ri-ANs n.? ...?-ti.m OB RBBB1 ntu i
irnoii t?o: ?k?ilar i <>i_ki?i*_>m>-n_ <>. tiiv -non*
Washington, M.iy II.?Diuregardlag al
the wholesome rtWrlcM.ui? of law, aatloaal or local,
belnx responsible to nniiodr but tho -'resident, who
not seetnril to think it but .lutv to Mead between
tax-payers of tbe Ditirict ami leihet. _. Ihl MM nl sp|s.uilcd U) handle and dUbOTM thill MBIi
It is nol strange lhat alunnK tin* nm?t .'i i um ..iccusr.t
thai have been iua,l? Ihe WnshlBftoa lloui
Public .York? is oui? that it has been Ifjehtosal] tXtl
tant, not only in planning hr work but to tin
of it, I d'tri.t it the inombers of the Board IheflM.
over dreamed, during the llr_t tew moalhl
their > iii i.i li.'e, of any such BMialflonal sys
ot Improvements as tint hate si are bc.un ami are t
ol'lirrd to abandon, luit completed, alter anc?pc
tut* of about |10.00.),oO). If they di I. thet ili-houei
? pt Ilu IBM lei la tie ; dclrn.'ralclv oct rib
dcceivin.' the 1. M I Hi l p 'I'lI II I
thur puipo-c.. itinii iheii sari aatad for |i."< .?.to.) t: estimates which, to their owu word?. "??
t'u plated p nuriiitu! improvements In OTBTJ BortiOl
theDistiie of t tiiui.ii.11, ?ui esaapetood atoaael en
?mal ?mi Bream to IBa etttae "f fTaeBlaatea i n-, m 11 a- a I Me I'll? tn the coil at v."
was -i that the l?.'irl shoal I .i.Ih ret?
ori-riii ?i pi.' ?. a'id uni aie in it.. iMBcerooMBto all l
gam m aai .. n? il i ir_ approprl ited
money, ami the people (not the t?\; ? .i) r
i ?:. W.n? M_nnoeei for a
i t th* | 'i''e Hrlaa ?r owbJbi the pi
e> ' ualf of \Va?liin ?ton lying north, e.
ai,.) M Capitol wuiiol li . t.. an
pro] - to more th a| of i
|h i iliiatiuii ol tiieir p I to aa
. ii id t!
!.. in m y Wa? (o !>?? ipt
lu in tpa I "f taeo-li i? lui tpit il a
?. b .n a doz;\i o? Hi
,. i.
. i r. i
B ' i' i w ? il i. ??? b t.l t
. J r p : _
?....: ...
and : i>- '
their . -t. ; il on au.. I
lata? m 11,dated J .: i
for il . ?. 1
af estima , -
? d, upon careful coii?i'4' i
,. .m n.v in lire district ? r.l i
v .iii iuirodnetloB of wool or etaei .
???iv ?f ihe ptii.i ip il av uues of cornu
1 . - ' -, I ili , t.. "ne, m
.. :,-'. frvui ou? aad niud, can _%_ ci
. tri lia? il mi a li ni eu paid lu. I
i?ui th n .u.i i.i.i ?ot even berm its work la boom
aneawltathe p.ri submitted, i, itoadol llmltlnr t
aaa of M wood aad ethoi ex;ienslvi u rementa," If a?
p_l areaiMi ol oommbbm
" .i La.- lai.i itiiu .?t aoother. Exaa
lael li parpariiantoahowthe ameuatofatreetpat
nhtoh toe Board r? p. cr?ai as etth
luit, d ob the i-i o? > ' i.- i.i ;.. ar to b
'. aaaal B port
I. p.i_:> h] :
id paveiaoata ; Batlard, M:
'nil. * of lui M?'.- ?tull? I block p i veinent.
id ? oucfcie puvenien
i- o..-. ca\ i meat,
? ? . ;' iietnent.
I p t vein it.
' - ' ,i .r.'.ll.
r ?..,_ tod streets aud roads t?
ii. n Miles af . uta, a?
sun. Bt Wide.
1 ? ? r11-i -.j'. ?i ? y .: ?!?, i he Board report, the umoui
of ..-' .. ? .d of parent al i ? .1 ai fell >w?;
. da ol ? ?? 'i . .
? pavement,
m I m n I'l imliort PBTBMOBI
p .
? . SLNOU and roaJi.
l. .. ? . ? ard?.
Ouiittii.K' fruta the "r?t fable, al'tig-efher, tho last Item
which r. ? i. -, ?its work don,. || the I oniity, aud a?.-iinil:i;
that ti ni t'li' ?tone pavement? tl,
B ??? pan m.*iiis," wi
Bad t allot of p in moni lud lu Um ci la? u
..' n tos, "r - .ia lu pel
-'? ? p iroaM ni?." Il
we : ih t ?? >i rt - ..d roa i? in tin
ent.r : i i lad tlMl man thaa
Hperoeni ol u : ?>( ihe rztravaaaal pare
mili' Board ins lieu frOMUM
fir?t ' itloa, tb it a? t
rule thi v<t if "f the _.i.-triet will 1.1 : war?
rant" any Mich rxpen lit ores.
1 ..n what price? the Boeid
lid lor the work that ins horn dene, aad In Batet
Iiunetlie ext? nt ol ?lie.r .Mi ava? nice, 1 wish to spcal
of owe or two ?pedal inprvrMMaM wfttoh I hare per
aonaUyrxamiBf-L I .rill beata ?nil K-?t . aarth?weal
fro Bar ?ut'cuth to Te i I ?'. Tha bbmboI aaB
I Tor iii'provi?!-. tin? s*:.-. - - i -. 11 ?.. TheBoaM
r?p? : ??mu? it, laeladlnff eopiae w.iii
?v . t i , .,. 0f the " prlnolpaJ
BVliili :u the citv, imr a i- |. p
don It of Book ralaa u? to ararraai n\.r-.
expeaalve iMprureaaeat Ib Um matai and Bprlaa oi
aud inquire I tin? price of solo.* "I !m
* i iii d "ti the parr thai ba?
rn of tli m were held ul
BMI. *'. Bei h. r?6 total of a-."-.?uioiitt ou pre
ratai ? n\ oatheeirrrl for i Ins work has been more
I at for the ah
ft to', I have not seen Uu-lull lor the coping,
.v ?.. ooi, iii.i i,y the iront..tre gttat
AC IC 9-10? toot, which, ad led to IB? BB?ee0M0at f ir the
7 . and ? t.ii''.iii.) T..1S, it arlll _.
? of tue whine value of the
laad Bord ring at?el .;.. ireaaeat. Bappealag
m Bel Iota "?i the a\ ??
? ? amount ?pea! kf
th?* i. : aa.parlaa. and latohlaa it, rxeeedi
|.er c ut. l ? ?
, - BWl Nd ." U fOOl on au uvera..'!
for Ih? What? lfii_-.ii unproved, but. BI Hi" RNBtni i>ai l
ot th- . ".ul on. -half of Ike nut t,
t In thai pirtwas matt more than tour lett.
) mm is curious to know* v-hat luduccd too
i irdof Pablto Works to speed eo aiaeh Manep an thie
7i; IJ I..- iicirul m the lail that jusi
b- tor iii Boaffd 'an- r.a row of u buck
I on Ihn btrcei jn?t ut the point where
th- li a*..? cr.i.luiK eoiiiiueiice i. Xuey were not built
With ri l.-rt .ice I" the old IMhle, but the sill? or the iippi r
aid b.low the )? | lew.iilt. bluce
the woik ii" been taa-plMel theraland htghahon
Mi eel. w;ib aoantlinl iMieeee .and lenaea umi
two thirds uf the expo? c
of whn h has bren Bald?ate, ihe awaaral fand af tha
t. Tlie bull lui).' ol llio?e honaOS II Bald M f'a\?r
;... ti a -1 - rulatton In which Mr, Alex. it. Bhepheodi ft ?
it. -..i ? ;.i md Bxftratln Ofl-cerol the Board af Fnhlta
Bat? .one.
At>.uit a t.?*? li ix,'", I - ion- ' IWOIld aud oil
Fur;- i, tin md by the m veuih st. roau. l..i?
road isatK.tit tlve I tit and < ?lends thruu?(h u
farui.t.-' c mntrv from tie lioiiiilu . ef tin i it>, BCM ?he
Howard I uivei ity. to the Mar} land lllil). His not the
only r . l- MM ttit BBBBlIf to that direction ;
tL' road tioin tin t ml of Koult. eiitl.-..t., which is iu
nt order for a country road, joint it Bn I
i . from town. It is not a ilioioiiK'hfare ov.i
- a treat ?iim.nut of heavy ti .ilu-, though Many I f
the market waicous ?owe to \,'a_h.n_tou over It, but is
the most direct -ay fioui W-shluxtou into Maryland lo
a Berth iiy direetloa fhe aaaaeMi of luooey expended
ou ibis live mil. s of country road, uj) to Nov. 1, !.;_, as
eboanl.y the Uoard't report, was IlM.HO? Ca I?aud tliu
woik was not then eon.pieu-. 1 have ?inven over
some of the In-t Mail In the country, and
though I have aeen ?limn the cori-orato limits of
aoino of tbe larjre clti.s, avenue? and dtivt? boni. ie i I v
mgaaattS worth many lime, us innen lor euch city lot us
these di-trtet larms are w. rth an utre, on which, I sup?
pose, larger iumtof money bave Imvu tptut, 1 n vr
saw a piece of country turnpike twice ua ion? ua ibis
Bcvf.nth-tt. road on which any sueh m in of money had
heen spent, and I never un i MOroM MMaMtol
ert b> the foot from, e.ther for repairing an Mt mad or
hulidtus. anew one. I was analto to aa_MH_-_.?aul
1 drov. overit, how so uiu-ii ui"U'v'oui i paaathaj he re
liceu *i?eut ou five milti of turupik ; bit u per. u, d
lMin-cliou riplalni'd It all. The road is, I i-bould think,
lio le.t wide, and, iu order to MOkl th. g\
la-UMd has in soil,'' l.loes ??Ut t-MHC-l lulls f... 10.? dB
Unce, and U. a depth. I Should Jml.c w itiiout m BIB
)nt| tlVUi tlX tO IWtUt/ fCCt. A l?dWiX gaMBI BM ouCU j
laid on .?ach side of the run 1 for ts wb.-ls length
the ?uivcrtM have baas _aast_-ase_i ti fesws Mue,
uriiiiiiicntcd with Meneen sandstone caps. Wbetbe
bed of tin? road wan imicinl .mizcd or ?imply ?.'rave
??.???.i t b >i letl, aad the B*aN.aass sal rapsfi a
tune I ? .?tunned It. It ?BBS iu worse SBaBIflea ?SB I
other raaels Is the eeastf as afea** liltts -seasi aw
sp m. sad i am loforuici tfesrl lass Waser tho mu 11
aMSBaaspMBBaas-BBssiiataBBSsi kap
Wort has bese dsas bptheBsaH saMnaa? I
county, iniiiiv of th'?' ?fl'iliJ linporiiint as
Bghfsres ss las Beesatfe-st tote, sad ??f a
therearaat have bee:? bbsbs motive in apeadla?l
real of ail tas money seed t.? hspraes lasa as Ifek
agg n it"? loos, Juri I'croi" reaehtns tfes a
, ,,i ?m past a g it.- to ? .ioiiMv, ,'n i ii
nnproitd cr,uiii I?. ttir ot .'i wnicli u win lia.? cirri
it A I' ."I? t'? a" ?'h'gant ?n ?II-.I.I.I on tfeS lnoiv of the
Tin* is "iticak Hesse," the Bssbbbss rssMaaes af
Aict. ___ Ifeepfeerd, Ike Vire PrseHssl ami Bxert
Ofl er el Um Board el Public Works. Asfeiatdlri
ni.* ?i le. as**_ ?pee ? n ry Bass las haase, I hare!
ii lepsite- tint Ur. Bfetpfesrd sad attest ?eeahene
Klag hare paiabaeed s larga ssssaat st f?al sets
in? vi i in I y ; u SUBS. r.iilWiiy coin;? my BlfSadl
a chart' r to extend it-? line over tfeS I?* hole ISBStB Bl
iiii?iovc.i roa'!, ??n I ih" i.i ii.*'.-? property la Steartip t
pal m?'ti tlio m ii'kef lu the sli.ipt? of villa Aim?
to.'ti io ?. i think m? fartfeei ssplsasttas sssssi
As S i ule. wherever nuy IwpSWleaaSBl i? found t?
. In Hint is belter m more co-ily the re ,t, it i?
t- eeaeiais thai tfes Blag Is latsreetad in the mij^i
r ni e?tnt_.
Tie Beard has not given It? contract? to the In
I'l.lil, r. In III report last November, tfef BoSTd sai I
In the uateot it ?a* determined thai it wo il 1 be !..
f,.i .ill parties ?o m . io.-1 11 establish a i ule .?r pria
which wo. k ?h,t.ill be doati. un i t.? ?? _rd centrait
t in ?c iiiii,or.ii pri?e* tu responsible persea?,, b
paid oi.i.i loi- w ,11 aci u illj .i >u.-. aoald bar* n 11 ?le
ni .1. :r iii'ii"!-' i.ic.r cm,>,,..,-r-, ritsresBll al iui?i,
?? ,n. il lute priili ul oner it uni. his been eiili
i itlsUctai v. By general advei Using, in.I? v. r i r,- ,,
for ail clae?e* end descriptions ol linproT.-insit*,
prices W re Ils 1 h i* I ni.e.i iitnrmi:,.. t'ii? ,l"ii
un,I no,>n tin- lates |i ni in oilier cm,?, an.l UM .?
.m ai Ici .u tlio*,- r ttea?
.:., over of (be work performed bai <lrinnn*tr?
veiy thai tiii? i? m ? m a. ' '
.til lent II.e IPS III |ll ?-.?-.- lit j .1 _r ri.l.'ll lilil? "I I l?l .1,'S, il
prevent* atraa bids aad oouUMots to nr --.?> >u?
. uu., would otherwise harass .til re<ar_
llo ii.| m ineir o|' ? ali"ii",i"l!i'T in" !?cliin_' oit or liv i
. extra aud Imagta-try el um?, i,< seeui s bum. I
n n i..uni n.i .i, ? m?i \.. ?- isuueied. r.n' n
in-i.iiiiv ? ?in, ,i 11 iv.. fivou tio.i ,;c to in- Board hi
ii *??:, uuderoootract?awarded ">? nd? tUm uojii i"
loares) bidders far speoid. latprjre.ueuls. I.i ?vi? .i
lbese .,-.?? . "ii Bars den md i UmIi
uid i vi,'.o.e? o. ?h ir pi,', li n tbe iar-fe au
o- ni losa u.m i tue.i u o k .ii a i
tin- I. Tie Board polet* With pi ol " to Me W<
,i,,,,,-?ml ill,- p.i,,.? i'iii i, an I ant sauafl il m it n,,
.. i "' lUbj ' I U 'I'1 Ill? HO I I i'p U I. I I ? <
in.I to .' In.U Ill no in .tin, c oi i, cold na
n, ne u ne. "ii ,n v o ii, pi i-Il il la co ..loi I a j" (lad ol liiiio i
at a O M BO i .l.o.iaolc.
Tue eeeertMBM mot? In this quotation are not s
talaed by ths tact?, u i se bs at thsa art Blaset too
?ur . te Bs not ici il. 11 hi? Bees the al i.n.?t it ni v?
. not oniv of nil bases, dtp efl lais, bal
; ?ass ..t lbs Stats M Utas il c, m i ta ate_ that ai
,.f t..? ktad couiio.lcd :.v the Board ai l'.ui.i. Works?
be asare sattsfeeterUf deas au.i at eheaper rates wl
itra tsar? .?ward d to tbe lowest respoailbls ti
?i.'i tli m iu any oilier ? if. i'.i" c ?nliaitor whj uc.ej
the 1, aid- term? Is lay u!l mJ. liiltc _______ of W.i
;? \ i nt .it ?j in a > ,i id has las mu m?? latereet. a
more, to ellcht ha aerb thaa one aha saalreete to 1
5 .iiMor lD.i.n.iO yard? Bl t:i" BBBM rate. In tu." fer?
ci?-tue cnii.i.ii !or n vi hoif iiiucli w.ik tB pi
pars for, aad la Usbts -t any tlsss* wfeas fes feas a Isi of material on haii.l, to have tfeS wei-i st-pp
or mh en to some ether c.itr.n lor ; .nil in detertBiul
the k.ul of work ho will dj tor a gires pries,
BBS to allow for all Mil' h i/outlngc m m?, loi? Il BO h. l
iieticil tasa i I util ni-.ill tinted wi.h Ml hOBOBt BC
tractor from .New Vuk moro thaa A-uKum W0>
o? partas fea ths Beard laat pear, afeaos ?art w.i? are
way satlsfartery, aad afee laaalred sean
iii.u he iv,mi.i be aUowsd to complot?, tfei aerb h? h_
'??.-.m thla s.uing. With faith la ibis assnriaoe. he It
peered as opportunity ts psishsss <?n larerable term
a*! I .ill, iTii.i.i. worth of material moi l.i.iu li ? tn?
v f > i. Now, the Beard bes eoacleded set t? ssa_pls
the work, un,I th," BOBlSSetaS i? 1 "ft flttk Sim m .ten
on I and und IS pa, lug liiiiinu. IBtSS "( lut. real I<
money, whllo ho has claims Hiraiunt ths Board lor BSSI
lli?i... ?i wnicli he cannot colin, t. If thai man ever iinik
say ?aeraeeatreets wltfe tfes Bears h.> aill fee Itself
'to hi? work lu such u m inn, l .,* to i:.*ni. n profit I
mi-If, even after allealag tor all di_appoii.tiui.uUj, d
lays iu payment, A ?.
There have beou more opportuiiti. t for favorito?
mille: tli? .?vntcni ad >pto 1 ny the Beard th iu if tho co
tractH had besa awarded IS the nrdui BP inanncr, an
Un m? opiiiriiin. ties have been improved. Contract? ti
werfe hers bees given i,. pri led with ti
tieiv*;, tpen ef ths i>.-trn t. aad tin??,! u laopapen bar
lia i io tue ahetosals rebeery ..,? the people, ? m
ban Bees glees t,? ths trisad* o? bs.?.- ,
*, hihi these ?eeshers bars Biased their asi
to ths petition* of eppreesed tax-paper?, nado white
g reports ahee aeeasaHoas have been ma.l
aeuinst tho Board, an.1 vole l m liions of the pahli
money to cavo the Uo.ini from baBkraptey, It has give
a cou tract to one of tho Boheel T. aitees, aad tfeoagfe b
was iipp'iiiei B!ialr_B-B si sss_B__dMss la tarsstlget
and report why tfeS f M t I h > ?I te lefeSt. lafS nol i?e.
paid, lio report hut yet been mid.'. It ll lapofted I
BaTlBB given a coir ract Is S l'.nl.i.lclpln i BOlltlr_SB.S
bI least to ban soarraagsd Bsatiersthtt Bs Isafe fesse
w itii him iT'j.'joi of the profits of as ?attaet, a parts
afetsb aas ssed I ? pay aaas of tm sxpeaeee ot the i_._
National K -publlcaii C ?nventiiii.
Tn-' v. ork has eosl in>>. ?? th BS it woul |, liai It been ope
to competition. Tho Hoard's price feriarlas wool par?
me;,*, after Ihe Street BBS 1> -'"D Bra l 'd ami prepare I fo
ii, hu* bsss t-i ioa ajaars per i. Whether this ? nsors s
less than feSB b en pai 1 in other cilios is a .] MStfsa ol m
coiiS",pieiice ? it is m ,rc tiiav the b '?it wood BSBenMS
ought te (Nat la Waehlagtea, M *t., b.w., rasp i
mi icr a oontract m i i ? '.y B eBBHStS-toq appol ?( ??*
('.liiere*?. Affe r BXanilning n virly u '?'i'i Ired
kinds ef pavcin nt. the C mi nUsion tole, tel tie on,
which tftepsoBsidered best, aad hstias -df-rttesd fa
co:ii|? liiive hi i, ih- work was swarded at S) g) a jsrd
BadIfelS included grading an.l all SB WOtk duMOS tfel
HassBsaalks aers sal a't tafesaap.hattfesi
ua lu n* g.????! eaadtttofl si ths bbb eass i iM Bf n..
Beard? The Basa Mseats f >r M it, a? is leea thaa m au>
-tri -t m ths . i y pared aith wool by th- B tard, ami tin
work le the ferst 1b the ____?_ Tbe Ijuwarssaest sf F?et
Where ti,o ?arriii_;e-ivai|i8 10 or l'_ bet, aeal
ssarlp few a eejaara psrdL That the srleeeptdd for work
hare sees too Ugfe Is also prored by tim ovaipetltlni]
tin i ? teas Is > i te liiiko contracts at Board pensa in
ti. . i"! i i : reepoaalUs ffeeterawood.pat.BS
<? -ion and pl.u A ll
of nn aircut a \s iitt.ii agree n, nt to pay SC
S ' rl for all contra ts i> 1 iy tkelt
v i: ,ar.l price? that any (MM wonld Beenre fo|
in. ,. las n..-eut w.i? not sveeeeefal, I al i ibsee
on. "m- ol lbs mont p?pala i wiui n. i,,, i i,
adsai a sreat amount of work. In tale eaa
r<", ti., n a clean Meal frota the D_S>
; let, from tbe iiropern-holder?, or from ths tfsltei
BBtS a I on every yard laid hy this tlrin.
i ? n .w afee asi it.
l on" ll.? of how much the Board ____sfe_ have
BSTodeatha HIS -Bliss ef treated wood paeeearat that
It has laid down. I quote from the t> s'.lii.ony of Mr.
B? my s. Darts bt tore tfes la*reet_aa_toa < s sBrittaa la
Mr. Devil baa Iwn lor loor.- than ;io y,,i, ?
builder mid contractor In a lumber
mill until 1W,7, mid fees fiirijihhcl tie (?ov, rnment with
?.Hat gsaatWss of lauabefc The faeta and pri?es la
which BO te?liliel were BBtBlBSd by vimU.ig the lumber
KglOBSOl Pi im-vlvaii'i. lie *.ni| :
I ? *i 10 per vi.rl ?Bleb tin Hoard of P.ibllc Works,
In tiieii p, iiiii-d ?l.ileinciit a.Ion s a . oiitt.ic'.oi, gives a
proi....f.i io a yard with lbs present wretchedly dose
work ; and. ii |he aorl was <i. ?ell, would allow a
"ill iu aml ?. naciic. A thousand feet of lumber
i?, i la? i?l rar ,t of parement oi tli Inch -, Iu dopte I
ioi inii ion,,, ., ._, ; n tsiukIt east? about,M
g that tlioi-iici , i ? or iniiio, i w .o',) n ? |i, ',, _..
in?!,?.'. Tas minai east of sawing ts li M.aodthispai
i nn eotapaaj na? Itaotro lawiDg-machiae; but I silure
iiie-mi' urwe es If it had to pay for aawle-i. I.tying is
laid? "i parea di ou asad two laoues desp, ousts ?
ti l- 1?. i-',i pit?h I silo * ', o ni ? por i .i, ,i
iiiiicii is a heavy urlcefot 1(. T.n* mases tue cost ol i-i
y,,il?,'i i'iveiiicui, tai .0, K'ili'g a prodl ou tho lloitu
- of 181 a
MOt the Hoard has not b -en ?xtravagant Iu the price?
It has paid for wood pavemcus ulo.i.v Pr?valo run oi .
. ai get aiino?t am-k nd of ?ork .tone _j prtaspgraatly
Im'Iow tfeeSS tfeS Hoard has pall. Li.'?ly SBBls a ?, i
Ii ,- i? en IM ptiSS for la nig brick eiil.- w.tta? ; Mr. Darl?
m m? isau-Bsai ateswel ihat ifesi seal i have basa net?
ter laid for tf cenU. Ofl nearly all of tlio Usssis th?
?arfe ilsass Isas bsas sssvai ??ut irom ? io h feei, _ad
miuiatuie paafes hare been i> uit betwsas tue MBiiatka
and the hSBSSa F <r s "hling IfeSBB pu k.? Ih i H flfl I h a s
paid .*?f) Seal, a vari, Bad in iiiioieroas m ?lances tlie ct?u
tractun wfes task -ha Jofe sah tat tl ut -.'o ssafer* Any
?ontractor wool.I I" glad to lay nod.? lu this illy, aft. r
tli| -radliii.' is don, , lor M BBBBS n ynriL Kiiialli, Ihr,
Beard bastfoas i _Baal ssssasaaf saaaBBBBStf work.
______ ?iiriiin.' an.l hi.lcwslkt have B-flB lakuu up und
? iiii-j swar*and newaaas aal us pad harehsaapal
,1 aast thl ' I, ch I Inive k'lien. In oiii: pi.t
of t___asas_-t-s?*__rara a asa fer?ela, sUsvajfe was Uid
tinco the rtoiinl ti is hatl control of the streets, end after
a few months It was taken up anil another no better put
lu Us place. A it ii'l'iu in told tin? the other ilai that he
sut*, oi Capital iim,two aaatraoton at work on taa
same streoi within sieht of eaefe othet T .> first wat
put-in? um tattoo?aad iae ataaad paalaarlnaaptta
llr-t on. 's work uu 1 repavlni: it. Ily ?onto blunder tho
?BM? coiitru'l h, tl be u >.'v.-n to twa men, ?m t it wts so
in ??fl'abl ? that cae.i w:i4 dfiormlued t> gel lut-haro of
Um l'liindtir.
Ii ltiioi true, as th? li.ur,! reports, that It enn NBtril
rotitiactora nnv be,1er, get be l-r work from Ih mi, ?r
make tlieni any mure re under Hum p
system ihaii under Ihe emtoBMU v one. I: I? |tist M I I ?
Il tu I entitracU lo r spoii-nilc men, retain a |" le uta;'.*
of ?lien pay, und mako lin m is'.vn BM Is lo keep their
work in or 1er three years, in one cuso as m lin
The fact Is, the Hoard'? s\ ... in BM lulled taatohO-OB
Iraelan ibhhiiibIbIi Bar i?-;r work at nit. hceaereto
pavcuolii lall dOWB BI Nlillll-1t., II. W., la?t I
iill aben lo luc? i ?. Ab ..ut ?t month rt'.'O the Hoard or?
dered Hie matraotare te May II hefare IhelMal _di
iiionth Hut the Hi iu has yd up a pr.v it? i| i ur. I of ill
own, nml Ml part of u has cut out uu injunc?
tion ?i-.uu.t Uio other, und affuimt the Hoard,
ttWblddlBI c'tlier to pit fin- street In order.
Than li pood ioojm M heuere that UM vhota
thtii_ Is a trtrl m the p.rt of the ? toi I to
aioitl patllaa -1'?' street In order. It I? WtM that
to repare Ihe itroat prefoMy *-v 111 .n?t u 11 r 11 -- mmi
tltuii Um 20 per cent r< taluel by tho Beard,
Bad lliit tho contractors mad" so tiiitt !i pr.iiit M the ulloid to lorftit BM MNMH i -'?'?
mo Board roperto tohnropald ahsmt n.'.oio for tin?
pav m. m, an I I uni toll one of Ihe Hun. I?
adklaj for tlie iiijiiiiitiou ?*.oiolliat the niollls of tha
job nan t7o.i_._i
The opeiitlloiis of the Hoard have been on such a m.iK
intlcent scale?110.00', ?M worth of work hat In? b, cii
done? these ii.ii.* iwiadtoe (aad sun? of umm i
hare d aerikeeJ an of reapaetnhli Baanitad-. immbi to
i m* a ttrtg it* u< h monaoni mm? Joel tho imbbbI
thai u.?. i.ii'ii ?noted m allowed t..? t xi m aoh Ay ua
lull. Una) iitteinpts li i.c In en made I" tl 1 Ml how
much the arenga cost per fool or yard or iMpreriaa
street? m Manul \gtam aa? bom dartai tin* lato Ina
j furs, but the reports ma Ic liv the Hoard and it? a.?-c -<
m-n Is have bei ii ho imperfect la detail IE it -Of. IMe?.
lsfaciory rc.?ull? have been ehtalBBd. Il > r.l?*r II l-MW
lu art mt, lli_ih_i< m mm r the IrOktoM e\tt.ivi. I
i in- Board, i have ih t. fere Mad ? a? unfal eeesanlnttoB,
i.t-. d ou Unir own in "a? ?renie il. ?nil Ilu* bills of ei
pci M which th ? Hoard rep >ric.| In (' m_r *-- '? 18. Bon B?
her. ir the results i Bar? ?italael areaotoarrootthe
i,.uu u ..-i !>.* with |ha Baardi will. h. m ihm eise, mbsI
defalM laaaMteMiiata or ererahacaed for Um
work tloiic.
la "> ici to tind nut nnythin? from the R 'anl'- reports, If
me Mar. to know mm Method Inwhtoh i
r.* m ?i . it .mi a earelal atady af the reporte ol
BM '.-I ??f liiiprnvin,'a:>oilt :_i streets u:i 1er the m
uicnt of the llo.nd, I lad tha?, to tin* total cost of tin
?inet and ae WOT, the Hoard ? Id? In per I *ntfor i;eneral
lipcBBM. Fi.uii tills ajraaamm it dedaeti Um amount
I to the United I :al' ? M 1 Uto MM "f tin* wora at
the inti ratc-toM of ?tree to. 01 ibe iom dador M -unid
i? a--. ? d on the ^?joining pr 'peity. M 1 la _?_!
paid on of Ihe geaaral fund. 10 ii id MI Bxael t nt pt I
lineal font of liio work MM. I hiwinil'* BM of a
tomato which I copy han la m let to Mon Hm i ?ru it
ti - -t ?-f iny ramput.iiio.i : Loi O repris ?nt the Mat per
lineal fa? t of ail tue improver, ata m a aaMala ?tracti
y, UM liuiiib.T ol feel fruir?a'. tt l.uveritiifut ploperty
ou UM same street; a, tue front i-f of pr?valo property;
/., the toi ?I MB-MM ilio Daltld S..res, and i* tue
WtOf IholMpfWTOBMnl. Ir. all my calculan .1
hare omitted tM MeaaareaaMt ol Um IntoraaettoM of
?ti. ' t- and the e?i bI lesprovln* them.
Tlie Hoard'hartes to the United .State, tlv -nth., of
tlie trio-- cint of UM linprovoim lit il. fl'u.'it ol 'iu' II.
nieut property, therefore,
(.No. l| ??tv
-~ b.
Ttie whole co?t of the improvenicif ?a ill, uf e.ei* ?
equal lo I lie I ii_*:h of trie lmpriv.iu.-tit Ml 1 .i IMd I -'
tlie eosi per foot, and as the length uf thu luiprovc ueui
is one-half the total ffento "
(.Nu. __ I ( i | | I
These two equations rrduoed are:
(No. 3) xy-_lh
?, and (No. I) x y- 2 c?a x.
Combining;and Mdetagt-MM we have:
(No. 5) _ i -6 b ? b
x - ?, and (No. C) r
A bm 6(.'c ?b)
a Sa
Applyiir this formula to the Ho mi's reports on the
?tic. U tlrit have been paM'd with wood Uudcl' their dl
motion, i ?biai? tho fo'iowini.' reenltoi
\tOtll> I'l VI M KM?.
I.? 4.1? il
I' . i .
11 ill ill
4t.'_? ?i
14 44 t 74
IC I-.' n
II,"it, 11
Ptrl ?il fout.
OL' "I
ll 4 >
5 1
n i_ ?io
-J 4. 1 lu
_?> tl
. l
-I tl 3-.0
43 I- i i
l. o li
ri a
?tr-'ts. I". In.
p. ra.t?i_ m ?.".-,__? i|.. i
y, in. i ._ u .. .'.j.?
. I . I. t , b-M .rt, ?tit. 17 . ..'i.','?j J ..
B, i . tal, i.i It t'lih. i r ?it?. .
.m, I*, i.i?-?.? t.. F |,7.i?_-...i .,; ? ..
lut. l^ou?.-?Tf. |,i F. _,r.>?t...I 4i,4 |..
1 11 it... tin??'. ./ '. I I .,
Hi la I ?tt. Ui N I' -?tt |inv.. i I 0 1 ..
1.4h, il .n N pnTtt..IM* 7 ..
14 li II t? ... ?i .?? rnist-it . il" b ..
; ni, u,- fil?sr, tritt!?..1
? ta, B II. till? I'.iIi.UI?. , ?I.IT'I.... 44J J|..
Toc 11.' n_ a toot, wliicli th Bbare table ?hows t" have
b on th ? i est of iMprartol F-ft., tloet not lucio.b? Ihe
i iu,n amount etpc 'ul. d on the street, bit only covers
what was paid lor _*radiii_* and paving tie street and
t'iiiistrut'tluR tue sewer. Tin: gMdl of tho ?troet was
ili.t ii _'.-. 1 In Ihe lower icirt .o that the houses were nil
left 11 .mi three to llfte. | feet above the tidett :illl. Tui?
m i la aeeeeeary Ih? touldlni ot terraces ami the toytoa
of -i una -ainl.-tiiin i 0pl i '. which ro.-t |*jT,f)(5 25. Tue
. ?ieii-i oi tin- | ai reported iu a separate bill, and M p
i,i ate eMMBMMtl f"i it Wl re made apoa iho property
As mine al tin? wm i; was dono lu front ol Dallad Statt s
property, lin* ?in uniment pa?l no sitare of the Bip BMI
wl.icli WSJ 112 97 4". per limal foot. Thtl utldird tu
|I2 4U u te, the eus! per foot of tilt- etr _, gllM
| i , 10, tho total cos: pi r to >t of tliu improvement.
riie nluo street I n i ,re till) only ones priveil
With wood on which ihe B 'ail I is in t le a nporf, M ' it
?rill be eeea that the arerage i ? ? ?t the improveuu-nit
has beca lio i? :i in par lineal foot.
Applylaa 'he bbmo fonaoia to tbi BmvI'i irporti m
the BMI of l> irlM llrMtl w ith asphalt, coucruti, At. ., 1
itlrtalB Um roilowtaa r?solu.
mam testa wnn aanutar, co .rRrTr. *r*.
' . Totil. I'triu..?! l..,.t.'
? tits a 0-*. .i .
" I".. ..:?'i m> it 81
H? 77,117 67 3? il
? ?I (ig
? I .? ta _,.!.,o? tu i . .! -' .. Mo"! 41 M jo
n ) Iti ta M, pr ??_..<..'il ... Ml i . I i" Il ;-lu
.'? ? ? -4 (,.. I l-'l .') Il il
t., H, p 11? ',.. R.?liri 3. ni 6-10
. ?__ ll,.i. 4W In .. lJ.,'1 77 Ja ml
'?il,. 1' m. iTtv ? ? I MCI
i . 'ii.<i..t.rum L 114 1"'.. leu? 4.) aal
?? X.t.r (Titl.'i ? ., ts Si4 r*J 77 74
tl.T.-_-_?,Oft 741 }.. I7.1U _> ?J 19
? il.;, ?u Nu -i_T?.'i[(_ia -u:? _ ,i r, fi.._u w b.cti ta ueurnilce
' was another of tho streets -which were ?railed
,. ? u M MM- M II r.*.|inre the t,instruction of t. n.u e?
?ad tfee balMlM ol wails. The MM of thin work was
j., or IT -I .-i'l ixr lineal tool. Inn alMd to
| i M ..-iv ? li.; 7s i it?, the total co.t per foot of the ??-st.
inptiivement. ThOM Bl| II l_fM_l am all of (hose
I'.iMil ?win a ?pii.ut or concreto, on which the is ?.tr.i r.
ported, and the areraae eisrt per fout ot improving tue
lll.?l m ten Win. |M 41 1 -IU.
biai.Li? i-Avi i> with aran.
... ? ttneik H. l.r Telsl i*7t n.i-il !,?,"_
Izth. rrast-stt. In riT.r. 7i?lT?t->. ..-i.i.."? t.. g_n-,_A_t bh.o
IU.U. to 7.011 |lTal7... 7si. 4.. ik.l.stj _,, :\t
lu.l.,1'. i.i.? ?t7. i., c?,.?i,..i.iiru?i't ?J 4.. -t.'jj.) 40 _V_lli_
'i .ici it ii ?t. la laid with " Belgian " arid "fluaifl " pave
in m, .mi .-m.. nib-si. Wim "Ku-io." n ??ui Beeeea
i ha the averajr? euetol Irapro' In? tusee two ureeto was
1,4 *J ?*- Ou 1. la til il. there lo no thalle f u COUttTUCtlua
a .. w, r.
I have not Included In the nbnve tables the ?venues
Improved and reported upon, as It would he obviously
un?an to eu.p,.,- tin? ,o?t of grading and puviuti Uw
broad avenu?? of this city with la.f doing ibeaarae
work ..n i ne narrower ?trat is. I have, iherefor? m id?a
..?,..,t ne table by applying Um ronauto gireu aiiore m
ib.-i. puits ..r tbe on the cost oi improving -OUI
atenu?,?the uuly one? on they lepuiud al ail:
?IVI.Nt is lui'itmi n.
Arrntxet. ?'?vtatrnl. Xl? lu.
n. t., -nu t? .?n- ?t,
?intrilt. hrUr'. 3,J.*0 9)
lit -IU ?t ,
30. II
1, ftsl . Srtiirf.
I ,.:_!?_.,
|illTal7.. Hrlgiis.
I I . I I
.,.,'., I
a. is Istl . torhui
I t?. _ pil.i.7 .. ? A ....
1-? i'ii. .' I,. IIikI i ..flctil ?ml
ll.'., ?_??_?*..i ?IMil.
Vl . I ._ !.. li....
?i. jo t.r.. Alf.b ? : t
Ou l'ouii7yl?aina und Louisiana-?*-.! no rfeat? i> la lit? ul",?e table for.?ewer, the ,_.,!, ,','" , ,
' Inc." at, inns *.,., %,; ,--, _? . ? ". a'1
tl.est, iieed I,,, . oinuieni. I .1
tn u ,
Ji| ?
j -',-14 4 ,
17,110 M
t :_t> a?
? 7 ' ?ll IJ
? -1,1.7 it
0-7 ?j ?10
I? tl
W 43J
?? |
?7 15 8 10
47 IYI
IS-li-li Ij ui e
*' .e. -".-????.. .iu .oinuieni. I ib,ul,t ,r
iiotli-r ?_ BBa bo found of ??en i ?iravi.ranl i ?
p.msiii.e ..u -tr.e.s ..),.,.,,>? ?p,,,.,', wm, ,o._ , ,.|
aim uio ralaeof property. Tn,, at?r,,?? ????mi p,,
lineal fm.l Ipeut Oil.IU In liimv ti,..i, m__, ,,? ?.?.?,._.
iroi-to noliej.e -listed, .,? , ,,'.,, ',' ? tli\l*
Hi i', ?t ami uio?I dm able p.iv_inent_, K?ortu tiisteu.l of
wnh Umm luis'ui hemoaaa, tin uiu_,i?f ahicu_av_
ii. a l, j. uve.! lo bo nuc? b.lliirea. trherc they bava
I u Irle I iii .i,her nil.-. Wiiul ladUoed the Hoir i Lu
li-,ul Hielt minify -u .x,ratai; mil? n,.,y ?? t___ .?i.i,.,.,
futuio lur-sug-ti-ui, and urn Uioumot a lulu.o It U*i
vital oiiauaotkhist:
-O? ' -
Brown. tstcruBB ?v prof, aga.?
imiisi; iBiMinKiaaiaiiiii or n-M-O
____bb_jb_ an iiptbb_.t Btttnt_ta_ri kim?
TI1I.I.1UK.N B?-TUB ltltAINS OK lISlll'S?A
________ OP llll'. ItAI'lAlf.H.
|Klt<?.- an ?>.'. a -? i ? ? > ti. < UBBBBWIBBaWT or tiik tu
CLuuuooBi M'^- M;*y W?--TImi foil
lecture u__.sdci.vci d bj Prot. asseois, unthfl
m tius M'l-iciiiiiel ('"in ? iraSlre z ?ftefiy :
1'iom the _____ 4 .1 "y the BBBBSSl power?
hue l,eeii 11 BBhJeel f'. IteS study and nieillt.i
philosopher?. M.i.iph.i.sicia n fears con-1,1er?
hold ot im, ??!_'.,'ion a* en lasiv.-ly aud MBBSttall
own, und l.uie iooWc I with j. alou?y upon any at
in ? m h Hi'" hiil-l ?.??. iiimi nnotlnr BSlal "f
With Ha icviv.,1 ol ISSIBtap. howrrsr, In the ?ii
century, B itmall-ts beiu'iiii lo ?.StSSI Ha BBB
Usas "I im eii.'lr,') "i animal* with ISfSSSSSS I
Btrartare, Pi***-* that Usas forward reeearrh bai
a m w . lire? lion ; p.?i i liul",'y and ph. Moliutv ha?
?> .1 t.'n.lli.r ; it luis been recog?,1/ ?,! thai IfeS
i.f the mental power, both la BBSS and animal?. I
,,i I, . s ? ..11111 Bled with tfeell ? -trui or.aiiu ill
i? m pos-iiiic in a r day to dlsrSSS anv un ? api
-jursti.iii.s, except lu connection with certain ori*
tnc living Botj. WtltesBl uii'Utiil inauif>?i
ar. iinpo-rii.:.-. I hhull not ?ay, n.,r ?Io I bellev
t lit- un a,lal faciiltien lire B product of tfeSSS Oigan
I ??t ill t-av \v, Indeed, im cry ol.i.rvln.' BBSS
uckiinwlodg-. In it w.tlinut hr.iin you have iu thin
Bllfesill MalS JUS feSTI no latplSSafeBS of Intel
power I will,oit S nitain .tincture, no BBMltel
even ,f ll." ll, tin?'live fa, ,'lles .?.ilia" IcloS'l I
lower iii'iinal.s Is ?M)?.-ndc. 1., the . t r... tar?-, _
.tincture, tfereagfe Iks strastars d > Ifesas p a
and ,t is hy the study of si iiet.uc lu cm.
II ?,? powers ih it we in ii heps to Isara bobbs?.
i heir Inn. nature. I do not inn in to BSP that lal proc? -s.i uiay nut lie coii-1 h red hy tfeaSM
fioni n purely met.iphv-leal i? of view; fest ?
led more an I lion- to con olei tli" htrn I in> o
organ? through which the mind BCtS SB SB < ? Blla
ol the ?i.i jut. Aiiatoiuy innI physiology ?re Hi
Ural u?' ? ol inelapM ?les, ami inil-t feS takni
I'.irtu, r-hip, wfeether ths lastetaas Ilka n or sots si
ladead, tfeep are eoatrated to lekeesus fefea tradll
?pcciil.itioi,* of pvil,,.,ipln In past SB O,
AYA llll MIMAI. I I, I I III ? Onl
Tiierc I? Baal her way of nppioa'hiiig the (it
will, h ha? it? great ralae. The wladossol tfesfei
raes Is eoeeolldated si ,1 were ts tsajpiase. Thai
hers ? on*, ivi.*,> m saros i"ii-i> preeerrsdtfes
i,.-ait? of their BSatalefforts?as the bbobBmcou
pre .-ion of th. 11 natural im mal gifts. Hy I
parlsss <?f laasaasas. an i even or Isolated word
m.iy form BBBM l'lea of tho BBtlastta BSSB IfeB-U
h ivc put upon tlii It own mental faculties throOf
i.'-, eut natiovrt hare i?v no s_eaaa
* nu ? i,, but ol > ipr? isioa le t\, B_aats tbeda faeul
and ?'iiic BatrOBO lcil?'" ui. s distle. ions bet
ipeclal mental BaWSTS v.lilih other? do not i, c.?
1 i,. _aaas| " "tl. BSSMS M i?''mid ami HfBBB, powers,bibssIbbhy the fo
the r. ih, in,, ai [apicautlTe, ? neablnlns power, ?a
we mai traaelate a? 1st? Uect, int. Utgeeee, reasos ;
lii the latter the mo n?, loitS, SpoBteBCeSS ill tl'?
no nial lor, c, without that ? ?. nient of logii ul BBQB
nd . <iliiliin.iti,m WllleB iM'longs to i otis. iou- Intel,c.
effort, oui i.,iL*.i-ii word loSeUlseace naden peril
u.i Oer_eaaesiasaatf; bal taase. aalees we .puiiiy
pood -, ti ???, m 11 un m ,n a n ?<?, ot ja ut -thai qiii
III ?hurt, Wlilcli till " of and 1'li 1? ? B n i
lii.? wtthoal ?oii-i'i m-, h.-.ruy 1rs asistes
.. m, m ttmunft, Tm-11 u.'i the ptaaiaaf have I
knowledge to follow this kind of lltUStratMM? I al
te it ?>iilt he, ,,ii*.' the BBSSparatlrS value ?in.I ?ig
.an,',? of word? ha? a larg ? .?hare in Iba iBTtStljTSIIr
in. Iital <l lalitn and tneir expn ?
Are ad mental faculties one I I? Hiere only one 1
of m power throughout the whole animal kin.
diBering ?uily in mten-ity and ran.-.? of inaiiife-taU
In .. -i i n ? ot ii.liiur.ii'lc l.c vires given late,y iu lJo,
i,v in. iiinwir., .sard, hs laid fesisse hie sad ki are a
, h.y ol mental powers. Through physiological
p ? nt* i ??inI? Bed With I Santal study and eompari
*. hs has ' Bsss t.? tfes seeelafetBO t
tin re arc tv ,. set*, or a toSblS set of nn utal p iwer?
the human i.rgaui.-iu or a, tm.? lliroug.'i the hut
,,r_aiii-in. i ?..cntially d.ffcrcnt iron each other. The
ma i la -losljuieli d as oae onflssij eoaa leas I ill Ulsan
Hie other a? a -u[?crior power which controls our l?ei
safesia*solves. sbbbbIbbss saddealp aui uucxapte?
nu tien iv?i,, p. our pSSfe-BSBS and pcrpteutiea, i
ge-t- the r,i?-ht thing ut the time, acting throi
u, w itliout cm*, iou? pstlea of our own, though BUSCO
ole ot training and elevation. Or pBSfeSBS I ?ho
IStteersey our ownorfsulsm may be trained to a m
plaetB iii-triitneiit through whi, h ll.i? poner net.? lo I
. BJCSTSI? BSCVUISS <N am. >i mi
I SO mil ?e.? why this vi, vv should not lie accept'-.I.
1- in haimoi y with faits a? far as wo know thi in. 1
Bspsit-BSBiB threacB wfeleh ny friend Dr. Browa
quiird has rat,*tlc>l himself that the -."lbtto l ich mi
of the Iiiiiiiin linn., al.out wlich we ____*fl
it? . oliiieetlou Wiih mental pi Roluetiu
acted upon hy a power out-lde of us as faii.ili ir w :
IfeSl StSBBSIlIlSB BS wo are l.'noruit of It. BIS n > I
acute thau they are curious ami interesting. If t
View hejil?t, the ('ii.-tioii BTlSSS SffeStfel I tin ? '
< xiat to seertalB aegrlh sad ?ltala sartsis t?mit?
ail hlsfeor uuluiiil?, and whether th,ip arc found ut
In tin-lower atiitu.ils. Iu tho decision of this ?pi.-li
anatomical BSasMstatleaS cauuoi fail to he of Ifl_p0
an' e. Tin-1struct ore of tho frain.? and ths disposltlos
t'.."?? Berroas Beaten fears s itwiata sattanaltp tfesoas
out tin v?nolo type of verteorai. s, iiiciu,l,n_; n.
at.d man. lu all, the brain und spinal uianow h
the tame oil to tho re-t of the stru
ture, and from tin ?e nervous center? nn
Ibe aSffTSS wfelefe fS te Sil part? of the bo?ly. Ill u
not m, stui, I i w o eau trace lu all ISS tSlB BISS liant
powsn akta to tases of _aaa. Wo cannot deny to tl
higher Baissais -um.) BSffSBS of argiiniintative powe
nor an action of the reason and air utious similar to o
I own, without ?hutting our cye.s to the pIslBSSt aid mo
iii.i.iisiakahlc fact?. You will lind 11 Uitlicull to p.
Miad, a u an who BBS BOefl lutluiat,? with an in'.clu?;, :
(log that It? play?, ita autie?, its caro of It? young, 1
luvo of friend*, its ir> inoiy of them and loyalty I
Ihetn, dm. r lu kind fioui liko r-utiiuciits of his ?ti
How .Iocs tho ?Icllirht of a dog who ?tart? with fell BBB
1er for a day'- hunting, evidently with 00BOB-OSS antic
patios of the pleasure before hlin, differ except iu sfeU? of c.vpre.s.siuu from that of tho hunter Inn
B If 1 Animal, are certainly as keen lu BSIBSpUol
u? ready lu avoiding danger, at watchful ?
their lining BS man . putting BBS IS SkSBM ?oin.iiiii'
by their tender, BBSfllHsfe care of their off?pnng. Indec
Ilu thin iiioia! i, lal.ons they givo SVMSBWe "f a nutiir.i
tense of right and wrong as keen If not a? ?useeptihl
if liiglur .li'v-clojimeni as that which w>- lad kB BSBB
men. Therefore, I gay wo have no riirht to .l.uin i
puillcKcd iKi.-itiou among created uiiim.iln on tin
ground of the nature of our mental power?
We have ,,_|y this great privilege anil ?iiperlorlty : tha
we can train our [?oners to a higher ?orotepBBOBt' thai
we can acipuie, in, ri isc, an,I pi*, r. w ?doiii tlirougl
aeciiiiiulutcd kiiowledge. aul with tin? felffelS Olido.v
ment come? a BSfehW ISSpSBI iiulity.
a _aBBBB8Bf BiNi? <?k i.Mi.i.i iiii.Niii: in IBSBOEB
Il"!icic, then fore, that vet t? I.i ates, m raaltlllBlIJ
With the r-lu, il.ii i,y of tlnir or.-anu atinii, haw an id. u
tlty of in. li tal faculties, dill" in,, only in ,1, ?re... \\ Boa,
however, wo anal) re th.? m IStfOOtaUeBB Bl IStoOlSI BOS
iu laaaatS. recalling for IBS-BBSS Ihe c. oiioiny of th? bes.
we ha ve ho longer thy ?aun- guide, imr urn the ai ts of
tho tame character. W? MS IBSM u totality g? power?
aud ahll,tie?, thousands of bOtaSS actiug for one end
s., m,niiiy \i Uli une aiio, very iliffereul irom tue in ii
vidual inielllri.-ueo ol man and im- higher .tiuuiai? loe
a.... t'Uiy ,<t the I use? i, the sfeyu? tun .m,i arraaaameoi el
i.* Berroas sealers, the Bistrifeutlun ul its oervoet Suero,
snow BBB totall. Ulli, ?ml oi gum/..I,iiii _ru_B tu.ii .,f
ih. vcrfiin at.*. feTe BIS thei.-.oi ,? i, .1 i,, BaSBBSe, ami
p.iiiips ob a U.lluig i'.im, I'.r all our kiioivi, .,,',? of
tin M iai I? 1? in Hs iiifave. , th it then in uiif, ..laiioos of
ineiitai fu, ullic? among ni*e,ts un- peeullal pinicrs
UuKiioivu to u? and to animal, ttiuc uruily allied
With Us; hut nirtlilolte.t Widely BUI o hi?" Hire. Is ?ml
exuil.illug alino?t a? meat eomparaiiio dlBoroaee ul and inicii*ny bs m. laeuliles aawas ?erta
liia,??. In. ic lo ll.i (lie.?it'?ill !,.,,<? of icuipcla,ncl,
tm Instance, between tee ? ilotb end tun . tap
U',11, looin,.'V, man netmen ? li. - -mis 11, eping in ,. , i
drat a i n a: IttSlf orer the'id, m id Ule gr__ISUu--p. l in
IBB oull.llty., lu B SlUgll I niulii ,.,ll> . ,-?,
lli.-le IS B In ilkcl dlff? nur," Ol I, nip I.Ule ill 111 ll,, ,||,
1.1. ut kind, oi io.iivi.iu.iis These si.problems wbieu
Uwaid lulerest ererj talahlog wtttsti solail
ol,?, i lal.on lltHB the llli.eai n.'l M Well Bl the 1? ,, I, i,
far the BeM M wholly sew? lut. iiu.iu bcU aasSas Ut*
mi? um nal tfes result of ez|M neuoe. They propon tur
<...nin,,,,i? iii.-y han BarerBimwu, un.i Biamiesi the
p.'Wii ?c are wool ts call thou lastiaet at Uielr otrtu, wuila Utey an Mill laclusedlu lueir calle, fue
llalli II III lllel.lO.I . (if til.' I Olli!,I,llll. I 11 iff I l. ry lllllci,
a* Wo Have see,,, In bBbltS BBd lenpciaoii-iil ; ,mo ?, |
UtOro II in? dirt, n-iieo of oigan.I il ion liclivcen illv.uo,
W.ilklog lice, ,lu,i ,.,|,.c|, n.e. I: , IU "iill.V . IBSB, tBOUgu
lio II ni-ai., tat. mi |, tile tooi w 11. mot Wool: Ut?) St-UUvll
inauiii'i lueutsolrei m um way? these Bseu?l _____.r
in"'"an imii,., Bdeal of ors?alaaiwa.
?USB ??c uiiAi.. m? iM.1.1 m BBBtAl. _*__rP8B8B0aa?
I i. m, inl'cr that tlie la?| papei I read in BSBBpO hcloi.?
BSSBB-I IS lui- cuiitrj (,? |?i,' the II lieio
for Alvuiici nielli of Helene? Il ?nil lt. In Hl. ) ,ia?
Uf oa lUy tu. lu of lltho-i. t attumptc.l to Shaw, uud l
think I did show, although the subject hits not advanced
a step sIiiim-, that the harnt? und uutiir.l dtepaslttoa ?f
that cliots of animals are euliieli iiidepotide.nt of tha
chaiael. rlttlc features of III ir ur Hi. Klsbes of tlie
llBBlait vitality. ami e_.ece.lin,ly aettra In the pur?
suit of their food, surli as the trilni.m, trout, and all
Ih-trenits of have u brain I b-ntieal with that of
..tuer repreaaataUrea ol th.- shiu.? family, soefeaeibe
whlieflafa iCoieii,im). which feed u;")ii des i an I dee im?
p?t? t org miC -ii'xi at ees, d" not hunt a liviti/ prey. |,| |
m?o psaeeial,quiet, iu ?B-BslT? aunn ita. Ta? allais pi M
in. ?lia? un- iti'iiiui i.o mil? ?? "f m. u an I mi mils, t....: 10
aoel them with th.? inp.fior or_nnli.ittoa of ?pioial
pan-, in? failed. Tim hrale la It? i ' ility is aa "
peoullar ?trocture thru iitu w.iicu Heutal power? ar.
lnallfe?|e,l, tliuiu'll, as wu llaV MT? III I mi llDl.llt're
i . t given, iii-. uusiitutlon of the hraln m iy im lbs s un ?
un I tue di-ptMlt-Oa and balirls ettl ncl v mil nut. Of III?.
iiit..rj ul theaa nutntal ponera anl lat-lr rt-Uttoato
Htructura! oi.r.ii, z hou I aii in pi. i ?r. I
oneraagire the rreulMof au lnre???M.lon o-sfore tue
inVi-?titf.i.lui Is mad?, and w? HM Oat M tuo Ibtctuuiii
of llie.ili till le ..
Let ua rrturu for a moment to the oth-r tl Je of the
que?!. 11 ,t, are tlxtte power? trui-in tied froM gee?
Oration to _.'. morion I Through what UttOUmy are I.i.-y
sn haiulini dowui laui iuu rewind yoa ?g_iu that Uior?
i? not a ii vi ig utoug, animal or regulable, uni ?-? i rlred
from |b? inn! lina . r ill vision of auotuor Ilk ? itself, em. i
lit? md m i ?.-n iroiu the greWll of a;, egg, I'M M_t I
report, totM?u ve tin . i_,.i nhtoh tha i". hUtory ol
.m- hviuf toslag n fin-i before It la ra Ireiiuiotha
i.i-iiii y of iiiiotaer 11 v i ? i ?- ?i in,'. II IX ????i',- o
1.11 Ion. lue ?g? of a u am. nal ?!?.'? n? I to M a til nial lit. ?
tfee ?ne 1res which a prooaoded, i.i" ovalo oi auo._?
gives m .'? to an a? r i i i ?i M to aa o xt I. ? -iy.ui.i__r
tones uonn to tbeega, and tee era lo itt doveiopm at
iiiiiohls all it MM receive i ; uiuoils every fa nil?, ui po?
sition, featuio or oil u.'iurj li.i..??i.,. I to I by UM
ci,, in from i.u.t.'it it Uilerived. nuilatru?
evoiatloo a_s the facts af aauire gir? It to a?; anl I
bailer? tins is ihe sou?*, anl tha? the klBUU wiuia
wiiicli ol ? tine, . vo.ulloi? a iu my U?."> p. a B. Mj _-??
litin.ii, to piudiic au/ihlug oui wuii w.u i o i
tiir.uiiih iiin m t!'*i organisai, nor .1 , I oeli.-vn au.
egg tu Bar? tiid puWMvi srolrlag neat to u.i in u.
? eri..iuiy wt toan ..?-?? i. known ?o us, Ua tti i
aiitii.l i'.|e,(,,,,. i),-, ul afeicB M IU U un 'e-sil- i,'
coule >mi ?i n ii atroTy eaMl i de Bottom! it does.
I'hWUgl liollllllii CSU Culll.* OIK of UIO rgg O ll lala? OBI il
(m i gx iMlUgl iio.u i.i eiMOatafJ , U Iu I ? oa? BOtWBlMJIy
uu.uia all i?.?) capa, ?u.-.- molos i witnl i it.
mi <>l_l_-TIUN.4 Of* Oitli.I ..
ITob IBmiIpiinm Ml|laaiad is a < r-nt (M?toa
from that of their iiiatiitc-iiuee, au 1 o:io for WtOtt Wt
have as yet lioatHW r. Waet.nrr I hey eau bu or ever
have been al'.. rd, "r added to, In th? course of u?e?, is a
queetloB ?i'l' ,i ? , re i oaly la tt?..- light of
gaotogieal aaereoatoa? had I toare dato parto! tii? sui*
l.'.f oat of eo.isi,1e",it. m now, In i BM il WI ?i ires a vast
allay of l'en....'.eat und pai.c ia!nl.i?'. : ai la i- fol
?.? m ,y md ii.iv ? u n ? ia i.ns course. 1 cwoBm myself
lio? to the ll.?Im ? Ol '?? I '??_, tn 1 r ;. . ? m, n ilo illy
mat...? far n? are Im n, the i ci
what It b.w. re. . i e i lioui pi ig I :
m i mem u nt ? ? alva i ?i. i urn a
ti ii.'i'ie iu, there ?< iuu - ? ?
lillUlt.'. .1* bill' -, ,.?-tl 1. at.l.e-, il! . . |. ,.: . . . I>f l 11 r.U
after ? topte af ou? or mur,; gen .ration -.
iTiini ?u.iitr ut uu- faeis ne have Imjcu < axil
.: liu.)' fa i r
.? -. uni to all ino ,... ?oiiiiMi.i lecoMp. . ?
.lid I'lo lib.1,nil of a '. . Ill . .i -. 1 !'..
.??-lie olaiiou o: I n-i )._ ,- i c?o. es- i or. .:.. . I I I? I?
il ri u. a ne .. n. ,u-. !.. a I ol ???? I litiiUl
,.?., ,e ...i-ci v. d that ihe ,? . es
?a adv.nice.I Btag. I"l.' 10 tUft hate ildt II ll I tl L
In such liioluiiirct Ibe mw batug is e 'il.ii . .1
tire. i iMU iu i ue ii i uli* ni,, i .. ..,. i.i i.?le,? idem
lull'iein. e ol tr.e Icui.i.c lu IU ?a I lut it . ci f ai.d . nut
Itiulted to the prettucuou ol tho egg with ayoia of er?
t.ilii diuicu.-loii?. .- ie il -n .. uu ?l ..11. (, i?i.l...'l Ol
lu?- maie ,.ivet Ihe ni'-l l up il- ' tu UM loi ni .il" i o? tie
gerat? ?iv.iv intcwsiinu laot la oounectlou witntfeis
i? ?. iiiou of n. .u ton ...?' ?i - ? .u ? ici- ?..'.u ivp ut d tu .m*
a ?a 111 aud a s'a, il by lui itigOtti lainil.s l.oait. I
Board "i Agnoulttire, oui 1 bars uu oUtoi proof of 11
tuau til? il' i.ts. I bave b- u a -ml t? il
if a tui i?ev ?..u l?tes her brouu -..?? will lay
another t-.-i of eggs erea though Ibera
be 1.11 m lie turkey Iu tbe uoigh sirh > "I. aud
will llano lulo a p?
valuable to poysioloa] than ?careful record Irem um
p. ..- n a, Iaf.uei' ol ail luc?s CWUOorulUg i.tve 11,i?'. ? "? valluus MiUt W m . i ? ,. _ ?
.,i . lie gil p l?'? it? I IIU
? i It M because .?u I.?w |).*?'pli) ?tie in fue n ?ou of
oiT?i iviiiij c.iuuiiii-iy aud .e.. i> i.ia, I Uu uo. aouep?
will? an.? .ialo nuil Uio ma cuica; ul i <?* _ at? ul I
han i .o,ci. a ItoM notil ?rouhi bj suib :ieui ? itn uer iu
any.. ...r A ll is, t.nnr loom .o uate OlliJ
me an inicuo.' ucaiK iu k,?u.? |na ira.n alKMUlU w? i u t ??
?auud-H-U] incaiuMni uluui... annMi_r?i_ivttrot.
A-IIIAM,! 4.
I will now tnrn to another m ? ?e of reproduction quite
lee?MM in tin: annual kingdom, that of buJ.liii_; and
a II dli ilion, lacladiag t-n* p m ? traen? of aiieriiat.? ni-u
erattoD. tto aonMxaal mo?Ii af MuliipitoaUoa. T?iera
I arc many of tin Inwei* .uiimals aaiOM wuich new indi?
vidu ils an pi elueeil v. Itlioill ttOm. UM "ll?p? it);.' o |? | _
pioiiu I ul tie p.i.. ol in a i] n e p , u.i li .- ,.?,. \\ ,,, t,,,-r
? < . .u . i I ih- j lient uale or lemale,u, as vuus
u |?u || une.i v.iy ililhcult of If pun '.voulu
u:..i. i -t ?ml this - _ lu its details, I iji.r vu i
iy vv uk u. 1'aul. .1 i,i.e. I). l)_ua of Y..b-, vv , |_|
i more rxlianstu a ui inner tha i ???
i in:c time now oiiiy i-r a general sk ten oi ?iese
curious i. pioi .i in ?? pio. esse? .n Walt i there
?u a great variety ?moag Bidiaies,
?pi. li ? ul ,. rato b,ni iroui the
fron the Udo? some put out single M -
a t i.i.?-, otbera prudm a ,.u >i. reeeenoe or b iiging, out oi
whiih a number er new individual? may arise slmut?
tauconaly, As Impie u IllustraUoo m I eau vire yoa
IH the .-. i-ali."l. me ,lt 1 fil" A? lau. i. Wueii exp ill e I,
tfee outline ol lue I, ? I, I? like a,i up -.'i
i tip, t nl tin- r -? i ibl m e i? men ased by Uio t.,i tfee upper marsnn, which remind on? >.f t?,
or fringed cu.. of a ilowrr. a irausreree ?MU_n aereas
the i.ii.iy ?hu.vs you tfee peeuuar radiate?trui^ure, ail
i.-ii.:n i ne center to the periputry ? freu
wiiicui.ii annual. belou_clug to thlt lowest typ
animal kiagiiom lake tbeir name, 'i'. ? Aaeuouu Btiutily
buil? Il oui ilu? na-e, B nu a ll .?"Ui-wuat tXpaiioi
triv?. i rue u. a l.,'." rwellin r. Tu
succession of i aaugoe. tt ul i lib ?a? ? ou ?Il n.?- leatun ?>
,oi iu?) parant an.mai. a d i pretil 11 n tube? i< o.
at tho lop of tue iweiilug, gradually aeeo
ealoff till a ba? is lormed witulu, Wuicta
is in.? dig tire card . Tim npper Margin
pats out In i?o,- tentacle?, au I the-.? tent mies opeu lulu
illltl ir.lle.ipoll.lia, .num.n I Wltli tile la I: il ,11,' ?.. .
of t.'iu i'...iy. i. a.?i ran-.! i we u iv? tue same mode i?l b ul
uiuk, iroiu tn- ...-.-; it,.i totoral bwto ii-". as rep.??
? eiiird iu tho lllitiiratiuu. Bue? au inil.viiiiiai. feaviag
eomptotad iu growtu, drop? "if, an i le*___ ?? i utd
deUl life ul IttOWU, An lie in-iane.- is I.ia! U
AsiiMaus, m u mi' i on m c iua ol tbe itar-snapoti form
of tue little pu ? .tow,o'd up m Ib? Mirlaos ol uu' i,n-'
foi'.u li?-ait-, .o.nm i o? lu... a ? . . ? .- gMWtll, ."-..u,
liih'tvnu a .iitial?: total froto au egg, M n a six i'U.1?. .?. vin me in-liy di.pos.-i al ..i,l
itaelf. At tiist they ?com oui/?-unit aweiuuga ? bai i>>
gradual growth au.i on_age?auea .ut i aov? t?... u. .1 ?
scribed lu ito Anemone, Umj ar-iaim ul um luaiures ul
lue paient. 1 iie.v eliial _> , ,e. ou 1, lUlU?
nilitfol lue Wail, alld Uio eav uy Hill? lui.ueU opt i ?. .
the ceiiti..l . av 11 v ol tue p ucu. in) i,. UaVlUg I
lil.illlillv, tu. ) I'toc'. 1 to multiply uv bu.bliu/ iu
o?U IUI u, mid I..IS pio.M? gtMt on till .? i o _\ io.uo.
uity may n ? cuuuted uy miiliuus. lu lut? tutti v: pu., ,
lllO III''III.K'IS Ul I . . I till OU i
i.e.her 1I...I bal a c uiip i.iii.i l.i. . M I? ll atoo ?t.1.1 Un
b la lu l'Ol'.tl, lu NVUll'il lue ItloUtll? ol lue Valto.U m cul bel s
or tue eomiiiuuii.v graduauy ruu mmcIb r, kl tl m ta. n oui i in. (, , . o oui lu ? i?... ,tu_,.
dorlud larrons iruui wukia mo urai_i ?.ut o. .,, . ,
illllii liiki.i IM nain.*, i.i.' A.t.'.eiis .UOaU.l.i.i.. i
U.i.rlirl"" Ul -)lli.i,t',I o?l luUuactl llia-ta, i>[ uiraiu, ut)
tucj aN tuiuiuuuiy i.uiiird.
am , a: t.
Tint fl-ere nre ethers, such a? the Mndreporet, whU*h
rrow lu biriitches ; tbe t"|i un.mal im tb? M iiliei>oi- s,
that Whlt b fnru.s Hie end of tin? braue?, bel?g alt. a; a
largur tuau Ihn ?MTOundlag unes.
- tl...!..'.'II*
as-aaaaS!. r"w bn*'"'" ,rww th??* ?ta. m
dUUuei branch,??.
A V \ ~, ? ?
Cl *' "? OP*
Tie P'rlte. re*cmi.l- u., .. ?r,..-.n*, imt tl ? .*. r'
tlo.i'.'li rlui--l.?|Hd, ?re, ? , Hay B?ter l
tUeh Ufa.-.? IlIWi-,, I -l' I, ?I 1.1 l.._l_)l.
Tfea numbers ef - tn rearfe ro-r-*-" ? ? ? ?,
diti.r greatly, i les "f tarais lax?? ..r.
.??unte,i l?i hundred? ,,f ibnnwndai la .?'Sei? .<ui?
In .1, zu?, |n the !'ia"iellilig C'O.ili. III.? bivcIiiiil- Ilot
Which the lie B ?: ? i v,. ' ,11 ?'?? l.l,'. |,',.f ?, | (
ol Ihe p ir.vt at - on.- h i..-. , nol ... wrh
Bll ti." - ll ' ??>? illBS lut I?, the lend.-iiev lr*-11.*r SMmm t.
-pri-?d upward_indoatw-aral laatrada. eaintiiiliag in 4
solid Ini-s is.-'.,.- ,.'II| coral?. To ll.e?.- w >? n, if
mid a I n .?? f .1. c oa',?. w,11 b had la ?mi? a maaarr u* te
form ll,(. leai'ike e. , in?i 01*. .01 thaaartses ..1 wU-is
may i.e e an the ataatB i*peaia_cs ot ihe ? ...n.t?,. ...
line? WhlBh Col_a,?ooo llaeui. A a.o i_i_._,_i.o U l_,_
?i '
/ of
I' I? a ein nil!? and Int?r?t ,. t_ *t In it? Heertns*.
'1 IB! ? . ?" 1 I.I o 1 ?I"'-' HO US ?.ait
ir. in iii.iiii.l.i.i.s iiori. ii."!, 1 ??_ . ?i, ,,.,
lieeause,as lo tbe eat* ,.r a.- .-? .Ivl_lr_r?l
budded fi"!n a purent may i_t*r<?j ? ? u in, mom
a .v. Hut the two 1 .,.,? ? i?.
getoer. A i?oljp 1*.> 1 n iron, an ? ,
toaie -o'.d : I pntt t one 0. 1.?. re he ?,
Whu Ii ?luv in".. belog! ? x ,, . 1. ," .- n. r?
1? a twin or a uii.i , . bo bath pro
c????. -.
'J'.i, re ire .-jt!..? r lilv '.- o( p "* ? I Bl t imtg ?
il\ dr? ni?, m which the dit 1
of bolos uiiiioi o, b iv '.".-Lu 1 1 .1
functions. .??.' ., .1 1 inn.1.u .1 ?. u a . 1
C_'?, III,I, III'
b boss oie 1 11 ? In tbe emu ... >,__
?I Witia loo.I. I .
. i vi,.?( llelSl UaS
fuiiiatr di..u..i ?? ..t 1 he m
Tlio }*utii)^ tasa who w. ut w?-t iobbs tira?
ano, and who had ?lie ?air of l.ooi? trad 1 IB Hi M
ssrei . 1 resol 110 in I, ha? tune 1 tip In -
lIL, and 1? 'low il.c v in >| poM ?-or SI ' n
?mount ot 145,000, 1 1? 1:1.11 was more lu, _?/ tn_u urn
li v ,n loot... ....... n't .....
Beth Green's reatare la the rs ?.t' t'ie
sate Hi r. (':? na? prated - \_.,_l
ir? Mr. Un u tool, It?tt yg . .1
'?ineigirnr from the BBS. toBal 1 _ 1
them in the upper Watera uf the 1.1,1. 1
1 law i.
lu? ?. iv ii, w . h i, .. ui .d' m ilw V - . , .*
pli_ ol %M 01 tu. ' - ' r
1,-1 can.hi . f a
' a Asueraoaa i?i lao oiup.oyi _i_i t
ieiM o n ?itlug hi m.
_kr___4_t_Bg like mill, iry prec -
jdlBs fees hoaa lotrodooed tat? , lases
wa? a reel cant liicliilicr ot th ?? J, ?' " liai M I
11. ist in-?. 11. iva? , . ... y,
lallt he is now ssj no .o.iia-.T I, \k*\
counted out, - ?
,ng I bat " ue did 1 o , ?
. ?..m p onshtp or i. - at
.li-..,i 1. 1 .1- .1 m il., r of court 1 r
iiniiavi K..n l.B-, it is au
.11 " Il ...
on in'i feel soy 1 ? > I -?-at
will iiar-iii n.- ab m? heart.
What wicked Colly la still eonnaatad Britk
what m I Mil*.IOU I 1 1 .. M. II aium?.? 1
clearlyB . hte be . latatr rtsasd
: . ?es ib Dearer City, as I? '1 mre
? ..llditor.? ;.. ...
ioe,|ii tm 1 \, 1.. ,,'. , ,, 1. . .
- .
Ile M. ,* ,1. . .' . .1 "l
1 l ll! 1, c I h,s
? " .1.1 ,.l ,1,
Thai ' : ' paradii ?. Weatta_oi >la i v B.
. IB B U .i-|'?l"r
1 , .,,.'.- railway sta>
ilass. ? .i ii."?, hm on ths " : ,v bas 1,
tint one ot thcln lu.? .1 in: Liter I Sll IBS ' ?
prrhapa feTeei more land would be hotter ? ? attaaas
.allclllull til. io (?>.,:. It I
l.aivier at all, ano Iu ?
llatOlur. II .
aid. .1 Iai* rilV.ll ti - 1 ??<-. 1'." IB
1- in,e h.iii i. nn! Key d. suas
tbe pi ? ? 1* "
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