Newspaper Page Text
Mettle! Vo? XXXII.!\?-!U?H?. ??USU-a PfBW YORK, TUESDAY, APRIL I, ih?:i. PRICE FO?R CENTS WASHINGTON. ? THE m srijvici. /l'i'iiiovii. (lin? iMiii.i.ii i ?. > un t ii;i;i i. s> TKM ArTI ICAMs rilUTHl' ?KlNIIIt.I llUNI'i IS'SIAI. l'.lKHV \9\ IBUMBAFB lu lll? -,<UU Bl \A \*iu\ Ma ich n. I tnl? r the Ban la. PB?cd at tlic ?H'!t>.itiii ?ii I'titiivn'SM, ami will?' intotrltil at the? reeR-ianing of the next ti-c; >?ar, .lnl.v 1, 18TS. nineteen n?w ??ost-ofticcM will b imUIciI ici! he us! ?>1 those emtitle?l lot lie free deliver is.\nli-m. All cititei liu\ii'.ir WkflOt) lakaMtBBBl WBH under the old law, en titled to ?-arricr?.. Im t ilistn authont., was given to the l^wtruiisiVi ?'ral to friw the niuici system to other cities no lmvnii; tlic requisite uniulx-r. Tin? jk?wer wan mail ntte o? b,\ MitVsi-s. IVnnieon and Kandull, the pr?-.l? ? ivfsurf of Mr. t'r? hw ? il. to h coiisidcrithle ext'-nl, la the f?it-na-nt l.iv? alsaohitfly riH'iiin-s a impulatntn'i yf).?a.X? rseopl? It is ?mown. Imwi'M-r. thsrt some o tbecitior. no? servnl l?v ?arnei-s haw l?-?s thiw tb mimfor laM mm tinned, !?nt it i* not BBB^oaad t tnkr? th?> privilece away frtirn them. The follow in named omci? uot now m-ivcd w ?Ilie eiiiuled to ear ?Bern tinder tbe BBBI law: r.Tl lUyTI. , IVpo'tt'? C3iarlestA>n, B.C.4A.960 ; Ouincv. Ill.u,t* wWautoo, ra Rransvtl.e, lut .n,?'. <"? luiubus. l> . II.SU I OHtfW. IS \ .'.'0.91 Tautmoin. N. J.xs.y.i , Kiizamah. X. J.50,Ki Kbtisu? l'it>, M" . s..iviini'-.i!i. ?in. . . lu.... MohOc, Ala. I'ouirhh.s'i.sii, . N. . .0,1 ? Kail Ki\er, Maas CBmoen.K .1 rs-iiriiiK&t-ia, Mass... ?r,."c;i Davenport, lovya.30,(>? Pesritv III.?*,-x7 ' ft. Paal, Miun.NyBl ?'???mirt.iii. Kv.?It.oM I The follerwinjr named cities are makinir ?very ?fl.n *to h? included in tlic ?arricr .s>-uni, hut nntli 1 tit ?cnsusif 1370 they have not a Rtittieii-nt imputation It it, liowcvei, tluil MM i'oiistnic?ion vil be ?n.nle after I K?nrt tiuie so finit tiny will Is benerit?'?l : Whc? ,ii,c. W. Vs.. population. 1".'.'.' Koifolk, V.t. 19.-AM: Tauuteo, Muss., lb,C2? ? ?"aclnes. k', .-? uubnyix-, I - ii,r.i?l'.'; Km Wayne. Inil., 17.:i-; KprliiKficiltl. Hi, I . ??' : Auburn N. Y?, 17.223; WlBBflBgB N. Y , IT.OH. Tin? l'oet-OfHcePcpiirtmentexrtotis. in :?. fea dajrfl t<-i rtieiie ti.e tiifsT ln.-*.i?lllii<iit ?t postal ? .:r<l.x fion the contra? torn at (tpringficld. Mn.-*.. so its t,i ills tribute thoin befoie the 1st of May, when the 9_ stetr Koe?s into operation, (?eorpi N. Tym-i orj Iowa, win hiss for icni. .-. - .- heeo the (loverninsot nirciit t< ?uperiiw the |B_Ulig of tin Btaitipm, aavc-lopei ~m* appointed, to-?!.,. .1- i - ?, nl ?ar 9gH ortleied to BpVtBfB? A 1 t ft 1 ? 1 BOM in. ? I ' -II ?" mi KA -.IiI'.Mf. l'.l s, l.u IKIJ-s MB, vil II. WtUUBUlUB, March 31.?The I'oritii' r ha?? mad* the foUuwinir reply to the HUMNBWOTMBl Vy the r.iihoad is iipaiiii* <if their purpose to con tinut for the prt* M the ruiiniiii; of iicitilal cits : it.-1 Om 1 Daaaann it, 1 WABIIIM.roM. 1). (.'., M.irc.ll .11, \C. IV iMAf Him KIEV. ?#?7 . President of the Philadelphia WktminyUiii. and Haltimore Railroad Company. UfcAB bin: 1 m knowledirr live nteeipl ol llic l( tt? t eotrmanicAited the Y.nb inst.. fsiiniftl If >oiin?c!T ami th? represenlativis of other railroad ?niiii , ?juotin/r ?lint t)> n- r?-(riv?ii inc untlcr ?lut? ,f the tltk January li-ut, relitixe tv the (,f ra?wny post-? fB? earn aff?-r the 1st of April projuun, I crvd i?nsp- niled for til?* present. Tho i.iitiouiiconienr made tn that commnnlcatinn nf the purpose of the cum yank? to com nui'- to niu such BB unt'l a Mill, i.-nt ?tine shall have elunsed to ascertain the IBM of tlic ?pulaJ Commute?' ?li.iruexl t>y t!i(t>i nal? ?if too L'nitcd Btalea with th? iintv nf ro:n.i(lcrniK and rc;?3r:iiii! ou tbe nature aad e.rU-.nt of the OfeUgMtMB BBkttltlBB >?. tu., i. the railroad trai?TBWitrl an ?ervice of the eountry is duly noted ; snd. in tlier\?nt th? cciii paDlos ?.Main a hcaiiniT I cforv the Coaimlttct. i tiapt'7 t?' If |NM '-i' *-i tlicy renuei-t. Wrv i?tj,?ccffully, your otx-dient scTiaitt, John a. J. c'keswbu., rial?ab i QiimibI iMt-ORTiuvr sri'iiKMi: COUBT DECISIONS, lUUirr (IV MATRI Id I.KVY TAXF> IS C< ?S>1 III i'I IMl RAII.ROAB?S? Kirilfi -CI.yiKKIM As AN AkTlCII MU IKAKfvPOKIAliON TAXA'no.N (? UUVUU' MKNT (?RANTS TO IlAIIFt?lAD. |1IT I "' 1HU THIBt KB ' "WA^niNGTOV, Mar?-h 31.?'ihe entire teBBsOB at tbi t - In?; of ojimions, &tx?ni 20 BMM Uni i!>p?JRCd of. Am? or the mon- IraaortunT and interesttag wtn the foliotiair: In ihe ei?se o? Alcottairi. The Siii?-.:tisors of Kund Du Iaac Countj. l\ i?consto, Kpjmaled from the 8u (ireine t-ourt of t/iat Htatc the importaut question whether ? Htat?- tus a n.-lit to levy tax??? for the purpose ?.' _idiiip ID the ixine-tru'.tii'U ' BfBBtt VBBlB : Buprnns Court that rsiui'ads are pnl'.Ic hifcliways, uo laattcr trhcti-cr they sre ballt sod opertited t>y the f-tat? i.r ?it jiriMilc c? r poiiUioias. Tin- bix?'t.i.* of railroad? Is, therefore, a mat? ter oi p .I'.ic ?wrae? ra, u> uni wBlel H i? just ?- ta-wfui to Itjvy laxe? tu fat ?' ? 9? B BrBfOa i ^! Oi any : tiMic work, ami (htj c<ill?-ctioii ot i m.t !?? rrs.-rtod by authority of Artit?> V. of Aui?-nd iiients t?i'!? - of lin- l'oU'i BlaSM lee lLat privat?* property shali not |.? e. jSlI'lIC (IV ? ;? ; 'n ?: i\ t. ., :- ? i - ' ? .-.i>. ,i. April, t9kf. A Mil?:. lo\, indicatiu?: IB in ?aj ny its ouiaaril anj" ?rai ??? wliu' !;- MBBBBBBWM?. wai ?si?;pi?? il from JUst* Yo.k i? - : - . St? ik-.ii I C?it 1(* ?irn\ai in ( .nifniiiia I MlUlatiM resemtliim mrott oil ?aa lBao4 to i?c ouziiAir '.. The pa<kr?et was lu*?u n. tl.?ullic? of its . ,iii. ami t? laborer, m th.- ]>rei?eBea of ft-r -iffMit? ? f the ?? ? w ]? ii,l?ii, and k laiBaalt witfeakaaaaar aa?1 ? K M till?) Oi.llipuU) w?v? .la-tKinsltle lor tl-t IftBBWN to II Tht? ?tOBUnie, of th?- t,'% extiioiini in?t?n'iy, i ail those who vu I psj inilil ittft a ? led oa ixmrd a ctrHiiK-r at A-;. im mc Hi. v. **<?) fcl;. DC l'i-1'iii.'hl ; lt> ru?.'jv?.r daluii?' ? fiom i ? ,i?.?,.iny, '.tit part of lliet Jatf? r. It v,ii *h? I a?< an artici?'of aaBHaWM I iilinost BBBBBWB1 that thcit- val ??si the ato to iriiln ite lie /LsnA'??r^Ui? chura? ? f. i .. ! ttntt Wie ai?.-iiU0f the cuiupsby treated it as v other iocnharidit-c. The plaint iff luid IliAl M -?.im ir.e duty of a coin moo carrier lo Vin.w the < / ? lotniA ?d to !iiu..i*jjtJt ?swas the ?.nt fBMMM of Is?- lii?i,:\i?d in ti YUk ?:t??i me Co'ixt lu -o'lti.ic thi> l>uo?.l)'k-< of cimitii'i'i <arn?i> wl:cr<- th.-r?, w?s nothiac; alxmt u int Iti" i w.talij lie iui|tr.n ? at. | ; it n <|i,ind of iiiem. T*ie 'in-lit 11 I rsf-itt to tal th? laa?BBBMM?B) tin I ??' '? ni where that coi'norjftoLluiMiut vS:iiiae<l a full ill.?- wfcr th.- t, ,1 'lion which m ? tattr. in w1,1?;. ti ; . ,1 wil a putty. Tac coarv-i of (?us ri'iiO re.'jtiii. - r- , i? t t,f BBTvajrtag |l,'l,i','., ?? ff.?- lands iU ??il'i?tlon to U: (>;.ld to the VattsBstafc ? -'?tt'i cen? jt.-.i'., ci i'>-t?o pan, Bs H't?reel, ?tfoif a fli.d! pi tent shall l?t- isnu? <i. nit.l fur'...' ' Unds not soM ny tbe railroud unm aotaiai?, m., is to i~ tip,a turt,?\. U'liuiKtfide a? i mum price of |1 V, an aire, ilm n,iioey lola, paM hy the I'nlted Stitc? l?i the railroad ? i p B, ? ? -,,,i?mi. Court holde tliat s Htate t aiiii'4 U? ?li( ! 1*(. l.u t?->. leal?.,n?: hr.t, if it i'ot.l 1 tux tticin aadsAii ih?v? f..i d? liijiiueui., tr.e r/,it?-<i Ktat. eri.111? lit r li.t.1 ., ,l,ja,l of l|je s|,.l\s il..) ???oaveikLc?? kefi t? . n. t?, tin in would I? intei fi r?il v, iii | mi.t ? , | , ,| ^ j lU?i. n ?ffjultl i. ti . I 11'. i.?rl.l '?1 ?.?i', j. t0 j,ufi I_Mt the ?i.'l? ;.t !.. ur.i-?- of I; i', .,, . V^SI'.I.N()7f).S NO I l v IB1 in . i/.i-ii to riii?. iiiiiii Bl I fiBm IBB VI Il?pi(j??iiUti?t book? of Nik Yo;A i? wi I. * I ? ..I h.? frlc.'.Uis bit veiv 1.11 x It l.a? not Ima 'l all!, i;,,, u%t- _b |,(.j fol- tint.- B?MlU| ann t,ie toiDi i.iid i'i m ? ar?- ?,o eaiaelaUwl i?a_t m ?? ?'?'?< y rtw ?.itloxs: - a? hud hoped to i N t.'ti for i. ; ? f, i , :U|.iovea shortly Ihe nip ?ol he ?.b-a,.<lou?<l ??? BIBBaktl i" ? ??< 99. n stilt in fl An idrsiif tow tuelis- lit aOtn.inet? r? ?1 ,n aoii.e ol ihe 1??(?i tut-e? Vvui'is u. \U Kiiiiiitin niat?>s mtt 9i I I taiiird frnin the fuel, viAdclii-.l fer by kiffk ofTVlal authority, ibal tbongb tlir mmii>< t <>f bankrnptev rusas in Hu?t? ?-?I'm and I>tln<M'K t'oiirlr. Im-? btOfl biiire, there lis? ii?\< r In?"ii ?i .-.mi in ?itiiir wlirrt' tin rt? ban Urn .? ?llwdciiil t?. ?minor?. loi ri mi ruaa i>t?r?r?-ti.] Tin? In mtai ? "t War? atnampaatad v>i Gen. PJketldan? iiittitil?. ii is K.ul, tu % nil tin- torta ?n?l inllitiiry poats ?if Uie Texas frontier and Mexican Uirder, andtoofltak ll?h in w |?t ?It .?ml fatal mid loca11- iitlicr? w I Hi re fere non !.. tin- nun, line???f railroad? rinw ilcvi'lopini*, In nnlcr to alT?>r?l tit?- inM prate? tl?>n i?i tin- froiiti.r. The I' it, willi Mi?. (?taut, Mi?- ?SVlli?' (iront, mu! <i?'ii oak, ?ill leave on Hi.? noon trata, to mor i -m. foi .i \ nil in N? m \..i k. win -t.- tabtj all? re?tala fot III?- ?;r?ut.'l fitrt of tin? Wfrk. THE 1 .AST WASHINGTON TRAGEDY. IbB MUlWWia 0? haiin I'isi (iM-.i:ri> m hon?. ? UM I MS! -.NTlAl. l\ll>r\'(T AQAIXPt HIM III VMi\i:ssKt? a iiis(,!\i. nu DAT U iommiiiih nu a?t. |HT IT.I.l.?',K.\rH TO mi TKIttlM ] Wamiim.tov, Murcli ?IL? Tlio ?-li.iiii of ??ir ? un.?taiiil;il ? i ?!. hit arplaol Hu? nemo Usury Yoiiiiic. iii.i? ciinri?y wiiiiiiiiiH, who b amaattl af tin* natdor ?>i Krank Il.ilni. ? A'lijjiiiia diov.r. In Ariiiorj-5<niar<-, in I'mliiv nU' to itroap. aato lent? at ?lottlit ? f his (Skit. Alsoi'.t half ptal 1 o'clock nit N.ilurday uiorniuK paaas w. i? lieu i .i by praaana paatlag alana tit?? Mtri-Pt m iront nf flu? o<iu:ire. ami llulin wan dis? .??. ? r.-.l brutally I.? it? n wiili I bilh. II- .lie.I while Ih-Iiic car i nil to tin- tlation lnni.?: . M uni? I s of IUih kin.l hau- b? tOOtt mi r,minion In toll ? ity ?Im log tlio patl few Itinntlat tkal ?i?n its* aaa. < omorittt d, it it mppmne, la tin early. ??vo.iitiir, Mithin about a block <>f IV-nnnylvaiitn-nv??. ?ml only a ft"w yards from the r.allitiioi?' uinl Toln-.iia.' Kail ttttti (lt-iH.t. hooaaoOod mor?- tiiaii aaaal excitement. At Un? in.,?!, t-t, to .lay. two van t.htificti toamlag Halm in coinptiiiy witb a MBI MOI toa spot when? Un iiiiii'<l?-i wat? i-ouiiiiitli't!, at tbOBl ? u'cln. k on l'inlay _li! As tii? y p ?sued, can of tin? ?itui-ssoH licunl II it I? il ????ty : "Toil say ?c lime !.. t-o iloivn this Win tlirotiirli tat i"i !" Wim ;tiis. tile aappoaed atninan r. wat fcaaaaM int.. tin' mom ..mi Job i:. Konaagk, th?- proprietor of a I sainan mtnonaotjnondaf boa,, Mnpi ti?.! Ilia! un 1'r.da.i ui:;!it. ab.u' l.'i,,' Ifl k, tlnic w.i? a kmx'k ni Id.? Atar. II?? ?nkid wlm wa? tbi'i?, und ir? Ititii; Um reply " i ?ant t dilnk," spaaed tin? 9am, ami a ? ot.?r??.| man ?ame in anil call. .1 tor a ?trink. II ? trot tWO dtmka, i?ut kttota ka took tin aaa mi dunk in- took otn a ta?, k. ami Milu- ? i t!, it it was fot - ; aatlaaaarj amaa <>i? Ska ekook. Koaanpk Idantt? in.! tlic prisoner, win?, n (> T<> t lu? t im?-, liad ?at wit Ii a wild, Nftaaaa laakaaatna Man? tnanpk baappaar? i t.. i,..?. . haajn 'i in?. oui. na pammm nkad k-naatdi ?Wns i in yom piaaa ' Keaasn? Y???. pan .." Um man. Pi-Montr -Wl at : K- -..i..t.*i??- \i .nt Urn? ii i'?.,-. .tKh. .,? r -(??-Titlciiicn. I waslioun-; I in-v??i lift Alex? andria diiiiuiT tbe Mhnle ?. ? k l>.?i? I iv. .Mi-li- i ltt, w In. arr. -ti-tl Un- j?i .-oin t, t? ?t: ltd i.v .linv-tion of Major Rt? li.u.l-i nc wr-nt io Hsi tiiuur?', saw i!r. FralikeiirUiii, ami an .rtaincl Unit Halm i-int.-tifi on tht? 10-?'tram, liarliii: rliipp*-?! in Hi? Ualtiin.'if and Oblo Houd l?>i rim).; ha pata Halm a ?lieck for |S11 12 on tbe Waaattn Hank as Unit tin? ?i ?- ; tbat ?.i.iiM'il ?va* lu lliiinir. und li.ul ln-.l a ?:,.-lit ,litll rnlty Ui?-n-: wiin<??'ri *ir>t katrwledtte was Information r? nt to iii? hnaaa ??: c, st ? a*? laah ?atntnday Bsorataf at? ?.rf. i.iay aft?-ruooii lit- ri-ocli.-.l iiifoiin.ition a nan in Asazaadita, wbo ha? a bat? aaaaa? teaoaaMad Mm on?? vilio |u? -??-lit?-?! til?- r-lin-k; ("hi. f < lari-ot-, Mr. Miller, and w.Iih'Rs wf-ut to AU??.aiidn.i ; aiiivcd I't-k. On point? t?i' waett tin prison i Utnd, tb?- aoUoe fvnnd * i?an at i?, v? mi what appaated u? i* anata al blood ..-.i tin- l.-ft ??in?. a pan* oC ?id boots napa alaa tonna! awnf tka eMmaepi tin limn?; of on?- battag beta tara ana Um asnnpaa? maiiinii; on tin- l.i.ot. on bi in?- t? ?ttii.ur-.l with tb?' ?trat? vviiu-h vus ait.-i'!'? ?I t?, tint lull v, ?.-?irr. - ?.?m.l.-.l \uiti it cviiotii. Tiny uno fouiui ou t ii?.- pcttanat two tal aaa and sonic Bnana?tnas?nvn*s. On a ?tm-t thrr.- wrr<- Mom? ?imiIs, win? h nata Uinu-iit to t?.- iiiood.i.m wbtahtka prttoaer .-?uiii nan btaajkanrrp Kiaiii?. Tba lull.- bad baaa st'wcd with aasaaaa Matt tbr?, and ?-uiu'. aattnadi as als?, s Ti(-??dle with m it, was fonn I Tlie j'ri'-",l?'r witim???oil the hinij-iiii.' of Manly in Alex aadtia m tna tmp day unit pa aanuattaad in?- Maaaan? i HE GOODRIVU MYSTERY. a i i-i.N? iiM.v. aajBj ??ir.ii on si ?in io\ or ?KIM III!. Ml KI'l.l.'Ul --.MISTAKEN IIHNTIIY. IiiHjicitoi DilkK was visit??! bj un? known BOB, v?-?ti-rday aft? ruoou.who told l.un iba' tb. > re? di ?1 llija hour?; on the Bowery wli n- tb? i" wa? ,?l-i. .iiiia; anpaatarn, a?a Um? nipi etad, nur; t )?< the inurU'Tci of ?'liarlo? (;o(x3rU h. They ?il?o ObM that the mini had oa aoaapnaVani tfeol tu paoaaaal oppoof* anea be tnrj mu.-ii toaoadnad th?> antarlpMoa (.? tni Of lh<- ui>it?TiouH Ko?roc by the Jirook J.Mi poll.?'; and that 1??: had oiun bon al mut (mm his room all MaPht. iBOpOOlm J'llkh iiifoiiiii.i Cbvpa. irvuijf or tii?! Datnetarm PJajand ?if tb? imiK.rtaut mforiiiiitloii and r. anOOat d him tu iuvisIIk/iIo toa am ka D aattro 'W'aiiiiir,' ???< Oatnoted by Cnpt. Irttao to pantthtnaottlooaotifcanod i,iv,.?u the infor inutioii tad to amort toa apsn?taaTd if toem von pool ? ??us? M BBknjOai ?-hiit be- van the wan dOOaritnd by Luc? t tu J. M)?ih. 'lln- dttci-tivi-tvrnt to t!i?; ImilH'. find vaO Hif-re Sat] ? (luLi-'d io tb? atjnnootod atnn?.nnt ?nnmoaajand toat Ua BOOM vsaa ' hari.N D? I/? 0. TAtt man wan OtMoOtl] t'n oonpriMal pamato at a f<iiu!b?;:i nu??, bntvkotlMi a .??[?uiiiai.l or 00( tb?- detoaSjM ?ould not - (Ictt-riniiu-, Tbo laaaatm t? toa boaaa allioallad toetrtarltm tolonal -I.-.I.1? all U'ilil tot d? te.'lut Bl Jus! bt iirvcl that In- bad Boooos in Ua panot. Insm naaana trnp annnp '"?' :,(,i*.\.i, apatart this toOOm i>?'!zeu wa?a Malllsd ! inun with i??-?.T.ii .iiiiiinn. atamttltaWaOtaarnamn i I! -.ii-?-, iii-ii-rtiieb-M, to ocmrt i>. .Min ,hiiii toak Ua pan , I', .1. - B? a?l,).i.irtcr?. Tin I'll-oncr tliore ?i&s sooii si!noiilid?-(l t\\\it tOtOOt? l\(r. ?'.it l.l.irr y UCtlUIU'il Of ?'?U>t. IrVIUJf, Uli?l llilll 111? lUK'.Vct.? M?ari h.-d for <-.i nleuo?.- of his KUilt. No n-jr pUlon? 1?-tiers ?ti- foninl, how?-ver, and ant) ? m un , aOmd Otajrj qii?.?tlou nut to luiu lu u iuov>t ?tin?htior v o?d luuiiti? i. in teliitioD to It.? nationality, no said tona no nao born ?nf LTfeanak paaoada lu the lsiinid or Hn;ti, iiikI mat kv- vainfcd lus ?nowl? ?!>.'(? ol Bpaakb ibro-j^-h living mtntal years In Cuba. Ca^t. In lap ft-1? irr.i plied fo ?. hi?! <oiboi>1h-1I in Hrtioklyn af the arrest of Btd i ' I ? i?' I word in ri-jdy to ?ej.l .mi tin prkamm otonoon? that city, ?onnnn ?wus poajnnntajlp imnd. ufl. il,?i'lat.jd la a carr!?Kr, and war. taken to lir.xikl.Mi In akarpja of l><?te?tivea WttlluiK ttud ?lold?;i. <?u arriving at the Broiikiyn Mttf IJcadyuarterH tb? juiKoiier wu? ltnmediaudy taken l>efore Chief ?.aiu'ibeil, who at ?map anatataMd U~t the ?nmg man Bw*4?mm aii.rUiI. C?nlOj Camilla U tlnii read the .1? rfj"i,ili?in pltm "f ???oaooi bp Lnrnttn Hima, which wut tint found i ? api ?-. at all with the fsutim-n o! Ii.lzcn. lb? jirifeouer ?us then taken lufure Linetta Myers, ?ho witirnied that the insn was a straii-.-cr |a ln-r. an?! tlu.t he did not, n-seuilile Ilosioo lu the leant ; ltosoo? nmOtosMt man; laid llKhter liajr, au.l bad ?eriain mark? opttl hi? hunda which could not be touud on tin- J L.iinb? of iK'h.eii. Nothl?i; tliertifcri? roOMaUM d to tb.? j tnmppo?ntod ?tan York latoatftaj but io rticxs.? tin ii ' OrtOOBI i ?it one?:. Ixilzen was very ?rood-iiatiiittd iiii'.'.ii-irtjji um j-eriod of nu amain* and itC4-t?iiie<i with ibaukr. an invitation of DOOM tiv?-s Wsllinfcr and (?olden to take a M-at in their CoirriaK?. nnd ride back tu New York.. Ob r, ut Ii'itji hi? home in It,. BOVOSJ . Delten left i >u-. ai unite and bid the (kkctiv?;? an aff? utioiiali? fart I ? m l<i?t ! \ti"it. . Ii.-iiion u;,o infoiineil. iceterdny mm a lag, thai ?."Hi-? i tot ina nnntm Mvrr? annU pp.iiai.ii aiipiy tu un: Papsnma m Oknatp Oaam JmiK??? for a ?ni ?if liuliea? ooij'Uh that Un- woman should bo ?ii?. b .ai-i ?i. Tin km pom osntnomd toa ontatao that toon nm m hnpal ontamritptoi toodotoatlonnftko I on,ai., ami that MM bas a k?xk1 . m-.. uf in.tlnu i.k'aiiirt l,,,)iti?r Tin; tppllMtlOB wiii not mude, how i??i. tot Jiiaiii'I Aitoiney staliiiit Io-, a IP Hill I. tkattka .wiuitui'?? snnoool bad axnmmodtlMli ?llllapaaaa to altan km m to dototaod onMafan b? i.ahi.--' toaopranos-wjar?? fholnamtmtrill .o. ? i.. t j ? a. m. taanp. ?ji., i ? era dtellaotokataaap aoatoi mtom m mlon o< a to tot ? ??- ?. ami ( iwiiailmUiaiii Join ?ia h exjir.-????!.). imrday bit r. mol tort toam !??* v? i ?. ? . loamatatoadakprtkoi "oaaortod with too do i it. i in.? bi Mn. m >< r? ?a? rnmod k/ km totom Motor? atlri I ,,ol,, Mo I?..-di? Alt?.III! H batial Ir-ai??! .1 1?** i ii,H ,-iulli? runiif Hie t-lu-i ,fl 10 Kia.ii I ne .lit? i m ? ' AU tba ?iiiiii"? of Bomaart pmptrtj ftnadlatk? koam o! Iks ?.i<..?<vi cio lb? uiioiii.iiK ??Util Ue bodjf was found wen- turned over to the II,n. W. W. (,o<?lr,i'ii n" tcnhiy. Coronet Whin-bill ?late? It i? 11,0 t Impor? tant for ihe cinb? of platico that tin iiiitut ol Mat .?? should be runde, but dta-lliic? tn saj whelhci In 1 on-ul 11 h him Ihe principal 111 the traucily. A Tnini'M. repoiur ?ailed at the r? ?Idcnrc of ?ire. HiitiiH u this morning In search of further ii.titu ,i,.:i - ..' Itntt'iH'. Mt?. Ilnliliell ?aid, in relation to the BBBBMBBM ??f Horeoe, thai lier daughter had retire seiltet! I11111 to In r a " dandy." of the medium in,'lit, and, what wii" very IBBBtfkaMl In ? ?"'paillai?!, ?a It I? litrlit huir. Khe did not thiuk LB?! hail an> n ?Oird fin-1 Itln r Uoscae or (iotnlricli. The reporter, having heard Iroin Mr?. Iliibticl) that Koeioo wa? 11 drinklnK ruau, went to tin- tiill, n nt think lag talaaa* |a the iBlllll of No. II KBBfcM %+? and In one m-xt door heitrd that RMBN Md ?"'?'" ?'"'" "lu'?' M (?.i??', and thai ho had a lila?? inust.i? li( and ?ratal lach hat. Many Cuban? and Hpunlards were visited tatta? the day. and were asked U they had ever known Mich a iiiiui. The gMMBl ?'pinion umoiig these MB BBI that Ihiscoe wan not a hpatiUh nauie at ah. although ? iroseit w .is. ______________ III/. 8UFEKV180KH* VLltliK. ? IVII'IMK '111 AI V?MN(i AMI BMMMH IM MBjflUM? Tin- itivostiiration into (lie eornlurt of JtMph B, Yntiti,-, c-irk B) the l?o.inl et IflB, rv Isor". for dereltc llonof duly Bad official titiM-omlm t, ilunnir 'he years lf-i-.i?, IrW, and 1871. BBI ciintlnui'd vcsferdal by tin-Coin 11 ?ttco on Civil Court* of di?' Hoard of Supervisors. TUcre were pieitenT of the Ci>iiiinitl?-<\ Fuperv boi? I. Ulaaa, I'l'tipi-r, ami Moiihi'liinT. A Mr. l'awkin? nppeiretl ?n behalf of I bo N>w Yolk ?oiltlell of Political it-form, mill |.',jiiesteil t,i be allowed t<> aKSiit in the In r?siliation. Permisti?n 1 'oc i in; paatad, he proceeded to -tat? -that "V< r f ?km?m) ' had in en Iiikcn from the county treasury, for win? h i liiere hat Im n ne? valut r?-o?ivcd, and that lie pMM **\ > to paare Mr faaai w.i- impbmMb, tdtlw unmu-h r 1 riiniii tlitv nr BTOflfl I fl", - ? BMI mi'l in i:l'1 t. Mr. Hawkins ilien olT.'iCil In c\i. lerne tlic follow loir t "| I "f Ihe uiliiiitt s,,r tU" Jlo.iltl of Audit of Ulf! OOBTBOI 1 IBM (out i, May K. IH10. 'I ti" MldMttfBM nie? I .i- ,1 ( ?itiiiii, -?1011 nt ?I'T snil t'v Mitin? of n 4 of Chapter Ml ol the. Laws ol (in inotion ef tie Mayor,Utfl rauolvad that tb? Coauty A ml il?,1 1 ni, , 1 frini Mo iippto|iiii?t.' nun "if" - ol ihe Ho.irti oi Raper-lsor* all Wilt and ItalilllUas attain*! tbe ? ?uiiilv .nciiriiilt.I 10 April B l-.o, ?ml ainoiiiils now due tin icon, iiui thiil Un evnl'i.f IB? BMMBUtBfl aotborlaatlaa f <r ike same nv im ?jai Board ar it? aa> (?Ttl?prtatfl com mit 11-.??. 01 it r'i to .it?'ol flic ?1er!? 01 Prest ili'lit, inni (In Te upon the stml fount?, Auditor aiiii'i the von? in 1 ta ti' appropriate blanks lor our initi?t m > .nul aettoo, as dtrmtad by Ik? seetloa aferoaalB, and )? ? vim ?if. A, ? > vKl > IIai.i Mm or. wiiiuu M.Twekb.Presen! Prea, Ud ol Baaart KlCBAM? ll. < ?'NM'i 1 1, (ont roller. The t:e\t BBBBI? oll'en4 in evidence wn? a printed list 01 1 i.ilui? until r the resolution jiisi rt .oi, MMBBtlBB to I*.in..Ml .il, and of this atnoiuit it was ?tati-d only 170,000 could lii limn.! upon tie- reMfdB of tbfl I?, nrd of Hll|H rvi-ofl. Vet the Vanaata aSaa Who h the money w.i- tilit 1 'iCil "mJh Hie,it? of .losfjili H. Y111IU1;, Clerk of the linsnl t,' Mim rvibiu v Henry F. T.i'.tttor I.Htiilc'l thai in.' had ni. ole I MP) nf tlic iiiiiie? of piTsonh re?flvlni; wuxrante, with tho .untutit? ami tbe nature of th?- BflBVtoM 1'' A sernts of warrant? o! 11.unit. i"--id li.v ?10 -, Board of Audit, but never passed by tint lloaril of fctiper vi-ul-, e.o ll tilte BBartai lb?- -li-natm 1 of Jo-teph B Voua*? were next offer?'?! In evltleuc?; of Youdk'a hio?. neirlect, if ii"t criiiiinality ; -wiitiaiit? siuountitiK to $C.?W2,5.M n kafl&g ??Mi MBnMd ?rj him for UatBH never passed by the Hoard of t\tfnr~9t$\% Tm nt the Ke.vHcr vont lier? wire ni-., pimiiie. 1, winch arc all tiint rcuiiilu, the rt-t li.iMii?.'i'? ? a stulou. A I ?! i lie??' had Ihh 11 raise?! jjj |?t ?int. Mi. Hit. kin- m .*t reijneeteil p<-riiitii?iiiti to reuf! u ccitjs iniil.ioatioii from I'otitrolit 1 ', Ml Id Ml] or Hmv? n.t } cr, whii h ihr Mi.v.'i had pist n c lvttl, and which would he Ifiven to the Honni ??f IflBBMMBMI M H?ir next mt rt int.'. 1\, this procei iliii^', Kufus Andrews, counsel for Youn(r, BBMBB?T ?'i')" '? ?'? M?Bfl Unit il Ilie. M iv M or Controller hud anythiuir to say, thov miirht coii.c ?tnd sUt?-it mi Oath. Mi. Haw kliis .-eplit I that the prot?t ilinir? wt re not tu i?' coniliiiioil lu ?uiurt, an?! that lit- iliiiuiilit inij riuiiir v. hieb wonlil throw llsrht on the Investigation was l^ialwftla Tais aas al?*? the of the Ciiuiniif N'c of Hii|xirv i?or?, Uul Ml. iluw> kin? wmtold to proceed. II'- lii.-ii i" d i? li tor trow, ('oiitrolli-r ??riKii lo the Mayor, which et ??el that MflMB raets liu.i kaaa brouaht to U? notice of the ?"ontroller in relation to the conduct of JoAepli B. TaBBf whiih the ini'er thoiiirhf ?.lioiild I? made known to tl"-, Majtnatd the Hoard of Hui* rftttti. Tin- latter im -lu-...) ., < BflMBOT B> tion fiuiii ii'ins r. 'r.iiiitor to Oontrollar Omis rastala iiiK the tlmires ami tlali? in the alleir? '! frau.le or Vounif, pn-cmely a? they n-err. Riven excliiMlvely In To' Tim?- m. of Mar? It IT. 'J'he connection between KlkMI A. \Voo?i wtini nuil TaaacwM ?loaiiy iBavBithraaBk adin-e epondeut.-e of ?Lift ? and amounts in t|,< ir 1, iiic m coa ?le. At the conclusion nf Cie readnik-ol Mr. 'famt?ir'r 1MB r to the rentoiler, Um ttlTMlIflfl? v,.?s BitjlBrBBd BBtfl latardi] next ai n a ?a. txwEias KSW8. TH1 LOCPOBUG oV main. i.l.W W S IT I ATI? ? lit? AH'MU.s At WmmmmmJmt ? A i?iw.\ nijamiYxn bv-thk ??auum-s. MAt'Kiii, Moiitpiy, Marthai, 1?-J. DiMpaN'lie? fioni I.a it?/I o ti a Mf ?M situation In that city w grave. Inleiilirencs ha* roaclietl ti?"ii that the town of Hi rca, which wse eaphirr?d by the (sr ii?t? on Friday, MM dcxtroycd by tire by Ihe timur K.ntH, who, IiefoicipplyioK 1 be torch, satur?t."I BBBMBM of bnlldlniTH with petroleum. 'Clionow?of the burom?: of the town ?reates gNBl OBMMMBI In liiirceloua. At the lime the la?t MafBMMa^NM foi wurdi-il ftoiu rhn ? ity the itoptiliice ivoco aaefinliliai; 111 tin streets lo Ur?. 1 row ?le, und MMMMB were feared Tim autuoiltliv wer? nmkln?.' ?)V?rv effort, to allay the excitement und pu-vent tll?turiiaiice of tbei p? ace. llepriial-i wieri; threatened amiliist Hie cleriryinsl a number of known ('.irilnt. ?vinpathirers, lierri? ??mtalned n hospital atni I convent?, und hail aver 0,000 popiildttoii. (ii'ii. Cunt?? ras, Cnpt.iui QBBMBi ?( IH.itrclnri 1, MB IB? ? ,1,-in tl, sntl (?? n \ il.ii,l?' 1? n.iii Iici st hi'? MMMMB I Ills expected finit <. iililnina will ?r.?n he tic? Ian I In a iftttenf hleis'e Acts of IhwH'Sh viol? nc?' or? ?i! dally occurrence In Bar MMBBi The buiuiDir of ? hnnilie* aud tie mitssucre of pr-icfts are thrcsteuetT. Ti?e authorit!. ? aro dolpu all In tlK'.r p??wer to prevent ?nidi ontrutTes. Tt-n ttioii-u?nl (tiui'-il ? Itir? n? maintain order In lli? ?^Ity of Muluics, hut refus?' !?? admit th? refrulurtrootm ot tj' <;<ivi rnrn?xit carttuus oIlic-Hr? ; nor wlli .they allow vrs-elii couvejiiif; sohlioru toother points !? ifuiaiiiiii thrpojt. The> pnivldefor their eipenses by tuxlu?/ the weslthi' r'slden'.?. In tb?' BtiiieiB? of th? CuAtirroM oflli iiil?, smocirliuiT Is narr lud on to a hir?;c extont. The cltl?teiii are divided lolo iwo parti.**,, tho Mo?toratoj?ntl tbei::tis>'ederall?U. The Moderates now ha?, the up? per hand, but the Ultras are s-alnlna stomirth. l'Aiiis. Monds). March 31, ism. The Govisnmeiif is sendlni,' ttron*: i?d:nforneau lits lo tin troops tio'-A ?tatlonad on the fpiinthfjoMiij-. UlWudmimb m nom:. Hour, Monday M?uchll,|fCX 8dTml Catholic youths, odo u uativo of Kiittluiid, while .?vluii the Church of Josu jreeterdsi. ware, attacked by some mon who were lyiinj lnssaltfor them and severely beaten. Tin Keiwli-rnns rnte/forc?! aud !he as-aiiauti (hid. Two or Ihre? of the hujt MM wounded, ? iioniiiioi.okhs' CLiUMfl o\ IAMT0 D?> MIM1D. I^'NI'ON, Monday, March H, 1I7J, J'lir of funiis'ii l.HiiiiUiolilc.iis liav? opened romniunlitalioos with the new Hamuiia lim Coin pau.v wiih ,1 \n'? to brl-.ii-liiK about an ri]'iltablo ar r.iii(,-i tui'iit of tin ir rlaliil? ou Uii' ltepulilic of danto Da? inini'ii. A memorial propounding tim wbalu cue., im?, bien font, m did to tin (luvernin? nt of H.tnto PMriBBB. niKKUiN NOTKls. Kilty ( itsi??-;iMt?si Jolt, (.'arric.k-oii-Suir, IkJuikJ, lesordiij, for the UulU-d Htatei. ? ?tl.? 1 ? w m soon ful low. l'ioni(l( nt TIiii-ih lia? ii?ti\?il an invitation from ill? l.,n|K-|or of AUtttiii? to altiua ll,' Vienna I-? llll'ltlolt. Hint-' i.uuulilo, tlic now mom,nil of tin Sands wo h I-I.iihIh. has made the tmr of hit kins;<li>in in the t'liil'tl Hf.itcs ete.oiiililp Re?ida, ?m the Invitation of A'lunrsl I'cniiotk The Klus ?HI coin?' lo hmi Kiainiec?! wiih uik. rJikvhcid, iviAiaic ulvtuvi thv 1 inicil tun* XIIK (IAS MONOPOUKS. nOW Tu F. Y DKFY I.r.(;rsi.ATI()N. III!. WAV IHK ?IAH COMl'AMI.? MU. (il'.NOXKi onm .in 1-bw.^bb, ??niiiiii'iio.N iiipdi oppi iKiN.s Qp un: oa", i.<iiiiiy at tiii-? bk?ihio? KATI: Ol IHK l'KKHY ANH IHiNOHIil'. 1HI.IJ?- I ?'(IMCANIK.?,' KSOllMOI M l'I (?flirt -WHAT I riori.K. HiKMM> lxi. [rin.M a Kt <u-i ah i?mpmapotmpn on tan nu m-. Ai iiiny, .Mari li '.?J.- Consume! h of ?.?a? in Ni York and lironklyn have trieil hard for many vet ppol to procure. aoino kind of lefrishitioii at A Ilia that would protect them from the extortion a ?lownrifflit rtwindliiitr that ull f?'cl is pracfie<-<l up llnill l>y ill*' 1,'IIS IllOllOlllil'rl of till.?-.? .III.'?. I'.llt hill the session ?if lKb'J no measure for their relief h anoooodai in pums?hk either btnatok of the i/?'tfii? ! ture, and snch measure? have Kcnerall.y been nfr:i l'I. il m the et.uiditiK commit t?'es ol tin- two lions, lu IHi.'j a htretiuoiiB etlort was made .ind Buttaiued the iicwspaptrs to i:t 1 through a lull ( the protection ?if th?' lunK-nutTeniii' v tiitiH of I ho iv'iiH TDonopolistB, ?mil Kll a MU actually pnajmi th?-?\iwcmhly l?y a laHfS ? jtirity, hut w.trt killed in Ina BtamtnAuflng tbt In ?lavHof the schhihii. How it. was kill??1 Mould fi nitih an in ventil?t inn committee with | ?cihjcct tu(|iiirv ?iiiitc ?ii? ml?'?'?'''!?,'ami far taOPS iui|??irt.'i to the ma?? of the jK-oiple than the .(nestiou In. Twocil |iue??-.! th. t'hait? r of 1K70. It was stat? (I ihe pampnanam to ana time, ami aaa)?oontoadknt that $80,1 M) Was nonoaUasj in an Albany hank, 1 tii?- t'as eaaapnanaaad aTom*Torfc and Hrookhn, defeat th<- hill : and it Oma ?i?i well known In rr Mich matter? art? capahle of In mir known, thai, fv Senators recii.-il $m%JmK OPol f"i doinj? the wm At all event?? (lie woik wan ?lolie, ami ifaata ife tinn-, nltlH.iii'h fi'M hills have bom introduced ??Very mvitVu.ii, the companies liav.- not isrinilt. tlietii t?> make any perceptible profcTi-M toward i nal pa.-iri.ifrc. lins ?ear two bill? lian l????n uiti.,??.|. ? ?I ?m. f ht? Banana by ?Mr. r.-ny, and ami in Ihn isamnaty I Mr. Dosmhno? Ins Ferry h'H ha? not boaa heard Ofnoa i? went BO the I '??miiiittee ; the. Iiotmhiie hi uae reported favorably, ?Iim WtWti in C?.minute?? the Whole, uni?nil I?? n third icinlift*, ??ml wli?-n ? un? ni* loi final parosaR?, r> ?.'iiiimilt? ?1 U) the Stan, ing (.'??nirtiitte?- on the ?rronn?. tliat tl dpnm pr?>\kdiiii?' f?ir the appou.t.iirnt cf ?-is iue[iei tor waa unconstitutional an needed umciiilmnnt. There was Tint h ir uiiconnlitutioti.-il ?ilioiit it, und the liest evideiii that tii its wan .1 mere pr? t?-\f t?. i*et it icf erred l>a? iOtaM) COOP that, ul;ln,(ich it w,?e t-.i referred ne.ti 1 two weeks ?i+ro. imlxrtly hau ever heard Of the hi ? . Tins lull ?if Mr. Donohue'H merely r?-i|iiiii the pas ? <'it.,':?iiic~" to fuininh (M of 18 candies i hu? inatini' power 9? ? nine not aiintalipp ?ft j? 1,(K?) f?-?t, ami provided the piibh? with the inejii ?.I aimstoialai whet in r in? intN ipani? - t'n.ti'iid tba itintra? f ?rr not. At pi??iut K?t- ?'.?-' in. rn h.ive no protictm nbatotnt ni/auist the mont ?r???* and haul... Hwindhnp?an tb? part of the ooTiipaniei?. Iln.i ??.*. furni.sri, a* they du. cas of not mon? th^ti I'l camll. power, while thry (ret. pay for H ?""-, and tin t rin ? ha r?ie for 'J.W fe? I when only 1,000 foot we: ??,:. inn? ?i, ami the puhlic have no redress io ;n i .k,',? i m r-Iiupc uuder the ltw? 1 l.t-y iurf.i-?h th? own tattatn, uiake their -own resist? v t? the?..- im. tel un?! pit???mt and mile? tjust such billa as they plOM with tio power on the p.. it. of tin coiihuiii? r to qiu? ??.on the accuracy or honccty of anythuii* liny ?I That thfuntiten? the? line art1 no! correct iotticato of the yiiui pai?Miift tlirough them every (?instiiner . m?- knows, or if they are correct, he known tl romiiutiii ? do rot follow them or rely on Nst m i air. way. Anv 9J9B ?ryii-nni? r pan te,.?t this ?incetj? for hiin.-s-ir, ?is hundreds have done, hv retiaimn from the um- of ir?.-i for one motifh, and th? n lookin at the bill that, (he com-raiii?.? iuci -oa to lu in f. poyiiiciif. In lWH? th? Iinntatainm appointeil n Hpe? ial f'oir mittee to inipiir?- into the inanel.i? tote of ?M i New-Voik,, aud lkiilaln. and lu;n ion plaint* from vas consiunen*. AreotiK tin willies.??. ('ailed by tin? <' while rsU'.iikr ni N? w Vori wasjthe Htsi.<li:i*. I'. I?aly.('b?et ?ludiri of theCoui of ('?iiiiuioii PaUnp. Ha tiltil:? ii that ha io? tod up h. bouse for a month in tii" Stuamer while h< and hi family woni into the couiiti v thath,' shut rin? trtu?<> from the utiect before he Uift. hi that none could er ter the h(,ii?e. On limn turn a yr.ts hill w.i? am ItBPto lor payment ?aWPnaPPPI if he hint It. ? ti ,tt hoio? Ma leifiniiHti ite?l to tlio Company, -?utiii,- ihe f a? t of the oaor, l'ut it was of n? use, and lie tuially iro< cneded in i'ojiipromlr?np the aft'uir hy pay in l.klf the bill. Tlio Mpdm cun rcatlily imsitin what chunre an ordinary cotiwn has t?? urarap? froi Mi.Ji a tiihlriiy when i? tono like Jud?,*? Duly wa only ahle to m t a deduction o? Myorpost, Poonl i omplaiii <jf tin' rtt?irti<ui <?f railroad OPptnantm ?im clamor lor a radnirtioti of litre on cityroara, hr.t tin;; aro coinpi lied to Biihmjt to whole.-?.?.- eUoitim f i ?in the iMs ?tsaanmak h, acii the law uJIowh timui m protection wh.iteU'i. It even coinj? In them to tl. ].i>-ii! ih. ir i/Mit.< y ivitlk i/.i?? in advance t? Uto ox tent o? iloiihlo tlu amount of their ukdehted liefs at any ?aie time, thiiri ?ii??e.urinBr the ?timpiiiiie airtkinst any BOpattaMtf of l'?rih and enaliliiu' th.-n ft for? c theircaxNitiiers !??Hiipplv them with aantHnl t? carry on hntt'ii? se. liiere are no m.jnopulieH in th* country to hi -coin pared with the kp.s c?itniMifiin< u the ati-uirdity and lnjuflljce of the law.?,ipgttlpfJai their ?ntainom iin-i th?? itaJMB ti til?' jn-.>, h fp r< I? i em-o to them. And yet BO poiveilnl i.inl uiiscriipii I Ion** have thf coinpuniOB hc?-oiiie t.iat they Io nof hosiUit?? to WTiXiloy uny kajOMM, ht?w?-\?-i eturupt, lhaf in.iy Ihi found BbnpapJPJl to pr.vent any laajiolo tinn fot tlie prii'??<rli?'ii of tlit? puhlic. It it notorious Uiut tbo k.*a? <itpnannnnpanf v?.? Vork and Ilnsiklyti poj i rom ? to 9* P? I '?out ?hi i ?li-udh ?m tlclilUiu- capital, furnish the pttorcst i.-.i t?' he win iuun.v (ity of tin- woihl, ?ind cluir?-c tlui hl|fhoi<t pricofor it. I'r. Wren apimitred li?*.?<ii?) th? Coniniittoo on l'nulea and I?f.uiuf:ieture.?i when Mr. lVirohiie's hill uiuhi coiiHideratiou. and pi< i??ant!'(l flu'Comiui'tee with /rvutfl and llffurcfi ?h>\v Hilf lim ?.'oit of iiiauiifactiiim.' ttde* in Ulis rountr.v and llngland, and fhe e.iionrroiiii |ir.iiif?s that accrue to the gas coin pan i e?? of New-?oik und iiinoklyn 'I"he hi'lowiiip extckvet frtun Isi?? SfPOOk illnsl niN?. tin . ?toitB'ii that is pi?!? inaiJ upon the ccmsujnurri of cheap pat? in thooo < i?oi?j?, : rSowalWe U.ivt l.iiissl In ?-?rii|iu.'i'?wD ?luil iinioiini o' t.m Hi? amataS ?unir ?f tool will nu?-. toto of K .*? mu! aunt Anujui a, we will romaieno- U> iiture a Ilftio. Ooal trassold UtiHuimnsr in 1?>?a V?rt by ijie odmn ?? '??* a? tl -?'? por toil. Hfl.v dial Hbypnl ??-?ii, in.e?pny >?ti ti? ?vrxraii*? |6 jacr tot, ?vt.letj Um t Uo nst Kit daOaia |u<> durrMiul ha? >.,OXi Cuo'ti ?knt-l or ?"i ?? tl.'ti o it yon .i-sy : Ten totu of . <?iU, ???? : M> fsi-hWe Of lime. Ab. Aller Hit iluie kpa beon used It flip Soil 9* OPS half Pntt It i.o?i. >oa,?wstrelisve siieidy i?> Ute i-imipaiirton of i,ir m ol??. lit?! . veri eoTiioAay inniilrc is - ot *'. i retorts, ?HI *v-U four SpnMl-OpPOl coke fot ?vtn-y itr? ums ut io?! |Bpf ?uH. tu.ti jnt? ?ifftii etisi.ii-iiti? t?e ten tna?. Coal.|',t BJ JalUiC. - '?' Mol.I ?ii?l?t .thai.l/oni of OPtoatoM htrtpci clu.l.lliii.Wit CO ?fell l-iinUeU? of ilitie m?l?l. IS?. TnUl.S??l p Hi. I?? -Ml AO I.aiuin'e .??? ?J Thltly-eliflif dollars and Oily ?Jents for fcO.Oiw i tibie (.. t of ?as. for wliicl. they receive, ?t pi pfii, t?*o. Now, If We sali! to tln-ir etpeua? a '10 cent? pur,I for lsl> .r of niuWIni,* |ll does Ott oast as nnn-li as Unit a? we It.ive seen); Ikrt It only 0 Ir til?? more . omparci to lh<? liriir irreltrd for Hi? .r product. I'lius tUey Obbko otir WVptT ?.tul vrt>fi(. Is it any Mvioilei twill ?v'lwe si Uo*> compone?, with a delivery every ?0 (Ml the le net h and wni in of ihe ?itv.can pav ?dividend of from an to ?a ner cent nu million*, of net It ions capital ; and do we ask too much when wo auk that the companies ?hall give us an II "itmlie li,:ht instead of 9 or id! I only speak for and Klve expression to the feellnjcs of WO out of every 1,000, who. when they pay their na*, bill?, feel that they are swindled. Is there ?ny man on this Committee who has b?'?'n able in a legitimate business, to make from aOn to ?100 percent on his outlay ! or do you know of any one I hat can do It. with a certain return? It is to Im; ho|x.(l that the people will kSBf watch of their repretwiitative?, in Alhany win-never any h?trinlatinn affecting ihe gaa MMBBB?I h pending. Jbmnhui.'a hill, in? hefora stated, in ?luiiilni ing in the Standing Committee, whither it w:?h sent !<? ?M "Constitdtionall/.i'd." fett those in the hill ?Ininnnd that it ?hall b*J renortetl lia?k for the ?M'tion of Uio Aaeuiiuhly, and, when the vole in taken, let the people keep one eye on the gBI cotiipaniix? ami the oilier ?m Ihn Yea? ami Nay.??. A LEAST. lARi kvkniv?; s MMMM or thk tr.t.iM, n hk HO I Mil ?K TA NT VaOCMBTOB. Ai.mant, March \',\.? There, MM not ?i (|tio rnin in either House, this evunloK, owing to obsiruetions on the Central Railroad which ?lelayed the trains from thew??.. The proc?'edlnirs were without special iuter eit. Mr Clinton'? lull to amend the Kevlsed Statutes so aa to allow the Jury to render a verdict of murder in tbe .-croud ilt'K'ree in certain cases where the killinir v. a? not premeditated, was ordered Ut a third reading. The peti Hlty provided for such case? ts Imprisonment for life. Mr. (>i?!> We offered a r?solution to make the bill reor gaMflMM the l'olloe Justices' Court? of New-York a ?l?eclal order for Thursday next, but It failed to pas? Tin hill cannot be reached In regular order before next week. A lull appropriating $100.000 from tbe Mate i i in y in aid of the (iloversville and Northvllle Rail Mad, m liiltou Countv, was ordered to a third IMdtBfc The Speaker and Lieutcnant-Ouvoriior annotinocd ?ie Com ml of 15 on the part of the Assembly und ?even M the part of the. Senate, to pieient a plan for tnc con , sitieration of th(?J ?itneiidnientH to tho Constitution pro |i Md by the late Cnnimle?;ou. In fhn Senate MBHBl bills were considered in Com MM mid order?'! to a third reading, includtiig Mr.'.-(.IvU HlrThfs bill, a bill M establish anothor \ lin?! of sreainboatH to run b?'twe?n the lower part of ' New York City and Harlem, by the People's Wnt'-r ? Transportation Company, and Judge Robertion's bill I reiiitlnir to chai tongo?, incriminai ?ases in West? he-nt r Count). United States Commissioner Davenport arrived here | ut the ?o'clock train, in charge of a Urne numiser of ' l'"tl? ral olhce-lioiilcrit ami representative? of th?- Cnst?un ? I house Central Committee, to In Hue ace tbe action of the nenate to-morrow on the cii.irto.r. It la now Si days I ?Hit e ihe ( luru-i passed the Assembly. In th?- i, port, of the testimony m the Tweed ease, sent ! from Albany a few day? uto, Mr. Tilden wag erroneou?!v 1 reportad M ?clntmg a conversation bail by him with , Mt san. Tweed, Hull, and Connolly, in ragurd M the el'-. - . t ion of Mat? Senators In the Kallbf 1871. HlH O'Rtimuny ? Mated to a conversation he had with A. Oakey Hall alone, and not in the prest uce oi either Twec<\ or ?on noli), Mnl was simply a ?luleineut as tn What Mr. Hall , said Mr. Tweed*expeetad would oaear al ?nci; ; lutti. Hail the <niivcr?ation been In IMpNMMBBf TwMdi th? re would not have lieen auy Questioua* to tho .nliiiiH-iliility of the ev i.l ?MB. SC.VAT.E... Alba.nt. Man?, ?1, 1873. Th?' Soinito met at 7:.'50 p. ni. I'etitiona W'-re piestiiU'iI of the We-ft in-der Hoard of Super visors asking for increased pay tor the Surrogate of that uniiitv; of the ciU/,:n? of < I tola, Erie, Herkimer. and fin kland Counties asking for au appropriation for the New York rJoU'ier?' Hoine. mt U IBTBOMCflK. Hy Mr. BOBIBWOB TO extend the pow? r? of the Y.inkers police t?) the town of Klnirabruige ; alio, rela? tive t?i th" salariai of liie County Judge and BafMBBt* of W? -ti'hcstcr ?"ounty. Hi- Mr. Putin-lor a street railroad In Ilutler-st., ftt'oklvn; aiso relative to the Coney Island Railroad; .?in? relitiv? to assessment* aguiust Oocan hark-way, Hrooklyn. Tbe President announced tho following Coiumittee of the Senate nlatlve to the work ot Hie Constitu?.onal (.'omiiiisaion : Messrs. Jumes Wood, Rolseitson, Boiven, Murphy, D. P. Wood, laud, ami < ?k. Tbe ( otninlitee on Commerce reported an aincmled Mil defining the dutios of the Captain of the Port of New Vtak. It provide* that ao boat can be registered except | it is m tin port of New-York. All transportation lines ? which hive a part of a pier and bulkhead may, when liiisAtfs? requires;, bave the exclunive use of the whole of the pier and bulkhead with tbe berths thereof, upon notifying tho Harbor-Master of the district that th? t'UfJnt us of Utv cnmpauy requires tho exclunr. ? SAvid pier. The followliif blOi win lo-esidcrcd in Committee of the \\ hole, inni ordered la a third n adiujr : ? Tn provide for the protection of citixiins In their cull .o?d nublsc riitlifs. !.. I.iti??. to the drawin.; of .jurors lo Westohester County. To lni?or|??iraf?' the New York l'lissenirer Companv. To moni por-atc the New-York Water Transit CDMMBJT. I n rt?'i-??.iii./'t the estate Inebriate Asylum, at Rlug hanilon. It.-leasiin; the laB IT? ?t of the State in certnln lands iu SacKctf sr., lirtX'klyu, t?i Charles Kerber. Atlli'llIUeli. A8SKMM.Y. The House iiitt at 7:?K> p. ni. Spoakor Coineil being uiisent, the I'lerk caPod unoii Mr. H.i.ted to pit -Milu. The following lulls w?-ro taken up iu Com? mittee of ?he Whole and iltsmmed of as t>tate.d : To divide th.- crime of murder Into twti d?>irrees snd to put),nh tho cririte of arson. ??rdeirdToa third readhiir. To incorporate th? ?eMawtadv city Railroad Coui pany. OroCTUd to a third rfiuilnif. Cor the henetlT of common schools in the County of Richmond. Ordered to a third reudlofr. 'I\i amen?! the Public Instruction act. Ordered to a third reading. Mafeloraa appropriation of #-??.295 to the 'Jfh Reci uienf, Natioiinl ??iiiiril. to uav for uniform? wiiru out in tune of war. Mr. BAICBBtXBB moved an aiuenilnient thjt the Cnlonel ?ball inve bonds for Ike laithlitl sppte i i anon of the inoiiuy Ciirrie?!, and the lull ardand to a Huid reailing. The CiiAiu snnounc?d the follnwlni; members of Joint Coiumittee on the |?art of the Homut to re|ioi t a plan im tin- i.onslderatii I o? Coiieiltirtional ameiuluieiitsadopted l i tin? Constitutional OBflMiMtea : M?-?srs. Pu rtKUi, Alberirer. Hustad? la-im-?', Kort. I:..-. Keaaady, Fatten.ciapp, UBbart, IsbbbIb?oo, JaouM! \Vi;e?i, Bay, and McUnlrc Mr CI 4BBB nitroiluc? d a lull to amend tho charter of the ??ilbcrt F.levatcd ItallroinI ( 'ompiuiy, by prov I.llnKT th. it the nu!? sli.ill not run fhiouili it-over nay of ihe | ?ire? i-i frouting ol borderluir on Wasbiiiirton-sipiare. -M??,, turn u,|itth?: New YorkOiihlhaiuilc Hospital from taxation ate! MMMMMti Hy Mr. TijiiLY To itiiori-urali. tbe N.w-York A?oi? giii.'?' and lniat Coinpany liv Mi. MciltiKi. -To uiiiend the chai fur of Havaiii?. On motion of Mr. V avSalkknih hi.ii the lull MfBB> Im- hfe IMBMBM cotiipaiiios to make annual tl<-r.?i 1,-,l statements of their expensen, was mude the special or ?1er fur to- morro w. Mr. iiii>^ hi: moved (o make the New-York Police hill Ihospei'ul or.Ui f.'l TBaildlf He siotl this was | re foi m in? .isur?, and it was one of the most importaut lulls be for? the House. Mr. tiriixs did not s,? tin? net ?o-sitv Im at.) particular hasto for this bill. f"Mq ??? turn was l.ik. a sud it wnslosi. Atiiourm tl. nii. KEH JMEtVn i.Li.isi.ATi'MB. it;r t.i.-M- ai. KAitKOAi? him. ?iitruN r?> BBOOMB A llW. (Bi ii.i I.on ii ii in nil riiii.i | 'I'ici-MOM, Miivcii in.?Affci Ktun?: routine . s In tho MbUbM? ?o night, Mr. M'oiUnniilOii. < liairiiian of the House Ceinnnfte?' of Corifeivine on th., OMMBl Hatiro.Ail l?sw, pr?-??ento<l.? reimrt Ilia; the Com in'tee hii'l oiiarilinouslv niored to all the aiitenilui? tits nmdo !?v tho House ol A?*eiun)y with the latflja rimi that the ?iaii?e ?now? i,? r?n load to he bunt Wltlttu IJOI ff t tor more thsn llvo miles ol snotla > railfoad lMt BBMBM o?it, ho :l.nt Mii' fad %B MMMMBBl for any length wifhm an/ iiUtatice ?.f .?jan tuner, and to aiueml snotber i laaM allow? rnlroad? to pa?in IkMBgh latida. M malo? them pa ?n tindi?r. These arc the only cliiinirc?. The ll.iis?'adnptcd tlu'tu uiiuiiitiioiMl) vvithoiit ?J?? ?? it. T|, lull will tro to the H' nato so iuoitow, nbeio u will p.o,? I" Itiap? tliiailllliiillsJi . The K uini.ui Ti. ? I. II pnss.i.1 to n Hi,rd NadlBfl '?' th>' Hauuta? Mi. Mwell aiikiliaaiui bmubrsi tmaue i n.? m Tb? bill ttAinir Un- salary t-i rUute i'umiii .- u?'i m ti al ??.?xi. nul the bill loi B JutMJ ? .1/ ..tti.i, an.I wiuif etuapuo) a?sa Uut. A lull waa to t? Vise Un (?mu?? i- ol N,-,.,?i?, nul,), pn.vole- lb I all ib". si? "ins. anil oilier rorporatlous slisll b, aauaaaud fit pobiu m-i-i???? u.eiits, ai.?. .. lull iw .. retoiu. et IiimiI lor Lot .? ?n New .w k , ?!?,, ,, |Upp|l tutlit lo {In, ,.?? iv vi...I,. | .ol? ni wuilaiu ?Nt.viMMik. THE ERIE INVESTIGATION. RKFOHM MADE PROFITA MM. TmmstSmOmit OF JOHN TAYMHt I'>Iiy??TO!?, nr.JIP.t TIIOMPVIV, ?iK?f. A. M. MVK^, A5D ?rTnr.RiV IMiKMSIKYINO THE OLD IHItK?TORS? WHAT WaH r\n> ro I/? it h y i s rs ani> i-tvf. sen ?. roii" The Committ?e of the Astemhly appointe?! to in ve.itijrate tho affair? and conduct of tata Etta Rail ' way, re.-.'i.seinlile?! at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yetsu-.r ; day soon after 10 a. m. The Committ/-?- hold apjmP ; tlve sessions in the intervals of their puhlic eiarni 1 nations, and map out their work so ?arefully, and 1 with ritu-li kiiowledir?! of th?; snlijeet, that there :? lit ! th? or no ?h lav in ronductinj? the i; v? stL-ation ; anil 1 . ,n h ?inerition asked in the ?lireet examinali.'ii diiiMlly l?i the I'oncliirtion nought t?> h?- ?apOOmla i Thota is thus little timo Wii.stcd by randorn ques 1 tions, ppd when nUpemm waudcr from the track marked out forth? in, they are quickly brought l>a?ik I i?> the mm 1er directly mdi. at?-d by tiie ?(tiestions. In tins mSBOOt the Krio ( omiuittce, us a working l?x|y, present it marke?! contra.'*! to many others which have met in N?A-V.'ik and Albanv. Yester <l:iy ?ill the tiicnttier? were preiviit. Mr. Ptirkney appOatTOd for the Committee, and Mr. Ilarlow for the Crie f ?uv-any. John Tailor .T?.linKt?in. the lirnt witness, was a ditoetoroi tbatinw?atokbit?tUvideud was din-lared, ,.:i(l KaV.' Ill? r.'taSDIlN for voting (apninfl th? tH'IlOU iiinhr tli?< kobo? that the tnintopp of ?Art Timtl ?iid not juntify it. Ho did not ls-ln-%?' tint the money could have boon divided amoiior the stock - hohh-rs, except for th<- mon? v moMood from thesnlf ot coi. vc-i tilile I.?uiiIh, ami tliaf t!ic debt of tn<- r?.a<! ! wile iiicrc;i.sed font the amount of thd ??vld.i.d. Mr. Iiarn?dell gSTO bit ft ink ? <if ?M Ptaf 'Trial. H?? ?ntered into t'.ie arranpenieiit with ?l?m. Biclcha, nbo ?wMOpfcs that every hotly connect??! with Km ?..?? ? orrupt. and could hanll) Ix- made to boUoto thar tritnom dkta t wish any uioucy eitlni us ''alrriol.i tion" or " uni? mint," foi ootlnp ?aits? Um? 'I'm: in? demnity w.-vh to protect the meudiern of tiie ol?l Hoard from units', which <i? n. Mckle- Basnppi fo think thoy had all done something to rnidei then ?ol/. s Iiahle to. The witn?\-s was ?*j 11 it ? sure th if monev used to lnfltwnce legislation had been em ployedonly,!?. defray hintiiiiiif?'? xi?ii?--n. The Arch? r freight contract Ii.mI made Mr. An bat rh I , bat not? at the expense of tin: (.'oiiipany, llnniifii aritnom afterward admitted that if the Com pun;, toonld i m ploy a SupcrinU-tidciit a* capahh- an Mr. An h??i, they could save the protitu now paid to dal h?it?-r. The witness explained tho nature ?.f the tleepinp-rar contract, and also tin? one held by him for trans? portation of freight via the V-wburgh bran. 9, H.-nry Thompson, an old director, ?.a? the neit wiiiici-n. He cooperated actively with Oan. Su k!? in the reorganization, and was paid for hi- ? i til ta hut knew notbing of ahgolution or ind? mint.,-. <?eu ?Sickles told him that a large amount of moini 07PJ t?i he ma??!?', and they might as well share in it. Ho didn't know of any money having been um d tor ppj rupt purpoaes, ami knew of no meuey ??aid for h'gal t+erv iom except $-i,?OU to Mr. Bar hour, tor which he had made out a voucher at the reqiu-st of Mr. ??oul?t. who signed it. The voucher being proiluced pnived to have been siumed hy Mr. Thiimpnou himtttrif, at which ho was somewhat astonished, but said that it was a mere matter of form. Upon cloae queotionniir he admitted that, if common report were tme, the SOPfsPm of Mr. liiirboux wme reudered an a lohbtiat, whi?h WPO liarhonr-B principal busmes*. He !.? Datad the commissions pai?l to Iiisehoffsheim ?V Co. were excertsive, and that their claim for trJO.'KK?, part payment of expenses, wa3 prcixisteron? in the ex? treme. Mr. Rpajaanll was rccalledby Mr. Rarlow to n iterate former ntateinents in regard to the bencficiBl retiulta to tho Company of the Bischottiiitiim con? tract. Gen. Ahxinder S. Diven. a director of the Com? pany, said that he had voted for tho divulend. though with some misn-ivinesari to the wisdom of the a?t. It was declared on the b.wis of the inereaw'd value of the road. He knew of payment?, of money to intluen<je leftislation only from hearsay. He hr.?l uuipmatoi with Mi Totolmtiilt in ftuioptipi l>ilL?i damauiUK to intorests, aud tho latt?i urK"l that Krio should assist in paying th?- ppm uses. U?i hiiillveen told by -Mr. Dntcher, while \:in Vt-ehtt-u was stindinir hv, flint Harbour and Van Ve? hteu had paid .?'ii.OiX) to live SeimlorB and certain lobbyists. The .Senators re??iv??l ,$...1100 ??ach. Their uanie? were given to him at the time, hut he rcmrmlrcrei? only one, and declined to mention him. I'utrlVr gave uo munes ot members of tbe jLsat-mhly iuil'.i enct-?d by money. " ? -?* ?*?* At'-?Op. na. the t^ommittee adonrnc?! to 4 p.m. vihiyi John Parkes tcstiti.-.l tliat he tatOOTB?thiap of money havinir been paid to iulhKj.?^' leirislatiou Justin D.WhitoWM recalhd at, hv-?fin n'?r*l\^J. and siibmittod a utateuieut InnVato] tlutt tlm ipiMaV ? is pat?l Aptil 'l'>, 1871, Wore kept a?ra*h unlil March 11. IrTTi. Aft?*r an unimportant stat?-m?-ut by J. Ku bino, the Committee a?ljourn?'d to this uioni?i?-. TIIK riKH'KKDI.VGS. MK. J(lllN?T?l\ S IKMIMUNY. John Taylor Johimton testitiid : I was | mmtkmnf the Boanl of I>?rectoi<? at tin- tuu? Hi?? last dividend wa* ?atnatatl ?tafop BanJntl th.? nieasur?* baaanmlwmnat toBy ??\ttantd ttottk? ?Lnflatamynnf aatnoi ilio money, or if ii hu.l that It uas non,I . ?h-j. t?. d.dare the dividend at tliat tune; tt w(i?, tdaaMPntt fc,0u..(?J0 tiad bi-cn earuod, Imt ttabanpkt chut iit?j? !en: iillowaiice hatl not been made for ill? ?l.-pr. ? isiion (>r t?-,??! ami annkmnann, ami tiiat if tin- ofcoatmnmnnl bi.?u matte for repair-? tlio net eariiin.-? w.-.uii not bave iM'.'ii sajoapk for a iiiviii.'ii.i ; tt ???. tka akn am of fs?-t?? which Influenced me ; I bad routldenec In Mr.?Watson sa a thoroughly honest man, :ntt t!i?l n,,t ti i\ ?? knot-. |b the ?uhjeet io J.-.-ttfy un? In \oiuu.* for th. tll\ i.leii?! ; 1 knew lln- ?'nmnam- ami SOkPng a I ||p| bmoonl ?>f niout-i IU I.omloii, ainl thous'Ut it oiiitht to ?.? f sa S s- n: ? ein 1 l?a?ls Is fate Oat lilli-' tlir ptSOa eumliUa?} I Wtn.v inir persoiiiiilyof the tl.i.ituu d?lit of tbt Coiupajii .. tune: it was mil, a iliQc-ivure of Judmueul i.'i??.??'U nu?, if .uni the <>* ter? ; 1 karra tana a itooatai dan to? tost electron ; I bave ao kuowledm ol titi' mi ?sruliikrs nxospl from the siaU-tni ota to the liosrd fromiknota niiiej pp mu loonrntam atopt ti?. >? kapo kmainanai lielievo that a tli\i?l?-ii?! (?mill have BOM pac, ulthoitt tnoaaanarj rai^ni in Lanannitba IMofctnonam ?f tin l'ouipuny win liier?'!..!.' luci-eascd 1>> juri tue ooaonat "f tkO ?Ululen.!- tatst tt tliat the coii?lirl.?n ?if tin t*mi ,'i i? bam ???i.'-niiiy aaptnttafi my baonmataa m ?is ftu? ru. natad vain. ..f tna apoopotmaota toa r?.?vi ? pp -, than tinn n-.ii valu.? : I bave tionx'tusl knowiedtj? ?j t... ?oniiiiion ?f the mod ? tady s paaanml unan ? .. ?tHted tht.t Hie ?t?nsi?>l.icrs de?ired thai a 'llvldtaO ?hoiilij toPttlared, und (bat Ihe luoue) had is n esra? d : n am aim annlroa, kf toa ?CBpiUk ?.?isk' ppy/i iciu.miH'i-ihm u ana aatd toal th?- dttntaad ?ao?ij u.,i in ?eiiiiiK* tin- inu.ii?. ?nanpk b nil-oat kam i>t?-ii k?i?i toOrt *a- tin i'Oiaiiitiiiii'.tloii iroui tot l.tuh.ti ?t,-ck iMtanm to toa i?.>itr.i ?iir.-.i.y i Ba?at?4a?d tool Mr. atar?an .???jmaantad tiie Bnptnk ??fk?nldni ? ; act, s'?, m had \< r> tttda !?> ?a.i. 1?. Mr. liarl.iw?A| too tun.' ?." Hie ?;??, i : ,? , ; ,,; .,.,, 1 1 ?In! not it.aka a car. fill c\mihiii.*|.o.-i vf nj,, tln.iuiiul stftietueitt ?r Mr VkttOP) iu) ?kIioii ?asbaai-U opm my ?'?,, nain. Mi:. i:i?i-*l>fi i '?- IPPJIIPPMr. Banni BttnMlall CostllLvd : I was a airaikn of the ? i?l tt'.ii.l of liirtrcturs; tin? lir-t intiiit.ilij.1 1 Uatl ?f ? cried a.'tnsi i.'i th.-..vcrthiow of tin- uuiiiairsnient ?sa? innit ttaatna Omaik? ? bo, ?>u kbrak i. latited ro?? |.? tama i.? ppo ?on. ..n banottanl baataomi m piu<*?d m, m.-? with (?.n. ItoMmi at ?aid that toa Bma?Oaa*tpanj aamnanmooriaati ?fluir, anaatnpytp(j manaatad vtto m ?us Matanapt m i??j??sihis. t.ut te w?? Mtfottl I" s-ivc a!??..:ii!i.'ti au,I linlr-umity u? everyone I loM hau that I a?k?,| for OKIkOI | it I kM?nPO nrang i nm ?ihm?; to i?. puu.?insj, ?mi a?it?.<i no e,i.ii|HU?alioli; it hur?l work to uiuko him kaltota u, I laptoj r?ii n? ?nil ih.'- lanpal lien. diokUs., aud bu paatoM pas aaantaioat; tooojttnskaaatantonntaatBaafo totom i v?ita ippkaad ihai ?aak a uioiumeut ??s to ..-iit.i..p.aii?,i.. aototopnm ?ani to BMakpnttnpma ?Sw ?.??In? Pum?, ~