Newspaper Page Text
\'"- XXXII.\?!M'Kr. ribune. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1873. PRICE FOUR CENTS. THB WRECKED ATLANTI? (A! : Uii.l.lAMss MISER. WHY nil :? ?i i .- | ? loo ?MM H'r.* ax ...... , , , , 1 i-i I ' ?'.!? "I t'l.I'l I - tin-, . , M ?.. \i II '. .,.1 ? ?,-... raarn ma iw m i ? i Q- im ?.tt-. ONI MOBB BOD 1 B?COVRRK |??J TBl . Mil M Till THIIlt M ?auras ? Igation aw the ? trau - ;?..'.. ?!.i\ (li:. ' I'ltll. l;.. .u ...1.. .' tbOB 1?'H It I.,?,, -a .j. r t.s, m tins m.m lim I i.t "-: ? : i ' .'i. ii t rt..!'.l Aft? l th?- in?.?'M ir: tin!, . ?1 t.i Tbanday. 1 had a i?n Int. iv i" ??, m. ! ii: I!, ?t. -.r. ? :.. ?tit! tWO i-i tin joillits ?tint:?-?! 1 itBlBBUBt. tmm Wit* ptol pat tin hi in at evidence oa Tharaday. Ib r? K.,,,i t, t,., |. ?.is- tli..: th?- Oonpaa Inial it i- l__Bp l?m tu it.? i v. a (allMfplj '"i ">?-->r. t?> n< ?ili-livi-n ??.I., ii... ?n- Whan tli- a i I,,,- | | ?, ibiUinBB, ??M tt,. captain beHe~ei thai Ih? contractor,to s?,\ *,?. | t tl It M It lllfl'l 1(1 ,,,,.,, , . ?i bad long im n expone to tin-i.:t i?i.?i )- ? Mt?B| |il?'|M-iti?-s. i ?, ?*i it h?.,,,. - in ne n Inferior to Wein li. BMW? -' "l ??hi tbci tlif ?illi?-?! nniriili n. Unt* a ?la.? , i. n' 1 - Ktid tin \ had n Ideo that they ? burn .<? Ubm o ?la> | ?i? ( M htm, :n ?'.lilPii? tt. th 1'ii-iiifv ?-1 tin tt .. l.i,. I. t. ;. .? ??a\ : luit tli.i an.?i .a' v ? old i ? "hip, It>i tli?- coal ?.va h.ill ii.' ? 111. * 1 i r -v. Tin -v. luplaiut troiu i? i ..s . ni:. :> aboul.dni ii.i,. | Un m thai tin v wool? ? D? I' 'I In . I ? t ? ? r I r-. ? 1 > till- S?V?'llt\ Will win? d <MI hi? ? ?Ultimi. Diuiti': tin (ii!?\. nuc? ?\? tt .iiiii? linn. " in? ?! ;..i li If."* In ? If ii were not foi u borne I ahool? III '.. . BtO? r? t.l '?? MC lili -1 .Ionii with li. r. The1.m t u link? h nu-, v? iii? li 1 cannot keep onto an, hiiikI which will ramain with aw ai la ll.t, is 1 ?a..? :? . i.l tul. lit?tOO Confident. J lln.Htvii: I knew just ?? 11 u inv venal was. I IhaBfttU 1 ?sai- :. I'-i ? ? i.t-t'vaul fiom Bam bra Light !?. ?i th? i" -i: ion ?t the pre tii.v i.ti. i ' i- ft n m ?rti? un v. then ?nuil?! In? . (treat??! bhuoe, imi w< i in.??!. ' idgBWnt anil miri'iiiiitt t m in.i!?i ' ? I '?* a\t*A ?litli rt-nl hate ui.ti'i.t?- :.!i ii'.-tt i. .-.mi the ?hip'sposition ?.u ?in MM an at ?limn. The payen thai bl t i i .i ;-.t. Ti'? wit! ?!it?ni|.?l au? -?* have ?Ion? no? j.'? ? ?? injustice. I jui .in; it! Tli ?mi. is Nmay thai m. i ?: lii|ii?.! obonjd < i'.ss m?, 1 i?,??. on thai :h.i1 i ? v, : brohi 11.;.: promi -?. Gei WonklsOBM. ? i ? n ? Hit? ni\ nu.m aiul siiinki' and fir ink themi anetiinea U t w ul n Hit-;, would f ik. | .it? r : il I ???in I'd take a ii.'ai. hut id 1?.i i ia that I wan t"< HP?? ?if I! ' "?.i.t.un. I ?...?. " ii job had been on derb Bi.iiM tl . i hit.-.I ' ' ? ' |l(lri tlVi'll. -- ami ?. '.'..o Ul .. ipar, and '? riiuii ?kick vvLi'i - . ailed BM nt .?. tint tn<\ et?i|>If ?I " ? . ? ' ?11 mo till 10 oi |9 mir. nteapaatS I' ??? i then," li<- added mtuini Hally. " ?1 o-.'A,in m nu-,' lu mid " why tin v ?li?! t.? ! ??. 'i. light BBC the rocka It I had I.' lied at w? shonld baye been two ?i tin?i . lui oat? If tlif in_!it luid beei nt.irmy ii ittgxry c. would no! bav? occurred. loi an j af.ii ? is. woald I taeqnieh enonah. I had ik. i, i ti to doobt nu t tl.? ? ncj ?i lb? ?tli..-- ? >? - ?mt ward ? wli< :. | . de, "iiiy going t ?m. ?tteaanho-T, tin- nil timk ami rain-, we met ? ?Hili.i. the etenraer, hove to nndei :i taaliTT'l and I..i.v:; 'goo* ?vuir.'.' I? waa Itn paaaihl? tooto| . ft _*ouud her, hat Instant action wm required Then nrc two telecrapha t.. tbeen? fi m ?? i, on? . offlcei and on?- near me, aiul hath r-i-i.i'.i' aiinultaneoualj t?. the telegraph-, aad mu?? '?t if?:? s-, .m.. Wa ?-it?>t ahead aad pairad Bar. Frota lui- i pre? la I] as be did I Indued li' waa ? man ol rea ?an ? who would .1" what 1 VSlllll.l lit) lllllll 1 Mil ii.?! ? ill Illll-tUll?TV. How lit lost in . be ii fi U 11, ?nt, poof Ml?. lilt had left the lite-boat ?vlirii I ? 'll? (! bin f* 'M.iiid bare baea MTed too," Tlf ter ThomM excited Uu-?. ..i m .'oui indianation of theotteer% who pro ranaca it "hambog,' It ia mh ?\ul.-nt, 1 tliink, MiatiiMis I.'U must Ik- nuBle for exec* peratlon. TheeaptaJi on whom this evidence doea ant reflect saya that on a n.?-*! when the fiada. tmiii ?'f i.tiir? \v? t . .' ked. tin* i?l?-a of a lUiii'. ?. I and l?iiiii?.' to a?l vin-th?'n ? ?.ml ? ihaaid. "He wm a pretty '(.m of tin- and t?. l.-ok i i I. s ..?n hl.. I in- uiati is hiinf.. Uiii'y. Third OH ei Brady and Mi. 1'ntli gara i tool ' . u ?f him. Th. fourth admits tli.-it 'I if) la if he hliould if? aloft, ami 'li.-' hi toM i. !?>? MBB. " Wliat iis \i tin ? aptain. " I wiahtoUodh? bad itiium, it could haro done do Laim. ' ll.? ? ???:?'-i'i. Ihea ... ? ? vivid and eiiriinietaulial ?" ? - which need aoi he repeatad, foi r?.. / add?.! detail In this hietorj la only another loath te thehanaw. Hakeartala that oat ?f th?< woiiii-n lie can led -.?, m the ri^ning was | ? a?-i ,.t Nee York. "She earn ot the m..-?t f..s if wild; "1 had h. i m. voryium li .,";i< lictl t'i lui. Su?' can.f and threw kerai ironud ~J ' <? !.. : aid I tani.d hrr up in I ? " ??'"!. I < an ful that woman's arms me DOW. I only know of ono instand th? re af a husband 'a d? . iwif?- It wm Um haa* band ??.,.-.? pMMBgatwho died in Iii i nil .-In- told hiato fa, and -..! v. '.. :. !,.- ti U bed the diere 1 md to her. " In reaard f? t - ? n* inanv ol ra pretty hard. Bteea tin- repeal of the act ' ? i ,, nrry a c?-rtain nnni her uf boya for ? rrgjatar that ha owaotha IBalil .? rated? Now, oel < t a t "f M men it is f In? ky ehaaM if y?n irt-t 10 BM n ll id fi..m a l.ainJHitike. It has In-. n | of m-.unen wo havo to othan I . I"- had. 'I h" in? ti ?'' ' d si.on three tint, s 'a if - MM With ? ?it bo worth ? I at the wreck of the d( . . mu. h. I ! . i behavior." tof the ' ad ho wi at ? He will K 1 to aid Capi " < i -oadrantage ttmntgh ugti rtuik the fearful . and which atill ..i Mo n* ? Bra, r !__!,. "_i^ __?__!" In ibM ???" Hi ft linn, "it is linrriWY ! It .1 MBms to tn? likr a _______" I'txir mu? Cnn ha BTB- ??.? ]i;i|i|iv Bgaifl 1 I.AIKK. (apt. Ill llltt tlllirilitl ft ??TIB lllH VM-i', lin*? venin?., i ?m l v ?an?- iiiriiy, ttini .if | ttaarai Bt-aaatar, Int bot? i_-?ai ta-aaj, .'apt. Men. I .l'l-uirteri'iiii.-d in ti'tiitu, iBttat oi Um lilil?.? ?a tt stail.ii.llil Mill ?if 111,? VTHHcl, Will, h 1*1 ?till ..nt , watar, aad tail t bolt tlir..iii_-h ??? that the i.o?ii. ? ? ; tit? t ai.iti iiiNMiitrtr*. may !><? r.-t ??\ < r.-.| imni.iliat. I H? ???..? m.! iiimi,. tbe] ( bt rea? h? i in aa. t__M waj. nil GOVF.RN__.t_N. I\\ ___ 1GATI0N. i V'.im i i. iMii RBON'l rtOBT?HI,ah. VS. l_OMi ? an i ?'i i m u Hutu ?* i mi ?.n m , , _r MI'I.I K. \S? ir?*llM?iv, -Miiw It? MS l\t I'll II l\ B___BOB SAH IV. M M n \x. April S. 'lin. Ctinrl iiHiniirtl llie him l um.ion nt '.? ?.'<? I?.< k _h-B__a____tg, >?,| i:m i ?-? i, i Nik i: pa ti fI'-hs'- m mi m? \ t. a iili.nii l-.-itt?'!??.!! ti-vtitl?*il: 1 wa? fourth t?t-BCtri _M At luit i. ; vi??- ?.ti rttitv 1.11.1 iin.l . I.urv? ??f tli? ? tifin, r.uiin from r.? tu ? i,i I.m-U hi Hi?' ml?ita.ati and fmui U t " k in tin tii,,riiiii_: tlif ?Hi-it.-? ?rete getBg BlvWt tu.m n m i ?.'ii?.. k tiiati tin v bad in at getag durit- Hi i.' tu,m? previeae, bal IBaj t>?-?;.iti it haprart fit.ta aal p:t?t 1 u'.? ni'k. a-fit n MM ('tifitifi* were iluiliu'tliflr t.? WOT-. ?B liatl alitiut |_ paBB?I of ht. am ?ith tli?- up it -lai taita tally apt-! hTrhmfa 11 aad 1 otla?? the i?.v? .-I pii--?tii'i-nt ?(?-am dHl_aa t.n-iik-hI via? rearhed, asi v..i- m pesiada with tin- tapaaatea taita pat? jrtt ?i? ti i ?vint t.n titit.i at u n'.ioi'k Mm gaaat tminaie I'??' puuiKi*. lataaaai fur that hrariBaaa.nbca I aoal a waieh, tln-rc wer? im eealt? on the ,i,.,t?? and no nun .. Hi m tlif lu?, tir. ??; alter tilt- grate bad Ih ? ? i.'uiitii tu? Brea wir?' a unie low ; -*?? igt ? ttatt Ua_t I gel coal far Mm Brat, tad ibta n further tinu? to icet on tin ii.iiiul ttak tn pi.t mi tin (h,-; mir sp? i'tl nu n ,iM ' Ixtueeii _ ami a o, ,<?rk; ?i liad Wl patOB-t ?BttBtBM 01 Iht - u?_?' ut tin- tinif biif "iiii.k; Hu itaaai rto.ii al H uml ?a had im ?????a*. ,1 ?.?>??. .1 ?nth ni?'P MB- pr.-.*?nn i wa? ttaadiag aa tha rtokt bale pint'? appaalte No. Bolltl ivlitit I ..-It the ?Inp ton. h tl,i. Iiottoin, un ?i. i u?v lest, on tin BlaiBaattl ?Me ?r Iht kael? at n ah ? .iv?i Bea_Hh-BB| lit Mii-tinu- I wa? Mirtiit-::n flit BO. 1 of tlif rlui''il lioilt-i ; I :i[iiiit-?iiat?lv ?but Hit SOU ii'i-.aii k iiiiit ran il)' to III?' trngt-M -i.ioin ; when I ?_ti ill -, I loiiiitl that tlie MMgraph hail Im'.'Ii Ih-WWl a ton n 1 In mini tin- usual inaik for go... g a-t. in full tpat? a* it n tiaii Bata pallad ttotoatti aad Iht Maaal !???< bee. aii-wcr?-?! froiii til?- ftifi?ie-roorn ; tl,?- tiltil BBglBI ??: (since ti? a?!j was la the act pf rereraiag the eagli? ? ? fr? BSCr, Jatiiia? Di nal. r (slDCt dead), BMO m a*- tlnr. , u t ii?- acto, tttlatiog hliu ; I ca?m t?' __a t-ttttaaar. Btt ii'i.n t!n linn I r?'t i?? tlt. platform until the eiiflne' wit . occupied al'i'iit 11 -? iiiii'l?; I tin t wat? iii-tl tin-1 legrapb loi i thorl time ;?? sec li any aeon telejcTaphi aere glTen Iran the dach; al Iht ttmt Mtai l im k?'?i at tin- eaglae-rocaa clocl aad loaad )t wa?s:i9 Un ? lo, k arat retel al aooa; I weal balea to ?lmt t?i< "m tan- coc? ; a-- toot ai i gol t?. th? loot ?,f Mb tag-ac room i.iiiiifi tin- lof lin et weal twaj -uharacattr] Miiititni.? ; i called ta the easiatc. la Map in i ; that t inn? ti to go lato the i-t.'kt -baie, .uni i Bat a-1 traa g?tai there I Board bei got vas with aaathat race; Itoraad bach to sao what trae the uiaii.r, aad taw 11??? epatar? la in? shirt alee vat with tit?- thtatMi ralvc la bat Batst. cil ft k?,_i? v tin n iteppad tin fu ordered tin lit : < egiaeri ta thai tin- bsJb ttop?TalTt i MpptM thai li? (Mit t In? f <ii.:im ? a ) "I'tii. il Hi''*al'- : taire?al teat? bt i?"?! tat had daat at at i heard *?t<-jtn. tilo\vin? otr: ?Alan I get t.. the Mohf hotB til Iht tin I iia.i left; tin- art-taa'i raett waa ahora the ttahe Bale, ami I aa_ad !.. the sea lo attaad la tba arta ; t_da afl ocenrrad la Mu spate oi twaerthiaa muiiit?-?- tti??t i?. Iriun tlif tun? thai ?*li ? ntiack till I ?lint tbt MB ? ?" k* : w li ii? I waa ahnt??ia iii.-m I mm- ?\..t.i eoat-Bgoatoi tli, ?'at li.iar.l luiiiki'i ; I han only aBaal !.'t?'?'t !o i nu, ami i.f!'.i. i rea? bad than than al ? tmt ti aatei aa till lloni ; I lin li II, n l<- lll.l Wa.? t,? Inr i!? <k. lit ilia* til?' last person to bar? tbt -battaa?to__t< y.\ iiniti. .'. lu Ml M.T.onaal : Itapptiii* loin. Iliil tlif til?n -In ?,i-t *! iinti, *i,i!> ...?ttli-il ?heve? raltlbig sn.t J,iwp_ag over Iht itwhaj Mwat a'mi. two ar three rttaattt : if tha thtp haB haaa a-tttl ? i-, i v.uuiii aatittaBa -Bat M ?aald tai? bata Mai t to baa Blaatta from tha that tbt taataaa at M laretBad ? a oald bt totag aatera. TWO <n ?i' HM B8C_?UED. ?'oiiit-ini*a?, Bra-iy. third t-baar? laaaa?d tasiaaaai ! luid itv Mi. MuTMtiaMi i I???! ? eartlBeata M eeaspa? tea?jr as B-aater, aad ateo paaaad bt Bteaaai Baaatra nu n, ..r tin data or iiniiii"! of M/eerManata; i gal tt,? in .,i...?.! tu? jr?__raa_-*ra? tin? warf i.-it al Baaaai I u.' i.f? a m ? iii.iu?inti ?u ii ?t?tamal) ;? awl ol Uverpeet ntBlaed '?v Mr. B tchb : Iht gre->teal tpea?ol Hit Allatitu un.I t 111. moat la-.oiaMr I III BMttBlltll I ?asiakant-wini the tan? ?in- bad; this waa wMh tall inn! ?team ; tbt da] WO ran .itTO mil?N Wt lia?! a *tioii. , -? |] mile ami all aall tali i aeree beard aaaa* t,i i ii't.'i-iiiifti i Thaataafraaa the ttaae aba trraeb??I i ?Ot anlior.' ; I dm Bat ahk Inm Wt an a* ; I -?.III up to . \ '* t.. gal *<"iit si ti"- IBSt to lu-lp no-, ami totiml Tlioma? tin ie: tin *tot I?? tta? !?> <-,?! ?i '?-t lna*n i l'liuuia? of his (Thoaaaafa. aetlritj la aat-Bg 1Mb are aatraa. ami in- only tiioti.iii ni tatiat blsowt life, .i.itin \v. intii. Int min ? t, recalled; B?ta baaa taa> inm of staaaaahlpa, tn> eart-leataaa a-tstardates tiotu M..v, i -.-.'i ; Mm niitiii' i. a? Bear ai i ? m itaaaaaber, ir '.'ii.t-f.i. it war lo-t in tlif Atlantie; the liiitli.'Nt rate of -;? edwaall knot?, bat th? tttaaiai aaret atatafad ibta m ai,\ ilai 1 work nur, tg the la.*! pBBtasjt. Btt?I WithB fair v in?! tad talh aal ; tin*1 wat tty lecoad trip teratt the A'llintli- (?. Mil: H] pi? t'Xprl u tire WaK ID til.? Me ?iteriaiitati and India tlB-MMj I tliink i??l ton-? of \?.'el*li coal would be ? ajual to l.u'O tmtt at . ....i. ? nil wouiil no! lal..' up util Inoie riaun. t an*. Mri.i.i'.AN'". l vit!:ii:mi . Edward i?. Malligaa lasttaedi km aaptBta ?f Iht atrattfi Ctwlattt. ahleh iun? betweea tiii- part aad PortlB?di llave Ihm n B-BS?t of t-t.aui*!iip.- tOtt-tg .uni go-Bg a. twaaa bart tad Portlsad f"i- foot raatt. aad am ?atulliur with Ilie Nnvii *?( ol?a roa-1 fi,Un Otpt t?Ml Ul iislifax ; the Ciirlolta i- Ml tOBI ; I tttdt -BBI-gt UfM on Munday nik'lit, Mar. li ;u, Bt M a'l lot k, Pt-t-BBd Um , ktrnt niton I 10-..3 HalilaX tinie ; I Juil?. ,1 Iliat .--amlii.. i.i.tit i>?>r.-n. K. ii> i;.. di*!a_i! i>. twaaa ibiat lad teat unit"?-, tli?- ulf lit tl tli?" turn- fl .?- di-a-t I ? -AM -, dark antl ?In 1; ; up tt 'J u'tluk l! WM raiiiiiif liar?! .?ml BUSSttled : wind H. L ; after Ilia! titiit- the wind BBl m W. 9 9 , M.mewfiat bifli, ami it wa? (in/./.linif ; ufl.r tliit it nn ),:ti\ni; ?it 12 o'cloek it WM tMAV, tad tbt HfM could iiave baaa a < a itttTT aad al tn alai dlttaana lhaa at 10 ,,', lo, 1;, bu! thf wiatli.r tniflit Bare !'?? n ___B t. nt there froaa Miiat l had it la tbt Btabari i e?t lai?ta ainuit 10 : , ..tlnr Ughtl us I ratue up; muli ( ln liui-U) Head, I).Ml'? Irland, autl |_ta__hl 1*1 Bl a? ti I.i?tit ; I at-tfi'il K. b K. etatlai up; ?li.-n i Bktdela-Bhre Uaat I ?ta? not tutiadiaa I cannot wiyaiij tliiiif :?r>out tbt < um. nt- -tin ? tit li? li aud uDi-ertain ; ? anno? ?ay BOW ti,.-v will ?? t f,,r j? toait ;it ?'? ttttaj the t urr?ritt? are gnatag m Winter than In lainiiHT, Hin! ar? nui? h f-oveiiu-il Itv tbt wind? ; we BPPaai M BBTt t90mAgtt?X9tAttXM turn nt in Winter than m *?uminer ; thurc WBI B -*Mttt thl-BB8Bl BBBB-g ihe light what catBiag laft-attht tea thaa wbaa raa*? i in_r i i.tiK paiallaJ la tu?* aaaal : ?inl not maki i to*? iBlainl I.i-lit, il balBg tl?'' k Wbaa PBItlBg ; htfi no umro difflcalajr IB inakio? the Iiiiit that Bight than at otln r at It n't lot k that MKht I it ?trm trd tbt ? I . , mil whin- Hi tin- ait of Bt-BgtalgOt In.ld sf the light; if I had not gat hoId of tba light 1 weald bata riavad ti?<- ?hip aad hove baratad ?tTshon?. voaid not lia i a ataadtrt. ftaj'taaadtagt ara -rragalari I - b?aaaj -?? pataal MCI '"> tpaad attbBtt_aa] ??iw . Light wa? M kaottl I aiiiai? liai Mar*.IJ * i?..- atttaati bata bad <\?!> appaitaal-i at taaMag It i '?'.?? Itg at all tiiii.*, nr. -pi . !.-.- -it v.? alla r, and I have 'e?t.-d it lr? <i'i? niiy ami found It ?omet ; Wt ? tested tbc log In ihm uif Ir.un Itthl to light, and foaadItsMlttaala?y| >?? I '--<\ Ittafetoi-u, up to Hie labt mile the log won. i tllBW, hut lift a uisr j.111 ; I think the MCaiae) of tl.? ? fouiuion lac-tight I' ? a, bat a_en ? irr? i la th? petei I log i? i ,,.-t t., ...? depi pdtd oa : i OB?a ta tha ?.. I ? ..tli? r I t-Waj I I ? ______ l.y Mr. lnt.-iiif : Iht 1 a?t lifhl I no* jt?\I : i . ',t, II - nilito; M In.i I ?aSgOtag ?low. I klii' w I ?...-nt i ? it? . Ot on? !" I'f >?' |*ei"l' '1 ' a M In rtilttWtt ' BBl I t it I.tba watar. aad ? at lili? l?, o i. ' t higher, wp ?-..tiiti ataba It aal t i ? la i ba p.mi no,i-?- whBB i up thai n laalB m iba pttu. boaat tttm ? un limn we m .u? ? ai get ta B teVfat ! pi ?. i Maati v ,- ,., ...... bai tt o!)?.w Twin? mileo iti.u n ?i nail? run IhOBBfMBOM from Hamiiie The Court then ad.oerued till __BIB_Bf MOrniBB, tit 10 o'clock, to Q*tcr (?? ens ?In m now at the MOM of ll.? ?rt, _, u l?t n.u. tat Bad to arr.v? THE I.VIl.S'l lil.l.AMNI.s'. raft quasi ne coafaaa Moai aaotn raa orna ?BBfia. II At n? x. April 8.?Only OB. 1h><1.? was n> ?..?. i?-.i from tu?- Ati.oiti? am k M day that oi un ra kaewaB-oooaaor? I-a-tnooMw in a BMe-wentha s of two ladina botterai t" M -Mai ol __? Bradto of OBBBBBJ BB-M-B Itarki i of ( >i anir. . N J 'Im rt. .ni.-t Ni.rtli Ainerlcaii. winch arrived l.n-t nicht trem Hait? tnorr, report*? bartag pOMOd a bodyfioBttBf M HUM -..Hill of ll.lllf:? X. ?'apt. I?nit<* hinitli of IBO iaaatloa MmbmoH a Pfarr. wa? i|iirr!i(iiicii t?Mi,i> m reoant M the oBcwat eaa_M of I..V ( apt. William-, Hi- saya all Mosten ore raojBB-MOd with otro DR ?umi.t? rtiniiin?: north und wi -t in slit.n-, Mi south Hi?l weir furtlirr out At thin (?carton t s|.i ri.iiiv. tin- .-n n ?-nt bl it i oui?', bat M ttM u.?.-t it wonl.l not mahf n ?iiff. ii-i!(-?-?.f iniiii- tii,n ?, i?nnt. or a knot ami B ?|iiait?i, tin n r?.rc Ik le OO-BRod thM Bfl m iii in flit tli?' A Man In mu-1 hau- MM l. -? .],,,,? ih nul? s from iMMfO llirlit, or Kin? ?ouid not Lav. ,? I !.. Mcaflici's whOO ?lie (ltd. hi itv IVol.s A ' ? Mil A?.(i. Cmcaoo, April ?v?F?>rty-t\??i -urvivoti ?>t flic Aliantic iloasti r aimed la IBB? ? tj tO-Blght, luid wer'- Mied tor bj tl..' MB?Ol tt tl.? R .. '? !-'ar I. Bl i.ti.l a Oomatttee of Cttlai aa 'IIII. FIGHT JOE PATRONAQi lin ii-Ti.Miiiiisi i i oiii 1VV4IHV?. TUB BOARD OB i m ? AiioN - uu v _aa nu-1 ah i? i? iiMii. i taai ?I 11 Mil llll IIiMII Id 111. Kl M B I I? lo -HAY. I'rotn inform.itifin furnished Till 'Iiuiim. on food ?oiii...ritt, o appear? that a Beat sad aaacrnpa loMOoaoptoMy hM eatotedt-t mbm UaMMgato cun? t?..! of tin- i? \i art-Mat nt Bdaeattoaofthlootti bj tin ?'ost MBM par ly. that it- lut ?.-.? i iv in up ;i ml __B patraaageudghi ft made tributan to tbi t owi pel ?anal aggraadiaemeet. Paw peopfc wM an notera* va ri-.oit w itli |uitiln-m Inii.l m.iti. i - h..'.. .,. s ni-a ?.filie ?.?nut opportunities lor *><?( ulalu-ti v?h.?-h an .,(! n;. ?: in the ,'iilmitiis(r,.t'..i. et (Ik Ii? |..i fu,, i ? affair? i.ii.. M.? ? haact s tor political owaipnlaUoM m tin appolntnenta of principela, teacbera, button, 1st., ta tai oancrou kIkmiIh thraughoat tin- otty. Thaa wbra it is consld?red tBai IM raran-ooof ?.? D?porterai tt lain? ilion iiiniiiiiit in MMlyB ii.i?(. annnally.bmng lust year ?it,4M.sin 7;i, uliii Ii. ?a illi other ?!? |.:?tlin. BU . ! the city I'ovciimiclit Hinter tin BBI COBtnl, COOld M nun .is? u to u nun li lai BM nun, it vs ;. i.? ?. . i i,,?t In re is a rich Held fi.r pi. i a i..i.s. Tin? i? Mpeclallf tin ( ,t-r III the parekaM ami dis' I le li of ra.pp'i ?-. ?rV 1111 li form a large portion o? tlif e?|*< noer of tt.- l>? partiuonf, anil al.nn.l mt i.|.|iortiiiiily tt*. Iran.:. <-itl.t i l.y tin.-, latoraoted ratolM tM aaorantool the e Mr gee to the Hoard iilmv?-the contra? t pin.? s ami ntuih. I .. (lifft-ri-nci'. or to-im)mt- ?m oioaoaln oanntity oCartt t l.s ami ?lapeO-M "' "nin fot I... n [irivut. In nt tl!, Iii ixlililion ni tin-si- chime? ? t?.r H|.e. iilatmri. then r? tattt in tin- Boned of .i i urn .? \ .i? i powi i i il appointment. Ta.- pnMta si iinoi- of tins, itj kaetaalng the Oraanoor. Pi niary, BvealBB,and GUorad, wttt tel C tj and Hot> lual College and Model Itu__?B bOO iniii.l'f! in ail aiM.nt no. m vatoi about a.t?i4 principela .?mil lern In I? an ? iiipli.? i?I. f..i?[l.?r with utiutort., aaat-taata, enatneen, Et. Htats ii w,i? i" apparent that tin- i-i.ntrol ?.f tM appoiiittin-itt et 1MB aOBlIng M tiifv iin from orar) pan at Ihi etty,i . ? ? -.i? im arare? of BMbpoUUi . powei by aeeanag t M lal of friends i.? t? .?? bl I -, BNBkttt| Bill po ??' ta. lulu, ?Ve, a? ha- linn dune in ti un m ftttt, IU-i ag? tim Kt?'.?t puwt i whichnoold .?.(?i.. ?? i; n thn igb tin-control of all tins patroaaa*??a Biageai j Betel mined to fl x it* irntxp upon tin pin h. nina I-. ami for tins parpara, aadei IM tartar tt other panamo, Intro iliu-eil nun tli0 la? k.-1-laliii- . at MM MOJ??-?Mal tin OM ?mu, mi ?.-i nonaa?Bna tM DopaetaMntel PuBliela Hli nctinti, ableb, Witt MBM mo.'..!.. a'i BO, BaabOOOM a Uw. a v iiup-is of tale act hi? ..:;? ? ren ia 'I in. Tin in m : ? I li ik Ihvv tin pOWOn Of Ihi MB I?, aro of L'llUi'-tlnu WON tu.ol?- linicll ri? ?il'r in ll.. n.attei ?. f appiiiitiui nt? th.iii tim.? "I In. oiil, Uu Kit a iK-inii ?it'K-ruiiuc.i m k*ci oil tee praraaera i? pa could. All ttintI BOW Mtiiinrxl WM to MM UM M ??'..-r. af inen ?uitel to llnli pill -pe-i ?. BIn n th. CUQtOBI hOB01 IM'oi.!.' would have over? tiling tbOtl OWB I. IJ ? .!? M I f fmH. n ta aaeerirrt. were IBea bmBc t.. m?j...? M II.iM-iiii-vi-i MMMMBn"IBM tlieiii ii. tail i. sp , mime sm u p. rooM tea the M-CM "i Oommi tli?-v i.cnuiiii'-iiil'-.l. wlii ii tin v Would Lave ?ini.'-ni ? lag, tin n nu n haviiiL- Mm tixeti f?.i iii >ir par pun ll.ii, linwi ,.i, 'In ;i i ,ili uI a!,on- \ I o .. a ? pent- i. ..I it ?paBb 'oi Un- Mayor ill Ii i il to m n. ....o mil, mi i. only aw he had full coiitliti nee in. ami ?. ?I? I a t.our.i Wim-.? un ii.i is :ii. a knowledgod on .v. to be able ioi'l upnclil. I ..ia tl in tin ..!!? mpt In ?.l._wi the (ToiBwlaelonrri tiny wonted, Ibej next ON t> week M manipulai?- the BrgaaiaattM of tin 11 vv Board aad elect ? praak?nt aad elate In t_t.i own tntereot, Xi> ilo tins tiny wire cbUged M w.-ih behind a mask, ami put loiwanl BOOM tn.i f.i _M Odko of 1'ri'siil? nl, vvlin wa? p. r-onallv urn I.ji i ti'.?al a-, Init v. tinrj eOMMecOd in lb?ir n.;.u--t QbWBB JaaBM*Caahlng, jr.. was ???iitiii foi Ihi uanlnaUen, Wm. ii. Ni'iisnii batag Un opp.--na- ? indidate? BoUer? iiif; that thoymbM BM htai,the Mag pa' IMtt tvttrf )M.N-|lile eflbCt tit heciire ?tr. ? ash n,- . . ' | At the Bwetiag on Betarda] afteraoea u large irako at BM politicians tateraoMd wen- in n'oiniaii.., hwtudlng l-aac II. Ilailey. Jackson H. Hchultr. and ottats. It io stated that many of IM 0-Bg BBM l?ry loud and fata? live in fliOinllij: the BBMOM "f ? M itBg, 00 Wliu li tin v ? v. n i 11-n d to wan. r lion to $ta, <?? ?rateen of IM Board dedand they had aorai nita. t MeaeoMdU ?--iu?-> fnl, even ia TWOOdfl ttaM H> tin- bold ( OBBte ut t It is In-lieve?! they hoped to infill? nee a RM bOOMBtlBg ii.emtrf is and i.t-ttiin their end?. It i? nl?o niVerU?! Uiai they had goae ao fra ao M have wtai aad ..the? rafMBh meiits prt pareil at a c? rtam place of lOOOtl lor ?i P'r..i,?l lu m1?-?' trat tea rtetray. 'ti ??? Benrd? in.?, mt, ndloarnod util ll Monday WtthOBl OrgBfltatog, and v. In B it net BgBiO it was in.In? d that s?.nu->.f Hie BON MBOpMMM l'"i Kii mus Mm-abeoah IhoM praant, howov?r,hapl a? a bold treat,aad alalarad,wltha ahawof rararatnoaa, m have u. totea foi- CBohtaa. The nooH ?gata tatap jiolnt? d tin in, for OBOhlBg received only four v. i ? im C-BtooB-OBM people tera pomtrad that tt.i.r only remainitag00-000 ley tt OOOBftBg tin- M_M8_a Bl the ( leik of the Hoard, BBd the i OB?Wl Of the imp.-r'ait ronimltteen. For tin-position of ?lerk it Is MdOtOM t their c.iiidnlate is I'lcli-ruk l. "Aa-fiur, now DopBtj TaxOoBUB-BMMr. IhaodhttM ?-???t a dote at that BarattOg. an ul-o tin- att? mpt to make it tin: urdir of the ?la? tM tin- Mint lag Ul M In-..I tin? afternoon, Was. ili lliUs. UhOllllBI ttietn In thi? dinctini, for tlifl :, at iMMj ami IhO format.i ri ?f thi Islamlii.i? ( iiininitlee.s of the MaM, as pohUohed bolOW, Will, it it l?ela ved, (llsiiel coinl.letely the ('Un r hope, as tt"??* Uio't impurtaiit on? MO Mroiinly compose.1 of men alio are known to I.. Myoad tin Mate M" the Klin.'' IB?BOBOB. The rreoident i?f the ROOad of BdMBttM BBBOBBOOd, jeisterduy, tin- fi.iluwm^ M tin RtBB?tB| |< ..iiiinilti i ? of the Hoard, of White theit-aie two MBB .than in the o.d Hoard : FiDiioe?Vermil?. < a-Liac. IV.?rl, fetttaUj, ??? .?-' ?_?_ Teirbrri?lliliir? 1, Krlir, I'jw.I 1r?ai. Ir???. Jrluil'log?- l>o-d. I'?'ifri?>n, btai,. Hot Pop? Iim??nnlilr? M?tb?w?cti. B_BB?I, Wtnmmt, ? Atxlitii?? W'rit. Tr?od. J?nllr?, if, ttOj . at fat s-Luoii?r.i.?on, _???_iuii,, i.??.?- ?. Lra.u Coarm uf Ptoiiri-Ilrowi) ?I?i, fair, Trud in.; (. I . g ?, III*??, .*. )-n..:. . N ,ria?l lohoolo??FWr, Biooo, _?__??>, -M ? |B_B*B?\1?Biiwun., Tioairi'l, J. i . ? . . B?BM 0 'H R ? Wir_iD| ?ixi 11?*. Mat' . '. ? ?io K' I?. U?la. ? DiatrV i ? a un?. i -i.t an alag, a< Ro l ira., R ullaoi n .'?? Jr., in the i boll ReaoluU- i - ?? ?m th.- n - ??'.! appolnun i.! ... 'i.' i i v., i, a i .,... .i, bul after a .:. : a.? .? laaiwu Ben ? aid? i< n a...i uni f?. i. 11 ! I OBAPBIl s .\ CiiTit f .n 1 ' . ...k. l _'1 In-,1 a? i|io s v\.i I'll, ?t.liipliilliir-iil il ? ??< . . . . ? . ?s B.i li? u-i ?.? v.? ?,. . ??-,??? -? * ? ??? ka?fhal THE PARTISAN ?____RTE M IS P.ITOUTnj TO TITK SFNATI. nil gii.?ni?..N ?ik Bg__n__aa ni_ ik?ii ? ? iv aauaaooR, hmn?anoiiai? ash ou_rt___-i fun ti?.\m nii.m casanga na rruhor LBI-RR tlll-KI I?) KIllUKraM Ol I- ?.IV II BBB? Kl MBM BOB-?? noWN. im ?i 'in nanu < ?. i. n i ii i. vi i s i ?.r mi in i ei ? AthVsY. Apnl | When the BOBBtO WBBl i Cnmmilte?- Bf-io M tin- t'liai ter thin MO-B?BB, I qiieation (.eiitiiiifr wa.? on tli? motion to reioiisp die vot?' by ?luid tin- ('(iiuiiiitt??'fefaaaitattt ollt tin UM I? Mi I um. 'I liitt section. Wim ll isH'<l ??'hat i< inalhalilt , Mood *e IoUbVO id teO firlii 1 lull hi. r< a Ut Re nal aatnte or bnU-tnae, eRtae R 1Mb -? OB ICttraly and rjcltxtirtty do up if il for 1 _loil# woi?liip. IT sin h ah? t nui?- or baadltag lu.spit. fro? linlane?, or < ?'iiu-t.-rns h- are or may t>e in? ponied m Mtoag to tin? etty, the Btate, or tiie Dati l-tuW-o, or iii? Ii liiotitutiniiM or eollegra M ON ? l? inpl bylaw-, Mi..11 he eiimpt (nun taxation; hut the ;. I?MM <?' l'if 'irltnn thnll lot ht construid us rrptali or in any mann, r ii?t,,Ung ll.t pionnons of ( /..?/.(< r of the I met of lYll. i bo at ;. Chapfc r ttt, Lawi af Urn, oiawp?l-r. taxatnn tin? .Maeoine II.?II propirtv. Ml tin- OMB of Sixtli avi . and Twi-iity-tliird-Hf. The in?.turn iccotisidiT tlie vot? ?it Tliuisdav was adopted. ? imitmii of Mi. Muiphy tin' laten part of th.- -.-. u> relating to Um ll?rate? Hull pra?party, wm tick I ?nit. Mr. B-BO-fl t moved to i-tnke out the win Mi tim). Beoaid tho object ol it wMtorabjoel I property "t Homan Catholic iao?itattoM to t.ixati? If] moved, m a anbotitnte fm Um u tBM ?k | > I ? > -. i r- :.. t ? that no 'uopi rly be e empted iron taxa-tau txot/t ouch p-unoi an in oaaaBB] by ? Ronera] law <?f I Sfat?. II? ? ?1 tl.?* th? -Chairman ?>t flu- I'l.-nm CooBBiitteo would _BflBo_iately report a general l? eon ing the aami wberd peenliM hardabipa wm mi It from npealtag teoopeeial lawaof tbiokin winch am Tory nnnierona. Mi Wntein'^anboti lu for tli?- aeetioB wan adopted Mr Hen(?lut again ranewed bla antira In Htm Ollt tl? r?'(!i(.ll. Hi dOnbted ?A i.t t ll? 1 |l?e pu H I ?in. i? ? en In Bad time f? tna'ur? ami pan general law oa tbio rabject II mu b ;i Ibb d pen in.-?.!) ?.' of the m?' it ut i?. n.? ?illi i 'eil by i be amem mi nt - n. h aa bogattala and ooylaC-a, would iuA aee?_rely. Mr?Marpbytook the rum?- vow ?if tt (in? itJofl that Mi n. i m _k I d '? Janeo Wand raid 11 ??- ??? **.1 n i? str..?K m o kiln way at tricad and i"? bnl it wm thought tt won! hart the in Itbo lenaa Catboli? kaotitationo) tl moot m ven iv lie agn ed wttb Mr. Mmphj ihm tl BM noli wm '-ut ?.f plan ia tliic ebartar. Before I ??mill voti |a ropral all the Bpoftel -two ezewptirj jiroj.. ii " fiiiiu ta sut ;? i, in mnal know wbat tbn law-win. TboBwtian oi Mi Braariirl prevail? .and tl.f BB I mti WM -!i.' 1.? n out Mr. Woodin Bobnith d o nmnba < f mirmt ?uni ad nonto, wbiok wan adopted Um most Inportra WMOIM | ic\ uliiifr I'.atipiiblii wiiks to.w ?.(.inp oi nn.v M ?<.|iipl"tf?l h.v nav- w?.ik. il no ]?'<|iiii<(l b existing lewe and ordinaaen TkM in a i r i ?. ? i. t -. ?.. t mi ??! the9-thrae?too b hieb reqairM work <u rap plim mm ring m oipenditnn to the mbobbi ? s toba dona bj oontrai t. Onnotionol Mr _Jk? the aalartai oi Um Murin c. .r; JndgM wen tedneed to it*.'.?<?.>.? ??ai. Oi m. tul. ?.i Mi W? .mu..nt. tbio vt.t? wMNooundem Mdouarattai <f Mi Beaadkt tho .?alary ?if ti? Mai in?- ? un? i JndgM wan tixe?; ut r*??.,<?4M? a yeaj em I Mr Madda offered aa addition-] nation, | mi.- f?.t the cidoin'itu nt oi Mm Civil Barateo rteo of t be Rattanal 4dnlnln rattan, in the hi In r,..r. an proanttaa (I ?dtatala ti. the onplay (?( th? di, (.. .. Him'1 Tbia am? tidn.eiit wm reted dowi with?a ; a dlr-don, apparent!] latte gnat ntiofm tuii ?.f Mr, Madden Mi Wood.i. ?u!? n?; a ratalitati for the ?vif. an ti?'i.. wkieb -BM aal ?uf!? t ban Mm Mteioa a a'.nadv adopted by the Conoaittee ol the Whole aoMopt that it taohs aa Io tho iatt?ir th? </[-?jyit? patent ni'tii??! nt anhtea imbbobIo byooaoMto, c? Onenrnorof the s'..:? Em mum expraooed ?i ?ii'.iii- 'i in Oonntetao th? i, ran and lofcortad i.i.(.-n-e ?.nu t?.? Bonnto m..?!?- tl.?- initiier con, oldc-BtioQoJ the bill a epeeiul order tot th? urau eg Lain Air? t a vti.y ?'.-ol BBB-OB, Ihig Of-Uiog ti.? I'oii.ii.ittoo iiae reportad tho Chnrtei Io Um Senat? iuiil ifi ..ii.mcmied it?-pacs.^f '?'he ({Beotioti ot aeeoptteg tho Conutettea. report it muh- t, apn >a. ?uiu r ft'; to im.i row bmithIbq. when the van oui ioonn praoMled will in- gone ovm agaia and o rate t-iken BR tin in by fOM and MBya The rate ta IboConnitteaoa Mi Mnrnhy motion to rotate Coo broiler Qtom Ii B?ot ?<? bo ngartod :* <i< i loteo. as 11.?? BMttaO was niily ftuma. IB < oiiiu <:ln>ii with UM ii." to ni:?K( the 00-M of <'onttoll? I an elective BROb Mootol th? time fptsii tbia oreningwM u tilt ?pi estM U ?d I *'<| Uli'I III* colid lie to in ot ho,-. aaiH to take ont ttaenoM fraoo aba Conaran OouacU Mdin a repetition of tho dabato loot mob m Um raopeotiro paw? nom th?- ntr( ?do of the Oobud?mmbmi t.i i ok In Wiiil.s, i ??'{?:? it m?- tit of Pacha and Boardef8traol Openiagi and knpnnn-Mate 11m Cbartoi momo to bo eon t pul.It of different interpretation! m then Tlli BBNATE DKBATB. _?ii-- is\ ax___nioM aRonoR riucrrr otn ? ?iiY l-tlBllB- BO-BO iriiAM.isiiKi?hmsc ?if Id, KM HAt>IlIKe-AN?)TIIKri AMf.MiB1 M U un rwi M> P_RB BRonoit. [M m 1.41 i i.i M MM a i< n Aii-AVY April t??After tin niuiiui? of tho i?.urn al Ihlfl', tin Henni? hi i.t into ?'?niiiiuil? ??? <.r the ?Vliolit on the N'W-Yorll (li.iitii, tlie ?pnstion ie ruri-ltii; M IhO BWttM of BOBaBM B0M_?B to rOMBekk t tM toM By which the loftu araUan, vroTidiuK foi t..? exrniptioii*., ?Aiiri aU.-pt? .' Mr Mai ptiy ur-fiif d that it wax net jnnt t?> ? ?. 'i | ? i M; laattt-ttao m Roa ?ori City, aad it .?v. ?? uiauy ?jllnr ? ?luully BM-ttMlOM inHtitut.otis M 00 -?>?' <l ii?- taran ?i the Btrfhteg ?mt ol tii?> ? ottn mttoa D. P. Wood terartd m exooytiMB la Uralten ratrepa tiuiHi ii. ti.?- peasnJ law. Die motion to reconaldet ptevailed, and nr: motmi ..f Mr. Miiipliy tL< IhUMO OlCtapt'Og bon !a*i.ii.i.n tM properly ot tl? MOMBB U?U Bad BMBM RBBd w.?o rtr.t kt-n out. Mr. lieiiedu t. in ti.' ooanooi m ..14 in.? i.t nid that an erroiKOii? luipr? h-.1. pr. ?. iiie?l an to the ptoportj ?>t the MW Roona CothetM cathedral Io Ron foi M the oten that thi Btti pan1 l!'' te?onon Flttean to Mint ?letioinination Tliia w?s not ro that ?In,. gnnhaw dtti property fiooi itn-ir ewn ahanb toada, Mr. Woo tiiuvi d 1?) am? in 1 1 1 -?0 fl |H| I o? 11 .. Mt than mem _te aoanaltewBol tho Rtah n i - awarathatthto?raahtoponte bonblyoo mm knttitu. Uom WM,!i0 Prataoteij and /an n..c iit)N*.iu?i"; bal 1.1 ?????Dctal law ?( el l.e ('til ic.t? ..?,- it wIMl lO It? ., ,,p, ? .:?,-,. 1 ; th) t-!..' 1 , an,en bMBt MB OdOptM Mi I ? nit; . : am11 .1 to ?11 .he o.if th? am. Mil 1 ?? ' j ,111 ? u aod r-ai'i thB 1 ; t 011 froifl tasatioawM a delicate en i.u.-.i.? ii?.i been bhuIi ? i.t.ii.iai at tutu ? i?> 1?m?dv ti.? io. 1. ? ? 1 ? ? ' 11. ',.?.'..i Baaattag tt. - ipteattaa boldl] aat . 1 pm ll aa 1 f an 1.? n ? I una < - B. Ai-ii M t?. million., i. \ ?- \i III? ; '? '?.. ' amra ? work, MM m..?io .1 ui. iiii.ii.- c Mr .1 t.i.-.'i? in..??-! l? nui ad ' to itealgnat t 1 ... i., i" Mini that I '-' ? 1 "" I ? r of I Mi 1 ??; - ftl..i 1 ? ill. .m ?1 1.1 1 ? ? ? 1 ,1,1 nal ote ? beaual 1.1 bj tin :?? Mi RTooatn MM 'ii-1. v.. ie BMBMM elaliMil .III llf M ...... 1.1 ? . ? < ?. 1. I ...? doted bj it.ii.? raraoM u? pnpoonl,ta io?? .?_ii. _?i in?nt. tn i??re the whole ?ui.Jert to the Mayor. ?"nrp<ira 1 tor? ( '.iitnaei, i.ntl ??ntnmiialnner of Poblte Works. Mr W. t .la, ? aniendirlent wa? ad?,| '? u All stationery for tin several city ?illicit ll to be " litraI ted for bj? the ?ami- txi.ird?. An amendment la H.ction ?fi, hy Mr. H? oreshy. provides that ptiytieians inn?! Pa-Ms? I m New Y.r ? thre? year? btwbn they eati tu. t-ttttd inetu'..Bl "' -bt Hoard of Health. Curried. Mr. Henedlrf moved bt tn?*. the ?alune? of the Marine c? m! Jadaat? IMM . NMea JattMaa, ?v.??.., aad HMrtat Chart .Ill?llfea. tAM9 t arm d. Mr. Woodiu ?jffiTt-tl an amendment to tin ..'.th ?e. M"fi, pri.p?iMiif mat the Mayor ?hall nomma!?- all head* of departments nnd eotnoilnalotier? except the. ?'otnmle ri'iai? i.f I-?MM Iiihirmtinn, th?- ('?iTiinilssiontr of MUM Work?, ('..riHiratioii Counsel, Presidents of l-bttt I'ark? and Board of Police. The Mayor al?o ?hall ap? point nil inemher? of any lioard to ?upcriute ml ihe erection of any public building ami all local lioard? and ?, ?, ail not cf. t. d in the [?'..pie ; every head of a d?v partniciit lo hold office for ?it year? and until a p?-r?ou in appetatad m hi? ptaea, Mr. VS'ondiii ? ameinlmenl ? ..? ?? l.pti',1. Mr. litmann moved lattt_?? out the entire bill ?ml ?ut> ?tltute No 1. of ihe A??etnhly. Lowt The hill wa? then " ptogr. *n?.l ' i.uU set down for the ?veiling The Btt-Mbs, "ti r. an?, mli'.in., went into Cnnimi't? <? of tlie Who!?' on the New York ('Harter. In Mm 11?! ?e<!lon. I>. 1'. Wootl move?! to add ' ?ar mn " to th?t*e to whom license? are to be gtttMBB. Mr Murphy ?aid thi* would eati?e frreat anno, nice, as car conductora are Ih'iiii? chaiij.o?i catt?tatlly? ilu-re were ho many ?llahonest one?. I) I'. Wund Ita-tta?sd that if would he one ntr\, toward Dretai tin*; the Ii v. ? of p__aaa_a<? i<? h?ive gooA menas i .'inliii'd r?, and In ?'ii?u,f . .uiiliutiT? wa? in Pehslf of securing hetler MB Ml Murplii replied that Iht in? ii-ln. ?if i-ondii. tor* wmud m.t elevate them. ?Umilimti can b<- obtain*'?! if a i-uih. lent aalary i? paid Balhaadt art run at tin? v. ry ti.iiiitinitn of price?. He feat?ltd the a-M-rllou tbal one hall of tht ?tnef railroad? in the city ?if New York ?lid BBC pay infer? ?t on MM investment. Many BBBductor? at? l,niie*f. it ih fiat-, hut the main: are In th?? habit of ?? t-ateB-Bg dawa" fraaty Mr. Woo?l atiHWCicd lliat mam of the entr ?ire? On th?? aaiaef Raw-Tart would never b.iv? sees?tad if Baaasaa ??? r. y Mated cntnl ti tor* The aim ikIiu.-iit WM U??t bj I ?ntc of l.? in |__ I). I* .Wood It aun nil **<?f:on al hj pro\ nliii_: "Tluit no .infract h?-reafter made M OMlg itioti in tarred ahaU ba biad-ug mil. ?.*? tait-lad b] t__a troller'' I_r>?t. Mr Mood tni'M-ii t?, aasend the 7Mh eeettoa "<> that ihe In pal?Bl nt nt I'lilln Met?, ?hall have only Iht Mit of I In wot S of coiiKtr.i.'lini." ImiiiIc vartl?, ?tret?, A-.., aliove ! itj mi ti ft 11. Pari. Chat?-MtBaata. he ttkt, bare doiia ? noble wort tlm? far. ami ?hould he allotted I" prou? ?I with tlieir plan?. M that tlie?t? laadl ami botile rarda abat? ha ta baratta] with the vuiru already per? feted. Curried. Mr. w'tuiiiin iiiimwi to raeaaaadtt ihe raMjaattabea, ?aylfip there in no olltur in New-York who btt -o little power under Iht BBW < liait? r a> the II? ad of th<? lie _SWtBBSBBe_ Public Work?. Mr. Jnluimin read .-<?-, i mn '. ;. >?? to the p?twcr>? of the Baptttaa-taaat ?-f Paatta Mart?, taawtag a war pe*> ptaad Bt _BtabUa control ad all *tr?:et epeataga. titty lag, in Mi Wei?: i, Kin! it ?lui not gttB him any ?m li au tlurity. Mr. Johatoo rtpittii that if ?btt, vaaaai pawat bt lau_ruas?e flu ptttBiatd ?'harter did tBB-M tlim power ll|M,ti M.. Van N i ' Mr w.'t'.i i.v luotuiii pi..vail-ti. aad aa fating aairtBrr v?.t? ou the paaaaat tt Mr Msod'a tttaad-taM it wa? it'*f Mi WaadaMtad InaaMiid Beet??Ml t.\ ma_ir??* oin elataarba atorttep thtti daty ka the appropriation of un i ? - ? |?.rr. tall] Hable for Iht t_?nt CTpcn*e nictirre?l above th? ??minuit upprupr.a.'i il. Air. W'oodin Haul the ilemirn of tbc amendment was ?i t . ?-"Oil. but it would not be wel, to _MM if Ml Murphy to publifh brief aoTt rtif-ctiicnts i ...? Bg .?Ifeiitioi lo the ?? ity ??outra? tt? ad?.? i tired tn The 00$ BttsraV. in two ?mmuj-,*. two ttaafcBg and two posai I ?i" r? pu-Iu-I.ed in the __BgM-_- .-iJ,^.-i?.?r? and ,n ma in It,? <?i ruiSJi htBgaag, ? ?'artieil. Air. Murphy moved tn am? nil BBBtttB 27piy pro? ?dm?. that tha Mayor thBB "?'t have power to nominal?) th? (.iiiiiiiMrr, Hiul that that officer ?h.tli !.<? ciected b> the peep?t every tour year? I-?-t. Mi Ttsntans asovad t?? abaaat 'he tim?' t.f tue .harter Biet?100 ti tl.? IiihI Itaadag ?a A.?n. n, each year. Ia,?i. At th!* polfil OB ?.?' IB?? ?f Mr W.mkVii. the Cmiulit?-?-. 1MB aad repaatad th? m.i lu the _*?nau-, recomiuending it? peat... i<? fore tablag ??i gas?Maa m agnategtatht rapari, t,i mi.-.t'ti of Mr. Mi. pl.v tbt I ill v-,?? Mad? t'.i ?.pc.ial ?mili for ti-tiiorii'W BMI??. Anjoi.iii? ?1. Till; SF.VKNTY AM? THE CHA_TB_. i,tit,i.-.AM Maaiia?. i_n __ti>oai ot ta?. oo-t* ail'VBB Oa i.KJ.Pf.AiicN istiivii ii ru. *!'ii<- hall ?f tin <'oiiiinit!ii' of S? veiify was ? i? arded laa < ?' -lag. Pinu ?.ti? tl A, vr caalnaaa, Mr. Ja-B-saIM.Btwwa tailed th? n,. ? Blag to order, sad. ttAtr dMpn-lBg tl iba roll call aad bk?atss of tin prat?aa called f?,t tin I? port- nt ? i mi,,.''?? . * I'tof Thetalort W. Dwlghl, ? halt mar of the C.uninif t.. ou ftlgat-taiOH latpaadad, tad reatl t!*e f..!!oviin_' r. port ami at ? ?tupan, lag IBtabttlMM : Hint?) the la?t in??tt?g of your lni?lv. the ' iiy ?"harter tat ii?.'i?- BOMt-tfa lorj pros-reea. Vari?os asheaaaa la ii sard t?1 tin !*(?!?? i ii t ? n_- power have be? n piaeaated, rousldered foi a tun?, and prapeair ahaodoae? Tbc pian n?.w Badai ??uiHpie rat un. lathe Beaate tltiag the a/t'tiial power of aiipointineiit ta tha Mayor, with MO* til?n atii'i. h.V the Hoard of A id. t met? i? i ?hi.led with un uni? linn?' tpiali?' aiioti, wiieri'by icr-iin o__eeit are ? it ? ni? d fintn it? op?ml ?mi. Not?tag will Hati?fv the p..,pie whom we repreaeat axoapl the Sample nmi pis ? propoaltloa Wbicb you have so many tune?. reiterate?? namely : l'h<- power to aiipomt all oihu-t?, without exception, matt be giren i?, th?- Maror, lobjaet i.. .'i.i.t.t matnu. by tbe Hoar?! of Ablerun'ii. Till? plan i? soaad in principle, readllj oompreben?ed t?y all, and pi-'.? in .?ni?- in its operatiou. Tbt scbeue ol retaining ?..t, n i tli'? ?? i* ''logwal, founded on partisan raiMtder? attuii?. ami on?-orive to aii on prejudiced m. n .mir ( oinimttei . at tint* late nlage ot the <!i?cuhh1oii, do not proposa !?? sraoe lui* oueatlon. Tbejr aimplr labmll thi* m part that an opportunity may ("? gireo to mee to n,? pahtM foot -aiftifui aal bereite? to th? pi.ii, oi eitj ?ro?< i nu?. i.i Wim ii )i.u bare proposed to mitt? ?? "f tbe L?? -1-i.iture. I? - ?'i.tvlv i?i b. bOpCKl Unit ?hould the ?'fuirter t.a*? ?..---, ,. upresent form (Jonference <)ommlttaea ol lbs two Uousm will acrai ts s>_ra tha wbtto saajact of apDolntmenti ab? tt it? properl, b? longs. \s ? respe? ?niij submit tbe following resolutlont: tmttittd. 1 nat tba paWM of aplt.nnfm.-nf :.? 0___SB, ander th? city chatter, snotild be rested is the \!ji..,. i to confirmation by tbt Board ol hldcrtm thl? there must b? shaelntely no exception, and we an q , i i, ... , ? Miir.i-ii.ii ih?- taBsate no?* tat?r eaaaldei ation in thi -easts, wtlcb excepta irom tue ?. |Njwei of appointment et Bed officers, as un ????ii n-. m principle and ??? plaint] partlaan a- t.? h.??.e pniperly no piso? into? ut_'s oraanlt law. We respect roll] call upon the aiambei- of the Beaate to art la a patriot!? ipirtt and te ve-t tin power of appotntmenl It? most si oi pi? form in tbe Maj/oT mdtbe hldlermcn. per-'.n-l That t?B Itlark* Of all gOOd fill BCI BIT I a , in i,i,. du? t?) th?'-?- Beoatort ??,.?, rialng ab. ?ep rtj . ,,? - a ? . li - rted ''?at OUT Minn i| ., el Ml..' ? ISd OI ?D ' ' I I"', t | Til. aad wltboai referene? to temporary party advai Iba i. , ein,:,.- at t oiAjmiit. ? art, "it n? d WHY THI < I l'Y - BERVANT8 BBl N- > I PAD) \\. ? ?- - ?. i ? n iiuni? trota time I Uml lit. ... "'O- mi uecouiil ?I tba delay lu tb? ' " i mu.., ; , I d?laya laa. rs i i in i- it is t tlie ? .. ,' , | i" t 'i part ttttl ,'i? T -i ? ? . . ? ? ti i -, | ' . ' i I _| ? ? ' ? i tli .... . April . ALBANY. THE (XKRF.NT OF UOUL?I Kin taska?.e or tho. Hi.ookf.rv ?iiai.ih o?j ?nir RtWRlRiaiv fxiiimtiov uni. a?*?imi?.iy I.F-<iISLATI?).\-sr*.NATORlMAl)I>r.N AND Kt'.IR (Ilk. Kt "moat. Iraoa a Ki?i;ri.AR OOMBMOMBBBOI or ni?: trio? o | Ai.nANT, April 8.-The Hninklyn Churu i passed the A?oeintily, till? mornln., m It left the ? ..... mitte? of the Whole, leaving the queatlon ?if MBOOR? ?UtiDK therlty ami county to a vole of tli? i-eaaBrJ t? vv us ly. I hlrd rcadm? of bill? waa the order In the Aoeernbi-, and consumed the entire aeaoion. Amono- the bilio PMoodaBaotlBateo Ctty of Mow Tote wm RM te_ ?> latiuir to thi Kxbtbltlon Company, whiivh an the City of New York, with tho eouocnt of tins Minor and Aldcrim n. to ?iibscribe tt.&iO (JOO t?. the at??. ? Of thO ?'ouipniy. Mr. Iiliiu:i'iitt,.il moved t?. recommit the hill, With Instruction?, t?> atm-nd M as taOMBO tlio ?ubicription ami ootaol payoMM o( ftSEtAEt by potrata capitalista a eondition precedent to the lUbiertptkia ot tt H<l?,mi tiy the ciiv, Imt the motion wa? |,?t- Ye t- M . Nhvh. m. Kha raM oa tee paMUM (|f tee MR ?i?m?i ? Vera, "'? ? Nays, aa?a? Mtoora (Do?eante bl BaRao] i'r-ntt. Bate Bota.hol.or /-.'., Mite. HUttlng. Brewo. B R , HrowD, J Il? ; ? Harns, B limit. otea ( t.. na, ?'o* ' Cem?m *, (.'ravlont. 1'ommitQt, ??'mas, Ilritrr tumultu? I 1-04, y -u. Kl. aa, Fo-'t??. Y. m, ron, r-ttrhrrk. <i?rr .. .. ?inl.n. Il.nlr. . I II ri? Us-, lit.1.(1 ) la? 11 real. /, .. Il .rrr J. B II. .rr. J. D . Kmr..-. I.?i~li_. Ira, l.?l_?. Baakr, Bxrrj. U I', S rr. luikiru, ?. Bri#?, Ptiiip?.?. f? rt.a?ai, l'r Lit. ?.? * aa?4. r I . ?I . - lu? lumark Vil l)r>ro 4 I . V la ll. -? l'aal UttmtmraA Watt?, W.ii b,. v,. a. h..?n Wgrili T. Tl 1,.r ? . IV L. r lit? PltimtntAal, tienten, Pti.ll'p*. C?Oko, Mteaam, Hyon, Mu km, Siu t.. DritnatoD, Op?l?l?. Yira.rr < Yttlrttua, - ?in I, ?y. Poll, ??Jrff_B r Tin MU fop the BBBBBUy OOB?TtOttM O? bin ir' Il s, Un.'.?s. un?! ptahpeehete wm peaaed i bIm ? Mil aatbor i/.n?r tlie Common ObubO?BoC aayeit] in the htate io grant periiiisalon for the use M B MW motive pnUM ."t,?duaimv ciiftiiie? and locomotive.? MOOpB u N.'.ir tlie ? l?.?e ?if tu?' bMBIM Mr. __baraM utter. .1 ? resolution callin?: for tin- appointment of a ? oinunttei "f live to impur?-what corporation* or individualBIf mur wen- eaojaired in .t oonbtaattM t?j pndan UM BM lu feld. The ii-siiiuiiD.i wm ..i.,, c'?'i to and bmImm linder the rule. Thl-t evening the Assembly eOBOMend a number ?f 1)111? In committee, none of whi.-h. tawet?r, of ?t? a> onJtetMoat tho CUnnlltao at Waya ami MmmwIR nparl tea supply lull to the anon iv ta-nerraw, Tho Committee recommend an appropriation of liw?ki.imi tu coiitiuiie Hie work on the new Capitol nuildui... win. ti wili lie nifll. lent for tho vfj-orou? iitoiteeutnnj ?t 11.0 work duriiiK the ensuing year. It is known here that ?treat injustice an? done **? n lor Madden by the tottim<>uy of J. II. OoflMC MfON tin Ir .? Commit tee. IhM wttaan ataled teal HJWt bod Men paid MB?_M M" OOUld BBd afmtt for 111 ??1,-isliltlOIl. HOottMC of these m.-ii rv.-i ?li.l m 1 thllli* Of OhO OMt? Our payment tliiv ..-.I make to him?that of a thousand dohaio tar one of his con.stttu.-uti?. John L.ttb-, t?? whom it war- ia? Any other payment? th.y may haw.? iii.i.n- win? during OTrtttaa campaign?, and it part at the regular contributions for political punan a which thev, in common with i.ili.r r?|.i. ?< Lt.iiiM-ri ?.f he ivy VeW'Toch l?teme?won siir.-w.ny nepeetad of haftaf bhuta,, to gmtata m Bm bobbbmb, oa Mth aten it would t>e un oajaai M boM Beea-n Madden responsible for such BMtrtbBtian M R-B-U 1 Conkliaa or Beaatar POnteB? to RE m S SEWS. IWVt VJI.NNA nUBtTIOH DfTHMM ink? ?..'(.(I'm? BBB PROMBRD PtOO__1 t*4 IHK nFI'4RIMi;.sr OK AKT.V-TIIK AVtKltK ?V ill 'IIJ-INO. _?aBMB, Tm-silav, Apul t.. MM Th?; ?xhHiitoro, at Vienna will ho ?livnl??! groara aa?MC?tan M tito ennractoc ?.t new aaatii. butloua. Each group will iiav-? a PMatMM Md two Vi.? President. RU.-BB-eCB oOlvtne HbateM .lay that, the l'ri'oldeneleaof the ifroiips of KducatI.nul of th?. Trade and ?Commerce of the World, and Vice I'reniden eleoof the groups of ( ivll ?BB-MertaBOBd PBbNo Wuik? and Architecttire and l'nni-lioDues have been aoolicue?! tt. the United But.'?. In the department of Art :i tine d ?plav i? pioin'M .1. Baetaad nado patatten rataed M the aaaieaati M t'i.OOO.noO; France will t-outribui.? ?oO paiutiu??'?. and Italy ail) statues. The BMBOBton are at work on the Amen, an buildn ?? M.niv baUdhandoraood Me?tat an?aaaHttaa are already ?ompleted. Klaborate ihOW-OMM hivearnved hen all part? of ROMPO. In this rOBpOl t tue Ann ri? .111? .ilso fall behind the other?. _ <;?iv. Walfcer ha? appointed tin toltowta| < onoMMM ers to nMBOOBl the RtaM tt ?-rstalo M the ; BxpeBRtoo : (.. 11. BmHey T. Johnson, <'h:irles J. An.b'i-' n, R I?. 1. ins..n. J. K. V., .nul M.mi ii.d.n.k of Kn-hui'.nd ; 1'iof. M. W. Humpliiis ot LatsXlorton, A .? Ml?er M. liona.d Ol la m liiium, BIBKM II. Uni-n! M.? ... ton, aad l'iof. j. ?. poortacb ut ?ileaaaO i AFFUBI L\ FKANCK. -PI'KOAt IIIMr 1 I.i:i IMN IN l'AHIs IO Mil A fl*A r IN ill I IMBMMt RRRBIBIIW1RR OR At 001 * r OR IIIKI.VO.Njs MINK II'AI.IIV ?III.. I'Al'.is. fBOOday, Ani.i 1 m An ?-h'etion will soon he held in l'.in> to till a vacant ?eat in the Boaenbly? Ihe noOMatM aie ?inoaaa, a Bappaaon af Preetdrat IhMte, end Boradi t, an aaMoon RadtaaL Ihi eoateM attracts peaoral attoa tion, and UM Journals an- full ot It. Liana I tano-a, aprti i m The member*? of the Mui.i?-; COuni II and of UM Council Qeaaenlnl tho Departnoat, pratcodae atol?n the law roeeatty adopted bv the National As eml lsinii),' the ceiitia! mum.-.palll?, h.iv.- nMfaed THF. SI'AM-H REPUBLIC. DMEBrnORa To mi' CABUBTI l-BB-JUBfl PR PtraCH-BSD ARROBO? Hivt.wK. TMaday? apt I II Tin of..?'? is iiinl lio priTatea beloofing to a l.iiss.ii re ?in? nt. bl ?leu. r.ivia's lommai.'l h.'?- ROM o\?i t?itii?-t.?i lota? Beremlarttller] oRtran bow *i**> left thcii rectaunto mMJoum J the ? !ai it is reixjii? ?t thai .M-n.cti GaiibaUli bai amra Rarcobmo ??ml oR?tied th. ?. -,i??s aaaUMl tu?- ? .iCi-is. Th? latter baTorptetfi IMMarln of artillery, and reonmed active operation0 la Raw ? 11, , : th gui powd ? - '?'"' rallo .., 1.-.'in. inti-rruptniK eonnoalcadraratweea Miroudi aud Vl.toii.i. :i ?i ato, 1 ? -lay, Apr! ? ?. .*.< Oawflt eoatatao a decne aathoi m i ..: Wi ' t" pan .. >-. ' ?"" ? <'? ? ?' roKKIi.N HOTES. Im Prill?-?' <?t Wale- ?Mi M-!cr.l,o laotalled 11.11..1 .1 . al t!?. "i-.t.-i M . I he K? v. Charteo 11. Bpufffaaa bm h.. ? 1 m . . Ru atea polite ..i m i h Who ?4 .1 1. . Mil. ninrdi red ? i 1 ....... : |lll .lohn - 1 ha?. ? ! * bound In ' ? 1 ?la i v ? - . 1 Lm uppei tl "t r of 1 ? . . . -? . ? ?? ??.