Newspaper Page Text
i aras* ?IV III VU. lilil??) NKW-YOKK, TUESDAY, MAY (i, IH7.,. PRICE FOUR CENTO. \ '"? AA.MII.* i4i,\n?.. BUIDCiK DISASTERS. ? THF, DIX-OM CAIsAJUTT. ?mi? moms hoi n- 11 ? ..\kki-i>-vaaiks of ini" vto. JUT ITI KiKAl'll TO T11K TRIB?Xt.l Dm* 111.. Mav !?.?Five bodice were it-covered lo^ r?. s. n or li-ht still r*maiu under tlir irt?ti aetw...! B. BBS bridge at the bottom of tho river. The Mhrsnaag ih ? cori-vct-i list o? the dead and wound..! : Tur RlUJtl? liAk.'r, m Bann-, M-- lV?-**e. Cavaay. Mia i'? air, C-rix nt? r, Mra. QBBB?, Mr?. W. DaaBt. ?? | einig .l-urjalcr of J. **. Daai Usa?, mi.?-? i.ii Dyk?-. aMfrort. Foloy, Mrs QBsBS?rSBl?? Oaliie. Mi?. .1 iuies. ...I'tut'i. Mrs. B. Hairy. Q. Hamilton, F Hill. Ml?- B lien lr.i\?, tawSBBS^ISrSSf M-*? iiotiiintii. Mi? Da ?apa? Mr- i I K ? O.W. ?lr? .1 M S?. I M ub.u, .1 K?, a boy of ic, soa of J, M. Ka?4>D M.-rr la.ii, Mrs. n \ n. itiaa A. S ... Mr?. 0 L II. F. ?i , Mi.?a Ma an I a youa*. ?Uas-tor. Bllllll.r , MlB. u Mi*.-. Olar* i? B.crl. ?g, M-B K ay ..m. Mi*. M. ..Mi??lla w.i . si ?. liuiiuaa v? of R as*ini.-Tv,ii..l, 97, TIIK WOI'M??D. | Bra. P, (.??uie died). ?akar, m ? I ?> -, a .?.militer of 11. F. ? l>- injured, o., pn.t>.ii.ry r.ititilT lujarod. CI veruly luja. ? , J, 11. I, W. i? h i . Mra. B. i Hirt, W. il Huffman. In Masas, More, Mr? John. Man i - <nt and othor acvcr? iajarlcs. Marrar, m ?.. aWaBlli Lan. i , Mevsse. Mis >v ??inn ii. Mra in Tit ???: Vullll, III? Branaaaw . s II ilantroro'islj WbMbSi Mra, \V.?T.ital. ;?;. ILAKI . t>M HUNIMUBI VICTIMS? PE8CIttPT?O.*?l OF TllK ?i.i kid BBlUflW BBSUBSIBI I1 i tea.] DtXOX, I. M.iv 4 ? i/iditigkl.?\?j other bodies of rietiiUrx.f ti -.i brid lnni-l.u-: isSOfi MM '1 at Un? poiui n;. t . Hi.' ?.i.-i-riit hour, hut several aodi.s i c-?ad dj>ui Btsailag, Ms mil? - ?ow Bars, a i?- doobtlaBS t tSliert? s i . A? ?fated ?..if, looal sad',..? wars loes, i dark, l"iv? br?ea .:i.i bars not l ' ! ? It l? MBrposed tliai at IsSSt Ml ici. must of Ibaas, ii i>? be I nid. T til.- ?r.'.k Tin- t. a ' ri. Triifod?-!!'-. pattciti. itKl of ' . .il.out 86 f.i-t sborc Im itrer, whirl, in from i" t'. ?.."> t<?? t deep, Oalj ?M ? ree tin.1.11.- sp.iii?-'iM".tau.l . h a ...ii'Liti?-!. thai H M thoaghl tin.? aill fall \? Ii n tli' ?\'i; apaaa aro l.'triov.'i. lYr.iliii,. i. ari baa, .ttintr up a il'iri.-k in artl.-rto elrsrtbe maklagsnaageaieata i ? I' It 1.? Il.HV -?t .?T ?-.1 Hint t* " ?,'?<? :???i ... -in"ii* on th.- I.i ni!.'.- at Un? it. a'i?l that u greater miiiil.' i - nt M?t BBpgSSed. When th. In?k'i .- ;. -i.-.! ? tll'illtth Blarge lr.itnher WOTS tn-ai tin I tin- latf.T n la i'.. r< ih.-, were tjl.-n oil' in boats, th.-ir in?-, i i. drawa Babosa Two bor ana on t... iiii.l.lle span wii.ii 1 r?main tli'-t- ?nil i? there in DO rtlag th-m of. ii.i.- aa ii?.- "f < h? I Bl 'l.alily ti"t Usa than ?*' ? ft? lit r 1. fellow, uii.- l... ??;.? . saghl I ol one ol th.' ?-? i~ii bad a i . n. be lasaagofl bj - i ? ? -I In-l.'.'.t? nil, a'i.i tlun .ooll> nrife,riypad tbe siaei bocH fi<.m the Iwi) little ?riil?, Ian.liiia: hid.' l.v r-r'l'-, w.-nt down together. Ii. ?t ii? r li> the drt??s with one kainl, ami with Iks Sthaf hati.l ?.-/< i a part of tho .il iiuuritriiii.-.l thin tieads abo?.? tin- It] srat? t Bl nit BXi.M 11 ?ii iii-AV m ?tit 00 two of the \S'.I s ?BM BBWSIOi 1 Dix.iv, VI,v i No addiiional names of killed arc rex known. Darhagthi alght the wwhinsa gut the dru?? kali aaaMUasa ralaa the bridi?.?, and until ib?. t hardly BajtMag luitlu r ..m !.. i !.. r. are crowds of people on U?',f lin n?.. r tlm nioninif< viewing the - majority of whim are look aiK i?.r iniviirii; fit? ...'r*. The teleg;i?Aph wires nre kept euaatantlr in une with me??-??,?-? frmu all jiaifh ?f ti., i n.tul.?- .it--. Brsrj hooBsla the city is in ?BBSaiai Mi>. P. M. AJsaaaaSS and Mrs. Vann Bi? <l ' SS m?.r>i ini? fr-dii the B?aboM of their injuiii-p. roKl? ... I'll - in ' ". I ill I? ?I V I B_t hlllj. M, ?TUK 1\(>I r -1 Ai.Jol KM L. i ,i?i rtti. laa -? i.r?i\r<.ii ) Dix ' j.. in I !i<- ?1. rrieks for raisin*? JRa Um i. aaaae of the btMgi weaagal hiplaaa ihoith 1? f.,r ? i. ??it., to il.iv, an.l th.-work of D wiag . of the saJmlaiistee und.-i the BtidK?' .?uimriic'-d. The following are th..s r K'' dr.y: Mrs. (". W. K?-'itti<t, Mrs I!. BsgS, BXllyk'-, l'i ?ni, llair.illon, Mias Nelliullill. Than BIS ?Pe? aaashesBd i? oph La the ?ity. and th.- ii??i t-Biks t? .u t;?. .-<?. tir of the accident ha\e Inen liin.l aSBaj . to wiliieas th* result of the ttmtit, etherhodloi still i?? ??satltT tin- la l.-ii spans, hut how _iaii?r 'I ia irn|xxt?il.l.? to d -t?-niiiu?*. Fi.tty bo?lea, gtagataw, have boas wsoraeoo, so tu. ?-"?i ?? thai i.-. r U aasts an ?till la the riv.-r 1 i- i,..w tl at th.- iiuiiiIki 08 ll"1 biili .f thr; gt i i.l.ii? ti.d nut exrevd ?' ? 11 ' Vmii' .1 in-neirly all doin?? w?-ll. The Co an?-:'? ;i|ia?t ?sa- comru tir.-d t.. .lay. Nol of i.'.tr-i. ??! v? ?In i'.mI. and tho iu?*.i>-4vt \*>ab a?l 4>?irin?i it it 11 (?i-niorrow. invAHi. ?i . i r i ? n g|U.? ? AV? :-_,.;,, rEi>? MlltKO-AKO I.? I A 11 ?? pS I 11 K ? A! IVITY. Ciika.iU. Hv t-Midnight. ThS aSilaalag ex ?r_el> fnnii an ?tnt pul.hahed this morning by The ?terliHg Mill? OmttU, ?fill give a clearer id.?a B-wntv aiMl dune, caaac ol the lrt-o_ britlsti Siaaa t*-r. tliiin am thin*? b__-M received : The peoph elc?ely BBBwdsd on Hw footway, and tu? irai w.iiflil. all SB ono ni<l?. was too los Um Mdfe. <hxe of tho ca,> "tri BBBI.d aMiiiilcr mid allowed the -, rrti.n BSBBf ttOtt tb?' abutment. ptBBgaBf ?II! ritcr ivitli its liviiiK burden. Between (he foe tta-on-wiiys w:ts a network of iron lirar?'S nine feet bIbbbj tttt o\I? toppled out on tbo I u Ii.? Lad bt on thrown into tho nuil by it mon. women, and ehi Brasa piiiii'iii'd beneath tho wat<?r tint BBWW to help themselves, and too titnily I by thfi wiiiihl of iron t?? be ai(l?'d by then fri It appeara the bridge was constructed in a manner a* |8 make each BSOt-OB ptiid on others for support, and when iinrth M1, nun l'an, way, the rcmni?br rvi I acBsraaa the psaBB, __a____| a complot?.? b <>I Uicutbe structure. 80 far a?? know... no casaaltlss Moaned _? any ssas-SB but Um tlmii-'li several wer? seriously injured by 1 ?ru-hed between the, ironwork. The number known t'> bs BS__Bfa_f, addcil ta those whoso b hat?' b? 111 n-I'livered, makes tin? list of killet wmitiilcd, ?"?-, of whom Mis. Alexander und \'ami liav? since ?lied. Asi.iini; sooooaT -m-Bianaa of no mi. of MilIM- IMIIH.MS OB mi 11 ?.u. rasas B-srAraa 1 Cim ivM'ii, May ,r?.? Dispatche?, .'rotn Dixon, say the brnltfc BfBS turn and bn.kon, BBBSfl fron pieir, ?ml is au app.'illiiiK' _-__t_1 in itself. At ear I ___**, women, and ( hildrcii wit? Braabad ml? hut. while at the north end, where the h's-? ol ?at??-!, the ImmIkv* were held tinn'y to the toss ?if Mm nv t m in m 1 ?ii.rk of ir?m. Mr. DBD?bI fin" im'V. win? it was feared fatally iiijuwii. is now hotter. Ch?tie?? Mm ray Ii |_d flint ill *? ut th?' boas O? t!i" tog and til" 80 1 :.? ll.>.*h-woiind, but is ?loinc; this in. nnii-'. Mit*. Murray is also comfurt.ihln Lutter. Mrs. EH* Campbell <?f Ikmetit-tow n , liijurtd. but is duiiii? well. Then- ?tore several lui-?*.'ii?, on th?) bin!^c. Rtr.ii.- . t.? BBJ . BO on?' 111 liio vehicles l and the _MN__S B-SU (???? apc?l. Williaui S. Bill. h?iafl BBll aTBgOn arc still OB the In id?.', ?mil I loi till tO I' 1 .ill |('(| to it. Jiml) A Btroiii? jr., went dot.11 m t he cra-di, and B pi-led i" . ..?? I SB tin' linttoui of the river nut fi under tin- sidewalk of the l?t ??l_r?- : but, beiad athletic woong toan, *,it ed h'TPttll sad helped ns M. l'.il'l' ills.? Midi many lit ,.1 a Barrow sBcaae. Bs bald I .Smith's lilt ic 1'.nid and ?vent down with it, came BSTOd -BS littlS -.'ill -i'?*! lurch Kited himself. A! Hold. b*m sereral teal from her has-and, bat 1 m the fall. bo-BBSs tlioro ws Bgs between Toar Bra B boy of B, ?in ui. to B I'link, and was picked up s; hill, a Bails bsklWi Ed. l'litnck leaped into t tratar and saved seTeral lite-. Will D-alyalaosas iiniiiii? tlicin 1'nr.n woiii.'ii 1.11 a plank, win bs p....... ?I to tbo tbott. He then pulled oil liisei ilinl 1m'>;s anil MViim to Dr. llo(, who wit-? 01 bar half way to the railroad bridge, and r_s_a hia). Win. ii.uintlir sared Boraral llvaa.BadTn L, bhaw sored live or six person?. Henry Wood? BWB-B. boldly into ?ha 1? B-atei and lescinsl man Tberaw? I bodies Baken out of the nv? r dot.ii SB below the r.nlio.ul ti.-iil-??-. I bs body Prod. Hosa wa- foaad fa-tiag aoarly a n_ile dos tin n\ ; tin* i;i.?in?iia'. All those iiyoi t? <1 1111--11 .'lie [i..l.?.ly 1.1 ili.j tietw.'tk of the hridiieattl iMitictn o? the river. :b? nifbt. work, ander ihe gsjasrint-endeai Jsesbso. ta. I lia? ?< sairal llaitroad, ivl kiadl] r.n.l tul ni a-Ka, 1 ?I.unk wv ereeted, and it is bofsd thai this Bsaraioa tho in work will If hfteil, m that l!i ? r. 1u.1i.1inp? bodi mai U. relsaiert aad 1 eorai ?i. It is feared the c tent orj the ealaaail? is bo. ycf. Uaraed, for the may haio Im-cii many on the biidifc from the com Ml nain. - have not been obt.'ltned S (Uli ftOO VI? TIM. 101 Bl 1,1-, w. II I Ciiii'a,;??. May ...--AuiHiir the killetl at DlxOfl II Was Miss !'? .. ? l'ai n . ilaiii'ii!. 1 of -It M. L. Tayiie, editor ..t Iki I ln<f?o /.a-ii'i" Mag.izin __N0THEB WOCTHL-E38 IlKIl? .1 iiir.ii: tklAA 111 : ? ? r : 1. 11 1- 1 1 sir*iiF.r> lilllKK mi >; mi 11 i> *si? 1 K.ll 1 WOt M'lCDt Si. I.'?i !-. Ma- t* \ tsSTibls aeeiilefit ??(ciiirf ... sft-TBooa ai ;? bride*) beiBBaraetodan I ?. Laoaae RlTer, on the Droetab-wostirrn axtonsk ?>f the Mlssnnii. Kansas sad Taxas BsJ-road, M mih from Ned.iiia. The ids." woik ereeted for lacil f ling the ( o:i*trti. ti'?:? of the biridajesaab int.? it (iiiieksandapon which it, restsd, eairs-Bf with ilie bridite limb an -in?! H W'..rknien, and pseci] tattagalliato therirer halow. William UoK-ro* 1'it.i I'oim.i, and Iim. I .Mit ware Idtlsd .>u ri_ht. uid ei.lit others were wounded, luoof wln.i an- m r sxpi ted to reeoTsr. The bodies of th three killed aere Laken las* sigh, t.? s. .laim, irhe. ati in'iucs. v s h '? ! ?'id a rerdlet read? rod thai th loseeare foondatioa of the fais?? Barba aas th .f death? _ 1:: CKLESfl BBIDGE BUILDING ll.I.Dl 11. \ 1 ! : sol Illl Illi.-I Illitln.K. dl TUB KIM? THAI lit i tl ! To the Editor of Ihr 1 r ? ft ? ,1 e Bnt: Tii?- fallen bridge a* Dixon mm not tin first of its kind. The Triicwlell i.r. !^e pn-*. ?.-> ? |. m in it- cdii'line; ion, wliirli for a loBg tlBM liav it, ci in a r- .Uiiiiit IBs B_rsB_a-b of Btrartarss baUtoathl plan. Mr. TriiesdcU built 11 l.i el ..? .it l..-i 1, III., ttin Ml dOWS Bat-Baal even betag loa.lcd. Be relnult It atnl Ilie now one, v. hen atr.iiiieil, *?ave -nyai-i. On a hla Brt?sas st Bscb?st-, 111., teil, wBea erowdadwttl people look 1111: ut u bsal race. '1 ? 11 -> la 11 ? 1 _r* at ll.xnn Inn s Basai km?! m it.? iii-t'.ri. wan piaaas. SrMfes asn ?iiliinltteil, Mr. ItB -III bad tot Inn ii.iiilMtir'.f* tin K rStSaa __r_taS C*a-BSS__7, L II. IlooilK 1, and BojrllSUI ton A l'vU.-k of Cm. a*,?.?, all Im,1.liia ol Standard work It w?a a mutter af BBTPrlSS that lie olitairieu IBOSOB tra? t. Ills Hiiceesa wu? by BSBBB attiiBBtl*J to IBS Ituproper luflueiice* vtitli IBs Al.ieriii.ii, innioi it 1 *?'.lut,' "o far iim to uiitiie ?lie ?uini of money a.u ! to hat, i??eu uwd for trie sarpsSBi bal tin? M ' in- ly ?i.'ll lile. A lurirc iitiiiiU r si tBSSS -SftdBSS ure in use In New K' *'lan.l. hi.t since the full of the BSeoad I ? r i ? I N in Kiirin It lad ?il.tful Wbether any inure I l?e. 11 luiilt. Tim urilii' ky Pridite at Ilixmi tt ar. tin", BSjr, lasted t" in u 11* altltuati eapaelt) alter betus 1 ret tea, it m 1/ ??nr be in .ail .u te nt ion to tin question tt liet lier a nrids< m um rtrii. ?nie Minn anbualkted to aneBetBrtaltrat* 1 ?Hi Lut I.. WeaKi'liel Ili.r.'i.J. 1! II. 1, .Sric 1 ark. M kl tt. 1*"J. utos w??uii 10.? ? 111 tr i?i 111: ?;<K?r>. I* <A? J.dilor of The Tribune. Silt : '1 ho ttoeouiit ol the lalliiij.' of .?m iron iind-r ut Diasa, m., lu raw lasas "t this une b?bs, Ii a il loult of the BBOdS Uht'ullt a.lopt.'.l l.v to? 11 BBS*. iiiittc'h i,,r abtatstan paana warti o? ibm ? bancasr. I_m ?ii-i 1 nit- ail? r " ? I ?Bb_MBSSS " 1"'? called into IBIS dSBSU 1 "?? St (if iiiuimiaciiiiliiit luilnptry, a ?ertuln 1 lun.i of eon aeieiir.'iiSB ?ml lartiorniit men ?In? _____ " Irou hstdaM for iim pas_B>.H und ?io ho at p; ?OSS little BOJ SSkl l lut ..t ? I ?_____; l.riila'e. Tin? BBS BSaattSd, of SS-BBS,la tlie BSBBlsr/SBSBt of poor nmt. rial und B-_B__BS> ?lilp. lu sBBBBSa to a ?Tiiiiinril r.-iliictnin at IBs amount of ?in h mal? rial. A? a B itural BBBBBtBI BOS, tin nputalili, and ?i iciititi, |,:nl-. Iimld? r I? l.ir_. ly driteii lie fl? Id of BBraWBJ wink.. vci |it inn feiv BBOStsI ? ? i" i? work i. award? t !?- IBs lawaal BMdar, _nesateaaass__ taat-aBasa iirillM ??____) ssvadt-tt-S oiitiiiliir; r,,r tlu-li B__tW_ad_e anil roii? I'll e Bill BBS *oot a. fr?a., mam ?p^assasaat-sa lataa-saesl Mi, ? tlaaai Baaasai b_bsb saek Brarl bars rarely ! ally lilll,*lelar,- uf ?Bal .(?li-lllntia flat nil ?Ii o.'lll?) |..?t BB_f is ibsrj , put s rftsi hi MSI gtB, BsBf are ??>?. moil 1ijttim01te1.1v > th? lots.n pn,,. _ull MBasassd 1 y -hs 4?ity 01 ..n n.1?. rupulnii* vend, r, who pion Ueauuy tam_ ami srarytBlac, basalBa M??_ll___Bt-M-aai linlU-oair uoalilf! UiU-ll WhetUrr SSBSB-BBS ara fu.l.lle.l 'Hi. r. ? SB in v?r any .x-aaion for a |?Mir iron Mindri?, tat 111 tula Uanan-ucial ot to. kuival luuuair? tUei. la nothing problematics,!, uothlng tbat has tO hs gSBMBd, Mdg? building Is a science of vrr?, great ??. if., tioo, and bas had It? ?l.-vi?l.?p.ii??iit in Die bauds of a Bl (j BBgarlaS cl??s of si'imiars and aasioeera. There Baa prabaM*? beaa aaaaageasai industrial enterpri?.?- iBal baaealled Into It? ?er? l.-<? a trniiter auioiiiii of liitell.?ctiin| .(T.irt, tlinii Unit .'int.iacc.1 In Iron i?'H-ti in ti "Hi nf all ?nul-, sud In no other branch of industry ??uiiirin n-iirat*. witli it, do. h n Bitte baewledpe move ??. ttaaat*ri>t*a a tblag. To most people an Iron bridge i? as Irwa bmii?.?, alter? eures slinpl? l?*'iti?r m pH'i, tin? r?-.t?u>ii fur kiu-Ii differ aaoa Belasdaa lo the greater or leea greed of tin.,m irucU.r. Tin- prie?' "f a limit" i? ,,tr , t. ,1 by rxrndtttoua as rarttibl'? ns tbe winds. Iron Itwlf la dependent BB Use or.', tin- furnace nil.I tin' vrorsni?, und varies in quality ?. U It the stnalle?t ?n er.rb particular. Tin? load* for wbiob a bridare is pr<.|?irii"iu-?i, i in- rlttinxT nf the Joint?, tho in*rein fur safo*?,. all BaVS fln-ir n.fli iij.i in dtioruiiiiliK? the wot th of sucb a structure. I .?nil n. n lud, as a specimen of the IgMraaee and temcr ltvof a . i italn class <?( ??. ?ill.-.I bridare luillders, tbera??? ..t ?u n, who applied to a precnlaeal eniiimr f..i s f.iriitul.i in eciiiput.' tin- renter strain? of a iiniiiicr.-l style ot bowhtiiiic Kirder ?'bi.'h be bud been buiidm?? fur a lung tun.?. It Lapp. ne.I ?liic .-i.niiiit alluded to l'a i b<veu called u|?ou t.. vv ituess au cipcrumut ol l.r>?k ing down such a girder, by w. iglitm?? \,ith pi.? trun. After It was OVet, a few morn, in, of penctliugon tbe li&ek of un eiivelnpe, abowedthai tin? lilrder siiould bave beOB broken un.n r tin- nnpoKed v, iiiflit?a result t ?n surprised i be " builder" t imt be turned lotbe ?.etiUeiiiitn wbo BMMM Iba above note wltli tue remark: " V.ul d.ui't sty tiiat res eao II rule out bow unit ii u l.n.ii?.? ? ?landt 1 wish you would step up ta ibe aasaaaad t<-n my ?iraua.iiism.iu bow todo ii we never asare ap our bridpaa, and did m.t know it could In? don.-.'' Ami yet ibis uiu? bad fur several reara Im. n balldlas " Inui Hrld?es lor t m Paople.'1 un h. beaded Bia eireulare, and bad driven aaarj rep?lanle biniui-r um ut i-.iiii|,.-iition w.ili linn, beeausa Im ander took work im- uiHitit uaif ib.? price u ?innii.i bare i aal Annul UM lu nice ??lilil? lell 1 kHOfl minting, nut assume on Ibe slivnutli of I lie ti.-m. git) p _y j0n _____ itv?iir4ii mi.?? ' ml. , ii. iiii.p.itiui.i i rtitm, ,,,, , abiaald liuve fallen. You ?iva' aa ii? least- MO ro la, oi 3,300 f. it, and tin iii-i aal-u'.iui. LettlBf maeourj alone eutireiy, and aaaaoilng ordinary apat?a, an iron bridge ?.f Ibai i.iDgtb ...nut not beproperi] ballt far twiee ibi avoney. a p..oi u,.u brMpe la iniiuiti-iy ?one llua a paw? ??.aiiii-n .un , ,iii,i i iiiitii? iiH-.n- .? Itttledeabt bai laere art ii.indii.iti of bridgea Uiriragbout ibe country hiat Itaod SimplJ l><-.-;iu?.' tlic load-? on tliein urn ... . inloiii.l, ..mi lar, \?ry tur v?itiiin wBal b bridtra ?nouni bepro? 1' fur. In,' n.fri n.n i,t i m--,ne of u to,mi I? pr..i..iii.v ail un v .m- i \p..-i i to, nut aitoeld u ci..i?.i ...III', I on m'Iiii- < lliHOIdiu irj . lui, M I.i tbe ens of tue iiiit.oi- bridge, tbe r>-?.m i? rasp la fucw .?-t. Bal.road bndgas are rare 11 if ever lutrusied to fiie bauds ol aura i.un.i. i?, anil tbey are ebrewd i to waete au Itat? lowkiap after tin m ; un i i aaa ala i t?u i..?? n- ?. i ..u ta.?a m. .i t. m roaau?a v?im will and?*! Be i m uiiii-l.iiii.a? con-Id' i tli.-liir.ot \? liai in.? In- ?tnelly .1? a .1 tn.? " tin p.m mil t. ?i " L/?g!slatlY?! cii.i. i ii.. ut lalgbl be obtain, i to pi . iiy ,i.. leiuiiiiih:.- i, ? : ? i... .[ i il.i , '" 'n-' , aai ,i. n r Ol ?v..i K P. 'I.UI. I- .1 COU li.L'Il. I, ll.l'.M- ,. I , U IIP1I OUI! ".i''? Uie nauaei in wbicu i.? mmai i.?i.?iai,u i i.? apt to i"' p.-i.'ui-iit,ii, m a tim *? ? xj?. ii?.-' .in,, n.mi,i n ? in to gire lin ii. . ' --my in ... tuai inn on v. Ii.vli to tell i- at.on, mi |.,' from tiiat . I .?? I ..,,,. taken I iiou to .i.nin. Modem PoiilitN aud im i'.iu urldpra bare tais 11 auoiuxou Lb . are apt to b? I ,i n u. d l'i Hi.? Kiltie ?-a-- n m, u. .'.... lor/., Ala.'. 5. '.?.I. A I I I'. I Ot I I l?. ? ivil I i. THE WOBEIMOMEN'S STRUQQLB. now Tin- CABPI ? u Rfl BTAXD ai ; t crt.D. Tin Ogtlook fdt u tian.[iiil leason iaiI.1i f;i ? ?A'urkiiigtiu-ii, now that flu I i ?-, tar tbe aaiat part? galasii iheli end.?, le, aa tbe whale, f,i?..i..iii.-. Ibarelatloaa b tweea raipleyrraaad im i? ..yi'iiii tin- mtwoI Iradee ..i . ?i n. i.?ny speaking? li.uniuiii u?. It i- inn II, .1 [I. boats .'f I '.<? I I tbe cai?>. m< i> mid Man liiuUer? i?, uol , <i BMtln I - I tied on a II. in and i ?? n n im - rl.iuii^ tb 1.1> aai i" aten iia>>- aiooa dtvsra BRBBgoaiei tbati m. n, ?mi n. bo rain of i. -. i - . ?lay's v?oik to coii?i.?t of . ia)i boar?, ?. nil \? a - J IM day and not tbe boui liai BBC bSSB la ill um adbered to. Maaj oaotfaeaSBB alalaa thai i;. ? an aaaalol mato fair profit on tluir coiiliait? BBdOf MMfe IB] SOBB, ml ar? UIIA...UH to iiidu.-e tin- ?vurliiiiiriufcii t?. con ? ' la somo uiu.lilication of tue rule. 'lu.y ara ??lin.i* la eoo? M-nt tu . lent linuirittorkiC tln-ir einulu? ci cou al tu i?? asad l'y tbe bsai ai a CbIi lai?-, ar Ihep am silbas to pay fall daily wupen for 10 boiir?' work. llalli parties Bantaaalr avoid aaab a dirai i Ibbob bo BMpbl i.r?? ipitatc .icolillaf Ta?? elm f? of tile ?A o| 1. Iiu'li.t. utile t lier.? In no daagarsfa tBipeutera1 iiiihe BBhaa the baeeca abro (T.lio [lu rait in for. .- laut year, w l'i.' U,e eu.plufan aie aaqaalil dl/Seetraaee4 .? psaasiable t.iin.i.. ? ? ii.?v baste, g coiif.-r. me coiniiii't.e, lapmaaMaa, on tbe one hule, the A ?ociation af MaOBBI < Bl I' '.t' m, and, on t.i" i L : i? -, tli tin. inn? of Aiiiulatauiaied QBrpai . ?ird'-i af Aaaatatoao Obspeosats, ami tue Mt.iiriMiiiiit t?. bas bold ti?.- ?aatmga, ertih* aa ps**oe . 'Itie fu'iiiinft? i- ??i,, i. not l to tin- iMidn? It r??iin'S4?iii?i vvitliin 10 flays, and tlm aitiun tin u taken w.n ui-U'i iniiio ibe ?aliarla dlepaia Isa SaMr pal ni tin? ca? pealara, a? pi i la belale. tag! eS| ol tin- ?tali-r.aililelH, pi <!|. Tbo ?.?liai utb. 11?<> : - ? earpaoteaa, ?? r.n i ii'iiiui i?, ? t?-., ?i.iiiu tiiat n , n .ve i .(in m ?borato ibis .-iiy, '1'ir.- niltlili I in ..?Hi i U mi .-in-, i lili', tu x'. t a! i \;u- ly. lu Uli fol. of BBBS eru. ? ui. ? unis..?m ? aotaoaabef iu<. aaetoti aa*o*bal tbe pre pond, ram.? aeeuia t<> be i. tbeathaa Sliaetioo. Dsfl BNMter ' ni i>* nt? i? ur?; MwiUing at proaaal to reotll iu? linn rtrwa ea IBe relailoni Bota/rea im m-iii. ? sud t .u u .i; plu?. 6 -, e aim In? tb .t su. Il pul'lic itluu' l i.e pretil il ni-.- und lu i ar il t iiilerieio wuli tin? bai tiinniuil-, -? un-iin-'it 'ni ?vim u tri'-v bopefaily look mil weok. il.-i,.. ? |i la iui[.?.siiiie at present vo ? tbe aril. wi.nii eitber attlereate aa goabtiaa wtlhoolpjeeltnlltr uT . oui ? SSlOB. Tbe Uuopera' Infernatlonal Union parsnaai '.? lull or tu. lin ' till toi Ha.ll J ? ? made, ?. ? a ?t? i ii i : i? 1 ou A. I. i l?-i BBpplj liia toe aupar refluer! s wtUi b?rrela 'l'a umauwaa u, 11 tin uit'b i im f Deputy Ueurgo Bradley.a uiiiii.i Mr. Briaga to pledg bimseli tu oeklb r farulsb, nor trim, mu du .;.-. .pcr?tge upon l'util,nul nnip BUfJ 10 ce .?<? ?up,, v .u/ r.tbii -ri.?*? ii-l'iu' hilen irrela witb any cuoper's irork w unterer, liiclod iii ? ? |n n. iii?- a ?i ?m .?.-.i m il?.u bam |?. T.m? ?lioraatiT? ptvaeutod w..? Um Imiiiftiiala - I nao m Ma BBiploy. Mi. Bi ggs i. tbal be liad aal im .. i-oiiMilctaiii'- tin.. pu.? Hied any l'.uiiitid b?rrela i?r anv reflaery, *-?i tbsl be Bad m.m- in atert-j m t> tue ??upp.y of susrar , i eaase moat if nol all "i tbi i. Bneries ??im b .p i- anii-.'i ol uslug Maini n ??!'? b?rrela. Bad yi? l.l.-ii and ?riveu up Ibeir u?' !.. ihouxbt Ibero u? ? ?i rouble abotil ni-uvniiu - tii?-m wii? aoafar N I ...... i. .i i .uiii ...t.. - irr-f.u lory to oiiviit'- ti..- n" ' ? Mtv ni iiii.-rti lene.' BTlib Mr. r.ii.'L'?'* ?Turkmen. Tu.? < uupe.?' strike n? iberefore v.itixaiiy nui. Il will IM ofti lallv .I. . lal'd ml au cud. alt? r a it.uiuiiL'ii iovratigal m o ad tueregnoriea baasaUstJ d tue Union that tneir riUe*are lolly eoia ,. , u ? . A ?i|.-il m ?val u ??.i b ?.' pi Up Ul Oll .m?, pu-fini.? BMaasalos "' r\irtlaBd imrreli lato tbe inalket. Mn ?'.'H un... lu.nul pi ". I . d, |.F - ny any l< iiuer)? ?? ul.leau* a reoeaml of the war. \ nui-- ni":':.' ni aurkiuiriu.ii will be li.'l.l lq IM large Bail ?i Ibe Cooaei Uuioa ?a Bataniai aveulug, m.0 i,, ? !,, n i " -u . ?' ..i ? - a',|,. ...nun ??ni be iakea up ami 'Ii ? i--' i A ?M-litiun lia- L?a ti cil' iila'ed P\ tin- Int. i nat aitiai? favuiuiL' tbe puuiia-, ..i ibe aaa ?abing aaiabilebaieata by tbe i it? ? . riS ?"IK. ? <>vl MIM-ltl- Ulllkr. YoiIMOSTOWMi Muy ?&.? I'll? Kt i ik? i?- al Hi?' Mai mil"? nie Mill in. ..lie.1 to int.lli 1. U_ rxtreiuir ?.???lib auy wbo are SMgeesd to rBOOBW OOIB? Lata OB Saturday iii?.bt a mlu tbo feSSBS of a wurkiinin |.a?.-.d ?vitliln u f. w Indu - M bM Otfall In-ad. Ii l? i,,,.,it,-.l III it til'- up.-ial-'lr-, I'.dll.V, d>'' id. I tu nu,'., n. and i r... ara |?jw. ... a?raiiufr<.i_< sat I. Uardeu, lln? vs., I puma ... In. ik ll.. iiumu ami . ui Lb. ?Ink.. IBI Ul IMI? ATI.AMI' HANK. i:??.i\et Simili,' of tin- Atlantic National Hank, m un int. r?u ?? With B li.n.i '?' i- p.di. i ?. ft? r day, stated tiiat It III. bank ?a? nul In -id I. ?puiiMiii. t..r 'l.iuit'U'? oui-ide ?!"? I: o|H'i il'uii-. and nu ol lu r . la In.? ?are pti a BSod, Be eoald pay uii tbe depooHara and nearly all tin- otln-i . r?-lit.,r? ,-t, . ,.t tin- ?lo. kUulder? Ha ful; from Ib.- BBfll ami tin pro.'ed-of tti?- Mcui.tie, and oilier uffcets on band. A, H 1- I.ihhtj bow.-v. t, tbai there may Ixt more genuine claims outstaudlBSi be i.-i uinmendr. all tsbn are cr. dllnr? to pn'Seiit ? detail..! slat. m. tit. ?u that man? rs muy M . lu?, d. and an ?-ril Iv .11? id.-nd .1' a li.l-.l of Bl I? a?t M p r cent. I pun I., mi.' afk.-.l ..?tu lb. i ii.or' ??lin Ii prevailed ?on..- ?nu e lu Un eff. el tbat l'aiiilui had lu-' ? nutiiu'i ..t ii,,- stolen pi?>|Mit, in ?Sali -t.. ami bad labra ti,.-n-i t.,r tin ptjrpaaa ut riBaottoji a conpruouaa ami i. gaining m? llaarti. Mr. Ht run g said be dul nut la II.m an e ?alniiiul lull ut Hi, Inrnk-of two of lallicr? bank? rs revealad I.? M Iba amount of |imi,u>'; .m i as there were .'our n t in - tu i,,- ime.iia'.iti .1, In (Mr. mrou?;) tii"Ui.?tii me losa. ? wiuiiii aejaal tbe ilefatoaUoa. 11..- ??. ..r in ? giren below, a bleB bad iiiu stolen by T.ilntur ami ?lep'i-ited wtlii m linu.T a.? niaruiii against i:i? fi.., k upcrriiiun-, were lo Bava beea oobt ?mt loc bta a., until \,-un? o . but tbe aoetloMei ???? enjoined .m.t in. ?a,- did m. Utk. piaee, in. > are tbe prupertj of Kasnoel ? Wliliaaeaa?, aad ur? |a,eBa D. S. ?luvt mm.-lit Ki>? 'iw.'l.t? <nii|Niti l.uml- of 1M4S7 lllyp'.ll. ir< I ... Hliuii-,-iu.l Ml.-iiiaran B-riatheru lUilrnud Uomuen] ?Hrp'd), Bieoeeeb ? at?, abnraa ? i.v. umi and 1'' ICtiii'.uil < INOP any ?II ? p'il), ??u eu? b. rJUMM ANfi CASI.ALTItfrV?lir TKf.EOKAHI. _Am a boat ff mn the ?BBOOBSI E. M 1 lilil?? Id WM r?... a - un lt., har'-ir atflBltlBSBI rastafiai H ?a* rat rkiw. by IB* sckaaa.r 1. I llaiaua. T?s .u*. ia lea i?.?l ?.ra|.aJ, h.l Kr.4ci.dt C i,.nu* ?f Tr.f. a. 1 . ?*? aaaaaaa h? t??i? .u r?..? ? In tin* Hiipreine t'.mrt at Spfiniffielil. 11mm... a?, t. ar? ol *??U| ?m p?tni r'.l? < i ?'.a* ?...u H fm.iu mita ?si ruunititm?Ai mttrk mt lue mormti ?t tk?xt? tt ntrim al W??M_>?1 Bet. i? II? Souk ?nil ta km^emt ?a B.r.acUU ?a t**? lai as ?a.? ?Vul*. t**? I. BBS III t THE FIRST NOMNATIONS. "MAKi: HAS IT. SLOW 1.Y" At ?AIN TIIK WORD, ai'iiiim mi.m?? fou I 111 IBI?III1-BIB OB iams and ! A*rK?.'IKV|S ?Nil IIKAI.11I < <-M M IS.M? >N r US Illli Al.liKitMKN ITU K A( ll'.N U'UN TII-JI?AN Aly |.| I'.MAN alBO NOMINA I Kl>. 1 he Mayor broke hilen? p, yenlrrday, in rW-ndint* to Ihe Hoard of Aldermen the nanea of John Wheel? r for President of rh(4 Department of Taxes an?l As rvuMnients; Qdargs 11. ___diBBi ami Barau D. Moul ton, Commis-ionets of the same Depart'iient ; Prof. Churl?? F. (.'handler, Pl_B-_?Sat and <'"t la-J-SBBBBBr? and DB, Stephen 1). Smith, Cntnraissioi cr of tiio lloiird of Health ; and Hi my ('lauscu, Ald-Tinan, to fill the vacancy caused by Alderman Gilaey's death. The Ahlerui? n did not confirm tho iiomiuat.otis, but ?le|ern*d a? lion upon them on tho ground that the fir m H-? of tin? candidates should be carefully consid? ered. The nominations were well reeei ved in polit i ? il and busuiesfl circle?, ami formed tho topic of uoiivorsatiuu during the evening. B-K-KKTlOli OF TUP NOMINATIONS. Long bcfori' the Imur n.'uncd for flu? m?<t In? o? tbo Hoard of ?MstBBSB IhS hallvuiys leadlo*; to IBoChamber cf 'lie H iiir.1 BBSS crowded with patasas who WSSa WaUftBB IBS the opening of tbo doors, Tries? comprised. In tin? main, pol,tu i MSB who either hold plBSSS (?i Ii ITS S-l at eipoetaliu.'?- umlcr tin? new ?1i*|m n sallon. A ?Inn i tun i bSfuSS tin) MSB-tag of tho Hoard, tlic doors Icadiii-? into Ihn ChSBBBOC WON throw n up. n sad tho srowd saraad la, batoarj s few were able to Hud srsa ktflBdlns rasa? attkla _bd -mail to ice satedds IBB r.uliii-? iiiivniiii-' IBS portion Of IBS OhSSBBSf that I?. rasarrad r..t tBs Bssflshsi ? and ih ? stta bda ?.f the Beard? ( ? .? I.y one the Al.le: ii. n fll.'1 in, B8d soon forming- m little _li"t* iB-kSd la ktW ISSMS "t the B__BM Md nomina? tion?', i; -foi., tin- n i ir.i aas salts i1<> srdar, a, Bistb sf the M i?.i: BT-p al ','. vi in. ?? liumllo of paper?. "There fin v i.,' Ian in a low nun m nr arouinl tin- < llalli I,; r. 'ihe papers were rsastrad by President Vssas, who Hen afterward esttad Ma Baud ta artes. Iba Batial iBaC-Brb at-saadltBat sras* member of IhaBaardwas pressai, TBs BBlaatss ot the psavtsas BBBStfafl haviuir i,.'. n read sad sppraredi ti t ?"tea-deal Maoaaeod that ii' Bad received s eoaiasB-leattsa Besa tBs Mayor, ami it tvoni'i Be t. sd bf IBs Ctt i k. Tfcs Ban sf oqbtcibbUoii oil lin pari it tic. r.cA.I ttaa mi, I ill til y htl*h> ?I, ami m .in (.f ? ..i-, i ( \|.i i ! ii., pervaded tb? ? hasslar. Iba saeta sers sf the Board wslted Bt-saUvelj for tin i-atttaaof the dc?<, aad many of the BBBC_B_orS loaned for? ward ok r Ike lailric, fe.'ti iri?? that they BV*SjM M BaaMs to ssteb tin fin? i. xt o? the tssasssat, tBs Clert i. . I ' . ; Mil wen- n .; .1 *.i|.p..iiit. ?I. Tee SBSBSBBaMsllSn BBS forth lint tin,laarcardas svritbtk latiiiliasssBtBsf 1st sea i ii.n't. i, n nli at? d? Pn -1 :''-tt ?uni two OBBBBBlssMasrs Oftlcl) pal ' met,f of Tut ? !?? viiiriih. ?ii. HayeraoailaatadJobb B/Bseler, P-mldentof the Depart men t of Tix-- ami A--e-,??ii?.iit?, for a term ot * t ?/ears, tiadJaa M-jr i, isift Oserai DL aadrewa sftaa m in-inner of the 11 rp irtimut for four rears? and gavera I? MoiiHon.a Coiiiinls'lone.r for two years. Alderman I ? I. m na ."an n ..\> d ihat the com mint ma? mil he laid on I la tal.Ic. Aid. V .n H. ?i.ii.k nfli nd :t resolution to tin ?fleet that us the Ch trier place 1 BBaB B r?-?p,.ii-ib,lity nil?n IBs Board ta iha marier of Bs_B_r_BtB_i sppotat? tin BIS, It BBS BS tinne than tin- dntv od the Hoard that they a?i. nid tn.av d_ltf?*Bl lii'|,lilies bSfSSB takinir any il. elded .., ie il SPOB ai il of IBS tioinniat ion-, and t hat tie BBBSes be BBBBSltB d M a Coniuiitee of five, with !h rtructliins to le?-mi at the next BBBSttSB. TMS Naalatlofl ?.ta- net Bseond ?! sad was si Hid raws. Tiii-co'iiimiiiii vui.ri ?va-? then arde red ton. laid on tho table and printed liy a vote af s M I, All? riten ?' silier. i ,.,.,. ?, i . i m, K-Br, i_ H-k, LvaagMj isrfsr, sad mm?ej, ratlag hi the uttiruiaitve, and 'i ta l'ai. n.?. M ctt ni, H nli. iiner, Morris, Va" :-. han k, an I I'.. ?Id UI \ .1.? I in the nitf.itlve. A further communie ?lieu from the Mayor was next rsad ssrpsiaUss llearr pausa n an dJIss-saa to tin the plasaal mo Ut/' I*? i-, i OUsar, and t) bold SB-SB until May _,_BBj The .oiiiitiiiii-utmii ?.as rSSSlVSd .Hid laid on the table, no other cout-O lacing ?iroposed. Tho ap pO titin? ?it--* !.. the Miyorof l'l of. ?baric* V. < 'handier a * liTSSBBSSd and ?Joiurais-toner of tb? It. ?aril of II. alth, 1er a term of four yean?, and of Dr. Ptepheu il. Hrnlth a* ,, ('..iniii!*ii..i. r of th.. sume Hoard fer a teiioor two year?, wei-o then, arnl oi'deii'd to BS laid on the talile by t? vote of 11 to 1, Ahlertn.-M Morris and HaaBsBSMS saat-BB Kbs aasattrs ressa. Aldsnaas Van Seha rk ?uni these were oxrellent ___B-_a_BBBI aad be tionl.l proliatily vol.- fat tlietn. nul bs IBsBBBI it QS-BlBd inure than ti?'ht that tinIJ -leeild take tho BBSBS S-B-BS M the ,1'hfl*. lloiltliie baslsasa here Intervened. A reaolu'ioti ae BOSS] m tad B rep-.rf in the l'on.mitten ou Sie, f-. ??, udopted, IB favor of IS^aBSt-BB tho Hoard of Opcn.iiaT* to take n.-ei-?-,, y nieaaiire? for widenioaOot> ii "i pine ell tile W .. Sid. , :im| e X 'einlllltl t M SBBBS 111 a Kinth westerly direction ao as So eoaaaeCwUh (|i*a_a? i. at. It BBS llla'eil by tbo Coin,nitlee Unit tb>- pro? posed plan would N' ?I ?treat relict to Hro.idtvat, ami .1 i uns. (|iieiii BlSSB-Ba to rliceti. HaSB merriment was raaaed bj IBs rasdlss of IBs report sdths Osasssittee sa Arts ami B tttOtt -SWhS-BBTBS referred IBS pstlBSB Sf Preatdaal Dersjb tt IBs mmtsHj f..r the Pr?tention of rruiliy to aS-SBBlS, ii?kinu' tb if daBS niiiflit In future BS killed l'y IhS BBS "' ' art?..nie ;i< id BBSk The report stated Unit _bS -ail..), i l B_a a Hi.'-t -i l tititl - ..m , and . Bl I - Info a loin.? iBSBrtpttsa Bf the oriifiu and proji.rllcs of i IT-OBM BBS. The c.nic'n.-loii was that th. y tt .-ie not altan- ol any appropriation that could he BSSd for the ?attar, sat-as Ha B08ta*_ss sbaanjad M SBr-raasaz? paeseSi At the Boarlaalaaof IBs raadtad ??f IBsiapsrt Alderman Mi ?"?ffent aro-, and r..SB S, muid irreal ap plilllM', m Let dSBB delight." el(. Til?' < ..llltlilllee W. .'. then BSSassd Irotu auy further conaidiTutiou of the Baajest Al.p rman M>?rrl? then BaSVed to tuke up from the lakis IBs tarea saaBaat-saa tat I aaaaa aaosa nasl *.--> aa-anta and Tax? ?, I M tl" I I ur ruled the motion eut of order, ll? IBS ?oininiiiiii ,tion bad BBSS BSBar-Sd to U' printed. The Hoard Ihcti adjoui'iied uutil Tbureda), at I p. m. _ POPULAS roMMCMS After Um :i?l|uiiriimi ui ol thd Hoard of Al il'Tin. ll the nieml.i r- i'.ith.sad m Mlle ptBBBS and ilia i a i??< d IbS m.initiations. If wa? (.?enerallv con.-? .jr-.l thai Ihe nominee? were excellent nun. Alderinati M raid he lrla\i.| that they would bs SSB?a-BSd on Tbntsilay without inueh doubt, sad this t-?ciind to be ih? prevailm*; nplulou. home of tho members said that as the Mayor bail taken a BBBaMSBBBa. BBSS to BBSBB up was duo to tho ?llirnlly of the Hoard that it* liiemlK't? ?lionid take a f? w duy? to SBBSMSS the ilf WOtOOt IBB BSSBBBS-S I"bTSSS eontli nun-' Ih?- iioiiiinalbiiis. Ii Waa di .liad In -t In In,ike a pie. ?'itel.l. A id. main ( ltd miorfer IBBBS-BMl the nouniuit!?.!.- fa\ orahiy. Alder liinn Van Schan k, SB be ?Utte?l at the BSSSiSa of the Hoard, tu? in favor al lue Heath CBflSSB-B MBBtTS, bat is nmtt! rtond t>> t n w with le?? favor BBS or more of the Tax OSBBS-tS-lBafSB? Tb.? T.uuliau.i Ald'lineii prSSSSTS a (Ha. reel ?III me, and will prehahlv await the i urn lit of events, ready to take advantafeof ??;?> .ii*-<-i. -on ,1'bii b may uti.e in tin doininaiif party in tie li.vir.l In point, Bl ?it. le-, la?.t et.iiiii*?, the itoiulnaf lotia of tlir Mayor ttire the prrvajllta? top., of I ..tiversailon, und Ih?'. |iro!?u!.i(-actiou ot tin' _J____BSa BBM SS_rtij illa. t?cd. Tin BuJ.Jllty Were Ittclllitd P> Ls'llet B that tbo I(epun!i.'i?o Aim i in. u ta.iild net ?laie to take th. rc-pov-ihilitv ol ri ii i Una' irood in? ii vriSbaat adl-incm*? |T>M>d :u.d iiilll lent reasons for su. b action. The polltl cal ita?din*? ol the noiumee.s na* aim cui-nicn d, as It wat Im ?ieved that It ?o ild iiffotd some ctiteriou of the Mayor?? action with reference to tho ?Kb. r noiniaation?. Ci i.i_< II. Andrews reprisent? the ntr_l_ht Kepublicans. H.tet n D. Moulton is a Republican and a member ?if the Committee of H ?..?tity, while John Wunder la u llcform is iiKK'iuf. Tims all avetloti" of the Hefortu party are ISfSBBSSasS. IP nit CSBBBSB \? und. r-t?M?<l to i>e a rep r?--. tit itive of i be (.ertiiait llrpubh.aiis, aud Will com f..i tneir la? k of r> pi?"M titailoii in the i.t. -, Hoard. I'n.r. Chandler aud Dr. Ht? pin n D. Smith, the nuoiiuee* for ileultb ComiiilBNloB<-r*, have never taken ant activa part Hi politic*-, but are kuown to be Hi pub lieu ua k vet-ran politician, wall kno?*?i for his ahrcwdnr?*, ?aid that it ana r.idcat to Uiin the Mayor was en il?-iivoriii_ r>>. arrv ..ut hi? plan ol ouildluK up a It-form party, ami thai 11 the lopiioiicua party lu this city |kib ao**. a aa atom of . ..uimon tea*? Uioy would l.ourtily m*cou.l blUi Hi tbla S-hSi ibl? Hilorut-ht pTodl.",. d thai the ttmjoi would In In* _____BB____B carry out IBS plau ?f BSSBBB] t*o lb pulibcaa* and on.? BoCono DsBBSBBBl ttBarevar Una waa practicable Duly lu this way _____ b va-MB ?I ?as Lk.M-Ma-.t-? at-rtr as ___t \ city be prevented. It was selfevuleit that wbaaavm tb<- DsohmtsSM pirty wi? sotted, or BbaeppaaMf faction basaoM w.ik. Om Miaagar bad mure |m werfu! faction would ?'srry dM ?i'V- Tuiswi? sbown lam Fan, whOO Tarim my Hall, with all the. itigraaof its pervious corruption Bad treat.i -ry In its r.mks, n.?ar!y Mooted Its ciridida"- for M .yin , and did 'i.i "lie third of It? Ai'l.-rriimi.' tick-t. L * Ih? aV :? lb Hasas refiis?. tu asaara the Bsatasttoaa af pood aws sent in l.y tit. Mayor, ami 1 iinm.itiy Ball, Bl the election lie ?it Fill, Weald place (.""'I ui.-n In nun., i.? ion and BWSSP the ?'Ity. Oa tho contrary, H.-pu!.lu.m All run if tlit-y confirmed Hie ii.,t.?'.nations lu.i.le B) iIh-Mim-i, and lint? si a tired a pood ??.are ut tin? patronise fur tlieir adherents, would keep their Assembly organization* In gond working order, and If, as was likely. Apoll.i 11 ill w. re given a there of tlie psSNOagB, Unis MatM hik 'Ih s -nsloii lu tin. Democratic ranks and preserving that faction In a stroutr and healthf o-idittoii. be saw no isaeea why tbo gopoldlnaa ticket, should not aimm carry the city In tin? same manner and by tbe fame meaus as last Fall. Tim BBBMMM admitted Mm r asoiiiug of tin? speaker was paad, but gaobtad whetb-r tbe programme cunld b?' earned out ?ati.f.u tnrily where tll.-ie pi re ?u iiiiiny factions t > II? l.sik. il afler, rtn.l tne wir.s tor tin- xt'iidaiice of each rSgBtfBd to bu uiauipu ISted M s'.i'lfiilly to insure success. Home stress was laid on the fact thai ?o lame a p?>r tion <>f tin* city is unrepresented In tlin Hoard of Aldermen. portion of tbe city lymr? BOBBW Four tianttist. MM iu.w only two repi> ?entatives in the BaarS. it ?va? agreed tiiat tins abaaM aal t>< -Cgal tbe new Alderman slueild bave com? frutn eiiber the 1 -vetitli, Ij-hth, Ninth, Teirb or Talrtecutb Ward?, all of which have no r. piesent itlve. TOT CANDIDATOS. John Win? 1er, l';< tsi.l. nt of tho H?> r?l of Tit's und A-S'??nu ut.?. is a II funnel I? iiu?rjt In IMilitii a, and wrvl .- I m'-in'i. r <>f tin? \ X XIII I and XXXIVth Coiigreiscs. He 1? about '?) y. at? of a,?.-, and ? ttrod from Mialanaa. DarlaptbabMl tare years he ans une nf the must activo members of tin Cunnilt?'<? o Bereotr, aad waa tbe ebatraea ?r the aob eeeaatiaae uppnrni. u to h tii" aoflfeaol logialatlon at Slbaay. lie baa broa at Albany .lurim? tho paM two I? un intim?t- und ;.< rsoiial fin lid of SI.iy.j- II.iv IBM] er. M R l?l lias probably dune a? mu II f-.r tbe l'oiniiit lis- uf larsatp le tii ? repot rafeasi u aaj oth r bm aber. (ico. II. Andre???, ? ouiinl-sioricr, a xreiitl.-iiiaii of about, M years ..f ax'.-, i? .m.? ?f Iba preeeol Coainlaatoooraof iix ? ami A??, simeata?bariasbeoa appolatodl Iroller Ceaaellr Ib IBM Heeerred (be fear y.-arsuaa Moto gaaator la tbe LagtObatart rri na Otsaso ?CSaaly, ...i 11? .i Bepob .<? ,n m potitlee, aiiiiuiu'ii rresatljr be boa nui lato i b vi-ry aetlre part Ib pollttoe. ?an m i?. Munit..;.', OoauoMM ea r, was a rb-po m. inli.r nf tlu-1 .?t I .".??la.ure, ami tu..:, an active patt la Ibe Befara aaee ai ilatredaeed i'V ta of?VvCQty. Ho vv ?s a Uiemli? r of As?.-lil'ily B many rears ag... la B r tir. 1 m.-t. liant, au 1 lives lu lue Nineteenth v.ur.1. 11 ? i.? al"..' laplaaasf PaletOUeey?daueao l*Bjorr Osai appel?tes* Mr. C tassaa h a roaap man of ?__ or sa years of BOB, ami wealthy. He O is a iiu-ina. r t? gas ni bly in 18*i, is a D uiu'rat* and lus bien active lu the wurk of rcfoim. Be is a (?.rm ui, und own? a Mipa tirewery lu tbo Nineteenth Ward. Finally, be ii a piuili itietil man BOMOS tba ?J; rutan? of the city, l'ruf. Ciarle? F. ?.'handler i? appoint .1 President of tin- Board ot Be kith? Be i? a ptafaaaat M C 4a_o 1.1 Oat? I.".-.'. ill liur-'chuol of M ins. BS was connected for a number ol fOOl s with l,'uiou Collcire as a Professor of ('ii.mi?try until be cam" tn this. Ity. II' Is a man of ability, and is well known to tue arenera', publie. Ho is ..bunt il nr I.i reara af BOB, and a Iinpunlicau lu politics. I?r. Btophsa I>. Siulili, a very active inenibcr ot tho present ltoanl of Health, wa-i appointed by GOT, Pcnton a BMOaberOl tb ' Ml llfpolllail liuurd ?vlien It. ?fas or?'jn ir.e.i in IBM, un i B*aa c appatotod by M ipor Ball under tbe pruvi?i..ns of tin- (iiart.-r af IBM? ii l ?vas for several years one of tbo Faculty at llellevue Hospital. To his active exertions is due tho r? ?U'jval of tho Bleasbaar boaaaa aud other nuisance? ?laugcroos to the thickly populated i?arts of tbe city. m.wou havi;mi:ykus views. Afopoiterof Tbe I_ubi gg sailed laal footing ou Mavor llaveiiieverat hisresul. ne| laWeM PSOBtoOBtb? tt. Tbe Mayor was la bl* usual pU-tveanl mood, and se. m?-. I nui in ib.- least weruiid nr fatliri. -.1 by tin? pres? sure BTOagbl tn tH-.'t .m hint by tbe candidate? and tbcir friends .luring the pa?i fvu op thSBS Woks. Wli.n con sratalastd aa this fact, be Mashad aad i ii t thai he ?ii i n.. i aiiuw it to ???.rt '. b i m. Hi- bad no BXI ? to xii-ind, antl WM ?.lily anxious in MOON tin? b.?t men for the various ih.sii.uiu?. Bo tnok all tbe naine? BBeeaotod, aad aob red ttieiii aa hi* book fur r?f. ren?e, gpaahlos of the Board uf Aldermen, in aald be did not accept it as any'-: lluu tbat the AUMnOSB would reject his iiuuiiuatlous. 'I'lu-y ?-.anted tliii' to BOOO !>'i 'the char BOBBf ami Itaeea of ''" aoeataoee? if Be bad i? aa ? owahai o? the Board be Wailld have doae Ibe ?anie. It wa? not to b. .-vu' ? t< d Mint tin y WOOld gulp down the 'lutiiiliatiuiis Wltboal i|i ?inn ..r'. He bad don;- bMBeetle Si'lect fOad linn for the var.nus p..?iti MBB, and If they were lejeetod fin- pul.'.i' would probably OSpert good aad Mitii.'ieiit reaeeoa woald bo gtraa toraoal aettao? Be was ooeaarswlaa M ?any out the retara prmcipl. s en ?vlri.-li be wa? elected. i ter nf bM nominees \\ ould ?? il li-"an:1 the BlSBBM scrutiny. Iu bis iiuiii.naiinns tu- bad BBtaOtod en u WbO r'-u.esent.-.l tn. gasans party, Ihors wero both k. pubiicjns ami D . ? Maoag th. m. \\ .111 ni. rem | to tbe r. mandril? poeltlOOl to be filled, he w.u.ii aateeteaadldatea trout Una totinio and send th. ir Haines lu tin- Hoard. II.- ??l-i.i.l to make as few ini-iaki-.? as possible. Thus believed bis eSSfM bad iiu-r ?sith tin? approval af the bcll-r cla?s of the com m u i ? ?. His aom Ineea nlgbl nol il ware bo of the iiiu?t brtlhaot kind, imt at leaal tin-? would be i , nu 'i. ami ?inb as the jiuliln could tin-'. H ' would j i.'.id! wad m -'me more names to tlie Board "f AI I.i men on Tbiit ??I n . RetBOOsTbt tlu-r. would be aa i ty in tbe aaitor of euirtinn.iiiun. Me could tee no r ason fur un?. Tbe Ald.-iineii wereoult exercising n,. n pr.-ro'j.iiiv,' m diaeuaeiaa and deiiaiios tbe ? of Iba candidate- pre? nl.-d lu lliem for euujLuiatioU. BALLROAD Pl.UlLS. AN EX. i BBBM IBIIPIMIBI1 BUB IHIBII "TgsWTT lN.ii ltr.i?. Lot i-\ n i.K. May ?. ?Adrloes from rrin.? toil, Ind.. ..?st nikbt, Mate H at an e\i ur-ro-i tr tin left that pli ici .-atur.lay on H.' La Ne*-AH.any and filloa as Ballrea i fur Moool Caraael, in., earr*ftas abeol ;i, pat.?. \. idle baritaas the train from Mbaai CoibmI tn l'liiai-tnii a iiuiutcr uf BOWI ?iiddeiily ran on the track. ? '.inductor BeSPl T. H.iyti- s, who was on the r. ar plaffm m, BTOSiptlj ligBSlSd the ciiaritieer, but it was tnu late. Tlie tram ran over the cows, and pbHMBd down an embankment atgbt feet hix'.'i, tiiriiintr the <.ir? bottum upward. Iba paassaosn oats ibiowa lato .? ten lb!'1 state of eunfii-inri, ana a nilint'cr "T flieiu ware ?eriuii?ly lujured, some probably futurl?. Tire i omluclor leaped into u dilch. and . SOBpi d liuliiirt. lie iifleiw.,rd broke the glass lu th.? Soots and r. ?. ri, d tin- paSO n?''-rs. Amuiig tbe wnund.d are : Mis. Isillisa Weft uf I'tiiiceton, who was ln|ured In the bead ami had two ri'is brokeii ; .Nathan Hin kner of I'rine. tun, ?evreiv itijtired m tlie bead, l.uek, aud l,:ps ; B K. reuti?. cnl.ur Ihiiio and rlirlit ..rm broken ; v? i Uorsett of l'riitc.-ton, In?til un.l Jaw ?< rlously injureil ; Itlclisi'.l lui/le of ( iucion.iti. loot ii.olly hurl. rJomc 30 oilier* were inure or less lnjur??d. J.V EXlRAOEDI v LI l / HOBT. <i* r. ut M'RF.n bPJTS bMOAPI wWOU . i<i:k.i^m M:n?x.i. WoHci..?TrJt, Mu.?*?., May BL?About lOOofths too boys at ibe tToMhataopb Bute BefisTBi Bebaal es? taped, tbl? Uiurniiif', BJ 'OOOOertod ? tTurt. A? tlie, .... marching luto the yard fru'ii btOBhfoM the Hie BSd I'-nly broke, and tbe liny? ; u-li, ti fur lb.? gat?-?. n.c adMaM recaptured as many as tbey could eOOTI rutttly, hut iin.?t of the boys ?-att.-r.-d tliiniiifti ihu lit Id? al.d sesaeraj? __________________ A HANK ??WlNDLK IN si. LODH. St. L m is May B.??An ?lloganttj ?Ir fOBOp man the We?t et. I.iui? W.i.iti,;? lia k I la-t Fmlay iiioriiinx;. and pr.feiile.t a I. tier pin, I to be Irotu K. I>. Kanlolp'i g C,.., |, mk r-, at gl B v. liitrisluci.iif Jam'-? a \.i ?ua?, uml laeloetas ?'? ?'rait 'nr ts m, certnl.d b> the RaSBN BOSl uf Hi ?? ? r .ashler of Ibe baob aatag abaaol -"*ir young nun 1.1;.;..?' i illy a? IBiperf, and ihlukiiiK lin u. . u\e Aduxiis betas ul1 b.'de?ir.j at :.u n.,,,-. i.,u . In tbe aa* n u aer became suapielous and l^legrapb? d I.? i.'<? >'.i liana and lo ICunl.d|di A <?'.. ice. .\ ins* n-|?'?>'?? Mat botb tbe Irtisr and tin- disit ?? i. furm ra??. Tee petlee were la iollucU ul tbe in????- Hun. Out Mr. Adama could is.t Is' Ivuu.t ALU ANY. CT r EaQI?LATK?. A VF.Td Finivf Tin: BO-ITBTSn? Bll IIBUl"** r" ' ? .ir it: i: ? i:\??v. , v -, s .TOB a HI - IB B_ ? ?AH KXTrtA NKraSION T(? ll- I AJ.U.l? ?? Mlh' i i QUI IfKM, [UT TKI.i .; ? a-L-UBT, M . i n-.r s. nt in a veto In. hill ciiinpellinit ?'?:: .i1, r (?rcoa to | salary of I lie a_B-Bta-Bt C-Blh d PoH Mlslriet. I In- hill iiitroi'iie. 1 In Mr. \V? ;-?maitri. I .?uro, taroiaf tho GUIs I i .1 Baih sai oil' Ire the Seoiind ami r-i_tli-aves., and win. ri B B_BB\_S__ad into the .111? 11 Is 1?. ins ?efi rreil to ths Baflroad Cosa-Bittae, bas bai f.'oi.i'.ly r.p?it?'?l at t_M Bss-BBs, U H passes, will pr't.'tit iinviliii:, b_lag aVl-M B. ?M way sasBBtrai ttea for sis or eight months at I Senator ABB-BO- BBS \Wth District on npidl 1 Ibnight 1st the ?ial tuBS this raat? H h "alth is very mich iinnov. .1. .'?ud hi- M mis W\ he ?Tati?eil to IsaiB thai be araa able to t il ? mir part in the ?leh.ite. thil e.eiiiii-'. BBOB MM MU iiiiikc valid to'.vn lend-.-?i.-1 I S i.tili".?-! ; ill spit.'of informai .'.es ?B olitliiiiiiH.? tbO c: I tho tax-payers. This I ill arad order ?1 t.?a tin: read-BB, after thi whole sion-uvd __ae___tfl_| it. Theie was han Iv i qS-BTriM Bp bly this ?veiniiv, bal , ..i ?< r of I COIi-ldiT( ?I ill ('oil'mill. . of (lie Whole. V them w:is a i?iii the ?hait'i of the Gilht BU i at. i RbIIw-b bo sat . panait the I run throash Assit] -h Piftb motion ??f tir. Barns, the Company b?i from ironing In I sooth of Thirty-ioortl at., and on motion of If r. BIxth-BTO? -?as changed to Be ?tea th Bins, la tl shape Um l?ill ivas ? i third rea-Kait? bi ? ? u> iitiy. on na: onof Mr. Clark. miited to the Railroad C< A joint laaolntlon obVi d by ICr. ? adopt(d. for the Bpp I of B I ? live. _a*S__aO-B arid B?BS .'.-..? i. .lily un Q > . Con-n. -iiinil Committ- - [.pointedto rxassiaetl H. r roots for Western freight to the - to -h.rar them __ in/, thron -h th.* - 'lii' Joint Commit: Itthel ami maaiier of e msi the arork? ti?ienal ('.iiiiinis-i.iii, ? Ll Kp< ri Ifl BB i ' in uYH of ?in ? ' for that pu; l?os.'. It is said that QoV. DixlS "PI' ? an extra BSSSSOBi at. _ tin :of t the contri, t a bleb reqair a the but? topa] lin ?tfowCompt Un tbo printing Jss sat .n of tho Lei li'iire. \Vhateres miirfal i? i legal light ol Th: ?rfttt Compaay Badertl tract, it is not at all likely that thcv tvo ,bl p . any BBfth claim. It v-as not dOBS Is wlnti an extra n of the - held? sJthongh It anight haro hsea if I < iri-tniciioti of tho law had hasB lahso ad of. Tho difficult,- in the way of pittiiiir ??ft th work of tho C'oustr.utionul Comui.-.iinii till n- I yanr is that it would ei'-tnl t!,- (une t 1?, tore the amendinentii coul?! BB ?ulu:iitt.'?l to t'. people. The amendments as Anally ' must bo adopted by two ctitir? '.v dill tures before (roi o ir to the p hat iiia? a ?li?l-re.'it g?nate, SO that If tin", ratiimd by this I.'v-.-l .tare tie y iiiuM arsil till tb -asante of 1*178 is elected befotu thejreaa miit*-il to the popalar roto. The Committ?-.'?a Trade-ami Ms in! l to be d-B-barned from the ii York _taa Company and tin n trouble Brit- tin strikers, on account of a want of time. Th lion to ?liwhar-.' them aas laid on I Mi. Wood, ano hist called foe the inresl could be prcac-ru. _ ? \ _H . Ba-uarr, l-saada. M Tho Si'imtc met ai 7'M i>. m., _-i jiiB-dan btrln? nr. ? nt. Mi Tu m i-.v lntri?lticpil ;i tii?l providing that tb. I ? trulb'i of .New-York mm i-m i,.,i|.t,. p.,. i... n r._ ; lo. :d 'iiiprovcmeiil- Blade In tie t'lly of Now Y..ik. (jov. Dix seat tho following veto to the BSB-kB . M Dlvl.t: I rernrn nnappmv.d B?na-t r* 111 N* ?. MS, rohttiv* to rh? ?iilarv of the ?____? mt Clerk Ol tin Tt.ii.i 1 < i.ntr of th.- ? ii v of Ni-vt York,as payasvtil of tin- ?alai >? I. ?.?!!;/. d l?y thin In I' h m v. - ii i. ?.:*.?,! l.t fue Cuatro ? t or tk* CUy ef N?w-York, I aabraltted it to Mm for too purpose of ?i-c.ert.iiiiiii-.* the grounds or Ins decision an? bis tener Ib tr.*n-*ui;ri. -i hen > lib logetb ? ?? lui a p ipei .-.1111.11111111? memotaii.1.1 relative tli?'ie'o and a copv ol tin- pay-roll or'tin- appoint.-c- of BOM ?o.iit. I I I troller'-? opinion Is tunad, ! njioli tile a.-.-ninptioti th .1 IOS appointment of t,..- HaslStanl (1er.. .,f ! ? Poll, <? Judicial Court via- - -ion of ClitipU-r ?75 ol the Litts of : v.J ttii,.u h. which prov ktoa t...a th? Board of .-.up : ? tors ? i life no lie tv Olli 0 ? ? \. ?? ? ? t .a- piMVld 1 liy.ots pi--a-.| ov the ia-^isbiture. His lalVreneeapooara to be that tbo a.11 in.nt y of the l_a-_?. -1.. t ;? r-- n.ill l*a ativcn t her -after t.. Iba crem.m of .mV now offloe, aa J tint ?'baiter '??vi ..| t.n i. ib - or i-.'.* t, hic'i -i-.e- m un? polies Juatl ? p.iv.ef t.? appoint -Mu'-, vttiii tin- approval of tile r?ii|?;i visor- M fed auch an a' l aa i- ineuht l?> tin: s-ove Buotod passas?. In order tt-rreioi. la i Bnpervuon riie puarer loereate s aea ui-oe vl nieatitiH.? .?r the aei ol i-?; . UM enuUon ..r in. partlculai ..llice -lioulil bave lie. u .-\pirs-ly a.illn.r : ?: ??lient m t. I bave l><-, n ? tbal ?l wai d.< i.le.l to ,.pi?oiiit Aast*fatal Cl.rks und? i BBapter -.-i ??i ih?- l. >tt oi ls.1??. H un- b.? ?.i, aud s t - - - ?an Controller's opInUMi 1* ei roaB-NtB, sud tOe _U*arta woal I, on flM. iippin atloli i.r Ile .l-*.*:,.nt ? n I* (iiiniiR to compel the pat un a t or i , a rasa there as iM bs sa sai ?l M lbs interpositloB of i bo L iimeat was uir.i.iy saade, ao * ? "i I* percelv? I : ? ? onnruiatiou ol it. it th. dqu i p i Cur at Hew-York, ander mm t-lonaod ? 1-iiiiiiii-iuiiHi m lia t.iey UiUt.t bale ao . I. It la tue opinion i.r tin-t oii'til.-r an 1 ,,r \ i-ral. u nom I liai : . .1. ti'.r ', ,? llato li.e olb, e in ...n.Ia. It ?.in. . .. aan-e, ttln-ii SWal-SS ... ll-...--. I'Ulpl upon ! lie . .ly 111 ?J< Hate >? ol i?t. It ,...- UU - tie. coll*l.|rratloll ??I the l/Cll*. ir l|. . It W a? 111? Il has no Inc.I ol |? w irti lesral sulb ?rliy. I de? uu il prou? r loado I -.? of lue n fiaLillt e pint. : of Hie - ?SB tOO eletaled uni k'.ate ?0 II* L'Uni i posed f..r me, ni of Individual . aim* - lint ne InailapUtaOll j ii -?. and iiulcsa tu leapt) reu hate Ih . a - ?...I I U d. I I I- 111 VI mot tl..- p. I a -, I r,-s|,. Dtl-ll) u-iur.i a lib v? ..:? ill t hate siilh. n nl ii.., J.iiiv \ I .? The veto war laid on the table oa r> .j ,? Mi i.ilil. Mr. i?. P. \v.?.?t> offerad a resolntloB ? rnor ilpp .ll.t all ,,|. III.. ( ..n a-l e \|a rt lO Vlall IB? 1. I tti,Uni lit - il y at i in- wore, aad il iba . ,? mda-d l,< appiicJ. Adop A8BEMBI Y. In th?- BaBBnblj i..-iiin'.ii Mr. Wells, froan tile ? ..liilll'lt. e lia l.,.ie ..i,.? . -, ,., WlllHB u a-1. tarn .1 Mr M - allai:'- ol t in- Ne-.i Y. I :. | - inet 'a v n tt ol Ihe -in.i -t lone -itc.i iBsui I Mich In te -i i Ka I ion, the '. me I ipiti. k?_U-.*y, II I'll . llUpOt ? ihle t,. do I ,i,- sub e. I in lier, U ?I '? i ? 11 be .11-, h i: fted it * .in un r . . Mr. iirVtKV, one <>i i be ?ominiit. . ? .1 iroin tb. r> poit. Mr. \M in - ni . Win? mot. it tlic live? a a. ?? tiie report bo laid OB till tubl*. < o.liil. Mr. PBINCK otleicl tie- I 'lion WArrrm,, Il,r >r IV ,,l tl I - : < . m l ,.l'.ra m 1':.o-, arta ., SBO'lg (I,. . . ?u:.*-. t m' If myatuSi I >. a, ? ?.--r ,. at*. ? l a.. Iliil l.? ? ? ? ? ,<((? l'.lt* ,,..l.? ?? .11. .. Bt lirai? ^r I ? 'li '.,.? i ' . ' 1 ail I.. l?l ? -, .. wa. ? - .1 ?liai. ? "' ?' ? ? - ? ' ? i ... ? i I ' ' ' ' ' Whole? ' i "f the ' ' V l-a.l ' . , , ?a? - ' :" i . ilr ' ' i"" -???-.. .t .in - ri .-..tu..,.' ??? ? ? ? t i- i il a, ,..,.? tu, rd.L l ,.u, .i. .... bul ..._t . Hag. Toautbe it.-1..-. u.n of a staaat k.i . n ?, tj 'upper,?.m of tboCiiy ??r >,,, i/ars m .. . a(>ni '? On ?b. mot, un ?| Hr. lu. him. tBs tall *_a .?/l'en e.t BO aa tO le.,,1.... ,-..- ' ,.,.,p..l,, ,., pu V ,? . ?itt licisnry j fi ,?.;,t ?f tu0 Ki_M BSBSlpBl l..i, .