OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, April 17, 1873, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1873-04-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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|4B of Lhr l,?w* of 18A8. and niiT aet or acta aniendi.torv
tlirrrof or aiipuli Ul.-nlli V theiclo. BOt iBOBBaMtMll wilh
tl..- provsiousul tblr at-, aud BA.BflggbflBBBB oibt-rwise
mY the llrullh Department.
8lV. 80. Tlie ll.alt'i Departiuent shall flflBflhfl of the
r-e#identaf thfl Baati flf l'olu-e. the Heiiilh Oftlnrof
the Part, and two otnr-er* tn be called u OrnaflttMloaen
of Healtb." one o' vvhom ahall bflfl been a prai tit-lnit
phyairiaii for not lflBJ Ibflfl ifl fflfl-Bflgf?eilag hM BB>
petataMak IhmCatatattammattt lleaiih. whe i* not u
physicinin. abail to tbe Praaldenl ol the Board.d sh ill
' sik-n.it. .1 ln ht* app< intment These nveral otil
ill totrether eonatitntn a Board. whieh shali be
ilol tha Healtb Dep.trinient. The Cominissioii
excepi tlu>-e Ural eppointed, abail hold
tiieti ,1" nn!. saeoont rnmored as bere
ln proA i.led
-;. Then stall be t-obu-ean* In thit dep irttnent.
T e ohtef oiiii'i-e of oai bunao abail be called the **8ent
t?ry Buperlnten?ent,"whOt*al the Umaol bta appoiotment
siiall bave heen, fot at least teti yc.-ir*. a prm lioiofl Pby
? nd foi three r ean a naideat of IheCttyol new
.?nl h.-abail totbechlel exeootin omeerol aaid
dcpartinciit. Tne ? hi-t oflBeer of ihe icoond bureao -hmi
b. called tba "Keglater ol Beooada," aai lnaald bunao
kh.ill ba rcn'i'li .!. wittiont fi-e-. ev eiy l.ii lli. ni ui iui.-''.
and death, ..nd all Inquiatttona ol ooroaara which ahall
... ni .,r im taken witbin tbe Cttjr of New-Yorh. um m
caaeaof Inaeeeta, when tba lurj shall tiud iimi d.atn
waa oau.sed by ne-Hitenee or maltolonfl Inlury. only ii
opi of tbe record aeed to flled iaaaJd t-reau. said
Board n.av. Wltb llie Coliset.t ol llie lluard of Pollee.im
IH.*- aayporll.f Ihe datleaol rabordlnatea in Wfl
j- p.irtiuVnt upon tobordlnatM Ib the Police Uepart
tn.-tit. and ni:v ilel.k-alc any isirtion Ol it* power*
, ipenntend. nt, lobe exer
rfh.i, th.- Board la not la aeaaion. Tbo eaia
Board ut Hc.ltl. mav eppMBl an otloruey nt a aalarj
not .-tioediiik- MAM a v. ..r. M ta p.ovided fvr aud paiti
ks 4,thct a.il.iii.s in said ilcparimctit. __*i_?
8BC r_ lt -Ii "ii ta the dntv of aanl Ronrd. immeiliate
> uiH.ii orcanii iUob under tbla aet, tu eaaM mto oon
to,n.,-,l lou.isa.lile the sai.itarr nl.lliian.es then nr
lately adopi.-.i by tbe exiatlna department of health.
wnieh.sii.il in callel the - .**.. nii-try Oofle. Aadaali
Healtb i). p .1 tment is h. r.-iv authorlael and empowon d
l.iaddtosueh ."-initarv < . (-?- from Imi" to time.and
inaltpuulisb addlnooal pnTialona for the eecaritjrol
Ufe and healtb in the City of New-Yorh, and thenlnto
nt-- aipropi i iie p "V era an.i dutles tothe memm rs
andemploye* of tha Boanl of Haa-th. whieh ahall ta
punliab | _BJ vioiiittoiiof -anl oode
shall la- ir, ut, d nnd pimisi t .1 ..sa mlademeanor, and the
offend' ? ? ' l.i pav a penaltv ttt MB, to l.e
red iu a i iv ii acUon ln tbe name ?r the Mayor, Al
( ..nm.oiiaity ol tin- city of New-York. All
id. hy tin- e-.i-t.n_ I) ?p.iriineiit of Healtb
aml nv tinvr i. rics or aaoeaaary le_.ii effeot tobeexe
cuted In tbe City of Mew York, may ba eseented, and
ol toiupiiie.i, ai.d tho aseeotian of
IU li ,.; ? ? - Bted may ta c 'iui" iled
i.v iiii i>ei-itiiii ni oi Healtb benhy cnatei; aad the
_ imaj i.e seA.-r.iiiv reeoinded <>r modlied by
i d. p.ii'tanlit. Wltb ilko ctleet as OOOld have been
doae i>y tbe evistiuir Departaaeat M Bealth M
ti,,. t me ika -ai'i otfleta weee BBfeeallf aaade,
. irtment mav ilaekaraa all lleae npon reai
. iv ..t New-Yorh, ereated in proce.
ltistu.itei-i i.v theMetropolitan Boariof Bealth. ert 5
cxistiui! Department of lleaiih, ln the sam>- nanner and
il tu it. l>v I iws rilaUne .lan
Ihe) 4an.iii todiacbaraai l>y the Metropolitan BoatuM
0/ the neportmrnt nf J'ublie fflrfM
B utiueiitof Publie I'arks shall conirol
and tiniuK..- all publio par_s and streets lmmediately
,,,i, , | BhOTfl l.iiy ninth-st., nnd publie
l'l.. aa, wh'.ih an-Ihe naltfef tha CUf of fleW-Yorb*
exci pt t.'.e |.iiiiiti:n.'s iu the Citv ilall l'ark, and aave as
hcreln olh. i.vi-e provided ; and sh;,!l have aii thOPOW
4i- uui duU. - ""av tolonjrin*. to tu- departmi nl
? i-iiivs i"t incoiiatatenl with tbeprovbdona
of thia aet, and tbelavlne ont and pwparina mapa and
-?iii.tion of aii atneto, BTeanee, ai.d
drivee aboTi i ty-nlntb *t.
-l 'i'fii- .I'i'.ti'Iii'i-tit shall be und'-r the charrei or
a board to oonsist of Bre mt-Mben who, excepi thoM
Bral apfoiuted, sluill hold their offlceafOr flve yeara,
unleassoone. rcinoved aa henln proFlded. The peraous
tu st appo :.;?? i iba l tas aftpointeu and h ild offlce rorone,
two, three, fonr, and flVe fean reapeetlrelTtbbIbm
aoouei ii n.ov < il as ln-tctu pruv id.-.i.
Of llie Pepnrlment of Fuilditip*.
,1 ie a Departiuent cal' d Ibe Pe
partakBBl Ot E?dlilagBj which shall be under the t ontr.il
ot .iiiolliei 1 av:.o ahall be kliowu ag tho "Cotniiils.si"l)er
of liuildink-s." T.'ie Ooliiinissioner shall appolnt BB flM
eklel < xeontln efltoM oi lha iapartBMal a paraoa who
ahall have b.-i ti for nt least in vcars Bfl BieMtflel cr
r. and who abail to apprnved bv the Bew-Yerb
i of tbe Aii?iricau l__?itute of Archlteeta. Ha
thall I..-ki.ov.il us tbe "8o-rej_i M BulMliiBa.'' The
i and dutles uf aaid depJurt-MBt, Ita omcen aud
eroplo ? ? .i.liaaie-. and tl?-lr Qualifl.
uontiuiu aa now aothorlaed by ipeeMl laA.s (ax.
,.,,?,,.tn,.,!:i i or rcp-al. il i.v this aet, Ifl rclation to
buildintra in tbe < uy ot New-Yorb
-., \v iii rn v. i, iu anv uci. ihe words " Departmfi.t
for tM Mi:>-v Dd I:.-|.i i ti.'ii of l>u,.'ii.'k.'s.'-or ?? Mip.-f
liBga." ahall oniir, applicable to thfl
city ol Ncav Y'.r. . the suini- shall b.v taken to uu an tl..
D.-partni. u ..f Buoldlnga aai tta Burveyor of Buildlngs
j..i.iii .iui.. !./?'!. n ?? !>? 1'ii'v BuparlBtaaa nl ri ifi rred
to in aanl ai i. "i aet*. abail ta lahea M maaa ta* ?? Dep*
h:v Burveyor." All diacretioaaij powei t.y s.n.l aet,or
i upon the Bupenateaientol ituiid
iii-'.-. abail ' i.y th.- Burreyor, subject to tba
appioval oi aaid Lomini-aiouer ot liuilunii;.*.
Aiii' i ) HT.
,,' /'.. hi),ntiiniit nf IMan' und Aisesftmentt.
8BO ?7. Tne 1?. parilinut of Tatea aai A_B_MMB_1lt?
hhall hav, tor it- bOBfl a BBBBBBBfTl, wiio shall be so ieatf
aatafl la hle appotntmeata aafl tarfl eeaaaataBtoaMB?* wl i
laeather ita -ba pawaaa and pseiani al tho
in.w j."--'-*.-.] and p. rtonind by the ('omra)ssioii
anef Tasea aaiAaeeaaBkenM. Liup! tbalIIahallre*
qaire l inaionty ii ainii Commlaaiunen to ?
or I'liiic tbe aaaeaaad raloaUoa or iho peraoaal
propert) "f anj peraon, and tl.at ae i? <>r
,? rs'.nai property abail be remttted, eaaeeMd, or
d.uuU-sath.; appliant or tbe partv aggrlevi i
the fuiiiii..-*i?b<Ts tbat he ha.- been pre
v,.?,,,. from the city or by lllnc ifrom mak
iiik- his complalnl i r .n p icatioa lo tbem witbin the time
aifoiv.-.i ov iaw f.T tl.e coiie, non of laXOa
.i the iui?.rdtuate ofhoeaand bureana,
i moai advataKOoua to tho put.iic Mrvlce.
tbose hist appointed, bold tbeli omce
, r l'i in.ived ua lnlc.li pl.-Vldnl.
AKTH 1.1. \V.
(if the DaataHamaat of D >ch*.
Bta -li.tll M a lieparttn. nt flf Doflhl, thfl
h.-ad of which ahall be a board consistinK ol three att
aaaa naliHai Ifl the Olf of New-Tork, wim, ex,-. ,)t tho.e
I | h..I ! .'lli')- for theorinof six ;,. Bl -.
uules* _4.on.-i- r. iiK.v. -I a- ln nin provided, and sha.l pos
iah pawen aai perform aaeb dnttoa as are ttow
nuaar- ? .i bv 'h- . Jistinii Departiuent of I)m ks, but - ti 1
i?'ii i sii.ii. :."i r ive tbi pov.er to ehanm tiie extarlor
,,,?.,,-, . iaiu the City of Bew-Yaflfl as
tabllahed bj taa
ABIMU xvi.
fieneral IM riii"ii?, I'oirtrs, and Limitntiont.
? . v in,i.i"i;ty nf fla iiiembers of a baaii M :my
department "f tiie Cttf (jnverninent, and also of the
l,ourd for tl.e r< viai.m .md torrectlou of assessments,
ahall constitute a quurum to fully perform Bud diat li.ire<
any aet or duty authonz'-il, paaaaaaai by or ImpOBOi
upuii auy dcp.irtuient or any board aforesaid, and with
tbe Baaaa tagM efleel .-.* if e-ery aaamtae of aarsaah
board afi'ie-ai'i bad baea preaeat, ezcept a* henln
otlu rwiae spe. i.iilv prnvi.Ied. Kach boaid may, 1
aakenia eekerw-M proylded, ehooee. to IM owapleaa.
ure, nne. nf its meuibt-i?, w Iin ahall to its presid.-iii, and
oi.e who ahall ta IM tieaaur. r. BBfl BMy ippOlBl a chlef
ti.-ik ?r te. ict.irv. No expe_M ahall ba Im arred bj anv
of taa dcpirtii.eiits, i.o.ir.taoi othci-rs thenof. n
BppraprUUoa ihall have toiu prcvlou-iy made affflftag
tu. li exp- ii '' ?
M. Whaterer prnvlsiona ana rrj-nlatinn*, other
than thoae lu r, in apeelally BOthOTtoei, tnay beeOBM
reoulsite lor tl.e luller oraauization, jHTfectini.', and car
ryn.K out uf tl'- tH.wtis aud dulies jires .-nn. d U> auy
department by this aet. shall tr- pfvid.-.l for l.y
ordinai.ee of-'the (oinii on Cnuncll, wbo are hereby
authi.ri7.eii te enacl auab Baeeaaarjr or_Inaneea Aml
,t ahall be the duty or tbe Common Councll to pro
i :.t>-for tl.e a eouiifalii'ity of ull oftleers aud Othel per
anns, aaaa aa hflnla other b laa provided, to whoaa tha
rnceipt or expeuditure ol tka fnada <_ the cltj ahall ta
lutrusted, by :? ?, i nug fr.'tn them aufl rity ft?'
tha parfonn in.. of tii.'ir 'tuti.-- or ti aet, vv bleb aecnrlty
abail im- aiiiiu.iliy i.-new-ed: bat tiie seiunty rtrst taheo
ahaii ri-u.aiu in toroe nnUi new Boaarttr ?Laii ta Mvaa.
hK. BL Aii contract* to ta amdc or tot for w"ik to ln
flonaor auppilea to be fun lahi d, t aoepl aa henln otbet
wln provlded, and all aalea ol penooal property inthe
rustody of th. several denBitmenu or boreatu, -
, bythe iippKijiriate heads of departmeuti under
aoeb reirulatiniis as nnw .n.t or shall to a_?ibllabed hy
?gM ol Ibe ' "iiiui'.i. ( oiini il W'li.'iicv.i any work
, ariiiv t" I' done tu compli te nr perfect a parUcu
lar'lot. or any lopply la leedfnl for any parUcnlar pur
. which worl and lo* li to i?- omleilaki n or rapply
lurnisb.d for tb.-corpoiati'in, aud the several p.irteof
the said wolkol snpplv' ahall t.'_-ellier l..v.,lve the ex
oendtture of mon'ttian ?ne tbousand dollars, tbe ume
it, ii' !..- t.y I'oiitr.iet. under au. i> regulatmna conoei nlng
it aa ahall to est-fbllalu-d l.y ordluanci ol tb. Common
UooncU. exceptlug anCh w -rka now la proanat a* an
antboriaed by law ?>r oriinanoe te ta
otherwiae ihan by contraet; and ontoet otherwlae
n,,,, ,,.,1 bf ' thi,- f.'liltha of thfl ln- lu
eted t" the Common Councll ; and allcpi
? .-iiu-red in". bv the apprnpriatc heada "f oi pai t
x ,-, t im herelii ntberwlse provided.
tae toumled 01 "T prop"*als, made in compll
nme with publionotloe lnly adreiTiBed m 1
k.toril, - i '. ii.? to l.e iui' "**>':
and all Bu< li COUtl W fa, w b n MTon, ahall be fllTen to the
loweal I'ld'i. mtrart ahall DeaoB
v tk. Cu.uiTi'l to ib, ' oij.uratiuii a.s an aet of prc
ry speclth-atlon to tbi bid oi propotal, and wno
abail irive aeco.1t) f.u tbe falthful perforinauce nf bla
. t iu tho manner prrscribed and requtted oy ordi
aud the adeqoai y niai * iM. I. ocy of thi* -? cui .t.v
?i at u . aud arkii'.wi, it_
uieut' I.'- approved by the Conuroller. All bida orpTo
M,_ai's ebaii ie puMicly opened by the oflcera adver
for llie -an.-- and l: . 1 tbi; Co. troller.
hut the openlnirof tbe Iddi shall nol be postpon. d if the
r*!-troller shall, after due noUce, fall to attend. lf tim
U.ae-al 1,1't'l' I atlBll I.e_.' ' t or I-I'l-se 1? a, , . |,| ti .
, ,-t vithi" 4*. li'.nr- .if'-r wntteu n. '
nawarded tohlebldor pr posal.oi 11 '..
li , nri'v it ahall I"- )'.?,i v"'ti-d aud relei i
______? 'J,, ,-, ik ehall l.e ,.l..ni.. ncl by any
*"'l", .1 U al'.'! '-? reidvc.l.ead iiiul r- Iri
Baai -f tke flppropriaU department, ln tbe maaaef m
tllisaClUll pl.A'1'l"!
,u,itofoflu aaiisfavtiou
d>rv?.ion tl,r.i.(,t,-?n'rnei hr the pnrty BB88___. **9
wi.ir.nl. w ui. li wai r.mt shall be only glrotii to t-h- 10*
aontatarreted loaach roi.trwt, or his MMan^rep
r.'t, ?l itive Tl.o pTOCOedl of Bli B8-8 ??*??__!__.
r-seiii itive Tl.o proeeed. ot su aa? iu-?<? ?- ___:
i.v v irtufl ..!' tlu. ud ahall. exeepl as vr',vl,,';'V'\," , J
II bereof, i> - bv tbe oflJorr reeelviaa IM eamfl li ne
iitcivdepot ted with tne Ohaaaberi-la; aafl ibaooeo-mt
flrr 94 Bveri person eleted or nppolnted to nny
ofBoe under tbe Cit v QoveraaMat shall, artbta tlvo dav*
after nn'l.eof sueh elerllmi or Hppoiiitmenl. takeaafl
BUbaoii-eatreforetM Mayor, or any ludgeot aeniirt of
rei'onl nn Ofllh oi iifliiinution faillifiillv lo perfi.rm tbe
duttee of lus nfflce; which oath or atlinualiou shall bo
lii.-d in the ofl?e "f tbe Mayor.
?is. Anv offlner of tl.e Citv Oivvernment, or peraon
einpiuv'.-'i iu Ua aerrloa, aM aball wiiitully vu.l-itu or
ev.ul." anv ol the orovisions of this art, or coiniuit any
fiaiii! n|i"ii the citv.or ennvert nny of tho publle pro,.
orty tu hu OWB ure. nr ki.nvvin.ly pcrnilt any other per
Boa su t" e.iiiv.it it. or hyarroaaor eolpable aearleetof
dnt.v nll.'vv the sainiv to tm lost to tlie elty, sball l.e
d.'em<? I enUty of a inis.liMiieanor. aml, in addnimi M thfl
penalliei Impoaed bv law, nnd on cnnviotlon. shall for
fi it his "Iii'e, und l.e ex.-hided furev-r al ter from ro
reiving or boldlnaaay otlim nadertMCttyOoTonimeah,
aud anv MrflOB who shall willfnllv sw.ar lalf I.v ln any
oal n or atlii luatluii Nqalrefl hy this act shall be guiliy of
bi.o. -fl. No oflleer of the City C.overnment
Bball have or reeeive to his own 888 8Bf
taaa, perojolslMa >>r eoma?mloaa, nr nny aerosBtaaai bat
ei ei v BBch otli. er BB?II M pai'l by a tixed aalary. aafl all
. feet, p.?reenlaj.-e.t. uinl BOmmlaaMBa re,-cive,| I.v anv sm b
otiiccr shall M the property of tbe etty. And every
offlcer wbo aball reealofl anv feet, perqaimte*. eommtt
tuiiis, pari enta_re*.er oCMa mwey whieh ahoald M pald
over iu IM city. shall, before bfl shall M entitled te
. nn. salary. make under oatba detalled return
to the Controiler, shovving tho amoiiut tt all sueh leea,
oommiaatona, peroeotaaa*, peroju?Itea, and aaoaeya ro
oelvedb] htiaaMaa tbe taaipreeefltaf report,tM per
; sons frotii wliniii recelved. anl tM IBMOM tor Itfl puv
nienl, un I shall pr.xlueo the recelpt of tho I'hiimherlain,
ahowlni the l'.ivinei.t U. Inm. bv aaid offleer, of_lh_
iiircreirate amount thcreof. All mniis reeeived ... ul>"v?
nr tor lleeaaea or penniti tball M paMavei wMkiy,
witbout deduetlon bv thooftieers or deparnn.iit reeelv?
iaa then.. ih.- ( Ibambaaliin, aad a detalled ret?a under
oath aball at the aaa*. tlma M maflfl ta sueh f?rni as tne
t ontroller sMIl preaeriM, ataUaflwMa aad noaa whom,
und fnr what _9C 9UCh BllMTI were reroivcd.
BBC. (17. Tho salanesof all ofii.'ers paid from the rltv
trcasiiiy, vvh.i-o olhres now exitl I.ut an- not embraoed
iu anv il'l'.-iiuieii'. shall M flxed hv the Board uf Ap
poTtionment Bueb Board may, by a majority vote,
rednofl any sueh Bfl?_ee, bai Mall nut laereaae tae
aalary of auy offlce tbe OBaaaBBBBlMa M which BBW
ceeo-M.000. _
a I.'"' Btal?80. nll offlrers whnie ofiiees may
be crenteii hv ll.e Coininnn C.uncil fur Ihe porpOM Of
giylng i (leet to 'he prnvisinns of this aet sh.til M pte
tr; nn (l l.y erdinaiiceor resuiiiti.m to M paaaed a_the
Cuininon Cooiicil, BBd a|.].rove.l us h.-reinbeforo provided
fur the api't'.val ol 08? nsnees or resolutions.
.... .V,. lml shall be iieeeple.l Iruin. ?.r eOBtraet
awarded to, aay pareoo who tt in __Teara to tM corpora
tlon upon debt or oontreet, ur who tt a defaulter, a?
Miirty oi otliei wise, upou uuy obllg.itiou to tho corpora
Ibc. MB _very peraea who sh.ii pro?tae, ttfar, ai
cive, or caiiti-. or iu.l, or nhet ln rau.'ln. to be promiaed,
ufl". id. or itiv.-n. or turnish or Bflrree to luruish, Ln whnle
ur lil pal!, lo anv Other person lo i.e pr.>ini.?'''l. nll. red, or
t-ivi ii, lo anv nicmher ot the < oiniiuu. Conii'il, ur any
offlcer of ihe tnrpor.ition, orcierk. after his attettaa >>r
?ppolntment aa inch oflleer, BMMBber, ee ptork, er
before or after ho shall havo quililled and
i.ili.-u 1ns aeat or entered upon his ___
anv inuaevt, goeda, riirht in iiedon or other
property, er aoyahtta of value, er aay peoo?iary ad
vantaie, preeent oi peoapeetive, with intent t" innuenoe
Iilt vute. opttJoiD, jii'U'inent. or a. 1i"ii M uny 0,000-011,
matlei, 4iiu.se, or proeceilings which mav bfl tMa pent
IBf, oi may by law ho ut any tiine broiurht before luin in
hia "ilieiai or clertoal capai ,t\, 9MII M Meaied |?Ity ot
h leiuiiv. ai ,i tiu:,, npoii eonvi. tn.il. M Imprlaoned ta a
inuitei'itiiiiv foi a t?-iin aot ezeeedloatwe yeara, nr
sliall be liue.l Bot eXCOOdlOfl -.'.,(?X>. nr both, in Ihe OUr
cr.tiun of Ihe CoBrt liveiv ulhrer In this section
ciiiiiiieiat.-d wMBhall iicccpt any 9808 _1fl or 8-Omtte, "r
und. ii.ikin. to make tho Baaaa Bador any asTMmeat, or
underatan?us thal bla ymr. opinion. liidgment, "r
actlonaMll Ee luflMoced tbereby, or aball M Mvaa ta
anyoneatloa, mattar, oauae, or proaMdlaf IMa or at
any ttaae peadlng, or which may by law be broorbl
before blm in bla oihcial eapaelt). aMll M deemed L-mliy
of a lcloi.y, ai.d shall, npou oonvictioo, be dl*4juallfled
trom boldina any publio offloe. _r_at,or appointmenl
under the Lity ot N>vv Vork, and shall I.uf.-it hisnth, .-,
aad abaU be paattbed hy -aprleofltMBt _ tbe peui
t.nti.ii v ii"t exoeedlBg tWO year.., or by a line BOl
.\ eeflloi?.'...H30, or t.otu, ta IM dlaoretloa of tM iJonrt
persoa urfeuding again.tt ciincr i.i the provudooi
of tiiir. M-t-ii.iu sflall he a oompeteal aitaeefl aaalaal any
(iiin-r peraon oflend?a ta tae m_?e B?naaoUou, aod mav
M ciupeiieii to appear aad Btve evldeaea Mfon any
:.i..nd Juiv.ur in auy i min, in thu sauu- liiaiin. i .,
other persons; but tln- tc.ttuiiuii.v .-.. _iv .n shali i."t l.e
u-e.l la any piuse. utioii m pn* ? .-ding, iivii urciiminal,
a.an.tt the peraon au Matlfytng.
Bai i"l. Numeiuherof the (.'.immon ('"iiiuil, head of
.i j iilu'ent, ehief ol buicau, dopiil.v IMrMl Of cl.ik
tbereiu. or other offleer uf tbe eorporat?a, Bball l"- or
1.e.-umi', diic ty <>r in.lin-cil.,- _?re*ted m or la Ihfl
p.-iiurmaaoe of any ooatraes, wwk. or baataafla, ur tM
aaieol any uiiiiiic; the expoMOf prioe, or eooatderatioa
ni whieh ut peyabie trom tM mv uaamuy, or by aay
atn.'.-tiiifiit I.\ ied l.y any uct oi urdiiiaiii e. of Ihe ("iu
iniii 4.UI1II.I i; nor in tM purcbaaa or M?ae "f un.v real
r?tato or other properii Mloaflofl i" ur taken by IM
uorporatlon, or whleh aball M aold for taxea or __aaifl
iiii iilt, or hy virlue ol legal pro.ess at (he sint of the
?ald eorporatlon. If any peraon ta tala aeetloa men
ii i,l, diiiin- tln tiiin- lor txiiith ho BM <?:.?? Mfl "i
iippolnted,kuowingly acqalra an mtereal ta .my eooa
iia, t or work wilb tM tn.v, ur anv ,i,p,irfineiit or offl i r
ihcreui, ualeat tM MDi ahall M MVolved bbm biin l.y
law, he iball, -I- convn lluu thci'-i.l, lor!. .1 hiM.IIne, aml
bo puiiiiheil M for a iiiit.l.-iiieaiior. All su.-h con?aoti
iu xvhlib .mv mii h pcisoli is or ln coine.s latcraMed
fl.ali, at tbe option of tbe (untiuiler, Ise for
1. Ui d and void. Mo peisun iu this sei Uui. iiauu-l
Bball glve or promtal to fcCiv any pnrtion of ln. eouipeu
laiiun or any awney or vaioable i?tafto anv ofhoerol
the city, or to any other person, ln conalderation of ins
havin_" i.eeii rn i" toi liuuiii.ii.ii, appointed, aieotod or
niiipi.iv.il a. bu. h offlcer, agi nl, elera oremploye, under
Qolty of forfeiung bl* otbcea ?' Mlaa forever dla
uuaiifled lii.m beln* eieoted, appolated or employed In
tae aerviee of tbe city,aud aball oa eaarrMt?a n.- pun
iabed lot a uu-. leine iii'.r.
Bec. 101 There aball oootlaM to be, as now provided
and iccogiilaed L.y apei ?I i.i?s aud ordtaaaei -, a Board
,.t. uuiu.it-i"'"?? -" ui tbi ,-iiikii.g i'limi, i ompoeed oi tbo
Mayor, Itooorder. Chamberlain, tiontroller, aud IM
. nnlllnail Ol Uie l-'ili.iiue ( OBUBittM uf tbo lioard nf A.
.1. i uu ii, with all tha powere aad dattaa uow ai-lgued,
<i. --ii.it. .1 md ratilled b) exlfl?Ba lawa aad ordlnanoea.
. d Unar.l sball Mve powor to m 11 or leaae, for IM
Uialk.-tal.lt- prlM Or ieul.il, Bl pun tt BOetlOB 81
.ili-J hids, aml alwaya alter publio ailv. ni-, iii.i.t
aud applal.ul uii'lcl tte direclluii "1 -aiki Board) an.
t itj prop rty, except wharvet ami piera. Uut if bbm
property be market property, n ahall aol be nnld or
leaaed iinle? uadei a eonditton that the p-rtbaaer or
leaaee tMreof aball naalntata aaid market property as
llld lol tbe I'lirpoaes oi a puhile malkot, Ioi at MaM
Ma years from and afti r sueh sale or lease, aml
under duc ordinaaoM of tM Commoa Oownell or of the
Jicj.ariinciii ul Uealtb, or under aUptUaUoai ta tM daed
of sale or leaae. I-eprocMdae. Mld atte or leaalni
...i.i, ou recelpt tMreof, uiti-r pajlot aecaaaary eharaaa,
ln-iinuK-li i!,,y paid to tlie ife.lit ot tM Ht_?B| faBd.
lt Bball I..1 laWllll lor the CnlUllllSSlulielr) ul llie Itl?Ina
l-'uudof tho t.'lty ot Ntvv-Vuik.iii tlinu tlisiirettoB, aml
tln y aie heri-l.y . inpuvv. ii d m -ueh di-< r. tn.li, tu cane. 1
auy DtM !I"U of the lml-ibteflB?B "I IM said city lu-l.l hv
tln u., which la by .aw redeamabta iimu tM alnhlng
f und, and to aeU aay atoeka aad hoada whieh I8ey may
t ,.,! that ure nut payalue iruiu suid f und, and aith thfl
Bflda of siiui aaTool atocbaaad bonda t<? bayaai
olhi r rtocks an.l bouds which are payahle from said luuil.
BEC. Kfl. No real e.tate or bulldings, other thun sueh
aa are eaemptefl by fleaeaal Mw, ehaii be .x-i-iat Irum
M.i . in4. All tlie provi?lon? of law now m furee ln rr
garfltotM (iiiiatiuii, in.iiiiiei ...' iiiii'iu.uui: elecUoM
aad caavaaa, eat?late aafl dlapoaitlon ot votea ut gi n
eral cltctiuus, shall upply io eaeh 8?MMa of city
IXC IM. The Maror, Controiler, OomBUiMtoaer of I'.iii
llc Works, th'- 1'ieridcut of the lli partiueut of I'uhlie
I'arks, iiiui tlu i'li'.-l.ieiil Ol the iiuard of ,Aldermen,
bereaftei logetMrferm a iioar.i to i.e kaawa m
"tM Board of Btreet oiwuinir ai.d ln.pri-veuieiu," iu
ji.u c ami itead i l uu- Board ol Bureel OpenlngB Mreto
tore .oiitt tuted by law; BMllfe?epf-ll pah_iraeorflef
lt- inu. tduik's, aiul nh.ul have all the. puwci* aud au
tboi ifl a- to laylni ontropenlna.? kdealas, BtralahtealB.;,
exteudiug. ?:t. ringrandoloauui atreetaoraveooeaoi pai i.?
ui rtieel- "i u I' nu. t.in thit pai t of the City of New-York
r.i.iith of T.lty i..uth -i , now ui any lnaiiner oihorwlso
oonferred aad veated bp aay other law or provtatta
iiiieuf, iii under exlatiaaJawa which relate t" aJtering
tl..- in.p .r plan of said cilv; i-ut ibe said HoaM aie
lielcby aulhnl./id and empuweie.l, when. v.i they may
il. . iu it lur public uitereat su lu do, aft.r layiuu Ita BlB
j,,,-. ,1 a< tJon hefure tM Board ?.f Aldermen and pubush
|_8 fllll li"ti-,c u! the MUM tor Mfl (iavr-in Llie tity ICermd
ln ii ui provided for, toaltar tbe map or plaaw New
V nk ( ity so as to lay out new Btreetfl tt flMd 88ft ol
?a.d. Ity, aud fiom time to time tu raaa* mapfli ahoalag
the s, vi ia) Btreetfl "i ux. iiiui io laid out, opeaed,
b :. in d, atralghteaefl, extauded, ..it i.-.i, m ii,..tc.iby
to be c. i ti?sd by them uud flled, om: tt tM offlce
of the l?> iiartiin nt uf PubliC Wurk.i of said elty, and one
tt tM offlce of tbe Couuael to tM Cuipmatiuu ..i *aid
elty, and .t iMU ba iin- duty <.f th.- bbm CobomI t" the
Corporattoa. on tbe _?bfl oi Baiflaapeta ii'? oflloe, to*
fetber wltb a reuulaliloB tt wrltloaol said Boarfl,li_
iii .'diati iv tu take i'i" ' ? ilin_s, iu thu nuine of tlie
M our, Alih liin n, BBd < UU?108?ty Ol iuel Olty, M M
i|i.ire title lur llu- use ol thfl pobllfl to the land n i|.iii.d
ioi- tlu- atraeta or aveuoea so hud out. epeaad, aM?ned,
st. aighti lii-il. i Ui mii d, or altiietl, aud lur lhal purpu.t)
to make appHcatioa to the BupraaM Oourttt ibu Kir.tt
Judlolal li.-inct aad lu aocfa inanoei aa IM said Board
ii. .1 for tM iippu mt un nt of Cuiiiuilsaluner. nf B_
tn,, it, .-uui A-w'-t-in, i.i, mill, utiiik iu su.-h appliaatlon
I..1 ri-iiuii. .1 Ioi tliat pulpuou l.y lel.-reuto lo .uul
iu ,j,- uii li i .ii .ii.'i. aaid : nnd tln - pun ecliiigs lo aeijuire
titli in mi, i. hiii'i- ahall h* i.aii pui.uant to auoh 84 u a.
rli ..i hr Ih. ii iu liin < n lalivc lo tbeopeuiug, elrai.lil, .,
iii_, i-xi. ndiiig, widii.ing, or aitenug strc.-ls, rouds,
av 'i.ui >, uml piihlli - Ri|iialcs alul pl ti -. t iu Iflfl tlty OI
i,,ik, Whuli Ull d a, t.-, 90 tti as thu ba.no an- Bat
,-t. nt vv,:h tho pruvi.-iuiis of this h.
tion, an Mreby mado appUeable t>. the
elieitt ai.d aviiiu.-s or pails of BtTeOta aiul avenue.
-u i.iul oi.t, op. -iu il, vv uie Iii .J.slraik'litoucl.aml 0X180-4 tl
an.l alteiid, to thu Jilui ei-.tliuga -utli.iil.d lielcby, m
,, pt thal tb'- ( uiiiiiii-.-iuiii-is of _lUmate mnl a**i.i
n.eiit who may be appuluted bytM Bupreow Coart tor
,u , ni iliC UU'- t" anv lulul : fi, nll .-.1 Ior thu pui pnte. ut
thl' li i tloll U,al a--' M Ihelefur all .Ui li lauiin and U-Ue
as Uny luai .!"'in tu l.e bcuedle'l by iui h i.u
m. i. meiit, aud to Ihe exteut ahd amount wbleh they
lu IV (1( ein Ml. h i.ui'ls .Ui.i leii.-Uii ul? belii'Oiid lluii.-hi ;
aml 'nu 9?d Board la a_? ai?Uurised uud empowerafl u>
?loll' iui ?l~h ? I' ''I* ttli.luv.llliee, 01 ?llch Jl.il IS lllct.-of,
us they may (-?'?'" f"r ll", publlfl luteraat a? lo Ao, aafl
li,,|ii,.! tne -a..i ( iiiiit.i lo the ('.iipoialiuii lo take
auch nro.v. i diiigs ln the ubjuu ol IM Mayor. AldBraaaa,
aad C-uauiaflliy for tM . i-.uu "f .u.-.b .tiecaui a__
n.i.rul pail.tll..i-o',asar.:liuv?' 01 ahall Iw lh. n 118
vtdud hy law, wuu shall tuoicupuh evplr 10 tbe Bupii?.
(Jonrt fr.r the appolntmsnt of rv?mml*sinneni of P.itlrna "
aml As.i-eMuirnt in the matter |of ihe CMMBB "r.~7
street. ivi.ini" or part thercof. In the uiannnr provi.ie i
by liw. And ?al,l lluard la also aiithorl-ed ?"'?""'
powered to iMeealtaaa anr aud all BgM _"??"
lnica taken for laylni oui, opentnit. ~,a?_J!_._;
striili-htonni-. extendlnr, sllr.rinif, or ClOBlBfl_/?*_?
or uviuuiA*. or purUof strrot* or aveu.ii*. aoal B <" r . d
Blatb lt,, iind.r thia ad. at any tlmu befonthe oonnri..
tiunnf the rt.poituf tl.e C.,mini*'il'.nr.4..f B*i'?Bie?\\,\
Aaaeaaraeat In auch proci-e.lii.es. if in tboopinlo' "f "'V,,1
board the p.iblte Intenat re.j nr.vi raoh diacontuvuan- .
and wtth power to eaaan n-'w navooedlnxa la m l-';'"
a.u-l. BBBM for UM appnintiiient ?'f ?",w,1'1'"(,""_'11* ' rll ,,
A matotttr ol sai.l Baard ehall eanaUtuto a fl"*?"'}
luit thr. vuteofr, majority of all tha__^b?*L_?-f5_!
shall l>e m-eessarv lo my uel of suid l.n.iru. i'
trollerof the Ci|y Ol N.w York Uauthonaad ">_,_*_
from time U.tl,...-. un ll.e eri'il.t i.f tl.e ? ??n;-;?? ; |, ,{
anUeipatMBOfli nveaaaa, and -MtieeBoeedlB ''''",
theamoaatof su-h revrmi'*. sur-h Boma aa mayw
necess'iry to mct expen.litur? nn*__? the a, -> *
tmns for eai-heu ie.it v-.ir. No a.'tlou Sin ll
t_L.'da_ainst iti- Mayor, Aldermen. and Oom ?" r
?f Uie.'iiy .,.' Ni-vT-Yurk. unlea* tbe clain .... wble ? t "
action 1* bro.i_.it hu* i.- preeented to ?''" .' . , .'
aad be b ia nealectod for thirty daya BfUweueh ,., n
nenttopaytheeaaw. Befon any ?*__?___'_
| ..?..,. ??i,.,y i?,lk'.ne-ii! r,-cnvered upon sin-I. -8 -t ';
i, .Ul.f tl... r-cv-ry th.-reof sha I atae ?? l_"*l ?2
Ctontroller. aad he sb ill Im allowed Ien dii'.i '> PWriuo
for )ts ptviuent i.y tha taaaaefnriBBB BaaflaiaMM
usuiii imiuiie.r aeeerdlagta law. .-noint
.,:,?. IBS. Tbfl Bayor ahall, from time to tlmr.appo nt
and r.-inove at pb aaore two peraona, who, toflrd ?''rJ*'1'1
tberrealdentol tha Department ol Paxea ???__??:
,?.'att, ahaii be OommlMtonera of ieaoanto. it "?_?!
tli.-.r .lutv, nnce in IhlBfl lnoiitl... BBi oftj n-r r
deem lt proper, to examtne Ml ronehera aai aet-oam"
,? ,ffl.-e4?!f tba cun.rniicr und Chamtor WBaBOdte
______ BBd pebllab. In f?e OUm Meeord, *ittaaoittMar
,;,,t,f the'iii.anciti condlttonol tteelt/.akawtogtta
amouato its fondei and tloati.i, dei.i. th- ,,,,?,.i u r. -
ceived und expendad si.,'- tba laai i.adlnfl r i" '?
wltb a ciassiil'iitn... ,,f tl.e so.re-sor r,:v.'i.ii.'u'""|
panditon. aad anch otber laforaiatMn aa they ahal
leeu p.n..r. Il.uf shall r,'.m BflM M BBM BtBbeBB
. xa.ui.Vi.l ". Of thfl ezpeOBM of tne .ev.-riil depai ? i- > ?
;,u,l oii, ???,., and make Booh ncomroendallona_to tne
Board ol ..pporti.uim-nt and otber ofl en with re
' ,,' tl.-r,!'. and parllcularlv wilh ret.-ielice to talaHefl
i , ,|,,, .-*. ? iheynmy..m adTbMbM. AayBBB of
Ml.li (",n.,1- lionei s Bhl 11 l.ave a.ill.oi iiy.il any II
,?.,?, anyaueb azaminatlaa, and aoch two appuin.ea
,,???:,.-lonerssliall to paid B I" -tOU ibta 8 -mpeiis""' '?
tototlxed as other expcinlitiirc* bytli- Hoard ol _p
parUonment,Dotexe.Ung*J**^-*?_"?l,/_ Pll,lro
vKl. ioi Tbaheadaof departmenta,exoepl nm P?ii"o
Depai nu'.if. aod the ahtofa af aaeb and erery iair.-a't. ?r
aaid depar.nM, nr aar ol tbera, exoept tto I'- ? >
partn.-lit. sl.a.l. aviII. iei.soi,,il.le pi '..ti.pt MM, t MfBlahM
Smy ux-payer dealrimt the aaine a tra., and eertlflati
;,?1-,votHn.vb...|.,a.-.'..i.'.l."rp.|c-r. -ept b, *u"i. de?
pai tment. t_re_u, or oitoar, or aucb put IbentofiMmap
ie .leu.aii.l.il, upon payment, m adv........ ol ln centa
lor eVCT l.undle.1 WOrdfl lHe.e"f "v tha P-r-"" <i. '? ty
inif thi-same. All I.ks, ... eoiu.t*. BOd p.p.-ii, m any
in.nt, ahall at aii tm.es be open ." ti"- inapooUon uf anj
tax-pay.-r. siil.J-et to auy naaonable rulea and feguia.
tii.ua li. reir.ir.li4.ll.eti.'"1 ?????" "' ?uiic.n_"_P_
U..I. i_ssii'ii'lep.iiti.."!.!.l-ii""i-'" "l!V'r "i';V'"r , ,t,
,f _-,rd to tlie a.in.e, ll, nid-r Ul -''lir- tbfl ttfetj Of 'BOl 0
books, acrounts, aml papen, hi. 1 taa proper oat of.tbem
!.v ,l.e,ie|...,t,?"?l,!".rei.ii..'r..lli"r. lu 0MM ?Oebla
ipeotloB ahall to nfusr-, aucb tai ,.:.y.-r oi. Ma aaraea
petnion. di-ortbiua Un- partieular book, Beeoani, or
,iil,,-r tl.at l.e df-BIM t..-p.-et, mav, BPOB liolice Of
_ot laaa tban one daj to a* i. drpartment, BoreaB. or
offlcer iipply to .mv Justi.-.- m tbe Bupreme < .-urt for bb
oMeriiiiitiiei- allowed tomake *ucb oaaaetMBBa
aucb j.isti. - shall in m* .'.'It anthorii -, an i * ij b ordi r
aL .li an.', liv iie- t:i...' and manner of raeb Inaiie, tion.
SM Ws II .ll'.' II." .U.IV.'f tl.e .'.Iitioliertn P'll'
1,-Iiiii TU CUy i_f_ar_, two uontbi tofow tne efcretlon
f rharte. "in'-i.-.a lull.i deUlled itaMttient of tta
,,,,,,,,. ,ndexpeudlturt-ol tbe CorpontloB during tha
year cui.i.k- "i. tbe lrat 'lay ef tbe foorth montkla
whtoh ? b'publicnUon 1*... ide.BBd .... c mL tatonco o
mirnlua and ln oTory ?""'ll lUtemeat tbe dlfferent
r irles'.'f < KV r.tvel.il" bttd U- .ll.l'.'Ult r--elvedfrolll
earii t.',-s,v,rai appnprlaUomi made.the .eta tor
wbich tbe aaii.e wen made, aad the amount ol.w?0"/*
expended under each, tha moneya bornwed on tba
iredit of Ihe corperail'Mi. tta authorlty under whu-i.
each loan wa* made, and ta- termaou whipb Um oame
waa oiitaiu.-'i, ahall ta atoarlj aad partMalarlj b_m__
BM Bflb Anv al.l.-ini.iri, conimi-.siim.T, Bflfli "f de
l.aitu..nt, ciii'i "f bureaii. deputf tOereof, nr el'lK
Ibereln, nr otn-r offlcer i.f tl..- ,'...p"i.'!i .!. or perAon.
mav, if i iBdge ihall orior, ta lummarlly i a ,,? ned
ihh.ii anarder to ta mada o.i api'iiati":. baaed onaa
niii.l.iv-n ..f tbe Mayororot tbe fcoBtnller, or anv nv
,i ,i. rin-n, or any coinmlaaioner ol accountr, oraf aay
flve.-iti7.eiis who ar.- taxp.iy. 1-, le'iuirini! 10 I BXam
inatio.i, nnd sik'in-.i bA im.) JuaUcaof tta siupnme
court "f tha flral |udiclal department, dlreeting aueb
, , ,?;.,; ,,?,i, to be publicl? m.i'i a' the ehamtora uf aaid
rourl cr ,-it tin-otti"- of .anl department,on adar and
Baar to ta naxoei. ool laaa, bowerer, thaa forty
,i_ht bours attcr persoual s.-rvne ol Aaid onler. Bucn
.-x iiiiii.aiiiui ehiiii be coaflned to an luqmry Into aay
Biieired wrongful dlTerslon or mUappllcatlon of any
ni'in. vs or riimi. or any Ai.il.iti.iin ol u.e provliloni ol
law or aar want of meebanlcal qoalifleatlon r..r.iiiA ln
Bpectonbip of pnblle work, or anv neitleet ol duty iu
Bctinaaaaucta inapeoter,or auy delinquenry ebargedln
sild alll.lavlt loil.hlliC llie otll. e or Ihe dls. li ilk'e 01 lu -'
l-et of duty, of wbich ttlsalleged in ibe upplication for
Baid <>id'r tlutt racb aiii'-iuiiin, l.e.i.i ni department,
,irrk ni uth.i ..i"!.-nd "tn.-I- or peraona, bai knowl*
edire'or liiforinatioii. Bucb alilermun, oommtaaioner,
bead of department,olerk, or other aforeaaid ofl.r?r
peraona aiiaii anawer anch pertinent queetions
lelitiv.i tbereto. 11 n I prodiice a... ll books aml
paiM-m ib bia ouatody, or aader bl* control,
bb tta laattoe ahall dw Bt, an i tha ( a imln itlon
may ba I ..iitiuncl liom time to time, :.* lUOb lusti. .- mav
ord.-r, Dul tta iimi uf tta I'uij i bargi i ihall not be
ua. .1 BBBlBBI him Ifl anv cliuili.il piov ? .Inu--. provided,
I,,, v. v. i, in.it fur all ruise aaawen on materiaJ polata ba
ahall be -iili).-. i to in.-p.iins and penaltieaof tbecrimo
ofperjury. Tta proeeeiUnga may ta conttaued toton
auy utiiei jusin e in aaid d_?irlct, and other wltn --.-.
n. well a* ibe p.iiti.-s mahlng auch applleaitlon, maj, ln
tbe .ii.aeri'ii.>ii ol aaid juatlee, to compeltod to
atteii.i aml ta exammed touchlnfl racb al
,, ed delinaBsneiea. huch Juettoa ma) panlah uny
refuaal to aitend aaab aaamlikatlon or to anawer auy
oii.-atious purauanl to bi* antora, aa for a c.mpi >.f
court, BBd abail I. iv- us tull power aiul autli". ily to eu
torcaotodie.to tbe order or Birection ol bJ_?eif.or
any other Juatlee, aaaayJaetleea al tha Bupreine Courl
may now nave. or ahall poaaeai, to enforce obedlence
or to pui.iaii i-otiti-ii.pt ni any c.i-'- ot matter whaterer,
and ahall Inrpoae ebaU upon Uwh pnmotlna aueb ao
examlnaUon nut ezi-edlug MM. u be thlnka then wai
no pniib.ii.le c.use for mahlng tba appllcaUon berein
tofon pi'.vi'i.'i for, tha taw eoeta tu be paid to tha
?? ,r 0| peraon examlned, aml forwhleb tb. ialdof?
flcer or peraon ma' bara Indgaoeal and bb executlon.
ii,,' examlnaUon tanlntolon prarlded tor ahall i"
reilue.-'l 1" vv.i'iiik', and ta Ili''1 ln thfl "l'i'.I IBa
i ..iiniy Clerh ol tta Coonty of New-York, and ta al
ull naaonable Umei boci uibie to t ie publie, aud noUi e
of thfl BBBM L'lveii to ItM dep.irlmt.ut III whiih ?id
offlcer is empluyc I.
BBC, 11" I u c v.-ry department or boari then ahall ha
kept a ncord of all Ita tranaa ttona, ablcb ahall b-ac
,',->-i!iie to the p iblle, and onot a areeh a btlel exiract,
omitUnfl furinai laagoafle, ahall.ua i?: ol aii tranwi
Uona. an.i af aii eonnacU awarded uml entered
Into for work aad materlal of even ? icription. iwhlcb
abatract ahall oonl da I ta name or namea, aad ra ddencei
i.v atnel aad nnmber, of tha partj ..r partlea tothe
i-oiitr.K t. an.i nf tlieir 8811 ti''S. II ai.y. A c py "I - _ ?'
at?traet abail ta prompUy tranamttted to tke peraon
deaignatod to pnpan Tne oity Rtoord, aad ihall ba i"ib
U?bed tii'icii. N.'tiii- of all appolntmenta uml ra
inovais fnm oiiiee, aai all changea "i mlarl 1, abail, in
like manner, wlthla oue w.-.k i.ft.-r they an made, bn
tr.iiisiiiitte'i tn and pahllahed ni rki OUm gaeari,
Bac. Ul. There ahall be pubUabed daily (Baadaysaal
lck-.il lioinlaj 4 rxi cptcl), undi-i B conira. I mada a.s hcie
Inafter proylded, a papee ta be kaowa aa ihe CUfj
Hfinril. Tlie Mav ol, ISOTB 'r.idoil CoUB -t'l, aiul Coinuila
? iiiii'i'"f l'liblii; Worka abail app.iint a prop-r peraon,
tmretiier wltb sucii aaatatanto aa may be rebnlred, to
luperrtte tha pnparatton aml publicaUon of um aatOe,
.ni'l tluy shall also llx ttie ntOfl of couip. BtettoB M -.ild
supi-i visur and his aaalalanta. Ad taa azpeaaea ooa
neotfd w11li iu> pubiicatmn .imt diatnbauoa, cxi epi tha
latory wT tbe peraon appolnted tu inpetrlaa Ibe laaaa,
and tta aalanee of his aMiatahta ihall ba eoferedbya
contraai for printiiu.', to be aiade ln tta bbbm Manaoi aa
other cf.uiia-1*. i ta Board uf K-um ita and Apportioa
ii.eiit ahall piovide im all tue nccca-aiy expeaeeaof
i ' ililiahiiiL.' anl OOnduetlag tliu sml t'itu lltcord.
Tliern ?ball ta lliai-rieU III aanl City liffnnl
b.,tiiiii_f aai.le from sutli olli.ial uiattcr* a. aio in tum
aet expreaaly autborlxed. Tue oontraet for tke puhtiee
ttou of Ihe ilty liecord ahaii pnvlda ioi furnlablnK, free
ot ahargOi ta laa elty, nol mon than 1.1*20 eoplea tin-raof,
aia., for ii gntaltoaa itatrlhuUoa to every newapaprr
reaal?riy pnatad to tta (-ty of N.w-v.uk, whea tt ahall
Bpply lor Ihn aaine, uf two lopies, aud tt, overy punli,'
lit.i ary ur pilbllu ilistitutuill kl said city vv Iin n shall
appiv fnr tlie saiuu, ttt uno enpy. OflfMeflf the MBM
ah.ill be suid l.y tl.e piilillsher.il B Bt_M to b?) tlxe.l by
lha offloara Maklaa tka eaBtraot, aud ttm proeaeda
tlicrcol ahall bo pal.l over lo the ilty. AU udveiTlsinK
requlrad to be duae for the city. aml all nutic* ngutnd
by law or ordin.inct, to ba publish.d lu earporattoa
pap. ia, sh.iil ta Inaertei, at the publie axpeaee. only ta
The City Jdeord,,unl u publloaUou tii.reiu ahall bfl B *!il
"olent oompllaaoe wtth aa] taa ot erilnaaee requlrtai
oblieatton ol aoch Btatton 01 bouom: bal then n...v ba
iserUsd in twu marntofl .m.l iwu evealag aad two
, ta lll'.emlell lo no au aiilcil, or I" .11(14 lo l.e aold. au
i-rribK fui full liiform itiou to -anl Vita Metmrd. N
inoiiey aliall be paid trom llie ( ity l'l.-aa'iry for ii'lvec
tisiuK hareaftaf done, excepi am b aa tabi 11 lu'autuorized,
11 ml 110 ai ln.11 ahall be maiutaini-d or ludgtBOBt ObtalBOd
Bgaioattta city for aay advertiUng Lenafter done ex?
oept eueh ua is herein Butboriiad. Tha eoptoeM Paa
Cifiy liiinid fariii.llled to th- cll) Ihall ta dinli iliute.t to
I,,, a. vi lai .1. pai tl... nla and ultl.-.-i a, an'l toaueb pel
aml ln aoch inaiiiier as tin- Ifayot abail dlrect.
uj naw apapera pnatad la -aui . n> Baylaa tta laraaM
111, iiiatiou iiu-ii in. for iu taaM two waeka, uivittn_; pro
poaala. au propoealafor prtatlaaaad iiBtlonrrr anaP
be baaei upon apeciBoatloaa to talled ia tha Daparl
men tol PublM worha* whtoh ehall bm torth with acea
r.t. y the n um i-i of < veiy flaeeripitoa af patato 1 blaala.
.,,.., (-... li iiiaiiijiihui.il itattoBery or i.un,k bo..k* u
luiliiik; iiini'-r |ka baai nt tttUotttj, l-tter
01 wntiug paper, or ruvolopea, WHU piititel
beadluga or iu.lur*i-uieuta| a. aio sp" ti 'd,
.uui I... aii, li al'li'ii'iiai .1 ii 1111..-1 aa may he r..,...I.
kivlnx Ibe Bftoa ttt biauka of every duaerlplit.ii. nnd thr
prloeM aii otfcei pnuUag "partaaaaaad aaaa," >.i tof
"nile aud flfliii'O wurk," aepaxau. ooutraot* shatl bfl
ui... ie wiib tta loweai imi.lnr lot any aaa flaaenptwn ?f
j.iii.uiiK, or auy ariiciuof atattoBary larMvtofl aaaa
p.-iiao uf inore ll.uu IMB i. ii Bflfl 411,1 of thr
.un"inl taCBBilnfl (Iiie, trom time to 111..-, ahall
iu w 11 Ln. i.i >.) iba (on tn.l bo on 111 tha c on |.i 11 mi ni in,
i oiiiiiai 1. aud iu aaaa tha eaataaetoc ahall la.i t,. 1.1:1111
tIin aaiiin to tlio aalisiai 1,011 ot Uui tlamr. 4 or|Mir,illoii
Cuuui.1, aud (Jouiiiiaai-uor ol l'a_liu VV ui ma, luu-i IU./
may rteolare aaid eontraet to l-e anntilled, and they shall
uiiiii. 'lliifely fllva noll'-fi fnr oth-r blds for meti prlntlng
diinnic the rcuiiiludnr of Ihn torui of (-ontrtxet. Mn |i.d<
ment shall be nxeovered a_alnst lha city for prlntlng or
siaiiu-ierr dium or fiirnlr-ie-i after iba paBBBja of Ihis
im!. ii'ili-ss (l.uin nr l__Mb8fl under a nontrart where,
under Ibe provluon of this net, a BMBHB8 Is notnvs?sry,
or under ? valid eoutraitorii cuntraei now ln furee, ..r
iinless upon evutenee of a oontraet made a* provided lu
thia aee lh. n. Hepanif.v eoiilraeia mnv be made at any
tiui.ifur eaarartofl, Utbearapbtafl' aoofleata,maaflLor
other plctiire-work, as tM Baaae tmy l>e roquired; bat
aotblflfl Mrem oontained sh.iil M MaaMaad to refljatre a
s.-parate la.iilra.t fnr ea.b MflfTBIInsr. llthok-riiph ur
iv,., .li iii ur iiiiip, iinless tln. olllIMm aforesaid
-hail .l.vem Lh(i sanie iidvlsilblo fnr tho Intiire.t
of Ibfl citv. Nn more than l.oO" 880988 M
any me-sage of tlie Mayor, or report of any
lu-.i.l uf a deiiurt.nt. uud nu more than M'> eoples of
any r.IBOfll <>t u .niilinilleo nf the Ituiinl nf Ahlerinen. nr
Board nf At-nttant A'dennen. shall M prlnted apart rrom
lha OU* Her ,rd. Neillnr tM work known us thn ' Man
ii.1 oi liie (n.niiionl.'uiineil" nur any siinllar work hIiiiII
l.e printeil at tl.e puhln flxpoBMI but thero shall M
pabUflbfld ln The i'Hi/ Iterord. vvlthiii Ihe inonth of -inu
ury in eaeh year, aUetof all raMrdlaaleaemployod ia
uny dcpai tineiit ( IXOept lannrel s>. witli their s.tl.iries, aml
reaidenoaa i.v street nambera.a?*f all eBanx-a m sn.-n
siihnriliaat?I nr salai ies shall M su puhll-h.-d within one
week urtnr they are made. It ahail M tim dutv of au.
baada ot department* to rurnMi to tM peraon B|.i?.inte.i
tosup.-rvlac tlie pabUoatloa of The Vily Iterord, ex-erv
thinarenttlred toMlMortad tboreln. ntoaald peraon
shall have tlie power to make reqallitlODA ln wntihg
apoa tbo boafle of flOaartaMaM tof?'nlahthe Informa
Hon neoejaary to make up sueh IUit aocordlng toruies
preseiibfii bv liun, and approved hy tbe Cnn ruller; aml
aaeh loformatloa aaa M Mpptted bv tbe depart-wnl
witiiin toa dayi after su.-h requl*Itlon. He aiiall "i*a
inivu power io laautre .ueh information In tb<
manner, every tbree montM,aad aii other lnfonaatloa
i , ihe floatro! "f aatd beadfl M diiparttaeaM, aoeeaj
aary to perform hia dattaa under thia reetloB. He Bball
mclii'li. in his llfll tli- nuinl.er ..f 1 ihnrers, dcslirn ttmg
tne department tt ableb IMyare employod, aad lf prac
tieable the nun.i'ert emflvtoyed Ifl Um proeeeotlOB ol
specitie work, aad tM amoaota pald t> tMat. He shaii
alao . aaaa to M prlnted la eaeh Ibbm of 9atd <'''u Beeor/"
a aeparate tlatom mt ol the boorsflorlafl ableb all pub
in um -, 4 iu ihe citv ara op< a fnr baataaaa, and at wm.-o.
eaeh eottrt regularly OBOM and adjourns, as well as Ol
tbe pla_iea where auch oroerMi are kepi and sueh courta
ure beld. TM detalled i?bvbm of votea, ot every eleo
tli.ll. r-llillI bn puhlishe.i ut Ihe expelise nf llie elty otlly 111
ihe r,l,, krroid TM Mayor niiv onler tM iMertMfl Ol
anv olll'. :1aI uialler or report la The ('.(,/ BBflOTW.
-i . . 112. Thu M irer.C mtroliei .J'i.si,|,-iit uftM Board "f
Aldermen, und IM Preaideat ..f iMDepartnieal ol T__ei
and Aaatiat?rnta. sh,.n eoaatltaM a Board of Eitlmate
and App itii.niueiii, wiu. BMII.aanaally.MlWfl-o the itt
it iv i.i Aii-ust aod IM Ul flOf Of Nnveinh'T, ni"."t, BBd,
l.y'the alllilnat, ve vote nf uil ll.e Uiein'.'l ?-, make a p.u
v laional eatlmata of tlu. amoaota requlred i" pay tM ex
oe,.4 of Donductlnfl Um pui.baa?eee of tM City and
c.iiiiv of Kew-Vork, la eaeb department andbraacB
tn.-reof. tnr tho IMa MXt en.uing tl.uinrlal year. Iu
im ii provlBtonal eatlmata th.-y shall Inelnde sueh sum as
iu.ur Em aeeeaaery fur tM paymenl uf tM lutereetoa
IM boafla at tM 9Bid City BBd Ooaaly, aba ih iBaJj
Im. om.- dil'i aml paVitlil'i WlttaB BBM 9_*_'. BBfl
?ach aaai m aball M floec - .ry to p.y IM prlnclpalol
uny hiiMit aml sl", ks vvhu-ii may heeotne dueandpar
Hl.lo fr.un tavct d irin-,'said vear, and 8U8 M niu.ii Bl
may M >.-..ry to pay tbe proportlon of ih- Btate tax
ie,, ui.-.1 to M i ald hy IM oiy and ( oooty of New imk
n, ald year, _f_ebprov_loaaleal mate aball M prepared
ln aoeh deMil aa to tbe a_*gTe_ate aom allowed to eaeb
d ipartmeat an.l bnreati as lha -anl Board of Apportloa<
.ut shall fleom aflvto98*9. 9ot tM pnrpoee of mahlna.
Bald provbdoaal eatlmate, the Made ol departmeatfl
shall at leiti N>dayaMforetbeaa?Iprovlalonal eetimat
ia requlred to M made m berela provldad, sen.i t.> tM
Iiuardoi Apportloumeni au efltlmate m wrttlne-, Mrela
ralletl a departmeotaI eatlmate, of tba _noont of ex
pendlture, ipecifylng tt detall tho oi.Jeets thereof. n
u-i're.1 in tbeir f.'tpective .i 'partmeata h?ludlng a state
,',, ?i ?f eaeh nf tne -alaiiet of tlieir olll *!., elorks, om
ni.ive. ami Bubordloa.ee. TM aame itatement m to
lul ,ri,'t aml expinlituie thal l.e made bv ull other of
Ui crs p-i -.".-, and truardt havlnr power to fix nr aothor
izcthn-i Aduplleateol theae departn?ntal efltimat?
?uul itatemenui sball be made at the ?amo tiuu
to the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Ap
ne.tionn.eni tiuii oot_ldi r su--h departmoatal Mttmatei
'ni other -t ,i, iii'-tit- in ui ihin. ih' provttloi?lestimatAi
i,,, Q provid I, ni i la epproviMi ibe Mlai tta "f tbe offl
,, i. 11, ii,t imt other poraooa beforooatoed. After auct
nrovlalou .1 Batlmate la m ide by tbe Board of ApuorUou
in.-i.t it tii.ili t.e lubmltfed by aaid Board, with their raa
aona foi it in detall, wiiiuu tea daya, i?. thi Board ol
Aldermeu. wbereuponaapoela1 Baeetlofl ol BBM Hoan,
-i ill in- called tooonaidereu b eatlmate, aod the _am<
sball 9imultaneoMlj i.e paMlabed la ihe city Beeort,
and It aball M tbelr doty earMaBy i" aoaslder ami ta
ue the aaid provialot?I i itimata and tM reawm
ii, ,i therefor; but auch conalderatlon and InveaUga
tionahall aot eonttoae beyond flftoen day-., Any pbjec
tiona i" ,.r r.. titi.-iiiiuiit ol aaid provUlonal eaUmati
by -anl Board ol Aldermen Bball M laadj
D? ?ii,| Board Lo arlBaa, aad traaamlttty1 by tM clerl
tMreof to tbe Bxmrd ol Apportloomcut, -vin. -.hall dco
i-e.-d io tlu- e ???:? -d ratlonol luch ouJecUooaor rectlflca
t .ua and aftCT lUCb e i.-il ratioii shall maki
,-i ,'it,. snuiii'l tM aaid Board ovenole tbeo-Jeelion
ona made b. tM Board of Aldermea. thi
I .. ;,. ,,., - :, .. lt ii,ui lh?J M pilblltli.il lU Ihe t il,
l After iiu- Un il eatlmate La inade, tt aeordaii..
i en ?? .Mi. ii ih ..I he .-i ,n. .1 i.v ti,e luciiihtira, aml a Mi
so slgu< .1 the t.mi t, ve, .ii .tiiins aball i.e and be. ome ap
pruprlated to IM Mveral purpoaea and departineui
J,.. ,_ ?,!,,.,!. i'hc Bald ..tiiuiaie aball be -too tt tbi
?m, ,. ?f tbfl Coutroller ami publlahed in T.v
i itij Eeeord. The afl?re_ate amoual toMtimatedabal
i,,. eertifled by tM Coutroller t.> the Buper
rlMrsol im County ol Bew-York;and It aball b. thi
diiiv "f - ild 8upervl*ora und th.-v are Mreby empowi re.
auiidtr.1 ti 1 Bunuallj Lo cauae i" beralsed, aoeordlug t.
I iw .iu.l collacled by tax upon the i ilate*. real aa i pei
koual iui?J(?11" tax itlon altbla tM Clt. aml ( ountv o
.New i''i|l? lh'- said alll" illl.t 90 e tt llu., ted a.i'l eel.'llle,
au aforesaid. Theflrat meeung <?f aaid Boarfl tt everj
v. ar Bball M eal?d by uolicelrom tM klayor.pers .oallj
.,-i ed upon tbe membera >.f aaid Board. Bubsequen
meetinas aball M called ae the .-.ml Board ahall direci
Al im h ni" inu'" tbe Mayur 9ballpreaide,and oue ol tbi
number sball aot M aeeretary. lu addluon totMMtl
mate i.. ie ii nrovidod tor,tbe aaid Board may.ataoj
im,,. .,- ,.a in if requlre, by tbe aJ-rn_.lv. rote ol
tbree uiambera, author?e tbe laaue of uny ptoeM oi
i.ui.,i. i.u tl.e pnrpuae of wlthdrawlng or Uklng up a
iiiaiuriiy uuyaioi-k.oi b mdaforthop?'poaeouutan ung
bul the Vi,,i'l"iii.lt 01 f Inu pluieedt sball M appltod ex
claslvelyto tM payment, parchaae, and extu?tion o
lllCh lii.il IIIIH_ bnli'ls lu Mleh ln uilli r that tlu Bggregatl
of ihe atoek nr i>,ui.it nr said City outataadlaa su.tli noi
i?. lucrcased thereby for a longet pertod than ii
I,.. - - i: \- iu .11-.-nn8 9_ld < hati-e. TM said I'. ..ir.
ui App u liuniii. ui ma',, from tlmfl iu time, by the aftlnn
atlVi V"!'' uf ll.ri e Iiu innefs, BUlb01-ffl tbfl IflfllK Ol thl
wbotooraa. portioaol bbi Bteeb ei Madawbleh an
aow i.v law autuonxed to M Iwued, apoa oompllaoci
witb the provlaloMM taa aotMiiitta tbem. TMaah
l:. ,i,i i.f Apporti -uiii'-i,i m.i.. trom Uuia ta time, di thi
opplicaHoo of tbe head of auv department, authurize the
tranafer, fromoae boteaa ?r purpoae to anotiier iu iiu
Mme I.ipartmeut, ?>. ,my aum t... n tofore appropn ite.
for tM parpoM ol auch department or bareau, bai bi
departmeat or offl '-r sluii uo_' aay expeaae ln exoea
of su'.. appropruted. T.m Board ?r Apportioomeui
in iv. althin in 'la-t after tbe paaaage bereof, revtte aae
reaiiju.-i, in accoroauoe wltb iM pjruv?toaa bereof, tiu
opportionment beretofore made. All IM provlalona ol
law ii.aiiii_ anv board of apportioBmeat aad aodit, m
oltbi i. aml providtog for aad r-qulrio| an aaalt aad al
lowanco of cUlmi hi uud board, ara nereby repealed
i. ,i icb rapeal eMll not, prlor totM onranlaitlon ol tlu
Board of Apportionmeni bj thia Mt ereflted, afleet auv
ai-t beretofore floae ur dlrt tadto bedoae; i.ut iii tM
powi r. bow poaeeeaed by any aueb board. not Ineonslst
i ui v. lt Ii the ptuvi-luiis flt lim aet, are Inrehy iniitluueil
aud veated la tbe Board bereby ereatcd and aatMrlaefl,
and all aetioafl er proeaodioj-fl la whuh tM Mayor. Al
dermen aufl Commonalty oi tM elty of Mea-Tork art
plalntu? or defendaata, aMU bavn a preferaoco, aad
may M Btoved uut ol taeti order oa iii" i ataaflar.
-i 11: Nu appr.ipil.itloli ur paymOBt tM tM 99988
Ina?f the olli.-e ol .Mavur, ur any flflal lu thello.iidol
Aldermen or offlce ln ;my Department, or the ol)| eol
aay oflaoer whoM aatary it i.ai.i from tM elty treaaury,
shall bi iu,uie ln auy nut the pi.vailiu.' party . N.u .ih.ui
wiy su. li appropnatlon b" uia.n- toauab prevaillui pai ty,
Bxeept apoa tM wrltlea certifleataa oi tM cbief uffloci
nt tl.e law depart890at aud uf tlii) 4'nlei JusllcU uf tlie
c ,,ii t ,,f Commoa Pleaa of the city au.l Coaaty of N.-w
Y"iH,as tu tiii! v.iiuo of iMaervicefl reudeiedio tiu
eaae. laeaMaa oflloer arelerb La ordered M M exaaa
taod.Iaaaiaitaaoa ot ihoipaov?Iom MretaMfort tam
taiiiid. the law d> pai Iin. iu -iia.il BBalfla t.uie uiie liuiu
li. ? ,li-pai tineiit as . uiiiisel ,tu l.h" 00001 OT olerl ui.ikin^
tM appllcatioa ; an.l ahoui.i tanl olll et ar i lork see tn io
wmpluy other couusol th..iu that mifntfl by the taa de
p.iituieut, liieii, aud in tliat eveii'. BO appiopriam.il or
payineut shalj bo made fur hlsor fheir paymeul: Bxeept
upon the ccrtiflt-ateol tbe Justi.-e orjo?leea.irfl ahom
Ihe inm:, i iiuiks bat/fl been had lhal llicro vva.i BBObabM
Bflaaa lor takiaa taeh praofladMaa
Baa ii? Any peraoB Mldtaaj .uilea, whether by elee
tion or appniiitin.'Ut, whu sl.ail, durnii.' his lei ni uf Offloe
iiciepl, linid M lelalll auy nih.r civil 08-00 of bulinr,
ti uat or auolamenl aadai tMQ .vemnwMol tho Ifnited
? ( IXI BPt > uiiiii.l.tiniii'ii lur tlie takis_ntliiil,ni
rea?ter ef aay eottrt), or oi IM Biate (exeepl tM oMce
oi nut?ry pabllc oroommlaatoaerof flaada.or 1801M IM
Natlunai (iuar.i), or whu ni a,l hnld or BOMDl au.V other
offlce 1 uiiiii-. u-tl Witb tlie goviTiiinent of tlie x Ity oT New
...rk, or who .ihal! ,r MM 8 BBM 18 tM LefiB?tUM, shall
in- de_u ,1 -bereby lo hav,- raeated averj uflice bel l nv
luin .iiiilei-the (ilv (i'.vcrnineiit. N,? peisnu hhall l.uld
two . ity ur eoiiiiiy uiii aa,exoepl a. axpreaaly provitled
Ln thia aet; nur aball aay otfl ar under tbe City Oorera'
inent h..l,i ur lut.iin au aMflfl umlei'thfl C-.uuty (luvern
iiient, exeepl when ha huld.4 BOeb nlMce ex oftiein l.y vlr
tue .,f ai, a, t uf tiie Lratalatare; aafl ia bboB caso im
.hall tlravv un t.iliu v fnr sueh rxorfieio ulll.e.
h.C. 11.*.. N.iair. el, aveu.ie or piiull.' fllBM ln thu elty
M Mea-Yerk. abtal1 aaa baea aaefl pavodi ami tM aa
BBBM thereot pail lor by Ihe nvvuei-s uf the ad
joining piopeily h> assessiimnt, shall here.iller Im. p.iveil
at their expi-iito, nur .-hall uny BBMflfllliaBt theii-lui-, Of
for aay aaaa repavemeal beretofore laid. M Impoeed
linics-i llie s.uue shall huve been nr bu pelillnneil Ior l.y
ii m.i),111 r y ol llu. owners of thn pr.iiiertv (.vnu shall
Mm M tiie awaarfl <.f ? i.i.j.u.iy <>( tM fieat
Met) on the inm of the aropoeefl Impreve
n.ei.l; und any ordluaueo or i.M.iiitiou 889?
tofora p.issed for uny raaaveiaeat. ableb
baa u 't booa patlUeaed fnr bya auJbiiry ?ftbflewuora
uf Ihe ail| .111111 ar properiy t>. ln. flfl . !e.l, ifti.l lur vv hiili
aa aeatrael 8ae baaa entered latooi award of oontraet
uiaile. I.x l.erei.y Ue. lar.-.l tu lie laoperatlve and vuid. No
|. .:? ul. ,1 |..iveuieiit nll ?11 bo lalil, an.l n? p ili-nled artlc.o
?liall ho iiilvertlte.l lur, cunli i, li ,| tor 01 pm, li isml, ex
i ept aaflar eaeb etreametaue? that there oaa M'a fair
aud reaaaaabia op|.urtui.,iy i,.i eompetl_lo8_tM eoa
ditlODl to r.'.lire Whuh thali he pl i-.-Ci ll" d hy llie 11'ard
ui i.-t.in.ite aafl ApporUoameot.
iBClia I'l"' illlllll.il Sll.llles to be p.l'l M pSTMOnS
hr-1. iii uained .hall l.e as fulluvvs, aiul BUi h saiarht tl, ill
im iu tuii lur aii et rviien reu.i.-i. .1 hy lu.iu lo tuetiiy or
AO ii.: v, ni uny capai ity wiiatovi-r :
To tha .Mavur. tl.'.uon.
1 i llu: Coiilruliur, llU.OOO. a
'lo Ihe I...iiiuikeatuin i nl Publle Wnrks, 110.(WO.
'lu llu-l.'orpnr.iliun I'ouiitel, ll.SiKh'; ,n?l Bii ?- --11 COMfl
',,!,., t, .1 l.y l.iiu pi.iau MpaM iui" ilm (rcosury ol ihe
t* Iba Piatafleat at the n.i ir,i of Pniice. is.eAo.
Tt. (he l.'oiiiiuiairiioUer* of I'.illei', otUer thau tlie I'resl
deut, |r>,ono eaa-n.
'lu tiie I're.i.ii nt of thn Department of Park*, |*.._00.
1'u Ihe ( uiiiuilaalouur* of i'arks, ultiiT lliau the I'leti
fleat. aethlafl,
Ta tiii. Pr Bflfl fleat ef the 1'ire Department, 87,100
'lu tln- Puo Coiuuil.x.xioii, i t, uliu r ibaB IU" I'lnildent,
?4,0-0 n?, la.
Tn ih. i'lexidsntot tho Dnpartiuout o( Charltlei and
U-IIU.UUU, li.iAl,
To fhe Oitmrniealonera of rharltlra and OomcUon,
other than the Pn-ildent., tt.om <vi>.-h.
To tbe I'reai'lent of thr Healtb Department, an.tWO.
Tn tlie (lomralasioiier of Health, other than tbe Proal
Tn the inembers of the B"f?r 1 of Aldermen, othrr than
the l'rosbi'iU lloooeaeh. and to the mninb.rs of thu
Boiirdof Assfstant Aldermen, H.OOO each durln. their
pwaaat term of ofloa. __,_.
Tn the I'r-sldeiit of the Hoard of Aldermen, .WK).
To the Prealdent of the U-partuient of Taxe.i and
Assesunnnfa, M.-'C. _.?_,. ... _
To ilmCoiiimLsaloneraof Tives and Assessment*. othor
thaa the Prealdent, M.a_Oeaoh. *.??_??
Totto Pnaldent of tt.- Deptrtinent i,f U-.eki. m.mo.
Tk the Oommiealonen of Dooka other thau the rttttr
deat,MrtOBeaek _, ,,,. _. _. _,_,
To tne ('"iniiii-loner and Hurvoyor of BafM_a_B? ?i,o>t)
Tn Ihe roMMlMlOBMl of Aceoiinte, appointed by the
Mavor, MAM eaek ? .?? _
No raboadlnate ln any department Ihall r>iCMffl a
ireetor sularvthan the hlebeal talary paid to tbe neao
of thedepai'tm-nt, axoeptthe Superiotondeniel 1 oiice.
whn.osal.iry diall nof exc-od 110.000. It ahall not M
l.tAvfiil for anv authorlty of theCitv or Caiintv ?f ?'?"sv
York to eatlioriM or pay. and her,after no Judlclal
.'111. -r nf suid city or eountv of the -Jiip.-.ine i oui t inaU
to paid. a nlary exeeedlng ln tim agang-te, toxetber
with the nlary paid by lha Btate. tta ium of U '."?" i" r
aiiriuio. Tbe aalBT?B of the Judtf-s of tho Mari.'.e
(foiirt an heraby Bxad n MAM eaek per annam:
Ihe siiiines of tim jiisti.es of thfl Poltoe conrta aod
tlio salarle* of thn Jiistlcos of thu Diatrict Court aro
h'-reby tlx-'l at |v,.s)) each p-r ubiium.
8kc. 117. T.ie lenin of ofnY.v of the prescit Commla
ilonen of Poltoe, exeept aa bereinbefore on
provlded, Fire CommuMunen, Commtaetoaerfl ol
(iitntiea and COrneUon, Commltalonen ol D.x-ks,
Commlaatonen of Health, Commta-tonera ol Parka,
exeept us bentobefon expreaaly prorlded,
miMionen "f Taxea ami a- Buper
Intendent of isniidinga, CommlMioner ol Jurora,
Citr Marshalt, Insp.-ioM of VV, IfhM and M-as
ur.s, memtoraof alloommttalona or boarda appolnted
to euperintend tbe oooatrncUon or npair of aui ,
bnllrung ln the oity offfew Yofk, an l or _it commualona
and boarda heretofon appolnted by the Mayor. oi Ihe
Mayor and Aldermen, aare and exeept as bereln
exprrssly provided, aud ull ni-mbci. Of anv b.'.it'.l, aml
aii peraona whaterer beretofon appolnted by tha Com
ti-'.'i r, of the Chamberiain and all othor ..ili, ti berein?
before autbortsed tobe appolnted bj tim Mayor and
iiiu i..r Aldermen,ahall oeaae, terminate,and exptre
.ni the flnl day of May, 1879, onleaa an appointmentof a
?nceeaaor ihall ta aooner made aa b.. lub. fore pi
tu wlueli r.i.i: the term of utli 8 oi tl.o prcaei.t
Iflcnmtani ihall oeaeo, aud tha peraaa m ap
poiutod shall enter opoa Bla oiii-e ou tue
tiist Boadaf tuceeedlng anch uppolatmcut;
and no Hppolntmcnt nf auy ratajruloate m
any ileparfm.-ut mada after ihe paaaage of this aet BBd
toton aaid dete ahall ta ralld beyoad aoeh date. ii">
t. iuia of offlce of tbe Suii.-riiiti-iid.-iit ol Poltoe, tbe
Buneooaof Poltoe the Chfef-Eajrlneer of the Fin Do
ji.ii tiii'-ut, tbe Inapeotor uf fin Apparatua, the Buper*
Intendent of Horaea and tbe Buperlnteudeut ..r th- tto
palr Y,.rd in the Kire Department, Ita ial au 1
bis depillies, shall . .a~e and dete! ml.ii, ll.e '1 11 - Bltef
the appointment or the baai of the Poltoe au.l flie
Uepartm nt napecUt-ly, and the toruu <>f a.l raour
mi a?ti * in every department, exoept ot!i ira and men of
tnepollceforeeand tbeflreman aml nffl era ofl
e .mpaolea, ihall eeat and d - ?'? -? ll">
he 1,1* ?r th- departmant henln pro-__4 to ta ap?
polnted ahall appolut othera m thi Ir plai. -. I- pon tbe
arjpo.nl?aent ol their aurc.-asors all tbn foi *"?ifl otfl era
nhaii deiivx-r over to such Bocoeaaora all property ol
erery klud and all booki and papen to theli ua wid
poeeeaatoBa rea_M_ttni_ i.cion_;iii_c t? the city or any
department thereot luo prorlalom >,t thl* Bectton
relattog ta the raoatlng of auy ?f the i
meattoned aadthe dellrery of propertj maj be eniorced
bymandamua, uut nottiiuiciu mi* lecUou ihaU al .t
exeepuoaaand larlnga la tho Twemy-liiu S.etiuu ul
thlfl a-t c uil.'i:.-'!.
BBO, UA Tta nreral doparfnient-i shall oonUnOfl 10
the s.iiii ? poweri aud perform the atae duties as
ueretofore, exeept aa henln otherwlae provlded.
mko. 119. Tne Cliy of New-York la tor. by excepted
from rhe prortolona of an aet euUtled an nl t.?. -tabiiah
a Metropolitan I'olkf l).striL-f, aad M prortdB ttt tbo
Boverument tberrof, paaaed Apn- IS, IMT, BOd Of tta
iii-tsamendatory tbereof, and auy aectioui or atatutea
and proTtalona of law whlck ereate- aaid dutnet ar.i
here.by npealed ; aud tue City of Kew-York
benby excepted flrom thfl proi ? ma eftbeacteo
anaotte ereato a MeUopolitaaiBanltarj Dutra
Board ur Healtb tberela, tor tha preeerrattou of lue aud
i.iaitL, aud to prevent apraad of dtoa mo, pa* ed feh. M,
UM, bbI of tha aoM amendatory tbereof, and auy *??.
uons of atatutes aud proviaiou* ol law a
nld dlatrlei an berebj i-p atod; andtheCIti ?>f n.:w
York laalao bercby excepted from tbe pwviaiona ol an
aet . nUiled an iu t to ereatea BotropoliUnFin Diatrict.
and .--t il.lisfi a t.;- departiiieut lh-i - 'ln, paaaed Marvb
M.1M-. and tbeaoMamendatory thenof, aad a.
.,,:,. of atatutea and provUions oi law which ?
lald diatrlot an benoj npealed. Tta aot to ameuti
tbe i;__r-r of tha City of New-York, | i
April 7. UMl and tuu aet to auicud tbo
Cliarter of tto Clt) of Bew-Yont, paaaed April -2,
i*i.i; aml tin ai it toamend an aot antittod an ael to
iim.'iid lha Charter of tha Ctt) of New-York, paaaed
April I, Wtt. Paaaai Joljr 11, lfltt i aod tbe ... i furtuer tu
am.'nd the Cliarter ol tlie ' ity of New-York, paaa I
April i-\ IBM; au.l tiie aot lupplementary tu i
i-utiii.-d an aet further to amend tn..- < barterof tb I
of New Y"i?, paaaed April 12. i-.f. paaaed June U, li.a;
.mi the a.t tu amend tL- Charter ol tta Cltyol New.
York, paaaed Apnl li, IMT; aud tim aet relaUr. tothe
Charter ol thu m, ui New*York, pa_*od Apnl
aod thfl a. t ta make prorlatoB ior uu gvTerument ot tne
City of New-York, paaaed June 3, MM; and Un aet en.
tite-.l an a.t l.i l ul,tin.:.- tlie im al ,,.>v. niuic.il of tbfl
( Uy of New-York, paaaed April "? i-.e- and tba
Utled ao aet to nu__ further provlaiona foi I
in.-ni ol the c.i> of New-York, paaaed Apnl M, i-v (*av?
Sociion* ti and 22 tharaol). Aai Um ttxtli
..!. tiuu of an aet enUtled an a Ing tm
Pollca i.f" liisar fi".- iini. ii- 1 the powi
dutteaof tue polloalMpartmeatol the City 01 New-York
paa*edMarch 17,1171; aud th- aet enUtled au aet M
amend uu aet to norganlxa the loeal miveroment 01
thfl City "t New-York, paaae 1 April I, 181'. paaaed Apn
i-i, MU (aareaoaiwiiof iectton I Uienof an nlatea u
tin esian.i-.iiil'.at of B 8_ahl Ol WBtol ien'--, aml Bectiou*
6 aii.ll of a.ii 1 :u t| ; aml tta Ml 1 ntltto 1 BO a. l !?) makl
proviaiou lor the I." al _roveiiiini-nt.s ol tbe lliv BBI
(f.iuiity uf New-York, paaaed April 1.. isti, bo iar ...- -ai 1
aei nlatea to tho City of New-York, ata tareby r.-peaie.l
and all acts or parta oi act.-i iucusistc-ut wilh the pro
yiatona ol thia ... 1, ar.- alao baraby repealad; bal t.-ir
i..|?ni of ili.- a. 1... 1' 1.1 ibove cifed of April8,1870.aad
Ibe aet a paaaed eubaajuenUy ttaewto and i, ninabovi
cited or refernd ta, so far as the aame or Mttar oi them
,, ir. toanj department by thta aet oreetod, ahall aal
takeefl Bl until iu? organUaUon of au) aueb depart?
ment aa provided fot iu tlii.i aet. The charten oi the
( itj nr Nea Tork, knowB ai Dongaa aml BoatgomerM
chartora, ao lar u tha bmm ar elfhar M them
are now iu toroe, BOt Inconaiateni xvub the
proriaou of thu bM ahall aoBUnoe and reiuam
iu full foree. ThM aecttoa ahaii uot pi-eju
iine or uffi'ct auv 1 . lorlcgal proceedingcom
meneed by maeon of aaythlng coutained In the aet*
hercby npealed, aad ao ac. 1 ik d aad ewamflBflfli before
thta 111 t.is".1 ci.,. ? tar us hi reln *i
prorlded for. Tne ordlnaneei of the Common Couneil "f
the City of New-York ln foree aa lha ist dav of Apnl,
l-;,,, ,ii.,i aii or.ini tn. m paaaed md ad ipted 11 u. 1 1 u 1-.
dai ot May, 1870, aad ia ior. e at tbe tnue of the 1
ot tim aet, an tareby nvlred and conuaned ln lull
for. 8 aa city ordln 1 uiou, ameade
mi i.t, or r.-p.-.l 1.) tin- ( unuii? ( iud. U of *.inl i uy.
Baa IM. I'.iis .11' ahaii taK.i ett...-i immadlat. iv, excepi
aa otherartaa provlded to the pnrloua aeotion; but
iiottitu-tiieieiu . outaiuud shall be 111 aaywiae held to
txtcud or oonUuu 1 tta term "i offloa uf auy ..1 the per?
aona lui-utiuUL-d 1.1 BecUon 1-2 ba/oad the IM day of May/,
?PBBCfl Ofl 00-, Bfl -Oflfl IN Mii- IM.VNSYI.VAMA
UK FUAt'D?1'IIK (DI IU I l'oWEUI.l Bfl?A CHAf-lfl
Ofl IBBflOIII K.Xl'KlflliMflfl,
Thif specch of t'ol. IfflClfllB Ifl thl PiOB-Qri
vaiiia BBBaM M a.Ivoca. f ..f hifl lull Ifl FBgBlBto elflfltMBfl
in Pbtta?Blpbla m ii inni ii tba Biipabbeaa taaiMi tu_t
S-nator Harry Whito of lu.ll.iua waj thru=t
torwafi to r.-piy. CBL McClara. nspouse to
tlu-., was in im powerful than his lir*;, epee-h.
Thu foiiow lag ttt axtraota fiom it: Tiu- i~Ht**ti regtB
try law ot our city ls without a tb-fender or apoloirLst?
imi aaareflaabaabbbb ralaaita ptaaifM it. .vmi the
bill now utiilei 1 "i.-i 1. iafion, which bad gBflBBi M tliird
raailag without a aaU al tbi Beaate, or even a lMaaaB>
ln- vote, Bflfl thiis far ln this BBkaM cl..ii:,ii.,e.l uu
frieiidly entielsiii 111 A.tin. Bfl BBB baflCOMfllfllBfli tbfll
it prepOflM !?) invado any publie rli;lit-s. or MMbbM uny
jinlillc wroniis. After the t -anieat etl'oit ttt ttttt Seiiatois
tn array party fcclliirf, aml app'y the Bhr_flaah,tO
defeat the bill, all who Baffl vcinninl M aiui at Its
k-vrlnow, have t-oine with irifta to HB BflflflflBlty and
,'iititi ..li.iis ..( it-n.t.-lity. Notoim, uot BBBi Bflfl BBflB
so boid and reektoea bb M aaaaflaa UbM some vitai anitfl
.itlon of the reg-atrf iaw B imt laperattfelf aea-aaiei,
aud not one BBB fOlBtfli '".it a llagtfl -flfaet of tbfl mcas
uro 1 havo propo.ed to the BBBBBB. BBflM bave BBBM
uiinfully totho fiont. uiul iiiiau M taglsMM faithfiilly
and cotniucndoai-le_i-latiou to tbfl Aiilue and lutilii
bf the Beaate aai of tim faapM af Hulaialfbta.
BBflMbaveeoaae wtth bflattaltoa, ial tnaabliaglj eoa.
naaai lha B7-aJB.aBl praalMfllly ooBlBBaai IhaaMatfaa
u11e.111.ti to tba flaty of __fla_ttaa aa baaaa iaw. Otban
ll.ive i-oiiie With jeOMIfBl provislons us silb.st.ttlt.s, so
ipaetoaa,eofraaialealtaai .*o M war vUh tin-ir own
Plot. ifliani "f InMlaa lkal tin | are siuiply bollow mook
BflMB and me.it nnly BBBIBInpt.
PBUBBBAfB 1 iiai 11 OOBfBOUOM rm. >tatk.
The tnlelliireiil ot aii part.es w.-r.- -k-f.it atv is.-.t thilt. at
the tirst BBM ti Bfl uiid-r tlie K'_l4try 1 iw, ,11 UM, fl
fltflly plauned fiaud cnutrnllod I'liiiad-lpliia, aud I'hila
.l.-lphla controUud the State. I do Bflfl conjeciun?I
ajaakaf abattaaM aaa itapatai. laBaaktt ta tba
BBBflBBM of tbflM av ho k'.iovv U. aud who befon- ui" w ill
not gBBMMa lt- l-'raud m.t only toutrollcd th- city and
thoHLlteolectlotis, luit It came Wl'li IM vi.ible p,.I:a!n.ii
into tbla Mii aud coutr.ilie.i it alflfl. A ouiest for a
aeat lu tlu* BBB it- exbail.teil tho MmMBB BbBBBBU v i>f
iBa laaatM hbm IbUbbBi to tava a patt-B-i iaaJoet-i to
Mfl faco of BB BifflBflfl verdiot by tlio i>< "l>!.'. A r.-t n n,
with Iiaml i'i. lia. eablv MBflMBfli flflflfl lf?Bf reason ol
Ihe e.iliip.ituti'.ti or hinidii .U ot ftttt a* BBBl tol B?BBlOT
wbich were uot ii,tiiiu-,l f.u auy oiht-r mllM iu tbo dla
trlit, ooufrnliteil Ihfl H uator flBBBBfl l?? wh"'" Bf Bhal
seaslon; ret he asserU that 110 oae eotuplained M th"
i.p.iatiou* ol Ibo H.-?(i?try Uw. Uo BtabB?f
did uot complikiu, for tli-11. a* now, Iie a. 1 -.-pt
od frau.l aa a powrr and bow.-d an BBMfBi
oua vvtualupcr, bul Uo mtclli??ut, au4 bvk_at uf all
partloa did protest moat oi-nfully, bnt valnly. ris _,
mlt* that oomplaint waa mvt" ln 1971, bat ha bor^m
that " we rn4Mllfieil tba aet ln 1*7-.'* If I ree.oilrflt *rt<_i
them was some oompUiiH ln 1471. A Kspiibliniii .i.*-^
that In ordinary eloetions ooutain* ihe wbole rtVpua.
Iin.iii maj'iiitj of the c.itr. anl erobraelng a vsry iaeat
poi'tlon of Its mo4t Inii-lligeiit cititin, 'lil IBMMflM ia
terms whieh the Hsnatordid not fail to hear. jn aM
ej". i il eleetlon eontnat of Jaauary, 1*71. th. modig^.
li.,n ..r the r.'irlstry law was the nr-T4r>afleain? Bflfla
and the lt>-piilillr..iu omanli itlon wa* .| i tr . | teoAel
by the K-'teili'i, an peopie, I *ne-ilc 8>ril/'it tn reB-ai
tln- rii,i|.-ly ,.f tn .t f.:r,liit. ,'11 l.i'.ornl eirn.tU- %#)*
nn*enipulooaly to rob It of i's surv-n*., _at t,. f,n_.
and faiiii.ir to f-rxfeatlt, M nff*-t?'i to d.fsr to it .,_
he d..ne, BO m mftilly. hn wonld Mvfl *pir?1 hrn?vlf U_j
nnequal oonteat ne has beaa eompeilad to aenaMia
alght?nneqr?1, beeana* tiU poaiUon n witbout dftfaaaa
Hut, i'l.ie.id nf gtv'.n? an hu . < ? '
of IM P.'-iri'trv law he gAi > the peopie nn u.gsni4?i
aaa 8 iy. a fnad. a He.
Ano? ,'iothod in piaMibla taa(flafl_,a_M
nliik-lv frime l tn dtei'ive th? iins,i4i?.-tinir, wm .-i^^y
as an amendm.-ut, hut its xtudied pi>rpix> wa. r*th?r _,
Maraaaa aaaaa M ab raatrain it?to d'sam, tv ntiMa
aml then ass-ill him. I Mflflflfl In mv revlew nf BB KtfM.
try law a aaBl BJB m it tt flBBMd th?i eo irts al h<1>*t*j
power tom-iin8?8 the n.lit* of rit1*en*hlp I T*yta*
IMMflMtarattoeoew. IBa aetnt MM, wMM aaaaaBM
upon ita faoe to alford a nm'-dy in tM e... irt. funuj
ir.im'ii-e(l eitlflon*. ln everr wav pra tl. allydatlMa
IIad fhe -.i-nfll'T fruni Ind-iru. WflO '.0 - , , "(
part li. that .Inu'-'" fi aud tijiun tnv eonstituenti, rir*
m.-ufi'il tln- wliul" truth *?? **m ite, BooneeaMflaM
under-'md ir. (le potnta witb aa air of triuBiphUBa
aet of nfj, aad la?1?tfl tbat tha law n Bttta
cltlzen ii tM eonrta Bfl baawfl betflar, ml hi i,a.
when !.'? ..i'l-1 in ' ?f I "? '?? '? Tatho
i isiial re id. r be ipn< an to be rigbt, hul bv
iiri.niL" im -rn ol wor Kt" !,<? taken and ronstra* 1 la -nv
Deetlon Wttll the aet of 1888 'hi- wliole MflBflflfl fl
pracii.red. TM eaavaaaen eaa _n_,
uiT namea on tbe ehrbtb day n r -. _,
e.eet'nn. I'"'1"r tM luW, tluy 088 Nlr" t
from tlu- addlrioiuil ri'iristrv e, Itlon' 00-01 , MM
i,,.. iflBumed toatrika08 tboBMnfle evefl la iMlaaka
of tbe 1 .w, for they ean do ae ?*?.,,_.
p-iiiitv. Wltbcanvaasera moatof whom ira nat
Inub or i-f.rr.ip.. th s .lu, ireroiis and nnre.tr ilnsd p)wW
ha- beea moel fearf?ly exereteed. Aad wn .t u ur Mt
nfi-721 Itallowi i!i apae il t.u the floarta, if aaeedb
m.-i.te tbree dava hefons tha elMtloa. and tb 1 -y
notl.^i must isaie to t he <? tnv-aser* Tbomi m l< af nvo..
.. k.-n i.tl witiiuut t,,.-ir I I -1 n '. nifl
tin-y pi-ueeed to IM polls dothey ? n*y
bave Imw- t-afranehiaerl and we ta>
fliflflB ll'in'lf.-.ls uf rtUfra'. h!""t elttaeni aara* Mvar
my ow.i oli-i-rv ilion I.ut Fail. 8 lot Kl.iM
the i_ n -? ??? (,''y of 1'.. .--1 a
I 1 hall nire the ti.-nit "r t<i 11 mie ? siurle e_?s wn-- Mt
I act of 187. afford lajodlclai r-n.-i. 118 88
. i--. ? '
1 falae lo ttt appearaaMof l I'tice as it 11 * ? _,
III ,l ? ..ellllll.
col. V.i.' B8. BSPI Ml I ? IBBBa tiii-: BBflMIBI 188
I.anirive ihe ||B88888 a v.-ry paBB?fl ul'i-tra'.uu1 f MM
apaaM?aa M Iba .tafltalrp law, at aseeeMd m n%
delpbla. I have ih-,:i B BBflient of tlio r;i. for Itr
BBBBa, and Mr*8 llved durlnif all tbat puriod BBbM 1 ?
t uf th" pliiee wi,, IMNfll - tafl. Iw<81?908.1
MM ve, M 8*88? . if 17'- n nf f ln- pre.-ii'-f, MM _M i ' isy
liame aai itncken Irom tbe re_i*try- Bi ? <-.>i-nt. I
.1-,. r'lin.-'l it. l ippiled to the ii.i.-d of mvo-taM
1 -im-f t-..l w 1- '-i rt-tted 1- 1 r . .11
vvas i-i ii-ltl, red atievv. hul iM-furn an ',0'ir th" flfla H-iiffl
rr. oii-.Ki.-i 1- l aml itruok mvu.iuie 0-80?B. 1 *-4 .1111
advised ol it, and m ide 1 j mrney nf four m * u> !mi
it correeto? They did not dlsnnte my 1
oa au elector, i.ir a lt.iv" legal dlttoulty hel *rl?_
Tuey quMtioued tM riflhtof another Board to oertii.
M be tr-ie?tbat I aaa a 411.11,0*8
ir. I asked them to name any tnl.': Ifl i's,
v. 11,ity. wboM opinioa tln*y woul I n-ap.*!.
Fjrtuoately ?everM laaaoa llrafl ta BM ?tao
diato nclghtiorhood. They eould oof, wltb 1.
r.fuse tM oaTer, and tbej nainedaJuJge, a
oidered theiu tor.-ir ti.-r my iiuin-. tMy tbe* "1*49
? .1 to place m> iiiui 1 on tM LIM fl_Btt, uud I BBi.
feeilngtbai l wa- ifreeand lndepcndentcitii n obaraM
with iti" ri.ht.oi -uiii 13 . I "'*7.
I weM wiih all the prhl" aiul p.tr nt.,-ui uf an A u-naaa
voter to depo.il my vote, whi n l was mm Wll 1 ta? te
queat to pi.-.-ut my tax recelpt. I ha.i never 4jarrBJ
sin-h u paper 9ntb me, fnr it h w m ei hefo.'. 1 .*<l
lur. I uffr?:.itohe quallfled that l ueatt
Bapublicau prvseut. wbo bad p?d my tax wj ? '?.
proffen 1 hl thit ir lu 1 b en i_4
within tln ve.ir. but ill was onaval Inp. Auotb r | .-flflj
or t,_ uHie-iieu.ibi'.-ii mo t.i praflQBt adapl?ete reaap
from tho coUeotor'a -ookt, aad un wt'i fjt
recelved. ITavi,- pertotM8d my Juiy a
mv eonntry, I wai ? tent; but I wu
xv ikedapBgainaooa after to dtacover thu I imvds 9
mlataM in uy vote, aad tbal my own vute an i :jj ni?n
1 1 from tbeoaadidatfl for wboai l haa
: for fjovernor to the oppoung eaudi.late, T_
return hai i- en eorrectly ann iu.'l al the pol. it. th*
returu j .'I.-.-- aeemed to kliow bettM Mw ae uii'-a?4
to vu'.e than we did au -. aud to get t.'.e tiiatier
nght, tMy iuat trantferred 10. of ut lo tM u:_er *ide.
Ofoot-I ' ui of I.'i- virtiioi.4 Sen itnr fruui ludl
.. IMave wtfii indigu 1:uu ai tliis Inva-iiouuf IM
preroiatlve of tbe ci?ten, and bla l I - >w aM
i! ient at what in tbe 1- tl tbe 4. m:no
would bave li eu witbout an apoloaTBt; bul he tiiiial
reiueuilief Hiat liivev. u , .i.-e vv 11 l-ilt a f. tl ?? loB Ot MB
.,1., 11 11 v aud vm.eiit lyatem of prrrverii '
that be ha* maie possible by vlol. il law,, aud st.iiiia
tatta upon the il ar ol tba - 8 * ???
Tiu. 8x108?8BB PBABM "4TIT r. _rB__8MBBM
lf tb.- Bfjaalof ffrBBB [afl?aa wtaal 1 Bta ly thu prafflaf
BB08B?BBBM th" _MfllMl| law M tba BBBBtp itafl 11 8
?Met?B retiiin--. l'it hini take up the BBpOb ? P8f8ta
B| ).,.. H r II' vTill taatB fmm th-m ts.*. thlI
retara |adflM tor wbom ba is aa awirwa I flbaaj
tivniuht, n4.t onlv alterefl th" 18801-8 fraoi my owi
waid", i.ut alao altered the retarat froa maay MM
xv.ir.is m tba Ity. iiii- ia not rumor or commoa fama
II lt flJI as. erlafie.l fa.'t, k.luvvil uot nlklv I M
li.ei.t voter in PhlladelP?a, i?if knowa a* weliielM
i- from liiiiian >? He kooa ? tbat tM vote ol ? i'Ij
, iiii-t.t waa deUMratelj cbanged, to dia ibtM
llde, an.l t" Hul . ? f(8_
on tM otBer aifle, Md M knowt alao ibat the deialhifl
theae waatoa Iraitdfl were put
ipariuglr i.v . ..r> ? t) 1: , 1. kuiwa
aiflo, tbat aot oaa offlcer baa ever ? d. unfll
1,.. punlahed, for thuertme. ' - deworaooa
luitt.-.l wh.11 uu i-arty 11. .en partr policy?
qulredit. Itwaaperpeti _J
of i??lnc a diabanflflt return. Why la b ilaa
on these wron_s vxh.el -tand 0111 iu tMvtoWOf iii M
ua ebove ul Whi la M f-.i atfol of thu -ia
, a.'**.
thatlsai il fr ?b u '?>> recollection of aiit l
ran be offered m |_j*d__atioa or 1:1 extenoattea ?>: 'u*a
wrongi -.1 hai' >ii Mbeai kt TaB
N bo liave kOWU U) CI I. all'l - - ? I ' ' M
'.. ? 11. ituoti - li irveat ln II - tull i
Beuatora forward to odfer some pretexl i. i;
rerriburiou tor anothei tMy tmat "" ???
1 ln tM ptivate aara of aenatora whleb 1 - ^*ue
woulddare torepeatoa tnis tl,...r. TMy woold paal
tho rich nut disiiuiie.tt iiuits. wini ? tMy Beatcfl t" aa
: from ieii iu 1 the uagraoicnu butaef ai_|t8|
the ihonu vv:,:, h in- vi their path way. Aad b. J
eyii hour, coneented. Had M boeaahl lo 4 .'iii>i-8
bla work. M Muld bave olaimed tMoften f
Uicrit ul tiii.'tt, i.ui M has a?Bplyezpo* -l ? BBtfl
witbout meaas ot d fenae, to th< lerrioie _j
provoked and long : .train ? 1 |n_tlc , and ??? bu fc.a_.ll
mi woiiuds and dJahoBor for iim
K?': iii i- iv MTI-MB?I l 88881 ?' ' ' I
_MMBBpaMIplalBlpM unswer to tln- rt ,:.,r froa
Indtaaa. Iba bbm aafl the Baaaataa flaaatad t ?
tpeaks i,.r :l party in 8b8M 88b?I ttnayfa* I *o* ??
huinbie bai au eai-eol tabarar. aai 1 to ??_wataad noo
tbat Its intereet and its suceeas .lema ! .Hal
I..- ],:?>! ete.1 l-v stalllte Itl tM City Of Pbll8d( !'ll!?' '
it le.vv a ne .-ttitv that lt si.all ttatt tt1 ?raad_____
lha pa.i aml diui the lu.tteru! its patriolic uliiev ????_
bj bowiaii at tM altar ul -ru.igl l ^"^i
heiieve that Repabltcu Maatora wltl ao d clde. i*"
uot Ulieve that tMy aro so Inra.-. '? **"!
ori?B?ation ha.t beea ta tM Ita a aud aatl a . ??-' "?J*!
ii baaaciompllshedinthepaat,and ol whai .iiuauy-j
uttam uuder f.ufhfut uud 1 itl ' *_?
that It Ifl deeuly aoaade I, and taat ita suprem J
daaaerad. u.- wbo maie tM bixm "f ?e 1 ?"?'?*?*_
aotea tM uiiii.tt ol Lia 9iueeit_t wor9hiper*. laaeaa m
l.iind to Its pruhal'le an.l even -?_
Uuder its piet.-ut organiiation iu renaiy.y"
Its histnlV ll.lltt tu,;, , iu-.-. aad tM vM*
1 ,. party w.th tM proad-at off. r.-t-s to a free pe. .?"
it,- laurala, will end Lt* 1 fforts lu ???"
iui-, the reprobatloaiof iM men wno 1 ""_]_
l.oin.t.i'. Il 4auiiut survive p it,-i.i.l .it.ta.1 -?> '"t"
lustiteandprlvateright*. Itcau ?'?''';"',UJL'B.
Kciierating iteelf, by returuiug to th ;,
viction tbal called'ic Into beiug. The bad n- u "? '"*
ciavviediuio lutempUii aud d. i_. ,1 ibem, Mrt~ ?
Ulght beal? Its l.ai.iuit aud _OUUd .t.i loug lu... ''^' .
piirpntetof tlie I.iiiulrcilsut ihousandl -?''_.
Lkaualn PhiladelphU and In l'.-nu-. 1 ; ""
ao I?ea hun.-t iii.-ii than the) .,.,.? u. tlie i"" ?''?_?_
tiu-v .11. v i.t- devo , ..ra
tlu ir banner. * ',L_
Bhame, they will yuld tbelr flartj t-- .'a
l.itluuslor xxl.it U luc.v havo giveti u. |_J
Tne. aredi plj bumui-i ? . ...
,?_ nf the e*' ii.it-'.- rrom 1 ,"__.
irmpts M -iia_ tbem dnviii 1. Ma aaaaa **w
>liu,. iue> I'-utU !,. .-,.- us d.-.n
:. an.l I.'I"" 'i..M4J
.-.:,,- i.nt.-t >"'-'- They I " _J
in uiii..1.1 -? 9is aiul -,,r, - lorn u|k-.i aireth, aud ? > >
Wboallollld i'14.1..- llii'i h.a:. li ,-t sl..--' H"w u"."'., jR.
'? '' ? ? ,'l.lrr
pendeuu upon tM paj roil - : - ? l\\Tfft,
Ihe tie.xtiiiv. vvith thr. att, nt uf llie H..lur. A'' __
.l.lti.lillfc. Ill Un I.u.l-l Ol lUe lil iiiui lfc_a ll"'!' "?' " * _ __
ao 1.1._? iy lu brlug upou ih. , , ,,,.
fal-ely defendlng tt. and with Ihe ''l'n''i;"'11',??.? bb
alllllll_ 10 p. .i-luale II. he tMukB li"! Ul'l !'' ' m
oU.crineil. ll islh a.uilOil.pl'ui-lUlcg.lt..**r
eliaclluelll au.lexe... Illl",. "I UW UW-, I-'"1 "." ,?
1, ,,,,,ls.4,,,:,ui..?.,.!,.j-:. i!i-'v.'ryv,ra.''...ii-r;|lii|lJ
Dotnlna tt not a 1, aii'.r.
i,.w. .4..r th. ir "vx 11 Und. andbe b.i* tuaud "?l'1u'* _i_
..1, ...- ?". 1.rer, and tbej are nu.u.Kivj oy^^
...udt, whu 1 an deiy p ,1 J vv hrn n ll 'l,r?''''u',? , ,j taat
,,i. reduuuet, aml in.y ,111 ?u/vive u." "; "?> ^ _,
ll. ,i ut rn.- luih- parii.tau* who must "f* '"jy_?

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