Newspaper Page Text
Ntt^irui VOL-XXXIII.N?-10,021 NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1873.?WITH SUPPLEMENT, PRICE FOUR CENTS. ALBANY. THE CHARGES AGAINhT EZRA CORNELL. BHBNBI f?1 """I T1IF.M ? A COMMISSIO?, OF INVESTU.ATION CALLED FOR ?ACTION IN TUB gENATK AMI ASSEMBLY. {TROU A REGULAR CORRESPONDENT OF TH? TRIBUNE. I Albany, May 15.?The Utter from Ezra Cornell to Gov. Dix was first read by the Governor in the New York papers of to-day. Neither the tele_rraphic ?b-patch nor the letter had come to the hands of the Governor when both made their appearance in print. When it became known this morning that no such communication had been received by the Governor many were ready Is pronounce both of them forg? eries, bul on inquiry at the telegraph office it was found that the dispatch was re? ceived fntin Ithaca yesterday afternoon, and the reason for its failure to reach the Governor is that it was given to John W. Dix, the Governor's ?on and private secretary, who forgot to deliver it, and went to New-York with it iu his pocket. Opinions differ here as to the truth and justice of Mr. McGuue'. strictures on the founder of Cornell University, one party claiming that they are sub? stantially SOSISSJ. while the other say they ar<" only the SS?M <'f the spite and envy of th?' people of llav sutiah, in Sdinvler County, where Met.uire resides, and where the " People's College" isaituated, which failed to p.'t tlw advantage of the Government land l!_m that was -?ecured by the Cornell Institution. The isHwIsg resolutions, providing for an exam? ination iuU? tin" truth of the charges made by Mr. McCnir??. wer?? oft. red in the Senate this moraing by Mr. Johnson. Being concurrent, they could not be acted on to-day. and were laid ou the table to be printed: Hetolved.if the ISSSStBlj,mmtwr,Thai the Controller. Sii-HTintcndent of Public Insiruc'ion, ntnl tbe State _*r?a?tiriT l?p. and they un appointed it Commission lo Inquire Into and asier'tam tins eoudition of (be Col)*ge Laud Staat, in it IMS, ?ml thai they panicuUrly inquire lut.? ui"' h.rtt: Wii.thei the act of (lonsrreM. Chapter 130, Uw? et is*., and the act of tin- Lt-a.-1-il-tur. of tins Btate. ChapU i MS it the l_aws at MMk h.ive l.een compiled mtli m Uie I ?i? .mil disposition of Colle?*?; land??. ?OtOo?: Al?o lo inquire into and-.?""ertain secn ni\ or set niitiM the state la obligated n> receive for the ?aleof latida, ______ win tin r the Suite han the s.'.-uii l_N ti quirt il bj lue afoii Haul amendment?, and whether _reu_i__Mothei iBaa tlMMa therein incuUout-d can be taken or rci.-e.ved MT the BtSl? fAircf.- That they inquire into and ascertain the quan? ti*', of land sold by Ezra Cornell under his contract with ? te of date An?*. 4, l*?v.. a? well as a contri? t prior to thai Sail, ttie pro?-? for ?huh he ?-old ?aid lands, IBs ? mount re? i ;>ed l>v him. the atiiount unpaid of th. put ? ii.iitn'\. and iiow the payments of IBSSSSSS tim r .in.l l.?w much ot th?' purch__*e muuey bo has paid Into tie i th? Btate. PuuHkl -IN to inquire into the value of certain tim? bered iaii't* located lu Hie States" of Wn-c*?liMii, Minne? sota, ami Bantu sail to contain about wo.OOCi a? res, ami Win t.*,er Kai I (\ rnell has any contract?? willi any E .?-on or pet mu?? for the ?___? of ?aid laat utou tioned tide, II ao 10 whom, and the contract prices, and hOW ? m n luiiti.ict pli. et compare wilb the real valut) of tbe land.. PtfUti T?.-it th.v torn la___fS Into the amount of ?harte? . i told Ezra Corn? U upon the nlss of said lands .thai i>, the Whol? i|ii.aiillty einhr.ii?< 1 in Ins ?-?tutriictri With the fol th.- Mat and expi i;?..-. attending the location, management and sale of said laiuli?. und tlio !_?_____ ami paid then on. Also, whi tt?er such ? ? -1 m. under Um aforesaid act ol Coogwsa. be law? ful!? 'le.l.i. l< .1 from the prooMda of bales. And, lastly, to inquire into all matt? is and things pon lt'iti',1 with said lauds, the uiaua_.eui.iit aud SMpoaltloa thereof, tbeli l'usent situatiou ami raine, and report to the mit si talon of the Letrltlarure, a itb a roroBiarada? tiou what lettislaUon i- o ?> ?wary u> properly secure said fund- iu compliance with the actol Contrev?, ?Kbpower to scud fur person? and paj.ii>. At the evening session of the Assembly, Speaker Cornell oflered a r? oolution appointing ex-Gov. Scv mour, William G. Fargo of h?rtalo, aud Lewis G. Morris of Westcbcster. Commissioners to investigate all the facts connected with the Cornell I'm versify and the acts <>f Erra Cornell as ageut for the loca? tion aud sale of land, scrip, Ac. Mr. Mi-Guiro ?it? jc? ted on the ground that involving the same tub,?* t matter aud appointing ."-t?te flAsSBB as CommiBMO-ner. were now pending in the Senate. Q_-Joctioa being made, the resolution went over under the rule, 'ihe resolution requires the Coin an?_*ioii to report to the Governor for tiansuiixsion to the next Legislature. 'IHK APPKOPKIA-IONS. SCTIUN OF I IM ASSKMBl.Y t'PON THF CONFF.B___.Cl (.i.MMiii vi-ir Bl flBBBB ikinted ? AN IMIMIilANT IHM STKKKKN OCT ? SHAItl' FKAiTi? k i?s nut ran ?v m_n ooMSMucfl (-..?tMli'l ? ?/?ON IB < "III.I =1 OBDM SI 08 Till. .HIUCNE.] Ai.banv, May 15.?The report of the Con? ference Coti.iuiitee on the aunu il Appropriation MO nine up for < ??t.cnrrcnc? Is tli?" Assembly this morning, ??in n a Isas discussion arose on the item appropriating M.OOO for th? pun base- of COCO Bemlngton breech-load* - for ihe Natioua) Guard. This item was stricken ?ui of tbe bill when it nrst came liefore tbe Assembly t?y a larpe majority, but wan reinstated by tbe Senate ?ii,l ( ..v un. d in by the Conference Committee. Mr. Inrt ??Mired tbe House that the Controller favored It. and raid that be had s? nt for him and told him so p. r wiially. N'otwithstandini* this assurance, and the fart that the A'ljutatit-Ceueral wan on the floor of the House loh'.i?iig for ths Item durlntc the discussion, it was ?tnikeii out t'v ? vote of 60 to 49. The report of the Con? ference Cumin.ttee, with the exception of this item, was BflSSSi-S. Aiuoua. tbe new item? inserted by the Conference Com? nntUe is chip to cover the necessity created by the recent StcMton of tbe Court of Appeal? for some legislation to eompel the OasBtf of Km--? to raise Its portion of tbe canal dcflctcui y tax which it refused to raise la?t vear. Ttie portion of KinKa County 1? |_>O,000, and it Is required to levy u?at amount next Fall. Alderman Richardson ha?, drafted a bill to authorize the Supervisor? of Kim,. County to raise the money by tbe Issue of boud- pu> BUS b> tnttalluii nt* in tbe next eight year?, -o-?. This san.' r. port of tbe Conference Committee Wa? adopted hy ih.' Kenato last Friday, but the Assembly took tbe ?afer courte of having tbe report printed and placed in tbe band, of members. This particular Con? ference Commun?<? it undoubtedly entitled to great con fld? in?, but th. precedent set by tbe Senate is a highly -ansrerou? one notwithstanding. The report, referring a? it did to the engrossed bill by pnga and line, was nciyssanly unintelligible to every one who did not have ahandindi_w,u_ltup, and furthermore it embodied nrw matt?r of great importance. It 1? to bo hoLn-d that the Senate __. -,t\\ aa the A?-niibly, when in course of tun? a Con? ference Committee reports on the content? of the Supply bill, will have the r. port printed. The fact Is that the reportsuf a Conference Committee on an appropriation hill is invariably a very different bill from that which passed either House. Frequently such reports have Wen the mttiumentalitie? or perpetrating gigantic ?sludle?. Finally, It may be added, that the Appropri? ?t,... b,li, -Mipply bill, and bill .. \yibg a tax and making t,? for tiew work ?n the Canal?, ?hould have lien, tu Ha bands ?>f the Governor six week? ago. Ac?*.r.;nf*"U> present SPfSSfBMSS. the (?overnur will oot pg, tue ?u.'j'iy bill until alter the l_c git la lure ha? Sltper-ed. TR1 CCHKENT OF LEGISLATION. MBBBBBBBIIBI i ?i.ssiiit iii.sai amendments? a new ?T-Tf 1__TTTlf ftJBTBB linffTIH-fSn SCHEMES?AN AMENDMENT TO THE GAME LAWS ?CONSOLIDATION OF NKW-YOKK AND BKOOKLYN. tr?<m nix at?,i -.__ coKKsroNDKNT or TMt Tami'M.l Albahy, May 15-Mr. PiersoD, from the ???lit ComuiiUee on the Constitutional Amendments, ??"jorted to tbe Aiwemhly In favor of considering and ?b?"?ot.n_* of these atneudmenu liefore the adjournment ?r Bote of Ht. Lt-wrenoe offered m a substitute a reto *Uoo tbat th. Legislature adjourn nine ?lie at noon on ^iday. tbe 23d lntt-, and that it announce? itaelf ready ? reassemble and eontider tbe Conttiuitional Amend aenit when called upon to do to by the (iovernor. A Jig discussion followed a? U, the duties and n-sponsi **ltl*** oi the J-egUlature. and of the (iovernor with ?Nrard to tb??*v Ca-iittilutionul Amendment* Mr Boss's reitilutiiio ?a? finally adopted aa a tub?.! ?le for tbe report of the Smut OSMSMlSS by a vote of ___*; ba% the Speaker decided that the question of Maptiug the report a? ameudod mutt go over und? r the ___* tlU ?O--P0ITOW. There is gvemt lurtltruatlon among "?? iM-Dbeir? ?it the <i?.??ernoi-? refuaal to ??til an extra ???won for th? eonslderation of these, and 1?-* !______**'" ^U?JU,!??,, vefuae to oonni: ,? Mr mtt*ym'*??ebmm?u. mm oBtpgoM m eggt ?ww i__ My WHAT ANNEXATION WOULD ACCOMPLISH. - -?-???????-_ -.- _ - action on tbe am. ndment? .... this laeg'-lature. If th. y ?re not acted upon thia year they cannot, he ?uhniitte.1 Ux the people until tbe general election la November, 1876. The tanate thl? evening oontlnued It? deliberation? on the to t?<*(.o??tit_fi'.n. Only two amendment? of any consequence were made to the work of the CoromlMlon. On motion M Jume? Wood the Senate wm made to ttOtM t of 35". fo'b?. thoaen for four Tear* from the tight Judicial District? a. now constituted : Th? First Dl?trlct, City of Ni w-York. to ?ioctslz; the Second District, I?.n_* Island and ?Uten Island. Are,and th?? t.tht-r districts each four. Article V-, Section I, ?m amended so a? to allow tbe (?overnor to remove for cause tb?? Secretary of ?t?te, Attorney-Gen? eral, and State Engineer. By thl? arilcle, ?? proposed by the fk.mti_l-i4-.on, theac officer? are 10 be ?p'mihted by tbe (lo?/ernor by and with cotiaent of the Henatc Col. Kmmon? I'larlt, Hi ?N____. to the New-York Health Hoard, arrived here to-day *?iih another ?uvpleiuciit-al charter bill. It S4< in? tliat the new Health Hoard, when they came to exa.nlne Into their power? and dun??, dis covered that all power to art as a Hoard of Il.alth had been abolished by the new . b.T'er, aud that no new pro? vision had lieen made b> ?In,, tin i wen- ? to perform their function?. Tim bill i>r..uf!it up h$ Col. j Hark ?Imply iMtoxa? the ?unites nude* which Um _-* I Hoard acted, and which were repealed by the new char, tcr. In. te?.| nf passing such a bill, leading ncpnbllcan? think It bettor lo Incorporate the needed legislation In the Krnatc supplemental Mil now pending In the Assem? bly. There art? rumor? that ?n attempt will als?) bo mail. t.. Insert Id tbi? supplemental bill a prnvlalon changing the mode of appointing kttSt of departrofut* wo as U) curtail the power of Mayor Havemeyer, but ?urh an attempt, If made, is not likely to succeed. During the morning session of the Benate a great num? ber of bills were read a third time and pasaed. Among tli-m was Mr. Clinton'? bill to divide the crime of mur d.r into two degree?, which now goe? to the Governor for hi? signature. The Senate bill "to Incorporate tbe New-York Rapid Transit Ct-inpauy, ami to provide a comfortable, safe and ?pee?, y system of cheap and rapid tranaK through the City of New-York," was also pas??'d. This la a new scheme In Albany and'ls known M ??*?|M-.r*e Traveling Sidewalk." The Incorpor?t-.!, are Alfred Speer, L. W. Frn?f, President of tbe Continental Insiir.tiM'.- ? oinpunv. S U. ?"ourtuey, late t'iiiud Nlate Assistant District-Attorney; H. W Merrtati. a proi?erty ownei r<?iding la Fiftb-ave.; John Otiffltb of N.-w-Y.u-k ; ?ieorge Hoffman, properly owner resldihf In Fifth ave, and J.> Kit I. il..nul. ? i'..l estate owner. The above iflfiirmaiiou ? (ni,, mm,. ' lit- itH-nrj-orators was furnished lyv tbe K-1II toud Cumuiiit--. la ttmaMtttt BEB m MMM of *-* Senate. An experimental section of the sidewalk Is to bo .Tecfed round the block bounded by Whitehall, Bowl? ing green, and Htali-st. if the pluu should work to the diitlsfitttioii of George H. Mi-Cle lian. Charles 11. Haswell, and on.? ofh.-r jM-rson to be appointed by tho Comiui? Hiotier ?f I'nbllc works, lb?. Cum mon Council Is author? ised U> ___e?lgn?t<t m route. Mr. (ipetsr ha? had In __**_? tita ben? for several weeks a very ingenious motlel of Ms propose?! moving sidewalk, which has be4rn much commended by those who have witnessed It. Another t?ftk transit rsIIroad bill passed the Assem? bly tin? uiorulujr. The bill la entitled the ?? New York and Weite beater I: evati-d Railroad;" ?nd I? to be con itructed on wbab?? known asthe Ira Hiickmaii'?plan. The bill w?a intr...lure.i by Mr. II usted, and waa before 4Ua Legislature last year. The most Important of the various bills to smend me game laws whw-h have beten introduced thl? session waa killed Un? inurulug*. the Senate refusing to adopt the re port of a Conference Committee on t_MS .ll-J?*r-"_-re-< ?> tween the two Houses, and declining to appoint ?_J,**W batch of conf?r?e?. The Senator? from the norttterti p?rt of the SUte opposed aud defeat?*- the lull b- eau?-? It made tho practice of hunting deer by dog? Illegal. Tbe lull mentioned ye?u_n-ay relating to the valwlty of town IkiimI? was this morning recommlttetl to th*Je diciarv Committee for amendment, so a? to exclude from tb? effect of It? prc-viaion? certain bou.I? Issued i.? town? In Cayuag? County, which have been fraudulently ,,(.tallied and dlapoae?! of The New Yoak Newspaper I ciHima bill was referred to the Br?t Committee of th? Whole for consideration. The bill authorizing the flover-aor to appoint in < om mi-sloner?. 10 from Nr? Yuri and 10 from Hrooklyn, who together with the Mayor? of the two cilie?. shall devise a plan lor Um r-M-luUt-on ol boi-* ?Mas?, ondtt the n?me of the Cltv of New-York, and frame a charter for the consolidated city, passed the Assembly thl? even? ing." The Commissioner* are to report the result? of their wook to the Governor, In o, ? next. Alderman Hlrhardaon's bill, to enable the Hrooklyn Supervisors to Issue hood? to pay their portion of the Canal dell lency debt, -a? introduced, and by consent ordered to a third reading, thl? evenlng-.A largo number ul local bill? of no g?nerai interest were passed. There waa a hearing before the Governor, thl? after /noon, on tbe New-York Police Justin'?' bill. The Mon. Frunc?? Kernan of Uilca appeared for the opponent? of the Mil, hi? chief ?igtliu.-lil being thai it I? uucoustttu tlonal. Mr. Dorm?n B. Eaton sustained the bill, and replied to the Constitutional objeetlous of hi? antagonist. OBIT?ART. I HIT. GEORGE M. HARRIS. Lieut, (?.tuf??* M. Harria, who die-i from wounds received In the flghUng .t the I?avn Bed?, va a native of Philadelphia, aud only In hi? Mth year. He waa graduated at West Point In ISM. and was stationed at Port M aeon during the trouble? with the Lowerr out? law?. Subsequently, at bU own i-eojne?., be was trans? ferred to battery K, ilh Artillery, and Joined nt? Com? pany during the operation? agaiu?t the Modues, In Jana ary last. He wits a nephew of the late Bishop Mrllvaine of Ohio. HI? remata? will t? brought home lor inter MM NEW NEW-YORK. A CHAIN OF FORTY TUttl-P. OLD TOWN?. THE T()W?._ TO BE ANMKXr.D?POKTM"RRIf? THE KA!'?? WAT AND MOT?N CENTER OF Till- IWM" LOW PRICE OF I.ANU. IN THE WMMMMM TOWNS?RAILWAY AND AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS. The Btudcnt of nn.tropolitan ponHibiliti.? will And In the accompanying map a remarkable illustration of the New-York of tho future. The New York of the present embrace? nine old towns, namely: New-Amster? dam, Bowery, Greenwich, Yorkvllle, Harlem, Mannst? tanville, Carmaiisvllle, port Wasfclngton, and Tubbjr Hook. If tho bill which has passed tbe Legislature become a law through the Governor's slgnaiuri', and Mo.ri_.anta, Kiugsbndge, and West ram?? M annexed, thirty-four old towns will be added to th? list, namely: Mott Haven, North New-York, Wilton. Port Morris, MorrtsaDla. I Ml Morrisanla, W? st Moms anla, Melrose. South Melroso. Woodstock, Hunt's Point, Eltona, Poresi Grove, Grove Hill. Inwood, Hlghbrldge, vil!... riaremont, Mount K.l.n. Mount Hope, Weat Farm?, Fairmount, Tremonf, Past Treraont. Pordliam. Boutft Pordham, Monterey, Bclmont, South Bclmont, Williams bridge or Jerome, Kingsbndge, Hpuyten I.uyvll, Hiver? unit, Adamsvllle, and MM The area of the city it now about 14,000 ?wam ; the amount tolbe added include? about S000 acres, so that the entire territory Included within municipal boundaries will be about --,-00 m re-, of which a large part is already thickly settled. Tho pr. -<nt population of the city Is about 1,000,00a It ;? estimated that in the territory to be ann?-xedthe popula?? tlon Is aboHt The new metropolis will be boun 1. ?t on the north by the southerly Un? if tht .My of Yonkers, and on the east above the Hurl.m Hiver by the liions Rlvirand Long Island Hound. The township of Kings brlilgo was formerly ? part of Youkers, but *_?_-? mad? a separat? town when tlie latter no-ived a ? itv cb..rter about a year age. M -iri.-aiiia rccrv.-.l U. MM the Morri? fanr.Iv*, f..<- f..und. r of ?lu.-h, tt? hard Morn-, formerly owned a tract of 3,000 a. r> -, win, h he n. 1-1 i.y a, patent oIitaln<_J directly from the Indian.. II? was? German by l.i.tli an.l fought un.1er (i, in thu English civil wars. His con, I?-wis Mom-, was of thu lignera of the J)?-? laiation of In?l<-peli.l.-i.?-?, ami became Governor of New-Jersey, in which M IM Han _i County ami M?irristo?n wem liuin .1 in l.i? inn.or. Tim old family momSaa still ?tauds in Morn .ama, Mi several membei ? ?>f the family are still living. Tin: uraazAiMi tu t.. The bill provi'l.-fi that tin- towns a*x>ve named slial' I?. antic...*.! to the Cry of New-York, .-ui.j .it.. ti..- ?,n.i.i laws, tec, except that, until leu-ally that .1, the <li vi-i. im for the .?ri noil of iii.-ii, l-.-i ?of a - - mi.Ij , Hen a? tor. Jlistico of the .Siipicine Court for t!i? Se. . I | | I District, and mmnattai Oaafnai shall r. sala an that ans. Por ail other parpoacaaad tMaut, ?laetan shall vote lie electors of tire City and County of New-York. Morrlsanla is to constitute the T*.v.-:it\-iliiid Ward, an?f West Farms ami K ugsbrulge the Tvv. nt, torn th Waul of flu? city. On tad after July 1, 1.7:1, the annexed territory will constitute the E?glit?4 -.cliuol District, ami tho fcixth Police .1 District, for which a Police ___?___. ihall M appoint?-.! art provliled by law for th.- < i'v of New Y..r?. This t- r rltory will also form the Tenth Jttdit la; District, fol which a Ju.-tlce shall be elect.-1 at the next (Maral tit** tlon. The present Jii-trces ,,f tit.- l'.aie I ili .-oittinue io erice until the expirati..n of th. .r l. rm-, .. i which the t. nur.-s of both Civil and 1' u.<? .]?? ti.. s hIi.iI'. be. the satin* as in other parts of the i r. v. 'II.Ci. r- I the m veral towns ar- to remain in o!!i. .? in,:,I the n? \i mnulclpal election, which will !?<? Mi M I the city i barter. All public property l.? lo he vested lu tbe City an.l County o? Neiv-Y..r?. to w'.n h H is to imi traiibferred on Jau. 2, 1.71. The court? in the City and t'ounty of New Voik. In and after July 1. l-.i, an tn luve jiiin<licnon nv. i all causes of action, civil,, an.l -r|_. inl, WBOte ing Mill? to be ciilinueil in tire ? ourt.? of original jur - dicti.ifi. ah iM-?v-t lit?- aaaaaai mwaalmm , the pi'lui?: projMTt.v of West. I? -i? r ?'ninty i r. le.i ? d to the county, ami tli>- prop. - propoftlOB <>f the ?Wlg tlotlN of tin* coiintv ;. Il l'ire In |lM ?u.U.-. <! towns |? I" bo p.i.l tu the ( .unity "f V?.-.-i ie ? ? 'vie I'ity ami County of New-Yorl.. AI., r J My 1, 1-... Ill Lp* I doeii ments and recoi.l?. ar.-t.. l.e II: M m tin i i ?o.iu'y of New York. The iiiiinber ol t mini '??. ? ? of I Parks is Mn ?l t.. tenib, who an io ba power to lo.ate and b_) .nit roa.Is, and avenues, r.> net i?e pi ..- for ii.'l I. < ktiSajm and tuiMi.i? v..i..m ,'u terril I, and I* ? -r.ti-li.ili the Widths ?mil ?...deso? all -.?? roads, ami avenue? n la ni ont. < iiMi*4Hi-os wir, In thin expan.lrinr it- i.iii' . v. ? fttk is on!? following the example ol Othei . ities, both lor. ._ ? American. Pfcllaa-lplila, a few reara ?a*, la i nadlti po|.uiati..ntram_M_ i. irlj mtjmt ivi-itn,. Its corporate limits the 11..iiri-h iirlog town? of Pranltfoiil. G.'l-ma'itnwn, N ITbtOWa, M luayuult, Pus?ayuult, Wett I'll hi t. Ipiii... I -, li. .ion | extended it? boundaries, Uklag Hi all tic .?.t'mrbau towns, it> lat? st a?'?ui-iiion being Boxhary, wMi I a city by Itself. Th - - in- . onr-e li.isl'.en iuir?ii7d by most Western cille, if elili?l,| i'.,l,|. .-?/. N,?? ?_ ti alone has r> mained ftaacrapaleally atattoakry, ae k - tory bav lin: > M ?d?ni I?, thai ? hi, h II In : I vvlr'ii fir-t in? nrp'iiateii linier lile Doli'rlli i -, Ii U__ 1 ha following table will show tin- ill-i I v aiit.n.'. s under which New-Y, in has labored in rOBipari-Wa ?W ut!. r large cities: ('?-V?. Art? in mntrt xxxilr?. Ti thteem . ,: H?n Kr?i- ?.-..... . . I i?. c.1 l"hll?.?7l|,?,i. Boitoci. I.oudoi Kofliud. Pan?, Kr?n.. ? oi Pa?MT, t'L n?. . i.! New-Yuri.. I Ttie above estimates af pO| >..' . n from the census Of IRTO for Am. cili. ?. In.- ., laiinlon :.m| Paris fTOin tlie eiiiiiinriiious o? i -.?, a .1 i hat t.' I '?-V t n __; from the latest atl.iiii.tiilc in'. 11 i ," ? im t i I, .?bows that Phtlad.-'phla. wnli a i.-rri:or., - I true.? a_- i irge ,n New-York, had only two' lirdl tat p.<iuil.iiioii ? Hoeton, with four time? tin* ferrif.-ry. had 1. >s riian lin., flu..? of tin- population ; und < h!e:i_.<., will. te? IM_M th?. ar-._, had only one-fourth ol tin? population. An m? the lm niedlat.-a.lvantaiacs win. h will tetra? '" n.< .,un. x. 1 towns from this rm-asure, tho.e . h . i!? meat ??? d ar>- : 1, Rie'ntioduition .?f ?'rotju water hala all -niMif tho territory. 2. The great.-r seciint? to p.. ;ie.t> more perfect Pire and Poliee h. )..iriii.eiii_. 3. The eradication of malarious d:?? .??.?? i.v ?-?, -., of drain? age which will probably In- introili, .| ? . 1 rkOH_a> mmtkmma? l-_f_M-7-ow___n Uvtaa la urn ?? Umis lyin?.'tvest of the liro'ix Hi. r - 1? i!m . .ama,.'.) may be attained at comparatif. i\ ?;" el , as mu? lcts aro aflnrded i.y Baaajajr Cfeaal B Stank. aM ether streams aie UM natiiiai inns of drainage for the whole a.ljactnt coimiiv. 4. Ann? lation will also open to the new|s the MINIM M ?1 largo number of ??avlng banks and Insurance and trust companies, winch are by their charter? limited in tnetr loan liivr.-iiii. nt?. to prpp-CTlT in the ? itv of New-York. A large fart of tins laurt.-l will, It l? thought, find It*- way I? MotT__-____, West Parnis. anil Kingsbrldge, greatly to th. ir udvaulage, and lo li.o bcut'Utof th.? IHM city. MK. l.KKKV I Kf I 4l:i:s THE WAT. Although the boundaries of N'W-York City. a?!.i:_| down I.y the Annexation bill, are those indl? ated by tho topography of the country,'credl' la due to Andrew II. Green, for baring for?*seeu the union nt the lower West ehester towns with the city, and M having taken mea? sure? in anticipation of It. A? early a? 18?.. in his report to the Commlsaiouer?. of tbe Central Park, he urged upon their attention the intimate relation? exlstinjr between the southern part of Westehester County ,,ud Manhattan Island, and in his report oi.ldU bespoke on the same subject m follow? : In tbe progre?? of laying out the north end of the island the general suggeetious mad. m m previnu? com? munication bare come to be pruet , ?lly important anJ call for distinct notice and specific ton?ideruti?.u befur?. proceeding to complete the plan? upon which tbe Hoard. I? now engaged. The lower part of tbe County ,,f w.m cheater lies ?.Ijaceut to the ntv of New-York aud m ouly far the future < of the lnlwbitanu, but In o.der thai the ??plli?o proceese? of changing tlie plan of Uae comliig ciiy.-fter it is built np may be avoided. The leading TrtamtwttaS line? of uatel in the City of New-York He generally m a north easterly direction, and reach the bouutUry tie tween the two cottntiea at very different distance? from the center ef buaiu?-?? lu New York; thu? the Htxoud ave. termina,!'? m Hartem River, at about *?veu niilm from the City Hall; the Llgbtb ave. at about nine milt_? and the Klnpbrldge road, on the we?! side of the cUy, ?? aaejrt u mile? from the same point. There is therefor?? a tMangular gore of. the ?outh western portion of Weai che?t?r County, five mile? In leu_rt_i from north to ?outh and over two mile? in width from e_?i to went, iu? Iittiiiic all part?of the town of Westai-heatei, that bes m? __e__.i iba busiues? center of New York a? .he opposite p_u. ol hea-Yurk !____._. ?du?, ul l_c valAj? III "Jnti_|_m