irnivVVII? NO? lO-V-?l
NEW-YORK, MONDAT. MAY 19, 187...
t-____._-_--__?.ma ....--?_--,.
LARGR 4lVB_BOHARliF_4 FOR OBB-___M "1-K .miTF.H"?
KiL rk__ton sirle?rKorij-TY oa-NifRs wr _?____>
La*! week a bru f eUiteineiit iu tin? l-wm
4re w attention to tbe heavy charges BM 4e for ?? mtattM _''
of i>r?>i?rn.v titl.a In the, opening ot au-cets iu llrook
IjrtJ. Further investigation made tut.*tkt. subject moie
than confirmed all tho ?trtt-enieiita ?enviously ?mart.* ot
aseeaaive anil useless chare?? ini|>o *?j upon tlx-pat i-rn
oader this ?yste in. A systematic ptaaat _Mf8-|Ma*1ba
expenses for searching tit'.-s . orvcjnr'? und ioiiiii?h
aanor.' fe**, hae lajon carried tu pnm rpally in _a__M
?aher?* the streets hBVf Ikx u ?i? tir-tl unter the
?I llic I'aik ('oiiiU)?.-8lt'n<-p>. Tac "search?*" have i'.rii
aiad.*> t-r Ht MM charg.d fur by tir Secretary ?f tbe
Park t-otnmiaeioncrs, soni. t jiues assisted by fv'tiat. r
Ile-ry CL Murphy, -hoto ciiaig?'? have boon proi-or
_oua_-ly enormous, A <'_rrk u. each Hreet-_.p?nln_;
Coniii.i--. >ii lifts been h|* ^???ii'ril uft<r t u ?" manner of
Ueo H. l'nrmT'tap?'i ?ntiflrut m ihit ?-it.?, and allowed,
ohe I'urser, .oebaree v-ltatever hemw lit for his servi.?a
This clerk haa generally ?ton Fiank Qiren do, who Is
ateo Ihe ngnlar clerk ?>f tfif l'?irk Ciiiu Ismoii. r-. Iti
addition tat-Park 4'<i-nmls-.i('ii>r_., through th.::- ?.iti
lary, hr.4 | i b irccl from 3 to 5 i?t rent aaaaBBMMaa for
t*oii.< no- iii. aaaaaaaaaM Mttal by (Ba Btiaai Opealaa
t "iiiiitisaionen. app mtrd by them, mil lit this manner
the ?* I* ?r k King" fc*B Ik'.u eTi.'il'.iil to realize i-ium-Di-o
iniiui!? t'f money from tlie ?.iroet op< mugs v. hull have
be_-u conduct, d under MB charge.
Th?' foDollag 1"' ? f ?'sl*i lid.tun? ma.le in the different
uutmtt umfmWtatam tat tntk Oaauawalaaan
i .'..t oatlalh ?1 M opi un?!., mu?
eat of City Works it? K.-aiiiiis and pn\ m,.',
-'Ill tbt'Vi hOW eiloIUioua 11 r. - : r r"j..T ? -n. aud
Be w ni.inv inincccs-niv payment.- iin\e l? in made.
ft o> i.M ... t BJOB-T.
The r I'tiiui:-?!., fr-'i't (iowamis Canal t<>
rru-i"it I'aik (..bout setcu blockt). M liai in the
fuir : \ ( ' ? * ell'' '?. 1 - k follow? :
-.119 35 afoot. 197.41.. M
s , I . 11.
..lit I? H lot)._ 4 0-1 U
? .at 1:4 6 i .i !"i)
k . K.-UJ-? f?S
!f. ? .i man n
- .j-? i.iii"ti.i. ut and . j?i aa
,r. l ?'. W. 1 .i 'lira - rec. ivi'ti
f ? f of ? l'Uni i-?ii>:,). 2,047 20
j ? ? aaaa Sui_at__raii4eBi.
Ka . i aa i ? irk >.n baalaa and aaaa?
. Mdl .:
n?nt. pi*. 83
I, to Jan. 6. Ml. 3,: -i6 to
. 4C4 114 405 90
I . 17 ?7
It V. 7,7-4 M
} bj .?.it. i Board (bow tfoaiit of
. 1.4*9 87
f- -. 500 DO
r H. i. ?l t'i'iiv, liis sous ami oi'i.ts
. I
i Udatraet I
Mken. 4i
. i
r . C 51
i ?
Deduct for hontes ?old. 65 oo
of ?net.BIS?,755 _.
Th>* laeutly acnai_> a. m ?-ral thousand
'rein the ti dcroiuit wus
a.;a_k :.. ;:? tumtot Mljlaa tin. a.--i?'i*-iiLicnt. A iarno
Bon af this inleresi ItOBB, and of tlie eliarues iin
..nd lillglawlBg by Ute Board
ITorka and Walar Board, M tagaidad as a fraud
*i?'n i Aaasa ??latiifnii of tho sub
- ?aill ?how thai the .utual labor uu
dtrtt, - i t .uni sliii'vn m t'i<* tlrst nix. it'-n.K
of tir. . will amount on a 25-toot lot to about
MM. ThT. aetu.ti amount asscs.-ed l8tl,'_'-.'niai h IMBol
lot. Th>- ililli renco :n the B__a___-__at of l-?l a lot Is
t . all luruio up m fees und niun-t. Fai__WB_M__re,
tke tuiii of ti.ow on a lot does not include the Bl
llortta laiiiln taken t.i wtden t.'ie ?Ti'.t. That
the a.
Baaament on tomo of tbe lot. nearly 11.20.', or ahoi.t
; w.ik ..iiuifl. ?'..M J
??lili 11 I rivi'nn it, rn.'l tba lr;..t payn.' |
r .i. UTl ; lut the pay-roll of
t . ' .
.rririry. lTi. AU the work that was per
? r, 1-.71, wits tin- laying of tho flac
lp:i_C Bioa the -.nletvalkrt, whii-b it would M_ein hardly re
| | of aa rnnu??er to, yet the
: ht aaaoaat ?_ t |i,i_o, went ou oo u_uai
i i
? i \v4.-ni .'.:<.vavei
. lo bo opened lir ipeMil
aete't ? ?-.?.???... rtM dBaotMai of tin- Earl
:I 0l til'' Cottltlli -SlntllT? liUV
liriiltli-. BaO, th. .
? r.. mi; m,Iii t. d by the. Secretary of the
' -a, John N. Teylur, who, upon p.'ty
taenu lo tr.e C'outrolhT of tha aaaa thu- far ("Uecti d,
n t^'Htliif. nal'.* Ol ?l.JtO 1)5. Tht
.mounted to the sum of $8,000,
?aU.l.r.I'-.l _6 tfimUy
B. B. I'liUllps, $3,000 ; M. Lov
? ra tnadir by J ilm !.. Taylor, who
Marx? I ....'.'?*. for I Ifloat? while i-'rank Qi.-red...
Clerk ? .? r?, at Clerk of the WaaB?
? ? 1 $1,000 fur his services.
U 1 ? 'i?-. nc tved $3,757.
i at which the louiui.i?. tuner?
, in;;'?, roDduct' a t,>
the i. ? . I.y authojit. of the
i and as will be seen by the I -t of
? ')-?the charges of the Conuuli'-i.iii.r.?
w.u! 1 i..?- have > ..the lawyert' fees $i,ooo,
il i it i tMM aa aurtB-T ttbH
l 1 ' .'/kliire. Tue asHeatinetr
?,i pri.jii ity-owuera assessed fox
t ? , --that in Mine eases the land has been per
?nttel to m taken for payment, while a large prop??rty
otrt.i ?. ?.? hive been heavy, offers to
aud fur *U> a l"t to any ix*i_son who .Mil |
lie po\ ??ii.ut of the aaattamcnta Aiui.i? the awatda to
uy the oi_enlug of
. |aa ? B T. .Str..; I :.t of
i .nl of l'ark Commissioner?, rcc< ivi_l $3,578 for a
.j.r.r'ii'r.rit. d In. l!.i (_' iiuujlis-iioucrii.
Sot less .?xp.--i_.ive in lin "opening on paper" is the
eve of tba - ?inui'-v.ird. wintii m spaaed
?odet : .i of the l'ark Conimlfisioner?; the
C-Wiuitaiiin.-rr)' fees amutinUrd to $7,500, of which
I-?-!).?? Kin m ?la $_i,5'jn, V. Van iirtuit I.
I laiaa T BBtvaaa $-,6oo; tout). $7,5?*. Frank Q.
rk of the l'ark ?.'unMii-.lDiHTr-,, a. ti d a?
aoaaaa of Award.-, and AHsessuien;s,
' , .. Th'- .-nrvi-yi.i |
b d to $7,7.. .7, ntt.1 th?) 1-gnl fees to $3,4ei i .,
?' wit pnid to J._>)ni N. T'iylor, Ke.-retary ol th.-.
Park OnaaBMMaflHBa. The ouly items of tins hi:I as
MaBMaian anfl-Da-aai Braaali-BlliiiOiHlIIBa. $5,ooo;
?<_*r<h.h,$-,4U0; other legal expeuset, $1,101 0C; total,
t-,-04 ,*..
Tin I'^rk < n .i < iiau'.' of the wid.n
logof Ninth a?.e. frota the l'laza at ftaapaOl l'ark to the
a'ett Hud?a distan.? of about one-half a city
ttaOaaaaaMMaaanf taaa aaaoaaBMl to $750, of wBtefeB
n?rri*-.)r.. Hugh M< I.auifhllu, Mid Jas. A. Corning re
' IMIaaaB. TlBa ?> Taylor made the ko in h.? in rase and receiTi-d $441 for tba work ; irk
Ludluiii. i-urvey.'r, received for his services I1.J44.
? sTii-T. em
I . th. i lreM|M west, ily angle of I'roi
; .d .linier the direction of the i'aik
Co_t_ui__l_i._ia to 1U Junction with the Cou.y It-land
ir the Commissioners'fees air,
*y t , n.irg. Ntto$-l7, while l^ueredo,
. BM OaaiMMalaaaiai n-i.iv.d Man,
lb,- tam >d Jaba B. Taylor, Secretary of tin- l'ark <\>m
??? - ? i , for legal services were as follow? :
^?"?'i ? .ti-.ii of Ibe titles.$1,-00 00
???- oi _? .ti hing in K./ihi? i, Cotnilv <*I.Tk'i.,
And Ta- OlUce. 'tit bi
T.UUlegal charge?.$i.'i37 55
tot), '-iges for aaaesaim-nt? appears al7o an
?Uaiof $,44 _., for '" three per cen? for colic? tum "
Bl '.i i ii'.r-ii - i y ___,
Tt., r .-' i .oiliititiit ihariie, jiro|H,i InuiiT. ! y, ;. j.] .? ,-i rn
., , of a pabtM Mm t m n.. I
. il,, ui.der th.- auspices of the l'.ult ?'?in
?iigt eutiitly to tli < it),
BM aa >? t kca ry. Xba alamal H aB hi
*_rt>ly made the solitary a war.I of ll?,.?! to tbe ?it. of
-f-oklro, nui, \i_t? aaiKiaaiutut vi $_-.._i lo tu City ol
Broo-ilyn ; yet they rh_.r|*-cd fer their lal?*.r |l,0_0
divided equally between Ht. llayDi-s, Jr.. S. Y Bwpltem?
mut llii?h M. I-iii_tilin, who obtain.-?! tint) each. Join
N. Taylor fared ??till better. He made the tttkti hei
trbifli were not iK-t-ras-try, and received |60O f??r exam
ii,lut: the title., lui.? kiiou n to B? ttOtkt I" i he city, an.
?380 fees forsearehin-, in R?,_.i(?t<r'? mi?I County Clcrk'i
nun"... " Tlir? o per cent for rolle? turn, $327," la ail ltcn
C-inipleMnc the list of the. e ?_*f__a__.
BOkt ________-.. I-All? if IHK ? e___*____f*_> COUKBF.L
The Cm por.ition Counsel i-t?.|niriil I y law t<? mal?
nviii i. ?. in all rggm where the .tree:?, arc open? d by tin
cit.,. Mr. l>c Witt ha* never done Unit work hiintmlf
hut u'niirt.m,l? that th?) law Pinptiwei s linn Ui dele-?at*
any ptttWB to do fhut work for him. lie ___krfN that H
ro Mtfl he it fiillllling the requirement* of Ihe law
There arc person?, however, who think otlierwiiie, an?!
ml. t|,ift tin? law (, by virtue of hin positlm
Rfl ?\ r|ii,ratiun Conns?.!, and fur the regular eoinp'iisa
tion li* i. < ?iv.-r*. h,- thall the seal? hen without
extra harire. As may be imagined. It Is a matt, r "I
M,i!if c?'ti_e<iii('i:.'i' to tlir cttv, which view 1? the correct
one, as laigt? amount, are paid every year for tear, h< _
made in, wlncn if mitde by the Corpora
linn Counsel without ? xira t-hurire would be saved to the
'.ry. A list wm published In Wednesday's Triium:
of r,,|! ( pllVlllllltr t(, JlirtOIlH wllolll tho 0-__R-tH
tien (?.umsei hud ?elected t.? make the searches. The
foliiiv ;_,_.' in mi additional aud Corrected list of ull tin
pa>MMl RN-_- for I'nit pnrpoie to the pertou*, ?"lu.-rii
hi Mr. I?e Pitt, from Jim. 1.1R72, to May 1,1.7J, anil also
the uuiouuls pant for r-iir\. >.? :
KI.'IIAKI? r. TOM1I*. ??t'RVHToH
Jhu. 5? Nineteentli-st., from Fifth to Ninth
;i ve. . -23-00
Jan. 1 ?Kv? i;.i. i ti-.iM"., trotii Mi rtl> ,i??? t>
Cooper-?.., fluid Km, kci bin kii BV? ,
from Thomas to Oeorfe-RI.2,170 13
March t?'l wriiti-?????oiui-!?t., from i?ixih-n\c. to
Seventh BTI. S3 CO
March 0?Lnvvton -t., tioin llHRHlHRJ t" l?u?ii
Mick aie. 15 00
March 9- Bki im.u.-t.. ?mm Smith .t. to Hu>li
?.' I ave. 8fl .."?
Man h -?President-**., from Third-ave. to
loiiitli-avc. f.'i 00
March 0?M,,i,io."-*l , !? mi htuvi. .-.nil -_\c. to
Re?d ave. 62 75
March I?Belvldere-st., from Broadway to
Beaver-si . 43 r>o
April 2?Little Nas-iui _l. 6.77
April v?ciiiitnan 8t., fiotu Tenth uve. to city
line. H 00
April IS?Hnpkitiht'ti _tve. 76J '.'6
?May tl ? Vaii-t-Mt., frotu 1'iisiiw ichave. to !;>>?
-aft *.. 10* M
NLiy 1:.?I?'?.inn .-;., between ?mil
I'at. lien-uve. . 62 00
May 16?Saiati'tt.t-ave., Hfoiiilwav to Hall-I.
ami iruin Allaiili,-aie. loi itv lUM.. 1,147 16
May 20?Howard uve., from Broadway le Ha_
* i] st.,andB i!,''t "ii.-.- ?t. to. it v iinc ISttt?
Jilt,?" 21?Jl-fflTSOli -I, tiolll l-rlil In l'ail lit n ,i\ 0 6| 00
July _;j Nineteenth-?-., (run Nintb-ave. to
1,m line. lio Od
Aug. C? Madison ?t.. li-tiiii TompkiiiM ave. to
Broadway. is? 11
Sept -?Bulln-?t., fiu.ii WoRtraad-Hve. ?o a1 aie.. 201 00
Bppk, 3?st. Mark, place. un t?,
H?l?i. M? Hiitler-Mt. _oi (ai
m i>?. b?War r?al. 2.1 ou
Sept. _?Berifcu-st., fr?iu Mctrand t?. Albany
nvc-. 201 00
tapk, 1 Dmnai. 2m 00
*?"|>t. ?? l'a." aoi 1X1
tapk -?(.'iiiu.v-*!., trom .si,,i.t roa un ?ve. to
Betd-ave. 6i 75
?rk'I't., nom Van Bufen to Koeci
u-ho-st . 14.46
Pept. 6?Kini.'-lon-.'-t., tiom Fultoii-aie. toSt?
M.iik'r pl.ic.". 34C 9(1
1 ?>t. J?Van 15iiicn-.?t., lrom YaMRHIva. to
Lewlawv?. 61 75
Sept. 17?Qniii'"-.-.?!., fiom M ucy ave. to Ia'Wih
ave. 215 C0
Sept. 17?Mi<!.?.>\".i,i -.?t., li oui Broadway to
li irii-oii-av.". 61 75
Oct. Hi litTlnipnn OVO , tiom ?Many lo".
iiie. 173 90
Oct. 10?Koaciaako-sU. lrom .\l.,r..\ i.e. to
Thltiop-iive... Ill 20
Oct. 10?Jactoon-st., from Humboldt-st. to
Kinjnland-ave. 63 7a
Oct. 10?Muur?.e--t., from 'lt._ui?kiiia-al. to Lcii'
?. 175 40
Oct. _.--J'.ill.i-.-1 . IIWID Filth to i-i.\ 1 a ave. .VI 17
??it. 2. .-vvenlli -t . u.'ii. M? i-oiiil loTiiii-1-aio. 40 70
Out. 2_? Tli(??'|' av.v. lllilii l.alal eU.-.ive. to
Mni.r.' -.-t,. S_J 00
Oct. 22?J_,.j.i?tii ave., U.'iii r.i.-l to-v-ioud, and
t-ftb 10 1, nil. -ts. yarn je,
Nov. 19?i?i\th-ii'v, u 1111 lir-t t.. Niiitii-t. u,j H
-S.'V. II ?Koti-l st , tioui l'.usli\vn;k-ave. U>
Itrew.i ft. Jl 73
Nov. 11 ?Huile.?, i-??t., Hum _-um.-l___-B-eve.-0
I." .'1 1.'. (4 so
Nov. 13?r)e_iav,-.?l., I tout liouii --t. lo ?niiiaiuia
( au-!. 17. _?1
Nov. U Oootn Fileventh si, froTR paeacaU .__*?
m m m? to Ibird-ei ?. et? 71
Nov. II?Sack, il et., liulii liouil-st. _o OoWH_i_H
? .mal. 22 60
lX-O. 4?Val. lit 1.HI st . llulll a\et_ntW-gkt Ui
yed^-Wlck-ave. tl ._
DeO, 4-St. Audicn V-p;.icC,Iroui AlUnli. .1,. .
to Uertlmer-at. 32 ,7
Feb. io-Eltrhth-Kt, frota Tenth-M. to (ire?a
\i.""l. 702 P2
Feb. 10?S.inds-..t. Sroui Myrilo t?i Fiur_imj,'
iiv.. 116 25
March _??Jeteraon-at. from lin?,...,,i,-a\c. to
Broa-lwajr. 652 28
MarcU _?llancot k *t. Hum Be.i?urtl-aTv. U?
Broadway. 6C5 to
March 4-I?'.n? ?(? from Albany-nve. lo nty
line. 6.'.9 57
March 17? I'.n.kci -t.un y?
M u, li 17-1. iirin *t. _ld .4
ilill'Cll IV?A':inln-"t. lloiu Alliitui-uvi". to City
lint.-. 690 17
i'.li IIAUl) IlLTT, tl llVtiOU. ?
1 S7'.
'?' iUor.l-aie. aud Ilcrkluicr-*t..1,152 78
Maim i'j-I>'?-'ive. from Midillotun-nt. to FIuhIi
intl-tvc. 162 78
Totil .11.315 60
MACU1C1. 1 'n/'.l I1AI.I.. ? I.11KK IN < Ultl'ollAIIU-l COt'M
ia?St__K-_UM? HiLl-S.
Jin. I?NiTif-Pentli-st.-1,(160 00
March a? Lunt ,ii-Mt., froui Broadway to Bush
?Ai-k-avc. 175 00
March 3?Hki.linati-st., liniii Su,lt?-.i. to Bu-h
wuk-ave. 175 00
March 9?Twenty-he.-ond-nt., from hixtli-avc. to
M-v.ntn-Hve. 200 00
Apnl BV-Il"|>kin.s-ave., froui Broadway to
Hall-st. 2,276 00
April 29--V111' : Kt., Iroin Bunhwick a?.e. to
Jliyaui-st. 384 04
M'i\- 15??aruioga ave., ir,mi Brown t,? Hall-eta.,
and ?rom Atlantic ave. to city limi. 2,681 00
Maj* 14?IKiainr ?t., from Itt.lJ to PatOHeO BVO, 175 00
Juiy _*>? >'ii-i"i?*eutu-bt., from Niiitn-avc to city
line. 100 00
Sept. I TatORBTT. troiu Vau Burcnet. to
l___ei____*-al.1. 400 00
yt.,,t, 3_Ki!'r,'stoii-avi"., from Fulton-avo. to tat.
Mark'H plae..1,145 00
Sept. 8?Van Burcu-tit., from TutOOmro. to
1-ewiai-ave. 200 00
Bepi 17- ('iiiicy-Bt., fiom Many to l?ni-awn. bOO 00
o_. __?l.i?htuavc., froui First to (Second-Bis.,
mid from Fifth to 10th ata.1,13? 00
Oct. 22?,rrouiN'conii toTinr.l-aviv. 2W oil
Nov. 19?-fooutti Bleu ntli-ftt., Iroui present ter
minu? toThiid-et. 250 00
Feb. 10?Eighth avo., from Tenth-it. to Green?
wood OaaaaMrr.2,12510
March lt?Openla? and extending Baa__.rat.-__ i,__o oo
?MaicU 17 -l.iUlbtUUH FoiUlh-ol. 675 00
Total.-.113,700 04
nOtk JOllKWlN, (ll.Hk AMI A>*lr.*IA-I C*9W*M**__MI
?JilLRhtL?81_AUCUl_?lj lliU-li.
F. ... 6 I'edford-ave.13,000 00
Aue _-M.i'i.s"i. .-I , from Touipkln.-, ave. 10
Froitilwav.1,700 00
Bepl 5?Dc.iIi-bI-, from Noelraud to Al?
ie. 7.V1 00 Br-l'-Vc.fl.-Ht.--.-.??. 760 UO
Oci b ?l>iiii-1'ton-ave., from Many to Yiit*.e
. . ?oo 00
Oct. a?Ko.*ciUBkii-?t.. Inmi Mai,.avi". to
'li.rtrop-ave.. 400 00
Oct. A? Noilli-*.t., li?"? Jiaat later l*? l_u?li
viickave. 1,800 00
Oct. 6?Tim?op-av.-, fiom Bala. ct..i ave. to
.Mni.l.H-Ht.1,160 00
Oct. I Doirrawit from Fill!? un-, to (?ow
auuaQana-. *00 00
Oct. 8?8t. Ali'lriis? i'laci-, liolll Allaiilic .11 *.
to II. rkiincr-bt. 150 00
F.n. 4-??anford-*t., from Myrtle to Wanhinf*
ton av. 400 00
March 4?Jefferaou-at., froiu Bedford ave, to
Btttadway. 1,900 00
March _r>Ba__RKk?at., n??m -Kedtopd an. to
Uroadway. 2,100 00
Total.IIMIA! 00
WI.NV ili-bltU -HTRR, lltl.. I.NI l,I-ll.|,'l"AI lOll.Ntl ?
bt A11? "11 ISO 1111 1 -.
.May M -il"v.'?id-?v(v, fron? Broadway to Hal
ni-et., und B.?..iliii_*?i! nl. to cily
live. .$_,_00 00
!j?'pt. I BaltMWtt-, Hon. .S, HaliUul. lo Al
ii.iuv-.iv. 760 00
Bcpt. 3?tit. Mark's ill,..., liuuj "Moet?tUli-ilV-.
to Allian, IV? . 740 Oo
Hept. 3-iintlci hi.. lloiu S.,nlr_i?i ,,viv to Al
l.aiiv-ai?; . ROO 00
I?Warn n st , from Mo 1,, ai
ii.u.y ??? . 750 On
S - Hi -i|(i U-tl., fiom Sohliuii.l .,,. t.. Al?
bany uve. -.VU yo
?jet. I in ?? n "?'?? '" '''. Il.?inl...t,lt ri 1.1
Klmr-laud ? ?
Oil 7-J,11.. ?oil -l , tl'IO il..l.,l?,.,!, .; l?
J___U-_..rti?U-<YC. (JJQ W
Oct. e? North-st? from K?st River to Rush
wicB ave. 1.400 00
Nor. .??Ruth-ave., from IHM lo Ninth st... 1.S..1 Co
March ???Pacific st.. from Albany-ave. to city
line. l.wsooo
Total.Mt?tt ou
oo-TM-Ti- BBiaraiT- nnaa
h?.pi. 19?Mi.MI' ton st.. from Ilroadway to Hur
risoi. ave. $200 00
Oct. __?Itutlei-?t ? from Fifth t.? siiih-ave _gg im
Nov. 1.-?Sarkett-et., from llond-st. to l?owsuiu
Caual. 140 on
March ".?Dean--!., from Albany ave. to city
U-BC . . 1.8?5 00
April 7 D ' iv... nom Mid.Hi to.i ?t, to KliiMli
itigaTe.-. St? (?I
fatal .ii,*? <a)
llhl-Kl laVUOV??l.AU. IHN., llllt?.
April I?-IttM Baaeen M. __H o?
Kipt. .'. Qatncy-au, liaaa Mayraaaal al. in
Held ave. arm no
Nov. Il H-m? ?.. _ _?'?. "oui Toinpit'ii? ave. to
Throop ave . 200 00
Not. 1'.'- Van Brunt .t.. Iruiii Degraw-st. to
H?-c? ?"*.. k ?t . 200 on
Not. 1<?Ji Ii : "li ? t. Iroiu 1C-H1 u_t . lo i'ateli
aii-at- . 200 00
Total .$1,11*0 1*0
\V._. II. ..I II Bl SI AK? IHM. i n i-Ki
Jan. lb- Knl.kerlioi ki r nv. BMBB
April .i Sherman ?l.. ti'.m Tenth ave. tu City
line. ... M 00
Dee. l? Fore..t-at., froaa Baahwiek-ave. t?. lin
mcn-et. 20000
Total. $cje oo
i |.i i.. p-ft-? ??.??ai a TITIhR.
IV.,. ??Bedford av.. and M.-.-l. nur Bt r.'"0 00
Oet. | -Ninth M?i from L ll. Uiliiuhwick -ave. 600 0o
Tutu. -7O0 U)
d,., *'s?Norlh *t.,froui K. K. to Ilnshwii k rive. $500 00
Tin* tloeuro? m? show that Jame? Terry, reporter
of ?he llruoklyn l.oon.ban oeen appointetl a Commln
-i,,ni i in m _.itl street opciuugg. Among tliem the
apeala? M Baltic at. from B_aMaaa_~a io Aftaay?
ave.; iu the o|>eniiig of llutler-tt., from Nostrund-av.-. to ave., ami in the opeulug of W.i>?t> r place, from
.?-.-te ittii-t. to ftataatO-wra. Beeide beieaetveetJela
year [nun the Iiorird ?if Aldermen, and $lJ0a year from
the Hoard of Supervisor ?.
It, ?lair McKdwur, one of the editort of The Ttrioklim
BagMtWtmaaaammnmmnnmWmW III the <?I_flling ol Kllieker
li;-?ker-,-Ve., from l'a. n< ?t. fo ?ir.-.-m ave. lie was
paid, neenrditig to the < ..nlruller'i. books, on Jan. 7, 1873,
MM for the scrviee.
Richard MeDcrmott, a reporter of The Eagle, _et,..i a
f"UiuiiM<ioner in Ihe o|h-mng ol .1 lliioon-.l., from Ken!
ave., to l'ai? hen rue. He v.n_ paid, on Jan. V>, IbTl,
$5?; 40, by Continuer Sehrix-der, f..r tiie service.
Daniel It. Tlioinii-oii, anottier Eagle n jM.rter, I? a cnm
mlsslon.-r in the opening of Ilutler ?t., from Nmtrantl
ave. to Albri'iv-ave. ?M Hoard of Aldermen allow- tht
city iiaii reportan of The ?trao'.iyn Bogt*, B^aafcfyN
Union, and Williatnsburgh Time? $loo a year, and the
Hoard ot tfupcrvisor? gives tliem $l_4i a year.
st?HBOBD1 it's uu.L To B8UBTB TUfc lTUV_,i._
si li-' ini.i BB.
Tint lat4> in vest ??ration ?if tho Bridge m.-iin^f -
tii cut Wal a ii'at (!i?apiKiiiniiiint to the Hing whi. h
controls it, a? it was lntenlt d to tat tii?* whltcwahhlng
reporl at Albany to influence tlm pa.? tage of tlie bill
will? h Controller Sehroetler ban been m the
,-en.ite, for tberelief of tht? pilvate ?torkliolit. rw. This
bill consolidate? the private stoc.? M that M. ?ar-, King
Icy, MiCue, Murpliv, and other?, w ho have paid nuly
ir.ilf their ?uIimniitii'ii-, may be to t.-main iu
control of an enterprise involving n eatla. _!?> Bew?
Yeik and Brooklyn of $10,000.000, by simply owning a
majority of aso abana, ?tr tUIMXn. Bal tbe unexpected
minority report "f Alderman w_ii>\ ?bowing eon
duaiTel* tinit Dearl? MJ_ee,000 had ban expended
,tt hif tiitiMiliig towers an, ?". l tori? which
were .rail irl.ite.l to cost If?? than $I,U-J0.(-UU wneu eon?
plated, baa thrown tin Blag into t onfaaloa, ami no one,
except Remitair Murphr, can no loutnt bold enough to ad?
vocate the bill at Allia-iy. It is said tint Controller
Schroeder now reaoMcalma that hu advoeaey of it is
loobad apon aa aa abandonment tt the Batana record
under ? Bleb be wa? elected, and be hat daaUaetf to bave
anything inore to d" ? itl; it opealy.
in ihi.? iiiieuini.i ti,e Bridgem?nagerabareleeailed to
tbe expedient of getting tbe Aldermen to ladoree tbe
lull by a piitilic vote, which will be Called for in to-day'a
71-j. I. n. < )ne of tlie Aldel'Uiell. W lio is llliiliTtf'iod to I"'
un aapiraot for tba Blag Domination for Mayor at Ibe
approaching electloo, to to "if i a reeolotlon lnatrncting
tr.e Brookl) u n preeentatlrea at Albanj to paaa tie bill,
OI t iiiiim'a in.'j.itlt.v of tin? Hoaid will do whatever tho
political cabal oulM'li- dletate.
i.i:t.w.\, BBOa. A 00. mi. $11 nm UBI Oi IIIIH
< OBBBBPOBBBB It a i ai it.
ConeiileraliU* ?lismay wus ? in
circles on 8 iturday by the announcement that ext?
(randa hail beei iK-rpetrated M New-York r?.
Who tba viitim? were, waa a suliject of gem ral laqotrj
on ??the ftr.ef.'' r.ilorts Were inado to ascertain tho
I Involved, and after considcrablo acareh it
was ist- .plained that tho old and wcll-kuowti
hoiiM' of Hruwn, Bros. St Co. of No?. ? and
r.i Wall41. wa- tho only house that had suffered,
bi d Ibal the culprit was their Mobiio MBveayaaBaaBi
Karly in the day it was ret>ort<-il that till? corri-?poiulint
hail made oveidraft?) for great amount*, bad made t.>o
great rtilvance . on c.ittun for tlie account of Brown llr.i-,
A In , .uni | inter rumor hud it that he had (bCged pai'.-r
on them, the total J0M bet__| vanmihly e?titiiat<-d at l"
tween $iiii n.-i and f'tujiti.
Meeara. Brown Brou, .v Co. were arena to giving nnv
of ttie detalla in relation to tbe matter, simply declaring
ttiat theii low. waa moderate. Application to Jainea -!.
Hrown elicited the Information that the io.?? would not
e.|iial H'.'0,000. and that Ihev had dto?toeed tlieir mina?
ble eoruapondeut, whose iiime nuil.I not be obtained.
?MM-Cnra tha?;i;dy a v__mv4 mi*.
WaLDBBOMB. Mc, May 1H.?Dr. lltik.T of
W.wnrii was shot dead on Friday night by a Miss Mink,
with whom he had been on term? of cilmiual intimacy.
He Balled at lu t hou-.? at 9 p. in., ami an hour after she
came to the house of a Mr. Hpcar crying " I am shot?
Dr. Baker shot me," and appeared to ho In a state of
fi.-nry and great excitement all through tbe night. She
wa?, however, all the time unhurt, but next morning
when th?* neighbors broke luto her house they found Dr.
Haler hing dead on tho chamber floor from a shot
Wim h had entered his heart. The Doctor hail previously
been mi had term? with Mius Mink, aud there le no doubt
that the killed hnu from jealousy.
Ai.hast, May 17.?Tho Governor to-?l.iy
?igned the bill to secure better administration in the I'o
11c? Court* In the City of N\ w-York. Ho has also signed
the bill for tho location of a new City Prison in New-York,
An attempt to amend the Gilbert MM. at-d Itallroad bill
was made In the Senat.., aud voted down, and th? bill
was pa?s.*l to its third reading.
It is understood that the Governor will veto tho Local
Prubibluou bill.
ta '
Cu \iu F.sTdN, S. C, May 18.?Mi-ssrs Cain and
Hantier, two of the colored Congr4_??ti?en from this
Slate, have nominated white youths who exoelleit in|_> -i i live examinatiott?, to Weal I'uilit e,,il?-t?hi?'S.
Mr. Date has also nominated a colored youth, who itood
a ?millar lent, lo a naval i adcUUip.
K'Hilirl?< Mt.SK.JE, May 18. ltepro'entntlve J. IT.
liait, jr., of thlH.I)lslrle.t. has appoint. 'I John VV. Wil?
liam-, age 17, Badal to Wett i'ollit .Vcadelnv. Wllliamt It
a minait? boy, born a tlav?.
? Tho ifrike of tlio f^loiy uperatora in Kli??lc*
Illaud I. a|,,,.ii .,ii, ii7trl/0r?r.
? It i. n port?d thai Hi? ftimld of tlie Miadouri
Klalt '1 i7??ur> ai7 cvu|>lcl?l/ ?
I v,'.. m lute nun ami live neiTces wire (Magwi
11 NrvtaaOr. I.tI.. ImI rUtuiila? l.r taioauf _??b l.r?l?i?f 14 lacl.??.
....I.i. 1'. 1C liaker of Wamii, Mo.. \vx- ininul
trail laat |t?M__?r, liaiiuK Immo tajtunuuilj ?li?t Uiiuufb Uta btni al
a -...mi m n tL.t i,P??7.
?'iiioinio. Cniigtiofi of BhatjaLdaa.l. flratmaje
ul it. abl| I.I. i,f Wi^lit. w.- f.ull? iuMm-I hr lit ?4--??ri), UurU 11.
ml,,.a Ibr tl,,, ? ? ,i,_,.' ti ib? liarovr i.f Rai_fouo.
< ol. li A. Ptnaoo, a pnuiniii'Df mer, liant of
." I l'l.-?l.?7?l i.i 11,7 . luii.l.i-1 ul I'm.,, , l... 171
Ciliir-:t, liui.nj, it. aa). b? xMiaxmmaum a ?ngtUa m. Cvtil-I???!
? Tlie <onier-ttiuie of tlie ('(invent of St. .Joseph
? ', i'l .>i 1.1, i ui Ih Un pro 7?"7 ir ?? ,
ul Um- il...i.?. . ?.. I.i. ?,111 ,i-ij_.-?!li* l.iauit.-,., . 1 .ila__-J.
al lltrtf?
? I I'l.'e .l.lllll S llr.V.lell liai III. -.1 ll pi-fi ' i i
. .
(inDt-i ?moaai? l- ?.'.
IIIKiM m ?I'ECIAL C-___-_-*fl-tlr__n OF T1IH TUtnCNI
VitiNVA, April IK).?Whoever wants to know tl
nv an in ?of the Orinan ivonl, ?'wrMA_*<uiiri-nt), -____
BOkOH to-day. ICttUM*. undertake to report f.-rotli
countries, Lut Hu- nfa-______B__V?__ of the Unit?
Htates, ami those of Austria with whom tiny con
in ? ontact, an- ito ??'?cak in the Iliilweriuti r-tylei tl
Slav? ?of lime ami the Children of Necessity. Tl
Americans are running hither und thither Sia
Commission?-?, correspondent*, exhibitor*-, arch
teeti, mentally writi.ring their hands in tliciran\i< i
to ?lis? over where ami how to secure the cvct?
pnvile_?es for to-morrow; while the Au->trian otli.iiil
h?hind timo and therefore sore beset, lemp
nirily lose all qualities except their courte?-.
The landlord? are half-bewildered l?y the ttOB
of fjii??-? who insist on other n.im_, ?
new arrntinementi?, to avoid the enormous scale?
prici'8 which is t?. take ______) t?? morrow. The nwt
ers of private apart in, ut?*? ar,- Mill exjM'ctini: to mal.
little fortune?, an?l increase th? ir ______________ on tl
mcotiil call; th.-y first insist in n-ntu>r for ai
month-?, the whole pay in alliance, ?mil never eorr
?lown t.? than three month??. 'Ihn Ulrike of tl
3,000 hacks is only half over, tho one-horse veluel.
r.t u mina; t?i their stands to-day. These vehicles ai
called Comfortable*, here; and tho two-horse ?a
riiiRos, the riiciiiifnrliililes, still hold ont. H
weither, finally, It in a Htate of irrent ?loulit :n,.l m
ea* mess, 11 yink alternately to nun and |o blow, an
not entirely RMOOodiHg in ?'ither.
'lin only numbers of the n. w (.'ommi*-ioti wli
; are hur I'iiI. I,. (hand H. Cannon, Theodor
! h' and Charles !?'. Spant' -with Mr. McKI
! rath, whose **i .ilion in not all.? teil by the remov?.
of the o 1 set of Commissioners, have l?een work
in*- bin..]., in tho ______ of the most tfOMUIfH
embarrassments and aiitinyanccH. I shall nul a!
linl?? t<i tho circumstances of th?; change, as the
have already htOB i?late?l hy another of your cot
respondents ; hut no one, not ui?oti the spot, ca
adequately understand the ?litl'n nil n* under whic!
th.y assume o?ice, and the iimotuit of self-Hi.critie
involved in their arc? ptan. e. at such a time, fhw
tlier,' l?e. ii no ?hange, we could not have been read,
for tho Opening ; no country, in fmt, w ?11 lie entircl.
r?adv ; but th?'re is now, at 1? ant, an orgum/im. en
eriiy at woik which will secure ua a good tk\t?
tion within a few weeks.
Th? l.oyal !?_?__. I believe, are all on hand. Tli
Crown Prince and l'riiiei-ss of (?eimany arrived l.i.*
e\ tohtg, the I'nnce of Wtiot ami J'rincc Arthur tt
day be fore, and tik? Crown l'i in. ??? .?f 1). nniaik cam
this _____________ The Duke of Oldenburg is also In p
the CoHBtof Flunder., and variott' niinor personal:.'
of th?- blue blood. Tlie ric.pti.ins have been rathe
quitta but of course very ?-oulul in character. Th
Viennese do n<?t seem to bo given t?? decoration?
i-h?*ering. triiimphal archci?', and the like. I see n
signs, yet, of any special popular display for t<
Mili, and I doubt whether there will be anythin
iimie ihiiii ?mwdeil streets. I am surprise?! at till?
as th?' Exposition has ban the treat pn.le and hop
of tho city for nearly two years past, and will curie]
a larire proportion of tho population if the.
do not ruin their chances by too grea
uipaiity. I am a littlo -__M_""P0__-t-_ in tho ur? hi
tectural effect ot tin? Kxpo.sitioti liuihli'ig. Ol
uppr.iin hiiiK Vienna \.m can only seo tho broiu
fiinnel-sliivped r?s>f of tho Rotunda risine over th
tres of the. l'rat'r. It, apparent bight is ____ida
ably lessened by __? great span, and the two wing.
with their c.iiuliiiied letiL-th of half a mile, increas
this effect. Tho location, between tho shady av
enues of the J'r.iNT. aud siUToiiiidcil by its groic
and .'ni"? y meadows, yet almost touching th,
northern suburb of Vienna, is all that could b,
tlesire?!. It is boHot than Hyde Park or tho Chatni
do Mars. Them ia spa?-?? for every country an?
almost everything that has been olbri'd. with n,
sums of stinting or crowding anywhere. The ar
rangement, also, while le s artistic than that of th<
Trem h Exposition of VMS, is completer and iu<?rt
convenient for the exhibitors.
I have jiwt returned from u final inspection of th?
Hall of Industry, M it is otticinlly styled, proi ?.hi
|0 tin' opening. The work which his been do ne u
tiie In.'? time ?lins is ani.i/ing. Wh. n 1 saw tin
(MM 1."tunda, last Sattinlav, lloorh ?.*, vacant, and
ilieary. Iviuccly thought it possible that it < iil.l
be biouglit int.? a cmilitioti whi..h His K. K. Api,..
tolie Majesty, francis-Joseph, would behold with
satisfaction ; (but it already Mff-Ota tin* _?_>_____
? haract?'r of tho OfM-Bf ceremonies. Out of the
bare rii.'K in the center, a ?kt_00Ot bed <?f ?_________,
Bpriiir.iii_r fruni irre? n tuif, has hen evok. d, with
the piorna' of a fountain in tin ir ini?l?t. Pavilions
and --roupsof statuary have arisen, and tho Impe?
rial i>l it I.?nn is already carpeted for its gMOtE The
convertiiiR ?luisions of tho \a.?t riiif. aro roped ell
for tho representatives of the various departments
who aro pri\ilei?e?l to occupy them, and one can
already Rt-M how the out?-r encirclinji belt of Indict.
will biiKhteii th, so dark triangular slices
of the sterner and uglier sex. Ye?(.r
day ?so this moniinc's tooOTt stato ?two
companies of soldiers inarch, ,1 into tho
lonj. building for machinery, and threw out all
tho boxes and planka they found, regardless of tho
protcetsnf the exhibitors. It was rumonsl that a
battalion would _N cmployc-i in tho main building
tonlay; but this wan, doubtless, only a menace, in?
tended |o work on the jaded souls of the foreii.iiiT.-i,
as if they bad not alrerufy doDO their ?______ to DO
prepaicd. I stayed until C o'clock, when nothing
moro waa possiblo than tho clearing away of the
refuso. Homo countries have half arranged their
contributions; no one wholly. Germany, Franco,
and England make a partial show in the west aisle;
Austria? ami Italy rather leas; while America and
Brazil, at tho end, cover their emptiness with a dis?
play of emblems and flags. Even this drapery over
our present nakettncsB might have been wanting but
for tho i-eal of Mr. Reck, the architect of the Com?
mission, who took the work in hand.
Very few, if any, of the outer buildings are en?
tirely complebsl, and the inspection of them, on ac?
count of the loose gravel through which ono must
wade, will be somewhat of a task for a few weeks to
come. Hut the southern portal, by which the Em?
peror and his royal guests will enter, offers a liiiisb-xl
avenue of approach. |____fc__l by fresh turf, flowers
and fountaiua. If the rotunda had an r-lovation of
100, cr even .V) feet more, the effect would be very
imposiutr, for tho lilwral spaco allowed Ls grand in
itoclf. However, the predictions which havo been rife
throughout nonnauy for the past month, that th"
opening must of noceuaity Ihi pobtpoued, will
not bo fullilled. Nor will it, I am now
satisfied, havo tho imp?)veri_h?'d and imperfect ? har
acter which seemed likely, only a week ago. Con?
sul, ling the unexpected dolay in tho completion of
tho great building, and in tho arrival ami unloailiug
?if the trains containim. the principal contributions,
it will he a show with WwUk Austria and her .w.rld
gues-8 may well be content? >!?
Asan illustration of iho gen? ral experituce of
?trangers, to-day, I will n.1.1 that 1 havo just _-??
wann-d out of my room by th. aiinoiiiici incut that,
from t<?-mon_w, the price ..f occupancy will be 24
llonus j?er day -or ?Si:', f,?r what is ordinarily<l
at Hi U- r
Vii'nva, May -.-On?? un mixed s?iisation of relief
lilis the souls of the Au.ilria.In vais t bOON Ol II
| ., eiiniie. t.d With the \'\ p..-il ion, and I In- (otliffB
, ,, I. Many of lb,? . .htlntOH have formel I ii. in
*e|u- into . In i llill piivate i?'l"iip?. M_i tt? BO
tl,eii own op. nil,!.? to-,lav an opetiim.' of I."
an,I Hun '.iii.iii I.l.Hiil th?- roof*. WBt Un-' Bf with
, * M iv Wil?copcillU'lolpOvk-.'t-t'O*1?*?' lh- eUUCJLUl
"P sparkling ___ _ clear sky, and tho day but been so
sunny and breezy that all tho color ot flags and deco?
rations, so dulled ycfterday, cornos ont with wonder?
ful freshness MM- brilliancy, as if on purpose
to show the malice of the weather. I
lind that most spectators shared the im?
pression which the opening ceremonies made
on myself?that of their simplicity, gooxl taste, and
entire appropriateness. Mahornmed was fond of
saying: "Hast?, is of the Devil," _____ in this in?
stant?) haste has done good service. The toiat
achieved and the display made are fully eqnal to all
which the French Ex posit ion was ftbk to show on
the dav of its inauguration. The great building
itself?except a few of th? court, whi? h have hem
constructed between the transept*, at the IBB. "i"
menf seems to be linished ; and the unpacking of
the articles destined for the vacant spies, will h*
carried on without incunibering the pnw-agee. The
? n t. ni wing, devoted mai.ily to Austria, Hungary,
Russia, and the Orient, is further advan.ed than the
western, .vliero England i. not half re pre.?, -it? ?1, and
the United States and Brazil scarcely at ail.
I made a general t'.nr of inspection this liter?
noon, and satisfied mys4 If that hy the end of the
month very few of the promised"glori?? of the 1. \hi
hitiou will fail. Biaea tin: tir?-t confusion has been
overcome, the work will advance much MM rap
i.lly. The entire ?.pro????)??. upii d hy all the boildiofa
niiist lx* miieh more tlian a BBJBOT nil?*, hut nearly
nil of the ?let.iclieil structure.-, are uud.T root, many
of them ?|tiit<? completed extern illy, and th_ r?v
ntoval nf the ruliin.h will sp..-di!v change the rt
IM". t of the grounds. Hy tho register mad?* at tho
turn .tile.-. Hier" could not have been fe.ver than
kmftSi p4Ts?ins present during the aft..nioon, many
of them drawn hy a false report that St muss's hati.l
would play in the Rotunda. The Art Huihling
is separated from the eastern wing hy a
plcri-ant garden, in the center ol which
is an imitation of the fountain of
ffnttaa Aaba_aa. in Piwi-rtaatiaff*-! th.* hamera
wer?, every wheic at work, and all the halls Wttt
closed against,ine except one. where I'iloty's great
picture I'M hy 18 fate) I f tht Triumph of (i.rmauicus
leans against the wall, and tho works of modem
sculptors resemble the antique, at least, in having
lost hand.-!, arms, or legs in the transport and un?
packing. The garden court beyond is all turfed and
planted, needing only a little moro rain ami sun.
The hand, oiuo buildings on either side, called the
l-iliibition of Am..t< urs ? private coll. etions of
arms, armor, brii-a brie, furniture, and ornamental
art?were filled with such a gang of sprinklers
and sw.i pet. that. I did i ot attempt an entrain ?.
In the half-niile-lnni building for ma. hiti.-ry there
aro only tho merest th ginning*. A few colossal
groups of copper and rh A work have been cn-.ted,
model locomotives an 1 pass? tiger cats block up the
ai.-l?, lx)\e? with lao< Is from all Europe and America
are piled around hy thousands, but no single .steam
engine has yet been set up. We-hall hardly see any
machiner}' in operation for a month to come. This
part of th?; F.xpo-ition,however, will oventnally far
siirpa?--- any display of the kind which has ever been
Bade, The Americio restaurant? and bars ?ire open,
having got the start of all others except the I'll- n
brewery. Pti?M are .graduated, according to the re?
ports ?>f countrymen, by those of the Viennese res
t.r.ii.-mts which, it i. needless to say, aro far from
mud? rate. I hope they represent a better than our
average cui-iie.
I must coireet one or two inaccuracies in the re?
port of tho opening. Most of the corre.-poud?rnt_?,
even of the London press (usually so correct in Court
matter..', wen* in doubt concerning some of tlie royal
ladies in the imperi ?1 cortege. My authority wa? a
young gentleman belonging l<> the diplomatie corps,
mid I ought to bare relied upon him; but when a
I diplomatie ladv. whoso opportunities lor knowing
could not be ?lue.ti i.n-tl, in -i | ted that the Crown
l'rinii'?4.. of Proaaia was not present, I ended by sup?
posing that the pler_sant-fao.><l ami rather plump
lad; ni palo violet-gray, with an ov r-<lre__ of lac?*, It was the Crown ?'i in.. -.
luiwevor, und she had the Rmperor's arm during the
promenade through th ? wtBBB. At tho time, no
one s.'fine?! tu recognize tho lady e-corted by
th?Prince of Wales ; it was the Countct, of Flan
?h is. The lateral of the crowd concentraie?l in the
_____ ? rial Ci'('\vii-1'rince, l?cdeiiik .Yiluivlm, who
certainly was the hiii.tls.niic.-t _n?l manliest of tl.e
di.-.ii_uisli. ?1 jM-rsoiiages. I somewhat tindi :-? ,;i .1 the number of pMfMBM present in the Ro?
tunda. The official returns give the number of en?
tran.*?*? during the day at _ByO0__, which aoald allow
about SOyOM for tho witness.--to the opening cere
uroii.'s. The \ ioiinose papers say RtyMB, bal I do
not believe the Rotunda, clo.icly packed, would hold
so many, and Mm than half its space waa actually
Last evening there was a gorgeous state dinner at
tbe Imp? rial Hofburg. All the high titled gne-t
were present, wiih tba diplomatic corps, tho Com
iuissioncrs t.eneral of foreign nations, and a large
number of Austrian ttnd Huiiirariati officials. The
Uuited Stati-.sin iitly represented by Mr. IhttMM
Mi Klrath, who is put down ua tho c.urt list as
?* Honorable ('..mmis-dnncr'?a designation whi? h
all who know him will a?leap, in its full sigiiil'icaiic*.
The struggle for space and location among the Amer?
ican exhibitors has reached its climax, and must be
sell led soon by a coup xTxlat, if it cannot ba dme
otherwise. Paymaster Cunningham of the U. ?S.
Navy, who was .?mpt-wered by our new Commi -
sioners to arrange the matter, resigne?! this evening,
unable to nil? the conllict of interests, and it will be
very didicult to lind a competent man for
tho place. Mr. Pickering, tho T.ngmeer, and
Mr. Re? k, tho architect of tho Commission, h;i\?'
been untiring in their labors, and what little has
been practically accomplished within tho Aiiieii. an
Iiepartineiit is chieily owing to them. There is a
perceptible crowd in tho streets to-day, not that the
?Inly arrivals havo much increased, but the first
day iu ten when it has not been a torture t?i walk
abroad entices everybody out of doors, Francis
Joseph, with his uncle, tho ex-Emperor Ferdinand,
drove out this morning, and. as I writ?, he and the
Empress have just gono by, on horseback, on their
way to tho Prater. The line of carriages must he
several miles iu length, but they aro mostly the
lirures which ended their strike this morning, and
are occupie?l by the holidaying exhibitors. It is
time, now, that your correspondent should also
begin his holiday. There are few of the ?lass who
hav? not weary heads and bauds, aud ruLing 1-hu. ,
this evening. B. t.
Tin; CHABGM aoainst TBI American
im ?'iiAitnis>-nu: airaoaaiATiofl ov
<OBOBB-M nk-I.i.y r.xii BUSfBB.
.ii.N_._i, Haturilay May 17, i-;i.
The investigation into tbi. charges against
Ibtpoapended American Coinuii.-Hioii.?rs to .the Kilnbl
tiiin had licen completed, uml Voluminous details luv.?
been forwarded to Wtmhlngton. Ttie inquiry developed
tbe fact that the appropriation turulo I.y tin? Liutetl
Blafea (..nigreu for the Kxlilhitlon Is nearly BXb_MBB$e4.
Tim chargea of bribery It
was also brought to light that Mh\ttt were ? xpendcu on
th'-ioof of the ?? wIiik uiachiuo department, ?hen its
actii-il eotf was not more than oii?*f<-n'!i of that tuin.
Otiier rnkli.-H BXpeadltataa were aleo proven.
MiiftrrM ?re now lu ?ter limier the ilireefton of the n'-w
i'iiinuii.-.-iiiiiers. ?.?uoil? ar? arriving rripnlly. .uni it i<
e\iie. tel the Amniein Department will bo teatly by tin*
lmii of June._
Th? ?Ufana Trihunu denounces the Vat de
, t onttaneia, nuil lereia] i mntrjt |ounu_Ia?M or
? i tin? Iniiori.nt. -, rin.l a- i. lu !,i> .u? i.. Hpain. and
.n Ml t:.. d m ? t nuit itLirt:..:. IbaJ-BH-ta
, et.- it. nip., .i .u . e It M BBeeal la Ile ?ieetrla 7,
ai. 1 ..ppo-l-t th.- .il, ? ..TV W Idielll the . ?
of t tie .1? tit 1 ?. 11
an ntt.iik 00
J..11111,1. the tUputtiean Xuaaiidad, ?ill BPPaatoa ih"
Iti oi Juuv.
Paris, Batarday, May'17,1*75?
The resignation?, of M. Goulard, Minister of the1
Inferior, and M. Jules Simon. Minister of Public In
atruction, have been a?cept?_l by Prraident Thien?.
It is reported that the Ministry of Public Worahip
is to be roistablishcd.
Pari?, May U, 1173.
The Pr?_____?. ha? appointed M. (.___imir-P?<rier.
Minister of th* Interior; M. Tourt<?n. Minister of
Public Worship: M. It?rang.r. Minister of Pubho
Works, and M. W addiugton, Minister of Public in?
The oth.r Mini-ten? are nnebamred.
It is expected that on the meeting of the Asaemhij ?
M.lVner will movo the postpoiuiiicnt <?f all ?I? bato*
on qu. st ions of g? neral policy until ihe territory io
ev.'i? iniled by the ('?rtnana.
Tho Messayr de Vari? thinks the Prosi.lcnt hao
c.une victorious out of the crisis, and that with?
Ministry formed of or resting upon the Left Center
he may ex;?.. I to -< .' calm rest Cod.
The Motntrebists are dissatistieil with the appoint
n.-!!t ot M. I'.-rier. At ,t iii.H-tn,; of the me m be ra at
the Right, yesterday. -fOOOHOO iv.ide appealjtiCJ
to the toa?-t with _?_?__? and NOOOR. I"raiic??r
from Radical ism. It was r.*olved that the lirst
btisitie-- to MOM I? tore t!,e __________M*. woulit be ft
demand for an explanation of the policy of the new
Cabinet ; that if this should prove un?afisfaetorv,
then an ello, f ? iil o*0 ui:i<l<- to force the _fi_______ t<?
r -i-.'ii ; ami linally that the party will not lu .s?tate
to overthrow l'r. *i<leiif Thi.Ts if h?- refus.* to re?
nounce bi-i tiimmi-ig |, v.
Tin- progT.iniiiii' ol' the new Ministry is to organi/?.
thfl I.'epuhlie bv tiie enactment ?_ ' "?nservatiie laws,
and w !?.?., ily reject the l' plan*..
T1IK KUAN" A rillS'iMIt.
IxiM'iO, May 19-6:30 a. tr?. ,
A special dispatch to Hi Daily Telegraph,
?into,I 1 lfll*.. May 17, ?ays :
"The BO-RtOHO have taken Khiva. The Ktia? tt Rt
prl-.'tier. Tlie Itnri.i.ill Ions ml? sil'llt."
A telefcr im to The London Timrs from ."t. PeVr??*Urg
states that the Iius-dan.. reached the Khiv-u -<?: .itcry*
without a Raff-MN eueoiinter.
Tliere Is talk In St. I*eterbliur? now of the atin?*t_ti>n
of Bokhara ami M well rr Kluva. Tin- Itiissi.-U
ROOM represent that Turkey Is t?itteriug with mi?-*'vern
ment, and pOOHot that a tune is cuinitiK -In n ROff
tr.iiihlca will ciiliuinat?', aaJ I.U-sia will then he able to
vindicate her Inten -t.?.
_?______. nOOM CM AI.At.ON".
____!*?___?, i-.itiii.lay, May 17,1873.
Don Carlos has written to G in. DttnfMtJ?
coiifrrattilatin*. him upon the result of the late cin.a?_e.
tii, tit with th* Spam-h Government Im, ? | it I'm me do
Eraul, ami aunnuncin? that he will to.n aaaume per?
boual command of his iu the !?___
Pllflf II*. 8at unlay, May 17, P-73.
The CarH?t Journal publish'.I bmOHOOOHOH that llora
Carlos entered the Spaniah provine., of Navarre ou the
night of tho 14th mst., and took uf an army
of hiefoOoWOTOnuiiitx riin. 15,0it) men, with which helO
resolved to conquer or .lie iu the attempt.
It Is also stated in tl ? tame paper that he ha* cor.
cltided a loan ef -OO.OOfi.OO. real* w th Ei._-l.-h hiiik-r?.
and has proriited to mako ?llo a _i,Idui.ir_lial an.l I'ur
reu'.iry a lieu.?-nanl-j-Ota-ral.
lOllDllQRCO ha* reached here of the total defeat la.
Araifon Of tfeO H|,.iiii?h iron. n;;,l< I CI. KOMM hy Who
L'urliat furce commanded by (Jen. Tri*t..tiy.
I/'MOV, Mnv I?. 1*71.
(i. n?. Olio ami Porrerarav i,ii\?? h_eu pruuiut? ?1 hj?
Dun Carlos fcr the vii tory of May 5.
KKUGlors corporation.** IN itait.
ttOOt H-tCH <?F Till. Flit. Of Till. MIMtlltY*
? IlK.M...NsH_ATI().S- AT ri/?lll BCB.
_________ MatunUv, May 17,1873,
The Chamber of Deputat ???* to-day approved
tt.'- tin-t rIoorr of the hill rapprt _* bodHR m
Il me, hy a vote of Ml RfOtHll 1'? l-i'tcn DOf i absent from tin ( liatul?. r when th.? \<?U w.u i.ah?n.
i ,?' i i.i am, n it h .m .mi'- ni n,-!.t Bored i,> Matoso
;, orantiog the r.?iM' ton.eoo Lira aoauait-r, for tint
m.iiiit'i. ,t. ce of nein'! .I? ot oi-.i. r-, ma an ??tej t?y a
vutv oi __u aoalHal UO.
lii'MF, MAW Vk 1-73.
A demonstration wal niin?e al Flor,-tu I y, ?terdajr
air?itist the ])(,.!?*?>? of the Minist t . . tri<11- * . >r
poratloooMil. A_-r_pe_oo_ eoPactxl Mot?
?n a r y te.muer, when li nas UapOTROd hy the?
police, loronl i? i> in* _rei- m:.
HEALTH op Tin: pun:.
GRADUAI. Illl'l'oV l'.MLM?iu:< l.i HUVS AT THH
Td'MK. S.iturdiiv. May 17, 1K7I.
The bcaltli in' t_M Po_M _? _B|MO*l_Bg rapidly.
Kiimet... " . i Had RpOBhlH , vero
r. ."? \ , | Sty l.l? BoUoaOR, who luid i K't.ind reci l t.oll in
the Vatican.
lh'MK. May it. i-;:i.
Tlie Pope today received the l'reiu h I. |H__NI__Otfa
i!e|iii!iition of tor. cii'-r*. The I , .'ion is still
feeble, hut the kiutloot-MM ot _m|RCvre___a_-t an >?*iir?
_______*00H, M ay Yi. via Ix.msjn, May 17 ftOk,
A lettOI was r?'(??ive?l li? |_ tn-ilny ttOtt Sir
llOMOl linker, on tin- While Nil v He MfRNtl that all 19
Well; that the dm .ia:?' t;*i.m_rn to the end ?OR tMtttki
with area! difficulty, aud that be hopea tool Um ob?
Btractton will bo entirely NHioTod dorlng tin- proaool
Iri.MON. May is, 1873.
The Forelpn OOttt ha? reeeivmt .iHn.itelie? from Hir
Samuel Baker, dated March li, ItallOg lHal I.ady Hak. r
aud hiiiisei? were in j,'oo.i h. vu tu, and ic.-i.! __vt__i._. _
had reached h.a..
BATIBD TAVi.oi. in .
In ?ta report of the bau.'tot pivcn to thn
prese Junt before theoiieuinn; of tiin ??T..;,t Expoaltion,
tho Vit-uu.i DeuUrhe Zettuny ot Afril MrR|*OI
Julliih Illrs.-h iv 1 V. ,??!.,i|,. ?, : , QanOOH, s.i.l.-n,f
the " National") half German, halt IV, r.<_, for tue ?'..?
rirdui, Juliu? Ko.l.nt,. r_{ Bngllah in t.i._Htin_r the lomea
ptaaa, and ui.uiy ?.th?!-. one ul ttitom w.?
mutt _pe<"lally ohruoielci, aiuee, aitboutrb n..| a ?..
be oooati acted a new Ucnoao wuid a in?-a w.?*, tl.?- only
< "tTK't nharai-t? i ._ ?tu n of the le? ,\,i?, ..?nl tlierehy
nroli.eed au limpnliia' thmOt H|?oii the OOOApWOf. Tl/rt
npeuker wti Bayard Tav-or, the ai II Imiwo laiiwlaaa
autiu.r (corretp, ud. ot ol i hi Kiw-Yuhk luim rr). In
a few pi.iiinin.iiy Mateaoea he -haoka i the Omear-Ko
for the leaiivai, wtueh ha ooaaldercd man iban abril
haut i.iii.'iuet. even more than n nev? OT-dROeO of tho
Warm itul uohle ho?|?italil> which the straiiK'er baa
le i.'-oiore alwaj ? teaad la Oanaaa Aoatrlo? "Iliala
me," lie .'oiill?iied. " lac OXJ'I". ?*i..ii tt ? fin-* T liuion f.f
tin-pr?s.? ?n .?n*. m order toexurpaia aid HOI?
.liiv-, t.? further p.a. .-fin and Initmetlve rn_a|wiila< <
In poiittea, wcletj*, and ut rature*and tinaiiy?i iui_ri,r,
ulitiost ?ay?10 .ii iin.'iirate a kiiei Ol uiilt er.?;il worl.l
?oolitbllltj i'd'elti/iiiiuthiuhketl) alUOUR tba peopla of all
[Load and eaihnalaatlo appu___a.j
For 1 ti-uti-n thai a loKher i_l_?t.?ii ha? Im'u eoaldod i<?
the pr?"_a thau un.r. .v to s(??-aa ?tub tlat? < !iaii|.iii|g
roleea tt the dit) ICi-lee ol 'Truel'l it.? domitiu in*?
between t-terature aud HtauMtnaatblp, and tak.-a b.?i?|
on both, n i? ("le indeed, as FrailiRrath -a) ?, m aaafe*
i o i?-of oolimv?, 'Thu author stan I? upon _ loIUor ?vat, li
lower Uran UM lurrolaol Party.' But it la enouab tor
u? thai 'ach parry baa it? turreta; and wiuie the uiaaaee.
tt-R-gltbj. b< low iu iheduet o? battle
tin- eiperlenced and eoooclenutiaa j.nouait*. _i.,a.i?
ut',,te ..n Um arateh-toter, ami uveriook* th?? com', v
aithoal ?iiH.lnif itt ?or?! paaaioaa. (<,r?-atappli ,r I
The ni. m ot all eountnea, m tno woud. rful nrt?v>t'i auj
(levelu|iiiii?ut ot IIW Uat i:, yt-i*. i.? learned tbe aauia.
thai every n.-w treedoBi brinin with n _
,ii,u. ?ii,i m th.- Kau..- ui.-ai.nre . t tta power and infla
??uve have Inereaaed, ite uioderatl i earneat ea?" ,iilr.'e''..|,u;ar?._o?lioii. _.t> u.,0|(ety?iue
v We n ..,t tan ion.- tji the millennial aiaeon
at umveraal P.He. ; l,?t wli.r,, ?* |,?rrt t? ?1Kut. UM
Ji.uri.ali?i?..l l , ?nl.alli -.c.tscl
'?' ' ' '' ir, t.l." palhol 1"..' el II ,,?,1
"';*"">..' ? ' i. a uuie Onaer itmu
In [Orel 11.e COOellUloU Ol Uli? .?,?.,. li ?..-s..iin,rsl |i ||
Hora ?I a] i aune wlucb t?aii -i lt. r?en tha
paitielpaaia la I i ? ? , ,:>. ?,, ,uU, Mllan,.r
irroupa,aad puvaio o_dr_oae? itouuoa Ute urder o? iuo
ev? uiiiar.
The Aeue trete ?;. ,,l;, ,, >,.,,?,
i . .... r? ?,???. ...?i,..
n?e_ the now i?.m..m won
tac ni__.ui? im a i, u..,,.