Newspaper Page Text
Vo' \\\.I V-?-..M NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL .% 1873. PRICE FOUR CENTB IHK LOST ATLANTIC i.!? nui nema HT?'.UK*- 00 TH1 TTTK r-4 -H.VORANClf. OF THF ??HIP'S BOBI ?l.rtW ? BOATS MAUF _S___BB ?4VKTED BT LIFC-UMU*??-??SUITIUX OF THE IaKttext datai?! o? lb? w AUaofK siitiira? t nothing from the ohjn__J B-tH ao _??at is?! rirat r? [??r.?-?i. The main f?_Mur?M4 di re ii-?a ?M Buftcnngi? i?f th i ro the b patena; of Um* siorna moat have o*fu T4rh?>l? : and Ui | us u.ut.1 tbe ?treme. Bot tb<* ? : - - ? toon I.- ' e nnrnber to ain< and sevi-nty-iix; ?u t_N - hnnilred ..: .?it, Wa have the narrativea a_ the capfai | - - ?.. " oa board I M ~ ber poeitton any tfaai dta aha acrnck. The atesuner ha?l paaaM hhe Mai tan KCk <?n ba. Dde; ki renderin?: ... Mot m.. life-line atreter ?? shore means ot : many The and came ont at 5 ... m. ; otln : i- :t C a. m. ? neap?-?, from nn?.ler lack gb the - - aabmergttl, the bow being "v mean.*? rxi*. ? ria Ba-feri?! | n ivors m have b aient- to im ?lave ..lati?'. The p___en_ir '.. ill a? oaa pot-sibiy be procured, are pu.iLtihed > CAPT.MS WILLIi ?T?a VdYAi.K I ?n? UVKRP." TTT tsjili v?KK?131 !?' ?A BB-VK i X-Ki.?V.BA>'? -T-K.THK Lil.-A<n__, Halifax, Apni -.?The following is tbee..; ttUkU _i?_ii : We aaded ir?a Live??. I tbe tin? par? ?: the pa???-?* we bail favor-hie weather ami aaaBn and _-t_ we expat-eMerd htm*-y soutb-weM sad wemUrtfy KT-few. wbieb biymirt:! 11h mi-ee a day. On the ?Hat of I engineer >at about liTT uiue of enaJ on board. "We were then SAJAi ntiles east of 8.? Hook. wi'Jk wind ?urb-west, and Li^b MBBfei tw_M aal failing barometer, tke ah?-? tt*sa__uu: ?ml? etght knot? ;- ! ?vms-deml the r.hl too great ha punk on, aa we might find our f.*r?>ot el a gale abut out from any port of ?rrpfy. and m I decided to b?Mr nv fat H At : a. m.. March __, Sambro Ldiad wat dn*" oulea, _tit- abips apead varym?* ?rom per hoax: wind south, w:;L run, which \> wi-atwart. at " r? m., with clear weathej. A? miu _.c_t. I judgwi the ship ta kiitre made __J mil?. -??lud ?lace her 48 milet aouth m? Sambro, _&- I the a lei*, ?ka dr-ck and ??eut into th- < h_n feaaa. l-aaruig <__?__ ?boot the ?<???-*_-<__ and to let M- kitvm J they ?aw anyt-?Bf, and ?ail me at 3 a. m_ inte' _ng then to put t?a- ?_iij-'m Baa_ aaatbward ___ await daylight. My fizat ?ntunauon of the ca__slrt?pbc m I ?iaaoff the ahi-on Meagher* Ldund and BBM there fan- Tbe ?tea iiiiiaiiiUalalj ewept away all the part boat-. The offioert wont to their station? and Ma__BBBia_a_aBB-_f aarai tbav-akh-r beata Beak *m went fixed by the second ?:'. n tbe Boat! could be cleared, on:/ ? B-BBBMB havm? ataaaad, Ike ahip keeled b4-_.>r_y to t<ort. retiderrnir Iba Btarbaaed hoata ni-laai ^-eing _ta ?wold be got from tbe boa-a, I got tbe jMuaaagen into ih?- zigu. ? :r_aed tkeni to go forward where tlie _hip war Mt and leaa axaooad to tbe water. Tbe nurd (Mfa-er. Mr. Brady, and QautanBaBten ?Twen? Bad 8paa__aao ny tbit time havi:_g e-ta_li_h?Ml ootn _, about 4ii yarda T-ean* ?if a nr?.tber h itamt?! B< tnde. A rope w_a su? _Ki>ed acrtMB tiua. - At S _. ?. the .ira*, b-itat appean?d frrrrn _ha laland, Ibxaagn the ?x? -M.'. Bnuly. th?- Third .routed, and kg I -. m. ir itMurtaaee. 1 . la the r l liuor -aUerman ti-im-. - . ? ' jot up . treat. Ht- *: i boon by a woman a I ? MM9MM At 3 p. n, <iiice?-ded in g> ,?? and i lie paftatrn ? and BMiuihg? | from m? Befare tbe boat! w? or but tinaing tbe .?-at uaeleaa. t_m?-?i Ikem to the main nggmg, wher? I left them and ncaurage ott.ert to ga forward ? n ?-X paodad, and tbe boat rolled over to Inward. ! : . n her beam end?. J-'..\ui: i; my - ward, . i :--*' ?>? ??? I ?? ... : ?-..: ...l'ii? IBM ! :? maim d - lad legt wert be. :e sbi|? two ?aberBaatB being elot?- :nl<_rked the re a... ?Ja Baa-k-na th? aber? I .i-i?-r_*t?TTl Mi. * iekgrapkthr ne-* ?_*_-r. and io MWataBBI Mr alurrew. the (Ranald hue a_ant. promptly ro-pond? ?1 an?! -?-nt two steamer? witb | r?aane ti?. ?invt-v Iba aarritnia fea HaIi?a?, vi i! lie tar??1 lor and forwarded to New Y i pportuuitv m ? iiattie ?>t tin? 1- irai and F?in O?ktatB, the Tliir'l : fmir mea hems W-fi in! !.? t .u?' the ?lea?, it? they ?ame ??in ?er, haa received r>ri?".u?iitna? thimtv aa to tb?' .?lvajre of th 1 matern Tbe !><M?cr_? (Jthoer wan lata with No. J? Ule boat. THE CHIEF DfriLUfl STORY. N.? THE WA\*mm?___MB?P BT A GALIJI IN Tnr. RIGGI - a ;t r at?. Hai !i ax, April 2.?J. V? K-.rth. < hid r-f?cer of t in reply t.? th? reportera quest ions, tat?' atare. My a au-h emied tt H rrY|o< k on Monday Dig! The BaaannJ and fourth t-fbeers took charge, anc ?vent to my berth. I was aroused by th?? tb?xk ? ' --. ? .?.?._? Th, BBBaa- ?-!.::? ?-r ? am?- mw\ BB, and said tb* thip was -.shore and "?an afraid the waa frone. I pat on a few ar - ax. and went on de Bar I -hip bad ' . bi-1? : Um t bout?. JiiBt then a heavy a .i ?? away. I wan boldi and now ?limb The nig] l PB lark and t spray bier. ? we ?xbbM ahn at : an. I saw raen on t PBC-CB, but did not k ->ygot ther?-. _ ?live on board wen' in the rigging. Wb :?-tl __ persona _a tbe miz_*. I Baa nununi. win - ix-tween the sh and the shore, many of t: | ward to tnr lines, and in d.ung bo were wa_ln >:?H and <trown?-?l. Many rearhed the sbo the lint?, and X). rettmtxi man? BJOPa? At l_u-t ail Lia?. - _C th?- woman, at ? ? aaa_B_ off. but be ?warn gallant lv and - ? ' B_an _ ee<-i_re<l ham in tue nggin;:. I Ban and in the Imat.-.. -itk. <?" they ?" At - Man? ait-r m the n_-?*in_- ten ho Chu; I eaa ne'er fui .*? ?o r"w him "TIT to the wreek. H ?a? ?xi t far as lit- coal d toward me and ta:.?? i; t<? ate. ... i:, mod?- it ?aat around BB] O-d the jum;?- BBB ? me off ?. Mr. .Vadent held fast I tt, I w?_e ? I vat bar . . - :.. Th ? | and?: "?ala. haddi?-d fv ??idy vr_i at Ebb ? foaming?-,? ghastl;? by tbe ?xin?tttt'wit-i ill?- nnmeroti. wuith st*itied on her bar.da. a Anmj there aad it is probably tliere yot. The kteeti at the wreck wae an awful [had before wiTn?9??2?t?d and hupe never to witiw-?? Com;.. :_ua* c . a _rr___ Halita_;. April 2.?A steeraire pataenger make it?"m?-nt : rani into ? . ???ut 11 o'? ni__t. Tli' larh hnt weat: _??'..,-. fl ..- BBB?aj mu Huli:. i waa ? ? fera??- I ?_?n went to sloep. an?! I wok'-op with a sho? k an?! r?-ni;irk?-<t .? my mate irte, w? _________ ____rbtxr; but aa boob hi. a seeoi d plumr? I t?id."' ; up and di*t-?_r?ed. Tbe conijis???>!. way w:_s w:th the lo-. pajaae:,.- *-t??:iii-r that the ??ea wa, eonm. ".'?- ship, and ???mr <i??wi ?:iiliann?n-wav. 1 ?rot as manyas pan. ??i the bunks ami : hi our Ttrere w- remain?-? m.' had f.? I?H O? w-iter ? - cap?- wat? th?- porta. A number o? obi twenty, lap <>ut throui. - to the su ? 1 tnaaaL litamtia?Ml unul all who were aii ! eat. I a ?m?t many dro?? . ??th? r? w.-r?- drovnirMl wlni?- m lap fet rea? h the port? I grit ?nt thron? ;t ran fintirs, and ? left k?I - ' nan x_q THE LAI.T HF.AI?. DELTA. RK??<-rB? A M< v !???FTBCTING I ? I... IP HA__*.A_:--?~?4 ? __BPPPJ___P LOKT. Halifax, April _. ?1..?: ? tmm B-BCB-Pg the I>omin lt.n (r(?V?-ranMBaak?HB-o? kfC. Shaw, and the i afeaani-tiicr G "- Ott city lor tb? _a_e_je of :ht-wt?-( k ?if t:.? -tt?arTi.-r At ,ii I'i<?iiect. to latnaat such aariistaute a* thi-y could. The Lady fi.-ad had on board a nui: :i._toi_ee oCSt-ert, and the Delta's pap, ral newr-paper rerniiiiri- The start was ao that the stetn_nra rea-h the m-ene lmiut broke Ptnapaeai and those on hoarc .??rout* of I ?rt?ce around h?rr of a large lieet of _?hiug -ch<HiDers and small boats. ?.?<?Uity la one ti?at a n__*im-r would lie djr - . ? berth t.? ii p?a_eibae, the aimre Ireing a amcmtioti of lartr?- I????!-. of r?M-k with ?lanireroiiH aboa_s runaing <iut ?1 with ltinumeniliie islaiida. larjre and small, all of holid i P-taU-? 1 for any th.iifr ? iiiu-.' and (iatnireroiis an fta ? as still grandeur and beauty in Uta terrible slctry of Hh attention ?if thunt an ! henrd - i me?meiB u> allow tb?_oa fea apend id mil?t g ua tu n ?a? la ?a to (.et un board the pasaentr' - - win, iiaatl l*r?-ii r?*?o ii. put ?ai ?bur?, ?here, tj?th BBHa? 9 I ? tan ttie iartV'-Iktan Bud tnm .lli<ilirts* <?f _aeo rouW U? ?a ,g:lllubl'- ' . ahe-n. CBBBB in swahitr. aad tiiu tioi I ?-, ? SCENE OF THE WRECK OF THE ATLANTIC. i UH rlAHBV, BETSY F%J? ff * ^'ij&K SAM3.30 C PROSPECT^ -? ;-i*SS??t?P^ * flfb^ SAMeflO LIGHT 0? ? with -'l-fe-lmat. went in t?o embark the rthipww. ??eoule. No time wan lout tbi 'xiliah and tb?- :? turned filbxl w:tb men. who pro? ? ? such a BBBB. _r?*<1 r? inn pared let-Baa Knitlihh. lrirth. Su: man. Dutch m\ lad? 1: in? _nr tb?- rint?*ti Htattt were huddlt-d togetht lnuirhinir. -r. lusr. ptflftaf and inviiiiTU_4nkB,prod .- , ttraordiu ??hara?'t??r. -? m\ them bad a ? . ? I ? tu, apiMttrtvl in r-l-thme muck uf -?rii hit?! b? ? trn t?ii* ? .- Mtatro Gmvbm _nti ? i. . ig to ma ? mot nakerman aA at the nan tun? lrMperata etforta to get , , * ,if Uv.nder k. H- ha?! it : an a mie. no dotiit. I ment be wan c-zitii: euTiotu ?>n a h_lf-fn.-- I .-., w wool rn which did gn 11 a ? them to him. liut ? tease may ba aaaaa eaady inaan-d than daw rfl? All wer?? wanui;. w-i?-o_ied on board the i. ?.'apt. s'l.i'i ...1,1 hit uthcere. who apared no make the-m a? .?tmift?na;>lt a? poaaiblr. ?h??re. and waa anon -M There wer?- ????-.?rni ifrectlng ?vr-n?-? ai "Hill V -?taryii : iruui MM ... .i ? eabim, Mkta .-ni we : retiiTTi'ii thai hu?l ?tp?U'-d tlietn, u tule bo milliv _ tlie .?? hit?! '?? ?5v a'alaab. ail tf - nut ri-arhtd t* ?t'ttnir Bfl O-hai --id fruir I ?1 iniand. I , board::,' -:- BM Baad,tba f?. m?r ? ?n? of hie : portad. Tin Ali_l,?.r lia?; i eakiB paaaengem, BOI BtaaniB i?a?*^-:.-''-riv and ?. men ; total, fit, sou - ? f.. I'bit may BS. ? t.'Ollt \r ? Tlie wreck remained in th<- sume position M ??iw md maci? only aliov.? w?it.?r ?o' ?' Bfcl '-"Ulli Tu T i-ioro-t siiriif i-iiH-f*. _nd : w_?b?-d '?ut and drifted to *??-. hti tin balkd :- ?-.ipi?-red to in- tin ?r-nt-ki with diving -, - ? . .. ri.iwiirriirert, who ?rnt in ? uiirhl ?a*? \. :?*, dark rainy and windy, and tb_t __BJ werf v.-rv .mxioui Tbev saw nothing '?f tb?- Atlantic. Iie-ister w .- :it hnndr?.: nothmg o? tb?- diiiiirer. Of 3fa> worn?*- au? taBRBJI ?? bevood tb? ???<??-? Mann ???? ! were carried aeawiird and ne?--, tin mon II.. - ? i rawvemi will is*- Imned at Pniapei.-t Village. Later.?Tin- IMt-i'? paaBBBfB_t m .?umlr- r | i landed at the (Jun-rd ?barf lat<- tins aft? rnoun MM ? from 'Jft to ? -??art of agr Many were in a piu?: _? wilhout tdiuee wollen and "tb?-?torn and ?In-tit h?-<l ata?e with bita uf aaapati matting a:.d b _nk?*t< around tii?m. and all ?rett4??l and t#?*k from ?-potun l , all night. Ob rea? bum <-h<- lot-Kilty it wan ioiinil : that a contxierablo number mort* tiian bn-t named ! bad b?sen pi? ked up and saved, among wboui w?-r? ? ?ne persona, wlio died ?ff: reecned from ezbaustiou and ruld. The La?: ib bnnging 7T more. All who have arm-id BOT have been fe-ti and eared far. If B1 ? rp?v-t?-<l : divers will be r-iu-ciisidul in aavm?. goodt it tlie weather prove.? la? orald. I in- i Lu f iillii-er. tli?'-.. potition aloneon tlie wre?<k. wiiti at l_?t ?.????. aaoonduAcer, Wtt BBxaer, and Chrir t ie, chief at? ward, wer? i?at. ? apt. Williame It is undenitood the (Jovenimeiil -,catmn at onc-e. Tlie ageut of the ' and others are ma?intr arrangemrutt tu ?t?o _rt atilr? to k'?> it. N. ?- \urk. by at?amar mean tun?-, ul! triat is necetaary will \n- ? ah-BB-aand autbotiiii-B im Iba . ni.,!, r, Li: , a_??ngent m .inival here, ttna afternooo. AU.iit i'lO ul ttn-iii will flhbf the BbBBBMI Chaaa to I'rrrtlaiid. to-iDorro-? t ,. remainder r_lmou!)i, ti.-t-oriii\v it tiwr? it r.xiin fur Umbb? AIhuiI li?' Itern re?:?iver? I'nisp?, i. Ill?- -wt-ii-s i . . ?;.?. t.i Ih nent tloun at iiiict. ['be Com pan) are paviui all tbe exnetitea Mitbantua and II.. I'ro Munul LciR-datiire ban- taken meaaarea to rai-fra paa-atngers that may require it. The .-Stea_____ipCn?? - _j.?-'itn ai ?ver for tli? ara a. -.h?- p_??a??, ITIE CABIN | P..- ?"??' wina -' f th? :?bin p:?i?i*?-nirer? un tb? an?nt '??'P'.iigi-ah anentr? I ? ? ?id sent by BBB?a from [_?_! I v. rn4rtij_*, ____B?rwau ? D., R_-BB_U ___at, MfchRiTT. Mr W. i ?IMIT. Mr ft* MkH?tt, Mra.. hKifl. Mr'HHITT Moss, BianoiK, ? l-naen, J???"?. Rakkos. Mut?. ? Ata? k? ? ???:- tr. B., ? ' ? ? l?.?r M ? r. P7., BW-.T, Hi IliK? BB-UT, Mr?.. - ? -un' I M ? l S - wir H. .KlJIFntT, Il ?i vu km I ? n, a ,,-' i . ' ,.?.-*? '._?:.--?????>. . ? .rk. I i-iraierti. LnplaniL Ja aas Ri ? ? . .rk. ? . . - ind. aVt-i?V - ? I?W1 B ion taut :? m_k? ii? am. et Tn<, Langrloa ?I s 'in~,lw?r. N-* York. f Del . p M.* .-i? *':-*??? v - ? ? _?_. Uao?NB aad Mis? Maubeb. *>?it_ if fTi,?_co. Mr?. toa M. Ki_ui?, t?uaaeiur at law, uf Vermont ?ml ? I?' .:rr ?if W. J. Ile?t A Co., ?u. ?4 v. T. Mr. il ir_itn.r>--''.!ac?-. .t Y. Mr Mk?Rirc __U *.:. _| N, v? Y ,rk J. U. ii.i? i ol S, ?i fir..*-: wa;. N Y --KRAT. Wlfi /? - '.A-?, _| ?. B MU ?>f "?at. Fr-j: Mua vu ?-.,.? aii.1 Mit?? Mlii.airr .f N-a Yort. W B. ? ? ? ... .?? ion in feha ?aug _ ?nu. opriL'ui m Tha :?x t-io?c tbe followin, . :.-t ai liie i A:ia;itit v W.'U,IA__a. ??V. FIBTH. Third ?/.???*?-' aaan__BBB BbaDV. Fuurtk ufftcnr o.iiia Rp furoesm-? TM-Aiea. The jatstaliig .:!irt?n. are rer?or??*d lot* : ?tOOUd 'rrrlcer-Ul.NilT __U??J P /ttrter?AMIIK??*?'. W?,KTIIIB<i7fjt. CAtef Stevetrd? Hr-on ?^IHIBTLE. f illowinfi- member? uf the crew axe sated Halifax dispat? :. Bahn Uat ???oree, I*-i?- ? *, ? PtPtBB M??t?ert, Mk-Pariaaa, h.>i>*-r_, Moil!. J??_n. M? M. ?<?:.. ____.?*. lilil?*, r. Jutiu, M..S,, , Liant? MaPni ??. l'air.? k. May Samuel, B?B?i PraaB. (JoatTove, Jntio, M'Hiarnau. John, '?.?uimu.f-?-. JobL, Moiitirt.m.'rr. _l_i_e?, Da ?id-till Murphy. Jana, M>?-r iKiiiii?-,,'?. Walter. Bh wu?n. E-Bb-7 Datatf ?liarle?. Norum. An-x.. I?unn. Jaunt, Payo?-. I_ji,?-rt, :.. TTioma*. PaHen-on I rtovtlance, ("haa. K> 1er, Jobo, p_aa_?.-. '?,.?_. tul?.:- - Kr??o?-rn k*x.u, Ju_i_, ion, J..-U. ? rt J..tiii. !-i_iia>?u. J.iL?, ?.nlBtti. William. H_n: . I 1*1 ullal.irrt. !: Horn. Dar?, >*_ri<i?-r?.n?t. wtu., liu?f_?r, Wll?UB, Tapui-oi. 1' , Irvi- . Turk PatTli t. K J..k_, *?- ? W.liiauo. V? .?_-_. A-'Umr, 1_B- VVorRiio. Tlioaiai .Nu litt has yet been obtained Bf the crew who a?-reioat. _ rm .-TLLkAt... i __h i Th?- rom I.ali?_? ?-??.?? ta? iollowmg a? _ht H ??'P paaiwngerB _a-.?-?l. Ami?nanti, ('.. iiKbaoi. M. tuiVrtta, <t:rt?top_rr. ?Ca?-alafa??? 'I.-it?_aa, . ? __, I "?in.. i. M.. - a_, R. Datl' Ami' raul. I**? I Ai.iler-uu. i -stvlttk, Ar?iur. ... l*-_tii< k, i?iii?,li?- J?.t._. M?rr.,ii William, lxilirrry ?vi-uun I. H_t.? IwiBbfllv. J..?I? H?-rnrn Thomtxs ItC-s? ;_?_., l?.?r.n, Jana*-?, lio> I.A., s Doyk ? lVI.?H.... I -??. An-rust. L?ru?u_.iia?_ F:.-?eriefe, n_aa Jaaa, Baa_B, >? ?t. i . r , t axiD , ?riiU. I'aurr?.. In.,?., ? ? irrt. r* i ? . . if t 1' - ? i -k Mr., Frau? , Fo. . ? ?,lli 1,1 VVni . ? um? . ? "1, !'?tr., k, i ?,k i,,. ? i- <?n ?-nrt ? -. ?*..l?^_o, t ?o ??-, Munit., i? i.i.l. naoi?, tramoad, ? tuaiu. lall UkkatUt? . A.. I?iy, T?a . llatU-U?.1. Mtw>p_?U, iTamr Miebte., Pattcrtan. J'.hr.. M-?.?M? John. "?*"",n' A - Elt-Tln ? R. cs??; r^-Ar* Haaala-.Ch_rlri. ??u; "?" Haak. W,n., Ifiu-her. ft ft, .???WM r??. Heiry. Jan.?*. r_ lltWl. J.ilin. ?""I I' [/lurA Ho?!ett .Rotiert Kicl?.iPl?. J Hug Ke?<iiy, Dm Hiatiie-; fluffi. Kiiaii?!. ?' Ha?l.-r An-t-.V *>__?> 5*7? JtcBuDtt. John I? . koiand. Wiiiuun. JteolM. U?urv, 1<~""" Jarrta Tt, , J_h_a~, (%aa ?altw Jabata?, J it , Johrta-n J M 8c*? *?? ?..', !t E.. ncfteli.v. i.. jobra__'i. J a j Jonen, Henry, " r*_wai_-, Atyir w, Juimw. J?ititi K Hrbwnrz J K uf.'li. M . ?.Jit-ph. H?..-*ar.? M ? K-Uf. Mu-hael, beadui?, _U Kdiy \> ni,--Mim. Knitj'. nilUun, ?fo. j. Baa a. Wii.mui, WdliauiMo.* SS^STW?. K nil ''' ' ?reT, tueaaat. rtemaa, K 4a. |BMM?Ma a\. Uwaa_,_LB.. **{?*? Hm,.. i,?,rte. _""?? a? -TO. ? ... J h t)f,',i" ?er. ?ter. j..t..?., . - ? ' '- I ?ull.v-n.^.riiei.u.. ... McfiraU) 'u BWKaj Pater. -, ,-aI, .., J ir-pb. BUI. McMaiin. J, ___S__T?~' w ri Ha ... loba, buuudle. Hatne-, M-t.r.'.am.J.i'in. 2*.'""',Jotin' uuituM ?W?IJ|,', J;,n.D' D Mander. Jobo, ?*???", Jr.*?? P> M'M'-it. n 3I.-V. Miik?dwa Tiiuai-ia. KuiK-rt, MutLkl, I-OaM-t TBOUipm,,, ??--""- TBoeupm-n, LP., - Mormon, Peter. ?', ?' Mom?. ??? Ba??. J..II... ..y.Jtin. _~' r.x-o-uM. _*;'-1J * _?' w. Mrd, N 31 J, _ Jahn, P_rk, . * Iton, ?AHiam. . . in .im, WreekeaDBrgf Juan. -?i'acr- ______: r^__ pitr-ji-, Ut-urj , _iu?.*, _?_M_r. E-aTKMl?IT AT . ?.BEAT uann ibt? - annonn? ement o? tbe wreck o?s of r, en ?ate a profound tensa' ?y ami at Liv?-rp?H.l. The diaaater it the uni? versa] tupi? f conversation. The office* of tht itiea have been thronged ail the untnunir w;t . ;???ipie?fnendt of the passengers on LtiVtsd ?tea-isbip? all anxiously inqni.-.. ABM of tne in?Ton. The information tong-t :rt*ta\-as_ from the Da and ::.. | I most pai:.' .Is. ? ua-is's si - -Exr**r.enced B ? ?.?.',_Bi -?- s ??".?:- ?veo._a.nt?-.'. .?M* and with tbe coaat where the steai lantir was lout yesterday morning. beL tnlmt?'-?.at _pp_.iin?r .hriarittix to the bail seaman ommander or hie officrrs. They ike a bght, tboujrh ir should be t rare ? ? a well regulate?- vessel, is some timea unavoidabie. and. untii th.-y bear tbe story of ?in?, and especially of the office? who _m_ when the g_r.i__ on the .: a .?uid !?e i_njuKt to .-onclude that the waaeauite?! tr irrlraanrnn ^npt ..i-M is personally _:,ow_ to ?~er_t -flBttn :n a? one of the molt tit and car?__l -earn- . ?? only . who are ?>n Ha ? ra of _tilia?r for Europe. TW'i lUhr_.s DM BOAUD A! IWIT? Pi.^OVKRED. \prili?Tbe foilowiag u a special dia ?BJ Jrareler: lUuni. April 2.?onir iftree or four ttt.m patten ??? ?<! fr-im tlie if the I . ta or three Frenthmen. Only one .'.emptea to tare bersed" __ wat froten lo death in Ule ntctniig and fell into t-e water. uf tbe pu aw mm a i-- ? ro-dar aud give harrowing detaiit of the calamity. T?e name? of ?: I r paavngera ?M aot kno?n at yet. The relief steaaert are expeeaeti up at i u'i lo?'k. Tne Atiantie bad kin ateerage patte ugf r? and 30 saloon. There bad been t wo ijurini: tbe rayBBB? Tb?- -rew n_m*x?red i_l. and -lert were l? ?toaawajs dincoyered. Three bundrt-J ??'. nit .?f a total of I?OB. A BiirTTON VICTIM OF TIIE ~. April 2.?In Boston. M the tppailib? Uiaaeter to the Atlantic caeta Hi ?u^duw. t - jppuMea tbat ai_ny Bi.tiomaii? were on bo?rd. M. WHlingtou, a ?on of Heary SI. W. .,. i-ton of : ?, age sa aad ooon?cted ?lib a dry ?too,-? bonne, i? m?r ??my U-?toro_a -munir tbe patae-Bera knewn to have lie. it lOBt. He __,1 utxii at>?ent in L_ro?>? fir tev trai mont t.- on a pieatun- i-zi-arAon. Tlii- Mp ft thul Ku&tt-li *siurg-ij? aad Fra:.? M?re peaeeagara on tkfl Ai.antic prove? THE SEN-ATI ? - HE CUT. Yc? ??-? ? nrr- have _raak-d n .? -"nsa ?y -.n many yeare ?a the calanufy r? f, {av e* tbe p__MMaan Haava la ai 1 Atlantlr trelonirrrJ m Sew Yorfc, ?Ote the ..-[.t hare oeeome Ikagiiafani bmivv exprea*?,-. bave ?TTOwn '.nto ra~ and t__ ad _r.n*e?l hjr ?aeh dtttafer? ?re aajasx B?lettre lo a? nn e?, bowev- ? wat obtemaMe, and though iin-*;i?-^d more in ????rrow than an~r. the new? w_* the , a Tentation ?"^rrwher- s many I mmi bkB? at patiy tBe '.after were btani"d beeauae the ooal bad mat ion of tint hat not , - ! and the raute la :i??f und? - ! without anv ?n-eeitl rea I '.but he ought to hare !?? I it*e .u*t?'-d uf .u tx-tl a. lien on a oaa eoaM. When, in reply m aurb ? .1 wat ?aid that There waa no e-nJetire __* l-pt-lla W.U? (tit er Brady, ?n rualunir us tie Oeik faurnl lu lie native tnu on.- . I...a. t_e ?aptaio lost a magal-etnl apr; ?*.> r par? id tin BBBB ?a? ? ,, tOK'ie of ?o-v.-rBt I? icave way tut lot?. On the Mati:. uf H mere nautural ca?rut".. ? tlraiatn D . I tailed wrhout a mp-ta**? ?. tL< laBrnU-at to a . ?... -H at ,ir ?tupping man. . . BB -own tb, | *;:.-. to tHj?iU tl?4? ?trauiBi Uae. aiuoh ?at t-apeen-?1 it waa ?TiptHra-rl miff-fit contain la tbe papera tmtrotj Lo tba a tent Ua? ptta-tetii-r n?t ?jf the A Mann?- 1 OHp of M?>n_**_ wea ?ishted off t?ody Hoot at?? p. m.. aod abe aas L?anted _Jv,u' ?__0 p. a?, by ?as * bo ra___r___-?_te4 to the eap_aia the Prat at* he bad i-bc??*4 of tae _saater. He etpt*_?w-?<l I ?tarprise and wonder that the <-ap?_ln of the toonder vessel coi??1 bate mutt-he- tbe I?-*?iltjr. aad eatald r oaa-eraund bow it waa poatuu??- the -eaeel sfe_atl< aa tieen ao lolckly basan.?red to pieeea. Tbe eaptsln a? fea- be p ?tassant ao dnpheate of tba Atlanbe'a paas* get Hat. Lot that tb*- lu man ?Coaopaar'a boi wa? board, und mi-ht po??i>>:- rota tain it That box ?ou only be deliveretl to tbe ar??r*?_Jt*-d aaert of the Inmi .?????riwbi.e ? tag ?-al _?-k-_.o- t?. -b?- laman ?I had eem?e at?tt?4e et* the eta? m?-r. tbe ?"otnpai. wa? >;>?in. aad I?e veaa atearnail away for ? ;?>r*< r mmaaBaat ,e ?u-?ui'r w be Prat beat Bat the cit went u? tbe o-B'*- al fehl Iiimao hi?e. only _ learn ta I ?laee t p. a. Babar-qaent __?*?__ an?-?- at tbe White MBB _?oe otPee iVvetopaP tbe t? ?aaencer int bad eoate st?ank_r. wblch sane?! -bree boors _Ter tbe Athwti and that it may \*e rwo or ihree ?tar? t*__re one can ! aaan-BBB. -? Al >np from ?arly ?Lawn the mmt ?? m Broadway. Was erow.l* witb <?a?er nod anxion? iu.jinr-r? : and aad aeeaaa. < ratlier ? sen??? ,>f pitlnfiii arriilmt?. were the et?a? ...... . ,*. . ? n an ag Paann?, i llano. UeJr <M_U4rt_ aume came weep: . : ? . ? .?Kfl th?? un? <T__art?>nsov, r .?n?l ?r?. again, oasatlsBeii ?tt? r sympathise?! wit?. ?? y <-on funa- ana tBafc-feaar Bepad eatae Saafl .:?'l Una aftei - .'ur ?tinm piijint nt __?.; n .-_, ______ un un? | p .* claaae?, and ot-art; ail _?k? paid their BBktttp .??* Btn asista- ?r st-ta a??- ?: b?. m* M_.;.y ??Te the toil??.n_ tteenes wh.t? ?a-eurred. t mai. ?Uo feai cor m.-et bi? I ::?-:., wheat Ba azptaiaP tn th* .'ardi? ? :?-mn?-?i and ' ? - ?at aould B kiiuwti. lie was toid that Ute Use of the sav an BB tBa a? i .:_ to my *: I '11 stay around bere aad ;uoi*___. ?tixi k_of? I BBB aota 11*_. a Lwtp and the BfetlaWT are comim fea my arms or _r?.- _ie?pi_it -?nuenK-ath tbe great ???ao a M ?*__n_n who be ?______ " was strangled with the waters." I K?iier at No. -tl RemintToD-?--.. receive?! i letter from bis couain, Theodore Saner, wbo Lit?-?: many, statinic tbat lumseif and hit son?, Hoiitt. -tr*? it, an . . It, *:i_ bi? ?_>ui,*_u-r f Tara. a_rd i " l-OUrtl . bi? name is ao? au-ong a?aaa Pat.- ?ei__t tbe aafety of his eom-in . tbat be wot.. ?-?f- ?_>vi-a a? tar a* _-? ?Jn_i*T smilii. *.. ._a_on and A*'.a_ la iurt-M?.yn. Asked for .nf?'r_i_.tion concerning T-oanai ??lied fro-. Ja?r-M- ? ? '- E.?l ?ei-Mcty ;our__-?t. was aux.out to laaan ? e fate of bit ?uter-in-law, Ar*?*? Rocers, wbo. ?*?.'__ aer :wo cbildrea. ?__lt-d from I the foutidered vpseel. Jan, ... Mw.rath. ?V bad aor:?ed to tarn tbat be would leave bi? bom? me to take pt-aete on _fe ra_ntk Burke pala at 'he office la tbis ?-lir pi aaa.? ?mas Bnrk.-. ax., a t*uy, Tbo Btnaapnnn - -rote aim that taey won? a? ?r.iB. :. Marefe to. :n uns cooL-ry u? Jan-err j was wntv :. B BB M_.rT. wbo said she bad paiO .??ssite on h?' :..ic. Wai. Tay .or of Newark, N". J , ?m: :. Ea ?land about oionths a?ro Tor bi? fe-BBafek K i Abraham ?? tL, t_j I yaattruay ? .:<?__?*-? aaaetniing _s fate, ? wnulil .eare about March JO for _-?_*_. Mat__ew Momson wrote to bis brof fier J??bn tbat be . ?_.. -. Ma o ft, from ?^ue?-nst?jwn. ou a White Star line ?'earner, bis pfvaaee havtni; b*?rn pa .n rbie city ^y bit t-rot'. , aj ?*.t? -?t.. Brooklyn, was tnr .out about bis tirotber James, wbaae pasatac-e Be paid n : 1 wbo bad wr-.itr?n aim - - ..<i leave .-pool >>y tbe unfortunate ate?:;. Mrs. Totimry ot Jen*9 ?ity paid for a ?teerace pas?ate J _feB Maes, w&otn ?be fears , ISiOSU Thomai? Canty I ':?' also paid at the Bro_?J ?:'.-. ? ? ? 1 _*.?? paasa?e BK fe_B ?rota- : I - .led to leave ? ?.et Day, :s years of _*re. Bailed on the ^ , from L B-e_and Haa ,i?i>n, wbo . __r_*re, was yestei?da> .n ? mpany'sotBer. Corne ios loong of ft, I -.. sent , mone - - * ?au-, apa It years, to 00me to _BBB j c?unury- ?be Mini - .--lav?- ,l_ . Bataa I In thi* city y?*terd.? ! Lti-k;, , cousin. t-ta-fea_?BB C-sai-y, wbo ?... ? (led to CUIDf ? :ng Tbe aare I ty of bis fatlier a:. _l _ire. of ? y and Br: .. and her la 1 ?Iren, all of trhaaa ?res bad been paid to oome by tbe . 1 ?teaOHT. I?rt-Bfe HamJiev gf Xr-wirS. X. J . :r.qu_**d i?nea?j?__B_t j his nucte. wife aad two cbildren. t_| ?d teaael. Thorn?* B?Bana? of J?-r_ey wa* m a_>~j? alaout ? his brothr-r, John, wtt?i wctit r?> Ireland a short a_o B ?:bus aod was erp*?rt*-d 10 ?eav?- I_,ves*peal aatlf. fetpn eziw-cted bis t?r.?tber in I arney. agea ?. by the founder-ed veMei, Jaait- a ?later w-oar fare . lev Barrentaos ha? Bp hit t?*?rdo-amed ?avin_ra aeru* j aattatea a -inue au?cy. u-oet of which h> . | PBtfani Bi wife, aud tare?? I'bililr : .1, BBB ___fe axe ..aat. __i?l ?te?-?ty almost loeonaolal'le. when be pt?Ita-asd a .?rptMa on ihe At I ?-rath baa at-eumulated M?rj_e property, aad I ut tu tan-pe to be eda . - .ana??-?! with Uoavr, aod was en her I WaV bou?- I ? ?aw , louodr-red. lark wall, a aaaiiBBBBB of the r_r_ ?at T_Mnp I aaa. I?a_-iaou . latBB Broadway, a yt?j**m ?u_a,l? - ?iit'jtti aa 1 u_ui.?_* .'or the flna. aad ._?' liruo of gkebmead ? 1_? kua. Muh., wert utquit? . i It'i.b ot .a?-m ar? aiuout tb? B_flBa_ Mr. BaaV ? 1 latan? I ipiisa BB 111? iaa.tb tul! -OattO-f ? ? ? ? '?!? :??;. rn, ... ,1 ? .. fest tu bi? inend? thai be ano tabea ?? I Mr. II w? ?;? __id hit - -i?i?Bp en ?_rtro 1 .irrba?iii? s?:?' - t s 1* known ?.?n raaaii .?1 vitar?! t?a? m ? ? lITlilrtSBtlB lie %n? COSBIB-I ta tbui . ?iflee wa? Mrs. Mary Mclker ar Hotel id tba .,1 Bisttaa Het au*i?.-_?i aud two . Uildrea ? ' ? ?: '. OI..1 at' BflpfBBw? . St - BBB Bann] and Bat-bel Me Bee Fuib JBpBB