Newspaper Page Text
1\mnonncnt8. cti., Ulno Cfticnini. HtvmM'a Thratp*.-" Arrali-na-Pogua" and 'Ker ty." Mr. U.oa ll.nii.caaa QBUTB OTBBA l.oi\ir.--"Mr>nt4? (Mato." Clinrlei tVrkter. Nbw Fikth Avkniik Tiikatkr.-"Divorciv." Nihmi'k (,AUi>KN.-',Aznvrtl; or. Thr Mitsrir Charm." Oi.ymiu- Tii,,ii.:i!.-"lluiuiitv Duuipty." Oe.?i?t> L. Pox Fm'.n Sqiauk Thkatkr.-" KTtm-Krmi." MUfl Al ara Klkel Wai.iai-k's TatBJaTBB. - 'D.ivnl ll-rrick." K. A. laoklp? aad M.*.' KatoertLO Koi-ppb. Tony Paktor's Opkba Hobbbl?TBflaetaaB. OnOUUGS Koikcb. Do Totj tV wt a\ Aooidi nt Poucrt?Write *0 UiP TKAThLKHA la- an. ? r-OaPABT, II ir-f.ird. Cona._ ~l)r. 11. Fkxnk Palbbr Patent Akms aml Laut. l.CtO Obaatanl u. Pl.. , ... '..-u-t ]U.t.>.> . i'ur. TRIBUNK Aimvnat ior 18*! 1.4 now eeadr. I'nc-*? ornie Mptpb Ior * I ^^^^ im Skvkn m nm.s, by l>r. II. \Y. Ratyniond, il aWneWkTB l-P'TiKI Kitka No. !>. ______ "~ABT BfODKBTa will liml in T'llK TBIBI BB lamaat fl?TBA So. I juat pabllal aJ, thp r*-r.ea of Art Stndii t .-r.-utl.r tleii.e?d la (b. Nanon.l Aeadaaa. Coomp Kriea V.; bt BMtil Wk.iss on Sm akkspkakk.?Six Shuko?p mumii. PHralitai. be Ket. J.iax VV aiw rrp 'rteJ B im Taiauaa Lt.TOBa I.iTka No 4, now rea-le. Pnra llc ; l.y ra.l Se._ Thk Bi:?t Bbace*- or Si in tho World .re thoae aaile ln K.aa. i'mrk b Kiattrt.. Tber make over two h?nlrp.i rar rUaa r\'< aale at rctail br all famlibiaf or rU.tli ng atoraa ib the I'nion. Aak them aatl look for the r name ob et-erj pa.r Ruai N-i-oKK & Mitz hiivo rcinovod their lar?!.-. i rirn.ti.-r Drapanea, bc, fr..:n IM ??r A-.d eJi-tAOt baild.nga, 4:u?nd4J- St-t-eoti. a?e-.nrar Tahrt] i.-urth-.i. ________??__????_ (SBIBTBp CkalXABB COPfl BBB DaUWaOB B.t 1. to order and wirrinted. iBcieae itaap for C.rcular. Inioa An.aa k Co 6X ________ Ptmooa gifioff up Bouiekeeping or going ahTT.adra?rra--p.-.r.pvfar fetVU Puti, I'IcTUKtl, Librahirh, BLd I BVh?t af other Taloal.lea nt tba STUYVtWAXl SAVg Dli'OSlT ToMPANY. ir and Srranth-i | .?ppr lu.utnte. SABATOOi SpBINQS, W. Y. Kii Bi-.ioH 8rnt*o Watr? ia niieurneaepd h? anp of the eatHI of .;> ?a r.mM-tl agaal anl a< a bealtklaJ bprerage Bold u wh, I? ?, ? ?f vt arrall, TATnI J. Oa, Ba k, .nJ letaileJ bj firat-claat di-rgiita tbroai,-!! .^???????. WllAT Q VITAI.ITY t tMaooe baa snt ret anmrered tbi. ponnnitntra. Thp pri'plnle of life, la apile of tbe rreearrhea of cherra.ta, doctort. tnd m< taphra.riana. re tutuBa ai.krtown. We kaow, btwerrr tbat wbi-a tbe liiaal il Impure. the aleaaib lurrt. tlie bowrli Imjulir. tbe Iirrr ditordered, or thc Derrea pelaxed. tb t lifeatBttalting pncciple, whaterer It maj be. la ebora of IU ectit-r powpr. and tbat tbe btalf it animatRt linrni.tboa. We kniiw. too. aurb of ua at ire rtpable of der-ring tiioaioJue fiom lathpn ticttt.: f.iu. I)...t 11 --i;?'BK't firoaACit Bittbiu forrect ImpnriUea of the blooo iBvigaraBI tbe tton.ach, rc.tul.tte tbe bowela, tona the llrer and bra? thp nrne., tbartSr roiBi.ating and aabilaing tbe ? or bl1 naiilli un ilnrh tend te aborten life. Thp axertue time of bumaa aiiatenre a.gbt uLqaaeLoBabl]- be creatlr leBgtbt-ned bj jadicioot atinalaUna. rapociall/ b tbe declice af life. tnJ tbia fimoni prepirabon ti nndouh.r'.'.i thp rw: v t! preient knott-. T'llK lil.KIIAM MaNHA. il 1.1 MJ COMl'ANY remi.^Jthp pu*.:.i that thr Kuinme C.iurt ot tbi Vnited StatM bal ?? ?i ibir favor *i.ali >u.;artu fail prjtoca .a fi-ja tbe iwitiutoTi of their i .Sra.iiL A?ra-?'lax il rpqoeaUJ to thp fart thkt tbe f trade marki are i!im;>f\l ui^tn e.ert .rt?lp iBiBafaetsred b/ tb.-ta. Trarle rai.k for I Tiattt?tbfcf Ourbaa. Surjug Mlret. Uorliain KIp.Iio Plato MKItllNO t*jB*"^ BJ Oohxaw Mro. Co , Minofacta?n of PtpeHnr SiWpr Wan. aad Pina Klectro Pl.ta, l'r,,i flaflBaV, a I., and 1 Iioad at., Nrw-Vork. Tea Sereipe*. Dmnpr, and Wetklia/ OatSta. in rreat eanctj-, froib thr lau-.t to tb? ainAlleal, bf lie tiigbe.-t order, are c-juataullj it fri,iB ti.e Oorhara Warka. IBVMIBBMI I>0\r?3. Thp Noktiikh^ Pacinr Railuuap IX Firit MontOAQa Gold IJaar.., wkicb wp roooiiaend a. a oroltable an.l wei:-aeeored iBve-tmcat. bear 1 310 per oeat (old lutereat, and ba?e tbe faliuwing clrmeuu of BB. cun./, ?i? : 1. The. are ibe ttMgBBaa of a itrang poraora'ina. 1. Tber are a iirat Mortgatt on Ihe Road, ita leBfawatB., an.1 Praarbiwa. X Thar are a?nt lieaon itaNet Raraingt.. I. Tbere >? pledftvi, ia aJJ.tion, for the p./m.nt of priaciptl tsl Is teieat. a Laud Urant of 12.8U0 ar.rea per mile tbroorb tbe tflaaaa, iad Zi'iUfi ac?. per ualr tbroujh tba Trrritoriei trareraed. 'I lie Compaaf ia atreadr! to Btattj 1 en Million acraa of .la Uraat. and ita Laad Aalea tba- far bat-e realiipd ?>5 Ct per irre. W.tb nearl' MO n.ilet of tbe road completed tnd in operatiot, tkt aarniora Ior 11*73 wiii be large. Aii uarketable itockt aad bonii tvrt rcon'red ia nchmte for Ncrtbera Ptcilca o-i u oat laxurabla tcrua. Jar Cooia k Co., ? Wall-tt., Kew-rork. TEBMM UF TIIK TBIBUNB, Daiiy litiBT-vp. Mitil Su>->. ?H) pf>r anntim. RBMl Wl in1. TRIBI m:, Muil Sul>.-ci il?-is. $3 j..r :m. WnhiY TmitiNP, Mail Kulwcrilpers, .*U unnuni. Adrrrtiaing Katea. Daii.y Tnint.Ni, BOta, 40c? aOc, ">c, and $1 por line. 8kmi-Wkkkly Tkib'-nk, Uo and .V) cm-hLs per line. Vt'KLkLY Thiul-nk, $2, $??, aud $0 pej Line, Ai lording to poaitiou in the paper. 'i'erms, caali in atlvance. Addreaa. Tlir. TitiBt NK. New-York. Advortis?-mriit8 neeifOti at up-town offir<>s. TA\ W. Sad-et., or ttJb W. 'Jild-at., till 8 p. m., at regular ratefi. The Webki.t TKiRCNg will Iv readr tliis k-orning at * u'ciueA, ln wrappara for iuailing. Pnce 5 aenta. OMMATMM TJfAX Cn/LMBKIIS?The Tribune Leeture Extra* and Vridit Mobilitr Uou'jU *K"t, all compUle lo lh\t daU.fritby mavl for 40 tvinfa. TM* ii Ihe cheapetl tnau ofliterature evtr offered tinee printing v>a* intenkd. MMMCBMM tM rCLT,.-f>even Setrlfaren leeture* by JTenry Ward lieetherin full for threecsntsat The Tril/une oounter, or for flx* eeni* by mail t Bendfor Tribune Ltc turt Hztra, Ao. C 2frto$.ttk Vtdln Gxttmn ata FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELEY. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30,1873. TllIJM^E SHEET. (Jarliat flflBBaaaaaa are roiH-ruvl from rtpalu. r-?? Tha will of tha lai? Kiuim ror Napoleoo ia publlahed. av??? Tet. tl.ouaaud cuugrauta lifl Liverpool laat woek for Auiorica. An altaAk <>n thc Mudoca waa dlaastrooaly repulaed, tt aaaaBawa BbBm laB fl m.d is wuundnd. ???? a i.iii aap BBBBB i.Ury Ifl t; . N.-w-Y. rk CliurU-r waa paitaed and I.v ttbfl <'.<.vprnor. c=z~= Th. furuituru of the Hall of Rojircatuitiitiv ea v*a? aold at auctlou. Bids wt-re laaUwafll for tlie ferry leaaea. =?r?j rroba My ii.. r.-il.i.tii'ii nf aali.ri.-H will he made ln the achoola. at - Tlu- Criaj.iua thieatfu ta atrlkc In.uj.-di a Boftiaanla Brtnaaa waa aaflOflV-.< Ba - An llalian nilaeloiiiiry flbaC .ndfd wltli gi.CX). . ^a Tlio Ixuig laland cbMrlt-r . ;ett.oti Ux.k plaoe. ?--_ Uol<I, 117|, 116|, IK-J. Tli.'n.Kiiu.t. r, .',1'', 58?, 4*?. The i.ioj.osition to iucreast: tlio tax ou fort;ia.n iniiniafralion B(J4jiri8 to bc fmally dclctttd ia thc LdBfljfcriataie. TIktc ?ai never niiich show of rcabon iu thc agitation of the schonio. One or two of our lt>cal Diajrwtratvi'8 have (rrcatly iMliAetl cvil-docrs hy tht ir Yigorou.a judicial deciaions aud. aentenco". The Jy<K'p> latnre haa nenfoned thia waaonable alami by paaaiiig a bill for tbe prompt arreat and of {ictty thicvuri und pickpoafcet-. Wt: iiiity now hupc ior it K(,(,d iitldancc froin the hoidi; of rt<;auij)S who thc city. The rawdncRg, of the Chartor which hns ju?t BflBBl PBBBBtJ by thc Lc^irdnture ia illim trated by tlf l?'t that it alrcady ii^mIh eup plciuciitaiy pattiiiiig. lt ia aaid that the bill ol ajuciiiliuiiiLrt will ouiy mcludo a few littjc thiiik'H that aVairc ovcrlookcd in tho origiiml ?jHBhBBtB BBfll moptt Ipc aticmled to now. it. i-t jnore lik?-ly, however, that Una reoponiBg ol Uk fiiic^iiou of a govuaiucut for Now Yotk will ho _oir,od on aa I pr.tcxt for moro r.uliivil cbangoa. lYooisely what thfl OongrcRaional (.onvention hl St. Taoiii.H is cxjioctcd to Bocompliah doos not nppear. Tlio programmc, howovor, cm bracca throo dayg' do.nga. of whirli ono i? act (lnwii for wolcoming and work | und tlio other two are devotod to oxeurflioiis. bnnqueta, and Other viirictio.- of iunkotinp. Thia may not b" tiscfii), but it ia undeniably " Cfca^pl__lt-__Io11 There nre indieationa that the Aajomhly will p.iss tho Senate hill to modify tho uaury laws. Tm) ordcrinp Ot tliiit uioaaure to u tliinl read log hy u IgBga vole shows a favoring of tlio hill which lg linoxpeotcd. Such a modifica tion would bo a roliof to existing thongh in ..perative BtiitntoH. It forfoitH tho illepal in teicst oxacfcd ; hut it doos not ohailgo tho jiroHont rato establishod hy law. It ig doubt fu., howovcr, if any inoro radical chiingo in the usnry laws oan now lve Rocurcd. Now that tho (.omniissionera of tho Sinking 1'nnd aro reeeiving bi'ls for tho forry lcaRca, ciiticism of tho man.igement of tho varioua Im. s is tinioly. Tho staloinent that moat of tho Huburhan ferrics aro oporatod at a loaa to thoir owacn i_ cvidoutly A threadbarc apology tor tho wrotohod acc.ominodations that aro iif fordod tboM who livo out of tho city. Bflttflf returos .hould bo made in dividenda, cleanli noss, and comfort Ior a capital of noarly $4,000,000. A roforni moa_.iro wns adopb-d hy the S. TKiio. yestorday, iu tho roductiou of the cost of pabttfl pnnlinp. Thk Tkibunk, in ita ex poaure of Mr. Torwilliger's operationa at Al bany, last year, waa able to lcad up to a com plfltfl exhibitiou of thia branch of logislative ixtravapanoe. Tlio Senate haa profitod by tho inlonuation gained and haa junt atruck off t-onie $75,000 from tho cnormous aiinual ex j.enses for pnnting. Thia ia a flaah of econo luy which lighta up a pretty dark placc. ? UM attcntion of thoso who aro interoatod ia I disciiRsion oi thoLabor quo8iion',(and who ia notT) lg iuvitcd to a lctter ou this subjeet printod on our fourth pago to-day. Our cor respondent oxaniinea tho problom of stnkea with intellipont and pcncrous vicws ; hia con clu_-it.ii, that assodatiou in labor ia tho inost l.i|..lul niiiiily fur prosent coniplaints, i_ OM whieh ia beooming daily nioro aoeeptable nnd popular. It is natural tliat we ahould tind Bome siniilarity hotwcon tho danger and thfl reiuedy ; thia ll comliination. Tho opposition to tho piopo .od reduetion of sila.ies in tln- puhlic achools bai boen so viporous thal tho Coiiiiiii-sitiiitis will probably post]itiiio indviinitcly, at thoir incoting to-day, t!ic consiiioration of the Rubject. A 0_ tlio jiay-rolls, ratlior tli.m a ponuy-wiso r.-tronchinont, ig what is B ded, and a boily that is popularly known as thfl Keforni Bflhool Board cannot with dignity shirk thfl plain duty ol oqualizinp tlie salaiit'S of toacher.. wlierever an uujust *_i_.oi'iininaiion ig gaadfl OB acoouut of MZt Ii woiinii lairly oain tiu Wlfflfl of nion in tho public schools, t -n \ sliould recoive them. There is soinething pathotic in tln> Btnfgle ftftei pOBthomOttl rcnioiiibriinco whii h any d.'ad nnin's will rovoals. Thfl la-^1 will and Usiaincnt of thfl lato Kiiipor.n <>t" thfl FrflOflb, which haa juet been made puhlie, is tscutinicn t;.l?il not jialholif. Hil Napolflflaifl desire for a dyna.-ty " mv son" thfl central figOIC ol the document,; and ior thk vety ordni.iry younp man he haa fino [>liilo..opliy, as well as pood wishea for hia duo catahhahment in tlie Klysee. I'coplo will bfl IHipfiflOd to Mfl liiat the cx-Knipcror'a cBtato ia fglaod at only ahout fftOO/Ml a;i<l tliat all bll greatness finally shrunk to this little measuie. On tbo third pago of Tm: 1, to-day, we print fon !?'ii eorrespondoiiisfl ranpmg ironi Home to Yeilo, and Cron Vedo to Mcxico. Mr. liayard Taylor writi s jiirtni-r .qui ly, ;is wi 11 gl f'U.ilily, from the JtuiM-iiiil City. Ho linds Kotiie, as tli:> of Jiiily, ImpflOWOd and improving in RCtgDJ ways. \Vhitew:i.-liing aml dettoiuiis wall-..c ipiogi tO bfl Miic, ofl'.'iid tlie aitiatic seuise somewliat; but thfl railioads are eoiiveniciit, and thfl itWOtg Mfl Mkl tO bfl e'le tner tiian Kinee. thfl time ol Diocletian j which is grcat g:iin, thoagh tho ancient tradi tions peiiah. The Niiicteenth Coutury is noisily crowding its way in tho venerable capital of Japan, as well as in Home. One of our corre .poudont.-- tells of tho dolieious aceno which occurrcd when an Ameiicin lady vigorously shook hiiinls with tlie Ifikado, " and thought it kiudness to Ilis Majosty." That that saerod pcisonago, tho Mikado of Japan, should pive amlicneo to a lady (even with train-beareis) was a wonderful event; but his submission to the puniji-hamlh! ccre monial is more curiously ama/inp. Next, we sliull havo thfl tlrand Lama dancing a tiieaH urc with the Wonian of Ainorica. Our .Mexi can picturo il loas pleasant than cithor of the otlnrs. Tho countiy aeeins ncttuilly wc;iry with corruption; and the oflicials busy tbein M_YC_ languidly with drawing thoir salaries aud intiigumg for perpctually iucreauiug fees. On tho ciphth and ninth ptipes of Thk. Tr.ini'M. will bfl fonnd a pleasant lettfll about MflflBt picturo salea in I'aiis, and ono from Borlin giving sonic acconnt of Bptfll bagca'a _aw novel, the gppflaxancfl of whitfa waa a littrary event in fJormany. ASOTIJER MODOC MA8BACEK. A terrible and fatiil blundei hiis agiiin been eonnnittod in thfl Modoc campaign. Tho dis aster of thfl rdaupliter at Tule Lako haa bflflg iippraviited by a catastroplie of still moro ao rioua practical im|Mirtanie. Theniurderof Oru. Cauby and tho Peaee Coiniuissionoirt w;u;, froa tho savago point of viow, a great aud inspiritinp ;k litveiiunt, but it bears no comjiarison with tbe exploit with whieh every inotintiiin cainp-liro and every digger's hut ia by this time ringinp. The Modoes have tnet a cen siibrablo forec of our artillery and infantry in what mnst have upjioared to them a fair fipht, i.nd liavo entirely defeated and routod it. Two batterios aud OM eonipany ataited out on the 26th of April to recounoiit r thfl suppoBcd atronghold of thfl Modocg. Tliey win permitt-d to advanco without oppoaition to the plare whero they could bfl coiivoniontly kilhd, the foot ot tho bluff aouth of tlie lava b-<K and then the aavages opened a muxdcious litc upon thom, l>*fore wliirh they were uttetly bfllplflflga Tla-y appi-arod to have logt in a few momenta soine twenly-threo killed nnd ei^hleen wounded, and the .urvivors hurried hack to camp through a gidling Ure to which il.ey could not lecpond, leaviug their woiimled to the mercy of tho exultant havagos Tho liBt of killed rinbrac-es a eaptain and three lieiitiiiantrt, and tho promisod of the MixloeM is itidetinitoly postpomm. It would bo riuih at t_u_ di..t.ui(o to altempt to fix the reaponaibility for tlioee repeat<wl blundeni, which are nonriahintT a gonoral In dian war on onr bordor. Tho f.tot* aro of the utniOHt gravity. To thoae who know anythiug of tho Indian charscter, it in not nmasfotry to dvoll "P"" tho dianstrous conpafvqneiiciM which muat nwoevaarily tTow from _BBBB repcated ?nc (a3ewoa. Thcro aro no conaiderationB of honor or good will poBBiWo between thc two fJMft Thc Indiana liavo bocn too long tho victima of thc r.ipaoity and cruelty of tho border rulliaiiB, BllBBB livcH are paaacd in robbing aud nialtrcaiiiir them, to fccl toward tlio wbito r.uo any Kcntiminta but thoae of BBBB aml BBB p?ion. Ifl tlu.s BBBB9 of thinira it U ulmolutcly Ihat they Bliould never bc allowc. I,. ftffil tlie Hiipcrior powBI of tho nationa luiccs. But by a Mfaaa of and fi.llici, uncxamplcd iu our lmtory, th'*' wictchcd and itmorant bcinip, BBfB bocn to bclicvc in their n|BI-tf to with Kland and todefoat tho aoldicra of tho j*!-1** anny in glBBllj auporior foroc Every ono kiiows how rupidly intelligenco ia coniinum catcd BBaong tluwo tribea. Laat wcek wo haard of sciittcrcd banda appoanng in war paint at. aeveral pointa of Northcrn Califoruia and Southcrn Urogou. lt will not be euay to prc ili.t how many bands will apring "J> from thia hust fatal ?BUIIIBB Whilo tbia doadly contaigion of blood in Bpreftding throutrh tho mountains, bow in tho Govenimcnt proparing to cbeck an.l countcract itT Tho Presidcnt ia taking a lOBg and api>urcntly a.reeablo pleasuro excur ,-iou in Colorado, gi viug Ul name to anowy noaka i.nd hia thoughts to tho question whether Washiiigton or St. Louis would 1m? tho bflttet jicnnanciit residenco. Tho Sccretary of War ia enjoyiup fciBMBif in Texaa. and hopca to diuo in Ncw-Orleans on Wetlncaday. Tho Aasociatcd Press scuds a word ao naiyely ridi.tiloua that wo miist rcpoat it hcro: "Tho " viait of thflBfl proniinciit olli.iala haa crcatcd "thc bost feding among the people, who " regard it as cvidence that tho Oovcrnnicnt '? takea an interest in frontior afi'ajrs." If the loyalty of "tho people" acccpta aueb evi.lenco aa thia, thero it certainly no roaaon |0 cumplain of tbo decay or failb in thc niuc tcenth coutury._^^_____ IXSAMTY AS!? OBIMB. Tho abusea of Um dt i'ciiso of inaanity in criuiinal ln.ila Uf) leading, we b.licve, to B pcncral public reacfiun, ol which thfl addreas read thc other day by Mr. David Dudl.y Field :it | BHHrtfag of thfl Society BBBl bfl taken M an impoi aymptoin. Wc .iiiii. r .-dand tliat ono of Iho most ciiiincnt oi Aiikti cjii aut.horitics on tlio diaorders of thfl m""il ?I)r. Williain A. Hainmoiul?will sln.itly pub IjkIi a paper suatniiiing ?" grcat pait, if BOt fully, tho fiejl of Mr. Ficld. Thttfl wc ahall hiive two of thc iorcni'.st. BBBB in thfl piol'cs sions of law and incdicinc eoiiiending loi I radical tliaii!,'c iu onr thcoric.s of incdical JB> rispru.l.iiee; and Ihat thc l.iy pul.lic Ifl riady to BOCOSd thflil cITn-ts wc havo UO doubl what ever. Imlecd, if iiiiinlcr il to bfl discour.iu'fil, our lOWB inust bfl greatlj amended. A man who never l.clrayetl B BBaMBflBt'l abiiration of miiul dilibcratily shot his cncin.v, aud, Iwi it ^c WlBBBfld on tho cxeiise of insaiiity, walkcd out into Hroadway a frcc and liricml.aiiusscil citi/cn, and of cotirse has bfltBB l>eifect!y sanc flffflt ainoe, rc;idy to ti'iii-at, the limnirid.- if a siiinlai tcinptation an-.'. Tbfl man \v!h. ^liot _M tle l.aa.hci- of his wife al Alhany was said tO hav. BBBB BBBtfl iinmeiliBtely bflfoifl thc deed and iiiiiiifdial.-ly aller, thoupli not BBBB at thfl iiioment of killiiiK; bfl Witrt acpiitLcd on thfl groU-d of in^.inity, aiul BVpOflBtBtJ tO ? cletk ahJp ia the N.vv-V..rk POBt-OaaaOB. Tho <in.-i actor m ? atill Blflffl coiHj.icui.iis cise of thc sainc BOfta who was adjudped not lalional cnouph to bfl ic-ponsiblc for Jiis actioins, l.c canie a inajoi-pncrtl and a toCfligfl ininistcr. In thfl OBBfl of tlu- txii-'t-r Huntin>:t.)n, it was ariPiied that a man miirht bfl BaBtBfllBBB of tho tlillercnce between ri^ht and wii.nir, aud yct throofh tlisi-asi- so sinuiKly iaipellod to wKiiitf H.tions that it would be unjiist to hold him rcipoiiHible for hif con.Inct. in a miirdcr case tricd in thia < ity Bfe ycars a;:o, thfl ruiiit aetuaily rul.d that If tlie pn-uner i?oinmiit. d thfl act in B inoi.icnt of frcn/y he ci.uld not bfl coiivicled of any oliciise; and Jodgfl Hraily, in thfl S.aiiiiell c.i..-, Ikw dc clarcd thfl law of this Bthttfl tO bfl that a man ia " reopoBfliblfl fot hi* Bflhi Brbea ba fattawfl arhat '? he ia doJBg. ia capiil.le ot distiiikruisliiii^ Mli_fat fioni wroii{p, underatanii-i the conac "OJOflSeBfl of hia act, and that it is in violalion " of tho lawa of God and man. ln uthcr " pfOVBa, if tlu pn-u.ncr was in snch a BtBtfl of " inind as to knOW that the d.i.d w;ts unlaw " ful and iuorally WXOngi bfl ifl rc-poiisil.le; "olh.rwi-e iu.t.'' It i.scvidenl ihat an ui.plica tiOB of thetb- piinciplea would s< l at libcrty balf thfl inurderera in our jails. IMurdcra after cool deliberation Bffl laie. Ilomi tido ifl alinost alwaya (lOBfl in n 1110 inent of frenzy?that ia tO IBaJi wlieu the paaaiona are ao iniuli intlamed that the uiualcrer docs not rcllcct npon thfl OOBflOOB BMBfl of Ul action. It may bfl Btid that bfl il for thfl inomcnt incupablo of appichcndiiii,' thfl wickedneas of thfl (\ft-<\, juat as a drunken man may bfl incapablo Of di.stiiii'iii.aliinp lu twecu liK'ht and wronjf. But whal food rcason ia llnrc for excuaintra criiue coiuniiilcd iu frenzy any more than n crimo coinmittcd in drink t So, too, with homicidca pcipctiated under tho cx.iteincnt of a doincBtic calamity ; the niur deier'a inind muy bo for tho iiioment unliingctl by hU uiisfortuuca ; ho muy satlsfy himaclf it ii no nioral wronj? to alay the deHtroycr of hia liomc ; and yct bfl rctaina thfl conacioua niss that whal bfl ia doing ia a violatiou of thfl UtW : why should bfl bfl exi uscd any more. than thfl thiet who piisuadea himself he may rightfully atcal to kec). himself lioin starving t A acientilicjfatudy of inaanity haa thiown fteai li^ht uiioii tho iiature of mcntal diacaae, und ouglit long tfO to have mudilietl tlie lawa relatiug to it. Idiota, we may aay, are DflJOnd thfl juiisdiction of law, liko chil.lien tinib-r thfl ugc of icaison, except that tho law may sub ject them to whatev. r lestraintia ucccaaaiy to thfl p-1)lafl haf.ty. Inaanity may be of four kinda: it may atl'c. t the perccptiona, gafing liflfl to or hullu.iiiati.iii>; it may iin pair thc rcaaoning facultiea; it may diaturb the cinotiona; and it may invalidate tho will. Mr. Ficld ia diapoeed to mako a broad tlis tiii. tion bitwt-tu thcao varioua kinda of mcntal diacaae in trcatiug with criiniimla, nnd to hold that omotioiial inaanity nnd |M.Tctplional inaanity, whilo they inai, furiiiah a atroiiK' abnoriual toinplatniu |<> crimc, OOght never to bfl acccpted H a aullii ient plca iu bar of puuiHhuient. It ia ouly when thfl reasi.u ia ao far dcatroyed that thero ia no powcr of BhoOBBBg between right and wrong, i.n.l |hfl will ao far invitlhliitcl thal il OBBttOt ob.y thfl reaauu, that man ceiiMta to be it aponaible. for bil acliuiia aud thr. I.iw baBBI tho rigfattO hun. Thia diatinction eicludca fiotu Uio courla tho bxcuao of Oiiiotional m aanity which haa been ao much abuaed; and if wo conaider for a momeat tho prin ciple upoa which legal puniBhmonta aro fouadod, we mnat a_lmit tho propriety of the excluaion, Vongeanco ia not tho buaineaa of oarthly court* and statntes; but ponaltiea are auue .eil by law to crimo in order to inauro obodienco; their ohject ia to protoet society by detorring tho oflendor from a rcpotUkm of tho olTenao aml dot4'rring otbora through ilio examplo of hia Huflering. Henoe it followa that any man wbo ia capable of bcing detorred by tho fear of punishmont ia a flt anbjee.t to bo puniahed. Tho preciao degree of hia moral accountability may be left to God. In line, acoording to Mr. Field'a view, "tho "(pination of legal rosponaibility muat eome to "thia?Waa tho peraon accuacd capable of " knowing tliat the act or omiaaion waa a vio "lation of law, and of rofraiuing from itt" " 1 do not ask," he continuea, " whether ho did " know, but whether bo waa oapablo of know "iup. If ho waa capable of knowing and " of rofraining, then hc waa in tho aonso "of the law a froo agont." It will bo found that very few inaane persona aro inaen alblo to the fear of punishmont or incapablo of knowing what ia lawful and what ia for bidden. Insano Aaylums aro all managed ui>on the principlo that the unsound of mind aro poverued by motivea and ean bfl ruled by fcar. "Thero is acarcely ono of the patienta," said an eminent phyaician, " who, if hc wastod hia but " ter and wero told that it would be taken " from him if ho waatod It again, would not "rofrain from doing ao." Hut if tho object of punishmont ia tho protcction of aoeioty, why ahould wo not go atill ftirthor than Mr. Fi. Id proposost Why ahould any iuaane crimiual bo ?ot free, to lepeat his violationa of the law, and to encourago other lunatios to aimi lar ofl'cnaoat 'Iliero ia no ono perhapa more to bo pitied than tho viclim of homicidal iiiaiiia; but then there is no OM BOffl to bo feaied. To turu auch a person lopgg in the strecta ia to endanger tho coimiiiinity, aud wo havo no more ripht. to havo at larpe tho vietim of a nicntal diseaso that iin perdl other people, than a autlorer from .mall-pox or flimilar contagioua allectiona. Tho groat ditlieulty in tho way of punishinp t bfl inaaiio ia tho death pctialty. It is u queation whethef that oaght to be linpofled inanveaso; btif so long aa it is tho law, thero aro cer tiiinly insano niurderera now at hirpo who dc lenrg to b? haagcaj tpdto-gi much thj^Fcwtflf di?l, or 15 .per*. Wo may conio at last to a chaagfl in the law which sliall flbolilh all dia tinctioiis betweeii tln- sane and tho insano in ihe eouits, aml leavo the jury no function ex (opt i<? pgoaowaefl apon the Bo_BBitaafcm of the ad, tho judpe no iliserction iu imposing thfl seiittme. Whether tlie prisoticr Wlfl s.ine enoiigli to be a free gfOOt mipht aftcrwards bfl detciniiticd by a coinmis-ion of experts; aml upon their rep.irt a fl?pflt?t tiibunal mipht Im' empowered to euiuuiute tho Ron tetitf, if neeessaiy, into iinpiiaoiiincut iu a lanatic Bgjrlttin. rr'-- ? Tin: EADU M. VICTOE1 IN /'./.?/_.. It is entiiely posaible that the " Kopublic of " M. dliiinbett.i," as the couservativo gentle.incu of the Assi-mbly Ufl pleased to eall it, ia uearer tlian has been peticrally suppo.-od. On Siiuday last tlie Kepublieans cairied sevefi ol ii.e eifhl distiic.ts iu which elect 10ns went v. :,|. aud in three of thes", tlio Kadieal candi .i.iies were fllflflted. Tln- CoogorratifO Ito puiilieiiiis brongbt in fou eandiriitflik uml UM MoilglChlltl BO?i <>ne solitury deputy t li 11? tl from thfl tll. t'-f.iiihful J'.iiltany. l.ut thfl .-ipinlii ."il part of the day's votiup, in faet one of the ______ ilieidflits Which hOTfl h.ippeiied sincc tlie clOQfl of the war, wh Ilio Hipnal sulb red by the (...veinment and tho Cou? servativo l.epublieatis tn tho eleclion of ;i drpiity forl'iiiis. The majority of ,M. Harodet OTfll the Count de Minusat is so groat thal the diverMoii of the .Mouareliieal vole upon B.irou Siolb-1 made M dill'crcm .t in the roault. If laopitimists, Inipcriali.ts, and Orhanists tiinl all voted with the. Couservativo Koptib liian ., tlie K.idifiil t iiinli.l.ite would still have been el.i'leil by sniue eiphteen thoiisiind ma? jority. I'.nis bai thus uniniotakably deelnred foi thfl d'tinil.' and imtiiediato establishment of tho Ib piililie for the ili-s.iluti.m of the pn-i'iit Aaaeiublji the aboolatfl integritj of uni\i-i sulli.i_e. thfl e.iii.ot iiti.iii of a new ('mi .1 ttiii'iit, iiiid :i Itee amiicsty for the con (leiiiiii tl ComniTiniatw Whiit thfl tfsull ol (his poweiful niiinifesta tion ol opinion il to be will depi-nd greatly upon tho way in which M. Thieis ohOflflOl to repard it. It is unquustionahly ;i most import ant warning addressed to the (Jovernment. It, ia ono more assuianec, which by thia timo oupht not to h:ive been net-ded, that the liolitical strenpth of the oountry ia on the side of tho Left, and that it is a mistako for tho l'lesident to try to coneiliato the Kipht by ooncessions whieh tho Kadicals re?ard as hos lilo to tht mselves. Tbfl act whieh lepislated M. Barodet out of oflieo as Miiyor of Lyons was an unnecesaary f;ivor shown to tho Mou archist elemeiit of tln; Assombly, aud of courao ggffl him immodiate piomincneo as Ihe repre sentative of a principlo. In no poisonal point of viiw (dulil he bo comparod to his coinpet ltor. M. de Ib intisat ia ouo of thoso men v, ho do honor to puhlic otlice. In charactor as in abibty ho is one of tho iirst men in puhlic lifo in France. His posi tion beforo the Keiiulilicans of l'aris WM also irreiiroac'nable. His addross to the elect ors was a frank ond ainoere decliuation of Keimblititn principb-s. It laat him tho chanco bo nii;,'lil havo bad fov votes, though thfl result sltows tlieio wero Very fow of them to loao. Ile conimitled not only himself, but bo far as tho utteranco.s of a inembcr of tho (Jovernment could do it, thfl entiro Cibim??, to I policy of str.iiphtforward Ke|)iibb( anisiii. In thia eandiiltUuie tho atti tudo of M. Thiers bgOMN niore unet|iiivoc;il than ever iK'foie. Hut all tl?U w;ia un availing. Tho aupport of the leadinp minds of tho old hisiorical ]>arty to whieh Martm, Cieiuioux, Arngo und Carnot belonped, waa not eiiough to elect hini. Iu spite ol all his IHjraonal iind political advaiitapes. it was fell by thg bulk of tho aincere nnd aetive Hopubli eanathiit he muat not bfl elected, bflflMUfl hia Biicceaa would appear liko an indirect auccoaa of the naetion. It waa conaidered necestiary to defeat him, as a lebuke to tuo nnyority of Iho Aaaembly, aa a warning to tho Oovern inciit apainst otlicial caiididaturea, and a clear and deliuite maiiifestiition of tho strongth uud the purpoaea of the IUdii al Kepiiblic?ns. It cau eaaily bo undorslood that thia dofoat hhoiild prodtico 8 poweiful ell'cet upon tho mind of Ihe I .caid.nt. J.ut it doea not niw. eaaarily follow that he ahould conaidor it a reaaoti for any immediate or violcnt at tlon. It doea not, like a parlianiontary dofoat, in volvo any qtnvHtioii of reaignation. Hut if M. do KcmiiHut Hhotild upon leaving the Cabinet, and thoae of his colleaguoa wiio con? aidor theinst Ivc. iuvolvod witb hiui bliould ac< ompany bira into rctiremont, tbe aubatitu tioii of auch mon a* M. (Jtovy and M. Ca_i_nir 1'erier haa certainly nothing alarmlng alwnt it. But it aioma reaaonably certain that a cnaia ia approaching in tho biatory of tbe Aaaombly which will decido ita future more promptly thau haa latoly appeared prob able. Thero waa littlo to chooae betwi-en the two candidatoa, ao far aa the Itight wero con cerned. Whatevcr their pretenaoa may be, they are no mero anxioua for tho eatabliah ment of a Ropublic under M. Thiora than of ono under M. Oamlietta. The cleetoral Ad dreaa of the Couut do Ite inusat was scaroely lc__ objcctionablo to them than that of tbo ox-Mayor of Lyons. Tho (Jovernment, there fore, would aoem to havo littlo inducemeiit left to attempt to coneiliato this irreeomtilablc faetion, and tbo weal.ness it haa displayed in the. neent clfftion inuat convinco M. Thiers that any furthcr coneossions to the Kight will be equally fruitle. s and diingoroua. 4WOTBEE ruiiuc, ECAHtHL. Tho coat of living ia increa.sed to every man and woman in tho country when the puhlic crodit siitiore. The riao and fall of tho sccu rities on which wo aro borrowing monoy in F.uropean ejipitala are indexea of the practical fact that wo are by so much nchor or poorer. And aa wo aball probably bo a uation of bor rowers for at least aa many jrean aa any of ua oxpeot to livc, wo may as well repard it aa a permanent fact that our crodit is our wealth, its lOM our povtrty. When a d.fault ing caabier ruins a bank, the loss that falls on siockholders and depoaitors il but a frac tion of tho injury. Every capitalist in tho country, larpo or small, luis his littlo spaam of alann, and porhaps contraets to HM extent his uso of money, and adds to the ilillicult.ics mid expense with which all businessis earriod on. When a groat railroad corpnr.ition il mis managod, tlioro ean be no gn-atcr mistako thiin to imagine tliat only Wall Strcet and the bondholdera auffer. Tho loss ia sprc;id ovcr tho wholo continent, and we all pay our part. It is for thoso reaaons that tbo -dory of tho waato and ruin of tho Vermont Ontral Rail? road, which wo givo on gaothflf pago, ia a niatior of pcrsonal niterest to everybody. Tt is in a senso, as tbo scandal of Krio under Fisk and Gonld was, a natioiiiil diggMO. Tho methoils of tho operations in Verinont bflgf dose rescnibliince to thoso of tho Ivrio in ro apect to tho formation of corporations to aup ply evorything to the road at extravagant priccs. ln tho mattor of ropeating tho samc stockhohlers in two or tbrec difierent coipm.i tions that pliiyed into each other's hands, they reiniiid Bfl of tho CfMit Moliilier. In praspinp and absorbinp other RMMfl tliero is a toiich of tho railroad policy that Ne v-Jeisey hai ju_t oveicome. Tho amouuts involved aro bttge; aml tho millioiis of doilars which havo l.eeti aunk in this railroad Ufl loflat to it aa as-ot-, wbilo tbo fortiines of its inaiiagers seetn to bave onormously lacrflglfld. When somo examiuatioti of tliis railroad t oinpany WM IgSt i'all, thfl condi tion of atTairs found uttle iiitention oii.side ol tbo New-England MWgpgpflM. ' The ftflfll denlial clc(ttion took precedenee in public iutercst and tbe scandal droppfld out of no tice. Hut the matter ia too seiious thu.-. to rest. Thfl Veiinont LagMJOtOffl il involve.l tO ti certain, as ehugflg ol OOfl nption are rife, th'iiiph porhap. DOt very ipociflc Tho coinniittee that nieels at Bt. Albans should be cofii|i.'lli(l by thfl force of popular >.-iitiiiieiif to liiiiko a peniiine lnvestipiition. Thfl Iflttflf ol <uir enrre .pondent pives tlie m lin point. nnd in.uiy ol thfl partieulars Bl *o whero this expOBOJA is iieetled. There have bflflO BO many gnat .-..indals lhal. this OM is in danper of heinp fotnewhat oveilook.-d. When the story i-i fully told, tbod-flgnfl. iiiu.-t bfl rineentrati d upon tho men who have etVet ted tho ruin. So far as their cap;. ity oxtended they _eem t.o have done their sharo in stabbing tho public eicdit. Tho wound porhaps ig "not so dfltf) " its g well, nor so wide aa a cliurch dooi , bt|1 " it in eno'tph." TIIE VIS1T OF THE SHAH. Auiong thfl group of soveicipns which will ggggmblfl at \ ientia tiiis Suiumer, none will be likely to titiraet sneh cunoiis and sor pffgfld attetilion M thfl Sh:ib of I.tmh, who hai jusf >et out. upon a visit to thfl principal OOOltga The traditions of his hoMfl and dynasty are opposcd to travel. Binflfl Durius cneoiinterod thfl Seythians near tho niouths of the river on which tho Austrian eauitil stands, BO nioiiiirch of Persia has vis? it. 1 F.uropo 00 niissiou ol hostility or politenoas. Tho people whom he rulea dwell a|?art. They are feuced with i\v^. erta and mountain*, livo nnder the sliadow of traditions dark ;md nld, md pm . -- tbe Eaitera batred of and contempt tor for eipners. This bM ubated IO_MWh__ ol late, owinp to thfl bbiral policy of thfl Shah. Ho has introdiiced tho tolepraph into his tlomui lons.andmediiiites railroad.. He has MflflmUfld roiitid him ollieers of Kiiropean trainiup to dis eipliM his de_<i t armioa in tho drill and tactics of tho West, and in thfl ntimerous collopca of T.'heran are somo pndessors of ihe leani ing of the lands of tho lnlidel. Somo of her nobles have sent thoir sons to l'iiris to be cducated; and of late, ca.-tinp aside Ihe oiimbrous aud arbiirary usuges which havo been euiployed iu Oriental povernmeut for ages. ho haa reinodeled his polity in somo iiccordiinco with VY e.tern standards. Ib' bM fashioued a mini..try something like that of Great Hritain, and introdiiced extousivc re lorm - in the povetnnieiiL of hia widely dis persed provinces. His territory is noarly as largo aa th;it ot Mexico, and formerly the Goveruor of flgeh liroviuco wrunp taxes from ita inhabitants at will. He boupht his oflieo of tho Shah; his siibordinates boupht their otlicos of him; and their subordin;ite in like nianner pttiehasod their amallcr, aml all fell on iinfustry and tbrift with tho langs of wolvos aml the talons of vullures. So lonp aa tho Ooveinor p_id his annual lubute at court, and tht Oovornoi's Iflggl farmcis of tho rovoniio paid their tribnte to him in auf lU icnt abundiiiiic, nobody caretl whfllfl it came #lioni. It wiiatho fruit ot plunder, oppressioii, and l.ipacity. Hut all that it heinp chunged. The Shah'a viait to tnropo will undoubtedly aeoelerato the reforma which be bM M bap pily iuauu'uratt tl. With tho mtroduetion of railwaya and iniproved aystoms of apric>ilturiv ior tlio Iflttflf is still coudiii ted witb tho 8;1ido iniinitivc instrimients and inethoda aa it WM in the d;iys of the patriarcha? there is likili hood tbat lVrai.i, with her tcn niillioii inhah itants, her ubuoat limiileaa mines aud iiuar riea, her capiicitioa for tho production of cot tou, silk, aud other iuiportunt itaplca, may aaaume a new aud moro imporUiut place amoiig tho nationa of tho oarth. Tho prtwout Shah ia about forty-aix yeara old, and baa Mt upon tho throue tweniy ftTfl yeara. Ou thv tleatli of bia lather, .Mohauinud Shah, be waa, aa is cuatoiuary with l'ciaiau haira appaieut, OovarmMr of tha nch aud ?w ulouB province of A_ubijan?a poet of the flret digmty under the (unpire. Tbe roada aad nwirntain parWCB lvtwciTi his gOTfirnrnerit aad thfl 'capital Hwarmcd with aimcd .banda, di rected by nmbitioua contppatanta of hia aceea alon. It waa important that ho ahonld rajteh Tcheran aa awSftly and w/retly aa poaalbie, but overy way waa full of peril. In tbat omeigciiey tho Kuupvbu Miniatcr and the llritiah Charge d'Afl'airca joincd forcea, and be tween them, by akillful inaiieuv.ring, the young Shah waa brought, Riifely through the ambuahed robbcr banda, and duly nrowmvi. BOBM rccollc. tion of hia indebtediifew to tbe good ofiicca of the Kun.peau Mini.aterH at thia critical iiioment of hia life may have nioved him lo his liheral policy towuid K.irope and tho FuropeaiiH. In thia he haa BBBBBBBa all hia prtdet tpHoia, and P.-raia already bflg_B to reap tbfl fruita of hia iiitclligent, bat at altogt:ther uiipoi>iilai, reforiu*. Travelora who havo viaited hia fotirt *?_ thatbfl ia a ealm, handaonie aovereign, ..ti:h <-yr% largc, d.irk, anfl aad, buahy oycbrowa that aro joinod togcthei, a flJOBfl of OricnUJ curve, aiicli aa may yct U, BflBB up-.n the aculptiirea old aa F.gypt, old.-r than biatory, of Khoraabad and Nimveh. Thc type ?JmbB not caaentially to havo chango.d in four thou BBBCj ycara. NabopuU-aar may bBTfl had auch a BBBBI ao may have Qaatbgaaa BBai Aii.ix.-ma Mneraon; and tho wwno hair and brard may have characteriz.-d Cyrua and Ilarius llyata" I'ca. Nothir.g ehtBBJBfl in thc Raat, One ago ia ua another; and tho ra.ea of rm-n vary ?_ littlo aa tho raccrt of tho wild aan and tho. BB?BfljL TIiobo who look upon Nawddeee Sliah tho impcrial and kingly and pnni cly group which ia to gathcr umler ;ha cryatal domo of tho Austrian BBfBBBigB by tha bord-rs ot thfl I>uti'ibc, in.iy f.mcy if they like that they are looking upon thfl renaacent liimge of some of thosc mighty and warbke IVraian kings that thumicr through thfl Bahflfl l>'x.k? with auch un.scriptural clu.ngor.'and nhfl ro duced tho worltl under their dominion. TIiih king will not be likely to do minh m that way; but if hia viait to thc West cnablca him to govcrn hia own people with inrn ;-"l wi.4 dom, to augment and encourage their in I ,4 tnca, antl ainchorate their social and pflhtinl condition, il will bear fruita quite as s.ilut.117 aa thfl more ostentatiotia visit* of his ,.r.>dt* OBBBBTBj who issued forth with ehariotfl and hor-eineii and 1.-aguea of aniud BBB fi'uiu tlie gatcs of IVioCpoiia and SflUBV. SFST-lilJII.UIS':. As April skica put 011 tho blnc of M :v. tbe fcatlicrcd citizena of parka and pablk .-.luirea are vcry busy. The otln-r day, curious, mter i-sicil m*-. taiors lined tho outcr fligflfl ol tha CitJ Hall Park, arhflfOthohOMB flttBBBfaf BBBP1 tOWl were e.'.L'cily pickin? Bp tutta ot co'ton provi.lcd by BOtttfl thoughtful BOOl BBBBI of thoae on-lookera were, doubtle-., thinkin,' of tlio littlo play of the birda wl.uh is Ifl eatvt an iniitation of thc human dtima neted in cveiy atrcet of bOBB hohis. In thfl country, with much twittcr, flhattflf and animated di? cussioii, the birda ur" arianging and 8i:ttliug- their building plajcj.^ 'I'he oakiT and maplca are IttYfl. wuh po1 tic debate, whfllB tho rol.iiLS and bi.iwu thnishca aro arranging tl.tir .Suiuincr quar ters. In thfl di-n.-er lu-> BBai BprBBBB tbe c.-ntury-living crow il r? ,utirintr thfl lamily mansion, or the young.r gflflg iation, with much unm-ccssarv cawing, gatber {be nde for a now villigeT" Thfl I-ob-o linka' h.ivc not iiiitde their noisy r.'ciilr.uico yet; they are dct;tincd iu thc BBBaf BBfaaaafl of th<- CJawpttnaa. Bflrt the i.iacki.inla aro making iirodiu-ious c! ,tf. r a,s they BfflflB upon the t? rms of their BOW paitBflflhiBB. Whcrcver thfl bml. are g.-.tht icd BlfBtaBBf liuie ia buay prcpaiation for domeati. ity and the anxioua flflfOfl <>f boBBBanetfljBf. Nitnre ia "ai-tting the aolitary in fflBlfli? * Whcthcr imitcd l.y thfl DrOfident and friigal t\aiii]'lc of thfl f.ailien-d .ri/.iiaof!;a aad flOttB. or tnoved bv gbBN pr.iotical con.-idciatioiia, many foajtng t latUiei of human kind are turniug thooghtfl aMBBB v.aid. Itial flfltatfl agt lits, uho f< ? l thfl hidden i.ul-c of the cuircnta of 1 ty iife, r.iv that tbfl lnquiry for small dwciiiflg-hoajlfll ia tbia year verv marketl. The anniuil bcgiM of Siinimcr tonriatl vacatcs many fine bOBl - m what aio call.d f.i.ahionablc .punteis. Th? MBM flflaBBM whieh bimg pictuffl gaUi 1 I iiiiiler thit auctioncer'.a liainincr, a-ie ..licring Murray Hill mansions at Ihe BBBal fright ful figures. Thc traditional * foiii-atory, '? brown-stono fiont, lngli-atoop" bOBBt* with thc regulation annual icntal of four or tive housand dOaaBfa, flBBr* ever, i~, not ao much aought ior. Mard liin. s aiul liumblcr fiowfl ol life incbne in.iny iniiida to leaa flootiy reu'ioiis of flic gfflat city. Our young Ad.ima and Kv.a, aBBBJBg BBflh at at thfl Kdcn of thfl luown-stouc frcnts, ppttMBB go hand in hantl tothfl lat.ial itfflBtl "'itside tho chiirmed liiniis hotWBBB Fotirih and >ixth avca., and Thirticlh and 1'ittu th-ata. If the world il not all before th.-m wbflBra tochooae their place of reflt, they tind loflflBl bt tle boiues 011 soiuc of th? taUlB BtflBBB* This year, if Mffjr bclorc, thc ownera of com fortablc hoiisca which may be reuted at lifty and one hnndred doHtttl I nionth are happy with many gppUcatioIifl tiom good tetianta. Here aml th. ic, ico. m< de-t young coupl.-sbc ginning the woild (nflai vvlu re tluir pareute (efl off) BW s.ttJiig Bg their hourvchol.J goda iu aaaafl IClDtiBB3Bll wherc tweniy-livo or thirty doll.irs flt_Boea foi thfl inonthly rent. Wc rcally accin to have gottflB ?'.!1 p^t our ahodtly, ahowy, agc of houaekeoping. Many scnsible people are wituesaing, aa thn Friend.a say, againat the cxtravagant style of living Whicb iucviiably ii;\ulv.-.l a coatly cquipagc, livciies. caipcta, S.K111 daiu aak and martputnc. [hfl vulgar u.h have had thiuiTK ao lar their own way that BBBl people BB* they must livc I'lainly and hand -01111 ly in onicr t? bfl ditlcreiit fiom thoao whOBB gaiuitiuc and t'urnishiugs aie brazen witb tvhflir maiket OOBt. lw.-cl, Fi.>k, aud their likc havo BBBBI diamouda and BBBBBBB too cheap to bfl good. Tho age ia not a* flZtTBTBgant as 11 BBB. RjT and by, it may be eveu fasbiouable for people to IffB within tboir iucome aud iKMaibly Kive rtomcihing. There BM y<???pf pflopk Bf culture. rcliticmcnt and go.wl taate who aic aciiously conaidering ohcrry tablea and tlag-l>ott4*ui chaua. The neat-buibliiig of thcac bagBf v.pking BBBB may s.t'iii alull* ??> niautie to I4aae eocii'ty-uooplc, but ibi-re U> ? MiBjtifiou Ot luaciii-l wiadoui about lt WJBBI ia rofreittnug In'cauae novcl .^W^VBr IJBJ be thc intcut of thcac Youihft. expen 1 uUraa tbeir btgiuninga arehoiHdul. Ihe natioii ?na the wotlti ar.. rU- for . .ivh addit 01 al BJfiBBl aml happy h^oiae eatabliabeiL lt he aiB-m dwclltoge which are in auch demand are u n ni.t.'d l>r chcerful young fannlica eontont wun ai iiuMlwt uea^building. wo have act ao many freah lountaina of puiity. Tbe aiajus Bl ? better day for the fomily are tt"ai'",11;,uJv,' ;,a,,.ftl.ccioakcta. W.'^ohccrulyl^ tlio pnwaiire of llte mouey BBVlot it itj* ' reoBit iu ? uobler aud tuoro buueet atyie 01 liviug.