Newspaper Page Text
Vo1 -? XXXIII.N** 10.006. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MAY I, 1873. PRICE FOUR CENTS. ALBANY. av; HD1NG HIT D8UR1 BILL. STUKS ? . \\ I ! | AI.! ! il I I! I A\ Mm roauo niaaaoi m narntaxT aaootn> AKV M I I el VI Um i; i ??!.' AM : ran - mi. l amni. i . . . t i OF IHK MIX raON JiiY i?' Mi.r. i BfTBI I : I- ;l!K mT**"1 ?* |rii'\i * i.i:au (oi;ki irOJTM sr Of WO IW s ' AinwY, April 80.-attheq the Aasea* sly i;.. i ! ('? tailed Mr Hasted to the cli.iir and, uk?.ir the floor, BMVed to rt-; <>ni ttit Ik? Mil Huit vas ordered toa thud reading la-t ?gj the l'sui\ laws, with ii strue tions |fl ban rf tin same arm ndnicnt < I i red bj I-11'1 sad rejected last eight, n shared m le ss?fce the Uw take ? itiM t on Mm ist of .Tiny Instead of the 1st o? An rust,? Ml it continua in epetatioo two years instead of otic. It appears since the puto, 11 the leading Repobli , got frightened about the gfleet thai the law havo on tho 1. ?'arty, ami ] SB t..kt the hash taodi/j thelao bi asoordsnes with H> r, Mr. Heated was the first la*?, thai tin later : arty aright he ut staho In this i>iii : sad tt?dai unong Republicans turned al rai?i m'lolly ui>?n tins asp, 11 si Mwojaeatsaa, Baaske! I -warning the majority to be can ? tbey passed a bill, without the Hailtatlon .?neuf, that ? iff< cted , . With bis amendment . trded in ibe liejhl al sa i i and. if it proved to be a bad one, it wot ' til?n'. and Blight pval d soon? r if the people d< tired it. Mr. Line?la ol Ontario followed la still morecx pln h . naspeetsof the bill. He seid that tas MU,-ontop .! and the I ?t?-ai, weald esass the Repablicaa party tos? end tott. r to it.- : l toi tlie amendment proposed by the speaker was to break lliis Lili s tact incident la the gr?ai fight : i : p . le, and 1 . :i tlie ein!. hb. Abbott o? Orange followed Mr. Lincoln, and took i>rii isely an ? bill In his ? rest of the poot man, and ?, [e san ao ass m the saaandnicnt proposed by the Speaker. If the law proved to be a bad one, it could and would be ra? sad if it ? ?:; ?!.? not to be any limitation "f the time In which it wi satan?, Str. Vcddet sustained the amendment on party gi was in favor of the prin stall -i the MIL Mi Prinoi institu? te a unit i:i favor of the hill, or of some saodii cation of th au?Mi *ln fact that then poitK ii of tin people of the .State who were op] to it. ?Mid thai us effect nrighi be inimical to the Republic an pi: ry. Hs therefore favored the amend tii st ? Mr. Batebellei of Saratoga wa? opposed to any in the usury 1 .??? -. although his constituents . f. .or of this bill lu per cent i:?: more than any business man could p;y for money atid prosper. II? was satisfied, however, that bill, or something - rt beat thing for bias bewoald heartily port the ameudnient of Mr. Con .11. I'rof. Clark of ' t'.ic emendo ? ?heard, and i I no i ring of ? party * would make him support it. Mr. Pierson ol ' I there wert Maas involved in this bill?first m of party polir.? end second a question of public pobcy. r'or ble to se;.. hia own in. blic policy saght siso to be true party is.licy. At all events, tnd to set for what they i i ole people, what What h .<! ? .ny In this ?iveand s.i 1 tnwhomw? i . for our Govei L upon 1 >j< et ? [Mr. 1 ? read from (J"\\ Dix's animal no a. sage an ut - a repeal of Mm usury la , ho s? id, ol tbem.f . ? party opinion it would : lie to follow such a leadei on thisques Man. !' . idea to him that the Question of the ai a. He had | ,i hoy, hut r . -is a tenet Si any politii al party. 1! :n the pie i if It proved to be otherwise, and that nue had marie a mis? take m pafesiiist it, ti.-be who c ?tut after nscould corr?(t tin' error. Mr. Herring of T supported the hi approved Mm t He maintained that the Khyh ( ks of ^'aii-ht., who had been wproscated SJ t of the bill, were ! : ? g who profited most by the pi* m ut laws on the subject of usury. It WSJ their cunning ander: <i iu evadiru'tV r-tiiy laws, that I : thim to wring from the uufortunate lu r rower tlijir extortionate gains. Tho present bill would bung hoi,est capital into the money marts andel. As to its political beartaga, shay were aawetthy tho osaaiderattoa efaay] gh> ssjf question was, "lsflio lull rightV1 should be enacted into a law, what* ? i io tnrp'ir.iry efleet on parties. The?, -o?- on continued for two L>uis and more, when Mr. Yeoinaus mo>.-l thi Bterioas QaastiOBi which was ordered, and the roll WSJ Dslled on Mi. V .rneLl's amendment, requiting in iu adoption by a ?Ote of Ii.", to 17. Mr. Baheoeh of Niagara, la explaining his vote, said he was m faroi of the lull sad battered it to be in the interest of the borrower. Ho also hattsred that the f' arsexpreascxl about the effect of itspassage ?u the Bepabtteaa party were entirely groundless. He had no sjx-cial objection to the amendment lalthojgi. bs regarded it as useless;, and would there ton rots 1 r it. Mr. Whalsa .,f Orleans in explaining his vote, said that the ?rttaif? of the rural districts wi;h n - tard to this bill had been entirely adSTSfsasaated, At hat^t he r< jnesentod a rural constituency who ?ereiu favor of the lull. In Sasssdaaj with the above vote the bill was re ?wnuiittid t0 ttj<> ju,ii(i,iry Cummittoe. who in sertwl Mr. OsraeD's amendment, and snbsemiently *twwanl Masaba? Mm Baaas where it bow Has in tieor-huan t!,,;,| leadings. The Ojllbsfs??SUf lD'*,l! .av.- hsssj l-THgatri by th- b> ?u,:i:" It is thought by BOOM tliftt the ??'?ritlii,,, t ?y] have the flleet to kill the bill, as it *ul Uuu to K,j kaak to the Se.'iato for concurrence. 'iJii: ci BUK1 or>j.mio\. *rru(AM- soa roarnuasi oa m aoaaa ca ??niiiiusi m M j.j.j y liii.i.-iHE oairaA Ai>i' KM? BSJSJgB, i i*ei m so ; UK lac? A'-Ham, A|..-il JO.-The applicants f?r :tp LJ, L: ** ' ou"" ' ti.e oew hoaril of Kim r*^"'11"1--' liearh?}.?. AtuouKtbo?, uiost stroiiK!y J7*M upon the att^itlO? of tl,^ OofOrast are <>r.i. umiim;,? BMwssrottaaeM Bess?,whs wai w"w'e'r" l,v *? K""i ",K:y; ?' 2 '"' '""K'- ^o!.ur'i, it.,!?,t i casa a.,11 *ou. laajtaassn. -ii^re ?r? ahi Osaaatsstsaan te ?Ttwo ?*? ?*?** aoove uicubobad. xt* ih? crnor ha? until WcdticMlay at BBSs week to make I appointments. Tin- Bapprv hill BWWpM t*ie itren'lon of the A??rm tins eveateg i? the entasten of i w rj thine ehM ; M \<iy Important ShaagB*. Were mad" In the Items r. polled from tl.e Wajs :m<l Mr.m? ( 'oiiiiii i r t.-c IM BTObaMj MM tW*>daj I m< iv t.i flu I-lut, ii:nl I In- prlncl flgatwl f1 ;. i- beat Items, m. ? i i. ? i appropria ? for the, iv mi Iteli m i iri?m Battre MV Count 1 'lot). As then N M reu for n clinti?!'In tlio CbBMI Baton, u pilithul rather a factloual one. there will b" I Itl to ti ? ' Viiu-c. A m.i.)r-r;tV*of tliP presentC( ?i"i. an liberal Republicans, hut It la BOi lagan no BOtBOas u rriine to lie I literal Republican BOW a ?Mat tt.e begtaatag of the mi Ion \ betwaeaLttM BepoMteaae and custom boase Bepnhlleana, the fora kan a ii isded preference among rc-,i etublc member The leaaw ?pent Ha entit? lemaa thu ertatag "i the roticurri'iit laeotBtloa propi atag au iraai d?nent the Coaatltalloa, aathoslalBg the funding of the ra? and laaera) fund debta late M rear bonds, aad limit ? i thi raaal talla la a aaale i aVtaar] la pay oi.iy t'.e ? latee? ? aha above debt, a eaatrtbutie? of eoeeeat] nnnuni for ?inking fund und cost Of ordinary repairs a cafte ettaf toil?. ?heaud the proposed aaeadaeal t>e laeetpotated the Constitution, the e ?t of aew wart and the < truordinar) rep tin woald baveat be flefiay* <i >??? ehyc 11 t.ix.ii,n.i The pu'i-i'-.ti'iis fat extraerdiaarj rapa aad aew wecket Is te years have averaged saota thai a dollar? per Tiiis taxattea, however, ! l!i( Constitut'oii I tho surplus revenues which the can ils pay into I gciicial fund, and which are applied tu the rodm tun the Kent ral faad eObe< i - aarptaa batata the tedaetlea of the ti>' in lbTo ?at very large, raogtag from $2,001,0 to n year; bal ahm i?~o it has averagx about, whllo the tax for internai puipea :it ft.tffff.flr If thi poalUoo tnfci . o l)i moci. la-da] 1 ? any Indie turn, that party ia wining to preeeed ae tarta* in the diraetloa of Ian t< r rj L> ". B voted Hi:..! f I of the resolatloa. Tee Bapabtloaas presse . ;. r the third reeding; bol m ,i. trae ti??' only BepeM te la favor ot the propoaed redactlam, Tit lack of rat ijur.-tiou nettingtttharffraattn sly too appati If; a this I/;N1 ititro ami the nn and i- . ?-n. froai aad after th in aai rraai M la M , i ai th At the Wim taaaal las for the new work a-i adiaarj repairs for whlek the State eaaa . n c ?pte. Th' : Ve-tna in Mr. Lard, Who thoroughly un i be bulb of th .: ? id rtaW'Tath and Bal ?. Magie btr. Murphy s.ii i eaaetltaaati ware grow ln^ very uneasy under th* heavy : - i r Stab pulpo-- .- aad , -i? eia'.ly lor can .1*. She r.Rolot pfj wil My bave IM third n ? im? laaaarraw, and \wii thei be sent to the Assembly for it' aaaaai ? On;. B BatarO.P.Wood.1 ?? >>ftin Fin.?nee Cotiuiittee, n resolution was adopted, t calling on tl ? in to repot ?itt?o three daye te tea . r of affleen Batea* o? i-iulg;.. DO, their ? It baa b' ? a mppoaed the !.? . to ndjouri: *i>ie r/ir by the ? ad el er next bat i: vm ? h win t>e aeeoeeary. Tin- :. tral and Iludh m lL\t?- i; Jiro . i expti i ?ill pro ... ? ^t. .i i i i. tliaeaa ueual till liter adjoaraiaaal LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. ?-!:n.?TE.AiaUKT, W< di?? Bay, April 30, is:3. IVI Mr. Pibbt, irom the Committee on Cities, a ' . 1er, ?hieb wee I to be print? of the Wbole ob the eaual lundiuK reaoluuoD, Mi. . uair. Mr. Li ???>? udhewoaldnet detain the Benate wl'h itended remexki n .?? ;; aol i"i tbe taol that : ;,i | ;i e i . ? uui not b ' th? .n aa abroad ai a; A boat ti.000,000 of'thi c .ma debt fall? due tbls year, aad .: .ti.'i tbc in f tl iti- pro ? aai this? an be rton ?. and ottrue tbe monej \m i" eome directh froaa \ | ? : I; 1 :.? . i - i. . I ttur?! should pttestl o ander ooi tion, a- i other. It U i" be . i ? flu il. ? voted upon thi? l i fai t i- tbal in the WlnU r ol ISTo ? ? an iii bul pi - topaj "tl tb< ? i i . inn tbia del l bj din 11 : ? upon by the ] I tl wan a i ? propos! I . ? .- . 'a th" part ot tu o? i" i d v.uh tm < i. ii i. ? - i" di leal tl lea there ?ere ? bal 11 t' m tai or ,.f the seal Into the Interior, aad la tuis i a km ai il. gri ?. b] H in t"-'i iy to . dei >id or in? ternal improvi ' .i.aoa Iseoasiderinx tne questlou '?: kpeualnfl bon money on i:.? ?,,ti nul lm i ships, One i In that Da? Massai busetti i tbe J llnordej to dlvi it .t Wi -t to - thei oad ?- a No i adi ? iitur?'-. t> diverl tola trade, lbe eoiam th? tuai West ?f graduauy slipping nom oar cra-ji ahile?? lupi ? ) look on, frighiened i.t t tj- little debl i ? . ktbers showed more euu rprlse i canals, mahlng tbls State tbe irreal Ium fto?n to be. rhe Srle Oaaal la a axaal mine of wialth to tin- Mate. 'lu"ii^ii in former years amaaaed fcrrM wealth frov the eaaali bushi ? ot n'aiu carried through this Mate tad Uuided m Ne?-Yorb lor foreian ports Is ? sonree ai largeinoowe to the people at this State. Hundreds of thi ring all? iages snde.tles bavaarova op along tt?; line ol tne ca ; ;.'.? and l bamplaia Canals bave paid into the treaauri from tolls In the last M y tara m u , auu 112,600,00(1 haye men contributed bj lateral Lan.ii-. it nan cost for ordin?r] i (pensesoi ism 1..1. and <-hamvia,iu C?nalo only ?lt.'yA'.U?o dunij? Ul tune. -tati.-tieian says the ptotlts of thi Eric Canal hare been ovei |so^oo,eoo. The indirect an,tits tr.mi it amounted to maey BulUooa more, Had ?eprupej faell >i oarrying mercbaadiac over the, Brie Canalla Improved! earrylag eapaeitt eould babetlei U sU 1. Tie ('liarnpiaiu Canal I? an lmporlaiit om . aad berfully voted aa appropriation i<> it. As teaooM ol the others? he said :h<n day ?ae past, Tblaproposi i. i of fuadlag is not a Buffalo one. Thi fiirnds oi the h? benie can be found all over the Mat.'. Mi. Hatean a talented goutlenihn. He bar inen u Bepraeeata tive In Oonareea au't ha? aleo served bis eonntry In lutth iK.rjitioiio of trust. lie did not thins* it fuir lor the Senator from tbe 'jeth (Mr. Lord/ to attack hlln a-- In, did this morning. id n ad a letter nom Mr. Hatib daaylBg thai thelluf tulo board of Trade ever tried to influence ihm funding plan. TneChamixTor Cea aeree of hew YorkCIti baa I a resolution reeommaadtag tiiis proposition, v.l.?:o th? Governor aayj Is blsmeasagt that *'it meets with ?encrai favor." J'iie Produc? Exehange.ol (fea Yorklt a'-o m favor of it. laapraasol u?' dtai rally f;.vui tali plan of faadtag. A ?inkiut,' fund "f ii?,o00 annually will pay the eatirt di bt aad Interest, i. iteralone objects to tbe reaolatlaa,ptrahablj i" ? ildanta are not having as many eouliacls as formerly. The people geaerallv lavut it. a hi.lLl raOM MU. Loi;u. Mr. ix)Rn repiieil if be ?anted to nave contracts aa thi canals b? v.oubl favor tin? canal landing resolution. When be ?as taletaatod intnecanaia thej pasd w.ihhi, or? anaoaliy into the State Iraaaory, lu;, u ti. ' Buffalo la headed off tho people ol thi will have BMtO^ai anuually wrung frvmthclj pocket . It' did uot ravor the oui or hto, ami opp<>!?-d bin tbe Democratic caucus, wbere be prodlctedii wo?iii i ,i be acceptable v> the people. Buffalo asnl its d ? its bar? aad paraaaiad tncCauai Board toa<b'iit ti, un. dauataka ?Masado m i^to, ami ?ere it no) for tiiat error the |li^03,ouo i.niul debt would bi paid la ? million dollars was doe last rear, anothei Itoo, ?uo last January, and iiion i? due iitxt July. The ( on n provides loi meeting tnia bj the -??ue of baadi hiivin.'ls yiars t<i run. Wnat U the Deocaalty. then fore, of tbls aeneme. He gave the vote In several Sena tonal districts mi tbe bill ol igro, showing bj toe uumbei of bellota agaiaM It that the meaeurevee not popaiai V,,Hi the pe 'l'h- IUM Scheme Of luiidiu- Li not Ub like tin- alii of im Mr. Lawia insisted thai the aahaasa af UTOhi eatlrtly . . in i provided tor an annual tux to paj ofi the Interest and debt ml? rblt i' eolation does u i propoae t.. i ike . dollar from the people, but to have u? revenu. thei il i"> ? n thi autlra debt and lutcrest Erie t'ouat> gave i ,nt> foi tin prono ium Uiudi in li uol ' .' Sou i oi Lord, .Ml. MaI>I'I> nib led u? all iliiei.dinent t? ibe|.?olll tion tm iol. ,w in_': The Isaglslatme aiay anil, b otbtraiat ui-ji se ol aaj ul the eaaais ol iw eutie, 1!?? I .. , i I. Ill i'iailj, i law? K", ' -? i ? i. ?*,.a u ?nan iciwuiu Ha- property of H Stats ion. ?. 1 . Mr.fjtwigappend the propasad aamadawat,aaytag o il ,< .-nil: -, aMialao ii...? me report ol ?ai i uu | ?UluUoual Cuuiuiunm, >ii l-o .ic couaiai ltd uy tboUa- I IslatsTBi StOVtaoi tai 'he (ii*iio?:ii of some of the lateral c.iiihK Mi ktanoan sdvooetod hi? smmiilment at length, saj Ing tlint with it the eaaal funding resolution wouM In i OHM a \< I) p ip ll II propil Im.. The Chi naI go wasi.r doom whatever,except rotioatthe ?t?te seona tu keep it in n pair. Mr. Johnson replied to ta? Senator JTeui the XXXt?t Distil? ! (Mr. i..v. I?) thai tbi re wen otkei - In the .s?< ??Ids from th? Canal Committee wbn auiWidood thin question, and t?i? ir expressed opinions were at tauet intu?. I to a respectful beartnr. 'I Mere n do necessity tor lbs resolution, ae the Bute Constitution aou pro vi'ii'- for paying the eanal deb? and Interest. Mr. MAtu'tN wltbdreu bis amendment, us he did not v, i-'; to i 'ii it* i the n wlutto i, Mr. Lewis moved to smcod by providing nil ef Mid debt and Isterest shall be paid by revenues fro i oil not one dollar of it by direct tax. il, answci to a question from senator Johnson be replied that ti/-- revi um - from the ? inals asi i on on creasing, Mr. Lewis's amendment ws and the on then ren rted favorably to the Senat?, in the Senate the resolution w.,* ordered to a third reauloc by a voto ol M Vi as to : Nays. Mr. i?. P. w?. o offered .1 pssolsttaa estilas on the Cotntnojisslouei'sol . i. report tothisoody nithtu tares days the numberol oil ers emp ? them dnrl g ti., past year, with ta? groMsmountof sal arles paid; also the name of each officer,and salary oi . AilnpU (|. Tin-i mmlttee report? I favorably the senv eurreul latas out p.,:: of the Miller lu nu.?m??? report ..? phased m Ute last report Tooled ander ihc i ule. Adjoin nod. AS&KMBLY. The IIouho reSSUfmblod at 7 p. m., and went Into 1 ouimllt? e >? Mr. i.i us rooved to lus. n j t,O00 to the Hi ? \.:\> i und . . lum He explained the objeel and stated the wort n? 1 ? ??> ihl? inslltutl m. Mesera. S/ooue sud C. (?. Cokkkll also sustatued the moilon, out il vas lost .11 ? Mi. Dazran mnveil to toeerl tann.oon to complete the 1; uiira. 1 .m 1 it. Mr. a. B. 1.1. mov? d to reduce tot H ol the lu- ne al i keeiwle, from ? . on i .... Lost | . , ,,. un.11, pursed 11< gtese. a, j VERMONTS CM t? DIT MOBILISE, 1 v. wii\ vi inv 11Y MTB LROISLATin COMMA INintl-.SllNv, MSil.l.MI:! s NC.W BAUBOAD Pclli ?? [UT reXBOSAFS To Tile 11:1111 s. .J Bt. AlBAXS, April GO.?The V? n?n,til (\ : t;.,l : .i luvt itigating Con mlttt 1 to-day took Inl son ilderetton the 1 bai gi 1 asainst the ran-sgr sm nl Is tea Uon to the car companlea it sppsars that Us Ra Dispel ii Company was organls .i sere, sad that tea stock, waeewe? il oa lac Vermont Central line fi ia <hi ( .ico to Bosl ? ; til. . of tin-11 mi .ii v.i re lergi stoi * Iprofll 1 seal anuuaiij ?i.u taeartaiasl in I Iron and ( .>- wss . sgers of iad was lai retire si it ? 1 snati 1 part, TbefJocnmttt of legialstivs retaba sums ,'? so head 1 ' . : (rum 1.11 of the Pi leldeal sf the road, and which was sot knows is tas Osnrl sadei which the SMaagers operated the root ai ra.1 . n. .r f. tin- Advising 1 ogam i .1, ? t i>y the bondholders to supervloi 111 ? ? s lions an.i into of the treat ea During the la t session at i.- inert epp ire 1 la the B? ston ; what purport .i t.. b ? 1 voaeaer sbowl ig i) ; .?!? ,11 1 ??".'). It was Her. Stab . iu..t there were, in a.M.: ion to : having received !?!>? amounts sf this fi ..., s sasi 1 I pros la< nl Indii Idaals ? m m it wsii set tin 1 ni.iti il sad received men ? rer, shows by Us testimony if Mr. .t. t>. Batch, who baa the dlsbun 1 .t i.i :? . t id* called the * Secret Service Fund,' a charge, thai he not only paid to the persons named is the vooeber tue saass , th-ir sassee, for tho parp?os IsgtstatssBi bntslss pul otie.-r hum-1 tu the j" i sames appeared apea the hack of the voucher, i talus ver, mauj of the lee ding no h of the BepubUeas party, one of tli'- inetiil.ers of the Btipremo Cour:, vran was at thai tune a BBSmbSt Of the OoaSO, SSSSshassOf legislative 1 ommlttoi The bOOkl (if thd Cintra' V. nantit Coiiiptinv WOTS spaaed hers today ami i?.covm of stoeh nei scribed, end lbs boohs et m L alsaost the enttn aaaouatofetoekweetaheahyTireaot w. Park sad bis Bow-York fiifuds,sad it 1? understood thai this has been dons bj Mr. park in the mtereei sf the New-York, Boston, sad Montr? i! ri.i. and win result It Is ssppeeed In sa entire shaagoof the present ? taagetnent of the railroads sf v\rmeaf, now knowp si tbn Central Csmataatlsa. The Ceotrai Yernseat'a chai let was grana ii at the Isei Lectalatore, sad la abat?as to that of the eotpi ration which has just BWsUoWOd up the .1. sad Bi Is read. WABBWQTON NOTES. \V\MIIM 1 .s, NY.It ? ?-?I.I' . Ap' || BJ : The Sixth Amlitor of the Treasury haSI SSlvOd Si IS 33 fumi ss sakaows source. i Commisstoner of tin Oenetal Usad Onsas, hMsay, ipprovedthi sai ve-, sf ths Beltona Has sn,ahout three .h Los Insjatas Ootrnty, COUroralsv. A. . Mai hado and othi 11 are the i oudi i On eoeount ot urn la the United States Ds* ry Blchards ? toss that o|!i , . ill. r tin- li i-.n. -< ut thai i"'. ? be discharged by the Assistant ??ctsuier ai hTsw* fa rosnoass to S letter trots the c, >v rm.ref Oregon cmi.pian, .m; at the daisy Is Ustlnctae swamp la that State, Canualsaio mi Drumnssud hsi written ? totter sb m mg that the proper stepe have sol yet asma takes uniu r tin j.i w to ? ,111 ..oi Sualacttos, las iv-tni.i ???! i. ?"! i.ii, te lay, decided that : stSTttrrnrt Mi suthorised tij sell peetalcards toaaj person la Isrgi ? tor small foi ssore or toes than one a ni i o b, N i Hi inttl : ?tore c in be allow? .1 te purchasers oi agents ? Be d Ore t" keep ihJ cardo ou hand foi -aie to the pabtie, Coaiin. ? Il in ?lull v receipt of e-nltnates fu?? cullectois ol mieiual n v.nm for BSBwBOSl of eol leetlag isienss uader thaaewtowsetnglntosSaeteo May, ?he pressnl ladicattoasare that thi clpated niniii lb 'hi win ne iully thai la not leal than |i OS \JHM pM nr****"* XaaSeeraiary of the Ireaeury deetdea that rut.iK-r bcoto wMh salted liaisg sempeeed Is part si ueel are sot sahjei I Is lbs datj ss wearing ^yv irai i ssipoeed si wool Isiaossfl aader tao set of Marsh j. lat?, sal .i duty .o? i ui 11., f uooto, a ?? b Is .<n ii?-i cent, under taeaet of Aug. s, isti, wlthttpereeat leUjciiou uuJor the act of June 6, Vsli. JohnW. lirowniug of New-York City 1ms r.eerj ap petated nui sesBnaeetosed Bieeatlvs Oolorr for the Btatosfltea x*erkbyA.B. ladst<sas, Pr?sidons of the .National Lshet Council si WBahlagtaa, D.C will f sm appeal an bA lal aathorlsad statement of ti..- pr *v j. ts ot the labor movement, by the Man. John Pool of north Carolina. Chairman ol lbs National Executive ? ? BBtlth i "i tin Qsltod Workiiiguieii of Amsrh a. The total luterual reveuuu lOSOtotS for the loo?ih end ItiK t(>-<luy wan |:,6?^.4W 2-1, tin- total reOStpta for May, ls7/, were flu.iifj.iTS JO. IBS total rSOStptJ frmu all ssaressfar the Brat faar ?sathsaf isn aoraatLM uni f. r the lirit four uniuths of tho SSaaSSl fOST *.?, ir.H/j?.!. Hiere aw BM Ba bs no daabl thai the estlmatod receipts! r the present 11 cal year, namely, 1110,000,000, will be fully realised. Fbe receipts airead] amount to over |KI,<.VJ,UU0, with U'o uiOUtha K'UiallJiU?' ol the BOBBl paar. Third Assistant l'oitmnster Oaaatal Barl?er recently . B letter nuking whSChM SSSSBl BeSgS eonlallilllg notici -i of BSssoBsaeert, a.-., that save besa asa a psopostp BraaSBSttted thronab the mulls and tho stamp thercou i an i Ii il, can, after thin hslag n tin ind to the BSSkSSI m a sealed eneetops with the remittance, be transmitted o the pei "i, originally addreeaed with the word " paid" stamped or ladoraed thereon, bv placing upon the card a on i'Hi adhesive stamp. The Poetinaator>0<?neral, to-day, decided that saeh sarda ceo be so transmitted ni on pa) ni' nl ol the leqnlrad pest isa ol nac i mu? am h lull decision will ov ims'-iy n\aii'-'i ..f n> Masonti aad ..lit SSSOeiSSlOSS lu the collectlou of iliie^ ami ani-C?a III. III?. _ RAjQggaf IN KKNTl CKY. | Civcinvati, April !W.?Information- has 1? ? n received hen of ? Berribta atxsli hi MsreS iii Coaaty, la tho West Of Ketitinky. OS SaadS] last, in a iju.trr.l m? -hu? out ?if fniniiv iitt hi , Jsmei Deuirberti ihoi hi* rail t r-iii !,tw, iniiuu'i hmitii. hiiuit ion. Instantly, lieu ii>ii', ?as arrested.and while in custody, v..?? ?hot irania b?ates ont ?iiii tin-. n.n . ?., ,.f tuo gnu bj a ?<>u ..i tu?: uardsrad Basa, TUE OPgamsfl ?il BATMATIOV. C'Hli'M.o, A11111 30. ?A dispatch fjaaj Macki im* fai.i in,it lin stralM snap i.<- seastdeaai spaa? sithoaghthei...y tobsrPssi atsstaa psesaessefvea> f [t fui .. iniiiiii, i ol da] h yei. Osa soo, a pi .i so, i in- ni heeaer Meraiag Light, rrses ii i h .miii su ?t. arrived he? this lui.ruiug, tue urut tbrougU ibe Wc?Uud i:?.ual tbU scaaou FORK KIN NEWS. WOMAN'S sUGHT8 AGITATION IN ENGLAND. DSJaUTB IN l'A III I ?iMr VI -MM. TO RKMOVK disa 11111111 si IiKfKATKD. i?, ion, aTadaasdaVi April m, \tu. In tho HOBS? of Communs, ihie. afternoon, Mr. Jacob Bright moved the second nadln/ of lbs Woman's Di?.ihilitlea bill. la h? ri inaiks In nippi.rt of the bill Mr. Bl Ight Btti d the ad. pi II -i of wcmau suffrage in Wyoming Territory and ShMWaOrB. He also ?aid if the BsBBBarS was defeated uo-.\, i;, would be btOOghl for ?Bid again and again. Mi. Bouverie moved that Ihn SSOSOd reading of tbe hin be pesrpeeed su aseathe, and Mr. SeeorSeld eec M u 'i the mat to a. Di hate followed, Bl the Stfas of which the II BSS ilVidad, and tbe bill as i. ). | (, d by a vote of 111 to 155. RACINO IN EHGLAHD. IBB vv.WMMiKiii BPBIM bHWTfS TUB BAOB POB Tin-: 1,000 01 ; Bl ITAKBi won Bl "?am? BOB WAKU." LOWOOW, Wednesday, April 30, 1873. The race for t" 1,000 fntBeas staksta tlif great event of the i 'v market hpriii!" ItttTBg. tgth ptaae te day, sod waa wee by Qaag Basasses Kakwt ?ad Betend aad Suit asa third, lag betting feat ba? ten the start B7BS fix to one a^ and (? lag P, two to one against K user, an I BVBa on Safc MBOB BgalBBl the field. Ten beraM run. Tue followiuif ta a summary of the race : The MM guineas ssakos, a sahserlpttsa sf icosov ii! Uns each, h ill, f i thiaO-j Tolls; the owner of tb" sc ni'i i,"i -?? tu rae Iva M san raigas aad <>f the ?'. i the third toi re bl? stake- it at <7i sahs.) Mi. W.sV Crawford's eh.e.Gaag Forward, by Steeh a ?. o n m Ladj if an .>> Orlando. l Mr, H. bavtU'a b. o. K US) i, by hkn m inner, out of Ba? il King Tom_. 2 Mi. F. QreUoa'a br, e. ?.lui a, oy ?Calgbl of the Craaeeot. out of Qgeei al riasslii.:i THK bWBSBB PAST i IPATDSd in tiif. n\rr.. Ihewtsnarr.Oaagfor? rd, ts a ohastant colt, aearly the tea* . Blatt At'ioi, with ?i white tear, ins otr biodleg beiag alse white. He deads aboal ll lasada I and is a tight,bibi alareolt Hsteagve ttatat last rear sa a taro rear-eld, aa i .vor: four laces? the oalj time h . --'ni being ii the Miinicp.ii Stakes asDeaeaater, whea, i" agwrj be kward in condition, -.1 . . II ? l olt Font I I i a -. in- wou the Bos I by S I id, and won the BtakeS at the ?ame n eting, bcatiug l'ai., lin i welghta . y half a leagtb, in the Glasgow ha del l ladrad ? ball a leagtb at area i beiag third. He wound up ala twe year sad career by w/abktog over forasweep atak. al i ft T.i?. Is the first timo his owner, Mr. i ' ? . aros tali laoe-aad bis nroasaetet .-oit ikeTtarhyloota ptombilag Balear, vhleh raa a?alto Qaag Porward la the race, belongs to Mr. ,who ?oa the Derby last reas with Creoaoraa, arter ee apylag araeissly the ?ame paaattew|M.i<d in sfceTe (Jala* isa. with thai homo te Prince Chai . ha h is dono to (iuig Forw..rd. ?edatasask whteb raa third, beloasa to Mr. urrtton, tho owner of theraea botas Bterlnajt, betweea which and Harr] Baaaettvoaraoi by CoL McDanieis beta,a Bastes, twe years ago, was prapas i. sstrasalted taaodMsalls i i:. .nc i deellalng to ero se the Atlantic to i an. THI'. I1AI.IAN MINIMI Y DEFEATED. B 'i . ?"< ?m - lay. Apr.l 30.1873. Thi! ChgJabei Of DfipDEBM. to-<l;iy, in opjni sitiou to the rilpt1 MBtOttBOO und remonstraii' aa of I i.a. hUaieter at Plaaacea, voted OssSyaPJ for the tetabllehaanat al an aro aal al taraato, VTaeei the vete ? ? Sedated Mgaet SsBa ashed far ae adjOwraaaaat. 1 he would Inform the House to BfeSROW what ? in he shook! take. THE MEETING OF KM1T.KOK3 AT IT. PETEB8B1 EtG. ILS f'.i.MlICA.M'E PBOM A til-.KMAN POINT OK VIEW. Wenue-da) . 4prtl SB, . The J'ruriuzial Omrrttfom?tMM .says tlio ot the Qeeasaa Basperet te tu. Pstetsbatg essatrass the naeifle pollry agreed to by th Bmp rota ot Qemaayi i: i ? -ui, aad An.-tna, last September. It Is eepeolaUj -unit,, sal at this tune b casas tb pruspsots >f sjalel in e/eetera Barops wi re grawtag gloomtar. THE REPUBLIC <)F SPAIN. rBBClTTOf BILBOA. SAID to SB BlIBSXM <\>r.i> iiy CAiii.i.-i.s -BtfOBTl ii DaUTH OP TBfl CUBA Of .'?ama -STBIBfl in ii.vncr.LDNA i:mh;ii, l'viiis, Wein.- lap, Aiirll :i0, IfTJ, It is reported In Bsyonns tliu Csriiata m the Bpaaatb ptwvtaeo of Bissau bava sarroaaJjsd tbe City of BUboa, ?Bleb la siosost d bUtobss, BartaradsT. ?prllK, (fit A minor I BBta iron tho frontier that the Cine of Santa Cnu hat been shot by b lOWBl fl I -. Mai.mi., w, ilaesday, d?til 11 The strike of the avaaeae la Bareeloaa baa ba?a and the mm ha\c raSOSSSd work. HOMES FlciuiNi; in Tin: HOLY i.amv LOXDOX, Wi las -dy, Apr.l ;W, 1?;3. Lsig sdviosi froen Jentsalen stit? Huit lavera ftghta b iva <??: u d la B ? Um I ? sedOreakBsoaka. Five o? thetoraasi ami six of the lalt<r WCe ilijlll'd. __ THE ATCBEEME8E WA H. iiitMiNMiDN of IHB BBBATB IM nOI DDTCH CHAMIIKIt. Tue IlAi.ti:, W.dne- lay, April 30. | The ileb.iti- in the ( 'Ii.iihImt nt 1 >,-jnit isg un tl.e Ali Inen, se war has ended, tho subject bavtnj beta dropped without a vote. FOBEIOE NOTES, Two oasofi of rJsolefa wen; ii'ihirtotl, yeertetf day, In Magdeburg, Prussia. Sir John Colevldgth tlbh. Iliitish AMnriiiy ', n, iiceutly ileeturi d BOfBra his constituents on Wotd-'-vortb and In the course of his remarks siud: "Wordsworth taught an no Bthet man did the gtooy. the leaiitv, and the holiness of nature. Tho dignity of \ltfiie. ?itiiplie.ty, and liulependetieo wherever found was recognised. Patriotism of the truest type un in In. poem?. His teaching ?SS lOtty. Had he lived in tie. days i f the Third Bajpoleoo, ind seen the soap tP < I it ami the deportatloaa to Cayenne, be would have rebuked tbe l.ugiish worshipers of the nephe? sa be did those or the un- ?ter uncle." Tht I> liiy telegraph ol Lon loo i? vsrylndlgasnl with th-, and maintains that ?ir John bas ? ii'iteiy mlstakeo the eharai uit ef w"ordsworth. The K.ul of Kiiulitrli'V, Biuisli Minister for the 0 aseada, spoke ou April 17 at B Liberal batuiuet at Ipewi h. alluding to recnt legislation in regard to Ire? land. In regard to Home Hule he sold: " Nodoubt thero aal d?and i passed two re ire in Iretaad. aad had many opportunities of ulieeiialhiii wnililiu able mlsti sat and di? ike toward tbls ooontr* amoi s tue Irish, bat it is better at all events, to have a Home it tit agitation than i i-ni.iniMu. Penlaatsm, slthougb a?ili (at less rampant and daageroas thaa It was before, and *? cannot ezpeet all al onos te see thai whleh I tros) i i ! in .lien *iu see?vit : Iceland as tlrmly and as cordially united to this i.111 > a? Scotland DOW IS WS ?bail not . lids for a very long time; etui I do not de-nalrof lro lainI." ; The KStttok? IgtfBBf pBBtttllaal ttd following bt tei f i om/.?u ?i !? ar.datsd the tethef March ; "tiir?artie 1 i en's mission has come to u lamentable end. B-fore hie departure be charged Dr. Knk, tbe EngllHb Consul, to uiske a formal complaint to the Multan as to the in? sulting treatment which he had lecelved Uoni the Gover? nor of Kilwar. The Daphne, Commodore Bateman, went . lay, with Hir Bartle Prate on boanl, to Il.igomoya, I be point of departure of Eil lugstone's Joiirue va luto the interior. Thouee be Is to go north?ard to Tagaui, where the Euehantre??, t.'apt. Car-, Is to receive bun At MoiuIik/j? the lint,m, Cspt Malcolm, will Join li'.m ; ne will Siso Und there ( " nan I Kirk. After the arrival ol tbe l.iigiisii saell the envoy will aet oat for Museal Thei he han to ploient letter? from (?o i u V.. lone to the Inuuiui rtaa be will leave far Bombay. At atonibasa rraldss th? OermsB mlsstoaar) H bmann, wh> is re? ported to nave the ni"-t theroagh knowledge of tbe lilaiecU spoken oa tbe Bast i mean coast S" Bartle i ni.- ?id probebly nm i.^e tbe opportaahty to confer elthhlaa. if the mtsaaon has hdied, >et ?Teat sdvsut ,,g,-< haue aivrued Hum it. A heiter nun thun th< eavoy sealel not have baaa feaad. That ho did not ,,, omplUb bis purpose |a not bt? ?aiilt, t.ul Is B< th. itiiticuiiii s of tee situation, wnii his und intensive BWOWlSdga of men and tliiugs, h*' boa Vrr lucid some sflecl on the . ..inluet of IBS Ku?I Africa alavis-traO>. n the Baltaa of aUnaibex, attled bj th Imaum of Muscat, ami, tl is believed, also by Krsu- , l\*^ IbOUgut it right Ui break off all unguitatious, mdloatious , not wauiin? ihn ?." with tbe eniefs aud slave of the country, beam to bc*r tbe riugmg of 10? funeral knell of Slavery, gad see coming the beginning of the cud." THE VIENNA EXHIBITION. nur: coiufissioyERSHiPa bcaidal. BAMBg cip IBB OOMMIgSJOXBBI r"BEE fBOM any Of 11:1.1 1.II Aiiiiv? BO BBStOBAI BO 01 11 g UK? ?iMMKNDKD. Wasiii.n(,ios-, April inWAtflttrBBtbtShCwB iterlred from rhe sp.iiai Osaaassstoa st v. ? if p'lintcii by the Ptes?sal to examine latoths alleged 1 1.tguhwtttoa of the original (taanaleston, ts Utoeffcei that some of the suspemi".! ( 0111:1.l-.;oni r< appear to be bapltautad la IBs ssarsaa si baprepei ?> i . It leaves the following persons tree from the raerse of eaj liisgulaitty, vBm Dr. Anchoar Bui Thus, MeBJrath,Lewis sssaesaaed, j. c. Betten,G. L Btodgetl, ii. Osrsssasa, Edward Ootthlel, I MiM.cliael. bSSS Col;, A. (?. James, act We bum P. Hounil. || is n . oinii.i BdSd thai SS part o! the mi-, Ci.iiniii-.Moti I.? re-tin .1 at present. It is BS4srSBSOa that the ri.iu't of tie aaanshaaitoa aad the gieand. Which Us nu ommei '...tlou is lounded ar<! to SB liiiine ssstely IsrwnidadL GCNfoYfCtJOCBJ acts OF KWBUMICB ? CRHBttM Of nr.ACKMAii im; AMD OORaornoK?i\xi-i LBVTJCTJ on OOBTBACIS 81AVBOOBBS BVBJBCTB9 TO EX* < 1 gSN Bl IHABOSS?NKi.i EOT Of IHK OOMMM BBS lO CLAIM THB LOBOIBO TO TMB CSRBD STATES in THB BXHIBITIOB BUlLDtMCh [faon a IfBOfAK < oliiu.-i'.' of IBS mint BE.] ViiNN'A, April 10. ? It ig to lie hoiml that the Aniei ic ?a ??i-vernnnt w III institute a twBtWUBfh I11 rsBtlfstlnii lutn Una sssiimf In nhlth lbs ?? to the < ' h. ilasloo fur thu Bxhlbttioa has b? bu essai red. The Bspplj has srSlVSd at Trieste, lint no papers have bees forwarded to ftrllttsto IBs nlseaari osrgo, las Commissioner who was churned with tin? duty not bevmg been board freai sp to thti dato, Bo ulau? have SMS recelvad, so far SI I can flml, for the arrangement sf the goods, and our traasepl i-, etoae, empty and utterlj snot preperstlsn forth.' receipt of geeds, Tim BogUah Cosnaalsstos have bees lo 1 lor asaalha, sad have tbatr speee all mspped oat, and gsedsara sin oiy in cum ta or ,,i rangement. B one naeaarkaou ledge of Ihadkajmstttoaef aa?irs,aad a- Mr. V.iD BfJOS has jii^t srrlved it is only now that ex hibitoi?, leUM of wboai have beeu waiting to nooks, can begtato taska ihairsrraagssaenta. of tiie Cemaalsaton th resrethas iar only four working mem? bers here, aad taooaoeojueoca everything Is th< cm dsaartsBsnt M lu ooofuotoe, aad theac wiiodo work have not tho materials to saabls them te work InteluV gsntly. Bal tor Ike tnrieantsl preeeaeeof Mr. XcKrath here (le not'having had say purl lathe pi v nation In Assart a sad knowing sothiag of the ptana before co.niiis' in 1 ), nothing ooald ss doas to ?! ly su i pt s .it liai hi Her not have been ?lone. Ingutryasasag exhibitors aad constructors dl 1 k tho fast that a system of bhtrfc saslHsg sad rarruptton has b. ill applied by certain BBSBBbUSS of the ( JOSBIIllSSlOII ahteh, when fully unravel. .1, will SSCfto lbs iicligtiat.nn of tho wuolo country. BaldbltOH MV? I pisses by paysseatol money toCssantlsisanssai taxes have been levied en contracto) the rterasotcseven,who leaded the ships, are said to liase been bled 10 a ruinous salant for las srlvlloen of loading, ?mil, of the sssatrao tions here, one Job, the roofltigof a court for the BBSs ehlaery, has tx-eu given to ans sontraetoc for U?JKt fraSMS, With the reversion of tho building ut the t ml of "h BxhlMUon, Whita another contraetor had offered to .I . IBS BBSBB work for 115.0C0 francs, paying 5 per cent to the Cemaslsatonet woo had ehargs of the tota, and giving up the building to Government. To ex? tort the? bribes fioiu tuo exhibitors numerous applicants have beca refused places, and now then Is space BaaUed, end WS need morn articles to B ?how con-i-teut with our pretension. The flt tlugs ap for tho di pirtiiKiit li.ivo been SOSlgBed to a eeatreetorwith the sadsrstasMBagthat so ?vreentot the I r ills should hS paid to tho Commissioner in ? ' Mi 1. 'Ins' balageaaaBy behindhand, w" Bl il not lo<e as muchas wo dtnerve. The Hue arts hall will not SB ready before ttie midilln of Juno or the ?rst of July, the WBlla being ?lamp. Our goods by tho Supply are all l.uidi d, aud a Part has arrived, SO thai WS Shall be ready SO far fOf tho opening; but our space, thauks to ..'.ir lageatons OammhwiosMr, not sols ? fair, It wui bo permitted te add until Juno is, when the j artos boss m. m -.:ung. g, In the gepartmeat of steam enginery tho inventive 0 m .s of Aiucrii .1 has one Item si practical appp which le worth mote thus sump as?dale, of the eight steam eagtaea eoatributed by tho whoio mechanical de partmsntthere are :i\c Corllm(Amertosn)eaidnee,nnd one ot ti.e ottnr three has s Portar*! gorernoi AsMriean). Thessetioo saalgned to the machinery of An,. 1 lea bas onlj a .-mail part of tho extent psstgned to Bogland, but it nil) nave a featuro not shown by any other dspertSM u:, in tuat the lighter machinery in the side gsUertos will all bo iu motiou, side shafting sad driving bands having besa uiiowod by the general direction, so that every Amertosn ?ua di.hi la the Mechanical Ball will iUsatratoits saathod of action m a mn-iint* comprehensible to say observer tlun. Iu this department especially the friendliness of the Imperial direction baa basa shows to tho Unite.i sutt -., lu the affair* of the disputed hall (aiid in several other minor Instances), there has basa a beert Brill show?).. the Americans which is exceedingly flat? t. ring. That tho entanglement shoaid have ha : eine 1-, I ..m assured, owtac to the neglect of our Corn plana, oc to a?afea aay pr"i Iss claims s f spaas sutil after the timo at ahleh the bosob b ing to in was asMcncd, 111 default of such claim, to Kuglaud. Naturally lb such a case, with tho absoluto ssilsTiment of the essne in oueatloa to England t.y tm* amnageuM at, the British ComaBlaatoa deciiued to submit Ibe question to sasrbitrattoa,aa ptapoasd by our com? ?n-- II o, thedlfareal sections of the Exhibition builillngs aotblag probaWy will be in complete reodlnoai for the o, except tho Kutuuda. In this meu swarm like ant", sad SB mu. li energy as could bo expected from the workuieu :u this country is shown, aud it is confidently expected in e . omph tl ; but for tho rest, opinions differ ?early o asenth so to the date of Bomstotoieadlaeeai the latest putting it some time In July. The slowness aud tadiroetueas of spasattosa here can scarcely bo con sstisdtn A Bastion rile-driving by hand andcarrving of heavy loado i y g ins's Sf uieu where wheels would as readily do the work, n tfeaasayotasf sasthoda of indi? rection and how cot ia u, sro VtSlbls In every illrectiou. The site is' stl, on? if rho most favorable that can bo found, v.l. u the gay kiosques and res uuranis, with their flae* and decoraticus, tiali l.nned* In the trees which Just begin to show thetl BpCtng groas, are complete, und the long avenues of massive looking buildings are dislncumbered of the unsightly scaffolding which now covers them, I can well imagine that tho sight wi.l bo one worth golug far to see. Down lu a glade of forest of almost unsophisti? cated beauty is a liugo wigwam?tho exterior of an Am. inati bar. Iu auother corner la a Japanese garden and fallu-hou-e, SE which the busr hammers are now clluklug with ufsldi'i'c, aud the Mongol eyes look out on ways aud meat's as strange to them as their ?laiuty wooden tiles uiut exquisitely tlnl?hcd house-tltn 1.-: - ne to ue?tiit-lr giugeriv agility, footing 11 over tho slightly built, roofs iu straw silppers, agile aa habitual Junkers. Close by is a model of a mosque and uuu'iif-t from Egypt? fragile but exquisite Imitation of *.ao most quaint and airy of all architecture. Deep In th.'Kladeof the woods again, under the shelter ot tho sympathetic pines, Is a Norwegian farm-house, and quaint edifices nut yet defined, aud, to tho outsider, uu detinable, are here and ?here in the groves. A Hwlss till.:, exquisite iu every way, nestles between two of the transepts, aud a charming Swiss school-house Jostles a ?..rinan restauratlou and beer hall. Of our own irhool sansa we bob ret only the site, bat are assured that it will not fall to be in time for the opvniiig. Jew? ell's American restaurant Is nearer completion, and the good Yankees who prefer Vienna to Paris this session Ban be provided with hot cakes und tuaplo sirups aud j unut Juleps in hot weather, (.. IhSir utmost dosues. A MELANCHOLY SUICIDE. l' i.piiia, April 30.?Richard lVttit, an attorney, rvsuliug on EiKlithst. uear Spuice, committed BataaSS l-??t evening, by shooting himself through the I.. ol fJs was to have been uiamesl at noon to-day to Miss ht airy. The affair causes much exciUui.. ut among the friends ot the SSAiBSa Mr. lVttit had tasea engaged to Mlvi basJap for 10 y?-srs. Sbo had lutely leOOlVOd a b vuNome est?t? by the wills of the U'e lt-diert llald cloiish isud Ii. 11. Haldclough, und over) thing Was v1"" pand for tue siarrtoge at aoea at hi. Mark' Chumh. Tin-v diiHigued taking a Curupcau tour. Tie d ceased Was a son of the late Ju Ige I'cltlt ?ud a .lupin . ,,f Q, H. Naval I'ayuiMsUr Klehanl 1'eilll Tue lid;- 1, Eug.Uh, and a ?Mtuaiu I? Bi?l*op ?Ul?s> , lal? ol iiouolula. j INDIAN HOSTILITIES. Tin: IIODOC Hi ' TIIE OBfJsTtBI AMKMKIi-ltll'Url'VK FOR A sjBjsagsui drocAM attack. BAM Fi:av< t.. ... April Bfc-A (Cratch from Yreka, to-alsjbt, asps that the peopio of thai plset awl la Rcotfl Valley are aiming, iinilcr the ?ippn liento ,-i tint there aril] be i gi * i il Italian war. The ledies fd .1. kg lii'-e taken tu, ggaj resto (.end lint, DBgaalfl -, finit, atnl oilier Boeeaaitsea to the >-i< k ami wounded. Meodeohali'atroopa BaaaharhaB IBSaaaak wereex : to join Neu. Gilhaal last BagtA ThoeeStleraia the vallepa at Owajaaj. ahowe the lakes and laVO lud", ate BBOTfag away with tbefl eattte nml other pjofeity,being afraid to rea tin long t. There land farther sews ft es the b OFFICIAL REPORT OP TBE DEFEAT. mi: intllf CftaffTbTW BBaTB OOaUKD i OB B3B i ?.; un-pi i? noon, \W?mim;t<i.\, A, . n. Slii-riiian fo d iv ro? il thi annexed disoatebea, forwui<le<i bj .Major <?. ii. >< liohcM : Lat? I't.i'S. ai i ..-. BBI lu i?ijIm?'itii. - i; i., mfrwaanhwej OatBt ig the aaaip rdea l ' i.i'. Tic.n at, ? .. Anil ... Ipnng 1 : - au I 14 In Ii in? t.n. ??? in a south Toe pert* i iboaJ u m.. and reached the Bt In i apea hj i, the lave i i of Capt 1 . i . ... us Artillery) a........ ... ... Piral .' ? I i . lUlitedlv kilt.-.]. Ll It. ' . at IIII ... ,,n ,, . m g are a rloo . _? roaely w< i . .u .1 -, . ., Bl SB I. All the ? . an i fought like bei : . i mai:.-of th" h taken to i ? i -. BBBROW. ? if foot wari lee of tho battle. < ,i . bfeudenbail reports trees , au,l ln\;^ aa ' la the rocks aboal four tOUth of tin .. suiivuad tin m v.i ,i the I .. t it oree i The ' .' .av.i ladj la, ul . Gen. 71 At.vis ? ? it Qeo, Davisstan . ? i,. ah this Bkoshlaa- J M .-.:... Gi n. >liernu:i lias, alter OOOfetOOOS '?vitli AetOsg o, teleBTgpfcsd to SmK'i.iiv I., i luu?p and President Graut lathe way el BeaaBBBtsV tloU ad to lulUlo aimy BBOII Hient.s. TUE WAR DEPARTMENT AI .ARMED. gg BMPOBJ I.MKNI-? At'lll'ild/.I'.I) ? I.M.IAN BAJB4 FEAEKD ON THE OltEUON U'.OMll.1'. ANIi IN W V OMINO. [nr TEt.rr.n vrtt to tiii: ti-.ii-.' vTasjusu'ium, April SO. -Tboreieiaeri i at the War ? unnt OTOS the Indiao til Qeo. Bchooold Lan been given full authority to I raeaiVaToeaieatg from sa. b i> liata withio ?us tl ad truopa SSO bt spajrod. The Department had infor? mation which causea grave apprehensions trouble may arise immediately with ether bands on the border of On gOO ami California. Mail a to-night, from the regfcoa ol Ubtsbuo City, Wyoming Territory, reprtocot the Indiana aa restless, a:.d sighs of trouble M very a ?.parent. TIIE APACHE TBOI7BL] - UNO. BUUSri ?una. vwill IHK lAViOPt sB iNDi.i.. . Elus \ n:v> et un; mu v; ms. Washington, April 30.?(Ji a. Crook'h asBaUM t of carrviucout the i'c.iec poiic) in Arizona toettWOglJ Indorsed, especially in iiiiit.ry circles. It is known shot twe et the Basel rorasaSabaa beoda ot Atesabas be sanaaderad threoghabsetaaa Beeret bletresps one of the ihiefs saying in council that he first the Gen. Crook, then God, for bosdlag forth the attva branch aad poruilttit:?' bis n?s pie ta come in under the ??? U i rag" in the hand. (.en. Creek baa Bddroaai i the follow? ing letter, received to-day-te F?**fgTrtT MeCaaaataBet Ai.zjua; PKK?('"TT, irlSOBS. April 11, 1?73. Mt DEAS ?bicb sum up I t ' I tn question la this Ihrrltorv, Coehlse exceptad. Pensil dm to thank >ou, m behalf of myself and the tro ps under my rommaod, fot the able manner In ?blchjroa Uavi tl tbe ques? tion in WashlagtoB. We feel that ?e are In a great measure indexe; to _\ i ? : r tb Itave bad U work with la the secernpllsbmenl k last I. ilthourb we n.av have Mime ?<..11* ring dations in some parts ol the Territory, I feel that t-.* maiu work is over, ami 11. 011 I OfloBS can be iiiade by tiio Post Commander, leaped be kept easy for several i ne ?atoning that t ae ii diaus on tiio \ .;i lo - reservations setl le .1 gbt grooves, but l hope that i\ the time am 1 m is held in the I [shall tie ab e te give tea a solid rolo lrom my ludlau friends. Y< m . rely, Oooaoa < aooa, 1;. j?. a. To ibe Uou. h. C. i B?.C BEFOBTBD POUBONINQ OF 8I0?I CHIEFS, a gntaJIQB STOBT. Toronto, AptU 2?).--A hiK.cial tli-pateb freesFSti Garry, Manitoba, says: It Is BBdatatOOd thai dlsp itches have h. in received t.y the Administration from th" Hon. Hr, lin land, arhS stutout by the Council uf the Bei I W ataaeseai the feeling and nataattoa of the W isu 1 adlaaa soaaatpi I lu tho neighborhood of K >rt*. The Batata of Mr. Bnland's report has not BOM Bas?e public. Informa'viou has been receive 1 In re frn-n a BBBjaae Ken orally reponed tristworthy to the effet that American trader. BOVhag poisoned two Sioux chief-, little Knife SOdBtttbW Bull, at a place BalledCypteg Hill, in Britiih t -rritory, by Bdnatalstertag atryehalaa to them in their food, the Stoux fell on the post : and massacred all the American, lu t'ae ftatOtfp, | the half breeds livimcin the m . hood shared the same fate, but thi? is rontradicted by another report. Cypru.- Hill Is about lid B-JkM IrOSJ I .1 Garry. PEACK rOI.ICY DIBAJTEOTED IN OHIO. Coll'MBUS, April 30.??I1 the .StaU' Smute, today, a VlgOtOai discussion cn.-ucl omt a * rn-? of res? olutions lt'dorstng the present peace policy al thi eral Government relative to ludiau altai's. tu,. re?s>lu tlons were tabled, there being a decided ?bbbbSSBBj among the Senators on the gsjesttao. THE INDIAN COXTMACn The Board of Indian Comniisnioncr? were In session, yesterdar, at Leonard-st. and aTeet Broad? way, and in the evening at the fifth Avenue Hotel, cui slde.-lng the proposals received on Monday aud Tuesday for transportation and provisions. They made no awards, but hopo to brim; tho matter to a close, by to? night. Ills probable that the coutracU for sugar and coffee ?ill be given to tbe same person, and the ote for flour will bo divided Among only a few. The awards for beef will be more complicated. It is a curi? ous fact that there are rroposals for delivering aui;ar and coffee at the Indian reservations at lower rutea than those for wlitoh goods of the same stipulated Krade eau be purchased from the Importer in Nea-iork. Tata ja theaghs te tadioate o ptedetecBilnatlaa not to carry uut the contract in good faith; and the lowest bidders ate quite as uuUkely to BssjggfS the awards as the highest. mmmm____Baaa-a-a-?? THE 80CTI? CABOLIMA STATE DKIir. Charlkstow, April 30.?Morton, Hliss tt, Co., I,ankers, of New-York, applied to tue rlu pre me court at i "iuiniila, to-day, for a writ of mandamus to compel the rouiroller-General to levy a tax aufhvieut to pa/ overdue and accruing iuterest on tho State debt. The ?rlt la made returnable on Tuesday next Th? Chamber of Commerce of this city had a special meeting tod iy to couslder this subject, sud adopted, a preamble de? :?r lng H Important to determine the character and amount ot the mate, debt, so that tbe proc?dions in the e 1 grease Court may not result ta tb? raeognltloa of fraud? ulent bonds; also a r?solution doclariuit it Uue lo tho credit aad good faith of the people, aud to the h.. 1.1? is of iini|iiestioiiably valid bonds, that the taxpayers be repn-?i uied by couuscl In tue suits. A commuieo ?as accordingly appointed to engage counsel aad carry out the purpose ul tbe aaaaaBaaaai