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THE MUNICIPAL REVOLUTION THE LAST MOVK8 ON THE POLJTK.AL CHESSBOARD. TOjfiJW HirNDRW. CANDIl.ATKN ?X.R NNJCI .It^TICK POlrnXP mUmm WHY Jl'lKiB DOWUM MOOUD BK ALUOWED TO WETlKr-. There were fewer politiciana around tho City Ball yeeterday. 11 beli-f generaliy undenttood thai no Bdminatlon* for Polie* Justicea would he aent m bf lltt Mayor to the Uoard of Alderin.n. lt wae alao annouuewt tbat khe Mayor would aand in no name to flll tbr af tbat ol Fr. i!tn? k E. CTiuu h, wbof-r nouitnatioii aa Com _Blaak>ner of Parka would be wltbdrawn. Tbe, Hfeaa ?aMtaattaaal tb* Ii_*rd of Aidern.eneoDfli-nedtheee ?tatenient*. Tb* fleld for PoMce Juatice* 1- to ue. I ?pcrting pnra**, "atill opeo for entnea." New name. mr* rtx-ei vett d*ily. Amonir tbe lateat ia that ot Manatlf U DavtevA, a wrli ktiown lawver. ffeata are nearly JMkO appli eatkone on fil* tt Uie Majwra ofBoe for tba poMtioue at tbe d_epo*ai ol tbe Mayoi and Board t>( Al.t.niw 11. ArootiK tboae who apin-ared before tbe Mayor yonter 4a y to 01'jK.i.f tlie notuination of Ju?tice Job. I'h Dow'"1* m one of the l'oltcc Juatloe* waa J6hn D. Townaentl, the well kDowu lawyer, of No. 254 Itroadway. Ht? wa?lat*ily retalned to tl_in|ea? baHmlkl Miit.r. After a brl. f . i*.eli t.. the Mayor. tt ?___? '", ,u t"u'1 aon.i of tl.. peeullar niethod* of Jti.tice emi'i. > "d kf iodlcrlXiwIini:. Mr. Towii.?-nd aubtultled itflitlavita aud eUttment* M.owiug Judirial ? by that Judge. mMtmm ttkm *.ro rtaU-meut* of Tituotby Clnfft nnd Wiliiittn Wall, wbo wero aupervisore of el.iti.n ln 1870, and wbo were anxated by Judge Dow liDg'a orfl.r, on Puuday. aud held ovt r tiouday. i l:, y offered ISo.OOO ball, vM-t WM f?#8* .1. altboagb aa aooa aa tbe elemon waa BTaf tiiiy were rtl. *>< d oc tio? ball- U i? alleged that in tlie dis Iru t, ?>f w Btaa- theso gtutleinen were *ap< rvi.or., heavy rraudulent titca w. r. paOai. John Lano, wbo bad ro foeed to aupport for offleea frlend of Jndge I-owling, lewt.Oed tbat, in coneequenre of tt.ln a. t, Judge I.owllug had bim arrt'etctl and ecnt to tbe I. land for aaaault and fcattery, to whlcb be had been led by a man employed ln tbe politic tai.*' n.tereft, aud that be bad to pay Ilwe A Oarumell fl.-W' Nfor* be oould get a releaae. Messra. Howe A Hau.iut 1!. aa E. J. Anderaon of No. IM Ilroad? way teatifltd, had pald JuBtioe HowlinK '** pat i?nt ef Bll their tuiejiiia.. for ttif patvttlfa tt pr.i? ti.itii: iu tbe court. Mr Antl.Tnon teatiflea tbat Judite Dowlinir made ttm ftapaaltlaa ta practu-e ta klaaaaitiaaao-Mttl payiug 25 per eaat to Justice DowIiuk and a formcr g-ulii-e ofBcial. Tb.- tno8t remarkable caae Rubmittrd by Mr. Townaend to tbe Mayor waa tbe afBdavit of Mra. lt. ilm Ktrr. The Blayor *k? *<? interestiHl in thia caae thnt he aent for tha lady and bad an hour'a eonveraation with her. ln thia et-i.v. rauUon ahe detail.d that in Novembor, 1871, whlle ataudiug on tUi cornei of ChamberB at. and Ilroadway, ahe waa arrvMed 1-v ord.-r of Judge Dowlinjtby I>et?ctive Offlcer J.rin hwinett cf the Central Offlce, and taken di tvtUy "to Jad?e Dowllnjr'e private room. 8_i? itaked for tht aaMB of arreet, iwve her full aame, a*ked to be al lowed coutiael, and offered ball in any amount. All her PBQaaatt were (lenied by Jwlite liowllnir. and 15 minutea afu r .ln i< :i> ln <1 tt* r.>unit< in IkaVoflaN tlkt w.v BlaSBl In tlu priexin t?mage and conveyed to the workhotue at Biiickw. ii'e iaiand. Phe wa* aenl thlther under tbe uaiiit'<f L./utr. th Freneh, aaa vagrant Phe remalned only tta >l ti h, wlito r?be witn rele;ti4?-d on a writ of IuUbh e_jr|.u?. Hli? v?< efcargetl wMh no crime, and no t< mi min.i i_* M ij? r Mail a vagrant waa vrodutx-d. niK M.U-0 Of AU?:i-M.:s. Tlnri- vt.kB a comfiarativi'ly sinall and unin ten etii.t; tl.i.ti)? galHaMfl. ytbterday, in Ika Cbamber of U.. PeMa li Aldertoen, and there waa an alrnost Bttat atiMint i! Wbea tbe Btrard waa oalled u> ttwtt, Aiii^imtn Kthr and Monbehner w.r. ;.i?.:' A reei ntion waa paawd vaqaaattag tbr Mayor t>. aaai rtaaa aad _auiaBaalaa*| to the _n-itd:<>f the Ui_tt4_4lit>Ut4s*r4M4*t siiv. > I'.ureau whether or not the \.u, , t i I ly the Dock Departmrnt, will t>e au aaaaraa___a tt uavlpatlon. Aldertoan Van s aaaaai b raaalatlaal th.?t the OaaB-aaatoMr ai Wtn k? ta i< .jnegted to pave and iiiib Lttttt Twtlftb and a_<i....' m, bh Ifeai ttre now iu a condltion detri n,. ii.,' !,. ..'.. m a!th uf tht- lubabitikUU ol tbat loeality.>u<l Hm H>.iii.l of lviice aent a comuiuiiu-ation Maeatl-M. let-rtnission to depomt itrort dlrt ln the abal low watt r ar.uri.l K-tiiriall'K Ialaud. Ado(.t?d. Altltru..tti Vmi Mial' k moved tbe communicatlon *>f thf Mnj <-r, notuiuating l.avid li. Williauiaon for Park ComrolMiiii.t-r, N- taken from tbe table. He said tbat Mr w. aajr auUfled foi aitlt'i.. 1n< aaacr-ttfll bad t>?-en iintdo that Mjt, Williaui M,ii w uf real f'KUte. Thlw wim lti.-or rt- t. Be .??..* i ?? It ii-iti *U a_u?< rti.l tbal be ??'--< Oo'ntrolier Oreen'a man Tl waaaaeorreeL Mr WlUtaaiaoa ia au une'i man. Bt ^ un in.l. )?< i'1.ul. ii).rixtit man, and if oonfiruied would tl.. bia utm. -i to fulflll tbe dutica of hi* iniaitiou. Alti.r.i.Bi. Oooper ?hii1 h?'rinl kr.ow Mr. William aon, latid rieaired an opportanlty to bet'omo r ?*? quaiutt'U with lne fltuesn for tbe positiou before rattBI for liiei. ofifmr .li AltiuiLiai. \*..i. .-iliaick aaid that Mr. M'illiamaon wae areatd. >t> ; l.e waa ameuiberof the Youna M?.,u> . 1.' f.irrii A. RociAti.-ii, aud had long l*wo kuown aa a falr-mn.ded, hotiorat.le Basa. The mo :,v th. roUowtofl v..t. : Yeae?Clau m n, FlBiiiipan. Lvaagbt, f ittendorf.-r, Keilly, and Van Bt-hax-k. Naya? Preaident Vanoe. Hilllngh. c.oiier. Kal eaaer, Kinh, Murri*, aud McCuJIerty. Abaent? Kcbr autl Moi.Ik.u.ei. A ..-. uati .ti *-.? reoeived frt.m tbe Mayor, wlth dntwni| of I'r.'.ierH* K. Charcbaa Parl iui"*ii;urr. Aii.'tLiti toiiiiuiiiiitauou frun tht Mayor t^Mni tbe atu i:*n?_iof th.iioar.i to tbe eowttUoa .>f tbe MftM plaoe, and luggeeted that Bome aettou aboold be taken. Atintb^r eoflBmunleatioa from th. M_ h -uggteUxi that iu ac-ortian u wnb tue racom iii. Ddalii i : tb. itlon, ;.i<' laws and ordi ..gtothe Citv of New-York be eoUeeted The Mayor f..i wardt-d'it OBB_ 10,4141, .iini :rv.t.i tm: O'litroKer, nettiug fortb thut tht Bixtu Judici.ii lMHtncf w*?n?w without a court-rooui, au.l .. , .1 tbe lioard of Alderuien in t.laee, ;-* ti.. Dttreat* of u.any iB-irvou* were Mitlt-rliiK H-> autH' tht-ir oaaea could uot be heard. Tht matt?.r wa* tcl. irai io Uta i-jv, i <iu._nlttoo. THE CTl"k't> IWUIi Tht following is ex-Cbumbtilaiti Talmcfs ftatetu.-nt of the fuud* and jaroperty Uehvtred, yeator day, to i hauiti.-rlulii Geo. W. Latie: Bnl.L.e i_ KatioBkl BroaJaa* Bask.$1,678 198 31 H.___te iu Ttjio HatluBal Haak. ^81 847 88 I.. .. i -aJe.itn . N? bauk. ____U4C* ta tt-tre. .Natioual Uaak. 400,0iit> 00 Tutti.?3??iaa? 88 Tbia _*o-0 to thi t redit of tbe Jvliowmg accounta on tbt' fl-Bliini* iHin'a ttooba: C.ty Treaatuy.$1^74 1-0 21 B?ti_a Pu_u KedtBBptioB aeooiat. *IH **6 Hl Bib__ji( Pulu 1. 'weat aeeuaol. ib. J*4 78 al keui.iH.oL. 4V8._*aV7 M luujaa-a.u?*a tu.rixiae_iat*ee?t). ?l 7.1 88 4>ll*?. oi kfc* lit) ol Kcw _*rk. 1,80 b. boerd uf A| i..niut.-_eul. II J-< 87 laitraataa i:.ty aa_lC-aaly baa-aaa* atbcaa ^old 1,4-* 73 Uterea oa t'Uj kbJ Couaty bvsda ata atuclk. eur laaae evapuaa. 418-4 00 Jar. tea. fa.r 1873. 1.884 00 -eefe-el-r 187.. I7? W Traaaary._.. B4B.3_.u8 Tetal .-.B3..M "?t 88 Iu addiiion to tbia were delivered the foliuaiut; fuuda aud ptopeit) b? luuifiba' U> ttie Jto,_.ity aud 'Xruat ac aounte.: BoadaaMl _.< tt<a(ea.$l,e?,765 49 Oov_rB__eat Ua_>, railroad boteia, abi eerti 1*4 ekeek. 47,710 00 Bakaaeea toert aaaaeya ib Baw-Toik 1 euraaae au.1 Truat C.apaiy. 89.911 18 Paile. Btetea Traa* ( uaaaaay. 17,44. l_J Truat ( oni'aar. 11713 01 Alao ib I aBB TlaB < ?ai,ab;. lin,8*8 IB Bataoual I ruei i ,.iu,...v. 178,818 11 NalMiual broauaay Baak. *4 (78 II T..U1.?#_,.78^38 87 B1IITAB1 a. COOBT*. balaaoea ib JiaOObal Braad.a.t bai.k. 94,71!; H . . BkJ or aaittKxT.uB. balaace* tb Jiakiuaal BrofcJaay Baak.. $3,047 88 1'KIAKIMI.M TOfiCB. The Dock Cotinniaaiouen. tuet at 3 p. m., yee terday. Periui__nou waa grauted to the kuickerbocker le*) Coii>l>Buy v?> erect a tilatfonu 86xio feet iu extent itnar tbe foot ot l>e_*ucey at., K K., upou whlob to uUa ebarge ice fiom IU bargtM. It waa devldad to flle a re aeat|commi)nlCBt;ou of 8uperlnte_tdeol Turuer witbreftr eiice to Mfatta ou the bulkheada betwe*>n Pier No. 34 aod tbe Barday-nt 1 erry 81ip. aud betweep Pier* No*. u aud U, N K, aa the improveineut waa uot deeiuad ueot?*aary. At aini meeting tbe matter of reducuou of th* mWtmmtt aa-Hajai of the l>ep_.rt__tnt, Ac. having _t?.ii teferrt.l to tbe eonaideratlon of Preaident Waeler %. ii _.itpt.rt wa* preaented from biro and aUopt-_d, the fi,tiowiu_r bf.hf the oblef poinU of intereat: Tbe nutn 1^ r ot ; ? rtataaiaaalB ia to be reduced frou. 10 i-B Tb. H itmh'i of Eugtueera-ln-Cbtef ia to conaiat of au tiiKkue*-' iBCbBrf. .afary B-,_-0; _ A*ai*uut Jbu Kiueir're. i diaiieriitMoao. 1 aurft-yoi. aud 1 clerk. 1U buv*)riut__i?t_i-ut uf liapair* aud t-iipplie* aud > loauug Pro^orty 1* to Bave a *alarv of B4.000. Thoce are to be two Aaelitant fujeffiuu-tnlr r,u ot Kepalra aud Huppliea tnew offlce*), at aalanea ef li.wkie-anh. Aifr.d J. Munay aud Jain.e tlutbrir- were hHKiinied to tbeae piailioiia. Tne loroe of uue I>epartu.. ut ta to reiuam tne aaine iu utber reapeot*. Tiae new <Juunuia_utjut-ra of < haritie* aod Correctloo Bavf \**u bo.dioir proini.X* <1 meet!Ug? in executivo m? i ufh. ial dulit-t, ou Mou alay. Mav 18- Prf, Jlta, tiow?ver. tbat tt,. y tiate uot aatfi uiaU. ai>> reutovalti or apiK-.iut t_,< uta, nor douded drbuiUtiy uikju any iuipormut ci.a_.gr_. in ttu- crt-ueral auauageiuei.t of tht. L?i parttueut T.ity iiavc b-e-n-XBiuiuitg careiiiiiy aad iu iuiiuU- d< tall all tbe affau- "f tlu rt--i.artiu.ul with a view to a reduetiou of .ta BlBamaa Pfui exuinifjatiun* made ti,i_?ta/ he believt* that a t..nMil.?rauIe rt-durtion rau t.? __ade WlthoUl to tbe ihtereaU Of lbr> I foaruueiii, but Ut what extent he I* at pn-ae-ut BLBUe to t-a.limaU'. Iu IBTJ Utr- amount ..pprupriat-id aud eilieuded waall.W'.'.MU M- *"* !??.. tb? atuouut e?ti nated aa uece_e*a_ry _y tbe oid IVoarti of (?ouiu.Imioim r? ara* Bl ___0 6__ t? but Uiia amount wa* redutt J r70,t*JO by tue iJoitfd'oi l_-.tiiij-*o4i, _'*?iu. ?i,4mi,5i? ?i fo. tiefra> ?BiT Utt BJIfflffTf -/ bb. Ct-flOell 8-eU. _bl* aWO-Uit Prraldent Lattnhaar aafma ronfldcnt, will ba r-J!*?,1!1.Jf cxa-Mofthe aetual re<iuircineiitii of tba ?^r**Z?r Ttic romnrlaaKntara, hr a?vn. demnng to l,ror,M,V "'',.,., .undingiv and Juslly. viill f beiaagWjr ?\v**u**[,% .'_ rond-UoaaadBeedaol the Uapart-icnt; thr ?l????n?? tiona of ita employ?a and tba number W'".^'U"T {,,. propar o.crnhon. tiefor- tnklug anv deria viaoillon. Ile aajitlia U.e raiittiiaalonara will e???voi to< ??***??? juat dia?r.-tliiu in tlie u.atter of removala aadjpgw inanta. and will not rr-mova **\?-^tni?K aw worthy etaplovf- lor tb.' _aeia aeka of aubetituting eoiue lMrHonwlK.maytM.aaakii.?l>r.f('rn'f' t. inciinMioi,^."i'|;;;?;? j";;,:1. ?;;?,??!., ZZ polnti-.l on V'X^ ,r^ mL, Uo arr- alro.iirlv oppoaed Mi;', it,t??S_-53-mder tho C.vll KiataH 1.1.1. i ' i ?, .7,,old Im. rllgiMe for oandldalai. for ar> ,olorcd mrn ahot Id Iw r-ngi _ _f -.,,,. Tkii??r X "i* .X'"r Oarfner vctarday whether or not ii,, iioiri' n-vd raacho.i any dee_WB with reJeraare to m- Dr He replied il bad not. but tbat lt waa u.lit-tcraciivciiiiv loinu.iii.l.i.fon tl..' I olorcd uian iMiIrlitiiiaki'or would hear what any dolcgatiou nnght have to aay. ______________________ MAY AXSIVKKSAUIE8. ?oMdji- utt iiimi'mim, Qoom i'nion. The louitccnth iuiihihI mrptinn o! tho ?Wouiuir* Ari ln I'tirttnciit of IM OMfW Inioti waa held UmI ivtii.u.. Tln>' raoepUoaa are alwaya well nt t-ndetl, and thia waa nocxceptlon to UM general rute. When tbe doora opened. at b o'clock, a Iarge number of ?x-ople wtohail. until tune, l>cn fcept wuiting ln tlie Imll, tryniR tn vntn to kaep cool. flnoked into the rcading notn, gallerie.. aod clasa-roorui. all of wblcb *a, r, ikiawa 8faa, UM readiiig-rouin, decoratad with tiuutmg, WM used tta a irception-rooin. Ebeii'a band wa* atatloned here, and played dunng tho pvpulug. The gallcry atiuvo Ua*. wita tlio waiu altractlou, for liero were di-playod drawluga of vanoua kind*, jihotogTAph.., cobU, and oil paintiug*. exprutcd bf UM >tud.'uta dtirmg the piist year. Here Mr. Coopor was acatcd in one cor ner, liolding ud jiinl looki.ig very warm and hsppy. At one end a nuinber of antiriue ve*es attracted attention. Tlia drawinga for which priiee were awarded were fxhiblted with the otbera. In tho claaa apccillod as drawlng, from a east of a part of the human ngiire, tbe first prlio for a drawmjt of a bead of Jupitar waa rlven to Miaa Loulae 8. raraont.; tbe aeooud priae, for a drawing of the Wu M of Milo, to Miaa Clara Eilis; the tblrd pn*c, for a draw ing of a baat ot Mereury, to MIbb Rooina Sannicl, lu the claaa for drawings of modelB of uatural llowers or foliage or c*?t of orua-uentn, tbe first prlio wna awarded to Misa Julietta Huimon, tbpaicond to Miaa Ella H. Whlteuinns tbo th'rd to IHat Ircno do MaCarty Accong the oil patntlnga were two of Teter Cooper. one of wblch. by Mlss Annie Cunningham, roecived tbe TrnBtees' oronza mcdal. In ono of the nldc roonis were displayed apcriniens of drawlng on wood, from tho fliat efTortaof tXKinnarato flniahcd apr^linenii. lu thia di> partmeut tbo prizea wem awarded aa followa: Firat priae toMias Anaie Cunningham; aocond prizo to Mles .Ax,na A. iloermmig; thlnl prize to Miss Hurili nafiaaa. In otbor room?, Kjiecitncna al oiiflino, iHT?iK.ctivp, and archiucturnl drawiug rooeivcd tbelr due sbare of atten tlon. Tbe k'cttir?-rocim-i abovo were nlso open, and tlirougb all Uietr rooms flawcd a Btream of people, oom n enting npon tha different airecimcn-, and gatberlng in knota aronnd ihe more atriking effortn. Very few fauuliar fTMea could bo boen, H UM .iiicudanee iiinliily iu. luded eti.deu?4 wilh tlieir fnendo, aud repreneiitativea of that greai. claM whoiu lvtur Oooper dealgoed U) benetit bj hia " Uniou for tho Advauoemont of B uiid Art." Tbey kept going aud comlng dunng tbe tiiree bourn that tha-rateptlon wa? held. Anont 9 o'r.or.k tlie gallunoe were aocrowded thut it w.-s diffleult to mova around, much Ica* to gel ?' ^'',"-1 >l,-w uI "'" I'le'.ui'er. l'robably aa miuiy aa -,ixiO peraous vlsiied the nwina dunng tbe i vening. ____-, Tlie liuuiberof etiidentM a.lmltted to the rrce Art Hchool for Wotmn ftunng the y_j_ ba* l*en IM. 'i'oehow tbp pmtlcieiicy which ean Ire there obtained, the 13 who have baaa adraaaad to tba Aeademy of Deaign bava c.trned away most of the pntvon gltn D Ukt.-. Tlie oIIht urizea awarded ia tbia dapaitment are aa fellpwa : Miaa tuiuia Meinuunger, Mlad Heleu Alitte, Mi?n Moine iJ.ll, eilver uiecial for drawiug from cact; Mik- Barab A. <o miin. Miss A. (i. Plyaaptoa, Uirn> E. OtUweU, -iivcr iiipdul drawmg; a bTOt-BC tO Mi.-. V A Caduumfor giutr.ii Improvemenl in drawlng, a broii-e niedal to Mi?. V. II. Wiiittlcccy for iKirKjioctive drawiug, u brotixe mexlal to Mintt lemiae WeekH foi ou( linadrawlng, A bronae medal to aach ol tba foiiowmg ttudenta for drawlng trom eaat: Miaa Mlanle n.i.vles rttepiieue, Mien Annie O'Hargan, Miaa Annie a lir.riiiiuirA. Miaa Abbie .M. lvfl.-i.-.. Abroniomedal to ? tbo rollowlag atadenia for elementary drawlog: Mi?e Carric Hunt. Mit? Laaia l.. muiiii, Mim* Mury a. liiowii, Mii* Uua Vauliruul, Aiita 1-ouiso Lymau, Mlsti 1 ~oan. , . ? In tbo froa scbool for women in wood engravlng, there bave bieu 4. i rad diirnig tha lana, raa la atruction receivt-d iu ti iaahoa*naoalmoat liiiui.-.liat<. ri.tnrn, lur Un- n o*i|.l? i>/ tl.o aluili lile fur cr-wiug and en?ravitig iliinng the \tar Iiate bteu t_,B85. Medela bav. b?.aii avarded aH foliowu: Tlie Rilver forilie Im?i atndentot the third rear aa Miaa J.S. Baek wltb; the brottaa inedaifortb? beat sttideatof tueiir.-t Miu EleanorH. F.irmer; - uae lueilal for tbe baat uludeul of tbe .^ecoud J enr, |i Miaa a i: Paradaa. The Bclioui lu I'lioiajgraphv ls now on a Ilrtnti founil.i ti.ui Uian ever iK-foie. Ttuoiigh tne aiorta Ol Mt. If.'Wltt, aclteuueal taboiatory Uax iietn eairtbliHhed, and Iiow Uio Bludoiilo ur.- Uugbl t w rytlmig fioui tbe in*|? aratlon of tbelr ooemlcala to the retajttc-ung ..f the i?e tiiro, and ara prepitred to start in the biwiupHx by tlo-ui aelvea. Oat of 40 la tae elaaa,wbleb baa Joet ttnfehed, 88 are now enrintir tlieir nn n llving Bt gt>od rataa. RM great deaigtifof ti e Woman'i Depanmeol baa baea to make the iuatrootlon glyen practtoally oaefal;?tbal drawlng, paiot ing,|modeli4.g, puotognipni', telegraphy or wood eu rraviog lauahl tbat on being gradoated ttu Btudeni may gulo work wiiu a tUoiougli Baowledae td and tbti aaaaraatni rf a pay?a aaooatloa. i ?? exhiliitionand r.-i-.-puoii oi iaateveulug would eaeoar |ga one to bQUara luat LUia d-oi^u uaa l,oeu aetom aflBifBl .?____, _, Un ua<berHOf Un? Fro Art Setiool are Mrn. Suaan-*f. Ciirur, Prln(dpal; Mi?h laume FoweU.XeaolM rej Model a .1 Oiiiaiio-iit iMawii.g fl.un tho Oaat i I'l.ili/. Venitio, i ol l-ig.iie Drawlng Irom Cant; Cail Uealwr, I'rofenaor rjf I'aintiug and 1-otogruphy. M.- I . B. Prlncipal ol th iving, aud MibB Mary B, Liicktnuon of tbe BL-hool ot lelt?graphy. lilK Mltl.I-UIMi AK.M.-j. A churity which gatbeni under iti boqiitabta t\K>f a iarge. irumbe.r of youug piopi.- wim araaldothai * iaa ba uui_red for merlta warm cympatby and aappact, Apparentlv holdlng thia iMlitf, mauy ladies aud | menmetat the Sheltorlug Arme, m M.uiiiiti.iiivillc, yo? Urday afbe.riioou, to aah brata it.-* < iKlub .inuivemary. Tiiis inbtitution w one. ot tiK elaaa wiu.-ii aBoateatatiaaa ly carry on a good work, aud exiito general mt. re.-^t liy pioturcrKiue aarrouudlngb. Thrco neat littl.-. tottage,'., r,i-h under a uiatron, alTonl lnstnittiou and nurture to 140 boya and giria, wbo, from raftoaa dnaaaataaaaa, aaa aatai eahaf kaaUiaMaaa. Ifeaj kaelada Mtad and deaf niutaa uud(;r theage whleh wnnld entltle tln ui to admia ? rpn;ii-ia?yTut_i; Olipplod tluldren, pant bopt uf ciire. aud taerafura uo looger rataioad iu the pahtta bob pitalN, and thiidreu ol poot paranta OI t-kOae wluaie bomea have haaa brehan up by latemj ranoe or the da a. rtiou of father or moiiiei. Tbenotabli featurea of tbe cbantv are tbe "eiulow. .1 beda," W_eb are anpportcd al pr.vat'c ma-nae. Tho traateea' report for tbe paat year aas prcavuli'd .yesberday, aud eliowed that luuMMr.-n ?re in the inntltutiou, and that 41 are puoi lor ititlie oiatiuer abova rcf.rr.ii to. 01 the appUeattoai reoeived ,i-ih,rU eonld i>e aoeommodatau, aud an .-xteiiNion of the cl-anty aeemn to no aaaded. ho bettar proof of uiepturaioal eoadlUeo o| the loaaataa eoald ba giv.n than the fact tbat dnrlnji the paat 18 moiitbi* uo de.uiin and only two caaea of aickneM have oceurred. In ton eiiiaioii, tbe truBtaoH state that tliev are eadeevortng i" i-alae funditfora aepaiate lioRtutitl for enpplcd (hildi-n. for which taey aoiicit ald. ih. liaaaarer'a report ahowed tbat tha reoalpta were f_w.9Ki 67 tmt the ezpaad UH.664 60. Tiicdebthaa baab reducod by tue payuiti.t of tj,-*0 J3. , . , _ , I.uiiii^' tue afternoon reliziou-, aervicea were held in tbr ciiurcii or tba Moinc, the liev. Tboaiaa m. Patan aad tbo Itev. Mr. Oilbert oiUe.iatitig. Bobaeqaeatly tha ebil dreu were iirew-nUtd witb a Uuiu-.d Hiau-a ll.ig by Uaa, Htiarpe, wbicb waa racaived on tlielr beii.ili hy Wlliiam p. i^e. uen. BharjM' hepad lhal the boyi ta their auur hood, when they remember.-d thatthei onnowned a ahare rn tbi'flair, wotihl b?- watehfui of their country'* bonor, and n ady to flght for it. Au addieaa wa* aiao mado by Biaiiop i'olU.i. BT. MAKY'H MMUl KOR CHILDIIKN. Tho FtttttrntUkt Kpisioiial .Si>t. ihood of St. Mary opened, about two and a half yeara ago Ht. Mary'a BoapiUl for Children, ln a atnall building lu Weat For ueth-?t.. On May i tbey loumi thaaaaetrea ahUffai ta aeek new quartera aud now occujiy the building, No. tin Weat Thirtj fourtb-at. Tlila la a free Loapita), op. | i ail aick and aufTerlng chtldrea, cxrept thone aufferiug fioui coiitaf'.oua tUaaaiM. lt l? inari tfad . nfiiely by tbe Biatera and lapported by the volintaty coutributiona of cliantable frleiidn. At prewnt about tlftecn children are under tre.atment. Tbe majonty of tbein are eripplea wltb a few caaaa of coneumj>tl<'ii and eMlla audfever. and one littie girl who ib hiilf. img fioui a ulow gin u bj a druuken luotbei. Ia tha praaeui naartara. the iiatara aipaet ta baabla ta oare foi aboat tinriy paiieuuaia tmif The ittle otioe mceive all tbe care and uiedleal that *yinpalby can augaedt ; th. re ia plenty of light and air. and ample piay grouud for tbe eon vakaoeuta. Tba Hiatcr* ara anle.l ln their work by a aociety of iadiea ealled TUe Frieuda ol ukj Hi?tefB of Ht. atery. t;ifu oia Bower*. t<i>e. plotorea, and uooka ur. reoeived, which amuae ib? chii.ueu aud tbua llguusn (he labor of Uie iinrra-a. liiab ou I'otU-r u the i'r.mdent ol tba ilo.pilai, and thr Vien PrpNidenta aro ainong the nn*t ,ii<ni,iii.-iit I'roU^tatil Lpiicoual clergyioan of the eity. 'ibe inTeaaaiy medi c.?l an<1 aurgical attendaaea ia fornlahed by I*r. W. If. Camolt, Or liobert Watta, and Or. ('. 1'. fix.rc Y. rter day the frtonda of the cbarity were iurilad to an iu fiiiaual op< i.iiig ol UM lloepllal, aud a numoei of ladiea aud geuilemeii ealled and ina|>e. u<l tbe inUrior ar rui.geinent*. AlMiiit lp in. tlie Rmv. Morgau l)n, one oi taa Vue rreeMltiuta, otfored a iliuil acrvic* uf prayer ,t, tln inain wardon tha tlrnt Thia itivllatlou waa piU'uded to all who feii no l.nod to eympalUiaa wilh or aid lu thia rharltahlo work. UTIIEK UIIKEKVANCKB. The 240th llllliwmj <>f tln- School of the ,,te 1 iiuii (Jburch waa eelebrated laat e vening iu tiit cliiirt b at Fiflh-ave. und Twcnty-ulutbat., iu the iit.-ki nce of a Iarge aud faabiouable audieme. Tbe cliurch, with tbe achool, waa fotinded by the early Dulrh aetllaraof tlie clty wilbiu iuycara after tbeir firal laud lug on Maiihattau laUud. Tbo ? hool i* tutendad ta fura-aat?lhaehUdraaolU? aeeaatMre af ihe uaagraga tion b flrat. elaaa edueatlon In the variona Engllah bntnrh?a, and ia *bI? to be Ue only one of IU kind la tho eountrv. At preacnt about *? ,-l.lldren of both aexr* attcud the aehool. Tii* n.r.lHr-a laat eventiig were very lotereating, an<i liiiludodaoloandduet?in._ini_. deelatnatioti*., nM*dltiir?, tbe diatrlbutlon of pntea. and the preaentatlon of tn. honora of tbe achool to tbe graduatea. Tbe name* of tne graduating elaaa are aa followa : <'l*r-?? A ?_?* Martba W. Allaaon, (Jeorgtaua B. Otkt, Catbartne *. Dunu. Mar.on Krnn.t*. Mary Auua Bkat Huaau MrKee. IIHt-iiC.Hiephene. Wiiiiam Romevn Boyden, Jamea ? liovden.J H.trtatin Hrownlee. AnhihaM ?). Hrownlee Ilatr. IJi-.w,,, Jolit. T. fr> Fn.ueH lttj? Cfeutoa ?. Ki.htei, mtaatta a. UppaM, ?*?*?? M. Oarty, H.un.iel II. HM_tt, Vaubel; VattkttUa rian, KranriK__;it.ri?kle XK-murcrtt. fc_rrt.. Theexeirlae.of tbe graduating elaaa of raekarda -lualneaa Colltge took place. laat i-._ni.ig. at Bteu?ay Ilall.aud wereeape. ...!lv not.worthv from the fnrt tha for tbe flrat Ume lu the hWory of tho aaOaaa BBfBaai >???:,_-ladlea were eompn-.'l tt laa ***?**~L H I Paekk.k mad,. an addrrM.aaylng that tbia waa tlu tlfteenth annlvrriary of the taUaa* and he nrver allowedeo auniveraary of the tn.tltutinn to paaa with uot ...entlot. of the natoea of two of ita MN? The bad ever B88,*ted the eolloge by all tbo nit-aua ln bl* power, while the la tor ?SsaSw_^^i%3s dollveredI bv Jndge Noah Davi? on integriu ln buataeea iMu,,.,:1 D5eJattdtbal while Ibe ??***?'.L^ggfaw moativ on the achievementa of a?rli uiture, ttie tmt ' ?" '*,,,, th.- aehtevementa ef .ommt-raa, and for thia ?S. .-. h.M.i.1 reoeiTe .. thon.ugl. *???**.**? TU ltv Dr. Deema made the cloeing addreaa. I o waa ,,, avorof the Bd_-I_8t0_ of youi.g women o thBO* eje, and waa glad II bad not awaltadtha nctlon of Yale aud of Harvard before ....b i etephad '"?'"l"*'-" Tho me.tli.gii of tha HirWaite Irler.!? wr* rea.ime.lye-tetday, the Ume l.-ln* ehlefly-levo . d o be IT.l ii_r H'i.1 eoneideratlon ol the retiorts aml toplra StffftSi !l?. Ihe y.mly will prohaoly end to morro*'. ___________________ FLOWIItS ns //// ><>i.i>iLi;s- GRA VKS. FHOGUAMME OK KXKKl l.MS IS WWH YOU __?_> BBOOUTH U-O !"?: ? lM' ????* For six yeare it has l.r.-tt ?ii-t..iiiary, on M?h 30th of May, to deeorate with flower* the _-r.iv.-a of tlie aoldlem who loct their livea in the War of the Kcbelllon. Beveral yoara earlier, and while the war waa etill raclng, ttie ttiiaa of the South obaerved the beaiiuful IM leiuony of etrewiiig flowcra on the re-ting place* of their dead heroea. Iu tbe North tho cuntoni wsw adopted under tbe of the (Jratid Army of th- BaffaaUa.aad ba* been obaervrd thumghotit the oountrv with ? less diaplay and ecremony. This mxth auniveraarv as numoa uew ltnrort-ince in tfettItatt frBBB the faet that the day haa, by a rc-tent aet of Uie I-egtalttur.', ____? made a legal holiday. Ttie t.ank.. the eourfs, the Btock. ratina. aud ItBlaia Baaaaafaa ?u<i moat of th.- ttaaa buslnitaa heaaaa will be closed. The ppeparatioua for <citl.ratiuir tbe day. whieb have beeu fullv made, are. on um ertenRive a at-.tlo aa ever bi-f.r?. About MM planu, and tlower* in itota. have Baaa at tli" hcadquartora, No. :a I'luoi.-i i'r>. ..liliit. the depot of Poet Jamea Millf-r, ai liclui-Mxth-Rt. and Thlrd-uvo. MoMtof the.?e glftn have Im-.-u pr..-,-nte.l bf childre.n of ttw pntilie achrnil.. th.ugh ?ome have aeaM from uMiaaaa. litlati. and ta-tttldaukla. Bei it Hb - l tt plailtS lllivel'.'.ll l>iir(ll.i-id. Tll-T.! VfO l? ttOd tti..n mij* ti. place one pl-int au'l BtV flowcra ou .... li gravc. ihe, ainotinUof money reoeived hail not been reekone.l ?plaat Blfkt, ttll lt war. thought tlnt there would be not Ics. than ll.Roo left for the t'nion Hoti.e aud Bchool for Soldiere'and Bailora' Orpban* after all exiienwH had l? < ti p .i'l MuKt of the expreM <?i.inp.ii.n t. the sewlng _a I r.impnnier, th. Auii ... .tn I.. OB-DP-O-T. and liaie bitt's Boap l 'oiiui.tny, win furniHii aara - an 1 aajtaa ta earry the _ttwi r>,tlit.- ehiMiaa, and the dttablad ? oi.ln-r.. lli. progratnni.- of the p:.rn<!.- aal gtaM tt I'H' Tkiiiink yeHterdav. II nry I". DfllTlB, jr., will Vt iv* (.raml Mar.hal. Ttie fttttttitm will al fctt a. tn.. down Ilroadway, pa.?ing the I.tnoi n M'.tiunient, and around the Wa. hiugtou Monuiueiit, Inith of whu-h will be tastefully dftfHtrB-tfl Wlttl leWBfl and imniort. II. e. tliciice an.tiii.l I'liioli -kgaaVta -ttWB __t___iwa| tt i-oiitli Perry. ImriiiK th.' niBn h. _Bi-U_tt ItaM will ta flre'l from tho I'.attt-iy on Q*J*ttwM*t lataBd, hy ...iiiinan.l of Ma.lor-flenertl _UDB-8_k. Ofl .rt..i:i;at Hnatkl;, n tlu Btrwal Paala ?m tata ean f..i i . i w> a fet-t, aatttag with tltt ll.oi'klvn DtTtfllOS. Tba rolutnn will ttun rt form aml m.ivi-to ? i" ? H IsOeflBeterjr, In the evei.iti-' ni. mon.i! -.rvi.'h Bfttl ta Ti. M .tt the A.iidemy of tata Iba Re*. <i'<TL-e ii. Bapwoatl wai m.iii.'au addre.Hei, aml (.? i; tttt ph lt ll-wl.-v of ( ..n ne.lnut will d.lit.r tlu onition. N.'Xl !-iiiiiI:iv 1 li. graTt-8 of the t'uion dead in ( alvary Cemet.iy \-. II '" il.c.r.itixl. the diaUiici l.elng Uio gr.-at for boti. ii.. 1-, .- Airuiniii f.m.olti No. H and I'.iAt Jame? < PattwUlDtt nniie with the reat <>f the New-York Poata, haviag acoepted an InvitatlOB t<i ,|oin with tba ^ onken Po t? li d itlng the grat bb t<-rv tlntl l'lae. lioV |..-. If'l Iiutri. r.. 11 - .1. li .1 Bower*yeaterday al ibe__W Regimeut Annocy,ou t. enth at. n.ey wii. n.e. ttbia toorn oa al Fonrtt ? utb .t ,w bi nee tio-v w :'i pro. eed !<? Union bouarr, tenderlng a marebrng kahite to the .tatutea of waah ington and Ltncoln and to th. imradei of other Poata iled there. The proceaalon will th. n go to the Thirii. ti. it. u. pot aml t.k.- tbe irun f.-r Youkera. Tbe Old hattle ti..L*ol the J9th U - iini.:- will I ? . .. rr .-'1 ....>>t Mi.j..r .loiiti Manro,and tbefollowii r.'oii - ?iii ael aa eaeort lo th* eolor.: Josepb '.. Cnrry, Jamea 8. Fraaer. John 0 Rj ler, Joaept G B y, John w |.:, k, aad wia, - Hurd. The proceaslon will be under coniiiiinil Ol ' N 1?. II. nliT I'.alV. 1. '' BB Dounced b) tbe in.?.ki\ n Oommittee of trrangetnent*: At.)..'. .i party ..r ottonr* and nu-nnea. la pharge of ( j. Broome, ?. II k >?. >? tbe Navi Yard In fnmiaD-d bvthenaval autbotltlei and bj Com ? Btroogof th.- l.i.h'i.ou-.- Departtneol for l'ar ragut'a grave, In W.tlawn Oametery, \v. -i Countr, v, ii , u ti.iv will d.ratt Bl anni e, . um panled i.v auproprtate oeremonlea. M-nor Oaorga i> Week* will prealde on ihe parl <.r tii" Qrand Army of Uie Etepuhlic, and E. B. llaleol Ihe Twentietb Wiri wui denver tbe oratlon. The I'o-t^ of ? Dnriaion will wall for tbe amval ..f tbeii fi i.iii New-York, when they will proceedtoCyprea* nilla Cemetery, where are ueai \ l/Kt grave* >>r (Jnton soldiere. which itny will<|.. nit.. lli.- Rev. in Behenck, r. ''jr4.1t bt. AunV on tbe iliglit'. haa been lai Itad Major siimt will i..- preaenl on behnlf of the Rrook m i'.-ni... The gravea ln Qreeawood sad tlu- Nuial Hoapltal Cemeterle* will b. dei otrnti d bf6? tacbmenu frum Poata S, l, 10, and ?*, tofetkar *rttb Po.t Xo. i.?i of New-York. At tii'- l.|.'..,o| ;.,, ?errleaata tba BTeatta. M tba a. ...i. ... / ..f sfu ie, ad ?ir- --.- will ii.mad. by 1'r.if. liom. r H. Bprague, the K.v. Dr. H i II. n ?e'ot-ot Iioiy Iriiniy. tn- Rev. Patbei M.ilonc of Wllliaitikourgh, Jam.-.e M. Faru-y, M. 1>. an.l 1-1 OdRATIOM DAT. HT "aaaaaai K Ntv T?-.l.i\, wban law they .l.-.-p m .l.-ath, WhO "in e Wttt lir.'.M- in liifli! \v. ining iii. roaea1 Crafranl iu?ath, 1 ba lili.-H' ttaialatt ? biti ? Noi at.k our li. ,irt.> a lm woro tlie lilue, Nor \.ln> tlu- faiie.l grav. Siii. e l.attl. 'mitt'.-iii ot . rnnson dew, All fiate liath wa^lieii awav. Awuke oiiee more tlu .traiu Tliat fed oureoul.s with trust, In old lieroic lia.v*. of p;iin, Kre aworiia hail gattieie.l mat; Tlie uiuait; will uot ln. .ik tlu .r reat, WRoae ordere.l enlttiniiH he, (liiin iiilileii liantls on hilent lue... t. 1'niieatli tlie auiilit hky. Give pauae le eagt-r iiie of trrtde, Atl tlOlir 1ft tlllleTUlIlll . ' I''. fi-rvi-nt pulae waama<le The golden tide of l'eace; Lt 1 taPRboodw hf-art aml i blldbood'l lnriil, Aml wornaii'.. lotelu-Ht I.I.m.iii, Tlirough all the wi.le untioubled laud, Adorn the e'.ifiicr'r. toiub. Ali! North aml Snutli, a inh.r tft liath nown tlnir giav. - with .lowcr?, I-'or Natuie'a throl.l.iiig inotl.. r lieatt HatUi quicker than onr"; Her Made a of graa*. her e.loih uf gold, Ht-r ktarry wrealliaof ?prn, Witli temi.r ?f$m tlu- daaberiafl foid. Tbia Ilecoratioti Day. Sbe apreada aa aoft lu-r dai. ied turf On iiioiiftila without a nan.e, By Dl.iillitaili hI.1.-, neai o.. ,n, aurl, Aa o'er tlie eoucli of Fan..-; Her lingenug tont !i m UaOMta falla Above tlie brave " unkuow n." WkaattBwwi uot when tilory ralls, And y.i ai<- ftttlttttft own. 8o, whrre to-day tlii-y hl. ep u, death, Who once were l.nkvt- m ftght, We bring tlio roaea' frainant breath, Ilu- nii.h' 8t_ii-ili*a wbite, Nor aak our lu-arte who wore the hlne Nor ivho the finl. I gi.ii, KiM <? battlu'a hwi at of 11 imaou dew *i??b WBaBBU aii batU) aw*>, HOMK NEWS* TltRBMOMfrTKn TI-TTBRDAT. AT DICKtrWrTB IB CABK ROW. ?_a.-;j Reeo-n> ^._-~3 -'?-**-10.0 heaap W ritOWIMKlTT ARR1VAIA . F\flh Atettue UoteL-Ihe, llon. Marahall JawclT, M lal.trr W> . the gaa. Will.tA. Wllliaa. of B?*.K ?" ??* W. tritrir-t-i of H,r.,_i,uL,_. tad ?ilbae.?ITaa/? ?fJ_^__ gaa".. man liout?kl, ind Mra. bdwla Benth, ?*?- A. OorWf ? ""?*?'" Ariur. W. I MrAltni>r-.P.I--.~ki. K. <?. Mtg ot r*%Ul <''P"'???*? t.ierte, W. ( ('.titll uf Kialoa. Paraa....?^?t__J '/"L*^'- ?'oll,|| ?f llh.n. ttir Uu,. a II. Paai tt _??_?'?-j,*_ !?? t_,l? II M.n-.lrofTrvy ...rV-V~k /Wrl-Tt.. -^.?"ff": ., _ I. M.rr.uuf Al-aaj. DaaW JajbaBM I'bilt-rlpkit. it I M. .1* B~.m .1 Ue Kr~neh l^?U?B .. Ml-Jlf ?<?" -Dr R J O.iiluif or 11 rtt-rl . * .ViWlal- /folrf-JaUr B H't'l. ,.., k.,f(i;i?... n. H.B.C it omntufiiiiu..!^. ?''_'"""' '? Ctui. M0.-I1. uf Mraaatip l aba, aad l apl. K*^'??V^' _???. L,' , u /.***?- r_Jd,? D. W^lary. ?i rrrarfaat af .al. ?..ll*.e. N-.W-YOI.K C1TY. The RobiTt Meyer Coturie will have it? aniiual plc-nlc at Fiink'n Unloii l'ark next Sattinlay. Mi*. ('iiarloa H. Ncilson, Um eltleit ifagMd the latc II.ui. Jamea llrookn, died veiy nuddenly on \\i liic-day. The Mutk rilfttlin flajr Wfta plared at __? fnrnt. lehlnilai, ui .oiii,n.lii.'i.itioli of tlie death of I Ii Manton, an oiil ineinbur, formcrly andociated with Oaniel Orew. Tho Iarge lchthyoBanrus belunginfr to the Collegeof tbe Clty of New-York, whiob la probably the fin.-et k|h-, im.ii of thia foaail fUh lit-rd lu the coiiuiry, baa beea aaitably eaeaaad With giata and plaoed in tne _j.iil, ou the laaondl fioor of tbo eeileta buii.iiug. The Firc Comiiiinrtioncr.s aro rcportcd to have decided to dlepenie with the aervlcea of bcll-ring. era at the cloae of tho preaeut uionlb. No offl. lal an iioiiiiceiiient ha*, however. boen made, rei/iirduig jfea meaaure, whloh woatd redace tha expcnae* ol the ut parin.eiit aboat |.i(i,ono pet aiinum. Knglnecr Furlong , [nepector ol the Bureauof CaaaBW tu?i??. Deteetfam Bcidtlbtlg aud Filley ancBtcd Jiinee liell and (ieorge Holtou, ihe itllegixl keepera of a gaininifplaw.atNo.B71 Broadway, yeaterday. rJ.v.r.,1 eouiplainlB had boen mudo to Muperintciidoiit l.y ptsrauiia who Mbld thev li.ul !>' en -wni'li-d at "OanOO lathatplaee. -tnoag taa vi.-tims w*i a gaeet of tbe MelropoliUn, wn., aalled ror Enrope laat s.uiirday, afur lepofUBf that he liaMl been cboaUxl out ot 1160. CoiiBidtmblfl iivalry cxirttn littwixn tlie Oold and Btock Magraji ('ompany uud the Manhaltan tjuo tettaa Oewmtrnf, taat HmU leafeellaa iffMi to eartala impruved iio-teiiineiitH, atnl lilnr-ttion _ not lo gr.i? oatottt. I_e_Hooa Bxeheaare baa aaked for couipen lattoafortha pnvllegeaol kte flocr, aad the Maaliaftan (.ompany hua aeaeded lo the deniaiid. The Oold and bum h Oompeay baaa untii laaa l. IB make their demrc* kaoi n. Ex-FoUm [uqwetaf W-Uan Immmb made writteu apfUeattoa to Uie lioard of i'.ilic i^iminm aiomtt, M-tcrday, for reiii.-tatomPiit iu hl? ofliclal paat tion, from wblch he reuiovod 11 inontli- ag?>. Ba an- lhat UM onlv cb.irir.. pn-terred Hgiimt him aaa ln aliegfd abaenot from the laapeelofr e_-toe, al Poliee lleadqaartora, for about tbree boora when onduty. He avait ihal uo other ittat-.- wa- ever made ag Uimt huu dunua i. ye-tr.4 of ardaoai poliee aarrlee, aod a-oierta tlutt his reiiioval waa brougbt aboul aob-ly for poutieaI reaaoM. Ibe Oa_?laalaaan reoeired hia appilaatlea, an.l proailaed io gl ?> it due i oealdi ration. IjTIif Melt of bodd at the aii( tion-rooms of M. - r-. ii.tiu-. M. rwin rV I o., ut No. Ml liro:idw;iy, Wa? cciitiiiiif-,1 v.M.-i.i.iv anaraeoa. Belowwltl ba found a imt of a f.w of UM mori: imt.ili'.e bookn AtaBWM >1 of : ?MmhiIh t'l,r..i. Ai.iTi.r.t or tb~ Ko l.etitti.-il llntnrr of Kn fia.?i. ?.-?:.',; "Baa 11*_>? _-*B." by tattaa Halbar, Maaiawi .ti ,-. _ . ,'.rt,.iutrum UaatTBtat," 1'>IT, l.'.-.nta; " A . or i'.i-t rtl lri:r,ii uf Uie Oreel . ,' . ? \| | .;, ia.lllll Pbikau;.l ? '? Mmoitir i.n ,'i ol Ui' Kartli, taj tlie Onion uf Meti ui.l Aanuilt." 17J0, *-'; ai J Muarua ll |)toraat *i llibli oih'ei, litli, -. Parlt, UT! ri fJt). Coi'.iK r Ji.iics btgU an iiKi'iost yrsterday l'i th. mh "f Ut* A'ni HeJartrtr. who wa? accidcntally ebot and klllcl U\ h< r wm la."t rtiinday. ssbile tho latter himlliig Mhianlf fraaa a raMaa aaaaedJaaMa ('or earaa. Tha aalailaaalii jnalh fluarin Etodjarioh, taatt n-.i tbat Corcoran oaugbi bim by iho ooal and itrnck him in I Im .i yoo aan gol a n ? I'm- gol one too," aa i than be aubde a movetaeni to iak?j ii ;,,,,, . , '.h-. bo h riok exclalmed "Mj Ood, ? you!" Vun I then drew im | .i ? ?? a hicn (oUovad the retolfet axplodi ,i - ii. i' iicii. Comrolior Qreen rec-ired thi tttXlowrtng ?aaoaata ri Froai ihaBerelTei af Ihaaa^fae ??'..iter ici.i-, aadiatetaat, $u. i H; (PoaatheCol laeterafAeeaaaaaaal -.f?i itaaat upaalaji l?prevaaaaeita, aad Inten it,1 \MB -i; (roiu the Boreaa of Arn i arn- ir.~ ,,f t i ? ,M'' Intereat, , , t ... b ii. ii ..: i ,t. Revenue. for ai r.-iiUitii.l i.iii--., and watei ot i.-ii.-. v ??? i.. from the R Croton Wat< . lotal, ? . i , ? Controiii-i pald ol ibe , , . iii.ciu f, r M.i ,yi !.-.... 1 WO; for -u.i !..; M ii. |%.oo0: i i .'" part mani wa* alao pald the expeni i al eleaulng (oi ai i>. ai__,iwo. BBOOKLTN. The aimii il ('"iiiiiiiiicciiicnt of tln- PackCI Will I li- .il ...i .luiic -O ui the i'Ii.iiM'1 aa - The li\cry itable k.ctni-i have dedded t-? aod tl for I!,,- Bt lolatei oi Elisabeth, N. 1-, ^vill piay with tha ..' al ihe i .i "i Qnmada to_ay. The m 11 i j... ,i .?? -. a p. in. Jifiny iiiiiigcs, Um gro wy ctoHd trbo lot la tha hcaaal ...- ttahaed Mecfeea, at ?. di, ,t ,., iu i.i ...I LONG ISLi Nr'^ii.irrvisoi Bttnoagbl uml 111<* (_,,,??. Haateharah aad Jaaaalca Tara* piu.- [a-protraaaaal ? alae bj ahleh the litigation ii'iw la progreaa alll eea ba i'n ,.r,.\, ,, . , impleted. Dm Baperviaor I ii-n,.,n ,,t th" < mmlaetoaera iroprtated, and tha Comniiaaiouera applied to l for a hmii ,-,- ol the pi ililiiied: itei. ,uflj ,,.i,r ti. ? i tj , ?? >.'.l t<. the Turnpike ? um aoi andoibei itebta cootraett d, amoant mgto aboul *-'? onO; and then evarv inonth ahall iu iiuit pqual to the work done ,i- < bj ibe ? ?.....-, r ln . la to pai two tulrda aad Ihi ? .'.. "i Brooklj u Uie balaae ? of tba \...s . 1-..-.M.cni I i. Board ofWater Commlaaion arahavi '"' .ildiug , r al the W ?ork tbna far baa baen under thi diractlon ol tbe CoDiula aionei ofl_bllc Worka....Tha Aaaoclationaof tbe ?i in. tion of tue ii.-ui...-ut- nici. w. .im? -i f, niL'lit, aod etected membera of tha Oaaeral Committee. fH ti ,,lit. or ? | aa, the preaenl Committee la com poeed '?' n< a .in n ..lbeQermaaaof hatorla are maklag r the <?? of Pfll Munday_u.e Juue reria of the iyn^ lalaadl itj Uoorl f M.ll n.-vt M-.n.liv .. i'm- .u:l-.r.-u ,.-. i. .1 wltb :b,. Melhodlat and Koman < atholl do -. boola i.a.i ihoir aaaaal "May w.nk-" yeetei laj aftaraaoa, Poai iumiii iv raebodyol au aakaowa bmb aaa f .uud .niiAiii .1 net. yeaterday. A white handki I I uiai ked ?? Jain. -1 athtghan ' waa fooad ?.n hia petaoa, HUDSON EOVEB fniMii:s. Moint i imitiiiiroi tb-Veatiy o'liiiiity chun ii, WciiH id .J a?( aiof, _a Bt r. wm. i, Cofiey teiidtT.-ii bla raalgaattea aa raetar, aharaapoa it biyed to im ui uia Ri \. Mr. Buell, at pn -? cialiugaa au a-bi-tanf at Triuity I'uumi, Ncw-Voik, to Oi. the ??!' im j Mi)Kitiftvt4 ? Tlie fonag miu .lohnaon, irn?ti d a f, w ,1,. - ,i, , -.i i, i- trylng lo ball a hafae, atolaa from tha owi,< i n.'?" ? n a i, ii, i oiiii., ?.ii Alachargad byJualloe riartrj ??? aa Uu ouoiplainaul falled to pro ddec a ti .|u. Itlon ti tln Uovernorol I oaaei tl m nu bi* iraiiater lo tue auliioiiiie^ ul that - NKW-.H.KSK.. Jkmki Citt.?Thi Bnoday>acbooli <>f old Ilndeou Clty nlrli.t. .1 th.'ii annr. .-i-.u v | wii'i -<t:.\ . par.iiiing thraagi tha pataetpal alaaata la tha aflaeaooa, Tln- ii r,r MM taa?I nn.tir nat.i v.ith taibage by the ( ? nlial ICtiiroa K.'oiuvany haa been di?.-outiniied. ai the niii-iin I M l "" I Itlteaa 1.1 the lu-igkboriitakl ,..Tu? Zloa M l.. Coafereooe haa u,t,,.,t, J Bgam Indi peudenl ,n tion on tn.- part "i tue c.ion-.l people Ui ralatioa i.< ibe Llvll llic ( ity treaaurer, laatnlabt, rvported to ttk Raard ol Plnauce the foUowtng in tha (.'i Treaaary; Oa tax a,. ount, f , nt _.. .um', ?,,i:.' ti ; ,,u, ?4'.,;'i "-, auu ou aiuku.g [uud atxoudt, t.4.1tt'. 14 Hoiioiii.N .-I'he i,i,|> of an unkuown tn in waa loaud ioai Di la tba rt?ei aeai ibe Bremeu ,i.k?s, yeeterdaj i and rea-aved io the ,,111..- ..: ' ? ,.-r Paralow. Letteri aara faaad u, hia ? >i ?? reaaed to 'ieuri.-. .-t.-.i.-n, i.i hetween Fourtb . New-Yoik, whicb wiU prpuaitli lead lo tne Ideatitteatlon of tba body. Adulpu Nf ? in in . I viuh Btaaltugl from Ei eat Heguei n- piead a iUy aod wa* loniuuii. .i Jamea i>-.- aad ^llllaiu i.aik, two .k dghteia, wbo wera arreatad aaim ur eru ,, , e anhaala, were dlacturged >e*teiday, tbe ? ig th ludl 'in.:.- ? Hugo Wuolcaiup, reaidiug al >,, ,',i 1.. i.: -t , aud einplo ? a i ,N,.,,. Voik, yeaterday ihoi hlma if tbr igu tbe baud wuiie axhibltiug a revolvei at \l i?> aftern ? _u i. ?... kuoa d .. ?? lainaei," a a*el I rwn Nrw-York p, ... tor, attampted to | i ebeek fm |s?a on the BinihNatiunal Baua <>t New-York, ou aUertuauemi giaut Ut aaa *n.- t. ii bj ..tii | . llllllllll H 011 I ? -,-loB ik-ABK-The followtai oiiiteia wcra elacted ri tei . tue mafktgeia ?i i_.- ( uitdran i Ald - ? H _ r iMraike, Pn aldi ul ; il.,.-t,,i M WAKK day 1. i Hnriit't, V.c. I're idadl; Uuraoe Allary, i? ,.?nr.-r; oi.a \v'i.....iuti. .-. rttarj liorrta Llun, a ? airaetor, aaaarTeatedyaattrdar f-. erueit; toaoimaia i ii.Mi-i.,; r*< .-...(,/ VtU waa faauda.uml vtaUi.iay, in II,, lu.iu ,,! QlUTiei tne Kn I) C HugUe*. paator ... tu. K.iii i Ciiiirtb, Uaa leudu.a lu*rtaiKuauou. llo euataaii atrtn to Barrtpa.... Aft*>r tha praaent kftrt?at-*)T>aTilng MmuartaarHfiiifliled there wllf be eomparatlteir no I_rletwort done . The laat of the aert.a of laaperaaw mwilnca he 1under the auapioe* of tbe Toung Penple*. Aw.K"atonofthe8e<o..d Kreabyte-rian Church will be hcid oa Monday nlght. HAroNNK-Theyaeht Mef* waa annk In a aqual . on Widieliday eveniug, with a q.iantlty of fur.iltui. Whtt* ?ho wa* conve. lng to Brooklyn. Kabt Nbwab?.-0o1. T. J?. O'Bellley baa been al-flted I'oli.e Juatiee. I.K0T1.RI.S AND MBETINOS. Tho Donniiramma Aaaociation, a nr-wly or gam/.ed Hai.,,,1 riut. ln tbi* .Hy, h-v. ree-alved the foimw lug i.-tt.r from (len. (iarll.aldl, mallad at Capn-ra, Italv. April I, lu whl.-h be MIBJlB tbe bouorary lieMdencj or the Aaaooiatlou: MtUbx, rttani I aa-nt with fratitnde ^..^"'l^ ^ fear boaarary l'rmHJaul. aaa) aa, foara. ?? ti*B.aai_ai. ^ Tbo Twdfth Ward (.itiwna' and Tax-paycra Protaetive Uulou reoeived ;t report, la?t ulght, froiu the DtaattltMa on AiitiexaUon, in r.-gard to tbe aiucndtuent t? th. t.iii t,, lubmll the miaattta tt Iba peopi.- or wew York aad We.*tciutnter tlouuty. The ...miinitte* waa i*> qin hk-.I to ua. overy meuna to brtug tbe tjucatiou berore tue p4-o|ili-. POI.KM-; ?OUbb. An utilmown boy, agc ahont 10, MJ overlroaril fr-iu tbe l>allbea.l between Piera Nua. 0* *a_ -8, _.a*t Bi.ei. ki 4 p. a., TeaWilar, aud ?*a ilrumi**. JaiiiiH H. Mel.onald, age 13, waa thrown into a aearr ib K.lttlrai-aL oe.r rle.eBl* .ee , bj Jaoie. He K'-na " an.l rr.-eifeu aetere iaieraal i__a/i*a. 111 wa* taaen lu U-iletae llu.pilal. John (..illiiiH. ftge is, of Lexington-ave. and Fnrty" MMa* it, aa. aiaobed in ihe ara br Mietaael Hawein of No. 31b haa t"ulll'aaia*4k *\ .ee.erdaj afterouoo. beUwia wa* 1. rt.-cl op (tiailea We.e.1,1 T-elt a?e II. waa aubked la tbe tkirb, la-it efenla(f, with a o.e'k'1 ti i> ia tbe kaada ef Juba Kcasioa, a^e ll, ..f'? 8i.riB(t at.. wl.u ?_. liuruv a c?.-:m_o, real-ir.f al MV 8. Suatti ...g.ti.-it. Breokl/B, while loViticat*-. laat, goar r. i-.l w;:li !,.? ..:.- Mar.. an.l beat ber about the ai,J l.wlj wl'.U a ka. itat. BL* ?kj reaored to Uta Ot; U uepiUl ?u_ be ?*_. hi* *?e*let. _^___^________ OOT-DUVR M'ORW. MAKYI.ANI- 90CKBT CI.IH _____?__, May 2!!.?Thia waa tlie tliird Jay Of tbo Hpring Moisting of the Maryland Jookey firat ?*_?.-Parae. ?80ii; for thre*-jear otoa; l| B-ile*. Joe J.,h_a loa waa the raee, tiitlowej.! *? < oraael. PlkMt a__ Juhn Preeton. IB tb* larae order. '1 ,ni?, MV fMaBet we* tb* fcvorit* kerfure tha-tart. .?? br *ll ??**; twa all* keaHi *'-en trani-e, oalf f'.rfeit; t'lab to a_M *_-U. Tbe f.?Ut?wu.| ia tbe MI.ea.W'.Kl. I 1 I PeanotV.. I.. r. br Vaadal. t 3 * W.nfonl. 3 10 . _r_)ta-_retl I m II". 3:44|. Iltt, 774trl Hnrt ? Kree HaB*ieap HUkea, for all a/ee: U m >a ?-5 eaeh, Clab u, all *.'e?i. U_* n f.rat,'.wed b) _a_>f ? I. ia th* aaae or_.-r. liuie._:'.S. h'imriK /<u_r.- I.aal. ..f fouraile.. I.?r all au-aj pana f 1 MO of ?!?,?_ * , , , . ,. .1. J.,_n M?rr; toan Ib* r_re, Village blaekauulu aecoad, aad Luey Jarkeoo tbird. luae, l| The .iitend.ince, to-day, waa largertnan on any of the pre.odiug dayn. St-HVII.I.K TRfrTTTNC. AMOCIATIOV. Nasiivii.i.k, May 2;i.?This was tlu- Mtwod dav of Iba ?aattaf af the Nanhville Tiottiug Aajtoeia tion. Tne llrat raee waa for 2i_0hurn?*. Tho foUowiug i. tn.i Hnu.i.i.iry: 4'aptain.1 2 1 1 ?i Tail.?" 1 1 *" Kiora.t. ? biiuareil. Time--.t')J. _:471,_:t_i The ?- ,.i.i for _:t_ bor.i-r., and the foLlowing ii tlu- -.itintiirtry : Joaepuiie.I 1 1 K.4 ^ * Tuck.J ?* 3 Ti_jg-2:4.,2:4S. and .:tij. ?iira tftif Tho I'liitiult I_.Iii;. and lUliimon- daltt iilayctl BtPhl_-kdelp-__ayeataidar*aatt former elub Vtinniiig hy th. follnwiug stoie: _ , . otaia! . ?ToUL ?Philadelpbiaa... 4 10*80000-8 ll.iiiio.i... 0 10 8 0 f 0 * ?' Rni.. ? , IpbiXL, 1;, 2. Tlu Mutii.i;.. ot New-York beat Uie IlaivanL Dy a BBOrfl ot s to I, at liontou, ye. t?-ulav. TWEED T<J Bl TKlEDlNliXT KALIe. ..-i.-i.l.ii, tlu: ?lay ft-t (Itiwii for Twt.dV tnai tt ibaOpaa and TW-Baaar. taaagM Bt.Ittuaa'a ? li.f.r.: Jaajta Davin. Mr. Field wa. ttU7|la ?OoCharaoarl room, l.nt Kaaara. Hurnll.ex JinlgeFulIer " W. (.. Uaitl.ttt were prewnt. Mr. Oniham VHabaaat Ita Matittt Attaraep,Mr. i>heif?, and Mr. I .jipoitredfor the peewde. Mr. Hiirrill o[M-ned the in .tt. r by ipplytag for an lataaaaaBaBi of taa tnai unt.i OetOlM r. tini.tticing an afli.lavit setimg forth tba illmM .-1... m. Ora-baaa. wh.. wae. ><-ry Aaattaaa af tryingthe ca?e, aud tbe ntter taapiiaa-bllltyaftt lng without biin. Mr. I'e.?Itn.ttn oppoa.'.l HM a|iplie_4tion. andjmu-. DaTla attd tba aartHeata tt % phratettn waa - ,iy i? tote ha aaaM aaurtata any taab ttaatta ?? ii, aaatdtagtj temtpimtM n.o ui.uu-r uotii m ?t Moudai. WlMBl lt let pioUiole that tho ttttlwill yv.iti.e Baaraat luouth*. _* uie eaprta aajfant at tba |Bd of nrlt iii.'ii:lt. i ir ro ___Kxyvi__ wkkt. Edward MaUbewa, avmei t.t tbe pren.isea ?n?fii' it.l.'v in Hut ? -ity. ttl.I tli.-m . ? ' urookivn, wnl. ibaa__r<aaa al . i were pprttj .-''??' bj Ora ?Ai.. i|] nlababttabla Ibej iboald ta I.J...I.. ii at fi. expaaaaaf Uta i.imiioid. bal* to ca d.iuiu.-t.- waw BateaatT*. ttt n-nt ahould bo piapei at.-iv pald up ta tba u.ue oi euch _-_at*TB_a_iaa aad tbaa !:? _-ti.rt1.4ry. LMB, tl.- fcatMlag aaa r.ti.l.'ie.l iu ?.tii-.-. witiv ptad tba piopoiiio.-iate rent upto that t.tix-, aud Mr. Mntthew* tetrved liiin wilU B t,u\', ti:, t i th..: i.e. Ireb d tt Baoai LUa h aaa ?x, r.- (baa araatadaatba atatathe b;in1(,! "ir. Wilfy. elaiming that th?'t.i i ti i damafee, broacbl an ??lalililniTt-'.1**1 ilitni:.r.?* NM ttie !<>-* of lit- reui im-. .-?? waa triud Leafore Judge MeCue, intno ,'.. -i. in .iimo. 1^7.'. and .t t. rdh '? rou ,1, , ,i u favor of Mr. Wttty foi fcUrMl. The defeudaut ? ,? tfenoralTermof th. Cltj < ourt, and th. II) ?, ,i- itli-i... .!. i '4 th. n .-?irri'd to rtoi Appeali. wtaah haa m '- n \- raad Ita Ja_w* i ! be UHBM eoliri*. TWO HiM.ri.AK srifli'i Joaeph SiIv.n. agc T"., ? retcran ol tba vnu of l-r.'. and ;. raapeetad rtaUli nt o(Ct-_lon,8t___i d taland, ,.,,,?,,, . itarday ihoii.ii._- bj I iu .i banafl ou ita sea abore, wblab la tba loaat whi r? ta aaa bora. Hr. Btlfaj kaa teeaaai in ihad Bsbttg doring tba paal II yeara, aad aai tt paad rii. .i.i'-t ii.... Ha left nothing to todieato tba i for laktaa hla lit.-. Tn.- wife af A laa ir>y of Jatunlca. L. I.. ___tt_nl-ti_1 -.?I. ii" on Mini.ia.v iiikI- i rarj 1-.-' i.n.ii ? tr. ramataai i - II eppean tbal h.-r btatbei eeaBinitt-td aali tte bj me iiii.i-.tif i. yeaxa ago, aad ^in- bad pri ii,,. i-,,|? i tl..- deed waa done avei nlng ni.ti_.-.i ita ir"-. ?' ?uUa aer huaband waa attaodiag to hl* caa-ocaary oavaoat wora sne to..* im- rop., .ii.d. proceeduig to aa ui pied ebaniber. baugad tareeti. Mr. t'oy ulaaed her en returning to tbi iiouae, antl when be aneceeded In flnd ui_ bei life a ta i \tnnt. Xaatpaaaiy anerratl >n ol ulnd :.l^l'. I Ai... .meiijrBia i BujUfBTT,i CrOcoAiira i.t.iki s tbe baii giow. For an eleganl 3_u___-_4_i Hat o( raperioi ij' if d.r.'.t la tha -*uu'?.-Uirer. Karait... ae, I' I Naii... ?_, A New Si Hat.?Tn? Beaver Cassi Bxkb I- tbe l^te.l .-f K\..x a an ! ia tl,- faitiionable bal I - mbl ia wei?bt, ul adehrate I" ? aay, ia tb* Praaaall Haaaa f ib* fWU I Tlie LlMITI "i 8< II WCBi it replj tO Mr. (.(?'! m ,. t. I. Yo'.lBa-" in I'hih (B I a. I ae > l ?. N 1-HE PLANET8.?Pwt LI8TEB, Attralairar, i BK'IIIKSDA Sl'h'INi; VVATER, ackBu?ln.*e.. '-J Ibe wa ...a t* b? the.iV|> Oi i-.l. f,. I. .- i.r.tei. Biaaa, lu^^.a i ... i >,. e*i D li _A1 .i 01 ?? B? I .. Baa I i> i b| Ur-arei*. ?jo am> *i waa i i\i: ?.!?:% riii:'? ?joo??. Hl.-M* lltMIIK AN!' . A.WAS nt WCI.lMi BAOB. Kl'B A.M. 1 M l KNl.-ilM' ? _M - . , ii , ,,\ - i' ... i li... IU STORAGE. TIFFANT & Co, trn_on-M|aarf* STORAGE AND INSURANCE OB VALUABLES. Packagrs and Articles will bt> Hcnt for and dclivered in tlie Citjr and Vicinitj, frcc of cliargc. STORAGE J"OB VALUABLES Tlirough tho Suminer. / All Fackages in the eity callocl for and delivered without charpj. BALL, BLACK & CO., 565 and 5(37 Broadway. nbi M IMMENSE STOCK ALPACA' COATS, FLAIWr.L SLITS, WHITE DUCK VESTS FOB BOYS, YOUTHS, AND MEN, AT LOW PRICES. yonmi-AVK, oppobitb coopkb ihr i inrru LAFAH.TT.-.'LAL-J, 0-TO31TB ABTOIl FLACB. THE MOST APPROPRIATE SUMMER FURNITBRE POB BKA-atDBCOTTAOKB, MOINTAIB VILf.AS, (HV f_D COINTB. IIOUBI ih THB RATTAN, Ivladr up la ne\r and beuuiil'ul Nty.eak i UAii_ oy all tmXMkTTUmk\ _0-_- ASD BK! i.inim; ciiatRs, W0B-.-IAB1.E8 AMD BARKET*, HOWKK-STABPS, nu?wooB uouiisai 4c, *._ BA3KET8 OV EVBRT KIND. MATS AND KaTmo, ii ,v oa mtsn, i tmt\ *"., aa ?faniil.if-urcd by C. WAKEFIELD.36 Canal-st., Bostona M w-voKi. BALESROOMSi 3 Ilur<lay--i? fc l?arl*-pla?-?s Gorhan.Mfg.Co. Silversmiths, No. 1 Bond St., near Broadway Have opened theia Show Roonis for the sale of theti SOLID 8ILVER WAKK, At Retail. MEN'S, BOYS', AND CHILDREN'S SUMMER SUITS. ? u, *i?. tn. ????*? boy> nm, *?, ?>- *io. %v* J. M. VARIAN di SOWi M>_ 70 AND li bOWKBT. Before You Start oo ? .ourety bay in Arcital ItaaiuttaTttitial ?*? RAILWAY PASSENGERS Aaauraner < o. ul Harlford. I'ooa. Ti. .m I r all *l B? !??? Suli.BB. Cf '40 w-u ? .?? ? : "c? 11 \.sgriKK.?:Fa!t.-ii-f..NTiY. ***%* II. r** j.?h~ _- m..; t ? Sr^______T!Saaa5te .- ,-?.u. BT*r^aftlfB* gaaraaMaB l-i.atwaa a *??oa?.. XI ASI', ...?.?i. for_Mt^b-.B_fl .TI iBaa-ra. aad lal , .-.i ir.aitaaa. a m im Bl * aOB i" ? "?<?'? * ?r-.?B' '? P"~ aa_aa_ ??? a *? N^ ^'v'vt: