OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, May 30, 1873, Image 6

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?i"l.lTY. AM? FRATCRNITIji Ttv Jaa.?
w _rr_.ru kb Who. PP SW Ho" * w"
watehworda of Knropcan domoeracy which
_Jy.<rffer*dauch fairy mm<,,Mo .o many Hitlcal
?th?laotaai?beiT **+** Mt? -nhle n
Ubo. which hannta the .lUBgiiialion of lh,auil.or
with ita Ikwati .icM.latioi. and WOO.
Among the. rpn-A-btuln.. ??! thia ..ightmar.. Mr.
John Stnart MiU *?* preeininei.t .,. n.odorn ,.?.
.ture. He k lalMoai .ta tbe tarpt for Mr. Bteffafl a
IS tn.. l M oa ooooaal of *? ? ? >"?'"<? ?*"?
Charactd a:?d tbe Mtllianrv oi hia rcpntat.on I be
workof that author< ntitl.d uu ' Baaaj on leiU-.ty
furn.8l.f8 the artJtl Ibk k f.-r kdJ atiu-t.in.iai. the d?*>
truioawtmh hc ctuii-.-itca ?" ?_f*?l !??*??<?>
ttonaof civilircdaoci.
With lOJjala lt the absolute libcrty of thought
?nd diaciLstsion. Mr. Btaffcf-I Ukkr* atrong irrounil
.vrainet Mr. Stuart Mill, in hia defeiiwof the nglit of
?he individtia! lo tntim ti Mo f ai.d tt ntU
Thereaultof tt__? fgQOJf, aaf maiiiti.ina. is ire:..r.il
ekepticiwii. If youwant _*alt.ua btlicf. ?atpOietoB
tofight. Nolhing |t"? men BefA- a koon r..nse of
ibe imporUiice of their oa ? *?pmions, aud the vile
neaaof theopinionsof othera, as either to intlirt or
to suflVr ptrHtvuiiou ou thoir am.unt. IJnliniited
Ireedom of thou/.ht is unfavorable to zeal. and 0T08
to a distim-t apprttiat'on of the l.eannga ot tho
aapiniona which are entertaine.l.
Mr. Mill reliea ruaiuly on tbe arjruniitit tbat froc
dom iatawntial to originality and individuality of
ehararhr. But. in the author r. \i.-w, _M haa fownod
too favorable aueetimate of luiniau uature. Char
4Vtcr ia not imigorated bf the removal of re
?trainta. Tlabitnal _____rt_ca_ is the most powrrfnl
tonic of character, and rr*traiiit in one form or
anothcr ia the great .titnulns to exertion. A pocu
li&r excolh nre of the ayatem of Calvin ia ita Moa oi
?abjeotion. Mr. Mill's doscription of the Calvimstic
femdac. as teudiug to cmah out the noblor tlemeuta
of humauity is falao and illtiBivc. It shows an m
?apacity for _<-p^rating scholaatic husk? from the
wholreome grain wlnch Laa nouri.bed the moat ad
Buralrle raee of men that ever trod the face of tho
enartli. To believe in tbe th.t.ry ..f Mr. Mill is to be
l.evi that John Knox waa n miaoral.lo heart-broken
erf-ature with no will of hia oa n.
Nothitig can exeoed Mr. Mill's cnthusiaam for indi
Tidual greatneas. Aeconli.ig to hira, the tni
__Heountriesaremi.de up of oollective modioiTity.
They ucvtr think for thomtdvea, or arrive at __-C*_l
leotx, a__Oa_kl tlin.ugh tho iiillucnce of tbe gxlwd
few. But the truc lufcrence ia tbat Uieae lndividual.
__rethe Ikhii nilira of the world. Thuj, howcv.r,
Mr. Mdldoea not admit. In his view, all that the
man of geniua c?n claim ia to point out tho way.
Thopowcrof-ompellitig othora to walk in it ia in
?ooaiaU-nt \Mth tbo development of all tha roat, and
ajomipting to tlie Hlroiig man b-QJOOlf Mr. Mill. tho
?uthirr i-attiarkfi, ia a warm atlvoiafi. not only of ya
ricty. but of erc^ntric.ty. Kxr.ptional individuala,
fce decl.trcs. Hhould bc et.oourauvd m BCt-Bffdi-te
ently from tbe maas. in order to broak through tbe
tyruLtny which makes eciontricity a reproa.h.
Boooatrieit] iaahrayaia pioportion to atrttiftb tft
*_hi_racter. That ?o lew Nl date t?i be eccentnc is
?neof tbe chief dangera of thetimos. But tlusad
vice, Mi. Suj.'.i.n uwttcrte on tho other hand, ia
ataturtL If it w.ie Mlawa*] t" any c(msidorablc ex
tent wo stiould bavt- aa uuuiy httle oddnies ib man
nei and ta-hat ior aa we have people who viahtO
parte for men of geniua. Kicentricity is far oftener
? iiiurk _| wtalj-iiee-t than a mark of atretufth.
WeaJtneae, aa a rule, wiahes U> attract attcntion by
trilhni' il;-!iru tions. aud atrongth wishos to avoid
tt Ongiuaiity cotibiata in thiiikiug tor youraelf, uot
lu taioki-kg difl'crentIv from other peoplo.
Mr. S;<-pl.. ti fully commits hiniself in favorofco
ercion ii. aiBttfrfB-f rt-liirious opinion. lic baaM it,
kowever, on ita utility, rather than on any intrinaic
angbt. There are many caaee in which the evils coo
__4Mted with it aro comiterbalanced bv the evils
?ahirh it avoida, or the good wlr.ch it attains. It is
fciithly loOa-Bkaia that truc rohgious opiniona shnnld
Ikave tl.e MipjK.rt <>f letral e-rtablishments, whilo
t_i(*c which .are falao and miachievous abonld be
e_|_r>ootirarre(l by law. Even the Spaaiah Inqnisition
ean bo cvitideraned only by ahowing that the doc
trinr* wliih it favored were not trno. that the
ir?e_ni8 naed to promote tbem were ineffoctive, or
that their employmont waa paying too high a prlce
for the otjecte gainod. Accasiding to thia principle,
Mr Btofhon atlirmN Pontfus Pilate was right in
ejondenitiing C'lin.t to cruciflxioru It was his para
?nount d'.ty to proeei ve the peace of Paleetine, aud
4joait injut!gni'iit on the pcraons who were brought
before bim for trial. In his iK.sition, the aocialorder
awbicb he r.present?d waa tbe abaolute atandard.
Me could not violate it without actting the whoio
pmvioee in a l>l___e.
Tlie avereion of Mr. Stcphon to tbe principle of
dsrjuality is perhaps even greateyr than his aversion to
tlu princ.p'.e ?.f libcity. One of tho moht iinportant
appHcatiotia of the pi in< iple is to the distribution of
fpoliticaJ jKjwer. But thia the author unqualifledly
eotidemne.lln the flrst place, it ia impoesible, cvtn if
lt \s> rt- deainible. No law for the establishment of
?univental ? ltlnee can ever be fuRv ohsorved- It
ehangc*. tbe form. but not the nature of pohtical
paatC 1 iC strongeat man will always rule. Ii tho
ajroverntitiit i^ a mititaiy oue, tho qualities which '
tnake a man a grcat soldier will rnake him a ruler.
If tlie ftrven naal laa inouaorhy, the talents which
kit.ga BBjlaeia toun__-lora and geuerals will give
|x>w? r. In a purc <1.-mocracy the ruling men will be
the wiic |?..Here and their frienda. At all times the
rank ar.d Ua are directeal by laidcrs of ono kind or
euiotl.ir ai lo. g?t command of their collective foroe.
Tho leading men in a trades uuion are aa much the
rulen- t.f Qm otbor __a__abon of the body aa the maa
t4>r of a t______f or the bea<l t?f a factory ia the ruler of
Lie eei t aata or w ork-peoplo. The aubdivision of po
iii fact, Laa no more to do with eqnal
ltytl.au v.ith liberty. But, as Mr. Stephen arguea,
there ir-no lolp for this. The whole fltream of hu
Bnan affain-ia aottii.K with irre^iatible force in the
direction ot univeraal suffrage. Tho old ways of
Ihrlag ar. hi.-aLuiK mtrwm al) over Knrope, and iloat
lugtbis wat and tt.at way like hayoockflin a flood. lt
la uot wortl, w luic, iu the autLor'a opinion, to worry
aleout kiv de The wators are out and no
buiaaii forco oan turn tbem back. Ktill the theory
8>l uiii\<rt-al eulirage, ha maintains, ia juat aa abaurd
__a tlu- oihf i theonea of Mr. Mill tn favor of liberty
Biitl aojaalltT. It inverts the true and natural rcla
iiou Utvifoii wixdom and folly. Wiae and good
_ro n onght to rule thoae wbo are foohah and bad,
ar.d tbe idea tbat their eole fuuctiou ia to pretv h to
tlu ir iin?/i.U>rr., wlnle every one haaaabareof the
?ov.-rt'ik'fi jK.wer in the shaiie of a vote, and is left u>
do wLuat he likee. ia the wilihet of romancea.
Mr. Ste-phen incidenUklly expresr~_* hia vicwa w itb
I?fi_r4iotho ?Otk_afa?_< tirnveraal miftraga in the
Uuited Btaasa m a NOOiaja whitb may be wortb
Eonality. like M-erty. apieeara fo me to be a blj nama
for a eiii_,.i IbitiK. Tbe t-u!l.u??iae_u about il lureni.i
titiifa a<em? to me to have been due> principally to two
?rrui_i*UlJie* I tbe luvldloua imjoiuoii of tbe Vreuob
jjrivih tretl < ittaaei) be-fore __vfc ItcvolutioB, and tbe euor
Bboua deviiopurt-bt ot woajlb lu Uie L'rilted BtaUi*. Tbe
ftrat ol iLum waa, no doul.t, a ta*e ln which diatinetteus
had i?*u ti.aieta.nea loog after tber had <*mt>4 _o hav*
atny tntaidng wbauver or to bc of any aort of u*e. Hucb
caaa-e air W*JH <s.u,tjj..u MeD bavea paaaiou for plOBuing
__rr-uj**!to? _i?.n au. thiujf whleh diattuiruieh_a them
fr.iu. tbtir ntiBLbort, aud e___girer?Uon ob one alde m
BMtby paaenob on tbe other. Tbe oaae of tha rrench
l>riv;rri(_aJ claaaea oartaiuly waa aa greaa a -*_M of a duv
tit.etion witbeut a diterenwi a* baa evar oww-ed ia the
world. aud Un- Frtriiob w_r>- _uat ib tbe BaOtMi to b*>
conie rbetoncai about it, and to make it tbe aubtectieol
?f raaouai <iuie: aiteratiou, but uf oatbarstc of pethetio
aod other nomswi*., tbe efftx t* of whi-b wlD ronf be le_t
tb tbe wor.d. lew thit,_> iu biktory **ei_i to me ao bear
jrarly aa tbe deirree- to which tbe Frencb aiiowed tbeuj
aelve* to be excitad tvbont aoch tbiutak It waa a-tatueft-l
U> uertnit Uvea. to grow. and Ktora ebj.ir.eful uot to b*
al.ie to put Ujeaj dowu iu a yuiet way aitltout flitworka
aud t-tealrioaJ niuaiou*.
TB* aocoaaa of _*>vu_Uty ln Amoiica U doe, I thlnk,
BkBiulr to tbe circa__*t__noe tbat a large nauber of peo?
ple, who weie aubatanttally eqoal _u> all Uv* more im
ajaortabt uial-era. rotoemiaed tbat fact and did not aat up
cujfoundeyl d_eUi.( irou*. How far they ac-aally aaa aqual
ihiw. aaid Low Iook Uiay will ouotiuoe to let aqual whea
U? popoLatioti beouuie* de___t, i* ftuit*. *_>o4__a*. aa_aat*u_i.
lt iai ___*> a qtveanow, which I canbot do more t_M_a gianoe
at m two word* m Un* pl*oe, ?l__*r the -OtMinoaa 4e
aelopoietit of eH_-__llty m A__er*oa, ta* rapld ptoduetWo
*f abiRuuteMiae luuititode of ooB-auonpikBoe, ea..f-_at__fled,
a_ad taanB-iaf'T aiigtit people m aa axploit which tha
vBole wwrld ueed fall tlowii aAd wtarahip.
Hut oi aii the ogree which have terrified tbe fan. y
-al Hi. fflbphan t__o dt-wowatic idaa of banao fra>
ternity lathPTnoet appalling. TTe wwtra a whohs
dirtionary of be??acbin? wonUin tttkn^inaing tn?
IllfllITt sontimont of love to man, whiuh enfc-ra ?o
,lee,,lv into the eaaence l-oth tt (ttristianity and p?h
bail-ll-al rUiioa, into a hideotis oar.oafct.iT. 1 o ?
aaraaia oxtaal, indeail. ho Ul lirfw M * n??that
itmaybe d.-airable for mon to wish woll tonaali
other. Hut tho idoa of awnarnl philnntl.ropy can bo
npM only with prafound disgust. Hn.'l. love ia an
mtr.iBion and an inst.lt, To profcaa an tntermt in
tho happinew of tbo hiiman rao* ia W? ft pro
t<ii8(Miraiiabstirdity. Tho attempt of Mr. Mill to
foimd it theory of morals on tlie conrcption of tho
?aacnri g?od jb ieooaneed hy tbo author aa a sitrnal
waakBaaa la that Olintrlot mUk, In Um otialon of
Mr. Mill. if iiioti are plaml on nn eqiuil footing, and
lelt fr.v to aet, tlie.v wiU natiirally troat eaoh other
tw brottii'i-rt, iind work togt tbcr in hannony for tbo
eoniinou good. But tbia notion ia coneidored by Mr.
Stoplmn aa the cliinax of abaurdity. Mon will al
ire for tboir own happinoRB and the happineaa
of tboir fnenda far more than for the happinoaaof
othera. Tl.e vi. .on of i bette.r atato of aocloty, in
wtiieh Mr. Mill no fondly indnlgoa, whon an all-em
hriu-ing love Of HwailHy will regencrato tho hiiman
race, la no I08S propoeteious than the belief in
witelies or RhostR.
Lara for Ilunnanlty, dovntlon totheAUor Unlveranm,
and tho like are tanaUttle.il anythlng, more than a
f.iiintic.tl atiaonmont Ui w.ine fnvonto theory about thn
tneaua av whiih an ludctluita uuiuberof unknown per
WOI (wrio-o exlotence lt pleibsea the th.-onafa fanoy to
aaaaaae) mav be brought tnto n state whi'h the tboorlBt
ralla hupplneaa. A m.in to whom thia ldonl Itcomos ao
fnr a raality as to eolor lils thougiita, hbt feelluga, his
nalllBBla uf tbo pmaont and hiaactton toward it. ia tisu
allv, iw. repeated experteuce baa ahown, perfeotiy rrady
to mir-nfVe thut wklrh UV?M jwoplo do uvtually regard
ua cnintituttng their hupplneaa to hisowti uotiou* o_
wlmt will rouatltute the tiappiueaa of Other geiieratlons.
lt la, n'i .l'.ulif, true tbat in a c rfiln aerwe be dO_ thus
riae, oT.atany rate, get ent <>f hiiii* if. Hympathy for
, Intereat ln tlie i.tLiira of othera, ImputicDoeor
what h" rvgardaaa the wrongaof othera do becoino rar
atronpr motlvea to liim than they nw tn moat men. and
do aifert hia eondnct more powerfullv. but tlila iu itaeir
taDO inent. It eertninly frivea no uian a rlglit to any
other miti'a eontlilenee. Nothing, aa 1 have already
polnted out, 1? n greater nulaanco, or ln many casea a
r injurv, than tbe love oi a peraon by whom you
do ,ioi want u> bc lovod, Every man'a rreateat aappt
naas ia thafWhkb makaa him indivlrtually moat hapj.y,
Hiiilof that he and he only eanjiMgo. If A plaroa Uia
rreateat lianplnesa ln promotlng th.it Which ho r.-garda
aa B'e gnuioat happineaa, B never havinjr tisked blm to
do ao, imd A havmg do other Intereat ln tbe mattcr than
? ceneral fclinir-. or s> m;eittiy. it ia a hnndred to ono
tnal li will t.il A torni'i.t hia own bualneea. ir A rep
reaenu o amall olaaa ol atea of antoh fe? ii >?a and Ureiy
, Bamueb iarirer claaaol ignoraut peopie,
Who, if thev were Ictalonc. wonld nevor h.ive thonght
uf ihe topioa wi.uh lh. ir adviaera tllu imo their eara,
tm- prohainiitv ih iiiut the f.w will hy dtgreea work up
ihe iniiuy lntoa atateol violem:.?, exeik inent, diaeoii
taat, and rlamoroua denlre f?r thev know not wlmt?
which ib neithcr a pleaaani atate ln Itaelf nor ono irult
ful of ininh raal good to any one whatever.
ih'- iii.ui Mho worga from btanalf out warda, wno.ae
condu. t in goveraed by cwdlaary motlvea, au.l ?ho a? ta
with a view to blsovrn advaotacc an.l the a?lvautage of
thoae who are coiitieet.-.i with huiHelf in .l.flnne, aa
aiirnable wava?i?rodUf' h in tne ordinarv coarafof thiuga
mucn n_re happlneaa tootbera (U Uurt la iho greai ou
ject of tife) _an a tnoral Don Qnlxotte who la alwaya
liable to .vuTill. e hlmaelf and hia neighlxiia. Wben you
have to .leal with a ui_i wno eipecw iaiy aud allow
, and iajrilUna to flva a fair day'a work for it aa
longai' the arr.iiigeiiieiit BtOtd liitn. you know Wben }<>u
ur,-. lH-al with auch a man tairlv and iu partleular
f he ie a maa of eptrlt aad eoofaM ho will deal
vitu vou uoi obly fairly out ifcuerousli. Barn l.i. grat
itude'l-y kindneas and/oBtloe, and be ? Cu in many eaaea
oa what no neiii.-v eotUd buv or pay for. On the
oihei hand, aman wno'baaa disiiitereBU'd love for the
hii man raoe?that ia to aa/, who baa got a tixeAl ldea
abont aome way of prorMiDg for ihe managemenl ?t
tbeeonoeraaof Baaaaind?U aa uuacjountable lrcraon
wlthwl in it. ladittli u.t to deal upou any wcll-ktiown
i, and who ia oapable of manni
gt ii, ru! ihe grouuU of all aoru of
aet against men n_ partlenl.ir.
Mr. .Stf phen may bo allowed the merit of being
thorouRhly in earnoat in his vehement deuuncia
tioua, althongh many of his Mamlnna liavo bo do
ciil.il an air of paradoX or j. iv?i_ity. It is not
likely, however, that ho will iiisjuro any coiiBider
ablo poTtiou of his lajfllil witlisyiupalliy iu hiscon
.s. 11c appiara to be daatituto of the eonBo of
iilU'W-feelinK witli those members of the hiiman
faiuily with whom ho haa not aome tios of peraonal
intereat.. Tho eocial ?leii:fnt, taken iu ita wideat
idea, appeare to have bit-n lifl out in hia natnral
e unpoHition. On thia ncconnt, ho is no less incapa
blf of comprehending the apirit of John Stuait Mill
than a Hottontot wonld be of approciating tho
b.-iiuty of the Aiiollo llolvodcfo. IIia judgnicnt on
theBuhject iaequally wortldcaa as tbe opinion of a
deaf man on a aonata of Heethovcn. His mode of
argtmiout is a cout lusivo pioof of the iinulequacy of
hia perceptiona. Inatead of confinlnf his asBsnltri to
the uiain positions of Mr. Mill, ho extorts from tlumi
inf.Tences which Mr. Mill bimsclf wotthl not aeeopt,
andmaken tlifiii the olmctot hia bitter hoBtilily.
Tho dootrines of Mr. Mill are nttarkod in their con
BeQtiectes, not in tlu ii jui lapla, Th?_ mithod ia, ao
cor(lin?!v, that of prcjr.nnption. rather than of proof.
InKtca-1 of an analyaiB of facta, wo have ,i thwuo of
FpceulationB. Spectral forma are evoked frotn the
ahyaaoa of tbe future, aud inado to cast thoir dark
aliadows over the lighta both of tho partt and the
prceent. Mr. Stephon is appantntly a inaui of a cor
tain bard prosaie sen^e; his hlood hn.s lerta of the
ulilky olcmcut thau of iron ; bnt in | pite of that lie
isthc prey of HuporHtiliou.s torroin; and is itmlly
riddeu by tho bite noire for which bo has iiiint.ik.ii it
honign and friendly 1 orm.
Jfiiw Tillrr1* Viortablr Cardm, hy Anna
Warni b (Kandolph A Ce). i? an agrccat-le hit of auto
biographical egperlence ehowlng how the wnt.-r funid
a gold mlne ln a eabt>age patek, and pearls and diainontia
ln a turnlp fU-M. The piuture ih prebcuted in a drauiatlc
frame, and wlthont bataieotatai too hitrhly, offera au
attractlve dialogue aa well as a goodly array of dollart
aud ccnu. _
The L'ath, hy K. T. Tp.au., M. I>. (8. R.
Wella), ls det oted to the hisfory and uxea cf the bath tn
health and diaeaae from the eitrlicat time*. tothn iireaenf.
H- treata of the viirlou* kititla of bath now in uae, with
ample dlroctlona for their jnlieloua emplovment. The
author la not a fariatlc for the \ Irttn-h of cold water or
hot, and prenentB the Buhjf 't iu a touc of modr-rutlon
and good aenae. _
Protertion againut Kire, hy J<MBFB I>iur>
(Hiird A Honghton), attnmpfa to ahow the bpat meana of
putting out flres, ar.d off. ra a variety of practical ang
geationa for the aeenrity of llfe and properry agalnat the
deetruttlve element. The eulject ia a epoelalty with
Uie author who haa devoted nearly forty yeara of hia life
to atnlylng tlio beat methoda for eztiiigi.ialung and
pn renting flrea. IIo doala in no pateut right methoda
for Ihe accouipllahincnt of tile purpoae, bnt preacnta a
variety nf detalla anggeated hy oba.rvation and eom
mon afiise, whkh are well udaptcd to tlie imiigatiou of
the evil, to which he has aworn etoinul etuiiuy.
Tfit Mineral Springt of the UniteA States and
Cauada, t>y ukokok _t aTAI?08T, M. D. (D, Api.leton A
Co.i, is written from a acieutiflc puint of view, with uo
liit.-utiou of urgiug the clairna ot any favorlte locality.
Tho antbor baa made a thorough inveatlgatien of the
aubject ln relation to the mineral wateia U>th of thia
eonntry and Europe, and haa acenmulated a maea of lu
formatlon, ap]>arently areurate and eertalnlv complete,
wblcb ean he found in no otliu- aiugle volaino,
aa far aa we know, in any language. llia
directlona ln regard to tbe uae of mineral watera are
aingularly Judioioo*. He ctrougly oondemua tho praotioe
of drinkiug tiiom lndiacriminataly, aa ia uaually doue ln
our own eoantry, wltliout tbe advlee of a phyaietan, or
any eipenenoe of their ellecta. Thua uaed, they are
apt to produca more diaeaoee than thty cure. Iir.
Waltoa'a deaciiptlon of the European Bpaa will bo fouud
?aluable by the Bummor tonrtat on the Conttnent. We
are eurprieed that he makea mentlon of Wlidned
only laeidentat, a ebamlng retreat In the Biaek
Forett, tbe watera of ?bieh are eenaldered more
efBoacaoua ln many ehronle eomplalnta than anyof the
Oermaa batlM, and wbleh wlthont the entlcementa of
gamtug or faahlon aUracta a arowd of viaiuna from all
paru of Europe. _
Tht Anabatit of Xenophon, iditod by Pro?
feaaor A. O. a__roaicK (Hheiooa A Co.), beara tha marka
of tbe cnltlvated aad matara llterary taate of tbe editor,
uo leaa than ot tbe aoond philologloal dlaclpllue and ample
arudl?ea wblob be btitwra to the productlona ot bla pea.
Be haa attempted tn ttdavolnma toaid tbe elemeutary
atody of one>of tbe moat deilgbtfui Greek elaaaloa, glv.
tng apeotal attentlon to tha development af Ita rbater
loal eletnenta, wttboct Ungertng too Umg amoug Ita
gramcoatlcal dtflloulttea. Bla Uieory of trantlarton
j-natly demanda tba azhlblUon of tba aptrtt aad
exaloiinaT of tbe atiglnal, tn addltlon to tbe falth
loi reiiderlng of lu grammar and logic He would
tb? traaaform tbe drUlfof tbe claaa-room lnto tbe hlgher
aphere of a lrterary ezerolae, and taak to tbe ntmoat tbe
re4-our.ee of tbe pupll ln tlie oonatractlon of language.
Thia Idea baa preardrd over the eieeirtloa of tbe preaent
work. The jiot<ra are brlef. but fiitl of lnatruotlon, per
baaa atm ncbait ln aaggaattoa. Ia rovlaaaf tba taat. Br.
Kantlrlc* haa followfal malnly the lafeat Te.nr.nor
editlen of TrlBdnrf. He haa, however, ex*relaed hla own
adrntrnntr Judgment In tbe comparlaon ef authorltlrs,
and adoptod thoae readlnga which aeemed to hlm prefer
alde, when *niiported by the r-x.iniiile of irood aml truat
worthy manuari-lpte. In addltloi. to|tbn toxt and tlu.
notea, tke volume conUma a map of the c-podiilou, aud
a riiiuplete vocabnlary. It la brought out ln a atylo of
great lypographlcal ucatncka, connuriidiug lUelf to tha
eye aa well aa the taHtc of ttie teu. ln r nii.l I'lipil.
-Vcro fjnbluutiono.
Crawa-r*. Clotb, $1 -S>
Pwt.-khad Thia Day by
1 f 0 WaihiartoB it .j-aiea.
ftX) W had of Mcs'srs. ASIIKl. A ..j.., Lon
1 doa 13 Bertft.rd-ek, Coeeat (lardea. and tl;e prlnripel book.rllera
Ib tb* Ualt?d Blatee. C?UV>_-* de U eolleetlon p.Oie_*e 4* liere* kn
r_eM *t *kei*tr_a ferraa-4 la Mhllet-^qae d* feu.
M. HKHOl SOUOl-._.V.SkI (da al-en.n),
BlMiatrapklel-UUilr* el feyafea, iplendi.e rfntdoa d'OBrrxjre* relktift k
I Anerlqo* (deBtplBahraaaBir.n.-a.) tlrrei lrapiW_?xiir p'aB ??ti?Jf*
w_r_*rlH'vki*ri*!| 8_-a *??.._?* _?**-_, 8?1l*BI8rh R-eeie.
"e.,ete..duaiuyeuiea*fera k L-ipa., I* 14 JauileU, 1-U .1jo?i
'Tj-ott aplealid roHeeitlon of aboet ftJBJ ralaable.aad rar* -?**,
.?B.rTtt.e-.Vf.-oo. _*fJj 8- I'K BBTi W40?TUUUMU
AMi A_IA;tt.t?Beat?a4 m<" '? UtinaC.eiu.ac, aad
_r__a_k. -? p-ftf, Ik.-IiJ 1* _B*l-*_a br Ni.-oe. f_
A Nr'-' Kn.ui.iv,. Kr.iT...N,.rltoUt. 1 UHRBtl PB ACTO
HKKJBAI'ir , erth ADpemlii e-ntmni-jr Meao.r of liu. laler yeara aad
l,e_th ?? ?? '.mo-al'ainpaign 8pee<-ii*B.
Tn-_>ar aidbxbt P. RTmAtT o? h.b irri e-ainakP, RRfRB
laaTiauuia abhb arrmaaau ia tb* acaaaa ..? 1-71. ________
Tberreat rillfn.Mr. Hreeley'i iata_t__Tkp_y, aad 0*8 f.-r aorr*
wi.r.p*nua?et.lre__rdof tbe wei.derful lolellerutal diaplay whi. I. ke
____e*Bna*B-* __.t-rn.pl Weatera teara Ib tbe Hre*deBttal t,ein
paiia ef 1*7- bare led totbe iaitre of a neweftitinn..f tbe AaMMofrar-ir,
wil_aTerr_?ry;eA^?IBl.ie.,aUBui_?t-e atorr uf bia lile V. tr.e ea.l
repr.-tunntT tbe nor* atrlklBf and *??*._*. of ta.e man. a.lmiral.le m
br.lli.Bl lainpalxn *pe*c-.e. aml twl-diac with *d aih-_?_f* and
.dtnireble e_aly_ia of the campalrt, onxn.Uy areperrd br tbe llon
JuneaS. !'?'. e.lite-t MatM MlaLtaM t_ tb' ll.r-ie. There .a.
beaidee. a prrttr M**a-aB ' "'""''."'T
Wntiu|re, iBrlu.llnfr araoof olherx bia f_U)o_i co-tr-i-r.,/ ailb Bo-trt
MaleOwea... Mariia.* aud tiirerre. _______
rr.re, handaomely b--a_ in clotb. with two f.-rtrkita, OT ??=>?or
aaVenreU.rtof jrrree. A_.ireaa_ TH li Tltl HO H Ki I
iV With liluitraBr.na.-Ll'eralBre. Art. Srlenr*. an. Illatory?Tb*
Trtn.n* AJn.ana-and Kiflit Tn'.uue Kttra
Lee-rnr* hilra, No, l-llli..irate.l.-T;.i lall'. rit I ""are. .,n
1^. r. Kma. >.. 1 ll-.o-ir-, touipaa-r. hiue.... .; Mel.la a
"ta-ienoflfie Rlination; PblU*-'! Loaa Art>j BeUowa i U Tbera A
OeJ. MartTw?in'BHeod*chl-.an.1 I*-tt*ra '
iTftnre Kitra. Ko. J- lliiutrate..-1'r..f. Willrr'l nr* n aad M.nd|
Pr?,f Rarker'l rh*n.ie?l lllaroreria of the Speetr?fnr-.. I'rof. l.inn.i
A*tr,>BO_.i?*Kk.BqLe?M; hrof. VoonK'i freeenl KnowleV ..f ti.
Lerare Kilra. Ho. 1-elix ahakeapjereio Sl ',; ' " ;
aee. B Art KioJiea KationaJ Aeadeay Coaraej Parteu a Pii(fii? Pelberx
aaMenef B-ain-a; llrel Harlee Argo-kuU ol_'?-. _ _ _, _
loertar* Kitra. N.i. 8?Itlaatl ' f f^"1' ?>*?
Flat--rr ?n lioBBd and He*_tfi(. V'oir* and Spe-el. ? I Tn* KtnltnaWoa
? ,.l. Uenj. BUUaan'i l>e.p I'lirer Jlminj in Cal
Dt. K. W. Raraoad ao Tbe ^erai H? a-a; Patie ?4,.1wib on
Tme aad jy*:a? rtceiire, Pr..f. K. L Yojioana ou 1 Le l.un'ia of __i?_oe.
Leetore Kitrk. Ko, 6.?Ttoerbfi'i ri'ren le-torci for M
Tbo-jrbU for ktiBiatera-i'lioBirbu npoa rnver-Prirer-Meeti:.. Aa II
la-Tbe Ileal i'rayer lleem.i MuaiC iu t'liurcbra-.-iocet; ia Ibe
CbaieJj-'Ihe ViBfera of ih- Cnnr.!.. _.______. _
LccUre Eitra .No. 7? lie/.er'i coBflaliny l*etarea: KetlTali Ib tbe
ftinreh-ftrM.'-a Aaa.. - lonBtriTala
aineail Al*' "The M..rBr._*lu_rr'.." bf de __hw?l-lt81 " t .-ee.1
EteteaeaU, by Tboaaa BUrr Kl*n "Th* l)<a_. Mtaate, ' by itoiea,
end a " ll?k>rr of rteeiariaa Appropri.tion."
Kitra? t rodn _lol..lier ? Kxulenee aud K*|*rta.
I*- WiUi TbeTrlbune Alniaa-e a 1 tr mail for fOeenta.
AddrxM all ord. ra Tll K 1 111 Bl 11:. NewTrrk.
l> orrics. -_, __-._.
__M0-_-KrrHnt8 0? 4 Tlr?T LrtB. I'r Horae* r.re.ler, with kn
Api?i_iix-i.da Portr.it tajten In 11T7J. rlotb. 03 ?
What I K>..w ..r iaaaiv., liy llor.o* Oreeb-y. Clotb. 1
TmrnCAl K. .>m>?1 Hr lli.raro tireeler. 1 ?>
_tk?om*i. ?r ll.ikata Uaaxi vt I'anpblet hd. ?"
Po, (lotb. with an ad.lltlonai Portrair. J ""
P.ii.iT.CX- Tr_fTboe?llB6..). (ire.Oer. t loth. 100
Taraoaa Ai.aiitac Ku-ri.it l- ? ?? ?? i '?? ? ? - n ..f t*-ai._ 1" <??
TaiaOBB -Eakva. Br Char.. T. ? ?rri..e. CMB. B?
MONBI II 1UB liARuaa. II. I'. I.guian. Clot*. 1 ?l
I'a*K I'ri.Ti rr r.ii I'Ki.riT. Qolnn. J J*
K__?R-t_ i.r A.iRi.XLTtnta WattaaJ, fl.rth. 1 W
Haiiaiao roR lliui.TH *a? PhoMT. W*nng. Clotb. 1 MJ
SlJirBRT .a HlBTORY. frBTWWakl. (lo'Jl. J
Rsa.LTx ob K?Aa. lt-.Tioa. Coehia. I l?:b.^. I ?
Hi'ttraa in Bi ?in?.-? l_-ei.ire I,. M-. OreeJey. W
>l_ l.aiiLi.'i Lrrrm riua (bia-. *?>
PoRTRAir of Mr. UKRRir.t. I-fe M;e Hekd aa.1 Buat,.
Mr Orbri.rt a.io Pawii r. A l.rr- Ijtb.HTTxpb. 1 "'
Karth Cio-ara akv Kabtk Hx.aub. Bann*. fe'
t O.H-KK4TIIR ST.lKX8-<Ol.,A1lt4T|..1 AIO M .?> A . X. C.1T.
( ...IKKATI01 ATTRaCTIVR lai.l.TKt.
Bf Lawi or ('....nn.iivp: I.?m. a> ? II' ii...:vi AaeocUTioa 1*
TBiarrwa Ai ?Ai4rforyeara_-^l-o2-fn----?7-<*-e9-7tk-7l-r--7_,
-.l..r?i. karli. *>
r>ei.t fre. on r.^-eipt of prtce.
Ad<lreea _ TnE TR1BVSK. MewTork.
J J Head and Haa..? W. * ?. ?? > I . I - 1
tkB fieaileat Ukateaa af Hr. Greeley (the plair waa M_r**?- ? tha
Bo.ton trei. aul offer tl.atn at tlie r-inilar pnee, *l.
1 i ? I.,it,.,iiaph af Mr'...... 1*1 .- I 1 i.l _- aull to be bad at *M per
eopy. Sent by ma.l, poa_Mee pxid. Addre?a
ewpy. ?*r j ,i~?-a r jllg Ti'lB-.NK. Kaw-Tet-.
>'oar Ke*.!. Clo_lb.-__. Bj:
Ikli POKTKAITH a.,1 tbtraTRATIOlfa; nne portralt rep
rr*>elu>_ Mr. Orraler aa h* apiM-aml in tke laat B* *? r i
?trait uf him r
h.bed. 11 e L.tain* oontalna a M.-t. .,ir ..f Mr. 0BI8LBT. Ml laat boun.
.i uf Lu uralb. tbe Kaoeral An
. e* tb* MnrtrniBfof tne Peoo'e, _*ttei of H ? o^f tbe
I'ohil aad Uie frt-ae, Inl.'.lne froa. Uie I'.^U 1. I'rrveH.
li.a>oftar....a Pnhlir I. i -0 eeata;
kkt_lao_jelv LoanJ, 01; eiliitr freo !?? u.
,11. | Kltl! Sl New V -k.
BCHOOLand UOMEioi roong B0Y8.?E
UllfOS, A. M . Pri'-mi.. Ilerup-Ual I. I.
0\> st:il<K?l>.-.Ti'hi. N....\ti,is. Booksfree.
rVrentk rear. Addreaa IIIUAM II. !'? >- ' *_
/m.li.Kiii. H.l; yOIJNG LADIE8,
v_/ . .1 ,
h.iwmrt* ?lrt rear. rorjli-iaea to fnml b _l* b**l i'. ???a-ei ;n ererr
departxni ut (.f k - e;..;.!eU. .-dai-lion ; i. rbartrn-j aa a t ?Bf-R*, ?nd r..a
frra dn.loi__a aml daaxeu, * aale. ' brialM. bura.: .
ao.ier.ie. Addreaa_ P] I'
1/1)1 f.\llt?\ i )MBIN1 D ??'i f i:'.\'!
A-i TTi.-j-e I. l.euir *? r-i '- '" '
- Kernpe J.ilr 2 ka.** I I . Ia_> ?bo 1 ?>?
mi,, ,,, . aud ?l_) will eealurt tke:r atoJiea la
haaaaareaail likxihraiiiaari nf ___,...,. ? , i-.^._.;_a. a:
reeaTR-tt I.I.KK, t Waat Tweol ul fl Sew. i
A>HT KIIWAIU* 1NS1I1I I'K-A boav-d
- SMUINAUT b* bott. Hei I . - ...
Kftarn leacber.. U. prepare f?i ,_,!./?. for Ltu.kea, er for ..le. *>l-4
per yekr. aUdreaa for eataJor-ea
r iOSKPU R K150. t) D. POrtKrlw
C'OTHIC HALL, Sttunford, <<.nn.
fm I -U'eg-ei, kpply W I'riRX.pala.
_MI ? ?'.-|. i IMSP_
"TTmiT SC'HOOL for .<?i m; LADIES,
ktr._ I Ireaa ii* EtlZABHTU WH.-IKK._
*J T_rryv.wn, N. T. E*t_bliah?l IM7.
Addrr-aH. r F a lACKBON H A. Pri-retrwl
. T-nnr levl r.\ an.l t b.Urea, Tj V'.-et .?n~v ir, tre^.an.1 tblrt e.b<
at , Mer* York -.'oanleu aed _-.iroe_b eotrne to l-renrb, Lai.j, Matb*
aatica. M?w. I.rawlnx aad .'a.ai.uj. NradB tta lan/u-je of.tbe
8*ha*L DrawiBg, I'.intmr and all kTnda of Kinbrolderr tinybt to
Hoarder- wltnoot extra ebar|te. Pef-aW. lai kraardian. deain__ tbeir
daucbtera aad warda to *e edurited akroal eaa tiu.jj|r;i Madanie bare
l_.e_i aar.t to Rerop*. Pepd for proepevt,.*. W;l! re..; --n r*ent. 11,187..
i. uiiirigtoii Iustitut* (forl>othBrxe.s),rt;niiinji*
Ui,, W. -T-T-rma reaaenable. Aildre.4 A. P. LASIIBR, Pnndp.l.
V~ASSAR bOLi-EGE, I'tmirlikeppsie, N. Y.?
Thebeateqi. , i th* **r_l Oa* m.i'.
laka t-Veataat ru I *el*ar__W *aa_r*ea iu eeerr dep_rtmeot. w!;.'.
plirbed prolaaaora. aad oabia*-. aad kpp-ratoa roapleta. ( areful pmria.
lua aade fi.r beaJth. for leetal aod aacial coitoj-, and tor ererytliiaa;
Breeaarr to ar. kBed uJ .-. afirtable horue. Term.., 64>J per eannm.
eoyenag all eip**aaa of tUaaoe. bu*rd. fn. I l.tbl aad waauuije. Bo ex
Uu ex-ept for aperala i_aur_c_ioa ib Mo..., P_,ut i.x, and R...__.
Heiid for raUlovue to ?. L. UEAN, He_iatrxr.
lall aeaaec o*ena Beak. 18. _______^___
for maklBf _... .nteil.*rnt. beattiir. Lbnati-a Skb.S.
hsTAIII.lMIKIi i?4.
Earneat teacbln*. 0<_ai-ioo-aea*e mtsajrearat.
BKSJAM1.N MAflON, 11..i So. 6.M Tonien, N. T.
V> ATlll?ATIOS.-<r-ar,diJat?* for a-laladoB to th'.i in
eiiaiae-t at tt* fV.lere Kaat Parti at.Ui-at b*twa*n Badiiue aad
Pnertb aeea.. oi KRI1.A 1. Jone 1", 0r(r_,u.B| at 81 e clotb a. a. Ibe
exaiBiBalloa will be aiteaded if nereeearr throajB tbe f,.l|.,wp?_ *>>.
batil.ieary deanble that all -aadidaaaa akeeM peaaeal tbeaaaelrea
preaietiy al U.a Utbe lral eeaed.
' T K. T BARWABr).J.r.r.. rreeirtett.
COI.'U'MBIA COLI.EG"E.-Tht> llnal examina
?oa ef te* herolor Clea ia Cottmbi* I nlle?e artll roaaMare oe
MUNLiAY, May 16, ani w.ll b* aeatiuuedKlBnaii ta* fc.llowir.e tbje*
damaad-*?. dunn| .-.iNHAV Tt7_-U>A., aad * h'l.fkdibAV ef the
wa k kuerwediajt, be_7BB_?# xt J? o cJecb raeh ia,
Tke eoarJo-TBy ei-Otaatioa f_r Uie rear of tbt Jkaior, Sopharaorc.
aal fraebauin Caae** will <-_._<?__? oa Mi.SliAT. Jun* I. aad will
eoet-ae* aa?l SATLh-DAT. Jaae 14, iaeh_a.ee, bearinBlaf *t ibe laae
TW pereni* of Btndeara, tbe Truateaa af Ue Celief* tb* ReranU ef tha
t'alreraiir ai.J uwe Iruuda of edi. .u..n xei.rraJlr, an rwei^ekfellr la
eiled to atta-d. V A P. BAKBAKH. LL U.. KaBd-tB.
AN Vdiicaii'd Gennai., uudonitafidinK FrtMirh
aad Maaia, w.ald like ajpuauoa aa BVBMfRy (iOVRR.NB-S aad
8KAMnTR1Un? , eoBBtrr atafeywd, ta tl* reaj.oB o. t*e N?rlii Birer,
Uaetleal raBreaeaa y.e... A Mreaa K. K._Beijifi.1 ? T. P. 0.
\" YOUNG EtiKlisli lady in tiiv-tiVtiiuTof __*<*?.
lar witk en eaafaateaaeat ar tba hohdayii aaaau* aaaleua , eaa
III Boaiioa u ferafaaa* te yeaae; tk'l tree. Ralui _* eaieet, U.f_aek
aft-reaeaa Addreaa Mlaa rHLL. UeHawih (W|t_.e Ln_d_e, Owtart.
X ef -an -aaBtelaea Aaakre U aale ananfwaeaaa wiib a_aa* eeaue
teirt aeraoe 4e axke ahtrta af ik km, u JOUB U. WlULARU,
laeretarr, Tray, f T. ______^
TWO YOTNi. I.ADT.-:^, oT^?F_r7f_arB' ex
aem**e* ?reold flke I* aal* <_f arr.oeau for the aeifVaael rear
eeTe.rt_rr.ef Kioeeaioa. Malbeaauee aad ktfter Ku#liab braa-kea.
A_8t-m TBACHBBB, Baa -81. Tn-aa* tMkee.
YVA_hTl-D--A ftlTUATiON, utxt tmil by a
V f Pefwtf* Lady ef 11 yaetW eia?neare e* a Ireakar ol kraar. aod
Caraee leeaw-f-a ea* aaaavn, aa a Vaxiaa Ueearaea ia a arleake aaaaai
** aaav. ad-MBji. a, aWw oa**.
Mar 29. 1873.
. i.NHKNBKU r-XPRK-MLt R<>K 111* IKllllIN-r
VUBgl C'ALI. 1<>_ oVUtCK A. ?? .
ffn/r-f of* f'orrramrrit Bmurt.
6.U00 L. i. 6 -JO 00* '67.12I} I >.0W'U. H Jy^,__*irM'
,.... ? iQil to.aao t).H. no(*oup., u'i
M".C." ' | lalled bonda.H8|
Paciflc Mail.
e.mv-44, |. |,|,1
2,9oo?4.1,, 4, :t. t-1
S.JOO- 4-}, |, J..H.J
B,0M) 41. 2}. |, |,1
1,400?42)1, ), ), }
1.200-424, le, fte
1,400 4.4, 42. |, 1
Woateru Unlon.
2,910-841, |, 4|. ,
900?tt.) -.-, ii, ).;
N. Y. C. A II lt. Ii.
60O-1UU}, |r_l
BALES FROM 10 TO 101 A. M.
ia |? Railwav. Bock ??_??"?',,
W-?-Jb-.(J? ao-ioai, iuai
Unioo 1 "acidc. He, i'aul.
1,7.10-27). 7, 6}, 7
1,700?27*3, taa, 4
1,200?26).7,fi}, 1
1.4CO-27, 27), 1,27
600?271, 7), i?J
Lak.t Hhore.
130-fl0|b:i, 90|
IM 9a% ?0|?a
40O-MI, lo, Mi
B? H. A Kne.
200?21, 2}
Oblo A ?uw.
700-41*. 41)03
1,000-41*1, 1,410
C. <"? 4k I. O.
900-20, ), :k>,TOJ
900-291,110, JOO
FTR?? nOARP?10* A. M.
Salrtoj HaBlJBail gaia iwrt Uontti-Uank ana ?_u
rood r.Tvrrn Stoekt. dt.
Tenriesaee ?*. old.
10,000-80), BO
Alaliania Ba, '93.
Alii. A Hu*. 3d M.
l_ik>' Sni.ro D. B,
1,000- 93)
Oaot, r.i.. goldb.
U. Pa. R. R. 1st
3.000??, ,V.i
Uu. Pac. 7a L. Ot.
.3,000? 70, ,
li. I'aellle 1 i. lu.
15.000 60, 60|
t kic* N W.latM.
1,1*10 lulj
fhi.-It IA Pao7?.
7,000 -104|
Mleh. Ba 8. F.
Ohio A Miaa.
k r.
Mll. A M.
in.. La <
HU L. A I. M
r. ist
fiiiii. & H. City ad
liauover Bank.
Conaol. Ooala
100 5ll'?0
Wm. u. r?i.
l.GOO??4). ,",i?3
Aiu. M.UulouLi.
UO 68
U.s. l.xpreaa.
w 100-70*
N. V. ('. 1 ITud.
200?lOujbe, )<s3
1,000 lOOL i>\ |
500?100)-U, |J
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Pacitlo KalU
1,300?42}, 1, i".. \
1,000?42). t, i, }
l.fiOO?__jbj, 1,1
2,200?411, |, f,i-3
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Erie Ball
aoo--... i
I.lUe MiiilC.
1,923-*'}, i, J. |e
Up. J.J. }
-42. 20.1, 411
_fS t .-I
Tanama R. B.
TJn Puelflc R.R.
2,600-271!).', ,, I
2,400-27), 1, ). ?.
2,100-276, |l>3, 7|
aoo-27f_i,). M
Illlnola (Jontral.
North-Weat Pf.
N. J. OenuaL
C. C. C. A I B
Bock Iala.'iil.
SOO-lfHlI).*, 8|
8t. I'aul 1'icf.
IM 7Jbo
Tol.. Wab. & Wn.
B? II. A Krle.
400 -2)ix-, i.laflrj
700? H, i. 21*00
Wftat'n lUilr'd.
600?1041, ), 104
aoo?i04be, 4(
Ohlo A 4W?i. ??
400?*U>'-, ilo
C, C 4 1. C.
ftalri of Umrnimrnt Httndl.
8.000 U. 8.5-20 ( . '07.121 {I 2,600 U.H.f*. Reg.'Rl.. ..11*|
l,m, .lllj 40 000 U. H. l-20('.'05, n. ll'|
9_,_WJ.2i.1211 | 2,600 aniiill.119
BAIJ-S 1KOM 12) OfeUX? 10 1 I'. ?i
Weatern Uu. Tel. I'at lflc MaiL L'ulon i'.irlfle.
1,1") H4|. ). ?I)0 1.4'BT?ll|, t, |,?J 8tO-27i,'J7i
700?B44I.J, f>4) ooo?41.4.4, 1), ) HU I'aul.
K.Y. ('. A Hlld. MM -41)1... | .1 4'W- _4|, 64|
aoa-lOOtalO, I 3.0?0?41), ). ., |.| OhroAMiaa.
ErieKailwav. L.We hii,,r_. . 300?40|
400-03), -I-, | 4u0-?.
noem boaub i t. m.
8ale$ of State I'.o.uU-Kaitruad lionae? liank and Rail
road?Kzprrn Stoekt. de.
Ml-sourlfiA We-t. Unl m Tol.
6,00u , l,4(m aafbe. i, |<;
Hr..okivii(_?,W. L. 5.10U?iit. <)- '? 1
1,000-24) 3,noO-a4ilj_. ?li
(enl. i'ae.fi'dbdrl 1.400 l?4., H4|uJ
'.'j.iui UM i'.ii illc .V.ill.
L. Pavillc R.lstM. 2,10o- il|t)?,). |,|
2,000-801, 801 (00 4ij*3, 411
V. IV 7a, LiiidGU ;po-4i<_. 41)
17,000?f.'J, ffcj, jj.OS 1.4J0 llji-l, 411
Uuiou l'ae.lO.-,lu. iyJOO tlj-i, ), 41
IJiO 59, 8), JjhO 6,0.0 -41.-.1, 4<*J, 1
o. .v Uaa. Cuu, 1.400?4n).a. |.4?l
r.i Adatll^ 1. k|in --.
Nertb Mlas'ri lat. apa-Mbo, 9a?
2,000?91) Ei/e K.iiiway.
W.--.I. U. Tcl. 7b. *iO?C3ii.c, Jh3
1,000?'Jt5 3,l'X)-27iho, 27
CenaoLCoaL 7 ?i?jo|. 27?3
400-64|bC, 5, iJ Cleve. A P. G'd.
10 -B71UC
fiAI.Ed U....M 2; "Cliii IC P. M. TO
m>s. 4 u'l i.ock r
W, -r. I'nlen Tel.
TJ. P. ?'. eonp. 'bl.
lo,i??i I23j
[j!?, MOeoop, '67.
10,000 12l(
.N. V. ( . A IllHl.
Erie Ballway.
IkiO?4ij). UJ|
Laka Bbore,
l,i??. :??i. ). OOJart
800-901,90) .-vl
1,200 a*L jbio, i
1.7.81?K4|, 41, 84|
ItOOl lallllld.
1,900? l'i-i-3, j, )
('., < . .V I.C.
.00?2_1, MthZO
M 0 Mfi |, I')30
N. T. Cen. Alliid.
100 1001b3bfl
l,iuu-ioo|.), 100)
C,(J. (,'in. AI. n.iu
N. J. Ontral.
200? 106cbe, 5J
llotk Ir.l.lli'1.
6t. I'aul.
Tol. Wab. <t Weet.
Chle. A A1U It, R.
100? nui
P'ta.. Fu \V. - C.
Ohio A Ali*._
600?4ClbC, {, 1
a/)SE OF Bl'SI
1'iitlflr Mill.
2,6on-40}. i, |,|B3
-. ). 103
2.!'" II). i, 4f}.l
Ijnion Paelie.
i,l?4>?23i, n. 26}
17*4, -7
Otdd A Mia-..
j. 1. 2. 41
TitfttanAT. Mny rt-r. w,
Tlie peneral atoek apcculation WM tamo I
to il.tv. aod, afi-r a liriu opeainft the fi-einral uiar
ket liet'iuiie unsetll. (1 :itnl fi'veriali, witli tbagHM?
?nitjnannttill hnaflih of courao Padfio Af.iii La
th. | ature, but, ih qrite tho mmmIoii oi Capt Bnd>
bury t<> UM l'r. .si.l.-ne;., tlie prll >? ?U de< 1 i i - * <1 frnni
tli>- Hiiinmit larit niirht n-atlit il, iunl rulcil irrcjrular
anil fevoriah all day. It unsctth d tlio rcat o? tho
lint alapk ami a droopiiiK t?-;ul< n< y waa noUxl
tliriiiiKlioiit, thou-rli af Um gOMffa] market wo may
sa.y that " thoaa malaaobolj daji have como" again
fur tlie lnipecunioiis atock brokers. Of tlie inveat
i,i.-in ?, Dahivi_ri) Laekawaaaa ami WaMarn waa
?ttrODf at UMi, bill tlie le.-l . -f tlie llrt \\ I. <.. 114 ? t- Tlio
ifeneial inaik. t 11aaed rtaady. Tha toflowIngwwa
tlie opelilliK, iilK'iieat. loW.M, ainl cldhllllf plict'Bof
Oprn f. Hvrma't Low.it. i
ft. T. t'ri/ra: k H i''..?on. I'",1 H"?
Krie. ? .
Wabaab. aa M
. 10
Mi.waukee ..ml M. I'.iul. 54} 64
(um.taJUaaiaaippi. 41) 4i)
' . 2| 21
rntonrariflc . 27) 27|
i .. . aad ind. < entraJ.?
.1 Waatora. lfi) l.ni
.iaph- 84} M}
I Mail. 44 44
?7 j
' i
'? 4
Olmliacing, DavL-tA- Amoiy'- dosiiigpin .a\\. re:
llnt. A. Ui 1. A?knl
y.y. c .t tt i 'j 'ii i"'t
re .v M -. W*
(ihi.i A Mieaiaaippl 40}
TqledaA VV'almsli.. 07}
I. . - I .an.l.i aa
it. I'aul. ??l
it, l'.iuli'ref. 72)
Nertb-Weatara_ 77
Nortb-Wi ll i
C.ll., Cliie. Al. ?
I'Olon 1'a'iH. . |7|
Poi t \>..'. u.? . J'-t
' J
II irlein.l:to
New-Jei ey < nt.1081
Del., L A wr-t....i"i)
Cbte, & .\it.in....uii
f., 11. A cjttincy..lOfl
N. V. A N. ilavi
i i
li i
M} l West. Untoa Tel.. *ij
? I'.ie.lie .Mail. 41)
? Caut.ni. 90
86 Coiiaoiidatioii l o.il M
\-i .iu- Ex.?'.}
?! WeiN, Paraa Ex.. ai)
874 I Uuited eiate.a tl. 7o)
. Ml I ,
lieud.iiK cloaod ln i'lillaileiphi.i at 116.
Tho new priiitinir inarhineof the Oolil anrl St.irk
Teleftraph Company ha_i boeu in oper.tt imi at the
M?.?k KxchanRO for two or threo days, and givea
purfert fiatisfacti.m. Tho maihiuo piiuta nioro
raj.i.lly than any BOW iu ubo, and it i.-i cai)al)le nf ,1.
livering quotationa as qtiick a* they can be trans
n.itted by tbe Morse iustininent from tbe BlTOhanfa
totbe Cornpany's optruting rooms, say about 3U
ITOOdo a iiiiuuU-.
Dold haa bffii fiirain quiet, with nothing oecnrring
to douotc tho iut.'iiliotis pl tho Bpeculative cliquo
noweontrollini? it. The foreipn markets aro strong
an.l higlior, but du not aii'eot tlie promiiim, tho prico
trr-.lay ruliniratllH) toHlH}, with the cliief trikle at
118j iintil lato fti the a/tirnoon, wben the price
aottle.l to llKo/HH). Tho liauk of KtiKlan.l l.ist
?|B,00000 bal.uu e, bnt tharuW' of iliseount is atill
ti ji?r cent. Gold loam* coat for carryiug U, 1, 3, fl,
and 6ptr cent, a fow liians boing made ilat The
Aahlataut TraaBoror paid out #1.400 oalled bonda and
$ 10..000 eiiin intereat. ihe dny a buaine_ at tbe
Qald Eiobauge Bauk waa : Gold clearod. t7H,4<i4,0iiO;
go\d balauoea, i3,i:?.'.H>0; currency balancen, $3,
674,(119. The followiug were the qnotatious:
jO:uo....U8f | ttm....tUt | 1:00.11H) fcM.11R|
WM....UM 12:oo....iut) ! 1:30.llaj 3:uo.hh)
11.U1....1U4 | 1__0. ...H?i I 3:<?C.il?< | i:w.Us)
The da^B busineea at the U. 8. rJub-Treaaury
(lOldreeetpU... |4B 1.930 88
trO'd pHVluanU. ,aa,U* W
(Jcld balaiiee ...41.460.794 69
Cam-ncy re'pta. _tw,294 ee
Curreney par
aaaaia.. 0275,997 tn
Cur'ry lialauce.21,690,966 20
Cuatoma.. aia.ouo uo
There were 13 bida for tbo Treaaury gi?ld, amount
ingfto f-.rVKl^OO, at 117.r~5 Ut 118.U. The award of a
tuillion wa? mado at 11*3.10) to 11141 The dctaila
ue aa followa:
II. T. Ilubbard. , J T. BateaAr0.
1600.000.118.41 Ita-aaa...nata
K. D Oaden. -
|4B6,UOO.11W 40} J 01,000.000
Tomorrow belog Deonration Day, and by aet of
the Legialature ac_ae boliday, tho bauka and pub
lie offlcea will ho oloied, the (Juld and Btink tx
changoa haviug adjourned over until .Saturday.
Forelgti eachange cloaed on the baaia of the foi
arnr J?rt.
prime bankera' atertloy bllla
on Ixuidon. ... 1081 ? 10B?
iiottii l.ankrra do.|f??)? im)
prima 00m. atarliua do.lue .< i ??>}
I'aiia frraukara).?,25 M _'.)
Aalwarp .6.29)14 6.21}
Anateidtkaa. 40J* 40}
Hambura.. M]a 96
Fnuikfori.. 414? 41}
Hromeu. . 96}* 90
1'ruaalau titalera. 72 a 72}
Katra ma_a far Luxopo on tiatonlay, per att-am
Shlp Main, will clo_-5 at 12:30 p m at the Mcrehants'
Excliartge, Nos. 60 and 64 Pme-ot.
Tho skamc.r Hileaia took out to-day $-d,000 silver
Money waa easy on oa.II at r>?7 por cent amnrig the
Btot-k l.tikere, and i*l f> and ? a_nonr the leading
b.ui.1 de.-tlerH. rrimo mercaiitile paper moves ot7
to 9 per ""! ?
ThefollowinflraretheTroaemry balanrea at close
of bwtaOM to-<lny: Cutreiicy, $:!,.VX),000; eoin,
$73,fri0,fWi; oertillcates oatstaiidintT, PHmjU
tba int. ru.il r.vcnuo rcceipts for Ihe day were
Governnient bonds have been strong on small
oiTermgn, and our lall remarks are applicahle to the
marketa to-day. Fiak <$_ Ilatch report as followa:
.Jffered. Alled.
a.8.5-*).'M.roriJ''119 H?i
U.rt.S-W.'aT.Cori Jvl-I. l.l|
u.?.ft-?.'M eaaJriio i*o_
U.H.104H KeKlsfd.ll-* ?
rj.H.i04fl c-iiiii-'n. iiil 1I4J
U.B.S.iof '81, rtittrllH -
U.tf. 8a ot'?_, CouyUo. ua*
Olfered. Aaked.
IT. H. Carrency 6d.ll? ll-i
U.8. f>, '81 Ke?r...UH| 119
1,8. (ln. 'al (_vp..l_-, ir_.
TJ.H 5-it)Ke.My_tNoU
ollok 117
nllAI 117
-11S. 117
UA B-_.,'f?,0
U.H.6-__.'_?.<>iu.Noll? 118,
U.3. f>7*. ItgJ_tJ..lliH !1M|
There was a very light trade in State bonds, and
the market preaented no new fatature. Tounoeaoea,
old, aold aa low aa S0. Tlie lollow-ug were tlo <_uo
OtNrerl Alked.
Tennaaeee 6a. old. BO ?
_Vnnenaee Ss. new. 80 81
Virtfula--, old.... 43 ?
VirBiuiaSa,new... *0 ?
Virginla6a,cod... 64. 6*4
Virtrinia 6a, dof... 10i 11.
Weorgta 6a,
<l.-ur?iu* 7?, new... 91
N. C.fVa.ol.l."J?
H.C. N.(".R.Co.E_.
(lounoti. ?
N.C.68,Fund.A.,'-rt -
N. C. 68. F. A., lrW. -
NortliCar.68,n<!W. ?
Nurth Car. aii.tax. 1_|
H. .:._*, J_ja.it July 1
Kt. C. 6a, Ap. & Uot. ?
H. 0. ?a, F. A. *?... IS
M~.flaIi.ibM-.Jii.Ia. 91
_t-._a_A-_r. orUi.l. 93|
l__u. _a, N. Hofids. 40
- 13
4< 1
- 107
0__re__ Aaked.
Call-ornla Ts, LA*. - tia
Conneeficut 6a....103 ?
AlabatnaBs.? *>
Alaoamasa. 1H.3.. ? 87
Ar__7s,__. AI_B. IS -
A.78.L.R.IM..N.O. 18 *0
Arlr. Ta. M. O. <t K. IS *0
A. 78, ark Otnt. M. 18
Oblo-a. 1873.101
Ohlo ?.a, 1881.
III. eodp.-a. 1877.. 99
Ul. cotip. 6a, 1879.. 90
_-li,_li_u-l Cd, UM-, M
Mlc_,igaii6-?..lr?_. W?
N.Y. R'K. M'y.L'n.HaJ*
N.Y.coup. H'y _/B_ia0|
And the following for city bank Btooks I
UfferetL A.aerL
M mnaftan.1S1 167
Mi n- fi.ii.t-*.118"|
An.. uica.158
N.iftli I.ivcr. 88
Hnten.A l.rovera'. ?
M.x-li. A Trs?<lrlV.Ul
<__U.it_n N_.lo_al.l_0
1/ sttlif-r Mniitifac. ?
ue veutl. Ward.?
Htateof Nt;w-Y'k..llO
Ctiiuiiicrc.'. ?
Ain.-r. Kx. Ii;ing('.l09
f;liH,tliaui-...... ?
Kaiilt ot Uie _0 |
R of N. Aint-nra. ?
? IM
Oftr-t Afkerl
Metropolltan.l-fii \&
Htioe and Lesather. ?
Corn l_xtli*ti_:e ...IM
Contlnental. ?
Ht. Ni'h.ilita.100
(AHjiiJiuuweiaUU .. 84
MTrs-t Merrti'ta. ?
N. Y. N tt. Ez'B?m ?
Oatral Na.ti.naL. (M.
VvttX National_207
F.urtli M?Uon.tl..ir4
Nlnfli Nutional ...104,
TentU Niti.ual... ?
(itfi'in.iii Aiur-ric-UiloOj
Gold __xc_arjfiii...lli
Tht re waa a nioderato bti8ineas in railroad bonds,
the chief activity being in the Pacitlc mortgages.
The quotatioiiB wero aa foliows:
09-r?l Aaked.
Tol. A W..2dM.... - 93
Y.AW.K.iuipIionda 83 85
T.A W.C'ona. Cou'le ? 86
HBU.&N'.i'-fSleitM. 85. Wl
U. "A'e.it. 1 M.. |_M. 95 -
0. W>?t, 3d M., 1893 ?5. 86
Q. ATiil. latM. 18-0 W 93
fiiri.A.-o. LlatUor. 88
(JaLACkM Kxtfud.103
t.al.&ciiif. :.iMort 90
Moi'.&Ka. MaB_Sf_~ 'J7
N.J.L'ut.HtM. newlOi.
N.J.^outU. 1UM.7'8 14
01. A Pllt.i. 0.8, F. ?
Ol.Ai'itta. 2d___..100^101
Cl. _? 1'itta. _d M... ? W
CI.-tPltt-.4tti M.. 861 ?
t.'Ulc. AAlt. 8. F... 98| ?
Cliic.J-AltonlstM.I06 ?
C11U-. _eAlt.j_.lno_. 95
O. & M. Oaa. D. F... 95J
f). aMi-8.Conaol... 96
O. A Miaa. _<1 Coa. ?
Duo. A_. C. IM.... 93
8t.LAI.-M. li>t M... 97|
M. A (O.r.iM.akP.D ?
M.__Hti,.7_-10FD.. 94
l_.eWt_P.7a O'Ul KU ?
M.A?r 1M.I.& M.l> ?
M.A't.P.lM.r.tl ? f*
M.diar.l'.-M.C.A-d. 77 ?
C C'.A l.lstM.... 871 8>.f
C, C. & 1.3.1 M.... 70J 71
Tol.. F. .V W..W. 1>. 88
Tol.,P.AW'.,Bor. D. IM
lol., T. At \V...d_l. 73
IT, Y. A N. II. 08..10O
_B.aH.ekB._B.-l.... 85
H., U. _K. Ouur'd. 4d
C. 1. AM:ii. l-t M.. ivl
ii.cu.AM. ldt7a.g a.J
(iffere.1. Akked.
y. Y. Cen. 6a. lart).. ? Blft
N.Y.l^n.6*, IU Kd. 87. ?
N.Y.f'o;.. Cs, iuli'n. 87. ?
E_1eUtM'tce.Sz. lui. -
K.1e2d M.7h, -7.....I00| ?
JJrte 3d M. 7<, H48-.. 98
KneAlkM. 7?..<v?. 97.
Ee-le6tb M. 7B, 1W. 98
lAinn Do.-k HhhIh.. 9?
Buat,?.Y-_-__lM'77. ae
Hud. K. ra,3M., 75.1'k) ?
Ii;.r.C;.M.A!..F._?.100 ?
Mirh.r.latM.8_,l__Zll-_ ?
Micfl. fio. 7h *1 M.. 98 ?
( 1. V. ..Tol.ri. Fd..lir.iJ im
Clev.Pl.AAeti.(J. 11. 98 <M
. l.-v.ri.AAsli. N.B. 9>i 93
ixr. M..H.& lol.B. 974 98
j;iitr. A fcneN.H.. 94. 96,
I-akeHti.ire Liiv.b.. 9.iJ ?
-nore C.K. b. ?
l'at'.R7s tnia.nv M. 9fJ
Ceut.Fat-.S. A.Bda. ?
W.:?t. I* .? Lftfl Bdn. 96 ?
fii. rar l?l M.Btln. 86. ?
TJu.Fae. LdO't7?. 6_ 69+
PacIslO*... 69 6lr.
" tl .rUdWSa 95 ?
Alton&T. H. lat. M.V't ?
Altot.AT II.2M.F. ? 90
Alf.AT.H.-.IM. Iiic. 76 79
I blC. * N. W. r4. F..J0O ?
Ohlc.AN.WMnt.lila94| ?
OhlC. AN.SV.C. II* 8W ?
Chic. A -V W.1.-.I M.1UI. lOli
Man. A Bt Ja OOB. 86.
I?el.I_ac. A VV'.latM.lM
.V W'-ldM. U.
Tal.AWab.lat M.Kx 98
T.AW letM.nt. I.dv ?
Tho n.?vrr.-pnte reeeipts of the Panama Railrond
Compauy for the past four montiis, c.tupare.l v.itli
th.- ______ -HTiod for the yaat two yvars, havo bct:i a_
ToUl.Ifi-l.e.-O WnjM Ii76_i4_
The hiulioii m Hm bank ot Lm,l_aid lia_i iucreascd
jCI-V.OOu (lurini. ttie puat week.
The I'hiladel-.liia sto.k niark. t ia dull ; Prnn
(.vlvim.i Haet. M9| Philadelphia and Krio Kail
r.iinl. -.'.; l.i .i.ii'i_; Uailniad, 56.; lV-nueylvania Kail
i.i.i.l, _6; (.old. 118_.
1I.INMM, UfleUSI 01 .Jay COOKI _k Co., )
JfO, -0 W'ALl^-til.. May 'iA, 1-73. .
Tbo Northern Pkciiio llailroad Compauy having
detcrmii.td to cloa*. ita 7-30 Hgt Maa-tfMOOoM
l.<<a\ stt H IggiagalO not exceedinir tlnrty miliion
dollars, and theriafter to puy no hitrlier ratcot uitcr
tet than rj per rent on fnrther _?__? of its bo_____j the
limited remainder oflhe 7 3-10 loan u now being di?po$ed
../1liriMifi.t Thr-i lisnal aireneies.
A-s the bonds of thia i.ssue are made recelvable in
? ut ft.r the Company's laud.-i at 1.10, they are in
conatant and iucr.;_hing dumaitd for this purpoae,
and will t ontinue to be aftt-r the loan i.4 eloacd a
fact wluih inucLt enhancea their Mtluo and attrac
ttfOBOM as an investment.
Tho Company baa more than ."jOO milea of ita road
bnilt aud in ojeeration, haa earne.l titlo tn nearly ten
miliion at-rea of it_ land ^rant, and aalea of landa
have thua far averaged $5 66 per MNi
All markt-tablc eecuritiea are receiM-d i:i exchango
for Northern 1'a.itiea at currcnt rates.
_Jay Cookk JL Co.
HOND3 AT k __________Ma
guarantoed by tho Mtdland ltailway, for aale at 89.
Jamkwon, Smitii & C'.ttino, 14 bioad-st
For Sai.b,
MoNTn_AiK Railwat Botam,
guaratitet'd l>y Midland Railway. l'n.
Mi'sorave & Co., lt liroad-st.
M'*rrfalTf aoona* far Tb* Titt?rTr?.t
TlOUD.l. Utj 19. 18771.
__?_?>TfcaraeeHeax lo-dar ar* 13 pkp. fot* are aaeadr and ia
mo.). n.e rr-qaeai; qnutad tl *?. Pearia art rerr .all a_-l iwa oal.
COTTOS?Th* .im.-Mi fur Cflt-a o* tl>? apot kki t<een aau m__
eraU, trwt ^^te_a are enthuat qaoul le ehanf*. We *??te aa *>ll..aa:
U.uia. Adta-ma. *_?-t?Tlea**- T*aa?.
Vediaart . l?i Mi ?i
*Vhw irrd.Mrr. ?l l?i '?< Kj
Plrl-lU**-! Ordj... 171 _? '2?
Ua Mi_diu_f. >t 181 ,.*) 1 i
M-idhaf. 1-1 !?? ' ,sf *?
??*_.. Uul-.UB*. 2i| >1* ??? u
Ttr uuutauoaa are -*ae_ aa fottoB .* itere, raiui-. ia a/aati(. aal
aore t_aa baif a (ra.le .U.re er belear lae ar* le q-utad.
iaj__a b-m raaaairr taruraai
T* _*/ t*at er.Binf. T?tal
?;-?,-,._ ?-7 841 7?
fuDiaantin*. "J "** ,.01'9
BearautU-B. * *
TuaaJ. attt 1 4-4 1,__8
frrmini .leiitenee .teady oa aarlr B.mtha, with ao adT?ur? of ,_?
J-lbc-a iaar auatka. aale* aa foli.ae. all ??>'**>* ?' !?? M_Ua?.e.
?alea laat ereoin* afur J b. a?Joae. 4lki h.lr. at 18 7 ttr. H*> al
18 k I8r -OOatl-lc; Jalr. 40U at 18<?. Aaftiat, JUm al Ulllke, *UO
at lh*_,,'-_C al 18 _3-_4*. i katal 1^** oatea. rwlaa la-Jae ap t* 1 D. ?.?
Mar JQ. al 1-le., -e_e. 800 al B ??__*.. Wkl 18 ? l?e . 1,480 al
18 !*-__* 8**al 18 ?-l>>*.i Aal/. *?* ** 18 l_-l_c. 8-0 al lala. 8-8 al
18 IMo_: lia.atWia., 1.1-0 a4 18 IJ-i..-., A..?at, :-00 .1 IJ.'e. 400 al
I8 1J-1-4 A**4 18 rl*.,?4l IK,e.. :e,t*aiHn. I*u a| It IJ-l-c.;
Itaiaaatui' 1U? al lt**. Biekaaaja-a-O A*j-al lar Jalxeeea ;?.e. t>a>d
ta aaakt-are 1*8 Jaa* fae.Bji t_**l, a.Ouu kakra. |r*__ Wtat. I8.8UV
f. "KKBB- We a_4_ea aalea af i.-M baga Ri* here, aar Oatarta. and
Iwa .aeviea* at Baituaora ?Ur4|.Ui| l."i9 l-taa, ..at ti,e aaiket ia
latiraJlT aa'r' of otk*. i'altaa late aale* *?__*-* ."' ' i. . Ji'a. l'">
fc^, taaaa.rra. t,*-"* kefa t'o-ta Kiea. Tnt l.a?-l ?>? <?t, ?lt.4_.rl*Bt..
iKaaiaao?ia Uil* B? auaaaaptHan wttkla ...ir laa.e , alao, W[ baa*
8a_u U-_kia_-, a_ ?P*?i t? ti?erp._*l k; laa. k.u.1.
gaotatiuua t.u..lati?a.
at-ax. i."*J 0-8*1
1,? rac*. *? Biitr.I, . r.,rtoK..-.. Sap I.37J |-i _>l-|
."!; ?au .?? ?' ?* t._aa*..a-aa.,.. 4..M8 I-ka> -_?I5*?
?,, mi. J.UUI a8|?i8k aalabar. _*_????? -S1 ?__???
l__._ariaia_a.... ?.'?* >? ?1-| ' "??*? l-k- Ma II i.
Jaaawa laa*. 1J?4 U im Bka, ka?a.70,473 17J*-U
at [Kittua-t. M.a !**'
?BBIOhI'a- Berth r.H.m haa brru lu axwleraa d*a*?l ._.! lathe*
ataiadr *xe*,.l fur tira.i. ..u apttt aluah ia a.ak, uerin^ U> Ihe vout -?
auiuar'ut. i rtbeal aial i . rm>_h.e.l and a daalrr lo rvle. e_**k1 Ihe le
oa;,, ti,r raiaela aa* Im-m fair at a-a_, raaa. i'ua eo...- Bt u.a U..I*.
iere; Ta LI"'!**"- '?_ *t*a.a j..u?*_ __?h. Oreii.. -'...e .tr .'??_;
m *?_?*. at *de*id | M,08* baat. ta, al B*., r" a*a?_.era fi_a t-tb af
Ja** (? Ita af Jalr, 4,460 bere* Chaaaa. at Mi ; IM raUe af Ratr at UL
|?rr?,??i iraall VjbaJ?a.,( (*t?*n. al l-iBAfl f? ' |.f ?3
-ail l.r.o kbk moat. W III. ti K TeOltaj?a-..,* __, * a^ JJ
*-.. tod I?i bb't Hoala, a 4a. Ta Aal?*-, kr ttrjaa. Mjf* katL
Oraia tl 114. T_.aB-rt-.-rrT 4a ltai.li brti, braat ? Paau* Aa*_.
f"i ..M.ra. vita ,.J4> an (Irtt , at 7a. ?-., tid S.4 irawatr; t Balk
0. ratn l.ark, Iretiee ta a dtrr*. p*rt la Uia U,.lu?l ICarioa trlUl l,4f3
qra. da. at ta. M.; a Rrltiafe aark, tv.ar* I* a 4ir**? Coatl?*ttl aaa.
trt'h 4,'Oi art. Onbt tt I. at I .l,*n kark, k*a-a lo CaaaaBtl_ot5?aa
Oliaaa, with ll.KXi.aaa. KatSne ll'-ir ,ia<ia. oa ir.r.i* trraw; aa ft*]ia%
lm?. fiaa f-larl?lpha U r rtaatr. w,i* l nfji kMa _>la?4 PMntaaa a*
I- aad AlOfraunir, nratuT~d.oIuli.il hwk, troa r'I-l**4lp_u* i* tfe?
Adnttie ?lih 2.V?) b.la. Kafloel dr. tl lt. ?!.??. *1 ? I f..-raa* ktrt
ta arrlre freai WilainirtaB, ta a ?raet port la tba Uaiad Kla>4aa ail
Coniiaeat. aiili .1, ?J* ui.la. kaata, aa pr.ut* torau. aa Aacrtne* barto
nf 4 14 tona reri, er.be-iw U>i'a.t,? ?lh iur.t at ?& far rafU Bibe a
flnlia-bark (to-h-rei, fram Btilta kir.r U ttirar flatl*. trtik toia* f
frr- ul I.uuiorr at a?*> aod pnu,,,., a lir.Ua- ta/k uf 4J6 taat ngial*i_
Lfi.? Ui NorthS.de frjl.ttn! kttt.
Kl.O'. K AND MBAf.- Ha ir.s.irr f,r-**? la limitad, atat aeatr,
larfer arr.ralt priree af all Buriaf, aarl lha lu* (-idea af Wiattr WkaaO
Kilrat trr laarr aal irr/n ir Bo 1 m-r? | l-nlr aa-1 a li??r Af
lk> t -a* tbr mar-at la itull aad low-r far aaa* frataa, nataalr Ita
r-linr./ Wbaat k.aodi. Bilra of 7.'. 0 i-Lt. Wa'tiuir.
aout 4* _ol ,.._, ...04 '?wa? C? I a."* ibMi IiITi
Nc, ?. ) ??'? 4 Tj
lUDarlaa. ? a0? I f>
MaU 'finra trtaai.. ? ?'a 7 Cf)
4ua IfaarTM.. "<_? ? <?'
W**4 I Mipv-a Bit 4 Ju? I (A)
HnnanuXnm rni?
?mW tuar...... 7 na I tl
Hi-MauM Bapa/UTB
Okio tad Hak. Iiailia
Otto. .au.. a ii>. ia*. I Ha a ?a
Dhio Bnao.1 nm.o Bt
<rt (Mkiapiaai-I Ma 1 If
u>ba. --.Traoatrtt. 7 Ki? I ?
WbiwWbatl litra
trtia lad.aatUM*. IM l?
IJo.ul.Bilri4-.4o.. I tba 10 JJ
Xitru. I f?a If W ? L? u.itr.r:. Rtu * BOa i v>
(Joo?l u> e_i? Hpnaf I B4.Ubu. UaaiBa lal ? aa I Mi
Waaal lUuta...... 1 260 " fi) Bt. I^tia. Inoia iUL . *>d 1 :?
| d?aaraBitrt trtaia 7 40? I* 0?
Boothtra FTobt la ta aodmita n>m. 1 and u a tbada ^aa?r.
TV rV?( llarrtt of ftew tba 'aaac l*'!' of lb? Oal haaiaiaa
BU-tioah p C-7_oa?r trrir?1 T-r?rlar r?? "orfnlk Hka ?ro-?_. a*
_iattarT*l?fH..?r ?B4a fraa u,a wtaat of IBTl. k.al^a.1,.
TA* raiirvtda tad ftrBinakipa tr?u?p<.riaJ IL* ka/rtl ,'rr. af ckarg*. 4
ha?f Moadara.1 aa ?rtr?mi,nirT tbmf V. /I a tf??*f fl.-r ?? ??r
krt**for*ta* laof Jbb*. Tktt Plouf wttrontipa) a M'-trt. kaana
fc (>, 17 Baata-*t Tka aaaatr waa r.r; rovd . il ?a? aoni t?r a ? V
At tha rtoat thr mtrk.t i> ant'r ?!Ui t aa-i r.l? d. .oxnd u tka ata
?_aaB; laJr* *f 41> kbt" We qo*f
a*,i Aat.txw uammowe audtaOood S\u. %'j ;ia aa a?
Btil Aiet. aad(**or.ttow_ Ki ra tni r-t.nr 1 fO? II :J
l>*iA?a?. 7 1BO I ao
Btltnuore Uo??iO rt hrmila. I
?"t?rrteaa tad rirra lr F.rtrat . I !??? I W
Rrr, l_*f 1* 1* faif ??bi*bJ bbJ Uftead/i alaa *( IW kMa. Wa
,**_^ ruiir Wart?ri, ?1?'?n'l 8nprr.na.B? '???? J?
Urr Kl.wr. BUt*. * ^* * f
Krt r'loar. I'ruaaririnn
i _. *
C*m -ral t. B?t p'?ty B-d ?? "ra | *al-t _f ain M.I* W, -?-?,.
Cent aaal.J'fHT.a - r**3 >? , 4.,r. i* I Br-ar, P. a-*?a?
c..rt Meal W^a 3 10 * 3 26 j Coru Meal, 0 Sktf '? } H
taraMaal. Brra.. ? t? B i *> | .-_ ____,. _ _
It_* M-?i aul. kBtltetdr. Kur WhlU ai ??ai ? Klr.. > .
?i WtD*l XI; Coartr. *l M**l ?. Or?md r^at. f I ivfe?| n,
(ub, *l?0l I*. C?a_i?a K.o*r a daa tt?l Bray tl B(a?k a.
CB.ifurultMd Orrgon Floox Jall Btw Ua* tt *4 >.**_ ^J r ? a ..
(iHAIir- II il.rrra *f Wbr*t ?nt lr ?. inrl a* aotiea * faai (-,V far
?i,na|{ at r<?<rr!*r'e prlraai W:o4*r n dqll aad um. I aa aartaa
rl,?t?**.<;tfor.-1pni_|*-l Imfler, iba daaa-rJ ebielr la? .i^rti.
Wistrriain aodrratt de???d s; n? |?Ibt prte^*;U? imp-rr ?*r A*
f,il_* ia ttfht | tb* aalr* ara W.UW) -,.... al #1 *,a#l 4w (.. i.^aru*
Hpnnf, *i -?a*,I 60 fur N_ J ( kuagu bur.ut. awl N.iri. A?i u
*i si -aiiraal Wf'-f ""? > 0M?-fi *pr?/; ?t?3*ai ?4B?
No 3aiHr?U**.Bad32,??i !>asb. No. 4 Milwaoka* (k_rtBr?hi) ta ?
lim'thalf of Jtm* 4t $1 6H; Uwlaj b-KW lijab do.. frllar ml w-et .4
*l? and 14 OO. btab. do tr.l.r Ita btlf of iatr, al 01 ?; i?*il 6*
for Aaber MlMlwn. Btrlrr .? qaat tnd B^rr. h*n?? Mail ,*aa*?rt
,,,-.,,; J/..J ,,'_._. Cact.la .V?al al ?1 4U.W.-M- UU ar- .au.it
.,K.'ldmB'.ilf"r?b?tf*J* m part f..r thr f-it*r?;?? ?*?'? aaaMraag
lo Wbll* for tb. fotBrr, Bud *-*? ? *?*a *f U?0 boaft. for J?" ^u'jr..
?2\?7w^lr?-aSTTBl^ ?? laWfllri. ; Waarr. M -I t. V , #
bj. ' iLr latt*r fur ?ood Oqaeh Hf? '? 4"?' ??'1 '???"? ?*_? ? *??*?.
tb* tupiilr a acluut. a ? "' ?"' "?';__>__"
ta-lllaa" Tkrlr^ldnnt. ? " ??!__"? ???^a__
11.VY -T i-n wnuiicr 11 "Bd .aJ th. r.?nti ?
?. ,ootrPrla? Bt ai 3U4#: <?>: ?^ ?' '?''*'J" ,"^J2_?
trat'qiiaiiir, ax_, and *?x, eoaara at if*.. anl i ...r<* tl W**
heaw _i ilradj ?J "?ii?ts?i deaawl, ?? I*** L"-l ??/? *' Ol 4*
ai 10; 8bortoo., T6*Blr.,?_(?Bt.t6(?-?IOe.
II1UK_> -lbara ka* kran * gO'<l dnntad at a'-oot forvrr Iz-rrt. W*
BOtc taet uf 1,000 Corvua ChmO 13 ?) oo prlTBU WW. I *0 Bawal
Arrr.(-m)oapriv*?* trrmt; 1 4) C.ir t_a|i>?rr (?0 a, .. pr-ai
trrrmi. ,_J ** Drr Tua a orr.io laraa. BiirBoa A, ., qa.M4 *
_..ld, friual 1../21... ? rrrnrrj (.11/ sla^-lrr, 1 !*-__,
MOL.i.ssl__-l'a?4 *r? u*i--_--J; Bo__?ed, aad _-a_ia*o-i d___
Wauoota: _ _ ___.
? Jf r _? Trop, atort.
CbIib C'r-trtfoatl *ad Murd. 1'"*^ 1
. ?.*J' > 1,411 tbda
OakiMaaiinii "^-'-r. *'? r*
( ala MruM-arido, Uruerir. 3J'M? > .?____
Pana-Uaa. ??<* ' ^
N.w-orlaaa.. *"<*?? _?_??
5\V\L BTOaitB-flpirU* Turp.otio? ba* b??a Ib aotiarau laaial
MtMltaaaaaaaaaaaMr) ..lri..rirof 5? bbU at o. f.,r -orakuu.
b? 50bblt do. at*f>4e.. elutia* ? tb ao barrrt ab??r ?_?., a? aaOar*
ai i- lo. bir*._ed Roaa 6ra t.al ^oirt. ?.? f3j?fc'J ?*" Cf "f ? ???
W* Utr of ? coBtrtd f-r T) 10 ' b.U., l.?00 d?lir*ra U ai att.
ii, opt.ot. fr.,n J.U U> Irt *f bri,t*?b.f aad 1,*?^kbta. ml?*
?vu<Z J-lr 1 ?? >0T*al.*f 1. *t*3 l/.. '? ,*oe?'T_,A!. T*_
ba.i_trtW4i.loB_; i4-taof4oT)bbl4. N?. l?-<lP?lBu03 4Crf?_ Ta
dall aod Boeba-. .____.
t)IU?-? rud* y-b ir* aralr wltb a f?od d?Bi_?d. 1m**?mIim-H
aa.Bnrh?Df'<l*t*n^?,i.l iad Ql01 labMa.Mgkadaau-bcUt*??<
LoTuitiBlBtia-. PruBBWinurr noll ha? tt*_r b4?*7*_, aad ftamm
L;ik* ai ;.tc tafb. Oti.er uim ?re Jua
PU('Vl~IOSr>?Tbe Pork mark^-. ii daP bb< Ub**; dnlrrt tptrtla
tlir:rv.-?. fortba fatar. : lb. a*l'?. '_') a~i rrfiaUr. Bra X? bMart
tOUHM; *l*o-, *-4 12 f-r Miir* rjnaa.
f.rJa-ie it* 5 a-l aodforJolvtl *17. B??f n ia fair dtaaad. Badl
tuiiir, ??-???' 20oobii. *l*J<4*il iif.-r l-.*i_ M?ai. aad 4"4?kj4 *?
Ul Betf R*-l lr*'piirt an 1 ume; tt ?t of JO Ufc. ? ?? '?*
\V.?t*r_. C'lt M'Bl* are *uier. ao i ? ??frre.i ,iu.t* (_alr ; m\? at IMW
t t, ,.*._., MUI-.-.I. ?li.|r., buik; l.SOU Uu. Sbuaklan at T|?. i 1.16*
d? trn ,__,) : . hrarr; itleaof SOboaulil) ft) ar*r
,r.'. ai'iMlbbtavrdo. |l! V^.oc. bolk ; 400 Krab Uaa* al
Hr a...l4i0do.hbotild*rtatV..t,o!k. Baeon is naiudoll aad t-arj
. i.uok Oar City tt ?r. l)ra**_l llugt ar. ia ?'' *_
niio-l. bat cioaa w*ak | w* qtt*u- ?t 6, *7)t far tilr. Url u w.ia*?<
*.rui.uniput, -unaUluc fvrUiB fiitojrt tl **?? ?no**i
. ?d4 t?. 41 7j, for Vc 1 ;??*;??. for /,\?1 "_
jl.lSe. f-r Fair to PnnM St-an aad 2U0 K_ Wh4M Un-aae tt TJaTKB
for fatur* d*liT*i7 w* k?ar of .iv) kca for Uiia a. oii, a miiki, al ?ja |
3J.?Jtc-.,r_rjB?*. tt9 l lt&M.c; 3.010 trx.for Jal/, al 9 . ll<??|i
_jm1 I.SOMU-a.for A_urart, al!? tf idc . - . __
I'LlUOLhl M-_6u?J caU-aea ia llroiled drabBal aid rt**dr. ?*
DBtB ?nd irt haf of Jud. wilb a eot.irari hr
, 92 B.a>a2 5* Bt PtU ? ? t_?l ai 4^ tt I'trbrrt,
At f-UadcpuiB UM luarbat wbb du.l a-U uo_u?al, at IMr. la>rapo4aaJ
frat ball Juua. ___. _ .___
. ltli'l?Ibe itoek of K.inc*en '.tt-tdnro lt .1 _n_bt|r?; .|*otrt tlT*a
3r.._oU_,ia botu1. aal ?; ? . i'-r..liia ..waa
lha aa.-a U-ll/ t_lLl..:r.l-> . - ... .-,m_, a. .j...
r-UOAHS?Tb* liit* twrckt*** re?t?riir neea11* btr* tarl tb* pr*<
r ' ?.-_>of re.uert, iu. lmu.-u^ ul aaaaat aa* d?_r tu dajf. VJo
ctni. I aAViaa.
HeflaiDK, InftnorlocotB.. 7 3 7) Boiet, D. 8\.No*. 12 lo ?.irj_?I?|
S5SS: f.tr le Kurrlf.ir. :i 'l -.H
. iriwd to pnme.... i- ?? *i I _ I aro aiou.
iVnTifuft'.hbdi iad" bxi. 8(a ?*! I Orv*..'.I|W H
kln??-i. Ukdj. aod un... '." 'I . Ban i
jil, ,_o. 4 ? o , Pjt_Sur_..>w* U.I.. b|J li
F,-*a, D. a. No*. 7?o9.. 7 a 7| | Dnttll Stiad., No*. 1?W,I2. I)? li
Uoies. l>. S..N**. 10 to 1.. J ?? I
II tol! I \ "i-venor aod l.ilr* . 7 ? 7?
l,0lra. 1). ??>--. 10 tol-. ?_*Il> I
ii b i na iJ?-? ?ei*4a
S' -k Mtr 1. IIT3.Se.'li* n.BM I '* '?'?
KeccipU tme*.b".^- 0M00 64.?,il M~
t.,.,1 .ita.a_ r~! u ? t ?
b4IC*llBC-.. ' - ? ?_
H -_,_lar29, I9TJ.1?.W0 44 165 |4n.l?2 7>M
Stoel, Mi.rJO. 18".7; :
: -The mirket br Ooit h.? ni!e! rer t b*r? ?
aoaaaatO tm.lr-.er -re ;,f. III i?,V- B, tad ?
? -<?:l?aiM ta.< 'a.? ^ortcwv tad ll
? la?all in.f4la.e*Trii.t t.irr.d.HB) 10 Par., 1,? *? F.a_
. <i i.iuo ? X?-a. W r ,ia?Ul
UOAt DUl ' ,:"_fc
Tnnpr...- il 4tf 4* * ' "nanora*. " ? F ??
' . ,ro*.
liueii* Arrc*.? '?*0 ror.
( aja.*
M.ru.- ?-??
I'. .
F. LTinaraKJoat...- '?*-}
VrnCr?i t
'nwte-nt.a.? * 7?
Cb*Ki?.- *?
Baa Juaa.
Cainpeacar. IU
a,?L.- ?'???.
Porto CaUlto. . ..? '? **
Ani?alira.? ? ?
K. I. Tiuntl abttii..? Uie IMataa.rua
'. Ui .ull uul tUad/, itln oi 22 pip. orf giadc n jc. <a 4???
. l'rlme it 9|r.
IM.I.il'V .:n!l tad BDrbuced; t?Je*of 4C.00I' Bttl|-4-r ,ial-*^
16 .t.i. al - i.i-16.-. ,
WHI^Kl ?te:..!r ind -,.<..-,.... ?.---vf ; ., e? . f :"> M ,a at ?_-.-?"
60 tbU- Bt a-tc clouirf tl tbr bifn.r pn.e.
Nbw-Tork. Tttrt?r. Hi? 7_?Baavra-i l.? arrivaai to-dir ?*??
144 rtri .?.!.. .-are , al ? ***__!
tl Werhiwkro. 12'rart or t.Mi brrre*. af?i ? "*___
iatt Tbandtr. acd i_tkiu< for tbn ?rea ' >.Jn Ltail, a(* aal I.a4 mte
Uae lia; wrek. Tb* qtuiitr ?f tba nttire ctitir ar-i lur m il^***^
lud wM it ll?lt4e. The Tr.tai ?rr* frnra e?art? lo rerr |oa* "?
1..1J al .)< . He. Tbe aarkala arare drafTty : ?*lra .rrr ?!??, trnb ?n*T
a Bttla ?.airr. Tka luUbrrt aauird caiue. but U.r ratca, _)?' ?_"_*J
were hlfher thia thrr e nl.l lUord to ptr it | rvtat rrr*l of irarrl
b-.i. wbr-hlnolliar al fdiSre P*r ft. <?f ibe nta? .-, t > I* ?" ?'
? arrrajiu* tj ewt, aokl al . *? _'?
rwt. tt II.f/'lli.- : ?<-a-oC f rif 5^*>e?t. tl?fJ
liltr i Sca.aof kluo-a.ooan a.id i brmkae, ..rraK-it; ?} aax.eaT*
L.l at l,e.
Th? li^ enr* lt Onrrannlpiw wrer t't fi.r !f. Morr_
b.non Baa t.ki ior N. Marr.. ai lilio.ii ?l.-vre 4rrraai_? 7) tax. W
1 I . ., . : Illiaoii dm trr... 1.-. _
TorTrr * Bootiol'I fur Neffn .Tlorr- - . -w-ifl"| W
cwt.. tt lirflll*. . 1J?) -carte 1'eitQt tfaf >i ? '"l- ai?l#l04'
41. Lto.' L* h f 1 ,f tbr Mornt ettllr mi ILau.tatr .a?i ?! '"-?
atll)i*l2|c.; 47 lllmou tu-rra tiernpnn 6| cwt. at ll,r toJ al >at
b'al j
II. Mvra told for 5. Morru 110 lllinoit rttti*. raaja ??)-?? ???.. u
f- MtuiaebnaH forN. MorrH IU I.I.n.u. eattle ra??. t| -*4 _?t. ?
llulltc, Ib Ii:__.nt ?U-rn. iT?ri<tnn|.ai . 5 _ _H
lh? pon rwt.: 15 Illiaoii boilt irerj^- v< t . ?? *f-T * B?
tl lioldanUb MM for M. M..rr.. II IU ?? ? it'?a. arr.?fa< 1 'tv,
it Irtti 45 Miaaurl do. f*B|r* 7| - ?i rat., tl t-|c . ta> 11 <**? a*BWa
4? </?, cwl.. tl ll)a*K
"!<""??? aa,a a
W ratcal aokl B*r 11 Mom* 113 IHibo.i arrra, ar?ia?? H aat. "
"Th*-kl"piar*BtOB*-kB?dr*dtkit ? r? I. * l> Wtirrl. ? aMW
Thowpaea fc (.ooa. Iu?-ara, ____*?
H. Wtual ai.iJ foi I k D Waiir. U Ill__**f*r*rl ?7V'__
eal.tt ll,e; Ollllaolldo. 4|^! ?t- tt Mr . IW I'l ??*? ?**
nUlc4,l,tlliK...J4.?ar_.r ;,.? al II..-.ll-auraj* ? B "?
Hkiffaaaaat (Tbr baik ef lodtrl cttlie ?ur bb?*W ??* ?*? ?"
Tli_l|iri *t Warbtwkr* wre* H Waarbriaar 7 rart ??**?*'*
brii-.r - ia_ U Wr.Uieiaar bad ao a.i-.: M.a.-un aad r"<l waa
k-ea.rra.in/?|?wt. k*ld*l Hr. (I li*f? wrr* bal fca oaj.ri ar _- -
tl ota rifU< at K;20 a. a. wben ar? Irtt i ,.
Ui, h Cow?.-Tb* raortplt tx. Ii?bt to-1 ?rrr* ebuiu-d ??, V-T
M aiiked rltair*. We a*4e tba aalr of t fatr fairia coa* a4 ?*?
4~. i.iirr* !-*?? **'J*a _....
VB41CALTB1. Tbrr.ll*brit-rf?riujf la (be N?e 'ra- ???"_}
aad pricri ar. tt-a*.f*r. ???!-< ti I <#!*. hf _ll *B tad f?aaa aa
battaraUl *l4_a)c. _.__-__. IIB
Huar k K!li,.ll toM tl rorty-a.?blh it 65 MaU rerre. atarartaf -
f, .? -lr ; a? d-. ^.rara* la h. at *}e., Ml *"*^J?_"_??
IB. al 14.., IIBdo.. artrajiH l- *? " ?*>! -?? ** ?h*"**""" l*?
tirr.r ur |4I BA. tt ka. . _ ,m a
J V. f karatoa fe ? - *>ld ?? B*rU Coa-tr ratr**. ar*ra?taf MW ??
tll* , HiauK*a,*Trra|int II ?? i-- H
B?rk (IB. aokl II Barll C?un|. ralraa, trtrt/laj 1? B, al ra_, -
BMircalr-a arrrafiwll' fb. ai ? f .,_?*__.
A llnilol h to. aaUbaJrrar. .?.,?a. 1 * lo 110 tt. lt ?W ??*___
BBBrra^i. lJUB__-Tk?r..vtp_,i_.|aT?'rr7 oara ll __.'?____
Wd . .art tl Coaa?aaipaw. er I 4?i tl-e,. Mtiaat 10 ?"!_ _* TJ*
laa lbBMd*r,aada*Ai"? for t-ia *.*? .,?70ao?Ml ??*?? ,M~ a
>t^ a.rk. TL* .brap aitrkrU lui^bl !. taUai oain witk * *-_|_
Irrimir; prt~am art a-at^rialijr chtufro. Tbr i*?**?4a ar* *9~
TV,. _.'. l-aa hrtk*. arr.r.U -( 1'..? ^|>. k.1 tk? jaaljj
llia, ft.-rlio*r aarkrU tn I rrmti* aa??U. Tka tta? W ^?*a?
it.ii- atrlrt. wilh pn_ai wrll uauiaaL . . _aa
J. tir-y aukl tt 47..it> ?fbia-it. be libio rlippad *?*?. *?aBB?iai ?
"m'ub-.'* tUlalt **M 1*4 DbK. t'r.rrd tkaap. al to " fJjV **||*^?
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71 ft al I*. . 147 Obtod.. .>l ft. ?'"?*?__''i0*" ?__!_?
^ujHli fb. *l(t_| H Jrrtrj ln-ba. treratra* M a-, ?? ia*. aa
e.ra.'ln* > rb.allt.- _ . ,k . a
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-II fi ? ?. e. 4 <'. *'"!__,__,?_. aa
j .. b C a.o- ~ J.r... 8^...< l-a-l, i*ara?-ia W ??*?
14*., B?d?..5aa. ai IK.

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