Newspaper Page Text
v^-XXXIII.N* 10,007. NEW-YORK, WKDNKSDAY, jiPRIL M, ira.-TRIPLK SHEET. PHICE FOUIl CENTS. ALBANY. aaa RFPORM RESIalCT] ATED INTHE SENATE. gCTTINt. IKIWN THK t'OPT OF PRlNIXNt.?SEVKNTT FIVT TIHUSAM. IMU.I.ARS PTRWK. 0B9 IN' A HIN 4JLK DAT-BO MORK aUO) bOOgS roli lIUiK DlS* TKH.ITtON. fWaOU IlIK KKt.ttaR\X)KKEarOVT)EBTOr,TlTB TRfBrBF..l Ai-Hany, April M?1 he BaBBBBi did a good piece of work thieiiiormnit l>y loppingolTat tme.blow t?.V BtX) from tbe printing expcuaea of tlie State. Tho coatof pTintiiin ior the year endmg on the iVth of fJeptemU'r l?8t, wa* $;m.:.43; aud for the year BBBr tpedinp taBMoB, flt more than donble what it wae ten feare before. The Red Iiook rtaolution waa bi>t *iiepoe.>d of. and the atlverw report of the Coi.iuntteo on IVintii.K. oi which Mr. Bovren if Chairroau. ?jiaflBjai without a diwwntiiig voioe, The report.s ?gaiuat printing tlie traiiaactitms of Ihfl Americaii Inalitute. .vtato Aerirultura. Soriet.v, BateoflbtMod ioal Sotietv. llomeopathic Medical Society, anl 8taU- Mcilieal Society. w<re adopted Bf BBfflJB major itiivs. In 4 \41. aaaa Mr. Winalow made a moti.ii to ?aaasaaataar, whien wn* aaaai flataiBt, tlma making it iBBflBBBBalalfl to bring the trobject up again. Tbe pruitiiig cotitracla ?)f the t?Uto aro of an oompli" atcd ni.ture, whieh roakc* it im g4a98ible to aeicertain the tliurgo for any partimlar tieok. There ih. tirat. a oontraet for the whole of the BdJ and for the BBB of tiafl let ci aature. at $\H,(4a. ,t year. Tho wholc ptoti. of tho BUt-c pnntera 16 derive.l from the "txtra" work, extra copiee, cV-c.. part of which work la pai.l for ut mt eified rate*. and the reniaituler at whatcver pne.-s ihe pnntem may chooee to flBBBgc for litliopi.tpltintr, mapping. extrapap. r. binding, &<?'? In partuula:. Ttuy bcavy BaaahtBJBfl bavo been made in times pa*t by Weed. I'araoris tt Ot*. f"r litriop.-a.diink', plate B>rintiug. Ac aiuountiuK, in inim.v ct-s.-s, U. down right e\t<.rtion. Thc Utest UDbIb tbe Controller h offirc froin whieh any information BBBI Bfl dcriveil Bfl tothe aaaaal aaal of tbe priutingof the book>aUive deacrilM.l ikflord tbe followmg tiguree: Jt>d li.-ok. . i IxAiaitttivc Mimat.tva.iWf 10 Aunci ?? Keport, "extr.." eharg. Hameopatiili afed Bocietr. ??extra" ehargea... Kettsetlc afedti al Botlety, ??extra" cbargea. a.674 ?.*> Sia nt*. "extra" ehargea ... ... JUiieriCiii flkBiltaln. "extra" charxea. K.093 PI T-tal.?69,aT3 97 aVM tar ihiX'p. vvra|i|>. rv, poatagfl and ekpreaa tllATglia UU AlHJH', p-tul Bf tha MuU', Pi?>. 6.000 00 Total.166.273 97 Tlie ahove lmhidea no enirnate for the proj.onion Bf tBfl tutUPJB BBlll under tlie gt neral contr.ict for prit tiny. tvbicb o-itrbt t'i bfl clian.".! fieaitiHt taBBBfl iaokB. The (hatpc for BM BtMkfl in f?r th.-sc or d.-red by tbe l>glalatara of 1871, aml paid foi bj Controller !IopV.u>? in 1VT2. Tbe Htionpot rotfl in tkVI aT0_ priutinj: any of tbe books w.'tv. for tha r. M'lutii'ii rftlatiilf t<' tbe rapOTl "f tite >t<?t4. Agricultural SiK'iety. Thc lollovviiiK is tbe vot. BB that rcolutioti .i>einocrats in italict): Fok ritiNTiN.p MaaBfa. BUaa, Baker,ChatBelta, Cock. IlarrviM.i. L alB, Muryhy, O'lirun, Scoufhy, BfeM maioi, J. Wo.nI?ii. Ai.ainm I'iiimiv.;?Mce?rp. Adarn.?, Benetlict. Tlowen, lAkBter, tiraitaiu, Joftnson. 1/oorv, Lord, M< ', Palmcr. Btibertaon, Titmann, Wa*toer, Wiuslow, 1?. r. Woad, W,"iim-16.' vi t<- waa tBkt_t, Mr. I>. T\ Wnod cx elaiiuetl tbat the Agricultiiral Smiietic- already re eeivtyl jrifts from tlie State .?imoiinlinc to 5>"J?Ua.lO a year, mo>t of which went to Ihe Stat<- Sotietv, Il public in. nev vvai to bfl e\[H'!iile(l in this wav, it would bt) it' ever> vt.n' t<> trive thc c.?rll - ?ai tbe ino'i.-y ai.ii let tbtfaa taka riiaiL-.-of fh. printi: When leMolallona aiaiHaf an llioafi TOttfl dotm to day wcr< l>-f":. tln Scuate lafltt JTBBI tlM pro\ i.-i,n.s foreop 8IB and reporterK w.-re strut k out. and tbe reMlntiors pp>*?c<l by a vote of 17 to 9, ap. followH 1?' 1:101 rjt.- ui iaVtaatf] .' Vm Mrarrt fl Bew (!"'t. B rbatiiciii f'ofi, i;r:!iam. Johmwn, Lewtt, Palmer, B ia , 1>. P. Wood, J. Wi'i'l, WixKli: B*TB aiarMBBOBj I ktaVT, il.rrower. I.ord, hoWtTf, lifi.i.waii. M.tuii.i.. Bolaarlaaa, KtMnataj*-^. ?!i. ()U(>tloII of PfiOtataJ tlM t , "l the Anicri.-an InHtitutc. Therewera two vuifMiioic 111 luvor of printintr the tlomp.s ol the Atirn ikmal >.a- lety. Twclv S<autton wlio voled l.u-i \' .1 it. l.ivi.r ol thia BraBBpfl oi tbe i.ublic iaf it thi.-i MeaBBrB. Adams faster, .iciu.soti, lloOfrwaiBi I'aJmet. Um|? 1 (.,,[,, Wapner, ?\Yinnlow, D.P. Woad, WotKllIi. Ml. II iTTOWer, WhO vnteil tafBailtBl prilltllip Utet j.a.'. \'!t<l loi it thip y. ar. The t -tuiipai i-on ip aufle BB thc voU; upon piiutiLiK thc Agiu uituial ReiKjrU. The Ki?t of tbr tnatter in einl.oilie.l Ln Um KBBBIa. ?i S uatoi 1?. 1'. WikhI ! " If theise tloi uuieiit.s an- BB aatful Bfl Ubtj BN IttjanM BtBtl BB bfl, it is not BBB BB ttry Cflfl thc siate t<. i>init tln aa. Tbey will be pmittyl nt tbe expeaaa of the jKraone frlabtDg to tnake use of tbcin. IIIr. < rKia.M ?.F LKOISLATION. BaBBaUag 0B IIK (HAKIIK Sl ITI.KMKNT?1 IltTIIKIt AM1M.MI.M>. ri'.OItiSKD?THK AN.MVU. B0a*fLf BBIIi Crfkl r.u.-wui:iir.s ki.viuk?i?ei "i THK TKMllKASli PaWflB IN TIIK StNATK? AN.-IHII. UVtBPIIOBaaOBl ORHEKED? A.NNKXA TI.IN M MMIUBkBeRSa lOWNS- S1I.NOK ll'.l LATION. JPI.I.M A BB IIAR C..hkK-l "SI'I M oF TIIK IRIIifvr.] Axbanv, Apnl afA?Tba hill explanatory of a rejiealii g pi,.v i.-ion of tbe New-Vork C'hait. r, wbil li ptAstswl tha N-nate l;u.t .-vening, waa (onctirred in by Bbfl Aa-ttabif ohia moniing, and immediaUly tta/iv entted t<i (lnv. Dix. who proniptly ailixtid his tafBaV tureto it. Ihcbill NfaMllg Controller (ireen to pav the palaty nf ('..iiiitiiv-i.ticr Van Ni-rt from tbe lat of Jannary laet aa iixed by the Board of Appor Loiiuient itKMjOOi, w? alsu concuiTed in by tln Aaacmbly, aud baa been aigntai by the Governor. '1 bc Charter will he signed hy Gov, I>ix to-mor tow. Apmhiii ae it bceomee a law a aupplemenial bill will be iiitrodu.ed, making oome necesaary BBflkflBBBBBaaBfta Bfl fhe ebarter as pasaed. Among other tbingp. it ia lound tbat tbe tbarter, aa it now readn. fltiaflBpBBae BaeyflBlf frt.m taxation in theCityof Ni w-Vork tbat la not exempteal by general lawa. Tlua will. ut otl a large number of iuhtitutiousthat bave la-411 cAeinjiti tl at BM tinn- or ansliier by spe ciid i' tmenta, and compel ibem* to pay taxeg. huch a proia.pitton waa made when tbe Charter V4_i op for disciiaaion, but it failed to aecure tbe aaaaaf of the BaBaBjBj and yet, by g clcncai niistale, it ap Jeettra aahlit .iip paaraed. There are alao a number of verbal amendmenta oeeeaaary to lie made. and which will be incorporated in the hupplemental biil. An attt-mpt will doubt leaa bc ma.l. vhflB the Supplemental bill comea np Ior tbe Hif.on of tbe two Houaee, to insert other Ba-ettdtoents attecting more important proviaione of tbe Charter. Among them, there w lLl probably be a atronif eflort to m>ert a < latiae making tite ofh . ,? Controller eleclive, the aaoie aa it waa before the Tammany Ring Charter. It will be a hlow aiouxl at Controller (iu-* u, whoae preaenee at tbe head of the aranance Departtaent appears to cauae great annoy ance to a certaiu claae of people. Tbe Aaaenihly took np the Annnal Pupply M_ _a aapeciaJotderat 12 m., aud diacnahed it uutil the aeeaaja, diapoaing of 5 out of the 30 pagee of tbe larintedbtil. A few amall additiona were made, ?BBong tbeiii an appropiiation of $1,000 to erecl a ?*oaua?ei.t over the grave of CoL Ellaworth on ihe b^avaeitheHudaon, about 10 milea aboTO Troy. Gen ItatthelleT advocat?_l the apprepnation i?nd aaid that f.4ijfj0 had been aubacribed by private par tiea. and?.bemonnment waa eomplated and ready for dehverj. but could not be erocted nntii aa addi tAotialt 1,000 waa gnpplied from aome aource- and ba tbonght tbe 8uto of New-York coold well aflord totVAAvkc uptbiadeticieuey and aid in honoring the ?rat martyr among the commiaaioned offieera who feU ia tbe late war for the Cnion. He atdkted iuci oaBBtBbBy in hia reaaarka that the father and mother of afMaaafBBBlhwfJtBaahBin?ifi8^^ Cettgty in poor rircurairtnn.ea, and were very anxions to Beo th... monumftit om ted ovcr tho grave of thoir son. Tbe apprr?|Tiittion patw *l without oppfiRition. An item of $8,000 to pay tho aalary of T. C. Upton, Inepeictor-in-Chief of f-team Iloilern, aud hiB clerka anil a-tsist-'kiit-t, WBt utriiken out after a Iwir din cumion and the oflBce, aboliobed. l'rovinion was, however, tnadc for p.iying tho Ralarv and BBBBBBM of i.he ofBc- up t<i tho prcHcnt timo. Au iUm af $.,H00 waa addo.1 to pay niemlierB of tho lant I/ejriu lature their $- ptg dioui allowanre for 14 days nf tho Kariaaafttaaaa UIUbbbbi of procecdings f?r ,n' peaebmeut. C. U. Cornell Vbill for tho pntmpt pnniahment nf profcssional thiews, pit kpocket.s, hurglure, Scc, canio down from tl,.' Senat*. with uiiirn|x>rt<-iit ..mondrnentfl, whirh woro roncurred in, and tho Ufl wa* rwnt to the (iovemor. Tho hill authoriziiiK tho t it.\ BbgBaraokM bgBBal of Nwain'n three-tior rail ro;nl w.itt imle.initely potttpontd. Tlio Supply Ufl wae rnade a upeeial order ajntin f<?r to-morrow moming, imniediatcly aftcr tho rcadiug nf the Jnnnial. Tho ppocial t.rdrr in the Senate, this evoninjr, waa tlie- Laeal l'rohihition i*i11. whirh lia* aln .itly pgggad Um Asarmbly. Thf Senate btitip in CominitU'e, iitnl th.- iiill harlag been nad Utroagb, Mr. Ctat movod :,ii .'iililitituiiil H-1'tii.ii, tbal nothinp in tho aet nhouhl ba ao ihbmIibib. as to prerflal tho aala ot gf*ioi gwajci lac_rbaec ar _______ Tho amendmciit waa a.lopte.l without dthato by a voto of 1. to fi. Mr. Alleu mov.-d toad.l tln- wt.rtls, " or iiny othi t intox icatiPK .lqiiot." in oril'-r. aa h< tuud, to iaake fhg UN coinplett. Mr. .lauiiw Wood would prefer to have tlio MaaUag tlaaat ilriaaaa ont. .Mr. i_>rd wa_ gpfggedwOafl prnhiliifory liqtiorlaws. Heeharjred tht KepiiMuans with hypocri.-y iu tbe treatmetit of thf t.inpe.raneoqtie..tion. Ho wa? williw? to atihmit Um LoetJ I'rohih.tion tull t<> tho popular voto at the next gBMral eloetion, but he did not helievo that or a_y other l.ill eoiild BtBB whihkv-drinkiiiK. Mr. Alh-n's inotion wan ToUd down, when Mr. Jggft I \V.>(,d iiitivid to recoiimtli r the vote bj whh-h latrerbeiT and eider wen- exempted from the oper iitioL of the axt. The inotion Ui rocoDHider waa lont l.y a vote of H to 11. Mr. Wood then nioved that the t'crnniittee npe and report prokftt-st, whieh wae eat ried, iintl the Ci'tiiiiiittee roso. The Viee-Prt-Kitteiit havbig taken the ehair, and the report ef the (.\un irntt.. havinp been received. Mr. Woad nioved that Um 1 ill be made a apotial order for Thuiwlay even. inp. Mr. Johnson gppgggd the motion. The> siti'.ii of tlx- St-nat-e WM iu favor of the Ufl, and tt iboold, la bll opinion. ho laid uiniii the t-lulf. Mr. Wo<h1 pressed his, liiaint.iiiiiiit' that the Re? form party, by a resuliifion adopted by its State c.iiN.-iitioii. araa pladged te Um aapaee. <if tbia ln. .i-ure. Mr. W00d*l liii.tlnli Waa atli'ptttl. aml tlie l,iII \i made :i speeial tinler for Thur_day evoin'iir. It.. frientl.. ate nr.ieh ili-jMiited at the BBBBBJ of Uti Beng i. 'I'he Senafo pa..-.(><l a resoliition nHered l.y Mr. I'iilmt r. tir-iii^lit. ;iiitliori/iiiL' tlie FlBBDOC ('?niiiniit.? to inquire itito the ?BBBBjMDeBl ofUMtB havitiKiu ? the ctinstriiction of tho Iiisane A^\liitn ;it r.iiiL'.iket ;.Mf, and aiithorizmv ati.l n-qtieBtiuB tbt (_(iveinnr tO appi'int au itrcuitet t t<i cviinine and re i. ithiii lo ,ia.\-uiniii tlie etist of the IniildiiiK aml Um eoiulition of tlie ;i< itiunt. No ehiirjfe atlei t tbt itifeprity of Ibota m M|MI_a_Ofl of thin wurk haa been made. hut ('oiifroller Hopk_B_, ;itid Mr. Wood i>f the FiuaneeCnmmittee of the Senate, ha\e a snsj.ii inri that tiiere h.ii ln-eri smiie e\fravapanee. Ob the tither baadjDr. Clerabuid aml Um Coauaia siiiiit-'^, a bo are meii ef tln higheet t liaraett-r, t-l.iitn that tbey i .iu r-liow \al:i I.n evi-rj dollai expetidi tl, aud that the hinhliug they are eOBBtraet-Bgmtht l"-_?t itdaptod for iU paipo^o ol any iiiaaiie hiiapital in the twiintry. The Aasemlily Ufl to annex the throe Inwer t^iwnn nf Weekakeetat Caaaty, Meattaaala, Waal P__-__t iitid the new town i.f Kiagabridga lo the City of Nt w-Ynrfc. waa ordered to a third readinir m the s.-nate. Th.- lenttotj tn be aaaexed i^ of aaatly tht an-atif Maiihattan I..Litm!. aml Um B population gl :,*..(a-o. Ou Mi.Baoediet'i inoiion itwaoTotedbf 0M niiijorityto reeoiiUiiit the hill fur aineiidim nf., io aa to peoride f oi Um aab_-ia__on oi tbeejaagUea of ann-.vation to the vot-rs of the towtia to BO an in x.-.l. aml ot the Citv ol New-Vnrk. Mr. BobeftOOO intivetl te reeonsitier the vote fin Mr. Kt-nediet''- iiih tion, avtl thiM matiou lio on the tal.le. which waa earried. 'Uu Senate Committoe on OOBBBMKe and Navipa tion hua repofted acaiaal tba paaaageoi Hmkmtm My i.ii. tu laereaac tba bead money or pax e^ita t;tx on enii.Tants, aml the St naN- baa eoiniintd in the tepoaia Tlie hill is, tlieieftiu-, d< iut, aml tht lax rt naiaaal $i Kt The .Imlieiary Coniinittee of tlie Senate haa te jrtnttii tin- FoHca Jaatk bb1 Ull witbaal -UaaaaaaaBt, ggitpaaaed Um Aaaenbly, OaaotJaa. o. Mr. Jgaaaa Won.1, the hill it inade a ape litl onler f'.i P.-inotrow inoininp. Tba Finanee Cointnittee of the Senate report. d apainal the paosapo of the Assembly hi',1 BBPIW priatinp aSOyOOO from tho State Treahu:y in aid of the coiir.nii tion of a r.ulroatl from I'lattst.urp to DeB-M-BB-gbB __-B0_MM of U rnilt_.a. Ofl motion of Mr. I)it:kin-on. th<- hiil wae rI ierml la tba CoBV mittea ol the Wbole. Tba Senate Ufl modifring the Uanry law eaBM np peeial order ln tba uaembly iln-> evening, waa riiarnagortfoi nearlyfoiii bo-_B,aDd finafljoraered toatbird nadiog,witbonl aaMsodjaeota, ayaTetc i.f 71 to ?>?? Amoiip tln- leadiag adToeataa oi the l.ill were Maaan. Pieraoo, Alh.rp.i. Weed. Fort, Jaeoba Wlnte, van Catt, waal Ciawntdaaaa. Roaa. lis i hief oppooenta were Maaan. Lineolii, Lynda, li.-li.-e, Meatoek, and Htiftetl. Baeakei Coniell of fered BB anit litlmeiit that the hill take etlerf 00 the lat of Aupti."! iu xt and t t-ase Ifl baOOgM a law on the lht of Aupust, IBM, iiiilt-N-, reiaaetad by the next Lepi .latute. Tba auieiitlmeiit waa Ioat h.V B vot? of 60 toMi. Mr. Huated oppoggd the hill inainiy for the ieas'iii tbat. in lii . ojuninti. it wouiil ba dipa.-.troiia to the Kepuhlii tn party m the Stat?-. Tba Cotnmitt-e on Tradea aml lian-iaetarag wifl go to New-Vork on Thuraday to LnYeatifBM the B-taira oi tba New-iaak Oaa Coniaaoy, under the reaolotion oflared by Mr. Petei WoikIm. 1 li.-re waa antither he.trinp thia afternoon before the >,-i,ate .Imiii lary ('.iininittee on the NeW-Torfc i'olic.e JngUoaa UU. fi HiBBkin Smith rwpreaented the PoUoa Jt_Hti<-4ta, in i->p|H)8ition to the hill, aml I). Ba Kiitoti ajija artvl'iii itt. favor. Juatiee Ilopan is beiawith a atroog lobby, wockiaf againattbe U1L 'J'he Comniitt44e thin evening wperted tka hill favor ahly, and it w?8 made a uptt-ial order for to morrow. Mr. liithtotk. the Cluiiiinaii of the Jvrie ('ouiinit tt?o, says the lltlltrgfllBbOf haa not yet written out the tbstiinonv. Tbe Committee are waitiug for the teetiiiioiiv. They have not yet held anv meeting or coiiaultatioii on the rcprn.. Mr. BabeocB .-aiuiot t* 11 what the will he, or any particulaia heyoud thofie alreauy publi.-hni. LEOI8LA1.TE I'KfiCF.FDTNf;?. \Fur liay J'rif-'-ia." kft -Vmaul /'_m< ) BBVAB.Aibany, Ttie*day, Aprll ?, 1873. F.VKMNO HMMM Tbf rVnate wentlnto t'oniniitttH' of the Wliole on the l>?;.ii I'roliiintion bill. After l*?iu^ reatl Ikieaab, _-?ti_ n.r lot __. inuvedtotMlil an atldltiouitl aotUon pruviding mal ?? Nothlnic ln tbia act ahall l>e BO oonitrued ua to prohlhit the aal* er plvtnu away of lafP'r lax-r or ctder." AdopttMl? Aflinnativt., 12 ; Neaatlvea,?. Mr. Aixkm uiovad a further BOieuduieot by addlnp to tbo t_.-tl.iti juat atiojiu-il the wurd., " ur any oitu-r lnttti kratlag BTtab ** Mr. Jabiui Woon aaid he had hoped tbe Senate wai about to paai the Loeal Prohibltlori bil), aud waa not a little to tltitl tbia tim.-ixliut ut aaloptiyl. Kverr drunkard aud raacal lu the lau.l will oonpn-KaC. ut Uioae lafcer-boer aaltroni. and, uudtr the name of lapr-i beer, purt?k? ot the vile atuffa tbat are drairpinp flown ttit biirbtr?l aud falreat ot the land to drunkard*' pravea Mr l.Dun, luterrupUUff, aaid tbat tbe Republleao patty only paaa tempentDoe lawa abeti tn conventlun. Mr. Wi^ii. lep.ied it waa uol uue tbat temperauee reaolutlaaa weie paaaed at Htate Conveutloua inin-ly fur tka purvoae ol oatchlng tba toUsa of ttniperance ii.*-" itt- hojn d tbe bill would jiaac aa preaenteti, or tbe ena4-tln?t rlauae be atiiekrti out. Mr. Ld>ai>, iu reiily. r. ad tbe raaoiuiian ralatlva to prulubilaou adtipted by tba late Hepulilicau Couvt-uUou, aud adtlctl tbat the temperauee lueu all weut ovar to tba Repuolican party aoine few ytiara aao. He t|iioted froin tba Ut_ retorna of aatrrral Btataa lo eborv bow few oouiKtratiwely ware uow teiupar auce iniu. Uu would cbdiaifull/ gu haud in batiil witb auy geuatar (or - alleviatiuK the evild which _rlaa from amokiug, driukuig, tu..; but it ttaa uot to be reaebaO lu tl.u war. Tli.i muvaiuent ahouldooiutufsbve at Waahiugtou, wiuth now ieatla of iu kkkhag iiiibim vo agaaf iaalara Tkia awr aaaaat tkatiid be genernl throns-twnt tha fltate, and not ronflnod tn lanlated towna and vlllagra aa auggrated by the hli uiitliT conaliteratlon. Mr. Allen'o auiendnient waa lottt Mr .lAMKa WOOD inove.l to reconai.lf r the vote atflofl Ing Mr. tVirk'H aioeiidni. nt relatlve to clder an.l latrer beer. I>*t 'J In the Hfllrinativc to II Iu tln- BaXBtoltB. On motinn of Mr. Jamp.s Wooh tbe CBmmlttM aroje and reportert proproaa. IIc tnoved to uiake tlie bill ;t apenal ordcr for Thunidav nlght. Baaatat JOBBBOB boped tbe bill would be allowed to taBe tbe eeaaaa af lulia i:encr.illv on gt-neral or.l. r.i, and uot l.e made u ppeclal or.ler fnr any day. Tbia BeWBtaBi tion waa np licie litat year tnd lf.ille.1, thougll a |ir.itni lnrit getitlcnian waa here It.bbving for It. Thia yenr thnt ?BB ia rotinectc.l with the Ia tirlatnn- un.l ia givlng bla i.ine to the meiiatire. Krer ain.-e Hyron II. CUik waa clerted Oovernorof the BtaBS l.y tbe Tcmperaucc penple, iiiiiintioUH ni< n hare aought to rlde tbeir temper.unc hi'iii'v in nrd.r to olitain i-opulanty and brinu th.ui arlvcp. before thepuhlic. Mr. Jamkh Wiioii apurned the thnught that be ad?o raleii thia bill Ior the purpoac ot maklngj 1' eatotal. Hewaanot a caiididatc for (iovernor, but Ba ?npportad hl? propnaltlon l>c?ati?c hia aaM8BBMa u>M him if waa rlpht. Tho bill waa m.ido tbe apecial ordcr for Thuraday morning. Henator Jamkp Wooii, fr.m tbe Jitdlclary Ooromlttoe, r.'poifeil favoralilv LJM bill relatlve to I'.line Juatic-H in thc <ity nf New-York. On tnoiion of Mr WOOD, the bill waa made a apeclal ordcr for Wedn?ai, iv ne.pnliig. In tl.c N-nale, Mr. BBBBDICI iiio,,u i<.omiultthe bill, with iiiMtriii'tiiMie to laaert aelaoai provhUng that the (iiieatloti of aimexntinn ahall be aui.inittcd to tlie ptople ot tln- villitg. ? itlal tlie i:H v wiunlit tO l.e aliin-I'-l, fiT in. if apptroraJ or nji eiion. The naotlou t*a* adopted, tmt Waa reeeiiHlilercil on uiotlou ol Henator lbiUKKTHON, nnd waa lald on thc tahle. N nalor KonKitTVo.s, from tbe Coirniilttee on Corn mi ree and lfavlgatk>n, rcpnrtc.I adv.-r.-tcly the bill pro vuliug for an inf IBBBB of eaalgraot head monuy. on uiotlou ofBeaatorJaj?m Wooo, ihe i-'n-at New-York Dragouus were aiiowcd tln- aseof tbe fatga now la tho Itiii-e.ui of Milltary rllutiallca, on the oiviuoou of tiieir annuiii leiiiiioi.a. Adjoiinied. AHHKMHf.Y. EVKNI.N., al*-l.i v. Thc Hoiihc rt'aaaciiil.h'at 7 p. in. anl weint info Cian iint'ce on tbe hiii to r.gniitte tbe raie .f katneat ea iiiouey und to preveot uaury, being tbe Benate loi paaaed laat week, aUevlttg la caae of aaaif thc eolleo tion of only tlie lawful rate of 7 per cent iiiter.-Ht lugcthcr with thc priucipal. Mr. iit'KNM moved an aineu.linent prohthitlng tbe de feii.-e ol iiMiry in Bottona growtnaj oni of loaaa iu Ncw Vork Ci'UUty. Afler aoiuc diiH-ii.-u.ion, iu wlueh il waa Male.l thal tlie r-riatU- vvoillil never BCTtM l-i ailch a pro vipii'ii. Mr. linrim wiibdn'w tbe uiueiuiiuci.l. Mr. I.ikiii: tnoved an aiiieinliuent pruvirtiug thal tlie provtaiona of Ihe bill ahotild nol apply to BOBtraatfl BaaWbl i'imr tn tb. paaaageoftbla.nt. Loet. Mr. A B. ('.iitNM.i. tnoved an aun iidttirnf, ihe rITict af whieh waa ta eeattaaa tBa a<t la Bwaa awtf aaa year from Aiun-it tw vt, wln a, if ihe la-artaiatBW d.Maj not re eini.i ii, tbe exlatlng law ptiaii eotne In foree Bgala ttta ol'leet waa to try thc piwpttaBttOa Bl an .-xpcriiueiit, and If llie A'ood nniil.-i d are r.alittetl,_ fiiiiire 1. p lalatnn . au reeoat t thc law if not BXistlng. Afler daBraaflaoa On tBa tnotion, dbt t'otntnittce roae and reported oroirrcaa. licfore tukuiK the .jiieatlon on Mr. A. H. OBBMtPa tno? tion in tbe Eloaae, Mi. olb reaewed tbe baotion. Mr. WEBD ojipoaed tlie mi'tioii for the ri-.i'im that one year waa aat nme enottgb to try ihia ezpaalBBeafl) Ba wa? in fiivor of ti.e bill. Mr. lav "i a, tboagh WlUingtO try the exp. nun-iit for a year, waa opptiaed to a rtrpeal <<i t fn- DaaryaBw He did not I'clii-ve the bard workintr. hoMBI ptwpleof tbe r-tale waliU-d the Uaarf rep. tkted. It w.w Iop opiu leii iii.u t:,e Wail r-i. gaoblt i - aougbl Unn repeal lu oni. r that tbey nalgbl t,-o oa Bareatialaed ti> Law la tbeb n< ? fariou-. l.iiiiin , Aiur iBaVeaatkaOB, Mr. F.HtT moved tlie |.r. tiouaaaeatlunon Mi. Liaoolu'a uiotion, um tbe ilouac refnaed to "Mi r it. Mr. Bttaaa addreBaed tbe Houae at lenpth Ir. denoncia iinii oi tbla a<!, wbleb ba ragartb d aa a eowar.ii>, akuik lag waf of repeaUagtbe naur] law. Ii wi ?-. iiiur.ovcr, a f.ure. aad nr.iv. ?:-,- ettaotlag ii ttere aa a law, waa to Inaalt tae lutolUgenoe of the peopte of Ibt ftiatr feai luii provai. p ihat aaariaaa nttea af lateraa ara atw liiii.ii .1. but there la no penalt] uitln ted lu > aaa thei ara taketv Yi ii bbm a iav. problbttiBg ita rtotatJOB, an.l >? i vBf/Ha Bl ei v IhiiI, toviii.ate it. It ?;e li iaflBaMfl ?" I i> Klilalllte tO eveu ptOpOBfl kateB a IBW ta it. II. wolli.l, bowarer, li tbla bill waa to paaa, vote inr tbe umeii.i ni'iit. ui ord.r that a retrtrtetpon ahaii be plaeed apoa it. Tni.t mll WkM call.-d it moditle.ition of the uaury It h.ip a abajB uiodilicatiou. il war, ili cll-ct, a repeal ol tbe aaui > law. Mr. HOfJTBD ticlieved Infreelrade iti nnniey w well a-. laaaftBlaaj alae. Bi waa mh-iii-iI taal tba ptMBle <>f Bll d..-tiui were in favor uf tlie aluoi.-a[ioii of lln Uattfy law. ii would benefli all eommen lai conuunoit ea, but whlle It Im n. flled tb.iii it vvoilhl ruili the jieopli- ln |bO eountry?saaall fartutT" aud othcrp ; nnd tliu.-. thc BBB tion pli-p.I.le.l Itaelf to 1,1111 vMieln.I Ihe lb.-pul.lli iu party could aiioiil to do tbit. Be dld uot Ix-iiove that il could, and he would Im r.-'ori v Otfl I ir llie ainen.liii.iit patttag a llmlt npon the law if lt w.ip to be d. Mi nlBfBrBBB apoke uf the scrvu-e. of llie 10-|iiiI,1ii an party lu ti.e paat, aud aaid that llie inoimut that |iarly Htood lu tlie way nf tbe tntercat" or wella.t. of tbe Bdb> ple, be boped to *c? lt aeatu-red aud d.atroyed. Ile Ibt-.n pruceeded to denouiiee tbe pceBBBl I'-uiry law ua a diagrace to oar atatutc book, aud aa Injortotta beyoad coinpiitittloii to tlie bualtieaa intereala .tu.l lu.luatrial pio^penty of tlie blale. Aller furtlu r deUato tbe previoun i|ii.-ptii)ti waa or deie.i,aad tbenueaBaawaatakeaea tbe aiaeadmeut iiiiiiting ih.- ?.]>??!.itinii of iii<- i..ii te year. TBa aiat lalini nt waB i"-!. .'?" t" ','.'. Tbe qaeatlon waa iben takea ea fraattag u-ave to ait apaili, Bad il v\ aa trial.teil, 71 to ..'.'. Mi ULBBBOBB tnen inove.l thal the l.ill Ik-m ilen d to a tbird leaxliiip;. wlncb waa i... ' *-- a vute of 71 to J.-. aaaa U ? ?? C.B CatatB, ii Bpm,1 _. a . - a'l^r^rr, < ..'iri.iaa... J II. il.lirn, B* batX.iA, > I.. I* >?..i. (Ttry, laaattJaat, Tubey, Kalu. trawtord. Mat.le/, . .ine. bigiiD, Oaaaaiaga, >,.p Vaui'oii. HUrkiP, 1ni,i.,u.l, (lailee, Vaa I'.n.'k Bkatb | I'ni.r t.'KrH-B, VV I V?n Hbapb. Baaaaakbal, I'..u..uue, tipu.i. ?au VAlkniLw.-Kt-, Biaau Foata, f.turi.,1. v.j,iir, J. II. Urua-D, r-.-r-J Pbi.l.ja, VAaU, Hura., P> ? pi, Pu.ln.t, VV.. .i, <.r.,:.i,, Paapaaa, Bfaat, CaagbaB, li...-. Purt>, pg A VV ,,r't ciai.(,, iip?,.i Pfkaaa, R a a liarkp. Ii> aaat, tV bt, Waatta, 1 larr'ttaJI. Il.rm-I. K.*P, V4.,rtl.-71 Cujir, Uina.a. BaMtkaj a BATa natpU''.,r Hrll-r J B. M iluipp, Patrlara, II.. i.ileir, >. rU'i. Byi_MW. Braat i: I' II,,-:-., IVraeLa, l.ft, i ,a,k, ji.rn.aoB, kai i tattaaaaa, iia.,o?,n. Bttaaa imwi, v.n iiu?n a.i. , yarbatl Kt.ptl.4a, H.., Walktx, liere, l-?" BfB WaUt llani? I,".lu, B ? apakaBataVar, ..oiuai... flixail I Tat Byadltl. liuu.;?jU. II. Ma.1.1. Mi l-AiiutPON lutrodtieed a bU provi'lmtt va cancicp iu tbe lioai.i ol Ai'icrinen in Bev-Yorfe way be llln il l.y B niaiiuitv vute ol thc ii.eiiil.elr.ol Ine I..-|"i ti vt lioaid.-. Tbe liuuae then adlourued. im: i B6B1 nu.u Tbe faUewtag i? thc Uaagflall an paaaed to u tluid readniK : n i nOB 1. The rate of intereet for the loan of or for bearanceofanj moaey,gaoda, or thiiiKMiiia.iioiipli.iil fi.iitiinie t.. be ?7 ior tiMifor oae year. aad at tbal r..t. foi a largef or leaa miiu or fur a luiiK" r or aborU;r tlnn . m.c . 2. No perooa or oorporatlon ahall diictiy or kadi rci 11 v tavke, or ree.-ive In nioncy. pooda, or thiui,"., m a. - tion oi in any other wav. any pretU-r puiii or giaalui value for tbe loan ur fori.earante uf any luon. v, goeda, oi 11.11.1;*? iu Betlon than i? abere ?i? acrlbed, aultjeel only lo the forf.itun.-s and penaltiei Irerrinafler BaflBttoaed. BBC 3. All bonda, btlla, uutea, a>uturaucea, cutiv.y ancea. and all olb.T cuiiira.ta or wcunti.i. wbalever, exceo't tiottomry and reapoadeatla bonda aad aoatiweta, and all dBpBBalB af fTflrlf" ?* other thingi wbatp... ver, wbcreaaaiid wliereby tUcrc ahall BB rraerved or takcu, or aacuradi or agreed to 1?. n-eur.d ur tak.n any gn at? T BBflB If greater value for tbe I'tan or forl>earance of any nmnev, good-. urotbei iIiiiik-in a. Ilon, tban la above pieacrilxai ahall be vold ao far oaly aa regarda tbe lawful latereai aad tbe ezeeaa orer aad above tBa lawfal latereai that waa takeii or paid BT agreed or BBttireil U. Ih- paid al the lliue of makiiiK or r. ceivingor dcllvenng uf thc buutia. Iiill>, uot. a, ut any of tue aOlaUltlB* li. la-forn uipiiittouod. Ph ?. In caae tbe Ix.rrower or boirower- of any nioi.ev, atooda, or other thinga ahall, before anv ktajaj proeeediiig may be infltitutcl to collect Uie aiuount of inoiicv, gooda, or tbinga tx.rrowed, ofler to pay U> tbe lenderof aaid monev. good*, or thinga, or to tbe bold.r of any IhiimI, bill, uote, aakiirauce, conveyatiee, or any other cou: ract uf aecurlty, give.n or aaaigned or tlali vered fur aaid loan l.y the bonowcr, the amouut atlually t>or rowe.l or loaned, with legal intereat IbatBUB, an.l the aeeepiaucc tbereuf ahall l>e, refuaed. Tbe cunrt in wbuli auy auit it peudiug for tbe recovery of tbe amuunt lair rowed if 11 aftoul.1 be. proved iu aaid auit that auclt luau waa uiade iti violatlun of tbia ntatule. ahall render )udg lu.nt lu aaid auit iu favor of Ibe plalutlff or pialntiftr., uuly for tbe aiuount aetuaily taal und oorrowed, and ahail reuderjudgment in favor of the defendaut ur dc fi udanta agaluat ibe plalntiff or pUlutlfla fur uia oi tbeir taxaUleooaU. nn.i. lu caae the lender or le.ndera of any BBBBay, gooda, or thinga ahall. befort! auy procccdiuge lu- iu>u tuted to collect tba amouut uf uiouey, gooiia, or tbiuga Itorrowed.or tbe bolder ol any boud. bill, uoU-, aaaur BBaM eaatWfBBM or other coutraetor aeeunty inven ur aaaigned or delitered Ior aaid lo?u by tbe borrower, uffer lu reieive aud accept of and Irotn the borrower ihe aiuount aetuaily liorrowed or loaned witb legal lutar eat thereou, and tbe paymenl tbereof aball bot refueetl by aaid borrower for tbe epaoe uf len daya. tbe eourt in whlch auy auit may be oetidltig for the wovery of the auiuunt burrowed, If il aball Ih. proveii ln aaid auit that aueb loan vaa made ln v i.ilaiiou ot tbia atatute, ahall render judpiiicnt in favor uf tbe plalutlff or plalbllUa aaraluat tho deleudant ur d? feudauU only fur tbe amouut aetuaily lenl and bor rowed. with legal Intereat ou aaid amouut, wllh hia or tiixubla eoaU only. ?_..,. ? Sfcc 6. rtoiuuoUof TitleS of Chapter ? of Part II. of tln- Keviaed Htatutea aa la lnconaiat?5nt with tbe pro viarona of thia twt la bereby repealed. pi <. 7. Tbe act eatitlad " Au act to prevtuit uaury, paaaed M*y 1?, 1B37. la bereby rc|>e*led. Bave a Tbla act ahall lu no wiae affect tbe provlaloua of tbe act entltled " An aet to prohihit ooriairntioua fiom liiu-riioalug iba defeuae of uaury ln auy aolluu," jnaaaejd Apnl 6, 1860. .... . Btc- V.'Nu avctlou aball be malnUlnod for any exceaa uf intereat uver and 7 per oant pei anuutn paid by auy ptraou, unleaa tbe aatu? aball be hrought wiihiu alx uiuiitba from tbe explration of the tuuc uf u.t- loau uuoti wbich tbe en ?aa waa taJteu, and uu paroou or ufBoer oiber tbaa the peraou paying the axoeaa or hia legal rrpreariiUtllVi) ahall itialuUUi aueb aveUoU. Bac. 10. Tnu act aitall not aflevct any action or proeead intr now peudiug lu Utla Biata. bba; il Iiii* awt aaaa utke uluci oa tba lat day ef Au glkPt aKAt THE MODOO WAR. A DI3A8TROI.S ATTAI.K ON THE 8AVAC.EX. THE UNITKl) HTATWJ fBOOBB HURI'RlHKIr? TWK.NTY TIIKFK MEN Kll.f.Kt) AND KIlillTKKN BARRAKOI'H ntlTt'llKRY I1Y THE MOIX..W tiAla ANT . -INIHUT BB f'AIT TIIOMA8. Lava Ueiw, April 2*V-A n-connoitering party, roinprised of llatteriea K and A, 4th Artillery, and Coiopany I. 12th Infantry, loft camp at TM o'cliwk t.hiM momiriK, pBBBM-ding in a diroction known to Itad to to tho preeent Htronj{hold of tbo ModncH, Capt. K. Tbaaaaa ai tba 4th Artillery batag in corn mand. A down or no Warm Hpriug IndiariB wero expected to codpe.rute on Capt. Tliomaa'H left. Tho troops, having formed a lino of _.kirminhern, ad without tnoh-HUtion until they arriv. d at tho foot of the hluff Kouth of the, I,ava Bad, hat-Bg nioanwhilo aignalefl to tho camp that no Indians were to he fountl. On MBBBtUg the hlutl tlie Modoes opone.1 a Hevere lire, cuiuung the troopn to Heek Hiieh dli.'lU-r a* they coubl tind iu tho ercviceH, t-.hiiHiii.t, A.e. Aa nsiial. the fof) wae unittten. The lirat posi tion aoon heeamo untcnahlo, owiiik to tho faet that tho Indians were ahlo to deliver htith a crotuj aml an eiitiluiling (iro, aml tho poHition of tho troopa w:tfl ho expofted that up to tba pre.ent writ iiiK l7o'rl.i. k p. m.) only two of the woiimled eotihl rem h camp ont of nine woiuidod. I.ieut. Wright of thol2t!i Infantry hi.i mui_IiI shelfer in airevicn whieh w.ih partit-itlaily Bpaa to the Mi.tloe tin-. Oravo douht*) gxJgtaetotba uitimate. afet.y of tba wouiwied. Am HtKiti ar* infornuttion Wiwi at, Ut adfpiarters of tho peril of the party, troope were, at otit-e puslicd fnrward to their rem-uc Four cnui paiiieH were ordered out?two of eavalry from tho cittnp, and two from OgL ICgBBHf- troops.. Stretehtn were w nt. oat to brini: in tho w.niml.d, bal have bgaa baeaght ha-k, there batag ao ebanoe ai agjag tht tn. Tho wounded will unha|.pily lemaiu ex pottod duriiiK a hitter Ci.ld lligbij and it in fearcd many wiil not Mirvivo until nioruiiiK. Their com rafleH not rctumiiig to camp tdiow plainly hy their dotneanor the h.artfelt norrow they feel for them, but iire pawaaiaat in the tnatter. Lava llr.i.s, April 27?..:W a. m. A dia* pateh r.'i't ivt.I from ('ol. Croeii, lnt Cavalry, who wcnt out with reenforcetiit.iite yewtenlav moni inpr, aliown tlio Biirpririe to have bgaa iniieh mon eouiplete aml inor" tetrihly fatal than wxs at firnt ?ppgggl, Ibadtapateh stalga that Capt. TboaMa and I.ieut. A. K. Ilowe, 4th Artillery, were killed; Liciit. Harii-, Ith Artillery, in badly and jx-rliapH mortally wouiuleil, aml I.ieut. Cranston. 4th Artil? lery. i-t niL?,.4iiii:. A full list oi" Iba killed and woiiml? ed ean nnt imw ba nhtaincd, l.ut it in known tliat privatt'.i W.irtl of Iiattcry K, and I'arker and Cg-lOBB of Il.tttery A, with kilh-d. I'rivato Iioyle of Coin pany K, 12th Infantry, aud or.o otlieriuan of tba aaae oompaay Bia___a____ga it in toppoaed thattho Modocg the bodtaa of the two latter. In addJUon,tbeaaaaaaai I'md Bargeaat Booaaag of Battag] A, aud privafo John HitfifuiHof I'.altery K, 4th Artillery. are givOfl M batllv \.nuiitl<-d. Malt. Uarpbj ofCaaaaaay r.. Iiiautry; JaaMeMoble aadChariaaCeff ei Paltary A, 4th Artilhry, aea .sliL'htiy wtiumhtl. At-tiuR AaUgtaat Oaifteou 1>. Baanlff waa waaaded la twa pfaMaa whflg gttaao_Bg the WOlltltlrd. LaTA BBO . Ip Itl I p- m- l'lom a Meeoml tlis patl-ll Kelll hy CoL lireeii, it ;tpp<BOI tbal lliere ill. now eollei t< il ilMtl Willtini,' i -on Vey.tliee lo i itmp tln IxKlies of M m.n killed, liielutlinir Capt. Tbaaaaaj l.'t-iit. Howa of th<- 4th Artilleiy, I.ieut. \Vri?ht of tht lv'tli Infantrv, aml gighl wmimletl men, ineltid iiik Lieiit. ll.irri.sof the 4th Ailtlln V. The numher of kilhd aml wouiuleil hIiowh B lariro percetitain- of camialtiea to the small numht-rof BM u eiiLvi^ed. Si.ine M or (II Mofbxa iiro ainied with Speiicei earbinaa aml baeaab-biadhn ?aakata. la more than one iiiHtanee a Modoo lukii l>een known to have two or more Speiiccr ritlew, enahlitiff him to ki.'i> ii[> g rapiii tin- from hin naf ural or attilieinl bfaaatworknf ______ Tbeonrfaea <>f the pooad la many pla< M bl t'.rn up hy voleanic aeti.uiK, whieh form eres ife" gad thene an- adaplalileto the fMJipmtU of eitln-r hiditiL' or for poinfs of th CaBOB b Btl Bial iiiHfiinei-K iba totdtara, kaowiag BOtUag-i Un to pogiapby, keTe eome unawait-. on Finh BaBoraa, aml ht fon tliev itiiihl t -m :ipe win- t infront. tl with a wily liiiliiin. nlle lewletl aml BafBI OB tbg ttigmtT, Dealh. oi at h'.k.t a ihiinrertius woiiml, i.t tho re.-uli. Tou often tln- eowardly (adakhia eecgpa by patba known oiih to themmilveM. Their treachery aml ciinninir may be judired from one iiuideiit. A por ti,,u ni Battariaa \ aml K, 4th Artillery aad Conaaay E, 12th Infantry, Sading thaagBelTea la iaoger oi heiiiK outllaiiketl, look abaltac in B hollow pUcg aftoHrtgpa-rtlal atk-ltar. Woggpnet had they done tO, than the liidiaim, who knew aml couiuiamletl cvery eirre?s from tho cavity al that poiiit, uiimutr Iuk21 waiiiiii.--,daiaebod aaraaof tbeii numher oa one Kide. iiud 14 reiiiiiiuinK on thti other, and tlnn o]H'n.-.i a ereaa faa aa tba poor Iribiwi who eooM not aiiow baad or baai wttboal eertataly be> iiiK Htruck. Very few aMBped injury, ihe ?__. were t ith'r killed or womled. Ic i? im BOOribla to .iM-ertiun tho nutnhei of MotlotH killed and v.out.di.1. V.-stirdav <';ipt. MeKav repottetl that Ua Warm Bpriag bBUaaa had takaa four bt-alps. Tbia m_v ba the whole or it may bt: onlv | portion of tbo kilhd, UM Madoea betag very ean iul to dojitroy aa far it> |>t>K..ihle all tracen of their aBBB* altiaa, eaixyiog Ibeii woBodad iut<> eaTta aad hurn intr Iba de.ul l.oilie... Their woiliid. tl are Mffgged ta he hl.hh-ll llieaVl't*. l.ill ffW of thelll lia.e heeil aaaa aa nv, Jasticeto tbe memor.t of the gallant dead eeaa* aak tba raeordof th.- lollawiag wafl-aolbauUeBted fa< t?: WbaaCaplkTbaaaaa taaad htaaaaU aadbta iiii-ii mirroiiiidi tl by hia viudietive foe, true to hii nature aH a Hohlit-r he itouifht to t heer the holtlicrs on to 'lu- Uttet aad, abktiB if paaaiUa Ufa for bfe. and h? II th'-ir liven dearly, M.iyiuj:. 'M.n, we are Hurrounded. We inuat tiKlit aml die like men aml woldiers." ln liin nohleeth.rLi tomistitin the t-ouraire of ins Hin.ill .t.mmand. (a|.l. I Imiiiai. w:w Hecoinlnl hy Lieiit. Howe and I.ieut. WriRht. After r.-euv itiK' the mortal woiiml, he huried hi? jrohl wntrh aad thaiii aBMag ihe i>.kn aml ln? revolver uuiniiK' the en. im l>ef.iie dynijf. Lieut. IlitriH, Wbg w.u- Miiiilail.v Mtuated M Capt. TbaaaiBl with a por? tion of hm Hatt.ry K. 4th Artillery, _?t an example of hrasery and th U'nuiiiatiou to hia men. uttering HoineHiith tenthaeal a_ that glgaaa^ajaaaadi aol that it raajaiiad kMb acgpcaagboaa u> atiinuiate the int-ii to tleed.t of bruveiy, for every man would wil lniKly have follovtetl either oftieor whtrever he m\wm to laad. Lava Hrrm, April R?MO p. m.?The reenfmce mcntn h. nt out un.Ur Col. Giten, taBWtbaJ with the killed and woiimled, aro Blfaeted momenUnly. Ah. avy raiu ia uow fallinu, whieh ia beiietirial to the |>oor wounded iikii in alleviutmif their Buflering and n-licviug their fevered limhu. Thejr arrival i. looked for by their more fortunate cniuradea in CAmp. Kvery prepanttion ia ma<le for their proper reception. When tlie newa of the mai-o-ore* IBBBBBd camp, m.ldier? who had grown old aud gniy in the aervite wept like bal>ea at the fate of their offlecre and comradea. Lava Hf_.s, April 28-6 a. m.-Th* tM?pe with the killed und wonndod are returnmg. In many inBtancoa it wouid be diftkult to recog mae the dead but for aome artitle of dreaa known to have behmgrd to them. for Indiau har harity hatl defaetMl the lmeaiaenUi of thoae killed. The following ia a eomplete liflt of the killed aud of tbe wounded now in camp; aaaaa. I'apt Kvnn Tboinaa. ft.it_t.ry A, 4tb Artillery. UouU AliiKni Hitwe, Hdtu-ry A, 4th Artillnrv. I.uut. Tliouiaa WriKbt. I .uupBtir K, litb Infantry. Klrat Hergt. Robai. B. Itumer, Battery A. 4tb Artillery. I'rtvate Parkar, HatUry A, 4th Artillery. rnvait. Joiin l.yu. h. Battorr K, 4tn Artillery. 4 I'rivaU _aa Kuaa. Batkcra K. 4tb ArUllarr- _* Jeaagk a/. a_rd,\?.t^, a. <? __f?_Bary. GPrlvat* Mlrhael Wnllaee, Battery K, Ith Artillery. 1'rlvat. Qreed, Ootnpany K. 12th Infantry. Privat. Wllliam Hnyl-. Cotnpanv K. lith Infantry. Private Itowanl, Quaagaiij K, I'lfb Infantrv. 1'rlvnu. NewnOurir, (oinpany K, lith Infautr/. Prlrate Collona, Battery A, 4th Artillery. Iaoiila Weiiiu-r (.dvlliiin), I.iak-gnn County, Oreiron. In addition tothcforcicoing,ei|_htmoii were hurie.l in the tield whose namea could not be .wertait.ed. I.ieut. ArthtirCrariaton and four men of l.attery A are atill mir-.-iiiK. worKOEn. Bnrireon 1!. (.-wlnjr, U. K. A., in tlie riulit lejr whil.' af teinlliiK the wouiKle.1. I.ieut. (J. M. If.trris, 4th Artillery. ftnn k l>y B apent Im I m tka Im- i?. I.iii not niti. ti iiiini'iil. Kflrjreant Aur. Beek, lUIU-ry -, 4tli Artillery, riK'-t artn. Flrot RBrg-antClavton, Co. E, 12th Infantrv, Ic't le_. K. rp tnt M. Keiiii.Mlv.t iiiii|iiuiy B, lllli Infantry . rtgfct eiimw and nreaat. Corporal Jauiett Nol.le, Rattery K, 4th Artillery ; nock, BUgbtly. Privnte Jtweph Ilrodericte, Hattery A, 4th Artillery; lefttblgk. I'nvaU' Mattlie.w Murphy, Cotnpanv E, 12th Infantry ; rinir fliiK'-r. Priviite Jamea MeMillao, Hattery A, 4tti Artillery ; palui ot i il'.'h baiul. I'nviitc JoUn A tiefford, Hattery K,4th Artillery ; back itinl llilKl.. Privau. Ckattsa t'tilT, Company E, 12th InfaLtry ; hantl, sliiriiily. Pi ivate Jamea T. Hutlor, Ounpatiy E, Utk Infantrv; botii laaiptaa. Private John UttcKln^. Hattery K,4th r>; tlirotiK'i h.inil aml ikoeldei. PnvaU: tibanck* llolla, Hattery K, 4tU Artillery ; loft laa Private Oearga Vanderwatcr, Company E, lith In? fantry ; nifht hip. Private W'iiu.ui. MeCoj, Battarj K.tth ArtHlaty. ri.-tht hIiIi- and n_.-lil liiiini. Private J. H. Mel-iuirhlin. Hattery K, 4th Artillery, hotli foat aml riidit Miioiiulrr. l'miiti M. iti.inaii, Oa. E, 12th Iufautry, both arma fraataiadi THK (IIUKIT Of THK ATTACK. WAsiiiN'tutiN, April m\ Qea. BebofleM teb - _rii|>hetl loGaa, Sheiinan lroin San Fiam i.- ", Apnl _;... aa followH: "Gtiii. Cilletn, Apnl 2fi. rcportw that no ehaii_e ha_ heen aaada in theatoaaUaa aseeol tbal tbeea-ahry ta abaaal iHawwinled by the apiaaotie. Heeipeeta Capt. Menilenliall t-o-tlay, when ba willmaki- an othei cttort to aanoaad the Indians.' SKETCHH Of THK oitici.I.s KILLED. cait. kvan ntoaua. Capt. I-.van Thnman, wbo fell so frnllarifly in the attack oa tba Ifodeea, wbi i iob af Qea. Ixawaao Tbomaa, fonaeriy A-Uataat-Creaeral of Um aimy, aad waa __a__ ia W-Bblagtoa, D. C. ii., eatered tbe army at the eonrnianna war, NaUV-Bg (April 9, 18.1, tl"' nink ol'Seet ml l.ieuleiiaiit iu tho 4th Artillery of the re_iilai aimy. He was mado l-'irst Lieutenant bl tln- inotith following, and doabtlaga parti.ipati d in soveral of tlie llglBBgif gtOOl hattles of tho u;ir, iu hia ragteaat waa rapeaaaatad by ono or aaaaa noaaaaaiia la many aagaewflaaata from BbUoh to llaleheiH Baa. He ree.i\etl the rank of Captaia l.y l.revet. I >.-e. 1_. l*_.,and thatof Major hy btOTOtt Joly8,U__L laAagost, UBitba reeettod bta com Bttaaaa Bl < 'aptam. Capt. Tlnanaa had commantl of tln miirlaiH doriog the liirhtiag on the l-.tli aml 16th iiist., aml raadered a__eeUva H<r\ke iu harra.--.-inL,' Um TimIIbbbT who "jai.adandahiiB.til at au awfal laie" wbea bia bailary openad ou them. t.ii-.t r. ai itit.N' ik.w B. I.ieut. Alhion Howe, anothe.r vietim of UOdog tn-:u hery, wa. a son of Major Mar.hall ll<>?t', aitl araa bofB ta Florida. He waa ap point.-d Irom Ncw-York State to a Baooad I.ienteii ancy in the 4th Artillery on tho 1st oi December, [808, bis hrevcts a.. Fir3t Lieutenaut and Ciaptam, Uaiah 2, 1867, and hia commission aa First Lieutenaut, HOTOBlbei 1?, UJOa He WBg one of Capt. Tboaiaa'a party ia the tiKhtiiiijon tho 15th aml loiliiiist. Ibero ia in tho same regiment a Major Al.uoii P. Howe, prohahly a rolativo of the dece___d He WBI a aon-in-lawof Uen. Barry, the com ?aadaal at Phrtraaa MObjob, I.IKI T. IMOMAh IV WliKilir. i.ieut. Tboaaaa T. Wrigbt, \-h.> fell ta the fiijht on Satnnlay, waH a son of tho late Gen. (JeorKO Wrigbt, aad BtahliW af tbe lafo Gen. Suinner. Ho wia horn in Mi__>uri, wbence be misrati d |0 < alifornia. Ba served ta tho eivil war &a Colonel of Voliiutt ers, itud reeei-Wd tho hrevet of Brigadier Geiieral. Ho eiifered rtie retrular army aa First ta UM -U Infantry, July 28,1M8, nml ma ? aigaed la iba Uth Infantry, Jan. 31,1870. His eonpaay aad tbal of Capt -v-.-" tataaed theeeatec ln the attiiek ou the 15th inst., iind fought galtaatiy. OKFCOV INDIANS nOSTlLE. A HI.SKltAI. UPltlSINO.APl'REHK.NDKD. StN Fkanii_-<<>, April 20.?A diapatch from Port lami, Oiagaa, tfradghB, atataa that MM bdlaa wgr riors are eauried at Wlitto lllull's, Yakima Kiv.-r, ahove Walia W.illa. and are puttiugup hu-aatwork-. .Ihi- BOttlata are _itatly alarmed. Tba Ititliansure tiavelini? ahout paint- d and wam lag tbe wbitea to laara tba eoaatiya Iba Bpottaaa Imlians are threatenini,'. and aro also waniing the aottbua lo lt-itve. bfaaaaeraa liko tboaa hy the liodoci aia f.aittl. _ WOOD ior TBE IM>IA\S. ORXOtO 09 l)ii>s rt> iriiMsii PBOTHKKBg FuB IHE INIUAN A.KSt U.H, The ParebaaiBg Comiuittce of tbe Ho.ird of Iiidian tiiiiiiiii-iMoiiera, with CoinuiUHinner finnth, were aagaaaa. fialanlajr. ?t l>eooar_--t aad Ifaal Broadw.-iv, in nielviiit; tiidA f'.r Hiipplyiau the IuJian rur;ervatlona \4itli iiiovi-iun^ fur tlie eotulnityear. One huntlred aud tlfty-ouo blO.. were inade, aniountlnif to nearly 150,000,000, tkoagk the giMKla ealled for agnTegato ouly ?J,C00,0O0. AiMiut ioi poraaaa were prei,ent, moat of whoni had eome fnin Moataaa, Ifl a MailBB. aai other Weatern T.-rn inries, to look after tht-ir luterenu iu person. Tho bi.Is were It.w aaBBpaaai with thoae of l*j<t year, when were only W in numl>er, and le?a than one twi-ntii-tli in auiniiut thaa thia year. Tho bi.1.4 un- made in wiitinir, inclosed lu a soaleO envelope, and uct t'tnpanled by i*cciirlUea to the amount of lj per cent ,.f the ratal ?f tka biJ, for the perforuiance of the fontraot, pnivitietl the bul ta nucceaaful. After tlie : ward ln ma.le, the eontractorKivea aecurity in doublo the vaiue of the eontraet. The work of inakini: the awarda la very complieated, and It will probably be two days before it la comp'.eted. There la BO artiele fi whieh the Government baa bo?>n cheated more than iu beef, vaat nutnbera of Texaa cattle bai lagj in tmiefl pu?t, been delivered at the ajrennen af BflaaawUabWOOU have kaaa exorbiUnt for tbe best u.iiuiai.t. lageaaral waa thiaafawyaaaa ago tbat the hloiix told tbe Counuiiiiouer that they didu't waat any mure freoh uieat; they preferred salt. Ho aakod why, and wita iBIIMll that tbe "cattle run all to horna and are ?o thln that their talla rattled." Mr. tr.., tbt Sireiary of tbe Board, told a reiwrter that it ujetl to be uo aaeaaaaaa thltut to have cattle reacb the n'H.-rvatlonr. ao eibauntid by tbelr Jounicy over tho platnn that they rould cot stand up, and ln tbat condl tioti they were delivered aa 1,900 and ..000 ponnd cattle. The Oovernmont tbeo paid 16 SO per hundred weluht when- it nowpaya only |3W for good ?ound cattle wi'ltfhltiK froui 800 to 1,040 ponnds each?thoim BgBIBa repraaaattog the nnuluiuiu w.lght ot anlmalad. livered uiitlei tbe two c_ta*ea of coutr;n.ti,. There have aluo ti. en heavv fT.iuda iu tlour, the Di p.irtmeut paylnir. two yeara af B, 114 jw-r iiuinired wci?ht at tbe BB__BB polnt ? the Moutana Aireney-wherenow Itpropoaeato pav H 85. No awartli havinif lieen made at the eloae of tne ae? aion of tht. H'vinl, laat ninht. tbe Cotutolaalooera were uiiwlllina to k'iv. tbe Datnea of the biddera and tbe aiuotiiitu nauie.l. laBaaa, they aaid they would be to do ao, aa It wotiltl probably take half a day to grt tbe papera atruinht. The ful owiujj la, bowever, an akatracts Heef, of wblcb about 30,000,000 pounda are waoted, rauA'ed from |1 98 pef 100 p?.unda to |e 80, dcllvorotl at thoaireoele.. Ttie inwciit priee repreattota tbe jKK>rer era-t-H lo be delivered at tbe Southern ageuclea; the hi_beat prlee repremmU the lieat rradea, to be delivered at tnore remote adrenciea. It ia prohable tbat tbe blda wkUh wlll t>e aecepted wtli raoue frotn ti t? . ^ 1 baaa are paupoaala to furni.h oatlve Auierioau catkla lo the Mvutatia Agcucy at Bi 60. Flour, of whTck at-out 8,000,0-0 pounda are wantea, raiurea from tl 85 tolr.50 per 100 poaoda. T?e.>u",'r buia are for Oour fumiabed at tba miBa. and toe hiK"cf for tlie aatne delivered at ihe aaenc.ja. Tbe aame ia troe of moat ef the artlelea Bamed oelow. Wheat 1b ?rautf.t at the Hautae Aaanoy, "*o**+ tn'? have a luiii. Tkl. w_* ofTen-d at rrt<'*" r*-gln? irooj W 11-nu 10 ?i M. Co-Tee rau?va fnn 70 Ut Mt-iiu per iKinnd; augar from :j u> ia oenta; : >t_keco from BBJ to ao eeuu; bai'ou fn.ui I0| to lleeoU: ealeratua from 61 to ikeaaui auey Irom 4|mumbMi aaltfrvia 1 oaot-to A aaata. WASHINOTON. I1ISTORTC KEUCS. SAf.R AT TIIK < AllTol. OF (;<>NtiKK?MKN'? aBjaWB ? TIIK IIOlpSP. Of KPIKKSINTATIVKb CaVaMJtBB Olfl ttONOMY BB A piMAI.L rW.AUS. [ur ntaBaMaBB BB nir. Tiuni ni .) WASiiiMiToN, April 29.?Tbe. itiitti.m at t. B t'apitol to-day, which haa been ao adaertiaa'l for tho paat two tnontb.H, waa attend.-d by a orowd ?>t aeveral hnndred peraona of about tbe aauu- .baracter an may lw fouud at all auetlon aalea In thia clty. Tb>. ruan iiguigwoman waa w.U BBfBMflaflflfl, Bf the heada flf I'oatiMnp houa. a, BBBl there were not a tBW (V-ogrraaita-it an.l ni.n in hiph poaitioa preaent att'te - al. Tht arlicle-. of the eatalogue ronalafed prinelpally of Ublea, ebaira. dct-ka, and carpet-. The aaaajfl MBBBBBBag PBll ' ' thc aale wa? that wBBBa orcur.-ed BaBB, b> Ing tba ele gantly I arved flaBB-fl and eha-ra whlch for over 1? yeari have oeeupled the hall of Kepn'Henfativea. Tlieavw.i" of oak, and of very Mipormr, flBBBaBBJBfl BBBlaaBaBBBBBal wnrkmanahlp. They were furniahed bv ??en. Meiga, _M pr. aB nt Qaartortiia-tci <?- ?n.-iul, when be had rliarpe -.1 Ihe Capltol extentloii. and were pla. MBa BB poail-oii wli.o the Houae nliir waa rlrsr oecupi.- 1 in Bbfl Vniu-i atf 1K8T.8. Tliadeaka coat 150 an.l the chaira BbOeacb. OM m.mbera of the Hoiute and the BeaaBB BB the uumw i of about 60 bad aelected thc d< aka Ui< * aaatBai to ibbnbbbbi aaaaa time t.. bbb iien.i, apre. a with the I'lerk of The Hmi.-e to take them at tbe avi-n.f rataaCBBfat There were preaent In peraon BenatoiA Houtweil, Sartrcnt. and Windoin, wlto bad been ii" Bt ri.'f tlie. Houae, aml Mii-eara. Ilalaev, Wanl. Parauae, ltaodall, l.y n. b. (lliol, (-haiika, .\l< Coiina Anher, np. BVencb, and t ragiu, who are moinla-r cx-incn.bcrH, or ineiiilM-i-. BBBflfl of tlie neit t'oiipn p Tho MiipiO .1. aka were < onaidi-rcd Bbfl BBflB ..catrahlc. fitranpely enou.'li, tbe Ori-t deak put Bf ; aaa thal Beeaaaatl bf. Br. BbbBwbB ia B* XUatB f.iiigreaa. No. BM waa on thc out.-r n.w, whi. 1. l'had. !?teveiiH uae.l to <all the Atr aan eoa?t. Thia Waa Ptartcd at Bt and waa atntck off t" B eehtuiner fur 11 The ncxt waa llie deak oocupted by Mr. Oarfletd Of Oblo, Ptni. k off Ior ?I3. Thc u.-xt wn< Mr. K.iuiey'a ? I olore.i" nal. Iiriiiginnlll OtBB. iUnka'a okl <t. nk waa iouiibl by Mijor i'oore for $10: th B. BBBtBBt k*fl bimi-'bi BB I'" .l.-.-kn of (ien. liutb i. Mi. Dawca. JaBaaBj B_ BBfi ??'?', oibers were reaerved by tbeae guutlemeu ?r tlieii ln. n.ia to BB l?oii-:hl at thc avc r.tpo ti.'tc were tBa ataal aaueaaaa aaajaBftea for ibe <i.-pk o< < upn d forao ui.tny year* uy hieveu . u lieltipj Wl li aafJaaBBBBBBl 0) thfl MaBBBM tbat llie 11 uee liad un. i e.l'-d to tbe old cuiniuon.T, inanv y. tra to bin .le.itb, the e?at vvlurli be I; ul ebu.-eu an.l v. :<:h i. iiialiic.l unehitnged. The deak waa a .I'.ubK oue. the ' iniuiberp la-iiig 46 and 47. Tbla w ta not far eal? for some le.ipon unknowu. It would undoubtooly bave brought at l?a*t fioo, aa BB bad bc-u aBflflaff BBBBBBJ. One promiuent gititlcinan preaent, aaid he watitcd OaBflB Aincs'a deak in order '?> leam to put ttatJaja wBaaa tBa) aaabl do the ?aal paei Th.- deak, a dotible one, biouirht ouly t?. Hp< akei lii.m.e'?. aid ieak, also doulile, and thiTcfore not couaHlerad aa . deairable, brought ll'J. Tbe itio-t Intereatlng arUete a..M waa thc old ehair of Bbfl .-p.-aker, uiade m IBBi and . BarpbBf by lf. tirv Ceexfi IflflBl iyi.-r, BkBBBII Oa Wiiitbrop. jiiin lii ii, j>inea k 1'oik, iiow.i! OaBBk laaaaa i.. <?r-, Gen. lUnks, and aeveral luateiu.a chiiraotera. ln luelf it waa a aortl.i. BB aff.iiT belng untrnceftil, lutnberiiip, an.l rinlr ii ei.ti.-tPt. ti"ti, made of mahotrtny, iitid eovi-red witli ?BBBaBBB ?Uk plu.'.h, fad.-d, moth eaten, and ditiiry. Tlii-4 i Bg-i waa awbl aatinai yaan aga firr Blt bal tba kwraea K.-ttinp tired of lila bargain lt waa ntuined to Bbfl fapltol.where lt baa b-cn ataffldl for four or Ove y.ur*. 'It waa atarted at aa hipli a llpure a> B > BBBl laaafB I I | sum of 136, at wh eli it v\a? BBBl BB Mr. Worn. colorcd r.btauiaiit k.< per. Th" n -t <>f Ihe invoie. consfsted of carpets of all kiid.-, wl.i.ii b:u covtted tbe floorof the baaaa fur Ibe paat iwoy...i anu ? magnlfleent but BaaBf ?aBB-tBBBB Tuihlahii.-: iiuBlag BBBl. BaiaffIba ni.ct aaaBBpteaaa^ ebat^ Babtea, d^akat, boobcnaea, and g.ncr.ll ( omtllittee T./OII1 funn ture. Tlie ratea WBBB mo.-t of thc tuniittire brengl:! were exeeaelve, many artl< les kaBagtatg bbBBM tban Ibct .niKiiial coat aeveral yeara atro. The anle tt tbeil.-,? and chaira of the hall, whieh were w.-il prcperved aai eutlrely gu'table except in mzf, waa render. d iuMteaaHry in consoquence uf the inemb.-i-hip under BM luat apjiortioniiieiit. The ijiimber of old de.ska ?a? . wbllo the new OaBBBBaafl will re(|iiiic ttB. Tue ahaB aelocted for thc ticw air.inirctuent will Bf I composed of oak ..'rac.fully faphlonc.l, but peric.tiv plain andaolld. Ra eapaeity will .ipnl thatef Bbfl bM oue, in conaeqnence of avoiditig thc h-avy i.nvn.g aad oruumcutul work. _ EXTRAVAGANCi: f?F TilK DBTIUCT QOT* ERNMEM'. (ntSATatlBCBXUBB in UBfBCBB ank ? DBBBBB m M.W SV.SIKM?KK'IKK.M UMl M I'KUl'i .Kl-I). l?Y BBtaBBBaffl 10 nii: niBOBI I WA3iii.Mii.iN, Apnl 29.?Mr. J. \V. TlioinpKon, a inetuber of tbe Uistrici t'ouucil, baa pr. paicd a bill BM iiitroductlon ln thfl 1-c- >l..tur. to lnuit tbe BflBBbaB al agttaaaa und.r tbe Ln-.liii t (..vciiitin Bf aml teitiH. th. ir ?BklBeBBBi Should tbe Btfal BaflB tbe aiuount t.i Im !? .. I paid iu BBlaathBI Wollld be f 13.".700 ,t y.-ar. Anv on. wh. WtU Uke the trouble to cxauilno tUf pr.--.nt a.ilary Ilat of tbe PaBUtel Wlli appr.-eiatO tlie BflflB) "I tbla referm. Tho flrat Ltxi-'latun. ot the new Terrltonal Governtnent of the Dl>iri.t ereai. .1 more than 2<43 otll.e.s with salaric-. r.iii?uip from BBBB 14.000 eacb, aud liupopiiig an BflgfepfaBj expeuae Bffaa tue lilatrict of t'.'!l..'t'J. Mr. Htirtou C. Otwk, m urgmj tho paasage of tlie uritaiiic ait in tho Houae. of Repn aeutativea iu 1?71, .-aal tbat oue Baaaoa why the bi.l ougbt to Ba paaaatf waa kbal tBa old twrpaajaaBBi waa t.-i ! Bspaaatre. The ?aaJiBpal parataaBtaf laaa aaal at aalanea aud lueideniul BafABBBBfl |17'J.(?J0 a year. Ibe ! proposed governunaBl w;w to Ih> alinple, bar j uiuuioua, aud .couuitikal. The Bbare BBhibit ( ajMWB how ceoiioiii,. al lt tas been ; but the .piartiT of a uullioii of doilara for ,*alarie.s autlioiized by tbe I ? | taro waa not b.v any uieuna all thal aiv- paid OBl duiii ii the year endiug Jaaa 31, ltrru. fer thal puipoae. Tln Huard of Uealtb paid tie.'APO; tbe BeaN Bf I'ubli. Workp, tl7l,'J18; aud tbire vta-i paia uut uf tbe Hi-iritt Tnaa ury to ofliv-trs, ineniura and emutoyeB ot tbe Legl-lature, BB?BB. BaattMB tiuae ti.e lll.ti.l BatBM I'1"' UI aalKtiea tu or the Diatrict, fiovcrttor, BBtBfatBI \, Amlitor, mi mbeia ofthelk?arduiriib,iv.' Wolka, imiiiiii r.-t of ibe fouuill, an.l otbera, BJaaBMj ui.ikiag tbe total Bf aalaries for th.i Ui-it year of the ti.-w Goverumeut tlOJ.ilr.. Tbe|I79.i?0 8[>ent by tbe old t orporatiou waa for aalarie* an.l iun dental BBpeBBBBi IBe priiltiiik- and ailveiti-ia..'of ttio uew Dtatrial Qereraaai ut dartae tha awal atBaa ?aoBBa of HflBilfllflaie aaa e.i',05, oud Uta aaattfagtM ea BflflBaM t-KS.tCQ. _ THE TOBAO00 TAX. RESl'LTS OF THK IMIohM ASI. Iti.I.I ( KO UATE?fl* KXPKcrp.o i.n.BaUBI Bl the kevkni'i:. [nr rtiJ.oitAi'11 to ihe BMBBBj 1 Wasiiingtox, April Ifw-A year ago Com mlaatoner Dottplaa recoiumeuded to Congreaa Ihat ina Ut ou mauufactured tobacco, whlch waa theu i? aud^i ceuU a pouud, be tuade uulfortu at 3* cetnt*. lata, he tbought, would emiplify tho coUp?.Uor of the Ut and net the GoTertuneut aa large au lncote aa had t*fore been realired. Congreaa dtd mako ihttax unifona, tvut reducedlttoaoceuta. It waa then .timated tbat the reveuue from tbltpouroe would thua I rwlucedt OMfieo. Ten month* have now paaaed tunce ae law w.ut luto operatlon, and an examinatftm mte to-day ditcloaea the fact tiiat tbe reveuue from tobtvo aln ady aiuouata to withia laiW.iaAi o! what It waa laafear. WA-SHINGTON 1*TE8. Waahikoton, Ttiday, April ?, laag |ci:kBttAL raaaa ntarcu.! Det-ecttyea McKlfreah aud geraut of thia eity ?r> nlgttt arraated a nran auppoaed t<e Roaeoe, Uke albpgr-d Biurdarer of Goodrich of Brookl. but ou exaaataaUon al polloe lieadqaartera he pror- to be aonie other w*r ?on, aad abowed a letter from (ef JJeteetire mn-aa of l'b..adelphia atatlug he bad be*examlned ou a tdunlar auapidon aud diACbarged. UbOavrt a tlrong rtaaetu blaoee to Roeooe. The fnaeral of Commodore Jlck took ptaoe al nooa to-day. Tbe remaina were aco4oaaied by the afartna band and two eompanlea of niaiea, and were laterreoj lu the CoogTeeVUOOJka catuetet v TUlrd AaalaUnt Fuattuaateiei^ral Barber aaal an order, to-day, to tba ananufa*rer* for ?.t?laxeuo poatak earda. Tbe laggregate of u*.ppllc*Uoua Ior tbem ia li.0tX.OO0. Ex Uot. W. L. Bbarkey tidlAVtlaalppI, age B year*, dicd here eerly tbla a_ortvu?f PaWaUaoala, at tbe la> ptariaJ Hthtai