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tilmnc. Vo1-XXXHI._\'?-10,(h?0. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY. MAY 15, 187... PRICE FOUR CENTS. ALBANY. FATt. OF TWO IMPORTANT I. .U.S. TiiT t *-i : v mu in r.ATKi?. am? tiik _______in (\Nl. I NI.AKi,, MI'.NI IUI 1 l'\ -. t l> IHM I *--l> UN AM' M'll - I I? \ BACS ql_'F.ST ION ? WIIAl hlll.ll> Till DKVT M. fntOM Till* I.K.I T.AI. ... Irt-ll.M.lM "K Till: lltllll'NI.J At.HANY. Mav |?j i I?.., i.-ointion iidi'i-t??! l.-a-t math. Hi?* Mil t<. ,? [...? I .u.? torn* mtt tai ?cits tina) pant-as?, in tlie A-m ?t 11 o'dark thin morning. Tin* thinl reading of Um ''i11 |ra?iii_ been an: ?iiiuf.l. Mr. Lincoln MlM ior tin* tmitotam? nt ?if th?* ml?* excluding ?U luit _MMMM from tin? Boat vliil?' i ? ?,?. i m !__ag tiiknt. Mr. 1?<1h* ..f Sullivan tin ti moved to r.? the bill to flu? .Iiiiliii.'U.v Cotlltllltt. C. With uistiu? ti'.us to Mlll-tltHtf ?. r it I 111 ?Ahull lie L:ul framed With I -)<??' to I tattr l.-titiit,- WM tata. It jiioviilnl merely iliat in all wlMN usurious int.rc. t WUt t.ik?*ii. tht* lend?!-.houlil ?ii'lv Met both letal uni u.-uriou., but not the priai -tti, M at P-t-H'llt Mi. Berria? opposed ?be atatMtmhn,and baUe-red that i ? ...? wall as Hi?' Repabhean party, ct'iil.l all?.til I.. |. :' i-r-?-If on record in fa\or of tin* l.ill now on the tti I ?'f T?iie?l leading!. D? I?. it? i iiiiui atiliMiiat that ihn l.ill w:us not in tin? Intel, -t oi in?:), luit of In ?rrow era. The Mil'stitui.?? : ,. ?ilu- tin* present law. jr. leoderof Booey suH?*r, while the bofTOW? t .iiil not. If th. i. WM iiii.v ? -nine in taktii-T the banawarwm equally galty ?rill ihi* h-nii'-r - i.iiy. mor.-; he wat the ndaeer, ?bilethe lender w.i- lh_ Manead. Cap?tiilists did .nt-. tin* hichw.-v. s.-ekmir for oppo_-__~___-l t.. t?k.-1.?.ui.-us totere?-?. Th. y wen laaghl ont by beeTOWi !-. ?iti.l. it a ? nine was coiiiTiiitttil in taking bonawen wan the laatigatan? nd I i?, loffei at l.'ri.-t equally with the Leaden. M.i'i helle. Oppoeed the .institute "and all .;. \.r of th? i'i?'-? nt I'siiiT lawa." He ejaoted the neent b ? Gar? I__f_no_l ti I'..line. ti. at to show thai the ?licit ?'1 th?r n peal 0. IWI in that State had been to lais?' the ??oli? riilvoeat. (1 Mr. l.echf". ?ui.stituti*. although he would pnfu th* tat?liiapaal ol the l nuj Uwe. Mr.Clarke al*?.? fa-rared it. iad s:ii.l that Xow - .m t>- the -.nly Matt- in I .n.ii Wime ih<? old lawi ree_niri__g the ire uf tbe principal, for the taking of ?suiy, Mr. Lincoln moved tbi .notion on the lobetltote, and it w-a_ defeated majority. The Tote wm then tal of the original hill, und iMalted la . . . ??? i i ? ! . J. II. bri.?.. I ? / i . I ? formell C. u. ' t -???., ,?? ? ? llt_rr.ii_, - l?? it-ill, 11 g. J. B. lli?T.r. *- ? 4> I I. ? 1'r.uif ItiT?. K?h Im I ?In.St U, ?I.i -?. ?' ?'. Korke. ? ? if. lit I'?. Watt. ? Hoods?Ai. S-iiiaiu. r-?'..??.< r, 'l'?u?7nd. '?'17_\ - n A I. Vt-J.t, W.liir, -??oor, Y A.. a I . -74. e?taa??f, It v?. d iiil'. .*-". i kr r Coxae!) voted ? - the bill, although the Homo adoptad all the Aiiii'iiilint :it_ :_-kfil for. 'J he charge made at the . tbe Bpeah-T, that hii object in < i -1.. kill the l.ill. ii tht i> fan the opinion of members who nip j-Tied the lull. The feeling throughout the State. lob my stroiig ' tmy change in the - law. Several ?heagocun the ...t i >.( rani Bemb?n Han thoM ii?. i .n ferae, oeeaeioa when the l.ill ha? bean ap _r? to o inted l"i by the boat-lit* which they found i nt their con-tin. M: foi tbe e.ilaiL'.-irn-rit of the 1 . a.lnrit of the peel ige of N. .v-V..ik ' hall., came tip f..r .third t.. i.-, ti. t-\-j..-i-t.ition, nteeeded in gottiag the ? vote- required fee it? pk-Kiit... It i- ii.-t eapeoted that the bill will ?essiiia ; I.m as H m of ir??: __poftaaee to New-York City, iad, la the -i ?il men. will ?r. long be found tobe ?Li? .int. ly di eeenory topreeerrethc eoounerciol -_pr<?m?cy of the city, the YeMMui Naya oa the I?.?.-,':-, ?f the I ill may be of ?iiU?lMt? Hie. ats in lioh - *??7--?_i:, _?tti. j n.. /.?.. '?"?> lo?kma?. Sttuut, ' -.?lu l.r?.. ? l*7tt_:?.ii. (Ya?*. Iirer\??. I I H7mn_, H.I lit?. HralT? _. ntKiT, lia? Hut'fd. JikKAtn, ? .-l7l_lu-7Il, ?>l_1..7, ? Illy. JifOn, -at?. ?. ? (> lint?. k.i?. Snir'h. ? l-Dtiltia, TrflV r?jikiTit. ? a W J ojenOurjl, l'r/-7Au, Watt, ? A-, Howtj. ?es. R'_? NbiM^nntker, Sj?r?l7r, _i,?,.n I t u I ??I?. Al ' -' " B, Pell, and l.auili,ehl would hnvo vot__ in the atliniiaiise n li>.-V j.ail l_?*i irilMt, thus making the uftiiinHiiM a?-t- u-, ?.i thm mon- tiran nej-hred to paivs the MIL IHl.t Th'l-KNT OF I-i'.I-I.M10N. U'.Ali/IM. inWN -.UNHS- AMKSI.MKNT8 TO TIIK Ia** TT BUTATmO KAII.WAY - A <.'( k OOMMITTKK APPUUIUI ON IHK 1U..X.KLYN Wlllll I tV.MMISSlUN* OP ? IIAI'JIIHS?ti?? an it*',*tT*r,_ wifiminuw tioot tKN?.:..- ITBWI <1V ________,*nO_. IntdM Tilt Jtl.t.1 l.All <ORKKk|?oKl>liNT OF THF THIBtSF. ] Ali.vNV, Mii> 14.?i'hi* whole morniuff ses ?__>ii >.f tin- Seriate wm ?pent in dlm-UHMiti. the MM txll i?-_aliziuK all town r_.a_ii ltwued In aid of rail.-_.__-. -t ?a? tieid hv one ?__rty thai muuy hundred* of l_ou l?-'j(l?' of _. lUr? in town hondi had been luaued, or would ?* la-ii-d if the bill aliould pass, where conmut. of tax tkftt? had Im_-? obtained by fraud, or, In fact, had *A~n betn obtained at all. It waa maintalued by tbe ?*??_- aide uuder a reg-e-ut de. i-ion of *?* <"_-urt uf Api?e-l7. unie?* the pr?tent bill ?"V-aiii j??*?, n,,. ot'J.ct of the law p.t **?t>u.r town, to bond in aid of railroad? would ??lef.?ted ; that btma Bde boldfra of the Umd? in __e t*?e -.ntlt-r Iom; and It waa Intimated that ?o?e ~*_* would dbtUooor ilieius-l?/?.?. It la tuore than likely *?* --fair mean, hare bt-en uaed, both to _?-<*urt tbe aid "*?**?? uu tx half of the _atl_.-_l-. and to obstruct the ^tiptioti of _u<h liablUUea by the tottna. The 1.11 J*' O/M paw-ed by exactly 17 ?-?Mea, and thou a motion nt. T-oodm'? waa eari-led to Uy a motion on th?- table *-_*-*i?_.<_er the vote. What--?r may be ihe merit?? of ?* MU. it It nnt probable that it can get tUrou^b the ?-?rniiiiy thl. year. *?* bill wbich i_aaaed the Aaaembly la.t ntjfht. and ?? ?ai ret-eiv. d in tbe rienate. rtferred to t_e kail *i t t_uiitu?_. and reported back to the Henate by that T****??-*?*. without atneuduieut thl. moroiti., make? the ^?"??Bf cbaujrea in the route of tbe Oilbert El.-vaUd __***' : - JLt loute a? eatubllahed by the Commu ?????r- m thau?r. u ao a* to extend from the lnteraettiou ? -xMtf ?t. ano r?arU.-?.., al?n? _UxUi-a?e. to Awiu-at nloiipAiiiity-st. toSi.Htli Fifth.-?'liil<>ni.S-inth Fifth uve. i?, ("tin.-.t ?mi thelaaaaaapMialaiataastaMlahert, (..) ThccoiiiPunv la prohibited rt??n? tutlUlmg Its r,>a-t 11. unv i-.irt ..f Brea-va? loath of Ihlrtj feorth-et Tlie (inv.TK.r;ill within 3?-?lav* Appoint Bra Commitnlon Bta, win? BhaU within ihr.'.' ntoiitlif loeate B M ? line for the n.l'.wviv fr.irn the southern en.I of Wagt th_ idway to in.? l'owlitii. _-re<ii,and to the westward of llroadway. Tin- abo*, prei-Meas tmorom tr?o entire Babetaaea ?I ii.. 1.m as it now stand* aa Ika list of Qeaaral Orden ?u tlio Beaaaa. riie Dieealja ("barter, Hspassod by the Baaahh came up fora third readmi?? lu tin- Assembly, when Mr. Worth muvi'ii :h:?t a Oaaftwaaaa committee, wai atollan o_ alaa fiom tin' AsM'iniiiv, I??' appointed, with a rennest that the Hcinit? apprtal 1? eaaauilttee <?f Ire fiom thai bo?j, taeeaas ?oee"*BeBareea_eat us latte Shape tha Charlea shooM liinii!? aaBaaaa, Mr. Raahe _aavtd thai the aata m?t??<? BB the part <>f the A-_e_BMf eaagM M the Itmoh hii ili ',, niiii' In number. I_">st. Worth's motion was tlnii adopted, and the .-?pi'iilccr appointed the follow lui; rt'iii'ni 11<?<" aa the part of the A.*?etnt'ly : Messrs. a. Worth,Higirhaa,Ooehea, Tea ?'"tt, Watt, Bay? d.iin, .11.oi?-., iii'iii'inic. Meoera. Perry, __aaa_a? fumm Wood, J.iivviiv, and Murpliy wire appointed on ttic p.trl ?if the Bl Mr. Boated! moved to reconsider tho Tote I?y vrhleh Mi Ban bfe t>i 11 for the peevoatloa <>f ? avail v t<> animal? was leal s.-vi-r:il wi-i-k?. tkmpt. Mr. olu opposed ihe uiolion, and mid Mr. Bargh already luid moie power than Hie limp? rat of Itnsslu or any other mun on the taaaof Ihe earth. ThM Btata_aBwl Bappeandtohaeaa . .m the sul'ici t. and Mr, llu.*t*:d'a inolion to re? consider ?a.? feted tlown. H.nator liemill? f.?. bill to ?rente n Commis Mou of Cliuritie. c.itne up for toiieiirien.e, and passed by a laiao majority. It pi-o\ ul.-M for two ('oiiiinis.iioriers ta t-? appalllh ?I by MM Mayor, nt a salary of fkJBM a year 1 arli, ?aha are It? have llhaifB of Juvenile and tiuavt . lulilreii under 1? yearn of ;i_v. They are In? vested with the same |?o?v>r.* us uidcniii'ti und paHoa Justice* Ihe hill dlreeta Ihe police to aireet ail children fourni in places where intnxi.vitiug drinks ire sold, or In haofla__ eaaaart aaleeaa, laaateta, ami variety BhawBi u ni take tin m bette*. Ihe I taaailaalom r* for as? amiliuliu v All eh.ldr?"ii thai are ilc.'.iiiie.i 1>V the ?'inn Blaalo-cre-ehall have their aaatea,age,i-eoldeaee,aa_ Mrthplaee, logethec aiih u?<" Ba?ase M theti pan-nts, re w,Hi tin" date ot their cotiiiiiitui? nt and tin lii stitutii.u to wine?! tin j an Beat 'oiniiilttee have adopti-l UM reporl el lia Chalrmaa, Hr. DahOech? sabetaatlaUy at drafted by Mas, aad it will pn*_*Bbl_r be proa m ?i to the 'Iy to morrow eeenlOg. It would have been pre y hat for the abaeaee. oa aecoaat ol U ol Mr. -___rpaater, aae ol Ihe ('.niimitfce, whose :?p tted. Tlnri'v a? a !n .Hin..- tul le t i.lln? aid 1 iioon, apaa the MO for the naaeiattsa to New York of the Weet ehester towas, The Q-s-veraor wishes toraaaM expies.-ion. of ihe will of ChS ***-ople. of V? w York City ? question. 11 B] t fi 1 thai the pr< a Bl Lac bdatan aboald recall the hfl] and ??as.-u law to taken vote or. uuiu vition at tli>" geoeral tl'iliou next No? vember. If that vote -Lnul'l favor annexation the m it 1/_,"i?latili. could enact a law. Under Ihe Oonatlfutlon the qaeoUoa cannot be decided direct?/ By the popular voie. Mgar Kettlnim and 1>. II. lirown of Iiatlnu appeared a_raiin?t the bill Bl t Samuel 11. Lyon of MoR-MUla in favor of It. Mr. Ketchuin maintained that annexation would Impose Bjaal bur ?ens 011 ihe City Treasury, while Mr. Lyon BJ-gaed that tin' proposed ealargwaienl <?f Um city Hunts t?.i* !... e*.;.t_, to prevent the i-Hiix of population to He? J? The Senate spent the BTOalBg in eonsiderincr the pfg, posed amcii'iiiienH to the t,institution. _fOthiSg note wortiiy ?_raaaaldor Bom < that tha B-Boa?ta-_ata wi re m 1 ?!> ;. *i?. la] order furto morrow iiij-ht aud BT< 1 ? Blghl until <Ii.**mj. cd i>r. Tlie oill iimendliig the Code of Proei-edure ?v:>? consid? ered iu (i>m_nitteo of tha Whole or tha aaaaaaMp thai ? \i lalag .and, with some alterations, was ordered to a third reading, ai.ig the bon ta*_*_at__al BaaaadbaaaM ad? p:. ?l w? re tb<" tollo? tag : ExeapttBg eillliaa from ar tfrrll irm. -r f.,r 111.? 1 mun altee Baal Jadgiaeat ; i> ?ri ring ahertSt after arr?ete t-aoti .1 proeeea to allow tin 1 reason.tiile uiipoi'tuulty U> si-mi for and l'tocun- ball without paying the aherlaf for Ihe prtetlege. 1 in?, will pi.-., m tbe extortioa and black? mailing ?o 1 \i naively pnctloed nt preeenl in Nt w-Voik bi siitiuir iia\n_; pneoDOTi la cnetody. Allot li. 1 .1 . v.i.i.e'i, mot id * Ina! I. 1 .l\. I - thai] IU IIO eaea be all ?red feeaexoeedlng tboee allawed toozeea? lore and adiululatratora. Another provldea thai wheaa ore a Judge for decialon, negleel to render the ii'ii-i"i witiiiu no daya aball untttli . iher party to ; motion before another Judge, aad ?uch renewal aball operate to tage tB U ait Um - "i t) ?? dilator) Judgi, Tue beanngon the N? w-Yorl Local ImproTemeol lull was resumed before the 1 immittc.iCltlea, thi* afunioon, when Dexter A. Bawkini andertookto i.'jily to ili?- argumcnl mad? yeeterdaj by John H. Miviliiin. He claimed mat the bill now i>-? :? ?1 ? tn>' 1 om iiiitt??<? ?u? m m? 1 tbe 1 m approved bj tbe lier, twill tv 1 ni.- in-! and eeventn ? ion bad been ?u ,. aetoeDtlrel) perverl tue m mil 1 and intent ol th' 1er. Iin-ii,'" rein.linn,n aociloiu were entirely n,?. and cal? ulated, In bit opinion, todo great Injury 10 .s, tr-York. Uli arguaienl la tnppori >>i tin ? uplulun wai unintelligible to any one uoi tnoroughlj vened In the ind ordinancea of the cltr, bimI mauy ol bla itate u. t* t,.i" tl.. 1 i j conirudicled n? Mr. .-iiaaau, who l?verai ilui ?* Interrupted in? -pi ??? b. . mi "i iii.?n m ik? wai tint th?' Mil would rar/lve old ooutracta and ordLnaocea of the Tweed regline, and eualil? one man, tbe Couimia-toner of ifublle Worka, to make men aetUeioenti ai inch contracta aa be might aec in. He Baked that tbe Committee would re? ato?, tbe '?til to tha ahape la which It paa_e_ iii" i two am.min.?ni* tii it would iii.-? -? re equitable rehei to vlabuitate when liny were enl ?Mr. mi..h m made a Bve-ataute reply, eoatendlag that the oil m ill presen! ??;..? i>.- waa antireu juft and proper, aud li . ?'? tin- pro.?? 1 utii.ii ..f piivtn worka in i"i?. A? to ..'lull?, the Controller the Dower to award equitable relM, be naked: "Who evei beaird ol the preaent Controllei ol New-York aettlioi any claim ita tue Boats of equitable relleft" The Controller ?... nothing it 001 l'v-vii, and be wotii?! Interpose 5<xi tt-chni" ai ot.j'-eiions to the payment or a ju.-t bei' i,- eatertalnlag a single ' on eaultr. li.- irusted th<- Ckimmlttee would report the bill a? it eaaae Into then banda, with? out un.iiiiiui? nt. Tae Oovernor was bt-aleged to-day by lemperaaec men and cbamptonaof liger beer, the one urging linn to sign and the oih> r t<? reto tae Local opiion Lin. Neither party aoceeeaed In getting a dell une Ideool ?nut the Uovernor would 01 would n't do, hui ihn liiiprasatan la raij ptavalaal that bo will refuse to sign the mil. i-mu nraucbes of the Legia_atii-*9 have elected James w. ii.titu m saoeeed ?inwaiu Ottendorfer u? Begi nt ol the University. Mr. Boota la a prominent resident of m.- .v.u 1 a ?? nil ,.i New-York, a Ith ? hose .?< Boots be Bas i...n ri..-, it id.-niiii. d for a iiiiiiiin-r ot years [ran, and is WOll Known in local ein lea at an BOttVC Kcpub inali. ll'' _,_,* une ,,? thOBB ??lio were mil II li?al iu p?o ciiiiiik' the passage through ine Legislature tali Wiutei ol tb? la? n urgaalBlng Uio New-York Citj J?' partmenl ot l. lin alloii. and li.i* l.e.n SSSOfiatrd .?Uli Various nther movemeate in Albany afl.-ctiut; the goveramenl ol tue un iropolis. ^_ IHE CONGRESSIONAL CONREBBNCB, -i. i...'.-? maaoai m cb-umb of m mi> ?aaim vallb. pbebutibo ib ? uatn op m -?.i 1 nom. St. Lo?Ui Mo., May H.?The CongraaaioBU-l ( oiif.r? 11. e was aallad toOVdag shortly alter 11 o'clock, Mayor ilrovrii in the ? hair. Two or three Uatai whnh were delayed ye-lerday arilved last uiitht. M_BB_ag ttW eral more iin-uiirt-r-i of Cougreas, wlio took seit* lu tir?' Couft-rente this nioriui'f.'. A letUr from I'rehident ?.rant wavs read, reajrettinn: tliut other cii_*a-remetiti? pr<-\ ?tit his attendance. I-etter?t were also received from Charles sunnier and several other distuiKUished gl uiiemen, also r< _T?-ttiti_ tbeir Inability to lx- present. Col. James B. Kad? presented a aeries of resolutions expr?-ssiveof the view, of the Mercautilf B______flB ?f this city, wUu-h were unanimously adopted by the Con ferriue. Five resolutiou? favor tho deepening; aud gen? eral in-provemeui by national aid of the Ml.ani-ippl iii* ei. the removal of rot k-, and the establishment of bars at shoal places, and de? lare that th?? other great Weatern river? should also be improved. The s_vctilh ana other rerrjlut-oudft larca lu su.i*Uiiee that nobrldg**S should be alloweai lo ___g___g| tlie Misoaaippi below ft. i/iin?. tf-at irhoap tiaaaaailaliiia 11 of vitalhaaact anee to the Weai; that ahlputaaten ougbl to he allowed topurehaee ?hip? wh-r<? ibrr nhe aad bave Aasertean putters inereroi. the Hth reaoiutiun anknihat tho law? be ko am. mied m to reetora the praati?. nf tlis amerteaa cmuie/.i-tl mm m.-, and i-nabli- o to do it? ?hare of the ._Jr?iL_ trade ol the ?01 id, and thai if it la neressarv thai Amerirau lro?____atera inu?t i.- tblelded Inun ISewlgB eompi-titiitu By laws wlilcli ef? fect nail y interdi, t non Btaasa?eB on th.- iiv.-is of this valley, aad srbleh drive Me products loto EugUsb aud Uenaaa sbtps 00 the eeoao? there should bo some Bubatanlisl iioMNiine.iBgetBew glvoB t.. the ?oiirtiu. lion of non ?...reis, and Mien IViteiiil p.nroii a ill tiiatam Aue 1.'an ?________-- ,,.,.? ..^?ui-t tin? 11111.pi ?1 cumpeatitioa, and thus lift our ..nn- merchant mart a? non, u *. disgraceful Inienontr ami nt-p the Urea and prupeity <>i our pup:, ,r ,,? ?)(.,UK l.iiitri-t imperil, d la wwKteu .-iiip* ami Boattn lindel buses. A reception was ?riven la*t iik-lil at Uieboaihern Hotel to the member? of QMgMM ?i-w here It waa a bill Haut affair. _________________ TUE UOLLIEUY VIRABTBM, tmWt of the vir-riMi.-F<.UTV-FK;trr mf.n kiu i r>. fur ____-___UI_ to Tin: ThiutJNf.j;ow, N. S., May 14. The lire at the Drtiinmond Colliery continues to burn briskly, but in -lowly abating All tha op?riap to the_____ean being Hied un, and a Htream of water ha? been turned into M air shaft lately worked. Tlie follow? ing in u full list of the nun kill??d and woiinihil _m th.* e-illusion no far M __M been po-itively MOM? tameil. but the number will probably reach about 7.- when the B___M_ <>{ all ;ue learned: MAllKII.I. MKS. It mnre, John, ??uy, Ahram, Hv i nie, i ;. ?ij-*-*. Bab. ImmI. Campbell, John, M. ?wnald, li,i_?i, ('ill i-thollll. ?'oUn, M l.k le. .lull l). Koi'.ii, ?I tiiiuv.-i-.iv. ilugh, Dm i, lam -, M. Ni n, i?,mi, Iiiiiih, J.ilin, McNeil. Jiiiin, l> inn, Phillip, Mi'I'Iiitmiii, J..ine?, K Ii7, John. Kiiu ay, J.iiiii,., K in-, Alexander, Un liiil.l-iiii, J.tojfH, Emery, John, Bouta, Alums, I,Uli?, lln il. T Mihliitt, John, tilciiright, Thomas, Tiuinaii, lli-ury?26. Ms..! | til *?. f .moron, Anlilnald, M? Dnnabl, John (l-n, t'.iiii. mu, Keniietii, If r Donald. Job o (2d , Cuiumin?, Janee, m, li rie, Join,jr., Hule, M.iitii.w, M? i.-..!. Owen, K Mc-Ue, li.m. ?m, Hiilli.l.iy, _|, I'.it? In, , John, ?li.? ill, TiiiKilliy, O'Krien, Ni, in,,,,.?, Jon.-., Kiiw.ii.i, Porree, ai.-x., jr., Manning, M iitbew, t-mciair. John, Mi Hoi aid, li., Mia-, Mi I Kill i Ui, 11,1111 .m, Taj Im. J.iiiii l-Yuzer?22. The following irt a lint of the wounilnl : Hill. William. ?lightly; Dun. tan, John; Iliimett. John,; ?I'ltiien, Patrick, *ll_.itlv; ?Ini.-lioliii, Win., hllirlitli; tti w art, Qeoi _e, let-Uj . It was in McLead*! board thai the In originated. Men who have escaped with gn*at ilillii uJty li"iu thoilaponpoft thatOO their way up they p.'uvseil ?".dies of their oonradea wbahad probably becoBM etupeflad by tha moke Matt the o_plo__ai_ None hiive com" up alive, Of four men who volun teered to go down Um shaft _bortly befon the mi-tilid explosion three were killed, I.dward BOM ai.d Ahiain (?ray instantly, ami John I) um after lingering for some hour-. The name of the fourth man WM Qleolight, Batatal \i..h'iit ? x P-MJOM took pU-Oe lat, night, one Of which WM perceptihly felt four miles distant. The loQIMal WM comiiieneeiiyaat-fday und idjoamed till ?o'clock this atlernoori. ________ Cleiideririiii and IT.>yt of the Ar?i.i._ (' pany, Coxoti and Hudson of the Halifax Company, and White of the Nova S.otia Company are doing al! in their power to as-i-t in reselling the men win. wen-in the pit, hut it li Bot probable that any of th.m eau he li\ ?ng now. The lire IIW|hl from a l-'ist of gunpowder, and the men remained to put out the llames. The volunteer prirty that went down to at-.-ist in putting out th.* llames must ha\. h.-cu ii.-ar the tire at tin- time of the uploak_-_ ACt'OLM "I lili'- i -AI.4M1IY ? HmU KXPIII-?...N ?< LOSING 1 Hi; ?il'I.MMiS ?IK IHK MINki. .Yi>rvn.u:, I'lctcui County, X. S., May 14.? Statt ?ou'i im k List night uutii daylight this mm mug, the tire at the Dniminond I'ollicry raged with luten-te leneMM, ROttOttag rolMM und violence earb mo? ment. The nky In tho vicinity of the mine mu? with tlriiuet? ismiing from the air .haft to the in_iit ..t Marl] um feet. Ah ihnagb the night Han, ? ? interval? ; Uffet vwr.? pre.eile.I t>y u rumbling noise like thut of thumb r The weary watch Ml Who n in.iiri.-il nioiiinl tha mouili of tti bit anil tti air-shaft and Inhered to MhdM tti I un' - ?ere ehlIfTl 10 MOh Mottet m M a?Join .ne Wood? M the stoin ?-, .|> i.i -, A: -., ttrOO li from Ibe pit'* tuoiilh rit e??ch cx|il..- l00 ?un iiciiig ?cattered around In all direction?, and threatened lru-tant dc?. truciiuu or Injury to every ou?, withiu roocb Ai.out i <r. lock this aft' moon Uieae explo.loni wen follow..I liy one winch foi l.-i r.flc violence und de .true five force dwarfed all the rest. All the wimj.Icii work?, In ami at'i'iit the iii.iin s'i'ii"- w.r?? iii-tanti-. ?I. -iroyct. Itonee, wood, tad burning embote inn diitee high into th'- air, .moke, llamo and ln.rri )i.c MMM m_ I'liiprinying the cxplo.lon, giviug the b? heMet n vivid idee of n roleaate < rap?ea? Those wbawilaeeeedII deeetthed Has roeowiMlin thai mm* than tun thing else. The c,nth for mile* arouud was ?hohen with the rieHoee of tte explosion. Sha people ?Hing lit We t\:lli- und hti l'.ii rmi Wttt Very nun h flight, mil. us the\ knew not how far the disaster would .?t. ml, or how ......n MOl an e?ipl i-mu would ?>??< ur. I .'i Li -I; ihr s m.u im,.' fir. lia.? contiliui d to hum. Planee en IomIb| fr,un nil tte air ttotte, eltteogh not H" intense ?is t lu-v ttc["l:i-t HOolM I.i'".-er? are now i.. ally at work tilling up the sha't? wi'h clay. i imneni ttej Mtom tat MceeeMd ttMhdolng tin- tl.i'ne? tint liu|_.s ule eiiterlriiiii-.l that the Wu:?t d ilu'cr - OTOf HI. 1 > I e\|ilo-i,Hi l.ili.-* piece < im of th.? u Ir ?haft. IS n ..w drowtna tte tit, tad Out iHoetloe very pre ..m...i- it w.i- fcaie.i tant tir.- weald -pceod Into a, oiia Miin. ?viniii ?,lj .m? the itriiiiiini.n.i QeUletj but every pHXieOllllO Mtrni MM t .k.-n to ?nul ag..iii.-i ?,i. li i din-, r, n . .ti',.,, li'-i;?, ir.? ir>- i .1 at the A. .oi.i \Sulks. The s. . lies in and .iro'ind the vil'nges are sold.-nliig. Ill and tte till WO rit the ll|iiriiii|.||.l OoUIOty ale m imiiiriiriig. The -ii p- on lined rm.i m ooti li i" lag don.. Men and women wander about In croup?, tii.-ir countenance, betohrnine IM great iiTief iii.i Im? befallen tbem. N.> pel __? eoi?? rectly eletan the harrowlni iceaee of reetei dav, win n ttO tOttltt? ttOth v.'f c<iii\cyi'l t.. tbe DOOrnlni wive-, -r-t.-r-t, ,'iinl frieml- I f thOM Wto w. ratldi i.ii ? hiiti.-d int.? .tenu-}/. People rnahed fiiintn nil t"?.ir>l the H. '-ne of the .ll-.t ?t.-r The Utmo.l excltein? ol pretalled, and for iii.ur-? it w i? j 11, i ?. ? - _? 11 ? ! ? ? to ascertain who were or were not In the mine. Women, m,un of whom had brothers, end tout u r Inn in the < ..lli'TV, mail?* ll.e air ul-mal with tln*ir ?ry In?.-. Alter the explosion ve.tfi-rdiv, f.'iir men vnlimfeered t?. .1. -. .-u.i nit?. Ho* dow in-.i.t air ?buft ("r Ibe pnrpoae of attempting ? n m . , i .-? ? were blown an bj tbe m i - .o..i. xploaion ? bleb li_?ediatelj followed. ( me "f then, a miner named Edwsrd Boros, wm drlreo Into the _U a <ll-laiic? of 100 fe.'t, and fell Into ?M n.-ar hv, wiiclc in? dead bod] was p|. ?- d ilji thif _? r'lliir,*. AbOUl 4'i .if the no Ii l"-t ? ' re liiriill'-'l, all of wiiorii n i\ .; lain, 111 - le ne.urn tlieir ^ad fat.*. Il VU liie tlrM day tu Hie min . f..r MMM of IM iin'or tanate men. Berenl >.( the oaeurrled wM had lately beron wort belonied to Cnmberleod County. Hrery peraou here s-M-iksin the hltheat term* ? tho i,raver?/ dlrjilat fl bj the I. aiia_'r. Ml. Dunn, In dc?. eie!ii,_ t.. tbe mine utt.-r th.-Ui.t exploaton. aaul ihn- Mcriflciog hi.? lue t.. - ne other?. Much ij mpothj. i- <? > pressed for bis bereaved wlte, Tn.- land Indeed ?___-M seid to he fid. .1 with lamentation and moaning. N-?rl. evert i.miiiv here loot toae rolotlM ..r Mend b> tin. terrible eiilaiiiit I. I Ml -I H_WI "I" T!!K KXI'I 'isl.iN? Till: IN?.I I I ( i.l.lil.. 111. I.lsl Of IHK Vit lIMs. W-_-*__-ti N? S-. M??y tir-Than i? m ? li.ini'e in tte lire, and ai'prelien-iou? of another ex ploalun h-te aab.l.led. Tin- Curniiei'? Inquest ha? been adjourned until to iiii'itiw forenoon. Teutimonv wa? elicited this after noun which point* to tonic iniHuianiigemoiit in permit ting th.* ininers to use powder for hlastiug In the up??er level, where the tire fir-1 broke out. thus endangering the ll\e- of those who were at work lu tbe level* bemw. The I limpet-tor of Miner, howerer. who attended ?the laquent, thluka the direct catiac was in not >? n r.i-luir pr.i|n-r care In In mg allots in tbe beuch. Tlie nr?t two were tiierelv l.lowu out, canning aeaurc. In the IkkIv of coal when- _m? *?<*ii tun I a ted. When the third ?hot was tired the coal .fluted, and all atceiupt. then to qu.-m h the II an e. were unavailable. The foil-?mg i4 a eemat-d i ? *- r of tti i?..t : Jruu'-s liiiuii (manager), I'lulip Dunn. J.ilin Diinri. Thomas Uleawrlght? J. Ki.hard.ou. Jubn Bowao, < .an. r !.. Iliiiii?, John lin/.-r, I). lialll ?i.iv, D. McNeil. Hugh ?.nil., J. Campbell, Bamiiel II,.11. Donald McDonald, John M.-1-..iiabl. ?.. ... lliirn? Jubn Knurrt, K.iiii.tb Areli. I> ? iiiiieiiin, Jubn P. BUhpt, k?'ii'*il I'lin.-ati, ?Hiver t? l/ml, John sin, uir. ja?, cumaln-v*. Tim. Bowoll, J. Ho Kitciieu lies. Parveo, Jr. Uaoeoe MetaMld, Jibn McDuuaid (ii, w. (I'Hrifn, ii Preetusn, .1. McNeill. p. Mcholn.ui. II. MitJihray, 11 McDonald, a. liny, An_u? Hmiib. j. Kllee, Jam?? MePberson, |r., Join McKelvIr, Jr.. M.Kel rle, J'.lin |i. M, lia. I, I). Mmw, Ales. McDoti lild, PUlili M, wart. Aliiirctt Klabi. II. I .iiii|il?<li, M,il. J_,,|., M.iltlo ? Miiiiiiiii,.'. I'' 1? Jone-, J. W.-lil. icnl'.n .1). Al. t. K.ilin. (mloP-d-, ?I, l-cliuy, T. ?leorge MeW.rt. W. ll.'K.-r?. Alex. Mini?), 4 oliu MiDou.tld 'I nInI. Ml. Tue following were liijured: Robert Me L*o?i. Jbbu Bennett, and Koderick McC'narter. VIENNA. toi: cH_?roE8 of rirrisBM nun A WAIK AKOt'NI? TIIK ItlNIi?A HF.KIKH d. Pt'It IBIBIB BIMIIIBIII "i? TiiK ?in fO pAitiH . BMr-USI 1-"I .ITH'AI. (?1-VItOI MKNT. [1'lliiM TIIK SI'I'.CIAI. CO___BB-__n__Bff BB TIIK TUIlUNK.] Yiinna, Apiil -".l?Vienna is the oldest, und in a historical point 'f vuw the most interesting, <>f the (?innaii eapitala, OriflaaUjr, like Paris, a Celtic aaaaporrUkaja, it baeaaat a frontier (own in the early ?lavs of th?'Woman Kuipire, and tloutishcd a? Yiiiilnlioiiii, when I'.iiiiionia ro?<-to the dignity of a paerlaee. Ratty in A. D? m. ?n??i tim great aal ".'isxi .Marens Aureliiis, a man who??' like, take him all in all, Vindohotia. Yienna or Wien hau not seen since. Although the Ootbs arid Yandnls m their migrations, swept around hv the S? a to Tliiaec und Illyria. this lias continued to mark, very Henil?, the eastern limit ?if the (n-nnanic territory from ('haileiiiagin'*? day t<> ours. Magyar, Slavonic, and Turkish invviinns, and tlie tides of the Cru tttuB haw swept over il, hut, as the key to tho up l??T, (?eriuaii half ?if the Daiiuho, it? p<? ha? llover been lo? t. II. re, (ill I tit h (.ido* of the I ?nil ll lie, winch splits into three iirm?. :t IipukI uml fertile plain opt ns toward the SaMwaid. It is iiit.-r..cct?-?l hy a small li.ei, ? the ?Tim (Vicnn.-C, "which cuines down from the Painioiiiun Alps; and wlnn- it juins the suiitiiiiii aim ?.f die Da?aba khan wan originally a natural kiudl or mound capable ol ba_a_. eaaOy fortified, nearly atasajarla form, and almut half a mile in tl in met. r. Here the ('??its, in the pi.-historic tunes, mude tin ir camp, and lure arose tha Woman Viiidoliona. When (betest* rnat u. aa Aii -11 i.i was originally called? was oatonlaed from Itav:ir;u. the town e?i>'-??lilv 1?? cuino (?ennui), and tin-1 in nit of tlie limad niiiuiid was itreogthened with wall.? .-mil towers. Tlius it grew to lie u foltlli ? vit i?.? (I th- tirst i-lam toward th<? .Ichs? ?>f tit*- Muidle Alies, and its _ft______B_l popu tion he, .une inore ami mote chsM-ly crowded ?n high houses mu? narro?? streets. After Ihe last liegt und di fiat of th? Turk*, in \i-<:, h iihiirh_. began to spring up. outside of the huiir, sloping glacis, a?juar tcr of a mile wide, which run rounded tit?? walls. The process of growth contitiued through the la?t reti tury and the lust half of this, until the suhurhs he (uii'" one continuous ring-shaped city, conn? ?ted ?vith the old um- hy eifhl or t< ti avenues, trareralng the upen space of tlie glacis. 'Jo use a familiar illustration, Vienna was like a wheel, the old ?ity funning the huh, with tin avenues as short sisikes and th?' tobaba as abroad tire. '1'ln -population of the old < it y had rea? lied il? limit of .Vi.irri, lievond wliicli it cannot he tnuch in eiaaaed. I he ___?. sraaaj ring <>f th?' giu?is waaia* tuiiieil, " OB military ("Mi.*nler:ilioiis." |oBg after the ?'(hei (?i-nnan cities had leveled their Baalaas walls. Tha old fort iti* at ions wen simplv a nuisance and an <vi ion ; hut the (?oMinnient seimed to fear I know not what loas of pon. eg ot psoatlgn la ttaririg them down. Wbsai I was lust in Vienna, in May, ItBB, the edict bad finally ix-.-ti issued, un.l ahout a hundred yards of the wall, m \t to the lianiihe ariii on the north? ern Bide, were level with the grand. Iba hare old masses of hoi!?.? ?*. ithiii, so given to tin- sun and air. loobad ________BBd0? their _______-___? The old city, in fait, was so cr.irriie.i for space arhile it iras all <>f Vienna, that there was little ? liutice for architec? tural display, aii'l no c__utal of the same gga* ple? ut \. * s(, ),.\v relics of the past. I return to find the ph>>;ogiiumy (?f tim ?ity com phtely changed. With the disappearance of the wall*, the open, booaelees iteaig lost its reeaontor being tliere, and has boCOB-Oa splendid helt of tran? sition bel v. .'ti the inner and outer rit n?. It shows what ?fleets may DO achieved when private will or whim is restrained hy a governing taste. The gla> is ?.ll. r? ?1 a fre.? li? Id for the eon- i stiintioti of an ?in inling BS-MB of houle- I vards, as in 1'aris. hut far tin?-r, inasmii the, ? ' III to one h-Xlnoliloll.s (le.ign. Vienna. | m? u co \? i, has lu en \? r. foi lunate in ils ai? hite? ts: i ( ten t h? low, anil?ilioii.s itveiinis ?d Huii?inann, of who h tin- world has heard so much, appear cheap and ?iieteiitious tln-.e ?lately blocks, every one of which might Ih' a palace. My liist walk aioiiinl " 1 he 1,'itiL',' as it i? BOW < ?ailed, was a ?.i o* of hiiriui*. *. I ("os*id tha Dannba am by tbe naw " A ?pe? n Bridge." Bad was totted to pun?,, bat cm, h nit liona, v?huh put Lands? el's, in*.|ii;iie, to .Inline. Tin.?.- are no Sphinx-Like __ rea, with straight, extended paaa. hut beoata amosed aad alive, v?lt!lth>' M I\ :u tnill I h.lVi so often seen in the liv? ing animal. The main avenue,'.?m feet wide passes lirst lln-parade ground, and then the City I '.irk. a small hut h.aiitifiilly imaged plot, wbata the turf is iinv. Ini.'ht with luitt'Tcup*, where storks walk tamely beeide th?? ?iti-.iis, and swans loaf on Iba \?at.r. 1 ti- ii coiins the Kolowrat King, wttb its maniiiti. ' "it mansions and hotel.?. taming hy a hold eiii.o into tho Corinf lu?n aud Opssa l', wbieb arc fha Banter of the new display. Tho *n|. ,tnets, bnad and imposing at tir-^t. are led, wli?re?er prurticuhle. into tuosc of th" old city ou the one side, und tbaes of the suhurhs on th?' other, hut the ma*?'-- of hiiildiii_-s are irregularly inter? rupted hy op n square?, bgidgeS ov>-r the Wien, or the spur's around puhlic iililii es. Thus tin frc.tlom of the old irla? is, whu?i Was its only r? ?? 'iiinii.i.du tloll. is ill a L-n-'lt meuiire preserved, lieioiid the OperaBiag; tha avenue paaaaa betweaa the Impcnal (iardens and the National Mus. utils, now m prtH ess of ercition. Then follow tlio Sclnllei 1'latz, and the spa?mus parad.' ground for trrnnl reviews; and finally, at tint Schotten Win1?*. (OB the llolth -estel'I'. side ol the __| i 11 V . ?A '.- ??ll.--? lift.?..-en idles of Bapetb luiildintrs, many still unliiiisliod, ,-ind reaab th>' Dwaba agais? There is no Biagtaefsaj d'ail toopl to that on Iba l'lav dalftCoUBBtda?tfl l'an? aatbotS is not la the world : hut I know not where to rind two mil. s of city BO grand. \ aiioit ?i.d harinoiiious aslnre. Of all lvuropi-.m .vipit.ils. \'i.-nna most sugeest.. Pariai y?t it Is a taasatMsuia ol ____H_e?-oa, The (termaii nature, here, hau? heeii so inodilied hy lnter i.iiii?" Witb the Sclavonic, that it has acquired NOiiicthiii- of the ?-as,-, gaiety, and mercurial humor of the Celtic Ficiiih. (iu the other hand, itbflB lost, in th.- prixess, the (ijift kind of develop nu nt which grows out c?f stahility of race ami character. It ha? ruis??'?! purity of lau gaagO, leadership iu literature and art, and the wider attraction which follows these. Its lively ast-daae life, toaa-aad-oaav contact of all ? las?s?'S, and indifterent moral?, are those of Paria; it? relate???' toward stranger? is perhaps les? grace? ful, hut more ronlial; hut it ha? U? own dialect, which is even les-s (termaii than that of Berlin, and tin? lark of (.nick, practical sense aOOftf tha ix-opl?; is haxilly hahun ?d hy the cunning they have learned of the Slavic races. There, in fa? t, Logins the Oriint, with it? delight in physical life, its disregard of time, and ea?y avoidance of _?-riou? duties. Only, instead of its gravity and sen-nity, which hi long furtln-r Kast. we lind a \ lvacitv ?>f t'lniHiaiiieiit, elsewhen? unknown in (?. nuaii.? ? Kvt-n baissa Ihih, Austria w.u. the gayest ami politfNt of despotisms. In the transition to a Constitutional (iovernnnut this feature of the agaad-i character has not basa l?*?t : but the m* of Vienna, I am informed, ha? ratlu-r d?" t-iiorated ??f lu'<" yean?, through the great in i re as?- of th<? mi-rclv rich. To the horn Vien? ne-?-, however, his native ? itv Is dearer thau ever: he lind? no other atmosphere m warm and He lofas 11??- hioad. leaf ?lialnf. win? h eaftBraats with that .?f Baste very much a? tin- pioniiiiciarioii of Wu lunoiiil . oiitr__st?- with that of Boston ; he love?? his spacious Prater, a? Hat a* the thn rgurttn. hut far more sunny and limuriunt ; his caf?s, with the Uel brtnul iu the world and the beet I M-_M in Banpai lii? near rewirtii among tl iH-iiutiful liill-t-tkirt-. ?if the Alps; ami, mont ? all, the enjoyment of a social life which ma he convent louai in its forms, but in never cold. The history of their more tc.c.'it political ?lev?* ?.prnent shown the Anuir?an?, in a very .-.Ivantageoi light. 1V-18 wa? here, ?*? elsewhere in Ge: maiiv, a MMM ?if invaluable- c\]?cri?ii?-. It broke (forever I trust) tho aspiration* t Absolut ?; it cut away, with a Kc? n knii? the fantastic ?mil \isionary outgrowth? of tho Rl pui'lii an sfiint. and hecaine, aft-*r the lirst ilepres: ing leaction w.'w over, the *4riurce of | soiui'l, int.-l lig.-nt ilevclopuient which hart in a great in. __4iir reconciled both nartii-8. The imperial QOTOtBMOi wan never tut popular before, he? loM rover n liberal, 'llier.* an* still disturbing element.-, as tlicr probably always must be where so many jealous 11:1 tionalitie? are embraced in one political lyetoak III Au-riian Htat? small Ii.ih a hartler task than any othl of his Banpeaa bnthnaj but it lum ban mam Hoiuewliat earner ?ince the tlay at K_nig_g.;_fz rt moved a .suiiree of eont iiniiil emulation anil intrigue ?nul rentiicted his eiieigie? to tho internal intercut of th.? Empire. Vienna always WM an expensive city, and it no. ?liaren in that rage for ape? illation which ha iiiiiinlat?r?l all (.ermany within the last two yen and i? fast making an honest com?oital.l. i-vi.-teiii e ___ tlilhcult ;_. in the I'lllteil States. Tin P'*oi>le, tins year are infected with I mania fo getting rich between the lut of May and the 1st n N?>\ ember. Ho art, great or ?mall, is hit uucTiiploye? in the general mama for emptying the pock?.ta of tin hundred? of tliou. and., of strangers who are ex p.cted. The cheerful and cordial attention w hid one used t<> lind in tho hoUrl? i? tcini-orarily MM while the lack of system, tho cany, convenient way of the people, to which one soon adapto hiuis-lt ii oiilinaiy times,, blOMMI a seri?os dilliculty m tht__. crowded iad impatient days. The weather, suite, my arrival, live davs ago, woul? he iiisiilteiahle, if we were not obliged to sutler it From morning till night an icy, throat-cutting wine hlows down from the Noric and Faunonian Alps the ?lust careers in clouds down the hackleea street, (for tho hackmen are all on a strike); tho sky in i steely gray, with a w?;ak, billious-lookiDg sun vi_ibl< at times; and we go about with pn monitions of in lluenzii, bronchitis and rhenmatism in oar lungs am hones. 1 he foreign visitors muat keep indoors foi the most part, since the street?, are no! iititi-nallv thronged, and strango faces evec in the rraterstranie? the main avenue leadin? from the city to tho Exposition building?are uol very numerous. I notice moro Hungarian. than any other nationality. The Slowaks, in their bMfJ wool.n i apotos, lookinga_i if they had just crawlet] out of holes in tho ground, are very plenty, thorn Modi of tin in being M-played a? laborers, iad than is a slight sprinkling ?.f Koiimaiiiinsi ami 'lurks; but ail th>* eoaaopo-ltaa piiitiiiimiwiiiMi of tha arawd il ?it toc?me. Thebaaqoet giren to the foreign repr?sent?t m s of i lie press by the authors and journalists of Vienna lait evening was as gracious and graceful ?u design as it wa?s brilliant in execution. The spirit of the company WM ??xccedingly free and cordial, ami I Hi-i realized tho change in the political atmos? phere of Austria when I heard the bold, brave winds of the Viennes? etlitora who addressed the guests. Without unduly exalting themselves, they showed rt manly 0OC0C?__IMI of tho work which tlu-y have a. < omplished, especially withiu the last t?*ii >ears. In making thai'ressof Tienne an infloenoe and i power, the? ban doTeloped it in the true direction?in uioderation, in dignity, and in intelligence. The table was sumptuous, und the strains of St ran.??--'I bond Blade a delightful acun pairim. nt to the harmony which prevailed omonfl the different nationalities. It was nearly two in the morning before Berlin said good-night to Paria New-Vori to London. ?Swetleu to __i___ia, ami .-pain to Italy. __________________ B'T* THE CHARGES AGAINST EZRA CORSELL. Mit. OOaX-CU, DKMANns an DtYM1 n; a i toy. IihaC'4, Mr.y 11.--Tin following letter has been ->i.t (OGot. Dix by th.-Hon. l./ra Cornell : Ithaca, May 14. i-:t. f_ Hi? Excellent;/ Jon* ... Dix, Governor of Sew York. In AK !?lil : I notice in tin? New York paper- Of du IM reference to a di'cm-don In the Assembly on a hill? it titled, "An act to facilitate a settlement letWMI th.- st tie ol New-Yuri and I'.itA Cornell In reference to rle- -ali' arid location of Wie College Land Scrip," In which Mr. Mctiuir? of lehOJ-M l.'ouuty, charge.? me with dcfiauiling tlie rutted rsr.ites, the Mate of New-York, tti. ? ?..lieges of New York; and, "Eirtt: That the ?. t of ConjcroOO Mi MM violated in the investment of the n.oiiet s derived from the-e land-; Sesnnd: That I./ta Cornell had used, and wae u-lng. h s peetttM M the agent of the State ?n n gltd to these luDds for the purpose of private ?pecula? tions and worse ; and, Third: That he had present? 1 M statement nf his accounts for several peot_?M All of th. .-?? charges I prouoitnce false, wholly faUe 1q every I'.iiiicuiar, and I respectfully but earnestly nek that the ?i.i.emor will appoint a commission of gentlemen ?_ whom thfthtiite will have entire confidence, to Inve-ti cate theso charge?, and ail other matters connected with the I'l'ili--. Land Scrip, my fcan.iLr.-ni.-rir of the land?, and tho Cornell Cuivcr-ity, in the nm-t rigid manner, and re port the n as found to your excellency, and to tho peop.e of the State. Your? respectfully. Wait Ooaaau? m, cmenut actoiixt a umsb? To the Editor of The Tribune. ISlii: As a personal friend of the founder of the Cornell Univctsity, alii?w ui? tbe privilege of stating sin h facts a? I know In retard to the land* which were given by Congress through tho Legislature of this State toward founding the L'ulyendtr : When tho Legislature bud under discussion what should be done with them? whether they should go to one or mure Colleges then In existence?Mr. OOfOOU was a member of the Senate. It was the opinion ot many* of tho member- of tbe Senate and Assciublv that, from experience, It was better to give tbe whole, come acres, to one Institution. Wheu Mr. Cornell learned .bis fact, _,o said, " (jentle uietiTlf you think and decide thai the whole shall go to one Institution. I will give MMM cash to the same Col i. ge." It w_e then proposed that there, should bo a new I riiversity, and in honor of the generous donor, it should be called "Tho Cornell University." Wheu this was de? cided on, Mr. Cornell aald, " If you de-lro to have a new loatitiitiou, and purpose calling it 'The Cornell Uul ver-lty,' ami will locate It at Ithaca, I will give you -00 |e .4X1 acres of laud to build on, to cultivate, Ac." All of this vaaagmd to, and tbe University chartered. Mr. Cornell then proposed to buy the senp for the land ot the Stab? at the marke? prie?, to select and locate tbe same, and after this was done, to turn the profits from the sale? Into the i-tat.? treasury, as an addi? tion to lia already anunlflceut gift. This proposition was agreed t>, and Mr. Cornell then employed person? to examine tha Public I-*ud* which were In market, and to locate tbe soiip. By this means he was en? abled to secure land In Kansas, Michigan, Minne? sota, and Wisconsin. In Wisconsin he loeated from 400,000 to _4.j,0-?u acres of valuable timber land, most of It pu.". To locate and hold these land? he ha? had to expend from bis own fortune over To basten sale? and get fund? for the oae of tbe Univer? sity while .-rectiag building, and buying library and ap? paratus, he procured a charter for a land company, to _ hi. b he proposed to ?ell l._?,0-0 oeret of the pin. land, fan l> -a I.-etcu from the tract at -U0,o*o acre?, for (O per at re. Tins enterprise, np to this time, hua not been eon Mimuiattd. Mr. Mct'raw of Itbaca and Sir. Henry W tug* of > u have nought about lvi.mjo acre?, and a c.-ntleaiiin residing in Ilulfalo ha? bought about fjo.n?o aerea of the?* pine land? for timbering p a n>o _****. ?laiioui |4 fo pt-r itere, of Mr. Cornell harlug made ?,00e.-?~for liliuaelf, he I? at -Maat l&oo.'kM out of pocket by meddling with tbese la?til?. If he Had allowed [he scrip to go into tlie market at the time, it ?ould hive realized, p??.itii>ly, _*._i,i.?_, lly hi? wisdom, nATri, and at'-enttou lu loeatlng and holding these laud? he hope? to realise Tor the Univer.ltv ?,000,000. There is ? mil Ixirore tbe l_-glaUtui?? aaking certain privilt-i,.-? -huh will. nable nun to settle with the -Ute on the l.aai? of fair und )u?t dealing, und in acconlau. e with in.? uirre. unnt. I tuve beeu told thai the ion trollet doubt* bis |K?w.r to pa?, lb.- prwflu to Mr. I'or Mll'l a.. .t a? all additional cuilowuieut, hut think? that the minie)- ?li'.iil.i n to IM luiiertll) ut the b-gitl mate retult el tbe lOM? U-.iviug Mr. Coruell't maiiv tear? of habet and In? large e_i_. iidllut.-? to brlu?. ?ix.iit Un- re?.ill, uum?-tilioi.i .1 utet ilIioiioi*- d. Ac??-lark, Ma? 1. IM, THouaa N. Uookki. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. ID KH1VAN CAMPAION". A Vni____| IS KIIIVA ?X < I l-IK!? HY TIIK RI'SMANS? C'ONKUCr WITH TIKCOMAVH. If si?,*. Wednesday, May 1?, 18T3. A spi-cial dispatf li |g The tam?tB Timet from Calcutta, under date ot the 13th los*-, saya the Itusslnn ex|?'<litioiiary force Una occupied Oorghenl, a village of klnva. The tame dispatch report?, that Abdool Rahman has uc<"_ _aasasaaai t??Ht. latssaaatg. HT. I'M. l??m in., Wediic.ilay. May 1? Dispatches from bring Intelligence that de ta? liment* and reconin.iu-ririg parti. ?? from the RinttUari ? -isditiouary coh inns report that the Klnve*?- ?re throwing up intrt iictiuien'A at KiyUh and Dan Kara. Tiny are also -?ending out a vanguard to m?*-t the Rus? sians at Mln Ilulak. There has been an engagement at Igia between the Russians ami a for.?- of Turcomans, In ? In? h the latter were defeated. Twenty-two of tue Turcomans were killed, and 1,-ou of their camels were raptured i?> the Ruasi.u.s. _ Tin: REPUBLIC OP Spain. ___-___?___ nn i. BOB ?t u\ -iii.-iT r OB mm: i.i.r? -Ions tOM Hit (v.s-i in i s r i .mil ??. .MUllilH, V\e,lne?dll>, M.lV 14. Wl The Mnistirs liuvo iii_rr?<-?l upon an --Icrtoru. bill for the Island of Ciilia, to l.e ciib-i ll'.-d to tv stitucnt Corte?. It pros Idea fer f tie enfraiuihlBOW I Bl Bl ?SSahants and artisans who pay f iinmirit of 75 aaaatas, pstaaas who folio w a learae?i profesrtion. and officiait. All OSBSBS n,u-t l>. _.-, |. ,,. ,,r Gen. Nouvllaa, Minister of Wir, ? ii . i? BOO l-i Ni vurre, demands ro-nfon em. nt? for tin- troop. In thai province. The voting throughout - ?n I-und-iv last, for Hepatic? to the cou ?m n-ni Certes, rt-alteB la ihe election of :ilu 1'.-:. | KtrSMS Radical?, 8 Inlei nationalists, PI I ii.l. i-nd. nt It. pul. i. aim, and 30 Monarchist?. The .S'oir, tlus afteriioiiii. tAJ? "T I-SalSI- Bai M. Julet fliuon have tendered their reslgaatl I I IS t? cante it is incompatible ?Aitli their rlowa 'or theiu t?i serve ill Ihe same Cabinet. THi: (THAN' INSURRECTION. RESIT. I- '?I At.I'AMOSTE-. UKATII. Havana, May 13.?A diapatck fk__a Tueiio I'lincpe Mate, the bolv of till? Insurgent Gen. Iguario Agr.iuiout.- bas arrived at that place, arid U-en fully identiib-?!. Tuo body was buried t?>-.iay. The report of the death of <icu. BaagafllIsfceao?aeedaatrae. tu?- aagsasasaai lu which Gen. Agrainouto was killed ScoarroB at Jimagii) u. The insurgents numbered sue, and tlieir loss, as reported by the Spaniard?, v? ? The Spaniards an?! Cubans consider Airraniont? 's death a severe blow to the rev?iiiiloiiary Maes, T?e ?harto considers Agramotitc's death of immense Importance to the Spanish cause. -? FOREIGN NOTK.-*. It is reported that M. Goulard has informed M. Tiller, that he ha? resolved to re* .m tin- Ministry of the luterior unless M. Jules blmou, Minister of Publio Instruction, retires. Mr. Bra-ilaugh ha. arrived in Taris en route for Madrid, with an addlOSS from the I-iig:l-.!i Rcpubli cans to the Spaniards. He Is to Beat at the railway station M. Qambctta, who is about to proceed to l.i-uo_va to aiaha aapeoeh? aod tha two Bepabboaa taaftSBO will Journey southward together. THE MODOC WAR. GEN. bAVIS'S PLAN OP CAMTAIl.N?OPKUATION8 ON A I.Alt?.E SCALE HKlil'N'. Lava Bed;*, Camp south of Tala, May 12, IU a. in., via Ykkka. May 14.?Since Uen. Davis as hUin? .11 oiiiuiaii.'i of tin- Modes expedition, in person, U-n days ago, only one conflict, that of Saturday, bas occurred, though a movement of which this last affair was a part is still going on, aud several bodies ot troop* are now seekinc the enemy. Gen. Davis found tie soldiers disheartened by the disant? rs of the campaign, and had to resort to ninny devices to amase th. Ir la enthusiasm and Increase their ? ill. :? u. y. He iieiran In.? work with a will and BalBSataasS that won f,r luui the sympathy and Mead-hip of the officers und ft and ln-plred them with confidence. Be sti.' in. situation carefully, utilized the ex p. riaaes at Ms pn- BS cessors, gave the wem iii.e to r. from the fatlgu? s und mental BF?ltOBWBI tu their rough lights m the I. va Beds ; sent out .-. parties; had hi? BBBfl dla iphiied in li.'li.u. Bodgl BOW lias his first grand inoveuieut in It . his int?ntion to harass ihe tfadaea, keep th. in v from plaes to place, and Bahdaa them. Tot ? the) tOt 1 (leu. Ila\ i. ii.e.iii? liUrine-*. A part of the men nt this camp, if not t'..- aatll* will be moved to I'oy.c ?..imp on the BOaU-Mla within the next two weeks. Till? faailiag ground is very in:ii? ?titiiy la ^iiuiincr. Airead] lattlaaaahas and seorplu?s arc familiar wnli lbs latertoc t_ th? lOBta, and are making unsocial vis.t- during the night. IHK MODOCB BIBOXOLY is ij.i.m iii.i? D_U1I OB 1.1 El IT. HARKIS. San Francisco, May H.?A tli>p.itih re ceived from Ynk.t, to-iii?:ht, says that Um Ma?OOS art? in another rocky fortress, wl.i. h (luv are luakiiiar still stronger. The troop? Wt|| not BttStsB tl cm BadMO the arrival of r.-lnforceiuents. Tue new porition is about _o miles south of the last stroii-ho. l. 0? Burgess has BSOa Bagas ? iiurlle on the DpfSt Kla math, who said he knew notlnugii'.rout tin- ciiut?-tiiplatf.l massacre of the t'oiniiiissioiiers, and IhatahSCS were 30 Mo.locs left who would light until the last mau wat killed. Harn, dictl iu Q___Sf I?tva Bad May 1_. Surgeon Scmig is recovering. The BBaaaahM "f ?.en. Cauby tooa place ac 5 o'clock p. in., and were solemn and imposing. There was a large procession. The ?body was taken lo Oakland, and goes Kast in th" morning. THE POLARIS. THE NAVY I'SrAKTMENT IBOHBM ASSIST ?..N? ??TH? BftOBBO KISPAKIIKD TO All? T11K KK.?CCBD. [i.KM.HAI. I'KK.S? !,i.?l'ATCH.) WashI-,??to.v, May 14.?The Secretary of the Xavy has received a telegram from Cousu! Malic) at M. Johns, stating that the crew of the l'olarls want money, and also asking whether he should advance funds on account of the Il-.piiinaux and crew ou sick list. The ?k'cretary promptly rep.led, directing the Consul to all ird the requisite assistance and to draw oo him for the money. The Secretary having ordered the Frolic, at New-York, to proceed to at. Johns with every comfort for the relief of tbe crew of the Polaris, be was to-day informed that the Frolic will be ready to proceed on her vuyage to? morrow. There may I*- some difficulty, however, in Immediately reaching Ht. John?, a? tbe Consul says tbe harbor is blocked with Isa. Inder favorable clrciim tunees the resael could resell there in four days. Th* Frolic is a fourth ritte side-wbeel steamer, can \ mi: eight bowitst-rs, and is comtiisa.le.l by Lieut.-C.nuinauder Schooumaker. Tbe other olUcert ?r?- I_it*ut?. I'wttr, Hiuiout, Mtx-ker, Bridge, aud Kelley ; Medical lti?i?e. tor ??nun.-li, A?sist*nt Burgeon Aulitli. and A*?i.?t__ut Fay uiaat.r Uoggs. ______________-?__-.m NUMERO..!} ARRESTS IN Eol'IMANA. New-Orlkan?, May 14.?Ihe M? tuijujlitan Iufaiitry have returned from St. Martins, lln-. Bbt ("I lowiug persons have been arrested by the ______ sut, . 1 Mar-thai on the sffldavlt or V. Martinet (colored), BBBBft** log them with lutimidaUu?. c?;rtaiu ctita-n* or African dosoeut. and ou other cbarget which are I. ft blank : Col I>e Blase, Oea. Alen Declouet, (laUriel Tour net, Haul Tourn?t. Faul Declouet, l_a_.-_.li_,. Braut?. Alfi-ed llscluer and Eugene Bertrand Tti<> leave to morrow wtth a United States Deputy Mar___i aad au eaoort of Uliitod SUtes troop?. I key will arrive in New Orleaut Friday evening, aad IfpaBt before the Culled ?utes Cooiuit-uiioner Saturday, it i* reiioru-tl that the UuiUfd otates troops?t-o coinpau.e.? now in at. MartintviUe, w.ll retualu there several month?. OAK.ES oik? . WILL. Boston, May U.-Oakes Aint-s Mftig a will while Iu Washington last Wtuier. which bas lasen pre seated lor probate by hit two sous, Oliver Ames and Oakes A. Ames, as executors. N. O. Ordway. Mose. Dillon, and Fhiletu? Sawyer are tbe witnct* t to the ln iirun_ebt, and their preaenoe Is required to carry out the provialout or the rtwittry. No ?h-ktllt ?ill !.. gn*>i. utuil Ute will u probated. The amount deviaed it ?argr. but the property is se larestod that IU Talue .auu.i bo at preseut kuowu.