Newspaper Page Text
'XmncfTT.rnh, ctc, tttjit (Prrmnj. lloOTU's TllK4.TK._--"Arillll-llil Toiftlt'" Rllll " KtT II a. r."jj>t ui:\NM i>i*bs_v Hot ?<!?. -"Mmii' Criata." Charlea r \t.\ I'imi A.'i'M | T'ik.mi ::. "l>i Nit,|..>'KN.-'-A/.r.i I; 88. I ln Ma.'ir Cli.inii." (>LTMraO riBATBB. -" il.i-np-N l>.i:u,>; \." Q i\]i>n SajDAaa laaaTaB "Frwa Fraa." auaa \Y"i: . - I ? i?i \" 111 Qai_8B-M 1'.. A. ?-. i:\it -I.iviiiri-. Di. .1. .lay Villi im. Toai v?. i" . i ?>:ti:\ !l..i -f. -Variattaa, Dr. B. Pbahk Pai mi b?Pateal rVtMl aad p ? _ i \ iui. foFovei eigbl yeai?-, to i" i ________ ' I mil! \i Ai m \\ vi- li>r i^r.i ia tiow r?->!4. I'i.3* to <v_ti. S.T?n for sfl I. ____ . Dr. Ri W. U.MM.'iil. ia Tbi .: \k I ? __i . ,? Hi i in Im Ka, I ' ^?""J " W ? '--,.\ >i\Ki -r. iiusV- Six S tiU-;..' . bi raiaoaa Lbotim Rxraa Ra. 4 I_ Pemona friving uo h??ku?ekcei)in? or aoing I-L4I1. PlCTBBBB, L~ Bl.l I Bl M4 nf otlir, Ta.J l 4 ?t < r l> rosiT COMTAJIT, . lLl.Ms Ot THE TEIBVXE. Mail 6 ibatrii tn. $10 BM .innmii. <-i ui-V 11 k. v l: iiii vr. Mail stii.sini). r?. >:; peran. - ribera, gS i".-i bduiim. A i, \ c r i t ? i n k Kalc". J>a;i v i ;:iii ?.: .. ai i ftl 1" t lin*. and 50 .-int^ p'-i lina. ? il g5 pi r Lina, Ati niliii;: to .h>m;iuii in tha papr-r. 11 tu:-. aash in ;ni\ anc ?. Atlilit .-.? ! BB Tur.i K__ Naw mantarecpiTc*- al op-townoiBcc . ?' W, ? . ;?: -t.. tilKS p. in., ;it lr.'iil:!' r ih-.-*. ementa for tiu-* weolt'a laana i r Tiik W.bbi 1*1 Tna Si Mi-VYi i:ki.y Tbibitbb will be I ul b i. . lo. k. iu WiappoM 1M ? ) _ ? 17X1 tM ii // ftM WtthBmtm mtkvm by ? tmtttmi il" hibunt i ..? /I-, i i.U iiy utatl! Hfjulfor Tribittu Lic tm r l r', a, .Yo. C. . .;,-/ t /. oy MMELMT- BM 88880, torya lim aw-aryarf, wrtB oa oa1* ? rrrlry n* hr u)>i>r>:rt<i in IM .'-i t , | mtntlf 80B*Ba,t tSf ?..<i,I for tl; in ; ? ,., r,,r b0 rrnU. AlttftTmllnU thi IHBMM FCUNDED DYHORACE QREELEY. -DAY. APRIL ?, I tna,-1<. um > AiritBIj lltaall ? I Mnrt-tl. tmU uru | tb.- Y." I.U t ( .'ll.l: Dix will Mlt'i tl.- N>v,-Y. rk Clmrtrr tO-BBT B8 to-iiii.rtiiw. ----- Tlu- l.'ii iut'.i-of tfea In-ti ?' kUUlttaWM WRRRlMi i.i.v. ( twik.'ri ? . Bm io tha Waata itora of tba AUaotM NaUaaal Baak tnU u - 'III- ll IV . ? 'ii,. .V- ? ii Um ln ui Ratton. . .;..1.1?117.. U"i, 117. Tlitririt'iiift..?il. . UP, 52_3. lt woald Bppaai tbat ?e are yet ajaita fa froaa faMbag ool th" aaaabai ol Utob la I bj tba B_ohB80od Bwitoh diaaatar. A PNrfidaiiea in ajapayoi ealla :tt. ntion to tha f.u't that thric it!.- iiiiiny taqairioa f<>r ?infiini. poople, Tboaa liiiuiit liuvi'. Baal <?n tlie Mfeakoal train; their bodiaa .aaj bbto aaaa d-atrayad in tho tiro or bariod iu thi- atreaai. How aiaarj patvoaaw-I] aoTca bc LaajuLred aftoi none aaa teU. ? ? ln tho onlinary oitizt-D thoro b BOthfalg RoiiibT tbaa pojiiiiar aaaaaoaaoata. Uut ocoa akmaOj ono biij.-!it. ;? tbaa tho rost is mada ta do peaaaeB in alliniaalii_ thom, aad t;ikos a r-jiiiit'tt II" roToafe bj aiaklag tbeaa ?~>*l*rflig in tlu- tcUinf. Thoaa wbo aiab to sce tho proeeaa b) arhkh Boaaotbiag ia aaada out of uol):in,:, wifl tiii?! it exeinpliiiod. on the BOOOad t?. tlns i.>?ia\ _ Neara frota tbe IfodM country is not oncour BF-'ii.K- U lf tboofbl that tho boloatruorod BBTBgaa ?ill ateal out la Rmall partios and ac tbroojdi tlio countrj'. Tliii. will aaaka a long eaaapaiga l"r tba civalry, if tba fogft. M tobi- "ixtonniiii'.to.l." Tho narrative *if tba BaaaaaeMb ralatad by Co?-w<Baianaf Mi H-liaiii, tbangb not oontaininj. anythini? :iy ni'W, in a utriking story. Now that wv kao~ tho blootly < ndinK of the conforonco, tomeritj of tho (.'ouiniisMOHers in voiitur ?o tho snare laid for tuem secuis ainaz BBg. _,_ Tba uaaatcbaa aaat ni^lit annonnring the ni 878 ol tba ? l.ttion in Paris gBTB M. de Ki'tai' .;t'-> TOtoa to iiaron Stofl't 1, who traa tlm- aaada tajeaad on the list. 'Jhis cnot i^ BOlToetod tbia BBoroiog. Tho majmiiy of M. Ilin.ilii in >till Yiry decUive, aud tlu- <on nivaiM- Ki-iiublirans aro for tho BBOaaaat Mtaiallj dopieaood by it. There would not tooaa to ba any Maaaaitf f?r a vaaaaatnactioa of tbB CabfaaOt on aooount of this incidt nt, atiil if M. Thiors a.oo.ilri it with bil noal ikill and Bagacity tliore will be nothing to vagrat la it. _ Ki-jiorts from Vionna dropon tho 18086 of biiiiiiliation whieh overy Ainorican oitizi-n ft-? ls W/aMBBM tliinkw of the -agaUO 8T0 niaki' Rt tho Kxposition. The ili-trracoful baabtrOBB of fiinning out ipacla. ptiTilagaa by monib. r of tho < o!i)!i)i--n>n has pal into the European noweiiajior>, \\li'io it fainlahfa matirial for li vi ly ("iinuioiit. Wa BW roported to be a thin gkiniio.l aud htn-itvi |.oo|ilo; but it i? <bar that Bach a <oiiK|iituotiH display of doinc.-tii iraaltaMna-a \s"uld Ix; annoyinir to any nation. ThiH paiti.'iilii unhanpm.'SH is BggrBTBted by iho fi.t tbal tba arfrrtnttitog of the Amarieaa Coiriiiiin-ioti 8orioit.-ly embafla-BlH for the ? oi:j r. ;.!?--. ntation iu tho Exliibition. 1 TW Tribunc Lootur.' .-hoot is.-u.d'!.i> lii.-m Ing aantaiaa tba eooohiding lertorea. ..i tbe Ber. Hearr Waid Baaabar at Tah OoOaga. tbaaa .xpound bm ladd belieli UBatoHag ConfattwOJi, KoYivaiK aud a Beligioaa ExptaUty*, tMng Pxpr.KFioi. |M to liis.loliiiitod.K'nual noti.-i. thi.ii io Ma broad htiiiianity. A mmiuYte aud dinglf lularaariag baataty of tba binb and .at'.y 8-raggiaa 41 tho Moravian Clnu.l. la glwaa by aaa of it? aaateeDt divmec, Biabop :,,,. \\.- pobliah f..r tbe lirst ti,,..-. mabr-iiart of adtwaaaajaa bf tba Lata Kov.ThoR. Si .rr Km/ of CaJifoiuia. A letUr by Mr. Harria I-Ua-otta aaajeifaiagCapUalFDiiiab roiut, aud a HNtory of Seotarian Apjiropria Ba?a m thia Htato, dmouHR tbenMB of iinnio timu and lively inUroot. 'J'liia txtra ia tiui f.,nn with ita BaOdoaBBB8BBB, lud ia aold for U_e4: .*uU; Ove oenu^by mail. Oov?*rnor f:ook?, in bia maaaaga to tba Log hliit.iio of the DiBtllct of Colutubia. inako-i a J . ,' ,, ^.nrfag. Tho allaira ot tho Katriet, aae?i?li-i ?? th,-<.ov,-.i,o,, an, pm L .y luaiiaKcd, aud attiact tho Wfjaet and confidonco of n... The niaiw of figure* Bprood over tho aoandal which has beon cinixtil by tlie brillinnt. cnreor of tlio Board af IHibJiB Woita i? Bomewhat bawiMnlaBf. IVissibly tho ahowinj: thftt ihe Baaaaafa niakos may BB alto-other eunlid aad aa goodj im it __W-aa. Wt would Hka ta ln li: vc si). I'.nt Un ta ha* been RO muoh appar cnt Jnggliag la taa aijaaa?ta of the Baavd ?>r Publie Woikrt, wo prefei to aaa ? fair aad laborioaa conip.'ii_en of flgctrai mado befvie aoeepiini: theee foolin^s as fmal. Nmv that the l.cj-'islaturo hun inot, ara aipaal Iii KM ;i s'imlniiK' inqni'.V i"lA> the bllefed fflegal P'ac iires of tlio Riafa This la inoitt roasonably ?ua beaaaaa Um raliag farti.m haa abeadj baaa defcataal in tho lowt-r luanoh of lha Le^islature. ^ Tho Blliaal defuloation \v. tlio Atlanlio Baak npptava, aftar eloso examination, lo ho about .icon.proo, of whleb the. daring aml t_-gaaloaa bat raekleaa Mr. Tainior 1 aa Btolea fully two thinls. Tlie oondition of tho bank was ho deapeXBte a year aga that Ihe Kxainiiier, Mr. MeigSi warued tlie ControM.r of tho Currcnoy that it otifrht not to be perniittoil to mako further dividends nntil its itnpaireil r.ipital was mado irood. Thil apparently wa* not (hine; tlio biisiucss was coiitinuoil in tho K.ime loose inannor, and tho tesiilt has boon an nonneed. rriminal on tho part of any of tho officers bnt tho Ca>hior has, however, baaa addiionl, and tho abstird imlijrnntion of tlie dapaaUOTB at their iiirctiii^ ye-t,-nlay agaiaat tha stookholdors antl diroctors, who are tho heivicKt loscrs by the dishonesty of Taintor, waa litly rcbuked by ono of the -piakers. 'ITitt priucipal diroctora nnd the largaat stockholdcrs of tho bank are inon of ainplo lortunoa and invproaehablo chaiaoiir who will not for n nioineiit be suspeoted of complioity with the swindlinj? Caihifti. Thi 1'k suli nt .sieni-4 ta havo been irrcHoliito, and ihe dircetors wero too conliding. In declarinjc that he alono is pruilty of Iho cnihezzleniotil. Taintor jirohably tolls <ho trnlh. The Bt-tpi rion strontrly provails that ho *sti 11 has po^se.s sion of BBOBt of tho onihezidcd fniids with tha .BBa-ffB of comproinisiiig by returaiuj? a portion and PBoapinir prosecution. TIIK TRF.ASVKY AND THE UEBCBAJfTS Tho Treasury I'cpartmciit baa not nieiidcd its tmM by tho puhlication of tiu coricsp<>nd eiire in tho Uiatter of J'lit Ijit, DadgB i Co. Theee documont.i thfOW no li'-'lit npon the violations of tho Kevcniie laWB for which tha iiim has beaa nnthtod. They r.ake no Baaaa> lional dUclo.-nres. They *1 i - - redil none of the Btateaaaata whiab tha laarnhBata havo j?wi? Liahed in their own dafaaaa. IFe haTe tliat the report of Kpeeial AgBBt Jayne, recilin^' tba d-UBBOfBIJ of disorepaiitliafl in the invoico-*, aad coniincntinir with tmiiii iinpcrlinont vir lue npoiithc of li a mi.-t BgaiBBt tlM reveiine. Thcii cotnes tha) 1'orinal coin-pmid t-iico betweea Mr. Qeerge Blisa, jr., aml Soliii ini Ii.uifield on the ono hati'l, and tlio atlor neys of iUt-s-rs. l'lielps, Doilt'e. & Co. on the oiher, rcaffaftiay tho e__ar to etaaapfwaaise. That irt all. There is no coiiles-ion of frnilt. There is nothinjr, oxrept Mr. .Jaync'.s n-pii.t, lo show any ii:ti-niiitn to de ' haud. aad whea Mr. Iljaad-ea? Jayne gaea ? afler an ii;;!n>iter, his zeal, as we all know, is not tcniperod with disvrclion. Of j I'onrM- tlie TroBBBIJ nt does not I puiilish IfeaaTa. 1'helps, Dodfe &. VoSs CX ' planation of tho discropancies ; neither doea it publish tho letttr of Davix, who aVlfltniB that aTi (-x unination of I tho wholo cnse, in the lio'ht of lhe'r c.\plan.i tions, convinced hira that "the idea of da " fiaadaBI tho Governmcnt of its lau.'til tluiies " had nevcr ciitcrcd their n.iiul.v'' 'J he jiajieis DOW fiivon to the pnblie B_H>W| however, that Mr. Georpe Bliss, jr., who bti.-cct-ded Jadge I'avis as Distiict-Attonity, recoiiiniended tho 1 reasury to conipromise tho claim, on tho pround that tha (loveinnn nt would not fat what it demanded if tho ca-o went into cniit. "I am inlliienct-d to this comse," he BajBaj "by tho fact that tlie nominal amount " clairnod ia ao enonnous in c()inpari>oii aitfa ? tho amount of undervaluatioti and ftatnl that "I believo it would bo oxcoe(i;nply diffienlt " to ohtain a vcidict for tho ainoi nt claimt-tl.-' lir. BUaa in fact adyintd tho Secrotiiry to take $271,000 he did not believo he eoald get nny^iuore. Jadja Davis nioiiunenileil it bocauso he was patistied of the innocont int.-nt, and did not believe a forfcitnre of tho wholo amount was deserved. Jlut if thoro was no iruilty intont the Government had no mural r K'ht to oxact ? pcnny abovo tho actual (leli eicncy of duties. Tho Btatutes oinpawcr ihe SeiTctary of the Troasury " to mitigato or ic " imt aaeh laa, foiieiture, or paaalty, or remore "such disability, or any part thereof, if in his "opinion the _b__M nhall have hecn inriiricil " withont williul nof;liK?'nco, ttt any iiiteiMion ol "fiaud in the penoai <?r panona Inisarrina the "same." Thootlici-riipon whose n-iiie.ii-.itatio.'is the Socretary ol tho Treasmv in ezpaeted chiefly to reiy lfl tha District-Attotney. The I 'iitriet-Attonii y, however, was inteiesti-.l m forcing a coniproniise, aeaBBBB BC was cntitloil to iwo pereeatol thi ftaaa Baaoaal ncov.n-il. Ihe chiel olliceis of tho Ciistoiu-hoase?llio Colleetori BaurrajroT. aad Naval odici t? heartiiv c.K.Iiei-iiteil with .iiu.. beCBBBe they were jointly to rtvceive ono-quurtei ol tlio l.-niiiinder. In this blacl.iiiailins operation the Govern nient oIlicialH HliiHd in a hartlly moro aprecii ble litrht tli;m thi' B|iy who Bt| the proct (diBgfl on foot. The "compromise" looks like aathiag but a BCataBBM ta extoit monoy, and the. Irm in.tile a tenihle blundcr in _a_b__dtta?g to it. Tbeil ?>urse, howevci, Ib BOt ini-.tinpri-heii i ble. Probably they had feed n ison to dread any further quarrcl with the ('iiHt.)in-hoiipt.. Thr'-atciied with a vixatious proM.-uiioii, Hii/uie of their hooks, iitti-rrufni<>n of tbeil l> i-iiiess, and injnry to their irei'ii, they wi nt before Ihe Sici'laiy of tho 'Irea-ury in the. attitude of ciiininals sniiiLr for neroy, paid Ihe, qiiiirter of B inilli<>n, aiul were told ta 0BhOBBe thaiikfiil that they had not baaa rohhcd of tlut-e qaartata a. ? B_J__ion taaaa. lmm%t Ixloio tho political tUUBpalgB of V}?t we denounced tho fiamis and injn'tice tlitt ftoilaBah in our Cii^toiii-liotiso uuihr tlie hv t toin which makes tho collertiou of the r. v eiiuo u Bcheuie for rewardinir political fol hrwan and pushinir partinan Tho i'iitta-rsou Iiive-.ti!a:atit.ii in 1871 bi-oiiirht lo li{_p}it an oxtcnt of dishonesty aBM~Bg tha olh ciala and oppn'snion of the merchanta far beyoijd tlio ciinent Hiispicions. A eiccoiiil ijj vestigation, in HTii, revealed frreater alm-<a lltatl tver, (H|ieciitlly iu tho e\t'utionu!o chai'gos lovicd ujiou commcrce, tho U_M_-M frr.intdl to hi i<-? and inforno dta. and injiistu -.?. toward icputa'.ilo uierchaiiU ; but thu Adiniu idr.ition no notice af tha diaelo.siiier, bo .-.iiiko it had no deniro for retorrti. One of tho most imporlatit witno>>iM;? beforo tho 1'atteiHon O.i.iiiiiutio WM .Mr. VVilliam K. Dadga, who trtaU-iaHl empliaticaJly tbat, owinic U> the B-LtOltiaaal of QlaWll G'd.r BlBIIIBBBBBMB aud Mio tBriuJ* pera6ii8 connoctod with tho CtiKtom-houRf, Now-York had baaaaat tho Baal oxponRive port in tho wholo world. Hirt ovidonro wiw considored extro.ncly dainau'iiig. and hm ofloti been ro f.ried to in Riibsoiiuoiit dis.Missiotis. Tba namoR of Phelps, Dodga fc Co. alao In-adi'd an lmavniliiii,' potition for tba roilroKR of 6wf tain grievanoes aiiriied by ono liuinlrod ?aW Y.ok iu. nhant-s and ataaaaitad to Colli.t.-r Miuphy. Neverlheless Mr. DedgB BJtw unwiso eaoagb dariag tba lafta eaaapalga ta ajta bie inlliioiiio ft.r tho ri.iitiiiiiaur.' <>f tho trffU of whieh ba bad eoaajnaiaod. Ba iBjIi-wad, ?e wippooe, tba aotbori-ieowairo na'ly aiixii.tts that tho BiaBBgaBlft of jhe CoatOfB-aOUM should bt. just. Wo should UM h) fcftOw whal, Mr. Dadga thinks about lt now. Poi Mr. DodgeV li.lclity dt'-ing tho canv.iM l,i->appar.'iitly not wipo ' out uio renioinbi.'.n.o of iii-4 to^titiiony dariag the Inreetigatian. Wo Bboold bo 8oiry t.i i-ay that ho has baaa p?8> ?oeoted f..r teDiag tba tratbi bat ara de be licvc that if ho had not olloinhd tho (. ii.-tom boilM in 1H71 ho would have beeu loss likoly to HiifTcr Imai tho mitra-o Wbfeb has just baaa iiiHiotcd on his iirin. It is not, ofton that the Ncw-York ortranization of corruptioii and Qp.WaM-llla. hw BO toinpting an opportiiuity at onro to m i?o a rich Hpoil and to tarenga UaaU upon ? witness adaa baa axpoeed Ita abaaea. WbHa tba custoui booaa ia conirollod by partf aaeka< we may cxpcot it to be iillcd with extortiom'is. Wbfla it is inani-M'd for parli.san pWrpOaaa. WO inay c.xpcot it to bo used as an instruniont for earkhiag parly frietids, i>uni-liirij- party totM, and awintf thoso who know too intich bltO silenoe. There is no firin in Ncw-Ymk whieh Sooa not ruti tho BBBM danp r whieh I'helps, Dodga .V Co. inourrod. Any iinpottrr who complains of extraYajjant itnpo.^.s upon enm iiit-nv, or MpOwM ronupti?>n aud __dflMMge inciit, may havo his sei/.ed hy a CbB tom-boaae a^-rtit and his business ovi-rhaiih'd for aay traaabar of feaia. I'n.lcr our eoaaplai UBtcm of Yalu.itioiis it will gO hard if miiiio apparaat img_-aWlty eaaaot bo dfaooTcrad, and iu any eaaa tho imowvrnirnros and dis /.Tare of tlio BlalBIT niiist onlail Kciioits loss. Wo laara thia aaaa t<> ili>' aaaMMeiattOB of tlio iin-reaniilo roininiinily?only i .iniiuli n? tlii'in that il' thoy want lo BBT8 s fi nn tlio fato of Mr. YVilliani B. Dadga they rofonii thi) t."u.^t?>ih-1m>us.- Iioui i<>.>f to ocllar; ;ind if thty want to ioIoiiii tbi I 'ustoin bo_UM tbey uHKt begia at WaabJagtea. 8FAM13B aiimks It is priidont lo rrn-ivc with liaiBft the Spaaiah aarara whieh cooaea t<> aa froat I.on.lon. Iben is in ].ti/-lainl a Btfoog foeliag of diatTOBl .<nd Bppoaataoa t.> tba BepahUo, j.nlly bn.nisi- it is now an 1 .;>illy bnaiisoof aa tndcfinite impwaaioB Ibal ii is not oeite i, -i'. etable. Tba aaaaa f. i Uag of oatd boatili y is ovidonl Bl oY.iy nunt on tlif ('. iilimnl. l.wii in the Ettrpabl i n t'.'S. ranKral oi Pnuiea then is tio fricadUoeaa toaraxd tba yoaag Bo |n iilif bc.vonil tho I'yict,,. . M. '1 Im-rs cvi d.iiiiy fecla that aa iatiaiate itdatioa at this niuiiirnt would bi- eOXOpromiaillg. W.'nn somo o:,i in mnvois.;linn v it!i hun ncontly nf.-ind to the Bpaaiah RepabLie aa "our jroctagea .-is M ter," tbe eantiooa and witty ald Btataanaaa rejoiiied. " Yea a jroangef aiatet who aaay " aoaaiblj coinmit somo iadiaaratloB whi.-h ?' will pn Yont tbe elder baa Biarijiug w/eU." Bat nowhcie is t!ns iiijitnous di.-tni.-l ,-o opt nly Btanifeated ai la Eagland, arben it takea an tbe fom of orert ayaapatby aitfe Citlisin. ln a tvotintiy whose chicf BOBBt il its oivil froodoni, wlirro ti-jiiiion ot tho inlltionce of tbe Catholir (,'hiinh i.-, r. nalional fbaTBflttT latiCi wo aee tbeeariona apectaele preaented of ariivo and oatentatiooa adbenoce t" a oaaaa \ ii li iiif.ins BKkthiag but dts|)oiisrn in tho Btata and nolliiiiF* Inu tili-itnantisni and blinil bigotrj iu the Chanha A Caittal CoaaBaittee is luliy atgaartaed aad ia opentaoa in tbeCttj of l/ondoit, eaBiagapon th<- peaplaal Bagland lor oontii'iu to BBB-Bt in ovoilh'ouiii'.' i*qrabUeaa fOTemaaeat and nHgioaa libert] in Sp-iin, and plaeiBgapaB tho Ihtono a yo n ? piii'fi- whoso inoilcl v.oild bo Phihp II. .1 ncaiij as he eaaJd be lap-ttdvced la tbe at a.-T. Their circolai is .1 nogolar appeal to ba addnaaed to a frt-o aad enlighteoed pfople. It atatea tbat Cbailea VII. -t] by tllO l.'lW ()f r-lll'l'i IBB-OB and the btW of inlioiitanr.', cntillod to the th.'oin: of Sjiain; that (ho abilication of King Aniii.lous has made tl.e \aoant and keft Don Carlos tba only legal ilaimant; that his arris-ioii would i-nil rovolution and tiiinult asd pioniote boataeaa. wbile the e? t.ibiishiiioiit of the Btfpt-btk would bring tho Iiitiinational into jiowor. lhoie Ls im talk ovt a of the poaolai cbotcei of tbe aatioaiaJ !? i .. ^t-utat: ui, and of tbat ordiii;iiy nui (hinory of politiea of whn h evon roat.ionary paiti's aro, in liiodtin timos, forcod to avail tbeaaaahrea. It is ? BtataaBe-a of the roral rij-ht t<> role, a eafaa an.i afaieen diailal of the popular rigbl ta deeide apao tho fona of Kovi-iniiii-iit; tahiag it f?r graated tbal thia dul! yoiimr j.'.'iillim nt, ou a.count ot t;is d-lpaat. in tbe Mla lino, fraa PbtHp V., ?? better titted t<? gareni tbe Bpanfa-tli tbaa ve tho SpaniardH liwBllBflTfa '1 hi.i iml.twftil iobaeriptkaj kooh on aadex tho v.ry ajrea of tho (.ovirnniiiit, it is only \\ithin a <lay or ut- hawo hi-tinl of any iiitt-t foraaee with it. It ia aownpatted that tho Be* pubiieaa Oonflaitteea in Loadoa have undttr tal ? fi tho proaeeotioo of the (.'arlirttn for this violation of laW. Thon- is a oortain imiBBQM litni'M in tbe laot tlu. only o.^.ini/.atioii whit li < (ad 1<1 be lotind lo atiaok tliis opon inonan hiral .'onspira.-y Bgaiaat the Repabbc in Spuin, should ho i.n open r.'pulili.'an BM hjuiaiy agataiaa the inoiiuri hy in Eagbiwd. Tba Pigaena i maiiiiiiiail befeowiaeBttiig* Klinir agaiflat teitihle ohataciea aud diaoe-Qr ogeaienta, Bnf it i by no aeaaj eertain tbat it is a? yot in il? BgOttJi Tho Cailii-th ar. clearij BMtUsg n?> baadwaja Tbe latoht int.'i ligenec is tbal Pxtaee Alfoaao Iihh gana baab into Piauaea v.itii Iuh aaitin staii, whieh would Lodleate tbat ba regaided tbe aaaapaifa in tbe Nt,ilh tis h laiiiiro. Tho l'Ydcraliot di.-ttith aitt'OH, tboagb they ani ii-iti'.iiily gntVU aml wiiniis pn.oi ot im i.itwhi.h aaaae Btata of pab Iii opinion, aif DOthian mw, and tln-y are not, roiiHidi-it'd BB I'linidablo in Madrid as to inaki- it ti.'ti--i-.ny to por-tptiiin the cb-ctions fm tho Conotitueot Oartea. Tbe aaJortinaate dis it'ti (-nn .it viiiutt iiiiHt' hiht areeb betareea tbe (Jovoinnont aml tho iVntianoiil CoBMBittaa oi tho Cortee, araa only a_al nigbi barebeea cxiictfrd, aml (tidnl in ihe oi,lv pnetlcabie wuy. Tlie oiisis ,iml its tengioattofl alhiiil a ustfiil nggaatloa to M. Thien foi tba period whitli is liipidly aiipioadiiiiK in Fron. h afUra. Tho lato ' oitt-s, 1 ki- the lii-nih Asminlilv, oeaaalatad m gnal put <>i nun who aren aaalli inonarrhirtlriund who only aoccptcd tbe Kiimblio from niriHr-ity. Whon th?y dirisolvod, they eh'i'tod ik l'orn.anrnl Cornniitlrt', noininally to ailvisc, loit n-al'y to wal^h tho (lorrnitnont. ln this attilmlo ol d.iiinatif Imr-tilny, it Wmi not dillicult to liul r.iu-t a lor CMtHaL Soiior Fipuerns lont hia wife, and mado over hia position as Preeideut .of the Council, pend ing Hw funcrol, lo PI y Margall. This wiib an irroK'ilarity, but one which C4 rtainly under tbe circunintniicaa aft'orded no JBBHI1B.1.BB. for the nction of the Peruiaiiont (niiimittoo in ptovoking a conllict. They eoiinied possihly upon forcing a resignation of tho Ministry and renewing it with mcmbois more in aeoordaneo with themselves. I'ustolar and Salnieron appearcd before them B__d aaked for an adjoiimmoiit, of 11 honr.-,. This WM lefnseil. Tho Governinent, thaa distinctly delied, took tho only meaHuros in their powt r, and by viituo of their Hiiprcine diserctioiary autlioriiy dcclared tho Pennaiient Committce nt an i-ii(3. It is hi.trhly probablo that we have not \11 hi-cn the last of this cxciting epUode, but it ll dillicult to pcrcoivo what elso tho Government conld have done, unlcsfl it had rcsignod, and thla Weald bo nothinj,' laM than disastrous in tho priacut situation of Spain. Until the clcetions aro over, tho, wolfare not only of Ihe I.epublie but of sockty itself is in tho ba-da of and his aKsociates, and their Ihst duty at prescnt i.s to see that tho Commouwcalth nceivcs no dot-ini.iit which they tan in any way provent. ar.S. GAUFIELIYS BAWM FAT. Ccn. (larlield's vindication of himself from any sellidi motive in votinff tor tho tncrease of Kilancs, though it Jb somowhat lato, is MM the leta (Ibctivo on thnt account. iie waited until tho criticisius al his course bocatne cl.iniorons in his distriet and thcn announotd the f.ict Ihat ho had tunied over tho entire tiiiioniil of his back pay to tlie Uuiled States li..i-iiiy. Not every ono will agree With Qaa. Catlield in tho arginnoiit he makes to justify his vote in favor of the bill, but no one who knows him will qiustion tlie pnrity of his tnotives in what be did. Ha nw the Appropriation bill, as ho th-tt-gba, s.-rioii-iy Mdawajeiad, and pn-ferred to vole foi it with all IIicm' o!.je<- ionable featurc. lalhcr tlian to make un c\tia -t -sion necesHaiy hy its di foa.. As Chainnan of the Coiuinitti??? on Appropriation s ho naturally an (-xaggor iitcil interest in the in.itti r. Ii iee_BBptohable to unpnjiidiced peapla aa the outsido that voliug dowii tlie BB indHj-g cb'i-tm would not have prevcnUd th* | lompt paBBBgaof auothci bill. Hut it is sin-.ular Ihat the pntis -ns of tho AdniinUiration, who BpeeJ- with such sevciiiy of the meniliers of ('i:i._rrcss who votctl for thia hill, and who took tlieir money when it passed, sliould give way to an indisereet i:n palae al boaeetj wblch, in lta __dkeet con.-e qneaeca, will lead theta to littlo leea th.m blasjiheiny. JI.ivo they _OTgOttCB whoio -_Bb1 Bd mado that iiieasure f>. law T whoso hand aad aaal took ;ill that bomj awt of the Tn-asury ? De they BOl n BhW b r aho piolili-d inu.-vt hy i; 7 As one huii'lied i-> to live, BO ia the nspoii r..ility of an An. u-t PetBOB Ife oom pared to that of tlie BTerage Conjrressman who pocketed bia eaab and an dI 1. aae. It may be s,tnl thnt thain WM _bf scrviee alnady paid for; btit iu the taaa of thia Peraaaage it was an laereaae of sulary for a teira ta which be bad iJraad] beea ch-cted, and ihat ia not law ful. lt roiitr.iiein i the ietter, and c< riaiuly the fpirit of the (.'oii-tiiution. We aro not hitrprisi-d to mo that a friend of Gen. Garfnhl, WlitiBf to a Cloveland papcr, iii>i>t-> upon this view, and d'-pier.ilim ;iny criticism of him as equally applio.ibh; to tbe Preaident, Bat we e.mnot aae the fOree of thia poaitiaa. We eaanoi see that the l'n idttit's exanple haa any longer any Biagk in shfcldinf: aWTOBf action. W'e c<>iit_'r.iltilatc Gen. Gai_e_d Bolaly ia ao far a.s bia action baa (lidercd baaa tbat of Gen. Graa*. rilE COM1SQ DANIBZ. I.ord Ilyron was not tho only man who wantcd a hero. In our time, at any rate, the vtiiiit of ;. heio is by no means so uncomnioii aa his letdahip Htipposcd it to be, in hie. Tha diligcot pei naal al aewapapen pabli-ahad out o\ Xew-Vork?allonliuff 11_jt!ifc on many d..ik placts, and tflBltht-t niany great truths w li ii h otbefW-M iiii;,ht eaeape our obai-rvatioii ?haa tatalji and with iiiiusikiI eni'ihasis, im piCBBCd opon our thotJghta the alllictin^ fact the 1 naa of thia city is ia dlre araatof ? htio in diiiniatic criticisii. It. hun.trt-rs, thiists, and piin-s for him ; it will not be COtafbrted tsiili.ut him; and what will hcfall it, unhss he presently makes his appearanci-, wo are afiaid erea to conjecture. There i??, it leatBI evidi nt, no po.-.iiiun occupied by niortal man whir!:, for ihe BadeCjablte aad suitiible piilorni anie of its dutii s, drinands a tithe of the EBOfal litroisni that is ncedfiil to a diamatie criticon theHew-Yoik Piaaaa i.iiciiis.Jiinitis, IfareaaHni tus, Ainold Winkclried, \\ llliain 'li 11, and ticn. WaahingtOBr-*eaeh in hn way B_a B-Ol-lij nia^ nitieent. Jlut there is I limit to tlie ondiiranro of thfl stoiitest huinaii virtue; and niither of theee WOftl-ata, W0 aro cntirely convinced, in the liK'ht thiit proviiiciil BOWapapera have fihed upon thh Kiand, gOrgeOBBi and terrihly teaapied vocation, conld baaa baaa ? Maw-Yotl diiiniatic critic and slill retaiind his moials. The coiiibiiialiou ol all of tliein, with peihaps an inftision of IJuintus Cnrtius, Williain the i .tii,|iieior, and Amlrew Jiickson, B-ight pOOB.* iiiy proTe eejaal ta the teat, and prerail ia the Btraggla; and Foi bim, acconlin^ly, the iiiitio pol.taii Piaaa longBa? aritb aa ardent apirit, iitd crii th, like ihe (hi-nilniii, with a coii .'iiual cty. It Will be peitiiittid, we fancy, to 'vcep ot. ciyinc for I KDOd w!n!e yi-t. This betO il H"t likely to t ui it up al once?hut, if he rvhoiild t ii iii up, what woiolcrs would en IMl IniatTtiiatiou fondly halts upon the sub linie I'ictuie. "I ain't ? goiag to hit, you,*' sitiil I liinly PffiOB lagbtllT tO ? stiiplinj,' who bad aazed him; " i?ut -riatBrawoadd you be if I "</.'(. hit you!'' lt il a Kolomn and awful imago that litM apofl us, BJ we hiiinlily strive to preliirurc thi illustrious career of this critical hero. He will be. p<iihapa, the greataet _aaa that erar liaecL JU t aniiot wt 11 lio taaa, Tho ordeals that coiKiont him, and to which, of contse, he will piove f-'tijii-i ior, will cxact tliat, at tho very leaata ikad what a booa it will be to I vn the Irutli lold, at laatj and th(> devil ]?ut iittnly (o ihaaael Ho, at any rate,?the Com in.-r Daniel, wo mean. aud uot the disconitited Satao, B?I i.reatly daro to say, and will s.iy ii Itnl.iit, that JoaBM is not bcautifnl ; that Bfowa'a eelahtatad ataga walb le ? lidiealoaaa rvtrnt; that Kobinson ouj:ht to nhavo aff his uiUBla'ho when he plays CharU'8 Sni face; th I Mrs. Hinith drops dccidedly many h's to tho ptjuaro in. h , that Miss OkIi-'h brazeii ciistom of wink'inir, al fOOBf btickl ia tM pii bltflaUy too bad; anl inaiiau't?!? DobbioJ would ahow hia Keime l.y i,ot tryiiirf any laBagBf to _M ou two atooli al oikc. They m stupcndouH utttr aiiti., BB do not de_J| but he Will make them?bt will mnke many Btoia lika them ? and he will do lt all rtith tho Wand simplicity of iiiiconsi'ioiiB vhtue, tho figoroua tnree ai profouiid conviiiioii, ;ind Ihe i-atidor of undc vi.uiii. rectitude. Aud tlieu. at lcuitth. tho I provineial Preaa will broathe \?itb frrodnm, for then ita lofty ntandard of eifie critirliwfi will he satiaflcd. ".Swift Uy the dnya, and rirto "tlie expected morn! Oli apriug to litfbt, " AuppiciotiR Ilabe, be born!" Meanwhile, iu tba intervul of pationt ?aitin*. it is tho ptaiaat eeaafoftaad bapidaMaatbMla nntiripato tho Gaaaing Paniel. 1'iilh ti, rriti (iiiiy BpeaJdagi opea dark dayij than is,phuniy, nnthinx loft Urt but the hlcgsed prifilege of this rosy hoffwa IIww daik thfse days aie, ln their ntter lack of huthful dramati'- oriti.iam, wo mi;'ht not, nirfhaBf, have fully reulized. but for the luiiiiiioiis tostiniony of oewapapea votichsat'ed to ua from tho BoeketB and Ttick etrt of ti virtuotis iutctior. Thoso BWeet _8> iiionibr.iiii'iTS, not petmittiBg thein-olves to fall a proy to concenlmont, have doac their duty, howevor, have spokon out their niind.s, have hhown Bfl at oueo our noiil and our refoge? and are are aawed. Wa umiorstand now--and we think the loeal publie Ongbt to iindi tataad it?that far too niueh BBB baaa BZpeeted of tho frail hnnian natiiro of drnmatie critioa. There'.. stieh divinity dotfa bedge about a Dulf or a l>aly, th< i-'s Meh un awful Klory doth enwraii a Wall.iek Of a llooth, thoro's Riioh a aeoiebiag radiaaee doth exode fiom a 1*. Ti Haniuii,, u Gkotga Woodi or a Uuii Ilryant, that no onlinary aaa should l>e roquired to speak of eithcr of thom in any other way than " with bated bn ath and whis " porod hiunblonfW Even II Mare Antony folt his peuiiiH to bo nbuked in the pn-sonoo of Caaail. bo do our dOOghtleat srribes fcel thcinselvci. to quako undor tho MgM gbUMI of a Fox or a Tony l'asl...r. Wi-ll inay they treinble! Woll, moreover, may they lie supine ?or in any othor way that will hiinjr. iheni ofl'I For, not only aro tliey thus ovorwln Inied by individiial fRataeaB. but they aro likewi.-,e Htunnoil, aml, || it were, dwarfod, not to 8.iy potriliotl, by the tCU-gaitade of tho topies upon whieh it is th. ir mission to think. If we have no able and hoiiest diainatie eiitieisui in Now-Yoik,at leaai aa have greafl Mton. Ii i-4 ;* laeeofgfaatii iad what eagapaarp-gaj dobat to take off the Lat of respect aml i-tep hiiinhly into tho fOttOX of bicuiily, nheu ho boholds thcse " Lecda of baaaaa kiml paaa hy, Pride '* in cach port, dolianco in i ,.eh . ft /'' Tbat this is what ho doos do, at any rato, our coun try fiiemls aro eoiivinceil?and ht aro not ;,'o in_; to deiiy it. IIo.v eould wi?romoiubi linj,' tbe trowaeta. tbe pateat leatbet boetBi tln> bloade WigB, and tho inast.T-pieoes of Woilh thal h.ivo BO ol'Lon biwed Bl dOWB into the tlu.-t ol liuinility ? Ho? eould we?roinetn beriag tbe aoodnaa aeiiea of plays, la whieh tbe dullars aad tba adaltftoaa paatfaaea of our population have bo?>n revealcd only less cl. .it 1 y than the stupondous forec ol the native dia i.iitie brain of tho periodl It is aot to be detiit'd. Tben ia do way out of it. Tbe aaan we tliink of it the moro our aostei gtowa that diaaaatie eritiea ia this BBetropoLia have suivived at .ill. Uut tbe CoioinE D.ini.l, when at last ho f0tl to jodgmeat. will ebaage dl this. For him there will be DO t.rior la t-M runantic oyo of Mr. Beoth or tbe toautatk exe-glaaa af Mr. ^'al lark. I.'imioved wiil his im-di'ative glaBCB n-|M>so upon the slender syunmtry of Mr. Dulf aml tba aaaton taagaiftceaea and -t.itoly part ?f Mr. D.ily. lhatity 8DaD DOt nnlt him to coiiipa.--.ion. m-ithor idiall ajold t< mpt him to turn tho ligbaaiagi of his rigbtoaai iad stit?k-eonsiiiimifr wrath. He will l?e an al.le-1'.nlied Daaielj aad those chests of treas ure wtiieh myal nian.iu'trs and atiiiferotiu ",-tn-" now depoeit, with Sttiag eoateaipt, at tho doof of evory Now-Yoik diainatie critic aloag arith his atoraiag toiln and .hatiij.ion shall toss batk, with lofty aooro aad aitb tbe eaae of tiie atiihto. Ha arill baaCritkal Dero, beyoad all quostion, and WO hotido the DOW IDCe of Polain aad Baeri llieela. doBtiaed to abxivel iu his nfalgeaee. Next Thursiiay nill ln- tlie First of M.iy. PflCBBOat pt-raiuii tlu dfaadfal laaatiaa?To brovbvob not to move? haaalntady haaaaaatlad. Toaonail isstill apaak Xa Ul then will aow apaaai botbadaeaaa aad boaaty ia tho ott tamiitL One old aaw tolls us tn "ltt wrll aliiiit'." aad aaotbet iBtfaaatea tbat "a rollini: atooa gatliera m.iimss." BtraofatoMfa tlio highast pi'ftic phOoBBfbj and tli.' st everj-tlay st'iise aro Bgned on this potot. Bhafco* Boaaie'a ilaw!>t _? plaialj i f etrinioo tlmt it is bottet to "be.'ir tlinse ill.-we liuve tliau liy tO otlicrs that wa know aot of j" an.i poaalaf Bzperieaoe diattaetly di'i'lares agaiaat juiti|>in? "out of tha hyjagaaa inti) tba Bn." V7a an ttoi**}! afpaaad ta all aadaa enrotiraKi nient of tba ripinity Bl l.iml! rda. If Iba t.-tmr t aoaa hia patb elaaa to tha betastiagaf hia eniitlitioii. by all uif.iiis let him "tabotbeiaatBBt way." ITioaa ho-aa-lotaaia. ia parttealar, it aaaaaa cspi t-taiiv di nxabloto dia-oonge. wha BanaaHjrio eiea-e th-'M'lit of ait-Mil.iiio by ahotit tba aaaaof BRBaej thoj liiioNv u wooldeost tha tcaaat togat hia feada tnosported toaaow ttnrtwtTj, iu ean ba ihould dotenaiaa to ilit. They ar.- ot tba paaaiioua and trit ky kiml, and it i_ alwayrt aOOa-fort to dis fiunlit thiTQ .inti tn BM thcin tli-. .itnlitetl. NOT-XahO* li-ss, tO 80B8BB8 who lin.l s 8T0B tolonhlj will hitu.iteil, lt ia not had 888-088) whieh laoOBB* Btaada th.-ni to otay aa tbsjr an. Oaea aattlad ina (l.-ifiit IMighbothoodi tba Nrw-Yorker tnnkes a mis take if h>> 8T0f 808888 out of it, provitlni). he 088 stay wlieit' ba La aa aadanhle coaditioaa. lihania notiiie IBfiOO without ita dtaadTBatageOl aml in the ni.itter of disadvantages tbero is a Bamcneas ijuit.' ineti'iipiilitan all ovor the t ity. The ei>ekrn;it h of \Vt-?t Twenty-tliirtl st. inay I.e a .-hado Ughtav than Ua hn.ther of Kaat ltrtimlwav, tlt--e.ini. .1 I1..111 ? ti.iviiiii piegaaika *>r toajl-Baatieal aira aa tha eontigaoaa itaeka; '<at, tiirty browo or -able, ba ia ?> aotaiaawb at-lL Aa for a-aaaaa to the oaaat-y. wba intend tocontiniie WOtkia| in NowTOffc, they BBV8 an evpeiience iaaton b>whieh Ifaobothli MOBiaea not lotitl but th-t'ii" n.iii.l alone do jiistitr; .iinl to thoae, accordins'l)', thev an- i.t.-n.-tl. Ahoatayaaaaga Iba Eaaigiatioo ClOBBaaiaaaBaon rodnoad thahaad ta>. aa iaa-aigraata baaa $- M t.> gl M, Their exptn-ii's h.ive r-iitee t tuiiplt-n 1 v n-eil np khaa-aaU (aad thaaooUaotad, aad they now tum the Legialatan te raatan tha t-i< ta tba aaigiaal ainoiint. Iben an ao raaaaaa arby tbt. haad iii.iiiev hhotihl I.e inere.used wliirh tliil not e\i.-t ba fnio tha ndoatiooa Iba aaaaaBahlp eaaaaaaiaa ti c.nise ehaiga this laeiaaaa to ataaraara paaBohg-aaj aml it tlnts lieeoiiii-M B t.i\ npon iiuini^iatton. Any 0-888088. B8 rontemphif eil, 81-11 08 altito-t eertaiti to rodaoa rathat tbaa Laaaaaaa tba laad. Tba paaa ai t.i\ tiiiMa -tiaBMhip eccafaaiaa to laad inaaaatfata winretbsn ia m> kead money abaiaada As ? praof of this, tbo twoCaaaidandaa last we.-k _adad their iteaaaga paaaaagai-. to tha aaaahaa of IA9X\ tt l!,.-tnll, whi'l. t li>-. ?'!'' admittOd Ire- ,.liul tlie t'ubi, whieh landad aJ tanagart, braagM only tao itaaraga |i:i?i-iuiTrt. The propotod inenviac will i>osaihly itiilure o'.lifi "t ?'.itn-il ip 4-o ORPaoil - lo toiiih nt B08 tou, nB tha haad aaaaag oa ixicli tnp will B*/exage fiom g'J.uoo to f 1,000. . It is chiefly in eoootiy TfltafM thal tba eU s'ib.-itaiitial bellef iu food atronu dOBot of BaOoieioa, aii.i iiiauy of theaa, holda tona. Ia tue dtiaa than nrn tiiilnn_s witli tiny hoaioopai-. gtoOOJaB, with all BOfta of b.iths, und ' lle.ilth I.1T1-." and ebaagiogl oi au ; atul tlio ?etropolitaB nit.tiier Kcnprally tblnlu twloa before iha ioB-l t.- tha lutt.nn -4 of iliiih.uhor thi'de?|).iirof cuator-oil ni'oii her liifatifa. Not no la lt iu aliudan. Ttuirc IU.< ira.Iitioiis of itarn aml Rllopathio Bnc< atori are itill honoini. Ataoahiai bMtaaea <>f -hta laaMagwaa rovealodina diitaut villago. Tho ciccUout arthodox parr-nU.f a ??ua? f.iaUy r-t.: ?H ft%m cbtin h oae nvi-nins in iinia to bear one uf >%m ohildriii utu linx aouikda add'h BbBBad U> tkaaj la fort'lxid. croup. S-i/.iriu a larnpaiid the moat ?a pliaiutnl i.-K-dicirirv thef ha... in the hooao thei liurrii-d to tho room whnre tlm?a? HinaU la^y,, |^ wrappa-d tiie.ilrain-ri'-a of tlo-rr rainchua abuut tl.ea. 21.-..Viii?? anataral diataata f<>r ajadiiiaa iiotoitaec Uift tline would ik 1/0 ha had tbe aliifliUat ac4|uaintan(-.<) with < roup. With lait tn tlip)ir .. irn. their duty, aud thrir nu diciue, tba ttiixioii.-. pare.nta h>-ld tha lir*t Imy thej , ,,nl I , yA aild __lr.lltilsta.ru4l thi dMadfal ti'lpVH. 1 ii. y in__ p-tired baaa tbe nd r i-U' . .md it wax not oatil tba ne.xt ui.Ji'iiiiiur tliat tha-y ii, __ivi-11-4] th , i at?a- .,f th* gaapiiit/ aml oi-uio baJwll af l.tu-riiti r ahiefc wer* audihle fi-.iin th. ioralid'a chamlx?r after thair *?. ipaajBimaee. Twaa oaly ihat tbe i*.> who Wi tb* trierJii itio and th<- bef wh > had tho croup were taa BaBat?B. und BBJBB-BB. >' Thu Ifaaaasra Oanteernta] Bxeeatire r <nmittbw liiivn an iiniii'-iih. aaaeting iu the 1'inl u'aiphhk At.'i'l.iiiT. bI whi.'h there were eevrraJ loaaapeei <* aml a r.-jK>rt. ____?-tiu- af laal Febreary thef h.iv.-1 ,;i.'. tad tbraac- PhUaaVabjNal t war.i nmam. Uttpajno. Tbejrwaea Bftanrari laritrd _ytt?* I .' CuaaaalBBaBa-'a Biaaatl I . ??r\0 <Tt< nd th.-ir w.iilvov.t tha flrhala ftata 11 Peaataefb vittii-t. Thi- haa baaa aaaa, aal tawaaa ?'. ?? . tiaattbe BMtterw-tl laaat lateteat, N 4 aaataat with thia, tba -taBJunittae vr.- begi iaroka tba aid of v. oaaaa ka atbet BI ? J a.,r_ to h*> diiiie is, we hopa it Ib Maraaiy aee - tn theabtaiaiagai w-aataripti-ana to th? atoekof th* Centennial Jloard of PlBBBOn J be exbibl f weaaaa'a wetk aiO ba a featara uf _;,? ('i':it.;nnial eelabration, ;tu<! v...ii.i iKwuiui-a ar* apoeially deaircd to int ?rt-tthouiM-lvori in tbt indar takiliK'. Tba PltBBa- ut ol tho Wiiiiii, -. 1.. (Viinii)ittci' writis um taeak tha-i-iai tha ?'.in'iial Now-York in duly ce lelin.tinir; our n:n vcrsary. We taha pleaauie iu peaaeaiiac tbe BkBaaB lothe ron.-ideratioii of tha wirnm ..1 BU - Aiiic.iiiiiii wBBBeabaaa aa eqaal Inrtaf - i pri.h: in a roiintry ii'.ltle aad afBaBa_B| iu Baitl <>f her BffflBa They cotild nol h.-t'.-r -h,.* their Intexaat tbaa -BbeapiBg ta ?Bba aaurOaateaa oial iiii-riK.r.ilili-. 1 BB atlilr'-as of tbe I'r.-.-i.l.-?t. Mra. Iv D. < .iS'.hj.i.-, |fl N,t. _.,"? S. 1 w.-iit.v-tirs '..?>:., i'l,,. _ dtiljihia. _ tfn rlirad aa daih tbatthtrttaairl Uarbl h. lund. a wn-t' l.i rJlittle ten y.-ai-old 1h>v. i ?- ahaaflt t?:tr<--f-w,? ?.|, driftinjr hhaig Detiail ? i' laal wt< i:, arafl BBbad abeea Ub htbea 'm-<. " i reaptxided tba youiu. gaatlaaaan. amiably. " W ? your ni'.flier T" " Kun nwny." 1 B BO wr.l Mt ttTiocutor expreaaed ajtaBBk-lbra-.a-ialaaaavvaai ibel ka (aal Did thia _tataatiaacl l.l i .^* Iii.. ry<- of Wlftflb N.-n-itsilitv Bt thtfl tpBCarl ' Ko; bianature r:in in hroadt-r, more btimauitaiian ine arti.-tic ebaaaeba. Hia jaatbatB*.aable < 1 irh.wrd BBd lillihl.Ii.d, iiltti BB Ul 4 plajradapaa his baa, Tba Baa -t.-w. of liis crtr.y y.:us, BBd t.n.l.-r BBrticip ftiturc, Bat-tgiad iu Miiiie. L-raieaon f ".'"ti Mt ot it," BBilalaaai tbie brava boy, "th. rarapia/ai tMtaabiaxaat BtRaa b-aaaesi Baaatb jott - al la t -Tiiiiii- reak-Biblai ii-r lu-tw.-.-ti thia trut--!ieart.'d fOBtb BBd tba !'?? -- '!:il.l, who, on bcini; told tliat bia l'.ttli.-r v .,; a .-.:i. i.ur-t into t< .ir.s, n-iuaikiiii,', "I.e hatl rn> Lral jai-k-kinfo with him'." The Co!' :iy of Vi'itOfli i baa - lik.-wiM- laeal <koauaittai - ai laapaatieaa Tbal -baai m'in>. 1-. bn iiiitli-r th ? ni',,. brilliaal tad - eeaaaial sijii-iini.-nilrii,'.- thaae rejiorta of tho caiiinttt)* ni'-n attt-st: Vt-.teil thu a.hool aml fmin t Bajeeeal M4tblR0 i ot.ii.y Mialliirr aml ta UkB lat-aaaaMliOB flal j-i vvilu wl.l* I here .oitv.-mt willi. r-ea the laeal rtMaaae vi-tr-4 thia aehooi, aml foiin.i p.-aciit '.7 ehlMrea asd r-mll app erenrt v .-r, tkina -"' on aU wriariit aml Mr.-kh'cii i u> a.l |i irtij. I have rbla il.iy vlatled tho aclioll. well Baakaflaaesa. arral laaproTeaaaMit. Waetea tba aaaaalj ver.-y haa ear. aBBaa aBaaaa ati'-'-. VB orj the school, found all ln poo.l onnlar Uld | 011 W. rl. Viaitod tlio Bi'hool, which \ found In n-n . .vr,ir,-i.-al Stilt'.' M'.ilo a vi-lt to aeboeli everytblnj? tn jrooJ Bl MT, but a ti ti -,<? siiirin i.iii-1-le. Vi-'l.-.l tlio-4;a.iol, .'riiranlcaaioa verytnl:;. t i-n BilU to aliort. _ \Vo l.itvo fnndly tliontilit ti.i_' BObadjBBaldbl ' tl pnuiri.t. moi'- BBTiag. than tha Daiibaq i bi araa, not bataBBBaMlaf MU mUma$mofm aaeaab ta aainl Ul tba uii>.-?ioiiari.-s, kind.y sent hia r -.nrilr -BflB8Bflk itut ba is BBUraaaaed bp a, b i aa 11Waitb, aii'i a suh-tHiittal abBfth faflflf 'I B? BflBfl at, dtt-BJ si-rcnely iu b-Bpaa tlio otli.r d:i>, WaaBBad m Ibfl i Dii-icitiiisness of \ irtut*. ctishions, ,i:id -immI tlinupra, ?raa hunii-div BddinaB-d bf aa Baajaaeal t', wha, baTiagtoleuvt the ebarehahmptly, latraatefll M_ with tba bbbb of one ihtMir (at the eontribntiaa mtt, The frifiad departeil. tbabaa .ifpfitrt-.l an 1 tlifnthi* pillar, this contii'ii-iititin of wlnt.-.l n.-pul- h.-ra and Paet Kirhartls, ha.>tily r.t iirinal. unopflflM d, ln. mi porti-monnaiotohisp.M;ki-t.aiiil lepeaitai biBfttlBBfl iiioli.-V in tha baz with.-aluiti.->t.-ntation, a* ..itin4-.-a of a BObbl duty nobly done. Tlie Chinesi-. ,1','t hflaBBt of be*Bf tbe only pavipl* baTing " to be I ?.inimued*' repris.-iitati'in.-. op >u _M rtagr it will taka i"ur bbbbbi ataaiaBa t'> paaaaai w.i-nt-i-'s iii-w ipen_j "Th" Uagai tbeIfibearaaaaBa" abiebieto iii>j? m-xt year. Meantiiiie th.'crB P"S'r is lN-BtattBf B-BBBt Gerinany ajatbafing Ufl tami n.iiis toi lha tir.-iit f.i-tit. They wil! no* baifj tno bbbj atinie, ii aa may ba_ia~a ahal bbb <f tbaa s;iy>: "We uckiiowlctUo Waiiner as a i'Ut c.oi jutst r, hut we ran't f. tl tho BBth-BBBaB fli *t? aa .lit-iii e, foi bagtaaaaaaa; tt Li bbm l..inf, UiM ruit. (lassi.-iii Bttaia f"r aa Ba la ___adleai aa violin-uind voicts!" 11 i -? eii.'tine.i >ay tlmt bfl "*? aaaaadal laaal aakaelaatb bf tba Baaaie arbiabtaaata voico coiitinually .-traiii- <! at a painful pil< li. Sonicof our nittsieal BBBatB BiaBBIwTJaBtbaabBall h-tters beaaa List aaaa,aaal one aaaa __-daaaaal wnrd ta >.i> for tba hor.v-t ar i-ondutors. wlio appeer to bo aa a iala vt-ry (ar aafljaftOB bhthaae rariaabaal lha ?aaeifla that are tomai la Baataa. In v.e'.i-ord--re-i N.-w-Vork, iie.or.lni;: to tba oliri'-rvistioi! "I to1* wriU-r, iioImmI.v is Bttawad to stiiad on tbfl W*r% laaltaa are polit.-ly " hel'ie.l, not i-hove.l in." thaBa-Bl Bl every stn-et israllnl BBtha BVpa__aaVBBBBI? earrietl lievoml ott.'s BfatiaatitB. aad tba eaaatmml of tba eoiului tors is sii ina:ked " it niakfa B ati___fljardarTt)atiywiab icaaael the !..-t.m laflaaf i-iiiiipaiiiea wonltl itiip.ut a.lo-eu <>i ?> aa an exp*0 iiii-nt." W? hcaitilv j. ;ii iu tbal 'M.-h-proM 1'd w* may have tlie ,>; i\ i!.*-'<- ?! Belat la| lha ?!"' meo Wee.ntiuue to of 1. i- * itii.l the iiiii-i.ui.e i.4 pataaaffaa ba aaaaaat Ibal *? tbinb it Bbaald be abatad bj awpe bind -i I ti'Ui. bliaal>tana Leritt, bU-_Ii ar,Waakeaba, ''"?? baajaai, bj tba rd "f ? l?iy, takaa IMllaal ? M,tiii-(',i'!.r. we.tlihv wil-.vv. r .: ? : ? ?? ?' ?**? tba ebaate Dtaaa bafaaa '?"? at_aa traaal ? <' *'?''?*' d-uaagea.bat tha ____aiatbaaatal i"r> f-"1"1 *""?? tha thiik-r Ib taaa llfbt, altbaaitb there waei ??? || ma s.:.t h> lur tetbe Balaada hba itvowed tbal ba bad "aaaaad l_wle*iBBaai BBOafh to run a .suiitil-si/.'il irrnl aUIL TheprefeniatnralMh.itp:i.' a ef a Sl I Imb.aiijahlaf aftbeHml ?rbiab ae ?? ??' l-_'l__* ile h.l.l in e\'-e ll ""i Bf .1.:'*t B BB Bl I- Bf ? ,,'r' ' Bawatted until d-Uaaaac f.?r taa laeata baJ ??? pi.ue.i upou tba tabla. n,^ tbaa bIbbpU li> ??*' Ihe di iner, ol"S.-d tho dlBJBf laOBl .l."'r*. aD'l r* tis.-.i to aJinit aaa alaalt baapi pi.^,u '" J! ualaliljaab-aaat X-bwi baaa _aaa aa ?*___ rowtatbal aotel Poi bia Uttla flilart t>0(!^u piopnetor BBBBWad him. ladflkf dainaBtw *t #-'? UB poopleof (\iloi.i.lo w.-n't, a.Iuiit that ll"'x* any aaaaaVVe eomlort or ixivm i"' mim'hJ\^, dou't poaatMiri. Aii lataiaitiaa aad toaieilaaai'**aT eniorcxanilnintfthe Baraaf tbal iBa^aa, aafdF^ tiuib.iiBiilliiiiB nlii^ "? W"H ,u**n,";.b_, "aoap rae._l." luuajcjtxutl.- nakliig *hv !' *f ..^ -1.1 eettler mUdl) tT?iT*?lrd t ?? bba baiaaar II baaa Uttla baila af ara tad bbbj' ?_ thruugh ihccu-juier lot'tha ct>nveua.utj-td r^ai*-*