T#?riM?>\V ?'I IfCKTIA AKM*.|i:?iN?. UBI ?' >." UBI
ritrrKR _? inn ?i> Anna??iii>n itniii
TIi?' Ci.ronrr'n iiivi"st?>r-tioii i?t?> ? ?>?' ?i"'11?
M-iM-rs attending fh?> ni.tSc-rlow? mm.1er M 4-|i:irl?
UixHtrii'li, m Kiihinhn. was ii sumed ?I 11 a. m. yestei
?la-. IB the Kitii? ?'??aniy ?\>nrt of rVimmMi? chanihii
Mia LBt-ttB?f. Ariiislto?-. who fcs.I MM HMgM iron
Ku??i_on.l ?'. .lui. ws? flr?t plat ????! M HM tt.irt'i.
Bte? t.-tltl. ?1 I '.\. ii N" ?i ? HBBll-W.1 N''?v ?""??
Ul.e4opi.iph -BB-Bl M !"' N ObBIBH. . I NIIBBil
?to Ukene?? th? rt-oi Chariot ?..?.?li '? li I li'-?' tomtit
U.1 ???Kvlmlt ittoilt two month?, im?! WS? tir-t :t?'ini:?illt?'i
witti -mi BBBBt tnin ?mi e Christum? ; hail kin'*? n Inn
staut n in?- ?ii'k?; I v.v? li in BM in BTOoklyii. but In
?nnn- ?fqilimtiHl Witll tutu m New York; it an? tint it
11 rrtspotiili i.?? Unit 1 ?rst hecain? acquaint*?! ?Mill turn
l.nh ?a-w blui one? MBM Hit .i?-?|ii.iintiinf?' took plBM
?i aaa bbmbbbQ) i-*l i bbbI t?> bm him. kmbmHbmi Nb
at ,, tiv. tun.? u wirli. ami I? cm ; th? re would not M in
MrvAlsnl s weil t, in?, lalMM I BBB linn ; tlir fame*
?Ut ?light |?r? Mini!, m In? death ?i< wheu I ls?t wiw him
ami n WM mi the eoruei o? Alan antl Kiviii-tou. ntKiii
? ? ? to. k. I met him by ?n airrtiiiii nt made two M IBM
?i..?, lata* . hm i?-i nt- u ?mis til?, riiiii-Miiiv evfuim
i,-.-, i : il n , lu- MA inc. I think, i? little alter
?? , i i k i! was al X??. M ?? union ?t tliat ImwMBI
that ??.. i u.l in- w.i- m tin- liatiit of aalltai bb-bmi
Ko KlBMBMMMi -Ble I I reino* t il to N??. M Ul? BkbKB
p! h.- had M nthet MCi'iia-Uuni-?- emmmt BWM nt Stan
ti i, s( aiMlH Iwa ?' iitiein.n. Ml ?'?f John. B
II. i.. | I...., I, il,. .?Mi. i ?i?4 Mi. Ko-.ii>?'; I .lon'l knot
BMBaal aaaai . U lM_a_MBMiB__BM4MlllilfciBiBKMK.li
i,,, MM .HIM-. . ?i.k- iifii-r his first tarnt, ami MB! ll
?inline?! 1?, Hi. m fcj me ; he -saw them occasionally, hn
I SSfBTBBW IfcBM m i?'iiil'.lnv t"i.-ftlii'i | never he.ir?
v , . , bj . | - it i In, i li. had Inscii ?>ut with them ; havi
l.i.H?! Inn ?peak of II? :? d. hut I ?lon'l remember fBI
ar|| ?MM h? ?aid; ?litn I'f ili'l speak IBBBI BlM i
?..s ., -.mi?; I henni him *,iy that lie tliuiiirh
I ... v...-.? il.uiei rous. man: that Mas after fie lint
laaai BM bBBBI toBJ wee1.?, there, had "?'
i. iBatarhaaec hetweea Kos..',??* aud Ol?fill
h itietui-i?;. ?m- o? which I li.ltl mine pBRBBM
Ils vledjtl ; I .lon'l nun ?iiiIkt ? hen it w.is, it 11111-1 ha\
U? n Imii or ri\? at-? k? alter I tlr.?t knt"A him; it lad
1 ? MtBaevcatac, u ?) up minent?., in BtBBBMMli
u. ti.t paaBBBM ?if 1-u-At'ii. Boaoee, QaotfrtcB, ami my
r. U aftti '., kinu ?. r> Inu nl tii-t ; 1 think i:?isio
1 s tm t?i Mr Baaafe aaaai Mr. Oaa?riaB] Mi
h.s, ,,? made a iimark about me. mill Mi. ?i??oil-. n-li toi
I,,n. ti Mai ni't Un- mail, or a pcutlciniin to talk 111 tliu
v.. aaaai bmj tfcaj ta kai very load then, ?ml tfcaaal
?t.,m . of ?h. t ?mm 1 ?atIon Mas n rel.it:on to tlie rUlit ?1
Bail II U at that p ait , fie -nid he ha?! as (TOOll
1 1 i : M I ?? tin-re a*- I lit othei . I took '.?ootlilili liy th
t.111, ami a-kni him tu ko BBM amitlier room. le.iMii
1 -, ..1 ii ami Raaaai laaalfci i. i mcbi haak in half aa hou
U. tin- 11 01 n wiier? tlie? ?-?-iv, anil foil ml Korwoe had Mil
Mr ?riKMiru li sai.1 noiliini- Ml that the other was a ilai.
g. rioits man, .mil In? remarks were made upon tliat ?li
tfcii.,1.,?-; li.nl m, in? -i In r i>;?n i u'.ar eiinversatiou wit.
ht.????? ?U'oiit Good rich ; ICon?.-???? asked nie If I latBBBB
1? k? ? 1 ? iiii|, u,? witb ?. uodritb ; I made hiin no answet
L< ?a.1, l.i- ?Aim,,, In 1 ?en with me ; lie muht lia? e Sill
an r.. tu; I ?lo'.'t i? ineniber what he said : can't remet?;
hM whiltnr ?lui he nit! BflUBBM was friendly I
ell,. !?im .1 think he had bad f?3?liuir>t towsrd tioodriel
tr??ni wh.ii h? ?anl ; -BBBII spokr frequently abou
tt?_xrtr,< t? i?> m?-for tw? wt-ek? after the disturbance ;
?1. 1 i rw?-?>ll?M-i lio? i?e's iiiiil?inc any threats about Good
m h ut IBTJ kind at ?my time ; I never heatdhim threat?]
an? one elta- ?xo-pt myself ; I bave heanl Koscoe nay
-?.0.1 tir-lp the panaa wl,o come? between you and me ;'
Ihi? *ae aft? r tin ???XKlrieb quarrel ; it was between tw,
and tiin-?- ?ei k> lufoie ?jiHeilriih'e death ; can't 6a;
sun I v . it war? nearl? 1MB weeks, ??swell I can remember
ui \. r n? .ml Un?!?.?- ??v .ie knew ?.-here Goodri? h lived
i.? >? 1 I.?aril hiui ?ay GtHilrioh liv?-n in Hv^raw-st.
1.? I <>K 4l:vi u
Ht"?'. ? .irrl??? ? jii-Uil ; I _avo s?-en it: I cannot ?lr
stiita- ;t ? ??(???lin h Wild me ,it one time that this worli
"i? full ol troubles, .mil I Bsv? my share;" that wa
??.?111 ari.i 1 haaBBM sci|t tiutx-d with hiin ; cun't remem
I" r whtt limn-h<- M-daB that subject; he told me h'
Bad BMllShl* forund the ae?iuailltalne of a woman, tbii
It wouldn't amoiint to nitnh. Slid that he aO-M -.
shake her ?.ft : didn't ?ay huw km? he had kuown her
I iu>k?-?l bun if tie was uuirrled to bcr; he said no, ?hi
Masaafc/aaaafaalaaaaaaj hemti?l ?he did aatlivaB
RaM-Taift hut in JlrooUyu; didn't say when-, and
tidi.'t a*k __M ; don't ivi-H-tober his mi y ins she lived ii
tn? of tlu hou??'? m I?? tnaw-st., and I didn't know thu
?h? ttid he dnln't sjo siie a??oyed hlui 'or luotiev
tiiM 1 In .u.l uni; s., 1 wtim un? i ame from ; have nevei
b?Hii. Kl?-?? ?_> nui nther threat ?ave the one I h.iw
?t..t? il th.i! I , .r n in, MbM ; lroiii what I ?aw uf It?.,-.. ,?
ami tie.ml hiin ra), I Inliete he had a le?!
mir of res. utmi-nt tuwsrd 'iijodMch; M? idei
Was hitefd ujjtiii In? ifenersl BBB-M t and man
Her when Qaa_rteB'l Htroe BB_m up; I had tin
lielief 1? !?.r? I ?kkIik U'l ?kith that if hi ?cut _t? apaeata
mi? In would liorru GooiricB ; 1 la-t sa? lii.sim- un tin
?satuT-lay ?'veiiiti,- after fi ii.druli'.-, d'-.itli ; 1 m v.
? 1, tin Momla. Mon li* death OU the Jlowerv?; lit .11
bunil ?! I met Lim acci'lnnt.'illv In the street on that
Momia. h m| a If?, words with him ; I told him 1
lfcan~hl m waaaataftfci ? .? MQh?ao;ao?
lei " then I -Aid MSBethiBB, b'll 1 ilol.'t reimiul?! wh.il
it ?,.?. in it, I-?.liii I tbouirht he wa.? ?roiuir, to l?-a\? Uu
.it? ma week; htj liad t.?ld mo he wen. ftuiiiK to 1'hiia
If-tphla, Bal?Brore, or Ni-w-orleans ; Goodnch't uanic
Mat not meut.oued bj' Pit her of u? at that time ; we ha?
un hiirh woni? than : I tell linn I did n't believe he had
,1 I? nil? ?I to leal?! I In- City, Decaii?e lie w,n> nut iron.' .i
in .?Id he would be ; he wanted to call on me, and I taM
L.11, I didn't want film to: th? re M-eimd to lie ,,
fi . ,,.l- SB hit |iart slxitit hi? fralltBf at m> hM_Mj
I tmtmt that he sbniild not call ami he MaBI
?way; but 1 iltin'i know that he was ofleiidt il ;
?ise ha lad a f'?-Jitiir against Goodrich that I
?di.ti M him liut t 1 . .1 i ; luvij known Roseoc five or six
inoiith?-. aaa m.ir Id ftr.K,klyu tilth hiui and aeTei
?aw hiui bcre.but li,i\<- hcird linn s_v that In* had be.-u
m Braokljra; the roaiarh Imp-swI that he had been _
Ki.H,kl> ii in?nt thai ' BM 't ?vas four or live w?ek- am
when he -sanl *o; he sai'l h s business took him to Brook
l\i, : I Ho n'l kiii'W ??/hat h!? business was; I think Irmn
wti.it bes,,,,! Th-1 lie WM n 1 uunterfeiter; ?e said he
uanledH' BSIIst ma hi pltt-BB me to p.ia? touuteifeit
BM?BJ for him ; li? (-'?>? DM ta understand It wan tho
heat b.i-iiie-? wat? i BM l < ard at Mr. QoodHoIi
at No. M (?it haul ?t. by reading Saturday morn in >. '.?
aapavi So. _iOich_rd-sK. in a private residence?a tene
11?. nt Baaaa; I went tbesa to work, but am not positive
MBaBhai it was I'ritit? or !?,iturday moruinir tbat I read
lln- aaasaal . the u.kt tune I aaw Ko???*- was on the ?.at
?irday faUaMi-B Uoudriah'l death; saw him at No. 40
liivi?irti'i ?t.. iinexpecteUU' to me ; It was outside, n
tb? sidewalk, in tho ?venlnir that I met bim ;
Ik- bski that be was going to Baltimore ; I
?Had?- MM no npl*; be said be wanted to see me;
Mr. GiHsIrn If s ?amo vfa* u it menfloned by either of us;
be did not say why he wa? going to Baltimoie, except
that hi? hu-mc?? tO'k Mm there ; I uud?-rst<x?d that Bt
aaa aaaBaaj back ; it w.ui uuout duik on the Baaanlay
ft i owing tue inuitltl that I met him ; had be? 11 am
fuenill> terms with Ko-it o?, and alter 1 got noiuaiuted
with ?rootlriih I told Ko???H not to visit me, but he 111
on t 0111 in i; ; Mr. Goodrich told methat be lived
u, l>t_T.iw m , 1 went to hi? rt-sldt'Ufe with him from
N? a York some time In F'-luuary ; it was in the even?
ing ; I have never remained in his house over night ; It
w..eon i.tMsdricb's imitation that I went to so? the
bone*- ; 1 went over again 111 the latter part of February
and again tin tli et vi? .k in .March ; have ma'le no other
visits U-siiit these two ; in-?er saw any n_upu in Qaod
lohe bous? ; it w,_? not futnished when rwa? there ; I
niidersiooii that Mr. ?ioodrieh's financial affair? were in
g?K?,t condition ; lune not heard bun speak of any
iiouiilr eitept tnat alK?ut tie woman whom be luten?l?-a
to shake o0 ; 1 dun'! know if Kosooe was ever urresteil
Mr. ???H.iiiii'h never proposed marnsge to me; I
?till bold t?i the opinion 1 foi-uied as to the manner iu
a hi? it Mr. Goodrich came to bit death ; I met
Roe? oe on Monday, on the Bowery above Bond-it.; be
?|K,ke Orst ; be aaid, " Wber* are you going!" I replied,
"Going to work ;" asked hita why he wat not out of the
4-lty ; be sud, " ?ih, no, not yet," afterward said he was
going Ui >'?w-Orleaiis, and ?vauted me to write him;
?Inii't ihink he ?aid why he bad not gone before; he
ne ver t?,id me of any time when he bad wreaked his
'. ? ngeaui ?? on any othei pertou; told me once that a mau
bad struck him , that to had won money from hiui, I
aaa? vraBi Ginedmh for money, and never asked him
loi any when I failed to get t; I have written Bos? oe at
Baltimoi?, New Oman?, Rochester, Philadelphia, and
-Uissortn, 111.; tie never toio me his business except the
B_M b. wanie?i _u.- to lake audpast counterfeit luouey.
A Ml A HiK THh WITNKftt'8 B?LK_8K.
At tlie ?<mi Hision of Mrs. Armstrong'! testimony the
MBt wa? aajMIBai til! 3 p. m. After the Jury had i'.}
maeuibliil counsel for Mrs. Armstrong aiose aud made a
motion tw ber releaae on ball. He stated that she was
i?stmg under the suspicion of being perhaps guilty of
th.- murder ?.! Mr. (?oodrici, while the commltm?nt
?tiu?> that she is onlv detained at a witness. Ho hoiicd
that this ia? I Mould be tindeistood and his client be re?
lieved from the odium of bung thouvht a murderer.
1 odiisA-l then stated that the prisoner was not permitted
in sot ber luotlirr, and de?i-?-,l very luueh to tee her
i-hild. Ou the???- grounds, suit because his client was not
1 iiui-e<l with any criiue hut bad frankly told all that
-1?. hae?, he moved that the mlgbl be allowed bcr
.iieeri) upon giving hall that a gcntleuian was willing to
?oroner Whitehul ii->iii?d tlat he sympathised with the
woman, bul her counsel would admit that ?be had given
tery Important ti-stnijony. Kruin this fact the ?nurse
taken with h? r seemed to lie the. best, aud he touiidertd
it ?tronga! this time to allow her to go ou ball, lie de?
sired that it ?bould be Qiu__-?lood that the was detained
anly a? an important wituoat. He would submit the mo?
tion of lie toiiiis?-! to lb? lyisau-l-Attoauey, and be.
guided by his advice. For the preseut, bow-ver, the
UKitlon was denied.
Tue couu?el then suggerted that site might be allowed
tu so to ber borne with uu oftli er that she might see ber
?laid, but tb?Coroner would not entertain Uesugge?
t?os at lltat time.
Mrs. ArmtU-oug wat then recalled and tetufled in
answer to th? questions of the )urort that the aiau
whou the bad re? ognired in tie morulng at Koeooe was
aui Um one the bail previous!) referred to : this other
Utiteae sbe baa known at a?. KB Broadway; alm-l
au mmmW Ml 0E N? | m?*%9 9? MU* 1 M -
?rlvrrtlsrtiirntivilllnc for women to art, a? acrnt?
??taps; she then? ini-i i hi? Hosco?- v. in? anei~tk?ra es
u. In i- lull?.' .iii.l .1. ?m .1 m t.iitiilii board ; k?w -??itl
Unit ?lit- could h,a ghrt liitn board. Ihm m 't he e ?aw
tiiiiimli. ?I with d?naers; In- acrt'i'i? ?I tin? I'li'l"'-!'
nuil puiii ii -it ?vi i?? ; ?abscqacntlt ?be found taB?
.?i. tn.iit- Uma hit iiHiiifv'H worth tad ??> bmk?- ap
m , i? ii v:? ?iiifiit ; K'?.o?', li?>w?\?r, t t'lin.iU'it _? Beata
her liouHi' in Btanton-sU, and would ?-at tliinnr-r?
will? Ii hr never .?.?til: ?no occupied a room wltn
?Mill ?ml? ,il ih,? nun- ; ?lit- t???'k tOBM ?>t tin' ???ap
sell but found that it ?lid not p?.?. ; if Bad t??l?l bor t
in- iiiiini? was KnM-.il-. and ?he ihoucht thut p> rn i?"<
wna ?orno relative of the other l<u?oo?-. '?"'I ?an m
-??nt It? te? what ?lie would H.tv ; ?he ?fterwitril -SIB
the .- h. nmstanc? to the Prat Bam ?<, nbe sBatta laaa
did nut know Bl??
ssiimei H..?.!?.- tiK-u aaa-ttMi i laata. al No.
i: ir .,ii. t!t-.?t., N.wYork; I have seen Mr?. ArtiiMtrt
and Bpahnt t?> iior; i i?rtalDBBa_nnT.Bna?fn_Pn
inot ; tar?t betunad at t??-r aente, ?"?i -M aat k?
CPariaa t-an?tte-i anata Bnt-at anni btaa, and ne
in _rd Mr?. __r__-tjt?kp talk ??f bun1 ""-1 aan Mm, ai
Battnp .?t Nu- BU Kivid-vay ; I Pat -aBaftd there In
hlbltlnir a ?oap for oleanliip clothBfl ; Hie fulled tln-r?
answer ta -'"i -dvt-rtliH'inenf. aa- aajahf If fe-BM wan I
BBtnaj t.. l>? iii.itlt-out of It ; ? showed her the? artlt
ami ?bo let? ???me homo with lier ; I culled at tier ho
th.it liiKlit, In relation to the soap ; ?ho i*av? in?
iiddre??. No. 18 Maiilon "t.-, ?lie never nuked inv nut
anil I iit'vt r t.'lil It ini ; Bat had BB mean? of know
my niuiie, thai I BB1 aware of ; I was .?t Iit^r Batata ?
twite, anil then OB bu.?uit??s ; I Brat hrnagbl h<?re by
(?fflcer ; I know at other patata ta Ne?-York by I
ti.niit' ,'t Boatat ; I am itu American, ami tiou't sp?
iMttSY Off W.W. ?'.OODKU'll,
William W. ?ii?.(lri.l:I te?titte?l: My broitnr i'har
In? lataiad in niHMatlfll ?iu?c Mardi 1,1872; pntMMBJ
that he ha.! litad for live yeai 1 in N? m York ?'ity ;
Waa I't'i-t ion? to tint a lumber inspector in Albany;
nat aPpapad al ?nie tuno in tin? lumber business in N.
York ?it.?. ami at the tim?-of hi? death was h parti
in the law Paaanaaai I had intended at <?ne time fltr
uj> one t>f the Dnprawnii baaaaa for mj- father, M i
Wqnentl) a man eiiicaiifd to lease it on May 1, and i
In?.Ih.'r m !tt .,\t i tlieft'to live ami take cli.ttirc of I
furniture until tlie house ?hould be occupied; he ru?p
iutiii.ita tin- ? iet tino t?f tin? hktntea) in- was pattt?B
the hull?-? ot In? own ai-eotint. nntl I loaneil him I
Btonaj ; 1 al??? linlorseil hi? notes, ami i?al?l thein wl
they liet-atne dac ; I never heanl linn BB" that ht re i
ted bnlldlngthe hoaaaa,tadthai it had Bantndafln
elalfallara; thaiatraaan daBaaranatanl between aa
.uiv tune, ami ?-nue we were ehildrtu together we ha
? never qnarreled.
The ?oti,m r Mi. ?;..n,irieh. look at that letter, a
-t it.- ii mu? hare ???< n II before.
Mi. ?niotliit h?Yt>. I ri-eeivnl it at my office in Hi
Y irk in F? Inn,in last. The letter was Hun read to t
juiy, and ih hi? follow?:
nrtroiKl.T-.l'it,. Itt
Ma. ?loonaiea?lir- I jimp**? to Ml lbs Brant will ?nu liatl
I For t',* put ?inln ?onth? I lia.e bren litinf in tbr tatet? Matt <.f
. ?,! t,rw B-il?tfl ..:. Pa_ia??St, Ihr lliir.i dt..T from Filth ate.
I hafr li???l there ui.koo?n to in? one eirept ?liarlie. Atnitit one J
| ?fo 1 ?a? tnamail to him ???-retlr. (or 1 trn.tnl, I lo.til him ?o tmlr t
hi? word ??? ?aw t.. it.?. ?lul be ?lah.d at BS BBS St ki,uw al *? ?
1 r;?|re until ?..a?-futut* ?ii*. on ?c.-oant of i'ro'.ertj; th? rra.on f
I nm-ttd ?ill. ,t h? did not foil? filian. I ?at very Wi?h, but I ?
| al.,i,e in Nrw fork, witti no frit-nd?onlr h.ra.
I BBTS a-BlBat pBSS (aSB BaVI Ik? rli-r^yiaan who tti?rrn?.l util
minuter at all. onl? a tr.? n.l of I i?, KdIhi, Smith, a .]?? !?r. I think, ?
:. t.ircitr In Hi-rritiber la?t, ?mouth ??o. our l.ahr w?a Im
Before thnt ?ud ainre then, l_?rl?y ha? treated m? ?ith BM u!ii,
rrurlt?, aii.iwi.in?; all tira t.etwi?n ua. ."?r??ral d?>? ?t-<>. ? ?on,a? ?
riUKleu rauie bere to >.nr of the bornea after ? ?love he had at h?r.
wi. it li.e window ?u,i t,o!ir?ii tbe (SBfaSBBa? between tlietn. V\l
Charley carne mu> the h..oar he t?,11 nie thil we mini iurt ; tint th
*?a bo marna?*? betaewti ua. that be had tired of nie, kr. T!,i? woa
with tbe rtnelrt? i? b ? at? I ??? . bt BaS-taaMfal that. Ob.U >"
t? il i. ?.,u t L',| In the itiue ?,,ri,i to tue no?, all M to dark, to deaol?
My loin ?? i-,,nip.rt, lv hruk?.. - t? lire tud ?truiglr on ?Inne I In
Cot todo, and I clui.iI nttt.oul asiiritnr? The l-Bol I writ? tlii? i
tt.e rirrim .?5 . 1 wnt* ?re a??? pa tal, 1 harr h,
trun* to work. I have l.reu ?t aoik ta a ?lore all iLm VStk. To n'
?.Mtunlay nii'ht) I ratue 1?re to my louely bomr, and waa ?err ut,
petteuli an?BB?ad by ? man jatt aa I wa? uni?.. In | llir door, lie ?al
a? if 1'withe-to ar* Mr !?,'? M h. I told l,uu ?ra, and a-kmi hun ?
he wa?. He and that bia naine wat George liai, r ; that be bad been ?
ployed ta wateb tbe haiidiniT. and Ibat my trunka ?aU tlotbe? bad Ix
lake? lo another boa?*. I wa? qnite bewildered, tad 1 hid not
a.i'bt??! idea that ?'barley would tier treat me in thia manner. II
lowed tue mau into liie boost, aud ?a* ?11 1U) thin?;? ibrowu u-k,u I
I; ?eem? like ?om? lretdful niehtinare. To-morrow i? the S?t,!,a
? >,d where will I ?tay I or ?hat ?ill Idol I bare ?o liume? ?n I
fneiid?. I am ?eated on mr trunk writing tin? to ?on. My ba?il? i
taapf attbiaasaalB?I i ctnn.t BaatatptBi f,,r tint i?_?ouperhi
it may sot be e?>. for r,,u to decivher my bi_rried wrung. A?t U
.-??tuMir areiing. Fat, la.
Mr. Goodrich then ?ontitnied: Tlie receipt??! that l?-tt
wa.? tbe drst inf..rotntion that 1 hud m niiytbm-; wroi
in my Itruthi-r'? iti-, n.y father al?o i-eretvetl an ?\a
copy of the letter; it wa? li.iude 1 to him in his ofti???'
New-York by tho writ? r-, this wa? iuevi"U? i<> tlie ttt
when I had .???'.i B irtBlta'B ptna i'. ui\ luotlier'n hou
while i>u.?.?iiik* in at Um haatamal door; whin l nat?t?
the letter I ?rent to my hrother,;> tiou??> ami laid In
that I lia.l re?i-i\?'l it; I n ad the letter tohlm hut PB)
the copy in my own ?>o-iseHsiou; lie mid that th? re w,
not a word of truth in it, ami tli.ii tln-r?? had beta i
BaaiTiage; be aald that he bad met tbe woman in Kai
York aad that aa* bad rtaldad la oiie ot too hou?e? ?
Ikegraw-st.; he ?ra\ i'nu-t.? flndttataad that ?he w.i?
woman of loon- eharacti-r; I tinder?too?l that SBt m
lu oat of the h?u.v.? at that time; lie afterward told n
that ?he had lift tbe hoiiee; he ?uid that n
father had shown him a rifl-t-W lttt.-r, ami _iv?ti It
him: that loti? r a iiitt? tiv.-loiimi in BBBcrel drawer'
in?, lirother'.i I.Bt?Bt '?n tlie> tlav after tin-iimitl? i ;
have a -??it .?i anpn -?,,?ii taal my brother said that tt
-amuati'o Uttiin: wa? Am? :?t "tie, or Ain.v Snow, or I
B?(al bave Said Kote Bw?ddard; he said she hail In? it ,
lu? bou.ie for Mime nine, and that ?ne v?as a very violt-i
aroiaan; be spaka of Um _raatpe Baker who la telttn
to in tbe letter; my hrotlu-r ?aid that he wa? trying I
tel rut of t til- woman, ami Unit her litters were f?
??la? kuiailitiK purp?.??-.? ; h. said thai aba worked iu
Mote at Broad?* ay and .?-pin.ig-al ; I iintler.?t<jod tlt.it - !
tat of a lair euiiijileiion, ?nh li(;ht hair ami ??>,?-. in
iTotlier c.id that i?e inli tided to pat the woman MS
loto aa pead a eaadttlea aa waan at fanadanri I haat
that ?he worked at makiii?: ladu-f' bata; tnp weel
licfure hh? death I? ??'? ??*"?? ??>>? hiKl for
i,mmy to tretr-Torti; be didn't tell m? etaastl
'.?her?'; I knew uothinc of Mi?. __n__AI_Bg 01 R?nc<
lit (?at ihe uiurdtr.
A. W. Hbepaitl, M. L?., was then called, and tn-tith
that he made the post-mortem examination ?>ti th?- bod
of ?ioodnch. Ho also pttaaBtad a ?kull and ??!< ,r,
?'mi*ed tbe Jury the exact jxisitiou that the three bull, I
had taken. A rl?id ?xauiination of the witne*.? 1>> Cot?
ner Jones theu ?!ii?iu-tl, B_d served t?i lirini: out i!u- ??lui
ion that death would eiidently have remilteil afl.-i th
i.iiiii-t-wouiid. ai d that suicide ana sol poaaiMi. 'i i
witnata ?aid ihat ni BM opinion the man di?l not DO?ml
*" l'rof. Boyle of I>?"-*r,iw-?t. wa? fhfnextwitm--.au
ha repeated hi? ?tory almut BBtlap ?ioodmh and
woman Mttlutr on tli?- hi? ft of om? of th?? iBMtta D
Mb-Bbbb at?ilnia Man Lnland abta told <>f aeatii
mi* of a woman Is?uiiik lioin the linu?.e u 1?? r - ?,no?l
nchlivi'l a? ?Ii?- p,i-??-'i on tin- evenim* nt Feb. IS; ,
woman'? voice was heard ?'ryiin,', "Help I iloyoiiun,
to kill met" and ".Minder;" wln.e the witiic.?? .?tni.l ,i
tin fata a man came out and eloaed it.
?.i-iiitre \V. Siied.k- i testified that he lived at No. 77
De_fanat?i and ltd m?t know Cbarlet ??roodiicb; tin
lutuiiiiiii lieforo bia death witnei? ?aw a woman tont?
out Of the liaM'intut ami ?p down l''ifth-ave. J She wori
dark clothes, aud appeart-d to be, ?mall and t-il*nt b
The Inquest was then adjourned until Friday moium,.
TJio excitement r?'?rar?ling th?- inyut?-noti?
muniet o? Charles (?oodrich ha- nut abated lu tho least
-tul t .u h day .?otinlliiiiK oeet?B to maintain tin- UttefBBt
Detective Vide to artti?U'd, y?-?t?'rday inoiitiui:, a Yauke?
soap-jH-ddler, who, it appear?, had been iuqii..iiiied witli
Mn. Luc?-tta Arm?troii(.', or Myer?, and ho wa? bn.ui.-lit
into the Coroner'B BB_N ami ? ?mfinnted wiih th.
woman. Mi?. AruistrouK at once ldeiitill.d him
ana Mr. Ro?coe whom she had known, but ?dated Unit h?
wan not the Spaniard who, an hho had bueu im lin, d t<
think, murdeted (Charlen Uooilrich. The man \?..i- at
rebted at No. S(- Broadway, New-York, ami anconlin? t<
hi? t< ?ilinoiiy Itefot?- the 1'oiuiitr, knows nothing alioul
the murder.
It waa reported yesterday that Itoacoe, the Hiiamarl,
had l>eeu anvnted In Philadelphia, but the rumor -a a.? BOt
credited at 1'olie?- Headquarters in Itrooklyu.
The trial of Mi<-li;n-l Nixon for the, prardei
of Charles Pfeifer was resinned ycsterdi?y, the thr?e
remainiuc jurors Ix-In? obtained before IP o'oloek. 'Ibo
Jurors are Hlmon ??olen?er^, John A. I.ltmcott, (iai n- I?.
Clark, James D. Rheld, Kichard Swettiuan, Charlea?!.
Stewart, Frederick W. Jackrxm, Alpheus A. Courtir,
A brain F. Pruyn, Phln??as L <\M>per, (ieo. Ii. ?Iiaw, ami
John V. W. Hurst. The case was opened by Ausismat
Illetrlct-Attorney Unntell.
Frederick Clou?e, receiving teller of the Bowerv
National Hank, took the atsud a? the first witn?-?. Bll
story was a short one and to the effect that on Jan. M
the Wecond-avo. (;_r ()U which he wa? rldltin home from
hi? business was l?l?x kaded In Chatham BBjntl? by th?
snuw. He allKhted to see the cause of the delsy, and, a?
bla tant touched the ground, he heard a pUtol ehot ; Im?
mediately after be saw I-fetfer fall to the sltlewalk, ?hot
throuifh the head. He ran to the Injured man. ami
found him with hin arms outstretched, on hi? lint k ; a
lar-je gray home, harnenried, stood ut-ar him ; by ?aUng
tbe pnlse wltue?? ascertained that life woa not ttttael ?
Pfeifer had nothJiitlu hta banda, and ws? lunensiiile ?,l
the time, with blood ?ireaminif down hi? ra<< from the
bulU-t wound aear hi? nose. Witii.-?? noliceit
a WBKou being driven rapidly away from the ?eem of
the tragedy, r,iit eouWl not BnBtpB-N the ptaata
In It. Later in the ui?St ha m? the ptksow r ut lb? <>.ik
at. polloe station. A detect!??? asked the BP-BBBktB whui
was the matter, and he replied that he wa* com in,- down
from the Uraud Op? ru House aad tuconnu -r? ?I tin- il,
MtvtedlB CbatbPB?sajBB-Baj wha waa on buraeb.ii k. ai.d
refuted to Ut him pass. 'Ilia prisoner drovi- In? naptn
out li??aldi I'fitifei'? boiae and accldeotally Jostled In m ,
thereupon Pfeifer atru? k at him u number of time? ?un
a wbiPletrae, and finally not og bla horas sud proeoeded
aa akjB? bla apata, nhan JUbm tallad sat, "If yoo do
that ngslri I'll shoof you ;" thru Pfelfar ?trink nt him
iigitiu, and he difW hi? pistol mid ?hot him. Mr. ClouII
Wal ?loss ? (iiuiliieii at leiiLTlh, but hi? stst'inint was ad
lien ,1 to, and vei v liitl?* that BMI now wart cllcifcl.
Andre? J. Willis, ahonemi n? hnvo bara itaadlug
m tb" Meinity ?if tin inoineii! of tin? shootii.L', tcltlnod
!l> lleui'illg (lie ?ho!.?, to seiill'..' III'' W.U'oii illivt! rapid 1)
awav, and swore thrtt Nnou w.i? the man ?lilviuir.
l'aiiiik Brady and John Long, driver and conductor ol
the Hecoiid-Bve. ear, sworo t?i lilt? geneial features of
the occurrence, nlihoiigli thev would not iiftlrni that
Nmm w.i-ilie man. John MeKeou (not the iHuyer)
saw I In-body ?if 1'felfer, Bear whlcii lay the whlfflelrei?
La question; tan Che a im?! drl?e t i lindenunn's, No.
II Baal Broadway, followed i>v t era? I, aad aaa Nixon,
who drove, cet out ami ir?i into the lairt rtmor s iloou.
.lames Iteilly deseribed the w hil-eiree, whlell he also
miw. Ni?.,m iisu.illv ilr,,\e l.iiiilem.inn's wagoU, and he
siw Iflxon at the horae't bead ifter slopping nt th?'
?alaan. He could not identify Nixon, however, as the
man who tired. OUcera 1-it ??dmmuii?. John <i. ?ray,
John 1). Town, ?leur?.'!'Van Itaskirk. and Opt Cllm.tii,
who arrested the prisoner, BwaretetlM fasts, uaetesti?
fying that Nixon rliiimeil, on being attested, thai he ?ltd
it in self-tii'f? use. although he was not actually ?trues.
II. l'ecan, au undertaker of Brooklyn, 1'. I> . cave te?t.
inotiy coiu'ci'iiiiig the character of Um d rnaaad, which
WMfood. lie .oimiiied that he beiuiigii'i la the "Bed
men,'' u secret order of which Pfeifer wm a member.
III <?!;<; IXBUTKM ?H- (?iMrniNO RAII.I.OAIt tam
The olliciuls ?if Hi?- Ni'iv-York, \V? t Slior?,
and ('h)i'.iiio Kallroad ?'niiip.ui.v aniioiiiic?* that a re
?iriraiiuation of the company will probably take placo
within two weeks. This Company Includes u combina
tlotiof the New-York und F?irt l.ce, the IliHlson West
Shore, and the West BlMfl Hudson Knilroad?, and when
completed will be a?ompetlng lino with the New-York
Central mid Hii.lsoii Kiver I..11I10.0I?. The BBBtaaBBj in
his report of the proposed route uni! plan, divided the
road Into three divisions--?astern, Middle, an?! Western.
The K.isteni Division, from Jersey City to Pal-Mil,B dli
tance of uu tulle?, is on the west shore of the Hudson.
The Middle Division, from OBUfcOl to Syracuse, is 1?V1
miles in length. At the former place the line and the
river diverge, tlm rmif, ol lli- rtllay cotitiinilng In
almost u direct line to the Mohawk at Hcberiectndy,
thelu.' the route lies iilouiT tlie soulli side, or the Valley
of the Mohawk, and of the M? CBBBI '" 1 tun; and
from thin place It continues In Marl/a direit westerly
? iBljIIOBKM. 'lbe \\, -i, in Division ?? ? '?-u.l- limn
Brraouie lo the International Bridge, at Iiuflalo, the
distance being 141 mile-. Prom Urraca? the line ton
tilines almost direct to Buffalo; the Erie Canal and the
New-Yorh Central Railroad diverging considerably
northward ut lb? In ?ter. Ihe following i? an estimate
of Un-1 osi o? constructing lbe road, on the routed?
scribed, the est?male contemplating a double un, k rail
road of (ear feel eight aad a hall laeh aaaae :
?.??tern MvMtt MM all?l) '?
briteas, sal staentfti riatrClli Patfj u,
? ...?,i. .:. n
Mollir pm?i..i i . 1
iTmMH PiTi.i.'U U?. BUM]. Mi?..'??)
Teta! f. r _M _Bfl V? .T?r..lir??i
An i?,-, ?,rr in,.?-. I,.'I,, It
It is churned tint the new road will ?horten the dis?
tance between Men ?orh and Rufl-loM mllet at ?-m?
eared wiih the Hen ?orl Central md Hndton Klver
Balli Minis, a tiiiuicl ander the grouudt of tb Militan
Academy is Uli'lei 'construction In tin < ? i. 11 ? . ? t _..
ii UBI nr 'mi hum i M BAH ROAD.
The tease <>t Um Hariea Railroad .?? ft?
New-York ?'entrai ?md Iludisoii Hiver lue waa ? ? ? n-tiiri
ln.it? i| at a im i iiiiu: of fie MM kholdci-j of holt corpora
lions yesti ida? linn - n i n kr. Tbe airaup im iits for the
laaai have bean m proaroM Mace It tDecember, and
hare been I much speculation and lnt*_*eat.
TboUfrb th" Hi! ?in and New Volk Central have I,i-i-n
for a considerable tine rirtuallr and? r the tame man
afement, Ihe same pel toni owning a i untialllai interest
lu i,,'Hi. the lasse eJfocM a atate latia?Ma union and
narra greatei promptneaa and more exact concert ol
turn. The I? im dat?e fromyetterday.and 1bextent
l? eotermmont with the charter of th, H?gt Jfort
<. nil J. which ia Issued tor MI .? ? .n ?,.
r-, wlie-t i .uieil upon to up,,it said tli.it ?M l'ouiini?? I
i.In I til ??.t'l 1 o?? 1 tin .11,'"lilt of the 11, ? ?1? T \
ii'Si ritxtl.it Um propel time, ttetolutlom ?in- Ihaa
l,,p,ed ai l'iiiviiiir of the plant so epted tl the pn
l\WO IX8QL\ I \ r BA \L\
mi ihm. Of -IHK noCXBOLO-XI am. id i.,-nuns
m uu?. Bl i L'l hi ?i- BABY.
A sTcihtiI manllin of -tochtiokkBM aad ?.??
po-l!oi-ot tin- Ball. Heail Hank Mt? held ut the Ash
land lions,', at .? o'clock J\ s|, id i\ at!, tii,ion, .iiid ahOBl
6o persons Min prc-cnt. 'lin- ? hau .nan, John P.. \, il
1 ii*in-. ? ailed upon th?1 committee? of atOCkholdan arid
d' |, .?"is, appointed at the laat nie, t.ni:, to ri port as to
th? pi _n ? made in the plana agreed an for reorganii
im; Ihe bank. F. 1'. Mather, Chairman af the CBiwIllee
of Mocirhoid? r-, niportad thai th? beak waa Inrotred la
proa ? ?1 m _ | lu the State and lV,|>t.ii I ours, and that
iBeezael iaanclalceadtBoaajfi the beak bad aat heea
ii.ie,',. ii, Mated thai Ike Banh BxaBKiaer, who
?J i- ? \T). ?tad to s ll bl ill' I s!a[. -m, lit at the liiee;.n_-, \*,?s
Ul.avoid . ted f'olu <till!)?_' -o.
A. 8. Cameron, Chairman ol the Committee el Depoal
t',1 , -.vlic
nnii for tin- creation ami i-siiiiu "i w ?.?
Otbei rss Mut Ions wert adopted requesting lbe ?lirrctort
01 me i.iiul. to reorcanlae from Urn? ta .-?.ail u recom?
mended ny the di iio-itor's eommltt?.-.
\iiht- invitation of the < h.ini'i o. ie re ral itockhoU
? i - H tat nt B h?. Ii.ul not up lo 11... I miie siilisei io?',| i||,|
?o,ami i,, u., ?.:pl.>i M,- 1',','Mvii ii the Committee In
a tea moments, msJtlni the total iniiscrtptlon of the
itockbo ? ? '. The mb? rli i r- - ibw ,
ilfrned a do unent transferring to F B. Mather, Adam
B. Cameron, P. I Ualatead, Jaa M. Puller, and Bubert
M,, il. .111 t'n I! -1. ,1? ot t a I nt.11 stock 111 the l'a. Ii.
liir * 11 \ ', i -v?.i BABK.
A prennd incctitiu' ?if tlie d-poaitctl <>t the
Btayreean! I - iv< alaa w Booai
No. vi, Cooper run.!!, .f. T. Kellej pretldlaf, Tb? it
- email, o eei m >.'i\lag the
I'titl'tt.f the BteettM, luit th?- f,
:i,u?,*t? e a|'j,.,|'it d at tilt:
i.nter with Mr. Platt, t." \- >i see m
Bankruptcy, to a-k ? lay m d-q-nlnaoi Ike laaaa of ihe
bank, was un-ii,-?-.---fui. ll VIS Stated that, notwith
? g the fact t h it tii.- 11 a-i ? had be? d traaafern ?i bj
*li i'i,i;t, u.,?ii i tii,- onii i of JuiU'i Ulatcbford, t.u 110,000
i.08, to tbe Bixpeunj 8a? miti Bank, an offer bad i,.-, n
made ot flS.000, bul had nul been accepted, and it was
fated tu.it tii?-\. un,--. - to nrovi rr?.- oiti i in .-ot
i- .no- could Ue pi'O'liieeii. Ii aat decided al
th mi. i, i a- to Inform Mr. v. aikiT, tin- attoi-ej abo had
off i, i to take the < ,-,? ,,r tu? lu b md, to al
t' dal Ihe next meeting-, s,, i__\ _\ Nj, wt might t*e
itated, an i i in- ?lepotltori pli dtn tbemselrei toaaree lo
a propotlilui in iieciii the work ol proeeeutiun againtl
lbe officers of the Bank. The wituessei who verUt the
stau ment thai mon- than aio^eowasoBernd ror lbe keaee
of the Bank, were alto to be notified bi tbe Herretary.
and i.?|ie-i.'?i to ..t i? iii. 'ine roeetinc then adjouni, d
??i, k.
waaxura ot bbbkmab?bt. raovaari owxaaa?>a
??iM.Mi i ur. ro ?.t? ro u haw.
A iii?-?tiiitf of l.?ikiii:iii->t. piupi ity (iwiiiTs
waa held at the oflee ol Lorlng Aadrewi I s.at ?,-0
ri < ?iii'-.>!.. at i: m p. m. yaataiday,ta takeacMoaapea
tin- piopoMii ?Aidealag of ..uu i. Aboul B property
owmis of lift kn..m-i. un?! n? rlelalty wer.- rapta
s? nt, _, Lorlna Audit a ? pineMed.
'1 lie ( tiairiiiaii eiplaiiietl lh, nliBBlt tt Ihl ailBllBI III
be the fiainilitc of lesolii! an?s ol r,liioli-t I an, ? a-aili-t
the aldeana of Abb?et.and it- aztaaMeM. Bawaafal?
lowed 111 hi-icmarU? DJ Jai k -ol? H, .Schullz. v,ho olb i, d
tin- loUanrtaffi
!:? ? '. at, TLat in tie? af tlie nree.iitv ?,f ?iienlni t ?trei t or ateno?
Hill Ptrk to thi Kn?t RIti *.,? o ,??.,?. i.,|Mil Aurabll
11.11 Su. '? I? he -,, in.iaj? i ?. lo Icifs lh? ?bole qariUoa ol
oi?eu t,i t,e ,:. i i. u : thai ? eoa_?tiloa t., I,?
nan.,'?! l,r tbe M..,.r. ill. I'l.s.'.n.t .,f u,. Ba.nl el tUaraca, aad th?
, .- ?tr? i". oil.. la_?n .mi, attaaa, ?uiiji'.i m Ms asal con
?tui?!i?:i i,f the BBj n lae <',,an.
Mr. Tathuui eiibm?ted a ttlnt ri'snlution, In which the
A ?Mlii li!} lull ?.is d, I,mm, e,? ?ih.ifi.iud mid nuirai;??,
and Mi. Lerala, ?bo had drama tin hin, ami who mpaa?
??enteil tin- ratereeti of JimeeO. Benaett, ir., inluu?aj
thariily In defeuse ol the bill. Alter an explanation by
Mi l.? Min, Mr. Tail,,m'? n ?ohiii'iii v..,? aitbdrawn,
arid au am? miment, oUiinl by Ml. leavciu, was aubttl
lilted. Bl It'll''
lllitrniI, ItMBM) Uu No IB |,rot ,1iiiir fur the i|,|Kiinlnent oft
foil,Hil|?l?iB lo tale ill.,, ,,,i.?i ,.,.,|.i,u ii. ., , , ,,.| Ai.u
It, now I?/,, re i!. t lo ? ia, i, ?e, si
?,r,,?,erit-i,?iier>. sie aameaai aat mmUk ?. raaaMat ne ?, .?t ?u, u ?. th?
iu!?-,i?i? i ml iii! Ill? of I :.e Blaarrt ..?n.r? tiailBl, Hie o!,.r, .
i I hal a ,. n ailti ? ? i U.ree t?- .i,|.,,n,i?.i n, e,, ?? .?.u,,n? ari(<
lifsatMtBBBV?Baalt lank! bill amab ?mil Ittti tlie Ct___Maaaa
Bitii?! in Hi?- In -'o - ' a t,-iiiur, a? tlie? uitr
??-? It tor ?urb ow-uIBi lor II,,- .i-,.el ?I lli??l?>, tu ^, ?111 ?t.. helaos
Fullon iimI ? I,?,n1,- r-????. Bad ?lirli ?li.ll ??wtif BratMasn|aMSBf
-a ul j,i"i eri< ,,win r? I,? Hie liiiiii.iuioo, sr Is auv ouwr uu
hi r .tlllerrn? !.. II I .?? nr all,,,,,I I lit- i -.,|,.enl ,,| t !,e MS
rri ,,<ii,ei? ???? a. ? a -a" ( ",?,i 'i'? e ?,e lurtlier ilirr. ir.l I,. ?aaaSa
. . urtiMI -t?'' It Hi, -aaaatmea i? as* at?tlltMi
??i of Hi? ?Jiuprir ..?i,era repnacalad it Mil
tat '
I hi ami lulluent hiivini: been carried, Mr. Andrew? ap?
point. ,I M' H nj Tatham, w I'. Abendroth, aad
Ambrose K. Kij ih<- Committee, and the meeuon a?!
jouru? d, Mii'i'a t t,, the call of the (hair. The Committee
mil in,.,e.,ito Albany at once. Thei have reaneated
Mr Li m in to t< ooiiip.ui> tin in, that the re ko Inn,*, n may
Eieatoooe i ?I.?? ? ? t before the ?Vtsembly Committee to
iv hi? h Hie bill lui been I?ft ? i, ,1
I.uMi M.AMi HiWN !.l,i:i TfOMB,
Tlie il? ?liiiii*. Im oflaan ??t tin- viiiiotia
lov.li?. of HiiOoIK and QB I I CBBBt-M tfert hell yester
day, 1 In n-hiiit in i/uei n? ?oiiulv, ? ? fui u? i? known,
IThrea the 1* pu id lean- two m Ihrer ineinlHTriln tbe Hoard
afBupanrloM 11 ? ? MHawlaa Baparaleera aaa Bbbwb ta
ht ? I' , t tl in Ihe i ouiit.t. :
.1 un.ni a John N. Mi lin,!.! ih,,ll, li' j?.
I'm.inn- -Charles K. Boe, I?, in
Newiown Honen Barrouirha, HrforM.
ileinp-leiid John l> Pott, Boa.
North Jieiiio_.il _,i Juan >i i ;..i k. it. p.
O? ti i lia . Wail, i I | u,kl n. H n,
hiillnlii ? onntv will have ,i to iinl.'i, ,n Hoard of Huper
Vl?iiT? with the ?'Ki-pliijli ul 11? 1.1> A. li'iit?, jinn.,
eltxited at Moulboid.
rat-Ota-aaaTaP VI ?Tf'itl AY. AT IPUPiPahiP-P I? PAI
?'a ro-?-"? tact- ID" J I a .-St" Mirlnlsbt-fii' A?*r.f'-?
Fifth Atenu? Hotel (luv. Jewel] of C<?nn?ctici
Ka lio?. ?i?rlk . f New MainO'lilr?. J'trl,? Ko.l. K. Moan, ?if Ohl?,
('?Bdil Baila a? Hutal.i, .. A Itu-I, ,? II ,.f New ?im.U "?tj*
i.ftln.aha J?.h?T lirrw of WtiwilattoB, an.1 Frank Hlaroek r?f it
ro?e... .Vie Yort lintel Krnat.ir He??. <:.,? er nt Trnne.ae. I ?I.
A B?t>?, I'. K A ; ?n.| Mr M.r.in? Hed?an < iiti.u. ?? Vera ? nit.
Attor llfiif- it *? nalor Nk-BTS? <>t Kanatv?. JeBB ??_?>_?
thrr.m.l Ml Or?. B M. ? tii-i? "f Ot* nahanr, Imlf? h. II. Bt
kr?.i?.'l ?.lei ? I lllt.J. V., and John <i. Safe .. ?'.r.iri.l ?'< kl '
t*|. Rear A.lmiral O. II. Sr.,ll l' S Na.? lue,,?,, i ll.-t.-e M <?
} tire,?rr Mrt.itli .,1 Vent,?i,t. atol C. 8. P< r.e ,.l ll,e IN? ?'??? *
?e? ..lfrlr.,,o,/ii,n Mtttt rVtattWI ????art af ?.. va.1. a?i?l <??'?
t, 1.1. ,,; ? ,,, . t . ./? ral it linnet J,, ? I I ?? Hi "? 1
trnit....,/<_r,.i_? /foaat-idarru T. Mm. brpnly Att?rt>.? -<lr-.er
Alh?n?. _
Vic?--Pusitl?nt W?Imoh arrived iu th?' cil
yesterday Baa-PPhJ from Wa??liln*;t?in, r? rualiie?! at t
Ai-tor IIou?e dutiuK the day, and left foi his homo
Mstaaiba-tnllSBa-l ???..-nln-r.
Th? I-io*?i?l?-iit, ?K'niiiipatiKil l?y Mr?. (?run
Mi?s Nellie ??rant, ami ?}.n. i). E. Ual?c?ie?, arrived
the Fifth Avenue Motel ut 11:1?. nVIo? k lust nlirh' fr<
Washington. They will romain in the city ?ever
?nna-MMfftf ?Tiimk-s, Snrvi-.vor i-harp?1, an
Captain of the Port Reaman assume?! contr?il of th?
reapeetlve uftlre? yesterday, and re?'?-lv< d the eontraf
latiounof iiUiiierouHca llera. Noun "I ta?e otile lain luv
BUtlouin? tl any' so? i ill. proga?h?BB<
Firo Murelial McSi??-?l?in lian?l??l in h
monthly report to the Hoard of I'.iliee, yesterday. I?u
ln_ March there were UP IIr? -, Involving u I ?BB
|"i?l,iS6 ; of which, lt'?.i>50 wa? apoa buildinif? Km! B3SM
on ?took. The amount of unman? ?? on bOlldtnKt w
|-.".?:i.'/(i?). mil npoo ?rock, |BBb_TM; total, tl,2dl,o5i. Tl
amount of uninsured loss wa? ti:i..',?;J.
Omar f? VYuinvvriKlit, who MJI tliat lie is 1
the railroad biisiiu ?*?, was arrested, ycHt.rd.iy, tiy DeiuH
Marshal W. T. Hinilb, char?? d with uflenuK him?" If
" straw imil" In a case which it In not yet proper t<? me
tion. ?olmo iSBiootl Mil-Ids committed him. ind.l.iii
of ?M8B bail, ni? ?uni that Walanaipht la ??a haad i
a LtkTgt kiaii.: ol " straw liotulsuicn."
b) ?ui?.wt r t<? ?i riMiliifiiin of the Honni ?
Al'li'iincti, Commissioner Van Nort ha? pr?i> ?red a ??_?
ni? nt of the street? and avenues north of Fifty-ninth?
which have htap l?-?;ally <ii>? m-d or ceded t?. Mu- <-;r y-, i?ti
tin- daic of ?u ih opening 01 resttea; also ol streetaaa
avenu.s, or part? th.teof, i.ot y? t le tally Opt???! ti"
??Inch it apjeear? thai ,I*J, ntlosel ?ti'-? ta Betwet? Kiti.
ninth tOd ?>n? 'bin. tin il and lift? tilth -I?., laid Ml '
Un- oltii ial BUpot the rit), have not yet become tl
ptop? ii) .,f tat city.
Tlio annual -?prinp tan. tru?.?- nal?* vr.n
opened, )c??ter<lay ?nomine, by th? M<?st*n? l.-avitt, ?
Hit? Clinton Hall .-ah-trooui?, ami l ? m 11 mit-il ?lurinir tli
day and atnanpt ?P_Btp_n_M bpj <?f inven?e aad mi
C?llancoii? looks fruiu !>??? A- Miepunl, acJaotifla norl
tr.iiii Ali'X.iml.i' Moore, li?i?t?m ; ?elect.??! work? tn.i
-li'ptid ?V <.i I, Boston : tablet ami album? from EfolBit
.v i .. , Miii'n? emiI?.nil.turn? of Hlodilart A <'o. ami Hi
Kational Patrilahtog < o.,and tlie Inportatlaaa "f Btraj ?
? On wnre disponrt of N?>t mu, n taMraatwna Baa
ft- t. -1 In Mo ?ah-, an?! Ml.- bOobt brought rather lo'
Ii t -, ainouiiliu* in the mapirit. of cubes to leas tba
60 -?er cent of their trade val?es.
City Cli;inil??'ilaiu Palrm-r iiial<<-.-? tin- follow
n_- ?t.t. tuent of reii-i|.ts, |i.?Miiiiii-, Bad bahawBtt h
the Bina '!??', ' ? B?tag March H :
Bi'tm Balaaei
M.rrl, ?. Bereit a. P??mrr,ti. Mir Ii 1
fit? Tre.-irr.p],U.,0tl. M ' ' ? . ? ,b tot 2,-T?.Ot. ,
BlaMaa Ka?'? Reiten.o
Bat. il? ?no s? tun n .... t3a.??l
Sunn. Ku?,| It.tert.i.. Ittatat M t.'M> It .... litJ.l?o t
llg.nl ?I Ab| or?.uo
Bent. TISHiii'l 3.?10 (10 3 (?? 00 74.160 ?
CiBBtr Tr?_?ur.?.ITCSt* .3 t3*.t .7 ..???! I.V-j,191 I
Teui?.??..?.tuf <n ti'-.t-tt?! raj 9:?i,47i io ?.?r.'?,?? :
Tin; tii^'-lioiit Conovcr, Capt. I'arasiin, 1? f
South Atnbo}, ?Motitlay ail?Tiiirr>n, witli -?-?.irai heavil
leaded eeel aarpaa la taw? When af _?eaUta-w banB.
i .trly yenterday moruiuir. lier t ntriiu- l>ecaiin? dixable?
..mi tag ami bargaa a?nn__Ba aaaaaaafinbaa They drifte
lu?, k with tbe tid.., ami tan into the ?hippluir at ancho
offstati-n island, m-' oui.u?.* lepaiatea, on?' "f lint
?auk m uiciliatelv : utiiither <-.,me to anchor ; tin-to
.uni une bai ire drifted ??flore on l/oiif IiIiukI, ami f<?u
di irteit nit o? iba Harrows aad veal asbore on tbe Wet
Haul;. All the -T6WI net- rt BOOOd, and f.ik.ii a.-hore a
Vamlertulf? Lauditifr, with the et eptloo of B BBBB BB
waa?a who wer.- oa beard tbe enaaea barge? aad vb
are atppatad BS have lieeii diowued.
Ah Miss Alil.i?' afcCatlll of No. IM Lrxini?
ion-avi. trae nalktag dowa Kfth-av.. ?eBterdaj morn
lap, .tiioilt 11 <?'i lock, a boy ru?hed uji to tu r. ati'l wit
01.1 ? hand ?ttrni k In i a U-iiitle blow oil the Batet, v\lul
wnh tin? oth?, ii?- sB_Btehad bet peeantVaeek, aud ihn
ran a?tav. Batatal latidanU gata cha?e, and th
scoundrel wa- finally captured m an alley-waj at the gaa
ner of Twetit)-ei,;ht!l-?t, ami F.ft have. 11<- v. a? takci
int? ? Batedi bp a pet-os-aae. aad in the alafraoea wa
???l before Justim Ledwith at Iba Jeffersoti Mai
k.-t l',.!iee t milt. He ?-..til.?--<-,I tli? clime, .tii-l aillnitt? i
batlaa Berten aeteral abort terina In the Penltentlarj
Hi i? a ui, inner of a notorious hand of thletea Baowi
u the "Waal .-i.i?- Oa_ujt," and It a ktt-epei-ats fellot
Ukoagh i? iti-r? bot. 11?- v. ?<?. eetaslttcd (or triai aithoa
i .?,I. Mi?? Mi ?'..Hie. arbofli ii? aaeaalt? d. ?a? coumdei-a
iiiy in,)ute.i!?i the blow which abe recelved.
IIK?i(iKI., S.
Th?* ftartliiiif natnr?- of tin? mmW?*t9 an?l ? \i
di m c Bgatan I ? : -11 n t- Mtornt-v llrttton, which havi
been |.|t cute 1 tu|< luv. Im l\ the Committee Of I-'lffV
wa? tin- ?ubjecl oi general and exeited t ouveraatlaa >? ?
tei ?!;,> ,-t ?[o ci.t.lv III tin? political illiic? v. lilt I, tiai.) le
rotte aheat theCltj Ball, several aaHttloat lut-mbi-iao
whit it arc involved iu tin-1?arges lnatle.
Un k \\\'\v.--Thf Kotk.iway Ilrancli of tin
I tag l?litn?t I-iilioatl. Mhi.h w..? aBBaapad i?y the hi?;I
tkdatef m inlay Baatnlag, baa beea repaired, .?i,<i 11.?
train? will be ruiitiliiR to ?l.i\ M u-ua!.
Jamah ? A atan aaated Bttaie, boattiap In the booat
of Mi?. Headrt. was i?,i?i.?-?i ot t mum v..it.i ,
_i. ? 11 ? ? i. k-, and ii wteretgai by a roota*a_atc?. Tba
thief was lo? ki d lip.
Si vi-i i ins.?Tin- l.iv. (?. \V. Smitli bhl
Been Btaipned te the KlB-Je* IIBtbodltl Cfeoreh, tad
will preaeb Ut iBttotlaetor? s?*t_ront? iondap next.
< in I.>s. (Hie hundred ami tin? laborer? were put to
?m k >. ?ici.i.i? ?.u ih.- batteries andeartuwoi k? ai Fort.
l.,IU|?klas !'.?, Miperiliteli lent Uot l.llt.
Ill Dmi.N tUYa-B COIM1KS.
M<?KUI-?ANI\.?A JHllilic nii-ttiiii; wits lii'ltl,
\ t'.-t?nlay, al Molt Ha?,, u, |0 take into ? ?iiiMib-riitiou
BPaped < i< ? tiou trau.is m tht Piral Waad, aa tin- alpM ><t
Tuesday, March ..V It i? ?l.tleil that whil?' the iu-.,ectoi?
aetaeonntlBgthe ballots ptaaai in one bo?>the liKhta
?Acre azttagnlahed, h mi m the aaitoeet the Town I?_itee
bet was gassed oat of the rooet and acelber one pal la
lia plana Attbatlaae it wan tuppoaed thai the iiKhts
ven put out in tinier to make an assault upon the la?
?peettifa, bat t hen the eoateata of the Town Trustee Inn
?ai re ?amBaaed, not asinai? scratched or soiled ticket
was round. The matter will be r?!ieiTt-?l to the Attor
ue?-(ieneral for hi?,iction
kin..?!??, (he tea ta lea?aenl ?'nek at talapotatls
brobeaap a? leriaa BO?/rllle, aad ti??' esatet navi
gable part "f the al-tnai Is bow free from ice. __b
rleainei N.,i a h h hrohfl tl..u n in ion ii.j_: her way through
th?' let to Klilm i lift y? ?lenlav, ami ferry comiuiiiiacu
eat-oa will not be resumed until to ?lay. Hut one mail
Win received h\ Hie lliil?ou Itiver Hallro.nl to ?lav in
t'oiiM-ipieme. The Delaware aad Hartaan Caaal la upen.
and tin-. Coni,?aii.? have m\eu orders to ba?ttmea to l>e
Kiu tripe Mouda) next. It i? thottgbl that the Nc-> York
boat? will b?'Kln tri.??, the lir-t of ueM w??k.
Sis,, mm, I'he widow of ?i.-ranl llallo.k, the late
ediioi ot rPt Jti'trnitl of Commerce, tlleil ut tbe 1? sid?in e
of her son-iii i.t w-, k. P. Beiden, toa tardar norolag.
CbartesBurl?, whoeeeaped ?Yeai tbe state ETIsob Paa?
dai m-iii, w?a amsted at lar, .\?plnwaii's fat aa henss
beloa in? citv ?eaterdap Btitrniag lie was befglng for
?omethtag to eat when urre?tc.l. Ho ?? uow at the
Ka?h in ?ii n Hie tux leiyers have appropriatid
liit.wai tor tut, i m ? n ?. v <-iii..ii t ?,f roads, including the worh
of enltlii. iIovmi liock'? Hill, ami about |l,6?kl for Mio luv
Depart aBBat.
?'??nii.vM.r. Th"? Ih? payer? have voted to raise
11,"?-".vi? mb'il in i he lBprove4_k.nl Ol road.? and
itri.lK?? ilurliiK the eiisuin, yt ar.
m:\v .ji.rskv.
?Ikusiv Cnv.?Tin- Iliitlsiin County H?-;il
Batata DealaaV aanaabnttan Bart bat? atnatapal the of
Bhl t?f Al. \amler Wilson, at No. 1 Kxchimt-e iilaee, J.
II. Platt pn -iilin?.-. l>r. l.aldlow ?\a? .i?,|.i,int.-tl to draw
ut> et,itutie?, of iailro.?d ?aiiitiiiii, etc., lor publlcaUou
ta the tatereett "f the ateotnahaa.?aajt eeasplalata
un- iiiade ol tin? lu.-nicK-iit Ii?. him.' of tin- Hiiluiiliau MT
tl.uiHof the ? Ity The Hon. Win T. Hollinan, ?be newh
appointed Judpe of the Oouttoa Pleas, sssauicd lbs
dutie? ?f id? ealee tea tat da) Dnrlap ?March there
w.re t?t patienta In tbe Chant) n?>?piuil. ?ml ipst
peieoii? reiei'e.l olllilde 11 eat nielli . .. . A cu?e ,,f
toiall-poi baa beea reported i?> lbs Buthorliet
joiiu Doraqaet, a Bwede, apt IB, was killed atiba West
Bud depot of the Peaaajrltaala Ballroad, Mooda] eren
lap If? had arrive<l with bis family H.,m l'omiiton, ?u
th.' Midland H.,un.ml, and ?hen tlm tram Stopped be lie
non raiaoTaaaJua bowse hold furaltarc frota i in aralfl oa
the iioith track to tbo iilntlorm, it iieiin* nrrctssn lo
?loan the traik of oa?Vralng tialu?. While tliu? . n
Ka?;.'il he wa? ?tnn k b> ? drill cti-itie ami tun o\er. tin
wheel? paaalut oval l.i?. bead. Tba .-cumin? ?ere ra>
aBotedtolba offli? of ? orotnr Belabardi.The laes
cullected In the'Ihird I'reciii.t diirliiK th' >.ir Bodlug
Ajirll 1 uiauuutcd lu 17, Sot... A child of Loun Blukley,
ouly a few m..nuis old, let!, ?ealerda) altem,.,,n,.i a
??-?'ou?t ?ton v-imlowor bit n Bid? n. f. on .Mool??uu?'r.
ave., aud ?a* almor? luaiuutly killed.
Nk?*itK CaaiifS a-.ni.aarit.-T. who tin? tx-eii .-oiifined
in tin-count? |ail for nearly i?-o rears, aente la-ad fur
?aseiua eeuntarfeil laeaojr, waa reaterdaj patdoaed i??
th?? President, Ltudauer waa beqaeatht ?I aiA.ooo ia?t
moulli In u deceiirid ourle . Mi Am/.i Coiuiit. the
uvwly appointed loty Jiul*e of iba c..uit of tSriunita
Plea?, WM??woru Into OBBot ? ?:it?rilav.... I lie CU??>iil.ni
Literary H... let) ha?v m-l, ,1. .1 the following otloar? lui
theeoaalat jrsari !-it?,d.-ui. jui.u j Boat, n-, Plee
J'n-ridi nt, N. It Hr? v?*Ut, uii.l Tro:i?urer, HeuryC. Al
licil-'I l,e new Hlatlli t CourU Will coiiiiueiiin liualne-a
to-day Miller h Martiu have bean awarded lb? ten
?'??? i fux fuiuttnlug ?touo iu? Ute aa? uouutv ueuiu-u
ttary. their hid barlnsT been *M,?W. Alex. Hnrgs mad
.foiin U .lsr*?on, both ro'or-.i. are ?monK the inrors for
tue Mil tarn efOourt Thlaifl lie trat Ubm-"">"" "" "
haOH.v.. -eived on the petit |?iry In IhlB Mate
Vlie mil.i.al ?iiprier of HI. fleoWs Ite-ievo!, Bl ri,??? ly
wil tak, iiliiee , .i, the iid IKMI.Ta?? yo.Hl'?: ..on. while
toatioa of. the Pe-eaK, rerferday,, ware Batet, and w.i.
irreal ".fli all? mons~.i to aaln. to the itWre,, ti?ale
tut eoldaam o? the water...The annna \?*???? the
??>*?? xl'in n fv Medle.il Hon.ty, was h? Id ^'l?;-/- "'
?jBOer l?irarv Hall. Dr. J J H. I?ve of Montclalr
dr5 re,."the'.nnual adtlre?. TBe ?'**?JV?T
wsre elected : President, Dr. Isaa?- Bich?la of B< war?
VeK-l'eitltlefit Dr. K T. Whlftiii-hafii of Milbiirn . Bee
r-?S?ftrrriATwaI ?aaarki tliMHir. l-iE
?i. I), hiuith of 5ewark.*
dnBOBBB.- a* William OallaKher was drlrinic Info the
Morrlaand Basel fialahi depol, al KM P? at. y.-,f.i r.iisv.
hi? ?T-Ma wa? -till?- by an lueninll.tf BMMJOff l-'
and br..lten to piec?. (iallim-l.er was thrown eataBd
badly hurt, ami tho horHe? escsped Injory. ?.ali-u ??? r
res let ?a Forty tint ?t.. NewYon?, and Be ????P?*
tohlalwsM i.v ulcer DyekmsB A? ? ???nlinir I oi m
plan adopted on Saturday evenlna, the ( ommon onntii
Is-l niant remdved to meel at m O?? lock till? liiorninif and
m I? a iMHly to Trenton, with other citl
?aaa. to entar a tonaal prot?t ?*?**}
the ?MMMaaaf the MB aaaestaB the city u> Jersey cuy.
. fhe DenioeratlrCity ?'onveruion met it?< <.r<IlnK to
adjouni-ient, laut nlgbt. at Wlllium?'? aaloea on Bndaoa
rr and the following nmniiiati'in- for city otlleer? were
nade : Por Mayor. Peter MeOarlak ; for ?it y rnesnrer.
J.lin Kiiu.ena ; for <:itv Clerk. Joba Mel ullogh ; for a>
?'iKiii, J. 1!. Mcllbargy, and for Water Cou.u.i-sioi.. r, H.
A. Kdmonson. These eandidetea are, witn the eso pmrn
of Edmonton, the pr?'?ent incumbenU. There an- now
time ?arnlldates for Mayor In the fled. ..'I i.e stand? in
the BehBtaaa PaiB have been leased for the aeason for
Pa TTi.it ?.on.?A lanre number of manufaef urers an?i
Other? are believed t?t I?) MON or I.-sh involved In the
failure of John Day A ?'o.. annouuied Litt week, and it
Bill prove .i ?uno!? blow to the rapidly irrowmg ?ilk
ti a?!-. The liabilitie-i of the flrui are now ntatod a?. M lug
M ?i iy fns.tm.
IV Pro?*--. Iaodffe, No. 91, K. oil'., work thr?,
Third Kauk _t-lj.lt their rootna in Pythagoras llall
The K?:v. 0. B. FrotMngham lectures at
T'nlty ChujMl, ?larl? m, WciUiesday evening, on " Bta
biiity and Pniirr????."
AI?kh Kinily Faithful] will deliver her fare
wt II lectur?; in America to-morrow afternoon at Stein
v..i\ Hall, upon " I.ant Words of the Woman (?tienfiou."
The |< ?ture will be pn ,?'do.i by a half-hour cone? I1.
Mr. \\\ S. AimIiiwh will deliver his amus
Im. and popular lecture on Dialect Humor Bl the Asso?
ciation Hall on Friday evciiitiir. Thi? gentleman,
thoiiirb n.w m the lecture BakLbai already mob a aal?
nable popularity. He will vi?it Baglaad, wi undtrBuud,
M ?t atlllDB, and it t line on Ann rn .m humor.
Tin fosara! ti UM lato Baft Maxwell will
take plaie today fi uni tin: rin-t Pi? -sl.ytcrian Church at
li'th-ave. and Tweltth-Mt. Ill K?-v. Dr. I'axton will
i.ni. i ale. BM-Blld by tlio Hev. Dr. Adams. The following
are the a-U-bearera: Jam. ? Lenoa, Mose?, Taylor, chat.
o'Conor, az?Jadae QlaBaaBar, Jadaa Weaaraa. wak M.
i.vaits, Jln hard livin, and Thurlov?. Weed.
A lectur? upon ?* Hayti : It? History and
Present Condition," wan delivered lu-"t ?venin/,' before
the New-York IIi?torical BlBlatf, at |M oud-ave. and
Kieventh ?t., by lii-hi p OB?B of llufl'alo, ?S. T. A trto
irraphic.il description of the island was ?iven, and IBM a
review of its hlntory. Its discovery by Columbus, the
Bpaaiah M cupatlou, the i runliiu? ont of the native?, the
acquisition ot a parr, of the island by the Ft euch, its
wealth and prosperity lu the last t eiitury. prior l?i the
Preneh revolution, the troubles and terror? which fell
upon it in eeaaaeaeaee ot that mro-sUee, its nrlrtag
prosperity, its Injurie? lrom Prance, and its present
potluon, were bin fly detailed. Its present depreosiou
*as ascribed to the draining of us resources. It?
climate wat praised, its boandleia fertility extolled, and
hopes were expressed for Its future.
|__BBaM_B__a I
BOE-u-IT'i Kxtkacts.?Ik-ware of sub?titute?.
Afrrvn to thk First Stmitoms of Con
iiaeriu-i, xko tbit tri oiieiii ?lit bs csbckio i.i m i.iciri
t.?n r, ist it ox< t Dt. Itmtr* Kirtnot-sT, a tsr* stitnt
I'jk ILL ??fll.llu.sil Ut TUB LUSOS Util fituUCUIS.
"BOODI fATCHEit?s."?If one coul?l rriul the
fie?-? ??.<! ?lim-ter? of ?irtagrri it i gl.oce, tr ?he aid of Pbr?-soluir.r
? gatary,htataalhstMtM?BiMa|Bhai?Mt, t|a?Mm,sc
i tbirf it iitrtit. ThoM wir? reui the Ps-i.TuLutmiL ?lee_?SI ??v
ir?ra lb? ml*. I.y ?Lirb rbaricirf BdMMBMeB 0b|? tX k yar, ?r 3n
rrouiNii. Tbrte trill ."?o.'l '?nt for ? txo'.l, b? ti. _. Wtix.?, M
BruiJwtT, I. I.
1'iiivi r>al atlmiration is oxrited l>y KS".,?;,';
pri>?..i.B?i i'.'i?-?,f tat?ataa-aHbsi aalMa >_i??i for it. n >,, hi
??? la l.i.u? MaasBni?aaaatMU* temtkm i?urr. Ks t,
hastiat,,? atjta i?. n.c a_a___ i?. iM ?MaaM aalaM ??' Ba peMaaa
Ltom. TOOTH TablrI arc as utat and
? : ??,? .. ? :? "i. I r ah, ,a.<t lb? iLiLf l?r L .
Wild i- vorn rAim.it Dwrnatt?Aak himII
Ltub'i Tata h 1 tataM ?re no? i?rf??(l? ?il. tu u.c.
Ai:t siidf.nts will l'uni in Tiik Tuiihsk
f mi k? hiihi Hf) ? MM u'llicbi-ii. iB? ?riir? o! An Siu?Ii.? rretntl/
.|...?n?,| ia til? .u/ie. i'.- ?? ?'. :,' m.
I I N'.syriKK.*7Fiilf??ii-st.,N. Y?Watches,
I I. Kur JsBthy, aM Mathaa* Bilrtiwan i : <uU uu
naalKt-t pro?u. K??rr inlcli? ?ruiraiui-a. D_moadt a apeeislty.
ASURV* UnfadingGtTeenfor outaide Mind-?,
?hntwr? ??.! laides y? ? ist Pcratststi JOBB
MAbTIT a. ftO.l.lll Paltoa-M Bp< i
KHo-KKKKKiKltATOU, with Water-Cooler;
l?r.tiB tbr ?orl'l. A. M. LKIl.tl Ut W -VI?t .?..-.il for book.
i Rpl k il,
<oR.iii.i<n ?iw n???ii mis.,
Neat Spring Overcoats, $10.
Wl.ili. il ? ?1,-kFta nit T111IID ??RAM) ?JIKT COM KHT,
\o ti. ,i?rn au.Iir ttthBtlty of iper ?1 Ltfti ittte Bri i i ,ii .,i
I'nbl.i- I.H.rHlT ol 111?, it l.ibnr? Rill 1. liiT?ll It,., no
Tl'BHOAY, APRIL ?S. iBtB. hiaiiatu ?Ml BsBtkaltau
ast I ? lia.l iBi.brr? rirt^t *t New-York ? ll.tiui?? lllr, ib,-?
??? p..!,.!. I?tIb? k?iit upru lu ??-It ?ut ?mil ?,?? ?r?. r?iuriir.l bjr tbe ?ut
iM. Bta i, Ba iri'ui ,i?t m ??.? ?? ?iif? atas la, latjtMat bHI th.- f.? tbit
?rr laa un l.ao.l. llffiir m?aii iiu'.il lu u't-lix-k, B, la. TltltM l??bl? lu
1?. ithi?i?trsl ta? hout Mill, iiprrn, mil lttrirrt|ili orl.r? ?ill I*
III?! m tbe .lift unlrr the? ira la?frail, tal rr?iiun,?? rctaraal ta
Matt Iba? ?rn?. t?.i l?i?. 411 ,iu.rt?-r ?n,l l,?lf Htkaaj ?rr ??it??...!!???!
ia tbt> ?hcl Ihc tune ?? ?huir?, pu.il? 1-ior fonn<-il ?hnbttle at?
.?lila acil ru.la Irft. Ti-ii TBou?and ? H?h ?iilt?, to be di?tribu??sl
I,, lot atuou?: tb. tirkft'hnlilers. t(?rr(ite ? ?ut i.itil uf
One (?rand Gift, (ash ? 8100,000
Our Grand (JH., Cash - 50,000
One (j?rand Ott, (ash ? ?5.0(10
ni,, ?.. ..ii.i ? ,,..ii ?.,!, . 'ii.?urn
tin, <.n.M,i ? ,i.i. ?.m. 1,11,11(1
??in- ?.latnl I ii.Ii l.lll . A.?1(1(1
.' I ' ,.?li I.Ilia ul II in.i. . vil.?mo
.??I ? aah ?.lit? ?I ..llllriu-li .... Ji.lllMI
?Ml ? ii ?It lull? ,.l lllllrii.li ... 'I.' Illlll
I 111? ? il.h ?.til? ot {IMIi-H.h KIIKKI
I .-.ti I ...h l.m? ni -???Ml rar h ... .{?i.iimi
I'M' ? llsh ?.Ills ?i III,.,.. I, , I |l"i.
<i.ikki O?f i.in?? m,.., i.. -m.(?.m
Total. I ll.(Min ?HU?, all ?aah.???.,,,, ,,,,?
II?.i K? lin, Thoa I:. Iltatnlrlir ou K?. In< MMM .if
!', i'.nnrH ,.f lli? ? uur.rl !.,r I'rualrr?. Wne butulml lin....?., I
i , k?i. ..1II.IH) liifi. Msscaaaaa ia i?u. Mr? l?rl ui,( ?.._.!,? *
>i?,-l?l ,ii'i??at ?lib Ma
I IM Hill MATMrfUIi HANK OK M:\V.\llltK.
Ilit.r? Un nal itrcra.uril) bat?* la br ?jrrai'ul ?'. t?| MSB
Ib?, ti tu ?.a?iil ll?i ii rn u-l.nl ink ?i? tad ? u? _m llrk?l sal In?
ll tBaMtsa ,.a 1.? ,,.!lr,-ir.| ibmuft? ?ii. I?.ut ur Rtpmi t ? ?
ll.r ?ai, r a. a iti.ll ?i rlir.l I. ,-,. ir, list M?l,- lu.le If ..I BMBI? t.?
P. tl. Onlrr Drill. Kwnlnisl LaMM ?rKi;,,,,. i ir^MiJ.
Ti.-Uri?, HI? i llNlii-a. a.i Wuariat?. M iO.
tat NahaM '?n aasaai, mi...aun..?, >?j ?u MMBaaaa ?????*? It
i ,? i aaaal Ai.n.y taaat)
OOO llroailwny. \rw-.oik.
?union satARi;,
havr low 9?
tub Tp.rrriM0.vi-i.a |_B_b_PI?I nt thk c. a '?.?vt?*-.
M. .1. STAIMI'I I.?,
VISCOI.NT I?' IT A.I I ;it a,
ARDITRATORS It TIIK iir'.Vr'VA "Irlftl??l**? PPJ ?-_??,
Suits and Costumes.
1 T. Ml k
II??? oprntti a '.tret ?cd K.'/ir.- a ?%* ?f
Foreign and Daateaile
I.adiea' OaUlde 4??ra-?ale
Spring ?and Summer,
Tb?t? f'ortar??? ?r? ?.?<> ?Vo.n ?-? nrttr?! fnbrfr? aa? ?r*__4
? th Um lat??t Btfta?I ?a EmBroldery, i.??*r. riau?.
Fold?, .Bat
Black Cashmere Tapes and Holmans,
London, Parle, aad Ilerlia Made
I.al?? ??: ? kl_B*e't
Dresses and (loth Garment?.
Cblldrea'a Jmporti-d
I,men and l.aaa ?all?,
tn-tn-l ta- brtiufd le sot? I ?b?J atirto-i..? n.i.*a. tad tattt ?S*r*S
lapreeedentedly Low Prlre?.
Huyera ?r? iBt.Kd t? * r?r*fai BflfseBat,
Broadway, ( Uniubi r?, and Read*--??*.
llatwrra Brradwat ?ni I'oarr, t? : ???
To t-aP tb?7 ??I! tb? ???? rSBaVa-BB ? -*.?'?? fta?
*ra.lr. Tb?r bat? aloa t lia.l/d Itott a?
lefl o?tr from fora.?? ?*??.._?, wticb they w.l! t>.. tt
? M -H A M
lb? -tail pre??
I HM .<?<>, ILL.
OPENED MARCH 31, 1873.
Tb? ? b_b_|_P BOVPK stak - t??_?
?Id alt,* ?
ilik il.Ntal AM- BOS I ' ?>M M'>l?lul- li'Jlhl. ? ?."? iliS
t O.MI.Sr..'. 1.
<'. S. MI'NSON, MiSA'EB.
OF ?till |B| III. VERMONT.
Establiahed.1 ?i ?O
Itraa-N'DOIVMKNT I'Ol.It IK? a; tbe COMMOS _IFR HATE.-?,
kaah kwha?a?w-?Si-a-a--alWPBir?*?_BC--ri PI? tNNlM
below lb? rait? of ?rrn hat a > ?a_yeB_B
Tbe B?TWB?I -ol-ia * '.(-O Cot?i ai-tl.lt ttvh SIC I -a
Tb* iawretl from i-ivr? . for 22 ??an _k-i* t .aa at.?
?11 '.oat?, tnd gires? latte ui?r_ia to? tnl ex;??it-,
K?r ?viii.cai.uB, etc, t, ul r to
c. r. i.x.i o;ti>.
Ptatnl Aient ml Attermj.
.New?Ym-It OftW. N'o. I H7 Hreadwnv.
I'l.iin :mt! ??main, n ,;i I
BUH-DIN4 ?s,
1 >? ?? KS,
???.. &??.
?TRDF.P.? ?"i
__rru__CTBt<. l
J. B. & J. Iff. CORNELL?
NOS. 1.I9, 111. A?ri> 143 ? KXTHK-sr.. N T
BOTTUD l. Si L> l. U IHK M TI KVIMOS OV Ilia?. fhhNl->
For I>y?pepHi?, ?.oui, <.r?-?-l. Diabetes, Dlarnar* sf
(he I.lv.r. rViitii.-??, an?! IlUdder.
FOR _____ BY
J MIIHAI'S S SONS ?o. Ill Kr.uitw.T.
IM Kl'? a. SI? 11.?I..*. So II U.avrr .1.'
?'HAS. BKLIoOWl k ?' ? . S?. Il Hr?rr-.t
B t HA/.AIll? ?. ? ,? No. !??*.? ,?,| im i-himtvera-it
l'AKK k Tll.r-.iKI>. ?aa ? : ial ttT Biattati
A? KKK. Mr.KKAl? A ?-OBDIT. ?at. t'hararwr. at. ?a,i .Vet? t\mm
Aul all Ua-iuy Unit, .t? aid Rr'.ai', IJssaSSa
BOUOHE I II.s & Can-,
No. 37 Heaver-??.,
Bt?al A<?KNT*l.
n_ ti
OFFICE 82, 24, and 2*5
I'oll.-le? '??m ?I
Iu Ihfp... | J tl 10
Tula I i-alirt*?? __
I-.II.-.I _yOtX?
.?-.?-la Uee.41, __.
iSfP t0.0_w.ial
L. W. FROST. Prosident
M. B. ftANKiHil', vt? H-pBBninrirT
J. 1*. U?l?il US M.? KM \KT
??- ?' ? Ht.MH KK la ? tant