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^mnr-fincm*., c.c, liljia -tiftiing. Acii'VMV 08 Mi<sh'.-""." Amiee. Ro<?flft _________ " O'Pmvil." Mr. I)i?>n BflMMaM QaaVB 0*1 i-v Uru'-r..?"I'tuler tkfl OtM?flbta" NkvO AviNi'K Tiikaiki:.- " Mixuri*..." Niiir_V? 0488-8. -Tho V..k.*s F.undy. Q_,___-80 _?__-____ -"HllUII'tV l> MUl'tV." QhM-fll L. PM, IJnu8_ D88JI8B rir.-.ATKit.-" -W-Frou." MlM fliflibBB?I Wai.ijk k's Tiii mii:. - "P.-vifl I'arrirk." K. A. IvU-tr* aM M .?. K? .: ? B*f*f*. AiAiii-MV 08 MUMX; Hiooklvn. -('..u.eit. liiibin *te_ and T be-eVurr "i' ____BJ_f| W "I'.i !>'-. i-u:. CapltoU08 GltM-BOB. Br_.kln. -|..r Bad Kr.a.B(. BtaaMty- ' - iXflB?". Bi?Tbllioa of Oil B?BBaaa st. I'l-rcR't Hv M < Jai___r*_Waa-Woa?a Tdny P_8Tna_ di Hl Uoit:-.. \ '.iMi-ln-i. Ba?uuti -aome-. Bv. iTOG \ Sri;i\.;-. N. Y. Ki.'W'-'t- 8 - . . , . ? at lh. wilrra oT ? _ worhi reiv -lil Ul e !? ... I Ifl?I alll l< ? ha.1ir.fu. l_-T."_ . fc.e I. Wi. Illl llTI. I 1 lotir- ? l 11?I 8] S'fci .IIU flr-g.l-ll Ibroieu u_t tnr .?|p; __________?-? Hatiti. u.i:'- Ilviiv Dtb. Bwi in the world. 8*4. p..-i * "To i-'.\*i mitm i <.?Miinv havo been happy ??BHvr , -. f*1 II 'f tnr uar nf WltB .Bl P . l? Llll I vt,--ienr. tta i-n.rr.1 il I " * "','?"'? r-taady tor 1 1 *?_ \.i , ?., .,. i - ? -, . ,,,, | m , ti. i i; Wilb k. 1 ha_B IOI :,. ,in:f?-.itt {?*_>? ilir Kwi'i't __TBA< ?' Of ROOTS.?NOM _ __?? l_*Ma*fl*_ -iinniiin ??'1 imki.-ru.' il" arataaa. I li r laa-tbiBf ar wri.B .:? : fhr aa? nurpoi. n Kxiri-ili Kj*m w|, b nukai tb, ? ? ? ;l t-.-i tpni-. ?n3 tftuauirr b.-vr.-^u inowo. J>-ax,t,'.*?llu - 4 ? noai dnwt..t_._|_ Dr. B. Pbank Palmbb?Patent Akms nud laat I ? ' I _ " H\* Paid 16,710 Pouct-Holdebs,and has the tw, far ? ir. it.,r. - Ikatklihi. Ilirtf.-nl._ _I)iAM.)M>t. Waicm.ks, jKWi.iKy, and %?*?_. _j__1.t iad *ol_. Cbo ('. Allin 911 BroidwtT. n,.r rourt-. Pe-Bons giring np honsekoeping or going ?bn?d naa itrxK-a-. tkwtea*. fnr Hilvb* Pi?tb, PliTouii, Libbir.h, ?mI I itn.-k- .tfulbe-'i il tb. Srmvi -v\r B___ DBFOBIT fToxn-vw. Cora,-, I B nl-.f. au.l ."trr enlb-.l.. ufl. s 1 ? x'noprr InalilB?_ Cbi DI T ?OBILIER. Kmjwt F" " Bfl Imiinrfl Kiinixu MatTbii tor 11 Ckxt*. Now RlxDT. ?Brrfnllr ciaii.teJ ?oJ iri Lirm fnr prrirr yitMfB.'lw " ? i-ompln* rrpo't of the i'kbiut MtfBiuaa I.n ?i?T.uiTfttkj, pnntfxl ol * siDg.f llieet of eirbt picrx. ?io|rifiro,,:.s.10 anl. . . 1- "iia I'irr ropie?.?i i-t-uu r*ai .i_w?ni l<. taa Tr?B_ ^Wit_*jOM Sii4ki>i*eabe.?Six Sha.keapearean Bt ?_-**. hT I-t. Jou* VV?.a rrp-rtfl in lua TBUOBB IdMt?? JfclTRA ,1o 4. liow rrllr. l*r.t< .1, : l.f ra. 1 .V. Aj.t striiENT-t will lind 111 The Ti.ibine ? >r?kjt Kiti.i I* i, jull puldaibeJ. tbe irriri of Arl Rtinlie.t rrrcntljr fl. .?vfe,.' -. lh 'it ? e V ?.!->? r I onrir. I ll '??<?. I'n, .-i-.iv .-.N-is, by Dr. K. \V. Kuyntond, h1 i.ihi .a Laovvaa Kit.a n?. 0._ iMi- TaiBUNB Ai.manac for 1!-?'J is uow B?kJi. I'ncr 30 ml. IBBM tt* OL <? TEEMB VI' THE IBIBUSB. TiniT TitTPrvF. Mail Siib*rnr>er8. ?10p?r anntim. Ite?l-WlBtK-Tt I !::ii(M. Ma.l Siilnw-ribers. $9 perati. vv_9f_.v 1 uiii aa, Mau -aibaBribei., *?-' pai __uu_. A (I v c r t n 1 n s Katrn. P-B-O/T-UBUMI 9-.'-.. 4.r.-., rfc()... Vx-., iiiid $1 porliuc. ?1 mi-Whku I iiiiiti.NE. '?? and !_.r?i.t? tht ltue. Vitmv 1 KiiiCNK. *f2, J.."., and $;"> i>.'i line. Ai'iC' to p43vsitiou 111 the paper. I'ei?iB. c-__b. iii a.'.vaiKc. Adiire?1. THE TBlBUBB. New-York. Advrrtis.vnieii!- n eeived at iip-t.>vx-n 88.088, r>l! W. -t-d-bl., ..( 908 \V. .'.J-st.. till 8 p. iu., _t ie\'ulai ratcs. CIlKAI'F.R Tf/i.V C1JAMI1FKS.-T)M Trihunt Lecture Sf.'r/rrV aml Cndit MaM -1 flaaMl shert, all complete lo thitdatr. freeby mail for 30 rrnlt. Thit i. the eheapesl Biiiik atUi-rature erer offered tinee printingtcits invtnled. B__BC??_ ?I Fl'I.L.- Seten Scirllarrn lerturet by _tflflB 1*8-88JBflrltrIflJ_ll fhr thrccccntsat Thr IHMmm *tB_aMt*i or jor tici cd,U by mail.' ttmtfet Iributie Lcc 'iTirr r'ltr.i, v FO.NDED BY HORACE QREELEY. THUR.SDAY, AI'I'IT. 17, 1873. T R I PLE SIIEET. The in :.:i, nf ile pflffl i-'lnvinir. r r ? Tlio birth vjay of PnakMal I_<rn hat baaa Moerefl by tiie Ceiii.iiii '-..iiiuiiiiiri' r Ht Nanry. ____j IiupurUiut CBrl?I 8_baM Bio r. pi;;. <i Croai Miiam The Arjie.iibiv cooaanofl iu IMHtraateaawa?butbMtt ttie N.ixv Vnr): (Iii-t.r i.y a vou- of Ml M 11, au.l al.-n paaMKt i M i i:i: AMflia WMOataefl M Ark.iiit.i., i.n niitiaflM| nud BBBO?B-Bfl8WaflHBB. | _=_. 1. ent. Siifi xi'ooil, wouud'.d l.y tne Modots, lias Binive Ui.-.! A pr.n i aeal I laklaa lirm oio.eij ttn doors owintr to Iiu-un,atear] ..i tM BBflaojr bbmbb? ??_. _m Baa. li.-nry w,.ril Bea :n-r Meiarefl un ?? naflliBM*1 == a;i..,rdi i. 1.-?.-<? I ? ? i- rt i-u-.-,t-nteil forite.l order* for ?jaa?ara Di _maaaaafl mvo hi* vMwaM Tiain't ujiiiiul itato. - - ?M tttimates of tha Cttj Xrrtparli: n,- Ii-v inu '-ni iualeiially rcduceii. tlu* Veie'le'.ali (ie, at tliis JM.rt __-fl_ 4--(.old, II171.11. J. i'l- Iiieter. 4f,', fl l.' A lefltaf pabliahed oa our aig-U) pupi* gives B rleur and *-*?rj?_M .icount ot tha BJIflffl posi lii.D 4i. thfl !'>!:.itli su Iinliii. it RtMflil should 6_8fl_j I'H'M !c thal '(.uiitry us a resalt of tu?r PO?CT in Aiti.i. . Ba_oc la_N_knrda fona as diatiiMta a r);iss bb taflufa tlitiii.ti iv. s. Tuey baaa fltaadily ra* 8_fled 88?7 4 rtmt ki bflttflfl thfl i-onditiou of fti'.iiin'ii and impiove thfl charaiter of the Biariafl, fflt evciy sucli iinprovi iinnt |ft an la.?Hon af Ihaii hradfl iatewatfli b fl-Hot.icr (l(iiarliiient af Tiu: Tkmii 188 i* au pMeaaal al the lateal attaatpl of theaa l.uid isliarkH ta i-'ct ;it thfl wafea of pooi J;iek. It Miiioiki I tO DOthiag 1.88 than I onsjiiiacy to MV8?I thfl uliiili'tiinu- l.-.w vvhiih CO-gf-MI had piiHilt* ior the Intti r |.i(.t('i'ti08 4.f suilors. We rhoiM" Cco?_i?fllOBM Diincaii will Mand lirm aml 188881 t?ll new IC-t*flM nl cxtorUoii. Tb.' pMaaMga oi tha PoUae Jaatioea bii1 l\v a etritl pt?iy M'ti in tln Akmmlily, yis.4rday, a* ni 8?boI aaaordaatt with tha pfl_cy of tha ?jrovimiuK partv. We 818 profnsi ly proniisi'd refonn, I.ut Mfl iicvi i gat it. The bill flrigi ually prof-dad 'or the naa?aatiaa of tha Pottflfl Juatici-.H bg ihfl Ifajflti a"d thfl?' eaa?__aatka by lha J8?gafl ol ihfl Bppanof Court. The ai:_4-oiii-hoiisc jm-ojiIc bopad to ba ahk to Inwiirt thfl Mavni l.y l" ttiri<_r thfl continnatinti ?jnto th..* liiuult ol th' l.naid nf Aldcriniit. ThiH ha> baea dflMfl; i ?d, bbImm lha Majat PJM?Bflfl tli<' AliliiiiHii mto iuiiiicdiatf Bflflflft fince of hiri noiiiiii.itinis hy their viry rxccl ence, wi: shall havo thfl Iflf-iatfofl hraiieb ol the Bovrrniiii-nt daUj-Bi with tha coiiHniia fliona, and thi_ d. I.utiu_ tho piirpoiu- of thfl tull. _ The anthor of a oonimiiHication on our cighth pt_ffl flf*pfl_ni to 9** familiar with Dia irict of Coliimbia ailairH, and hi_ dciailcd atateiinnt, in nply to tbat of Mr. A. R. Sh.p lierd of the Washinirton Board of Puhli.* ?Work?, ia apparently conclu?ive ou one aar taro jeointa at iaaue. The oftcn-dis _cuaaed ?888-888 ti tbe nation'i* projiortion ?of tbe real prop4:rty in the city haa been ?oniewhat overatated by thoae who have been -rlajnori)-* for lar<{e Ctingrr-uiional appropria ^iona. Tbe writer rcfuU-s tho latest popular ae-triDiate by official fi_-jre8. Jhe moro im _.ediate eaae for inveatigation, bowever, ia the rarbirv?bonta of the mh-ing achool funda. Mr. ?3bepherd deniea that the Board of Worka haa mae4l tbe money; but the teachera are uupaid. eVbaro ii tbe caahT How critical ia thfl (?oiidition of aiTairH ia WaU-at. ta b-iowxi by tho ___?U pa_ic whioii a | Hiiif-lc failnrc OMfltod y-eetoi-aj. A brokorAgo linn vAhuli Bfld i BOBflewbfll inllnt.vl rcimtat"." on Um SiiciI. iu conseqfirnee t4 a ruiitori .1 coiiin'ctioii will) Mr. Corneliu* Vandei-lult, went tiii(l,i, tfliflg flflfl-B- u> H,(mi UM currcnt. Loflg "f rUocks. aa tho phfflflfl is. Ikfl linn OflvM not |?- the nioncy nceded lo ciinv thpni. I--*ta-i- of intcrcst. im.l BCaidaJl of nioncy fljapil-fli b BflflpMBBMa. Thi tlurry for 1 time wuh considerable. Tho fitiltirc flffll --Ot, however, so scrious flfl atiair as it tirst B-flflat- to U\ VflfflBlMUB, II scuxl iBflillBt flaBflaafl. ?"*' custoincrs very much. Tho onl.V wonl which desorihes Ihe OOBdit-flfll of the BtflBfl. i? " inllammable." The BBOflkfl which full BflfflB per cent, and leaaet ratee, mHied labaeqfleatly. Bat the tinilcry aspeot flf ufl'airs coiitinties j b'aiish |)io',ihcts prodiel u f-.' conH:i_rnition. A DMBfl satisfactorv (if not more rflflKMflUfl) vicw of the casc is tho flfflfflt i? over. Me.'in whilo, Wfl gflt AO 'ifct'it on the nIpflftfld lockiip of currenev ; aiul s.uiic bflfifl to dotibt if there is any. Overtriiding lius WIBagBt this flflNf, aud priivs BBBflt i;o lovver yet, bcfore any thiflg like reai ffjflefl in reaohed. TBE CBABTBB, Tho tflfltrflflMBt which yest-erday paaaed the As.-scitibly and gOCfl to the (Jovernor for his ipproval viol.itcs n.-arly all soitnd piineiplcs Ot miiniiipal govenimont. lt is not ? seheme tOr the Is'ood afltla-r_?"-?-? ,,f f.llO att'llitS ()f ik gfflfli city, but a inero piflflfl of Kpeoiul -___*? iitton for the bciiclit of fl political faelion. We OflgM to have u ehiihor which should make Kinjr-s -MpOMfblO] Whieh should cnalile tho good citizens of Ml w-Yoik to scleet their Chicf Kxcentivc and their Conmioii OflflUM-l without referonco to partisan dtt_H-_BMfl pol.t-Cfl belflf quito as much out of place iu tho maita.-rcnicnt ti ? city M in tho ?flBflgflflM nt of u bank or ik railroad ; which should tix tlie ffl-poflli bility of a fOOd adniinistration *?<> i leaily that wo could insiantly rcach an unfaithlnl Of inefficient oflicor. Tho Mayor should have tl.e power of appomtiiioi.t and nmoval; his terni should bo a shoit one, so tliat Wi could rjuiehly ahaage h__ if he Bbaaed his aathor* ity; inunicipitl clcotions .should be held Ifl the Spnnp of thfl yi ar, BO thfll they flflight not lut (omplicatcd with p.nty politics, flfld thfl fOtCflfl niiLrht. consiiler BOthiag but tho pefBOBfl tit Bfl-fl of the candidatts. Then, if the pcopl" BM lit to p.vcrn theinsclves, Wfl should hflfl nn honcst oity adniinistration; if they BN 00. ttt to ajofen tlicin.sclvcs, it is bigfa time tot ua to know it. Tlicsr- are the piineiplcs of municipal rc foriti for which Wfl have contended ; bul vviih tlie petty politicians at Albaiiy they aatflial-J titid little favor. A charter, in tho <'.-tin..itimi of these gentlemon. is not an BCt fif thflgood irovernmcnt of thfl city, but a schciio- for di Tertiflg to penonal ot pftiaflB bcuciit the nioncy, TOtflfl, Of-CCfl, and misi cllauikOflfl p.U ronflfffl of thfl m(-tropolis. iii all tho loafl debates of thl Bflflfltl nnd Asscnibly over this n,uttcr it is hardly an cxii'.'Kcr.ilionito say thal thfl I'liity have not even BBfldfl B pretraae of conflide_riog what the .ity wanta; but the whole dispute has b. (n a bflttlfl be tWCflfl faetioiis for tho political pluuder. OI cnurse sii.h a chaiter CflBBO. lasf. The nfl'.uis of thfl ciiief city of Amcric;i caniiot bfl fon-ver iii'sinBBagfld in lhis fa.-hion. U Wi ;irc to be I lu.ked year after year for the bcnctii ol factions Wfl may iwrflpfllfl oui.-ahcs lor bank tiiptcy, lor it || im Another LagiilB' ture must giffl Bfl what this one icIiim -. Mcanwhilo, it isv fiomo BfltiflfaetiO-l to know that iu the bflttlfl between the tWO liictions of ihe Kcjiulilican Jiarty the CiiFt.nn-house cli'pie hu been thonroghrj beatea. If we mo to iu inlcd by a Kiiif* it il at any rate. not thfll ffllgflf, thievish, und utti ily cruinpt. Bfalg of which Mr. Thomas Mfliphj is the IflfBlgeot c( ntor. JJad as the charter is, it is not so bad as tho instiiiiiient which Murpliy,, and Dafeoport tirst (breed thiaogb tho Assemblv. Thi Mayor i*, dcpiivcd ot thfl most imiiorlant part of tho i>ower which riirhtly Biloagl tfl Iiiiu. but kt least MNBfl of it is bfl. Thfl four i'avoritcs of tho tiiiimphant cliipio are fixed in offlee by an BB-MUjeoafl OlgBlfl ot the charler; bfll Andrevv H. Qieefl Ifl kept iu ottefl too. The vviiolc power of the Departinciit of PubUc Works, the I >i partinont of 1'arkH, and thfl Bflflfd fll 1'olice, as well as Ihe rontrol of the Law Dcpailmenl. aro Bfl-ifllfld to tho Kopublican IBflBflgflfB who have won this tiyht, aml in these iotir (lejiait inent.s uro plaeed tho lion's ihfllfl of the pattflflflgl and political inlluenoe. \\ hilo Mr. (iroon, howovir, remains at tho, houd of the Department of Finanro Wfl nuiy fflfll flBflflffld Uiat thOflgh tho Biog onr votes onr mouoy will bo cximiiaratively safo. 'Ihe hflfldl of tlio other oxecutivo doiiartments are to be appointed by tlie Mayor and confinned by tho Board of Aldc_-Bflfl. Then la BO prOfilkjO lor tho continpency of u disaL'reenieiit ; if one nomination is not con tirtned, thfl Mayor will sond iu another. Tho Mayor may rcmove thi bflfld of a department tor eaaae, wiih the ooaieBt of the Qofenori bat ifl practii-o this will not prove a very important piivilepe. lleads of dcpaitnn nls aii to appoint their own Hubordiiiates. The AaalBtBBl 2\ldcn_on are rctained until 1875?a ridknlflfll nrrangcniciit, bocause if we can proiiUibly dispense Avitli them at all wo can (lispeiise iViiih them now. Thfl ptflflflOl Alderiuon aio to hold otlico until 1875, and theroafter to bo elected aiinually on Bjntflfll which providoH in an imperfect way l..r minority rojireKintatioii. I'erhapR, with Mr. liavemeycr and Mr. Qlflflfl in the two chuf of trust, we can BU-flflgfl well flB?gh aadef this arrati|~ement for another year. Bfll the people will not be satistied until tho imir.icipiil administration is radically retormed; and it BflflflBfl absurd to fldopt a (hflflgfl now vaIih-Ii satisties nobody nnd must be followod by another chanpo very shortly. RAILROAD LEdlSLATIOS. There ure BlgBI throughout the country of a iflflfllfld rcHition and very stout rosistance to tho rule of railroad corporatious. There i? dan^'cr, an iu all popular reactioiiH, as notably in the late gntat awing from Slavory to Suf fntKO, ti Koing to extronioti, of doiflg niirAchief bf Hirikinj- out wildly and bHiidly mstoud of thoiightfully conaidi-ring the trT_tfflg ovilmind wiuely tleviaing their nuiodies. The reaction is 60 sudden and violcnt that we must Bflfldfl exorcise unitriual caro and cantion, or Wfl shnll lorie flfli flfli Iflfl in it iimtead of directiug and coutrolliuK it. For it is only within a few yeara that we have npothcobized the locomo tire and turned our pockerB iusidc ont to rail way speculationri and railway kingH. In the ni_d race for what we oaU flflVfJflflB-flB* the eairorneM to roach and awai) comuioditiea with our neighbors over the mountainM or beyond tho lakoa, we have MBB doing a great many _______-lflflB thingH. We huvo given away iminonso prant.8 of land and hoIkI subhidies U__i Hpi-ndthnft- ; have fMNfltfld epeci-J Ivgiblatiou Iiko bw-uiakui? lunuiiir; have flllflWfld countioa, towna, aml villagee to hond IhtlBflBifUfl and put all thoir nalty under ?BOrtgflgfl to build road.'i; and then, after a t'ashioi, thnt inimt afTord intinito amiisiinent to any lovol hoad in ftio universn that over Iflflln it- calmly, wo havo gono on Htibficribiiic by inunioipal oorporatioiiH to capital sloek that ia just aa Hiire to hfl wijh-iI out and havo no valuo aa tho road is to Imi bnilt. And after all thia wo havo oontomplatod with aurpri-Miig aoronity tho purchaso of our Iiegislatnres and onr Congross by tho oorporittion.s wo havo crcafcd, and called tho wholo busincsa _" tho "devoloprnent of onr natioual BBNBflflBfl." So loflg as evorybody else was .heatod, Wfl >"?>k it all with greut pliilosophy nnd said : "Upon " tho fl-BBlfl. wo ?ro dcv-loping tho resourocH of "tho ooniilry wilh gTBflkt rapidity "nd wondor "ful succoss. There aro BMM diuvvbaoks to l?, "to bo sure; occnsiomilly BCflflfl P"<?r devil ?'l "a follow or u coiiiiininity getfl under -BB " vvliecls, mit that is unav oi.lable ; *??__ "iizpeet soui.'l.ody will fflt hurt; but tho world "must ro on." Well, we aro putting brakes ou tlie wlu-cls of thia Rort of piflpfl? _fl-_A-?l Ihcm on talinrply nnd wilh omphasis. lt is a fflod time to Im- can-fnl ; to liy to Im> wiso. IM M Bflfl where we anv in thifl biisines -.. It is Mflfl plained thfll the country is in the Bflfldfl flf the railroad IBBpOWtlllB.] thfll Congre-s ? cnntrollcd flfld _**-__? l.e-islatures BWflfld by tli.ui; that they clcct l.cpic-ei.tativcs and buy soiita in tho Senate, and tliat their ro taiaflfl not- only swarin in the lobbies, but Iiil Ihe seats in every Btfltfl Cflpitol ; "lcii sit even in tho United Statcs Sinale flfldtfl pu.v of taihoad corpoiations. attormys iindi r f0h , ictainer*. ; that, Administratioiis ate thi ir -iine, Dtlflltlfll their crcatiires, OuUfll-ffliri theil tools, State hi??'i.s.latiiies their playthin.'-'s. and the people their victiins. The lobbj BgflBt flf I glflfl- ooipoiation, with lllgB de .siciis Bpflfl the ircasuiy, and de mand-, for special privileges, bflj I ? CMatA i.tlicer and potfl him Ifl thfl Senate. Anotlicr BgBBt reac.hes out a fall BBBBfl tO I "" tainer of thfl eoipotatlofl tfl ?'("1 Ua 8,e0~ li,,t, to the Bflflfltfl. Another otpoiation payfl a Senatorial ca.i.lf.liile I gBBflfal re~ tainer that- inakcs his (iecli-'U siue. whflfl Other coiporations all over thfl eOBBtfJ BOB tiibtite to (l( fiav clccti.tXpCBIM und hold Heni vpofl the fotei iad eaaieieflc-i "i thi in, ti elected. l <t di admil thfll m ? I" ?>!'-? Ml hiive MCfl thfl '.Towlh of all thi.* ill thfl paet twenty vears with very little iin_icty Ol reeliog of in-ponsil.iiity foi tho ___M_B>qa__cei. So loflg ai we weifl peiflc_BiiTy _-_OB_Boa_it__, and the (Icvelopniciit of nsoiin <?- flfldOflflB-flg of new roads secmed a publie good, Wfl cated little that the prifleiplii flf _fl_n_Utj were difl-flgfll-fld, the BBBflflM Of BBW Of_f rulod. and the publie coiiscience di bauch. il. \Yo have arisen in MHBfl MMTt our ol this lethargj .-imply beeaaae we ar.- piaehed by the new eott-itioa. The i-niiroailcorpor.'iiions, iitticiich. (I, as tl.iv think, (|iiitc Mfouicly in Congreafl and in tlie Statcs, blf. tflkflfl a<l vaotage of the flttaatioB. The thaaih aml ftnger oi -loflopolj begin to be f- li on the weaaaad of the publie, aad there ia giaat orjr illg ont iii-'iiiii-t it. The people of the West. W_0, b.v thflfl rep toeniiitivcs iii CoBgriea, li.ive done tflonthaa .,11_> other Hcction t.> bfiag aboal onr pfeaenl Mii.jcction io railroflda aml r.iili'oiid iatereata, ci'uiphiiu bitteitf tliat Ihe railrouds which theil enterpn-a- and hbcr.ility baffl built Bfl BO help, but ;i hiinlciaiice to tliem ; that their high ratea nl beight oparate as nn eaabaigo upon the tianspoi'tatiou flf n._-rieuliui_l pro dneti, whieh, flnding bo Buurkat, are bamed or Wflfltfld, I" the .letiimetit Of ttiide aud the pHvitiy ot the pi-dneer. ('onsiimers of eosl coiiiplain jtistly that corporalioin in IYniisvl viinia, derifiag their ffinnhlmi from the peo? ple, have BBfld the IflfgC pOWflfl gflfltfrd and the iiiuneii-i- proflti leenriBg fludei tbe_a to ol.iain BB almost ahsolute MOaopolf of tho imi npoa which thi people :iir depi ttil.iit, for comfoit, aml in gnflt nicastire for e\i.stence, and so hold thfl people B* their tneicy. At all points aud liotii all qflflltfllB OOflBfl complaiiits of the eiilistrii (111(2; ilillucliee upon frilde iiii.i coinniiT'ce, Of the Iwisi, upon the mck ot l.tisi n.'-s 11 ii il* i the hiii.l hand flf IhflM (oipoia tions. ln thi< itate (?f foeUag then ia daager of reckle.ssness in hosiilc legifllatJOfl and of tOO lndiscriiiiiii.-ite vvarliiie ipoi the i.t.-.U railroiid inleii-st ot the country. The popular iinpulso tovvaul everythiiiL' tlut offendfl the popnlflX leoae ia to beat it over the bflfld with ? " Be "it cnaeted ;'' to Iflgillfl-fl it out of the way at on.c. Tlie riiilroad dilliciiliy BflBBOt hfl BO treated. lt _ an intere-l which caiinot, must not, be iflgflidfldai i publieenetoj. The rcla tiuiis oi raflrofldi to thi Btflte bflfc lerei been pernianently ndjusted. Tho subjei t lias not yet begflfl to be dt-fiflflafid witb iBTthiag like si.itcsiiian.sliip. ln only one Stato has then been any attonipt to so di^nify it. )u>;n husetts, Chailcs Franeis Adains, jr., has l.iotiK'ht tO its -OfllldefltiOfl a philosophie mind with a broad and cotnprehi-iisive view of its iiniuensc impottiiiic.-, its suhtle rilatioiis with Stiito and jieople, and the BBflgBiflflflflt {iDssihilities which irrovv out of its wise and cirefil handliiii.'. Ulinois hflfl in her new con stitution reaohed out in a tentative way toward soino bettcr adjustnient und iindei stiiiidiiiK' between these corporations aud the Stato which croates them, nnd her constitti tiou-makers were wiso enough to make their exporimcnt carcful and discriininating instoud offlWflflfdflg and radical. I'onnsylvania, by her Constitutional Convention now in seasion, is wristling with the prohlcni, and with the gigflBtk corpm-tion which, jtistly or unjiiat ly, haa tho oredit of " IflBBiag tho "Stato." Ihe mothods by which it ia propoflfld to brcak tho power of that oorpo ration wero sot forth in ti recital, in tho corri spondonce of The TiiiniIXfl of last Satur day, ot the tcrtns of iin aiticle of oijrhtoen sections, which ia now under consideration by thfl Convention. lt is dcKcribod as "the " completest embodunent of the t-xisting flflV " verso aontimont to railway coj-ponitions that " could hfl~fl tflMfl drawn.'' For tluit vory rcason it should be thoroughly coiisid.ii il, siftod, aml condenscd. The fundaniontul law should not be auch an embodiiiir-nt of existing Mcntunent. lt should bc rather an __hflfl__B_f of the most caretul thought, Uie wiaeat fore oaat, and a judicial comprehensi/in of the whole (iiieatiou iu all ita prcscnt and pflflflfWl nlations. To jimvido raU-s of faro und frcight, prohibit bflfl piiases, and limit tho investments nf stockholdcra, as thia articlo does, is bardly withiu the scojre of an organic aot. It is to Iro hoiKil that timo will be takon aml care oxercised to trim down itr. provisions and incorTorute in tho fundamontal law somo thiag In'ttor than a more existing publie nenti mcut. The railroad problem is one of the gravest character. There ate IhflM who believe it to l.e Ihe (flflflfl of jiolitics fot yeats to come. Whciiicr that bo so ur ..ut, it is uot lo be deuiod that it needa grcator wiadom and HtaloHinannhiii in ita treatmout th.m it haa over yot roctivod. _ srEtnuEX CITl M Illl A suit fajflt otid.d in favor of tho city re vcfih vory eleiirly iho eharaetor of aomo of tho elaiins which tho Kmg h>ft tw ? aBg88J, aud tho siiiniiiary iiianii81 in which Controllor (.roon BfllBMM to pay thflflfl. Ammig tho no-orioiia. of Ihe rvinecur istH of the liOpartmont of Puhlir, Worka woro noarly ono hundied political nnTuiiM who rog tilaily drow pay, hoforo Mr. Groon waa np poinU-d, an "I'ainU-rs of Lump* and Lamp "ixmt.s." Then woro enough ot thom to havo painti'il nll tho lampH 111 lha city a arore of timoH, over flflfll month, but as tho lamps were novor paintod at all it BBfl nafo to u-taumc that thfl wngOH woro not oaincd. Controiler tiu"-ii so flflflaaaad, aml m tho iifluoifliy of thi* Hystini of frauil rofnsod to pay all who ooiild not pinvo tbat thoy lnul dfllBI 8%Xf *>r vioc. ln this way tJio ii.ll wus redueed tho iin.ind nioiith altir Mr. Uri'in took n.lii'o to toii moii, and thfl expeiiso to ono -tenth thfl ainoiint paid l.y tho liin-,'. TMfl was a direet nav.iig ..f n.)t Iohh than .D.OOO 4 ik Ii nmiith, nr iibniit ,.1fM>,000 fnr tho tonn of Mr. Q?b?_ HiTvico an Controiler. Thirty-soven of thflflfl fl!?OtBI?flfl BflflifMBd Mir ir cliiiiiis lo Niehnhn V. I'owi r, who ftiied for thfl 88808?1 8?8-88.1 81 bfl dflfl. on thfl pflj* idll ior lic.'oinl.ei, 1871. Tho 8888 was 111 ade fl tflflt, and disputcd hy thfl Coiitioller vigor ou.vly. Of tho thirty-Hi vcn ?ignilfl only Ilm lein had tho elTrontery to appoar in flOOft. aml only throo woro willing to 187881 thoy had cvor dono any work. Scv.-ral tostilied that tlicy had imt dono any work un paintois. li t claiiiiod that tlioy had ocrasionally r?* ported tor dnty at tho Cmpoiatinn yaril. l'.iil.alilv thfl dnty tli*-11 fl?IgBOd thflflfl 888 at thfl polling l.nnths tO intiuildato bOD-flt rOtfllB. Jadgfl Davifl oa thfl plainiiii's owb taflt-oooj tlnow thfl MMfl out Of court. IfMBJ ef tho ininor <>f tho 88810 fiaiiduleiit ehaiactor havo beea MMlilaily di.? peaad nf, hut then ara ttiO pendiog others of 1188.01 miii-riiit uiii* and eipial irro-i-nrily whieh thfl Coiitioller will yot bfl called upon 10 dispute. AlBOOg thflflfl aro thfl Irauduleiit. olaimi of 0*Briea bi Sheriil. paj-aeat af which tho E__8g at, Alhany ifi B-d-BTOfiog to f' ive; (hfl graaa oacia?_rfflfl ti Edwaid Joaoa. Ihe IPfig st.itioner, und the, billiof Chailes (.uiilc! ior thfl Boatb 1'itih-av.'. ami othor 08888-oiit-. Not otM of thflflfl ffifliBM i-s honost, and 80. aaa ihoald Ih' paid. ?MY lii'.Y',' THE 1\I>!A\S, Then aro now nhout. thtOfl hundied thoii aaad Indians ia tho Jariadbitlon ..I" tlie CToitod si.ii.'.'. Sivint.v tbooaaad of theaa are ia Ala.ti.a. nnd C8t nn tigiire in any diaflBMrfoB of oiirpovi ninn iilal Indian pnlicy. Aceonliii-to olheial repoftfli litly thousand nny bfl .laBflBfl as civih.od ; t iv only thoiisand Bfl partially M>; and tha r( i.iiiiiKh 1?0110 hundied and li__J tliousaud? aro, BBJ8 Col. B0_u?-Ot, 81 wild as vviii-ii Colaaabafl Bnl plaatod thi m h uul the standaid af Spain 08 thfl t-tmrcs of thiH I'oiiliiitiit. Tln88 aro 0\-r tifty __0_fland who aro olucially dflflflfld Bfl "vild liidians"- Apachcs. Chcyonnes, BioiU. Arap.ih.-i--, 8-fl. Tbooa who havohaeB rfiith 4 ud fia r_MTTBt-O?I whoro tln y liavo h?cn taaghl Um ara af peaaa far outoaiobet thfl rori?g, matBodi?g ba_4fl, flrho aaldeaa or Bflrar i.j.orl Ihenis4'lv4's lo any Indian Aponcy nr ini.tHioiii.iy. Bai tha M'll-sup.Mirtine. aiul simi civili/c:l eoniiiiiiiiiiios woro tartflbUflhod l'ing IgO, Thfl Mo-callcd PflflflM l'nlicy Of thfl OOT crninoiH W8I aiithorizcd by Act of CO-grC?t, April 10, 1881. TMfl fiicl shdiild bfl kopt in miBd thl08-fl_l any disciistion nt BBI inan:.'_" 1111 nl of liidi.tii 88?ilS. Thfl Quakor Poli0J was roadily inloptod I.v tha l'lo.-idcn1, il not. 0ri1.i11.1lly tMggBBted bj him. Ha oarlv roroniniondod CoiiKrosA to au thoa-M tho plaoinn* of all Iiidiaiirt 88 b?|8 n t? 1 vatmns. inducinis* thom tn tako up lamls in S4V4-ialfy | and bo BXgcd that tln y should, Bl tooii 81 possihlo, aat Bp toiritnrial gOVafl-L* ini'iil.s for llieir own pii.teitioii. Tlnse hu 11,nn.? viivvs vviire BflB-B and BflM?1 ui-'.-d 08 tbfl attoiition ot ( OBgfflflB. A BflOfd of Com miBfltoneifli eosapoaed of ahki and pabUo-flpir* iU'il citi.cIM1 WBl toiniod under thfl Aot of April Ifl, Mflfli 88d thfl oxjioriinont of inahiii.-: tbfl H?aagOMrl nt of Indian affair.s a inissionary work MM trn.l. A levv BgSMfllflfl vverc at, ejivon tO iiiouibers ol thfl Socioty of Friouds tha l'icsiiloiit boiBf attractod to that bndy of religionla*_1 hy roaning of tho mperior men m which thfl QlUahOfl had in maB8g?Ig Indians doring thfl tiino of Williani I'onn. _V11 othor flgeneifll n<t M ltili_B?Bli of woro i/ivon to ollidrs Of thfl Army. Othor IflUghNU sociotios ui'te, altoi a vvliih', flflkfld tO noininato BgflMtfl to scivi' in thfl flffltk Of ( ivi-liziiiK thfl Lod-BBfl. and thfl 1'ro.tidont, in 11*70, intonnod C011 e:ri'.tt that bfl wiiM oonrnloiit that this j.olicy would, in a IV W yoars, hriug _a 11 thfl Indians upon rcscrvatious wIkflfl thoy would livc in hoiiscs, havo iliuiclii'.s auil sclnu.lh, and puisuo sclf-suiiporting avo e.iiioiit. I.ilu-ial apptOfBiiat?t?I wero askod for auil olitaiiicd ; and torritorial pjvornmoiitl for thfl Indians woro cniisistontly rocomniondod hy tho I'n sidont, who Hffld tbal all Indians west of thfl p_llHnuli Rivor and gou'h of thfl Hiitirdi PoflflOB?081 mii,'ht ovcntually bfl irath? oriil into om- Btflflfl of tboir own gOTfl-l11BCOl Bai 4('iii|.lii:itioiis 81088. Tho appointmont of military moii to Indian Bg-BCJ?I was re _fllfld hy civiiiMl politicians in aud out of ('ont/riss. Thoy saw thoir hopes of pain wore gone. Tboro much digniliod and hlgh* ti.nod hi< koring hotwoon tho llopartuiontri of War and Intcrior. BflflBfl of ftho roligious Bocif ticM who had Iflflpoadfld to tho Pfcflflldfl?fl invitation to namo agonts woro obliffld to oontrihuto to tho tuipport of ihnh laflflJOBfllhe Tho Act of Mareh ii, 1871, fiutlicr complicatod 8__?I hy forbidding tho rccognition of organiratiouB *hy troaty. In Ari zoiia, Mhflffl o few thouHiind Apaches have inanagod to koi-p an outiro Torritory from Hittlouiont and dcvolopmont, tho policy ol tJio Oovorninont altoruaiod botw.en poaoe and war mi nrpidly tliat th_ otlioors at dotacliod military pflflll woro much of the time unahle to rtay whother thoy woro under tho rommaud 4?f (Jon. Ciook or Mr. Vinoent Colyer. On MTfl?ri 88881?8M arnied oxpoditions against pmlatory Indiane wero countermanded hy Ure PflflflM Agtnt limlor authority of tho I'renidont. Kii/ht in the niidat of thn "t?Mflfli of tli4i exporin:loiil1' ?o fre ijuently alludeil t4i in F.ionitivo _MMiflfflfl 011 fho _iihjoct, a whole camp of Pie gana, niinihoring 17il perfvona, waa extermi M_ad by United StatoH trooj..*.. (ion. Crook, who im indoraed hy Gon. Shonnan aa "our "hest Indian onT("e_r," hegan his Af?Mfl cam paign in tho Suiumer foilowing tho Piegan iiil'.in. He waa followed by Vincent Colyor'a tnice-, and tho Wukenhurg maa*?cre occurred iu the 4-riHiiiiK' A ut um 11. It ia not too much to riiiy thal if (ion. ('rook, wbo i.s bitmano. nn nfl aa liriu. l_vd huou let alonc, ho would , have brought peace <o Arizona loflg Bfltei this. What ia truo of the Apachcg is tm? of nearly all tho wild tribes. Kvon now, afler a ahort camp.-iign ng^inst tho Kiowas, it is proposed to Bfll free Bgflffl thfl l.loodthirsty chicfs Big Tne and Bflfllflfltfl. They aro 01.11 victed nnd confessod mtird'-reis. Why should they bfl turiied looso any more than white couvicts of tho samo criininal gradoT Tho natural resnlt flf <bo vaiiable, ihifttlg, and licklo nianagonient of Indian aliairs has 1m.ii to confinn tho wild ?_-___! tfl ___-_? unciei.t boliof that the white man ie a WflBfl creaturo, who Ls to be Ufld to and flffldfld <>n ovory possiblo opportunity. Tho Ifld men do not know what occult inilueneea dircct the M> c.dhfd policy of tho i.overniiu ut. They fl ?? in its sluffiness nothing but inotlicicncy. Until Wfl havo fl e<n.-istctit aml flfbfllflfl purposo in onr flfflfltfl* Bt of these " Wflfdfl of "tho nation" the ll.iees of vi.-lcnec and an liflblfl tfl hlflflk Oflt ou thfl bflfl" tiers at any momeiit. KLECTJON FEAODB is PEBVSTITABTA. Tho old (juestion of how to accure hflBBflt voting, und ?avo to t!ie pflOple the actual flg> pression of tlnir Btfl-blflflflflB Bfld 0P_B_0__l at tho polls, hxs bflflfl BBflBf disctissioii fai tho PeBBIjlfflnia Lcgislature. And oertuinly no State in the 1 ,'tiion more m . dl lo dl C-UM it I id woik towaid its aolnt-on. Oa our fovftl pflge we pnbliflfa e\ti;V'ts from tho speech of Col. Mi t'lure of Philadelphifl ifl the State Senatoon tim bill propoied by liiin to regnlflte efeetioni in Ihe City of I'hilad.lphia, in which he. flfltl t'oith tho condition flf that city fladet the [iii-Hcnt law. BBd the crymi,' Bflfld of some f lon.i. To ihe thooghtfnl aaen <?f the Bepnb paity who almost without their own'e havo 00C0C out. frum the patriofisin whicli during the war MMM ibofi party, into u sort of'.-hip iu whieh putriot i-ni is fust sinkiiiLT; to the BBBl who h'.ti.stly beliiv. Uie Sepoblkaa party to bo trfthonl Kpfo'di aml pnifl, we eolfliflMd :i , u.i.ii p.-i.isa! of Ih.s s|?.,,h. Col. McCliiro does not >p.-;vk l'rot.i i oii.jectiire, ol' Btatfl d_B put.-.l points. What ln; lajl of the Irauds in Fhiliidclphiii i; cliietly of hifl OWfl knowledgi and obiOrffltiOB, and c.Hinot bo diapnted or deuied. Eape*___lly to the poiat, ?ad fiiiitlnl of aoggeatioBfl, is tho leaf be givee from bifl owa experieace of the obfltaelefl plaeed in the way of legitiiaate votiug, tlie foeilitj with which tho TOtef Ifl (lelramlcd iiiiti tho ballot made the InstrnineBt of petpetaatiag fiPfliny, Inatead ol the meaafl ,,i thtowing ofl ihe jroka of a hflted ?*"''-' tyranny. Th*so thingl he statcs, fll hfl says, in ttie presenco of thoflfl who know tlnir tniih, an.i who before him wiii rn,; qneetioD llii'tn. llonesf vi.tcrt who have a siucere batfcd for :ill the tri.kery aml fraud by which political c.intt sts are carried on, bflffl flBade ? glflflt BUBtaki when, by the shot'test proces.s of miaoning po.s-ui.l,', they bflfflfldopted the con elaiioo thit the Republican p?rtf i-> Boaad aad, and fru.- bfleflflflfl its oppoBentB Btofled btllot-box-js and thrOflgh thi or^aniza ti.m of Tamnflny robbed .* city. lt ii bo. tliro I'.rli one Bflitj iloni tbat baad haa beea pcac ieedand loDheiyeaniedoa. IftheDem oeratfl eaxried ihiu^'i with a high baad and plandered right und left wil -a in New-York, Bflpabliifl?I have done tlie MflM in Philadelphifl. K.i.s.-.ilii i.-s of that sort are not llie eiebisive characteristie of eitlier party. Bath Bifld watching and BOflRiting, pdrgiag aml pttrifying. The baimnent perfl il not now from the DeBflMffliitl paitv. party has _Oflt iti poWflf and pmtigflt 'l'he diagflc of tho preMfll titii.- is from the puufy in power in tho nation and in almost twdi-pntfld pos ?eaaVoa of m iily iU tim col. IfeClnre Mioivs by what meflfli i' eohtfoli Philadelphifl and th. State of IYtiiisylvaiiia, and tho forflflfl of law ti'ider whiih Hfl bad iiien perpctuato fh.ii bfl-Mfffll iui'1 -'ind aflflflifl tho protests of li..tiis( \. irs. l'he frauds bf whicn l'onnsyl Aiitii.i WBl CaiTied in the election of Iflflt Oeto were withOflt precodent in the hlltOfJ of tin- co liit a . The BBBB Avho profited by them IBd WBOflfl living is by political chie.ine, wero th.-iiiseJves flbflflhfld ;iud st.ufled I.v tlmr iiiiiu-nitude. There was no applianee of friittd left uiiuskI. Thflflfl flfli fBBM Iflgil?fltiOfl by the thoflaflfldi of fotflfl, foting by repeaten t.-n, tvv.iitA', aad lilty times, obstruction of honest fotm l?y ttmmt .aii.ati uml bnpriioB nieiits and by vi'denco and threats of vio 1. iice. iiiul t'.eri fl is BtflflaBg flf the boXM ;md cbeating ln the court, upon a Mflle theretflfore unparallcled. CflL Modflli/B pei'sonil oxperi enee m rdatfld hy himself is only ose of bflAdndi. l'he sfoiy il ono of ihflflU and dishonoi. Bnt thfl thing to be done was done. Tlio State was carriod. And now Col. IfflCSfl-fl, in tbo Pfefflfl of the Legillfltflfl a majorily flf whose niembers, il not elected by then -fflfldi, were certaiuly accessory uttcr the fact, Ifldtflfl the history and asks iu thfl BflflM of common flflflflMflJ Bl well Bioffl RiiiLr-ruleilcommiiiiity thfltthfllflW under which this Etupenilous criino w.ft pfltpfltlflted bfl amended so as to jirotect th;> b.illot-box and make _ho righls of cttizens secitre. Iio put tho q icstioii very plainly whetlur tho interest and succoss of tho Repnblican .'party demand that fraud shall bo protected in Phdfldc-phia, and it was for tho Legialfltnifl in which party is doinin.iiit to BBIWer. Thfllfl i? no l.epublican partisan in l'hiladel pfalfl so brazen Bl to deuy thfl facts ehflKged by Col. McClure. They aro universally ad mitted. The aimple quostioti Wfli, whetlier the l.i-islaturo would undertake to correct tho law and prcvent frauds in tho fut.ire, flf would put its4?lf in tho old attitudo of BBOMflflffl] tisuriKitioti and ask thfl pcoplo with a stieer what they aro foiflg to do about, iti They took tho latter coiiise. Of all tim seoundrds who pcn>otr:itod the frauds of Iflflt Octobor, but one waa convicted. Him President (irant pardoned, aud n spectablo citizens ot Fhiladel |.hia iro uuablo tO lind who p. titi.uied in his lx half, or any fact eonnectad with it, exeept that Secietaiy Bflflflflflfl was very aetive in his bohidf. I'ennsylvania is held tfl bi u very im? portant Mfltfl ia cairying cloctions. It is usuully BflflflflMUy Ifl fl-WJ rennsylvania in order to olect fl Picsiih-nt. Hut if tho Kepub lican learlors think to hold that Stato, and through that tho country, by logalizing fraud and pardoning ro|x:itcrs, thoy BBflkfl a fatal mistakc. Klecforal BflfolBB haa siitlercd in the l'l-iinsylvania I.egislature a tt-flpoflfllj check. lt was uot atrange, perhapB, that tho men who protited by the Octobor frauds should fail to see the noed flf legislation to prcvent their repetition. Another Logislattiro. a little fur? ther romovod from tho pussions of tho Pkflfli* deiitial contest, may aife thiugs in a diflotoui light; or what would be bflttflf still, it is pos flible that the Conatitutional Conveution uow in sosaion in Philadolphia may givo tho people un opportunity to incorporate iu thoir orgauic aet, bcyond reacli of tho pasaion and paitis;in aliip which mako all ItgUflttlB unsUblo, aouio > pCOtiaion in t s\- own dofonan and for tha proteetion of tln* ?S_h_ THE BJLABE lillAlt DEFWBDED, Stoiiling witbout any justili. uiion what*?.. is vory i.irc. Thero aro always exU-miatin*' circiinLstancoH. II no'hing IHb. Hh re kj t[? plcii nf nnoipiiil aml unjust d_stributa>n of ptopartfi B-dah tho piafcpoahfll and ln_:hw,x-. maii aro trying in their way to e/pializr, nnd adjiiKt. Thoro aro two aidort tn TiOritiona of thfl?i and*. for tho -wine, an.l a jury may he cnteitaiiied with tho ingoiiuitf of IflBBBfll witbout. 888ipriBg tho thoory al tho ilefeiiB-. Tho letter. pahUahad on flflfl iikhth pajty, up,)r, "Tho Othi r Milc" of tho Salary <.rd? i* ft rlevor stiti-moiit in hflhfllf "f tiu* P8M pMM?. moii at the bai "1 puMio, op.i.i.ui, aud i i-|t.it_a tlgOtBOfl (1. uiiiii i.ition of i'i'- .iil'innnit ncam papor corrospondenta who hav.-, 'iiiui 4 projudieo in tho MM8> It wonld ho a flrafltfl of irordfl to ropljiafl-i argument. Tho peoplo, wlieth'r .ja.-'ly or ti_ justly, havo mado up tlit ir iniiul.-. BB88 th? anbjoot and given juigMMMt upon fli.-ir ia atinctivo MM "!' pfflfltflty aml _MMflfltj. t?f may not havo given M__llflflii 00888? i.iiioii to niii) IflJ?I and I poiatB; but they havo eo__dflfltd thfl feflfl-a. aml, ?.. ?baal mw*m\ ul Bflwapaper correapondentK, deoided that tka inon 8rh8 took Mlflfll apieoo 88l of thr N,. tionaI TlOBIIIIJ. up"!' -ho pn toxt tbat it ?_, baak pay, _n bo. hflMoati Bat, _?m all, tha conclusivo answer Bfl Ihfl Mhflafl ilul, ma one of tha ikBihiag iH.!iii.i,ins Tvho poclvited this nion.-y would hav.- flaflfld nV fend or advocato it lx-foro llofltioai aml then Ifl BOf mii' Of tln m who vvoiilii i],,t hivr, bowlfld hinitclt red ia thfl;h flflMBBM. tion of whocver sliouliI havo flhflflffll Irefura cl4"4tion that there waa the remoUftl poMibil ity of sueh tiction. That n tho oommon ^ru_? | thfl <|Uility ( f thfl tiaiitii.tion. Tliey did alKT tlny eame in'" powor wlia' U'.j never woiild havo d.u.'i 088?M befMflhmd tbat th.y mtt mh d. At .11. i -. .'I. >':---. ? ?. 'l." Hi ?at* II?'? ? 'licmol _tive roBtiai reeel.ed aa agnaaUa MMbibb_ II; ie is a ht.iiuliii'-r quiirrel betwaaa ttwor_*y-4jV_i aealMoR-i 9M*i IfaJaB Bar-adala, Tka Majuriufl inv-ite.lMr. ICot?fl toffo out of tho Statu to -a-ttlfl their little (liii.-rl B08I BJ I 888-8 89_BB _88fiaf|8> to] ahoti; aod te thil ?fll?I ha.l -t. idily reiiirnrd. refaaaL I-a?ayBBjfbadjraaBl tbal thaaa BB_t Baa Bttaettiivht,aad a greal _owd aaa?mad to m*ii. J bo'i. I I .in to have In -en, M 8) W8BB, hM?|( ibout oath otbar. Moaria baviag a akaflaOB? ha eaniaga, and ilailadala _ffM_nm* oiieuw, da . liuini. tO B8J what hc moaiit to do. when aoorata l,i, i _MidoWD upon l'.'th. and aliii'.-t l**, th.f knevv ho vvas abont ho'bad tbe*.- f.irocvoiu ,i-'iilemi-n li'uler 80??I-in M&Jttt eaeh to kecptha I--. i . There was appan-ntly 8a be no fivht that ,.,,v, un! .1. I?oa would b'.ivn booa __ailatjMt gaoted if II. B. ttt Coaab aaaV-tadgaC. C. Bbaak??11 bod not been coBrid?raia eaoogh ta iadahja m"9 Jittie ir.iirt-*." ?-.--] u.-kl.-foul Maaehad M. Comb," ,, | ;, -,,:; iin- , '...-? Md aa .uirhto make it red." Thlfl WM u't ui'icli, Lut it VMBjM tliitiir. COM-deriOfl tlie bittor ili.s_pi>.?inTn:.'iit *ttm noraiBfl. A-s 'he tatmamUeam i baa. aaaafl t'lextfofl tba aeaaaofl ol ibe faflialBliiia t" ti"- -flta laM . Jack BOOB-ay -'ill li.iv: the l'.-ln U B ? : - fl, md iiiay baha ? t. Th-' aan?iag ofa aaad priaea ia [ad_.--MMi iv;i, usive. A l'li-r i'i I?I CoMMB __B? dMM_BI tba ooaabaation ol BbHigbaeaa tha Mibn^ib of Joodbpora. Tln- ',,r1Me waadnoaad m rayal MiM o? broeaded clotttj aad doeked aal witt .*??__ ralaad at $~.:.<rr: Ia the 18?Hal praaaaaaaj waOced tw?> alepbaBM ladaa aitb |old aud _Utm ..i th.- biiibbbI ef fa^wBfl, wbMi m m M_Maal it every hundred paces aiiiunir tli'I ?l>octat')r-, M '" a_aa_bled ba_ The aocpii, B-tadh. an.l jew.-iry w re ill thiowa bMahaf ur"1" the b->a-af w1* l'l..l:l the (I.IV '.11 whleb B_ Ill'rlllie.SS ilied. l/Bt BiabMitM i.i' raa i><>1 Bajd MdM l-rn-i^n of a aaoca ?acb at tha palaea Bjataa. all thn baha888afla by way of |l|B0MJBg their ______ B-8BBdaf IbolB .beanls. MBlfBl -OB, 8_d the bair ol : heir beads. 1 81 "liiaiontt'd 1?j.ih left b.'hinil liim a aeat MB8r8?8 ol vvivesand eoMBbi?88 who vver -, inanv- of tliem, uiirein. ly .le.tir.nis to l.e Ieun ?<! wjlh th-ar late 1 9*\ aeaaa boeaaaa uxmy mata tateWy griarvai M_al?M uul others baaaaaa if waa tha b-dtfaaaMa flnl8| tn do. lt waa n.>t iwimitt..1, hawarar, fltaaflf la thfl disgi_t ef the Vi id.tvvs. Tln* aattaoo?oeflag tarobaa ajralM aMMiaol mii. i.i.t 101:10 to IgBBBB? fl?al 111 11_> t?'i, Obio, LaM Jaaaaty, Ihaaaaa?aof tha Ommjm8_r lha 1 v--! that ihe MOB?M taken BP f''",,> Ihe lw.xoai.l' tLu .ar.t, that stood 111 the IMf IBfldfl 8881 niRht, w.tb not sn l.-Ui.'.: as tlicytthoiild be. lluW9*jt BBBBIBfl8fl t-eitain drivi-ii. th.y tBTBM them ..ii utiUI there had baaa un ataai M eoaaplM ehaaga la the toaai bui tlu- th. ft 1 eontuiued, until it wat f.uind, i>>* a pBBBBI who ?(crL't4jil bimijeTf in tl: * tit.ihle, that Daiel Triinhle. tha ninht watebman. went to< thn 88B88 unlocked them .-asily. and al.straele.l alioitt 1-ilf thfl conteiits of eaeh. Iri____? eaafaaaaJ that?ab_U k.-v, whieh bfl made hiBBB ll", 888-1 whu h Im M_B ?d tbi bO?M. U'liuir. ],.iia;i,.ii _ ta be iiiaiie M 881 ua juttlv aaaawj-ted and di-charifod ilrr.. rs, vv.-are 1148 iiif'.riiioil. ________ Wl ii.'V' r be v:d of sm h a thiBg ' 8-008, bai a p?wl xvi. ti h nauie.l De Widf wa.t a< tually lx't'T.' thl poUee court of Now-llav.? tln.. woah f_888B__BgM umhrell.i. "li eur BMBI-I havo uot dn .n m thia, a-ks a Ncvv-Havi-n BOWaaaflBB*, "wha itr-ai.-r Wl hadaappaaad that _1 illeoa_BBB.t-eahaoaagaa> tjx. . ;ul'li! jiui. I.iudeiii e, Kinlui da.t W8t8 18888-81 soiiievvbat 111 the Hght __/8rM iintunT, aiul as ?ih?fl in the ?aaaeartaaf paeaaoal pcapartT. Ihaj ai<- iha - lal foiiiidlin.'i', -.1 to BBBB?, and wluH-ver lus owa.1 one M8| 89J, Twfll iniue ; 'tis his. iad may I ?' 8aM to tliousanil.s." Wa ailviso the ni.m vvlo M8BM found (rnilty of sti-linir BB iiinlmUa in Nevv-llavi*D to take the eaaa to taat -hapreaaa Coarl af the I itaal The will lind .1 Rreat d. al tu sa> oQ tbe BBBB?Ba. _ At a " spiritiifcil" moi'tin,; ia BBBtOBOB v.a.t a.tki'il hy mie uf ihe'speakeis: " ls lt ????___ the inifthty (h ad have indeed ret iciri9*V i, and from the other woiltU'oiut !..nk to ai B?hpaarpeaMj.hai Kraiiunar and false ilm trines'" Hut ls'-tthM8 f Kini. the i|ui-.-.tii.ii I lhapeotffj MIJ M8M1 f ,,"IS* but how do 88 kiiovv tliat tt isnol. |_?8ldtBfl 18881 a_ada-dfgeodl aadaoef thagmMMMi And so of the dnetrine ? Wliai appM-8 t" M 81 81 liilinite 80888888 mav ull-1 all bathapM-MtMfl 8l aaaaa. Whe am we. ti.i.t ara ahaahi laataie t')P'", nniiiire :ih.avi nlv riv.liti.Mi l-> I"' B-_8d88-f8M (ii veii the inspircd pr.iuis.-. wIimI rii_hl bave iai?" tals to iiu. uul With the ct.m -liisioii.t I \V.? mav as w.!1 i|ii..t.> :i lut of obit.iarv paflaf whieh ree.'atlv IfBOatad ia I lMiilad"iphu ***** M*baaaaaaaalhiag88?a Maaa-flfal aithawfi rhymo flTflfl 9998 Ilero it|i*t: <>ur intie laUia .ii.i t.. heav.n ?... lahp B-taaaaatjfl BhaWBBaflMBflad with tb.rebri>--vpin?l menmflita. Iia hard to our Sallie mi. But the refleelion svviN-t is, That aba?flB?B where then* 8 B8 eerebro Spiual moiuiiKitis" A lovilior little ?I ai ****?"* poetry we do not rememln r to have reai!. albott tw dein-40 of thi lufant papalB?aa 1* MrthMflS9 ai * iug out that Mort al B_Mf. Wfl bave ni'ver ruaeh favoied . ..rjK.ral puinai-Uieal in M'hoola, but whether tbe aubatitut- i.l"l't?(l by 8 WMtaaada Mahai tad-MMhli m a *__\_J__f_! Wbeu a pupil in diaolMHlieiit, idle, or refra-tory- *? adiniiiiaterH to the itebiuiuent a doflfl of eaatoro*' Tbo only r_ultof tbia treatai.tit ot wbicb we be** report ia a pun. Btranarly aml fearfully execrabia. inf-de by the exiitor of the Iflflfll newapsper. BMfliP ?aah treatmeiit MatM to BBadM thes.'holars "doae UM" Ho cvidoutl) uisod. a iiutft vt eo lu_8?.df