ******* ._.. tw *** otiu* Ufiflflna** n ika it?a H*f .a* B?Bfl aaU_na>B? Ifec ?t? .1 Bflflflfl l* ?**** *.***,t***t.\?M o* kr* ***** n iiaa-fl flfll llatiBi *.