Newspaper Page Text
V" XXXIII.N?-9_a?. IfEW-YORK, MO.NDAV, APRBL 14, 1873. PRICE FOI R CFai\TS A KODOO MASSACRi.. GKU. CANBY AND DR. TH01IA8 KI..I.F.D. FKlTTi. OF THK " PEACE rOLll". \" 441-f. JA( _ S VU.I.A1XY?T11K rKACK iXlMM-SIOXEKB aTTACkRiy AT A COKVKRBJI4JX ? MR. MflflCBUfl naJtOK*:. v m?_t>?kscaF- of mo. ibykr. Ad*D oK flBBflU AXD l_U? tkyiAVV?DBATIl TO THB BBBB Rrvvet w E. R- Bt Canby and the Brv. E. ThflflBBB, I?. V.. of Uie Peace Commis cun to the OflBBBM ModiH'JA. have bi-en wan lonly munlereil by tlie Iniiians while holding aponfcrcnce. A. B. Me.irl.axn. formerly ^tiper - u | I. nt of Imlian Affairs for Oregon, and a memSi m\ MM i\>mmir*si.>n, was alao Berioosly, suai. U - fcireil. fctaOj Mflflfl-i The attaclt waa un loubtcdly planned with great dclibera -iv.nil pn-viono attempt.s had be4n BMidr to iret prominent inerabere of tbe Fflflfll (.'..mni'.rBion into the toils uf the Modoc*. but bi -aiu. T.i s :i,vv.-. which we pr.ut with full drtailrv her. with, causes a profound pensation throughout the conatry. The fronher ib exa? pe.rated to the mort riery indignation. A cam paigfl Of A.'irniBiat. ' the MihIocb id tu be BBflaBBBBN- forthwilli. ? CivPT. JACK "S TRF.ACHERY. SlWTf T" TIIK INPLASS?BOAil'8 CILAJYLEY'8 r.T'rTB?A r.ULO INFKIIBNCE?" ALL RE.VDY I"?CAIT. JACK 811,.. A.VBY?DR. TUOMAS fTLLEP ANI> HB. M_A'.:n.vM wocndfJ) ? escate of tiie OTUKR2S? \DVA-NCP Of Ofl. tflOOffl. Lava Br.n Camp. >pril O, via Yrkka. Apnl !_. Pi-e Indians aad i -nr squaws came into camp paa> Ml . .-Vr.otn. and received presento of clothing gnd .,r m tbe Peace Commiaaionern, who aent ont a mcsbage asking tor a talk this morning, at a pfliat about a raile froui our pnket line. Lafer in _ke vm-.TiL' BotmB Chariey came ia and told tbe lo take his g?n, aa he did not intend to gf back auy more. The pn kt t hf?flht him in and taekhun to thl tcnt of Gen. Canby, where Cbar ^. i,. ? -i al the tcnt of Frank B night. Tais morning Bopton Cbarley came m aud reporwsl thal Capt. Jack and Lomrniflsion onf bU, ti.i ... i BoiniB Cbaricy ti_>-i m.riut.-t a horse and start. d for tbe lava bed. I ? it au hMtfftftM thefcf dcpatture, Gen. Canby, Mr Dyer. I - .. Fran_ Riudle an.i his squuw for intt rr -' (1 tor bm flppqifltad, clooely watehoi by the signal officcr. Lient. Atlain*., fl c lull - - be camp. Cpo- I :e place of moetini.', Mr. Mcacliam flBadfl a ihoii speocii to tbe .nby and Dr. T l_en Cvpf. Jach mail ._ for Hot and ftrttoawooi, i mw oeeopied by I ? '!? acham ? is not possible to give him what he i3oh_MchiB told Mr. Mflfli hflflt to say no more, ? Jach behiad tbe otbers, {e-claimed. "All .ui BBapaaiacap ., krsl his : -. aud fii-d. Gaak. Canby ftll dead, ahot utiiler tbo eye. .iiaxben abot Mr. Meatbam in tho ebouldcr aud beait, bul bo ie still alive, tbouiib not ei;x-rteii M suxvue. Dormm Cbarley aud anotbt-r Dr. Tbumaa. Hooket Jim taraad upon hun pis'.u ia haad, Jim raa, aud Dvlt n :::p. Kiddle waa ala. - aquaw both flflflapflB The alarm w;ta promrtly triT-i n. and tbe trcMipa were under arms in a n rnoA-ed forward at the double fjuiek nuder eoaunand oi Coi I TV'v are now about a rnile in the lava bedu. lytne r arms. and Bffl -night amlt-r cover uf tbe darkncas. ihoat BO - . Liera who can be bnuurht mto active _ and it .? bi iieved tlny w.ii BBBB Bfld tbe Modoi war. BTOR OF THi: MES8A rATAL TRC8T IX TIIE Mi IXK.S?BUaiDWKNT) OF A ratTTLESS COXFEiiEXCE? IMB TWO raa co__b_98.oxer.-: shot lx cold bl.m u? T-HX lXDlA.NS EftCAl-E TO THKIB f_flfl_B E1TTEH FEELXXG AMOXG TILE TR Lava Bed Camp. Apnl 11,1 p. m.. April 12.?For several iiayt paet there Lave been aflkdi made by tbe Peace Commissioners and Gen. I to obtain an int4_view witb Capt. Jack a:: .? cbiefa of the Modoc band. The pansi" peaoe aeemed tofbe better, as .rders had been sent from Waabington to tbe Feace CummiBsitn). mve tbe LudiauR. if ni*'4*?arv, a reaervation in tbB neifbbc_hrK>d Teeterday evenmg Bm. easMiD, and aud tbat Capt-Jatk, scbtmv.uii). aud three or fonr othera would miet tt flaaia aUmera on a spot near tbe lake. about thl of a nule from camp. Bogua Cbarley stayed m our camp all night. axtd in tbe moming BflflflflB Cliarley ?kf' came and aaid that everything wm all rigbt. ae Capt Jack waa out to moet tbe Com NMflMMBBi Between 10 and 11 u'clock thia moming tbe Peace Comnuaeion party?compnsing Gen. Canbj/, A. B. Mcacham. Dt. Tbomaa. Mr. Dyer. Riddlo tbe int.i preter. his aquaw. and Bogua and Boaton Cbarley? wentout t., ?!?.? (leasrnated sm>T. Vhere they met Capt. Jack. Jobn S. Lom bm, Black JLm. ^cbatk Naaty Jim, Ellen's Man. and Hooker Jim. Tbey had no guus witb tbcm, but eacb c,-_rried a pietol at his belt. Thia, however, waa not much noticed, aa in previoris intervicws they had bad tbeir gnna with them. All aat down ;n a kmd <>f heMMB circle. (?._ Canby, Mr. Meacbam, and Dr. Thoinas tugetber ?- y Capt. Jack aud .Schoniinu. Mr. Dyer atood by Jatk. boiding bin horae. witb Hooker Jim and Sciiack Naaty Jim to hi? left, Mr. Mearbam openod tbe talk. atnd gava a long hia tory of what tbey wantod to dfl tor thom. aiter which (ien. Cauoy and Dr. Tbomaa l>oth talked for aume uuir. Capt. Jack thuti tair.-d in un appa rently aenona strain, and wben he tinishisl. Bte]ip*s(l kack to the rear near wherr kif-rham'a bor>e flRM kitibed. Joiin Mhouciun ti.en bega ilk, aiul Wrile he wae speaking, Mr Dyer heard :t cap mis* inv, and looking around. aaw Capt. Jat k to Ius left. with bia piatoi jMiinted at < .en. Caiiby. Tbis tvm tbe aignal for a geueral m_s*_4 r.. aad a flfflBM ahota were firod within half a uunuto. Mr. Dyer. after buaring ihe cap miaa tire. turned aad waa followesl cloa*-1> by Hooter Jun. who hred two ahota aft.i lum. Dyer. finding Jim gaining ou hun, tiurnad and drew his dernnger. wbereujKin Haoker retreati-d and Dyer raatle bu way tu the eaaap Capt Jack firou again on (t?a. Cauby axtd IhiaeUlMiflM- wBaaTket-ajiJttUaowaMd. lnatantlv Mr. Mivarhain waa ahot at i.v Srhonrbm. and wnuiuied in the liemi. He trietl to draw hia demnsrr. when two Indtarm ran np and ktiock.-d him itowii. Dr. Thomaa waa. killiil aluiuat uutantly by two pii-tol ahnta in the hcad. BHMDl ran otf. and it .iiipearM they did not fire af him. but kihoeked his ?xi.iiiw down. Pyer, Itiddle. aud tiie atiuavy ro turned in BBwfaf to the <amp. The troops lmmediaivly l.eai to ana*. and a gen eral iulvam-a- entoied. Col. M.iler iuhI Major Thaa k morton'a two fcaAwBTJaa aafl le.i(!i:itr the hkirminb line, and after :iluuit tive nunu'es' rr iini> ? --..-: Mie brokoo rvrka, BB arrived at the BBBB1 la the ina>?Ha cr?. In the distance we aaw three uf the jaerpetra tora of the murder rtinning rmind the aifja of the luke on their way ha* k ta. their n.ekv faatBtnB AlMiut 10(i yards to the wewt of the place of BMBaBJ BBJ found Mr. Meaeham hadly wounded with a pmtol Bkel "v,,r the left eye. He vvas imniediately atteinl es; tai and carried biuk for niedical tr.aun.tif. 1'iftv yanla further wa* the hody of th, livv. Dr. Thomaa, ivuu- aa um iaae, and atxipTHKl to the waist, l^ife wa* extinct from pigtolahot wonnds in hi? head. The hody of Gon. Canby, the hero of many a tiirbt. waa stnppod of averv veatute of r'othnik,' and lay ?iMIBl 10O yards to the south-vTePt. with two pmtol aiiot woands m the head. Pauptng onlv to aaB .-i glanre on tbe Ixniy of the BBB they hoth lov.-d aud rehiuetad. tlie troops daehed on and the two leading liatteneewere within a mik-of Uie umrderen. when the bugle *x.und. d a " halt." Lieut. Qm BBi Maiur Wright'*- rompanies nf the 10th Intantry aOBB bi-htnd the artillery and then eame tho cavalrv Gen. flillaaB and Col. Qtaea and siatf were ap with Ha BMa BB H BBBB as they fkxtind that the Indiaim ii.iil all |ol BBok ta their rim>nguold, the. truopa were ordered 10 fall biick. and Bftifl lf"fJBaeBB will begin to-inoTTow or the day B It waa snbBequently learned that the Iimiaiifi had att,.i k. d i.'ol. MaBBBa i .mip on the east side of Tule Lake. tariiKtiinLieuu-nante Boyle and Sberwood. who hatl wandered some bM yards ontsido their picket line*. Lieut. S'herwood was shut throngh the arm and leg. but Lieut. Hoy'.e eaeaped witbont tujury. Both otficcis fjot safeiv b;xck tai th.-ir eaiup. In jiistiie to Riddle, tbe lnterpreter. and hia aquaw, it ehould Ik> BaBkBJ that they li.nh wani.-d Bea CommiRsiouere and Gen, Canby not to trust imphcittv m the l:..!ians. and fuddie add.-d. " If they will go I waah iny hauda of all blaine. m the ma The mardL-r of Gen. Canby has thrown a (rloom ov.-rThm ramp. and cre.ated a feciing .n th?- ir-s ai IJaimnn tbal wiH aaaef ai.ittcr reriB*aiiai Lreta tlieoo txeacherouB cavages. N>. otficer waa more raally lattpaoaaJ aad eaaaaaBotl than Gen. Caaay. Hi aaa a line CbibBBb iaitkffBTi itliea in the dil uarge of hiH dtityT For The p.iat few days ,'iod and fed theeve Indiana. givina them l.lanketa, food, and tobaceo. The other day he gave Ilorton Charlet money out of hi? po.l;, 1.1 ? i*o aud iuiy taaiini Bt the sutl.TH. When the BqoawaOBBM .itup they nished to Gen. Cmbv, and wenf bai k lauin with provtsionB aud calico. Vet, Un- ar.ii aaa thab alaoaB bbaI aoali I tor. Dr. Thcma* wap the most earaest aml Lh B mem her iif the i-Vaee .iud uever heaitated to eo tomeit theae savagca wLca ht-d.-i-m. d that hia duty .aJl d him there. Mr. Meacham B ?till ;n I aaaxfefSBI .'ondition. siiderinc irom a tleah woiui.i n-arm, and a piatol-abol enterintr bihini. the rTfai BBf and g thraa lnche* bbbbb. Ba alaa has an incuW wutind mi the head wh- '...ina trii d to attalp Inm. aorajaauifB Maiaaf raa itraaaBBBaa itack !.. M v.-'iN'i POfil Viti-Kv. ? |].. A;'r:i J ?? f. BV- H. C. Tieknor. w!n> l.toiiLrlit the titli. ml (li.s[iati'iie?. headti'iar r-rtlay. He said that ordera had iuat been iaBiied for an advance along tbe whole line u. to-xLiiy. The plan wibB to ulvauee slowly. talung everythinbf; aa they w. ut. haviug water and BarBaBMBB with them. In tlna eaae it may be two daya be?i)re the troublo ia ended. It ia preaumud Brematna of Gen. Catii.^- aaalOaaBfaaaaMBaa Thoraae aillBBfxBWBUBtl to tir.s plaaa, and thev sLonJd aiTive to-morrow nvtrme lizne. A.'ouii haaa at le'elee*. to-nianl ta ' loa. i atqaar ttrs. xvith diBpateii - ? BBBOBVafl. I.- ii Baaasa d lhal Bow inoad Charioy andCnriy h.-ad D>( tor were with the Indiuna BBB atiacK.-d c,i. m ,,.n. aad iuat BB- Bataak ? -- i l.iiud io attraxt the att.-ntiou of - . from -i-eren.-e BBtWOBB I BBi .'.ha BBal BB BBB and the pBBOC ( T*** ' '?' EMF.NT IN CafkUTODIIA AUD OlBGOlf. ., ,h?TIIK '? I'Al.LVIN., ' H'.U.Y Bl> .\ " I v - . Apnl 1^.?The newa of the mai> SaiTe ol Ihe HodBC Peace ( onnniaHioners' ni.H -!i ?xi ita.ment her?-. The poiiey <d iLiiiyuir with . . daaoanoad by all rlaoaeB ?'l prH.pie. The laOf t. aaa* ? eourae waa -ti it< d in Arizona helun , .n ihe Krooka caiu paign. ts JACKiCNVII.;., r !',Y. Annl kX?TkB neWH of the BaBBMB Canby and Dr. Thoraae, cansed p -i .lackaonvlle ?o-niirht. Tlie :? loud in their denum i ktiofl B 1 hold liim iwBponBnle. Ra was inmg in ?? ?<v.i:ik'ht. in TBffli BBBBT inm VniKA. Cil.. A.iril 1^.?The newa of the hornble maeaatre of Gen. Canby and (' BBBaBBMBBar Thomari haa 1'iiu.M 1 B gi'.ctu ovet the antaTI OBBIBianity, and scrtement. An intenae feflii'b'.'Xisti r; iBaaVae bbBbM new taaaiae The aaaiaBf2*aaf they bbI that not ana s.houi.1 be iaftta this lerrible masaacre. By many peraona it Ikal lh-- iiJi'is are utterly atBiarate, will iight till tbeir laat man fails, and wiil : ..t .- ave the cavos m the lava bBBB. Hy othera ir B l.eli-v.-d tha: iniiiie their . will l.eirin ar,.l,: ..uu all the weak paiTie- uf wlnti-s they encounter. _ THE NEWS I.V WASHINGTON. IBJB ..r.Ni.'iAl. FEEi-ivc. A..AIN-1 taTJ ffOAMMt IXB> Il V ? TT1E MOIMU - BJ -7 BB ?*?????'lf ?'!' ?? ? ibi aavoarri bbubivbb hy raataiaaaaa DKi'A-.TMi.N i?vxiiv raa bbbcb otajao tVAS Al'i*"i> ;->:!>?!:: I BiTtafl . iBBf I HAK'.i ? BIWIfllllUBI BBB OOWikV'l vn? -. |BT TI.I.k..KAI'll T'l TKIll' Wasiilm.idn. Apnl 13.?The u?"-vi al ihe tr'-ach erotia m.irder ul (.' n. Catii.v hv Cnpt. Jack horntiod the peopie of Wixahinirton. t<i-.l..v and eaflt a , loud of giooni cspecially over the officera of the army Bka* I aafaaBitBl tfaalaai otfi'er'a num'-rougper rxonai frienda. It B BBI BflBBBB BaBBT thu Fndian lasace ptilii y haa ev r p ?-. .'-d. and BB frienda are very appre.1.' 1:1 BBB rev ulanm of feeling that will now take pia.e in the Eabt. and the m .reaec-d clamur for ixt.iminatiou that ?ill come up Imm the bonltr. will make it difli cult tomaintain the poluv that the PreMdeat haa been att. mpting for ab'iut fmir year* to mrrodnre. Tka feneral aa-ntimei.t in VaBBaf4BBa to-ila.v ia that Capt-Ja. k'a band miut lee al la Bl*?-*??, and lha repoit that dru. >heiman had ordered that in the porsuit ef BbB M"d'-ci no priaonera shotild be takeu and no qnarter giv>n haa BBBI re, er-ed vyith ex preMloI.a nt aaLiida Cowan, who ha?. dunng the pant twu ?.arr> maxle aeareful BtaBaf of Iudian Adaint, had uot. thu. altrrtioon. tei-.ived any infoitnatiuti ,n legard to the tr.a. herj ..i Uie Modoea, exrept what .,! * eii in ihe irioni.iikj uewhi>a|iere. He aaid thal atter the fitfht earlv la?t Winter, ia which the Lniteal t*tat4.a tmop* w,r.- defeated, the (iovern meut, at the inatauce of promiueut uien from (iregon wk*> wore Oboo ot WaabiuMtvu kuaaie tho tust aa I pn.ache*. fo tbe Indians for tbe imrTWr-y of scttlinir I the Modoc difln iiitiee in a peaceablo way. Thia conrse waa also aalviaod by all of tbfl leadrng Armv , BBBfflfi f/lM had BMlhJpalai ka BM batti.- m who w.-re famiharwttb tlie MflfMfl <>? the MBtfO verav. Sereral of tbe ofticers rvrot.i priTate lettei-H 1 to fricnda here. rxpresriti- flhfl -Bffl tliat hat-li ?BkfMtM Avoulil not be rewirted to. One of tliem. ? Capt. M.lsoii. m I btter w!m h Avas nhown M tary Deluno. exprep-wil tbe opinmn tliat thawholfl trou' bad BriaM imt of tha had MflflMfljMM al af ttto Iii.hau .;_cnt. who had nndertaken u< carry ont the onlcrof Uu- Dflfaft-Bflfltk i-'ivcn Bl accordancc witb ? his own suiurest: ui. in an offenaive manner. The ?-?iiiBB ? I thfl Poaea I luuntasiuii aaaa MflMffld hg tbe < ltizens of ' ireL-in atIiw were then here. and were i men ui iihorathe:>c<.pleof that Baatfl bad ,-nn. C.rn. Cnwan say* tliat !u- had notbiitL' to do witk { tbe inatt.r until alumt foiir BMfefl Bf* when Secre ' Tar- wciit to N.w-Vutk. Attbatiiine ron , si.l.-rat.le __MBtk_a__ea hail been expres*e<l with thl laBOl CoiuiaiKMon. and On. Cowan Sccretar.v DfllflBfl M BTttl a lettcr t4. G.-n. sberman, Mk-BI '.hat QflB. Canby hfl fla-flBfld M take fltflMflfl ol the eiitire negotiationa. Gen. Canby had tbe con fidcnce. aa well of Ihfl Wir and fndian Dcparrments as of OflB. Sberman and t%\ the Premdent. Secretary ??? s letter waa at OflBBi tak.-ii Ifl Gen. Sberman. and Be, aci ordinglv. ta-lcgrapliisl to Gen. Cunb". Gen. Cewaa savsthat M is alninat lmpossibio to d' cidejuat how far to kfo m negotiat.oiis vutli the In diaus. ThM ia not tbe tirst ume tbat tr-ai hercis aU4.Uli .'.... i : BBM Comuiis aioners. Santanta and Big I.-"'- Ha Apach.-s. wbom Fresulcut uratit aud BaOi Mff K'i.1110 rcentl" ..I tbe CJovernor nf Texao to purdon. aitcmi'tcd a simibir tr-ach.rv upon Gen. Shermnn * .tu j i ars ago, but the latter waa two well prepured f..r timm. Gen. Cowan fl-9-MMd irreat surrcw at thi deatli "f Gen. Canby. aaIi. in be 'OiiBiders oue of the best if not tbe fflfy n.-st otriccr -BBBUBfO-Be. il,. .i.uihte.i if any other had au BMflh tbe flflBBBflMMfl , f ttMkkift-. -r .-. ixtni BriUtaiy ? Boata. Jaefco. t.and roi.tatn. only ?1 m.n iD Mld, _ad MMrJ are aa mmeb di liaed h oay I idiaai Ma Tbey dxeaalike va'.ite _ien. and many <?f thflfl speak En?b?b :!. Gen. Cowfl .... uut a 1 war of axternmation BfBkiaM tbe Indiaus. tlioiiifb ln - bat tlie troope will baveeiinaiderable rroul.le ?' !n' . gfv. iHE-afA-n vir,.v'.. I1S TIIINKS tiu: BBB "F tiie ffllflflfl POUO. H 000 |BP I IMI ITBiT POUCT I" Bl v-orTED BI riiK AflMl ? 1-flB.BBBBT DfTBfl. FFJU7-4?BBB. i'A.WBY'9 IfllXflflMBB?flBnBI OF il:uMl.N_XT ' r ITCI.iLa. [BT i-UtOB-f- TO TTtF. t_IM WAflnflXavraa, iprll l8.?43aa. Shan-fM speaka of tbe ileath '? :by witb much emotion, not ,1 a th :u! ."?:.,,? ' n. Bl paid the higheat eentpltmenM to hia deeeased friend. Ho reirardcd him M I - :? ? :?L-ers an.! | men Bf ' ! !ie sanl bis death wae a Terri t,lt. B;;i: m QoaflarpaUay in Imltan atfairs. ommand of tho Depariiu : ? af OBBgaa hMBBM be was <le.-nie.i tbe v.?" ti for *be plat-e. He - aseool-tem pBted, bta- iini |.? l-BiM which ihaily titt.-dh:m !or : witb rhe ladiaaa. H.- wa? a bum ai ? minis' jf 'be ?l.-partnietiT bad beaa hiihl idad. Oia. Sbennaa. ::i MBBBMB fl tfe aO '? ? 'f tbe Arm.v ' toward wa.u ::.. y oaD tbe - know BMire about tbe Ladiana _baa . tli.-v kiitiAv .a tobedoaewtth "um. Tliis haa be- "i l'?ne at l_BM MrtBBM Ihfl aiul I.iT.-j-ii.i L2..tiartm. uts. aai one that av_? for years discusrv. d b_ i ..ngreas betefl thfl i'( i wau b ? rtdaa, ..r Canby bM bwb bppnbbbI Nm Qbb8m peboy. fPaMB it w:u? sutf-estcd to-.hiy tbat Bfl-i occur BflMfl BbBM probalily end tlie pflflBB P"li'-y. ShflBBBBB sneennk''.y eanl. " Of conrae . " s.ut aa to rcmt.nstr.ite and Hakfl peaea. Wl ui!.. s lie.uli -a.ii.1.1 aot baveoo , t 1 ..11t f i tii- icy. lle was fa niaud of tb.- Division and I'cpar'menr. doing tbe iad was .l.r,-. bad M MflflfM IbePeaet ConuniB .ul tbem in tlieirefforta. In inun- thia sen i. >? ha ITM sbot, That ih all of lt. IMDOl MOdllfld. J be airnv was Mfl - tbfl appxopriationa io<4iiiiad fdcauiBtatniaf Tbe A." :.? n -. thfl tgivel .-?lUellt, but lt collbi otlu-r aa He' vth tha h-diana, aad thal (.ni. i.v'Hi. before Ont BebeOhm, ?rhfle ht MBaakBad iBknat. harl mnrh trrrnMf nflfhtiai the In.ii..a- la ' bM b-caiuy. Tb. ,i M .fective _tni uu-ir manuer flf VBBB-M to a<lv.ui -nem tbat at tirst little profe-redr) was maile. Tbe lava beds are un tbe trorder of a -mail lake ,-? -nanv Bhaaea. riie hai uiake sti'h " ks wa* pnail.le. and praflaed doaely tbey would take iu tln-ir boata and ? -l.iiuis. Bhi aM ba to4 . ? v be BoaM reacii thfl islaiuls. care and triniblc b ? I ba boOdi aataaad Mflo-pflftfl-i thafli iera_f 'he lava ?tnaiu .-. BB . duly leBBflhad iu tbe lake aml tbe MaaBBk WM. tb-se l>o:it.s tbe isiainls flren 'iisily MB attai kcl fr.m aii BBB BBd -berman eai'l tbat f.en. (.ill- tu woold hera ? miiiiiiid thl tr.''i wijo baas ri-tuniod (tM iwu li ;- will resnme thfl BM and I'.-naitii" ?'? I- ia ? ? ?'- I I Sbi-nnaii s i "iiversatoit:. 'o-.tav. tbal .! bi ImmI ? terfcre.1 witb bv tbe PreBMBBM, tbe war BflBU Modeca will be puameii iu auch a uianner aa to leave no donbt nf tbe pewflf and MaOBBBM of the armv. h havintf been auggeatetl to lum tbat per liapa Gen. Canby oiik.Lt - " u more iliacreet tiuia :., harehaM bagollad brtethfl haadial >he enemv. <?en. Sberman aaaWBBBd Bttfe much earneet neaa: "BatGan. ( Bahy, "M|i moM raflMMhar, a_fl not in his BfflBtty aa a -.ulier, l,ut as a IVaue Com misaioner. Hfl Avas eaoyinfl BBl bia laflflfM \- i -"idii-r he would BflRfM have been ln- , riurh a bap " ?Jti*i_- ti.e Aiioriev-i.eii.ral. w_? well ai ijiia.nted-vttb all tbe white men att_. ked. Hfl says he tbmks the tirst miatak.- .n deaBafl B I Indians in tliat I ouatrv laflt n-movalof Meacham from tb.- anpynntendeucy of Iutliauailuirs laOa - '.'n- lad-MM Bflfl MtM ? iftkla ?- - laflkd fai thfl maaaacre. witb aa bum hfl ^vaa well atsqtiaiuted. He think.s that from thia time on there will be a very ngid pohcv. and tbat tbe tioops will bh.a.t or hai.g BfB_y ludiau i-anght. Ia eiunmuu witb ai. tbe rtaidaatl of tbe Paeitic roast who bave h^d practirai expertenre with tbe iniliaiis. the Attorney-G.-n< ral B BflaMf un Irici.illy toward tbe '^tiu_er polirv. He aaya tbat tbe Preaulent was Mfl] inueti atlatbed to GeU. Caahy, aud tbat whe_i the latter was ordered to Oregon the Presideut told him Judge Wilhamb, who waa then tu the Senate from QMfltfll tb_t bc bad ?arnt bun tbe lieat m tbe serviee. Auother gen tleman in one of the logheat ofrliaal poaitiona n m favor of extenuiuatiiig tbe whole Indiaii tribe. He aaya that Gen. Caahy * life waa worth more than all the IndianA in tbe land. and that they unght never Tobegivenan ..pportunitv to r.-pealiauth a deed a* tbey have cummittod. He waa thoroiighly fa MMMB with tl.e lndiaua. and had watcbed the praa tct pabcj aarafallT M-> kooaM aMTiauaa fBj that a cang of hojae thievr* wonld bo prefer.ihle to Quakera in deaLing with th. Imliaua. From evry axiiine i:omt.-.s ut Gen. t'ant.y. No ever BB (luty in W ajihingti.n waa ao 'lopular M he dunng' thu war. He wa* lnng in commatid hen\ aud waa one of the uioat tniaied axivinfrri of Stauton aiui l-m coln. * Vlr.WSOr' PUUlasOr IHCqrAKKRrOUCY. 1 raaaa ? "I'aky.'I- raa istkhh-k rf2xaaa a.shy RP.iPONNIRLK?THB MAITHK N'.W uOT uV HIM . vIOMENT? A (Jt-IKT MLl'.TiM. Of I'HIENDS OF THi: I'KF.MIl'N I - I'OI.II Y. IMT TKIJiiiHAPTl Tt. TBT. TTUBmnt. ] Wx-'iim.i i.v. Aprtl ::: Ba IBaBTj ? liclanoaaya, ui retraid to the uiurder of QaBk C.uihv l?y Capt. J.u-k 1 that there ie no doabt that the wkala trouide eaaaa ' out of an Bwawkaaaat atteropr, to taai Capt. Jack's i bbxtid upon a Baervation where it wa* almoert lmpoff ' prible for them to remain. He had no ?loiibt that C.ipr. J ii k waa n?-!it m hia a*ae.rt.ion tliat neither hu | nor hia band waa a partv to the treaty under which thi- alta mpt to removo tli.m waa mado. The I tar.v aays that hiu attention wa* aot called to the i niertt* of the rase until iifter the troubie e.arly laat Winter orcurrcl. Then the ollii-era of the armv and peopie from Orcgon. ^h.. aara with the Baaiaa aaafawsa aml who aara ia w ihiuiiirton, all 1 a d.ilereiit iii.idu of procediire. Meriem. Mcacbam and Appleitatii were then here and wro recomuieiided to the >>?< retai v :xs pro[i> r men to BBB> ' stitute two of the Commiaaion. .Seeretary DeLmo i aavs that he dui not know them, but they a*nared I him tli3t thev were .uriuiiinted with theae Indiana, w,re completely in their conlidence, and that they i c,.n!d BB into tha BTTB bBBB and arrnnge the whole | ililhrulty. Aftvr thev had Baaa fur s'veral weeka i vainly atteiiipiirg u, BBBBBBiibB laumethiiiir, the ?onv iaced that they did not BBfl 1 aa mu, h induence ae they had [tretendexl to have, and that :h>-v vx.-re 81 ul.-ntly aftaM fo veuture batB the Lava beda. He then dist ox'i-red that M< i. him Bai BBBB one of those who bad reconiuiended the rcmoval uf Capt. I .lac'k. ar.d that i rclat.n of Anpi.kJBBI wa* an. f !u-r. Ha then *af*aBfaaaal t" them B bB La eaaaOBri aitb (aaa. Canby. aai '? le iiothini? witbout havinu; con lalteii Lim. A:'er-v ir'i. Applcgate and C-ie-e, iwo of ?he (iimn.i'fiioner*. re-iinii'd. fhe fonner atating a* ibc-.n that hia re.lati P| hikd bBBB conneeu-d w:th ' th.- ongin (.1 ti.e tr-uilile*. aud that aa the Cummia i,mi-x ia i.i.-kiui tu IneairBaB to ?aBteaaaeal the 1 oiithreak. he did not conaider it lelicate to aenre. ; Their pheaa w.-re liiled hy tho app. ?' I and Thomaa. About thu sanie time I'aiiby w .ia riven romplcle eOBtfaTBl of the whole matter. Ita Cumniisaioners were ordered to -e'ni Bl talegram.-, ev, n to the Intenor Departinent. withotit ?miur.ittitiir them to him. aai Aaa. Caakf .-?-??n fml power to BBBI BBaBBB ot the Commiaiion and to appoinl otban La their plas.-s. .unl. .:. -linr*. -uinmandintr ae ha did the tTnope;, and bllUg al the head Bi Un- 1'. aee I !!,.n, With plonary p..w. rs. he waa entirelv rcsponaihle for bbbj 't 'iu- " ' b ? ? B Bai BBBBB B Uei ad that the disant-T haa occurred untk-rthehe cirenmatanoea, and not while themarti-r wut in the of hia depar'im-'.t. He had, this I'mn from the 9nr viving menib.T of the Coiimusaioii. but waa in luiiriy "xpa'cT jtiofi of a teleg un. Ur. DakaBI has aBBBwitk G.-n. Shcrman and ? ii. now Acunir Sccrt'tairv of War. I but ioaa BBfl 'i sidi r that his iie,<;i:r:iient ean have 1 anvthnikf furthc 1 I 'he BMaaBav He thinka ?hat, uext to the loaa ef vaiu 'hia diaasta'.r ' 19 moat to he re.Tittcd BaCBBBa it will revive tlie feelintr. in the cuiitry :n EaTOt af a pohcy of ex ttTmiii:it...n. A meettnif in favor of the I'r.-i.'.nr - p*-:im BBiaBT LawtkOBB tt ' 7?'-i..L'h'. , taawBwf Dclano, (.en. liowaid. <."iiini.-si.uier ol Lidian Af lairB Smitli and Fr.-denck Doiigiasa would apeak. The new-, from I 'r.-kron threw a aBBBBBT upon the meetinit, and aaBaBBaDy uta.u the BBBaaBrB. ">en. Howard hardly n-fernsl to the mnrd.-r af i-'-n. CflB hv, and had no reeoiniiie' to ma!..- inraBBfd to the futtire Baataaail ai the llodBta. ComDiia-ioiii-r Siliith d.' t.'ie 'r<-a.-h.-r ! durt of Capt. Xaak, and BBBMBaUf d-l-i I -.vhidi hl ? autu ed .i . liatr.-d toward the Indians. Hethiuirht tba pi-ople uf tlie Kast euiild now appre. ..lie -HUlu-vv liat the fcclliu' ttt taM BBOfla un raVt. imi d-.d aot ieabl tkal if aa aara B pH similar B0W1 BOBfJ 'iay vv BBraJ - lutle love ta tha Iii.liaiiB aa the vV.-aieni BBOall have. At the riame time he hop.-d rhe poofla th.v made np their tiiiiida to rhrow asi.te ;i:e pr.-s?'nt paliey, ? d they were IBBBxJ ta ?9 baek ta the ald ;a'li.-v of plund.T aiul 'el aaatk which had ?BOB the ludiiiu . itti-e in fhe p.iat BBoh a naii':.,. '? ation I to which .t wa* atr.-mpt-d to nmove Iaa B\odoea aai BBftaaita tbaa. It? great t*afaiiea BaaaU ,- Bfta th.Te ..1 this, ( he thotiirht that if the | I B t ? ? ? .r i ai.pp?|ina:,d ta thsB9 iia.l BBBB .d'.vavs BOBrBtly -? ? tiiili WOtlhl lliive ha-i'N Tli.u!.' more ?i'.". aiul tBB preae-nt troui.le w,u;l.l BOt have ..ei urre.l. l'n il. D'iii-'!..-i thoiiL'ht that the oulv ? . I th.-Indiati aaarJae Bttaaeaa af baa bIbbbaaapea^aaaai irom a; :.iibt. _ ll [AL KECOKI) QT IHE ITUl l.l-l- x . I'KIFI.I) AM' ' OL. '.II ! -A11MV OBDBB A.NN-- ?? iM.Y's U.4-I1N..! I Apitl Kl.-The folli.wing mthe.hi r-.-ce.v.-.l at the afftl.I Ihe Aujuiaii!-', ot the Ajiuv : 11, v ???,: t.lTI ll' lHVIil'iN Of 7111 I'v II!'. I Apnl 13. Ki. ) B T. sm.Rvia.s. BaawMaakB Tlu :,,:.,.w:ng rr~ partB .:ii iniini'T tiaa Baa baaa I I ,,t tlie M, : . re ua their BaaOBBtf Uaa nirr te!. BBi BBBB lo ,..-ar *ooo aai be u... mado an enii /. M B ii.i.'ki i-. Maliir-lit-Ueriai ' ouiniauJiiig. The Mowinc '' Vdjutant-tteneral. Depanment of California, trom tka Mod.?c aaaoditlafl i w.ta the Peace ('mjimia*iuner*, went to m,., t ? BBfl ii, aille in fr.uit uf the cainpat BB BMBBaBB. -Vt l.Jd ;.. ? rtJeer, ,.i ratrbiog tbe roafarenre, irportajd flnng. t'pon aaekfaaftBi bbbb BfaaBBaa ItaaBitaatBBB.OBBBy <n.l tbe !x>v- Dr Thornaa Ixaal tHseu killed and Mr. aeacbaa woanded. Theutner (',i'i.tiilx?l n.r. Mr l.ver. .-?4-apenl iiutiurt. I saal al ome comnieU'- aci.^a ai>era tlou*aaTaln*t the I At.yi> BtaaxaBB, . '.ii.mrl Pintt Tavalrv ( uiuuiauuiua:. Datrd at r<vrnp touth ue Tulr Lake. Aprtl 11. -ii'iilax "tlu .al re[a,rta aba IBOOitBi BJ Aaaiataut A..,i:tanT-Gen. r:il f7. D B hipple. at tbe Amiy Headqnarteni, trom Aaiistant Adjutaat-Gen ,-rai H. < iay W,.od. at Portland, OrafBB. who haa been advifced by Col. Gilleui ..f the tiogciv Gen. s-'berman haa t.lcjfrjphed to in-n x hn field inatrnetiona to move the entixe f..r. .? .t "tu ? paaa the Indiana. ..? n. >..erman bad likewii. ., ,r. i :he following order, announeing the u.-ath ..1 iien. Canby. whieh wiil be protnulirau-tl to-inorrow : BBA3&QI .kBTI.Ka I tBI tBBf, ' WAaiiiMiTo.N, D. ('. A,..-:. 14, MII BBBBBAl Oi.i.iki No. 2:?H a*7k.n i.etuiiiei the iad 4uty of ll.e itaaaal tu annouuee to the army :he deatli i.f ?na uf our miHt BBBBBaa *nd ujo?i bonored euin radei. lirig. (ita. Edward K. 9. rani.r. toinmaudlng tbe I>ep*rtujaiit nf tne f.'ulumiiia, wa* ua f iidar l**t Apnl II. ?hot ile?,t tiy the rhlrt, Jm k. while be wa* et, deavonng to medlatefor tbe reinoval uf ihe Modiara from tbrir i>re**-nt rorky faatunaa oa BB nortOera ivonler af CaHfurnl* to a rfiervali.u. wbrra ihe tittxa oould Ue aaamuiued and prolavted hy tha e.iyU ageata ot the tlay lhal BBB. a utt aaauul bava beea *Mriaoe4 m aack a I rauae win eV.T h<-1 aoure uf rr^-rc-f M hh" iMBflflBM Ml BaflBfla. TM IM (.ener.U truata llutt ali uooil aobUrrs will >.. . n kuowing that Canby loat hia life on duty and in Uio cxecution af hn. : oftlee, for bo bad been eapecially ehoaen and apisuiiTiMi for thia flaflflflM and .tanicerona inist by ' BBBBBfl nf bl* wcll-known patlenee aml forhearaucr. bl* ] an'ir.- lalf-BMMMMB BBi tldelity U> ihe ? xpieeeai I wiahea of hl* Ouvernmrnt, ind hia larre < xperiem-e ;n | dealinttwith the aavage Iuduiu* M Auicr.ia. H? hfli 1 alreiidy (-a.uipieted the ne4?aeary mitltary prepanitt'irra to rnforee uix-dienee to tbe ooncluaiona of tbe F-are CuinuiiraioDer*, after whlr.h he seems to have ai-eom pauied them to a laat oonfereuce with Ihe savajrr in Huppoaerl friendiy eouncil, and rben- tfin his deatb liy treaebcrv, ouiniile nf lu* tnilitary iiut*. bM Bllhhfl vlt-w of 'tie -ltr-.ial atation. At the itame timr. BM of tbe P<_ce Coinuuaatonera waa killed outrlitht, and auother mortally wnumled, and a thlrd earaped un hnrt. Thua perished MA M the kindeatiind MM gcntle men of thm or any othrr country. whoae aocial eqnmed his mllitary vlrtiiea. To even iketcb his army history would pasa -he timita of a ifeneral nnler. and K must here sufflce U> state that Gen. Canby bflfM lu* milit-ry career aa a emdrt at W.-st rmnt in tbe Hutnmer of laas. rraduatiui: .11 1SJ9, since which Uine be haa *>-rved 38 yeara, paeaing throukih all Uie RTades to hkflflB Gcnrrul M TfltaBteers and Brucatiier '.e.tirrii ' 'he !_.-_? ular Army. He served ln his eariy BM with marked distinc.uon in tbo Flnrida aml M> x tcan wars, and tbe outbruak of the civd war .'oiiud hiin on tluty in Xew-Mexlco, where, after tlie defeetum of his aenlors he remaiue.t m rommand and ilefeuded Uie country suceesafully aaatnst ? forti mroad from the dlreetion of Texaa. AfterwarJ tratra fcrreii to Uie E_*t to amore aetive aud imoortant sphrre, lir exerrised variou* hujh rommanda ; and. at tbe cloae of the Civil War, waa ln chief corninand of the Mllitary Luvimon of IM <V. ??; M_*lseippi, in whieh be had re ?fltflfli a paiuful wcund, but had tke honur to capture Mobile aud MMflfll the surrender of Uie Keta-I n the Uouth-Weat. Binoe fhe eioae of the war M has tflfflBBBfl rhnaeii for apecial command, by IBMM M Ma BB knowleilafei.f law aud civ:l goveruim-ut, bM kuown - to tbe wiBhei of tbe Exeeut... nitis devotion to hii profeasion. ln itll of BkMkBMeaa. eeas was MB-BflB W'hen lauamod by a iuu_ H career. in 186?. he voluntauiy conaentrd ' maud of tbe Ln-partment of tue Colurnbia. pected to BBgwy tbe repose ha so much flOVBlai. BM : Moilor (bfni'iUly anslug last Wiuu-t, aud .: aflflfl flfl> : tremely deatrattle fo end it by peaceful meanu. ir * ' muoat piuvi.lBBtMl tbat it abould Ml - : wiunn tbe sphere of G?-u. '"atibvs eomiuand. lle n-apoaued to the <-?il 4?f hi.? .,ovcrnmeut wi:h alacrity, and hus MMBfli with kpatMBMfl B-flt iflflflrVOi better HUc en.lis diffrp-nt.from that which Iie an.i bM MM ' 1 bad boped for, and he now Uea a corpae in r'ue wild ?flflBtB-M M i.ulifoniu, while tue iik.'htuiu>T Ifl - IBaBBMH M '-he tartMBMBM coruera of tbo 1 worid. Thoiiifh dead, Ihfl n-eord of his fame B raapk Bfl> ent with uubie deeds wi.ll done, and no nauu M our armv n- 71 MM ttaaifl lair.-r or bt_-ber for flM , es that comuiand the nniverfltd re-p.-:-t, Msar, BMBfl) aiul leVB of his countrrmen. QflB. aafM to bl* country a heart-broken w.duw. but no BBf BBI BB in'- ? ?-? aball be paid to his remains, full notlce of which _".veu a* *ocn as ly* famiiy can he BBkflMBBi aud ar r_nj|T-r_e_tB coarlurted. By order of Gen. Hherman. W. D. Wurprut, Ailjutant-i.enera!. . LN. CANBY'S CAREER. Ii ifl usele.*- on thia Ea*t*r Muuday, in thi runUt of a gener tl anger, to quote the auniune B theOr-t '.".,(1 M lay. But it U tnie. all the same. ??: ? MM Vrers at Tule Lake^ that "theyknew uot what they did." Tho veteran they'coldly llBflffhMMl waa not onlv a :u_n of blamelesa BM aud character, bul M the best friend they had ia the army of thi Uinted SUtes. He would have gone farther than ani l >f u:s rank to save them from the conrteqnenoes 0 rtnaee, Bfl had never abared the flerce liatrod o be Indians aocotnmon on the border. but had alwayi .. ,1'ud to Uie ?idt of butnanity ln uia dealiniM with them Ouly tour daya before hu deatb Se sent a .Uspatcb ti Waamngton. B_M-k read in the tr.iaClc liicht tt afte: . vuis, abowa plamly and touchlngly both his generosltj to 'ii* siaw-r*, aud bi* s_L-acloas doubt* of them : <*I >t.i uoi .|ii.-'.ou tM kiflkf er *'ip powerof 'he .jvn ,-ial (., rei .11,1.' to lualte ,mr an-anseiuent tbat iuav ? rtiooarlit nruper. out I tbiuk Uiev sUnuid ma.. -. ..ire .1 pernianent peaee. tojretber wit.i attnent of the Indiaus. Ia my Jiidif .-auuot bfl n this lmtni :iei_Ui'.i'.'i."i. Tue Slodoca are uow aenaible thal ?1 peaee n L..*t River, and h_v? rlaim ta it. baf wisii M be lefi H: s Mtaai iloenaa to plund'T anda prnold ?" lutreat M, au.t was rerused. Ta. -r .1 ime ;u aud have the oppori 1 , ne? buine uut far away, and_tli y art la the iroiil.le will iood i'" KBdai. IM: th, :t ,-,-ii... iiiii, b ? acUlaOon and dupli<-itv n th. .I aboul reportiUB uaiu some defiuite ? da" BQflB. fllwaai Reliiird fltcfgl G-Bbpli eareei . him to have beeu one of the bravest ant uu'.t aapflflkMBBi offii'-rs of the l BTBfly. I ,- iu the mllitary serviee J7 years aud st-rved witb ,-re.iit in the Mex'.cuu. Indian ?-.. wurs. He was horn tn Kcntucky ln 1819, bul removed lu his bovBood to Imliana, wheuce, ift.r n g a IIMial rducation, he was adtm. ?. itary Aeaiaay, WaM IBtat, where, tn . waa gruiiiflflfld u tlie same ci.-ia* with Gen*. B I-aai -ti-A.-u-, urd. Pait:e uf Illinois, aud oth.-r .. -. Hfl eiit.-n-.l Ihfl Bflfa-M artuy J ln the 3d Reiflment. aud pufulal Cka.MlflflBTj" Bf IMMMtrflaa in the OflM ?. Iu ilan h, 1046. he *?i appoint.-.l t lu* reifiii.euf. .nd Uiree iiiiuiths '.aler waa , tirst DB?taaaaef. The uutbreak of the Mer.i Bt mto aetive semce. Servina'uud>: ^bo haA-e tb ictloa aa hu aaatpaaMM ta __>, he participated in the advauoe on the Mi _? ..-iiav aaktavaty a; i aatnt?i_MChB_*> i a* at the atfack upon tbr Ue Kni-n rfalc He re'-eived the brevct uf UaaMBBBkOM u.-l fur bM .ur eainoaiam. aud waa promoted 10 the fuil rtuk of .aptaiu iu Juue, lafil, but hav:ntf tieen tranv ferreil ' I ? .ui ??? u-ra,'. U-partuicut aa Aasiat ai.t Adjutai.: w:th the rank uf ::eiitrnaut . ...iii.-l. he re.iu.iuislied his rank iu the 'ine. Iu Min h. .sAS. he waa appointed uiajor of the 10th U'llta-d Hratea ?.--.-?a o.-vv retr.rnent.and ,n lH-rj1 "''''' w,<1 ?''?miuaiid ,? f rl BrligBr, Utah. where he ha.1 under hia coutml iHirtlon* "f 'he iA Urak-oons and 7'h and 10th United Inrantrr. Iie he.d tui* po*t uul.i lo?0, wbt-u be waa appmnted i-onmi-ndrr of the Navaloe expeditiou ? th. riilian*. aud waa ln command of Fort Lvtl | vT-Mexic. at the advent of the civil war. At That .-riUi-al perliKl Mator Canby did not kave Ui* . in doubt for a atuifie uioruent. Ii" promptly .id.d w tb the iiatlonalca_?e. aud ever after during the ??. -rga one of ihe most aetive and conspictioiis defend ,.r, ?f tue I'tnon. He reaialeil. in taffd. eibley M bls lanuaj attemiit to ae'iutr- i>oH?e?*lon of Xew Mexiro, .od had at leUL'th the satufactlon of seelnir tbe mva.ler rnreaf. " eav:u_ '.euliul biui," aa he ubarrv.-d ..-1 1... report. " tn dead nnd wonnded, and in ?lck and pruon er*. onr-baif M MBOtlaMBllMflBk" He waa promoted to Uir rauk M BiiaratUer-Aieueral, Mareh, 1981, and after Trauiterrinic the < otninand of the forcea in JTew-Mexa o. Uo reuaned to WaahintfTon, whrre he remamed tome tune. i-endering valoable aaaiatanee to Serretarv - ?1 ibe War L)e|MtrTruent. Alway* ready for g-reat em?T _eiu ...-, 'ae toaik euuiuiuud of tbr t'uite.l ritaCea troofk* ln thi-i-:t i aad bartior duTina the draft r. t. u oui iv ln* eiierttetie measures and re*ilute *arnig prtitnpt.v supprcBai-.l the noirr* and rratorrd ord. r. 11,. -, ti.ainwl Uet-e uulli Novauiber. laSJ. wben he reau_u?d bfl ;ro-it.i'U -tt tbe War Ueparrment. At the openiiiic; of (be eaiupaiafU of ISS*. 0M I'anby ?! Uie rank of Ma)or-4teneral, and waa p.u> d u iQiaaian 1 of the ?Ultury Dtvuioa of W-m Mnnmauppi? a pajaitiou he held uikUi aotac aiou:b* after toa cioae of th.-viai II:- tirst ai: iu 'bi. fleld nf diitr aaa to tuka .liarate flfl (,"U, Bauka'* ratreatin. force* at tBe V:, ia falsya. and flflflBBMl them naf.-ly '.o .N.w o.-iean*. whem. for whu of troop*. he retnaltied inai tive Uirouf b.ut Uie suininer bdiI Autuuin of laM, but as *oon aa ke waa amp.y reeuforced be priK-e.-ded. with aa army of from jk.i<_ to 30,udo uinii, agamft Xot'iie. whioh. witb u~ aaatitauee of (bt- BflBfli br BMMM_d iu capluniifl. On iaaruingoi Ihe fali of Rlcbmond. Gen DU-k Tayior BB* - .1 ii.- tflflflM ?> BMk and hoaUlltlaaeaaaa? i aiibv reinaiued M rommand uf Bouzlwrn mlll tary drpartiueiit* until 1MB. whrn be ?a* traaaferred Ut Waablugton aml reealved (Julv m. IMB) tb? IBil raok uf Bri?adiiitMt4-aeral lu the raaular ararf Mbaenuentlr M wa*apwauityda_k*MU*rfjf IM BataMI OMM-BBBBi ' for <1rrld1n_ rlnlm* on fV Wir TVpa-rm. nt. and of *B? 1 bi.ird toprepar.- ;.i:iii? for a -iew for ftoe aaion m | nlaiMII '?? I. ' ?-mliV was more n-.-ently Ifl I eoaituand of the Depurunenf of Col.itnMa. aiwlWB*. durlnc.Mlaat ?ix moTitl ?"?'' " bnnlf Mixioea u> acci-pt tke term* otlarad tfcaas hy Uie .ui. nt. _ - Gen. Canby wa * r< mirkah'" ItMfaatM of tn offl'-e- ur i hnib rank aad Di tv-raal ixom *r tt ?? I his profeasiun. It waa very ra iad ,?ui Id near i -ui ol .un .. i.Uu-r nffl-'-r,. U' littleambitlonbeyo -ra* i:w.ya *atiea*-i. : ?<> be, with .inv to wBi'-h fa * aasianed; and neyrr dunriK iu ? f..r ii i.i" reoord if g ' ? lar power "f InwplrinB 'Iie m.... unong uu Hi* subordins , . . kpaareatlf ti- .? ev. r he t.-iiT. Ha waa the irteal of lur Uum-i'l I ?tO'UoUi -.uillcr? a man rtiii-- - : Vfurat. Ha waa Mil. slender. sewer< BIs ove for ut, r aa* one ??( hi? .. r...f-. ii- waa i oartiael of tM MM . ... a ? ireneral reanlt* he aa -hlc-riL I ? - ? ? . ?Tho i4.lila-tlt .'HU. "11 .ffi.l... but nerer eordlal. To bi* rl md I irained the rwbi u? hia mi _?.-,,,_. i ....,i-,.?i,iu, fr-iu aaiiiina wblcfl tell '. enoogB to keep bia tneinoi _?t_a connlrv i-outained im in< r. Ihe '? ''?' <?*"'r_ Genarala on tbe aroiT r. | ? heaM taflaw LAT1 no tMfeaxAjrx cha5G_??ai ? Bafl Ffl-JB i-''1'. tpttl C3 -Thal ? - bas bi-en re.. iv.-.i here: HtAis.i'._H_flM "K ra:' fl j nu luiua.r'.iiit ? baaaa BMaaM. I last aiakt ny lirins . . Iln- i" ' i was want. rl. Lu - the unsai. the Tlu- ? ? III. lli iu, ket - .-. -v ? ? ? TBE v. v - ev oa orra im- on. ..-'.. IS kllBIM ,1... COB M The foilowmg brtcf h - " Indians w:i> sent to ? B BBBBBB bl Affair-, J_n. 16. Tbe BiM has berri I'm.wn to this ofllei *in< gtmerai.A- a:.:. endly ' '? .. relaUoaa ?... which th<-KL.amaf ' . ? re ? 1BM'l by I ti-r the provi.-uum I a iaf tno ExecuUve order I Ukereooder, a uact or land. 76?.ooO acre*. *i? - to tbo trratv. m the -amtuern part "f Ur :on. 1 tembar. ir*c. i the _ alii.llbs m.l -:. i ei-.tlt. The Bodor*. ll ad, .-,. ,at certaiu Lul. . . Cleax _-ke. U in... -- aoutb-eaai ulormed Mr. Appli would eoafOrm to blaWTAhea, and .n thi ra licauon ut li.eir treat; ? tiou. L>ur:u_ rhu i_Muni{ yrar 4 tbeur hiad cklef . aand, however, pr - where, wtihoui serious oothr ts6? la the ::it'.r part of 1 ? oeiitanve, n Uie whole attair. il.- waa, ut tbr other rhu:' :?? ? i iad ..i Deeem ero followera upon ib.- * uiou.-a trouotea aroee tietween tlu aud the _:.u: - are, to tbe .:. 'att.r. Tue, under Knapp, Unlted 9tau MAraay. fl !sfl?. bad reue-ad Mr Apple* a.iotii. r part ot tiie reaerTBtlon. ' ? trapa for tM him tlt ol 'beir Mr. A. B. 54. ' theu 9'Jpenu foi ' "? k.-:i.pU d ' " v .?-labli.-biUL' at ' .ainp Yaintx. reservatlou. a aub-aaency ;ur tbe - leaviuit tu.- Klamatha alone at thia mrasup- i ooneerued ui' -- timre | -:im of rtn- tn:*- ui ? ' .?OL 5tU>elT_ti;CdcUt McJia..m !"""" i.t uf the bauduiiu n-servii .?-. ir * tbem ne_4 their unl bome. abei. _ ' :.. _over:.rueniai .-oritrul aud r i ? onare. lying partly iu. M?a " **? ' lietlt. Intbe Summcr ul ie7i. the Supcdnlea -ulUUcu* Btth the IfaaBBBi *? fl i" -ti.iuul not m-.l:-ttir...-i untU deflnite acUou waa ? by the tadla aud dlstnrt.auce. M 'bc isunna' of HU, Mi. I : HMflBOfl. d -operlBtandeut Ma I ' - . i I iiuler the ak-rreu..' I Bfl 12. 1*7., i .nniiloaar W . aapt-riutouileut a* fo.low?: | . i are :n-ir.uTe.| M tJHA ni"f. i!, If pi " ' th. m I ? i.-y ar>- proparty , . a . uiaih J . ' .? I Jo l u at thi* aaa ? .. , ... ;n the ?/ uroer for 'heui To _-> usui made B BM ul SepteMbai ? -. it wuuid be difflciiit -o ? I bafflia tbo .ofiiuurncerucut M W.uU-r. July 8.' omniUiioii.r wmtr a* :.i...w* Y'uur reronimriid ttiiin*. 4o far a- ?? M ? - -.1. iud v il) uinve rh'-m '? Uie kiaiuath :?-? aaatMyeaa, Mifateibiy, if vou i,,..., ? i.i report, in a. "rn..? i ..-v: \ou ? i exerclaa yotf dMcretioa us - ? leailers. avoidin* auy uanc.rsaary MBBBBMefflMflM u? ? ontbe atb uf .NoA-ni',er Mr I ) ar- al tba K, aaiath rcaervatiuo ..ud apjs MBMB BBBB ?'*pf. JB4 k, ut Saik Rner. ou tb. 27th. T.'ie lu.luua ia flaatly r.-fuard to du io Siuk liuer. aud Mr Odeaaal la metllatelf trauaferred t_? wboie -_ar:o i. Wbiaton. with _ ire.iueat that MflBBOBM 'he .r.T(t.r..f the IudUn ('ommi-in.aiar. I niaeu* iu the vu .niir iu?v UB been wnraed uf :_e au|iroa,'U of tbr ', ( ..(.| Jackaoa, wttb 30 meu, uuiti* laatructioua tiut t.. flahl r? cttpl ia wlf-defrn*?, arnvrd at tbe i-amp >l Uie M,xi.>r? on tlie morotni; of Kot t*. Mr. oieu. ... iu r i*a.uug wbat took plaea. aay*. capt. Jac_-oB ha* ancednforraod me ttut he rep?at"d to them all I re<iueel*d him tn aav. aad a*t.i ?vi.ry ar_u toriit he isoulrt to induee them to *t>. A I proTinai ine: taataaiahaaVaaaadadol -betn to iay down 'u.-ir irm*. viin u une of ihe Irailrra, "Srar far-il" (Uiir'-r. ra-a-.l hia aun, aud. wilb an ._th. Ml! he auuld ki.i une nOV. p tu hraia wltb. ur. 1 ai Lir.ut. UouU-lle, tt bo w .a in ftinit i.f hi* oieo. aBoiitina. Tour nii.rt bult-a Uirou-b bl* v-uat aieeye. Tbn Indlau* all Bad tUrir auua ._ Uicii af_.i. md a *rei-rn?l lir'.n^ . oiuuieuc,-,l at .it.ce oa iwNi *uta-?. The battie iaate.t t wo hoiira, wben tbe lu.ttau* eai-apesl. ',ui r.-tortird asa.u ,u tba aitei-uoa aad attaa-bai Uu* troopa. ji Dttnnx the duy, 11 c.tiseaa were miu-derad by tM I udiaua. A eoapany af Orecoa *oluateera iMMMBflflBBJ la veated Capt. J*. ka -amp In " B->n. Wnrbf* Ikm" u, tho lTtb Jaaaary aaeTere battia waa faufbiby Uka Uwapa under uea. WUe.ttoa. ooaaiaua* of ue reauiara tw* cowpunle* of Oretron Toluateera. M rlllrMaa af Caiifur aia, umler Capt. 1-irekild. and a few Kiamatb itidiaaa.